#it is 1am. i have class in the morning. i think i will write something about this during that perhaps
hey so with green dying and pac never getting to make up with fit, im sure hes gonna be normal about that and take it well right--
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onekindredspirit · 5 months
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This photo is the last remaining evidence that I once stood before the mystic portal of the O.K. Corral. Everything else except memory has been taken with time, and so I deposit this remnant here in salt and light and code. The O.K. Corral was a crumbling, condemned 5 bedroom Victorian villa that featured in my life when I was young. I rented it with a friend for, initially, $40 per week. That price was later negotiated down to 'rent free'. Mr. Fox, our landlord, was seen only once more, and on that occasion he tried to sell the place to us for $10,000. The current market value is around $1.5 million ... but money isn't everything. The O.K. Corral was a 'Dude Ranch' and the definition of that is "... an all-inclusive immersive vacation that includes lodgings, meals, horseback riding, fishing and hiking and more." Okay, there was no horseback riding, fishing or hiking but there were other things going on ... and more. Interestingly, the word 'dude' has changed meaning over the last 140 years. Today 'dude' means something like 'bro' but back in the 1880's, when 'Dude Ranches' first began, it was slang for an urbanite. As I write, things continue to fall into place.
I had known my friend since I was 6 years old. I don't think I liked him much back then. He was an extrovert and pushy when getting the painting resources at school. I didn't sit with him anyway because I was a 'foreigner' and I had to sit next to the only other foreigner in the class, Elizabeth Federinko, a Ukrainian girl who couldn't speak English and drew horses all day. I think it was the horse drawing that eventually drove me crazy or maybe it was something else ... possibly bad blood. Anyway, I'll call my friend 'Bukowski'. By the time we were 20 years old I quite liked the guy. Sure there were other arenas of male competition but I found myself better equipped to deal with those. The cool thing about pushy people is that they make thing happen and 'Bukowski' was no exception. For example, he could cook. We had a litany of weirdos and 'freaks' pass through the O.K. Corral. A note to the sensitive - to be called a freak back then was the highest form of compliment in our subculture. It was all a little crazy and you would be disappointed in me if I told you about life at the O.K. Corral, so I won't. Let's talk about something else. One day 'Bukowski' decided to move to another region of New Zealand, some place warmer that would better suit a boho gentleman with alcohol thinned blood. I have rarely lived alone but for a week I did until one morning I was woken at 1am by someone sitting on the end of my bed and talking to me. I wasn't clear as to what she was saying but I wasn't at all concerned as this was probably 'normal' when you don't lock your doors. Realising I was now awake she turned on the light.
I didn't know her but I knew who she was. I'd seen her riding around the city on a Norton Commando motorcycle which had impressed me because of her small size and once she had smiled at me as we passed each other on a city street. I remember that smile, it was powerful enough to stop and turn me around. It was a beautiful smile. The following morning she returned with her possessions and we shared my bed. I feel I had been looking for this person most of my life but when you dream someone into your life there's a danger that the results may be "... reductive and diminutive and I think basically misogynistic ..." as the writer Zoe Kazan once said in an interview when discussing the 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl' trope. Clementine, in the movie 'The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' warns Joel - "Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them or I'm gonna make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours". One thing though, I was never quite sure if she was my projection or if I was, in fact, the projection of her own desires. But I'm comfortable with that. We lived together. She taught me a lot. I gave her love in return. 'Clementine' eventually moved to Australia, a place better suited to her large personality. Years later I was sitting having an espresso at Fidel's Cafe on Cuba Street when 'Clementine' walked past the large plate-glass window. I had only a glimpse of her face but from that brief moment I sensed that she was not happy and that her health was not good. I didn't get up and rush out to catch up with her. I didn't run after her seeking some meaningful reunion. I let her go and watched as she disappeared into the crowd. Sometime in the not too distant past I had discovered that the person I had been looking for all through my youth and into later life was myself. I let 'Clementine' go. But the night I wrote this I dreamed of 'Clementine' and it was a beautiful dream.
- One Kindred Spirit
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AOT characters in university
Hiii this is my first post like this. It is literally so unserious and silly please don’t take it personally if I roast ur fave. Some of these are soooo dumb but I hope u enjoy! 
cw: drugs, weed, drinking
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Floch: this dude is 100% in a frat. The guy who stands at the door decides who gets in. For the boys in absolutely every possible way. Has punched multiple holes through walls. Doesn’t talk in class, if he does his whole personality is based on being a frat boy for life. Finance major. Always wants to be ‘devil’s advocate’ in class debates. Says edgy shit just to get a rise out of people. Scared of Erwin. Posts thirst traps on instagram. Is part of the boxing club. Has never read a single page of any text book ever, just watches YouTube videos to learn. 
Connie: You meet him during freshman orientation and he is now your ride or die. He’s outgoing and makes friends easily, but would 100% rather spend Friday nights playing video games and smoking weed with his friends instead of going to a party. Calls his mom often. Studying accounting because he wants to have a stable job. Makes lo-fi tracks and posts them on YouTube. Skips his morning classes because he refuses to get up for his 8am’s. He won’t plan anything but is always a good time when he comes out. Loves going for Korean barbecue. Loves watching reality tv and talking about it in the group chat.
Jean: Certified stressed and depressed. Definitely studying comp-sci even though he’d rather be in the arts. Is in your English class and even tho he complains about the work he still would rather write essays than look at his coding. Talks so much shit about the frats, still tried to join and never stops talking about them. Will  get into a fight with Eren during frosh week.  His mom also calls him all the time but he gets super embarrassed when she does. Brings all of his laundry home over break so that she can do it. Jean is always looking for a good time, he’s definitely planning nights out and trying to get the full college experience. Something embarrassing always happens when he goes out on the weekend and Connie and Sasha always make sure to remind him of it. The person you’d call for advice when you’re having a bad day.
Levi: Sick of it and annoyed. Philosophy major. Always debates in class and wins. You met him through Hange. You see him at the gym super late at night, between 11pm-1am when no one else is around. Hates big parties- especially frat parties- but always will text u asking how it is and if you want to leave. He likes to cook and invites you to come over to eat. Likes dressing nice for class. Uses black mechanical pencils and exclusively takes notes in black muji notebooks. Likes dark humour and will only talk in the group chat to add some sarcastic remark. Always drinking tea (duh) out of the same reusable mug. Likes going to low-key gatherings with his friends and playing card games and chess. Volunteers for the student food bank. Makes Spotify playlists. Has insomnia and will answer every and all texts you send, no matter what time it is.  LOVES to talk shit and roast people who he thinks are elitist, mean and hypocritical, especially Zeke. Works as a TA and is always busy and grumpy, but his friends keep him sane.
Historia: Wants to be a veterinarian. Quiet but kind. Has a really aesthetic instagram and is always posting cute coffee shops and pictures of her pets. Her girlfriend Ymir is literally the opposite of her and they both make u laugh. You sit beside her in class because she has a gentle chill vibe and always has extra pencils to give you. Offers you gum. Would give you a tampon if u needed it. Not really in any clubs but you see her studying at cafe’s and she always says hi. 10/10 sweetie. Knits in class.
Eren: President of the frat. He doesn’t even know how he ended up here but now he’s the guy. Kind of nice when he’s alone or in class but an absolute dick when he hangs out with the boys. Gets everyone at the party fired up. His girlfriend and his best friend are so nice. Wants to be a CEO, has no idea what his business will be. Wakes up early to go to the gym and never stops talking about it. Undefeated in Catan and Risk. Secretly a reddit lurker. You helped him study for biology once and he was actually very nice to you. Invites you to the frat parties on the weekend, but doesn’t really talk to you when you go. Loves karaoke and will always find a mic to sing into wherever he is and always picks Britney Spears songs lol. 
Hange: SCIENCE MAJOR. Literally the most outgoing person you’ve ever met. Befriends you in biology and helps you study. Has so many niche interest and friends from each of their hobbies. Brings all of their friends together to hang out and its the most random group of people you’ve ever seen, but everyone still gets along. Encourages you to go to the gym, and is always hitting legs. Definitely signed up for some sports leagues; is in co-ed soccer, basketball and softball. Athletic and smart. Wants to be a marine biologist to understand life under the sea and could talk about it for hours. The person who would drag you from your depression hole after finals season. In 4th year but knows people of all ages. So nice; you miss them when they graduate. 
Sasha: Environmental science major. Loves nature and is part of a hiking club. Smokes weed and makes the most delicious sandwiches ever. Always hanging out with Jean and Connie, loves playing smash bros. Gets along with absolutely everyone and is invited to everything because she’s the most fun. Is so good at beer pong and always wins tournaments. She has the craziest stories. Gives u a sweater for no reason, she’s just the type to do it. Goes on runs every day and has a dog at home that she misses soooo much. Comes back from winter break and gives everyone cookies. Not really the type to date but everyone has a crush on her. Sends the funniest memes to the group chat. FaceTimes you with a wild story while she’s walking across campus. Always has snacks in her dorm room. 
Erwin: Law student that has a degree in political science. Active member of the student society and always trying to get better food in the dining hall. Is your tutor and is sooooo nice. Gives u advice on how to make it through university. You could ask him any question and he would be able to help you. Likes to read. Him and Armin are your late night library friends. Loves to talk about deep random scenarios with you. Drinks black coffee and he’s muscular but you’ve never seen him eat. Is too busy trying to network in the legal field to go out to parties, but when he does he’s always the most popular person there. Used to be an athlete but doesn't really talk about it. Would walk you home from a bar to make sure you get home safe. Has no tolerance for bullshit and is ruthless to mean people; you’re happy that he is your friend. Would send you book recommendations to read over the summer. Plays chess with Levi. 
Mikasa: Her major is undecided. You meet her at the gym. She always works out late and is seemingly only ever studying or doing her daily circuit. Isn’t outgoing but is nice when approached. Not really into parties or big events but will come out for dinner or go on a walk with you after class. Her boyfriend is the president of the frat and they couldn’t be more different but she still loves him and says that he is a sweetie with her. Loves it when pet-a-dog day comes around. Enjoys spending time in the women’s centre on campus. She tells every girl that she meets that if they ever need help they can call her and she means it. The frat guys are terrified of her. Has an instagram with two pictures and they’re both of flowers. Likes collecting tiny figurines. Plans self-defence classes for the girls. 
Reiner: Bruh Reiner is 100% that transfer kid who still wears his old universities hoodie EVERY DAY. History major and way too into WWII. Likes to read for fun. Loves bears and will send you the cutest tiktoks. Look like he could kill you - is a cinnamon roll. Sad boy energy and loves to watch rom-coms. Listens to emo music and Kpop while he's working out. He knows where the best lookouts are. Likes older women lol. He loves going for all you can eat wings. Will have the highest grades in the class but never seem to actually study. Wants to be a teacher. Likes painting nice little pictures. Does yoga. 
Armin: Another day-one friend. You meet him in your math class and the two of you get through it together. He is kind and always remembers stories that you tell him. Loves going to arcade bars and doing anything that involves a challenge. Engineering student. Loves to solve riddles and play Zelda. Watches the planet earth series and sends you facts that he learns about animals. Knows when the next meteor shower is happening and will drive the friend group out to go stargazing. Is doing a study abroad in a different country so that he can learn a new language and see things from a different perspective. Despite being more shy and reserved, he is an absolute riot when drunk and makes everyone dance with him. He always brings the best snacks to late night study sessions.
Zeke: Philosophy major and literally will take whatever side of the argument Levi is against. Fighting with strangers on twitter and believes his opinion is always right. Will give you his opinion about your life even if you don’t ask for it. TA’s a class and is ridiculously hard on everyone when he’s grading papers. Hot and popular but emotionally unavailable because of his daddy issues. Wants his PHD mostly just to flex lol. Is on the baseball team and is always fidgeting with his hands. Has expensive taste in food and likes craft beer and nice wine. Has broad knowledge but its not deep. Wears boujie clothes and has a nice backpack. Prefers backpacking over staying in hotels because he thinks it is more ‘authentic’. Can speak multiple languages. Loves writing silly notes on your papers. Says that he is too good for the frats but still is there with Eren and Floch every Friday night lol. 
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wqnwoos · 8 months
im not the same anon as earlier but help ur grades are amazing 😭😭 im sitting psych and english in october and can i ask what ur study schedule or method is like? how early did u start studying + what did you do?
HII thank you soo much!! i worked my arse off for those stupid grades 😭 i’ll put the tips under a cut, i really hope they help, and good luck for october!! u got this <3
find out what time u study best at!! i somehow trained myself to become a morning person (naturally i am nocturnal LMFAO) but during study season i usually wake up 4-5:30 or something. it feels so much better getting to 10am and u have the whole day in front of u and you’ve done most of the things u need to do, but that’s just me!! i have friends who worked best from like 11pm - 4 am
pomodoro technique — excellent for my adhd ass brain. i genuinely thought this technique would never work for me, avoided it like the plague, and then used it during a study group session w friends and Love it. (i use the flora app btw!! i feel too bad to kill the little plant so i always study to the end 😭) i recommend the usual 25 mins, 5 min break but it’s up to u <3
FLASHCARDS!!!!! i cannot stress this enough flashcards genuinely saved my ARSEEE especially for psychology!! i always phrase mine like a question, so that if you get something similar in the exam it kind of jogs your memory? anyway. for psych i do not recommend remaking notes, i went straight from class notes and the textbook to flashcards, and repeated them All The Time
past paper questions!!!!! unfortunately the education system is fucked and doesn’t want us to learn for the sake of learning, they want us to be parrots so!!! really recommend past paper questions.
for english literature (i’m assuming you’re taking literature and not language?? idk anything about language past gcse level i’m sorry 😭), i wouldn’t recommend writing out essay after essay; plan a bunch of past papers, write maybe one paragraph per past paper question. ummm idk if u guys have to include context and critical interpretations because i believe that differs with exam board, but we did, and i used flashcards for those too!! (also. please make sure u know the text 😭 even vaguely knowing quotes helps so much bc searching for them in the exam takes so much time)
for english my friends and i also used to time ourselves — fifteen minutes per paragraph so that you weren’t going on too long about one point, and you weren’t wasting all your time on one question.
study groups!! this is ONLY if u work well with other people if u know ur gonna get distracted then please don’t do all the time 😭 also for things like english study groups r sooo helpful because a lot of the time, other people will bring points to the table that u have never thought of (and u can do the same for them!!)
EAT WELL!!!! SLEEP WELL!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m so serious . if u don’t do this then nothing will go well. idgaf what time u sleep because maybe you’re more productive at 1am - 4am, but make sure ur getting ENOUGH sleep. and don’t skip meals. pleaaaaseee don’t skip meals.
i also used to use a lot of mindmaps for english, for themes / characters / context!!
for psych i also used to do blurting — writing as much as i know about one topic, going back and adding everything j missed in a different colour <3
OKAY that is allllll i can think of right now!! if u need anything else pls slide into my dms or jump back into my inbox i am happy to help !!! good luck with exams bb i know ur gonna crush them 💗💗💗
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
Mmhh the prompts 😍😍 I love the shorter fics so much too!! Unbelievable how you can future so much in so little words 🙌💖
49. and 71 please? I think would be awesome for some Daderick caring taking and worry about his kid.
Good morning!! Thank you for your kind words! I was gonna write this last night but I passed out on the couch beside my dad at 10pm 😂.
Maybe we should do these like once a week- I'll post a prompt list that I find and we can do some short stories!
