#if it doesn't then I'll have bigger things to worry about i fear.
mirrorbent · 1 year
Mirrorbent Update!
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In this two-page (!) update, we see the other guys' reactions to Virian's plan: gloating for the planner herself, cautious calm for Rethen, and for Piolet... mixed feelings, and something else yet unseen.
One more year of Mirrorbent! Next update should come out on its Arc Number Day (9-1), though I'd like to update at least once more on 2022....
Read it here [EN – ESP], or start from the beginning! [EN – ESP]
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seirei-bh · 12 days
My opinion and theories about Jason's route ep 4
This post focuses only on Jason's part of the episode, I'll be playing Amanda and Thomas' routes in a few days, so I'll save my thoughts about their images, moments and dialogue in detail for later. And I'll do also other post about general curiosities facts of the ep, but I prefer to wait a few days for that.
Well, first of all: if you are Devon, Amanda, Thomas or Roy, you are in luck, this is your chapter! But if you're the Jason route, you might be disappointed (it wasn't like that in my case, but I've seen a lot of people disappointed for understandable reasons, I'll leave my opinion below)
A summarize about Jason's moment:
-We met him in the cafeteria by coincidence, but he didn't see us yet.
-Thomas says he secretly follows Jason on his Instagram account.
-Elenda hints that maybe Jason has a crush on Ysaline. While Brune is worried because she thinks maybe Jason is trying to "hunt" Ysaline.
-Then Thomas and Devon start speculating about Jason's relationships. They insinuate that he must be a womanizer and someone who see people as prizes to be won because he is with different several women in photos and it doesn't seem like his relationships last long.
-HOWEVER, Jason suddenly appears because he has heard the conversation. He seems to feel offended, he hints that he feels disappointed by the others' attitude. Jason also says that regarding his private life and romantic relationships "there are reasons why I prefer not to commit long term" but that it's none of their business. And then he leaves.
Okay. Let's theorize here!
Apparently, and in the opinion of Thomas, Devon, and most of our peers, Jason is a womanizer. But the fact that he says very seriously that there is another reason behind why he only has short relationships and not long ones, I have a few theories about it, and yes, I think it will be a bigger issue than it may seem.
-A while ago I did a headcanons post about Jason in which among his headcanons, I got right the fact that he has only had brief relationships so far, and there are some possibilities that I mentioned there that could be that reason behind all this :
1- He simply doesn't have time for long relationships. This man is married to his job, and perhaps most of the partners he had didn't understand that, and he doesn't give his 100% in relationships either because he thinks they're not worth it and are a waste of time.
2- Since he is a rich, handsome and powerful man, he either believes that he has a perfect image to maintain and he fears that any woman could discover some weakness to use against him, so he prefers to end the relationship before it becomes serious. If this is the reason, he may have had a serious relationship in the past that caused him some emotional damage too, which made him more cautious later (which could be something he had in common with Ysaline) and/or too many relationships with women who only dated with him for supercial reasons so he feels he can't trust in love anymore. And maybe even his family pressures him to keep a perfect image too.
3- And this is my favorite theory, as I speculated in his headcanons post: his poliosis was a consequence of a Waardenburg syndrome. A syndrome that also can cause him to suffer from partial deafness and even vision problems. And for this reason, perhaps he doesn't want or thinks that he should never have children, so he prefers not to have long relationships, so that no woman can find out this fact and become disappointed with the issue of not being able to have children with him in the future, other than that it would be for him to admit a weakness that could cause him to be fired from his job (I have a family member who lost his job because he turned partially blind from a hereditary disease, so yeah these kind of things can happen). And for a man like Jason, who values ​​his job so much, losing him for something like that could be a big blow for him. Also, on a plot level it would be an interesting plot twist for his character, in my opinion.
Now let's get to another tricky part of the episode.
-After Jason leaves, Devon explains to us that the reason for his enmity with him was that, a while ago, they both entered a contest, and apparently, Jason copied the work that Devon did, that's why Roy calls him in the ep 2 liar and thief.
-However, there is something in this whole story that doesn't add up: Jason presented his project days after Devon, and that caused Jason was fired and lost the city council's own confidence. And when Devon asked him for an explanation for the plagiarism, Jason blamed Devon. So… what really happened??
-We lack information here. I think we won't know the full truth until Jason tells us his pov in all of this.
-If Jason had plagiarized and stolen from him on purpose, then he should have submit his project before Devon. It would have been the logical step to avoid being harmed. There's also the possibility that Jason just had a BIG coincidence of ideas similars to Devon's, but Jason wouldn't be so offended or attack Devon so much if it was just his own fault…
-I have a theory that there is a third person involved in this story.
-Perhaps that third person was one of Jason's colleagues, or one of his private investors, or perhaps someone from the city council or a person from another company who was a fake friend of Jason's and wanted to secretly harm him. I think that person found out about what Devon was going to do, and that person gave that idea to Jason without telling him that it was Devon's idea, like "hey, I've this idea, let's share it for this project" and then when it was shows it belonged to Devon, that third person told Jason that it was Devon the one who had stolen the idea from them. That person twisted the story.
-Now, the biggest disappointment of the ep if you're Jason's route: you only talk to him for a minute.
-Yeah, it was disappointing to spend so little time with him after waiting a whole month. Although I still enjoyed his moment because of the theories it made me think about it and I still think his route worths it. Besides, If I had enough patience in the past to deal with Leiftan's very very VERY brief moments in the first eps of Eldarya, then I can also deal with Jason's route being frustrating that way XD That's what you got when you're playing the secret route: your're going to suffer always in th firsts eps lmao.
-There is only a brief dialogue with all your companions in front and then you check out his Instagram. I really hope his part in the 5th episode is longer ToT
-His image it's the promotional image that we have already seen of him, but it doesn't surprise me, I already expected that image to be in an episode soon or later, he looks hot anyway, although I thought that the context would be more interesting, like seeing him in some important event instead of on Instagram.
-While Ysaline is looking his photos on Instagram, she thinks he seems to be "a big red flag" lol, although I'm not surprised after what her boss and colleages said about him, and because of this girl bad experience in the past (damn you, Ioan)
-This has made some players think that Jason is going to be a disappointing route, but personally I don't think so, not only because of the theories I have given, but because in UL I've been Castiel route and Nathaniel route, and both characters in the first eps they are very popular with women and you heard they had many short relationships of one night or a few days, and the beginning with both characters and Sucrette in UL is complicated… (Nath disappeared and got into trouble non-stop, We even find him flirting with a girl in chapter 3 in front of us, and Castiel, after spending the night with you, ignores you for an entire ep and says he doesn't want a relationship) but then in later chapters Castiel and Nath turned out to be WONDERFUL routes with sweet/beautiful moments and boys totally in love with Sucrette, faithful to her and who loved her deeply. So I think Jason might be a little similar to them in this case, with a very complicate start, but he'll be worth it in the end. And I'm into that shit, come on, the enemies to lovers drama!
-Oh and Ysaline gives the Jason's photo a "like" by mistake! XD So I guess Jason will mention this to us in a message or in the next ep. Hohohoh *evil smirk*
Conclusion: I can't say I totally loved it, but I'm not totally disappointed either. At least I'm glad we got a part of explanation about all Devon vs Jason's mess. I hope that in the next eps with his moments are longer (pls!)
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midniiights-garden · 6 months
Mizu with a taller S/O [Headcanons!!]
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(A/N: Yet again, I would like to place a remind that these HCs are for implied fem!reader and gn!readers.)
So, I'm gonna kinda divde these headcanons into two parts according to the personality of her taller S/O!! One part will be for an S/O that doesn't tend to tease and fits the gentle giant trope and the other part will be for an S/O that has the tendency to tease.
But to start it off I'll have Mizu's initial thoughts on a taller S/O.
I don't think Mizu would be that intimidated or irked if her S/O was taller than her. I mean, Mikio was taller than her. And she's taken down men taller than her, and multiple times at that. So I don't actually think she'd care that much.
However, her reaction would defintely differ based on what her S/O would do or say to her.
With an S/O who is a sweet, gentle giant:
I think she'd be... a little annoyed. It's like having to Ringos with her.
The annoyance defintely doesn't last, though. Not when her S/O is so sweet and loving to her all the time. Not when her S/O wraps her up in their arms as she sleeps.
Her S/O's sweet and gentle demeanour would defintely be something that would weird her out in the beginning.
There would be thoughts that they're just manipulating or tricking her into feeling more comfortable.
It takes a while for her to truly understand that that's just how her S/O is, nothing more nothing less.
After she realises that the worry sets in. Her S/O is just... a walking target. Too nice for their own good. Despite their height their soft personality makes them seem less threatening.
Cue her overprotectiveness. (Although, I do think she'd be overprotective no matter what.)
With an S/O who teases her about her height:
Get ready for playful fights and sparring sessions.
Personally I do not think she'd actually become insecure about the comments per se. She has much bigger things on her plate than worrying about her height. Plus she already knows shes more than capable, so she doesn't see the point in worrying about it.
I do think she'd get somewhat annoyed if her S/O made the jokes too frequently or if one of their jokes involved the implication that Mizu wasn't capable.
She hates feeling weak, and although it lessens over time once she's comfortable with her S/O I don't think that fear will ever truly fade. It's just another scar of her past.
Overall, though, I think it'd just be a pretty competitive relationship full of playful banter and sarcasm. Just don't push it too much because as I mentioned in my general headcanons, she dislikes too much commotion in a relationship.
(A/N: If these are kinda wonky mbmb... I may or may not have just woken up 🫠🫠🫠)
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opal16trash · 1 year
Mario being a good brother comp, along with some notes for each clip
- "wow! You were great!" :)) showering his bro in compliments, so nice :))💖
- Mario defending/protecting his baby brother and still willing to fight Spike is amazing. He doesn't even care that he's taller/bigger than him, he will fight for his brother
- Him making it easier for Luigi to make it across the construction site :)) so sweet
- M protecting Lu from the dog 😭 for a second, you can see Mario actually pushing Luigi out of the way so he doesn't get attacked. AND !! Him throwing the bottle so the dog will go after him instead
- Mario kinda waiting there and seeing if Luigi made it down is nice, always like that :)
- he help him up, back on his feet :)
- oh boy the separation scene. Everything from Marios worried facial expressions, him grabbing onto Luigi and saying "It's all gonna be okay",, oh my heart. Cherry on top is "nothing can hurt us as long as we're together!" when he has the biggest smile on his face,, and Luigi smiles back with hope until he gets swept away 😭
- one of the first things that he tells Toad is thar he's looking for his brother, telling him that he went somewhere with lava and fog. Toad lets out a worried gasp, and Mario looks worried.
