#inconvenient beliefs ignored
tdbear13 · 6 months
Harvard’s Entire Integrity Only Cost Zuck Half A Million Dollars
Accountability Harvard sold its integrity to Mark Zuckerberg for only $500,000, whistleblower reveals. Harvard’s “studies” are untrustworthy & the results may be bought
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skhardwarevers1 · 4 months
in one of those moods where I don’t feel anything and it freaks me out
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months
Somewhere out there is an essay about superhero movies where villains co-opt, misuse, or even just misunderstand the language of the left to push methods and goals that are incompatible with the actual theory of the left, but that sound Right And Good to viewers who aren't thinking it through entirely. And the essay is not just about how they compare to each other, but how they are a litmus test for viewers to know how susceptible they are to propaganda.
Co-opt: Most obvious example and the inspiration for this post is the Riddler in Batman (2020, the one with RPatt). The Riddler recites leftist rhetoric about corruption, wealth hoarding, and redistribution, but his actual actions and goals are unrelated. He's an accelerationist who's more interested in tearing down a system that didn't benefit HIM than in actually rectifying the problems, and who cares if a few kids get traumatized or even killed along the way?
Misuse: Easy mode, this one's Thanos. He talks about ensuring there's enough for everyone to eat, but like. Bro.
Misunderstand: Erik Killmonger, who has the benefit of both some incredibly legitimate grievances and a pretty face, but also kind of fails at the idea of intersectionality, proportionality, or Start With Words Before You Escalate. He's the easiest to sympathize with, because he has some really good points and ultimately does appear to be legitimately pursuing those goals... but he's also a misogynist, jumped to international terrorism before "call up my cousin who doesn't know I exist," and there's something in there about the role played by his time in the US military, which gave him emotional trauma, head trauma, and a sincere belief in the validity of US-style insurgency operations based on hostile takeovers of inconvenient countries. He's charming and pretty and sincere... he's just also, in many ways, wrong. And the parts where he's right makes it easy to try to ignore the bits where he's wrong if you're predisposed to like him and prefer some absolutism.
Anyway, yeah, there are definitely other examples, but the ones that were suggested to me didn't quite vibe with the base idea (Mysterio and Vulture both had disgruntled union moments in the MCU, but they left those roots so quickly that I don't think the concept of using leftist rhetoric as cover/justification for the crimes really applies since, they very quickly shift gears into revenge and greed respectively).
Someone's probably done this better orz.
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pillarsalt · 4 months
hi um
I was? transmasc but recently I’ve been seeing a lot of really misogynistic sexist transphobic stuff from trans community and it’s just been totally accepted, even by other transmascs. It’s been going on for a while but recently there was a murder of a nonbinary afab person and yet the whole trans community here has been silent, instead screaming about a transfem user being banned or something? This isn’t the first time an afab trans persons suffering has been dismissed, but now right after this awful death, i see transfems making posts about how transmascs talking about their oppression are terfs.
I didn’t want to think about it but all i could think about was that it was weird how despite everyone claiming trans men have all this privilege, trans women always come first…they get the most representation, they get the fame the admiration and the opportunities, their voices are always the loudest and their problems always always come first no matter what.
But despite popular belief trans men’s issues aren’t actually less significant, in some cases we suffer far more than trans women especially in regard to sexual violence. Yet we are silenced. We are frequently left poor, we are discriminated against for our sex we are discriminated against for being trans we are discriminated against for being perceived as lesbians. Yet we are made to be silent?
Why are our voices less important than trans women’s?
And all I could think about was that this is how females are treated in every other area.
I don’t know what else to say… I tried so hard not to reach that conclusion because I don’t want to be transmysogynist but I kept coming back to it and I couldn’t find an argument against it. This is how females are treated. This is what male privilege look like. And if trans women have male privilege, then why the fuck am I sitting here letting them talk over me?
I just feel really really angry. Your a blog who I liked your art but I blocked you when I discovered you were a radfem, but I sort of had you in the back of my mind for some reason and now I feel lost and confused, and I don’t think I want to be part of the trans community anymore.
Hey anon, firstly I really appreciate your willingness to have an open discussion with me. This must be weighing on you pretty heavily.
Secondly, holy shit, you're right. While the entire website is treating this user's ban as a national travesty, I haven't seen a single person talking about Nex's murder despite how much they claim to care about trans people. That's really fucking low, and this situation does very much encapsulate the state of misogyny within the trans community.
And you're right, this IS how females are treated in every other area. Throughout history, the suffering and injustice women face is minimized, laughed at, ignored, and when we want to talk about it, we're shut down and told we're making people uncomfortable and our pain isn't that bad. And here we are again, with a female person's death outweighed by a male person's inconvenience.
The denial of sex-based oppression that permeates trans spaces is a blatant lie that can only be held together if nobody is allowed to acknowledge it, and those who do are punished. If the trans community truly stood behind what they say, discussion would be encouraged! The foundation of their movement would be backed up with facts and replicable science! But instead, they'll call you a bigot for pointing out systems of oppression you can see with your own eyes. Because if you do, transwomen's position as Most Oppressed, and therefore the final authority on what's right and wrong, collapses. You are correct when you say that it seems like transwomen always come first; I don't remember who said it first, but just look at magazine covers featuring trans people -- the transwomen are fully clothed CEOs, athletes, movie stars, but transmen mostly get on magazine covers for... being pregnant and half naked. Misogyny is built into every society on earth, and individuals simply calling themselves something else doesn't change that. And when you give male people free reign to be as misogynistic as they want without consequence, they'll grab that opportunity and hold on like their lives depend on it. The way they weaponize transmen's sex against them is indistinguishable from what 'cis' men do to 'cis' women, but if you ever speak out about it, somehow YOU'RE the one hurting THEM. They do not want transmascs to find solidarity with other female people, because then they would have to face the reality of their own place in a patriarchal world, and face the fact that there are experiences exclusive to female people and that we have the right to speak about it. I mean you see shit like this and the motives become completely transparent:
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I do find it funny how hard the trans community and their allies work to prevent anyone from hearing what radfems have to say in case they "corrupt" you with mere words. A lot of the time, it's simply listening to transwomen themselves that sparks the feeling of "something's not right here" in your brain. That's what happened with me too. I'll tell you that most of us also used to be proponents of trans activism, many formerly identifying as trans too. You are seeing through manipulation, and I know it's quite shocking to realize. Even when I first started having doubts about trans rhetoric, I thought "well everyone else agrees about this, so I need to shut up and be nice about it even if I don't agree." It's an unpleasant place to be in. The cognitive dissonance is exhausting though, and it becomes impossible to ignore.
