#this is my favorite screenshot of mine. if you even care.
todayisafridaynight · 1 month
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i dont remember if i posted this before but if i did im making everyone look at it again becauuuuuussssseeee
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jeanvaljeancheri · 5 months
Here are my two favourite jerejean fics as well as other favourites of mine, all in no particular order!
My two all time fav jerejean fics
Chasing the Night to See the Stars
Jean Moreau comes to the Trojans a broken man. The Trojans, for their part, decide that broken does not mean unlovable.
I have so much to say about this fic, I almost added screenshots of the notes I took while reading (seriously I genuinely had to hold myself back 😭)
Like coach Rhemann? The books? And Galaxy's watch? How am I ever supposed to move on from this.
Sixteen hours
started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this (affectionate)
Jean and Jeremy secretly start dating in their final year at USC.
I don't even know how to describe this fic. Their love is just so delicate and gentle and caring and soft and everything.
The ski trip actually owns my heart.
Other favs
A Little Illumination
Jean's a lonely firefighter, and Jeremy teaches kindergarten. Everyone learns something about themselves.
The Care and Keeping of Jean Moreau
Don’t panic. Call Kevin Day.
Jean has always been something of a black box. Whereas Riko Moriyama and Kevin Day spent so much of their childhoods at Evermore in the spotlight, the details of Jean Moreau’s personal life have been kept largely in the dark. In post-game interviews, he’s always blended into the monolith of Ravens standing behind Riko. But until Kevin called a couple weeks ago, you thought you at least had a general impression of Jean Moreau: an absolute nightmare of a backliner, with the ruthless ambition and arrogance expected of any Raven — especially one marked for Riko’s so-called Perfect Court.
The person waiting for you in baggage claim at LAX is like someone else entirely.
Do’s and don’ts for rehabilitating an ex-Raven, by Jeremy Knox.
love looks better in colour
"Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions."
Jeremy Knox is twelve years old when his soulmark appears. Nothing after that is easy.
a bicycle made for two (or three)
The other hindrance was due to the fact that Santa had been very generous this year, which left Jean standing on a patch of sidewalk he’d kicked clear himself, holding his four year old daughter’s hand and wondering how he was going to get all of their stuff plus the Pink Unicorn Princess Dream House up four flights of stairs without something breaking.
Golden State
"Yeah … about that …" Jean is glaring down at his phone like it is covered in slugs, lips curled downwards. "Kevin texted. He is bringing Neil Josten with him."
"What?" Jeremy blinks, taken aback. "Why?"
Jean shrugs, shoulders stiff. "He didn’t say. Just ..." he hands his phone over, opened to a thread of messages. The last one is from an hour earlier. Jean had asked about the time Kevin’s flight comes in, the answer is a curt
Saturday, 2.30pm. Neil is coming too.
Or, Two ex-Ravens, a Fox and a Trojan meet up for Vacation. They have a lot of things to work through, but maybe it will turn out better than they expect.
Becoming A Sugar Baby To The Husband Of My All-Time Favorite Exy Player?!??
Jeremy Knox, otherwise known as… Jean Moreau’s accidental sugar baby?
After sustaining an injury on the court, Jeremy opts to take a semester break to studying abroad in France. There, he’s taken under the wing of Jean Moreau, otherwise known as exy star Kevin Day’s best-kept secret: his husband.
Sooo this is actually kerejean but I couldn't resist adding it on :)
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
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Got this chat last night and dnjsffhksodwkodw he's so sweet. I mean, we could all guess pretty certainly that Barbatos would drop anything and everything at any time to help out MC, but this confirms it in a way that makes me love him even more <3
Also! I don't have screenshots of this one, but during the current event, Barbatos reveals that he keeps teas that MC likes in his room. Not only that, but he keeps them near Diavolo's favourites; which really proves we are his two favouties <3 There's been a lot of Barbatos content recently that just proves how much he cares, and I am living for it!!
Just imagine Barbatos having all of your favourites teas and being able to make you whatever you want before you even ask for it.
And og my stars don't even get me started on Barbatos visiting you to help you unwind before sleep. I just know he'd give the best massages, and that tea he said he'd make you? Divine.
Just being around Barbatos at any time is very calming and peaceful (at least in my mind) so imagine what it would be like when he's actually trying to be calming...
Oh yes, I was so obsessed with that part of the event where he talks about his tea shelf, I got out of bed at 3 in the morning to post all the screenshots here. I would've just done it on mobile, but there's a 10 picture limit for mobile posts. :(
Anyway, in case anyone wanted to see the screenshots of that part, they are all there lol.
This is exactly why I love Barbatos so much. It's the way he notices things without being told, the way he just takes it upon himself to bring MC whatever they need, the way he takes care of them.
It's like he's not so wrapped up in himself that he can see what other people need and he takes great care to notice especially when it's someone he loves.
This is the quality that made him my favorite. I'm one of those people who tends not to tell others when I'm struggling irl. Like it isn't that I'm trying to deceive people, it's more that I don't want to burden them with my problems, you know? So a lot of times, it goes unnoticed. Which isn't anyone's fault but mine. But there's something about the idea of someone noticing despite how much you try to hide it or brush it off, someone who won't let you just pretend that there's nothing going on or that you don't need help, someone who insists on doing those things for you anyway. And doing it in a way that isn't like it's some big deal. Barbatos is just like, you are having trouble sleeping, I will come over and make you tea to help with that. And that's it.
I'm also extremely anxious irl. I find that being with people who are calm reduces my anxiety quite a bit. And I just know that even just being around Barbatos would keep me calm. I'd probably be nervous at first because I would think he's soooo cool lol. But once I get past that introverted shyness, I would just want to be with him all the time. Because I'd feel that sense of calm that I don't get to feel on my own very often.
Anyway, didn't mean to ramble, I've written too many essays about Barbatos at this point adlk;fdskljf
It's just that I too was especially touched by these moments! He would indeed be the calming and peaceful influence that would easily allow anyone stressed to relax enough to drift into slumber...
And you know he'd give the best massages.
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bcacstuff · 11 months
Sam move to his own drummer? He cares too much of what others think to really dance to his own beat, imo, and that's to me what makes it uncomfortable, and well tho somewhat physically attractive, not the drop gorgeous person others see. Don't mean it as criticism as I love unique and quirky people, guys as Chris Pine. This difference is Chris seems to be relaxed in who he is and enjoys deep convo with anyone, , even asks interviewers questions about their lives, philos, whereas, Sam seems too nervous and walled/masked, or something like. Sam's friendly, polite yes, but maybe it is as he's said himself, lack of confidence. Yes yes BC thank you again for restating, why do we all have to have the same opinions? How boring, dull and lack of spice would it be?
A good example of the idiocy of this fandom, just try and read the comments on his last pic with the cigar. I can't stop laughing, I'm crying and and sitting here lolling. It's totally top shelf entertainment. 😂😂😂
I'm not gonna screenshot it all, too much... but just a bit a summary:
It starts with the comment of michalcaspit 'I love you but Disgusted! from the cigarette'. She got (so far) 140 likes and 95 comments on her comment. She gets criticized because of her comment a lot. First they start discussing about what it is, it is not a cigarette, it is a cigar says another, third one, it's a wine tipped cigarillo. Then another 'defender' tells, it is just a prop for the pic 😂, 'it's a blunt' says another, some even think they know the brand, and there's even one that wants to bet ten bucks there's no tobacco in that cigar 😂😂😂
Another discussion is about he's not a smoker. He just smokes the occassional cigar, he wrote in his book, he quit smoking, he doesn't inhale (my favorite 😂), they seriously are discussing when a person is called a smoker or not. Only if you smoke daily you are a smoker, says one, but the other thinks even a occasional smoker is a smoker. And the next part of that is when is it bad for your health and not... 🙄 (FACT: smoking is bad for your health, even if occasionally, whether you inhale or not, it's pure toxic what you expose yourself to. How many scientist do we need to be clear about that) Yet, it is discussed, again and again. And of course used as an excuse for him to be allowed to smoke.
