#just my head internal screaming I think I should let out
yourlocalgrass · 7 months
Remember when we used to say that Mc’s the therapist for everyone around here but who’s going to give Mc therapy before they go insane themselves? (probably already are)
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sharkorok · 5 months
ooo u want me so bad
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or…grumpy!enha being in luv w u
requested: nope
cw/genre: cursing, grumpy enhypen, fluff, humor, crack-ish, fem!reader, non-idol au, I wrote this during a zoom class, not proofread fuck it we ball, one joke about reader getting jumped?? anyways lmk if anything else should be tagged hehe
a/n: this was inspired by @macahoons grumpy enhypen texts that I just adored!!! Such a cute trope <3
-he’s the basketball team captain, always idly boasting about his talents and loves being first place
-the only exception is you.
-he will never admit it but he absolutely lets you win every time you find him at the basketball court and u challenge him to some dumb scoring game where u see how many baskets u each can get
-“OMG HI HEESEUNG!! :3” when u find him at the basketball court and he sighs but he’s trying not to scream at how cute u r lowkey
-ur all giggly when u keep beating him “hee r u even trying?” “I’m just having a bad day don’t even” like he isn’t completely distracted by the way you look when ur grinning at him
-“I think I can take ur place as basketball team captain!” “In ur dreams??” but he’d gladly give it up if you would keep smiling like that
-insists on walking you home from the court because “I’m not gonna be held responsible for you getting jumped”
-and the next time you catch him on the basketball court it happens all over again! <3
-you can’t even finish saying “I’m cold” before his jacket is over your shoulders and he’s scolding you for not being prepared
-sitting down and your skirt is riding up? his uniform blazer is over your lap and he’s shaking his head
-“what would you do without me??” “do you want your jacket back then , jay?” “…no”
-while it’s also because he cares about ur wellbeing, he also just really likes the sight of you wearing his clothes and you smelling like his cologne
-you literally walk into the room and he’s immediately “y/n you need to buy a thicker jacket you’re gonna get sick” not even a good morning or anything…
-“don’t tell people ur wearing my jacket I don’t want them to get the wrong idea 🙄” but lowkey he wouldn’t mind at all
-gets so (internally) giggly when u sink into his jacket because it’s chilly
-finds excuses u give u his clothes at this point …the tiniest piece of lint on ur shirt and he’s handing you his blazer
-“u can keep it ig”
-gets you tiny gifts and acts like he just randomly found them
-he totally went out of his way to find you two matching keychains but he doesn’t wanna admit that
-“y/n I just randomly found your favorite seasonal pastry. no big deal. don’t thank me.”
-BUT HE ALSO KEEPS EVERY GIFT U GET HIM OMGEEE, he has a whole area on his desk dedicated to notes, trinkets, stickers, if you drew on his paper he’ll tear the section off so he can keep it LOL
-will never admit that. to anyone. but gets pressed if you give gifts to anyone else because that’s his y/nnie!! giving HIS gifts to some rando!! D: the cruelty!!
-gets sooo dramatic if he doesn’t get at least a little doodle he’s texting you like you killed a man
-one time his friend asked if he could borrow a pencil and he was like yea man sure and then realizing it was a pencil YOU!! gave him he snatched it back so fast trust
-he’s so cutie patootie but internally…4 now…
-wishes he could get over himself and kiss you all over when you shyly present a little plush toy you won at a claw game he’s RAHHHHH !!!
-for now he’ll stick to “thanks 😒”
-he’s really protective over you me thinks
-but he’ll be really quiet about it, maybe a girl makes you upset and he sees and he’ll “accidentally” knock over her bottled water on her notes, a guy is talking shit about you and sunghoon is squaring up in the courtyard no questions asked
-“sunghoon u dont have to protect me” “it’s not about you” even though it’s totally about you and he will die defending your honor
-one time on your walk out of school a tree branch poked you and u were all like “oh owie : o” and he was following behind before GLARING the shit out of that tree branch…
-another time this guy made a degrading comment about you and sunghoon managed to find receipts on him cheating on his gf and posted it on the school newsletter…cuz he’s silly like that <3
-honestly it’s a little scary the lengths he’ll go for you and still refusing to admit he’s doing it for you
-he’s not really good at comforting you when you cry, so he’ll make sure to protect you from anything that could make you cry
-he’ll always listen to you
-if someone said “sunoo can u go grab me a drink from the vending machine” he looks at them like they’re insane but if YOU’RE asking??? he’s sprinting down the hallways
-“it’s literally just because ur lips get all chapped when your dehydrated don’t get an ego,” while he’s handing you like…water purified in Antarctica sourced from glaciers with a little paper umbrella
-even smaller things, he prioritizes your advice
-“guys should I have hot pot or panera for lunch?” and a rando will go, “panera!” and hes dead silent but you go “oh you should totally get hot pot!!” and he’s basically booking a reservation
-probably “accidentally” books a reservation for two and forces you to come since “it’s a waste of table space” if no one else does lol
-also if you don’t like someone he doesn’t like them either
-“sunoo are u friends with Ria?” “shes okay” “she said my makeup looked bad today :(“ and sunoo will act like he dgaf
-but next time you bring her up he scoffs and is all, “why even bother crying about her? she’s not worth your time and she’s annoying anyways” even though he’s never talked to this girl
-tldr ur word > anyone else
-always speaks highly of you
-never to your face but he’ll always defend you when necessary, or speak up for you, or just praise you LOL
-“y/n actually scored higher than you, so idk why you’re bragging so loud” to some rando kid talking about test scores lmao
-or “y/n doesn’t like that snack get her another” when your friends are debating how to surprise you
-ur name is always in his mouth but positively LMAO
-brushes it off if you take note of this and says “people are just exaggerating, I barely talk about you, don’t get it twisted >:T” but everyone knows he’ll take any chance he can get to praise you
-“y/n is better tho” and everyone’s like?? who asked??
-it’s endearing but he doesn’t even notice it, he just is proud of you in every shape and form and since he can’t really express it around you he has to project it anywhere else he can hehe
-“jungwon do you think my hair looks okay?” says hee, looking for an actual answer. “y/n’s hair is nicer” responds jungwon, not missing a beat.
-“did you guys know y/n got a 100? isn’t she smart? don’t tell her I said that.”
-does things for you without you asking and then acts like it’s a habit
-it is definitely not a habit for him to run out of his seat to pull out your chair for you, but he insists he literally does it for everyone (he doesnt)
-opens your capped drinks before handing them to you, stops you suddenly to tie your shoelaces, sends you photos of notes if you missed a day..
-“y/n you’d literally be hopeless without me” but he’d be hopeless if anyone else helped you because it’s his job!!
-it makes him feel special when he gets to do so many acts of service for you, for some reason he doesn’t mind running errands or whatnot, he’d much rather he be the one who does it than anyone else
-“y/n u forgot a hair tie today?? ur lucky I brought one” knowing damn well he brought it specifically for you ☹️☹️ cutie
-if the train is full you don’t even have to ask and he’ll let you take his seat “y/n you have weak legs, you need to sit”
-he secretly loves being someone you can rely on, no matter how much he denies it <3
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ireneaesthetic · 2 months
Pointing out little moments and details of my fav s3 scene.
choir practice scene • episode 2
this scene caught me so off guard, in the best way possible.
it only took simon's "you should do an activity you actually like" for wilhelm to drop everything and choose getting to spend more time with him!
simon's reaction at wille joining the choir was also mine: he can't believe his eyes and keeps looking back at him with the brightest smile on his face. and simon shifting wille's attention to where the song lyric is bc it's all new to him is adorable.
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wilhelm's little proud smirk between the kisses while simon is so into it: he knew and imagined simon's surprised and happy reaction to all this, but i bet he was thriving to see it up until this very moment. so he might just be thinking that he made the best choice of his life.
having to practice and wait for everyone to leave was probably torture for simon, when all he really wanted to do since wille came in was this (simon's main love language is clearly acts of service btw *cough*). he felt important, cared for, loved - and couldn't wait to reciprocate it.
also, he's holding the key chain and happens to do the middle finger with the same hand. if you look at it as a way of saying 'mind your own business' to us is quite funny.
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simon setting the rhythm and wilhelm fully going along with it. they don't even separate their lips before leaning in for another kiss - melting into it. they literally said 'no need to catch air bc we're already breathing each other in'.
simon not breaking physical contact even once. his hands are the third main character in this scene: they act like a glue for their bodies and carry so much passion. it is peak chemistry.
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going on his tiptoes to push himself as close as possible and clinging to wille for dear life is the most simon thing he's ever done. love really brings out the cuddliest version of him.
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smiling into the kisses and out of the kisses? insane of them if you ask me (i support it) (keep doing it lovers).
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wille smiling and biting his lip bc he's the one overwhelmed by simon's presence now. physical touch is his love language and he's flooded with simon's - he must feel the luckiest boyfriend on earth.
one of their greatest proofs of love has always been to provide each other's comfort by being exactly what they lack receiving from other people or what they need most of the times - it's a constant learning of how to give and take.
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they can't get enough of it: it's not even only about the kissing but more about their need to just keep pulling the other closer, leaning into each other, slowing their movements to not leg go yet but take time to touch and deeply feel instead - wille's face speaks for itself. this hug is so intimate ugh.
it's finally shown a glimpse of wille's hand on simon's back! it was always there obv but it's nice to see it more properly.
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wilhelm obsessing over simon's neck and simon who tilts his head back to make it more accessible. wille could've done it all and trace the path with kisses - simon wished - but the boy knew what he was doing!
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the way simon looks up at him and wille rubs their noses back and forth, keeping his eyes on him, gives me butterflies.
they're super affectionate and it's the easiest thing for them to do. the intimacy that comes with their whispering, their own personal space becoming one for both of them to share bc it's safer, warmer, a lot more comfortable. everything is such a manifesto of how much they genuinely adore each other - it's what makes this the it scene for me.
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their bottom lips touching are sooo *internally screaming*.
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wilhelm stands still to let simon's lips brush past his own and simon's cheek resting against wille's lips to enjoy the feeling a little longer. they look so peaceful.
it happens after wille's "i like listening to you sing": they went from "he likes it when i sing" / "i do too, don't i?" (locker room's fight in s2) to wilhelm actually telling him that listening to his voice is one of the main reasons he joined the choir. it has to be extremely special for simon to finally hear it.
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idk if it's just my mind making this up but let's pretend simon is kissing wille's neck here!
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wilhelm picking simon up by the waist to carry him elsewhere and keep the thing going more privately. that's my wille.
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can you believe this is the face of someone who's saying that he needs to go? to not miss the bus? he just looks crazy in love to me.
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wille's laugh is cute! and simon throwing his stuff on the floor bc the priority was to push his boyfriend against the lockers to make out will never not be funny.
also, @allthefakepeople once said the only thing that could've made this scene even more perfect is if simon paused when walking away and ran back to wille to steal a quick goodbye kiss - ahhh i'd have been so here for it!
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Hey! Ps: love another Lie 🫶🏻 Your writing is so beautiful! I have some fiction ideas and I hope you'd like some 🥹
Imagine Charles in the middle of a race and there is a high speed crash. He's bruised and hurt and may have internal injuries but he wants to get back to the reader in the pitlane asap cause he knows the reader would lose it and as he suspects the reader is in the middle of a panic attack with everyone holding her back and on seeing him she is relieved and breaks down and he's like "you've been crying" and consoles and Hugs her in public. Ps: If you're up for it maybe it could lead to soft consoling nsfw smut?
A Little Longer
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!reader Warnings: 18+ only, crash, panic attack, injuries, smut WC: 1.3k
F1 Masterlist
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You only looked away for a second, but that was all it took to miss the crash.
One moment Charles was setting best sector timings, and on the way for the fastest lap, and the next his car was spinning off the track and slamming into the tecpro barrier.
A collective gasp had rippled through the garage and you had nearly broken your neck with how quick your head snapped back to the screens. For a moment you couldn’t even see him through the dust from the gravel pit he had caught the edge of. In that moment a hundred thoughts passed through your head. In that moment a thousand questions followed, growing darker and darker as everyone waited for the dust to clear.
All ability to function was erased as you remained frozen in place, eyes fixated on the screens, unblinking, waiting for any sign of movement.
You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think.
You hadn’t realised you were moving until Joris grabbed your arm and you found yourself under the harsh sunlight of the pit lane instead of the garage. “Let me go,” you begged with a broken voice. “I need to get to him.”
The edge of your sight was fuzzy, the images blurry as tunnel vision set in and Joris shook your shoulders. His lips were moving but no sound penetrated the noise in your head or the whoosh of your pulse that seemed to be thump in your ears.
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“I need to get back to my girlfriend.”
“This is your health we are talking about, Mr Leclerc. You need to be thoroughly checked out at the medical centre.”
“Later,” Charles argued as he limped over to the motorcycle, his hand clutching his ribs. “You don’t know her, she will be worried.”
Every bump on the path sent a jolt of pain across Charles ribs and he bit back the groan that followed. He had to focus on his breathing as he ignored the crowd watching his return to the pits, he couldn’t spare a second to think about all the people he had disappointed with his crash. 
All he could think about was you.
He immediately knew he was right to worry when the motorbike puttered along the pit lane and he saw a ring of his crew trying to keep the media from seeing the scene behind them. Your cheeks were damp with your tears but your lips were cracked from the rapid breaths you were struggling to take. Joris was at your side, the relief in his eyes notable when he looked up and found Charles pushing his way through the crowd.
“Mon cœur, you’ve been crying,” Charles whispered as he pulled you into his arms, his lips brushing soft kisses over your damp cheeks.
He hated how broken your voice was, broken because you had been screaming for him until your throat was raw. He held you tighter despite the protest his body made but he couldn’t stop the sharp intake he took when life returned to you and you threw your arms around his waist. 
“You’re hurt!” you gasped as you leapt back and kept him at an arms width so you could inspect him. “You should be with the medics. What if you’re bleeding internally? I can’t live without you, Char.”
He chuckled softly and cupped your face so he could silence your ramblings with a kiss. “I’ll see them soon, I just need to hold you first. Please?”
You couldn’t deny him, not when his green eyes looked so blue. Lacing your fingers with his you gave him a small nod and finally noticed where you had ended up. You couldn’t remember leaving the garage and Charles draped his arm over your shoulder, turning you back to the shelter of the garage when he saw your eyes widen in realisation.
“I didn’t mean to cause a scene,” you mumbled as he closed the door to his driver room.
“I know, mon cœur,” he replied softly as his hands ran up and down your back soothingly. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Your trembling fingers reached for his face, tracing the creaselines his balaclava had left over his cheeks and when his eyes fluttered shut your thumb brushed away the dust that had clung to his lashes. 
“I couldn’t see you.” His eyes opened at the sound of your voice. “It was the worst feeling in the world. I couldn’t see if you were okay or if…”
Charles chased away the lingering thought as he pulled you into his arms and kissed you. “I’m here, I’m here,” he reminded you as he stepped backwards, taking you with him to the couch where he sank into the soft cushions with a wince before tugging you onto his lap.
You tried to pull away as your legs settled either side of his thighs but his arms locked around your waist. “You’re hurt, baby. You need to let the medics check you.”
“Soon.” His hands followed the curve of your body until he reached the hem of your dress and they slowly began to climb once more. His palms were still warm from his gloves and the touch sent heat waves rippling across your skin as he inched higher up your thighs. “Please, let me hold you a little longer.”
It was unfair of him. Truly. He knew exactly how his touch affected you and when his thumbs teased the line of lace between your thighs you couldn’t think clearly enough to deny him. Your response was dragging the zip of his race suit down and his hands left your body only long enough to pull his sleeves down and shove the material past his waist. 
Time began to work strangely as the urgency to feel each other crashed into the need to savour the moment. Your panties were pushed aside in the rush as Charles’s strong hands guided your body down to meet his and then time slowed as you stared into the gold and green eyes of the man you loved more than anything.
Whatever he saw in your eyes made him swallow deeply and bury his face in the crook of your neck, kissing his way back to your lips where he reminded you once more, “I’m here, amour.”
You returned his kiss, combing your fingers through his hair as it deepened and your hips began to move slowly. There was an awareness of his injuries that kept you from moving any faster and after a minute Charles’ impatient hands gripped your waist and set the pace for you until you forgot about the crash completely.
“I love you, Charles,” you moaned as your core clenched around him and he stole the soft sounds with his lips as he joined you in ecstasy.
“I love you too.” He sighed contentedly as he pulled you as close as possible against him, your entire front pressed to his, but the sigh turned to a groan of pain.
“Medics, now,” you ordered as you climbed off his lap and offered your hands to pull him to his feet. “No more procrastinating.”
“What we did wasn’t procrastinating, amour,” he managed to tease as he held his rib cage with one hand while he pulled his race suit back up with the other.
You groaned and ran a hand over your face. “You’re not allowed to joke until the doctors have cleared you, Charles.”
“You drive a hard bargain.” Lacing your fingers in his, he lifted your hand to his lips and kissed them before reaching for the door. “Let’s go and ease your mind, my sweet.”
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yxngbxkkie · 3 months
showing your 🍒 during an argument (maknae line)
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here's the maknae line! i feel like each one is a little all over the place, but i think it's still pretty cute 🫢 so, please enjoy! 🩷
Han Jisung
Jisung gives you the silent treatment the whole way home. You have a hard time understanding what he's so upset about. You thought the two of you were having a good time.
You watch him closely as the two of you walk through your apartment door. You cross your arms over your chest after slipping your heels off, gently setting them beside the door.
“Do you have any clue why I'm so upset?” He asks you, turning around to face you. Jisung combs his fingers through his hair, breathing heavily.
“I'm going to be honest, no,” you shake your head, tentatively stepping towards him.
Jisung rubs his face, releasing a quick sigh. He moves from where he's standing and sits down on the couch. “I overheard you talking to Yeji,” he mentions, hoping it'll refresh your memory. “It was right after I told you I was getting drinks. I had forgotten my wallet, so I went back to get it when you told her that you weren't happy.”
You frown. “Baby, I wasn't talking about you,” you reassure him, staying in your spot by the door.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “It sounded pretty convincing from my point of view,” Jisung mutters, keeping his eyes on his feet.
“I told Yeji that I wasn't happy about how her partner treated her,” you say to him, hoping he'll at least hear you out. “I promise you. Baby, I'm so happy with you, you have no idea!”
Your boyfriend lifts his head, eyeing you from his seat. You can tell he's having an internal battle with himself. You take a few steps closer to him, wanting to reach your hand out.
“You're a hundred percent sure?” He asks you, causing you to giggle softly.
“Of course, Hanji. I love you so much,” you smile. You bite your lip slightly, trying to think of a way that'll make him feel better.
You push your jacket off, letting the article of clothing drop to the floor. Jisung's eyes glance towards you, furrowing slightly as he attempts to figure out what's happening.
“Plus, would I willingly do this if I wasn't happy?” You ask while lifting your shirt.
Jisung's jaw drops, his hands clutching the edge of the couch. “I– Wow,” he mumbles, pushing himself up from his seat.
You smile widely as your cute boyfriend stumbles towards you. “Be careful, baby,” you giggle.
He catches himself and now stands in front of you. His hands rest on your waist, stroking his thumbs along your bare skin. “I love you so much, too,” Jisung whispers, keeping his eyes on your chest.
“Are you saying that to me or my breasts?” You laugh, caressing his cheek with your hand.
