changetyre · 2 months
Not like this (P3) II Charles Leclerc x Reader (Mafia AU)
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SUMMARY: After losing everything you seek out your biggest and longest-standing enemy to finish it all.
WARNING: Violence, blood, mentions of death
A/N: This one's also short but I've been super busy and haven't had much time to write so this was the best I could do ;(
"For the record, I don't think this is a good idea" Charles spoke as he drove through the familiar streets at night, the two cars behind him containing some of his own men the only thing in sight. 
"You invited yourself so you don't get to opine." You refuted.
 "This is my car, you're carrying my guns and wearing clothes that I bought you I think I have enough reason to opine." Charles bit back. 
"No one told you to let me live...in fact, I told you to kill me so you chose that yourself-" You were going to argue. 
"Shut up we're here." Charles interrupted you before you could carry on. 
You saw him drive into a hidden road that led to your house which you believed only very few people knew about not including him. "How did you?" You turned to him as he continued driving. 
Charles smirked but kept his eyes on the road. "You're not the only sneaky one here." 
"Stop the car here, we'll have to walk the rest of the way if we want to go unnoticed." You chose to ignore his previous comment as you were coming closer to your estate.
You both got out of the car and stayed close to the tree line as you approached the house, Charles's men surrounding the other side of the estate in case they saw anything. 
"Why the fuck do you need this much land," Charles complained as he wiped some sweat off his forehead from how long you'd been walking. 
"More space more control, more people less possibility of someone entering without me knowing...more control." You once again repeated his own words adjusting them slightly earning a glare from him. 
"Well obviously that logic didn't work...did it?" Charles also used your own words against you but you had to admit it hurt more than you'd imagined. 
Charles noticed how you found no humor in his words instead clearing your throat to disguise the knot that intended to build in it. 
"Obviously not." You said in a volume that Charles wouldn't have heard if the silence around you hadn't been so significant. 
You were finally coming up on the house and your breath hitched at the bodies you could see laying by the stairs leading up to the main door. 
"Are they-" But before Charles could finish asking you'd already run up the closest body. 
"Oh my god Ava." You placed your hand on the woman's cheek who lay lifeless right in front of you. 
Charles kept a look out at your surroundings making sure nobody was watching now that you were in plain sight and luckily the place seemed to have been abandoned after the attack. 
You then quickly moved on to the next bodies by the stairs. "Elijah...Michael." You closed their eyes saying a small prayer hoping they'd found rest. 
"You knew all of their names?" Charles asked in a quiet tone not wanting to disturb the silence. 
"There might've been a lot of people working for me...but they were all family. Every single one of them." Charles didn't miss the way a tear fell before you wiped your eyes quickly. 
You continued your way into the house in the same silence as before not taking it for granted that you hadn't seen or heard anyone around so far. Inside it was worse than outside, with bodies everywhere it was impossible not to step on the blood that had filled the once-white floors. 
Charles let you take your time noticing the way you struggled to continue without at least sparing a glance at the men and women who only a few hours before were guarding you. 
"I'm-" Charles wasn't sure what to say but maybe letting you hear he was sorry for you would make it better except he didn't get the opportunity. 
"Let's go upstairs." You shut him down before he could even get a word in. 
Charles could see his men come in from the back door and signaled for them to have a look around downstairs to which they happily obliged. He followed you upstairs as you moved through the space with ease until arriving at what he would assume was your room. 
He watched as your hand dropped to your side, the gun you held almost slipping from your grasp as you took in the state of your once sacred space but even more so the woman who lay dead by the foot of your bloodied bed. 
It took him completely by surprise when you dropped to your knees in front of the woman and saw how your body shook with the tears you were finally letting escape. 
Charles didn't know what to do so simply stepped closer hoping you were able to feel his presence wondering if it had all become too much or if this had been someone truly special. 
"Her name was Liz- Elizabeth." You began. "She...she was like a mother to me and-" the knot in your throat stopped you for a second. "She helped me escape. She ran to my room as soon as she heard the attack and found me trying to get my guns to fight back but-" your tears increased as you remembered. "She told me to go. She said they could handle it and that I should go." You rested your forehead against Elizabeth in tears. "I knew what would happen and I still left." 
Charles wasn't sure what he was feeling but he had a sudden urge to hug you an urge he would've acted upon if it hadn't been for his men running into the room. 