I am a firm believer that Rooster too passes out on his couch at 10pm by the way lmao. Also, for someone who generally specialises in emeto I've been writing a shit ton of coughs/colds lately hahaha. It's a good opportunity to expand my skills!
49. "Not with that cold" and 71. "Person A is oblivious to the fact that they are most definitely getting sick, but person B knows them well, and is definitely aware of it"
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Maverick knew just by seeing the back of Bradley that he wasn't feeling all that hot. For starters, Phoenix was glued to his side. Apparently she could see it too. His shoulders were a little more hunched than usual and he seemed confused as to why everyone except Phoenix was giving him a wide berth.
Penny waved Pete over to where she was serving patrons at the bar, leaning over to whisper in his ear.
"Bradley needs you!" She said, pointing in his direction. Maverick reached across to give her a kiss, nodding.
"I got him. Thanks, Penny."
He began to weave through the crowd, giving Bob's shoulder a squeeze when he got to the Daggers. Coyote gave him a fist bump.
"Sir," they all chorused- except Rooster, who grinned.
"Uncle Mav."
"Hey kid. You feeling okay?"
"Uh... yeah?"
Despite the confused look on his face, Maverick could see the dark bags under his eyes and the slight tremble to his hands. Phoenix rolled her eyes.
"He's been sneezing and coughing all day. Sounds like it hurts."
"Thanks, Tash. Bradley?"
"What are you talking about?" Bradley turned to Natasha who rolled her eyes.
"Empty your pockets, I bet we'll see a handful of disgusting tissues that you've been reusing so we don't see you go for the box all day."
"Oh, gross, Tash," Jake called as he walked past. Natasha flicked him off, not even bothering to give a fuck.
"I feel fine, it's probably just hayfever," Rooster said. Everyone except Bob snorted.
"You've never had hay fever before, why start now?" Payback said. Rooster narrowed his eyes at him.
"Sit and twist, dude."
"Look, why don't you call it a night, hm? Get some sleep, and we'll see you in class first thing tomorrow," Maverick suggested before Bradley could fight everyone. He went to resist but Bob cleared his throat.
"You could probably do with some extra sleep. I saw you in the ready room yesterday."
"Fine! Fine, I'll... I'll go home."
Rooster collected his keys and Hawaiian shirt but Maverick took the keys out of his hand before he could go further.
"I'll take you home, hm? As much as we call it an early night it's actually nearly eleven."
"Night Mav, Roo," Phoenix said. She picked up her beer and bumped Hangman out of the way so she could get her shot at the pool table. Rooster frowned as the rest of his team carried on with the night.
"Traitors," he muttered. Maverick raised an eyebrow.
"They care about you. Want you well."
Bradley went to bed and Maverick flopped on to the couch downstairs, turning on the TV. If Bradley was that unwell he would probably get up soon looking for medicine and Maverick would have to make sure he didn't do something stupid like try to go to class in the morning. Wouldn't be the first time.
Sure enough 1am rolled around and Maverick stirred awake to his godson sneezing uncontrollably. Maverick grimaced, swinging his feet to the ground and heading down the hall to the bedroom.
"Can I come in?"
"Y- yeah."
Maverick turned the doorknob and flicked on the overhead light, frowning.
"Oh, Roo..."
"I'm good! I'm good. It's just hay fever. I can still fly."
"Not with that cold. C'mon, let's get some meds into you and you can hopefully go back to sleep."
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It’s good to know that this still helps some people/Being MIA / Update
I haven’t been on Tumblr for some time.  Honestly, life is just so busy that it’s hard to find the time to sit and write.  
A little update then.  My sisters are doing great.  My youngest is still taking classes remotely from La Jolla and says she has no desire to go back to NY.  .  She lives at the La Jolla house with my grandparents.  I think she really enjoys hearing all the stories of dad and mom.  She get’s questions all the time about boiys, classes, why don’t I date, all the usual stuff.  The Coronado house we bought for them is just a rental now and dad keeps it.  My mIddle sister is going around Europe right now and has been having a blast.  We went out for a week to visit her.  I have completely forgot what it’s like to travel. Como and Niece were so amazing.  It was a much needed break because I have been living in a book for the past year.  My first year went well but very tough.  It took me a while to get my head back into study mode.  And honestly pulling 6am to 1am days get’s very old very quickly.  I used to drink quite a bit of tea but I have been living off of coffee, cappuccinos, and yes the total basic pumpkin when its out.  I am finding I like living in the bay area much more than visiting.  There is a small cafe I like to study at but it’s a bit of a drive/walk called, cafe Trieste.  There is something amazing in this city for everyone.  The big festivals are fun and a great way to experience parts of the city.  Dad is moving his boat up here and has found a new passion in road-bikes and crossfit. I can’t say I mind I haven’t seen his legs look that good in a long time and the lifting has totally boosted his libeato.  Ugh... rar it’s been fun for sure.  The business has been amazing right during the last 2 years.  I guess that’s a good thing that came from covid. And, it forced me to make a concrete move on my career.  
The new house is just about done it’s stunning and I never thought I would go for an older style house but I fell in love with this one.  The floors are white oak, there is wainscoting everywhere, The kitchen is amazing,  Anyways, that’s done. Were moved in.  Dad has the top floor pretty much to himself.  (and me).  His study is absolutely amazing and I find myself using it alot more than him.  
Dad and I are still great.  We are not nearly as careful as we were in San Diego.  Here people assume that I am either his trophy wife or and escort.  I don’t really hang out with people from school and I’m not a party animal as much as I used to be; only when Catie comes up.  IT was fun we took Catie out when she came to visit and Dad knew she knew but it was like the first time that he didn’t pretend anything was going on.  He greeted her like normal and then he came back to the loveseat and sat back right next to me and put his arm around me and let me put my hand on his thigh....wow there big steps!  He’s been working out doing HIIT, Crossfit, and riding and it has made him really fit I didn’t mind when he lost his abs because honestly so did I but now his shoulders are huge, his lats look like he’s been swimming again.  His calves look like his legs swallowed a grapefruit.  Ugh it just makes me want to jump his bones everytime were together.  The sex has been incredible, I have been joining him in the shower again like I haven’t since my college days and I’m not saying I have the motivation for a bj every morning but he definitely gets alot more of them.  He’s still super soft in bed and sometimes I still have to take charge but man he’s still got it.  There was one Saturday i woke up early (for me) he was in the shower and I was still sore from the last night but I went in and started my thing and he came, then had me on the bed again which was great but I was still oozing from last night and he just straight re arranged my guts, I swear I could feel  him under my stomach.  I came so many times, I oozed all day!  Let;s just the move has been great for our sex life and relationship.  
The other day I had the privilege of talking to a new follower.  
myloveandlifeinlajolla Hi, and thanks for the reblogs. I love yours as well. I try to say hi to everyone that stops by. Anyways, have a good day!
- Oh wow, that is so kind of you 🌸🫧 Thank you for being so open and honest and sharing glimpses of your life with such clarity. That truly means a lot and somehow makes a lot of difference! It‘s encouraging to read your story and I am grateful that you speak up about it. Thank you so much being!
myloveandlifeinlajolla Are you involved in it?
-No, I‘m not. Coming from a different niche. I have experienced what many people call child abuse. And while there are some effects that have been causing long lasting damage, which definitely have been frightening and scarring me emotionally, there were plenty of moments filled with immense pleasure even as a young child. What I perceived to be the most traumatizing was the social mindset and tabooing of sexuality in children. As there is no open and public discussion about it, there is no opportunity to integrate a healthy sexuality into a young persons life, causing all sorts of dilemma and everyone pointing the finger at the other. It‘s truly agonizing to me to watch this happen, as this leads to preventable harm being caused. Children are humans too and denying that won‘t eradicate their sexuality, even if it is different from adult sexuality. You sharing your story opens up a discussion about different forms of sexuality in a non-judgmental way. I‘d love to see this happen more often, which is why your blog has got such an important impact on me. Deeply appreciate you for that
myloveandlifeinlajolla I am so glad I can help. If you want to talk to me about this stuff Id love to hear your story.
myloveandlifeinlajolla It's so complicated. Everyone is slightly different and I understand the desire to protect younger children because honestly most have no idea what they are doing, have bad judgement etc... Take me for example If i knew we going to end up like this I would have been active as early as I could . like I knew what kissing was and that's sex was a thing adults did who loved each other. I had a very elementary understanding of the concept. I'm not sure if my understanding would have changed with more conversations or exposure to it.
-Oh I would love to stay in touch. It means a lot being able to talk about such matters openly! I haven’t introduced myself yet, I‘m Shelley 🌸
-I‘m quite busy at the moment which is why I can’t fully jot down my story now. It‘s difficult to do as well, because I‘m struggling with memory barriers. My flashbacks are incoherent and rather physical (so next to no visuals and no clear story). It’s happened inside the family including stepfathers (I had more than one). What I do remember clearly is that I had quite a flirty relationship with my last stepfather. We would go on dates (dinner, movie night, I smoked my first cigarette with him, he promised me to take me overseas). That was in full awareness of my mother. I loved him. I was in love with him. I still dream of sleeping with him. We did not have sex in those days of my teenage years and I cannot recollect for my life if it was him I don’t had sexual encounters as a child or someone else. I am mourning missed opportunities I could have had with him, but I also build myself anew. I brokered contact with him at 17. I’m 23 now. I‘m yearning for his touch as much as I am relieved to have started a life of my own. It‘s no clear lines, I cannot tell what is right or wrong. I‘ve been coming to terms with the fact that essentially I was in a three way relationship with my mother and stepfather. Watching them have sex as a child. Was it dreams that involved me in those encounters or was it real - I honestly do not know. But I did feel pleasure at times. I cannot tell whose hands it were that introduced me to my clitoris. That tingling sensation, the overwhelming pleasure that made me addicted and ready to submit to whatever would promise me such a feeling again. There were chocking hands and bathtub water. A red penis to be swallowed. I know not many believe in that, but I was fully capable of squirting and causing huge wet spots after hours of being brought to the edge as a child. All of this also made me an outsider among my peers, because I soon figured out I could not talk about such things. Either because I was seen as a dramatic liar or because it would disturb and harm others.
-I‘m sorry for some of the unfitting words. Autocorrect wanted to have a say as well 😅
-I so lace what you have been saying in your second message! It really is complicated! I can totally see the desire to protect a young being as well! I‘m just wondering, if that is possible by completely sheltering and isolating them from sexuality. In my journey to understand my life I have stumbled across a book called Emotional Flow: A Holistic Approach To Healing Sadism. I’ve found some view points in that book to be quite thought provoking, as it was mentioning other cultures in which children as young as 3 years old, that also grew up uns village, were being allowed to live in seperate shelters with other kids their age. It would be totally normal for them to explore and engage in there sexuality. At their pace. Among their age. The book stated that apparently that village had a crime rate next to none. I do not know, if that is true, or a bit skewed, but it would be interesting to explore. It goes on to mention that in our society that would be difficult to introduce as so many are quite rigid, which is also a sign of unhealed wounds. But the author mentions that there are sage ways in which adults may even engage sexually with very young children, if they were only shown how to properly do it without causing the pain, which is what is traumatizing. I also do not know how ideal of an idea that is. But again worth talking about. In this sentiment I am not surprised at all to hear you say that your relationship with your father was on your mind so early. Please know there are people out there who can meet you at your level without any judgement or overindulgent reaction. Would love to hear from you again. Sending my love out to you 💕☘️🐬 -I so agree with your last message* 
myloveandlifeinlajollawould you mind if I posted our conversation? I always keep people anon.
-No, would not mind at all :)
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Dublin Week 16: Classes Going Crazy
Hi there, it's me, Sam, again. I can't think of a good intro, so I'm just gonna get into it.
I started this week in something of a panic because while I was in Copenhagen, I neglected to do a number of things I should've been doing for the week ahead. He is the complete list of things I should have been doing:
Studying for an applied dynamics quiz on Tuesday
Finishing up research and making a poster due on Wednesday
Studying for a lab exam for statistics on Wednesday
When I got back on Monday night from Copenhagen, I frantically studied for my quiz the next morning, and apparently this was good enough to do reasonably well. Yay me! Then I had to get to doing my research!
This past semester I've been taking a class that gave me the opportunity to conduct research. I'd been working with a PhD student who's studying titanium alloys, and until this point I had worked in the lab a bit and taken some measurements, but we hadn't actually decided what I was going to write my final report and presentation on. After my quiz on Tuesday, we met up, decided what my topic was going to be, and then I the rest of my waking hours finishing my poster. At around 1am, I was done, and frankly I'm pretty proud of my work. Moral of the story: be proactive and figure out what you're researching sooner rather than later. Posters can be made in a day though (not recommended).
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Me and my poster
Wednesday was considerably more chill. I went to my classes and spent my free time preparing for my lab exam. Later that evening I took the exam, and I think it went alright. I should've prepared a bit more, but at the end of the day it was a very small part of my grade, and I'm not too worried. Now that I was done with my work, I got some well deserved rest.
On Thursday, my research class had a big poster presentation in the lobby of the engineering building. I got to show my research to interested passersby, and it felt really great being able to share my experience with them. Afterwards, I didn't have any classes for the day, so I just hung around, made some food, and then went to climbing later that evening.
Friday I once again didn't have any classes, so I spent the day cleaning my apartment, relaxing, and getting ready for the Mountaineering Ball. Most clubs and societies at UCD host a ball at the end of the semester where the club rents a ballroom at a hotel and everyone dresses up nicely and dances and drinks and whatnot. You know, typical ball activities.
Around 5, I met up with some other club members on campus and we made our way to a club members house for some pre-drinks (referred to as prinks here). After spending some time there, everyone made their way to the hotel ballroom the club booked.
At the ball we were served some (surprisingly good) dinner, handed out awards, took photos, and danced. It was a great time. After the ball, a bunch of us headed into town to a pub called Doyle's. It was super crowded and loud, but we all had fun, and I ended up leaving around 3 am (yikes).
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Some photos from the ball
The next morning, I wasn't up until about noon. After this slow start, I met up with my friends Colin and Cormac in town, where we grabbed some lunch and tried to walk off our hangovers, which actually kind of worked a little. When we got bored of this and hungry for dinner, we headed back to UCD. Once we refueled and bored ourselves once again in our respective apartments, we decided to meet up again and head down to Dun Laoghaire to enjoy the lovely evening and watch the sunset, which was a lovely way to end the day.
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A picture from the water of the pier at Dun Laoghaire
On Sunday, the mountaineering club had its final Sunday hike of the term. We were supposed to hike Lugnaquilla, which is the highest peak in the Wicklow mountains, but our bus forgot to pick us up, and we ended up getting to the trail about an hour late. Instead we did a much shorter hike, which actually ended up being a great time since the weather was awesome and we were actually able to enjoy it. We ended our hike at a cute little pub where I got my cheapest pint of Guinness of the semester (it was still €4.80). Overall, it was a lovely way to end the Sunday hikes.
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Some photos from the hike
That's all for this week! This was the last week of classes, so the next three weeks, I'll just be studying and taking my exams. I'm gonna try to do some exploring of Dublin during this time, so stay tuned for that.
Sam Adler
Materials Science and Engineering
University College Dublin
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malleux · 4 years
spell [2]. | corpse husband
part one ; part three
-> Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
-> Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
-> Warnings: Hate Comments, Self Doubt, Anxiety, Cursing
-> A/N: thank you for 1k notes on part one! i’m so glad everyone likes my work. it’s really nice getting this much love after taking a hiatus on my fire emblem writing blog. i hope y’all enjoy it and stay on the lookout for part three!
corpse husband taglist is closed!