“You, silly,” Jisung laughs as well, trailing his fingers up your torso. Your breath hitches in your throat when his fingertip brushes your nipple. “I'm sorry for how I acted. I should've just talked to you.”
You shake your head, moving some hair out of his face. “It's okay, baby. Just know that I'd never be unhappy with you, okay? I love you,” you mutter to him, pressing a sweet kiss on his lips.
Lee Felix
You furrow your brows at the sound of your boyfriend screaming. You stop what you're doing and stand up from your spot on the couch.
Felix has been gaming with Seungmin and Jeongin for a few hours now. He comes out every once in a while, but it's been over an hour since you've seen him last.
You slowly walk towards his gaming room, gently knocking on the door before opening it. You peek your head inside, seeing Felix gripping his hair. “Baby, everything okay?” You ask, and he turns around to face you.
“I'm fine. Can you leave?” He mutters, shocking you a little.
“Uh, yeah, of course,” you stumble over your words, not expecting Felix to speak to you that way. “I ordered dinner. It should be here soon, okay?”
He grunts in response, waving a hand while swiveling around to face the computer screens.
A tiny sigh comes from your lips as you gently shut the door. You tuck some hair behind your ear, wondering if there's something you can do to cheer him up a smidge.
You walk into the kitchen, grabbing his favorite drink. You're not particularly fond of how angry he gets when he loses. Before you're able to deliver his drink, there's a knock at your door.
You set the drink down on the table, heading towards the front door. You open it to see the food you ordered, almost squealing in excitement.
“Thank you so much!” You say to the delivery guy, taking the bag from his hands.
After shutting the door, you bring the delivery to your kitchen table. You separate your food from Felix's before setting his drink into the bag. You grab the bag and make your way back to his game room.
“Baby, I got your food and a drink,” you say while walking into the room.
Felix is currently in the middle of a match, the sounds of his mouse and keyboard echoing off the walls.
He curses at his teammates under his breath as you set the food down. You watch him silently for a minute, not wanting to interrupt his match.
“Seungmin! I'm fucking dying over here. Can one of you help me?!” Felix almost screams, halting his game movements to slam his fist on the desk.
You jump a bit, not expecting him to get so loud. “Baby,” you try to warn him, not wanting to get any complaints from the neighbors.
Felix does it again when his character dies. “I'm dead. I'm fucking done,” he says into his headset before fligging it off his head.
His dark eyes meet yours, and you feel more nervous than you've ever felt with him. “I brought dinner and your favorite drink,” you mutter softly, pushing the bag towards him.
“I'm not in the mood. I'll eat it later,” Felix mentions, his eyes dancing from you to the bag of delivery.
“But, you haven't eaten all day,” you frown, knowing that he hasn't eaten a full meal once today. “It's almost nine, you need to eat.”
Felix closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Y/N, I said not now. I'm pissed off, and I don't need you babying me,” he almost snaps, glaring at you.
You shake your head and decide to do something bold. You lift your shirt, exposing your naked chest to him. You watch as his eyes shift to your chest, the anger in them dissipating.
“Shit,” he whispers to himself, reaching a hand out to touch them. Felix stands up from his chair as well, getting closer to you. “If this is a new way to get me to shut up, use it more.”
A giggle leaves your lips, and his eyes meet yours again. “They'll bring back the Felix I know,” you joke with him, bringing a hand to his face.
You bite your lip when his finger brushes your nipples. “Thank you for dinner, baby,” he mutters after placing a kiss on your lips. “I can have you for dessert, right?”
Your breath hitches in your throat as Felix wraps an arm around your waist. You rest your hands on his chest, gently gripping the shirt he's wearing. “Yeah, of course,” you whisper to him, kissing him once again.
Kim Seungmin
A hand wraps around your wrist before they tug you away from the person you're speaking with “Wait‐” you cut yourself off, realizing the person who dragged you away was Seungmin.
“You wait,” he mutters, hearing the annoyance in his voice.
He drags you towards the restrooms, shoving you into the girls' room. You stumble a bit and catch yourself on the sink. Seungmin locks the door before facing you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What's wrong?” You ask him, reaching a hand out to him.
Seungmin evades your touch, and it breaks your heart a little. “You're supposed to be here with me,” he tells you, raising an eyebrow. “Yet, you've spent the past forty-five minutes talking to some dude.”
You frown, pressing your lips together for a second. “I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was that long,” you apologize, not wanting to argue in a nightclub's bathroom.
“Did you even try to leave? Do you want to be here with me?” Seungmin questions you, his hands dropping to his sides.
“Of course!” You say with no hesitation, taking a step forward. “I've been wanting to go out with you for years, Seungmin.”
He sighs, feeling the tips of his ears heating up. “You don't act like it, Y/N,” he says with a frown. “Maybe I should just bring you home.”
You shake your head, putting your hands on his chest. “No, wait! Seungmin–"
Your date pushes your hands away from you, moving to unlock the door. You run your hands through your hair and block his path again, staring up at him.
“Y/N,” he sighs, rubbing his face.
You lift your shirt, exposing your naked chest. Seungmin's eyes widen at the sudden action, his cheeks blushing and attempts to not look at you.
“Can I talk now?” You ask him, ducking a bit so you can look in his eyes. He swallows thickly, nodding his head. “I tried so hard to get out of talking to him. Believe me, okay? I wanted to get back to you and spend my time with you.”
He parts his lips, wanting to say something, but nothing comes out. His gaze dips to your chest, not believing that they're still out. “Uhm, I–” Seungmin pauses, wiping his hands on his jeans.
“Are they distracting you?” You ask in a whisper, chuckling softly. He nods his head while meeting your gaze.
You giggle some more, reaching forward to grab one of his hands. “If you are willing to stay and continue our date…” you trail off, placing his hand on one of your breasts. “Then you'll be able to do this more often.”
“You're cruel,” he mutters, shaking his head. He squeezes your breast, and you gently bite your lip. “But you're so pretty.”
It's your turn to blush, diverting your gaze away from him. “Thank you, Seungmin,” you whisper loud enough for him to hear. You fiddle with your fingers, looking back at him after a minute of silence. “Do you still want to take me home?”
“No, no, we can continue,” he tells you, squeezing you again. “Now, cover up. Those are mine.”
A gasp escapes your lips, not expecting him to say that to you. You lick your lips and lower your shirt down, covering yourself up. “Kim Seungmin, you dog,” you laugh, slapping his arm playfully before he leads you out of the bathroom.
Yang Jeongin
“Why did we leave the party?” You ask Jeongin, your voice slurring with intoxication.
He shifts his eyes to you, not saying anything before continuing to open the hotel room door. Your boyfriend drags you into the room and plants you down on the edge of the bed.
“It's pretty obvious why we left,” he says bluntly, toeing his dress shoes off.
You furrow your brows, trying to think, but your foggy brain comes up with nothing. “We were having a good time,” you point out, getting up to head to the mini fridge.
Jeongin stops you, his large hands gripping your arms. You stumble into him, resting your hands on his chest. “You were having a good time, Y/N,” he calls you by your name, causing your chest to clench a smidge.
“You told me I could,” you mutter.
“Yeah, one or two! I didn't expect you to get fucking drunk,” he huffs, sitting you back down. “You were embarrassing me.”
You scoff, shaking your head before crossing your arms. “I was hyping you up, Innie. I knew how nervous you were, so I tried to make it easier for you,” you confess to him.
“Baby, you told them about our sex lives,” Jeongin sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “They certainly didn't need to know about that.”
You giggle, covering your mouth with your hand. “Oops, sorry about that, baby,” you pout, looking up at him.
He's still glaring at you, but in your drunken haze, you can see his eyes starting to soften. “You don't look very sorry,” Jeongin mutters, grabbing water from the table.
“I love it when you get flushed just by looking at me,” you say while exposing your chest to him.
Jeongin choked on his water, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. He groans, tilting his head to the side. “Jesus, baby. You can't just do that,” he coughs a bit, his gaze settled on your breasts.
You smile at his reaction and stand up from your spot. Jeongin twists the cap, closing the bottle of water. “Why? When that is the reaction, I love to see so much!” You smirk, reducing the distance between you.
“You're cheating to win the argument,” he whines before chuckling, his hands touching your bare skin.
“Why argue when we could be doing something else?” You offer, standing on your toes to kiss him.
He wraps an arm around your waist, tugging your body closer to him. Your breasts are pressed against his pecs and your forehead against his.
“I'm truly sorry about tonight. My nerves and alcohol don't mix,” you whisper, pressing a light kiss on him.
“It's okay. I love you,” he mumbles, returning your kiss. Jeongin lays you on the bed as his lips trail down to your chest. “You looked scrumptious tonight.”
You run your fingers through his hair, smiling softly. “I love you, too.”
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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he-calls-me-kitten · 5 months
GN!MC x Yandere Ex! Solomon
TW: Dub-con, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Manipulation, Bondage
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You always knew he had an mean streak - especially when it came to anyone who threatened your safety. He only let you around the brothers because they seemed to make you happy.
But the day you came home with an injured arm and an apologetic pair of twins - he was internally livid. With a mysterious turn of events the same two brothers fell in a freak accident and fractured the same arm as yours. And of course you weren't allowed to tend to them, not while you were still hurt.
Lucifer screamed at you for wanting to go home early, and ended up with a cursed bottle of demonus that rendered him mute for a week. When they made you overwork, Diavolo got swamped with literally endless paperwork and Barbatos ended up with rats in his room. Harmless jokes that turned extreme soon enough.
He was usually soft and slow in bed - teasing and smirking and chuckling through it all. You loved that about him. But tonight there was a meaness and urgency about it - the way he made you beg for him and the way his desperation for your validation seeped through the cracks.
"Ah MC, you're this turned on already...have I been teasing you too much?"
"Sol-Solomon please...please need you...inside me..." You panted into his shoulder and he listened.
"I'm so sorry, MC...could you tell me a little more clearly?" He said hugging you tighter. You whined and pleaded.
"Please fuck me, Solomon...Need you so bad...."
He kissed you deeply, slowly starting to thrust into you. But in that brief moment of calm, you were sure you heard muffled noises in the room. Like someone else screaming, calling your name. You looked around you in panic.
"Solomon... what's that noise?"
Something sinister ghosted over his eyes. "What noise, my love? All I hear is you and me." His thrusts gained speed. Now you could hear nothing over your bodies colliding, his hot and needy groans and praises against your ear.
He fucked you till you could no longer think straight. But he was sure to make you so comfortable and cozy in his arms that you promptly fell asleep, wrapped up in his bedsheets.
"Hush now. Don't you dare disturb my dear apprentice with your ruckus."
"I said...QUIET. Honestly even after I let you see it for yourselves... exactly who MC really belongs to."
"Mmmmhhccc... *sobs*"
"Ugh. What a miserable bunch. This is simply your punishment for trying to sneak into MC's room...and you want more?"
You thought you were dreaming - none of it made sense afterall. Well nothing except Solomon's voice. You rubbed your eyes, forcing yourself awake.
What you saw through the moonlit darkness was nothing less than horrifying. Mammon, Levi and Asmo slumped over halfway between the closet and floor, gagged and bound tightly by glowing purple chains.
And in front of them, Solomon stood menancingly. You could feel his rage even with his back turned towards you, several of his pact marks glowing in the dark. You gathered the sheets together, hiding your bare body.
He looked back with eyes widened in shock. The three demon brothers started screaming your name through the gags again.
"MC... you're awake." He sighed and muttered under his breath. "I knew I should have just cast a sleep spell..."
"What are you doing to them? What's going on...?"
Solomon let out a loud laugh, almost sinister and he looked around as if suprised. "Oh MC, you sure have the wildest dreams don't you?"
"...a dream?" Your mind was still buzzing, half-asleep and tired. "You're in my dream?"
"Yes, my little apprentice." He walked over to you, his bare body glimmering in the moonlight. "I didn't know you were secretly so kinky...you wanted me to claim you in front of them?"
With blurry eyes you watched the three brothers shake their heads and let out more muffled screams. But all you could register was his warm hand sliding between your thighs again, his lips ghosting over your neck as he made you lie down again.
"Mhhmm Solomon..." You were still so sensitive, even the lightest touch was driving you crazy. He repositioned you so your head was towards the brothers and your hips were connected with his.
"You are so irresistible when you call my name like that..." He kissed you deeply, tongue lashing inside. "Won't you say it again?"
You were always weak to his praises. Giggling slightly into the kiss, you called his name over and over again. "Solomon...that tickles ahah...ahh not there Solomon!"
He was so overwhelmed with joy and so ready for you, his length pulsing against your already abused hole. "Shh shh, it's okay, MC. Look how good you're making me feel...in fact, them too..."
Solomon hoisted you onto his lap, piercing you with his length as you watched the brothers while holding onto his shoulders. In the dim light, you could still see their faces bright red, pained and arousals restrained in their pants.
"How pretty you are, making everyone around wild with desire. Especially your own master. My perfect little apprentice." He kissed and nibbled on your eyes, gripping your hips and bouncing you on himself.
"Come to your senses, MC! This ain't a fucking dream!" Mammon's voice was sharp like static. He seemed to have bitten through the gag.
"Wha...what?" You barely register his words.
"You came here to break up with him-- he's tricking you again-- it's a bonding curse--"
"Everytime he fucks you-- he's spilling his essence into you--- the curse gets stronger--" Asmo whined in sobs.
"You keep forgetting-- he's done this so many times before--" Levi's gargled voice followed.
"What noisy demons. MC, let's practice some spell-casting shall we?" Only Solomon's voice was clear enough to comprehend. So that's the only one you followed.
"What... ahhh...spell.... mhhmm" He had increased his pace again, you were so close. He smirked into your shoulder.
"Make them leave. All three at once. And then we both can finish." He slowed down almost to a halt. Your body ached for release - tears welling in your eyes.
"But I can't...can't focus like this..."
"Of course you can. You're my talented little apprentice, you can anything." He kissed your chest, right on top of your beating heart. He always knew just what to say.
"Denizens of darkness, hear me, I, the Sorceror, MC call upon the demons..." You cast your spell as carefully as you could with his length still throbbing inside you. But thankfully it worked. "They're gone now, Master..." You flirted back.
He pushed you down and thrust into like an animal in heat. He came inside you again, flooding you with warmth and a sleepy feeling. "You're simply too perfect, MC...how could I ever let you go?"
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sinsandsweetness · 6 months
hi my love <3
do you think you could do a rick grimes fluff where it’s an established relationship where he’s got a short fuse for everyone else but her and he’s super soft and gentle to her
or rick with a sleepy reader who he just lets fall asleep on his lap as he strokes her hair when he’s in the middle of discussing something important with someone else
ok I'm currently painting my toenails baby pink and got me thinking about rickyl with hyperfeminine!reader. (I know u said rick but this is what my brain said so...enjoy?)
It’s way too late but you can’t really help that you’re a night owl. And besides, the boys are still up, lights on in the living room, the two of them talking strategy for some hoard the group has been tracking for a few weeks. The conversation seems really important so you don’t want to interrupt but you also can’t see all that well since your glasses broke on that run last week and you’ve yet to find any new ones… so you were really hoping someone would help you out.
With your bottle of nail polish in hand, you stand in the doorway, fighting an internal battle of if you should go in or not. So in doubt, you hover, putting a few dishes away in the kitchen. Grabbing some water. Checking the fridge. All while the glass bottle of pink polish becomes warm in your hand. Bare feet padding against the cool hardwood as you finally decide to just go back to bed. The safety of the community is undoubtably more important than your damn toes.
“You alright, angel?” Ricks voice is soft as it travels to your spot on the stairs, swiveling around to see both men eyeing you down. Gaze travveling up your bare legs to your tiny little boy shorts and the oversized sweater with a stretched out collar and way too many holes in it.
“Mhm.” You quip, flashing a candy sweet smile.
“You’re pacin’. What’s up?” Daryl isn’t convinced as he looks you in the eyes, elbows leaned onto his knees. Still in his work clothes. Jacket, vest and jeans. Even his boots are still laced up.
“I just-" you look down at your bare toes. All prepped for paint, cut and filed and screaming at you to give them some colour. “Can one of you help me paint my toes?”
The way both of their faces soften at your answer gives you butterflies. They’re always way too worried. Too on edge. Especially when it comes to you. Wanting to protect you. Keep you safe and healthy and happy. So that’s why when they notice you pacing in the kitchen at half past midnight, they jump to their own little conclusions about what might be wrong. About what could possibly be going on in that beautiful mind of yours.
“C’mhere.” Rick pats a hand on the couch cushion next to him which you happily take. Practically skipping over and plopping down, ass on the cushion and feet in his lap.
He takes the bottle and gives it a little shake before continuing his conversation with Daryl, who doesn’t seem to be listening as attentively as he was before. With you laying on the couch, long legs sprawled out and a sleepy smile on your pretty face, you’ve become quite the distraction.
Ricks hands are warm as he holds your feet, carefully painting each nail, all while he stays talking. You hear snippets like, “- well if we do that, then they’ll just be headed for Oceanside. We need to find a route that makes sense for everyone, even if it means-” but you aren’t really listening. You’re more focused on making heart eyes with Daryl and playing with a loose string on the hem of your sweater. Eyes growing heavy with each coat of paint. The intoxicating, chemical smell that you've weirdly enough grown to love, fills the room and your feet tickle when rick blows cool air on them. Closing the bottle and popping it back into your hand while he leans back and asks Daryl something off topic about a run with Aaron. thumb running over your foot, hand traveling up your calf and gently massaging the muscle there. You sink even further into the couch, all warm and tired and cozier then ever. The combination of Ricks touch sending tingles up your spine, and the drawl of both their voices, act in accordance to lull you right to sleep.
You know that even if you do fall asleep here on the couch, it's no big deal. They'd carry you to bed in a heartbeat. They have before. So you let your eyes flutter shut under the comforting fact that you’re sure to wake up in clean, warm covers with a man on either side of you and two big arms wrapped around your waist.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Robb Stark and Jon Snow*Competition
Part two to Share (here) which is the rivalry before hand or you can read this as stand alone smut. Part three at bottom
Pairing: Jon x f!reader, Robb x f!reader
Summary: just smut
Warnings: dom robb, dom jon, p in v sex, fingering, oral m and f receiving, spanking, threesome 18+
Word count: 3551
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Masterlist Here
“What exactly am I supposed to be choosing?” you asked.
“My lady we can explain,” Jon began to stammer, cheeks going their familiar cute shade of pink, “Robb and I well we- “
“We both have an affection for you,” Robb continued trying to sound confident, but his voice failed him, “And we have been uh debating,” Robb said causing you to laugh.
“Debating?” you questioned, “It sounded more like an argument,” this time it was Robbs turn to blush and turn his eyes away.
Jon continued for his brother, “We just were trying to figure out which one of us you liked. Assuming you do like one of us,” Both boys were struggling to meet your gaze at this point.
“I might,” you said with a slight smirk causing both boys heads to snap up, their eyes watching you intently as you smirked leaning against your chamber door.
“Well, which one of us is it?” Robb asked with eager eyes. He was internally praying to the gods to give him some luck or at least to have him swallowed up by the grounds if he was wrong about your affection. Jon was silently thinking the same.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, “Who said it was one of you?” you said with a slight smirk. Both boys looked confused at your words. You walked closer to the pair with each word, “Would it be so bad if I didn’t choose? Were you not taught how to share?”
Your hands moved to rest on Robbs chest, looking up at him with a smile toying on your lip. “What do you think Robbie? Are you good at sharing?”