"Gens arrivent." They whispered, guns drawn. 
"We have to go c,mon." Charles lowered himself to your level. 
You clutched Elizabeth a little harder before placing a kiss on her cold and colorless cheek and leaving her behind. 
"Someone's coming, there's cars," Charles whispered to you as he could see the headlights through the window of her room.
"Come." You took his hand dragging him with you. 
You entered your bathroom and Charles was convinced you had gone insane if it hadn't been for the fact that you pulled your whole bathroom sink and counter out to reveal a hidden passage. 
"What the-" He was impressed. 
His men ran through and ahead but Charles stared at the door in awe. 
"Hurry!" You whispered pushing him in before following yourself and closing the door behind you. 
As soon as she shut the door the dark passage illuminated revealing a long and dark corridor. "This is how I escaped." 
"You walked all the way from here to my place with a gunshot wound through your stomach," Charles asked as you began to walk through the passage. 
"Adrenaline can make you do crazy things." You responded not bothering to look back at him. 
"Why exactly did you go to my place?" Charles rushed to catch up to you. 
"I told you, I wanted you to kill me." You once again avoided his eyes. 
"If you wanted to die you would've simply let yourself bleed out" Charles grabbed your arm stopping you from walking. 
"Wouldn't have been an honorable death." You finally faced him. 
"The way I plan to kill you isn't either" You didn't respond and instead there were a few seconds of silence between you both before Charles continued. "so why?"
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beah388love · 22 days
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18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: you’re insecure and Bucky reminds you how beautiful you are.
Warnings: insecurities,pregnancy,twins!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
You sighed as you looked in the mirror and jumped a little when you saw Bucky appear behind you, his hands finding your bump. His face nuzzled in your neck pressing small kisses.
“What’re you still looking in the mirror for?” He mumbled and you pouted.
“I just feel…” you stopped and there was a minute of silence.
“I’m a whale! buck” you huffed as you looked down at your thighs and your huge bump.
“Hey! Don’t say that” Bucky said somewhat in a warning tone.
“I do! Why are you with me? Your like a model! You look like a Greek god! I’m just a flabby…huge..mess” you said holding your bump and looking in the mirror and he was stunned.
He couldn’t grasp how you genuinely believed the things you was saying.
He woke up every morning and felt like the luckiest man alive, because every morning he’d wake up to your face.
He was an even luckier man to be your husband and
He was an even luckier man to be the father of your soon to be born twin boys.
“How can you say that?” He said in disbelief and you looked at him confused.
“Sure you have a bigger stomach-“ you cut him off with a gasp.
“Wait! Let me finish! You’re also…pregnant with our twins…” he said giving you a kiss on the head and you nodded.
“You’re the most Beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and I’m the luckiest man because you’re married to me.” He grinned as he picked you up and laid you on your bed.
“And you have the prettiest eyes…the cutest nose…and the softest hair…and don’t get me started on your smile” Bucky rambled to you and you smiled looking up at him.
“So, stop saying that! I love you so mu-“ you cut Bucky off with a kiss.
“I love you.” You smiled as you cuddled into him and he grinned ear to ear.
“I love you too” he smiled as you pulled his hand onto your bump.
“They’re kicking…” you giggled making him beam a smile.
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itsxroxannex · 1 year
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I was so stressed out about the reference, but im glad it finally finished 😭 it took me a week to come up with the design.
I was inspired by @/machicoasa625 's mafia au !!
Slash and Silver belong to me
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linkyychan · 8 months
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Togachako Inktober - Day 1: MafiaAU
Idk if i will do the whole month but at least a few days^^
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pinkiearty1 · 3 months
here’s a silly doodle of mafia dove and mafia Wally i love them so much
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Never Walk Away by Dexterous_Sinistrous 
Explicit | 17k | 2/2
Twenty-eight year old federal agent Derek Hale has been out of the family for some time, and he likes it that way. After six years of no contact with Laura, everything changes when Derek is sent back to Beacon Hills to infiltrate his old family.
And that’s how Derek meets Stiles.
Stiles is Peter’s favorite dancer. He’s Peter’s arm candy. He’s his little trophy to flaunt. The son of the one man who almost put Peter away–a cautionary tale for people to heed when thinking about going against Peter. Everyone knows the Sheriff is still in the hospital, his wife in a grave, his son in the devil’s den.
