#i wish i had more to list but i don't watch a lot of tv shows and i don't really read any books why am i so boring lmaoo
sleepyorchidmonster · 25 days
After Chapter 7, Malleus and by extension Briar Valley had to deal with plenty of backlash.
In an attempt to appease the public (and control Malleus), the Senate organized a press conference with world leaders and NRC parents (there's A LOT of overlap between those two groups).
The main idea was to show the Senate as capable advisors that would guide the young Draconia, cementing their status in Briar Valley while also "protecting" and isolating Malleus.
What really happened was that Mrs. Rosehearts yelled at them for ten hours straight.
You see, Riddle was worried about how his mother would react to the entire Chapter 7 situation, so he made sure to explain everything to her, casting Malleus and Lillia in a more favourable light.
And it acually worked! You see, despite all her failures as a parent, she is still a mother at the end of the day, and the idea that a son would go to such great lenghts, overblotting and almost dooming the entire world, just to keep his parental figure safe, was quite touching.
She also has a newfound respect for Lillia, how he spent all those years looking for ways to get Malleus to hatch, how he went above and beyond to care for the Prince, even while banished, how he adopted and raised Silver (who is the only student she actually respects). HOW HE LITERALLY SACRIFICED PART OF HIS LIFEFORCE FOR MALLEUS TO HATCH!
On the other hand, she HATES the Senate. Mostly because she put herself in Meleanor's shoes: imagine you're about to die and decide to entrust your unborn son to your friend, only for said friend to be unjustly banished, leaving your kid in the hands of a bunch of entitled senators that completely DISREGARDED YOUR LAST WISH (Mrs. Rosehearts hates it when people don't do what she says, so she feels personally offended by that last bit, the fact that Malleus almost died also doesn't help).
Anyway, she's angry and, since the Senate IS encouraging people to air their grievances with Briar Valley, might as well seize this opportunity!
Malleus, Silver, Sebek, Lillia, Baul and Maleficia feel vindicated. Since only the housewardens and Diasomnia were invited for the event, the group chat was crazy.
The housewardens were all sitting together near the back of the room, alongside Silver and Sebek (they DON'T want to draw attention to themselves, especially since most of them are overblot survivors), so they could easily chat or sleep. Meanwhile the students back on campus were watching everything at Ramshackle.
As a small bonus, a few ways to avoid panic attacks, by Riddle and Trey:
*Mrs. Rosehearts starts talking*
Trey: Hey Rook!
Rook: Oui?
Trey: What is the meaning of beauty?
Rook: :D
*Rook starts monologuing and nobody can hear the TV anymore*
Meanwhile Riddle:
*School chat*
Epel: So, how long until she stops yelling at people? It ain't funny anymore...
Riddle: Since she yelled at Trey's parents for five hours because they gave me a tart, maybe ten or fifteen hours?
Ruggie: Wtf
Deuce: Are you doing okay, dormhead?
Riddle: I have a fully charged phone with a crosswords app, headphones playing all the Queen's rules on loop, and an entire bottle filled with the strongest calming tea I could find.
Riddle: Moreover, I'm currently seated beside the sleepiest students in this school (Leona and Silver). Their calm disposition creates a peaceful environment.
Riddle: Therefore I shall be able to keep panic attacks AND overblots at bay!
Ace: Just say yes or no...
*15 minutes later*
Riddle: I beat the game, there are no more crosswords
Vil: Chess.com
Vil: NOW
Vil: Wake Leona up, we're having a TOURNAMENT!
Idia: Congrats, u just got a World Record
Idia: Also I'm sending you a list of games later...
They left a bit after the seventh hour mark.
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vitaminseetarot · 3 months
PAC (Pick-A-Candy): February's Message For You ❄🕯
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Hey y'all, welcome back! Thank you so much for playing in my first tarot game. I'm so glad to have the chance to reach out to everyone for inquiries. Thank you so much for your feedback as well! I'm still reading through your responses and feel grateful for all the positivity. There have been a lot of delays throughout this month and I haven't had as much time as I'd like to be on here in January, but I'm itching to pick up the pace in February. I'm planning another game in early March, topic to be announced, so stay tuned.
I wanted to start this month with a short and sweet pick a card reading to give you advice. For anyone celebrating this time of year, may you enjoy this time of peace and recovery and maybe some really tasty snacks with hot cocoa too. Pick whatever chocolate below looks most appealing to you. ❄🕯
Pile 1: Bronze Toffee Nut Pile 2: Silver Milk Chocolate Pile 3: Gold Dark Almond
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Pile 1: Bronze Toffee Nut
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Land:Tree:Sun, King of Mechanisms: Heliacal Chronograph, 26 Duality, King of Swords, XII Hanged Man, XV Devil, 7 of Swords, 7 of Wands
Hey, you! Did you recently complete something big or reach a major milestone in your life? If so, congratulations! Your efforts are paying off, if not now then over time they will show. But first, before doing or planning anything else, you need to sit down for a little while and just… breathe. Breathe deep. Replenish your mind from harrying so much over all that you have had to, have to, or will have to do (that was a mouthful, so I can't imagine how much clutter that is in the brain! Also I channeled the word "harrying" which I never use and had to look it up lol, but the word definitely still fits). Now is not the time to push, but a time to breathe and reflect.
You're in a time of transition, and this could mean many things. It could be a move or a job transfer, or you're thinking of how to change your way of living. I'm feeling that many in this pile are still actively working towards their New Years resolutions. Some in this pile may have had a very busy year, while others here wish to shift gears and become focused on doing more, a lot more than last year. Are you trying to make up for lost time? It's only February, pile one, so you have way more time than it seems to get things straightened out or set into motion. You're not creating a time debt by using your break or time off to actually self soothe, like most people do. Your tenacity is admirable, but in terms of self development, too much push to get things done might set you back.
You must balance between resting and recovery, all while strategically planning for your next course of action. Some of you may be struggling to get organized, but making schedules and lists could help immensely, so you're not spending as much energy trying to remember everything. There are also apps that are designed to help you stay on track, giving you more time to just hang out and be. There is nothing wrong with spending this entire month on decompressing from everything you've had to do. It's not going to happen when you're working on something else. That's a distraction, not progress, to work as a way of avoiding healing. However you decide to relax, make sure it actually involves relaxation. If that means laying in bed and watching TV for the day, then that's what it means. If you relax more by doing a chore, then make it something simple to complete like folding clothes.
Don't feel guilty for taking time off, but don't let the time slip by either. Schedule "Don't-Do-Much" days and see what kind of difference it makes to your productivity and routine over time. Think of this transition as an intermission of sorts. This is your chance to get up, use the restroom, order more popcorn, text a friend, etc. before getting back to your movie. You can choose not to get up, but once the intermission has passed, the movie will not pause for you. So use this opportunity to rest with intention, knowing that when change comes to thrust you into the next phase of life, it may do so unexpectedly fast and you'll be more ready for it.
Keep your ambitions lit up, because even as you rest, those dreams are still at work. Don't think that time off means abandoning any plans or being lazy. It's a matter of decluttering your mind space so you can actually focus on the next thing better, and you can't drain the brain of all your pain if you replace worry with more worry. Life is more than a series of boxes to tick off, saying "what's next? what's next? huh? what's next? HUH??" right after each one is done. If life worked that way, sleep wouldn't be a thing, and likely neither would we, because how can anything sustain that gogogo fever forever? Protect your right to self care, and don't let anyone tell you it's wrong to take time out just for you.
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Pile 2: Silver Milk Chocolate
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Spiritual, 7 of Prisms: Flux Tempest, 19 Unlimited Possibilities, King of Cups Rx, 2 of Pentacles, I Magician, 9 of Cups, Page of Wands
You may feel overwhelmed right now, like a lot of changes are happening at once, or could happen imminently. Things may feel topsy-turvy, and it's a struggle just to get through the day to day with all this weighing on your mind. There could be different options to choose from or a lot of emotionally heavy decisions that could be leaving you feeling a bit straggled. It could be a decision to undergo a kind of treatment, or many job offers suddenly come to you, and rather than feeling elated for the opportunities, you're feeling anxious about what to do more than anything.
Many opportunities and risks abound, and although it isn't easy, it's important to spend some time to figure out what you wish to do. We all want to make the best choices in life, but sometimes life involves a good deal of trial and error and retrial no matter how logical and sensible we try to make things behave. A lot of important details can get swept away in the rush to resolve a conflict as quickly and easily as possible. Even when the best choice is made, things can still happen. Life can be pretty random and chaotic at times, in ways not even shuffled cards can keep up with. It's not so much the choosing, but staying committed to the choice, that can be most difficult.
It's time to go within and listen to spirit for guidance. You need some time and space in order to feel this out, not just think it through. Our mind can work all day scoping out each and every pro and con, and that's where meditation comes in. Let the answers flow towards you naturally. When you can embrace the change to come from this choice, rather than fearing it, the way will light up for you and it'll be smoother sailing from here. The seasons will change no matter how long this time out will take for you, but one spring passed means another spring will eventually come again. If it doesn't work out the first time, there will always come another.
You have a heightened ability to manifest your desired outcome this month, and you may find that some things will naturally fall into place as soon as your mind is made up and you let go. Yes, anything can happen, but that also includes good things, it even includes things you have deeply wished for. Envision the best possible outcome first and don't get caught in too many details about how it should play out. We can trick ourselves into thinking that by assuming the worst, we can prepare for the worst. Instead, prepare for the best case scenario for you and you'll be surprised at how much easier it gets to sift out and manage challenges when they do show up.
Keep your mind steady and heart focused on what you want. Remain in a space of enthusiasm for what you'd like to happen. The page of wands is very eager, it's like they have the energy of a little kid pointing to a famous performer on stage and going, "that'll be ME someday!" Not "that could be me" or "ah, if only that could be me," but "that WILL be me." Think of your motivation as a fire that must be tended to on a regular basis. No matter how small or large the flame in your heart is, it will be the light that guides you into making the best decision for yourself. Take good care of it.
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Pile 3: Gold Dark Almond
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Land:Animal:Moon, Macroscoria, 10 Burden, King of Cups, VIII Strength, King of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, II High Priestess
Your sensitivity and overall empathic ability is high right now. There may be an inclination to feel a heightened sense of compassion for others, particularly animals (you have a lot of animals present in your spread, and Animal:Moon talks about those kind of connections in particular). Animal companions want to help you out this month, whether on the physical or astral plane, so turn to them for healing just as they would turn to you.
Create solid psychic boundaries to protect your mind. A lot of intense psychic energy could be purged through with the Macroscoria card. I'm almost reminded of what's it like to delve through Akashic records (or as I call it the Hall of All Knowledge), but this is a more universal, primal energy coming through? The card reminds me of Earth in its early stages when it was all still molten and predominated by immense fiery tectonic activity, fundamental forces bursting from beneath. Instincts can seem basic, but they're powerful. This energy could be coming from within you most likely, but you could be picking up on others' chaotic moods as well. This isn't a force to fight, but to work in your favor. Anger for example isn't wrong, but there's a right and a wrong way of expressing anger. It's a matter of channeling it into a proper medium.
