#if you notice any typos lmk
wathanism · 10 months
Hi! I am also an ex Muslim I have been struggling a little bit with religion but I would like to learn more about paganism especially in mena regions. I can't find a lot of sources so I was wondering if you could tell me or offer me some sources. Also, I was wondering, if you still live in a Muslim majority country, do you find it harder to practice? One of my biggest concerns is I don't think I will be able to be fully committed because of family restrictions since I live with my parents. So will that affect my connection with the Gods? Thank you 💞💞
i have a lot to say so TLDR: the #1 source that i recommend is this paper in the journal of religious history. it's always good to do more research and seek out multiple perspectives, but this paper imo makes a very intentional effort to be kinder and more respectful of the pre-islamic arabs than most other sources bother trying to be. it's very accessible even if you don't study history or theology, so it's a great starting point). more under the cut!
firstly i wanna give the disclaimer that i don't know much about any other pagan religions in the swana region, as i've only started looking into wathanism which was practiced in the arabian peninsula and the levant. there are other folks that practice the ancient egyptian religion (kemetism) and probably other maghrebi religions, but i haven't had a chance to learn about those yet.
i wanted to answer this ask sooner than later, but unfortunately my answer might not be the most satisfying, since there really aren't many sources out there to begin with, especially not reliable ones. ancient arabs relied a lot on oral systems of knowledge, and a lot of the written records of their worship were destroyed during the coming & spread of islam. as far as i know, we actually don't have a clue about any of the mythology of the arabian gods or anything like that, though we know what was associated with some of them (ex: manat was a goddess of fate, allat was a goddess of combat and prosperity). soooo the way i see it, there's a couple ways you can go about practicing wathanism:
the first is that you can view it in a very academic sense and literally become an amateur historian lol. google scholar and scihub are your friends!
the second is to take a more intuitive approach and really let your feelings guide you. that can look different for everyone, but generally it's good to try out a few different approaches drawing from other practices and to decide with trial and error what makes you feel good/what your gods respond to.
these two approaches are not mutually exclusive and i personally try to apply both in my own practice. if you want, i can get into all the details of what being a wathanist means to me and how i practice it, but i wanna try to keep this answer at least reasonably short for now lol. but to give an example: christopher moreman's 2016 paper, rehabilitating the spirituality of pre-islamic arabia, talks about how stones were used to mark graves and how historic records do show that stones and statues were important in the pre-islamic religion, and he interprets this to mean that the religion had a strong emphasis on ancestor worship and that the stones may have been thought to house the spirits of the dead. based on that and if you connect to the idea, you can try to find ways to apply ancestor worship in your own life. this is where looking at other similar religions for inspiration can help, and with time you can find what you like.
on the flip side, there's another interpretation of the same facts about the relevance of stones and statues to the arab pagans, which is more animist in nature (i.e. all things on earth have a spirit and to live in harmony with your environment means to respect all of them). a lot of indigenous american religions have this view and are worth studying if this idea connects with you. and of course, the animist interpretation and the ancestor worship interpretation are not mutually exclusive, and you can apply both in your life.
i actually don't do a lot of deity work, so i can't speak much on that. i actually have been meaning to change my bio abt that since i wrote it when i just started this blog lol.
as for how to practice safely in your home... that's a really complicated question, but i'll do my best to give some advice. keep in mind i'm not currently living in a muslim country, and even when i visit, my family gives me enough privacy that i'm relatively safe.
the main thing i think you should keep in mind is plausible deniability. a lot of pagans online have these big fancy altars with lots of explicit pagan symbolism and spell jars and all the works, and you want to avoid something like that that would catch people's attention. you can set up an altar in your room, but organize it in a way that it might just seem like a cute decor item rather than something religious. for example, just having a vase with flowers and candles is enough, and it won't draw any attention. lots of people like candles and flowers and even crystals without any witchy or pagan connotations.
the important thing is to know what your family will consider suspicious. for example, my parents wouldn't be able to identify tarot cards, so its no problem if i have them, because they just think i have pretty playing cards. be aware of what the safe boundaries are, and if you're ever unsure, you're better off being cautious.
also, not everything in your practice has to be external. for me, the act of cooking a traditional dish or reading a poem are acts of worship because they connect me to my culture. caring for others around me and learning about the world are acts of worship. sunbathing and smelling flowers and petting a cat are acts of worship. to me, my religion is a lot more than just having a designated time and place to perform a set of rituals that are sacred. it's a shift in perspective, and anything that makes me feel more grounded and connected with the world around me IS the practice of my religion, ykwim?
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violexides · 1 year
you know what let me be frank about this too. 
it is extremely fucking telling that when we, as queer people, are faced with the true statement that the queer community has a significant amount of misogyny within it that has existed for years, the response that some people give is “well the community DOES oppress this small percent of the population of women, but the rest of who consider themselves women are not actually women and therefore are complicit and deserving of this oppression.”
because what this rhetoric does is divides the collective group of women into the “good, pure, honest” women and the “bad, sinful, traitorous” women, the very same way that other institutions -- such as, most notably, the patriarchy itself-- has done to women. creating the binary of “this is a good woman” and “this is a bad woman” and deciding that all good women are being corrupted by the bad women until every woman is actually a bad woman, and that’s why misogyny exists.
though there are many reasons for all of these different experiences, this is why white women consider Black women dangerous. this is why women of color are ostracized and viewed as cruel, manly, backwards, whorish, etc. this is why cis women consider trans women to not be women at all. because you have decided that in order to be a woman, you have to act and exist in a certain way, and every other kind of woman defies that. 
you hate women who have body hair, because that makes them masculine so what if they’re actually trans and therefore are faking womanhood? you hate women who dress masculinely, because they must be trying to escape femininity and therefore view it as bad. you hate women whose parents aren’t descendants of some rich Europeans because these goddamn women of color are creating a bad name for women, are showing that women are backwards and dirty and wrong and that’s not what feminism is about! 
and you know what falls in line with this too? misandry. misandry exists, men are oppressed by the patriarchy, people should have been aware of this ever since the first act of violence against a Black man occurred in this country, people should have known every since the first gay boy was bullied in school, we all should have known that the patriarchy is a system of oppression that takes no survivors, that has an idea of a Good Man and will eliminate and oppress any man who isn’t that. the fact that so many people believe that all men are evil exists BECAUSE the patriarchy says that men must act in this way or that way, so they all do their best to try to be what will make them successful and loved, and it makes them insufferable. and so we decide that all men are bad and we never question it any fucking further. 
but let’s go further, for all of the trans-positive queer women who still hate men: how are you going to enter a room and know for certain who is cis or not? how are you going to know? a closeted person doesn’t just mean someone who hasn’t told their parents but overshares on the internet, though many of those exist. a closeted person often includes people who aren’t going to tell anyone, INCLUDING YOU, that they are trans. people who can’t access resources to transition. THIS INCLUDES TRANS WOMEN who you say can’t be part of women’s spaces because “you’re a man and you understand nothing of misogyny” and how are they ever going to come out to you? how? 
and this doesn’t just exist as a hypothetical. read the article “I am a transgender woman. I am in the closet. I am not coming out.” listen to the experiences of trans people around you because i assure you, if my experience in a medium sized not particularly notable town has told me anything, there are SO many queer people who will get shut out of conversations unfairly. just because someone’s supposedly perfect gaydar isn’t functioning. one of my friends, who is a trans woman, was told by another woman upon coming out that she must not be trans because she wasn’t feminine enough. she did not “answer enough questions [about being trans] correctly”. and this other woman would repeatedly reinforce that this friend of mine was a man in every conversation from there. 
so who is the oppressor? who is the victim? who is right and who is wrong? extend your media literacy skills here, because this story withheld one detail that would change some of your stances-- a detail that i won’t tell anyone, even other people with secrets.
and you know what else happens, what i have seen happen? is when these attempts fail, when you target someone who isn’t meant to be targeted, when you say that all gay men are made successful by the patriarchy? you have created people who now think that misogyny is obsolete. people who will perpetuate misogyny, because you never gave them any reason to believe that feminism is anything except the oppression of everyone except white, cis,  feminine, and rich Western women. 
when you start deciding that the way to fix misogyny is to target all men, that the way to fix misogyny is to isolate all trans women, that the way to fix misogyny is to leave the parts of the world behind that aren’t Western enough to your liking-- you are doing nothing. this is not activism. you are not listening to other opinions, you are not introspecting on your own beliefs, you are not uplifting the voices of people around you, you are not ceding space to those who need to speak, you are not understanding the history of a problem, you are not TRYING to understand ANYTHING. this activism, as you call it, is a reactionary way for people to try and end a global problem by naming an enemy and shutting the door. activism is messier than that. change is messier than that. 
i want to see a queer community that acknowledges its misogyny. but you all HAVE to understand what activism is. you have to recognize that your opinion is not absolute. you have to listen. 
at a pep rally back in November, a boy in my class dressed in dollar-store drag for a coordinated dance routine. later, he will talk about how he feels deeply, how he considers himself more of a lover than a fighter. he will say, upfront to a classroom that will laugh at him, that he feels misunderstood because he is a deeply emotional person, but people never care to see that in him. 
do you invite him into a conversation about the patriarchy? do you ask him about his experiences with emotional repression, with loneliness, with masculinity? do you ask him if he liked dressing in drag? if he connects with femininity? do you ask him if he is queer, if he would like to come to a gay-straight alliance meeting with you? or hell, do you not ask him anything- do you just let him speak? let him talk about his experiences, and listen? do you hold back any laughs at his emotional expression and ask him, once the rancor stops, if he would like to talk about it? 
i don’t know if any of you would listen to him. because here’s the thing: back in december, he talked about his last crush on a girl. he puts he/him pronouns in his bios whenever he remembers. one of his friends watches andrew tate. 
“there is no room for people like him in this community. there is no room for people who are not proud enough to open up to you about their sexuality. there is no room for anything except the perfect queer woman.”
dykes, trans dykes of color, have lived and died so you could stand here, today, alive and safe. and somehow i still hear their hearts beating in the graves, and yours still and silent.
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phebbsl · 2 months
Just Benefits
Something I whipped while procrastinating on my other fics bc brainrot got to me. Lmk if there's any typos. May or may not make this into a full fic hehe
Sebastian x F!Reader
content: nsfw
⋆。˚ ☁︎⋅ ˚。⋆。˚☼˚。⋆。˚☁︎⋅ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆。˚☁︎⋅˚。⋆。˚☼˚。⋆ 。˚☁︎⋅ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
Sebastian who is completely shocked when you propose a friends with benefits situation with him.
Sebastian accepts because why the hell not? He finds you attractive and you’re steadily becoming one of his favorite people in the valley after some late night chats by the lake and generous surprises of his favorite gifts.
Sebastian has to smoke to calm his nerves as he walks down the mountain path to meet up with you for the first time. He makes sure to not litter on your property and stuffs the dirty cigarette butt into his pocket before knocking to enter. 
Sebastian decides to just kiss you after an awkward greeting. It’s slow and fumbling at first but the two of you soon find your bearings and it becomes deeper and neither of you can get enough. 
Sebastian lets himself get pulled to your bed, only to push you on it and beneath him so he can kiss you more, he can’t stop his hands from roaming your body and tugging at your clothes. 
Sebastian who asks for permission before pulling off your bottoms and gets harder with your shy agreement. 
Sebastian who can’t help but gawk at the wet patch already forming on your panties and ends up kissing that very spot, over and over until you beg him to just take them off. 
Sebastian who ends up making out with your clit, flicking his tongue piercing along your folds and pumping his long fingers in and out of you until you come for the first time. He doesn’t even notice that he’s been humping the mattress until after you’re done, he’s already so high from your taste and smell. 
Sebastian who eagerly shuffles off his jeans and boxers when you ask to reciprocate. He has to bite into his hands to keep himself from whining too much.
Sebastian nearly finishes in your mouth but pulls you off because he just needs to fuck you so badly instead. 
Sebastian who asks again to make sure you’re sure before slowly pressing into you so you can feel every single inch and vein.
Sebastian who has to grip your sheets hard because it's just so, so difficult not to immediately come, and he really doesn’t want to let you down. 
Sebastian listens to all the sounds you make to make sure he’s fucking you how you like, every gasp and moan is a direction to him. 
Sebastian who fucks you harder when you ask for it, who holds your legs open so he can angle his hips just right to thrust harder and faster right into the spot that makes you whine his name. 
Sebastian makes sure to rub your clit right when your legs start to shake and your voice gets all pitchy to help you climax. 
Sebastian comes when you do, unable to hold back when he feels your walls getting wetter and tighter, practically milking him. He continues to thrust into you though, working both of you through your highs. 
Sebastian feels awkward when the afterglow fades, he’s unsure of if you want him to stay or do aftercare, but ends up fetching you water and giving you some cuddles before deciding to leave as to not overstay his welcome. 
FWB!Sebastian starts coming over more often now, whenever he’s annoyed at home or just whenever you text him. 
FWB!Sebastian who starts to shamelessly introduces new positions and kinks to try after getting more and more comfortable. 
FWB!Sebastian who also figures out that he likes it when you praise him and that you like it when he makes sounds, so he makes sure to let out his moans and whimpers too, even if he thinks it a little embarrassing.
FWB!Sebastian who will smoke in bed afterwards if you allow it and if he notices that you find it attractive. Otherwise he weans himself off smoking more and more unconsciously if you don't. 
FWB!Sebastian who stays for the night almost every time now, he enjoys your bigger bed and doesn’t mind being the bigger or the smaller spoon, he goes along with whatever you prefer.
FWB!Sebastian alternates making breakfast with you whenever he stays over. He notices the new coffee machine that mysteriously appears soon after, and he hides his little smile and red cheeks with his hair when you enter the kitchen. 
FWB!Sebastian rarely jerks off anymore, he has you now, but when he does, it’s always to the thought of you.
FWB!Sebastian who ends up gravitating more to you whenever you join him and his friends at the Saloon on Friday night. He starts to arrive earlier and stays later just to talk to you more. 
FWB!Sebastian doesn’t even notice that his habits are changing, also waking up earlier as a result of your early schedule. 
FWB!Sebastian who finally realizes his feelings after some off handed comments from his mom and Sam about how different he acts when he’s around you. 
FWB!Sebastian doesn’t want to mess things up so he eventually resolves to just keep the friends with benefits arrangement because he’ll take what he can get. 
FWB!Sebastian really can’t stand it though. You consume every moment and every thought, he just wishes that you would feel the same. He starts to become more awkward around you now, and even avoids you sometimes because the butterflies in his stomach become too strong whenever he sees you. 
FWB!Sebastian who starts to fuck you gentler sometimes, as if he’s making love to you as a boyfriend instead of what it really is. He presses kisses to your forehead and cheeks tenderly and just wants to hold your hand. 
FWB!Sebastian accidentally confesses during a particularly intimate round of sex as he’s finishing, and he runs away when you ask him what he said as the two of you cuddle. 
FWB!Sebastian who panics in his room after because he’s really fucked it up this time now, hasn’t he?
FWB!Sebastian really avoids you now, burying himself back into work and sending clipped responses to your texts. 
FWB!Sebastian who eventually spills the whole situation to Sam because he just really needs to get it off his chest. Sam verbally hands his ass to him, and encourages him to really confess, because holy shit, everyone’s realized that the farmer is not as happy as they used to be. 
FWB!Sebastian feels so guilty when he hears that, he knows he has to fix the situation, so he prepares. 
FWB!Sebastian texts you to meet him at his place. When you arrive, he has his bike out and he asks you to go on a ride with him. His palms sweat in his gloves as he drives, and he can smell your scent even through the helmet. 
FWB!Sebastian akes you to his spot on the cliff. The view is beautiful that night, looking over Zuzu city, and the sky is clear for all the stars to shine, but he only has eyes for you. 
FWB!Sebastian says that the two of you need to talk, but he comes off as too serious, and you think he’s breaking up with you. He panics and confesses his feelings, not following the script he set for himself, but he can’t stand to see you cry. 
FWB!Sebastian who hugs you tight after you say you feel the same, he feels so overjoyed. He kisses you, you kiss back, and it really does feel like the two of you are in a movie. 
Boyfriend!Sebastian feels like he’s on top of the world when the two of you drive back to the valley, he screams out his happiness as he speeds along the empty highway and the two of you laugh the entire way. 
Boyfriend!Sebastian who can’t get enough of the way you smile at him when you get back to his place and remove the riding helmet. He loves the way it grows when he gives you the bouquet he stashed behind a bush. 
Boyfriend!Sebastian who races back with you to the farmhouse so he can properly worship you as you deserve, and this time as his girlfriend. 
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
mr. oblivious
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The entire staff at the new school you work at consistently attempt at getting you and another rather aloof teacher, Kuni, together after witnessing you interact quite often. The catch is that you both are married, and none of the staff have figured it out, yet.
scaramouche x g!n reader
established relationship, married, modern teacher au
2.7k words
a/n: sorry if it clogs up ur feed 😭 everytime i do the keep reading thing it crashes for me so, transferred from ao3 so if there’s any weird typos lmk
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It took about three weeks at your new job for you to notice something was going on with your co-workers, and your students as well to top it off. It was as if they were all in on some inside joke you weren’t a part of, or perhaps the center of it. But that might just be your own insecurities about being the newest teacher at this school.
You had recently been laid off as a literature teacher after working at the same high school for a few years due to lack of budget to support the creative arts.
So, instead of educating high schoolers, you deemed it would be much better to teach a group of younger kids, much easier and stress free. After a couple of weeks you had gotten a job as the Art teacher at the very school your husband worked at thanks to his recommendation. Everyone there was very accepting of you and you felt right at home, for a while at least.
It was much different then being a literature professor for older kids, now you got to do finger painting for a living. And even though your English degree was collecting dust, (you shed a tear at this every night), you were actually enjoying your time teaching for once. Little children were much more bearable than high schoolers. There were no love triangles you had to deal with, kids giving handjobs under the desks, or getting paper planes thrown at you. The most drama that ever happened in your elementary classes was when Timmie wouldn’t share the red crayons with anyone.
Well, you were enjoying it. Past tense.
Ever since you ended up catching teachers and students halting their whispers when you walked by you’ve been rather uneasy.
You brought it up to Kuni during dinner one night and the other male merely shrugged, but that one was on you though. Kuni didn’t interact with any of his co-workers unless he absolutely had to. It was a surprise he was a favorite teacher among the students, unbeknownst to you it was because the children found the male handsome and his teaching style atrocious.
You were surprised to learn none of your co-workers had even held a coherent conversation with Kuni, despite him working there for much of his career. So when Venti, one of the school’s music teachers, let out a gasp at seeing Kuni sitting beside you in the staff room, he was taken aback. Kuni never went out of his way to make new friends, it seems he was content with the little to no socializing he did in college and called it a day.
“So, what’s your secret?” Venti sang, sidling up next to you as he poured himself a cup of coffee, “How’d you get the ever so stoic Kuni to talk to you for longer than a minute?”
“What are you on about?” you chuckled, taking a tentative sip of the hot beverage, you didn’t want to burn your tongue again, it had ruined your entire week last time, “I just talk?”
Venti and you quickly clicked upon your moving careers, there was something calming about the constant chitter chatter that left his mouth. Although, it was also a little annoying at times. Like right now.
“Last time I did that he just glared at me,” Venti dramatically sighed, “Maybe he has his eyes on you.”
“Ooh, are we talking about KuniYn?” Lisa grinned, the actual English teacher, walking into the staff room.
“What the hell is KuniYn?” you questioned, growing uncomfortable, why was everyone obsessing over you and Kuni? Was this their way of welcoming you?
“I’m going to exit this conversation now,” you mumbled, turning around when you bumped into the other half of said conversation.
And to your horror, a little splash of his coffee landed on the other male.
A collective gasp was heard from the staff room, preparing themselves for the ever so aloof male to lash out. Last time Bennett spilled his drink on Kuni the dark-haired male had the entire staff shaking in their seats.
“Careful,” Kuni mumbled, catching his arm on your shoulder to steady you before making his way past you to make himself a cup of coffee, not batting an eye as he grabbed a napkin and dabbed at it to lessen the soak.
“Fuck, sorry,” you immediately apologized, grabbing the napkin from Kuni and placing your mug down, “Do you want my jacket?”
“It’s fine,” Kuni assured, picking up your mug and handing it back to you before grabbing his own mug that was now full and leaving the room, but not before patting your waist fondly on his way out.
You made sure to pointedly ignore Venti and Lisa’s loud snickers as you hurriedly left the room.
______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Everyone’s intentions became clear when you overheard your own students conversing about you. The utter betrayal.
You were running a little late to your class that afternoon after a lively student had spilled glitter on you earlier that morning, you spent a good five minutes scrubbing it off your hands in the staff bathroom before making your way back to class. You had left your classroom door ajar in a hurry to leave, which made it easy for you to eavesdrop on your students when you heard Kuni’s name spoken for the nth time that day.
“I saw them eating lunch in Sir Kuni’s room the other day when I went to get my backpack!” Luo insisted, a lollipop hanging halfway out of her mouth as the group that had gathered around her table eagerly nodded along to her story, “I think they like-like each other!”
