#ill say in my last run i was quite thankful he was the one who got abducted
kamisatoayato · 7 months
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fanttasttica · 7 months
One plus one makes three
Rhysand x reader
After your one night stand with the High lord, you hadn't expected to see him ever again, but fate had other plans. You are pregnant, carrying the High lord's first child and you need to tell him. How is he going to react? And what will that mean for you?
Warnings: nothing (I think.. If you find anything, please let me know :D )
Words: 4129
Authors note: Thanks for participanting inthe voting! Since this idea got the most votes, i wrote it first. My next story will be on theme "enemies to lovers" :D
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You weren't that type of a girl who got drunk every weekend and had a sex with males whose names you haven't bothered to learn. No.. So why was the universe punishing you for this? It was one night, only one. You were celebrating your birthday with some friends at Rita's, when you spotted the most beautiful male that ever existed. He was tall, seemed strong and there was this dark aura around him. He was undoubtedly powerful, but instead of fearing him, something dragged you to him. After some time you were watching each other from afar, he came up to you and asked you to dance. It was during your time on the dancing floor, when you found out it was no other than High lord or the Night cour, your High lord. It was the first time you saw him, the first time you talked to him and you thought it would also be probably the last. Maybe you ended up in his bed that night, but it was supposed to be only a one night stand, but fate decided otherwise. 
You weren't feeling well for a couple of days. Your friends were pushing you to see a healer and today you finally gave in. You visited your healer on the other side of the town, thinking she will brush it off, tell you to rest for another couple of days and eat chicken broth, you hated, but no. This wasn't only some illness you could get rid of after a few days. This would last for at least a couple of months and then the real fun would begin. You were pregnant. Carrying an heir to the Night court in your womb. Your stomach was still flat and if it weren't for your morning sickness and tiredness, you wouldn't have noticed you were pregnant yet. After finding that out, you thanked and said goodbye to your healer, leaving in a hurry. As if running from her would also mean that you would run from your situation. Unfortunately for you, that didn't happen. Symptoms still bothered you in the following days, reminding you about how screwed you were. 
“What are you going to do?” Your friends were curious, of course. And honestly you were too. “I have no idea. I am.. I only saw him once.” You answered her while running your hand through your hair. “Yeah, you saw him once. You slept with him once and you ended up pregnant.. I can't believe your luck.” It was hard to say if she was speaking ironically or not, because you wouldn't call yourself lucky. This wasn't some blessing. You weren't against children, you actually liked them and hoped one day you will have one, this was simply quite early for you and certainly with the wrong man. He maybe was a High lord, but you were an ordinary fae. He probably already forgot about your existence. “I don't even know how to contact him. Should I go back to Rita's in the hope I will meet him there? Should I send him a letter and tell him about this? And what should I write in it? Do I really have to tell him?” Not telling him anything and running to another court was an idea you were also toying with. “You can not possibly mean that! He deserves to know. And besides that, lies or secrets are always exposed in the end. He is the most powerful High lord of all times.. Do you really think you can keep this as a secret your whole life? Your kids' whole life?” You sighed in defeat and shook your head. “No, that's stupid.. I.. I just need another few days to collect my thoughts and think about ways to contact and tell him.” 
Few days passed by and you still weren't sure what to do. Why does it have to be so complicated? If he weren't the High lord, you would already have told him. It would make everything so much easier for both of you. It was pointless to cry over a spilled milk, but you couldn't help yourself, blaming it on your hormones. One day, you had enough of it. Enough of hiding in your room, crying and cursing on him and yourself. You were determined to find him, tell him about this and return home, so you could finally have some good rest without constantly thinking about this, because currently you were losing your head. You decided to try to find Rhysand again at Rita's. It seemed better to ask him for a minute there than marching to his house and demanding he would see you. You friends were supportive, not leaving you to be all alone. There always was at least one of them by your side, although you weren't finding it necessary, it was a nice gesture you appreciated. The first night you spent here looking for you, you hadn't had any luck, likewise the second or third night. But after sitting on the bar stool for the fourth night in a row, you finally saw him. He was talking to his friends, with a smile on his handsome face, unaware that his life was about to change drastically. 
Your heart started beating faster than ever before. In normal situations, you were a calm person, but obviously not today. “You should hurry and go speak to him, before other girls start to throw themself on him.” You swallowed hard.“Yeah.. I am going right now.” You tried to put on a neutral face and started walking towards him, even though everything in you screamed to run away. Suddenly, you were standing right before him and his friends, who were measuring you with interest in their eyes. You simply nodded at them in greeting and looked at the High lord. “You probably don't remember me, but we met here a while ago.. And I need to speak with you. It's urgent. ” At first you were worried he was going to send you away. He raised one eyebrow, but nodded and put away his drink, following you outside. Cold air hit you immediately, so you hugged yourself, before turning to face him. “I remember you, don't worry.” You weren't expecting that. “Yeah.. that's good.” It made a few things easier for you. Now you know there isn't a need to explain to him when you met and what you did together that night. “So? What did you need to tell me?” He was curious, of course. Maybe expecting you to try to seduce him, as many girls certainly did in the past, but there was nothing that could prepare him for this. “I am pregnant and it's yours.” 
There weren't many people who managed to surprise the High lord of the Night court. And even the least people managed to surprise him so much that he couldn't think of a reaction for the first few seconds. He was stunned, looking at you as if you were from another unknown world, so you took word once again. “To be honest.. I expected a worse reaction..” You sighed and looked at the ground. “I don't want anything from you. I want and will keep the baby, but if you don't want to, you don't have to be involved in the baby's life. I have people who will help me and also have enough money to take care of it. So.. It's up to you.” And with that, you left him standing outside alone, returning to your friends.
“How did it go? Did he take it well?” Immediately after your return, you were flooded with questions. You shrugged and drank water from your glass. “He was clearly surprised. I told him I don't expect anything from him and assured him it's his choice, if he wants to be involved or not and then left.” They laughed. “You told him this and just left him standing there alone? Oh my Cauldron, I would pay to see his face.” Maybe you would also laugh at this, only if it weren't you who was in this situation. You put one of your hands on your stomach. It was weird and also.. magical, knowing that right now, you are creating a new life. “He returned to his friends and is talking with them.” Your friend whispered to your ears. You could feel several pairs of eyes watching you. Shaking your head, you smiled at them. “Let's talk about something else for a while and try to enjoy this night.” You desperately needed some distraction and opportunity to think about anything else. In the end, the reason why you were here today was done and you deserved some break from this too. 
The next day, you were woken up by the Sun. After you forgot to close the curtains last night, there was nothing that could stop morning rays from tickling your eyes. Like any other day before, you were thinking, if you weren't dreaming this whole time, but morning sickness was clear evidence that in fact you were not. After brushing your teeths and hair, you dressed up, put on black leggings and your favorite jumper, you were ready for the day. For the last couple of days, you took time off from your job. It wasn't that hard,since you were running a small bakery with your friends and they almost forced you to stay at home. But today, you were determined to return. You wanted to start living normally again. There isn't a chance that you will spend a whole pregnancy locked in your room. You will take things slowly, so there is no chance for something to happen and it will all be good. 
Your day has been going just fine. After coming to work, you could finally be able to feel like a few weeks ago, like nothing was going on. Well, that was until the bell rang, announcing the arrival of another customer you should greet. After you look up, you find no one other than the High lord himself. “Shouldn't you be resting?” You raised your eyebrow. “Hello to you too.. I assure you I am rested well enough.” He came closer, the only thing between you was a counter, behind which you stood. “You don't need to work. I will take care of both of you.” You shook your head. “There is no need for that. I can work, what's more important, I want to work. I love my job.” Something in his face told you, he took this as a challenge. “You are pregnant with my child. I think I should have a say in this matter.” This whole conversation was uncomfortable for both of you. You both were very determined to do it in your way. And the fact that you were strangers had not been helping at all. You didn't know how to treat each other. “Then I guess we need to find some compromise.”
You weren't exactly thrilled with how some things turned out in the end, but on the other hand, it could be worse. After a long talk with Rhysand, how he told you to call him, you end up agreeing to stop working when you are halfway through your pregnancy, but that is not all. During those few weeks you will still be working, there will always be someone with you, during your shift. Practically, members of Rhys's Inner circle were supposed to babysit you. You knew it would be very unusual for you, but you were hoping that in a couple of days you will be able to ignore them or befriend them. You also agreed on moving in with Rhysand and his Inner circle, three weeks before the baby was supposed to be born and staying for at least a couple of months. “Honestly, I am surprised that you want to be so involved..” You mumbled. You two were talking almost your whole shift, which was coming to the end right now. “It's my baby, of course I want to be involved. We have to take care of her or him. Which brings me to my last point today.” He took your silence as a cue to continue. “We should get married.” You weren't sure what you were expecting, but this was certainly not it. Almost dropping a tray with two last gingerbreads, you turned to face him. His face was serious, there was no sign that he was just kidding, but you laughed lightly even so. “Good one. I am not marrying only because I am pregnant.” But he didn't let you brush that off so easily. “Why? It would be better. You would live in luxury for the rest of your life and I would have an heir.” Without this union, this baby would only be a bastard in the others eyes, you were aware of that, but you couldn't do this. “I already told you, I am comfortable with the life I am living. I don't need jewelry or fancy dresses. I was always determined to marry for love or not at all. And I am not changing my mind.” 
The weeks passed one by another. As Rhys promised, from the very next day, his friends started accompanying you, during your work. Sometimes, it was Morrigan you befriended quite quickly. It was because of her friendly personality. She was treating you like a friend from the start, promising you to always help you with the baby. Almost every time she came, she was bringing something for you or the baby. You It almost didn't make sense for you to go shopping for things for the baby since she was the one doing it. Then there were Cassian and Azriel. They also were friendly, but it took a little longer to get used to them, but after you started feeding them sweets from your shop, they warmed up to you and you were chatting like an old friend. The last person who you saw maybe two times was Amren. She wasn't rude, but when she was there, she was doing her own work and since you didn't want to disturb her, you hadn't talked so much. As for Rhys, he was visiting you every other day before and after your shift. The communication between you two was better and sometimes, you caught yourself staring at him, when he was talking to his friends and since that was exactly what got you into this situation in the first place, you weren't happy with yourself. 
“This is your last day, isn't it?” Morrigan was sitting on a table, smiling at you as you were counting the money before closing the register. “Yeah.. I still can't believe it.” You were half through your pregnancy and your bump was already showing a little. Fortunately, the morning sickness and tiredness have passed you by now. You were feeling great. “I don't know what I am going to do with my free time.” She shrugged. “You can read.. Paint.. Shop for the baby..” You chuckled at the last thing. “Thanks to you, the baby has more than enough clothes. And I pursue all my hobbies even when I am working.. Rhys is thinking that I will only lay in bed, eat and sleep, but that's simply not possible. I would lose my head after one week.” She smiled at you sympathetically. “My cousin behaves sometimes like a mother hen. I believe you, when you say it's annoying.. But you have to endure it only for another couple of weeks..” That wasn't helping. “I am not like a mother hen. I don't know what you two are talking about.”  You only noticed Rhysand, who was leaning against the door frame, now. “Yeah, you are worse.” You mumbled, after recovering from the shock he gave you. “You are hurting my feelings, dear Y/N.” You pursed your lips at him. “How are you going to recover from this?” His laughter filled the room and forced you to chuckle a little bit too. “When will you two finally get together? You are perfect for each other.” Neither of you answered her. 
As you expected, you were bored only after a week of not working. Sure, you had your friends and also new friends from Inner circle, but it wasn't enough. They also had work and their lives. So you decided to go bother the man who was responsible for your boredom, Rhysand. You already visited his home, he gave you permission to come and go as you pleased, so you decided to pay him a visit today with some sweet desserts from the bakery for him and a jar of pickles for you. The other symptoms of pregnancy passed, but this one, love for pickles, remained. You knocked twice on the mahagon door that led to his office and waited for his response, before opening them and walking in. “I am bored and it's your fault.” Rhys leaned back in his chair and narrowed his eyes. “How is that my fault?” He obviously wasn't understanding your logic. Maybe it was because he was a male or maybe because his brain was not affected by hormones. “You didn't want me to work anymore, so I don't have anything to do and in addition to that, I am already sick of some things that I normally like! It's frustrating.” You sat on the chair across from him. “I need to finish these papers, but once I am done, I actually know what we could do together.. Until then, you are welcome to stay.” You thought about it for a while and nodded. “Okay, I will wait. And I would almost forget. This is for you. Morrigan told me you like this.” You moved the dessert tray across the table in front of him. He looked surprised and also very happy. “Thank you, it's nice of you, but you didn't have to do that.” You shrugged, picked up one pickle and ate it before replying to him. “I wanted you. Sweet is good for the nerves. And you'll need a lot of nerve to put up with my moods.”
There was a comfortable silence. Rhys was working, you were eating pickles and watching him. During this time, you found out some other new things about him. For example, every time he tried to concentrate intensely, he furrowed his brow, when he was thinking about something, he tapped his pen on the table.. “I didn't know I was so interesting to you.” You blinked a few times, before you realized he probably noticed that you were staring directly at him for the past few minutes. “I was just thinking how can I protect our child from inheriting your crooked nose.” He chuckled and looked at you, still smiling. “Your love for me is touching.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you almost done? I am running out of pickles.” He put the papers aside and nodded. “Lucky for you, yes. We can go now.”
You had to admit that his house was beautiful. It was so spacious, but cozy at the same time. It felt like home. During the tour Rhys gave you, you were imagining your life here. Imagining a little girl running around the corridors and Rhysand following her, while they are both laughing.. “There are only two other rooms I want to show you.” You offered him a small smile, “Okay, lead the way.” After climbing a few stairs, you reached the next floor of the house Rhys walked to the end of the corridor. “This is my room and right next to it..” He opened the door and let you walk in first. You gasped at the sight before you. It was a nursery. The walls were white and decorated with painted gold stars. Everything was ready. Closets full of baby clothes and other necessary things. Crib was in the middle of the room, filled with some stuffed animals and more blankets than needed. Tears welled up in your eyes. “It's so beautiful! Did you do it by yourself?” You asked, turning to Rhysand who was watching you with a happy expression. “Most of the things, although Cassian and Azriel had to help me to build the crib.. I am the most powerful High lord, but that thing is terrible.” You laughed at the idea of ​​the three strongest Illyrian warriors having trouble assembling a crib. “And Morrigan got the clothes.” You nodded, recognizing some pieces. “Thank you, really.” He walked towards you and carefully took your hand to his. “You don't have to thank me. I was happy to do it. After all, I promised you that I would spoil both you and the child.” The fact that your child was going to be spoiled was certain. And probably no amount of strictness couldn't prevent that. “As for spoiling you.. I also have room ready for you.”
It wasn't until Rhys pointed them out that you noticed a door not far from the crib. “This door leads to your room. And the door opposite.. to mine, so I can come and help you with the baby during the night or you can easily come to my room, if you would need it at any time.” It was practical, better than having to run to the hall and knock on his door there. “Are you ready to see it?” With this, he caught your attention once again. “Of course.” 
You fell in love with your room the first second you walked in. Rhys made sure the walls were painted in your favorite color. There was a table, not so far from the window. On the other side is a bookcase with a rocking chair next to it. The walk-in closet was the same size as your bathroom, which was as luxurious as everything else. “Okay.. Now I am really looking forward to moving in here.” You joked and lay on your big bed. Blanket was so soft you wanted nothing else than getting tangled up in it and never getting out. Rhys sat on your bed, watching you with a grin. “And I thought you said you didn't need a life of luxury..” He said playfully. As a response, you slapped him gently on his hand. “I don't need it. But I have to admit, it's nice.” You sat up and rested your head on his shoulder. He hugged you, with one of his hands, around your waist and placed his hand on your stomach, stroking it gently. “Only the best for you.”
Many weeks passed and now.. As you predicted, you were holding a baby girl in your arms. Your and Rhysand's baby girl. Your birth was quite easy, thankfully. You were happy. Rhys was all over the moon, not leaving you alone for one minute. The others were not better, they pushed each other away, only to get a better view of her, before Madja told them to leave, since you need to rest. So now, it was only you, Rhys and your little star. “I know I already said it.. But thank you.” You looked in his eyes and smiled. “I thank you. Afterall, this takes two.” Although most of the job was done by you, Rhys was amazing to you this whole time. Treating you like a queen. “I am really.. glad for this. Finding out I was going to be a father was shocking, I will not lie, but.. I am just really happy.” Hearing this made your heart jump with joy. “Yeah.. I am too. I am glad I met you. And I have to admit.. I grew fond of you.” He chuckled deeply and kissed the top of your head. “Does that mean you will marry me then? And I assure you.. I am not asking out of some obligation, because we have a child together.” Rhys was ready to give you time to think, but you didn't need it. It wasn't love at first sight with him. You were falling in love with him for a while, but now you were sure that he was your happy ending. Well.. him and your daughter. That's why there wasn't a trace of hesitation when you answered him, “I will.”
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Secrets - Jacob Black
“No, Y/N! Move!” 
You felt as though all the wind in you got knocked out as you flew backwards. There was a deep throbbing sensation before it all went dark.
When you awoke, you could tell from the sounds and the smells that you were in a hospital. You took a while to open your eyes knowing the glare from the fluorescent ward lights would sting. Your throat felt dry and your skin tight. Slowly you pushed yourself up into a seating position to fully take in your surroundings. The ward was relatively empty, just you and another person who chose to close the curtains around their bed. Porters were walking up and down the corridors pushing carts of food and the occasional patient. One of the nurses popped her head through the doorway and nodded with a smile, acknowledging you were awake. You looked to your side to see an empty chair. There was a faint indent of someone's behind etched into the seat letting you know that, until quite recently, you had a visitor. You rifled through the cabinets on either side of your bed hoping to come across your handbag or your phone, hell even your clothes just to make sense of why you were lying in a hospital.
“Ms Y/L/N, good to see you finally awake”
You looked up to see the face of Carlise Cullen.
“I- what happ-” You asked slightly groggily.
“I’m glad you’re awake” He repeated, shining a light into your eye. 
“How long was I out for?”
“You came in 5 days ago, we kept you sedated for 3 before weaning you off.”
“What the fuck happened?”
“You were brought into the hospital unresponsive. We completed scans of your body and found that you had a slight fracture on your t8 vertebrate and increased pressure in your brain. We conducted a ventriculostomy where we drilled a small hole in your skull and inserted a plastic pipe to drain out the excess cerebrospinal fluid and restore adequate blood flow to your brain.”