Of course michal is told, he's a grown man, some even got his age wrong... (okay small detail), he can decide for him self, she doesn't need to tell him not to smoke (did she?) she's not his mother says someone. Someone else points out, how defending him, saying he's grown and can make his own choices, is exactly doing the same, (acting like his mother)
Of course she should... [fill in any number of activity you like] and can not say she disgusts cigarettes'. (Yes, she even points out she just said she's disgusted by the cigarette). She's wasting her time making a comment like that etc. etc. This is always the part that amazes me; Who is exactly wasting their time? 🤔 The one just having an opinion about the cigar (or whatever) or the ones falling over this person who has an opinion and has the guts to post it! Why not just shrug, okay it's your opinion, mine is different 🤷‍♀️
There are some more threads, like the one that rather likes him to smile, and then gets told off he can do on his own insta what he wants... that kind of thing. I don't get it, why attack people for their opinion? Why not just tolerate different opinions, exchange ideas and arguments and perhaps learn a bit from each other, get a broader view on things? 🤷‍♀️
Meanwhile while people are just fight over each others opinion, the best comment I read was:
*just here for the comments*🍿
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simtleman · 11 months
Come get dazzled by the silver screen at the ORPHEUM THEATER!
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So after updating all my freaking mods for the new Horse Ranch update (which I couldn't care less about, tbh... the only good thing that came with it for me was— you guessed it!— painted ceilings), here I am once again with a brand new building for the Vintage Save File I'm working on: let me take you on a tour through the stunning Orpheum Theater!
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I OBVIOUSLY couldn't do a Vintage Save File set in Del Sol Valley without including a proper theater where your 1920s, '30s & '40s sims could go watch Golden Age films, get mesmerized by their favorite movie stars' glamour and perhaps even take their dates and get lucky while sitting in the back seats?
I have to say just building the front— mainly the marquee, which I did manually— took me about a solid 3 hours, so apologies if the rooms I decorated last seem a bit uncluttered... I was simply ready to move on to the next build by then lol
Below you can see the tickets window (somehow I always seem to find a way to implement @surely-sims's CC into my builds, I just can't help myself... it works too good around my aesthetic!)
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And the main hall, in which you'll find @ravasheencc's Film Reaper Movie Theater posters that will allow your sims to watch actual movies through a rabbit hole. I don't know if you noticed, but I also finally found the courage to download and play around a little with @twistedmexi's TOOL mod (the lights frames are rotated) after getting inspired by some of the content by @come-hell-or-high-water. The way he/she (?) pays attention to the tiniest details in his/her screenshots made me want to take mine a step further, so thank you @come-hell-or-high-water!
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There's only one movie room, but it has two stories and a beautiful balcony on the second floor you can access to if you go upstairs, through the main hall:
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Upstairs is also where the toilets are located (look at those gorgeous red velvet carpeted ceilings... 9 freaking years I've waited to be able to do that, EA!):
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And, of course, it wouldn't be a cinema without a projection room, would it?:
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Next to the theater you'll find a kinda shabby parking lot, in which Dito Dalton (see my previous post) takes care of some of his businesses every now and then, if you know what I mean:
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And last but not least, if you go through the back you'll find a very small yet cozy home that belongs to the household who owns the Orpheum Theater:
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Who are the members of this household, you may ask? Ah, you little inquisitive mind! I'm afraid you'll have to wait for my next post to find out... but let me tell ya, they have a great background story and will be a great townie addition to this save file :)
Anyway, that's it for today! Hope you guys like this new building and we shall see where this crazy project that's taking most of my spare time lately takes me next lol
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
sandaconda SNIFFFF
this is true
sorry about the radio silence apart from the queued posts for the past few days, folks. i'm gonna drop all these asks and then give you a bit of an explanation, as well as a possible read on the future of the blog, down at the bottom of this post, if you care to read it
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everyone loves appletun..! i used one to beat the champion in my first ever run of swsh because i thought it was so cute. and grass/dragon is a fun typing..! just one more way to be 4x weak to ice my belovèd
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i don't even remember what this is in reference to unfortunately. this is the way to get to the grass gym from motostoke, i think..! though you have to go through a route to get to the mines
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y'know, i'm not sure! perhaps if i knew what it was based on, i could tell you better
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let them have it :/ they deserve it
okay. hi. you've reached the bottom. i have a confession! i have not been able to update the queue in like. a week
my commitment to uploading every pokémon in natdex order already fell off a little bit when the galar pokédex was out of order compared to the national pokédex and i was choosing to include regional forms in "natdex order" by using their placement in regional dexes. now that i've reached all the regional evolutions in the natdex, i've found that my previous methods for getting models and getting them to work are not necessarily panning out. this is, of course, for one specific pokémon: galarian farfetch'd. i believe this applies to the rest of the galarian forms that i have yet to upload, as well, as i can't seem to find models (that i know how to work with) anywhere on the internet. if you want to see the most recent state i was able to get galarian farfetch'd into, then here:
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it's fucked up. you may have noticed that i also didn't post galarian corsola before cursola. that's partially because i forgot it existed, and partially because i didn't have its model so i didn't know it existed because of that
i don't really know what to do here. i haven't queued up a single pokémon in about a week, and even then, the pokémon at the end of the queue you'll notice are getting progressively more and more fucked up textures-wise just because of how difficult they're getting when i can't find the proper models and i have to throw something toegether in like an hour. which! this blog never used to take me an hour! it used to be a few minutes out of my morning, at most. now mornings are taking me upwards of two hours just to get these motherfuckers working—and now i've reached a point where i can't get them working at all
from my perspective, i have two options, neither of which i want to do. option one is to just post the pokémon that i have and can get working, skipping ones that i don't have or can't get working. option two is to just go on indefinite hiatus until i can get a hold of the models and get them working. i like neither of these options!
i suppose there's a secret third option, which is that i start using in-game screenshots like i almost did for phantump that one time, but those aren't the easiest to procure when i can't perfectly manipulate the model and the camera to get the angles that have become the style of this blog
i don't want to quit when i'm this close to the end (and especially when there's so many of you waiting for your favorite pokémon), but taking two hours out of my morning to get one pokémon working is becoming a chore i relent doing, and i've become unable to do it at all now that i can't get the models to render correctly
i don't have a solution to put at the bottom of the post here! i don't have a way to say "so because of this, i'll now be doing blahblahblah" because i don't have a blahblahblah that i can do. i don't know what the best course of action is, because i have never really encountered this kind of problem on the blog before. the hiatus i took back in 2020 was for completely unrelated reasons, and like 99.9% of you weren't even here for that. and sure, only like 20 folks read these asks, let alone down this far into them, but for those of you that don't, you'll just be missing out and confused. for those of you that do, i thank you for sticking around this long. this is not goodbye, and i don't even want it to be a temporary goodbye—but it is me saying that there are 18 pokémon left in the queue and i don't know how to add any more
the best solution is probably just to post the pokémon that i can and hope the models i can't get aren't anyone's favorites. how do we all feel about that? i could always try in-game screenshots, but that'd be such a big change in styling and visuals that i dunno if i wanna go through with it. i'm at an impasse here, and i've been avoiding even talking about it because technically most of the followers of this blog couldn't care less if there was a real individual behind it—they're just here for the silly pokémon images. but, y'know, hi! here i am, i'm a real individual running this blog, and it's not that easy anymore!
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blackbirdffxiv · 4 months
FFXIV Screenshot Meme.
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While I don't show them often, a favorite minion of mine/Ellie's is the bullpup. As you can tell, it is modded with a different coloring, and it comes with a story that is actually very personal to me.
For the sake of not possibly triggering folks on the TL I'll put the story below a "read more", the story below does contain content regarding a pet's passing. Please read on with caution.
A little over year ago, I lost my pittie, Cadence, after his health rapidly began to decline due to his advanced age (he was almost 20 years old, which is extremely rare to see in pitbulls, let alone dogs his size).
