#mothers who can't love: a healing guide for daughters
machineryangel · 1 year
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Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters, Susan Forward with Donna Frazier
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halcyondaaze · 2 years
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the mother myth
Nayyirah Waheed, Salt, 2013 // Amy Beager, Simmer II, 2021 (acrylic and oil on paper) // Susan Forward, Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters (paraphrased) // loveryborxo, Into The Wall // Joan Tierney, The Elektra Complex // Fortesa Latifi, The Truth About Grief // Ninn Salaün  
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ninelivesastrology · 1 month
My peak Moon-Saturn moment was getting the book Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide For Daughters and reading an excerpt to my Moon-Saturn husband whose eyes widened as he resonated with every word.
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kawipastell1928 · 4 months
Firmly believe that Eve and Lilith switched places, Consensually. We've all seen how Adam is about women in general and how trash he is, plus how Lucifer has obviously been in a funk/depression for a LONG time as even Charlie could remember even as a small child that he wasn't feeling okay.
Now I don't think they did it to be malicious or as some manipulative scheme, but instead as two strong women who have spent their entire lives managing or taking care of the men they are around, and when they met again realized that the other's place is what they needed, even if just for a little while.
Eve being in Hell allows her to be free and not having someone belittle/talk down to her as she finds what makes her truly happy without limits and Lilith in Heaven gives her peace and to take care of herself. As someone who's had burnout of taking care of someone you love for so long, it takes a toll and they switched places to help themselves heal/get better to be better for those who need them.
Now, Alastor. I believe that Lilith made a deal with Alastor like many have theorized but instead of him hanging around Lilith I believe that she had him be around Eve as she took Lilith's place as someone who could be a guide in Hell while figuring herself out. I also do not think Adam or Charlie are aware of this arrangement between Eve and Lilith as I don't see Lilith as a mother who would abandon her child for her own selfish needs, and instead did it when Charlie began leaving their home and doing her own things in Hell.
Now, with a comment that Lucifer told Adam at the Finale I'm inclined to believe that Lucifer does know his wife and Eve traded places, but doesn't know it was because she needed a break from his Depression. But, I do think she is going to be very happy to see that her husband is doing much better with a better relationship with their daughter and that Lilith only kept Charlie at a certain distance from Lucifer cause she didn't want Charlie to see how bad his depression made him or make her feel like she had to stay around in obligation to help them, wanting her daughter to feel free to do what she wanted.
Obviously, a theory and nothing confirmed, but I can't see the creator making Eve or Lilith crappy characters, especially how everyone was upset that Stolas's (ex)wife became such a simple hated character, someone who just seemed to make it feel okay how Stolas treated others and support his relationship with Blitz. I can't wait to see what actually happens with the characters though, especially with how it ended and I encourage everyone to go watch and support Hazbin Hotel finally making their way to streaming!
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rorimoon9597 · 4 months
I have like, half an hour before I need to leave for work, and I wanted to share this AU I have.
Basically, Dick had a daughter at 15, though he didn't know until his daughter was 6 and he was 21. When he meets her, it's under unfortunate circumstances, and he easily agrees to take her in because what else would he do? Let his only child go into Gotham's foster care system that more often than not turned out to be human trafficking rings? Absolutely not.
So he ends up going back to Bludhaven with this 6 year old child he doesn't know anything about and gets to know her. Haley loves her, he loves her, she loves them, and it's great.
Her name is Roxy Grayson, and she's a lot like Dick was when he was nine. She lost a parent and was pulled away from what she knew, and into a new world. Naturally, he guides her through her grief and even has some pictures of her mom around so that she always has a piece of the woman with her.
Dick can't help but spoil his little girl, but he makes sure that she is still kind and has manners and doesn't get her things if she has a tantrum, only ignores her. Though, she hardly ever has a tantrum, only once or twice while she's still working through her grief.
And this is Birdflash, too. Wally's in the speedforce at this point, and Wally and Dick had been dating before Wally disappeared, so Dick was kinda depressed when he lost Wally. He's still depressed, but Roxy's his reason to get up every day, his reason to heal and come home uninjured after patrol.
Roxy asks about the red-haired man in the pictures. Dick smiles sadly and tells her about him. How he had loved him, how he'd died to save people, and how Wally had proposed a few weeks before his death. Roxy starts to refer to this man in the pictures as 'Dad' and the first time she does it, it makes Dick break down crying. Roxy's confused until he says that Wally would have absolutely adored Roxy.
Then Wally comes back, and Dick's breaking down crying in his arms. He introduces Wally to Roxy with teary eyes, and Roxy simply goes "hi, dad" and Wally's crying too. He immediately pulls her in for a hug and takes on the role that Roxy had given him, and he loves it.
Roxy looks like Dick, as if someone cloned him but made the clone female. Her facial shape is all her mother though, so is her quick wit and sarcasm. As she grows into a teenager and an adult, she proves that she's her mother's daughter, but also her father's daughter.
Then there's Lydia.
She was an experiment, like Conner. She was to see if people could take DNA from two people of the same gender and combine it to create a unique individual with the opposite gender. Wally and Dick had been kidnapped and their DNA taken together, so it was only natural that their DNA was combined.
Meta genes messed with the experiments, so when they found out about Wally's meta genes (they didn't look into what it did, they wanted to see if they could create a daughter out of Wally and Dick's DNA) they took out the meta genes. This experiment, unlike all of the other ones, succeeded, and they kept Lydia with them.
She was only 2 months old when YJ busted the operation and took Lydia with them to find her parents.
Tim became protective of her when he realised that she was technically his niece.
He took Lydia (who was unnamed at that point in time) and the files that were kept on her to Dick and Wally. He explained everything to the couple, and they instantly decided that Lydia was theirs. Roxy met her too, and refused to let her little sister go anywhere else.
By the end of the week, Lydia Grayson-West was officially in the government's legal system thanks to Diana, Clark and Bruce, who all met her and fell in love with her just like they had with Roxy.
Lydia looks like Wally, with his freckles and red hair and green eyes, but she's more Dick personality wise than anything else. She's smart, like both of her parents, and as she grows older they discover that she has a love for gymnastics like Dick and Roxy did.
Roxy loves Lydia, and Lydia loves Roxy. They would hang out with Kori who was basically their aunt and they would have girls nights and Roxy would always give Lydia a piggyback ride if she asked.
They're a happy little family, and nothing could change that.
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soulntes · 1 year
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the song cords of the great mother's children is added an important milestone that represents the life of that child. the song cords are sang from it's beginning until the end of their journey of life.
the birth and death.
ingyen made it a habit of singing his lullaby every night before he sleeps to remind him the importance of his existence so he'd dream of healing and the growth of his influence.
with the reputation that demon left on the child, she made it her destiny to changing it as her son who'll become a mighty warrior. she kept talking highly of him on his learning abilities and skills when her mother asked how her grandchild has become quite an excellent teacher for the humans at such a young age. seykxel talks highly about his knowledge on plants, animals and facts about eywa's life that his mother taught him were important which the scientists took serious when they listened to his rambles.
he was young to enjoy the life pandora offered in his tiny hands that is too much, for him to receive back by the people. constant stares and conversations all in front of the child about what his father had done when he just wanted to be seen as one of them who was born here. born to be omatikaya. ingyen's protectiveness can protect much as she was one of the chief's daughters but such a single glare can last for a moment to shield her child.
ingyen loves seykxel.
her love continues to grow, it may become her downfall.
the time apart from her son, can be her greatest strength in gaining him back and go home where they belong. her mother must be praying countless of times for their return and faith to come back safely but to discover their true path and decide what they believe is right by eywa. ingyen hopes she can do her right by will and guide her son.
next thing you know, as she sung his song cord of his first birth the exhaustion consumed her and her eyes closed to dream of seykxel in front of her with his adorable smile.
spider always felt isolated and alone back at home. never interacted much with the other na'vi children his age other than the sully kids as the adults weren't fond of a human child near them. now he was more than ever spending the night in a whole different environment with no escape and in the same place as the avatar with the memories stored inside of the deceased man. the recom secured him a room to himself where he can be alone and not be disturb by any scientist or tests they were putting him through.
there he is. alone. quiet. without his mother.
he tried closing his eyes so the next day comes fast as he thought of a plan to flee, the sooner he is given freedom with the avatars but like always he thought of his mom. his mother's a strong, independent na'vi woman and he knows deep in his heart she's starting searching him even to the ends of time.
the reason he can't sleep or calm his nerves because she wasn't there to sing his song cord or another lullaby. the way she looks and how he misses the way they always joke around before a good night rest so he wants to try humming of what his mom sang. the song of his song cord.
spider starts to hum quietly the first line even with the heart ache hurting in his chest to hear glimpse of her soft voice.
"i bring you to the family. i experience the light. a miracle arrives, a birth that comes from me."
just outside spider's room, miles was about to knock on his door to inform him about their time to head out of base, he heard the kid barely singing a familiar tune with hesitation as if he wants to remember how it went. so he stood there quietly, not even he felt himself holding his breathe for a moment.
"great joy that is in the heart. great joy that is in the heart of the people. you brought me love and me back. a blessing that outshines anything."
miles may not know the meaning of the lyrics but they are for sure something important and sacred for the kid when he hears him sniffling a little.
"we thank you for the nights of life. we thank you. for the days of life. for i am yours and you are mine. o eywa, o eywa." spider chokes back his crying avoiding his eyes to become puffy in the morning. no matter how strong other see him and the capability he has to survive on his own, he will always want his mother.
his mother's cooking. her scowls at him. to hear her voice once again and hug her tightly, never letting go. the only one who gave him life and importance. as he repeated the song again, miles knocks slightly which startled him.
the avatar didn't hear a response just plain silence, "hey kid. we're heading out tomorrow early morning sharp. don't be up so late and be ready by the time i come by for you."
still no response.
he leaves it at that making his way to his room for preparations tomorrow and the guilt begins to eat away his soul.
yes, it was the sake for his mission to take the boy to base for information on jake sully but now that he fixed everything so he'd be away from any gadgets and being poked at..
the silence creeps its way into his thoughts, laying in his bed with the boy missing his mother the most. the na'vi woman with the scar under her left eye. their skin were the same there wasn't much if a difference but he remembers her four fingers, her tough but lean figure, her hair sometimes braided or loose, her body adorned in such wonderful detail of beads, strings, and plants decorating her skin.
the smile she showed him. only him.
with the image trying to be grasped in his thoughts, he too fell into a deep sleep that night.
not short after spider sang more of the lullabies from his childhood, he slept with a tear stained face and the eclipse light shining down on all three of them.
it was the forest in the same location.
ingyen woke up in the hut with a small breeze making it's way through the crack of the entrance and the sun shinning. she rose herself off the ground careful that she doesn't hurt herself and her... round belly.
a round belly?
this is the same thing in the dream she dreamt of the other night with the mysterious na'vi man. as steady as she went, her back ached at getting up to do her usual routine of the day when her son came.
spider saw his mom making an effort to stand on her own, as the responsible eldest son, he grabs her by her arm and gently lifts her, using his entire body to help. ingyen grins at his kind heart, "seykxel, i appreciate you helping but i am capable of doing stuff on my own. see. now let me start on planning dinner for all of us."
her son brushes off whatever she had said and retorts, "you know sa'nok, you've taken care of me my whole life and helped me adjust the omatikaya way. in return i've prepared myself for this kind of help you need. now i am taking care of your well being and my sibling."