If you were drawn to pile 2, there may be a message for you there as well, as the King of Cups is in the same position. There's an emphasis on being able to stay present with others with deep compassion while staying emotionally detached. Detachment is not the same as not caring, it's a state that allows you to embody what another is feeling and give them space to feel without losing yourself in it. Try to adopt an observational approach. When you are in a state of experiencing intense emotions, we can also practice the art of "stepping aside" to observe ourselves and learn from these feelings instead of pushing them away.
You and others must remain resilient, as you could be undergoing a challenging time. Don't push the limit though. Lend a helping hand when needed, but remember that you too deserve that same compassion in return. Whatever this challenge is, there is a potential for growth to come from this. This month could bring in a special reward for you, what that is isn't clear but your good efforts won't go unnoticed. It may feel difficult now, but when things start to improve, you'll innately know, and the payoff could be rather big, or more than what you expected. You may feel that many could be leaning on you now for support, but trust that whatever support you provide will in turn be granted back to you.
Observation doesn't mean apathy or overanalysis. It's about sitting and being present with what's happening around you and within you. Mindfulness exercises could help you out a lot this February, along with writing down your nightly dreams or even making a vent journal to scribble out frustrations. Make sure your emotions don't stay bottled or contained or they could burst. Instead, check in every day and find one thing that will help vent out those emotions. Your intuition is your best friend now.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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Closed Position: Extra
Closed Position Masterlist ||| Main Masterlist
Dieter Bravo x OFC (Katarina)
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I haven't done any writing on Closed Position this week. I know! I'm sorry. There were a few details I was still thinking through that happen later on and I wanted to be sure I was on the right path to get us there. However, I have been working to nail down those details and fill in my outline with the important stuff. I think I have a pretty solid path set at this point, so I feel a little more confident going forward with writing.
Since I don't have any snippets to offer this week, I bring you a mood board of things to come. Each image represents an event that aligns with some part of the plot.
👉🏻 It’s time to start throwing out your conspiracy theories based on the mood board! Let me have them!
Behind the Scenes
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In addition to working on my outline, I've also been doing A LOT of research, as I always do. That includes details on hotels and prep/filming schedules for tv shows to really nail down the 'behind the scenes' aspect of things. I'm even making song choices for Dieter & Kat’s performances based on the beat count required for each dance.
Believe it or not, these types of details do help form the plot of the story. Sometimes those small details will spark an idea for putting the characters in situations I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. While it does seem a little crazy to do, it does actually help me in writing...but it does make me a little slow sometimes. 😬
So what have I researched this week? Here is a running list...that may offer some hints of what's to come:
Flight Times
Directions & travel times
Hotels in NYC (that meet certain criteria)
Rehearsal/filming schedule for a certain show that's filmed at 30 Rockefeller Plaza.
Kinesiology and Physiotherapy
Hydrotherapy and Electrotherapy
Alcohol and Drug Recovery
Codependency/Relationships in Recovery
Dance positions, counts, terminology, etc.
What have I recently watched for research?
Dirty Dancing (I hope you’re ready for some references and jokes… because nobody puts Bravo in a corner.) 😉
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Take the Lead
Dance with Me
Lots of Dancing with the Stars videos on YouTube and the last two seasons that are currently available on Disney+.
A shit ton of instructional videos for ballroom dance.
That all seems very random, doesn't it? This makes me wish I would have done this for Destiny & Deliverance, because that would have been wild research topic list. 🤭
No ETA on the next chapter, but I can say it’s probably going to be another long one since I am doing it by the show ‘week’. Some weeks there is a lot to squeeze in. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Until next time,
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Series Summary: Dieter Bravo, now sober, was looking to change his bad boy image after hitting rock bottom. His team hoped that having him join the nationally televised family friendly dance competition would be a good first step, if they can keep him out of trouble.
Katarina Stamos expected her last season as a professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars to go the same as it had for the past thirteen seasons. That all changed when she was partnered with the infamous Dieter Bravo.
Dieter and Katarina are reluctantly thrown into their partnership and must learn to work together to succeed in the competition. In the process they form a deeper connection beyond the dance floor that neither anticipated.
👉 Warnings: Themes dealing with intimate partner violence, past alcohol abuse, and past drug abuse. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn. Read at your own risk. Dieter Bravo comes with his own warnings.
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CP Taglist: @secretelephanttattoo @titlee78 @maggiemayhemnj @legendary-pink-dot @morallyinept @survivingandenduring @wannab-urs @harriedandharassed @hisandsnakes @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @sin-djarin @cakipy-blog @missladym1981 @guelyury @weho2kcmo @alokaerza @girlofchaos @trulybetty @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @jazzloveslatte @timpletance @musings-of-a-rose @samiamproductions @myloveistoolittle @for-a-longlongtime @copperhalfcent @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter @burntheedges @stevie75 @bunniboo0015 @quicax3 @jackie923 @sherala007 @pastelnap @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @jessthebaker @rebel-held @gwendibleywrites @senorabond
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milesdickpic · 3 months
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.88
Click here to see the master list
Hi besties! As promised, here is the second post for this week! We are getting closer and closer to the end of an era 😔 I’m sad, but we will all get to see the kiddos grow up and see more of a different perspective with the goose and Carole universe! Thank you all for still being here and reading my story! I love you all so much 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: Ringing in the New Year with the Bradshaws (-ish 😂)
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Cursing, mentions/hints at death, anxious past, some what drunk characters, crying (good crying), and so much love 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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New Years
A week has passed since Christmas. The Christmas decor was stuff up, but it was going to be taken down in a couple of days after new years. It was New Years Eve and you all were excited to go into the new year together. 
The last year brought a lot into your life. You met new people. Make more friends. You were reunited with the love of your life. Your daughter finally got to meet her dad, his friends, her papa Mav, Penny, Amelia. You got to marry Bradley. You live with him. You guys got a dog for your daughter and best of all, you welcomed two little boys. Expanded your family. Moved to a new place. 
The year also brought a lot of hardships. You had to be away from your newly husband just after a month of marrying him. You had to leave your best friend behind. You nearly lost your husband. You went and are still watching him make his recovery and baby steps towards his career. But, all in all. This year brought you so much more purpose in life. 
Bradley was at work getting some paperwork done for his officers. Jake, Nat, and Austin were getting ready for the night out. They asked if you wanted to join them for a couple of hours, and Phantom and Evelyn offered to watch the kids for the night. But you opted to stay home so you could give kisses to all three of them. 
Austin, Nat and Jake came down the stairs all dressed nicely for their night out. Nat came from behind the couch and wrapped her arms around your shoulders. 
“You sure you don’t want to come with for a couple of hours?” 
You laughed and patted her hand. “No you all go ahead. I’m going to stay back with the kiddos and wait for Bradley.” 
All three of them gave you a kiss on the cheek. “We will all see you in the morning.” Jake squeezed you a little tighter. “Happy New Year, Y/n.” 
You patted Jake’s arms and smiled. “Thank you, Jake. Have fun you guys! Be safe!” 
The three of them went to go and say bye to the kids as they played. You watched as they picked each of them up and kissed them and wished them a happy new year.
The three kids were playing on the floor. The boys sitting in their half donut pillows to help support them as they sat on their own, played with their toys. Leia was laying on her tummy reading a book from school. You were sitting on the couch watching them all play as you watched TV and drank some tea. 
Bradley’s POV
I had been stuck at work all day trying to finish up paperwork for the new year. I couldn’t wait to leave and go home to spend time with my family. I looked over at the clock in my office. 1845. “Damn I’ve been here for nearly 13 hours.” I stood up and stretched my back and looked out my window to the tarmac. A couple of the officers were down there doing their last checks on their planes before leaving for the day. There was a knock at my door. 
“Bradshaw? You in here?” Phantom came in as he knocked on the frame. 
I turned and smiled. “Right here, sir.” He came in and shook my hand. “You leaving for the day?” 
He chuckled. “I’ve got another hour before I head out. Would you like some company or help with anything?” He sat at the chair in front of my desk. 
I made my way around my desk and sat in my chair. “I should almost be done. Just going through some last minute changes for some routes the pilots are gonna fly in the new year. But the company will be nice as i finish it out.” I laughed as i continued to read the new route routine. 
“You and y/n want Eve and I to watch the kids tonight?” He sat back in the seat and made small conversation with me. 
I chuckled. “No, you, Eve, and the girls don’t have to do that for us. Y/n and I planned on staying home with the kids tonight.” 
Phantom picked up my little model f-14 on my desk. “Awh the boys first new years!” 
I nodded. “They’re getting so big now. And it is their first!” I signed a couple of route routines and put all the paperwork away. “Finally finished.” I neatly stacked all the worksheets and papers i had gone through in a pile. 
“You done for the day, Brad?” Phantom placed the f-14 back in its place. 
I sighed and nodded. “Finally. I’ve been sitting in this office for the last 12 hours finishing and pushing paperwork.” 
Phantom started to laugh. “How do you like being a senior officer?” 
I smiled and laid back in my chair. “It is a whole lot of paperwork, but it is a nice change of pace.”
When we finally left the office, it was 1915. Phantom and I said out goodbyes and wished each other a happy new year. 
“See ya next year, Rooster.” Phantom waved at me before hoping into his car.
I laughed. “Yea, see ya next year.” I shook my head and smiled. I got into the truck and headed to the store. I went in and grabbed a couple of New Year’s party hats and crowns. I grabbed a couple of bottles of apple juice and apple cider. I also grabbed some poppers and a couple of noise makers for the kids. I loaded the bags into the truck and headed home to you. 
1950. “Finally home.” I got down from the car and grabbed the bags from the back. I opened the door. “I’m home, my loves!” I set the bags down and started to take off my shoes and hung up my hat. 
“Daddy!!!” Leia came running through the house and jumped into my arms. I covered her in kisses. 
“Hey my little love. I missed you today.” I started to make my way over to you. You picked up both boys and walked over towards me. “Oh baby, don’t pick both of them up.” I let Leia down and grabbed Luke from you. “Hi, baby. I missed you.” I gave you a kiss and then kissed the boys. 
“I missed you too, Brad. How was work?” You smiled and wiped your chapstick from my lips. 
I grabbed Bradley from your grasp and held both boys. “Busy as usual, honey. Just glad to be home.” I smiled and kissed the boys over and over again. We all made our way back to the couch and we all sat. Leia in between us and the boys on my lap. I looked around and listened. “Did the three older kids leave already?” 
