#me (well adjusted): yeah that sounds legit me too
sunriseverse · 11 months
every time i write zrs i’m violently reminded of the fact that i, too, am fucking WEIRD about devotion.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i think it's best not to be too happy about jk doing exclusive things for jm, because in the end, he always does it for other members too, usually tae!
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No fucking way!! I know I'm not a veteran Jikooker but boy, is this news to me!
Anon, I forget. Please remind me. How many years has it been since GCF Tokyo?
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NVM. I went and checked. 5 years? So when did JK do an exclusive video featuring only V? When did he take V on a trip, pay for it and then record him throughout? I mean, according to you he always does it for Tae. Its been 5, freaking, years down the line. Where is V's GCF? Are u the only ones who have it?
Oh. I get it. It's in your imaginations. Right. Right. Of course... how could I forget? Y'all are great at imagining things. Aren't ya?
Anon, do me a favour, please come back with a link of that one time JK was playing V's music just to get V to come to his hotel room
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What's that you say? It didn't happen? You're waiting for it to happen? But I thought u said when JK does things for Jimin, he then later does them for Tae? Or did I misunderstand? 🤔
You know what, I dont think you're crazy or dillusional at all. Because for you to have confidently sent this ask, it means you know what you're talking about, right? Right???
Psssst. Hey anon! Remember that one time Suga almost hit Jimin and JK lost it on camera? Went after his hyung with a whole ass fying pan?
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Yeah I remember it too. Good times. It's one of my favourite Jikook moments of all time. But, but, do you remember when Suga kicked the shit out of V and JK just sat there laughing? No? That's okay, I'll remind you.
Anon, what does your ask mean? What are you basing it on?? Coz I'm only finding things to the contrary.
Like can u show me where JK checks out V's ass and licks his lips? Or adjusts himself?
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And I'm not talking about no slowmo, cropped, out of context bullshit. I'm talking legit unedited content that shows this loud and clear. U know, since what he does to Jimin he does to V also. Right?
V did a show Jenny's kitchen that's right up JK's ally and the dude hasn't talked about it or reacted to it. Yet he finds every chance to watch everything Jimin has been on. Oh. Right. In the end he will react to Tae. Like he always does, right?
I feel like you dk the meaning of the word exclusive. Now idk if its because you came out of the vagina stupid, or you learnt how to be stupid. Either way, you go back, watch original content, then maybe, you won't sound... well... stupid.
Oh. Also go read this post I made of more things that you people are still waiting for JK to do for V, I guess.
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Bonus. Here is V doing a cartwheel on stage and falling. If you pay attention you will see JK yeeting himself out of the scene.
Now at the end of this clip watch Jimin fall off his chair and JK immediately go to save him. One of Jikook's funniest moments that never fails to make me laugh coz JK falls right ontop of his baby. I love it 😂😂😂
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
Since we're on the topic what is your favourite kind of romance heroine? It doesn't have to be one specific type just what kind do you gravitate towards.
Hmmm I mean, I love a lot of romance heroines, but I've noticed that I tend to enjoy heroines who've experienced life most of all or are very determined to experience it. This doesn't have to mean a widow in historicals, or even necessarily one who isn't a virgin (though I do prefer a non-virgin heroine over a virgin--and it truly doesn't matter lol, I'll read either very happily, it's just that like... if I HAD to choose I'd pick a heroine who wasn't a virgin, and the hopeful? series I'm trying to write does not feature any virgin heroines, which wasn't planned and sort of just happened). I just like a heroine who's at least somewhat jaded, who knows how the world works. Someone who is closed off.
I do love an ice queen. The lady of the manor, as it were. I also really love an unrepentantly sexual and hedonistic heroine--like, I ADORE this type, virgin or not. Someone who's all "well what happens if I do tHIS?" and very happily teases her partner. I think both the ice queen who's seen too much of the world and is tired of this shit and the very sexual heroine (whether she's done it before or adjusts to it like a duck to water lol) are preferable to me than like... The true babe in the woods innocent who's like "whaaaaat" at every single sexual thing that happens. Like, as an example of how you can handle this with virgin heroines--Evie in Devil in Winter is a virgin, but she's very naturally sexual and doesn't have an issue with adjusting to St. Vincent's appetites and is soooo into sex that she's the one who "makes" him lose the bet. And she's so practical about it. She finds out they need to fuck to make it legit and goes "yeah that sounds about right". She's not all shocked or whatever.
I love very feminine heroines, and will usually gravitate towards heroine that give "divine feminine" vibes over tomboy vibes. BUT THAT BEING SAID. I can get behind most heroines. Very rarely will I turn down a book just because the heroine doesn't seem like my type. I tend to love heroines that people hate. The only things I really can't do with heroines is:
--constant insecurity
--constantly mentioning how plain or ugly she is like shut the fuck up Mr. 6'5" stunnah with a 9 inch cock is railing you at every minute, I don't buy it, this feels like such pandering and I frankly don't want or need it
--subset: heroines who are fat and are always like "I know that because of my ample body he probably doesn't like me" oh my god this romance hero is clearly one of those guys who likes to see it jiggle get ooooover it (I say this as someone with insecurities about my weight--I just can't get behind heroines who agonize over it every other page, she can have body image issues without it being 20% of the novel)
--heroines who fuck the hero over but it's fine because she's the heroine and he's the hero and we never confront these actions ever (ex: I just a read a book I was really loving with an NFL player hero who was a virgin, and the heroine deflowered him, they fell in love, and this Ashley Madison type site put out a $1 million reward for a woman who could prove she took his virginity; someone steals hero's phone and leaks nudes of the heroine she sent him, and it's hORRIBLE and she's understandably traumatized and depressed, but she claims her power by TELLING THE PRESS SHE TOOK HIS V CARD without TELLING HIM IN ADVANCE so she can donate the money to charity???? And when he's understandably mad it's treated as this overreaction on his part??? And dude I am sorry but how the fuck is very intimate info about his sex life being shared without his permission okay???? Anyway sorry that shit blew my mind.). I find that condescending.
Heroines I love that I think sum up a lot of this:
--Greer Galloway/Colchester/Galloway Colchester Moore or whatever the fuck from New Camelot by Sierra Simone. Greer is so self-possessed and cool and smart, but she's also like, this hedonistic wild woman who is fully willing to "why not both?" her marriage. Lol some of the best parts of the sex scenes in those books are Greer in the background like "GIVE HIM THE DICK!!!!!"
--Neomi Laress, Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole. A total temptress(ssss) who flirts first and asks questions later, but is also out for her own (understandable) game and accidentally falls in love with a deeply damaged Conrad Wroth and is like "he is baby". Both tough and jaded and deeply nurturing once her heart opens up.
--Ellie Peirce, Lothaire by Kresley Cole. I love Ellie so fucking much. (And she's a virgin heroine, so again, I love all!) She's tough as nails (her epigraph is literally "steel magnolia? TRY TITANIUM") but has the vulnerability to like, cry and break down when shit gets really hard. She refuses to be disrespected. She's very in touch with her own sexuality and uses it to get what she wants. I love a heroine who approaches a hero that is basically the equivalent to a massive toothy snarling monster and like, solemnly buckles a diamond collar that says "BRAT" or something around his neck, and then he's just her bitch from there on out.
--Eleanor Ramsay, The Duke's Perfect Wife by Jennifer Ashley. A new favorite! I love her your honor! Very fun and nice and perky and confident, but has been around the block and isn't super quick to trust Hart this time around. (Even if they did have sex THRICE like a decade ago, as he constantly reminds her.) She had the dignity to expect better from him and dumped his ass without crying (in front of him). She also, unfortunately, can't resist that dick. And wants to take Victorian photographs of it. The dichotomy of woman. But again, this heroine who just blinks at the hero unimpressed and goes "down boy" is really My Shit.
--Sara Fielding, Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas. Sara really encapsulates a specific subset of heroine that I love, and I think this is probably my favorite type of virgin heroine, which is "local woman cartwheels headlong into mortal peril at any given moment while very growly man shrieks in terror and runs after her like she's a priceless vase that just fell off his mantle". Sara is nosy, she's not afraid to learn, she is naive at points but in a very "my b" kind of way, she super doesn't care about cheating on her wet blanket fiance when Derek Craven is on the menu, and she does dumb shit like go "Should I get bangs?" (Derek: I WILL KILL MYSELF IF YOU GET BANGS.)
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ladylooch · 1 year
Skating Coach with Adrian Kempe
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A/N: Kempe fan club, unite!!! I am so happy there are so many of us. I love writing for players that don’t get a ton of love in the hockey writing community ( along with Nico who we are all disgustingly obsessed with, its fine). As someone who has loved more obscure players over the years, I know the joy it brings 😘 This idea came form this request. 
Next up on that list of players is: Trevor Moore !!!!
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Swearing, hinting at smut
It’s L.A. family skate day at the end of another early, ending season. My boyfriend, Adrian, and I have been taking things at a slower pace, but he wanted to introduce me to the team before everyone scattered around the world for the off-season. 
“Ow.” I mutter as I try to tighten the laces on the new Bauer skates Adrian handed to me. They slide against the skin of my pinkies and it hurts. Adrian is quickly pulling his laces together, glancing over at me as he does.
“Need help?” He asks. I do, but I can’t actually admit that. Because on our first date, which was now 4 months ago, I lied and told him that I knew how to skate. In fact, I’ve been skating since I could walk. News to me and him. I think someone who does that would know how to tighten their own laces. I had to discreetly look at Adrian for insight into how to even get started.
“Ah. Maybe.” I say, trying to think on the fly. “I’m… used to different laces.” He pauses, looking down at mine. “You know the hot pink ones.” I gesture to where Navy Arvidsson is with Viktor at the end of the bench.
“Oh so like waxed ones?” He asks. That sounds legit.
“Okay, give me a second.” He quickly works on tightening the rest of his and then pulls my left foot up into his knees to work on mine. I grimace at how tight the boot gets on my feet. Hockey skates are not comfortable.
“That feel good?” 
“Yeah!” I lie. It feels awful and too tight. When I stand, my ankles curl inward a bit. It’s all a little unnatural with sharp knives attached to boots.
He begins to walk in front of me, pushing along the rubber mats to the entrance of the bench. My stomach flip flops as he gets ready to step onto the ice without his hand in mine. I am going to fall immediately if I don’t have support. So, it’s time to go to confession.
“Um.” I pause, tugging on his hand as he goes to step onto the ice quickly from the bench. “I have a confession.” He turns towards me, looking into my blue eyes. I laugh sheepishly. “I can’t actually skate.”
He raises his eyebrows, scanning along my body, when he gets to my ankles.
“I know.” He chuckles. 
“It’s obvious.” He points to my ankles. I look down, seeing how much they are caving in and how awkward I’m standing on the mats. I can’t imagine that will transfer well to a slippery surface.
“Were you going to just let me get on the ice and fall?” 
“No, I was hoping you would fess up before then.”
“I’m sorry I lied.. I just wanted to seem interesting.” I cringe, looking down. His sweet laughter wraps around my embarrassed cheeks, making them flame for a different reason. 
“You don’t have to lie to do that. Come on. Let’s teach you a thing or two, eh?” His hands connect with mine and he leads me onto the ice. I’m so unstable on the blades, gripping his fingers like I’d float off if he weren’t holding me. He pauses there. “Just get comfortable for a second. Bend your knees.” I squat down and he laughs. “Probably not that much.” I adjust to somewhere in the middle. “Just like that.” My eyes meet his and we both laugh at the memory of last night.
“Not helping.” I respond with a huge grin.
“You work hard on the ice now and I’ll work hard off later.”
“You’ll probably have to. My legs already hurt! I see why you have such strong thighs.” Adrian pulls me against his body to laugh into my hair. “Talented too.”
“Stop it.” 
“No.” I giggle, kissing along his jaw.
“I’m going to let go then.” He threatens, skating backwards away from me.
“No! No! I’ll be good!” I shout, reaching out for him, swaying slightly forward. He catches me.
“Gotta keep you knees bent, babe. You’re standing too straight and all your momentum is going to tip you forward.” 
“Don’t let go.” I whine. “I’ll be good.” I adjust my position back into a lower position. He’s right. I settle better on my blades and begin to shuffle my feet. I can see him purse his lips, trying not to laugh. I deserve it, but huff at him just to keep him in line.
“Born on skates.” He snickers, skating backwards with his hands on me. “Did you think you’d never see me again after our first date?
“No. I thought the opposite. I blame the tequila. It makes me into a different person.”
“Me too. Usually don’t let girls come back to my condo on date one.” My eyes meet his, knowing he’s talking about me and us and all the things we did both above and below our clothes that night.
“No regrets.” 
“Absolutely not. Push out a bit more to the side. That will help you move forward easier.” I look at him, confused. “Watch.” He leads me to the boards, letting me grip the top for balance. “Right now you’re doing this.” He demonstrates a straight forward shuffle. “Try this.” He pushes out to the side at a an angle. I hold the boards, trying with my left foot. I push forward much faster. 
“Oh.” I exclaim, trying it again. “Look!” I shout, moving forward faster and therefore, farther away form him. A few of the Kings players have kids who play hockey. They dash in front of me and I squeak. “Adrian!” There is his laughter at me again as I clutch the boards dramatically after hitting into them to not crash into the kids. “Hockey is hard.” I huff. 
“Honey, this is only skating. Not hockey.”
“You’re really impressive.” I tell him honestly as he wraps his arms around my waist. He smashes his lips against mine, pinning me between the boards and his body.
Everyone continues skating around us. The sounds of skates cutting the ice, kids laughing, and adults talking slowly disappear. The only thing I can focus on is Adrian’s tongue against mine. My fingers play with the ends of his hair curling around his black beanie.
“Gross.” Rasmus Kupari calls, slapping his hockey stick on the boards next to us. We break apart in surprise. I slip, but Adrian tightens his hands to keep me up.
“Fuck you, Kup.” Adrian snaps as the young forward skates away, snickering. “He’s just jealous cause his girlfriend is home in Finland.”
“Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there… see the northern lights.” I say, moving my hands from gripping his forearms to his fingers instead.
“They’re better in Sweden.” He says, bringing my hand up to his lips to brush along my knuckles.
“Maybe I’ll get to see them there soon.”
“How about you come visit me this summer? I’ll take you up North.” He questions raising his eyebrows.
“I’d really like that.” I admit. I’ve been hoping he would ask.
“You might be a better skater there. Something in the water.” He jokes. 
Taking in his beautiful blue eyes, glorious locks, and sweet lips, I have to agree. 
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definesanity · 8 months
Du a Gwyn.
For a Childrone, Beau sure knows how to make her feel like crap.
"Beau, I'm fine, don't worry," she continued to stress, even when she knows she's more than fine.
Considering she's been properly cleaned and repaired for the first time in probably 21 years, Beau was giving her the most bombastic side-eye known to Drone-Kin. Drone kind? Oh, who even cares at this point?
Beau continued to watch her sort the buckets and boxes filled with numerous supplies given to them by dear suppliers (see: any unfortunate, unlucky soul whom was found by Alice before the Sentinels), and gestured to the notepad besides her.
"Yeah, I can write; shocker, huh?"
He rolled his eyes, then pointing at a sloppy-written part of it:
1. Get spare parts needed (for antlers/other body parts)
2. Keep Yeva's kid away from the Prom
*Oozee Uzi said she also has witchcraft. Bit of a problem.
Alice clinked her fingers together. Beau only nudged her, looking concerned.
"...Don' give me tha' look, Beau," she rubbed his head, adjusting his cowboy hat. "Aye'll be alrigh'. Trus' me, okay?"
Beau gave a sigh using 'DISSAPOINTED_SIGH.SFX', but ultimately let her go. But not before he gave her something.
It looked like a camera, of sorts. A very crudely-made one, mind, with... wait.
"Beau, is this a Robo-Goddamned Sentinel lens?"
A smirk came on to his face.
"...Thanks." a rare moment where her eyes were whole, she smiled at him, and he gave her a thumbs up back.
Well, with friends like these...
...That reminds her.
"So, what's Yeva's kid like?"
Uzi was on her bed, arranging her chaotic collection of notes, and Alice was crouching on the chair that she pushed towards the bed after hopping on to it.
"She's... strange. I was pretty sure she had the Solv--ah, the witch power, but, anyways: she's quiet, speaks Russian, and I'm like, kinda alright with her? I mean, we've chatted a couple of times, but it was mostly class work."
Alice hummed. "Have you thought abou' befriendin' 'er?"
"What? No! That'd mean I'd also have to befriend Lizzy, and friends don't suit me!"
"Then what am I, lil purp?" she leaned over her, but Uzi seemed to have lost any fear from it.
"You are some mad Worker Drone I found and is leeching off of my cleaning supplies. Also, how old even are you, anyway?"
"Hey, it's rude ta ask a lady her age, ya know?"
A dry look was Uzi's reply.
"...Oh, fine. I'm forty-one."
Uzi blinked in surprise. "Wait, really? Damn, you look... surprisingly good. No... nano-wrinkles or anything."
Her eyes became whole again, and lifted her right eyebrow. "Oh, really now?"
"Easy there, I'm just saying," she rolled her eyes, then looked at Alice's. "Also, you look... weird, with full eyes."
"More used to these, huh?" they went back into circles. "Eh, so am I; makes it easier for people to think I'm just some crazy witch livin' down below."
Uzi's face changed into text: "BUT U ARE? (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)"
"...I ain't winning this," wisely kicking herself back over to the desk, she started to write again.
"So, back to what were we talkin' abou'..."
"Look, I don't even know where to start with 'making friends'. No point trying in something I can't even do."
"Uh huh."
"Don't 'uh huh' me!"
"Nuh uh."
"Stop with the slang, it sounds weird!"
Alice smirked in response. Hey, she could be funny too, on the occasion.
Doll liked to keep things simple, as ironic as it may sound to others.
And she knew that others, didn't. Take Lizzy; she and her were... friends? But, point remains, she overcomplicates things.
Then, enter the scrawled note she found:
Hey, I'm terrible at this so just meet by my house after classes
P.S. No this isn't some kinda plot, I legit just want a chat and also just let urself in
Now, that was curious. Uzi Doorman, making small talk? Perish the thought!
...Is what Lizzy would jokingly say. Doll, however, says it's odd.
She admits she always wanted to get to know Uzi; the angst-ridden goth girl was an interesting person, so hey, who knows, hm?
...Of course, she had neglected to mention the antler-headed Worker Drone who lived in there.
