#listen i usually add color and then hate everything
slothquisitor · 2 months
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I drew everyone else’s Tavs in this style so I thought I better do one for me too. Tried out some new brushes to add some color too, and I didn’t hate it! So here’s my sad wizard, Liv.
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kisses4lao · 5 months
Just read some of your stuff, absolutely BEAUTIFUL I might add. Can you sfw/nsfw headcanons do the Lin Kuei boys with a super social gal? Like she’s all energetic and is HUGE on the PDA? Can she also have big titties? (Totally not self projecting or anything)
Tumblr is still being mean and not letting me edit drafts ugh so this is probably gonna be really bad srry
Tw/cw: afab reader, jealous bi han, toxic bi han? he's his own warning guys, kind of just scenarios and not hcs, still hcs tho I cannot deny you all of that, WRITING THIS AFTER I WROTE EVERYTHING AND I FORGOT THE PDA PART IN BI HANS FORGIVE ME ANON, boobs galore, Kuai being a tit guy, I literally hate this so fucking much
Not proofread fuck you
Bi han
Wouldn't admit it, but he finds you adorable.
The way you're the complete opposite of him makes his heart melt.
You practically do all the talking in your relationship while Bi Han silently observes and listens.
When you're out together, he mainly stays beside you as you lead him everywhere.
He finds your ability to quickly make friends amazing, considering he was never able to do that(skill issue).
He can't help but smile when he sees you talk so kindly to everyone, whether you know them or not.
He usually wears his mask when you two are together because of this.
You'd most definitely be the person in the relationship to say "excuse me, he asked for no pickles", mainly because he'd refuse to send his food back because a meal is a meal.
Cool, calm, collected. That's what Bi Han likes to describe himself as. But it's much different when it comes to you.
My god, does this man love tight shirts. It doesn't matter what color, what time of the day, if youre wearing one, he's in the mood.
And he hates how much power you have over him.
He hates when you wear tight clothes in public, too. Mainly because it's extremely hard for him to control himself.
He sees how well you get along with others, how people stare at you with nothing but admiration, and he can't help but feel jealous.
More jealous than he'd like to admit.
Bi Han thinks that he should only be the one staring at you, that he's the only person who can give you the love you deserve.
He'd occasionally see other men staring, looking at your curves and the smile that Bi Han loves so dearly.
He hates the amount of jealousy that pulses through him, clenching his fists tightly as he tries his hardest to keep his composure.
When you get home however, he's showing you just how much he loves you, deserves you, needs you.
He can't help his hands from wandering your body, taking in every curve and relishing in just how beautiful you are.
He'd whisper praise as he kisses and nibbles lightly on your neck, cupping your breasts as a gasp escapes your lips.
You could feel the tent in his pants as he began grinding against your inner thighs, desperately calling out your name as he continues.
His breathing is heavy, fanning your neck as his teeth sank into your shoulder.
A surprised yelp escapes your breath as you can now feel his breath hitting your ear.
"Look what you do to me, you'll have to help me with this, you know."
Kuai Liang
He'd absolutely love seeing you socialize with others.
He'd love the way you can strike up a conversation with anyone and just turn such a bad mood into a light hearted one.
He completely commends your social skills and practically can't go anywhere without you.
Kuai Liang himself would most likely indulge in PDA on his own, so if you initiate, he isn't going to stop you.
He loves holding your hand in public, he loves making people know that he's with you.
He'll also kiss you in public, but not often. Like, at all. He prefers to keep something like that private.
But if you insist, he can't really deny you.
Two words: staring problem.
This man can NOT keep his eyes off you.
Seriously, who decided you can be THAT fine? He genuinely can't stand it.
He's in love with all of your curves, and he LOVES your breasts.
He genuinely can't help wanting to nap on them. Theyre big and soft, can you really blame him?
Kuai Liang would just, touch them. All the time. No warning, he'd walk up to you and just palm them.
Oftentimes, this leads into other things. Kuai is generally just a big fan of titties. Any size, any shape, any color, if you have them, he loves them.
So, he's a professional titty sucker. Willingly.
Kuai genuinely does feel comfort in bringing you pleasure, and if you both get pleasure from doing something, he's all for it.
But if you want to make a night all about him? He's more than excited.
He'd absolutely have you tit fuck him.
He kind of doesn't even get pleasure from the actual feeling, he mainly gets off to how you look during it.
If he was going to be completely honest, seeing you topless and pressing your breasts around his cock is so much more pleasurable than most things.
He'd be a complete mess while watching you, he'd grip the sheets in his hands tightly as he watches his cock disappear and come back through your breasts.
He whimpers as you begin to place kitten licks on his tip, hissing as his grip on the sheets tighten.
Seeing you like this never fails to turn him on quickly, anything that involves you turns him on, but that's not something he'd admit.
"Y/n- please,, let me cum already~"
Oh my god.
This man would be OBSESSED with you.
You're pretty AND social? He might as well propose immediately.
He's constantly around you, literally never leaving you alone, especially not in public.
If Tomas has to go into a public setting and he can't bring you, he isn't coming.
To him, you're like an emotional support person. You're usually the person who starts conversations for him, and he genuinely doesn't know what he'd do without you.
He loves how kind and naturally nurturing you are, the smiles he sees on other peoples faces simply because of you is something that has made him more happy than he's willing to admit.
Tomas is genuinely insufferable when it comes to your body.
Since he practically worships the ground you walk on, he worships your body even more.
If you were to ask him for literally anything, no matter what it is, he'd do it for you, but he has weaknesses.
If you were to ask him for something while batting your eyelashes, he'd simply stop working.
Because of this, sex with him usually results in him being a bottom.
Yeah, I know, it's practically cliche at this point to make Tomas a bottom, but have you SEEN him?
That man is on his knees day and night trying to please you.
He'd usually have you ride him as one hand would be on your waist while the other is firmly holding one of your breasts.
Sometimes he gets too in the moment and holds both of them, but can you really blame him?
Hes entranced to say the least. They're big, soft, warm, how could he not want to hold them constantly?
Even just touching them is enough to get him off.
His head would be thrown back is pleasure as his grip on you tightens, moaning out your name as he bucks his hips upward.
"Shit- hah,, y/n~ I'm so- ngh, close~"
Might disappear and never post again wouldn't that be fucking funny
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hanaruri-tunes · 1 year
How the Demons taste like (headcanons)
Okay I may be going into a weird trip with this but you CANNOT convince me that demons have "normal" tasting cum. So after all the monster cock headcanons I went through for the seven brothers (and I suppose that if you’re here you may have come across them as well) I present to you these "taste" headcanons.
I won’t be including the side characters in this (like Diavolo or Solomon). Sorry but I don’t think I know them well enough to do this for them as well but you’re very welcome to share your thoughts dushdhshdh
To add onto this whole idea: I think it would make sense for demon cum to taste good because it would encourage and strengthen the sin of lust in-between demons and humans as well (if they fuck one and we damn well know they will). Taste aside I also imagine they all have aphrodisiac-like side-effects and maybe even sweet smell.
This is all silly and in good fun so don’t take any of this too seriously aha, though it IS technically "adult content" so please ⚠️MDNI⚠️!!!!
This one was probably the easiest. He tastes like sweet wine, no cap. Probably a Rosé and smells intoxicating like one too. Drinking him literally makes you drunk (as it is his aphrodisiac effect taking a toll on you), you become more giddy and playful with him which he loves. As for how it looks like, I have no idea. I’m not super imaginative in that department so I sort of assume all demon cum looks like human cum but "thicker" and "richer" like condensed milk.
Believe it or not but right after the easiest one to imagine (being Lucifer) Mammon’s was the hardest for me. I went through multiple ideas, those being apple juice, flat lemonade or even a cocktail but for some reason I ended up stopping at warm chocolate. And I PROMISE it’s not because of his skin color idhedhsu I know it’s suspicious since he’s the only one amongst his brothers with actual melanin but really, when you think about it, Mammon is MC’s "first" in every single way, first one to love MC, first one to form a pact, first one to kiss. In every single universe/game, in everything, he’s the first. He’s MC’s "home", and what screams home? Warm choco milk. Yup. As for the aphrodisiac aspect... I suppose it would be pretty standard? Making you more possessive of him, needy and clingy. All the things he would love to see you be like usually.
Okay listen. You know those cartons that look like regular juice at first glance because of the fruits on the packaging? But then you read what’s written on it and it's actually a "nectar", not juice. I suppose everyone knows what it is or at least has already accidentally bought nectar in the past instead of juice but BASICALLY it’s just thicker and heavier "juice". If you add water into it it’s legit just regular juice, kind of like a grenadine which is the same-ish concept. It’s syrup and you add a lot of water on top to make it into juice. Well Leviachan is in between juice and syrup, thus nectar! He tastes sweet and refreshing. And I imagine his aphrodisiac effect could possibly have some hypnotic side effects, making it easier for him to "control" you and making you his.
Alright. On this one I’m a bit stuck again aha. But I imagine something like sweet and spicy tea, as weird as it sounds. Kind of like nettle tea or herbal tea in general. Dude tastes like a warm and spicy arizona drink (the brand, not the state haha) As for his aphrodisiac property, I imagine his cum would have the same effect on others as catnip does on cats. So like, drugs. Yeah. On that note, the aphrodisiac side-effects would also include you becoming more agitated, more "rough" and assertive. Almost as if you’re hate-fucking him.
His sin being lust, the aphrodisiac property of his cum is the strongest, tripling down on the pleasure sensation. And not only his cum but his saliva as well so it’s overkill. I think his cum would have a "magical" feature that allows it to taste different depending on the person that’s tasting it, as to change to this person’s favorite flavor and completely satisfy them. Thus ending with them succumbing to Asmo entirely. Everyone knows Asmo is a menace but especially in bed.
Tastes like honey, 100%. And does it not only taste like it but his aphrodisiac effect makes you hungry for his cum in particular, making you seek his dick. Desperately stroking him to get more of his juice into your mouth. Definitely has one of the tastiest and most filling juices, pretty fitting as the avatar of gluttony.