His passing was very sudden, seeing as his deteriorating health originally simply started with mild difficulty getting up and down stairs, and then it just quickly turned into the inability to even hold himself up, let alone walk, without someone practically carrying him (which was difficult for everyone because he was 120 pounds). We took him in to the vets office multiple times, and every treatment idea they had failed, he only continued to get worse, and he was clearly not getting better.
After a tough decision, my family and I decided to end his suffering by having him put to sleep.
It happened so fast we didn't even really have time to mentally prepare for it all, so naturally, I was devastated. He was not just a family pet, he was family, he was there for me when I lost multiple people I loved and cared for; he was also a big part of my routine.
Every day started with him waking me up with his loud "awoos", and almost every night I'd feel his huge weight on my leg when he slept in my bed, and when those things stopped, naturally, it reminded me that he was gone. The vets office did all they could to make the process easier on all of us; we got his ashes, a patch of his fur, as well as his paw imprint cast, but all of these were things that I couldn't have for just me.
My (former) friends decided to surprise me by commissioning a modder for a recolor of a minion that matched Cadence's coat on the bullpup minion, so this way in-game, he'd always be with me in spirit.
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derpyfangirl · 1 year
So I almost forgot to show off my trainer in Pokemon Scarlet!
You all have seen the awesome art @k-chips did for me, but imma post it again alongside general screens screenshots of her:
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Trainer Profile: Samantha Weiss
Age: 17
Nationality: Unovan
Favorite Subject: History, Art, and Biology
Team: Tuesday (Meowscarada), Leliana (Corviknight), N (Zoroark, smaller than usual), Loid (Sylveon), Alder (Volcarona)/Cullen (Pyroar), Riley (Lucario), Koraidon, Zorua (Shiny Zorua)
Born in Unova, cousins with White, Unova’s Champion and who is off searching for N (and who is rumored to be missing). Isn’t a big fan of battling, at least battling other trainers. Prefers exploring/ finding new Pokemon/ picnicking. Wants to be a Pokemon professor someday and aims to complete her pokedex. Her hero is Laventon, the creator of the first pokedex. Fiercely protective of her friends, has a soft spot for Arven. A bean, smol bean.
Totally is in love with him lol
Team Personalities:
Tuesday: Samantha’s starter and one of her aces. A girl. Curious and nurturing. The older sister/mom of the team. Friends with Mabosstiff, originally grooming and laying with them while they were still recovering
Leliana: Named for a video game character. A glutton. Bit of a clutz. Loves shiny things; often chases Gimeghouls around
N: unusually small for a Zoroark. Mischievous and tends to pull tricks. Very protective of Samantha, and gets jealous easily. BFFS with Leliana. Often butts heads with Riley
Loid: Named for a character from an anime. A bit spoiled. Samantha’s other ace. Rather serious. Koraidon fears him, even if Loid could care less about him. Likes Arven.
Alder: A cuddlebug (lol). Used to sit on Samantha’s head as a Larvesta, and still does despite being bigger than her. Named for the former Champion of Unova. Thinks he’s smaller than he really is. Talkative and cheerful
Cullen: Named for a character in a video game. Samantha found him being bullied as a Litleo being bullied by a group of Gastly. Tends to wait and study a foe before attacking. Scared of Ghost types. Loves little kids and Deerling- has befriended several wild and owned Deerling.
Riley: Stern and serious. Rarely speaks. The peacemaker of the group. Often butts heads with N.
Koraidon: Sammich lover. Dislikes battle, so Samantha never forces him to battle. Scared of Loid, even though the Fairy-Type could care less. (In the AI!Clavell AU: Technically Clavell’s, but he requested she keep Koraidon for the time being.)
Zorua: A shiny Zorua Samantha found rummaging through her bag one day. A baby, having assumedly only hatched earlier the same day he met Samantha, he doesn’t battle. Refuses to return to his Pokeball and enjoys traveling around in her arms or in her bag. Jealous of Arven and a bit judgemental of him.
Does she alternate Alder and Cullen? Yes. Do Zorua and Koraidon exceed the limit of 6 Pokémon? Also yes, but I imagine you can keep more if they aren't used in battle- Zorua is a literally baby while Kor isn't a battler and prefers zooming around lol
Is her team (and by extension mine) named for Pokémon and Dragon Age characters besides Tuesday, who is named for my cat? Yes and you can't make me change them this is the first time I fully named a team (my first Riolu/Lucario in every game is always named Riley after he gave us the Riolu egg, one of my favorite (if not favorite) Pokémon movie is Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, (and I may or may not still have a crush on Riley and Sir Aaron since I was little), so he is always named as such but everyone else is a new naming thing I decided to do apparently lol)
She'll be showing up in my Scarlet/Violet fics (WHEN I FINALLY START WRITING THEM 🥲)/drabbles/the occasional headcanon (so I can stop saying Player/MC) and in the AI!Clavell AU (again, when my lazy ass finds energy and motivation and inspiration QAQ)
Might make an old blog an ask blog for her, no idea yet.
Feel free to ask about her!
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
The Crossing
This one is for you my beloved @lightwise. I wrote my thoughts down while the episode was released and decided to take some screenshots. Not profread just copied the text and added the pictures.
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This is still one of my all time favorite episodes.
Well, first of all, the scenery, the planet, the colors, the music that really appealed to me. You have to know that as a geologist I love deserts and sandstone formations. Unfortunately we don't have much of that in Europe, I was in America for three weeks once, that was the most wonderful thing I've experienced from a geological point of view.
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Back to geology. The mine and that mineral they're supposed to extract. Needless to say, I would be there right away? Super interesting, I would of course pee my pants with fear, but what the heck. That sounds like an adventure to my taste.
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I can't stop staring at Tech's tight Star Wars ''jeans''. This episode it's even a bit dustier and dirtier from the environment. Please don't blame me! (Where the thirst started ;))
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I just have to mention again how beautiful these sandstone formations are. I read somewhere that someone wrote about Space Utah and I think that's 100% correct.
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(And just a random Sergeant picture for you, because he's hot and we can, look at this man.)
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And then comes the absolute lion king moment! That can only be intentional, right? I was really scared for a moment because I associated the scene so closely with The Lion King. It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and the scene where Mufasa dies still makes me cry sometimes. I mean, those critters literally look like space antelopes, don't they?
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Oh man and I felt SO sorry for Wrecker! How heartless Tech sent him back down to get the Ipsium. ''What about protecting me?'' I just wanted to shout I protect you. And again a very uneasy feeling watching the animals trample over him, maybe that traumatized me more than I thought as a child.
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And how Tech then just take the container himself, hello? I mean we already talked about him being a good fighter just like his brothers. But you're just not used to the autistic nerd being so physically fit. That's pretty hot. (Edit: Still a shrimp, we love it)
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And the next argument between Tech and Wrecker. It's hard to defend Tech because he's really acting like an ass. You can tell how depressed Omega is in this situation and Hunter is just trying to hold everything together. I really feel sorry for him because I can't imagine he's doing really well, but as a parent, you always have to hold back your emotions. But isn't it clear here that the group has been thrown off balance? That they obviously care that Echo is gone, as some have complained after the last episode?
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''What is your issue'' really wanted to make me scream.
And Omega's angry face afterwards. I just want to jump in and smooth things out. I mean it's nothing new that kids get traumatized in Star Wars. Boba didn't exactly have the dream childhood either, but I don't think it was worked out anywhere and thought about it, it's so wonderful.
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And props to Wrecker I had to laugh SO MUCH as he looks at Tech afterwards and shakes his head in slight disappointment after she left just wonderful, so many little details anyway and the facial expressions just lovely.
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And then comes THE moment. I mean this man just doesn't hesitate for a second and jumps after Omega, into the dark, into the unknown, he could just die but he doesn't hesitate. I'm just so speechless, if this isn't even a complete unconditional love father/brother moment I don't know what is.