"Heya, Surface-Slicker--!"
She instinctively lifted her arm up--
"...Well, that's just rude." she said, her eyes looking at her with mild annoyance.
Erstwhile, Doll was sure she nearly oiled herself. ["Y-You as well?"]
"Mm? Oh, that. Yeeeeah... pain in the ass, like, but it still has some uses." The woman shrugs, slithering her way over to the bed where Uzi was sleeping. "Don' worry too much abou' her, she'll wake in a couple'a minutes."
["...I see."] Doll then coughed into her hand. ["Apologies for attacking you. I simply have never seen someone else with this... curse."]
"An' I wish you didn't see any more. It ain' fun, having a power you can't control, righ'? But try and control it, or suppress, or even just go along with it... an' you end up like the others."
["What others?"] came the sharp reply.
"You would know." the lady responds, before taking out a picture. "Of all people."
Doll took the picture, and nearly vomitted.
Her mother.
Ma... she...
The picture showed a human in the corner, different robots unlike Drones, and three Worker Drones.
To the right was someone who's face was in the wall. Despite that, red hair was visible, so she can only surmise it's the Drone in front of her (which, now that she's looking at her, spots on top of her antlers(?!) a lanyard like her mother had; this one saying her name is 'Alice'.
In the middle was a very relaxed looking Worker Drone, who seemed to be chilling with the dinosaurs and using the AbsoluteSolver with casualness.
On on the left... Yeva. Her mom. Crying, as her visor broke and bled ink.
"Yeva was always the quiet one; and she never learnt how ta probably control it." Alice said. She looked at her with full, orange eyes. "I'm sorry to hear what happened to them. She was probably the nicest gal I ever met."
["...Thank you. It... means a lot."] Doll then looked over to Uzi. ["Was this why she wanted to make friends with me?"]
"Nah, it was me who wanted to keep that thing under close watch; she genuinely thought you were pretty cool. And, well, her judgement is... decent enough, I think. Better than Nori's was, anyway."
["Maybe, but she never did consider making a rail gun was a bad idea--"]
It was like a lightning strike. As soon as the words left her, Uzi booted up, with 'CONFUSION.EXE: BOOTED' on her visor, and looked over, her eyes narrowed.
"Well, I didn't know I had Robo-Satan in me! So bite me, it worked!" she then got up and walked over. "Ugh, still... I think you're alright."
["Even if I hang out with Lizzy?"]
"Lizzy's Lizzy."
["...Fair. I suppose I agree. You're quite a genius."]
Turning her head, she nodded. ["This thing we all share isn't good. I swear I'll help you both once I find what I'm looking for. Until then, please: stay far away from the Prom."]
"The heck you mean--?"
Red lightning suddenly crackled, and Doll vanished.
"Wha--" blinking, Uzi whipped her head around. "It can teleport you???"
"It does more than just change your eye colour." Alice replied, gesturing at her ID. Green was on it, while Alice presently had orange eyes.
Huh. Weird.
"...She knows we're gonna go to the Prom, isn't she?"
"Don't pull that face. I'm old, not senile."
Oh, now that was a stretch, for sure...
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demonslayedher · 1 year
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Things that went through my mind while watching this episode:
--Sawashiro Miyuki, my gosh, one of my favorite vocal performances in this whole series. That sinister way she taunts Tanjiro, and how well it fits that haughty pose when she's perching in the window (erm, new window). It's one of those moments that makes me lose my mind. I'm going to be in so much pain when I hear her final crying scene in the surround sound of a movie theater.
--Speaking of favorites, this encounter she and Tanjiro have in the air is one of my favorite Water Breath sequences, because animation-wise, it's masterful. Every action has sense and flow, for being airborne the gravity has fantasy realism, the shifting of angles is impressive but fluid enough not to be distracting, you can see Daki & Tanjiro both adjusting to each other's actions, and there's a serenity to both of them. Daki is toying with a mouse, but Tanjiro has come so far in his battle experience since, say, his airborne fight with Yahaba, and it shows. He doesn't display confidence, per-say, but realistic understanding and use of his abilities. It's just such a beautiful sequence.
--Timing and delivery-wise, that moment when Koinatsu's like, "oh, yeah, I mean, I knew you were a boy. …duh" and Tanjiro is more surprised by this than anything else in this whole episode. He and Koinatsu really did have a sweet relationship very unlike anything else in the series, it's like if Tanjiro had grown up having a young aunt he was close to. It's mutually tender in spite of an understanding of an enormous gulf between them in the different worlds they're part of. And that smile when she tells him she doesn't want anything to happen to him, it's so nice when Tanjiro gets to enjoy that simple concern others have for him, absent of any expectations of his swordsmanship.
--Speaking of relations, OHHHH, THIS EPISODE GETS ME IN THE KAMABOKO FEELS. Like, it is legit hilarious that Tanjiro & Inosuke are told by a Pillar than he has assumed Zenitsu dead, and they're like, "…so anyway, look what our hands do" and then after I was thinking about that the other day I saw this fanart from @solqau which captures the humor of the situation perfectly. But like, it's striking how they both have THAT MUCH faith in Zenitsu to not be dead. At least in Tanjiro's case, he has known since the very first instant he smelled Zenitsu just how powerful he is, and in Inosuke's case, it may be that he assumes Zenitsu has found a way to run away, or he just doesn't even mentally engage with the idea of Zenitsu having been harmed. And then, constanting with Tanjiro absolute faith in Zenitsu being fine, this is the second time in the series when Tanjiro specifically tells Inosuke, "don't die." Inosuke, for being so brash and not always having an accurate assessment of his own abilities and the danger he's in, causes Tanjiro so much more worry. And Inosuke said he was going to say the same thing to Tanjiro--Inosuke has seen Tanjiro in peril, they went through the loss of Rengoku together, it just simply bothers Inosuke more than Tanjiro is mortal too.
--Setting those layers aside entirely, this scene of them just sitting around in kimono and makeup and chatting on the roof in the sunshine is so cute. Inosuke using body language to try to get Kentaro to understand the demon he's already found and Tantaro just not getting it! That animation of Inoko thwacking Sumiko belongs in the background of a Taiko drum arcade game, and another wallpaper I want for my computer is their chibis way at the bottom of the screen with a vast blue sky behind them. GENKI DASE!! thwack
--And then Uzui… the way he just shuts off the flamboyance valve when the sense of responsibility and recognition of a poor decision floods in. He really feels that much regret for Zenitsu's presumed death, and this is also the moment when he is accepting that, as Inosuke so plainly pointed out a couple days before, his wives are all probably dead. And, in true hardened ninja and Pillar style, he is grappling with that precisely as he is taking solo actions to put an end to the demon responsible.
--The muki-muki nezumiiiiiiiii!!!!! YAAASSSSS, I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! I got a plush I was very happy with at the Ufotable gallery, but I kind of wish I had gotten the t-shirt with the simple design of them, and Inosuke (with his head through the ceiling) on the back being impressed with them. I love that we got to see him and Uzui connecting over this excitement throughout the Taisho Secret, and that image of the muki muki mice standing against the moonlight like the Pillars are in the first opening is hilarious. MUKI!! MUKI, MUKI!!!
--Oh, this is so Inosuke to jump up and bash his head through the ceiling. His training is paying off!! Someday he truly may have a head as hard as Gonpachiro's!
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Holy fuckin shit thank you so much! I’m so glad you like it (and caught the hints I threw in there when it came to Ale‘s true form) like i was legit blushing and giggling u can’t imagine
Your approval means a lot to me and I‘m absolutely loving the headcanons you and @instantpartykidrascal came up with! Those are bangers and had me cackling, especially the part about the shadows definitely thinking Graves fucks his car. bc he does
At what point does a crack au turn into a proper au? We should tread carefully O_o
Well, now we come hehe to the fun part. I‘ve never written robot smut before, so like, it could definitely be improved upon, but it exists and you will have to suffer through it lmao this picks up right after the first part, but i plan on posting all of it on ao3 if it’s more comfortable to read in one go fyi
Pls, enjoy this definitely not seriously treated crack!
Alejandro laughed, and Phillip was sure this was Alejandro, with the metallic sound and similar body language and the fire in his gaze that seemed to burn him from the inside out. "Not what you expected?" He didn’t know an answer to that, the other’s voice sounding so much richer like this. Phillip opened and closed his mouth, running his hand through his hair. His skin felt hot- was he blushing?! Why was he blushing? The alien, the car, had his car always been Alejandro? With the quiet whirr of a well-oiled machine, Alejandro moved closer, his face now inches away from the still speechless human. "Are you alright?" He sounded genuinely concerned and Phillip nodded quickly, not wanting him to worry.
"Yea, yeah uh, it’s just a bit… unexpected, y‘know. You being a car robot machine alien and all…" For fuck‘s sake, he sounded pathetic stuttering like that. He crossed his arms, but still couldn’t help the fidgeting once it started, his fingers drumming on his bicep, shifting his weight without actually removing himself from Alejandro’s orbit.
Cold metal touched his arm, effectively stilling his movement as his eyes jumped to look at the alien’s face and his heart skipped a beat. Shit. "I know it’s a lot to adjust to. Your heartbeat is quite irregular. Am I scaring you? Do you want me to leave?" If only he knew why Phillip‘s heart actually started its rampage, he‘d probably find it incredibly amusing.
Now that he thought about it, there wasn’t a reason not to tell him. He knew himself well enough to know this wouldn’t leave his mind anytime soon and being alone would make it way worse. "Please stay, I‘m just trying to not jump your bones right now."
Alejandro blinked a few times before sounding teasing when he responded. "I don’t have bones if that wasn’t obvious." Phillip groaned in annoyance.
"You know what I mean. Stop trying to distract me!" The alien chuckled and he felt his face grow even warmer at that. Watching Alejandro’s gears shift as he raised his hand to gently place it on his shoulder, he had to desperately hold himself back to not lean into it. He didn’t want to make the other uncomfortable, but seeing the restrained power with which he moved made Phillip‘s imagination go into overdrive. Just thinking about the strength with which he could ruin him made him realize a far bigger problem. Was it possible? It was pretty clear Alejandro was closer to a machine than an organism, but then again, he was able to change his appearance, able to change shape. What was stopping from taking a more… favorable shape?
"Phillip? Are you listening?" Oh no, no he wasn’t. Had the other been talking this whole time? What if he‘d said something important and Phillip hadn’t heard any of it because he was too lost in thought contemplating the technicalities of fucking the alien. Oh god, that was humiliating. He buried his face in his hands.
"I‘m sorry, you were saying?" The other‘s grip moved slowly, touching his neck. The metal felt so cool against his heated skin, it was such a relief. No, he should focus! Just then he heard Alejandro speak up again. There was a slight gravel to his voice, a rumbling quality usually only heard when he talked about a topic he had strong opinions on, when he was upset. Had Phillip upset him? Should he apologize a second time?
"You’re doing it again. Calm down, it feels like you are burning up." The human stopped himself from making a raunchy joke about that, but only just. Alejandro must’ve read his thoughts on his face though, as he grinned and winked before growing serious again. "Be honest, do you actually want this?"
Phillip had never nodded so fast in his life. Embarrassed, he slowed down and spoke up. "Yes, I want you. Please?" He wasn’t even sure what 'this' was, but he knew he wanted Alejandro, no matter if he was a handsome guy or giant robot. The thought hit him full speed. He was about to fuck a robot, or better yet, get fucked by one. Maybe he should ask, because in an amusing reversal of roles the alien seemed to have lost his speech. "So, how does this work?"
He really hoped the other knew the answer to that, because he didn’t. He had ideas, sure, but were they possible? Debatable. The whirring noise always present in the background since Alejandro had revealed himself got a bit louder before dying down again. "Hm, that is a good question. Would this work?" While voicing his question, his body seemed to shift. Despite the limited room in the garage, Phillip could watch very clearly as the other’s parts rearranged themselves to resemble something distinctly dick-shaped. Oh he would definitely need a lot of lube for that, but he could take it, even if it was the last thing he ever did.
Noticing his own staring, he quickly looked back into Alejandro’s eyes and grinned at him. He knew he must look a bit feral like this, pupils blown wide and heart rabbiting in his chest, but he couldn’t care less, especially when the fire in the other’s eyes seemed to burn brighter as well. "It‘ll do, I‘ll make sure of it. Just gotta go grab something real quick, yeah?"
He didn’t wait for an answer, eager to go grab lube from a secret stash he had just a few meters away in his hallway- for emergencies- and returned just a minute later back in the garage. As he stepped in, he got hit with the sheer size and mechanical beauty Alejandro was. Alejandro, who’s still slightly crouching, now staring directly at him with a tilt to his head. His gaze swept over Phillip’s body appreciatively. The human could feel himself blush again, as well as a heat start to pool in his stomach. It only took a few quick steps to reach the other again and he triumphantly held up the spoils of his arduous journey for him to inspect.
"Lubricant? Were you expecting this?" Alejandro sounded amused, chuckling when Phillip blushed even harder while shaking his head in denial. He hadn’t expected it, but god, he had hoped.
It was easy work getting rid of his clothing, Alejandro helping as much as he could, but still so very careful as to not hurt the human. He ended up in his lap. The alien slowly ran his hands across the other’s skin, his touch light. Phillip leaned into him, technically knowing he should expect the coolness of the metal, but still flinching lightly. He didn’t let it deter him, though and soon it was slowly warming up. It seemed to actually warm up from inside of the alien and Phillip felt powerful knowing he‘d been the one to cause such a reaction.
The more Alejandro touched Phillip, the more desperate he grew. Deciding he‘d had enough, he leaned away a bit, grabbing the lube and squeezing some of it onto his fingers. He was sure Alejandro could‘ve helped, but he wanted it to go as quickly as possible, so he settled for fingering himself open thoroughly while the other massaged his hips, whispering encouragements into his ear.
Once he deemed himself ready, he raised his gaze up at Alejandro, not having noticed he’d closed his eyes. He positioned himself, holding onto the other’s shoulder for stability, and chanced a glance downwards. Even looking at the large metal dick just inches away from where he wanted it had him biting his lip, trying not to whine. "Are you really sure?" Phillip looked back up at the other again. He knew Alejandro asked because he cared, but he was growing impatient. Leaning his forehead against the alien‘s, he tried to sound less breathless than he actually was.
"If I don’t get you inside me right now, I swear I‘ll loose my mind." He would’ve called what Alejandro did 'choking on his own spit' if he‘d been human, but in this case some of the alien‘s moving parts seemed to stutter before the quiet mechanical whirring that had become part of the background noise picked up in volume. Phillip grinned and slowly lowered himself.
He felt so full, it was ridiculous. The unforgiving metal inside of him wasn’t as cold as most other parts. He took deep breaths, slowly adjusting to the feeling of it filling him in every way possible. It felt like heaven. "Are you good?" He hummed and nodded, still adjusting.
Alejandro moved and Phillip almost screamed in ecstasy as he felt the vibrations of the machinery shoot through him, inside of him. He buried his face in the other’s chest, uncaring of its hardness, just seeking to be as close as possible.
"Move, please please please, move!" The alien answered by following his request. He desperately scrambled to hold onto Alejandro, any part of him, as the force of the thrusts felt like they shook his whole body. Any semblance of thought fled his mind, the only things he was able to concentrate on were Alejandro and the way his dick hit his prostate every single time. He soon came, screaming the other’s name.
It took a moment for him to recover any coherent thought. Distantly, he noted the slightly dried teartracks on his face and his own cum splattered all over the metal plates of Alejandro’s stomach. "Hm, sorry 'bout tha'." His speech was slurred, but luckily Alejandro understood him.
"It’s quite alright, I enjoyed myself. It’s good to know you did, too." Phillip couldn’t help but giggle.
"I very much did, holy fuck." They sat there together for another moment before he grew uncomfortable and stood up with Alejandro‘s help, wincing at how empty he felt. They cleaned up and Phillip threw on his shirt and boxers from before again, too lazy to get something new to wear.
Sitting together, the human on Alejandro’s lap with some of the couch‘s cushions for comfort, Phillip lazily traced the other’s visible circuits with his eyes. They talked a lot and cuddled as much as was possible with one party made of metal, swapping stories. Especially since Phillip now knew what Alejandro actually looked like, a lot of things he‘d told him made way more sense and he almost slapped himself for his obliviousness.
One thought had him pausing mid-sentence. "Wait, you were my car. Does that mean technically I‘ve been inside you before?" Alejandro froze immediately. Phillip would bet his entire life savings if cybertronians could blush, he definitely would be. When he stayed silent, the human started laughing; ignoring the other’s annoyed stare, he gave his cheek a quick peck as an apology, still grinning. Soon they settled for the night together, content as they could be.
uh um um uhh fhjadjakjd ily 👉👈 you're very sweet thank you 🥺
also like i think let's be real here. at this point the crack au already turned into a proper au and we need to embrace that. no turning back
that said,
i love how alejandro is concerned that graves is scared/gonna kick him out/etc and meanwhile graves is literally the one lagging and overheating about to die from how horny he is rn
secret stash for emergencies huh. alejandro has every right to tease him about it. thank you for a healthy dose of alien robot smut this is just what the world needed. healed my heart
and the way they're soft and cuddly afterwards and share stories and stuff im 💙😩
ngl i was thinking about the "ur the car so I've been inside you already" joke before as well so me and graves share the same braincell on this one. i would totally say that too. go off. make your alien boyfriend flustered. i love that he managed to pull it off more than once. alejandro was not prepared for his levels of fucked up
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hi hi Finnie!! Congrats on reaching 1k! I've been going back n forth if i should request this because,,, nervessss, but can I pleasse request no.9 ever fallen in love with someone?
I'm 5'3, have blonde buzzed hair and a curvy, chubby body. I'm afab genderfluid & bi so i joke my gender and sexuality is just everything/everything XD
I LOOOVE making really bad jokes, like dad jokes, puns, dirty jokes, and some of my favourite jokes dont have spoken punchlines so i stare at people with a goofy face until they get it :D I love listening to other people rant about their passions and learning new things, even if i dont fully get it, and enjoy being able to do the same back.
I'm very creative so most of my hobbies are with my hands, from drawing, to sewing, resin and woodwork, i like to try a bit of everything. I really enjoy seeing a finished product that i made on my own! I also like reading and playing dnd so I'm really good at crafting strategies or creative ways around problems in the game (and describing how i get to defeat my enemies, because im squeamish with real blood, but i love some good ol fictional gore.)
