codywrestler · 3 months
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Cody Yohn (Minnesota) vs Nick Proctor (Michigan State)
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antiqueanimals · 11 months
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Florida Wildlife, March - April, 1979. Illustration by Wallace Hughes.
Internet Archive
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0girlblog0 · 8 months
Adrianne Lenker's "anything," on her album songs, is a rushed, repetitive, urgent plea to an ex-lover, Indigo, reminiscing on Christmas Eve and hot summer days. Adrianne tells Indigo what she wants - "I wanna sleep in your car while you're driving, lay in your lap when I'm crying" - but also recognizes jealousy in the relationship, saying, "Now you get pissed, unchecked calls and messages." Her quiet, melancholy, innocent voice, paired with the floating, flowing, constant guitar, conveys the simple but powerful pain Adrianne feels in the form of a lullaby. This song is an ode to all the small pleasures of human relationships, like not having to "talk about anything," just witnessing someone's "eyes looking." In the last verse, the song shifts from reminiscing on the good and bad in the relationship, and instead, Adrianne asks, "Weren't we the stars in heaven..?" wanting to know why the relationship ended if it was as great as she thought it was. She answers her question, saying she couldn't say "the words" like Indigo did, but she justifies it, saying, "I was scared, Indigo, but I wanted to." The song is so intimate and honest that it feels intrusive to even listen to it.
This song changed how I think about love because it puts what I want so simply. The best people around you are those you can sit with and not have to do or say anything. Adrianne doesn't want anything shiny. She wants something safe and honest, which is all we can hope for in a relationship. Some of my happiest moments are just being in the presence of my friends, driving in a car, watching a movie, or sleeping next to them and just being able to know that they are there. It is nice to know that you don't have to impress them. All you have to do is exist with them.
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slaykovsky · 1 year
at least he’s good at hockey (?)
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
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Hughes Female reader x Matthew Knies
Warning: creep, alcohol, cursing, fluff Matt
word count: 1.5k
Sorry I have a problem i love using the Hughes sister AU!
Also send in more request, please be specific, I’ve been busy lately but i’ll try and get to them as soon as I can🤍
let me know what you guys think🤍
I moved to Minnesota for my freshman year of university. I committed here to play on the women’s hockey team. It’s now November and I do miss my family a lot, I can’t wait for when Luke plays Minnesota so I can see him, same for when we go to Michigan to play there. I knew it was going to be hard since I only know one person in Minnesota and that’s Matt Boldy since he’s friends with my brothers, but he plays in the NHL, so I won’t be seeing him a lot.
My parent’s thought it would be better for me if I got an apartment on campus instead of living in a dorm since they would have a place to stay when they come and visit. I like it thought, I have more privacy here than I would have had if I was in a door. since I have two brothers who already play in the NHL, my face had been in the media and some people only want to try and be friends with me because of them.
Today was Saturday and we have a game at 2:00 p.m. we are playing against Wisconsin. It’s now 12:00 p.m. so I was on my way to the arena. I was wearing black leather pants with a black turtleneck and a maroon blazer. Walking in the arena I saw Olivia, she’s our goalie, she’s also a senior.
“Hey Y/n, you ready for the game?” she asked smiling.
“You know it!” I said chuckling.
“We’ve got this” she said
“Hell yeah we do” I said making her laugh.
We made our way to our locker room and got ready for warm ups and the game.
Thankfully the game went really well and we won 4-1, I got a goal and 2 assist.
There was a party tonight after the men’s game. I think some of the seniors on the men’s team were throwing it. A few girl on my team decided to go so I thought I would to. After the game I made my way home since I usually facetime my mom after every game.
Once I got home I went and took a shower and got dressed into some sweatpants and my Minnesota hoodie. I made my way to my kitchen so I could make myself some food I’m starving. I thought I would make myself some chicken and rice. Before I started cooking I put my phone against the counter and facetimed my mom.
“Hey sweetie” she answered smiling.
