#it's his special interest and he's smol
potahun · 7 months
we dont give enough credit to LHL for making their characters bring evidence, including a fucking bee, for evaluation by the apothecary. they don't just know things about every other thing under the sun. they hear rumors about some famous jianghu artefacts but they actually bring medicine to the pharmacist for an expert opinion and have professionals check on the recipes
we also see li lianhua fuck around with his identity as a doctor and rely more on martial arts logic than traditional medical knowledge/experience to suggest solutions, and characters around him who HAVE a professional title in the subject are not shown to be more stupid than him. from the top of my head, I recall e.g. that whole convo he had with guan hemeng on first meeting where guan he meng ended up questioning his ethics as a doctor because his solution was basically relying on the patient's inner force. and the time he almost blew his and fang duobing's cover at the jin mantang manor. it's fine to have su xiaoyong defend li lianhua's reputation as a doctor out of friendship. it could easily become annoying if suddenly, li lianhua was shown to be a better doctor than guan hemeng
it's those subtle things that make characters feel less op i think. the show struck a careful balance between making li lianhua feel like a (burnt out) genius who knows a lot, on the one hand, and not making him too annoyingly op/perfect on the other hand
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timkontheunsure · 3 months
So anyone else think that they're foreshadowing that Stolas will join IMP later?
Kiddo Blitzø: And if you apply I'll hire you... maybe
Wee Stolas: You'll hire me?!
Smol Blitzø: Yeah if I feel like it.
Ickle Stolas: Well, I hope I qualify then.
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Then there that Blitzø has been fantasized about bringing stolas on missions, and was keeping drawing on him.
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(he gave Stolas a moustache as a disguise 😆)
Then there's the problems IMP currently has
Blitzø is back at budgeting, and will spend all their money on horse plushies. No one currently at IMP can stop him doing this.
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Moxxie tries to keep them on track; by noticing when they need to take a job to get paid.
But he's awful at time management, and will dick around for a week on a 10 min job. Millie's bad at calling him on it, and bad at raining in Blitzø.
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Loona is extremely board just doing the phones.
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An extra person would mean she could go on more missions.
And if it's Stolas, he can watch from the office to make sure she didn't get hurt. He has he ways after all.
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No one there is good at the paper work. They can't even do there taxes right.
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Stolas is amazing at paper work. It as one of his special interests, so it's fun for him.
Then there's the biggy. Stolas is a sassy bitch who can get Blitz back on track like no one else. And call him on his shit when he's being an idiot.
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(panic attack to calm and flattered in under 30 seconds. Yes I counted).
Edit: adding IMP really needs the help lol
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Can you do a post about nonhuman au floyb?? I love that little fucker
Ah yes, Floyd. The not so little, little fucker.
He still has his ear and arm fins even with the potion. He can make his ear fins wiggle and droop and they will sometimes do it unconsciously, perhaps because of how he’s feeling or or he’s eating or sucking on something. After the time he caught you laughing when he was sucking down a smoothie, he will wiggle them on purpose to make you laugh. 
He can make the arm fins flare out and go down so he can get shirts on easier but doesn't like covering them.
Still keeps some of his eel coloring and stripes along with his claws. His hands starting with that not-quite-white he has and becoming more of that green-blue going up.
His fingers have little bits of webbing and...are kind of creepily long. 
Doesn’t blink as often as a human should and his eyes glow in the dark, along with his habit of staring it can be a bit startling. 
Is very instant on getting you in the water with him for some reason. If you can swim, he'll offer to let you ride him but...keep in mind that when in the water either tween can out speed a flying broom. The guy is a living jet ski and you will zoom. Although he won't let you drown that doesn't mean he won't do stuff to scare you and make you think he is.
If you go out to the sea or a lake together expect him to bring back a fuckton of sea creatures that he expects you to eat. He's a very good hunter and plans on taking good care of his shrimp.
Has no belly button or nips.
Is very interested in your belly button.
You're his little shrimpy and he’s touchy when in the mood for it but especially likes how different you are. Small clawless hands are so fun to hold, likes comparing yours to his. Putting your hands on his face cuz it feels warm and nice, enjoy the ear-fin rubs. Body soft n smol, good for hugging and squeezing…and biting…but not too hard cuz his teeth would hit bone very easily. 
Skin feels different from what humans have but isn't quite the same as when in his eel form. It's soft but also…thick. There’s no way you would be able to break his skin with your bite or scratches, dull little human nails and teeth can't do much. He’ll think it's funny if you do it to try and get away from him but will want to bite back.
It is actually a good thing you can't break the skin since along with eating fish, crabs, and octopuses moray also eat very toxic creatures and as a result, the blood and flesh of a moray are very toxic. They accumulate high levels of ciguatoxins, which can give humans ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) if eaten. There will be times in a fight where he’ll get his blood on the guy on purpose and Jade has used his blood for…things before. Part of why Jade wants to test “special” mushrooms on others is because the poison won't affect him.
A moray will often eat anything small enough to fit in its mouth and is capable of taking a chunk out of bigger fish. As a result, Floyd will also try to eat…not food things if he can fit it in his mouth. Keep an eye on small nicknacks. Might also just, like, catch a bird and just freaking eat it. He’s learned butterflies taste really bad.
Everything about you just triggers his prey drive. He really wants to bite you…and chase you…and squeeze you…but also protect you cuz you're his little shrimp. Who would rub his face and tell him a good boy if he let you get eaten up? 
Can open his mouth scarily wide and his teeth are longer than OG Floyd's. Very long tongue and will lick the side of your face to gross you out. 
Has pharyngeal jaws which are a second set of smaller jaws located in the throat of the moray eel, behind the normal jaws in the mouth, complete with tiny teeth. This set of jaws gets launched into the mouth cavity during feeding, where it can grasp onto food, and pull it into the throat to swallow. Morays are unique in using their pharyngeal jaws to actively capture and restrain prey in this way.
Certain eels have been shown to be surprisingly affectionet with divers they recognize and enjoy petting, rubbing, and gentle hugs. Though with how Floyd is it's a little less surprising.
His gills are still present so his rib area is a weak spot. Getting hit there would really hurt and really piss him off.
Is nocturnal and prefers dark places, especially when sleeping. He also likes being snug and wrapped up for sleepies. In the sea, he would like to sleep in small places with his brother.
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Moray have a spongy, sluggy texture from their lack of scales. To top it off, these fish are covered in a thick mucous layer. Believe it or not, mucous serves a very strong purpose in nature, typically providing a protective barrier over otherwise vulnerable layers of skin. Your stomach should have a thick mucous layer to protect it from the acids inside, and similarly, a fish without scales can make good use of this snotty, slimy substance to keep it safe from toxins and physical damage as it occupies its rocky habitat.
The green moray eel is actually brown under all the snot; it’s just covered in a thick green layer of mucous. In some species, this mucous is even toxic, making them a particularly nasty prey item. Luckily what Floyd and Jade have isn't the toxic kind and will make your skin pretty nice. Floyd will use this in his favor to get more cuddles. Though if feeling playful he may perform what is known as a slime attack by slapping someone in the face with his tail, it is very unpleasant to get in your mouth.
The smallest moray, the Snyder’s moray, is around 12cm (4.5in) long, and the largest is more than 3m (over 10ft) long and weighs up to 30kg. A huge moray eel in Indonesia has been witnessed feeding on sharks and I like to headcanon the tweels are pretty big in their mer form and not just because of tail length.
Morays actually have pretty bad eyesight and have a keen sense of smell to make up for this and rely primarily on chemoreception such as smells and tastes to navigate their world. I do wonder if the twins need glasses but don't use them or maybe wear contacts. 
 Floyd is very good at tracking you down by scent and likes it when you smell like him and him smelling like you. Though he loves cuddling and hugging you, it isn't just for affection. He’s giving you that eel stank, plenty of the others are weary around him and you smelling like him can help keep others away.
Him leaving clothes at your place honestly was out of forgetfulness but does it on purpose now since that time he caught you wearing his jersey…it was so big on you and you looked so cute and its smelled like you and….