ingyen's heart swells with happiness and pride at her son's consideration, always thinking about others like hers when she bears a child. spider goes to hug her with his ear placed right at her stomach, to feel his baby brother or sister. he senses the slightest movements they're making,"i feel they're going to be a girl." his mom quirks her head humming in amusement at his assumption, "how so? we don't know if you'll have a baby brother, my dear seykxel." she teases tickling his neck and he chuckles at the funny sensation. it's his weak spot.
spider shrugs, "just a hunch. if it is a baby sister then my instincts are getting stronger mom."
ingyen rolls her eyes playfully and sits on a rock near their hut as spider hands his mother the unfinished blanket in her hands. it was starting to look like a proper blanket, might as well she finishes the final touches since her boy won't budge from his pleas to do some light work.
with watching her surroundings it doesn't seem threatening or a mirage of a reality to fool her into thinking the possibility of losing something. the hut in the forest that gets a gorgeous view of the sky when it gets dark you can count every star to connect a picture and tell stories.
obviously the tools and weapons they have were in perfect shape to be refiled or inspected for a better reshape but it seems their things were also a mix of the customs of sky people.
she is familiar with chairs because there were three of them stacked near their hut. a fire arm with strong threads and beaded patterns on it of both na'vi and humans. just like jake does. there was also sky people clothes tucked deep into a basket so she goes to grab it. spider's attention is on organizing the hut where his mother laid to have it prepared again in case she grew tired again, for him to notice her movement.
she grabs what was a green shirt with a few tiny hole in it in the size for a fully grown man. it might fit seykxel but he'd never lay sight on these types of clothes. then she sees a pair of pants with half of it torn off like cut as if they tried making it comfortable. this is odd. she thought in who would be wearing it.
ingyen didn't think to know what to tell her son and she said, "where is your sempul, seykxel?"
her son shouts loud enough, "he is out hunting since early morning, sa'nok! he let me know when i was barely waking." the mother more confused than ever of becoming a mate with someone who is the father of her children now.
who is he?
living in the forest is truly a nightmare for miles even if it was a dream he could barely forget about. the insects bothering him when he is trying to focus in providing. the loin clothe he wears is something new and wants it to desperately cooperates with his movements because at this point he's turning back and will grab his pants back.
but he promised.
promised? promised what?
the bow and arrows he has at the ready, he scourges and blends in within eywa's nature to find another animal. he knows it isn't easy with the patience he barely has and every little noise clicking away that causes every twitch his ears makes.
it becomes more of a challenge than a routine for him since he has the memories of a deceased man, uncooperative and not open to learning about eywa's life, it's difficult to learn new things with the old ways of that man.
at this point he did enough on his part to finally head back home where he'll present their meat and fruits for the day. he brushes his slight curly hair that almost reach the end of his earlobes and take his leave, maybe he'll run into more resource to bring back.
as he thought earlier, he spots a hexapede eating. he killed it and thank for it's life given to them like he practiced multiple times from being smacked and flicked on his head for not getting it right. for the lack of learning and respect he had as she angrily taught him.
she was vicious thinking she intentionally wanted to make learning difficult for him so he'd get it through his thick skull so she could get every opportunity to hit him as discipline. her scrunched up nose when she's upset matching her unpleased glare staring deep into his got him amused plenty of times on purpose. just to see her ears flatten back and tail flick at his actions.
miles continues his path that he arrives seeing the mother of spider, going over his old torn up clothes touching the fabric. her face was still a blur to him so he left it at that and places the stuff he gathered on the ground. she felt his presence and her face instantly lights up with joy as she makes her way to him, kind of a waddle from her bump.
this amuses miles with pride and confidence when she is glowing and showing her stomach. she goes to embrace her mate with his arms around her, gently squeezing her and pecks her braided hair. he hums at her affection and says, "did you miss me, beautiful mama?"
she responded with an exaggerated tone, "no, i just happen to like giving hugs to kind strangers bringing me food for me and my children."
miles chuckles and squeezes her shoulders then turned her around, her back touching his bare chest, "is that so? then i hope there weren't men looking for a chance at steal my woman away when she's all prepared to birth our baby that we made?" he dips his head in her neck to give tiny bites on her unmarked blue skin, "because i haven't marked you enough to show who's mine."
she squeals using her hands to shove him from the affection displayed out in the open and when her son is in the hut, a few feet away and seconds to open to see his parents in their moment.
but it was too late. seykxel already seen it all before and hoped to never see them until now.
spider makes a frown expression and gags, "bro, really? i thought you promised to save that for dates nights and when i'm not around. great! now it's imprinted in my brain!" he throws his hands up in a joking matter and grabs the legs of the animal near the hut to start peeling the skin.
ingyen slaps her mate's arm to stop and he pecks her lips quickly for a chance before the kid sees. miles enjoys teasing the boy with his mom and her when she gasps, "can't help myself kid when your mother is irresistible and gorgeous. plus i like the look on your face. it's hilarious."
spider gags again starting to feel like he should go find beads, rocks, or anything at this point to chuck it at his father. ingyen's face keeps getting a darker shade from the compliments from that man's mouth.
with the jokes, teasing and intimate moments made everything seem right for each of them.
even if they didn't know the true meaning behind these dreams they keep getting and when they'll stop because.. it's all they know. know it's from the great mother's will.
once upon a dream.. these three interact many ways as a family would. a family who love and protect each other without knowing how they are so interactive and affectionate on a daily in their dream state.
the mother showing her pregnancy in the forest where her mind wanders into a neverending peace and relaxation. admiring the home built for them from scratch and decorations inside were detailed with patience and time. the thought of bearing a child and her son showing excitement over a new member in the family, swearing he'll be the best older brother they'll ever have.
the father not knowing he ever learned to hunt and search resources to provide for his family, he never met, motivates him to adjust like a true na'vi. going as far as appearing the same as them. it was a nice change of look from what he could imagine when he felt his hair. the way the na'vi woman appeared more gorgeous and breathtaking as the days go on and her dashing smile showing her happiness that he is making it happen for her.
the son. their son completely dedicated and does his very best in helping his mother the most through her time. proving he can be a good older brother once they're born to show them what he learned from their mother. play with them and telling them stories and teaching them tricks to play on their father in the future. become a protector and fighter whenever his sibling will need it and comfort them in their need of cries and helplessness. make each other jewelery for their parents as gifts and hunt together. their adventures are awaiting to be searched and filled with laughter and joy.
a family.
a family where love will bloom if it's followed and they're guided by their choices they believe is right.
then here dreams become a reality one day.
until another once upon a dream...
- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
morning approaches the forest where ingyen wakes suddenly that her hand goes over her stomach but there was no bump. she steadies her breathe looking around her to see if there weren't any enemies or predators around.
once it was clear for her, she packed her stuff inside her bag and checked her bow and arrows so she could head off for the search of her son.
on her way, she's been thinking about what could truly be waiting for her and seykxel of that very man in her dreams. from it's calm and bonding she noticed between them three can mean someone accepting her son for who he is and sees him how she does and treats him as such by the teasing he's done to him.
the intimacy with three shows their connection with each other and through these moments helps her ease her mind that seykxel might gain what he's been hoping for since he was a child. a father who sees him.
a man who sees her child.
there's no such miracle like that as long seykxel is her son and they go back home with her mother where it's safe.
a loud knock suddenly awoke spider to stand on fours for guard but he remembers that he isn't home. he relaxes himself as he rubs his eyes to get used to the bright light, another loud knocks sounded through the room that annoyed him so he covered his ears to prevent it.
miles grew tired by the second of knocking continuously and the throbbing pain again in his head because he told him they were leaving on the dot and they were wasting precious time. "kid, i told you to be up early! hurry your little stripped butt or i'll leave you here to be dealt with by those science pukes!" he shouts through the metal door and spider hisses back at him.
"don't hiss at me, i can hear you clearly through this door, monkey boy! i wouldn't be knocking like a maniac if you listened to what i said!" at this point miles is acting like a damn babysitter than a colonel on how he responds to spider and his actions.
just to be petty, spider destroys anything the room every step he took to the door seeing a fumed, full gear avatar staring down at him with his hands placed on his hips. the boy shoves him to the side and miles does it back to show him authority leading him where they should've been at earlier.
they're really acting like children.
the recom team were prepared and waited for their colonel's orders to head out on the helicopter, ready to take them where they needed to be at.
miles hands spider a oxygen mask and exo-pack for him to attach where he wanted. as soon the doors opened he ordered them to aboard the airship and he holds the kid by his shoulder, ducking to his ear level telling him what he should be doing.
spider quickly got on the airship and saw the armed gun in front of him and thought how cool it looked. he grabs the handles playing with the movements it has when miles sees him handling the gun, "whoa, hold on there hot shot! listen up, there is a tracker built into that mask. we hit ground and you take off, i'll have you back in two minutes and i will give you an old school ass whipping. understood?" he orders spider who kept looking anywhere but him and miles repeated the question.
"yes sir." he mockingly tells him with a roll of his eyes and decides it's best to stay put to avoid being heavily watched, "just wait when my mom finds me, you're all dead meat and she'll send you to eywa."
zdog side eyes him on his comment she didn't understand but bumps her elbow slightly to give him a warning.
ingyen's been searching through the forest meanwhile leaving small traps to alert anything that relates to a person's screams and she'll act immediately.
she maintains focus on every trail and scent that's out of ordinary than her regular forest, seeing tracks of combat boots and varies of small parts from bullets they were shooting at. the shack is where they were holding the children hostage and had an altercation between both parties.
her sister's arrows pierced into the dead demons bodies, laid there for the ground of the great mother to embrace. before she parts, she prays for their souls be judged by eywa herself and lead them the path of their passing and choose to embrace when she decides.
they were similar to jake sully as avatars but they had some strange aura around their bodies that seem too real to be a dream walker. to talk and walk through the eye of eywa but act on behalf of the sky demon's which ended their rebirth.
the work of the demon's technology has altered to the point where they mess with the great mother herself to get what they want and obtain something that doesn't belong to them.
some things the humans invent is becoming worrisome for the people that even toruk makto himself sought for uturu somewhere else to keep everyone safe and left the omatikaya from becoming a target for the rda.
ingyen swears to send a message to the rda like they sent their demon soldiers to kidnap and use children for their use of dominance. just like them, she'll be a nightmare to gain what is hers and show them no mercy.
a mother's loves is a mother's rage.
her ears twitch at the odd but similar sound of the blades of the airship getting closer and closer to where she is a few feet from. and began the head ached again.
following the sound, she has her arrow ready to shoot and rushes through the trees ignoring the pain. once it gets louder she climbs a tree to continue by branch to be hidden from sight.
if this is one of the soldiers who've taken her son, she'll have them plead and be the last thing they see.
the airships release their ropes close to the ground for the recoms to slide down and take position on guard until everyone is off. ingyen carefully inspects every movement and action they take to know what she's up against and use it on themselves. there were seven of them when the last one came down with.. seykxel.
she gasps and her heart is pumping with anxiety to come out and grab him as she was desperate to have him in her reach again but she stood her ground and follows her plan. she can't help but tear up at his bruised body and untamed hair. her poor child must've went through something that these demons put him through.
her eyes darken with pupils dilated and nose flaring in anger, she controlled herself before she gets them in a worse situation. once the airship leaves, they were left alone in the forest to fend for themselves.
their colonel gathered everyone for a quick talk.