The mistreatment of transmasc people in the trans community by transfems is brutal, and It's hard to watch from the outside because I just want to say "Hey, you know you don't have to take this shit, right?" And you really don't. You are not at all a bad person for recognizing the frankly absurd amount of misogyny in the trans community. Feeling lost and confused is shitty, but it's normal for this situation. The best thing you can do is keep observing, keep reading, form your own opinions, and never let anyone tell you to shut up. Above all, prioritize yourself and your mental wellbeing. If you need to remove yourself from gender-related spaces and discussion for a while, that's totally alright. Just know you're not evil or a bigot for not blindly agreeing with everything the trans community has told you. Your opinions and experiences are worthwhile too.
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Are you being nice or are you being a doormat? 🫠🫣✨
This really goes hand in hand with my post on self abandonment that you can read by clicking here because being a doormat basically means not putting yourself first and letting others take advantage of you. You can be nice and polite to others, and show them respect and kindness without having to abandon yourself or your needs. It’s important to find this balance. You can’t find fulfillment in others, only in yourself. And when you love and respect yourself, you treat others the same way, and expect the same treatment back without compromise. When you are searching for something in others, we tend to oversacrifice in order to fill that emotional void.
Being nice means treating others with kindness, respect, and consideration. It means being polite and helpful without compromising your own needs or boundaries.
Holding the door open for someone behind you.
Offering to help a friend move.
Complimenting a coworker on their presentation skills.
Thanking someone sincerely when they've done something kind for you.
Giving a thoughtful gift to a family member for their birthday.
Offering your seat to someone in a crowded bus or train.
Sending a thank-you note after receiving a gift.
Listening attentively when someone is sharing their problems.
Complimenting a coworker's new haircut or outfit.
Volunteering your time to help out at a community event.
Being a doormat, on the other hand, involves excessively putting other peoples needs and desires before your own, often at the expense of your well-being. This can lead to being taken advantage of.
Agreeing to work late consistently when it affects your work-life balance.
Letting someone borrow money repeatedly without expecting them to pay you back.
Allowing a friend to cancel plans on you last-minute multiple times without expressing your disappointment.
Accepting blame for something you didn't do to avoid confrontation.
Always compromising on your personal values and beliefs just to fit in with a certain group.
Ignoring your own feelings and going along with activities you dislike just to please others.
Always saying yes to friends even if their requests inconvenience you.
Letting others make decisions for you all the time without voicing your preferences.
Always apologizing, even when you're not at fault, to avoid conflict.
Always putting your needs aside to fulfill others demands, even when it negatively impacts you.
You can read my posts on boundaries by clicking here for more examples.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
Hiii i love ur writing so i have a request for tommy shelby but its kinda weird so feel free to ignore it so this is how it goese
Readrer and tommy are childhood friends and he always loved her but didnt tell her andd one day the reader gets with someone and they do the deed and tommy finds out and also he kinda like brags it to tommy so he gets angry and either kills him or hurt him badly and when she finds out shes like super angry n screaming cursing like full angst but then a happy ending after a few years or anything basically ill leave it up to u
Thank you
Hey Anon,
Thank you for this cute request. I really tried for angsty but may have failed slightly. Hope you still enjoy it and thank you for waiting so so so long. <3
Warnings: Cursing, fighting, happy ending, descriptions of panic
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Tommy was sure that his life was comprised of inconvenient moments. He was born early, setting the rest of his life off balance. Everything happened a few moments too late or too soon. He was used to struggling enough as it was but this bad luck weighed heavily on his shoulders today.
The current moment he was caught on, was you getting stuck on the opposite side of the city, making you miss his train departing for the war. The exact moment he was going to kiss you and tell you to wait for him. A situation that could have been completely avoided if he’d just listened to Arthur and asked you out ages ago. 
He’d had to wait for your letter that was delivered wrongly three times before finally finding him. His annoyance was buried under the relief he felt knowing you’d not stood him up. Just got tangled up in his bad luck. He had a moment where he was tempted to write back. Confess everything. The thought that he’d not be able to see you react prevented him from writing anything of meaning. What if he wrote you something soul-baring and it destroyed his only friendship outside his family? In person he could be casual and see if you showed interest, then he could proceed to the soul-baring nonsense. 
He just had to make it out of this alive. 
Getting home he almost regretted that choice. He was broken, and you were hardened by the hardship of running things with Pol, but still very much intact. 
Your eyes and bright smile seemed to follow him everywhere. So much of himself had sunk away. The realization that if he took you, he’d have to share you with his ominous bad luck. A belief that was only further reinforced by the obvious interactions with his family. No matter how much he tried. Someone always needed you or wanted in on the conversation. 
Feeling defeated and jaded he got lost in his plans to push the business, something he thought was productive till it created a larger rift in the family. A divide you’d not chosen a side for yet. 
Just when things had really spun out of control a large sum of inventory fell into his lap. One of great importance to the government. 
All that running around and yet he still noticed the way you left work that evening, hair and makeup done. Fancy dress. Everything for someone else. 
He rarely had feelings anymore, but when he watched you greet him on the sidewalk a sharp pain emerged in his chest. One that he hoped would grow to consume him whole before sending him to the grave. 
But he was granted no such luck. 
Three days and you’d been off in your own thoughts, thoughts about someone else when all he could do was think about you. 
“Alright, Tom?” You’d asked putting the kettle on. 
“Fine.” He answered in an even tone before pulling out a cigarette. 
“Things between us-” Your words grabbed his interest just as John came through the kitchen entry. 
“Got a lot of folks down there, help Pol.” He asked you easily before moving to take your spot at the stove. You gave him a look. He had no idea what it meant but he felt stupid thinking it was anything at all. You hurried down the stairs. 
“What’s that about?” John asked pouring the hot water into the worn tea pot.  
“I’d know if you didn't interrupt her.”
“Don’t like that new fella of hers,” John said ignoring him. 
“Why?” Tommy hoped there would be a valid reason. Something he could save you from before stealing you away. 
“He’s not you.” John laughed. “If I knew you were going to leave her up for grabs, I would have snagged her ages ago.” 
Tommy didn't have the energy to respond. He only picked up the newspaper and went back to sulking. 
The day ended in the Garrison. Some Irish broad decided to sing a song meaning it was his time to leave before he burnt the place down. Getting up from the nook he gave John a nod and they both moved outside. 