Derek doesn’t buy into it for a second. There is a way Stiles looks at Peter, like he’s the scum of the earth–like he’s a piece of gum stuck on his shoe that he can’t wait to scrape off. There is the way Stiles only lets Peter touch him for so long before he pulls away.
Derek knows that Stiles is there for ulterior motives, but Stiles is smarter than he looks. He’s more determined. If only Derek could get Stiles on his side.
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Can't Love you in the dark (Chapter 1: Now)
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There's trouble in the air, I can smell it
They say there is no telling when fortune will knock on your door.
A domino effect started by something insignificant you did could pay up to be the best decision you've ever made.
In the metropolitan city of Konoha, it was usually the opposite.
When misfortune knocked on your door, it didn't just rain- it poured.
Konoha wasn't simply a place- one of the most unsafe cities in the world due to the high criminal activity and illegal trades going on, according to international statistics.
It was a pulsing body with each part of it connected; from the rich, upper area of the city, housing politicians and bureaucrats and mafia bosses alike; the sections of the city where normal people lived, trying to make do between the upper and the criminal class of the city, always somewhere in between; right to the downtown area where the homeless or the drunk resided in the grimy alleys, the shabby apartment buildings with the bleak hungry faces of the residents looking out from dark windows and the criminal class in the soothing cover that the darkness and oftentimes rain provided.
There was also the area around Konoha, part of the territory but not under the government's control. It held warehouses and storage for the many industries in the city. Or so it was said. But everyone knew to keep away from places like that. In fact, it was better to keep your head down and mind your own business in Konoha, lest you catch unwanted eyes.
It was another night in a warehouse like the ones mentioned above, when the sleek black car pulled up outside the iron gates. The guard posted on the gates didn't seem surprised by the appearance of the vehicle or by the horrifying sounds coming from inside.
Shikamaru stepped outside the car, motioning for the driver to wait for him. He regarded the warehouse, slowly taking a drag from the lit cigarette in his hand as he thought about something. He eyed the paper-fan on the side of the warehouse, indicating it belonged to Uchiha Weapons and Co.
"What a drag," he muttered, taking one last drag of the cigarette before crushing it underneath his boot. As he exhaled, he brought up his hand to fix his tie before he walked towards the entrance. The guard seemed almost bored as he nodded at him and let him go through.
The warehouse was dimly lit, crates of weapons arranged meticulously. Shikamaru had overseen the unloading of the shipment just two days ago. He also knew what was going on in the warehouse right now.
He made his way to the innermost area of the warehouse, almost like the heart of the place. The room was lit up- so bright it was almost white. Shikamaru squinted as his eyes got used to the light.
There was a man, strapped to the chair directly in the center of the room. He looked worse for wear, bleeding from his mouth and nose. He seemed to be whimpering softly, shaking his head.
In front of him, with his back to Shikamaru, Sasuke was standing tall, hands in his pocket, examining the man strapped. There were two other men standing on either side of the chair, their hands bruised and red.
Sasuke turned partially at the sound of his footsteps, although his features didn't shift from boredom. His dark hair was slightly disheveled on his forehead. "Ah, Shikamaru," he greeted while turning his head back towards the man. "Have you come to see our special guest?"
Shikamaru rolled his eyes as he went to stand next to his boss. Sasuke was so dramatic sometimes. "Do you really have to do the whole villain routine every time?"
"How else am I supposed to have fun?" the other man countered with a smirk. Upon closer inspection, Shikamaru could identify that the man's hands were definitely broken, his nails torn out savagely.
"He spilled the details?" he asked.
"Fucking idiot," Sasuke smirked, his hands emerging from his pocket with a cigarette and a lighter. He placed the cigarette in his mouth and bent his head to light it. He took a drag before speaking again. "He wasn't even working with someone else,"
Ah. "Just ambitious?" Shikamaru guessed.
Sasuke bobbed his head once. "And look where it's gotten him,"
The man seemed to become conscious. "Please," he whispered his voice hoarse- probably from screaming. "Please forgive me, please,"
Sasuke tsked.
"I hate it when they don't die with dignity," he muttered.