“Hey mom”
“What are you up to?”
“Making some chicken and rice, I’m starving” I said making her laugh.
“Of course, you had an amazing game today, I loved the goal” she said smiling.
“Thank you mom, are you going to drive to Luke’s game tonight?” I asked
“Yes, your dad and I thought we drive down”
I nodded.
“If you go down to see him after the game, give him a hug for me” I say smiling. I miss my brother.
“I will, he’s counting the days until he gets to see you” she said smiling
“So am I, same for Jack and Quinn I can’t wait for them to play in Minnesota”
“are you still coming home for Christmas?” she asked
“Yes, we have a week off for Christmas, so I’ll be coming home”
My mom and I continued talking and when I ate my food.
Once I was done eating, my mom and I said goodbye. It was around 7:30 p.m. and my brother’s game was starting so I turned it on, they were playing against Ohio State, I might as well watch his game while I get ready for the party. Thankfully Olivia was going to be coming over any minute so we could get ready and pregame together. Since she was a senior, she took me under her wing when I first got here, she’s in the same apartment building as me, so I we always hang out together.
After I turned my brothers game on there was a knock on the door so I went to open it.
“Hey Liv” I said smiling when I saw her on the other side.
“Hey girl” she said coming in.
“Let’s get ready for this party” she said smirking at me, making me chuckle.
“Yes, I need a few drinks tonight.” I said, making her laugh.
“Don’t worry girl I got you covered” she said handing me a case of whiteclaw, since I’m underage I couldn’t buy alcohol, so thankfully she bought me some.
“Thank you!” I said smiling.
“You’re welcome, are we watching your brother’s game while we get ready?” she asked hearing the game in the background.
“Yeah if you don’t mind, there playing Ohio State” I said
“I don’t mind, let’s go get ready” she said smiling as we made our way to my room.
“Do you know what you’re wearing?” I ask her, she had brought a bad of clothes with her since she was wearing sweatpants right now.
“Black jeans and a cute maroon long sleeve v neck. What about you?” she said making me nod.
“Light blue mom jeans with a white satin long sleeve top”
“that’s going to look so good” she said smiling
“do you know what time the party is?”
“Umm, I think Em said around 10:30”
I nodded
“Perfect, we can get drunk before going” I said
“Hell yeah” she said and we both chuckled.
When we finished getting ready it was 10 p.m. the game was over and Minnesota won so we know they were definitely excited to party tonight. Liv ordered an uber, by the time we get to the hockey boys house the party would be full of people. Liv and I were already a little drunk.
Once we got to the party the house was already full of people so Liv and I made our way through to see if we could find Emma our other teammate. I continued drinking so I was feeling the alcohol.
I turned around for a few seconds and when I turned back, I lost sight of Liv. Then some guy approached me and started talking to me. I reconized him from one of my classes, he’s also a freshman his name is Corey but he was so drunk I couldn’t understand what he was saying. The guy also gave me the creeps so I just wanted to find Liv or hopping that she would find me. I really shouldn’t have lost her.
“Can you just leave me alone” I told the guy
Growing up with three older brothers who play hockey and their best friends are hockey player I don’t usually get shy around guys like this one. But back home if something like this happened my brothers always had my back and the guy would leave me alone.
I really wish I knew the guys on the hockey team here, but I don’t I’ve heard about some of them like Logan Cooley since he knows Luke, I think there’s a few others but I’m not 100 percent sure who they are. I probably should have listened when Luke told me.
“Why would I leave you alone, you’re too pretty to be left alone” he slurred smirking.
“I’d rather be alone” I spat.
He grabbed my arm tightly.
“Let go of my arm”
“Not going to happen”
“I think she told you to let her go” I heard a guy say behind me.
“Dude, this doesn’t concern you, leave us alone” Corey spat at the guy
“This is my party, so unless you want to get kicked out of here, I suggest you let her go” I guess he’s a hockey player.