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Two weeks.
It’s been two weeks since you joined Sean’s Among Us stream.
While that was your first public appearance, you had joined three others after that and already you were blowing up on almost every social media platform you had. The attention was kind of nice, you had to admit, but sometimes the anxiety of becoming a public figure weighed heavily on your shoulders.
During that time, you turned to your friends who were used to such scrutiny: Sean, Felix, and now Corpse, who you’ve been talking to every day for those two weeks.
It was another one of those nights where, at 1am, you were on Facetime with said man. His screen was dark, as usual. He hadn’t shown his face yet and you respected that. You didn’t need to see him to talk to him, or be his friend, or develop a slight crush on him. All of which you did.
The call was relatively silent on your end. Corpse was on Facetime with you, yes, but he was also on a call in Discord, once again playing Among Us.
You often wondered if playing that game was all your new friends did anymore.
You stayed quiet, letting Corpse play the game and avoiding his fans finding out about your call. You had college work to finish anyways, so the silence was rather helpful.
“We should ask Y/N if she wants to play. I wanna meet her.” Sykkuno’s voice rang out from the Discord call. He was right- you’d never met him. He and Corpse seemed extremely close, though, so you’d love to talk to him. A friend of your crush friend was a friend of yours.
“She’s busy tonight.” Corpse responded.
“Yeah, she’s got an exam coming up- wait, how do you know?” Sean joined in, questioning Corpse.
“Uh, I mean we’re on Facetime right now, I guess.” Your heart sped up- now his fans knew. “She’s studying. We’re just hanging out.”
“Didn’t you guys ‘hang out’ last night as well? It seems like you’re trying to take my best friend away from me.” Sean joked back.
“I mean, I definitely am.”
Your breath caught in your throat. What was that supposed to mean? Sean was obviously kidding, but the tone in Corpse’s voice wasn’t the one he used when he was joking as well.
Felix suddenly butted in. “Ooooh, I think Corpse-y has a little crush.”
“And if I do?”
Y/N.exe has stopped working.
Three weeks, now, that you’ve been talking to Corpse daily.
One week since Corpse’s crush comment and one week that you’ve endured countless mentions and tags on Instagram and Twitter, constantly talking about #CorpseY/N.
You didn’t really mind the shipping, often losing yourself in daydreams about driving those two hours down from your apartment in Los Angeles down to San Diego and running into his arms. It didn’t help when he mentioned wanting you to come visit one day.
You just worried about how Corpse felt about them. He was still relatively new to blowing up on the internet as well, his fame suddenly skyrocketing in the past few months, so you weren’t sure if he was comfortable with them. You didn’t want to bring it up, either, fearing that the discussion would make things awkward between the two of you.
For now, you were rather content with just scrolling through the #CorpseY/N hashtag, looking at the pictures and nice things people had to say about you both.
“they’re so cute when they talk to each other, you can just tell Corpse meant it when he said he was trying to steal Y/N away.”
“#CorpseY/N is my new favorite thing. Everyone shut up this is all I’ll be talking about from now on.”
“God why can’t they just be together already? #CorpseY/N”
Everyone was so supportive and sweet, it almost made you feel like you already were Corpse’s girlfriend. Although your heart hurt when you were brought back to reality, you couldn’t help but love the comments that everyone left. They were amazing.
Until they weren’t.
There are always two sides of the same coin. Along from the supporters and their loving actions, there were also those who seethed at the idea of you and Corpse.
They scrutinized everything about you to the point that you made your Instagram account- already with 30k followers- private.
Haters talked about you. Your body, your personality, how you weren’t worthy to even talk to Corpse and the rest of the Youtubers, and so much more. You’ve spent many nights with your Facetime mic muted so that Corpse couldn’t hear the small sobs coming from you.
These thoughts were almost always on the back of your mind, but you were sometimes able to push them away.
Like now- as you focused on your exam. Well, tried to focus. There comes to be a time where one can only hear so many negative things about themselves before they can’t ignore it anymore.
But alas, you tried your hardest and finished your exam, before walking out of the room and pulling out your phone. Now, you had a break before your new classes started and you’ve never been more relieved. You pulled up a certain contact and clicked on the message icon, beginning to type.
i’m finished! up next, a break.
I hope you did well. How long is your break?
two weeks!
Come spend it in San Diego
You stopped in your tracks, taken aback by the offer. You really didn’t think that he’d invite you over, but you weren’t about to complain. Instead, you sent back an ‘I’ll pack tonight :)’ and rushed home to do just that.
Corpse called you as you packed, just like he calls every night. You were used to the routine now, often falling asleep around 3am as he stays on the phone, doing whatever he does with his ruined sleep schedule until you wake up and say good morning.
Tonight, however, you were too jittery to sleep. You stayed up all night with Corpse, talking about anything and everything, like usual.
What wasn’t usual, though, was how distracted he sounded. It made you nervous- was he having second thoughts about inviting you over? Was something wrong?
Your thoughts nearly overwhelmed you, forcing you to say something.
“Are you okay, Corpse?” You tried to hide the small shake in your voice.
“Hm? Uh, yeah, yeah, everything’s good. Why?”
“It doesn’t sound like it. What’s going on? You’re acting off.”
His side of the phone was silent for a moment, before he let out a sigh. “I’m just thinking about what I’ve got to do before you get here tomorrow. Like, cleaning and stuff.”
“Pshh, that doesn’t matter to me.” You waved your hand, even though he couldn’t see it in the darkness of your room.
“It’s just that, my apartment isn’t… the best. It’s small and there’s only one bedroom and it’s kind of shitty. I just don’t want it to be even more shitty.”
“Corpse, I’m coming there to spend time with you, not your apartment. I don’t care what any of that shit looks like. I’m going to be looking at you and hanging out with you. Not your apartment.” You didn’t mean to go on a tangent of reassurance, but you truly meant all of your words. “Hell, I might not even see the apartment because I already know I won’t be able to look away from you.”
“I- God, give me a minute. That took me off guard.” He laughed. “But thank you. I may not even be able to clean because I’ll be distracted too.”
“By what?”
“You, standing in front of me, in person.” You could hear the smile in his voice. “That’s a fucking dream come true.”
taglist: @namjoons-crabssss @lookingforaplacetosleep @teenloves @princess00wifi @pillowjj @nvm-idgaf @creativedogs @wildflowerwhore @chillininahottub-withaghost @whyisquill @holosexualunicorn7000 @ourheavenlyemotions
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noctumbra · 3 years
𝒍𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄
summary ─ “let’s go back to fucking,” he whispered, licking a fat line on your neck, nipping on the flesh. “miss your body, baby, lemme make it sing under me again.”
pairing ─ fuckboy!bucky barnes x reader 
warnings ─ smut, +18, angst, asshole bucky, dirty talk, rough sex, wall sex, biting/marking, pet names, bucky tasting from his own medicine (a little), language, bucky is a manipulative pos btw, reader calls herself “stupid” 
a/n ─ i didn’t wanna promise anything just in case if i didn’t write, but here i am with the second part. thank you so much for all the comments you left on the part one, i hope you like this one, too! please leave comments again if you do! thank youuu <333 it’s a long one y’all just a heads up! 
the (after) party [part one]
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It’s been a month since that night at the party, and you didn’t have a time to focus on yourself because of all the college work you suddenly had. All the exams and deadlines had hit you almost at the same time, so you were swept with papers and notes.
Today was the first night you absolutely had nothing do. Your roommate was out because she was celebrating… something. You had no plans, so you decided to just have an off day where you lay on your couch and watch some stupid movies.
Three hours later had found you on your couch, sprawling comfortably with snacks in your hands. You were watching Tangled, the movie reminding you why you loved animations. The colors were vibrant, it was easy to follow and it didn’t have any of those very deep meaning messages. You knew you couldn’t take one right now if there was any.
You sighed deeply as you paused the movie. Standing up, you gathered the empty snack packs and takeout boxes. Just as you threw them into the trashcan, you heard a strong knock on your door. You frowned, it was almost 1AM in the morning. You slowly made your way towards the door and looked outside from the peep hole.
Bucky was right outside your door.
“I know you’re home,” he said, “Open the door.” You didn’t budge instead you continued to watch him. “Please.”
“What do you want?” You asked him without opening the door. His face was the last face you’ve wanted to see, and to think he was standing right outside your door was making all the hair on your body to rise.
“To talk,” he replied, voice muffled.
“We don’t have anything to talk about,” you said and walked away. You weren’t ready to face with him, yet. These past weeks you’ve kept yourself busy with school, didn’t have enough time to digest the facts that he cheated on you and used your body for his own pleasure, so if you were to open the door, you were going to do something stupid.
“C’mon,” he grunted. You heard him knock again. “Please, just a talk and I’m gonna leave, I swear.” You didn’t say anything. You decided to wash the dishes that have been piling up in the sink in order to ignore him better. “I’ll start singing if you don’t let me in, I mean it, Y/N.” You exhaled angrily.
How dare he to come to your door at 1AM and demand you to open your door? Seething, you grabbed the sponge and started scrubbing at the plate in your hand with your all might.
“Y/N…” You heard him calling out to you but didn’t care. “Open the fucking door, Y/N.”
You couldn’t believe that he still had the balls to show up on your doorstep after what he did to you. Catching him with one of the girls from your class, all naked and moaning mess in the bed you frequently shared, had hurt you badly. Your friends had always told you not to fall in love with him, but it was easier said than done. You knew that he was getting around even before you started dating, you knew it. After hanging out longer than you assumed you would, you thought he might have changed and maybe you had a little bit of a part in the change he went through. So, you started dating and fell in love with him.
A big fucking mistake was what you did.
Assuming that he saw you as his girlfriend was one of the many little mistakes you’ve done. Apparently, you were just hanging out to him, there weren’t any dating in the middle, so he had been fucking girls all around.
Come to think of it, you shouldn’t have felt this hurt; you weren’t dating, you weren’t anything explicit. Yeah, you were fucking frequently, were always together at some place, let it be a bar or the cafeteria. Wherever he was, you were there, and wherever you were, he was there.
Bucky said that you weren’t dating, just fucking, but everyone except him thought that you were.
Then, there was this falling in love with him part. You were blinded, you ignored when he said you were just fucking and not dating. You knew it meant that he had been seeing other girls, but you ignored it because you loved him. You continued to ignore it until you caught him with one of them.
“Y/N, come on,” he said. You dropped the plates and sponge in your hand and went to your door. “I wanna talk, come on, plea─” You yanked the door open.
“What the fuck you possibly might wanna talk about?” You sneered. “You said we weren’t dating, that we were just fucking, so what is it that you wanna talk so fucking badly?” Bucky narrowed his eyes. His steel blue eyes were assessing your anger contorted face with large pupils. He faintly smelled like cigarettes and beer. “I’m waiting.” You heard him growl lightly and then, you were grabbed by throat and dragged inside with him. He slammed the door close.
“That is exactly what I wanna talk about,” he hissed. He bodily plastered you against the wall and caged you under his big body. You tried not to react, but it was hard when your body had been missing the hell out of him. Your heart was beating fast and your lungs had stopped working.
You always forgot how sexy and dangerous he looked when he was angry and turned on.
“Let’s go back to fucking,” he whispered, licking a fat line on your neck, nipping on the flesh. “Miss your body, baby, lemme make it sing under me again.” You tried to swallow, his hand around your throat making a bit harder, but you were loving it.
“You fucked every girl in the campus already?” You spit out. His hand increased its pressure, and you made a gurgling sound. Chuckling as black spots slowly appearing in your sight, you looked at him, ignoring the pounding in your head. “You c-came… back… w-with y’r… tail betw’n y’r legs.” Bucky snarled, leaning in dangerously close. His nose was touching cheek, you could see his eyelashes and feel his lips moving against your neck.
“You seem to love it whenever I came back, love,” he whispered. There was no blue to be seen in his eyes, it was all black. His voice had dropped low and became a little hoarse. You shivered. The black spots in your vision were getting a bit much, you could hear the warning alarms in your brain going off. Bucky kept the eye contact for five more seconds and then, he let go off your throat.
You gasped. Knees buckling, you fell on the ground. The oxygen quickly filling your burning lungs, you coughed and wheezed through them. You blinked the tears away as you tried to stand up. Bucky grabbed your arm and pulled you upright, holding you tight against his solid body.
Your eyes found each other, and you cursed at your heart for starting to beat faster than before. You were also cursing at yourself for liking the way he grabbed your throat. You could now see why people were saying ‘love is a dangerous thing’.
Bucky pushed you against the wall gently, surprising you a little. You could see that he was battling with himself about something, but you couldn’t put a finger on what exactly it was. You took a deep, shaky breath when you calmed down a bit. Bucky stepped forward. His body was touching yours, but it didn’t feel as dangerous and angry as it did few minutes ago. He lifted his hand to brush your hair back. Your heart did a flip.
“I came back to you because you’re the only one who accepts me without judgment,” he whispered. His eyes were roaming on your face with a weirdly soft look in them. “I came back because you don’t have high expectations from me. You know me, know what I’m capable of.” He leaned in slightly to have his lips brush against yours as he spoke. “You get me, love.” You whimpered so softly, tears making your eyes sting. Bucky’s hand in your hair moved to your cheek to brush one of the tears away. Why he was being so gentle, you have no idea, but this was the guy who made you fell in love with him, this you knew.
He leaned in to capture your lips this time. Those soft lips onto yours felt like heaven. It was like all your troubles, all those stressful and painful times had been washed away by his lips and you had nothing to worry and stress about. You felt like you were standing on the clouds when his lips were pressed onto yours like this. You let out a soft moan into the kiss. He swallowed it just like he did with the whimper following your moan. He pressed you against the wall fully, once again caging you between his body and wall. This time, you went willingly.
Bucky bent his knees to grab your thighs so that he could lift you up. As soon as your thighs are in his hands, you jumped and wrapped your legs around him while holding onto his neck with your arms. Bucky hummed approvingly and deepened the kiss. His tongue was licking and teeth nipping on your bottom lip, you moaned.
Without a need to ask, he made his way to your room. He knew which door was yours since he had been here many times. He stepped inside and with two large steps, you were dumped on the bed.
Bucky crawled on top of you. His body was radiating a warmth that you had missed so dearly, so you immediately grasped at him, pulling him in. He chuckled, going along, he positioned himself between your legs. His jeans were brushing against your bare legs; the rough fabric causing goosebumps all over your body. You felt his Bucky’s nose poking your jaw playfully, and then trailing down, he stopped when he came across to the collar of your oversize t-shirt. Mumbling non-sense to himself, Bucky ripped the t-shirt off. He ignored all the cries you let out because he just ripped your t-shirt.
“You owe me one,” you panted when he took a nipple in his mouth. Bucky kissed his way to your stomach, biting and sucking every available skin he could reach. You were a moaning, trembling mess under him. You clawed his sweatshirt. You wanted to feel his skin against yours; all smooth and scorching hot skin under your hands. He pulled back for a second to ditch the sweatshirt and his undershirt. He was wearing his dog tags today, you noticed and looped your fingers to it.
Pulling him into a filth kiss with the help of his necklace was easy, Bucky was ready to kiss you yesterday. His tongue slipped in your mouth, licking your lips before that. You moaned. Your hands were framing his face, feeling his knife-sharp jawline and scruff in your palms was a delicious thing.
