#its so funny looking at my screen at this screenshot and then right next to my desk
todayisafridaynight · 1 month
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i dont remember if i posted this before but if i did im making everyone look at it again becauuuuuussssseeee
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YGESSSSS. NEW BSB ENJOYER FOUND. who is your favorite character if i may ask... i have like atleast 5 but kai is at the top i think. sometimes i think about this image and i'm like "my god what the fuck even is that". one of the guys of all time
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“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT” LMFAOOO no because thats exactly what my friend said when they saw yuriy KEDBJSBSGWJW. What is. Wrong with his eyebrows....looking like a creature…a bug with antannae perhaps….
BUT MY FAVORITE IS MAX‼️‼️‼️hes been my fav ever since i started watching it love him… my second favorite is kai probably though LOL. I can tell hes one of those fan favorite characters right🤔usually characters like him are… not a bad thing just an observation lol. Metal fight beyblade was the beyblade show i had known my entire life and was a big fan of so i wanted to see the other beyblade shows with it and for some reason i watched beyblade burst before bakuten shoot ????? Yeah that 7 season show i only liked the very first season of… the rest was so boring and for some reason i forced myself to watch it by using it as background noise😭
idk why i didnt give up and watch bakuten instead, took me too long lmfao. Th reason why i mentioned metal fight is that since i knew that show my entire life i had certain expectations on certain type of characters (ik bakuten came first but metal couldve been influenced by it and it was bcs there are similarities lol) (i mean king [from bakuten] looks almost identical to dynamis [from mfb] <- thats just one example) so i thought, while i was watching season 1, Kai Hiwatari was gonna be like Kyouya Tategami where hes with the team yes but doesnt see himself as a part of it and is there for himself only bcs hes a loner or whatever but then that thing at the end of the season happened he became a part of the team and the didnt have random unnecessary off screen character regression like kyouya did in the next 2 seasons (and also isnt an asshole abt it like when he left temporarily to battle takao in g revulotion he wasnt like “fuck you dumbass” like kyouya did basically 😭😭)….
That was so refreshing to see bcs thats not what i was expecting and thank god it exceeded my expectations 😭 thats why i keep saying kai is kyouya done right bcs he kinda is…. Though i find it funny when hes just standing in the background w his arms crossed or laying on the grass like damn bro wants to be cool so bad (not as cool as the frame of rei kon absolutely BALLING)
Said max is my favorite and talked about kai the entire time LOL no but he’s my fav i love that guy EXCEPT. the fact that. He likes mayonnaise… idgaf if its ur style mayonnaise is disgusting im disappointed in you max…..
I also like Yuriy who also seems to be a fan favorite from what ive seen which i expected but i like him in a way like, hes so funny to me. Bro walkin around with bug antannae and the worst posture youve ever seen. Why is he built like that. Fucking thing. Also big fan of the weird ass sht he does in g revulotion when doing special moves hes got CLAWS hell yeah. No bcs no one elses looks like dat when they do it⬇️ as a certified creature fan i can proudly confirm this, indeed, is one of the creature moments of all time.
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⬆️i remember seeing this frame before watching the show and thinking what could possibly be the context behind this LMFAO . Shoutout to Rei kon for also being a creature big fan of the pointy ears and slit orange eyes (v force when i catch you v force)
I dont know peoples opinions of daichi but he seems like the type of character ppl might hate for being annoying but i like him bcs he reminds me of me and my brother when we were little (im the younger sibling) bcs every interaction between takao and daichi reminded me of us LMFAO 10/10 sibling dynamic (better than takaos actual brotha😬)
N lemme see if i have any kai screenies i took cauze i took a sht tonna screenshots
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I was gonna capriin thwm but idk how to write inbetween them so im typing them here
First pic - already has a caption
Second pic - ths shit makes me laugh everytime im so glad people are not hesitant to resort to violence in this saga
Third pic - V force jumpscare
Fourth pic - what is he listening to . Do you guys think Kai Hiwatari would like Yuno Miles
Fifth pic - one…..one piece…..
Sixth pic - they forgot to colour teh pack of his hair lol
Seventh pic - no need for a caption. What is that
Last pic - he. Smirks like an animal. Idk how to explain it but, he smiles like how an animal or an ailen trying to do it for the first time would do it
I will read the manga soon i have physical copies of the first 4 volumes and ill find the rest on the net bcs bakuten media is so much easier to find that mfb is THANK GOD. I will also be looking up shitty 13 yr old amv s and yall better have sum real 2011 sht
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tigerdrop · 8 months
so im kiiiinda redoing half of my fic. to account for the, uh. "canonically being able to put gordon into the computer" thing.
on the one hand i think its a way better deal b/c i will look 10% less insane writing about benrey literally putting him into the sims and playing with him like a doll . but on the other hand i have a bunch of words about gordon fingering himself that i cant use anymore
so. here they are, for u. "Enjoy"
Gordon blinks at the screen.
Benry Benry wants to have Oraljob sex with Gordon Freeman. Do you wish to proceed?
The laugh that erupts from him is high-pitched and violent, leaving him gasping for air. Benrey cackles in his ear. “I— I— Oh my God,” Gordon wheezes, doubling over. “You want to have what with me?! We can’t— We can’t show that on a Christian channel! We’re going to get so banned—“
“do you want to—“ Benrey can’t finish the sentence, gripped in the most intense laughter Gordon’s ever heard from him. “do you want to have oraljob?”
Gordon clutches his desk, weeping and howling.
When he calms down from his sudden fit of hysterics, he clicks “No”, to a chorus of disappointment from the chat. “I know, I know,” he says, sympathetic, “but seriously, Papa’s gotta pay the bills. Gotta keep it clean. PG-13, that’s my motto.”
“then why’s your dick out,” Benrey wheezes.
“Very funny—“
He stops in his tracks when he sees that his dick is, in fact, out. His Sims dick, that is. Gordon slams his ‘commercial break’ button so hard that he misses a few keys and takes a screenshot.
“Whoa! Put that thing away, man!”
“nice,” Benrey says appreciatively.
“Bear with me, folks,” Gordon begs. “We’re having some, uh, technical difficulties.” Why did his dick pop out? He said no! (In fairness, his Sim is decidedly not having oraljob sex. He’s eating a sandwich. With his penis out.) He hurriedly clicks through menus upon menus, trying to find a way to put his clothes back on, but none of the options do what he wants. “Why can’t I put away my stupid dick?!”
“hey, look. you just went up a level in nudism,” Benrey snorts.
Gordon buries his head in his hands, but can’t stop himself from an anguished laugh. “Okay! Give me fifteen, everybody. Go smoke a cigarette— or, or vape, I know the kids are big on the Juul these days, I don’t care, I’m not your dad.”
With that, he ends the stream.
“What kind of fucking mods did you download on my computer?” he asks, exasperated. “I feel like I need to give it a bath.”
“normal ones.”
“Uh-huh. You know my dick’s not even rendering correctly, right?”
“huh?” Benrey zooms in on it. “huh. it’s, uh. checkered.”
[some sort of connecting thought]
“I don’t even look like that, anyway,” Gordon mutters, brushing him off.
Benrey peers down at him. The webcam light turns on, drawing Gordon’s eye. “huh. i dunno. i can see the, uh… the resemblance.” He enunciates the last word carefully.
“Did you just turn on my webcam? Are we streaming right now?” Gordon sits upright, hastily checking on his streaming software. Still offline. Not that it would have mattered - he’s panned away to look at a stray dog in his yard - but it’s the principle of the thing.
“yeah, uh. no,” mumbles Benrey.
Gordon closes down OBS and Firefox entirely. Just to be safe. “A little fucking warning next time? How did you even do that?”
“administrator privileges.”
There’s a pause. Then Gordon sinks back down into his chair, defeated. “I shouldn’t have given you those. I should have smashed you up into little pieces when I had the chance. After you bought fucking Burnout Paradise on my dime—“
“you should show me what you look like,” blurts out Benrey, voice low and blunt.
“I— What?”
“i can make it look better. more like you.”
Gordon stares at the screen. Benrey avoids his gaze. He boggles a little, so far beyond comprehending this that he’s skipped past ‘denial’ and ‘anger’ all the way into ‘acceptance’. “Are you— Are you hitting on me?”
“for the immersion,” Benrey says stiffly.
Gordon throws his head back in frustration. “They’re just not— fucking— they’re not big enough! They’re short and stubby and I can’t— get them— where I want!” His wrist bends, desperately seeking something that he can’t describe. The tendons sing in pain. He hisses, then relaxes it, letting his hand fall limp.
Benrey stares down at him, mouth parted.
“This was stupid,” groans Gordon. “Now my hand’s all sticky and I don’t wanna wipe it on anything—“
“try again,” Benrey interrupts him, blunt and hoarse. “please?”
Gordon peers blearily at him from over the top of his glasses. “Huh?”
“i wanna.” That massive jaw gyres, struggling to work itself around a thought. “i could do it better. make it good.”
Heat rockets through Gordon’s belly, spiraling up his spine and leaving his hairs standing on end. His dick twitches without his conscious effort. Benrey’s eyes immediately dart to it. Emboldened, Gordon draws his fingertips around his hole, threatening to slip back in. “Yeah, bud? You sure? I don’t think you’ve ever done this before.”
“how would you know,” Benrey puffs.
“Uh, well, you’re in my fucking computer, for one thing.” He slips two fingers in with little resistance, just up to the second knuckle. For show. Nobody say he never did anything for Benrey. “But you know what? Maybe this’ll be funny.”
Benrey’s face hardens. “it’s not funny,” he says, pouting in high-definition. “i would never joke about pussy shit.”
“Point one: That is one hundred percent not true,” Gordon points out. “Point two—“ He curls them and groans, a soft noise. “I wanna hear it. Straight from the horse’s mouth.”
“what does this got to do with horses,” says Benrey, bewildered.
Gordon shifts in his seat, stretching a leg high into the air and gripping the back of his thigh to hold it firmly in place. His fingers move in a slow, back-and-forth motion, just enough that they visibly slide in and out, shiny and wet. Benrey makes a strangled noise in his throat.
“You think you could make it good for me? Tell me. Show me what I’m missin’ out on.”
Benrey’s fingers twitch around his avatar, scaled up to giant-like proportions, far too big for the task at hand but itching to put it into practice. “fuckin’,” he starts, low and rumbling and struggling to articulate himself, “stretch you open… mine’re bigger. lookie.” With his other hand, he waggles his fingers in front of Gordon.
“Well, duh,” Gordon says.
Above him, Benrey’s gaze shifts to his own hand, gears churning behind his eyes. “they’re still bigger,” he insists.
To prove his point, he snaps them - in a stomach-churning instant, Gordon’s camera snaps back to an isometric viewpoint, looking in on their dollhouse. On them. On Benrey’s Sim, pale and shirtless, beads of sweat tastefully textured on his skin, leaning over his own on the cheapest double bed Simoleons could buy. There’s a hand pressed against the mattress, and another at his waist. Pawing at him. And, unlike Gordon’s own hands, they’re proportioned well for a guy his size: closer to dinner plates than the slim, short ones he’s furiously trying to bend into the right shape in real life.
He shivers in his seat.
“Point taken,” he says. His voice cracks partway through.
As if on cue, their Sims start moving again, gracelessly sliding and snapping into a new position. Gordon’s stripped naked, letting Benrey between his legs, and one large hand buries itself in that hairy, thorny knot of polygons and glossy pink textures while the other holds him wide open. The fidelity’s good enough that Gordon can see exactly how the fingers curl: two outside, keeping them back, and two inside, making his Sim’s hips gyrate.
“lookatchu,” Benrey rumbles in his ear. “takin’ it like a champ…”
Gordon sucks in a sudden breath. He curls his own fingers in time with the animation, speeding up to match.
“bet you could take more.”
He whines and visibly clenches around his fingers. “Jesus, man!”
“yeah? yeah? c’mon,” taunts Benrey, shy of breath. “show me. put another one in.”
Gordon weakly mumbles some expletives as he leans his head into the crook of his headphones. Presses himself closer to that voice. “Who taught you how to fucking— talk like that,” he groans, pushing in a third finger.
