#lapis lazuli x fem!reader
teaaagan · 1 year
Lapis: A theif
Y/N: Thief?
Lapis: Theif
Y/N: I before E, except after C
Lapis: Thceif
Y/N: No
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stevenuniversexreader · 5 months
helloo , could you possibly do y, k, and L for lapis ? tysm !!
Character- Lapis Lazuli
Letters- Y, K, L
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Y-Yelling at each other
-in a relationship with her, expect a lot of arguments and yelling.
-due to her trauma, she is more likely to get angry or stressed and lash out so be careful on what you say to her.
-she doesn’t mean it she just gets so stressed and can’t handle the situation.
-when she does you don’t yell back, most of the time, to prevent a large argument. when you do fight back then it gets bad, like real bad.
-you two will be yelling for a very long time unless one of you two decide to stop and apologize, or say something so insulting the other person stops.
-which is usually where you come in, she tends to do that to you when you two fight. When she realizes she hurt you bad, to the point where you’re actually really upset, she won’t forgive herself and she’ll be apologizing to you to the best of her abilities.
-This definitely took her a little while, she show any sort of physical affection.
-she wasn’t very comfortable with it at first and didn’t even know how to do it, but she wanted to try it for you
-you let her take as much time as she needed though, and she liked the first time you tow kissed
-it wasn’t on the lips of course since she wasn’t ready for that, but it was on the forehead and he lived it.
-so she started to kiss you on the forehead more often. She likes kissing your face more than your lips
L-Lounging around on a Lazy Day
-doesn’t she do this all the time with peridot when there’s not some large gem problem?
-But with you it’s more fun. Unlike peridot, lapis can just snuggle you and Lena on you without your consent (hopefully) which brings her a lot of comfort
-You two usually tend to watch Camp Pining Hearts together since she really likes it, though you try to get her into some other shows and movies
-She ll say that she doesn’t think their that great, though she won’t admit that their good movies and shows since she’s stubborn
-Sometimes you two will read together or just hold and snuggle each other in her hammock or at your house
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icyblogs · 1 month
flesh and bone
Winter represents many things. The start of a new season. The beginnings to an end. Or the beginnings of a new start. Years finally caught up to you, finally knowing enough to summon a creature able to fulfill things beyond your wildest imagination. So why is it that you're now finding out that everything was orchestrated from the very start? Or: A DND au where a human falls into the clutches of a fiend and his guard dog. (chapter 2!) Patron!Ghost x Fem!Reader x Warlock!Soap WC: 7.2K [AO3] First chapter -> Next Chapter Warnings: dark fic!! dubcon touching, noncon kissing, mentions of death, paranoia, gaslighting, reader has a backstory to make sense for plot, reader is a little silly, johnny being an overall menace, ghost doing ghost things.
Time came and passed, but it was nothing discernable. Consciousness not quite ever being fully up and running the times you did briefly wake up. There were voices- you think- but it was hard to tell. And with the sound came the feeling of phantom hands, fingers trailing over your skin. Limbs being moved, the brief moment of pain being settled with hushed whispers of apologies. It was hard to think, hard to function. Darkness spreads. Sand trickles through the hourglass. The sun rises and falls, the hours turning into days. 
It wasn’t waking up with a gasp, that would be too theatrical. Too novel of an idea, of waking up so sudden and everything being fine and dandy. That you’d be up and raring to go. It was a slow process, one that made every nerve flare up at once- merely the process of peeling your eyelids open enough to have some sort of idea of what had happened to you. Blearily looking around from your limited vantage point, gaze floating around aimlessly, not able to properly focus on anything. The area was dimly lit for one- almost to the point of making it even more difficult to properly take a look at everything. 
An attempt to lift your head from the object below it- soft yet solid- was made before a jolt of lightning seemed to shoot down your spine, curling through your nerve endings and then back again, ending back at the nape of your neck. A choked whimper makes it out through clenched teeth, a grimace painting your features. Your brain feels like mush, surroundings blurring to the point of becoming unrecognizable. Not wanting to move your head, let alone anything above your shoulders in fear of retribution striking down yet again.
The sound of a chair creaking resounds throughout the room, and it was difficult to remember any sense of self preservation, eyes continuing to roll around in a weak attempt to figure out exactly what was going on. It was hard exactly to remember what had happened- you .. were somewhere. The mountains, right? Where were you–
“Took ye long enough.” Too loud though his voice was barely above a normal volume, and your eyes squeeze close as if that would cause the onslaught of noise to dissipate. “Ah ‘m sorry hen, forgot you’d still be a wee bit sensitive.” Hushed this time, and when you mustered the strength- his blue eyes were staring straight back at you. Distant thoughts drift through your subconsciousness. The.. half-elf, right? The blue was darker than you’d remembered: Iolite, sodalite, lapis lazuli in a swirl of an emotion you couldn’t quite catch before his brow furrows in what seemed to be concern. He looked familiar- though.. Different. More rough- more aged; his hair longer in this style, flowing down to the nape of his neck. Scars covered his face, though it was hard to pick which one exactly to focus on: the one by his chin, over his eye, adorning his temple. Your eyes fall half-lidded, struggling to remain in the present.
A frown graces your lips, one he was quick to lean forwards to do something about. Encroaching in your personal space like he owned it, like you were friends, like you anything but strangers. There wasn’t a moment nor opportunity to move as one of his large hands cups the back of your head, careful of the wound near it- his other hand coming up and wiping the crust from your eyes, his fingers almost trembling. His skin was warm, but rough. You could only stare dumbfounded, letting the man move you like a doll as your tongue darts out to wet your chapped lips. He watches the motion unblinkingly, his own lips parting in response, breath catching in his chest.
“Y-You..” A cough, resulting in swallowing a few times to get your bearings. Voice hoarse, like sand coating your tongue. Your mouth opens and then closes, repeating that a few times as you then sniffle. Feeling the familiar burn rise to your eyes, tears further blurring what was already starting to become disconnected from the world, one of his thumbs brushing away the moisture trickling down your skin. Trying to move, but your limbs weren’t necessarily cooperating. Like a puppet with its strings cut off, privy to his hands which seemed to be holding the strings. Everything felt heavy. Lost. Disconnected. “Where..?”
To his credit, his expression didn’t even once waver that you could tell. Eyes fervently bright, betraying his weak attempt at comforting you. His head cocks, leaning forwards and nudging at your face with his nose, a grimace painting your features as he inhales deeply. An elven custom you didn’t know about maybe? “Shh.. Sh.. Yer safe now.” One hand still cupping the back of your head he leans back for a brief moment, procuring a silver chalice. He starts to lift your head and upon seeing the immediate discomfort at the movement, he only coos, hand leaving your cheek. His eyebrows furrow, scanning your face, and then he takes a swig of the liquid.
There was but a brief moment of still air before his lips came crashing against yours. Any thought you might’ve had immediately leaves as sheer panic makes its way through the foggy seams instead. Wiggling like a mouse scrambling to try and not get caught in a trap it hadn’t fully been aware of. And like adhesive, his hand firmly sticks to and cradles the back of your head, his other pressing against your sternum when another attempt to feebly twist away was made. Lukewarm liquid spills down your skin, as he squeezes a bit harder, your lips parting in a garbled gasp as he bullies his way into your mouth, transferring the fluid into your system.
There was a shift in the room as his body hovered over yours. What you now vaguely recognize was actually water going down your throat, similar to his tongue as it seems to ignore your lack of hygiene, trying to steal your breath away, licking your teeth, your gums, trying to consume your essence like a dog getting a bone as a treat- like he was trying desperately to get your soul intertwined with him; to connect you two together. More water spills as the bed shifts slightly against the wall in a rhythmic pattern for but a brief moment, glassy eyes wide as you stare back at his blissful expression as he groans into your mouth.
It was maybe a minute at most but it felt like ages, dizzy and lightheaded as he finally pulled back from you. “See, ‘s all good, isn’t it?” The blue eyed elf cheeks were flushed, the connected string of saliva between the two of you being taken away as his tongue ran from the corner of your lips up to your nose. He then proceeds to rest his forehead against yours, his even breathing combined with your haggard ones in the small space, as if finally recognizing you weren’t responding to what he just did. “Need mor’ water, hen?” You think you were going to be sick, eyes once more rolling to the side to try and peer away from him, feeling weighed down to the bed by more than just his hands.
Disbelief. Panic. Terror. So many emotions washes over your features in an amalgamation of just a whirlwind of ‘what the fuck’. Your head was pounding, the only sound in the room was a consistent pulse, badump badump badump. Unable to stop the steady trickles of teardrops as they fall, and his head tilts slightly against your skin once more, falling forwards as he rubs his temple against yours, his facial hair tickling your cheek. He inhales deeply once more, unabashedly, before letting out what seemed to be a sigh of content.
He speaks your name softly, a hushed whisper. “Why’re ye so quiet?” The tears start to fall faster and you hiccup, facial expression crumpling. He immediately pulls back, eyes scanning your expression, his own filtering into one of confusion and then adjusting itself to an easy going smile. You were definitely going to be sick. “‘S Johnny, remember? None of them tears, ye hear me? There’s nae need for ‘em. You’re safe now, yeah?” 
Johnny? John. Ah. Right, that was his name. How could you have forgotten?
Johnny adjusts his hands, one coming up to cup your cheek, squeezing ever so slightly as you start to speak. “I don’ feel so good-”
“Need a bucket?” Another wave of confusion hits you as you squint up at him, watching as he continues to smile, thumb brushing away one of the many tears despite how they just seem replaced by more twofold.  It was getting harder and harder to tell what was real and what was not- he.. kissed you, right? Shoved his tongue down your throat so why was he acting like nothing had happened? Was it truly a custom you weren’t aware of? You weren’t friends- hell, you barely remember the guy besides he was the one that gave you that dumb list you’ve spent years of your life on. And along with his stupidly blue eyes. And dumb haircut. 
Stomach twisting and churning, gulping hard as your eyebrows pull together. He must’ve known something you didn’t because his hands left you, and in but a brief moment, you were over the side of the bed, emptying nothing but water and stomach acid into the steel of a bucket. Ignoring the searing pain shooting up your spine as you cough out phlegm, gagging as you spill your guts. Your throat felt tight, constrained and small as one of his hands held back your hair the best he could, the other gently rubbing your back- the heat of his palm prominent even through the thick fabric of what you were wearing. “I ken, I ken, it’s hard the first time. Gets better ye know, the more you come into contact with ‘im.” 
You only hack up more bile, sniffling as snot and tears run down your face, finding it hard to breathe as you rasp into the bucket. As if purging the waste and exiling it from your body. Eventually the fit dies down, as does the pain in your neck falling to a dull throb. Noticeable, but not enough to make you want to never move again. He begins to slowly lead you out of bed, easily handling your weight as you stumble around like a newly born faun, trying not to trip over your own feet as he leads you to an ornate bathroom. A light fixture buzzes on- gold, blinding. 
Nothing was really.. Getting explained. Despite your garbled and weak protests, he helps you use the bathroom, not bothering to look away as he helps you clean up. His broad frame crowding you against the countertop as he brushes your teeth, holding your stare as he does so. Smile widening as he makes you squeak, one hand spread across your jugular, the other making your eyes flutter around as he scrubs at your tongue and teeth, choking on the bristles when he goes back too far. 
And when he brings your befuddled form back to what you can now see is a bedroom of sorts- also grand, embellished. Larger than what anything you’ve seen before- than what you felt you deserved: it was easy to think you’re in Castle Waterdeep or Dragonspear Castle. Tucked away and brought to a place far above where a person of your status should be, somewhere that should’ve been inaccessible. During all this you try to talk to the man as he dragged you to one of the wardrobes; the questions you ask never getting a real answer- always something cryptic that you couldn't digest properly. Honestly it felt like riddles, like he was trying to imitate a sphinx- purposefully being cryptic to mess with your head further. 
“I- I can dress.. myself.” He only shushes you like you were some sort of fussy child, as if you didn’t know any better yet. Maneuvering you as he pleases, dressing you in a long, drapey gown, embroidered with gold, layers upon layers. Unashamedly pawing at skin, hands lingering far too long to be considered ‘gentlemanly’, squeezing as he pleases. You were dressed and adorned like some sort of lady of high nobility, extravagant jewelry hanging from your neck, from your wrists- loud and noisy, like a bell going off saying ‘here I am!’ every time you moved.
“You wan’ breakfast, hen?” His voice was a low murmur, nose rubbing against your neck absentmindedly, hands trailing down the long sleeves to your hands, interlacing the fingers together. “Of course ye do, you’ve been out cold fer a week.” He moves your hands to your stomach, chin hooking into place on your shoulder, body towering over yours. The bracelets chime in response. 
This..must’ve been some sort of fever dream.. Right? What was happening? Why was he here with you- so many ‘whys’, and yet no answer seems to be greeting you. Maybe this was the feywild, and you’ve fallen under a charm; perhaps this is just an odd hallucination. Or maybe.. The afterlife? The fugue plane, somewhere within the City of Judgement, waiting to be taken to the Crystal Spire, my soul to be judged and appraised by Kelemvor. 
There was only one reasonable conclusion- one that made sense considering you’d saw him all those years ago after the incident, like a grim reaper ready to claim its prize or like a devil scoping out its next contract- “Are you a Baatezu?” It was a mere mumble, and he huffs out a laugh, tightening his grip on you for a brief moment, before letting go and spinning you towards him. 
