#lily evans is better off without Severus
licorice-lips · 1 year
Something I'm really mad about the Harry Potter books is that people seem to think that Snape's love for Lily was something beautiful when it was something based on excluding everything he didn't want to see about her
Case in point, the fact that she was a muggleborn: Snape loved Lily despite her being a muggleborn and did it whilst trying to hurt people like her, people Lily could see herself in (btw how come this isn't considered creepy af?), bc to him "she was different", she was an exception.
Yeah, but to Lily (and everyone else really) she wasn't. She was a muggleborn just as the other muggleborns in the wizarding world and Severus was advocating to people like her to be persecuted, tortured and killed (again, how come isn't that creepy????). And let's not forget bigotry like that (fascist-like) is always accompanied by a huge amount of misogyny, just saying.
While James loved Lily not BECAUSE she was a muggleborn as much as because she was LILY, but he still saw her birth as something relevant (bc it was at the time) in the sense that he'd fight for her and every other person like her for the sole reason that that was the right thing to do.
I stan the right character and nothing you say can convince me otherwise.
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momo-t-daye · 4 months
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“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got your scarf?" “The little asshole was whinging about being cold,” Sirius shrugged, unconcerned by the chilly evening air. “I thought he might gag himself but no luck yet.” “Huh,” said James.
“I still think it’s just a marketing ploy,” the little asshole swathed in woolen scarves said thoughtfully.  “Everyone knows he doesn’t sell firewhiskey to students and his butterbeer is near rancid, but once you’ve hiked all the way up here to check out the goat it’s almost a waste of time to not buy something.” “A giant goat is quite the statement given his, ah, past legal entanglements,” Narcissa said with the sort of obvious delicacy that teetered dangerously close to turning suggestive. “It really must be seen to be believed and the last few have hardly lasted any time at all.” “It looks so flammable,” Lily Evans gushed, bubbling with malicious anticipation. The best thing about the magical world, Lily maintained, was the sheer number of holiday traditions that eventually included lighting something on fire.  Her mother’s nerves had never been up for a proper Bonfire Night and Cokeworth’s Catholics weren’t the type to celebrate it either.
“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got MY scarf?" “Because Evans said it was cold and you gave her your scarf to be gallant and she then handed your scarf over to him” Sirius replied, without any worries over his best friend’s apparent memory issues. “Right,” said James.
“He’s bound to have put up some anti-arson charms on this one after the fiasco with Dumbledore’s pet phoenix last year and inexplicable triple lightning strikes the year before,” Severus scoffed.  “If it’s properly phoenix-proofed— and I doubt the rest of Hogsmeade would allow him to put another goat up that wasn’t properly phoenix-proofed— we’d need a miracle to burn it down without being caught.” “We’ve got the blessings of tradition with us, Sev,” Lily replied. “Can’t you see? The goat must burn again!”
“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got Remus’ scarf?" “Because I was foolish enough to take my scarf off inside and Snape picked it up and put it and just looked at me when I asked for my scarf back,” Remus interjected, slightly bitter at his ignoble defeat. “Gosh,” said James.
“Twice is hardly sufficient grounds to claim a tradition,” Narcissa opined. “Three is a far more magically significant number.” “So you’re saying it’s up to us to ensure the sacred fires once more hold back the darkness!” Lily said, full of pyromaniacal resolution. “I say it’ll take planning and proper intelligence gathering, neither of which I’m inclined to do while my mouth still tastes like something died in the Hog’s Head butterbeer barrels,” Severus sighed. “Let’s stop at the Three Broomsticks, Potter will buy us all a round of the special seasonal cinnamon spiced butterbeer, and we’ll work on preparations back at school.”
“Hey,” said James Potter.  “Why hasn’t Snape got—” “Unlike you all, I know better than to leave my clothes and stuff unattended in Snape’s vicinity,” Peter interrupted, smugly snug and cozy. “Oh,” said James. It really was quite cold.
For an assortment @snapecelebration's Snoliday 2023 prompts
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Okay, so mixing ideas together; what if Harry’s Muggle!Aunt!Reader was the Obscurus that Albus brings to Hogwarts but it’s back in the Marauders era?
Like, there’s no way that Lily doesn’t pick up on something being off with her beloved sister. She sees the way her sister has pulled away from others even if it’s a little but Lily notices it, she’s always been very keen when it comes to the Reader and spends every moment during her breaks being close to her. Maybe she even witnessed a burst of magic from her sister or something of the sort. Either way, things aren’t adding up and Lily makes it her mission to figure out what’s up. It’s all she’ll focus on when she gets back to Hogwarts.
When she does find out what it is or has a pretty good idea of what it might be, Lily immediately goes to Dumbledore to ask for advice or full on help and that’s when he gets involved. He’ll go meet with the Reader and talk to them, try to get them to tell him what’s going on. Lily would be adamant about wanting to be there when he does but he thinks it’ll be better if she isn’t in case the Reader may feel ashamed of opening up about it in front of her.
After that, Albus goes to the Ministry and tells them of his plans to bring the Reader to Hogwarts as student even without their letter. He would bring up the fact though that there was a letter sent but never received by the Reader. He probably already has a clue as to how it didn’t get to the Reader in the first place *cough* Petunia *cough*. They are of course apprehensive to allow this but Albus vows to take full and complete responsibility for them no matter what. And after assessing the Reader themselves and seeing that as of right now she’s of no threat to anyone but herself at this point, they allow it but they do intent to keep a close eye on the Reader from then on.
Lily inadvertently gets what she’s always dreamed of and her beloved sister gets to attend Hogwarts with her and she couldn’t be more overjoyed. But Lily will become much more extreme in her overprotectiveness than she already had been. Her sister is an Obscurus after all and a majority of people aren’t going to be very accepting of that, but fortunately Lily knows just the people who will help protect and care for the Reader and accept them wholeheartedly.
Lily, James, Sirius, Remus and whoever else they can get will be the Reader’s own personal protection squad. Like, they would literally walk around the school as bodyguards, surrounding and escorting the Reader from class to class and what not if it wouldn’t draw so much attention. But Lily’s whole thing is that she wants this to be as completely under wraps as possible. She doesn’t want anyone to know about her sister being an Obscurus. Lily wants her beloved sister to have as normal of an experience as she can at Hogwarts and she won’t let anyone mess that up for her or her sister.
The biggest thing though is going to be which house the Reader is sorted into. If Gryffindor, than fantastic! That’s just what Lily had hoped for and it would be so much easier to be there for her sister. If Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw then it wouldn’t be too hard to insert herself or the others into being with the Reader and making sure she’s okay throughout the day, as well as making connections among the respective housemates and getting them to keep an eye on her sister for her. If Slytherin, then oh shit! She could always work with Severus to watch her sister, even if she has to force his hand to do so (not that she’d really have to but she would if need be). But trying to integrate among the Slytherins to keep an eye on and be around her sister is going to be hell. Not to mention her and her sister’s muggle status already puts an automatic target on her sister’s back for the snakes to go after. Particularly, the more dangerous and unpredictable snakes; ie. Bellatrix, Lucius, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Evan Risier, etc.
In the case that Muggle!Aunt!Reader does end up in Slytherin, Sirius would also get Regulus to keep an eye on the Reader for him, Lily and the others. It’s good to say that this would be a good way for Lucius and Narcissa to begin their obsession with the Reader, having no clue that all this time their darling was an Obscurus. Also, gives Bellatrix a good excuse of being involved with the Reader too.
Not to mention, (going off an ask I haven’t answered quite yet) if Bellatrix were to pick up on the dark magic that was flowing within the Reader due to the Obscurial, she would be all over her. Not physically, but she’s always right there near where the Reader is and that has pretty much everyone who’s looking out for the Reader on edge.
This overall scenario of Obscurus!Muggle!Aunt!Reader also allows the Reader to become a teacher at Hogwarts later on and be there with Harry during his school years. This scenario is pretty much a win-win for all the obsessive parties involved. Excluding Petunia.
Also, I totally stand by the idea of Teacher!Obscurus!Muggle!Aunt!Reader helping prove Sirius’ innocence in Harry’s third year, that is if he still ends up going after Pettigrew after James and Lily’s deaths. Like, the Reader would obviously end up in the shrieking shack when shit goes down and before Pettigrew can do anything she hits him with a freezing charm so they’re all able to bring him to the castle, alive and very much in person for all the authoritative parties to see. Not to mention, she’d also remind Remus to take his potion preventing him from wolfing out in that moment.
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ladyknight33 · 1 month
Severus Snape, The Lost Lily, and A Certain Kind of Courage
Not enough credit is given for the type of courage that allows an insecure boy to stand in enemy territory and apologize. It is the same type of courage that has allowed him to behave as a spy in the most dangerous situations of the story. The books inform us that Severus has insulted Lily multiple times, perhaps indirectly, when in conversation because of his constant acquaintance with Slytherins who referred to her as a Mudblood. In order to maintain relations with his Housemates, he needed to use the same vocabulary otherwise they would ostracize him along side the rest of the school. The books also say that Lily forgave him frequently for these transgresses and even defended him to her friends. Because of these references, she might not have had the slur directed at her from Severus’s own mouth. Only in passing in referring to the Muggleborn population. This could explain her outrage at the callous behavior Severus gave her following the “Worst Memory” incident and why she never forgave him.
To better understand why Lily took the derogatory slur so harshly, one needs to understand why Severus would have lashed out in such a horrid manner. Many readers insist that there is no forgiveness for this behavior, but circumstances pushed him into a no win situation.
First of all, the Marauders attacked Severus unprovoked. (This isn’t say that Severus never attacked first, but in this instance he was the victim) James Potter’s attacks were less harmful in the physical sense, but emotionally they caused embarrassment and lasting mental damage to Severus from the inability to defend himself.  Second, Lily attempted to call James’s off no less than six times (HP OotP, Ch. 28). Fueling Severus’s embarrassment to have a girl defend him yet again when James actually relented. 
“There you go,” he said, as Snape struggled to his feet again, “you’re lucky Evans was here, Snivellus –“
“I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!”
Lily blinked. “Fine,” she said cooly. “I won’t bother in the future. And I’d wash your pants if I were you Snivellus.” (HP OotP Ch. 28)
There was a moment hesitation in Lily’s response that suggests surprise and shock, inferring that Severus had never referred to her directly as a Mudblood. Lily not one to be insulted returned in kind which no doubt destroyed Severus’s heart. His one friend and defender had abandoned him. This was likely the moment when Severus knew he had made the most grievous error of his life.
This error was fueled by years of influence by Slytherins such as Malfoy, Nott, and Mulciber. Severus had grown accustom to the slur’s constant use in casual reference and was expected to use the term without hesitation. By this point in his schooling years he was probably having to hide his interest in having Lily as a friend publicly in order to stay friends with his Housemates. 
The stress and embarrassment of the situation in such a public manner likely did cause Severus’s vocabulary to slip out the insult. He needed to appear as the consummate Slytherin in the eyes of his racially bigoted friends and he had to appear self reliant in terms of the stereotypical male who does not seek protection from women. Most all cultures have this image of a strong male and seem to indicate that needing a female to fight his battles is considered weak. Given the home life of Severus Snape he likely learned this behavior from a strong willed Tobias Snape. 
While no one is free from fault, circumstances, stress, embarrassment, shame and anger do cause people to say and do things they would otherwise not do. This combination of emotions does cause people to act irrationally. Teenagers are the best examples of people making irrational decisions. Everything from trying illegal drugs, drinking and driving, and defying a parent because of a simple misunderstanding are examples from real life. Granting another chance to people who do make horrible decisions while stressed is up to the victim of the attack. In this case, Lily decided that there could be no more chances.
Now with the emotional state of Severus Snape explained, it is time to talk about the courage it took to stand in front of the Gryffindor Common Room demanding to see Lily. He threatened to sleep there which meant he did not care about the rules or how the students of Slytherin would laugh at his decision. At that moment in his life Severus cared about nothing more than apologizing and seeking forgiveness for what he had done. Admitting fault is a difficult thing to do at the best of times, carrying with it the shame and humiliation all its own. Doing so publicly takes great courage. This is the courage of doing what must be done. 
Severus Snape, who is not like by many people, influenced by hatred and bigotry, and faces ridicule for his choices, is able to swallow his pride and do what he knows is right. Argue that this is only because he does not want to loose Lily Evans and that would be correct. At this point in his life he has very little support in the social structure. He needs all the friends he can find. At this point in his life sexual interests have not been revealed. There is no evidence that he sought after Lily for anything other than a friend. 
The courage it took to stand there and listen to Lily reject him while trying to apologize is breathtaking. This is the courage that allows him to stand before great evil and not waver. He has already felt the guilt of being unable to save what is lost. So he tries to salvage what he can. At this turning point in his life he is crying out for help but is unable to express himself. He wants to do right but his only outlet pulls him deeper into Voldemort’s grasp. With his last bridge of friendship with Lily burned, he likely had no more strength to resist the inclusion he felt with his Death Eater friends.
He still had the strength of mind to feel concern for Lily’s safety. Keep in mind that when the prophecy was first heard and reported no one knew who the child was. Severus had made the only choice he felt was left to him by becoming a Death Eater and in his mind getting even with Dumbledore by reporting the prophecy would have been high on his list of priorities. It was not until Voldemort chose his victim did anyone know who was in danger. Severus probably felt extreme guilt at passing the information, but he could not have known that Voldemort would choose the Potters as the most dangerous. 
To his credit, Severus had the courage to ask the Dark Lord to spare Lily’s life. Many people, including Dumbledore, ask why ask for only the woman’s life. The reason is clear. Voldemort had chosen his victim and if Severus Snape had ask for the family to be spared then he would appear to be a traitor and destroyed. He could get away with asking for a woman he had loved since childhood. Voldemort knew of sexual desires and assumed Severus asked for a woman because he desired her. This is where the sexual definition of love started to develop. Severus never claimed it was true only that Voldemort made that assumption. Severus allowed the assumption to stand because it shielded him from suspicion. 
When he begged Dumbledore for Lily’s life, Dumbledore accused him of only caring about her. Given the known history that would be a safe assumption. Of course Lily is Severus’s first thought. She was his first and only best friend. There would be some resentment over James Potter putting her in danger. But notice that it was not Dumbledore who insisted on protecting the family. Dumbledore asked “why did you not ask Voldemort to save the whole family?” which is a ridiculous thing to ask the man trying to kill said family. Severus was the one to volunteer the request to save the family. Yes, he wanted Lily safe and understood that to do so would require saving her family. He would not see James and Harry killed for the sake of one person.
Severus made a dangerous choice in seeking out Dumbledore. He is shown to be afraid during the confrontation, starting out by begging, “Don’t kill me!” Severus knew this meeting could easily end in his death or imprisonment and Lily was more important than either. His courage was fueled by fear at this point, but he still knew what had to be done and was willing to face the consequences.
During the Voldemort’s second rise to power, Severus hung between trust and traitor. He walked in two worlds where people refused to believe he was truly on their side. Constantly having to put up with the comments and insults. He bore this as best as his bitterness allowed him. But when faced with the task of killing Dumbledore, the courage needed to complete it was overwhelming. From Severus’s own memories it is known that he did not want to do as ordered. As shown with Draco Malfoy, killing is not so easy a task when one’s heart is not evil. This again is the courage of what must be done. Not because it is right, or because it is glamorous. But because it is the only option to reach the end goal. 
Traditional heroes would have balked at killing a friend who would otherwise die a horrible death. Readers curse Severus for this action, one among many. If this horrible decision had not been made, then the ability to protect the students at Hogwarts and pass along vital information to Harry at the right time would never have come to be. 
