#i'm running off iced coffee because i forgot to eat
chasani · 1 year
Go on then, what are your koopaling/koopakid headcanons?
Morton ->
stupid little dork
Asks what song it is when they're singing 'Happy Birthday to You' at a party
Memory loss, they gave him a note pad so he could write things down but he forgot where he put it
Enjoys wearing bows and is very open about it
Takes Wendy's bows
Big Hammer Tiny Brain
Smashes things he doesn't like/understand/want/know
Doesn't know how doors work
Somehow immune to poison if he doesn't know it's poison??
Iggy ->
Completely blind without his glasses
It's legally allowed to drive but drives anyway
Owns a bunch of blond wigs
Weird obsession with sticks and bones
Hangs out in Ludwig's room to listen to him play piano (whether he was invited or not)
Has at least 20 differently themed body pillows
Hatsune Miku binder
Ludwig ->
Does not sleep
Composer at day evil maniac scientist by night
Has a better eating habit than Kooky
I will fight you if you argue with me (you don't have to like it but just don't yell at me for it) but otherwise he's trans ftm and DEFINITELY bi
Steals mirrors from Wendy so he can admire himself
Makes Ramen in the toaster at 3 am while getting a sweet glass of Orange Milk (pineapple juice + milk + coffee + shots)
Dips bread in Egg Whites + Oreo crumbs and fries it (old habit never grew out of)
Wendy ->
Her room is FULL of coins and other gold things
Has two closets, one for clothes and the other for jewelry
Will scream if you take her bows
Somehow always has a mirror on hand
Drags the boys into her room so she can practice her makeup on them
Lemmy is willing to be makeup tester
Believes in bad luck but still dresses up for Friday the 13
you wouldn't guess it but her favorite songs are rock and country
Larry ->
Has 51 diseases and is banned from most public spaces
Would be a carnivore if the didn't force him to eat vegetables
Throws the baby penguin from the Mario game over the side of the ice cliff
Big fan of trains
His room is full of toy trains
Somehow knows how to drive a train
Owns + Pilots a helicopter, where did he get it from?
Lemmy ->
wanted in 50 states (and counting)
states like solid, liquid, and gas
collect weird miscellaneous objects in hopes he could use it for a performance
Probably pan
Constantly makes jokes about liking pans because he's pan
Once he was caught kissing a pan
Once found biting a pan by the handle and running around on all fours at 3 am
Roy ->
Big man
Acts all tough but also loves bows
Finger paints
Eats raw eggs
Big Mouth ->
dumb baby
Tries to be tough but just ends up being cute
Memory loss
Eats raw eggs as a snack
Doesn't know you have to cook certain foods
Bully ->
never takes off his shades
Wears pink, blue, and white bows (in no particular order ;])
Own at LEAST 20 different pairs of glasses and counting
Eats like 30 pounds of food a day
Cheatsy ->
Kooky Von Koopa ->
Complete Smart-Ack Maniac
Does not sleep (except for when he completely PASSES OUT from exhaustion in which it's usually day)
Only eats junk food like candy and fried stuff
does not shower or brush his hair you have to throw him into a lake with piranhas to get him clean
Stupidly smart, mad scientist that lives in a basement making monsters
Does a little composing here and there
Knows all of Beethoven's Symphonys + Rush E from heart
Knows at least 25 different languages and counting, already multi bilingual at 1 month old (smart baby)
Probably trans and Agender or smth idk I'm not a mad scientist
Kootie Pie ->
won't admit it but she's a fan of clowns
Literally hates all boys (wouldn't blame her, growing up in an all boy house)
Would be friends with the princess if they didn't try to kidnap her all the time
Hip ->
Clown baby
can cry at a frequency only dogs can hear
will throw his ball at you if you even dare disagree with him
Probably has autism idk I'm not a koopa
Hop ->
blind without the glasses
Will eat raw meat if you give it to him un cooked
Do not give him raw meat
He will scream if you give him food before dessert
Never give him food before dessert
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galaxiic · 3 years
So, I’m exhausted, but Chapter 3 is up! Writing is harder than I remember. Or maybe it’s the ADD. It also sucks when you’re trying to build the plot up slowly, but you’re also super impatient, ahaha. Anywaysss... Go read it? UwU 
Luca has been adapting to school in Genova for the past month, and he's been thoroughly enjoying being here and learning all that he can beside Giulia. Other than the longing for the companionship of Alberto and the love of his family, he's feeling pretty good. The school was full of things for him to learn, and he even made a few new friends in his class. Adapting to living as a human being after thirteen years was hard enough, though. And if anything could make it worse, that would be a bully at school. Ercole was one thing, but this one seems completely different. He didn't single out Luca specifically, and he had Alberto and Giulia beside him to help him handle that jerk. Leonardo Armani was someone he was going to have to face on his own, or else the entire school would hear of his true nature. But here, nobody knew what was really happening. He had to tread lightly, even around those he trusted.But despite his best efforts, Giulia knew something was wrong. And she knew the best chances of getting it out of him would be Alberto Scorfano. So with just one letter sent back to Portorosso behind Luca's back, Alberto shows up for class. But will he be able to figure out what Luca is determined to keep hidden from everyone?
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seacottons · 3 years
—ateez as boyfriends [ domestic au ]
notes: swearing. suggestive dialogue. fluff. i blame a certain someone for this, not gonna say who. @kireiwoo
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— hongjoong
very caring and attentive towards you
so much so, that even his friends have complained how it isn't fair he doesn't scold you like the way he does to them
he enjoys many activities with you, such as
helping him dye his hair an ungodly color every other month
he'll insist you try experimenting with your own tresses
but you only have the courage to dye the very ends of your strands
"i don't think i can pull off that color as well as you do," you'd say.
"that's a load of bull. you'll suit every hair color."
you'll just roll your eyes playfully at his biased behavior.
other activities include getting tiny matching tattoos together.
the tiny flower and butterfly on your wrists was most likely your favorite due to its simplicity in design and the meaning behind it as well.
spontaneous dates are his favorite.
behind closed doors, he loves to constantly shower you with pecks and smooches.
often gets teased by his friends from how whipped he is for you.
randomly books vacations for you two to relax and unwind every so often.
although he enjoys it, he is a big, tired baby when it comes to traveling
always wanting to lean his head against your shoulder
or cuddling you close for warmth due to the airport's air conditioners blasting frigid air.
has written many songs about you
and when he's finally ready, he'll not only ask you to listen to them, but to also spend the rest of your life with him and share his last name as well.
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— seonghwa
constant pet names
"the sun to my stars."
"the moon to my sun."
"love of my life."
you like to call him mars, mostly.
but he revels when you call him 'twinkle eyes' for some reason.
has a habit of pulling you into his lap.
you'll subconsciously play with the strands of his hair as he does so, him being too distracted bickering with his friends to realize sometimes.
will always give you pleading looks whenever wooyoung or san tease him.
sometimes, you walk in to find wooyoung settling onto your boyfriend's back while he greedily devours the bowl of popcorn entirely by himself.
or other times when both wooyoung and san constrict his limbs with their arms whenever you're near.
"y/n can't save you now, so cut the whining."
you'll only sigh and shake your head in amusement.
"what are you guys doing to my poor boyfriend?"
"he changed the movie we were watching without our permission!"
"because i have no damn clue what's going on, and harry potter is too confusing!"
coffee dates.
loves to sleep with you tucked against his chest.
always has an arm draped around your frame.
butterfly kisses on your neck.
soft touches against the small of your back and waist.
his favorite pastime with you would be stargazing.
"baby, look. it's me, mars-io," he'd say whilst pointing up to the large, bright star in the night sky.
when it's too cloudy outside, or when the weather isn't forgiving, he'll turn on the indoor star projector he bought so the two of you can stargaze in the comfort of your own bed.
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— yunho
is the epitome of romantic.
is constantly smothering you in love and affection.
always has heart eyes and admiration in his eyes at whatever small task you do or say.
rant about an ancient dynasty?
heart eyes.
bombard him with useless information about a certain abandoned island.
heart eyes.
gush about the new cute bakery that recently opened up?
heart eyes.
if you had a money jar for every time he says 'i love you', you'd have enough money to buy a plane ticket or two.
always willing to drop everything to help you with whatever it is you need.
will wake up in the middle of the night when you text him to ask if he's awake or not.
willingly stays up to keep you company.
but sometimes, when he's too tired, he'll knock out accidentally and profusely apologize to you in the morning.
very supportive of your life choices.
hates seeing you cry because it makes him want to bawl his eyes out as well.
his hugs are bone-crushing.
but he is a gentle giant nonetheless.
likes to attempt to bake pastries with you.
half of the time, the goods either turn out undercooked or burnt.
"they have love in them, that's all that matters."
will always insist that you can rant to him about anything and everything.
you've never felt so valued in your life before meeting him.
is the most understanding human being you've ever gotten the pleasure of knowing.
"i wish we were vampires," he says one day.
you give him an amused look, lips outstretched into a smile, "why, silly?"
"so we can spend an eternity together."
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— yeosang
his heart flutters when you notice the smallest things he does.
it makes him feel appreciated and acknowledged.
like when he changes up his hairstyle or earrings.
or when he wears a new sweater.
a big, big softie when it comes to you.
can and will want to spend all day in your arms on his days off.
quick witted and has a knack for noticing the tiniest detail.
very shy and awkward at first.
but when he gets more comfortable as time passes on, you won't be safe from his snarky little comments anymore.
will constantly bring up the thing you said or did months ago to prove a point.
"oh, you like this flavor? three months ago you told me it tasted like vomit."
"remember that time you woke up in a rush to get to work thinking you were late, only for me to drag you back inside because it was three in the fucking morning?"
you stop mid-chew and peer up from your plate of rice.
"your point, yeosang?"
"oh, nothing this time. i just wanted to tease you."
is the type to have a mid-life crisis when you can't decide on a restaurant.
"but i don't want to eat at the chicken place again," you'll whine.
"it's been thirty minutes, and you still haven't decided what you want!"
"you're rushing me!"
"y/n! just pick!"
loves to cuddle with you, especially in the colder months.
wraps a blanket around your frame and tugs you in closer against his chest.
pretends not to understand your jokes just to spite and tease you.
loves when you cling onto him.
his favorite pastime with you would be just walking around together at night and trying out different types of street food.
or even visiting any of the local beaches for a relaxing walk together.
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— san
persistently keen about whenever you feel upset or down.
he reads you better than any open book.
sometimes, it scares you, but you appreciate how he's always so eagle-eyed about your behavior.
loves to hug your head.
you allow wooyoung to crash some of your dates with san sometimes.
other times, san will whine and tell him to go find his own date.
"if y/n accepted you as a boyfriend, then you should've disclosed that i'm part of the deal as well. buy one get one free."
"as what exactly?"
"the hot, clingy best friend."
will take numerous duck-faced selfies of himself because you think they're cute.
often times, he'll ask you to mirror his expression, only for him to press his lips against yours a second before his phone snaps the picture.
likes when you kiss his dimple.
"y/n! it looks like a crater from the amount of times you've kissed it."
he likes to tease you.
a lot.
very touchy.
always has an arm around you.
rests his chin against your shoulders.
playfully smacks your rear when you're sassy with him.
or leans in to hold your jaw whilst whispering teasing words into your ear that has you becoming docile and bothered in mere seconds.
has you wrapped around his finger as much as you have him wrapped around your own.
likes to have weekly picnics with you at the park and admires all the dogs running about.
"i should bring byeol next week. maybe she'll like to play fetch too."
"i don't think that's a good idea.."
you often find him fast asleep holding onto a plushie for dear life whenever you're away.
you'll pull it away from his arms, causing him to stir awake groggily.
he'll stare in confusion as you throw the plushie aside, before pulling you in tighter as you wriggle into his arms.
"you're softer than shiber," he'll mumble sleepily against the crown of your head.
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— mingi
mingi is sometimes self-conscious around the public eye and others, but when it comes to you, those layers of fear and insecurity get stripped away instantly.
doesn't mind being vulnerable with you.
he craves affection, adores it even, but is insecure about not being able to return it well enough for his liking.
likes when you give him attention.
easily gets jealous when someone else grabs your interest.
reassuring him 24/7.
"yes, mingi. you're the love of my life."
kissing his pouting lips for good measure.
the smallest of gestures has him a blushing mess.
even holding hands in public.
when he's not being a sentimental sap, he'll like teasing you lovingly.
"wow, you have this many photos of me in your phone?"
you'll scrutinize him in confusion.
"are you that obsessed with me, y/n?"
"mingi! you told me to take half of those photos of you!"
"oh, right. i forgot."
a silence weighs down onto the two of you.
"but would you have taken them if i never asked you to?"
constantly laughs about the things you say, although you don't think you're that funny.
always seeks your approval subconsciously.
will always shield you from the rain, playfully yelling at the droplets sometimes.
"you can't make y/n wet! only i can!"
"mingi! we are in public!"
wanted to go strawberry picking because he saw a celebrity try it out on instagram live.
accidentally steps on many berries though.
"it's okay, they'll just make another plant. i did them a favor."
brags about you like no tomorrow.
even for the tiniest, minuscule thing.
"oh, i've already tried the brand of ice cream. y/n always buys that for me."
"i don't need to pay all this money for a measly slice of cake. y/n's cakes are much better."
"no, wooyoung. i'm not jealous of your new shoes." he'll lightly pinch the boy's side, "y/n and i have already bought ourselves matching pairs."
"you two are so fucking cheesy, it hurts."
when he's not bragging about you, he's boasting about himself.
but if that's what helps him raise his confidence levels up, you'll gladly sit down hours on end listening to how he has more 'swag' and 'charisma' than all of his older friends combined.
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— wooyoung
teases you like his life depends on it.
says you can't get enough of him, when in reality it's the other way around.
but you let him believe whatever he wants.
but deep down he just really gets satisfied with himself if he raises your mood and makes you smile.
especially when you're not having a great day.
uses way too many emojis when texting you.
"wooyoung, why am i saved as as 'clingy bug' on your contacts?"
he'll squawk indignantly and laugh awkwardly for a second.
"who told you this lie!?"
always wants to show off your love in front of his friends.
"no, i don't want my early birthday gift now. wait until the others show up, and do it front of them."
"but why?"
"so everyone can see how much you love me. can you also cry for good measure?"
"absolutely not."
he enjoys the dates you have in his apartment the most.
the ones where he cooks for you and asks for your help, only for him to pester you about over-seasoning or undersalting something.
"okay, fine! we'll just order take out if it tastes that bad," you pout, flinging a small piece of onion on his face.
his head instantly snaps back to eye you judgingly, fist gripping the poor spatula.
"over my dead body."
"so, y/n. how does my plating look?"
"it's beautiful, wooyoung. you've outdone y-"
"what else is beautiful?" he demands, face leaning over the table to give you a knowing grin.
you shove a piece of meat and rice into his mouth, shrugging nonchalantly.
he deflates at your answer, spluttering pieces of rice onto your face.
"jung wooyoung, you slob!"
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— jongho
is the type of boyfriend to stop you in the middle of the road to tie your shoe for you.
very charming and goofy in his own way.
takes pride in himself and his abilities to cater to your every whim and need.
even when you don't ask for his help.
aggressively opens jars for you when you struggle to pry them open.