- "hang on, Luigi" :((
- Marios look of anger after Toad says "This guys brother is going to die!",, like don't even with his emotions, he is WORRIED
- The look of shock and fear that Mario gives after he hears "Then it's only a matter of time til he's captured by Bowser.",, thats so good. He's only heard nothing but bad things about Bowser. AND !! Again, he doesn't care that Bowser is bigger than him, he will fight and do what it takes for his brother
- the baby flashback :(( always had Luigis back since they were babies :((
- Mario is very much not happy to hear that the Kongs won't join them. In fact, he's pissed and takes control of the situation. "You have another way to save my brother?" "You, sir, have a deal! I'll fight ya son, and win!" He's doin this all for Luigi, whatever it takes to get him back.
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sweetlittleneptune · 1 year
One hell of a surprise! (Fem!Reader)
in which the condom breaks and you have to tell them they're becoming a dad.
18+, MINORS DNI (not exactly explicit, but mentions of sexuality and topics of the sort, better be safe than sorry!)
the first hint that something is wrong is the look on his face as he pulls out of you. the second is the odd feeling of something dripping down from your vagina.
the final one is the positive pregnancy test you take, three weeks later when your period is late.
and now you've got to tell him that he's going to be a dad.
he doesn't look that surprised. it's because he noticed the lack of colorful wrappings in the bathroom bin and guessed your period was late. but even if he had an idea about it, hearing the news from you knocks the wind out of him HARD.
the demon's been taking care of his brothers for ages. he wasn't exactly planning on having another being to take care of now... but knowing you're the one bearing his child and knowing he's the one responsible for it, it's different.
Lucifer is hesitant at first. he's worried he'd be a bad dad or that he'd be too caught up in work to give his child the attention it deserves. but his love for you and the baby is louder than the worries in his head.
"I'll be there every step of the way, Y/N, and I'll be the best dad I can be."
the shock on his face is more than evident. he doesn't know how he didn't realize it before, but he hates himself for it now! the stress of not having your period and knowing this could be a possibility... and he was clueless! Mammon is mad at himself for not noticing.
the demon is also frightened at the idea of becoming a dad. this word includes so many responsibilities. is he capable of doing it?
you notice the fear hidden in his eyes.
"you don't have to be involved if you're not sure about it..."
"no! I wanna! just... we'll work together on it yeah?"
Mammon wouldn't miss a chance in the world to raise that child with you. he's just a bit worried, and that's alright.
the thing about anxiety is that it makes you think of every possible outcome to a situation. after the condom broke that one time, 3 weeks before, he spent hours upon hours worrying about this exact situation. he kept asking himself what he would do, how he would react, etc. and when Levi finally came to a conclusion, he was 100% certain that he wanted to raise the baby with you, if you were to become pregnant.
so, when you do announce to him that you are pregnant, Levi's answer is clear and confident.
"if you want to keep it, I want to raise it with you. I know we didn't talk about having a family, but I know I'd love to."
it's rare to see Levi so certain about something other than his games or animes, but it's also comforting. you know you can count on him.
AN: i knoooow it's been ages since i've posted something! Writer's block is a bitch. i'm working on little things and i'll try to slowly get to bigger works
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cherryc1nnam0n · 1 year
You belong to us | Venom!Eddie Munson x FEM!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend has been acting weird, so he reveals a part of him you didn't know you would love so much
Cw: Huge smut warning! Size kink, size difference, huge cock, lots of cum, belly bulge, cum inflation, Eddie has a big dick but it's bigger now, Venom is horny af, reader gets impregnated not sorry, lots of horny stuff, straight up porn
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You've been dating Eddie since your senior year, aka Eddie's first senior year, you know him like the palm of your hand so when he started acting awfully weird you knew something was off, he had been avoiding you and making up excuses not to see you or hang out, he didn't even respond when you sneaked a nudey polaroid of you into his van
It was all too uncommon for Eddie
You knew you had to go see what was going on? Was he done with you? Was he planning on breaking up with you? You feared the worst
When you arrived at his trailer you knocked on his door, you heard things crash and fall as he stomped to the door, he opened it to where you could only see his eye
"Y/n?! What are you doing here?!" He said in a hushed tone
"I'm worried about you honey, are you okay?" You asked concerned
"Yes! Yes! No! I-I don't know!" He growled "You have to go! Now!"
"What? Why? Eddie what are you hiding?" You pushed into the trailer even when he protested against it
When you turned he had a dark look in his eye
"Eds?" He laughed but it was a deep laugh, you had never heard that "Honey are you okay..?"
"We're okay now that you're here"
"We? Eddie who's we?"
"I'm sorry Y/n, this is why I had been away from you, please don't run away from me..."
"What-" you didn't get the chance to finish when a black goop surrounded your boyfriend, he turned twice as tall and was becoming hulkier, then his face was surrounded by it and what seemed like a demon looked at you, your reaction?
Lol you thought
"Hello Y/n... We are Venom" the thing spoke and his voice made your knees almost give out "We are so glad you're here, Eddie has talked about you a lot, he doesn't even need to, you're all he thinks of"
You blushed, that was sweet
"So, this is why he's been avoiding me?"
Venom nodded "Yes, he was afraid of letting you near me... Us"
"Well, you are... Hot" you bit your lip
"Good, because you're in for a treat"
"Oh shit that's big" you said, on your knees as Venom's dick pulsed on front of you, he was huge, you weren't even sure if he would fit
"We'll make it fit, now show me what that mouth does"
You got to sucking as best as you could, putting him in your mouth to coat him in your saliva, humming as your eyes rolled back
"I don't think I'll forgive Eddie for hiding you from me" you deepthroated what you could and Venom groaned
"Good girl" he growled, petting your head
He pulled you away after feeling like he was close, pulling you up to lay you down on the table, his face pulled away and Eddie was revealed
"I didn't know you would actually like this" he said with a darkened look
"Well then you don't know me" you winked playfully at him and he got to work at devouring your pussy "Oh fuck yes~" you grabbed his head, hips fucking into his mouth and face
His tongue was fucking you so good, he was a god at eating pussy and he always made you cum before fucking you
"Fuck Eddie! I'm cumming!" You said as you came all over his face, eyes rolling back "Yes yes yes!"
He stood straight, licking his lips as Venom came back over him, his tongue darted out and fucked into you "Oh fuck!" You moaned as he tongue fucked you "Gosh! I'm gonna cum again!"
He didn't stop once, it felt so good, almost like a dick inside you, so you came again, harder than before
"Fuck Venom, Eddie, that was so good~" you were fucked out already
"You're ready for us"
His pulsing dick was aimed at you, thrusting into you, eyes rolling back and drool falling down your mouth, toes curling as he bottomed out, his balls nestled against your ass, he growled feraly at the feeling
"Fuck Y/n, you're perfect for us, Eddie was right"
Your belly had a huge bulge where he was in you, he started to thrust into you, not holding back anymore and your moans filled the room, the table scraped against the floor as he roughly fucked you, your pussy so split open around him it was making you dizzy
"V-Venom, gonna cum!"
He held you up, legs held around his arms as he fucked into you, moving you up and down his dick, you could only whine and moan, brain fuzzy from the fuck of your life
"Gonna breed you pretty girl, that way you'll be our's forever"
"I'll do whatever you want, just don't stop!"
He kept fucking you as feral moans filled the room, slick noises from your pussy as his huge dick fucked you so good, his balls slapping against your ass
"Gonna fill you up" he growled
Your orgasm hit you like a truck, making your toes curl again, his dick violently twitches as he fucks you through your orgasms, filling you up to the hilt with his warm cum, making your stomach bulge and inflate as he kept cumming
"Oh fuck!" You whined, he just didn't stop, as he kept and kept cumming, it was insane
"Damn it Y/n, you're perfect, so good and bred for us"
Now you knew why your boyfriend had been so weird... And you didn't mind now that you knew the truth...
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Oh my- there's a new alphabet template?!!
can I rqs yandere alphabet J, O, S for my favorite 1, 2 oddball?? (Tsukasa and Rui)
Yes! Yes, of course you can!
Tsukasa, Rui J, O, S yandere alphabet
TW: unhealthy obsession, threats, jealously, basic yandere things
TagList: @alicewinterway18 @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @indi-has-fallen @vodka-glrl
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⊱ Justification = Why are they acting like that? When did it started?
It all started by Tsukasa thinking that you're key to his star career. You were always just so supportive of him! You always cheered him on and helped with his confidence before a show, and after it you always confratulated him for food work!
But with time, the thinking that you're key to his star career turned into needing you in his star career. He couldn't imagine starting a show without seeing your face or hearing your words of encouragement. He couldn't imagine not seeing a smile on your face when he performs or shows you video of his performance because you couldn't attend for whatever reason. He couldn't imagine ending a show without hearing you compliment him.
"I need them... but it's nothing bad! Every star needs it's loyal fan and it just so happened to be Y/N!"
⊱ Other = Someone else speaks or flirts with you, how will they react?
Tsukasa isn't the jealous type even when he's a yandere. Sure he will definitely react when someone flirts with you but when you're just talking with a friend! If anything he'll swiftly join the conversation to not leave you alone with that person.
But let's say someone is flirting with you... he's not the type to loose his cools, especially in front of you so he'll just join the conversation but it's clear that the air is tense. He'll try making the person talking with you uncomfortable or hinting that you're taken by holding your hand or waist and calling you ant sort of nicknames, maybe even small kiss on cheek! But if the person talking to you won't get it... then he will actually loose it and start threatening them...
"If you won't stop right there and just walk away, I promise you, I'll torture you for hours with lighter, knife, saw or any other tool."
⊱ Sweet = Even when they're Yandere they can be sweet. What's their sweet Yandere side?
Tsukasa is caring. But his caring can turn into being possessive easily... although when you're alone, he shows as cute boy who was simply scared for your well being!