"listen up. jake sully has gone underground. don't matter wherever he is, we'll find him and his bat shit crazy wife too." he comment on neytiri which bothers ingyen's at his disrespectful mouth not knowing he'd be terrified of her.
ingyen let out a calling that she trained her son to hear when he was young. at a safe distance she sounded off again that caught spider's attention but didn't make it obvious so he makes a wave movement of his hand behind his back. she saw it knowing he is aware of her presence.
miles sense the shift of spider's body language when he is behind him on a huge log but continue with the conversation, "to do so, we go na'vi. full all the way that means we eat na'vi. we ride na'vi. we think na'vi. and that starts with speaking the language."
when miles switch to the na'vi language it made spider chuckle at the pronunciation and lack of effort to be able speak in a fully sentence. that earned him a glare from miles and the rest of the recoms as if he grew two heads.
now this is amusing to the boy to show off his skills, "you call that speaking the language? you sound worse than a three year old." with that was a long silence and he smiled in triumph that they were outsmarted by a teenager.
his mother sent out another call that she's getting closer. the man's ear twitch at the sound which is a lot like how jake sully's wife did last night.
he faced the boy knowing he is making some kind of communication with someone among the forest, "alright smart guy. you just went from being our monkey mascot to official interpreter that means you teach us what it means to be na'vi. since you grew up here, show us the way of the people as they say."
spider's arches his eyebrow scoffing at his order, "you? all of you want to learn to be na'vi? i am sure you won't be able to survive on your own without those gadgets you have because us true na'vi use only our weapons and knowledge. it'll be hell for you."
ingyen prepared her aim towards the man next to her son right at the head as seykxel distracted them to give her time.
miles sighs, "you know i'm this close to beating your ass. didn't you hear me kid, we want to learn and you are our ticket for that. we look na'vi, all we need from you is to teach us how you lived among them. i mean you were raised by one. right?"
the boy answers back when he mentioned it, "so what? here am i. alive and better than ever before you and the rest of the demons came back to haunt everyone again. you will never learn and open yourself to be na'vi."
just as ingyen was ready to let go of her arrow and end the demon's life, a atokirina elegantly makes its way on her arrow as a sign to not do it. she immediately withdraws her weapon and watches it float down where the group were.
with the argument the colonel and kid were having, spider noticed the seed landing on his hand pointing towards the recom as everyone watched it float. then it made its way in front of the man landing on his shoulder. more came out of nowhere making the recoms see it as a threat to their leader and draw their weapons to shot them down.
the kid shouted in desperation over the pure spirits being interpreted wrong, "no! don't shoot! these are harmless!"
all of them landed on every inch of his upper body that miles felt weird in this kind of situation at these critters doing nothing but using him as a tree. seeing them himself were magnificent because in his memories, human quaritch refused learning the wild life and entities living on the planet that his ignorance lacked empathy.
"these are atokirina. woodsprites. seeds from the tree of souls and very pure spirits that give signs and considered bearers of omens to the na'vi. they chosen him.. for a reason." just as spider finished his explanation, the woodsprites floated off of him and into the forest to do another will.
everyone of them there were speechless and confused about the interaction. ingyen couldn't believe what she just witnessed. is this what the great mother had planned for her and her son?
she changes plans to spare the demon and acted fast on her next move.
miles is about to ask why those weird things did what they did when someone landed behind him, catching him off guard to hit him in his face, and climb behind his back. holding him by the base of his braid, tugging to draw out a grunt of pain and a knife rest on his neck.
"ma sa'nok! ftang lehrrap, eywa pe'un fìpo tutan!" her son jumps in defense of miles. mom! stop it's dangerous. eywa has chosen this man.
ingyen hisses at the demons pointing their guns at her holding their colonel hostage. miles felt like a fool for letting himself get distracted and tries to assert his strength onto her but her grip was too strong and her legs wrapped around his waist tightens.
this could be jake sully's friend by the size and spider addressing her as mother.
it was fight between everyone that a furious na'vi woman caught them off guard getting him in a sticky situation.
miles tries to speak from the blade touching his blue skin, "let's not be rash about this-"
ingyen hisses interrupting him pushing the knife closer and spoke next to his ear filled with hate, "tìfnu vrrtep! aynga 'aku ta letsranten oe kop fitseng fwew tsatu!" silence demon! you all taken someone important to me and i'm here for him.
he felt a chill run down his spine terrified of saying the wrong thing so he looks at the kid for help in translating, "spider. this woman understands what we are saying. tell me, what does she want? if not, something will happen here?"
one of the recoms, lyle, quickly grabs the kid in a head lock and directs his aim at him. this caused both, mother's and former father's, ears to perk of the danger spider is in and ingyen let's out a cry thinking she should've shoved her son behind her away from those filthy demons.
"lonu ma'itan! fu oe tspang nga!"" release my son! she shouted on top of her lungs shaking miles wanting for her child to be safe.
"my mother says you've taken someone important to her, she's here for me. i'm her son." he struggles to say so miles comes to a conclusion for all of them, "alright mama, we are not going to hurt your kid. if you just let me go and i'll guarantee he won't be harmed by anyone. let's settle a deal."
she searches a spect of movement from the demon holding her child to hurting him and continues to press her blade on his neck. "demon. i want my son back! you taken him from me thinking you were going to kill him. you are lucky he only has bruises or i would slice your neck!" the na'vi woman states holding her ground. "just give me my son."
"you can have him back but you're gonna have to ride with us, sweetheart because the kid has a tracker on that mask which will lead us where jake sully is. either you stay with us and let me go or you ain't getting spider back." miles coughs out holding her arm to breathe.
ingyen calms down detecting any lies on his face, "you lie and you're dead, demon." with that she releases miles and lyle backs off the kid who ran towards his mother.
the na'vi mother cries out with her arms open wide for him to crash into her body. she hugs her seykxel tight, afraid that he'll slip through her fingers and disappear, she kisses his head thanking mother eywa in protecting her son.
spider finally knows it's really her in the flesh. her warm body and motherly nature filling his needs, it didn't matter if they haven't seen each other a whole day, it'll feel like years being apart.
the recoms check on the colonel regaining his oxygen back and brushes off his soldiers that he was alright, they watch the reunion between mother and son.
miles can see the woman now. her head laying on top of spider's head, he searches for the scar under her left eye to prove what he saw in the lab wasn't just his imagination of his dreams.. and there it was.
how is it the possibility that the woman of his dreams is the mother of his son? the possibility meeting in this kind of situation?
son? you've forgotten your mission or you've gone soft?
he shakes his head and coughs to get their attention. ingyen holds her son close thinking they'll take him away but miles holds his hands up showing her no harm, "relax mama. nobody ain't laying a single touch on your kid. i'm just going to make myself clear. you and monkey boy are going to teach us to be na'vi because that's the only way you are safe from the rda and us. anything that makes me think you're running, we'll catch up and prepare yourselves for the worst. we got a deal, sweetheart?" he brings out his hand to shake on it with her.
ingyen eyes his hands but stubbornly decides to agree with him. the name made her heart flutter a little which she beats herself up in her thoughts on why she felt putty about it.
miles gets close to them slowly, "what's your name?" she ignores him with a huff turning her back. that earned her a low chuckle, entertained at her grouchy behavior, "well if you're not planning on telling me, might as well call you sweetheart. sweet cheeks? princess?"
she tried. she really tried her best to not give him what he wanted and her tail gave it away with a flick at each name so she hisses, bearing her teeth, "don't call me that!"
"that's what i'm calling you from now on since you are a difficult one to answer a simple question. come one sweetheart. we're eating and setting up camp for a new day tomorrow of teaching us to be na'vi." miles goes to jokingly play with her of petting her hair and she didn't take it lightly as she tries to bite his hand.
he grins at her action waiting for her and spider to follow him. spider didn't want to let go so ingyen carries him in her arms and walks in front the demon and behind his group.
after everyone settled down where camp is going to be made, the recoms took out their food supply that was filled with human resources that filled ingyen's nose in disgust.
miles tried handing some to spider but the mother slaps it out of his hand, he stood there unfazed she didn't want her kid eating what is strange to her, "what is it now, princess? your kid gotta eat something." she shakes her head going for her bow and arrows and says, "that isn't good for him, seykxel needs what we call food helps him grow strong and healthy. i hunt food for him."
the colonel immediately grabs hold of her hand as she flinches at his sudden grip that sends some sort of energy through her body. it's happening to him as well.
miles rubs his temples with his free hand, "i'm sorry sweet thing but one of us has to go with you and the kid stays with the rest of the group."
ingyen scoffs with the roll of her eyes and points shouting at him, "fine! you come with me" the recoms started to whistle and celebrate at the na'vi woman choosing the very man she tried to kill. they think he fancies her now with the charms he has.
the colonel shrugs agreeing with the na'vi lady before she gets more upset at limiting their freedom. he follows but seen how she moves diligently through the plants and trees that is difficult for him with the boots he has.
there was the awkward silence so he decided to start a conversation, "so princess, what do you hunt that's good for the kid? isn't most meat and other stuff toxic for him to digest?" each step he takes gets him to loose his balance and she has to grab him steady.
ingyen feels she's taking care of a child more than her son who needs the food, "i hunt, you quiet. need to concentrate better. you are better in silence than a yapping baby or you scare away prey." as she insults him the rest in her mumbling and for miles, he grins at her small antics.
he nods at her statement with a wider smile and winks at her, "okay sweet heart. i watch and you hunt. I'll ask questions later." she huffs at his behavior so she ignores him and starts to navigate her surroundings checking for an animal nearby.
miles watches her in her area of the forest how she acts and is steady with her movements. she'll be a heck of a teacher for them to even get the slightest thing right.
he watches her come to a stop and aims her weapon somewhere in her line of sight for a second and shoots. a thump heard a few feet away, she takes action with the very dagger that was on his neck a few moments ago, she kneeled next to it saying something he barely catch and ended the life of an animal in a fast death. he was surprised at her quick movements, "you're amazing princess, a natural."
ingyen chose he should know her name so he'd quit with the names, "ingyen."
"my name is ingyen." she repeats
"oh that's a pretty name." he compliments and she turns her head when she started to feel embarrassed not used to being called that by a demon.
as she went to carry the animal and head back, miles offered in doing so, "hold it princess, i'll do the honors." and so he carried it over his shoulder not catching the glare she sent his way after telling him her name yet decides to call her another stupid name.
"i am ingyen. i told you my name." she rebutted
to make matters worse, miles poked his teasing further again, "i know.. i just love calling you other names, sweet mama." with that he booked it back to camp when he caught her look as the mother chased after the demon to hit him on the head with her bow.
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
Eternal Destiny
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Chapter 1
Pairing: Prince Oberyn Martell x fem!Reader
Summary: The Royal Family are in need of a Chef to cater for a huge Wedding, for King Doran and his soon-to-be wife. Your boss, Edmund has an opportunity you can't refuse.
Word Count: 2.3k
Destiny was an almighty ruler of Dorne. It was an unspoken law everyone abided by, those who dare disobey weren't immune to the consequences. Dire consequences you had seen at the hands of your father-a great injustice was served that day.
Your sister Mailie was 10 when destiny showed you it's darkness after betrayal. A sickness overcame her, a fever in which no Doctor in the town could reverse, no symptom could be treated, the sickness was incurable. She was doomed at the hands of her own father's sin, Lust, Greed. His infidelity shun shame through your family, the town quickly became aware of this scandal, his need for a son after his wife bearing him two daughters. He couldn't accept it, he despised his destiny, and he was reprimanded for his disobedience. After Mailie's death was where the real punishment began its reign, your mother divorced him and kicked him from the house, his remaining daughter, you had disowned him. Through a course of actions played by his own hand and no family to claim, he was rejected, and therefore doomed to the town as an omen of bad luck. This resulted in his execution, the House of Martell were old fashioned in the way they still wield their swords, being an extension of themselves, your father died at the hands of the King himself.