He simply turned and started walking away. "Make it quick," he said while looking back to the men standing next to the chair. Shikamaru watched the strapped man, Kaede. He had been stealing from the shipments, in hopes of no one noticing.
But if there was anything Sasuke hated more than his enemies, it was traitors.
He had no interest in watching this man beg before dying, so he followed Sasuke out of the room, into the warehouse.
"You're trying out mercy now?" he asked Sasuke, referring to his orders of making Kaede's death quick.
"I was done playing with my food," Sasuke replied, puffing out smoke. "What the hell brought you here?"
"You weren't in your office,"
"I was bored. I decided to overlook this one's interrogation myself,"
"I need to talk to you,"
"Obviously," Sasuke turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "You would never deign to ruin your shoes in this part of town otherwise,"
Shikamaru sighed. "It's really important,"
"I'm not in the mood," Sasuke said finally.
"I don't give a fuck about your mood," Shikamaru grit out. "You need to see this,"
Sasuke must have sensed the desperation in his voice as he stopped and stared at his face. He threw down the cigarette and sighed. "This better be good or it's going to be you in the chair later,"
"Oh trust me," he said instead.
They drove to Sasuke's house in silence almost. Apart from the occasional sounds coming from outside, the car was silent. But still, it wasn't uncomfortable. It never was.
Shikamaru was used to the young mafia boss's silence and dark moods. It'd been particularly worse since some years and it would only get worse from today, he thought. He involuntarily clenched his fist. His head was still reeling and it'd been 2 weeks since he'd come to know what he was about to tell Sasuke.
Sasuke replied to emails while they drove and for a second, it was so easy to believe that he was just another spoiled CEO who got the weapons company in his inheritance like all the other rich people in Konoha. But then he looked up from the screen, no doubt feeling Shikamaru's stare, and the sharpness of his stare could have cut steel.
Shikamaru knew the things he'd done and the things that had made him who he was today. He saw Sasuke bloody his hands and do the dirty work it took to keep everything- his legal and illegal enterprises- afloat.
But then again, he'd known him for most of his life and he still missed the boy who was more curious than stoic and the young man who smiled with his eyes instead of smirking blankly with his mouth.
"We're here,"
Shikamaru blinked at the announcement from Sasuke and realized that the car had stopped a while ago. Sasuke opened the door and climbed out. Shikamaru followed.
"You're acting like you've been hit in the head Nara," Sasuke remarked as they walked to the house, his tone doing well to conceal his puzzlement. "Are you coming onto me?"
He forced himself to scoff, even if his heart was beating fast and he did not want to break the news to his friend. "As if," he played along, "You're not my type,"
They opened the mahogany doors and he followed Sasuke into the open kitchen, squeaking clean and looking straight out of a magazine catalogue. Sasuke went to the back and brought out a bottle of whiskey with two glasses.
"I can tell this conversation is going to need alcohol," the mafia boss japed.
You have no idea, Shikamaru thought as he watched the other man pour a generous helping in both glasses and hand one to him.
He took a sip as soon as the glass was in his hand and Sasuke did the same, waiting for him to talk. Sasuke's posture suggested relaxed, even if Shikamaru knew he was close to reaching his limit with him.
"Okay, spit it out. What-," Sasuke started when Shikamaru couldn't take it anymore and reached his hand in his jacket pocket and threw out an envelope on the table. It was an unremarkable yellow envelope, used for standard mail.
Sasuke reached towards it and carefully opened the front. Shikamaru averted the gaze to his glass on the table as he sat very still. There was pin-drop silence in the kitchen, aside from the sound of paper shuffling in Sasuke's hand.
The other man stayed quiet for longer than Shikamaru had anticipated. "What is this" Sasuke's tone was deadly.
Shikamaru looked up. Sasuke looked furious. More than that, he looked like he was barely restraining himself from flinging himself onto Shikamaru and ending his life.
"Is this a joke?"
"Sasuke- It's real,"
No one talked for a moment. Shikamaru continued. "I got these from one of the men I'd stationed to discreetly shadow after I found out,"
"It's simply not possible," Sasuke declared, throwing the photos down.
"I've seen it with my own eyes Sasuke," Shikamaru said with sadness.
Shikamaru watched him pick up the photos again and see them one by one. Sasuke became paler and paler as he continued. "When did you find out?"