“Do I look like a devil to ye?” He muses, eyes filled with amusement. As if the thought of him being from the Nine Hells was humorous. He continues to smile despite your clear hesitance- so warm as it carves lines into his cheeks, his eyes crinkling. It felt so genuine; hospitable and welcoming that you almost had a hard time imagining him being a bad guy. This all must’ve been some big miscommunication right? Something got lost in translation; he.. He’s helped you. There’s a roof over your head, he has kept you alive for the past supposed- he hasn’t necessarily harmed you right? Kissed you sure- but he was just.. Giving you water. Johnny.. is just a bit too touchy for your liking, but harmless, you think- like an overzealous dog with too much energy to go around. 
“Well, maybe- I..” Your neck throbs as you eye him apprehensively, and then the same gaze drifts down to the bracelets donning your wrists, experimentally flexing your fingers, hearing the metals cling against each-other as your wrists move. “..I just.. I’m not dead?” That sparks a laugh out of him, a full bodied one that makes your ears burn with embarrassment, faltering as you start to backtrack. “I- Well- I only meant-” 
“I ken, I ken- I know what ye meant. It’s scary for ye, isn’t tha’ right? A new place. But yer here now, okay?” He interrupts you off gently, reassuring you through your clear apprehension, as he starts to herd your body towards the door. A shepherd leading a lamb, blindly to whatever fate waits them. 
A grandiose hallway greets you, one side being doors, the other sprawling windows: the views simply breathtaking. The scenery is enough to momentarily distract you from the situation- offering a brief moment of solace. Endless rolling hills stretch as far as the eye could see, adorned with a vibrant tapestry of flowers in every hue of the rainbow. The sunlight shines brightly over the landscape; casting a sort of glow over it that makes it seem like one of those places straight out of a fairytale- like something only seen in a book. It was enough to make your steps falter and Johnny accounts for the movement, or lack thereof, slowing to a halt as he too peers out the scenery beyond the panes.
“Oh it’s.. Beautiful.. But where exactly is ‘here’?” 
“I know it is. What’da see hen?” He asks instead- voice hushed as if afraid he’d break the atmosphere, no longer looking outside but at you instead.
Your mouth opens and then closes, and you gesture outwardly with your arm, one of the bangles glinting in the light. Your eyebrows furrow as a sudden realization hits you, wasn’t it almost Midwinter? “Well..  well there’s flowers I-.. in Midwinter. And the sun.. I- Are we even along the Sword Coast? Or..” You try to pick your brain, thinking, unsure. You were in Faerûn, right? Your stomach twists, swallowing down the bile- forcing a smile on your lips. He saved you, you repeat, unsure if you were just trying to convince yourself at this point or not. Making it easier that way- not wanting to confront the truth. “Maybe up at the Dalelands?”
He makes a sort of noncommittal hum, and as you twist your head to look up at him, he nods. His gaze travels to the window once more, almost melancholic, before his jaw clenches and then he looks back at you with a smile, just a little bit tighter than before. “Yeah. Now how ‘bout a wee bit of breakfast, hm?”
More questions add to the ever expanding stack as you walk alongside him. The marble feels borderline warm beneath your bare feet as he leads you down to a pair of doors, and upon entering it was large, with a sprawling table: fit for a small country it seemed. What must’ve been a hundred chairs lined the grand hall. The ceiling soars high above, reminiscent of a cathedral back in the city, adorned with oversized chandeliers that seem to dwarf any you’ve seen before. The crystals catch the light from the rose window, creating a mesmerizing display of refracted colors that seem to dance along the wooden surfaces. It looked like a place for Gods to dine in- or a king or queen; not you. You used to be of nobility, sure, but that lifestyle had died and the title with it all those years ago. Practically living as a commoner for the past five years rather than someone of high class, and well, you certainly didn’t belong here, despite being dressed in the part to be. Out of touch and way out of your element. 
Johnny escorts you to the table, making a point to sit you down next to the chair at the end of the table. The elf sort of hesitates, eyes glancing at the floor next to the chair before making his place known across from you. He makes some sort of gesture- and mute, placid faces approach- seemingly out of the dark recesses of the room as they start to work around the table efficiently. No words were exchanged, solely focused on the singular task at hand- not even stopping when you’d ask what was being served. 
“Naw bonnie, you’ll like it- made sure they knew to get all yer favorites.” Johnny starts to eat, devouring the meal with such gusto as if he hadn’t had a morsel in days- his words not fully registering in your mind. But as soon as they do it’s all you hear. They play like a broken record, causing you to stiffen, the room spinning as your gaze travels down to your plate. Lo and behold- there it all was all laid out before you. Your gaze travels from item to item- a sense of unease creeping up on you- everything you loved is there, down to the little honeycakes your mother used to make, decorated with powdered sugar and frosting swirled on top.  
Your hands firmly clasp one over the other, biting down on your lip harshly, the wound on the back of your neck beginning to tingle. “I’m not hungry.” 
“Of course ye are.” He remarks dismissively, mouth full of food. “Just open yer bonnie mouth and eat. Unless ye need me tae feed you?” 
It might have been a joke- but his heavy gaze was anything but funny. Swallowing thickly, you shake your head. Hunger does gnaw at your stomach, but at this point you think you might be sick again. “Are we in the feywild?” His fork drops, and you hold your gaze on the table before raising it to meet his. His eyes seemed darker- the shadows more prominent, but maybe it was just a trick of the light. 
“Naw why’re you continuing on and on and on. I told ye-” Johnny’s eyebrows furrow as he scowls, like he was reprimanding an unruly pet, looking annoyed in every sense of the word. “-Ye were safe now, and yet you’re tryin’ tae make it seem like ah’m the bad guy here. Dae ye wan’ to make ‘im mad? Cause’ ye won’ like ‘im for a welcoming party. I’ve been so nice to ye. I’m the one here-” His voice was growing louder, starting to look angry more than sad- looking one moment away from going across the table. Blue eyes wide, nails digging into the wood grooves of the table, scratching little crescent shaped indents into them. “Ah’m the one whose gone through all the trouble cause i’d knew ye’d be perfect and now all ‘m seeing is an ungrateful little-”
He recoils slightly, as if suddenly choked and he coughs, face contorting in dismay. His complexion drains of color, betraying his unease and he gulps hard. You shift uncomfortably, a grimace of your own painting your features- too much happening at once to properly digest what was being said. Only the fact that you needed to get out and leave. He tilts his head, muttering something in a language- Elvish, you think, before he picks up his fork, stabbing a piece of meat with more force than necessary. “Naw, ‘m sorry bonnie, didn’t mean to scare ye.” He apologizes, gaze meeting yours with a pitiful attempt at reassurance, though his smile seems strained. Trying to calm you down, if you were to take a guess. But his teeth were just a bit too sharp- eyes too wild, reminding you that at the end of the day he was a stranger, one that was easily set off at the slightest bit of provocation it seemed. Admitting it to yourself was only inevitable despite how you were trying to make excuses: you could banter back and forth endlessly, but he abducted you. ..You think. The logistics aren’t fully there. Saved you from certain death sure- thinking back to the fuzzy memories on the mountain, the ritual that yielded no results. But if feigning cooperation for now meant finding an opportunity to go back home then so be it.
“It’s alright.” You utter, though the sentiment was far from genuine. Yet his face seemed to light up at the words, seemingly oblivious to your lack of sincerity. Accepting it at face value. You reluctantly pick up the fork, his keen gaze fixed upon you as you force yourself to take a bite of the food. “Oh this is delightful.” You lie, a weak attempt to mend the fractured atmosphere. The falsehood tastes as bitter and lifeless as the food in your mouth.
He beams, looking like the incarnate of the sun- seeming to light up the room. “Ah’m glad you think so. Had the chefs making food every day, till’ you woke up. Took yer sweet time though huh? Like our own precious sleeping beauty you were- a bonnie thing.” He winks when he meets your gaze again, and you gulp hard- cheeks hurting from how hard you were trying to keep your smile afloat. And like a ship in a storm, its hull damaged- filling with water, trying to make it to shore. It’s only a matter of time before it sinks.
This time though- you weren’t stupid; you caught the word. The fork mindlessly pushing around food comes to a pause, poking at the bear. “Hey how’d you find me anyway? There was a blizzard.”
“Donnae matter, does it? Yer here now, safe.” He reaches out with another plate of the honeycakes, and you eye the sickly sweet glaze cascading down onto the plate. And vaguely you’re brought back to the present- feeling a bit like a fly caught in a vat of syrup or amber. Stuck. 
“I want a real answer.”
“And I gave ye one- now what’s the problem hen? I haven’t mistreated ye have I?” His tone sharpens, and you unwittingly deepen your own predicament. Digging your grave- shoveling out another foot of dirt every time you open your mouth- maybe he’ll do you the courtesy of taking you to where your family was buried when he kills you. Your throat constricts, watching as his grip around the plate tightens. 
“That’s not the point. I- I want to go home.”
In a sudden, jerky movement he rises out of his chair, and you hastily follow suit, stumbling over the hem of your dress, eyes wide. Your jewelry clanking loudly as he maneuvers around the table, looking like bull with far too much energy- “Naw, what did I jus’ say?” He snarls, advancing with two strides forwards for every one step back you make. His words tumble out almost incoherently, hands gesturing erratically as he closes in on you, running his fingers through his hair in agitation. Spittle flying and landing on your cheek in his fervor. “This whole place was designed with ye in mind- and ye want to go home? To where huh? Where is yer home- tell me hen.” 
Your mouth opens and then closes, words stammering, taking a hesitant step back and he only follows, encroaching in your space. His hands linger near you, but refrains from grabbing you- instead choosing to grip the chair next to him. “I want you tae tell me where’d ye go.” He finally breathes out, chest falling and rising with huff, nostrils flaring as he stares down at you. A long bang resounds through the room as his fist hits the table- and at your startled reaction his lips stretch into a grin at your silence- swallowing thickly as your eyes dart around like a stuck rabbit. “Tha’s right, ye don’ know do yah bonnie? Las’ five years you’ve been following tha’ little list down right to the last T, getting far far awae from that shithole you called home.” 
Your pulse seems to falter, arteries constricting, the flow of blood in your veins slowing to a near standstill, as if coagulating with fear, and ultimately slowing to a halt. Every nerve in your body tingles with dread, every sound feeling amplified. The air feels heavy, suffocating, as if pressing down on your chest, making it hard to draw in a full breath. It only made sense that he knew about it, I mean he was the one that gave the list to you- but the implication of how he’s been watching you– you struggle to steady your trembling limbs and calm the racing thoughts in your mind. The unbridled urge to run arises.
 “I- I don’t-”
“You don’t- You don’t what? Ye don’ know what ahm talkin’ about hen? Tha’ what yer trying tae tell me?” He mocks, head tilting- taking advantage of the way you stumble for something to say. He leans further into your personal bubble, leering down at you. 
“Stay back.” You manage in a shaky gasp stumbling backwards as you hold your hands out in front of you. 
“What’s the problem?” His laugh seems to echo around the room, and he follows you, blue eyes wide and unblinking- “It’s fate. This is where ye were meant to be- Here with us-”
“Stay away from me!” There was another word spoken- one foreign to your lips but not to his- and his eyes widened, unable to do anything in time as embers spark in the air. A rush of something equally foreign and unnerving washes over you as it leaves your tongue, like a sudden wave crashing upon a shore. The feeling was indescribable- the sense of connection thrumming through your very being; as if awakening something long dormant in you- untapped potential. Something hot- embers?- begins to manifest, a sense of otherworldly energy fills the air, crackling with a palpable intensity. A surge of heat wells up inside of you, building up to a crescendo as thin sheets of flame bursts out of your fingertips, and he barely has a second to drop before the torrent of searing heat engulfs everything above him. The heat is intense, blistering hot, and the smell of singed air fills your nostrils. Burnt meat and honey was there- charred, smokey, slightly sweet.
You can only stare dumbfounded- looking down at your hands and then at the aftermath, stumbling back. You throw a hand to your mouth, still warm from the unexpected surge of power- stomach rolling with unease. What? How did you- How was this possible– Johnny looks equally surprised- his face flushed, tilting his head back to look at the burnt wood and then back at your stunned form. His eyes fall half-lidded, making a movement to rise, expression twisting into something you can’t quite put your finger on, lips tugging into a grin. You don’t wait to try and decipher what he was thinking, instinctively turning and fleeing- heart pounding in your chest.
Gathering up your dress to the best of your ability- you turn pivot on your heel and sprint away, the clatter of your jewelry like a warning bell with each frantic step. It felt like the jewelry were more cursed collars and shackles the more you think of it, each jangle announcing your presence to anyone who might be listening. You burst out of the dining room, tearing down the hallway from which you came- desperate for escape, gasping for breath as panic tightens its grip around your throat. Sentences come to mind- each one stirring conflicting feelings.
‘The ritual would give you great power.’
‘It would provide you strength.’
‘Protection for yourself.’
You continue to flee as fast as your unsteady legs can carry you, though your pace hardly qualifies as swift, your wobbly strides barely enough to keep you upright. The hallway seems to warp and narrow before your eyes, blurring with each frantic blink. “Bonnie!” His voice echoes out loudly behind you and you only hobble along faster. Like a faun trying to outrun a predator, each step a scramble for safety. 
The sound of his pursuit fades gradually until it suddenly ceases, leaving you to wonder as you steal a glance backwards, only to see Johnny faltering in his step- expression looking almost reverent. Dare you say almost excited- dazed, and then your attention snaps back to the present as you collide with something unexpectedly soft- a wall that shouldn’t have been there. And you don’t remember there being anything necessarily obstructing in the hallway. 