Your own Destiny however, had led you in the direction of sorcery to pass the time, over the years collecting Viles and old hand me down books gifted from your grandmother who also practiced. You were primarily focused on potions, how to heal, although part of you did divulge into a particular script on a scroll containing pieces of dark magic, potions, spells and something you hadn't practiced before. What started off as a hobby quickly turned into a lifestyle, your small home full of candles, ornamental trinkets, fermented animal fetus' and a large library of books. As much as you loved to divulge into the practice you weren't qualified in medicine and this hobby didn't pay the bills. You pour the cooling liquid into a small vile and push the wooden cork firmly, securing the translucent liquid that you would use later tonight, gluing the label "sleep potion" onto it. You blew out your candles, thanking the Moon and Sun for their presence during your session, "I bid you hail and farewell as you continue your day. May your wisdom guide me today and give me strength." The wick of the candle emits a smoke that invades your nostrils, you inhale the smoke, welcoming the comforting smell before dressing yourself in your all white, work attire.
Unsurprisingly you ended up as a qualified chef, you spent 4 years at culinary school and for the past 6 months had been working under the guidance of Edmund Kelp. He was an older man, head covered in white hair, short and full 'round the waist. "A skinny chef is a bad chef." He said, almost daily, as if he had to convince you his food was good-it was more than good; it was exquisite. You were grateful for such a talented man to be your guidance, he had often worked and boasted about how he had catered multiple events for the Royal Martell Family. You, as his top graduate, he admired and always told you that you would have the same opportunity, you always denied it, in your humbleness. You had no idea how Edmund would set you up with such a life-changing opportunity.
The walk from your apartment to the Kitchen was brisk, trying to avoid the business of what was to become of the streets in less than an hour, the town holding fortnightly markets that gave locals a chance to make some extra money and the town an outing for the day. The sun had barely risen by the time you unlocked the door to the kitchen, its yellow hue brushing past the trees and kissing your body with its warmth, welcoming you to the new day and putting a smile on your face. You shut the door behind you as you waltzed through the building, jumping as Edmund startled you, his company welcome although unexpected. "You're up early today." He looked up from the notepad he was reading from with a smirk, growing more with an upward curl of his lip. "I'm opening this morning, Tab." You tilted your head in question with an eyebrow raised, eyeing him suspiciously. "You feeling okay Ed?" He discarded the paper note on the bench and threw his hands up in faux defeat, "you got me. I've got an offer for you; and you'll be insane to refuse it." You lean against the bench crossing your arms, "okay.." You take the bait. "I'm retiring from catering events. Which means you'll be catering for the King's Wedding in 10 day's time." Your face drops momentarily in shock and smack Ed's arm playfully, "don't joke Ed." You're met with a genuine smile and excitement overcomes you providing a boost of dopamine. You're both laughing and it dawn on you that 10 days is not enough time to plan, make a menu, order ingredients, note dietary restrictions and allergies. "How am I going to do this all with only 10 days, this is impossible." Ed chuckles, "I wouldn't set you up for failure Tab, the Kings going to have his own company fast track the delivery so you can get things done." You exhale the anxieties, relieving you of your stress.
A knock on the door disrupts your thoughts and you're met with a man wearing the Martell House colors, his Brown pants complimenting the yellow Vest and yellow long sleeve button up underneath. "Sir Kelp," he addresses Ed formally before turning to you addressing you by your name, "my name is Fredrick, I am King Doran's personal assistant, I am here to deliver the list of food allergies and preferences of our guests. Please do contact me if there are any questions, or when you are ready for us to order ingredients. It's been a pleasure meeting your acquaintance." Your smile meets your eyes as they squint, offering your hand and shaking the man's hand, "thank you, it's been a pleasure." He nods once more before leaving and you turn to Ed who has a smug look on his face. "I won't brag and say I'm right, however." He shrugs his shoulders casually, kneeling down to check the fridge below the bench. "This wouldn't have happened without you, Ed." He shakes his head, dismissing you. "Don't do that Tab, this opportunity is yours because you're hard working, dedicated and talented. Even though you can be hot headed, Tabasco." You snort and shove him playfully, "how can I ever repay you Ed?" He squints as he looks up to you, "make a trip to the market and fetch some fresh lemons, would you?" You smile, "course Ed, will a dozen do?" Ed stands, pulling some breakfast items out setting them on the bench, "that'll do fine Tab." "Be back shortly."
As you expected, the town square was filled with people, the sound of children laughing and coins clattering together in the cash registers came together in an aura that warmed you from the inside. You squeeze your shoulders together, shimmying past people apologizing as you push past them, making your way to Don, at the fresh Citrus stand. "Mornin' kid, a dozen for Ed?" You nod and chuckle, "please Don, you know what he's like. I'll get a fresh lemonade too please, they're to die for." Don laughs at your exaggeration, although it is no exaggeration. "Comin' right up kid." He places your lemons in a tall brown paper bag and sets them on the counter, starting to squeeze the lemons by hand to make your fresh lemonade, adding a mere half a teaspoon to your preference, adding extra ice as it all comes together in the cup. "Ed's got it all covered, so you're good to go." You reach into your pocket and hand him a $20 bill, over an hour of your wage, if there was anyone that deserved this tip, it was Don. He worked extra hours on weekends at the markets, money for his sick wife that couldn't afford treatment, and Don couldn't afford to stop working. "Can't accept this, kid." Don offers the money back and you fill your hands with the bag of lemons and your cup, "you deserve it Don, give greetings and well wishes to your wife for me." Don sniffles nodding, "yeah, I'll do that." It was as if the market was as busy as ever, the smell of fresh food cooking wafted through the air and your stomach grumbled in defiance as you walked away from the stalls. You bring the cup of fresh lemonade to your lips and take a big gulp, the acidity and tanginess settle on your tongue, humming in delight you momentarily close your eyes, a decision that led you to bump into someone, sending you tumbling to the ground and spilling your sweet drink.
You grunt at the pain in your tailbone that shoots up your back, "I'm sorry my lady, do forgive me." You look upward, the tall man standing in front of the sun blocking the brightness from your eyes creating a beautiful sight, the casual black clothes tightly fitted accentuating his muscles. The sun glowing around him, his tanned skin glowing, his face one of worry as he crouches down to you to help pick up some lemons that had rolled out of your bag, holding them in his arms, helping you to your feet, his large hands around your waist. You straighten your back and adjust your posture, empty cup in hand as the contents start to dry on the concrete.
"Please don't apologise I wasn't watching where i was going." You admit, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear in a nervous twitch. The man's eyes are watching you, observing. The dark brown eyes wandered your body, an unusual feeling of something stirred in your stomach. "Sorry." He mused, knowing you caught him starring, "here, may I buy you another drink?" You accepted the bag of lemons thankfully and offered a sympathetic smile, "I would love to, but I'm sorry I've got to get these back to work." His hand rested on your forearm, and it sent a shiver up your body, your arm tingling from his touch, you returned the kind gesture and his eyes met yours, offering nothing but kindness. "I hope I see you around again gorgeous." Your cheeks heat up and the redness reaches your ears, "me too." Your voice is sincere, and he shuffles to the left to let you pass, you walk past the man, looking back at him halfway up the pathway offering a shy wave before going back to the restaurant and dumping the bag of lemons on the counter, Ed cooking for the customers that had made their way in for some brunch.
"What took you so long hm?" Ed nudges you playfully and you shrug, "just met the most handsome man ever and I'll never seen him again." You groan, leaning against the bench, moving out of the way not to impose on the cooks in the kitchen that greet you as they walk past.
"You just gotta trust your destiny," you sigh and nod in agreeance. "No drink this morning?" Ed watches you as he starts to assemble and plate the bruschetta he had been preparing. "Spilt it." Ed hums and you stand in silence for a moment when a waitress walks through the kitchen with a cup of liquid gold in her hand, "someone left this for you, Tab. Asked me to give it to you." Your eyebrows pinch together and take the cup, eyeing the scribble on the side, 'a replacement, as an apology.' Your eyes widen and stare at the waitress, "is he still here?" She shook her head, "he just dropped it off and left, it was weird." You bring the cup to your lips and groan in satisfaction, it was perfect, exactly how you liked it, light on the sugar and a heavy note of tanginess that lingered on your tastebuds.
"Destiny, eh?" You smile at Ed and shove him, the waitress taking the plates as he exits the kitchen, leaving you two to converse. "Head home Tab, get started on that menu." "Sure thing, thanks again Ed, for everything." For the opportunity, the advice, the support, for being like a dad.
He dismisses you with a wave of a hand and you begin your short journey home, enjoying the small amount of peace you would have before you dedicated the next week and a half to make sure the Royal Family wedding was perfect. You sit at your dining table and unfold the dietary requirements and food preferences, your pen in hand with your notebook as you begin to write notes, ignoring the tingling sensation on your wrist where the handsome man had touched you.
-No seafood. No peanuts. No Banana.
-Maximum 2 Entres
-Firm 3 Main Meal options, (no required Vegetarian/Vegan)
-1-2 Dessert options required. 1 Dairy/lactose Free option required.
You'll be fine, you could do this. It would only be easier if you could stop thinking about that handsome, nameless man from the markets, he would be a welcome inconvenience.
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evergreen-femme · 1 year
ive been reading "mothers who can't love: a healing guide for daughters" and i wanna know how this author got into my head so easily
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werewolfsmile · 11 months
With You - Ch2
The English, Whipplocke (Eli x Cornelia) Mature Rating, graphic violence, period-typical racism, post-canon, canon divergent, found family, angst 3,430 words Read it on AO3
"No! Absolutely not! I forbid it!"
Cornelia ignored her parents as she hastily packed. Wardrobes were thrown open and a myriad of clothes, accessories and other paraphernalia were strewn across the bed and floor. Silly, she did not know why she had thought to pull out so much in the first place.
Difference between what you need and what you want is what you can put on a horse.
She needed none of it, not really. She had withdrawn a new sum of money only yesterday, she had her travelling outfit, she had the items that she had set up in the memorabilia room.
She had the osprey skull. She had the magic. And one way or another, she knew it would guide her home.
"Are you listening, Cornelia?" shrieked her mother.
"Oh, for heaven's sake," muttered her father.
"You have only just returned from the Americas, to be beset by illness. Your recovery is a miracle! Doctor Houghton has requested that he be permitted to further study-"
"No." Her parents fell silent as her unexpected response. Cornelia lifted her head and finally looked them in the eye. "I am a grown woman, more than capable of making my own choices. If I say I am going, then I am going."
"Be reasonable," pleaded her mother. "We have only just gotten you back! Cornelia, it has been months, so much of it fraught with endless worry. Will you not linger just a little longer and let us enjoy this together?"
Her mother's voice was so earnest that, for a moment, Cornelia felt swayed. She reached out to accept the hand that her mother extended to her, squeezing firmly.
"Your father and I are hosting a ball this Friday night. We thought it would be the perfect opportunity to announce your recovery and return to society!"
Cornelia blanched and yanked her hand away. How could she ever consider such a thing? To dress up like the perfect, demure little lady. To observe formalities and niceties. To meet others in society – eligible bachelors, no doubt – and endure their inane prattle. To pretend that the last fifteen years had never happened, to sweep it under the rug –
Breaths heaving in her chest, Cornelia shook her head and pulled the strings shut on her bag.
"No, Mother. Father. I cannot endure any of that. After all I have been through!"
Pain swarmed the faces of her parents and her father shifted uncomfortably. Her heart ached but Cornelia resisted the lingering urge to cave to their demands. She loved them, but they did not understand.
"I do not wish to hurt you," she said softly then raised a hand to the pouch that hung around her neck, alongside the locket of her son. "But the man who gave me this? He … he is everything to me. He saved my life out there, taught me how to survive. He taught me how to live again. I have to go back and I can't explain it more clearly, but I simply know that I must!"