No matter how furious the Order of the Phoenix was at Severus’s actions, they needed him to do the dirty work of spying for them. With the information he brought them, they could then be the heroes everyone expects.
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sk1fanfiction · 2 months
this thing i have in my notes that i probably won't finish
Cokeworth is interminably boring.
Cokeworth is grey smoky skies with smog rising from a factory on the horizon.
Cokeworth is long, cold summers without a hint of sun.
Cokeworth is purgatory for teenagers.
It's the intermittent sounds of Eileen and Tobias arguing downstairs as he re-reads his new Potions textbook for the ninth time, fingers drumming against the hard cover to the steady rhythm of their shouts-
A loud thump below the window. Severus's heart skips a beat; he crosses the room and slides the lower half of the window up, and a small hand with short, shiny, black-polished nails emerges, followed by a head of tousled dark red hair and a feral grin.
"Sev!" she says breathlessly.
The climber pulls herself into the room with practised skill but no grace; a large green toad follows. He goes by the name of Archimedes; Severus avoids him at all times.
The climber, Lily Evans, is the single interesting thing about Cokeworth.
She slams his window shut again, panting heavily, and flops down on the floor.
"You'll fall to your death one of these days," Severus rebukes, shaking his head. But he's glad she's come; he's always glad to see her. His bad mood lifts, and his parents' shouting seems far away now.
Lily ignores him, brushing dust and dirt off her favourite dungarees, her wand propped behind her ear, and rifles through his box of records. Cheap, faux-silver earrings dangle out of ear piercings she did herself with a needle.
"I've told you, there's nothing good in there - it's just my dad's stuff." He pauses. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Tuney's driving me up the wall. She's got another one of her boring boyfriends over. Probably wouldn't want me around him, anyway. I might do something weird and scare him off."
Tuney, or Petunia Evans, is Lily's older sister, and they are as alike as a vulture and a swan; that is to say, they are different in every which way. To begin with, Lily is a witch, like his mother, and Petunia is not.
"She just-" The earrings shake indignantly "-won't stop calling me a freak."
"She's an idiot," Severus responds reflexively. Lily Evans is utterly perfect, and even James Potter, moron supreme, agrees.
"I know." Lily sighs. "But for better or worse, she's my sister."
She flicks her wand at one of the records, and it slips out of the case, hovers hesistantly, and then settles down onto the record player. It's terrible, but at least it drowns out the sound of his parents arguing.
Lily's gaze falls onto the Potions textbook, and a smirk crosses her face. "Read it from back-to-front three times already, I assume."
"And added annotations. Can you seriously believe Borage suggested chopping instead of crushing peppermint leaves?"
"The idiot," Lily agrees.
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polychr0matic · 7 months
Pour a little salt. ~ S.B.
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Author’s Note: This was just something I wrote because I had a bad day and needed to have something good to come out of it, which I think this is??? Been years since I’ve shared my writing so this may be terrible, sorry. ☹️ It’s also kind of incomplete. Perhaps a series if people respond well? Anyway, happy reading!
TW: Some self-deprecating thoughts and dialogue, Ravenclaw ‘reader’, no use of Y/N, brief mentioning of Wormtail and Snape.
Don’t look in the mirror. Don’t look in the mirror. Don’t look in the mirror. It was the current mantra that was ceaselessly repeating in my head and coincidentally, the only thing keeping myself from tumbling over the ledge into the abyss below. For now. I haven’t the foggiest idea how I got here or how I came to be like this, but it seemed like there was nothing that was going to change anytime soon. Might as well learn to deal. Right?
I inhale deeply through my nose and slowly blink a couple of times, allowing the surrounding world to come back into focus, a welcome distraction perhaps. Same deep blue drapes and bedding, clothes strewn about, spare bits of parchment and quills littered on bedside tables and even on the floor, Pandora’s crystal collection placed sporadically - even though she will say it’s intentional - on every windowsill and lately, popping up in our socks. It was what I was used to seeing day in and day out, never changing, making a mockery of me as if I didn’t already know. Tiresome. Frustrating. Pointless. Could not have chosen three better words in my humble opinion. A sigh soon escapes and I shake my head vigorously in an attempt to get back on track. So much for a distraction, eh?
With a quick, and stupid, look back over my shoulder, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and I struggle not to react, only managing to take in the ghastly bags under my eyes and the monstrosity, that some might call hair, piled on top of my head. Why did you do that? Nothing good ever comes of it. You never learn. I flinch, reeling back a bit before swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat. One would think I would be used to the commentary that just so happened to swirl through my mind as if it owned the place, but no - I’d never be that lucky.
I somehow managed to make it to almost all of my lessons that day without incident. Until Potions. The positive affirmations I had given myself to recite quietly clearly weren’t enough since it only took one single moment to unravel everything completely and send me into a deep spiral. Not that I was doing all that great to begin with, mind you, but I liked to think I had a pretty decent handle on things.
I was in my 6th year at Hogwarts and somehow ended up in Advanced Placement Potions with Slughorn at the end of the day, how thrilling, and let’s just say that nothing was going my way. We were working on Scintillation Solution and apart from putting incorrect amounts in, I was also hellishly allergic to the powdered unicorn horn and of course this particular potion used quite a bit of it. Unavoidable contact at best. Nevertheless, I grit my teeth and got to work, hoping that I would have something that would at least get a passing mark. Oh how wrong I was.
The space next to mine was taken up by none other than Snivellus Severus Snape, one of the most gifted in Potions, and from the moment Slughorn began, I could sense the animosity radiating off of him. Was it directed at me? No… It was for James Potter, who had arrived before anyone else to take up Severus’ usual spot next to Lily Evans, a self-satisfying smirk set upon his face. Which means I got the shit end of the stick. Wonderful.
I keep my eyes averted and focused dutifully on my Scintillation Solution, not paying the greasy git a single lick of attention, until my wand slips from my fingers and in a desperate attempt to catch it before it makes its new home in my smoking cauldron, I end up flinging powdered unicorn horn… Everywhere. I begin to cough, rough and grating, as the particles sneak their way into my sinuses, coating my skin and robes, the table; yeah, I wasn’t kidding when I said it was everywhere. And to make matters worse, like the allergic reaction I was having wasn’t enough, I even managed to get some on, you guessed it, Snape. The world must really hate me.
“Are you that incompetent that you can’t even hold onto your wand without making a proper mess? And you’re supposed to be a Ravenclaw,” Snape sneered with a distasteful curl of his upper lip. “You should be resorted back into Hufflepuff for how daft you are. And to think, I could’ve been sitting next to Lily.”
Now, in hindsight, he could’ve said a lot worse. Truly. I just couldn’t stomach it. Not after how I was this morning, head in a tizzy, not knowing which way was up, down, or sideways. It hit a little differently and I felt the familiar prickling sensation behind my eyes. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. I bite down on the fleshy inside of my cheek and clench my hands into fists, already feeling my body begin to shake and drop in temperature. I felt cold. Detached. I needed to get the every loving fuck out of here.
“Oh! My dear! Are you alright?” Slughorn. I swallow thickly and keep the tears at bay with all of my might before glancing up at the greying Professor with a tight smile, “Splendid. Although, I wouldn’t mind a trip to the Hospital Wing if that’s alright, Professor.”
“Of course, of course! I will excuse you for the rest of the lesson and come see me after Madam Pomfrey tends to you, I will allow you to redo your Scintillation Solution at a later date.”
I flash another tight smile in thanks as I shove my wand into my robes, grab my bag, and hightail it out of there. I catch the concerned looks from Lily and Sirius on the way, but with a slight shake of my head, I dismiss them both, classroom door slamming shut behind me.
“Madam Pomfrey fixed you right up! You look right as rain now!”
“Thanks Pete.” I squeeze his shoulder and offer my usual tight smile, not wanting to offend the poor guy when he meant well enough. “I feel much better as well.” Liar.
James tore his eyes away from the petite redhead in the corner that was currently talking with Marlene McKinnon to spare a glance my way, a small frown taking root on his lips, “Are you sure? Snivellus looked pretty pissed and I can’t help but feel responsible. I mean, I did take the only seat he sits in.”
I roll my eyes and wave him off, not wanting his sympathy nor his guilt. A witch could only bear so much after all. “Don’t let it tie your wand in a knot. I’m rubbish at Potions, so something would’ve happened regardless of who was sitting there.”
The curly haired Marauder opened his mouth to speak again before Remus cuts in, “You aren’t rubbish at Potions. I’ve seen your marks and believe me, there are worse.” Always the gentleman.
“Yeah! Can’t be worse than Wormtail. He didn’t even make it into Advanced Placement Potions, the tosser.” Sirius.
A chuckle passes through my lips and I flick my line of vision upwards only to be met with storm clouds, seeming to swirl around as they observe silently. I momentarily lose my breath and cough into a fist, looking away but not before catching the knowing glint flash within the grey.
Ah, Friday. Last day of lessons and I happened to have bribed Remus with copious amounts of chocolate that I would buy at Honeydukes next Hogsmeade trip for his in-depth notes for Ancient Runes. Seriously, always a gentleman. Despite the bribe, oops.
It was cool outside, wind crisp and causing the fallen leaves from The Whomping Willow to rustle around, the spidery branches whipping around in irritation, and my skin grew cold as a result. I guess the cream colored jumper I chose to wear wasn’t doing a very good job at keeping me warm. Pity. I rub my hands together as I walk along the winding path that led down to Care of Magical Creatures, thankful that I seemed to be the only student bonkers enough to be wandering about with the wind being the way it was. I wasn’t much of a people person and the thought of having to actually hold a conversation of merit made my skin crawl. I shudder with a shake of my head and kick a couple of stones on the path, watching as they skitter off into the grass, thoroughly enjoying my own form of entertainment.
“Oh for the love of MERLIN!”
Sirius? What the hell was he doing out here? And where the hell was he at? My brow furrows as I follow the source of the noise and Sirius’ voice, coming to the edge of The Forbidden Forest. Of course the arse would go in there. I mean, why wouldn’t he? I should know better by now at this point really.
I step past the tree line with a squint of my eyes, even when there was still light in the sky it was darker than ever within, and call out, “Sirius?”
“Sirius, is that you?!”
I land on the ground. Hard. Rocks and fallen branches dig into my back as I groan, beginning to wiggle around wildly to get out from under the crushing weight on top of me. My ribs were digging into my lungs and I wheeze, pushing my hands against a solid chest and beginning to shove. “Get off of me!”
“Sorry darling. I didn’t see you there.”
I huff, “Clearly.”
There’s a flash of white and a reverberating chuckle before the weight is lifted, Sirius Black now plopped beside my still flat form, casually sitting cross-legged like he hadn’t just knocked the damn wind out of me seconds before. I sit up and brush off my arms before zeroing in on the sharp Aristocratic features of the eldest Black brother. “What the devil are you doing out here in The Forbidden Forest? Full moon isn’t until next week so spare me the pathetic story of ‘preparing things for Moony’, please.”
Sirius simply stares; eyes twinkling with amusement they looked like molten silver today and the infamous signature smirk playing at his lips, “And to think I was under the impression that everyone bought that story time and time again. Guess I was wrong on that one, eh?”
“Okay Severus.”
“What did you just say?”
He holds up his hands then, slender fingers adorned with rings that matched his eyes and the knuckle tattoos that he and James thought were an ingenious idea one night after a bottle of Firewhiskey. “Nothing darling. Nothing.” Our eyes meet once more and I feel a warmth spread from the top of my head and down the length of my spine, goosebumps pebbling up as I shiver. The fuck was that? “Right. Are you going to answer my question or sit and stare some more?”
“I think I could stand to sit and stare for just a bit longer.”
If there were ever an Order of Merlin for the biggest eye roll one singular person could perform, I would’ve won. “Fine, be an arse. I’m leaving.” And with that, I stand and brush some more leaves off, stalking back towards the tree line and the awaiting path that led back up to school.
“Oi! Wait a minute! Let me walk you back!”
I ignore him and keep making a beeline up the path, Hogwarts being my destination and I needed to get there. Quickly. All I wanted was to get back to my dorm so I could get warm. I swear it had gotten ten degrees colder since being in and leaving the forest. I was shivering like mad now and I didn’t see it letting up until I got inside.
“Hey! WAIT!”
I don’t know why I stopped, but I did and with an exasperated sigh escaping my throat, “Bloody hell, Sirius! What do you want?! I’m freezing my tits off and I want to get inside!” I whirl around and cross my arms over my chest, hands buried into my armpits to starve off the chill, and fire in my eyes. I truly loved all of The Marauders, but I was at my wits end with this particular member of the group and he was about to see my wrath if he didn’t tread lightly.
Sirius stopped a few feet in front with raised eyebrows, that same bit of amusement still present, “No need to bite my head off. I told you I would walk you back and I intend to do so. Even if you are particularly cranky today and have been for the last few days might I add.”
“Cranky? I’m not cranky. I already told you that I’m freezing and want to get inside. Not my fault you can’t take a hint.” I bite back, taking a step further back as Sirius mimics by taking a step closer. The man was infuriating, I tell you.
The taller male looks even more amused, probably just to spite me, and takes another step closer, “I’m actually very good at taking hints, so with that point being made, allow me to elaborate further just to show you how right I am…” His tongue flicks out to lick his lips just as he takes another step, but this time I have the mind to step back again. “Why do you keep moving away when you clearly don’t want to?”
My breath catches in my throat and I freeze, eyes widening a fraction before I force a look of indifference, “What are you on about, Sirius?”
“I think you perfectly well know.”
“I don’t.”
“Are you sure?”
That one little syllable grated on my nerves more than a full blown soliloquy would’ve and I clench my jaw, turning on my heel and practically sprinting up the rest of the pathway until a hand wraps around the upper part of my arm, putting all movement to a halt.
Bloody HELL.
“I said I was walking you back, so no snarky comebacks. Just walk.”
Well, alright then.
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queerchaser · 1 month
You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.
Hogwarts was a magical place; figuratively and literally. The old majestic castle was full of various, mainly happy, memories carried by multiple generations, full of surprises, like many hidden passages almost no one ever fully explored and it was surrounded by one of the most beautiful landscapes, from the dark and dangerous, yet somehow terrifyingly beautiful Forbidden Forest to the Great Lake, which was home to a giant squid and a village of somewhat shy but territorial Merpeople. People liked returning to Hogwarts, it was like their second home; delicious food and feasts in the Great Hall were certainly a bonus point to their stay, but parties in their common rooms and dorm rooms they shared with their housemates, who in most cases became their best friends, even families, were undeniably the best part.
As great as Hogwarts seemed, maybe even was to some, it had its issues; the main one being the rivalry among the houses, which usually turned people, mainly ones from Gryffindor and Slytherin, against each other, friend against friend, sibling against sibling.
Asterin scanned Sirius’s face when they exited the train, facing something like his less talkative younger self, Regulus Black; Sirius gave him a frown while Regulus looked right through him, as if he, or Asterin in that matter, wasn’t even there. It stung, her heart ached for Sirius; they loved each other once, they were best friends as children and with her, they made a trio, the Black brothers and the Knightley heir. They spoke very rarely and even those conversations were limited to judgement and insults, and occasionally, Regulus threw in a snarky comment, reminding Sirius who he was; not a Black, not anymore. And it hurt Sirius each and every time, not because he wanted to be a Black, but because it was his little brother who was saying it; he had never shown a sign of it, however, but Asterin had always known right as it left Regulus’s mouth, because it hurt her too, for Sirius and herself. Despite the bad relationship the brothers had, Asterin never gave up on either of them; it took Regulus some time to stop fussing about Sirius’s temper (and his reaction to Regulus’s Sorting Ceremony), but it eventually got better as he grew older and more mature, accepting Sirius for who he was – an immature prick, in his eyes. Nevertheless, he still couldn’t swallow his pride with Sirius and Sirius gave him the same treatment back, which was why, although being friends, Regulus didn’t give Asterin a single look.