You heard him fumbling with his sweatpants and then, they were lowered to his mid-thighs. He grabbed your knees, hooked them on his elbows and walked towards you on his knees. His thighs were pushing against yours, and your knees on the crook of his elbows meant that you were almost bent in half.
“Fuck, c’mon,” you groaned. Bucky grunted as he grabbed his cock and lined it up.
“Shit, pull your panties aside,” he growled. You scrambled to comply. Finding the soft fabric that was covering your pussy, you pulled it aside to give him way. He took it immediately. As soon as you uncovered your core, Bucky thrusted forward and slid into you with one move.
You cried out. The sudden intrusion was a bit unexpected, but you loved the burn and sting. Bucky knew that. Humming to himself, Bucky leaned over your body, effectively bending you in half, and started to thrust.
God, you thought. You fucking hated this son of a bitch for what he did you, but you also fucking loved him because his cock felt so good in your pussy whenever you had sex. It felt like his cock was made for only you, and pleasuring you properly was only reserved to him. It was a sad fact, but no one other than him made your body rang with pleasure like this before.
“Yeah,” you breathed when he hit your sweet spot. The stars went off behind your eyelids. “Fuck, James, yeah, right there!” His hips were constantly moving in and out, slamming his pelvis against yours, making his balls kiss your other hole with each pistoning movement; you were in fucking pleasure heaven.
“Oh, fuck, shit,” he hissed through his teeth when you clenched around him unintentionally. You cried out as he bit down your shoulder hard.
“Shit, harder,” you moaned. You were digging and dragging your nails in and down his back, giving him angry red lines, marking him up in your own way while he made you feel so damn good. “Harder, James, holy fuck!” You screamed when his hips started to slam against yours even harder. The sound of slick skin slapping each other got louder, the sound echoing in your room along with your moans and whimpers and gasps. “’m close!” You whined. Bucky stayed quiet although you could hear his soft, guttural moans and occasional grunts.
“Can feel it,” he said, voice rough and deep with lust dripping from it. “You’re clenchin’ around me like mad. Fuck, honey─” He moaned loudly this time and sneaked a hand to your pussy, immediately starting to play with your clit. You gasped, choked on a moan and almost bit your tongue off. His thumb was putting pressure on your abused clit while playing with it. Not even three seconds later, your legs started to tremble from their places on Bucky’s elbows violently and three more seconds later, you were coming on Bucky’s cock with a scream trapped in your throat.
You vaguely heard Bucky cursing, swearing, moaning and hissing through his teeth and felt his hips stop. When you managed to peek through your heavy lidded eyes, you saw him squeezing the base of his cock to stop himself from coming.
“Not done with you,” he grunted when he caught you peeking. You chuckled breathlessly. You felt your legs tingling pleasantly. You wiggled on the bed, feeling satisfied and happy. “C’mere,” you heard Bucky grunt again and before you could understand what was happening, you were hauled off the bed.
“What─” You got cut off with a gasp when your back made contact with the wall. Your legs were still quivering, pussy still clenching around nothing and was sensitive, you felt Bucky pushing back in. “MmmMM, fuck!” You cried out, head banging against the wall. Bucky growled.
“Yeah, baby,” he said. The look in his eyes was hungry, lust filled and predatory. You shivered. “You got what you need, ‘s my turn.” He rearranged you against the wall and in his arms before taking a better position and then, he was fucking off.
His hips started slamming, cock hitting all the sweet spots you had in your pussy but didn’t know about before. His balls were caressing and hitting against your other hole; you could feel the hair at the base of his cock against your pussy. Bucky was thrusting in and out of you at a mad pace. His biceps were bulging, abs clenching and pecs moving up and down, you couldn’t decide whether he looked like a fuck machine or a sex god.
“Ohh, shit, oh!” You whined as his pelvis rubbed against your clit. It was still sensitive, still throbbing lightly and you already felt like close to coming. Bucky, probably felt the rhythmic clenching around his hard cock, snarled and hoisted your legs up on his shoulders and crowded you against the wall even more.
“God, you have no idea how your pussy milkin’ my cock,” he whispered. He slightly changed his position and slowed his thrusts a bit so that he could hit deeper with long strokes, and your eyes rolled back with the intensity of this new position. “Lookit at you, fuck, you look so good on my cock.” His teeth latched onto your neck, right under your jaw, and he sucked and bit the skin there, leaving a mark which was going to be a bitch to cover. You didn’t care.
“James,” you breathed. “James…”
“Yeah, love?” Bucky panted. The sweat was beading on his forehead, his thigh muscles were twitching and his abs were clenching even more than before.
He was close.
“Hard,” you whispered and whimpered loud and long when his cock touched something in you. “Fuck me harder, give it to me harder, come on.” He smirked, briefly leaning into give you a filthy kiss.
“Your wish is command,” he whispered against your lips and picked up the pace.
It didn’t take long for you to become a whimpering mess in his arms yet again nor it didn’t take you long to come on his cock for a second time. Bucky swore as he buried his face in your neck, groaning and grunting as he chased his own orgasm. You slid your hand in his hair, your orgasm still ringing through your body, and pulled on them hard.
“Fuck!” Bucky exclaimed and his body collapsed on you, plastering you fully on the wall. You could feel every twitch, every weak spurt of come in your pussy. You hummed. Bucky was cursing with a weak voice. His legs were trembling as he lowered you on the ground with himself. You played with his hair for a couple seconds before getting off of him carefully. You could feel his come leaking, your legs tingling and satisfaction making your body hum happily. You grabbed another t-shirt from your closet and pulled it on you, padding back to the kitchen and leaving Bucky on the floor of your bedroom.
As you were sipping your water, he walked in. Sweatpants hanging low on his hips, chest bare and hair a mess, he looked thoroughly debauched. You smiled lightly.
“Damn, I could use a long nap,” he said, chuckling. You hummed. You poured him a glass of water, too, before you marched back into your room and grabbed his sweatshirt and shoes. When you returned, he was putting the empty glass back. You threw his sweatshirt to him, dropping his shoes by the door. Bucky caught the clothing on the air and looked at you all confused. You opened the door.
“Goodnight, Bucky,” you said with a cold voice. He blinked.
“It’s late. Goodnight,” you repeated, showing the door with your head. His confused expression went and an unreadable one took its place before he straightened. He put his sweatshirt on and laughed coldly.
“Revenge,” he said, laughing again. He looked at you for a couple seconds before he grabbed his shoes and pulling them on quickly. He turned to you, looked like he was going to say something, but then he decided against it and walked out of your apartment.
You closed the door after him. Suddenly, the apartment felt cold without his warm body around you, and you shivered. Sighing sadly, you went to your room and stripped your t-shirt off to take a shower.
If it wasn’t for the ripped t-shirt on the floor of your bedroom and his come leaking, you wouldn’t believe what just happened.
You gave into him. Again. You knew that as long as you kept loving him, you were going to give in to him whenever he came around.
“Stupid,” you murmured to yourself as you stepped under the warm water. “You’re fucking stupid.”
It didn’t stop you from crying under the warm spray of your shower head while washing his come away.
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
nerd!armin x popular bimbo girl!reader?
the reader needs a tutor so she asks the smartest boy on campus and they have a “study session” in the library
Thank you for your request! I hope you like it! (ALSO: I’m so sorry this took so long to write omgmgg please forgive me) ~ I also would like to write a better version of this later. Though I'm in love with this prompt, I feel I didn't write the smut part that well.
Minors DNI! NSFW below the cut. Fem!Reader, FemBodied!Reader.
At this point, Armin’s legs were burning, his heart racing and hands uncontrollably shaking, while you were practically out breath, your lungs tightening as you released yet another hearty laugh and not caring about the sweat running down your forehead. Neither you nor Armin expected to be running away from the librarian at 2am in the morning on the cold, campus sidewalk, your hair and makeup questionably messy and his shirt noticeably unbuttoned with hickeys staining his neck. However, the thrill of it all was something you didn’t know you both needed…
“Y/n?” Armin questioned, waving his sharpened pencil in front of your face. “Are you paying attention?” He awkwardly laughed as he scratched the back of his neck. You look up at him, battering your mascara-covered eyelashes at him. “Ahh… I have no idea what’s going on,” you sighed.
Armin wanted to bang his head against the library table. He knew it would be difficult teaching the ‘campus bimbo,’ but he didn’t know it would be this hard… yet there he was. 1am on a Thursday, the test tomorrow, and you still couldn’t grasp the basics of quadratic functions.
“Why don’t we take a break?” he suggested, loudly dropping his pencil on the table, leaning back in his chair, and adjusting his disheveled collar poking out of his blue sweater.
“Okay!” you giggled mindlessly, turning to face him in your chair as you twirled your hair in your fingers. “Even though I’ll probably fail the test tomorrow, thank you for teaching me!” you exclaimed, fiddling with your compact mirror and checking your dolled-up face.
Armin tensed up at your backhanded words. Pushing his hair back out of frustration, he cursed the fact he was wasting his time with such an ai-headed girl. “Y-you’re welcome,” he hastily said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
Why didn’t he say no to your study session - if you could even call it a study session - ? Even though Armin was the school nerd, it’s no surprise to him that you came and asked him for help because, well… Everyone does that - always taking advantage of Armin - only talking to him because they want to use his neat, color-coded notes, only inviting him to parties so that he would later help them study.
You felt bad for Armin. Though you couldn’t deny he was way too uptight, everyone did make fun of him for every little thing; the way he dressed like a professor, how he was always so punctual, the way he was the first to raise his hand when the teacher asked a question, how he came extra prepared to class with extra pencils.
But being so close to him now, this was the first time you realized how handsome he actually was. His turquoise veins protruding from his soft, pale skin… his slender fingers gently holding his flashcards, his toned muscles peeking their way through his rolled up sleeves and making his clothes just a little tight, the sharpness of jawline contrasting with his kind, bright smile, the way his ocean blue eyes stared intently with such passion, and his thick, golden hair growing to his eyebrows, allowing his cute ears to shyly show themselves while his undercut beautifully shaped his face… he was beautiful.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” you suddenly asked.
Armin was taken aback by this question. No one had ever asked him this nor did any one seem to have any interest in his personal life whatsoever.
“No,” he paused, “I don’t have time for that stuff…” he trailed off. Armin never had a girlfriend, and thinking about it now, he never really had any crushes. He was way too busy keeping up with his grades, extra curricular activities, and student council. It would be practically impossible for him to keep such close relations with his kind of responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean he’s not lonely… his arms aching for someone to hold, his heart cold due the absence of warmth of a person he loves.
Armin didn’t bother asking you if you had a boyfriend. You were the most popular person on campus, partying with countless dudes every weekend, hanging out with a large group of girls at the mall nearly every day, your phone buzzing so much during class that your professor told you multiple times to turn it off, and you were pretty - your hair was always done in a pretty style, your makeup (though a bit slutty) always brought out the best features of your face, your nails were always painted, your skin was smooth and silky, and your perfume scent was addicting. Not only that but your clothes showed off your body so well; your skirt that was just a little short allowed people to see your cute panties when you bend over to pick something up, and your shirt that was barely even a shirt was always cropped above your waist and showed off your bouncy, plush cleavage… so of course you had a boyfriend. But even though Armin was an incredibly focused nerd, he couldn’t deny that your sweet smell, tight clothes, and lipstick-covered lips made him lustful.
“Too busy for that stuff?! Aren’t you lonely? It’s like you don’t even know how to have fun,” you chuckle, jokingly hitting his shoulder which happened to be really muscular underneath his sweater.
“Haha yeah,” he said, seemingly uninterested in where you were going with this.
“If you’re so busy, does that mean you don’t have time to masturbate?” you giggled, covering your plump mouth with your hand and fluttering your eyelashes at him.
Armin became extremely flustered as tints of red washed over his body in waves.
“W-what?” he stuttered. “Why are you asking me these questions? We are supposed to be studying!” he quietly shrieked, looking away to break eye contact with you and playing with the watch on his wrist.
“Haha, I am just joking. You’re such a nerdy boy, just want to make you blush,” you sincerely smiled.
“W-well I am a young college student, so obviously I - I do that from time to time thanks to p-porn,” he stammered.
“Woah woah wait. Someone as uptight and rigid as you watches porn?” you harshly laughed, genuinely shocked. You scooted your chair closer to him and leaned into his neck, your hot breath caressing his skin and your hair resting upon his shoulder. “What kind of porn does this nerd like to watch?” you inquired, widely grinning as you saw how embarrassed Armin had become.
On the inside, Armin was fuming, mostling frightened that he had gotten himself into an embarrassing loop with no escape that would most likely be gossiped about amongst the popular students, but mostly angry that some dumb, slutty bitch was wanting to pry into his personal life, not even appreciating the fact that he spent countless hours in the library helping you study to no avail because you couldn’t pay attention if your life depended on it… that this same dumb, slutty bitch was just getting her fun from teasing some nerd who is taken advantage of and forgotten by everyone… angry that you - with your pretty makeup, plump lips, short skirt, and overflowing cleavage - weren’t paying the price for your teasing.
Suddenly, Armin sat up in his chair, his muscles tensing through his clothes, and an aggravated look forming across his face, wrinkling his brows. He quickly takes a fistful of your hair and pulls you close to his face, allowing you to see the different shades of blue in his eyes and his soft, blond eyelashes. His innocent, geeky look is nowhere to be found on his face as he intensely stares into your eyes.
“It just so happens that this nerd likes to watch useless, empty-headed bimbos like you get their pussies abused,” he said, dominance seething from his teeth as his mint breath hits your face. Before you even have time to think, Armin unbuttons his slacks and practically forces your mouth on his hard, pretty cock.
Watching you gag and choke on his cock with saliva dribbling down your chin made him laugh. “You’re gonna have to be a little quieter, slut, we’re in a library remember?” he coos. He abruptly pulls you off his cock, taking in the sight of his lipstick-stained tip and the mascara tears streaming down your face. His treatment was so harsh and so sudden, making you miss the ‘nicer’ and ‘quieter’ Armin, but you couldn’t deny his sudden dominance made your aching cunt flood with arousal.
Before doing anything else, Armin scans the library, making sure no one is around. Grabbing your wrist, he forces you to sit on his lap, facing him on top of the library chair. Everything happened so quickly, barely even leaving you time to think, barely leaving you time to think that Armin was using your body to relieve his anger and frustration, not leaving you time to realize how sopping wet your needy cunt actually was.
Sitting atop his lap, he spreads your plush, soft thighs, exposing the fact that you didn’t wear any panties to this study session, causing Armin’s eyes to widen.
“I don’t know why I’m so surprised that a whore like you wouldn’t wear anything underneath your short skirt to our little ‘play date,’” he snickers. He leans close to your ear, softly biting your neck. “It’s almost like you were asking to be fucked by me.”
You don’t know what to say. Your mind is so empty, fuzzy, and shocked that the only thing you can do is comply when he demands that you ride his cock. Armin lets out a low groan from the bottom of his throat as your tight, warm pussy encloses his thick cock. You let a pathetic whimper as he begins to thrust up into you, and Armin gives you a glare, reaching up and tightening his hands around your throat. “Remember, you have to be quiet, or are you too dumb to remember that?” he sinisterly smiles.
Armin begins to harshly thrust into you as you wrap your arms around his neck, holding onto dear life as he deeply penetrates your spongy, sensitive walls. He slithers his slender hands into your shirt and starts toying with your nipples and pinching them when you’re being too loud.