Her mother came around the bed and gently held her shoulders.
"Oh, my dear. I see the conviction in your eyes. And I know, you have your father's stubbornness." Cornelia could not help but smile as her mother chuckled. "Last time you left, we did not think you would ever return. But now? With you healed? 'Tis a miracle that I do not wish to squander!"
"I cannot stay, no matter how you beg," Cornelia replied softly. Her mother sighed and stroked an old, wrinkled hand across her face.
"Nor can you promise that you will return."
"No. But I will try. With him, if at all possible."
Her mother's face crumpled and she shook her head.
"No, no, I can't bear it! I cannot endure losing you a second time, I simply can't!"
Cornelia's father stepped forward and tugged her mother back. He murmured quiet reassurances under his breath as her mother began to cry. Then he turned to his daughter, face stern and solid.
"You will write to us," he said. Hope leapt within her breast.
"Yes, of course."
"Regularly. We are aware that, where you are going, there are far greater dangers than merely the post arriving on time. But you will write, as frequently as you can. Nor will you take unnecessary risks. You are my daughter and thus you have my fighting spirit, but you are also a noble lady of this house. You have a duty and reputation to uphold."
Cornelia suppressed the irrational urge to giggle. How many years had it been since her father gave her the duty and reputation speech?
"And you will come back to us, do you hear me, young lady? You will. No two ways about it."
"I will try, Father, with all my heart."
He held out is hand and reeled her in when she took it, embracing her in a way that he had not done for fifteen years.
"Then go, with speed and courage. Quickly. Before I change my mind."
Cornelia pressed a kiss to his cheek, then flew to her mother to do the same. She snatched up her bag – just the one this time – and hastened through the house. The carriage was ready and waiting for her, and excitement thrilled in her as she stepped inside.
How glorious the world seemed, with such endless possibilities at her feet. She marvelled at every beauty, fighting back the impatience that threatened to overtake her. There was no need for impatience. The magic had guided her thus far. She trusted it would not lead her astray now.
She departed from Liverpool this time. Cornelia's mind raced with possibilities as she sat on the deck of the ship and stared at the endless waves.
How would she even find Eli, after all this time? Sheriff Marshall had told him to go far away and never come back; surely that meant he'd be miles from Wyoming by now. But where?
Nebraska. The Loup. The only clues that she had and Cornelia clung to them like a lifeline. She would start there, ask around for anyone matching his description. From there, she would search every nook and cranny of that entire, vast country until she found him.
Her hand curled around the osprey skull in its pouch, and for a moment, she could feel Eli's warm hand wrapping her fingers around it.
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
Cornelia startled out of her thoughts, head whipping up to see the young man standing near her. Dressed smartly in a suit of the latest fashion and with a youthful smile on his handsome face, he leant against the bulwark and inhaled the salt air.
"I've not travelled overseas too often, I must confess. To the continent a handful of times, but to America? This will be an adventure like no other!" The man glanced down at her and blushed lightly before turning to face her properly. "Apologies for interrupting you, and my lack of introduction. Mr Alexander Thornridge, at your service."
"Lady Cornelia Locke," she replied and held out her hand. "How do you do?"
"Charmed, my lady." Alexander took her hand and bowed over it, pressing a soft kiss to the back of the leather glove. A shiver ran through Cornelia and she fought the urge to yank her hand away. It was not his touch she yearned for. "Is this your first trip to America, as well?"
She shook her head and turned her gaze out to see as her hand was relinquished.
"Truly! Then, you've seen some of the wonders for yourself? Oh, it must have been terribly exciting!"
She nodded absently, more concerned with the memories that filled her mind.
"From the moment I set foot on her shores. 'Twas an adventure rife with danger but … One I would not trade for the whole world."
Alexander sighed wistfully and Cornelia glanced up at him. He looked so young and innocent, so wholly unprepared for the violence in the west. Yet then again, she had no way of knowing if he was headed west or instead to one of the safer, established cities.
"Might I inquire as to the destination of your journey?" she asked. "New York, perhaps?"
His smile grew broader, as though he had been waiting for such a question.
"No, in fact. I am headed to Nebraska. I'm to be a homesteader, can you believe it?" Alexander laughed but Cornelia could not return it. The smile faded from her face and she turned her gaze back to the ocean. This young man, little more than a boy, was heading into the west to start a new life.
Dressed in his finery with his hair perfectly coiffed and not a wrinkle on his skin anywhere. Did he not know the hardships that lay ahead? How would he survive, as green as he was?
"I suppose, then, that you have associates you will be meeting up with?" she asked nervously.
"Some," he confirmed and she let out a breath. "They say the land is rich and fertile. I have studied agriculture and horticulture at university, so I know a thing or two myself. My father thinks I'm mad, you know. Says I should stay at home and continue the family business. But I have no desire to be a lawyer, so here I am! Throwing away my future, as my father would say. Ah, but is it not exciting? To take your destiny into your own hands and see what you can make of it!"
Every word hurt to hear. Cornelia's heart ached and she longed for the comforting touch of Eli's hand on her shoulder, his solid warmth at her side.
"The allotments are reasonably priced at the moment, too. I would be a fool not to seize this opportunity. And yes, of course, I have heard tales of the dangers. But honestly, humanity is more civilised than the papers would like us to believe. Why should I fear the Indian or the outlaw? Such tales are far more exaggerated than people think! My friends have had no such issues and they write to me every couple of months!"
"Oh, Mister Thornridge. The west will eat you alive." Cornelia stood and turned on her heel, ignoring Alexander's surprised blustering. "Please excuse me."
She returned to her cabin and fought down the anger that seethed within her veins. What a fool! A childish, starry eyed fool! He would most likely be dead within the next couple of months, a year at the most. And for what? A chance at adventure? A new start on land that would never truly belong to him?
Cornelia pressed a hand to her lips. Had it truly only been a few short months ago that she set out for the first time? How similar had she been to Alexander Thornridge? She should not have survived – she had never intended to – and yet fate had other plans.
Perhaps fate would be kind to Alexander. But she doubted it.
Red Feather spoke fluent English. Said her parents had taught her the same as they taught her their own tongue. Never knew when she might need it. Turned out, speaking English had saved her life. She was able to sneak away at the right moment thanks to overhearing the men's plans. If not for one man turning around early and catching a glimpse of her disappearing form, she would have put a far greater distance between them than only a few moments.
Eli did not find they had much need for conversing with each other. English or sign language, either worked fine for the times they needed to communicate, but the rest of their time was spent in companionable silence.
A part of him hated the silence. He longed for a feminine voice to fill it with her whimsical yet strangely romantic chatter. Heartache stabbed through him and he looked to Red Feather instead.
A new life. A new purpose. He had to hold to that. Cornelia would not want him to become stuck in the past.
Finding Red Feather a mount was as simple as killing a couple of bushwhackers. Eli let her choose the horse she wanted and watched in amusement when she struggled to shorten the stirrups for her young legs.
"Need help?" he finally asked and she threw a glare over her shoulder. "No shame in asking for help."
"I can do it," she retorted. Still, the leather refused to budge. With a snarl of frustration, Red Feather gave up and scrambled into the saddle defiantly. Her feet hung at least a foot above the stirrups but she held her chin proudly. Eli made no comment, instead squeezing his own horse on.
She lasted the entire day before she caved and asked for his help at night. Eli showed her how to soften the leather after it had grown stiff. Together, they shortened the stirrups to an appropriate length before they settled in for the night.
Having a child along reduced his travel speed somewhat. Eli had no clear destination in mind, merely roaming where the wind took him, but he still noted that he could not ride as far each day. Red Feather tired more easily and was slower in her preparations.
There was a time that such things would frustrate him to the point he would leave the child somewhere. Not this time. It no longer hurt to think back on his own children – his two boys and three girls, all taken before their time. Red Feather reminded him of them. Young and vibrant yet already hardening against the horrors of the world.
Eli silently vowed to protect her, to keep her soft to the beauty and wonder of it all, just as Cornelia had done for him.
Ten days after they started travelling together, Eli slowly turned the wheat seed jar in one hand under the light of the stars. His other was tucked behind his head as he lay on his bedroll, thoughts miles away. He wondered where she was now. Was she suffering a slow death? Or had the sickness taken her, sudden and violent?
"What is that?" Red Feather asked and Eli flicked a glance towards her. She lay on the other side of the campfire, rolled onto her side with one hand propping her head up.
"Medicine," he replied. Red Feather frowned, staring at the jar anew.
"Don't look like any medicine I ever seen."
"Medicine comes in many forms. You're too young to know that yet. But you'll learn."
Eli wrapped the jar back in his bundle, and stowed it all in his bag. The sound of crickets filled the night air with a familiar chorus. His eyes drifted over the stars above, picking out the constellation Cornelia had shown him. The scorpion. Then to the one next to it, the wolf.
Wherever she was, whether she still lived or not, Eli hoped she knew he was still with her.
"Eli?" Red Feather spoke softly. He turned his head to her and waited for the rest. She poked at the ground with a plucked stalk of grass for a long moment as she gathered her courage. "What do you plan to do with me?"
He stared in surprise. Had he not already made that clear enough? Perhaps not, not to a child.
"Take you with me, as I have done."
Red Feather chewed on her lip and risked a glance at him before daring to speak again.
"Hmm. Way I see it, there's nothing else for it. You got no one, I got no one. Together … At least we have each other. That's better than being alone, isn't it?"
There was so much more to it, words he wanted to share about magic and a woman who had changed his life. But Red Feather was too young to understand. She needed simplicity for now. With time, she would come to see the magic for herself and be ready for the full tale.
"If we find some other Indians, will you give me to them?"
"Would you want that?" Eli asked in turn. Red Feather kept her eyes lowered as she shook her head. "Then that's your answer."
"But …" She crushed the stalk of grass in her hand, a flash of raw vulnerability darting over her face. "I'm not your blood. I'm your enemy. Why would you want me?"
Her voice was small and fragile. It pierced through Eli's heart, sharper than any knife, and left him longing to comfort her. How long had it been since he held his daughters or his sons in his arms? How long since he wiped away their tears, soothed their fears, and rocked them to sleep?
How long since he felt like a father?
"See your skin?" he asked and she stared at him, eyes glassy. "Same colour as mine. Feel that earth beneath you? Feels like you belong, don't it? 'Cause you were born to this land, same as I was. Blood of your ancestors in your veins, they been here for thousands of years. Just like mine. There is more the same between our blood than there is any difference."
A tear slipped down her face, onto the ground below.
"It don't matter to me that we come from different tribes. You ain't done me no wrong, and I don't intend to wrong you, either. You're not my enemy. You're my daughter. So long as you want that, too."
More tears flowed down her face but she made no move to staunch them. She nodded, signing to him with a shaky hand. Eli signed back, accepting the words she was not strong enough to voice.
Red Feather lay back down, weeping softly. Eli watched her for a time but did not push her to accept his presence or his comfort. Her trauma was still fresh, her pain raw. She would come to him when she was ready. Instead, he closed his eyes and tried not to let the memories overwhelm him.
Eli wanted a family. It had taken him so long to admit that to himself, but now he had finally accepted it. Still, he could not help but yearn for someone to help share the burden.
With you.
He could not share this with Cornelia. But he could live it for her. He could love again and build something new – both with Red Feather and the wheat seeds in his bag.
Eli drifted off to sleep with that flicker of hope kindling in his chest.
He woke hours later to a distant coyote howling on the plain. Something shifted beside him and his eyes snapped open.