“Like-like?” Qiqi drawled out, tapping her chin, “That’s very serious.“
“We should make them be a couple!” Klee giggled, clapping her hands, “Teacher Y/n is very nice! Mister Kuni is too strict for them but it’s okay.”
So this was what your coworkers were giggling about, they thought that you and Kuni were pining for each other. Which wasn’t necessarily untrue, but had Kuni really not mentioned being married even once?
Truth be told, you never wore your ring to school, you didn’t want any paint or glitter to get stuck between the diamonds and have to pay to get it cleaned, but did Kuni really leave his ring at home too? Seems even Mathematics teachers were prone to disasters via children.
“Alright, back to your respected tables, please,” you greeted as you made your way back into class, ignoring the exuberant glances the children gave you. “Valentines is coming up this week, how about we make little cards for your friends?”
“Or boyfriends,” Klee giggled behind her hands as the class shrieked in laughter. You merely patted her on the head and sighed. Today was going to be quite the long day.
______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
“—I say we send Y/n a Valentine in Kuni’s name, we all know he won’t do it himself!” Venti rebuked, pointing an accusatory finger at Hutao.
“Shouldn’t we give him the benefit of the doubt!” Hutao huffed in response, “They’re clearly into one another.”
“You got it all wrong, Y/n will make the first move and we should allow them to do so,” Xingqiu, the school’s librarian, drawled, tapping his finger on his chin. “I believe they will ask Kuni out on Valentine’s!”
“Are you guys chatting about me again?” you deadpanned, already backing out of the room, but your back ran into something, or rather someone.
“Clumsy as always,” Kuni murmured, placing a hand on your waist and gently pushing you out of the way, “What are you idiots looking at?” he questioned, glaring at Venti who was stifling a laugh.
“You never come in here, I should be interrogating you!” Xiangling defended, hands on her hips.
“Lunch,” Kuni dryly stated, reverting back to his one word answers, and handed a bag to you, “You said you were craving Chinese earlier.”
The familiar smell of fried rice wafted through the room as you peered inside the bag, “You remembered? Thank you.”
Kuni hummed, turning to leave the staff room and hermit himself in his classroom once again.
The moment he left all hell broke loose.
“SEE! I knew Kuni would make a move!”
“But it’s not Valentine’s yet! Y/n still has a chance!"
“We should just lock them up at this rate, this is getting frustrating.”
You clutched the bag tightly and walked out the room, ignoring the shouts questioning the nature of you and Kuni’s relationship that your coworkers shot behind you.
______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
“Kuni?” you called out, knocking on the door as you opened it, which took away the action’s purpose but you were impatient.
Said male looked up from where he was typing and gave you a glance before averting his eyes back, humming to show he was listening.
“Have you eaten yet?” you asked, shutting the door behind you as you pulled up one of the students’ chairs to sit beside Kuni, leaning back into it as Kuni gestured to his half finished take out box.
“Everyone thinks you and I have a crush on each other,” you blurted, leaning your chin on your palm as you watched Kuni work, watching how his nimble fingers came to a stop at your words.
“A crush?” Kuni repeated, turning to face you, “What? That’s childish.”
“They don’t know we’re married!” you huffed, “Did you not tell them? Where’s your ring?”
“It never came up,” Kuni mused, “Last time I wore my ring I took it off to help a teacher out and when I came back the brats were tossing it, so I started leaving it at home.”
“Oh, it seems they’ve never seen us with our rings,” you frowned, causing Kuni to spin on his chair to face you, an amused smile on his face.
“They just can’t believe I managed to make you mine,” Kuni shrugged, chuckling at the immediate shove you sent to his shoulder.
“Stop trying to be corny,” you smiled, reaching out to tug on his dress shirt and yank him closer.
Without a second of hesitation, your guys’ lips interlocked as if it were second nature. The familiarity behind Kuni’s every touch was still as refreshing as it was years ago when you both first met.
The moment was interrupted with a gasp from afar, and both of you pulled apart to see who had walked in on them, exhaling a sigh of relief to see it wasn’t one of the students. But perhaps this was worse.
Kazuha was staring with a flushed face before he realized he had come over for a specific reason and walked up to Kuni’s desk, dropping a file onto it which led Kuni to groan and sadly flip through it.
“So how long have you two been together?” Kazuha drawled, leaning forward as Kuni shot him a glare. Despite being one of the few people Kuni actually sort of talked to, it seems even Kazuha hadn’t known of their relationship status.
“Since graduating college, married now,” you answered, earning a smile from Kazuha as he nodded, turning to make his leave.
“I’m so winning this bet–”
______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Valentine’s day had finally decided to make an appearance, and the school would not let it pass by without a proper send off. The hallways were adorned with pink ribbons and little drawings the kids made, along with the occasional love is love poster and rainbow flag. There were streamers hanging on every doorway, and you couldn’t count how many kids you had to help untangle themselves after getting stuck.
At least it looked pretty.
“I tried to get them to sing Bad Romance, can you believe they’ve never heard of it?”
“Venti, they are children,” Kazuha mused, shaking his head as he unwrapped one of the many chocolates they had lying around for Valentines.
“As their other music teacher you should add it into the curriculum,” Venti huffed, perking up as you entered the room, “There they are!”
“Me?” you repeated, about to take a seat next to them when Xingqiu pointed to the large basket of flowers sitting on the table, “Looks like someone has an admirer,” you added, peering into the basket.
“It arrived this morning, the card says it’s addressed to you? But there’s no sender,” Xingqiu mused.
“Coward,” Lisa reprimanded, “How will I get my daily dose of drama if I don’t know who it’s from?”
“I can infer,” you laughed, tugging on the card, “Probably my husband,” you thought aloud as you read the writing, a smile growing on your face. You were so absorbed in the note that you didn’t notice the staff room grow quiet.
“Hold up, you’re married?!” Venti shrieked, getting up from his seat, “No way.”
“Is that unbelievable?” you frowned, holding up your left hand, “Been married for six years now.”
“Oh my god, we’ve been trying to set you up this entire time!” Xiangling cried out, covering her mouth, “This is so embarrassing! I didn’t know you had someone at home!”
“I’m surprised you guys didn’t know,” you sheepishly laughed, twirling one of the flowers from the basket between your fingers, “You guys have met him before.”
Kazuha snickered behind his chocolate bar as the other staff looked at him.
“So THAT’s why you made a bet saying Y/n married to someone, I thought you just had a gambling addiction,” Xiangling scoffed, hitting Kazuha on the shoulder as he cackled.
“Pay up,” Kazuha grinned as you shook your head.
“Can’t believe you all made a bet and tried to set me up,” you mumbled.
“Yikes, I told Kuni I would get him a date tonight with you offhandedly,” Lisa admitted, looking ashamed as the door to the staff door opened.
Kuni stepped in, but instead of letting him pass by unnoticed as usual you tugged on his sleeve, shooting him a soft smile.
“Thank you for the basket, Kuni,” you thanked, caressing the other male’s arm to show your affection. Neither of you were big on pda, it was a lot for you both to even hug in public. Mostly due to Kuni’s awkwardness with it, but he made up for it by showing affection behind closed doors.
Kuni merely hummed, awkwardly shuffling his feet, you felt a little bad about putting him on the spot but you wanted to show off your husband for once!
“Pause,” Venti stated, pointing between the two of them, “No fucking way.”
“I just lost so much money,” Lisa groaned, sucking her teeth and already pulling out her wallet as Kazuha gleefully counted his bills.
“I’m still processing,” Xingqiu murmured, staring between the two of them, “What, when, and where?”
“I don’t know what you mean by what, we started dating in senior year of highschool, and got married in the town Kuni grew up,” you answered, firmly grasping Kuni’s arm so as to not let him escape. He was already trying to run off.
“I owe Kazuha money?” Albedo questioned as he overheard the conversation walking into the staff room, “No way was his hypothesis correct.”
“Suck my dick,” Kazuha grinned, opening his palm as Albedo sighed and slapped a twenty on it, rolling his eyes as the other male gloated.
“You guys are so fucking annoying,” Kuni complained, but his threat didn’t look at all intimidating as you was pinching his cheek, “Do you really have nothing else to do then try to set me up? No wonder the education system is shit.”
“I’m surprised you even managed to score someone,” Venti giggled, dodging the box of candy Kuni picked up and tossed at him.
“I still have more game than all of you, where’s your partner?” Kuni countered.
“The audacity,” Albedo murmured as Venti huffed in response, the staff room bursting into laughter.
“Guess we need a new project,” Venti grieved, scanning the room till his eyes landed upon Kazuha, “I guess I’ll set you up with someone.”
“You’re gonna what?!” Kazuha exclaimed, his face aghast as the staff immediately started listing off potential candidates
You laughed as you watched Kazuha practically run away from Venti, who was interrogating him on which teachers he found the most attractive.
Your new co-workers were a bit crazy, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dearestaussiechannie · 7 months
♡ Welcome home, Sweetheart ♡ — Bang Chan
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word count: 1.9k
paring: Chan x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: afab!reader, Idol!Chan, established relationship, pet names towards reader/Chan, if I missed anything or if there are any typos please lmk!
Authors note: this was all inspired by a clip I saw on Instagram of Chan looking out into the crowd and it made my heart do sooo maaannyyy cartwheels its crazy. I hope you all enjoy this little story, I did write it while half asleep so its not exactly the greatest.
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Chan really wanted you to come to one of their shows in Korea but you tell him that you can’t because you have to travel to visit some family. Sadly it’s extremely rushed and you’ll be gone for two weeks. Even though he’s disheartened by the news, he knows how much your family means to you so he sees you off to the airport. You don’t tell him where exactly it is that you’re going to visit family or that it’s all a really big surprise for him. 
“By the time I get back home, you’ll be out on tour right?” You ask him, holding his hand tightly while adjusting your hat. You can hear his slight whine as he nods his head, still sad you can’t be with him for the Korea leg of the tour. 
“Mhm.. I think we’ll be in Australia by then. Think Felix and I are gonna see our families.” He says softly, voice slightly muffled by his mask. You look into his eyes, noticing the slightest bit of excitement hidden in those deep browns. You rub his shoulder before nodding. 
“Make sure you tell your mom I miss her and get my shirt back from Hannah. I’ll let you kn-“ you’re cut off by the intercom announcing that your flight is now boarding. You’re a bit sad that your goodbye is getting cut short but you know it’ll be so worth it when you see him next. You both quickly hug, as tight as you can possibly hold each other, before bumping noses through your masks. “I’ll see you sooner than you think sweetheart.” You say in a rush, waving as you hurry to your gate. 
You’ve slept most of the plane ride to Australia, cuddled up in Chans hoodie and the knotted blanket he got you for your birthday. Once you’ve landed, you walk out to see the two people you were most excited to see holding up a sign that says “Welcome to Australia, future Mrs. Bang!” And you couldn’t contain your laugh as you ran to them. Who is it you ask? Chans parents.
You rush to them with your bags, hugging both of them very tight since you haven’t gotten to see them in awhile. His family always makes you feel so welcomed and loved, it really shows where he got all of his caring traits from. After exchanging hellos, his dad takes your bags before you can argue, hurrying to the doors “don’t stop me! He would do the same!” He yells back to you and Chans mom, making you both laugh as you lock arms and walk out. 
The air is so fresh and warm, enjoying the car ride back to their home with the windows down. Once you’re there, you’re met by a barking sound. “Berry!” You say before dropping down to her level and giving her all kinds of scratches and love. “You’d think Chris was home with how excited she was.” You hear a familiar voice say. “Hey to you too Hannah.” You say with a smile as you look up at her from your crouched spot, standing up and engulfing her in a hug. 
Now, as excited as you were to spend time with his family, you still had to set everything up. The days fly by as you kept getting everything ready, texting back and forth with Chan when he isn't too busy. Growing more and more impatient as the days pass, wanting nothing more than to be in his arms again.
Finally it’s the day you’d been waiting for. Their first show in Australia. His parents help you get his room back to the way it was and put your things into the spare room closet so that he wouldn’t see it when he got there since Chan always comes home first before the shows. You hurry into town to find something nice to wear that’ll help you blend in but also stand out. After finding everything you want, you take everything to the hotel room you’d rented for the night even though you know you won’t be staying there. 
The time flies by as you get ready, first taking a couple pictures in a dinner dress to convince Chan that you’re gonna be at dinner with family since you know you’re gonna get pictures of him later in his show outfit. But you quickly change and do your hair, makeup, and everything else you need to do while tucking your vip badge into your clear backpack and pulling out your phone to see that you’ve received a message. 
“It feels so nice to be back! Remind me to plan a vacation here for us soon.”
“It’s not a vacation if you’re from here Christopher.”
You can’t help but laugh at your response, putting the phone back into your pocket and rushing to the stadium. Once you’re there, you talk to people in line, listening to them ramble about the members that you’re so lucky to call your friends, hearing them discuss who their biases are and even how they plan to ask for that members hand in marriage. You now believe first hand that STAY is just something different and you can definitely tell why they mean so much to the boys.
Concert time. You’ve got a standing room quite close to the stage, your poster currently tucked under you as you sift through the SKZOO group chat you’re in with the boys just to see if they’ve said anything about the show when suddenly your phone goes off. It’s a text from Chan, “something about this show makes me nervous. I think you’ve been gone too long, come back into my arms.”
Again, you laugh out loud before closing the text, opening a different chat to Changbin, sending him a picture of the stage “keep a secret?” You type before pressing send. “YAAAHHH!! Whose show is this?! Someone else is having a concert today?!” He responds quite quickly before he calls you. “How dare you not come see us instead?” He says in that fake serious tone. “Binnie, this is your show. Don’t tell anyone but I’m here and that picture I sent you shows you where I am just in case Chan doesn’t find me you can point him in the right direction.”
“Wait. You're here in Australia and Chan doesn’t even know?!” He yells through the phone but before you can shush him, you hear a soft voice that's all too familiar to your ears. “Who's here that I don't know about?” Chan says as he moves closer to the phone. Your breath gets caught in your chest and you hope with everything in your body that Changbin can somehow save this without ruining your surprise. “Ah hyung, you remember my sister right? You're her bias and she's more excited to see you than me.” He says as his voice slightly shakes, you can tell he's nervous about lying but would Chan even believe this lie? Why would Changbins sister suddenly be in Australia?
“Ah, I didn't know your family was coming, Changbin. Maybe you could have seen them before the show started.” Chan replies, voice moving further away from the phone now. You can hear Changbin sigh before you shake your head, laughing on your side of the phone. “Great job, Bin. Now you better keep this secret or else.” You say quickly before ending the call. The show should be starting soon, making your nerves even worse but why were you so nervous? You see this man every day and you always go to his shows. Could it be because you've never been on this side of the stage while he performs?
Time seems to disappear as the show starts, listening to everyone scream and sing along, it's like you can feel all the love for Stray Kids from everyone and watching the boys run around and having fun while in their true element. Finally, comes your moment as the others are talking, Chan is staring out into the crowd into your area. You lift your sign, screaming his name while waving the sign a bit.
He looks around trying to see who yelled, reading the sign as best as he could before looking below it to be met by your eyes. Your face full of excitement, eyes squinted from how big your smile is, his gaze softens once he realises that it's really you. His eyes start to water, lips quivering as he sees you on this side of the stage for the first time and sees how you're having so much fun. For the rest of the show, he watches your area quite closely and can't help but smile when you're interacting with the people around, hugging people and singing your heart out with everyone.
Once the show is over, you quickly show security your backstage pass, hurrying to find Chan's family. Looking around at the staff and everyone working their asses off to make sure everything ends correctly and no one forgets anything. Suddenly you're being lifted into the air from behind causing you to squeal and grab onto the arms that wrapped around you so tightly. “Y/n!!” the voice yells, making you smile and look back. You're met by those same big eyes that found you in a sea full of people. 
“Hi Chris, you killed that show! You all did!” you say added the last part when you see all the kids piling into the room full of their guests, seeing Felix hurry to his family and the others hurrying to grab bottles of water. “Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Did you leave your family early to come?” He asks, concerned that you cut your time with family short just to see him live. “No no, she's been with her family all week.” His mother says as she walks over to hug him tightly. He hugs her back looking at her with big eyes full of confusion. “So did you just get here? You sent me a picture earlier of you getting ready for dinner.” His voice full of excitement but also with confusion. 
Even his mom can’t keep in her laugh as she looks at you, rubbing your shoulder. “You really can pick them huh?” Hannah says as she walks over and hugs Chan, “what?” is all he can say back, before you’re hugging him while his dad speaks to him. “Christopher, she's been with us this whole time. It was a surprise she started planning since you told all of us about your tour dates. We picked her up from the airport, brought her home, took care of her and helped her get everything ready. I'm sure the photo she sent you earlier was a distraction so you wouldn't worry about her.” He says as you nod, looking up at him.
“Oh my.. You did this for me?” he says as he slowly turns to look at you, eyes watering up again. “Ah ah ah don't cry love. I just wanted to surprise you here at home.” “but your sign..” “Oh that? That was your dads idea since the one he made for the airport was very similar.” He quickly pulls you closer to himself, leaning down and kissing the top of your head. “Welcome home sweetheart, I told you you’d see me sooner than you thought.” You say to him, rubbing his back softly. 
“Mhm.. welcome home as well future Mrs. Bang.”
What did the sign say you might ask? “Bang Chan! Can I be your future Mrs. Bang?” credits… his dad.
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©️ dearestaussiechannie, all rights reserved.
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writingstoraes · 11 months
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sparks 🎇
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: written imagine (fluff)
word count: 1.7k, no warnings hehe
notes: once again this is a new idea even though i have a ton of drafts like my mind is a mess so i am not surprised ANYWAY . trying to get out of a writing slump so lmk what u guys think! ALSO apologies for any typos or grammatical errors this is not proofread at all 😆
about:  The few of the many times Charles’ heart skipped a beat because of you.
Movies have always portrayed “real” sparks so well. Sometimes it’s a scene where a guy sees the girl for the very first time during a first date and he freezes for a moment, the apparent electricity between two people when their hands almost touch and they panic for a little while, or the moment of suspense before a first kiss and the exhilaration after.
But Charles taught that was exactly what they were - movie scenes. He lingered on the thought that the moments where sparks flew and one’s heart skips a beat, those moments cannot be manufactured in real life. They stay in movies, books, in the arts; where they belong, somewhere where they were fiction.
Not until he experiences it first-hand, not until he meets you, the woman who held his heart in the palm of her hand.
He felt it the first time your hands ever touched. 
At first, he thought he was going crazy. There was no way he felt a current run through his skin the moment it came in contact with yours, but to this day, it’s a testament he swears on very seriously. 
You had been going out for a few weeks, several dates here and there. It was the exact point where you felt comfortable with each other, but only starting to be, hence why there were still evident boundaries present. The two of you were careful to not cross any, especially Charles. He’s cautious on establishing any physical touch, sure, he’s held your waist to guide you through bustling crowds and had slung his arm over your shoulder, but he hasn’t held your hand. At least, not yet. 
He had invited you to have dinner on his yacht, set at the perfect time where you can be of witness to the beautiful sunset over the sea. He says the food was nearly done, so he set up two comfortable chairs that gave you just the perfect view of the Monaco skies. The sun was setting and the golden sky formed a beautiful gradient with the blue hue that painted it beforehand. 
He turns his head to you, your arm resting on the chair’s handles, a tad bit preoccupied with the view in front of you. He keeps a smile to himself, enjoying the personalized view he had. For some reason, he feels the urge to hold your hand, or at least rest his on top of yours. He was hesitating and second-guessing, lifting his finger once in a while and then putting it back down when he decides not to push through. It didn’t help that there were minimal distance between your chair and his, and so he was fighting the urge to initiate contact and have you flee off. 
But his hesitant hand that kept on moving was something you grew to notice, and thanks to your knowledge of many, many romance movies, you assumed it meant he wanted to hold your hand but was too afraid to do it. You shove the thought of doing it first in the back of your head, overthinking that you might be wrong and he in fact did not want to hold your hand. 
Maybe it was something in the air, the quiet waves of the ocean, or just the fact that he really really liked you. 
He finally lifts his hand so he can reach yours, resting it softly on top of your hand. He lets out a relieved and contented sigh when he feels you ease into his touch. His heart raced faster, like it was screaming for help and begging to be let out of his chest.
As if that was not enough, he feels a current run through his arm and out of his fingertips the moment you grasp his hand and decide to interlock your fingers with his then setting it on top of the chair’s handle.  He swears he saw fireworks when he closed his eyes and his heart finally exploded out of his chest. He vows he can stand up and jump around out of joy, but he chooses to indulge in the moment and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze instead.
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He had met you earlier in the season and he would be lying if he said he didn’t want you to see him in his element, doing what truly made him happy. That is, if his team does not proceed to ruin the entire weekend for him and his dedicated fans.
He invited you to watch a grand prix, in a track that he felt most comfortable. He was the perfect gentleman whe he extended the invite, letting you know you could always decline if you didn’t feel like going. You were together, in all terms to be considered, but he didn’t want to pressure you into finally making your appearance only because he knew how harsh it could get. He assures you that he will take care of everything and all you needed to do was come.
You were committed to attend the entire weekend, from free practice until the race itself. Even if Charles was quick to reassure you that you didn’t have to be there for everything, you only return a smile and tell him you wanted to be, which not surprisingly calmed his nerves. 