"no one messes with my y/n."
"you're fussing at a jar of pickled radish, baby."
the type to cling close to you in public in fear of any of the bicyclists or pedestrians bumping into you and harming you in any way.
sometimes acts like you're made of glass.
while it's endearing occasionally, it is a bit suffocating at other times.
doesn't believe you when you say you're tough and don't need protection.
very selfless and willing to help you with anything you need.
never one to shy away from social gatherings with his friends, always pulling you along with him despite you being shy and clingy most of the night.
also a big tease.
when you help him hold down his legs for sit ups, he asks for a smooch.
pulls away from you when you try to kiss him.
and will laugh at your pouting face as he urges you to try once more.
"stop moving, i just want to kiss you!"
after numerous tries, he finally allows you ( you truly think you over-powered him though ) to kiss his cheeks or lips.
he then proceeds to squawk loudly in retaliation and playful disgust.
although he loves teasing you, when the game is flipped the other way, he'll be a shy mess of embarrassment.
"i don't mumble your name in my sleep."
"you always do, silly."
tucked underneath his macho exterior, you know he's prone to criticism and takes it to heart much more than he likes to show and admit.
so, whenever you get the chance, you always fulfill his need to be appreciated, loved, and taken care of.
is utterly and extremely protective of you.
"who just whistled at you?" he grumbles, "i'll break their jaw like an apple, you know i will."
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + kugisaki nobara from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 29 april
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon
↳ request : Hi, sorry I'm the anon that just sent the ask about requesting headcanons for Yuji, Megumi, nobara and Gojo and how they'd be like spending the holidays with their significant other and I forgot to say that I would like to order a "classic black coffee"! I'm sorry this is my first time ordering!
↳ barista’s notes : i already did a little holiday headcanons for gojo which can be found on the first masterlist for the headcanons, so i just did the trio instead ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ  i hope you enjoy your first cup of classic black coffee and please come again soon when you are ready to order ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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Holidays with Itadori are fun and spontaneous like how you and him decided randomly one day to go to the beach for your holiday.
You and him seem like the type of couple that enjoy the summer since he is the sunflower he is - sunflowers need sun, right?
So when you and him go to the beach, best know that you and him have so many toys ready, while you are also the responsible one that made a list for you and him to also pack the necessary things to bring like towels, suncream, etc.
Playing beach games with Itadori are so much fun because there are times where you and him get slightly competitive with each other- but, of course, Itadori will try to not like his athleticism get in the way to make the games fair.
Water guns are something you and Itadori packed and to be honest, the kids on the beach are jealous of you both because it seems really fun when you both are just running around.
Itadori also seems like the type to carry you over his shoulder to dunk you into the sea because it’s for a good laugh (if you are not afraid of water or if you are able to swim)
Eating fresh fruits together like manga and watermelon is just a complete mood, especially under an umbrella on a beach table.
Seeing Itadori glup a whole water bottle while in swimming shorts is just a different sight to see - imagine him pushing his hair back while doing it….wow.
During the sunset, Itadori loves to walk on the beach with you and sometimes will carry you piggyback style just to keep you close while holding your shoes in one hand.
In conclusion, your and Itadori’s holiday, in the beginning, is full of energy and fun while later on, it will calm down and endearing like how the sun is during the day to noon.
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When you and Fushiguro are going on holiday together, it’s usually during the winter holidays because Fushiguro seems like the type of person that likes winter to me.
Secretly, Fushiguro likes the winter season because he can hold you close and hold your hand without you questioning since usually, you both link pinky fingers - it’s to keep you warm he says.
Unlike Itadori’s holiday, Fushiguro and you will plan everything from where you go and what to pack - but with what activities to do, it will come in randomly when you both get there, but Fushiguro will secretly see what is going on without you knowing.
Sightseeing is you and Fushiguro’s favourite thing to do and this is because to him, it doesn’t matter what you both do, if he gets to spend time with you, it’s enough for him.
Fushiguro really likes to see you under the Christmas lights because it gives your complexion a glow that is really beautiful to him - he does take a few photos without you realising.
If you want to go ice-skating with him or try different foods with him, he won’t deny you because on the low, he wants to give it a try as well - if he doesn’t feel comfortable, he will tell you since you’ve gotten that close during your relationship.
During this time, he does have his gift in his backpack that he has and he will give it to you when you both get to a restaurant that Fushiguro suggested - he is kind of like a tour guide when you both get to the location you both had chosen...he is a cute tour guide though.
He wants to make this winter holiday getaway special because it’s rare for you both to get an off-day or holiday rest together, so his gift is one that he thinks is really memorable and special enough for you.
You and him probably rented out a little cottage with a fireplace to gift each other your presents by the fire with his divine dogs by your sides - because precious family moments~
In conclusion, Fushiguro really doesn’t care where he goes or what he does with you because spending time with you and making every moment precious is all that matters to him.
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You and Kugisaki will go on holiday during the spring season because it’s the season of new beginnings and that means a whole new wardrobe for her with the fashion brand’s new season clothing.
If you and Kugisaki decided to go somewhere, it’s definitely somewhere in the city since we already know she isn’t fond of the countryside, even though she will say that she is from the countryside with pride.
However, except for your massive shopping spree with her, Kugisaki will find the cutest cafes around the city that you both chose and just the opportunity to take many Instagram pictures to post them and make Itadori and Fushiguro jealous - FYI, they really ain’t.
I feel like you and Kugisaki will eat so many sweets like cakes and ice cream sundaes because it’s those rare times where you can get those types of things like normal people rather than sorcerers.
When going around the city, Kugisaki can’t help but take many photos of you while encouraging you to be more confident for your Instagram as well as her Instagram story - you will obviously do the same for her.
Kugisaki will take the opportunity to find something to give you since she seems like a person that forgets to gift people things or just gifts people at a really later time - so this is the perfect opportunity for her to pick something for you.
So if you go into Tiffany’s and she is taking a long time...do not ask questions, you were staring at that one necklace for a long time huh?
When it’s the end of the day, Kugisaki probably stole Gojo’s credit card and booked a beautiful hotel room for the both of you to enjoy with a beautiful view.
You and Kugisaki will probably make the most out of this room like the jacuzzi that is in the bathroom and the whole room services for a midnight snack meal and the whole breakfast in bed with white robes on.
In conclusion, you and Kugisaki holiday is luxurious and the dream that everyone wants with the advantage of Gojo’s credit card - because you and her deserve this magically and expensive trip due to your lives as sorcerers.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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seeuonadarknite · 4 years
freak — yandere oikawa tooru x f. reader
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warnings: noncon, bullying, degradation, creampie, hickeys, exhibitionism
Milk bread? Check. Coffee? Got it. Gum?
"Shit!" The sound of your school loafers pattering against the sidewalk resonated throughout the desolate road as you hastily detoured back to the gas station. You were probably the store's first customer of the day, and here you were ever so graciously returning because you forgot something as minimal as chewing gum.
Any sane person would forget the gum and continue their journey towards the school. But you were far from that. You had to have a few screws loose if you willingly took time out of your day to cater to your high school bully and buy him a few of his favorite snacks. Hell, his friends have even dubbed you as his little admirer due to your obedient nature.
But you weren't catering to his needs like some sort of servant because you wanted to impress him. The only thing that kept you from smacking him across the face and calling him a stuck up jerk was pure fear. You're not some masochist that enjoys being taken advantage of by someone with a power imbalance over you all because of his stupid social status, but your options are limited.
It's either play along with his brutal torment for the rest of the last semester, or try and defend yourself and place a giant target on your back for his vicious fan girls. And even if you tried fighting him back, you wouldn't even need to be outnumbered by his friends to lose. We're talking about the Grand King here. He'd take you down by himself in a matter of seconds.
As hard as it was being seen as a freak that embraced Oikawa's torment, you'd much rather lose your dignity rather than your own safety. If Oikawa told those girls that you tried laying a pretty little finger on him, he'd be throwing you into a pit of rabid wolves to shred you apart and eat you alive.
Plus, you weren't as bad as everyone made you out to be. If there was anything Oikawa was better at other than playing volleyball, it was lying. He could spread a rumor about you robbing a damn bank and not a single person would bat an eye at his impossible claim. The fact that he has the entire school body in the palm of his hand is more than unsettling. Saying you weren't interested in testing his immeasurable power was an understatement.
Sprinting over to the spot behind the school that Oikawa was oh so keen on meeting you at, your heavy pants soon turned into wheezes. God, you were only three minutes late but you were shaking like a leaf. If anything positive came out of this situation, it was that you learned that it'd be a good idea to bring a grocery list next time, and maybe some water.
"You're late, [y/n]. Care to explain?" It wasn't hard to miss the irritation that laced the normally cheerful male's tone. Lo and behold, Oikawa was already stood at your regular spot, looking as cocky and smug as ever. There was nothing that excited him more than watching your face visibly drop at the sight of his presence. What, did you really think you'd get by with being even a second late? Time was precious, and you weren't going to get away with wasting his.
Oikawa basked in the way you powerlessly trembled as he made his way towards you. You didn't even bother trying to cower away, it was priceless! Placing a hand on your chin, he forcefully tilted your head upwards and rubbed a thumb over your lower lip. "I-I'm sorry! I.. I forgot the gum.." He shot you a glare. "B-But I went back and got it! That's why I'm a little late.." You could barely even muster up a coherent response, you were so nervous.
Judging by the way he ripped the grocery bag out of your hand and began rummaging through the contents of the bag, he was not buying your excuse. Picking up the can of cold coffee you had specifically picked out for him, his eyes narrowed in disgust. "You got me the kind with creamer. Are you trying ruin my perfect body image?"
Diverting his gaze from the coffee to you, he sent you an expectant look. If you didn't come up with a reasonable excuse within the course of a few seconds, Oikawa would make you regret waking up this morning. "This was the last one left! I'm sorry—" Lies. You cut yourself off as you felt a cold, sticky substance run down your chest and seep through your school uniform.
He was pouring the coffee you had paid for all over your chest, wearing a sickeningly sweet smile while doing so. You couldn't tell what was more discomforting, the feeling of ice cold coffee sticking to your skin, dripping all the way down to your bellybutton, or the unsettlingly lustful gaze Oikawa held on your figure. He had to be joking. Sure, he was a jerk that got off on making your life a living hell, but he never took it to such perverse extents.
"Aww, you look so cute with your tits covered in coffee. You must be freezing! I'll warm you up." Somehow the idea of him warming you up sent chills running up your spine. There was no way in hell he was about to do something thoughtful like giving you his jacket or helping you clean up the mess he deliberately made.
Forcefully grabbing you by the shoulders, Oikawa shoved you onto the cement with ease, watching your face contort into a cringe. You could already feel the rough texture of the ground scraping at your skin through the thin fabric of your uniform. Was he about to beat the shit out of you? Why was he looking down at you like a starved carnivore?
Instead of answering the questions rapidly flowing through your head, Oikawa straddled your waist with both lanky legs. However, instead of trying to fight him back, you stare at him with a dejected look in hopes of him hurrying up whatever the hell he planned on doing.
"Now, I'm sure you're not big on getting attacked by my loyal fans. So do me a massive favor and be quiet, alright?" You wanted to wipe the stupid smirk right off of his face as he basically threatened you. This man was about to use you for his own personal pleasure and there was nothing you could do about it.
Glancing down at your glossy eyes one last time, Oikawa basks in the fearful expression that adorns your face. Making quick work of your coffee stained uniform, he popped open the buttons, giving himself a clear frontal view of your sticky cleavage.
A small smirk tugged at his lips as he glanced down at the lacy bra that adorned your body. "Not only have you decided to wear such a lewd piece of clothing, but you wore the kind that snaps open in the front? Ahh, you must want me to fuck you."
Oikawa wasted no time in snapping open your bra, allowing your breasts to spring free. Both of your tits were on perfect display for the setter's hungry eyes to gaze at. You felt powerless and small under his primal stare. It couldn't possibly get any more worse than this.
Maybe the rumors were right, maybe you were a tad bit unhinged. Any sane person would've seen this coming from a fucking psychopath like Oikawa. "P-Please.. don't do this.." You gave pleading one last shot as you stared pathetically into his chocolate brown eyes that gleamed with amusement.
Unfortunately for you, your doe eyes only seemed to egg the cocky brunette on as he roughly clasped your breasts with each hand. Although the uncomfortable, yucky feeling of coffee sticking to your skin still lingered, the only thing you could zero in on was your tormentor's working hands as he squeezed your hardened nipples in between his slender fingers.
He was squeezing and fondling your sensitive mounds like stress balls. Did he forget that you were a human just like him? Has he really amounted you to a mere plaything for him to toy with whenever he pleased? With the way that his hands kneaded and pulled at your breasts like dough, you were beginning to think that your theories were correct.
His half lidded eyes flicker up to yours for a split second, allowing him to witness the deliciously mortified expression you wore. Within a fluid movement, Oikawa leans down and traps your lips in a ferocious kiss. It started off with just Oikawa forcefully merging his lips onto yours, but with the squeeze of your breast you regretfully gasped, allowing passageway for his wet appendage.
It's hard to decipher what's more uncomfortable; the feeling of Oikawa's tongue swishing around yours, rendering it nearly impossible to breathe or the obvious hard on he has rubbing up against your skin. When he finally pulls away, his breaths are heavy and uneven.
Hooking his fingers under the waistbands of your skirt and panties, Oikawa tugs the elastics down, watching as your slick strings down along with your panties. Crimson shaded your cheeks as you averted your gaze from Oikawa's. If there was any possible way of coping with the mortifying situation at hand, it'd be closing your eyes and pretending to be anywhere but where you were.
Unfortunately for you, sight wasn't your only sense. Shutting your eyes wouldn't stop you from hearing the sound of Oikawa's belt buckle clinking, and it wouldn't prevent you from feeling his hardened cock running across your thigh. Opening your eyes, you couldn't help the audible gasp that escaped your lips as you gazed at his cock. It was as big in girth and in length as all of his fan girls had claimed. You really hoped that they had been bluffing.
Oikawa seemed to appreciate your unwavering eyes, as he prodded the tip of his cock at your hole. "Wait! Please, don't.. At least use a rubber." You pleaded, trying your hardest not to let any lewd noises to escape your mouth as he began easing his head into the walls of your cunt. However, all your pleading did was evoke an amused chuckle from the man top of you.
"Aww, that's all you're worried about? Don't worry, I'll pull out," He coos, grabbing the curves of your hips to steady himself as he pushes himself further inside of your pulsating hole. As uncomfortable as the foreign feeling of Oikawa's massive cock pushing your walls apart was, you felt a small wave of relief wash over you upon hearing his response.
He seemed to notice the look of relief taking over your features, because he sent you an ear to ear grin that put the cheshire cat to shame. With a forceful thrust that would surely leave you sore, Oikawa finally pushes the rest of his length into the constricting walls of your cunt. "..after I cum inside of you!" He grabs onto your legs and folds them into your chest within a fluid movement, making it easier for his cock to reach spots your measly fingers would never be able to find.
He either didn't notice or decided to ignore the the way your body physically tensed at his response. He was joking. Right? Sure, he obviously knew no boundaries and had no problem using and abusing your body, but you assumed he had the smallest bit of self control. Maybe you were thinking too highly of him.