You started to chuckle. “Yes, our three eldest left already to go out.” You rested your arm on the back of the couch and laid your chin to your hand. The other reaching over to fix Luke’s tag coming out from his shirt. “They asked if we wanted to join again.”
I laughed and laid back as I watched the boys play with each other’s hands. “They just miss being with us, is all.” Brad put his fingers in my mouth. I gasped and munched on them gently as he started to laugh causing Luke to laugh too. “You boys are so big. Stop growing already.” I grabbed their little hands and gave each of them a kiss. 
I leaned over and placed a kiss on Leia’s head and on your cheek. “I’m gonna go and clean up, sweetheart. Get out of this uniform.” I smiled at you as you nodded. I placed the boys back up against their pillows and headed up stairs. 
As I finished cleaning up, I looked at the time again. 2030. The time was flying by. I headed back down stairs in some sweats and a white t-shirt. You were getting dinner ready for us. I came into the kitchen and grabbed you from behind. I placed kisses on your neck. “What you making, mama?” I placed my chin on your head. 
You giggled. “Leia wanted some Mac and Cheese so I’m making that, along with some chicken and rice.”
I took a deep breath in and smiled. “That is my favorite. Need any help?” 
You turned around in my arms and shook your head. “I’m okay. But you can try and feed the boys their rice cereal today.” You poked my chest and smiled. 
I nodded. “Yes ma’am.” I gave you a kiss before going to get the boys. I put their high chairs next to each other and went to get the boys. I placed each of them into a chair and put on their silicon bibs that had a food catch. I gave each of them a toy to play with while I got their food ready. 
“Leia Rey, come and get your Mac and Cheese, babe.” You had a bowl ready for Leia. She ran over and grabbed it and then went to go and take a seat with her brothers. 
I went into the fridge and grabbed one of their bottles that had your milk in it. I poured the whole bottle into a bowl and went to the pantry to grab the tub of the boys rice cereal. I brought it back out and started to scoop some to put into the bowl of milk. Then I mixed it and nuked it in the micro for 45 seconds. When it came out i tested it to make sure it wasn’t too hot for the boys. 
“Alright boys. Let’s try today. Can you both eat this for daddy?” I said in the mushiest baby voice I had, causing them to both laugh. I placed the bowl onto the table and sat in a chair in front of the both of them. “Baby brother first.” I scooped some with he spoon and blew on it. 
“Here we go Bradley boy. Open wide, babas. Here comes the fighter jet.” I started to mimic the noise. My mouth mimicked the movements little Brad’s mouth made. He spit a little bit up but i scooped it and put it back in his mouth. My eyes went wide. 
“Babe! babe! He ate it! Bradley had his first dose of solid food!” I gasped and you ran over. “Now Lukey-Bear. Open up big boy. Here comes the airplane!” I mimicked noises again and my mouth mimicked Luke’s. He ate the whole spoon in one bite.
“OH MY GOSH!!!!” You and I jumped up in unison. Our baby boys had their first dose of solid-ish food. You and I hugged and Leia ran over to join. Leia gave her brothers kisses. I kissed your forehead and wiped your tears. “They did it, babe!!”
2330. This was the latest all of us had stayed up in a long while. We were all practically falling asleep on the couch waiting. Leia was cuddled up on you, the boys both cuddled into my chest. Our kids were fast asleep. You and I were in and out of sleep as we patiently waited for the TV to show the ball drop. Frozen was playing on the TV as we all fell asleep. 
Phoenix’s POV
Austin, Hangman, and I stumbled back into the house around 0115. We were laughing because Hangman had just tripped up the drive way and fell face first into the front patio. Austin and I couldn’t breathe as he started to get up. We opened the front door shushing each other so we wouldn’t be loud. 
I grabbed Hangman by one arm and Austin grabbed the other. We held him up because he was laughing so hard from falling. 
“I feel like such a dumb ass! I hope the neighbors didn’t see that!” He barely whispered through his laughs. 
We all walked over to the living area and the lights were still on. Austin went and grabbed us all water from the fridge. Hangman and I saw that The Little Mermaid was playing on the TV. Then we looked down on the couch and saw all 6 of you sleeping on the couch together. Leia cuddled up with you. Bradley with the boys cuddled up on his chest. Gunner in the middle of Bradley and you.
I gasped. “Oh my gosh! How cute!” I said in a whisper. Austin came over to see what the commotion was about. 
“That is so precious. They fell asleep before the New year.” He handed us our waters. 
I snapped a picture and went to grab blankets. We placed blankets onto all of you and gave everyone kisses. “Good night you guys. Happy New Year. See you all in the morning.” 
Jake turned the TV off and left a couple of lights on for you all. The three of us went upstairs to change and get ready for bed. The three of us opted to stay downstairs with you all and sleep, just in case if you guys needed the help. 
Your POV
The next morning you woke up and saw you all had fallen asleep on the couch. You stretched slightly and sat up. You saw Jake, Nat, and Austin sleeping on the floor in front of you. you started to laugh. You laid Leia down on the couch and covered her with the blanket. Bradley heard you stirring around and he woke up. He looked around and looked at you. 
“Did we fall asleep down here?” He was shocked. 
You nodded and laughed. “Yes we did. And before the new year.” 
Bradley started to chuckled. “Of course, we did, sweetheart.” He puckered his lips and you went to give him a kiss. “Happy New Year, my love. And the many more to come. I can’t wait to see what this year holds for us. I love you, forever, honey.” He smiled up at you as he continued to hold the boys on his chest.
“Happy New Year, Bradley. I love you, always.” 
Happy late new year besties! I hope you all enjoyed ringing in this (late) new year with the Bradshaws! (Kind of 😂) I hope you all have had a blessed and great start to the new year! I’m so glad you’re here ❤️ Would you have spent the New Year at home with the Bradshaws, or would you have gone out with Jake, Nat, and Austin? I’ll see you all in the next chapter! 🫶🏼
The sleep crew is in the comments 🛌
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kintsugi . . . wakasa x reader
meeting your ex-best friend at the park in the middle of the night was not on your bucket list, but hey, tis the season !
fluff, could be canonverse or real world, semi-canon compliant, don't ask me which timeline/arc this is because idfk this show is confusing
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
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This was probably the worst Christmas Eve of your life. Not only had you broken up with your shitty ex-boyfriend two weeks ago, but you were alone in your stupid four person college-loaned apartment completely alone. You couldn't go home this year because you had to study for exams, this being your last year of college. School comes first, you reminded yourself as you were wishing you were at your family home, cuddled up and eating freshly baked cookies.
You gazed absentmindedly at the cheesy Christmas rom com movie on your TV. Your roomates had all gone home for the holidays, so you really had the whole place to yourself.
Bored out of your mind, you glanced around your bedroom, eyes landing on a poloroid from your junior year of high school. Three faces smiled back at you-- well, two smiling faces and one grimace.
In the middle was you, bubbling with excitement from whatever mischief you had been getting into. Your arm was slung around a boy to your right with messy black hair and his school uniform in shambles. He had a mischevious smile upon his face, and you tried to recall what he had been planning that day. Shinichiro.
You had attended his funeral less than a year ago. He had died in some stupid, pointless way; some of his little brother’s friends messing around in his shop after dark. Even now, the thought of him still stung.
The boy on your other side was a head shorter than Shinichiro, a strawberry blond with the stick of a lollipop between his teeth. Wakasa Imaushi, your other high school best friend. You hadn't spoken to him since graduation; you made excuses like, 'things happen' or, 'life just got busy.' But you knew the truth: your best friend had gotten in with the wrong crowd and decided he didn't need you anymore.
You'd llike to say that you've completely moved on from those relationships. I mean, who still talks to their high school friends? Aren't those things supposed to fade away once you grow up and get a job? Despite all this, you could still feel something lingering in your heart. Something that told you you felt more than just friendship for Wakasa. You decide to shake off the thought.
This was getting pathetic. You decided you weren't going to rot in this stupid apartment anymore, throwing on your coat over your flannel pajamas and heading out your door with only your phone and your car keys.
Shivering, you started your busted up Honda Civic, thanking the gods when it stuttered to life. You pulled out of the parking lot and found yourself leaving the university grounds. Hopefully no one saw you leave the campus and reported you, but you couldn't care less in that moment.
As you drove with seemingly no destination, memories flooded your mind. The yogurt shop where the boys has taken you for your 16th birthday. Shinichiro's home garage where you'd sit and watch him fix up bixes for hours on end.
Without warning, you come to a halt. You recognize the place that you see out the front windshield. It's our spot, you think.
"Spot" was a subjective term. Really, it didn't belong to you in any way other than the memories you held from it. The spot in question was the mouth of an old alleyway which was long forgotten and hardly ever got any traffic. To its left was the edge of the city park, and to its right was a lake separating the north and south sides of the city. Spray paint letters (some of which you were sure had been written by you) covered the walls in an impressive display. You still remembered where you used to always sit: by the coast of the water, a few feet back on top of a stack of unused cement blocks.
It took you a few moments to get out of your car. It was cold out, and your fingers were frozen to the bone, but you needed to get out of your room, and you decided this was the best way to do it.
You stepped outside, grimacing at how the car door creaked when you slammed it.
You swore you could feel ghosts in your chest as you traced your fingers along the cracks in the cement. Had those always been there? Or had the building decayed even more since your glory days? The structure had always had such a bright place in your mind that you considered the possibility that you had forgotten how bad of shape it was in.
You shivered, pulling your thin coat tighter around your shoulders. The yellow lights that lit the corridor flickered ever so slightly, bugs scattering around them in search of warmth. Suddenly, you hear a faint sound behind you.
Click. Then faster, quieter. Click click.
You whir around, assuming a defensive position. Unfortunetely, this wasn't your first time encountering creepy men in the park.
Swinging your arm, you threw a crisp right hook. It landed in the grasp of a person's hand, and you winced, expecting the worst.
"Hey! Calm down princess, it's just me."
It took you a few seconds to register the face in front of you. He looked different now, taller and broader. His hair was grown out past his shoudlers, still the stame strawberry blond color but with streaks of purple, which you mentally noted to yourself. You never thought you'd see him with purple in his hair.
The man in front of you— wow, it felt weird to call him that— had an unlit cigarette dangling between his teeth. You watched him tease the end of it with his tongue, tracing along the edge.
"Yours truly."
You were stunned. You never expected to even come here tonight, much less to see your old best friend here.
"Wakasa, what are you even doing here?" you question.
He shrugged, looking up at you with hooded eyes. "Dunno, I just neede to clear my head.” He paused, eyes traveling down your body and then back up to meet your gaze. "And what about you, princess?"
You rolled your eyes. "Stop calling me that. It's me for god's sake, Wakasa. Don't act all high and mighty just 'cause you're running with gangs and smoking weed now." Wakasa seemed slightly taken aback by your harsh words. I mean, yeah it was true, but it still stung to hear you talk to him like that. You started, "But anyways, I was just taking a drive and I ended up here."