Who gave Asterin a look, though, was Severus Snape. He gave one to all of them; a nasty one. And he got one back, from all of them. He scanned them all with his dark eyes, a disgusted grimace appearing on his face, as if he just smelled something horribly off, and turned around, walking off with his friends. Asterin couldn’t help herself but roll her eyes, immediately annoyed; if there was someone in Hogwarts whom she would ban from breathing the same air she and her friends were, it would be Severus Snape, not only incredibly annoying, but also nasty and prejudiced bully Slytherin. She couldn’t stand him, neither of them could; the only one who could stand him from their whole friend group was the kind-hearted Lily Evans, who had known him even before setting foot into Hogwarts for the first time, what a poor thing.
Asterin looked around, looking for the redhead who had just crossed her mind; although it was usually quite easy to spot her and the rest of Asterin’s dorm mates in a crowd, she couldn’t see them anywhere.
“Maybe they already got a carriage,” Sirius noted, almost as if he read her mind. She nodded.
Without another word, the five friends all started walking to the carriages, as a soft, a bit colder breeze ruffled their hair; Asterin remembered she had a sweater in her bag. She buried her hand in the bag that was hanging from her left shoulder, pushing away what seemed like an anti-muggle propaganda book from the top of a warm brown sweater when she almost stopped dead in her tracks. She frowned a little from surprise, but quickly gathered herself to prevent her friends from asking questions; she scanned the creatures hooked to the carriages, dark and skinny, winged, and for some reason ones she had never seen before. She looked at her friends who seemed indifferent. Did she just never notice them before? Impossible.
Her confusion didn’t leave her even once they got on one of the carriages. The creature puffed, which reminded her of a horse – it certainly wasn’t a horse.
“Rin?” Sirius asked quietly to not catch the attention of their friends and she turned to him. Noticing his look, she realized he must not see them; she must have looked crazy, staring at nothing. “Are you feeling well?”
She chuckled a little; she actually felt a little crazy.
“Fine,” she said, sitting straight. Sirius blinked a few times, checking the place she was so intensely staring at just a second ago; there was nothing there.
Asterin fished inside her bag again, finally pulling the brown sweater out and quickly putting it on. She noticed an approving nod from Remus.
“Nice sweater,” he smiled and she smirked, maliciously.
“I know, it’s yours,” she said and he frowned, scanning the sweater again; it was, indeed, his. The other boys scanned it too, remembering all the times they had seen it on Remus and then, suddenly, not, sometime around halfway through last year’s winter; it made them all chuckle in unison. Remus opened his mouth, half-offended and half-amused; how come he didn’t notice?
“Give it back.”
“Asterin Knightley, take off my bloody sweater,” he ordered, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“Take it off me yourself then, coward,” she mused, batting her eyelashes innocently, earning a whistle from Sirius, while James and Peter laughed and clapped. Remus squinted his eyes.
“Might just.”
“Go on,” she raised her eyebrows with a smirk on her lips. He copied the look on her face and leaned closer to her, while she raised her hands in the air to help him obtain his stolen possession, the smirk never leaving her face. He gently tugged on the hem of his sweater, but then stopped halfway, looking into her eyes; his smirk got wider.
“You know what, keep it,” he said as he let go of the sweater and leaned back on his seat; the boys started cheering again, on him, this time. Asterin’s mouth fell open from surprise, yet the corners of her mouth started twitching upwards almost immediately.
“How absolutely dare you?” she pressed her hand on her chest with every ounce of dramaticness she had in her; she deserved a pleased smile from Remus. She looked at Sirius sitting next to her in play disbelief and he sighed, putting his hand on his forehead, matching, maybe even outshining, her performance. The whole carriage was swallowed by the burst of laughter from the five friends; it didn’t stop until they reached the castle and as annoying and obnoxious as the other carriages found them, they didn’t care, after all, they were finally together after such an unbearably long time.
Laughter is good for the soul. – Asterin proved the statement right without even realizing; who did realize, however, was the dark creature pulling their carriage, a beautiful, yet for some terrifying Thestral, that finally felt in its normal habitat, feeling no eyes on itself. Nevertheless, the smart soul did find a way to remember Asterin’s face, knowing she would be one of those, whom its kind, from then on, won’t be able to hide from, ever again.
As soon as Asterin stepped inside the Great Hall, nostalgia hit her right in the face; she couldn’t believe it had only been two months since she last stepped foot inside the massive dining hall, it felt like an eternity. So much had happened during the summer, so many things she would rather have forgotten, that it almost felt as if she aged about ten years; she felt a certain linger in her chest, she was glad, glad not everything changed, glad some things stayed as they were, as she remembered them.
For a split second, she looked back, noticing Professor McGonagall lead the new first years inside the castle; their faces were so impressed and full of sheer excitement, that it warmed her heart. Her head was pleasantly spinning from the sentimentality, remembering herself and Sirius in their first year, right before the Sorting Ceremony; small and frightened, knowing what was expected of them yet not feeling the part, holding each other’s hand and eyeing their new classmates. She remembered how her stomach dropped when the Sorting Hat sorted Sirius; he was shocked, sending her a terrified look and she sent him one back, thinking the encouraging whisper she gave him after his name was called was the last thing she would ever tell him. She remembered how her eyes fell on the Slytherin table, noticing the look on Sirius’s cousins’ faces, they were both shocked; Narcissa looked outraged, offended by the audacity of her little cousin who just betrayed their whole entire family, yet Andromeda looked somehow pleased, as if a part of her expected it to happen. It was then and there that Asterin wished she would end up in Gryffindor, more than ever before, and for the first time in her life, she didn’t care what defying her mother on such a level would do to her family or her; she was sure she would rather face Cornelia Knightley for giving in to the temptation of being nothing like her family than leaving Sirius all alone. And so when the Sorting Hat sorted her into Gryffindor, she didn’t care about the scolding or the curses she would get from her mother, because she was happy to stay with Sirius – some would say it was just an act of a little child who didn’t want to leave her best friend behind, or a frightened child who didn’t want to be left alone, and they would be right. However, it wasn’t the only right statement, as the act was one of bravery and loyalty, the qualities needed to become a part of the red and gold-coloured house. And Asterin was all of those things; a frightened child with a lot of love for her best friend and a Gryffindor through and through, no matter what she was once forced to believe she was.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a giggle right next to her.
“What’s so important over there?” she snapped her head to her right, seeing the ginger-haired Lily Evans grinning at her. Her smile got wider as the girl pulled her into a tight embrace. She could smell something similar to strawberries in her hair, it brought her a strange feeling of familiarity, safety, something home-like, yet nothing like her own house; it reminded her of the smell of their dorm room and their bathroom after Lily left with freshly washed hair. Only then did she realize how much she missed all of the little things too; it almost made her feel pathetic, missing the smell of shampoo, but it was the truth and it was just about to bring tears to her eyes once again, when she felt someone else hug them both from the left.
“No hugs without me, birdies,” the blonde spoke with her deeper, yet still feminine-sounding voice, tightening their hug with her strong, Quidditch-exercised arms, which only added a bit more to the attractiveness of Marlene McKinnon.
“Or me,” Asterin heard the voice of another one of her dorm mates. She felt her hands wrap around them and gently stroke her hair, which made her smile; after all, it was Dorcas Meadowes and her dreadlocks who inspired her new look and Dorcas knew it too, as she was the one who was once trying to talk her into it.
“Don’t you dare forget me,”  Asterin could smell Mary Macdonald’s signature perfume before she could feel her tight embrace and she laughed, feeling about to be squeezed to death, but not minding it at all.
They all slowly moved to the Gryffindor table and sat down a little further back from their places last year, just as everyone else, so it created seats for the first years in the front. It didn’t last long until the door to the Great Hall opened again, revealing Professor McGonagall and the first years. She scanned the Gryffindor table, her table, eyeing the new Prefects, Remus Lupin and Lily Evans, and giving them a small smile as Sirius whistled at her; the woman didn’t even react as it became his little tradition to confuse the newcomers about two years ago, and just as they all expected, the first years that heard it truly looked confused, giving him weirded out looks or giggling, much to Sirius’s amusement.
It didn’t mark long after that year’s Sorting Ceremony started when Asterin started feeling restless. As much as she enjoyed watching the ceremony all the years before, guessing where the children get sorted based plainly on their appearance and their name (mainly enjoying clapping louder than everyone else together with Sirius when those from strict Slytherin families got sorted anywhere but Slytherin, much to all the older students’ hilarity), she wasn’t particularly interested in being in one room with the whole school; something about it felt a bit too exposing, a bit too unsafe. Everything around her frustrated her; the chatter among her peers, how the Ravenclaw boy a table over bounced his leg nervously, probably awaiting his sibling’s sorting, even Mary’s breathing beside her. Everything around her, every rustle and every sudden move, was beyond bearable and she couldn’t wrap her mind around why; she didn’t feel like herself, her palms were sweaty and she felt like every breath she took wasn’t satisfactory enough. She didn’t know what to do; lay down, walk around, hug someone or perhaps stay completely alone – neither felt right and so she just exhaled the air in her lungs through her closed lips as she twisted a silver ring on her index finger for about the hundredth time that night.
As concentrated as Sirius was on the sorting of a boy named Travers, he looked at Asterin; after all, he had already known the little slug would end up in Slytherin. She didn’t look good, not to him at least; she seemed anxious, which was rather unusual for her and something in him reminded him about their little unspoken deal from the train – they needed to talk. She looked as if she was in a trance, her eyes fixed on one spot on the table in front of her, twisting a silver ring on her finger around. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows, scanning the ring; he had never seen it on her before, also, Asterin had never worn only one ring. It was strange, everything about her was strange. He fixed his eyes on her for long enough for her to notice; she looked up at him and he raised his eyebrows. Asterin felt her heart being squeezed in her chest; his grey eyes were so genuinely concerned it made her want to crawl up somewhere and perish – she didn’t want to worry him, that was the last thing she wanted to do. She bit the inside of her cheek, her eyebrows turning slightly upwards; he hugged her around the shoulders and pulled her closer to him, trying to offer her all the comfort he could in such a public setting.
“You wanna leave?” he asked, to which she quickly shook her head, curling up into his chest, and hugging him around his waist.
“People will talk,” she said, his face forming into a grimace; did she just subconsciously quote her own mother?
“Fuck them then,” he said and he felt her chuckle, or perhaps scoff, he couldn’t really tell, as her face was buried in his shirt, hidden away from the world. He gently stroked her hair, trying to calm her down as best as he could right at that time. Everything felt strange. Asterin, who was usually very confident and didn’t care about what anyone thought about her or her friends, was now curled up in Sirius’s chest, gripping onto him as if he was her only hope for the future, her only safe space. And it broke Sirius’s heart, because he had known her his whole life; he knew her before she found herself, when she was just a little girl who was scared of disappointing her family, he knew what it took for her, for the both of them, really, to start forming her own opinions and dissociating from everything she was taught her whole life, and he knew just how much it would take to destroy it all, to make her feel like this. And it scared him, the fact the whole two months of her silence were a secret for him scared him, but beyond everything, he was afraid no amount of comfort, hugs, pretty words or stupid jokes could help the situation his best friend found herself in.
hiya loves, second chapter's out for you.
i don't see much activity on the first chapter, but i hope you liked it anyways (but y'all did like the ''front page'' of the whole thing, so thank you for that. links to all the chapters are always on the pinned post, aka the ''front page'').
first chapter: here
thank you and let me know how you like this one.
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thepoetsvortex · 2 years
Lupin rant by request- he gaslights Snape calling him “Severus” like they’re friendly. Then he has the nerve to pull that boggart stunt to humiliate him while Snape is brewing his wolfsbane potion, which he puts off drinking. What is his problem? Being a werewolf is the worst thing to happen to him but he’ll gladly put the students at risk. Who cares how Sirius sneaks into the castle, who cares if he made it inside the Gryff dorm with a knife, Lupin wants to keep his job because his comfort matters more than the safety of children. Bleh.
Thank you so much lovely anon this was some A+ insight
There really are very very few people in the book who are ALLOWED to call Snape, Severus. That’s Lily Evans, Albus Dumbledore, and Narcissa Malfoy. I mean, and probably his mother, but that’s IT. Lupin is totally violating his very clear boundaries here (yet again) and part of me wonders if this isn’t for Harry’s benefit at least in part because he makes it seem like “oh Harry, look how wise and mature I am. I don’t hold grudges, unlike someone *eyes Snape* and this definitely makes me, the calm, repentant one, more trustworthy than the man who referried a Quidditch match and actually cursed someone sharing a body with the Dark Lord to save you, when I have done no such thing.” It’s manipulation and it’s nasty.
And don’t even get me started on his calling Snape’s justified anger about 7 years of literal abuse “a schoolboy grudge” 🙄
The Boggart incident wasn’t funny as you well know- it was sexist and overall, if he’s trying to get on Snape’s good side, a really really bad idea. Snape is canonically sexually humiliated and demeaned more than any other character. First by Petunia, then by James Potter. And now- now it happens again as an adult in front of his own students and in the same place where he already has so much trauma. All because of Remus Lupin. No one can defend how Snape treats Neville, and it should be addressed, but not this way (canonically it hurts Neville too because it just makes Snape even more mad).
Yeah why does Lupin put off drinking the potion anyway? We never really get a clear answer on this. The first time he waits until Snape leaves so he can intimidate him. He even makes Severus bring it to him, which is just 😡😡😡 What is his problem indeed. Moony certainly seems to be on a good old power trip at the moment. Except, you know, the lives of children are involved but who cares about that am I right.
R.L.’s relationship to his lycanthropy is so weird. Usually he’s all “woe is me” about it, because no one could ever understand, and he’s a monster, poor baby. He knows how to gain undeserved sympathy more than anyone in the series. Then the rest of the time he’s like, endangering Hogsmeade villagers from the time he’s a teenager, running around with animagi thus violating the ONLY condition of his schooling, forgetting his potion- which almost has deadly consequences- and, of course, let’s not forget nearly abandoning his wife and unborn baby because he MIGHT share the same condition (as if you dolt).
Oh it’s worse than that anon. Lupin doesn’t just want to keep his job. He wants to keep Albus Dumbledore’s trust. He wants to keep him out of the loop and in the dark. Right now, he’s got DD wrapped around his little finger and he can’t loose that. I fully believe if he could give up Sirius without exposing his own school day crimes, he would 100% have done it in a heartbeat. Nothing is more important to this man than Dumbledore’s trust and affection. Which ironically, is a trait he shares with Snape who has a much better claim on Albus. Then also, the fact that Dumbledore doesn’t try to keep Remus at the end of POA shows us Lupin lost this trust anyway (there’s some irony for you). So good job I guess?
Anyway, I really love Remus as a character because he is so beautiful and complex and there’s so many layers and I hate reducing him to sad bookworm who would never hurt a fly.