Robbs eyes flickered to Jon who was watching all of your movements. You couldn’t possibly be suggesting what they thought you were. “My lady,” Robb said, eyes returning to you, “What are you suggesting?”
You laughed lightly, stepping back from the taller boy before turning to Jon, “I think Jon knows,” you hummed causing Jon to look to the floor, face flushed bright pink, “Don’t you Jon?” you teased.
“I think I do my lady,” Jon murmured.
You moved closer to Jon, lifting his head up by his chin. Jon gazed at you with desperate eyes. Slowly, your lips moved to close the gap, capturing his into a gentle soft kiss.  Jons eyes fluttered closed at the soft skin of your lips on his. It was sweeter than any wine and his lips chased after yours when you pulled back.
Now you turned your attention to Robb who was silently stewing at his brother receiving all your attention, “Don’t pout,” you teased when you walked up to the taller man hands finding his strong shoulders again, “There’s enough of me to go around,”
Robbs strong hands suddenly grabbed your hips, pulling them into his harshly and causing you to gasp, “I don’t pout,” he almost growled before his lips dove down to capture yours. His kiss was hungry as his rough lips moved against your soft ones as you tried to keep up with his pace. Your lungs were screaming but air did not seem to matter anymore.
When the kiss broke Robb span you around by your hips, pressing your back into his chest, to face Jon. You could feel Robbs hard on pressing into your back. Jon’s face was darker than Robbs, with lust and anger spread across his skin. “What do you say?” Robb said, his hands still firmly placed on your hips to keep you in place, “Think you can handle a little competition?”
“It’s not a- “you started but Jon cut you off this time.
“Oh, but it is,” he said, walking closer to you, his chest a few inches from yours but eyes on Robbs, “Don’t throw a fit when im better at this than you,”
A dark chuckle fell from Robbs throat causing shivers to go down your spine, “You wish Snow,”
Jons eyes fell from Robbs to yours, his hands moving to gently take your face into his palms, “Maybe we should let you decide,” he said with a low voice, “You want us to share? Take turns fucking you?” his warm breath fanned your face and made shivers go down your skin. All you could do was nod. Jon took that as his que and his lips crashed onto yours, his hands moving to push Robb back and pull you by your waist into him. You craved the warmth of Robb against your skin again, but Jons lips were so sweet.
It felt like a perfect eternity however a rough hand suddenly pulled your shoulder, forcing the kiss to break. Robb stood in your place looking down at Jon, glaring into his eyes before turning to you, “Lay on the bed sweetheart,” he said with a softness to his voice, “Jon and I need to talk first,”
“Why don’t you strip while you wait,” Jon said before walking with Robb to the opposite side of the room to talk in hushed whispers.
You did as you were told, stripping down to your thin under shift which did little to cover your shape. Laying down on the bed of soft furs, you gazed at the two men across the room to admire their features when Robb suddenly looked, and your eyes snapped back to watch the ceiling as you waited.
You didn’t have to wait long as you heard footsteps crossing the room. Robb sat on the edge of the bed, his hand moving to stroke your jaw, “Are you sure about this?” he asked, all anger from before gone from his voice, “We can stop at any point,”
“I’m sure,” you said with a soft smile as you leaned into his soft touch, “I want you. I want both of you,” your eyes flickering to Jon who stood just behind Robb. You sat up slightly, your hand moving to rest on the back of Robbs neck, “Please,”
That was all it took for Robb to join his lips to yours, soft at first but a growing neediness began as he began to nip at your bottom lip. You gasped as his teeth sunk into your soft bottom lip, but it soon turned to a moan as his tongue slipped in and his hands moved to explore your body. First, they went down your shoulders, his touch gentle to start, before they moved to your breasts, squeezing them firmly making you moan.
Robb broke the kiss but only to strip off his outer clothes and tunic, leaving him in just trousers and his undershirt. You could see the hair on his chest peaking out and moved your hands to feel his hard chest under the thin fabric, “Like what you see?” Robb said with a cocky smile when he noticed your gaze.
Your blush didn’t matter as he pushed you down by your shoulder to crawl on top of you, his legs settling between yours. He began to grind down his hips into yours, his hard bulge pressing against your thinly clothed cunt. A hollow spot began to grow in your stomach as his bulge rubbed against your clothed clit, moving at just the right firm but slow pace.
Robb moved his lips from yours to leave harsh kisses to your jaw, down your neck, and to your collarbones. “Do you still have that red dress? The one that goes up to here?” he asked, tapping at the bottom of your throat. You nodded, “You’ll need to wear it tomorrow,” his voice was breathy, almost panting but you could not care when he began to suck dark marks along your collarbone.
Your hands moved to tangle in his curly hair, making him groan at your touch.  His hands still squeezing your tits in his hands, “You care about this shift?” he asked and this time you shook your head. You gasped when you heard fabric ripping and the cold air hit your chest. Robbs lips licked over your nipple causing it to harden under his tongue. He continued his assaults on your breast, one with his hand, rolling and pinching your bud between his fingers, the other with his mouth. You could not contain your moans as his teeth grazed over your hardened bud. “Robb,” you moaned.
He let go of your nipple with a pop, making a whine leave your lips, “Yeah me. It’s me who’s making you feel so good?” he asked with a smirk as he continued to roll his hips into yours.
You whined again when his hips stopped but held your breath when one of his hands moved down your body to move between your thighs, “Do I make you feel good?” he asked, his breath fanning your face, his lips so close but so far from your own.
You could feel his finger trailing up your already wet slit. “Yes,” you stuttered, unable to take your eyes off of his.
As soon as you said it Robb pushed a finger into you, his lips finding your neck again. He slowly began to pump his finger in and out of you at a teasingly slow pace, “Please,” you whined, and you felt his smirk against your skin.
Robb added another finger, a slight burn growing at the stretch but quickly disappearing as his fingers moved inside you at a slightly faster pace. You moaned as he began to lightly suck at your neck, your head rolling to the side to give him more space.
As you did your eyes fell on Jon who had moved to sit on a chair across the room, his eyes locked on you. your eyes scanned down his body and a smile on your lips when you could so clearly see the outline of his cock from his trousers. He had stripped down to his own trousers and undershirt, but it did little to hide his body which was more toned than you had expected.
Your attention was drawn back when Robb moved his thumb to rub against your clit as his fingers began to curl. Your eyes squeezed shut for a moment as you moaned from his touch, a warm feeling spreading across your body. Moaning his name only made him speed up. Jon watched the sight, his eyes dark with lust. The sight of him watching you, already hard only made you want this more. Then Robb curled his fingers in just the right way. Your body tensed up before all the pressure released liked water from a burst dam. Robb moved his hand to cover your mouth when a loud moan began as you came around his fingers. You gazed into Robbs eyes as you finished riding your orgasm on his fingers. “Not too loud darling,” Robb grinned as he placed a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t want someone interrupting out fun,”
“My turn,” Jon said as he stood from the chair.
Robb rolled his eyes, “Speaking of,” he looked down at you, pulling his fingers out leaving you feeling suddenly empty. “I’ll be right over there darling,” Robb said before getting off the bed.
You sat up as Jon walked over and stood at the edge of the bed. “Hey,” you said with a soft smile.
Jons hands moved to hold your face, guiding you over to sit on the edge of the bed looking up at him, “Hey,” he finally replied, his voice low, “You look so fucking good,” he said before his lips crashed onto yours.
You reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair, your neck craning up to meet his lips. You felt him slowly move down to sit on his knees, his face now eyelevel with your breasts. Jon moved his hands down to squeeze them gently before trailing them down your half-torn shift to rest on your hips. His fingers dug into the flesh. “I want you,” he said, breaking the kiss with ragged breath.
“I want you too Jon,” you said.
His eyes scanned over your body, “You’re so fucking perfect,” Jons hands gripped your hips tighter, “I wanna make you feel good. Lay down for me,” When you went to move back onto the middle of the bed he stopped you, “No love, just lay down here,” Jon pushed your shoulders gently to make you lay down, confusion written on your face as you did.
Jons hands pushed up the remaining fabric of your shift to reveal you to him. Your breath hitched when you felt his hot breath against your wet cunt. a shiver went through you when you felt his face sink lower. Jon placed soft kisses to your inner thighs. You moaned when he sucked the flesh, leaving small hickeys into the sensitive skin. Finally, Jon turned to the part of you that ached.
The hot breath on you was already making the hair stand up on your body. Jon moved your legs to rest over his shoulders, his fingers resting on your hips. When Jon leaned in to place a gentle kiss to your cunt you couldn’t help but whine. Your hand moved to gently rest on the back of his head as he licked a soft stripe up your slit. Then again and again till he was lapping up your juices like a starved man, his fingers digging into your hips. It was the only thing stopping you from bucking them as his tongue began to dive into you causing a knot to build in your stomach. “Jon please fuck,” your moans were breathier this time.
When Jons nose began to nuzzle into your clit you couldn’t help the loud whiney moan that fell from your lips. Jon pulled his lips off of your wet cunt for just a moment, “Can you do something Robb?” he said but the way his breath felt against your wet cunt was already making you whine again.
Robb crossed the room quickly to sit beside you on the bed. When Jons lips clashed back onto your cunt a moan fell from your lips only to be cut off by Robb crashing his into yours. He held you by your jaw as his lips danced with yours in a sloppy hungry dance. Robb couldn’t help himself when his hand moved to grab your tit, rolling your nipple in between his fingers.
Jon broke his downstairs kiss again much to your dismay “I don’t need help,” he said before diving back in.
“Its not for you,” Robb panted before capturing your lips again.
Nothing else seemed to matter as a hot knot began spiralling inside of you. especially not when Jon moved his fingers into your hole so he could free his mouth up to gently suck on your clit. If not for Robbs lips on yours the room would have been filled with your loud whines. It didn’t take long for the pressure to burst like a balloon inside of you especially when Jons teeth grazed your clit.
Robb had to hold you up as you rode out your orgasm on Jons face who didn’t stop until your body was twitching beneath him. Jon stood up from between your legs to look down at you, “Maybe we could share?” he said, eyes flickering to Robb.
“What were you thinking?” Robb said, eyes locked on you as you looked between the two men.
“I get her mouth,” Jon said, hand gripping your jaw.
“Good,” Robb grinned as he got off the bed and began to pull the rest of his clothes off, “I always wanted to be the one that fucked her,”
When Robb finally unlaced his trousers, you saw his cock spring free. It was hard, the tip was already red and leaking precum. You stared at it in a mix of amazement and fear when you realised its size. This was not helped by Jon pulling off his own trousers. Neither man was lacking in that department. Jons cock was thicker and slightly shorter but just as desperate as Robbs.
As Jon was pulling off his undershirt Robb moved to pull you across the bed, “Its not polite to stare,” he grinned as he moved you to kneel in front of him with your back against his chest.
“Sorry,” you stuttered as his hands moved to push the torn fabric off your shoulders before they moved to your breasts.
“Don’t need to be sorry love,” Jon said as he climbed on the bed to be kneeling in front of you, “Just need to let us take care of you,” he said caressing your face, “You wanna suck my cock while Robb fucks you silly?” All shyness had left Jons body by now as he stared down at you, hungry for your mouth on him.
The words were enough to make you shiver and you felt yourself grow wetter, “Yes please,” you murmured as Jons fingers traced your lips.
He pulled you in for one last brief kiss before moving back. Robb placed a gentle kiss to your neck before pushing you down to be on all fours in front of him, “If you wanna stop all you need to do is double tap my thighs,” Jon assured as you took your place, but you had no intention of stopping any of this.
“You look so fucking good right now,” Robb praised as he took his hard cock in hand, trailing its tip along your wet folds, “I’ve been waiting to fuck you for so long,” he said, his tip gently easing into your hole. His size caused a burn as he entered you slowly making you gasp. Jon held your face in his hand as Robb pushed himself slowly in, “You feel so good,” you heard him grunt.
Soon he was all the way inside of you, his length filling you complete. After a couple moments of easing to the pain you nodded up and Jon who did the same to Robb. Robbs hands found your hips, gripping the soft flesh gently as he began to pull out slightly before thrusting back in. you gasped as he began to thrust into you, moving slowly to begin with.
You looked up to see Jons cock staring back at you, its tip wet with precum. When you looked up at him through your eyelashes Jon almost came at the sight. “Please,” you whimpered as Robb continued his thrusts. “Please Jon,”
Jon did not need anymore instruction as he moved forward to put his cock into your open mouth. The feeling of your wet tongue under his cock and your soft lips wrapping around his shaft made him groan. You began to bob your head up and down his length, your mouth struggling to take him all in.
Meanwhile Robbs thrusts began to increase and which each thrust you found yourself taking more of Jons cock in your mouth. When Robb licked his fingers before moving them to rub sloppy circles onto your wet clit your moans vibrated up Jons cock. Jon couldn’t help his hips from bucking as he began to fuck your mouth back.
Their thrusts became synced and as Jon thrust into your mouth you were pushed deeper onto Robbs cock, his tip hitting new places. Jons hands moved to your hair, gripping it as he tried to steady himself so overwhelmed with pleasure.
Robbs hand went between gripping your hip to placing hard smacks on your ass to make it jiggle even more. The sight just made him want you more. His thrusts grew harder and faster.
You could feel Jons cock twitch in your mouth which made you moan once again on his cock. “I can’t- “Jon gasped when he suddenly spilled his seed into your throat. Robb did not stop his thrusts as you swallowed the seed, Jons face screwed up in pleasure before he pulled his cock out your mouth, leaving a trail of spit and cum behind.
When Jon moved back you couldn’t keep yourself up for much longer. Robb moved his hand to push your shoulders down into the mattress, your fingers curling up into the furs as Jon moved to lay beside where Robb continued to fuck you. however, this new position made Robbs cock hit new spots which caused a load moan to rip from your throat. Jon moved your head so that your moans were now muffled by the pillow Robb was fucking you into. You felt your last and most intense orgasm rush through you, your walls clenching around Robbs cock. Robb tried to ride out your orgasm but as your walls clenched around him, he felt his cock twitch before he spilled, eyes screwing shut as he gasped for air.
Robb knelt back onto his knees as he got his breath back. Meanwhile Jon had moved you to lay in his arms beside him as you were still panting from your last orgasm, unable to speak from all the pleasure.
“You did amazing,” Jon praised, leaving a soft kiss to your head.
Robb moved to fall beside you on the bed, rolling onto his side to face you, “Absolutely perfect darling,” he agreed, kissing your cheek. “We’ll have to do it again sometime,”
“Agreed,” you panted.
Jon nodded in agreement, “But next time I get to fuck her,”
“We’ll see,”
Part Three Here
Game of Thrones Taglist @clairacassidy @nyotamalfoy
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roosterforme · 1 year
Airplane Mode Part 1 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Bradley finds himself on a commercial flight with the cutest flight attendant in the world, he can't keep himself from flirting with you.
Warnings: Fluff, adult banter, swearing
Length: 4400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This is part 1 of 2! Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun!
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Bradley was on his fourth deployment of the year, and it was only September. As he packed his flight suits and uniforms, he checked his boarding pass for the flight from San Diego International to Tokyo. His flight left in just three hours, so he needed to move.
The only way Bradley took commercial flights was begrudgingly. He much preferred his own Super Hornet, with his name emblazoned on the side, or his vintage Bronco. Nothing else felt as comfortable, as personal. But really, nothing was worse than a commercial airline.
He would probably have to sit next to someone who wanted to chat for the twelve hour flight. Or worse, get assigned the middle seat. But there wasn't really any other way to get him out into the western Pacific and onto the deck of the USS Nimitz in time for his surprise assignment. 
"God bless America," he muttered, rolling his eyes as he stuffed some clean underwear and his toothbrush into his bag. Then he locked up his house, unsure about when he would be back, and headed out in the Bronco.
Thankfully, his military credentials got him through the long security lines quickly, because he did not leave himself with very much time. He checked in with the airline and narrowed his eyes skeptically at the man working behind the desk.
"You've been upgraded to first class," the man told him.
"That seems suspicious," Bradley replied, earning a chuckle. "No, really. The Navy usually gives me the middle seat in the last row, right behind a screaming child. What gives?"
"Hmm, well, this flight is only at half capacity since it's a brand new itinerary. So we upgraded you, another military officer, and an elderly customer."
"And the screaming child?"
"Not upgraded that I know of, sir." 
"Thanks," Bradley replied with a nod as he scanned his boarding pass and made his way to first class. He had the window seat in the front row, so he stowed his carry-on bag and made himself comfortable while the other passengers took their seats. 
He could hear soft laughter coming from the curtained off area next to the cockpit, and a second later he was looking at a beautiful woman. 
"Welcome aboard, sir," you told him with a smile. "Can I get you anything before we take off?" 
Bradley swallowed hard and tried his best not to stare. "Uh, I'm fine," he managed to tell you. "Just....fine." 
"Right. Well, let me know if you need anything." 
You turned to greet another passenger, and Bradley found himself sitting up straighter as he blurted out, "Your name?"
You turned back to him and leaned his way. "Pardon?"
He met your eyes, and he grinned. "I need your name. You know, just in case I think of something you can get for me."
Your smile was more of a smirk this time, but you licked your perfect lips and told him what he wanted to know. Bradley tested your name out, and your smirk grew. "Yep. That's a good name."
You shook your head a bit. "You should get buckled in. I'll go over the exit row safety procedures with you in a few minutes."
"I can't wait," Bradley replied, and this time, when you turned away from him, he couldn't help himself. He looked at your body for a few seconds until he forced himself to face the front of the aircraft. He closed his eyes and counted to ten. This was going to be a long flight. 
He was lonely. It had been ages since he had dated anyone and quite awhile since he'd met a woman he even wanted to sleep with. That had to be why he was sweating a little bit right now.
Bradley buckled his seatbelt and tried not to watch you out of the corner of his eye. The sway of your hips when you walked was mesmerizing, as was the soft lilt of your voice. He listened to you charm every single person seated in first class, and he was already craving your attention again. 
When you came to a stop in front of him a moment later, he let his eyes travel from your sensible shoes up your bare legs, over your cute uniform dress, and up to your face. "Ready for your safety briefing?"
"Oh, absolutely," he said, his voice ridiculously needy to his own ears. 
You just smiled and gestured toward the handle to Bradley's right. "You are seated in my exit row. Can you verbally confirm for me that you are able and willing to help me in the event of an emergency?" 
"Definitely. I'd be happy to help you."
"Can you push, pull or lift at least fifty pounds?" you asked, your eyes taking in the bulge of his biceps and his broad chest. 
Bradley smirked and watched you lick your lips. "Sure can."
You pressed your lips together and eyed him briefly. "I don't know... are you sure you're strong enough to open the door?" Your voice was teasing, and Bradley swallowed hard as you shifted your weight from one leg to the other. 
"I'm strong enough to do anything you might want or need."
Bradley's grin grew as he watched your face light up, and the cutest giggle escaped your lips. "I'll keep that in mind," you told him with a nod before turning and disappearing behind that damned curtain. 
He rubbed his hands over his face before putting his phone into airplane mode. Flirting with you was pointless. He really shouldn't be doing it. But where the hell were the women who looked and sounded like you when he wanted to go on a date? Apparently they were thirty six thousand feet in the air, wearing tight navy blue dresses and ugly loafers. 