I'm very outgoing and bubbly, and i dislike being formal with people. I'd much rather be my casual and crude self, and skip any awkwardness. I am naturally very loud so i can have some issues around quieter people but i try my best to adjust so I'm not cutting them off. I also have a very dirty mind and am a very physically affectionate person, I'm always flirting with, hugging someone, linking arms, or holding hands, whether were platonic or romantic!
Asfghgjfla thank you for letting me ramble and for doing all of these for us!!
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ok i am bestowing upon you what i consider to be the greatest gift because truly you just suit him so well 💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok this is my own headcanon but it's practically legit canon in my mind by this point, but thick bodies are his favourite type of body so checkmark there
also, exceptional gender and sexuality choice. i feel like yeah he's a cis bisexual boy, but also i don't think he cares enough to put any sort of label on it, and he has more important things to be concerned about, so he'll identify as whatever the fuck makes you leave him alone and stop questioning him quickest
look i'm not pulling out my files on his dialogue in the games, but trust me when i say that this is the dorkiest dweeb in the universe and his ability to make the dumbest jokes and be so satisfied with himself knows no bounds
good about the listening thing, because you won't be allowed to get a word in edgeways. and besides, he's the best, so he deserves everyone's attention at all times while he talks about whatever the hell he pleases (but he might also let you tell him about something you love if he's too tired to talk)
yeah, stinky boy is down there in his little workshop using his little raccoon paws to get up to all sorts of nonsense so he'd be super pleased to have someone with some capabilities in that kind of area to help him with some projects
and being able to be strategic and creative with problem solving? sounds like someone just got promoted to riddler apprentice and chief "evil plan" coordinator
outgoing and bubbly are probably going to grate on him but god knows he needs someone to be the face of his operation, and it'd be good for him to have a brightness in his life
also it's fine to be loud because you need to be able to cut through either the sound of his welding or yelling or ranting
and truly very much so he needs physical attention and affection, which i'm sure he'd warm to eventually if you just keep at it. relentlessly, even if he's pretending to hate it and it's making him grumpy
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 6}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelb’s blogs! >> @snelbz​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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The week had passed by in a blur and by the time Saturday came, all Nesta wanted to do was sleep in. 
But she couldn’t.
Sleeping in wasn’t possible anymore. 
Her alarm had been set for seven, but she woke up with the sun peeking through her curtains at 6:45. She looked at the baby monitor on the nightstand. Nyx was still sound asleep in his crib.
With a groan, she covered her head with her pillow and tried to shut out the light, but it was no use. 
She was wide awake. 
May as well enjoy a cup of coffee before Nyx wakes up. Nesta tossed her legs over the side of the bed and tossed her robe over her pajama shorts and tank top. After pulling her long, golden-brown hair back, she was tiptoeing through the hall and down the stairs.
Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she could hear noise coming from the kitchen.
The sizzling of bacon being dropped into a skillet.
She had expected it to be Cassian, of course, but what she wasn’t expecting was what he was wearing.
Or, she supposed, what he wasn’t wearing. 
She wasn’t sure if she should go back upstairs, to give him privacy. But he was the one who had chosen to come downstairs like this, in one of the common areas of the house, so Nesta went ahead and walked into the kitchen. She aimed straight for the coffee pot, grateful to see a fresh pot already in the carafe. “Good morning.”
He turned towards her, that broad, muscular chest on full display, thanks to the white towel wrapped around his hips being the only thing he had on. “Morning, Nes. Hope you want breakfast.”
She continued to make her coffee, which was usually easy, considering it was one spoonful of sugar in black coffee, but she was having a distinctly hard time focusing on what she was doing.
She had seen Cassian without a shirt in before, at the few times they’d both been over to swim in Feyre and Rhysand’s pool, but there was something distinctly different about seeing him wearing a pair of swimming trunks and that towel. That towel that was sitting so low on his hips, she knew there could be nothing underneath it.
He didn’t even seem to notice, didn’t even seem to think about her reaction to him standing nearly nude in the kitchen, making breakfast. His hair was still wet, although the ends seemed to be drying. 
She wondered if this is what he looked like in a towel, what he would look like in the shower.
She quickly shook the thought away, even though it couldn’t help but linger in the back of her mind.
“I’ve got eggs, bacon, and toast,” he said, his back to her. She watched his muscles expand as he moved pans around and turned off the burners. “Simple, but it’ll fill you up. We’ll need all the energy we can this morning.”
Nesta cleared her throat and gave him a nod as he turned to face her. It was true, and Nesta was unexcited about it. The two of them would spend their day trying to find a part-time nanny for Nyx for the days that the two of them were both at work at the same time.
They’d had plenty of applicants, some of whom seemed promising. 
Nesta had her fingers crossed.
A plate was set down in front of Nesta, and for a moment, all she could do was stare at it. There was a smiley face made out of a bacon mouth and egg-eyes. Another plate was set in the middle of the table, piled high with toast and jam. 
“What am I, two?” she asked, gesturing to the breakfast face in front of her.
Cassian chuckled. His plate was piled high with bacon and eggs. No room for faces. He sat across from her and leaned on the table with his elbows. “A little smiley face never hurt anybody.”
She said nothing, just picked up her fork and cut into the eggs. She hadn’t even told him she liked her eggs over-medium, but she was glad she did as the semi-runny yolk spilled out onto her plate. Nesta thought about starting something about it, about asking about food preferences before he assumed something, but it was too early and she hadn’t gotten to enjoy nearly enough of her cup of coffee. It was too early to fight. So instead she picked up a crispy piece of bacon and used it to pick up some of the egg, before popping it into her mouth.
Her eyes slipped closed and she tried not to moan.
How could a simple breakfast taste so damn good?
When she opened her eyes again, she assumed she hadn’t been completely successful in stopping her appreciative noises, because he was smirking at her as he brought his own coffee to his lips.
“Told you I make a mean breakfast,” he said, reaching for a piece of toast and slathering it in blackberry jam.
Clearing her throat, she ignored him and continued eating until her plate was completely empty. Just as she was about to get up to rinse it off, he stood, adjusting that damn towel to fit more snuggly around his hips, and picked up both of their plates. She tried her best not to watch the muscles shift in his back as he rinsed the plates and loaded them into the dishwasher. Tried her best, but found herself staring as she sipped from her coffee cup, but snapped herself out of it and got up as well, making Nyx a bottle for when he woke up.
As she shook the formula up, she asked, “Will you be putting clothes on before the applicants get here, or should I warn them this is going to be a clothes-optional interview?”
He glanced at her over a shoulder, as he began to clean the pan he’d cooked the bacon and eggs in, but turned right back to the sink. “Does my nakedness bother you, Nes?”
Damn him, she could hear the smirk in his voice.
“No,” she snapped. “And stop calling me that.”
“So, you like me in a towel, then?” he went on, turning the sink off as he put the final plate in the drain rack.
“You’re exhausting, you know that?” she asked, turning to face him full on.
He turned to her then, one brow raised as he ran a hand through his nearly-dried hair. “I’m just saying, if it bothers you, I’ll be sure to dress before I come down to slave away for you over the stove. But, if it doesn’t bother you, I have to admit that I like to completely dry before I put on clothes.”
No, it didn’t bother her.
No, she didn’t mind having her breakfast with a view.
No, she wouldn’t mind reaching out and feeling just how hard and defined his abs really were.
No, she would never admit to that.
Instead, she raised her chin and said, “I should wake Nyx up so he’s ready before the first applicant arrives.”
“So formal,” he grinned. “And here I thought we were having a nice, pleasant morning.”
A soft cry came from upstairs and she was immediately in motion, all thoughts of those abs and whether or not water from his shower would well in the defined divots of them gone. Snatching up the bottle she’d set on the counter, she turned and headed for the living room and the stairs beyond. “Put some clothes on,” was all
she called back to him as she hurried for Nyx’s nursery.
Nesta shut the front door, falling back against the wood, listening as the final interview made her way down the cobblestone walkway.
She sighed and made her way into the kitchen. She needed a glass of wine.
A bottle of wine was more like it, but a glass would do for now.
She found Cassian already standing behind a chair at the kitchen table, the resumes of each applicant spread out before him. “So,” she said, reaching into the fridge for the bottle of chilled, white wine. “What did you think?”
He blew out an equally exhausted breath, before shaking his head. “There was…a lot of variety.”
He was right. There was a woman who had to be in her seventies, who had brought an entire notebook of lesson plans, with her goal to have the one-year-old fluent in French before his third birthday. Then there was the thirteen-year-old who had lied about her age on the application, but promised she could ride her bike the mile and a half from her house every day they needed her. Just not until after three on school days.
“Too much variety,” she agreed. “That last woman was so boring she literally put Nyx to sleep.”
It was true. Nyx was currently sound asleep in the middle of his playmat in the living room, surrounded by his toys. 
“I didn’t mind the retired librarian,” Nesta said, filling her wine glass to the brim. 
Cassian scrunched his nose. “She smelled weird.”
Nesta scoffed. “I don’t think Nyx will be minding her smell. She was smart and was obviously good with him.”
“So was Viviane,” Cassian said, picking up an application off the table.
Nesta blinked. “Viviane?”
“Yeah, Viviane,” he said, showing her the application. “Smart. Bachelors in early childhood education. Lives three miles down the road.”
“Young, blonde, hot,” Nesta added, taking a drink.
Cassian raised an eyebrow. “So you do remember her.”
“I remember that she didn’t have near enough experience and she only listed one reference,” Nesta replied, taking the application and resume from him. She looked it over again. “She can’t be more than twenty-two years old.”
“What does her age have to do with it?” He asked, leaning down on the chair and looking at her. “She’s got good qualifications and Nyx loved her. She was one of the few he actually laughed and wanted to play with.”
It was true, he’d been extremely uncomfortable around most of the applicants. He cried the second a couple of them looked at him and had even spit up on one of them. But he had giggled with Viviane and genuinely seemed to like her.
“She hasn’t worked at a legit daycare or anything, but she’s been a one-on-one nanny before,” Cassian pointed out, as Nesta was reading the same thing on her copy of the resume. “And she said she could get us the numbers of her previous families. She just didn’t want to give them out without asking permission.” He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Sounds like she’d respect our privacy, too. But go ahead, keep thinking of reasons she’s not a good candidate.”
Aside from her perky tits and ass, I can’t think of any. The words almost came from her lips, but Nesta ground her teeth.
“We have to agree on someone, and Viviane can start immediately,” Cassian continued. 
Nesta stared at him for a moment.
He stared back, watching as she sipped from her glass. “I swear to the Mother, Cassian, if you fuck the nanny-.”
Cassian barked an unamused laugh. “You think I have absolutely no self control, don’t you?”
“I think you’re basing this choice off of what you want, not what Nyx needs,” she said, not breaking their eye contact.
“She may be hot, but fucking her would be a lot more trouble than it’s worth,” he admitted. “And Nyx is half Rhys. Don’t forget that. He liked to appreciate pretty things just as much as I do, and I’m sure Nyx will, too.”
Scoffing, Nesta set her glass down and went into the living room to get Nyx. “He’s a baby, not a grown man, with raging hormones. You’re disgusting.” She picked him up, still fast asleep from hearing about the nuances of the differences in a sitter and nanny from the old crone they’d spoken with last. “Call Viviane, let her know she starts tomorrow at eight.”
Cassian met her on the stairs. “I don’t work tomorrow, I can watch him.”
Nesta shrugged, but continued up, carrying a drooling Nyx to his nursery. She hadn’t noticed how close to his nap time it had gotten. “Think of it as an exercise in self-control then, and a test run. See how she does with Nyx and see if you can keep your dick to yourself.”
“I’ve kept it from you pretty easily, haven’t I?” 
Nesta refrained from responding as she carried Nyx into the nursery and laid him down, cracking the door open behind her as she left. Walking back downstairs, she retrieved her wine, purposefully ignoring him, though she felt his eyes on her the whole time. She wouldn’t answer his question, was doing her best not to think about it, especially compounded with memories of him this morning.
She had no idea the muscles leading down by the hips could really be so defined. She thought the illustrious V that dragged your eye downwards on most male models was photoshopped in. Cassian, though, very much proved it not only existed, but that it was as distracting as she’d imagined it could be.
“I’m taking a bath,” she announced, heading back for the stairs. “Let Viviane know she got the job, but she can start whenever you want. If you’ll be off tomorrow, we don’t need to pay her to be here.”
She didn’t wait for his reply, and was in her room with the door shut a few seconds later. She took her time filling the bathtub with the things she found under the counter. There were oils and salts and bubbles and soaps, and by the time Nesta settled into the bubbly, warm water, the entire bathroom smelled like a spa. She sipped her wine, refusing to let her mind wander back to Cassian that morning, but by the time her glass was empty, her head was swimming and the water had begun to go cold.
She got out of the tub, watching as the water swirled down the drain and began toweling off.
And then, she had an idea, to give Cassian a taste of his own medicine.
She grabbed a clean, fluffy, white towel and wrapped it around her chest. And then she headed down to the kitchen for a refill.
Cassian was lying on the couch, one arm tossed behind his head, the other using the remote to flip through the stations on the TV.
He caught Nesta the moment her feet appeared at the top of the stairs.
Nesta’s heartbeat a little bit faster with every step she took.
“This is a new look for you,” Cassian said, simply, even though his voice had lowered an octave since the last conversation they had. “Especially considering you took the master bedroom so that you had your own private bathroom to avoid such run-ins with me.”
Nesta tossed her long, wet hair over her shoulder. “I figured it was okay since you’ve made it perfectly clear that you have no desire to crawl into bed with me. I deemed it safe territory.”
The glass still dangled between her fingers and she heard the couch creak as she turned the corner into the kitchen. She may have grabbed a towel that wasn’t quite as wide as the rest of them, one that didn’t quite come as far down her thighs. But if he wanted to prance around in nothing but his skin, she could do the same.
They were both adults. She had no interest in sleeping with him - so she told herself, at least - and he’d said he had no interest in her.
She poured what was left of the bottle in her glass and threw it into the trash with a clunk. She hadn’t realized she had so little left, but was fairly sure another bottle was in the wine cabinet.
Which was in the living room.
When she re-entered the living room, the volume on the TV was nearly silent and Cassian was sitting up, rather than laying down. One arm was draped across the back of the couch and the other still clutched the remote.
She could feel his eyes on her and she took another drink before reaching around the back of the cabinet for the key and unlocking it.
Not only did she grab another bottle of her favorite wine, but also a good bottle of whiskey, too.
“Planning on getting wasted?” He asked, quietly. 
“Just stocking up,” she replied, locking the cabinet behind her. “Care for a glass?”
Cassian looked around the room, as if she would be talking to anyone else other than her. “Sure.”
“Whiskey, I assume?” she asked, going back into the kitchen for another glass. 
The television was a little bit louder when she returned, but not by much.
She sat on the opposite end of the couch, and set the glasses on the coffee table in front of them. After retrieving the glass bottles, she poured.
Cassian remained perfectly quiet as she did so. 
“Is this a truce?” he asked, as Nesta held the glass out toward him.
“This is a celebratory drink to commemorate finding a nanny today,” Nesta said, although her voice held no warmth. “No matter how young and inexperienced and doomed-to-fail she is.”
She held up her wine glass.
Cassian snorted as he clinked his glass against hers.
She wasn’t paying any attention to whatever he had playing on the TV, and she had a feeling he didn’t either, not as she could feel his stare burning into her. Enough so that she crossed her legs, unintentionally causing the towel to raise even higher attention on the outside of her thigh. It almost exposed her entire hip, which she wasn’t anticipating, but she had made the decision to come down here, to tease him by showing him what he had done to her. She wouldn’t let him see how much his gaze was affecting her.
Even if it was just the wine.
Or so she told herself.
She was just about to stand, to make some excuse for going upstairs when he set his glass down on the coffee table and cleared his throat.
“New house rule. Clothes are required in the common areas. Kitchen, living room, dining room,” he said, ticking them off one by one. “Bedrooms and bathrooms are the only places where this is allowed.”
He gestured towards her, without looking, to make sure his point was understood.
“Why?” She asked innocently, and then she threw his own words back into his face. “Does my nakedness bother you, Cass?”
“Quite the opposite,” he admitted, adjusting himself.
Nesta pretended she didn’t notice.
“I thought you had no issue keeping yourself in check with me,” Nesta said, her voice low. “I thought you weren’t some untamed male with raging hormones.”
“I’m not,” he said, reaching to refill his glass. “At least, not until a beautiful woman is sitting a foot away from me, soaked, in a towel, pouring me whiskey.”
“I’m not soaked,” she said, without thinking it through. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
When Cassian looked at her, he grinned, but his eyes were dark. “I meant your hair.”
Nesta knew her plan had immediately backfired, either that or she’d had far too much to drink, so she simply nodded and stood heading back for the staircase.
She turned back to look at him, halfway up the staircase.
He was smirking, that glass of whiskey resting on the arm of the couch. “If you ever do find yourself soaked, you know where to find me.”
She was up the stairs and slamming her door in a flash, trying to ignore his quiet laughter.
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y0itsbri · 3 years
5 times Ian and Mickey eat ice-cream/popsicles together - shameless summer series 🍨🍦🥄
inspo from @ianandmickeygallavich's summer prompt list
moments from s2 - post-finale
words: 1.4k
the first time ian and mickey ate ice cream together was at the kash & grab. they had just finished helping lip stock up his ice cream truck with goods from the store. mickey focused on tuning out linda's obsessive ranting.
"you ever get anything from the ice cream truck when you were little?" ian asked out of nowhere, after a lull of silence had passed over them.
"the truck never ran in our neighborhood, numbnuts."
ian paused, considering, "oh, i guess maybe fiona took us to the parks sometimes. maybe that's where it was."
"probably." a pause.
"what would you get?"
"a joint."
"no, no, like from a legit truck!" ian rolled his eyes "i always got the bomb pops. carl always got the spongebob. he liked ripping the face apart."
"'course you would get the bomb pop, army."
"doesn't answer my question, mickey."
mickey flipped him off. "how about those little chocolate cones? those bitches always looked good."
ian smirked his dumbass smirk that mickey couldn't look at for too long without his cheeks heating up.
"what?" he asked, adverting his gaze.
ian headed towards the freezer. yeah, mickey could go for another round. he followed him until he saw that ian had stopped in front of the open door for a moment before turning around with two chocolate covered ice cream cones in hand. he handed one to mickey, cold fingers meeting hot for a brief second.