The impact leaves you stunned- a buzzing in your head becoming known before swiftly dissipating as if it was never there. Your eyes drift up, up, up- and towering above you is the tallest, broadest man you’ve ever encountered. Crossing eyes with death itself- you find yourself entranced. It was fitting, with a skull over his face- skin pale as a ghost- terrifying. They say eyes are the window to the soul. So what kind of soul would it be when the eyes you were staring at were a deep abyss- as tainted as his seemed to be? Dark pools of tiger’s eye, mali garnet, topaz, amber- dravite tourmaline. Clouded and hardened by something you couldn’t quite understand- and you recoil, all but shoving yourself off of the imposing figure. His hands twitch in response, tilting his head down at you.
“I- ‘m sorry.” You almost instinctively skitter back a few feet, jewelry jingling noisily in the tense silence. 
“Johnny causin’ you trouble?” Though sounding much more human compared to before, the gruff familiarity of his voice is not lost on you and you’re brought back to a cold mountain- a warm touch, a promise. Your neck burns, eyes squeezing shut before you hesitantly raise them back to the broad expanse of his chest. You force yourself to give some sort of indication that you heard him, trembling before the being in front of you- shaking your head curtly- hands scrunching up your dress in a tight grip.
His dark eyes look down at you, and not even looking up at him, the weight of his stare was heavy.. you’ve never felt so small in your life, unable to muster the courage nor the willpower to look him in the face again. Not wanting to see death personified glaring back at you. It wasn’t too often you’ve pondered your existence in life but in this monster’s presence you’ve found yourself contemplating it more often than not. And with that, it was painstakingly easy to realize how absolutely inferior you were to him.
Throughout your life, you at least knew of your place in the world you lived. A human, where you wish you could’ve had the chance to be born as a half-orc, at least then you’d be strong. Or an aasimar, maybe then you’d be able to live up properly to others expectations and be worthy of something- take up an oath and be a paladin or a cleric, being able to properly protect those closest to you. No.. you know you are. Though making up a large majority of the population, it was easy to forget that sometimes. You.. were you. Plain. Unordinary. You don’t hear of humans winning in wars or becoming rulers. You don’t hear tales of humans doing all this- no. You hear tales of dragons soaring through the skies. Of a whole life surrounded by beings who were just.. Ascended from bloodlines so much more interesting than yours. Hell, this is why you’ve spent years of your life looking for something to give you that power. To make you special. And now that you had it.. It was weird. 
So it honestly wasn’t too hard to describe how you thought he was looking at you; how you thought he viewed you. What you imagined his expression to look like, had you actually looked back at him: Like an executioner with one hand on the lever to drop the floor beneath you, to have the rope tighten around your neck. Like a butcher as their cleaver comes swinging down towards a cow’s neck, ready to provide a merciful death or prolonging its misery. A falcon ready to swoop down for its next meal. Or a boot as it comes down on an ant whether or not to squash it out of existence. Like a wolf ready to shut its maws around you and shake until you’ve gone limp in its grasp. Compliant. Lifeless. 
But instead your gaze was planted firmly on the pristine marble, bottom lip quivering as you blink slowly, vision blurring and turning the sharp edges fuzzy. Cotton filling your ears, sounds becoming muffled, save for the steady rapidfire pulse resounding through your head. This was the protection that was promised- this was the life that you wanted right? So what was this overwhelming pressure being in his presence? This was who you summoned- you think. Ultimately, it felt like broken promises, shattered ideals- forced to live in what reality you had conjured up for yourself. No- you could tell now that this is what you had called for- what you had asked for was a fiend- no an eldritch being, maybe a God? God might be too pure of a word for him- the devil was more akin to what you’d imagine him being. There was no mistaking it; there was no wolf in sheep’s clothing. No, he knew what he was. He was confident in it even. A predator. 
It felt like the space was closing in, the long hallway forcing the pair of you to be in close proximity- a sort of draw, a leash if you would. Taking another step back was a thought, a good one really- except for the fact that the shadows seemed to slink forwards, grasping at the soles of your feet, rising up your calves and grounding you in place, chaining you down. The mere idea of trying to move away from him was a mistake in itself.
There was a momentary lapse in time as this happened, and then immediately your breath catches in your throat as the back of your neck burns as if ignited. Sending jolts of pure energy into your flesh, dark magic swirling around the air that your untrained eyes couldn’t see, but your body could certainly feel the effects of. The power that exudes off his very being. Knees crumpling to the ground beneath you, not given the right to stand, to even be at some sort of the same level as him. Flesh crawling, skin rippling- that morning’s breakfast threatening to come up, tasting the acidic taste on your tongue- bitter and pungent.
Cold sweat drips down your temple as you rasp for air at his feet, falling to all fours as each breath feels like it might be the last. Tremors run down your spine, shaking as you urge your muscles to move to no avail. Society talks of fight or flight, but always seems to forget the most common one: freeze. “Pl— ease.” Trying to get out the words; trying to beg, trying to get him to understand, not even knowing if he’d even care to give what you had to say a moment of his time. Of his consideration. Asking to be let go, to leave- for mercy- it was difficult to place what you had wanted in that moment. You were just a human and he was something beyond your comprehension.
 You didn’t realize he had dropped to a crouch, cold fingers brushing over the raised skin with a deep rumble: a hum, it was hard to decipher. You flinch anyway. His nail traces over the freshly acquired wound, drawing a low whimper out of your throat as he just kept petting and prodding- as if wanting the pain to be a reminder. 
A pause.
Maybe two.
“Settle, little bird.” Another choked sob rips out of your throat- wet and sticky with phlegm, eyes squeezing shut as his hand- calloused, large- dips down, cupping your jaw and raising you to meet his eyes, though you refuse to open them. He didn’t sound angry, at least not outright. It somehow felt worse to hear a lilt of disappointment brushes along his tone, and it causes more tears to fall. Upon the realization that you weren’t going to open your eyes, his hand moves to your cheeks, squishing them together and making your mouth into a little ‘o’ shape. “Gave you a chance and you’d rather run than stay ‘ere under my protection.” His grip tightens, and this time you don’t dare to open your eyes, afraid to see the beast mere inches from you. His breath fans across your face- surprisingly warm. “Do I have to provide a reminder that you’re mine, hm? Is that it? Have you already forgotten who was providing you a new life?”  
“N-No-” His grip tightens further, cutting you off what you had to say. It’s a familiar sensation, one that’s become far too common lately. 
“Wasn’t a question.” His low voice rumbles, and you whimper- footsteps approaching that you now recognize as Johnny’s. His thumb brushes over your bottom lip, prodding at the space he had created- and you grit your teeth, a defiant response that causes him to click his tongue at your actions. Your neck sparks with more pain before you unhinge your jaw and the sensation fades. He hums thoughtfully. “It’s alright though, you didn’t know any better, Johnny wasn’t treating you right huh?”
“That’s naw true sir- she’s just upset cause she wants tae go home-” 
“I wasn’t asking you.” The pad of his thumb rubs along your teeth, and he removes his fingers, grasping your chin and jerking your head upwards. There was a sort of whine behind you, and you gulp hard. “You were just scared weren’t ya? You wanted the devil you summoned to be the first thing you saw when you woke up?” His words, though blunt, strike a nerve that makes you cringe- nose scrunching up as more tears fall. “It’s all right now- pretty little bird is just confused and lost. Isn’t tha’ right?” 
His words cause you to peer open your eyes hesitantly, dark pools staring down at you. Your gaze drops to the hand holding your head, which then trails up to a pale arm, decorated with what seemed to be swirling black ink- symbols and hieroglyphs of things you didn’t quite recognize. You sniffle, shrugging unsurely- and he coos, fingers lifting up one of the many necklaces, looking down at one of the shining jewels with a smile on his scarred lips. He lifts the gem so it is within eyesight; green glittering in the light. Emerald.
He lets it fall back against your skin, a deep sigh leaving his lips- “I should’ve been there when you woke up, ‘s all my fault really.” The warm light from the outside seems to grow even warmer, the colors in the hallway shifting to shades of red- darker and darker. “Wouldn't have let you leave that room if i’d known you be such a fussy girl.” 
“No- That’s- that’s not–” Your facial expression crumples, hands jutting out in front of you- repeating the same word from before. Only this time.. No embers shootout- nothing. Not even a hint of well, anything happens. Johnny takes a step closer, hovering. Waiting.
The man- the devil- chuckles- a low rumble. “You think i’d let you use my own magic against me? Don’t be daft- did being up in the cold make you lose all sense?” He breathes in deeply, guiding you up to your feet- and your eyes catch to the outside, choking back a sob at the vastly different change of scenery. The sky was a crimson, an artificial moon casting an eerie glow over the ground below. What seemed like flowers had morphed into some sort of city- a labyrinthine structure sprawling beneath from how high up you were. In the distance seemed to be volcanoes- billowing smoke, threatening to erupt, and you feel your legs start to give beneath you- as you let out a garbled gasp, eyes wide. He only steadies you, wrapping an arm around your back and pulling you to his chest. “You just need a reminder that you’re gonna be loved now, isn’t that right? That this is where you’re gonna be from now on. It’s okay, Johnny and I will give you one, yes?” One of his fingers tugs at the corner of your lip, coaxing a smile, “Smile. You’re home now.”
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some-beans · 1 year
omg omg omg I think requests are open right? I hope they are cause I saw the lapis lazuli fic and I've always wanted to request from you <3
Could I ask for a Fem!Zuko!Reader (ATLA)? In twst, with the second years (mainly Azul, Jamil, Kalim, Ruggie and Riddle)
The rest is up to you 👉🏼👈🏼 feel free to ignore if requests are closed tho
dghsfvghsdf yes yes they are open atm, tho they come out very slow 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ life tingz and i'm just gonna do the second years, kk??
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✎...pairing: twst second years x fem!zuko!reader ✎...themes: hints to past trauma, shenanigans ✎...notes: reader is awkward, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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surprisingly, or not, you two often butted heads
having been both brought up in strict households, your different views on how to lead often collided
tho, somewhere down the line just after his overblot, riddle realised how relatively similar your childhood was to his
i mean, sure his mother was stuck up bitch about the rules, but at least she didn't disown him and had you chase after someone to gain the right to be the next in thrown
plus, you had a psycho sister too
and after the whole blot stuff, you quickly noticed how awkward you were when it came to socialising like a normal people
cuz yk
someone talk smack = fireball
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he was, tbh, both intimidated and sceptic of you
cuz 1. you're a fairly strong and intense woman, and 2. you kept mentioning that you needed to restore your honour or something like that to be able to be next in line
hmm. . . why do sound like the opposite version of his housewarden??
sevens! you have a scar on the same eye too!
he did like that your awkwardness was endearing and what you call fire-bending ー which, is not magic, apparently ー was fucking dope
he definitely has used you as a shield when he pissed off the wrong people
they certainly backed off once they saw your glare
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similar to ruggie, azul was intimidated by you
i mean, when you two first met, he walked in on flaming [ literally ] some other merfolk that wouldn't take a hint that you weren't interested
ya girl almost rolled their asses into deluxe sushi
and azul wasn't about to turn into takoyaki
he does try to lock you in a contract and fails lol
you stared into his eyes for too long and he crumbled
jade and floyd did laugh at his misery btw
rook better watch out for his title cuz jade's out here stalking
he is fascinated by you
such a complex character
and you always seem to know when he's watching you
eventually learns that not only can you fire-bend, but lightning-bend too??
great seven! you are so interesting!
no wonder why azul tried to make a contract with you
the definition of fuck around and find out
he fucked around and found out, that's for sure
this left was with a burn mark after he tried to squeeze you from behind
bro had sparkles in his eyes
he definitely likes to see you fire-bend bc his little arsonist side definitely gets a kick out of it
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why does he remind you of a certain avatar??
his cheery disposition threw you in a loop and may have made you turn back to more. . . harsh ways of socialising
this was heightened once you learned about his background
your quick-to-anger and fire abilities were terrifying, to say the least
poor jamil is gonna have a heart attack
you may almost flamed kalim once. . . or twice
but after jamil's overblot a.k.a. life-changing experience with kalim, you two became unlikely friends
he really does remind you of that air bender
mans about to grey by 20 at this point
he saw how you were around kalim and had his guard up
but then had the blue screen of death pop up once he witnessed you casually talking to him
you confuse him greatly
tho he secretly appreciates when you help him cook by controlling the flames
also enjoys tea time when he surprisingly gets the chance to sit down and chat
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you two vibed tbh
his simple and calm nature put you at ease the majority of the time
this can sometimes be accompanied by talking over tea
the first this had happened, it almost brought tears to your eyes, which caused silver to panic
you had told him that this setting reminded you of your uncle
silver was so lost but accepted nonetheless
he definitely asked for you to try and teach him fire-bending in order to use to protect malleus
which found admirable
it didn't work, but you still taught him techniques that can be applied to hand-to-hand combat if needed
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193 notes · View notes
drunkenlionwrites · 1 year
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Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader
Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader at the ball
Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader beginning
Vash X reader who plays flute
First oral with Vash (f! receiving)
First oral with Vash (Vash receiving)
Vash x grieving s/o
Protective and comforting Vash
Vash thinking on dating a human woman
Morning cuddles with Vash
People watching
Vash with immortal s/o
Vash pining for reader
Vash biting (nsfw)
Vash x reader (eldritch horror au)
Vash crying during sex
Vash x physically strong muscular reader
Vash x touch-starved reader
Decay (hurt/comfort)
Uncanny Vash
Uncanny Vash smut (nsfw)
Vash tending to reader's wounds (sfw, fluff)
Clubbing with Vash (cyberpunk AU)
First time with Livio
Morning cuddles with Livio
Livio x small reader (nsfw)
Livio proposing hc (sfw)
Livio x reader who wants family (sfw)
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Kishibe's kinks
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Lucid dreams
Toji x bimbo girlfriend
Bodyguard!Toji x rich girl!reader
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Himeko pampering you (nsfw)
Jealous Himeko (nsfw)
fem!reader caressing Himeko's breasts (nsfw)
Himeko nsfw alphabet
Himeko riding reader's face (nsfw)
Serval riling up reader (nsfw)
Sampo pegging h/c (nsfw)
Sampo x fem!reader who works at Natasha's clinic (sfw)
Jealous Gepard (nsfw)
Gepard pegging h/c (nsfw)
A tale of tails (nsfw)
Jealous Dan Heng
Reader straddling Dan Heng's lap and holding his chin
Creampie with Dan Heng (nsfw)
Lapis Lazuli (nsfw)
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Spawn!Astarion x reader post ending headcanons
Savium (kisses headcanons)
NSFW headcanons
Sleeping headcanons
Overprotective Syzoth (drabble, hurt/comfort)
Heavenly (drabble, nsfw)
151 notes · View notes
akiraiscute · 4 months
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The Steven Universe Masterlink!