“What a bunch o’ whining,” John muttered pulling out a cigarette, Tommy did the same. They both stood there enjoying the cold air when he noticed a few men approaching from further up the alleyway.
“Shelby!” One of the men called out. He was clearly high on liquid courage as his voice slurred. Tommy turned in his direction catching the look of enjoyment on John’s face. 
The men continued shouting till they finally came out of the shadows. The tallest man was unmistakable and for once he was more excited for a fight than John was. 
“What you on about?” John asked flicking his cigarette at them. 
“Slept with your sweetie! Billy Kimber sends his regards.” The men began laughing and Tommy felt a small flicker of something growing in his chest. 
It didn’t take much from him and John before the men were badly bloodied. 
“You leave what’s mine alone. Now give my regards to Mr. Kimber.” He spat on them as John pulled him back, looking down at them he wondered if they were dead. 
He on the other hand felt very much alive. A momentary sense of victory washed over him and let out a breath he’d been holding for what felt like years. 
They enjoyed the cold walk back to the flat, his mind on high alert thinking of all the possible outcomes that could be around the corned. Seeing you sitting with Polly at the kitchen table made everything in his head fall silent. 
He’d slept with her because of him. 
You and Pol sprung into a million questions. He thought about telling you but decided to descend the stairs up to his room. 
“Tom” John’s voice called out from the landing and he looked down at him over the railing. He made a bunch of gestures that translated to something along the lines of  “This is your shot with her - stop fucking it up.”
“Later.” He said quietly before continuing up the stairs. He needed to think of a plan. 
Kimber was already all over them, Campbell right behind him. Then there was the Lee family. Finally, the mob boss of all the problems, how angry you were going to be when you found out. 
He sat there on the bed, the pain from the hits he’d not avoided starting to sink in. 
Reader POV 
You were conflicted about Tommy. Well, you were always conflicted about Tommy these days. You were overwhelmed with joy and felt sure that he’d not waste any time with you once he’d gotten home. 
You gave him a timeline in your mind. If he didn't ask you out within the first month of being back you’d move on. 
Easier said than done. Especially when he and John come home looking like they’d just slaughtered a bunch of pigs. All for the mystery business Tom was conducting behind your back. 
You sighed and said good night to Pol before walking home. You were waiting for one of the boys to do it, but that didn't look likely. You were about to tie your jacket when Arthur came downstairs. 
“Walk you home, love.” He said while opening the front door. 
“Thanks.” You said before following him out into the darkness. You rarely spent alone time with the eldest Shelby and wondered what you would talk about. You set out down the street wishing you’d brought an extra sweater. 
“Now, I know you're probably mad about what went down. But there's a few things you gotta understand ‘bout Thomas.” 
“Oh?” You didn't know what he was going off about but decided to play along. 
“He means well, just gets all twisted up inside his big head. Wants to get the family out of this” He waved his hand around, gesturing to the heaps of garbage spilling out of a dumpster in the alley they were passing. “ I don't think he wants to bring you any closer to himself in case you get hurt in the process.”
“Look while all of you were gone I was in the line of fire more than anyone ‘round here. I can handle myself” You growled tired of always being brushed off and looked down on. Amusement flashed in Arthur's eyes but he knew better than to let it reach his face. 
“I know love, I’m just telling you he loves you he’s just at war with him self -” 
“He loves me?” You stopped in your tracks and turned to Arthur. His face flushed obviously realizing he’d said too much. 
“We’ll I - I thought that was a bit obvious - ya know” He shrugged while looking up at the sky awkwardly looking for the right words to fix things. “Why else would he do that?” 
“Do what? Be distant and miserable?”
“Well yeah, that’s what it's like for us blokes” He shook his head “No, I mean he almost killed that bloke for ya. Working for Kimber this whole time, John said it was a blood bath - Havent had to pull him off someone like that in - well, possibly ever.” 
Your stomach knotted up painfully and you looked at Arthur in disbelief. 
“Don’t beat yourself up lamb, men are truly awful creatures if not tamed by the right crowd -” Arthur trailed off but you stopped listening. That bastard - he lied - or is Tommy lying? 
No way he was working for Kimber - this was just Tommy, trying to get his way the only way he knew how. You felt the anger bubble up inside you. 
“I’m going to kill him,” You said breathlessly as hot rage started to spill over the edges of your mind. 
“Ah Women -” You slapped Arthur’s arm before turning and running back towards the apartment. You threw the door open and ascended the stairs. Polly stepped out of her bedroom looking startled in her nightgown. 
“What the -” She started but her voice was drowned out by the blood pounding in your ears. You opened his door and saw him perched on the side of his bed. He’d changed and cleaned himself up, his face looking at you with a concerned expression. 
“YOU MOTHER FUCKER-” You shouted and something heavy dislodged itself from your chest causing a long stream of abuse to fall out of your mouth.. You hated how well he took it. Sitting there, watching you patiently on his bed with an unamused expression. It drove you insane, the way his eyes followed you. You’d kicked off your shoes and thrown them in his direction. 
“You can’t just make up stories and beat people up because your too cowardly to do the right thing. If you liked me then you should have loved me. Been kind to me, been there for me. Instead you just - you just - act like a fucking monster all the time -” You’d been throwing things around the room a large vase smashed at your feet.
“You don’t love me and he doesn't work for Kimber.” You said finally, looking down at the glass surrounding your sock-covered feet. Slight miscalculation. Your eyes were filled with tears and despite wanting to shout a thousand more curses at him, your throat had closed up tightly. 
He stood up and moved towards you. His hands picked you up by the arms and you were too startled by his calm nature to do anything other than let him move you. He placed you on top of his bed, you looked down at him only slightly taller than him with the bed under you. 
He pinched your jaw and looked you dead in the eye. 
“I do love you.” He said firmly and you couldn't bring yourself to look away from his wide eyes. Filled with things you hadn't seen in so many years. 
“This is my fault, you understand? I should have told you long before you fell into his grip. My fault - so I’ll apologize.” You watched him carefully. “I’m sorry.” His voice was low and his breath brushed across your face. 
You were too consumed with his close proximity to feel the full weight of his words. His eyes held you in a way that made you know you were seen. You had all of his attention. 
“I want proof.” You murmured under direct order from the one part of your brain that was still functioning. He put the final nail in the coffin when he gave you a small crooked smile. 