Wakasa nodded, and a few moments of silence sat between the two of you; there was a stalemate.
You blinked. "So?" you repeated. "So, what?"
Wakasa grinned an impish smile. "So, do you wanna get out of here? Maybe hit up a bar?"
Shaking your head, you pulled your coat tighter around your body. "No, you idiot, it's Christmas Eve, I'm not going out and getting drunk. Besides, there probably aren't any bars open."
"Hey, you're the one out on the streets at night, all alone."
You sighed with frustration. "Can we quit the bickering and go somewhere already? It's freezing."
Wakasa grinned wider, stuffing his cigarette in the pocket of his jacket. "Okay, here's the deal: we have a race, by bike versus your busted up little smart car. I win, we go drinking. You win, we go to bible study and make friendship bracelets like good girls."
You reached forward to punch his arm playfully, feigning anger although a smile lingered on your face. "Yeah, no. Get in my car, you idiot."
Wakasa didn't hesitate. You could tell he was probably getting cold by the way his cheeks were tinged with pink.
You slid into the driver’s seat with Wakasa across from you in the passenger. As you put the car into drive, it started making a high-pitched dinging sound.
“Oh no, oh no no no!!!” you exclaimed. Orange letters flashed on the small digital screen behind your wheel: FUEL EMPTY.
Wakasa leaned over towards you, inspecting the issue. “Ouch, princess. Guess you’re gonna have to start pushing.”
You glared at the blond. “No, I’m not. I’m going to call my friend to come bring me some gas.”
Suddenly, the interior lights flickered once, then twice, before giving up and leaving you in complete darkness.
“No fucking way.”
Your car battery had died.
You bent over to lean your head against the steering wheel. You set off the horn in doing so. Well, at least something’s working.
You were beginning to think this was karma for sneaking food out of the dining hall in plastic tupperware bins when Wakasa spoke up, “Guess we’ll have to take my ride.”
You looked up at him without picking up your head. “There’s no way in hell I’m getting on that death trap. I’d rather walk home.”
Wakasa snorted a laugh. “Well, that’s your only other option.”
You sat up and reached for your phone. “No, I’m just going to call a friend.”
Wakasa started to open the car door. “Yeah, right. No one is gonna come out here on Christmas Eve. They’re all spending their merry time with their beloved families,” he said. You couldn’t help but notice the almost resentful sound in his voice.
You huffed in frustration. “Okay, then I’ll sit here and wait for a passing traveller to see my car and hitch hike.”
Wakasa stepped out of the car, leaning down so he could talk still see you. “No way I’m letting you get in some random stranger’s car and get kidnapped.”
You sighed. “I’m not getting kidnapped, and besides, aren’t you just some random stranger too?”
He raised his eyebrows with a smirk. “You’re not getting in my car. You’re getting on it.”
You closed your eyes in frustration. He thought he was being so smug.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you finally resign to his efforts. “Okay, fine, I’ll go with you. But no highways, no back alleys, and we aren’t going any faster than thirty miles per hour. And you have to drive me back out here in the morning to get my car.”
“Sounds like a deal to me.”
Once you were outside the car, Wakasa took the bike off of the kickstand and waved a hand in front of him. “After you, my lady.”
Reluctantly, you swung your leg over the metal contraption and lowered yourself onto the seat. You were surprised at how comfortable it was, actually. But it would be better with a seatbelt and four walls, you thought.
Wakasa got on after you, sitting in front of you so he could drive. You realized then that there were no handlebars for the person sitting on the back, so you had to hold on to him. Well, shit. It wasn’t that you weren’t comfortable with doing that; you and Wakasa had been inseparable for so many years of your lives together. It was just that it had been so long since you had last been around him and you couldn’t imagine how different he would be by this point. Surely, gang life had gotten to him and had deteriorated his physical health, you thought.
“Hold on tight, okay?”
Hands shaking, you cautiously started to wrap your arms around his torso. You were right: gang life had changed him. His body was firm and toned, your aching cold hands being able to feel the lines of his abs through the thin material he was wearing.
Suddenly, you heard Wakasa laugh. Not a sarcastic huff this time, but a real, genuine laugh. “You’re going to need to hold on a lot tighter than that once we start going, princess.” God, you could practically hear the smile in his voice.
“Oh okay,” you managed to say. You could tell by the heat of your face in contrast to the cold weather that you were bulshing profusely.
“Oh yeah, one more thing,” you heard him say. He leaned over the front of the bike and picked something up from off the ground. It made a scraping sound that you recognized as metal on concrete. “Here you go.”
In his hands, he held a black riding helmet. You eyes moved from it to him and back to it. It was comically large, so big that you doubt it would even fit on a human head.
“I think I’m okay,” you say, trying to be polite.
“No way, princess, put it on.”
You huffed out a sigh. “Seriously? Why do I have to wear that stupid thing but you don’t?”
He shook his head, using both of his hands to fasten the helmet on your head. “Can’t risk damaging the precious cargo.” By this point, you knew you were as red as a tomato. Precious? Luckily, the helmet covered most of your face.
You felt the bike start to move. Slowly but surely, you were making your way out of the parking lot. Hey, this really isn’t so bad, you think.
As you coast down the road, you feel yourself admiring the new things you’ve seen of Wakasa— just little things, like his mannerisms and the way he smelled and the way he pulled his hair back. In this moment, you think you finally found some peace in your life. The past semester had been hell, between essays and shitty professors and your ex-boyfriend being an asshole.
Just when you were beginning to enjoy the feeling of the wind blowing over your face, the bike turned onto your street all too soon. You were surprised that Wakasa still remembered the same address you had told him all those eyars ago despite never having taken the time to visit your new apartment.
He pulled into your driveway, turning the bike’s engine off and stepping off the bike before offering you a hand of assistance. You accepted it, getting off the bike with a little bit of a stumble. After removing the helmet and leaning it against the sidewalk, you led him into your apartment.
“Here, go sit down and I’ll get you something to drink,” you say as you go around the small space, switching on the lights. Wakasa takes a seat at the little kitchen island and you see him inspecting the various pictures you have scattered around for decoration. He picked up a letter that had been trifolded and removed from an envelope earlier that morning, scanning it briefly.
“Wow, Honors society, huh? Smart girl,” Wakasa says. Walking up behind him, you snatch the paper out of his grasp.
“Hey, it’s illegal to steal other people’s mail,” you complain.
He raised his hands up in mock defense. “I’m innocent, I swear!”
You rolled your eyes at his dumb joke. Passing him, you go to your fridge, viewing your selection of beverages. “What do you want to drink?”
The blond shrugged. “Whatever you have.”
You passed him a glass of lemonade, complete with a cute little paper straw. He took a long drink from it before looking up at you. Although you were used to being around him, for some reason this eye contact felt more intense than ever before. He broke it first, looking down at his drink. “So, how’s your boyfriend?”
That was not the question you expected him to ask. She shake your head, “How did you even know about that?”
He pointed a finger towards the entry way to your apartment. “The framed photos. You’re with a guy in all of them.”
Your gaze dropped from him to the counter. Shit, you didn’t even think to take them down. Your life had been for too chaotic ever since you broke up with your ex to worry about decorations.
You stirred your straw in your drink, listening to the ice clink in the glass. “Well I’ve got questions for you too. Don’t think you’re getting off the hook about Shinichiro.”
Wakasa faltered and you could tell you hit a weak spot. Rubbing his hand over his face, he gave in, “Okay, fine. You answer my questions and I’ll answer yours.”
Reluctantly, you nodded. “Me and my ex broke up just a few weeks ago, actually.”
Wakasa nodded. “Real nice guy, breaking up with you right before the holidays.”
You snorted, “Yeah, right, he didn’t even know my favorite movie, probably, much less care about my feelings.”
“Notting Hill.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at such a random comment. “What?”
Wakasa shrugged. “Your favorite movie. It’s Notting Hill.”
You smiled a little. “You really remember that?” you ask.
He smiled back, “Of course, I remember watching it with you in 10th grade and you balling your eyes out.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Okay, okay.”
“Now it’s your turn to ask a question.”
If you were honest with yourself, you’d admit you didn’t want to ruin the moment that you were in right now. It felt really good to get to talk to your old best friend again, and you felt happier now than you had in a long time.
You shuffled your feet. “Okay. Why didn’t you come to Shinichiro’s funeral?”
Wakasa nods his head; he had been expecting the conversation to come back to this.
He shifted backwards in his chair. “My parents were really shitty at that time, and I was still living in their house . . . and you and Shin, you were all that I had. So to lose him, it was like losing a brother, and I couldn’t bear to—“ he pauses, considering his words. “I wasn’t brave enough to accept that he was gone.”
A pause. “I regret it every day, you know,” he begins. “I regret not saying a final goodbye to him, and I regret not being there for you. There was nothing I wanted more than to hold you in my arms . . . but I couldn’t— I wasn’t there for you.”
You’re stunned that he decided to share so much with you, but you were grateful nonetheless.
“Wakasa, you know I’ll always be there for you, right?” you said as you reached across the table to grasp his hand. It was warm, and you tried in that moment to memorize the way his hand felt in yours, just in case you never felt it again.
You feel him lean in, warmth radiating off his body. You could smell the deep wooden smell of his cologne and the light, delicate scent of his shampoo. Suddenly, his lips were on yours, warm and soft. You tensed up a little in surprise before keaning into the kiss, pushing and pulling in tandem with him. His free hand made his way into your hair, tugging lightly out of need. His other hand still held yours across the counter.
Eventually, you broke away from the kiss. Your head was racing with thoughts. What are we? How did this even happen?
You opened your eyes, looking up to meet Wakasa’s violet ones.
He went to lean in for another kiss, but you stopped him with a hand against his chest. You felt him pull away slightly. “Wakasa . . . I can’t— we can’t let this go on if you don’t tell me what this is, what we are. I want . . . I just can’t let this happen if I know you’re gonna run away again. I don’t think I can take that.” You see him falter, thinking over his words. “I want to be with you, Y/n, but I just . . . I don’t want to let myself go there and then end up hurting you. That’s the reason I’ve stayed away all these years. Between the gang and Shinichiro’s passing, i worried I was too volatile to be around you. It was too much of a risk to have me in your life, I mean, being with me might cost you your career and your fancy college degree . . . “
He watched a single tear roll down your cheek. He worried that his wods hurt you, which was the last thing he wanted to do.
“Waka’, I know you’d never hurt me—“
“I love you, Y/n. I always have— and it’s my job to protect you. So if you’re absolutely sure this is what you want, that you want to put up with me for a while . . . I’d love that more than anything.”