Belphie is a pretty standard guy, his cum looks like condensed milk AND tastes like condensed milk. All thick, sweet and dense. His semen may or may not have some sort of hallucinogen effect, (only a little though) enhancing the experience. One second you’re in a bedroom, the next you’re tripping I mean, having sex in a surreal setting, stars lighting up and dancing all around while you’re being fucked senseless.
Thank you for readinggg🫰 I’m considering opening up prompts for this summer btw, not sure how well that’s gonna go ahaha. In any case, don’t hesitate to interact with my silly posts or even leaving some messages in my askbox if you’re too shy to do it with your account, it’s really encouraging seeing any type of reaction!
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Hey Tori! Sliding in with a 3k (yay!!! congratulations🩷) request for Echo our most beloved <33
I am forever thinking about that one scene where Echo says "Harm her and you're a dead man". It lives rent free in my brain and never fails to make me smile the ways is says it is just so-
So maybe something with Echo being a little extra protective over the reader? Looking out for them and making sure they stay safe?
thank you ezzie!! he is just So Lovely!! i don't know if this is anything like what you had in mind but i really hope you enjoy this :)
words: 1,750
summary: rationally, echo knew this assignment was going to be easy, an in and out acquisition of information. he's just annoyed that he's not the one playing your lover at that gala tonight.
clone troopers masterlist || join my 3k celebration!!
Under a Watchful Eye
Echo watched from his seat in the cockpit as you stepped out of the barracks area of the ship, and the dress you were wearing stopped his breath for a minute. It was long and flowing, fluttering and shifting around your legs with every step you took, and the fact that the color was a near-perfect match to that of his old battalion was not helping. 
But unfortunately, he was not the one you were dressed up for. 
Technically, the mission was the reason that you had donned the gown that had apparently come from Echo’s deepest fantasies, not a person. But still, this assignment required two people, as you were going undercover as guests at a banquet. And much to his dismay, it wasn’t him that had the privilege of being the one who played your lover this evening. 
No, that honor had apparently been bestowed on Crosshair. 
Logically, it made sense why you and Crosshair were the ones going on this mission. Even though there was little to no Separatist presence on this planet at this point, you couldn’t risk being recognized, and Crosshair was the member of the team that looked the least like a traditional clone (and he was also the least likely to draw attention to himself in the way that the others would). 
But even though it made sense, it didn’t mean that Echo had to be happy about it. 
He knew his brother, he knew that there was no way Crosshair would willingly put you in harms way or leave you behind, but there was still a festering cauldron of worry in Echo’s stomach as he thought about the fact that all he could do at this point is just sit and wait until you left the function. He would have to sit by if something happened to you in there, and he hated the thought of it. 
“Do I look okay?” you asked, stepping into the cockpit as you finished putting a pair of earrings in your ears. As well as matching the color of the dress, they would serve as a communication device that could easily be turned on and off from a remote location, this way if anyone tried to scan you, nothing would show up. That was Echo’s job this evening: to sit there with Tech, Wrecker, and Hunter and listen to everything that went on while you and Crosshair were gathering the information they would send back to Commander Cody.
It took him a moment to realize that you were talking to him, and his eyes widened slightly before he responded. “You look amazing,” he said earnestly. 
“Thank you,” you responded, and he could see the hint of a smile cross your face. “I wasn’t sure how the dress would look, since I don’t usually wear this type of thing.” 
“Well, I would never know it if I just looked at you,” he said, the urge to walk over to you and take your hand only growing. “I mean it, you look stunning.” 
You opened your mouth to respond, but were interrupted when Tech stepped into the space. “Oh good, you’re here,” he said, directing his attention to you. “Come with me, I have a few things for you to add to the ensemble.” 
The “extra defense” had been Echo’s idea, a way to ensure that you would be able to defend yourself if necessary. Just in case everything went wrong, he wanted to make sure that you made it out unscathed, and it would be a lot easier if you had a tiny blaster strapped to your leg. 
Right as you and Tech walked away, Crosshair stepped into the cockpit. He was a wearing a suit, the tie matching the color of your dress perfectly. Somehow he had found a way to cover his tattoo, and Echo hated to say it, but the image of you and him together screamed “power couple” to anyone who wasn’t aware of your identities. 
The only thing wrong with Crosshair’s look this evening was the scowl etched onto his face. “Do you have all the information from Cody about the mission?” Echo asked, wanting to make sure they didn’t miss anything. 
“And you remember where we’re going to meet you when you have the intel?” 
“And you know-” 
“Echo,” Crosshair said, cutting him off with a matching glare. “I already got this lecture from Hunter, I don’t need it from you too. I promise that I won’t let anything happen to your girlfriend.” 
“She’s not-” 
“-Your girlfriend, I know,” Crosshair said. “Even though you’re acting like it right now.” 
But Crosshair silenced him with a look. “You’re questioning me like I’m brand new to the team, and you haven’t been able to stop glancing over at the entrance to the barracks. It’s not that hard to figure out that you have feelings for her.” Crosshair was right, but Echo did not want to admit it. “Look, if you don’t want to say anything to me it’s fine, but don’t lie to yourself about it.”
Echo was suddenly very glad to see you step back into the cockpit, because he had no idea what he was going to say to that. However, that happiness was tempered slightly when he realized it was time for you and Crosshair to leave. After one final check to make sure that everyone was up to date on the plan, he sat down in one of the seats in the cockpit and watched you walk away until you were too small to see. 
Security was bypassed, and you and Crosshair had successfully infiltrated the banquet. This was an assignment that spawned from an unnamed informant to the Senate, so they didn’t have as many details as they would have liked about what was going to go down, but so far it seemed like everything was going to work out and no major catastrophes would happen. 
“Do you see anyone suspicious?” you asked quietly, and you voice easily carried so that the rest of the team could hear you through the small device that Tech made to communicate with your earrings. 
“Not right now,” Crosshair responded, his voice slightly quieter. “But I don’t think we’ll have a good vantage point from where we are now.” 
“Where should we go?” 
“What about over there?” 
They could hear shuffling, so it was clear that you were moving somewhere, but the fact that this device only picked up audio was starting to get a little annoying. Echo wanted to see what was happening, rather than just hear what was being said. 
Suddenly the music suddenly got a little louder, and his curiosity only grew. 
Finally, your voice once again came through the radio, and he was allowed to imagine some of what was going on out there. “Wow Crosshair, you didn’t tell me you were such a good dancer.”
“I’m a man of many talents.” 
“I’m sure.” 
It was only for the mission, it was only for the mission, it was only for the mission, Echo kept repeating to himself. Although he understood the fact that you and Crosshair were going to be posing as lovers for this event, he didn’t really think about what that might have entailed. The thought of you dancing with someone that wasn’t him was almost too much, but he forced himself to keep his cool. 
Trouble always found them, there was no way they should have expected anything different with this mission. After you and Crosshair had acquired some very interesting information from another set of guests (which sounded a hell of a lot like what they needed to bring back to Cody), Tech was right about to tell you and Crosshair to meet the rest of them back at the ship when the sound of blaster fire came across the communication device, and they realized something was wrong.
Instantly, Echo jumped into a frenzy. “What’s going on?” he asked worriedly, pulling the radio device up to his lips. 
“Bounty hunters just showed up!” you whispered. “I don’t know what they want though.” 
“That doesn’t matter, you need to get out of there, now!”
Crosshair’s voice came through the device next. “Wow, what am I? Chopped bantha?” 
“You know I meant both of you!” Echo responded, rolling his eyes. He didn’t have time for the jokes right now, not when you were in danger. “Now, before anyone sees you!” 
All they could do was wait until you and Crosshair could be seen through the windows of the cockpit, and it was taking a much longer time than Echo was comfortable with. Although the communication devices you wore were still technically active, the sounds of footsteps and general chaos really were not of any use to them when trying to determine your location. 
Finally though, the two of you were bounding up the ramp of the Marauder, and Tech was pulling the ship off the surface of the planet and back into hyperspace. None of the other batchers batted an eye when Echo got up from his seat and made a beeline to where you had just walked in. 
Crosshair had already disappeared, probably having gone into the refresher to wash whatever was hiding his tattoo, and you smiled at Echo when he got close enough. “Are you okay?” he asked, noticing a few rips near the bottom of your dress. 
“I’m fine,” you responded, reaching out to take his hand. “We got out of there just in time, no one even noticed us leave.” 
“We took a shortcut through some woods and the shoes they sent me weren’t really meant for anything too extreme,” you said, laughing quietly as you reached up to place your other hand on his cheek. Echo’s gaze traveled back up to your face, and he couldn’t help but fall in love with the smile you gave him. “I promise, everything is okay now.” 
“I know,” he said, too busy drowning in the sensation of your fingertips touching his skin to really worry about what he was saying. “I’m glad you’re safe.”
“Me too Echo,” you said, pulling your hand away from his face. Echo would have been upset at the shift if you hadn’t leaned up and placed the softest of kisses on his cheek. It felt like his skin was set aflame, your lips permanently marking his face; it was evidence that he’d always be yours, even if you didn’t know it yet. “Me too.” 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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vainvenus · 2 years
⌲;꒰ Billy Showalter Headcannons! ꒱
Random Billy headcannons bc I love him sm!!
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→ His favorite color is red and he everything he owns is that bright fucking red (His jacket, notebooks, water bottle, pencils, etc)
→No matter how hot it is he won't take off that damn letterman jacket, it could be 100 degrees and he'll still wear it
→Everyone wonders why Billy wears a letterman jacket even though he doesn't play a sport and he always like; "It looks cool"
→ If he had a crush on someone who wasn't in his usual route for the paper he would wake up extra early just so he could add them into it
→One time he hit Vance in the face with he newspaper on "accident"
→His hair looks honey blonde during the summer but when winter comes around it gets noticeability darker
→Watches Scooby-Doo every morning before school while eating cinnamon toast crunch
→One time he tried to cut his hair on his own and had a bald spot for three weeks
→He takes special care or his hair, washing it every weekend with cherry or strawberry shampoo and conditioner
→He got put in a vote for best hair at school and got ranked at 3rd, Vance got first and Robin got second.