The fans inside his tower spin faster. Louder. “fuuuck, dude,” he hears, a low, pained utterance.
“I’d let you,” Gordon says dizzily, “God, I must have lost my fucking mind, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” his fingers make slick, filthy, squelching noises inside of himself, “let you put your hand in me—“
“i wanna,” Benrey cuts him off, too fast. Eager. “wanna fuckin’— wear you like a puppet—“
Gordon makes a sharp noise that surprises even himself. The he half-laughs, half-pleads, “Don’t say shit like that! That’s not— That’s not hot!”
“you moaned. i heard it, buddy.”
He ignores this. Benrey takes the opportunity to lean in, getting a closer view of Gordon’s webcam. And the slick folds Gordon’s spreading open for him.
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imjusttpeachy · 3 years
she's a rae of sunshine (c.h.)
okay so this was a request but i completely read it wrong so i’m gonna write it again but i finished this one anyway so here take it
so sorry to the anon who requested it bc u were so fuckin sweet i’ll have it up asap i promise
ralph castelli - morning sex
crumb - bones
jorja smith - teenage fantasy
summary: balancing college life and wanting to support your best friends online endeavors was difficult, but reader regrets trying a little harder when she finally meets one of her newer stream-mates
word count: 2, 828
WARNINGS: she/her pronouns used, coarse language, lowkey OOC Corpse, that needs its own warning i’m sorry,
“Look you knew I had to stream before I said you could come over ya fuckin idiot.”
“Yea I knowwwww, I just wanted to spend more time with my super-hot best friend forever.”
Being the best friend of an online personality had its perks— the amazing trips you got to hitch a ride on, the adoring fans that seemed to latch on to you as well, the sponsorships that would always send you something along with the original PR package, and especially the way she was able to choose their own work hours.
Well... mostly.
As much as you adored spending time together during the day, whether it be shopping or going out for brunch, those late nights that always seemed to hold the most memories you held so dear were few and far between. Of course, you couldn’t blame her; responsibilities were responsibilities, and fuck if you’d let your selfish wants override the way she chooses to get her work done. You really couldn’t be one to judge either-- having to call off dates because you’d underestimated the time you needed to complete a school paper, or when a last-minute lab was called in and you’d have to leave her sitting alone in those cafes with your half-finished mocha and a promise to Venmo her the money to cover it later. What left you feeling the most guilty, though, was the fact that you weren’t able to watch her content as much as you’d like to. Sure, you’d catch a few minutes of a stream here and there but any time you spent apart was usually spent with your head buried in a book, mind bleary with countless espresso shots trying to keep your tired eyes focused on the seemingly unending work in front of you.
But, a distraction every now and then couldn’t hurt. Right?
Having had enough of your current assignment, any coherent thought was long gone, you’d decided to pay your favourite person a little visit. You knew she’d probably be busy as she hadn’t replied to your previous text for a few hours, but knowing her presence alone and any passing comments would lift the heaviness that had found its home in your head and chest, you shot her a message to let her know that her office couch would be occupied by you for the next few hours. Normally, you’d just show up so you knew she wouldn’t have a problem with it; so when that fateful message popped up on your phone giving you the go-ahead you completely ignored the warning of her work schedule and drove right over.
So now here you were, sprawled haphazardly on her couch clad in sweats and a sports bra scrolling through your phone as you watched her finish her final touches so she could start her stream.
“You’re gonna be in the background of my face cam if you wanna sit there y’know.” Groaning in response to her warning not wanting to move from the comfy spot you just found, you looked over at her with the best puppy eyes you could muster. She chuckled softly, raising her hands in surrender as she turned back to her setup. “Hey I really don’t care, just warning ya bug. The thirst comments and screenshots are outta my hands.”
Scoffing under your breath at her comment, you turned your head back to your phone as a Twitter notification popped up at the top of your screen.
Corpse Husband: streaming among us in a few mins, join in on youtube
Heartbeat picking up slightly, you scrambled for the purse you’d thrown at the base of the couch for your headphones. Ever since you’d found this handsome-voiced stranger’s channel on your late night horror binges, you had fallen completely in love. While you weren’t typically the type to watch video game commentary outside of Rae, his voice got you completely hooked and you couldn’t get enough of it. Yeah, maybe you were a bit of a simp, but that sweet and genuine personality that hid behind that gravelly tone had you melting completely into his clutches. You tried to convince yourself to get over it, you didn’t even know what he looked like. But, y’know, a little crush wouldn’t hurt anybody right?
“Going live in T-minus 30 seconds babe.” Jumping slightly as Rae’s voice knocked you out of dreamland, you mumbled out a small “got it” as you once again got focused on getting your headphones connected to your phone. You’d never been able to watch one of his lives before, his horror commentary videos usually playing as background noise as you did schoolwork or while you were falling asleep. Practically shaking with excitement, you opened your YouTube app seeing the live at the very top and tapping on it immediately only to be met with that sweet laugh ringing through your headphones like music to your ears. You grinned to yourself, grabbing the throw pillow you had previously tossed to the floor and hugging it to your chest while your eyes remained glued to your phone screen, completely forgetting what was happening around you as you zeroed in on the gravelly tone you’d fallen oh-so in love with.
“Hey (Y/N) wave hi.” You startled slightly as the faint voice of your friend sounded from across the room. Glancing up from your phone, you pulled an earbud from your ear and furrowed your brows at her before slowly processing what she said, lifting a hand in greeting to her watchers. She laughed at your confusing antics, turning slightly in her chair to look over at you. “What the hell are you so smiley about?”
“…Nothing..” You grinned widely as her laugh once again resounded around the room, shaking her head at you before turning back to her screen with a scoff, muttering something under her breath so only her watchers could hear. Smile still plastered across your lips, you settled back down into the comfiness of the couch and popped your earbud back in, zeroing in again on the screen in front of you. Watching as Corpse moved his character around the lobby as he waited for his friends to join, a small giggle escaped from under your breath; trying your best to be mindful of Rae’s stream but not being able to hold back the flustered feeling welling up in your chest, mind giddy with the thought of finally being able to see one of his famous live streams, well, live. It had only been a few seconds later when you heard Rae’s voice once again, only this time, not as muffled as before.
“What’s up motherfuckers.” Brows furrowing in confusion, you lifted your hand to your earbud and pulled it from your ear once again, hearing her voice from across the room but from your other earbud as well. No, there was no fucking way. All your questions were answered, though, as you glanced back down at your phone screen seeing a red character move around the game lobby along with Corpse’s, the gamer tag ‘Valkyrae’ floating just above it. Blinking hard at your screen trying to convince yourself that your eyes were lying to you, you slowly pulled your hand to cover your mouth in shock. How… How could you possibly not know they knew each other? With the way they spoke to each other in sarcastic comments, poking fun at the other it sounded like they were close too. Body finally catching up with your thoughts, you scrambled at your phone, shaky hands moving as quickly as they could to pull up your texts with Rae. Your fingers tapped furiously at the screen, anxious to get back to the live stream to listen in more but also needing to know what the fuck was going on.
TO my rae of sunshine: care to explain what the fuck is going on??! how the fuck do you know corpse husband?????!??!
“Oops sorry guys, guess I forgot to turn off my phone ringer-“ Staring up at the back of her head helplessly, you watched as she picked up her phone seeming to read out the text before bursting into a peal of laughter. Tossing a look at you over her shoulder, you looked back down at your phone bashfully, seeing the three loading dots in your message thread indicating that she was messaging you back.
my rae of sunshine: lol what about it? you gotta crush on him or something?
TO my rae of sunshine: …no
Hitting send you rushed back to the stream, anxious to see what Corpse was saying in response to Rae’s absence, not thinking anything about your brief conversation and thinking you would discuss it after she had logged off for the night. Though, as you heard her phone chime again from across the room followed by another bark of laughter, you knew you weren’t getting off that easy.
“What are you laughing about?” Corpse’s honeyed voice sounded from your earbud, hearing Rae’s giggles from what you presumed to be their discord voice chat. Glancing anxiously between his stream and the reflection of Rae’s face cam in one of her monitors, your heart began to sink as you watched that familiar mischievous grin tugging at the edge of her lips.
“Oh just my friend (Y/n) sent me a funny meme”
“Wait, is she the one in some of your Instagram posts?” You swear your heart stopped beating at that moment, eyes glued to the screen in front of you as you tried helplessly to process the conversation happening right in front of you. He knew who you were? You thought you’d always be lost among the hundreds of thousands of his new adoring fans, left in the anonymity of your Twitter tag in his subtweets, or just another subscriber that fawned over him silently behind a keyboard. Knowing that he’d actually seen your face you could feel your own beginning to heat at that moment; you brought your hands your mouth again, unknowingly curling your body tighter around the pillow in your lap as you tried to hide your face behind it as you become more and more flustered from the words nonchalantly escaping his mouth.
“Yea that’s her, pretty thing isn’t she? She’s my absolute favourite.”
That’s it, you were gonna fucking kill her.
“I mean, yeah... I guess..” The timid words followed by a soft awkward chuckle had your breath hitching in your throat. There was no fucking way this was happening. This had to be a dream, that was the only possible explanation. You were just about to pinch yourself when Rae’s voice startled you from your thoughts.
“She’s actually over right now. She insisted on getting wine drunk later tonight because her professor’s been on her ass lately. I’ll get her to come say hi.” Rae had barely turned around in her chair when she was met with your wide-eyed gaze, panic painted across your features as you shook your head wildly. You were in no state to be talking to your long-time internet crush in such a casual setting. But with the look Rae shot you from her chair as she started to plug another headset into her PC, you knew you had no choice and begrudgingly pulled yourself from the couch almost tripping over your own feet as you shakily walked over to Rae. Shooting her another pleading look, she only shoved the headset in your direction in return as she grinned up at you. Finally biting the bullet, you pulled on the headset and leaned down toward the mic.
“Hi, how’s it going?” Cursing at yourself for how quiet and shaky your words came out, you barely had any time to think it over before a chorus of greetings sounded through the headset. A small giggle escaped your lips as you watched the different Discord icons appear and disappear from the top of the screen. You knew most of these people already which made you even more confused as to how you managed to miss that voice from all the discord chats and voice calls. Well, knowing them was a bit of an overstatement anyway; you knew /of/ them, and they knew /of/ you in the other times you popped up in the background or in passing conversation during Rae’s streams. They did know you well enough, though, to know this was not the way you usually spoke around them.
“No way, that can’t be the (Y/N) I know!” The voice you recognize as Sean echoes through your headset, another chorus of knowing laughter following quickly after. Taking a deep breath you managed to force out a few words that would get them off your case.
“…Shut the fuck up”
“There she is!!” As the group erupted in laughter yet again, all you could focus on was the faint deep chuckle that resounded through your headset. Feeling your face start to heat up, you covered your wide grin with your hand as butterflies burst through your stomach; you could listen to that laugh all day. Before you were able to speak again, though, that heavenly voice piped up and wiped all train of thought from your mind.
“Nice to meet you (Y/N).”
“It’s nice to meet you too Corpse. I gotta be honest ‘n say I’m a pretty big fan of your no-sleep work.” And... there’s the word vomit. Fuck, you could feel your cheeks starting to heat up with the ongoing realization of who you were talking to.
“Aha thank you, I uh really appreciate that. I’m sure you just heard, but I guess you could say I’m a fan of yours also.”
No, there’s no fucking way.
Is he...
Flirting with you?
Before you could even think about what to reply to that with, the rest of the group beat you to it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is happening.”
“Is- Is Corpse really shooting his shot right now?”
You didn’t realize you were frozen in place until you felt Rae’s hand on your elbow, snapping you out of your bewildered trance as you tried to comprehend what was happening yourself. As your thoughts finally caught up to the present, you could feel your cheeks start to burn; pulling your hand up to cover your face you stepped out of the view of the face cam. Rae’s laughter filled the room as she watched your flustered antics, shooting you a sly grin as she started scanning the monitor displaying her live chat.