You knew people were going to stare, fans will take pictures, even the possibility of you making headlines. This was your first paddock appearance as his girlfriend, after all. It was inevitable, so you try to take your mind off of the pressure. Much to your nerves bothering you before you even got on the plane, you had been racking your brain on what to wear. You didn’t want to seem like you were trying too hard or too little. 
You finally settle on an outfit and your lips form a small smile as you looked in the mirror. It was nothing extravagant, only a black one-shoulder top and a black high-waisted pants that you paired with a red leather jacket. It’s not like you wanted what you wore to scream Ferrari, but you wanted to add a little touch, at least for Charles. 
“What do you think? I chose the red jacket for you,” you turn around to see Charles, seeing as you heard his footsteps earlier and knew he entered the room.
If he was being honest, he had seen you put on the outfit. He witnessed how you cocked your head to the side trying to see if it looks good. He sees the outfits laid on the bed, all with a touch of red, and he could feel butterflies swarm his stomach at the thought of you carefully planning out your outfits to include his team’s colors.
There it was again, the stupid sparks that he’s been getting ever since he met you. He curses himself for being a little non-functional when feels them, but he figures he has to get used to being blown away by everything you did. It feels magnetic, like he’s feeling actual static. You make him feel so much by just doing so little. 
He sees you twirling around in front of the mirror, smiling when you finally put on the red leather jacket, looking satisfied. 
He stops at his tracks, at least internally, and fails to respond for at least 10 seconds. 
“Do you not like it? I can always go change-”
“No,” he says, almost out of voice. “You look absolutely beautiful.” 
Where he was standing, he swears he sees fireworks erupt behind you.
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Charles stands on the podium, feeling victorious and ecstatic he had clinched another win for his Formula 1 career. He looks fondly at the sea of crowd cheering for him, waving flags of his own country, Ferrari, and Italy. From where he stood he could see Fred’s big smile and the engineers celebrating, jumping up and down. 
The trophies had been awarded and the Monaco national anthem had finally played. He was wearing his Pirelli cap and completely drenched in champagne. He scans the crowd down the podium, hoping to get a glance of you. Earlier, he did tell you you didn’t have to witness the awarding personally should he win, because he didn’t want you to get in between many people and possibly get shoved or pushed. He assumes that you were in the garage, waiting for him, probably with a kiss and a hug. 
He leans over the makeshift railing of the stage, eyes still set on possibly sighting you. When he fails to find you, he finally comes down and there he sees you, just near the stairs going up to the podium with teary eyes and a wide smile. There you stood with hands clasped together, in awe of Charles who was standing in front of you. 
He feels his heart race yet again, having experienced the first time you ever greeted him after he claims P1 in a race. Even just by looking at you he feels his world shift, like its only goal was to pull him towards you, like the fireworks that took the skies earlier weren’t enough and he was having his own show. 
He jogs towards you, exhilirated and filled with adrenaline and pulls you into a tight embrace. His entire body twitches when you plant a soft kiss on his cheek, as if every fiber of his being had turned into putty at your touch. Everytime you engulf him in an embrace, kiss his cheek, or run your hands through his hair, he feels as if he’s inside his car going at least 320 kilometers per hour. He has no clue how you do it, how you possibly make him feel like he’s won a race every time he was with you;  as if you and his heart had a binding agreement. 
“Congratulations, mon champion du monde,” you say slowly and close to Charles so only he could hear, hoping you didn’t mess up the pronunciation, after having practiced it several times on the plane. 
Something tugs at his heartstrings, having been greeted by the knowledge that you sent out his well wishes in French, even though you didn’t speak the language and mentioned you were always scared you were going to say something wrong. But mostly because you called him your world champion, and that just sends him down a spiral.
“Thanks for being here, amour.” he replies, pulling you in again for another hug. 
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy
notes: thanks for reading everyone <3 will try to post a 1.4k special soon but firstly thank u so much for all the love hehehe hope u guys r having the nicest day!
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masuchu · 5 months
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what happens when you propose the idea of being zhongli’s birthday gift and letting him have you however he likes? ‧₊˚
genre. smut! very dom zhongli, mentions of punishment, kinda bratty reader, birthday sex!!! , mentions of dragon!zhongli, manhandling?, marking, roughness, biting, he cums inside, just pure filth ig, reader is afab and described as a woman !!!!!!!!!
pairing. zhongli x reader
love, masu. ohohoho. how could i not write a little something for my love? on his birthday? teehee, i hope you guys enjoy! lmk if there are any typos UGH
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“I’m afraid I don’t understand, my dear. Are you insinuating you wish to celebrate my birthday by engaging in intimacy?”
You sighed at Zhongli’s blunt and perplexed words. Dating a man who had lived through many a millennia absolutely had it perks; it wasn’t everyday you could hear the history of tea distillery and other obscure topics. But in times like these, you really struggled to explain things that were a bit more ‘in this day an age’ to your ancient lover. Especially things regarding sexual matters.
“No, it’s— Because it is your birthday, the idea is that I am your present! That you can enjoy, um, however you like…”
“But you already gave me a present?”
A groan escaped your lips, “I know I did! It’s not literal, more— conceptual? I’m not actually your gift, I’m giving you a chance to let your fantasies run wild, for term of phrase. Do you understand?”
One of his gloved hands traversed up to his lips, and he gave the lower one a gentle tap of consideration. “I think I understand. It is less of a tradition or a custom, but more of a way for you to treat me in a more intimate manner, because it is my birthday. Am I correct?”
A gentle yet flirtatious smile engulfed your face. “You are correct, indeed. Sooo, will you … take me up on my offer?”
Zhongli’s eyes were overcome by an imperceptible change, so subtle and abrupt that no regular person would have noticed it. But you weren’t any regular person, you were his prized lover. The only soul in Teyvat that has ever had such a firm and unshakeable grip on his heart, leaving him with an inconsolable ache in his being whenever he was not with you. You understood him and saw every twitch or flip of his mood, no matter the size. So, that raging fire set you alight in his eyes did not go misunderstood. He wanted you.
“I think I shall take you up on your generous offer. But you may regret allowing me such freedom over your body tonight. It seems you are the only person capable of stripping me of my prided self control.”
You would have swooned over Zhongli’s words if it weren’t for the rasp in which they were spoken, the way his eyes traversed over your now quivering form, and the warning he gave that seemed to have left his lips calmly, yet seductively.
One of his arms suddenly wound around your waist, the other creeping up to take a stiff hold on your jaw; it juxtaposed greatly with the gentle caress of his thumb on your lower lip.
“I want you to go upstairs, undress completely, and wait for me on the bed. I will be up with you shortly. And believe me, I will not be going easy on you tonight. It is my birthday after all, and you are my gift. Do you understand, my dear?”
A humorous gulp resounded throughout the room, you embarrassingly realised that you were the source of the noise.
“Yes, sir.”
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The wait felt like an eternity. The soft bed sheets you were perched on prettily were no consolation or comfort to the uncomfortable ache in your core; in fact, they only fuelled on your lewd imaginations of gripping them whilst Zhongli’s cock pounded into you mercilessly.
God, you were an enemy unto yourself. Why were you so hellbent on fuelling your own neediness and loss of coherent thought? Your pussy throbbed with greed and impatience, and without thinking of the consequences, you began to rut subtly and clumsily with into the soft duvet. Unbeknownst to you…
“I am disappointed. Misbehaving on my birthday, my love? I was only gone for a minute or two.”
An awful squeak was plundered from your lips, your cheeks warm and flushed having been caught red handed. You halted your ministrations and began to plead for forgiveness.
“Zhongli, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to, I swear—“
Your begs were cut off when a forceful hand ran through your hair and tugged your head backwards. Zhongli’s grip was not harsh enough to cause pain in your scalp, but you understood the intention of his action. It was a warning.
“Morax, is what you shall call me tonight. You must show me proper respect on my birthday. And I am willing to ignore your little… mishap, so long as you are on your best behaviour for the remainder of tonight. Isn’t that generous, hm?” His words reverberated and echoed throughout the room, soothing and tender, but filled with undertones and reminders of his power and heavy dislike of disobedience. The underlying threat of punishment almost compelled you to spend tonight pushing his buttons and testing his thin patience, drawing out his harsher hits and crude tongue.
“Very generous, Morax. How would like to— how do you want me?” You whimpered, his dominance having an extremely powerful effect on your slowly escaping pride and dignity.
“Ah, offering yourself up so plainly? I am honoured my love. On your back, please. I would like to see the expressions my gift makes when I ravish it tonight.”
Oh Archons. A sudden rush of wetness overwhelmed your aching cunt, jaw falling humiliatingly wide at his lewd speech. You remembered his order when he gave a you a gentle tap and a raised eyebrow, and you scrambled to present yourself on your back, pussy entirely on display to your partner’s hungry eyes. A dreadful moment of incomprehensible staring ensued before Zhongli finally uttered words that left you even more shamelessly horny than you even thought was possible,
“Absolutely exquisite. Hold your legs up for me, my hands are going to be occupied.”
You did exactly as you were told, like an obedient pet. Something aggravatingly inexplicable about Zhongli made you want to heed to his every call, devote your entire life to him, and pleasure him at every waking moment. Of course, that was impossible. You were an independent woman, and in normal circumstances where you were capable of rational thought, you were always firm about working and making a living for yourself— Zhongli always in agreement with this. But in lustful moments like these, when his pretty digits travelled to your slit and traced along it like he was inspecting a gem, when his other palm encompassed your breast and kneaded them softly? You desired nothing but to be a pampered little cum slut for your precious Geo Archon.
On the other hand, Zhongli was in turmoil. His hard on was uncomfortably trapped in the confines of his trousers, and his mind was dazed with possibly draconic, but absolutely primal urges to fuck you into a pitiful mess. His fingers roughly shoved into your hole, and your drawn out moan was nothing but pleasure to his ears.
“Aren’t you so lovely? Always so obedient— well, mostly. So beautiful spread out like this for me. Carry on making that face, and I won’t be able to wait any longer, darling.”
You couldn’t take his incessant rambling any longer. Could he not just ram you into next year already?!
“Then don’t! Please— I’m begging, just fuck me already! You made me wait, won’t you have mercy on me, Morax?”
Your cries were silenced by a soft pair of lips harshly planted onto yours. The Archon’s tongue traversed your mouth and his canines bit into your lower lip. All the while, his fingers were still plunging in and out of your wet pussy, causing horrendously lewd squelching noises to ricochet off of every wall in your extravagant shared bedroom.
Too caught up in pleasure to notice, you realised to late that Zhongli had taken his rock solid cock out of his pants, only registering the act when he roughly slammed it into you.
“Ah! Zhong— Morax, please!” You had no idea what you were begging for. Less? More? Both at the same time? Your brain was clouded with pleasure, nothing but cock and kisses appearing.
“What are you begging for, my love? You can’t possibly by overwhelmed now. I warned you that I was holding nothing back with you today. Were you listening, or is my cock that pleasurable you have gone dumb?”
“Ngh! Shut— ah, up!”
You regretted your words as soon as they left your bitten lips. Zhongli’s hips slammed vigorously into you, his balls slapping against your ass, and he hit the perfect spot— before stopping entirely.
“My apologies, I must’ve misheard you. You couldn’t possibly have told me to ‘shut up’ just now, hm?”
A rough thrust censored any answer you could have possibly given.
“Not when you have been so good? Not when you are spread out so divinely for me? So at my mercy? Enlighten me, my love, would you really like to find yourself tied down for hours, left with nothing but what I have already given you, whilst I resume my work?”
A sharp pinch at your clit told you the question was not rhetorical. “No, Morax! I am so sorry, I wasn’t thinking—“
“No, I didn’t think you were. Are you going to let me enjoy my gift without any further interruptions?”
“Yes— Agh!”
You could not even utter another syllable before your lover was pounding into you once more. With every snap of his hips, a new spot within you was discovered and abused so harshly you could think of nothing but him, him, him.
His still gloved finger perused over your clit, a string of heightened pleasure dangling above you so meanly. Zhongli did not care, his fingers danced along your sensitive area whilst his lips came down to you once more, this time to leave deep, red marks along your neck. At a long, desperate whine, the God chuckled and pressed down skilfully onto your sore bud.
“Zhongli! Oh my— please, please, please, please!”
“Are you going to cum, dearest? You have my permission, you are allowed to— ngh, come whenever you like. Paint my cock with your juices, I need it.”
His words, his thrusts, his lips on your neck, scenting you. It was all so much, too much. A familiar yet arguably foreign feeling bubbled up in your core. A fervid ache began to grow inside you, encouraged by Zhongli’s never ending praise and vulgar words. His resolve was beginning to crumble, too. You could tell vaguely through your state of disrepair and desperation that his moans were becoming louder, his thrusts ever so slightly sloppier. As if you had been transported to another dimension, everything that had built up began to burst.
“Ah, yes! Cum for me, darling. Don’t hold back, give your Archon everything.”
A screen of white filled your vision, unable to think, unable to feel, unable to breathe. You barely noticed Zhongli’s orgasm happening simultaneously, not until a burst of hot, gooey liquid erupted inside you. Everything felt holy, indescribably divine. The same climax Zhongli had effortlessly brought you to innumerable times, it whirled within you and left you completely immobile. A moment passed before Zhongli carefully fell on top of you, moving to avoid suffocating your almost lifeless form.
A moment of heavy breaths and mutual tenderness passed before Zhongli took at glance at your sore body and spoke,
“Ah, are you in any pain, my dear? I do hope I made you feel the amount of pleasure I felt.”
You breathily chuckled, “You did. Archons, you absolutely did.”
Zhongli came closer a smiled against your lips, before saying in a deepened, all too familiar tone,
“Then I do hope you are not too sensitive. I still have much in mind for my… gift. Remember to never underestimate the stamina of an Archon, my dear. Now, on your front.”
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2023 © masuchu , do not repost, reword, plagiarise, take inspiration, translate or share my work anywhere!
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dolldefiler · 2 months
So, I woke up on Easter Sunday fairly annoyed. Why was I letting those anons get to me so much? Why should I let them deter me from writing more? Since my last ask, I've received dozens of wonderful and kind messages. I've received a lot of support and love, and honestly it made me wonder. Why did I even consider a break? Just because of a couple of pathetic bullies that don't know how to use the content filtering options on Tumblr?
So I figured I'd do something out of spite. I've tried to be nice but honestly I'm one petty fucking bastard. I spent the morning of Sunday drawing up a list before spending the rest of the day with my family.
On the evening of Sunday, I wrote 2 new posts.
Throughout Monday, I wrote 18 new posts.
Finally, today, I wrote 29 new posts.
The more mathematically inclined of you will notice that this adds up to 49 new posts. I threw in another piece of smut I wrote a few months ago to bring it up to 50 posts.
Every second hour, for the next 100 hours, I will release one post
... assuming I don't fuck up the queue feature. I'll get that up and running in the next hour or so, I imagine. Of course, this excludes any asks I'll answer in the meantime. (Also expect minimal formatting. And please do lmk if I've made typos.)
I've even included some dykebreaking and posts with those icky, gross words that the previous anon was complaining about. Why? Again, because I'm a petty fucking bitch. In total, that's about 15k words (2k of which is contributed by that one piece of smut).
My DMs will remain closed but I'm opening my asks up and yeah, I'll even open my anon asks back up. I get sent some genuinely wonderful words of love by my anons.
Peace in our time.
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jikjinz · 9 months
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★﹐this is overdose .﹗﹑
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anonymous asked: Can you please do treasure legal line overstimulating their s/o unintentionally kind off something?
cw: treasure legal line x fem!reader (separate); overstimulation (f!receiving), oral sex (f!receiving), squirting kind-of?, fingering, tit play/nipple play, unprotected p-in-v sex (yall better wrap it up), aftercare mentioned; lmk if i missed any
a/n: back on my bullshit to drop a bomb and disappear. this is like a year late request so im sorry in advance but ig better late than never lol. enjoy <3 and btw this is little to no proof-read so yall dont see eventual typos or grammatical mistakes.
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it happened by accident
but when he noticed, his brain caught an error, a big one
keeps on going either way because you’re so gorgeous this way and he’s unable to stop
no thoughts in your brain right now, as your head is full of fuzzy pleasure and hyunsuk. that’s all you can think of and when you feel his tongue yet again on your clit you’re losing it.
hyunsuk is as well in his world… kind-of?? because his world right now consists of the most scrumptious meal he’s ever had. your pussy. and he loves the background music consisting of your moans, screams, and random blabbers you say occasionally. yet the moment your thighs shake and the most overpowering orgasm hits you while providing him the tastiest thing ever, hyunsuk finally comes back to reality. and as you try to calm yourself by breathing steadily, hyunsuk looks at your with his dreamy gaze, his lower face covered in his spit and your juices.
because you’re the best thing that he got blessed with and he hopes to keep you by his side until you two get old.
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probably it was his goal
which he achieved
grins like a stupid idiot (which he is) at your fucked up state because it’s him, it’s park jihoon who got you to such point and no. one. else. ego boost 100
“jihoon, please, please, please jihoon-”
“please what, pretty baby?”
“make me cum already, stuff me with your-”
jihoon only chuckles like a jackass, staring back at you with that cute smile of his. you whine again, trying to hump yourself on his hand that’s between your legs. he’s rubbing your clit for some time now, ocassionally picking up on his pace and then harshly stopping. jihoon also is toying with your cute tits and those nice nipples of yours, driving you even more insane, causing you to think only about him, his actions, his hand, his length…
jihoon grabs your chin with his other hand and kisses you hastily, a perfect disguise for his fingers sliding in past your folds, causing you to moan right into the kiss and cumming immediately, too intensively for your senses to bear. jihoon, satisfied with the results, lets you to ride it all out on his fingers. and as you look at him with that half-lidded eyes and soft smile, he’s about to melt.
because you are the only one who makes his heart flutter in such indescribable ways.
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once he did it, got so addicted to the result immediately
sent himself into the oblivion btw as well
stunned and amazed by the abilities of your hot body; would like to try this again
your body is on autopilot now, chasing that so much wanted pleasant high. mind went on a break, leaving your instinct to continue and all you got in your head right now was yoshi making wonders inside you.
“does it- ah! feel- good?” yoshi asks, his mind slowly ascending as well. the sight of your fucked out mind, your whitening knuckles from gripping the sheets so tightly… it’s all too much for him as well.
“uh- uh-huh!” that’s all he gets in response from you but that’s all he needs. and so yoshi continues, though he can’t do it for too long himself. he’s sure you’ve already milked him dry, yet you’re still going… until he feels something warm on his lower parts. smashed back to reality, yoshi smiles reassuringly, caressing your skin with his hand.
“you did so well, darling. i love you.”
because no matter how many times he’ll say it, it’s never gonna be enough and these words can’t cover the whole amount of his love for you.
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gets worried the moment he notices your fucked-out face
tries to check up on you but when you tell him to go on
his insides do flips at the sight of the results of his actions
you’re a moaning mess, eyes rolling back to see your brain, tongue out with no strength to keep it tense.
holy fuck, what is happening to you?
“keep going! don’t- stop!”
and as junkyu hears your trembling words, there’s a sheepish smile on his face. the fact that your head is empty already, only lust and the overwhelming pleasure junkyu provides with his actions is getting to his head, slowly, but it does. he still cannot believe that he does you so good and his confidence grows with each louder scream, each rougher scratch of your nails on his shoulders, and each plea of your to make you cum for the nth time. and as he’s whispering ‘i love you’ over and over into your neck, he really means it.
because no one ever got him so confident in himself as you do.
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is in awe of the view in front of him
will stop if you want but that’s not enough for him
is the type to overstimulate you on purspose because it’s hot when you do it
jaehyuk can’t help but stare with wide open eyes and salivating mouth at your still spasming pussy.
“i’d love to see it more often, baby,” he says with that dumb boyish smile. right now, jaehyuk looks like a little child amazed by a new toy. he’s still staring at your entrance, in awe, trying not to hump himself between your thighs. finally, he looks at your face and gets close, so he can kiss the living shit out of you. you are just too good for him and he would give you the world if you’d ask. and he’ll start with a comforting bath, warm bathrobe, and lots of kisses and cuddles.
because he loves you so much and he knows you love him the same amount. but he still loves you a bit more than that.
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did you so good for so long you squirted for the first time ever
blurted out some stupid bullshit because he loved that so much
will try to make you squirt again in the future (next time you get intimate)
“now that was hot as fuck.”
asahi stares at your soaked pussy and the wet stains on the sheets, in awe of your abilities. and as you squirm, trying to run away from his stare in embarassment, his heart swells inside his guts.
“darling, i love that you did it, it was incredibly hot and i wish to see you do such things more. it made me even more horny right now to be frank.”
you are able to only stare at him for a second, then chuckle at his honest words. as he sees your body slowly relax with each laugh, he smiles as well.
because he loved how you made his heart flutter with your smile and he would do anything to see you smile all the time.
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another idiot who gets an ego boost
but is incredibly lost at what is going on with you
stops the moment you start crying out his name, does not understand the mixed signals of your words and body
“ah-! too- too much-!”
the moment doyoung hears these words, he stops his movements. indeed, he got lost in the pleasure the moment he slid inside, yet it seemed at first you were enjoying it as well. he has no idea what is happening to you but carefully watches your body, your each move, as he slowly tries to understand what do you mean.