“You know what, whatever she’s not worth it” Corey said releasing my arm and leaving.
I turned around and looked at the guy, he was really good looking.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he asked me.
“Oh um, no I’ll be fine, thank you” I said with a soft smile.
“You look familiar” he said looking at me.
“Well I do go to university here” I said chuckling. He chuckled.
“I figured but I feel like I saw you before… wait you’re a Hughes right?” he said, my face turned serious. Why did he need to figure that out, now he probably just wants to now gossip about my brother.
“Did I say something wrong?” he asked after I turned serious.
“Look respectfully I don’t want someone to talk to me just because they want to know about my brothers” I scoffed.
“I don’t want to talk about your brothers, that’s how I recognized you, you were at the world juniors this summer right?”
“umm, yeah…”I said slowly, I didn’t know where he was going with this.
“I’m Matthew Knies, I was one of Luke’s teammates at the world juniors.” He said smiling softly.
“oh sorry, it’s just when people usually know about my brothers they usually want something” I said
“Don’t worry, I get it. Can I get you another drink?” he asked.
“No, umm… I think I’ve had enough for tonight, I’m going to head home.” I said.
“Okay then let me drive you home, I haven’t had a drink yet”
“You haven’t had a drink yet? This is your team party” I said chuckling.
“I was going to until I saw the guy getting to you, so I didn’t get the chance” he said smiling.
“I don’t want you to have to leave your party to drive me home, I can order an uber” I said smiling.
“Trust me Brock can handle the party, I’d rather drive you to make sure you get home same, than staying here”
“then I’ll take that drive” I said smiling.
“come on” he said leading me to the door.
We got in his car and we made our way to my apartment, thankfully it’s not far away.
The car ride was quiet, but it was a comfortable, the music was playing softly in the background.
When we got to my apartment building Matthew followed me to my door to make sure I got there safe.
Once we got to my door I turned around and smiled at Matthew.
“Thank you for saving me tonight, for driving me home and for walking me to my door” I said smiling
“It’s no problem… can I kiss you” he said and I smiled
“Yes, you can” I said smiling.
He put his hand on my cheek, leaned forward, and kissed me. I kissed him instantly, our lips moved in sync.
We pulled away both smiling like crazy.
“Do you want to come in?”
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persephonaae · 1 month
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I’m used to Botta’s pocket gophers immediately diving under the dirt whenever I get too close, but this one even let me take some good video that I’ll post soon; I think it was so focused because they were covering up their hole anyway haha XD
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gifs-of-puppets · 1 year
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Happy Groundhog Day!
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mindblowingscience · 2 years
Researchers have discovered that southeastern pocket gophers tend to fields of subterranean roots they harvest for food.
The discovery makes the rodents the only mammal—other than humans—known to farm for a living.
Although you’ll probably never see them, you can spot pocket gophers by the tell-tale mounds of sandy soil dotting a field. Beneath your feet, the rodents continuously create and remold a labyrinth of winding tunnels hundreds of feet long.
And, perhaps, tend the world’s most recently discovered farms. Root farms, that is.
“They’re providing this perfect environment for roots to grow and fertilizing them with their waste,” says Veronica Selden, who recently graduated from the University of Florida and is first author of the paper in Current Biology.
The gophers’ daily harvest of their root crops accounts for an average of 20% and as much as 60% of their energy needs, which helps make up for the intense energy cost of burrowing in dense soil.
Continue Reading.
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14faber · 8 months
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x | a few words from cooley’s support system
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codywrestler · 4 months
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Scott Glasser (Minnesota) vs Ben Friedl (Illinois)
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thatsbelievable · 2 years
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oriandcate · 5 months
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Same person.
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frog707 · 3 months
Unlike 99% of human languages, computer languages are designed. Many of them never catch on for real applications. So what makes a computer language successful? Here's one case study...