Groping your ass, he whispers in your ear, “you know, I don’t even know why you’re in college… you’re so dumb. Why don’t you just drop out and be my little slut for when I come back after class, huh?” You sink your head into the crook of his neck, embarrassment coming over you at the same time as pleasure fills your walls when he tells you those mean words.
He grabs your hair, forcing you to look at him. Your hair is a tangled mess, your makeup completely smeared, and your eyebrows furrowed as your innocent-looking eyes beg for some type of release.
“F-fuck, you look so dirty,” he groans, leaning his head back.
“And you look like two students who are going to be in so much trouble…”
Both of you tense up and look behind you to find the librarian staring daggers into your souls.
Immediately, you hop off of Armin’s dick, gathering your things as he struggles to pull up his pants. Both of you at an ungodly speed bolt out of the library doors. Yeah, getting potentially banned from the library would suck, but maybe it was something you both needed. Armin needed to learn to loosen up, have some fun, and you needed to learn to take things seriously and maybe just put in a little more effort.
“Ya’know, it’s kind of late. We can go back to my dorm, and I can help you study for maybe another half hour… if you want,” Armin shyly asks as you both continue running down the sidewalk.
“What about the other half hour?” you questioned.
Armin’s face grows red. “We can finish… chemistry…”
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spacedikut · 4 years
lockdown lovers ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid (criminal minds) x f!reader
summary: lockdown!au. spencer goes from expecting his days to be filled with books, books and more books to books, an asshole cat, and a cute anonymous neighbour. 4857 words
a/n: i was so excited about this and stayed up writing it so i hope you like it too :)
It’s three days into lockdown when Spencer notices the cat.
It’s a Maine Coon, he recognises instantly, but there’s this distinctive… dead look in it’s eyes. The body is huge – so fluffy it looks like the cat has a mane, ears invariably up straight and large enough that the eyes look beady in comparison. A mixture of white and grey throughout, the cat spends its days lounging across the windowsill of the apartment in the building next to Spencer’s.
He’s fascinated. How can a cat be so big, so ugly, yet so lovely?
He has to know more.
If he was anyone else, he’d argue the obsession is the fruit of going stir-crazy in his apartment. A lack of seeing his friends combined with having to work cases from home would be the perfect justification for Spencer to move his work station to the window facing the cat.
But this is Spencer. He’s happy being stuck home. He just likes the look of the cat.
He spends a good twenty minutes rifling through his stationary to find a piece of paper and the appropriate pen to jot a note for the cat owner. He thinks the owner must be stuck home, too, so if he sticks the note to his window and waits a day, he could know the cat’s name within twenty four hours.
They’ve had plenty of staring contests. Spencer should know his rival’s name.
So he does. He takes his time writing out the words “I like your cat. Do they have a name?” clearly on the paper, then spends a good five minutes deciding where on the window to stick the message.
He decides on the upper left corner. You won’t miss it.
The cat blinks sleepily at him as they watch Spencer tape the question up.
There’s an answer within three hours.
Spencer is too excited to be embarrassed at how enthused he was when he noticed the response.
Or when he saw the name.
Hi there! His name is Mr Darcy :) He’s a dick x
Spencer can’t help but profile the writing, the syntax, the grammar.
The first thing he notices is there’s a feminine lilt to the way you write – you’re a woman, most likely. The writing is slightly messy, indicating high intelligence, and the use of a smiley face and a kiss makes him think you’re younger in age. If you live alone, which you must because you live in a one bedroom apartment, he can safely guess you’re around his age.
And Mr Darcy… you’re a bookworm. At least for romance and the classics.
Spencer likes Mr Darcy. He has so many questions, suddenly, like how is Mr Darcy a dick and how old is he and why does he never seem to move from his position by the window and what is your name and who are you and do you happen to read a lot of books? Like Ray Bradbury? Please say yes.
He shocks himself. Maybe this quarantine is getting to him more than he realises. He hasn’t felt this excited since Maeve.
He hasn’t been this intrigued since Maeve. And the circumstances are similar, he realises.
No. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Spence.
He worries himself into a spiral when he begins thinking about how to reply. As if she can hear his whining, Penelope calls him.
They’ve made it a habit to call one another a lot. She recently taught him how to use his webcam and has been encouraging him to write more on his computer, rather than by hand.
“Good afternoon, my favourite Doctor.” She sings. He hears some shuffling in the background and can tell she’s baking.
“I need your help with something.” He cuts straight to the chase.
Her interest is piqued, “Oh? I am all ears.”
“Remember the cat I mentioned?”
“The ugly-but-beautiful majestic beast that, if you believed in reincarnation, would’ve been a high class gentleman in his past life? Yes. I think about him every day.”
“His name’s Mr Darcy.”
She lets out a screech, a mixture of a groan and moan that is filled with pure glee. “Of course he’s called Mr Darcy! Tell me everything. How do you know?”
He’s clearly impressed with himself when he says, “I asked.”
“Whoa.” Penelope freezes in her kitchen. “Are you, Doctor Germaphobe, breaking the lockdown rules?”
Spencer feels insulted. “No! Never! I stuck a note to my window, like in that viral tweet you sent me.”
She chuckles, “Well, I already told you I could’ve told you everything about Mr Darcy and the owner if you wanted me to. I am incredible.”
“I appreciate the gesture, Garcia-“
“But it’s morally wrong. Yeah, yeah, heard it all before. What have you said back?”
“That’s what I need your help with.”
Garcia is only a little surprised he’s asking her and not Derek. But, then, as much as she loves Derek, he’s a bit too.. much for someone like Spencer when it comes to love. Spencer approaches people gently, hesitantly, often giving the impression he doesn’t even want to be there.
Derek can have anyone on their knees within minutes.
Different tactics, that’s all.
“Alright, pretty boy. How long have you been talking? Purely through window messages? What else has been said?”
“Well,” He begins, clearing his throat, making eye contact with Mr Darcy, “We’ve only spoken once. When I asked for Mr Darcy’s name. You know, studies have shown that animals can form lifelong friendships with other animals, even if they’re not from the same species.”
“Most research has focused on chimpanzees, baboons, horses, hyenas, elephants, bats, and dolphins - but there’s no reason to think that friendship is exclusive to these species.”
“You’ve spoken to them once?”
“Her. Spoken to her once. And it wasn’t speaking, it was writing.”
There’s a long sigh down the phone. “First of all, how do you know the owner’s a girl?”
There’s movement in Mr Darcy’s apartment. Spencer stares. “The way she writes.”
“Uhuh,” Spencer can hear her stirring something through the phone, “And what was the last thing said?”
Spencer’s eyes narrow – is that a person? Is that the owner? Is that her? Oh my god.
“Spencer? You still there?” Garcia looks to her laptop, checking the call is still connected.
“Yeah, I’m here. Sorry. The last thing she said was his name is Mr Darcy and he’s a dick.”
“Oh,” Garcia smirks, “It’s sexy hearing you say dick.”
In normal circumstances, Spencer would register her comment and give a very distinct huh, but he’s distracted.
He sees Mr Darcy meow. A hand appears, petite, with fingernails painted yellow that have smiley faces on them. She brushes Mr Darcy’s fur back, pulling so the skin around his eyes tugs up high and he looks stupid. He seems to like it, though.
She must like smileys, he thinks.
Mr Darcy stands and stretches. He’s alarmingly long.
It’s silent on Garcia’s end, where she looks confused at the sudden silence. She checks again that the call is still connected.
“Still here. Sorry. I thought I saw her.”
“Oooo,” She’s all giddy, “What does she look like? Is she pretty?”
“I couldn’t see her properly. I can tell she’s too cool for me already. This was stupid.” He sighs, “Forget I said anything. I’ll take knowing Mr Darcy’s name and move on with my life.”
Spencer moves to hang up, but is interrupted by a loud “No!” being shouted at him by Garcia.
“No, Spencer! No! You write something back to her right now and you form a friendship with someone that isn’t one of your colleagues. I love you with my whole heart, and you know that, but it would be good for you to expand your social circle!” She grins and bites her tongue between her teeth, “Aaaand.. this could be the start of a quarantine romance. God, I miss dating.”
At the mention of romance, Spencer visibly flinches. “I’ll see what I can do. I gotta go, Garcia, thanks for calling.”
“Love you. Please marry her so Mr Darcy can be the ring bearer.”
And she hangs up. He’s left contemplating whether he should respond, and what he should respond, as he watches the empty space where Mr Darcy is absent.
It must be dinner time for him.
I’m curious as to how someone named Mr Darcy can be a dick.
That’s a good response, right?
It lets you know he gets the reference, he knows who Mr Darcy is named after, and leads you to continue the conversation. It’s perfect.
It’s taken him nearly two hours to come up with it. He feels exhausted.
He sticks it on the window, where Mr Darcy has returned to, and huffs out a breath.
He reminds himself to be calm and cool. This is simply a way to pass the time during quarantine, there’s no need to put too much pressure on himself to think it’s anything more or to put more effort than is necessary (he says, after spending two hours formulating a response).
Calm and cool. Cool and calm. Neither are words Spencer would ever use to describe himself.
Spencer stays up until nearly 1am reading. Just before he sleeps, he walks to the kitchen to get some water, and can’t resist checking to see if you’ve responded.
You have. He ignores the way his heart speeds up.
He used to share the windowsill with my other cat and a bunch of plants. Now he bites anything that attempts to move near him. He also likes to vomit on my pillow. My single pillow.
Spencer chuckles as he reads it. He remembers when the window was full of plants, and how one day they all just… disappeared. He assumed the person moved out, but now it’s funny to think that you had to move them all because Mr Darcy demanded he own that space.
He doesn’t recall ever seeing another cat.
Well, now he has to respond. He needs to know about the other cat!
He imagines Derek coming to him in an apparition, like some sort of angel, and saying, calm and cool, kid. Calm and cool.
Spencer decides he’ll reply in the morning. Cause he’s calm and cool, and totally doesn’t want to know anything and everything about you and the two cats you live with.
The messages continue for days. Spencer learns a lot, despite his “attempts” to not profile you (“attempts” as in there was really no attempt).
He learns you were given Mr Darcy by a friend, he’s two years old, and your other cat is the recently adopted, affectionately named Stupid Sally. She’s a ginger cat, estimated to be at least four years old, and you refuse to believe there’s anything going on in that tiny head of hers.
Spencer catches a glimpse of Sally a couple of days after he learns her name. She jumps up beside Mr Darcy, bonks her head on the window, then is whacked by Mr Darcy and falls from the windowsill. Sally doesn’t make another attempt.
He still hasn’t seen you, though. The longer he talks to you, the more he wants Garcia to send him everything she can find on you.
But he has restraint. And fear.
He wants to know more, wants to learn more about the anonymous girl in the opposite building. He doesn’t even know your name, and he assumes you don’t know his, and he’s not entirely sure what number apartment you live in.
He considers asking to convert your conversation from post-it notes on windows to hand-written letters, but that reminds Spencer too much of Maeve and he can’t handle that.
Do you know how difficult it is for Spencer Reid, with all his knowledge and facts and ramblings, to limit himself and how much he says?
It’s torture.
The sun is blinding when Spencer pulls his curtain back, eyes navigating to see if there’s a new message waiting.
I haven’t asked, do you have any cats? Any pets? Mr Darcy would be a terrible boyfriend but Sally could use a lover :)
Before he can stop himself, his mind is whirring with the possible implications of your message. Does this mean you want to meet? You want to know about him as much as he wants to know about you? You’re interested?
He needs to call Penelope. He wants to talk to you so badly, learn everything there is to know, but he can’t bring himself to do it. The situation reminds him of Maeve and, although it’s been so long, he’s still mourning. He’s not sure he’s ready.
Turns out he doesn’t need to worry. You’ve got your own plan.
“So,” Your friend sighs, flopping onto the couch, “You got his number? His name? Anything?”
“No,” You pout, “Not even sure he’s a guy.”
“That’s never stopped you before.”
You playfully gasp. “I don’t know what you’re implying, but I am insulted.”
She chuckles. She knows all about your curious neighbour - she’s the one that encouraged you to reply and keep replying. And now she’s the one trying to convince you to form an actual friendship.
“Just put your number on your window.”
“Do you know how dangerous that is?!” You scold, “Anyone could see it!”
“Yeah, but neighbour guy could see it. And text you. And be really cute.”
You can’t help but glance behind you, into your bedroom window, where the infamous window is. Mr Darcy lounges, completely zonked out with the sunshine keeping him warm.
“What’s the worst that can happen? Some random people text you and you, what, block them? That’s it. Easy.”
Life is so easy for extroverts, you think.
You grab your notebook, rip a piece out and jot down your number before you have a change of heart. You’re essentially double messaging through the medium of your window messaging. But who cares?
What have you got to lose?
Spencer stares at your phone number for way too long. Mr Darcy, as if sensing Spencer’s battle, lazily lifts a paw and rests it against the paper, pushing it into the window.
Spencer dials Penelope’s number straight from memory.
“I was beginning to think you’d died, Spencer-“
“Is it a terrible idea to start texting with Mr Darcy’s owner?”
“What?!” She exclaims, “No! No no no no no! That is an incredible idea! Spencer, please tell me you’re texting her!”
Penelope’s excitement gives him a rush of confidence. She’s always so supportive, so encouraging. Penelope is the best.
“I’m staring at her phone number. I just- we know what happened last time..” He trails off, voice meek. He wants to pretend he isn’t constantly thinking about the worst outcome, but he is. He’s scared.
Penelope’s voice is soft down the phone, “Spence. You have nothing to be afraid of, okay? I’m so proud of you for even considering texting her. But if you truly think you’re not ready, maybe you’re not. But remember, this doesn’t have to be anything you don’t want it to. You can keep the conversation to cats and cats only.”
Spencer smiles even though she can’t see him. She’s right. It doesn’t have to be anything and, honestly, it’s likely it won’t be anything – after all, Spencer isn’t exactly confident when it comes to women.
She might also have a boyfriend. A husband. A wife. He doesn’t know.
He realises he’s started thinking way too deep about someone he doesn’t even know the name of.
“Does that silence mean you’re gonna text her?” Penelope questions, suspense and hope clear in her voice.
“Yeah,” He replies, glancing at Mr Darcy, “I am.”
[To: Mr Darcy and Sally’s Owner]: Hello. I’m Spencer.
[From: Mr Darcy and Sally’s Owner] hello??????? do i know a spencer?
Embarrassment flushes through him. What a weird way to introduce yourself, he chastises himself, Great first impression.
[To: Mr Darcy and Sally’s owner]: Sorry. I’m the one that’s been asking about your cats through the window.
[From: Mr Darcy and Sally’s Owner]: really? prove it
He wants to feel insulted that you’re so suspicious, but is simultaneously impressed that you’re so cautious. It makes sense to worry after posting your number for anyone to see.
[To: Mr Darcy and Sally’s Owner]: Of course. I’ll put a note on my window with my number now.
He does just that, shuffling quickly and frantically like he does when his mind is moving a thousand miles a minute during a case. He slaps the note against the window, unable to resist hovering on the off chance he spots you.
His phone buzzes.
[From: Mr Darcy and Sally’s Owner]: oh hi spencer! im Y/N, owner of Mr Darcy and sally :)
He can’t help but chuckle at the sudden change of tone. You take stranger danger seriously, it seems.
Why does he find that so endearing?
He’s getting ahead of himself, again. Calm and cool.