"Two weeks ago, when I went to Suna to visit Temari,"
Sasuke nodded once. He calmly put down the photos. "Get out," he said.
Sasuke smashed his whiskey tumbler against the wall opposite to him. "Get out," he screamed.
Shikamaru had the sense to let his feet carry him out of the house. He stopped for a minute at the patio and looked back at the door.
He just had one thought.
God help us all.
Author note: We're starting in the thick of it. This story is my baby and I hope everyone loves the concept and aesthetics of this as much as I do. Leave me a comment with your thoughts and do share the story. If people want to read this and respond to it, I will continue but otherwise I really don't have enough energy to be starting new stories uselessly.
Until next time!
If anyone wants me to start a taglist and add them to it for this story, comment down. You can also access this story and my other SasuHina stories on Wattpad here:
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zen-zen-v · 1 year
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Our sources reporting German and American mafia bosses landed safely and already on their way to the meeting. They seem to be friendly with each other. A bit too friendly, some would say
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sakuyaserenitykira · 3 months
I updated my mafia story last night ^^
Maybe someone wanna take a look :)
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deadflowerenthusiast · 11 months
Enhypen as Mafia
Enhypen the new upcoming mafia organization who have expanded their network, taken over several drug and smuggling rinks within the span of a few years. They are, as of now, one of the most powerful mafias regardless of their short timespan. They started at the scene of crime in 2020 and since then, have been rapidly expanding throughout Korea into other eastern countries.
Yang Jungwon
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Yang Jungwon, also known as Jungwon is the head of the enhypen mafia. It is said that he was born to a wealthy businessman of South Korea and was sent to North Korea for his training at the age of ten. He returned at the age of 16, killed his father and inherited his business. His enterprise majorly carries out overseas trade and tourism which also aids him in smuggling drugs and weapons from abroad. He is, according to his business partners, untouchable.
Lee Heesung
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Lee Heesung, formally known as Heesung is the underboss. He works as the assistant of the Foreign Minister of Korea due to his royal bloodline and references with the Yang family. Heesung is known to be the one making deals with other countries for illegal trade and is responsible to keep the Yang Enterprises' image with the government clean. He is only seen in Korea for extremally important events or assassinations. He is also untouchable.
Park Jay
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Park Jongsung, known as Jay is righthand of Jungwon. He is mostly seen at the Yang Private Training Center where he trains newly admitted assassins while carrying out major operations within Seoul. He sometimes also acts as the head when Jungwon is absent. Regardless, he is said to be the most ruthless fighter in Seoul. He is also sighted at the infamous Gangnam Underground Boxing Rink from time to time alongside his S-Rank official Sim Jake. It is said that if someone touches him, their hands are surely broken alongside other bones.
Sim Jake
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Sim Jaeyun is known as Jake but is more famous as the "Shadow Assassin". He is the the best killer of Seoul as said by many who have hired him. He normally works as a commissioned hitman but his loyalties lie with enhypen. It is said that he also trained in North Korea alongside Jungwon, resulting in both of them joining forces. Many people don't even know how he looks and those who have seen him are pronounced dead. He is the co-head of the cleaning unit as he is normally the man who is at the scene of crime and trains assassins who wish to be proficient with weaponry. He practices boxing alongside his S-Rank official Jay. He kills before anyone can touch him.
Park Sunghoon
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Park Sunghoon who is known as Sunghoon is one of the two faces of the Yang Enterprises alongside his S-Rank official, Sunoo. He is responsible for the legal matters concerning both the company and the mafia. Many say that Sunghoon is someone who gets things done without lifting a finger as he is said to be skilled in blackmail and forgery. Since he is in the business of law, he is also responsible of cleaning up crime scenes which makes him the co-head of the cleaning unit. Not only this but he also helps his S-Rank official Heesung in smuggling drugs and weaponry into Korea. He makes sure his enemies run away in fear before laying their hands on him.
Kim Sunoo
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Kim Seon Woo, known as Sunoo is the second face of the Yang Enterprises. Many do not relate him with the enhypen mafia but only a few know that he is the one who gets all the information for them. He is known to be the social butterfly as his weekly parties are the talk of the town, both above and underground. Those who have interacted with him say that he is seasoned manipulator whose wrath no one can escape which allows him to effectively recruit people. He is mostly sighted at the underground bar of Sinchon which is known to provide service to wealthy businessmen. It is said that he talks people to insanity before they can lay hands on him.