→Was in Boy's Scouts for three years
→Moved from California to Denver
→He's 5'5 but tells everyone he's 5'6 or 5'7
-He's a morning person
→He listens to all kinds of music but he really hates country music
→Doesn't like necklaces because he forgets he's wearing them and freaks out bc he thinks its a bug or snake
→Animals are just attracted to him, on his rides to school he'll most likely be followed by a stray cat
→He's scared of snakes and bugs
→Prefers Fall over all the seasons
→Doesn't like pumpkin spice nor does he get the hype about it
→He loves chocolate and mint like mint chocolate chip ice cream or thin mint cookies
→Prefers French toast sticks over waffles and pancakes
→He doesn't eat the crust when he eats pizza
→He doesn't like onions, if they're on his burger then he won't eat it even if someone tells him to take them off
→He hates sour candy, says that something sweet shouldn't taste sour first
→His favorite kind of candy are jolly ranchers, blue raspberry and cherry are his favorite flavors
→If he splits something in half he's letting you have the bigger piece
-He doesn't like orange juice with the pulp
→His fave soda is Root Beer or Cherry Coca-Cola
→He got his dog for a birthday gift after begging his mom for years
→ His dog's name is Arlo bc I said so!
→He has to have Arlo sleep at the foot of his bed, claiming that he can't sleep if he's not there
→When he takes Arlo to the dog park he pets every dog there and tries to remember them if he sees them again when he comes back
→He uses Arlo as a pillow whenever he's doing his homework or reading comics
→Him and Griffin are best friends
→He takes Griffin on his bike rides to deliver the papers, letting him ride on the back of his bike
→Billy hates olives and Griffin loves them! The Olive Theory <3
→He swears up and down that he has the strongest immune system and then he gets sick as soon as the first day of winter hits
→He doesn't like flying, airplanes make him feel anxious
→He's really good at remembering names, like even people who probably don't know him he just knows everyone
→Whenever he goes shopping with his parents he always wonders off somewhere and has to be called back over the intercom
→Went fishing with his Dad and ended up falling in the water because he couldn't hold onto the fishing pole
→He's really into cars, being able to name any model he sees
→Can't play chess or checkers for shit he's really good at card games his fave to play is blackjack
→He broke his ankle once while riding his bike down a hill
→Really likes ladybugs, rolley pollys and fireflies
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mattsobvimyfav · 3 months
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For sport (Matthew Sturniolo & Chris Sturniolo)
Pt 3
A.n - hey yall so this is gonna be a very very very slow burn I already have some chapters written so I will probs rapid fire. It will be toxic, there will be angst , smut , everything you can possibly think of. It happens.
t.w. - mention of toxic parents and body image.
Not really proof read either.
I pulled into my mother’s house dreading walking in. I turned off my car grabbing my phone and backpack. “How was the first day of classes, Have any homework?” My mother. Straight to the point. I’ve always heard how other mothers radiate love and happiness. Lucky them. Mine radiates anger and uneasiness. “No, it was the first day.” I say grabbing a water out of the fridge and turning towards her. “I dont need the attitude go to your room” I rolled my eyes and walked to my room, grateful I was sent there and did not have my door taken off its hinges… again…
I changed into shorts and a cropped top and opened my phone seeing Matthew still had me added I decided to add him back expecting nothing to come out of it. I was correct in assuming that because after a three-hour nap, I woke up to a couple of snap chats from my streaks and texts from Haylee.
How is it?
Did she take your phone again?
Ill assume that or your sleeping, ill wait and see.
Noooo i got sent to my room, and took a nap. I’m gonna pick out a cuter outfit tmrw
Oh yeah and mattaddedmeonsnapchat
WHAT?!! Has lindsy threatened your life yet?
I decided to just FaceTime with her because, if you know me, you know, I hate texting and would much rather just talk on the phone. She immediately picks up as I give her the run down of how he added me when I got in my car and decided she would help me pick out my outfit for the following day.
We had decided since I wore such an unflattering outfit the first day, I’d wear something that showed off my figure a little more. I didn’t waste 12 years of soccer and at the gym to noto show off what I worked so hard to succeed. We stayed on the phone for the next two hours trying to decide on a color for my homecoming dress, our school had homecoming, snowball, a spring formal, and prom. So homecoming was pretty early into the year.
Once we hung up I made myself a quick sandwich before getting in the shower and getting ready for bed, day two of classes is usually when they actually buckle down and start teaching.
I woke up the next morning, washing my face and brushing my teeth before letting my hair hang loose in its natural state, wavy straight basically just a mess, and put on my outfit. I threw on a pair of black gym shark leggings and a forest green cropped crew neck with some blazers. I never was one to wear jeans literally ever so this was about the best you’d get out of me until summer came along. I grabbed my backpack and checked my phone to see Haylee texting me asking what I would want from dunkin. I quickly responded and threw my phone into my waistband walking out to see my mom in her usual spot on the recliner.
“I’m going to school.” I stood in the entry of the living room looking at her “Are you sure your skinny enough for that outfit?” I scoffed rolling my eyes and walking out of the house. My mom was a real charmer you see, I was skinny. I was very fit. I worked really hard since I was a bigger kid and my mom would make fun of me. I let her words roll off my back now knowing I did look good and I did not need her to tell me whether I did or didnt.
I plugged my phone in and started to listen to the neighborhood as I peeled off heading to school, I was about fifteen minutes early as I parked next to Haylee turning off my car and hoping into hers.
“Good morning my peach” I said as I grabbed the bagel she had got for me.
“Good morning, what is on the schedule for today. Leaving early?” I shook my head no, “This is when Ill be assigned work so Ill stay late for the week and friday we will leave early” she nodded as we sat on our phones finishing our breakfast. We had lost track of time, the bell rining snapping us back to reality. We walked in with our bags and drinks in hand.
“Dad’s tonight?” she asked as I grabbed my first two classes books and notebooks out.
“Yeah. mom basically called me fat this morning so I’ll be there if you wanna come” She smilled nodding before pulling me a pencil out of my locker placing it on my books and walking away. She knew me well enough to know I would forget it.
Math was easy per usual. I accidentally took a nap the second period of english. That was okay though because that meant it was time for lunch. I grabbed my dollar bills and made my way to the vending machine getting a bubbly drink and a bag of chips. I walked into the lunchroom taking a seat at my friend, Olivia’s table.
“Y/N we missed you this summer.” She said wrapping her arms around me
“Yeah squirt” Olivias boyfriend followed behind, Nate, They had been dating since the first week of freshmen year and I loved them both deeply.
“I know, me and Haylee went up and down the whole state this summer” I smiled before opening my bag of chips. Lunch was filled with talking nonsense and giggling at each other until the bell rang. Olivia gave me a hug before walking away, she was like a literal ray of sunshine over me.
I took my seat placing my books down for my last four periods of the day as Matthew walked in just as the bell rang and shot me a smirk, I rolled my eyes at him before shoving my stuff to the side and sending Haylee a quick text asking to go shopping after school.
“Alright class, Since its the begging of your senior year I decided to make this assignment easy for you and you will be working in partners. I hated school even more when partners were involved. Our teacher started reading off names once he finally got to me “Y/N and….” He said glancing around the room “Matthew!” I immediately head planted into the desk annoyed, I had gone three successful years in none of his classes and keeping out of Lindays b-line of terror.
Matthew pulled up a chair next to me “Alright, I dont want to do any work this period so I say we do it tonight and Ill just text you” I agreed seeing as not the smalled part of me wanted to participate either. “I dont know what time Ill be home, me and Haylee are going shopping” I said looking down at my phone “Shopping for what” He asks “Hoco dress” I kept scrolling through the online shop as he nodded looking back at his phone,
The bell finally ring sending us to gym, I asked my gym teacher if I could go grab some work I needed to complete from my shop and she let me go, that was a lie, there just wasnt a single part of me wanting to go to gym.
I sat with Mr. Reynolds for the remainder of gym while he questioned me on the state of my eye, the left only a little yellow still and the right still bruised. The bell rang singnaling I had to head to biology. I said goodbye to my favorite teacher and made my way to class.
Walking in I noticed Mattheew already sitting, I decided to take this time to really look at him. He was wearing a black T-shirt and Haylee was not lying one of his amrs completely covered in patch work. He had on black cargo pants, his hair messy, and his stubble still growing in.
“You know its rude to stare” Matt said snapping me back to reality taking a seat a couple over from him “In your dreams” Just as I thought one sturniolo per class was enough I was bombarded to see Christopher walking in sitting inbetween me and Matt. I didnt dislike chris. He was funny enough and nice to me whenever we spoke, which was quiet alot because we were in the same shop “Hey pickle. Heard about the party. If you want Ill be the shit out of that guy” Chris said smirking at me. I giggled at him at the fact he still calls me pickle only Mr. Reynolds and Chris do that. “Its fine Chris. Ill be okay” Matt stared at us as me and Chris talked.
Once the class was over I started packing up my stuff “Hey you going to Homecoming?” Chris asked as I was putting my bag over my shoulder “Yeah, why?” I looked at him confused. “Go with me. I dont have a date so it should be fun” I took a minute to think before figuring who would it hurt “Sure Ill text you the color i pick out later” He gave me a quick side hug as he ran off towards the doors. “Ill text you tonight” was all Matt said before also walking out the door. I stood there waiting for Haylee because I couldnt possibly wait to tell her I had found a homecoming date. Even if it was only chris he was one of the more attractive guys in our grade so I was happy my pictures would come out good.
Tag -
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yv17 · 2 years
yoon jeonghan bf hcs !
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a/n: this was requested by anon, and it's also my first request AAHHHHH i'm so excited istg ^-^ hope you enjoy it, and thank u for requesting !! also i'm really sorry if some things won't make sense, i tried my best ^^
warnings: none
genre: fluff
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% ah yoon jeonghan, the only man to ever exist, he's behavior screams boyfriend material, but a very specific boyfriend material which i absolutely and wholeheartedly adore.
% a relationship with jeonghan is one full of surprises; you never really know what to expect from him. he's able to make every day something new and exciting for you, and his playful and charming personality only adds to the pros of dating him. he's literally your perfect, high school heartthrob type of boyfriend.
% jeonghan trusts you, and he wants to make sure that you know you can trust him with everything, too. he always reminds you with little actions that in front of him you can be your true self, you can let let loose for a little, show your imperfections and stuff that you wouldn't want the average person to see. because he will never judge you, ever. he knows you have flaws, just as every other person in this world does, but he's doesn't care. he loves all of them, even the ones you hate the most.