“Wait, wait, chats telling me (y/n)’s blushing right now?” Sean’s voice echoed through the discord chat, only making you flush further as you tried desperately to find a way out of this.
“Okay, okay, leave her alone.” Corpse’s voice finally piped up amid all of the chaos causing everyone to immediately pipe down. God, you didn’t even want to begin to think of the mess this has already made, you just needed to get out of there before you caused any more damage.
“Yeah, I uh- see- see that the lobby’s full so I’ll just uh- leave you guys to it.” Quietly thanking the stars that Corpse finally got you out of this mess, you went to pull the headset off your ears when that fateful voice piped up again.
“Wait, don’t let these nerds make you leave. You should stay- I mean, only to help Rae y'know? She needs it.”
“I do not!”
“I- I mean yea sure, as long as I’m not intruding,” Cursing yourself again for stuttering before forcing yourself to swallow the knot in your throat, “I mean, she really does need the help.”
“Okay just because you want to flirt some more doesn’t mean you can bully me-“
“Okay, I’m starting the round!” The booming accented voice cut off everyone else in the call as you all stared as the screen began to count down to the game, and before anyone had the chance to say anything else a chorus of laughs resounded, and then the lobby fell into silence.
And it went on like that, the not-so-subtle flirting followed by relentless jabs from the group immediately after. The game was almost forgotten with how much of each lobby was taken up by teasing words and endless laughter, but every audience was just eating it up. You didn’t even want to think about the mess social media was going to be after this stream but right now you were having fun with your friends and that’s all that mattered. The grin was practically plastered on your face as you laughed along with Rae the chat during the gameplay portions and you knew everything from this moment on was gonna be different, but you couldn’t find a single thing within you to care.
Especially when you logged onto Twitter right after the stream and saw that little message right at the top of your requests.
@.corpsehusband: wanna hear some of that no sleep work in person?
beep bop here u go,
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
Okay, you probably got people coming in with the same things BUT-
I watched a livestream of Harry's show tonight, and said livestream was slightly from above, so you could see the stage and the screens. Coolcool, so during Lights Up... I can't remember if it was during the whole song or in the middle, but the screens were inverting colors every few beats.
In my head, I was like, "nah, this probably's happened in other shows but maybe I never get a visual of the screens", although deep down I knew that was bullshit. Then someone tweeted something like "what's with all the inverted colors on the screens" and I was like "naaah, I think this happens during Lights Up but I'll confirm". I knew I was bullshitting myself because this would have been A SOURCE OF CLOWNING, y'know.
So after the show I started looking up videos of Lights Up on past shows on YouTube, and it's hard, because most people don't upload videos that are far away from the stage. But I found one from Cleveland, not always pointing at the screens, but when they were, no inverted colors. Then I found a MSG3 one that filmed the screens pretty much the whole time, no inverted colors.
So... yeah! Is Harry telling us "keep inverting all of it, you're right!"? Or what the fuck. What does it meeeeaaan.
Oh, yeah... and he didn't wear a single ring on his hands today. :D
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Yep ok I've been looking too and can't find a single video of Lights Up of last night. Just got this screenshot:
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If anyone's got more send them our way please!
Anyway this sums up my feelings about this:
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really I would have screamed so much if this evil/inverted color trend wasn't a thing and this happened? Like.. it's a meme rn to do that whoever responsible maybe just thought they're funny / got inspired that's a possibility and its not harry being consistently insane for reasons we don't understand walking in the wind
this inverted outfit is now my next show's outfit prediction asdasd:
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Either way whatever the fuck it is fact is there are really actually color inverted visuals going on on the LOT screens ok then.
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maleyanderecafe · 3 years
Hey there was a mobile game I wanted to recommend you check out! It’s called MazM: The Phantom of the Opera. Obviously the phantom himself is a well-known character and prime example of a yandere, and this version’s Raoul also takes on that trait a little (although it’s mostly because Christine is in a life or death situation and this he’s protective over her), he’s very sweet and doesn’t wait a moment to shower her with praise. Anyway it’s a pretty faithful retelling of the original book and was extra fun for me as a yandere-lover as you play as Christine caught in between the yandere and the actual boyfriend. I think it’s coming to the switch soon as well if you want to wait for that.
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...Are you sure that Raoul just takes on this trait a bit...?
Joking aside, sorry it took me so long to answer this ask. I was originally going to watch a walkthrough on youtube, but then I realized that you said it would be on switch and since I just got my switch emulator, I ended up playing with a friend. I will say that there is a lot for me to say about this game, so this will be a long read.
First things first, I'll admit that I've never actually read or watched the Phantom of the Opera before, so I genuinely have no idea what happens in the story. This is where my friend who I was streaming for comes in because she has read the story so she helped fill me in on what happens (she's also making a yandere vn in the future which I will be spamming the heck out of because yandere vn). I think from what she told me, most of the story is relatively accurate, though some parts are changed for one reason or another (for instance, The Persian has a name in this game, but in the original, he doesn't), which has some pros and cons for some characters. Overall though, the story was pretty good for a first timer like me since it really let me experience what the Phantom of the Opera is truly about. I think the creator Mazm did a good job for historical detail, which makes sense considering their platform is about creating games that reinterpret famous stories (they've also done one for Wizard of Oz and Jekyll and Hyde which I sort of want to play), and there are a lot of different notes the player can collect in the game that give more historical insight into what is going on.
The story for the most part is pretty linear. There are some choices you can choose, but except for two, they don't really affect the story. For the most part, the game plays as a visual novel, though you do have to walk around to talk or interact with things to proceed the story. There are cats and notes that lie around the game too, with the notes giving more historical insight and the cats being used as hints in case you don't know where to go. The story is about a detective trying to find out the truth of the Phantom of the Opera at a request of a client whos husband was a victim of him, but most of the story is played through a flashback.
There are also small minigames as well that aren't too difficult, though I honestly felt like some of the minigames got to be tedious at times, specifically the one minigame where you have to press the order of the mirror combo which I found really annoying because besides the fact that I'm bad at those games, you had to do it every time you wanted to enter under the Opera house, which was just... ugh. The game itself seems much more optimized for mobile than it was for switch considering how slow the characters move (and its really slow walking to different places sometimes) as well as the fact that it takes forever to load between different scenes and there's no touch screen option for switch (that I know of). Plus the buttons for moving and pressing hints were annoying to deal with (though this could just be because I'm using an emulator). I also kept getting confused when I was playing, since sometimes I would walk around the entire opera house trying to figure out what to do next, only to learn that I was suppose to talk to someone that was literally five steps from where I spawned. The last thing I found annoying was the fact that there's no option to skip dialogue which is really annoying when I wanted to replay a specific part of the story to take some screenshots. If you play this game, it's probably better to play it on mobile than on switch.
In terms of artwork, Mazm's Phantom of the Opera is really gorgeous, from the overworld sprites to the dialogue sprites to the background and CGs. I love how cute the overworld sprites are (I think Jammes and Raoul's are my favorite, they're both so cute) and every background is really nice to walk through and gives a good atmosphere of what it's trying to show. The character sprites for each characters are nice and varied. I can always appreciate characters that have recognizable faces and shapes, since a lot of times I have face blindness when it comes to characters that look way too similar. The CGs of course are super well done and I love all of them. Overall, the artstyle of this game is very solid and I love the way it looks.
The main character of the story was Christine, who looks really good ( I really love her hair), was for the most part alright initially. While I found her to be a bit naive (because she believed that there was an actual Angel of Music when it was just... the Phantom), she was for the most part alright, and even ended up saving another character from the phantom. However, I found her actions annoying after she met the phantom, specifically the part where she agreed to stay underground with the phantom for two days and would be released as long as she didn't touch his mask, and guess what. Right as she was literally about to leave, SHE TAKES OFF HIS MASK, AND FOR WHAT? YOU WERE JUST ABOUT TO LEAVE?? The other thing that bothered me was the after being trapped with the Phantom for about a month, she is given free reign to go back above ground, under the conditions that she only goes to the opera house and at home. During this time, she's expected to break it off with Raoul, so she fakes a honeymoon with him before he leaves for the artic. However, during this time, she doesn't tell anyone, not even Raoul about what the Phantom is up to. She has an entire month, an ENTIRE MONTH to tell someone that the Phantom is likely to hurt people (as previously he had dropped a chandelier on top of the audience) and she just... didn't. Understandably, she might have been afraid that the Phantom might have heard her, but still, what is he going to do to the possible 100 people that Christine could have told about him. She could have saved people from death if something like that were to happen. Near the end, she does get proper character development and learns to choose things for her sake and not others, which was pretty nice and does stand up to the Phantom after all the trauma (and doesn't get stockholm sydrome, thank goodness), but I still think that a lot of her actions could have probably been written better to make her less naive (since apparently in the original she was about 16ish while in this remake she's about 20 so it's less awkward between her and the phantom).
Raoul is the next character I'll be talking about, because even though he is very adorable, he also has one braincell and talks about Christine way too much. My friend and I actually decided to make a counter on how many times Erik and Raoul say "Christine." Erik says Christines name 128 times and Raoul... says it 340 times. This isn't even counting his introduction and only starts up to when Erik is introduced as a formal character and also doesn't count any time he says it in the overworld. 340! My friend kept on joking around that because Raoul says Christine so much, his brother Phillipe became an alcoholic because he's so tired of Raoul talking about Christine. Raoul only really has like three things going for him: the fact that he was in the military, the fact that he's part of the Chagny household and Christine, and that's it. Throughout the story, his goals are pretty much always related to Christine, whether it be to give gifts to Christine, being worried about her or trying to protect Christine from the Phantom. When the chandelier drops on half the crowd during one of the performances, instead of being worried for them or trying to get out of the Opera House, he instead looks for Christine, who is on stage and quite literally in the safest location within the theater. I would consider him a redeemed/protective yandere though, considering his priority is always Christine (he even gives up his own family name to be with her) and he's always trying to protect her. There's a part of the story where Raoul becomes really unhinged when it comes to protecting Christine, lashing out her her friends and other members of the Opera house. He does some really dumb stuff because of the Phantom, specifically throwing away Christine's ring that she got from the Phantom (that she also literally told him before that as long as she's wearing the ring she wouldn't be harmed by the phantom and he just...?? okay??). When he's tortured in the mirror room, he hallucinates Christine blaming him for her capture, and he even cries while hallucinating that Christine friendzones him (which I though was actually really funny, even if it was a tad bit stupid). His redemption comes near the end of the story where he apologizes for being so emotional and realizing that he was a bit of an obsessive beast, and in one ending he lets Christine go to travel the world. To be honest, I don't know if Raoul would continue to be as protective and obsessed with her even after the Phantom's death, but I guess there's not really any way to know.
The Phantom, or Erik (which I know is his cannon name but it makes me laugh because he really doesn't look like an Erik) is the main villain of the story. Unfortunately, in this version, I don't think I can call him a yandere, for one simple character: Melek. Melek, as far as I know isn't in the original story, is a prisoner that Erik has after she refused to marry her. As a character, I do actually like Melek since she's the one of the more sensible characters in the story and she's the more rational one between her and Christine, but her role in the story basically deconfirms Erik as a yandere, at least in this version. For one, Melek is a blind maid of Erik that he did fall in love with and trap, similar to how Christine was, which kind of comes off as Erik being the kind of person who would trap any girl that he likes. Even if this is the case, I don't understand why Erik would keep her alive even after she fell for Christine. Supposedly the reason is that Erik wanted to make Christine feel despair and he did attempt to kill her, but Melek survives and he just... doesn't do anything with her. Honestly, if Melek were straight up not in the story, I would have put him as a yandere because pretty much all of his other actions point to a more possessive/worship type of yandere, but because of Melek it's just not possible in my eyes. Besides that Erik sort of reminds me of a chunni in this version (he's like this absolute darkness is my curse! Like people with 7th grade syndrom seem to have), it was kind of hard for me to take him seriously in certain times. He is very intimidating when he threatens Christine, but his overdramatic nature (which I know is something he's always known for, just this version is uh...) really makes him seem like a child. Erik is for sure suppose to be more antagonistic in this version, considering the addition of Melek and his general actions of possession towards Christine and his disdain for Raoul, but near the end we do see more of his story and we see just how devastating his life is from the moment of birth. I did feel really bad for him when Hatim/The Persian keeps on mentioning the prince he used to work with because its really obvious that he still has trauma from it (and he keeps begging him to not talk about his past and the Persian just... keeps traumatizing him I guess) and the fact that he was treated so badly because of his appearance, but this doesn't excuse his actions in the story. Christine does try to sympathize with him using her own tragic backstory, which Erik kind of pushes away (like bro, we're not trying to see whose parents are worse, she's just trying to sympathize with you, dang) as not being tragic. I think that Mazm did present him pretty well in this story, not showing just his antagonistic side but also his more tragic side. Sadly, like I said, I can't consider him a yandere because of the addition of Melek, at least not in this version.