"i'll have to take it out of your pay check, of course," ian teased.
mickey simply glared his way, but softened when he realized the tone. "yeah? well i'd ring ya neck for even considering it, but it's hot as balls so i'm saving my breath."
"sureeee you are." ian smiled again.
it was quiet in the store except for their obnoxious slurping as the ice cream melted faster than they could lick it.
ian's been having a difficult time adjusting to his new med change. he was tired all the time, his usual go-getter motivation put on hold.
fiona usually only bought popsicles at the beginning of the summer. it wasn't the beginning of summer. it was almost fall. so no one knew how bomb pops were stocked in the freezer.
mickey knew.
carl wretched open the freezer, shaking the popsicle box upside down, the remaining three falling out. he took one for himself, passed one to a zombie-like version of ian sitting at the kitchen counter, and tossed another to mickey, who was reading a magazine at the kitchen table.
mickey furrowed his eyebrows. "i didn't ask."
"yeah, but you wanted one." carl shrugged and leaned against the fridge for a moment.
"thanks, kid." mickey mumbled after maybe somewhat of an awkward length of time. carl took that as a dismissal as he bounded up the stairs.
ian had been quiet, not even muttering a thanks. he managed to unwrap it, but not much else.
"'s your favorite, man," mickey nodded towards the bomb pop sitting idle in his hands.
ian half nodded and gave a sorry excuse for a fake smile. his popsicle dripped.
mickey frowned. patient, he got up from the table and sat next to ian, wiping the melted popsicle with his jacket sleeve.
they sat there quietly, eating their popsicles together, tongues cold and red.
mickey was trying.
ian and mickey had been in the car for hours now, heading further south with every passing minute. conversations fell anywhere from their past, their present, and their future. ian tried to keep his focus on their present.
"didn't you say there was some ice cream around here we gotta try?" ian wondered, memory flickering with something mickey had said a few hours ago.
"paletas de crema," mickey enunciated in a put-on spanish accent. he smirked. "yeah, man, we'll make a pit stop for it pretty soon. damon said it was to die for."
"wonder if damon's got himself arrested yet?" ian mused.
"nah, fuck him."
they stopped at some ma & pa shop down in texas near the border. somehow, mickey had a family discount.
mickey ordered pineapple, claiming to be a slut for piña coladas. he ordered a strawberry for ian, claiming to know what ian would like. he wasn't wrong. they switched ice creams for a couple licks and ian definitely preferred his strawberry.
mickey got a little on his chin and ian wiped it off without thinking, they both paused and stiffened for a moment, before acting like that didn't just happen. the uncharted territory scaring them both a bit.
"what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" franny asked, kicking her feet absentmindedly in the backseat of the new gallagher-milkovich van.
"really, kid? ya had a whole day of school you could be tellin' me about, but you wanna know about ice cream?" mickey argued with the six year old.
"mhmm," she nodded before staring out the window again.
"chocolate ice cream's my fav. what's yours?"
"'course it would be, strawberry shortcake. should we go get some, just the two of us?" mickey asked, pulling out of the school lot.
franny chanted for ice cream until the physical cups (not cones) were handed to them through the drive through. she frowned when she saw a third cup. there were only two people in the car, right? and this ice cream was green.
"what's that?" she asked incredulously.
"ice cream?"
"but it's green, uncle mickey!"
"'s pistachio. it's your uncle ian's favorite."
"we gotta wait for him before we eat ours then!"
mickey snuck a spoonful of his chocolate ice cream when fran wasn't looking.
mickey may have also broken several traffic laws to get them home before their ice cream could melt.
as soon as they were parked in the street, franny bolted towards the house, pink and green ice cream in hand.
"uncle ian, uncle ian! look!"
mickey slammed the car door behind him and picked up franny's backpack from the back seat. he glanced up to see franny nearly tackling his giant of a husband. he looked so enthusiastic about everything franny was telling him before he directed her inside.
mickey made his way over to ian's side, tossing franny's backpack at his feet with a thud before giving him a quick smooch.
"mmm," ian hummed. he smacked his lips together. a pause. "chocolate?" he asked, picking up the backpack.
"what about it?" mickey's eyebrows raised, somewhere between a threat and a tease.
"fran told me you were waiting for me."
"told ya i'm not good with rules," mickey smirked at him before following franny inside.
they all ate at the dining table while franny told both of them about her drama-filled day at first grade.
it was a hot ass summer and the AC in their apartment was on the fritz. they thought that moving to the west side would guarantee working utilities at all times, but apparently they were wrong because it was sweltering inside their bedroom.
ian couldn't help but lay on the bed and groan. he was shirtless, hair still a bit wet from his most recent shower, and he was utterly uncomfortable.
mickey had left to go to the corner store in a fucking jacket like a crazy person. so ian closed his eyes and waited it out.
he opened his eyes again to the sound of a wrapper being ripped open. mickey sauntered over to the bed, tossing his jacket in the corner. ian was distracted by just how good mickey's arms looked today that it took him a moment to realize what was in his hands.
a cold, cold popsicle in all its glory.
ian reached for it, but mickey moved it out of reach, instead dramatically teasing ian when he licked it.
ian didn't know if the heat or his taunting husband would be the death of him.
it looked like mickey finally had his share of fun fucking with ian. he brought the popsicle close to ian's mouth, hovering above his awaiting tongue. at the last second mickey dipped the popsicle below his mouth, messily dragging it down his chin, neck, chest. ian shivered at the chill, and then again as the sticky trail was covered with mickey's tongue, still cold from the popsicle.
ian would have to shower again, but he couldn't care less.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Prelude - Haha Hi I've never done anything quite like this or this long (like 5k bich) but I am THORSTy and I’ve been sitting on these asks for so long I’m so sorry. ALSO to the ppl sending me the sweet gentle asks about my blog guess what??? I would D I E for you legit I read one of them this morning I almost teared up. I haven’t cried (Except for like (TW) s*ui*ide cry lol those don’t count) since like??? last year?? no joke. 
ANYWHO idk how to write a praise kink so I went with like, insecurity? but then Kiribaku likes makes the reader just melt cause they keep praising her and they bring it out during nasty times and she's GONE yeeted off the earth it makes her so hot and wet lol.
Pairing - Kiribaku X Reader
Prompt - 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings - NSFW!!!! Dirty talk, my best effort at a praise kink, mirror stuff, ummmm mentions of kidnapping. DUB-CON big time, maybe technically even noncon cause reader DOES NOT want it but has just. resigned herself to being a plaything.
Music - https://youtu.be/STO4-8vkG0U 
“What the fuck did you just say?”
You couldn’t meet Bakugou’s eyes. HIs gaze was so intense, eyes so passionate and fierce. You were so embarrassed, aware of Kirishima’s gaze fixed on your form from where he was seated in the armchair.  
“I-I…….. don’t like it…. when you talk like that….”
“Fuckin’ what?” Bakugou barked, his brows knitting in confusion.  
“What do you mean, baby?” Kiri stood, moving to sit next to Bakugou on the couch so he could see your face.
You wiggled around uncomfortably in your spot on the floor,  where you were kneeling between Bakugou’s feet.  Kirishima had made some comment, something about how pretty you looked being so sweet for Bakugou. You were literally just sitting there, but Kiri thought you worthy of praise
“It’s not true…… I’m not-my body doesn’t look nice and I just….. every time you guys say stuff about me, all I can think of is how bad I look.”  It was hard to choke out the words, your face flushing red as your eyes filled with tears. You were so embarrassed, having to explain your insecurities to your kidnappers. It was bad enough that they dressed you up in slinky outfits, booty shorts and thin shirts that were almost see-through. You hated it, hated the way it made you feel, hated the way it made you look. It was humiliating.
“Well that’s a bunch of bullshit. I don’t go around saying shit unless it’s true.” Bakugou glared down at you. He seemed angry that you would even have that view of yourself, the foot resting on the floor by your hip beginning to tap in agitation. 
Kirishima scooted closer so he could reach you, his hand coming up to stroke your hair. “We mean what we say. You’re beautiful, such a good, obedient little girl for us.”
“No, no - please don’t say that kind of stuff!”  You were getting worked up now, tears falling freely as you hugged your arms around your body. Kirishima shared a look with Bakugou, the two men quickly deciding to drop the conversation and move on to something else.
“Tch, whatever. C’mere”  Bakugou patted his leg, prompting you to shuffle out of your kneeling position and onto his lap. You would rather not, but you knew what resistance would result in, and you’d prefer not having to nurse a sore bottom and mild burns for the next few days. Bakugou wrapped an arm loosely around your waist, tugging you closer to him on his lap. Kiri still petted your hair, pressed up against the blond man’s side as he smiled at you.
“It’s fine baby, calm down. Maybe one day you’ll see what we see.” Without leaving any room for you to argue, Kirishima planted a quick smooch on your forehead before rising from the couch. “Do you two have any preferences for dinner? I was thinking we could order something from that yakisoba place, remember Bakugou? The one Mina recommended.”
“Yeah, go for it. They have any spicy shit?”
Tuning them out, you swiped at your tears, trying to reel yourself back into a steady emotional state. You feel so weak these days, both physically and emotionally. Being held captive by the two men had worn you down, made you prone to teary outbursts. You held no control - your daily routine dictated by the men from the first day they had snatched you from your home. You were reluctant to obey, had even fought them at first, but you quickly realized it was easier (and less painful) to just do what they wanted.  
Fighting was useless.
Weeks had passed since your little outburst. Unfortunately, Bakugou and Kirishima weren’t willing to give up praising you every chance they got.  You had an inkling suspicion that they had upped the amount of comments they made about you ever since that day, enjoying watching you squirm and your face go bright red. It made you blush, yes. Made your heart beat a little faster, made you flounder for words if you were in the middle of speaking. But you just felt….. shame when they praised you. 
They lauded you for your obedience, how compliant you were for them. Kiri would ask you to sit down and wait at the table while he answered the door (“don’t make a sound baby.”), and you did. Bakugou would have you sit in his lap while playing video games, and you tried you’re best not to squirm. It made you almost feel sick inside, how quickly you had adjusted to being their “good girl”. You just wanted to please, didn’t want them angry at you.
What really made you blush was when they would strip you down, bend you over the nearest surface. They’d be fucking into you, fondling your body while whispering compliments in-between kisses. You never felt “beautiful” nor “delicious”, no matter how many times they told you otherwise. It was especially humiliating when one of them would take you on the bed, the other watching. You always wanted to hide, shield away your body from their prying eyes, but they never let you.
You just didn’t get it, didn’t understand what they saw when they looked at you. Staring into the bathroom mirror, all you saw were your imperfections, your insecurities.  It was shameful, pathetic. You felt entirely unworthy of the attention and love you were being showered with.
The boys had seemed more… energetic today, Kirishima almost seeming to bounce with each step, Bakugou smiling gently at you. It made you nervous. It made you even more nervous when Bakugou took his leave, giving both you and Kirishima a quick peck on the lips before going out the door. It was a weekend, and you knew that both men didn’t have work today. You tried asking Kirishima where Bakugou was going, but all you got out of him was a laugh and “Don’t worry about it! He’s gonna do a little bit of shopping.”
Well, at least that eased your mind a tiny bit.
You didn’t have much time to dwell on it though, Kirishima herding you into the basement.  It was the their home gym, filled with weights and machines that kept the two men strong and fit, and you weren’t usually allowed down there. If you were, it was because both of the men were present, and they could watch you while they worked out (you knew that they liked showing off for you, even if they didn’t admit it.).
But today Kiri wasn’t going down there to work out. Once the two of you made it down the steps, Kiri was pulling an exercise bench over, instructing you to lay down on it, belly up.  You did what he said.
“‘Kay, I’m gonna go upstairs to get some stuff. I want your shorts off by the time I get back, alright baby?”
You nodded.
Sighing, you shimmied your shorts down as he left. You never had to worry about underwear - they never let you wear it unless you were on your period. You knew vaguely what direction this was going in, and had already resigned yourself to getting fucked silly by the redhead. It was practically useless trying to resist.
When he came back, you were surprised. He had rope and…… a Hitachi. That was new. In the short time you’d been living with them, you had gotten used to their habits when they fucked you. Neither man was too interested in toys,  preferring to stimulate you manually, so this was an unwelcome surprise.
“Mmhm, you look so sexy baby.” Kiri kneeled down next to you, before peeling apart your thighs. He grinned at you, shark teeth flashing, before snatching up the Hitachi wand, pressing it directly against your pussy. You didn’t like where this is going. 
He didn’t turn it on, instead reaching for the rope that he had brought down. The redhead began wrapping it around your thighs, lifting your legs to encircle them with the rope. It took a few minutes, which were tense, silent as you watched him work.  He made sure to also circle the rope around your hands and torso, anchoring your arms by your side. When Kiri was finished, you were trapped, unable to move your legs, to even simply part them an inch. The Hitachi wand was still directly on your pussy, snug and unmoving. It rubbed against your clit, making you bite your lip at the delicious friction.  Kirishima gave you a flashy smile, turning to ruffle your hair. Distantly you noticed he didn’t have a shirt on.
“Alright babe, we’re gonna have some fun while we wait for Katsuki. You know what this is?” He tapped the wand nestled between your legs.
“It’s…. It’s a vibrator.” You managed, throat suddenly dry.
Kirishima seemed to beam even brighter. “Yeah! I’m gonna turn it on, let you have your fun. But you gotta tell me before you cum, okay? Think you can do that?”
A quick nod from you and the vibrator buzzed to life between your legs, Kirishima not in the mood to dawdle. Your back arched off the bench at the sensation, the pleasure quick and intense. Kirishima stayed kneeling beside you, watching you writhe as he changed the speed of the wand. 
It didn’t take long for you to cry out, “Kirishima, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body. It made your shirt stick to your chest, accentuate the heaving of your breasts as panted. Right before you orgasmed though, Kiri flipped the off switch, the vibrations cutting off and leaving you hanging. Your eyes shot open, confusion furrowing you’re brow.
“Wha-Kiri? What?”
The redhead smirked, pressing a hand to your tummy to prevent you from moving against the wand, desperate for more stimulation, desperate to orgasm.
“Not yet baby, not yet.”
He patted your stomach soothingly as you stared up at him in confusion. You had been so close! Why have you tell him when you’re going to cum, only to rip that away from you??
A minute passed, then two, Kirishima still rubbing his big hand across your tummy. It was meant to be soothing, a soft gesture, but it only heated your skin, made pleasure thrum in your veins. When you had sufficiently calmed down, chest no longer heaving, Kiri reached down and flicked the wand back on, chuckling at the way you desperately ground against the rounded head of the toy.
“Mm, desperate little baby, aren’t you?” He was kissing your neck, letting his tongue slip out to lick at the skin there.  It set you on fire. Reaching the high of orgasm came even quicker this time, spurred on by your movements and determination to cum. If you didn’t tell Kirishima when you were about to, he wouldn’t be able to stop you. So you stayed silent, circling your hips as best you could, leaning into the hot kisses being pressed to your throat.
All of a sudden, the vibrator clicked off, Kirishima’s hand on your tummy once again.
“Thought you could get away with that one? You’re so cute.”
You felt like screaming, yelling out your frustration. He knew your body too well, could feel the hitch in your breath as you prepared to orgasm, felt your fingers tighten, clenching around nothing. He had stopped the vibrator right as you were beginning to feel it, the wave of pleasure. It was frustrating.
You could hardly believe you were thinking this, but you couldn’t wait for Bakugou to get back.
It was torture, having your orgasm slip away from you time after time. Kirishima was having fun, groping your chest, leaving sloppy kisses along your neck and collarbone. He liked seeing you struggle, almost at the point of begging and pleading with him in your need to cum.
He had been edging you for a while now, you didn’t even know how many orgasms he had yanked you away from. Kiri had just stopped you once more, turning the vibrator off and holding you still /right/ as you felt yourself letting go. You wanted to scream, on the verge of tears. But then Kirishima was glancing at his phone, stuffing it in his pocket before standing so he could untie you from the bench.
“Bakugou’s back, we’re gonna go see what he brought home for us!”
You could barely think straight, wincing when Kiri removed the vibrator pressing up against your pussy. You were drenched, pussy wet and red and puffy, your own slick covering your thighs. Kirishima helped you to your feet, guiding you into your shorts. You were too out of it to do much, simply letting the man guide and push and lift your body as he pleased. When he pressed up against you to pull your shorts snug over your hips, you felt his bulge through his shorts, poking you in the stomach.  You suppose he’d been waiting for relief too, just the same as you.
Kirishima helped you totter up the basement stairs, then guided you towards the bedroom, hand on your waist. You stumbled through the door, eyes immediately focusing on the giant mirror leaned up against the wall. How had Bakugou even gotten it through the door?  
“Damn Kiri, you’re really worked up.”
Bakugou was sitting on the bed, unlacing his shoes. Kirishima chuckled, hand leaving your waist so he could go sit beside the blonde.
“Me and her both man. Had to hold myself back, she was making such raunchy sounds.”
Their attention turned to you, both men smirking as they eyed you, Kirishima still with a prominent tent in his shorts.
“Yeah, I fuckin’ bet.”  Bakugou smirked. 
Kirishima stood, stepping languidly around you until he was at your back, broad chest pressing up against you.
“I mean, look at this -“ a hand cupped your mound, making you jump. You were still sensitive from being denied so many times, even the slightest touch had you twitching. “ - she’s fucking dripping.”
It was true, the crotch of your shorts soaked with your juices. Kiri rubbed his index finger against the seam, pressing it up and against your clit. You shuddered, hand flying up at grasp onto his arm. It felt so good, you hated his touch, didn’t want his hands on you, but oh, your body liked it.
Kirishima pushed you forward, fingers still teasing you through your wet shorts.  You gasped when you were pushed face first into the bed, bent at the waist.  A hot, blunt hardness rubbed up against you, Kiri’s hand still cupping your mound.
“You’re being such a good little bitch, letting us do whatever the fuck we want to your stupid little cunt.” 
You lifted your eyes, saw Bakugou smirking down at you as you were rocked gently by the force of Kiri’s humping. The blond was palming himself over his jeans, but your attention was quickly shifted when you felt your shorts getting ripped down, off your body.