Nishimura Riki
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Nishimura Riki, formally known as Ni-ki is the hard head fighter of enhypen. People fear him after his S-Rank fellow official Jay because there are many rumors that say that he likes to torture his victims before killing them, giving them a painful death. While his S-Rank official Jake kills quietly, he tends to be the one who is out and about while fighting other mobs. This allows him to co-head the clean up unit after a fight. Many enemies of his call him unkillable because he kills regardless of how many bullets he has in his chest. Due to his Japanese origins, he deals with their biggest drug supplier who is based in Japan which makes him the co-head of the smuggling department.
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
Oooo prompt 41 please?
ty ty for the ask <3 I did mafia au. Just a bit of Vitus and Dabria having a moment together. Prompt List
Late Night Talk
Vitus sighed as he left his office. Things had been a mess since the Sulvan family dissolved. It was his plan for it to happen, but he had things he’d rather focus on than the aftermath of that. Felix, Alessia, and Rhys had done an amazing job managing the fall out. The Kamia family was taking a position at one of the city entrances now, it would be easier to move humans in and out.
He made it to the bedroom and fell into his desk chair. A small yelp reminded him of his mistake. Searching for the source of the sound he found Dabria near the entrance to the house set up for her. He grimaced, she was shaking and it was his fault. He’d made the mistake, he had to learn.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” he whispered. His steps had probably woken her up. The twins having their own space on the second floor made this easier. He didn’t want to scare them more than he already did. “I’ll be more careful, you can go back to sleep.”
“R-right. O-of course,” Dabria said. He moved slowly and carefully. Putting one arm on the table he placed his head on top of it and watched her. She was tense, he didn’t blame her. “Is… everything alright?”
Vitus smiled. Despite all the fear she felt, Dabria continued to try and see him how she used to. He’d never blame her. She stepped away from the house. Shaking steps forward to be completely in the open. He brought his other hand up and held it close to her. The twins and Ryder seemed to like it when he held them, but Dabria always became more anxious.
“Just tired, there was a lot to deal with,” he whispered. She flinched when he spoke. Changing to be quieter was hard. Ryder never mentioned it, none of the humans did. He couldn’t blame them, he should have considered his presence was a lot. It wasn’t uncommon that he intimidated other giants just by arriving.
“Because of… us?” she asked. It took everything in him not to bring his fingers closer. To have her in his palm and bring her against him. He sighed again, his breath blew her hair from her face. It had started to grow out again, just a bit past her shoulders. He did give in and curl his fingers just slightly closer. He could see the way she stiffened. He just shook his head. “Th-that’s good.”
“I wish I didn’t scare you.” Bright red eyes looked up at him. A shaking, small hand reached out for the fingers near her. She almost managed to touch him without flinching.  “Honestly, I don’t blame you for being scared of me.”
“What?” He straightened his fingers, pulling them from the semicircle they’d formed around her.
“I know I’m intimidating, it must be worse for you. With everything that happened and even just now…” 
Vitus looked away.  He wanted to be a source of comfort. A person she saw and smiled at. That was a long way away, if it could ever truly happen. He would wait, even if nothing ever changed. Small hands dug into the skin of his fingers. He breathed in a sharp breath, feeling guilty when the hands lost their purchase. He looked back at her.
“It’s… it’s not you,” Dabria breathed. She was quiet, quiet enough he had to lean closer to hear her. A small noise escaped her, but the hands on his finger didn’t leave. “It’s… everything. It was easier not knowing. A face without a name and no memories to distract me.”
Dabria pulled her hands away. Vitus desperately wanted them back. That small proof she trusted him and wanted to be near him. He was given a different gift entirely. A small body, one that seemed more fragile than any other human, rested against his palm. His fingers curled in protectively. He didn’t feel her shaking, there was no gasp she failed to hide.
“I… I don’t want to be scared. I want to talk to Rhys, see how Felix has changed, find out if Alessia’s gotten better at talking with humans,” she said. He felt shaking, but it wasn’t the way she shook out of fear. He’d gotten used to that by now. A sob escaped her. “I want to be able to act like everything is fine, even though I’m human now. It’s just… Dominic was awful, the things he did and said. The things he made me see… it’s not the same when…..”