The moray can form a true knot with its body, that it uses as leverage to pull on prey items like slippery fish. They can also use this method to create strong pressure to break food items into smaller pieces. It’s thought that the skill is passed on between individuals. So if you want to escape eel cuddles…good luck but it's probably not going to happen. Even in his more human form his long arms and legs will be wrapped around you. Kinda funny thinking of the tweel's parents teaching them how to become living knots though.
Certain types of eels can change their sex. The leaf-nosed moray born male, transitions as they age, switching to female later in life. This transformation determines them as “sequential hermaphrodites” I like to headcanon that the tweens can also change sex or already have both in their mer form. 
Morays can have around 10,000 eggs at a time, and when the larvae are hatched, the eels are fully translucent. I like to think the boys started out as tiny little things you can hold in your hand.
Regular eels do seem to have some courtship rituals. Some of which being displays of behavior, such as graceful movements and vibrant color changes and I already like that headcanon of the tweels being bioluminescent. Maybe he convinced you to come down to his dorm's special pool one night and decided to show off for you. Showing off that beautiful glow while doing these cool tricks in the water. A positive reaction will likely be taken as acceptance, so unless you tell him no, you will receive some wet slimy eel-loving.
Male eels may compete with each other for the attention of females showcasing strength and health to impress a potential mate. I can imagine he’ll be very insistent that you come to his games and watch, though with how he already is and him wanting to impress you further it would be a good idea for a nurse to be present. The other team's guys are going to need it. I think he might also get a bit more…bitey with the other guys around too. You will also be picked up and carried more often. 
Eels also release pheromones into the water to attract and communicate with potential partners but..hmm you're just a human and on land. With the others being beasts and all they would be able to smell it easily and know to stay the hell away from him but would his little shrimpy notice? I think at most that if it's something that you can smell it probably just seems like Floyd has just smelled a bit…musky lately. He is probably around you even more and keeps close to see you reaction to it. He probably gets sad if you tell him he stinky and takes it as you not wanting him. If you compliment it? Very happy eel time.
As for the rest of what he does, it's pretty much normal things that Floyd already did when you were just friends. Bringing you food, little trinkets that made him think of you, getting territorial around others, biting.
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sixeyescurseuser · 1 month
Thinking about an alternate timeline where Geto never defected; he and Gojo took Megumi and the twins in, raising them as one little family. 
Whenever smol Megumi had a nightmare, he would sneak into his parents room and wiggle his littol body in between Gojo and Geto.
Upon hearing Megumi’s sniffles, Gojo would instantly wake up. He'd pull the child in to fit against his tummy, softly shhhing him and telling him it’s safe so go back to sleep. 
Or whenever Geto reads his books on the couch, the twins love mimicking him. Well, Mimiko mimics him with an actual book while Nanako is more content to brush her doll’s hair. But they’re still spending quality time together doing their own activities.
If Geto helps the kids with homework, then Gojo whips up a five-star-dinner. 
When the Gojo/Geto household go on a road trip, Geto dutifully drives and Gojo points out whatever interesting things - cars, scenery, landmarks - they pass by.
Because he’s the youngest, Megumi is awarded the middle seat in the back. He frowns the entire car ride to their destination. 
(“Megoomi! Relax that face, or else you’ll have wrinkles in your twenties,” Gojo teases.
Through the rearview mirror, Megumi glares at him like a grumpy cat.)
A couple years later, teen Megumi steadily grows, and Geto has to tell the twins: “Okay girls, let Megumi-kun have the side. He’s taller than both of you now.”
When Megumi enters Jujutsu Tech, he’s fawned over because he has the famous dads in the jujutsu world. Some of the curses even know about Megumi (who has traces of his dads’ cursed energies on him) and want to mess with Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru’s kid. 
Sometimes, a little part of Megumi wishes he could exist without being recognized as Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru’s kid.
But at the same time, he wouldn’t trade them for the world. It’s just that shouldering the expectations and Gojo/Geto name is a lot to handle as a younger teenager. 
The first year consists of adjusting for Gojo and Geto as well, as they have to be professional and treat Megumi as any other student. At times, the line between parents and teachers can be difficult to manage. 
Megumi lives in the dorms now, so he has a space away from his parents. Though he knows he can always crash at his parents' house if he wants. 
In fact, Megumi goes home often to see his sisters - who have opted for normal school - and enjoy his dad’s (Geto’s) cooking. 
On his sixteenth birthday, Megumi makes a drastic mistake.
He hadn’t meant to be a party pooper on his special day, it’s just that he hadn’t gotten enough sleep the night prior, and his body still ached from the injuries he sustained on his previous mission.
Moreover, even though he requested a quiet gathering later in the day, Megumi now sits in front of a cake at ten in the morning, surrounded by his friends and family who have dragged him out to a restaurant that is infamous for having a whole production for customers who dine in on their birthdays. 
Under the pressure of dozens of eyes and non-stop talking, cheering, and singing, Megumi inhales deeply, then exhales, blowing out all sixteen candles-
and making the impulsive wish to be alone. 
Megumi wakes up in his dorm room, alone. No signs of people singing happy birthday or the taste of cake lingering on his tongue. 
This is…perfect? 
Megumi lets out a long yawn. He glances out the window, he briefly wonders where all the snow went? Did it really all melt after one night?
A light rapping at his door breaks Megumi out of his stupor.
“Fushiguro! Are you awake?” Yuji’s voice filters from the hallway. “Gojo-sensei sent me to check on you. Our meeting started five minutes ago.”
Meeting…what meeting? Weren’t they on winter break? It had just been his birthday, right? What could the meeting possibly be about?
“Coming!” Megumi calls out, then quickly jumps out of bed to get dressed. 
Walking to the classroom, Yuji whistling by his side, Megumi realizes it’s not even winter anymore. The flowers are in full bloom, and the sun shines down in all its glory. 
Something is seriously off, Megumi knows.
This is proven even further when the meeting Gojo called his students for is to inform them about the upcoming Goodwill Event with their sister-school from Kyoto. 
Megumi has no recollection of his parents discussing this to be so soon, nor does he know how the seasons suddenly changed and everyone seemed to be on the same page except for him.
Feeling sorely out of the loop, Megumi takes advantage of his classmates’ constant chatter to wave his father over. Gojo approaches Megumi’s desk with his hands shoved in his pockets, and black blindfold secured over his eyes.
“Dad, what’s going on? I thought we didn’t start up classes until the new year,” Megumi says. Gojo’s lips twitch into a smile, hesitant yet cheerful.
“Oh? What is this? Are you going to call me Dad after all these years? Megumi is finally coming around!" Gojo exclaims, clapping his hands excitedly. Megumi’s eyebrows furrow in deep confusion. 
"What? But I always call you-" Megumi starts, but Gojo has already turned away to answer one of Nobara's questions.
Megumi's heart sinks.
His father has never turned away from him like that before. Never.
Without thinking, Megumi pulls his phone out and frantically searches for his other dad's number. The longer it takes for Megumi to find the contact "Papa," the more Megumi's heart dangerously speeds up. 
This can't be, Megumi thinks as he finishes scrolling through his contact three times. 
It's- it's not there.
Something is very, very wrong...
When the meeting concludes, every student except Megumi filters out of the classroom.
(Fushiguro? You coming?” Yuji questions. Megumi shakes his head and explains he has to ask Gojo-sensei a couple questions. 
“We’ll meet you at the front in fifteen minutes. I need some new outfits for this event,” Nobara says. She and Yuji shuffle out after that.)
Now alone with his father(?), Megumi asks where his Papa Geto is. 
Gojo instantly freezes at those words. “What did you say?”
“Papa…he’s not here. I can’t find his contact in my phone either,” Megumi elaborates, holding up his device. “Where is he? Usually, you’d be all over him by now.” 
“Who, Megumi, who?” Gojo pushes.
Megumi answers, “My papa, Geto Suguru?” 
Gojo is silent for a short beat, then utters the first thing that his disassociating mind can muster: “You're not my Megumi."
And he slams Megumi against the wall. 
