#i wish i got medicated when it was first brought up
n0tamused · 2 days
I don't k know if your busy or not but is it alright with you doing a Jiyan x injured reader? Like one day reader got hurt and decide to not tell Jiyan but he soon found out?
Thank you for your time and have a great day/noon/night
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Contents: Jiyan x GN!Reader, angst, ends on a better note, hope you enjoy this anon :)
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Thundering drums fill his ears with their haunting echoes as he raced through the sea of moving soldiers. 
Strands of his hair were loose from its ponytail with more strands sticking to his sweaty forehead, small parts matted with mud and dust. His clothes weren't shown any more mercy, with parts cut here and there with blood speckled throughout. Yet, it wasn't his clothes and hair that were haunting, but his face. Pale and eyes wide, devoid of any emotion in particular and looking like two deep voids that threatened anyone they looked at.
Jiyan’s heart was echoing, drumming and beating, but he couldn't feel any of it with how cold his very blood felt - he could swear he was dead and this was hell.
He rushed through into the open corner of the base dedicated for treating the injured, his eyes jumping from one face to the other, searching.
His feet had a mind of their own as they walked past the injured and the unconscious, sparing them some looks and bathed words of reassurance, his tone so soft that, were he in a better mindset, he would've asked whether the other even heard him properly.
His mind yells, jumping at the first sign of the familiar head of hair. It's you! His heart leaps further up until he can taste the metal wash over his tongue. Days have passed since he has seen you vanish off the battlefield and he had grown restless by the day, wishing he could deny the possibility that you could be gone forever. So when word reached him you were found injured and brought back to the medics, he was racing at first chance.
He is quick as the wind, running up to where you were laying, arms and torso all up in bandages, the smell of medicine and herbs so heavy in the air it made even his nose scrunch. “Y/n!” he calls to you when he sees your lashes fluttering, one sign you were awake, and your movement the second sign. You are alive, despite a little voice in his head telling him this is just a cruel illusion. His hand finds yours, fingers curling around it and holding it, closer to him, feeling your warmth before two fingers slide to the inside of your wrist out of pure instinct to feel your life pulse for himself.
“It is me, (Y/n).. Are you in pain, are you alright?” His mind is reeling with questions and all the ways to scold you but he can’t bring himself to be angry, he lost the capacity to be angry at you ages ago - he just feels scared, the empty abyss within him yawning for reassurance of your state and yearning to swallow you into its void where you couldn’t come to harm.
“I..I’m alright” On cue, your cough interrupts your response, making your chest jump and your torso attempts to pull itself up. Jiyan is quick and cautious as he helps you sit upward, rubbing your back up and down as your coughing fit subsides. “Have you eaten anything?” He asks as his eyes drink in the details of your face - pale skin, half lidded eyes, cracked lips and few scrapes littered across your exposed skin. You shake your head, barely able to tell what he was doing as he moved about you like a bumblebee, hopping from here to there and bringing a flask of water up to your lips and helping you drink. The water feels heavenly as it slides down your throat, quenching the feeling of an upcoming fever.
“Tell me what happened..” His voice is softer now, quieter as he wishes to keep some sense of privacy even in this open space, but it is no less worried and pent up with tension that squeezes him. His eyes are quick to meet yours when they look up at long last, looking at him and taking in his own disheveled appearance. 
Your lips open and close as you search your brain for adequate words, but it takes a moment for you to gather your thoughts. “My memory is muddy from the actual battle, but I remember you being ahead of me.. and I was dealing with a couple of TDs behind you.. I.. I bit off more than I could chew, and I led them far away from you and the others but there were... just too many.. I was surrounded- I did my best, Jiyan.. But I slipped somewhere along the way.. I don’t know what happened afterwards. I only woke up two days ago..”
“Why didn’t you send word for me?” he bites the inside of his cheek, stopping himself from sounding frustrated or accusing. Images of your retelling paint themselves vividly in his mind, and his heart aches and bleeds for you.
“I wanted to heal first..” you mutter with a small shrug, not knowing the true answer yourself, even as guilt and regret seeps into your heart. “I’m sorry..”