% with that being said, he's just so proud of you as a person, he can't shut up about you. he doesn't care how many times he'll be called a simp by his bandmates, he will constantly gush about how amazing you are until he's out of breath. he just thinks your so incredible and the whole world should know just how amazing you are!
% this man just LOVES teasing you, and i mean it. you're slightly shorter than him? he will get things from higher shelves for you just to put it on the higher ones, so you will have to ask him for help. you easily get flustered? he will shower you with compliments and sweet words just to see your face turn red. he finds your reactions really cute, especially when you get mad at him for doing those things; he just can't help but smile from ear to ear when you punch him in the arm after he did something that made you blush, trying your hardest to hide the redness on your face.
% even though teasing is basically his love language, he will always remember to shower you with love and praise simply because he thinks you deserve it. once he says the first i love you, he won't stop. but that doesn't mean the word will lose its meaning, oh no. with every i love you he means it more and more, and everyone around you can see it in the way his eyes sparkle while looking at you, and I the way his smile looks ten times more true and genuine when he's around you.
% he loves showering you with gifts, and expensive ones too. usually, he gives them for your anniversaries or any other special days, but sometimes he brings them totally out of the blue. and when you ask him what's the occasion, he just makes up some incredibly stupid one. "it's national i saw this on the way back home and it's your favorite color so I bought it day, sweetheart."
% sweetheart is hands down his favorite petname for you. he will use it almost all the time, because he just loves the sound of it. you might hear him using honey from time to time, but sweetheart is definitely the number one in his vocabulary.
% since jeonghan is comfortable around you, his not afraid to show his tears and cry in your presence or just show that he's extremely tired. if he had a bad day, he drops his happy mischievous persona the moment he steps into your apartment, and in moments like these, he loves to just lay down with you and listen to you talk about your day, while you slowly comb through his hair with your fingers.
% he wanted to introduce you to other seventeen members almost the moment you two got into a relationship, even before that. and even though they're sometimes a little annoyed that he talks about you so much, when they met you for the first time, they actually realized why he gushes about you so often. it's obvious for them that you were made for eachother; your differences filling each other perfectly, and your similarities making you the sweetest couple around.
% while we're on the topic of other seventeen members, jeonghan definitely took joshua with you at least once to thirdwheel on your date, just because he wanted him to take nice pics of you two. and turns out, the pics ended up being really pretty, especially the ones you had no idea were even being taken. both of you keep them close to you at all times, you having your favorite one under your phone case and jeonghan having a few of them in his wallet.
% definitely the type of boyfriend who will buy you enormous amounts of his albums just so he can make sure you'll get his photocard in at least one of them. and the fact that in most of them you've pulled mingyu makes you cackle every single time.
% arguments with jeonghan happen, but not out of anger, rather of frustration and worry. especially, when one of you starts overworking themselves and it becomes visible to the other one. but every single argument like this just proves to you two that you really care about each other, and just sometimes don't know how to voice it properly.
% if you wanna order take out with him, just know that you will probably have to order from two different places because as much as he loves you, he thinks some of your food choices are rather questionable and he's usually voicing it a lot. well, at least you don't have to worry about him stealing your food now!
% he doesn't even try to hide the fact that if he could, he would put one of his hoodies on you and make you wear it 24/7. and when he's going on tour or won't be able to see you for a long time? expect him coming up to your house with two bags full of his clothes, enough that you can have a runway show in them.
% jeonghan loves you so, so much and he won't hesitate to fight anyone who thinks about you in a bad way. after all you're his favorite person on earth, and he wants the whole world to know how much of an angel you are.
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taglist: @beomblvssom @moonarix @triuusi <3
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>> svt masterlist
© yv17, all rights reserved.
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kleefkruid · 11 months
It's interesting how 'I tought myself how to draw using youtube videos' has created a pretty distinctive style. I don't mean that everyone who was self taught trough the internet draws exactly the same don't get me wrong. But I was walking on the art market trying to see as much as I could of the 85 artists, and from the ones I can pick out as online artists (and they're are of course plenty I must have passed where I didn't have a clue) there were some recognisable elements from a distance that made me go "Ah yes, an artist from the school of the internet"
It's something in the colorscheme people use, and also the general outline of characters. It's like you can recognise the animators for Calarts versus other animators. Because it's not a "lol digital artists can only draw one way" because I can also spot people who got their illustration degree at my uni bc their head teacher had a specific way of filling the entire page that they also adapted.
So yeah, it's not bad, everyone has their influence. I'd just say two things about it which is one, don't draw like that if you think you have too, by which I mean never even open one of those "You're drawing shadows wrong" clickbait videos on youtube. There's no rule like that. But if you're drawing the way you like and that feels natural then you're on the right track! (art uni has bad art teachers you just ignore and the internet does too, but online you don't even have to pretend to listen to get a passing grade, huray!)
Second think I would say, when I was talking about the illustration department at my uni: at one point there was a collective show of everyone who graduated in that department, and I could not see where one artist ended and the others began. In this case it was bc the teacher had gotten too strict (I also had a class with her and hooh boy I ended up making up a parody of her style bc she hated everything and she liked that 💀) There was however one student who had put embroidery trough her paper. I remember that. She's the only one I can distinctly remember bc she had a thing. So if you're drawing in a popular style, try to find your niche. Something you love drawing more, a color you really love.
Saying 'you need to have your own style' can be debillitating to an artist bc there is no unique style to find, you're always a collage of everything you love. But it is good to think, if my work hangs in a line with others, how would my friends pick it out. They're usually better at that too, my loved ones can pick out work of me even if I think it's in a wildly different style. I call it a fingerprint, and it's usually there before you know.
But just, get weird with it. Print out your drawing and put stiches in it like that girl did and scan it in again. Draw upside down. Draw everything in greytones and then add color. Draw some classic painting in a widly different style. Make 5 second sketches of people walking by. It's not the style you use that makes you a better or 'legitimate' artist, but the ways you fuck around. There's nothing wrong with drawing chibi art, but draw it in charcoal sometimes. Or on an elaborate oil painting. Or hell do watch those clickbait youtube video's but follow their advice oppposite and see what funky shit you end up with.
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thepageofhopes · 5 months
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Talking about my choices and template under the cut!
Favorite Game of All Time: Undertale
Probably will stay my GOAT forever unless Deltarune manages to stick it's landing with the many cool extensions to undertale's themes and lore it brings up. Part of my love for it is based on how little games cared to explore the themes it brought up before undertale came out.
Favorite Series: Super Monkey Ball series
No other games have really managed to capture what this series had, though Rolled Out might by the time it's finally released. Lots of nostalgia baked into this choice- I used to do stunts as a teenager back in the day and learn the tech from forums.
Best Soundtrack: Terraria's Calamity Mod
Yes, I'm counting a mod as both a separate game and enough of one to have the best soundtrack. I already loved DM DOKURO's undertale remixes, and they just knock it out of the park with the Calamity mod. I will never not scream THE ENEMY HAS ASCENDED BEYOND YOUR CONTROL but Devourer of Gods is also something truly special.
Favorite Protagonist: Zagreus from Hades
I'm not usually super into the protagonists of games as I usually am with the supporting cast, but Zagreus really makes the story of Hades and his commentary brings the game to life so, so much. Other contender of this spot was probably the Voice of the Hero from Slay the Princess, but hard to say if they are really the protagonist, and also, I like Voice of the Contrarian even more.
Favorite Villain: The Masked Man from Mother 3
-endless crying-
Best Story: Mother 3
Listen, Undertale may be my GOAT but Mother 3 is my number 2 because of how good the story is. Please go watch Super Eyepatch Wolf's video on it if you haven't. The incredible themes, the knife-twisting tragedies, the goofy humor covering up extremely dark subject matter, all of it is so, so, so, good.
Have not played but want to: Alan Wake 2
This game seems so much My Shit™ but sadly it is only on epic games store which I hate. I've heard so many wonderful things about the game and all the visuals in those reviews look amazing and seem like it really is the peak of modern survival horror. Can't wait for it to come to Steam/GoG.
Everyone hates but you love: Continue?9876543210
'Everyone' is quite an overstatement for such a weird, niche game but it is the only game I really like that also has a non positive rating on steam. I've always loved the weird themes and existentialism tinged with hope that this game offers, despite everything from its mechanics to the story being vague and near impossible to parse.
You hate but everyone loves: Into The Breach
Nuclear Throne/Enter the Gungeon could also go here. All are roguelikes which are incredibly loved in the community that I just can't stand. I don't even particularly know why I don't like them, just something about the feel of the mechanics don't agree with me.
Best Artstyle: Splatoon series, but specifically Octo Expansion (until Side Order inevitably beats this)
Splatoon has always been a series marked by it's incredible visual design. Everything screams 90s, the color choices are vivid and striking, the character models are super expressive, etc. Octo Expansion adds even more with the retropunk aesthetic and dark environments mixed with the neon greens and blues.
Favorite Ending: Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
The entire last case of this game is perfect. The ending montage where you get to see where all the characters are going is sweet and ties a great bow on the series, and the final picture with the vase gets me every time. This was another game that was a contender for best story.
Favorite Boss Fight: Undyne the Undying from Undertale
'Not Sans???' listen Sans is probably the better design but Undyne the Undying was my literal first true boss I ever fought in Undertale, and it will always stick with me. I love the rhythm game style of her mechanics and her intro into her music sets the tone perfectly for the genocide run.
Childhood Game: Ball Revamped 2: Metaphasik
Catz is also a contender here since that is even older and I also played that quite a lot as a kid, but Ball Revamped 2 and a lot of jmtb02's other flash games were really when I started to heavily get into video games. I still sometimes go back to this one, the design still holds up quite well, and the rest of the series ain't bad either.
Relaxing Game: Vampire Survivors
I don't generally play 'relaxing' games, I like my games hard and fast and brutal. But vampire survivors build crafting is incredibly relaxing and when you make a successful build being able to just sit back and let the game play itself to win is such a dopamine rush.