Let's say someone approached you and he was a bit mean... when you're alone or when he cools off, he won't decline his acts but he'll give you honest explanation! That he wasn't doing it for selfish manners like jealousy but because he was worried about them doing something to you that you wouldn't like, and he knows he'd be there to help you out but he still doesn't want you to go through it.
"Are you okey? Did they do something to you? Have they looked at you the wrong way? Should I have a talk with them?"
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⊱ Justification = Why are they acting like that? When did it started?
It all started by being simple friends with Rui... you had your casual chats, hangouts and so on. But the closer you were, the bigger his fear grew, fear that you may get enough of him one day.
After some time, he started seeing goodbyes as potential danger... it started by replacing "goodbye" with "see you" and getting you to say the same but soon... he was overthinking everything when you had to leave even if you had proven it was something really urgent. He couldn't sleep at night because he was thinking all over his actions and once it was done, he was thinking of what he can do to keep you close.
It shouldn't be a surprise that this big fear of you leaving him quickly turned into craving for your time. He needed to spend more time with you so now, he won't let go so easily of every potential second he can spend with you.
"They won't leave me forever, right? It really was just an important manner... They should call me soon... just as they promised!"
⊱ Other = Someone else speaks or flirts with you, how will they react?
You can be giving someone directions and Rui will get jealous! But his reaction depends on how long you're talking to someone...
For the most of time Rui just stares daggers through them while maybe also holding you close to him and giving you kisses on cheek, forehead, neck or even lips whenever he feels like person you're talking to needs to be reminded about a fact that you're his.
If you're not saying goodbye for a pretty long time tho... Rui will be quick to ask you quietly when do you plan on ending your conversation and if anything, he'll tell you to end it as quick as possible. When he has enough tho, he'll either make up excuse, tell the person he has enough of them or just pick you up and go, all depends on his mood.
"I think it's enough. It's time for us to finally go, my darling!"
⊱ Sweet = Even when they're Yandere they can be sweet. What's their sweet Yandere side?
Rui is simply afraid of you leaving him, there's nothing that scares him more than thought of you leaving him... So he might come off a bit possessive most of the time but there's also small sweet side that comes with it!
Whenever he feels afraid, he'll hold you tightly to him, preferably from front so he can he the only thing you're focusing on, as he spoils you with kisses and compliments.
"My dear... you're simply so perfect... you're so perfect I'm afraid I might loose you... you won't do it to me, right?"
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
Sigh. This is like watching a whole car crash that's about to happen. You know it's about to get so messy but you can't look away. First off, I'm glad the J names is catching up with everyone hahaha i didn't think I'd actually start a trend with that one. Second, I always read everyone's comments and ask after the parts, and I think I can safely say that I feel like I'm alone in thinking that there's so much more to what happened than meets the eye. I mean, everyone, including Pocket has all the right to be angry at Bennet because what he did was assholeish behaviour. But I really do feel like I'm the only one who's holding out full judgment against him because again, there's missing pieces here. I honestly think Joana has a bigger play in this than Brian did it. Like yes, he still had a choice in having sex with her, and yes the articles was a happy accident, but the things before that, I just know there's something she did to Boston, and while I have my theories, I can't have a clear idea as to what it was exactly yet. So, I'll just have to wait for Chapter 27 (it's seems so far away but god, time flies. I mean we're at Chapter 20 already). And I hate to add the technically about the cheating since it doesn't really matter, but i will reiterate that it wasn't the deed that was truly hurtful to Pocket, it was the constant lying.
Now let me get to the confrontation. While reading it, I'm glad Pocket stood her ground and set a boundary that there's nothing he could do to fix this because it absolutely is looking like that right now. And I did side-eye him a little with the crying and reasons he was spewing because accident? Really? I was getting slightly annoyed to when he didn't come clean right away either. And then he just kept promising things again and again and it's honestly just a cycle at this point. Because yeah, in order for his promise to have any validity, he has to fulfill them first, and so far? He's fulfilled none. He was getting pretty desperate in that closet. But I also can't blame him. I do think this is good for him though, because this is how he will truly see how much hurt he put Pocket through. But then I took a pause and realized how distraught he was, and yeah he's losing the love of his life, but I also have a feeling there's so much more as to why he can't say exactly what happened. I mean, not that Pocket has given him any chance but, I just can't shake the feeling that something else is at play here. And I can't wait to see the truth come out.
Now, onto Pocket's actions after that. Sigh. I don't agree with it at all. But I can't blame her either. Still, I just know that if something were to happen between her and Steveioli, she's going to regret it and she's going feel disgusted with herself because essentially, she's stooped down so low. I would've been fine if it was any other man but Steve? i mean, I don't hate him as much as you guys lol but I'm looking at the fact that he's your ex's best friend. And yeah, I'm all for petty revenge, but since I can't bring myself to fully be angry at Benson, I'm not all for doing the deed with Steve. Because for one, it's proving to Billy that his fears were right. Yeah, it going to hit him were it hurts, but who are we sure that he finally will understand the pain he's put Pocket through? What if this is just going to reinforce his insecurity because they've essentially been proven right. And I just know Jerald is going to milk this whole thing, I can already see her being the instigator and being like "See what I said. I told you I was right." And while Byron should grow some balls and not believe a word she saying, he's angry and hurt and insecure and fragile, he's bound to get manipulated again.
two, this is going to hurt Pocket more than she thinks. Like, the aftermath of this isn't going to be pretty, and I'm honestly just worried about Pocket because I really do feel like her actions in this is going to haunt her and is going to be much more harmful to her than she knows. I really don't want it to, but I have a feeling that if she goes down this route, something is going to bite her back in the ass and god, I'm so worried because she's been through enough. Basically, I'm just saying, this is going to do more harm to her than any good. Like sure, she's going to have the short moment of triumph and feel good with that revenge. But after?
Overall, I'm honestly can't celebrate anything that's been happening because I have a really bad feeling about everything hahaha like I'm just reading everything and sighing out loud. Like i just know this is going to blow up, so i can't even take in the small victories, if there are any. I'm glad Pocket is having fun and letting loose on her birthday though, and that she's feeling all the love from everyone because she does have great friends and she is very loved. She deserves to know that and more. But again, I have a feeling that it's going to be short-lived.
Again, amazing as always! I can't wait to see were you're taking us. I'm just here to enjoy the ride. Lots of Love!
— Jnon 🤍
My beloved Jnon, I'm sorry for responding to you so late today! Yesterday? IDK. The J-names a are vibe, and we're all feeling it, so thank you, you magnificent trend-setter. I appreciate you holding out judgement against Barnacle until all facts have been presented. Jif Peanut Butter's influence on his is definitely strong, and we'll see just how she manipulates him later on. Pocket is in for a pretty major downward spiral going forward and, at the risk of entering spoiler territory, not all of it is going to have to do with Bucky. His emotions when she called him out on his tryst with Joffery Baratheon were legitimate, but he's got to learn his lesson that words aren't going to fix things; his actions will (and I do feel bad-- he was trying so hard between when they first broke up and the Russia mission to avoid Jade, he really was, and he was doing so good, too; an genuine effort was being made!). And, Bestie, if you think Pocket sleeping with Steveoli would be "stooping down so low," whew boy! Just you wait! We gotta hit rock bottom, baby. Things will definitely bite her in the ass, and do much more harm than good for awhile. We're getting into some dark times ahead! Truly not a lot to celebrate rn; except for maybe Chapter 22, which is a flashback chapter, and some of my favorite writing, lol.
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doomedlemur · 2 months
Thoughts on the character motivations of secret relationships in AU fanfics...
I've been reading a lot of fanfiction, a lot of AU fanfiction, and something I've seen a few times now is Aziraphale wanting to keep his relationship with Crowley secret because it could potentially jeopardize his career if people knew. (Usually he's in the closet, but maybe there's something about Crowley specifically that makes it scandalous (or both).) This invariably leads to angst until Aziraphale decides to come out after all, and then they live out and proud together, happily ever after. Which, great! But—
I've just realized why this trope kind of bothers me: It isn't true to Aziraphale's character.
Because wanting to stay in heaven's good books isn't his primary motivation for keeping his friendship with Crowley a secret. I mean sure, obviously he doesn't want them to know, but his bigger worry has always been for Crowley and his safety. What if his side found out?
Look at him in the Globe scene, looking at Crowley with such fear: "If Hell finds out...they'll destroy you."
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That the secrecy is all just to keep his own public persona clean? No, it doesn't fit.
I have my quibbles with Shotgun Wedding, but this is something it got right, that the relationship is a danger to both their careers, and more to Crowley's than Aziraphale's.
Tangentially, another fic I was reading got me thinking about Crowley's role in this setup. Usually there's strife due to Crowley not being okay with being Aziraphale's dirty secret (which tbf is a legit understandable stance, and a great catalyst for Aziraphale's journey to self-acceptance), but in this one, while Aziraphale had the thing thinking that being with Crowley would ruin his career, Crowley's role was subverted. Instead of Crowley stepping away, Aziraphale pushed him away, assuming Crowley wouldn't want to be his secret, that it wouldn't be fair to him. Until eventually, Crowley snaps, calls him an idiot, and that he doesn't care if Aziraphale is in the closet or not! That he's okay with being Aziraphale's secret. (I hesitate to name the fic because this is a spoiler for the climactic revelations in it, but it is on my fanfic master rec list and if you like I'll tell you in DM.)
That blew my mind. It was so opposite to the other characterizations and yet felt so right for Crowley. He never cared that he had to see Aziraphale on the DL, so long as he got to see him, and he wouldn't dream of trying to make Aziraphale compromise his standing for his sake. "I'm not going to tell anybody. Are you?"
Anyway, all this to say that while I understand the plot setup and why it's used, looking past the surface level, it doesn't actually fit for either of these characters.
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not-eli · 6 months
"He can get hurt?"
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This line caused such controversial opinions in this fandom, and I'm less to say disappointed with how most people just attack Blitzø for what he said.
Let's analize this better shall we?
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It is no mistery that in Blitzø's hallucination, he sees Stolas sitting on a throne, looking all-mighty and handsome, tying him up to chains that represent the deal they set a long time ago. Blitzø of course felt conflicted, because while I think he DID like what they were doing, he also felt trapped and commanded by something bigger than him.
