#i. ( all things die and even the stars burn out.  /  aesthetic. )
sorrydearie · 1 year
#: shaky hands :) :) :) :) :)
berlermo + sick whump prompts
“You’ve been hiding this from me. Why?”
It wasn’t an accusation, not exactly. There was no malice behind the words. No hatred, no ire. Martín didn’t have enough strength left for it. 
He was too exhausted, lying there on the living room floor, feeling empty and drained and like a mere shadow of himself – like someone had shoved a fist into his chest and ripped out his miserable little heart. 
There had been so many times in the past when Martín had wanted to punch Andrés, and God knows the bastard would have deserved it. Whenever he had brought home another one of his women like a tomcat dragging in a dirty rat, when he would just up and leave in the middle of the night to chase a flight of fancy, when he wouldn’t listen to Martín’s practical concerns because think about the aesthetics, Martín!
But he’d always held back. 
Until tonight.
Martín hadn’t been able to help it. It was as if a switch had been flicked: he’d seen red when he had found the doctor’s note among Andrés’s things. 
Helmers Myopathy.
Andrés’s mother's disease. 
A death sentence. 
Andrés was going to leave him. He’d fuck off and die, like the selfish bastard he was, and leave Martín to wither away by himself.
Next to him, Andrés heaved a sigh. The air rattled inside his lungs, hollow and damp. There was a faint whistling noise when he spoke, too; Martín thought he might have broken his nose when he punched him. 
“I never meant for you to find out,” Andrés said matter-of-factly: water is wet, the sky is blue. I never intended to tell you. “But I should’ve known it was pointless. You’re as nosy as Veroni—”
“Don’t!” Martín gritted his teeth. “I’m not one of your fucking wives, I’m so much more. So don’t you fucking dare compare me to them, you fucking piece of shit.”
Something sparked to life inside his chest. Righteousness, a red-born fury. 
He had been Andrés’s best friend for the better part of a decade. He’d been at his side, always. Together, inseparable. They’d been destined for greatness, to burn as bright as Icarus chasing the sun. 
Where had they gone wrong? In what world did it end like this – without their heist, without their reward. 
Fucking nothing. 
Martín had written the most beautiful mathematical poem for Andrés – a declaration of love, if you so will – and now he’d never get to show him.
Andrés would never know how far Martín was willing to go for him, what kind of beauty he inspired in Martín. What he’d create in his name and lay to his feet, like a humble offering to a cruel and vain god. 
His throat tightened and he blinked furiously, staving off tears. The ceiling blurred into a sheen of white, the hanging lamps turned into glowing stars. Did heaven look like this? Was this what Andrés would see when he—
When he died. 
Andrés’s hand found his. Squeezed, as though he wanted to hold on to him after all, as though he wanted it as badly as Martín. 
A sob caught in Martín’s throat.
He wanted nothing more than to turn his face and curl up next to Andrés. To have and hold him, so close, so tight, so possessively that not even Death himself would dare to take him from Martín. 
“You are right. You’re so much more, you’re—” Andrés trailed off. He was searching for the right words. The ones that’d pacify Martín. The ones that’d mend what had been broken.
(Martín wasn’t sure they even existed. He prayed they did.) 
A few beats of silence, then Andrés sighed. Half exhale, half resignation.
“You weren’t supposed to know,” he said again, sounding impossibly tired. “You worked so hard on the plan, I couldn’t let you throw it away. Not for anything in the world, not because of this. Giving up was never an option.”
He hesitated.
Martín's heart pounded in his ears, so loud he thought Andrés might hear it.
“If tonight was my last night,” Andrés went on, intently, “I’d want to spend it robbing the bank of Spain.”
With you. 
The words hung in the air between them, unspoken. Always unspoken. 
“Don’t take that future away from me, Martín.”
Martín’s chest seized.
His fingers curled around Andrés’s, his grip tight and unyielding.
Andrés never begged for anything, wouldn’t even dare to bat an eye in the face of Death. 
But he pleaded now, with Martín. 
So how could he refuse him?
(How could anyone refuse Andrés anything he wanted?)
“We’ll do it,” Martín said quietly. A promise, an oath, a vow. “We'll rob the bank of Spain. It’s our right.”
And after… 
After, Martín would find a way to keep Andrés. Forever.
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only-satisfied · 6 months
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full name:  Mizumi Uzui (Caddel) nicknames:  Mizu gender: genderfluid  female sexuality: lesbian pronouns:  she/her aesthetics: I'm only happy when I am on the run, I don't belong to anyone; turns herself into a weapon; the smell of gunpowder and whiskey on the tongue, distant thunder crackling like electricity, blood on your lips,  the soundless running of fingers through her lover’s hair in the dark, a woman held underwater, screaming. age:  30 date of birth: December 21 zodiac sign:  sagittarius residence:  manhattan occupation:  boxing / Kendo instructor (in reality: paid assassin involved in various underground illegal organisations)
faceclaim: Mylène Jampanoï height:  1,78 ethnicity: half japanese, half American. build:  toned and muscled, tall and very athletic. biceps all hard with muscle and legs for days eyes: blue hair:  dark brown / wolfcut (wears her hair cropped short) piercings:  0 tattoos:  an X mark and 3 dots on her forearm / sprawling tiger tat on her back style:  excessively masculine, jeans, sleek black suits and white shirts, tank tops and sports bras with low cut jeans. shades on all the time, day and night, leather jackets, combat boots. voice: very deep and rough, like smoking bourbon and thunder.
traits:  ruthless, unpleasant, bitter, unfriendly, angry 80 per cent of the time. cold, stoic and sarcastic. doesn't give a fuck about you or what you think. loyal. selfish. obsessive. unpredictable. sharply witty and funny. mental health: completely obsessive. major anger issues. physical health:  always bruised up for some reason... (reasons in her bio) likes: music, boxing/kendo/swords/guns. sports. extreme sports. motorcycles and she only rides japanese bikes. dislikes:  talking to people. cooking. fears:  failure phobias:  fire hobbies:  Kendo, fencing, working out, motorbikes skills:  she is extremely athletic. skilled with guns and swords; kendo and box are her lifeline. speaks several languages. quirks:  Always wears her shades even when it's dark outside, she'll take them with her; does not drink. does not smoke. perpetually snarling. pet peeves:  people.
ice cream flavour: she doesn't like ice cream. she likes lemon sorbet. time of the day / night:  night weather:  fog breakfast food:  hot tea and rice dinner food:  ramen or soba. probably instant unless her girl cooks colours:  blue and black songs:  Paul Wallen feat. Gigi Nally - Smells Like Teen Spirit
other random stuff:
a cherished item:  the amethyst ring isabelle (her partner) gave her. her mother's silk blue scarf which she has given to isabelle. usual mood: pissed off 1 thing they want to do / experience before they die: hurt the people who hurt her family defining moments:  her mother's violent death/murder / her house burning down / losing her entire life in the blink of an eye. & meeting her girfriend.
full name:  Isabelle Annesley nicknames:  Belle & Elle gender:  female pronouns:  she/her aesthetics: a venus fly trap closing around its prey, lipstick stains on your collar, leaving red kisses and confusion everywhere you go, watching dusk break into dawn from the small of your window, a lingering whiff of expensive perfume, cold hands, needing perfection, the way light hits cascading velvet. the desperate search for love. age:  28 date of birth: 17/11 zodiac sign:  scorpio residence:  staten island  (in a small flat) occupation:  photographer / part-time waitress
faceclaim:  janet montgomery height:  1,68 build:  slim & delicate, she did ballet growing up but hasn't in years eyes: black, bright, tender eyes hair:  long full ebony curls that she's recently cut a bit shorter piercings:  just her ears tattoos:  stars on her wrist style:  jeans & silk shirts, layered necklaces, excessively tightened belts, thigh high boots, loose frothy shirts. always silver and not gold.
traits:  spiteful, vindictive, arrogant, extremely neurotic, sacrastic / exceedingly witty, charming, loving, passionate. pride issues. easily provoked & annoyed. mysterious & aloof mental health:  hanging in there in spite of the fierce stress of it all. her photography cures her crippling, strange melancholia. the kind of girl to say she's okay when she's not because no one will see her be anything less than perfectly strong & poised. daddy issues galore. quite depressed. physical health:  feeling kind of perpetually tired. likes:  photography, painting, art, the sunset, her sister; car rides with her listening to music, trips to the beach in the winter where everything is quiet and grey-silver and they can read and light a fire and be at peace. dislikes  everything that does not mean something to her. people. liars. lack of control over every aspect of her life. fears:  death, loneliness, loss phobias:  deep water & the dark (she always sleeps with some kind of light shining faintly somewhere in her room) hobbies:  she likes to paint and work with ceramics. her photography of course. skills:  being able to open a beer bottle with her teeth, of course. (photography, painting, enduring Fools and their Stupidity. Exceptional at pool and an amazing kisser.) quirks:  Always wears her mother's amethyst ring; can smell her before you see or hear her: she smells extremely deliciously. Short-tempered, especially when irritated. Almost never wears a bra. Perpetual smirk. Smokes menthol cigs. pet peeves:  people. more seriously; people who are one-uppers. loud voices. Lack of an Oxford comma. Justice for the Oxford comma!
mother dead in a car accident / father absent, has disappeared & made himself a new family, a second chance at getting it right / she's got a 12 year old sister (Chloe) whom she's been raising after turning 18 & adores / much loved aunt (dad's side, who had been the proverbial scapegoat of the Annesley family) who helps as much as she can.
ice cream flavour:  strawberry & vanilla time of the day / night:  night weather:  moody rain to match her soul breakfast food:  black coffee with cream, no sugar dinner food:  dessert colours:  black & white songs:  bang bang - Nancy Sinatra
other random stuff:
a cherished item:  her mom's old vintage camera & her mom's amethyst ring usual mood: apathetically impassive and detached. Sufferer of chronic, resting bitch face. Optimistic despite all appearances. 1 thing they want to do / experience before they die: to be important to someone (surprise surprise). A family. defining moments:  her mother's death, her father's absence, becoming her sister's guardian, moving to New York hoping for something better for the both of them and to be near her aunt.
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saltwaterbells · 1 year
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Chandra Dayal and Mariel Blackwater return for the ninth season of Dayal Legacy, revisiting old missions and hauntings, joined by Ille Raefa and newcomer Elaine Richards.
All across the galaxy, television screens beam their faces. Mariel Blackwater: bloody, breathing, living weapon and vessel to the searing light of stars. Chandra Dayal: the glittering heir, muse and musician, a face that could launch an thousand ships, and burn them all too. Barely a hair apart from being two sides of the same coin, and the two that have managed to survive this long.
With magic like theirs, the frothing gunfire fades to the public’s ears, their crimes made glossy through editing and military backing. But when old memories come calling, the blood on their hands not quite scrubbed off yet, a question emerges: how far have they gone to survive? What will the breaking point be?
Aesthetic: the cold void of space, freckles as constellations, fingers clenching in sheets, the sound of hundreds of boots marching in unison, sleek metal revolvers, silhouettes backlit by stars, blinding spotlights, the prickle in the back of your neck that you’re being watched, cigarettes on an empty stomach, copious amounts of black eyeliner and blood red lipstick, white-knuckled clenching of rosaries, the scent of oranges and clove, the scent of ozone and woodsmoke, foam-capped waves, the thick cloth of a uniform being rolled up to the elbow, dog tags burning around your neck, iron-tipped boots, a target with the bullseye blown out, the gleam of too sharp teeth
Themes: how do you define your humanity, what is the cost of a human life, how does the spotlight shape you, religion, humanity versus monstrosity, how can you understand gentleness when all you have known is war, healing, the cyclical nature of violence, (there are probably more but like, these are the vibes)
Jude Rambles: so this is the wip that has gripped me and is shaking me around like a dog with a chew toy. this project showed up in my head around december ish, even though the idea sort of had been floating around for a good while, and then i decided to expand it and now i am being eaten alive. it’s so easy to write?? i am attempting a new drafting technique, which is certainly helping and i need to try more often, but after working on bathtub gods for so long, this project is startlingly easy. and it’s so much fun too, i am having the time of my life! anyways, this is one of the more genre projects that has shown up in my brain and maybe i do need to write more science fiction and fantasy, or science fantasy like in this case.
Characters: Mariel Blackwater: 18 | It/Its | Space Irish Catholic, autistic, immensely religious, chronically guilty and hyper repressed, mildly an alcoholic, more weapon than human, avatar for the space catholic church. It’s a constellation witch, which means it can bring constellations to life and also, draw from their energy and create space storms and star lightening
Chandra Dayal: 19 | They/Them | Space Indian, bisexual & nonbinary the child of a legendary tragic love story between the heir to a media conglomerate and a general, who died when they were a baby, deeply burdened by their legacy (both the show and their actual legacy). Their magic is the harnessing of sound waves, to manipulate people’s emotion and also shatter things with sound waves.
Ille Raefa: 18 | Ve/Vim | Prophet, burdened by seeing all that will happen but in no particular order and without any particular logic, eldest sibling trauma, by far the most genre-aware and apathetic from the start, Ve is just waiting to die. Vis magic is visions, in vis dreams and sprinkled throughout vis day. Ve also is the most genre-aware character: ve knows the tropes, ve is just not entirely aware what type of book ve is in.