In terms of other characters, I really like the trio of Meg Giry, Sorelli and Jammes- the friends of Christine. From what I can tell, they're all a bit more aged up in this version, with Sorelli being the oldest and Jammes being the youngest and I feel like they gave more character to them than in the original version. Sorelli is the head of the dancers and the dating partner of Phillip de Chagny, Raoul's older brother and she's the mature and strong willed one of the group, wielding a blade that she uses to protect her friends. I like the fact that they made her a bit more protective and in one of the overworld sprites its mentioned via rumor that Phillip fell in love with her after he saw Sorelli swing her dagger, which I thought was pretty cute. At the end though, after Phillips death, she realizes that she was struggling too hard to climb up the social ladder and decides to forge her own path. In the beginning she attempts to protect her and her friends from the Phantom, declaring that she'll stab him if she sees him. Next is Meg Giry, and from what my friend told me, she was very young in the original books and kind of scardy cat. In this version, she's a bit older but maintains the scardy cat position, and is very terrified of the Phantom. She does gain more character development during the story, standing up to her mother and the managers and overall being a more assertive and confident person, which I thought was a nice touch. Last but certainly not least is my best girl Jammes. In the original story, she barely makes an appearance, but in Mazm they made her quite literally the best character. For one, the canonical reason why there are so many cats hanging out in the opera house is that Jammes keeps on feeding them and letting them in and she has named all of them after the Opera House staff. Jammes loves to spin and has a cute animation and while she can be loud and a bit strange sometimes, she can be smart and assertive when she needs to. Jammes always pushes the other three into being better and protects them when needed (for instance, when Phillip lashes out at Sorelli, she steps in and demands that he apologize for his actions) and can be really smart at times (she's the only character that attempts to at least cover her mouth when the Phantom's fragrance, a hallucinogenic gas, starts to fill up the box seat, despite others who have been in there not even trying) and is the one who stands up for Christine's abuse as well as for the dancers at the opera house being treated unfairly by the manager as she organizes a strike against them. She also becomes part of the women's suffrage after the events of the story. I could go on and on about Jammes, but instead I'll leave a cute picture of her at the end of this entire analysis. Besides those three, I did like Carlotta, the original singing lead of the opera house. Originally, she became an antagonist towards Christine after she became the lead singer, however, she did apologize to her afterwards and befriended her once more before traveling the world. I love her interactions with Raoul because she basically said that Raoul only has Christine and military training and when he gets angry and lashes out, Carlotta glares and him, causing him to cower (this actually does happen multiple times), and I just found that really, really funny. Mifoid, though useless in the story is actually pretty cute as well, I love his bouncing animation. The last character I'll talk about is Phillip because he became meme material for me and my friend considering he probably is so tired of Raoul talking about Christine (we joked that the reason he was sent to military was so that he didn't have to hear her name again) and while he is mostly a decent but strict character in the story, his last appearance really makes him out as a jerk. I did think it was kind of weird that Phillip was so willing to let Raoul go to the Artic mission considering nobody that has gone there has ever returned, and he was rather elitest towards him, not letting him marry Christine because she's of lower
class but during his last chapter before he dies, he goes on a frenzy after he and Raoul have a fight, revealing to Sorelli that he only dated her for fun and not to actually settle down with her, which is just horrible. It's a bit sad though that Raoul only saw him as someone who tried to get rid of him considering that Phillip did raise Raoul and that his last actions were an attempt to save Phillip from the phantom, and yet Raoul barely has a reaction after seeing his body and doesn't even go to his funeral. It's really sad that Raoul didn't even really cry after seeing Phillip's body, considering that he was basically his father figure.
Overall, it's a good game to play and a good retelling of the Phantom of the Opera. I wouldn't consider the Phantom to be a yandere in this game, but I do think that Raoul is one. Thank you for this recommendation!
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Ok, I remember seeing somewhere (in a gif set or YouTube vid - apologies, I am baby ARMY / Jikooker so have come nowhere close to watching the back catalogue but I think a Bon Voyage??) JK and JM walking down a sidewalk with one of the other members between them (Hobi? Tae?) and JK fake coughs or sneezes and it is clearly a secret signal for JM to walk next to him. I think the other member even says ‘that sounded fake’ and JM moves to be next to JK (if I recall correctly).
So, my questions are 1) do you know what I am talking about? And 2) do we know of any other seemingly secret signal things like this between KM and JK?
p.s. love your blog and all you do!
I don't think that the sneeze was a secret message. Lol This was from Bon Voyage Season 2, episode 2. (Thanks @wingzie !) It happens about 26 minutes into the episode, right at the start of the vminkook outing together. So it's Tae in the middle of them at first. I had to go watch that part again because I couldn't quite remember and wanted to see. Lol I don't know how to screen record from my phone, but the full episode is on Dailymotion and it might still be available for purchase from WeVerse, I'm not sure. But I did take screenshots of that moment....
We start with Vminkook trying to ask where to go right after they leave the big group and trying to plan out the rest of their day
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JK sneezes basically right after that
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Right after the sneeze, we do see Jikook make eye contact, which is 👀 I don't know if that was a totally fake sneeze, but it is interesting how he IMMEDIATELY turned to look at Jimin
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Tae then asks him if he "is acting cute right now?" Implying that he didn't think that was a completely real sneeze maybe? I am not sure WHY he would say that or think it, but he did.
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And while he is saying that, we see Jimin moving to go walk on the other side now, putting JK in the middle
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And then we have what looks like a cut where Jimin then ends up in the middle and thats where they stay for a while.
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Do I think its a secret signal? No. I've literally never seen them do it again or otherwise. Do i think it was maybe an attention grabber so that Jimin would look at him and they could do their silent communication through the eyes/eyebrows thing. Lol which they definitely do often. JK definitely seemed to want Jimin's attention and was then satisfied whenever he moved. Odd, but okay. Lol
As for other secret signals? Not really, no. Like I said, they tend to lift their eyebrows at each often though and they do seem to be able to get whatever the other means or draw comfort from each other through eye contact. But I don't think they are out here divising secret methods of communication through a series of nose taps/cheek scratches or anything. 😂 This one with the sneeze though is funny, but I do think it was just an attention grabber, not really an agreed upon signal ahead of time.
P.S thanks so much for the sweet words and for your ask 🥰🥰🥰
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theartsynoodle · 4 years
Luz is aware of Amity’s behavior
Ok, so I’m definitely sure people have done this before but it’s fun and I want to write about it so here I go.
I definitely think 2 things right now. 1.) Luz likes Amity, but doesn’t quite understand the feelings yet and 2.) Luz is aware of how Amity has been acting, but doesn’t know why she’s acting that way.
I’ll do point 1 first. What makes me thinks Luz likes Amity is that the girl has a tendency to stare, quite a bit I may add. I first noticed it in Enchanting Grom Fright within the first 5 minutes we get this.
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On my first watch of this episode this immediately caught my eye. The way her eyes are wide and mouth slightly agape gives me a lost and fixated look. Not to mention that she looks at Amity like this for multiple seconds, while Amity looks only for a second and then at Willow and Gus. At first I thought, “Well she’s just surprised she ran into her.” but then it gets deeper.
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In the woods they are close again, Luz’s hands grabbing Amity’s. Once more, Luz holds this wide eyed and longing look, and she looks unsure, confused. This time, Amity holds the look and it is once again, for multiple seconds before it breaks. I think that this is Luz feeling something, but not knowing at all what it is. She can feel it, but it’s very new to her and can’t quite identify it. At this point I was becoming very aware of what was happening, but the next scene really solidified it for me.
People are excited to see Luz’s big “Oh.” moment and I think we’ve actually seen a smaller “Oh.” moment already.
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Amity approaches Luz at Grom and begins to say “You look...nice.” This top image is while she is saying “You look...” The below image is when she says “Nice.”
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Look at Luz’s face, look at her eyes and body language. Upon Amity complimenting her, she stands up and back a little, wide-eyed again. She looks like this as soon as Amity says “Nice.” and I think this is where she goes “Oh.” a little in her head. She was not prepared to be complimented by Amity, she looks surprised and honestly, a little scared. It’s the stiffening of her back, the wide eyes and raised eyebrows, she feels something and it puts her off. Now this follows immediately by Amity putting her hands on her shoulder.
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Once again, she backs up a little and straightens her back, not knowing what to do with her hands as Amity says “Thank you.” She was already uncertain seconds before and now she completely lost. Amity is someone who has done a complete 180 because of Luz, a wake up call. Their road to friendship was rocky and now they’re already close, but Luz feels strangely. I don’t think I remember seeing Luz this stiff before Amity showed up. It’s really evident in Adventures in the Elements.
I don’t have the screenshots, but Luz was acting very differently in that episode. She felt like she had to lie to Edric, Emira, and Amity about knowing powerful spells because she didn’t want to look weak in front of them, something Luz doesn’t usually do. She is also embarrassed when they’re all at the knee and when Eda eats snow in front of them. Luz is usually never embarrassed by Eda and King, but she was in that episode. She also fumbles around Amity when trying to act casual, like how she slides off that rock in the same episode, like in Lost in Language when she is striking poses to seem impressive to Edric and Emira, and how she knocks books over trying to lean in Lost in Language when Amity walks over to her.
Moving on to the actual content of this ramble, Luz’ staring carries on into the next episode, Wing it Like Witches.
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When Amity is talking about her time on the Grudgby team, Luz gives her the same look from Enchanting Grom Fright, wide eyes and agape mouth. She is deeply invested in what Amity has to say, and while you could say its just that, look at how close she gets to her.
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Luz scooted over and got really in Amity’s face. She was so lost in what she was saying she unknowingly got close and personal. Luz is feeling things again and is starting to put the pieces together, but gets lost in thought and stares without noticing. Another case of Luz staring is one I haven’t see too many people point out, mostly because it goes by so quickly, even I didn’t really notice it at first.
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The reason Luz almost gets hit by this axe is because she’s staring behind her at Amity. Amity is distracting her, which is funny because if Amity wasn’t so focused on Luz not getting sliced in half by this damn thing, she would’ve noticed her and become a mess. The fact she doesn’t even notice the axe and is in a high stakes game and is just, getting easily distracted by her friend is really telling to me.
Don’t even get me started on the touching as well. I’m not getting all those screen caps so I’ll just use this one example that everyone has pointed out.
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Luz absolutely did not have to pick up Amity. There are so many other possibilities. Call and wait for healers to come so Amity doesn’t have to move, have someone use magic to help float her or guide her to the office, the most likely of these being having Willow help Luz support Amity and walk her to the nurse’s office, but nope, Luz just picks her up. I’m sure this is Luz living up to her “fearless champion” role and wanting to show off her strength to Amity, but I don’t think she wants to actually admit to herself why she is doing it.
So that’s why I think Luz is interested in Amity, now point 2 is going to be a lot shorter and that is Luz is aware of how Amity has been acting, she just doesn’t understand what it is.
Now I have not personally seen anyone use this screenshot before, but I could be wrong. When Amity fumbles on her words Luz is once again giving her this tense and longing stare, holding her hands up again unsure of what to do with them like in Enchanting Grom Fright.
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And after Amity stops talking it’s weirdly... tense.