“DAD? PLEASE STOP! YOU’RE HURTING ME! I-I DON'T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON!?” Megumi yells, his heart slamming against his ribcage now being on the receiving end of his not-father’s attack.
Meanwhile, Gojo shoves his blindfold off and uses six eyes to scan the boy up and down. But nothing about Megumi's cursed energy seems off. Everything seems to be in place…
This is Fushiguro Megumi. 
"Dad...I'm sorry, I don't know what I did wrong," Megumi whimpers, gripping the wrists that pin him with unmovable strength.
His traitorous eyes begin to tear up, paralyzing fear crawling down his spine. He wants to go back to bed and wake up between his parents after this horrible nightmare, wants to wake up after being squished in the middle seat during their five-hour car ride, wants to go back to the familiarity of his home where his family was-
"I want my Papa b-back…” 
Gojo abruptly releases Megumi from his hold, crystal-blue eyes shaking in disbelief. 
Megumi collapses to the ground but scrambles back up and flees.
What have I done? The two of them think to themselves.
w/ @no-one-says-hi
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gabzilla-z · 1 year
ok quick thoughts, spoilers behind the cut.
Halle. HALLE. H a l l e. Her voice, her face, her mannerisms. They took what made Ariel special in the animated movie and built on it and she was the perfect person to pull it off.
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Her beauty was distracting.
So glad they finally got a singer for a live action, I couldn’t take another B&B autotuned disaster.
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Made me want to get to the nearest rock and play mermaid ngl.
I had my doubts with Jonah but he did a great job with Eric, played the shy, kinda awkward potato prince charming to perfection. Loved that they expanded his backstory and his interest in adventure and the sea. Also A+ for the movie knowing he had a white shirt on while surrounded by water and using every chance it had to drench him.
Eric still being caring and worried about Ariel even under Ursula’s spell? 10/10 no notes.
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He came to chew bubblegum and be dreamy and he was all out of bubblegum.
Halle and Jonah’s chemistry was insane, I need them to do ten movies making eyes at each other.
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Seriously the movie could have been 2 hours of them interacting in that library and it would have been money well spent.
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or just two hours of them being cute smol and tol in a boat idc
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Can’t wait for this movie to be out in D+ so I can reblog all the gifs.
Part of Your World and all reprises were ofc gorgeous. Vanessa’s Trick is haunting and exactly what one would want for a siren song. For the First Time is gorgeous and underrated, felt very Broadway-esque. Eric’s song was corny but in a good way.
The rest of the songs are adequate but are not as good as the original ones.
Gotta said, song aside, the Kiss the Girl scene was more endearing in this version. When she helps him figure out her name?
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Melissa was good as Ursula and made the character her own, though I think she was not as scary as she could have been. Better than I expected, though.
The actress that plays Vanessa knew she had 5 minutes to make an impression and used them to the fullest. Delightful.
The CGI felt unfinished and so did the color grading/lighting. I edited all the movie images in this post (just played with the saturation and the contrast) and I’m mediocre at best. HIRE TUMBLR EDITORS, DISNEY.
Halle deserved to wear more outfits, I can't believe Disney missed an opportunity to sell more dolls. Would have given her a dress for each day on land and the water dress. Mouse, I thought you liked money.
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we could have had it all
Wanted more of her sisters tbh. And less Triton, Javier phoned it in imo. I know Triton and Ariel’s relationship is an important part of the original movie but idk if it was his half assed acting or me wanting more of the sisters, but I wasn’t moved.
Flounder's weird character design was saved by his stellar voice actor and Sebastian grew on me, he was hilarious. Scuttlefina was tolerable but gosh she’s always playing the same character, stop casting her in everything.
Less I say about Scuttlebutt the better. Kids are probably gonna love it, though.
The ending was kinda weird? It felt rushed and the battle with Ursula was disappointing. Which is a surprise because the OTHER stormy scene at night was wonderfully done. 
Up to Ursula taking Ariel back to the ocean it felt really cohesive but the second Triton appears to save her it was like they were trying to speed things up and it got... weird.
Didn’t mind Ariel being the one that killed Ursula, after everything she put her through.
Cannot believe the movie robbed us of Jonah screaming “I lost her once, I’m not gonna lose her again!”
Overall it was a well paced (up to the finale), entertaining, charming movie. Despite its faults, the only Disney live action I want to rewatch (outside MAYBE Cinderella).
8/10 Justice for the foam dress.
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andromedaexists · 5 months
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Fiction - Religious Horror
Final Drafting (hoping to send to editor at the end of the month!)
Religious trauma, Religion in general, queer characters, questioning faith, finding horror in the holy, if you look too closely at the holy...., spiraling mental health, psychosis
(it got kinda long so I put the rest of the info under the cut :) )
Be Not Afraid Those three words have haunted me my entire life, and now I'm close. I know I am. I'm close to finding out the truth behind the words, the truth behind the Seraphim. The closer I get to uncovering the truth, to proving that the Seraphim are real, the further my mind slips. I can't sleep - can't dream - without seeing them. Life has become difficult all of a sudden and I know it's tied to them. I just have to keep going, keep learning, keep discovering. Everything will be better once I complete my research... Incorrect Eyes is a psychological religious horror involving paranoia, angels with too many eyes, and the least mentally stable protagonist I’ve ever written. Please read with caution. Content Warnings: bodily mutilation, extreme paranoia, eye things (including disembodied eyes, being watched at all times, and removal of eyes), fear and terror, psychosis
Hunter (he/him) - the main character who’s POV we get. I think this might be the only time his name is mentioned, but he is the eyes we see the story through (pun intended, you'll understand later). Hunter is a trans queer man who was raised Roman Catholic, only to be pushed out of his church. To this day, Catholicism is a special interest of his and that's why he's here. He's also the least mentally stable protag I've ever written
The Seraphim (unk) - Well... you'll see...
That's it so far
@winterandwords @crypticcodexcreations @inkspellangel @smol-feralgremlin @/joswriting @/love-whatit-loves @/annetillney
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jacksdinonuggets · 4 months
Smol Genderbent AU
I have this AU where only Charlie and Vaggie are genderbent. Lucifer is still Charlie's dad, and Angel is still...Angel. anyways, I just wanted to share a few headcanons i have for them.
Charlie is one of those dino boys. He loves them and has at least 3 dinosaur plushies. He also really loves the primary color palette. All of his little outfits consist of red, yellow, and blue. no exceptions! He doesn't need diaps, but when he's feeling under 3, he wears them. only the dino print ones! he won't wear any others. if he could have dino print pull-ups, he absolutely would have them, but unfortunately, they only have diaps. Getting him to eat vegetables are really hard. like normal Charlie, Boy Charlie HATES veggies. Lucifer or Vags have to do a lot of convincing to make him eat. Speaking of Lucifer, Lucifer loves caring for his little boy. He and him bond over duckies and dinos. Lucifer tried playing catch with him one day but the boy wasn't feeling big enough to have good reaction times... he had a giant bruise on his forehead for a week. Though, he does love to play outside, unlike normal Charlie. normal Charlie would rather play inside and sometimes outside, Boy Charlie needs to go outside at least once during his regression time. he's also very comfortable with regressing in public and will even be in his little gear! but only if Lucifer or Alastor is with him. they protec. they attac. but most importantly, they make sure he eats snac. Charlie also loves to wear footy pajamas or Overalls. he does get fussy sometimes when he doesn't get his way but will feel bad for being fussy later.
Vags goes by vaggie or Vee, when smol. He's more of an astro boy and loves purple. although, his special interests do switch up from time to time. sometimes its space, sometimes he's neutral, and sometimes he loves sharks. he regresses pretty small but is super embarrassed of accidents. Luckily, Charlie is supportive and they go to pick out diapers together. He has to have his comfort stuffy with him at all times. He also acts like his stuffy is his friend, so whoever is taking care of him, also has to take care of his stuffy. He has a hard time walking so outside is a no-go. Unless you can carry him. but Charlie can't go more than 2 minutes with him in his arms. Vaggie is pretty quite, even when it comes to crying. Normal Vaggie is pretty loud but Boy Vags is quiet. Heaven was full of people who thought that boys shouldn't cry and had a lot of toxic masculinity. So its still hard for him to realize that he can be emotional. He often apologizes for regressing, especially if it was involuntary. Charlie tries to assure him that its okay but he still feels bad. He has chronic back pain from getting his wings ripped out so sometimes when he has bad pain days, he slips. He does a lot of whimpering and curling up in a ball when his pain is bad. Charlie gets ice packs, heating pads, pain meds, and lots of cuddles on these days.