“Then I’ll get you proof.” He said back, amusement plain on his face. With your jaw still trapped between his fingers you felt him press his lips to yours. There was a starving neediness that had been weighing on you both for so many years. No amount of kissing or passion could possibly satisfy the feelings inside of you. You grabbed for him and held him as close to you as possible. All that anger only intensified the heat that was radiating through your body. 
He pulled away from you and your fingers started to work open the top button of his shirt. His hand grabbed both of yours and his eyes caught yours again. 
“Stay here, alright. Wait for me, for the last time eh?” 
“Going to go get your proof.” He moved away from you and you stepped off the bed. “Stay.” He motioned to the bed. “Lots is going to happen tonight. But I need you to run things tomorrow with Pol. Keep the place a float.” 
“Alright, when will you be back?” You started to get angry again at his secret keeping. 
“To try and sort things between Kimber, then hopefully deal with Campbell. Won’t be gone long - Keep the place safe, take the gun in the drawer. Keep it on you at all times.” 
You nodded at him then watched the back of him walk away like so many times before. Something settled in your bones. 
The next three days it was like in the war, back up at all times waiting for something to happen. But on the third night, he finally came back to you. The door opened and you saw him move into the small bathroom to clean himself off. 
He pushed you across the bed and climbed in beside you. You looked as he handed you a piece of folded paper. There were bloody fingerprints soaked into the paper making you wish you had a hanker chief to cover your fingers. 
Opening it you could tell it was a pay stub made out to that idiot, signed by none other than Billy Kimber. Your stomach twisted painfully, and you wished you had a mother to tell. Someone that knew the embarrassment and shame, someone to tell you how to carry it. You wished this could have been some normal heartbreak where you can push it down and never speak of it again, but here it was on display. 
“Oh.” You whispered not knowing what else to do. 
“There’s your proof.” He said a faint sound of victory in his tired tone. His reaction made you angry all over again, but before you could lay into him about thinking this was funny he put his arms around you pulling you against his chest. “Finally fucking won one.” He let out a long breath. 
“What do you mean?” You whispered. They won the war, won various street fights, they’d really rarely lost. 
“Been trying to ask you since we were 12.” He mumbled placing a kiss to your neck that made your heart flutter. You let out a small laugh. “Now I won’t have another day where I'm not beside you. No war, no work here you don't know about or can't handle. Nothing between us.” His words warmed your heart, and years of pain fell from his features. He sounded like your best friend again, filled with dreams and wonder. 
“Except clothes.” You said in a coy tone. His eyes opened and he took no time manhandling you causing a much-needed loud laugh to escape from your chest.
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empyreanwritings · 1 year
Love, Unconditionally
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Pairing: Gojo Satoru x gn!Reader
Word Count: 719
Summary: You never understood why Gojo stayed, especially when you had so many depressive episodes. But it's fine - Gojo doesn't need you to understand. It won't ever keep him away.
Warnings: mentions of depression, disordered eating, and usage of "baby" and "sweetheart"
Gojo isn’t an oblivious man unless he wants to be. He feigns ignorance to piss off the elders but is always aware of what is happening. Which is why he finds it funny that you think you can hide when you’re entering one of your “bad weeks,” as you called it. 
It always starts the same–you pushing yourself to work harder than usual. You take on too many cases in a week despite your body begging you to slow down. Then you spend the next day in bed because you physically do not have the strength to pull yourself up, and that’s the beginning of the spiral Gojo worries about. One day turns into five, and you stop bothering to eat by day two. 
You swear to Gojo you’re only tired and insist you ate, but he only stares at you in response because he knows the truth. Why bother lying? 
He kneels next to your bed where the lump in the comforter is hopefully your head. He refuses to yank back the covers and force you out. If you get up, he wants it to be your choice. 
“Sweetheart,” he murmurs just loud enough for you to hear. “Would you like to shower with me?” 
“No,” you reply weakly. “I’m okay.” 
“No funny business, I promise.” 
You stay silent and peek your head out of the covers. “No?” 
“I promise. I just wanna take care of you, that’s all.” 
You slowly lift yourself until your back is against the headboard. Gojo sighs in relief–progress. You slide one leg over the edge of the bed and then the other; it takes a minute, but you manage to plant your feet on the floor. The wood is cold against the soles, but you don’t seem to mind. 
“Am I too heavy for you to carry there?” 
Gojo scoffs. “C’mon baby, you’re never too heavy. I’m a god.” 
His words bring a faint smile to your face, and his chest warms at the sight of it. 
He carries you into the bathroom without complaint. He sits you on the toilet and turns the water on in the shower, letting it heat up while he undresses you. You let him peel off your pajamas layer by layer. His fingers ghost over your skin, not in a sexual way, but in a way that reminds you he is there and he will do anything to ensure you are okay. 
When the water finally warms, he pulls you into the shower with him. At first, you do nothing but stand under the spray in his arms. The heat loosens your body almost immediately, and he feels you relax in his hold. 
“Is the temperature okay?” His voice never raises above a gentle murmur, and you’re thankful. 
You nod “S’fine.” 
He works through the motions of washing your body and massaging your muscles until you quietly tell him you’re ready to get out. No matter what he does, he touches you in some way to keep you aware of his presence. Even as he dresses you, you notice he takes his time and lets you lead with whatever body part you want to move first. He is only there to guide each part into the clothing correctly and gently. 
“Do you ever wish you fell in love with someone less difficult?” You ask when he brings you to the kitchen for a light dinner. 
You aren’t trying to trick him. No matter his response, you know you’ll respect it. When you looked at yourself in the mirror, especially when you were in a bad period, you couldn’t imagine what he saw in you, why he wanted to take care of you, why he loved you. If Gojo woke up one day and decided to leave you, you wouldn’t have the right to argue. 
At least, that is what you believe, and Gojo refuses to let the belief stay in your pretty little head. 
He leans against the kitchen counter to make eye contact with you. “You are not difficult. Your struggles are not an inconvenience to me, and I never want you to think they are.” 
“But I’m always-” 
“I’m going to stop you right there, sweetheart,” he quickly cuts you off. “You’re in a headspace that does not allow you to see what I see, which is okay, but I cannot let you talk poorly about yourself when you are. I love you–never once have I regretted my love for you, do you understand?” 
You swallow and look down at the counter to hide the tears pooling in your eyes. “I understand. I love you too, ya know.” 
He chuckles and moves back towards the stove to continue cooking. “I know, sweetheart. I’ll always know.”