Bradley would do anything to be able to run into you at the Hard Deck. You probably didn't even live in San Diego though. And odds were good you were married or something. So he just settled back in his seat and watched the setting sun through the open window sash. Pretty soon he would be landing in Tokyo, he'd never see you again, and you would forget all about the guy who asked for your name and looked at your loafers.
Then, as if conjured by his imagination, you were standing in front of him again. This time you were folding down the seat that was used by flight attendants during takeoffs and landings. Bradley watched every move you made as you sat down facing him, your knees brushing against his as you settled into the seat.
"Sorry," you told him softly. Your perfect lips parted again before you added, "You must be tall. I don't usually have this problem." You were trying to scoot yourself back further in your uncomfortable looking seat, keeping yourself from touching him again as you buckled in. 
"I don't mind," he replied softly, repositioning his legs so that both of your knees were between his. 
Your eyes went a little wide as you whispered, "Okay," before clearing your throat. Bradley saw you glance at his thighs as he stretched his legs out a bit more comfortably, and then you immediately turned to look out the window as the pilot started to taxi toward the runway. 
The warm San Diego sunset had your skin bathed in orange light, making you look impossibly pretty, and Bradley was instantly regretting not bringing a book with him. No way he'd make it twelve hours in close proximity to you without embarrassing himself. 
"How tall are you?" you suddenly asked him.
He shrugged. "About six foot one inch, I guess."
"I'm sorry, I should have had you move to the aisle seat since it's empty. It's too late now, since we're about to take off, but you can move over later so we don't have this problem all night long."
Bradley shrugged again. "I wouldn't call it a problem. More like an added perk. I thought perhaps getting to sit by you was part of the upgrade to first class."
You kept eye contact with him but narrowed your eyes, and Bradley squirmed a bit in his seat. "You're flirting with me."
He chuckled. "Well, I'm trying. Based on your response, I must be doing a shitty job."
After examining his face for a few seconds, you sighed and looked out the window again. "No, you're doing alright. But I'm not allowed to flirt back. Whatever your name is."
"Bradley," he told you, holding out his hand. After you shook it, he said, "How about I do all the flirting, and you just pretend you're completely immune to me. Meanwhile, inside, you're totally falling head over heels."
You tried to hide your smile as the plane left the ground, and the jolt of excitement in Bradley's belly rivaled even the force of gravity. 
You didn't answer him, and you didn't look at him again, but Bradley felt your right knee bump against his leg as the plane gained altitude, and he heard you sigh. 
"Can you at least tell me if you'd flirt with me if I met you at a bar or something?" he asked after a while. 
You finally met his eyes just as the fasten seatbelt light was turned off, and you started to unbuckle your harness. 
"I'm afraid the answer to that question might sound as if I'm flirting with you." 
Bradley leaned forward as you stood and started turning away from him. "So is that a yes?"
You turned and looked at him over your shoulder, and you nodded. 
Bradley gaped at you, and he had to fight the urge to follow you behind the curtain this time.
"Fuck." He was absolutely squirming in his seat now. He could hear you and see your shoes, but you didn't emerge again for a while. And you didn't look at him as you took the dinner orders for everyone else in first class, leaving him for last.
Bradley told you what he wanted to eat, speaking slowly so he had time to look at you looking at him. 
"And would you like a drink? Maybe a cocktail or a beer? A glass of wine?"
As Bradley was just about to respond, you smirked at him. "You don't drink wine, do you?" you asked him.
"No, actually." He gave you a puzzled look.
You smiled at him. "I can guess what people are going to order with a scary level of accuracy. You like beer, specifically European imports. Stella? Maybe Heineken? And I think you also enjoy an occasional glass of scotch, neat. But you're also quite fond of "girly" cocktails, and you're not afraid to order them when you go out." 
"Holy. Shit."
You laughed at his response, and Bradley wanted to pull you down against him, listen to that laughter even closer. 
"Want me to make you a cosmopolitan?" you asked with a grin that had him practically stuttering. 
"Please." He managed to say that one word without too much trouble. You just nodded and strolled away from him again.
Bradley sat, impatiently waiting for you to reappear as he messed with his hair. He was really wishing he had taken more time getting ready. He was wearing faded jeans and a black tee shirt, cursing himself for looking like he dressed with no effort at all. 
He was absolutely going to try to get your number or give you his, and if he was going to get shot down, he liked to know he had at least put his best foot forward. 
You reemerged with a drink tray, and you took his breath away. He watched while you served everyone else, bringing him his martini glass filled with pink liquid last. 
"And a cosmo for you." 
Bradley took the drink and set it down on his tray table after taking a sip. "Delicious. Even better than my friend Natasha makes, and hers are great." 
You tucked your hands behind your back and asked, "Is she your girlfriend?"
"No. I am one hundred percent single," he told you immediately. "Maybe even more than that." 
The grin returned to your face, and Bradley was feeling ridiculously excited. 
"I'll bring your dinner out shortly."
"Wait, are you?" he asked, trying to keep your attention before you vanished again. "Are you single?"
You ignored him completely now, but you were still smiling. And you dropped off his dinner tray with nothing more than, "Enjoy your meal." So he ate his food and then you collected his tray and then he waited. 
He was pretty sure you'd have to return to your little fold down seat at some point during the evening. He was also pretty sure you'd have to stay awake all night. His plan was to wait you out. Beyond that he had no clue what he should do. 
But it was getting late now, and you were still somewhere up behind that curtain. He'd long ago finished his drink, and he had the brilliant idea to ask you for another one. He pressed the button to call for you, and then you were there.
"What can I do for you?"
He smiled so hard. "Are you telling me that anytime I push that little white button, you'll appear?" 
You had to hide your laughter behind your hand. "Yes. That's literally my job."
He shook his head slowly. "You've given me too much power. Will you make me another cosmopolitan?"
"Of course."
And when you brought him a second pink drink a few minutes later, he asked, "Are you allowed to sit with me again? In your little fold down seat?"
You chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, pretty soon I'll be sitting down for a while. You can move to the aisle seat whenever you want." 
But Bradley didn't move. He wanted to be as close to you as he possibly could. He just didn't realize that you might find that creepy or annoying until you were headed for your folding seat. 
"You're not moving?" you asked softly, just as the captain dimmed the overhead lights.
"I'm sorry, I can move so you have more room," he said, scrambling to unbuckle his safety belt. God, now he looked like a fucking creep. 
But you just shrugged at him. "You can stay in the window seat if you want. If you don't mind me bumping you."
Then you folded the seat down once more and took a seat before he could move. So he buckled himself in again, and let you get settled so that your knees were tucked neatly between his long legs. 
Just as you were starting to buckle your harness, the captain flew through some turbulence, and Bradley felt your hands come to rest on his thighs as you were bumped out of your seat. 
"I'm so sorry," you whispered, pulling your hands away like you had been burned. "I didn't mean to."
Bradley certainly didn't mind. He'd be more than happy to have your hands all over him. But of course he wasn't about to voice that idea.
"It's okay," he promised, meeting your eyes in the dim light. Another turbulent patch had you reaching for him again, but once you had your harness clasped closed, you wouldn't even look at him again.
"Sorry it's so turbulent," you managed to say, looking across the aisle at another passenger who had fallen asleep. "Usually I have someone losing their mind when it gets like this. But you seem very relaxed."
Bradley shifted in his seat, and his leg bumped yours. "I should hope so. I'm a pilot."
Your eyes snapped back to meet his. "Really? Which airline?"
Bradley just chuckled. "US Naval aviator. Top Gun."
"Oh," you said with a soft laugh. "I should have known. All you guys have a certain look."
Bradley licked his lips and crossed his arms. "What kind of look?"
You cradled your face in your palms. "Pretend I never mentioned it."
He shook his head. "I don't like pretending."
Sighing, you told him, "Aviators are always... big... strong looking. And overly confident."
"Huh," Bradley grunted. He supposed if you flew a San Diego route, you must see your fair share of aviators. You must also get hit on by most of them. God, you were beautiful.
"You're not like most of them, though," you added quickly. "Occasionally I have to excuse myself if they get crude."
Bradley's brow furrowed. "Crude?"
You shrugged again, checking to see if anyone had pushed their call button. "Yeah... it happens sometimes." 
"I don't like the sound of that," Bradley growled. 
But you just laughed lightly. "What are you planning to do about it? Follow me back and forth between San Diego and Tokyo and flex your muscles every time someone calls me baby or touches my butt?"
"Shit," Bradley whispered. "That really happens?" This information was swirling around his mind, and it made him feel sick. You were just doing your job; you didn't deserve to be harassed by aviators or anyone else. 
"You'd be surprised." Another bump of turbulence had your leg rubbing against his. 
Eventually Bradley whispered, "I would, you know."
You just looked at him for a few seconds. "You would what?"
Bradley smiled at you, and your lips curled into an involuntary smile as well. "Fly back and forth. Between San Diego and Tokyo. Flex my muscles and tell the assholes to leave you alone."
As you bit your knuckle to try to stifle your laughter, Bradley could practically feel how good it would be to have your teeth grazing his flesh. But the idea that you sometimes had guys giving you unwelcome touches had him ready to go through the roof. 
Then his mind shifted back to something you said. You flew from San Diego to Tokyo all the time. 
"Do you live in San Diego?" he asked quickly, and you bit your lip a little nervously, like you didn't want to answer him. 
But you searched his face in the darkness and finally said, "Yeah. I do."
Bradley's heart was thudding in his chest. He didn't want to press his luck. 
"What has you flying commercial to Tokyo? You must hate this! Are you being deployed?" you asked, drawing his attention to your words.
"Yeah. Hopefully a very short one. It's a special assignment."
Your smirk was back, even though he could barely see it in the dark. "Top Gun. Special assignment. First class upgrade. Sounds very exciting."
Bradley chuckled. "Listen, the best part of this whole thing was getting to sit with you between my legs.... Oh, God. Oh, no! I didn't mean it like that!" 
What the fuck had he just said?!
Bradley was frozen in panic with his hands halfway to his face, but you were laughing hysterically now. He watched you press your lips together to try to keep quiet as you shook with laughter. 
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that! I just...I'm really enjoying sitting here with you, that's all!" 
You waved your hand in the air and managed to say, "It's okay, Bradley. Oh, you look completely mortified!"
"I am completely mortified. You'll never let me have your phone number now!"
Then you smiled at him, but your eyes looked sad. "I can't go giving my phone number out to all you Top Gun guys."
Bradley ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit."
You sighed and tapped his knee with your fingers until he was looking at you again. Bradley let his hand settle just above his knee, and he wanted to unbuckle himself and reach for you when your fingers touched his.
"When do you fly back?" you asked quietly
"Unsure," he replied. "No return ticket yet."
"Hm," you hummed softly. You ran your fingertips along his, and he'd had just about as much as he could handle.
"Please, tell me your schedule. Something. Anything. I need to see you again."
You were quiet for so long, Bradley let the back of his head hit the headrest. You'd withdrawn your hand from his body, and he was so disappointed. 
"I usually fly overnights on the way back to San Diego as well."
He leaned closer to you again. "Which days?"
"It varies," you said, glancing across the aisle and undoing your harness. "But I'd like it if you were on my flight again." You stood to take care of a different passenger, and Bradley's eyes tracked you in the darkness. 
He was done for. Over the next several hours, he got to feel your body bump his every time you got in or out of your seat. He could smell your perfume or shampoo whenever you glided past him. He strained to hear every word that you spoke, whether to him or another passenger. But when you were seated in your seat, you and he exchanged little stories and flirtations. 
One time he even reached across and folded the seat down for you to sit. "Handsome and mannerly," you muttered as you buckled in. 
"I thought you told me you weren't allowed to flirt back," he commented as the sky was starting to lighten outside his window. 
You met his eyes and grinned. "A girl can only take so much."
"Are you single? You never told me. Please don't devastate me right now," his voice took on a teasing, pleading tone that made you laugh again.
"Yeah. I'm single. It's impossible to date with this job, honestly."
Bradley's heart soared like the airplane he was sitting in. You lived in San Diego. You were single. You were sexy and appealing. 
"Guys always think I'm going to cheat on them. But you want to know what I actually do in my hotel room on my overnights in Tokyo?" 
"Tell me."
"I eat the best sushi in the world and watch this one Japanese soap opera with the subtitles on. I am completely addicted to it."
"Jesus. I can get behind that one hundred percent. When I'm deployed on land, all I end up doing is eating the local foods. And I love sushi. Would be nice to have someone to call and talk to about it. I'd even be willing to get caught up with this Japanese soap opera so we could discuss it." There he said it. He was too afraid to be more explicit than that. 
You eyed him up and down, your body still except for the rise and fall of your chest and shoulders as you breathed. "I think-"
Your words were cut off by the sound of the fasten seatbelt light being turned off. Immediately you were unbuckling again and folding the seat up. "I think I need to start the breakfast service."
Now you looked flustered as you vanished behind the curtain. Bradley waited and waited for you to return. He could smell fresh coffee brewing, and his stomach started growling. The sun rose over the Pacific Ocean outside his window, and he could see islands in the distance, but he did not want this flight to end yet. He hadn't slept all night, but he would gladly stay up another twelve hours talking to you if you'd let him.
"What would you like for breakfast?" you asked him as you started taking orders. 
"Black coffee and a muffin."
"That's it?"
"Yeah," he replied. "I'm planning on finding some sushi as soon as we land. You could join me?"
You bit your lip and shook your head. "Sounds appealing...but I'm working a turnaround."
"Right," Bradley rasped. So he watched you work, serving everyone with a smile, helping with whatever was needed. He ate his muffin and drank his coffee quietly. And when the captain announced the final descent into Tokyo, you took your seat across from him one last time. 
You were both silent, just looking at each other until one of you inevitably let their gaze fall to the other's lips. Then you would both look away until drawn back in to let it happen over again. 
As the wheels touched down on the runway, and the sound of the wings dampening the air flow took over the small space, Bradley leaned forward. "Can I give you my phone number? Just in case you ever want to watch Japanese soap operas or eat subpar San Diego sushi with me?"
You smirked, but after a few seconds you nodded slightly. "Just don't hold your breath that I'll use it, okay? I'm basically never home. I can't even get a cat, let alone go on a date. And you would get tired of my schedule. I can guarantee that."
Bradley listened to your words, although he didn't agree with them. But he pulled a pen out of his backpack and wrote his first name and his phone number on the beverage napkin he still had. When he handed it to you, he watched you look at it before folding it in half and tucking it into your pocket. 
And then you were up, helping all of the passengers unload from the aircraft. He watched you pull luggage down for the first class passengers before sending them on their way, but he didn't move yet. He sat for nearly a half an hour, until everyone else had unloaded and the captain and co-captain had exited the cockpit and came to stand amongst the flight attendants. But you had looked at him as often as he had been looking at you. 
Now that he was the last one onboard, he stood, watching you examine his height and entire body for the first time. 
"Fly safely," you told him with a smile. 
"You, too," Bradley replied. "I'm going to be hoping I manage to get on one of your return flights. Hoping so hard." Bradley's heart was pounding again as you gave him a little nod before he walked out of the plane and made his way onto Japanese soil. 
Thank you for reading this one! Please leave some love and stay tuned for the conclusion! And thanks to @bradshawsbitch for sharing her knowledge of life as a flight attendant!
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mariclerc · 1 month
A project of love | ls2
Summary: where you have to do a project with your crush and you try not to fall for him.
Warning: none.
a/n: requested and dedicated by @bananaleclerc I hope you like it!! And yes, I need a break from posting so much 😂😂
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You're hunched over a textbook at a library table, surrounded by scattered notes and a half-eaten granola bar. Just then Logan enters the library, a whirlwind of energy and a backpack overflowing with what looks like every microbiology textbook ever written.
He slammed his books down next to you. “Hey there, study buddy! Ready to conquer the microscopic world?”
You jump a little, startled. He flashes a dazzling smile. “Uh, yeah, hi Logan. I was just... uh... reviewing.” You say, trying to sound casual.
“Awesome! Me too. Though, to be honest, my brain feels like it's about to explode from all these bacteria names.” He pulls out a chair dramatically and sits down. “Did you get a chance to look at the project outline Professor Davies sent? Apparently, we're germ-fighting partners!”
Your stomach flips. Internally screaming, you manage a smile. “Yeah, I saw it. Partnered up, huh? Makes sense, I guess.”
“Definitely! We balance each other out, right? You with your quiet genius vibe, and me... well, I bring the enthusiasm.”
You laugh nervously, a blush creeping up your cheeks.
“I wouldn't call myself a genius, but hopefully, I can keep up with your... enthusiasm.”
“Oh, you will, trust me. So, what do you think? Should we start with some foundational stuff, or dive straight into the exciting world of, like, antibiotic resistance?” he grins.
You take a deep breath, trying to focus. “Maybe foundational stuff first? That way, we're both on the same page when we get to the more complex topics.”
”Sounds like a plan! But hey, don't worry about keeping up. Like I said, I'm basically a walking microbiology encyclopedia. Just ask away if you get lost.”
You nod, but your mind is racing. Trying to focus on the project feels impossible now that you're so close to him.
You clear your throat. “Okay, so... cell walls of bacteria... what were we talking about those in lecture?”
Logan launches into an explanation, peppered with jokes and pop culture references. You try to concentrate, but all you can think about is the way his eyes light up when he talks about something he's passionate about.
Later, after a productive study session, you're packing your things.
“So, should we meet again tomorrow? Same time, same place?”
You feel your heart pounding. “Uh, yeah, sure. Sounds good.”
“Great! Hey, you seem a little quiet today. Everything alright?” he asks softly.
You force a smile. “Yeah, no, I'm just... tired, I guess... All this studying.”
“Studying can be draining! But hey, at least we're suffering together, right?” He winks at you. “See you tomorrow, germ fighter!”
He flashes another smile and throws you a peace sign before walking off. You sigh, a mix of frustration and a secret thrill bubbling in your chest. Studying with Logan might be the most nerve-wracking, yet strangely fun, experience of your university career so far.
You watch him disappear into the library crowd, a bittersweet pang in your chest.
You mutter to yourself. “Germ fighter, huh? More like heartbreaker.”
You gather your things, a sudden wave of determination washing over you. You like Logan, a lot. But you can't let that distract you from the project. You take a deep breath and head out of the library, a plan forming in your mind.
The next day, you arrive at the study table a few minutes early. You've spent the morning making flashcards – not just on microbiology, but also on Logan's interests you've gleaned from his conversation snippets. Genetics? Check. Obsession with the movie "The Andromeda Strain"? Double check.
He bursts in, a little late and slightly out of breath.
“Sorry I'm late! Professor Davies got us sidetracked talking about her research on bioluminescent bacteria. Apparently, there's a kind that glows neon green – can you believe it?” He says hurriedly, making you laugh a little, just then he notices the flashcards on the table. “Whoa, flashcards? You serious?”
You nod smiling, not as nervously as yesterday. “Just thought they might help us remember all this complex stuff. Besides, I found some fun facts related to the topics we need to cover. Maybe a little trivia can keep things interesting?”
His eyes wide at your words. “You got fun facts about bacteria? Okay, you officially win coolest study partner ever! Shoot, let's hear one.”
You pick up a flashcard and grin. Maybe studying with Logan won't be so bad after all. Maybe you can find a way to balance your academic focus with a sprinkle of something more.