“are you- are you okay, princess?”
the concern in his voice brings your senses back a bit and as you notice his worried stare, you try to say something coherent, though your fried brain can’t find right words.
“so good it’s- too much.”
he is still looking at you and he still monitors your reactions but can’t help this cheeky smile. as he proceeds to finally get your words to his head, doyoung can’t help but kiss you.
because he did you so good it’s too much, all of it by accident, which only adds to his confidence.
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|| trsr-mlist || main-mlist || reblogs & feedback appreciated !!!
taglist: @mashiluvs @yedamies-blackswan @ahncosette
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@ jikjinz / @ ness-iness 2023, do not copy, translate or repost without permission!!!
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taeraeszn · 6 months
could you do like matthew with an academic achiever reader ... he's very golden retriever to someone's black cat. like i can see a university au athlete x student council vibez (personally am academic achiever student council pres so like i could use a guy like Matthew)
an unexpected bond - seok matthew
characters: matthew x gn!reader
description: matthew was the opposite of you, but somehow you two found a spark in one another. one that made your heart beat.
word count: 2.1K (omg i didn't even realize that as i was writing this LMAOO)
warnings: maybe be some typos, i was writing this in a rush to complete it. but i don't see anything else as i re-read it but pls lmk if there is!!
a/n: OMG TWO WHOLE MONTHS WITHOUT POSTING i feel like i betrayed everyone, i'm so so sorry!! life just hasn't been great recently and the break was well needed. as i posted two weeks ago, i'll be slowly releasing things as i have a reaction post after this (hint hint it's a bit more suggestive lmao). but it made me realize how much i missed posting and writing <3
also sorry if i missed the whole point of your request i feel like i went a totally other different direction :( but i hope you all enjoy it!
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you were always the perfect model student in middle and high school, everyone was able to predict that you’d be first place for exam marks as well as you always being in principal honours. you were able to carry your skills into university where you try to keep a gpa that’s 4.0. nothing was able to get into your way…until you met seok matthew.
matthew was a very likeable athlete in your university, everyone gushed over his sweet looks and kind personality, there was nothing to hate about him. he kept a good image away from his basketball skills. many girls loved the fact that he was single and took every chance they got to ask him out or compliment him.
you were setting up for the upcoming events happening in your university. there were going to be some high schoolers coming to visit the campus as well as some special performances happening in the gymnasium. you were put in charge of handling those which were already enough on your plate aside from your own course. you didn’t think that anything would occur between that time.
as you were setting up the gymnasium decorations, a basketball slowly rolled towards you, stopping just at your feet. before you could pick it up, you heard someone faintly yelling until the voice got closer.
“that’s mine! sorry i should’ve been more careful.” someone said, as you looked up, you saw a handsome guy with sweat dripping everywhere as if he just ran a marathon. he had muscles which you could tell from his biceps. his hair was a blonde shade and his smile was quite contagious, causing you to smile slightly as well.
“it’s fine. i was just setting up the decorations here.” you looked down at your list, crossing off the things that were already dealt with and completed with your pen. matthew also took a look at it but you quickly pulled it up to your chest, concealing it.
“was i not supposed to see that?” he chuckled, pointing at your clipboard. you slowly nodded, unsure of what to say. 
“uh..yeah.” he picked up the ball that was still on the ground. once again giving you that irresistible smile.
“well… i’ll see you around then!” he dribbled the ball back to the court and shot it in perfectly, causing cheers to erupt from the small crowd watching him. mostly girls. 
you thought that would be the end of seeing matthew but after that one meeting, it would be endless encounters of you running into each other. it was as if it was happening on purpose, like the world was telling you to converse with him a bit more. 
so you did. it happened to be a day like any other where you were studying in the library with headphones on. every other seat beside you was vacant and you had that small space to yourself, something you absolutely loved. peace. 
as you were checking at your notes then back at your laptop, you noticed a familiar figure coming towards you. 
“hey…” matthew said, joining you with a textbook and laptop in hand. you weren’t expecting matthew to come at all, you kinda forgot that he was also studying and learning here as well.
“mind if i join?” you slowly nodded giving him the green light and he sat across from you. he opened his laptop and took a look at your notes.
“psychology huh?” he said. somehow he figured out your course by just observing your notes, you were astonished.
“how did you know?” matthew grinned then shrugged, “my friend taerae takes that course too.” he was friends with taerae? you sometimes noticed him in the back of lectures but never had a proper conversation with him other than the times where you had a project together.
“that’s cool.” it was obvious that you weren’t strong with holding a conversation, especially with new people. matthew seemed happy though, giving you a positive smile to almost everything you said and did.
you wanted to ask him what he was taking but your shyness took over, though he knew right away that you were curious.
“i’m doing health sciences by the way, it’s pretty interesting but challenging at times.” it was nice having someone who could carry on a conversation. as you two began getting to slowly know each other, you came to realize that matthew was just an amazing guy, he seemed very passionate about pursuing both sports and his studies, he told you about his journey from when he first started playing basketball to now and how it’s helped him. as well, you shared a bit of insight about yourself such as why you decided to pursue your field of study and what inspired you to do so. 
best part was that matthew wouldn’t interrupt you once as you spoke and let you be as open as you chose to. it was like you were able to tell him everything that you were scared to tell others. not to mention how handsome he looked when he was focused on something. 
afterwards, it fell silent between the two of you as you began studying. matthew was also immersed in his notes, but he would occasionally gaze at you to see what you were doing. he felt his cheeks heat up while seeing your concentrated face.
as the hours passed, more students began leaving campus and the library became more still as now only you and matthew were present there. you didn’t even realize it but you actually fell asleep after studying. matthew was on his phone texting someone and noticed that you lost your battle to sleep. 
“they must be cold…” he mumbled to himself as he noticed that you had no jacket on. he decided to take his own off and cover your body with his in order to keep you warm. your head was resting on your textbook with your hands on the table. 
he let you rest and didn’t wake you up, only waiting till you decided to yourself. 
half an hour had passed when you finally awoke. “what time is it?” you yawned. he showed you his phone lockscreen that had him and eight other people posing together in a selfie. the time read ‘18:00’ , that was enough to jolt you completely awake. the latest you ever stayed was only four or five o’clock. 
“oh god i slept didn’t i?” matthew could only smile at your cute reaction. 
“hey but at least you got a power nap!” he got up to place his items inside his backpack then swung it over his shoulder. “i’ll see you around!” he waved goodbye and was about to walk out of the library. but suddenly you felt the urge to do something, you didn’t want to go home alone especially when it was already getting dark outside.
“wait!” you yelled, quickly rushing up to matthew. he watched as you catched up to him, “is it ok if i can go with you?”
matthew chuckled but nodded, “of course! grab your stuff and we’ll head out.” he said. with that confirmation, you grabbed your things and walked out of your university’s building towards the train station. 
the whole ride he sat close to you and it helped you feel less lonely with his company. your houses weren’t too far apart from each other so you took the same route as him to get home.
but ever since that day in the library, you began falling for matthew. you would occasionally go to the gymnasium and sit on the bleachers just to watch matthew play and get cheered on by his friends. he was mesmerizing in a way that you couldn’t keep your eye off of him. 
when one of his games was over, he approached you and asked for your number. it was a lot having a bunch of eyes on you as he asked for it but you gave him it and he ran away happily to change. getting his number allowed you to hear from him more often, he would text you about what he was doing and had casual conversations with you if it wasn’t about studies.
as your friendship grew even closer, he asked to visit your house so you two could study together in each other’s company and you were up for it. this was the first time that he’d be coming to your house since you didn’t live on campus. 
while in your room, he took a look around and noticed the poster’s of many celebrities and idols. you showed him all of your favourite groups which allowed him to get to know you better since you barely opened up about your interests outside of studies.
but most of the afternoon consisted of you two both sitting on your bed with your laptops open and studying the material. though studying was boring, having matthew there made it more endurable. when it became silent, he would speak up and converse with you about almost anything. it was like his brain was full of ideas that were endless. 
“hey matt…” you said, looking up from your textbook. he immediately turned towards you, “hm?”
“do you enjoy being with me? it’s kinda boring just studying.” you were worried that he wasn't enjoying this and probably wanted to do something else.
“of course i do! if you don’t want to study we can do something else right now.” he shut his laptop. 
“like what?” he grabbed his jacket and got up from the bed causing you to do the same. 
“a walk, heading to a store, going to the park nearby, there’s tons of stuff to do!” you smiled then shutting your textbook and doing the same as him.
“then let’s go somewhere!”
what followed next after two weeks passed was that exam season finally ended! you were thrilled to be able to go home and relax without worrying much about studying. but that didn’t stop matthew from asking to come over.
you made sure the house looked extremely cleaned with no mess left behind as you began waiting for him to arrive. when the doorbell rang, you rushed to open it to reveal matthew holding a bouquet of flowers while smiling. 
needless to say, you were shocked, “matt?” he waved and came inside then taking his shoes off and heading to your couch.
“hey!” he looked around, then handed you the flowers. they were beautiful red roses that looked expensive. you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that he literally bought some just for you.
“matt…are these for me?” you gave them one more look but even still your eyes couldn’t not focus on them. 
“yeah, uh, i actually bought them for a reason since i wanted to tell you something really important.” that sentence caused you to look up at him with a puzzled expression.
“what is it?” he came closer towards you and took the bouquet out of your hands and onto the couch in order to gently grab your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.
“i like you.” did you hear that correctly?! it took you a good minute to process before you spoke up.
“really? you're joking right?” you asked to make sure. matthew giggled then shook his head, rubbing his thumb on your hand.
“no! why would i? i’ve felt this way towards you for a while but never had the courage to tell you exactly how i feel. i bought you those roses today to show you.”
“they’re beautiful…” you were still in awe.
matthew then gently touched your shoulders, “so give me a chance. i know that we’ve only known each other for a while but i promise i’ll do anything and everything to make you happy.” he said with no hesitation. 
the space became silent as you tried to come up with what to say, since this was new for you to be confessed to. however, after being with matthew for the past month and getting to know him, he’s become someone who’s made an impact on you. he helped you become more open and even knows how to make your heart beat whenever you see him. it would be a lie to say that you didn’t want to go further with him.
you took a deep breath as his gaze was still fixated on you, “of course i’ll give you a chance. a million times yes.” 
without warning, matthew pulled you into his soft embrace, his arms wrapping around you to keep you in tact. 
“god i was so worried to say that. do you know how many times i was practicing this before i came here?” he exclaimed, now feeling relieved that you didn’t reject him.
“well now you have me.” you giggled. 
“great cause now i don’t plan on losing you, ever.” his voice muffled into your chest.
“thank you matthew, you make me so happy.” 
“of course my love.”
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straykeedz · 10 months
dirty little secret; hhj
pairing: hwang hyunjin x afab!reader;
genre: s, a bit angsty in the end???;
summary: you and hyunjin have a private account where you share all of your intimate stuff. one day, somebody finds out your secret.
word count: 1,2k
TW: mentions of masturbation (both m and f); mentions of explicit photos & videos; mention of penetrative sex; [please lmk if i forgot anything!]
requested by anon! 🫶 hopes it lives up to your expectations 🫧
as per usual, keep in mind that english is not my first language, so lmk if you spot any mistakes/typos ♡
Changbin swore he’d already seen that bracelet somewhere. 
His eyebrows furrowed as he paused the video playing on his computer, and felt a bit stupid for staring a such an insignificant little detail when he had his bare, throbbing cock in his hand and a naked woman on full display on his screen with her partner in between her legs, balls deep inside of her. But the bracelet she was wearing looked so familiar… He had seen it before for sure - the question was where?  
With the thought of that stupid bracelet still on his mind, he eventually unpaused the video and started stroking his cock again, in desperate need of release. 
He couldn’t see the woman’s face - he never did, that’s what made it even more exciting in his opinion. He’d subscribed to her private channel way back when the pandemic had started and he’d found himself alone and sexually frustrated for months. He’d been paying his subscription ever since, and hadn’t missed a single post, picture or video since day one. It was the only channel he followed. 
It was his dirty little secret.
It had started during the pandemic. 
You were just trying to spice things up in the bedroom, and posting racy photos and videos online seemed to be the perfect solution for you and Hyunjin - your husband. It wasn’t for the money, really, you just wanted to have some fun with your man, that’s how you came up with your dirty little plan. 
Hyunjin had been reluctant at first, not fully convinced by the idea of recording the most intimate moments he shared with you and posting them on the internet for everyone to see. So, he made it very clear since the beginning - he didn’t want neither of you to be recognizable in any way. That’s why you only recorded and posted videos filming only your bodies. 
At first, you only posted photos. 
You still remember clearly the first photo you ever shared - you wore black lingerie, and were kneeling on the mattress of yours and Hyunjin’s bed. He was behind you, one hand groping one of your boobs and the other one inside your panties, two of his fingers buried deep inside you. 
Then, you started sharing videos - more and more explicit and revealing. 
It felt nice knowing that you and your husband shared something racy and erotic, and your physical intimacy benefitted from that. You and Hyunjin had become even closer than before, and even your sex life had improved. You’d fuck whenever - not only when you had to film some content for your channel. Plus, both your and his sex drive had become almost insatiable now, to the point you’d often bail on your friends or leave early whenever you hang out with them just to go home and fuck each other’s brains out.
You didn’t tell anyone about your secret activities online - it was your dirty little secret.
Then, Changbin noticed that she had a tattoo. Huh. It must be new, because it most definitely wasn’t there in the previous videos. A letter, a capital H on her hip. 
Why on earth was he staring at a fucking tattoo while on his screen there was a naked woman with cum dripping out of her pussy and leaking onto the sheets was a fucking mystery. Her legs were spread on the mattress, and she was playing with herself as more and more cum was dripping from her hole. Then, her partner’s hands replaced her own, as he started to gently play with her clit at first, drawing circular shapes on it with his thumb. 
Changbin started stroking himself faster - the more he listened to the woman’s moans, the more desperate he became, and when she finally reached her high with a high-pitched moan, he released all over his abdomen and hand. 
Only when her partner lowered the camera he was holding in one hand he noticed he had gotten a tattoo as well, on the very same spot. A capital letter. 
Changbin almost chocked on his fucking beer when he noticed it. At first, he thought he’d drunk too much and had started seeing things or something, but nope. There it was, the very same tattoo his favorite creator had on her hip - on your hip. He blinked a couple of times, but the tattoo didn’t go anywhere. It was still there.
Capital H. 
Your linen shirt had lifted a bit when you’d handed your Hyunjin - your husband, his drink, and that’s when he saw it. 
It couldn’t be possible, there was no way he’d jerked off to one of his best friends and his wife having sex. Repeatedly. For years. No, it must be a coincidence. A fucking weird and disturbing one at that.
“Hyung, I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t stare at my wife’s crotch, you know?” Hyunjin playfully elbowed him. 
Changbin’s palms were all sweaty now and his heart was hammering fast in his chest. “I- I wasn’t staring at her… you know.”, he quickly excused himself. “Sorry, y/n.”, he excused himself with you too, bowing slightly. 
“Yah, I was just teasing, hyung!” Hyunjin chuckled. 
“Hyung, you embarrassed him.” Seungmin told Hyunjin. “Look, even his ears turned red!”, the younger man laughed. 
“I was just looking at the tattoo.” Changbin spoke. “Is it old, y/n?”, he asked you. 
If it was old, then he was safe, because it’d mean that you weren’t the woman he’d jerked off to for years, that it wasn’t your cunt he’d seen spread open on his laptop screen just a few hours prior and it was just a coincidence. 
You quickly took a glance at the tattoo on your hip, then turned to look at Changbin and smile at him. “Nope.”, you shook your head as a no. “I just got it done.”
Changbin froze in his spot. Then, Hyunjin spoke. 
“We just got them done.”, his friend remarked, lifting his t-shirt as well and showing him the ink on his skin. Fuck. It was the very same capital letter the man in the video had on his hip, the initial of your name. “We decided to do something creative for our anniversary.” Hyunjin explained, but Changbin’s brain wasn’t capable of processing anything right now. 
Then, you raised your glass to take a sip of your drink, and that’s when Changbin noticed it. 
The fucking bracelet. 
And that’s when he remembered. 
“Yah, hyung!” Hyunjin said to Changbin as he sat down next to him with a velvet box in his hands. “I need your opinion on something.”
And then he opened the box and revealed a bracelet. It was golden with a huge stone. “I got it for y/n. Do you think she’ll like it? That right there is her birth stone.”
Of course! How could he have fucking forgotten that stupid bracelet with your stupid fucking birth stone? Changbin was hyperventilating now, and he hoped none of his friends would comment on how anxious he looked. 
But no, fucking Hyunjin had to notice. 
“Hyung, are you alright?”, he asked Changbin. 
Then, Hyunjin noticed the way his hyung was intensively shifting from the bracelet on your wrist, and then to your tattoo, and then to his tattoo, and it didn’t take long for him to connect the dots. His eyes became darker and clenched his jaw when realization hit him. You squeezed Hyunjin’s thigh, confused, and when he turned to look at you, you instantly knew, and let out a gasp. Hyunjin’s head snapped in Changbin’s direction once again. 
“Hyung, we need to talk. Outside.” Hyunjin growled. “Now.”
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woman-of-balnain · 1 year
The Claim Part 5/5 (Alpha Rick x Omega Reader)
Previous Part | Collection Masterlist | AO3 Ver. | Next Work
Pairing: Rick Grimes/Fem!Reader
Summary: Now that your heat has arrived, Rick fully claims you as his.
A/N: Okay, here is the final part. Happy Valentine’s Day lmao.
First thing: I forgot to add earlier that this part will involve breeding kink elements from both Rick and the Reader. Sorry, I added it on the ao3 version but not here. So if that’s not your thing, don’t read.
This is like the size of two normal parts lol and out of the roughly 8k words, approx. 7k is smut 😅
The last bit is just some plot to wrap the story up. I feel like that bit is a little too short, so I might extend it later.
I’ve given it one read over before posting but it’s so damn long and there might still be some typos and/or errors. Hopefully nothing major.
Lastly, I do plan to write some more stuff with this particular Rick/Reader pairing, exploring some other stuff that will take place later in twd series. If you have any requests for them lmk.
Anyway, enjoy 😏
Warnings: Rick has A LOT of stamina, multiple male orgasms, multiple female orgasms, multiple creampies, shower sex, doggstyle, cowgirl, oral sex (male and female receiving), mentions of tasting blood (from claiming bites), deepthroating
Word Count: 8,308
Dividers by: @newlips​ + @cafekitsune​
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Rick and Glenn had found a small and abandoned hunting cabin, that sat secluded in the woods. With your mind addled and hazed from your heat, you barely took notice of the setup, but your inner omega was happy to see that they’d established a perimeter with empty cans and bottles that would make noise to alert Rick if any walkers came too close.
 Your alpha didn’t waste any time once you arrived. Rick threw you down onto the bed, his hands instantly falling to the waistband of his pants once you were laying down in front of him. You watched with a hungry gaze as he unbuckled his belt, your slick pooling between your legs with anticipation.
 “You think this is a show, ‘mega?” He growled out, still angry from seeing you taking comfort in Daryl. “Clothes off. Now.”
 He pulled the belt away from his jeans, flinging it off to the side, but not before unsheathing the knife he kept holstered on it. Despite the way your heated skin made your clothes feel like they were scratching uncomfortably against you, every fiber of your being was so entranced by him that your hands fumbled clumsily with your dress, not wanting to take your attention off him.
 Rick was much more calculated and composed in his movements, eyes watching you intensely as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. When he’d gotten rid of that too, and you had still made no progress in getting rid of your own clothing, Rick came onto the bed, moving on top of you and caging your body beneath his.
 “These damned dresses,” he muttered with a mix of annoyance and appreciation.
 He moved one hand down over your chest and then your stomach before he bunched up the skirt of the short summer dress, revealing your clothed pussy. You were soaking wet, causing the material of your white panties to be practically transparent. Rick glided two of his long fingers over you, teasing your clit, which caused your back to arch and your hips to buck with desperate need.
 “Please, Alpha…” you whined, unable to wait any longer.
 Rick’s gaze was dark and fiery, showing that he was just as eager, but he still had a lot more control than you did. When he raised the knife still held in his other hand, pointing it down at you, logically you should have been scared.
 But you knew that Rick wouldn’t hurt you, and the deep lust in his gaze reassured you of that fact. He brought the blade down slowly, applying just enough pressure to the material of your dress to cut into it and give him an opening.
 He flung the knife off carelessly after that, letting it clang onto the floor somewhere across the room. His hands were all over you then, as he tore your dress apart, desperate to explore the skin it concealed underneath. His gaze only grew impossibly darker when he saw that you weren’t wearing a bra.
 “Naughty girl,” he chastised you heatedly, his hands moving to squeeze your now exposed breasts.
 “Oh god,” you moaned, eyes fluttering shut.
 His fingers teased your nipples, tugging and stroking them until they were achingly hard. Then you let out a salacious moan as Rick’s head dipped, taking one of the sensitive peaks between his lips, his tongue and teeth tormenting you further.
 Your hips bucked again, and he moved his free hand between your legs, right where you were desperate to be touched. Rick’s attention on your breasts never faltered as his fingers pushed your panties to the side, giving him access to your dripping wet pussy.