You decided to answer with a kiss, pulling him to you by the sleeve of his shirt. You allowed him to slot his tongue between your lips, tasting his lips as if they were the sweetest delicacy.
You pulled away to speak, nodding while you gazed into his eyes with tears in yours. “Yes, yes, I want to be with you. I never wanted you to leave in the first place.”
It was his turn to pull you in, slotting his lips against yours in a passionate display. His hands grabbed either side of your face, ever so gentle as his thumbs stoked your cheek.
Suddenly, he pulled away from the kiss. You worried there was somethign wrong. Opening his eyes, you met his as he began to speak. “Is this just like in your movies?”
You leaned over, belly laughing. It reminded you of the old days when there weren’t real world problems to deal with and all you had to worry about was your weekend plans with your two best friends. “Yeah, actually. It really is.”
And for the first time in a very long time, you felt a light, buzzing feeling in your chest that told you that this was right. This was where you wree meant to be.
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queerpiratebrainrot · 10 months
ALRIGHT!I JUST WATCHED THE MIRACULOUS MOVIE AND I HAVE THOUGHTS! There will be spoilers ahead, so tread carefully
A list, in no particular order, just how they pop up in my head:
The animation was STUNNING! Just, props to the animators, I enjoyed the movie visually SO MUCH! From the use of colours and lighting, to the way they used all of that to upgrade the characters: it was absolute perfection. (though some of those close up shots of Hawkmoth were A Lot. But that was probably the point)
The absolute chaotic energy that both Tikki and Plagg (but mostly Tikki, cuz unfortunately. there wasn't a whole lot of Plagg, which I understand due to time, even if it is sad) is FANTASTIC! I adore Chaotic Tikki so much. She has my whole heart! That little scene of Tikki pushing Marinette's hand to Adrien's? Lovely. Tikki explaining absolutely nothing to Marinette when they first meet? Perfection. Just. Give me more Chaotic Tikki, please!
The soundtrack? WONDERFUL! I kinda knew it was a musical, I think, but I completely forgot, so when Marinette sang those first few notes, I had to catch up a lil, but DAMN I was excited! (sad we didn't get Ce Mur Qui Nous Separe (I don't know the english name oops), but it was still fun!)
On that note: Adrian having the most Disney Princess I Want song in the movie is just perfect. No other words needed. Best choice they could have made there.
ALSO on that note: Marinette's singing voice? BEAUTIFUL! It fits so well! I just couldn't help but enjoy her songs, if only for that.
BUT I didn't have to, because the music itself, without the lyrics was just so well done!
Slightly less good: The hawkmoth song was missing some flavor, in my opinion. It started out, and I was EXCITED cuz it started so HARD and then it didn'treally deliver, I think. It kind of kept in the same range and didn't really go up, ya know?
I really REALLY liked Marinette and Chloe's relationship. The way Marinette fired shots back at Chloe, and they actually seemed to be becoming more frennemies? Amazing. I wish we would've gotten more of that in the tv show, considering earlier seasons Chloe and her character developpement, but I really enjoyed it here, in the movie
I'm happy we got to see Gabriel and Adrian actually confronting each other. Both Adrian standing up to his dad (although the timing was a little off, more on that later), AND Gabriel finding out his son is Chat Noir and the resulting Crisis. At least there was some emotional pay off there! (looking at you, season 5 finale)
NOW on the timing thing: There just wasn't enough time. I understand that they wanted to do the superhero origin story for people who aren't familiar with the show but do go to see the movie, but I feel like they just didn't have the necessary time to create the emotional tension needed for the end scene to actually hit as hard as it could have. We got to see a hint of Adrian and Gabriel's relationship, and what was shown was great! But if we had gotten a little more of that perspective and tension, it would've felt better to watch Adrian stand up to Gabe and his parenting skills. And consequently, enjoyed more of the end scene with them figuring out each others identities. Genuinely, I was happy we got at least some pay off there, but it felt too easy. (which again, makes sense due to the limited time, but I feel like they should have made choice: either the Big End Fight with Hawkmoth, OR the Origin Story. And since they did kind of set up a possible sequel, I feel like the choice could have been made)
With the feeling of too easy: I had the same feeling of Marinette and her finding confidence in herself and Ladybug AT THE END! The sudden change during the montage, I liked and felt like it made sens, since we then, during the big battle, get Marinette's insecurities over only being confident when she's Ladybug and all that. That is wonderful and so in line with the core of who Marinette is as character, no matter what version of her we get, that I love it very much. I would have enjoyed a liiiiitle more time with the Angst, but it's allright!
MOSTLY CUZ: that scene where she's dragging Cat Noir's unconcious body onto the debris of the Eiffel Tower, and she goes 'Don't. Touch. Him.' through tears and with a broken voice? AMAZING! When I tell you I Went FERAL! My children! absolutely STUNNING
The actual fight of the end battle? Marinette surrounded by flame and a Paris that is falling apart? Ladybug in Hell, essentially? GORGEOUS! Cat Noir running up the Eiffel Tower to fight Hawkmoth? Stunning! The Eiffel Tower slowly collapsing, as Ladybug watches and cannot Do Anything to stop it? HEARTWRENCHING!
Marinette revealing herself to Adrian at the ball? AMAZING SCENE! (although i laughed and had to utter 'Real Subtle, Marinette' when I saw the ladybug wings on the back of the dress, which was, againg, stunning). The way the scene was framed like the rejection scene? WONDERFUL!
The glitter on Chat Noir's mask? I loved it! Such a fun little detail we don't get in the show!
Did not like the Plagg farting scene. Just. No thanks. It's cheap comedy and that runtime could have been spent better, with a better characterisation of PLagg and his relationship with Adrian. But whatever, it's fine.
So yeah, that was an incomplete list of my thoughts on the movie! Overall I really enjoyed it! I really liked this version of the characters and their relationships. They feel a lot more genuine and real in comparison to the tv show, in some ways. I had so much fun watching it, and will probably go a second time, to see how it'll feel like on a rewatch. And just to enjoy the vibes. I do hope we get a sequel, because I am Curious. And would love more Natalie content.
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jasminedragonart · 2 months
My goal for this year is to read more books. There were a lot of books I avoided when I was younger just because I thought they weren't for me. I'm starting to realise that a lot of books are and it just wasn't time for me to read them yet. Others I've found are as badly written as I thought they would be and it makes me question why I want to read books by author's I haven't read from before.
Anyway, so far the books I've read that I've enjoyed are:
The Wheel of Time: Books 1 and 2. I have book 3 and plan to read it, however I fond out that this is an unfinished series since the author died. While it is technically finished, it was finished by Brandon Sanderson and while I have his books on my reading list, I don't think reading without Robert Jordan's penmanship will really bring justice to the world I've invested in. THAT BEING SAID, the first two books are SO good. I picked this book up by chance when I was away last year and put it back because the blurb was the vaguest thing I've ever seen. Except, then it haunted me once I heard there was a TV show. I haven't watched it, nor do I plan to since they seemed to have taken it in a different direction. But if you're looking for a good fantasy series to read, even if it's just the first few books, this one hasn't let me down yet.
The Raven Boys: I haven't finished this one yet but the book is good so far. I have the other 3 on the way that's how invested in this series I am right now. I've read other works by this author before, the Shiver one, and while I don't remember hating it I don't remember liking that one much. This book is good though. I'm enjoying it.
The Neverending Story: This one I enjoyed reading but I found that it's definitely a children's book. I picked it up in the hopes to read this to my niece when she's a little older. I thought it wouldn't be until she was around 10 before I could read this with her, but I'm happy that it's simple enough that I'll be able to read it to her maybe when she's around 3-7 Not too scary, not too detailed and while the movie is phenomenal, I really enjoyed this book as well.
The Folk of the Air series: I read them all. There were things in this I enjoyed. I liked the world building of the faerie realm. I also enjoyed some of the politics. But the book had its faults too. It's very teenager-ish. Which isn't inherently bad. The Raven Boys is proving to be better at it though. Jude and Cardan were... at times hard to read. It was quite predictable at times and it's not the best enemies to lovers book out there but I managed to finish it and I did enjoy it. It's something I would recommend to people, but not something I would rave about like I would the Wheel of Time.
I'm looking for other books to read after this. So far my list is:
The rest of the Raven Cycle (3 books) The Way of Kings series (These are so long and there's like 4 books) The Wheel of Time (Book 3 and maybe 4) God of War Inkheart
If there's anything else you would recommend let me know. If anyone has read any Robin Hobb books let me know if they're any good, I'm looking for a good fantasy series.
Also also if anyone knows if someone has written a Davy Jones and Calypso book let me know. I wish Disney had decided to do a prequel on them or at least release a book but I have yet to find one.
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gffa · 8 months
FYI: still thinking warm thoughts about you, and hoping that you're doing ok after the pain of (last week?).
I'm doing all right, thank you for the check in, I appreciate it a lot. I wish I had something of interest to say, because it starts to feel like it's hard to talk about it without some new insight or some clever turn of phrase, as if grief can't be boring, mundane, or cliche. But the truth is that it often is cliche and mundane. When my dad died, one of the things that I could finally do was start to clean things out, he was a hoarder and he didn't want anyone cleaning while he was sleeping (he slept about four times a day) and always wanted to save everything to go through (except he had no energy to do it, so it just piled up, but you couldn't sneak out much because he'd get mad) and earlier this week I came across his ereader, which still had his books on it. He hadn't used it much in the last few months, the dialysis made his hands shake so bad he couldn't hold it anymore, and his lucidity was waning pretty badly so he couldn't focus anyway, but he'd had it for years and I'd always been the one to help him put books onto it, since I was a little more tech-savvy. It's just a reader, he had several of them over his lifetime, it wasn't uniquely special, so I was charging it up and would take his books off and consider using it as my backup, and I'd already spent so much time crying and pouring those feelings out of me. It was just one more thing to clean up and either repurpose or throw out. You know how sometimes you watch TV shows and they portray grief in such a cliche way, where the person left behind discovers an old photo album or a favorite shirt of theirs or a letter they wrote, and they start crying again and you know it's not insincere, but it feels almost like a trope that just happens because writers want to show the audience something, not because that's how it really happens? Well, I looked at that reader, something I'd never really felt that strongly one way or another, looked at his list of books, and immediately collapsed back into grief, I can't take those books off his reader yet, I don't know if I ever will be able to, and I can't explain why. Other than that it was his and he loved it so much once upon a time, it was one of the longest lasting joys he had. I feel like such a cliche about all of this, from the rocky relationship I had with him and the complicated feelings that gave me, but he was still my dad and this is a massive shift in my understanding of the world and it's hard to give myself the space for that, because of course I know that grief often is cliche and that it's okay to have it hit over small things, but logic also has little place here and it's hard not to feel like I'm falling into banal and trite reactions. Because sometimes grief is mundane and cliche and I don't know how to talk about it in a way that doesn't feel trite or like I'm making a big deal out of something that happens to people regularly and should be handled on my own. It still doesn't feel real half of the time and the other time it feels too real and I'm probably going to swing back and forth on that for awhile, but at least I'll have times in the middle where I'll still be able to blog about comics or whatever, because sometimes it's also true that you just have to take a break from it before it consumes you and do something purely recreational and fun.