Thanks for indulging my request! What a great ask! I can’t wait for more 😀
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knight-already · 1 year
Here’s a thought:
Young bby boy Severus  being age eight or nine  hiding in a bush watching the Evan sisters play, particularly interested lily who is using magic.... described to look at lily 'hungrily' or with 'undisguised greed' on his face.
How long had he watched the other children in his town play without joining in... or being allowed to join in?
I know a lot of ppl like to bag on one scene in the snape household and say Tobias is abusive tool -- which fair. But -- if we look into this scene a bit closer.
Severus was only interested in Lily because she had magic. 
He lived in spinster end his whole life.
He claimed his father hated magic, so I doubt Severus had many chances to go to the wizarding world no magic in their house hold since  his mother most likely never told his father that she was magic and I'm sure it was a nasty surprise when Severus started doing accidental magic and she couldn't cover for him anymore.
Most likely what that fight we saw in Severus’ memories was about -- Eileen lied to him and had a child with him.
I mean -- That has something weird about it right? 
From lily we learn calling someone a ‘witch’ is a bad thing  so no doubt Tobias was upset that his son was magic from then his trust and their marriage probably went down the drain.
With the cat out of the bag -- Eileen starts telling severus stories of his magical heritage.
I see this two ways:
1.Severus was warned in fear of being outed in a muggle town for having magic was warned to not play with children who didn't have magic then he finds lily. [But I don think this was the case the kids don't act like its some big frightening secret.]
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2. She had him believe that he was special among the muggles and fills his head with muggle prejudice that I'm sure found its was to Tobias, he tells her to cool it. But she had already filled Severs head with an [us] and [them] mentality. Maybe he was told muggles are below him, that he should not play with them --
Maybe Tobias and her would argue about this, the neighbors where side eyeing them as is and now Severus couldn’t even play with the others. Ad in Severus’s agility to say the most rude wrong thing [that he didn't mean it just came across that way -- as he parroted back what his mum told him]
 but there was little Tobias could do when he worked all day. 
When Severus heard these talks he would reason that his father as wrong, that he didn't see that he was better than others like his mother said. that there was an easy solution for all this and that was for him to just find a magical child he could play with
His mother said muggleborns did exist so he watched for a long time until he found one:
enter {LILY} 
 But he had no social skills apart from talking to his mother and father, he planned and planned how to talk to her and he just couldn't wait to finally have a friend that met the Criteria so he  'hungrily' with 'undisguised greed' on his face observed her. 
Severus was probably so sad when she wasn't impressed by him, I’m sure he  was isolated by the other children in the town because of his behavior towards them refusing to play. I could imagine, that Severus was so happy they were finally headed off to Hogwarts he thought that meant he would meet people who were finally worthy of him -- a place for only magical children -- and endless option of friends.
Only for him to be rejected.
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Because the whole glue for his and lily’s friendship was his knowledge on Magic he didn't really have anything to work with outside of that especially since all the children where learning with him. Maybe he worked so hard in school was so he had something to:
 1. occupy his time -- he genuinely liked to study 
2. he was used by his peers to do their assignments and cheat off of.
 Which he was fine with since he didn't know how else relate to his peers.
Of course there is also the fact that he was getting bullied by James and co. and was a slytherin and that added to his isolation.
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Poor thing had a losing hand no matter what he did,
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broomsticks · 1 year
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I posted 5,998 times in 2022
That's 5,497 more posts than 2021!
101 posts created (2%)
5,897 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,968 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#hp art - 620 posts
#words - 560 posts
#on writing - 474 posts
#wolfstar - 338 posts
#lmfao - 331 posts
#keep - 311 posts
#misc art - 299 posts
#fandom meta - 297 posts
#self care tag - 292 posts
#about stories - 257 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but you don't have to make any of these to belong here! all you need is to share the love we have for these characters and their stories!
My Top Posts in 2022:
my @cruelsummer-ficfest entry!
never in a million years could i imagine writing not only not-angst but straight-up meet-cute (meet-awkward) muggle university/coffeeshop au romantic fluff wolfstar but whew THE DEED! IS DONE!!!
1.8k, T (and also a fill for my @wolfstarbingo2022 prompt lily evans)
Wednesday — hump day — was Remus’ least favourite day of the week. At least today was a good pain day, though. He’d even woken up before his alarm — but the streak of wins had ended there — he’d forgotten he’d used the last of his coffee pods the other day. A good thing, then, that he had time to stand in line at the Hogwarts Expresso — albeit leaning increasingly more on his cane, book bag on his shoulder getting heavier by the minute.
thank you SO MUCH to @kenzlepuff, this fic would not have existed without your advice and reassurance and support and everything ❤️❤️❤️ also much love and gratitude to fest struggle buddy @billsfangearring, @allalrightagain @sleepstxtic and the @hpffwritersguild’s write-a-thon, and of course the fest mods for running this! @femme--de--lettres and @greyeyedmonster-18, you’re such blessings to this fandom.
also, have a bonus established wolfstar at jily’s wedding set to starlight —
Look at you, worrying so much about things you can't change, he chirps, coming up from behind to rest an arm on your shoulder, rather than take his seat beside you.
(1.6k, T, here on AO3)
42 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
my hp trans fest 2022 faves
canon-adherent--canon-plausible--fics are my thing in general -- ones in which writers take key canon events and details and use them as a jumping-off point around which to weave their own narratives. there's something about that that feels very satisfying, reclaiming almost, especially from the angle of trans fest. anyway -
Lay down your armour (be with me forever) by @bluesundaycake (E, 21k, severus snape/remus lupin) [rb the author's tumblr post!]. A story told over a decade of encounters, where a body feels like a graveyard and another like a battlefield, and names are whispered tenderly until they feel real.
a canon-compliant snupin from the hogwarts-era period through to first war. fantastic severus characterization, what a gorgeously bittersweet romance. an absolute masterclass in first-person POV, made me feel so many feelings.
Family Legacy by @thistlecatfics (T, 1.6k, tedromeda, remadora, teddy/victoire) [rb the author's tumblr post!]. Three generations of trans/nonbinary/gender questioning Tonks-Lupins.
canon-compliant, amazing HCs. whatever the opposite of generational trauma is -- generational healing? we do what we do in hopes of building a better world for the people that come after -- and this is sort-of a story of that.
Two-Way Mirror by luna_rapunzel (G, 4k, black family gen relationships). Narcissa and Sirius come out as trans together. Sirius's transition goes smoothly. Narcissa's doesn't. the story behind why they made the choices they did (Narcissa staying in the family but breaking their naming traditions, Sirius running away but picking a name that fit.)
beautiful side-by-side of two parallel trans journeys; intersectionality at its finest. superbly IC black family & black cousins relationship dynamics, even in this AU.
a few more recs and art under the cut! also, i didn't manage to read every fic from this fest, so i'd welcome recs too <3
Growing Pains by bigsadwolf/@remixloonylupin (T, 6k, wolfstar). a pregnant trans male & schizophrenic remus fic written by a trans & schizophrenic author. such a wonderfully sensitive look into his journey, lots of other amazing ND rep here too
wear your heart on your skin in this life by slanted-HP-knitting (SlantedKnitting) (T, 4k, wolfstar). remus is a tattoo artist who runs a studio with tonks, and one day sirius comes in looking to get a tattoo for his brother.
and finally, a bunch of G/T-rated art: - Absolution & Stars Out by Acid: snily, snape and his doe patronus - many wreaths of roses by @babooshkart: parvender's gorgeous wedding - transmasc tonks by rewriter: 😍😍😍
48 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
grey characters appreciation rec list!! (snape, bellatrix, and walburga)
not sure if it’s just me, but i feel like there’s been a lot of grey/dark characters written by people i’d not normally expect to write them recently — which i LOVE and am absolutely living for — so have a rec list! both new fics and old favorites.
note: none of this is character bashing imo, but it’s also not character apologia and may not exactly portray said characters in the best light, so, yk, tread with caution this is especially @ all of the, like, three snapedom people who follow me <;3
snape, bellatrix, and walburga fic recs below. cw for fic snippets containing mentions of violence, and also mentioned blackcest ships.
I. canon compliant, in letter and in spirit
two marauders era with initially close but deteriorating snily friendship, and snape-POV jily get-together:
Arborvitae by Patriceavril (5.6k, T) - snape and lily and their shared language of flowers. superbly written.
She Didn't by @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey (10k, M). Snape remembers all of the moments through the years where he suspected Lily might have fancied James back. this was somehow one of the first things i read in HP fandom and i’m amazed how well i still like it every time i go back to it.
a chillingly compelling snape POV of Halloween '81: ch1 of Pieces by @tracingpatternswrites
a post war grieving snape: Pray You, Love, Remember by @nanneramma (1k, M). shakespeare references!!
The Least Enjoyable Task by OgdensOldFirewhiskey (3.2k, T) - a snape POV of the OOTP occlumency lessons. so true to character, genuinely made me feel for snape, and the last line is especially gutting.
Consequence for Cause by cambangst (1,6k, G) - an HBP missing moment, dumbledore & snape. two immensely complicated characters and i love the characterization takes in this!
The Portrait Hole by OgdensOldFirewhiskey (3.8k, G) Snape's version of "King's Cross" — a conversation with Lily, featuring angst, growth, and forgiveness. iconic fic. iconic fic. afterlife resolution, perfectly done, nail on head, wonderfully cathartic.
II. less tightly canon compliant (still reasonably canon setting!) -
may day, mayday! (or, the hazards of love) by @skiamachy (20k, E) - lily character study, lily is dark and fucked up (deliciously so) and so is snape. factually/technically canon compliant, endgame jily.
Where You Belong by @bluestringpudding (6k, T) canon setting, snape centric, horror.
this entire reclist was inspired by a bunch of recent bellatrix-centric fic:
And All I Loved by @nanneramma (5.5k, M)
Bellatrix knows how she looks, here in the forest. She has always preferred black, and here she melts into the darkness between the trees like a ghost, like she is bridging the gap between now and then, like she has always been and always will be. She wears the night like a cloak, wrapped in stars and sky and the scent of rain and she feels like eternity.
Born as a Blackthorn tree by @artemisia-black (1k, E)
She’d make his veins burn, and his arteries sear with agony. Every second of pain, penance for his sins. Every inch of his stinking flesh covered in white-hot needles, a baptism of flagellation that cleansed him of his transgressions.
Night Of The Dancing Flame by @only-that-but-that (5k, M)
His command, intoxicating and primordial, seemed to burn through her, heating her from the tips of her fingers to her core. She held out her arm, wrist turned upwards, head bent in supplication.
& some older delightful bella pieces:
Burning Inside by cambangst (3.6k, T)
Tears of joy welled in the corners of her eyes and she collapsed onto the floor of her cell, feeling the rough stone and grit scrape at her fragile flesh. The pain didn’t matter. The Dementors could come if they wished. Bellatrix was unbowed, unbroken.
ch3 Cankerous of Pluto by @bikelock28
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62 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
wolfstar autumn(ish) fic rec list 🐾🍂
*: i tried but not quite
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gorgeous bingo created by @moonwalker94 for hpfc!
1 - JUMPER - An Enigma Wrapped in a Jumper by @squidgilator (5k, G) - mwpp-era fluffity fluff, featuring my FAVORITE pining idiot sirius:
He was an inscrutable enigma, Remus was. An enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in a jumper. "Not that much of a mystery," muttered Remus, and Sirius wondered how many of his last few thoughts he'd said aloud. "Just the bit about being an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a—something— wrapped in a jumper," said Remus, curiously. "Why?" "Er," said Sirius, and vowed to keep his thoughts inside his head from now on. "No reason."
bonus rec: The Sweater Bet by Deya (6k, T). silly (extended) marauders shenanigans: why is your boyfriend wearing a sweater at the beach and how do you get him to take it off??
2 - STORM - The Weather Inside by earlybloomingparentheses (43k, E)
The bright beam of sunshine that spilled into the compartment on the Hogwarts Express at the start of first year just as Sirius stepped through the sliding door (…) an accident of timing. The freak snowstorm the day after the Incident, when Remus was curled gut-punched on the floor of the Shrieking Shack (…) a trick of air currents and cold fronts. And now, Sirius at the window of his and James’ flat, the storm outside roaring and Sirius turned to face the rain lashing the pane, dressed in black and looking from this angle like a Sturm and Drang painting, all heroic isolation and inner turmoil—why think anything of it?
bonus rec: How to Suffer a Storm by gayagape (11.6k, T), lighthouse au from the 2016 r/s games.
3 - BIKE RIDE - This Is Not Your Year by montparnasse (17k, E). first war angst and pining, montparnasse - that’s it that’s the rec. so many quotes i wanted to pull.
“Holding onto your favorite bits?” “Remember there’s ice on the roads. Also we’re possibly being hunted.” “I’ll go slow.” “You’re so sweet,” said Remus, “always with all my extremities and orifices in mind.” On the seat he pressed very close to Sirius, hips first, the way he always did. “It’d be nice if someone around here ever thought of mine.”
bonus rec: There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by @wanderingbandurria (2.6k, T). a summer road trip (coughahem getaway car whomst?) leads to the Realization of Feelings.
4 - FIRESIDE CHATTER - Goetia by @biremus and @kember-writes (44k, T). regency au, monster/horror au, Not Your Everyday fireside chat 👀 (also, some incredible art!)
The red coals in the fireplace provided just enough illumination for Sirius to watch as Dorcas lifted the silver bell in her hand, and rang it once. “Lord of Hell, we call you forth.”
bonus rec: Your Little Head by @paulamcg (1k, G) for, appropriately, r/s fireside tales. such a fascinating outsider pov wolfstar. no fireside warmth to be found here 😈🔥
5 - BAKING - The Great Biscuit Calamity of 1978, and Other Such Disasters by @lunapwrites (8k, T). also hinny. post-second war, our favorite disasters being properly domestic.
"How did you even manage that, anyway? Like, I'm equal parts horrified and impressed, I am." "I was only trying to open the bag--" "With what? An Exploding Charm?"
bonus rec: A First Taste by LuminousGloom (3.8k, T) - a fluffy mwpp-era cooking at hogwarts!
6 - STAR GAZING - this ficlet for meee by @tahtahfornow, for the tumblr prompt game things you said under the stars and in the grass. your writing your writing 😍😍🥰🥰 (also thank you for putting this on ao3 and not making me have to ritually sacrifice something to tumblr search)
Damp grass scratches against the napes of their necks, presses into the backs of their Oxfords; the star-soaked night sky blankets them like a soft flannel. The moon is waning, a fat yellow grin pasted above them, and Remus thinks maybe, wildly, that for once it is not mocking him, that its smile is true, that tonight—just tonight—it is on his side.
bonus rec: star talking, atop the astronomy tower. The things that lurk in the dark by TheDivineComedian (4.7k, T). one of my absolute favorite mwpp era, incredible marauders characterizations and character-insights in a slice-of-life.
7 - HOT CHOCOLATE - Tight Spaces by @krethes (3.2k, T) - mwpp-era remus-trauma / remus’ werewolf childhood. lots of hurt but tons of lovely comfort after, and delightful marauders friendship.