Red Feather. He recognised her barely a split second before he would have gone for his knife. She was shivering, her eyes still glassy from tears and her own blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She lay down next to him, gently wriggling closer, until there was only a breath of distance between them.
Eli closed it. He opened his blanket and pulled her in, then wrapped the blanket over her. With this silent permission granted, Red Feather burrowed against him. Her limbs were bony and he grunted as an elbow jabbed his ribs. Her hair tickled his chin and her nose was cold against his neck.
None of this mattered. He took in a deep breath, learning her scent – foreign, yet familiar. Youthful. It elicited memories of campfire meals, of laughing with his wife, wrestling with his sons, and dancing with his daughters. It coaxed that little flicker of hope in his chest to burn a little brighter.
They needed a plan. Wandering the plains without direction was well and good when he was on his own, but with a new daughter? Eli wanted better for her.
He would have to deal with the bounty on his head, first. Life was dangerous enough even when there weren't men hunting him by name. He would have to find somewhere safe to leave Red Feather –
No. He couldn't do that, not after he had told her he wouldn't give her away.
So. She would come with him. It would be dangerous and anxiety clenched at the thought of another child's blood on his hands. But she was not helpless, she had proven that already.
Then there was nothing else for it. Eli would have to teach her. Satisfied, he curled his arms tighter around his new daughter and let the stars above lull him back to sleep.
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sunmoonjune · 11 months
AWWWW YEAHHHH feels good to make a return to my note dedicated to ltm commentary
OH MY GOD IT'S BUG'S MUM. OR I GUESS MUMS SINCE SHE HAS TWO. i never would've guESSed that she would have a biological and non-biological mum. but i think it's really clever on your part because it just adds that much more psychopathic depth to the father's character - he's willing to kill his first and second wife in order to protect his secret.
I CANT BELIEVE HE MADE BUG KILL DAIA ?? ?? ?A?A ????@?@ ??!?/ that is the worst way to take away a child's innocence how did you even come up with such a monstrosity. i guessed before that bug had something to do with her mum's death which her dad then pinned onto her wHICH I MEAN,,,, i'm half right 😬 i just never would've guessed that her father literally forced her to murder her mother. BUT i still stand by my theory that her father then turned around and spewed lies that bug is a cold-blooded murderer for slaughtering his wife and i'm going to guess that that's the incident that leads to her punishment
also the only two times the phrase 'my daughter' is ever used is at the very beginning, when father summons bug for her trial, and mother's last words before she dies. the CONTRAST THOUGH?? between the way the phrase is said and the contexts it's used in??? oh my god you're so clever
OKAY BUT NOW JUST WHAT KIND OF SECRET IS THE FATHER KEEPING. maybe i need to go watch some crime documentaries to gain theory inspiration. i reckon bug's father was definitely capable of killing someone even before he murdered his first wife, so mAYBEEEE it was someone of high importance that would jeopardise his position as head chief if the truth were ever to come out,,, so on that train of thought maybe he murdered the previous head chief. or maybe he was in line for the position and just, yknow, sped up the process a little by getting rid of whoever was in the way. MAYBE HIS OWN FATHER ???? HIS WHOLE FAMILY???
but enough of him, let's talk about bestbois mingi and jongho being steadfast protection for bug,, JONGHO PATTING THE SPACE BETWEEN HIS LEGS SO BUG CAN SIT THERE SO HE CAN GUIDE HER HAND TO LOOK AT THE STARS TOGETHER STOPPPPPPP. bug trusting him so easily and laying back into his cHEST anD THEN THE THREE WORDS 'jongho is strong' AHHHHHHHHH. that's it. someone call the ambulance im about to pass out. HAHAHAHA but also peep mingi being a lil pot-stirrer on the side
remember that thesis on ateez hugs we're planning on writing. i can see a jongho analysis has started WOOF WOOF THICK ARMS 💪 THICK THIGHS 🦵 MUSCULAR CHEST 👕 my mind is so foggy i can't think straight rn hnNGN 🥵🥵
yknow how some fans have the theory that it's seonghwa's first life on earth bc of his galaxy boba eyes that look at everything with wonder and amazement and curiosity. THATS BUG SHES SO STINKING CUTE. and the way all the ateez members look at her with endearing gazes HNNG
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE HAVE A SYMBOL FOR ATEEZ. I REPEAT. WE HAVE A SYMBOL FOR ATEEZ. if i thought that the symbol for hongjoong was the cutest then i was wROnG because ateez being home and true north for bug OH MY GOD SOMEONE HOLD ME
then we get mingi turning bug's scars - a physical reminder of her trauma, past and pain for so so long - into a beautiful constellation of stars 🥺🥺🥺 thank you moonie for including this. and im hoping that it brings comfort and healing to your readers who may have similar constellations on their bodies too <3 <3 <3 KISSES AND HUGS FOR EVERYONE
when bug is still in a sleepy haze and seeks warmth bc jongho left and then hwa takes his place and bug naturally turns into him ASIDGJSFH scuse me while i fly off to delululand and imagine my mornings with jongho and hwa tag-teaming cuddles
ahh yess the result of moonie and 🪷 anon combining braincells to bring us the beautiful symbols of hwa's bow. i forget that we were already given spoilers for this way back and it's actually bug's first time hearing about them. but i love that bug learns of them after jongho's story of the star lovers bc she understands the full extent of symbolism behind it, particularly with her being reunited with yunho and the rest of the boys as the magpie bridge to guide them back together
SORRY?? NO ???? YOU CAN'T END THE CHAPTER LIKE THAT???? we literally had a whole chapter of the most endearing and tear-jerking moments, all for it to come crumbling down bc now the chief is out to kill all of the boys NO MOONIE NO DONT DO IT😡🙅‍♀️😫
😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 that's okay i still love you i guess 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 jks ofc i love you AS ALWAYS KISS KISS <3 <3 <3 LOTS OF LOVE <33333
LOREN MY LOVE <333 I've finally had a chance to answer your asks hehe (even though our messages probably answered most of these questions already xD)
bug's mum <333 daia loved bug SO much :') and yes! I'm glad no one disagrees that bug's dad is a total psycho,, he absolutely had no problem killing both his first and second wives to conceal that secret
:') our poor bug,,, her dad did indeed force her to kill daia D: I am just traumatizing my own mc, bug I am SO sorry omfg
the 'daughter' part is VERY important so I'm glad you noticed it,,,
the secret,,, I can't tell you much about it,, and our messages have given you some hints but I can't say what's right or wrong ;)
mingi and jongho <33 they were cuddle bugs fr in this chapter :"D just snuggling the whole time it was SO cute! and he hug analysis!! it's all coming together xD also bug was fr me,, panting over jongho's thighs was so real of her xD
I love the hwa's first life theory!! and it SO is bug that is so cute :")
the symbol for ateez is one of my favs so far <33 home and the guide to get there <33
I also hope that the part with mingi and the scars helps others too :} it was very important to me (and to bug) so I'm really happy it was comforting for you <3
I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO BE INVOLVED IN THE JONGHO HWA TAG-TEAMING CUDDLES :DD pls I'll give my life savings for just one forehead kiss from either of them xD
yes!! 🪷 anon and the symbols finally make their appearance! I definitely wanted to add the story of the magpies first so bug would understand what it meant to hwa and yunho <33 it was one of my favorite bits to write hehe
HWA <33 our galaxy and our magpie <33
hehehehe >:DD the ending,, I hope you're ready for some angst baby!!
I love you too!! <33 thank you again for such a sweet message hehe <33 kiss kiss I love you so much :}}
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dailyaudiobible · 8 months
9/25/2023 DAB Transcript pt3
Jesus, we cannot do this on our own. We don't even know how to get through a day navigating correctly on our own, so it can be very frustrating. We can hear this as ways that we need to do better and we just need to be better, we just meet me be more disciplined, we just need to do better and that's true. We just need to do better, but we can't. Like we’re powerless, only You can transform us. But what Paul is telling us is that's the goal, that's what he's trying to tell us, that You are trying to transform us and mature us into people who look like You. And so, Holy Spirit, come, may we surrender to it. Because we won't be able to white knuckle it, we won't be able to fight our way through, we have to surrender to You. Let go of things and people and allow You to guide us into maturity. So, Holy Spirit, come, help us grow. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hi, Daily Audio Bible, this is Jessica in California. I’m calling on the September 1st podcast, a mother that’s praying in desperation for her daughter Rebecca who attempted to take her own life, who’s been abused and bullied and sexually abused and she’s only 14 years old. I pray Lord that You come beside this family. There’s nothing worse than to see your children suffering. I’ve been going through some, watching my children go through some things and it’s just heart wrenching and it consumes your whole life. You can’t live unless you know your children are gonna be okay. And Lord, we know You’re an awesome God, You’re all powerful, You’re in charge, You’ve promised to use all things for our good, Lord. So, we just ask You Lord, to put a hedge of protection around Rebecca. Help her to find forgiveness, help her to forgive herself. Lord, I just pray that You just make her feel Your love, where she’s at Lord. That she can know how much You love her. How worthy she is, how beautiful she is. And that, Lord, You can heal her from the wounds she’s experienced in her life. I just thank You Lord that You have promised to teach our children, You promised in the Bible that that our children will be taught of the Lord. So, I just ask You to teach her what is right, what is the right way to feel, what is the right way to think. What is the right way to be, Lord. I just pray that when she comes out of that hospital, that she has found You and she has peace and understanding. And that she lets this go, Lord, and she looks up to You everyday of her life. I thank You Lord, that You’re working on this, and I just pray Lord, for the family to trust You. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Hi, this is Lisa, Daughter of the One and Only King. I went on a trip to Israel back in 2017. It was then that my tour guide introduced me to DAB. Since then, I’ve been part of the community through the years. I’ve listened to the prayer requests and lifted people up in prayer, that are in this community, and I’ve loved praying for others whom I don’t even know. But we are connected as brothers and sisters in Christ. This is the first time calling in for me. My prayer request is for the daughter of my Israel tour guide. She’s 14 weeks pregnant and is fighting for her life. During the entire pregnancy Britanny has been bleeding due to a torn uterus. Doctors have advised her to terminate the pregnancy but that is not an option for her. She believes that it is God’s choice, not hers. She has now had four blood transfusions. It appears that a miracle is all that will save Britanny and the baby’s life right now. I’m praying and asking each of you, to pray and have faith, like the woman that touched the hem of Jesus garment knowing, He would stop the bleeding. And He did, He healed her. The Lord is needed to intervene and stop the bleeding to save this wife and mother of their seven- and three-year-old and unborn child. Believing and trusting and grateful for all you prayer warriors who will pray.
This is for Lauriann from South Carolina who was rightfully grieving the loss of her precious, beloved husband Steven. Lauriann, you have a right to grieve and our God understands and knows your grief. Think about Jesus with Lazarus, he knew he was gonna raise him from the dead, but his heart still broke for his friends who grieved so much. Do not allow what’s called spiritual bypass to hit you as a result of being told that you shouldn’t be grieving, that you should be trusting more, that your faith isn’t enough. Our God gave us grief for a reason. Our God Himself grieves. It is right, it is human. We are body, mind and spirit. You’re caring for your mind and your body via your spirit. But what your body and your mind experience is very real. Trauma is real. I am so sorry for what you are going through. But Lauriann, don’t even let the enemy tell you that you are not allowed to grieve. You are and our Jesus is crying right alongside you. We go through the valley of the shadow of death, we don’t stay in it, we go through it. And you will come out the other side. But that day is just not today. And it probably won’t be tomorrow or next week, or next month. But the day will come when you will get through it, Lauriann. God loves you, He hasn’t forgotten you. And you are allowed to grieve. We are lifting up your broken heart before our Lord.