“All they told me was you hit your head, hard.”
“Who’s they?”
“What is the most recent thing you remember, Y/N?”
You closed your eyes and tried to think back to your last moments but all you could remember was waking up and getting ready for your day.
“The last clear thing I remember is getting up to brush my teeth”
“And what time would you say that was?”
“Around half 8 in the morning?”
“Some short-term amnesia is expected, I’m afraid I can’t give you a definitive time frame for when you’ll remember, or if you’ll remember, but you were brought to the hospital at 3.40 pm by Sam Uley, Seth Clearwater and Jacob Black.”
“And where are they?”
“Sam and Seth stayed until you came out of surgery, Jacob stayed the entire five days, he left a short while ago for a shower and a change of clothes.”
“Do you know when I can go home?”
“I need to run some tests just to make sure that your brain function is normal and to check on your spinal fracture and once those are fine, you’ll be free to leave. Would you like me to call your mother?”
You nodded.
“Great, ill be back in a few moments to take you up to radiography.”
Your scans and tests came back normal. Your mum dealt with your discharge paperwork and prescription while you got changed into the clothes she brought for you. Carlise prescribed some pills to keep the swelling on your spine down and to manage the pain and, strict bedrest for the rest of the week to make sure you didn’t damage your spine further. You hobbled your way out of the hospital and to the car. The drive home was silent, you could tell your mum was itching to say something but she held her tongue. She silently helped you up the stairs and into bed.
“Bella came by yesterday to drop off your bag and your phone. I’ve plugged in an extension cord and left it on your bedside table. Try not to move too much. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” She said, fluffing your pillows and making sure you were comfortable.
You mumbled a small thanks before turning your attention to your phone. It was dead so you plugged it into the charger and let it charge for a while until it switched on. You were greeted with a flurry of text messages from your friends asking about your whereabouts and sending you well wishes for your recovery. 
Ignoring those, you typed out three text messages to the three boys involved in your ’accident’, “What the fuck happened to me?”. Sam and Seth’s replies came almost instantaneously at the exact same time, consisting of the same message, “Ask Jacob.”. Growing increasingly angry as you read over each text a few more times, you called Jacob’s phone. To no one's surprise, you were met with his voicemail. You cut the call and called again, only to be met with his stupid voicemail greeting for a second time. On your third ignored call you decided to leave a message. “I don’t know what happened in the 8 hours before I turned up in the hospital, Sam and Seth have told me to ask you, my mum is acting weird and I don’t know why. I don’t know what you did but I want answers and I want them now, so grow some fucking balls and give me them”. And then you waited. 
For the entirety of your bedrest, you waited for Jacob to call back but he didn't. You waited to hear his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs but you didn't. Bella and Edward had visited a couple of times. Angela came almost every day after school to catch you up on the gossip of Forks high, and to make sure you didn’t fall behind. Paul and Quil dropped by while your mum was at work, somehow managing to nimbly climb in through your window to avoid you moving around. They avoided the topic of Jacob completely, chalking his disappearance down to him being ‘busy’. You knew better than to press on the subject so you dropped it, deciding to wait until you were able to move before you ran up on him. 
“Rise and shine, you’ve got your freedom back today” Your mother sang, pushing open your curtains and pulling off your duvet. 
You rubbed your eyes as you stretched out. “What time is it, Jesus”
“Mum, I don't have to leave for school for another couple of hours” You groaned in annoyance as you pulled the duvet back up and over your head.
“You haven't washed your hair in days. The sponge baths only did so much. I love you, but you’re smelling a bit ripe”
She had a point, deodorant, bodyspray and dry shampoo could only do so much. You reluctantly got up from your bed and went into the shower. You could still feel a slight dull ache in your back but Carlisle said that was to be expected. Any discomfort you felt immediately dissipated when you felt the hot water hitting your skin. You scrubbed the build-up of grime that had accumulated from your scalp, massaging it lightly. Although it was a quick shower, you were sure you had never felt so clean before in your life. You got out of the steamy bathroom and went back into your room. Your mum had kindly left some toast, a banana and a mug of tea on your bedside table so you tucked into your little breakfast whilst quickly checking your texts. 
Angie: so excited 2 have u back in school
Y/N: just happy 2 b free :’)
Angie: gotta catch u up on gossip
Y/N: LOL, ttyl need 2 get ready xo
You quickly finished your breakfast before applying some moisturiser to your damp skin. There was only just enough time for you to dry your hair before you grabbed your school bag and your car keys and left. 
Your first day back was filled mostly with your classmates asking you what happened and you responding and telling them you had no idea. As each person asked you, the anger you had burning inside you for Jacob only grew stronger. You could have potentially died that day yet you had no answers for what exactly happened. Not knowing a single detail about something that could have derailed your entire life was infuriating.  From your third period, all you could focus on was getting out of school and driving to the reservation. Your friends tried to stop you from leaving so soon, insisting that you needed to celebrate your freedom but you fended them off, promising to celebrate your freedom another time. 
As you drove out of the school car park, you slowly drove past Bella and Edward making sure to initiate eye contact with both of them. They knew what happened, it was obvious, and just like everyone else, they were leaving you in the dark. You parked your car behind Billy’s truck and slammed the door shut. 
“Jacob Black you get your ass out here right now” You shouted, stomping your way to his house. 
Billy was the first person to come out and assess the commotion. “Y/N-”
“Usually, I’d be happy to see you Billy, but right now I want your cunt of a son to come out and stop ignoring me.”
“He’s in the barn, working on his bike” He muttered with a small smile.
You nodded in thanks and angrily walked over to the barn. You took in a deep breath to centre yourself before you practically busted the door down. Jacob’s head snapped up in surprise at the intrusion. “Y/N”
“Embry, Quil, get out.” You ordered. They both looked to Jacob who nodded before getting up off their seats. 
“We’re really glad to see you’re okay Y/N” Embry mumbled as he walked past. 
Once you heard their footsteps retreat, you turned to face Jacob. 
“How fucking dare you?” You screamed, brandishing a spanner that found its way into your hands. 
“No! How DARE you treat me like this.”
“Let me-”
“NO, you’re going to listen to me first. I’ve spent the whole week knowing that I have hours of my life that I can’t account for. I don't know where I was, who I was with or how you, Sam and Seth were the ones to get me to the hospital. All anyone has asked me is 'how did it happen?’ and I’m just as knowledgeable as they are. Any time I’ve tried to get answers I get told to ask you. When I try and ask you, you ignore me. I want to know the truth. And I want to know it now”
“I can’t tell you the truth”
“Oh wow, you’re really going to hit me with this bullshit?!”
“I can’t, Sam would kill me”
“Read my lips, Jake, I don’t care. I want the truth.”
He stood silent for a few moments. “Fine, but we need to go somewhere first”
“We just do, but I promise you, you’ll get the truth”
You reluctantly followed Jacob out of the barn and towards the forest. The two of you walked in silence, you trailing a few steps behind him. Jacob had the advantage of being physically fit over you, allowing him to walk over the uneven forest floor and hop over the gnarled tree roots that spread across the muddy paths. It didn't take too long for your calves to burn as you tried to keep up with Jacob, both in speed and orientation. 
“How much longer?” You asked, stopping and leaning on the side of a tree to catch your breath.
“10 minutes” He replied, turning his head over his shoulder.
“Are you serious? My legs are going to fall off”
“The more breaks you take, the longer it'll take”
You mimicked his patronising comment and began walking again, only to misstep and trip. You landed on the mud with a light thump.
“For fucks sake” you muttered, wiping the mud from your hand and slowly getting up.
“You okay?” Jacob asked, rushing to your aid. You could have sworn you saw his breathing speed up as if he was panicked. 
“Just tripped, I can’t keep up with your long ass legs.”
Wordlessly, Jacob swept you off your feet, carrying you bridal style. “Now you don’t need to worry about keeping up with me” He smirked, looking down at you.
“Jake put me down”
“If I put you down we won't get to Sam’s until tomorrow”
“Why are we going to Sam’s?”
“You’ll find out in a bit”
“I’m so sick of being in the dark-”
“I told you, you’ll find out the truth soon”
“That's the - you know what, you won't understand, I give up.”
“I don’t understand what?”
“No, tell me, make me understand” His steps became harder and faster, you could tell he was starting to get frustrated.
“ Don’t you think I’m scared? I have 0 recollection of what happened that day. There is this huge gap in my timeline and I can't come up with an explanation for it, I can't try to piece memories together and come up with some kind of explanation. On top of that, everyone around me seems to know what happened apart from me.”
Jacob’s lips parted as if to say something but he kept silent. The rest of your walk was filled with a sort of tension. It was an odd tension because despite how irritated you were by Jacob, you felt a sense of peace, some comfort being held by Jacob. If your younger self could’ve seen you at that point, she would've combusted on the spot. It was cliche really, crushing on your best friend, but you couldn’t help it. Jacob was the only one that you felt understood you. He was supportive and always knew how to make you laugh. When the rest of the guys would exclude you from games, he’d always try and find a way to get you back involved. For a while you were starting to think that maybe Jacob liked you too, he was starting to notice the little changes in your appearance and making more plans with just the two of you, alone. That was until Bella came to town. It didn’t take you long to realise where his affection was really directed.
“Well, get ready to get your answers,” He let you down gently and walked into the open front door. You trailed in behind him slightly cautious. You were greeted by Sam and another woman, she had a huge scar on the side of her face. 
“You must be Y/N, I’m Emily, Sam’s fiance,” she said softly.
“I didn't know-”
“I like to keep it on a need to know” Sam stated, crossing his arms.
“I just baked some croissants, why don't you grab one”
You looked over at the dining table to see a plate piled high with glossy freshly baked croissants. Jacob took a seat and you followed suit. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and went to fill yours up. “Before you say anything, there are no bits”. You nodded and took a croissant, tearing a chunk off and tasting it. 
“These are insanely good, Emily” you gushed after swallowing your mouthful. She beamed back at you from the kitchen. 
“So let’s cut to the chase. You want to know what happened last week.” Sam said, leaning against the huge kitchen island.
You nodded. 
“what do you remember about those Quileute stories Billy used to tell us at bonfires”
“They can turn into wolves or something, like werewolves. They knew witches. What does that have to do with this? They were stories we were told as kids”
“What if I told you they weren't stories?”
“Werewolves don't exist”
“You wanna prove her wrong, Jake?”
Jacob sighed as he grabbed you by the arm and took you back outside Sam’s home. He took off his t-shirt and threw it to the side. 
“I didn't want a strip show” You scoffed.
He scoffed and turned around, pulling his shorts down and throwing those with his shirt. He turned again to face you “All I’m asking is that you don’t run. I have more to explain but this part is easier shown.”
You nodded, trying to tear your eyes away from the bulge in his boxers. Jacob jumped off the deck and all of a sudden, you were met with a huge brown wolf.
“You’re fucking shitting me”
“Nope, clear as day. He's a werewolf, and so am I. So are Quil, Paul, Embry and Seth."
The wolf- Jacob, took a few tentative steps closer to the deck, you copied his actions stepping off the deck and meeting him in the middle. He jutted his head forward and you ran your hands over the soft fur on his head. Jacob pushed his head into your hand and you scratched the top of his head and under his jaw simultaneously. He panted happily, moving his head so you could reach the right spots.
“He's like a massive dog” You called out laughing. 
Jacob growled in response and sat up. 
“He told me to tell you to respect him, he's a wolf, not a dog.” Sam chuckled.
“Werewolf things, we can communicate telepathically.” 
You looked from Sam to Jacob, bewildered. 
“He’s gonna change back, you might wanna turn around if you don't wanna see his junk” Sam said, turning around to go back inside.
You stepped back and covered your eyes with your arm. It took a few moments but you heard a quiet zipping sound and dared to take a look at Jacob’s muscular torso. 
“So this only explains a part of what happened. The rest is, well, complicated” Jacob followed sams lead and returned to Emily’s kitchen table. 
“Uncomplicate it for me then.”
“Do you remember the stories of the ‘cold ones?’“
“Kind of?”
“Marble skin, ice cold, no need to eat or sleep, consume blood, more commonly known as-”
“Don’t fucking tell me there are a bunch of bloodsucking vampires running around here too”
“The Cullens”
“THE CULLENS? As in EDWARD Cullen? As in Bella’s boyfriend?”
Sam and Jacob nodded. 
“That’s hilarious, you and Edward are both sworn enemies due to your nature and rival lovers”
“Shut up”
“Back to the topic, on the day in question, you came to the rez to see Jacob. Only Bella and Edward were there too, asking us for help to deal with some newborn leeches. Tensions are already high between the pack and the Cullens, so when they come on our land asking for favours, you can imagine how things go. Things got a bit heated between Paul and Edward, he can barely contain his anger on a good day so he phased. Jacob was stood next to him, so he phased too, to keep him in line”
“Cool story but where do I fit in here?”
“Somehow, during all the testosterone, you got too close. No offence but were all over 6ft tall, so it wasn't that hard for you to get lost in the crowd. When Jake phased, he hit you with his tail and you kind of flew backwards and hit a tree.”
An awkward silence settled over the three of you. 
“Well, I can see why no one wanted to tell me the full story” You joked, cutting through the tension.
“This is something the two of you need to talk out, Em and I will be upstairs if you need us.”
“I think we’ll walk back to my dad”
Sam nodded. “I’ll see the two of you later.”
You gave a small smile and got up and left Sam’s home. 
“Hold up, you’ll end up tripping again”
You refused to laugh at Jacob’s joke, choosing to face ahead rather than look at him. 
“Are you going to ignore me now?” 
You ignored him again. 
“C’mon, Y/N, talk to me” Jacob grabbed a hold of your hand but you shook him off.
“Y/N, I’m being serious. Stop. Look at me.” He grabbed a hold of your forearm, using a bit more force and pulling you towards him. “Please, just look at me”.
You looked up and stared into his eyes. His beautiful chocolatey brown eyes. The eyes you would stare into as a child during staring contests; the eyes you would search for in a crowd of unfamiliar people; the eyes that would meet yours in serious moments that you weren't supposed to laugh in, making you both dissolve into a fit of laughter; the eyes that had been following Bella’s every move for the past couple of years. 
“Hurts doesn’t it? Being ignored?” You said, quietly, not breaking eye contact. 
“You know why I couldn't tell you”
“But you did tell me,”
“After I got Sam’s approval”
“How hard was it to get Sam’s approval while I was in the hospital?” You pulled away from him and continued walking. 
“I didn’t want you to get hurt”
“So what, now that you’ve waited a few days the threat of me knowing the truth has just disappeared?”
“If it was up to me, you wouldn’t have found out until after we dealt with this newborn bullshit. I didn’t count on you showing up at my house, lack of foresight on my part I guess”
“I still don’t understand what this changes for me? Apart from me staying far, far away from the Cullens”
“They’re vegetarians, they only drink animal blood. But that's beside the point.” Jacob stopped and picked up a small log, snapping it into bits like it was a twig. “I’m not good with feelings, I don’t know how I’m supposed to explain this to you”
“Most of us first phased when the Cullens came to town. It's in our DNA, the smell of the bloodsuckers triggers the change. Forks had been free of vampires for the last few decades, so were the first shifters here in a while. The problem is, vampires are like an infestation, when you have one, you have a million more. We’ve been hit with threat after threat, first this woman trying to kill Bella, and now all of this newborn nonsense.
“Bella is just a human and she's stuck in the middle of all of this, this is what knowing does. It’s just not safe”
You felt your heart sink at his mention of Bella. “So you didn’t tell me because you didn’t want me to get in the way?”
“Right, I see that I’m just an inconvenience now.” You scoffed. 
“No, I didn't mean that. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to get hurt. I didn’t want you to get involved in all this. Not to mention, your mum forbade me from telling you unless it was necessary”
"My mum knew?"
"She's always known, you could say our families have some history,"
“Well despite what the both of you decided, not telling me got me hurt too”
“I know, and that's why I stayed away because I tried to protect you, I tried to keep you safe and I failed.”
“Wait, do you think that it was your fault?” You stopped walking for a second.
“Well of course it was. I threw you against a tree. You fractured your spine, they had to drill a hole in your head. You could’ve died.” Jacob turned to face you, his chest heaving. “I always thought the bloodsuckers were the monsters and we were the protectors. I nearly killed you, Y/N, so what does that make me?”
“Hey, now it's your turn to look at me” You rushed forward and held your hands to Jacob’s cheeks. “You are not a monster. It was an accident. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in the heat of the moment, things went sideways. And yes I could have died. And yes that is a very scary thought. But I’m not dead, hell, it's like nothing even happened. I know I'm angry, but I'm only angry because you kept it from me.  Now that I know you run around with wolves in your spare time, I’ll call ahead before I come over. I’ll even buy some dog treats to keep in my car”
“I’m a wolf, not a dog, huge difference.”
“Tomato, tomato. I guess at the end of the day, you thought you were doing the right thing by keeping it from me”
“Why are you so calm about this?”
“I don’t know myself, it's like I just had to play with wolfy you and I felt better. I guess all that research into the health benefits of pets is right”
“So I’m your pet?”
“Whose a smart boy? You’re a smart boy” you patted Jacob on the head, messing his hair up slightly. 
“That’s it” Jacob placed one muscular arm around your waist and hoisted you over his shoulder. 
“Jacob put me down”
“You’re slowing me down.”
“I’m not listening to you”
You accepted defeat and let Jacob carry you back to his home. Once he let you back down, you stumbled slightly, feeling lightheaded from all the blood rushing down from your head. Jacob scrambled to hold you up.
“Are you okay?” He asked, frantically looking for any other signs you were hurt. 
“Headrush, I’m okay” you responded, blinking. 
“I see you’re both back” You both turned to see Billy sitting on the porch. “I assume you’ve told her?”
“Oh yeah, I know about Jake’s secret double life”
“What does he mean by and? What else were you supposed to tell me?”
“It appears I have put my foot in my mouth”
“Just a little bit, thanks dad”
“Let's go into the barn”
You sat down in your designated spot with Jacob flopping down directly next to you. 
“Whoa, designated seats are out the window huh? Must be serious.”
He ignored your comment and tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. “What do you think about soulmates?”
“Bit of a random question but I think they exist”
“I guess I feel like we all have that one person out there for us that allows us to be the best versions of ourselves. Someone you can laugh with one second, cry with the second and argue with the third.”