Elaine Richards: 18 | He/Him | Ultimate simp, from space kansas middle of nowhere who is so excited to be here and among his idols, desperately trying to fit in and make sure he doesn’t die or get kicked off of the show. Also eldest sibling trauma, except he’s not going to think about his siblings ever < 3. His magic is essentially magic metal bending
Taglist: (ask to be added/removed) @cordy-muses @cream-and-tea
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grimeonadime · 6 months
Finally about to watch Babylon 5: The Road Home
Going to list a bunch of my thoughts as I go through it, so most definitely spoilers. If you don't want that, I recommend waiting until you've watched it yourself.
I haven't even watched the trailer for this yet, so I'm going in blind.
- thought my screen froze due to the 5 seconds of stars not blinking or moving lol
- YES! Classic mash-up line intro
- The stars are so pretty, I love this whole aesthetic, it's beautiful
- I missed Sheridan getting angry over stupid shit, because he's such a manchild. Man wants his lucky socks.
- Lennier why are you looking at Sheridan's feet in the first place. After his in-show incel character arc, I don't trust this freak. (They did poor Lennier dirty in the show)
- ISN IS BACK, and dropping all the exposition
- KOSHHHHHH MY FAVORITE CRYPTIC SCAMPERER!!!!! IDC if it was the briefest of cameos
- I love the 2D/3D animation aesthetic
- Delenn & Sheridan being cute is a win
- Sheridan stop dropping earth collquialisms on the poor minbari
- Omfg did Delenn write the speech notes and Sheridan just put blah blah blah at the bottom of them? Omg I love that. Sheridan you're such a dork.
- SHERIDAN STOP DROPPING EARTH COLLQUIALISMS ON THE POOR MINBARI (Also refuse to believe the Minbari are that stupid to think he was trying to burn a baby)
- ZATHRAS!!!!!
- The purple lighting aesthetic-
- "RUN!" *The minbari proceeds to walk calmly away*
- Boom
- Oh dang, that is a lot of shadows- lol Sheridan way to leave them all to die
- "Where was Moses when the lights went out? In the freaking dark" let him swear, also Sheridan..... What is WRONG with you he's so weird-
- IVANOVA! YES. So ready for her to kick ass.
- Well damn she got her ass kicked
- OHP- nvm she's back to kicking ass. Love that woman.
- Poor Sheridan popping into people's bedrooms uninvited
- Why'd they make G'kar a muted red tho...
- "Hi I'm-" "Not The One, this way!" I love Zathras
- "Many issues with copyright" I. Love. Zathras.
- Zathras explaining why the universe will soon completely die, Sheridan BRUSHING IT OFF because he just wants his time stabilizer
- LONDOOOO MY BELOVED! He's just vibing.
- I'm telling you ever since "Parliament of Dreams" Londo & Ivanova had a small friendship on the side that never got explored.
- Booo! Sheridan, just accept death. Grab a drink & chill with Ivanova & Londo while you watch the end of the world. Have a fun time!
- "Look you can see a thought forming behind his eyes, hello little one, good of you to join us. It's all alone in there poor thing" Londo's such a bastard, I love him.
- Londo saying it's an imperfect universe gives me "Convictions" flashbacks
- Londo and Ivanova being girl pals >>>
- I'm still irrationally upset about what they did to G'kar. He's red, and now lanky as opposed to his previous bulky.
- Poor Lyta
- OMG WHAT. No one told me we'd get gay banter from G'kar and Londo in this, I thought they wouldn't interact at all.
- Canon Londo wants the world on a leash
I loved this all, this was such a fun return for the show.
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chanstopher · 1 year
fam: something about fam always makes me think of a 2010 early K-pop vibes so in a way it is a nostalgic sound for me to hear again. we all know how cute the lyrics are and I am reminded how cute for a change, instead for the fans, they be penning for each other and making like a compliment relay. honestly who are skz's biggest fans if not skz themselves? - helloskz anon
ok im gonna put all of these under this ask and use a readmore so i dont have to bother anyone else by trying to answer these one at a time.
 i adore both versions of this song, i love that they really compliment and tease each other in the song, it really speaks a lot about their relationships as members and as friends. and i think the really electronic track definitely leans to a 2nd gen sound thats so true!
connected: this feels like a song that has the whole aesthetic of being secret lovers and taking the hidden, lesser roads to get away and be alone together in some 3 star motel where nobody knows the both of you and you talk to each other through 'body language'. 10 out of 10 vibes of one person in fwb catching feelings. not me listening and thinking well christopher, magnets are not the only things that can be connected :)
im so obsessed with this song the whole vibe is so good, i t makes me think of early zayn music which i know chris is a fan of. the song does have a really good vibe of being almost a secret i can totally see that, im just praying i never have to see what kind of choreo would go along with this song because i dont actually want to die thank you very much
limbo: it feels like the song is much shorter than it actually is even though it is 3 minutes but that is maybe the turmoil and emotions i went through while listening to this song idk. limbo makes me think of like someone going through the memories of their ex in their head and the more they keep going through the memories, the more the memories fade or wear off over time because of how often it is looked back on and you know how people say our memories are not reliable because we can remember things differently from what actually happened. they know they should move forward but they are stuck in limbo as looking back is the only way to see them again 😔
that is such a good theory, i havent really had the ability to take the song in in that way because i think im still just so focused on minhos vocals and like FINALLY getting a solo from him that i spend the entire song just squealing lmao but the darker meloncohlic vibe is not what i expected at all. honestly i assumed his and chris' song styles would be flipped because danceracha keeps putting out the more r&b songs as a unit and chris is sad™️ but this song really showed off minho's vocals which i appreciate because ive been screaming to no one for so long at how amazing he is
doodle: is that song where you can imagine in an underground club where all the cool, alternative kids hang out and give each other tattoos or something idk i was never cool. or alternatively, it gives me the vibes of changbin standing in the middle of like cars circling around him while he is rapping and there's fire burning around somewhere to show how fire he is. maybe some monster trucks thrown in here and there, dmx tricks somewhere. 10 out of 10 nobody will ever be cooler than changbin ever, confirmed.
doodle is exactly what i expected from changbin, it goes hard and fast the entire song and something about the way he says doodle really tickles my ear in the best way!
alien: to be very honest, i had only listen to alien once it first came out and i know, i know, it sounds like blasphemy for me to say that but i guess i was not in the right mind and mood to properly listen to it and i did not want those factors to spoil my actual feelings on the song. now that i am listening back to this, i can better appreciate him having made this song, a song that many of us have related to but still holding for a brighter tomorrow
alien is literally one of my favorite songs ever actually! its brought me a lot of comfort since he first released it so i listen to it constantly! if it had counted toward my music wrapped this year it would have been like my 3rd most listened to song lol its also the reason i have a tattoo for jisung
because: the song that is like the embodiment of a warm hug, hot chocolate and reassurances. especially remembering how this song came out around the time we had our hyunjin drought? this makes the song all the more special and sweet to me. to get a song with just changbin and felix on it, especially hearing them sing? we are blessed and spoiled by them, really. 
i think because perfectly sums up changlix and how soft they are together and toward each other! they’ve always has a particularly cute bond since the beginning and i think this song really suits them. and like u said its really like a soft hug
piece of a puzzle: now this, this is the song when i heard the snippet of it during that variety they did that is slipping my mind at the moment and 3racha was at chan's room working on this and up all night- ANYWAYS. sure the song got released on youtube but it's not the SAME as compared to being able to save it on spotify and experience the song completely. even though the lyrics are rather sad, in a way, it oddly comforts me.
to me this song sounds so much like its supposed to be an ost, something about the emotion of it really just feels like it should be playing in the background of important moments, and i agree being able to hear it crisp really amplifies just how amazing it is
wish you back: it is at this song that i had the realisation yet again for han's passion for music for not only the genres he explores but also how he has the most songs on this album as he is constantly working on music. music really does make him happy huh. we can always appreciate the interesting ways the boys are able to mix genres and even right now, the best i can think of is acoustic guitar tropical dance hall for this song? only these boys. 
HaPpY: if you were beautiful or letting go by day6 had an angsty but somehow chill lofi hip hop younger sibling, it would be this song. you can always depend on han to have generally upbeat sounding songs and then having lyrics that are the complete contrast to them. he really has us guessing his next move every single time and not knowing what to expect.
i think something about jisungs writing style is just so perfect, i always find myself drawn to the songs he writes the most. his solo things and the songs for their albums. he seems to be able to hit the nerve of hopeful melancholy so perfectly. i think he really knows how to embody the feeling of being someone in their 20′s trying to navigate their life and emotional changes
up all night: the best i can describe this feeling this gives me is you attending a halloween party and everyone that you thought that are just dressed up as these odd, mythical beings are just that, costumes but they are in actuality all these odd beings and the weird adventures you have at this party from dusk to dawn. 10 out of 10 more than willing to hang out with vampire skz even though they probably suck at it 
this song is so cute and fun and the fact that it was one of the first songs chris ever made makes it even more special, like he had it saved on his computer all this time to make something silly and cocky at the same time during a stressful time for everyone
drive: i think enough has been said and joked about drive and i have nothing else smart and witty to add to this conversation. but the two eldest knew exactly what they were doing and they can be all hehe coy about it but we know. we know they know. they knew what they were doing
so true, and its just such a good song, and as a massive minchan stan i live for it and appreciate it so much lol
ice cream: what a palate cleanser to have this as the last long huh? what more after drive. simple, sweet, melodic. they saw we needed peace and they delivered us ice cream. much appreciated and needed. i can attempt to peacefully go to bed despite the roller coaster ride of emotions this entire ass album put me through. but would i sign up for it again? exactly
hyunjin and his soft artful sweet voice finishing the rollercoaster of an album is truly perfection on their part.
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gavelsins · 2 years
tag dump iii
#✖music║ you've been running for so long still breathing hoping soon to find a song worth singing#✖musings║every time i think maybe I'm heading in the right direction i end up in a place i never even knew could feel this bad#✖aesthetic║the echoes of a war crying holding its four chambers together#✖out of character║don't lose your head when a deal goes down#✖ooc post║the red in her ledger that won’t go away#✖ooc post║death & i have been scandalously intimate for some time now#✖mobile post║place the pennies on my eyes i'll sleep with the stars tonight#✖scheduled post║i haunt the shadows with a gun in each hand & a smirk on my  lips  —  happy#✖submitted post║ to gain everything & lose everything in the space of a moment that is the fate of all princes destined for the throne#✖exclusives call║i liked the bittersweet taste of danger touching my lips#✖mains call║while my heart lingers on you tell me how do you do this thing called living?#✖relationships call║when relationships become a ledger of profit & loss you have no friends no loved ones just pluses & minuses#✖plotting call║you can tell a true war story by its absolute & uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil...#✖inbox call║time for you to meet mr. mayhem#✖starter call║do you have what it takes to get the unholy ones patch?#✖plotted starter║ask no questions & you’ll be told no lies#✖open starter║traded a merciful heart for a murderer's brain#✖ic║i was born with bones made of gunmetal & eyes made of muzzle flares & a voice made of hissing bullets#✖headcanon║on the devil's path until you die & the king is dead but life goes on#✖character study║i fell like judas grace denied so now i curse that raven's fire you made me hate you made me burn#✖promo║a potential prospect looking to patch in#✖self promo║a ghost among the rotten souls too dead to die again
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sithdestined · 4 years
I finally finished my tag revamp and I think I’ve gotten all of them and this was way more work than it should have been and I’m just stoked that they’re done!!!! I know the style has been done before but we can’t all be creative, right? I’m also definitely not going back and changing all the tags out because uh....nah.