“Step out.” You obeyed. Kirishima was hungry, lustful - voice deeper and serious now - no trace of his signature lightheartedness. He always got like this this when he was excited.  Your head was wrenched to the side, cheek mashed against the bedspread, large hand pressing and holding you in place. Belatedly, you recognized you were facing the mirror leaned against the wall, could see Kirishima’s bulk behind you, his shorts already pulled down to reveal his hard cock. If you hadn’t taken it before, you would be scared. He was thick, blunt and girthy - not to mention a considerable length. The tip was flushed red, almost purple, shiny with leaked precum and almost swollen. 
“Look at yourself in the mirror baby, you see that? How nice you look, all obedient and ready to take my cock? Such a good, sweet little girl.”
You looked so tiny compared to the redhead, the man having to bend his knees slightly to rub the head of his cock against your pussy. You tried not to moan when he focused it on your clit, rubbing it rapidly over the nub.  “Kiri - please……Aah! Let me - lemme cum..” You whined.
“God, you’re so perfect, you know that?” He breathed out a laugh, still rubbing the head of his blunt cock over your clit, hand still forcing your head to the side, making you watch his movements. You almost wanted to cry - being teased and denied for so long. You just wanted to cum, wanted to get this over quickly so you could go shower. 
Normally seeing yourself in a mirror was something you’d try to avoid, not favoring the way you looked. But now, you were mesmerized, watching through the reflection the way Kirishima’s red cock pulsed as he finally, finally slipped it into your opening. You choked on a moan as he slowly stretched you out, feeding inch after inch of his wide cock into you. In the mirror, you saw him tip his head back, groaning low in his throat when he finally bottomed out, fat balls pressed flush against you.
 “Fuck, oh god, feels so good. You’re so good, can feel your pretty little pussy trying to milk me.” He leaned down, warm chest plastered across your back as he whispered in your ear. 
“You really want this, don’t you? Such a gorgeous baby, so sexy and hot and  perfect.”
The man didn’t start out slowly, he never did. He was aggressive, unrelenting as he thrust his fat cock into you over and over. Your legs were shaking, the pleasure making you weak-kneed, your tongue lolling out of your open mouth, unable to quiet your moans. Kirishima’s pace was frenzied, excited, animalistic as he chased his own pleasure, the sound of his skin slapping against your own filling the room. It was incredible.
His dick hit all the right spots, pressing you closer and closer to your orgasm. If he didn’t let you cum this time you were going to cry.  Your could hear the lecherous, sinful sounds of your pussy squelching, milky juices getting everywhere. It coated his dick, was covering your thighs. You could feel drops of wetness being flicked everywhere on every thrust, the wet, fast slaps of his thighs against you making your stomach clench even harder.  The hand in your hair pulled up slightly, wrenching your head back in order for Kiri to give your a quick, desperate kiss - full of teeth and spit. He had hardly detached from your lips before he was mouthing at your back, spitting out filth as he did so.
“Shit, I love you so much. Wish I could be inside you all time - see how easily your body takes me? You were made for this, such a filthy little baby. Always look so tempting, always wanna fuck you, fill you up, make you squirt.” 
His words were getting to you, as you were forced to watch him pounding into you, hips snapping and tensing in an animalistic fashion. It was too much - the pleasure, his crude words, the visual of seeing yourself getting fucked, worshipped. Your eyes closed, clenching shut as you moaned over a particularly satisfying thrust. Kiri didn’t like that. The hand not holding your head against the bed slipped underneath you, immediately finding your clit, pinching at it viciously.
“Open your eyes, keep watching or else I stop.”
You wailed, eyes flying open. Kirishima was smiling, still kissing sloppily at your back as he began playing with your clit.
“You always look so tasty, can’t tell you - Fuck! - how many times I think about fucking your brains out during the day - shit, you’re so good for me.”
HIs hips stuttered as he rammed forward, signaling he was close. He wasn’t the only one - your hands clawing at the bedspread, your hips moving and twitching as you tried to grind yourself against his hand, his cock slamming into you.  His big hand rubbed you just right, and it sent a pang of sizzling pleasure trough your body.  A broken cry left you as you finally orgasmed, hot, shaking, senseless. Thank god.
The wild twitching of your pussy as you rode out your high triggered Kirishima’s own orgasm, the man burying his face between your shoulder blades as his own hips twitched wildly, humping his cock into you as he released his seed.  He was cursing, saying something, but it was muffled by the skin he caught between his teeth, making you squeal as you felt hot cum shoot into you. It took a minute for the man to slow down, thrusting through his orgasm and into the aftershocks, milking and prolonging both of your pleasure. It felt so good, so right. You were so high from the endorphins that you couldn’t even think to remember how wrong this was, how you didn’t want any of it.
Pulling out, Kirishima watched his cum begin dripping out of your cunt, pushing himself away from your back as he stood, chest heaving, body glistening with sweat. You were barely able to keep yourself up, still bent over the bed, legs wobbly and arms jelly. A separate set of hands pulled you to the side, and you let yourself be manhandled, pulled and situated in Bakugou’s lap, his chest to your back.
You had forgotten about Bakugou.
His jeans were off, along with his boxers. His shirt was gone too, thrown somewhere on the floor. The blond ripped at the shirt still plastered to your chest, the fabric giving in easily to his strength. You couldn’t bring yourself to care as it shredded right through the middle, freeing your tits. It’s not like it hid anything anyways.
“Jesus, that was so fuckin’ hot, watching Kiri pound into you like that. Look at yourself, leaking everywhere like a damn hose. You like having Kiri’s cum sliding out of your soggy little cunt?” 
His chin hooked over your shoulder and he directed your gaze forward. 
There was another mirror.
It was leaned up against the far wall, allowing you a perfect view of your sweaty, debauched body as Bakugou spread you legs, hooking your knees over his own so he could force your thighs even further apart. Oh god.
He was hard as a rock, moving your body around on his lap so his dick pressed up against the outside of your pussy, cum still escaping from your hole. You were exhausted, body limp and pliant - you didn’t know if you could go another round.
Bakugou didn’t care.
A harsh slap had you crying out, a sharp “Ah!”  Filling the room. Bakugou slapped your slit again, and you tried to curl in on yourself, protect yourself from the abuse on your sensitive pussy. The blond slithered a hand around your chest, reaching up to grip your throat lightly.
“Stop that. Fucking look at this shit. See how sloppy your pussy is? Everytime I do this - “ He delivered another quick slap, and you writhed on his lap, which caused you to push against the hard cock nestled between your thighs. “ - You let more cream out.”
Without saying anything more, Bakugou shoved the hand not around your throat under your thigh, lifting you up just enough so he could slip his dick into you. HIs cock was less girth than Kirishima’s - it was  about the same length but a more manageable size. He had been jacking off while watching Kiri fuck you, so his length was already coated in a layer of his spit and precum. That, combined with the cum already drenching your insides,  meant he met virtually no resistance as he thrust up slowly.
You writhed, the hand at your throat and at your thigh keeping you steady in his lap. Kirishima was on the floor, leaning his back against the bed as he watched the two of you in the mirror, still panting and calming down from his intense orgasm. 
There wasn’t any time to adjust, to ask Bakugou to wait, you’re too sensitive to go again! He was more relaxed than Kirishima, more controlled and languid in his thrusting. He rolled his hips, bouncing you gently in his lap as he forced you to keep your head straight, despite your efforts to turn away from the mirror showing your own reflection. You looked absolutely filthy - face flushed, tits bouncing, Bakugou’s hard cock drilling into you. You couldn’t help but moan, the sight stirring up something, some heated feeling inside your tummy.You liked watching them fuck you.
“Goddamn, every single time feels so fucking good. Shit, shit shit shit - it’s like you were made for us!”
He sounded so gleeful, so truthful. You unconsciously clenched around his length, feeling tingly as his thrusts ground deep, hit every single spot that made a sweet zing of  bliss race through your body.
“Ah, ah fuck, you finally get it? You see what we’re fuckin’ on about when we say you look so damn delicious? Shit, I wanna take a bite outta you, so juicy and ripe and fucking perfect.”
Bakugou was out of breath, his voice deep as he growled at you.  You grabbed at the arm around your chest, his thighs, his hair - anything to anchor yourself as his balls papped against you. You could hear someone moaning, whining and sobbing, was that you?
Kirishima had recovered, moving to kneel between Bakugou’s and your own spread legs. “Bakugou, you two look so good together.” That seemed to spur the blond on, his thrusts speeding up as he grunted. You screamed when you felt  a wet muscle swip at your clit, looking down to see Kirishima grinning up at you, his tongue hanging out. On each thrust, he was licking at Bakugou’s cock, and then at your clit right above him, making you wiggle and spasm as you tried to escape the intense sensation.
“Kiri, Kir- stop! Stop, please I can’t! Stop, stop stop stop!”
You were pushing at his head, albeit weakly, but you were trying to move him away, becoming frantic as the combined efforts of the two men overwhelmed you, had you throwing your head back against Bakugou’s shoulder and gasping. Bakugou snickered, before plunging his tongue into your open mouth, stealing a kiss. You whined, scrabbling at his arms, Kirishima’s hair, trying to get away but simultaneously trying to bring the two of them closer. It felt so /good/, you didn’t even have the words to describe how heavenly and lascivious and filthy you were feeling. 
“Hah, you’re so wet, you hear yourself? Sloppy girl. Taking me so well, shit, so goddamn good.”
You could indeed, hear yourself. On every thrust of Bakugou’s, your pussy squelched, greedily sucking him in. It was absolutely filthy, hearing your juices and Kiri’s cum sloshing together as Bakugou shoved his cock into you, again and again. You could hear Kirishima slurping at your cunt with fervor, could tell by the slick sounds and rhythmic movement of his arm that he was frantically jerking himself off as he lapped at the point where Bakugou’s hot flesh met your own.  It was hot, not only in temperature. 
“C’mon baby, let it out, let me taste you. Wanna see you clenching around Katsuki’s cock like the good, sweet little girl you are.”
Kirishima’s words hand you reeling, and the second his lips went back to attacking your clit, you were gone. It almost hurt, how tense your muscles became, squeezing an agonizingly delicious orgasm out of you. Bakugou felt you release, his thrusts speeding up as Kirishima kept his tongue out, laving at Bakuguo’s cock as he hammered into your clenching cunt. You were crying, twisting In Bakugou’s hold as you were quickly overstimulated, shrieking as you were left with no respite.
It didn’t take long for Bakugou to cum, spurred on by your writhing and tears, the way you were begging and pleading and sobbing, imploring the men to stop. With a guttural moan, the blond gave on last thrust, shooting his seed into you, hot ropes of cum filling you up. Kirishima was still licking around Bakugou’s cock, catching the cum and slick that squeezed it’s way past the cock plugging you up.
You shivered, relaxing against the hard chest behind you as Kirishima eventually stopped lapping at you, his own arm still. He had cum again at some point, pumping his cock into his own fist. Bakugou pressed a gentle kiss behind your ear, panting hotly against the shell.
“Fuuuuuck-“ he whined out “- that was amazing.”
“Mhmm.” Kiri hummed his agreement, slowly standing. The redhead flopped down on the bed, crawling up to sprawl out on one side, head resting against a pillow. Bakugou slipped out of you with no warning, your sudden gasp as you felt wet drip out of you making him chuckle. He maneuvered your lax body onto the bed, next to Kirishima, before pressing himself up behind you, trapping your body between the two men. You were too tired to feel gross, to mind the wet slide of your thighs as you shifted into a more comfortable position. Kirishima threw an arm around your waist, leaning up on his elbow to hover over and across you, stealing a kiss from Bakugou. Then he was stealing one from you, wet mouth connected to your own. 
You didn’t fight.
When he flopped back down, you breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like you could finally relax as the two men stayed silent, all three of you exhausted, fucked out. 
This was only the tip of the ice berg. 
If you knew how often and intensely the men intended to fuck you near the mirrors, you would probably pass out. They just wanted to show you what they saw in you. It had been two of the strongest orgasms you had experienced in a while, but there was no way you’d admit it was because of their praising and insistence  on making you watch yourself getting railed by them.
For now, you let yourself drift into a comfortable doze, let the heat of the two bodies caging you in keep you warm, keep you trapped.
Why bother fighting? 
There was no escape.
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fbfh · 3 years
I mean, you did ask - leo x reader
all  characters are aged up to 18+ for smexy subtext
word count: 2k
pairing: leo x gn child of calliope reader
genre: adventure, romance, hints at a lowkey soulmate au
summary: after a bumpy reunion turned interrogation with your friends, you finally prove to Leo that you’re someone worth catching up with
warnings: swearing, friends hold you at knife point (for good reason) memory loss, dimesion/reality travel, the phrase “horrible sexy little goose” not about an actual animal, moderate time difference between worlds, reader is acting like a cocky piece of shit half the time, you call yourself sexy a lot, annabeth slaps reader and reader is unbothered, reader and leo hae very visceral reactions upon seeing each other, piper picks up on this, moderately aggressive face grabbing, discussing personal info with someone somewhat privately, brief mentions of hand holding and hair pulling during sex, you spill tea about the rest of the demisquad, I think that’s it pls tell me if I missed any
song rec: choke - i don’t know how but they found me
a/n: this is from a very vivid daydream I had so er ah if reader seems op coded that’s cause she is uwu
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You were excited to reunite with your friends after so long, but being tied up and held hostage at knifepoint by the people you love who don’t even remember you wasn’t the welcome wagon you were hoping for. Then again, as a child of Calliope, you can’t say you’re surprised. 
Apollo has a lot of kids, but demigod children of the muses are exceptionally less common. They’re volatile, really powerful, extremely engrossed in their art, and usually care more about their latest thesis paper or painting or manuscript than going on quests, and more often than not have very specific powers. You, for example, love quests but feel like you never get to go on any, usually because you’re fighting monsters somewhere else. One fun little power you inherited from your mom is - somewhat involuntary - dimension shifting. 
A lot of times you just get summoned somewhere else, with a little inherent background knowledge and your weapon, set free into the new world like a horrible sexy little goose. There’s usually some kind of objective you need to meet; find this person, set something in motion, give someone support in a time of need, deliver a package. After that, you get sent back to your family at camp half blood. The catch, one of them at least, is that a few days Somewhere Else could be no more than a few minutes in your homeverse. 
Another catch is that because of all that, and the fact that you wouldn’t know how to begin explaining, let alone if anyone would believe you, no one knows you can do this yet. Chiron has an idea, but you’ve never told anyone outright. 
You guess now is as good of a time as any to come clean, as Percy holds his sword threateningly close to your neck. You let out a disbelieving laugh, and bite the inside of your cheek.
“Okay, okay… you want the truth?” he starts to back off, and you continue, leaning forward, “I’m not surprised you’d want to know where someone this sexy-” your words cut off as Annabeth’s hand slaps you across the face. You let out a laugh of disbelief, cheek stinging.
“A cheap shot, Annabeth? Wow, I really didn’t take you for the type,” she grabs your face, leaning in close, knife once again against your throat. 
"How do you know my name." She hisses, and behind her, the door opens. Messy dark curls peek over her head in your vision and you know instantly who it is. Your heart starts pounding, loud and hard, and something heavy starts swirling deep in your gut. Your eyes lock as soon as he enters the room and an instinctive smile blooms on your face, knowing what's inevitably on its way. 
"Hey Sparky…" 
Your voice, slow and drawling (and, he'd be lying if he didn't say kind of very sexy) impales him as soon as he enters the room. He watches your pupils expand, eyes locked, immediately swept away by your magnetic aura. A fox like grin decorates your pretty face, and he gets the feeling you know more than you let on. Way more. He's so drawn to you on a guttural level, way more than he's ever been to someone before. His face is hot, and when you slowly wink at him, he feels flames erupt on his cheeks. It takes him a second to put it out, feeling your white hot gaze on him the entire time. 
Piper, who's been helping with your interrogation, looks back and forth between you two as this progresses, taking in a breath and mumbling a shocked, "Oh," as she begins to understand. 
"How are those repairs coming?" Jason asks, oblivious to everything that's happening between you two. 
"Uh… nearly done…" Leo mutters, watching as you hold back an elated giggle at the sound of his voice. You never forget how good it feels to see him again, but the fresh feeling is always better than you can imagine. Jason glances between you two, and walks over to Leo, suspicious of your interest in him. 
"I'll walk you back," Jason says, glaring at you. Your eyes stay locked with Leo's until the door finally closes again. Piper stares at you, bewildered by the tension turned to frantic energy crackling around both you and Leo. She can sense it on him even after he's out of the room. 
Annabeth finally drops your face, pacing and pinching the bridge of her nose. Percy slams him hands down on the table and levels his face with yours. 
"I'm gonna ask you one last time. How do you know us?" 
You stare at the table for a second, still thinking about him. You have to see him again. You’ve waited for too long, you just can’t do it anymore. 
“H- okay. Um,” You blink a few times, facade falling away almost instantly as you look up in a silent prayer that this doesn’t go as badly as you feel like it will. You sigh, looking back up at the other people in the room, a new, deliberate intention in your eyes that they hadn’t seen before. 
“You want to know why I’m here?” 
Their answer is the silence that follows.
“You’re not gonna believe me.” They look around at each other, collectively thinking about everything they’ve been through in the last year alone.
“Try us.” Annabeth replies. You sigh again, and introduce yourself. “...I’m a child of Calliope, muse of epic poetry, and I know you all because we grew up together. One of the fun - quirks, I inherited from my mom is traveling into different stories, or realities, I guess. It’s hard to control, and sometimes happens involuntarily. I adapt to wherever I am, and the universe sort of auto adjusts to follow the rules that stories have to follow. 
The reason you don’t remember me is because I was gone for a really long time, and your story had to keep going. Trying to find me wouldn’t have moved the plot forward, questioning where I went would have been confusing, so it did the simplest thing and edited me out so you could get closer to meeting your objectives.”
Once again, their silence is your answer. 
“Guys, sidebar.” Annabeth says, pulling Percy, Jason, and Piper out of the room for a moment. The come back in a little while later, and she looks you dead in the eye.
“If you really know us as well as you say you do, prove it. Tell us you’d only know if we were as close as you say we were.” 
You sigh yet again, having lost count at how many times that’s happened today alone. You roll your shoulders and bob your head, irritable that you’re still restrained and itching to move. 
“Is there anything we can do before the whole tell me something really personal thing?” 
Percy looks at you, challenging.
“Can you do it or not?”
Another noise of exasperation leaves you, and you agree, resignation all over your face.
“You know what, yeah. Okay, we’re doing this. Someone go get Leo.” An involuntary smile once again launches onto your face at the mention of his name. Jason starts to object. 