“Do you think you have a soulmate?”
“I’d hope so” You chuckled slightly. “what do you think?”
“I have one and I know exactly who she is. It's just complicated”
“Let me guess, she's in love with a vampire?” It was now Jacob’s turn to laugh. 
“Actually, it’s not her. We have this thing called imprinting, in my world,”
“I’m sorry, ‘In my world?’ You sound like one of them old white guys telling strangers his war stories"
“It's a wolf thing, you kind of just look at her and you know it. It's like gravity just pushes you towards her. She becomes your entire world. Nothing else matters but her. You become overwhelmed with this desire to be close to her, to touch her, to keep her safe. You would go to the ends of the earth just to keep her happy. At first, I thought it was sappy bullshit but honestly, the entire world could be burning down behind me, but I wouldn’t care as long as she was with me. 
“When I first phased I hoped it would be Bella. I tried my hardest to force it but I looked at her and I felt nothing. And then I saw Her, and I realised how stupid I was to ever even want Bella in the first place. She smiled at me and it reminded me of all the reasons why she was so perfect for me.”
While you were happy that Jacob was no longer pining over Bella, your heart still sunk at the fact that he was unconditionally, head over heels in love with a girl that wasn’t you. The realist in you had tried to convince the hopeless romantic in you that you and Jake were friends and only friends but there was a small part of you that held out hope that one day he would see what was right in front of him. 
“I’m really glad you found her Jake, you deserve it.” You said, plastering a fake smile on your face. 
“Do I? I nearly killed her” 
“You’re on a bit of a hot streak, first me and now this girl” You joked, trying to lift the mood. 
“It technically only counts as one”
“What do you mean, it's obvi-”
“I nearly killed my imprint when I nearly killed you,” He turned his head and looked at you with a small smile. “Suprise”
Upon processing Jacob’s revelation, you sat up straight and replayed his words a few more times in your head, just to be sure you were hearing correctly. Your entire body turned to face him “just to be clear, you imprinted on me?”
“Who's the dumb one now?”
“I’m being serious, it's me?”
“Yes, it's you. It will always be you”
“I’ve waited to hear you say that since we were 11″ You couldn't help but break into a genuine smile.
“You’re so beautiful when you smile like that”
“I’m not beautiful all the time, wow?” you hit him playfully on the arm
“No of course you are, you’re just especially beautiful when you smile, genuinely” He took your hand and pulled you closer to him.
“Hmm good answer” you muttered, resting your head on his chest.
“I was an idiot for not seeing it earlier.”
“How long have you known?”
“A year”
“A YEAR?!”
“I didn’t know how you’d react”
“You’re gonna have to make that year up”
“I intend to,”
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austinshotbutlers · 2 years
The Wedding Date - Part Two
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: Your sister’s wedding is approaching fast and the thought of showing your boyfriend off to you family and your ex-boyfriend seems like a very appealing idea. The only problem is… you don’t have a boyfriend. Luckily your stony faced, serious, sexy boss has agreed to be your fake boyfriend for the weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 4.1k
TW: Mentions and allusions to sex, swear words and bad writing?
A/N: Part two is here!!! I’ve tagged everyone who commented on part one but let me know if you want to be removed. The love i have received for part one has meant so much, I didn’t think it would blow up as much as it did. Thank you so much to every single one of you! There will be a part three! Part one can be found here
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“Maybe we should hold hands?” You suggested as your smoothed down the red, silky dress you had picked for the party as you made your way into the extremely expensive looking lounge bar. You adjusted your hair slightly to ensure it looked perfect and once again smoothed the surface of your dress.
“Stop fidgeting, you look beautiful.” Aaron smiled and he took your hand in his.
You walked through the large doors into a gorgeous, old fashioned style bar. Family and friends were mingling all around nursing all kinds of alcoholic beverages. A waiter with a tray of champagne flutes passed and you quickly grabbed two, handing one to Aaron. You knocked it back in one, ready to face the challenges of the evening.
“You might want to slow down just a little bit.” Aaron laughed as he took a small sip from his own flute.
You were about to respond but the shrill sound of your sister cut you off.
“EEEEK!” She squealed as she ran over. “My sister is here! Who’s the hunk?” She attempted to whisper so Aaron couldn’t hear but failed miserably. “I’m getting married! I’m getting married!” And before you could respond, your slightly intoxicated sister ran off to hound someone else.
“She is going to be so drunk by the end of the night.” You say to Aaron, rolling your eyes jokingly.
“I’m just going to step outside and give Jack a call. Is that ok?” Aaron asks, pulling his phone out his suit pocket.
“Oh god yes! Go call him!” You ushered him away to let him phone Jack. This was your chance to go and refresh yourself and you made your way to the restroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, tucking some loose hair back behind your ear before retouching your lipstick. You smiled to yourself as you remembered Hotch saying you looked beautiful, heat rose to your cheeks and you fanned your face to calm down. Once you had collected your thoughts and you had finished touching up your makeup, you headed straight out the restroom door and walked smack into someone.
“God I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was…” you looked up and immediately recognised the cold steely eyes that were staring back at you. “Luke….” You laughed nervously. “Hi.”
He loosened his tie slightly before he spoke. “Er… Y/N, hi.”
You both stood in an awkward silence for a few seconds as you took in his appearance. He had aged quite a bit since you had last seen him; the start of a receding hairline, a messy, unkempt beard and still wearing ill fitting suits. You took a mental note of how much better Aaron wore a suit.
“Where’s this boyfriend I’ve been hearing about?” He asked abruptly.
You were quite taken aback. “He’s somewhere in the bar. He wasn’t going to escort me to the bathroom.” You replied bluntly.
He was just about to say something else when the uncanny voice of your cousin filled the small hallway.
“Oh my god!! If it isn’t my favourite cousin ever!” She yelled, running over and embracing you tightly. “Seriously, nearly two years since I last saw you. I have ex-boyfriends I see more than you.”
You laughed as you pulled back from the hug. “Oh Livvy I’ve missed you.”
She smiled at you before turning to face Luke. “Hello asshole.” She says in a moody tone. “Hope it’s alright if I just steal my cousin away.” And before Luke could utter a single word, Liv was dragging you up the stairs back to the party.
“Thank god you came when you did. I think he was about to play 21 questions with me about my new boyfriend.” You huffed.
“I will always rescue you from that asshole.” Liv replied and picked up a glass of champagne. “Now here,” she passed it to you. “Drink! God knows you’re going to need it.”
You sipped at the drink and scanned the room to see if Aaron had joined the party again. Just then, you saw him on the arm of your mother as she introduced him to all of your aunts. She had clearly cornered him when he came back to the party and insisted on introducing him to all the family. You smiled as he said something which made the group laugh, all your aunts seeming to take an instant liking to him.
“Ok, spill! Who is the sexy boyfriend of yours then? How did you meet?” Liv asked as she watched Aaron as well.
“We work together at the BAU. He’s the Unit Chief.” You replied without a second thought.
“Dating the boss? Sounds like something I would do.” She laughed.
You shook your head with a laugh and then looked up to see that Aaron had managed to escape your mother’s death grip and was making his way over to you. When he reached you, he placed his hand on your hip and ducked down to place a kiss on your cheek.
“How was Jack?” You asked breathlessly, the tingle of Aaron’s lips still lingering on your cheek.
“Yeah he’s good. Tired from a long day playing soccer.” Aaron replied with a smile.
Your cousin coughed to remind you of her presence.
“Liv!” You burst out, moving to the side so Aaron could see her properly. “Aaron, this is my cousin Liv.” You introduced them. Aaron put his hand out and Liv shook it enthusiastically.
“Nice to meet you Aaron. I’m so glad Y/N finally got over that pathetic loser and decided to get herself a real man.”
“Liv!” You hissed at her as she embarrassed you but Aaron just smiled and moved so he could wrap his arm around your waist. “Let’s go get another drink.” You say to him and you both wondered over to the bar.
“What would you like?” Aaron asked as he caught the attention of the bartender.
“Anything that’s stronger than champagne.” You groaned.
“Two scotches please.” Aaron asked the bartender and he speedily poured out two tumblers of amber liquid.
“Thanks.” You murmured just loud enough for Aaron to hear. He placed his arm back around your waist, taking a sip of his scotch.
You started to giggle to yourself and Aaron looked at you quizzically. “What’s so funny?”
“Well it’s just…” you laughed a bit harder. “Hotch drinking scotch.”
Aaron rolled his eyes, trying his best to suppress the smile that was slowly forming on his face. “It’s not even funny Y/N.”
“Say that to the smile on your face.” You laughed harder and Aaron gave in, laughing with you. “I think the alcohol is finally working, I’m going to go and get some fresh air,” and you slowly made your way out to the patio, taking a deep breath in.
Aaron smiled as he watched you glide across the floor, heading to the opened doors. If someone had told him a month ago that he would be in LA with you, pretending to be your boyfriend, he would have said they were insane. This was so out of character for him yet it felt so right being here with you. Everything about you made his heart swell; your smile and laugh, your bad jokes, the way you tuck your hair behind your ears. But tonight, the way you looked in that red dress just took his breath away, you were simply stunning.
He turned back to the bar and asked for another scotch which the bartender handed over.
“I’ll have the same.” Someone said from beside him, he turned to look at the man. He had a long overgrown beard that definitely needed trimming and a rather bad fitting suit on. “Partying alone?” The man asked Aaron.
“No, my girlfriend has just gone to get a breath of fresh air.” He replied. “You?”
“All by myself tonight being painfully taunted by my ex-girlfriend.” Said the man with a sigh, taking a large gulp of his scotch.
‘Surely this isn’t Luke?’ Aaron thought to himself as he attempted to profile his mannerisms and appearance.
“Yeah she seems to be trying to make me jealous. She claims she has a boyfriend but I’m yet to see him with her. She’s desperate to show me what I’m certainly not missing.” He continued and Aaron immediately realised that this was indeed your ex-boyfriend. The bitter tone as he spoke about you so rudely was enough to make Aaron want to use all his FBI combat training but he refrained so not to cause a scene. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Aaron saw you striding effortlessly in your heels across the room to him.
*** You looked over the gorgeous gardens as you stood in the early evening, the sun beginning to set. While your sister may be an insufferable bridezilla, she knew how to pick a beautiful venue. You downed the last drop of your scotch and turned to look back inside at the party. Your sister and her fiancé Thomas were chatting to your dad, your mom was telling some extravagant story to a group of people who were laughing along and Aaron…
You looked for him and saw him where you had left him at the bar and talking to…Luke!
“Oh shit!“ you shouted out loud and received a couple of unimpressed stares from some guests who were admiring the gardens as well. You put the glass in your hand down on the nearest table you could find and hastily strode across the room to get to them. Without taking a single look at Luke, you wrapped your arms around Aaron and kissed him hard on the lips. His initial shock wore off almost instantly as he melted into the kiss, placing his free hand on the small of your back, kissing you back. It felt so perfect, so right and little did you know, Aaron felt the exact same.
You pulled back abruptly and turned to see Luke with a dumbfounded look on his face.
“Luke!” You faked surprise. “I didn’t see you there. Have you two met?” You asked, motioning between him and Aaron.
“Not… not formally.” Luke replied bluntly.
“Oh! Well Luke, this is my boyfriend Aaron.” You smiled, moving so Aaron could offer his usual handshake which Luke shook reluctantly.
“I… er, I should go and find Thomas.” Luke said monotonously and he scampered away before you or Aaron could say anything to him.
As soon as he was out of earshot, you turned to Aaron. “Oh my god! That wasn’t too much was it?” You asked him frantically and Aaron just laughed.
“No, not at all. It was just a surprise is all.” He smiled sweetly.
“God I’m so sorry! And I’ve got lipstick all on your lips, hang on.” You frantically grabbed a napkin from the bar and started to wipe his lips clean of your red lipstick.
The concentration on your face made Aaron smile and he watched you with such adoration.
“Thank you.” He murmured and you looked too see him smiling at you. Heat rose to your cheeks, the way he looked you made you feel like a pre-teen again. You were about to speak when the sound of a glass being tapped silenced everyone in the bar.
“If I could please have your attention.” The voice of your mother filled the room.
“Jesus. Prepare yourself for the second-hand embarrassment from my mother speaking publicly.” You whispered to Aaron and he chuckled.
“Thank you all for coming to celebrate the engagement of my beautiful daughter Sarah and her fiancé Thomas. We have been waiting for a wedding in this family for a very long time now. We of course thought Y/N would be the first one down the aisle.” The mention of your name immediately caused a lot of looks from around the room focused on you, a couple of murmurs too and you cursed in your head whoever let your mom make a speech while feeling the affects of alcohol. However, the feeling of Aaron snaking his arm around your hips and holding you close made you relax and you tried to ignore your mom’s speech but luckily, your dad interjected and took over.
“To Sarah and Thomas!” He cheered raising a class and everyone followed suit.
“Are you ok?” Aaron whispered quietly into your ear and all you could do was nod.
As soon as you walked into your bedroom, you kicked off you heels and threw yourself onto the bed. Aaron walked in a couple of seconds later, loosening his tie and undoing his top button.
“That was simply awful.” You groaned into the pillow.
“It wasn’t that bad.” Aaron said as he sat down next to you on the bed, starting to unlace his shoes.
“Easy for you to say.” You huffed. “When you were talking to Luke, what was he saying?”
Aaron hesitated, debating whether or not to share the whole conversation but he settled on telling the truth. “He said you were trying hard to make him jealous and he didn’t believe you had a boyfriend.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and sat up abruptly. “He is such a dick!” You exclaim. “How did I deal with it for 5 years?”
“What exactly happened when he broke up with you?” Aaron asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
You took a deep breath. It was about time you shared the full story, no one knew it other than you and Luke. You hadn’t realised but Aaron had placed his hand on top of yours and engulfed it completely.
“It’s ok. Take your time.” He said with such care and kindness in his voice.
“Well, it was on our anniversary of all days. I guess we had been having some rocky patches, he didn’t like the idea of me moving to Washington and he especially didn’t like the idea of me joining the FBI. Luke is the reason it took me so long to apply for the BAU and when I finally did and told him, he was so annoyed!” Tears started to well in your eyes as you remember just how horrible the fight was and Aaron’s grip on your hand tightened which comforted you. “I ignored just how bad the fight was because everyone said it was normal but looking back, he was such a…”
“Fucking asshole.” Aaron interjected.
“Exactly. He’s exactly that.” You say. “The day he dumped me, everyone had got inside my head saying he was going to propose. My mom, sister and even his mom thought he was proposing. That’s why it hurt so bad, we were even… intimate the night before he dumped me.” Anger flared inside Aaron. How could anyone ever treat you like that? If he didn’t already hate Luke from his brief meeting with him this morning, he definitely hated him now. “No one really knew what to say to me, I was so heartbroken. I had to move back in with my parents and that’s when I decided I’d had enough and I packed up everything to come to Washington.”
“And thank god you did.” Aaron said with a smile. “The team wouldn’t work without you.” And you laughed.
“I’m going to go and get ready for bed.” You said, standing up and heading to the bathroom.
Once you locked yourself in the bathroom, you released a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. You just spilled your guts to Aaron and yet, you still knew so little about him.
Aaron was laying in bed when you came back from fetching a glass of water from the kitchen and you laughed.
“What’s funny now?” He asked, his voice slightly muffled from how he was laying with his head deep in the pillow.
“You’re too tall for the bed.” You giggled, walking round and placing the glass down on the bedside cabinet. You then pulled back the covers to climb in yourself. “When there’s two people in the bed, it makes me realise just how small it is.”
“I can sleep on the floor if that would be better?” Aaron offered, preparing to get out of bed.
“Don’t be stupid. You’ll get a bad back.” You said, shuffling to reposition more comfortably. “We’re just going to have to squeeze together. This is so cliché. The one bed trope from those cheesy romance books I read in college.” You groaned. “Thank you, again, for doing this for me though.”
“Stop thanking me Y/N, I wanted to help you.” Aaron replied, rolling over so he could face you.
Maybe it was the liquid courage still flowing through you from the party, but you lifted you hand and placed it on Aaron’s cheek, taking in all his features.
“You’re so handsome.” You mumbled, running your thumb across his lips and heat rose to Aaron’s cheeks before you leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. Aaron immediately reciprocated, his hand moving to your hip so naturally, gripping it tightly as the kiss grew more heated between you. His mouth trailed down your neck, sucking lightly at the base which elicited a small moan from your lips. This was the most intimate you had been with someone in a long time and it felt so right to be doing it with Aaron. But suddenly and abruptly, Aaron pulled away.
“Wha… what’s wrong?” You asked breathlessly, lips still tingling from the kiss.
“Maybe we should stop before we do something we’ll regret.” He replied, moving his hand from your hip.
“But?…” you paused. Maybe he was right, sex could make things awkward. Sex could ruin your friendship. Sex could fuck up this whole arrangement. “Yeah… yeah you’re right. Erm, goodnight Aaron.” You said reluctantly and turned over to face the wall.
“Night Y/N.” You heard Aaron mumble before you drifted off to sleep.
Aaron woke from the bright Los Angeles sun peeking through the gap in the curtain, he looked next to him at you. You had manoeuvred during the night and were sweetly nestled into Aaron’s torso, his arm wrapped around you.
‘It was right to stop last night.’ Aaron tried to convince himself. ‘If we had slept together, it would have only overcomplicated things.’
Aaron kept these thought stirring in his head to persuade himself that he made the right call. He leaned backwards carefully so not to disturb you to reach his watch. The hands read 6:08am. He was always an early bird as it was these early mornings where Aaron felt most at ease. He carefully moved his arm from where it was wrapped around you, trying his best not to wake you. You stirred a little before rolling over, still sound asleep. He grabbed his running gear he had packed with him just in case and began to change, glancing around the room for some paper. Once he was fully dressed, he wandered over to the desk and opened a draw to reveal a stack of bright pink post-it notes. Pink was clearly your favourite colour growing up he noted in his head. He scribbled down a message on the post-it and stuck it on the empty glass on your cabinet.
He quietly walked down the stairs, trying not to disturb your parents but was shocked when he saw your dad sat at the dinning table with a cup of coffee and a newspaper.
“We haven’t scared you off have we?” Your dad asked with a laugh.
“No sir.” Aaron chuckled. “Just heading out for a run before Y/N wakes up.”