Instead, he was jostled in a bone-crushing hug, sloshing hot-but-not-scalding cocoa on the blanket in the suddenness. Sirius buried his head into his shoulder and held him so tightly Remus thought he might snap in half. Remus's cheeks were wet and, embarrassed, he realized he was crying. He hadn't expected such a response from Sirius, who was usually joking or brooding, never something so gentle, so sincere.
bonus recs: naturally - Did You Miss Me? (600k, E) by @krethes and @fantismal, and Power the Dark Lord Knows Not (300k, E) by @fantismal and Jormandugr (nearly perfect chapter timing, too, hahaha)
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93 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hi!! if its not a bother, i was wondering if you had any recommendations for older(second war or post war) wolfstar. i wanted to get into WS since its very popular and there are many fics but i dislike the idea that they dated at all pre PoA. you have such good taste in fics i thought i should ask!
hiii oh my gosh what a compliment, not a bother at all!!! gonna be brief because i really should not be doing this now want to get this answered timely-ish hahah:
some LLAL (lie low at lupin’s):
Like Tinder for Ghosts by montparnasse (8k, T)
Lie Low At Lupin's by shessocold (5k, unrated/i’d say M)
Come and Find Me—Lying in the Bed I Made by @femme--de--lettres (6k, T)
Hold On to Whatever You Find by fallovermelikestars (10k, E)
i can tell you the telling gets old by misandrywitch (6k, G)
AND other LLAL recs by the @wolfstarlibrarian! i get a ton of my recs from them honestly.
these are multi-era with a good amount of second war older wolfstar and so good i absolutely have to rec -
To Fill A Gap by berhanes (sqvalors) (8k, T)
watching stars collide by hydianway (17k, T)
Adagio by lupinely (6.5k, M)
I look at the world and I notice it's turning by kaydeefalls (10k, T) - wolfstar AND remadora, canon compliant, non linear vignettes, blended gorgeously.
have not read this one in its entirety, but i’m confident reccing @tracingpatternswrites’ OOTP canon compliant sirius POV fic The star and the moon (93k, M)
OOTP but canon divergence - if you’re open to it, @lunapwrites’ Louder Than Love absolutely sold me on remus/sirius/tonks. super obsessed with the worldbuilding and canon rewrites here - just cuz we’re Fixing or at least Addressing problematic canon elements doesn’t mean the characters have it easy! often the opposite!
post war everyone lives AU:
firstly @krethes’ Give Quarter to Old Men series - Fics that feature older Sirius and Remus, anywhere from late 30s to their 70s. - tons of incredible 🔥 smut, and lots of lovely growing-old-together HCs in the first two especially.
ALSO One to Speak, Another to Hear by seventymilestobabylon (60k, T) - one of my absolute top favorite wolfstar fics.
The Wizarding Wars are over, but the work of recovery has only begun. Remus Lupin is trying to find his place in an ever-changing world, and when he is invited to serve on a truth and reconciliation commission, he has to confront the truth that lives there—in the past and within himself.
in fact you know what, have a sneak peek of a totally self indulgent thing i might be working on hahahah
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108 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
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birthday cake
Please remember that I'm neither a native nor fluent English speaker, so if you find any spell/grammatical mistake, feel free to correct me.
Rating : K
Word count : too much (sorry, i didn't count)
Pairing: young!Severus x young!Lily
Fluffy fluff
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It was the first January after he befriended Lily. A Saturday, January the 30th, year 1970. A 10 years old Severus was at the park where he usually met his first, one, and only friend, hopping she would come — even if it was cold —because anywhere was better than "home".
He still wore this huge coat, holding it tight, trying to keep the heat with more or less success.
All of a sudden, he heard his name in the distance, and a few seconds later she was there, right in front of him, smiling and shining, maybe more than usual. He instantly felt his body temperature rise, but didn't had the time to speak before she did, her red hair all over her face, her cheeks red with excitement and cold, and the hugest smile Severus ever saw on her face so far.
"Come with me Sev ! We're having cake, it's my birthday ! Mom and Dad said you can come !"
And without thinking, he took her hand and followed his friend throughout the streets to her house.
"ho! I'm glad you found him" told Mrs Evans when they came in. "Hello Severus. Take your shoes and coats off, children, I'll be waiting in the kitchen."
"yes moooooom", she answered while he muttered "yes, Mrs Evans".
Severus was always stunned by the differences with his parents' house. At the Evans house, everything was warmth, and lights, and photographs, and family, and love. He wanted to belong to a place like that, but he knew that this place was not the one he belonged to. He always felt awkward being here. Not unwanted, not undesirable, just... Not fitting in. Mr and Mrs Evans tolerated him because he was Lily's friend, but they never really tried to interact with him — neither did he, rushing into his friend's room to speak about magic or play worms.
"Hello Severus" said Mr Evans, sitting in his armchair, smocking and reading the newspaper, as they crossed the living room. "I'm happy to see you here, Lily didn't want to invite anyone but you today, even though it's her birthday."
Severus was surprised, but more than happy to hear that. She choose him. Him, among all the friends she might have in her school. Because she might have many friends, right ? She was nice, smiley, brilliant — perfect. And perfect people always have many friends.
"Daaaaaaaaad" Lily moaned. "What is it, Lil' ? It's not everyday that my little girl turns 10, innit ?" He mused, looking at them with a smile. "Go bake that cake, I'll be very hungry by tea time."
He turned back to his newspaper, and Lily led Severus to the kitchen, where Mrs Evans was already putting kitchen utensils on the kitchen table.
"Here you are, love. Did you chose the cake you want to bake ?"
"Can I have a chocolate one ? Do you like chocolate Severus ?"
She was almost jumping in excitement, a wide smile on her face, while her mother was picking a cookbook.
"choco- oh, yes, I... Anything is fine, Lil', it's your birthday."
"Ok ! So we will bake the cake you want for your birthday then ! When is it, by the way ? You never told me !"
"oh, huh... T'was on January 9th."
"WHAT ?!" she cried out. "You didn't told me, Sev !"
He could only shrugged his shoulders, an apologetic smile on his face.
"I can't believe you didn't told me ! I'll have to wait a whole year to wish you a happy birthday ! Ugh, Sev !"
"Come and chose a cake, love" Mrs Evans urged them, "We need to start baking soon if you want it to be ready by tea time".
"I want the one with the most chocolate in it, Mum"
"So, this is... the.. chocolate fudge cake, I suppose. Chocolate in the sponge cake, ganache and icing, is that enough chocolate ?"
They smiled to each other before Mrs Evans turned to Severus.
"Can you read the recipe so that we can get the ingredients out, Severus ? It's on page 394"
He took the book she handed him — God it was a heavy book, with a looooooot of recipes — and he sat on a chair, put the book on the table, opened it and began to read. Soon, almost everything was on the table : eggs, flour, butter, sugar (brown and white), and more chocolate than Severus ever saw.
"oh, I think we are out of icing sugar and sour cream. I'm going to Tesco, can you two weight everything while I'm out ?" she asked, taking her apron off.
"leave it to us, Mum ! We will be done before you come back !"
Mrs Evans laughed, reminded them to tie their hair — "even you Severus, Lily has hair clips if you can't tie everything up with the hair tie" —, wash their hands and wear the child sized aprons she took out from a drawer.
10 minutes later, after 3 "no, Lils, I don't want quilts" and 2 "why are all you hair clips pink and yellow ? With rainbows ?!", they where back in the kitchen, washing their hands.
"do you think we can do it with magic, Sev ?" She asked him in a whisper.
"we can try, but should not get caught" he said in the same tone.
"'kay, so, what comes first ?"
"the flour" he answered, checking the recipe, kneeling on a chair to read "175g of it."
"'kay, let's start" she whispered, her face already tensing with focus.
The bowl was already on the scale and the flour pack already open, so they just had to pour some of the latter into the former. The flour pack started to rise in the air, slowly, until it was right above the bowl.
They were both holding their breathes when it started to tip down, slowly, inch by inch, waiting for the flour to fall right into the bowl.
"are you okay, children ?" Asked Mr Evans from the leaving room.
They jumped and whimped out of suprise, and the packet fell, right on the side of the bowl, pouring flour everywhere — the table, the floor, and their clothes, faces and hair.
Hearing the noise, Mr Evans rushed into the kitchen to check on them, asking if they were all right, even though they were coughing and sneezing so hard they couldn't answer.
"daaaaaaad" Lily whimped, her eyes tearing, "we were doing great !"
"sorry love, you two were quiet, I thought something was wrong".
Has Severus not been so focused on trying to not sneeze again, his eyes would've widen of surprise. Mr Evans didn't seem mad at them, like at all. How was that possible? They wasted so much flour ! And flour is food and food costs money!
"for God sake, what happened here ? Did something exploded?" asked Mrs Evans, back from the supermarket, looking at the three of them.
"sorry Mum, I dropped the flour"
"it's okay, Lily, let's clean that up and I will supervise you. You two will have a shower when we're done."
She picked up the broom and cleaned the floor, Mr Evans went back to the living room, and Lily gave Severus apologetics smile and look.
"let's try to take some and put it in the bowl" he huffed, starting to collect the flour on the table.
His friend helped him, and soon, they had collected enough flour to reach the 175g needed.
"why aren't you wearing the aprons ?"
"oops, we forgot it."
Mrs Evans sight, the broom still in her hold. "Ok, put it on and we will bake that cake."
The Evans smiled at each other, and the children get down their chairs. Lily taught to Severus how to wear and tie an apron, because he never wore one before. His mother always wore dresses when she coocked, she confessed it was the same she used to wear when she brew potions, but he didn't told Lily just in case Mrs Evans could hear them.
"now that you two are ready, let's weight everything up and bake that super chocolate cake".
And so they did.
Severus weighted the brown sugar, Lily the white one. She showed her friend how to crack an egg properly, and Mrs Evans didn't became mad when he failed two times, she even smiled at him when he succeeded.
They mixed the dough in turn using that huge wooden spoon, laughing when Severus almost drop the mixing bowl when Lily stirred too hard for him to hold his grip, laughed again when some dough drop out when he did the same, and they smiled at each other when they surreptitiously (or so they thought) ate the dough that have escaped.
Severus has never ate anything like that. It was sweet and chocolatey and smooth and it tasted soooo good !
"Ok, children, time to pour it into the moulds! Who goes first?" Lily's hand rose so fast into the air that Severus couldn't do anything but looking at her, his eyes widen with surprise. "Let's go then, come here my love" told Mrs Evans.
She stand by her daughter while she poured the dough, guiding her, warning her to keep the same amount for the second cake.
He looked at them, hoping that some day, maybe he could do the same with his mother. Having her guiding him to bake, do magic or brew potion would feel really good, but never happened so far. Maybe after his first year at Hogwarts..?
"d'you want to do the second cake Sev?" Lily asked, bringing him back to the present moment. "Can I, really?" he asked back, thinking she wanted to do the all thing. "Yup, sure. Is it okay, Mum?", "Of course, love. Come here, Severus".
So he did, under his friends mother guidance, poured the dough he helped to do in the twin mold, carefully, hoping to not mess anything — because it was Lily's birthday, so everything had to be perfect.
"There's not enough, there's a little bit less than in the first mould" he stated sadly. "Don't worry Severus" replied Mrs Evans, handing him the wooden spoon, "if you scrap the bowl, it will be enough. Why is that spoon clean ? Did you licked it, Lily?"
He turned around to look at his friend while she answered with a "Noooo..?" with a — not so — innocent smile. "Maybe you shouldn't lie when there's evidences all over you face" he laughed, noticing the remains of chocolate dough on her cheeks and nose. Her face turned red as she tried to clean her face with her hand, just to spread it and make Severus laugh harder, while her mother set the timer and put the moulds into the oven, sighting with a smile.
"Well, it's time to cl-"
"Daisy, can i talk to you for a minute, please?" Mr Evans interrupted her. "Of course darling", she answered to her husband before looking at them, "You can eat the remaining dough from the bowl while I'm with Harry, but don't break anything and don't fight. And when I come back, we will do the dishes and clean the table."
"ok, Mum" Lily answered, "we will be suuuuuper careful! We're already 10, you know?". "Yes, i know, love" she whispered, kissing her on the head, "you will have to brush your hair before taking a shower. I'll be back soon".
She left, leaving Lily blushing and Severus troubled about that kiss. Was that a common thing for mothers to kiss their children? So far, he only saw them do it in front of the school doors, and his Mum never did it since he always walked to the school by himself. She never did it at home neither, even though she did pat his head, back or shoulder sometimes.
"if you don't move quickly, I'll eat it all by myself, Sev!". She almost made him jump, and he turned around to find her with the wooden spoon in her hand again, scraping the bowl before licking the dough on the spoon. "Hey! Lil'! Leave me some!" he whimpered before rushing by her side, using his own hand to snare some of the remains before she eats it all. She soon abandoned the (super clean) spoon to scrap the bowl with her bare hands too, starting a "eating dough competition", putting some on the too-clean-face of her best friend, laughing until a "click" and a flash filled the kitchen, making them jump.
They turned to Mr Evans holding his camera, his wife standing behind him.
"Say cheese!" he cheered them. "Come on Severus, smile!" he cheered again, after another click. "3, 2, 1, CHEESE!".
Severus smiled this time, his best friend's arm around his shoulders, forgetful of his face painted with dough, his clothes covered with flour and the yellow hair clips in his hair.
"time to clean that up", stated Daisy, clapping her hands. "Put everything in the sink, and then Lily will wipe the table and Severus will dry the dishes with the dishcloth. Is it ok for you two?"
They agreed, and 20 minutes later, the dishes was clean, the two cakes were baked and put to cool on a counter and the bowl where back on the table. Severus and Lily weighted the icing sugar and mixed it with the butter, while Daisy was melting the chocolate in the heavy cream before pouring it into the bowl.
"I'll finish everything while you take a shower, okay? Lil', love, can you ask Dad a T-shirt for Severus, please? I doubt the he will wear one of yours. You can come down when you're done or stay playing in your room, I'll call when it's time to eat the cake", she told them, her voice and smile soft. "'kay Mum ! C'm'on Sev!" Lily exclaimed, grabbing Severus' hand to lead him to the first floor.
She was showing him how to use the shower when her Dad came to give him a T-shirt and a plastic bag to put his dirty one in. The young boy took the hair clips off of his hair, horrified to have been photographed with that on his head, before brushing it with Lily's brush to take off the remaining flour while she handed him her soap and shampoo, and a clean towel.
He came back from the bathroom 5 minutes later, clean and asking his friend if it was really ok to wear this T-shirt wich looked pretty new, looking at upside down at the words "The Dubliners" written on it.
"'S okay" she answered, "wait here, i won't be long" she told again, heading to the bathroom.
He stayed in the room, looking at the toys and books dispersed around the shelves and floor, and the pale-green sheets ont the bed.
He was reading The Beauty and The beast when she came back, smelling just like him — strawberry and vanilla.
"is that story about human transfiguration ?" He asked, genuinely curious. "I dunno, do you think it is?" she replied, her eyebrows up. "Well it looks like it is. The prince should've been nice with the Wich so he wouldn't 've been cursed. What are they listening down there?" he asked again.
She smiled widely at him before pointing his shirt, musing an enthusiastic "them! Let's go back downstairs!".
She led him again, almost running, to her parents dancing in the living room, their cigarettes smoking in a ashtray. They held out their hand to them, inviting them to join the dance. Not really sure about what to do, Severus found himself jumping everywhere with his friend after a few minutes, laughing loudly and falling on the cushions on the sofa, climbing the arms of the armchairs around the fireplace. They quietened when Mr Evans lowered the sound, announcing the cake will be ready soon and they have to wait at the dining table.
They sat, excited to see their birthday cake. Petunia joined them soon, visibly upset, but they have to close their eyes soon, doing their best to ignore Mr Evans taking an insane amount of photos — to the point that Severus started to ask himself what he the hell he will do with all those pictures of them — when Mrs Evans started to sing "happy birthday". Only then, they opened their eyes to see her approaching with the chocolate cake covered with chocolate frosting, topped with 10 lightened green candles.