It just seemed to me, but the way Hunter looked after they both fell, it felt like he could really sense that something was wrong and that they were both in danger, which I found really interesting.
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The cave they end up in is so beautiful. But apart from that, I would have died of fear if I had been pulled under the water like that. And the moment when Tech is on the ground and lifts his goggles slightly to let water run out, another cute little detail!
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And then comes the conversation, I don't even know if I want to go into all of this here, you could probably write an essay about that alone. I'll just sum it up, it was wonderful, it touched me and I think a lot of people who can identify with it did too. That there isn't just one way to express your feelings, that just because you don't show obvious feelings doesn't mean you don't have any or don't care. Most of the time when I'm feeling really bad I don't talk to anyone and you might think the same thing that I don't care about anyone and don't care, but that assumption couldn't be more wrong. I feel for Tech, I feel his words, I think that's one of the best lines of the season as well as his ''Understanding you does not mean I agree with you'' from season one. I'm jealous that despite everything he can express exactly how he feels, that he doesn't know how to feel about the changes.
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And the first time, the first time they say they're a family, not just a squad, and Tech confirms it, that made me so happy. The scene is so beautifully acted, the facial expressions are so good. How Tech falters in the meantime and struggles for words, not at all self-confident and precise as usual. That made me so happy.
I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you. The sentence!!! And if he feels that way about Echo, how about Crosshair? His brother, who he's known since they were little? I'm crying! I really can't wait to see you all again Crosshair, it's getting so emotional!
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And that it's just Tech who is allowed to shoot the Ipsium, no, not Hunter but Tech, how he holds the blaster with both hands, yes, we already had the topic of weapons, but that's just hot too. Now imagine some target practice with Tech or Crosshair, or best of all with both, I'd be a nervous wreck!
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Did I mention that Tech sometimes walks a bit stacked, like a giraffe? It's hilarious, I had to remember that Penny once called Sheldon a giraffe. These tall, lanky nerd boys, I'm in love. (Here comes the shrimp again!)
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And the perfect ending as Omega just uses Tech's words to keep morale up and he gives her a slight smile. Bonding mission successfully completed I would say!
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Lot's of love and may the force be with you my space sister.
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avionvadion · 10 months
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Spoilery screenshots below!
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Genuinely not the direction I thought this playthrough was going to go, but I am not complaining. Lae'zael doesn't just like Astra, she has a very good opinion of her. T_T This is a far cry from how neutral she was with her during Early Access. And, to make it even better!!!!
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She doesn't mind the Astarion thing! Actually kind of sounds like she approves of it...??? Either way, victory is mine.
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This mirror scene still hurts me, but the ending was cute.
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Convincing Lae'zael to cuddle be like-
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Astra is pulling forth all the bard charisma trying to get even the slightest bit of sensitivity from Lae'zael. Oof.
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Why are my favorites the evil ones. T_T I love them so much. Although, to be fair, Karlach is quickly growing on my list.
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Also. Just because I thought it was funny.
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Everyone but Astra is red, lol.
Astra, Lae'zael, and Astarion all need to go to horny jail because DAMN.
Unrelated but like I am… actually growing really fond of Shadowheart??? I wasn’t big on her before, but now I’ve been getting her backstory and now Shadowheart and Astra are practically besties. Legit even showed a flashback sequence of when she was tiny. 🥺
Wyll is a lot more serious than he was before, too, which I didn’t really care for at first, but he still tells his jokes and stories and his new personality and voice have really grown on me as well. Especially after a certain scene with his patron where he… yeah. If you know, you know.
I love all these characters.
I’m just a simp for Astarion, Lae’zael, and possibly Karlach.
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jellyfishdoodler · 4 months
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Three years ago yesterday, my friend took his own life and I still miss him almost every day. I hope he would like this little piece.
I also wrote something under the cut- mostly just kinda rambling about him but its more just for me.
Take care of yourselves out there and I beg of you, if you are struggling, please reach out to somebody. Because if you leave then you will be so dearly missed by more people than you know.
You are loved, you are cared for, you matter so somebody.
Take care 💛
I think about you a lot. 
But the things that come to mind are mostly about the video games you used to play with me.
You adored the giant mushrooms in minecraft. We explored far lands and deep caves together. You always killed the mobs for me because I was scared of dying even though we had Keep Inventory on. We would have long strip mining sessions and talk about how we were doing. Tell jokes and stories from our lives or just quietly enjoy each other's company. You always got so excited to see any of the in-game critters. You would have loved the cherry blossoms they added.
You always picked dark green in Among Us but always changed your hat for silly situations. Once you thought I was smart for going back and killing you while you were behind the Admin table, but I was just panicking. We laughed about it in the lobby after I lost. I tried looking for screenshots but I think they got lost. But we'd always run around the boxes while we waited.
You loved to wear the cute outfits in Animal Crossing. I gave you the pretty umbrella and it became your favorite item. We gathered on my island like it was a party to catch shooting stars and spin our umbrellas in unison in between the showers. I remember you lighting up like the sun when you got the New Horizons themed Switch for a really good price because it was in a small local game shop everyone overlooked. 
You enjoyed playing Grounded in early access. Telling me how decorating your base was your favorite part even though you couldn't sit in the little grassblade chairs. There's been a major update with story and more items added. It's also multiplayer now... 
I would give almost anything in the world to be able to play with you again, Gydeon.
I think about you a lot.
You were deeply protective and loved your friends with your whole chest every day. Even when it was damaging to you.
We would talk privately outside the server we met in. Saying how so many of them were in the wrong for so much of the drama they caused and that what they were doing was not okay. But they were our friends. We held each other's hands while walking on eggshells together. Trying to settle their emotions and each other's when we had nothing left to give. 
I still remember your bright laugh. I remember your sleepy mumbles not wanting to leave the group call when it got late in your timezone. I remember you being bored out of your mind while you waited in your dad's car. I remember you getting furious over the actions of someone and losing your cool. I remember you being so excited when you figured out and came out as Pansexual. You decorated all your avatars with Pan flag stickers and were so giddy to find out that part of yourself. I remember you joking about your depression. I remember you being down low and I remember how we would go online and play together to escape for a while.
I think about you a lot. 
Finger snapping has become a stim for me because you taught me that the sound comes from when your finger thumps against your palm. 
Whenever I need to feel brave I think about you standing up for what was right even though you got backlash for it. 
You had so much courage and pride but the thing you inspired in me most was to choose kindness above all else. No matter what. Its easy to be rude and angry and violent. It takes a strong spine and head to be able to let petty shit go and to choose to remain soft and gentle in spite of everything.
I think about you a lot. 
Its been 3 years and I still hold some guilt in my heart for what happened. I don't think it will ever go away and I almost don't want it to, but I've worked hard to make it bearable. Your memory still weighs heavily in my chest when I think about you, but it's more like a comfortable weighted blanket rather than an unrelenting mountain trying to swallow me whole.
You were an incredible young man and I'm one of the luckiest people in the world to say I was able to meet you. Even if the time spent with you was far, far too short. 
You were funny. You were smart. You were the kindest, sweetest person I have ever had the honor to get to know. 
You were one of my close friends and I miss you dearly, Gydeon. I love you, buddy.
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depraved-gf · 6 months
How fitting that I would write this exactly two months to the day after I went no contact with this boy. Hm.
Well. You all requested the story of the last boy I ever had feelings for. So buckle up. It's worth it to note that I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), so while I do have a Fearful Avoidant attachment style, if I do happen to find that rare attachment, my feelings can get intense and happen very quickly. I don't get to choose it, but sometimes my BPD can also latch onto someone and make them what's called a Favorite Person (FP).
An FP to someone with BPD is like looking up at God. It can be anyone. You see, an FP can do no wrong, even if they do. You attach to them, connection wise, emotionally, spiritually, and they're your every waking thought. It's toxic for both parties. And for someone with BPD, forcing yourself to detach from an FP feels like LITERAL death.