 He thrust two fingers into you, sliding in easily due to the amount of slick there. Your body moved wildly, the heat inside of you driving you crazy and sweat coating every inch of your skin. You were desperate for release, felt like you needed it, and Rick was quickly getting you there.
 But then his mood darkened as he pushed his fingers in a little more roughly, while his other hand and his teeth tugged hard on your nipples.
 “You were curled up to another alpha,” he pointed out angrily, pulling back to look you in the eye. “While you were this wet, Omega.”
 “I… I’m sorry,” you cried out, not wanting him to be mad. “I needed you so badly and you weren’t there…”
 “You’re mine,” he reminded you possessively. “This body, this pussy… everything about you is mine.”
 “Yes,” you moaned out instantly, agreeing wholeheartedly. “I’m yours.”
 Rick pressed his body closer to yours, his bare chest coming into contact with your heated skin. His nipples brushed against yours, teasing you both and his eyes fluttered shut with a groan. He rested his forehead against your own, his warm breath fanning out over your lips as his fingers continued their rapid thrusting in and out of your pussy.
 “Show me,” he requested breathlessly, his thumb moving up to rub against your clit. “Cum for me, omega. Show me you’re mine.”
 He curled his fingers inside of you, hitting that one perfect spot, while his thumb continued rubbing and flicking against your clit.
 “Fuck,” you whined. “Rick, I… I’m…”
 “Let go, baby,” he murmured soothingly, rubbing his cheek affectionately against yours.
 He pressed down hard against your clit and your body gave him exactly what he wanted. You felt the waves of pleasure overcome you, your eyes squeezing shut and your mouth falling open as a deep moan escaped your lips.
 “Good girl,” he praised, loving the way you tightened around him.
 You saw stars and your mind was in a state of euphoric bliss. Rick trailed kisses along your scent gland while his fingers continued to stimulate you, waiting patiently for you to come down from your high.
 When your eyes lazily fluttered open again and your body settled, you found Rick gazing at you with a mix of emotions. There was still that dark and heated lust in his eyes, but there was also deep care and affection and you thought, that due to the intensity of it, maybe it could have been akin to love.
 He didn’t give you much time to ponder over it though, because he quickly bent his head down and captured your lips in a searing kiss. The burning feeling of your heat had settled temporarily thanks to your orgasm, so you let yourself enjoy the feel of his mouth languidly caressing yours.
 Rick gently pulled his fingers from your pussy, allowing both of his hands to tease your inner thighs. He alternated between squeezing you possessively, his fingers digging into your skin, and lightly caressing you, leaving trails of goosebumps in the wake of his touch.
 His lips, the bottom one so much fuller than the other, enticed your own with their slow and calculated movements. His tongue moved in perfect harmony with your own, leaving you breathless.
 Eventually, his head pulled back and you tried to lift yours too, chasing his mouth to continue the heated kiss. But Rick just bit down on your lower lip, gently tugging on it before he completely moved away, leaning back to take you in with his lustful gaze. The effects of your heat were building up again, demanding more.
 “Rick,” you moaned out. “Please, Alpha, I need you.”
 His eyes fell to the apex of your thighs and his fingers tugged a little at your panties before his impatience won over. Pulling his hands away from you, Rick moved them to his jeans, quickly unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper before tugging them down his hips.
 Then his hands were back on you, pushing your panties further to the side so that your pussy was exposed enough for him. Not wasting a second, Rick pushed forward and thrust into you deeply, almost to the hilt and causing you both to let out desperate moans.
 “Damn it, Omega,” he grit out in pleasure. “You’re so tight, squeezing down on me perfectly.”
 As if in response to his words, your pussy clamped down even harder on his cock, causing his hands to reach for your hips instinctively, gripping them tightly. He kept his hold on you, using it for leverage as he pounded into you over and over and over again, setting a brutal pace.
 “You’re not…” he got out between his thrusts. “Ever gonna… even look… at another alpha… again.”
 He said it like it was a promise, as though he intended to imprint himself somehow on your body so that you were constantly reminded of him. Apparently, he didn’t realize that he’d already pretty much done so.
 “I only want you,” was your response, promising him exactly what he wanted.
 Rick leaned down, kissing you hard. The change in his angle caused him to move deeper and his cock brushed against that bundle of nerves inside you again. You gasped and moaned into his mouth, hips thrashing wildly in desperate need.
 He kept you steady with the hold he still had on you, stopping you from thrusting your hips so high that he would slip out. Instead, he ensured that you felt every inch of his bare cock, the silky texture of the skin brushing against your sensitive walls and driving you closer and closer to the edge.
 He never let up in his forceful thrusts, fucking you hard, deep and fast, until your thoughts drifted away into a mindless haze and the only thing left was Rick and how he made you feel. All the while he kept kissing you, lips claiming yours possessively until yours were swollen and bruised and aching for more.
 With each push into your pussy, the sweat-slicked skin and light hairs on his pelvis brushed against your clit and stimulated you further. You were clinging to his back, nails digging into his skin, but Rick didn’t seem to care.
 Finally, his lips left yours and your eyes opened to see his own lost in a state of ecstasy. He was just as close to cumming as you were, if not closer.
 “’m gonna fill you up, sweetheart,” he promised in a daze, one of his hands moving to rest on your lower stomach. “Fuck my cum into you until your belly’s swollen with my child.”
 “Oh god, Rick,” you moaned with an eagerness you’d never felt before.
 “Gonna make sure everyone knows you’re mine,” he continued heatedly, head dipping again to kiss along your neck.
 You nodded fervently, loving the sound of everything he said, but you doubted he noticed, since he was preoccupied by lavishing your scent gland with attention. Rick gave a few more deep and forceful thrusts before the head of his cock hit your cervix and he groaned out desperately.
 His fingers dug into your waist, holding you steady as he came deep inside of you. The warm feel of his cum filling you up and the way his cock throbbed against your tight walls sent you over the edge. You spasmed around him, pussy clenching him even tighter, milking him completely.
 Rick’s teeth grazed against your scent gland, and you tilted your head obediently, offering yourself for him to claim you. But then he pulled his head away and you let out a whine of frustration, not understanding his reluctance.
 His gaze was still addled with lust, but there was an underlying sadness in his eyes that you couldn’t comprehend. When your legs wrapped tighter around him and you squeezed around his cock again, he lowered his head to your shoulder, biting down hard.
 It wasn’t where you wanted or needed him, but the shock of his teeth piercing into your skin and the fact he was still thrusting deeply into you, albeit more slowly, sent you over the edge yet again.
 It was like a second wave of your first orgasm, with the intensity becoming even greater. It was enough for you to lose yourself again, forgetting about your disappointment for a moment and just enjoying the feel of Rick completely surrounding you.
 As your bodies settled, his tongue soothed the bite he’d left on your shoulder and his fingers caressed along the feverish skin of your stomach and waist. Your breaths calmed and you sunk back into the mattress and then he was pulling out of you slowly, careful not to cause any more friction.
 You absentmindedly noticed that he was still completely hard, but your body was spent, and your eyes were droopy, telling you both that you needed some rest. The mixed fluids of his cum and your slick pooled out warmly between your thighs, but you paid it little mind.  
 Instead, you turned tiredly on your side and snuggled up into the sheets. Rick moved behind you, his body fitting against yours like you were two pieces of a puzzle, and he wrapped an arm around your waist.
 “Get some rest, ‘mega,” he murmured, nuzzling affectionately into your neck. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
 That wasn’t your concern, though. You were upset about him not claiming you, despite the way he was so insistent that you were his. Still, your exhaustion won out for the time being, so you let your eyes fall closed and your body relax against him.
 You’d sort it out later. For now, you just wanted to bask in the afterglow and the warm feel of his body protectively pressed against yours.
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When you woke up again, the first thing you noticed was how you were even more feverish than earlier. It was unbearable in a way you’d never experienced before. Your skin felt like it was on fire, as though there was a raging inferno inside of you that couldn’t be soothed.
 Your sweat soaked into the sheets and your fever made you feel slightly delirious, like a haze was clouding your mind. You couldn’t think, only feel and when the fog of sleep finally left, you felt nothing else but Rick and the desperate state of your heat.
 You were on your back now, legs spread wide with Rick’s head buried between them. His hands were gripping your inner thighs, holding you steady while his tongue gave slow, languid licks along your pussy.
 “Alpha…” you moaned, fingers tugging lightly on his hair.
 The scruff of his beard scratched along your thighs, and you felt his lips curl into a smile against your wet folds. He flicked his tongue back and forth over your clit, his lips sucking down at the same time and sending you into a frenzy.  
 He already seemed to know your body well and as your pussy clenched, aching for something inside of it, Rick moved his tongue down and away from your clit. His tongue pushed into your dripping core right as his nose brushed against your sensitive nub.
 He fucked you with his tongue, lapping up your slick while his hands squeezed your thighs in a vice-like grip. His hold on you was strong and a little painful, but the way he was showering your pussy with attention made any discomfort fade away.
 Then, Rick moved up again, bringing his mouth back to your clit and his fingers plunged into you instead. He moved them at a quick pace, in and out, curling up with each thrust to stimulate your inner bundle of nerves.
 All the while his tongue stroked against you and then he let out a deep, guttural moan. You were already a squirming, lust addled mess, but when the vibrations reverberating from his throat pulsed against your pussy, the extra simulation made you cum like never before.
 “Rick…” you moaned out in a complete daze.
 You repeated his name like a mantra, over and over as your body sang with its release. He just kept licking and sucking and fucking you with his fingers until the wild movements of your hips became too frantic and he pulled away.
 He was grinning at you, his gaze heated and devilish, promising that he wasn’t anywhere near done with you yet. As you settled, he moved up your body until his face was just above yours and then he brought his lips to your own in a slow and sensual kiss.
 His tongue moved with precision against yours, reminiscent of what he’d just been doing between your legs, and it made desire pool deep in your belly all over again. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer until his cock was pushing against your entrance.
 “Not yet, ‘mega,” he groaned out, breaking the kiss and rubbing his cheek against yours, scenting you.
 “Please,” you begged, fingers moving down to scratch lightly along his back.
 “You’ve gotta eat first,” he pulled back completely. “You need to drink some water too. I promised I’d take care of you, ‘mega.”
 You were breathing heavily, and you wanted nothing more than to have his cock back inside of you. But your heat was also a little more sated after your last orgasm but that wouldn’t last for very long. So, you relented, sitting up and nodding.
 Rick sat on the edge of the bed, reaching over for his backpack and taking out some of the food and water he’d managed to salvage while you’d all been on the road. You took the water first, taking long sips and letting the cool liquid soothe you.
 His fingers traced light patterns along your legs as he bit into a granola bar, needing to keep up his own strength as well. As your mind cleared, you remembered the bite he’d placed on your shoulder and decided that you needed to ask him about it.
 Remembering his marriage and how he and Lori had never claimed one another, you wondered if he had some kind of aversion to it.
 “Hmm?” He looked over at you with a lazy but affectionate smile.
 You didn’t want to tiptoe around it, so you just asked him outright.
 “Why didn’t you claim me?”
 He coughed, like he hadn’t swallowed his last bite properly and looked away from you again.
 “You wanted me to.”
 It was a statement, showing that he had known what you wanted and despite that knowledge, along with all of his words and possessive actions, he still hadn’t done it.
 “I still want you to,” you told him. “Don’t you?”
 He sighed, running a hand through his hair and you watched him worriedly.
 “Rick, I meant it every time I said it. I’m yours. But if you don’t want me to be, then –”
 “I do,” he cut you off earnestly, finally looking at you again. “I just… can’t.”
 “Why?” You asked, trepidation over your relationship washing over you. “Is… is it because of Lori?”
 “No,” he assured you, taking your hands in his. “I mean that I really can’t. I… I tried, with Lori. It never lasted on either of us and I just… I didn’t want to disappoint you. I didn’t want it to push you away. I can’t lose you.”
 His gaze held such raw emotion that you realized it was a deep-seated insecurity for him. It was something he’d been internally struggling with for a long time, and it must have been hard for him to open up to you about it.
 Nevertheless, it was a lot to process. It made the breakdown of his marriage make a lot more sense, but that was the least of your concerns in that moment. Instead, you found it hard to come to terms with the fact that, from what he was saying, you would never be able to truly claim one another.
 Maybe that was why he was so possessive and adamant about the fact that you belonged to him.
 In the end though, it didn’t really matter to you. Sure, it wasn’t what you’d been expecting your relationship with him to turn out like, but everything with Rick, from the moment you’d met him had just felt right. Like fate or whatever the hell else meant for you to find each other and be together.
 So, as you felt his scent change and his anxiety over your silence fill the room, you were determined to set his worried mind at ease. You got up, climbing into his lap so that you were facing him and stroked your fingers along the short and coarse hairs of his cheek affectionately.
 “I don’t care,” you told him, your gaze holding his.
 “Don’t lie,” he cast his eyes down, but never stopped touching you, holding you close.
 You leant forward, placing soft kisses over his cheeks, his jawline and finally one on his lips before pulling back again.
 “I’m not lying,” you insisted gently. “I want you, whatever that entails. And yes, I do want you to claim me, to bite into my gland over and over again if you have to. I don’t care if it doesn’t stick. I’m yours and I don’t want you to hold back.”
 His eyes met yours with trepidation, his uncertainty clear. But he must have seen the sincerity in your own gaze because his expression softened, and he looked at you with so much adoration you thought you would melt right there in his arms.
 “You’re sure?”
 “Yes,” you promised him.
 And then you brought your lips to his, sealing it with a kiss. You wanted to show him that your desire for him hadn’t wavered and that your words were honest. One of his hands seemed to automatically find one of your hips, keeping you close to him, while the other trailed up and down your back.
 He deepened the kiss and lifted your hips a little. You knew what he wanted so your hand moved down and grasped around his cock, lining it up at your core and pushing back down. His lips left yours as his head fell back with a groan that was filled with lust.
 You had more control in that position, and while he still gripped tightly onto your hips, you set the pace, grinding down onto him.
 “Fuck, baby,” he breathed out, still lost in the ecstasy of it all. “You always feel so good for me.”
 “Mmm,” you hummed in agreement, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “That’s ‘cause you fill me up so well.”
 He started guiding your hips, while his own thrust up and into you, his movements a little more frantic. He’d still been rock hard when you fell asleep and was the same when you woke up. You wondered if his erection had gone down at all due to how desperately he seemed to ache for release.
 He opened his eyes to look at you again and it was like he got lost in the sight of you, with the way you were grinding down onto him and squeezing around his cock. He reached up to tuck some hair behind your ear and his thumb brushed against your cheek.
 “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, gaze still transfixed on you.
 Your cheeks heated up in a faint blush and you looked away, shy from the intense look he was giving you.
 “Hey, don’t do that,” he took hold of your chin, bringing your gaze back to his. “I mean it. Don’t hide from me, sweetheart.”
 You nodded, biting down on your lip, and allowing yourself to get lost in his piercing blue eyes. It was raw and unyielding, the range of emotions in his gaze and you hoped that your own was conveying the same back to him.
 “I can’t hold back much longer,” he admitted softly.
 “I don’t want you to,” was your honest reply.
 He moaned at your admission before flipping your bodies over so that you were on your back again and he was hovering over you. Rick took hold of your waist, making sure he had a steady grip on you before he thrust out nearly all the way and then pounded back into you, right to the hilt. You both let out desperate and guttural sounds at the feeling of him filling you up entirely once again.
 He moved with precise thrusts, but his pace was quick and frenzied. You knew he was close, eager to cum inside you again, because it was clear through his expression and the way his body was tensed up with desire and anticipation.
 You moved one hand down between your thighs, fingers finding your aching clit and your body reacted instantly to the added stimulation. Your pussy contracted down on his cock, squeezing and pushing him to the brink.
 He was pushed right up against your cervix again, not enough for the pressure to be unpleasant, but enough for the insinuation of where his cum would go, to make you insanely turned on.
 Rick looked wild, his blue eyes feral and barely holding onto control. He gave you one last look of trepidation and you just nodded before exposing your neck to him.
 “Please, Alpha,” you begged, voice filled with desperate need.
 That was enough to make his control snap and his head bent down with lightning speed before his teeth sunk into your neck and the first spurts of his cum filled your fertile womb. Simultaneously, he lapped up the warm blood that spilled from your throat and your pussy milked every last drop of his hot cum deep inside you.
 The mixed stimulation all throughout your body made another orgasm crash over you like a tidal wave. You were clenching down so hard around his cock that you thought it might be painful for him, but Rick didn’t seem to mind. All of his attention seemed to be on your mating gland, soothing the sore skin like he was in a trance.
 You realized, as your body settled and your orgasm calmed down, that suddenly you felt so perfectly whole. As though for your entire life you had been missing half of yourself until that moment. You weren’t as unbearably hot anymore and your unbearably fevered skin seemed to relax until it just felt like you were in a regular heat.
 Rick’s fingertips glided over your lower stomach absentmindedly and as the blood flow from your neck slowed to a stop, he pressed countless kisses against the fresh mark. You didn’t care, in that moment, if he had to mark you time and time again. It felt too good and right to you, having his claim on your body.
 When his slow and languid thrusts began to pick up again, you realized that he was still hard. You weren’t complaining though, because your body was clearly willing and eager for more. After what felt like hours but was likely only a couple of minutes, Rick peeled his lips away from your neck and pulled back to look at you.
 “Feeling okay?” He asked, never once letting up in his powerful thrusts.
 “No,” you grinned up at him, not missing the way he raised an eyebrow in question. “’Okay’ would be a severe understatement.”
 He let out a light laugh, and you could tell he was relieved by it. Then you hooked one leg around his waist, pushing a little with your hips and he seemed to realize what you wanted. Rick flipped you both over, settling back into the bed and letting you adjust yourself above him.
 You ground down on him again, circling your hips and reveling in the way he stretched you out and filled you up. With each time his cock thrust deep into you, it pushed his cum further inside. You could hear the sounds of your mixed fluids every time he entered you, and it was sinfully good.
 You loved watching him stretched out beneath you, allowing you to fuck yourself on top of him and the way he was getting lost in the feel of you. His eyes were closed, his head thrown back against the pillows, and he was letting out quiet moans and groans, showing you what you were doing to him.
 You leaned forward, entwining his fingers with yours to steady yourself before you moved your hips a little harder and faster, bouncing on top of his cock and making you both wild with desire.
 “I wanna mark you,” you moaned out, still sliding up and down his hard and thick cock. “Please, Alpha, I need it. I need to claim you as mine too.”
 His eyes snapped open, and he looked at you with hesitation again, just like he had before he claimed you. But then his gaze fell down to your neck, to your mating gland which must have still been swollen and red, with the possessive mark of his bite standing out and showing who you belonged to.
 Once his eyes settled on that his features softened, and he looked back at you with a nod.
 You didn’t hesitate then, your hands leaving his as you leaned down closer to him. Your fingers ran through his hair, and you nuzzled against his neck, rubbing your nose and cheek along his gland to scent him.
 Rick gripped your hips, making sure your pace never faltered as your mouth worshiped the gland you were about to bite into so you could claim him as your own. You could hear his moans getting more frequent and desperate, his lips right beside your ear.
 When he thrust deep into you, holding you tightly against him, you let your teeth sink into his skin.
 “Fuck,” he groaned, his hips stuttering from the intensity of it all.
 He came hard for the third time that day, stuffing you just as full as the other two times. He was insatiable, his stamina doing more than just rivaling anything you’d ever experienced. Trickles of his blood pooled into your mouth, the metallic taste filling your senses. Just like Rick had done, you licked and sucked against his gland, soothing the sensitive skin and attempting to stop the blood flow.
 “Baby…” he breathed out, his voice betraying how turned on he was. “I can’t stop. You’re driving me crazy.”
 As you continued to suck against the fresh mating bite you’d made on his neck, the blood slowed to a stop, and you pulled back. Shifting slightly, you realized he was still fully hard.
 “Again?” You asked, a little incredulous, but no less enthused.
 He didn’t answer, just lifted your hips until his cock slid out of you. You couldn’t stop the whine that escaped you at the empty feeling it caused. But then he was getting up and giving you a look that conveyed his deep-seated and still yet unsated lust.
 “On your knees,” he ordered, moving behind you.
 It was an alpha command, telling you exactly what he wanted. So, you lifted your body, holding yourself on all fours and presented yourself to him enthusiastically. He let out a low chuckle at your eagerness, but you knew that he was just as lost in his desire for you.
 You choked on nothing but air when he thrust back into you, your fingers gripping the sheets beneath you tightly. It was the best kind of pain, with how tender your walls were but how good it felt, nonetheless. One of Rick’s hands sat on the small of your back, while the other moved up your spine, fingers tickling your skin until he grabbed hold of your hair, pulling your head back slightly.
 “Alpha,” you moaned out, lost deep in the throes of the pleasure he was giving you.
 “That’s it, baby,” he coaxed. “Let me hear you.”
 “Fuck, I can’t take much more,” you cried out desperately. “But you feel so good.”
 He gave a harder, more forceful thrust into you, making you whine with need.
 “You love my cock, baby?” He demanded to know. “You need it?”