I come to you DAB today and seeking prayer for people that are dealing with opioid addictions. I just found out that an old friend of mine from college roommate, just recently passed away from fentanyl poisoning. How fentanyl has devastated our country and how our inability to deal with pain management has devastated our country. And Lord God, and the world we live in. How are we to find ways of dealing with this pain. You know, he was recently in a horrible motorcycle accident. Actually, that happened several years ago and since then, he dealt with you know, the opioid addiction because he had to deal with the pain management situation. Which later escalated and you know, he’d been to rehabilitation, he was never really able to break through the addiction throughout the years in dealing with his pain. And so, God, I ask you God to deal, help us to deal with pain and suffering, God. Deliver us Lord God, from understanding how opioid addiction and now fentanyl, Lord God, has devastated families throughout this country dear God. Allow there to be healing Lord God, in each family. Allow there to be healing in the minds and the hearts of people that are dealing with this addiction, Lord God. Free them, Lord God, I pray. And finally, help them to find the help that they need, Lord God. Allow us to find ways of dealing with pain that we deal with both physical, mental and spiritual that lead us towards us this chemical imbalance that trap us towards these drugs, Lord God, the opioids, the fentanyl’s, the OxyContin’s, the drugs and addictions that trap us, Lord God, from being able to deal with the pain and numb that pain, instead of allowing us to deal with it, Lord God. May Your Holy Spirit bless these families across this country as they deal with this addiction, the problems, Lord God. Be with them and guide them I pray. In Jesus name.
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Killing Myself
If anything happens to me, it won't become a surprise to anyone because I have been more open to talk about my toxic feelings. The way I uselessly blame myself for everything even though it is not my fault or just letting other people's affect my own by believing their negativity. I have different voices in my head, one that is "Joy", one I call "Hater", one called "Realistic Negative Nancy", the list can go on. I don't know if it is because my feelings are always put to the side and not acknowledged by people I thought I could count on. People who I call my family. Someone I call "Mom". Not everyone is meant to be a parent and definitely my mom is one of them. I have always tried to keep a healthy relationship with her and for us to communicate to heal this so called mother and daughter bond. But it only works when both parties can identify a problem to navigate a prolonged solution since nothing is a fast easy fix. So I said what I said and I can't seem to bring up the word "sorry". Sorry I meant to send it to my bio sister? Someone who just came back into my life and straightened things out? She didn't have to say sorry cause there is nothing to be sorry about. There is just moving on. I want to move on. It's so hard. My feelings conflict so bad about being a filial daughter, but needing to be a strong mother and a greater woman.
Is it cause financially? Cause I am married? Because I was delisted/expelled from a church? I have so many thoughts running through my head and God is yelling at me to calm down cause He has me. Let Him guide me. But the chaos and demons keeps weighing me down; HARD. I need to be patient, I need to be kind, I need to love, and I need to be understanding. There is a plan I just have to follow it. Writing down these thoughts helps organize things and compartmentalize, but how long will this last until I have another episode.....another mental breakdown? The constant feeling of failure. I am worth nothing. I am not a good mom. I am not a good friend. I am no a good co-worker. I am not worth the life God has given me. Why do I feel like this? Why do my goals seem so unattainable? What can I do? What should I do?
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cptsdceliac · 4 years
"Mother becomes monster, and a world that should be safe shatters." - Susan Forward, PhD
'Mothers Who Can't Love; a Healing Guide for Daughters' (Mothers Who Neglect, Betray, and Batter; 'When Mother is Out of Control', p.119)
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
Julieta's life is, in a broad sense, a catalog of missing things. Things like arepas, and salt, and sleep. And family members.
It is also filled with love and warmth, of course, but when you are blessed with a Gift at five years old that quickly acquaints you with not just the concepts of illness and injury, but their realities, your mind tends to tread darker paths. Not the same twisting paths, though, that Bruno's mind would wander down and eventually be lost to them all for ten years. Agustin has always been the one to help her find the light again when she couldn't see it herself.
The first sharp absence in Julieta's life, the first she knew of death, was her father.
It would feel unkind to say she does not miss him. But it is a strange thing to love a memory, the idea of someone you never really got to meet, someone who died so you might live. Which she did, matching the twenty-five years of Pedro Madrigal's life, then adding twenty-five more. She's old enough now to be mistaken for his mother were he still alive.
You carry it with you, that loss you've known before you knew your own name. She feels it most keenly when she watches Agustin and the girls; the simple everyday moments between father and daughter that her own childhood lacked.
Julieta doesn't give much thought until she's older to the portrait of her father by the stairs. An impossible thing in a house that's itself a wonder. The portrait must have been conjured by Casita, she supposes. Mamá never talks about it; fleeing home with nothing but her husband, three newborns, and their wedding candle to guide them in the dark. She will tell an abridged version of this tale to each of her grandchildren as they stand ready to open their doors, but no more is said.
For them, and even for Julieta and her siblings who'd grown up working hard but never truly knowing hunger or fear, it's always jarring to be reminded of the one loss that she can lay claim to, yet still feels detached from. That is her mother's story, her mother's quiet grief. The sort of pain no amount of Julieta's cooking will ever be able to touch. She only knows the shape of it, and it doesn't entirely feel like it belongs to her.
The second major absence in Julieta's life was, of course, her brother Bruno.
He leaves behind an empty room and a darkened door, taking nothing but a piece of Mamá's heart with him when he vanishes. Julieta imagines she can see it break off like ice.
She feels it in her own heart, too. Together all of their lives and suddenly...apart. Adrift. It's like a missing tooth you can't help pressing your tongue to.
No. That isn't enough. It's like a missing limb.
His name soon joins their father's in family myth, not to be spoken of because it only brings pain. And sometimes anger, which you can fool yourself into thinking is easier to bear than pain. Pepa guards her heart with a handful of stories and old grudges unearthed from decades ago. Mamá never speaks of him at all anymore.
She replays their interactions in her mind, searching for some pivitol moment her vast guilt can cling to, but she can never find one. Perhaps nothing had been wrong until that night when so many things went wrong, when Julieta held her sobbing daughter and wondered what sort of miracle has the nerve to deem her child unworthy.
Or perhaps everything had been wrong, in so many small ways and for such a long time, that they all failed to notice.
Perhaps she had failed Bruno in every moment, every shared conversation that led to his gradual self-isolation and abrupt disappearance. Perhaps she had said too little, or too much.
She doesn't always know what to do with wounds she cannot heal. They make her feel powerless.
Julieta tries to fix this with all the love she can muster as she watches Mirabel grow up and, despite her efforts, grow apart from the family. Sometimes Julieta doesn't get the balance quite right. Doesn't always know what her children need most from her, or when. She wants to believe that they know they can talk to her about anything.
But when she looks at Mirabel, sometimes, it's too easy to imagine her slipping through the cracks, like he did. When she looks at Isabela and Luisa, she sees a mirror; two young women with good hearts, who would pick up the pieces and carry on, like she always has.
She is just so afraid of losing anyone else.
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saturnsstufff · 3 years
Epolouge: The Empress
Warnings: slight NSFW
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"Thena, sweetie, you can't play with that-" Techno warned to his child, moving the wrapped sword away from her tiny hands.
"But Daddy- you said you'd teach me!"
As Athena got older it was obvious she shown sides of taking after her father. Her curiosity in weaponry, speech, and body language told you that much. But, to be honest, you didn't mind.
You would admit, after being away from the toxicity of the empire, and the people it entailed, life was much simpler, and way more humble. It was homey, something far more than the large palace was. Instead of large marble floors, tall lengthy walls, and perfect matching fabrics, the cozy cottage home Techno and you built was made of warm, strong logs, wooden floors that gave off a warm glow, mismatched blankets and curtains that hung with care, showing they were frequently opened and closed. It was perfect for your small family. You adored it.
After the fall of your kingdom and the near escape you all had, life was hard to adjust to. Techno was distant, scared he would lash out at you again like he did in the library. You wanted to tell him it was ok, that it was a terrible misunderstanding between the communication, and the people holding the letters. Yet, the way he grabbed you still had you hesitant. You could still remember the first few months within the tundra.
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Your eyes watched the brute cut more logs. The way he moved the axe, you wouldn't have expected him to be a once prestigious emperor. Instead he looked like a boy far past his years- someone overly exhausted.
The baby in your arms was easily fast asleep. Warm and cozy from the near fireplace, and if that wasn't enough, her mothers arms and chest opted as a warm cushioned resting place.
The past month was hard, both mentally and physically. Between the tension techno and you had, and the fear of Athena getting too cold from no true shelter, you both were at your wit's end. Thankfully Techno and Phil worked to built a small shelter. Something you could rest Thena in, well the three of you worked to build a more suitable home for a family.
The rocking chair you were seated in offered a soothing place to think back on it, of course your thought's were disrupted when Tech walked back inside the home. Logs over his shoulder for the fire, not wanting it to die out and bring the tundra chill into the home.
"Did she fall asleep finally?..." he asked softly, setting the logs down. Although he walked over to the two of you, he didn't rub his finger on her cheek like he normally would, he probably had sap on his hands from the wood. Something that was now normal.
Your smile came easy to his tone "yeah, she zoned out pretty quickly after she ate. You were right about rice cereal, she's not as hungry anymore" your eyes went up to meet with his. His smile was just as gentle as yours. "Where did you even hear about it?"
"I was curious if it would... I was trading in the village and I herd it from a elderly woman" he explained, moving to the sink to wash his hands off.
Your curiosity perked at this.
"You did?"
He hummed and wondered back, sitting on the couch, still respecting the space you wished. Just because you two were married didn't mean it was all sunshine and rainbows. Things were still healing, you still got weary around his touch after the library incident, and he was still blaming himself for the years you were alone. He didn't feel like you could forgive him so easily- he knew you shouldn't.
"Mhm. She saw me looking at a small plush and rattle. She asked if I had any children or if they were for a friend... I explained I had a fussy infant... she kind of laughed and told me a few ways to avoid it..." his cheeks went pink as he glanced away.
It was easy to believe Sarah tampered with the letters, the tech in the letters was cold and distant about children. Where the one you laid with every night cooed, and played with his daughter, eager to show her the world. One thing he did for her almost made you break down in tears.
Due to fleeing for your lives, Athena no longer had toys, blankets, or anything she needed. She even lost her plush, the one she slept with every night. When she was particularly fussy one night, you explained to techno why. Of course he was saddened too, he didn't wanna hear his little girl cry, no parent did. So the next day he found some scrap fabric and sewed together a small Pig for her. You would always remember how eagerly she pulled it into her arms.
In the end. It was easy to see Technoblade was a family man.
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When night time rolled around, you were thinking back on all the nights techno held you close. After his return you both slept with a bit of distance between you. The first night you both were tightly within each other's arms, too scared to loose each other again. But after that something about laying tightly like everything was ok didn't feel right. So the two of you kept a bit of distance, easily a hands reach away if needed.
Tonight however, you wanted tech to hold you. You wanted old times back, the endless giggles, the warm arms, slight smirks, his nose in your neck content with life. You missed it so much.
So when Techno crawled into bed, you fallowed in suit, but instead of crossing over him for your place by the wall, you sat atop straddling his waist. The action alone was enough to make him pink, and curious. His hands didn't rest on your hips, rather you guided them to rest there yourself, showing it was ok for him to touch you.
You could feel how hesitant he was. He didn't want to scare you, drive you away farther than you already were.
"Princess... what are you doing?" He asked softly, admiring your form above him, dearly missing the sight deep down.
"Tech I miss you... I miss you holding me, making love to me, whispering how much you love me... I miss how close we were..." you said slightly pained.