Steven Universe.
Yandere!Steven Universe X Reader - First Part. (SFW, Some Touching [arms.])
Steven Universe X Human Gem Hybrid!Fem!Reader - First Part. (SFW, Touching and fighting.)
Steven Universe X Reader - No Other Parts. (SFW, No touching.)
None Yet<3
None Yet<3
None Yet<3
None Yet<3
None Yet<3
Connie Maheswaran.
None Yet<3
Lapis Lazuli.
None Yet<3
None Yet<3
None Yet<3
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12 notes · View notes
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last updated on the 29th of may 2024 <3
listed below are all of the current pending requests for this blog. this does not include any pending sapphic requests for my other tumblr accounts.
sfw posts
hc. being married to cherry blossom cookie (cookie run)
hc. being in a relationship with crystal winter (ever after high)
hc. lapis lazuli with an s/o who struggles to calm themselves down when highly emotional (steven universe)
hc. poppy partridge with an extreme people pleaser s/o (welcome home)
‘by the sea’ ; oyster cookie x fem reader fluff (wip)
‘the thronecoming incident’ ; kitty chesire x fem reader fluff (wip)
nsfw posts
hc. yandere joyce messier + willing s/o that’s harry’s daughter (disco elysium)
‘the sweetest fruit’ ; raspberry cookie x cis fem reader smut (wip)
‘the avatar’s girl’ ; jealous!korra x cis fem reader smut (wip)
3 notes · View notes
imagine-rose-writes · 3 years
Kissing Lapis for the first time
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53 notes · View notes
Lapis Lazuli
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⊙ AN: Hello! I spent an entire month on this prompt. It's my love letter to Gojo. He has affirmed my kink for mentor characters. This is very very AU. Keep that in mind as you read.
Warning: Brief Explicit Smut, Dubcon, Smoking, Alcohol, and Casual mentions of death. Read at your own personal risk. Gojo Satoru x Fem Reader
She put her lips around the cigarette and took a deep, satisfying drag. Already she could feel nicotine working its magic and giving her the much-needed relief she so desired.
“Ara, you know smoking isn’t good for you.” A voice mocked behind her. Y/N could feel irritation bubbling inside of her, and she turned around abruptly to face whoever was interrupting her alone time. It was a curious-looking man with white hair and a blindfold around his eyes. She knew Jujutsu sorcerers came up with weird ways to cover up their eyes, but he had to be the tackiest. “And what’s it to you?” she asked before puffing out a white film in his direction.
If he felt any discomfort by the smoke, Y/N didn’t get the satisfaction of making him cough. He just stepped closer, and she heard his taunting voice once again.
“It’s just a shame that a beautiful woman like you developed such a nasty habit.”
If his goal was to annoy her, well, he managed to accomplish it with ease. She was only acquainted with him for a few minutes, and he already irritated her more than any of the suitors sent by the elders did. Wait, was he a suitor?
Her spine stiffened, and she put out her cigarette bud by crushing it under her heel.
“Alright, let’s get this over with, pretty boy. And seriously, a blindfold? Regular sunglasses don’t do it for you?”
She let her comments settle only to get a smirk in return.
Y/N studied his customized uniform. He seemed like he had it together until you got to his face. Well, whatever, some of the sorcerers had to have a screw loose to keep working in this unfortunate career.
“Let’s get one thing straight,” she continued. “I’m not interested in marriage. I never will be. I’m ready to accept my fate and die a premature death. Give the elders a sob story of how I wasn’t to your liking. And we won’t have to play a charade for weeks on end.”
She waited for him to digest her words and walked up to him to pat his shoulders once.
“I’m glad we had this talk,” she said with a brilliant smile.
In return, he responded with a creepier smile, and Y/N immediately felt the humor dissipate.
She gave him a weird look and went on her way to her dwelling, more like a prison.
Y/N stared at the dormitory that was tucked away from the rest of the campus. Most students didn’t even know she existed, and the knowledge was only on a need-to-know basis with the teachers. She gave a dispassionate sigh before stepping inside the building. She took her time taking off her shoes and glanced at the caretaker who walked in.
“Y/N-sama! I’m glad your back. Someone is here to see you.”
Again? Was it the same suitor she encountered earlier?
Y/N held in a furious growl and walked towards the living room to give him a piece of her mind. Only it wasn’t the white-haired man but some other scrub.
“Who are you?” she demanded. Y/N heard the older woman behind her shift nervously, no doubt twitching at her lack of manners. The man gave her a hasty bow in greeting before straightening up.
“L/N-sama, it’s a pleasure I’m here at the decree of the elders-“
Blah, blah, and blah. Y/N, at this point, tuned him out. She stared at him contemplatively. If this man was her suitor, who the heck was that other man she encountered in the courtyard? His presence had indicated a powerful sorcerer. Whatever his capabilities were, his creepy self would have been more entertaining than the dull man in front of her.
As Y/N settled down to start the Miai officially, she sipped the green tea given graciously by the old caretaker, who she thanked quietly under her breath.
Still, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder what the mysterious man’s eyes looked like.
The sunset over the horizon, and she couldn’t remember the last time she stopped to watch the beautiful surroundings. Y/N arrived at Tokyo Jujutsu High just a few weeks ago, and the treatment plan was already helping. No doubt it was due to Ieiri-san’s expertise. Maybe it was possible to enjoy a few more years frivolously before she succumbed to the grave.
Y/N eyed the black dress with colorful flower patterns she had on and smiled. Looking beautiful even at the worst of her failing health was a much-needed break from her awful reality. Ever since she came to this school, she accepted her inevitable fate, but that didn’t mean her corpse couldn’t be fabulous when it was being buried.
She fished out the lighter from her purse and held it up to light her cigarette. After a few flicks, it still wouldn’t light, and she let out a groan. At this point, it would be a mercy to throw the useless lighter away and buy a better one. But it held too many precious memories for her.
Y/N once again flicked the cigarette lighter with a scowl, only for it to spark a few times before failing once more.
“Here, let me.” A hand reached over and took the lighter out of her hands.
She glanced up and was startled to recognize the strange white-haired man from the other day.
“Hey… Aren’t you the guy who said smoking was bad?” she asked with heavy sarcasm. “Should you be helping me with my nasty habit?”
“And shouldn’t you be getting married by now? After all, time is not on your side, Y/N-chan.”
She turned to give him her undivided attention. “So, you did know who I was. But I’m afraid I don’t know who you are.”
He bowed exaggeratedly, almost verging on disrespect. “The name’s Gojo Satoru. Teacher here at Jujutsu Kaisen.”
Y/N’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “The most powerful sorcerer, am I correct? The elders don’t really like you.”
“And you’re the elders’ pet project-" With a flick, he had lighted her cigarette with no issue and handed over her belongings.
She scowled and reached for her cigarette.
“I think I prefer you smiling at me,” Gojo said with a chortle.
Y/N refused to entertain him with a response and turned back to the beautiful scenery she was appreciating while taking a drag.
“I have a question for you. The last time we talked, you said you didn’t want to get married. But your curse is unique in that it’s generational. You won’t be able to survive unless you pass it on. Why haven’t you?” he asked while leaning into the side of her face. She could smell hints of his masculine scent. “Unless you’re the type to wait for romance?”
Y/N let out a scoff and chuckled disbelievingly at his statement.
“When you’re born with a fate like mine. You don’t harbor hopes. Instead, you make plans. I planned to survive until my 20s and die alone. I’m ending the curse on my terms.”
He clapped his hands almost as if he realized something important.
“So, you’re a martyr? How noble.”
Y/N took a deep inhale and held the smoke in before blowing it out in a circle.
“Nothing noble about not wanting my curse to pass down to my progeny. More like decency, something the old geezers have forgotten in their lives.”
Gojo let out a giggle at the insult, and Y/N gazed at him incredulously.
“Ah, gomen. It just warms my heart to know someone else hates the same people I do.”
This was the most powerful sorcerer in Japan? Well, Japan was screwed. Good thing she would be dead before everyone else would realize it.
She sucked in the cigarette smoke accidentally and let out harrowing coughs. Gojo came to stand next to her and forcibly took the cigarette from her. He calmly waited for Y/N to quit coughing before interrupting her.
“Another question for you. Indulge my curiosity. Why are those old men protecting you with such intensity? And specifically, forbade me from interacting with you? What’s so special about you, Y/N-chan? Other than the fact you used to be strong until you got sick from the same curse that made you strong.”
She coughed a few more times to settle her irritated chest and wiped the wetness from her eyes. The way he was pestering her was almost cute, like a puppy begging for food. Almost.
“Don’t you think it’s pretty presumptuous of you to demand answers? After all, we only just met, Gojo-sensei. “
“Gojo-sensei, huh. But I think you’re too old to be my student unless you’re looking for lessons late at night. In that case, I’m happy to offer my services,” Gojo replied with a salacious grin.
She ignored the sensation of her ears becoming hotter and rolled her eyes.
“Well, this has been enlightening, but I have somewhere to be.”
“Already? What a shame, and we were so close to becoming friends too.”
Y/N never knew how unnerving it was to see a full-blown pout from a grown man.
She left without another word, and as Y/N made her way back, she heard Gojo yell out.
“Tell Shoko I said hello, Y/N-chan!”
Y/N scoffed and continued uninterrupted towards her appointment.
She made her way to the office of Ieiri Shoko, the brown-haired woman with permanent raccoon eyes. She was skeptical of the woman’s skills at first despite being assured by the elders she would be taken care of by Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. It wasn’t until Ieiri-san’s curse technique relieved the pain her body experienced that Y/N admitted being here had some merit.
“Well, it doesn’t look like you’re improving, but you’re not getting worse either,” Ieiri-san murmured.
As the resident doctor was putting her stuff away, Y/N took it as a sign to slide black straps of her dress back on.
“Hello! I’m here,” a voice announced before the door was broken in.
Startled, she hurriedly tugged the top of her dress back securely and glared at the unconcerned man.
“You can’t just barge in. My patient’s still getting dressed,” Y/N heard Ieiri-san scold her colleague.
“Souka, I’m terribly sorry,” Gojo replied, sounding anything but sorry. In fact, he seemed pretty satisfied.
“Y/N-chan! Konbawa, what a coincidence.”
“Coincidence, my ass,” Y/N grumbled underneath her breath. “Ieiri-san, I’m going to take my leave. Thanks for your hard work.”
She bowed to the doctor and stepped out of the office without acknowledging the other individual in the room. As she left, Y/N heard the two of them conversing amongst themselves. Thinking that he was probably being kept busy by the resident doctor, her shoulders slumped, and a sense of relief coursed throughout her body.
“So, how was the visit? Any good news?” A voice breathed into her ear.
Alarmed, Y/N aimed for the sensations with her fist.
Only to hear the smack of her knuckles against a palm. Agitated, she looked up to see a familiar face whose eyes were covered.
“Whoa, I see your reflexes are still sharp despite being forcibly retired for how many years now?”
“Three years,” she hissed, unhappy that this strange man was bringing up a topic that was still sensitive to her.
If he cared about her displeasure, his face didn’t overtly show it other than a raised eyebrow.
“So…?” he gestured for her to continue.
Y/N fought the urged to give in her to frustration and quietly answered. “Nothing new. Still dying.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be dying if you had someone to pass the curse onto.”
“And I told you exactly why I couldn’t do that. Or are you thick of hearing?” Though she answered with a smile, a bit of her anger was leaked through her words.
Gojo let out a laugh. “Oooo, so she does get mad. How cute.”
He then came closer, and Y/N eyed him warily. She wasn’t scared of him, even if he was unnerving. Due to his sheer presence, her senses were on high alert and were uncomfortably aware of everything.
Gojo bent down slightly at her eye level and whispered.
“That woman who’s taking care of you is not trustworthy. She’s a spy for that old man in Kyoto.”
Y/N stiffened, and a frown materialized on her face. Surely, he was mistaken. Kyoko-baasan had been the utmost help when Y/N was relocated from Kyoto to Tokyo, taking care of her every need. But there were incidences even Y/N admitted were suspicious. Like how she always made a phone call at 10 PM without exception. Even though the older woman informed her she had no surviving family. Who else would she talk to with such an urgency but Gakuganji-sama? Now everything made sense.
“Don’t worry as far as you’re concerned; your health is her top priority. Her reports are disgustingly in detail about every inch of your body. It’s almost disturbing.” Yet Gojo seemed confused somehow like he expected Kyoko-baasan to poison her or something.
She sighed. “Of course not. Me dying would ruin all of their ambitions.”
“And what sort of plans are we talking about here?” Gojo asked, pondering with a fist under his chin. “Like the evil, underhanded tactics for the greater good kind?”
Though it was clearly a joke, Y/N couldn’t help but feel there was a hint of seriousness underneath that levity.