 “Yes,” you moaned out. “I only need you.”
 “That’s right,” he said, satisfied with your answer. “And I’m the only one that’s ever gonna know this tight, sweet pussy.”
 “Mmm,” you agreed, nodding your head but unable to form anymore words.
 “You want my cum again, ‘mega?” He asked. “Deep inside you?”
 “Yes, Rick, please!”
 The sound of his hips smacking against yours filled the small cabin, the continuous slapping together of sweaty skin a tell-tale sign of the illicit and sinful things he was doing to you. He let go of his grip on your hair, bringing his hands back to their familiar place on your hips and held you steady before he groaned and came once again.
 Your upper body sank down into the bed as your own orgasm wracked through your body. Your pussy spasmed and your hips moved wildly, but Rick made sure to keep you wrapped around his cock, so that you were milking him dry for the fourth time that day.
 You both stayed like that for a while, breaths panting, and bodies relaxed. Finally, you felt him soften inside you and as much as his relentless fucking had turned you on, you were glad for the sign of some respite. Rick slowly pulled out of you, and you let your lower body relax before turning onto your side.
 He came to lay down as well, facing you and looking just as tired as you felt. He reached out to brush his fingers along your cheek, eyes already drooping before he dropped his hand to caress against your mating gland. The bite he’d left was sore and sensitive, but his touch didn’t irritate you.
 You snuggled closer against him and then he wrapped him arms around you, laying on his back and resting your head on his chest. It wasn’t long before you both drifted back off to sleep, both of your bodies spent and sated for the time being.
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The next time that the fog of sleep drifted away, and you woke up, you were still in Rick’s arms, and he was absentmindedly stroking his fingers up and down your back. Tilting your head to look up at him, you saw that he was deep in thought, his brow furrowed like something was bothering him.  
 “Hey,” you reached out, touching his cheek so he’d look at you. “Everything okay?”
 “Yeah, just…” he trailed off, gaze falling to your mating gland. “Something feels different.”
 You realized instantly that he was talking about the claim he’d left on you.
 “Good or bad?” You asked, a little concerned.
 “Good, I think,” his eyes returned to yours. “But I hate that it’s only temporary.”
 “Rick,” you sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I already told you; I don’t care if we have to do it countless times. I’m yours, and you’re mine. Nothing can change that except us.”
 He nodded but still seemed upset about it. You figured it was something you could come back to later though and watched as he moved to get up.
 “You wanna shower?” He asked over his shoulder, changing the topic quickly.
 “Desperately,” you sighed. “But that’s a luxury one can’t afford when the world ends.”
 He moved a little more to face you again, lips turning up into a grin.
 “This place is solar powered,” he explained, reaching out for one of your hands.
 “You’re kidding,” you lit up at the revelation.
 His smile just widened, and he squeezed your hand.
 “Come on, baby, I’ll go with you.”
 That just sweetened the deal. Warm, running water along with soap and shampoo was one thing, but showering with Rick? The symptoms of your heat began rising within you once again at the thought.
 He led you to the small bathroom and maybe before civilization fell you would’ve lamented at the small, tight space of the shower. But such things were luxuries now and you couldn’t wait to feel the water trickling down your skin.
 Neither one of you had clothes to worry about, so Rick turned the knobs of the shower and happiness filled you at the sight of hot, running water. It was a tight squeeze, but you stepped in beside him and he moved out of the way to let you enjoy the water first.
 It was heaven; the feel of it running through your hair and down over your body. Rick picked up a bottle of body wash from the shelf and squirted some out onto his hands before lathering it up. One of his hands fell to your hip, rubbing the soap over your stomach and thighs, while the other squeezed one of your breasts.
 “Rick…” you sighed happily, your head falling against the shower wall behind you.
 His touch was gentle, teasing you a little but he still kept his primary goal as cleaning you of all the dirt and grime and the remnants of incredible sex. Your nipples hardened as his thumbs brushed over them and your pussy ached to be touched again.
 But Rick stayed focused, scrubbing the soap along your body until it washed away, and you felt cleaner than you had in over a week. Then he turned you around, his fingers running through your wet hair and his nails scraping over your scalp. It was relaxing and his touch conveyed the deep care he held for you.
 You didn’t notice him reach for the shampoo bottle, but when he massaged it into your hair your eyes closed in bliss. He was being so gentle and affectionate with you and your inner omega loved it.
 Eventually, you turned to rinse out your hair and then Rick stepped underneath the water, and you were eager to return the favor. Your movements were less slow and had much more devious intentions behind them.
 You ran your hands over the expanse of his chest, the lathered-up soap spreading across his skin. He watched through hooded eyes as you moved your touch down to his lower abdomen, fingers gliding softly over the light hairs there.
 Then you got down on your knees, eager to have his long, thick cock in your mouth again. One of his hands moved to the back of your head, tangling in your hair, but he remained silent, waiting in anticipation for you to make your move.
 You got him to break the silence that had settled around you when your lips wrapped around his hardened length and a deep groan of pleasure escaped his throat. His grip on your hair tightened and he thrust into your mouth, getting his cock deeper inside you.
 A moan sounded deep in your throat, and you began bobbing your head up and down along his cock with enthusiasm, eager to taste his cum again. You sucked down on him and teased him with your tongue.
 It gave you a deep sense of satisfaction to know you could make him come undone and when the movement of his hips faltered slightly and all you could hear was his desperate moaning, you knew that he was already close.
 Using one hand to cup and tease his balls and the other to grab the back of his thigh and keep him close, you pushed your head down further, bringing the head of his cock to the back of your throat.
 “Fuck… sweetheart…” he groaned, barely managing to get the words out.
 You felt the full length of him pulsate as he pushed all the way in and then his cum was spurting down your tight throat. You took it all, relishing in the way he clung to you and kept your mouth wrapped around him.
 When his hands eventually relaxed around your head and you were able to pull your mouth off him, you looked up at Rick with an amused smile.
 “Really?” You asked, before giving another quick glance to his cock that was still right in front of your face.
 You shouldn’t have been surprised by that point, over the fact that he was still rock hard. But his stamina amazed you. It wasn’t something you were complaining about though because your heat left you filled with just as much desire.
 “Come here,” he said gently, lifting you up to stand.
 He brought you close, so that your chests were pressed together, and he lifted a hand to gently stroke along your mating gland.
 “You’re perfect,” he whispered softly, eyes filled with honesty. “You know that?”
 “You’re perfect to me,” you answered, your own gaze soft and affectionate. “I know that much at least.”
 He gave you a small smile and then his lips were on yours, now so familiar in the way they felt to you and the way they seemed to work expertly against your own. His desperate need from earlier had settled and now Rick seemed intent on lavishing you not only with pleasure, but with soft affection too.
 He moved you back gently, until your body was resting against the wall of the shower and then he was lifting one of your legs, wrapping it around his waist.
 “I need more,” he admitted against your lips, his length rubbing up and down your slit.
 “It’s okay,” you told him breathlessly. “I do too.”
 He pulled his hips back slightly and then he was back inside you, filling you up perfectly once again. Your pussy was still slightly sore from how many times he’d fucked you just on that day alone, but it was nothing compared to the sense of fulfillment he gave you as he moved his hips back and forth.
 Rick was kissing you again, one hand tangled in your hair and the other squeezing your ass, keeping you close to him. His thrusts weren’t as fast or frantic; he fucked into you with precise and deep movements, taking the time to enjoy the way you felt around him.
 It was loving and intimate, showing that he didn’t just see you as an omega to get through his rut with. He was proving to you that you meant more than that to him, and it made your emotions swirl with happiness and the sense of feeling truly content.
 You clung tightly to him, one hand pressed against his back and the other at the nape of his neck. Rick trailed his lips down to your jawline, pressing kisses along your skin while he kept slowly fucking deep into you. Then, he moved down to your throat, and it wasn’t long before he sought out your mating gland.
 He kissed along the bite mark he’d left, and then affectionately nuzzled against it. He was too lost in the haze of his rut and the feel of your pussy wrapped snugly around him to notice the change in your scent. The way it was perfectly mingled with his own and gave a clear message that you had been claimed. That you were his omega.
 Without that realization, he kept lavishing the bite with attention and eventually his teeth scraped along it, teasing you to the edge.
 “Rick…” you moaned, instinctively squeezing down even harder on him.
 It was exactly the friction he needed, because then he was cumming deep inside your pussy and you loved the fact that it still felt just as good as when he’d first done it. The intensity of it seemed to be too much for him because he sank his teeth into your gland a second time, opening up the wound and claiming you all over again.
 Your own orgasm ripped through you, and you clung even tighter to him, keeping his head buried against your neck. His lips and tongue soothed your agitated skin, and you slowly came back to yourself, the cool tiles of the shower wall behind you giving your body some relief from the heat you felt all over.
 After a while, Rick’s lips left your throat, and he pulled back to look at you. His gaze was soft and tender, conveying the depths of his feelings for you. When his forehead fell down to rest against your own, you realized that he wasn’t done yet.
 “You’re insatiable,” you quipped, squeezing down slightly on his still hardened length.
 “I’m not the only one,” he retorted, his voice gruff but no less playful.
 His lips captured yours once again and you let yourself get lost in him. If this was how all of your heats would be in the future, then there would be nothing left to complain about or dread. You briefly wondered why you’d been so worried over your inability to continue taking suppressants before your mind became clouded and all you could think of, yet again, was Rick.
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Your heat was over after two days. It was the shorter than you’d expected, and you wondered, with a small, devious smile if Rick had fucked it out of you. His stamina never let up and by the end you were a sated, but exhausted mess.
 Your dress was ruined, but Rick had packed some spare clothes and you returned to the rest of the group in one of his shirts and a pair of your own jeans. And he still seemed to have the need to touch you, to keep you close. You didn’t mind, but the way that the eyes of the others lingered on you both when you returned was a little disconcerting. Sure, heats and ruts were a natural part of the world, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing.
 Rick and Daryl exchanged a look and then a nod, silently conveying that Rick’s earlier display, when you had both gone into rut and heat, respectively, was forgiven and forgotten. Then, after you both came back, the whole group set out on the road again.
 Two weeks had passed since then, and you often found yourself absentmindedly touching the claiming bite Rick had placed on your neck. Sometimes, your gaze would also linger on the one you left on him.
 It was confusing, because neither of them had shown any sign of truly healing. They had healed to some degree, in the normal way, with the redness around them fading and the skin no longer feeling agitated. But they weren’t fading away and once you were both no longer distracted, you and Rick realized that your claims over one another had stuck, and you were truly mated to each other.
 So, that was how you found yourselves talking to your father, with Rick asking if the older man might know what it meant. He was happy and relieved by it, but no less confused.
 “I looked into it,” Hershel told Rick. “Before we lost the farm, like I said I would.”
 You glanced between them, a little surprised by the fact that your father seemed to have known before you did about Rick’s inability to claim Lori and vice versa. But you stayed silent, interested in what he had to say.
 “We have a book, in our family,” your father revealed. “It keeps a record of omegas and alphas in our line that mated with each other. Some omegas in our family tree mated differently than others, though.”
 “What do you mean?” You asked.
 You’d never heard of that book before, and you were surprised to only learn of its existence now.
 “There are a few omegas in our ancestry where their bodies would reject attempts to claim them. The records that have been kept show that only a particular alpha, their true mate, could actually claim those omegas.”
 “True mates?” Rick asked in disbelief. “That… that stuff’s just fairy tales, stories for kids. It’s not real.”
 Hershel just gave him a look, one that conveyed his lack of amusement with Rick brushing off his words.
 “The evidence is in the two of you,” he continued. “You weren’t able to share a true mating bond until now, Rick. You’re the only alpha able to command Y/N… I’m sure there are other signs I’m not aware of and that I don’t want to know about.”
 Rick looked taken aback by your father’s words and you felt just as surprised.
 “It doesn’t matter, in the end,” Hershel said, placing a hand on Rick’s shoulder. “You were able to claim each other. That’s all that matters.”
 Rick just gave a nod, still a little stunned and then Hershel walked off, leaving you both alone. The idea left you feeling uneasy though, and you bit down on your bottom lip, looking off to the side.
 “Hey, you okay?” Rick asked, reaching out to take your hand in his and picking up on the change in your mood instantly.
“Yeah, I just… it’s a lot,” you admitted. “I mean, what if the connection we felt before we claimed each other was just… some weird thing like fate that was pushing us together? I’ve never even considered true mates to actually be a real thing, so I don’t know how it’s supposed to work, but I just… I don’t want those feelings to be fake or forced… I don’t want the way I feel about you to not be real somehow…”
 “Y/N,” he took hold of your chin gently and brought your gaze to his. “Whatever this is between us, however you want to label it, it’s real. I don’t know about all the other stuff, but I know how I feel about you. You don’t ever have to worry about that.”
 His words caused relief to rush through you and you nodded, giving him a small smile. He returned it before pulling you closer to him and capturing your lips in a kiss. It was soft and affectionate, and his lips moved languidly against your own. All of your doubts left your mind and only one thing remained – the knowledge that you both belonged to one another, fully and irreversibly.
 And with both of your mating bites sitting proudly on your necks, showing that you had claimed one another, there was no way for anyone to either doubt or deny it.
 Next Work in this Series
@bking4000, @starsaroundmyscxrss​ (sorry but the tag wouldn’t work for one of you!
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artficlly · 11 months
lady of the ghosts [chapter 7]
After a great plague ravages your city, you are looking to marry to secure safety for your people. With a war finally ending, the nearby kingdoms are looking to celebrate. King James "Bucky" Barnes decides to continue his family's tradition of hosting a courting season. A medieval courting marvel AU.
Pairing: king!bucky x lady!reader
Warnings: ANIMAL SACRIFICE, BLOOD RITUAL/MAGIC, description dead body, anxiety, doubt, funeral, cremation, mentions of sexism, angst, tension, miscommunication, mention of war, mention of plague, general assholery, bitta fluff at the end, lmk if i've missed anything
Word Count: 7.8k (eek)
A/N: me saying i want to write shorter chapters and then this happens? whoops. anyway i had a lot of ground to cover, sorry that this is rather plot/world building heavy. we are getting into the heavy romance stuff in the next couple chapters. the funeral scene has been living rent free in my mind for MONTHS so i was excited to finally write it (very midsommar core) please let me know what you think and rebblog/like! sorry for any typos - enjoy!!
chapter masterlist | main masterlist
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You could smell the sea before you saw it.
Years ago, you believed that the smell of the ocean and the briskness of the icy air would be consoling. The sight of home after all this time – the whirling mass of the city – was supposed to make you happy. But all you felt was dread. Anxiety has been building for days as you grew closer. For so many years, you had been focused on returning to this place, yet now that you were here, you didn’t know how to progress. You would still need to marry to save the city and come up with some kind of solution. Thoughts of James’ proposal still hung heavy on your mind, burden after burden becoming a crushing weight on your shoulders. 
Once your mother was put to rest, you would truly be alone. The last of a once great line, a final soldier facing down an army. A ship lost at sea during a storm. When you closed your eyes at night, you could see those enormous waves before you, impossibly large, crashing down and pushing you to the sandy ocean floor below. 
If Peggy had noticed your nightmares, she hadn’t said anything. She wouldn’t mention how you would wake in a cold sweat, arms sore and tense as you had desperately tried to claw your way to the surface. With each passing day, you grew quieter until you found no need to talk at all. Some days Steve would extract a grunt or a half-smile from you, but mostly he watched on with concerned frowns, locked in conversation with James. 
James. That was another man you had not spoken to in some time. Even the cold of the Stormfall Mountains could not compare to the chill that had grown between the two of you. That was another image that haunted you – the reluctance on James’ face when, moments earlier, you had poured your heart out to him that night in his room. Was he repulsed by you? Did he regret all the moments you shared? Had you pushed too far with your questions about Rebecca? You would never know because no words were shared between you. He pulled back, and you pulled back further, hoping to disappear into the snow and rock like a snow leopard, like a Ghost of the Mountain. 
The icy, cobbled streets of Faliene were as you remembered. They were twisted and narrow, and layers of stacked housing were featured on every street. Banners and flags were still strung between upper floors, tattered and faded as they danced in the wind. Salt crunched beneath your horse's hooves, and a biting wind blowing from the docks sank painfully into your bones. 
She was just as you remembered, but she was void. A husk of her former self, left gutted and abandoned.  
There were no markets and no travelers on the streets. Houses lay abandoned, windows and doors boarded up with the remnants of chipped red x’s painted upon them. Shipping barrels lay untouched in alleys, shops empty and rotting. City of Ghosts. How many were taken during the plague? How much death had your child's brain washed away to protect you? 
It was eerie, near silent. The only sound came from the docks, the soft lapping of the waves, the creak of the boats, and the distant chatter of sailors. So empty, so still. It was as if time had frozen and your procession was the only thing left thawed. 
Even as dread gripped your core, you couldn’t help but feel the scene was serene. In your mind’s eye you could remember people scurrying to and fro, across the streets and in and out of shops, their goods tucked under cloaks. Children running between their mother’s skirts, and horses whinnying and snorting as they navigated their way through the packed streets. You can even hear a bell chime and you turn your head to the shop next to you. The visions dissipate, and all that is left is a gray, stone storefront with a painted trident fading above the doorframe. The arctic breeze blew through your hair like icy fingers caressing your scalp. Deep in your bones, you felt it – a calling, a whisper, welcome home. 
You pulled your horse to a stop at a crossroads, a large open space near the center of the city. The view from the hill provided a clear landscape of the surrounding alleys, lanes, and the docks below, each scattering away from you like shattered glass. Up a wide, well-paved road to the right, Fort Faliene stood proudly, casting shadows on the mountain behind her.
You knew your ladies’ maids and footmen would be waiting up there, having been informed of your collective arrival. You could not bear to look at the fort for long; the ache in your heart was too strong. You were aware that without your family, the hallways would be chilly and empty, and part of you yearned to preserve those early memories, tuck them closely to your chest, and never let them go. 
Your moment of thought was broken as Steve pulled his horse to a stop beside yours, shivering as he rubbed a gloved hand over his arms. James remained nearby, close enough to listen but not close enough to be part of your conversation. 
“When you said it would be cold, I did not think it could get any worse than those mountains.” Steve mutters through clattering teeth. You bite back a smile, glancing back to watch as the carriages carefully roll closer over the grit and ice. 
You were minutes away from Fort Faliene, the place you were raised and called home. Yet a part of you felt content to stay frozen atop your horse. A large serpent had crept its way under your skin, twisting, biting and squeezing your insides until you were left breathless. You were not ready to face those halls yet. Would you ever be? 
“I need you to lead the carriages up to Fort Faliene. It’s up the road to your right, follow it to its end. The staff will show you to your rooms.” You finally speak for the first time in days, watching in your peripheral vision as both Steve and James’ faces morph into looks of confusion. 
“Why, where are you going?” Steve asks, but you don’t respond.
Your tongue is heavy in your mouth and you fear tripping over your words. Instead, you nudge your horse into a trot, following the winding path down to the docks. If the two men were confused or called after you, you don’t hear it. Your focus is entirely on the docks below. Before you entered that Fort, the place where your father had died, you needed a moment alone with the waves and the wind. 
The sailors had eyed you suspiciously as you walked to the water's edge, sand crunching beneath your boots. The men were bulky and decorated with tattoos and scruffy beards. The stench of fresh fish was overpowering but familiar; the sailors were using rigging and rope to haul the barrels from the docks. You had tried to pay them no mind as they paused their hauling, their kohl-lined eyes narrowing as they inspected your every move. 
They didn’t recognize you, which you quickly realized. They had every reason to be cautious of an unknown noblewoman invading their space. But you did not wish to disturb them however; you just wanted a moment to breathe.
You peeled off your gloves, tucking them into your pocket as you crouched down next to the surf. The icy water stung as it rushed over your fingers, your bones aching with the chill. You did not submit to the cold, instead exhaling sharply as you tried to imprint that sensation in your mind forever. As a child, you played in these waters, barefoot and fearless. The possibility that those were your last happy memories and that everything could disappear in a matter of seconds was something you had not thought about at the time. 
“Excuse me, Miss, are you lost?” A thick, northern accent calls out to you from the docks. A younger man stood, peering over at you. You didn’t recognize him, but you could tell he was around your age. He wasn’t as muscled and rugged as the other sailors – fresh meat, you assumed. 
You didn’t reply instantly, instead withdrawing your numb fingers from the lapping waves with a short sigh. You rubbed your fingers together, feeling the salty moisture between your skin, before turning to walk back onto the docks. 
“If you’re here for the funeral, Fort Faliene is back up–” The man began once more, but you waved your hand with a half-smile and cut over him. 
“I’m not lost, just taking the air.” You clarified, pausing before him. Despite the chill, he only wore a thick woolen shirt and pants, which seemed to feature some holes that had been stitched with patches of mismatched fabric. Your eyes swept down to his shoes, noting the scuffs. Time had been hard on Faliene, maybe more so than you realized. The man sheepishly ducked his head, avoiding your gaze. His short hair was tousled by the wind, and a faint odor of fish was surrounded him. 
“Oh, I–” the young man stumbled over his words, as if unsure of how to react. 
Before he could gather himself, a gruff voice sounded from behind him. “It’s not safe on the docks, Miss.” 