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I don't have anything smart to say about this as this is something I think I need to investigate and ruminate upon for a while, but I think most fandoms really do not handle stories about power - especially when protagonists are actively seeking it - well. It's a problem even in fandoms for stories that are explicitly about it (there are some fantastic Succession takes but also some deeply brain dead ones; I'm finding interesting discussion about The Ravening War to be drowned out by some truly idiotic shipping/blorbo-centric fanon; I am not in the GoT or ASoIaF fandoms but I've heard stories; it's an ongoing CR fandom issue). I think some of it is that a power struggle inherently rules out a lot of relationship headcanons and certainly kills fluff as a canon-compliant possibility. I think the other thing is, and I hate to bring this up constantly but it really is the most illustrative example, but the "Suvi without the imperialism" problem. I think people get so obsessed with narratives confirming their existing political/moral beliefs and latching on to the character who is Good and Correct that they forget that a lot of stories are about people who do complicated things and are tied into messy and problematic power structures, and how they respond. The story of the utopian commune is not actually a story unless it's secretly a dystopian commune. And that's not even getting to the idea of power as an abstract concept is neutral, and what you do with it is what's important. Anyway, as someone who loves stories about hierarchies and social structures and high fantasy chosen one narratives (which are, fundamentally, about being The Most Powerful) and the conflicts they engender this is very irritating because it just feels the fandom ignores 90% of the story as an unfortunate inconvenience.
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yandere-paramour · 2 months
Atalanta Headcanons Part 1
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Before meeting Darling, Atalanta worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. She got to the office at 7:30 in the morning and stayed until about 7:30 every night. From then on, she would go home, eat, and go straight to bed. She is in the office usually on weekdays, but she does paperwork and sends emails from her apartment on weekends. She kind of considers it an inconvenience that most people like to leave the office before 5pm and don’t answer things on weekends so she gets a little snippy with her staff when they don’t want to come in early and stay late.
She has a single stress reliever, which is martial arts for two hours every morning (from 5-7 approximately). A room on the lower floor of her apartment is her training ground, and she has a trainer come and teach/spar with her. She looks pretty lean but is actually pretty strong and muscular (easily able to subdue a misbehaving Darling in a secure hold).
However, after she finds her Darling, Atalanta quite quickly adopts a strict work-life balance. She cuts her hours dramatically, acquires a 9-5 weekday schedule, and sometimes even takes a lunch if Darling is coming around. Her entire company heaves a big sigh because now they don’t feel guilty about going home to their own families at a normal time or having a weekend.
Her secretary, Noelle, basically runs her life. She is kind of a secretary/personal assistant because she controls Atalanta’s calendar and also runs any errands she deems necessary. Noelle is quite possibly the closest thing to a true friend Atalanta has, and she trusts her implicitly. She even trusts Noelle to go to her penthouse or accompany Darling on an outing. Noelle has signed an NDA and is paid A LOT, and she has absolutely no interest in leaving her gold mine of a job.
Atalanta’s modern penthouse is the top two floors of a large building, and decorated in dark grey and royal blue tones. The bottom floor has the kitchen, dining room, the Reflection Room, the training room, the living room, the garden terrace, a small bathroom, and another spare room. The top floor has 3 bedrooms with 3 full bathrooms, a screening room, Atalanta’s office, and a library/study for Darling. One entire wall that spans the living room, garden terrace, and library is fully glass.
Atalanta’s parents are also Yandere and Darling! Basically, when her mother was young, she saw her Father and sweet-talked his family into betrothing them, and after five or six years, they married and had Atalanta. The Father has been with the Mother for a little over 20 years now and is fully in love with his wife. He has no thoughts of leaving and spends most of his time in the country mansion with his wife being spoiled beyond belief. They adore their daughter and enjoy visiting her in the city.
Atalanta is an only child and she grew up VERY spoiled and VERY well-loved. She has been raised to take over the company, but currently her Mother is still in charge. Atalanta is a little peeved that she hasn’t retired and passed it down to her yet, so she is working as hard as she can to be accomplished and capable so her mom will allow her to inherit already.
Whenever she is not working or with Darling, Atalanta is always trying to better herself. She wants to seem as perfect and flawless to both her parents and everyone. She is always reading/watching the news, listening to popular podcasts, reading great books, and training her body and mind. She NEVER wants to be caught off guard or have someone try to start a conversation she is not well-versed in. She hates to feel stupid or ignorant.
Her Darling is held to the same standard as she is. She would never discard her Darling, so the only option is for her Darling to be perfect. Atalanta’s perfect Darling is a beautiful, intelligent girl she can love, protect, and spoil. She mostly wants a Darling who is well-behaved and compliant and who kisses her on the cheek when she comes home.
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maaarine · 1 year
The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture (Gabor Maté, 2022)
“There is nothing radical about the idea that certain personality traits can pose risks for illness; in fact, it is a restatement in modern scientific terms of insights that date far back. (…)
Whether a person exhibits one, a few, or every one of these features, they all, each in their own way, speak to self-suppression and/or repression. 
I have found them not only present but prominent among people with all manner of chronic illnesses, from cancer to autoimmune disease to persistent skin conditions, through a gamut of maladies including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, and many others. 
In no particular order, these traits are 
an automatic and compulsive concern for the emotional needs of others, while ignoring one’s own; 
rigid identification with social role, duty, and responsibility (which is closely related to the next point); 
overdriven, externally focused multitasking hyper-responsibility, based on the conviction that one must justify one’s existence by doing and giving; 
repression of healthy, self-protective aggression and anger; 
and harboring and compulsively acting out two beliefs: “I am responsible for how other people feel” and “I must never disappoint anyone.”
These characteristics have nothing to do with will or conscious choice. 
No one wakes up in the morning and decides, “Today I’ll put the needs of the whole world foremost, disregarding my own,” or “I can’t wait to stuff down my anger and frustration and put on a happy face instead.” 
Nor is anyone born with such traits: if you’ve ever met a newborn infant, you know they have zero compunction about expressing their feelings, nor do they think twice before crying lest they inconvenience someone else. 
The reasons these habits of personality, as we might call them, develop and grow to prominence in some people are both fascinating and sobering. 
At root they are coping patterns, adaptations originally formed to preserve something essential and nonnegotiable. 
Why these features and their striking prevalence in the personalities of chronically ill people are so often overlooked—or missed entirely—goes to the heart of our theme: they are among the most normalized ways of being in this culture. 
Normalized how? Largely by being regarded as admirable strengths rather than potential liabilities.”