I've only had 2 of them, including this boy. The one before him was my toxic ex of 14 years. Yes... 14 years, I stayed with my last FP. Do you see why an FP can be detrimental?
Anyway. I met this boy online. We'll call him J.
Y'see, I post on occasion to NSFW reddit. I began doing this after my big breakup to see if someone like me could ever be desirable. Again... This was a very long and neglectful relationship. I've posted on and off, but back in late September, I was posting while I was still FtM (Female-to-Male) and transitioning. This matters.
I received a chat request from this guy. I looked at his profile. Really liked what I saw. Saw that he commented often on another FtM's profile, thus making him okay with my transitioning body - a big plus and a nice refuge from the constant misgendering and need for a "female body."
J messaged me kindly enough. He didn't immediately sexualize me. I mean, he did, but it was welcomed and as expected on NSFW reddit. But he was kind about it. Even funny, really.
I initially didn't respond all that much. A couple times every few days, maybe. In a sea of messages, I don't often have a lot of energy to respond. But it wasn't long when I got the message, "so, if we're going to talk [like this], I may as well get to know the person behind the pics, right?" and proceeded to ask about me. My interests. My favorite things. [Note: I wish I still had the account, but I deleted it entirely so I wouldn't continue to hurt myself while looking back at these messages. I only have the meaningful screenshots left.]
So we talked.
A lot. A lot, a lot, a lot. We got to know each other. Sexted. Made personal videos for one another. And went right back to talking normally. All day, everyday. He lived 3 hours away. I learned that he was the 4th of 12 kids, and he learned that I lost my eldest brother to drugs. I learned his favorite color was purple and he learned mine is nature green. We both were heavily abused in past relationships and never knew what it felt like to be loved or cared for. We both gamed, we enjoyed the same hobbies. He ensured to always ask if he was crossing any gender boundaries, asked me what I preferred to be called, always, always was so considerate towards my transition.
We agreed to talk more and become FWBs. But both of us were so shy and fearful of meeting since we'd never met anyone from online before, so we agreed to talk a little longer. J is the most shy, yet arrogant man I've ever met lmao. [Just my type. Shame on me. I love a god complex.]
Days passed. A week. Two. All day, everyday, J and I would talk. And once I started feeling a little dysphoric about being male, he very quickly switched over to using my preferred pronouns and pet names. It was seamless, and something I never experienced before.
He encouraged me to be the best version of myself. I encouraged him to get back into streaming on twitch, his past relationships always making him quit or mocking him for doing it.
We sent face pictures after being shy. We sent voice notes. He made it a game to try guessing my deadname (with my permission), and when I told him he had to guess extremely early-mid 90s names, he sent me more voice notes. [These, I do still have]. "It's Katherine. No? Okay, dammit. I'm going to get this, Isa, mark my words. [The next day, another voice note.] So I was actually thinkin' about it ALL DAY, but I kinda don't wanna say my next guess because it's gonna be kinda awkward if it's right- [second voice message after I encouraged him to say it] -*a smile in his voice* No, Isa, I do not have the voice of a Greek god, leave me alone *laughs* you're just tryna make me all smiley and shit, motherfucker. Okay, so I was thinkin' it's Samantha, 'cause that's a super 90s ass name, right?"
He had told me I had the voice of an angel and I told him he had the voice of a Greek god. [And tumblr, he did. Ohhhh, he did. Just hearing them again to type it out gave me full body chills. Ugh.]
He trusted me when his aunt unalived herself. Vented to me, said he wanted to take time for himself but that he just couldn't stay away from talking to me, explaining that he didn't even trust his best friends with the grisly details of her death because it was so bad.
I'd also occasionally get 3am messages saying he's thinking about me.
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Or little things like, "I can't talk to anyone like I talk to you, Isa." Or while he was driving to work, he'd send me sky pictures since he lives in rural [state], knowing I sort of miss the pretty country skies. "It's so pretty out today, nothing compared to you, though." or-
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He'd keep sayin' real cutesy shit like that for a FWB. But then, he asked me to send a few songs his way that would generally explain my music taste. This was the kicker - I was raised in a full musicians household. Music is quite literally my life. It's my home. My sanctuary. So when I sent him over my songs, thinking he'd never heard of my shit, he sent back the same shit. And we agreed to go see August Burns Red in early December. Our first meeting was going to be a concert for a band we both loved. [Yes. Ouch, in hindsight. I ended up not going, obviously.]
So the mf made me a whole playlist on Spotify since it's what I use. And I made him one on YouTube premium since it's what he used. And I shit you not, it's just about the same fucking music. Really freaked me out but in the best way.
Then... After more days passed, I had a really, really bad night. Y'see, I suffer from gallbladder issues from my very fluctuating weight throughout my life. I have EDs (eating disorders) - I've been in the 80lb category before, and I've also been up in the 280s. I've not been kind to my body and this is my payment. One night, I had a particularly bad episode. If you've never had a gallbladder attack, imagine the most intense pain you've ever experienced - now, take it and form it into a very sharp, spiky, WAY too small rubber band, and wrap it around your entire abdomen across your sternum and around your back. Deal with that 12/10 pain for a full day, nothing touching it, and then deal with the aftershocks of it for a full week after. [I have doctor phobia. Leave me alone. I manage.]
I had a particularly bad attack, and J was there. We hadn't done much else except talk on reddit and occasionally snap or text and send cute voice notes. But that night, he remembered that I mentioned finding comfort when my ex would play games while I was sick. I love to watch people play games if I'm not the one actually playing for once. It relaxes me. It reminds me of the simpler times when my brother and I would stay up and play Final Fantasy until the early morning hours. J did something I didn't expect, though - on Discord, he offered to call me while he played his game before he had to stream with his friends. We hadn't talked on the phone before this, both of us just far too shy and afraid to fuck it up.
But he did. He called me. And it was awkward, and it was adorable, and so, so endearing. It comforted me through the immense, blinding pain. It didn't seem so bad when I had that voice comforting me in my ears.
He even stayed on a little later and made his friends wait to ensure I was comfortable, before he hung up to stream. And even then, this man had always been so good about texting during his game even when I told him to "focus, dummy!<3." I turned on his stream after that and I fell asleep to his voice. In what was once searing pain, I managed to fall asleep.
But y'see, J wasn't just super sweet. He was possessive. When I posted on reddit, he'd always tell me how jealous he got that I was talking to others, even passively in my comments. Again, a huge turn on for me. He told me I was his. That he'd come show me who I belonged to.
Eventually... We confessed that we had feelings for one another. "You got me actin crazy, I've never given out my number to anyone online, I be thinkin' about you at 4am all the time, workin' to keep you around... I'd say I prolly do [have feelings]."
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It got serious after that when he confessed it truthfully without jokes. That one is for me.
Oh, and here's me, in all my flirtatiously awkward glory:
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What a surprise, Isa doesn't know how to flirt.
But... Some things didn't add up after a while. He didn't like to snap much, instead opting to remain on reddit. He kept making the time to meet later and later, eventually saying he likely wouldn't be able to come up until late January, and this was mid-October. I expressed my concern on the matter, saying that I understood his hesitation if he wanted to take time, but also that I was admittedly upset after I was the one who already bought our tickets and accommodations and shit. And it seemed to be fine. "Aight listen, you're right, I'm sorry. There really is no reason, I was just scared of fuckin' this up. If my babygirl wants to see me sooner, then imma make it work. ABR [August Burns Red] it is, send me the ticket again." [<- REMEMBER THIS!!!]
Then, we'd get into tiny little spats.... Where he'd then say shit like, "well it's not like we know each other, goddamn." And be immediately cool with ending it.
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But then he'd apologize for acting up. "If I'm acting dumb just tell me and I'll act right"
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It was small things at first. Then he suddenly started getting distant.
I wouldn't hear from him a whole lot. And so when I communicated and asked him what was up, October 19th, he finally spoke up and said he was angry that I made him feel forced and rushed to come see me.
And y'know what I did?