“It’s.. It’s alright.. you are here now” He sighs as his eyes flicker down to your wounds, and he then takes a look around. Jiyan’s heart is too weary to simply leave it at this, too frightened to just let you be after days of believing you were dead. He looks back to you, a bold hand cupping the side of your face and helping you look up at him. 
“I’ll go see if there are any free rooms inside the base where I can help you change these bandages, they are in a dire need of redressing.. Then I’ll get you something to eat, alright?”
You could cry at his words, his kindness and desperation to help you not escape your fuzzy brain, so you only nod, lips pressed into a firm line. He notices your eyes become watery and shock flickers over his visage, and faster than he could know he is already cupping your face with both hands. “Hey…” he whispers, worrying, filling his golden eyes that only sought to comfort you, not sadden you. Or were you in even more pain now? He feels a rush go through him, needing to get you somewhere where he can hold you.  “It’s alright.. I’m not mad at you, alright? Breathe..” he soothes your eyes that flutter shut when the pads of his thumb brushes over it. You nod again, swallowing your tears. 
“I’m okay..”
“You’ll be okay, my love.. just leave it all to me..”
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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juviin · 2 years
i just heard the phrase “she has so much potential if she would just apply herself” in a tv episode and was immediately sent back to being a kid. i dont quite know how to describe that feeling but im already in a bit of a funk bc im already stressed about going back to school after two years off so thats taking over my brain. so just hearing something that i’ve been told by teachers my whole life just kinda felt like getting stabbed. like i wish as a kid instead of telling me i had “wasted potential” my parents and teachers realized that something was wrong and i needed help but no one did.
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mrsnancywheeler · 4 months
andante, andante // finnick odair x f. reader
3.3k words
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request: could you write a oneshot where finnick and reader have always had a flirty relationship. the reader got taken and tortured by snow during the quarter quell, and she was brought to thirteen and when finnick sees her lots of fluff (and maybe smut?) ensues. i love your work, happy 700 followers!
warnings: smut, lots of it, there's some angst in the beginning Captiol related, confessions of feelings, hurt/comfort in the beginning, pnv, some degredation, teasing, use of good girl, unprotected sex, no use of y/n, unedited
There was no energy left, not a single part of your body had any form of passion left. Long ago you'd grown immune to the effects that Peeta and Johanna's screams had once had on you, probably once the starvation and dehydration had kicked in. Not to mention when you were trying to fight off the rats you could swear where in your pitch black cell, sometimes you'd swear you saw other creatures as well, but you tried to tell yourself it was hallucinations.
So when the team from District 13 came to rescue you all, you desperately willed the energy to return. You couldn't see him like this, Finnick. Technically you were just friends, but your relationship hinged on the flirtatious, playful banter which you didn't know if you had anymore. You hadn't spoken in a while, maybe you wouldn't even recognize your voice, it's not like the Capitol had much information they could get out of you. No one had thought to inform you of the rebel plan, for a while part of you was terrified that Snow would just have you killed for not knowing anything, but you were kept alive.
You'd had endless time to spend, when you weren't hearing or seeing things in your hazy state, to think about Finnick. How you weren't sure if he felt the same way about you that you'd felt about him for years, but should've said something before all this. Wishing that before you surely died in the Capitol he would know you had always cared for him, loved him from afar. You'd rather die with your love unrequited, but known. Yet now you'd see him again and you hoped if there was a chance he had feelings for you that you were half the woman you once were.
Of course, once all the fluids the medics were pumping you full of had taken effect you'd probably feel some of the spirit you'd had return. The universe seemed to look down on you because the first feeling you did feel in full force was anxiety about Finnick. You'd heard whispers of his names from guards so you knew he wasn't dead, but hadn't a clue how he actually was. Maybe you'd made up the voices of the guards and he actually was dead, what a cruel fate that would be, but with the way your life seemed to pan out it wouldn't have shocked you. Although if he was alive it condemned you to living the rest of your life in silent adoration, but he was the only person you would ever do that for.
When you entered the District 13 base on that medical bed the next full force feeling hit, overstimulation. The only noise you had been used to in weeks were the cries of Peeta and Johanna which you'd learned to tune out regardless of how loud, and the occasional order from a guard or a whisper. The flurry of doctors ready to fully assess injuries, people standing around full of questions, all the chatter and noise had your hands flying up to cover your ears. It was too bright, too loud, the bed was rickety in the floors little bumps, and you actually longed to be back in the familiarity of the cell.