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tdbear13 · 7 months
19 Volcanoes Erupt At The Same Time
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baltears · 4 months
idk how else to describe this like i think the kind of traditionalist/hyperliteral read of buffy not catching feelings for spike until late s5/s6 just misses the level of iron grip buffy keeps on her feelings. apropos of nothing other than seeing this read one too many times and im not up on my buffy meta scholarship so forgive me if im making the same points everyone and their mother has been making for the past two decades
keeping tight control over her feelings is not something buffy started doing after a certain point, it's a behavior she has coming into the pilot bc we see that at that point there's already a level of emotional distance between her and joyce (not only re the slayer stuff and the later retconned-in betrayal & invalidation trauma from being thrown in an institution when she tried to tell her parents the truth, but also for instance the intensity of buffy's distress over the divorce). she already has a home life consisting of not voicing most of her difficult and 'close to the chest' emotions. when she tries to be genuine in a way that asks for space for her frustration or anger or more 'selfish' feelings, this is often not met with understanding (worth mentioning that giles does a MUCH better job on this than joyce for the most part, but other characters including willow and xander respond poorly a substantial number of times). as a result she is well practiced at suppressing emotions that are too inconvenient or complicated to feel acceptable to verbalize, so she tends to just kind of whistle past things that feel hard to tackle until she reaches a point where she can no longer bear to ignore them. this is a core part of her canon characterization that is also visible at many points in buffy's relationship with angel (s3 comes to mind, when she spends a good chunk of the season operating under the convenient belief that they're in a functional platonic friendship when she subconsciously knows they are still too hung up on each other for that to be feasible). so like we know this is something buffy does. it is not at all unusual for her to feel things that she keeps beneath her conscious awareness + does not allow herself to process and admit to having felt until well after the fact.
this takes me to the oft cited point that from the first time she interacts with spike, there is a different vibe happening than is typical for buffy and vamps. it just feels very obvious to me that from basically minute one (or maybe more accurately from their first fight, when she isn't so much on the back foot) she registers him on some level as a person who happens to be really interesting and hot, but has a fairly easy time of it keeping this feeling out of her conscious awareness bc 1) he's also an unsouled vamp, meaning she can choose to dismiss his personhood as nonexistent and his personality as mere performance or game-playing (ie he is not a 'real' person, therefore the relationship need not be acknowledged as 'real' either – taken to extremes in s6 when she has to actively abuse him and continually reaffirm his lack of humanity and lack of worth in order to sustain the self-told belief that she doesnt see or experience his personhood and doesnt feel a human connection with him), 2) they're mortal enemies, 3) he likes to be really annoying on purpose + as a vampire also has a baseline level of generally acting like a bit of a creep, and 4) for much of their relationship she has other romantic objects on whom she can more acceptably focus her attention (insert reference to spuffy being a queer coded relationship here).
i think this state of noticing-slash-not-noticing persists from 2.03 through s3&4 and into season 5. by then she is so good at studiously ignoring how weird and flirtatious and intense their dynamic has always been that the revelation that spike is now acting very obviously like hes in love with her, to the extent that someone else could notice, takes her totally by surprise. getting more specific idk how else one could possibly explain how her ass was acting in something blue pre-spell, like i absolutely canNOT see buffy behaving like that around any other vamp literally ever. they were both being so unceasingly annoying with their creepy little flirty back and forth that both giles and willow were completely over it and just wanted them to shut up and stop paying so much attention to each other. ig the point im getting at is i think it's weird and dont get it when ppl seem to read buffy's character as if shes basically just saying the things she feels and vice versa rather than like regularly and even habitually lying to herself, bc i just don't think that's in line with the character that we're shown. buffy SAYS for a very long time that she doesnt care about spike and basically says and does everything possible to deny that she has any attachment to him at all, but frankly i think the level of aggression and frequency with which she expresses variations on that sentiment in and of itself gives the lie to that idea. anyways i think she was down bad pretty much immediately and just took a very long time to let herself notice
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cooki3face · 7 months
Gen x and millennials, gen z isn’t making fun of you or bullying you the way you think they are because gen z doesn’t actually care about what outward self expression means or looks like to you. Gen z is criticizing you for your lack of accountability and continuous bad behavioral patterns and choices. Gen z knows what it looks like to heal and see healing happened the same way we know what it looks to see bad choices and bad behaviors continue to ruin everything for everyone including the person exuding them.
Gen x your children dislike you and don’t want to speak to you because you choose not to see the fault in your actions, you choose not to take accountability for your short comings, you completely invalidate your children and carry with you an inflated sense of self importance and entitlement, you lack self awareness, you don’t know how to apologize, you can’t fathom the concept of making room for people where people rightfully deserve to stand. You whole heartedly believe the entire world revolves around you and if you don’t feel you’re being compensated for your hardship that everyone else deserves to receive your internalized resentment and nobody else is allowed to have issues or have opinions, lifestyles, belief systems, or morals that conflict your own. You’ve ruined your children. You’ve caused generations of continued abuse, conflict and unconventional dynamics and behavior. You’re constantly criticizing your children and antagonizing them instead of supporting them and honoring them. You victimize yourself constantly. You continuously complain about the things you had to experience growing up and the social climate you grew up in whilst you sit around and project all your trauma and anxiety and anger onto your children.
Millennials, your children can’t read and those who fall into gen z (including some of your younger siblings) are quite literally watching you become a mirrored image of your parents, are watching you complain about what it was like to grow up and not get your needs met and make the same choices that your parents made and/or have children of your own and fuck them up just like your parents fucked you up because for some reason you continue to carry with you your trauma and the consequences of what happens to someone with unmet needs on such a large scale. You won’t heal and when you’re asked to heal you become upset, defensive. You carry with you the same notion your parents squashed you with that says that because you’re younger or because you haven’t experienced life the way they have that you’re unable to make decisions, that your opinion, and your needs don’t matter and you project it onto Gen z and Gen alpha. You can’t fathom that your children deserve your time and that you can’t get rid of them or make them less of an “inconvenience” to you by giving them tablets and cell phones. You can’t fathom that you’re not a genuine parent but that you’re just merely someone’s biological mother or father. Your children have behavioral issues, they bite peoples ankles, they can’t read, and they have extremely delayed social skills because you don’t spend enough time with them, you don’t parent them or nurture them bc you just yell at them for being children or needing a parent like your parents yelled at you. When you’re told your children need help and need you to be a parent you become angry, you ignore criticisms or you go on tangents about how parenting is hard and how nobody understands or cares about you and your needs or what hurts your feelings as a fully fledged and functioning adult who is responsible for yourself. You have substance abuse issues and some of you are alcoholics. Vast majority of you are walking around with undiagnosed mental illnesses and/or anxiety disorders just like your parents and making everyone around you have a hard time.