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musclesandhammering · 11 months
Spn Opinions That’ll Have Me Burned at the Stake Pt. 2: Electric Boogaloo
I’m back and bitchier than ever. For reference, here’s part 1.
• Season 5 wasn’t that great.
• D*stiel isn’t real, it’s a sucky ship, and that confession scene was just the writers pandering to the rabid deancas fans cause they knew they were the only ones still watching the show lol. And they left it ambiguous enough that they could still say it was meant platonically if they needed to.
• I hate how they watered down both angels and demons post-season 5ish.
• I liked Ruby 1.0 better than Ruby 2.0.
• I hate Honey!Cas. They just did that cause they didn’t know where to take his story from there, needed him out of the way, and thought it would be funny. It was insulting.
• Jack should’ve been played by an actual child so everyone’s abuse of him would resonate with the audience for what it was (casual fans are brain dead and need to be spoon fed).
• Victor Henrikson deserved more time on the show.
• I said it in the last post, but Alex is way more interesting than Claire and should’ve been given the lead role in the wayward sisters storyline instead.
• Dean is canonically straight and for Christ sake if you guys wanted bi rep, there’s about a thousand other characters that are strongly coded or implied to be bisexual (including Sam!) but y’all didn’t focus on them because it wasn’t actually about representation, it was about making it more plausible for your dumb fetishised gay ship to actually happen (spoiler: it didn’t).
• Season 3 and Season 6 were some of the best ones, you guys just don’t have any taste.
• Claire is not Castiel’s daughter and saying she is erases Jimmy and insults her, and even Cas himself acknowledged that on the show.
• Castiel is canonically NOT gay and Misha constantly saying he is is annoying and airheaded. He’s been attracted to women IN THE SHOW and he’s not even really male, so calling him a Gay Man is reductive and just plain wrong. Also, it’s veeery sus that- given how bi/pan folks are even more underrepresented than gay people- that one of the rare times where the bi/pan label actually fits a character BETTER in CANON……. the allies and monosexuals adamantly reject it. Hm.
• “Curing” vampires or werewolves or demons shouldn’t have been a thing.
• The Winchesters cause most of the bad shit that happens and then they just force supernatural beings to fix it for them- tell me again how they’re Super Special Heroes.
• It shouldn’t be possible to make angels human by removing their grace, because (unlike demons, werewolves, etc) they were never human to start with. If you drained me of all my blood, I wouldn’t magically transform into another species, I’d fucking die.
• Making Billie go crazy was dumb.
• Rowena was one of the most interesting and charismatic characters on the whole show- they just didn’t know what to do with her character.
• The archangels, Lilith, and Azazel should’ve been the biggest threats on the show. No other knights of hell, no god and his sister, no Cain, nothing like that. Having every villain just get progressively more overpowered made the show unbelievable and repetitive and annoying.
• The kernel sanders king of hell guy was hot.
• Dean is misogynistic as HELL, homophobic, likes racist porn, is a narcissist, pervs on teen girls, & thinks all non-human people should be exterminated… and that is all CANON.
• Most of John Winchester’s abuse is fanon.
• Fans portraying Cas as a smol bby who colours in colouring books and has a bee plushie is so fucking annoying.
• Instead of having so many gigantic cosmic storylines with god and his sister and alternate dimensions and even the angel and demon tablets, they should’ve just scrapped those and made the stein family and the bmol and the alpha vampire storylines way bigger than they were. Less cosmic stuff, more earth-based stuff.
• They ruined Lucifer’s character post-season 5. Before that, he was more sympathetic and reasonable than Michael. After, he was a spoiled child hurting people for fun.
• Everything from season 7 on is garbage. All of it. There’s bits of goodness here and there but overall seasons 7-15 are trash.
• How the fuck are there actual people who are deangirls and hate Sam?? The space where your brain should be is empty, I swear to god.
• If there was gonna be any lgbt rep in the Wayward Sisters group, it should’ve been Jody and Donna instead of Claire and Kaia. Those two were boring as hell and had zero chemistry or build-up, but Jody/Donna had plenty of chemistry and was very believable.
• Meg has the best and most realistic redemption arc of anyone on the show.
• Chuck was not likeable or charismatic enough to carry off as big of a villain arc as they gave him. Also that whole thing was stupid and WAY too Out There.
• All the angels should’ve been aroace. All the demons should’ve been pan.
• I stanned Cole so hard up until he changed his mind about hating Dean. That was disappointing.
• Sam went through the same shitty childhood Dean did (plus Bonus Abuse on top of it) and he didn’t turn out Like That.
• I cannot think of a single person that was asking for a spin-off about the Winchester family, like that has to be the most boring thing.
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theredengineapologist · 5 months
Ranking Every James I Own
Lego Duplo James:
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12/10! MY FAVORITE JAMES! He's cute! He's chonky! He's easily portable! I can push him on a track or without! And he can sit next to my laptop politely as a little desk buddy! Plus, he's got side rods! Adorable and versatile! What more could you want from a little engine?
Easy S-Tier James.
Also! Since he's so big, he can fit doll sunglasses. Which allows me to do silly goofy things with him like this.
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Trackmaster Motorized James:
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10/10! A solid James!
I'm not sure what year or model he is, but I've had him since childhood (along with Lego Duplo James and Take-Along James). And now, over a decade later, he still works like a charm (albeit, after some cleaning and tinkering). He's not the fastest of my motorized trains, but he is my favorite (duh). I would like to add that he is the fastest of my battery-powered Jameses, so he gets an extra point for that. I love watching him run and carry things. And his gentle wirring noise is quite comforting.
Magnet Take-Along James:
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6/10. The Mid-est James. :/
Don't get me wrong! I still love him very much. But against the other James's, he doesn't quite measure up. And the whole point of this post is to pick favorites (and also to show off all my Jameses *cough cough*).
There's nothing wrong with him at all. But just compared to the other James's he's a little basic. I do appreciate the details in his cab though! That's a nice touch!
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My favorite thing to do with him is to attach him to the Aquarium train. It's the coolest rolling stock I have, and it makes him feel special.
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Battery Powered Wooden Railway(?) James:
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9/10! A very cool and interesting James indeed!
This James was a gift from a good irl friend of mine, and is the second new engine I've gotten after getting back into Thomas as an adult! He's a bit strange (/positive) in the sense that I'm not quite sure what line he's supposed to be a part of. I'm guessing Wooden Railway because the style of his wheels looks identical to my other Wooden Railway engines, and also because his tender is made of wood. But truth be told, I don't know for sure.
He starts running by pushing a button (I like pushing buttons). And he has a little light! That's so neat! Another cool thing about him is that he's able to run on my old Trackmaster tracks! So I can watch him go alongside all the others!
The one thing that makes him lose a point is that he's very slow (the slowest of my battery-powered Jameses). But I suppose that can't be helped because he is quite old. But whatever the case, I think he's a very neat James.
AEG Splash Tank Motorized James:
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7/10. He gets points for being cute and chonky. The wave details on his paintwork are beautiful and that's why I got him (I can practically feel James preening himself at that comment). However, he loses points for being slow and frequently getting stuck on the tracks 😔 (I know he probably needs his own AEG tracks but shhh.....)
AEG Push-Along James:
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He's adorable and small! A real pocket-sized James (and I've checked! He really can fit in my pocket!)! Also his face is just adorable! Very squishy looking!
Now I can already hear you saying, "Randy! The take-along James is also smol! Why is the AEG James ranked higher?" Well, it's for 1 reason: the hooks. To me, the hook feels more stable than the magnet, so I can carry AEG James around in my hand or my pocket without worrying about his tender falling off.