The following week becomes a whirlwind of flashcards, late-night library sessions fueled by takeout, and a slow, simmering tension between you and Logan. Your knowledge of bacteria trivia becomes legendary, earning you surprised yet impressed glances from Logan. He, in turn, starts bringing coffee (with extra whipped cream for you, which you secretly adore) and peppering the study sessions with personal anecdotes, revealing a surprisingly deep and caring side beneath his bubbly exterior.
One rainy afternoon, hunched over a microscope analyzing bacterial cultures, Logan asks. “Hey, you ever wonder what those bioluminescent bacteria actually look like in real life?”
You glance up, surprised by the sudden seriousness in his voice. “Not really.” you admit, “but Professor Davies said she has some under a special microscope in her lab. Maybe we could ask if we could take a peek after our next class?”
He grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Perfect... We can make it a little research adventure.”
The stolen glance you share sparks a warmth in your chest, a silent acknowledgement that this is more than just a study session. The next day, after you convince a hesitant Professor Davies to let you glimpse the glowing bacteria, you find yourselves alone in the dimly lit lab.
As you peer through the microscope, Logan leans closer, his shoulder brushing yours. “Wow.” he whispers, “they're incredible.”
You hum in agreement, captivated by the tiny emerald lights dancing before your eyes. The silence stretches, charged with unspoken emotions. You can feel the heat radiating from him, his breath tickling your ear.
Suddenly, the lab door bursts open, revealing Professor Davies returning from her meeting. You and Logan jump apart, both cheeks flushing a deep red.
“Did you get to see them?” she asks cheerfully.
“Yes, Professor,” you stammer a little bit, “they're amazing!”
As the week progresses, the air between you crackles with a new awareness. You find yourself stealing glances at Logan as he talks, your heart skipping a beat when he laughs at one of your jokes.
During a particularly frustrating attempt at culturing E. coli, you blurt out, “Ugh, these bacteria are so stubborn!”
“Hey,” Logan says softly, placing a hand on yours, “we'll figure it out together... Like always.”
His touch sends a jolt through you, and you meet his gaze, your eyes locked in a silent conversation. In that moment, you both know this partnership has become something more, a budding connection waiting to bloom amidst the petri dishes and microscopes.
The shared look hangs heavy in the air, the frustration of the stubborn E. coli forgotten. Logan's hand lingers on yours, his thumb gently brushing against your skin. You can feel the warmth radiating from him, and a blush creeps up your neck.
“Maybe,” he starts, his voice a low rumble, “we should take a break from these little buggers. Grab some coffee, clear our heads?”
You nod mutely, your heart pounding a frantic rhythm against your ribs. Stepping out of the lab, the rain has stopped, leaving the air fresh and clean. As you walk side-by-side, a comfortable silence settles between you. You steal a glance at Logan, his profile sharp against the setting sun.
Reaching the familiar coffee shop you frequent, you order your usual, Logan opting for his favorite with extra whipped cream (a detail that makes your stomach flutter with a strange mix of amusement and affection). Settling into a quiet corner booth, you both sip your drinks, the tension still simmering beneath the surface.
“Thanks for sticking with this project,” Logan says, his gaze fixed on you. “It wouldn't have been nearly as fun without you.”
A shy smile graces your lips. “It wouldn't have been so bad with you either.”
He leans closer, his eyes searching yours. The air crackles with unspoken desire. In a voice barely above a whisper, he asks, “Can I do something?”
Your breath catches in your throat. You nod hesitantly, a shiver running down your spine. He closes the distance between you, his hand cupping your cheek. His touch is soft, sending a jolt of electricity through you.
The kiss is tentative at first, a brush of lips that sends a wave of heat through your body. But then, something shifts. He deepens the kiss, his hand moving to cradle your head, tilting it for better access. You melt into him, the taste of coffee and something uniquely Logan swirling on your tongue.
The kiss is brief, broken by a gasp for air. He leans his forehead against yours, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath. Your eyes flutter open to meet his, a goofy grin plastered across his face.
“Wow,” he breathes, a mixture of awe and amusement in his voice.
You can only manage a shaky smile, your heart overflowing with a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. The world seems to tilt on its axis, and for a moment, only you and Logan exist in this small corner of the coffee shop.
As you pull back and smile, a newfound confidence sparks within you... Maybe this partnership, born amidst bacteria and microscopes, could blossom into something more. And you, for one, are eager to see where it leads.
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makethatelevenrings · 11 months
Rest // D. Grayson x gn!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: illness, mentions of child assassins, not Titans!verse I just think Brenton is pretty
Summary: You’re feeling sick but refuse to admit you are. Damian intervenes and makes sure Dick is aware of the problem.
This is apart of Assassin!verse that you can read here
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You had been shot, stabbed, poisoned, thrown through windows, and broken numerous bones, but for some reason, this sore throat was going to be the end of you. When you woke up that morning, it started as a simple scratchy throat that had bloomed into some demonic rash of pain that coated your throat and made every swallow feel like knives scraping against your skin.
“You are unwell,” Damian observed. You ignored him in favor of jabbing the small needle through the taut fabric and tugging it down. Cass had recommended embroidery as a hobby you should try out and you found that it was soothing, fun, and an outlet for you. After spending years surrounded by silence and met with anger if you spoke out of turn, sometimes you needed to retreat from the constant noise of the Wayne Manor.
While you had your apartment in Bludhaven, some problems in Gotham required the both of you, and Haley of course, to stay at the Manor for a few days.
Where two of the family members attended school and the others interacted with the public every single day.
So, of course, you got sick.
You stabbed the point into the fabric once more and pulled it taut. You hoped that Tim would like the screaming possum design you were making for him. He loved sending you those memes and delighted in the fact that he gets to teach you about memes and pop culture.
“I’m fine.” You internally winced at how rough your voice sounded. Nothing screamed “picture of health” more than sounding like you were choking on gravel. Your head pounded, the ache radiating at your temples and along the sides, and your nose felt like cotton was shoved up there. All in all, you felt miserable. All you wanted to do was go back to the queen sized mattress shoved in Dick’s old bedroom and sleep for a thousand years.
But Dick, Bruce, and Tim were all making appearances at a gala to collect intel and you needed to stay awake so you could assist if something happened. What if the gala was under attack? Or what if they needed a quick getaway? Or what if-
The couch dipped as Damian crawled onto the cushion next to you. He settled in comfortably, Alfred the cat resting comfortably in his arms, and blinked up at you with those wide eyes of his. You set your embroidery down and gave him your full attention.
While Dick was your closest friend, companion, and lover, Damian understood you better than anyone aside from Cass. Damian knew what it was like to be trained from a young age. When Dick first brought you to Wayne Manor, bloodied and weak and still as fiercely on guard, Damian was the first person to gain your trust aside from Dick. And if this kid was your boyfriend’s brother, then dammit, he was your little brother too.
“When I first came to live with Father, he sat me down one day and told me that it is one thing to know when to be on guard and ready. But it’s another thing to live your life always on edge waiting for the next attack. Father helped me realize that I was living my life feeling like I was never safe made me sure that I would never be safe. He assured me that he and the family would never let anything happen to me.”
Your mind was cloudy with fatigue and fever, but you nodded slowly as you tried to grasp what he meant. “Okay…?”
Damian turned to face you fully, the little tuxedo cat in his lap snuggling in closer to his owner’s arms. “We would never let anything happen to you or to one another. You can rest.”
You swallowed painfully against your aching throat and offered him a tight smile. “Thank you, Dami. I’m fine.”
He huffed and climbed off the couch. “You’re not fine. I am telling Pennyworth.”
“Don’t!” The exclamation left you so quickly that he looked at you with more concern than before. “He’s busy right now. He doesn’t need to be bothered with a little sniffle. Please don’t tell him. I swear I’m fine.”
He stared at you, doubt written all over his face, and then sighed. “You are more stubborn than Richard. It’s a miracle the two of you get anything done.”
With that, Damian and Alfred the cat exited the room. Silence fell over the leather furniture and aging books once more. You inhaled deeply, fighting against the stabbing pain of your sinuses, and focused on your embroidery once more.
It wasn’t a half hour before the door to the library flew open. Dick strode in, impeccably dressed in a perfectly tailored tuxedo. Damian. That little rat.
“I’m fine!” you insisted. Damian peeked out from around the doorframe and you, the adult, stuck your tongue out at him. He merely smirked and disappeared, probably to go find his next victim.
“Richard, I am fine,” you snapped. He ignored your protests and laid the back of his hand against your cheek before doing the same to your forehead. You shuddered at the cool touch of his skin against yours and he immediately stepped back.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Dick demanded.
“Because I knew you would blow it out of proportion and make a big deal out of nothing,” you retorted.
“You’re burning up. And Damian said your lungs rattled a bit when you took a breath.”
“Damian’s a trained liar.”
“Stop with the bullshit!” His outburst caused you to pause. It really wasn’t that big of a deal. You had been in much worse condition than a little cold.
“I don’t understand what I did wrong,” you said quietly. Therapy with Dinah was helping you express your emotions, as she said. It helped in times like this. Dick’s face crumpled and then he pulled on the mask of assuredness that you were used to seeing. He crouched down so you were face to face rather than him towering over you.
“You don’t have to act like everything is fine, Buttercup. You’re allowed to let your guard down. You’re allowed to get sick.”
“But I can’t,” you blurted out. “If I’m sick and you or one of the others needs me-”
“We have legions of people that can help us,” he interrupted. Dick reached up to gently cup your cheek in the palm of his hand. “You are allowed to rest.”
“My head hurts,” you admitted.
He smiled that crooked grin of his and you shut your eyes, inhaling deeply. He stroked gentle lines across your face and of course he was still there once you opened your eyes once more.
“I’m tired.”
He stood, his hand falling from your cheek and entangling itself with your free hand. You set the embroidery down on the coffee table and stood. Before you could take one step, Dick swept you into his arms and started down the hall towards the bedrooms.
“You realize that I’m going to coddle you until you’re back to normal?”
You tightened your grip on his neck and grinned. “Can we watch Riverdale?”
“I’m going to throw Timmy off of a fucking roof for introducing you to that show.”
Tag List: @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @bunny-kawa​ @khaylin27​
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leaderwonim · 4 months
꒰ 사랑𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧. 🫀
002: she fell in front of her sunbaenim 🤓
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It wasn’t until a week later that you met the other actors and actresses in the film.
Your manager, Hongseok, had cleared pretty much your entire schedule so the rest of PRISM was out promoting while you were waiting awkwardly at the film studio, straightening out your white skirt and thinking of what to say to Sunghoon.
After all, you did kind of audition for Belift as a joke. You were really into Enhypen and Newjeans, so you sent in your singing and dancing tape thinking you weren’t going to get picked anyway. You did, though.
“Hi, sorry I’m late!” The all too familiar Australian accent pops out of nowhere, and your breathing is 10 times rapid knowing exactly who it belonged to. Pham Hanni from Newjeans.
“No worries!” You say, almost choking on the piece of bread you were taking a bite out of. “Greetings sunbaenim!”
You bow but Hanni shakes her head quickly, “ah.. no need. I read your profile, you’re a year older than me, so if anything, I should be the one saying the formalities.”
You don’t get to say anything else before the Park Sunghoon and Kim Gyuvin walk in.
Oh my God. You internally think. You almost have to hold back from fainting because how the hell are you in the presence of Hanni, Gyuvin, and Sunghoon at the same time?!
“This is our main cast,” the director says, who your manager has told you to refer to as Director Jung. “We have a few more idols but they’ll be in and out between episodes.”
The four of you nod, you suddenly feeling so small when in the same room as your talented sunbaenims.
“Today is just introduction and get to know each other day since I know this was probably brought up upon you guys suddenly and it can seem overwhelming and uncomfortable.” Director Jung smiles, showing off his bright white teeth.
“The drama is a romance one, kind of like an American coming to age except Korean, you know? It’s called Parallel Love. The main character, Baek Yunhee is played by Yoon Y/N as you all know.” He then points towards your direction, making the other 3 idols all turn their attention to you. “Yunhee’s love interest is Min Suho, played by Park Sunghoon. The reason I chose the two of you was because you were exactly how I pictured Yunhee and Suho visually and I feel like you would astound me and the viewers with your acting.”
Your eyes subtly peek at Sunghoon, who looks absolutely glorious despite his messy hair and tired eyes. The engene inside of you screamed, but you masked it by biting the inside of your cheek.
“Now, the main female antagonist is Choi Sanghee, which will be played by Pham Hanni. The main male antagonist is Park Wooseok, played by Kim Gyuvin. Sanghee and Wooseok are somewhat love interests, but they’re also Yunhee and Suho’s biggest rivals.”
The rest of Director Jung’s words went from one of your ear and out another as he kept speaking, your vision instead focused on Park Sunghoon.
“Alright, that’s all I have to say! Any questions?”
There’s a few murmurs but no one says anything, so Director Jung hands the four of you individual scripts that were so thick you could slap a person with it.
“It’s time to take the poster photos so let’s get to work guys. Don’t disappoint me.”
Way to not pressure an idol who’s life is already hectic, you think.
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synopsis. you’re a newly debuted girl group under belift, and in order for your group to gain more popularity, your ceo offered you the lead role in a new romance kdrama. this all seems great, so what’s the problem? well, for starters, your co star is your senior, park sunghoon from enhypen, and he doesn’t seem too happy about being in a romance drama. especially when your fans have started to ship the two of you!
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sara-scribbles · 15 days
The Thing About Strings
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Idia Shroud/GN!Reader Word Count: 6,348 Notes: This is loosely based off the concept of red strings of fate Warnings: None
Idia isn’t sure what god he upset, but something he did must’ve pissed someone off because he’s currently being stared down by some very aggressive looking Savanaclaw students. Not in a million years would he ever leave the safety of his room to seek out someone from another dorm, especially one filled with muscle heads.
However, Ortho had asked him to help out a friend, and Idia couldn’t say no to his brother. The only downside was that his friend did not answer their phone, so he was forced to seek them out. It is somewhat of a comfort that his brother came with him, but he’s very much regretting his decision.
A wolf beastman finally comes forward. “Um, can I help ya?” He at least isn’t glaring daggers at him. Idia vaguely recognizes him as a freshman.
Ortho greets the beastman cheerily, “Hello, Jack Howl! We’re looking for (Y/N).”
His brows scrunch together as he speaks, “Oh… Think they went to the field to help Vargas. They left a bit ago, but they should still be there.”
“Thank you!” Turning to Idia, who’s sweating bullets while clutching his tablet for dear life, Ortho tugs on his sleeve. “Come on, let’s go to the field.”
He willingly follows, glad to be away from all that aggressive energy. They arrive at the field but don’t see anyone.
Ortho does a quick scan before pointing them in the right direction. “I detect a bio reading over there.”
Nearing the edge of the field that borders the forest, there’s a single person out there. Standing with hands on their hips, they’re busy studying a dead tree. There’s a handful of power tools nearby. They touch the trunk of the tree and seem to give it a push, but it doesn’t budge.
As the brothers near, you proceed to wrap your arms around the middle of the tree. With a deep breath and slight grunt, you rip the tree from the ground. Idia’s eyes nearly pop out of his skull as he stops dead in his tracks. Balancing the tree on your shoulder, you turn and nearly smack him.
“Woah!” Eyes widening, you manage to avoid giving the dorm leader a concussion. You set the tree down while still keeping it up from falling.
“Hello, (Y/N)!” Ortho greets, waving excitedly.
“Heya, Ortho.” You turn a concerned gaze to Idia. “Sorry, didn’t see you there!”
Idia’s mouth opens and closes without a sound. He just witnessed someone uproot a tree without much effort with their bare hands. And they’re acting as if it’s not a big deal! There’s a nudge from his brother that finally brings Idia’s scrambling thoughts to a halt.
He quickly types out something on his tablet. “Ortho said you had some computer trouble that even he couldn’t figure out.”
“Oh yeah!” You snap your fingers. “I recently got some kind of virus because someone idiot decided to download something illegal without checking to see if it didn’t have anything fishy.” You roll your eyes. “Last time I let anyone borrow my laptop,” you grumble to yourself.
Sounds fairly simple. “Do you have your laptop with you now?”
“No, it’s back in my room. Hold on, let me drop this off and we can head back.” Hefting the tree back onto your shoulders, you carry it off the field and to an area piled with similar dead trees.
“Did you take care of all these?” Ortho asks, he’s busy already scanning the material.
“Yeah. Vargas needed help, and said he’d give me some extra time off from class if I did this.” You drop the tree in the pile.
Your strength stats must be off the charts, Idia thinks while eying the uprooted trees.
“Alright, let’s head back to my dorm.”
Idia internally screams at the idea of going back to Savanaclaw. However, he follows behind without a word as you and Ortho chatter. It’s not odd for his brother to make friends, though you seem to be fairly close to him. Idia had heard about you a few times, but never gave much thought. As long as his brother’s happy, Idia let him live his school life unbothered.
Thankfully the crowd from before is nowhere to be seen. You let them into your room, which is very tidy. A small cactus sits on your desk bathing in the sunlight. You hand over your laptop once you unlock it.
“I hope my documents can be saved. Those are the most important things since I already have photos backed up,” you explain, taking a seat on your bed while Idia uses your desk.
Concentrating on the screen, Idia starts going through your systems. “Did you not have any AV software? Do you know where the virus was downloaded from?” he asks.
Rubbing your temples, you sigh, “I do, but it was turned off. Not by me! The idiot wouldn’t tell me what site it was from. I can only assume it was some shady site since all the history was deleted.”
“Don’t worry, (Y/N), Idia is the best at this,” Ortho reassures.
As he clicks through your files, he notes a very familiar one. “You play World of War and Cats?”
“Yeah, it’s something I play to unwind,” you chuckle, scratching the back of your head. “I know it’s an old game, but I think it’s still better than anything new that’s come out.”
“Totally! It doesn’t need to rely on loot boxes and RNG unlike the newer games! It’s noob friendly and they have so many login bonuses! Plus all the kitties are so cute!” Idia gushes, his eyes glowing.
A slow smile spreads on your face that quickly causes the words to die from his throat. “W-what’s with th-that look?!” he stammers out, suddenly finding interest in your desk.
“Just nice to hear from someone else who enjoys the game. Most of my friends have moved on to other things.” You shake your head. “Hey, do you wanna share handles? I’d love to do a raid if you’re up for it.”
Chewing the inside of his cheek, Idia glances at Ortho. His brother gives him two thumbs up. “S-sure… After I fix this.”
Turning back to the laptop, he pulls out a thumb drive. As he clacks away on the keyboard, you show Ortho a shelf filled with small succulents. “Jack gave these to me. I wanted something to brighten up my room. He said they’re easy to care for too.”
“Based on a few articles, succulents are very beginner friendly. They don’t need too much direct sunlight and just a little water.” Ortho inspects the plants. “These are very nice! It seems Jack made sure to give you the best ones.”
“Yeah, Jack’s a pretty sweet guy. I couldn’t ask for a better soulmate,” you say absentmindedly as you check the soil of one plant.
Ortho’s eyes widen. “Soulmate? You already found yours?”
You rotate the plants. “On his first day at NRC actually.” You glance down at your pinky. Though no one else can see it, a red string hangs from your pinky finger and trails along the ground before disappearing. “He was just as shocked as me,” you continue with a chuckle.
Idia’s nibbling at his lower lip as he listens to the conversation. Shoulders slumped, Idia thinks about the fact that he doesn’t have a soulmate. Of course someone like him wouldn’t have one, but hearing you gush to Ortho about your soulmate just reminds him of the sad truth. Sure not everyone has soulmates like him, but it feels like the world is doubling down on telling him he’s meant to be alone.