Mr Evans took another picture with the two of them beside the cake before Lily blowed the candle. They cheered before Daisy asked Severus if he wanted to blow them too, but Petunia snapped "it's not even his birthday, why would he do that?" before he could answered. "T'was my birthday 3 weeks ago, i still can blow some candles" he snapped back. "Would you like that, Severus?" asked Mr Evans after he gave a disapproving look to his elder daughter. "Yes, pleased" the young boy answered with a tiny smile.
Daisy lit the candle up once again, and Harry took a new picture of Severus blowing it, before they cut the cake.
When the plates where empty and their cups of tea refilled, Daisy announced it was time for the presents. Severus watched Lily opening three of them (a tales book, a new red dress and a frog plush) before Mr Evans handed him one.
His eyes widened, and his friend's father had to encourage him to take it. "It's not much", he declared "it's a bit old but i think you'll like it. Open it up!".
Ignoring Petunia's mocking glare, he tore the paper off to find an old book. "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" he read. "Did you already read it", Daisy asked him. "No", he muttered, "but i will!". "Billiant! Look at me, you two, presents up!"
Mr Evans took another picture of Lily holding her new book and dress, Severus holding the toad and his book.
When Harry found the photo album 30 years later in a box hidden in a closet in his former parent's room.
Not because of the pictures, but because of the writings besides them.
"Severus' super jump" written by his mom when she was a child. "Chocolate war paint!" written again, above a "I won!" probably from a child Professeur Snape.
But what tore his heart was that one phrase, written on top of the picture where Severus was blowing the candles, by an much older hand, a writing he new well from a letter he found in Grimauld Place years ago.
"Severus' first birthday cake".
Everything felt logical now.
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rosie-love98 · 11 months
How James And Lily Became Matchmakers:
Been trying to work on a fanfic revolving around Severus Snape (specifically from the “Harry Potter” movies) and Constance Hardbroom (1998 “Worst Witch”). This relationship would begin in their school years with Cackle’s Academy visiting Hogwarts.
While I initially had their first romance be in 1975-1976 (sometime before Severus called Lily a “Mudblood” and ruined their friendship), I’m tempted to have the romance be set in 1976-1977. It would be harder as Severus would be more into the Death-Eaters, and would no longer be friends with Lily. 
However, since this was around the time when James Potter was turning into a more likeable person, I like to think that he (secretly) felt partially responsible for Severus’s turn to the dark side. And, upon realizing this, James wanted to do something nice for him. But, he had to do it in secret as Severus would naturally think of his kindness as a trick. James wouldn’t even tell Sirius, Lupin and Peter as he knew they’d either talk James out of it or find a way to prank Severus. The only person James would work with was Lily Evans. At first, Lily too thought it was another of James’ latest joke, that Severus was too far gone and that Constance Hardbroom deserved better. 
Yet, James would explain to Lily that, “Yes, Sev’s on the route to the Dark Arts, but me and the lads were some of the drivers. Perhaps, I can drive him to a different direction.” And, as both James and Lily had a bit of a hunch that Severus could still have good in him, decided to set the young Constance Hardbroom as her and Severus had already shared moments together, were like-minded and (most importantly) Constance highly disagreed with Voldemort’s ideas. 
So, Lily and James devised a plan; creating love letters, magically changing the hand-writing and sending them to Severus and Constance. Even getting them to have secret meetings in the Room of Requirement where Constance and Severus would just discuss their shared interest and frustrastions. This would culminate in the two agreeing to go to the latest ball Hogwarts was holding.
Long story short, the date turned disastrous as Severus caught Lily and James kissing, Snape and Potter getting into a fight and a neglected Constance thinking she’s just a second option to Severus. This would cause the heart-broken girl to run off alone. Unfortunately, with Constance being isolated, Death-Eaters, like Mulciber and Avery, decided to have a little fun by hexing the young Hardbroom. While Constance put up a good fight as she was magically gifted. Still one terrible hex rendered her unconscious. She would’ve been killed had it not been for Charity Burbage rushing to tell James, Lily, Severus and the Marauders as to what was going on. Without thinking, the youths sprung to action; while Lily, James, Sirius, Lupin and Peter fought, Severus took an unconscious Constance and (with Charity Burbage) ran to tell Dumbledore, McGonnagall and Miss.Cackle of the situation. 
With the younger Death-Eaters stopped, the worse was over. This would leave James, Lily and Severus to wait for Constance’s recovery at the Hospital Wing. Yet, another argument ensued between Severus and James, getting the former to leave in a huff. Eventually, Severus would be brutally confronted by the Slytherins who wanted to know his true loyalties. As for Constance, she would get better but often wondered where Severus was or if he’d ever see her. Especially since Cackle’s visit was only for a few months. Fortunately, Severus would be there to say “Goodbye” when Constance, Miss. Cackle and the rest of the students return to their own academy. This surprise meeting would give James and Lily hope that maybe-just maybe-Severus can change for the better.
While it’s still a working progress, I still wonder if I should go with this story. Though it gives James Potter a chance to show his good side, I gotta wonder on Severus. He and Constance are supposed to get back together in 1982 and later in 2006 (long story short, he’d be magically brought back to life by R/The Cabal). So...why would Constance take back someone who willingly went back to the group that nearly killed her? Should I leave out the fight with Mulciber and Avery and just have Severus promise to write to Constance when she leaves only for the Dark Arts and the Death-Eaters to get in the way (make him forget/not wanting Constance to get mixed up with what he’s been doing/something else?)?
@snapecentric @snapologist @theworstwitch
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Sixty Five]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black/Original Female Character, Sirius Black/Daisy Evans, James Potter/Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black,
Word Count: 3411
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many. But it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sister’s as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, The Other Evans Girl, Sirius Black Fic, Sirius Black/You, Sirius Black x OFC, OFC, Marauders Fic, Eventual Sirius Black, Sirius Black x Reader Fic, Sirius Black Fic, James Potter is a bit of a dick but we LOVE it, Hogsmeade, Friends, Hate, Love, Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Implied Sex, Potters, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Friends to Loves, Slow Burn, Eventual Sirius and Daisy, Teenage Angst, Insecurities, Fighting, Arguing, Bullying, War, First Wizarding War, Marauders, Marauder’s Era, 1970’s, 1970s Fashion, Canon Character Deaths, Loss of Virginity, Crying, Voldemort, The Other Evans Girl, Marauders Era to war, Multiple Parts, GORE, injuries, harm, fighting, blood, The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: I know it’s slow but I’m slogging on
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TAGS - @maeisafangirl@mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996
Unfortunately even after three weeks of pouring over the book the gang was no further forward. Remus and Lily had gone through it page by page but there were too many options for what the Slytherins could be up to. Even if they whittled down to potions that took a month or longer to it still left them with quite a long list. Fortunately there had been no signals or hints at an attack. If anything the Slytherins seemed to keep to themselves. Daisy just hoped that them not having the information would be enough to fend them off their plan though she doubted it would. The only positive thing about it all was that even if they did plan something in the next couple of weeks they’d have more than enough people to fight back against it. Since the attack in London more and more students had come forward wanting to join the defence club. They’d even had to up the amount of meetings in order to be able to let everyone have ample turns at practice. Unfortunately for Daisy that meant that her school work had been put on the back burner. Lily had nagged and nagged her but she just couldn’t find any interest in it. If a war was coming what was the point? She needed practical knowledge. This point of view had meant she’d hardly even thought about what she was going to do much to her sisters chagrin. She’d given her a long list of options which Daisy had flicked through without much hope.
This hadn’t gone down well with Lily though she hadn’t berated her quite as hard as Daisy thought she might. Well, until she reminded her at breakfast that morning that they had a meeting with McGonagall in the afternoon to discuss careers advice. It had put Daisy’s stomach into knots at the thought. Lily might not have berated her but McGonagall wasn’t going to take too kindly to Daisy having a lack of ambition for anything academic. She had been thinking of what she was going to say through every lesson. They were sitting at the Gryffindor table, it was just after lunch but their year had a free period so they could be called one by one to go to their head of house for their meeting. Sirius had gone first and was yet to return, as her friends’ conversations continued around her she found her eyes darting to the door waiting for him to reappear.
‘And you know what subjects she wants you to list?’ Lily said. ‘Yes Lil,’ James said rolling his eyes. ‘And you’ve got your plan for improving your potions grade right? I mean it’s not the best now but if you tell her-‘ ‘That I’ve got a plan to bring it up to an exceeds expectations by easter she’ll be fine with that yeah I know,’ James said trying to sound amenable to his girlfriends worrying. ‘Why don’t you just go in for him Lil?’ Marlene chuckled. ‘I just want to make sure he’s remembered everything,’ Lily said narkily. ‘And if not he can just ask one of his dad’s friends to get him a job eh?’ Remus quipped. ‘Oh yeah nothing a couple of hair tonics couldn’t fix,’ James said. ‘The Aurors course is one of the hardest to get onto,’ Lily said. ‘And I’m doing everything I should,’ James replied putting his hand on hers, ‘and if they don’t want me their loss.’ ‘But-‘ Lily said but James seemed to feel the need to navigate off himself which Daisy found an unusual turn of events. However his plot to deter Lily meant she was in the firing line. ‘Have you asked Dais what she’s done yet?’ ‘Subtle,’ Daisy said with a sneer as Lily looked at her across the table. ‘Well actually-‘ Lily said though she was cut off again as Sirius walked through the door and down towards where they were sitting. He slipped in beside her and pressed a kiss to her temple before looking at everyone who was waiting on him with bated breath.
‘What?’ he said. ‘How was it?’ James asked. ‘Alright,’ Sirius shrugged. ‘What did she ask you?’ Marlene asked. ‘What I wanted to do,’ Sirius said, ‘I told her wanted to be an auror then she went through the subjects I’d picked and told me the grades I needed which I’m on track for. Then she told me about applying for the aurors pre-exam and what books and pre-tests I needed to do beforehand. Then she sent me on my merry way.’ ‘And she wasn’t too harsh?’ Daisy asked. ‘Nah, if anything she was…nice,’ Sirius said. ‘Minnie? Who’d have thought,’ James said. ‘Believe it or not I do think she does actually like us,’ Remus said earning a look from the rest of them, ‘in her own…stiff way.’ ‘Well she might change her mind when she gets to me,’ Daisy said. ‘I thought you said your grades weren’t that bad,’ Lily chastised but before she could lead the charge of worrying about her twin McGonagall appeared at the door of the great hall and called Daisy forward.
Daisy leapt up and headed towards McGonagall feeling her heartbeat in her ears. McGonagall didn’t wait for her but instead walked ahead until she turned into an unused office down in the dungeon and headed in, waiting by the door. She gestured for Daisy to sit in the chair opposite the teachers desk which Daisy did. As she placed herself down her hands slipped against the wooden arms of the chair from the sweat that had built up from her nerves. McGonagall dropped into the chair opposite her and picked up a thin file which she skimmed through before interlacing her fingers on the desk in front of her and looking at Daisy.
‘So,’ she said.
‘So,’ Daisy said back though she cleared her throat quickly after as she realised she may sound like she was backchatting. McGonagall’s lips went into a tight line. ‘This meeting is to discuss your career and future path outside of Hogwarts. I ask you where you think your life is headed after wards and then we look at the realities of it so,’ McGonagall said, ‘I know that over the past few months there has been a few…concerns about your path after school. I have been speaking to Mrs Potter and she said you were reluctant to pursue anything else after school…Is that still the case?’ ‘Oh,’ Daisy said. McGonagall was watching her with an expression of concern and worry that threw her off guard. She had expected her to rake her over hot coals about her slipping grades or chastise her about focusing on things other than her studies like the club or Sirius but that didn’t come. Instead she found a sense of motherly affection she hadn’t ever seen before, one that rivalled that of her own mother or Euphemia. For a moment she actually felt sad. In those early days of her grief she hadn’t exactly been kind to those around her, in fact, she wondered why they’d even bothered.
‘No Professor,’ Daisy said, ‘I changed my mind.’ ‘I’m glad,’ Professor McGonagall said with a sympathetic smile, ‘have you thought of some options?’ ‘Yes,’ Daisy lied. The only options she had were that on the long list of Lily’s suggestions but she hadn’t gone through any of them in detail. Though as she thought about it her mind drifted to a long forgotten conversation she’d had with Sirius. He knew what he wanted to do and even in war times it would still stand up. Daisy had been so focused on impending doom she’d seen careers as pointless but maybe not all of them were. After all in the scariest times there had still been someone there to help. There was no fight or violence in it but that didn’t mean she was any less important. As she pondered it her future became more clear in her mind, ‘well just one actually.’ ‘And what’s that?’ McGonagall said. ‘A healer,’ Daisy said, ‘I mean I know I probably don’t have the grades for it at the minute but I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I mean I’ve watched Madam Pomfrey y’know. She’s amazing. Without her I’d be dead and Moony-‘ Daisy paused as she realised her words and immediately skipped over them, ‘I mean she’s done so much for all the students…I think I could do it too.’ ‘I see,’ McGonagall said stepping over the Remus sized weight in the conversation as if it weren’t there, ‘well you do sound very passionate about it I see. And I can’t disagree that Madam Pomfrey is an excellent witch and healer so I can understand why you would want to follow in a similar path…’ ‘But?’ Daisy said sensing some bad news following. ‘But to be a healer you need to knuckle down.’ McGonagall said simply, ‘I mean you’ve already taken all of the electives you need and your grades are acceptable but they aren’t the standard they should be. Both of us know that.’ ‘I know,’ Daisy said. ‘So if you’re serious about this path,’ McGonagall said. ‘I am,’ Daisy said shrinking back in her chair when she realised she’d interrupted and forced the motherly affection off her teachers face which was now wearing a warning scowl. ‘Then I suggest you take your classes a little more seriously,’ she said, ‘no distractions.’ ‘But Professor-‘ ‘Daisy,’ McGonagall said, ‘I know there are many things in this school you may think are worth your time right now but your future is just as important.’
Daisy opened her mouth to say something and then snapped it shut. What was that supposed to mean? Was it about the group? Did she know they were pursuing the Slytherins? Could she mean Sirius? Daisy’s mind turned and turned but McGonagall pressed on suggesting some reading and tests she could take and when and how to apply for the healers programme at St Mungos. Daisy was barely listening though and once she was dismissed she took the piece of parchment her professor offered her and then headed to the door still lost in her thoughts. As she got near the door of the great hall somebody bumped into her, pulling her from her daydreams.
Penny Fulton.
‘Oh, um sorry,’ Daisy mumbled. She didn’t seem startled though, as if Daisy walking into her was an everyday occurrence. Her brown eyes watched as Daisy nervously tucked her hair behind her ears unsure of what else to say. Though as Daisy moved to walk away Penny blocked her path forcing her to look at her. Daisy froze. She wondered what she was going to say to her. After all they hadn’t exactly had the best relationship before now and she doubted it would have gotten any better since she was now dating Sirius.