Stressful Game: Cook, Serve, Delicious 3
Honestly, most of the games I play could go here. CSD series however is a special type of stress that puts me on edge through the whole level, enough that I often can't do more than a 3 or so in a play session (lovingly). A rhythm game without music, there is no other game series that demands the level of intense focus and execution like this does.
Game you can always come back to: Fallout: New Vegas
I've come back to this game at least 10 separate times with new characters. A combination of incredibly relaxing due to the easy combat system and replayability given the role playing system mean it's an easy game to just jump back into even after a long time away.
Guilty Pleasure: Project Sekai: Colorful Stage
I play a lot of gacha games and most if not all could fit here given how terrible those games are with the players, but Project Sekai is one where I will actively gush about it as I think it's story and characters are legitimately great. Magia Record could also fit here if it the NA servers weren't shut down.
Tons of Hours Played: Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Not my most played game technically (Terraria and Tabletop Simulator beat it) but both of those don't count as many of Terraria's hours are idle due to holding a server up, and Tabletop Simulator due to waiting and also it's not exactly a game in it's own right. I've so far put 750 hours into Rebirth, and still only have 545 of the 637 achievements. No other game has ever captured BoI's way of insane item combinations that make each run a discovery fest.
And here's the template!
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robinbuckleyluvr · 2 years
⊹˚˖⁺ Dating Robin Buckley Headcanons
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masterlist | requests
Pairings: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Summary: headcanons on how i think robin would be as a girlfriend!
Warnings: none!
Notes: i love writing headcanons this was so much fun! its a bit shorter than usual but i hope yall enjoy!
also fun fact i posted this 40 mins ago but forgot to add tags and had to rewrite everything how fun!
being honest she’d be super awkward at first
she would wait for u to do everything
for example: wait for you to reach out and hold her hand
wait for you to kiss her
wait for u to hug her even!
she’d be a super nice and cute gf regardless
i am 100% sure she’d pick up random flowers from the sidewalk and give them to you
I saw this flower while walking earlier today, and it made me think of you so..
she is awful at flirting
i just know it
she’s the type to randomly use those cheesy and awful pick up lines
and maybe even mess them up sometimes
say the wrong stuff and whatnot
but in the end you’d both end up laughing at them
Y/N, Are you a 45-degree angle? Because you’re a-cutie!
Robin, are you okay?
now moving on
she would get so nervous whenever you stay silent whenever she's rambling
she'd be like
are you ok? am i bothering you?
that sort of thing
and you'd happily tell her she isn't bothering you
at all!!!!
(personally i would be super interested in whatever she's rambling abt)
and then robin would just be like panicking on the inside and forget what she was talking about
and oh my god
i am sure she is like a super awesome kisser
but would be insecure about it
in her head she probably thinks shes the worst kisser in the entire universe.
but you'll be like
ur a great kisser dw
and oh my god
i feel like she'd hate kissing in silence
she'd be like "we should play music!"
(i agree w u robin)
she will make u listen to fleetwood mac, david bowie, and madonna.
i feel like she would absolutely love cuddling
like she wouldn't care if you are the one holding her or the other way around
as long as it's cuddling!
she would be like
the whole time
(same while kissing)
y'all remember the headcanon i talked abt the other day about the friendship bracelets?
we are bringing that back
robin would make u so many bracelets
she would make some for ur birthday
ur anniversary
she'd make some of ur fav color
she'd make matching ones
every type of bracelet u can think of??
robin will make you one.
in conclusion?
robin would be the best gf ever!!!
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
41. A door closing
41. A door closing!
She exhaled quietly at the sound of the latch behind her, sensing already who it was. The papers scattered across the table were suddenly so much more interesting for it, troop count and requisition orders more worthy of her attention than what she surely knew was going to happen.
"Commander...", his voice drifted over her shoulder, hesitating. The melodious quality of it sounded dimmed, like someone had tarnished the golden richness of it and now it could barely shine. "Minovae--", he switched to her name, possibly in the hopes of established this as a conversation among friends rather than rank, but hadn't he just established that they were anything but? "--I would like to speak with you. About... what happened."
"You made your point clear, Vaenic", she replied, not even bothering to turn around. The coldness in her voice sounded just as odd as the absence of the usual lilt in his did. "I don't understand why you wish to talk further with someone you hate so very much."
'Seems almost as self-flagellating as us Hellknights', though she didn't add that. Even her typical dark humor felt hollow with him present, his angry insults knocking about her skull.
Silence answered her, save for the subtle sound of a steadying breath as the cleric breathed deep. She heard the tightening of leather, which must have been from the clenching of his fists
"...I don't hate you, Minovae."
She expected more, and found herself having paused in annoyance. The anger was returning, wanting to lash out because what Sosiel didn't realize was that he'd stricken a nerve with his comments and hatred that she herself was still trying to figure out. It wasn't that she was mad he hated them on principle. No, she was used to that. It was...
Only then did she turn around, and found herself staring into amber-colored eyes ringed with reddened whites.
He'd been crying.
Of course he'd been. His brother had become the very monster he'd spent the past few weeks maligning and shouting his disgust and hatred for to anyone who would listen. Still, a twinge of sympathy burned in her gut at the sight... followed immediately by indignance.
"You don't?" She crossed her arms and leaned back against the table, giving him a stony look. "You said yourself that you hate Hellknights, even in spite of serving a goddess of love. You said it sickened you."
He pressed his lips together at that, and she felt everything in her metaphorically tense, ready to pounce. She wanted him to say it, needed him to. Why? She felt almost like a caged beast looking for an excuse to bite. There was something in her she needed to get out and the fact she didn't know why or what it was only frustrated her further. Why was this bothering her so much?! WHY?!
Her tail rattled furiously against the table leg, drawing those tear-reddened eyes downward at the sound before the raised and met hers, no longer as stony. She could feel the anger narrowing them and her brows, could feel the tightness across her nose and mouth.
Sosiel only looked at her with sadness, and a sense of hurt. "I did say that, yes."
"Then what else is there more to say, Sosiel?", she snapped. "Unless you're here to apologize for it or hand over your resignation because you can't get over your disgust of working with me, then there is nothing else that needs to be said. I can still work with you because that's what we're trained to do, so you needn't worry about any retaliation on my part."
'No lashes like you'd expect of a Hellknight', but something in that thought struck sour in her, because she knew Sosiel wouldn't have expected it of her. He'd expect it of any other Hellknight... but not...
"No, you don't disgust me. You don't...", he took a deep breath and took a few steps closer, hand reaching out in a show of peace. "You're a good friend of mine, to me, at least. Please, Mino, you're kind and patient and nothing like--"
The pounce.
"Oh! I'm nothing like them, is that what you've come here to say?! I'm not the horrible stories you've built up in your mind so surely I can't be an actual Hellknight!"
He froze, expression going wide in surprise at the aggressiveness of her response. But that wasn't all. She wasn't done, because the pacing beast had finally been let out of its cage. The pot in her that'd been simmering for so long, now at a roiling, violent boil tipped over and fell to the floor.
In any other case, she'd defend the Orders to her dying breath that cruelty was not the norm; that there were heartless and callous members in any organization, just look at paranoid slavering hounds like Hulrun! Only now did she feel such wracking despair that she was not counted among the ranks of those black-armored monsters in Sosiel's head that he'd generalized them all to be.
"You say you hate Hellknights, but you don't hate me! You say they disgust you and sicken you, but you call me a friend?!" She seethed, stepped forward to meet him so she could bat his hand away with anger. He flinched at first, but his face hardened in response and a flicker of the rage lit across those eyes.
'Good! Show me that anger and rage so unbefitting a Shelynite!' Could he not see how hypocritical he was? If he in all his colorful trappings could wear such a mark of rage then why could she not carry her patience and kindness when clad in black!?
"I do call you a friend, even as difficult as you make it! I came here to talk, not fight! Please, let's just--"
"Talk at me, you mean! Belittle me by treating me as something other than the thing I spent my entire life working to become with pride only to have it all taken from me!"
His eyes widened, and his hand, having still been hanging in the air, fell. Her shout echoed about the room before settling into the silence broken only by her angered heaving. She watched his lips part and his eyes flit down in thought in thought before her own again with a sense of understanding that only make her indignant rage hotter. Burning started to ring her own eyes much to her further frustration and disappointment as it all settled over her, the reason why.
She felt as if she'd lost the right to call herself a Hellknight.
Without her scars, her rank, her units and subordinates... She'd been lost to time for so long... who even was she anymore?
"It...", she started, voice shaking through her breath, before she swallowed and continued in earnest. "In your close-minded ideals, you consider it to be a mark of evil and cruelty. To me, it was everything. If you truly think us friends, then... don't disrespect me like this... please..."
The first of the tears threatened to fall and she turned on her heel with a huff, making to walk away and dismiss him. A hand clamped down onto her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks. It gave a soft squeeze as she paused, and she swallowed down the anger along with the sniffling tears threatening to overtake her in front of the one person she didn't want to right at this very moment.
"...I'm sorry. I... I think I understand you a little better now and I... have much to think about."
The hand slipped off her shoulder and heavy footsteps retreating along with the clank of his armor signified his departure. The door creaked open, but before the latch sounded again: "I'd still like to try talking again, after we've... thought. If that's alright with you?"
She breathed deep again, fighting past the helpless tears for just long enough to bid him on his way. "Please. Just... later."
The door latched, and a sob bubbled out.
Wouldn't it be easier to believe in a kind fate for your brother, Sosiel, if you actually counted Minovae amongst the ranks of the monsters you think he's become? Can you brother have truly 'fallen so far' if he merely wears the same title as your friend and commander?
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crowisxad · 1 month
glass half empty
I feel half empty, like the glass metaphor. Not in a sense that I feel pessimistic, although recently I've been flat-out negative about most things. But in the sense that I feel incomplete. Eugh, I hate talking about my emotions. It's not as severe as before as if I felt like there was a gaping hole in my heart, feeling completely empty.
Recently I've just felt down. The 2 months before April I felt alright. I felt normal, like less off than usual. There wasn't any impending sense of doom. There weren't any dire impulsive thoughts. There were lows and highs but they were just mere flickers.
But now I feel as if the light is slowly losing its fire. I'm thankful it didn't hit me all of the sudden and made me super down within the span of a week. It's just there, imminent.