Rearing his hips back a fraction, Oikawa thrusts back into you, already kissing the tip of your cervix with the head of his cock. His pace starts off slow and steady, allowing your insides to memorize each and every curve and vein on his cock. If you weren't so upset with him for doing this against your will, you would've been appreciative of his benign thrusts.
Glancing up at the clock that hung from the back of the school, Oikawa cringed. He had to make this quick. His comfortable, languid pace quickens as soon as you can relax. The once quiet spot behind the school is soon filled with sounds of grunts, moans, and ear deafening slaps. Any regard for your personal comfort is gone out the window, as he thrusts in and out of you at a rapid, unrhythmic pace.
He nestles his head into the crook of your neck, running his lips over the sensitive skin whilst his hips smack against yours at what feels like one hundred miles per hour. "Maybe I'll mark you. Nobody else will be allowed to fuck you like this, only me.." If your mind wasn't zeroed in on the feeling of his balls slapping your rear at full speed, you would of picked up on the hint of possessiveness in his tone.
Eyes trained on the skin of your neck, Oikawa began sucking and nibbling, leaving a trail of purple bruises starting from your neck and ending at your chest. It was a mystery how he managed to create love bites and brutally fuck your hole at the same time.
Just the twitch of his cock causes your insides to squeeze at his length like a snake constricting around its victim. "Fuck, you're really tight, huh?" He grunted in your ear, basking in the way your insides devoured his throbbing cock with each and every thrust.
As Oikawa somehow managed to fasten his pace, he moved his hand down south, placing the pads of his fingers onto your swollen nub. If you weren't close before, you definitely were now. With the pressure of his fingers working absolute wonders on your clit, and his throbbing cock desperately pushing at your cervix, your body begged you for release. A small knot formed in your abdomen as his movements quickened, and your plushy walls began clamping down on Oikawa's cock.
With one last harsh hit to your cervix, you come undone, gushing your juices all over his twitching cock. As soon as you reach your well awaited climax, your vision begins to spot and your brain starts to fog. You were far too dazed to focus in on Oikawa hooking his arms over your thighs and slamming himself into your aching hole at a ferocious pace. "Aw, what a little baby! You came so fast." He taunted in your ear, half lidded eyes trained on your figure as he pummeled into you with hostile thrusts.
Although he teased you for releasing so fast, he felt his own climax arise with the way your innards hugged his cock. All it took was one last final thrust into the milking clutch of your cunt before he reached his end, hitting your swollen cervix one last time to shoot his load into your womb with a drawn out groan. God, he didn't regret ditching his condom for a second. Seeing his hot, thick fluids seep from your quivering hole boosted his already inflated ego. Only he was capable of leaving you like this.
Sliding his cock out of your dripping cunt, Oikawa watched as you sat up from your spot on the cement and began buttoning up your shirt. Cute, now coffee wasn't the only sticky substance splattered all over your skin.
After pulling his pants back up and fixing his disheveled hair, he helped you up from the ground. It would've been a kind gesture, if he hadn't followed it by forcefully tugging your panties back up with a condescending grin. "Don't go to the bathroom or wash up. If you do, I'll fuck you again and cum inside of you twice. Don't forget, I have eyes everywhere." His voice was disturbingly cheerful for the unsettling words that came from his mouth.
Sending you one last signature grin, he flashed a peace sign at you like you were one of his fan girls asking for a picture. It baffled you how two faced he could be at times. "See you later, slut!" He giggled before leaving you alone at the scene, drenched in all kinds of different liquids.
Whoever told you that high school was going to be easy was lying through their teeth.
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nctinthehouse · 3 years
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pairing: reader x bf!Doyoung
genre: fluff, established relationship!au
wc: 0.9k
⚠️ warning(s): none
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7th September
You and Doyoung are currently on the way to the convenience store. Doyoung is giving you a piggyback ride, not because you begged him to or you weren’t bothered to walk all the way there since you guys went on a run, it's because you tripped over and he didn't want to see that happen again.
Arms around him, you snuggle onto his back and bury your face in his neck
“this is nice. we should do this more often”
“what? giving you a piggyback ride?”
“hm, yeah”
“that's cause you don’t have to walk. i’m walking for you, you lazy ass”
Doyoung pinches your leg and chuckles, you slap his arm in return
“i can’t believe you tripped on a rock” Doyoung says in disbelief
“i can’t believe it either...” you mumble
“sometimes i can't believe how clumsy you can get. i’ve lost count on the amount of times you’ve hit your toes on the corner of something or dropped something on the floor”
“i’m sorry, i can’t help it sometimes!!! i guess i'm just naturally clumsy...?” you pout
“that's why you have me. Doyoung here to save you from all the clumsiness” he grins
“i’m hungry”
“i know, i can feel your stomach grumbling on my back” Doyoung laughs
“don’t worry we’re almost here”
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Arriving at the convenience store, Doyoung goes to a nearby picnic table. He sets you down carefully and you get off him, sitting on the bench
“i'll get lunch. what do you want to eat?” Doyoung asks
“i’m not too fussed, i’ll eat whatever”
“ok i won't be long” he leans down to give you a kiss
As Doyoung goes to buy lunch, you look around your surroundings for a bit. You see a few kids running around who seems to be chased by a young looking man. Dad? Babysitter? Brother? Who knows. Seeing them reminds you of a day when you had to take care of your niece and nephew once. Your older sister had dropped them off at your apartment for the day so she and her husband could spend the day together alone, kids free. Doyoung was free that day so he decided to help you out a bit. When you were making dinner, you heard a lot of laughs and giggles so when you turned around, you could see that Doyoung was on the couch with your niece and nephew having a tickle match. It put a huge smile on your face and at that moment you thought, Doyoung would be a good father one day.
Smiling at the memory, you kinda get lost in it until Doyoung pulls you out of it as he sets down a tray on the table with the food
“ta da, egg salad sandwich, Caesar salad, crab and cheese kimbap, a hot dog and shin ramen. iced caramel latte for you and caramel coffee for me !” (AN: this is what happens when you write when you're hungry hhuhuu)
“Doyoung isn’t this too much?” looking at the food with wide eyes, Doyoung laughs at your reaction
“gotta feed my hungry girlfriend”
“i also have some snacks here if you’re still hungry after” grinning, as he places a carrier bag on the table
“oh i almost forgot” walking around to your side of the table, he sits down next to you
You look at him confused until you see him take something out from the bag
“for your knee. turn around, give me your leg”
There's a small cut on your knee but nothing too serious. Doyoung puts a band aid on then taps your thighs “come on, lets eat!”
A few monches later, you see Doyoung stirring his drink around. You couldn't help but think of that specific scene in his drama. You knew that his members would often tease him about it so you decide to tease him a little bit. Doyoung looks up and sees that you’re trying to hold in a laugh
“nothing” pressing your lips together as tightly as possible
Doyoung stirs his drink again and you take the opportunity
“sseukka sseukka”
“ahh Y/N seriously?? not you as well!!!” he whines and pouts
You almost choke on your bite of sandwich from his reaction
“sorry sorry, i can't help it! also blame your members, they keep sending voice notes of them saying it!” you laugh
Finishing off your sandwich, you get lost in thoughts once again
“i can already see it”
“see what?”
“top star actor of our generation, Kim Doyoung. big bold letters on news articles, various awards”
Doyoung scoffs
“seriously!” you protest
“you were amazing in the drama. i’m proud of you” you smile at him
Doyoung smiles back, taking your free hand from across the table and lifts it up to his lips, giving it a soft kiss
“thanks babe”
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Surprisingly you guys managed to finish all the food (minus the snacks) so you guys start to head back home. As you get up, Doyoung walks to stand in front of you and crouches down
“oh babe it's fine, let me just walk home but slowly, i can manage”
“Y/N it’s fine, it’ll be like a workout for me”
“what are you trying to say?” crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow at him
“i’m not trying to say anything!!?!”
“calm down i’m only teasing you” throwing your head back and laughing
You get on his back, he carefully lifts you up and make your way back home
“you really love teasing me don’t you?” Doyoung chuckles
“of course, teasing you out of love”
Your lips going close to his ears then whisper
“sseukka sseukka sseukka sseukka”
“you won’t let me live will you?” he sighs
You giggle and give him kisses on his cheek
“nope, never”
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Of Bad Beer and Summer Nights. #Writer Wednesday 04/28/21 Javier Peña x f!reader
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Summary: it’s just another summer day at the pool. Sunbathing before your shift starts, the day changes drastically when you cannot take your eyes off a handsome stranger.
Warning: mention of alcohol and swearing. NSFW +18 SMUT (oral and p in v sex)
Paring: Javier Peña x F! reader
A/N: Another take on the #Writer Wednesday challenge by @autumnleaves1991-blog !!
Not me basing all this on the label of the beer that’s shown on the cans and my obsession with Javier Peña and his ridiculous fashion choices. This is the first thing I write with a little spice on it and I’m still not that comfortable but we’re getting there. Not beta’d and my eyes are burning so I have read it just once so if they’re any mistakes, misspellings and bad grammar I’m really sorry.
Of bad beer and summer nights
The kids’ screams from the pool muffles the tunes of some old ranchera blasting from the bar’s stereo. The old guard of retire men gather around the plastic white tables drinking cold beer and playing dominoes and you lower your book, sunbathing under this blazing sun, and smile; this is your childhood, your home and even that you had convinced yourself that you were done with this, that you wanted to run away, this speaks to your nostalgia and the fondest memories you own.
The heat makes you lazy and your stretch your body feeling your bones as if they were made of jelly. You drop the book on your stomach; you were not actually paying too much attention to it anyway and look around the pool: kids running around with water guns, angry mothers trying to control them and the men on the bar. Usually they’re around 70 or plus on average, they occupy their usual spot under the parasols early in the morning and spend their time doing their retirement routine: newspaper, same old conversation and complain about the world, beer and dominoes, until it’s time to eat or to switch their drink to coffee. But today a tall, lean, brown haired man is breaking the age median. He’s younger and stands out not only for his strong physic but because he wears a bright pink shirt and some yellow aviators and the tightest jeans you’ve seen on a man. You’re sure you’d question anybody else’s fashion choice if they were wearing that, but surprisingly, it fits him, probably because he exudes confidence, maybe it’s his broad shoulders, maybe it’s his golden skin revealed by the way–too-much-unbuttoned shirt he wears, maybe it’s his dark hair or his striking features or maybe it’s because of his dark coffee brown eyes that are fixed on you. His eyes. Shit.
You were so absorbed looking at him that you didn’t realize he had taken off his glasses and it’s now seated facing the pool and you from the bar. He smirks when you try, ungracefully, to grab your book back, the paper is stuck to your skin since you had spread it generously with tanning oil. The pages are ruined but you actually don’t care, you just open it before your eyes and try to conceal that you were looking at him like a creep. After a few minutes, you raise the novel just enough to see if he's looking but he's gone. Disappointed, you turn to the other side and let the sun bronze your skin and achieve that serene state that you had before he arrived at the pool.
"Hey, you, burnt sloth, it's time" somebody pokes on your shoulder
"Burnt sloth, seriously?" You say, you feel your mouth is dry and your brain is slowly coming back to life "it's my shift already?"
"Yep, actually you're two minutes late" Marisa grabs the elastic of your bikini bottom and pulls it and lets it go until it slaps your skin
"Ouch! I'm coming" you finally get up
"C'mon, Mr. Garcia has joined the party at the bar, and you'll be late for his speech on the loss of traditional family values" she announces. You glance at the other side of the pool, the old man walks with difficulty towards his retired friends table
"Shit, you do it on purpose" you say and Marisa smirks "my shift always starts when there's one of the annoying customers time to arrive, that's not fair"
"Is there anybody attending the bar?!" You both turn to see Mr. Garcia raising his cane and screaming at you
"I'm coming" you answer, grabbing your jean shorts and the white shirt with staffwritten on it. You toss your clothes on over your bikini and run towards the bar.
"Sorry, Mr. Garcia, the usual?" You ask while tying up your apron
"Yes, please. This is what's wrong with this country now the youth has lost the will to work hard to really make an effort…"
Even his friends roll their eyes, but you know it will be a minute until he finishes the list of bad things he wants to rant about.
Marisa has occupied your deck chair and winks at you while she spreads her sun cream. Bitch you mutter towards her and she smiles and lays back.
The rest of your shift consists in ignoring Mr. Garcia and looking at Marisa with jealousy. When the sun is almost gone she joins you on the counter.
"I'll have until Jack comes to pick me up, I thought you needed some company" she says bending herself over the bar to grab a glass
"Yeah, now that they're about to leave, how convenient" you point to the old men table "what do you want?"
"Beer please"
You take two ice cold cans and serve hers on her glass while you keep yours under the wood counter
“Tomorrow you will take my shift by the way" you say leaning on the fridge
"Nope" she says having a sip of her drink
"You wanna bet?" You counter knowing that she likes to play. She thinks about it for a second but when you open the cards box and leave the deck in front of her she nods
"Just for tomorrow though" Marisa shakes your hand and you distribute the cards between you two.
You try to focus on the game, she's better than you and you really don't want to take another shift like this. But all your concentration leaves your body once you see out of the corner of your eyes, a pink bright shirt and a tall figure.
"Hi, are you ready Pops?" He says, his voice is deep while he gently taps on one of the old men at the table
"No, give me a minute, I'm actually winning for once" he says laying one of the domino pieces on the table
"Right" he smiles warmly at him and you think he couldn't be more handsome but he actually approach the counter and now, looking at him closer he’s even more attractive
“Can I have a beer please?” he asks taking a seat on a stool. You nod and grab one from the fridge.
He examines the golden can with an arched eyebrow “Don’t you have a bud?”
“No, we only have calidad (quality) and let me warn you that the title is actually ironic” you answer, for a second you hope he doesn’t actually get mad at your little joke but he smiles widely “I trust you then, I won’t take my chances with this so... can I have a whiskey then?” he pass you the can and you turn to put it back on the fridge and glance over the bottles you have. All of them are the cheapest labels on the market, but you know your boss reserves some good old Jack Daniels well hidden and you crouch down to get it from the back of the utilities cupboard.
“I don’t know if I want that drink either if you took it from where you keep the cleaning stuff” he laughs
“Don’t worry, it’s legit, it’s my boss’s. He doesn’t want to expend one cent on the clients but for himself...that’s another thing” you pour him the amber liquor and you cannot help but notice that he’s looking at you intently
“You don’t serve whiskey often, right?” he gets closer and almost whispers it in your ear
“Why?” you ask and raise your head suddenly realizing that you’re really close. His scent is intoxicating, some fresh body wash and the musk of his cologne mixed with the whiskey you’re serving him
“Normally you will serve just two or three fingers” he explains putting two of his fingers on the glass so you can see what he means, the glass is half full.
“Shit” you stop pouring and leave the bottle on the counter while he chuckles
“Either that or you’re really generous or I’m and excellent costumer” he jests
“You are!” you respond right away and you clear your throat once you realize how stupid it sounded “or I’m a terrible waitress, I think that’s more probable”
“Agreed!” Marisa claims, you actually forgot about her
“I don’t think so” he shakes his head “You were really honest about the quality of the beer, you could have just gave me that trash and say nothing”
“Well, I’m drinking one while working, I keep it hidden under the counter and I’m gambling with my friend to see if I can change my shift for hers tomorrow” you confess, he looks amused at you
“What shift is that?” he asks
“Morning, there’s none” Marisa answers
“You actually cannot take that shift” he looks at you now
“Why?” you say puzzled
“Because you’re busy tonight, probably will arrive late and you should sleep” he sips his whiskey and you still observe him not understanding
“I’m not...”