“Nothing you have to worry about. But I think it’s time I made my way back. It’s been a long day.” Thanks in no part to the man in front of her. But more importantly, he was asking about information he didn’t need to know. For her safety. If the elders were man-eating sharks, then Gojo Satoru was an unknown predator. At least she was knowingly swimming with sharks. If she swam with him, who knows what he could turn out to be?
“Of course. I’m teaching my adorable students tomorrow, so I’ll be taking my leave as well. Ja ne Y/N-chan!”
The man waved goodbye enthusiastically as he waited for Y/N to make herself scarce.
Step by step, she walked farther and farther away, yet his gaze seemed fixed upon her. Funny how ominous his stare was despite being covered. Goosebumps erupted across her skin, and she hurried her pace, glad to escape his scrutiny.
“I’ll be back, Y/N-sama.” Kyoko-baasan said as she bowed.
Y/N needed her out of the house for a little while. Ever since Gojo had revealed her, it was hard not to notice the older woman’s heavy gaze throughout the day. It was suffocating, to say the least. So, an impromptu trip to the supermarket it was.
“Come back safely,” Y/N replied, not taking her eyes off the T.V. She gave it about ten more minutes before turning off the T.V. and tossing the remote aside. She had maybe an hour tops to do whatever she wanted without added scrutiny. Yawning, Y/N slumped against the sofa and stared outside of the window.
Only to jolt with surprise when she saw Gojo Satoru staring back at her with a grin.
‘What the actual fuck’, she mouthed to herself.
Y/N was pretty sure she hated this man. Sure, he was the supposed sorcerer that fought evil that plagued humanity. But she was pretty sure Gojo was the evil haunting her. She gingerly stepped out, making sure to take her time in the vain hope that she might have been hallucinating.
“Yes? Did you need something?”
“Weeeell, I saw your handler step out, so I thought it might be a good time to visit you.”
“She’s not my handler, Gojo-sensei.” Y/N waved him in reluctantly and watched the sunny weather outside longingly before following him.
“You’re right, not a handler but definitely a spy. Can you quit with the sensei stuff? I think you should call me Satoru.”
“Gojo-san, would you like something to eat?” she asked, praying he would say no and get to the point of why he was here.
The man just sighed heavily and with grave disappointment, asked for something sweet.
“Sorry. No can do we’re all out, which is why Kyoko-baasan is out grocery shopping.”
“If you knew why did you ask?” his frown became even more severe.
Y/N shrugged. “Just to be polite.”
Instead of getting annoyed like she expected, he just let out a chuckle. “You know I’m getting the feeling that you might not like me very much. That is such a shame because I like you very much. Imagine all the fun we can have.”
Ignoring the way he purred the last few words, she asked, “Fun? What kind of fun are you talking about?”
Gojo raised an eyebrow, and his grin became more wicked.
She laughed forcefully and waited for him to drop the act. “W-wait, you’re not kidding? That’s a terrible idea. Imagine how many people we would piss off.”
“All the more reason to do it. You’re not planning to live, and I hate my superiors. We kill two birds with one stone.”
“Wait. What does me dying have to do with your..your plan?”
Gojo got up from the sofa where he was casually lounging like he owned the place since she welcomed him in and approached her.
She flinched when he put both of his hands on her shoulders in what he intended to be in a reassuring manner. But all it did was ignite the fire underneath her skin.
“If you’re going to die, you should at least do it with a bang. And trust me, any night with me ends with a bang.”
Maybe if Y/N weren’t so flabbergasted, she would have laughed at the cheesy line, but now it hardly registered as she stared horrified at his daringness. Not horrified if she was honest more like fascinated. He seemed like he wanted to invite trouble.
She nervously swallowed and blinked rapidly. “So, in your brilliant plan, I die while having the time of my life, and you get to pick a fight.”
“Nonono,” Gojo quickly shook his head. “In my brilliant plan, you die because of mind-blowing orgasms rather than horrifying curses. It’s a better way to go, in my opinion.”
“Oh my god. You’re serious.”
He let go of her shoulders, and immediately Y/N missed the heat from his palms. He took hold of her hand and bent down. Y/N felt shivers down her spine. It almost felt like he was looking through her behind the darkened sunglasses he wore.
Gojo gingerly kissed the tips of her fingers. “Think about it and let me know. I’m always around on campus, so when you decide, you know where to find me.”
He didn’t stick around long after turning her world asunder. It seemed like he said what he wanted to and left Y/N to her thoughts. Needless to say, when Kyoko-baasan returned, and she found Y/N to be a bit distracted, she couldn’t possibly even speculate the reason for Y/N’s conundrum.
She was here again in the same courtyard where she comes to get away from everyone. Y/N eyed the moon blearily in the night sky. Funny, how in Tokyo, it seemed so small, barely visible amongst the steel jungle that was the biggest city in Japan. In Kyoto, it seemed larger than life itself. Sometimes she got too sick to go look at the night sky. Figures how another mundane thing had changed inevitably because of her fate.
Not for the first time, Y/N wondered if it was possible to see such a sight beyond the grave. She lifted the whiskey and poured it into the glass. Well, it’s not like she would know anytime soon and downed the alcohol in one go.
The alcohol burned her throat, but she didn’t mind. On a night like tonight, the burn was almost healing in a way.
“Who’s there? It’s past curfew no one should- wait, Y/N, is that you?”
She looked groggily to see a familiar shape.
“Heeeello~ Good morninggg!”
Gojo watched, amused as she waved at him cheerfully.
“I think you mean good night.” He reached over to grab her bottle and sniff at it. “Whoa, whiskey, huh? Hitting the hard stuff, I’m more of a sake guy myself.”
Y/N patted the space next to her on the bench she was occupying. “Sitssh, sensei. I haven’t *hic* see you in a while.”
“What’s this? Y/N willingly asking me to spend time with her? I must be dreaming,” he said while taking Y/N’s wine glass of all things and poured himself a drink.
She watched him eagerly as he gave himself a generous amount before drinking it all down. Y/N stared at the empty glass as if stupefied why there wasn’t any more alcohol, and then realization hit her. She pouted and pointed angrily at him.
“Hey! That’s mine,” she grumbled, swaying with reddened cheeks.
“Not bad for whiskey,” Gojo commented, licking his lips a few times. “Nah, you’ve had enough, Y/N-chan”
He put the bottle and the glass a few inches away from the drunk Y/N just in case.
They sat there on the bench for a few minutes Y/N as she comically counted the visible stars in the sky, and Gojo mischievously recorded her antics on his phone.
“So, why are you out here in the middle of the night and drinking?”
He put away his phone, and as soon as the question left his mouth, Y/N stopped mid count. She turned next to him, surprised as if she forgot he was there.
“Sensei, muusst not be smart..hehehe.. Everyone knows whyyyy.”
“Hmm, explain to me then.”
She leaned into his face as if she was going to tell a secret.
“Sometimes…..Sometimes I get sadsh. I’m sad today.”
Gojo reached over and played with her long, dark hair. He then tucked some of the hair obscuring her face behind her ear.
“Why are you sad?”
“Be-because I don’t want to have a kid. But—tt I also don’t wanna die.”
The word “die” came out as a sob, and soon enough, Y/N covered her face.
She looked up from her hands, curiously peeking at Gojo. Not only were her cheeks now wet, but her vision was quickly becoming blurry due to all the tears welling up. When she blinked, trails of wetness tracked down her face while droplets seemed to glisten in her eyelashes.
“I’m scared, sensei. I don’t wanna die,” she whispered.
Y/N felt him wrapped his arms around Y/N and let her blubber in his secure hold. She was no doubt making a mess of his uniform.
“I sh—orrry. Your uniform is dirty now, sensei.”
Her voice was muffled against his chest.
“When are you going to stop calling me sensei? You’re not that much younger than me.”
Y/N looked up and swayed forward to bump her forehead against his softly.
“I like sensei, though,” she said, her warm breath smelled vaguely of alcohol. “And I like you.”
Gojo blinked when he felt Y/N’s soft lips against his. Her arms snaked around his neck, and she brought him closer. Absentmindedly, he briefly returned Y/N’s kisses. His lips were soft, and she coaxed his tongue to come and play.
“Wait-“ he gasped. Y/N continued to kiss him lazily while her hands reached down to fiddle with his pants. Gojo shoved and held her at arm’s length away. “Now you’re just being unfair.” With a flick of his pointer finger, Y/N eyes rolled back, and she collapsed into his arms. The last thing she clearly heard was, “What am I suppose to do with you?”
Y/N hours later would awake to something touching her face lightly. She grumbled and smacked the sensation away. Just as she was settling to go back to sleep, the sensations returned to bother her some more. Irritated, her heavy eyes snapped open. Her vision was filled with crystalline blue, a brilliance she had never witnessed before. The beauty of it took her breath away. The sight had entranced her so much that it took her a minute to realize she was staring at Gojo Satoru’s eyes. Her cheeks heated from his proximity.
“Yo! You know you’re quite clingy when you’re drunk,” he said cheerfully. If she weren’t so used to heavy drinking throughout her retirement, Y/N would have undoubtedly been nursing a headache. But dealing with him early in the morning, she might get a hangover anyway.
“What do you think you’re doing in my bed, Gojo-san?”
“And now I’m back to Gojo-san. See, last night you couldn’t get your hands off me, so hence why I’m in your bed.”
Her? Couldn’t keep her hands off him of all people? Then she remembers last night how she had cried in front of him and how she clung to him in her moment of weakness. And then… Then proceeded to, Y/N groaned and turned to the amused Gojo.
“Can we pretend last night didn’t happen, please?”
“No way! I want to treasure it for the rest of my life.” Gojo then tried to scoot over on Y/N’s side of the bed.
She shot him an annoyed look. “Again, why are you in my bed with me? Don’t you have any shame?”
“Not really, no,” he smirked. “But then, how can you be shy after last night?”
“We only kissed! I’m not stupid; I can remember perfectly fine. And speaking of last night, how did Kyoko-baasan not notice you bringing my drunk self back home?”
He wagged his finger at Y/N and tapped her nose. “So cute. You think I can’t get past an old woman? Please, I’ve been sneaking in and out of this dorm for months now.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “You did what?” He ignored Y/N’s protests and tugged her by her waist closer to his body.
“Let’s not talk about that. Instead, let’s talk about how you said you liked me. Does that mean you’re considering my offer, Y/N?” Gojo asked, his voice became huskier as he uttered her name.
It made her heart race the way he said her name without any honorifics.
“I don’t want-“ she began.
“Don’t lie to me. Your voice quivers when you do.”
Gojo turned her face to face him. “Tell me what you want. Let me hear it.”
Maybe it was the soft tone of his voice or the way his alluring eyes seemed to beckon her. She couldn’t help but melt against him.
“Yes. I want -“Y/N felt Gojo place kisses along her wrist and hand. “I want you.”
“Mhmm. Music to my ears.”
He leaned in, staring intently at her mouth. She placed a hand on his chest to stop him.
“But I have a few rules. If we’re going to start whatever this is. You have to promise me that you're going to respect my wishes no matter what.”
“Y/N, please.” His voice became stern, and all the playfulness fled his facial expressions. “I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. If you invite me into your bed, it’ll be because you want me there. Today notwithstanding.”
Y/N became uncomfortable and squirmed at the direction the conversation had taken. “No, I’m not worried about that. I’m saying you must promise that you’ll wear protection each time because I mean it when I said I don’t want kids. I don’t want them to suffer like me.”
“Of course,” he replied before slanting his lips over hers.
She hazily stared at the window as sunlight broke through the uneven blinds and covered her mouth. Y/N let out a groan which she muffled to the best of her abilities while he held her hips tightly from behind. She hadn’t realized that when she extended an invitation that everything he said would come true. If she was going to die, then this really was the best way to go. Her feet rustled in the sheets, trembling from the force of her pleasure. She could faintly hear downstairs Kyoko-baasan getting ready for the day as she prepared breakfast. Y/N’s eyes clenched tightly as she finally felt him spill in between her thighs and collapse behind her, spooning her. A little breathless, she laughed, feeling immensely relieved as if a pressure that had been weighing her down was now gone. And it had everything to do with the delighted man next to her.
“Hurry,” she managed to gasp out while her lungs were straining. “Right now, please!”
He only looked at her with mischief shining in his eyes before burying his face in her shoulder. Y/N could almost feel the smirk as he continued to nibble on her delicate skin.
She bounced on his lap, widening her legs so that he could hit the angle she so desperately needed. But the infuriating man refused to listen to reason. She shook his shoulder with her free hand that wasn’t desperately clinging to the bedsheets and pleaded.
“Say my name, Y/N. You let me eat you out earlier until you screamed, but you still won’t say my name?”
She hesitated for a moment, but it proved to be a moment too long because he immediately seized her and prevented her from moving.
“Say.” He thrust hard into her causing her to see stars. “My.” Another slam. “Name.” The noises her cunt was making were embarrassingly loud and wet.
He laughed, almost too gleefully. “There! That wasn’t too hard.”
Gojo laid her back on the bed, hovering above her. Y/N dazed, watched captively as emotions danced in his enchanting blue eyes. How many times was it now? She forgot, but without fail, they seemed unable to break eye contact each time. His eyes seemed to beckon, and Y/N was helpless at the avalanche of emotions that built up. The only times she looked away was to close her eyes as her body became overcame with rapture.
A few hours later, Y/N would listen with one ear, and the suitor’s words would come out the other ear. It was hard to focus on anything else except for the cum still nestled in her thighs. He had left her earlier with a promise while slipping her panties to keep his juices secure inside her cunt. Every time she moved or made herself comfortable, the sticky panty clung to her inner thighs, making her fully aware of precisely what she was doing an hour prior.