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nicgoldomens · 9 months
Aziraphale gives everyone second chances and the benefit of the doubt even when it is hard to do that, it's just in his nature to believe that people, angels and demons can change for the better and can learn from mistakes. He also does not take at face value what he has been told to believe about a person, angel or demon.
His immediate instinct upon meeting Crowley again at Eden is not to ignore or move away, even though he will have been told to shun them as a fallen angel, but to listen and make his own mind up. It takes time to build trust but the point is Az is willing to take that time when all the other angels and demons have put Crowley in a demon box. Even in the Job minisode when Crowley explicitly tries to convince Az they enjoy doing evil things, Az gives them the opportunity to show their true self multiple times and believes in them.
We see the same with the Antichrist, he is not immutably bound to doing what Heaven and Hell expect of him. Az does not take the way out of killing who they then think is the Antichrist and does not run away. He believes fundamentally that change is possible and second chances should always be given.
He believes in this even when it is hard and inconvenient for him - this is such an important part of what makes Aziraphale himself and is a core value. He welcomes Gabriel in with barely a second thought no matter that he knows how awful he was in his past experiences of him. When others understandably might not want to believe in Gabriel's ability to have changed (such as Crowley) Az still stands up for the principle of second chances even for past enemies, even for those who on the surface, most would say do not deserve that opportunity.
This is not an easy thing to do, to give someone or some being the chance to potentially disappoint or hurt you again, or even to destroy you if you have got it wrong. But it is such a heartfelt and deep part of Aziraphale's sense of self that he will do it to the detriment of his own relationships and comfort, because he truly believes in it.
So even for the Metatron and for Heaven and God herself, Az believes to his core they all should have the benefit of the doubt, the second chance, the opportunity to have changed and show they have changed for the better. He absolutely believes that he could help in that process because he has done that all his life for others. He forgives and allows other beings to move on and let go of their pasts. He makes his own mind up about them not allowing preconceived opinions or what he 'should' as an angel think, factor in how he interacts. Second chances. He was right about Crowley and Gabriel.
So Az made a mistake this time with the Metatron and is manipulated because the Metatron understands Aziraphale's central belief that he can make a difference, that he can help to create change for the better, this is why the Metatron knows he is 'predictable'. He can't decline that opportunity, it is who he is.
This ability to see the good in everyone, to believe and hope that anyone can change and deserves the opportunity to do so, that second chances are for all, even those who have caused you the greatest pain. This is why Crowley loves Aziraphale and also why he is so frustrated at the end, as Aziraphale's greatest goodness is also his greatest weakness and Crowley knows this better than Aziraphale knows it himself. Let's just hope that Crowley is able to offer Aziraphale the second chance and opportunity to change and learn that Az has always given to others when they have needed it. Because Aziraphale really needs it now.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING MY REQUEST!!! (I requested the Druid and Merlin.) If you can’t tell, I adore Merlin. I’m requesting another! (I’m sorry if I’m an inconvenience.) How about #228 “I’ll hurt whoever did this to you.”& #247 “I told you I was going to be waiting for you.” Let your magical imagination run wild. (If you want to ignore another Merlin/Druid request it’s fine by me. I just thank you for doing mine!😅) Keep at the magical work!🥰
Not at all! I'm so glad you liked it!💖 I hope you really enjoy this one and for giving me some creative freedom!💖😂
An Accidental Ambush
A little impatient, you rush to Camelot to see Merlin. However, while doing so, you run into a dangerous creature.
#228 "I'll hurt whoever did this to you."
#247 “I told you I was going to be waiting for you.”
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You were a Druid who lived in hiding with your fellow Druids out in hiding. Camelot's rules about magic were so strict that even your friends, who were as peaceful as could be, would be persecuted if they were found.
Your faith in Merlin trying to change the king's mind was low.
You've known the sorcerer for a while now, being that you guys are in similar situations of hiding. Merlin's always had a soft spot for the Druids, so how could he not like you. The two of you had been meeting up for a while now, having mutual pining for one another. But, as expected, this meeting had to be well executed and at the dead of night.
Neither of you could be seen, less it meant your deaths.
However, the details were so precise that Merlin had the exact time and location planned out perfectly. You would meet him there and no further. But you were impatient and growing more so the more you thought of waiting. You knew it could be dangerous, but you had to bend the rules a little to satisfy yourself.
Hopefully Merlin would understand when you showed up at his door.
You set out from your camp at sunset, making way through the dark forest with only the moon to guide you. Being a Druid, a friend of nature, you carried no weapon. Only a small field knife for practical purposes. You were solely focused on your quest to get to Camelot under the cover of night.
Unaware of the predator on your steps.
Everything happened so fast. One minute you were steady on your feet, weaving under branch and climbing over roots, and the next minute you were flat on your stomach with a piercing pain and heavy weight on your back.
You were never quicker than when it came to whipping out your tiny knife and whipping it at your assailant.
A sharp hissing whine sounded when you made contact with something. It lifted its foot, allowing you to roll out of the way and get on your feet despite the burning pain on your back. Your eyes made out the shape of something big, something with teeth, and something with the intent to kill you. You squinted at the beast, trying to identify it.
It was a bipedal reptilian with strong muscular legs that were armed with claws. Its two smaller arms seemed easily maneuverable and were also armed with claws. The beast had a wide and long rostrum filled with teeth, its canines longer than the rest. A snake-like tongue flicked out now and again as its amber eyes locked on you, pupils slitted beyond belief. You knew what it was now, seeing the neat hair-like quills that decorated the back of its head to the tip of its tail.
A male basilisk was hunting you, the bright red veins against his neck a dead giveaway. The red pulsing veins showing that he was also in season.
You whipped your knife at him a few times, but the basilisk just hissed at you, calling your bluff and advancing slightly. Suddenly, you felt a warm substance dripping down your back. Reaching behind you, you brushed your fingers against your skin and looked to see the dark red stains of blood. The basilisk sniffed the air, his tongue darting out, catching your sent. Your hesitation was his advantage, and he raised his head as a show of dominance as he snarled, leaping at you.