i. ( to bring balance to the force.  /  memes. )
i. ( the jedi oath.  /  psa. )
i. ( all things die and even the stars burn out.  /  aesthetic. )
i. ( incoming transmission.  /  inbox. )
i. ( unity wins wars.  /  promo. )
ii. ( our true hearts remain shadowed deeper still.  /  musings. )
ii. ( we hunger in earnest for that which we cannot consume.  /   desires. )
ii. ( within your furnace heart you burn in your own flame.  /  visage. )
ii. ( the chosen one.  /  about anakin. )
ii. ( the most powerful jedi of his generation.  /  headcanons. )
iii. ( she spoke a prayer to the stars.  /  padmé  amidala. )
iii. ( war has forged their two lives into one.  /  obi-wan kenobi. )
iii. ( love can ignite the stars.  /  anakin  &  padmé. )
iii. ( to the divine and mischievous spark in you. / anakin & janae. )
iii. ( master and apprentice.  /  anakin  &  obi-wan. )
iii. ( i would know him in death at the end of the world.  /  regretdestined. )
iii. ( i truly deeply love you.  /  senatcrdala. )
iii. ( you captivate me with your resonating light.  /  durasteelheart. )
iii. ( like my father before me.  /  novaespes. )
iii. ( in every one of us shines the light of love.  /  cromulents. )
iii. ( i was in the darkness so the darkness i became.  /  skywlkrr. )
iii. ( in the shadow of your heart.  /  darth vader. )
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Ups No. 40-42: Atalanta
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Beyond Arcadia A -> Beyond Arcadia (True) A+
Increase Quick Card effectiveness for all allies (1 turn). Apply to Master [Wonder's Bounty] (5 turns).  Change current field to [Arcadia] (4 turns). - Wonder's Bounty: Gain 5 Critical Stars every turn. Excess critical stars (>50) carry over.  - Arcadia: All field types are active except for [near city]
Genuine question: Is it even possible to use a Beyond Arcadia boosted NPQQ as Atalanta against a full wave of 3 and NOT end up with an overflow of stars? I’m pretty sure it isn’t if everything hits.  So let’s finally fix that stupid issue of it being useless. I mean FFS the game goes out of its way to make it tally your extra stars as if they DID carry over like they should; lord friggin knows Quick needs it.  “Apply to Master” is a term I’m using for what apparently doesn’t have a precedent: An effect that persists for its duration regardless of what servant is or isn’t in play. You can swap Atalanta out or she can die, but the effect will remain active until those 5 turns are up. Yes I had something similar with Avicebro but didnt realize it’d be reoccurring at the time and having it side by side next to a field effect made me realize I couldnt call it Apply to Field. On that note, Arcadia. In myth it was a nature-utopia where Pan was said to live, and contained all sorts of mythical beings. It’s also based on a real region of Greece from which Atalanta hails and her Fate self takes that as part of her animalistic nature; the effect itself is the source of her incredible speed. You might think the name is a bit contradictive but the Japanese version is actually Crossing [to] Arcadia and both translations refer to the idea of Atalanta crossing any ground needed to return to it. This would be the “true” version in the sense she does return to it, creating a reality marble when a certain speed or amount of ground is traversed that embodies that mystical land. Because it’s a natural world of a phantasmal nature, it retains the properties of both natural field types and void space, meaning the only one not included is cities (And burning ones ARE included, wildfires have wild in their name for a reason!)
Hunter's Aesthetic C -> B++
Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn). Apply Sure Hit to self (3 turns). After 1 turn, apply Sure Hit to all other allies (1 turn). Increase Critical Strength for all allies by 25% (2 turns). Apply Delayed Buff [Hunter's Mark] to self (1 turn). - Hunter's Mark: After 1 turn, if Critical Stars >50, further increase Critical Strength for all allies (1 turn).
And now for the other part of this, giving a special buff if you break 50 stars. Well, there’s clearly some other stuff too. On paper i get what they were going for with Hunter’s Aesthetic but it’s flat out mediocre in execution due to how the game has evolved. It’s meant to be like Izou’s Falcon skill where a low cooldown on a strong 1 turn gather grants a sort of rhythmic control over their crits. The issue is threefold though in that firstly as an archer Atalanta inherently has a higher gather rate whereas as an assassin Izou needs that gather reliability. Secondly Izou has an ST Arts NP whereas Atalanta has a huge hit count quick AOE with the world’s most excessive star bomb attached. Simply put Atalanta rakes in the stars by comparison regardless of Izou’s assassin boosts to star drop. Thirdly and most crucially is that Izou’s is on an insanely low 5 to 3 turn cooldown whereas Atalanta is at best 4 turns of cooldown for 1 turn of gather. Between these three things there’s no competition between the usefulness of Atalanta’s vs her peer’s. It’s also not even getting into Atalanta’s lack of any self-contained crit buffs. 25% isn't much but if you break the cap the scaling would jump to some pretty high levels considering they stack and all hits that turn would be crits, like an AOE Marksman if pulled off. Meanwhile we’d finally have a second Sure Hit Support unit, even if also an archer, which brings us to flavor. Atalanta did not slay the Calydonian Boar herself. That was Meleager, the prince who asked the Argonauts to help hunt the boar, and someone who was deeply in love with Atalanta. He was the one to deliver the killing blow, and offered its head to Atalanta as a gift. So why is Atalanta the one most associated with the death of the boar? Simple: She was the first one able to prove it could be killed. The boar was a divine being, sent directly by Artemis herself, and ran other heroes through like tissue paper. Atalanta was the first person who was able to shed blood from it and prove it could be killed, before successfully leading the hunt that led to its death. It’s the same here, she has an ability to ensure she hits her mark, and afterwards rallying a veritable firing squad of crits as she leads an ambush. 
So that’s why I gave her those in the form of that Sure Hit and a MUCH needed crit boost that can spread to allies if she lands that mark, so to speak! It results in these buff being obtuse ones with a focus on utility, ideally creating their own sense of rhythmic timing in conjunction with star gen + QQQ chains or her NP. When you have the right servants, Atalanta being one of them, 50 stars isn’t unfeasible, so that’s where the idea of the high scaling crit buff comes in. You break that threshold, you get to make sure those guaranteed crits HURT, but the low cooldown on such is balanced out by the fact you’re gonna need a specialized team if you wanna break that threshold with any regularity. What’s more we get a second ever Sure Hit support who unlike the other 4 star archer who has it WOULDNT be exclusive. That said, the duration is 3 turns only for Atalanta as the ‘leader of the hunt’ so to speak, and once her mark is set for a crit ambush the rest of the team gets Sure Hit as well for the crit burst turn Due to the low cooldown this also means at rank 10 you’d only have a single turn of downtime on Atalanta if you’re using the skill to keep Sure Hit up for an evade heavy fight. I was gonna put the self Sure Hit on her NP tbh but AOE Quick Archer with Sure Hit on NP is encroaching too much on Archer Illya for my liking. Speaking of her NP!
Phoebus Catastrophe B+ -> Phoebus Catastrophe (True) B++
Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Decrease Critical Rate for all enemies by 10% (3 turns). Decrease ATK for all enemies by 10% (3 turns). <Overcahrge> Gain Critical Stars. Deal additional Supereffective damage to enemies with [Weakness Found] debuff.
This one is up to you if you think it’s actually needed but the sheer redundancy of Atalanta’s NP drives me crazy. Like I said above I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to not get at least 60 stars with it against 3 enemies unbuffed. Why the hell it has star bomb is beyond me when it’s an 11 hit quick aoe and furthermore WHY DOESNT IT HAVE ANY OF ARTEMIS OR APOLLO’S EFFECTS?! It’s canonically her using both their power as a noble phantam! ....So I fixed that. From Artemis we get both of her NP’s offense debuffs but at half the scaling, while from Apollo we dont get Ignore Invincible or Ignore Defense (since she’ll already have Sure Hit) but it does get the niche Weakness Found supereffective damage at very high scaling (notably higher than Paris’s, in fact) to make up for the fact it’s intended for single target fights. Paris and Atalanta have inherent synergy with both being Quick focused archers with an evade in their kit, so this would have use for anyone willing to make use of Paris, and even without it we get the offensive debuffs from Artemis to add at least SOMETHING to her NP besides a mountain of stars.
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spacewizardtrek · 4 years
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WARNING: This post will ruin you. Like Medusa; look at your peril.
But here is is. It’s the one you’ve all been waiting for.
Kirk bod appreciation #7: The RIDICULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL FACE. A highly technical and academic review.
This is a rather nebulous one. And not, on the face of it (pardon the pun) very philosophical, as it’s essentially about Kirk being stupidly pretty. This post probably will (it will) descend into just screaming and sobbing, but there will be, I promise, *some* meaningful insight into the meaning of ‘beauty’ and textual analysis of its role herein.
Beauty is subjective. But look at him. It’s not just being aesthetic, but it’s the *way* he’s aesthetic. Here I might repeat myself a bit, but stay with me. I may have mentioned before once hearing him described as ‘beautiful in the way women are often described as beautiful’. He is PRETTY. He is indeed often conveyed in the way the women stereotypically (not necessarily rightly) are on screen: perfect, smooth skin; soft, big eyes; luscious lips (his body is sensually curvaceous and furthermore it’s emphasised). He’s not androgynous though. He’s masculine. And yet I still sense what was meant in describing him as ‘beautiful in the way women are often described as beautiful’. He is a rather uncommon form of gender fuckery. He is a form of stereotype-subversion not commonly acknowledged. He seems to be everything at once, ALL THE GENDER; combines whichever traits he desires from those categories, and yet is undeniably a man and masculine whatever the ingredients. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE, one might wonder. The fact of the matter is, that it IS. And it teaches us something.
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The FUCK. nO. You are not allowed to be that pretty, and you are NOT allowed to look at her like that. We’re trying to have a SENSIBLE DISCUSSION here.
Sorry, that was a non-sequitur / nothing to do with what we learn by Kirk’s embodiment; I was just ambushed by my own gif. Only the control of a Vulcan. ONLY that could possibly withstand this onslaught. And even that won’t hold up forever AS WE WELL KNOW
This is going well, as you can tell.
OK. So, it’s claimed he has Eyes and Stupidly Long Weakness-Inducing Eyelashes. You know, from all that fanfic that goes on about ‘big, sparkling eyes’ and him fanning his ‘long, copper eyelashes’. I mean, yeah right, tropey mc tropeface -
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There are some moments where he just BLINKS and, how to describe it...how does a BLINK have that effect. It’s NOT ALLOWED.
...I’m sorry. It IS allowed. All of it. I am not shaming you your beauty. Never change, Jim. Never.
OK. I’m ok. 3 pics down, we can get through this -
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Oh you are joking. Stop.
I don’t understand how anyone can be so beautiful. Life is a lie. Reality is fake -
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- you did NOT just turn your big anime eyes on Spock. You do know this is why he ran away to PURGE ALL HIS EMOTIONS?
And for that matter, you know when Kirk looks his most beautiful? Literally WHEN HE’S LOOKING AT SPOCK. Spock talks some bollocks and Kirk just sparkles like a fucking angel:
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Unbelievable. But utterly undeniable.
Sigh. Moving on.
Oh - someone once suggested I talk about The Lips. Lips are so wonderful aren’t they. So many wonderful things they can do.
And Kirk’s. They’re there in every picture: perfect, rosy, soft and madness-inducing. My advice is just...don’t think about them. But since I’ve been asked to draw attention to them, well, you’ve just sealed your fate. Scroll down at your peril.
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I am pulling NO punches.
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I’ve seen this great meme going around:
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Excuse me though....CUTE?
That’s the understatement of the 23rd century.
Try impossibly beautiful, mind and body: heart of solid gold, soul deep in love with you. Those eyes and all their passion burned into your memories a thousand times over, along with - maybe, suggestibly, idk I’m extrapolating from all the goddamn tension - even the one unforgettable time he laid between lily-white sheets and gave himself to you; every gift of the mind, body and soul - and your ostensibly-forced Vulcan conditioning, that completely ignored how incompatible one part of you was with it, caused so much dissonance that you thought the only possible course of action for you both to survive was to BREAK UP, tear yourself from this beauty and love and sweetness to PURGE ALL EMOTIONS because nothing, nothing equipped you for this; you were set up specifically to fail, and fail hard in the face of transcendental love and beauty by those who rejected such things and didn’t understand you and could never imagine this for you and who instead of helping your beautiful neurodivergent brain flourish taught you to repress and caused you pain and shame and Gol was so hard and Kirk was so sad, so very sad and depressed and hurt and yet he couldn’t stop loving you with a bond so strong he called to you across the stars and Gol was all for naught yet you still didn’t know how to live like this, it was torture, torture until the mind meld with the living machine flashed your BIOS and you knew, love.exe was suddenly running with no errors and he came after you and held you and you held hands and, and -
just...give me a moment
The pain?? The angst?? The two logical entities seeking contact, love, THIS SIMPLE FEELING? That fucking moment when spock walks on the bridge and the only way he can control himself is to be SUPER Vulcan, while his love gazes at him with those EYES, fucking huge and glittering and hurt and loving?? Is it so much a mystery what memories these two are carrying, what’s behind the searing tension???????
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Love him. Love him Spock. Take him in your arms and love him. He’s for you. All for you. Fucking hell guys. The fuck. This movie.
ok I can do this
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those damn eyes I swear
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It’s obviously not all just superficial physical beauty. What IS beauty? Narratively we do sometimes find this ‘prettiness’ enhanced and emphasized like the old vaseline lens to set the tone of a scene (he’s vulnerable and delicate, or someone’s indeed in love with him so we see their ‘lens’ on him); but it is somewhat intangible and nebulous and changeable. I don’t think aesthetic beauty, if one deems it so, on its own, would be enough for the likes of Spock (indeed, no woman could charm him thusly); it's about something deeper. It’s about who he is. Who he is inside: the beautiful AND the imperfect. How his good and bad - how his ‘all’ -  chimes with Spock’s 'all’. The Enemy Within deals with this, and shows how Spock loves all of Kirk, wants him complete, with both his light and shadow. The beauty of all of us is this totality and variance, not one intangible quality.