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
Enemies To Lovers
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female Mittelstadt reader x Matthew Knies
Warning: against, fluff
word count: 1.8k
this takes place last year
let me know what you guys think🤍
I’m Luke's older sister and John’s younger sister. I'm a Sophomore at Minnesota, I already knew some of the guys on the team since I met some of them last year during my freshman year. I get along with everyone except for Matthew. I’ve always tried being nice to him, but he just doesn’t like me.
For some reason even if he’s always mean to me, I still have a crush on him, I just wish he would feel the same way.
Today was a game day for the boys, they were playing Wisconsin, I was going to the game with Morgan  she’s Brock Faber's girlfriend. She’s a Senior this year, we been friends since my freshman year when we met and she took me under her wing. We were getting ready for the game together.
“what are you wearing to the game?” she asked me while she was trying to find something to wear
“I was thinking just leather pants with my Minnesota hoodie and a black puffer vest” I told her while I was doing with my hair
“ ohh that’s going to be so cute… are you trying to impress someone” she replied with a smirk
“shut up” she was the only one I told about my crush on Matthew.
“why don’t you just try and talk to him… you never know he might feel the same way about you” giving me a sad smile
“Oh yeah, because him always being rude to me, would mean he might have a crush on me” I replied sarcastically
“Maybe that’s why he’s always rude hon, he might not know how to tell you”
“ Doubt it” I replied before getting ready to leave.
We both got dressed and left to go to arena.
Once we got there we met up with two of the other girls.
“You guys are so pretty” Jenna said giving us a hug
The game started and we were up by 2 goals scored by Logan and you guessed it Matthew.
The second he scored Morgan was smirking at me, which made me roll my eyes.
We ended up winning the game 4-2. We went down to the locker room to wait for the boys, when they came out, they were ecstatic, I went and gave both of my brothers a hug.
“Good game Luke, you to John”
“Thanks sis, the guys want to throw a little party, you down?” John asked
“For sure, I never miss a party” I said smirking which made him chuckle
Morgan came over to us with Brock
“you’re going to the party, right?”
“of course”
“Perfect, let’s go home and get ready” she said grabbing my arm as me we are way out of arena and go home.
I ended up only changing my top and wore a cute Red Long sleeve satin top. Once we were both ready we made our way to the senior house where the house was already full of people.
“I’m going to go find Brock, are you okay alone” she asked me
“of course, I’m going to go find something to drink” I replied, she nodded and left.
I made my way to the kitchen for a drink, Matthew was by the fridge getting himself something to drink, when he turned around he saw me standing there.
“of course, you’re here” he scoffed closing the fridge and opening a can of beer
“I never miss a party Matthew… is there any more beer?”
He nodded before leaving me there alone
It made me sad. I just really wish he wouldn’t hate me
I opened the fridge and got myself a beer, when I turned around, I saw Jackson looking at me with sad eyes.
“what?” I ask while taking a sip of beer.
“You like him don’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I lied
“It’s not hard to notice y/n, I see the way you look at him… just don’t give up on him… you might be surprised on how he really feels about you.” He said before leaving me standing there shock.
I shook my head and made my way to the living room to see if I could find one the boys.
I saw Logan and Jimmy talking so I made my way over to them.
“hey boys” they both smiled at me and gave me a hug
“hey, you want to play beer pong? Jimmy doesn’t want to” Thomas said looking at Jimmy annoyed
“I’d love to but you’re going down Logan” I said, making them laugh
We made our way to the beer pong table “Are we making a bet?” I asked him. We usually always made a bet, that the loser had to do whatever the winner wanted.
“yep” he replied smirking
I could tell he was up to something I just didn’t know what
We started playing, and a bunch of people started to make their way around to watch. I was doing pretty good, but Logan was still beating me, we both only had one cup left.
“Come on y/n you got this!” I heard Morgan and Brock yelled
I threw and missed making me throw my head back groaning
Logan smirked before throwing the ping pong ball into the cup
And a bunch of people started cheering for him, since he won
I was feeling a buzz from all the beer, and I had a bad feeling about what he was going to make me do.