“Hey, you're okay, honey." A much softer voice, much closer, warms ringer delicately brushing the hands covering your ears. Finnick. Your eyes snapped open as you slowly observed him.
“Finnick?" Your voice was much quieter, scratchier than you'd remembered it, but he seemed to hear you just fine. His kind smile blessing you as he slowly nodded, the next emotion was relief. You hadn't cried in a while, no water to allow yourself, but the fluids must have been working miracles because you felt like there was a flood about to break through your tear ducts. “You're real right?"
His hand landed more firmly on yours, assuring you with his very real body heat. “I'm real, I'm right here with you." Slowly you moved your hands from your ears, forcing yourself to take deep breaths to handle the noise. He looked like he was going to cry, “God, I'm so glad you're okay!" Finnick's warm embrace surrounded you and it made you want to melt into him forever. “They kept sedating me because I was so worried about you."
It confused you, to hear him talking about worrying about you with so much passion, of course he'd consumed your every thought, but you'd doubted you would've been on his. “Oh, come on, you would've found someone else to banter with, Finn." The first laugh you'd had in so long forced itself out.
“Good thing that the only person I want to banter with is you, and here you are, pretty face and all."
There was a pause before your voice came out again, delicate like a flower petal floating on the waters. "I missed you.” It came out sounding more vulnerable then you'd intended, maybe even too fond and he'd pulled his arms away. Before you could retreat though you were shocked when his lips were on yours. The kiss was soft, and spoke a thousand words you could only ever wish to translate.
When he pulled away you could only stare at him stunned, he'd felt the same way you'd felt all along. “I'm sorry, I-" Before he could finish you pulled his face back in, kissing him, it was addictive, you could drown in his lips. “You know, it's rude to interrupt." He muttered out before kissing you again.
“Sorry." You weren't, there was no time to be when it was like you living in a dream. Maybe this was a dream, maybe you were back in the Capitol and had officially lost it, but the heat of his touch was too real for you to believe that.
“I've loved you for so long." Finnick's hand cupped your face which must have been burning up.
“Me too, I didn't think you'd ever even noticed me that way."
“How could I not have noticed my pretty, sweet girl that way?" His smile was so perfect it made you feel like you were floating. The doctors insisted on doing an official check up on you which Finnick stuck by you diligently for. Fluids and food was all you really needed besides further psychological evaluation, but there wasn't much time for that when apparently Peeta was turning out to be the biggest problem imaginable.
Finnick had sat by your hospital bed, slowly feeding you a soup that felt like the best thing you'd ever eaten with all the time you'd gone without a scrap. He filled you in on life in District 13, how much protocol there was, but it would be worth it to end all of this so you could be together. Apparently he'd been assigned his own compartment which he rarely used when the breakdowns hit, so he'd spent nearly every night sedated in the hospital wing.
Eventually the doctors agreed to let you take a shower, you'd still be sequestered to the hospital wing, but you were grateful for the chance to finally be clean. You could sense that Finnick hated that you would be out of his sight again, like the moment you walked away he would realize this was all a dream he was having that had slipped away under the cover of night. “Do you wanna come with?" You whispered to him as the medic on the other side took the IV out of your arm, “Somebody's gonna have to show me the way there."
“Can I?" He whispered back and hurt you to know that he'd been this hurt over you, that you'd both gone so long without a confession to the other.
You nodded slowly as you pressed a quick kiss on his lips and he smiled, maybe this wasn't a dream after all. Finnick guided you through the drab underground of District 13. It was stuffy, but you were overtaken by giddiness. The Finnick Odair was holding your hand, the Finnick Odair had meant every flirty comment he'd made, Finnick Odair loved you back, Finnick Odair wasn't just a dream you could never have, Finnick was here, Finnick was yours. He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not. And the final petal had determined he loved you.
He turned the water on for you and Finnick respectfully turned around so you could undress and get inside of it. Your heart swelled to think he missed you so much he would be content to just sit outside, to feel your presence in the room. The feeling of the water hitting your skin was a relief, to feel the grime being washed away. It was lonely though, to think of him patiently waiting for you, how long he's waited to know you were safe, how long he'd waited for you to confess. “Are you gonna make me be alone in here?” You cringed at the way no matter how quiet your voice was it seemed to echo.