To who doesn't know, Imp's are like, the lowest class of hell. Even humans that got sent to hell come before them, so just imagine the difference between Stolas and Blitzø here.
Blitzø always saw Stolas as someone important, there's no doubt. Just because they sleep together now and then, it doesn't mean he sees him as an equal. Rich and powerful, Stolas MUST be able to protect himself, doesn't he?
At least that was what Blitzø thought. When he first got the call from Stolas, it was clear he did not take him seriously. He had already been his "bodyguard" for a while after all, and nothing serious happened. Why should he be too worried? Besides, he had to take care of Loona at the moment. Even when he leaves the job to M&M and enters the main hall, he's still rumbling between himself about how "he really had to get his feathered ass kidnapped NOW, I waited 5 years for this appointment damnit."
This could both mean that A) he's annoyed at Stolas in general or B) he kind of feels bad because a part of him did want to go and help him.
When he sees Stolas again, he almost doesn't want to believe it's him the one being brought to the hospital. You can understand that from how he looked at the feathers, with that "oh fuck I know these feathers" look, but still asked Millie wtf happened, not looking concerned for a brief second, just pissed. But when Millie confims that Stolas got hurt, Blitzø has a small denial phase where he stutters and continues to ask small, incredulous questions.
To quote, "Stolas got.. what? But- wha- who- how-? He can get hurt?"
You can see the pure schock and realisation on his face. The softness of his voice. I think that in that brief moment, he understood that no matter the social status and royalty, Stolas is deep inside just a demon, like him. He can get hurt, and maybe even die.
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It's a nice little detail that most missed, that for the very first time Blitzø is the one to text first. In all their other convos, Stolas was the one to start it.
Being someone with a constant sense of anxiety as well, I sometimes find myself hesitant to text someone or even talk to them. I can imagine what Blitzø, who possibly thought that it was all his fault - it clearly was not, but he still probably felt guilty for not being there for Stolas -, could have thought at that moment and probably has re-written that message over and over before sending it.
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A lot of people are also mad because Blitzø apparently left Stolas on read after that. But as we can see, he was typing before.
Again, think about the hesitation. We learn in after episodes how Blitzø struggles with self hatred and guilt due his past actions, events that happened just because of him and that he would do anything to delete, to go back in time and re do things correctly.
So at that moment, it must have been difficult to find something to say.
"I'm sorry"? "Are you feeling alright?"? "I should have been there"? "I'll see if I can come"?
Probably better to not say anything at all.
I was myself disappointed to learn that he did not visit Stolas at the hospital, not even once. But once again, I get that. Having to talk through text is already hard, imagine in person. In my opinion, he feared to face him directly and tried to do other things to distract himself from these complicated and twisted feelings he does not understand.
Even when he talks to Fizzaroli, he continues to exclude the SLIGHTEST possibility of Stolas having actual, pure feelings for him.
Blitzø suffers from such deep adbandonment issues and still has to deal with uncured trauma. I understand why he acts like he does, why he pushes people away. And I invite you all to do so too.
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bruxairacunda · 11 months
So here I bring some Persona 5 Royal headcanons I have because I kinda need to let them out of my system.
Would love to listen about your headcanons as well. Also if you're particularly interested in any of them I'd love to elaborate more or even write a short fic or whatever, just ask! <3 Many of them are post-game soooooo this gonna have spoilers. Also I'm gonna refer to the protagonist as Akiren because I can't decide on which name I prefer. I'm not gonna include here HC about ships for many reasons, one of them being that I want to keep these as neutral as possible. Other is that I'm against the idea of having a partner as a "goal". However I love shipping so probably I'll post headcanons about some ships sooner or later
This is already WAY TOO LONG so for the moment I'm not including more characters. Definitely there's gonna be an update sooner or later.
Phantom Thieves
Each of them have a big PT flag like the one you can see at Akiren's room during Shido's Palace.
After the events at Maruki's Palace they built a small shrine for Akechi, as they don't know where his grave might be or even if he has one. Of course they also left a PT flag for him there.
After Akiren's departure back to his hometown, the rest of the group kept being regulars at Leblanc. At the beginning they only went individually as customers, then they started going as a group, and some time later Sojiro just let them use the attic as they wanted. To compensate, some of them help Sojiro at the store, the most invested in lending a hand is Haru
Once, thanks to Morgana's help, the PT managed to go pay a surprise visit to Akiren at his hometown. He was so genuinely happy he started crying. That opened the floodgates and everyone started ugly crying for a long time. None of them wants to talk about this.
It gets really hard for the Phantom Thieves to make new friends or have a partner for a while. The bonds they formed are so strong and deep that for most of them it's really difficult to have that kind of connection again with anyone, and anything less than that seems like a waste of time. This is particularly hard for Yusuke, Futaba and Makoto, whose social skills aren't that good to begin with, and for a really long time they don't feel like they belong anywhere else but the PT
The whole group tries to meet at least once a year, but it gets difficult as time passes as Akiren is back in his hometown and Ann lives abroad most of the time. If one of them couldn't make it to a meeting, they try to at least videocall while they are still together
He dyes his hair himself and despite being quite used to it he has indeed fried it a couple of times. The first time it happened his mom told him he was gonna get bald if he kept damaging his hair like that. He pretends he's not worried about it at all, but getting bald is now a recurrent nightmare of his
He was utterly convinced he was dumb and a lost cause until Makoto offered to help him study for real and showed him that he just learns different, and traditional school doesn't accomodate to his needs.
He's pretty good at doing household chores. He started doing them to compensate the terrible son he thinks he is (he's clearly not but our boy has self steem issues). Later he realizes it's just the normal thing to do so he and his mom share domestic chores
His bigger fear is to be in any way similar to his father. That's one of the reasons why he dies his hair (his father has it black). Also that's why he's very against drinking alcohol. He doesn't intend to even drink it himself and he's very wary around people who drinks. Drunk people trigger him real bad.
It takes him a lot of time to move out from his mom's place. He feels like he's abandoning her, just like his father did, and doesn't feel comfotable leaving her living alone. Once he finally leaves to his own place, he keeps visiting her frequently and calls her several times a week
I know it's a very common headcanon but I don't care. He ends up being a teacher/trainer/instructor in anything sports related. Kids and teenagers adore him and he loves his job. But it's also is very hard for him because he mades his students problems his own and suffers with them
When Ryuji starts job-hunting he stops dieying his hair and goes back to his original black. He once went into Leblanc just after a job interview with black hair and wearing a suit and Futaba almost kicked him out because she though he was a random guy getting too friendly. The first time Morgana saw Ryuji with black hair, he hissed at him because he didn't recognized him. He gets back to blonde once he has a job that allows it
With his first decent salary, Ryuji got her mom a one night spa break so she could relax for once.
She finally admits to herself that despite her initial reticence she likes her PT outfit. As she grows older and she's able to separate herself from that projection of perfection she kept as a teenager, she starts wearing more "punkish" clothes (always under that classy aura of hers, of course)
She does the same with her enviroment, so once she gets her own place even if it's still organized and practical, she adds stuff that makes it more "Queen" and less "little miss perfect" than her room at Sae's . For example, she requests Yusuke a big painting of Johanna, so she won't forget her rebel spirit. She also has TONS of Buchimaru stuff she got at second hand stores that Futaba recommended her. And of course she has a boxing bag at the living room.
Everyone in the PT refers to her as the "mom friend", in fact they call her Momkoto...all behind her back of course, they are not brave enough to face the consequences. Ryuji slipped his tongue once and called her "mom" in front of the others out of habit. It's hard to know which of them both was most embarrased by it.
Whenever she rents a place to live she always tries for it to have some extra space she won't use that much so in case a friend needs somewhere to stay for a while she could offer them her place.
Her relationship with Sae improves drastically when she moves out. Funny enough, they start doing more stuff together than when they were both living under the same roof
Makoto wants to be a cop to try and change the system from the inside, that's why she wants to become a commissioner. Once she realizes it's almost impossible she has an existential crisis and doesn't know what to do with her life.
She gets into videogames due to her passion for Yakuza movies. Both Futaba and Ryuji convinced her to give a try to Yakuza games and she becomes obsessed. From them she jumps to more genres and her competitive nature did the rest. She once snatched in half a controller with her bare hands playing Mario Kart
After getting a motorcycle license she realizes she really enjoys the feeling of driving, so from there she went for a heavy vehicle license, then a special vehicles one...She kept it to herself (didn't see the need to say anything since nobody asked) and one day Haru told something about how it would be a lot easier to go to a certain place flying and Makoto offered to fly them there as she has a Private pilot license
Yusuke carries a sketchbook everywhere, even if he's not planning to draw anything or goes to a place in which he won't be able to draw. He just can't leave home without one
Of all the Phantom Thieves he is , by far, the one who spends more time at Leblanc
He and Sojiro get along pretty well, to the point that he becomes a father figure for Yusuke. Sojiro, far from being disgusted with this idea, embraces it and kinda adopts him. He even went to Yusuke's graduation at Kosei.
Despite his talent and dedication working as an artist becomes a struggle for Yusuke. Not only because how hard it is, but because the art he loves so much is many times used as a tool to get money and that clashes head-on with his idea of purity.
From time to time he disappears and it becomes really difficult to contact him in any way. He calls those moments "a journey of artistic and existential dread ", Futaba calls them "autistic burnout" (she's right)
It's really hard for him to keep a job. The moment something doesn't align with his moral compass he won't hesitate to speak out and most companies do not like employees who remind them the huge pieces of shit they are
At a certain point he gets into digital art as he has to admit it's easier to get by with commisions than just art contests. However traditional art keeps being his absolute fave and he always favours it. (I feel you, my boy, traditional artist speaking here)
Futaba (and Sojiro)
They both miss Morgana so much they end up adopting a cat. Sojiro allows it on one condition, he has the right to name it (it's terrible)
Every year at Wakaba's birthday Sojiro and Futaba celebrate it doing something she would have loved. There's always a lot of crying but for them is a very special day, even more than their own birthdays
Futaba gets a very VERY lucrative job in cyber security. She tries to give back everything Sojiro spent on her but he obviously refuses and won't accept a single yen. To compensate Futaba gets him really expensive presents from time to time
She doesn't want to leave Sojiro living by himself so instead of moving out, she gets a better place at Yongen-Jaya for both of them to live together.