“Hey, I’m not going to spill something personal about someone when they’re not in the room.” They agree reluctantly, and Jason leaves, returning again with Leo. You look at him again, enraptured by his presence. He can’t say he doesn’t like the attention - a hottie like you looking at him like that? Yes, please - but something about it feels different, and he gets the feeling there’s a lot more going on than they’re aware of. 
You nod your head once, indicating for him to come closer. He gets a little closer. You widen your eyes, nodding two more times, and he hesitantly gets within whispering distance. 
You turn your head to your left, dangerously close to his face. He can feel his pulse already speeding up. Heat radiates between your faces, your breath fanning over his neck as you whisper slowly,
“You really… really like holding hands, and when I pull your hair during sex.” 
He pulls away from you quickly, beet red, bewildered expression obvious to everyone in the room. “H-how-”
“How do you think?” You reply calmly, loving everything about him, “Okay, to be fair…” you nod once more, eyes flaring, and he leans in once again, equally hesitant and curious. Your words tickle his ear, seeming to light up his entire nervous system like a firecracker.
“I really really like when you bite that spot on my neck, just below my ear.” 
He pulls away again, trying not to literally and figuratively combust. He stares in your eyes intensely, searching for anything besides the truth. He finds absolutely nothing. He turns around, unable to look his friends in the eye. 
“They’re legit, guys.” 
“Wait, what did you say to him?” Piper asks, unsure if she wants to know the answer. 
“Yeah,” Annabeth agrees, “what if it’s some kind of mind control-” Your deep, burning desire to finally hold Leo after god knows how long is starting to beat your better judgement, and you really, really want to be untied from this stupid chair. “Annabeth! Your favorite show was Cyber Chase growing up, you used to come up with plans on how to defeat Hacker, your best was cutting off his food supply - good strategy, I’ve used it before, myself. 
Percy, you feel like you can’t sing because you were forced to participate in an elementary school recital and some kid called you tonedeaf behind your back, it kicked you right in the RSD balls. 
Piper, you’re a closet weeb, you watched Ouran High School Host club obsessively and still do sometimes, you fell for Jason because he had, quote, 'Tamaki's looks and Kyoya's brains, the ideal man'. 
Jason, that scar on your lip is from biting a stapler as a child-"
"Okay, everyone knows that-"
"-and," you continue, showing no signs of stopping, "the reason you ate the stapler is because you were pretending to be a trash compactor because you saw one on TV. 
Nico is totally not right outside the door keeping guard right now, but if he were and you asked him if he likes the diary of a wimpy kid movies he'll ask how the hell you know that - should I continue."
Again, the answers are in the silence hovering in the room. 
“I think it’s about time to catch me up on what I missed.” 
A beat passes.
“Right,” Annabeth says, blinking and readjusting her ponytail as she sits down across from you, Percy already taking the bindings off of your wrists, “so, about the quest…”
She starts to fill you in on the details you missed, bringing you up to speed. After a little while you all decide to call it a night. Piper senses your energy ramping up in spite of the exhaustion settling in. You finally bid them all good night, but Piper’s not sold by your forced yawns. After what feels like another lifetime, you finally leave the room you’ve been in for hours with one objective. 
You can’t stay away from him anymore, you have to find Leo. 
After navigating a maze of hallways and doors, you finally push open the right one to see him looking up at you, and find yourself saying for the second time tonight,
“Hey, Sparky…” 
His heart is racing, and he gets that heavy, full feeling in his chest again, not having fully shaken it from the last time you saw each other. Looking into your eyes makes him nostalgic for something he can’t quite remember, and he knows with full certainty that you have more history than he’s aware of. He wants more than anything in this moment to remember. He sets down the wrench in his hand, taking a step toward you.
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roanniom · 3 years
Hi there!! Do you write for Clyde or will you write anything with Clyde in the near future? I loved your Paterson oneshot it was so sweet and it made me wonder how you would write sweet ol' Clyde. I don't know if you take requests, and if you don't I'm sooo sorry, but it would be really cute to read about how flustered he gets at the bar because he sees you there. Like he's bumbling and fumbling and stuff. Anyway, ignore this if you don't take requests!
Oh gosh thanks for you kind words anon! I really don’t take requests right now because I just started barely writing my own fics, but I do like that idea so I can run with it a bit..
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First Conversation Jitters
Clyde Logan x Reader
Clyde has noticed you come into the bar a few times in the last couple weeks. How could he not - you’re absolutely gorgeous. Captivating with the way your smile lights up your face, going all the way to your eyes in that way he’s noticed doesn’t happen in many people. Your laugh is a strong one. Not that high, shrill  kind of laugh that girls sometimes put on to be cute, no. Yours comes from deep within you. A rich sound that fills out the belly of the bar in a way that makes your friends join in and even people at other tables, even if they don’t know the punchline. Your whole body moves when you laugh. That’s what Clyde likes most.
All Clyde wants to do is make you laugh himself. Watch your shoulders move up and down as amusement bubbles from your lips. But so far, you’ve been so encased in your gaggle of girlfriends that he’s kept his distance. No need to give the girls something unsavory to laugh at, whether it be his fumbling compliments or his prosthetic or both.
Not that he thinks you’d really laugh at him. He doesn’t know you but you give him that feeling. He can’t imagine a person who laughs with their whole body would laugh at a body like his.  
You’re all alone today and sitting at the bar instead of at a table out on the main floor. No friends swarm around you or hang on your every word and you certainly aren’t laughing. In fact you seem tired as you place your bag down at your feet. Clyde doesn’t know this yet, but you’ve been stood up for a date and you are tired. Tired of the carousel of men who are all talk and no substance. 
Clyde doesn’t know this, but he knows this is his one chance to talk to you. Anxiety rushes through his system as he feels his flesh hand go clammy. He wipes it on his jeans before approaching.
“Hello there! Do ya...I mean I can...well, what I mean to say is can I get ya somethin’?” Clyde internally kicks himself for stumbling over his worlds already. But you look up at him with big, sad eyes that contrast with your smile and he forgets the stutter. Forgets his question.
“Yeah, can I get a glass of cabernet?”
Oh right. What can he get you.
“Yes you certainly can, ma’am.” Clyde turns to grab an open bottle but as he does so, he hears your laugh. The ringing sound makes his heart flip and the bottle slips through his fingers, though he saves it at the very last second by grabbing onto the cork.
“Nice catch!” you say from behind him. Clyde turns around and grins sheepishly, reaching for an empty wine glass.
“Thanks. If ya don’t mind me askin’… what were ya laughing at at first?” Clyde releases the cork with a loud pop and goes about pouring the burgundy liquid in the glass. “Ya know, before ya had to laugh at the idiot who almost dropped a nice bottle all o’er the place.”
“Oh no, no! I wouldn’t laugh at you!” You hurriedly shake your head. “It really was a nice catch.” You adjust yourself on the stool and nod a thank you as Clyde hands you your glass. “I was laughing at the fact that you called me ma’am. Makes me feel like my mother!”
“Oh m’sorry darlin,’ I didn’t mean it that way -” Clyde fidgets with his hat, turning red around his ears.
“I prefer that,” you say playfully. The sadness has left your eyes now, replaced by the smile that seeps in like melted butter.
“Me callin’ ya darlin’?”
You take a sip from the glass and look at him over the rim. “I’d rather that over ma’am so yes. You call me darlin’. Do we have a deal, handsome?”
Clyde puts the bottle away before he can break it again, but also so he can buy himself some time to slow his breathing. Turning back around he nods slowly.
“Of course…darlin’.” He smiles around the word this time, shy but pleased. You lean forward, propping your elbows on the bar and resting your chin in your palms.
“So what do I call you, handsome?”
Clyde swallows back the desire to reply that “handsome” is just fine with him, thank you very much. But he’s too nervous to do that, made queasy by how open you’re being and how kind to him you are and how he doesn’t want to mess this up. So he just says:
Little talk maybe, for now. But all substance so far. You bite your lip and smile.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Clyde.” You reach out for a shake and when your hands join over the bar Clyde looks into your eyes. They’re clear and bright and you’re not looking down at his prosthetic and you’re not making fun of the way he fumbles over his words.
Does he drop two or three more items before the night is over. Absolutely.
Does he finally steel his nerves enough to ask for your number? Yes.
Do you give it to him? Also yes – on a napkin in purple ink with little hearts next to the name Darlin’.
Tagging some Clyd-lovin’ pals/random kind folks because this ended up being way too long so I may as well make it a more legit post lol: @clydesfavoritegirl @clydeslilbitch @thegreenmatt @reyloaddict55 @paper-in-ashes-fanfiction @morby @sacklerscumrag @mariesackler @historyandfandoms50 @wayward-rose
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redgillan · 4 years
Under Pastel Skies - 1
Sugar daddy!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern!AU Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
Word Count: 2,183
Warnings: none
A/N: This is brand new and probably one of the softest series I’ve ever written. I hope you enjoy it, these two are going to fall in love so hard!
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“I don’t feel good.”
You started rocking back and forth, your breathing coming too fast and too shallow. A drop of sweat rolled down from your armpit, making you hyperaware of the fact that you were looking like a mess. You pressed the back of your hand to your forehead and groaned; your hairline was wet.
Looking at your dress, you felt bile rise up in your throat.
You should have worn the blue dress. Blue was a nice colour, everyone loved blue. Blue made people calm and at ease. No, instead, you had taken Natasha’s advice and put on the tight orange-red dress that clung to your body and made your breasts look incredible.
But now the dress stuck uncomfortably to your body, the space between your breasts was wet and glistening. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think. Red was the colour of passion, of anger and danger, and you just had to deal with your poor life decision.
Although deep down, you knew it wasn’t about the dress, or its colour.
“Relax,” Natasha said, sipping her lemonade. “I’m here, it’s going to be fine.”
“I am not fucking relaxed, Nat,” you repeated with a scoff. “I’m at a bar, about to meet a potential sugar daddy; that’s not what normal people do on a Friday night.”
“You’d be surprised,” she sassed. You gave her an unimpressed look. “Look, you can live with me for as long as you like, and you can work odd shifts at the hotel for the rest of your life if that’s what you want. But I know you, you’re an artist, and artists need freedom and benefactors. Sam is the reason I finished paying my tuition. You can call him my sugar daddy, but I prefer the word scholarship.”
Yeah, it was only a matter of perspective –and vocabulary. Some may call this whole thing brilliant, others stupid. You weren’t quite sure what to think yet.
“And this guy’s legit?” you asked for the nth time.
“Yes, Sam says he’s a great guy; sweet, handsome, thoughtful. He’s the whole package.”
You eyed the pair of napkins the waiter had placed on the table along with your drinks, and wondered if it would be appropriate to stick them under your armpits to sop up the sweat trickling down your sides.
“Oh, fuck it,” you grumbled, reaching for the napkins.
You patted your armpits dry while you anxiously scanned the growing crowd. It was a high end bar, definitely not your usual hang out spot. The patrons were dressed in designer clothes and wore jewellery that cost more than your three years of art classes at the School of Visual Arts.
“Do we really have to stay sober?”
Natasha cocked a brow at you. “You don’t drink.”
You only groaned in response.
“I know how you’re feeling, I’ve been there, too,” she replied. “It’ll be like a normal first date. You’ll get to know each other, see if you guys hit it off, and if everything goes well you’ll talk about the arrangement. You can’t give consent if you’re under the influence of alcohol, so drink your lemonade and stop fussing, yeah?”
Like an obedient child, you brought the bent straw to your lips and took a quick sip of the icy refreshment. You toyed with the straw and watched the ice cubes slowly shrink. It was strangely soothing.
“They’re here.”
And just like that, your panic returned full force. You snapped your head up and tried to smile when you saw Sam approaching your table. You set your drink down on the coffee table and wiped your clammy hands on your dress.
Natasha stood up and gave Sam a kiss. While she wiped off a smudge of lipstick she had left on his upper lip, you glanced at the man behind Sam.
He was tall, muscular, and had a mysterious air about him. He was dressed casually, in black jeans and white t-shirt with a maroon bomber jacket that suited his pale complexion. The left sleeve of his jacket was tucked inside, empty.
Even without being an expert in behaviour analysis, you could tell he felt uncomfortable. He bowed his head to hide his face and kept looking around as if someone was going to attack him or as if he wanted to know where the nearest exit was.
Sam whispered something in the man’s ear and clapped him on the back before he turned to you.
“Okay, we’ll let you guys get to know each other.” Natasha looped her arm through Sam’s, and gave you an encouraging smile. You heard Sam whispering to his friend again. “Buck, seriously, you look like someone shoved a broomstick up your ass. Relax, man.”
“We’ll be over at the bar if you need anything.”
She gave you a thumbs-up as Sam led her across the crowd, toward the bar. With an authoritative look, Sam pointed to the seat across from yours and mouthed ‘sit’ at his friend who rolled his eyes and ground his teeth in response.
“Hi,” you started, trying to sound cheerful but the slight tremble in your voice gave you away.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” he cut you off, “you seem like a nice girl but I’m not looking for anyone, least of all a sugar baby. I told Sam it was a stupid idea, but he never listens. This has nothing to do with you, I’m sure you’re great. I’m really sorry, I hope you’re not disappointed.”
He had barely made eye contact with you during his long-winded speech but you did notice that they were blue. Now that you knew this wasn’t going anywhere, your shoulders lowered and you felt yourself smiling.
“Of course, I understand. I wasn’t particularly thrilled, too. No offense.”
He bent his head and ran a hand through his hair, his lips curved up in a soft smile. “Is your friend as meddling as mine?”
You let out a loud laugh, your eyes widening. “More! If meddling were an Olympic sport, Nat would have more medals than Michael Phelps.”
His shoulders shook in a soundless chuckle but he still wasn’t looking at you. “So why’d you agree?”
You took your glass of lemonade and played with the straw while you searched for an answer that wouldn’t sound too desperate or dramatic. You majestically failed.
“I guess I felt like I had nothing to lose.” You shrugged. “It’s like when you’re standing on the edge of a cliff and you only have two options; jumping off the cliff or getting eaten by a pack of wolves,” you said, checking them off on your fingers as you enumerated them. “You have to choose the lesser of two evils.”
He frowned, a curious glint in his eyes and a hint of a smile curved his lips. Your eyes widened when you realized you might have offended him.
“Not that I think you’re evil,” you rushed to add. “What I meant to say is that sometimes you don’t really have a choice. And when you have no other option but to jump, well... your chances are infinite. Anything can happen.”
He slowly raised his eyes to meet yours, a form of understanding in the depth of his icy blue eyes. He was truly handsome; a little older than the men you usually went out with, but he had kind eyes and very, very nice lips. You looked away, feeling a little foolish.
“Wow, I’m fun at parties, uh? Guess you dodged a bullet,” you laughed, cringing a little as you said it.
He returned a tight smile, loaded with something sad. He looked at you a moment longer and you held your breath, suddenly hoping he would stay and chat. A solemn expression crossed his face and he seemed to go through some kind of inner struggle before he reached a decision.
“It was nice meeting you,” he said, shaking your hand before wishing you goodnight. You watched him leave the bar, his shoulders hunched forward, looking as tense as he did when he entered.
That tiny flicker of hope left with him.
“Hey!” Sam called out, a deep frown on his face as he approached you. “Where is he going?”
“It didn’t work out,” you answered with a shrug.
Sam deflated. “I bet he didn’t even try.”
“Does it really matter?” you replied, shrugging into your coat, something way too thin for the changing weather. “He’s not ready, and honestly, you can’t blame him. This sugar daddy-baby thing isn’t for everyone.”
“I know that,” Sam argued, blowing out a frustrated breath. He turned to Natasha, silently pleading with her to understand, but she was as clueless as you were.
There were lots of reasons Sam wanted Bucky to meet you, and none of them included sex. It was difficult to explain his motivations without betraying his friend’s trust; without telling you too much about Bucky.
“I’m not trying to find him a girlfriend,” Sam continued. “He needs more friends, and he has connections to help you in the art world. I thought you two could help each other out.”
You wrapped your scarf around your neck and grabbed the backpack you had shoved under your seat. It contained your work uniform, clean underwear, toiletries, a bottle of water, your wallet, and a couple of granola bars. Your whole life was in that backpack.
“I’m sorry, Sam,” you said, adjusting the trap of your bag. “I guess it wasn’t meant to be.” You turned to Nat. “I’m going to stay at the hotel tonight, my shift starts at 6 so you’ll have the apartment to yourself.”
Without waiting for an answer, you disappeared into the crowd and headed for the door. Outside the wind was blowing, the cold air biting at your face and bare legs. You took a deep breath, watching as the cold air turned your breath into white smoke.
People were milling about, taking pictures of the skyscrapers, walking hand-in-hand and marvelling at pretty much anything. New York was full of contradictions; kind and hard, smooth and rough, poor and rich. It was exciting to live here, it was exciting to see how people lived together despite their differences. For an artist such as yourself, it was a gold mine of infinite inspiration.
In front of you, a taxi drove closer to the curb, then slowed as a man stepped onto the street and opened the door. He looked over his shoulder and saw you standing there. Sam’s friend smiled at you.
He noticed your light coat, your backpack and your scuffed ankle boots. It was hard to believe that under your coat, you were wearing a sexy little number. He imagined that this was more your style, and he liked it. It was fresh, laidback, casual. He could even see a few drops of paint on the toe of your boots, a smattering of orange and blue.
“Hi, again,” he said. “Wanna share a cab?”
You nodded eagerly, your face half buried in your scarf. You were positively freezing, you didn’t even think twice about following him. He let you climb in first and jumped in after you, angling his body to hide his missing arm.
You gave the driver the address of a Holiday Inn in the Flatiron District and sank into the seat. It dawned on you that you didn’t even know his name. Sam had called him Buck, but you were pretty sure it was one of those nicknames only long-time friends are allowed to use.
“Bucky,” he said with a genuine smile after you told him your name. “I’m sorry I ruined your evening. How long are you going to stay in town?”
“No worries, you didn’t ruin anything. And I live in New York. I live with Natasha.”
“Aren’t we going to a hotel?” Bucky asked, looking out the window with a frown.
“Yup, I work there. Breakfast attendant. I figured Sam and Nat would like some privacy and sometimes my co-worker at the front desk let me borrow a room for the night.”
The car pulled to a stop at the curb and you reached into the front pocket of your backpack to retrieve your wallet. Bucky stopped you.