Not that he cares of course! He doesn’t need an RL relationship! Not one bit!
“...okay?” Your questions snaps him out of his thoughts.
“Huh?” He frantically looks between you and Ortho. You both stare back expectantly. “Uh… this should be fi-” He turns back to your computer but sees that his usual methods of taking care of a virus failed. “Eh? That’s not right…” He eans closer to the screen as he frantically types away.
“Everything okay, brother?” Ortho asks, concern seeping into his tone. He peaks over Idia’s shoulder, but the warnings don’t change.
“Impossible!” Idia bites down on his thumb as his program continues to fail at removing the virus. After a few more attempts, the third year sighs. Pushing away from the desk, he turns to Ortho. “We need to take a look at this virtus in more detail, Ortho.”
Shaking your head, you can only shrug. “Do what you have to. I mean if I can’t save anything, I guess a complete wipe is fine…”
“Don’t worry! We’ll get to the bottom of this,” Ortho assures as he takes your laptop.
Before Idia can leave, you hand him a piece of paper. “Here, my handle is on there if you wanna add me.” You smile at him warmly, but Idia can’t quite return the gesture.
“Ri-right…” He shoves the paper into his pocket before following Ortho.
Gloomurai has entered the chat
Anon123: hi!
*Anon123 waves*
Gloomurai: Hey. Is Muscle Red not on yet?
Anon123: He popped in a bit and said he couldnt make the raid tonight
Gloomurai: Oh k.
Gloomurai sent you a private message
Gloomurai: Is your computer doing okay still?
Anon123: yup! thanks to you, it seems to be working much faster!
Gloomurai: I got rid of bloatware. All those apps you dont use only slows down your processor lol
Anon123: i dont know much about computers, so im glad ortho recommended you! hes right that youre a genius
Gloomurai: hehehe well it wasn’t anything too difficult
Anon123: oh did you hear that theyre releasing a world of war and cats spinoff game!?
Gloomurai: OMG YES! I already preordered the deluxe pack! wheeheeheee!
Anon123: ooohhh lucky! my old system cant handle new stuff so probably have to wait :(
Gloomurai is typing…
Gloomurai is typing…
Gloomurai is typing…
Anon123: you okay idia?
Gloomurai: You could come play with me since its multiplayer. If you want! No pressure!
Anon123: really??? thank you so much!!! let me know when you want me to come over. ill bring snacks! :DDD
Anon123: whoops! Need to go. see ya later! :)
Anon123 has left the chat
Though Idia had invited you over to game, he’s a nervous wreck. Once Ortho learned that he had invited you over, he had been super excited. He knew his brother would be happy that he was getting along with you. Though you gave him your handle, it had taken Idia a week before he finally sent a friend request. After much prodding by Ortho, he bit the magic bullet and reached out.
You seemed fairly calm and relaxed despite being in Savanaclaw. It also helped that you didn’t glare at him or ask anything of him. Playing World of War and Cats, Idia found you were surprisingly good. Though it shouldn’t be much of a surprise since you did start playing at launch. So after a few raids you helped with, he invited you to raid with Muscle Red.
Thankfully everyone got along and synergized really well. Idia couldn’t ask for a better team to play. With his new team, he was able to clear a lot of raids in a short amount of time. Of course knowing you in RL sometimes made him feel a bit self conscious. Especially when he happens to see you around school.
Still Idia found it easy to converse with you through chat. You basically acted the same way when he met you. Though he came off a lot more confident in chat, you never made a comment. And even better, you never made it a thing to approach him in school. You did give him a smile whenever you saw him, but that was the extent of your acknowledgement.
“They’re here!” Ortho’s voice broke Idia from his internal panic.
Chewing on his thumb nail, Idia mutters, “Is it too late to say I’m sick and cancel?”
“Don’t be like that, brother! They’re really nice and have been super excited to play this game with you.” He gave his brother a supportive thumbs up.
“R-really? Did they say that?” Who on earth would be excited to spend time with him?
Ortho nods enthusiastically. “Yup! They mentioned it a few times when I saw them around the school.”
There’s a knock on the door. “Idia? Ortho?” your muffled voice sends his heart rate up and his palms begin to sweat.
“M-maybe this wa-was a bad idea…” However, Ortho decides to open the door. You’ve been standing in the hallway long enough.
You step inside the room with two bags in hand. “Hey! I stopped by Sam’s and bought a bunch of snacks. Ortho mentioned some of your favorites, so I bought a little of everything!”
Between Ortho’s enthusiasm and your excitement, Idia feels like he’s being attacked from both sides by the sun. It’s too bright!
“Where do you want these?” You hold up the two bags.
“You c-can put them on the b-bed. Or whatever…”
Though he would typically play on his computer, he didn’t have another chair for you. Instead he and Ortho had rigged up a holographic screen. His floor isn’t the most comfortable, but it provided room for both of you. Plus there’s enough room for him to put a good amount of space between you.
Ortho quickly leaves to do his rounds and Idia is left alone. You settle down on the floor no problem and open a bag of fruity gummies. Sitting down but making sure to leave a good amount of space, he boots up the new game. You grab a few more snacks and put them in the middle.
“I’ve been keeping myself away from spoilers, so I don’t actually know what the game is about,” you confess. The theme music starts playing.
“It’s similar to the original except we get to play as the cat companion and no raiding. I’ve already decided which one I want to be as well as my stats. Maxed for both efficiency and ultimate cuteness!” He grins widely as the character screen comes up.
“So many kitties!” you gush. “How am I supposed to pick one?”
“I know right?! I mean this calico is adorable but there’s something majestic about the Scottish fold.” Idia shakes his head in dismay. “Even though I know which one I’m going for, they made it really difficult.”
As you select your cat and start tweaking the stats, you sigh. “I wish I could have a cat. But I’m allergic. Just being in Trein’s class causes my eyes to water and itch.”
“Ugh, that sounds like a terrible bane.” He can’t imagine not being able to be near cats.
You finish with your character. “Guess pictures and games of cats is as far as I’ll ever get.”
“Morning, Idia,” you greet him in the hallway.
He’s dragging his feet to gym class. There’s no one else in the hall. “Uh, hey.” It’s the first time you’ve verbally greeted him.
You seem to notice his hesitation. “Sorry, I thought that since we’ve been gaming for a few weeks, I could greet you aloud. I didn’t think you’d mind since there’s no one around.”
He quickly shakes his head. “N-no problem! I mean, if you wanna say ‘hi’ I don’t really mind.” It’s not like many people outside his dorm greet him to begin with.
“Really? Great! You know I would like to be friends, outside of gaming that is. But you’re under no pressure to accept that!” Your earnest gaze is a lot for him.
“You want to b-be friends with m-me?” he asks, shocked and a little concerned.
Nodding, you smile brightly. “Of course! You’re pretty fun to be around. Plus, I enjoy our gaming sessions a lot.”
It’s true Idia has fun when you come over. You even moved on to other games to play together. There’s something comforting about your presence. You’re not demanding or overbearing. You seem to be keenly aware of Idia’s comfort levels and stay within the zone. You never pushed him to do more than he wanted to.
A hand waves in front of his face. “Earth to Idia. Come in, Idia.”
“Idon’tmindbeingRLfriends,” he mutters quickly.
It takes you a second to understand his mumbling. Once you do, you smile so brightly he feels like he needs sunglasses. “Alright!!!” you cheer, but quickly cover your mouth as your voice echoes down the hall. “Whoops…”
He surveys the area, but it doesn’t seem anyone heard you. Honestly, he can’t understand why you’re so excited. It’s not like he’s a S tier friend to unlock. If you became friends with someone like Vil, that would be something worth cheering about.
However, he can’t bring himself to say the words out loud. Not when your eyes glimmer with excitement and you smile like that. And maybe deep down, he’s a little flattered.
“Hey, can we stop by my room? I forgot to water the plants this morning,” you tell Idia.
He merely nods and follows your lead. Walking into the Savanaclaw dorm is still terrifying, but he’s gotten somewhat used to it. As long as he stays by your side, most of the dorm members don’t give him a single look.
You were headed to Idia’s place to study, but had to make a couple of stops. In your room, you grab the small watering can and fill it up in the bathroom sink. Idia stands by the doorway as you water the plants and give them a few encouraging words.
“Excuse me?” Someone coughs from behind Idia, causing the third year to jump out of his skin. Clutching his tablet to his chest, he stumbles further into your room.
“Uh, sorry…” the intruder apologizes while rubbing the back of his neck.
Looking up from the plants, you wave. “Hey, Jack. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to return your notes. They were really helpful. Thanks.” He hands over a worn black notebook.
“No problem! Runes can be tricky but once you have the basics down, it gets easier.” You place the notebook on your desk. “What do you think?” You gesture to the shelf of plants. “They look great!”
Jack presses a finger in the soil of one pot. “Yeah, you’re doing a good job. Just remember to rotate them every so often so that each side gets some sun.”
“Right, I remember you said that. What would I do without your green thumb? You’re a lifesaver, Jack!” Nudging his arm with your elbow, you give him a teasing grin.
The freshman coughs, looking away. “You’d figured it out eventually. You’re smart and resourceful on your own.”
Chuckling, you set the watering can back in its place. “Anyways, I’m going to head out. I’ll see you later, Jack.”
“Sure. See you tomorrow morning?”
“Bright and early!” As Jack leaves your room, you turn to Idia, who was watching the exchange silently. “Alright, I’m all set. Let’s get going.”
Leaving Savanaclaw, you walk through the halls of Ignihyde. “Whacha thinking about, Idia?”
“What are you doing early tomorrow?” he asks through his tablet.
“I sometimes join Jack for a morning run. I haven’t been keeping up as of late since I’m usually too tired from our gaming session. But Jack made me promise to go tomorrow,” you explain. “He said I’m losing my form, which we can’t have since my dorm participates in spelldrive
“He’s your soulmate, right?”
Arriving at his room, you drop your backpack on the floor near the bed. “Yeah. Jack’s very sweet despite his gruff exterior. I couldn’t have asked for a better one.”
As you pull out your materials to study, Idia silently watches. There’s something twisting his insides. Watching as you and Jack causally talked reminded Idia of where he stood in your relationship. For many, their soulmate would always be number one. Idia didn’t mind. At first.
The more time he spent with you, the more he wanted your time. And maybe he’s reading too much into it, but your interactions with Jack are playful, almost flirty. Usually he’d cringe at the normies having banter and then ignore them. With you, he can’t ignore it. There’s an obvious affection in the way you speak to each other.
“Can you go over summoning with me?” you inquire. “I just can’t get the symbols and positions right.”
Deciding not to dwell on whatever he’s feeling, Idia joins you on the floor. “First, that’s wrong. Noob mistake. You need to…”
“Meowww!” The robotic cat purrs as it rubs against your leg. With a sleek black and electric blue design, the robotic animal is rather cute.
“And it’s solar powered,” Idia explains, finishing up his little show and tell. Though it looks like a tornado hit his room, you’re too busy cooing at the cat to notice.
Picking up the creature in your arms, it curls into your hold. “This is the cutest kitty ever! You’re amazing Idia!”
Rubbing the back of his neck, he can’t quite meet your gaze. The edges of his hair are a light pink. “Eh, this is nothing. I could put this together while playing DDR.”
“If you can do both then you’re definitely a genius.” You chuckle as the robotic cat continues to purr. You hand the creature back to Idia, who doesn’t take it. Instead, he taps its nose, which turns off the cat.
“Keep it. It’s yours.”
Eyes widening, you look at the cat and then back at him. “Are you sure?”
“From one cat lover to another and all that.” He tries to come off as nonchalant and wonders if he succeeded.
“Thank you so much, Idia!” You hug the cat closer to you while beaming at him. Just having your bright smile directed at him sends his pulse into overdrive. You set the cat down. “Hey, can I give you a hug?” You always ask before touching him. Even when he declines, you don’t make a big deal about it.
He agrees with a quick nod.
You slowly and gently wrap your arms around him. “Just let me know if you’re uncomfortable,” you tell him.
Your hugs are full and warm. It almost feels like he’s being wrapped in a weighted blanket. It feels nice. He tentatively relaxes into your hold. In these moments he can almost forget that you don’t have a soulmate.
“W-what ar-are you do-doing?!”Idia screams. Despite his feeble movements, your hold on him doesn’t loosen. “I-I ca-can wal- ouch!”
“You can definitely not walk,” you say firmly. Carrying Idia bridal style to the nurse's office, you sigh as he proceeds to continue his whining. You ignore whatever he says.
“It’s not like I hurt myself that badly,” he grumbles.
Giving him a glare, you shake your head. “You fell down two flights of stairs and flat on your face. And you broke your tablet,” you pointed out. “Would you rather I bring you to Ortho?”
Idia shuts his mouth. Knowing his little brother, he’d react even worse. You arrive at the nurse’s office without much incident. While he’s being patched up, Idia is forced to lay on the cot.
You chuckle when you notice his miserable expression. “Don’t be like that. You’re acting like you just pulled on the wrong character banner.”
“This is worse.” His frown deepens. “...never mind that’s still worse.”
Shaking your head, you ask, “Hey, do you want to do a gaming session tonight? It’s the weekend~”
That seems to make him forget the current situation. “There’s a special raid where we can only get the limited five star dragon scale armor. Are you geared up?”
“Yup. I’ll bring snacks!” You glance at the clock. “I should get to class. I’ll let Ortho know you’re here. You give one last wave before heading to the exit.
You hear Idia complaining, “Just leave me like this…” as the door closes. He’ll be fine.
Later, you’re carrying a handful of bags filled with snacks from Sam’s. You easily navigate Ignihyde to Idia’s room. Knocking on the door, you let yourself in. “Hey, I may have gone overboard on the snacks, but we should have enough to stay up la-” Your words cut off once you take in Idia.
He’s laid out on his bed with his leg propped up on a pillow. The thing that made you stop is the sling his right arm is in. “Uh… didn’t you just sprain your ankle?” Ortho is fluffing up Idia’s pillow.
“Hello!” Ortho greets.. “Idia did sprain his ankle when you last saw him. However, he decided not to wait for me to pick him up. Because of this, he fell down some more stairs and sprained his arm,” he explains with a deep sigh and shake of the head.
“Oh… So I guess no gaming tonight?” You hold up the bag of snacks.
Idia pulls the cover up over his face. “Leave me in my misery. This is why I don’t leave my room.”
Setting the snacks down on his chair, you glance around before your eyes land on his bookshelf. “We could binge movies instead,” you suggest.
The covers lower enough that you can see his eyes. “...are you sure?”
“Yeah, why not. Why don’t we watch Creepy Hollow? You were raving about it a few weeks ago.” You pull the DVD from the bookshelf.
Perking up, he sits straighter. “You’ll love this! The Pumpkin Knight costume is peak design! And the twist is just so satisfying!” he babbles.
As you put the disk in the DVD player, Idia scoots closer to the wall to make space for you on the bed. Ortho settles down on the floor leaning against the bed once he makes sure Idia’s leg and arm is properly set. You grab the snack bags and lightly throw them at Idia.
“Acck!” One smacks him in the face.
“Whoops…” You bite your lip to keep from laughing. Idia gives you a dirty look as you make yourself comfortable. Pulling your legs up against your chest, you grab a random snack to open.
The night turns into a movie marathon. Before every new film, Idia has to talk about it and hear your thoughts. There are so many movies that you lose track of time. By the time 4 AM rolls around, you’ve both fallen asleep. Somehow you’ve managed to move from the foot of the bed to the head. You’re curled into Idia’s side. The flame haired third year sleeps on his back with his mouth slightly open. Despite his sprains, he’s dead to the world.
Ortho peers down at the two sleeping figures. He pulls the covers over them. Smiling to himself, he’s happy to see his brother being so comfortable around someone else. “Sweet dreams,” he whispers.
“Big brother, you can’t avoid them forever,” Ortho says.
Idia pulls his hood over his head. “Yes I can.” He leans forward as the screen of his computer flashes.
The younger Shroud hovers behind his chair. “Idia, just talk with them. It’s not good to bottle up your feelings.”
“I’d rather die,” he mutters.
Sure it had been a week since the movie incident where he woke up cuddling with you. Sure it’s been a week since he freaked out and shoved you unceremoniously out of the bed while also hurting his sprained wrist. Sure it’s been a week since he last spoke to you, doing everything possible to avoid you. But Idia feels it’s justified since he was caught cuddling with you like some love-sick normie.
You did text him an apology even though it wasn’t your fault. Your last text was from three days ago where you were checking in on him. Idia had left you on read. But you seemed to get the message that he needed time alone and stopped messaging him. A part of him was relieved, but another part felt bad for ignoring you.
Maybe you weren’t embarrassed to wake up cuddling him, but he was and is mortified. He wishes the earth had swallowed him at that moment. Idia will begrudgingly admit to himself that he likes you. But that’s something he planned to take to his grave. However, it seems Ortho’s figured it out. And though his little brother is happy, he seems to have forgotten the one big glaring reason why he can’t tell you.
You have a soulmate.
Idia may have looked into Jack a little more once he got to know you better. And he may have seen that the first year is pretty smart and likable. And he may be a little jealous that you two get along and seem close. There’s no mistake in his mind that you and Jack would make a good couple. Just standing next to each other, you both just look like you fit. You and him? Wouldn’t go at all!
“Idiaaaaa!” Ortho shakes his chair causing him to lose focus. “I won’t allow you to wallow in self-pity!” Crossing his arms, he gives the older Shroud a glare. “You don’t know if they don't like you. Just because someone has a soulmate doesn’t mean they’re bound to end up together. There’s a 47% chance they’re just friends.”
Setting aside the controller because he knows Ortho won’t leave him alone, Idia spins around in his chair. “What do you expect me to do, Ortho? This isn’t some shojo manga where the loser confesses to the popular student and they magically end up together!” He throws his hands up. “I’m an NPC while they’re the main lead. And Jack’s the love interest that’s been fated since birth!”
Shaking his head, Ortho sighs. “You have to at least try, big brother. Are you really okay with never letting them know how you feel?”
“No!” Ortho makes a big X with his arms. “You’re supposed to get fired up after my rousing speech! If you can’t do this for yourself, do it for me!”
“Ortho…” Idia can’t ignore the pleading look of his brother. “Fine!” Throwing up his hands, Idia gives in.
“Yaaaay!!” Doing a little jump, Ortho pulls Idia to his feet. “Let’s go!”
“Yes, before you change your mind!” Idia is unceremoniously dragged out of his room.
Outside on the field, Ortho gives Idia a reassuring pat. “You’ve got this, brother! Just pretend your on your way to the last level of a super difficult dunegon.”
“You’re super awesome!”
“Who can dual play two shooter games at once?”
“No one has beat your DDR score in the last three years!”
Seeing you and Jack laughing together, Idia is reminded that you have a soulmate. A strong, buff, kind, hardworking, good looking soulmate. Compared to Jack, he’s trash. There’s no chance you’d ever look at someone like him when the universe literally made your perfect match.
Despite his initial bravado and confidence boost from Ortho, every fiber in his body screams for him to run. He should just slink back to his room and stay there. Forever. Just as he’s about to turn around, you spot him.
“Idia!” calling his name, you exchange a few words with Jack before jogging over to him. The smile you give him sends his heart into overdrive. He’s suddenly feeling sweaty and jittery. It would be so much easier talking to you through text or voice chat. Especially now that he’s caught these disgusting normie feelings!