“I’d ask to join you but my running days are behind me.” Your dad said. “Venice Beach was always my favourite place to run, I recommend it for your route today.”
“Thank you sir, I’ll keep it in mind.”
You woke up surprised to find the bed empty, the mattress cold. You stretched to try and wake yourself up before turning to the bedside cabinet to check the time on the clock but a pink post-it caught your attention. You picked it up and read Aaron’s scruffy handwriting: ‘Gone for a run, back soon x’. The kiss at the end taunted you as memories of yesterday flashed through your head. Kissing Aaron Hotchner was something you never thought would happen in a million years, yet here you were.
You pulled the duvet back and climbed out of bed, grabbing your phone and trying to turn it on but it was out of charge.
“For fucks sake.” You mutter and scavenge through your bags to find the charger. “It has to be somewhere!” You thought out loud.
“What are you looking for?” Came the deep voice of Aaron out of nowhere.
“Shit! You made me jump!” You exclaim and stand up, turning to look at him. Your breath hitched in your throat as you took in his appearance. The tight shirt he was wearing accentuated his arms and the running shorts showed off his muscular thighs. The glimmer of sweat on his face and the glow of heat from the exercise made him look even more handsome than usual. This was a look you could get used to seeing everyday.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He chuckled. “If you’re looking for your charger, it’s in the big suitcase over there.” He pointed to the case that sat near the wardrobe.
“Thanks.” You say and unzip the case, reaching in to look for the cable. As soon as you fished it out the case, you plugged it in quickly and waited for the phone to get some charge.
“I’m just going to have a quick shower and then I thought we could head out for some breakfast?” Aaron suggested.
“Yeah, that sounds good. We’ve been here a day and I already need a couple of hours away from my family.” You joked and Aaron nodded with understanding.
Immediately after he closed the door to the bathroom and you heard the water running, you turned your phone on and quickly typed a message out to Emily.
7:54AM | Y/N L/N: Help!!! I think I’m falling in love with Aaron.
7:57AM | Emily Prentiss: I did warn you it would happen! What went down at the engagement party?
7:59AM | Y/N L/N: My ex is still a dick as predicted. I kissed Aaron right in front of him and you should have seen his face LOL!
8:01AM |Emily Prentiss: Did anything other than kissing happen last night? ;)
8:02AM | Y/N L/N: Shut up.
8:04AM | Emily Prentiss: Ha! You didn’t answer my question which tells me YES! Something else did happen! Spill!
8:07AM | Y/N L/N: Fine! We made out a little after the party and I think we were going to have sex but Aaron said we should stop before we did something we might regret which was of course the right decision.
8:10AM | Emily Prentiss: OH MY GOD! Of course he said that, he is so down bad for you. He knows once you have sex with each other, there is no running away from his feelings. You need to sleep with him, I bet he’s actually quite good in bed. Do you think he’s as authoritative in bed as he is when we’re on a case?
8:12AM | Y/N L/N: Emily! Stop it! I have to go, I can hear Aaron coming out the shower.
And you switched your phone off before another text could come through from Emily. She was so enjoying this too much.
“Any idea where we should go for breakfast?” Aaron asked you.
“There’s this really amazing brunch bar near Santa Monica pier, I used to go there all the time with Sarah.”
“Sounds perfect.” He smiled as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Your mom called from the kitchen.
You and Aaron saw her standing at the kitchen island drinking a fluorescent green smoothie.
“What’s up mom?”
“Ahh perfect! You’re both here. Sarah wanted me to ask you if you and Aaron could join her and Thomas for one of their last minute dance lessons.” She said excitedly.
You groaned like a miserable teenager. “Do we really have to? Aaron was just about to take me for brunch.”
“Yes! It will be great fun.”
You knew then, there was absolutely no getting out of this one.
The Wedding Date Taglist: @wanniiieeee @notsopersonalcharlie @blackeyedangel9805 @preciousbabypeter @stxlemate @twilightlover2007 @justarandommom @impala1967dwinchester @spencermiromantiko @julyhoney @thecubanator2 @xphantomphanphanaticx @lawlesshedgehog @louderfortheback @ssamorganhotchner @essenceproxima @lespendy @stiles-argent24 @rousethemouse @tvdstelenaforever @wandererseye @bibella8swan @yourfavunsub @bibimangines @lou-the-confused-bisexual @realm8626 @sophiaj650 @bylones @howabouticallyou @madz-19 @hotchnerxo @supercriminalbean @jayxox @sweetpeterparker @mina2000alex
I tagged those who commented and reblogged part one. Let me know if you want to be removed or tagged🫶🏻
Part three
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
It's been awhile, Geralt x Jaskier enthusiasts, but here is your newest installment of...
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Otherwise known as...
Things that sound like Geraskier fic writers made them up, but that are, in fact, book canon.
This time with commentary on the original Polish wording from @cherrypoison1889! Thanks, Cherry!
Today we're talking about dopplers, otherwise known as shape shifters, also called vexlings in the world of The Witcher. Dopplers are often used to expose the fact that Dandelion is a vulnerability for Geralt, that he loves him.
There are quite a few Geraskier fics that play with this trope. (I will give you a rec or two at the end of the post.)
It makes sense! Plus, the show used a doppler, (more on that later) so the concept is right there!
But does the concept of using a doppler to reveal Geralt's true feelings for Jaskier just exist in the fevered imagination of Geraskier fic writers?? Is this pure fanon? Or canon?
Well, you may have guessed (since I didn't write all this out for my health!)...
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It is canon.
In The Witcher book, Sword of Destiny, we meet a doppler called Dudu, who turns into Dandelion (Jaskier) to protect himself from Geralt. He even has a few choice words to say about what he sees in Geralt's thoughts.
Want the details? Of course you do, you've read this far, why not?
When Geralt meets Dudu in this story, the doppler is in the form of a halfling called Dainty Biberveldt. Dudu has bonked Dainty on the head, stolen his shit, taken his form, and is running around Novigrad making business deals with his ill gotten gains.
Dainty wants his shit back from the doppler, but does not want to turn Dudu over to the city guards because Dainty is a decent person who knows that they will murder the doppler in an absolutely horrific way that I will not describe to you. Novigrad is rife with violent bigotry towards non humans, and dopplers in particular have been slaughtered to near extinction. They've been subject to genocide, basically, just because they creep people out. (I could write a thesis just on the way this short story handles themes of racism)
But anywho. That's how we get Geralt's involvement. Geralt is pitching in to get Dudu under control so they don't have to involve bigoted law enforcement. (We stan Dainty ACAB Biberveldt in this house)
This particular scene opens when Geralt has pursued the doppler into a crowded marketplace and has finally cornered him in a tent. Dandelion is elsewhere in the market, being a slut, so he is nowhere to be seen. When Geralt corners Dudu, they are alone, and the doppler panics. He can't get away. So, he decides to be crafty.
First, he turns into Geralt as a way to protect himself. The book describes Dudu changing into Geralt, down to the last detail. Now there are two identical witchers in the tent. Then Dudu speaks.
"Don't come any closer," the second witcher said huskily and smiled. "Don't come any nearer, Geralt. I won't let you lay your hands on me."
So now he looks just like Geralt and has his husky voice. Perhaps he is hoping Geralt will not be able to harm someone who looks like himself. Perhaps he just wants to be equal to him physically.
Either way, Geralt's self esteem is too low for the first one to work. Here is how Geralt responds to an exact copy of himself.
"What a hideous smile I have," thought Geralt, reaching for his sword. "What a hideous face I have. And how hideously I squint? So is that what I look like? Damn."
So, Geralt reaches for his sword immediately, and the only reaction he has for himself is disgust.
Here is where I asked Cherry for her thoughts. Is Geralt as mean to himself in the original Polish? Hideous is pretty strong a word! Here is what she said:
Cherrypoison1889: Geralt is indeed very harsh on himself, when he sees the doppler transform into him. In Polish, he uses the word "paskudne" to describe himself, which is literally hideous. However, he also calls his face "gęba" which is a more vulgar word for face, which in Polish is "Twarz". So he's even harsher on himself, I'd say.
Oh noooo. But just when you think Geralt's low self esteem is going to be a strategic advantage, it betrays him. Why? Because when Dudu says, you can't defeat me, because I am you and I know everything you know...
"I am you," the doppler repeated. "you will not gain an advantage over me. You cannot defeat me, because I am you!"
That is where Geralt starts to lose ground. Why? Because Geralt of Rivia says, no, you can't really copy me! Because you are a good person, and I'm a bad bad bad man. I kill people. I'm a killer. You cannot relate. You cannot even begin to understand the mind of a bad evil killer man like me.
"No," the witcher countered, "you are not. And do you know why? Because you're a poor, little, good-natured doppler. A doppler who, after all, could have killed Biberveldt and buried his body in the undergrowth, by so doing gaining total safety and utter certainty that he would not be unmasked, ever, by anybody....But you didn't kill him...Because you're a poor, little, good-natured doppler, whose close friends call him Dudu...you only know how to copy what is good in us, because you don't understand the bad in us."
Geralt isn't saying this to be strategic. He truly believes it! He knows Dudu has seen his thoughts! Listen to what he says next...
"you aren't capable of defying me, because I am what you are unable of copying (sic). You are absolutely aware of this, Dudu. Because you took over my thoughts for a moment."
So, Geralt is like, you saw what a mess it was in there. You know what a killer I am. You may as well give up now.
I thought 'took over my thoughts' was a little bit of an awkward phrasing, it almost implies thought control, when I feel like the context is thought reading, so I asked Cherry about that. She said:
Cherrypoison1889: As for the "taking thoughts over" bit, it is the same in Polish, I am afraid. the word Sapko uses is "przejąć" which means exactly that, although I assume that the "take over" in English was meant to be understood as "acquiring" although I can't be sure of that. It sure does sound a touch awkward.
But back to the story, Tellico (Dudu) has now been inside Geralt's head. So he knows that's absolute bullshit, even if Geralt doesn't. He has seen what is in Geralt's heart, which prompts him to take another shape.
Tellico straightened up abruptly. His face's features, still those of the Witcher, blurred and spread out, and his white hair curled and began to darken.
"You're right, Geralt," he said indistinctly, because his lips had begun to change shape. "I took over your thoughts. Only briefly, but it was sufficient. Do you know what I'm going to do now?"
Do you? Do you dear reader, know what he's going to do now? I'm going to let you make a guess.
The leather witcher jacket took on a glossy, cornflower blue colour. The doppler smiled, straightened his plum bonnet with its egret's feather, and tightened the strap of the lute slung over his shoulder, the lute which had been a sword a moment ago.
Well, if you've read the books up to this point, we all know who's form he has taken. Cornflower blue, egret's feather, lute....smart doppler.
"I'll tell you what I"m going to do, Witcher," he said, with the rippling laughter characteristic of Dandelion. "I'll go on my way, squeeze my way into the crowd and change quietly into any old body, even a beggar. Because I prefer being a beggar in Novigrad to being a doppler in the wilds."
He then has a powerful monologue about being subject to extermination and genocide. About hunger and fear and freezing to death. He makes a very touching plea to Geralt, asking the Witcher why he is denied the right of survival, granted to everyone else, just because he is a doppler. It is about a page and half long and I HIGHLY recommend people read Sword of Destiny, because this is good shit. He says he will stay in Novigrad.
"As a resident of Novigrad, I'll trade, weave wicker baskets, beg or steal; as one of you I'll do what one of you usually does...."
The Witcher said nothing.
Now, Dudu, in Dandelion's shape, having seen Geralt's thoughts, takes his gamble. And boy does he have guts. He tells Geralt about himself, about his supposed bad bad heart.
"Yes, as I said," Tellico continued calmly. "I'm going. And you, Geralt, will not even try to stop me. Because I, Geralt, knew your thoughts for a moment. Including the ones you don't want to admit to, the ones you even hide from yourself. Because to stop me you'd have to kill me. And the thought of killing me in cold blood fills you with disgust doesn't it?
The Witcher said nothing.
Tellico adjusted the strap of his lute again, turned away and walked towards the exit. He walked confidently, but Geralt saw him hunch his neck and shoulders in expectation of the whistle of a sword blade. He put his sword in his scabbard. The doppler stopped in mid-step and looked around.
"Farewell", Geralt, he said. "Thank you."
"Farewell, Dudu," the Witcher replied. "Good luck."
Dudu wins that one, quite handily.
The doppler turned away and headed towards the crowded bazaar, with Dandelion's sprightly, cheerful, swinging gait. Like Dandelion, he swung his left arm vigorously, and just like Dandelion he grinned at the wenches as he passed them.
As he walks away, Dudu even plays the lute and sings "exactly like Dandelion". Then he shouts back advice for Geralt to pass on to the bard.
"Pass that on to Dandelion, if you remember," he called. "And tell him that Winter is a lousy title. The ballad should be called The Eternal Fire. Farewell, Witcher."
Dudu has seen Geralt's thoughts EVEN THE ONES HE WILL NOT ADMIT TO EVEN THE ONES HE HIDES FROM HIMSELF, and his next choice was to turn into Dandelion.
Now, do I think that the author meant to imply that Geralt is trying to hide his love of Dandelion? No. Slim chance of that. However, it isn't like it's a secret that Geralt hates killing creatures who do no harm or who cannot fight back. So there is still something a bit fuzzy to me about the thoughts that Geralt hides from himself.
It is ripe territory for a Geralt x Dandelion enjoyer to exploit, cultivate, and use for their fics and headcanons.
I asked Cherry for her thoughts about this, about what Geralt's hidden thoughts are having read the original Polish, and she said this:
I feel like Dudu used Geralt's self-loathing against him, in a way. As in, if Geralt were to kill Dudu-as-Dandy, he would admit to himself that he is a ruthless, horrible person, who kills "intelligent" beings, despite what he claims, which would also make him a hypocrite. And we know Geralt is a big softie, so he wouldn't do it anyway. I think changing into Dandy was an additional precaution, just an extra measure in case Dudu turned out to be wrong.
I really liked this story, I don't remember reading it back when I read the books (it was ages ago, so I might be wrong anyway). It's really funny, and Geralt is babbie. Darling boy, he just bought himself a new jacket and it got ruined in the frenzy...
Babbie Geralt, that's our darling.
It is sad that Geralt has so much self loathing that it didn't help Dudu to look like him, but it is very sweet that Dandelion is such a point of vulnerability for Geralt, and that Dudu had his number.
Dudu wins this round soundly. The story isn't over. I won't spoil it in case you guys want to read it. But it has a great ending. It is definitely one of my favorites.
I will just never get over how easily he gets the upper hand on Geralt here. Geralt of Rivia, legendary monster hunter, defeated by little Dudu because of his low self worth, his mushy heart, his solidarity with non humans, and his love of a slutty bard.
Now, recommendations.
The Doppler Effect, by @a-kind-of-merry-war This is the first doppler fic I read in the fandom and it has alll the delicious emotional drama, pining, and sexiness that you want from a fic like this. It is excellent.
Images of You, by @pherryt This one is a delightful 'continuation' of what happens in Sword of Destiny. After Dudu learns about Geralt's feelings, he essentially matchmakes Geralt and Dandelion eventually receiving a sexy thank-you of his own.
Them, by @gilligangoodfellow I feel like dopplers and Dudu in particular is so ripe for exploration in fic. So it is wonderful to see a fic like this. It's a short character study of Dudu as gender fluid, with the doppler coming out to Zoltan. Seriously, try it.
Alright, thanks for reading, folks!
For more Geralt and Dandelion "I can't believe it's not fanon..."stay tuned. I am organizing a master post with all of the posts I've done. So keep your eyes out. (in the mean time, most of them seem to show up in the tag, just not all of them)
And lastly, THANK YOU CHERRY! I love having a partner to do these posts with!!
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cruel to be kind - chapter four
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (90s college AU)
summary: it started with a dare. Bucky restlessly pursues Y/N, seeking just one date. as he chases her, he realizes she's different from she challenges him, so he starts to catch feelings. but it all falls apart when she learns about his initial motivations. based on 10 things I hate about you!
warnings: alcohol use, cursing
word count: 2.7k
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taglist sign up (for the people I'm currently tagging - please fill this out if you want me to continue tagging you!)
taglist: @caritobbg @tellmealovestory @mrs-bucky-barnes106 @charmedbysarge @theroyalmanatee @ozwriterchick @aya-fay @differenttyphoonwerewolf @gorillaglue23 @elizabeth916 @sebsgirl71479 @drewsuncrustables @lokidokieokie @nats-whore @m4nulup1n @arcanebabe @tanyaspartak @jackiehollanderr @princezzjasmine @pono-pura-vida @mavrellover91 @helluvapimp @blackwood-bodecker-housewife
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Bucky took a deep breath as he sat in the announcers’ booth in the sports stadium. He was about to make a total fool of himself and he was hoping it would be worth it. Y/N said sweet talk wouldn’t work on her, so Bucky decided to step up his game. They say actions speak louder than words, right?
The field hockey team was currently running drills toward the end of their practice and he knew this was his moment. He flipped on the microphone, turned on the stadium speakers, and signaled to his collaborators to get in position. 
You’re just too good to be true
Can’t take my eyes off of you 
You’d be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much 
Bucky took a few steps down the bleachers as the field hockey team paused their training to determine where the singing was coming from.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I’m alive
You’re just too good to be true
Can’t take my eyes off of you
He pointed right at Y/N as he emphasized the ‘you’ of the last line. A brief pause followed the verse then he heard a whistle from the drum major and the handful of marching band members he coerced started playing their respective instruments to the familiar tune. The girls on the field started giggling at the interruption and all eyes were on Bucky. He gave a quick wink to Y/N before continuing.
I love you, baby
And if it’s quite alright
I need you, baby
To warm the lonely night
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh pretty baby
Don’t bring me down, I pray
Oh pretty baby
Now that I’ve found you stay
And let me love you, baby
Let me love youuuu
By this point he noticed a security guard in a bright yellow shirt approaching and he knew he had to make a quick exit. He stood in the middle of the bleachers and started running down toward the bottom row. The band continued on playing as Bucky made his escape. Another security guard was making his way up the bleachers, so Bucky pivoted and started running laterally. He was lucky in that his pursuers were wannabe mall cops who weren’t in the best shape so out-running them was a breeze. He looked back down at the field hockey team and found them all laughing heartily at the encounter while Y/N stood there in a state of shock and amusement. Bucky put on his entertaining hat and paused for a moment and started dancing. One of the security guards caught up to him, but Bucky jumped down a row on the bleachers and gave him a quick pat on the bum before darting off. He jumped off the bleachers and gave a quick bow to his audience before running out of the stadium. The whole crowd was cheering and laughing, except for the one person he was seeking approval from. He caught her eye as she stood there with her arms crossed, shaking her head, with a wry smile on her face.