‘It’s okay,’ she said taking Daisy off guard, ‘actually I wanted to talk to you.’ ‘Oh,’ Daisy said shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot, ‘look Penny if it’s about me and Sirius-‘ ‘It’s not,’ Penny said. ‘Oh, well what is it?’ Daisy said. ‘I want to join the club,’ Penny said. ‘Defence club?’ Daisy asked, Penny nodded, ‘well you don’t have to ask…I mean you’ve already been a part of it before.’ ‘I know but I just wanted to check I was okay to come back,’ she said quickly adding, ‘I mean with Sirius.’ ‘It’s for anyone,’ Daisy shrugged, ‘we always welcome new members.’ ‘Good,’ Penny said, ‘I think I’ll come alone this meeting and then maybe bring some friends…if that’s okay?’ ‘Yeah fine,’ Daisy said. ‘When is it?’ Penny said. ‘Friday as normal. Usual place,’ Daisy said. Penny nodded for a second before she looked nervous as if she’d forgotten. Feeling awkward Daisy continued, ‘the attic. 7pm.’ ‘Right,’ Penny said, ‘see you there.’ ‘Yeah, see you,’ Daisy said as she bolted past her and down the dungeon steps leaving Daisy feeling even more confused than before.
As she entered the great hall she heard McGonagall enter behind her and call for Lily who immediately jumped up and strutted past her giving her a stern look as if she was annoyed they had had no time to recap her session due to her dawdling.
‘How’d it go?’ Remus said as she slipped into her seat beside Sirius. ‘Fine,’ Daisy said earning a look from all of them, ‘she actually seemed happy I had a plan she barely even told me off about my grades.’ ‘And what is the plan?’ Sirius asked. ‘A healer,’ she said with a smile. ‘Like Madam Pomfrey?’ Peter asked. ‘There’s more than one Pete,’ Remus said with a sad smile, ‘I think you’d suit that.’ ‘Though I don’t think you’d look good in that stiff little hat Poppy wears,’ Marlene chuckled. ‘Yeah let’s hope what St Mungos wear is a little sexier,’ Daisy giggled. ‘You hear that Pads? You’ve got your very own naughty nurse right here,’ James smirked. ‘Har har,’ Sirius said rolling his eyes. Remus ignored them and carried on.
‘So did she tell you what you need to be one?’ Remus asked. ‘Yeah she gave me some reading and how to apply. I might need a little help in raising my grades though,’ Daisy shrugged. ‘Well I’m sure Lily and Moony will happily take the revision regime up with you,’ James said. ‘Yeah he’ll have you going over textbooks chapters when you shower,’ Sirius said. ‘That might not be a bad idea,’ Daisy said earning a concerned look from them all, Daisy sighed, ‘she thinks I’m distracted.’ ‘What do you think she’s noticed how you can’t keep your eyes off me?’ Sirius joked pushing his hair back in an attempt to look alluring. ‘No one can mate,’ Remus joked, ‘the sheer spectacle of stupidity you and Prongs make is hard to ignore.’ ‘Rude,’ James said.
‘It’s more than that,’ Daisy said ignoring their boyish banter, ‘it’s like she knows what’s going on. With the Slytherins, with the attacks…’ ‘And she doesn’t want you involved?’ Alice said. ‘I don’t think she wants any of us involved,’ Daisy said looking at Sirius, ‘did she seem worried about you?’ ‘I think Minnie’s always concerned for me,’ Sirius said with sad smile. ‘Maybe she’s trying to protect us,’ James said, ‘I mean it’s a scary world out there. Hell look at the amount of recruits we’ve gotten. Even people who didn’t think anything was a miss are starting to get it now.’ ‘True,’ Daisy said. ‘Maybe that’s what Minnie’s noticed. I mean we’ve had to double the amount of lessons because of how many students we’ve got coming maybe they’re cottoning on,’ Sirius said. ‘But they said we could,’ Alice said, ‘why would they be worried now.’ ‘Not outright,’ Remus challenged. ‘Maybe it’s got a little too real,’ Sirius said. ‘We’re not stopping though right?’ James said, ‘I mean school aside. Even as scary as it is we can’t just stop.’ ‘No, no, we’re not stopping,’ Sirius said. ‘Maybe we just need to be a bit more conspicuous,’ Remus said, ‘refine the amount of people we allow each night…maybe we swap meeting times around to make sure the teachers cant spot us going in and out of places.’ ‘Or them lot,’ James said throwing his head towards the Slytherin table. ‘Maybe we should invite them along I mean we’re not getting much further on what they’re up to,’ Sirius said bitterly. ‘Well no news is good news right?’ Alice said trying to inject some positivity. ‘It’s the waiting for whatever it is that’s the problem,’ James said. They didn’t have too much time to delve into another rant about the Slytherins though as Lily reappeared informing Alice it was her turn as she slipped in beside James.
Fortunately for Daisy there was no need for questioning as Lily dove into every single detail about her meeting allowing them to sit back and listen. Daisy didn’t need to listen. Even in an uncertain future Lily had a plan. In fact she had several plans as if she was prepared for every eventuality should her mood about a subject turn or she lack the grades she needed to do whatever she wanted to [Daisy doubted that second one would ever occur]. As she whittered on Daisy thought about what the boys had said. Maybe McGonagall was just being cautious. It was true since their group had grown they’d been a little more lax with how they acted but they didn’t want anyone to feel like they couldn’t join if they wanted to. Take Penny for instance. Did her past with Sirius mean she didn’t have the right to learn how to defend herself? Of course not.
Sirius was watching her and she smiled at him trying to reassure him though he looked curious to know what she was thinking of. One by one their friends left and came back until finally all four house maters came into the hall and instructed them they were free to leave for the last lessons. Daisy grabbed her bag and rose with her friends, clambering across the wooden bench as it scraped back along the stone floor. Sirius was up before her and waited until hey could walk together.
Since everyone had various lessons the group said goodbye at the main entrance to the great hall with Remus and the other girls headed a different direction. Daisy, Sirius, Peter and James headed the opposite direction for their lesson of muggle studies. As James and Peter started talking about the Puddlemore United game that was being broadcast tonight Sirius moved a little quicker ahead, dragging Daisy with him. As they moved out of ear shot of the others he murmured, ‘you alright?’ ‘Fine,’ Daisy said, ‘just thinking.’ ‘About what?’ he asked. Daisy glanced at him. ‘We’ve got a new recruit,’ she said. ‘Oh who?’ he asked. They were at the moving staircases now and waiting for theirs to connect so they could head to muggle studies. Daisy glanced around to make sure she wasn’t around. Peter and James were several paces behind them, a couple of Hufflepuff boys breaking them apart.
‘Penny,’ she said. Sirius dropped his gaze. ‘Oh, right,’ he said. ‘Are you okay with that?’ she asked. ‘Why wouldn’t I be?’ Sirius asked. ‘I don’t know,’ she said, ‘I mean the two of you-‘ ‘Had one date,’ Sirius said, ‘and I was mercilessly hung up on you.’ ‘I know,’ Daisy said feeling her cheeks reddening. ‘Is you alright with it?’ Sirius asked. Daisy nodded. ‘I mean I’ve got nothing against her,’ Daisy said rolling her eyes as Sirius snorted, ‘okay I wasn’t exactly her biggest fan but there were extenuating circumstances.’ ‘Yeah you were madly in love with me,’ Sirius said smugly. ‘We all have our faults,’ Daisy quipped. ‘Funny,’ Sirius said. ‘I mean it. I’m not bothered and we can’t exactly dictate who is and isn’t allowed to learn to fight just because we’re on awkward terms.’ ‘Was it awkward?’ Sirius asked. ‘A little,’ Daisy said. Sirius nodded.
The stairs had moved into position now and the pair climbed them until they were at the top and entering the corridor their class was on. James and Peter appeared at either side of them as they walked.
‘What are you two lovebirds talking about?’ James asked. ‘Defence club,’ Sirius said. ‘Oh aye what about it?’ James said. ‘Penny wants to come back,’ Daisy said. ‘Why?’ James asked. ‘So she can learn to defend herself,’ Daisy said. ‘Well yeah but I can’t imagine it is fun seeing a bloke you used to date and his new girlfriend there,’ James said. ‘Maybe she’s over it,’ Peter said, ‘I mean it’s been a while.’ ‘Yeah maybe,’ James said though he didn’t look convinced. Daisy felt worry build in her stomach for a moment at his concern, ‘still odd though.’ ‘Maybe she wants to try and get Sirius back,’ Peter said earning a sharp look from all three of them that made him shrink back. ‘I think she just wants to learn,’ Daisy said ignoring the uncomfortable feeling in her chest at Peter’s suggestion. ‘Yeah and Dais is right,’ Sirius said, ‘we cant dictate who’s allowed in or not. It’s for everyone.’ ‘I’m with you,’ James said throwing an arm around his friend’s shoulder, ‘but if Snivellus thinks he’s invited he’s got another thing coming.’
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fresiants · 1 year
everything you said in your post, yes! but i was referencing this particular article from wizardingworld (that - harry potter's official site?) that basically stated that snape being in love with lily was "vital" for the plot and even went as far as to describe that if he wasn't "in love" perhaps he wouldn't have done half of the things he did. as in the intensity of his devotion and care were only motivated by romantic feelings, nothing else, only friendship wouldn't have had any power on him to make him "change". it pissed me off. the whole concept of him ""pinning"" forever has only had people say awful things about him when he never regarded his feelings for lily (the nature of them) in the story, only r*wling ever did, and no matter what they try to counterpoint to demonize his feelings, aside from snapping at her with a bad term and lack of grace, his behavior towards her wasn't very out of pocket. he wasn't like the actual devil to her. she wasn't any better than him as a friend either so trying to antagonize him and then going "pwoor lily snape was So mean and controlling to her úwù!!1" like????? naaaahhhh
I think I found the article that you're talking about. Is it 'What if Snape had never been in love with Lily Potter?'
Without Snape falling for Lily, we doubt their friendship would have survived for as long as it did.
Keeping Lily on side wouldn’t have mattered as much to him – and she wouldn’t have been there as the conscience to keep him on track.
Oh boy... that was horrible. Who's this 'we' anyway, cuz that ain't me.
People need to remember that Severus came from a dysfunctional family and Lily Evans was the first person to genuinely care about him, something that even the Slytherin gangs weren't able to provide to him. Sure, they respected and (maybe) looked up to him, but they weren't exactly close like him and Lily. So even if Severus wasn't romantically interested in Lily (personally, I already thought his love for her was platonic but whatever), he would still cherish and care for her as a friend.
The only person besides Lily who had ever shown him kindness in his memory was Lucius. We saw Lucius welcoming Severus into Slytherin with open arms and later taking him as a protégé during their school years. The fact that Lucius was shown in his memory but not Mulciber made me believe that he was not as important to Severus. The only reason he hesitated to choose between Mulciber and Lily was because he was blinded by his interest in the Dark Arts and he knew that Mulciber was destined to be part of the group he would soon join.
Not once have we seen Mulciber protect Severus from Marauders' attacks. Where was he during SWM? If Severus was truly close with Mulciber, this would be a vital part of his life, and he would have included him in his memory. If he can include Lucius, then he could have included Mulciber as well.
One thing I have learned is to ignore whatever the fuck JK Rowling said after the book ended. Not only was she very inconsistent, but some of her statements also make no sense. In an interview, Rowling stated that Severus joined the Death Eaters to impress Lily.
He wanted Lily and he wanted Mulciber too. He never really understood Lily’s aversion; he was so blinded by his attraction to the dark side he thought she would find him impressive if he became a real Death Eater.
How does that even make sense? How would Lily be impressed with Severus joining a group that targeted people like her? The only plausible explanation for this is that Severus believed Lily was attracted to bad boys, which was somewhat confirmed by J.K. Rowling herself.
MA: How did they get together? She hated James, from what we’ve seen.
JKR: Did she really? You’re a woman, you know what I’m saying. [Laughter.]
But it still doesn't make any sense because joining a cult that targets the person you love is fundamentally different from bullying, and it's hard to imagine that Severus wouldn't have recognized that. I'm pretty sure he was smart enough to know that it wouldn't work.
Well moral of the story, just don't give a fuck about whatever Jk Rowling/the official website say. Besides, that article was based on personal opinions, not facts. "We doubt" is the key word here. These were all just assumptions.
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Inside a Volvo.
Hello everyone! This is part three of what my little new Universe and idea looks like. Now I've done the three ships.
Make sure to read the Wolfstar Part named Little Freak, and the Dorlene Part named The Guru.
Let me know what you think and if I should start another blog only about this idea.
Pairing: James Potter x Lily Evans (Jily).
Muggle Modern Au.
Lily Evans had always dreamt of living that epic and beautiful romance that she read in books and watched in films. But it wasn't easy for her.
Boys her age weren't romantic, mature, or even intelligent in that sense. They were brutal idiots. Lily didn't fancy any of them. She had never fancied anyone actually. Mary had introduced her to many boys but Lily didn't feel the sparks, the butterflies in her tummy, the cheesy smiles, she didn't put her hair behind her ear because she felt nervous.
There was always something wrong with all of these boys: too tall, too skinny, too talkative, too immature, too old, too young.
"How are you gonna find your prince charming if you are that picky, Lily?" Mary used to ask all the time.
"Just leave her alone, Mary" Marlene rolled her eyes everytime "Lily is better off without a stupid boy in her life"
Most of the girls her age had been in dates, had boyfriends, had had some sort of action with them. Not Lily. It seemed stupid and silly. But perhaps she didn't want common romances. Lily wanted something special. Someone special. A unique kind of love.
Maybe not in school but in Uni. She told herself. Her schoolmates were immature. And that's what her mother told her as well.
"You are the kind of girl boys want seriously, love" she whispered "They are in that age to have fun. But soon enough they will mature and want to settle down with someone like you"
But Lily still felt lonely. Mary's adventures with boys sounded interesting. Alice's perfect relationship with Frank sounded interesting. Hearing how Marlene had rejected boys sounded interesting. Why she couldn't get any of that?
Lily found the little drawing that Sev put in her backpack. It was a cartoon of himself putting a flower in the hair of her own cartoon. Underneath it read: "You are my everything".
Lily's stomach twisted and not in a good way. This made her very uncomfortable. Severus had always been her friend. And she liked that. She liked him. A lot. But thinking about being Severus' girlfriend, made her ill. God, she really was picky, ha?
Severus had nothing bad. Lily just couldn't feel something like that for him. And ever since Petunia's engagement party, when Severus tried to kiss her, things had been very awkward. Lily just wanted him as a friend.
Although there was a tiny part of her that told herself she should give Severus a chance. She was complaining and complaining about how she didn't have a boyfriend. Would it be so bad? Lily felt comfortable with Severus. But why did it feel so wrong?
Maybe she didn't have another chance at the moment... And no, that asshole didn't count... What if Lily ended up realizing she had feelings for Severus? The quircky best friend that had always been the one...
"Bye, Lily!" someone interrupted her thoughts.
"Bye Pandora" Lily smiled.
As Pandora got out of the Library, Lily realized it was already too late. The Library and Hogwarts were surely about to close.
Lily had stayed to do homework in the Library because she couldn't go home. Petunia and her annoying friends were having tea and talking about the wedding. They were so loud that Lily could hear her from her room. Even with the music at top volume.
Lily was so jealous that someone as annoying as Petunia had already found love and not her.
Lily picked up her things and went outside. Considering what to do. Buses were longer gone. She didn't have a car. And she was kind of scared walking by herself. Should she bother her mom? She was probably serving the girls their precious tea. Lily didn't want to bother her.
Of course Lily had the worst luck in the world. You know destiny, why not give her a cute boy right now to offer to take her home. But not him.
James Potter was the most annoying egocentric prick that existed. Everytime they talked, it never ended up badly. Lily couldn't stand him sometimes. And surely he would try to take advantage of the situation.
Just ignore him, Lily. She told to herself. Just bloody ignore him.
But boy... James Potter was no easy to avoid.