I’ll bet Spock’s parents knew immediately. Can you imagine Sarek trying to be a total bitch over Kirk, having heard the rumours and just wanting to have one more thing to reject Spock over, immediately projecting onto Kirk as some blow-up pretty-boy and how Incredibly More Disappointing My Son Is for being Obviously In Love With Stupid Illogical Human Doll Face Bubble Butt Bimbo Captain, and Amanda’s like, stfu, let me remind you Kirk is actually a Fucking Amazing Highly Decorated Starship Captain who Saves Your Life and don’t you DARE resent him just because he’s got tits/ass/tum/lips that won’t quit and is obviously the freakin’ sun Spock orbits. Mr ‘I married a human but that was special because it was logical’ or some bullshit. How is Kirk an illogical choice? I mean literally, Spock is a Science Genius™ on the federation’s FLAGSHIP whose well-matched Genius Captain™ understands him, accepts him, brings the best out of him, helps him fulfil his whole potential and is in love with him in the deepest and purest way and will be his bonded soulmate for ALL OF TIME and that fucking sour-faced bih at the start of that ep, ffs.
Of course Amanda stays in touch with Kirk, adores the fuck out of him, sends him old Vulcan lit on t’hy’la bonds (yes sarek, a T’HY’LA bond, so revered freakin’ poets write about it) etc because frankly her son could do FAR FUCKING WORSE.
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Don’t...just don’t slip the bod into the equation, the face is enough for one post. We’re all in therapy for this already, let’s not relapse.
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Oh, what’s the use. I’m gonna die. This is it. This is like the Monty Python joke that is so funny it kills you. This man is lethal. I need to stop this thread and purge all my emotions
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That’s it. I’m dead. You’re dead. We’re all dead.
I hope, however, seeing this post was worth it. See you at Gol everyone.
The Forbidden Texts, DO NOT READ:
Kirk bod appreciation #6: The Curves. The Front. The...chest. AND THE AMAZING GREEN WRAP
Kirk bod appreciation #5: The Paws
Kirk bod appreciation #4: The Curves. The Back. Poetry in motion.  
Kirk bod appreciation #3: Season 3 (Part 1)
Kirk bod appreciation #2b: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #2a: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #1: The Tum
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Solangelo Headcanons
I love this ship. I would die for this ship.
1. Will once got Nico a cute little ring that had a sun on it, and he meant mostly as a joke (because everyone knows Nico doesn’t wear bright colors), but Nico loves it and wears it all the time. When they get married, they get one just like it as the ring. It’s the only thing Nico wears that doesn’t match his ‘son of death’ aesthetic, but he doesn’t care.
2. Nico gets back into Mythomagic after the wars, and he tries to get Will into it. (You better believe that Nico has him sworn to secrecy about this, though). Will, on the other hand, is a Star Wars geek who watches and rewatches the movies. Will has tried to get Nico to watch them, but Nico gets bored of them fast, so now whenever Will watches Star Wars, Nico just sits on the ground and plays Mythomagic. 
3. @sassy-thalia-grace wrote in her Nico headcanons that Nico wouldn’t tell anyone except Reyna about his Tartarus nightmares, and I think that’s true. But I do think that Will would find out anyway, because when they move in together, I’m sure Nico would wake up screaming. Anyway, Will is super protective of Nico because of that and I’m sure that Will would insist on sleeping next to Nico until his dreams went away. Can someone please make a fan art of these two sleeping together while hugging? On second thought, I might explode seeing that because I get super happy just imagining it.
4. Will is obviously a science nerd, and wants to be a doctor when he grows up. He is a demigod, so he probably has ADHD, which I can tell you from experience, can induce hyper-fixation on stuff that really interests you. Will definitely has read about human anatomy or biology until one in the morning, only to fall asleep on his book. Nico, who obviously doesn’t sleep until 3 am, would find him like that and *try* to carry him to his bed. 
5. I’ve seen so many Percabeth posts about Percy having his own cabin but I’d just like to remind everyone that Nico does too.
6. Haha okay I know what the previous one implied but come on it’s Will and Nico, they’re both such innocent little babies, there’s no way they’re going to... uh... you know...
7. Nico is super uncomfortable with physical affection, so I don’t think that when their relationship started with a kiss, like Percabeth’s. I think that their first kiss would have come a bit later, maybe even after ToA because I don’t think they kiss in the books. Both of them were blushing like crazy before and after the kiss. Their kiss was private, with no one watching, and everyone was probably very confused when they both came to a camp activity blushing and stuttering.
8. This is kinda cliche but when they started going to mortal school, everyone would avoid Nico because of his ✨scary aura✨. On the other hand, Will is, like, the star student that all the girls (and a decent portion of the guys) have a crush on. Everyone was very surprised when they realized the two were dating, but all of Will’s friends quickly accepted adopted Nico.
9. They adopt a kid. Enough said.
10. Jk, I really want to talk about their kid. I headcanon that their child would be a girl and if they could name her I think they’d pick Bianca, but that’s up to you. I honestly think that Nico would be a great dad, but because he never had one, he’s always checking with Will to see if he’s parenting right. Will, on the other hand, would be a pretty good dad but I think he would be kind of nervous when it came to punishing/being harsh with his kid. I think Nico would have a good balance of “nicest dad ever” and “of course I listen to my dad he’s the best”.
11. If you think that Nico and Will ever let anything bad happen to their daughter, you’re wrong.
12. Nico can cook complicated Italian really well, but he’ll burn toast or forget to add water to his instant ramen. Will, on the other hand, sucks at cooking but has blueberry muffins to die for. He is also an instant ramen MASTER. (Credits for this one are @dam_geek on instagram)
13. Will has super curly hair that Nico loves to run his fingers through.
14. They both like Taylor Swift (no, I’m not just projecting myself onto them) but Will prefers her country music and Nico prefers her alternative rock.
15. Nico LOVES Sour by Olivia Rodrigo and Will is very concerned at the amount of emotion Nico puts into singing the songs in that album.
16. Nico also loves dogs, because of Mrs. Oleary. Will, on the other hand, is surprisingly scared of them. There was a lot of “chill, babe, it’s just a little puppy, it won’t hurt you” before Nico finally got Will a puppy that was super cute and gentle. The dogs name is Sunny, and Will loves him.
17. Nico sometimes gets flashbacks to Tartarus or just traumatic experiences (cause let’s be honest my guy has plenty) and one grounding exercise he likes to do is holding Will’s hand, or just running his fingers along Will’s. It helps Nico remind himself that he’s not alone, and he’s still in the real world, with Will. So sometimes, when Will and Nico are sitting together, you’ll hear Nico inhale sharply and Will automatically grab his hand to comfort him.
Okay, so I think I’ve exhausted all the Solangelo thoughts in my head lol. Hope you enjoyed!
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7spaceace7 · 4 years
Ego Holiday Headcanons
Haven’t decided if I’ll make more after this, but here’s some festive headcanons for the Septic boys! (tagging as Yuletube for my submission for the past two missed days, hope that’s alright!)
Henrik Von Schneeplestein
-The host of the Septic Ego Holiday Celebration (est. 2017)
-If he wasn’t stressed enough by being a doctor (and parent lmao), HE IS NOW
-Getting all the egos together for the holidays and making sure they DON’T kill each other?? Someone give this man an award
-Everyone keeping their limbs would be his only Christmas wish
-He does not get said Christmas wish (see: Robbie)
-Switches up his black coffee for coffee with peppermint creamer
-Chase eventually hooks him on peppermint tea instead, he knows the Doc needs sleep
-Can be found humming along to the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy as he cooks holiday dinner
-Definitely has a “kiss the cook” apron
-Chase crossed out the “the” on it with “zhe” in sharpie
-Day 5, Schneep still hasn’t noticed
-Loves it, but still wears his doctor coat on top of it
-Gets very cold easily, so the fire is always burning
-Has a nutcracker collection
-It’s getting out of hand
Chase Brody
-Holidays are,,, hard for him
-Still sends his kids cards and presents, never actually knowing if they get them or not
-They do, I promise
-Wasn’t originally keen on celebrating with everyone, he has a tendency to self-isolate
-But once he gets there, he’s glad he did
-IMMEDIATELY tackled in a hug from Jackie
-”YOU’RE HERE!! Couldn’t start without you, dude!”
-Everyone else smiles and gives the appropriate hug
-(Anti does not, but no eye roll this time at least)
-Absolutely loves warm apple cider and has a good recipe to make his own
-Favorite Christmas movie is Elf, no I do not take criticism
-Has a soft spot for Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas though because of his kids
-Holiday puns, you CANNOT get this man to shut up with the puns
- “Where’s Anti?” “Up to SNOW good! There’s SNOW way we can REIN him in now!”
-Once it snows, this boy is sledding down every hill in SIGHT
-Teaches Robbie how to catch snowflakes on his tongue
-Marvin makes him a “World’s Best Dad” sweater
-He totally cries and does not take it off the rest of the season
Jackieboy Man
-Christmas is his favorite holiday
-Good luck getting him to sit still around this time
-Has super strength, so he doesn’t quite have the same “don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself” factor that everyone else does??
-Nearly giving Henrik a heart attack everytime he moves, but make it Festive™
-”Guys it’s snowing!!” “JACKIE GET ZHE FAHK OFF ZHE RAILING”
-Slides down the stairs anyway
-Marvin made him a whole ass “ugly supersuit” instead of just a sweater
-It is a w f u l, but on purpose
-Ofc Jackie adores the shit out of it
-Loves snowball fights!
-Always gets targeted by Anti tho
-Eventually it turns into a snowball war
-Pulls Chase over to tag team him, then discovers Marvin has an alliance with Anti
-They will be here a while
-Time to break out the reindeer-themed boxers
-They go along perfectly with his red and blue sweater-suit
-Eventually able to settle down when it gets dark out, bonus points if there’s hot chocolate involved (courtesy of JJ)
-Don’t forget the marshmallows
-Wants to help everybody out with their plans, always does his best
-Even if his best includes falling off a roof
Marvin the Magnificent
-Made everyone sweaters, even Anti
-Spent too much time on the design parts to make em perfect, so he had to rush getting them all sewn
-Uses his magic to sew like three at once
-December 1st, 12:00am is when the Christmas music starts
-Mariah Carey impressions that slowly get higher as the month goes on
-Performs a “Let It Go” rendition that could rival Idina’s during christmas karaoke night
-Switches his regular mask for his holiday one with snowflakes instead of card suits on it
-The decorating master, with JJ as his apprentice
-Favorite part is designing for the lights outside
-Learned a spell to make it look like it’s snowing inside
-Forgot to learn the spell to make it stop snowing inside
-Ended up just sticking with those paper snowflakes dangling on the ceiling
-Asks Jackie for help with the lights on the roof, not because he can’t easily do it himself, he just knows that Jackie likes to help and this is the one thing he knows he can’t break
-Did not expect Jackie to break himself by falling off the roof instead
-Ends up finishing the lights with his magic anyway (after he untangles his boyfriend from the lights, that is)
-Can and will destroy Jackie during snowball fights just because he can
Jameson Jackson
-THIS BOY oh this boy
-Brings out the classic holiday music and sets it up on the gramophone
-LOVES making up dances to the music
-May be a classic boy, but his guilty pleasure is Michael Buble
-(Robbie calls him bubbles whenever he comes on)
-Goes ALL OUT with the holiday baking
-Cookies of all kinds, homemade gingerbread for the houses, so many pies, even learns how to bake his own bread
-Everyone agrees that his pumpkin bread is the best
-Anti especially loves the cherry pie for “aesthetic purposes”
-Has a whole “Twas the Night Before Christmas” puppet show routine
-His job is making the decorations while Marvin sets them all up, it’s a great dynamic
-Definitely makes those traditional popcorn garlands for the tree
-for some reason puts an orange in his stocking?? The others are confused, but he’s so excited so they just let him do his thing
-Now everyone has oranges in their stockings
-They still don’t know what it means
-Die Hard is a Christmas movie, dammit!
- “Grinch Bitch” is what his sweater from Marvin says
-Secretly likes it, but fuck off
-Wears it to sleep every night in Winter
-You know that thing where cats get under Christmas trees and swat at the ornaments? Yeah that’s him
-Loves the white elephant gift game
-Ends up getting a present and it’s a turtle
-His name is knives
-Fills his snowballs with fake blood so they explode on people
- (at least we hope its fake)
-If it doesn’t snow enough, he is the bitch who throws water balloons instead
-Henrik still has work leading up to Christmas, so Anti listens to him rant when he gets home
-Christmas patients are fuckin crazy and he loves it
-One time fell asleep and woke up with a red nose and antlers
-Chase was never safe after that
-Kept the antlers though, they jingle
-Saved them all from Chase’s puns that day
- “Where’s Anti?” *distant, staticky jingling* “Ah there he is”
Robbie the Zombie
-LIGHTS...pretty lights…
-He loves the lights, and will try to eat them if you’re not careful
-Says they’re static candy
-Doesn’t get cold because he can’t feel it, so he often wanders around in the snow
-One time he came home without his left foot and Schneep nearly had a heart attack
-Turns out it froze in the snow and snapped off his leg
-The Great Foot Search Party of 2020
-Please don’t forget to bundle this boy up before going out
-Anti has knitted him a hat and scarf for just this reason
-Henrik was the Proudest Dad that day
-Totally gets to put the star on the Christmas tree every year
-Marvin levitates him high enough
-Favorite holiday movie is The Polar Express
-One time JJ came out with his signature hot cocoa during the movie scene and Robbie was THRILLED
-Talking almost knocked him over thrilled
-Tries to sing along to holiday music, the lyrics don’t work out much
-Really good at keeping a beat though
-Marvin made him a sweater with bells on it
-Adores the bells, flaps the too long sleeves to make them jingle
Shawn Flynn
-Likes Christmas, but like lowkey
-He’s a toymaker!!! He makes adorable toys for all the egos as their presents from him!!