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Bucky sat in the lecture hall and tapped his pencil on the desk while the TA handed out the test. He was ill prepared and he knew it. He could usually bullshit his way through his courses but calculus took no prisoners.
He let out a deep sigh as he studied the first question, wracking his brain to remember the unit circle.
“James Barnes,” he heard. He popped his head up and saw his professor searching for him. Bucky squeezed past his classmates and strode down the steps to the lecturer’s desk.
“James, I just received a call that there’s been a family emergency that requires your attention. You’re excused from the exam to go deal with the situation. Email me once everything has been resolved and we’ll find a time for you to make up the test.”
Bucky’s heart dropped and he was immediately concerned with the news. Things must’ve been pretty bad for him to be pulled from class. He wasn’t even sure how he responded to the professor but he numbly rushed out of the lecture hall.
As he burst out of the building, he found Y/N standing there with a knowing look on her face.
“Well someone’s in a rush,” she commented.
“Sorry, I can’t talk. I’ve gotta call my Ma.”
“Family emergency?” 
“Yeah, how’d you…know…”
She merely shrugged. “There is no family emergency, is there?” he asked.
She shook her head with a growing smile. “You did this?”
“I mean you did embarrass yourself in front of the entire field hockey team for me, so I figured it was the least I could do.”
“So what now?” he asked.
“Are you telling me you’ve been chasing after me all these weeks and you don’t have any date ideas?” she retorted.
“Oh it's a date now?”
She gave him a warm smile and ceded, “It’s a date.”
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They found themselves walking along the boardwalk as the sun began to peek through the clouds. The beach was close to the campus but just far enough away that it wasn’t usually flooded with students. Considering it was a weekday, the boards were pretty empty aside from the occasional retiree walking their dog.
“Have you been out here before?” he asked her.
“I think I came here with my family when we first looked at the school, but that was years ago.”
“I come out here to think sometimes.”
She looked at him with a sense of wonder, “What do you have to think about? Your poor choices?”
He scoffed at that, “If only it were that simple.”
Before she could ask a follow up question, they heard two chimes of a bell. Bucky reacted instantly and grabbed her elbow pulling her toward him as the surrey bike flew past them, two teenage girls giggling as they avoided impact.
“Never understood the appeal of those things,” he commented.
“You’ve never been on a surrey?” she asked. He shook his head and she grabbed his hand. 
“Come on,” she said, pulling him toward the bike rental stand.
Moments later, they were pedaling away, learning how to steer via trial and error. After a few minor crashes, they fell into a rhythm, pedaling together on the open boards.
“You know, you’re actually pleasant when you put your guard down,” he stated.
“Oh is that so?” she challenged.
“Honest. So why do you act out the way you do?”
She let out a deep sigh, “Ah, onto the hard hitting questions now.”
“Don’t try to talk around this. I want an answer.”
She thought for a moment, “I don’t like to do what people expect. Why should I have to live up to other people’s expectations?”
“So you disappoint them first.”
She shrugged a silent confirmation.
“Well you screwed up,” he said. She turned to look at him and he continued, “You never disappointed me.” A blush crept up her cheeks and she turned away, hiding the smile that was slowly forming. Giddiness was something she hadn’t felt in a long time.
“What about you? What’s your story?”
“Grew up in Brooklyn. Raised by a single mom. I have a little sister.”
“And how do you explain your tough exterior?”
“I just genuinely don’t care what people think of me.”
“And why do you think that is?”
“My best friend growing up was a bit of a runt and he was always picked on. Yet even when he was bullied, he wanted to be liked and he would do anything to be accepted. And that always made me so upset because he was so much better than them and yet all he wanted was their approval. I didn’t want to be like that. So I decided to just go out there and be myself and maybe I am an asshole, but at least I’m not pretending to be someone I’m not.”
“That’s oddly refreshing. I wish I could be more like that.”
“The only part that sucks is that I met you.”
She scoffed, “And that sucks?”
“It does, because I do care about what you think of me.”
She became flustered yet again, but this time she deflected with humor. “Bucky Barnes, do not get all cheesy on me now.”
“I thought you liked cheese?”
“I mean, I like some havarti on a sandwich but I’m lactose intolerant when it comes to men.”
“Understood, no more cheesy lines.” They sat in comfortable silence, pedaling along when the bells and music of the arcade graced their ears. 
“How would you feel about a little friendly competition?” he asked, as if reading your mind.
“I hope you’re ready to lose,” she replied, shooting him a big smile.
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“Let me guess, you want to show off your strength on the boxing machine?” she said, pointing to the seven foot machine that was covered in red, white, and blue.
“I’m insulted that you think I’m that much of a moron.”
“Then what did you have in mind? Mortal Kombat?” 
She grinned, “Are you sure you want to do that?”
“Oh, I’m sure,” he replied. Y/N was very competitive, and Bucky couldn’t believe how much of a turn on it was.
They lined up next to each other and slid two quarters into the slots as the balls poured into place. They both looked toward each other and Bucky counted them down. On three, they both grabbed a ball and rolled it up their respective lanes. Y/N’s hit the middle slot with ease, while Bucky’s reached the high score on the top corner. Y/N glanced over at him and saw his score adding up quicker than her own. She decided to intervene. As he wound up his next ball, she bumped her hip into his side and his ball flew off target, falling into the bottom of the board.
“You’re playing dirty with me?” he asked.    
She shrugged, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I think that was just a bad shot.” 
“Bad shot my ass,” he grinned, as he shot his next ball. He couldn’t let her get away with that, so he waited for her to grab her last ball. As soon as she wound up, he swooped in and grasped her hips, picking her up with ease and flipping her over his shoulder.
“Bucky! Put me down!” 
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“I have one more shot left!”
“Take it up here then.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Oh I am completely serious.” He took a few steps back from the skeeball machines and stopped. “Shoot away,” he smiled.
She hit him on his back with her free hand until she realized her efforts were pointless, he was too strong.
“Fine, but I want a rematch,” she gave in. Bucky turned her so that she was facing the lane and she somehow managed to aim straight enough to make contact, but it didn’t have enough force. The ball rolled back down towards them and Bucky deftly placed Y/N on the ground and picked up the ball. He lined up and took her final shot, landing it in the top right corner. Her score totaled and she had outscored Bucky by 50 points.
She stared at him and said, “This time, I’m beating you without your help.”
They played a few more games before switching to the basketball shooting game. Bucky must’ve played basketball at some point in his life because he made most of his shots. They continued wandering through the arcade, stopping to play games that interested them. Y/N spotted a photo booth across the way and took Bucky’s hand, pulling him behind the curtain.
Bucky fed his money into the machine and they browsed through the templates until they found one with stars around the border. 
“Okay, silly pose first,” Y/N announced as she pressed the start button. She stuck her tongue out at the camera while Bucky gave her bunny ears and crossed his eyes. The second frame came quickly and they were captured in a candid transition to the next pose. The third frame they were ready for. As Y/N bared her pearly whites to the camera, Bucky placed his hand on her cheek and turned her toward him. 
Before she even realized what was happening, Bucky leaned in and captured her lips with his. She initially froze but easily fell into the kiss, allowing his tongue access to her mouth. She placed her hand on his shoulder and he tightened his grip on her, not wanting to let go. They were interrupted by the sound of the photostrip printing out. Y/N pulled away and collected the photos, studying the two of them and how adorable the photos came out.
“I guess our time here is up,” he commented, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. Y/N poked her head out from behind the curtain to look around the arcade. There was no one else in sight, so she returned to the booth. “I think we can stay in here just a little longer,” she said, finding his lips again.
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Giddy was the only word to describe her current mood. She had forgotten what it felt like to be giddy. She couldn’t exactly pinpoint the last time she felt this way, but she thought it was around the time she turned nine and had her birthday party at the roller rink.
As she walked back into her apartment building, with Bucky smiling by her side, she knew she’d remember this moment. Little did she know how quickly the mood would shift.
She was unlocking the door to her apartment when she heard that voice. 
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Zemo called, approaching the couple with Sam in his wake.
Bucky felt a chill go down his spine. He knew nothing good could come from this interaction.
“Hey guys,” Bucky said tensely, obviously not wanting to engage in conversation.
“We haven’t seen you around much, Barnes,” Zemo added.
“Been busy,” he said tersely.
“You’ve been spending time with our next door neighbor here and haven’t even bothered to swing by and say hi?”
Y/N was studying this interaction closely, sensing the tension in the air.
“Guess it just slipped my mind,” he retorted.
“Well, I have to commend you on the commitment,” Zemo smiled.
“Commitment?” Y/N questioned, looking at Bucky. He clenched his fist, highly considering knocking out his former friend just to get him to stop talking.
“Leave it man,” Sam said, nudging Zemo. But it only encouraged him more.
“Commitment to the bit,” Zemo said, looking right at Y/N this time. She returned his stare, trying to figure out what his angle was. She didn’t bite, but he elaborated anyway. 
“Barnes here only asked you out because we dared him to.” His gaze shifted to Bucky and he said, “Job well done, by the way. It really looks like you’re interested in her. Would’ve fooled me.” And with that, Zemo walked off. Sam stood there and gave Bucky an apologetic look before he turned and followed his roommate.
Y/N stared up at Bucky and he was afraid to look down and meet your eye.
“So all of this was just a big joke to you?” she asked. 
“Y/N, let me explain…”
“Fuck you,” she said, biting back tears. She walked into the apartment and slammed the door in his face. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to be strong. This was why she didn’t let people in. She couldn’t let herself get hurt.
“Fuck!” Bucky said, as he walked out of the apartment complex. He slammed his fist into the glass window next to the door. The glass shattered but remained intact, leaving a strangely beautiful web of broken shards. He studied his fist, not bothered by the pain, but he knew he needed to tend to his bleeding knuckles. He went home, trying to figure out how he would dig himself out of this one.
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dapandapod · 4 months
Particular with nicknames
Why hello there! This was written last september (2023) and has since been sitting in my draft, making me rewatch streams because no pathetic reasons at all i swear. Anyway, here is Jaskier having a Moment TM when Geralt uses a very specific nickname. Thank you @ahh-fxck for helping me beta read <3 much appreciated! Please enjoy streamer!Geralt and Pathetic!Jaskier! <3 On Ao3 here
For all the love Jaskier has of words and language, he is strangely picky with nicknames.
It’s not that he dislikes them, he is just strangely neutral. Alright, that’s not true.
His famously ill-advised and stormy relationship with Valdo came to mind. Jaskier had fallen promptly out of love with him when he was called ‘Snugglebutt’ in front of all of their friends. They were together for another month or so past that, because Jaskier thought himself cruel and wanted it to work.
Well, it did not.
Nowadays he shares a flat with his long time best friend Geralt, one of the few constants in his life and the one who just might own about two thirds of his heart.
It’s not a big flat, but they have a room each, a small kitchen, and a shared living room. That is also where Geralt has his small streaming corner set up, back against the wall and facing the room.
Easier that way to keep it clean if he streams with the camera on, no accidental flashing unsuspecting viewers that way. Something learned by trial and error, as Jaskier tends to run warm and just forgo pants. And shirts. And socks.
They also share their flat with a terrible little cat named Roach, who has never quite warmed up to Jaskier. Took to Geralt the instant she saw him, however, and the two are inseparable whenever Geralt is home.
All of this in itself is not an issue. Oh no, all of this is more than fine.
Watching Geralt be sweet with the terrible little furball makes Jaskier’s heart ache pleasantly, listen to him coo about her fur being so shiny and smooth, what a good girl she is, wow look at that yawn!
No, the problem came up the first time as Geralt was lazily watching TV on the couch, back to their little kitchen where Jaskier had just served her royal highness some very expensive cat food.
Roach does as she always does when Jaskier is involved, and simply walks out. It’s routine by now, and the food is usually gone by morning. It’s more about Jaskier knowing his place at the bottom of the list than not liking the food.
But as she returns to the living room with Jaskier trailing after, considering plopping down on the couch too instead of working on his doctoral thesis, Jaskier finds himself fundamentally changed.
“Hi baby.” Geralt says, voice all sweet and dark and gravelly, and fuck.
It is very much aimed at Roach, who is being a cutie, begging pets from under the table. But Jaskier’s insides do a kickflip, his brain short circuits.
Flushing deeply, Jaskier can’t control the little HRK sound escaping his throat.
He is frozen in his tracks, tongue tied and feeling absolutely pathetic. Geralt turns around to look at him with a questioning frown.
“You ok there?” he asks, Roach climbing the couch and up to the backrest, demanding attention.
“Just peachy,” Jaskier squeaks out, and then flees to his room.
Holy fucking shit and mother of turds.
Baby?? Of all the nicknames in the entire world, that is the one Jaskier is going to have a meltdown about?
Just, the lazy way Geralt said it, Jaskier feels like an old maid, clutching his pearls.
It’s fine. He will be fine.
It was meant for Roach, of course, it’s fine.
It is not fine.
Geralt is streaming, talking with some other players. He is not a big name, but he does have a following, and sometimes gets invited to other streams if it's a multiplayer game.
Jaskier is moving around the living room, untangling the nest that their couch has become recently, blankets and hoodies and socks thrown everywhere. He is also holding a banana, somewhat forgotten in his new mission to make the couch sittable.
Part of his distraction comes from listening to Geralt talking, there is a lilt to his voice when he is on stream. It is unclear if Geralt is aware of doing it, but Jaskier can listen to it forever.
While in the process of moving one blanket over to the footrest, Geralt laughs at something said in his headphones.
“Oh baby, I didn’t know you cared!”
Jaskier drops the banana.
Feeling like a deer caught in headlight, Jaskier is unable to do anything but staring, feeling heat climbing his neck, up to his cheek.
Then Geralt’s eyes meet his over his screen, his face is neutral but his eyes are knowing.
Fuck fuck fuck he is in so much trouble.
Maybe it’s fine to have that many blankets. Perfect for hiding, perfect for pretending the way Geralt says ‘Baby’ doesn’t go on loop in his head, and will be for days.
Jaskier is in a constant state of fear.
Ever since the Stream Incident, as he has come to call it, there is this new tension whenever they are in a room together. Where Geralt will look at him consideringly, where Jaskier will pretend everything is as per usual.
He has gotten better at not freezing, but a thrill runs through him every time Geralt uses That Word, making very unsubtle eye contact as he does.
How is his poor heart to cope?
Sometimes, late at night, when Jaskier is unable to sleep and he knows Geralt is still streaming, Jaskier joins in to watch. It is uncertain if Geralt has figured out it’s him or not yet, he has sneakily named his account to Bardelicious, and doesn’t usually join the chat.
Tonight, Geralt is playing a fantasy game. A monster hunter and his bard, fittingly enough, and he makes light commentary about things in the game.
Until there is a scene where the bard does something noble, stupid and somewhat foolish.
“Oh, baby.” Geralt says sadly, shaking his head.
The chat goes absolutely wild, more than one asking him to say it again, to call them baby, which is a little weird and also absolutely fucking valid.
“Why are people so weird about that?” Geralt says, chuckling. The replies roll in, and his eyebrows climb up his forehead. Jaskier’s heart is beating hard, because this could either be really good or really bad.
“Sexy? Doubt that.”
Jaskier regrets it as soon as he presses send, and by then it’s too late.
‘It is when you say it.’ was all he wrote, but it was the first thing he had written in there. Geralt doesn’t know it’s him.
It should be fine. He is fine.
Some more responses follow, but Geralt is strangely quiet. The game scene plays out, the monster hunter and his bard having a nice bonding moment.
It’s soothing to watch, to hear Geralt’s commentary every now and then. He falls asleep with his phone in his hand, earbuds still in.
The next morning, Jaskier is woken up by the scent of coffee and a hungry Roach yowling in the kitchen. She only does that when Geralt is around, so it is safe to assume he is up.
Which is a little odd, because Jaskier fell asleep before the stream was over, and he feels like death warmed over.
His jaw cracks when he yawns. Lured by the scent of coffee, he manages to get out of bed.
Geralt is indeed up and about, Roach winding affectionately around his legs as he prepares her breakfast.
“Morn,” Jaskier rasps, scratching his stomach and giving another yawn.
Roach doesn’t even look at him, fully focused on her man and her meal. The bowl is placed on the floor for the queen herself, and like the gremlin she is, she eats it without a fuss. Little bastard.
Jaskier joins Geralt at the bench, seeking coffee like a flower seeks the sun. He can stop when he wants, coffee is not an addiction, it is a way of life.
“Were you up all night? Hand me a cup, will you?” he says, reaching for the fruit bowl that Geralt for some reason keeps religiously stocked.
In reply, he gets one of the typical hums, which could mean absolutely anything, and two cups. Jaskier pours for them both and Geralt adds the usual unholy amount of sugar to Jaskier’s, which makes him smile.
“Any plans for today? I really should be working on my thesis, but I can’t be arsed.”Jaskier leans back against the counter and sips at his coffee, which is still a little too hot.
Geralt is watching him over the rim of his mug, sipping on the steaming coffee.
“I have a thing I thought to try,” he says, voice gravelly, eyes locked on him.
It makes Jaskier’s stomach flip, and he takes a too big sip, the drink burning his tongue and all the way down his throat unpleasantly.
“Yeah? Anything you want help with?” Jaskier asks nervously, realizing he is still holding his chosen fruit without eating it, so he puts it down on the counter.
The corner of Geralt’s mouth ticks up into a crooked smile, and yeah, Jaskier is in danger. It is way too early in the morning for Geralt to be such an absolute heart throb.
“If you are willing.” Geralt says, and Jaskier finds himself nodding despite himself. If Geralt asks him if he is willing, the answer will probably always be yes.
“Sure! Uh… What is it?”
Geralt takes a step towards him and puts his cup on the side of the counter. Then he grabs Jaskier’s cup out of his hand and puts that down too.
His heart is beating so hard he can feel it in his throat, his hands now clammy and gripping the counter behind him.
Geralt inches forward, the space between them shrinking fast. He stops just shy of touching him, and tilts his head, white hair falling over his shoulder.
“So I was streaming last night,” Geralt begins, and oh dear, oh no. “And there were some interesting comments that I couldn’t get out of my head.”