Marisa smack her lips “she’s clueless”
“I see” he smiles again, that damn smile “at what time do you close?”
“She’ll be off at seven” Marisa answers and you turn your head from one to the other like you’re watching a tennis game you don’t really understand
“What are you...”
“He’s asking you out, dummie” Marisa rolls her eyes at you with a frustrated grunt
“If it’s alright for you unless you really want that early morning shift” he looks at you from under his lashes and you don’t know how a man like that can be smoldering hot one minute and this cute the next
“She’s going!” Marisa answers before you could make your mind
“Wait, I have nothing to wear and I have to...”
“There’s a dress on my locker, the code is 6754 and I don’t trade my shift anyway, you don’t have excuses” a car horns from the door “That’s Jack, don’t take no for an answer!” she points to the man running towards her boyfriend’s car.
“There’s no pressure, if you don’t want to...”
“No, I want to, really” you say focusing on the stains on your apron
“I’m Javi by the way” he smiles fondly and raises his hand, you respond with your name and shake it
“Really nice to meet you” you say softly
“Let’s go, son, this damned dominoes are jinxed!” his father walks out from the table gathering a few laughs and jokes from his friends
Javi reaches from his wallet when Mr. Garcia raises his cane again “Don’t let him pay, anything he had it’s on me”
You look at him confused and Javier, for the first time in your brief acquaintance looks shy and actually uncomfortable. He thanks the man and walks to his father about to leave the place
“I’ll pick you up at seven” he says, winking at you
“Can we have the check young lady or do we have to do it ourselves” Mr. Garcia gets you out of your daydreaming and you rush to clean up and say goodbye to the old loyal customers before they leave you alone to close.
You don’t actually have time to do much, just shower and look inside Marisa’s locker hoping for the best. You find a white summer dress and some flat sandals that fit you, you try your best with your hair and the little make up you have in your bag. And you wait for Javi to arrive.
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He’s punctual, arriving just on time on his pick up car.
“Hi” he has changed for another bright shirt, this time blue that matches his skin perfectly. He wears those yellow sunglasses and the same tight jeans and you cannot believe that you actually think it’s the most gorgeous a man has look ever. You staring more that you should again, how the muscles on his forearm tense and relax while driving
“We’re going outside Laredo, if you don’t mind” he says eventually
“It’s fine by me, unless you’re planning to kill me and leave me in the middle of nowhere” you shot
“No, I’m not planning to do that” he chuckles
He takes you to one of those big restaurants outside the city with live music and the best BBQ you’ve ever tasted. The conversation flows nicely even if you have to slap yourself sometimes because you continue to stare in a very obvious way.
“So, why did Mr. Garcia pay for your drink?” you ask after while “He never does one kind thing for nobody, are you a celebrity or something?” you joke
“You actually don’t know?” he drinks from his beer and he has a curious look on him
“No, are you famous?”
He makes a gesture with his hand “Mmm more or less”
“I go every weekend to the movies so it’s certainly not movies” you guess and you place your hand on your chin “Singing? Do you sing rancheras? it’s the only thing he likes so... c’mon sing!”
“You don’t want to hear that”
“Okay, so it’s not singing” you bite your lip trying to come up with something “are you one of those dude’s that do that thing with the lasso” and you mimic the gesture
“A professional cowboy?” he laughs out loud “No, nothing really artistic about my fame”
“Okay” you reflect on what he said and after a few minutes you slap the table “I got it! You’re actually a very famous mobster and Mr. Garcia owes you money, always thought he had some shady business going on”
“Do I look like a mobster?” he laughs
“No! I don’t mean it like that”
“But you thought about it”
“It’s just...” you stutter
“You exude confidence, you look cocky and very sure of yourself kinda like you own the place when you walk in and people do what you say” you explain blushing “dangerous and sexy” the beer is kicking in harder than you thought and you lean on his shoulder “like you can kill somebody” his amused expression fades and a dark and timid veil covers his face
“Oh shit” you answer “ H-have you?” you murmur, he nods softly and averts his eyes
“Well, if you’re not in jail I guess you are...law enforcement? army?”
“DEA” he responds with a deep breath
“How...how does a DEA agent become famous?”
“I was part of the team that hunted Pablo Escobar” he answers, his arms are crossed on the table and he’s looking down
“Are you kidding?” you gasp “Did you meet him? Are you the one that shot him?”
“I was not even there when it happened and never actually met him”
You can see his eyes glowing and how tense he looks now, all confidence and bravado is gone and he finishes his beer leaving your date in an uncomfortable point
“I’m sorry I brought that up” you brush your hand over his, yours looking small against his “I was joking, I’m obviously clueless about dates and have a big mouth, I’m sorry again”
“No, no” he holds your hand between his warm palms “I really thought you’d heard, that’s why I wanted to take you out from Laredo where everybody brings that up”
You hold your head on your hands “I’m an idiot, I’m sorry”
“Hey, hey!” he takes your hands and brushes his fingers on your chin until you look at him in the eye “It’s not your fault, let’s move on, okay?” his thumb is closer now to your lower lip and you see his eyes lowering until he’s looking at your mouth for a second before he points to the dance floor “Do you dance?”
“Not well”
“Me neither”
“Do we give it a go and make a fool of ourselves?” he asks holding your hand and you nod enthusiastically
The people on the dance floor judge you when you actually don’t know the moves that goes with this type of music, but you’re laughing like little kids and you see how he tries to hold you every time he gets the chance, his big hands on your waist, and arm on your lower back that burns like the sun and when finally they change to a slow song, he presses you against his chest and you moan softly when he locks you there with his hands on your back. You reach for his neck and tangle your fingers on his nape.
“I have a confession to make, agent” you whisper on his ear
“I was looking at you at the pool and hoped that you came back when you left and actually ruined my novel in the process”
“And I was looking back at you and came back to pick up my father when he actually didn’t need it” he responds, his warm breath over your temple, you smile openly and you think your heart could leave your chest in that very moment
“and another thing...”
“I never actually liked guys with mustache and now all I can think about is how does it feel when you kiss” you hide your face from him feeling his laughter resonate on his chest
“Wanna try?”
You raise your head even though your cheeks burn and your rational brain in screaming that you barely know the guy but then his lips brush over your softly and they’re as soft as they looked, you let him lead you mainly because the sensation is overwhelming and when he gently touches your mouth with his tongue you let him in, you let him taste you and you moan, Javi smiles briefly over your soft expression of pleasure and becomes more eager, hardening the kiss. You don’t know how long you’ve been there but when you break the kiss your head is spinning and you have to hold onto his shoulders
“So?” he says with a cocky smile
“Nice, really nice”
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You don’t want this night to end, you park alongside the riverbank in Laredo, he has put down a big blanket on his pickup truck so you’re comfortable seating on it and Javier bought some cold beer at the gas station. The summer night is clear; the moon and stars shine and are reflected on the black waters of the river and you can only hear the soft sounds of the insects and the breeze moving the grass.
“Can I ask you something?” you’re both seated next to each other, swinging your legs until you touch him
“Why did you choose the DEA?”
“I just wanted to get away from here” he shrugs
“You caused too much trouble? Broke too many hearts?” you jest tapping his arm with your elbow
“Why do you say that?” he turns to face you
“You look like someone who could do that” you murmur “Are you going to break my heart?” Now you adjust your position so now you’re both face to face
“I hope not”
You think over his answer, it’s actually pretty honest. You had had promises of eternal love and “never ever going to hurt you” before and then they left you with your heart bleeding and your confidence undermined. So you prefer this, the truth. Neither of you know what’s going to happen, there’s only tonight and that you don’t want to get back to real world. The river, the moon and the two of you on his car are the only thing real, they only thing that exists right now.
You arise on your knees and save the distance between you holding his head on your hand. It’s you who lead the kiss this time and he lets you savor him. He holds your hips and gently pushes you on his lap. You lower your kisses to his jaw and then his neck tasting his perfume mixed with his sweat that it’s the only thing you’ve been thinking about doing since this morning, he emits a guttural moan and you feel your arousal between your thighs. Your hands act faster that you can think and unbuttons his shirt. In the moonlight his skin is soft and it’s splattered in small freckles that you kiss trying to count each one with a touch of your lips.
He doesn’t stay still for much longer and raises your summer dress kneading the skin of your legs, up to your butt and your hips. He separates you from him and you’re about to complain when you feel he’s pushing you softly to the blanket. You lay down taking a deep breath while your gaze at the night sky full of tiny bright dots that reminds you of his skin and how you crave to have him on your lips again.
You raise your head once you feel him touching your calf, his fingers softly trailing over you until he take off your sandals, and when it’s done, he grabs your legs and roam his hands up and down on them until he pulls your legs apart. Javier gets in the space between your legs and without breaking his burning look at your eyes, he takes off his shirt and unbuckles his belt.
“Please” you whisper and reach your hand towards him; he takes it and kisses your palm before bending over you. The hunger you have for his lips is finally over when he kisses you again deep and moaning against your lips.
He mimics what you did earlier and bites your jaw and your neck, scattering kisses over your clavicles. He gets up an instant just to take off your dress and admires you for a second before continuing his kisses where he had left them. You bend your back when your breasts are exposed to the fresh summer air but are immediately cover by his big warm hands and then his mouth graze each one with the most delicious attention kissing and licking your nipples until biting your lip can’t contain your whimpers
“You don’t have to be quite, there’s none” he says liberating your lower lip from your bite with his thumb “Your moans will be only for my ears and I want to listen to every single one of them” he says and leaves a kiss on your sternum before grabbing your waist pressing his face on your stomach and again repeats the action of spattering kisses and soft bites to your skin.
Once he reaches the elastic of your panties he looks at you intently. You’re a moaning mess, squirming under his touch and feeling your flesh ablaze even if the night is actually quite fresh
“Please” you whisper again and he softly raises your hips rolling the lace over your thighs. The midnight air makes you shiver. He kisses again your belly over the tan marks biting gently your hip bones before parting your legs widely.
He softly tortures you avoiding your core. His mouth licking and brushing his teeth on each thigh deeper and deeper and before arriving to the center he changes his position to the other leg
“Javi” you moan
“You’re so beautiful” he murmurs, lying on his side he leans his head on your inner right thigh. He’s as gentle as first as he was before leaving tempting kisses on your mount and folds before opening your lips to drink of you eagerly. His moans resonate through your body as an electric current and your nails scratch the blanket bellow. You call his name like a prayer, the pleasure is uncontrollable while you hope for release, he slides his fingers inside you and pumps them upwards and then you are lost in his presence and in the night above you. You hear yourself scream, your conscience is far away.
He hushes you and holds you in his arm and you waste no time in kissing him again, a deep hard kisses in which you pour all your passion and your lust. Your hands act on their own and you reach for his jeans and force them down enough until your palming his cock.
Javi understand your needs and takes down his jeans and underwear rapidly coming back to the position between your thighs. Your eyes are locked on his body admiring how he touches himself and you raise your upper body to caress his chest
“Please Javi I need you”
“Lay down” he orders, his voice is lower now and you quiver “Impatient girl” he smirks
You obey and Javier grabs your hips and he adjusts himself towards your entrance. You open your mouth once he penetrates you but there’s no sound coming out of your lips. He mutters praises for you and bends over to kiss you again. Your tongues intertwine as he’s deep inside of you, burying himself inside and getting out again and again until you’re panting looking for that ecstatic pleasure.
You cover his moans with a deep kiss once he reaches his orgasm and you hold him there. Breathing the scent of the surroundings, your sweat and his combined, you stay there until you’re calm, relaxed, and exhausted in the sweetest way.
“Thank you for not letting me change my shift” you say after a few minutes
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giulsherondale · 3 years
"Welcome Eda!"
Ehm Balca, dear, this is not your home so please don't behave like it is... Ahh my nerves.
And more the earrings tactic... Soo childish. I really can't stand her.
Loved that Eda literally throw the popcorn into Serkan's belly😂
And Sirius at the end, I love my son.
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Honestly... I really love Ferit and Ceren together. They are so cute, and I love how Ferit is trying to correct his mistake. He confesses that he is love with her, that he constantly thinks about her. So sweet.
Serkan telling Eda that the first time they met she used the same tactic of Balca because she forget her bag in his car. I love flirty Serkan and the fact that he remembers everything about Eda and their relationship.
The bet, honestly this is only the pretext so that Serkan can take Eda to Paris and have a romantic moment so the two of them.
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"What does Efe wants?"
"You heard. I said I'll talk to him in the office."
"How strange. Not answering anyone's calls, and doesn't answer questions. But he calls you."
"I still work for him Serkan. Did you forgot? Okay, let's move on to our bet. Perhaps you agree that I won."
"I've told you. Nothing is clear yet."
"What has to happen for you to understand? How much clearer should it be? She ordered the same dish."
"She said she was interested in the stars."
"Everyone loves stars."
"This was not enough, she also said 'Love' looking into your eyes Serkan."
"I think when she talked about love she was thinking about another person Eda."
"She answered by looking at you."
"Who else Eda? There were two people in front of her. Either you or me. Should she look at the salt shaker?"
"Either you are really stupid, or you pretend not to understand. Okay. It won't last long. It is seen, in a couple of days she will already confess her love to you."
"And you will win the bet right?"
"Of course. It's not my business."
"I agree."
"At the end of the day, what matters is how you respond to Balca's attention."
"You're right. This is a special topic that only concerns me and Balca. This is between us."
"Between you? There is something? Then I will call her."
"Eda sit down please. You..."
"I'm not jealous of you Serkan Bolat."
"You're not jealous... Really?"
"Think for yourself what could have been. Is this funny?"
"Okay... But I'm jealous of you like crazy. What to do about it?"
"You crossed the boundaries again. We'd better have coffee in the office."
"Let's have coffe here."
"I have something important to discuss with Efe. We will have coffee in the office."
"Efe can wait."
"Then I'll send him a message."
"No emoji."
This was hilarious. Eda kicking Serkan under the table and Balca was obviously flirting all the time. I loved Eda expression, she was so jealous. Serkan is soo smart, I think that he is well aware that Balca is flirting with him and he pretend not to see in order to push Eda to near to him. My smart babe.
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Engin and Piril... I really like them. They are opposite of each other but they are so in love. And I think their love is actually more stronger that the difference they have. And they take out the best part of each other.
"As if there is an invisible connection between them."
Balca, dear, believe me there is... There is. So better not to put your nose between Eda and Serkan because nothing will change.
"Your coffee Eda Yildiz. Much better now. When you aren't stressed, you're becoming even more beautiful."
"Don't stress me out then."
"I don't."
This moment was so sweet and romantic. Obviously ruined by Balca. And then when Eda takes his coffee mug I was laughing out loud. Love that my girl is marching HER territory.
