#muggleborns at Hogwarts
peachesgaeass · 5 months
This just popped up into my mind and thought it would be funny
A half-blood bragging they know maths
Half blood: I know my times table's and can figure out the circumference of a circle, all without a calculator.
Pure blood: what's a calculator?
Half-blood: it's like a machine that helps you cheat in maths and goes beep boop when you press the buttons that have numbers.
Pure blood: what is maths?
Half-blood: it's like numbers and equations.
Pure blood: equations?
Half blood: numbers in a sequence that lead to other numbers.
Pure blood: well that's useless. What's even the point?
Half-blood: I'm glad you asked. That's the funny bit.*laughs* There isn't.
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Muggleborns in the 2020's that are in fandoms are chaos to the pure-bloods
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lucieinpink · 2 years
Just here me out, this is without a doubt muggleborns at hogwarts
Slughorn: so, this potion requires the use of spider’s fangs, can somebody tell me why?
Student 1: ain’t nothing but a heartache
Slughorn and purebloods confused
Student 2: tell me whyyYy
Student 3: ain’t nothing but a mistake
Student 1: tell mE wHyyY
Student 2: I never wanna hear you sAyY
All: I want it thAt wAyyY
Slughorn and purebloods even more confused
All muggleborn singing in harmony
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insomniaruler · 2 years
Imagine a muggle born student getting angry because there are no other classes besides magic.
“Okay one more question where’s stuff like math and science?”
“excuse me? There isn’t any??? Jesus Christ this is why you’re all still fucking medieval. Can women vote?”
“No! Not muggle studies I know how to use a fucking toaster, and don’t need lessons!”
They start a club, “STEM, and other muggle subjects that are not taught at this fucking school. Or STEM,AOMSTANTATFS! get family to send them school work, set up foot ball games, and use the room of requirement as a movie theatre.
Or muggle borns learning their subjects over the summer so they can still function in muggle society
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ziaverse · 18 days
‘why do you read “various x reader stories?”’
first, i’m a narcissist and will not read it if it’s not about me
second, I love the feeling of people liking me
third, I was ignored as a child
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Give me muggleborn students trolling eachother via howlers and voice changers but they accidentally use muggle jokes that the pureblood kids don’t understand (think Nigerian Prince scams) so it spirals out of control.
“I didn’t know your family had ties to nobility? Why didn’t you mention it?”
“You’re familiar with African nobility? Enough that they send you howlers? And you didn’t care to mention that?”
“Oh… oh yeah that’s… my bad?”
Queue every muggle raised child realizing this opportunity and making eyes that scream “do NOT fuck this up for all of us” at each other before the gossip network does its work.
Anyways I just wanna see Goncharov level of unity because they absolutely would stick to the bit if someone fell for it.
Professor Snape would die over this silently, while all the pureblood teachers are like “???? Are you well, Severus?”
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cutielando · 6 months
Can I have oneshots for Theodore nott and reader when he finds out that their daughter is constantly bullied at school?
my masterlist
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Pairing: Theodore Nott x Wife!Reader x Daughter
School can be tough. That was a given. Especially if you end up being a Slytherin.
Theodore knew that better than anyone. Being a Slytherin himself, also being friends with the infamous Draco Malfoy always attracted some unwanted attention.
Most of the other students knew not to mess with him, but there was still the occasional bully who didn't give a shit and picked on him anyhow.
Because of that, he never wanted his kids to experience the kind of pain he went through when he was younger. He did everything in his power to make sure your children were safe and happy at school.
Oh, how wrong he was.
He didn't notice the signs early on, but you did.
Y/D/N was more distant than usual, spending an awful lot of her time in her room when she was home for the holidays and summer break, her letters always failed to mention any of her school friends and the atmosphere there, she was sadder and lost the spark that she always used to have in her eyes.
Thinking it could be something serious, you decided to talk to your husband about it.
"Tesoro?' you asked him one night as you entered your shared bedroom and saw his under the covers, reading a new book he had purchased the previous day.
"Yes, amore?" he put the book aside as you sat next to him, giving you his full attention.
"Can we talk about something?" you were nervous, you didn't even know how to approach this subject with Theo.
"Of course we can, amore. What's bothering you?" he took your hand in his, drawing soothing circles on the back of your palm.