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They stare at each other for a second, and look at Luz’s face. Her eyes are squinted, her back straight and her hands laying slack at her side. you can see the “What?” floating inside her head. She see’s it, Amity see’s Luz seeing it, and it is a tense moment. Luz isn’t stupid, she’s actually extremely smart, there’s just been a lot going on in her life and she is seeing in this moment Amity is acting different. Amity never stumbles over her words and rambles, Luz knows she is precise and calculating, so having Amity act like this in front of her confuses the hell out of her.
She doesn’t think that Amity could have a crush on her, in her mind there’s no way anyone could. Luz comes from a world where she has no friends and is deemed weird and bullied by her classmate, so she doesn’t think anyone is capable of liking her. If Luz even had one confidant in her life, we would’ve heard about them by now, but no, the friends she’s made on the Boiling Isles are the first friends she’s ever had.
Last night, I read a post about how Luz may have Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD), something that often comes with ADHD (Which I and majority of the fan base believe her to have.) RSD is as quoted  “an intense emotional response caused by the perception that you have disappointed others in your life and that, because of that disappointment, they have withdrawn their love, approval, or respect.” In Understanding Willow, in a moment of feeling weak, Amity snaps at Luz and Luz immediately recoils. Luz is terrified of disappointing people, feeling at fault for all of Agony of a Witch when it was out of her control. Luz doesn’t think that someone could love her like that and it hurts to think about. Luz knows she feels differently about Amity, and notices how Amity acts different around her, but believes that it be narcissistic of her to assume Amity even likes her. It’s the self doubt and years of rejection on Earth that makes it difficult for her to really understand the magnitude of what is going on.
TLDR; 1.) Luz’ has many instances of staring longing at Amity in a confused way that is indicative of her feeling strangely around her.
2.) Because of a screenshot from Wing it Like Witches, Luz’ face tells us she is aware that Amity is acting strange around her, but doesn’t believe it could a crush because of years of bullying on earth and RSD.
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Pull Up
Bakugo x fem!reader
TW: Swearing, mentions of alcohol but no actual drinking, Bakugo throwing hands
Note: i got this idea from @liltodo
College AU
This was just supposed to be pulling up to his house but the party idea was just spontaneous and happened while I was in the middle of writing so I just went with it
Also, I still aint good at writing fights 💀 it just gets repetitive because its just a lot of punching. And I personally wouldn't wanna read that so im not gonna write it. But enjoy
As of recently, there's been talk of a TikTok video that was going around your campus. You hadn't exactly seen it, which was odd considering everyone said you were the subject of said video.
And no matter how much you asked people for the video, or account no one would tell you or show you. They wouldn't even show your friends.
At this point, you were sure a majority of the campus had seen the video. Even your boyfriend, Katsuki, had heard about it, and he couldn't care less about the media.
But that was least of your worries as of now, because you and your friends were about to go to a party to release the stress of this week. Of course, it was at a frat house party, so you knew most of you were all going to leave wasted and tripping over your own feet.
This is exactly why Katsuki was coming in the first place. He'd never admit it, but it was so he could protect you from random creeps. Denki and Hanta would always say they'd do it so Katsuki could keep to his old man sleep schedule. But inevitably failed, as they'd get distracted by any pretty girl as soon as they walked through the door.
Katsuki also didn't trust Ubers, hence he was also designated driver for the guys while Momo was yours.
"Katsuki, hurry up! The others are waiting for us." You beckoned your boyfriend, turning over your shoulder to see him lagging several steps behind you.
"Don't tell me what to do, this is your fault y'know? I could be asleep right now if you weren't going to this stupid party." He grumbled, stuffing his hands deeper into the pockets of his sweatpants.
"Well, if its that bothersome, then you can go home and sleep." You tested him, knowing full and well that he'd stay.
Katsukis back straightened for a moment, making his face visible as he tilted his hooded head up. He scoffed, before slouching back down into his normal posture.
"Bakubro, Y/n, over here!" You heard Eijiro call. You turned to look ahead, and saw everyone waving in your direction.
You rushed over. You took turns hugging Mina, Momo and Jiro, and as you turned to hug the boys, you realized they were all talking quietly.
"No dude, Katsuki is gonna flip his shit." Kirishima whispered to Kaminari. "Yeah, but like, shouldn't he be allowed to know? Its kinda his business." Sero insisted.
"Whats my business?" Katsuki grunted, brows already furrowed, like he knew he'd be upset about whatever it was.
"N-nothing Bakubro!" Kirishima blurted, jumping back and holding his phone to his chest.
"Kirishima! They both have the right to know!" Mina told him, snatching his phone, and holding it out to you and Katsuki.
The video started, and the 'Let's Link' TikTok audio started. The back green screen picture was a screenshot of one of your Instagram posts. One where you were in a rather form fitting outfit, and in a pose that showed off your body shape.
The whole time during the "I like you" portion of the audio, he was pointing up at your picture, and grinding.
And then cut to a video of you playfully flipping off Katsuki, the boy flipping him off along with you. The whole time, he mouthed "dont give a fuck bout yo boyfriend.".
As the video replayed, you realized you knew the guy in the video. You had a class with him, and tutored him every now and then. And on top of that, the party you were going to was his.
Katsuki must've noticed this too, because he stormed off to his car.
And he must've been beyond mad, because he damn near broke his door with the way he flung it open. Denki, Eijiro, and Hanta all chased after him, somehow managing to not get dragged and/or run over with the way he peeled out before they could even fully get in.
"Holy shit, everyone get to the car." You said, grabbing Momos hand and pulling her towards her car. Mina and Jiro rushed behind you.
You all piled in, and Momo started up the car. You were struggling to keep up with Katsukis speed.
"Momo, go faster!" You told her, hearing Katsukis wheels begin to screech. "But I'm going the speed limit!" Momo told you.
"Would you rather get a speeding ticket or be a murder witness?" You asked her. Momo contemplated for a moment before speeding up.
You arrived at the party at the same time as the boys, thankfully. But before you could even fully stop and park the car Katsuki was already storming towards the front door, the guys chasing after him.
You got out of the car before Momo completely parked, and chased after him.
"Katsuki-" You tried to call out to your boyfriend, who was almost literally fuming. But as soon as you got the last syllable of his name out, he already blasted the front door open.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS JORDAN?!" Katsuki yelled, palms already emitting small explosions.
"Dude, my door-" Before Jordan could get his last word out, Katsuki was on him in an instant. He had Jordan by the collar, raised off the ground, back against the nearest wall.
Katsuki unlocked his phone to display the TikTok he has sent to himself god knows when. "This you?" Katsuki asked Jordan, holding the phone to his face.
"Y-yeah, but i-it was just a joke!" Jordan sputtered. "WELL IT AINT FUCKIN FUNNY. DO YOU SEE ME LAUGHING?" Katsuki barked, making Jordan flinch.
"L-look dude, I'm sorry, it didn't mean anything. I don't want any trouble." Jordan pleaded, beginning to physically shake.
"Yo, Katsuki, its just a video, chill-" Denki tried to soothe Katsuki, placing a hand on his shoulder. "SHUT IT, SPARKY, ITS MORE THAN THAT, THATS MY GOD DAMN GIRLFRIEND." Katsuki shouted, making Denki jump back.
While Katsuki had his head turned, Jordan took the chance to land a blow to Katsukis cheek.
However, it clearly didn't give the effect Jordan expected. All Katsuki did was scoff in his face. I mean, he's been punched by All Might, a basic punch wasn't gonna do much.
After a moment of all of you sitting in fear and suspense, Katsuki slammed Jordan to the ground and started punching him till his face started going purple. The collar on Jordan shirt was holding on for dear life, but Katsuki wasn't letting up.
Eijiro clearly wanted to intervene, but cringed away from the scene upon seeing Jordans swollen face, and hearing Katsuki give him quirk enhanced slaps.
At this point, there was blood splattering in all directions, and you knew you needed to intervene before someone actually got killed.
"Katsuki, that's enough!" You grabbed your boyfriends bicep, pulling it back. You both knew he could've easily shrugged you off and continue, but he decided to calm down for you.
He let go of Jordans tattered collar, standing up straight and taking jagged breaths.
Jordan spit out several teeth, and mouth full of blood, before seemingly passing out.
Katsuki stepped back, turning to you. His bloodied hand grabbed your wrist, and he leaned in next your ear.
"We're leaving." He told you, before tugging you towards the door.
He stopped right before stepping out, turning around to face everyone.
"NONE of you saw shit, and tell dick face to make up a lame excuse. If any of you snitch, ill kill you." He growled, staring to tug you back to the car.
"Fucking bastards..."
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willddheartt · 3 years
24 Days | Wilbur Soot
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30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right? It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.
You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…
Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.
Word Count: 1685
Masterlist Series Masterlist
24 Days
It was Friday, you were in the middle of doing your two-hour-long stream that you did every Friday. Since you took weekends off from your own streams you did a long one every week. It worked out, you seemed to get a lot more views on Friday anyways.  All the donos seemed to ask about you and Wilbur, you forced a smile to tell everyone you guys were well and that you’re very happy together. The viewers seemed to be happy with your responses and didn't catch you falter.  You were on the DreamSMP cleaning up things and repairing things from any creeper explosions, as having holes in the walkways annoyed you to no end because it didn't look pleasing to the eye. Many ties you were passed by Fundy, Tubbo, and even Tommy.  The in-game chat stated to be spammed by Tommy, VC 2 VC 2 VC 2 over and over again. 
“Well chat, let’s see what Tommy wants,” You giggled and switched to discord.  “Hello Tommy,” You smiled, wondering what type of shenanigans he was up to today, you noticed he was also streaming so you knew it was something that was going to be very entertaining to the stream.  “Y/N!” He yelled  “Tommy!” You yelled back, matching his energy.  “How do you do?” His sudden calm tone almost made you burst into a fit of laughter.  “I do well, Thomas. What are you up to tonight?” You asked, smiling to yourself when using his full name.  “Well, you see, Y/N. See here’s the thing. I am out of supplies, I don’t even have iron to my name Y/N-” “Do you want me to help you get some?” You offered, cutting him off  “Well, actually I was hoping you could just give me some.”  “Tommy,” You laughed, “That’s- unfortunately, that not how it works my friend.” You paused, taking a sip of your water, “I am more than willing to help you go mining, I know a pretty good spot actually, but I’m not going to just give you stuff for nothing.”  “C’mon Y/N you could write it off your taxes as a charity donation,”  You had to give it to him, although Tommy could be annoying at times he was so effortlessly funny, you were almost certain that he didn't even have to try. 
“Ah yes, hang on let me see what I have to give to Tommy’s charity fund,” You laughed, looking through your inventory, pondering for a few moments, making it look like you were going to give him half your stack of iron only our stream before clicking to the three seeds you’d picked up some time ago and throwing them at his feet. His character's head went from looking at you to the seeds, then back to you and back to the seeds again, you pulled up his stream on your other monitor so you could see his face, trying so hard to not burst out into laughter when you saw his unamused look. 
Feeling bad you pulled up a donation, giving Tommy Five bucks so the text-to-speech would work, “Tommy Charity Fund.” You sent and waited for it to go through.  He paused, hearing the dono tts voice, before looking back up at you in the game.  “Fuck you,” He said running away. You couldn't suppress your laughter any longer and it all fell out at once, chat exploded into laughter and emotes, everyone found it hilarious.
A few seconds after you were still in the voice chat with Tommy, he had ventured off to go mining, I guess stealing from people wasn't going well. Since the last war, nobody has really been gathering supplies, taking a break from the lore to just get things done around the server. Tommy still bringing up the ‘charity fund’ you found it hilarious. 
“You’re a bitch you know that,” He mumbled, you knew he was only joking, with Tommy you never took anything to heart, if he had a true problem with you, you know he would message you privately.  “Tommy,” Wilbur's voice came over discord, making you jump slightly.  “Hi Wilbur,” He said, sounding like a little kid when their mom gets them in trouble.  “Apologize to Y/N.'' Wilbur's voice was playful, yet stern, sounding exactly like the older brother who was put in charge of his younger siblings. 