-Didn’t really have a family to go back to in his days at Joey Drew Studios, so he was used to spending Christmas alone, usually working
-Now he has Too Much Family (but in the good way)
-Absolutely gets nicknamed Scrooge at first, probably because he really likes A Christmas Carol and he’s a grump
-Often can be found being pulled off to dance by the gramophone with JJ
-He’s got two left feet, but JJ doesn’t really care
-If anyone still believes in Santa, even just a little bit, it’s because of him
-Has a giant red sack that he fills up with toys he’s made and/or the ones no one could sell back at the studios and donates them to orphanages
-Usually sticks to his old timey clothes, but when he does wear modern Christmas attire like the sweaters, he has,,,no idea how to match things
-It’s ‘cause he’s red/green colorblind
-once asked why Marvin had “yellow” hair
-JJ makes sure that his decorations have lots of blues so it’s not so much strain on his eyes
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euphoriacentral · 4 years
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THE PLAYLIST: “The gist is this: Rue wants to die. Ali hopes to convince her to stay alive. There are few dramatic premises heavier than this. And yet writer-director Levinson, aided hugely by his performers and cinematographer Marcell Rév, extracts a painfully human exchange without lapsing into melodramatics. Ali, who receives a welcome helping of character development, refuses to treat Rue with kid gloves – yet Domingo plays this role with an underpinning of warmth, ably challenging the stormy Rue. As Rue, Zendaya is essentially here to remind everyone why she won her Emmy. She expertly balances emotion and stoicism, wearing this character like a second skin.
There is minimal plot here, an almost whiplash-inducing change from the regular series, where high-stakes drama constantly crescendos. But this is a perfect departure, a welcome pause in the shimmering chaos. “Trouble Don’t Last Always” is uniquely suited to this moment, as the world finds itself at a standstill, paralytically powerless over disease and mortality. So many of us don’t know where we will spend our holidays, or who will still be here to spend them with us next year. So we sit, unbearably human. And though we may be separated from Ali and Rue by fiction and celluloid and screens, for an hour, it feels as though we are just one booth across, eavesdroppers on a conversation between two vulnerable, beautiful, sick people.” THE INDEPENDENT: “Domingo gives an all-star performance as a tough-love sponsor, but it is Zendaya who remains the show’s linchpin. She appears as she does in series one: a cynical waif with legs scrunched up, knees under her chin, and a hoodie pulled over her head. The 24-year-old gives a magnetic performance; she makes even the most cliched lines, such as “I just don’t plan on being here that long”, somehow stick. When Ali asks Rue how she wants to be remembered by her mum and sister, the next minute of acting is a reminder of why this year Zendaya became the youngest person to win an Emmy for best lead in a drama series. The episode closes on an extended shot of Ali and Rue driving; Bocelli’s “Ave Maria” thunders in the background. It is undoubtedly a diversion from the usual relentless sex and drugs of Euphoria, but this episode hints at a more thoughtful second series to come.” INDIEWIRE: “Rue and Ali wade through self-pity, self-blame, self-hatred, and plenty more difficult topics, and it’s a credit to writer-director Sam Levinson that the conversation progresses with substance .But Zendaya and Domingo get all the credit for making it watchable. From Domingo’s voice built on crackling embers to Zendaya’s elastic jawline, the two thespians give and take with a natural grace. Without going too big or dialing it down too far, the duo entrenches themselves in the reality of the moment in a way that “Euphoria” rarely did so sparsely until now. Clearly, shooting under pandemic guidelines resulted in some creative changes, but the episode still feels like a sturdy bridge spanning a wild first season and the studied sophomore effort coming next. Its calmness and maturity is welcome, after so many episodes that built up to a big, shocking reveal.” ROLLINGSTONE: “Verbally, the whole thing is much more a showcase for Domingo than Zendaya, as Rue mostly just listens to her sponsor’s lectures and deflects his questions. But then, her line readings throughout Season One — particularly for the show’s usual narration (another stylistic flourish that’s absent here) — were often underplayed and lacking affect, the better to contrast with the high drama all around Rue, and to illustrate how numb she has become to the horrors of this life. Her face almost always says more than her voice, and that’s true again here.
At one point, Rue quietly admits that she doesn’t see the point in self-improvement, because “I just don’t plan on being here that long.” It pains Ali to hear her speaking so openly about wanting to die, but rather than trying to talk her out of it, he simply asks how she would want her mother and sister to remember her after she’s gone. The camera stays on Zendaya’s face the whole time as the weight of her pain, and her understanding of how she in turn is going to hurt her loved ones, fully takes hold. As the tears begin to flow, she says she’d like them to remember her “as someone who tried really hard to be someone I couldn’t.” It’s a devastating admission, made all the more so because of how simple and unvarnished the presentation is. Obviously, this structure isn’t something Euphoria can deploy in every episode, or even in many of them. There’s a huge cast of characters with stories to service each week, and the series’ hyperactive style is a fundamental part of its DNA. And going the full My Dinner with Andre is much harder than it looks, requiring actors like these two who can be so compelling while so little is happening. But with Zendaya and Domingo, in these extraordinary circumstances, it not only works beautifully, but suggests that, at minimum, Levinson can perhaps take his foot off the gas a bit more often whenever Season Two begins filming.” THE GUARDIAN: “As Rue, broken by what she sees as Jules’ betrayal, Zendaya continues to demonstrate exactly why she so deserved the best actress Emmy she won in September; as the older, wiser Ali, Colman Domingo is simply extraordinary. These needed to be good performances. Although this looks stylish, wearing its Nighthawks inspiration plainly and dwelling on blurry neon lights through glass, all Edward Hopper via a Lana Del Rey filter, it is essentially a conversation about addiction that has to sustain our attention for an hour. When Euphoria is at its best, it is deeply empathic. I did not buy the criticism that it glorified drug-taking; I thought it showed how horrendous adolescence can be, particularly in the digital age, and that nobody could truthfully watch this show and want to emulate any of the behaviour in it. This episode, given space and time to breathe, is a frank discussion about how destructive and damaging addiction can be, all wrapped up in a smart and sympathetic plea for compassion for addicts. Ali and Rue talk about their personal low points. For Ali, this is a story about how many last chances a person can burn through. Rue, devoid of hope, is forced to confront the idea that there may be a little hope left in her yet. It is a touch too long and some of the dialogue is eye-wateringly Euphoria – “For some people, there is no rock bottom, it’s bottomless” – but, for the most part, I was lost in its world and captivated by the back-and-forth, which is frequently as funny as it is grim. Ultimately, its message is one of forgiveness, of others and of oneself, of empathy and understanding. It quietly calls for good will to all men, even whip-smart, heartbroken, navel-gazing teenagers. Perhaps it is not so unfestive, after all.” THE DAILY BEAST: “The writing is strong but demanding—equal parts wrenching and humorous, and full of the kind of earnestness that can sound downright comical coming from the wrong performer. But both Colman Domingo and Zendaya, fresh off her Emmy win this year, are more than up to the task. It feels fitting that Ali chooses poetry as his metaphor for a higher power. In a way, this belief feels like the heart of Euphoria—a series that, like poetry, focuses on meticulous aesthetics and (visual) metaphor to drive home truths that can at times elude plain language.” ROGER EBERT: “Spiralling through a brilliantly written conversation about addiction, revolution, and depression, this is one of the best hours of TV in 2020—an incredibly moving piece that hints at the limitless potential of “Euphoria”’s future. The conversation between Ali and Rue circles her addiction from multiple angles without feeling overly scripted. It’s like a great stage play, and it allows the two performers to really shine. Domingo is an incredible character actor who imbues Ali with just the right amount of earned wisdom and realistic skepticism.
And then there’s Zendaya. She was excellent in season one, but she digs even deeper here than in that Emmy-winning performance. She has a few beats near the end of the episode that are breathtaking, not only in the decisions she makes but in how much room Levinson gives her to feel her way through her own emotions. Rue is angry and demonstrative in parts of this conversation, but she’s mostly listening, thinking, and feeling. It’s more about what she doesn’t say to Ali than what she does. The emotions that she allows to wash over her face and then pull back before approaching melodrama make for such a finely-tuned piece of work.”
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azurevi · 4 years
3 halloween tales (cater, jade & vil)
This is really random, but the ssr cards for the halloween show have given me many au ideas, so here are my self-indulgent stories inspired by them. The Cater one is especially long because I got a lot of ideas about it. For the Vil one.. it's pretty disappointing how it turned out, but I hope it's not too bad. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS!
WARNINGS : death (all), mild mention of gore (cater), war + mild possessiveness + violence (jade) [let me know if there're more!]
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the heart and its eternal weight
Cater is a cemetery caretaker. It isn't that he really loves it, but his father was one. He feels like it is only right to take after his steps.
He isn't into superstitions. Some people find distaste in his job, but it's something crucial for Cater. People, even after they're dead, should still be honored, and so deserve a hospitable place to rest. 
Everyday is a routine for him. Sometimes, though, the families of the passed talk to him about their stories and their emptiness once their loved ones are gone. Cater finds the beauty and softness in humans by hearing these stories, and it makes him even more dedicated to his job. 
It's natural to him, dying. His father was killed in an unintended accident, and sometimes it seems like his death could have been avoidable just as much as it was inevitable. He just wishes that he had had more time with him.
One of the lessons his father taught him about graveyard caretaking is to beware of ghosts. Those who recently died are more visible and intimate with the world of the living, and so they might appear before humans. Some are inhostile, of course, but there are malevolent ones.
Lore has it that some ghosts prey on hearts. It is said that the heart is the most important part of a human, as it is accountable for life, death and emotions. People believe that ghosts can be revived with a fresh, still-beating heart, and as a result the human giving up their heart will die in place of the ghost. Basically, the heart can also create ripples in the fabric of space-time.
Because of his job, he isn't all that popular among others, and he only has a few life-long close friends, his mother and sisters by him. So even if he has a crush on the most admirable person he's ever seen, he still won't make it known in fear of rejection. He figures that he still has time to figure it out.
And he's wrong. News about your tragic death spread around quickly like wildfire, and he's devastated. It feels wrong to even feel so, because he has never been acquainted with you in the first place.
Your body is buried in his cemetery, and a lot of people come to your funeral that day. Some of your family members are so heartbroken and pitiable, and so Cater offered to be their listener.
All he can hear is about the great work you've done, the care you put into everyone you met, the warmth that radiated off you while you were still alive. It breaks Cater how he's never had the privilege to know you, to experience all your graces with his own perspective.
One night, the moon is lit and hung up high in the sky, so close that it seems to be prying on Earth and the people roaming on it. Cater is patrolling with his lawnmower when he hears quiet and uncertain sobs.
He is creeped out, yes, but he's also curious. He's never seen a ghost before, and it could be a human for all he knows.
He's proved wrong once again, as he discovers your opaque body behind a giant tree. You are hugging their legs close to your chest, and a rotting hole's visible where your heart should be.
There's no way you can be hostile, and you certainly won't kill him for his heart, so Cater decides to approach you gently, tentatively, like you're smoke that will disperse the moment he intrudes.
To his surprise, you can hear him clearly, and even invite him to sit down with him. It's so bizarre -- a ghost asking for a conversation! But Cater doesn't mind as he pops down beside you. He notices how although you were no longer solid, it still feels like tense when his hand passes through you. Certainly it's because you've been dead not for long.
And so the two of you indulge in heartful conversations, and Cater finds himself regretting even more about how he never gathered the courage to go up to you. Mid-conversation you tell him about all the things that you wish you could've done and all the ideas you wished to spread.
Cater probably shouldn't have, but he is so absorbed in your ambitions and kindness that he offers to carry out all these great things for you. After numerous confirmations, you agree too to let him carry out your thoughts.
And so Cater works in his neighbourhood, sharing campaigns and donating, taking care of lost pets and cats and partaking in environment improvement. He's never felt so fulfilled before, and it's the first time he feels like he's genuinely making a difference in the world.
In times he's not representing you, he brings you up on the little hill behind the cemetery where the moon and stars are so close and vibrant, where they all dance in the dark ballroom and pulse in excitement of being seen. He wishes he could show you more hidden gems, but your spectral spirit cannot be too far away from your body. 
But it's enough.
A month passes and Cater notices subtle change in your behaviour as well as appearance, like how you're responding with less enthusiasm and how the hole in your chest is growing bigger. When he finally asks about it, he's told that ghosts generally only stay in the world of the living for 49 days, and their heart will rot away in this period. After that, they will have to go to the underworld, never be back again.