“Idia! How have you been?” you ask, head tilting to the side.
How he wishes he brought his tablet! “I-I wa-wanted t-t-to talk…” The urge to melt into his hoodie is strong.
Glancing behind you, the other members of the team are idly chatting. “Sure. Do you wanna head to my room? I was about to go back.”
He nods mutely. As you lead the way, Idia can’t help but admire your form. His face heats up when he realizes he’s staring not too discreetly. If anyone were to see him, they’d probably think he’s some creep! Hands stuffed in his pockets, he nervously clenches and unclenches his fingers. Arriving at your room, it’s the same as always except for one little change. The small robotic cat he had made sits right on your desk.
“You kept it…” he mumbles in awe.
“You made it for me, so of course I’d treasure it,” you tell him matter-of-fact.
His heart does another weird flip-flop. Because of you, he’s having heart problems at a young age! “Uhhh…” Real smooth Idia! He mentally facepalms himself.
Sitting down on the edge of your bed, you gesture to the desk chair. “Do you wanna sit down?”
Usually you’d pat the spot next to you, but you’ve been keenly aware of Idia’s growing discomfort. Giving him some space would be for the best. He gratefully takes the seat.
“So what’s going on, Idia?” you ask, your tone gentle.
Whatever he had practiced flies out of his head. He stares at you blankly. You wait patiently as he tries to gather himself. Finally, you realize he’s not getting anywhere. The obvious signs of distress on his face intensifies. He’s visibly sweating.
Pulling out your phone, you stand up. Walking into your bathroom, you close the door. The sound of the lock clicking in place snaps Idia out of his stupor. Sitting in your room alone, he starts to freak out.
Did you leave because he’s being too awkward? He ruined everything by being a weirdo! What now?!
Before he can start spiraling, his phone rings. Answering without looking, he shakily takes a deep breath. “Ortho?”
“Try again!” you voice chirps through the earpiece. Bewildered, Idia pulls the phone away from his ear to look at the caller ID. Sure enough, it’s you. Calling from the bathroom.
“Idia?” He hurriedly puts the phone back to his ear when he hears you calling for him. “You still there?”
He can hear you laugh. “I thought I lost you for a second. So, what’s going on with you?” Your casual tone causes his body to relax just a bit.
Palms still sweaty, his heart starts to slow to a more normal pace. “I-I was just thinking… Can we play a game tomorrow?”
“Sure!” you agree happily with no hesitation.
“And the day after?” He pushes past his nerves.
“Of course.” Again no hesitation.
Getting a little bolder, he confesses, “I want to game with you all the time.” He holds himself back from asking you to be his player two. That’s way too cringy even for him!
Your soft laughter fills his ear. His heart does a somersault. “I’d like to game with you all the time too, Idia. I’ve been wanting to for awhile now.”
Heart soaring, he quickly comes back to reality when he spies the shelf of plants. “...what about your soulmate?”
“Well, Jack’s a wonderful soulmate.” There’s a pause, then, “But I can only see him as a lifelong friend. And the feeling’s mutual.”
“Huh?? B-but he’s got everything! The entire package! He’s literally your custom made sim!” Oh how he’s screaming at himself to shut up!
“Just because Jack is my soulmate, doesn’t mean I have to have certain feelings for him. A soulmate doesn’t dictate your choices. At least not for me,” you explain.
Even though you’re not in front of him right now, Idia wants to hide so he can scream in peace. This is too much for his poor heart. It’s like a final scene from one of his dating games but much better because it’s real.
Pulled out from his internal thoughts, he nervously swallows. “S-sorry! A-are you sure? About me?” One last chance to back out. He can pretend this conversation never happened. Sure he’ll hole himself up in his room for a long time. But he’ll get over it. Eventually. Hopefully.
“Are cats cute? Is Premo the best idol group?” The door to the bathroom opens. Stepping out, your radiant smile almost turns him into a puddle of goo.
He remains frozen in the chair as you close the space. Hovering over him, you end the call before setting your phone on the desk. “So, Idia, I have a question for you.”
“Y-yes?” he squeaks. The ends of his have turned a pale shade of pink.
“Would you like to be my player two?” you ask with a grin. It’s so cringe but when it comes out of your mouth, it’s the most romantic thing he’s heard. And he’s played a lot of dating sims!
“Yes!” Though he usually doesn’t like people crowding his personal space, he wants you closer.
Bending down, you press a soft kiss to his forehead. His hair explodes into full on pink. He can feel your laughter against his skin. He isn’t sure if he can handle another kiss before dying. But it wouldn’t be such a bad way to go, he decides.
Instead of doing anything more, you pull away. “We’ll have plenty of time for more,” you say with a wink.
A little disappointed, an alarm rings, breaking the mood. “Whoops, that’s me. Sorry!” You quickly shut the alarm off. “Do you want to do a raid now??”
“S-sure.” Once you’ve gathered your stuff, you lean over and kiss him on the cheek. He lets out an ‘eeep’ as his hair once again burns pink.
“Like I said, plenty of time for more~!”
“S-so embarrassing,” he mumbles as he follows you out.
As you walk side by side, he notes you act as if everything is normal. No mushyness except for that one kiss before leaving your room. He’s relieved there’s no PDA, but the more he glances at your hand, the more he wants to hold it. You move closer to him and hook your pinky with his. His heart beats rapidly.
There might not be a red string connecting you to him, but Idia decides that he doesn’t care. He’ll decide his own fate, red string or not.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
That’s What Friend Are For - Peter Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Peter x Reader
Prompt: Derek comes to you when he has concerns about Cora, Peter decides to tag along for his own amusement. Shopping, Seduction and Sexiness ensues!
Warnings: Explicit smut. BECAUSE I CAN! Muah! :* Love you guys! Enjoy!
You turned over in your bed, trying to get comfortable but having no luck. After being laid there for over an hour you gave up. You sat up with a huff opening your laptop you decided to scroll through Tumblr. You got bored after half an hour and decided to look at some NSFW posts. You tilted your head as you saw the first post, you stare at the girl who had stockings on, no panties and a lacy bra. Her hands were tied with black silk and he eyes were covered with the same material. The man was licking from her pussy to her ass. Gotta love Tumblr you thought, you bit your lip and continued scrolling, after about half an hour you decided to watch a film.
The next day as you were walking out of school you saw Peter and Derek stood by your car. You sighed and made my way over to them cautiously.
“What are you doing here?” I grunted as I threw my bag into my passenger seat. I took a look at Peter and he smiled softly making you blush slightly.
You’ve had a developed a crush on peter not long after the Darach. Well it was more than a crush because not only did you like him, your body craved him so badly it hurt but who wouldn’t have you seen that man you thought. Derek turn to you with a confused face.
“I have a personal question to ask?” Derek asked nervously making you brows furrow, you blush soon forgotten. You raised an eyebrow waiting for him to elaborate.
“What is NSFW? Cora got a notification through to her phone but there was one of them hashtag thing saying NSFW and when I tried to open it she freaked out and ran up to her room.” Derek genuinely looked concerned but Peter had a smug smirk on his face. Your jaw drop and your eyes blew wide as you tried to stutter out a lie but you knew he’d call me out on it.
“I-I think that something you should ask one of the boys. Like Stiles or Scott…” You swallowed and looked over at Peter and blushed, ducking your head before he could see.
“Can’t you just tell me?” Derek asked confused.
“Google it.” You huffed hiding your face behind your school books. You looked over the top of the books to see Derek with his phone out. OH MY GOD! You scream internally.
“YOUR GOOGLING IT NOW!?” You screeched your face turning a deeper shade of red, you dropped your books letting out a squeak.
“Why wouldn’t I? I need to kn-Is that porn?” Derek’s eyes went wide as he stared at his phone, Peter started laughing making Derek growl.
“You knew.” It wasn’t a question it was a fact.
“I may be old but I know what Tumblr is. Half of that site is pure filth.” Peter chuckled, his eyes drifting to you before smirking.
“If you knew why didn’t you tell me?” Derek snapped angrily.
“Because it was more fun this way.” Peter laughed as Derek stormed off to the Camaro, he turned to you then walked closer. He stopped directly in front of you when he bent down, his denim clad ass resting on the back of his heels. He looked up at you as he grabbed your books, he was right in front of your pussy probably able to smell the arousal rolling off you. You blushed and bit your lip as he slowly stood up so he was almost chest to chest with you. Your breath hitched as he leaned forward his lips brushing against your ear.
“See you later Y/N.” He whispered softly before handing your books to you and walking off.
You still hadn’t moved from your position, your legs felt weak. You could feel how he had affected you the evidence slowly soaking into your underwear. You let out a breath after five minute trying to calm myself down. He affected you in ways you’d never experienced, yet he hadn’t even done anything to you.
After getting home you decided to invited Lydia, Allison and Erica round for a sleep over. After turning 18 you left foster care and decided to buy a house with the money your deceased parents left you. It came in handy when the pack need a place to hang or plan for upcoming battles because there were no parents to deal with. Plus it made pack sleep overs easier. You ordered 2 large pizza’s and made sure you had popcorn and ice cream before hearing the door open and a bunch of chatter.
“So what was the reason for this ESR?” Lydia pursed her lips waiting for your response. ESR meant Emergency Sleepover Required. You guys had this code for whenever you needed each other.
“Peter Hale.” You huffed throwing myself on your king sized bed.
“You still haven’t made your move?” Erica laughed before flopping down next to you.
“He’s the sexy older bad boy! So no moves will ever be made.” You whined rolling over so you were on your back.
“What happened anyway?” Allison asked and she sat next to you.
“Derek came to asked me what NSFW meant. Peter was there and he knew exactly what it meant but didn’t speak up! God it was so embarrassing then he picked up my books that I dropped like a klutz but while he was down there, I almost died because he was about 15cm away from my goddam vagina!! When he started getting up he did it so slowly, I had dirty images flashing all up in my head! Then he whispered in my ear and I practically came in my pants!” You exclaimed my face flushed slightly as you spoke.
“Intense.” Lydia nodded, as she brushed through her hair.
“Seduce him.” Out of everyone you did not expect Allison to come out with this sentence and by the shocked faces neither did Erica or Lydia. You sent her with a questioning glance waiting for her to continue.
“Give yourself a makeover and seduce him.” Allison grinned her dimples appearing slowly.
“That’s actually not a bad idea. We could go shopping tomorrow!” Lydia added excitedly, her face glowing at the thought of shopping. Erica nodded in agreement before you sighed.
“Fine! Now enough about sexy older men! Pizza will be here soon.” You giggled and made your way downstairs.
For the rest of the night we enjoyed movies and ate to our hearts content. We gossiped about the boys and went to bed at quite early. When we woke up in the morning we decided to go for coffee at Starbucks before we went shopping.
You linked arms with Allison and Lydia did the same with Erica as you all made your way over to the first store. Coffee and credit cards in hand. Before long you had your arms filled with clothes to try on. You giggled as you made your way to the dressing room.
Your first outfit consisted of a suede, nude pink miniskirt, an off the shoulder white bodysuit and plain white peep toe heels.
You walked out and Erica wolf whistled at you making you chuckle. You did a little spin and Lydia looked at you as if something wasn’t sitting right with her.
“You need jewels.” Lydia finally spoke as she stood up and went to look at the jewellery section.
“A choker. Peter seem like the type to get turned on by something like that.” Erica snorted sarcastically before picking up a golden choker that curved round your neck but didn’t fasten. It also had a few gems in the middle making it look more feminine
“Oh yeah perfect! Next!” Lydia snapped clicking her fingers at you. You laughed and tried on the rest of the outfits by the time the last one came around you was tired but happy. You looked down at the last outfit and grinned. This was the one you had been looking forward to trying on since you started shopping. It was a pair of denim high waist skinnies, a long sleeved low cut black body suit, a maroon handbag and black ankle boots.
You wandered out the stall with a grin on your face the girls complimented you and told me you should wear this outfit today, you nodded and paid for everything. You linked with Erica and walked to the hairdressers. You told Lydia your hair was fine but she insisted on get a few high lights since it was summer. She also paid to get your makeup done making you sigh. You just hoped this worked otherwise all this money will have been wasted. Not that you don’t have money to blow but still as an ex foster child you know how hard life can be.
You looked at your freshly cut, washed and blow dried hair which had also been straightened, it looked nice your Y/H/C now felt brighter. You looked at your makeup, on your lips you wore a matte lipstick that was a similar color to your bag, and your eyes were a metallic brown in a smoky effect. It was all very dark but it looked perfect with your outfit.
“I called the boys and told them to meet us for lunch.” Lydia stated as you left the salon.
“Who’s coming?” You asked as you played with the ends of your freshly cut hair.
“Scott, Stiles, Jackson, Boyd, Derek, Isaac and Liam. Cory and Mason are on a date so they politely declined.” Lydia grinned then continued gushing on how cute mason and Cory were. You smiled as you saw the large table that contained the boys.
You sat down across from Stiles who was gawking, when you looked at the other boys they were gawking to except Derek, who just had wide eyes. You looked at Lydia with a panicked look thinking you looked bad. Before Lydia could open her mouth Stiles spoke up.
“I think I just popped a boner.” Everyone started laughing and you blushed slightly but chuckled as well. Derek glared at Stiles who quickly sat up straight.
“I mean…I love you Derek.” He grinned cheekily, before kissing Derek’s cheek telling him he was joking.
“Aww you guys are so cute!” You gushed resting your head on your hands. Derek blushed and mumbled something about not being cute. As each person looked at the menus you heard a throat clear making you look up to see Peter stood behind Derek. You blushed and looked back at your menu. You felt Allison nudge your knee with hers making you look at her. She motioned for you to sit up straight. You did as you were told and crossed my legs as you did so.
“Would you like to sit here Peter?” Allison asked politely as she got up to move.
“Thank you Allison.” Peter smirked and strolled over to the seat to your right. He sat down, his arms brushing against mine making you shiver involuntarily.
“You look nice Y/N.” He smirked down at you, his head resting on his left hand as he looked you up and down hungrily. Your thighs clenched as his voice reached your ears, shifting in your seat you looked at Erica for any kind of help. She smirked and motioned to your lips. You were confused at first but she bit her lips for emphasis making you nod lightly. You softly tucked my hair behind your ear and looked up at Peter.
“Thank you Peter.” You responded, your tone mildly flirty. You let out a soft giggle biting your lip lightly. His eyes immediately went to your lips, you watched as his jaw clenched his eyes narrowing slightly. You looked back to your menu before glancing up at Stiles who was smirking at you knowingly, you flushed and stared at him as he motioned to his phone. To anyone else it looked like he was just tapping his nails against his phone. You picked up my phone and looked at the new text you had.
Stile : In about five minute move your hair to left.
Me : Why
Stiles : Peter has a neck fetish.
Me : Not sure I wanna know how you know that. But Thanks babe.
You waited about five minutes after you ordered and moved your hair over your left shoulder and continued to Derek about how school. You glanced at Stiles whose eyes were presumably on Peter. He nearly laughed but quickly covered it up with cough. He looked at me and nodded slightly you giggled making Isaac and Derek look up at you. You quickly covered your mouth lightly. Making sure you didn’t smudge your lipstick.
“You know what I don’t wanna know.” Derek grunted before looking to the waiter who was slowly bringing out everyones food. You were halfway through your pasta salad when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You took it out and looked at the new text.
Derek : ‘Accidentally’ bump your foot against his leg.
Derek : And if you ever tell anyone I gave you help on how to seduce my uncle I’ll rip your throat out…with my teeth.
You grinned at the texts and shot a moody looking Derek a thankful smile. He nodded and went back to eating as he listened to Stiles. You continued eating, when you all ordered coffee and cake you glanced at Peter who was talking to Jackson about something. You tuned in to the conversation and waited for the perfect opportunity.
“Yes but basketball is a man’s sport. Lacrosse…not so much.” Peter said as he drank his coffee.
“Yeah whatever older man.” Jackson snorted before kissing Lydia’s temple.
“I’m not th-” He didn’t finish his sentence because you brushed your foot against his calf. You continued to talk to Isaac about the new movie he wanted to see.
“You’re not what?” Jackson chuckled as he drank if iced coffee.
“He was going to say he’s not that old.” You smirked as you turned to the boys.
“Yes. I was.” He responded stiffly as your foot ran up his calf.
After dinner you all made our way to the parking lot, the girls and you got to Lydia’s car but you were stopped by a strained voice.
“I’ll drive Y/N home girls.”
Peter’s eyes narrowed at you not waiting for the girls to respond he walked over to his car. You followed after looking back at the smirking girls. You stopped at the car as Peter open the door for you. You smiled at him, thank him before getting into the car. The ride was silent and it crossed your mind that maybe your plan hadn’t worked. You looked out the window contemplating what went wrong by the time you arrived at yours, you had lost all your confidence. You plucked up the last bit of courage and turn to Peter who had dutifully walked you to your door.
“Would you like to come in for coffee?” You asked softly trying to appear confident. Peter nodded and followed you in but as soon as the door closed behind him you were thrown against it.
“Did you really think you’d get away with teasing me?” Peter growled, his nose touching yours. His lips less than 2 inches away, you stared at him wide eyed before realising your plan did work. You bit your lip letting out a little giggle.
“Oh this is funny is it?” He whispered against your lips, you shivered slightly but maintained your smile. You nodded and looked up at him through your lashes seductively.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” His body pressed against yours as his left hand made its way around your waist. You gasped as he spun you round. You reached out your hands automatically slamming against the door. He gripped your hips tightly pulling you against his apparently rock hard dick. You whimpered and pushed back into him. He groaned softly before moving his right hand up your torso agonizingly slow.
“P-Peter please…” You pleaded grinding you ass against his member.
“Please what baby? What does my little seductive Kitten want?” He whispered in your ear making you shiver. You leaned your head against his chest and spoke.
“Bed..” You moaned as his hands ghosted across your breasts before quickly continuing to your neck.
He turned you round and picked you up wrapping your legs around him. You looked into his eyes before smashing your lips against his. Your body melted against his as he licked and bit at your lips slowly working his tongue past your teeth. He explored every crease of your mouth, you were enjoying the kiss that much you barely registered you were on my bed. He pinned your hands above your head, working his way down your neck kissing and biting his way down to your breasts. He moved the material out the way and kissed your uncovered nipple before circling his tongue round it. You let out a soft moan as he moved his attention to the other, you dug your nails into his shoulders making him growl.
“Peter please…T-Too many clothes…” You whimpered clawing at his top.
“Okay Kitten let’s get rid of these clothes.” Peter responded softly trying to sooth you. After he removed both your clothes he stood and stared down at you, prompting you to quickly cover your pussy, embarrassed by the staring. Peter crawled onto the bed and eased your hands away.
“You’re beautiful Kitten you don’t need to hide anything from me.” He reassured and began to kiss down your stomach. You watched as he slowly made his way to my bare pussy. He spread your legs further making you blush. His hot breath fanned across me causing you to whimper in anticipation. Your hands gripped the sheets beneath as he finally pulled your lips gently apart and took an experimental lick.
“God you taste amazing..” He purred as he finally began attack your pussy with soft nibbles and licks. You bit lip painfully trying to hold back my moans. His tongue pushed into you slightly and you lost it you couldn’t keep quiet anymore.
“Oh god…P-Peter Mmm..Fuck!” You screamed, your hand making their way to his hair tugging at it slightly. He pulled away and grinned at you like you were his prey.