After a second, you could see Tommy bow his head on his stream that was still pulled up on your other monitor.  “Sorry, Y/N. You’re not a bitch.” He said  “It’s okay Tommy,” You chuckled  “Thank you.” Spoke Wilbur before leaving the voice chat. 
You and Tommy stayed on call until his stream ended. You were left alone, talking to your chat. Without anyone else there to keep a consistent conversation you started to daze off, forgetting you were on stream, yawning and leaning forward onto your desk. Your back hurt from how long you’d been sat in front of the monitor. 
Your discord made a noise again, but this time you didn’t bother tabbing out to see who had joined.  “Hey, Y/N,” Wilburs soft voice came across your headphones  “Will,” You smiled, sitting up  “You look tired, how long have you been up?” He asked 
You looked at the clock, it was only 11 PM but you could have sworn it was later.  “Since one,”  “AM or PM?” Will asked  You looked down, “AM,” You mumbled. “You should go to bed,” He said You sighed, knowing he could break you eventually, as your eyelids were drooping shut and your eyes were burning. “Its not even that long, Wil, I’m fine.” You argued 
“How long have you been streaming?” Wilbur asked  “I’m almost at my five hour mark, I’m like forty-five minutes away,”  “End your stream early and get ready for bed than we can chat,” His voice was soft and warm speaking over your stream, your chat exploded, loving Wilbur and you together.  “But I’m so close, just a few more minutes,” You sighed, tabbing out of your game and switching the stream to a full face cam. “I’m sure they wont mind if you end a little early, you've been streaming for a while, love.” He continued, slowly wearing you down. “I can even entertain your chat for a bit while you go get ready for bed, or even make yourself a cup of tea, then when you come back, it will be close enough that you can end the stream, how does that sound?”  You sighed, knowing he had won. You looked at chat and back to the timer of how long you've been on stream, “Okay.” You nodded. 
“Alright Chat, I’m sorry for ending early but you heard the man. Next week will be extra long to make up for this, I promise.” You said, looking at the chat, everyone was spamming ‘goodnight’ and ‘goodbye’  “It was nice spending this fine evening with you all, but I must go now, I will see everyone Monday. Bye!” You ended stream 
“Hi, Wilbur,” You smiled to yourself after ending stream  “I’m going to call your number now, and you can go get ready for bed, okay?” He said  “Alright, Wil,” you nodded, closing all the windows you had open on your pc. 
After shutting everything off you grabbed what you needed and went to the bathroom. Wilbur called you halfway through taking your makeup off, you had eyeliner smudged all around your eyes when you answered his facetime.  When his face popped up on your screen, he was wearing his glasses and a big smile, his hair was a mess and he was already in bed. 
“Getting ready for bed?” He asked, as if he didn't already know.  “Of course,” You shook your head, leaning closer to the mirror making sure you had all the bits of makeup taken off before washing your face with warm water  Picking up your phone you held up a peace sign, making Wil laugh and attempt to take a sneaky screenshot.  “Hey, no, delete that, I look terrible.” You quickly argued after hearing the noise.  “You do not.” He was fast to respond. “You look refreshed, you're glowing.” you shook your head at him as you walked back to your room through the dark house. 
Your roommate had already gone to bed, close to an hour ago. You were always the last person up, being an internet person with many American friends who are in a different time zone and a night owl at heart. You flopped down into your soft pillows, pulling your duvet over yourself and propping your phone up on your laptop so you could still see Wilbur and he could see you. You pulled the corner of the blanket up to hide your face. 
“Don't do that, I want to see your face,” Wilbur frowned.  “No you don’t,” You shook your head  “Yes,” He spoke, “I do.” You moved the blanket so it wasn't all the way covering your face but it was still pulled up enough that your shoulders were covered.  “You realize next week you’ll be here for your stream?” Wilbur said.  “I do now,” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “I’m sorry, I didn't think of that,”  “Its okay, you can stream from my computer,” He smiled. “It will surprise chat,”  “Oh my god, can you imagine, they're going to go crazy,” You chuckled  “They will,”
Wilbur continued to tell you about how he was truly getting excited to have you meet him in person, but his soft voice had been lulling you to sleep, your eyelids struggling to stay open and your warm bed weighing you down. Eventually you were out. Wilbur didn't notice until he asked you a question and did not respond. Your laptop screen was still shining light on you, and he saw you were asleep against the black screen, smiling at you. He snuck another screenshot, making sure the sound was off this time. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He said sweetly before getting comfortable in bed himself and slowly drifting off. 
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ohthewhomanity · 4 years
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Some highlights of the texts I sent my friend while I finally watched all seven seasons of Clone Wars over the last two months. Transcriptions under the cut.
All images are screenshots of iMessage texts. All texts are from me unless labeled [Response]
Dated Tuesday, April 7
Me: *watching Clone Wars* Bad guy: “who will brand themselves a cold blooded killer???” Anakin: *pops out of nowhere and stabs the guy through the chest, flashing a cheeky smile as the Imperial March plays in the background*
This show is often ridiculous and I love it
Dated Thursday, April 23
The Separatists are right that the Republic is corrupt. The problem is, not only are the Separatists also corrupt, they have the exact same guy making the corruption possible!
I mean no one KNOWS this in universe but STILL
Dated Tuesday, April 28
Darth Maul is a spider cyborg. A spyborg.
[Response] Accepted. I love Maul tho. And his spider legs.
He’s creepy lol
[Response] Oh yes for sure
And now he has bird legs
Dated Sunday (May 10)
Drinking game where you watch Clone Wars season 5 with me and every time I shout “you done fucked up” at the screen we all take a drink
There’s a world of force sensitive people who see the Jedi as child kidnappers and I love this song
The best part is how offended the Jedi council is that someone doesn’t want them around. It’s probably not supposed to be as funny as I’m finding it.
Somehow the member of the Bad Batch I love most is WRECKER
[Response] You’re on the last season?
“I’m not afraid of heights! I just have a problem with gravity!” “I don’t wanna do this but here I go!!!”
Yes. Middle of Episode 3
[Response] Season 7 is good
Anakin’s hair is so floofy
Ahsoka’s so pretty in the new animation. I missed her
Dated Today (May 13)
Oh so this goes right up to set up the next movie!! Cool
...and into the movie. Still cool but OUCH on all levels
This show takes advantage of literally all the previously built up knowledge and emotions at its disposal. Brilliantly done.
Another drinking game involves every time I say “they dead”
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bubble-tae · 4 years
BTS React to S/O Crying
“Hello! Can I request a bts reaction? They hear their s/o crying and then find out it was just because of a video of a puppy/baby XD thank you! ❤️” - anon
Warnings: Jimin’s mentions animal abuse
reposted from old account
It was well known that Joon couldn’t help but be enamored by cute things. He even bought baby shoes for himself because he insisted that were just so adorable. It was an endearing quality of course, but being sent baby video after baby video made you numb to toddlers taking their first steps. When he came up to you with this sad expression for the thousandth time since you’ve known him, you merely rolled your eyes. He didn’t bother being hurt by your disinterest, knowing you’d eventually take his phone, which you did.
Instead of the normal video of a baby doing something cute, you were met with a FaceBook post about a child’s birthday party. Reading further, you saw that no one showed up to this little girl’s birthday party. The parents were asking for people to come, just so she would feel that people cared about her. You screenshotted the post onto Joon’s phone and wiped the tears that formed from your eyes.
“We have to go” you told him. He held his hands in yours.
“I already have a gift” he smiled back at you.
“How about I make us some popcorn?” Jin had suggested. It was day two of your period, and to help you through your particularly rough cramps you and Jin had decided on having a good ole fashion movie night. The candy barely made it halfway through the movie, and after something so sweet, Jin knew you’d be craving something salty.
While you heard the microwave whirring, you picked up your phone and went onto the Instagram explore page. As per usual, it was full of funny images and pictures of cute furry little animals. You clicked on a picture of a handsome dog, and your phone started playing a sad piano tune. The dog was waiting at the front door for someone to come home, and when the door opened it was a veteran home for a visit. The dog jumped into his arms and the man started crying, and before realizing it you were crying too.
Jin most have heard you because he bolted from the kitchen nearly slipped right onto his ass. He kneeled in front of you, asking a million questions. Between sobs he could make out the words “he come home” which I’m confused him further. You handed him the phone to watch the video, crying louder when the dog jumped into his arms again. Though Jin laughed he sat next to you and held you in his arms, the giggling in his chest almost putting you to sleep. That is, until you both smelled the burnt popcorn.
You were FaceTiming Yoongi from home while he was on tour. He was in some city and could barely keep his eyes open, but he insisted on seeing you before he fell asleep.
“It was actually a really good show tonight” he said after yawning. Your phone buzzed in your hand, a notification coming in from your friend. It read URGENT at the beginning.
“Hold on, I think somethings wrong” you said as you clicked the notification. Your face disappeared from Yoongi’s screen, only able to hear the quiet tapping of your fingers. He was on the hotel bed drifting into sleep when he heard the first sniffle, mistaking it for you maybe just having a cold. When you let out a small whine he sat up abruptly, almost dropped the phone off the side of the bed.
“What? What’s wrong? What’s happening?” He kept asking.
“Y/BFF/N… her daughter…” you let out.
“What’s wrong?” Yoongi asked again. Your face reappeared on his screen, this time with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. His heart sank and he feared for the worst. She was only three, and didn’t seem to have any health issues besides having minimal hearing.
“She…” you choked on your words, “she learned how to sign my name!” You finally let out with another cry and laying back down on your bed.
Yoongi let out an exasperated sigh, hand subconsciously finding his way to his chest.
“That’s amazing, sweetheart.”
You jumped on Hobi as he lay on your shared bed watching videos. He let out a small groan when you put your weight on top of him before wrapping his free arm around you.
“Watcha doing?” You asked nosily, exceptionally bored on this Sunday morning.
“Watching fail compilations. Wanna watch?” He asked, already adjusting his arms so you can see his phone screen. He exited out the video he was watching so you can pick a new one together. There was one that had a thumbnail of a cat on a water slide, and you picked it immediately without even consulting your boyfriend.
“Hey!” He whined.
Before the video loaded, an ad began to play. It showed images of malnourished dogs with matted coats.
“SKIP IT!” you yelled at him. His hands frantically searched for the ‘skip ad’ function, but there was none.
“I CAN’T” he yelled back in the same distressed tone as you. The both of you sat screaming at his phone as more dogs kept appearing, until finally the tears were rolling down your face. The actual video started playing, but neither of the two of you were in the mood for funny videos anymore. You hid your head into the pillow while Hobi rubbed your back, letting out little sniffles as well.
“We have to donate…” you sniffled out.
“Why is this fun, again?” you asked Jimin as he set up his laptop in front of the both of you. Somehow in the midst of poking fun at each other, you had said that Jimin was a crybaby. He was determined to prove you wrong, setting up a “Try Not To Cry” challenge on his computer.
“It’s not, that’s the point.” he responded.
“Aw, did I hurt your ego?” you poked at him, only getting a side eye in return as he hit play.
The video started out fairly easy, cute animals and babies doing silly things that weren’t even sad, but about halfway through, things started to turn grim. The video did no work to even censor things that you definitely didn’t want to see. Your stomach didn’t turn easily but it was hard to keep watching. Jimin hadn’t moved an inch beside you, but you knew that the video was bothering him too. The last straw for you came when an image of a deathly sick child appeared on the screen. You slammed the laptop shut and your eyes started to water. Jimin sat up and clapped his hands together.
“I won!” he yelled with a smile on his face. You just looked at him as you cried, watching his face turn from happy to distraught as he realized what he had done. He pulled you into a hug, and even though he won, he felt like he lost.
Taehyung, your husband, had been trying without much luck to transfer old videos he had on his phone onto the household computer.
“It just won’t work!” he whined at you in frustration when you asked him how things were going.