“Uh… Oh?” Jaskier says dumbly, and Geralt huffs a soft laugh, breath hitting Jaskier’s face.
“You're particular with nicknames, right? I mean, you are still mad at Valdo.”
With growing worry, Jaskier is starting to realize where this is going.
“He called me snugglebutt. In front of people. That’s embarrassing!” Jaskier defends himself faintly. Geralt leans in an inch more, leaning against the countertop and crowding Jaskier against it. Fuck.
“But that’s not what you think when I say ‘Baby’, is it?” Geralt’s eyes are trained on him, and smiles when he notices Jaskier’s flustered little sound, the way heat climbs up his cheeks.
In a weak attempt to save face, Jaskier looks down, anywhere but meeting the intensity of Geralt’s gaze.
It has the unfortunate effect of noticing how close they are, how Geralt’s t-shirt rides down just enough to reveal collarbones, how his hands flex against the counter.
“Tell me if I’m reading this wrong, Jaskier,” Geralt mumbles, leaning close enough for his nose to drag against Jaskier’s cheekbone.
Jaskier pulls in a breath, tilting his head in a way he hopes is invitingly.
“You’re not.” Jaskier whispers, and is rewarded with Geralt putting a hand on his hip, letting his nose drag along Jaskier’s neck. “You really, really not.”
“Is it the nickname? You look so startled whenever you hear me say it.” Geralt asks, one finger finding skin under the hem of Jaskier’s t-shirt.
“Just you. Pretty sure you could call me snugglebutt and I’d thank you.” Jaskier confesses, blurts really, when the rest of Geralt’s hand sneaks under his shirt to find his lower back, playing with the soft hairs there.
“Good to know,” Geralt smiles against his skin and Jaskier braves turning his head, their cheeks brushing together.
“Are you going to kiss me anytime soon, or are you gonna let me keep suffering?” Jaskier breathes, his hands finding Geralt’s and tracing them up his arms slowly.
“Hmm,” Geralt says, considering with a cheeky grin, the absolute bastard, so Jaskier takes matters into his own hands. Quite literally.
Geralt’s face is warm, rough stubble and barely visible scars and imperfections brush against his fingers. Geralt must have turned into it, because their lips slide together, coffee and morning breath mingling as Jaskier finds himself now properly pressed against the bench and Geralt’s body.
Then he is being kissed harder, deeper, and Geralt hoists Jaskier up on the counter, using Jaskier’s thighs to pull him closer, closer still, and presses open mouthed kisses against his neck. With a gasp, Jaskier scrambles to find a grip, to get some control of himself, but it is very, very hard to focus.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me, baby?” Geralt murmurs against his skin, and Jaskier full body shivers. “I can feel you watching me, you are even in my streams.”
“You knew about that?” Jaskier asks breathlessly, stealing a kiss when Geralt shifts to look at him.
“If you wanted to be discreet, maybe you should have chosen something else than ‘Bardelicious’.” Geralt smiles, and Jaskier pouts and pinches his side in revenge.
“Why didn’t you say anything then?”
“Why didn’t you?” Geralt counters, and well, this won’t go anywhere.
“I like listening to you. I like listening to your voice as I go to sleep,” Jaskier says quietly, and Geralt hides his face in the crook of Jaskier's neck.
“Did you get any sleep at all last night?” Jaskier asks when Geralt stays there, melting into his body.
He doesn’t get anything but a muttering grumble in reply, and Jaskier smiles and strokes his hair.
“I need to find a nickname for you too. I refuse to be the only one being absolutely useless as soon as you open your mouth.” Jaskier murmurs into Geralt’s hair.
“What’s that?”
“I said, ‘like it when you say my name.” Geralt says, and Jaskier is melting all over again.
“Well then, Geralt,” Jaskier purrs. “Let me finish my coffee, and then we’ll take a nap.”
Reaching for coffee without really letting go turns out to be hard, and when Jaskier with some struggle finally gets a hold of his cup, the coffee is still unreasonably hot.
They nap in Jaskier’s bed, both of them crawling in under the blankets and curling up together. Jaskier’s chin resting on top of Geralt’s head, Geralt’s arm slung over Jaskier’s chest.
When Geralt wakes up and press Jaskier into the mattress, it doesn’t take long for Geralt to discover exactly how to fluster Jaskier enough to splutter broken syllables.
It’s alright.
When Jaskier has recovered from being melted goo, he will return the favor.
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chemicallywrit · 24 days
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! School is out for me, so I can finally rest. Oh man. I needed the rest. It's great to sit there an not move, isn't it? And I got to listen to so many good podcasts this week as well, it really made the last week of school a treat. Let's take a look:
🍔 I feel like every new episode of @midnightburgr is a precious little gem, and this one is no different. I love getting to see pre-found-family Casper. You can't escape the found family, idiot, get cherished! It's been good to watch his character development throughout the show, and then seeing this little missing piece of it that he doesn't quite remember answers several questions about him. I love him. He's the worst and I love him. Alongside each of the three sisters, this season is promising to be absolutely fascinating.
📼 Oh The Magnus Protocol, you never disappoint. I want to run this episode by the teenagers I know to see what they think of it, because I understood what the influencer was saying, but I know many adults who absolutely would not. Like, I'm on this website. Meanwhile, Alice rejecting help is setting her up for something truly awful and I dread what her fate may be. It's delicious.
👻 @monstrousproductions's Travelling Light is often so soft and good--I neglected to include last week's episode on the AD Sunday write-up, like a FOOL, even though it made me CRY--but this episode settles into a gorgeous little ghost story that's honestly the logical conclusion of creative sentients in space. I loved it. On top of that, there's this tiny morsel of Óli's backstory that I am DYING to know more about. I can't wait for the next ep.
🪲 @cryptonature always hits just right, but this last episode was everything I want in the world. MOSS TIDE MOSS TIDE MOSS TIDE
🧛🏻‍♂️What a treat it is to listen to @re-dracula along with everyone this year. I am loving everyone's analysis and thoughts this go-round and I am once again appreciating the work of Ben Galpin and Karim Kronfli in creating just the most horrific character dynamic. I know droughtula is imminent, so there's still plenty of time to catch up. Join us, join us, join us--
✂️ In Hannah news, Inn Between is starting to wrap up for the season! This week brings the penultimate episode, which is definitely totally fine and won't bode ill for any beloved party members of the Lowlifes. We'll also see the last episode of "Run Rabbit" on The Dead, and I'm so pleased with my actors' work, so I can't wait to hear what the sound wizards have done with it.
Hey! This week is better than last as far as finances go--thanks to my beloveds for helping out--but if you like what I make or enjoyed reading this, would you consider leaving me a tip?
See y'all next week!
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youatemylollipop · 1 year
Hello! I’m the one who had requested about Rindo with his dream girl today☺️ Whichever you prefer, as long as it’s about what the Tenjiku members thought of her when they first met. Also, I just wanted to say that I completely understand if you're currently very busy and can't fulfill the request right away. There's no pressure and you can take as much time as you need. If possible, could you also write a scenario or a short one shot about Mikey x the "dreamer" type and how they met? Thank you so much for considering my request!
A/N: Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I have written a short one-shot for Mikey x the "dreamer" type, but I apologize as I wasn't able to come up with anything for Rindō just yet. I'm working on it though! Hope you enjoy this in the meantime!💘
Based on these headcanons: Dream Girl
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Synopsis: Mikey encounters a peculiar girl whom he can't help but feel intrigued by.
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Characters: Sano Manjirō X Female Reader
⚠️ WARNING: Reader gets harassed on her way home.
Word Count: 1.7K
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It was quite late in the evening as you were going back home after finishing your shift at a local café. Usually, you would have enough time to take the subway, but today your shift turned out to be a bit longer, due to a coworker suddenly falling ill. You didn’t mind though, as it meant extra cash for you.
As you walked down the unfamiliar streets, you could hear some distant noises. You didn't give them much thought, though, as they seemed far away from your current location—at least, that was your interpretation.
You were humming quietly to yourself, swaying your school bag back and forth in tandem with your slightly dancing footsteps. Against the night sky, dozens of bright stars illuminated the pathway back home, and the dazed part of your mind believed that some unnatural force was guiding you towards your soulmate.
Suddenly, you heard some whistles and realized that the sounds, which had seemed distant before, were now much closer. As you blinked in surprise, your gaze fell upon a group of boys who appeared to be a few years older than you. It was only then, as you broke eye contact with one of them, that you noticed he wasn't the only one whose gaze had been fixated on your lonely figure.
"What are you doing outside this late, sweetness?" One of the males slurred, making you visibly cringe at the action. A wave of nausea was beginning to rise within your body as the boys began to advance toward you.
They reminded you of a pack of hyenas, which was a parallel that you did not wish to draw since the species had always interested you. These boys, however, brought no other emotion than utter disgust, as you felt physically close to throwing up with each step that they took.
Instinctively, you took a step back and pursed your lips. A part of you wanted to scream, but you were afraid of the consequences that may follow. By appearing calm, you hoped to create an opportunity to escape. Perhaps, if they believed there was no danger, they would let their guard down at some point.
As they encircled you, you couldn’t help but continuously curse yourself out for using your phone so much during the day. Perhaps if you still had some battery, you could’ve easily made a run for it while trying to call for help.
Realizing that you had nothing to lose, you began to scream to the point that your lungs began hurting. However, this did not last long as one of the males lunged forward, pushing you painfully against the cold stone wall behind you.
While the group of boys carried you to a nearby alleyway, you continued to thrash around. The tallest one spoke in a low, menacing tone, his much larger hand still kept over your mouth. “Shut it, or else,” he warned. However, before he could pull his hand away, a loud scream pierced the empty streets as he felt a sharp pain from your harsh bite.
A second later, sudden pain resonated through your body as you landed harshly on the concrete. You groaned in response, attempting to sit up. Your left hand went up to rub your now sore cheek as a blooming pink hue slowly appeared on the surface.
You don't remember much of what happened during your momentary blackout. It's obvious that you didn't faint, but everything around you was too fuzzy to comprehend. Although you heard some noises, they seemed to be far away, and your vision was too blurry to make out what was going on.
You felt a much gentler tap on your shoulder, causing you to blink a few times as you tried to make out the silhouette of the person in front of you. "Am I dreaming?" You mumbled with a dazed expression, as the person's features became more prominent.
"Hmm, I don't know, are you?" The voice sounded smoky and seemed to belong to a young male. There was a slightly teasing lilt to it, but you found it soothing nonetheless.
You didn't answer straight away, finding yourself entranced by the pools of onyx that seemed to be staring right into your soul. They were black but bottomless, a stark contrast to the star-filled sky hanging above the two of you. And, the longer you held eye contact with the stranger, the more it felt as if they were sucking you into the void.
“This must be destiny,” you spoke, [e/c] hues watching him in amazement. He was just so beautiful.
The male tilted his head and interjected, "Oh?" An amused smile soon followed. You were still too dazed to realize how strange your words must have sounded, and the amusement in his gaze didn't deter you from asking, "Can I touch you?"
This elicited a chuckle from the boy, as he found your question utterly ridiculous. “Why?” He questioned, wondering what else your strange little mind would come up with this time.
"Because I need to make sure that you’re not just a fragment of my imagination," the blond looked at you with intrigue as he took in your words. An unidentifiable glint appeared in his eyes.
He took a step forward, inspecting you further in silence before voicing his thoughts. “Do you not trust your eyesight?”
“Not at all," came the breathless reply, causing the male’s onyx eyes to blink in confusion at your statement. Although everything you had said so far sounded strange, he couldn't help but wonder if you had just dropped your glasses while being harassed by those bastards.
As soon as the thought entered his mind, however, he quickly shook it off. He felt sure that if you really hadn't seen him, you would have acted slightly differently. “You must have a vivid imagination,” he mused, a small smile appearing on his face.
The boy leaned closer to you before stretching out his hand. He didn’t even need to say anything as your hand went up to connect with his, acknowledging the unspoken command that had been told through his eyes.
Hoisting you up, the boy asked curiously, “What’s your name?”
Crossing your arms in a form of fake haughtiness, you spoke in a condescending manner. "As my knight in shining armor, you ought to introduce yourself before asking for any personal information."
"The Invincible Mikey is what I go by," stated the boy with amusement as he bowed courteously to you. This caused a blush to spread across your cheeks, and you began to feel slightly flustered by his antics.
It wasn't the first time a boy had tried to play along with your shenanigans, but usually, they had a hard time keeping up with you. Quite often, you would quickly find them boring, perhaps because you realized that they didn't truly enjoy the play and were only trying to appease you.
You have always dreamed of meeting 'the one' - someone who would be happy to fulfill your desires and do anything to satisfy your needs. But you didn't want him to do so just because he found you pretty. Instead, you longed for a boy who would happily comply with your requests simply because he enjoys doing so and wants to see you happy.
However, not wanting to make things too easy for him, you continued to play around. "I believe that doesn't count as a formal introduction," you huffed, now facing the other side in mock annoyance.
“How am I ever to find you if you decide not to tell?” Now it was Mikey's turn to play pretend, puckering his lips into a childish pout as he tried to get your attention back. "Or do you believe that your parents are going to give a delinquent such as I, permission to taint their sweet little princess?"
After sparing the blond boy a small glance, you finally spoke, “Free me from the shackles that they have forced me to carry and we shall see who’ll be the one searching for me in the end.”
"Is the princess asking her knight to take her far away from this land to experience a life filled with adventures?" For the first time during this whole conversation, you felt utterly speechless. The young male, Mikey, took a step forward, his gaze completely fixated on your bewildered figure.
You've never been one to trust words alone. However, this boy spoke with such conviction that it was hard to deny the truthfulness behind them. Still, a part of you felt uncertain as to why he was so insistent on a stranger like yourself.
As you shot him a glare, he couldn't help but find your expression utterly adorable, a fact that you were completely oblivious to. Your tone became slightly harsher than before as you spoke, “If the knight is willing to sacrifice everything he has for their love, she’ll be happy to follow.”
Not feeling deterred in the slightest by the sudden change in your voice, Mikey took yet another step towards your figure as he spoke. “Unfortunately, fair lady, your knight does not possess a horse, but instead a black motor-driven machine, which he hopes will suffice for their journey together.” A grin stretched across his gorgeous—and cute—face.
You felt your blush deepen as you couldn't help but think his smile was very pretty. There was something about him that made you feel exposed, but in a good way. Never had you ever met someone who had managed to elicit such strong emotional responses from you, and the butterflies in your stomach were swarming chaotically, making you completely overwhelmed.
You loved the feeling, however, as it had made you feel much more alive than you had felt in your entire life. The smug grin that he was presenting did nothing to make the former annoyance return. Oh, who were you lying to? That annoyance had never been much more than self-fabrication.
“So this really is destiny,” you spoke up dazedly, taking a hold of his, once again, outstretched hand before following his figure out of the alleyway.
The boy led you quietly towards his bike, before turning around with a knowing glint in his coal-black eyes. "I'd like to believe it's fate," he said with a flirtatious wink, before turning back to face the road as the both of you disappeared into the darkness of the night.
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oblivious-idiot · 1 year
Could you do a Lockwood x reader where he does little stuff for the reader without thinking? Like he buys her something he’d think she’d without a second thought and he doesn’t notice till George or Lucy comments about it. Thank you :) ❤️
Subconscious actions
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AN: This was such a cute prompt, thank you! I hope you like it <3
Warnings: fluff, George is done with Lockwood being oblivious, Lockwood is a hopeless romantic <3
Word count: 1.3k
Pairings: Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader
Lockwood was one of those people who would do anything for others without even thinking about it. He was selfless to his core, almost to the point he would literally die for you and the rest of his team and wouldn’t think twice about the decision. But he was also selfless in aspects of doing things for others because of the fact he knew it would make them happy, and you were one of those people he loved to see smile.
Although Lockwood tended to be quite hard on himself and didn’t always let people in, he couldn’t help but soften up when you were around, he practically turned to butter when he saw you. The two of you had become pretty close over the last six months since you moved in to 35 Portland Road, but of course you could never say anything to one another about your feelings. George and Lucy knew of course, they weren’t that oblivious.
“I’ll make myself a cup of tea then” George grumbled as Lockwood left the kitchen with two cups of tea in hand - one for him and one for you. “Is he running around making teas again?” Lucy asked, no surprise in her voice at all “I swear that boy is so lovestruck it’s making me feel ill” she continued as she sat at the table, which made the two of them laugh. “Shall we tell him, that we know?” she asked “Lucy, do you think he even knows himself?” George said as he rolled his eyes “Lockwood’s so oblivious I think even the whole of Fittes and Deprac will know before he does”
"George! Come give me a hand with the shopping will you!" Lockwood called as he entered the house, arms ladened with carrier bags. George made his way down the stairs, cleaning his glasses as he went, before looking to Lockwood "please tell me you didn't blow the months budget again, or I'm going to have to stop you from going out by yourself." "Oh George, do you really have such low expectations of me? Besides, y/n gave me a list of all the things we were running out of" Lockwood flashed George one of his charming smiles before he heaved the bags down into the kitchen "That answers my question then" George grumbled as he followed Lockwood through the house.
The two boys slowly put away the groceries in a steady rhythm, being quite used to the job since living together for over a year. Whenever George came across something that they didn't usually buy he left it on the table, sure that Lockwood had a reason as to why he bought it. "So, are you going to tell me why you brought home half the stores chocolate selection, pastries, and some weird fancy tea" George asks, looking puzzled at the box of tea bags in his hand "What kind of tea has coconut in it anyways?" "Y/n said she was feeling homesick, I guess I thought they would make her feel better" Lockwood shrugged in response as if it was nothing to worry about.
This carried on for weeks, Lockwood never really thinking much more than how happy you always looked when he gave you something new, but you thought it was really sweet. You weren't sure if there was a reason why Lockwood was so keen on doing little stuff for you, you were sure that it wasn't because he liked you, so you never said anything incase it made things awkward. Surely he did this kind of thing for George and Lucy too right?
Walking home one morning from a case, dawn was breaking to reveal a soft blanket of mist lying over the park you were walking through. It was still early spring so there was a chill in the air "It's days like this where I wish I brought a coat on cases" you shuddered, your breath forming clouds in front of you "The sun will come over soon I imagine" George said as he checked his watch. Without even giving it a second thought, Lockwood shrugged off his coat and placed it over your shoulders "Lockwood, I-, you didn't have to" you gave him grateful smile, in which he flashed you one in return "I can't have one of my best agents shivering to death. Besides, I'm almost never cold, practically warm blooded" he said as he slid his hand into yours, his warm touch feeling like a furnace on your icy fingers. "You're human, Lockwood, of course you're warm blooded" George said as he rolled his eyes, but Lockwood simply batted away the comment with his spare hand.