“When you’re at risk of the same fate,” he said. She shook more, but the weight against him grew. 
“Exactly.” He took a chance, carefully tilting his hand to the side. Dabria had all the time she could need to leave, but the weight on his palm never disappeared. Once his hand was flat and he knew she was off the ground he pulled her close. He stared at her, trying to see all the details he couldn’t anymore.
“I can’t make you forget what you saw, or make it easier to deal with the memories,” He pulled her close and pressed his nose against her. “But I’ll help you however I can. I failed to protect you once, I won’t let anyone hurt you again.”
She laughed. It was the first time she’d laughed around him. It made him desperate to hear it again. To hear it as often as he had in the past. Small arms reached up and pressed against his skin. He loved feeling this just as much as when she’d been able to wrap her arms around him.
“Honestly, that’s one thing I trust.”
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beah388love · 29 days
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Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x fem!pregnant reader
Summary: Your pregnant and get cravings…
Warnings: Swearing,cravings,pregnancy!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
"Reggie!" You whispered into his ear, poking his side with your pointer finger.
"Mh?" Reggie groaned turning in his sleep.
"Reggie baby..m'craving a'gain" you whispered louder in his ear.
"Again? What do'ya want this time?" He muttered into my neck, his other hand massaging my hips.
"Mmh...an ice lolly" I whispered with a shit eating grin.
"Of course why am I shocked" Reggie chuckled as he gave me a kiss and got up from the bed.
"Thank you baby" I said as I tried to take the lolly off of Reggie but he kept pulling it away smirking widely as he did.
"Reg..give it please..." i whined but he didn't give in.
"What's the magic word?" He smirked
"Give it"
"Nope" he grinned pulling his hand away.
"Pretty Please..the boys are hungry" you whined with a pout looking down at your bump,
"Fine.. the magic word was noodles but I'll give it to ya cause I feel bad" he handed it to me smiling.
“Dick” you gave him a playful nudge when he sat back down giving your bump a kiss before giving you a kiss.
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shysoftbebe · 10 months
Traitor {ATEEZ x Reader}
Ateez x Reader
Welp, secrets cannot always be kept.
“You know better than to hide things from us sweetheart,” San’s voice reaches your ears, halting your movements as you briefly look over your shoulder at the black-haired man leaning against the doorframe, watching you a little too closely for your liking.
Instead of responding you carry on with making food, mind rifling through different thoughts, excuses before you settle on something simple.
“San, I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only thing I do know is that you need to focus on Jay Park and the task Bangtan has asked you to do,” you state, feeling his gaze darken at the simple yet dangerous sentence. 
“Sweetheart, you cannot play dumb forever,” he warns you, before the sound of footsteps fill the air. He reaches your side within three strides, gloved hand grabbing your left wrist halting your cutting of the celery, brows furrowing with a tint of annoyance. 
“San,” you start turning your head so that your eyes can meet his, words dying on your tongue as your eyes meet; spotting the worry and concern swirling in them. Usually hidden with a mask, or jokes it does surprise you a little but not completely.
Sighing softly, you tug your hand free wiping both of them on your apron before cupping his face with both hands; he leans into your soft touch drawing a soft smile from your lips. 
“My situation can be put on the back-burner for the time being,” you tell him, his features crinkle mouth opening to retaliate but you shake your head, stopping him.
“Gang matters first, that is the rules whether we like it or not. My mundane stalking situation is not critical,” you tell him, his lips thinning at your words, mind telling him that you are right despite his heart wanting to do something.
“It isn’t like we cannot do anything,” Yunho’s words fill the air, your heads turning to find him and Seonghwa in the doorway, features identical in worry and frustration that is not directed at you. 
“What can you do? Assign one of your men to watch me?” you quip hands slipping from San’s face, he curls one of his hands around yours tugging you against his side as the three men seem to actually consider it. 
“Hyungs, we got word from Hyunjin,” Jongho says, snapping the attention away from you - for the time being - and back to the matter at hand. 
“It turns out the traitor is not from Bangtan, nor our group,” he explains, everyone watching him intently as his eyes dim with a certain pain that stabs at your heart.
“It seems to be from Yuna’s gang that runs Gangnam. And they were running with Jay Park two years before allying themselves with Bangtan.” 