Cater is certainly shocked that the lore is more than a children's makeup story. He is well aware of the significance of the heart in relation to the soul and life. 
He asks if you'd like to have his heart instead, so bluntly and casually. You seem to return to their original intimate self when you refuse. 
"I'm already gone. It's you, the living, who should be making changes,"
So he pretends that you're not getting more and more unresponsive and less and less generous. He turns a blind eye against your wavering figure and how you can't be seen at all in the sun. He plays dumb when in reality, you're slipping away before his very own eyes, heart rotting away like nothing more than a fruit.
It hurts finally knowing and understanding someone and having to lose them. 
On the 48th day, you are already but a still, soulless shadow, leaning beside your gravestone and fresh, white flowers. Cater can still see you. Sometimes he thinks that you chose to be seen.
And he can't bear to see you go. To see your dreams go into flames, to watch such a pretty soul just - vanish.
So he gives you his heart. Alive and beating and sentimental. It doesn't even hurt a bit. 
You wake up immediately, your eyes glowing and body solidifying. 
"What have you done?" 
"What I can do to make a change,"
Time is starting to rewrite itself. Cater is going to die in your place. The space around you was warping and folding into itself, softly and rightly like a lullaby.
Just before you slip into darkness, you gather up a whole bunch of rose petals and desperately stuff them into the hole in Cater's chest, as if they can give him life in lieu of a heart, and you are sobbing and clinging onto his still warm arm, never wanting to let go.
It's all Cater wants, to save a wasted soul and to make a difference. 
And so he cradles your face, and leans in the moment everything goes black. When he wakes up again, he's weightless in the cemetery, where a bunch of well arranged roses lie on his buried body.
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a melancholy specimen
To Jade, beauty needs to be preserved to be constant. It's just like flowers. They die away without proper care.
Just when he thinks he's seen all the beauties of the world and is getting bored of it, he meets you. A blooming flower sparkling in the bland, old boring world around it. He's immediately captivated - how a person can still manage to flourish in such a rotten world where everything is depressing and all man is for themselves!
You're the most elegant piece of art he's seen, and that's something considering that he owns a museum. Innocence lies in your eyes and bravery sings itself between your lips.
You find him just equally amusing -- gentlemanly, insightful and just a touch of flirtation. The two of you fall in love like Alice down the rabbit hole - amused and unstoppable, fascinated by the wonders evolving about.
But the world doesn't give a damn about love, nor do they understand your dreams of a bright future where everything is close to hearts. They call you both madness and nonsense.
"Their souls are tainted with war and sorrow. They are beyond the point of rescue. Victory and glory are all that can feed their ego,"
Jade is disappointed. War has gouged people's eyes out and filled them with wails and ash.
The two of you are the only stars in the night sky, still fighting for salvation, yearning for a better future where trees grow and flowers yearn for the sun. You promote and do your best to lift the veil of darkness off the world. 
But the sun doesn't understand either. War keeps going on and on, and people never have the time for aesthetic relaxations. It refuses to shed light on its pitiable humans.
"We should evacuate, Jade. They say a bomb is dropping tomorrow,"
Jade doesn't care and can't care. The most paramount thing is to open his eyes to the beauty of this world. He doesn't want to become one of those barbarous men, tasting dirt and blood on their tongue while they glorify violence and brutalness.
He stays behind while his neighbourhood dies away. You are the only ones yet to leave. 
"Please don't leave me, Y/N. You're the only light in my life,"
You can't bear to leave him, and so you stay. The bomb is dropped, and it's too close. Too hot. Too cruel, too inhumane. It ravages everything in its way, burning all the darkened things to the ash and bringing the only beauty left in this world with it.
Jade wails. Broken cries are engulfed by nearby explosions and the cackling of flames. Your soulless body lies amidst the destruction, just another wilted flower in the slit of a rock, deprived of water and sunlight.
He finally understands. Nothing can save the world anymore. It's gone way too far, and it will never recover from malevolence. All he can feel is pity for his world as his heart ache with spite.
Bandages around his hands, he wraps your corpse up completely, preserved underneath the layers. You will be his reminder that there was once a flower in this drought, an anchor keeping him from becoming one of those barbarians.
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lifeless silhouette in the dark night
You can never recognize directions. You find yourself stumbling upon a seemingly inhabited mansion in the middle of the woods. Cold and bruised, you knock on its door.
Welcoming you is a tall man with blonde and lilac hair called Vil. His skin is unnaturally white, and his eyes seem to glow like orbs that eat your souls. But you are too tired to make notice of all these details, and he's kind enough to let you stay for the night.
He treats you with ravishing cuisine and a grand bedroom that was as grotesque as the rest of the house. Afterwards, he leaves you to rest, but not before warning you not to get out of the room post midnight.
You oblige- for the first half hour. Then you start to hear wails and footsteps that amplify and disappear. It's impossible to sleep.
The next morning, you confront Vil about it. He refuses to face the questions as he ushers you to get going, and so off you go.
You spend another day lost in the woods, then somehow come face to face with the mansion again. Vil is beyond shocked to see you, but then he breaks into a deep smile.
"It's almost as if you belong here,"
Weirdly enough, you could agree, There seemed to be an invisible force pulling you towards Vil. After dinner, he orders you not to leave the room again before making his leave.
Broken wails. Recurring footsteps. You can't bear it any longer, and you also wonder if Vil is aware of this. He properly is, and thus tells you to stay safe inside the room.
But dumb curiosity gets the best of you, and you open the door and step into the endless corridors.
The wails come from the host's room, where Vil is supposed to be. You're closing in when its door is suddenly flung open, and out runs a panting Vil.
"Vil? What are-"
His eyes are bloodshot and there's red stain in the corner of his mouth. Sweat dots his forehead. He looks disheveled and the complete opposite of how he was during dinner.
"You shouldn't be here. Get back - get back in!"
His voice booms in your skull, and you're running back to your room before you notice. 
It's another sleepless night.
To your luck, Vil doesn't wait for you to bring the incident up.
"Don't be creeped ou by it, please."
He seems very uneasy about it, but he's obstinate to give you an explanation.
Turns out that he is a vampire. One that has lived for 500 years and is waiting for his eventual death. He's seen everything in this world and lived through the best and worst of humanity. He understands people's fear about vampires, and so he resides in the remote part of the wood. He only ever drinks the blood of small animals that he hunt, and never has he once killed a man.
He knew nothing about what'd happen to him when he became a vampire. If he'd known about the repercussions, he'd never have become one in exchange of eternal beauty. Now he has to turn someone else into a vampire to end his immortality. It is only a cycle.
 Every night the moon rises and spills into his room, and he has to fight his urge to go out and taste the sweet blood of humans. 
There are times when he slips and loses control, but he always manages to get back to his senses. But it seems that your presence here in the mansion is awaking his desire to suck you dry.
You're bewildered to say the least, and frankly horrified. But at the same time you feel pity for him, for he is just a man who can't ever do anything as atrocious as hurting people.
And so you offer to end his suffering. Of course Vil disagrees. He just talked about how he never wanted to take a life, and now you're offering yourself to him? He'd never allow it.
But you're even more persistent. You keep staying in his mansion, and his sanity slips a little more every night. And you know that he's contemplating too, for he never tries to kick you out of his mansion.
"You deserve a rest, Vil. For your love and selflessness. For all the unspoken kindness you bestow on others. It is only fair that you get to rest,"
Vil has lived a life. He's but a mere walking corpse now, and a rest -- a sleep -- sounds just like what he needs.
And so he rests. Vil falls into a deep, serene sleep while you endure each and every dark night.
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quinintheclouds · 4 years
The Sides in Order of How Tidy Their Rooms Are, From Cleanest to Messiest:
(I have thought this through so hear me out!)
      1. Roman       2. Janus       3. Virgil       4. Patton       5. Logan       6. Remus
To Elaborate:
      1. Roman’s room’s cleanliness occasionally dips below Janus’ when he’s immersed in a project, but then he gets a burst of energy and makes sure it’s spotless. Or he just uses his imagination magic to make everything neat and presentable. He did say he wants Thomas to keep his clothes clean and folded in the right drawers. He cares a lot about appearances, and is very idealistic. Vaulted ceilings, art in golden frames, velvet curtains, an ornate canopy bed... Only the absolute best for a Prince!
      2. Janus is all about seeing things for exactly what they are. He wants clarity. Everything has a place. But his judgment can be clouded or his intentions murky. Not to mention that he's so precise in his edginess I expect he'd hold his room to the same standard as his outfits and cool demeanor. Even if he's a mess, deceit can keep things looking perfect on the surface. Unfortunately, every time Remus visits he tracks in mud, even though there shouldn’t be any mud. They’re inside, where did--?
      3. If we hadn’t already seen Virgil and Patton’s rooms, I may have considered switching them here, but I think I’d have stuck with this order. Virgil’s spiderwebs are an aesthetic choice and as such do not count as mess. It's not the most put-together of rooms, but it's lived-in and has breathing room. It's designed to make him feel cozy, so it's not overwhelmingly crowded with things. And Janus did catch Virgil doing some housekeeping and dusting.
      4. Patton’s room, on the other hand, is cluttered to all heck, but his things themselves are at least clean. His room is messy, but not dirty. However, he has no idea where anything is. When something's added to one of the piles, it's lost immediately, so Patton randomly finds things he'd forgotten about all the time. He wants to keep the memories in good condition, though, plus he doesn’t like icky stuff. Though I suppose it's possible both Pat and Virgil's rooms collect some dust after a while. Patton just doesn't actually dust often. (Twist: the floaty specks in the air in Patton's room was actually just a LOT of dust fdjhsgjk)
      5. This is why Logan doesn’t want anyone in his room (well, one reason). There are too many books to fit on the bookshelves, open jars of Crofter’s, papers strewn about covered in coffee stains and scrawled-on useful facts, calendars too ambitious to read, hyperbolically millions of tabs open with podcasts and research, journals documenting Thomas’ life, post-it notes everywhere losing their stickiness and falling to the floor, chemistry experiments, glow-in-the-dark star stickers, unsolved puzzles, binders of organizational tips to try and help manage Thomas’ schedule (none of which have worked yet), etc. The only thing that’s neat is his closet: ironed shirts, pants, and ties, and a garment bag containing the unicorn onesie. He keeps everything sanitized, doesn't let anyone in, and knows exactly where everything is. Therefore, this system doesn't significantly inhibit productivity, so cleaning isn't first priority. He doesn’t WANT his room to be in such disarray, but he’s Character!Thomas’ logic and structure, and we all know that’s a mess, so.. it stands to reason that Logan isn't exactly thriving. He’s too busy trying to establish order and efficiency in Thomas’ life to keep up with his own problems (not realizing that since he’s a part of Thomas... his problems ARE ALSO Thomas’ problems).
      6. As for Remus... you’ll never step into the same room twice. One day it’s flooded with some mystery substance and Remus is in a canoe trying to paddle with a slotted spoon, the next day it’s filled with radioactive bees, and the next it just looks like a junkyard where sex toys go to die. The walls are covered with burns and holes from blowing things up. Not even Remus can find what he's looking for in his own room, but he doesn't mind. Messy, dirty, moldy. Unoraganized chaos. The natural habitat of our local rat man. Filthy filthy.
Okay, yes -- this is mostly headcanon. I just thought it'd be fun :P If you agree/disagree I'm intrigued to hear your take!
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trulivin · 4 years
Golden Eyes
A/N: SURPRISE! I finished it last night. Thank you so much for this request! I really enjoyed writing this piece. I did make the reader kinda Shu I would say because she’s called serpent at the Menagerie but feel free to change it to suit your appearance! Also, I hope I kept to the character. I felt like Kaz wouldn’t act like this really in his mind, and I don’t know somehow I ended up flopping back and forth between their POVs. BUT hopefully it worked out. 
This also has potential for a part 2 so let me know if you would like that. Anyways, send feedback and keep requesting! I could honestly write about Kaz all day LMFAO! Enjoy! (Word Count: It’s really long whoops)
Kaz Brekker X Reader, Six of Crows
Warnings: Some abuse, cursing.
*Oh look I made another aesthetic lol*
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Kaz Brekker didn’t know why he did it. Three years after getting Inej out of the Menagerie, he found himself having the same conversation with Tante Haleen. “You are not taking another one of my girls, Brekker,” the lady snarled. “I have the money,” he shrugged, his face impassive. “I don’t care. You took one of my clients’ favorites three years ago,” Tante hissed at him. “You haven’t even let me tell you what I’m going to offer,” Kaz said. The peacock let out an odd noise, rolling her eyes at the teenage boy. Why does he even want this girl? She thought to herself. 
Truth be told, Kaz really didn’t know why he wanted this girl either. He just happened to be walking by the Menagerie a few nights ago and heard a lot of screaming. Tante Haleen had made a public display over beating this poor girl into tears in front of what seemed like everyone in Ketterdam. Usually, the woman would give her punishments in the confines of her office, but this time it was different. The girl’s screams still echoed in his mind.