They pick up the conversation from where the last note left off, where you asked Spencer if he has any pets of his own. He finds it much easier to talk to you like this, rambling and all, which you don’t seem to mind. Your texting style is distinctively different to his, making his phone vibrate multiple times as you send each sentence of your message separately. He prefers writing chunks full of information, all with perfect grammar and punctuation.
You teach him what ‘wtf’ means and when he sends a meme to Penelope with that caption she loses her damn mind.
She decides she loves you there and then.
A friendship blossoms. It’s odd, he doesn’t know what you look like and you admit to catching a glimpse of him when he showed you his number through the window, but other than that you have no idea what the other looks like.
You know so much about eachother’s lives, though, and so much about eachother. You know which apartment you both live in, he’s got a whole list of reasons why Mr Darcy is a dick and he kind of agrees, you even know that he’s an FBI agent.
Then it happens.
He discovers what you look like.
He wants to play it off as an accident, he really does, but that would be a complete and utter lie.
The area under the window opposite yours has become his new sanctuary. He spends way too much time there, reading and whatnot, and he tries to pretend that it’s so he can watch Mr Darcy all day every day, but there’s always been a part of him that wants you to walk by. Maybe stop right in the centre of the window, pause, let him get a good look.
That’s exactly what happens.
He’s doing some “light” reading before he moves to his bed, where he will continue to read, and he sees the main light in your bedroom switch on. You always have a light on – you’re scared of the dark, just like him, but the main light catches his attention because Mr Darcy looks back and meows.
Someone’s in the room.
For some reason, he can’t tear his eyes away. It’s not the first time he’s noticed someone flutter around the room, never managing to really show themselves. It could the best friend you told Spencer about, the one that you’ve been stuck living with the past month or so.
But it’s not.
A girl appears, wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts with still-wet hair. She dangles a cat toy before Mr Darcy, which he swipes at twice, then looks away, uninterested.
She rolls her eyes at that, then starts dancing and mouthing along to a song Spencer doesn’t recognise. Now he can’t stop staring – she’s captivating, whoever she is, as she prances around her room, arms flailing around and serenading a very unimpressed Mr Darcy.
This has to be you, he thinks. He doesn’t know why, but this has to be you.
Your passionate singing dies out. It’s the end of the song. Before the next one can begin, you happen to look up and through the window, straight at Spencer.
And you disappear.
You collapse. You definitely scream a little, dramatically falling to the floor and hiding under the window with your back to the wall.
Holy shit. You think. He’s cute and he saw me singing to my asshole cat.
He must think I’m crazy.
Spencer keeps staring at the now empty space of your window, Mr Darcy having been spooked by your exit.
He thinks he might be in love.
Neither of you know what to say to one another after what transpired.
You’re too embarrassed, Spencer feels a little star-struck, and you’re both speechless.
Neither of you expected the other to be so.. attractive.
Your phone is thrown in your lap. “Do it. Do it now.”
In a daze, you blink up at your friend, “I can’t.”
“Don’t make me threaten you.”
You blink.
“I know where he lives. I will obliterate the lockdown rules to go talk to him and drag him here, then you can deal with this face-to-face.”
Your mouth falls open. “Are you insane?”
She unlocks your phone, opens your conversation with Spencer, and places it in your hand.
[From: Y/N :)]: did you at least enjoy the performance…..
Spencer’s whole body prickles when he sees you’ve texted him.
Maybe Penelope’s manifesting did work.
[To: Y/N :)]: I did. I didn’t expect our face reveals to be so…
I honestly don’t know what to say.
[From: Y/N :)]: s doctor reid speechless? am i that talented?
Spencer lies back on his couch, beaming at his phone like a teenager in a cheesy chick flick.
[To: Y/N :)]: You’re very talented. Mr Darcy clearly disagrees, but don’t listen to him.
And just like that, you’re back in the flow of things.
When July rolls around, you and Spencer have been talking every day since March. Despite the monotonous, repetitive days, Spencer wakes up giddy when he sees you’ve texted him. He usually wakes up earlier than you, you have a habit of playing games or watching television until the early hours of the morning, and he loves to send you a fact to wake up to.
Your favourite are the animal facts. He got Amazon Prime just so he could buy a plethora of animal books and watch animal documentaries. All for you.
At one point, you evolved to phone calls. They don’t happen often and the first one was while you were drunk, but they’re fun for the both of you.
It had been a Saturday, you and your friend were having a movie marathon with wine and of course she brought up Spencer. She choked on her drink when you told her you haven’t heard his voice or seen him since the incident.
“You should call him,” She slurred, “Tonight.”
“He’s working on his jigsaw. I’m not going to interrupt.”
She gave you this incredulous look, asking Really?
“What?! I have respect for him and his jigsaws!”
“Have respect for yourself and how cute he is!”
“That doesn’t make sense!”
She sighed, placing her glass on the coffee table with a clunk, “Picture this: you’re helping him with the jigsaw.”
You couldn’t hide the slight upturn of your lips at the thought. You both love jigsaws, doing one with him would be stupidly romantic to you.
“Yeah.” She nodded ridiculously, “That ain’t gonna happen if you don’t call him!”
In your drunken state, you realised she’s right. You called him that night for a total of ten minutes before you passed out after calling him super handsome.
You both went to sleep feeling warm inside. Spencer called you again the next day, where the call lasted nearly two hours, and it went from there.
But now the lockdown rules are being eased. People are going back to work, meaning establishments like restaurants and hairdressers are opening up with limited capacity, all breathing beings expected to wear a mask.
Neither of you have mentioned actually meeting one another. You’re too nervous. What if he doesn’t like you? What if the image he’s created of you in his head is way better than you are in real life and he’s disappointed? What if he doesn’t want to meet you?
Spencer worries about the exact same things.
So neither of you say anything.
It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes Spencer’s mail gets sent to the wrong address. Perhaps to his neighbour, the person living across the hall, or someone on a completely different floor.
Twice, Spencer’s mail has been delivered to the apartment building next door. The building he now exclusively calls “Y/N’s building”.
Now it’s three times.
Unphased by the mask on his face, Spencer glances around the lobby of your apartment building and wonders what your routine is when you get home. Do you immediately check for packages? Look at the noticeboard? Or do you go straight up to your apartment?
Spencer walks to the reception desk, smiling politely even though the person can’t see it.
“Hi, I’m from the building next door. I think my mail was accidentally sent here?”
He clicks a few buttons, types a few things, then flippantly asks, “Apartment number?”
“Let me go get it.”
He takes his time leaving his chair and wandering through a door. Spencer glances around. There’s a few people, all wearing masks (Thank God), doing their own thing.
There’s two girls next to him. He eavesdrops, because he’s bored.
“I’m too used to living with you now,” The girl facing him pouts, “I don’t want to go.”
The girl with her back to him laughs, light and sweet, “You live a block away.”
“You know Sally is gonna miss me.”
Sally? As in…
“She’s gonna miss you only because you feed her too much and now she’s fat.”
“C’mon, Y/N-“
Spencer blocks out the rest cause holy hell. You’re right there. You’re standing right next to Spencer, in all your glory, and you have no idea that he’s right there, too.
Should he say something? Should he introduce himself? Should he..
“Here, sir. My apologies for the mix-up.” The receptionist re-appears, handing Spencer his mail.
“Thank you.”
And Spencer leaves.
Except he doesn’t.
He stops outside the reception entrance, takes out his phone, and texts you.
[To: Y/N :)] This is weird but I’m right outside your building. I think you’re in the foyer and I’m too scared to approach you.
Two minutes pass before the building doors fly open.
Your head swivels back and forth. When you find Spencer, adorable and awkward Spencer, he can tell you’re grinning from the way your eyes bunch up under your mask. God, he knows you have the most beautiful smile. Everything about you is beautiful.
“Hi,” You breathe.
Spencer mouths a silent hi. You’ve taken his breath away.
“I-um. It’s good to see you in person.” Your voice is soft. It’s soft, and smooth, and so much prettier in real life. It’s already pretty through the phone, but the real version shoots straight to his heart.
He gulps, “Yeah, it’s.. Unexpected, but nice.” The corners of his mouth quirk up and he can’t tear his eyes away from you, “You’re even more gorgeous in real life.”
The compliment rolls off his tongue naturally because it’s true and from the second he spotted you he’s lost all logical thinking.
“I am?” You ask, gentle and hesitant, almost asking are you sure you mean me?
Spencer blushes, somewhat embarrassed by his confession. But he meant it, Spencer’s not the type to say things he doesn’t mean, and you don’t give him time to regret it-
“Would you like to get some coffee? If you’re free now?”
Would it be too much if he screams Yes?
“Yes. I’m free,” He ignores the mail in his hands, stuffing it in his satchel, “But let’s avoid Café Nero, I assume you still haven’t recovered from the nightmare latte you had there.”
You grin, which makes Spencer feel fuzzy, flattered that he remembers anecdotes from your texts.
Of course he remembers. You remember he has an eidetic memory.
You shyly brush your hair behind your ears, both sides, and Spencer spots the bright red of them. You’re flushed, just like him, and it fills him with confidence to know you’re the same mixture of excited and anxious about meeting him in person.
“W-what about your friend?” Spencer gestures vaguely to where he assumes she’d be, “Would she mind?”
“She’s the reason I ran out here, so… I think she’d be mad if we didn’t leave her behind.”
You smile at one another, a few feet apart. Spencer’s bumped into by the opening door of your apartment complex and stumbles, apologising profusely to the unimpressed woman that just stares at him.
Through the entire ordeal you watch Spencer, only him, and can’t stop the radiant, love-filled look on your face.
Maybe Mr Darcy isn’t such a dick when he’s the reason Spencer came into your life.
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todorosy · 3 years
Dark Academia // Todoroki Shouto
Uhh what if UA was drenched in the dark academia aesthetic? Because I am a filthy whore for turtlenecks.
Todoroki Shouto
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It was half past 1AM. You know you should be sleeping, but the old creaking of the house and the constant tapping on your windows from the wind hitting the trees were deafening.
You climb out of bed, barely flinching at the cold wooden floors under your feet. You weren’t quite as familiar with the layout of the house as you were when you were a child, but due to your parent’s busy lives with work, you didn’t want to be left home alone during your winter break. Graciously, Endeavor, a close family friend, had offered his home to you for the next month. Of course you took up the offer. The beautiful high ceiling library, the magnificent grand piano, delicious and expensive tea? How could you say no?
The only downside was Shouto.
You’ve known each other since you were children but you two had always had a “friendly” rivalry as your years in boarding school progressed. You would go head to head in class seminars, sports, the speech and debate team, exams, and etc. You despised him and his prestigious attitude, but yet you two had always remained in each other's circle. Rumors arose, but it was hard to say when others would see yourselves having a screaming match in the hallways and studying together in the library that same evening.
Though your parents were very close to each other and insisted on spending dinners, vacations, and outings together- the banters and childish arguments continued then too.
With the moonlight shearing through the curtains, you were able to make your way towards the library. Your favorite room in the house. You cracked the door just enough to slip in. It was pitch black. You feel around the walls for the light switch before you notice a single lit candle on the table.
You grab a candle holder before making your way in between the bookshelves. You run your fingers along the old leather spines of the books. What were you feeling for tonight? Some Samuel Beckett? Sylvia Plath? Maybe something comedic.
“Looking for something?” A voice breaks the silence from behind you.
You quickly gasp and turn around. The candle in your hand illuminates a familiar face that stood a few inches away from yours.
“Christ, Shouto. Don’t scare me like that.” You quickly compose yourself, adjusting the blanket around your shoulders.
“What are you doing up so late? Shouldn’t someone like you be tucked away to bed already?” He cocks an eyebrow.
You roll your eyes. “Oh don’t patronize me, shit head. I could ask you the same thing.” You brush past him to continue searching the shelves. "A princess like you needs their beauty sleep."
From behind you, you hear his footsteps following you.
“Ah, I missed that. You’ve been avoiding me like the plague since you’ve gotten here. Makes me miss our in-class discussions.”
“You missed me, huh? I wished the feelings were mutual.” You tease. “In fact, I think your presence is quite suffocating.” You say peering over your shoulder at him.
He trails behind you and slithers a hand around your waist and pulls you close with your back to him.
“Now you better watch your words. You are in my home after all, and we are lost in between these bookshelves. It would be a shame if...” He leans over your shoulder and blows out the candle providing the only source of light in the room.
“It would be a shame if I poured this hot candle wax all over you, peabrain. Now it's pitch black and I can't see anything.” You groan.
“You’re telling me you didn’t light anymore out in the main study room? Good job, stupid.” He scoffs and releases you from his grip.
“Well why did you blow out the candle in the first place? This isn’t an erotic scene in Twilight. Get real.” You roll your eyes and turn to face him. "And stop stalking me. I wanted to come down here and escape the overwhelming Todoroki presence.
“I couldn’t help myself, you're just too easy to annoy." His voice suddenly goes low "But anyways, I'm glad I caught you because I've been meaning to discuss some things with you.” His voice suddenly goes low.
“What is it? Can't it wait until the morning or is it that dire?” You cock an eyebrow. 
"Well it could've if you weren't fleeting every room I step into." He rolls his eyes.
You were suddenly less than a feet from each other. You could barely make out his face in the darkness, but he held onto your wrist to make sure you weren’t a fog in the dark.
“But no, it's not as serious as it sounds. I’ve just been wondering a lot lately. We've known each other since we were pretty much born right?"
"Well, how do you really feel about me? Drop the academic rivalry stuff. Can you actually not stand my presence?"
You almost snorted out a laugh.
“Are you serious? You created this dramatic build up just to ask me that?” You try to suppress your laughter. "How old are you again?
Your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you met his gaze. He looked much more innocent than he did earlier. His hair was disheveled. His eyes were tired. I took you a second to calculate an answer.
“Okay, okay. I won’t tease you." You let out a sigh. "But... I think you’re infuriating at times. Annoying. Prideful.” You begin. “But you’re a good rival. You keep me on my toes. So I don't hate you as much as everyone thinks I do. Only a smidgen I guess." You playfully say.
“Ah okay. Ditto to you. Princess complex. Always have to be so pristine and proper around everyone.” He chuckles under his breath “But you know I don’t hate you either. You keep things interesting over at UA. I like having you around.”
A blush dusted over your cheeks. You’ve never seen Shouto get so into his emotions. He’s usually as serious as ever and keeps conversation casual at most. You had to admit to yourself that you did have an infatuation with him when you were at the ripe age of 13, but that was quickly repressed when you were competing for the entrance to UA.
“Yeah...I’m glad we were both accepted into UA." You awkwardly look down at your feet. "But why'd you ask anyways?”
"I'm not sure. I guess I was just trying to predict how our dynamic would play out after we grow up and part ways onto our own careers."
"I see. I mean if I'm being blunt, we're not exactly bffs. Kinda."
You’ve always seen him in a different light than your peers. They always complimented him and boasted about him and were envious of his intelligence, but you knew him better than that, which is why your relationship was so confusing.
"How has.." You begin "...your father been?"
His breath hitches before he sighs. He then lets out a scoff. You feel his hands fall from your wrist.
"He's been the same guy he's always been. You know how it is." You could hear the sad smile in his voice.
"I do." You reply sadly.
"I want to be a writer. A journalist even. He wants me to take over his company. It's pathetic. There's no chance that I'd be able to run a business and write on the side."
"Hey, don't talk like that." You cut him off. "Who says you can't just drop the business all together and pursue writing? You've got brains in your head and the heart of a lion."
"Now watch yourself. if you keep talking like that, I might risk it all right now." He chuckles.