Haru has little to none attachment to the money her father hoarded by exploiting others. That results in her not wasting it mindlessly, but using as much as she can to make other people happy (mainly her friends)
She always offers to lend her friends money if any of them needs it. They always refused until she told them "if you ask a bank for a credit you gotta pay interests, if you ask me for a credit my only interests would be company and coffee dates"
Haru commissions Yusuke whenever she realizes he's struggling financially. She asks for huge expensive art pieces, giving him complete freedom on what to do. It's her way to help him whitout making him feel that he owes her.
She later uses said pieces to decorate her coffee shop.
In her crusade to learn as much as she can about coffee, tea and coffee shops she makes a list of all the places in Tokyo (and other places in Japan) she wants to visit. Knowing that Yusuke would never decline anything food related she invites him to go with her, also wanting to know his opinion on the different places as she knows he would be brutally honest. That way coffee dates (in a completely platonic way) end up being a routine for both of them
On the menu of her coffee shop she has drinks inspired on each one of the Phantom thieves, fitting their preferences and named after their codenames at the Metaverse.
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pascaloverx · 7 months
Hit The Road
Chapter Seven
previous chapter next chapter
Summary: You are a hunter of supernatural beings who is forced to experience a new reality: being a vampire. The only thing stronger than your thirst for blood is your thirst for revenge.
Author's note: the characters mentioned here were created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the book series of the same name by author L. J. Smith. They don't belong to me. That said, this fanfic will be short. This fanfic may address scenes of violence, inappropriate language and adult content. Minors should not interact with this story. In this chapter there will be some flashbacks, whenever the lettering style is different; it will be a memory. Also some information here is not in the order of the series or the same way it happened in the series. I'm changing some things to fit the fanfic story. Hope you like it!
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You're standing in front of Stefan's car while he's talking to Caroline on the phone. It took about twenty minutes for him to convince her to go get the cure for werewolf. The name Klaus Mikaelson is said a few times during the conversation between Caroline and Stefan. It seems that she finds it curious that Stefan wants her to go after Klaus when she was involved only a short time ago romantically with Stefan. You can't help but think that if Caroline didn't seem to like you when she thought you was involved with Damon, imagine when she finds out that you slept with her ex?
"Caroline, this is much bigger than you and me. It's about saving the lives of two people, one of them is my brother and your best friend's ex. If you can soften Klaus' heart, I would appreciate it." Stefan speaks softly, like he's not nervous but his hands have been shaking since he rescued me and saw the werewolf bite. You are curious about why your imminent death disturbs this Salvatore's mind so much. Maybe he is remembering you, and the past you lived together.
"Thank you so much for agreeing to help, I owe you one. And tell Tyler that I'm in the middle of the highway where I found Damon's car and Y/N. " Stefan speaks seconds before ending the call, while you are standing outside the car admiring the bite mark becomes increasingly ugly on your arm. Your arm hurts like you're burning inside, and it doesn't look the best. You're trying to stay strong, you want to find Damon and help Stefan.
"Do you think she'll be able to talk this guy Mikaelson into helping us?" You ask a little suspicious that someone so powerful would help you in exchange for nothing.
"He will probably ask for something in return, you must be prepared. I don't know if he doesn't know you, if he does You'll probably owe him. But don't worry, I'll do my best to cover you in this." Stefan says, with a confidence that you admire. Maybe his brother and you will end up dying today but he seems to really believe we're going to get out of this.
"Listen, if we don't have another chance... I want you to know that I remembered you. I actually remembered us." You say with a little hope that he will remember you. You don't know how, or why you want him to look at you and say he recognizes you, but you deeply desire that Stefan remember what you felt for each other.
"What exactly did you remember?" Stefan asks, not seeming confused or lost. It appears he wants to know what you recalled because he's curious. Could he have started to believe that you both shared a romance?
"I remembered that you and I had a passion. Something somewhat forbidden because we got involved after I had been with your brother, but I feel like I truly wanted you. My heart seems to remember you more than my memory can convey." You respond hesitantly. You fear he may not have felt the same way or that he may never remember you.
"I also remembered something. You and I in a forest, bathing in a waterfall or something similar. It was like I could feel that moment, as if being with you made me feel alive." Stefan speaks, looking directly at you while he's crouched on the ground, checking the tire, and you're standing with your arms crossed in front of the car.
"I would really like to die knowing how much you meant to me..." You say softly, almost as if speaking to yourself. However, Stefan stands up immediately, facing you. You try to avoid Stefan's gaze by looking away, but he places both hands on your face, directing your gaze back to him.
Stefan doesn't wait another second and passionately kisses you, as if he wants this moment to be unforgettable. You respond to the kiss, running your hands through Stefan's hair. You end up climbing on top of the car, with your legs wrapped around Stefan's waist. At that moment you realized that you missed him, you missed his body close to yours, you missed feeling like he wanted you. The kiss is only interrupted when you hear the sound of a car approaching. Stefan looks over his head and sees someone he knows, as he waves at the person to come closer.
"What's the plan to find your bloodsucking brother?" A man speaks coming towards the two of us as we compose ourselves. When you are about to say something, you feel a weakness take over you, while your conscience drifts away. You lose your breath as you feel your body fall to the ground.
"Love is not something we choose, Stefan. Obviously, I didn't choose to love you and your brother. So don't you dare call me confused." you shout as you angrily walk into the cabin. Stefan is right behind you, trying to hold you back. You slam the cabin door in his face. He follows you into the cabin and you regret the day you let him into it.
"You didn't let me finish talking, but between you and me, it's at least strange that you're in love with me and him. You said yourself that you would never do that." Stefan says while holding your arm, trying to turn you towards him. But you take the wooden stake and it almost sticks in his chest.
"You compared me to the doppelgangers, and then what do you want me to do, suck you under a tree to celebrate the fact that you think I like all this?" You speak furiously but Stefan doesn't take you seriously. He smiles maybe because you mentioned a blowjob or maybe because he likes to irritate you.
"I love it when you get angry and say something dirty like it's nothing. It's just that you don't know what it's like to know that you'll hardly be loved by a woman without her loving your brother." Stefan says, his tone revealing a mix of frustration and vulnerability.
"I love you. Even though it would be easier not to. It would be easier to love your brother and stick to the agreement you and I made to sleep together without getting attached. I'll love you even while loving your brother. Because you're worth the risk. I'm sorry if this isn't ideal for you." You finish speaking with such intensity that you don't feel the tears streaming down your face, but you know you're crying.
"You didn't understand. As bad as it might be, even in hell, your love would be one of the best things that ever happened to me." Stefan says, wiping away your tears. You look at him with such sincerity that you get lost in Stefan's gaze. You then lean in to kiss him. You want him, and even though it's wrong, you want to keep making this mistake.
You wake up again in Stefan's car, in the passenger seat. You're on a dark road that seems to be in the middle of nowhere. You slowly lift your head, feeling a pain coursing through your entire body. Stefan looks apprehensive, even though he's focused on the road. You finally turn fully towards him to let him know that you've regained consciousness.
"You blacked out for an hour, which is quite impressive for a vampire. You also mumbled things, as if dreaming about me, and seemed really upset, so I thought it best to let you rest." Stefan says, glancing sideways at you. His gaze carries a mix of concern and relief as he continues driving along the dark road.
"These visions, when mixed with a bite that's slowly killing me, can be incredibly intense. I almost feel like I'm human again." You say, adjusting yourself in the car seat, while a strange taste lingers in your mouth, as if someone fed you blood while you were unconscious.
"They must have been really intense; you were thrashing against the car seat. I told you it was better for you to stay home." Stefan says, sounding concerned. You find it a bit overprotective but romantic. He keeps driving, maintaining a watchful gaze on the dark road ahead, the worry lingering in his eyes.
"And who will protect you while you play the hero? If I'm going to die, let it be helping what might have been the great loves of my life." You add, the weight of the situation evident in your words. Stefan's expression softens, realizing the gravity of your sacrifice.
The car comes to a sudden stop, startling you. Stefan, who was following the car in front of you, seems to brace for the worst. You realize the warehouse in front of you must be the place where Damon is. Stefan prepares to get out of the car, while you struggle unsuccessfully to exit.
"Stefan, the door is locked. I hope you're not planning on leaving me here." You almost shout, using all the strength you have to try and exit the car with your vampire abilities. Whether it's weakness from the bite or not fully recovering from your fall, you seem unable to get out.
Stefan looks at you, murmuring a "sorry" as if it could make a difference. The humiliation fuels your anger, giving you the willpower to make another attempt at escaping the car. This guy Tyler seems to be helping Stefan with this situation. But something in you says you need to go there. Maybe it's death warning you that you need to go to the Salvatore brothers. You concentrate enough to kick Stefan's car door away. You feel like your strength is fading but you resist. Damon and Stefan need you, that's what your conscience says.
When you enter the warehouse Stefan is holding a werewolf by the neck and breaking its neck. Tyler is beating up two other werewolves, while Damon...
Damon is bleeding, trapped in what appears to be two bear traps, he has blood marks all over his body. His expression is one of pain, you feel like your heart would break just looking at him. One werewolf continues to torture him, using a wooden weapon and piercing Damon. You don't see anything in front of you, you just kill what appears in front of you. When you finally get to Damon, stick the gun that the werewolf was using it to hurt Damon and shoves it down the werewolf's throat. Damon looks at you with passion, and for the first time since you rediscovered him after losing your memory, you feel that Damon truly loves you.
"You kept your promise..." Damon murmurs, almost breathless. You release him from the trap, and he roars in pain. Offering your shoulder for support, you help him lean on you.
"What promise?" Is all you manage to say before seeing an arrow pierce Damon's abdomen.A werewolf shot that arrow to hit you but Damon got in front. He fell to the ground as blood came out of his mouth. You fear that Damon will die, you don't want to lose his love. When you kneel on the floor and see Damon agonizing in pain, you feel like your world is rocked. You knock the arrow out of Damon and shout to Stefan, who can give Damon his blood to drink. You look at Damon, who seems to be recovering from the arrow. You got the feeling as if a weight is leaving your shoulder. And then in the midst of it all you feel something warm come out of your nose when you touch it; see blood. And then you loses consciousness.