I apologized. Cried to him. Begged him to stay and that I'd be better. Felt like such a shit person for making him feel forced, even though I went back much later into the messages and saw that I was extremely understanding about his anxiety, and only upset about the plans after he had me buy the tickets/accommodations.
Looking back, it wasn't my responsibility to read through the lines of him retracting back to agreeing to go. And it ended up being a cop out. [I'm getting to this. Just trust me.]
So we talked normally after that. Even sorta flirted like normal, but it was strained. You could tell.
"Makin' me do the lil smiley thing again" he said to our little Mr. Miyagi banter. [An inside thing...]
October 21st, though.
"Isa. I wasn't going to tell you this, but you deserve to know.
I learned about a week ago that I got my girlfriend pregnant. And ion wanna keep doin this shit with you if imma make it right. No reason we can't still be friends tho?"
...what- HUH?!
My heart exploded. I couldn't breathe. I tried so hard to physically hold myself together where it felt like my core was going to snap in half. I was dying. Dying. DYING.
He explained that he was planning to break up with her for a while because it began as a drug relationship and they don't really talk since he got clean, but that she's very volatile and he's afraid of what she'd do if he left.
I simply wished him well and went no contact.
I was dying. Dying. DYING.
I watched his streams just to hear his voice one more time. I listened to the voice notes. I needed him. I craved him.
I did my own research. Turns out they were engaged.
I was dying. Dying. DYING.
I drank myself to near death. Jameson Black Barrel Whiskey will never taste the same. Countless hours spent venting to my poor roommate. Yelling. Screaming. Feeling hollow. Empty. Dead.
He was my FP, and now he was dead.
About a month later, mid-November, I got a reddit message. "Is it bad that I still come to your page to check on you?"
My response was surface level. I wasn't strong enough not to respond yet. But I did leave him on read after that. "Well, you know I'll always be a fan of you."
Maybe 2 weeks later, I had seen that he was streaming with a camera on this time. I watched him. The way he carries himself, his voice, his mannerisms. I was okay for the most part, but it was bittersweet. Like an old flame.
I saw him look down at his phone, and Bing! My phone went off.
"I see you on stream 👀"
And he got visibly more excited. Animated with the game. More talkative and smiley.
And then I left. I deserved that power play. And I haven't been back.
I deleted my reddit account after that. Didn't want to look back. Didn't want the memories. Started up my backup.
And last night, at 2am, I got a chat request from a familiar name.
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And here we are.
I still think about him at least a couple times a day, but it's fleeting. Like looking back at an old flame, like I said before.
I learned that situationship breakups hurt worse than relationship breakups do, because you weren't able to see the bad side of it yet.
But oh, me.
Boys, boys, boys.
Y'all drive me fuckin' crazy.
So, here's to you, J.
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isabelguerra · 7 months
okok happy birthday I really want to know more wizard au stuff but I cannot find your fics pls a link would be much appreciated
also this is just like a free space to talk abt your au literally whatever you've been wanting an excuse for this anon is 4 you happy birthday my friend !!! we're not mutuals but you're like one of two regular pnat people on tumblr which is a bond I Think
THANK YOUUU FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!! 💕💕 If it makes you feel better I’m not mutuals with ANYONE. This is a sideblog. Regardless it’s nice to have you here, I’m glad to be one of your few pnat blogs. :)
AND WELL LOL that would be because most of wizard au currently isn’t published! the best place to know more stuff about the au is either in my #wizard au tag, or just asking me! i love to talk about it, and right now it’s a lot easier for me to answer asks in my spare moments. i occasionally post screenshots from my doc files on here, but the fics are taking a backseat while I work on my Job Project.
Alternatively, you can check out:
The Pnat At Wizard School AU I Made When I Was 16 Is Still Fun Unfortunately JKR DNI - This was my first attempt at publishing the writing I’d done, before I got embarrassed and orphaned it, back in 2020. It’s a little outdated but most of it holds up. Boggart fic is one of my favorites.
Pnat Hogwarts AU by Twilighteve. I made wizard AU way back in 2015 with a friend, and twilighteve wrote SEVEN FICS as fanwork. The story now is different and follows Isabel rather than Max, but these are still great fics and I’m very lucky to have had someone enjoy my au enough to write so much for them. Throughout the Tournament is a really fun read.
i cant believe i’ve had this story for like 8 years at this point. i think it’s almost more fun to have as an au on my blog than an actual fic series? looking back whenever i start thinking about The Fics i just get stressed out. i’ve had it as an au since 2015 and i’ve had writing wips since 2018. its nice to have something with me for that long, i think thats why i keep coming back to it? even though thinking about it in terms of Fic Output and Writing Order makes me so stressed. at the end of the day it’s mine. and it’s there for be an outlet for me. if i want to be lazy about it, i can. if i want to put a lot of hard work into it, i can. i get to cozy up before bed and imagine wizjo scenarios.
and seeing how the characters have developed over the years has been weird- like, i wrote a lot of this in 2015. what do you MEAN codys a vampire. what do you MEAN theres whole new areas of the paranormal. its funny but when put next to current pnat you can REALLY see how its dated lol. so much is built on top of the 2015-2016 era headcanons like cody & lisa being twins, or not knowing what the spirit in isabels umbrella was like. we didnt know flipflop yet!!!! hes just not in there!!!!! we didnt know what the BERG was so max isnt a catboy!!! davy doesnt exist!!!!!!!
and there are in-comic background characters that we would talk about and gave names who show up in the au. these two are chasers on the gryffindor quidditch team with isabel & johnny:
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& we named them sarah and logan. that might canonically be their names too????? but i cant remember.
Here are some very practical Wizard AU facts:
Story spans from 2nd year when Isabel loses Eightfold to 7th(?) year when they graduate
The biggest reason so much isn’t on AO3 is because theres so much I have no idea how to organize it. For example:
At my current pace, I have ~5 fics based on central emotional beats. In order to keep things interesting for non-izjo readers, I tried adding a little overarching plot
Said plot now vastly overshadows the initial series purpose of a Dorky 6 Year Long Izjo Slowburn
‘Wait I don’t care about this i just want my dorky 6 year long izjo slowburn. but wait, this has lived in my head since 2015, is it even legible to anyone who would just be coming into it?’
~5 central plot fics, each with around 5 chapters at maybe 10k per chapter give or take. is roughly 250k total. even if i do publish this it’s going to take years
What else is there…………. Isabel is really good at offensive magic. She becomes quidditch team captain in their 5th year. Max hates flying on brooms.
Wizjos arc means so much to me.
Their friendship vaguely starts in 2nd year. theyre the quidditch beaters but work horribly together- they argue a lot and dont get along at all, it almost gets them kicked off the team. theyre forced into a situation that pairs them to work together sometime mid semester, and at the end of it they’re still… tense, but have a better understanding of each other? like ‘you annoy me but we had a moment that i would feel bad betraying. i think were more similar than i thought and i dont know how to feel about it yet’. Johnny develops his crush and it’s very strangled because he’s 12.
By 3rd year they’re more cooperative. Getting towards friendly. Theyre teammates AND housemates, so even though theyre in separate friend groups they spend a lot of time together. Still bickering but there’s slowly more and more fun behind it. Less ‘i’ll shove you off your broom’ and more ‘hey maybe if we do x we can shove x off their broom together’. Isabel begins having fun hanging out with johnny because he bites back. It’s stopped being annoying and become ‘oh hes just as conscious (whether he knows it or not) about his image as i am. it’s nice to put that down around someone. and also blast him with wizard lasers sometimes. and get blasted by wizard lasers.’
By 4th year they’re friends and Johnny’s still sitting with his feelings. It’s just a part of daily life. Wake up. Brush teeth. Shut Up Guerra (Hey Guerra). Lunch. Pick on a 2nd year. Meet up with Guerra before practice. Tell that one joke cause it always makes her laugh. Don’t make it obvious how you feel. Don’t let it slip how you feel. Don’t jeopardize this. Don’t do anything that’d make her feel weird. You’re her friend and he likes being her friend so it’s not a big deal. Isabel has slowly been getting more pressure from her grandpa, and every time shes stressed and cant go to her AC friends she goes to Johnny. So by 4th year they’re more or less best friends.