Faster than you could react, his jaws dug into your forearm. Blood immediately began to seep out as his razor-sharp teeth tore through flesh and hit bone. You wanted to scream but lacked the capacity to do so. The pain was too great. You did what you shouldn't have done, and that was rip your arm out of his mouth, tearing flesh away with it.
The basilisk was in a feeding frenzy, and you were too wounded to face such a predator at the peak of his power. He hissed at you, baring his teeth, signaling your end. You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes.
Then a resounding set of screeches echoed through the woods.
The male basilisk was immediately distracted by the call of a pack of nearby females. His need to mate greater than his need to feed was your salvation. As the basilisk sped off into the darkness, forgetting about you, you got up and made your way towards Camelot still, clinging onto your wounded arm as it dripped blood.
What were you going to say to Merlin?
Disoriented, you somehow managed to reach where he said he stayed without getting caught. With hope, you knocked quietly. And to your relief, it was the sorcerer who answered the door.
"Y/N? What are you doing here? This isn't when we said we'd see each other." Merlin whispered, clearly in shock from seeing you now.
"I had to see you." You said, masking the pain you held.
"I told you I was going to be waiting for you.” Merlin replied, placing a hand on your shoulder: "You didn't need to risk anything for this."
You nodded, swaying a bit as the pain was finally getting to you. Merlin took note of your sweaty, pale skin along with your shuddering frame. He may be a fool sometimes, but it didn't take him long to notice your wound.
Panic rushed through him.
"What happened?" He asked in absolute shock, grabbing your arm to better inspect the wound. Anger than coursed through his veins as he thought of you getting hurt.
"I'll hurt whoever did this to you." His voice was so dark that you were stunned into silence. You've never heard Merlin sound so angry towards something. And to be honest, his worry to protect you made your heart flutter a bit. However, he had no person to be angry at.
"It was a basilisk, Merlin. It was just acting on instinct." You explained, even though fear coursed through your veins at the image. People acted on malice, animals relied on instinct. You couldn't help but defend the beast.
"A basilisk! Their mouths are thriving with disease! We need to get this treated right away!" Merlin whisper-shouted at you, his grip on your wrist tightening a bit in worry.
"But, it's dangerous if I stay..." You tried to tell him, already feeling a bit foolish for not waiting like he said.
"The wound could get infected. This could get more fatal than you think." Merlin explained before tugging you inside. He was quiet as he collected the necessary materials, you sitting at the table.
"Plus, you are here now. Let's not waste this time together." Merlin said with a bit of a smile. You nodded, sharing his enthusiasm as you allowed him to work on your arm.
But before that, his eyes flashed gold. And just like that, your pain was gone.
"Thank you." You said, face flustered a bit as he began to dab and apply herbs to your bite. He gave you that little Merlin grin.
"Anything for you." Merlin leaned over slightly to give you a kiss on the cheek. You blushed more, and words weren't really shared after that. However, they weren't necessary. The silence with him was comforting enough.
After you were healed enough, Merlin brought you home. In fact, he offered to meet you there from now on. It was safer for you, but you were worried about him. But Merlin brushed off your concern. He was a sorcerer after all.
Not only that, but he was a dragonlord.
And no distant cousin of the dragon, like the basilisk, would dare mess with him.
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beevean · 5 months
Ah man i really dislike fandom's general behaviour regarding canon vs not-canon (shoutout to the ff7 fandom for not being normal abt the compilation :) ) There is this belief that canon means good or is some sort of prestige, and that's why some ppl insist so much on placing their favorite spin offs or side stories at canon level, or try to "downgrade" some canon story bc they didnt like it. And in the end canon in terms of quality means nothing! I acknowledge that, for example, metroid other m is technically more canon than the metroid prime trilogy (including how it went out of its way to make the mp games explicitly not compatible w the main canon 🙄), yet i also will say that mom sucks horribly and will ignore its mistake of an existence while the mp trilogy is Peak. Heck i personally like the lore introduced in AM2R despite it being a fan game (aka def not canon). Or for a diff example, the CoD manga could be said to be less canon than PtR, but both are beautifully written and introduce plenty of interesting elements and themes to the main CoD story (plus Hector look at Hector the he hes so- ).
Canon doesnt equals quality, but rather it means what was an actual event in a series, and is mostly relevant in terms of analisis, putting together what happened, and trying to predict what events will be mentioned again in the franchise and their influence (and also retcons exist, for good and evil). If you like canon, good! If you like an spin off, good! If you like the fanon/headcanons, good! You can try to mix up elements from both into your own version or interpretation, to do fanfics or fanart, etc. Something being canon or not is an objective (if debatable in certain cases) fact, but that doesnt means you need to like it or not
Thank you for putting it better than what I've been trying to say fdhsjhfdskhfks
Ohh boy the OM example. I would rather. Not touch that :) I am aware of the backlash after Dread dared to include an image of that game's events... (but speaking of AM2R, I really believe it shouldn't be mentioned in this conversation lol. I suppose you can say that we can accepts its ideas like headcanons!)
The CoD mangas are an interesting example. PtR was written by Ayami Kojima, who had a hand in creating at least Hector and Isaac, so it's technically a more "official" product than the MF manga which was written by a hired writer; but Kojima herself considers the MF manga more canon, likely because it's more detailed:
Although there are some restrictions on representation when accompanying a game, there is a comic in Japan that can be freely established as a story and can be thoroughly enjoyed, by Kou Sasakura ("Castlevania: Curse of Darkness'', published by Media Factory). It was written by hand, so I apologize for the inconvenience, but please read it as well. This is how I ended up with it this time, and it may be confusing for those who worry about the story. Each person's setting, interpretation, and representation are different, but I'll leave it to you as the true story... Hector is also cool and handsome! ... How should I say it? It's like the child I gave birth to as a surrogate mother (wow!) is now doing even better with their foster parents, and I'm crying tears of gratitude behind the telephone pole.
(this quote is so wholesome I wanted to share, even if badly translated <3)
So who is right? And speaking about that, how much can prequel mangas be "canon" in a videogame series? I never mentioned the Sonic promotional material, now that I think of it lol. (admittedly that's another issue, the one of accessibility for newcomers, which oh man oh man do the CoD mangas suffer from :'D)
Anyway, I have nothing smarter to add, so let me emphasize this:
Canon doesnt equals quality, but rather it means what was an actual event in a series, and is mostly relevant in terms of analisis, putting together what happened, and trying to predict what events will be mentioned again in the franchise and their influence
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