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"Marry me?" Damon suggests, as you stand there waiting for him to explain why he's standing in front of your cabin in the middle of the night.
"You just came from a date with your girlfriend, and now you want to marry your second option?" You say, still recovering from your interrupted sleep.
"I was with my EX-girlfriend at a ball that I committed to attend long before breaking up with her, but that's not the point. I can't get you out of my head and my heart. So, marry me." Damon says, his voice holding a mix of sincerity and urgency as he awaits your response.
"Marriage for what reason? You're not even a human, for God's sake." You say, finding it hard to believe that this is happening now.
"Because you're human, and I want that commitment with you. I'll repeat, marry me?" Damon insists, his gaze fixed on you with a sense of determination.
"I do, Damon. If you want me to say I accept you in sickness and in health, even though you won't get sick. I promise to be by your side in richness and in poorness, but as you're a vampire, you must be rich. And all of this until death do us part. But death has already parted us, so..." Before you can finish, he interrupts you with a kiss.
"Do you promise to sacrifice your life if I need help?" Damon adds, as if he's truly conducting a wedding ceremony.
"I promise. Do you promise to protect me from anything that tries to harm me?" You say, looking at him, totally enchanted.
"I promise. I guess we're husband and wife now. You're a Salvatore and I am your husband." Damon says, kissing you intensely and entering the cabin with you.
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mrssimply · 1 month
Sorry to brother you with one of your old cyberpunk 2077 works, but I've been tortured by "what if" scenario. What if it was Kerry who died in "Until we meet again" world?
First of all, you're not bothering me AT ALL, I'm super happy you want to talk about that fiction. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, Until we Meet Again has a very special place in my heart, because it's not only a work I'm proud of, it was also a friendship adventure!
But back on topic.
I really never thought about it before seeing your ask, and it really threw me in a loop. I really came up blank at first, like it was just impossible.
Also, a funny thing is that @koda-shoulda-woulda-but-didnt and I were talking about a similar scenario he had for a story a few weeks before your ask, so my first move was to send him that with "maybe you should answer it xD".
No that I've thought about it a little bit more (sorry for the delay), here is what I can say.
[Spoiler for the fic, obviously, so I put everything under the cut just in case]
What makes the situation in the original fic particularly tragic, is that V is the cog that finally makes it work between Johnny and Kerry. Him dying also means the end of that (which is why Johnny end up nearly killing Kerry out of grief). Any other member of the trouple dying would've been a better outcome (I know it sounds harsh like that) simply because V is the only one in that trio who know how to articulate emotions and deal with them. The other two are too emotionally immature to get by by themselves. They deal with grief by turning it into violence against themselves, against each other, against the world.
V being alive means he would've been here to help Johnny through his grief. I think in that case, despite the process still being pretty violent, Johnny would've come out better and more balanced. I think he might have taken a bigger leadership role into the revolution (in the fic, people think he and Kerry are the leaders but it's actually Rogue who is doing all the work, they're just here to fight and kill people and then they basically disapear, you won't even see them at the debrief). V being here to help him through the process would've had a similar result than what we see in game, he would be more tempered and less angry, he would try to do something positive for the world. But I also think he would become particularly paranoid about V coming to harm, so he would constantly be trying to stop him from going on dangerous jobs, and they would fight a lot about how, since V is the leader of their revolution, he shouldn't be on the field so much, he should send Johnny, Johnny is there for that, it doesn't matter if Johnny dies (You can imagine V's reaction to that particular argument).
Helping Johnny through his grief also means V doesn't have a lot of room to deal with his. V dealing with his grief would be pretty much invisible anyway, he would deal with it inwardly and silently. His mother would help him deal with it, but she would be the only one he would let in. I think it might even lead people to wonder if he was really attached to Kerry, if he seems to be doing so fine just a few months after. The truth is, he would probably be so worried and focused on Johnny he would "forget" to deal with his own emotions, and it would backfire at some point, probably months or even years later. The moment Johnny would show the first signs of being able to walk on his own, V would probably crumble, and he would totally try to hide it from Johnny, from fear it would worry him. Grief would make V close up on himself more, he would be really exhausted from it. He wouldn't grow cold, quiet the contrary, he would throw himself at the grief of others, help them through it because it's the only way he knows how to deal with his. But he would certainly become more... mysterious?
They would have that relationship where they try to protect the other so much they end up hurting themselves and the other. It would drive Rogue mad because they end up making decisions to try to protect the other from harm instead of beeing rational and seeing the big picture. She would totally learn how to play on that anyway because she ain't the Queen of Darnkess for nothing <3.
But I think in the end, he and Johnny would've broken up, probably in a weird way where they just drift silently appart, and don't talk about it and one day Johnny takes his stuff and moves out and V doesn't say anything about it so he thinks that's it, that's what he wanted. They both think that the other left because being together hurt too much. And they would be those weird exes that clearly still love each other, get jealous when the other is seeing someone else (but I'm not sure V would ever have any other relationship, but Johnny would absolutely have a string of meaningless flings he would parade in front of V just to get a reaction, and be disapointed when V seemingly doesn't care). Contrary to Johnny and Kerry in the original fic, they would'nt sleep with each other anymore (V's rule).
Now, another point is also how Kerry ended up on that mission, and I think it's pretty easy. He nearly did in the original fic, actually. The moment they get on the chopper, he regrets not going with them so it's easy to imagine he would decide to go at the last moment. I really think he had his gear ready, but he hid it from Johnny and V because he lept hesitating to go. He really wanted to get out of merc life, go back to music, but at the same time the mission looked pretty dangerous and he needed to be with them. During the mission, Johnny and he would fall back on their habit from the war, so Kerry would follow him in his mad taunting of Smasher, and Kerry would take the hits instead of Johnny. Also, V would totally be haunted by the idea he could've lost both, since they were standing so close. For a moment, he thought they were both dead, since Johnny still took some bullets too.
As for Kerry being brought back to life as a clone, Arasaka would follow basically the same idea as in the original fic. I just think it would work even less because Kerry is a LOT more feral than V, so he would've made a pretty bad bodyguard xD. So instead of that, they would've turned him into a starlet like the Us Crack. Getting him on stage and singing in front of thousands would've been the only way to keep him somewhat in line, and that way he also brought them money. His stage persona would be wearing a mask or a helmet to prevent people from reognize him. He would be a pop star, but couldn't help but lean into rock, and fight his creative team to push for more gritty sounds, like this band, Samurai? And the team would be like "oh no, Kerry-san, Samurai is super bad, lets focus on your collab with Us Cracks?" (he would've totally been working on a hard rock cover of their collab song with the girls in secret).
That's how Johnny and V finds him: they are to meet with Yorinobu in secret during the concert to get the relic, but Saburo learns about it, comes to the concert, cue chaos happens (everyone survives, including Jackie who was part of the team on site, of course). In the mayhem, V and Johnny end up fighting off Arasaka guards on stage, and by some Divine Intervention on the author's part, Kerry's helmet gets thrown off his face.
I think the key difference in that story would be that... Kerry was sorta happier in his rebirth as a clone: he gets to be on stage, to sing, be heard and admired, it's bascally what he wanted. He also gets pampered from the starts (since they're observing the long term consequences of cloning and using the relic, he's basically a diva), so he wouldn't know any of the hardships he knew in his past life. Sure, he gets the same feeling of missing a vital part of himself, but it just makes him a better musician, and he probably thought it was part of being born to create music.
Meeting Johnny and V is first a rush of joy when part of himself recognize his soulmates, but the more he learns about them, about who their are, what they're doing, and who he was before... The less enthusiastic he is about it. Johnny of course doesn't react well to that (what a surprise), because it's such a slap in the face to have Kerry reject and critisize the life he had, saying he was pretty much miserable from what they're telling him, and that he doesn't want it. Seeing his best friend, the one that was here from the begining, that saved him time and time again, dismiss their time in the war, their struggles, and their causes, being such a fucking bitch, he would hate it.
V, ever the respectful baby that he is, tries to give Kerry space, understand his perspective etc etc. But at the same time, the grief he burried deep inside of him is coming full force, and he's going to have to face it now. Kerry is actually a lot more interested by that, by this mad who seems so fucking sad, who has such pretty puppy eyes, and who treats him like he's divine, and yet it's so different from the worship he gets from fans. Kerry would actually want to make him feel better, because when he looks at V, he just wants to hold the man and cry.
Kerry and Johnny would probably reconcile through music (very original, I know), when Johnny discovers the cover Kerry and the Us Cracks were working on. It sounds like a Samurai song, and the lyrics that sounded so bland over a pop song actually resonate a lot more with heavy riffs behind. Suddenly, it's a revolutionary song.
The rest of the fic's events would probably happen the same way. I think Kerry would've about the same struggles to reconcile who is and what he was. Also, I imagine the conversation with Alt would be enlighning like "Oh yeah, Johnny loved me but even I wasn't such a fool I couldn't see he loved you more and was just afraid that saying it out loud would curse it and you would be taken away from him, and hey, look, he was right! Now, kiss your doppleganger so I can get back to destrying Mikoshi".
I think the story would end on V finally crying, finally talking about his own grief, finally being conforted by Johnny and Kerry.
There. I aswered. It was a wild ride actually, and a very interesting exercise. Thank you so, so much anon for asking about it. Allowing an author to talk about their stories is the best gift you can give them, and me in that occurence!!!
So really, thank you so much, whoever you are <3
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onsunnyside · 2 years
hi sonny! it's becoming colder and one of my favourite winter tropes is getting snowed in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and i really wanted to spew my thoughts. i imagine maybe reader got lost or she's just a bad driver, but she suddenly finds herself in the middle of nowhere and the only establishment in sight is a cabin. she knocks on the door and it opens up to gruff and buff lumberjack daddy ari levinson who begrudgingly lets her lodge with him so she doesn't freeze to death. maybe she's a city girl who isn't used to being without phone service or the constant bustling of the streets so she's a constant annoyance to ari who secretly enjoys it. ari doesn't celebrate the holidays but the reader insists on doing something for him so on a "totally normal 25th of december", she attempts to bake him pie and make a present for him, maybe smut as a treat. followed by a sweet new years eve where ari isn't alone for the first time in a few years because a sweet little lady decided to turn up out of nowhere and turn his peaceful life upsidedown. and oops this ended up a bit longer than expected but i'm just a sucker for lumberjack ari. 🥮💖
“You don’t have snow in the city?” He huffs, cleaning up the trails of melting snow on the floorboards. If his mama knew he let a random girl in his home—he wouldn't hear the end of it.