How was Y/N supposed to connect with anyone when all she could think about was Gojo? The way he teased for hours until finally giving in to his own weakness when it came to her. It made everything unbearable. He was gone on a mission, so he wouldn’t be back for hours which meant that she was here alone with nothing but wet panties and her mind to occupy her.
“Y/N-sama,” she snapped out of her thoughts to look up. “Are you okay? You seem distracted.”
Of course, Y/N was distracted. She wasn’t in bed with the person she wanted but instead here entertaining someone she wouldn’t even remember by tomorrow.
But instead, she smiled and replied sweetly, “Of course I’m ok, now what were you saying?”
“Moshi moshi. It’s me, Gakuganji-sama.”
“Y/N, how goes the search? Surely, you’re aware of your responsibilities and are ready to move on,” the old man gruffly replied.
It was the opening she was waiting for. “I am, and that’s the reason I called today. My curse is no more.”
Y/N didn’t hear any response for a couple of minutes, almost as if he was struck dumb. “Is that why you sent back Kyoko?” he asked after his momentary shock.
“Hai. Please reward her handsomely. She took the utmost care of me.”
“Never mind that. Who is the father?”
Y/N took a deep breath, knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer. “Gojo Satoru.”
“Nani?” he yelled. “How did that annoyance get close to you in the first place? I hope you’re ready to shoulder the burden of your decision by choosing that man, Y/N.”
“Of course, I expect nothing less,” she replied.
The old man cleared his throat. “With this, my duty has been fulfilled, and you are no longer our responsibility.”
“I know, and I thank you for the care you have been given over these years.” Though the old man couldn’t tell, Y/N did a deep bow, her body moving through the custom unconsciously.
Just as she was about to say more, Gakuganji-sama abruptly hung up. Y/N stared at her cell phone, perplexed, and checked the screen several times to make sure he indeed just hung up on her.
She turned stunned to look at the unusually jovial Gojo, who seemed more than content at the way things turned out.
“Just admit it, you enjoyed that way too much.”
He snorted and whistled innocently. “What can I say? It’s the little things in life.”
Placing a careful hand on her developing bump, Y/N rose from her chair to grab some water. Talking to the principal of Kyoto Jujutsu high always made her sensitive nerves go haywire.
Gojo’s eyes behind his darkened lens followed her curiously. “So, you want to tell me what you’ve been hiding from me finally?”
She sharply inhaled and forced herself to gulp the water down her throat lest she choked on it. She knew that he was curious about the elders’ relationship with her family’s curse. Why they seemed so keen on protecting and providing for her.
“It’s a long story.”
“And I’ve got time now that baa-chan is not following you everywhere.”
She sighed and looked pleadingly at Gojo, who instead beckoned her to continue.
“Well, it goes back to my ancestor. She was born a few years after Sukuna was sealed. She was a phenomenal sorcerer and powerful to boot. But with such fame comes enemies. She died young, and it wasn’t a pleasant death. She suffered, and in her dying breaths, she gave birth to a baby girl. But her suffering turned into a curse, and instead of becoming a curse herself, she passed it onto her daughter. And since then, every girl in my family has passed down the curse from mother to daughter.”
Y/N continued, “My mother, she only had me to get rid of the curse. After she gave birth to me, she abandoned me and then went to live a normal life.”
She remembered being in an orphanage for several years until some men in suits came for her. Then she was passed from family to family in debt to the elders who safeguarded her until she became a first-grade sorcerer. Y/N dutifully completed her missions for many years, knowing that her lifespan was even shorter than an average sorcerer. Then finally, her curse sidelined her with sickness. Her existence was lonely with very few people to call her own, Y/N didn’t want anyone else to suffer like she did.
“Then what does it mean for us-” Y/N jolted out of her reverie when she felt Gojo’s hand caress her stomach. “When we’re having a boy?”
A genuine smile blossomed on her face. “It means that my curse is broken.”
“Huh? How does that work?” Gojo wondered as he tilts his head to the side.
“The curse is passed down from mother to daughter, but when a boy is born, the curse is broken. And the curse breaker is always immeasurably powerful. That’s why the elders have taken care of my bloodline for generations. For that slim chance when a boy is born, and the curse is broken. The elders, in exchange, get an asset.”
He immediately frowned and placed a reassuring hand on Y/N. “I won’t let it happen to him.”
She squeezed his hand in return. “I know, and that’s why Gakuganji-sama is furious because they’ve lost their chance to influence the next generation even without knowing it’s a boy. Because they know if you’re the father no one will get close to him.”
With a cheeky smile, he bent down to lightly kiss her lips. "I love how much faith you have in me.”
She licked her lips, savoring the taste of the man in front of her. “What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t trust my own husband?”
“Good point. But how can I get my wife upstairs and naked? She’s been ignoring me all day!”
She rolled her eyes and let Gojo take her by the hand.
Gojo POV
“Go on, say Papa!” he urged the toddler in front of him.
The cherub baby furrowed his eyebrows with an intense look. It was almost comical how serious the tiny human seemed.
“Mama!” the toddler pointed at him and clapped. “Mama!”
Gojo gasped and looked towards Y/N with a betrayed look. “You’ve corrupted my son!”
“Of course, he’ll choose the person who gave birth to him, not the parent who runs away at the sight of his diaper,” she replied with a bored tone.
Gojo trudged sadly and handed over his son. “Here, since he likes you better.”
Y/N sighed, “You’re just saying that because he’s hungry.”
“That too! As expected from my wife, she’s so smart.”
She ignored him as Gojo blew kisses to her and made heart signs with his hands. Y/N smiled gently at her two-year-old and tried to feed him mashed peas.
“So, Sukuna’s vessel, you are going to try to save him, aren’t you?” she asked amid wrestling with her son.
“Maybe. Who knows?” Gojo shrugged as he checked his phone’s notifications. “Ah, it looks like Nanami is waiting for me. Bye wifey, don’t miss me too much. I’ll be back. Bye son who loves his mother more than his own father.”
He leisurely took his leave while his own family ignored him. Both mother and son were stuck in their world. They were lucky he loved them so much because the bond between the two was starting to make him a bit jealous.
Gojo stepped out to see his friend waiting for him. “Nanami~ How come you never come inside?”
The solemn man said, “It’s rude to drop in uninvited.”
Gojo just shrugged off his friend’s seriousness. Ever since he had informed his colleagues of his impromptu marriage and the birth of his child, it was like they didn’t know what to make of his sudden family. But then again, he could hardly blame them when he hadn’t planned for this either. Not in a long shot.
When he first came upon Y/N standing solemnly and smoking, she looked so lost. She was so worn and corpse-like despite being very much alive. It wasn’t her physical appearance that made her seemed dead, but rather the look in her eyes. As if she already gave up before even trying. There was something about it that compelled him to talk to her. From there, Gojo teased and rankled until he forced a response out of her. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted to make her feel alive. And she felt so warm underneath his body.
It was then he realized that he wasn’t about to let her go. So, he broke his promise to her. She needed a child to live, so he gave her one.
Gojo remembered sneaking into her supply of birth control some placebos. Or after their many sessions, he took her while she was half asleep without protection. She was none the wiser about what happened the next day. No doubt if Y/N ever found out, she would leave him. But it was better. For her to be alive to hate him than to be dead and never feel again.
He chuckled ruefully. “I am a bastard.”
“We all know that. Are you just figuring it out?” Nanami bluntly questioned.
Gojo reached over to poke his friend’s cheek. “Takes one to know one. Right, Na-na-mi?”
Nanami smacked Gojo’s hand away. “Tell me what you need from me. I would like to get off on time today.”
“Take care of Yuuji for me. He needs training, but I can’t be here to guide him.”
“What about your family then?”
Gojo smirked slowly as he knows something Nanami doesn’t. “Don’t worry about that Y/N is stronger than you think.” And his kid, a curse breaker belonging to Y/N’s family and Gojo’s legacy. No wonder the old coot was furious.
Yeah, he was always a bastard, but he saved what he cared about, at least this time.
Disclaimer: For any younger girls that might be reading this: Do NOT take this piece of fiction for reality. If any partner does what Gojo did, it is your right to immediately break up with your partner. This is gaslighting and manipulation which I included for pure entertainment purposes. Again DO NOT take this to heart.
191 notes · View notes
punkrockmads · 2 years
~Arcane Masterlist~
Lapis Lazuli (Jinx Drabble)
Pieces of Our Childhood (Jinx x Fem! Reader)
There's Nothing Wrong With You (Young Powder x Young Fem! Reader Lil Kid Love)
Jerk (Jinx x F! Reader Hc)
There's Nothing Wrong With You (Young Vi x Young Fem! Reader Platonic!)
Incorrect Quotes:
Letter Opener
35 notes · View notes
sunshinespear · 3 years
paradise found
oneshot (might become a part of a series??)
pairing: established reader x ellaria sand
rating: explicit
word count: 2,177
summary: you and ellaria sand find yourselves in a sept. however, rather than worshipping the gods somehow you find yourself on your knees worshipping something much better
warnings: uhhhh god okay so public sex sort of, public nudity, religion kink? it’s in a sept, slight overstimulation, an*l play (it’s mild), fingering, oral (fem receiving, fem giving), softness, fluff, teasing, begging, you’re topping in this one, shamelessly loud sex, woo yall aint even trying to hide it, let me know if i missed anything
a/n: this really does just jump straight into the action lmao. i might do a sequel to this. i really want to write a larger story that’s reader x oberyn x ellaria with a very equal poly dynamic between the three (my bi heart cant pick a favorite). if this is like... good/popular-ish maybe i’ll look deeper into doing that lol this is me dipping my toe in the water. that fic would obviously be explicit throughout. like. c’mon. but so yeah let me know if that’s something anyone would be interested in.
           Seven marble statues stared down upon the center of a magnificent open room. They stood exalted atop stone platforms laced with lapis lazuli and mother of pearl, unlit candles scattered at the feet of six of the tall figures. Vaulted ceilings were covered in clear glass panes, bleeding brilliant sunshine into the sept. Covering almost every inch of the walls were colorfully painted glass windows in gold-plated lead panes, depicting scenes of the Seven in their glory. A peaceful stillness was contained within the empty sept. You were sprawled on the floor behind the statue of the Father, out of his watchful eye but barely hidden from the massive double doors at the entrance of the empty sept.
           It was not unusual for the septs in Dorne to be empty at most times of day. The Faith was present here, but not many were strongly devout in their following. A long time ago, if anyone had asked if you were the religious sort you might have laughed at them. Sure, you knew what you were taught about the Seven Gods, the Seven-pointed Star, the Seven whatevers. You’ve prayed a few times. Seven Heavens, Seven Hells. But over time it was all drowned away. Do you think you’re going to a heaven? Any of them? You don’t think anyone could ever be certain of where they were going. What you do know is this: heaven can also be a person. It could even be two. And to be alone with them, that can be like salvation. Right now, it’s only two of you alone in this holy place. You’re sprawled on the marble floor, still mostly clothed, fervently worshipping a naked goddess laying under you.
          There is a special paradise to be found with your head between her thighs
           You lick one long stripe over the entirety of Ellaria’s cunt, parting her wet folds with your tongue. She tastes like kiwis and cherries; fruit that’s sweet with zest, just like she is. You flick your tongue over the top of her clit. She shivers at your touch, makes a sharp gasp, and you’re exactly where she wants you. Now you burn to hear her plead for it.
           You circle around her clit with your tongue. Teasing against her edges, you barely brush against her – almost at that spot, so close – over and over. She struggles faintly, trying to push her hips down against your evasive mouth. She wants you to touch her there so much. You grip her waist to hold her still. You move downwards instead and lap up more of her along the way. When you reach the center of her cunt you find her so incredibly wet. Even her thighs are smeared with her slickness. Her folds are slippery under your tongue as you take long drinks of the sweetness she’s pouring out for you. You revel in the taste, moaning into her cunt as you drown in it.
           Ellaria groans then, mumbling something softly under the gravel that you can’t quite hear.
           “Hm?” You hum, intentionally obtuse. You give her another long stroke with your tongue.
           “Please,” she exhales, shaking in a lust-drunk daze. You smirk like you’ve won. She always told you that you and Oberyn were too similar in that way.
           You know what she’s begging for, but where’s the fun in giving it to her so immediately? She wants your tongue flicking her clit, so you push two fingers inside of her soaked cunt instead.
           Ellaria cries out and bucks her hips, trying to take in all you have to give her. You watch as she shuts her eyes, mouth agape in pleasure, and she is like all seven of the heavens. She is dripped in gold, brown skin glittering in the sunlight like the goddess she is. Her dark, coiled hair is splayed out all around her, a halo for her most heavenly body. You ease your fingers in and out of her slowly at first, watching her face the entire time. Gods, that face. What a beautiful face to have underneath you as it climbs to the height of pleasure. You could see those same perfectly plush lips part and gasp a thousand times and it will always strike you straight to the core. You fuck her faster and she moans louder, echoing throughout the sept. Her eyes are tightly shut but if she would ever open them, you would be met with the most beautiful charcoal gaze you’d ever seen. Each and every time Ellaria looked at you was a spell being cast and it plucked the strings of your heart like a harp, playing exactly to her tune. It was as musical as the salacious moans she was making now with each curl of your fingers against that good spot inside her.
           You suck on the thumb of your other hand, coating it thickly with saliva, and sink it inside Ellaria’s other entrance.
           Her eyes pop open as she groans. She takes gasping breaths as you work on her, eyes wide open now. Ellaria looks at you and she can’t help but let out a breathy laugh at the mischief in your glittering eyes.
           “Ugh, you-mmm… I-” She grasped for words like her hands grasping her hair. “You know exact-t-ah… exactly what you’re doing- hmph. Fuck.”