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WHAT ARE YOU DOING BALCA?! I think she is really stupid because of course by removing the paper in the dossier Serkan will lose faith in Eda but you're damaging everyone and the holding too. She's so silly. And Balca even said that she felt hurt by seeing Eda and Serkan close the night before... Darling you know him for two days what the hell???? I hate her really.
Soo the interview and the photoshoot aren't enough... Balca you aren't spending too much time alone with Serkan and you even ask him to get a photo together and post it... Balca age 33... Balca real age 10.
"Well, until I'm 100% sure, this bet will continue Eda."
"What else should happen to make you 100% sure? What else? I'm just wondering."
"For example... When she look at me I have to feel that everything inside of her melts... When she's trying not to show her excitement... I have to see it by the way she look away... And when she try to stand firm... I have to see that her heart starts to beat faster... In her breath, in her voice, in her scent, even in her veins... I must feel this love."
"When she says my name... I must feel everything inside of her tremble."
Serkan reads her like a book... Honestly I don't know what to say about this scene... It speaks for itself. And plus new Serkan is enjoying his life, especially when he has the woman who he's in love with in front of him... Ahh Serkan❤️
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"I really need Serkan"
Sorry Balca maybe I did not understand well... You NEED Serkan? For what? I really don't get her and I think I never will.
"His partner will arrive tomorrow and he wanted me to bring some flowers to his house and get everything in order."
"You went to his house? While I was doing the interview, you were at this man's house?"
"Yes I was. But there was nobody here. So I left some flowers and left. Anything else?"
"What kind of psycho would want flowers in his house? Is he romantic?"
"What's the problem? At least he doesn't have any allergies."
"And I also have another kind of allergy."
"What kind?"
"I'm allergic to Efe. I don't trust him."
"You should trust me. I know what's right and what's wrong."
Ohhh Eda, honey, you don't have an idea how wrong you are... And I love that Serkan says that he's allergic to Efe. My jealous boy.
I really like boys time, I like when Serkan, Engin and Ferit are together. And every each of them have some suspects on Efe,his behavior and the secret partner.
"You won."
"You won."
"What did I win?"
"You won the bet."
"What bet?"
"Serkan, you won the bet."
"Ah... Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. Balca is a little in doubt, so it happened. But she may still like you."
"Of course."
"I'm sure about it. You cannot change my opinion. She's just not running after you. As a result you won I lost."
"As a result, then, we are going to have dinner in Paris."
"It seems to me not to worth so many adventures. We can just go to that restaurant with flowers..."
"No no. A bet is a bet. Is it not? Therefore, after the results of the tender are announced tomorrow, we will take my plane and fly to Paris."
"It seems that I have no other choice."
During the ice skating scene was like the director told them to do whatever they want, have fun with each other, just be themselves. And I think we saw that, everyone was having fun, was laughing. In fact I really loved the scene it was one of my favorite of the whole episode.
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"I haven't laughed like that for a long time. It did me good."
"Me too."
"You keep well on ice."
"Ah yes? I am good in the air, on the ground, on the ice, in the elevators when you're around."
"Stop showing off. And when I'm not there?"
"You are always there. And you always will."
"Maybe tomorrow... Instead of going to Paris, can we eat fish and bread on the water front?"
"I will never agree. We will fly to Paris anyway. Have you ever benn to Paris before?"
"No. If you've noticed, I don't even ask you."
"I went. But to be honest, this is the first time I'm so worried."
"You probably planned everything hourly now. What are we going to do?"
"Yes. We will have a wonderful tourist route. First we will climb the Eiffel Tower, and then visit the best cafes and pastry shops. We will dine in restaurants. And then we will meet the order over the Seine. And then the Bridge of Arts and the Bridge of Lovers. But of course, none of this worries me so much..."
"Yes? What worries you?"
"Get lost with you in Montmartre."
"You won't get lost. You will not be lost anywhere. It seems to me that you even have a map of places where you are going in your head."
"You're right. But I've never been there before."
"Because I gave myself my word. I promised myself that I would go there with the girl that I really love. And it's you."
"Suddenly it got hot..."
Plus we got Serkan saying "Mon amour, je t'aime" and when she said that she understood what he said Serkan throw the ultimate romantic bomb "Because love has no linguage".
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Who the hell is Piril father?!😳
He has to be someone really important. He even has the guards.
And the final... Boommm... Grandma has come. I can't wait to see her and her plans.. In the fragment we saw that she will help Balca with Serkan because se has a "future husband" for Eda... Clearly grandma has no idea who Serkan Bolat is, he will never give up on Eda. Moreover I think that grandma arrivals is the thing that will unite Aydan, Ayfer, Eda and Serkan. They will work as a team against grandma. I can't wait to see it.
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jonghos-left-airpod · 4 years
Getting on the subway with ateez ( maknae line ) non-idol au
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💚pulled an all nighter but still has lots of energy
💚 has a grill cheese for breakfast
💚 randomly has a limited edition Arizona(bottled tea) that no one knew existed
💚 his internship gives him a monthly pass he uses and is one of those people who open the emergency exit for people who dont have one.
💚 watchs the dancers and almost misses his train
As you walk into the train station you see a crowd around a young dance student. While watching you notice san on the side hyping them up with his phone in his hand. He smiles when he notices you. " babe this kids great! You wanna try? " you laugh as you decline his offer. "Come on san before we miss the train" when you finally get on San asks if you both can stand. San leans of the door looking out the window as he wraps his arms around you to make sure you don't fall. When it's your stop san takes your hand and offers to get you a coffee or tea before you head off to where you need to be.
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🧡 we all know mingi looks scary but is actually super sweet so he fits right in lol
🧡 totally forgets his subway pass all the time
🧡 but he's cool with the security guards so they dont stop him when he jumps over
🧡 he's tall so it's kinda hard for him to jump over he stumbles a little lol
🧡eats breakfast at the dining hall
🧡 I know mingi has anxiety so he'll probably stand to the back of the crowd
🧡 one reason being for anxiety and the other being because he doenst wanna block people view of the train
You actually make it there before mingi. While texting him to see where he is someone runs into you. " oh my gosh I'm so sorry" . " mingi it's okay it's me" " oh hey babe sorry about that " . When the train the finally gets there mingi likes to sit down. He doesn't care if u sit or stand as long as you're close to him. When u finally get off mingi gives you a long hug before leaving to go school .
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💙 you already know our boy is kinda loud even in the morning
💙 he's friend with a lot of the people from his apartment so he walks with them to the subway
💙 his school gives him a monthly pass but sometimes he forgets it so he rushes after his friends after they swap theirs
💙 they all go different places so a lot of the times he's left alone waiting for you
💙 totally eating hot cheetos for breakfast
💙 7/ 10 is doing his homework on the train
When you walk into the subway station you notice wooyoung talking with some friends. You walk over and patiently wait for him to finish his conversation. After a while his friend notices you and points wooyoung attention over. After saying bye to them wooyoung starts to talk to you. " babe did you remember your pass I forgot mine on my desk" " yea I got mine, but how are you gonna get in ? ". " with you of course:)" ??? " " just walk in babes" . As soon as you swapped your card wooyoung backhugged you and ran through. " wooyoung what the heck ! " " how else was I suppose to get in lol" soon you both get on the train . You both choose to sit . On the way there wooyoung is trying to quickly get some homework done. When you both get to your stop , wooyoung kisses your cheek as he rans off yelling about how he's late to class.
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💜 yall already know he has his iced americano on deck
💜 since he has a sports scholarship the school provides him with a yearly pass
💜 he keeps it in his pocket on his keychain
💜 doesnt catch the subway with you often because he usually has to get to school early for practice
💜 but when he is there usually stands to the side with his headphone in
💜 for breakfast probably eats at the dining hall since it's free plus he can get his power bowls
After entering the station you quickly see jongho with his headphones in. He turns around quickly as he feels you tap on his shoulder. " did you eat jagi , how's your morning? " after a while the train arrives you both decide to stand so that an elder couple could sit down. He back hugs you to make sure you dont fall over. Soon you arrive at your stop. Jongho makes sure to ask you if you need anything before dropping you off to your class. He likes walking you there since he knows it makes you feel more safe. Also because he doesn't get to often.
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( check out my masterlist for more ❤)
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tk-productions · 3 years
Mystic Sisters- Ch.9 Kiss and Makeup
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Yua’s pov
I felt like I was going to throw up. My emotions were running all over the place and so was my brain. It was late but I knew I had to talk to Haru. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this. I thought, reaching for the doorknob with sweaty palms. The cold air hit my face as I walked down the familiar street remembering the last time I was here. 
It was a few weeks after we broke up. Haru stopped coming to school and stopped answering his phone. I knocked on the front door calling out his name but no reply. His parents' car wasn't in the driveway. I peaked around to the back to see the back gate was unlocked. That wasn't like them. I grabbed the doorknob and it opened. Stepping inside there was nothing. Not a couch, a painting, not a single piece of evidence that a family once lived here. Every room was completely empty and so was I.
“Haru?” I called out disparately. Falling to the floor the tears I had been holding back started to spill.
“You can't just leave me here.” I cried. 
Here I was again, standing in front of his house with tears threatening to fall. 
“Yua?” Haru puzzled, shutting the front door behind him. “What are you doing here?” he asked walking closer. I don't know how long I was standing there but I didn't hear him open the door. 
“We need to talk.” my voice came out more as a whisper. 
“It's midnight. Couldn't this have waited until tomorrow?”
“No. I'm tired of you running away. I'm not leaving until we talk.” Haru quickly looked around before grabbing my hand and leading into the house and back to his room. Nothing had changed. Everything was back in its place like the house wasn't empty a few months ago. Every picture frame, piece of furniture, even the flower pot Haru’s mom kept by the front door. Being back reminded me of all the nights we would spend here watching movies and doing homework together. All the times we pulled all nighters for midterms and ended up eating way too many snacks. Then we would walk sleepily to Mystic cafe for coffee before our test.  I finally met Haru’s eyes and he stared at me worried. He still had his hands wrapped around mine.
“Why did you leave?” I asked bluntly. When he didn't say anything I asked again. 
“I thought we were okay. You told me you loved me and then disappeared. Haru I tried calling you I even came back here but you were gone. Why? You left me here and that hurt!” I cried out.
“Hey don't be so loud. My parents are asleep.” he said calmly. He took his free hand and tried to wipe my tears but I swatted his hand away. I stood up walking away from his bed. 
“I don't even know why I came here. You obviously stopped caring about me a long time ago. And what makes matters worse is that I still love you. Even after all the shit you put me through, I still love you!” Haru pulled me into his lap. We stayed in silence until Haru spoke.
“Yua I still love you. I always will.” he whispered into my ear.  I was torn. Those three words are what I waited months to hear but now I don't know what to feel.
“I know what I did was wrong but I had no intention of hurting you.”
“Then why did you leave?” I mumbled. I turned to face him, still teary eyed.
“I had to. I didn't want to but I had to. I had so many family issues and they all piled up at once. The next thing I knew we were packing up and headed back to our family home. I never meant to hurt you that night. When I came back I knew that I hurt you and didn't know how to talk to you so I kept avoiding you.I meant it when I said that I loved you. I never knew if I was coming back. I thought it would be better if you forgot about me.” 
“ We've been friends forever and dated for two and a half years. Haru I couldn't forget you.” I had been playing with the necklace around my neck while Haru talked. It was a habit that I picked up anytime I thought about him. I laid against his chest trying to take in everything that was happening. 
“You still wear it?” he smiled, brushing the hair out of my face.   
“Of course idiot”. We talked for a little while longer. I zoned out for a little while taking everything in. Nothing about him had changed.well maybe his hair. His hair had grown out a little but I still liked it. He still had that same smile that I loved since we were kids.  “You know you could have just told me what was going on.”
“I know. I should have but everything happened so fast.” I looked at my phone and it was 2am. I let out a yawn and got up.
“I should probably go home.”
“I'll walk you back. It’s late.” I nodded and yawned again before following him out of his room. Haru held my hand as we walked back to my house. It was silent but it was comfortable like it had always been. 
“Thanks for walking me home.” I said once we got to the front door. He let go of my hand and pulled me to his chest. 
“Let's talk some more when it’s not 2 am.” he laughed and I nodded against his chest. He leaned down to press  a light kiss on my lips.
“Good night Yua.” 
A few weeks later
“Why are you so smiley?” Hikari asked from across the table at breakfast. She gave me a confused look before digging her fork into her french toast. 
“No reason.” I smiled, looking up from my phone and sipped my orange juice. Hikari shrugged and continued to eat while scrambling to finish her math homework.
“If you weren’t up all night with Hisako playing video games then maybe you would have finished.” I joked. She looked up for a second to give me an angry glare before going back to her homework. 
“Girls! Hurry up with breakfast before you're late!” Mom yelled running through the house while biting into an apple. She had a meeting this morning and has been running around the house since 5 am. 
“Has anyone seen my phone?!” She yelled pulling her sweater over her head.
“Living room!” Hikari and I yelled back in unison. 
“Why is she always like this?” I asked, shaking my head. 
“Oneesan! Let’s get ice cream.” Hikari said happily as she and Hisako waited for me after school.
“Oh… I actually have plans.” I looked over her, smiling at the figure walking over towards us. 
“With who?” She pouted cutely. 
“With me.” Haru said leaning down to kiss me. 
“Okay ew. I guess I’ll go with Hisako.” Hikari said, walking away disgusted. She only walked a few feet before turning back to face us. 
“Wait are you officially back together?” 
“Maybe.” I winked, reaching up to kiss Haru’s cheek. Hikari walked away again with the same disgusted look walking faster to catch up with Hisako. I laughed reaching for Haru’s hand.
“Where do you wanna go?” Haru asked after walking around for a few hours.
“Let’s get ramen!” I cheered, grabbing Haru’s hand. There was a ramen shop that had opened up in Harajuku. 
“I see why you wanted to come here?” Haru laughed once we got to the building. I looked at him with a mischievous grin on my face.   
“How could I miss out on a Naruto themed ramen shop?” I squealed. Haru playfully rolled his eyes before following me inside. Everything felt normal again. After we talked at his house that night we talked a few more times before deciding to give our relationship another shot. I found us a table when Haru ordered the food. I felt off like someone was watching me. I haven't felt like this in awhile. It couldn't have been just me right? Hikari seemed fine so maybe this time it was really just me imagining things. I felt at ease when I saw Haru walking to our table.  
“Extra scallions, no garlic, firm noodles, extra spicy, and iced tea.” Haru smiled now sitting across from me. I smiled back happy that he still knows my ramen order. 
“And aren't you missing something?” I questioned. He laughed and pulled out a charm from his pocket. 
“And a Sasuke charm that you wouldn't let me leave without.” I smiled watching him add the charm to my keychain.
“Thank you.” The waiter came by with our food. I enjoyed every bite and planned to make Haru come back. While we were eating I noticed that Haru tensed up a bit. Maybe he was nervous. That wasn't like him though. After dinner we walked around Harajuku for a little while longer, popping in a few stores along the way. I noticed that Haru seemed distant and distracted. He only replied back to me with “yeah” or “okay”.  
“Haru?” I stopped him by standing in front of him. 
“What’s up?” he asked, confused. 
“Why are you so distant tonight?” He came closer now standing right in front of me, looking down. “Why are you so tall?” I mumbled looking up at him.
“Babe i'm fine.” he reassured, leaning down to kiss me. “Are you sure? We promised not to keep secrets from each this time.” 