“Not like this.” You shiver, scooting closer to his burning fireplace. “Never like this, I couldn't even see my hands in front of me!"
The fella bigger than a fucking mountain shrugs his broad shoulders, "That's normal here. At least during this time of year."
“That's horrible." You pout, staring down at your wet socks. "My clothes are all wet too... Ugh, I should've never thought I could make the drive! I run over curbs all the time! My daddy's gonna kill me." You mourn your car currently stuck in a snow bank without any fuel. It wasn't your fault, you couldn't see a thing because of the blizzard. "Don't let him kill me, Mr. Lumberjack man."
"I don't know you well enough to sacrifice myself." He masks his smile with a cough and gestures down the hall, "I'll find you something warm to wear. Stay there."
maybe a day later, the day you're about to leave: Ari wakes up to a full breakfast. The couch wasn't terrible, but his feet were hanging off the whole time and every time he turned, he feared he'd fall to the floor. But, Ari would rather be uncomfortable with cold feet before he let the pretty city girl sleep on the couch.
"G'morning!" You grin from the kitchen, carefully handling a tray of biscuits. "I hope you've got a big appetite! I made all my favourite recipes because I wanted to thank you."
Even in his bleary vision, you're glowing, grinning so brightly and clad in his thickest knit sweater and a pair of sweatpants. He could get used to this.
You turn and open the blinds, your face immediately falling. "What the fuck."
Ari quickly stands up, spotting the snow piling outside the kitchen window. "Awh, shit. We're snowed in." He strides to the door and peers through the curtains, further confirming his observation. The snow was feet high and impossible to tread through.
"I just saw it earlier and it was fine!"
"The weather is pretty unpredictable here. Don't worry if the power goes out, I've got generators, a water tank, and my basement is fully stocked too. All we gotta do is wait it out."
Your eyes fall on his body, trailing down his thick, hairy chest to his tummy. You follow the dark trail to his lower stomach before it disappears under his pyjama pants—offering a generous peek of his bushy pubic hair. Only then do you notice the bulge between his thighs.
Ari smirks, chuckling to himself and doing a slow turn, allowing you to gaze upon his whole body. So he was cocky, sue him! It's been a while since he's been this close (and half-naked) to someone else, and he'd be lying if he said those naughty thoughts hadn't crossed his mind. Looking over his shoulder, he catches your wide stare, "Keep the food warm while I wash up, yeah?"
CUE THE MONTAGE !! YOU COULD BE SO ANNOYING TO HIM, ASKING ABOUT ALL OF HIS HOMEMADE FURNITURE, THE PHOTOGRAPHS AND ART THAT COVER THE WALLS ("One of my friends took the pictures and another drew all the other shit.") OH, but then you find out he was lying about a few of the pieces bc they had different signatures, and what do you know !! Lumberjack daddy Ari is an artist himself (what else to do in the middle of nowhere). so much baking and cooking too. You share recipes. Ari reads you his favourite book as you sit by the fireplace, and you eventually end up with your head in his lap and his warm hand in yours 🥺🥺
when the snow melts and you're able to go outside, you don't even want to leave anymore 🥺 is there truly more to life than sweet isolation in a cabin with a hunk from your dreams ?? or have you found your forever place 🥺
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crystalsnow95z · 9 months
can you write a sickfic about jimin coming down with a cold while shooting run bts?
Hopefully this is acceptable to you. I don't have the spare time to rewrite it.. I just wrote without planning ahead. The ending sucks. If you don't like it I'll write a new one
Tw: IV used so needle meantion?
"Jiminie, choose a paper." J-Hope gently nudges Jimin to get his attention.
"Huh? Oh, right. Sorry." Jimin takes a piece of paper from the cup. "I got-"
"No, no don't tell them Jimin-sii. It's a scavenger hunt. You need to find the item. Telling the others will make it harder." Staff warns him.
"Ah, right. Thank you." He bows, fighting off the urge to cough.
"Are you feeling okay Jiminah? Your voice sounds off." Yoongi places a hand on his shoulder, worry flashing in his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Its just a little tickle in my throat. I'll rest when I get home. It's no big deal." Jimin smiles, trying to sound convincing even with another cough following his words.
"Are you sure Jimin? You could sit this one out and be an MC if you aren't feeling well." Namjoon frets as well, placing his hand on the back if Jimin's neck, checking for warmth.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just a little cold. It's just annoying." Jimin moves away from Namjoon, checking his objects again before folding up the paper, putting it in his jeans pocket."Okay, I'm ready."
The boys are led to a giant warehouse, where they must find their seven items and return to staff everyone given a bag to put their items in.
"You can team up if you like, but that means you have to find each item on every players list. If one finishes all seven, they must wait for their teammates to find all seven as well." Staff explains the rules once more when they reach the destination.
"So it's a gamble.." Yoongi weighs his options of working with someone or working on his own.
"Taehyungie-Hyungie team up with me!" Jungkook jumps onto the back of Taehyung, almost making both men topple forward.
"Aiish Jungkook-ah give me warning before you jump on me.." Taehyung scolds in fear, adjusting the mankae so he doesn't fall, heart racing. "You almost made us fall.."
"Sorry Hyungie. I just think it'll be more fun in a group and you're pretty good at these types of things." Jungkook apologizes, leaning into Taehyung’s cheek.
"Alright Koo. Let's do this together!" Taehyung quickly recovers his cheerfulness, forgiving him instantly.
"If they're teaming together, will you team up with me hyung?"J-Hope asks Yoongi.
"Allright..alright.." Yoongi gives in istantly.
Jimin thought about asking someone to team up with him, but thought against it. It would be easier to hide how awful he felt if he didn't have a team mate.
"Anyone else teaming up?" Staff asks.
"Do we have to decide now?" Jin asks.
"No. You can decide to team up in game but once you agree to be on a team you can't back out."
"Okay, okay. I got it. I'll decide later." Jin replied politely.
"Me too." Jimin adds in and with that, the game begins.
Jungkook gets off Taehyungs back, pulling him into the building.
"They're gonna burn out quickly if they plan to run around.." Yoongi smiles.
"And they might pass up ah item.." Namjoon adds in.
Jimin waits for the others to go in, pretending to adjust his head cam before sneezing into his hands. "Hehitgzh!"
"Bless you." Staff says sympathically.
"Thanks.." Jimin smiles politely, going inside the building. It was a lot bigger on the inside, making him feel worried about finding his items.
Mang toy, snow globe, purple bouncy ball, army headband, red mic, stuffed cat, and a heart.. I wonder if anyone has the same items on their list..
Jimin repeated the list over and over in his head, coughing into his elbow. He could hear the sound of J-hope happily squealing, so he could only assume he already found an item.
"The faster I do this, the sooner I can sit and rest.." Jimin mutters to himself, going through the building. The more he walked, the more tired he became.
"What if we collect things not on our list?" Jimin hears the voice of Jungkook in the hallway head.
"You want to sabotage the other teams?" Taehyung questions.
"What if they have the same idea? Or we can use the items as a trade off if they do!" Jungkook says excitedly.
Jimin covered his face, trying to fight off the urge to sneeze, but even with managing to stop himself, a cough escapes, his sinuses draining into his throat. He tried to muffle it while he runs, but it slowed him down, making him feel dizzy.
"Was that Minnie?" Taehyung questions, quickly turning the corner to find him.
Jimin tries to quickly go into a room to avoid him, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping, but Taehyung grabs onto the back of his shirt before he could get away.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't-"
"Are you okay Jimin-ah?" Taehyung shows no interest in blaming him for spying, only having concern in his big brown eyes.
"Huh..? That's what you followed me for?" Jimin blinks, dumbfounded.
"Of course. The game isn't important if you're unwell." Taehyung says in a serious tone, using his sleeve to wipe Jimin's nose.
"Don't do that you could get sick." Jimin backs up, quickly pulling out the face mask from his pocket, putting it on to protect his fellow 95er.
"It'll be easier on you if you had a teammate, they can help find things with you."
"But you already have Jungkook-ah. That's 21 things to find."
"We don't care about that Hyung." Jungkook adds in, finding the room they slipped into. "We can find 21 things together! We already have two!" Jungkook proudly presents a golden mic charm and a Koya plush.
"But that'll be.." Jimin's words get cut off by another bout of coughs. Jungkook takes this as an opportunity to take Jimin's paper from his back pocket as Taehyung strokes Jimin's back.
"More Minnie, it sounds like you're getting worse.." Taehyung frowns, taking Jimin's hand. "Don't worry. We'll find all your items plus our own!"
"But I said-"
"Too late! I already took your note. That means you gotta team with me!" Jungkook waves the red sheet of paper he pick pocketed. "We already got an item from this list!" Jungkook says excitedly, digging a bouncy ball from his pocket.
"See? It was destiny for us to work together! That makes one item each!" Taehyung smiles brightly.
"Oh alright.." Jimin didn't care if he won or lost right now. They still had to spin the penalty wheel and some of the things listed weren't so bad.
"We gotta hurry though. Do you want me to carry you Hyung?" Jungkook offers, getting down for Jimin to get on his back.
Jimin shakes his head, afraid if he spoke he'd cough.
"Oh alright.. the offers always there.." Jungkook straightens up, giving the paper to Taehyung to look over. The mankae line walks down the hallway together, Jimin staying a couple steps behind, surpressing another sneeze.
"Where should we go next.. the hallway goes in three different directions.." Jungkooks eyes dart from one hall to the other, trying to decide which is the best option.
"should we split up and meet up back here in 10 minutes, but let me see your lists first." Jimin had to get away, his head pounding from the pressure.
"You can take mine, I memorized it." Taehyung gives up his purple paper.
"Take mine too." Jungkook gives up his pink one.
Jimin nods, going right.
"Is it okay to let him go alone?" Jungkook watches him go. "He's looking pale.."