By 5th year they’re a capital T Team. Isabel’s gryffindor captain now and Johnny’s essentially her right hand. He’s there to hold new member tryouts with her, they study in the commonroom late at night, hes so gleeful about her uppity new position that he permanently cements calling her Captain into their teasing nicknames and Isabel hates it. In return Isabel makes him do extra laps, because she can do that now. And then Johnny gets in a non-serious accident and is in the infirmary for a week and suddenly Isabel is confronted with Oh. Oh I Don’t Like This. Oh This Is Bad. He’s fine he just gets like a concussion or something but Isabel doesn’t KNOW that right away and all of a sudden she’s faced with ‘i didnt realize how much of my life you’ve become and i miss you now that youre not there’ ‘…….why do i miss you now that youre not there.’ ‘we have a quidditch match coming up and i dont know if youll be healthy enough to play’ ‘i dont care about the game. id cancel in an instant if it means you wont have to play injured’ ‘………………why did i-’ etc. And afterwards Johnnys FINE but isabel is left with this weird hole in her gut and the reality that In That Situation That Was My Reaction And Those Were My Feelings. She’s confronted with the fact that somewhere along the line, Johnny became someone important to her. And that him getting hurt worried her. Because she cares about his wellbeing. Because she likes spending time with him. Because he’s her quidditch partner. Because she doesn’t think she could see herself playing with anyone else. Because she doesn’t think she’d want to play with anyone else. And then shes in trouble.
By 6th year is when things start kicking into gear. For starters the Triwizard Tournament because I can’t do a wizard au without some wizard deathsports. None of it is directly involved, that’s actually MAX’S B-plot, but a lot of what goes on because of it directly influences the wizjo A-plot.
Now we’re dealing with Johnnys time-tempered feelings that he’s accepted nothing would happen with but are still very alive, and ISABEL, who has JUST realized and has been stewing in her feelings all summer. With no outlet or real processing. Cant even go to johnny about it because well he Is johnny. He’s johnny and he gets under her skin and helps her with her transmutation homework and when she blasts him in dueling class he gets back up with a bigger grin than when she knocked him down. And she’s going to explode, she thinks.
And I’ve talked about this but when Headmaster Boss Leader (lmfao) says the forest is off limits during the tournament, of course they bet who can sneak out and last longer. And of course both friend groups scatter and get lost in the woods and of course who finds each other but. each other. and of course theyre both angry and worried about their friends and on guard bc theyre in the fucking forbidden forest at like 1am. Isabels ashamed that she didnt think more and johnnys grumpy and theyre so so blaming it on each other. Don’t deal with your feelings when you can express them through what you both know best: bickering and riling each other up to get the energy out. Isabels doing all this while trying Not to think about her crush. Johnnys long accepted his crush and that it’s not going to happen. So they are both very very surprised when Isabel kisses him mid argument, much to her horror. She apologizes and they get back to looking for their friends, who find them first. Later that night Isabel decides to apologize properly, because in her mind she let her emotions get out of control and seriously took advantage of him and she feels horrible about it. He’s someone she cares about, even though he probably doesn’t feel the same way, and it was wrong (She’s beating herself up and saying see? heres what happens if you let yourself have nice things. youd be lucky if he even speaks to you after what you did. you cant do this again.). Johnny however hears ‘that meant nothing to me i’m embarrassed and dont read into it’. Which is. Fine. He knew that. He’s known that. Hes big and scary and doesn’t let something like rejection get to him. Especially cause it wasn’t even rejection because she was never interested in the first place! Which he knows! So it doesn’t matter! And he can handle it really well! Yeah sure thing Guerra no big deal why’d she ever WANT to kiss him right theyre not like that! See her at practice ! they both walk away like Glad that was cleared up! [screaming]
This keeps happening. 6th year is when everything thats been boiling starts bubbling over.
isabel kisses johnny and everything gets wobbly. they’re trying to focus on their studies, and quidditch, and maintain that comfortable friendship theyve had since 3rd year, and not think about how nice it would be to try it just one more time. everyone, including the guest students from other schools that are here for the tournament, can see that theyve got something going on, even if they cant. johnny makes an excuse to drape his legs over isabels lap. isabel finds an excuse to grab johnnys wrist, or nudge him on the shoulder. they’re trying to deal with how things used to be and how they are now and how they want them to be and how they feel.
they ALMOST kiss again during wizard prom, which they don’t attend together. but they dont.
and then they have exams in spring. and isabels sooooo confident that she’ll knock out that stupid dog boggart just like she did third year. so she’s pretty shaken up when her grandpa shows up instead and says hes pulling her out of school early. shes too much trouble and hes through putting up with this time-wasting education, its time for her to quit being an embarrassment to him and finish learning the family magic. theres a lot more insults thrown in but thats the jist. and she goes running to the commonroom because not only did all that happen and she’s freaking out, but it happened and she freaked out in front of the entire class. and johnny goes after her because hes worried like crazy and they have a moment and he goes a bit overboard on the whole ‘if thats what your real grandpas like then i dont care who he is hes a jackass. cant he see what an annoyingly massive brain youve got on your shoulders or how youre cracked at strategy or’ and he does that for like 10 minutes while gently rubbing her back and isabel is having another crisis on top of her grandpa crisis. because what she tried so hard to kill is still very much alive. and hes being weirdly soft and comforting and she feels better with him here and its a lot to deal with. And she feels horrible and guilty and she doesn’t want him to stop.
Johnny is trying desperately to break tension and make sure she knows its bullshit. She’s HIS friend! Nobody talks like that about one of HIS friends and gets away with it! Even if it was a creature disguised as her grandpa and not actually her grandpa! SHE deserves to know that it’s not true and HES not gonna stand by it! But shes resisting and hes frustrated and there’s got to be SOMETHING thatll get through her head there’s got to be SOMETHING he can do to show her what he thinks but shes being DIFFICULT and hes BAD AT WORDSTHINKING and- oh okay thats a kiss. To get through her big smart wonderful dense skull. And it’s very soft and very determined to say ‘you’re wonderful. this is how wonderful i think you are. you dont need me to tell you it but please listen please please please if you need to hear it from someone else ill tell you. i dont really know how to in the way you deserve but youre worth learning’. All in front of the couch they spent hours on studying and planning matches on and napping and its warm and isabel is. well. Isabel Is In Trouble.
And then oh. Well. Um. Hello Maxwell. Who Came To Check On Us Because We Were Taking So Long .
frankly i’m still not sure how they sort that one out. johnny awkwardly excuses himself. and sometime before the school year ends they Actually Talk About It
By 7th year theyre together and very happy and very much the school menaces. Turns out avoiding your feelings gets you nowhere when instead you could face them and put your head together and cause all your separate rabblerousery with each other. And also hold hands with your best friend who you meet for breakfast and fall asleep on and spar against and get excited over the upcoming quidditch season with and kiss and sneak out to the astronomy tower with a blanket. isabel doesn’t want to take over franciscos legacy and johnnys like ‘i mean youve been pretty busy buildin your own, cap’. and she thinks. yeah. but itd be um. kind of empty with just me, dont you think?
Because she likes spending time with him. Because he’s her quidditch partner. Because she doesn’t think she could see herself playing with anyone else. Because she doesn’t think she could see herself wanting to play with anyone else. And then shes in trouble. Because neither does he.
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lakesbian · 1 year
To be honest, as someone who have actual siblings, the Cosay siblings headcanon it's kinda odd to me.