“I promise I'm fine. Let’s go home though. I don't need your mom yelling at me because I brought you back past curfew.” he laughed. 
“It wouldn't be the first time.” 
Haru’s pov
I dropped Yua off and told her goodnight. Her mom gave me some lemon bars to give to my mom. My mom loved Naomi’s lemon bars. Walking back to my house I felt someone following me. I picked up on his scent. It was the same from earlier. I turned around to face where the scent was coming from.
“I know you're following me so just come out. I don’t bite well, not always” I was met with a teen boy with blue eyes dressed in all black. 
“So you’re the one that’s been stalking my girlfriend.” 
“I wouldn’t call her your girlfriend since she’s been crying about how you left her for a long time now. Maybe you should leave her again. That would make my job a lot easier” The boy said completely unbothered.
I looked him up and down before grabbing him by his collar “Who the fuck are you and what do you want with my girl?”
The boy yawned as if he was bored and pushed me off of him. “ You're in my business, don't do that. I’m pretty sure you have your secrets that you wouldn’t want her to know right?” He looked at me and his eyes were very cold. The boy smirked at me “you're pathetic and not worth my time so  let me handle my business in peace.”
He tried to walk away from me but I wasn’t about to let him go without knowing what he wanted from Yua. I grabbed his shoulder, turning him back towards me. “ If you think i’m just gonna let you leave then you got another thing coming. Now answer my question what the fuck do you want with Yua?!” I yelled as I attempted to punch him in the face but he dodged me and held a blank face as if he was bored.
The boy sighed before smirking at me. “You really wanna do this? Alright” He said before hitting me with a roundhouse kick catching me off guard hitting me directly in my jaw. I got ready to send another punch his way when I felt his knee hit me in the stomach with extreme force. I stepped back gasping for air. “Damn this guy is fast how did he land two hits in a blink of an eye!?”I looked at the boy who just looked at me and there was no smirk this time his face was serious.
  “I can do this all day. You wanna keep going? You seem out of it already so how about you dont waste anymore of my time.” he kept the same bored tone.
“Stay away from Yua and then I’ll leave you alone.” I growled this time using my speed and tackling him to the ground putting him in a headlock. I had to move faster than him if I wanted to get somewhere.
The boy sighed again and I heard him speak under his breath. “Idiot.” before breaking out of the headlock and elbowing me in my neck and sending a right hook across my face.  And just when I thought he was done he sent another kick hitting me straight under my chin sending me flying and hitting the concrete ground roughly.  “Next time you get in my way I won’t be so gentle.” the boy said before walking away.
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fangirlspammer · 4 years
Sparks Fly (part 5)
I'm not entirely happy with my writing in this chapter, so please bare with me🤧 this took longer than I wanted
Gif credit @regal-roni
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6 weeks had come and gone since you had been suspended from NCIS, since you had refused to talk...since you kissed Jack. Since then you had apologized to Vance and agreed to talk to someone. Vance had suggested Agent Sloane, but you had been quick to request Dr. Grace instead. He hadn't questioned it, only agreed and informed you that Dr. Grace would determine when you could return to work. As frustrating as this whole situation had become you had agreed. The longer you were away from the team, the more anxious you became. 6 weeks was far too long to be away. Bishop and you had gotten drinks with Torres a few nights, but the case they were working on now was a big one and they hadn't really had time for social calls.
"Waiting on her to come out of that thing?" Travis' voice caused you to nearly jump off of the kitchen island.
You furrowed your brow and let go of the phone you had been staring at for the past ten minutes. "What?"
He shook his head with an amused smirk dancing on his lips. "Nevermind. You're popcorns done you know," he gestured towards the microwave and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl beside you. He watched you go back into your daydream and sighed. "You haven't heard from her have you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," it took all you had to hop off the counter and retrieve your popcorn from the microwave. You pouted when it was just barely warm now. You must have dazed off longer than you thought. "Besides, how would you know?"
Travis chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You won't stop staring at your phone, and you've been extra distracted," he shrugged and grabbed some frozen waffles from the freezer. "Besides, popcorn for breakfast? You must be distracted," you hated that he knew you so well.
"Well it's just the opposite. I have heard from her," you sighed and locked your phone for the third time in 60 seconds. You looked up to see him put the waffles in the toaster and hopped back on the island. "Sorry," you mumble when you realize that you came in here to do just that.
"Then what's the problem?"
You focused in on your fingers fiddling in front of you and shook your head slightly. Travis set a plate out and then took a step towards you. You swallowed. "I just don't know how to talk to her right now. I've been dodging her calls for 6 weeks," you looked up and ran your hands through your hair with frustration.
Travis reached over and stole a piece of popcorn, popping it into his mouth and gave a teasing smirk. "Well, I'm not sure how to help. You see, I myself am in a serious relationship now, and am no longer succumbed to the problems that come with the single life."
You rolled your eyes and kicked at his shin. "You really are an ass sometimes," you stuck your tongue out. In reality you were happy for Travis and Lydia. Things had finally worked out for them, it only took forever, but they were happy. Engaged even! You envied them.
"I think you need to suck it up and face her," he was serious now and you silently cursed him for throwing your own words back in your face. "What's the worst that could happen?"
"Uhm, she could hear me??" You scoffed and crossed your arms.
"Oh come on, what's that pout for now? You're going to see her today regardless. You may as well make it less awkward," he shrugged.
"Because you're right," you muttered in annoyance, "and I hate it when you're right," you rolled your eyes and hopped off the island.
You walked over and grabbed your popcorn before heading for you room. You had a stash of M&Ms in there and you needed the privacy. Lydia would be over soon to talk about the wedding and you knew if you stayed she would pull you in, and you needed to talk to Jack as well as get ready for work. Just as you sat down at your desk your phone rang. How did she manage to do this?
"It's like you can sense my every move," you answered after the second ring. You tried to sound light hearted but you were nervous.
"I figured my 50th time had to be the winner," she retorted sarcastically.
You could hear the smile in her voice and your stomach did a flip. You frowned. This was exactly what you were avoiding. "I know, I know. I'm really sorry about that Jack," you sighed, running a hand through your hair.
"Are you coming in today? Vance said you had been given the all clear."
Did she sound hopeful? "I mean I may have to be persuaded. After all, I was sure hoping to get in one last week of lying in my pyjamas and eating my weight in take out and tubs of ice cream," you smirked. Falling back into this playful banter was easier than you thought, and that put you at ease.
"Hmm," she sighed. "It's not exactly ice cream, but what about coffee and a blueberry muffin? My treat," she offered.
You let out a dramatic sigh as you pretended to think about this offer. "Alright, I've be persuaded."
"Great! See you in 10?"
"See you then," you agreed and hung up the phone.
You jumped off the bed and raced around the room to find the perfect outift. You grabbed some black jeans, a green cashmere sweater, boots and your leather jacket. You tied up your hair in a high ponytail and quickly painted your face. As you rushed out of the room you nearly tripped over your go-bag and Travis snorted in amusement.
"Going somewhere?" He asked knowingly. "Thought you weren't due for another hour?"
"Change of plans," you huffed and tossed your bag over your shoulder. Just as you rushed out the door you ran into Lydia walking up the path. You said a quick hello and goodbye before jumping in your car. You hadn't realized how eager you were to let your guard down and face Jack. Maybe it wasn't facing her that you were eager for, maybe it was just seeing her again. Either way, you couldn't get there quick enough.
Jack sat in her usual booth in the back of the diner. She had already started her second cup of coffee and eaten part of her breakfast donut before you had even arrived. She tapped her fingers nervously while glancing out the window every few seconds. The only thing on her mind, when she had a free moment, was that kiss the two of you had shared. She just couldn't shake the feelings that surged inside of her when your lips touched. It was something she hadn't felt in a long time, but even still it was different. When she had pulled away it was only to make sure it was what you had wanted, but when you told her to leave it was all but confirmed that it wasn't what you wanted at all. She had tried calling and texting, but you never returned any of her messages.
That night had helped her see things for what they truly were, and seeing that hurt. When she had dropped by to meet you that first night, with that faulty story, she hadn't expected you to be... Well you. She hadn't expected to be invited for dinner, let alone stay in your home unsupervised. That there told her all that she needed to know about you. Once she got to know you her thoughts had been confirmed and this feeling in the back of her mind kept becoming more clear as time went on. These were feelings she had to keep bottled up, because from past experiences she knew getting involved with a co-worker was dangerous. San Diego had proven just that and she wouldn't put herself out there like that again. If you didn't want to talk about it then she was going to pretend like it never happened. It's what was best.
The bells rang as the diner door opened up and Jack couldn't help but look towards it eagerly. She gave a small smile as you walked over and took a seat. Her fingers tapped the side of her mug until she noticed you watching curiously, and realized that neither of you had said a word yet.
"You got here fast," she moved the coffee to her lips to busy herself.
"I was already prepared to ditch out any minute," you lied with a little chuckle.
"Oh?" Her brow arched curiously.
You shrugged. "Travis' fiance was coming over to talk wedding and I didn't really want to stick around."
"Travis is engaged?" She couldn't help but sound surprised.
"Oh that's right," you grinned. "I forgot you meet him when-" you stopped quickly when you remembered the kiss. You broke eye contact and looked to the glass of water in front of you. You cleared your throat and decided to bypass that conversation. "He got engaged three weeks later. They've known each other since grade school."
Jack gave a small smile when you carried on. By the way you avoided the conversation she figured you weren't going to acknowledge the kiss at all. It probably wasn't the best option, but it was the easiest for now. "Y/N," she started, but when you made eye contact she couldn't bring herself to carry on. "Don't forget to order. It's on me remember?"
You felt your shoulders relax and breathed out quietly in relief that she didn't carry on. You knew it couldn't be avoided forever, but you could try couldn't you? What was the use in getting all flustered and risking losing one of your closest friends? After you ordered, and the food came, you both began to relax and fall into easy conversation. You admitted how you were nervous about returning after your big scene, and Jack told you about the case they were currently working on.
"It's Gibbs," you confessed as the phone rang and quickly answered. "Hi boss," you greeted with a smile, but it vanished when he carried on about a body and hung up. "So much for that morning work out," you sighed, standing and grabbing your purse.
"Got a lead?" Jack asked curiously.
"Another dead body by the marina," you gave an apologetic look. "I'm sorry."
Jack shook her head and forced a smile. "Don't be. I'll catch up with you later on," she shrugged and waved you off with a smile. A part of her was relieved to see you go, only because it gave her that much time to figure out how to talk to you.
The moment you came back into the office things had been non-stop. First was the discovery of a body, and when you all arrived at the scene of the crime you were to discover that the male had been bludgeoned from behind. Secondly was the discovery that the male Lieutenant Cromwell, had a wife and a child that were now missing. As of now your suspect was the wife, and you had issued a BOLO on her.
"Coffee, anyone?" Jack entered the bullpen with a big, sympathetic smile on her face while carrying a tray of coffees for the team. She had gotten wind of the big case you all had been working on from Jimmy, and knew that this would be a long night for the team.
"God bless you, Agent Sloane," McGee accepted his steaming cup and took a long drink.
"You are an Angel," Bishop chimed in with a wide smile.
Jack just rolled her eyes and laughed. She turned to you and handed you your cup. "Sugar with a dash of coffee and cream," she smirked. The two of you shared the same order, and you both got teased for it often.
"She brings me my lifeline too?" You grinned, but immediately blushed and took a long said to hide it. You saw her eyes focus on you a little longer before her attention was turned to Gibbs as he cleared his throat.
"I didn't forget about you, Cowboy," she laughed and set his cup on the edge of his desk. "How's the case getting along?" Gibbs only grunted in response, so she looked to the rest of you for some sort of an answer. "Do you need any help?"
"Nope," Gibbs stated simply.
Just as Jack turned to go, McGee spoke up. "Actually, Y/N mentioned needing some," he admitted innocently.
"Oh, well, I think I've got it for now," you shook your head and forced a small smile. "I'll let you know though," you locked eyes for a moment before she nodded and slowly retreated. If the two of you were left alone you had a feeling that something would come of it, and you didn't need the distraction.
Just then Jimmy came into the bullpen out of breath. It was as though he had run all the way up here. "Gibbs!" He called out and the entire team looked to him. Gibbs greeted him with a glare. "Agent Gibbs... sir," he rambled on.
"Get to it, Jimmy."
"Right," Jimmy cleared his throat and looked down at the clipboard he held to his chest.  "It wasn't the wife," he began and paused, but Gibbs' stare told him that there was no more patience to be held.  "With closer observation, I noticed that the wounds were about 4 inches deep and towards the top of his skull.  Kasey and I were discussing it, and with the full description she was able to find on the wife, it couldn't have been her."
"Well, why not?" Gibbs barked.  He hadn't been in the greatest mood today.  Toress had made a comment to the team about Fornell coming in that morning, and so it was concluded his mood might have to do with Emily's drug problem.  No one knew for sure though, it was all just pure speculation.
"She was 5'4"," you spoke up, looking up from your paperwork.
"That's right, and the Lieutenant was 6'2", wasn't he?" Jack piped up this time.
"Exactly," Jimmy nodded and handed the clipboard to Gibbs to show the results of his investigation.  "Kasey did some digging on the wife, and it showed that Mrs. Randall had her last round of chemotherapy 4 months ago.  She wasn't tall enough to bludgeon the Lieutenant from that angle, and she wouldn't have been strong enough for the murder weapon to go that deep," he explained.
"So what does this mean?" McGee questioned fearfully.
"It means we have two missing people on our hands," you looked to the team and then went back to your desk to do some more research.  This night had gotten much longer.
For the rest of this week this case was your sole focus.  NCIS was sent a ransom note the day before last, and your team had been working hard to come up with the right plan all while trying to figure out a way to abide by the ransom.  Every night this week you had come home after midnight, completely exhausted, and you started all over at 7 am. With everything on your mind you had been able to get rid of the thoughts of your kiss with Jack.  The two of you had been busy enough that you didn't have to work to hard to avoid her when it wasn't case related, and you hadn't seen Travis enough for him to tease you about it.
You woke up at 5:30 am Friday morning, completely restless.  This case was only getting worse, and you wanted it to be over with.  If you couldn't get to Mrs. Randall and her daughter in time, you didn't think you would be okay.  The child was only 5 years old.  The thought of putting a child through something like this made you sick, and it had you questioning the humanity of these suspects and murderers that you saw day in and day out.  The only reason you survived this job was, because as much sickness you saw on a daily basis, you saw twice as much goodness when the cases were closed.  Even when a case didn't turn out the way you hoped, you told yourself that at least you were able to give their families closer.  It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep you going when you needed it the most.
As you got out of bed, you lazily made your way through your morning routine.  There was no use trying to get that extra hour of shut eye.  You made a fresh pot of coffee, threw a waffle in the toaster and went to hop in a quick, cold shower to wake you up.  Jack popped in your mind as you ran your hands through your hair.  You could still feel her lips on yours, the way that she had kissed back for a split second.  Your heart began to race and you let the cold water run over your face for awhile before turning off the shower. You stepped out and began to dry off and get dressed.  By the time you grabbed your breakfast and made it out of the house, Jack was the last thing on your mind once more.