It was a particularly still and soundless night as Kaz walked back from a successful deal he had just made. He was personally enjoying the quiet walk and the stars with the only sound of his cane tapping on the ground every step he took. However, his peace was soon disturbed when a high pitched scream rang out. Kaz immediately stopped, looking around for the source of the noise and realized he was very close to the Menagerie. 
“You ran another one of my clients off, girl!” Tante Haleen’s voice rang out. Kaz heard a faint sound of a belt snap and a girl crying. “I-I didn’t mean to,” a voice cried. “Didn’t mean to? Pff! You’ve always been a defiant whore. Trying to run me out of my own position! Girls like you need to be taught a lesson,” she sneered. “I swear, I’m not!” the young girl pleaded.
There was a faint crowd gathered around the main entrance to the building. Kaz approached silently, sticking to the shadows. There, in the middle of the ground was a partially-clothed girl, no younger than him, cowering under the peacock who was clutched a strap of leather in her hands. 
“Who would want your job anyway?” the girl half muttered to herself resulting in Tante yanking the girl up but her hair. If that young girl wasn’t in the middle of being beat up, Kaz would have been impressed with the girl’s snark. 
Kaz noticed the girl’s tear-stained face full of fear. A shiver ran up his spine as he watched the old woman continue to scold her, and for a fleeting moment, the girl cast a panicked look around the crowd and met his eyes. Beautiful golden eyes met his and he stood there stoically, studying her face until Tante brought down another hit. The girl screamed again, tearing her gaze away, and Kaz forced himself to walk away.
Her eyes burned into his memory as he finally made it to the Slat. Kaz talked with Per Haskell for a few minutes before heading to his room. He sensed Inej following him and when they reached the top, she asked, “So it went well?” Kaz nodded as he shuffled papers around his desk. Inej said something else, but he barely acknowledged it. He was too busy trying to figure out how to help the girl. 
Inej watched as Kaz was rummaging through papers and eyed him in confusion as she noticed he was pulling money together for some reason. She could tell he was distracted by something, and quite frankly had never seen him act like this. 
“Why all the money?” Inej asked, snapping her fingers in front of his face. Kaz jumped ever so slightly, meeting her dark eyes. Inej caught his quick scare and was even more baffled that Kaz Brekker was so skittish. He was almost never like this.
The girl’s golden eyes flashed through his mind for a moment before he cleared his throat. “I need to buy something,” Kaz muttered, turning back to the papers. “What do you need to buy?” she asked skeptically. “It’s none of your business. If you have a problem with it then get out,” he snapped. Inej was caught off guard with his moodswing, but shot him an annoyed glance and slipped out of the room. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with Kaz’s attitude anymore. 
Kaz jumped again when he heard his door slam. He had no clue why he was acting like this, it wasn’t him. Someone else’s pain was their problem, not his, but the girl’s watery eyes still burned in his mind like the sun on an extremely hot day.  
“Thirty-thousand kruge,” he said after Tante hadn’t responded. “Did the old man give you your allowance early?” the woman sneered at him. 
She looked a bit taken back at his bored demeanor, and then narrowed her eyes at the boy. She despised him for taking away the Suli girl three years ago and she was wary in letting another one go to Kaz Brekker or Per Haskell. Tante never really knew who was actually in charge.  
“Well, are you going to take it?” he asked, impatiently. 
She mulled over it for a moment and sighed angrily. She could never pass up money. All of my girls are replaceable I suppose. “Yes,” she said irritated. “So she’ll be working for that old man of yours?” she asked as she signed the contract. Kaz scribbled his signature down and snatched the paper up before she could really read everything on it. 
“Actually no,” he said with a wry smile. “She belongs to me. And technically, I’ve paid off her contract.” 
The woman’s eyes almost popped out of her head. “I-You--little rat!” She snarled at him. “You can’t have her!” 
“Yes I can. Now go get her. I have other things to do today,” Kaz said coolly. He was ready to get out of this place. It reeked of filthy men and other spices that made his head spin a bit. 
Tante Haleen glared at the boy but said nothing before slipping out of her office. She returned a moment later with the golden-eyed girl behind her. “Well, it’s your lucky day, serpent,” the peacock snapped at her, “You get to go with Mr. Brekker here.” The girl’s eyes snapped to Kaz’s just like the other night and he could’ve sworn his heart jumped as the blazing color pierced his. He studied her face for a moment, noticing the dark bruise under her left eye and her swollen cheek. Under the damage, he also saw a very beautiful girl who looked as though she had been put through years of abuse under the hands of Tante Haleen. 
Unfortunately, he also noticed how, behind her bright eyes, there was absolute terror coursing through her. “It’s been a pleasure,” he smirked a bit turning back to Tante Haleen. “Are you ready?” Kaz turned back to the girl. She nodded, wide-eyed and somewhat confused. Kaz slid past them and out the office door. 
Y/N’s head spun as she followed the teenage boy out of the Menagerie. What did he want? Why did he buy my contract? What the hell is going on? How is he walking so fast with a freaking cane? All sorts of questions flew through her mind and her swollen face was throbbing giving her a slight headache.
As they made it to the doors, Tante Haleen’s voice called after her, “You better watch your back girl! I’ll get my serpent back and you’ll die in chains here!” Y/N’s head whipped around in fear, looking at the evil woman. “That won’t happen. You’re safe now,” the boy’s raspy voice said from behind her. Y/N turned back to him and practically ran out the door he had opened for her. 
Once they were on the streets and far from the Menagerie, the boy finally slowed his pace. Y/N swallowed nervously and asked, “So who are you exactly?” “Kaz Brekker,” he replied without so much as casting a glance in her direction. He kept on winding through the crowd making sure Y/N was still with him every so often. 
Surprisingly enough, Y/N had heard of a Kaz Brekker. The notorious ‘bastard of the Barrel’ or Dirtyhands. She just never thought she would ever meet him. Clients would always complain about being crossed by Brekker. They’d say, “I’ll rip those gloves off his hands and feed him his own fingers if I ever get a hold of that damn boy!” It was strange seeing the gloves fit over his hands. Y/N couldn’t seem to stop staring at them, wondering why on earth he wore them in the first place. 
“And you?” he added a few moments later, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“Oh, um I’m Y/N,” she said. 
Kaz inwardly smiled to himself for the first time in a long time. He thought it was a very pretty name to match her pretty eyes. What the hell is wrong with you? 
He managed to maintain his expressionless face and turned to look at the girl, “Well Y/N you are officially free under one condition.” Her eyes narrowed at him as she began to grow more comfortable in his presence. 
“What?” Y/N asked. 
“You’ll become a member of the Dregs.”
“And if I don’t?”
“You lose the protection from us, and you very much could end back up there,” Kaz said. He didn’t necessarily want to say he owned the girl. She was free to do whatever she pleased, but if she were to go off on her own she would most likely be back where she started. Not to mention, Kaz would be out thirty-thousand kruge. The girl had a fire behind her eyes and he thought she could potentially be quite useful. He just wasn’t sure what her limits were yet, but he also didn’t want to lose an investment. She’s not just an investment, a voice in his head scolded. Shut up. You know I’m right. Ugh. 
Y/N thought for a moment. She knew about the Dregs and all the other gangs in Ketterdam, but she again never thought she would ever be tangled up in them. However, anything was better than the Menagerie, and she was decent in a fight so she could handle whatever the Dregs threw her way. “Anywhere is better than there,” she eventually agreed. Kaz nodded in approval as they continued on. 
Finally, the pair arrived back at the Slat. “Just let me do the talking,” Kaz said to her before opening the door. The main floor was crowded with a variety of  looking people playing cards and gambling. Heads turned as the door was open and everyone caught sight of Kaz with a girl in silks trailing behind him. 
One guy smirked at Kaz making Y/N cringe. “Wow boss I’m surprised they let you take this one out of the building!” the guy called. Kaz shot him a hard glare and snapped, “She’s not here for work. A new investment so shut up. She’s one of us now.” 
Investment? That didn’t sound any better, Y/N scoffed silently. Thankfully, though, no one in the room looked familiar. None of these people had been clients. 
The guy, Y/N noticed, seemed to cower under Kaz’s gaze. He seems to have very high authority in here, she noted. Just as quickly as they entered, she was following him up rickety steps. Kaz led her into an office on the second floor, and Y/N was faced by an old man. 
“Y/N this is Per Haskell. Per Haskell, Y/N,” Kaz introduced and the old man grinned. “My new member?” he smiled. “Mine,” Kaz interjected, “Sir.” “Ah yes yes, you used your own money,” Per Haskell dismissed him, slightly annoyed. “It is still my gang you know,” he said. “Of course, sir,” Kaz replied. 
Y/N stood quietly watching the two exchange words as if she weren’t standing right there. She could see right through Kaz and his act towards the old man. He may have sounded respectful towards Per Haskell, but Y/N had the sneaking suspicion that he could care less about the man’s opinions. 
“So, sweetie,” Per Haskell interrupted her thoughts. Y/N jumped in the slightest at the name. You’re not at the Menagerie anymore, and he was never one of your clients, she told herself. Kaz studied her and saw her back stiffen as soon as Per Haskell had opened his mouth. She was nervous. “What can you do? Weapons wise of course. And how do you hold up in a fight?” the man asked. Y/N seemed to be taken off guard a bit, but regained her composure, feeling more confident in herself again. 
“Well, um, before I was taken, my father taught me how to defend myself. And I’m pretty good at target practice,” Y/N mumbled, heat rising to her cheeks realizing this whole gang thing wouldn’t be like target practice. The man obviously knew it too and chuckled a bit before turning to Kaz. “You sure picked a good one this time, boy,” he said sarcastically. Y/N’s cheeks flushed even more red. And they flushed even darker as Kaz’s gaze rested on her for a moment. Y/N couldn’t help but be upset at herself for sounding so stupid in front of Kaz Brekker. Why do you care what he thinks of you? She questioned, averting her eyes away from him. 
“I think she’ll work out just fine, sir,” Kaz responded in an even tone. Y/N couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. His face remained unreadable with every word he said. “We’ll see,” Per Haskell said, the air in his tone signaling this conversation was over. Kaz simply nodded and turned to walk out of the office. He locked eyes with Y/N before pushing open the door. She followed quietly behind him still unsure of what really was happening here. 
They made their way up more steps when a voice stopped them in their tracks. “Y/N?” a familiar voice rang out behind her. Y/N turned around to see an oh-so-familiar Suli girl. “Inej?” Y/N half gasped. A grin broke out on the girl’s face as she bounded up the steps, pulling Y/N in a hug. Kaz raised a brow. 
“You didn’t tell me you were bringing Y/N here, Kaz,” she glared at the boy. Y/N was shocked she had the nerve to do that, but Kaz remained oddly quiet. 
The thought that Inej had known her never crossed his mind. 
“Well you know now,” Kaz said coolly. Y/N could see slight impatience in his look now. “Obviously,” Inej rolled her eyes and added, “Leave us be. I’ll show her around and she can stay with me.” Kaz narrowed his eyes at her, but didn’t say anything as he stepped aside letting the two go. 
In reality, something told him he didn’t want Y/N out of his sight. There was a lot of testosterone in the building and Y/N’s pretty features would surely stand out. But her reaction to Per Haskell’s words told Kaz she was more worried than she was letting on. He’d seen that look in Inej plenty of times to know it had been just as rough for Y/N as well. Tante Haleen had told him Y/N had been with her for five years, and according to the peacock, she was also a handful. He couldn’t imagine what Y/N had been put through because of her defiance, but he knew he didn’t want anyone getting any ideas. 
Up on the floor above, Inej had gotten Y/N settled in her room. “I never realized Kaz bought your contract too,” Y/N said quietly. Inej laughed and rolled her eyes a bit, “He didn’t buy it. Per Haskell did. Kaz just put the idea in his head so he could get the money. I still have to pay mine off. That’s why I work for him.” 
“Oh,” Y/N said, remembering what Kaz had said to Tante Haleen. He had put his own money up for her. Why?
As if Inej sensed her question, she said, “I don’t know why or how he got the money. But obviously you must’ve caught his attention. I’m telling you like I always have, it’s those golden eyes of yours.” Y/N let out a light laugh, but brushed her comment off. “It’s good he did though. We need more fighters like you. Don’t get all shy on them, I know how you get,” she added. Y/N rolled her eyes a bit, “I don’t like strangers.” 
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t kick ass. I’ve seen you do it before.”
“And you’ve seen my ass get kicked right after,” Y/N said sourly. She had tried more than once to get out of being with some of the clients, earning her plenty of bruises. But, it was always worth it when Y/N had managed to leave some bruises behind as well. “Listen,” Inej said seriously, “You’re safe now. Kaz, in his own twisty way, will protect you. He may seem like a heartless, emotionless, dark person, but deep down he cares. Of course in his own weird way.” The two girls shared a laugh and Y/N couldn’t help but think she was right. There was nothing to be afraid of anymore. 
A month seemed to pass in a blur and somehow Y/N had found herself restless. She slowly earned respect amongst the Dregs, but now everyone seemed to coddle her. Even Kaz would hardly ever let her out of his sight. He hardly spoke to her and she found herself pouring her heart out to him. She told him about her family and what happened when she was taken, along with everything that happened to her in the Menagerie. All Kaz did was listen and nod. 