"I'm serious." You firmly put both your hands on his shoulder now, giving them a hard squeeze. "You don't have to be who your father wants you to be. I support you. Even if I want to rip your face off sometimes, you know I'll always be rooting for you."
There was a moment of silence between you two. He stood there, eyes gazing into your own like a lost child searching for something. You didn't know, but he appreciated your words more than you may think. He's been waiting his whole life for some reassurance and some escape from the path he's been forced upon.
"Thank you Y/N. Really." He pulls you in for a hug and it feels like all of the air from your lungs and is replaced with the soft scent of sweet mint and lemons. You hug him back tighter, smothering your face in his chest.
"No problem. You know, all these years of insults aren't for nothing." You mutter. "I want you to be the best version of yourself."
He moves his hands from your back to cup your face and head. He pulls away just enough to plant a gentle peck on the top of your head. You stayed intertwined like that for a few moments longer. You felt your body overheat under the thick blanket draped over your shoulders, but you didn't move.
"Uh..yeah?" You muffle out. Your heart was racing.
"I think this is the first time we've hugged. Ever." He chuckles. "A lot of people would be jealous, you know."
"Aaanndddd... you've officially ruined it." You roll your eyes and push him away. "Get a lot of bitches, Shouto? Huh? You're such a hot shot, right?"
"Of course. I am a Todoroki after all." He teases.
"Ah yes. Nothing else to admire other than your family name." You began making your way down the aisle of books back to where you came from, he follows right behind you. "I thought you never cared about romance and all that bullshit."
He ponders the idea for a second.
"I've been around. Relationships are distracting and not many people catch my attention anyways."
You and Shouto make it to the main study where you light more candles around, dimly lighting the room just enough to see each other's faces.
"Oh? You've been around?" You ask with amusement, browsing through many of the books stacked on the table. "I've always thought you were too good for anyone. Might I say, a pure virgin boy?"
"Shut up." He rolls his eyes. "I've had my fair share of flings and dates. Bet you can't say the same can you, prude? Not even a first kiss?"
"As if I have the choice. My father wouldn't let me waste any time with a significant other, and I know for a fact that yours wouldn't either." You scoff. "And I've actually kissed lots of people! And I bet all of them would say I'm decently good too!"
You start to feel your stomach twist. You lied. You've never had your first kiss. You've always ran away from confessions and confrontations. You have your back turned to Shouto, mindlessly flipping through the books to mask your nervousness but your clammy hands could instantly give you away.
You feel a hot breath exhale onto your bare neck, making you instantly turn around to face the tall figure blocking your view. You look up to lock eyes with the boy you grew up learning to despise.
He picks up a strand of your hair and twirls it between his fingers. "You know, after spending so much time with you for all these years, I think I have a pretty good idea of your mannerisms. Especially when you're telling the truth or not."
"You don't know anything about me, Todoroki." You stand your ground and glare up at him.
"You've never had your first kiss. You've never felt someone else's skin on yours." He states, running his fingers down your strand of hair. "Don't lie about it. I know you."
"And if I haven't then why is it any of your business?" You spit back.
"It's not, but just wanted you to admit it. You're not the winner you think you are, Y/N."
Your face erupts in fire, but you keep your composure calm.
"The winner? Sweetheart, I'm the prize" You snarl.
You step forward, making him stumble back.
"You think you're so desired. You think you have everybody wrapped around your finger, but listen here, babe." He eventually hits the wall on the other side of the room. His eyes are wide.
"You can have anyone you want. You can swoon as many as you would like, but you can't have me."
You grab the back of his neck and pull his face close to yours. You're damn near on your tippy toes just to reach him, but you make the effort flawless. His breath hitches as you're just a few inches away from each other. You squeeze your eyes shut and connect your lips together like a hard punch.
He felt frozen, but slowly matched your lips. His hand harshly grips the side of your neck as if he's slipping away.
You were on fire. Your feet were ready to cramp up from holding the position for so long, your eyes were begging to open to see whether or not his were, your hand on the back of his neck was getting even more clammy, and you honestly felt like you could throw up for the bold move you just made.
You ripped away and stumbled a few steps back.
"But I can have you. And that's what makes me the winner."
You turn around and quickly escape, leaving him and your dignity in the study.
At least you left with your pride.
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arhvste · 4 years
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➵ summary : being roommates with osamu was all fine besides the fear that you could potentially be a burden should you run into him, especially while he’s cooking. little do you know though, every night osamu hasn’t just been cooking for himself but rather cooking with hopes of luring you into the kitchen
➵ genre : fluff
➵ an : this is for @zumisace tee hee i love u lots and sorry it took longer for my teeny tiny brain to write this out properly !! <3
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It felt nice living somewhat independently, away from family and free to do as you pleased; within reason of course.
You’d moved away to college last year and you’d nicely settled in and gotten into the swing of handling a domestic and academic routine. Your roommate was nice enough and the two of you were friendly. Things were fine and you were thankful you hadn’t ended up with the nightmare college experience story which you’d heard plenty of beforehand.
The only thing that bothered you was that your dinner times were a little earlier than you would’ve liked. You ate at 6ish every night to avoid clashing with your roommate as the kitchen seemed to be his domain and you never wanted to come across as getting in his way.
Sometimes, he’d offer to cook for you but the thoughts of you being a slight burden stayed prominent in your thoughts and you found yourself declining him more-a-less every single time he offered. You only hoped he didn’t take offence to your decline of invitation and think that it was his cooking that put you off because that certainly wasn’t the reason.
You and Osamu were friends with each other but you were never sure as to what level of friendship you were at. Sometimes you feared as to whether you’d be able to hold a long enough conversation yet talking to him seemed to flow naturally anyway. The feeling of nervousness never once left you though even though there was nothing to be nervous about when it came to Osamu. Maybe it was a fear of judgement or maybe you hadn’t been around him for a long enough time due to your incompatible schedules, you’d only ever run into each other in the morning after his runs and in the evening when you’d both finish your classes at different times. Osamu also took cooking courses a handful of evenings in the week so it’s not like you saw him much on a daily basis anyway.
That still didn’t help your new developed habit of eating your evening meal early though and it bothered you waking up later in the night feeling hungry but too tired to get up. The smell of cooked food would waft in through your door at around 11:40PM and linger about until around 1AM. Whether it was just your hunger making you imagine it or if it was your roommate cooking late, you weren’t sure but, you certainly weren’t going to make yourself find out either. That was your excuse anyway, it was actually a fear of running into Osamu and bothering him. You weren’t prepared to face him in an awkward conversation at 12AM every night and you certainly didn’t want to accidentally wake him up and potentially irritate him if he happened to be in his room sleeping.
Again, you weren’t quite sure what it was about him you were so anxious about, he was a nice man and was genuinely nice to you. Sometimes he seemed a little awkward to talk to though and his somewhat flat tone didn’t always help.
It didn’t matter too much though, you were on good terms and things were fine the way they were. You’d just have to continue waiting till morning to eat until you’d grown more comfortable with Osamu.
It was Wednesday and you’d had the typical college meal of just a quick mac and cheese box and it was safe to say it hardly filled you. It hardly mattered though because you had assignments piling on your desk and you were too occupied with them to even think to give your body an actual nutritious meal.
Burying you head into your building mountain of work, you settled down and did your best to get through them. You had decided that as a reward for completing your work, you’d treat yourself to some self care and a good meal but right now, your goal was to finish the unforgiving pile of work that was waiting to be handed in.
You set yourself to work and began flipping pages through and typing up the essays that were bound to be overdue soon managing to ignore the insatiable hunger in your practically empty stomach and the time.
Osamu had arrived back to the apartment an hour after you finished your sad excuse of a meal and retreated back to your room to tackle your workload. He didn’t miss the quick mac and cheese box by the recycling pile and he shook his head and sighed. He always wondered why you were okay with eating this processed and unhealthy food but you were hesitant about joining him to eat his freshly cooked meals.
Osamu put down his bags and left the fresh ingredients for tonight's meal he was making in the kitchen before returning to his own room to change into more comfortable clothing.
Walking back to his room, he noticed your door was opened slightly and he had a mental debate as to whether he should look in or not. Usually you would’ve called out a ‘hello’ or come out to greet him by now but when he noticed your lack of welcome, he decided they maybe snooping in through the crack on your door was okay. He just wanted to make sure you were okay or if you’d fallen asleep with your door open by accident.
He peered into and saw your back to him and a pile of papers stacked frantically on your desk. He saw the way your hands were typing up a storm on your laptop and the slightly disheveled appearance to your hair.
So you were studying huh?
Smiling softly to himself, Osamu hurried back to his room to change so he could start preparing dinner despite the fact it was 10:38PM already.
Finally, after what felt like hours on no end, you had drilled through the seemingly never ending pile of work and you couldn’t feel your hand or your spine from your posture. Several clicks of your back could be heard in your room as you straightened up and finally moved from your stiff position.
It was now 12:07AM and your stomach finally got the attention that it had been begging for since the start from you. Despite the fact you were hungry, you were also conscious of the time and didn’t want to risk potentially annoying your roommate.
Then again, the familiar scent of fresh food drifted through the crack of the door you’d accidentally left open as though it was demanding to be attended to.
Burying your head in your pillow, you did your best to fight the urge of getting up and following the calling smell outside of your room but your leash of nervousness began to wear down and you found yourself naturally moving towards the door and outside of your room. It was like your brain had just packed up and left your body to function on it’s own as all previous concerns were thrown out of the window and your only goal right now was to track this smell down and potentially consume something more than the ‘meal’ you have previously had.
Padding down the hall, previous concerns about your roommate long gone, you peered into the kitchen and was welcomed with the sight of steaming vegetables and frying what appeared to be dumplings. You inhaled and savoured the scent of the fresh food and allowed your eyes to flutter shut in bliss.
“Smell good?”
You jumped at the sudden voice and was met with lazy pretty eyes staring back into your own.
“S-shit, yeah -don’t scare me like that.”
“Sorry, wasn’t my intention.”
He wandered back over to the deep frying pan and lifted the lid to turn the food over to fry on the other side.
“Ya know,” He began suddenly causing your eyes to flicker up towards him. “I see all the shit ya eat and I don’t think the amount ya consume is normal.”
You shrugged and took a seat at the small island built in the kitchen.
“It’s all I can really do. It’s less time consuming too and besides, I don’t think I’d be able to eat big portions like you do,” You peered over the amount of food cooking. There was definitely more than enough for two people at least. “I don’t need to eat as much as you.”
“What are you trying to say?” Osamu’s tone threaded with teasing.
“I just mean you work out and stuff right? Yeah, I don’t need to eat as much as you because I don’t do that kind of thing as often as you.”
He hummed and turned the stove off and took the vegetables off the stove to drain the stock out.
“Well, as much as that makes sense, this isn’t all for me.”
You hummed and allowed your eyes to trail over his well built form.
“No? Don’t you always make this much food?”
Osamu put the pan down and turned to face you. One hand rose to meet the back of his neck as he sheepishly cast his gaze down to the floor.
“Uh actually, half of this goes to my brother since uh ya don’t wanna ever eat with me.”
You felt heat rise to your face as Osamu slowly looked up at you.
“It’s not that I don’t want to eat with you it’s just...awkward?” You confessed as Osamu’s face twisted in confusion.
“I don’t think we’re awkward.”
You sighed and shook your head as Osamu reached down to grab two plates and two sets of utensils.
“It’s more like I’m awkward around you. I guess… I find you attractive.” You murmured the last bit quietly and half of you had hoped he hadn’t heard that.
“Hm? Repeat that for me?”
“Why not?”
You huffed and glared at the smirking boy in front of you.
“Because you know what I said!” You whined as Osamu snickered, bringing the crockery and food to the kitchen counter.
“Okay, okay fine. But who said I don’t find you attractive either?”
You darted your eyes away from him as you began to grow slightly flustered.
Osamu started delicately loading the contents of food onto the two plates as he sighed.
“It stresses me out ya know? Like everytime ya turn down eating with me, I’m always worried it’s because ya don’t like my food or...me?”
“No! It’s not that at all! I just told you I’m awkward!”
Osamu laughed and brought the two plates over and placed one in front of you. Your eyes danced over the food and your mouth began to water slightly. You had wasted your time eating processed and unfilling meals when you could’ve been eating like this? What were you thinking?
You muttered a quick thanks and then the two of you said your thanks for the meal before eating. Osamu’s cooking was as good as it looked and you found yourself humming in satisfaction every few mouthfuls.
Osamu smiled softly to himself as he ate his own food, sparing you a glance every so often.
“I’m glad ya sound as if ya like it. Your portions are such a waste going to an idiot like my brother all the time.”
You coughed and looked at the boy in disbelief.
“Maybe if you weren’t so good-looking then maybe I’d join you for dinner and you wouldn’t have to give food to your brother.”
Osamu laughed and looked back down to his plate.
“Well, now I know that it’s not my cooking ya have a problem with, I think I’ll tell Tsumu’ that his portions are being cut off now.”
You hummed and finished your meal finally feeling full and content. You glanced over at the clock that read 12:49AM.
“Why do you cook so late?” You questioned as Osamu hummed and looked at you.
“Because I know yer hungry around now and I didn’t wanna bother you about coming out and eating.” Osamu replied as your eyes widened slightly. So he had been purposely cooking around now every night to try and lure you into the kitchen.
“Oh, I’m sorry… but you don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
You sighed and tilted your head, eyes meeting his once more.
“I think I wanna start having meals with you.”
“So it’s a regular date?”
“D-date?” you flushed.
“Yeah, date. Midnight meal dates and maybe I’ll take ya out on a few proper ones soon.”
“Okay Osamu. It’s a date.”
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei
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pixcldust · 4 years
ft. miya atsumu, kuroo tetsuro, semi eita
with | gn!reader
warnings | swear words
a/n | NOT ME ACTING LIKE MY EXAMS ALREADY OVER 😹😹😹 n e ways have some hcs mwah ily drink some water
+ | tumblr is refusing to let me add a read more break without messing up the order/pics so please accept it without the break first 😰 i'll try to edit it in tomorrow bc it's 1am right now lmfaoo 🤪🤪
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• lowkey headcanon this guy to be kinda a night owl too
• like, unless he has a major game tomorrow, then he’ll probably be awake at 2am so feel free to shoot him a text
• but if you send him a “i cant sleep :(” then man’s gonna take it REAL far
• “my parents arent home rn so if you want to come over, i could help you… sleep ;))) ”
• he might not even be h0rny, he’s just Like That
• that’s just his sense of humor 😭😭 yea it might be mine too shush
• you just wanted to chill and chat bc insomnia’s getting the best of you, so whY-
• but once you get past that, he’d actually be really pleasant to text with
• yall might even facetime just because
• there’s just SO MUCH to talk about???
• topics range from dumb pickup lines to Deep Talk
• ngl eventually you guys might make some secsi jokes,,,, its inevitable im sorry
• no im nOT a nsfw writer
• but it’s 2am ok the Early Morning High is bound to hit different
• “damn ok im on my way,,, get those cuffs ready babe😼😼”
• JDHDNDCJ????3!%;÷)÷*?
• ur neighbours: who tF is cackling like that at 3 in the morning????
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• i think it’s 50/50 with this boy
• like he’s either still awake and reading like a nerddd or he’s fast asleep
• but if you do shoot him a text message, send him something random
• like out of nowhere, just “did you know some snails have hairy shells?”