"I'm worried about Y/D/N" you confessed.
His eyebrows were scrunched, not understanding where you were coming from.
"Why? Did something happen?"
"I don't know. She's just...different. She hasn't been herself in a while, she's always in her room, she barely eats or talks to us, her letters seem downright robotic and she's just not the same girl we know her as anymore. I'm worried something might be happening over at the school" you explained.
You felt Theo's hand that was holding yours tense up, stopping the movements.
You looked up and saw that his jaw was clenched, he was fuming and looking at a fixated point on the wall of your bedroom.
"Do you think someone might be making fun of her? Bullying her?" his voice was low and tense, making you sigh and shrug your shoulders.
"I don't know, but I think maybe we should talk to her. You should talk to her, you know she'll open up to you a lot faster than me" Theo nodded at that, numerous thoughts running through his mind.
Y/D/N had always been a daddy's girl ever since she was little and you were okay with that. Your younger son was a mama's boy, so it evened the scales a little bit.
You knew that Y/D/N would open up to your husband and you hoped that the problem wasn't as bad as you felt it was.
"I'll talk to her"
Come the next day at breakfast, Theo turned to your daughter as soon as you and your son left the kitchen to go to the living room.
"Y/D/N, love, I wanted to talk to you about something" he started and put his hand over hers.
"What is it?" she was avoiding eye contact with her father, which happened very rarely when they would talk.
Theo put a hand under her chin, slowly lifting up her face so she could look at him.
Her eyes had lost their sparkle, now void of any emotion and tired.
"What is bothering you, vita mia?" Theo asked, brushing his finger over her cheek.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, wanting to let the pair talk in private. You instead focused all of your attention on your son, who was more than content to have his beloved mother's attention on him.
"Nothing, dad" Y/D/N tried to shrug Theo off, but he was having none of that.
"Stella, don't push me away. Your mother and I are very worried about you. You haven't been yourself for a while and it's concerning us. What is wrong, vita mia?"
Just one look into her father's eyes and she was sobbing, letting herself fall into his arms and clinging to him.
Your heart broke when you heard your little girl sob, taking everything in you not to run in there and scoop her up in your arms to reassure her that everything would be okay.
"I hate them, dad" Y/D/N whispered once her sobs had calmed down a little.
"Who do you hate, stella?" he was trying to keep his anger in check, his blood boiling at the thought of anyone hurting his princess.
"Everyone at school. They all make fun of me for being a Slytherin and they bully me because their parents hate you and now they say they're supposed to hate me too. I'm just so tired of always being the one getting hurt over there" the young girl finally confessed, her words breaking Theo's heart.
He pulled away from the hug, instead opting to take her face in his hands.
"Y/D/N, listen to me. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is allowed to make you feel bad or think any less about yourself. You are perfect, mi stella. You hung my moon and stars from the day you were born and both your mother and I know that you're destined for great things and a bright future. Never listen to what anyone else has to say about you when you know the truth about yourself. Do you understand?" the girl nodded, giving her father a small smile.
"I love you, dad" she said before kissing his cheek, hugging his body once again.
"I love you more, vita mia"
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months
Was thinking about eleven year old Fawn Spots Harry and made myself laugh because he would be so angry that technology doesn’t work at Hogwarts.
Full on “What do you mean Olympus has cell service and the middle of Scotland doesn’t?! It’s not even the same plane of fucking existence and calls aren’t even long distance!” Little man has not been more than a phone call away from his family since he was adopted and he is not coping well, but beyond that the lack of online databases, easy way to compile notes and write the eight million essays they’re assigned, and actual entertainment that isn’t ’dangerous flying dodgeball’ (which he does love tbh but still not everyone does) would drive him up the wall. Fuck the lack of things like highlighters and binders would piss him off. 
He would show up with a spiral notebook and a mechanical pencil and a pureblood child would pass out from shock. He writes his family constantly begging for any and all stationary they can send. He uses breaks to type up last term’s notes and introduces the first final study guide in Times New Roman into Hogwarts and makes a killing off of selling them. The older pureblood students beg on bended knee for help making their own and the muggleborns realize oh shit they can corner the market per year and subject. Harry will drag Hogwarts into the modern age if he has to do so kicking and screaming.