Y/N was annoyed she could never figure him out, and told herself she was going to stop telling him her entire life story, but somehow wound up back in his attic. Some days they would sit in silence as she sat by the window, and some days they would have little conversations. He answered most of her questions she had for him, but he always gave a round-about answer when she brought up the gloves. Sometimes he would just ignore her so Y/N would just drop it. 
The only thing Kaz really wouldn’t let her do was go on jobs. She was antsy and felt more at ease than she had in a long time so she could easily go shake someone up for some money.  “Can I go with Jesper?” Y/N would ask. “No he, Inej, and Specht can handle it,” Kaz would reply. He was never rude to her when she asked. He would just find some excuse for her not to go.
In reality, Kaz didn’t want her to go because he could still see the slight changes in her body whenever someone, particularly a man, would brush by her too close. One time Jesper had slung his arm around her in a friendly manner, and Kaz saw all the color drain from her face. Her golden eyes even seemed to lose their brightness. He didn’t want to put her through what some of the jobs required and risk her getting hurt, although he wouldn’t admit it. So, he didn’t make her do anything, and left her extremely bored and annoyed. 
And unfortunately, some of the Dregs seemed to notice this as well. 
Instead of questioning Kaz, they all assumed it was because she couldn’t do anything. Some would say, “It’s alright gold-eyes, I’ll be back. Don’t worry I don’t need protection!” or “I think someone needs to go with her to make sure she doesn’t fall over and hurt herself.” 
Finally, one day, Y/N was sick of the teasing. Specht, Rotty, and Jesper were teasing her about how her eyes made her look soft because they were such a pretty color. She rolled the golden orbs. “You know, you all assume I’m no good, but none of you actually have had the decency to let me hold a pistol or a knife,” she snapped. Jesper looked a little surprised by her outburst, but Specht and Rotty grinned mischievously. “Ok then, pretty-eyes. Why don’t we do a little target practice then,” Rotty snickered. Per Haskell managed to spread the word around of their first introduction and it seemed to stick. Y/N glared at him but nodded. The boys sprung up and in about ten minutes the main floor was set up with a variety of targets. 
A crowd seemed to gather and Inej was by her side instantly. She had also yelled at plenty of them saying, “Y/N is perfectly capable of taking care of herself.” But Y/N didn’t want her help. And she also knew Inej’s words wouldn’t make them shut up.
“So this is how you hold a knife,” Specht said slowly as if he was talking to a toddler. “Har har,” she glared. Y/N yanked the set of knives he had from his hands and went to stand in front of the target. She heard snickers across the room and some people placing bets.
Y/N huffed before clearing her head. Feel the blade in your hand. It’s supposed to be a part of you so when you throw it, it will go in the direction you want it to. Her father’s voice rang out in her head. She closed her eyes for a moment, allowing silence to fill her ears. 
Kaz had come down to see what was going on and saw the room had turned into a shooting range. He was about to break up the semi-circle, but stopped once he saw Y/N in the center of it. Her eyes were closed and he watched along with everyone else. Kaz was curious to see what she really could do. 
In an instant, Kaz saw her eyes open, and watched as the three knives she held fly through the air and land in the dead center of three different targets. Her eyes immediately found his, and the liquid-gold was burning bright. He sucked in a breath as her eyes burned in his. Kaz couldn’t help himself. Her eyes were his favorite. 
Y/N felt his presence as soon as she rid herself of the knives. Her eyes found his watching her with a glint of approval. His mouth even quirked up in the slightest. A grin broke across her face at the thought that Kaz would be proud of her. Somehow they had gotten close over the past month and he had a special place in her heart causing her to always seek his approval. And though he would never admit it, but Kaz always found himself wanting the golden-eyed girl around him and only him. 
Everyone around the room seemed shocked at what had happened. Big Bolliger, however, interrupted the silence, “That was luck!” Eventually, others chimed in in agreement. Y/N saw that little quirk of Kaz’s mouth slip back into his hard look. “Then go stand in front of the target and have her throw again,” Kaz spoke from behind everyone. They whirled around, immediately falling quiet. “Well?” Kaz gestured for Big Bolliger to step up in front of the target. He gulped, but no one questioned Kaz. Rotty gathered the knives and handed them back to Y/N silently. “If she hits him then we know it’s luck. If she doesn't, well then I think you all will have gotten your answer if she can do anything or not,” Kaz said. 
No one said a word. Y/N should have been nervous, but she wasn’t. This was the first time she had been truly happy in the month she had spent here. She knew she could do it, and this would shut everyone up for good. Y/N took a deep breath and closed her eyes again, honing in on her father’s words. 
Kaz watched her eyes flicker open again and just like last time she placed the knives exactly where she wanted them: above Big Bolliger’s head, to the left of his ear, and to the right. 
Y/N smirked, satisfied with herself, but also got a bit carried away. Jesper was standing near her so she grabbed one of his pistols and shot right in between Big Bolliger’s legs before handing Jesper back his prized possession. Everyone seemed to be standing there gaping. Inej was smirking, and Kaz had a twinkle in his eye. She was even more proud of herself. 
“And she can shoot too,” he said. The crowd was still shocked as everyone stared at her. “Alright clean it up,” Kaz snapped, waving his arm. The Dregs jumped into action setting everything right. “It’s not like you haven’t seen anyone shoot before,” he muttered to himself, before signaling Y/N to follow. 
Once they were upstairs, Kaz admitted, “I will say I’m impressed. But like you said when we first met. Target practice.” Y/N glared at him, her sour mood returning. “I could’ve taken his eye out you know,” she said bitterly. Kaz didn’t seem to care about her tone with him. 
“I don’t doubt that either,” he replied. “But it is different out there when you’re in the moment--”
“How can you of all people think I don’t know that?” Y/N snarled, cutting him off and finally letting her anger bubble over. “I told you everything!” she hissed. 
“I told you how those men enjoyed a twelve-year-old girl! How I fought so many times and had knives pulled on me and took constant beatings from that wretched woman! How I was put in chains after I tried running away! I know what everyone thinks of me!” she shouted. 
“I know they all think I’m this weak, doe-eyed school girl who can’t throw a punch! They whisper behind my back, throw snide comments around, make bets! And I take it! I take it like every hit I took in that damn whore house.” 
Kaz heard her voice crack with her last sentence. He had underestimated her abilities and never really thought how tough she really was. He was always too busy silently fuming over how mistreated she had been growing up. 
“I know what they are thinking,” Y/N repeated herself. “And I don’t want you to think the same thing,” she mumbled quietly. Y/N’s eyes went wide as she realized what she just said out loud. “I--I just--,” she started but Kaz raised a hand. She shut her mouth and let him speak. “Do you know why I picked you?” he asked. She shot him a confused look. “I saw you that night Tante Haleen had thrown you on the ground in front of everyone.”
Y/N’s breath hitched. She remembered seeing those dark eyes in the shadows of the crowd. A shiver ran up her spine thinking about that night. 
“I will say I have underestimated your abilities, but I don’t think like those other idiots downstairs,” Kaz sighed, letting his mask slip a bit. “I,” he paused for a moment. The two voices in his head were back: Why are you acting like this? Because she’s a pretty girl. Just another girl. She’s more than pretty if you think about it. Doesn’t matter. You’ve gotten to know her and you know she’s like you in a way. No. Admit it. Shut up.
Swallowing a bit of his pride, Kaz spoke softly, “I don’t want to see you get hurt like that again. You don’t deserve it.” It was true. Even if she didn’t talk much for the first few weeks she was with him, he found she was quite pleasant to be around. Y/N was kind to whoever she met no matter what they said about her, and she carried herself with a sort of confidence she probably didn’t know she had. And those damn eyes of hers too. 
Y/N’s face softened at his words. “Oh,” was all she could manage to slip out. Quickly, though to avoid extreme awkwardness, Y/N gave him a mischievous grin. “So you do care?” she commented. Kaz let out a breath and rolled his eyes, thankful she didn’t want to endure the moment after him opening up to her. “The Kaz Brekker has a heart,” she chuckled as he glanced down back at his work. 
“Yes, but most of it was buried with my brother,” he said shortly. The room was silent and Kaz looked at Y/N. Her grin was gone and she gave him a sympathetic look. He never usually wanted sympathy for Jordie, but somehow Y/N’s kind features brought him a sense of comfort. “I’ll tell you some other time,” Kaz said simply. 
She approached his desk slowly until she was right in front of him. Taking a deep breath, Y/N glanced down to his gloved hand resting on the top. She hesitated and took it in her hand. Kaz sucked in a sharp breath before letting it out. Her hand was warm and felt smooth even through his gloves. A part of him wanted to feel it without the leather barrier. He noticed the scars that danced across her knuckles and all the way up her arm. 
Kaz’s gaze trailed across her skin and up to the bright eyes that were watching his every move. He suddenly felt very conscious of his hair and tie. “I’ll be okay,” Y/N said softly. He took her appearance in once more and nodded. “Go see if Jesper will let you tag along on his job,” Kaz added. Y/N gave him a small smile before releasing his hand. A part of him ached for her touch again, and his hand felt oddly cold after she let go. 
Y/N silently made her way to the door. “I had a sister,” she said, turning to look at him again before disappearing back downstairs, her golden eyes burning through Kaz’s heart.
Yay! To the nonny who requested, I hope this is what you were looking for! I have yet to make one with Kaz and the reader kissing because he’s very difficult to write for and I hate straying away from how the character actually is. But also I can do a part two with Jesper’s job and the aftermath plus her interaction with Kaz afterwards. Just let me know!
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a-chilleus · 2 years
ah i'm too tired to make a cool aesthetic web weaving collage whatever post out of this but @camelotsheart has posted about merlin as a deity and other people too i'll credit properly if i remember to do something with this but
i just love the idea
merlin as this kid who has absolutely no idea of what's ahead of him. he knows he's different, he knows he has power that could potentially be dangerous, that could be used in ways that benefit him at the expense of others, but he's still just a boy, a human boy, and really he just wants to be loved, like anyone else. he wants to share his magic and he sometimes says to gaius that he wants to be appreciated, to show people the impressive things he can do - he nearly shares it with morgana - but what kid doesn't want to share their artwork with their parents? what kid doesn't want their friends to know about the football game they scored the winning goal in? what kid doesn't want to be told "i'm proud of you," "i see how hard you worked and i'm happy for you that it paid off," "i appreciate what makes you different"? he wants, like everyone, to be loved for ALL of who he is, not only the socially acceptable parts, and he wants to love his magic!
and then gradually his magic becomes simultaneously more and less integral to him as a person. he identifies with it so much more, he doesn't just "have" magic, he "is" a sorcerer, he "is" emrys (even if he doesn't understand what that means yet), he "is" arthur's protector and part of this prophecy and... this means that magic isn't who he is, anymore, because it's not his anymore, not really. he no longer uses it very often to make things easier for himself (as he did in season 1), or to make other people smile (trying to make strawberries for freya). he uses it for violence, primarily, in service of arthur. he's not a violent person, but he - his magic, his self - is a tool, a weapon. he doesn't want to be recognized for his magic, anymore, because to identify with his magic the way one might identify with one's artwork or one's sports prowess is to identify with what makes him dangerous. sure, being found out puts him in danger - but he wouldn't really be in danger, would he? he could burn camelot to the ground if he wanted to. he has that power. but he doesn't want to.
merlin is a weapon, and he's usually pointed at other magic-users. merlin is a weapon, a really fucking powerful weapon. he's superhuman, by s5, and, yes, almost godlike. but, like any god, he's lonely. he's burdened by his own power. he can see the future, but it only brings him grief - pre-emptive grief, he's grieving arthur before arthur's even gone, in that denial stage where half of him is adamant he can save him and half of him knows there's no hope. whether destiny is real or not, merlin certainly believes in it. and he makes choices - really, really stupid choices - because of it. and in the end, only the bad parts comes true, because ironically both his belief in and his lack of belief in his own power (the power to change destiny, which several characters say he, and only he, has) causes him to /use/ that power in the worst ways. he could have changed arthur's mind on magic, but he makes the wrong choice because he's so focused on trying to outsmart the mordred prophecy, trying to change destiny. but the idea that arthur might need merlin to be proactive in making the golden age happen doesn't seem to cross his mind, because well it's destiny, right?
and all of that comes out of love. human love. he loves arthur so fiercely, not as a god but as a human, that he can't bear to lose him. and what happens when angels fall in love with humans? they burn too brightly, and the humans die. or the humans are made inhuman. when gods fall in love with humans, those humans are turned into stars or plants - they don't stay the living humans the gods fell in love with. merlin loved arthur to death. i believe he could have saved him, but he's not a person who gets to decide things anymore, not by s5. it's too late. he's a weapon pointed at anyone who might harm arthur, a guard dog that will bite anyone who gets too close.
and after all that, merlin tells arthur he has magic. because he wants to be loved, he wants arthur to see the devastating power merlin holds, the power he has used so, so badly, and to love that part of him as if it's a normal human thing. to make merlin human again.
and then merlin doesn't get to be human, he has the awful curse of immortality, the curse of the gods
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