But most importantly, the hooks allow me to do my favorite activity: hooking up my AEG James to my AEG Edward and letting them puff around my house together.
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LOOK AT THEM! LOOK AT THEM BEING HUSBANDS! Edward puffs in the front, and James is his back engine, just like many of their HIT-era episodes together. AEG Push-Along engines letting me live out my 2x5 fantasies fr ❤💙
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
Hhiiiii I love ur work !! Can I request for bsd poe with a s/o that's an artist and sometimes likes to draw scenes from his writings and shows him <333
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!Poe With An s/o Who’s an artist!
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Scenario:- poe with an s/o who draws
Pairing:- Edgar Allan Poe x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- Headcanons
A/N:- Hiyaa anon! Thanks for the request! I hope you like it and if you feel comfortable please let me know what you thought abt it!
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Poe may call himself a detective,but i think we all know that his ability to create worlds with words is what makes him special
When you first met and he found out you too were an artist(one of the drawing kind) he wanted to know all about your hobby
And naturally you wanted to know about his writing too,especially since it connected to his ability!
After a little time had passed and you’d grown totally comfortable with eachother,you openly shared your art without fearing judgement from either party.
One thing You loved to do was read poe’s work and then draw what had manifested itself in your mind as you read
And when you were done,youd ask him to take you into his story so you could both see how accurate youd gotten.
If you were spot on you’d jump and cheer and poe would find it totally adorable how such a simple thing brought you so much joy😭
But if you missed even a smol thing or if your rendition was completely different,youd want to figure out where it had gone “wrong”
And even though you strived for perfection in your art(its one of the many things you shared in common) poe would make sure to let you know that it was perfect as it was.
Sometimes you contemplated turning his stories into comics
It would be a way to combine both your skills!
You both got to work on a story then
And when i say you both got to work,i mean he wrote it,then you both went and experienced it and afterwards you illustrated your adventure!
Obviously you gave your characters different names,but anyone who knew the two of you,knew that those characters couldn’t be anyone else other than you!
Poe loved that you were able to mix the things that made each of you happy,and he loved how easy it was.how natural it felt.
Poe may have had the ability to draw a reader into the world of a novel,but you were able to draw the world of a novel,out for a reader.
And although your talents were different while also being the same,they both meshed together perfectly.
Much like you had with him
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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cosmica-galaxy · 6 months
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Name: SecurityMimic Species; Camera
Is it friendly or not: Friendly 
Where can it be found: Alliance Science Department
What does it eat and how does it get food: Any captured Skibidies, grown crops, anything that the human (Galaxy) hunts and brings back.
Does it have any special abilities: Considered a genius due to Origin, Cheetah Speed (can reach up to 80+ mph in a few strides while on all fours),  and having a venomous bite.
Personal Backstory; Security was never originally a mimic and mimics do not exist, at least naturally, now that he is one along with two other units. He was originally a Camera Unit named Unit 042 and he was built when humans were still around, designed to help with research, recording and experiment with dangerous materials, chemicals and alchemy as magic does exist within this world. 
Eventually the Skibidi invasion/infection began and he was diverted to help with creating weapons that would take out the Skibidies which unfortunately led to his current permanent form as a Mimic. The Camera base was attacked by the Skibidies in an attempt to halt the production of these weapons which ultimately led to 042’s experiment blowing up on him and drastically alternating his form while keeping his camera nature. He was found in a bush nearby a few days after the base attack, as a campup by the human survivor (Galaxy) who took him in. 
For the survivor who didn’t know exactly what they were caring for, they ensured that 042 was going to survive as they cared for its wounds and fed it when it needed food. He does prefer cooked meals but often will eat raw meat, as it’s easier to dispatch any enemies that dares try to get near him or anyone he cares for. 042 became Security after he began defending and alerting the human of any threats, gaining his name in the process, there were numerous discoveries such as his speed and venomous bite while with Galaxy. 
He ended up returning to the Alliance after being rediscovered by P.O.V who saw Security’s number still on his head. He had to make a hard decision which led to Galaxy being alone for a bit, he searched for Galaxy before discovering that they’ve made a nest in the new Camera Base’s vents. -- Here’s a contest entry from @askthesmoltitans! Security has a very interesting backstory and he looks absolutely adorable! I never thought or imagined that a unit could be turned into a mimic, so that’s very unique! Excellent work, smols! 
: D
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twisted-lover-boys · 2 years
Hcs for malleus, jack and fleech twins
Their s/o who's taller than them
With A Tall Boyfriend
{not proof-read}
First we got the smol now we got the tall good balance ;P
Also I averaged the height for the reader at around 6’5” - 6’6” because 7’ just seemed like a One Piece kinda height anyways-
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Malleus is 202cm which it’s 6’6” so I would guess you’re around the same height
The first time he realized how tall you really were was when you were both on a midnight walk an you smacked your head against a tree branch
He loves holding your face when he kisses you and just resting his forehead on yours afterwards it makes him feel happy to know you love him
He’s pretty moderate when it comes to PDA but he’s not above the basics of handholding or just resting his head on your shoulder when he’s tired. Just watch out for the horns…
He’s not super creative with nicknames so he just calls you the basic “darling” or “love” like the true gentleman he is
When other students ask for you help with something, he can get a little jealous but all you have to do is ask him for help or just ignore a request because you’re busy and he’ll be a happy dragon
Malleus loves you no matter how tall or short you are. You light up his rather dreary world and he couldn’t imagine it without you man what a romantic
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Jack is 192cm which is about 6’3” so you’re probably a little taller than him
First time he realized it was when you went to visit him in the botanical gardens. You started to greet him when you knocked your head on the entrance door frame poor boy was worried for your head
He loves leaning up to kiss your cheeks or lips, especially in private or when no one’s around. Just don’t tease him for it or he’ll do it less often
He’s not super big on PDA but he’s not against doing it subtly since he likes leaning on your shoulder or holding pinkies whenever he feels like it
Not super big on nicknames he likes your name just fine! But one time he did call you his “palm tree” and now it’s kind of a thing is there’s that
When students ask you for help he’s okay with that, but if it’s consistent and it’s something they could do themselves, he either helps with you or outright refuses for you
Jack loves you no matter what so he’s happy he gets to have someone wonderful like you
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Jade is 190cm which is 6’2” so you’d be taller than him by a bit
First time he realized it was when you were running late for class and he saw you bang your head against the frame of the classroom door. He laughed to himself but he ended up taking care of you
He won’t lean up for kisses oh no you’re bending down for him so he can give you a kiss on the lips or forehead
He’s moderate with PDA but he still likes to hold your fingers or your hand and will gladly lean his head on your shoulder if he’s tired
Jade doesn’t understand the use of nicknames he loves your name just the way it is! Although, on very rare and few occasions, he has called you his “pearl” before
When a student asks for you help, he is ready to help you if the task takes too long or you get bombarded with tasks. If they won’t leave you alone, he scares them off for you
Jade loves you no matter your height or how unique you can be. You’re just very special to him and he can’t imagine loosing you
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Floyd is 191cm which it’s roughly 6’2.5” but he has to add the .5 so he can be taller you just know it—
But he realized that you were tall after he wanted you to visit him in Mostro Lounge and you ended up smacking your head against the door frame. He’s never laughed so hard what an interesting minnow you are!
He is all for PDA anytime anywhere he’ll always demand for kisses, forehead nuzzles, or force you to bend down for kisses or lift himself up on his toes for you
Floyd has always been weird with nicknames and you’re no exception. Along with the usual, he has called you “big fishie” or “tall wave” keeping with the theme of sea-based names
Whenever any student asks you for help, he’ll immediately get jealous. You’re his boyfriend aren’t you? Everyone should know that and leave you alone when he wants to hang out with you. He ends up scaring most of them anyways…
Nonetheless, Floyd loves you very much and is a very happy eel that you’re with him
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sasusakucoded · 8 months
Smol Announcement: From now on, sasusakucoded's Sunday is sasusaku au day. Yay!
Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to write more AUs and fanfics. 🙇‍♀️
Sakura can't believe how she ended up in this situation— marrying a stranger just because of family ties. In the village, her family is renowned. The Harunos lead the food and fashion industries and Sakura's father is considered as an influential person close to the Hokage.
Her soon-to-be-husband-in-a-few-hours is from the Uchiha clan. They are a humble clan that resides in the remote part of the village.
It's her first time seeing the guy. He looks handsome and quiet but the idea that she has to marry him because of a silly deal between her and his great great grandfathers irks her. Their great great grandfathers were comrades in the last shinobi war. They promised each other to marry off their children to merge their families. The problem is both of them had only one child and both are males. This repeated for several generations until a female was born in the Haruno side.
"You may now kiss the bride."
And just like that, Sakura and Sasuke are married.
As soon as they reach their new home, Sakura takes out a two-pager from her bag and gives it to Sasuke. "This is our contract."
Sasuke is confused. He thinks it is their marriage contract from the church. He starts reading it and realizes it's a totally different one.
"Let me get this straight. Only my grandfather wants us to get married. My father just agreed because of the stupid pact. As soon as Grandpa is gone, we'll get a divorce."
This shocks Sasuke. Even if he doesn't like the idea of marrying someone he just met, he has made up his mind that this woman is his wife and he has to take care of her.
Sakura is waiting for his reply. It seems that he can't process her plans. She reiterates, "so we just have to wait."
He nods and reads the contract again. The last line says, "do not fall in love with me."
"If you agree, please sign both pages and keep one as your copy."
He signs it immediately and gives the paper back to her.
"Great." She points at the door, "that will be our bedroom. We should still stay in one room in case they visit us. And oh, the contract is between the two of us only. Don't tell anyone."
"Got it," Sasuke says while following her to the room.
The following days are tiring. They have to attend family functions that Sakura's grandfather and Sasuke's parents have prepared.
Sasuke is shy around the Haruno's acquaintances. He stays in one corner and watches them from there. Sakura is quick to find him, reminding him that it's part of their duties as a couple to mingle with others. She takes his hand and introduces him to their friends. Slowly, Sasuke gets the hang of it and enjoys learning new things about Sakura through conversations.
In the Uchiha's abode, things are different. They have a more intimate event. All of Sasuke's favorites have been prepared. Sakura is hesitant to eat crabs and lobsters and Sasuke notices. Apparently, she doesn't know how to open them so Sasuke gladly takes a few and cracks them for her. This makes Sakura happy because she feels special and she appreciates the food more because he helps her.
Weeks have passed and Sasuke starts to get more fond of his wife. He learns that she likes designing clothes but her passion is to paint. He likes it when she tells him about the painting techniques she use. He's interested of whatever topic she wants to talk about.
Sakura, on the other hand, finds Sasuke nice and kind. She specially likes it when he prepapres food for her or when he does small things even if she doesn't ask him to do them. He's still too quiet for her though. He only talks when she asks him questions.
They call each other "love" to make their marriage more believable in the eyes of others.
Sakura taps Sasuke's shoulder and gives him a new phone. "Use that. Your current one's cracked screen is an eyesore."
"Thanks, but I can't accept—"
"Just take it," she turns her back and leaves. "I'll be at the gallery until later. Bye!"
Sakura is preparing for her art exhibit so she spends more time at her gallery. Sasuke decides to drop by and bring her dinner.
He goes in and sees Sakura talking to someone. It is her father.
"—but really? You're going to give me the most basic man and think that I won't file for a divorce sooner or later?! It's so stupid, Dad! I thought you'll agree with me on this!"
"Hey Sasuke, why are you here? Let's go inside!" says Ino, Sakura's bestfriend.
Sakura and her father look at the door simultaneously and see them.
"I– I just dropped by to bring you food." He puts it on the table while looking down. He greets his father-in-law and nods at Sakura before leaving.
"Hey, you're leaving already?" Ino asked.
He just nods and walks towards the train station.
When he thought they're getting closer, it hits him that everything is part of a ploy. They have a contract to follow and he must not misunderstand things.
"Go home now and say sorry to him," Kizashi says in his stern voice.
"Why would I? What I said.. That's the truth.."
Sakura's father leaves knowing that he can't do anything with her daughter's ego. Ino doesn't dare ask questions. She just tells her that she needs to go too.
Sakura continues her painting, constantly making errors here and there. "Did he hear everything? What does he think of me now? Is he hurt? He must be.. Most basic man.. Why did I even say that? Where did I get that term? He's definitely not basic. He's simple, sure, but far from basic. So why did I say that? Well.. Who cares. This marriage is just a phase.. We'll part ways soon enough.. I couldn't care less of what he feels."
She opens the food bag and sees the note.
Don't forget to eat, Picassokura!
She smiles at how silly it is. She also realizes that she hasn't eaten since afternoon. She opens the bento box and sees that it has some of her favorites. She wants to eat it so bad but her guilt is preventing her.
With no progress, she decides to get food from the vending machine instead. "This is what I deserve," she says while taking her first bite.
She enters the house and sees Sasuke in the kitchen. He greets her and immediately sees the food bag.
"Sakura, I'll take care of that," he says while taking the bag from her.
She's hesitant. The least thing she wants to happen is for him to think that she didn't like the food that he prepared. "No, it's fine!"
Too late. He has the bag and is aware that it's still full. He nods and goes back to the kitchen.
She goes to their bedroom and takes a shower. "You're so stupid, Sakura!! That will hurt him further!!"
She's waiting for him to come into their bedroom but he's still in the kitchen. It's been hours since Sakura arrived, so she goes there to talk to him.
"Hey.. I'm sorry," she starts. "I– I said those words because I was really pissed. I told Dad about the contract and hedidn't agree with me at first.. That's why.."
"It's okay.. What you said is true.. A basic man like me doesn't deserve someone like you.."
"No– I didn't mean–"
"It's okay. It's good that you were upfront."
"But I offended you.. I swear I didn't mean to say those words.."
"Maybe I was offended.. But it's no big deal. That's the truth, I can't do anything about it."
"I want to make it up to you. Tell me anything you want!"
"Paint me," he laughs.
His laughter makes her a little relieved. She agrees to paint him and both of them go to bed.
Because of that incident, Sasuke starts to distance himself from Sakura. After all, there's no reason for them to be closer with each other now.
Sakura's days are per usual— she goes to her gallery and paints the promised portrait. It's a surprise to her that she can actually paint him without a reference. She thinks of his face when they eat together, or when he sleeps, or when he's doing some chores.
She calls Ino to look at the painting. "It's done, finally!"
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"Wow! Sasuke must be really pleased! Looks like he's from one of those period dramas.. What's the title?"
"I don't have a title yet, to be honest. Do you think he'll like it?"
"I'm sure he will!"
For some reason, Sakura keeps on looking at the door and checking her phone, as if anticipating someone's arrival or message. Ino has noticed this and asks her, "expecting someone?"
"No.. Why?"
"You keep on glancing at the door.. Also, I haven't seen Sasuke these days. Did you tell him not to go here?"
"No, I didn't." It occurs to her just now that Sasuke doesn't visit her anymore. Not even once since she started painting his portrait.
This thought remains in her mind for the rest of the day. Now, she can only think of the things he stopped doing ever since that incident at the gallery happened.
"What do you mean he stopped doing things?"
Aside from her dad, only Ino knows about their situation and plans. She's open with her and trusts her very much.
"He doesn't text me anymore. Before, he sends me multiple texts a day, asking if I've eaten. He doesn't eat dinner with me too. He still prepares the food but it's either he eats later than me or he doesn't eat at all. He also stopped calling me 'love' when we're alone. He only calls me that when we're outside."
"What's the problem? Isn't that what you want?"
"Yeah.. But abrupt change is confusing.."
"Your contract is rather confusing! You say you don't care about him and he shouldn't care about you.. But you keep on doing things for him."