You focused on the case the whole drive, and when you arrived at NCIS you realized that you were the first one on the team there.  The silence was killing you when you sat and tried to get some work done, and with a huff you stood up and made your way down to the gym.  You needed to clear your head and get a fresh perspective on everything. You tied up your hair and slipped on your gloves, standing ready at the punching bag.  It wasn't long before you were going at it, music in your ears, and you could feel your thoughts cleansing as the time went on.
"Thought I'd find you in here," a voice came from behind after awhile and you froze up a bit.  You didn't know how long you had been down here or how long she had been standing behind you at this point.
This was what you had been avoiding all week.  Once Ellie told you that Jack had been asking about you all day, you knew that it was only a matter of time before she found you.  Of course, you had assumed she had gone home hours ago, but apparently not.  Now you were trapped in the gym with her, and you didn't have an excuse to get out of it this time.
"Jack, I don't really have time to talk," you knew she wouldn't buy it.  She didn't answer and you stopped hitting the punching bag to look behind you.  She was bent over with her hair flung over her head, trying to tie her hair up and out of her face.  You swallowed hard seeing how her sweats formed to her body so well.  Your mind started to wander and you had to turn away when she stood up.  "What are you doing?"
She shrugged as she began to pull on some gloves.  "This seems to be the only way that I can get you alone."
You shook your head and walked over to your bag.  "I was just leaving," you hated yourself for being so distant with her, but what else could you do?
She stood in front of you now.  "Y/N, please just talk to me," her big brown eyes had a certain longing in them.  "We can be professional about this, can't we?"
"Professional?" you almost scoffed and her eyes widened a bit.  "Jack, I can't be professional around you when all you want to do is discuss the least professional thing I've ever done."
"You were upset," she was trying to make excuses that not even she was buying.
"Because you wouldn't stop prying.  I shouldn't have done it," you shook your head.  "It was stupid and unprofessional, and it's not like it meant anything to me anyways," you didn't even realize what you had said before you saw Jack step back.  That was too far.  Did she look... disappointed?  No.  She couldn't be.  Why would she be.  "Jack I-"
"No," she put her hand out and forced a small smile.  "You're right," you swore that you heard her voice crack.  "It didn't mean anything.  You were going through something, and I just happened to be there for you."
She was playing this off to easily for your liking.  "Right," you whispered and looked away.  She turned to leave and you didn't know what came over you, but you reached out to stop her.  "Did it mean something?" your eyes were hopeful this time.
Jack's big brown eyes searched yours for some sort of angle, but she couldn't find one.  You wanted an honest answer, and she wanted to answer honestly, with all of her being, but if you didn't feel the same way then she could risk losing you.  "Y/N," her voice was so low that if you weren't looking at her you wouldn't have heard.
"It meant something, Jack," you confessed and felt hot tears sting your eyes.  "I didn't mean what I said before, but I didn't think you wanted me to admit how much it did mean.  I was vulnerable, you aren't wrong about that, but that is something I had wanted to do for a long time," your confessions just seemed to flow out of you with no filter now.
Jack looked up at you, her eyes flashing with hope and longing. You watched her tongue come out to wet her lips. She swallowed hard and you could see her chest rising and falling a bit heavier now. You looked back up at her as soon as you realized that you were staring, but it was no use. She had seen your eyes wander and a smirk played upon her lips now. "Do you mean that?"
You nodded slowly, closing the distance between the two of you now. Your heart was racing more than ever and you felt her hand reach out, her fingers slowly entwining with yours. Now you were the one wetting your lips. "With every fiber of my being," you whispered.
It wasn't long before Jack closed the gap between the two of you. Her hand reached up to brush the loose strands of hair from your face and her nose brushed against yours. Her breathing was shaky and it was the sexiest sound you had ever heard. You couldn't wait anymore and leaned in to brush your lips over hers. Once...twice...your lips locked this time and a soft moan escaped your lips as the kiss deepened. Your arms reached up and wrapped around her, pulling her closer than before until you both were lost in a heated moment of passion. The moment was cut too short by a clearing of the throat from behind you both. You both jumped back, hearts racing and eyes wide, to see Director Vance standing in the doorway. His arms were folded and he didn't look too happy.
"Leon," Jack was the first to speak up. You silently thanked her for that, since the two of them were so close. Maybe that would soften whatever form of punishment would come your way? "We were just-"
"Never you mind what you were just doing," he frowned. "Gibbs got a lead. He's been trying to get ahold of you both, but I can see you were otherwise occupied."
You bit your lip nervously and decided to grab your things as quickly as possible. You looked at your phone. 2 missed calls. You knew Gibbs didn't like even 1 missed call. You held the phone to your ear as you played the voicemail and your eyes widened. "They have a lead on where they're being held. I have to go," you rushed towards the door.
"I'll go with you!" Jack called out and reached for her things.
"I don't think so Agent Sloane," Vance shook his head with curious eyes. You weren't sure if he was upset or if he was just looking out for a good friend. "You'll best serve here."
Jack looked to you apologetically, but you just smiled and shook your head. "It's fine Jack," you assured her before you turned to go. This was certainly the start of something new. You only hoped that it wouldn't cost either of you too much.
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maraudererasmut · 4 years
Black and White (Part XV)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX
When Sirius Black walked into the run-down little coffee shop that Remus worked at, he looked extremely out of place. The Daily Grind was one of those cafes that had mismatched furniture and paintings from local artists on the wall. It wasn't glamorous, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it felt comfortable— homey. Remus was willing to bet that Sirius had never set foot in a cafe like this, preferring to get his coffee from Starbucks or a butler in a tuxedo or something. 
The first thing that Remus noticed about Sirius was that he was wearing a suit, like always, with his long hair in a loose bun and his posture stiffer than a board. He glanced around him, scanning the room, until his eyes met with Remus' and his jaw tightened. Remus forced himself to smile politely, offering the gallery owner a small wave. Sirius made his way over to Remus' table, his typical saunter less noticeable now that he was in an unfamiliar environment.
"Good evening, Sirius. Thank you for joining me." Remus kept his tone courteous, his words formal. He knew that he would have trouble relaxing around Sirius. The two of them had a business relationship exclusively; meeting up socially was strange and unprecedented.
Sirius' mouth twisted into what Remus could only assume was an attempt at a grin. 
"Remus," he muttered stiffly, giving a firm nod. He glanced down at the empty chair in front of Remus, but remained standing. Remus felt his shoulders tighten in discomfort.
"Please… have a seat." Remus gestured towards the empty chair and Sirius nodded again before sitting down. "Uh… thanks for meeting me."
He didn't know what else to say. Seeing Sirius in the cafe wasn't quite as hilarious has Remus had anticipated; instead, the two men were both uncomfortable, awkward, struggling to relax in front of one another.
"Yes, well…" Sirius began, before trailing off. "So… is this where you work?"
Remus nodded, his hands tightening around his cup of tea. He didn't hate his job, but it was exhausting. He was on his feet most of the day and he rarely had enough energy to paint at night. It took everything Remus had in him to drag himself out of bed each morning, ready to face the same mundane routine that slowly ate away at him. 
"It's… nice." Sirius glanced around at the paintings on the wall. His mouth spread into a thin smile as recognition lit up his face. "There's a familiar one…"
Remus glanced over his shoulder to find one of his older pieces hanging on the wall behind him.
"Oh… yeah… I forgot that one was there. It's… not my best work."
"No, it isn't."
Remus spun around to cast a glare at Sirius.
"That's not very polite."
Sirius cocked an eyebrow and Remus could have sworn he saw the slightest hint of humour in those silvery eyes.
"Why? It's not. Your current stuff is much better. The paintings that you've been producing recently? They're a different caliber altogether."
Remus could feel his cheeks heat up as Sirius paid him a rare compliment. It was backhanded, yes, but it was the closest thing to praise that he could hope for from the gallerist.
"Uh… thanks." 
Sirius leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his bangs and brushing them away from his eyes. Remus felt himself mirroring Sirius, finally able to sink into his chair and relax slightly. 
"So…" Sirius began, cutting the silence, his tone gentler than usual. "I… I am sorry. About yesterday. I know I said that earlier, I just… want you to know that."
Remus chewed the edge of his lip, trying to formulate his response. Every fiber of his being wanted to say it's okay, to brush off what happened the other day as if it had been perfectly normal. That was his immediate response to everything. 
It's fine.
It's no bother.
It's okay.
Although he couldn't figure out why, there was a part of Remus that didn't want this to be the same as always. It wasn't okay. The way Sirius treated him wasn't fine, and Remus wasn't going to allow himself to be a doormat. Not this time.
"You were an arse."
"I know." Sirius' gaze dropped to his hands, which were fiddling with a packet of sugar. Remus felt a wave of something— was it affection? — pass over him as he watched Sirius. He hated it.
"It was rude," Remus continued, trying to sound upset, to hide the fact that Sirius' fiddling was in any way endearing. "The way you spoke to me. The way you acted around me. It really was unprofessional."
"I know."
Sirius didn't justify his actions. He didn't make any excuses, didn't try to explain anything, he simply sat there as Remus called him out, a distinct look of guilt darkening his silvery blue eyes. 
"You… really shouldn't treat people that way…"
"I know."
Remus paused. He brought his tea to his mouth and took a sip, giving himself time to think.
Sirius glanced back up at Remus, his eyes shining like a lost puppy. Remus had to suppress a grin.
"Why what?" The gallerist asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Why did you… what made you so upset? Why were you so… cruel?"
Remus watched as Sirius closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He exhaled slowly as he leaned further back in his chair, as if he knew this question had been coming the entire time. Sirius' eyes shot open, darting back and forth as they searched Remus' face. After a moment, Sirius finally spoke.
"You don't know much about me…" He began, before trailing off. Remus remained silent, assuming that there was more to follow. There was. "I… I do that on purpose. I don't like getting too close to my artists. It… this has been strange for me; you being friendly with James. It… made things awkward."
Remus cocked a brow and pursed his lips.
"How so?"
Sirius gave a heavy sigh.
"I don't… really have any family. I have James and Lily. That's it. They're… they're all I have."
Remus was confused. He had read about the Black family before; they were well-established business people, the family name known throughout the city from their various enterprises. Sirius was a member of this prestigious family, how could he say he didn't have any?
Remus' face must have betrayed his thoughts, because Sirius let out a dark laugh.
"Before you ask, no, I'm not close with the other Blacks. They're… the only thing we share is the name. I'm not… well, I'm different. We don't speak anymore. It's better that way."
"Oh." Remus didn't know how else to respond. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's as much my doing as it is theirs."
"I see…"
"Anyway…" Sirius' fingers turned the sugar packet over and over and over. "I'm… very protective of James and Lily…"
Remus scoffed. 
"You weren't jealous, were you?" He asked with a grin. Sirius didn't respond, and Remus realized his mistake. His smile faded. "...were you?"
Sirius shrugged his shoulders, his focus remaining on the sugar that danced through his hands.
Never in a million years would Remus have expected Sirius Black to be jealous of him. Remus was broke. He worked himself to the bone, barely sleeping, hardly eating, unable to afford anything beyond the absolute necessities. 
"I'm…" Remus began, not sure what it was he wanted to say. "I don't think James or Lily would ever replace you…"
"No, I know that…" Sirius said to the sugar. "I know that. I just… have trouble believing it…"
The man in front of Remus was someone so different than the Sirius Black he thought he knew. This was someone soft, scared, afraid of losing the people he loved. This was a man who had everything and nothing all at once, who couldn't fathom going through life on his own. This was someone that Remus understood.
"I'm… I'm sorry if I— "
"No, you're fine," Sirius interrupted, glancing back up at Remus, a forced smile on his face. "This was on me. I've got a bit of a temper. I lashed out at you. And I'm sorry about that. Anyway…" Sirius' hand dropped the sugar and brushed his bangs from his eyes. "None of this is important. You just… wanted to know why. So… that's why."
"I really am sor— "
"Can we please drop it?" Some of the ice returned to Sirius' voice, reflected in the glacial blue of his eyes. Remus gave the gallerist a curt nod, knowing that the subject was a delicate one. 
"Yeah, sure. Consider it dropped." Remus tried to smile, to keep his emotions hidden from his face. "We're good, you and I. As far as I'm concerned…"
"So…" Sirius mumbled, picking up his sugar packet again, breaking the suddenly awkward silence. "You mentioned a message?"
Remus swallowed past the lump in his throat. When he was still angry at Sirius, he had planned to make the man feel bad about his drunken voicemail. Now that they had connected over a candid heart-to-heart, it didn't seem right to bring it up.
"It… it was nothing. Honestly…"
Sirius raised a brow skeptically.
"You… you just left a voicemail is all. It really wasn't anything… you didn't say much…"
Remus watched as the colour faded from Sirius' face, his eyes growing wide with horror. Butterflies erupted in the pit of Remus' stomach as the icy blue of Sirius' irises melted through his heart.
Shit shit shit…
"It really wasn't—"
"I don't remember leaving that…" Sirius twisted his sugar in his hand, accidentally breaking the packet and spilling the grains across the table. "Fuck!"
"It's fine! I've got it! I can clean it up!" 
As Remus moved to sweep up the mess with his napkin, Sirius slammed his fist against the table, startling the artist and causing the sugar grains to jump.
"Was I drunk?"
Remus blinked. He looked at Sirius, who suddenly looked more angry than nervous.
"Uh… p— possibly? It was only a voic— "
"Was I drunk, Remus?"
Sirius looked— well, serious.
"Uh… y— yeah… I… I think so."
"Fuck!" Sirius' profanities echoed across the cafe, earning him scathing glares from the other patrons. "Shit!" He muttered, a bit quieter.
"Really, Sirius. It's fine. It wasn't anything! You didn't say anything embarrassing or anyth—"
"I have to go."
Sirius was on his feet before Remus could even respond. The artist stared up at the other man, mouth agape, utterly confused.
"Sirius, you don't—"
"I'm sorry, Remus."
He did sound sorry. His eyes grew soft for a moment as his gaze lingered on Remus. Then, before the artist could get in another word, Sirius was heading towards the door.
"Sirius, wait!"
Remus' protests came too late, Sirius was already out of earshot. Remus stared as the expensive suit and elegant bun faded from view, wondering what the hell had just happened.
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ceedtriestoblog · 3 years
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An open letter to somebody i thought was the one 🙂
Hey. This is awkward. But, how are you? It's been a week or two.. Or almost three. I never heard from you and how you've been doing. I hope you're doing good. I hope you're happy.