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 2 years
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Cast ufficiale The Heart of a Boss
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• 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 25
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Killer spietato, è fedele alla sua famiglia e non tollera chi non è disposto ad ascoltare i suoi ordini. Il suo temperamento è forte, e la sua mano ferma quando è in procinto di mietere vittime.
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• 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 24
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È una ragazza di origini italiane, molto dolce e disponibile. È cocciuta e testarda, il suo orgoglio non le permette di ammettere i propri errori e questo suo comportamento sfinisce il ragazzo che, da ormai otto anni, è il suo fidanzato.
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• 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 24
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Detective Park, membro della Squadra Omicidi della polizia di Seoul. È un ragazzo coraggioso, spesso agisce di scatto senza pensare alle conseguenze, ascolta più l'istinto che la testa, cosa che il suo amico e collega Jung Hoseok gli rimprovera sempre.
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• 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 25
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Detective Jung, compagno di squadra e ottimo amico di Park Jimin. Simpatico e maturo, ha sempre la parola giusta da dire in ogni situazione, ma dentro di sé nasconde molto più di quello che vuole dare a vedere in realtà.
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• 𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 26
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Discendente di una famiglia nota per il trafficare armi, non fa distinzioni tra "buoni" e "cattivi", i clienti sono tutti uguali, è il denaro che conta.
È quello che si può definire "amico" per Kim Namjoon, anche se non è insolito che dia più importanza al suo patrimonio.
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• 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 24
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Fratello minore di Kim Namjoon, i due non sembrano andare molto d'accordo, ma Taehyung è molto legato alla sua famiglia e farebbe di tutto per proteggerla. È un noto playboy, prende facilmente confidenza con le belle donne e questo gli da libero accesso alle grandi feste e a molti soldi.
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 • 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 •
   𝓐𝓰𝓮: 18
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Figlio di un ex-lottatore, è un ragazzo caparbio e irascibile. È molto forte, proprio come il padre, e sfoga questa sua forza in palestra, l'unico luogo dove può mostrare tutta la sua ferocia e rabbia repressa.
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• 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 27
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Fratello maggiore di Galia, gestisce gli affari di famiglia e preferisce tenere fuori la sorellina da qualsiasi questione. È molto protettivo nei confronti della ragazza e cerca sempre un modo per far litigare lei e il suo fidanzato.
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• 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐨 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 27
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Fidato uomo di Kim Namjoon, rispetta e teme il suo capo, è molto leale nei confronti della famiglia Kim, la quale lo ha tolto dalla strada. Ha un carattere inflessibile e sicuro, ciò lo aiuta ad addestrare nuove reclute.
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• 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠 •
  𝓐𝓰𝓮: 26
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È una ricca ereditiera, suo padre non vede l'ora di darla in sposa ad un buon partito. Ogni uomo che posa gli occhi su di lei non riesce più a smettere di guardarla, l'unico che le resiste è proprio Kim Namjoon, e questo non può affatto sopportarlo, dato che è proprio l'uomo dai capelli color malva che vuole unicamente per sé.
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Buon salve! ♥️
Finalmente il Cast è arrivato.
È la mia primissima storia a tema  - totalmente - mafia, quindi mi scuso se sbaglierò qualcosa. La mia unica scuola sono le serie TV poliziesche, quindi mi limito a quelle e a qualche ricerca.
Spero davvero che vi piacerà ❤
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th3-l4w · 2 years
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So When Do I Get To Pledge My Loyalty To The Mob? by RedRidingStiles
Mature | 10k | 1/1
“Are you my sugar daddy?” Stiles blurts out, slapping a hand over his mouth when his brain catches up to his mouth. The man lets out a soft laugh, making his way around the couch till he’s standing just feet away from Stiles. Stiles can smell his cologne from here, it smells heavenly, Stiles kinda wants to bury his face into the guy's chest so he can figure out exactly what it is.
“If that’s what you’d like to call it.” The man smiles, Stiles doesn’t think he should be allowed to smile like that. All soft and gorgeous and way too pretty to be legal. He’s still not convinced any of this is real.
Stiles loses his wallet, someone returns it along with $5,000. Shit keeps coming, Stiles life doesn't make any sense anymore, he's just going with it.
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