• he’s got a quick response time (although not as fast as atsumu) so just wait a minute for him to pick up his phone
• OH AND send him a pic of the hairy shells!!
• “thanks! i hate it!!”
• you know he’s gonna reply with an equally weird fact
• kuroo has a fair share of general knowledge too so just go wild
• will not question why you’re on the wikipedia page for snails bc lbr, he’s been there before 😔
• such a funny sweetheart about your random messages
• also he’s be awake with you throughout, even if he gets a little sleepy 🥺🥺🥺
• sir,,, hand in marriage please,,,,,,
• but definitely will throw in a “y/n, it’s almost 3:30 pls get some sleep before class tomorrow”
• hm……. no.
• his deep, kinda rough voice at 2am because he hasn’t used it in the past two hours ,,,,, mmmmmm,,,,
• lowkey he might fall asleep on call 🙊
• pls forgive him he’s just a very big babie
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• listen
• if you texted this man at 2am
• his immediate response would be “it’s too early y/n. go to sleep.”
• jkjk i love him but yall gotta admit that he’d be all 🙄😐
• “ffs y/n, you have a class tomorrow at 8”
• “and??? your point?????”
• dw he’d just take a deep breath and be like omfg why am i in love with this idiot
• yes bby he loves you mwah
• when he gets past that tho,,,
• listening to music together on spotify 😳😳
• you guys would take turns choosing songs and it’d be so cutee
• yeah he’d be into,, idk alt rock or indie rock ?
• but he’s not an ASS, he’d be okay with indie pop and mainstream and whatever else is your fave genre
• in between, he’d be so down to hearing you talk about your hobbies or a show you’ve been watching
• and like,, he’ll tell you about how he’s writing a song or what funny thing happened in his class or during training
• omg yall can video call and he’d share his screen
• both of you watching ghibli movies tgt at 3 in the morning : 🥰🥴
• it is just so peaceful being with this boy
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krappykawa · 4 years
I read your s/o who likes to read hcs and was wondering if you could do the same request format or whatever it is you'd call it but with terishima,akaashi, iwa, Oikawa,and Daichi? Sorry if that's a lot! -anon
with a s/o that likes to read (part 2)
— iwaizumi, oikawa, terushima, daichi, and akaashi
word count. 1.4k
genre. fluff
note. i made these ones shorter than the ones in part two because anon requested a lot of characters and i didn’t wanna run out of headcanons to write,,, i hope you still like this though!
part one here
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- will read the books that you’re reading just because he likes the feeling of being able to bond with you over something you love since you’re so supportive of him already (literally the perfect man. perfect bf. give me a kiss rn RN!!)
- maybe not all of them, but if you get him hooked on the description, then he will probably finish the book faster than you
- if he doesn’t like a book very much he’ll take ages to finish it though
- if you ask him about how he’s doing with reading it he’ll be like “oh i’m almost done” when in reality he’s only 20 pages in
- he’ll send you texts about the books you recommend but they’ll be super blunt like “this character just died” or “oh they kissed”
- you sit at your phone for 20 minutes debating on how to respond to those because HOW??
- he loves cuddles,,,, would literally die for cuddles
- so when you climb into his lap with a book in hand and bury your head in his neck as you read his heart literally malfunctions
- his cute s/o with their reading obsession that he secretly finds so endearing climbing into his lap for cuddle time,,,,,, his heart goes &2:$84!;💞💖💘💖💓💖💞/):&38,
- iwaizumi.exe has stopped working
- but he’s also not afraid to pull you into his lap if he sees you reading on the couch
- he’ll probably put on a monster movie and just hold you as you read and he watches
- probably also buried his nose in your hair and revels in your scent (also kisses your head every so often because he can’t help it and AHHHH HES SO CUTE)
- when you start sending him messages about your books, he will attempt to respond to every single text or he will just wait until you’re done and text back with “u done?” (not in a mean way though) there’s no inbetween
- he’s smiling every time you send him those texts though
- aoba johsai’s volleyball team (ESPECIALLY OIKAWA) teases him mercilessly if they ever catch him smiling at his phone in the locker room or during class or during lunch (basically u text him a lot lol)
- sometimes when you slam your book shut and scream into your pillow, he will just watch you with amused eyes and probably make an offhand comment that’s similar to “remember to breathe while you’re at it.”
- you end up throwing the pillow at him (which he catches and then proceeds to walk to where you are and swing you over his shoulder)
- get your mind out of the gutter on the “over his shoulder” part i swear he’s just teasing you for throwing a pillow at him (I CAN FEEL YOUR MIND WANDERING STOP IT)
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- he makes an effort to read your books, really he does
- he’s just really busy, so most of the books he promises he will read stay only half way read through and never picked up ever again
- if you give him a sci-fi book though, this man will literally finish it at an insane pace
- literally he would be the one to text you at some ungodly hour (usually 3AM in the morning) because he just finished the book in one sitting and he’s literally brimming with reactions
- will text things like “WHAT THE FUCK HE JUST DIED”, “YN SEND HELP I THINK THEY’RE ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING STUPID”, “OH MY GODDDD I HATE THIS BITCH CAN THEY STOP TALKING” (always in all caps whenever he’s reacting to a book)
- you better pray that he doesn’t end up hating a character because he will text you every single time they show up on a page and complain about them
- “this character reminds me of ushijima why would you put me through this 🤕🤕”
- anyways, if it’s not sci-fi, it’s probably sitting on his nightstand and never touched again until you steal the book back
- CLAIMS he tried reading them (he got 2 pages in and then put it down)
- he is also a huge cuddler
- but you will not be able to read in his lap because he’s so fucking whiny
- “y/n-channn pay attention to meeee. you can read about that insanely hot dude in your book when you’re not already sitting in an insanely hot dude’s lap”
- big pouty face
- it works every single time and you hate him for it
- once you put your book down he will not let you go for a good ten minutes
- he also has tons of pictures of you reading on his phone because he thinks you’re so cute and feels like he has to snap a picture so he can remember how cute you looked at that very moment
- a lot like iwaizumi, oikawa will attempt to reply to every single one of your book related texts (except oikawa succeeds at replying to every single one)
- like you could literally send him fifty text messages in a row and you will get fifty replies back
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- i am so sorry to say this but i genuinely cannot see terushima being interested in your books whatsoever
- he thinks that it’s boring and always questions how you can just sit down for hours on end and just read
- this changes when you give him one of those insane, mind-boggling, really dark, murder-mystery books
- he’ll scoff at it but after a lot of begging on your part, he’ll give it a try
- he loves it
- he told you that he never got bored and that feeling like that while reading a book is so weird to him
- that is the only book you’ll ever get him to read though (okay maybe he’ll read a few more if you beg him for it with that cute pouty face of yours that he cannot resist)
- like he’ll treat that murder mystery book as a holy grail and insist that nothing will ever top it
- i’m sorry again but he probably texts you “what u doing rn?” and if you say something about reading he’ll try to get you to do literally anything else (most likely will send a horny text to try and steal you away from your reading, let’s be honest here)
- “come over baby you can experience all that you’re reading in that book first hand 😏😏😏”
- if you send him text reactions of your book he will most likely reply with “awe babe ur so cute” but not say anything about the books in itself (IM SORRY HE’S NOT MEAN ABOUT IT THOUGH)
- cuddling with him while reading will never happen
- seriously
- he will do everything in his power to get you to put the book down
- like start peppering you with kisses or tickling you
- he just can’t stand sitting down in silence for so long lol
- he doesn’t put you down for reading though
- like yeah he might not understand it and thinks it’s boring, but he admires that you care so much about it and also admires your commitment
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- admires you for reading honestly
- like i feel like he’s the type to get really good grades but will not look at a book that he hasn’t been assigned to read for his life
- that being said, he probably has never read any of the books you ask him to read with you
- he’s told you he’s read one or two which is a lie (you know it’s a lie but you don’t tell him that because you know he feels bad about not reading them)
- he isn’t on his phone often so most of the time your texts don’t get answered for hours
- it’s kinda fun that way though because after a while you just start sending him long text threads and it’s like talking to yourself
- when he does respond it’s with something like “you look like you had fun there” (after that he’ll apologize for not seeing it and then ask if you had anything else about the book that you wanted to tell him about AWEHISHFNF)
- very good listener!! he’ll try and have a genuine conversation about the book even if he hasn’t read it (like if you want to talk about how you think the plot doesn’t work, he will either support you or give you valid reasons that sparks constructive conversation)
- will absolutely never see the texts you send at 1AM (until the morning) because he always passes out before 11PM
- will see them in the morning and will text back “well good morning to me”
- he has absolutely no clue what you’re talking about in the texts but tries his hardest to be supportive
- cuddling while you’re reading happens nearly every single time you’re together
- is very stressed from dealing with his volleyball children so he’ll more than happily sit on the couch and cuddle with you as you read
- sometimes he falls asleep while you cuddle and you just snuggle into him and it’s so cute
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- man oh man he loves acting like a smart ass whenever you text him about your books
- you’ll be like “my favorite character just died!!” and he’ll be like “well tell them to not die then wtf”
- will stay up late texting you about your book though because he’s most likely reading it with you so you two can bounce ideas off of each other
- if you like a character that he hates he will not hesitate to start a debate about why you shouldn’t like that character (full one page of reasons. this man takes his opinions very seriously)
- if you’re together at his house or something and you start yelling at your book he’ll be like “y/n don’t hurt its feelings.”
- you momentarily pause your yelling to deadpan him
- he stares right back
- “just be nice.” (you’re like BWAH???)
- it’s uncommon but it does happen
- if you’re both reading or you’re doing homework and he’s reading, he’ll slam the book shut and yell about how stupid this character is (and when i mean yell, i mean yell)
- and if he doesn’t like the ending of something he will rant for days and you’ll have to remind him to take a breath
- he gets so hyped up from reading books it’s so cute
- will read with you when you cuddle read (does that make sense??? like when you cuddle with him while reading)
- will mumble things under his breath while you’re both reading but you’re on his lap so you can hear everything and you just laugh
- one time he mumbled “stupid bitch just fucking die already” to this character he hated
- you had to put down the book because you were laughing so hard
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cherriesradio · 3 years
Soulmate Headcanons with The Big 3 cause why not
(Gn reader) (no warnings) (fluff)
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Cliche - can hear his soulmate sing
The first time was when he (and y/n) was 5
Y/n was watching the little mermaid for the third time and was like “hey I remember the lyrics to the song so ima sing it too!”
And Mirio, who was eating his lunch at the time with Tamaki, was surprised
“Mom theirs a person in my head should I try to get them out? I don’t wanna though, I like their voice”
And his mom gets so excited (I haven’t reached the flash back scenes so uh yeah) and is like “Mirio that’s your soulmate!”
And he just has a happy grin and is like “Whoa! That’s cool! I wonder when Tamaki will hear his!” And Tamaki is just blushing at the thought
And then in fourth and fifth grade y/n is in choir and he has a love/hate relationship with it
On one hand, he loved hearing his soulmate and having the constant reminder that theres someone out there just for him
On the other hand it got really annoying having to hear them sing the same song over and over again lol
He dealt with it tho
And then comes UA
He has this one classmate…… their REALLY cute……
Low key feels bad for liking someone who (he thinks) isn’t his soulmate
But he doesn’t really think about it much cause he’s busy workin hard hard to be a hero
And then one day he finds this class mate in the dorms commonroom
And before he finds them he’s like “oh cool soulmate™️ is singing”
And then he walks in the room and at first he’s like “are my ears ringing or something? I hear doubles”
He has just sees y/n sitting there sing it under their breath while studying or something and just
And he just plain walks away
After a day or two (where he quickly realized “whoa y/n is actually really amazing” and gets a crush) he just casually goes up to y/n and says “hey can you sing for me for a second? While I walk in the other room?”
And y/n is like “uhhhh sure”
*does that*
Mirio comes running in and is like “YOUR MY SOULMATE!” With the widest grin in the world
And y/n is just so happy as well cause they’ve definitely been crushing on him forever
And their relationship? Most wholesome thing in the world
Cause he’s super caring and stuff he’ll always ask before he does anything at all
“Hey can I hold your hand” “mirio we’ve been together for almost a year” “so can I hold your hand” “*sigh* yes, thanks for being considerate”
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Cliche - Red String
As soon as he realized what it’s for he’s just blushing
Sometimes he just looks down at it and blushes
(His parents and Mirio/ Nejire find this to be the funniest thing)
Once y/n flew to Korea to visit family and the string was really tight compared to normal
And Idk about you but I like to think that this can mean two things: their soulmate is more far away then normal or they died
And Tamaki being Tamaki immediately starts think they died
“Tamaki it’s probably fine, their just traveling or something” “y-y-yeah but-but wh-what if if th-their no-not??????”
And then they come back and he just has the three day equivalent of a relived sigh
And then when they move closer to go to UA????
Jesus when the string loosens he just looks down like
O////////////////O “shoot”
And when he sees them in his classroom for third year and the string is so short and then sees them look down
cause he’s a shy baby 👉👈😳
And one time y/n goes up to him and asks to train with him cause “he’s the strongest in the class” (and y/n has a crush on him)
And he just awkwardly nods through the whole thing while y/n is like “where do you wanna meet up? What time?” And then has to have Nejire tell him what they said
And then when they meet up and their like right in front of each other and Tamaki is just STARING at the string as if y/n can’t see it too
“Can you see it?”
Tamaki’s response: O ///////////// O
“So that’s a yes?” *nods* y/n smiles
“That’s nice. Anyways, let’s go start training”
He fidgets with it a lot
He also tugs on it slightly when he wants y/n but their talking to someone else or their working
On a missions when he gets really hurt and goes to the hospital and y/n isn’t with him he’ll tug on it so they know he’s okay
They get a cat when they move in together and once it sat right on the string and Tamaki’s paranoided mind was like “what if we can’t lift it from under him????”
And then y/n had to reminded him that it only affects them two
Whenever Tamaki’s having a panic attack he shakes and trembles and y/n feels it
And then just feeling them running as fast as possible towards him to help
“Y/n where are you going aren’t you on patrol in only half an hour-“
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Cliche - wrist writing
They have knew each other since they were kids, family friends and all
Always knew they were soulmates but still acted like friends till high school when both were finally ready for dating
Every morning one will wake up to a little “good morning honey ❤️”
And all though the day they’ll both doodle on their wrists and some times write little funny things to make the other laugh
It’s like when couples keep each other awake texting till 1am
Once she tried to cook and told y/n and then after half a hour just a wrote “please come to the kitchen help”
She started a grease fire and was easily put out by Mirio don’t worry ❤️
She’s the type that will get bored and just draw those amazing looking sharpie tattoos
And then she’ll find y/n with them and be like “twins!!!!!!!”
When she was introduced in the show when they visited 1-A?
She gave y/n the wrong time so half way through they wrote “soooooo how’d it go????”
“Oh sorry we’re half way through! Mirios beating them all up :)”
Y/n was concerned
At some point she finds out that it’s not just the wrist but all over their body so one morning she gets a marker and draws little freckles on her face because y/n talks about how they always wanted freckles
She was out shopping and she was like “hey I just found this shirt you would like should I get you it” and when y/n asks what it looks like she draws it instead of bothering to take her phone out and send a pic
Never texts lol
“Why would I text them when I can just write on my arm??????”
Sometimes she’ll pull them by the wrist to drag them somewhere and she does it to herald sometimes and check her wrist and think “on its smuggling that means I’m pulling to hard” and then apologize for ten mou straight
She’s a angel and no one can change my mind
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