“Let me help” you said has he stood from the chair so you can sit down. He watched carefully over your shoulder as you dragged around different files and accepting certain security questions. The videos were beginning to transfer, but one caught your eye in particular. It was of yours and Tae’s first daughter when she was still a baby. It felt like only yesterday, but nearly 4 years and 2 more pregnancies have passed since then. You clicked on it and Tae’s hand made its way to your shoulder. The video started playing, and the room around you was filled with your daughter’s little giggles, and the screen had her rolling around in her cute little leggings.
You watched her raise herself onto wobbly legs, taking two shakey steps before falling into Taehyung’s arms. You were crying before the video was over, and you could hear sniffles from the man behind you as well.
“How about we pick her up early today?” he suggested. You nodded, and took no time to get up to go get your daughter.
Last night you dreamt of your late dog again. It had been weeks since he was put down, but with Jungkook gone on tour the house just seemed even more empty. You tried to perk up and get on with your day knowing that Kook would be home shortly, but nothing seemed to lift your mood. You were very vocal to your boyfriend about your feelings, but he seemed to have shrugged off your text almost completely. To make things worse, his plane was going to be coming in a few hours late.
It was around ten when you heard your phone going off, an incoming FaceTime from Jungkook. You accepted it immediately.
“Baby..” he let out softly, “I think I’m going to be even later than I said.” Your eyes began to sting as tears threatened to break. All you wanted was him home tonight to hold you while you slept. Tears started to fall as you let out a small, “I miss you.”
“Don’t cry, his paperwork is just taking longer than I expected.” he said. You wiped the tears from your eyes and looked back at the phone. Joining Jungkook in the frame was a beautiful dog with a bandana on that read “ADOPT ME!”
“Meet Duke!” Jungkook continued, “our new rescue pup!” There were more tears coming now, this time from joy, and you practically begged him for his location so you can come there and meet them both.
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carpetreveiws · 3 years
Helluva Boss Episode 6 Review
It's Saturday, the twenty-first of August. I wake up at ten. This week has been, to say the least, taxing. My morning routine has fallen into a lull lately. I wake up, find something to eat (usually nothing more than a slice of bread). I open my phone, and the rather rigid itinerary continues:
Open discord
Open twitter
Open instagram
Open snapchat
Open youtube
Open any games that give free daily rewards (though I barely play them anymore).
This routine is borne not out of a personal need for structure, but purely out of apathy towards anything I see. I don't care about updates, I don't scroll through social media, I very rarely type in comments sections. I am done in five to ten minutes.
So, I had kind of forgotten about Helluva Boss. As a matter of fact, it didn't even appear in my youtube recommended, which it has unfailingly done for its past 5 episodes. I had said, a few months ago, when I wrote my last review, that I was losing faith in the series. I didn't think Vivenne had the right mindset for writing, visible in the series' basic structure and frankly cringeworthy sense of humour. By this time yesterday, I had no expectations left for Helluva Boss and no concern over what its future was going to look like. About a year ago I bought a funny little Hazbin Hotel merch t-shirt that I am wearing right now (Ironically, I was wearing it before realizing a new episode had been released. I put it on this morning because it was Saturday and I don't have to see anybody. I like the colors).
So fast forward. It's now around five-thirty in the evening, and I am checking my twitter again. There's an image on my feed, captioned by somebody (I can't remember what the caption is). A Helluva Boss screenshot. I close the tab instantly, and go to youtube, typing into the bar "Helluva Boss episode 6". There it is. I look at the timestamp, 22 minutes, and immediately think to myself: Oh shit, it's review day.
And it is. So here's my review. This intro was a joke, and most of it's made up.
Summed up: This episode is a step in the right direction. All these random character points, that felt too simple, or too back-seated in previous episodes get to take center stage (finally). It's focused only on Blitzo and Moxxie, but by the end of it, they actually feel like fairly complete characters. We start in the center of the action, which works perfectly for a show like this. Even though it's been two months, I am pulled back into the show almost instantly. It opens with some clever animation, of the tv screens, but these aren't the best visuals we'll be seeing this episode by any stretch of the word. In a few quick lines, each character is not only placed into their element: Blitzo's vulgar admonishments, Moxxie's sardonic reproach. Millie is aggressive, but we're again reminded how much she cares for Moxxie. She shouts at Loona to open the gate, and Loona refuses, citing her knowledge of Blitzo, and how she knows he's serious. It's perfect. I love it.
From here we have Moxxie and Blitzo restrained in a high security facility, as some agents begin to question them. The next scene is my personal favorite, of possibly the entire series, because we finally get to see Blitzo and Moxxie acting in sync, being friends, I guess, when we've only gotten bits of that before. They've mostly just bounced off of each other, so it's some nice character development. Good job.The rest will come in a bit. Rogers also gets to show off a bit his knack for the snappy dialogue. Though, every silver cloud: the scene ends with a "your mom" "my mom's dead" joke, that would hardly be funny in a reddit thread. It is downright awful here.
Loona and Millie are infiltrating the facility for a violent intermission.
So here's the real meat of the episode: The agents release into the room a "truth gas" that does exactly what the name implies (oddly enough, they never bother to question the imps before the gas dissipates). After realizing what the gas does, both Moxxie and Blitzo enter musical hallucinations, in which they confront each other, and the personal issues in each of them that contribute to their flawed relationship. Before, I continue, I want to note that the music and animation here are stellar, but again, the episode has better visuals still on the way. This number is essentially what all those bits of development between them were leading up to, and it's great. All of it is paying off. The series will change from here on out, hopefully: We'll get to see a healed Blitzo and Moxxie taking on all the villains that were set up. I was going to mention it later, but I guess I'll just awkwardly shoehorn it in now: Each episode has set up a new villain and none have recurred yet and that is not at all a good thing. I have no idea how Vivienne gonna get through all of them in a meaningful way. Back to the scene at hand: We're going through Moxxie's natural submissiveness, and Blitzo's fear of both intimacy and of being alone (does some of the dialogue here feel too imitative of Rick and Morty? I don't know. That's your call). When it's over, Blitz realizes his love for Stolas (romantic) and for Moxxie (platonic) (probably). They agree to be better friends. Congrats. We did it. The payoff is here.
Let's celebrate with a big ol beautifully animated fight scene that's just as edgy as these 2012 deviantart furries (Loona is back as a wolf, thank you). It's fast, bloody, at one point Blitzo pulls out a comically large rocket launcher labeled "MY DICK" and it shoots a missile labeled "PUSSY DESTROYER" and to my absolute shock, I laugh. That's right: This episode made me laugh one time. But honestly, that doesn't matter to me too much, because this isn't trying nearly as hard as the other episodes to be comedic. It's focused on other things, and I can appreciate it for that. As a twist, the original two agents escape, and slam that big red button. They're locked inside, guns pointed at them, and when it seems as though all hope is lost, Stolas arrives, which a demonstration of his power. Yet another piece of this episodes that fills some previously teased aspect. He's possessing people, raising dead in here, and his "true form" is what I mentioned a few times earlier: the most beautiful visual in the series yet. Or maybe I just like owls.
The episode is over, and I close the tab, thinking about how I'm going to write this review. I'm astounded. I had legitimately lost hope for this series. And just when I least expect it, Vivienne comes with an episode on par, maybe even better, than the second. Each character is realized, the animation is stunning, it feels like it's exactly what it wants to be. To put things into perspective though, I still don't think this episode nears the series' hypothetical full potential. It's certainly not on par with the best of some of the shows it recalls. The comedy still suffers, and the character development doesn't have a ton to work off of, and I that age warning at the beginning still feels misplaced. But you know what? Vivenne has made something half-decent here. And I can appreciate that. If the show keeps this up, hopefully even getting better, and minds bringing back one of those six or seven villains that have already been set up, then the future looks bright. It is with pride, joy, and definitely definitely tears in my eyes that I give this episode a 6/10.
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simtrospective · 4 years
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Let me be the first to bring you the latest simming trend, before all the cool cliques kids jump on it: turning your sims into shiny plastic dolls and then “packaging” them into a framed background!
How is this achieved, you might ask? It’s so simple!
First, you must abandon your attempt at making a render after failing to apply the sim’s diffuse image to the render you’re trying to make. Make sure you stew about this. Make sure you feel like a big dummy even though you’re not really into renders anyway and you don’t connect with the pervasive simblr “aesthetic.” Which is fine, but it’s like... (not for you). Like, you like art for art’s sake but the whole thing reminds you of claymation, which is cool, but like--okay, remember “Celebrity Death Match”? Anyway, regardless, it’s just, like... you want to try something new just to see if you can do it. What’s the fuss about? You’d be happy just to try it once, just to see, but then everything just makes you feel so stup--
Then, about 24 hours after your initial failure(s) and existential spiral, locate a video tutorial that walks you through the texture application process a different way. Make lots of mistakes while following it. After approximately 25 minutes, follow it correctly! :D Nod silently. You’ve always been a visual learner. Well, visual and auditory. But more visual. So. Wait. Visual and hands-on, now that you think of it. Yes. Definitely. Definitely hands-on.
Next, start to set up your camera/lighting in Blender, once again following the written tutorial you pored over last night. Do everything wrong every time you start over (three times). When you’re not doing it wrong, do it right, but freeze, because none of the options in the screenshots you’re following can be located on your own screen. Start over. Scroll back up to the portion of the tutorial that references the last thing you did right and have your eye caught by reference to an “.obj” file. Close Blender.
Reopen Blender. Open up the last project you did correctly. Export it as an .obj file. Close Blender, then navigate to the folder in which you’ve saved your .obj file. Double click the .obj file to open it, smirking.
Paint3D pops up, and look! A weird inflatable PVC pool toy of your sim! Play around with it. Fiddle with the light. Animate it. Muse that despite this sim being the hottest male you have in your game, with many aesthetic qualities that you appreciate in real life men (mostly accidental, even though you made him!), gee, uh... he’s... kind of... u...g...l...y...?
Save your goofy little PVC person as an image, in the biggest size available.
Open the saved image file in your favorite image editing program, Photoscape X Pro, which you’re sure, like, three people have heard of. You suspect that this program is not the Pepsi to Photoshop’s Coca Cola, but is, rather, the Great Value Cola. Shake it off. You like it and that’s what counts, hmmph!, but that you like it is what makes you question its quality.
Mess around with the saved image file, adding adjustments, effects, frames, backgrounds, whatever, while simultaneously thinking that you’re stupid, what you’re doing is stupid, this is stupid, this looks stupid, this is kind of funny, this is kind of cute, actually, actually, you know what? This is so silly I’m going to post it with a dumbass, fake-ass, long tutorial that no one’s going to read but you know what? I figured out how to stick that damn texture on that model render thing and I like my screenshots and adjustments and frames and stuff and I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me that’s good enough for me.
(Sound convincing?)
Post it all. Post it all to the internet!
I did smile pretty big when that texture appeared in the right spot, but... boy, yeah, I’m out (at least until a couple months from now when I give it another try and it either all clicks or I end up dropkicking my laptop). Congratulations to all who can render; I look forward to letting the next trend pass me by. When I was at a point in my rendering project when success seemed on the horizon, I couldn’t help but think of a book title that accurately described the experience for me; I’m no David Foster Wallace fan, but even if I were to ~render a render, it all felt like A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again.
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mrslackles · 4 years
You need time to think it over?
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2𝓍0𝟧 – 𝑅ɪᴏ’𝓈 𝐿ᴏᴏᴋʙᴏᴏᴋ
Guys. There are four Rio scenes in this episode. Four! All with different looks and half of them are NEW! It’s very shocking, I know; I had to go lie down for a while when I realised. So I’ll understand if you need to take a moment before we get into it. Do what you need to do to cope. 
Look #1
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Remember when I was complaining that the last episode didn’t give us any proper shots so we could see wtf this man was wearing? This episode said hold my beer.
This is definitely his exact outfit from the 2x04 bathroom scene, right down to the jeans. 
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And this time I’m not going to mark him down for originality because 1) I think this time it was actually a deliberate repeat outfit and 2) it seems a bit unfair to mark him down for what he’s wearing in someone else’s imagination, lol. 
Plus, there’s an addition to the outfit! The tyre iron is back and I am greatly pleased by it. 