"He's gonna try to hide how he feels. It's better to let him go and let it out instead of him holding it to stop us from worrying.." Taehyung knew his friend very well.
Jimin slipped into a room, releasing the sneezes he was trying to hold in. "Hehtichih! Hehitch! He'iychiugh.." he whines, feeling the snot soak into the cloth mask. "Uuh.." he takes it off with a sigh, trying to clean it off with a crumpled up tissue.
"Here Jiminie." Jin offers him a new tissue. "Blow your nose for hyung."
"Aiish! Hyung you scared me!" Jimin jumps at the sudden new voice, accepting the tissue, turning away to try to clear his nose.
"Sorry Jimin. I didn't mean to." Jin says gently. "Namjoon-Ah was looking for you. He wanted to team up with you, but seeing those papers in your hand you already got a team."
"Oh, yeah.. they bullied me into it.." Jimin smiles fondly.
"I'm glad." Jin smiles. "I'll let you look in this room then. I found something already."
He waves a Tata doll proudly. "Take it easy okay? Do you want me to get staff for you?"
"No. Im fine. Its just a little cold. I can do this."
Jin gives him a small packet of tissues from his bag. "Please tell staff if it becomes too much okay?" He plants a kiss on top of Jimin's head before leaving.
"Thanks hyung.." jimin searches the room, looking at the papers over and over. He couldn't focus on the words, only taking a minute to forget half the list.
This is not good.. I'm gonna hold them back..
Jimin runs a hand through his hair, the stress of disappointing his team, only making his headache worsen. He buries his head in his hands, trying to take a deep breath to calm himself, but when he tries to fill his lungs, a hacking cough comes.
I don't feel well at all.. I'll just rest for a minute..
Jimin lays on his side, taking deep breaths to try to calm his nerves, closing his eyes. He only got a few minutes to rest before the itch returned to his throat,coughing up phlegm, sitting up again. "Wait.. a snow globe!"
Jimin rushes to underneath the table, relieved when he picks up the small globe. "Oh wow.. it's got the BTS logo inside with BT21 playing around it.."
"What does?" Jungkook asks, rushing to Jimin's side.
"This.." He shows him the snow globe. "Has it been ten minutes already?"
"No.. I just got worried about you.." Jungkook admits with a bashful smile. "Jinnie-hyung said you were sneezing a lot, so I went to check on you.."
"Thanks Jungkook-ah. I'm feeling better now that I found something. I was worried I'd only be dead weight.."
"Even if you were, its okay. If you want you can just rest in this room as me and Taehyungie will do it!"
"No. No, i can help." Jimin makes it to his feet. "I just don't think I can run without burning out."
"You don't have to run. I'll do all the running! When we find all 21 items I'll carry you to the entrance on my back!" Jungkook says confidently.
"Even if we find the last item all the way at the far end of the building?" Jimin teases.
"Mm.. I'll ask Taehyungie to help if that happens."
Jimin giggles, but it quickly turns into a cough.
"Let's go meet up with Taehyungie.." He quickly pulls Jungkook trying to not give him time to worry.
"Alright..." Jungkook doesn't stop him, meeting in the fork in the hallway for Taehyung.
"I found a heart!" Taehyung approaches proudly. "And a Stuffed puppy. It kinda looks like rapmon!" He shows the white dog. "Isn't it cute?"
"A heart was on my paper too.. does that mean we gotta find two?" Jungkook asks curiously.
"We should look for one just in case.. Jiminie how are you holding up? This room I found has a couch in it. You can lay down for a bit."
"Oh! I forgot! I found a rubber duck. That was on your list wasn't it Taehyungie?"
"Yes! We're doing good! So good!" Taehyung smiles. "Also I saw Namjoonie-hyung and Jinnie-hyung together. I think they formed a team. That means they'll have to find 14 items."
"That's good.. that doesn't put us at too much of a disadvantage." Jungkook smiles. "We could still avoid last place!"
Jimin relaxes, feeding off of their positive energy. He pulls out the snow globe from his bag, trying to show his contribution."Oh Tete look at this snowglo.." he nearly drops it when he starts coughing. Taehyung hugs him from behind, placing his hands on Jimin's to steady them.
"Are you okay Jimin-sii?" Jungkook takes the snow globe from Jimin, looking at him with wide panicked eyes. "Maybe you should lay down.."
Jimin gives in. He couldn't keep pretending he was okay. It was starting to hurt to breathe and he felt chills run down his spine. "Okay.."
Jungkook picks him up before he can argue, letting Taehyung lead the way to the room with a nice plush couch. "Here you go, Jiminie, nice and comfy.." He places him down, taking off his jacket for Jimin to use as a blanket.
"Thanks, Jungkook-ah.. I'll just lay down for a little bit, then I'll help.." Jimin curls up on his side, coughing into his fist.
"Don't worry about it, Minnie. Rest well, okay?" Taehyung gently moves Jimin's hair out of his face. "I'll come back to check on you soon. Okay?"
"Okay.. I'm sorry.." Jimin yawns, exhaustion hitting hard when his body starts relaxing.
Taehyung and Jungkook go to the door, but instead of Taehyung leaving, the two boys silently play rock, paper scissors, Taehyung hiding in the room, and Jungkook leaving.
Taehyung waited until he heard Jimin's nasally snore to come out of hiding, sitting on the floor in front of the couch gently stroking . "My poor Minnie, Jk is gonna get staff.."
Jimin wakes up laying in J-hope's lap. "Huh? When did i.." His voice comes out hoarsely, getting quieter as he tried to speak, trying to sit up to look around.
"Shh..don't talk baby and be careful.. you have an IV in." J-hope pushes him back down.
"What about the game?" Jimin disobeyed J-hope wanting his questions answered.
"Me and Yoongi finished, so I decided to come sit with you."
"Did..we lose?" Jimin asks.
"No. Everyone else is still in the game. Yoongi-hyung is watching the others still playing.
Jimin relaxes a little. "Who's winning?"
"Right now, it's Junggukkie and Tae. They got 2 more to find to Joonie and hyungs 4. It's a really close game." J-hope smiles. "You don't have to worry about not being there, so just take it easy. Can you drink some water for me?"
Jimin nods, sitting up slowly. J-hope opens the water bottle for him. The cool water felt nice on his sore throat.
"Jiminie is up? That's great." Yoongi's shoulders slump in relief when he comes over. "How are you feeling Jimin?"
"I'm feeling a little better now.." Jimin sniffles.
Yoongi looks for a tissue when he hears him. "Guess what Jiminie?" He asks wiping Jimin's nose.
"Taehyungie and Kook got second. Namjoon-ah and hyung will be getting the penalty." Yoongi tells him with a smile. If they got last place, he was willing to take Jimin's for him feeling relieved he didn't have to.
Taehyung and Jungkook run up to Jimin. "We did it! We did it! We didn't get last place!" Jungkook cheers loudly.
"I'm sorry I wasn't much help." Jimin says guilt weighing in his chest.
"The thing Namjoonie-hyung and Seokjinnie hyung couldn't find was the snowglobe. There were only two in the whole warehouse. We probably wouldn't have won without you." Jungkook comforts Jimin, getting a smile.
"And with second place we get to keep the things we found, but I gave the dog to Namjoonie." Taehyung gives Jimin his bag from the game, it holding all seven treasures on his list.
"Thanks Tete. I'll treasure the snowglobe as our winning trophy." Jimin smiles, stifling another sneeze. He didn't want to ruin the mood.
"We decided we'll do the punishment in the next episode. We want to get you home.." J-hope squeezes Jimin's hand, watching staff remove the IV.
Jimin winces, staff quickly putting a bandaid over it. "Thank you.." he bows his head to staff. "I'm sorry, I worried everyone.."
"Don't worry..you can help it when you're sick. I'll make you some tea and jook when we get home." Jin ruffles his hair lovingly. "Hyung will take care of you. Let's do the outro and get home."
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halfmoth-halfman · 10 months
The new chapter??? I mean, every time I read your fics I’m completely immersed in the story. The way you distribute tension in the chapters makes them so interesting, I’m never at a point where I feel like the story is getting boring. (English is my third language if any of this is confusing I apologise😭).
And the conversation with Ghost?? I’ve been waiting for something like it, I’m really interested in your portrayal of him!! I feel like you’re one of the few writers who write him well, I’d love to see some sort of character analysis of him from your perspective. I love how humble he is with Canary once he realised his mistake, how he immediately helped her when she was panicking in the bathroom. I’m definitely gonna reread the entire series today😭
aaaaaaa omg thank you so much and your english is perfectly fine don't even worry about it!!
honestly i could talk about mr simon ghost riley for hours, i already annoy @mvtthewmurdvck with my ramblings about him sometimes LMAO but i'll give a little insight at least in regards to how he acts with canary for how i view him in this au!!
i think his biggest thing is loyalty and family. like since roba, the 141 are the only people he considers himself close to and there's this deep fear of losing them the same way he lost his family before so he does whatever he can to keep that from happening.
he's extremely suspicious of outsiders, like canary for example, bordering on paranoia that he can usually calm by finding information on someone and figuring out if they're a friend or if he needs to keep a bigger eye on them. which is what really set him off about canary. not only was she essentially a ghost, but she spoke russian (like makarov) and had the unfortunate timing of getting so close to price (a man ghost highly respects) at the same time makarov started moving in on their territory.
his suspicions about her kept getting raised, and, being as stubborn and dedicated to the 141 as he is, he wasn't going to just let her go without any information on her. he needs to know that she's safe enough to have around her family which unfortunately left with a bit of a one-track focus and open to being spied on.
it's his job to keep the 141 safe and he takes that very seriously. he's not afraid to do the dirty work and price kind of depends on that and that gives him a lot of power to work with. that doesn't mean ghost is heartless or cruel, though. like i said about the bathroom scene with canary, he knows when he's wrong and he's not afraid to accept responsibility for that. i think he has an esp soft spot for abused women and children, which only adds on to the guilt he feels toward canary.
all of this rambling to say, i think at the root of everything he just doesn't want his family taken from him again, and he does whatever he has to to give himself that peace of mind that he's keeping them safe. of course, he feels bad that canary got caught in the crossfires, and he'll help make that up to her, but he'll never feel bad about having suspicions about her.
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