“Please, let me pay,” he said. “As a sorry for dragging you to a bar and leaving without even telling you my name.”
“Ouch, yes, when you put it like that it wasn’t a great night,” you said with a crooked smile. He responded with an exaggerated cringe. It made you laugh. “Hey, it wasn’t you who dragged me to a bar, it was Sam. You can always tell him to pay you back.”
His eyes brightened. “I definitely will.”
“Goodnight, Bucky,” you giggled, closing the door behind you. You walked up to the big automatic doors and waved goodbye one last time.
“’Night, angel.”
Bucky asked the driver to wait until you were safe inside before driving away. As he watched you, he thought back to what you had said earlier.
Your chances are infinite. Anything can happen.
This time, it made him smile.
part 2
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reddie + practice date
These were the best nights, when it was just the two of them, Richie and Eddie, snuggled together under a large blanket watching their favourite childhood movies together. It was rare they got to do this anymore, what with Richie being busy with his comedy and Eddie meeting with lawyers finalising his divorce; they made a pact to always set aside at least one day for each other, like the old days. Best of friends.
They were halfway through The Princess Bride when Eddie began to get rather fidgety, occasionally glancing up at his friend. Richie was engrossed in the classic, shoving popcorn into his mouth every now and again. After a little while, Eddie cleared his throat nonchalantly.
“Hey, Rich?” Almost instantly, Richie sat forward and paused the movie, focusing his full attention onto Eddie. The other man was sidetracked by the action, frowning in confusion, “what did you do that for?”
"Eds, I’ve known you for years. I know you wouldn’t interrupt this unless it was something legit,” he smiled at the look on Eddie’s face when he mentioned his hated childhood nickname. He ruffled his hair playfully, “remember when we were fifteen and I said Westley was hot and you threatened to cut my dick off?”
"Oh, yeah,” Eddie mumbled, flushing slightly at the memory; he’d neglected to mention it had more to do with jealousy than anything else. Nevertheless, he continued somewhat nervously, “I just wondered, do you think it’s too soon for me to start...dating again?”
Richie had been dreading this conversation. Of course Eddie would want to start dating the second he was out and proud and free of his ex-wife. He wanted to say ‘no’, tell Eddie that he was wasting his time and he’d never fin anyone worthy of him, but even he knew that was selfish. Eddie was his oldest and dearest friend, he deserved the truth.
“that’s not my say, dude. Only you can say when you’re ready.”
“I think I’m ready,” Eddie contemplated, chewing his bottom lip. Richie had to look away, he was just too damn cute, “the thing is, I’ve never dated a guy before.”
“You’ll be fine,” Richie smiled tightly, trying not imagine Eddie on a date with some other man. He shook his head, “I can’t imagine there’s anyone out there who wouldn’t want to date you.”
Eddie looked up at him, his big eyes wide and hopeful, “would you go on a date with me?” Richie stared down at him in shock, his mouth agape. Before he could open his mouth, however, Eddie was speaking again, practically begging his stunned friend, “please, just so I know what to expect. I haven’t been on a date in years. I don’t know what I’m doing. Please, Richie.”
Jesus, he was so fucked. Richie wasn’t sure his heart could handle helping Eddie prepare to woo other men. But he couldn’t say no to him. Rolling his eyes, he shrugged, “sure, I’ll bro date you. I’ll sweep you off your feet with bromance, man.”
“Really?” At Richie’s affirming nod, Eddie flung himself at him, wrapping his arms around his neck, “thank you, Richie. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he pulled away, smiling, “you don’t have to go overboard, though.”
“No, no, you want a run through of what a real date will be like, you’re getting one,” if this was his only chance, Richie wasn’t about to ruin it. He held his hand out and Eddie took it, the two of them shaking on their agreement, “never let it be said Richie Tozier doesn’t know know how to treat a guy. I’m gonna spoil you like any dude worthy of you should.”
“Wow, I’m already a little wooed,” Eddie chuckled and settled back into his seat to resume the movie, cuddling up to Richie. Oh I haven’t started yet, Richie thought with a smirk as he pressed play.
They set a date for the weekend. Eddie had expected to be nervous but as the week drew to a close, he was more excited than anything. Richie told him he’d booked a fancy-ish restaurant and to wear ‘something pretty’. He rolled his eyes at the text but he couldn’t help but smile as he found his favourite suit - the smart blue ensemble he’d worn to Ben and Bev’s wedding reception (Richie had made one or two drunken comments about how good he’d looked that night).
Saturday night came quicker than he’d expected and Eddie found himself pacing frantically in front of his mirror, checking his watch. Richie had gone out hours ago, refusing to tell him where he was going only that he expected Eddie to be ready when he got back. He almost sprinted to the front door when he heard the doorbell chime. Eddie skidded to a halt and tugged on his jacket, taking a deep breath as he opened the door. He greeted by the largest bouquet of flowers he’d ever seen.
“Eddie Spaghetti,” a voice said from behind the flowers, “special delivery.”
“I said not to go overboard,” Eddie took the flowers, unable to stop smiling as he thought about Richie purchasing them, just to make him smile, “but thank you, they’re gorgeous.”
“Don’t get used to it. Most guys won’t make the effort,” Richie adjusted his glasses nervously, watching as Eddie placed the flowers on the kitchen table. And he was wearing the suit that had nearly made him confess everything all those months ago. He didn’t think he’d be lucky enough to get away with it again. He’d been so distracted by staring at Eddie he hadn’t noticed the other man staring at him intently. When Eddie didn’t say anything for a moment or two, Richie glanced down at his own floral-patterned red suit self-consciously, “what?”
Eddie shook his head, blushing, “nothing, sorry, you look amazing.”
Richie blushed, too, lost for words. He offered his arm to Eddie and led him outside towards the car that was waiting for them. Eddie recognised the driver as Steve, Richie manager, who’d clearly been bribed into doing Richie this favour. He mumbled a greeting and set off for the restaurant. Their conversation was casual and pleasant and Eddie found himself relaxing, enjoying himself. By the time they reached their destination, Eddie was holding Richie’s hand like they’d been doing it for years.
“A risk analyst?” Richie said enthusiastically, leaning over to swipe another fry from Eddie’s plate, “that sounds so interesting. What does that involve?”
Eddie smiled, “nice try but I’ve been informed my job’s rather boring. I’m more keen to hear about you being a comedian. I just can’t picture it.”
“Eds, baby, you wound me,” Richie playfully clutched at his heart, pouring himself another glass of wine as Eddie chuckled cutely. He didn’t expect to be enjoying himself as much as he was. He didn’t want the night to end, “if you must know, I’m very famous and hilarious. Not to mention modest.”
“I’ll have to look out for your stuff,” Eddie said with a smirk; he was starting to have fun with their little game. Something in the back of his mind was telling him it wasn’t going to be like this with anyone else but he ignored it. Instead, he watched Richie peruse the dessert menu, “if I can remember your name.”
“Oh, I’ll make sure you remember my name,” he said with a wink, snapping the menu shut. Eddie swallowed, taking an urgent sip of his wine. Richie seemed oblivious to his predicament, offering him the dessert menu, “I’m gonna get the chocolate cake.”
Eddie nodded, opting for the banana split. They always shared desserts anyway. The conversation turned casual again as they pretended to ask about each other’s family, hobbies and interests. Eddie ‘learned’ that Richie liked doing impressions and voices, even if he wasn’t that good at them. Their desserts arrived and they naturally halved portions, sharing without asking.
“Okay, real talk,” Richie said, waving a forkful of chocolate cake around as he spoke, “if this was a legit date-date, like not practice or anything, would you let me smash?”
Eddie paused, his own chocolate cake sitting forgotten at the end of his own spoon, “what?”
“I’m just saying, what are my chances here?” Richie said with a shrug, leaning back in his chair confidently. Eddie folded his arms, preparing to lie through his teeth.
“Well, you’ll have to work a little harder than this,” he gestured at their table, “I’m not easy,” he watched as a smile spread across Richie’s face. He waited until Richie was tucking into his dessert again before deciding to torture him a little bit, “but you’re cute, I’ll give you that.”
“You think I’m cute?”
Eddie gave a minute shrug, nonchalantly scooping a helping of banana split onto his spoon before popping it into his mouth, “I wouldn’t kick you out of bed.”
The sight of Richie’s dumbstruck gaping expression was incredibly satisfying and Eddie was going to carry it with him forever.
The walk home was nice. The night air was light and gentle but Eddie was too busy concentrating on how big Richie’s hand felt in his. He’d been the perfect date, offering him his coat as they began their walk back to the flat. They’d been walking in silence for a little while, just enjoying each other’s company. But Richie was never one for being quiet for too long.
“so, how did I do?”
“Very well,” Eddie said honestly, squeezing Richie’s hand in reassurance, “I had a great time. I don’t remember the last time I went out and just had fun. Thank you,” he looked up at Richie, smiling warmly, “I really needed this.”
He nodded once, turning away. They were almost home when Richie spoke again, “did you wish I was anyone else?”
“No,” Eddie said honestly, smiling almost sadly, “I don’t think I’d have a good time with anyone else. Which was kind of the whole point really,” they reached their apartment building and Eddie followed Richie to their front door. He was deep in thought, his fears coming back as they reached their home, “it will be different with someone else. I just hope it’s...good different.”
“Yep,” was all Richie said. He immediately headed for the fridge, grabbing the bottle of wine and downing several gulps. Eddie just stood in the doorway, ringing his hands nervously. He wanted to tell Richie he didn’t want anyone else, that everything he’d ever wanted was standing right in front of him trying to drink himself to death. Richie suddenly span around, a desperate look on his face, “hey, you know what would be funny?”
Eddie blinked, confused at the sudden change in Richie’s attitude, “what?”
“If you, like, never meet anyone for real and we keep doing this? Just going out on dates all casual and shit. Wouldn’t that be nuts?”
“What, nothing changes?” Eddie questioned incredulously, moving towards Richie. The other man nodded frantically, replacing the wine bottle on the kitchen side. Eddie folded his arms, “we just keep going on these ‘bro dates’?”
“I’d love that,” thankfully Richie was slightly drunk and Eddie always knew when he was lying if he’d had a drink. He raised an eyebrow, smiling at the cute flush in Richie’s cheeks, “for totally non-selfish reasons, I’d love that.”
Eddie nodded, stepping that little bit closer, “I’d change one thing, though.”
“Yeah, like, like what?”
And Eddie kissed him. Richie, shocked as he was, kissed back with all the enthusiasm of a drunk guy reciprocating his feelings, his hands fumbling to hold Eddie close. The separated when it became apparent that Richie was crying.
“S-sorry,” he sniffed, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his suit. Eddie batted his hands away, gently wiping Richie’s eyes himself...which just made him cry even more, “I just- I legit thought you...you wanted someone better.”
“I think I’d die single if that was the case,” Eddie smiled, his own tears beginning to escape. He pulled Richie into a hug, leaning up to kiss his forehead, “I love you.”
Richie mumbled something that sounded a lot like ‘I love you too’ into his shirt. They stayed there in the kitchen, holding each other and swaying slightly as Eddie hummed a calming tune. They were going to be okay.
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Ashes Chapter 13: Perception
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021
Pairing: Liu Kang x Reader
A/N: Maybe it's inevitable. Definitely cried like an adult while writing parts of this. I'm a weepy baby. I hope you imagine an ugly MySpace style sparkly gif every time Y/N uses the word "kidnapping". As always, appreciate you guys <3
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You peeked one eye open and caught sight of the smart phone dancing around on the nightstand close by. Strong arms were wrapped around you and there was no mistaking who they belonged to this time. Liu. You’d fallen asleep next to each other and somewhere along the line, in unconsciousness, he’d cuddled against you.
This was fine.
This was all fine.
The phone continued to dance and nearly vibrated right off the edge of the nightstand and onto the floor. You grabbed it from its place near the edge and wiped your eyes with your other hand. Johnny Cage. Rubbing your eyes again, you checked the time on the phone. It was nine at night. Carefully you snuck out of Liu’s arms without waking him. You’d mastered sneaking out of bed while you’d been dating Kung Lao. He was so heavy a sleeper that in the beginning of your relationship you had wound up trapped beneath his arms for hours. Then when you tried to get away, you’d wake him up. Eventually you’d mastered maneuvering from his grasp without waking him because waking him led to fooling around or talking and then you were either trapped having to pee or late for some responsibility or another.
Liu adjusted behind you but didn’t wake up. You fixed your askew shirt, grabbed your keycard, and then answered the phone and stepped into the hallway, carefully closing the door behind you.
“This is weird. I don’t think I even got your name earlier.” Johnny spoke without waiting for you to acknowledge him. You chuckled beneath your breath then cleared the sleepiness from your throat. “I know that may seem like it’s a pretty common thing for me but…”
“Y/N. You can call me Y/N.” You interrupted what you were sure was a very cleverly crafted explanation about his popularity and fame. Johnny Cage seemed like the type to be easily derailed from a topic with banter. You’d become skilled at wrangling men like that given that Kung Lao had been your other half for so long.
“And you’re from China, right?”
“Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?”
“Just trying to make sure I spell your name right…” His voice was distant, as if he spoke nowhere near the phone. You spelled your name for him with a sigh. “Is that…?”
“That is not important right now.” You interrupted him again. You had to keep him on task or this conversation was going to go on forever.
“Right, yes. I’ve been thinking about this morning.”
“I was hoping to hash out the details with you guys before I officially agree to anything.” Johnny Cage tried to sound like he was bargaining with you but you were already convinced that he was joining you. This seemed like a formality. Or like he was dragging it out. Why? You couldn’t think of a good reason. Maybe to try and land a date with Sonya? You didn’t think that was going to happen and also it seemed petty. Then again, you and Liu were a hot mess in the middle of all of this so you couldn’t criticize anyone else’s motives. “I’ve begun clearing my schedule for the next few weeks but I’m a busy man, you know. Takes time.”
“I understand that. I’m sure that we can meet tomorrow to answer any questions you may still have.” There was no point in arguing with him on that. It was a reasonable request though not entirely necessary. Besides, you were still ready to jump to the kidnapping stage of this endeavor. If he caused too much trouble tomorrow then you would promptly lure him somewhere quiet and knock him out. Then you’d go from there. You could probably convince Cole to help you if you had to but you didn’t think it would go that far.
“That’s exactly what I hoped to hear!” You could hear the smile on Johnny’s face. “When we’re off the phone, I’ll text you where to meet me.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You yawned.
“I wanted to ask you something. You seem like a nice woman.”
Oh, how misguided a man Johnny Cage was. Oddly trusting for someone in his position. Here you were planning out an elaborate scheme to kidnap him and drag him to China and he thought you were nice. It was probably the tea thing from earlier. Ah, well. You’d fooled him.
“Ask away, Mr. Cage.”
“Just Johnny, if you don’t mind.”
Then he sighed as if trying to word his question or embarrassed to ask it. You waited patiently. There was no need to rush him. You weren’t sure that Johnny Cage could be rushed. “Are you guys for real? Or are you just dicking me around? No one put you up to this, right?” After everything that you had showed him that morning, he was still stuck on the idea of this being a prank. Was Johnny often victim to silly pranks? Did he find himself the butt end of a joke amongst friends? It was funny to imagine.
“I know that this is… what’s the saying? Difficult medicine to take?” You weren’t so good with the English idioms. Maybe that was why he thought you to be nice. You were far more sarcastic in your native tongue. Your English was good but stuff didn’t always come out right.
“Hard pill to swallow but I got the point.” Johnny chuckled. “…so yeah? It’s true?”
“Trust me, Mr. Cage, I have much better things to do than play silly pranks on you.” You reassured him but he scoffed as if insulted. “That and I’d never heard of you before this.” It sounded like you’d punched him. Ah, yes, the delicate male ego.
“Low blow. Never heard of me?” You could picture the horror on his face.
“No offense meant.”
“I bet you just didn’t remember my name. Dragon Fist? Cage Match? Aquatic Assault? Exiting the Dragon of Death? A personal favorite of mine…”
“Exiting the Dragon of Death?”
“Yeah? You’ve heard of that one?”
“Come on, don’t play with me like that.”
“I couldn’t resist.” You spoke over him as he made to list more movies. “I’m sorry to have offended you.” You were certain this could go on all night and you were still tired and now you were hungry too. Your appetite was back and you were far less shaky than you’d been earlier that day. “I did watch one of your films last night with a friend so that I could be familiar with your movement patterns.”
“For that crazy duplication thing you did?”
“For my arcana, yes.”
“It was a fun movie.”
“Which one did you watch?”
“Mr. Cage, this is a conversation for another time. Can we stay on topic?”
“Just Johnny, please.” Apparently no, he could not stay on topic. You pulled the phone away from your face so he wouldn’t hear your heavy sigh. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turned and found Cole approaching holding an ice bucket and offering a wave. He stopped next to you and nodded toward the phone. You mouthed that it was Johnny Cage. Then he offered you a thumbs up, pointed toward the end of the hall and walked away, presumably to get ice. “I’m making a choice to trust you. I don’t think you’re lying to me. I hope I’m making the right choice.”
“I’m a terrible liar so good choice.” He continued going on about something but your brain was tired of the babble. You needed food! This conversation felt like it would have gone on all week if you let him talk the way he wanted to. “Can I trust you no to dick us around?”
“I promise. You’ve got a deal, Y/N.”
“Text me the address and we’ll meet you just before noon.” You assured him.
“Got it. See you then.” Johnny hung up and you breathed a sigh of relief. At least this part of your trip was going smoothly. Seconds later your phone buzzed with a message from the same number. You selected the address and put it into the browser of your phone after figuring out how that worked. From what you could tell, the address seemed legit. A house by the shore. Of course, a beach house. Why wouldn’t he take the opportunity to show off?
“How’d it go?” Cole returned with his bucket full of ice.
“Mr. Cage is going to meet with us tomorrow to discuss details.”
“I anticipated us having to use your devious plan B so I’m surprised he’s going to meet with us.” Cole adjusted the bucket in his arms. “What do you think of him? I’m having a hard time taking him seriously.”
“I meant it when I said that I thought he was funny earlier. Honestly, if we had met without any of this pretense, I think that he and I would get along quite well.” You shrugged. “I also think that he’s going to do what he thinks is right if that’s what you were really asking. Seems like the type to talk a big game but ultimately a good guy.”
“That’s optimistic of you.”
“I usually have a good read on people.”
“I can tell.” Cole gestured toward your door. “You just getting in? Maybe not.” He looked down at your bare feet.