My surroundings are losing their colors. Everything feels tiring, I have no energy. I feel as if I need to indulge in bad habits to fill the unfolding hole. It's difficult to sleep, I need to listen to background noise to fall into slumber. That and I wake up in the middle of the night. Waking up is difficult. I mean, it always was. Eating too much or too little, though it has always been there. Good days start off strong, but eventually maybe the pills wear off and nothing is meaningful. Is the glass spilling?
I feel half empty but it's not to the extent I've lost all hope. The world isn't fully gray. I still look forward to events, I slightly look forward to seeing my friends at school. I wake up, I go on with my day. I joke around, laze around, then do my routine, sloppily I might add. I was doing good, I still barely am. The glass fills.
Honestly, what's bothering me the most is the possibility of me reaching another rockier rock bottom. That this is just a slow descent into something worse. I would feel as if my progress was bagged and discarded in a dump site. I don't want that. My parents don't want that. My friends, doctor, everyone who probably cares about me don't. Instead of being worried about them being worried, I'm worried about the fact that I'm going to disappoint them. That I'm not getting better.
But hey, on the bright side, the glass isn't fully gone. Just half empty.
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diludae · 2 years
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝓪 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓢𝓸𝓳𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓻
diluc x gn!reader // fluff // based on diluc's new skin // please listen to the music above it adds so much to this // enjoy
TW: Mentions of blood and severe harm
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2:35 am.
The door to your shared bedroom opened as Diluc slowly walked inside. His red coat and gloves stained with blood, his hair a jostled mess. The boots he was wearing dragged in water from the pouring rain outside. He collapsed on the bed as you hurriedly rushed to get up to make sure he was alright.
“Diluc, what in Teyvat happened? Are you okay?”
His gaze slowly made its way up to meet yours. “I’m fine, dear. I simply had unfinished business to attend to.” You took note of the blood on his clothes. It was a deep crimson, a color Diluc could never seem to escape. To you it symbolized love and your deep affection for him, but the young master only saw the remains of all the people his own hands had ended and harmed.
“Is that blood your own?” Diluc’s breath caught inside his throat. He knew you had loved him unconditionally, yet he was still afraid you would despise him for what he had done. He hadn’t murdered his foes, he couldn’t. He couldn’t return to the past, the past without you. But, the Fatui skirmishers were still brutally injured, beyond recovery. 
“It is not. They aren’t dead, but I hope you can still forgive me for having to witness this.” His eyes were filled with regret for forcing you to realize what he truly does. He hates that he draws you into this, his dangerous and reckless role as a vigilante. 
“It’s okay, honey. As your lover it’s my duty to help you and care fo-” A bare finger is placed on your lips. “I know, and I know you want to help, but I truly do not want you to witness this.” Your hands remove his finger and instead hold it close. “Diluc, I know what you do. You aren’t hiding anything from me. I love you unconditionally, and I wish to support you in the best way that I can.” “But-” “No buts.”
“Now go take off your dirty clothes while I go make you a bowl of soup.”
Diluc was stunned by the sternness of your manner. You usually listen to him, fulfilling his wishes to the finest detail. But now, you were going against him, all for the better. He slowly took off his clothes and climbed into bed. On his nightstand sat an exquisite phonograph, one he hardly ever played. His mind wandered as he opened the drawer and pulled out his favorite piece.
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“Honey, I’m back with the soup..” The only sounds audible were the notes of the phonograph and the rain on the window. You walked closer to him, setting the soup down on a nearby table. “Honey?” Diluc had fallen asleep, his messy hair laying soundly on his pillow. As to not disturb him, you quietly creeped into bed. A warm arm soon wrapped around your stomach.
“Rest your head on my chest, dear.” Without hesitation, you scooted closer to him and laid down your head. “That’s… much better” Diluc yawned as he snuggled closer to you, burying his face in your hair.
“You know, this is my favorite musical piece. My father would play it for me when I was young. When I grew older, he taught me how to play it, just like his father did for him.” You listened to every word he spoke, yet your eyes started to flutter shut. Everything was so calming. The music, his voice, the rain, they all assisted you in drifting off to sleep.
“He called the piece “Lone Sojourner.”
He looked down to see your resting figure, watching your chest rise and fall. Diluc couldn’t do anything else but look down at you with a loving gaze. A kiss was placed on top of your head.
“Well, I suppose this “Lone Sojourner” isn’t quite lonely anymore.”
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Heyy is it too late to send in the thing for the Stadew Matchmaking? It's ok if it is, I'm just gonna leave this here still, in case it's not. Sorry for asking :'D
Ok so I don't really care what gender, by if I really had to choose then I admit that I do tend to go for the bachelors more.
I'm an INFP and I tend to be really shy when meeting strangers. My favorite aesthetic is cyperpunk, 80's flashy colors and vintage! I like collecting vinyls! Uhh my love languages are words of affirmations and quality time. I like talking about my interest at lot, most of the time it's about video game lore and movies details that I noticed and found cool. I also spend most of my time listening to music and drawing. Oh I also love ghost hunting and paranormal stuff!! :P
As for what I like in a partner,, someone who's willing to listen to my rambles about random media. I also would like to have someone play video games with me and binge tv shows. I like people who are passionate about what they do.
Yeah that's it I think?
Sorry if I'm bothering!
-- ⚡anon
Hi there, ⚡! You're my first emoji anon! Yippee! Anyways, I match you with...
You could honestly have a shot with any of the members of the A.S.S. squad, but I think Sam's your best match. Let's go down the list, shall we?
Starting with the INFP thing, I have to admit I don't know anything about that stuff. But according to an infographic I found, INFP's are idealists and are very passionate about whatever cause they are behind. They take delight in the unusual.
Sam can roll with that! He's a pretty passionate guy too, though more steered towards his hobbies. He's also a bit of an idealist, though his worldview is tainted due to the situation with his father. You help to give him hope that everything will turn out alright.
As for your shyness, Sam's totally there to balance that out! He's naturally a talker, so you don't have to worry about approaching him. As long as you're friendly and add something to the conversation (even just an 'oh, I like that too!') and he's sure to come back to talk again.
To be honest I see that cyberpunk stuff as more of a Sebastian thing, but Sebastian is also Sam's best friend, so...
I headcanon Stardew Valley to take place in some alternate '90s or early '00s, so the '80s isn't that far behind them yet. but as for a modern AU, he'd think that's really cool! He would also love your vinyl collection and even has a small one of his own, no matter the decade.
Words of affirmation is something I headcanon Sam likes to give, so that's all good! Sam is a pretty energetic person, so if by quality time you mean quiet quality time that's going to be tricky. But if you just mean hanging out at the saloon or something he's all set!
Sam's neurodivergent 100% so he's down to join in on the infodumping. I also reckon he'd really like to hear all the little lore tidbits you know about you two's favourite video games. He brings Sebastian along and you three start rambling about cool movies and shitty movies and all the movies in-between. Bring Abigail along and she'll go into the nitty gritty of all the practical effects used in gore scenes in horror movies.
I think Sam canonically has a book about UFOs on his shelf. Ghosts and stuff are more of an Abigail thing (he's scared of dead people but not unknown aliens haha), but he'll talk about aliens and whatnot with you. Just don't freak him out too much.
Video games we've already covered, so I'll talk about the TV shows. In my employing Sam post, I mentioned him and the reader like to make fun of shitty shows together. So, if there's something you both love to hate, he'll absolutely binge watch it with you and yell at the characters and throw popcorn at the screen.
Again, Sam's a very passionate guy. He loves his band and his friends and his family to the ends of the earth and will always stand by them. He will stand up for Vincent no matter what he's facing, though he usually tries to resolve the situation without conflict. He'll stand by you, too, so please stand by him.
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fullybooked · 2 years
No Call No Show
Title: No Call No Show Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader Word Count: 4.6k Warnings: verbal fighting (from readers parents), mentions of murder, Summary: you were supposed to run away together, but now he's a wanted man.
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You and Eddie had always been meant for each other.
Even before the two of you started dating, you had been a team. A duo against the fires of the world around you, holding hands to lead each other through the bursts of smoke thrown into your faces. When neither of you had anyone else, you had each other.
Eddie, with absent parents and an uncle who struggled to raise him on his own. And you, with parents too focused on arguing with each other to focus on their only child. 
A pair of broken souls who didn’t judge the cracks when they saw them, but admired them. Appreciated them.
And there was a lot to appreciate. The way his excitement overtook him when he talked about what he loved, the sparkle in his eye when he spotted a guitar in a shop window, the rings that he used as fidgets on his fingers because he couldn’t keep still for more than a few seconds. But something you would never fail to appreciate was the way he would drop everything for you.
One phone call was all it would ever take for him to drop a club meeting or leave in the middle of band practice. Reasons you would hesitate to call but he would tell you not to worry about it.
His exact wording was along the lines of, “my girl comes first, and that’s that. Doesn’t get more metal than prioritizing the right way.”
You stare at the phone that sat beside your bed, on the nightstand. Even when silent it seemed to be shouting at you. Shouting louder than the two adults beyond your bedroom door, who seemed to be in a competition of who could say the most hurtful things to each other.
Sometimes you hated them. And not a teenager angsty kind of hate that therapists tell you to work through. But the kind of hate that made you unable to look them in the eyes during breakfast. They hated each other, so much that they couldn’t even be civilized around each other. And neither of them seemed to care that what they said to each other could even affect you.
“I never should’ve married you!” Your mother screeches like a banshee.
The phone whispered at you to make a call. 
“I never should’ve bought the ring!” Your father bellows.
Just one call and you would be taken away from this. All of it would disappear behind you. He would make it better. But he could be busy. Hellfire Club meetings usually ran long. You didn’t ned to call him yet.
You pushed your head into your pillow, wondering if you could muffle the shouting by just trying to suffocate yourself with feathers.
“Thank god Y/N got nothing but their hair color from you!”
It had only been a matter of time before you were dragged into the topic of argument. You couldn’t even remember what this had started as, or why you pertained to it. You’d always stayed out of trouble, made no remarks, and tried to be a good kid. Maybe if you didn’t add to their problems then they would fight less.
All it had ever seemed to do was fan the flames.