That was a lie; you knew it. The docks were always safe, and children would often play in the water while their parents worked. You knew it was rather that they didn’t want you here, a stranger in their home. Falieneans had never been the most hospitable and were incredibly superstitious. The eyes that met you as you glanced up were cold and uninviting. If you had not known the man behind those eyes, you might have felt uncomfortable under his gaze. But you did know him; you had known him since you were a child. 
There was little difference from how you remembered him; maybe his beard had grown more gray and his face more wrinkled. Brannigan, Master of the Docks. His assistance in overseeing the sailors and the boats made him a close friend of your father. But from the icy tone and the distant look in his eyes… he did not recognize you. 
“No need to fret, Brannigan, I will be out of your way soon.” You hummed to the muscled, older man. You watched as a flicker of surprise crossed his face, his eyebrows twitching upward. He looked at you, truly looked. His gaze turned from frigid to something more analytical. You didn’t speak as he stared, his eyes darting from the silver rings on your fingers, the trident necklace at your neck, and the way your hair was braided. 
You watched as he slowly understood who you were, a glimmer of familiarity crossing his features. You could not blame him; the last time he saw you, you were a child. And now you were here, returning as a woman. 
But as quickly as that familiarity crossed his face, it was gone, once again replaced with an indifferent gaze. 
“I was sorry to hear about your mother, My Lady.” Brannigan finally spoke. His words did nothing to quell the gnawing anxiety in your stomach as you picked up on the bitterness of his tone. The sweet man you had once known was gone in that moment, replaced with something hardened and apathetic. 
You kept your face straight as your eyes found the sailors, all of whom had paused their duties to watch the interaction with their own hardened stares. There was no joy or spark of excitement to see you. Their lady finally returned, and they were filled with resentment. 
They were angry with you. 
You nodded stiffly at Brannigan, meeting his eye once more. “Thank you. I am just glad to see her returned to Faliene.” 
Brannigan gave you his own rigid nod in return, a hum grumbling in his chest. The ache in your own chest continued to grow, the imagined serpent squeezing tighter until you nearly forgot how to breathe. You could understand why they were angry; they had been abandoned in their time of need. For the years that your mother was ill, money and trade grinded nearly to a halt with no one to oversee the paperwork. Those duties were supposed to fall to King Harrison, who failed to do so once the war began. 
And now those duties would fall to your future husband, if he decided to make it worth his time. 
The Falieneans must have been aware of your situation and that of your mother. They must have been familiar with the intricacies of politics and war, but they had come to despise you. They assumed you were spoiled at Haiford Castle, and they were starving. You could see the hunger that clung to them, the holes in their clothes, and the weariness in their bones. You were stuck between two worlds, one of which considered you too northern, while the other considered you too southern. 
“We had hoped for news of a marriage.” Brannigan spoke once more, his words being the final nail in the coffin. There it was – the hatred, the bitterness, and the loathing. You let out a sharp breath through your nose, trying to ignore the bile rising in your throat. 
You felt the urge to explain, to pull apart all that had happened in your absence and lay it bare. You wanted them to understand that you did care and that you weren’t some foolish little girl. You wanted to explain the Rumlow problem, the relationship forming between you and James, and the older lords who simply wanted more children and not a ghost city–
But you didn’t. It wasn’t right. 
Instead, you held it close to your chest and plastered on a small, brittle smile. “I had hoped so too.”
You quickly bid them farewell and walked stiffly back to your horse, hoping they had not noticed how badly your hands shook. 
By the time you were walking through the front doors of Fort Faliene, you were sick with anxiety. A cold sweat had begun to form under your layers of clothing, and a sore ache was developing in your stomach. It took all your strength not to let tears slip on the ride back up the hill; that would have to wait until you were alone. Thankfully, it did seem like you were. Since there was no carriage, luggage, or guests in sight, the ladies’ maids and footmen must have shown the traveling party to their rooms. 
The dark wood floors and stone walls were just as you remembered, with deep azure rugs, paintings, and banners lining the walls. A grand staircase stood before you, with blue-stained rope twisted around the bannister as decoration. Old netting hung from the upper levels, with seashells and driftwood intertwined to look like fish. 
The scent was what hit you the most – something indescribable but specific to your childhood. Your heart squeezed as you noticed the rocks and seashells lining the windowsills, the bookshelves stuffed full of books, and the unique knick-knacks your father had once collected. 
“You look like shit!” A voice called down from the staircase. You glanced upward, unable to hold back the smile that grew on your face. A young redheaded woman stood half-way up, grinning back at you. You knew she had never been one to consider her words before speaking. It was probably one of the reasons you two had grown so close during your childhood. She probably wasn’t wrong either; you imagined the stress and travel and had made you a bit haggard. The ache in your chest eased at finally seeing a familiar face who didn’t hate you immediately.
“Nice to see you too, Wanda.” You called back up to her, and she bounded down the stairs. Her skirts bounced and swirled around her legs, and you were only able to let out a soft ‘oof’ noise as she bowled into you. Her arms wrapped around you as she pulled you in for a hug, the strands of her hair tickling your cheek as she rested her chin on your shoulder. 
You resisted the urge to inhale her scent, instead winding your own arms around her form as you hugged her back tightly. Another piece of home. 
Wanda’s mother had been your mother's maid. You had run rampant through the halls of Fort Faliene, causing chaos and stealing food from the kitchens. The two of you would gossip and play along the docks, balancing on the wooden railings and softly singing Falienean folk songs. Wanda, like you, had grown into a woman since you had last seen her; in fact, she was a few inches taller than you now. Unlike you she had received her coming-of-age tattoos: a line on her chin and swirling patterns and runes across her fingers, hands, and forearms. 
“You smell like horse.” Wanda comments in her dry, northern accent, wrinkling up her nose as she pulls away. You roll your eyes at her in return, allowing her to take your cloak into her hands. It seemed she had followed her mother's profession, becoming a maid for your family, though you could not say what duties she would have had in your absence. 
“Travelling does that, I’m afraid.” You state as you walk up the stairs. They were the same dark color as the floors, with a cerulean blue runner down the center. The stairs reached a landing and split into two sets, which led to different sides of the balcony that overlooked the entrance. 
“I trust the pass wasn’t too terrible to travel?” Wanda hummed as she followed you.
“It was fine. I couldn’t say that same for the guests though; but we all know traveling that pass is the initiation process to see who will survive the chill.” You reply, and Wanda snickers softly in response. 
You paused briefly on the landing, straining your neck to look at the large portrait that hung overlooking the space. An oil painting of your mother and father after their wedding, smiling happily in their dress and suit. Your mother wore the heirloom necklace you had worn to the ball – layers of pearls and seashells – and seeing it now left you feeling uneasy. 
“It’s creepy having them watching.” Wanda admits from beside you, and you bite the inside of your cheek, tearing your eyes away. Living within these walls must have been unsettling after the plague, having to grow accustomed to the eerie silence that smothered the city. 
“I imagined these halls would feel… wrong without them, but it’s just as I remember.” You utter back, turning to face the next set of stairs. You see Wanda smile sadly from behind her hair, her own eyes briefly looking back at the portrait before following you. 
“You sound like one of them now, your accent is all strange.” Wanda observes as the two of you ascend. 
“I do not.” You grumble, and Wanda gives you another beaming smile, a teasing one. 
“Who would’ve thought? I remember when we would curse the bastards while throwing stones off the dock! My Lady, a proper southerner, how wrong is that?” She mocks, and you visibly cringe, scoffing. 
“Don’t say that, I’m already having a terrible day–” You begin with a groan, your head leaning back as you look at the high ceiling. 
“I take it the docks didn’t go well?” Wanda interjects; she is still smiling, but you can sense the uncertainty in her tone. 
You bite back a sigh. You don’t question how she already knew you had gone down there. She probably guessed you had the moment you didn’t turn up with the main party. Even as a child, you had the tendency to slip away to the shoreline, and your mother was often exasperated by your avoidance of important dinners. The two of you had treated the waters like a safe haven, a place you could disappear and cause havoc.
You chewed on what had happened down at the docks, debating if it was worth bringing up your worries to Wanda. You had been close friends once, and you hoped time had done nothing to ruin that bond between you. “Brannigan seems to have become bitter in his old age–” 
“Don’t listen to that idiot.” Wanda interjects once more, her tone irritated, and you bite your tongue.
From her reaction, your assumptions are correct. The cold stares were purposeful; there was distrust and unease spreading through your beloved home. Your people were angry with you because of things you could not control and because of things they could not know. They felt abandoned by your mother and, in turn, by you. Your one duty was to marry and provide security, but it seemed you had failed even that. A part of you felt like a fool for assuming they would welcome you with open arms. 
If only your mother had not grown sick, if only the lords of the continent were not pigs in fancy dress, if only James was not in debt to Haiford... You could list so many reasons to feel sorry for yourself, yet you were still stumped for solutions. You were still in the midgame, hesitantly moving pieces as you tried to fix everything. 
Maybe you were just a foolish girl after all.
“What if he is right?” You mumbled, assuming that Wanda had heard whatever grievance the sailors had with you. 
“About what?” 
“About me? I get the feeling that he does not approve of me as a lady, like I am somehow sabotaging Faliene. All the sailors hate me, he must be muttering things in their ear. He had the gall to bring up my lack of marriage prospects in front of all of the men.” You groan as you look down at your feet in defeat.
Wanda lets out an annoyed hiss, rolling her eyes while her shoulders tense. “Brannigan has been muttering about change for years now, he’s just too much of a pussy to do anything about it beyond bitching and moaning to anyone who will–”
Wanda's words stopped abruptly as you rounded the corner onto the balcony. You look up from your feet to see why. Steve and James linger by the banisters, trying to seem like they hadn’t watched and listened to the whole interaction unfold below them. Steve turns his back, as if trying to hide his face from you. Your lips press into a fine line, James’ gaze burning on you as always. 
“I keep forgetting we have company for once.” Wanda mumbles under her breath to you, and you shake your head, pulling your gaze away from the two Galantians as they intensely try to make themselves look busy or distracted. 
“Don’t worry, they won’t say anything.” You murmur back. “In fact, they will probably find it funny.”
“You know them well, then? It seems I have missed a lot.” You don’t miss the teasing tone and can only muster a low groan in reply. 
Wanda giggled softly in your ear, linking your arms together as you walked past James and Steve. She offers the two men a curt bow of her head, while your gaze remains fixed strictly ahead. The last thing your anxiety needed was the two men meddling with your emotions. 
“I had you moved into your parents' old room, I hope you don’t mind.” Wanda mentions as you reach the end of the balcony, turning down one of the long corridors that lead to the main wing. “The rest are in the guest wing.” 
“Were my parents' belongings removed?” You ask cautiously, following the familiar path down the halls and up a spiraling staircase. 
“Some of your fathers were after... but most of it remains the same. I can have them removed, if you like?” 
“No, leave them. I just... hoped that they hadn’t been discarded.” You admit sheepishly, and Wanda gives you another one of her sad smiles. 
You were eager to dismiss Wanda once you arrived in your parents old room, wanting a moment alone. Although some spaces remained empty where you knew your father's belongings would have been, it was mostly the same as you remembered. 
It seemed to have been regularly cleaned and dusted, with a new set of sheets and furs atop the bed. One of your father's many bookshelves stood against the wall, half empty. Your mother’s vanity lay mostly bare, with the exception of some shells you had gifted to her as a child. 
Tears pricked your eyes at the sight of the half-empty closet. You ran your fingers through the fabric of your mother’s old gowns, left behind as you two fled to the capital. Beyond the lingering scent of dust, you could still make out the faint smell of her floral soap and perfume clinging to the fabric. 
You could not stand to look at your mother’s crafts which still decorated the room. Cushions embroidered, the fabric and thread faded by the sun. Even the large lace doilies remained draped over the bedside tables. You wondered how many pieces of her craft still lay unfinished in your dowry chest. You recalled your mother handcrafting your wedding veil not long after your eighth birthday. 
With a hard swallow, you kick off your boots and curl up sideways on the bed, staring up into the canopy. Only then do you allow the tears to flow. 
The drums began at dawn. They started out low and distant, and it was not until the sun started to rise higher over the waters that they picked up speed, rumbling and thundering down the streets. Faliene came to life for the first time in years, her heart beating so quickly that it drowned out the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. 
The final traveling party had arrived the night before, after a week or so of traversing the mountain pass. Families had descended from the Stormfall Mountains, and sailors had returned from the open ocean, their beards frozen and their skin chapped. Today was your mother's funeral. You needed to be strong.  
The crowd congregated on Caloe Peak, a small outcropping of land close to the fort. An open, level landing was surrounded by mounds of snow. At its center lay the funeral pyre, wood logs stacked to hip height with your mother's body atop. The stiff, pale limbs of your mother were clasped at her chest. An assortment of flowers, shells, and rocks formed an outline around her body. Her long, dark hair spread out beneath her, giving her a small, sickly appearance. In spite of that, she finally appeared at peace.
You stood near the back, your cloak obscuring your form and your hood pulled back to hide your face. The crowd had not yet become aware of your presence. Instead, a knot in your stomach tightened as you considered the situation in front of you. 
The Falieneans and the visitors made up two groups within the crowd. In contrast to the Haifordians and Galantians, who appeared more uncertain, the Asgardians appeared at ease and unfazed by the situation in front of them. James was standing at the front of the group, his eyes sweeping the Falienean women as if he were looking for you. 
Beside a flaming torch, Priest Helman stood. He was an older man, balding with a salt and pepper beard. He had numerous tattoos on his body, and below each of his eyes, kohl was drawn in a line. Rither and Arthard, his acolytes, stood beside him, attempting to control a rambunctious, wild mountain goat that had been captured and brought down from the mountains.
Only as you expertly weaved your way through the crowd did the Falienean’s pause their murmuring. Your heavy cloak dragged across the icy ground, and the material was soiled and damp. The fabric itself was embroidered with swirling runes and designs, which served as spells of protection, and the edges were trimmed with a thick, heavy coat of fur. It was critical that you remained strong and protected in preparation for the ritual. Falieneans believed that spirits hung close when a funeral was near, and it was hard to predict if a spirit was friend or foe. 
As you paused in front of Priest Helman, a heavy silence fell over the clearing, the drums falling silent for the first time in hours. Brannigan could be seen in your peripheral vision, his face as cold as ever, arms crossed over his chest. This funeral was a test in many ways, not only in terms of your strength as a daughter but also as a leader. Brannigan hung near the crowd of guests, assuming the role of explaining the significance of each part of the ritual. 
Helman reached out with wrinkled fingers, carefully removing the hood from your head before wordlessly unclasping your cloak. You wore a simple black dress with short sleeves that exposed your arms and shoulders to the chill. Helman murmured a brief prayer under his breath, and you felt goosebumps spread across your skin. 
“It is believed by our people that when there is a funeral, spirits linger. Until it can be freed by fire, the soul of the deceased is imprisoned inside the body. The women can see and feel the spirits, so it is their purpose to protect the soul so it does not become another spirit, trapped between worlds.” Brannigan’s rough voice explained, and the crowd hesitantly hummed in response. 
You continued to move through the motions of the ritual as he spoke. Having observed and participated in numerous funerals in your youth, you knew every step by heart. Getting down on your knees, you encircled the mountain goat's face with your hands, gently hushing it as it wriggled in your hold. You could see the whites of its eyes and the split pupil darting around in fear. As you caressed the goat's face with your fingers and muttered a silent plea, Rither and Arthard kept the animal still. 
“Give us strength, little one.” 
The animal jerks under you, its scream of pain cut short as Helman swiftly runs a knife along its throat. Blood spills down the goat's neck, dripping into a large wooden bowl below. With the goat's knees buckling, you move with it, stooping lower to the ground. You mutter soothing words as its eyes roll back in terror and its chest heaves. Only as its body grows still, slumping to the ground fully, do you withdraw your fingers from its coarse coat. 
“The women must dance around the body, creating a wall to keep the spirits away. The closest living relative must lead the dance, it is their duty to stay dancing until all the other women have fallen and the body is burnt to ash.” Brannigan continues to explain as you carefully close the eyes of the goat.
Some of the men advance, picking up the body and dragging it out of the clearing. The carcass would be delivered to the kitchens, where it would be prepared for the subsequent feast. Slowly, you rise once more, an arctic breeze caressing your skin as you lock eyes with Priest Helman. 
Rither and Arthard take the bowl of thick, crimson blood, pouring a small pitcher of salt water in. Their hands reach into the mixture, swirling and mixing it until the liquid is smooth. Their hands extend and lather the mixture along your arms, upper chest, and neck, sending a chill down your spine. The layer is warm at first, then quickly grows cold under the frigid breeze blowing from the ocean. 
“What is the blood for, then?” You hear one of the guests ask as you flex your fists, exhaling sharply as Rither and Arthard move on to the crowd of women. The mixture is slick against your skin, droplets pooling in your palm and cleavage as you find your position next to the funeral pyre. 
“For strength. The essence of the animal will give the women the strength to continue on, the ritual can last for hours or days. The leader needs the most strength, so she is given the most essence.” Brannigan continues to explain. You watch as the women of Faliene line up, allowing Rither and Arthard to flick blood onto their faces. 
“And what happens if she falls before the others?” The familiar voice of Prince Michael asks, and you don’t have to look up at him to hear the sneer in his voice. 
“Then her mother’s soul is lost forever.” Brannigan says, and you swallow hard. You doubted Brannigan would hold you in much respect if you failed or gave in to weakness. 
Around the pyre, the women slowly start to join you, forming several layers of close circles. The young and elderly occupied the outer ring farthest from the pyre, while you stood in the one closest to it. Those who were most likely to fall first would be on the outer rings, while the strongest were in the middle as a final defense against the spirits. 
As Helman moves through the rings holding a blazing torch, silence descends once more. The dry brush comes to life in vibrant orange and yellow hues as the pyre ignites. Helman pulls away from the circle, the wood crackling and smoke filling your nostrils. Only when you give a small nod do the drums start once more. 
Your ring started dancing to the right as soon as your hands were linked to the women next to you, while the next ring started dancing to the left. You envisioned it from above to resemble a swirling mass of skirts, with each ring moving in a different direction in time with the beat. 
Your circle drew inward, tighter, and nearer to the flames as you whirled around the pyre. You could feel the heat licking at your skin. Relief was quick as you pulled outwards again, arms stretching out as far as they could go until interlocked hands were ripped apart. You all spun in place three times, then moved toward the fire again, hands interlocking as you continued to spiral in the opposite direction, pulling in and out like a beating heart. 
It was easy to fall into a trance, only focusing on your breath, where your feet fell, the heat of the fire, and the smoke in your lungs. The crowd of people became a blur; there were only you and the fire now. You could not see the Haifordian’s sneers, James’ heated gazes, or Brannigan's cold stares anymore; you were alone with the spirits now. 
It didn’t take long for the first to stumble and drop out, mostly younger children and the elderly, as the pace became too much to follow. You could taste copper in your mouth; your breathing was ragged; and a layer of sweat was growing across your skin. Even if the air burned with each gulp you inhaled, you felt alive. The women who stood on the edges began to sing Falienean folk songs along with the drums, swaying in place as they silently encouraged those still dancing. You could’ve sworn in your daze that you saw the spirits hovering – translucent and frightening with crooked smiles and long talons. 
You did not notice as the sun arced further into the sky, then back down to earth. You did not even notice as the crowd began to thin, guests abandoning their posts in favor of sleep as the sun was replaced by the moon. As time continued to pass, you became one with the drums and fire, your limbs aching with each step. 
Briefly, you jolted and stumbled as the woman beside you fell to her knees, a nearby man dragging her out before she was trampled by the dancers. The fire had begun to grow cold; the roaring flames had turned to crackling embers. Even as the smoke cleared and you were only left with the icy winds that burned your lungs, you did not fall. 
One by one, the dancers grew tired, falling to their knees, limp and exhausted. The once-slick blood that had layered your bare skin had begun to crack and peel, with some sections smudged by the sweat that had gathered. The sun began to rise once again, its warm rays of light a welcome gift for your stiff, exhausted body. 
The crowd grew in size once more, with guests gathering as they sensed the dance was nearing its end. Across the ashes was Wanda, and the two of you locked into a silent stare as you continued to dance. You could see her movements were growing sluggish; she was beginning to trip over her own feet as she fought to stay upright. 
Through your haze, your reactions slowed as Wanda finally fell, her knees biting painfully into the frozen earth below. You staggered as you came to a stop, your chest heaving and your legs trembling. Wanda’s hands dug into the frozen mud, a small sob escaping her as the exhaustion and pain took over her frame. 
Your body did not feel like your own as you walked slowly towards her, your lungs burning as you cocked your head to one side. You could not crouch down beside her out of fear of not being able to get up yourself. Instead, you extended your hand, using the last of your might to pull her to her feet and into a brief embrace. 
“Savor your strength.” Wanda choked into your ear, tears still trailing down her pale face. “Your journey is not over yet.” 
You crouched by the waters edge, scooping handfuls of the arctic waters onto the exposed sections of skin to scrub away the blood and ash. it stung your flesh and left an ache in your bones. Your legs were still shaking from exhaustion as you knelt by the water's edge. The crowd had dispersed, and they were now returning to Fort Faliene for the eagerly anticipated feast. 