“Okay good game, what do I have to do?” I ask him which made him smirk
“i want you to go and try and talk to Matthew, it’s about time you two had a normal conversation!” he said smirking
“No way in hell, I don’t feel like getting insulted by him right now” I was annoyed, why would he make me do this.
“come on y/n just get yourself another drink and go find Matthew please” he begged using his puppy dog eyes
“fine I will but if it end up with me punching him, I’m not going to apologies” I breathed out
“ you and I both know you wouldn’t punch him” he said smirking before leaving me there
I scoffed and made my way to the kitchen to get another drink, and hopefully find Matthew. The only way I was going to be able to talk to him is if I’m drunk.
Thankfully he was at the fridge again, getting himself another drink
“Mind giving me a beer?” I said behind him, he turned around and saw me
I saw him roll his eyes and grab a second beer. Once he closed the fridge he turned around and gave me the beer and went to walk away before I grabbed his arm.
He looked at his hand holding his arm and then my face. I could tell he was annoyed so I let go of my hold.
“Sorry… but can we talk alone for a minute?” I asked softly to open my beer.
He scrunched his nose before taking a sip of his beer.
“Fine… let’s go upstairs then, I don’t need anyone seeing us talk” he replied annoyed before making his way up the stairs to his room, with me following behind him. We both made our way in his room before he closed the door.
“What do want?” he asked with a glare
“Do you always have to be mad at me… what have I ever done to you?” I said softly
He let out a sign
“seriously… this is what you wanted to talk about?”
“ yes, I’ve tried being nice to you, but you have never once been nice to me.” I said sadly
“ I don’t have time for this,” he replied, annoyed, making him turn around and about to walk away, making me grab his arm again.
He turn to look me in the face with angry eyes
“Let go of my arm” he said angrily
“No, Matthew, please just tell me, why…” at this point I had tears in my eyes threatening to fall
“No, I don’t want to talk to your or about this” he replied angry and storming out of the room
I closed my eyes choking back a sob, I got myself together and left the room trying to find Morgan  to let her know I was heading home, I couldn’t stay here any longer.
When I finally found her, she could something was wrong, she knew me better than I knew myself
“What’s wrong, did you talk to Matthew, did he do something” she rushed out before hugging me
“No it’s fine, I tried to talk to him, he didn’t want to talk. I’m just going to go back to our place, I don’t feel like being here anymore” I said softly
She gave me a soft smile before nodding
I gave her another hug before making my way home.
Once I got home, I made my way to my room, I changed out of my clothes and threw on a pair of gray sweatpants and my Minnesota hoodie.
When I was done I heard a knock on the door.
I made my way over and opened the door seeing Matthew there with his hand in his pockets.
“What are you doing here?”
“can I talk to you” he asked softly
“now you want to talk, you weren’t earlier” I was starting to get angry
“yeah well after you left Morgan  sort of gave it to me that I had to stop being an ass and talk to you, so here I am” he said losing his patience
I made room for him to walk inside before closing the door
We made our way to the couch and sat down
“I’m sorry okay, I never met for you to think I hated you” he said looking at me with sad eyes
“Then why did you, you made me feel like trash Matty” I said
“I know… I really am sorry… I like you y/n, I have for a long time, I thought you’d never feel the same way, so it was easier for me to just be rude to you all the time instead of telling you how I feel and being turned down” he said grabbing my hand
“Well you would’ve known I felt the same way if you would have just told me how you felt”
“ what” he asked surprised
“I like you to Matthew… even if you were an ass to me” I said making him chuckle.
“can I kiss you?”
He leaned in a kissed you softly
When you both pulled away breathing heavy
“any chance I could take you out sometime?” he ask chuckling
“ I’d love that” I replied before kissing him again
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persephonaae · 1 month
More of the Botta’s pocket gopher who was apparently looking for a paparazzi moment
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