“Well, they sure a hell aren’t like you!”
You break, shuffling yourself over to the edge of your bed. With only a reach of your hand, you grabbed the landline that was assigned to your bedroom. You only called one person, and his number was committed to memory. Hopefully he was home, otherwise, you were out of options and would have to suffer this alone.
Raising the receiver to your ear, you listen to the ring. Once. Twice. Three times.
Maybe he wouldn’t answer. He wasn’t obligated to bend his entire life around you, it was silly to think he would drop everything to answer your call.
You were about to hang up before he could fully ignore you when the ringing suddenly stopped. 
“Hello?” It’s him. His voice, a warm drink on a cold day, filled your head and drowned out the shouting almost immediately. 
“Hey, Eds,” you say, head falling onto the pillow, “I didn’t think you’d answer.”
He chuckles, and you can almost see him twisting his rings around his fingers as he stands in font of the phone.
“You’re the only one who calls this line,” he reminds her, “I’ll always answer you.”
The shouting, for just a moment, gets louder. And closer. They’re following each other down the hall and probably towards the bedroom. One of them would pack, whoever was in the wrong, and they would pretend to leave. Just to scare the other. But they would never make it through the front door and would be unpacking later that night. 
You wished one of them would just walk out and never come back. Everyone's life would be easier.
“What’s that?” Eddie asks.
There's no immediate response on your end, and that tells him enough.
“Doll…are they fighting again?”
You smile into the air at his concerned tone and roll so you’re laying on your back. The popcorn ceiling stares back, “just wanted to hear your voice,” you tell him, “they’ll stop in an hour, give or take.”
That didn’t make him feel better. It never did and he’d told you as much. You didn’t want to ask him to come over, it was selfish. And you didn’t want to ask him to come to get you for the same reasons.
But he knew that it was one of the only ways to comfort you. Holding you in his arms would ut both you and himself at ease. You didn’t know it, but his day hadn’t been among the best either. His club was losing a member in the middle of a campaign, and his band had just been denied another gig. Once he had gotten home, he wanted nothing more than to curl into a bed with you. You’d called an instant later, wanting the same.
“I’ll come get you,” he answers as if there was no other option and he didn’t want there to be.
“No, Eddie,” you cut him off instantly, “you don’t have to come to rescue me, I promise. Hearing you is enough to make me feel better.”
You can hear the keys jingling on the other end of the line. He ignored your statement entirely, “I’ll be there in like 10, okay? Usual spot. I love you.”
The line goes dead so you couldn’t argue. Maybe you should be upset at his defiance and disregard. Or maybe that would be overdramatic. Whatever your reaction should be, you could only begin to smile. A goofy and in–love grin that had your eyes squinting and a laugh slipping from your lips to echo through the bedroom.
The shouting beyond the door continued, your mind tuning it out to remind you that Eddie was coming to recuse you even though you didn’t want it. Your knight in a jean jacket.
The usual spot was half a block over, just barely visible from your bedroom window. His van was easy to spot a mile away, with flickering headlights and the smell of gas always coming from its engine. He’d chosen to buy a van so his band could easily haul around its equipment when they got gigs, which hadn’t been for a while. Luckily, it was still useful in bringing you to him.
You grinned when you saw the flickering headlights, thankful that he hadn’t listened to you.
You slid open the window after turning off your bedroom lights, hoping your parent would think that you went to sleep early. If they even thought to check on you when they were done fighting.
Your hands were skilled in pulling you out in silence. Neither of you could count how many times you had snuck out your window for him at this point. Thankfully your house didn’t have a second story, otherwise, this would ten times harder. Not that it would stop you, nothing would come between you and your savior.
When your feet hit the grass of your yard, you gently slid the window shut behind you and took off as quickly as your feet could manage to carry you. You didn’t even have an overnight bag at this point in the relationship. Enough of your things were in the trailer, an extra toothbrush, even your own coffee mug. All you needed to bring was yourself.
Eddie’s favorite part about the arrangement.
You flung open the passenger's door and climbed into the awaiting seat. Eddie was already smiling at you when you looked up at him. The smile that could make anyone believe in true love.
You tried not to blush. After two years together, you’d think you’d be used to the flutters he gives your stomach. If anything, it only got worse.
“Hello, beautiful.” He leans over the center console, meeting your lips in a kiss that could melt your inside. Sometimes you wondered if he felt all of the same things you did when you were together.
Oh, he did. He felt them even when you weren’t together. When you were just a constant thought in the back of his mind.
You smiled against his lips, “you’re a saint, Eddie Munson.”
Eddie leans back into his own seat, the truck still rumbling with the engine on, and grips the gear shifter, “trust me, sweetheart. Not a saint to anyone but you.”
You wouldn’t argue with that. Everyone in town and at school had labeled Eddie as a “freak” as soon as he’d gotten to high school and they realized he wasn’t growing out of the things he liked. His shaggy hair, his patched jacket, his ripped jeans, his band. They were things that made him happy but other people thought were weird. 
But never you. You’d known him for too long, knew too much about him, to ever think he was a freak. He was just…Eddie. Your Eddie. 
“I’m thinking,” He says as he pushes the car forward with the gas pedal. His hand leaves the handle to reach over and rest on your thigh, gripping tightly and possessively, “pizza and a movie tonight? I’ll even settle for (pizza topping) just for you.”
He sends a teasing wink your way. He always said he hated that on pizzas but you loved it, and yet it was always on the pizzas he ordered. 
You smile, watching the house you always wanted to leave getting farther away in the distance. You knew you’d have to go back tomorrow, but you were free for the night. With Eddie, probably arguing over movies at the video store. The perfect way to spend your freedom.
“That’s the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me,” you tease back. A sudden laugh escapes him, one that crinkles his eyes.
“I’ve gotta step up my game if pizza toppings are the hottest thing I’ve said to you.”
You wrinkle your nose and lean your head back on the headrest, “trust me, you can’t top that if you tried.”
“I’m not one to shy away from a challenge, sweetheart.” 
“The Breakfast club?” You ask with a smirk as you look at the movie cover that Eddie had pulled out for the night, “again? We watched that last week.”
Eddie grinned, “it’s good,” he argues and he’s already pulling the tape out of the case, “it’s gonna be considered a classic some day, I know it.”
“Eds, you think every movie is going to be a classic,” you joke, falling down to sit on his bed with a paper plate of pizza and a red cup of soda. You made yourself comfortable on your respective side of the bed, not actually going to argue with him about the movie.
You probably wouldn’t be paying attention anyway, your mind wasn’t fully in the trailer with the two of you. It was still wandering around your bedroom at home, hoping the fighting had died down and maybe one of them would finally say “we need a divorce.”
Maybe it was wishful thinking.
Would you and Eddie end up like them? Your heart nearly stopped at the thought. No. You wouldn’t let that happen. You two actually loved each other, unlike your parents. 
But they had at one point too. They were high school sweethearts, their prom pictures hung on the walls of your house. They even looked happy back then. They’d got married and had you and now…they were hardly even civil with each other when you were around. 
You looked at Eddie, who was putting on the movie while tapping his hands on his knees to some beat you couldn’t hear. Maybe a new song. 
“Eds…” you say. 
This had to be different between you and your parents. You two would talk to each other about what was bothering you. 
“Yeah, babe?” He didn’t look up from the screen, not hearing the slight shake of your voice.
“We won’t be like them, right?” You ask, looking down at the cup of fizzing liquid, “my parents.”
There wasn’t an immediate response, but you didn’t expect one. It was a sudden and loaded question that he probably wasn’t expecting. But you looked up at him, wondering if he was about to stutter out a response just to make you feel better. But he’s staring at you with wide eyes, almost like you’d asked him a horrible question he’d never thought of. 
He’d heard you cry about them before. Many times. Their constant fighting, dragging your name in like a missile they could launch at each other, not caring that you could hear them in your room. He hated the way they made you feel. Not them, per se. They were your parents, the ones who created a being as perfect as you. But he hated the fact that they were the cause of so many tears he had to wipe away.
Sometimes, he wondered if there was a way he could take the pain away from you for good. A way to make sure you were never sad again. It was all he really wanted for you to be happy. And while he made you as happy as he could when you were together, you would always have to go back to that house. To those two.
The two who were, currently, making you question your own relationship. 
“What?” is the first thing he says and then answers himself, “no, no. Of course, we won’t.”
He didn’t want the idea in your head for a second longer. But there was still an uneasy expression on your otherwise perfect face. He put down the remote to the TV that was still struggling to play the picture of the movie. But that was far from both his mind and your own.
You nodded your head, looking away from him as if ashamed to have asked, “I know. It’s just…they were in love too at one point.”
He could hear the thickness in your voice, and he rushed forward to try and stop the tears before they could fully form. His chest ached just seeing you like this. Again.
“Sweetheart, no. Don’t cry.” He wraps his arms around you, falling into the bed so he could pull you as close as possible, “it’s not gonna happen. Not with us, I won’t let it.”
His hands reached up for your face, cupping your cheeks and looking into your glassy eyes. You could see that his were upset too, though probably not for the same reason. He was always upset just seeing you cry, no matter the reason. His soft hands on your cheeks were already soothing the sting in your eyes, the way his thumbs brushed your skin.
He leans forward, forehead resting against yours.
“There is nothing that could make me stop loving you,” he reassures you, “not a damn thing, sweetheart. I promise you that.”
You nod your head, feeling the tears start to drawback, and your hands reach up to hold Eddie’s wrists.
The two of you sit there for a moment longer, just basking in each other's presence and touch. The movie was flickering in the background, the main menu going in and out of fuzzy focus. Neither of you noticed, though. You probably wouldn’t even get around to watching it anymore.
Eddie opens his mouth, “Y/N…,” he speaks your name.
You knew it was serious then. When he didn’t use one of his many nicknames for you. Y/N was reserved for serious topics. You tilted your head up slightly to look at him directly.
“Yeah, Eds?” You ask, voice still stuffy and uneven.
He pulls his head away, only slightly. So that way you could see each other head on. His hands still remain on your cheeks, thumbs brushing your skin.
You gave him a moment as he seemed to be working up the courage to say whatever it is he needed to say. It was only a few seconds before he opened his mouth again, finally choosing to say it out loud. The thought he’d had in the back of his head since you started dating.