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panelshowsource · 7 months
If you had to pick a top three favorite episodes of any panel shows EVER, which would you choose? One of mine would have to be Terry Wogan guest hosting old NMTB, which I am dying to watch again in my lifetime. Your old-NMTB-posting reminded me just how amazing and formative those old episodes were for me. Anyway, it got me thinking… I would love to hear yours!
as long as i'm allowed to answer this totally subjectively...! because the objectively most iconic panel show episodes are probably quite different to the ones i gravitate to especially for rewatching — and especially in this difficult recent climate 🫥
this choice is almost bizarre knowing me, a huge huge huge sean lock fan, but this episode of cats does countdown — without sean! and not even golden era, probably, whatever that is in my mind — is so ridiculous and chaotic and stupid that i've watched it about 1000 times. there's something very specific about the dynamic between jimmy, jon, roisin, and joe without sean; those four have been in quite a few episodes without sean and they're like actual children without an adult in the room: jon is goofier and completely lets go of the game, jimmy throws even more to roisin (we do not talk enough about what a fucking kick jimmy gets out of her), roisin and joe's insane sibling dynamic becomes next level. anyways—this episode, which includes rly funny mascots, glory hole, the fucking hoop game and joe eating an onion and jon eating peppers???, THE UNICORN, its sheer childishness just cracks me up every time :') (if we're gonna mention the golden age, 2.02 is very iconic — from rhod killin it and always arguing with jimmy to claude to nick x susie hahaha but i have sooooo many catsdown episodes i love love love)
i really love the episode of 8 out of 10 cats following jimmy's tax scandal. it's not one of my favourite panel shows in general, but the circumstances of the news and the discussion epitomised what the show was meant to be: panel show meets reality tv meets a comedy central roast. watching that live, as the news was running it so heavily that even the prime minister mentioned it, as the press and twitter were reacting to it... wild times. it holds up incredibly well — it's hilarious watching them rip him to shreds, because he deserves every word and they're having a ball doing it to him, and i really appreciate jon grounding the conversation in just how tax avoidance hurts their country and some of its hardest workers — a really interesting, engaging mix of comedy and anger and wit and disappointment and political commentary that is not only funny but strikingly relevant no matter how much time passes. like so, so many people who were so, so disappointed in jimmy, this was the foundation of his carrying the responsibility, shame, reflection, and growth that people wanted to see — and that he truly needed to. since then he's talked a lot about not only righting the wrong (in paying back what he owed in avoidance) but just how the system is so broken — and taking the least complicated, most honest road forward since.
now i want to pick 1000 different things this is why i don't make lists or rank things!!!!! while my instinct is to pick a big fat quiz, i'm actually gonna go top-level nostalgia and say this episode of buzzcocks when stephen fry was a guest. what can i say — simon, stephen, it was two intellectual, mildly bitchy homosexuals on a stacked panel including josie long, dominic cooper, and yet another skinny white rock man for simon to pretend he's not trying to flirt with. stephen saying "there is a history, in pop music, of recto-veginal insertion" and denouncing god, like, in the first 5 minutes? stephen doing the intros round?? did i mention history boys-era dominic cooper??? such a throwback!!! (not to cheat but this ep with josh groban & martin freeman is my runner up)
i want to apologise to big fat quiz, taskmaster, wilty... THE WHOLE HISTORY OF PANEL SHOWS... I WISH I COULD CHOOSE YOU ALL
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coralinnii · 5 months
Thanks for answering my ask.... If you don't mind me asking (again), who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/manhwa/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? And why you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks.
Hmm it’s been a while since I care much about romantic relationships (yes, I see the irony of me, a primarily fluff writer, saying that) but there are some memorable ones that I still love for their dynamic. These are the 5 that I can really remember at the top of my head, I’m sure there’s are many iconic ones but these are just my personal “couple goals” people
1. Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist Brother (manga, anime)
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Soulmates, More than Lovers
Yes, there is Edward and Winry and they’re great too but Roy and Riza, even when they weren’t officially canon? Oh wow, I absolutely idolised their dynamic growing up. They have to maintain a professional relationship as officer and superior but everyone can tell that they care so much about each other. It’s the trust between, it’s the way they understood each other so much and the faith they have of their partner’s competence. They bicker and annoy each other like old comrades but their bond goes beyond being brothers-in-arms, it’s the way they support each other knowing that they both wish for a world where no one has to go through what they did again. Riza believed in Roy not just because she cared about him but also because she truly believes in him making good on his word in building a better government, and Roy believed in Riza because of her integrity, that he knew she will never be swayed and keep him in track of his dream because that’s just the amazing person she was.
2. Sawako Kuronuma and Shota Kazehaya from Kimi ni Todoke (manga, anime, live-action film)
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Friends to Lovers
While romcoms aren’t really my thing, this series was my favorite romcom growing up that I still remember it pretty well after all these years. No hate to the other shoujo animes but Kazehaya was the greenest flag and I can’t be convinced otherwise. He was genuinely kind to everyone, didn’t believe in the crazy rumours and saw Sawako as the sweet person she was, and be that supporting friend to her even when he could tell he had feelings for her. Kazehaya had better emotional awareness and understood how he felt pretty early in the series but never pushed the topic on Sawako when she was still new to a lot of social experiences. Sawako was aware of all the support he has given her and in response, worked hard to make sure his efforts weren’t wasted. It was cute, supportive, and the results felt so deserved and not abrupt.
3. Takeru Takahashi and Hikari Yagami from Digimon (anime)
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Will they, won’t they, Childhood friends
I’ve been shipping even before I knew what shipping was. I didn’t know why I love them so much growing. Maybe because I really like the aesthetics, maybe because I’m a sucker for childhood friends, maybe because of all the connections of the crest of hope and light. I thought I grew out of this shipping phrase but nope! I went crazy over the crumbs we get from Digimon Tri. They are such a “Will they, won’t they” duo. I can see them work so well as friends as they do as a couple. They tease each other and are so comfortable together but they are always there for each other when either one of them goes through something.
4. Nomoto and Kasuga from She Loves to Cook, She Loves to Eat
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Neighbours to ???
This is a fairly new series in comparison to everything else on the list, but I do love the characters of this series. Not only are the main duo relatable as individuals, they found support in each other. This is a personal plus, but watching Nomoto learning she’s an ace lesbian growing these sweet, wholesome feelings for her neighbour makes the dynamic stand out to me more since this helps show to whatever naysayers that believes that the feeding food part of the story is a kink play of theirs. Like dudes…what? It’s really nice to watch two realistic individuals in a grounded relationship (whatever it is at this point), while going through some heavy topics about societal standards.
5. Seo Dan and Seung Jun from Crash Landing on You (Kdrama)
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Villainess x Conman
Seeing that Seo Dan was in the position to be the villainess because she was the second female lead and the male lead’s arranged fiance, everyone would think that she would be evil like all the other second leads in Kdramas, but NO! Seo Dan never outright harm the female lead but instead tried to spend time and win over the man that was her fiance. When she realized she couldn’t and her love is turning toxic, she chose not to continue the path of unrequited love and move on, even though it hurt her because she truly loved the male lead, her first love. Seung Jun was in a somewhat similar villain position being a close-hearted conman who’s not the type to stay for anyone. But he starts to fall for Seo Dan, and hated seeing her break because of a man who couldn’t see how amazing she was. This made me tear up to see that Seo Dan found someone that truly love her, and that Seung Jun found someone who he could truly cherish with all his heart. They got to be the realest and best versions of themselves with each other and were a couple that met the right person, there were just some mistakes to realize it.
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a-random-whovian7 · 2 years
A non-serious attempt at comedy/list about what your favourite incarnation of the Master says about you:
Roger Delgado: They just like more dialogue and richer themes in your storyline, preferring character interaction and chemistry rather than spectacle. They also make sure their outfits are neat, stylish and elegant. Always colour co-ordinated. Usually quite calm and collected until you say Terror of the Autons is just a remake of Spearhead From Space.
Peter Pratt: Basically a Fourth Doctor fan who refuses to admit there are flaws with The Deadly Assassin or a fan of horror films. More than likely grew up in the seventies. Definitely looks into their KFC bucket and sees lots of little Masters staring back at them.
Geoffrey Beevers: Basically the same as the Pratt fan, although this one refuses to admit there are flaws in the Fourth Doctor's era as a whole. If you tell them Tom Baker stayed on for too long, prepare to have your intestines made into a scarf. Usually forgets about 90% of the plot of Logopolis. Almost certainly a child of the 70s, hence why they see this Master in the mirror each morning.
Anthony Ainley: Likes to just have fun, no matter how corny or wierd the stories are. Will happily just sit and watch the Master basically trolling the Doctor with minor inconveniences, waiting for the inevitable moment when that character hovering in the background with a not-quite-as-clearly-defined backstory pulls off a mask and wig to reveal a goatee. Is somehow able to enjoy Time Flight. Do not ask them their opinion on the TV Movie.
Eric Roberts: A legend amongst humans. Saw the campy, over-the-top dressing gown/robe, the bad cgi snakes, the wierd terminator references and thought "yes, this is clearly the best one." Constantly annoys purist classic series fans simply by existing and does not care. Knows the TV Movie is mid and does not care. Knows that the Eye of Harmony was originally on Gallifrey and does not care. Has definitely said "I always... dress for the occasion" and does not care that no-one gets the reference.
Derek Jacobi: Sold their soul to Big Finish for the War Master range. Religiously watches Utopia to see that reveal again, and wishes Chantho had been fully fried before shooting the Master. Now all they can do is offer sacrifices to Nicholas Briggs and sit in a darkened room, staring at the Big Finish website.
John Simm: Probably has fan art saved to their phone, and has almost certainly read Ten/Master fanfiction at some point. Will defend Last of the Time Lords and The End of Time Part 1 with their dying breath (and for good reason, those episodes slap and those two slightly dodgy scenes don't ruin them, Moffat did worse retcons, fight me). Cried when their Master showed up in The Doctor Falls and usually has good relations with Missy fans because of it. Thinks Sacha Dhawan is a lazy rip-off. Can usually be found comforting the Jacobi fan after their War Master box set has been delayed.
Michelle Gomez: Basically the same as the Simm fan, only this one defends the Moffat era and their fanfiction search history is a bit more varied. Thinks Death in Heaven was a good episode, and that The Doctor Falls should have been the last Master episode. Hates Chibnall for bulldozing all their character development and rendering this incarnation's redemption slightly pointless. Usually slightly more forward-thinking than some other fans and great with their friends. Has formed an unlikely alliance with Delgado fans... somehow.