He drew a slight breath, the air coming out shaky. "Darlin'- Princess... look... I miss it too... But I hurt you... I accused you of sleeping with Orion, i also assumed you hated me... It made me draw my sword to you... it made me Grab you-" he was cut off by you.
"And I forgive you... it's in the past... we can move forward... I mean... I'm assuming you wouldn't do it again..." you said slowly, watching him discard your hips for your hands.
"Ill never raise a hand, or blade to you again... never again... God's I love you too much to even think of hurting you like I could have... Your all I have..." he said softly, tearing up slowly. Thinking back on it, he hated how he acted, he was hurt and took it out in rage, he took it out on the one person who endlessly loved him.
After talking out how you two truly felt, you tried to make love again, the action felt odd, yet long awaited, Both of you desperate to feel one another after so long without each other, but sadly when Tech moved you under him, you watched his eyes well with tears before he fully broke down in tears.
Their may have not been physical intimacy shared, yet the wounds of words, and actions began to slowly heal, and it all started with techno burring his face into your chest, his sobs drowned out by the wild wind outside the cabin.
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Your thoughts were shaken from your mind as you watched your daughter try to charm tech into teaching her sword play.
"You promised!" She said, hoping it would budge the stubborn Brute.
"Yeah, well I promised your mother a new ring too and all she got was another one of you-" he said scooping Thena up into his arms, holding her upside down to get her to laugh.
"Yeah well she can take Ares back! I don't want a brother!" Thena said, sounding like she meant it. "He’s annoying and he always cries at night" she explained, finding her reasoning good enough.
"It sounds like you when you were his size" you said with a smile, stepping up beside your husband, almost eye level with your child. "Ares is young, he'll grow up and get quite darling. Crying is his only way of communicating he needs something" you explained, moving your head so you were somewhat looking her in the eyes.
When tech started to tickle her, it brought smiles to you both. Over the years her giggle, and laugh had become your shared favorite sound. Athena was so innocent and pure, she was the only hope that had survived the darkness of the empire. Luckily out of that darkness came a stronger relationship between you and Tech, even if it took time to develop again.
Without the empire down his throat, he had become much more relaxed. Even his voices seemed to dull down quite a bit. Not only that, but with his son born he felt more at home than he ever had.
This was, and always will be better than what you suffered. This was the life you and Technoblade deserved, after every tooth and nail fought for normality, this was rewarding. This was home.
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obsidiancreates · 3 years
Master's Degree (Part 7)
"Okay, remember what the doctor said," Maddie says as she leads her husband inside. Vlad huffs with effort as Jack leans on him a bit (at Maddie's request), but Maddie's full attention is on her husband. "Rest for at least another day."
"How can I rest when there's ghosts about?!"
Vlad winces. He rubs his ear, which was far too close to that shout for comfort. "Well, good to know the reaction didn't harm your throat too much there, Jack."
"Yeah, sure is lucky, isn't it?" Jack grins. "We can have a game of 'Is Jack Down The Hall or Down The Block' like the old days!"
"Yes, well, as riveting as that sounds, I actually wanted to discuss something with you." He leads then into a den and they all sit. Vlad sighs. "You see, Daniel and I had a little talk this morning."
Maddie and Jack both become concerned right away, leaning forward.
"Young Daniel told me that he, too, had an Accident relating to a portal, after I comforted him after Jack's reaction. Once he'd told me and gone off to rest, I talked with Jasmine. Very insightful, your daughter. Remarkable young woman, just like you Maddie. She agreed I can help the boy."
"Well that's great news!" Jack grins at Vlad, and then coughs. "But uhhh, what does he need help with?"
Vlad looks at him blankly, and then with complete and utter bafflement. "What?" he splutters.
"Well it's just that, he's fine," Maddie agrees with a shrug. "We checked him over, and he hasn't been showing any signs of mental trouble. He can still go into the lab for his chores just fine."
Vlad keeps staring. "... Jasmine said he's been struggling."
"Well, sure, but that's just because he's been lazy lately," Maddie says with a slight twitter of a laugh and wave of her hand. "Skipping chores, not finishing homework, missing class..." Her amusement fades as she lists the slip-ups.
"Maddie, doesn't that sound like depression, perhaps?" Vlad can't believe his ears.
They both stare at him blankly now.
Vlad sits back. Clearly they need explanation. He'd expect this from jack, but not Maddie, this ignorance. "You see, when I had my Accident..."
He lets it linger, waiting. Waiting for them to show remorse. But they just seem interested.
"... When I had my Accident," he says again, voice tighter, "I fell into a bit of a depressive state."
Sleepless night plagued with nightmare, nurses who liked to experiment with his always-fluctuating pain tolerance and healing speed, the slow freezing as life left his body in the days leading to his first full transformation, the realization he was no longer human...
He clears his throat. "It was difficult to deal with."
"But Danny didn't get ecto-acne." Jack rubs his chin. "What would he be depressed about?"
"Almost dying?" Vlad supplies.
"Ha! He was fine, he was wearing his HAZMAT suit he said!"
"Well, he still got harmed." They think a HAZMAT suit would protect him?
"What's your point, Vlad?" Maddie crosses her arms and narrows her eyes. "Do you think we've failed him in some way?"
Vlad's eyes widen, and he holds up his hands. "Absolutely not, Maddie, you haven't failed him at all! I'm sure you a wonderful mother! No, I'm simply saying that I spoke with Jasmine, and we agreed that perhaps Daniel will benefit from discussing his Accident with me."
More than Vlad previously realized, even.
Jack lights up. "You two bonding? I love it!"
"Well, I suppose that's one way to think of it-"
Jack stands up and pulls Vlad into a hug. "You'll be sure to whip him into shape, ol' V-Man! Just show him how you got so rich and powerful!"
"Yes, marvelous idea," Vlad says dryly. "And here I was planning to teach him the finance system I used in college: spend any disposable income on only coffee and hair gel."
Jack laughs boisterously. "You kill me, Vlad!" He drops his old friend. "With you as a guide I'm sure Danny will be back to trying hard and doing well in school in no time!"
"Trust me, I'll be sure to give him plenty of supplemental lessons." Vlad looks at Maddie. "Are you alright with this, as well?"
She sighs, arms still crossed. "I just don't know that he needs extra help with anything."
Vlad takes her hand in his, looking her in the eyes. "Everyone needs a little extra help sometimes. To get through a tough time, to reach their full potential... to realize mistakes they've made. To fix those mistakes."
Maddie's expression softens. "... Alright. Alright, I suppose if he is having trouble and feels like he can't come to us... you're the best alternative."
Vlad smiles. "You won't regret trusting me with him, Maddie." he stands up. "I'll make sure he flourishes."
Danny floats above the lab, watching his parents work.
He sees himself standing by them, a small child, tugging on their pants. "Mommy, there's something in the wall!"
"Not now, Danny."
"Daddy, there's a ghost!" Child Danny points at the back wall, shaking.
Jack doesn't look at him. "None of the detectors are going off, son."
Child Danny looks at the wall. He snatches a ghost-blasting gun from a desk and walks over to it. "Go away!"
The portal is there. It wasn't there before. It's swirling, spilling bright-green light and the stench of ectoplasm everywhere. His parents still don't turn around.
Child Danny holds the ray gun up. "Leave me alone!"
The portal sparks and crackles. Child Danny tears up. "Mommy! It's-"
"Jack, look at this!"
Child Danny swallows as his parents keep ignoring him. "I-I'll blast you away!"
"No, kid, don't!" Danny tries to move in to grab himself, but can't.
The portal sparks again, a bolt almost hitting Child Danny. The child shuts his eyes, and shoots.
"NO!" Danny dives for the little version of himself at the same time that the portal explodes, finally able to move.
Danny peels open his eyes. His parents stand over him, staring down. "Jack, look. It didn't even get his eye color right."
"What?" Danny can't move again.
"Darn ectoplasmic alterations." Jack pulls a glove on over his glove. "Well, let's put it in the cage and see how it reacts! A New Ghost should yield a lot of new information!"
Maddie swoops Danny up with the Ghost Net. "Do you think it knows it used to be named Danny?"
"I do!"
"Shush, ghost."
They shove him into a cage. There's a mirror in it, somehow. He's himself, a ghost, and a child. He shakes the cage. "MOM! DAD! NO!"
"I think it's mostly made of panic," Maddie says. "I wonder what Danny felt when he got caught in the explosion."
"We'll never know!" Jack says brightly. "But at least we have a new specimen! Now where's that Ecto-Slicer?"
"Daniel? Daniel!"
Danny gasps awake, feeling someone shaking him. He sits right up, ready to fight.
"Daniel, it's me!" Vlad holds Danny's shoulders, something akin to panic clear on his face. "You were having a nightmare, dear boy!"
Danny clenches his jaw, trying to stop his lip from trembling.
Vlad frowns. "Daniel?"
"I'm fine." Danny's voice is tight.
"... Are you sure?"
Are you sure. Are you sure. Vlad says it so concerned. So attentive. Not pushy, not demanding answers. Just attentive.
Danny feels a tear slip out. "... They don't care." His voice cracks. "Do they?"
Vlad blinks, a little taken aback. He looks away for a moment. "... I don't know, Daniel. I would hope they do."
"They didn't ask."
"... About what?"
He hugs himself. "I woke up alone. I turned back for the first time after an hour. They weren't there. When they finally came down I was sitting dazed at one of their desks. I think my clothes were ripped up. They asked if I'd seen a ghost. I..."
He hugs tighter, squeezing his eyes shut. "I think I shook my head. I think I pointed at the portal. And they were excited it was working."
"Oh, little badger..."
"I know it was like, a life goal," he sniffles, a lump in his throat. "But I was an afterthought. It-it was only a few seconds, but I was an afterthought. And still they don't... notice..." A sob escapes. Danny grits his teeth and shakes his head, trying to keep the rest in.
Vlad puts a comforting arm around Danny, moving to sit beside him. "I thought you wanted to keep it secret?"
He's not judging. Vlad isn't judging, he's just listening. Danny feels relieved and confused at the same time.
"I do. But I want them to know something is wrong." He wipes his eyes. "I want them to know I'm not just some bad, lazy kid. I want them to know I'm just struggling. Even while I try my best. God, I want them to know I'm trying my best."
Vlad sighs, rubbing Danny's arm. He has that air about him, the aura of an adult about to tell a kid something they need to hear... but will hate to hear. The regret, and resignation.
"Some people are simply... oblivious, Daniel. It's a cold, unkind truth in life. Sometimes, no matter how much you try to make something clear without saying it outright, no-one notices. It can be a good thing... or a bad one."
Danny nods. Pros and Cons. Everything in his life is one big list of pros and cons these days. "It's just unfair."
"It is. One can lose so much because of it. But you know what?"
Danny looks at Vlad. Vlad smiles.
"You're here, right now. With someone who understand you, your needs, your feelings. You're with me, and I'm here to listen."
Danny tears up again. He swallows the lump in his throat.
He hugs Vlad, tight. Vlad hugs back. It's not the world's best hug. They're both colder than they should be. Both a little too bony in some places, a little too sharp.
Danny hugs tighter anyway. Because they're both like that. So it's the best hug he's ever had.
Vlad pulls away, smiling at Danny. "And perhaps," he says, picking up where he left off, "I can find a way to be here for you always. Whenever you need a little help, or guidance."
Danny wipes his eyes again, feeling some... tight knot, loosen in his chest.
Yeah. He's... not alone in it. He's got an adult, a real adult, who sees that he's trying. Sees that he's doing his best in every way he can.
Who understands.
"... Uncle Vlad?"
"... Can we practice making that shield again?"
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