When the team got back to the house, Lucy and George pulled Lockwood into the kitchen while you went upstairs to shower. "Jesus wept Lockwood, this is getting insufferable" George cried, in which Lockwood just gave him a confused look in return "I'm not sure I follow George..?" "We're talking about you and y/n, Lockwood. Have you even told her you like her yet?" Lucy said as she boiled the kettle. Lockwood gave an uneasy chuckle and his cheeks flushed red "I- no, I haven't. How did you even know?" "Oh Lockwood, you are one of the most oblivious people I know, for someone who's ego is so big" George said, shaking his head, "Oh come on, now that's not fair" Lockwood gave out a small laugh, but Lucy and George just gave him unimpressed looks in return.
With Lockwood now conscious of his actions, you noticed he was a little more distant. Less impromptu teas or purchases of your favourite snacks, you weren't sure if you had done something but you knew you needed answers. One evening when Lucy and George had gone to bed, you found Lockwood in his usual spot in the library reading his gossip magazines. You had brought in two cups of tea for the pair of you, which he thanked you without making eye contact. You sat in an armchair opposite him "Lockwood, what's the matter? Have I done something to upset you?" you questioned "No, no of course not! The very opposite I assure you y/n." "Then what's going on with you? You seem distant is all..." He took a long sip of tea, his ears turning a little pink "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be. I've just been dealing with some things is all" He finally answered and gave you a soft smile. You placed a hand on his knee and gave him a reassuring smile in return "You know you can tell me anything Lockwood, no judgement on my part." He couldn't meet your eyes - "I've really started to like you y/n... I guess I show that with all the things I do for you" he hesitantly answered. Even with the surprise confession, you couldn't help but laugh, which made Lockwood's eyes shoot up to meet yours "I'm sorry, I just never thought I'd see a flustered and shy Anthony Lockwood with my own eyes, you're always so confident" - you calmed your laughter and softly enclosed your fingers around his "I like you too Lockwood."
One you and Lockwood had gotten over the awkwardness, you finally went back to normal. Lockwood didn't stop doing little things for you, he actually started doing it more. He started subconsciously packing a jumper in your kit bag for cold nights or letting you borrow his coat without asking. Sometimes he'd bring you back books from the store or bunches or flowers he's see growing near the road - he was a hopeless romantic really, but he'd never been happier.
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toomuchracket · 5 months
girly is home sick one day before they’re together and he just keeps like making a point to walk past her desk waiting for her to come in, when one of her work besties clocks it and goes. oh she called in sick today. to which 1- he tries to back peddle being like “i was just on a stroll of the office stretching my legs, not looking for anyone” (not fooling anyone either). and 2 stops for way too many sick person supplies on the way home and brings her a little care package with like meds, sweets and soup or something.
i'm seeing this as being like at the point where you're fairly good friends but still trying to remain cool in front of each other lmao. you weren't getting the train in together this morning anyway because matty had breakfast radio press to do in central london already, so when you don't show up in the office at your usual time he's a little bit concerned - whatever, though, maybe a train's delayed, or you had an appointment, or some other trivial thing he doesn't know about. an hour passes, he wanders past your desk again, and you're still not there. same again forty-five minutes later, so he texts to ask if you're alright. there's no reply - maybe you're on the train? but no, as evidenced when he walks past your desk half an hour after the last time he did and the radio promotion girl at the next desk down is like "yo, matty, she's not here"; he's scrambling to sound nonchalant like "who's not here", and the girl smirks like "the person whose desk you've been walking back and forth to the whole morning", and he's like "have i? i've just been having a wander. knee keeps seizing. gotta keep it moving and all!", and the girl is like "uh huh. well, anyway, i answered her phone call earlier to say she wouldn't be in, and she sounded awful, bless her. she thinks it's sinusitis. doesn't know when she'll be back". matty's internally both distraught at the concept of not seeing you and extremely worried, and he's like "oh, that's terrible. should we send flowers?", and the girl is like "i mean... she's only been off less than a day", and he's like "yeah ok good point. well, thanks" and trudges back to his office quite glumly. he perks up a bit on his lunch break, though - nipping into the tesco express to buy cigs, he has the genius idea of getting you a little care package and dropping it off to you on his way home, so he grabs some chicken soup, and cold and flu meds, and nice tea, and honey, and chocolate, and a cute little bunch of tulips (and has to run back in to buy a gift bag lol). it takes you ages to answer the intercom and buzz him up when he rings the doorbell to your flat that evening, but you open the door so quickly matty suspects you were waiting by it for him, and he kinda loves that. you don't look well, your face sadder and more wan than usual, but he thinks you're adorable, all messy-haired and sleepy and cosy in your massive hoodie; your face lights up when you see him, and then goes all 🥺 when he hands you the little care package. you're like "thank you. this is really sweet, you didn't have to. but i appreciate it", and matty's like "just wanted to see how you were. missed you today" - you smile shyly like "yeah, i saw you texted, but my headache was too bad to look at my phone and reply. missed you too. was looking forward to hearing about the radio show at work today", and matty's like "it was good. you think you'll be back in a couple of days? we can listen to it together on the drive in". you smile and say "hopefully. m'feeling better after seeing you, so maybe if i keep thinking about you i'll be cured by then", and matty can do nothing but giggle like a lovesick teenage girl; he's like "darling i think the meds you've had are making you loopy", and you're like "nah, i'm lucid" and wink, and he teases like "well maybe you're more ill than we thought. i'd better go home and let you recuperate". but that's so difficult for him when you sigh and say "shame. but yeah, go and have your tea. and if you're not busy... call me later? talking to you is the most exciting thing that's happened to me all day", and matty's like "omg of course yeah i'll call you in a couple of hours. take it easy, darling. i'll see you soon", and he SKIPS to his car after you say goodbye and blow him a kiss. cute <3
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bamdelune · 1 year
In Hindsight 📹 Ch. 09: "ping pong"
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You feel a tap on your shoulder just as you claimed your change from the student who was running the stand you were buying from just now. You turn your back to see Kuni awkwardly standing behind you, stiffly waving — you look behind him and see who you assumed to be his friends. One was face palming, one was trying to stifle a giggle, another was calmly observing and the last was probably cheering behind Kunikuzushi.
"Kuni! I didn't know you went to stuff like this?" You greet with a smile, holding your snack and phone in one hand while the other rested on your hip.
He scratches his purple locks, "Yeah, I was kinda dragged here but I guess it's a nice change. Oh yeah— um, my friends were wondering if you wanted to join us explore the fair. I believe the twins are running a few things as committee members and Xinyan is kind of busy."
His words would've been drowned out by the crowd's chatter if you weren't standing so close to him. "Woah, you actually know my friends' schedules by heart." You joke, patting his shoulder as if to tell him good job.
"Actually, yeah. It's kinda boring not hanging out with anyone," you pout slightly. "Are you sure you don't mind me coming along? I don't wanna intrude on anything."
Kuni's face shifts and shakes his head no, chuckling awkwardly. "It's fine. After all, they were the ones who quite forcefully asked me to invite you. Those losers behind me? Yeah. That's them."
You peer behind him once more to see 4 people conversing (you think, maybe they were trying to act natural which you laugh at their attempts).
"Auhm... sure! I just have to leave you guys for a bit before 8pm since I have to assist something for the concert." You say, walking to their table.
Everyone exchanges greetings and introductions, Ajax and Venti send a few weird smug looks between you and Kuni but you assume it's just in their personalities. You swoon for sometime over meeting Venti in person, you've heard of him a few times in the industry and frankly, his songs were addicting. You spend the rest of the day playing the game booths with them. At some point, you receive Kunikuzushi's prize from the ping pong cup game ran by Hu Tao and Yanfei from the Humanities department — it was a medium-sized penguin plush that seized your heart the moment you laid your eyes on it.
When 7:50 pm strikes, you say your rushed goodbyes to the group and make your way to the backstage of the venue. It was time to do your role for the fair's concert. Your excuse from earlier was a cover for your actual job for tonight:
...which was to perform in front of the university for the first time ever as a performing artist.
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synopsis. You are a singer-songwriter. Music has always been a part of you, it's a part of your identity that no one can ever take away. However, there's always a catch: you are diagnosed with a chronic illness that puts your life on a timer. Those who have heard your countless melodies have grown to notice that the notes on the sheet played a gloomier tune. Would the snarky and capable medical student you've met be able to bring life back into these melodies? Even as life begins to seep out of your own body? (scaramouche x gn!reader)
tags. gender-neutral reader, angst, fluff, crack, heavy contexts of death and illnesses, friends to lovers, slowburn, profanities, drinking (characters are in college), suggestive themes but no nsfw.
taglist. (open, reply or send an ask to be added) — @beriiov @alatusorrow @br0oke96 @ohmyfinggod @itzblazekun @featuredtofu @sketcheeee @lazy-sanns @sakurapeach @sheraffim
masterpost ★ masterlist © bamdelune 2023. do not repost, translate, plagiarize any of my works without permission, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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tickling-giggles · 8 months
Hello! I was the one who sent that last ask (meant to say accounts not bliss idk why it autocorrected to that) and that’s so great! So if it’s not against your rules may I request ler illumi with a lee younger sister reader? Not too much younger, like only three years? So they’re both adults :D Thank you, I love your work!
You’re still the same
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Summary: Illumi is helping you move into your apartment and he brings up some of his your favorite memories together. You explain how you’re 22 now and not a little girl anymore but Illumi has ways to prove other wise.
Fem!reader (little sister) no weird stuff just sibling love. There also is a wee bit of swearing
A/n: first one of the day 🌟(this is probably so freaking terriblezzz) Gon x Killua are mentioned. I tried giving Illumi a little flavor
“Do you need any assistance?” Illumi asked as he saw you struggling with a huge mirror. “I got it Ill” you simply responded as you almost break the mirror. “You know I’m here to hel—“ he was about to remind you for the MILLIONTH time before you cut him off “yes yes Ill I know you’re here to help your sister whenever with whatever but I got it” you sighed, laughing to yourself as you looked around to see what else needs to be done. “You forgot the little infront of sister.” He said just to be an ass.
“I’m only three years younger shut up plus I am 22 years old now technically 23 sine my birthday is next month” you lightly hit his arm as you crossed arm side-eying him with a grin on your face. “Still little not only in age but in size too Kil may be taller than you” he raised a brow as he scoffed. “You’re still my little sister at the end of the day plus it’s not like I’m calling you my baby sister so you’re okay.”
“Okay but like it sounds like we’re 12 and 15” you looked at him. “You remember at school when you tripped that one kid and he fell down the stairs but only his arm broke from the fall” Illumi chuckled at bit bringing up old memories. “Oh my gosh yes he had it coming he was so annoying” you shrugged your shoulders smiling. “You remember when you dislocated the chimera ant’s shoulder” he brought up. “Can you believe I was only 4 when I did that” you smiled. “Not to brag but I taught you that when you were 3” he said as he brushed his fingers through his hair.
“No need to gloat there bucko” you chuckled. “See I taught my little sister so much” he patted your head before you swatted his hand and point at him. “I am 22! I’m not little I am an adult and how dare you pat my head.”you dramatically acted shocked.“Look at you trying so hard to be so proper that adorable I should tell mom.”Illumi teased. “Actually I am an adult adorable is not in my vocabulary and you should start acting your age too” you sassed him.
“Oh I’ll act my age like the annoying 15 year old brother I can be” he raised his eyebrows popping his knuckles. “You threatening me?… Wait! Illumi no don’t fucking do it” you point at him slowly backing away. “Do what y/n? Tickle you?” He asked in a sly tone as he inch towards you. “Yehes exactly that” you giggled as you tried to make a run for it. He swiftly grabbed your wrist pinning you onto the sofa. “I’ve been a big brother for how many years 22 I knew you were try to make a run for it” he scoffed.
“Would you like to change your mind? Hint hint this is your last chance” illumi asked. “Fuhuhuck off” you giggled anticipating. “No wonder we’re Kil gets it from learned from his bad mouth sister” he chuckled a bit as he poked at your sides.
“Yohohou’re such ahahan ass hahaha” you giggled. “So what you are too” he sassed pinching your sides. “Someone is quite squirmy today” he teased acting clueless. “Yohohou’re literally tihihickling me”
“Oh I am?! I didn’t even notice” he acted surprised.
“Wehehehehe are lihihihuterally aduhuhults and yohohou’re tickling mehehehehe like a frehehheheaking kid” you laugh as you weakly push at his hands as he gotten closer and closer to your armpits. “I wouldn’t care if we were 75 and 72 uh oh someone is getting a bit squeaky” he scoffed as he teased. “Ihihi am nohohohot”
“You are so stubborn you know none of this would be happening right now if you just accepted you’re my little sister” Illumi explained finally reaching your armpit. IHIHILLUMEHEHEHEHEHEE STAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHUT”
“OHOHOHKAHAHAY ILLUMEHEHEHEHE IHIHIM STIHIHIHIHILL YOHOHOHOUR LITTLE SISTERAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” You squealed as you gave in slapping the floor. “And don’t forget it” he said as he stopped the tickles. “You’re still a teen ya’know you may legally be an adult doesn’t mean you have to immediately start acting like one” he told you.
“My god you’re acting like she’s going mars for the rest of eternity” Killua exaggerated rolling his eyes. “I can give you this treatment too Kil” Illumi said with a bit of mischief in his eyes. “Yohou’re one to tahahalk didn’t mom say you were bawling your eyes out when you first found out I was moving” you laughed as you teased him.
“Anywayssssss mom wants us all back for dinner” he side-eyed you with a faint blush, as he put his hands in his pockets. “Are you bringing your boyfriend?” Illumi teased as he smirked a tiny bit. “I—WH—HE— SHUT UP!!” Killua stuttered blushing even more as he slammed the door “HURRY UP!!”.
“Come on before he starts whining and pouting” you rolled your eyes as you got up.
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impishtubist · 1 year
mating woes
Confession: I love omegaverse and simultaneously have absolutely no idea how the omegaverse actually works. So I’m just making shit up here. Content warning for, well, basically everything that omegaverse entails.
Harry catches a strange, sweet-sour scent as he hugs his brother. Pulling back, he holds Teddy by the shoulders, frowning at him. 
“What?” Teddy asks, shifting uncomfortably.
“You smell weird.” 
“Rude,” Teddy mutters, pulling out of Harry’s grip and giving Ginny a hug. “Hiya, Gin.”
“Hi, Teddy. You smell lovely as ever.”
“Thank you. You should teach your husband some manners, you know.”
“Believe me, I’ve tried.”
But Harry knows that something isn’t right, and he also knows that Ginny wouldn’t be able to pick up on it, being a beta. “Teddy, what’s wrong? Are you ill?”
“I’m fine.” 
He isn’t. There’s something off about his little brother. That scent also reminds Harry of something, something he’s smelled before, but not recently. He sniffs the air again, and his brain says Ginny. But that doesn’t make any sense, why would Teddy smell like Ginny? 
It hits him like a thunderclap. Ginny hasn’t smelled that way in years, not since Lily was born. Harry’s mouth drops open. “Teddy…are you pregnant?”
Harry gapes at him. “Are you?”
Teddy grabs his arm and drags him into the kitchen, Ginny on their heels. The door swings shut behind them.
“Can you not?” Teddy hisses. “Do you have to announce it to the whole world?” 
“Who’s the other father?” Harry demands. “You didn’t tell me you were seeing anyone! And you’re definitely not mated.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Teddy says. 
Sirius is going to have a fit. “It absolutely does matter! Teddy, Dad’s gonna lose his mind.”
“No, he won’t. Listen, they’ll be here at seven, yeah? Tell them I came a bit early to see the kids, I wasn’t feeling well, and I went home. I’ll see them for dinner next Sunday, okay?”
“That doesn’t solve the problem! You’ll still be pregnant then!” Harry says. “Wait, you will, won’t you?”
“Yeah, but I’ll--I don’t know, I’ll be better at masking it or something by then!” 
“Da is an omega and a werewolf, you’ll never be able to mask anything from him.”
Teddy groans and drops into the nearest chair, burying his head in his hands.
“Teddy,” Ginny says tentatively, “how long have you known?”
“Two days.” 
“How far along are you?” Harry asks. 
“Does it matter?”
“Yeah, Ted, it kind of matters!” 
“My last heat was twelve weeks ago, happy?”
“You spent your heat with someone, he knocked you up, and didn’t even bother to mate you? And it’s been three months?” Harry runs his fingers through his hair. “Sirius is gonna skin him alive. You realize that, right?”
“Not if I don’t tell him who it is,” Teddy says sullenly.
“He will find out.” Sirius can be a bit terrifying like that, honestly. “Teddy, listen to me. It will be worse if he has to find out on his own. You need to tell us who it is.” 
“Ugh, why does Dad have to be so bloody alpha all the time?” Teddy groans. 
“It’s his biology, Ted, he can’t help it.” 
“You’re not like that.” 
“Well, I don’t have an omega child who is pregnant and unmated!” Harry says heatedly. “I’m sure I’d feel differently if I did. Who is it?”
Teddy sags in his seat. His scent has soured further; now he’s clearly distressed. “You’re going to hate me.” 
Harry sighs. “You’re my little brother. I could never hate you.” 
“It’s Cedric.”
“Cedric,” Harry repeats. “Cedric Diggory?”
“Teddy, he’s twenty years older than you!” And, frankly, Cedric should know better. Spending a heat with an unmated omega, what was he thinking? Unmated sex was one thing, everyone did that before they settled down, but unmated heats were quite another. Not to mention the unmated omega son of Lord Sirius Black. 
“And he’s your ex.”
Harry waves that away. “We dated when we were kids, I don’t care about that. Do you like him?”
“I love him.”
“Then the best thing you can do for him is go Floo him, right now, tell him about the baby, and then tell him he has fifteen minutes to get his arse over here and present himself to our parents,” Harry says. “And then maybe, just maybe, Sirius won’t murder him on the spot.” 
“Go on, Teddy,” Ginny says. “Use the Floo in Harry’s office.” 