Sacha Dhawan: Took one look at the most quirked up Master and decided that was the one. Thinks John Simm was OK, but lacked the "evil four-year-old on a sugar rush" energy of this one. Usually bitter rivals with Missy fans, as everyone started re-evaluating the Moffat era instead of watching S12, and will go strangely quiet whenever the Timeless Child is mentioned, praying that someone will say that it should have been the Master and thus giving them a "get out of jail" card. Was absolutely overjoyed when people enjoyed Power of the Doctor. Convinced that the Chibnall Era will receive a massive reappraisal in the future, despite the fact that the odds of that happening are about the same as the Terry Nation estate accepting that the Daleks are overused.
Alex Maqueen: Sold everything to Big Finish. Doesn't even watch the show. Can't watch the show. Who needs the show when you've just spent all your month's wages on that box set? It's not like you need to eat or anything. The most likely individual to end up in a padded cell when someone doesn't know what Dark Eyes was.
Gina McKee: Missy fans, but with small social circles and a heavy dose of Weezer.
Mark Gatiss, James Dreyfus, Milo Parker: Wait, these guys played the Master?
If you really want more of this shit (why), there's a list about favourite Doctors and Companions
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batcrooks · 4 months
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This year, I kept track of every piece of media I consumed for the whole year. I didn't keep track of individual Youtube videos (which I watched hundreds of, they're my main background noise), but I did track every Book, Video Game, TV Show/Web Series, and Movie. Here are my BEST OF 2023 (year of release may vary).
Best Movie: Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse I only actually saw 3 new release movies this year: Spider-verse, Barbie, and The Boy and the Heron. So the competition wasn't very fierce, but I was glad to sneak Heron in there at the end just to make sure (I found it very pretty, but too nonsensical and weirdly paced.) Spider-verse was a little disappointing (toooo long) but it was definitely the funnest new movie I saw this year.
Best TV Show: Silo I saw a couple actual TV shows this year, but for pure fun had watching and theorizing, Silo wins. Is it the actual best TV of the year? Almost definitely not. But these are my awards so it wins. You can't leave the silo!!!!
Best Web Series: Game Changer Season 5 I'm not sure if I can properly justify the category difference between Silo (on Apple+) and Game Changer; both are technically web series. But I watched Silo on a TV, and it just seems more like a TV show. So I have awarded Best Web Series to Game Changer, because I like it just a little more than Make Some Noise. I also watched a lot of Dimension 20 this year for the first time, but they're not 2023. I'm being wishy washy on the category requirements lol.
Best Video Game: Baldur's Gate 3 This game was so good at one point I was playing two saves simultaneously, just for fun. I don't think I can say anything that hasn't been said about it before lol. And it was MULTIPLAYER. Sourdeer and I played this game all the way through TWICE. We finished it the first time and then spent like 4 days trying to find something else to play before deciding we just wanted to play it again, evil-style.
Best Video Game I Didn't Directly Play: The Curse of the Golden Idol A lot of (usually bad) video games I experience through "Cat Plays a Game" and its twin show "Sourdeer Plays a Game"; the hit show streaming exclusively on discord between my friends lol. Sour played this one, technically, although as an asymmetric multiplayer experience it's hard to beat. I want there to be five million games just like this one. I wish I could wipe my memory and do it again. We already devoured the DLC. There's a sequel coming out thank god.
Best Video Game I Played All By My Lonesome: Pentiment I don't tend to play a lot of single-player video games due to lack of time mostly, but this year I managed to play Pentiment, an incredible game that really played well with the weird amount of knowledge I have about the time period and setting of the game from reading The Pillars of the Earth and its sequels. It was completely engrossing and I will probably play it again some day despite its pretty slow pace. I know I can't save everyone. But maybe I can try.
Youtuber of the Year: Jenny Nicholson I rewatched a ton of her videos this year and joined her Patreon so that I could watch the huge backlog of "ramble" videos she has. There are TWO sequels to the Evermore video in there! Hours and hours of entertainment that makes me wish I could experience more weird theme parks.
Best Book(s): The Scholomance series by Naomi Novik The last one came out in September 2022 but this is a "non-reread, new to me" category, not a new release category. Novik's Temeraire series is one of my favorites of all time, and Spinning Silver is also really good, but even still I was wary to start what initially seemed like just a snarkier, edgy magical boarding school series. But the mechanics of the world-building and the characters really won me over quick, and this has ended up being another of my favorite series.
This spreadsheet has the full 2023 list if anyone wants to see/judge me/discuss video games or books: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X7u2F_9FSvvyys5v006eQg1hIvx0bT3QuLDgy_TJasw/edit?usp=sharing
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seaside-writings · 7 months
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Hello, again all you wonderfully, wicked people!
As we know black cats are an essential part of the spooky season as well as an essential part of everyday life! So in honor of that, I made a prompt list dedicated to one of my favorite black cats Salem Saberhagen, who in my opinion had some of the most iconic dialogue in TV history!
I hope you all like this prompt list, and I hope it helps you create! And if you do use it, please credit/tag me so I can check out what you've made!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 🖤🎃🕸🔮
P.s. I did change some of the dialogue so it would flow easier when it came to writing for different types of characters.
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“You’re the only one who understands me,” “Yeah, but it doesn’t mean I care,” - “What are you doing?” “Nothing!” “You’re in a chatroom again pretending to be a woman, aren’t you?” “I like the attention.” - “I have lighted the fuse. Now I just have to wait for the kapowie! Muahahaha!” - “I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you; I just wanted to rule you,” - “You’ll be able to look back on all of this and get revenge,” - “Show me the tuna!” - "I never cared for the name Mildred," - “And let’s give a big warm welcome to sadness,” - “Someone’s gonna end up crying. Probably me,” - “Finally, someone whose life is more pathetic than mine!” - “You don't have to order me a pizza, but make it half sausage, half clam,” - “I need a little fresh air and a latte,”
“As long as you drop everything and stay focused on me, I should be fine,” - “Dogs guard. Cats watch and judge,” - “When I’m happy, I eat! When I’m upset, I eat!” - “Hooray, the toast is stuck! Danger, here I come!” - “They left behind. Be strong. Don’t cry,” - “Still want to take over the world?" - "Cheetos should be served at room temperature, you know,” - “Curse my sarcastic nature!” - “If you misbehave for just one instant, I’ll cut you, man,” - “Dear lord, you picked up a guy at the bus station,” - “It's the 90s, no one eats mortals anymore,” - “I’m rich! Rich, I tell you!” It’s only a few hundred dollars,” “I’m well-off! Well-off, I tell you!” - “Let's destroy everything that's dear to him. Let's indoctrinate him into the cathedral of agony,” “I'm going to write him a very stern letter,” “You're a regular Mad Max, aren't you?” - “A tassel! Don’t you toy with me, you saucy minx!” - “Wow, you must feel like a huge loser,” - “Would you be terribly upset if I threw up in one of your shoes?” - “You laugh, you die,” - “I will not be ignored!” - “All I’ve done all day is eat, sleep, and stare off into space. What an awful existence,” “Hey! I don’t dump on your lifestyle," - “Could you either remove the bandages or kill me?” - “Sorry, thirty waffles is my limit,” - “You think a mirrored ceiling would be too much?” - “Why didn’t you stop them!?” “I was busy,” “Doing what!?” “Playing with my scrunchie,” - “We need a plan,” “How about we weep uncontrollably,” - “I urge you to accept me as your ruler!” - “I’ll be having a quiet weekend, curled up with Memoirs Of A Geisha,” - “Delivery. I want a pizza as fast as possible! And don’t forget the crazy bread!” - “And your face is a bit of a trainwreck too,” - “Tell Elton John he can’t start singing now,” - “I wasn’t always the stud muffin I am today,”
“You owe her an apology. Now! “I’m thinking of how to word it,” “Try 'I’m sorry,'” “Somehow, that just doesn’t feel right…” - “I’d rather be locked in the dishwasher again,” - “Does she know who you are?” “Why does everyone think that’s a necessary part of love,” - “I’m the ultimate bad example,” - “Don’t ask me, I was an English major,” - “Hey, leave the sarcasm to the professionals,” - “Get a real job. And some pants,” - “I’m a cat, I’m curious, so kill me,” - “Still want to take over the world?” “Yes! Wait, no! I meant no!” - “I’d be more nervous if I weren’t so good-looking,” - “Hey chicks, what’s the haps?” - “I’m trying to set the world record for grooving,” - “Sometimes I just like to hear myself talk,” - “You know me any excuse to wear taffeta,” - “Oh, right, I forgot. I’m an animal, I have no self-control,” - “Why am I finding it hard to summon sympathy?” - “Wow, I love a woman who can take charge!” - “I’ll be downstairs creating a distraction,” - “I’m trying to concentrate on expanding my intellectual horizons,” - “Wake up, woman! You’re not a princess, you’re a dragon!” - “Her new obsession is doing wonders for my wardrobe!” - “Please hurry! I’ve been in here for over an hour!” “Why didn’t you call us sooner?” “It wasn’t a problem until I ran out of peanut brittle!” - “So it's true. Taste does skip a generation,” - “I want to say something wise and wonderful right now, but I can't think of anything. Except I love you, and I hope the band knows some Ohio Player,” - “BOO!” “You look ridiculous,” “You were terrified, and you know it,” - “Halloween. Is it just another date on the calendar, or is a state of mind, or is a state of… being?”
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gillianthecat · 11 months
Workplaces in QL Shows
Step by Step got me thinking about the types of companies that get used as the settings for Office Romance in QL, and then by extension, what kinds of work characters do. I've only included ones where the job or the workplace is somehow part of the story or is a setting (so jobs the characters had as background info don't count). I didn't include censored BL because I feel that setting plays a different (more prominent than usual in BL) role in those types of stories. I didn't count university students doing school projects, but did include teenagers actually working. This is only the list of shows I've seen or know enough about to make as guess, so a lot are missing. Please add on, or make corrections! Titles with an asterisk * are included in multiple categories (leads had different jobs, or one job fits both categories). Titles in (parenthesis) I've only watched a part of, but enough to determine what work they did, titles in [brackets] I haven't seen so I'm going off what I've read.
(updated 1/7/24 with shows some new shows and some old ones I've seen since first posting. still not a comprensive list.)
Marketing/Advertising Office
🇹🇭 GAP
🇹🇭 Step By Step
🇰🇷 The New Employee
🇰🇷 Roommates of Poongduck 304
🇰🇷 All the Liquors *
🇹🇭 [Check Out]
🇹🇭 [Paint with Love] *
Graphic Design Office
🇹🇭 Bed Friend (or is it also marketing?)