           It’s you laughing now, reveling in how difficult you’re making this for her. Her gaze catches yours and in her eyes you find the sweetest, most frustrated adoration. You stay with your eyes locked with Ellaria’s while you fuck her from both places. Your fingers and thumb drag in and out, curling them exactly where she needs it, going at just the pace she likes it. Ellaria’s eyelids are heavy now, opening slower with each moan you drag out of her until she’s so swept away by pleasure that they close entirely. Beads of sweat dot her concentrated brow, dripping down her temple into those curly dark locks. You thrust your fingers into her once, twice, three more times before she makes a sound like a sob. Ellaria reaches out for you, hands aimlessly searching for something to grip. She settles on her own thighs, holding them more open for you. Her chest rises laboriously with each breath. There is a burning desire in your chest to see her come undone. You wonder how much more teasing she could take, or you for matter, when her eyes flutter open and find yours once more.
           There it was. That pinning stare she had mastered on you. Ellaria held you captive with every bat of her eyelash. To see that look in her eyes, weighed down by ecstasy and foggy in lust, was the most divine feeling you’d ever known. It was entirely enthralling.
           “Love, please.” Her voice cracks as she begs, barely above a whisper, her body writhing against you. “Please, please, please, my love.”
           Of course you’ll do as she commands.
           You keep thrusting your two fingers into her with your one hand. In your other, her ass sits in your palm with your thumb still circling inside of her. You lean your head down and give her exactly what she needs, and exactly where she needs it.
           First, you lick her clit softly. The kind of noise she lets out at that contact.... It is the most intoxicating sound. Her hands knot themselves into your hair in an instant, her nails desperately scraping your scalp. She pulls you closer, as close as she can possibly have you.
           You press your tongue against her sweetest spot, circling her over and over. She was so close, you could tell. Just a little bit more. You close your lips around her clit, enveloping it in the warm wetness of your mouth. With your lips you suckle on her, kiss her, poke your tongue out and use it to caress. You use your entire mouth to fuck her good. You take your tongue out and flick it against her, fast and feather-light. One thrust of your fingers deep inside of her again, working in tandem with the rapid movement from your tongue, and you feel her orgasm tightening around your fingers.
           Ellaria’s body spasms as she comes hard. Her entire body shakes with the weight of it. Her legs wrap around your back, her walls – from every place your in – squeeze your fingers tightly, her hands pull you by your hair to drag you closer, her hips grind against your mouth.
           “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”
           Of course you obey. Your tongue continues fervently flicking against her clit, all the way through her high, until the violent tremors dissipate into soft shivers and her fingers are a little less tight in your hair. She tries to catch her breath desperately as if she’d just been drowning. You pull back your head slightly. She’s so sensitive now, squirming under you even though you’re barely touching her.
           You can’t ever leave well enough alone. Not when she looks so damn good like this. You pull your hands out of her body. She lets you, weakly melting into the floor without your support. You clutch her thighs and push her legs open a little further. You put your head back down there again, sore tongue aching to give her more. She catches on to your antics far too late. You’re already sliding your tongue around her when she starts pulling your hair back and squirming her hips away. You clutch her thighs tighter, holding her steady as the overstimulation transitions back to ecstasy. She can’t stop shaking, but the way she presses deeper into your tongue tells you she’s ready for it now. You work her back up again with your hot tongue. You give her this one quickly, not fucking around this time.
           As the second wave of pleasure sweeps through Ellaria, her mouth hangs open with a mute cry, unable to summon the strength to croak out even a single moan. She comes with eyes closed tight, mouth wide open, her shaky breathing the only noise she can make as tremors overtake her. You lick and roll your tongue all over her cunt as she melts into you. She gets so damn wet when she comes, and you are determined to drink all of her. You don’t want to waste a single drop, tasting everything she has to give.
           She lets out a moan, soft as lamb’s wool. It fades into a breathy laugh as she pushes your head and desperate tongue away from her numb body. She cups your jaw and tries to pull you up to kiss her, but you find detours along the way. First you must stop to kiss along her hip bone. You leave wet kisses on the sharp contours of her body here. Then you move up her stomach. You gently press your lips to the beautiful stretch marks earned from the daughters she’s born. Continuing up, you graze your teeth over her ribs. At her nipple, you dart out your tongue and lick. She shivers at that and makes a soft grunt, so you stay there and lick some more. Now you have to give the same treatment to the other. When you move past her breasts, you kiss up to her collarbone and leave a mark there.
           The kisses continue softly up her neck until finally, your face meets Ellaria’s. It is the most beautiful face and you’ve just made it come entirely undone for you. You take your hands to cup her cheeks before you kiss her on her sweat-dampened hairline and along the smoothness of her forehead. Ellaria shuts her eyes in bliss. You take the opportunity to kiss each of her delicate eyelids softly. The ghost of your lips trail down the bridge of her nose, to the tip, and over her cheeks that cradle a perfectly contented grin.
           You pull back, staring down at her most peaceful state. A powerful ache strikes you right where your soul rests. You love her. You know you do. As she opens her eyes and meets your gaze, you know you would die for her. You know that there was no life to live without her.
           Ellaria smiles softly at you lost in your reverence. She wraps her hand around your neck and pulls you down to kiss her. You meet her lips and kiss her like how a man lost in the desert drinks water. Fervently, longingly, never getting enough. You could kiss her for an eternity and it would never be enough. She giggles against your mouth and you take her smile in with the same enthusiasm, kissing wherever your lips land with devotion, even if you end up kissing her teeth.
         She pulls you back by your hair at the same time she moves her thigh between yours, pushing against your core. You let out a tiny noise of surprise, mouth popping open and she takes the opportunity to put two fingers in there. You close your lips around them immediately, tracing your tongue over her fingertips. It’s impossible to resist grinding against her thigh, rubbing your wet core against her warm skin. Ellaria’s eyes are low and sparkling, her smile turned devious.
        “Hmm. Your turn.”
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ray-jaykub · 4 years
Hello... Could you write a Story with Leo? Have a first date, romantic evening or something else?
I tried and for the first time in awhile i finally feel like im somewhat put of the rut i was in. I hope this gives you good people good dreams.
Leonardo x fem reader
Warnings:none, just love and amazingness
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The past few years have been nothing but new for Leonardo. A good new that left his heart racing and face flushed. Laying awake at night with a wild grin on his face from just thinking about them. Them being you.
April needed a new roommate after hers ran off and you had tooken up the oppurtunity. Only a week into living with her did you run in on the most obscene thing. They had dropped by to say hello, which had Mikey flirting and making jokes, Raphael ended up knocking over boxes of your belongings and Donatello had tried to pick them up all while Leonardo just wanted to have a decent conversation. But then Keys jingled on the other side of the door.
Now imagine... April trying to shush Mikey, Raphael knocking over yet another 3 boxes from standing to look out the door and Donatello getting stuck in the window. Leonardo tries to shove at Donnie's butt, praying that maybe they'd drop their keys or it's the wrong person but the door swings open. Leo turns to the door and his heart nearly stops.
The most heart-stopping, butterflies in the stomach inducing girl had walked in. Even when looking stunned she was stunning. Somehow she kept her cool and steady, shoulders back and curious of him and his brothers. It seemed as if quickly you both took a kin to eachother, you were absolutely fascinated with the art of meditation and his katanas. Sharing so many similar beliefs and ideas of what you wanted for your future lives.
That ended up allowing you both to get together. His father happy for him and brothers estatic. You made him feel loved and cared about more then ever and that's why he's planned today. A velvet box sat in his pants pocket, something he saved up for at the beginning of your relationship. He felt that you deserved the world but for now he settled on just a simple silver ring with the phrase 'Together and always' engraved on the inside. He wanted to get you sapphires and lapis lazulis just like the other hot shot men out there but Leo wasn't exactly working a paying job. For years he would sit at his little desk twirling it between his fingers and polishing it, for years he thought of you as his wife doing the same thing.
Leonardo wanted to give you a good dinner with the stars above you on the rooftops. Mikey would help him cook grilled chicken and lemon. Raphael was setting up the table and Donnie was stringing lights around the place. April was keeping you busy for the day and Leo would sit with his father trying to take in the wisdom of a widowed husband who would help him prepare for his speech. It were moments like these where the help and efforts of his family really shown how much they loved him and how happy they were for him. But before he could whisk you away from April and surprise you things took a turn for the worse...
Your sniffles and coughs echoed through the lair and made his heart ache. Your face was tear stained and you shook like a leaf underhis touch. Donatello had reassured him that it was the common flu and that leo just needed to worry about taking care of you and putting his plans on hold. But that didn't stop him from giving you love and attention. Nice warm teas and plenty of blankets. Leo would be on his knees at the edge of your shared bed waiting for you and whatever ypu needed. You could convince him fighting a bear would make you feel better if you wanted, he would do it and win. On multiple occasions you tried to sit up and get things but it was always the same.
"Love, you need to stay in bed. I can't risk you hurting yourself." You groaned, barely able to put up a fight against his strong hands against your shoulders.
"But I have things I need to get done, places to go."
"Well let me do them, your self rightchousness will be the end of you." Finally you decided that maybe a nap would sound good and while dosing off you tried to los off the chores you were going t get done. Laundry, bathrooms, and finally organizing that god foresaken pantry.
Laundry and bathrooms were easy, albeit he had to go in there after Raphael used it. The major problem was straightening the pantry. Even before you came into his life Leo had avoided that task, a too great a feat for him. Yet you were determined to get it done and he felt silly for trying to put it off in the first place.
Cartons of food and cans laid all over the kitchen as he tried to empty the damn thing. Michelangelo watched him in wonder, never thinking he'd see the day it was bare of things.
"Yo, what're you doin? Thought you sworn off doin this." Mikey was impressed with the determined look in Leo's eyes. How he looked like a man on a mission.
"Y/n wanted to get this done herself but since shes sick I decided to be a good hubby and do it for her."
"Correction, good boyfriend." Leo gave his little brother a sharp look and heaved a heavy sigh of sadness. The sight of all this junk laying in the kitchen made him feel even more defeated. Mikey patted his shoulder in an attempt of comfort.
"Maybe proposing to her will make er feel better?" Leo scoffed at the idea and went to looking through expiration dates.
"This is supposed to be perfect, not while she's got nasty sickness." Leo's back was turned to Mikey, who had rolled his eyes. Of course Fearless would  think that.
"Listen Lee, as a master of the women I'm gonna share a secret with you." His big brother turned to him now, arms folded and an eyebrow ridge lifted in scepticy. Mikey leaned in as if to whisper a dirty secret or confess his sins.
"They don't care-" "That's ridiculous, of course they do!" Mike shook his head, giggling at his brother's incompetence of the matter.
"What they care about is that you asked in the first place. They don't want fancy dinners and have you serenade them! They just want you... at least if she really does love you that is. Y/n does love you right?" Leo sputtered and he felt almost offended at the question.
"Yes!" Mikey was now giving him a toothy smile and nodded.
"That's exactly what she's gonna say when you ask." With that, his little brother left him standing in the kitchen to think by himself. Think and sort the godforesaken pantry.
It was later in the night, exactly 12 a.m., when you woke up. Your body was still sore and you felt light headed but overall better then since this afternoon. The soft light of the lamp drew your attention to the oak desk. Leo sat with his back to you, fiddling with something in his hands. What you saw of his face seemed in deep thought and when you sat up he tucked away whatever was in his hands and turned to you.
"Do you feel better?" You weakly nodded and opened your arms as an invitation. Leo came and snuggled into your neck, arms wrapped around you. Before you could drag him to lay with you though he pulled away. Leo was never usually nervous save for your more physical of firsts so his behaviour worried you.
"What's wrong?" Your voice, barely a whisper.
"I want to talk to you about something that i've been thinking about for a long time... years in fact." Now you were more curious then worried. What could possibly be bugging him that badly? His hands grasped both your own as he opted to sit in front of you. Leo was nearly as shaky as you but he cleared his throat and continued.
"I... i recently have been thinking about it more and more though. It's to the point where i think of it everyday." You squeeze his hands in comfort and he starts to tear up. "I think of you and me, for the rest of our lives, everyday. I think about seeing you and me grown old and have kids and anniversaries and moments." Leo's rambling now, too scared. For a moment he closes his eyes and sees these images flash through his brain yet another time, like so many before. He opens them, strikingly blue and now overflown with tears.
"I think about marrying you..." he whispers the last part, knowing his voice would have cracked and the dam would break. Leo reaches into his pants pocket pulling out the velvet box and opens it before you.
"Do you think about it too?" You both know what he means by that question and there was no hesitency. You nodded, almost frantic, and sob when he hugs you like never before. He hugs you like a husband, strong and full of love all the while you cry into his shoulder and grab onto him as long as possible. 
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su-reader-imagines · 5 years
All My Reader Insert Fics so Far
I decided it would be easier to make one big compilation post instead of posting them one by one. These are all written by me(super-mario-girl). Most of them are gender neutral but the ones that aren’t will be specified. Any more I write after this will be posted seperately. So here are all the ones so far:
Delicate(Rose Quartz X Gem!Reader)
Everything Has Changed(Peridot X Human!Reader)
Tied Together With A Smile(Amethyst X Human!Reader)
Begin Again(Pearl X Gem!Reader)
You Are In Love(Garnet! X Fusion!Gem!Reader)
How You Get The Girl(Jasper X Fem!Human!Reader)
Love Story(Bismuth X Gem!Reader)
New Years’ Day(Lapis Lazuli X Human!Reader)
Dancing With Our Hands Tied(Blue Pearl X Gem!Reader)
Haunted(Ghost!White Pearl X Human!Reader)
The Story of Us(Human!Yellow Zircon X College Student!Reader)
Gorgeous(Aquamarine X Gem!Reader)
Untouchable(Goddess!White Diamond X Human!Reader)
Safe and Sound(Rhodonite X Gem!Reader)
Fifteen(Teen!Yellow Pearl X Teen!Reader)
Out of The Woods(Topaz X Human!Reader)
Getaway Car(Criminal!Navy X Human!Reader)
I’d Lie(Holly Blue Agate X Gem!Reader)
Stay Beautiful(Padparascha X Human!Reader)
Smoky Black Nights(Sadie X Gem!Reader)
Dress(Pirate!Rose Quartz and Pearl X Princess!Reader)(Very slight NSFW)
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cloudgrazer · 6 years
Where the Sea Meets the Land {Keith x fem!Reader}
Chapter 2
Summanry: Summary: A young royal merman if drawn to the surface world. He longs to be able to learn about the unknowns he sees from his sea-rock perch. With his four friends he travels to the surface and sees a young woman that he is drawn to. With the help of a sea witch, the prince may finally meet the young woman and travel into the village he has longed to visit.