Seven minutes later, Teddy comes back into the kitchen with Cedric Diggory, who is wearing what looks like his most expensive set of dress robes and is white as a sheet.
“Hi, Cedric.” Harry offers his hand and what he hopes is a comforting smile, though it feels like a grimace. “Congratulations. And, er, my condolences.” 
Cedric swallows. “How bad is it going to be?”
“Play your cards right, and he might not kill you.”
“Harry,” Ginny admonishes. She goes over to Cedric and lays a hand on his arm. “It’s going to be fine.”
Cedric relaxes slightly. Ginny has always been a much better liar than Harry.
The doorbell chimes--Sirius and Remus must have taken the bike tonight--and everyone tenses. Teddy gives Cedric a quick hug, pressing his face into the side of Cedric’s neck and breathing deeply--scenting him for comfort. Well, well, Harry thinks. Maybe his baby brother has fallen in love after all. 
“Where are my favorite grandkids?” Sirius’s voice booms through the house, and there are pounding feet on the stairs. Harry, Ginny, Teddy, and Cedric come out of the kitchen to see Sirius embracing James, AJ, and Lily. He releases the kids to Moony, and then looks up. Surprise flits across his face.
“Teddy!” he says, delighted. “I didn’t know you were joining us tonight, kiddo. And…Cedric? Is that you?”
“Lord Black,” Cedric says, inclining his head. He’s still pale, but holds on to his composure. 
“You’ve certainly grown,” Sirius says, clasping Cedric’s hand. “I didn’t realize you and Harry still kept in touch.”
“We don’t,” Harry says. “Cedric’s here because he has something to ask you.” 
Cedric hesitates. He’s trembling slightly, clearly fighting every single one of his alpha instincts. Slowly, inch by inch, he sinks to his knees, until he’s kneeling on the floor in front of Sirius, head bowed. Harry feels his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline. Simply bowing low would have been enough. For one alpha to kneel before another…that’s unheard of, and frankly something that is bound to impress Sirius. 
Sirius simply stares in shock at the alpha kneeling in front of him, but Remus goes over to Teddy. He sniffs the air, and says, “You’re pregnant.” 
“What?” Sirius’s head snaps up. “You’re what?”
“Pregnant, Dad,” Teddy says, in a small voice Harry isn’t accustomed to hearing from him. 
“It’s Cedric’s?” Remus asks, and Teddy nods. 
“I see,” Sirius says, his expression growing stony. Suddenly, the room reeks of alpha. He looks back down at Cedric. “So you’re asking for permission to mate my son? You should have thought of that before you knocked him up.”
“Yes, alpha,” Cedric says. 
Sirius circles him slowly. “How long?”
“Twelve weeks,” Teddy says weakly.
“Twelve weeks? You spent a heat with an unmated omega and he is still unmated twelve weeks later?” Sirius asks. “Were you ever intending to mate him, Diggory?”
“Yes, alpha.” 
“Dad, come on,” Teddy says. He tries to step forward, but Remus holds him back. “Are you gonna give him your blessing or not?” 
Sirius looks up. His grey eyes have turned amber, and his incisors have sharpened slightly. 
“This is the one you want?” he asks Teddy, who nods.
“When is your next rut?” Sirius asks Cedric.
“Next week, alpha.” 
“You’ll mate him then,” he says. Teddy nods vigorously, and Cedric says, “Yes, alpha.” 
“Stand up.”
Cedric quickly gets to his feet, and Teddy goes over to him, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. 
“You have my consent,” Sirius sighs, and Teddy beams before throwing his arms around Cedric’s neck. Sirius’s gaze lands on James, AJ, and Lily, and he says sternly, “You three! You will not spend your heats or your ruts with anyone while unmated, got it? Don’t be like your uncle.” 
“Yes, Grandpa,” they chorus. Remus rolls his eyes at them over Sirius’s shoulder, and they stifle laughter. Sirius turns to his husband, and Remus takes his hand. 
“Thank you for not hexing the father of your future grandchild, Padfoot.”
“You mean like your father did to me?” Sirius huffs. 
“To be fair, love, you didn’t show him the proper respect.” 
“He wanted me to bow to him!” 
“Alphas,” Remus sighs. “You’re all alike.” 
Teddy finally disentangles himself from Cedric and goes over to his parents. Remus sweeps him into a hug. 
“I’m so happy for you, Teddy Bear,” he says. “How have you been feeling?”
“Bit sick, but it’s not too bad,” Teddy says. “Tired, mostly.”
“I’ll get you the name of the midwife I used. She was a wonderful help throughout the pregnancy,” Remus says. “You can also call me, day or night, with any questions you have.” 
Sirius steps in to also hug Teddy.
“I love you,” he says into Teddy’s bright blue curls, “even if you are a little shit.” 
“Love you, too, Dad.” Teddy steps out of his arms, wrinkling his nose. “Did you have to stink up the room with your alphaness, though? Like, geez, we get it.”
Sirius looks affronted. “I did not stink up the room!”
“You totally did.” Teddy grabs Cedric’s hand. “It reeks in here. It’s practically alpha soup, which is super gross. So, we’re gonna beg off tonight.” 
“We’ll see you both for dinner next Sunday?” Harry asks, amused, as Teddy starts to drag Cedric toward his office and the Floo.
“Properly mated!” Sirius calls after them.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be mated and everything, don’t worry. Bye, Harry! Bye, dads!” 
“Brat,” Sirius mutters. “He gets that from you, you know.” 
“You love it,” Remus says, and Harry makes a face. 
“You two are gross.”
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trustinsighters · 6 months
Dungeon Dialogue: The Lunar Subterrane
The Lunar Subterrane #1 (X: 11.1, Y: 17.8) - Entering Golbez’s domain
Y’shtola: This place is not at all as I remember it...  ↳ Varshahn: He's altered his domain, then? Varshahn: Golbez's domain, at long last... Zero: So there are voidsent after all. Have care.
The Lunar Subterrane #2 (X: 9.6, Y: 13.9) - After 1st teleporter
Zero: I can sense its presence deep within... Zeromus is here.  ➝ Estinien: Let's move on, before they have time to regroup. Y’shtola: Teleportation magick. Interesting...
First Boss, Before engaging (X: 12.0, Y: 9.4) - Dark Elf
Zero: A formidable foe...  ↳ Varshahn: Even so, it pales before the archfiends. Varshahn: Is this all Golbez can muster to bar our path? Zero: I didn't expect such a beast to yet remain.
First Boss, During the fight (X: 12.0, Y: 9.4) - Dark Elf
Dark Elf: Who dares trespass in Lord Golbez's domain? Dark Elf: To me, O beacons of the Dark... Dark Elf: O Darkness, show them their folly! Dark Elf: Behold, the power of Darkness! Dark Elf: You cannot fend against what you cannot see! Dark Elf: Fools! There is no escape!
First Boss, After defeating (X: 12.0, Y: 9.4) - Dark Elf
Varshahn: The vanishing scepters were quite the nuisance.  ↳ Y’shtola: Vanished, you say? I thought they were merely bluffing. Y’shtola: As if cheap parlor tricks would suffice to stop us. Estinien: That was easy enough.
The Lunar Subterrane #3 (X: 12.5, Y: 5.4) - Golbez’s memoria crystal
Varshahn: A memoria crystal!? Zero: This memoria crystal is... No, it can't be... Estinien: What's happening!? You find a discarded memoria crystal, and it suddenly begins to glow... Your psyche resonates with the memoria crystal!
Baron #1 (X: 11.2, Y: 19.1) - Meeting Durante
Durante: Hurry, Golbez! The city is already overrun! Zero: I've met this man somewhere before...  ↳ Y’shtola: Whoever this man is, he seems convinced you're Golbez. Varshahn: Did that man just call you...Golbez? Y’shtola: 'Twould seem we've become part of the memory. Estinien: This man seems to think you're Golbez. Fleeing Citizen #1: Run for your lives! Fleeing Citizen #2: Ahhh! Fleeing Citizen #3: Someone help us!
Baron #2 (X: 12.2, Y: 17.8) - Baron Town #1
Durante: First the villages, and now the capital... Nothing is exempt from their avarice. Wounded Baron Knight #1: Lord Golbez! Wounded Baron Knight #2: And Lord Durante too! Baron Knight-captain #1: Thank heavens you've returned! Zero: So this is the kingdom of Baron.  ➝ Estinien: Even if this is only a memory, it is no less easy to bear and watch. Varshahn: They were too late to save their home, then...
Baron #3 (X: 12.5, Y: 17.4) - Baron Town #2
Memoriate of Darkness #1: Go forth, my pets, and feast on their flesh! Memoriate of Darkness #1: Bested by Golbez and Durante both... It seems I...underestimated you... Axe-wielding Baron Knight: Allow me to assist you! Baron Knight-captain #1: Let us press onward!
Baron #4 (X: 12.2, Y: 16.4) - Baron Town #3
Durante: They knew we were elsewhere. Cowards! Wounded Baron Knight #3: Hope is not yet lost! Wounded Baron Knight #4: Our saviors have returned! Sword-wielding Baron Knight: For Baron! Baron Knight-captain #1: Leave this one to us
Baron #5 (X: 11.2, Y: 14.5) - Baron Town #4
Durante: This one is dangerous. Have care, Golbez. Baron Knight-captain #2: We will deal with this fiend! Lance-wielding Baron Knight: Forward! Forward!
Second Boss, Before engaging (X: 11.2, Y: 13.5) - Damcyan Antlion
Y’shtola: So this is an antlion of the Thirteenth.  ➝ Zero: If we're to escape, it seems we've no choice but to fight. Estinien: Are those fangs...or horns? Second Boss, After defeating (X: 11.2, Y: 13.5) - Damcyan Antlion Zero: Is there no end to this memory?  ➝ Varshahn: We should follow after him. Estinien: For a mercy, its movements were easy to read.
Baron Castle #1 (X: 11.2, Y: 11.0) - Baron Castle bridge
Durante: That they command such terrible beasts bodes ill... We've no time to lose! Durante: Such destruction... If only we had returned sooner... Varshahn: Such carnage. Such cruelty. This is...  ↳ Zero: The Contramemoria... Varshahn: I'm sure this was a beautiful castle once... Y’shtola: Who could be behind all this? Zero: Such tragedy was commonplace during the Contramemoria... Memoriate of Darkness #2: What have we here? Come to play hero, are you? Memoriate of Darkness #2: Such...strength...
Baron Castle #2 (X: 11.2, Y: 8.1) - Golbez and Durante split up
Durante: I daresay we'll be faster if we split up. Zero: That he should place such faith in Golbez...  ↳ Y’shtola: In any case, it would be rude of us not to respond in kind. Varshahn: We must find a way across. Y’shtola: Let us leave the other side to him. Durante: Let us reconvene at the castle garden.
Baron Castle #3 (X: 11.1, Y: 5.4) - Knights are turned into voidsents
Memoriate of Darkness #3: Behold, the true power of memoria! Turning Baron Knight #1: Please, no! Turning Baron Knight #2: Arrrggghhh! Turning Baron Knight #3: What's happening to me!? Turning Baron Knight #4: Help...me... Estinien: They've been turned into monsters!  ➝ Y’shtola: An irreversible transformation... Varshahn: They've all but brought the Final Days upon themselves. Memoriate of Darkness #3: How...? How could I...
Third Boss, Before engaging (X: 11.2, Y: 3.8) - Durante
Durante: Golbez! Durante: This can't be happening... Not to you... Durante: My friend... My hero... I will stop you even should it cost me my life! Zero: He gave himself to the Dark to stop Golbez...  ↳ Varshahn: And yet it falls to us to keep him─or rather, you─from harm. Varshahn: Such terrible strength... Y’shtola: It seems we've no choice but to fight... Estinien: On your guard!
Third Boss, During the fight (X: 11.2, Y: 3.8) - Durante
Durante: So be it. I will fight you with all my strength. Durante: Aether to fortify my blade... Durante: I need power. Light or Dark, it matters not! Durante: Such savagery ill suits you. Durante: You've weathered this before. Let's see how you fare now! Durante: Even so, I'll not be bested. Not this day. Durante: Prepare yourself! Durante: It's over, my friend!
Third Boss, After defeating (X: 11.2, Y: 3.8) - Durante
Varshahn: Was there truly no other way? Y’shtola: He all but set his soul aflame... Zero: It should not have come to this.Estinien: A bitter victory...
The Lunar Subterrane Dungeon Dialogue Infographic
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thrasheraxe · 8 months
mustaine x trans masc reader
req:3 dave ask who cheered!! im not a dave main but i tried my best
the prompt i was given waaaas
“late 80s dave and a groupie have a quickie in the dressing room between megadeth’s main set and the encore”
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between the loud cheers of the audience outside and the bumbling about of drunkards in the dressing room, you were not even sure if you should have come here. megadeth were huge and it was a miracle you had even got into the after party.
the crowd cheering for an encore didn’t go unnoticed by you, you sigh and sink back into the couch you’d taken residence in for the last two hours.
swiftly interrupted by dave bashing his way in through the door, weaving around the drunkards in an adrenaline fuelled frenzy. looking for the first person he could get his hands on and use for his own desires.
groupies. unaffectionately called by others but to him, objects. objects of his possession that he could get anything he wanted from. he’d even taken to making a mental list of his conquests but noticing you, the small meek figure slumped on the couch like it was gonna consume you at any moment. it intrigued him.
he said it so simply, with force. a cocky grin splayed across his face, he had no time to waste, grabbing you by the arm and leading you into the room over, conveniently empty.
without a word, somehow you’re lifted and pushed down onto a table, not a sound indicating whether you were for or against this.
“hello sweetheart, haven’t seen you around before. just gonna use you while i have a few minutes.”
you look at him dazed, blood running with adrenaline but you decided to make this a game. it was your first time in a situation like this and you wanted the control. to see your mighty idol crumble before your eyes.
“excuse me? what did you say?” he chuckled and raised a brow, eager hands reaching for the buttons on your jeans. you make no attempt to stop him but just look at him, not displaying any discernible emotion, unlike the usual groupie who would practically beg to be in your position.
“no. i’m okay thanks”
he laughed and shook his head, looking down at you with intensity as if your protest was fuelling the fire further.
“you’re a funny one, but don’t lie to me now. this is what you’re here for no? to get me off, to make your favourite musician feel good?”
he slides down your jeans, taking his time to run his fingers down your thighs tenderly squeezing at them.
“im quite alright thank you, i don’t give out to those who don’t ask.” your voice steady, a softness to it but not in a way he’d seen before. he was impressed.
“awww come on pretty, don’t act like that you know you want it.”
he hooks his finger around the middle of your underwear pushing it aside and baring all of you. the slick in between your folds dripping down, betraying what was coming out of your mouth.
“knew it, look at that pretty pussy, dripping just for me. i’ll be honest i don’t have a lot of time, so are you gonna help me out or not?” his face curved into a devilish smile. pulling himself out and prepping with a few strokes, his throbbing cock almost pointing at you.
“beg for it.” your voice confident but your body squirming slightly.
“the fuck did you just say to me?”
“i said, beg for it. surely you know how to ask nicely?”
he broke out in laughter and pulled your underwear down completely. ripping them off your ankles and chucking them to the side. shaking his head as if it was completely preposterous what you were asking.
“oh you want me to beg for it do you? you want me to get on my knees? tsk. i had you pinned down for a difficult one but i thought you would’ve caved a lot sooner.”
he leaned down and whispered into your ear
“but ill give you what you want, alright? and then heres whats gonna happen, im going to fuck the shit out of you, so hard you’ll never forget how i feel. absolutely ruin you for anyone else, all in a few minutes. and you’re going to take it like a good boy.”
he tilts his head and bites at your neck harshly, sucking the tender skin there, drawing the blood to the surface and marking you deeply. he leans back up and looks down at you with a smirk, almost laughing at your whimpering state.
doe eyed, you look up at him, goosebumps on your skin and hair raised as his words have its effect on you. you keep your poker face, but every time he touched you sounds spilled out as if you weren’t in control of your own body.
he trails his hands down you patiently, groping at your chest, then your hips, a little firmer there and then finally your thighs. swiftly, to your surprise, he buries two fingers deep inside you. he leans down again, lips trailing from your neck to ear before whispering
“please baby, let me fuck you, wanna cum in that pretty pussy so bad…so bad…fuck… you’re so hot. wanna fuck you till you can’t walk, i need it so fucking bad.”
embarrassingly that all it took for you to be gripping his hair and begging him to fuck you. whining and grabbing st his shoulders.
“fuuuuuck, so fucking needy aren’t you? ‘m gonna fuck you so hard, thats what you want hm? bet you’ve been thinking about this all day, praying id choose you. pathetic.”
before you even have a chance to process what he was saying he slips his fingers out of you, lining up and frantically thrusting inside. without a care for your need to adjust, relentlessly chasing his own high.
the burn was overwhelmingly good, slicked enough to take it but you weren’t quite prepared for the actuality. his deep grunts and growls piercing your eardrums as he held you down by one hip and the other groping you wherever he could reach. your chest, your other hip pushing you further, slamming his own against you.
the table underneath you shaking with his strength and the filthy sounds of the mess at where you joined would surely be heard by passing partygoers. your own sounds growing louder as he thrusted impossibly deep, hitting right at the sweet spot.
“yeahh taking my fat cock so good, letting it split you open and just letting me use you as i please. so pretty like this. fuck.”
his movements become more rapid and desperate as you whine, clawing at his back and scratching deep marks down it, something he’d remember you by.
“thats right pretty boy, cum on me, make a mess all over this dick. let me feel it while i fill you” he growled in your ear, rutting his hips faster, so close to his own breaking point.
you gasp as you feel the sensation build in your stomach, fuzziness travelling down your thighs and up to your head as you moan loudly, calling his name over and over and over again.
you squeeze your thighs around him in a desperate attempt to pull him closer somehow as if it could even be possible. tipping over your edge and cumming hard making an utter mess.
he’s not far behind and as he feels you clench down on him, he lets out a growl that could only be described as heavenly as he let himself go. his fingers digging into your hips as he came hard, filling you up and even in the aftershock of it all he was still just fucking his cum into you, making sure you felt every last part.
he pulled out of you, smirking and pulling his jeans back up, hearing the crowd still chanting for encore as you were sat there half naked and completely fucked out, thighs still shaking.
he raises his brow and shakes his head before speaking in a cocky tone.
“you better hope i don’t see you again, cause i won’t be so nice next time.”
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