“I was napping.”
“And you came into the hallway to take a call?”
“Yeah, I was uh… going to grab food.”
“Without your shoes?”
“Are you always this nosy, Cole?”
“Not really but this afternoon has been especially boring. Plus, your reactions are entertaining.” Cole smirked. “You have more color now. That’s good to see.”
“Why does no one believe me when I say I’m just tired?” You gestured back to the room. “I’m gonna go.”
“We’re about to grab a bite to eat if you want to join us. Late dinner.”
“No, no, thank you though. That’s sweet. I’m okay.”
“You just said you were going to get food.” Cole laughed.
“…I think I’ll order something.” You pointed to your bare feet but was sure your expression was one that screamed you’d been caught in the most pointless of lies. Cole had inadvertently talked you into a corner. You hadn’t even meant to lie! It had just happened. This was why you didn’t usually bother.
“You’re lying.”
“Yeah, turns out I am. I’m not good at it.”
“I can see that.”
The door to your room opened behind you and Liu Kang peeked into the hall, still looking sleepy.
“Hello Cole” Liu stepped into the hall and kept the door propped open a crack, back leaned against it. Then he bowed his head politely in greeting. He turned to you and spoke Chinese as if this weren’t suspicious. You didn’t think it had the intention that he wanted it to have. “Everything okay?”
“I had a call to take with Mr. Cage. No big deal.” You replied in English to try and make it seem like you had less to hide. Why? Because Cole was already giving you a look as if to say it was ‘nothing’. You sighed. “I’m just about done.”
“Good.” Liu replied in English. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You snapped at him without meaning to then took a cleansing breath. He was just worried about you but you were tired of the worry. You felt far better than you had earlier. A few hours of sleep had done you good. “I really am fine.” Liu bowed his head politely to both you and Cole and then disappeared back into the hotel room.
“What was it you were saying earlier? About that being nothing?” Cole teased in a whisper after you made no move to offer any explanation.
“If you recall, I also said it was none of your business.” There was no point in trying to lie again. You folded too easily. Instead, you’d be evasive. That was easier. Avoiding the truth was far easier than twisting it at least for you.
“Liu looked pretty tired. You guys have a nice nap?”
“We fell asleep talking.” You narrowed your eyes at his implications but also hated how close he was to the truth.
“Sure, is that what the kids are calling it these days?”
You shoved his shoulder with a laugh. “Your ice is melting Cole. It’s nothing.”
“Yeah, I’m going to have to mentally shift my definition of that word to better fit what I’m seeing.” He teased. “You’re trouble, Y/N. I’m making note of it.”
“You have no idea, Cole.” You pointed to the room behind you. “I’m going now.”
“Enjoy your nothing.” He called after you. You disappeared into the hotel room and then leaned against the door once it closed. You fiddled on your phone and sent a message to Jax, relaying what you’d learned from Johnny Cage along with the address and what you’d agreed to. The door to the small bathroom to your right opened and Liu stepped out, closing the door behind him. He waited patiently for you to finish on your phone.
“When I woke up and couldn’t find you, I was worried.” He nodded to the messy bed where you’d been sleeping. And snuggling. You mustn’t forget that there had been a fair amount of snuggling.
“My phone was ringing and it felt rude to answer it with you asleep so I stepped into the hall.” You shook the phone in your hand and then filled him in on the conversation you’d shared with Johnny Cage. You left out the exhausting banter that had kept you on the phone for far longer than necessary. Even if it had been mentally exhausting, you had also enjoyed talking with him. Your phone buzzed with Jax’s response. “Okay, Jax is going to arrange a ride to take us to meet Johnny tomorrow. He’ll also let everyone else know where to meet.”
Silence followed and you stood awkwardly in the small entranceway of the hotel room.
“So.” You began.
“You should probably go, right?”
“Yeah.” Liu shifted but made no move to leave and a smile played on his lips. “Or… I could stay. We could order some food and continue our… getting along for the day.”
“Mostly getting along.” You corrected. Maybe he’d chosen to forget when he’d pushed you against the wall and you’d nearly undressed him. You blinked the mental image away. If you thought about it for too long then you’d probably end up right back where you’d started. “We could. Is that what you wanted to do?”
“Are you okay with that?”
“I guess.”
“There was a menu around here somewhere.” Liu walked back into the open area of the room and you were grateful he’d taken the initiative to make the decision to stay. In all honesty, his presence was comforting and conflicting. You craved the comfort but the guilt and pain made you want to push him away. Your brain was such a mess. Your emotions were even worse. You joined him and mulled over the menu, trying to discern what was safe for you to eat. Liu called to place the order since he had several questions about the food. His diet was more specific than yours was. You had never quite taken to the vegetarian diet completely. Your food arrived and you sat on your bed and ate while making quiet conversation. It was pleasant, if not a little awkward. In a way, it was reminiscent of when you would spend time alone together when you were first dating Kung Lao. You had often avoided discussing the difficult things then but not for the sake of each other. Instead, it was for Kung Lao.
“Cole seems to have taken a shine to you.”
“Yeah, he’s a nice guy and his family is cute. I think he feels guilty about Kung Lao so he’s compensating a little.”
“I could see that. I tried to reassure him that he isn’t to blame.”
“I did too.” You clicked your tongue in amusement. Liu gently nudged you with his shoulder.
“Today was nice.”
“I mean, parts of it were.”
“We had a bit of a rough start but things didn’t end so horribly.”
“Well,” you began in a higher, nervous pitch, “we didn’t exactly fix anything.” Liu laughed. “And I think we definitely made things worse but… all things considered, neither one of us is dead and we aren’t screaming at each other so that’s something.”
“I was thinking and… maybe we don’t have to fix anything.” Liu avoided your eyes and began to clean up dinner. You knew why he was avoiding your eyes because you were looking at him like he’d lost his damn mind. He had. He was insane. You couldn’t keep going like this. You both knew that. “We can’t ignore it, obviously. But we can’t expect to resolve anything when we’re like this. We’re grieving, Y/N. We hurt each other. But I also think that it could be healthy to try and find a way to be content amongst all of that too. We can’t force a resolution, Y/N. I think that’s clear.” Liu’s smile was soft but strained, like talking about it so analytically pained him. “I don’t think I can handle this much misery all the time.”
“I understand.” You didn’t necessarily disagree with him you just couldn’t see the end either. He seemed to think there was some kind of happily ever after waiting for you and you didn’t think there was. The only end to life was death. Even if you found happiness eventually, life would continue moving. No amount of happiness would erase your history nor would it erase your trauma. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t find joy. You were just being realistic. “It’s weird, isn’t it?” You helped him gather the dishes. Liu then placed the tray aside on the desk. You picked up the tray and placed it carefully outside the door and then returned to him. “Surreal is maybe a better word for what we are right now.”
“Surreal works.” Liu’s smile was forced and it pained you. “We’re going to be okay.”
“Oh, you think so, hmm? Confident in that?”
“I am.” He grinned but you could still see that worry behind his dark eyes. Liu had never been a good liar either. It was a wonder that he’d fooled you all those years ago. Perhaps because he’d said all the things that you’d been afraid he’d say.
“I suppose the worst thing that could happen is that we decide not to talk to each other anymore and lose touch. Then in like, thirty years, we’ll reunite and reminisce about the old days. Then this won’t seem so complicated anymore.” You hadn’t realized how much you’d considered that as an option until then. Liu seemed alarmed. “What?”
“Is that what you plan to do?”
“That would imply that I’ve thought past today so… no.” You sat on the side of the bed facing the window. There was no way to open the window so this was as close to the breeze and the stars as you could get. “But it happens. People drift apart even after being as close as we were especially after traumatic stuff like this. And this is a pretty messed up thing we’re dealing with, Liu. I can’t pretend to know what will happen.”
“I don’t want to drift apart.” He sat next to you and cautiously placed a hand over yours on the bed between you. There were times where he treated you like a ticking time bomb. This was one of them.
“Of course not, Liu. I don’t want that to happen either.”
“You had that scenario pretty thought out.”
“This time, Liu? You’re the one overthinking things.”
“Maybe.” He watched out the window, but you felt his thumb brush over the back of your hand. Looking at the night sky was easier than looking at each other. But right now the night sky looked empty. You didn’t see the stars. Just the lights of busy Los Angeles, a thing which brought you no peace. “Do you think you’ll still be this cute in thirty years?”
“I uh…” You laughed and pretended to consider it. “I didn’t think about it. For the brief moment I considered this make-believe scenario, you were still cute.” You joked and nudged him playfully.
“You’re beautiful Y/N, so I’m sure you will be too.” Liu still didn’t look at you. “I always thought so. Even when I used to tease you.” You rolled your eyes at him in disgust and he laughed again. You were well beyond being bashful at his compliments.
“Cut it out, Liu.”
“I just don’t want to leave it unsaid.”
“It feels like you’re trying to butter me up.” You narrowed your eyes in suspicion.
“Maybe. Or… perhaps this last week I’ve been cruel to you. I thought that I’d pay you a compliment instead.” That was as good an excuse as any. You had dug at each other quite a bit the past few days.
“I’m not vain.”
“I know. I always liked that about you.”
“Stop it, Liu. You’re freaking me out.” You laughed and shoved at his shoulder.
“I won’t.” He leaned back on one arm. You reached for your phone on the bed behind you as it buzzed. Jax had verified the location online as legitimate. He’d even found out that the property belonged to Johnny. Apparently, Jax had been much more suspicious of him than you had been. You’d decided to trust Johnny. And if he lied to you then you’d just go to plan B. Kidnapping. Jax continued on to say that he’s pretty sure the asshole just wanted to show off his beach house. You chuckled. You’d thought the same thing. You replied quickly to ask if you were still to meet in the morning in the same place. Jax replied to be in the lobby by ten. “Going off without a hitch?”
“Are you spying on my conversation?” You cradled the phone protectively against your chest and pouted.
“I didn’t mean to.” You set the phone aside face up. You had nothing to hide anyway, you’d just been trying to lighten the mood. Then you watched the dark sky out the window and tried to find something positive to say about it. He was right. You’d had too much unpleasantness lately. “Kung Lao would have loved…”
“Do you think about that a lot? What Kung Lao would have thought or felt?”
“Don’t you?” You thought that was obvious. “We spent most of our time together. This is the longest I’ve been alone in years.”
“I… hadn’t considered that.” Liu’s eyes fell to the floor. There was plenty that you hadn’t thought regarding each other. “It must have been hard waking up next to me.” You sighed heavily. There were those difficult conversations you couldn’t seem to avoid. You didn’t know how to respond. That wasn’t an easy answer. If you could have lied and said it wasn’t weird than it would have been simpler. But lying had gotten you into this in the first place and you didn’t want to lie. You were so tired of hurting.
“I… yes.” You sighed and then closed your eyes tight. “But I confess that I miss being held.” You hated saying it and even got the chills as you did. You and Kung Lao had spent most nights at least next to each other if not tangled up in each other. Liu was watching you with those big sad puppy dog eyes of his again. “But I also feel selfish and awful for having briefly thought it was nice.”
“It’s okay to be selfish at times.” He clasped his hands together in his lap, as if nervous they would betray him as they had often done. “I confess that when I woke up alone, I panicked.” You smiled a little. You hadn’t considered that he would be upset to wake up alone after falling asleep next to you. Oh, boy. You were both a mess. “But then I remembered this was your room and you had nowhere to run, really.”
“Did you briefly consider that I was so dedicated to running away that I went and got another hotel room to avoid you?”
“No.” He laughed and then furrowed his brow as if trying to picture you doing that. “You didn’t consider that, did you?”
“Of course not.” You chuckled, resting your elbows on your knees. “The phone rang and I didn’t want to wake you. That’s about as far as I had thought.” Your head was pounding and you realized all at once that you were clenching your jaw. Ugh, tension headache. “At least this time I woke up with all of my clothes on.” Liu laughed softly and avoided your eyes. Then he laughed harder as if he’d just gotten the joke. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s kind of like déjà vu, isn’t it? You woke up next to me again and then I woke up alone.”
“You know, Liu, I’m trying, but that’s not funny.”
Still he laughed and you watched him in disbelief. Was it you? Were you the one cracking up?
“I have to laugh, Y/N. I have to or I think about how screwed up it is.” He leaned back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His face fell. You turned to watch him in disbelief and your stomach twisted up into knots. “I just couldn’t help myself, could I? I had to… cross that line.”
“Liu…” You didn’t want to fight again. You thought you had made a truce for the day.
“I have to say this, Y/N.” He turned his head to the side to look at you and you leaned on your side to better meet his eyes. They were so sad and it was killing you. “The woman that Kung Lao planned to spend the rest of his life with. Only a little while after he’s gone and I just… how selfish I am.” You searched his troubled eyes and then couldn’t help but laugh but you weren’t smiling either. Liu knit his brow in confusion.
“Liu, I… I said the same things to myself.” You offered a sympathetic smile but he didn’t seem relieved to hear that. “Not about you, obviously. I don’t think I’ve ever used the word selfish when describing you, really. Or at least meant it. Maybe out of anger… but I… how could I? Kung Lao’s best friend. His brother. I feel like I just lost him and I still, somehow, couldn’t manage to keep myself together well enough not to sleep with you.”
“Sometimes we’re a lot alike.”
“Most times it feels like we’re oil and water.” Now you avoided his eyes, afraid of what yours might reveal to him. “I’m sorry that I ran off that morning, Liu. I panicked. I didn’t know what else to do. I was terrified and embarrassed and ashamed and… the idea of having to talk to you about it was too much.”
“Why were you so scared?” He turned on his side to face you, as if eager for this answer, as if he had been caught wondering that same thing for too long. “I know it was a… big thing but I…”
“I guess no matter how I played it in my head, it went wrong. You uh…” You were having a difficult time saying the words without getting upset. “I kept picturing us having to find a way to… be okay with… it being a mistake because… I…” You were frustrated with yourself for not being able to say it. “It felt like a mistake. Like we’d fallen into an old habit. Or that it was just… a transaction and I couldn’t hear those words again after everything. I was already falling apart and I don’t know what that would have done to me. And then… you being receptive to it would have been just as painful… I… Kung Lao…” You had to stop there. You were pretty sure you’d made your point.
“I think I get it.” His eyes were taking you in while yours were avoiding him and were most likely glassy with tears. “Maybe I didn’t consider how much I’d hurt you back then. It never crossed my mind until you brought it back up and I realized the damage I’d done. I hadn’t considered myself that important.” There was that similarity again. Neither one of you thought yourselves to be important to the other when it was far from the truth. “I wish I’d had a say in the matter that morning.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I understand now.” He sat up and offered you a hand to help your back up too. you took it and sat up with him but he didn’t let go of your hand. “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry that I reacted so angrily. That I was so cold to you. I thought it might make things easier and put distance between us.”
“Did it work?”
“No. No, it didn’t. I wish, more than anything, that I could go back.” His eyes were dripping with sincerity and you avoided his gaze again. You couldn’t help but think that if this had been Kung Lao, you never would have had this conversation. Nothing ever would have gotten resolved. You had both avoided your emotions like the plague.
“To that morning? Hard pass, Liu.”
“Think about it. I could wake up with you. Keep you from running. We could talk.”
“That’s a fantasy, Liu. It wouldn’t have ended the way you want.” You threw him an accusatory glance. “You’re fantasizing. I was too panicked. I would have lashed out.”
“And maybe I could have kept a level head.”
“It’s a fantasy.”
“Let me have my fantasy, Y/N.” He laughed and gave your hand a squeeze. His smile faded as he let go of your hand and closed some of the distance between you. Your instinct was to pull back but you didn’t. He pushed your hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ear. The loose strands of your long hair tickled your neck as they fell back into place. You turned your gaze away. His hand was warm as it rested on your cheek and you could feel him admiring you.
“Seems dangerous to let you.”
“Many good things can be dangerous, Y/N,” he whispered. You got the shivers and moistened your lips nervously. You should have moved back when you’d wanted to. You were so much closer than you’d realized and his lips brushed just against yours. He was going to kiss you and you knew what would happen. Tender kisses led to feverish kisses. No kiss between you had ever stayed just that. You had never once exchanged a soft, momentary kiss. Every single time you had wound up in his arms. His lips would treasure yours like they were something priceless and yours would tease his in return to make him want more. Then you’d be naked.
The more time you spent this close to Liu the more inevitable it seemed to wind up in his bed and you weren’t sure that was the right thing. You weren’t sure it wouldn’t destroy you. It was a dangerous way to think but he was right too. Many of the best things were often dangerous.
“Don’t.” You managed and caught his eyes, half-lidded and admiring your lips. His gaze snapped back up to yours and you watched as he took a careful breath. You could feel it against your lips. He was thinking it too. How dangerous this had become.
“Probably a bad idea, right?” His voice was low and just for you.
“An incredibly bad idea.” You tried to joke but your words fell flat. It was miserable being this close to him and not kissing him, against every instinct in your body. You could feel as he ran his tongue over his lower lip, as he weighed the pros and cons of defying you. You held your breath.
Then he scooted back a few inches. You felt like you could suddenly breathe, like the air was less thick than it had been so close to him. Your heart was hammering away and it was a headrush, as if to punish you for having wanted that kiss. You cleared your throat and put more distance between you. But try as you might, you couldn’t stop thinking about those marks you’d left on his back that you had so clearly felt earlier. Did he think of how you’d clung to him in passion every time he shifted and felt those scabs? That was truly a dangerous thought.
“It’s late. I should go.” He had turned away, but his eyes were wide and his breath was short, as though he were also fighting dangerous thoughts.
“Yeah. Good idea.” You got up and walked past him and around the bed. He followed you and then walked past you to the door. Then he bowed politely.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He looked hesitant, as if he were still considering crossing that line again.
“Get out, Liu.” You gestured to the door behind him, making the choice for him. He laughed and did just as you asked. Once he’d gone, you leaned against the door with a thud and whined. “What am I doing?” You closed your eyes tight and felt a wave of guilt weigh you down. Then you flipped the swing bar lock shut on the door as if this would provide you with protection from your stupid feelings.
Maybe you had to reconsider the situation.
Maybe this was inevitable.
Maybe guilt wasn’t enough to keep you from being attracted to Liu Kang.
It felt wrong. It felt like you were betraying Kung Lao. It was too soon and you were too broken. But maybe someday it wouldn’t be those things. You weren’t sure how long either one of you could wait either. Spending the afternoon with Liu had been eye opening.
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