“Do you wanna cum now or do you want me to fuck your orgasm out of you Kitten?” He whispered against your pussy making your back arch slightly.
“W-Want you to fuck it out of me…P-Please?” I knew I sound desperate begging like a child who wanted more candy but I had waited too long for this to happen.
“Okay baby don’t worry…I’ll take care of you.” He got off the bed after giving you a kiss on the forehead, he made his way to his jeans and took out his wallet. He rummaged through it and quickly pulled out a condom. He knelt back on the bed about to open it when you whined grabbing his attention. You shook your head and he look at you uncertain for a second.
“I’m on the pill…I-I wanna feel a-all of you…” You bit my lip hoping he’d agree, you’d waited too long for this and you didn’t want that barrier.
“Okay Kitten…I want you to tell me it I get to rough okay. I don’t wanna hurt you.” However the idea of Peter getting rough only served to turn you on more but you nodded anyway and spread your legs in invitation making him groan as he fisted his cock. Dear god he was big at least 9 inches, it made you wonder if he would fit.
He crawled over to you pressing a passionate yet sweet kiss to your lips before nudging your entrance. You let out a little sob thrusting upwards making his tip push in, he growled before slamming in the rest of the way with a firm thrust. You screamed out in pain and pleasure, burying your head into his shoulder, clinging to him like he was your life line. After a minute I felt the pain subside, you wiggled your hips experimentally. You whimpered and thrust up once again this time with more force.
“S-Shit Y/N don’t do that.” He groaned.
“Jesus Kitten you feel so good.” Peter added his jaw clench it restraint. After calming down a little he decidedly took control of the situation, pulling out almost completely before thrusting back into you roughly. Your nails dug into his bare back making his thrust before faster.
“Oh s-shit! Faster..” You screamed as he sucked a bruise into your neck, his growls getting slightly more feral which only served to bring you closer to your end. You felt the pit in your stomach making you pull back and look into Peter’s eyes.
“P-Peter…so close…” You whimpered your eyes tearing up from the amount of pleasure you were feeling.
“M-Me too Kitten.” He panted softly his right hand intertwining with yours, he leant down and kissed you with so much emotion, you felt your stomach coil tighter and you moaned against his lips. He pulled back and whispered in your ear.
“Cum for me Kitten.” Everything unravelled, his name leaving your lips as you fell over the edge.
“Fuck…Y/N!” Peter growled into your ear as he followed moments after.
After a few minutes of panting and gathering ourselves Peter pulled out and got off the bed and grabbed his boxers. You looked over at him realising he was about to leave, your eyes starting watering, a tiny barely audible whine escaped your lips which made him turn round faster than you’d ever seen him move. He looked at you with worry in his eyes.
“Hey, baby what the matter?” He questioned urgently his voice softer than you’d ever heard. He got back onto the bed and took your face in his hands, wiping away the tears.
“Y-You’re leaving…” I sniffled.
“Woah Y/N I’m not leaving honey. I’m going to get a cloth to clean you up then get you a drink.” He said softly making you look him into his eyes.
“R-Really?” You asked hopefully trying to blink the tears away.
“I promise now wait here and I’ll be back okay.” He kissed your lips softly before moving and going to get what he needed.
After he’d wiped to down and given you a drink of water he rummaged through your drawers and found you a pair of comfortable undies then passed them too you along with the V neck he was wearing before. You smiled softly as he got into bed and pulled your body against his. You stared out the window at the stars.
“Goodnight Kitten.” You heard Peter whispered behind your ear.
“Night Peter.” You responded before letting your eyes drift closed happier than you’d been in forever,
That’s what Friends are for.
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ssentimentals · 7 months
never a goodbye {kim mingyu}
pairing: mingyu x gn!reader
prompt: 'relationships are built on trust and i trust you' + 'thanks to you, i know what it means to love again' (this work is part of my 1k event, go check out other works of mine here)
warnings: generally none, but this one-shot is about long distance relationships so thought i should mention it just in case
mingyu is not very good in physics or biology or any kind of science in that matter, but... shouldn't his heart actually fit into his chest? shouldn't there be enough space for it? because right now it seems like there isn't. right now it seems like his ribs are going to break from the pressure, like his chest will be soon torn apart, like his heart will jump out on his waiting hands, bleeding. he stares at his palms in slight confusion, wonders if his reflexes are fast enough to catch his heart if it will jump out. cause it surely can happen, right?
'do you trust me?' mingyu asks in a hoarse whisper. 'do you?'
you look insulted at being asked this question but mingyu still doesn't take his words back. he needs to hear it right now even if he never doubted you in this regard. hearing those words right now hold more meaning than ever and he needs to hear you say-
'of course,' you breathe out, sounding tired. 'you know i do, gyu.'
mingyu breathes out a sigh of relief. good, that's good. but why his heart doesn't settle? he looks at you and frowns at your worn out expression - lately, you've been looking like that almost whole time. he can't say that he's any better, because even his manager who rarely spares him a second glance as he's a simple intern, rounded him few days ago and asked if everything was okay. 'if someone is bullying you here, you should let me know,' he said in a serious voice, staring at mingyu with furrowed eyebrows. 'you look like you haven't slept in weeks.' which is actually not a very accurate estimate because in truth mingyu haven't slept well in last two months. since he learned that you were accepted to exchange program. meaning of 'exchange' fell on him much, much later, after he was done screaming his lungs out from joy and pride for you.
'mingyu,' you start, heaving a long drawn out sigh. you never said his name like that, never with so much tredipation. 'i think-'
'chicken is getting cold,' mingyu interrupts, pointing at the food on the table. 'let's first finish it.'
for a second he fears that you'll start arguing but when your shoulders slump down and you obediently reach out for your chopsticks, he realizes that you decided to spare him this one. mingyu knows full well that pushing back the inevitable talk will not make it disappear, but acknowleding elephant in the room is something he's not strong enough to do. you both eat in silence and for the first time ever this silence between you is uncomfortable, stiff; it makes mingyu want to throw plates around and leave.
'why did you ask me about trust?' your voice makes him pause. you both are almost done eating and his hand hovers around the glass of water, not gripping it. 'about whether i trust you or not? i- shouldn't it be the other way around? it's me who's leaving. shouldn't i ask that question?'
you're barely holding up, mingyu realizes. you're gripping chopsticks too tight and your whole posture screams tension. 'look at me,' he asks and you hesitantly raise your head. he holds your gaze, needing you to know that he's serious: 'relationships are about trust and i trust you.'
something breaks in your eyes but you always had a very good hold of youe expressions, so nothing is shown on your face. 'then why did you ask whether i trust you? you know i do. you know i do, mingyu!' your tone cracks and you raise your voice a little in the end; your usual self control betrays you, as your eyes shine with unshed tears. 'if it's about possible cheating from my side-'
'what?!' mingyu screeches, thrown off by the turn that this topic took. 'no i never- i didn't ask because of this.'
and oh OH, now he realizes why you look like that. now he understands why you looked insulted by his question, now he udnerstands near hysterical mood. 'i'd never question this,' mingyu reassures you, speaking slowly. 'i don't doubt your loyalty and i sure as hell hope you don't doubt mine. i don't need anyone else but you.'
and it's true. in fact, mingyu probably have never been more honest in his life than right now. whole concept of cheating is foreign to him, so far from, never entered his mind. other people are nice, sure, but they are not you. there is only one in the world and mingyu is in too deep, he can't imagine having someone else by his side. no other person will compare to you, no one will make him feel the way you do.
'i asked about trust meaning another point,' he sits up straighter and reaches out across the table for your hand. 'i meant if you trust me to do everything in my power to make this long distance relationship work.'
mingyu is not about to let some distance split you up. you are it for him, he won't give up so easily. he is stubborn and reality may be harsh, but mingyu is stronger than any challenge it may send his way.
'it's for two years,' you remind him, calmed down. you hastily wipe few tears from your cheeks and then grab his hand again. 'two full years, gyu.'
'i know.'
'it's too far, tickets cost a leg, i'll probably be able to come here like once a year.'
'i know.' mingyu nods and then to ease up the atmosphere, jokingly asks: 'are you trying to make me give you up?' when you don't even smile at the joke, he tenses. is this what's happening? 'are you trying- do you want to break up with me?'
'no!' you deny loudly, looking shocked and almost banging the table at your frustration. seeing his confused expression, you sink back to the seat, groaning. 'i don't want to break up. but i just- i thought you...would.'
'...would what?' mingyu asks, baffled.
'want. to break up. with me.'
you're one of the most logical people mingyu knows and there probably is logic somewhere in that sentence, but he can't just find it. he thinks back of his past behaviors and can't find a time when his actions could have made you think that he wants to break up. this is literally the only thing he does not want, how that conclusion even came up in your mind? mingyu is so lost in the flow of this dialogue that he can do nothing but just sit and look like a lost puppy. like a very sad lost puppy and you take pity on him, standing up and coming closer. his hands immediately find your hips - his place, this is where his hands belong - and he stands up too, looking down. your familiar scent envelops him and mingyu gives in to the urge of leaning in and burying his face in your hair, tightening his hold on you. he can stay like this forever but you have other plans, judging by the way you not so subtly move him towards the living room.
'talk to me,' mingyu asks - pleads, really - as soon as you both sit down. he doesn't let you get far, presses himself close to your side and wraps one arm around your waist. 'i don't understand, baby. explain, please, let me understand. right now i feel like you and i are talking in different languages.'
you sigh and cuddle up closer to him. your back pressed to his front, he guesses it's easier for you to talk not facing him. your hands start drawing patterns on his arm wrapped around your waist as you take a deep breath and talk: 'i don't want to break up with you, of course i don't. it's just when i think about it i get... i don't know. it's two years, mingyu. two very long years and i don't want to like- hold you back, you know? you don't owe me anything, i don't want you to feel like you have to be with me. we are both so physical and being apart will be very hard and i just thought that it's so unfair to make you- well, not make you per se, but i mean...' you shake your head in frustration and settle deeper in his embrace. your voice shakes as you let out next words: 'i just want you to be happy, you know? i don't want you to be stuck with me in our long distance relationships and be sad, when you can find someone else who will be here and be happy with them.' you start picking at his skin with your nails before you freeze. 'do you understand now?'
mingyu understands and also doesn't. he's upset - deeply, on the core level. he's upset that you think so lowly of yourself, of your impact to his life, of your place in his life - haven't he shown you enough? haven't he made you feel like you are the center of his universe? earth circles around the sun and you are his sun, don't you know that? what he has done fundamentally wrong that you question him in this way? ' just so clarify,' mingyu starts, 'you think that i won't survive two years without getting my dick wet?'
'oh my god, gyu!' you shriek, turning in his arms to hit his chest strongly. 'what even-'
'it sounded like that,' he says calmly, catching your wrist in his hand before you can hit him again. 'it really, really sounded like that.'
'not exactly like that,' you deflect, sighing. 'what if in these two years you will find someone else here but won't be able to pursue them because you feel like you must stick with me? i don't want to be the one holding you back.'
mingyu is trying very hard not to get angry here but you're not making it easy for him. he breathes in through his nose, trying to stay calm. 'are you saying that i am allowed to look left and right while you will be gone? and while you are there, staying loyal to me, i can be here looking for someone else? or-' his throat dries up at the prospect. '-are you also be..looking...'
you cover your face with your hands, groaning loudly. 'this is not- god, this is really not going well.'
mingyu nods, because hell yeah, it's going very not well. he's glad for the short pause as you plant yourself firmly on his lap, hugging him tight. it's a nice distraction from the talk and mingyu indulges you in three slow kisses, letting them ground you both to the present. to the present, in which you two are very much in love with each other and don't think about looking for any other partners.
'you know,' mingyu starts, suddenly remembering, 'i met you right when i stopped believing in love.' you perk up, your head raises from his chest and you settle it comfortably on his shoulder. 'i went through a horrible break up and i thought that if love is like this then i really don't want it, don't need it.'
you pout, hugging him tighter in attempt to reassure him. mingyu smiles at this, placing small kiss on your forehead. you two never discussed your past relationships and he would like it to stay this way, but he needs to drive his point across, so he continues: 'i never thought that love could be like ours, that it can make me feel so full, so happy. our love is so easy, you know? it's the easiest thing i know.'
he doesn't say how scared he was when he realized he's falling for you. he doesn't tell how he expected relationship with you to turn out exactly the same like his last ones, how he almost waited for the time all of it will fall apart. he doesn't mention how little by little you crushed his fears, how you made all of the love songs finally make sense. he does voice out, however: 'thanks to you, i know what it means to love again. i'm sorry if i made you feel like you can ever be holding me back. you won't, love, never. i am nervous and i am sad, yes, but more than anything i am so happy that you have this exchange opportunity and i want you to go and have the best two years in your life. i'm sure it'll be a great experience and i'm working now, my salary is not huge but hey, i can save up and come to you on my own. you know i will do it all for you, babe.'
you are crying by the end of it and mingyu knows that he's about to cry too. he can't swallow due to lump in his throat and he takes a deep breath, when you break down, crying quietly. 'if you trust me, trust me in making this work then i will, i promise you i will.' he whispers into your hair as you wet his shirt with your tears.
'god, i love you so much,' you mutter into his chest, making him smile. 'i trust you, i want this to work too, i'll try my best, i promise.'
mingyu lets few tears fall, takes steadying breaths and starts peppering your head with kisses. 'i love you, more than you think.'
he's not a crier usually, but he lets himself have this moment with you, baring his heart as well. it feels good to let it all worries that pent up last two months out, feels good to do it next to you and know that you both are on the same page. when you lean back from, there's a wet patch from your tears and dark splotches from your mascara on his shirt and you sob like a baby, making him coo at you softly. 'we will make it, right?' you ask quietly, wiping your eyes and only making a bigger mess of your mascara. 'you and i. it's not a goodbye for good?'
'it's never a goodbye,' mingyu assures you, getting a hold of his voice and planting firm kiss on your forehead. 'it's just a see you later. i promise.'
'you never break your promises,' you remind him sternly.
'and i won't break this one.'
it's a promise, an oath if you will. one that sits deep in his heart, one that he can sign with his blood if needed. one that he will never break, never jeopardize. one that he will work hard to keep.
a/n: hope this one was more fluffy than sad!! mingyu always makes me go all uwu - nini
tagging @prpldahy
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norrisreads · 1 year
style 1989 #CL16
PAIRING: charles leclerc x reader!
SYNOPSIS: inspired by taylor swift, “style”
WARNING: angst & fluff
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Midnight, you come and pick me up no headlights
“ you can’t keep calling me you know that, right? ” he sighed while piggy backing you and struggling to walk in a straight line.
“ i couldn’t help it, charles. You’re on my speed dial, you know how that goes? It’s not like this is the first time, could have just declined the call. ” you rolled your eyes but your heart is slightly beating from the close contact with your best friend.
“ can’t leave you alone, in a place like these mon chérie ” he needs to stop calling me these names while having a partner waiting for him at home.
“ sorry if i crashed your date night with charlotte, i hope she doesn’t hate me, im really sorry Charles ”
you remembered drinking few more shots after seeing charlotte’s Instagram story with him on a date night.
you genuinely felt so shitty but couldn’t help it as Charles is the only guy you’ve trusted in the whole 22 years of your life when it comes to these situations
he laughed, and just shook his head.
the whole ride to your apartment was just in silence.
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It’s been a while since i’ve heard from you
Ever-since that night, you’ve removed him from your speed dial, not only that but maybe, just maybe you’ve removed him from everything except your personal Instagram.
Because, here you are stalking or maybe lurking through his and her posts.
“ You’ve got to stop that you know. You’re only setting yourself up "
you’ve recognized that voice, partly because you’ve gotten closer to Lando Norris after the one-sided fall out with Charles
You knew Lando, because he would always come to the drivers gathering and way before Charles was with her, you were his +1 (as close friends of course).
But, you’ve gotten closer with him when he was surprisingly there for you when you were drunkenly crying over Charles at the paddock bar, and you’ve realised that Charles was the only oblivious person towards your feelings.
You let out a big sigh and flipped Lando off jokingly. You locked your phone and proceed to continue on with the workload in front of you.
“ he has been asking you know? he’s always looking for you, i can’t continue lying on your whereabouts. Let it out and tell him y/n, maybe that’ll soothe your heart better and for fuck sake, stop being in the McLaren garage when you’re working for Ferrari ”
you couldn’t help but laugh at Lando’s last sentence. You’re working as Scuderia Ferrari’s as a Social Media Intern, but instead of being in their office or garage, you’re at McLaren’s trying to avoid a certain someone.
I should just tell you to leave cause i know where it exactly leads
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Scuderiaferrari just posted a photo
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and others
Scuderiaferrari sometimes we refused to think that our two drivers are fully grown adult, but then again look at their photography postures ( speaks a lot! )
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carlost55 im screaming which admin posted this w this caption, she’s gg to lose her job 😭
ferraridefender honestly facts, admin speak facts
charles_leclerc age is just a number, @ carlossainz55 we need to back ourselves up
carlossainz55 doesn’t matter if we’re old, we’re the hottest drivers in the grid
you closed your laptop after posting on the Ferrari Instagram page and packed your things until you felt someone tapped your right shoulder
“ what’s the rush? trying to not bump into me? ” 4 letters that ran through your mind, FUCK!
you let out a laugh to not react awkwardly and shook your head
“ what are you on charles? i’m just packing, we’re working in the same place anyways ” you continue packing your things
“ i know y/n. i know about your feelings towards me y/n. ”
you were shocked at the sudden confession that you turned your body straight away to Charles direction
“ Charlotte told me, she broke up with me, she said she couldn’t be in a relationship with me knowing i would be running over to you at any moment of the day, i didn’t know how to react to that y/n ”
“ i went to Lando’s apartment straight away after the break up w cha, to find you but Lando told me you’re here and before i drove here, he stopped me and told me the same thing too y/n. I know it’s not his place to tell me your true feelings but i’m sorry y/n ”
he reached out for your hand but you couldn’t help feeling angry from the current situation that you smacked away his hands that was reaching out to you
“ Charles, you can’t do that to me. You can’t just come running over to me just because cha broke up with you and you found out i’m in l-love with y-you”
you couldn’t help but struggle to speak without the urge of crying
“ i love you, y/n. Mon Chérie, i’ve always loved you”
he whispered
“ no, you’re lying. You’re only saying that now, because you know about my feelings towards you. What about last time? What about the times i’ve tried to tell you, you’re always changing the subject mid convos. Charles, make up your mind and talk to me again. ”
you walked away leaving Charles thinking about the missed opportunity with you.
And i got that red lip classic thing that you like
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and others
y/ninstagram promised him that this time i’m not gonna be working at the office, but instead be at the sidelines for him charles_leclerc 🏎️♥️
view all 175 comments
landonorris what about me???????
y/ninstagram always supporting you 🧡
landonorris as you should be
charles_leclerc get your own girlfriend, stop stealing mine
maxverstappen1 finally you both had the balls huh
carlossainz55 you owe me 50
leclercluvr WAG MY FAV WAG
myworldc2 ain’t this his bestfriend? they’re dating?
carlost yeah they were close friends!!!!!!
charles_leclerc Je t'aime de tout mon cœur ♥️
y/ninstagram love you more ♥️
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end note: thanks for reading, this is my first ever writing that is public 😭 i love LOVE angst and fluff reads, so here’s a lil something with everyone’s favourite driver <3 sorry for the bad french translation or grammars!
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