Even though the last few steps of the funeral ritual were simpler to complete, they still required all of your remaining energy. You were expected to gather handfuls of your mother's ashes, and place them inside a small ceramic urn. The ashes had still been warm as you collected them with your bare hands, with bone and rock hidden within. The last of the ashes that could not be stored within the urn would be spread at sea by the next boat to depart. 
After gathering the ashes, you walked down to the docks and got onto a rowboat, which ferried you to the Island of Tilla. Tilla was for the dead. The living were only allowed to step foot on the Island to bring the dead to their resting places. The only exception was the winter equinox, when Falieneans celebrated their ancestors. 
You had only visited the crypts a few times in your life; the dark, icy, winding stone corridors had terrified you as a child. Now, as an adult, it intrigued you. You found yourself examining the urns of your ancestors, your fingers tracing over the damp stone shelves and engravings. 
Your exploration was only interrupted when you came across the well-known urn of your father, where you ran your fingers along the dust-covered blue ceramic. You placed your mother’s urn next to him, uttered your prayers, and returned to the surface. 
Even though the cold made your hands and body tremble, you persisted in washing the final remnants of the ritual off your skin. You knew that if you took a bath, you would fall unconscious in the warm waters before you were able to attend the feast. So, instead, you opted for the more painful solution – shocking your system awake with the icy sea water. As usual, the ocean wind was biting, cutting deep into your bones until even your core felt frozen. 
“You look like you need this.” A familiar, deep voice spoke from behind you. You whirled your head around, your eyes snapping to where James stood, extending a heavy cloak for you to take. Your legs wailed in protest as you stumbled to your feet and gratefully buried your hands in the plush furs that trimmed the edges.  
“I take it that you’re talking to me again, then?” You grumble at the King, maybe a little too aggressively, “You haven’t spoken to me since the pass,” you clarify at his bemused head tilt.
As you sweep the cloak over your shoulders shuddering while clasping it in place, James rubs his stubbled jaw in contemplation. Only as you pull the fabric closer to your body with a content sigh do you notice the scent. James’ scent. Your eyes flicker over him briefly, now noticing the glaringly obvious lack of a cloak around his own shoulders. 
“I wasn’t ignoring you.” He finally speaks up. “I was waiting until you came to me.”
You give a long and hard stare, trying to hold still as the shivers continue to grip your body beneath his cloak. You clutch the cloak closer to yourself as a gust of glacial air blows straight through you. James seems mostly unbothered by the cold, with only a tinge of pink to his ears and nose. His clothing was thick and expensive, mostly sparing him from the chill.
“I don’t understand.” You finally say, your voice strained as you try not to let your teeth chatter. James lets out a long sigh, motioning you away from the water that laps around your boots as the tide pushes up the shore. 
“You seemed… troubled. I understand what it is like to have anxieties about your people and their expectations of you. I thought it better if I allowed you some space to mull it over and be with them.” He explains, gently taking hold of your forearm through the cloak as he leads the both of you off the sandy shore and back onto the docks. Your calves are relieved to be on solid ground once more, no longer fighting against the shifting sands.
“Oh.” Is all you can mutter, your fatigued brain working twice as hard to digest the information it was given. “I thought… I thought you were upset with me for prying about Rebecca that night.”
“What?” James half-barks, bewildered by your assumption.
You furrow your eyebrows. Did he not… remember that night? Your tone is confused as you speak up. “That night when I came to your room because Steve and Peggy were... We spoke of the past, I thought I had upset you or somehow overshared–”
“Why would you think that?” He questions, his tone equally as confused.
You halt your walking, chewing the inside of your cheek with a sigh as you try to decide if your worries are worth divulging. It seemed that James was trying to be more thoughtful than you initially assumed; had you let your anxieties build until you constructed a fantasy in your mind?
“Because... because I reached out for you and then Steve walked in and you wouldn’t even look at me, it was like you were disgusted by me or–” Your words fade off as James looks at you hard, and then, to your surprise, he laughs. He actually laughs.
You feel like recoiling, maybe even crying, but then he closes the distance between you, pulling you into his arms. In your weariness you don’t protest, instead you lay your head against his strong sternum. Below your ear, his chest rumbles with a chuckle before giving way to a short sigh as he brushes his fingers through your wind-blown hair. Some of the braids had come loose during the dance, and you could only assume it smelled of smoke. 
“I couldn’t look at you because I knew I wouldn’t have been able to control my actions.” He admits it hesitantly, and your attention perks up at that. “If Steve hadn’t walked in... I would have kissed you right there on the spot.”
“James–” You mutter in astonishment, pulling back your head as you look up at him. His own head dips, his nose ghosting along your jaw and neck as he begins to mumble his next words to you. It was as if a tightly coiled rope had finally snapped within James, his touch and words were suddenly insatiable, as if any sense or sensibility had been unbridled. Your body shivers, this time not from the cold.
“You drive me mad. I am sick with madness for you. I can’t look at you because I can’t control my thoughts. I lay awake at night thinking of you, your scent, and the way you feel. Every day on that damn mountain, I would look at you and imagine how you would taste, how you would react to my touch, the sounds you would make. Do you understand? You’ve intoxicated me, you’ve possessed my mind, body, and soul with desire.” His voice is husky as he speaks, desperate and ravenous as his fingers grasp at your waist tightly and his lips graze across your neck. 
Arousal pools in your gut, and your legs feel even weaker than before. You whimper softly at his words. Your hands make a fist around the fabric of his shirt, holding on desperately in the hopes that your knees won’t fully buckle. 
“That is why I distanced myself, I knew it was unfair to burden you with such thoughts while you were in mourning and planning the–”
“James.” You cut him off. Your voice is strained, your mind is dizzy and delirious from his scent and touch. Somehow finding the strength, you lift one of your hands and gently caress his face with your thumb. “I feel the same way.”
The grin that he gives you is nearly enough to knock you off your feet once more. If it weren’t for the lingering fear that someone was watching this very public display, you would have stood on your toes to kiss him. You would’ve let him consume you whole. 
Unfortunately, the sensible part of your brain knew better, or rather, thankfully, because right on cue, Steve and Wanda rounded the corner of the docks. The two seemed to hesitate for a moment, noticing the proximity at which you both stood. A short, sharp sigh escapes your nose as you glance between Steve, Wanda, and James. 
Reluctantly, you pull back, instantly missing the warmth of his touch. Even from a distance, you can see the wide grin that both Steve and Wanda sport. You expected a lengthy integration when you were next alone with Wanda. 
“I think you need to fasten a bell on Steve.” You mumble lowly, and James chuckles, briefly rubbing your back before once again gently leading you up the docks. 
“He does have a way of interrupting us, doesn’t he?”
taglist | @liter4ti @just-someone11 @champagnejoker @scooobies @queerqueenlynn @fanfictionjunkie1112 @themotherof10 @diaries-of-a-hopelessromantic
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dearestaussiechannie · 10 months
☾ 4:52 AM ☽ — Bang Chan
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word count: 2k paring: Chan x reader genre: Angst/Comfort warnings: gender not specified!reader, Non-Idol!Chan, Chan is referred to as Chris/Christopher the whole AU, established relationship, heavy grief, deals with loss, comfort, pet names towards reader, if I missed anything or if there are any typos please lmk! Authors note: I personally have been through some terrible loss as of lately and I don't really open up about how I feel about it to the people around me but I needed to get this out somehow. If you're going through anything like this AU portrays, my heart goes out to you and really keep the people that are there for you close. Much love ♡
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It’s been four months as of yesterday, so why hasn't this ache left your chest yet? How do you cope with something like this? How do you get the people around you to understand what you're going through when you can't even understand it yourself? If not everyone, then to your sweet Chris? He’d been by your side when you had gotten the phone call, drove you there and even has kept you together as best as he could even with everything that's been going on in life but it seems no matter how much time passes, how much effort he puts in, you can’t get better.
You haven't been able to get out of bed without the thought of your friend crossing your mind. When you do have the energy to go out, the smallest things seem to trigger your pain. Even if you get to stay home all day, your dreams would punish you as well, forcing you to relive memories that you want nothing more than to bury until the pain has stopped. Currently, that's exactly what’s going on.
You’ve sat up out of a dead sleep to the feeling of nothing but pain, salty streaks of where tears had been falling for who knows how long covering your cheeks. You groan softly as you wipe your face, looking at the clock beside your bed reading “4:52 AM” in bold red numbers only making you groan again but this time a bit louder. When was the last time you'd gotten a good nights sleep? Dreading the thought of being awake, you slowly crawl out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping man beside you.
Once out of your shared room, you walk quietly to the kitchen, stopping a couple of times to look at the photos hanging on the walls to ease your racing heart and mind. Once you've got a warm cup of tea and a blanket from the living room couch, you shuffle to the back patio door, unlocking it and swiftly slipping outside. The air was a bit chilly as it was now late September, sending a shiver down your spine making you pull the blanket tighter around you as the glass mug filled with tea keeps your hands warm.
The sound of the wind was peaceful, but nothing could surpass the amount of peace the sound of waves softly rolling onto the shore of the beach that your house was so close to brought to your mind. Chris had picked this house for the two of you to move into together since it was about the same distance both ways from your families homes and of course, your sweet boy loves the ocean. Every summer that you've lived here, you'd always have to drag him inside to eat, rehydrate, reapply his sunscreen or to simply relax. This year however, he’d given you that time due to what had happened. The thoughts of him running around in the water by himself or with his friends or with you bring the faintest of smiles to your face as you take a sip from your cup.
While you were outside, the person you’d left inside suddenly takes notice that you're no longer sleeping beside him and it causes slight panic to run through his veins. He repeats the motions you'd made earlier, rubbing his eyes before reading the clock that now said “5:23 AM” in those same bold red numbers. He fluffs his hair a bit as he stands, slipping his nightshirt back on and pulls a sweater over that as he takes notice of the cool temperature in the house.
 He makes his way around, looking for you as carefully as he can so that he doesn't spook you when he does find you. Worry filling him more and more by the moment as he can’t seem to find you anywhere, finally looking out the back door with hope that you'll be there, a warm smile spreading across his face as he sees you, hair blowing in the breeze while you simply stare out into the horizon or into the stars. He leans against the door for a moment before he walks away from it, walking back towards the kitchen to get himself a cup of tea like you had but makes sure to get you another. 
On his way back to the door, he makes sure to turn the heat up since he knows that you’ll be cold when you come back inside. Carefully, he opens the door and walks over to you, putting the drinks onto the small table in front of your patio furniture. The sudden movements pull you from your thoughts, quickly looking up at him and pulling your blanket closer. “Sweetheart… How long have you been out here? Can’t be more than 55 out here and you're crying..” He says softly, slipping onto the wicker sectional beside you, gently tapping your tears away with his sweater sleeves. 
You were crying? When did you start crying and for how long? You rubbed your eyes a bit harshly as you looked away from him, sniffling slightly as you clear your throat and got a drink of your now cold tea. Chris doesn't miss a beat though, once you've pulled the mug from your lips, he takes it gently only to replace it with the fresh warm one. He also takes the moment to pull the blanket over himself as well, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer as he rubs your shoulder to give you some warmth.
“Christopher..” you start but he doesn’t let you finish. “Bad dream again?” He asks, looking at you, studying your face and taking notice of the redness in your cheeks as well as the tear stains. The only response you can give is a slight nod as your grip on the mug tightens, reliving your dream again making the tears rush to your eyes, bottom lip quivering as you start to shake. Chris doesn't miss these ques, taking your cup and putting it on the table before quickly pulling you closer, making you grab onto his sweater as you break down in his arms for what was probably the hundredth time in the past few months. He rubs your back gently as he listens to your soft sobs, noticing how hard you're shaking from the weather and the pain that you were feeling.
The two of you stay like this for what feels like hours as he keeps you close to his chest, his head resting against yours as he hums softly just for you to feel the vibrations, knowing how it helps you relax. His fingers thread through your hair, making sure not to pull as he also carefully rakes his nails across your scalp. Your eyelids begin to feel heavy as he does this, making everything in your mind somehow seem clearer. You take a deep breath as you wiggle closer to him, looking back out into the horizon, knowing this will be easier if you don’t look at him. It's always been easier to let him know your thoughts when you don't look at him.
“Chris, I miss them.. I miss them so much that it hurts. The thought of never getting to see them again, never hugging them again, never looking into their eyes, never seeing their smile ever again… it's haunting me. And there's nothing I can do to fill this empty spot that they've left. 15 years of memories, conversations, pictures, laughs are all just that now.. Memories that only I will ever remember… Why did they leave me here like this? Was there really nothing I could do to stop it? Nothing I could do to help them? Am I gonna feel like this forever? When will this pain end? I can’t take this anymore.. It's too much. I just wanna wake up from this sick nightmare and see their name pop up in my phone one more time.” You spill to him, sobbing between every word as you grab onto the blanket tighter, eyes burning from tears for the third time in such a short period of time, surely making you dehydrated. 
Hearing all of this absolutely breaks Chris’s heart, having to watch his whole world, crumble and break like this. He keeps quiet as he keeps rubbing your head, listening to you speak since this is the first time you've opened up to him about what's been going on in that mind of yours for the past four long months. The pain, fear and regret that you've felt. He knows that his words won't help so he just hopes that his presence will. That the love that he has for you will help you in this agonizing process of healing that you're having to go through. He just wants you to know that even if you feel mentally alone, he's right here. He's here for you emotionally, physically, mentally and in other ways that he can be.
He softly presses his warm lips to your cold forehead, still gently humming. “My sweet angel.. I’m sorry that you feel this way and I know that there's not much that I can do since time will have to heal this wound but I want you to know that I'm right here, you're not alone okay? Even if I can’t feel what you're feeling, I will be right here to pick you back up when you fall or break. I will pick you back up just as they would want you to be. Help you every step of the way. I love you and so did they and that's what I want you to remember okay? It was all more than just a memory, it was their story and they were so lucky to have you in it, sweetheart. They were so lucky to have you as their best friend for as long as they lived.”
You wipe your eyes again, no more tears passing your lashes as you look up at him, slowly moving your hand up to his cheek and rubbing the soft skin with your thumb. “When you miss them, always remember to look for them in the sunsets.. In the stars.. Or..” He looks away from you then back down with a gentle smile, moving your face back towards the beach as he whispers. “In the warm, morning sunrises.. They'll always be right there.. Watching over you and cheering you on.” He whispers to you as he again presses his lips to your forehead, this time making contact with your temple as he takes your cold hands into his warm ones, rubbing over your knuckles with his thumbs.
You let out a broken chuckle that mixes with a sob, shaky breaths no longer turning into clouds as the sun starts to warm the air again. You look back to your sweet Chris, giving a sleepy smile before the weight of your head falls into the nape of his neck, indirectly telling him you're too tired to get back up and walk into the bedroom to get more sleep. Luckily, he takes notice, wrapping the blanket tighter around you, carrying you into your shared home and to the bed that's been waiting for you both to come back. This is exactly where you needed to be in a time like this. In the arms of someone who loves you no matter how broken you are. Home.
Once in the bed, Chris covers you both up as the sun peeks through the curtains like warm kisses before you look at the clock. It now reads “6:48 AM” and you sigh, flipping it so you couldn't see the numbers anymore, rolling over to face Chris, kissing him gently before closing your eyes fully. “I love you so much, Christopher Bang.” “And I love you, Y/n L/n.” He repeats, rubbing your back again as you begin to drift off into sleep. Sleeping better than you had in so long, now dreaming of the good things again, no more nightmares of grief… Just dreams of love.
"Goodbye for now but not forever, we’ll see each other in my dreams again. Don’t forget to come visit my dreams full of love for you soon."
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©️ dearestaussiechannie, all rights reserved.
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
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✧.* fever
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— summary : after a mission you became sick, but at least you have your girlfriend taking care of you.
— pairings : natasha romanoff x gn!reader
— word count : 0,5k
— warnings : hurt to comfort/fluff, headaches, loss in appetite, the basic fever and cold shit you know, mentions of wanting to throw up, foul language, pet names, cuddling, established relationship (they share an apartment), lmk if i missed any.
a/n : i am sick right now and i just need a distraction, so enjoy !! (not proofread bc i'm lazy so there might be some typos)
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you finished your mission with natasha, a few hours ago.
you gained new intel about your mission and decided to take a break and rest in your shared apartment.
maybe going home in nat's motorcycle in the pouring rain without any hood or coverage on your head wasn't the best idea.
unlike nat, you weren't really trained for sickness'. your immunity system was fine for the majority of your life but sometimes the smallest symptoms can make you sick.
looking in the mirror you decide to just shake it off, maybe it'll wear off in your sleep. i mean, a sore throat and a headache isn't the end of the world.
you went to bed as natasha follows behind you.
"you okay, love?" she asked as you nodded, "i'm fine just need some rest." you smiled.
natasha noticed how your voice was raspier than usual, and how your wearing two sweaters.
"you sure? are you cold?" she asked, resting her hands on your forehead, "i'm fine, nat, just a bit tired." — "you're warm." she stated.
"it'll just wear off in the morning i'm sure." you reassured her.
the redhead was skeptical of course, but she thought it'll wear off just like you said. so you both go to sleep as natasha holds you close.
the morning after was miserable. your back aches, your fever, sore throat, and headache didn't seem to wear off like you thought.
you reached beside the bed for natasha but she wasn't there.
"you okay there?" nat opened the door as you sigh of relief. "it didn't wear off." you held your head.
"let me see," she rested her hand on your forehead — "you're warmer than last night. you hungry? you gotta eat before i give you some medicine." she sat next to you.
"no." you shook your head, your stomach felt empty but the thought of eating made you want to throw up.
"you have to eat, dekta. i'll make you some soup okay? you don't have to finish it but you have to eat something before the medicine." she stated, sitting up and going towards the kitchen.
you grabbed the glass of water beside you, drinking it before laying back in bed.
a few moments went by and you started to feel dizzy.
"baby, your soup's ready." natasha announced, holding the bowl in her hand as rushing towards the bedroom door.
"just eat a bit, i'll get the medicine." she kissed your forehead before leaving again.
you finished half of the chicken noodle soup, being chugging a glass of water.
nat came in with some pills and a wet towel that is nicely folded up for your head. "here, she gave you the pills as you swallowed them before laying back down.
"this should help you." she puts the towel on your forehead, "do you need anything?" nat asked.
"can you stay with me? like we can lay in bed or something, missions are off till tomorrow." you ask as she smiled. "of course, need anything else?" she repeated.
"no, just you." you reply, cuddling her as you fall asleep slowly.
your fever went away when you woke up as nat slept beside you.
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cinamun · 4 months
Hey fren! I have a ton of questions. Lmk if I’m being too intrusive or nosey lol.
I love your story, I always have to give you your flowers when I write you!! All hail the Queen 🙌🏾🙌🏾💐💐💐
Ok my questions:
For starting out posting and editing, do you keep a schedule for yourself to stay organized? Rn I’m finally posting on my simblr after 3 years but I find myself just constantly taking screenies instead of posting and organizing the story. It feels chaotic lol the only organizing I’ve done just for game play in general is shopping for CC every other day (it’s an addiction)
A question I wanted to ask for a while is, if you are commissioning someone for poses what are the average prices you pay (or better yet, what do you think a good price is to pay for pose commission)? Sometimes I have these perfect poses in my head and when I’ve searched for hours I normally just end up giving up.
Lastly, I noticed your post from yesterday said you had 25 photos loaded in photoshop. Do you have all the art board (or images) side by side to edit them consistently and simultaneously?
Thank you if you answer!!
Good morning bestie!! Let me just go on ahead and adjust this crown right quick lol THANK YOU and I got you!
I'm chaotic and impulsive but I have a little bit of a routine. Follow me under the cut!
Okay, SO!! For the first question about posting and editing.... I usually have an idea for the next scene while working on the previous one. So when I go in-game for story updates, the idea is already there and I'm just setting up shots and making the scenes look good. I don't have a schedule other than my posting schedule, so when you mention last night, I was editing pics that I had taken earlier in the day or the day before. So my schedule is usually sitting in photoshop all night the day before I post.
For pose commissions, I've only done that twice. I've had real good luck over the years finding poses or animations for anything I've needed. I would say make an offer to donate to them if you know their shit is dope and move anywhere between $5 to $10 USD. For the poses I commissioned, they weren't released publically so that's extra special (tip them more!). Also keep in mind if you're asking for accessories to be used, how many sims are in the pose, etc. For pose searching, try to be as vague as you can. "ts4 cleaning poses" and then see what comes up is one example and don't shy away from animations! They work with pose player, most without WW and can make for some great screenshots.
I load up all the pictures in Photoshop plus whatever templates I'm using (like the texting one or the dust overlays), and edit in order of sequence. This is where all the dialogue happens so sometimes I edit out of order if I know the dialogue for one scene already and maybe not the others. I hope i'm making sense lol. I spend a lot of time on this part because the words might change given which picture I've decided on (some scenes I take multiple screenshots of and multiple angles and then decide later which one to use). I go pic by pic, doing editing and adding dialogue individually then saving them, closing them and moving on to the next one. Once I'm completely done then I flip through them a few times as if I were the reader to try and catch any typos, etc.
This got really long but let me know if that helps or if I can elaborate more!!
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