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He’s also wearing his pinkie-finger ring and the leather arm bands. The jeans are a bit tight, but who am I to stand in the way of him showing off his assets? 
I will judge him for the jacket, though, because this is where he starts a fairly upsetting trend for the season of wearing a jacket like a shirt, buttoned all the way to the top. 
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One episode he’s wearing a t-shirt in the middle of winter and then in another he’s so cold that his jacket must be done up to his throat. I’m not about it.
I will say that it’s a fairly nice jacket, though. (Although it does have an insane number of shiny buttons.) Plus, not only was it moveable enough for bathroom sex, but it also lends itself well to smashing up a bedroom. And in spite of all that, it still fits him pretty well and is the perfect length. That’s functional fashion right there.
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I’ve always really enjoyed him entering here right as Manny’s name pops up on screen, like yes it is I.
There’s also a really funny bend-and-snap moment, but with Rio it’s more like lean-and-smash. 
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Look at that lil booty go. 
7/10 -- The outfit, not his ass
Look #2
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A new shirt!! Someone (was it you, @riosnecktattoo​?) once said that Rio was lured here under vague pretences and assumed it was a date, and I agree completely, because that shirt is not from his Crime Closet. That is 100% from his normal wardrobe, which sadly means we never see it again, but let’s enjoy it while it’s here, ok?
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Not only is this whole look way more casual than his normal getup, but the shirt is also green? We’ve seen more colour in the past few episodes than ever before and it’s frankly dizzying. 
Especially when combined with an open popped collar?! Sir. Have mercy.
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It’s difficult to tell whether he’s wearing the entire shirt open or not, though it does seem that way (!!), and there’s a black t-shirt underneath.
It gets even worse: at one point you can see the arm band and the ring at the same time, plus he’s doing a shot, and in combination with this new Look, it’s all a lot to handle.
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You know this whole scene he’s just thinking I can’t believe I wore my date shirt for this.
Also, this is how he looks at Annie when she asks how much it would cost to “just smoke” Mary Pat:
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Bahahahahaha. She’s lucky, Hoodie Rio would’ve been even sassier.
Look #3
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We’re back to the Crime Closet, but I don’t even mind -- it’s no secret that I love this man in a blue shirt. It’s not the perfect 1x02 All Saints one, but it is very well-pressed until he creases it up with his dumb posture.
Even for this show, this scene was inordinately dark, so don’t mind my lightened screenshots so we can view this shirt in all its glory. 
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It is actually ridiculous how good he looks in everything blue. 
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This is one of my favourite parts of the scene, where he just straight up steals a chair from the people at the next table. What if that person had just gone to the bathroom, Rio?! Where are they supposed to sit when they get back?? Smh. Rude.
Also, he’s wearing his arm bands again but, more importantly, a new pair of shoes!!
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I said I wanted evidence of Rich Bitch Rio and this episode really delivered with a fourth pair of shoes. And not only that, but they have white in them?? I’m going to go lie down for another moment. 
Look #4
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Ok, so you know what this means, right? Out of the four outfits in this episode, only one of them was all-black. We’re breaking records here, people.
Sadly, we will never get the iconic grey hoodie from 1x02 back, but apparently Rio did deign to remember that he looks amazing in grey and decided to remind us all, too, by stunting in this look right here.
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It’s another All Saints shirt -- not quite as luxurious-seeming as the blue one, but nice nonetheless. Difficult to tell if it’s from his Crime Closet or not since we never see it again, but I’m going to guess that Rio heard filming was happening and immediately put on something extra spiffy and rushed over, knowing this was his opportunity to get discovered. 
He even wears his new pair of shoes, which we get a better look at!
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Look at those kicks! And these jeans aren’t as skinny! 
I love this look. It also helps that he is just very giggly in it. 
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Rio in grey hits different, don’t @ me.
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sk-onlinetools · 3 years
TubeBuddy review (tubebuddy for youtube)
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What is TubeBuddy:
If you want to make money on YouTube, then you’ve to treat your channel like a business. You’ve to commit to the growth of your channel’s views and subscribers. For achieving the same, Chrome extensions such as TubeBuddy can be quite handy.
Touting themselves as a “video optimization and management toolkit”, TubeBuddy promises to streamline your YouTube journey.
TubeBuddy Pricing:
TubBuddy offers unrestricted usage of its mobile app only to paying users. Here are details of its three tiers:
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  sign up TubeBuddy today for 100% free click here
1)  “Pro” plan costs $9 per month, and the company offers a 50% discount to channels with less than 1000 subscribers.
·        2)  “Star” plan is priced at $19 per month and comes with advanced scheduling, monetization, and productivity tools besides the Pro tools.
·     3)   The “Legend” plan — priced at $49 per month — is the highest tier and comes with the full suite of features TubeBuddy has to offer. You can A/B test your videos, perform competitor analysis, track your search ranks, and more.
If you want to manage more than 20 channels, then the company also offers enterprise plans.
TubeBuddy knowladge base:
For many of their features, TubeBuddy has done a great job at giving an overview, demonstrating their functioning in a “how-to” video, and sharing a few other tips.
But some features, like “Tag Rankings” in the screenshot below, don’t have such a tutorial. But they present a YouTube search query link (with “Click here” as the anchor text) for you to find tutorials by TubeBuddy customers.
TubeBuddy Top Tools:
Once you’ve installed TubeBuddy on Chrome (or your browser) and allowed it to gather your channel’s data, you’ll be able to access its top functionalities. The product offers numerous YouTube tools for video SEO, promotion, data & research, bulk processing, and productivity. But I’m only touching on a few of the best ones below:
Keyword Explorer
YouTube is a top search engine people rely on for finding information and solutions to their problems. If you can find the keywords worth targeting for your channel (dependent on its size and authority), you can rank in YouTube search and drive evergreen video views.
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The “keyword explorer” is a handy tool in the Tag Explorer in the main TubeBuddy menu. You can plug a keyword and get an Overall Score specific to your channel (Weighted) and a general one based on the search volume as well as competition for the keyword (Unweighted). Here’s the analysis for the keyword “harry potter"
Suggested Tags
The next bit of video SEO features I like on TubeBuddy is its Recommended Tags. You’ll find this feature in the video edit screen of your channel (the “Video details” section) when you’re preparing it for publishing. Based on the tags you choose for your video, this tool will suggest related tags. Look at the feature in action for a short film I published on my YouTube channel.
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As visible, you can sort the mammoth number of tags by relevance, keyword score, or search traffic. Feel free to explore tags by sorting through all of these parameters, but use only the most relevant ones in your video. Because if you don’t match the user intent for a search query, your watch time and rankings will tank anyway.
Video A/B Tests
While you can’t test the actual content of your video, TubeBuddy makes it possible to test its packaging —  your thumbnail, title, tags, and meta description. In the fierce competition on the video platform, such A/B tests could prove useful in driving more clicks, more views, and helping your search rankings.
If you’re unsure of which videos warrant such a test, then the software can find videos with a low CTR so you can perform a thumbnail test. Its Metadata test lets you test multiple aspects (thumbnail, title, tags, and description) simultaneously and will make sense for those videos that aren’t getting any traction right now.
The feature is the hallmark of the product, but it’s only available in its highest price tier. You can consider a free TubeBuddy trial of 30 days if you want to try A/B tests.
When you watch a video on YouTube, TubeBuddy shows its Videolytics panel on the right side with a set of useful stats. It gives an overall summary of the video’s performance, the tags used, SEO, social, and channel stats.
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You can click on the blue “Show Search Rankings” button to see where the video ranks in YouTube search results for its used tags.
It can be quite handy for a side-by-side comparison with your competitors, or even your own channel. Here’s a comparison of a random video on the T-Series channel (biggest one on YouTube) alongside the most popular one.
Productivity Suite
There are a bunch of repetitive actions recommended for every YouTube video you publish — adding cards, setting end screens, responding to comments, and the like. TubeBuddy offers a range of productivity tools to take care of such tedious tasks.
With its “Upload Checklist”, that appears on the right hand side while uploading a video, an automated best practices test is performed to ensure you comply with YouTube’s guidelines.
Bulk Processing
Copying, adding, deleting, or updating cards and end screens on your channel can be a huge time killer, especially for larger channels. So should you let go of promoting your new videos from the end screens and cards in your previous popular ones? Not so fast. TubeBuddy offers a set of bulk processing tools that are accessible from your “Channel videos” page.
Promotion ToolsPost
 publishing your video, promoting it on social media, your website, and adding it to your email signature can help its visibility. TubeBuddy offers “Promo materials” with direct links to your latest videos and its embed code, and links to your channel, thumbnail, and channel art. You can access them by logging in to TubeBuddy.com/account.Earlier Tubebuddy used to provide shortened links but with Google discontinuing this service, analytics for them are no longer available. There’s a “share tracker” to share your videos on multiple social media platforms and publish YouTube videos natively on Facebook. But I like the “Vid2Vid promotion” feature the best. Accessible from the TubeBuddy menu in the “Promote” tab, it lets you promote one of your videos in the description of all the others. Getting more views on your latest upload from older videos or on an older video whose subject is currently trending gets simpler.
Tags, Keywords, And Translation Features
While I’ve already illustrated a few YouTube SEO tools available on the Chrome extension, let me show you a few others. The SEO Studio, accessible under the TubeBuddy menu from the Extensions tab, works much like the Yoast SEO plugin — relatable for creators who regularly publish textual content with WordPress as their CMS.
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It lets you optimize your video metadata so that you maximize your chances of ranking in search results. As visible in the screenshot below, you get recommendations to improve your TubeBuddy SEO Score based on the target keyword you plug into it.
There are a few other tag, search, and keyword related tools. Among other tasks, they let you track your rankings, view, copy, and store a video’s tags, see tag suggestions in real-time, and the like.
I want to specifically highlight the video metadata translation features. If you have a global audience, then adding titles, descriptions, and tags in the native languages of your second biggest audience could increase your viewership.
You’ll find the “Tag Translator” on the video edit screen under the Video SEO tools.
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And the automatic translator (available only on “legend” or a higher license) is available from the Subtitles panel when you edit a video.
To use the tag translator, click on the “Translate” button from the tag tools available when you’re on the edit video screen. TubeBuddy shows the top languages spoken by your audience and once you pick the language you want to translate to, it generates tags in that one.
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You can also stay efficient by applying the same set of end screen elements to all of your new video uploads with TubeBuddy’s end screen template. To implement it, head over to the end screen page of the video that you want to set as the template and check the box shown in the screenshot below. If you’re watching a video on your channel or one where data is public, the Videolytics panel also shows watch time, engagement, and other related stats.
At the top of the panel, there’s also an option to compare a video with the channel’s most popular one or to any other specific video on YouTube.
Other Tools 
While we’ve covered the majority of TubeBuddy’s top features, I want to show you around a few other handy tools. Quick Links and Quick-Edit Navigating YouTube could become tedious requiring multiple clicks. The funny part is you need to visit the same places on your channel most times. The “Quick Links” panel in TubeBuddy makes your job — to visit your analytics reports, cards menu, and the like — much easier.
Thumbnail Generator
I recommend Canva for designing custom thumbnails for your videos. But if you’re in a hurry, TubeBuddy lets you choose a still frame from your video for creating the same. You can choose a solid color as the background or upload an existing image on your computer as well.
Once you’ve chosen an image, you can layer it with emojis, text, shapes, a logo, and another image. Saving a layer as a template to create consistent branding across your channel is also possible.
Mobile Apps
TubeBuddy is also avalable for android and ios.
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The  Mobile App is 100% free to download and use. There are some features that may be limited unless you have access to TubeBuddy Mobile Unlimited.
Member Perks
MEMBER PERKS, Free, Pro/Star/Legend. TubeBuddy Mobile icon. Channel Management and ... Starter Kit icon. Content Ideas, Thumbnails, End Screen and etc.
Customer Support:
Here’s the TubeBuddy playlist with close to 100 YouTube video tutorials showing its features in action. Besides these, there’s a dedicated knowledge base accessible from Support >> General Support at the top of your TubeBuddy profile.
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