"Evans!" he approached, and he dared to touch her arm "Hey! Hey Evans"
Lily faked a smile "Hey... Potter" but she couldn't avoid rolling her eyes afterwards.
But James didn't seem to mind.
"What are you doing here?"
"It is none of your business" Lily crossed her eyes "What about you, stalker"
"Stalker?" James snorted, and gave her his stupid smile "Late Rugby practise"
Right. Lily looked away thinking she still had the chance to run away with Marlene.
"Are you going home?" James asked "Do you want a ride?"
Of course James had a very fancy red Volvo. Privilaged little wanker.
"I am alright" Lily answered "Is Marlene still inside?"
Lily turned to walk inside when James stopped her.
"Oh. she left"
"You are lying"
James blinked in confusion "No really. Marlene and Emmeline left together ages ago"
"What about your other half?"
James scoffed "Sirius missed practise!" he said it as if it was something indecent "Can you believe that?"
Lily didn't care.
"He is proabably with Remus" James continued, indignated, even crossing his arms "They've been spending a lot of time together..." he tutted.
"Right..." Lily just wanted him gone.
She took out her phone considering texting Severus. He didn't have a car but maybe he could walk her home. But she didn't dare. Lily didn't want it to be awkward. She didn't want Severus to think she is flirting with him.
"Are you sure you don't want a ride?" James insisted "You know, the streets are dangerous for a young lady like yourself"
Lily sighed "So you are saying I need a man in order to protect me?"
"I didn't..."
"That's a bit sexist, Potter"
"And let's be realistic. You are even more a scared little girl than me"
"Probably you are right"
James had that stupid smile. It didn't suit him. It actually made him look like he was popping. But Lily knew he used it to flirt with her. Like those prats who thought they had a "sexy face" to seduce girls but in reality they looked ridiculous.
"My mon is coming to pick me up anyway, Potter" Lily lied "So don't worry"
James looked at her.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah" Lily nodded more times than she should've. Normally she sucked at lying "Just bloody go"
Maybe Lily could call her mom after Potter was gone.
"Great..." James sighed, putting his hands on his pockets "Then I will wait with you"
"No!" Lily screamed and then she cleared her throat "I mean I am fine. You can just go"
But James shook his head.
"If you think I am leaving you all alone this late, then you are wrong, Evans" he tutted "I will wait with you until you are safe and sound with your mom"
To emphasize his words, James Potter took a seat on the stairs at the entrance and made himself comfortable.
Lily stared at him hoping she had lazer powers to melt him.
"Should we wait in the car better?" James asked "It is freaking cold..." he hugged himself "I just had a shower"
Lily was usually a pacific person. But James Potter sometimes made her want to commit murderer. She hated his stupid face. And she hated his stupid smile.
"Fine!" Lily groaned "I lied! My mom is not coming for me"
James gasped, even touching his chest dramatically.
"You lied to me, Evans?" he tutted.
Lily rolled her eyes "And you already knew that"
James stood up, still with that stupid smile on his face. Lily wanted to punch him and leave him toothless.
"You are a terrible liar, Evans. You know that?"
"Shut up!"
James let out a soft giggle.
"So you rather walk home alone, and take the risk of being murdered around..."
"I won't be murderered" Lily snapped.
"Than getting into a car with me?"
Lily smiled "So you see how much I despise you, Potter!"
"It's a Volvo" James protested "It includes a heating system... And I think I have gum there"
Lily was irritated because she didn't have much of a choice that to get with James Potter into a car. He would win. Lily hated when he won. Lily hated seeing his triumphal smirk. Lily hated him so much.
And now he was going to have the chance of having her in his car. And he would probably tell his stupid little friends about it. Tell them how Lily was giving in. Never. Never. Never.
Lily didn't answer. She clenched her teeth and crossed her arms as she walked to the goddammit vehicle. And she forced with the locked door.
"Open the bloody door!"
James took out his keys quickly and pressed the button to open it. Lily got into the co-pilot seat slamming the door closed. Lily gave James a hateful look as he got in as well. And closed the door behind him.
"Smells like feet" Lily commented. But it wasn't true. It smelled actually nice. Like cologne and clean. But Lily would never admit it.
James bit his lip to avoid smiling again.
"I took it to the car wash last weekend..."
"Just bloody drive, Potter"
"Yes, miss"
James turned on the enginge.
The silence was torture as James drove. But Lily refused to say anything. She was considering yelling at him. Because James was pretty obvious. He was glancing at her a lot.
"So..." James started "You stayed at The Library to do homework again?"
Lily rolled her eyes. She had to live far away from Hogwarts.
"It is what actual responsable people do"
She didn't even finish. She had procastinated and got distracted by her thoughts.
"You know that no matter how you try, Evans. I will always have better marks than yo.... Ouch!"
Lily hit his arm. A little harder than intended.
James and Lily had always compited academically. It was frustrating how Sirius and James didn't pay attention in class, got into trouble, did mischief but they ended up having really good grades.
"Professor McGonagall loves me and you know it"
"She doesn't even stand you" Lily answered "Just like myself"
James sighed "Speaking of... I will have to do the math problems when I get home, as the rest of our homewo...."
James was interrupted as Lily took the initiative to turn the radio on. At a very high volume.
"That was rude!" James yelled above the music.
"Oh!" Lily yelled too "I am sorry. I have a very bad headache..."
"And loud music is going to solve it?"
Lily didn't respond. So James shook his head and decided to stay silent. Finally.
They were a few minutes like that. In complete silence, only the radio playing. Somehow, Lily didn't feel the need of filling the silence. If it were any boy maybe she would try. But it was Potter.
It wasn't that she felt comfortable with him. She just didn't care. But of couse she didn't notice how James cared. He was nervous, giving occasional glances at her. Tapping the wheel. He was sweating a lot. And he noticed the delicious smell of Lily's cherry shampoo.
It wasn't until a new song began playing in the radio. And I Love Her by The Beatles. Lily liked The Beatles but she was going to hate them if James Potter fancied them. Because he was enjoying the song. Tapping on the wheel and humming to it.
Lily moved on her seat uncomfortably.
But that wasn't the worst part. James Potter began singing the song as well.
"A love like ours Could never die As long as I Have you near me"
Lily gave him a quick glance. James Potter was no musician or singer. He didn't have the greatest voice. But there was something about the way he was singing that didn't make it so bad. Perhaps the fact that he was having fun...
"Bright are the stars that shine Dark is the sky I know this love of mine Will never die And I love her"
James Potter noticed that Lily was staring at him. He even smiled as he sang the next part even louder. And oh no. What was Lily doing? What was that? Was she actually smiling? No. Her lips moved that way because she was making a disgusted face. That was all. Lily couldn't possibly smile. Even worse if James Potter was the cause. Maybe if he was humiliated. But not for anything else.
So Lily got pissed mostly at herself for that microsecond of smile. And she decided to turn off the music. The song had ended anyway but still. Just in case James Potter decided to sing again.
"I was hearing that" James protested.
"I told you I had a headache"
"You turned the music on in the first place"
Lily groaned in frustration.
"You know, Potter" she said "You take every single opportunity to show off and honestly I fucking tired of that"
James was silent for a while. Lily wanted to smile now. Because she had won. But then...
"I was simply singing"
"You were completely ruining the song"
Lily looked through the window. Pretending to be angry and acting dramatically. She could feel James' eyes on her. He needed to focus on the bloody road.
"Can I ask you something, Evans?" James began "Why do you hate me so much?"
Lily scoffed, now looking at him. She was using the face of "Really? You ask that?"
James sighed "Yeah... I know I act like a dick sometimes"
"All the time"
"That's better"
"I never wanted you to hate me" James explained, using a more serious tone "Just to have your attention..."
Lily didn't answer. Because she didn't know how to. It was always fighting with them. It was all they did. No normal interactions or conversations.
"Probably it is not the most clever idea to get close to you that way, right?"
Lily snorted and shook her head.
"No. It isn't"
James nodded.
"The thing is that when I am trying to be kind and a gentleman to you, like today, you end up hating me anyway" he said "I mean I am bloody driving you home..."
"Oh well then, thank you for you bloody help! Open the door, I'll stay here..."
It was kind of an instinct to react that way. Everything James Potter said or did had to make Lily angry. She had to hate it. Even if it was a good thing. Like kindly driving her home.
He was right again. That cheeky bastard. He was smiling now, telling her "See? I was right".
Lily was irritated that he got irritated again and he had to win. Which proved his point and that made her more irritated.
So she rolled her eyes, as James giggled under his breath.
"I don't hate you" Lily said after a while.
She didn't know why she said that. Yeah, it contradicted everything she had thought of James Potter earlier. But Lily figured it was true. She actually couldn't hate anyone. James Potter just irritated her a lot. Maybe they could never be friends. But hate him? Nah.
"No?" James asked curiously "Because your actions kind of prove the contrary"
"It's just that you do things that drive me completely mental" Lily groaned "But not today. Today you are actually...you are actually..."
This was harder than anything Lily had done.
"I am actually...?" James raised an eyebrow.
Lily rolled her eyes.
When James let out a chuckle, she added:
"Which I take back because you are being a wanker now"
But James still looked content with the compliment he had received.
"You actually like me?"
"Oh shut up!"
James giggled once more. And Lily was bitting her inner cheek to avoid smiling. She hated herself for that. She was being weak.
James was looking at her. And this time he wasn't being discreet.
"What?" Lily asked defensively.
"I really love to have you in my car"
Lily blushed. She didn't know why. Maybe it was the embarrassment of hearing things like that. Things boys said to girls in romantic movies and books. Things Lily always wished to hear.
But no. This was just James Potter. Lily didn't fancy him. She barely liked him.
"So are you gonna tell me where you live?" James asked "At this point I am driving in circles..."
Lily wasn't superficial. But she didn't want James Potter to see her house. Not only because he would know exactly where she lived. But also because she wasn't rich like her schoolmates. She was sure James Potter's house was ten times better than hers.
"Here, turn right"
"What? Really?"
"Yeah Potter, turn right!"
It seemed like they were about to miss the turn.
James turned in time, they could hear the honk of a car they almost crash and Lily's soft scream.
"What the bloody hell?"
"You said turn and I turned, Evans!"
Lily didn't know what happened next, but she started laughing. It was a new thing. Lily never laughed in front of James Potter, unless it was fakely to laugh at him when she humiliated him. But there she was.
She had an urge to laugh and she did it. It was so embarrassing it hurt.
James stared at her with a smile on his face. And after no time, James joined her by laughing as well.
It was then that Lily realized that she shouldn't be laughing and she stopped. But too late. James was happy. Probably thinking she liked him. And he had won again.
Maybe Lily was just exaggerating everything. There was no harm in laughing. Even with someone like James Potter.
"I think I would've been safer if I'd walked home"
"Oh shut up! I am an excelent driver, okay? You made me take terrible decisions"
And Lily was more relaxed because everything was normal again. Teasing each other. So they smiled and relaxed for the rest of the trip.
After they finally arrived to Lily's neighborhood, James didn't say anything about the house. He was looking at everything as if he was a kid in an amusement park.
"So... Thank you for the ride, Potter" Lily opened the door.
"Lily..." James stopped her by touching her arm but seemed to reject it as Lily turned around. She blinked because James almost never called her by her name.
"I promise to leave you alone and behave like a normal human being, okay?"
This was suprising for Lily.
"Then maybe we can be friends? Friendly?"
Lily bit her lip. There was a different tone in James' voice. He sounded more mature. Like a different person. And there was a tiny bit... a tiny part of Lily, very tiny, that thought Potter was actually not that bad.
But most of Lily's brain was yelling at her, telling her this was James Potter. And she was Lily Evans. They were meant to hate each other.
"You know that is impossible for us, Potter" But Lily said that with a smile, which gave James hope "Good night"
"Bye Evans..." James sighed.
Lily got out and closed the door behind her. She waved but Potter just smiled slightly and drove away. Lily wished she could take that cologne of her nostrils and her clothes. And she wished she could've asked him to give her some gum.
Could it be? Maybe there was a possibility for these two to be friends?.....
Nah... That could never happened.
And with that thought, Lily walked inside.
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yletylyf · 2 years
Severus Avery please. A snippet if you are willing.
Thanks for asking! The idea behind this fic is this popular notion in fandom that Eileen, Severus's mum, was probably supposed to marry a pureblood and ran away from home to marry a Muggle instead. This fic explores what Severus would be like if Eileen had gone ahead and married a pureblood - here, an Avery - and what about Severus would change and what wouldn't.
Severus having a crush on Lily Evans at school is something I thought wouldn't change, but it does make their discussion a little different from their canon talks when Severus visits her in Cokeworth one summer. Snippet below the cut!
“And how far do you have to go back in your bloodline before you find a Muggle?” Evans asked pointedly.
“I don’t actually know,” said Severus, a little amused at the question. “All four of my grandparents claim they can trace their ancestry without any Muggles all the way back to the middle ages, but that has to be an exaggeration, right? Or someone lied about it if they did marry a Muggle. There aren’t that many witches and wizards in Britain. If we didn’t marry Muggles, we’d die out.”
Evans let out a giggle. “I can’t believe those words just came out of your mouth. What would your grandfather say?”
Severus flashed her a shy grin. “I’d never say that in front of him,” Severus admitted.  
Evans turned uphill, and ducked into a little copse of trees. It was a surprisingly peaceful, beautiful site, belying the dirty world around it. She sat down on the ground, without a care for her clothes.
“I first came here when I ran away from home for a few hours when I was eleven. My sister was really mean to me, and said magic wasn’t real and McGonagall lied to us,” said Evans. “I think of it as my special place—I’ve never brought anyone else here before.”
“I’m honored,” said Severus solemnly, sinking onto the ground beside her.
“Avery,” said Evans, giving him a very serious look. “What is it you want out of life?”
He blinked at her, taken off guard. “Oh. No one has ever asked me that before.”
“What are your hopes and dreams? What do you value?”
“I love my family,” he said, also very serious. “I wouldn’t give them up for anything. I want to grow up like my great-grandfather Cirroc Avery, who is the strongest person I know. He’s a hundred and four and has shepherded the family through everything that life has thrown at us.”
“Hmm,” said Evans. “And what would your family say if they saw you sitting here with a Muggle-born?”
“Ah,” said Severus, wishing she hadn’t asked that. “Well, nothing very… nice.”
“Then if you love your family so much, what are you doing here?”
Severus shrugged. “I love them but that doesn’t make them right about everything, does it?”
“So you’re sitting here telling me that you don’t believe in blood purity?” She sounded skeptical.
Severus leaned forward earnestly. “I mean, I won’t deny that I loved growing up in a big magical family, but do I think I’m better than you because of it? No.”
“Okay,” she agreed. “What else do you want out of life?”
“I’ve never really thought about it. I like learning magic, and becoming more powerful, and unlocking the secrets of things.”
“You’ve always been mad that I do better at you in school, haven’t you?” said Evans. She laughed, but it wasn’t a smug laughter—it was a happy, bubbly laugh that made Severus’s insides squirm in funny ways.
“I was mad at first for sure,” agreed Severus. “But after a while I was just really impressed with you. What about you? What do you want from life?”
“I just want to be safe,” she said, a shadow passing over her face. “I want to fall in love and have children and grow old. And that seems less and less likely every day.”
Severus made a sudden movement; for a second, he wanted to reach out and grab her hand and tell her everything would be okay. But he stopped himself. She hadn’t indicated it was okay to touch her, and… well, the words would be a lie.
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