“We should leave,” he says, and upon seeing your confusion, quickly ads on, “I mean town. We should get out of town. Together.”
Was he suggesting…running away together? Your eyes widen for a moment, registering the suggestion. 
“You can shoot me down,” he hurries out, “it’s just…I don’t really have any other reason to hang around Hawkins besides you, Wayne probably wouldn't even notice for a month. And I hate seeing you go back to that house and then leaving so upset–”
He was rambling. He did that when he was nervous. An adorable way to fill the awkward silence while you thought.
Leaving Hawkins. With Eddie.
Where would you go? Did he even know? Did you even care? Sure, your parents might be worried if they didn’t see you come home for a few days. But would they put in the effort to find you?
You and Eddie against the world in his van. The way it had been for years, but in different places. The idea was appealing. 
He’s still rambling, “and you should really say something before I start to think I scared you off. It was just a suggestion, I’ll stay where you are.”
You smiled, nodding your head between his hands, “Okay.”
Silence on his end. “O…kay?”
“Okay. Let’s run away together.”
The worry and doubt leave his mind at your suggestion. You were accepting his stupid idea? A grin was breaking out across his face as he leans forward to press a kiss onto your lips. It was fast and exciting and messy, but it was with Eddie. That made it perfect.
“Don’t call it that,” he mutters in between kisses, “it sounded cliche and romantic.”
“It is a cliche. And romantic. I think it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
He laughs, hands moving from your face so he could twist his arms around your waist. You laugh as he squeezes and pulls you up off the bed so he can swing you around. The laughter you let out was loud and probably woke up the whole trailer park, but neither of you cared. Eddie certainly didn’t, he kept swinging you and kissing your face.
“Told you I could step up my game,” he teases and then slowly allows your feet to set on the old carpet of the bedroom, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow night, deal? Got a deal to make, then we have the cash to get us wherever the hell you wanna go.”
Your heart was hammering at the idea. Tomorrow night, at this time, you’d be in the front seat of the van and hopefully across the Indiana border to wherever the hell you wanted. With Eddie.
Your hands tangle into his wavy hair, pulling him into the hardest kiss you could manage. A new life was just 24 hours away
You had never been through a longer day of school than the next day. You were practically vibrating in every classroom seat you had to sit in, foot tapping the ground and doodling pictures along your notebooks of sunsets and cities you would visit with Eddie.
Your friends would ask what had you so excited at lunch, to which Eddie would smile at you from the chair beside you, and put a hand on your thigh because he was just as excited.
“You haven’t stopped smiling since you sat down,” Dustin says, “did Eddie finally propose?”
The freshmen were your guys’ biggest fans. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. Your older friends were over it, having been around you since you started flirting. But the younger kids treated you like their older siblings. Maybe you would write them letters from your travels. They would probably love the idea of you guys running away together.
“Just having a good day,” you say, Eddie’s thumbs rubbing your thigh over your jeans, “you guys should try it, sometime.”
Eddie and you treated it like any other day. He waited for you after school in the parking lot, music blaring from the speakers, and kissed you like he couldn’t breathe when you got in. He drove you home, like every other day, and didn’t walk you to the door because your mother was ever happy with his presence. As if he was happy with hers.
The van pulled up in front of the house noisily, sputtering and spitting exhaust fumes into the air. 
“I’ll pick you up at nine,” he says, a grin on his face as he kissed you what seemed like goodbye. It was all teeth and smiles, “got a place in mind yet? We have the world.”
You hadn’t stopped thinking about it since last night. Did you want to see the city? The country? Should you go to all the stereotypical road trip locations like the grand canyon? Maybe Niagra falls or the Redwood Forrest.
“I have a few ideas,” you say and then open up the passenger's door, “I’ll see you tonight. I love you.”
The van screeches off as he shouts from the windows, “I LOVE YOU!”
Like every day. So the whole neighborhood would know it and spread that word that he, Eddie Munson, loved you, Y/N Y/L/N. 
There wasn’t a pit in your stomach when you approached the door to the house. This was the last time you would have to hear them fighting, or see them trying to pretend that they loved each other when you were around. 
“Welcome back, dear,” your mother says when you walk in. Normally, you would mutter back a hello and hurry to your room.
But today, you figured you would humor her conversation, “Hi, mom! Have a good day?”
She looked up from the sink, where she stood cleaning the dishes that survived their last fight. A few plates had been lost before, and you were always prepared to lose a few more if it got worse. Not for much longer, though. Your savior, Eddie, was going to take you away.
“I did,” she says, confused by your sudden interest in talking, “and you? How did your English test go?”
“Won’t know until next week,” you say and then walk around the counter, “I’m going to take a shower before dinner!”
“Okay…” she says, watching you walk towards your room to grab the clothes you would wear to leave. So what if she was suspicious? Chances are she didn’t even know you had gone to Eddie’s the night before, she probably hadn’t even noticed half of your belongings migrating over there. Your father surely hadn’t.
Your shampoo and conditioner remained in your house, though. Most shower things did because there wasn’t room for them at Eddie’s. On the occasion that you did use their shower, you just used Eddie’s things and he never seemed to mind. Plus, you liked to smell his shampoo on you. 
You wonder what the deal was that Eddie had to make tonight. You were aware of his little job. And while you didn’t approve, it had never come with many consequences. He hadn’t been caught, or sold to anyone that you personally knew. He mostly dealt with people in bars and at their gigs, and he never let you be around when it happened.
So you didn’t worry about it. They had never gone wrong before that you knew of, why would this one be any different?
You showed quick so you could give yourself time to pack, and got out leaving enough hot water for when your dad got back from work. He would bitch about having to take a cold shower if he had nothing else to complain about.
You walked out, steam following you. It came off your skin when the cold air hit the hot water droplets that were still on you. 
Halfway to your room, you hear “Y/N!” 
Your mother never called you before dinner. She knew it was useless to try and get you out of your room unless food was involved. You stopped walking and looked over your shoulder, wondering if you had actually heard her. Water was collecting from your dripping hair in a puddle underneath you.
“Y/N!” She calls again, this time louder.
“What?!” your eyebrows furrow.
“Get in here! Right now!” You jump at her volume. It was unusually urgent.
“One second!” You turn back towards your door, “I have to get dressed!”
With a groan, you turn round. Wrapped only in a towel and unbrushed hair, you march towards the living room. You had a lot to pack and think about before dinner and pretending like it was a normal day. And you didn’t want to parade around the house in only a towel unless Eddie was around.
Your mother is standing in the living room, dead center of the room, staring at the blaring TV. Hawkins news was on, the camera blurry and moving too much for you to see it properly.
“What?” You ask in annoyance.
She only points at the TV, “isn’t that where your friend Eddie lives?”
“He’s my boyfriend, mom.” With a roll of your eyes and tightening of your grip on the towel, you look at the TV that had her so enamored. She never seemed to want to admit that you and Eddie were together. 
The camera was steadying on an image. A sight you were very familiar with when the van always pulled into the trailer park.
Eddie’s trailer was surrounded by cop cars, the door busted open, and caution tape around the small piece of property. Your heart stopped as the woman on the TV started jabbering news that didn’t make any sense to you.
She speaks with an expressionless face, “we’ve been informed of the owner of the trailer where the body was found, and the name of the victim.”
Silence and sirens blaring as you walked closer to the TV, eyes getting wider as you tried to understand what was going on.
“The victim’s name,” oh god. Eddie. Don’t say, Eddie, “Christina Cunningham, a student at Hawkins High.”
Millions of questions were flying through your mind. Cheer Team captain Crissy was at Eddie’s trailer? Where was Eddie? And Wayne?
“The police say their number one suspect in her gruesome murder fled the scene of the crime and into the woods from eyewitness reports. Edward Munson is to be considered armed and dangerous by all of Hawkins until the police can apprehend him.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as your mom put her hand on your bare shoulder. 
Eddie didn’t show up that night to run away with you.
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Canonically, he was still around teenager age after the disc finale where Dream went to jail. He is a child back during L'manburg.
Also canonically, Wilbur was neglectful. Give me more fics with Fundy lashing out at Ghostbur/Revivedbur for good reasons.
Also we can give him the Tommyinnit treatment. (Hated by everyone else on the server, a child who has gone through trauma, betrayed and betrayer, etc.)
Taking advantage of the fact that he is a child, what about the Manburg/Pogtopia fight?? He was very young and dealing with everything about that.
GIVE HIM WINGS. It is a fairly common headcanon that Wilbur has wings. Why wouldn't his son have wings? Pretty ginger and white wings or blue wings
Now some fic stuff that I see often with Tommy but ways we can make it Fundy-centric :)
Everybody hates Tommy except That One Person: I mean, Fundy's already pretty disliked by the server so this one's basically canon. That One Person could be Purpled (bc I think they both deserve a friend), or it could be Ranboo, or someone else who's alone
Godinnit AUs: Fundy could very ealsy be the god of coding! I'm just thinking about ideas for this. Think about the idea that his powers come in slowly until something bad happens and he slowly starts taking control of the code or something!!
Villain AUs: Listen, Fundy's already half a villain, I think a full blown villain arc would be fun :)
Following that, Super Power AUs: Give. Fundy. Cool. Powers.
Those Tommy-crash-lands-in-Hermitcraft fics: I'm actually writing something like this! But think about Fundy ending up in Hermitcraft. I think he'd fit in well. Instead of Grian we could have him bond with Ren (wolf/dog hybrid), Etho (somewhat associated with foxes or shapeshifting, both are commonly found with Fundy), or literally any of the redstoners.
Wingfics. As I said, Give Fundy wings please. Blue wings would be interesting bc 1, the colors would fit well with his ginger fur, and 2, Ghostbur's blue :>
Those Phil-ignores-both-Wilbur-and-Tommy-and-they-run-away fics but it's Fundy and Tommy and/or Tubbo or Purple. I mean, think about them running away from L'manburg because they don't want to fight, dodging people who want to take them back to the dsmp
I admit I didn't read a lot of fanfics before I left the dsmp fandom so I don't know a lot of other fic troupes that were usually Tommy-Centric
But feel free to take this list and add on to it if you want!
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