"You had his parents' distillery up and running. You bought new equipment for his football club. You paid for his clan's mortgage–"
"It's not like I paid much money for that–"
"That's not the point, Sakura. You're doing all these wifey things for him in secret and you're telling yourself that he deserves them because he's nice."
"But.. He's really nice–"
"Yeah! Your driver is also nice. Would you do the same thing?"
"Ino, that's different!"
"And now you're bothered because he stopped doing the little husband things he's been doing."
"I'm not bothered! I'm just.. Confused.."
"Sakura, it's not like your contract is something concrete. You can always terminate your self-made contract, you know. I don't know if you're aware but you talk about him almost 24/7."
"I don't! I just talk about him because he's my current subject!"
"Yeah right! 'Sasuke's football skills is top-tier! Sasuke's hair should be the standard for men's hairstyle! Sasuke did this, Sasuke did that!' Sakura, please. Don't kid yourself."
"I haven't seen you paint so passionately before. So, there's really something different. Think about it."
Sakura overthinks about it indeed. She never cared about any guy before. This feeling is new to her, so she's not sure if she just misses his presence or if she's really in love with him. Regardless, she's excited to go home to tell him about the painting.
She's about to close the gallery when she sees a familiar car outside. It's her grandfather. It also seems that he's with her dad.
"Dad? Grandpa? What are you doing here?"
"I am sorry. You shouldn't be burdened by the pact, Sakura," her grandfather says as he enters the gallery.
"What do you mean?" she asks, looking back and forth between her grandfather and dad.
Her grandfather sees the painting. "For someone who doesn't care about someone, you sure did put effort on painting this.. Well, Sakura. You don't need to anymore. You don't need to pretend."
"Sasuke paid a visit this afternoon. He told me everything. You can cancel that contract or whatever deal you have with him. You can file for a divorce freely."
"He went and told you?"
Her grandfather inspects the painting closer. "He said you don't deserve to be punished like this. He'll take the blame if people will ask. He said you shouldn't be trapped because of a deal that happened way before your birth. He's right. I'm sorry, it's my fault. I really just wanted to fulfill my grandfather's wish."
Sakura doesn't know how to react. She wants to say many things but words are not coming out of her mouth.
"Starting tonight, that contract is void. You can live in peace. I'll make sure of that."
"Grandpa.. So.. Does he hate me? He didn't say anything to me.." she asks, almost sobbing.
"No, not at all. He said he loves you, so he knows he has to let you go."
"He said he loves me? He never told me!"
"Because it's part of the contract right? It's funny because it seems that he has memorized every line of those rules–"
"Wait, is he at home?"
"Yes, he said he'll pack his things asap so it's easier for you–"
"I must go. Dad, please close the gallery for me!" She gives him the keys and runs towards her car.
"Hey, don't drive fast!!" Kizashi reminds her.
She's panting when she arrives. He's there, ready to leave. He's waiting for her to say goodbye properly.
"So, that's it? That's the reason you're not calling me 'love' anymore? That's the reason you stopped doing things you used to do for me? You want to rescind the contract–" She can't continue her statement and starts crying while holding onto him.
"Sakura.. This is what you've always wanted, right?"
"Is it true? You love me?"
"It doesn't matter.."
"Is it true?!" Sakura repeats her question louder.
"It's true! I love you! It hurts that you'll never love me back but it hurts me more to see you miserable with me! I'd rather let you go than see you hating your life because of that stupid pact."
"Who said I was miserable? Because of that one incident? Sasuke, you don't understand. I've never been this happy before.."
"You were happy.. with me?"
"I was in denial because it would hurt my ego. I made that contract.. I made the rules.. Then I'll be the one to break them? I kept on telling myself you're just nice.. You're kind and cool.. That's why I like you. But it's deeper than that, Sasuke. I love you. I know it took me so long to realize.. But I can't see myself living here or anywhere else without you by my side."
Sasuke can't believe what he's hearing. This can't be real. He can't process that the woman who despises the idea of getting married to him is now in love with him.
"Sakura. Are you sure? It's your chance to be free again."
"Did you know, I've finished your portrait today. I was so happy. I was pleased with the result.. Before I left the gallery, I put the title on it thinking I'll surprise and show you tomorrow." Sakura takes his hand. "You know what, come! Let's go there now."
Sakura calls her dad to go back and open the gallery for her. He complies and even her grandfather is intrigued.
When Sasuke and Sakura arrive, it's already open. It's obvious that Sakura cried on their way and her father can't help but worry.
"This.. This is beautiful, Sakura. Thank you.." Sasuke says while looking at its entirety.
"There's the title," Sakura points at a small card at the bottom of the painting.
"Love of the Artist's Life.. Sakura?"
"If that's still not enough for you to believe that I love you–"
Sasuke pulls her for a hug. "I'm sorry. I should've told you. You don't have to prove anything, Sakura. Just tell me I'm allowed to love you and I will. With all my heart."
Sakura takes the contract from her bag and torns it into pieces. "Null and void! Sasuke, please love me with all your heart and I promise you that my heart is yours and yours alone."
"I think we can leave now, Kizashi. So, nothing changes right? You guys are still married. Our ancestors are pleased with the fulfilled pact.. Everybody happy. Good." Sakura's grandfather laughs. "Sasuke, you take care of her. That's my only wish."
"I will, sir. That's a promise."
Kizashi leaves with his father. "Dad said everything I wanted to say. Take care, Sakura, Sasuke. We're leaving."
Sasuke is still staring at the painting. "It's really detailed, love.."
"You don't know how much I missed you calling me that."
Sasuke kisses her and says, "let's go home. I have to unpack and organize everything again."
They shared a laugh. "Don't worry, your wife is going to help you."
"You mean the love of my life."
"Hey, that's my title for you! Pick another one!"
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lovelylotusf1 · 4 months
What each driver would be like playing “TTT” 🔫🕵‍♂️
For everyone who doesn't know the game: TTT is a multiplayer shooter game where the players get sorted into two teams: “Innocent” and “Traitor”. Only Traitors know who is in their team, the Innocent have to guess (leading to a few mind games along the way). There is also a Detective who gets special items to help the Innocents combat the Traitors.
The goal is to eliminate the other team.
You know Among Us? It's basically Among Us but Counterstrike.
Max Verstappen
That one tryhard in the group, you know the one. Takes everything extremely seriously, no fun allowed, he's here to win. Often seen hanging around Charles, who balances out his serious playstyle. Can be convinced to have some fun but only by Charles.
Checo Perez
Doesn't know why he's here. The last video game he played was Tetris. Is frequently left alive solely because he has no clue what's going on and is therefore not seen as dangerous.
Charles Leclerc
The menace. WILL shove you off high buildings and cliffs just because he thinks it’s funny. Teams mean nothing to him, will kill anyone on sight if it has the potential to make him laugh. No one ever suspects him being a Traitor because he also does all this when he's Innocent.
Carlos Sainz
Is a surprisingly good Detective. However, he WILL sing Smooth Operator when he wins. Sometimes gets killed just to prevent this.
Lando Norris
Running around the map at speeds unparalleled. Manic energy personified. Consistently has the most fun, mostly achieved by trolling everyone.
Oscar Piastri
Resident ghost. Goes quiet as soon as the round starts. Everyone thinks he's dead until he snipes them from the shadows. Has won rounds where he was the only one left standing in his team. Was banned from using a Sniper Rifle for a long time.
Lewis Hamilton
Refuses to play.
George Russell
Writes essays on the fly on who is most likely to be a Traitor based on their behavior and pattern of speech. Tries to calm everyone down and speak in an orderly fashion. Makes for a great Detective but often gets killed when he's Innocent because he yaps too much.
Alex Albon
Blames everything on George. Killed a man? George did it (he was on the other side of the map). Saw someone jump off a building? George shoved them (it was probably Charles). Gets away with it most of the time.
Logan Sargeant
Likes to throw explosive barrels at people to his soundboard of Bald Eagle screeches. He embraces the meme. And is often the first one to be killed as a result.
Daniel Ricciardo
Is very bad at the game. Still laughs the most out of everyone. You probably don't want him as your teammate but he is too fun to be mad at him.