Words: 2506
Warnings: Nudity
[Y/N] walked along the sandy beach letting her bare feet mould into the grains. It was pleasantly hot and mixed with the salty breeze [Y/N] was in pure bliss. She paused for a moment and bent over to uncover a partially buried shell. She picked it up and rolled it in between her fingers admiring it. After deeming it worth she placed it into the basket hanging on her arm and continued on her way.
This was a common activity of hers. She enjoyed the softness of the sand between her toes and the sharp bursts in the soles of her feet when she stepped on a sharp rock in the rougher spots of the beach. She had a set path. She began on the beachfront closest to the village, then she wrapped herself around the small bay, in front of her home and around the small piece of land the curled into the back. From here she would wade along the shore until she came upon her own secret place.
Behind the tiny forest of her home, on the other side of the jut of land she inhabited, was a natural lagoon. The sandy beach gave way to a barrier island that calmed the waters between the grouping of trees and the sea. There were only two openings into the lagoon by the sea. They were only wide enough the let a small rowboat through and were sheltered by swooping branches. The barrier island was alive with weeping willows, tall grasses, bushes and flowers of such bright colours. Sometimes [Y/N] would take her small two-person rowboat and sail to the island to have a nap.
The lagoon waters were the colour of lapis lazuli and teal. Lily pads rested on the surface and seaweed tickled her feet on the lagoon floor. Fish of many sizes swam in the gentle current living in harmony with the birds in the trees. Starfish and barnacles stuck to the bottom of the scarce larger rocks found in the lagoon. Crabs and shrimp, ducks and pelicans and so many other forms of wildlife resided in the beautiful spans of water. It was perfect. No one from the village ventured around her home and the land surrounding it. They only took the roads and paths that led away or around so the lagoon remained her secret.
[Y/N] walked casually along the beach, in no hurry. The goods from the village were properly stored and her garden had been attended to. The day was hers to enjoy. She added another shell to her collection. It was an opened oyster, probably dropped by one of the many birds who fed in the bay. She would add it to her garden later. She paused and turned her head to the sky, eyes closed. Inhaling deep she let a smile form across her lips. She was halfway between her home and her starting point. She decided to take a rest and enjoy the sound of the waves lapping against the stones and shore.
[Y/N]’s life was simple. And she enjoyed it. When she was younger she longed for adventure, longed to see the unknown. Her father was a sailor, who was often away fishing for the village when she was younger. When he came home, he would share stories of his adventures on the sea with her mother and her. As a child her eyes would light up with excitement, her mind rapidly building adventure upon adventure she imagined she would do when she was older. That ended the day she was told her father would never returning home from the sea again. She remembered her mother’s weeping, her grandmother consoling her. On that day all her longing for adventure ended as far as travelling to the village and lagoon. That was good enough for her, or so her mother had drilled into her. But now her mother and grandmother had also left her. They followed each other into death during her seventeenth year, three years ago.
[Y/N] rested until the rays of the sun heated her thoroughly. Collecting her skirt and basket into one hand [Y/N] continued her way along the beach, letting memories of the past fade.
The band of merfolk broke the water just as the lone girl sat up from her break. The five stared at the village and let their eyes dart around the many houses and buildings. Smoke drifted into the cloudless sky, the smell of cooking food drifted across the breeze.
“Oh, that smells good.”
“Yeah, that does smell pretty amazing. I wonder what it is? Oh look! There’s that black and white thing!” the mermaid exclaimed.
Keith flipped his tail swimming closer to the shore. Merfolk had better eyesight than those on the land. It allowed them to see in the murky, dark waters and even at a greater distance above the sea in the open air. Keith’s eyes darted around quickly, taking in as much as he could. He could see the villagers moving on their two limbs, feet? He could see some of the strange creatures that moved on four, led by the humans. Woman moved around in colourful clothing that seemed so heavy to the prince. The men laughed and yelled with great vigor. He wanted to know what they were saying.
“Lance, where are you going?”
Shiro’s voice drew the prince away from his observing and towards his blue friend.
“There’s a human girl over there!” Lance waved his arm to his right, pointing at the small figure walking along the beach. He had already begun to swim towards her.
“You can’t go near her! She will see you! She will see us!” Hunk panicked as Lance ignored him and dived under the waves.
“Come on. We have to follow him to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble.” The eldest merman dived under, trusting his friends to follow.
Keith hesitated. What was so great about some human girl?
Lance broke through just on the other side of some rocks that rested above the waterline. He was close enough to be able to see her features. A grin planted itself on his face. His friends arrived not long after him and huddled around the rocks. Keith was the last on to join them but instead of turning to look at the girl he kept his eyes on the village.
“Guys she is such a babe!”
Hunk, Pidge and Shiro all craned their necks over or around the rocks to get a look at the human female. She was wearing a long light blue skirt that was tucked into a beige, baggy shirt. On her arm was a basket that she seemed to be filling with shells from the beach. Her skirt was bunched into her hand, allowing the merfolk to be able to see her long lower limbs. She was young, not appearing any older than the friends. Her hair was long, resting in the middle of her back and flowed over her shoulders when she bent over. Her hands were slender but strong, graceful in their movements. Her face was soft but not in a childlike manner. Her lips were full and pouty; her eyes alight in her search. The merfolk admired her. None of them had seen a human so up close before.
They watch as she moved her strange limbs. What did the elder merfolk call them, legs? They bent oddly as she moved and stooped to the beach.
“She is pretty,” Hunk offered following her with his eyes.
Pidge squirmed between her friends, “I wonder how they move with those legs. They look so weird.”
Shiro tilted his head to the side as he observed her. She was quite beautiful. He grabbed Lance’s shoulder before the boy could push his body further out of the water. While he may have allowed them to watch the girl, he wasn’t about to allow any of them to be seen.
“Oh man, I want to get closer!”
“No. We can’t chance it.”
“Do you think she would like me? I mean, of course I am amazing, what with my handsome good looks and charming personality how could she not?”
They all rolled their eyes.
“Why can’t we talk to her?”
“Uhm because she’s dangerous?!”
“She doesn’t look that dangerous Hunk.”
“Either way, it is better safe than sorry. We should be leaving anyways. Keith, come on.”
Shiro pulled Keith away from his daydreaming. He seemed to do that a lot. The prince turned to answer his friend when his eyes landed on the girl for the first time. He paused, words forgotten on his tongue. His eyes were glued to the girl wandering along the beach. She was the most gorgeous female he had ever laid eyes upon. His breath caught in his throat. It felt suddenly so dry. He didn’t understand why he was feeling this way. He wasn’t one to chase after girls. Even at royal gatherings with the eligible ladies of the court surrounding him not one ever drew him in for a second glance. It didn’t help that he never openly expressed his emotions. His friends and mother had learned to read the subtle ways he expressed himself. But why was she so intriguing?
He wanted to watch more of her. Shaking Shiro’s hand off he said, “I want to stay a little bit longer and watch the village. You guys go back without me.”
Shiro raised a dark eyebrow silently questioning Keith.
The prince rolled his eyes, “I just want to stay for a bit. I know how to stay hidden.”
“Okay, but not too long. People will start to question where you are.”
Keith nodded in reply waiting for them to leave.
Shiro turned and ushered the others below the surface. As they descended Keith could hear Lance complaining about why he couldn’t also stay to watch the pretty girl. With them gone, he turned back towards the human girl. He watched as she continued her way along the beach. Her gentle hum reaching his ears. He submerged under the waves until only his eyes rested above the water. He felt odd watching her so closely, but he just couldn’t stop.
She appeared to finish collection shells from the beach and turned towards the lone house that rested on this side of the bay. She placed her basket down before the front door and returned to walking along the shoreline. Keith figured the home must have been hers. He followed as she made her way around the bend in the land. She approached the hanging branches of a large tree, pushed them aside and disappeared from his view.
Keith cautiously moved closer. He wasn’t usually so bold, but he was drawn to her. He saw that there was an opening between two pieces of land. He dived and swam though, hoping he could find her. He emerged inside a large lagoon and quickly found a rock to hide behind. He scolded himself for acting like this. He was a prince. He shouldn’t act in such a way.
Keith stopped his mental berating. He had found her on the mainland side of the lagoon. She pressed her feet into the water, nodded her head and stepped back. Keith watched her with curiosity. This was the closet he had ever been to a human. His mother would have his scales if she knew.
The girl, more like woman in Keith’s opinion, began to fiddle with the fabric knot at her waist. She undid the cloth and let it fall to the grassy ground. Keith quickly drew a breath in. She was undressing! But he didn’t look away as his cheeks flooded with warmth. She then pulled the cloth covering her upper body over her head and dropped it onto the floor. Her upper half did not have shells covering her breasts. They were bare. Her lower half only had a small cloth that she stepped out of. In front of him, walking into the water was a completely nude human woman.
Keith watched as she stopped when the water reached half her legs. He took a deep breath in again and looked away. He should not be watching her in such a state. It was improper. He had never even seen the bare chest of a mermaid let alone her reproductive organs. He chewed his bottom lip and closed his eyes. But he wanted to watch her. Opening his purple eyes, he let them wash upon her body. He started from the bottom and made his way up, ignoring the voice in his head that said to look away.
Her legs were long and curvy. At the center where her legs met was a patch of hair. Keith was unsure as the why it was there, but it wasn’t an unappealing sight. Her stomach wasn’t completely flat but was slightly rounded. Her hips were wide, tapering into a defined waist. His eyes lingered on her breasts. They were large and round. Her nipples were a medium brown and small. They were already hard from the mixture of the warm air and cool water.  In the cleft between her breasts rested a shining piece of gold suspended by a long chain around her neck. Keith knew that human women and mermaids shared the same upper half, but he was unsure of how or where humans reproduced. Did they carry the child in their bodies like mermaids did or did they lay eggs like some sea life?
She quickly submerged under the water and came back up. Her skin glistened from the water. To Keith it seemed like the water amplified her beauty. Her hands ran through her wet hair, pushing it behind her. It clung to the skin of her back. She moved her hands down and cupped water into her palms. She dripped the water above her breasts and Keith watched as she rubbed her hands over them, following the water. She took another step forward and submerged until only her head and neck were above. She began to swim deeper into the lagoon.
Keith felt like he had ventured too close to one of the thermal vents near his kingdom. His body was so hot, even down to the tip of his tail. He decided to leave before he was caught by either the woman or his friends. He didn’t trust them to not come looking for him if he stayed any longer. He most certainly did not want them to find him in his current position. They would never let him live his peeping down, especially Lance.
He took one last look at the woman, memorizing her features and dived under the water. He kicked his crimson tail at a hurrying pace and swam back towards his home.  Already hoping he could avoid his friends’ questions. He would never tell a soul about what he had witnessed.
The woman paused in her swimming, watching a set of ripples meet hers and wondering what had caused them.
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imagine-rose-writes · 4 years
IMAGINE: [Steven Universe]
Being one of the only people that Lapis truly trusts
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Masterlist #2 - Other Series
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AN: All of these following prompts are of my own creation. Please don’t repost without permission. Most images used on my posts are from the manga or anime and is covered under the Fair Act and therefore I can use them on my blog .
Disclaimer: Most of the smut I write is consensual and relatively positive, however I myself like to read kinks that include degradation and over stimulation with a bit of dub con therefore sometimes those are the themes in my prompts. I’m really bad with tagging and including warnings so please read with caution if those are your triggers. I would like if many of my readers are at least 18 however, I know I can’t stop minors from reading. Please know sex in fiction doesn’t reflect real life. Use Scarleteen it is a LGBT friendly and for adolescents for any relevant real life information about sex.
▽ Haikyu! - A girl with a crush: Tsukishima Kei x Fem Reader (Explicit smut)
▽ Haikyu! - Shoot your shot: Oikawa Toru x Brazilian Fem Reader (Explicit smut)
▽ Haikyu! - Lovely Noya: Nishinoya Yuu x Tall Fem Reader (Fluff SFW)
▽ Haikyu! - SapioSexual: Nerd Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem Reader (Explicit smut) 
▽ Haikyu! - Rejuvenate: Sub Bokuto Koutaro x Fem Reader (Explicit smut)
▽ Kuroko no Basket - Tetas: Aomine Daiki x Black Fem Reader (Explicit smut)
▽ Naruto - Restart: Hatake Kakashi x Fem Reader (SFW with implied smut)
▽ Naruto - Heiwa Anthologies: Tobirama X Fem Reader ( Explicit smut)
▽ Jujutsu Kaisen - Lapis Lazuli: Gojo Satoru x Fem Reader (Explicit smut with Dubcon)
▽ Tokyo Revengers - Memories: Sano Manijrou x Fem Reader (SFW)
▽ Tokyo Revengers - Tease: Baji Keisuke x Fem Reader (SFW)
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