🇹🇭 Middleman's Love
🇯🇵 Senpai, This Can't Be Love!
🇹🇭 Big Dragon
🇹🇭 Love in the Air *
Game Design
🇹🇭 A Boss and a Babe
🇰🇷 Our Dating Sim
Other/Business Empire/Generic Office setting (or I never figured out what they did)
🇯🇵 Old Fashion Cupcake (i never figured it out)
🇹🇼 We Best Love 2 (some tech thing?)
🇹🇭 To Sir With Love * (business empire)
🇹🇭 Cutie Pie (business empire)
🇯🇵 Cherry Magic (stationary company, iirc)
🇹🇭 Cherry Magic
🇹🇭 Love in the Air * (some sort of business empire?)
🇹🇼 [Be Loved In House: I Do] *
🇰🇷 [Love Mate]
🇰🇷 Naked Dining *
🇯🇵 Doublemints *
🇯🇵 (Ossan's Love) (real estate)
🇭🇰 [Ossan's Love]
Law Office
🇹🇼 Plus and Minus *
🇹🇭 Laws of Attraction *
Restaurant/Coffee Shop/Bar
🇰🇷 Ocean Likes Me *
🇰🇷 Choco Milk Shake
🇰🇷 The Tasty Florida
🇰🇷 (Unintentional Love Story) *
🇰🇷 To My Star * (1 & 2)
🇰🇷 All the Liquors *
🇰🇷 Happy Merry Ending *
🇹🇼 [Be Loved In House: I Do] *
🇹🇼 Plus and Minus *
🇹🇼 [My Tooth Your Love] *
🇹🇼 [DNA Says Love You]
🇹🇭 [Coffee Melody] *
🇹🇭 [Moonlight Chicken]
🇹🇭 [What Zabb Man!]
🇻🇳 [You Are Ma Boy]
🇻🇳 [My Lascivious Boss]
🇹🇭 Laws of Attraction *
🇹🇭 (Bake Me Please)
🇹🇭 [609 Bedtime Story] *
🇹🇼 [VIP Only] *
Other Shop/Service
🇯🇵 Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (laundromat)
🇹🇼 Plus and Minus * (dry cleaner)
🇹🇭 Love in the Air * (mechanic)
🇰🇷 [Oh! Boarding House]
🇹🇭 [My Ride] * (moterbike taxi)
🇰🇷 Naked Dining* (grocery store)
🇹🇭 Pit Babe (race car team)
Artist/Artist's Shop
🇰🇷 (Unintentional Love Story) * (ceramics)
🇹🇼 [Be Loved In House: I Do] * (jewelry/metalworking)
🇯🇵 Utsukushii Kare Eternal* (photographer)
TV/Film/Idol Industry
🇹🇭 War of Y
🇹🇭 [House of Stars]
🇹🇭 [Show Me Love]
🇰🇷 (The Director Who Buys Me Dinner)
🇹🇭 (Vice Versa)
🇹🇭 (Love Stage)
🇯🇵 (Love Stage)
🇰🇷 To My Star * (1 & 2)
🇹🇭 Lovely Writer *
🇰🇷 Individual Circumstances *
🇹🇭 [Paint with Love] *
🇯🇵 I Became the Main Role of a BL
🇯🇵 Utsukushii Kare Eternal *
Music/Idol Industry
🇰🇷 Happy Merry Ending *
🇰🇷 Ocean Likes Me *
🇰🇷 [Wish You]
🇹🇭 [Coffee Melody] *
🇻🇳 [You Are Ma Boy]
🇯🇵 Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized *
🇹🇭 [609 Bedtime Story] *
🇯🇵 Candy Color Paradox
🇯🇵 My Personal Weatherman *
Publishing Industry/Writers
🇰🇷 Happy Ending Romance
🇰🇷 Individual Circumstances *
🇯🇵 The Novelist/The Pornographer series
🇹🇭 Lovely Writer *
🇰🇷 [First Love, Again]
🇹🇼 [VIP Only] *
Manga/Manwha Artists/Illustrators
🇯🇵 Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized *
🇰🇷 Oh! My Assistant
🇯🇵 Jack o' Frost
🇯🇵 My Personal Weatherman *
🇹🇭 (Dear Doctor I'm Coming for Soul)
🇹🇼 [My Tooth Your Love] *
🇹🇭 [Manner of Death]
🇹🇭 [Physical Therapy]
🇹🇭 (My Ride)*
🇻🇳 [Mr. Cinderella]
🇻🇳 [Want to See You]
🇹🇭 [Triage]
🇹🇭 [Sky In Your Heart] *
Mafia/Criminal Underworld
🇹🇭 KinnPorsche
🇹🇭 [Love Syndrome]
🇹🇭 [Unforgotten Night]
🇹🇭 [Chains of Heart] *
🇹🇭 [3 Will Be Free]
🇹🇭 [Golden Blood]
🇹🇼 [HIStory 3: Trapped]
🇹🇭 Never Let Me Go (debated whether to include these children, but ultimately decided they work. still unclear on whether it's mafia or a legit business)
🇹🇭 To Sir With Love *
🇯🇵 Doublemints *
🇰🇷 Long Time No See
🇹🇭 (My Dear Gangster Oppa)
Sex Work
🇹🇭 [Playboyy]
🇯🇵 The Shortest Distance is Round
Debt Collection
🇹🇭 [Even Sun]
🇰🇷 [You Make Me Dance]
Park Rangers/Teachers (the "Other" category, but that's what's in it so far)
🇹🇭 [1000 Stars]
🇹🇭 [Sky In Your Heart] *
🇻🇳 [TienTai Bromance]
🇹🇭 [Chains of Heart] * (this is based on the MDL synopsis, so I don't know if it's accurate, but I was so tickled to have two shows in the park/forest ranger category I had to include it)
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mercurygray · 6 months
Currently Reading - November 2023
Gosh, it's been a little while since I did one of these!
The Year of Peril: America in 1942 - Tracey Campbell . Found this one at the library booksale just after I finished the 1942 podcast series. The book is excellent so far and really flipping some interesting issues over.
Just Finished Reading:
Millions Like Us: Women's Lives during the Second World War by Virgina Nicolson - This was excellent and I strongly recommend it. I got a lot of inspiration for the end of TDS in it and there's a lot of material that I think will come in handy for MOTA.
Sisters in Arms: British Army Nurses Tell Their Story, by Nicola Tyrer - Another super excellent book that filled in a serious knowledge gap I had about British nursing. Might come in handy for future SAS:RH productions.
An Unladylike Profession: American Women War Correspondents in World War I by Chris Dubbs - This was an impulse purchase on thriftbooks and was very interesting.
The Call of the Wrens, by Jenni Walsh. Fiction. Glad this was only a library book - it was just okay. I'm not a big fan of time jumps as a narrative device - it feels thin.
Cassiel's Servant, by Jacqueline Carey. Fiction. It was really fun to go back to Terre D'Ange for this one, and interesting to see Joscelin's side of things. Realized Joscelin may be why/how I write Dick the way I do.
Ashes under water : the SS Eastland and the shipwreck that shook America, by Michael McCarthy. This was a book club pick that I ended up not being able to join discussion on. A really interesting story, if you're into maritime disasters.
Prisoners of the castle : an epic story of survival and escape from Colditz, the Nazis' fortress prison, by Ben Macintyre. This was on the shelf at the library and I was reading mostly for mentions of David Stirling. Still - very interesting, especially when paired with...
Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare: The Mavericks Who Plotted Hitler's Defeat, by Giles Milton. This book was fascinating. A lot of backstory behind the stuff that made the war work.
The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot. A book club pick that I'm really glad I read.
Just Finished Watching:
Our Miracle Years (Unsere wunderbaren Jahre, Das Erste/PBS) - follows the life of one family in the post-war period. Some good food for thought here.
A Place to Call Home, Season 1 (Foxtel/ Hoopla) - More post-war, this time in Australia, which I started just as something to watch and am now very embroiled in. (Fair warning, this show contains conversation therapy, a miscarriage, and antisemitism, and may probably be triggering for some.)
World On Fire, Season 2 (BBC/PBS) - I came, I brought my Passport subscription, I tried...and after all six episodes I still don't like this show. I don't feel like we spend enough time with any of the characters to really appreciate them. It feels like everyone's there to make a point.
Outlander Season 7 (STARZ) - This was just fun. I'm not a huge fan of the books, but the TV series is really enjoyable for me.
Captain Horatio Hornblower (1951) - This has been on my list for a while and it popped up recently on Hoopla. I like Peck's nervousness in the role.
Dalgliesh, Season 2 (Acorn/Hoopla) - Bertie Carvel continues to do great in this role. I kind of wish there was a crossover involving him and Morse.
To Walk Invisible (BBC/ PBS)- It was really fun to watch this back to back with Emily.
Emily (2022) - Getting two mostly recent takes on the Bronte sisters so close together was really interesting.
Farewell My Queen (2012) - watched this while on vacation in Williamsburg. A nice 18th century drama.
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yngai · 26 days
ALIAS / NAME:  nadiya BIRTHDAY:  may 24th ZODIAC SIGN:  gemini HEIGHT:  6’3 HOBBIES:  gaming primarily, obviously roleplay, looking to get back into digital art soon. i wish i had something more to offer outside media consumption but i'm basically what happens when you take a gamer bro & put them on estrogen FAVOURITE COLOUR:  blue & black, i basically wear nothing but black CURRENT BOOK:  the witcher novels currently eyeing me from my shelf LAST SONG:  replayed demon's souls (original release, i don't own a ps5 or the remake tragically) recently so i've had the soundtrack on in the background because it's one of a kind, like the game itself it has its own unique atmosphere that differs from later souls entries. they all moved onto epic orchestrated scores that are definitely great in their own right, but it is a little sad that the remake's ost also followed this trend (still really wanna play it) LAST FILM / SHOW:  for movies, me & the lads just watched banned from broadcast: saiko! the large family. as for TV, we watched the newest smiling friends episode today! i don't really watch as much stuff on my own as i do with a group of buds if you couldn't tell INSPIRATION:  for this blog some of it is listed on my dossier page. i tend to find a lot of inspiration for ada in all sorts of weird places mostly because i am thinking about her character all the time & i tend to listen & relisten to her character playlist constantly (because my music taste is great & my song choices are very good, smile). if you're wondering why i never write i don't know either BEHIND URL:  yangai without the first a, a word with a double meaning depending on the spelling between concealing & flooding. the necessity a spy has for stealth & how their identity is submerged behind falsehood. it's too iconic to change now i suppose FUN FACT ABOUT ME:  i'm really mad that romania has a popeyes in bucharest & denmark doesn't, how does that happen? why has denmark failed me? it's like i moved for nothing...
TAGGED: let's pretend it was @buriedabove TAGGING: you, yes, you, the person reading this
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