Yuki Tsunoda
You'd think he is sweet because he is so smol. Oh no. The rage has nowhere to go in his body. He is the first to scream obscenities into the mic, the likes of which you probably heard coming from a 12 year old on XBox voice chat (they are vicious).
Pierre Gasly
Targets Esteban and Esteban specifically. Even if they're on the same team. Other than that, can be seen trailing Charles and shoving people off buildings with him.
Esteban Ocon
Most often seen in a heated debate with Pierre, spoken in French. Sometimes Charles is live-translating everything they say to everyone’s amusement.
Fernando Alonso
Gets all the trick shots. Dances on your dead body. You hear him laughing maniacally before he kills everyone. Seems to be a Traitor almost every time.
Lance Stroll
A bit unsure of what he's supposed to do but in a lovable kind of way. Tries to latch onto Fernando, who takes him under his wings like a mother hen.
Nico Hülkenberg
People forgot to invite him.
Kevin Magnussen
Doesn't play. Always uses the excuse of having to look after his daughter (even if she isn't there).
Valtteri Bottas
The one who's always messing around with the props on the map. Likes finding the bike, picking it up and pretending to ride it. Isn't interested in anything else.
Zhou Guanyu
Refuses to use any weapon other than the cat gun. Despite that, he is surprisingly good at the game if his cat isn't trying to lie on his keyboard.
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nicherayy · 2 years
Imagine being la squadra's child
Tumblr media
You were found by Risotto at the age of six. Being on the street without anyone, looking scared and miserable. That's why he took you to his team's base.
At first you were expected to be allowed to live with them while they searched for your family. Yes, but something went wrong and they got too attached to you. And the first time you called one of them "dad". Oh boy.. Of course they decided to keep you as their child.
Risotto always made sure you were okay physically and mentally. He didn't even noticed how he became overprotective of you. You were his smol and cute child, how could he not? Now that you have become a teenager, this feeling hasn't disappeared. He always makes sure that you have eaten and slept well.
And if he's on mission and can't make sure of it himself, there's Prosciutto for that. He never expected to take care of a child, so he treats this whole situation very strictly and responsibly. You know this kind of parents who remember everything about their children from their interests to their favourite blanket? Yeah, that's Prosciutto. In general, he is very responsible for your upbringing, wanting to raise an educated person. You even have evenings where you discuss literature together. Of course, he's sometimes annoyed by questions like "would you love me if I turned into a bug?", but he won't complain. Speaking of literature and education..
Melone is your tutor in all possible subjects. Now you know biology especially well, congrats. Sometimes Ghiaccio can help you with physics or math. These two are a lot of fun to spend time with. If you want philosophical conversations in the kitchen at night, these are your people. Just try not to make Ghiaccio angry, you'll wake everyone else up. But usually you just drink tea with the question "what is life".
Pesci is like your older bro (which makes him very happy). Sometimes you go fishing together, it's your special bonding time. If you like coffee, then you always drink his portion of it so that Prosciutto does not see.
Formaggio and Illuso... how could you forget your funny dads. Do you want to learn how to drive? Go ahead, we'll go with you, just make sure not to kill us all. Did Prosciutto stops you from eating sweets at night? Who is Prosciutto? I hear this name for the first time, here's your favourite one kid. Ah yes, they refers you as "kid". They started calling you that when you first met, and it continues to this day. Bonus points for Illuso making your hair.
Sorbet and Gelato are like your besties. You gossip about everything and if I say everything it means EVERYTHING. Sorbet paints your nails while you and Gelato laughing about some actor's haircut. They spoil you rotten. You're their baby, why shouldn't them? They'll buy you anything you point your finger at. Sometimes they can tease you, but you actually don't mind as they'll never say something offensive to you.
You can't be more grateful for your family. They all love you dearly and they will always see you as their child.
Woah, that was a lot. I hope you guys like it! I'm doing requests so go ahead✨(I can write on any jjba part or character)
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worftism · 1 month
*wanders up to the playground with two toddlers as confused as I am* hey is this the star trek OCs playdate
anyway yeah hi :) I have some pals to introduce
Anna (they/she)
Denobulan-human mixed species
Entomologist (bug science :D)
So so autism
I like making up things about alien beings that canon doesn’t necessarily contradict, so her Denobulan physiology means that the number of times she’s gone hey cool bug :D and got bitten/scratched/stung means she’s become immune to many toxins
has loved Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea ever since they were little (their human mum showed it to them, probably on a computer screen to keep them entertained, but they kept wanting to watch it again and again) (could probably recite the whole script)
The name Anna was chosen as it’s fairly similar to Denobulan name sounds so easier for their family to pronounce
Regards Anna as their full name (Denobulans don't have surnames)
However being listed in files as Anna [surname, probably Baker or Bryant or something] and as both an English and Denobulan language of some sort native speaker, she gets addressed as [title/rank] [surname] more often than [title/rank] Anna, which would be correct
I couldn’t remember why I liked the idea of a Human-Denobulan mixed character so much but then I remembered the thing that inspired this is the whole sleep thing
(If you don’t know, Denobulans hibernate for a week or so once a year and do not sleep outside that. Humans sleep every 24 hours.)
This ends up meaning this character doesn’t sleep as often as a normal human, but when they do, they are Fast Asleep
So they’re awake for maybe 5 days or so, then simply collapse for a few hours and can function again
I can’t believe I forgot to include this until now, this is such an integral part of this character to me it just feels obvious
They always have their hair in a buzz cut and have done ever since they were old enough to express that their hair being too long caused them discomfort because Bad Sensory. this is 100% because at the time I was first coming up with them my hair was getting too long (it’s usually short but long enough to be curly) and itching my skin and I kept thinking mmmmmm want to cut it all off
I actually renamed her since writing this draft!! they're called Esk now (yes after the Discworld character, long story short her human mum loves Discworld)
Another interest of theirs is baking! Will elaborate on that another time as well
You Love Her. You Have To.
Unnamed (she/her)
Klingon traditional weaponsmith!
Whole Backstory Stuff around how she inherited this
I need to look into both Klingon family stuff and history to find out exactly how this would work but a loose timeline is
Weapon making traditionally not a women’s job (I don’t know if this is accurate to Klingon culture, it genuinely just felt like a good conflict to add)
However smol [unnamed] really wanted to learn from her uncle, so begged and nagged at him until he gave in and taught her stuff
Both verbally bothering him and just constantly being around the workshop, walking there every day, doing the cleaning jobs just to show up and show she was determined
Also necessary to this story is traditional weapon-making methods are dying out, but are preserved in something around a high- or moderately-high-status warrior having their Own Blade, rather than a copy (replicated) or a hand-me-down (unless it’s a very famous one with a great history, though still that might be presumptuous to think you’d live up to that legacy)
This has been her family’s (House’s) traditional job since anyone can remember, but only one lineage had still preserved it
Uncle is training his son to take over, but at some point when [unnamed] has been learning for a little while, this son dies in some sort of battle, leaving her as the only heir to the family’s tradition
From the little I’ve read on Memory Alpha, women couldn’t inherit a House’s title except under special circumstances, so I think she and her uncle will have to fight for her right to inherit the name and lineage
Would probably regard herself as aroace if she had the vocabulary for that, however restoring a dying craft in a remote part of a planet doesn’t leave much time for such questions
Still knows what she wants, has no intention to marry or have children, but to keep the craft being inherited she will adopt someone as a full member of her House who she believes is worthy of carrying on the tradition
This is actually a really interesting point as it shows how she regards the respect and dedication to the craft as making somebody more a part of her House than blood does
There’s a whole loosely defined thing about how she has some distant relatives who want to claim that house’s title despite having been fully prepared to let go of their house’s craftspeople’s legacy
Is actually quite short for a Klingon, maybe 5’4? and also fat and muscular, so she’s still quite a presence
I have got to do more research
(wrote this ages ago and did not post it. also haven't done research. but I want to post my Characters! so here you are :) these are works in progress and I'll keep adding to them but it's nice to get out what I have for now)
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