I just wanna thank you. For everything. For making me happy. For those moments we shared when we weren't thinking about anybody or anything else, not even about us. We're just enjoying each other's presence and company. Those random talks about work, family, goals, about the past, about LIFE in general. I enjoyed those times we were enjoying our food and satisfying our cravings while making plans about what or where to eat soon. Those plans of hitting the beach and going on long drives. I enjoyed the way you try hard speaking our dialect. Your weird accent sounds cute, and funny. Yeah, you're funny. You made me laugh without you even noticing. Thinking of that makes me miss your voice. I miss the way you make plans for us, cause you wanna see me on the weekends, when you're done with work. I just wish you knew how I badly want to spend my weekends with you too. I miss the way you hold my hand, even when it's cold and wet from holding a venti cup of iced coffee we used to enjoy while you're driving me home. I miss the way you compliment me everytime I worry about my acne. I miss the way you call me beautiful especially when i am not feeling myself. I miss the way you tell me you miss me, even when you just dropped me home, and telling me afterwards that you really like me and you had a great time. I miss your effortless banats, and the way i have to contain the kilig i feel with those. Yeah, i admit you got me with those. And who cares if they were sincere or not? They were just banats after all. I miss the way you check on me, if i’m already home and safe, and if i’m having a good day. I miss the way you tease me, those half meant jokes about me and the little things about me like how i make time posting my stories late at night. And i miss teasing you too. You, not wanting to eat rice but seem to enjoy having it in your meal. . I miss those fun times with you. I miss the feeling of missing you while looking forward to our next date. Now it’s just missing you and nothing to look forward to anymore. I miss your daily updates when you're off to work, when you grab lunch, to all those nights you stay late for netflix or work stuff.I miss your 'good morning' and 'good night' chats with our silly endearment on it. And now i can't help but remember the way you actually said it when you were getting my attention.
I know it was just 4 dates and, just 3 months. And I don’t know if they're significant to you like they are to me. I'm not even sure if all those you showed me were true and sincere. Or which parts weren’t true and just for the sake of 'plain landian'. Those were just short moments that honestly keep playing in my head a dozen times a day until now. How could I easily forget those, for they made me feel happy and special after 3 years of just being with myself, romantically. I’m sorry not for you, not for us, but for myself. I’m sorry for messing things up, for overthinking when there's no need to do so. For guarding my heart too much that it chose to disregard its feelings and prioritize my pride. I know I should not be blaming myself but there were just times i can’t help but do so. When I already convinced myself to take a risk and let my guard down, it was already too late. I tried initiating hoping we could give it a try, but it seemed you already made up your mind. I don't really know your reasons, if you have someone already or you're not ready for anything serious, or you just realized you couldn't work things out with me or maybe you weren't really serious from the start. But whatever your reason is, I hope it's the right thing for you. I hope you won't have any regrets. I guess i'll just accept things the way it is, now. Accept that you're just another lesson. That you aren't meant to stay. Accept that you're not meant for me. I should hate you for leading me on and though i tried not to, I indeniably expected for you to take things seriously and mean those things you said. But it's my fault i guarded my heart the wrong way that i fell hard, not because of reality but more on possibilties and potential. Maybe that's how I got my heart broken. Now, I always pray for my heart and healing and it is gradually making me realize that it's not my fault that some things are out of my control. Situations change. Feelings change. People change. Sincerity can't be forced. And it's becoming rare in the world of dating nowadays.
I admit I am sad that we drifted apart. It sucks to think someone out there is already getting the attention and affection you used to give me . Do you call her the way we adressed each other too? Do you remind her always that she's worth your efforts too? It sucks to think you found someone you think is better for you. It sucks that you didn't like me enough for you to be serious with what we had.It sucks that i'm just somebody you used to know now. Just one of your dating app matches that didn't work out. It really sucks. I guess i just have to be patient with pain. I dont have plans of running away from it. It has this demand to be felt everyday, everytime you come across my mind. And it really sucks.
I am not blaming you for this. I know I could have done better. I could have enjoyed the way things were supposed to be and not rush things specifically what I had to act and feel about you, about us. Maybe I liked you too much that i forgot that I could have guarded my heart more. I could have refrained from daydreaming and playing stupid scenarios in my head. I could have waited for magic to work on its own. If ever we had any. 😅 But it's too late. Maybe if I did those while you still liked me, I didn't end up hurting myself. I rushed everything. Rushed in the sense that I overthought things. I advanced the pain, the hurt, the anxiety. Now I'm realizing things. You’re really one of the lessons. Thank you for this. What happened to us taught me to wait, even for things that are expected to happen, still, we have to be patient. To trust, and to earn that trust too. To stay calm, for things meant for you will always find their way to you. 🙂 To entrust everything to God, including your feelings, your desires, your thoughts. To trust in His will and ask for it in your life.
I hope I didn't hurt you in any way somehow. I hope I made you happy even for just a little time. And I hope when that slightest chance of us crossing our paths comes, we'll be able to look at each other and smile. It's not that hard to admit we used to know each other anyway. 🙂
Stay happy. ❤️
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shirashuu25 · 4 years
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Mafia!Sugawara x Reader
Title: I love you
It was a rainy day when you first met him.
You were walking back home after you finish buy your daily groceries.
You stumbled upon a beat up silver haired man around the corner to your home.
You took pity of him and decided to drag him home with you.
You noticed that he was unconscious, making it harder for you to pull him to your house.
"What did you eat? Even though you look skinny, you're still heavy." You grumbled.
You reached home after an hour because of the struggle.
You unlocked the door and put him on the sofa before you leave to kitchen to store up your groceries away.
"Where the hell did I put it..." You asked yourself as you trying to find the first aid.
Eventually you found it under your bed, maybe you forgot to put it away after you had cut your finger accidentally before.
"Okay, (Your Name). Just clean up his wound and change him then go to sleep." You reminded yourself, trying not to stare at the stranger's pretty face.
After you finish, you wrap him into a blanket that you picked up before and went to bed.
The next morning, the stranger woke up earlier that you.
He groaned as he felt the wound.
He was very sore and tired and hungry.
He sit up slowly and noticed that he was at an unfamiliar place.
"Where the hell am I?" He mumbled.
As he was lost in his thought about yesterday incident, you stretching out as you yawn and walked into the kitchen, not noticing the stranger.
When you started to cook, you suddenly remembered about the guy.
But, before you go to check on him, you saw he walked into the kitchen, toward you.
"Hey, are you the one who took me out from the alleyway?" He asked.
You nodded your head before you continued to cook some breakfast for both of you.
"Coffee, tea, juice or milk?" You tilted your head at him.
"Tea, please."
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Sorry. I'm (Full Name), but you can call me (Your Name). I found you unconscious at the corner of my home."
He nodded, acknowledge you.
"I'm Sugawara Koushi, you can call me Koushi though. I'm really thankful that you save me yesterday but I need to remind you to never do that again." He warned.
"Eh? Why?"
"Because you don't know who I am." He said.
"Eh? Are you somehow in a gang or something? Are you a dangerous person?" You asked.
Not really know how to replied, he just nod.
"Let's just go with that."
"Well then, let's eat breakfast and I can give you one last check on your wound and you can go back if you want. Or you can rest some more. I don't really mind." You gave him options.
He picked the former and sat at the dining table, devoured your handmade breakfast and retreat quickly.
You thought that maybe that will be your first and last meeting with him.
But the universe proved you wrong.
A couple of months passed, you never heard of him.
You walked to the ice cream parlor that night because you're craving some (favorite flavor) ice cream.
Out of nowhere, you felt someone grabbed you from behind and knocked you out.
Your world becoming dark a few seconds later.
Time skip
You woke up to some voice that you never heard before.
You groaned softly and fluttered your eyes open.
You looked around and you noticed that you're on a bed in a room you didn't recognize.
"Awake already, princess?" A mocked voice was heard from your side.
"Who are you? Where the hell am I?" You asked your kidnapper.
"Well, princess. You're in our hideout. We need you to lured someone out. That's why you're here. You recognize a 'Sugawara Koushi', aren't you?" He said.
You just stayed silent as you tried to process your thought.
'So, this is what he meant by that.' you thought.
The kidnapper didn't mind your silence though.
He preferred it that way, anyways.
Soon, another member come in, looking rough as he panicking, telling your companion the news.
"Boss! The Karasuno's here! He demand to bring the girl unharmed." The guy said.
Your companion nodded his head.
He took you off the bed and chained your wrist to him, to avoid you from running away from him.
You didn't struggled because you knew it was useless.
So, you just followed him to where he was heading to.
"Where is she?"
You heard his voice.
His voice was cold but you could hear that he was worried about you.
"Don't get your panties in twist, Suga. I have her here, unharmed just like I said before." Your kidnapper said.
He let you go and you ran behind Koushi, not wanting to get caught again.
"Why the hell did you do this, Oikawa?"
He shrugged his shoulders and looked away.
"Guess I was bored and I know that you have feeling towards her. So I thought, why not I help you get closer?" He said.
Both of your eyes widened, shocked to hear his confession.
"You like me, Koushi? Well, I love you. So I think, we should thanked him for this." You said as you hugged him from behind.
You actually hid your red face behind his back.
Koushi was stunned and eventually thanked your kidnapper for helping him get you to be his.
A/n: Well, it's looked like Tooru is not a trash after all. Good job, Tooru kun! 😉
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I have been putting off writing for an hour. For no good reason. Just feel a bit overwhelmed and having trouble focusing. But I'm doing it now and that's what matters.
Today was an excellent day. I slept pretty well but getting up was still hard. I woke up at 9 and Jess said I could come whenever so we decided on 10 and I worked on getting dressed. I had to run into the other room to turn on the oven to bake my little clay figures because there wasn't going to be another time. And mom said she would get them out for me while I ran to take a shower.
And so I did that. Got dressed. Felt really good about myself. Wore my new earrings and felt great. And was in the car and on my way by 945.
It was so nice to see Jess. She got me an excellent book. And we had a small laugh because I accidently got her two of the same thing. I had wrapped the one already and forgot about it and bought a second on thinking I lost the first one. Oops. They are plant holders and she wants a 100 plants so not the worst thing to get doubles for.
We did not end up going ice skating. But that was alright. We went out to new town to that restaurant dad took me too. And the wait was very long so we went over to the book store to look around and waste time. But it still took a while.
But it was still excellent food once we got it. And a truely excellent half and half. And it was just really nice being with Jess. We talked about the trips we have coming up and plans and family. Christmas and feeling sad. Financial stuff. How I was the one that taught her I budget but now I'm the one struggling with it. It's something I want to fix this year though. Stop trying to make myself feel better with shopping. It isn't working so I shouldn't do it anymore.
We finished up there and decided to go to the antique store in Bristol. And it was a lot of fun. We learned about insulator collecting. And saw some funny things. We both got interesting cheese graters. A right handed and a left handed. And we got a set of 7 milk glass bowls to split. Very cute. And she got an ashtray in a pretty blue color. Even though she doesn't smoke. And I got a simba stuffed animal I had when I was a kid. Gave me very good feelings to hug.
We left there and went to goodwill. She got an amazing punch bowl. And I got a dress I feel so good in. And we decided to go to the mall after that for a snack.
I also just enjoyed walking around there. We went on a cologne adventure and may have solved a scent mystery I was having. The guy at the Macy's counter even have me a container of coffee beans to smell between scents. Very fancy.
We had a snack. I had pizza and Jess has noodles. She shared the green beans she got with me. And we reminisced about our mall rat days. How we would spend entire days at a mall with our friends. The weird ecosystem of it. How that doesn't exist in the same way anymore. We joked about war flashbacks and how all hot topics smell the same.
And then we went to the Disney store and realized we didnt know the songs or some of the characters that the dolls were and we were bothered! But that's okay.
We went back to her house. Talked with her parents. It was decided I would take her gift and purchase with me because we are staying in her apartment on Christmas eve. Take some stress off of her. And then I headed back to my parents.
I waant there to long. I packed up. Gave hugs. And was on the road by 530.
And it was a really nice drive. I drove all the way to Maryland before I stopped at a taco bell for something to eat. But I should have only gotten 2 tacos. Because I couldn't finish them and felt not. Great. But I was okay. I was back on the road and enjoying my podcast.
Once I got back James met me outside. With a very good hug. And he helped bring all the stuff in that needed to come inside.
I was slightly stressed because he started taking stuff out of the car that didn't need to come out. But it was okay. And the apartment building is all decorated now too and that made me happy.
We worked on unpacking and putting away what we could. Put on some Muppets Christmas Carol.. Unpacked. Repacked. And got in bed to rest.
And now I'm just ready to take a shower. I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well! Tomorrow we go back to my parents to celebrate together! Goodnight!
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kayah16 · 5 years
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Hakeem's homework was to write down his negative traits and his positive traits. Then write where he got it from Luscious or Cookie. It was harder than he expected. Both Cookie and Luscious are toxic.
Toxic to each other. At times to him, Andre, and Jamal. Hakeem only had two things written under positive traits he was a good rapper and good dad. That's the only good things he could think of about himself.
His negative traits was long as hell. Short tempered. Lashes out. Horrible boyfriend. Sometimes a horrible person. Hakeem gave a defeated sigh not bothering to finish it. He had no positive traits, none.
Only thing people ever complemented him on was his rapping. Making sure he had everything he needed he headed out to go see Ms. Hanna. He brought her, himself, and Kiara some donuts along with Kiara a iced coffee and Ms. Hanna and himself a tea.
He headed to his appointment he was excited he got to see Kiara. When he got to the waiting room he went to the desk waiting for Kiara to greet him after she got off the phone. Nylah stood beside Hakeem counting only three drinks in the tray.
"You forgot one, Hakeem mines."
Hakeem handed Kiara her iced coffee and donut smiling.
"Leave him alone, Lala. Hey Keem. How are you?"
"He did forgot about me. That's just rude."
"I'm good Ki. I can run and get you one, Nylah. Iced coffee or tea?"
Nylah hummed looking around.
"Iced coffee and make sure it's sweet."
Hakeem couldn't do nothing but laugh he left Ms. Hanna's tea and donut with Kiara and left to go Nylah's iced coffee. It didn't take him long he was back in 10 minutes. He gave Nylah her iced coffee along with her donut.
"Thank you, Hakeem. I knew you had manners."
Kiara shook her head at her sister and handed the teas and donuts to Hakeem so he could do his session. He went to Ms. Hanna's room and put her tea and donut on her desk. Sitting in the chair Hakeem put his tea and donut on the small desk by him.
"Thank you for my tea and donut. How are you?"
"I'm alright, Ms. Hanna. I did my homework."
Hakeem ripped the page out his notebook and handed her the paper. Ms. Hanna looked at the paper and frowned.
"Baby, you have more negative than you do positive. Why?"
Hakeem shrugged.
"Cause everytime I look around its the negative traits that are being pointed at me. Only time I hear anything good is when I make my parents happy."
"What about your brothers?"
"They always say good things to me. Even when I don't deserve it. It's my parents that eats away at me.
Ms. Hanna gave Hakeem a sympathetic look. Hakeem scratched his head and gave a small chuckle.
"I was uhm, CEO of my Dad's company for a little while and he did everything to get it back. He had me robbed and everything. I want to make them proud but I can't seem to do it correctly."
Ms. Hanna looked at her client and sighed softly. She could tell other people's opinions especially his parents meant everything to him.
"I don't agree with this list, I'm going to make you redo it. Write more positive about yourself because it's more to you than just a flashy young rapper. I can see it in you. Redo this."
Hakeem took his paper back that's the first time he's ever heard that.
"Thank you, Ms. Hanna. Your therapy is helping me a lot."
"I see you changing. It's a good thing."
Hakeem gave her a bashful smile. The rest of his session was easy going and Hakeem opened up a lot more to his therapist. He liked therapy. He liked how Ms. Hanna actually listened to him.
She didn't judge him or anything. That's all he wants. Leaving the session, Hakeem locked eyes with Kiara and winked at her causing her to blush.
AN: Fluff. Hakeem in Therapy. Sucks. Sorry.
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