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lyrashifts · 5 months
what if i script draco into my hogwarts dr just to deck him in the face?
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rednite-dork · 10 months
I had a headcanon ever since I first played Hogwarts Legacy that the Wizarding World was much more open-minded and relaxed compared to the Muggle World in late 1800s.
I mean, it kind of makes sense, too. The wizarding community were hunted by the muggles, being feared and shamed for possessing something they just were born with. They were literally hunted down to be hidden from the Muggle World.
So, it resulted them to have much more relaxed worldview, a very different world compared to the Victorian muggles who obsessed over etiquette and social rules.
Imagine the whiplash muggleborns and some half-bloods had after setting foot to the Wizarding World for the first time.
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treasoncheese · 9 months
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amistyshadow · 13 days
⚠️ *Tw: Mentions of implied suicide* ⚠️
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I know you guys are waiting on my next Diabolik lovers comic, but I’m suffering from art & writers block. So I started playing some Hogwarts legacy. And for those of you wondering; I myself am a ravenclaw, always have been. And I saw everyone else drawing their ocs and filling in their hogwarts id so I thought that I would get in on it. I hope you guys like them and maybe after I’m done with Kanna’s origins if anyone would care enough to see more artwork about my hogwarts ocs?
Bonus: 👇
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antisnookdog · 7 months
Any one else think that there are just a bunch of muggle born who thought the the Hogwarts letter was just some sort of prank and just never showed up at Hogwarts because they just kept going on with their muggle lives? Or is that just me?
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Wizarding Blood-Purity is a Sham
I think that a lot of people forget that Salazar Slytherin wasn't racist.
And no, before you go all crazy on me just remember in the second book, when fear and anger and all kinds of emotions were running wild and everyone distrusted Slytherin House, students asked a teacher about what happened. And that teacher, a ghost who for all we know could have been there when it actually happened, gave an honest answer.
"Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy."
Look at the language. Look at it, and understand that Salazar didn't see Muggle-borns as inferior, as worse. He saw them as untrustworthy.
Why, you ask? Well Professor Binns answers that as well!
"[The founders] built this castle together, far from prying Muggle eyes, for it was an age when magic was feared by common people, and witches and wizard suffered much persecution."
Salazar didn't like Muggles because they were hunting his family, his people, and persecuting them with horrific violence. He didn't trust Muggle-borns because how could he know that they wouldn't betray the magical world and tell their families that the kid two villages over practices magic with him on Tuesdays?
And yes, witches and wizards had ways to make it look like they burned at the stake when they actually survived, such as the Flame-Freezing Charm. But young children, with little control over their magic? If they were caught or exposed, well, it probably wouldn't end well for them.
Plus, wizardkind is outnumbered by Muggles, by a huge amount. If a village of Muggles who hated and feared magic discovered that a family of wizards and witches was among them, the parents would be burdened with trying to flee from a few hundred people while protecting their kids (who can't control their magic).
Salazar Slytherin didn't like Muggles or Muggle-borns. He hated them and feared them, not because they were inferior, but because they were dangerous. And while murdering children with a giant snake is not a good way to solve this danger to his family, people, and culture, it HAS to be seen that his actions were born not from arrogance, but from fear.
And there were Slytherins who knew this, long before Muggles had become so othered from wizarding society that some families started to believe that Muggles were inferior to those with "pure blood." Like Merlin, Prince of Enchanters, arguably the greatest wizard of all time, who founded the Order of Merlin to protect and aid Muggles, whose name has become synonymous with Muggle rights activisim. Merlin, a Slytherin.
If Salazar Slytherin was alive in the 20th century, he would laugh at the idea that Muggles were inferior. He would be the first to point out that Lily Evans and Hermione Granger, the brightest witches of their age, were Muggle-born. He would scorn the idea that pure-bloods were better, saying if that's true, why is Draco Malfoy, a pure-blood, second to a Muggle-born?
Salazar had questionable morals, to be sure (anyone who doesn't think so can re-read the Chamber of Secrets, where he hid a giant snake in a school full of children to murder the ones he deemed dangerous). But he never, never once thought that Muggles were inferior to wizards.
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oldhptextposts · 1 year
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ziaverse · 3 days
“my child is completely fine”
your child switches between apps at 20 mph to keep themself stimulated so they aren’t left with their own thoughts
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