There's other potential sibling relationships like Lake and Tulip (that's why there's so much Twins Aus) and Jesse and Nate, but that one is more obvious... even if the blushes are because both of them are embarrassed, I don't think all of them are for that reason, the blushes can be by making a lot of strength (Book 1 Lake for example when they tried to escape to the door, also Tulip blushes too because of Lake's weight), a sign of attraction, joy, excitement, ect.
also, they hold hands soooo yeah :T
this is so funny. your analysis is bad, sorry. the only thing it has going for it is that it's the meat pumpkin in my tiger enclosure, by which i mean i will have fun tearing it apart.
"there's other potential sibling relationships, like lake and the girl she spends an entire season violently insisting her life doesn't revolve around!" like in what world LMAOOO she literally goes "i spent my whole life reflecting you, i'm going my own way now" to tulip to explain that because her life has been based entirely around tulip she doesn't want to have any connection to her, and you think there's good grounds for a sibling headcanon? deranged. i love that you started off with this because it really established the tone for how (in)coherent the rest of your thoughts were going to be perfectly.
as for the blush commentary, i. can't figure out what you're trying to say here? like, sure, sometimes characters in the show blush because they're being physically exerted, but that's irrelevant to bring up as an argument because it doesn't contradict my statement that the blushes in s2 aren't romantic. what does lake being exhausted from her failed attempt to escape the chrome car have to do with that?
the blushes in s2 do have varying emotional nuances behind them but they can generally all be tied back to embarrassment, shyness, or other similar feelings. lake blushing in the lucky cat car because she's flustered that jesse is expressing care for her is certainly happier than jesse blushing in the map car because he's admitting his state-qualified swim stroke lake is teasing him about isn't his favorite, but the core emotion motivating both is still feelings of vulnerability, and subsequently, self-consciousness. it's kind of a nothing-statement to say that 'not all of them are because of embarrassment' because yeah no shit, i never claimed the reasons for them were solely one-dimensional. this is The Train Nuance Blog, it's a given that there's nuance.
the "it's a sign of attraction" regarding s2 blushes is just like. Comically stupid. go read my post with the multiple screenshots of one of the show's writers explicitly confirming that the blushes aren't because of a crush & they're Platonic Friends, dippie. https://lakesbian.tumblr.com/post/714630299618770944/okay-umm-listen-i-have-a-silly-a-very-silly
and "they hold hands" ...,,,,..,,,rip to you i guess but some people have physical affection with their non-romantic loved ones? we got a fucking time traveler from the goddamn victorian era out here in my inbox talking about the Intrinsic Romance of [checks notes] "touching your friends." WAIT until you find out that i'd kiss mine on the cheeks LMAO. i'm gonna have to get ms lindsay katai on the phone to inform her that despite the crew's best attempts they did unfortunately accidentally write a romance by depicting a lonely traumatized child sharing occasional physical affection with her first-ever friend to comfort her during the most upsetting moments of her life :/
cosay siblings is rlly not that odd of a projected life outcome for them--they're best friends, lake living with jesse is a fairly common assumption people make, and a best friend you live with who's slowly becoming integrated into your family as a whole is...kind of just going to become an adopted sibling! there are many people who describe their best friend as being "like a brother/like a sister," there's no reason jesse and lake couldn't start feeling similar in the future & then turn it into "just literally actually brother/sister because he IS her family so it's not Like a sister, it's Is a sister"
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gr1an · 3 months
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sibling dynamic fans dni /hj
recovering dsmp fan currently feeling like i'm experiencing eternal bliss when it comes to hermitcraft this is so much better than i ever could've hoped
rarepair polyships are like crack cocaine to me do not show me them or even possibly mention something that could make me think about them otherwise i will spend two hours on a mediocre mix of a list of headcanons and snippets of interactions between people and call it a fic. that i mostly likely won't publish (i've had this blog for three months. don't ask how many drafts i have)
anyway, here's the link to two of my favorite posts i've made about polyships on the hermitcraft server:
smallishgemcleodubs polycule unionizing to get etho to be less stupid and also they are all in love
mumscarian fic
oh also: GNF (and other Dteam) and Wilbur Soot stans DNI and think about your actions. i will block on site i Do Not Care i'm not gonna engage with you
tagging system below cut for navigation/tag blocking puposes:
.txt : my posts
asks : ... asks
clips : clips of things
memes : literally just memes
hermit lore : irl stuff about hermits that i don't want to forget lol
hellooooo sailor : What Do You Think .... yes it is mostly scar what do you want from me
hermitshipping : my catch-all shipping tag, even if it's life series
fav : posts i am putting on my fridge
hermitfic : mine or others fics
suggestive : anything mildly nsfw and beyond
chat : chat screenshots
discourse : posts with controversial topics (i won't tag serious things with this like with what we learned about george and wilbur)
i also tag individual ships/characters/ccs but i'm not gonna list all of them otherwise this post would be longer than the color of the sky
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ohtobemare · 11 months
From the horse's mouth...
I want to address something that's was brought to my attention this fine early AM in my DMs, and I want to clear the air.
Let's begin.
A prominent Val creator that I happen to respect a lot hopped into my DMs with screenshots of a couple of my posts highlighting some gifs, and took it upon themself (pronouns left ambiguous for anonymity) to explain the difference between the apparent debate between ✨reblogging✨ and ✨reposting.✨
I will preface by saying I did not even know this was a thing. Being someone who is not a gif creator, I didn't know there were unspoken rules about this.
I have been on Tumblr since April. April. Yeah, that's right.
A little over three months. Some of these people have been here for years, and as we all know, this platform is a wild place. Rules aren't always clear and there's new ones added almost daily.
I don't have that many people who interact with me on a personal, intimate level aside from reblogs and likes, so there's actually no one to educate me, or even offer a "hey, this is a thing, watch your six."
But I will make it ✨VERY✨ clear.
There was never any malicious intent on my end about reposting gifs. I genuinely apologize to whomever this has affected.
I am a gif saver and use them in my personal, non-tumblr messages, and I had absolutely no idea that using them on tumblr outside of reblogging was even a thing. For this to be considered theft absolutely blows my mind in an enlightening way (don't take the expression in a condescending way) and I am genuinely baffled that people would ✨intentionally✨ do that to other creators. With GIFS.
GIFS. The cutest, fluffiest, funnest way to communicate.
My lawd.
But, I digress.
Please, chalk this offense of mine up to ignorance. I am a 28-year-old adult and will take responsibility for my actions, and will own up to my mistakes.
But I will not simply lay down and accept blame for the hell of it because blame is being dolled out.
I will explain myself before the court of my peers.
Don't hang people out to dry without allowing them a defense. ✨That✨ is being a good human, that is being gracious and what true education looks like.
People in a court of actual law are innocent until proven guilty, and it should be that way here, on a ✨platform.✨
Full stop, end story.
After some clarification, this user (they are not a mutual, I follow them but they do not follow me) did not have damning intent (as best I can tell) and was not malicious in their bringing this to my attention.
To them, thank you for the cautionary warning, it's taken under advisement loud and clear.
Please allow new people to make mistakes and give them grace.
Tumblr is a big, overwhelming, and sometimes terrifying place. Many of us are geriatric users who don't want to stir tea or intentionally step on toes, and we don't deserve to be crucified for mistakes at the altar of the masses.
This isn't to stay that I don't understand. I get that a sour apple ruins the bushel. I know.
As a writer and a creator, I know.
But the exception isn't the rule, and it certainly isn't the majority.
Allow people to make mistakes. Give them the benefit of the doubt. We are innocent until we're proven guilty.
No hard feelings, mutuals and users and people of the interwebs.
Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.
**edit to add– we talk about creators not creating because their stuff gets misinterpreted and handled. Creators and beneficiaries complain about people not creating anymore. While all those claims are true, condemning newbies and those who want to create but are anxious and nervous about it does nothing but make it even harder to grow the balls to post in the first place. I, being someone who doesn't really care about the opinions of others to begin with and just creates because it burns within me and I love it, am the exception. Most of the time people aren't like me. Be careful with new people on this platform, they could very well be your next favorite creator, but you may not know that if you crush their soul and affirm their anxieties. End story.
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