You'd hid behind the curtain, so you didn't have to confront the question. Maybe he didn't want to, but you'd also thought he just wanted to flirt as friends. The curtain swept to the side as he peeked his handsome face in, eyes glued to your face. "Not if you need my help, honey.” You would've sworn the way he said those endearments always made butterflies flutter in your stomach, even if it was something you'd felt guilty about when he initially began using it.
The hot water should have relaxed your muscles, but staring at his perfect, handsome face was making you feel a similar sensation that you despised. Whether he knew it or not, the sound of his voice, the things he'd say, and that smile of his all did unimaginable things to you. Things you'd felt guilty for when the fantasies flashed in your mind. He'd been your friend, so it must've been wrong to imagine him with his hands between your legs. Now though, he wasn't just your friend, and the feeling was back. “Maybe I do." It was embarrassing, but just being by his body would help you or maybe it would make the feeling worse, but you didn't care.
He grinned at you and disappeared for a few seconds before he'd opened the curtain again, slipping into the shower. “What do you need my help with, sweet girl?" Now you'd have to come up with something, you tried not to let your eyes trail over his body, he wasn't looking anywhere but your face. But it was hard when it felt like some tingling part of your body was now controlling your actions.
“Can you help me clean myself off?"
"Of course, honey.” He went to grab the shampoo bottle, eyes never ducking down. Part of you wanted him too though, so that this felt less like a dirty fantasy.
"You can look at me, you know? I won't bite, unless asked, promise.” You tried to sound like it was playful, soft and he laughed.
"Yeah, sorry, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable.”
“I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable either." You reassured, “I'm not making you uncomfortable though, am I? If I am-" One of his hands grabbed yours making you pause.
“You're not making me uncomfortable either, you're okay." His sweet smile made you feel more than just like melting, you hoped the wetness pooling between your thighs wouldn't be noticeable in the water. Finnick softly turned you around to wash your hair, he was so particular, taking his time and the feeling of his breath on your neck, clever fingers in your hair. It was so calming, “This okay, honey?" You could only hum in approval as his hands moved so delicately across your scalp. Your brain so easily fell into an easy blissful state as you let his hands move your head with ease. He finished with your hair soon enough and was moving onto washing your body. You shuddered when he carefully pushed your hair off the back of your neck, “You sure you're okay?”
"Yeah.” It comes out more strained than you'd meant it to and you pray he's not put off by it, which he doesn't seem to be as his hands keep trailing downwards. He's soaped and rinsed you off, moving you with so much care that you wish you could absorb each second of it, but you're trying to leave the moment. If you let yourself think about it you're sure you'll give yourself away with the way you'd be responding to his touch. Then it's nearly impossible when he's washing your face, his hands seem like they were perfectly meant to hold your face and suddenly so do his lips when he's kissing you again. Instantly you're pulling him in closer, basically inhaling whatever he gives you. Then you're pausing when his hands start slipping down the small of your back.
Much to your chagrin he pulls away, pausing his hands descent, as he looks at you, “Are you okay with this?" He asks, his eyes speak depths on how much he cares. You nod trying to lean in again, but he leans back, “Need to hear you say it, sweet girl."
"Yes, Finn.” It's barely audible, but he rewards you by kissing you again. Fingers continuing their trail down your back, grazing over nerves that make you shiver. His hands finally land on your hips and you can barely breathe, but you won't let yourself pull away from his lips. They're too addictive and you're too scared you'll wake up to realize you never left the Capitol. And then his hands are slipping lower, your thighs pressing together.
His hands are slowly spreading your legs apart and you let them. Whimpering into his lips when his fingers start tracing over your pussy. His lips pull away and you whine more, even if it gives you a chance to gasp for air. “You're dripping, sweet girl, I haven't even done anything. I bet…” Finnick trails off and you gasp when the tips of two of his fingers are lightly pushing into you. You're instantly clenching around them and he's smirking. “Were you gonna tell me I was making you this dizzy?" You hum out something incoherent when his other fingers start rubbing you. “Seems like someone doesn't know how to use her words, sweet girl, I just have to look at her and understand how needy she is…” He kisses your neck, "Doesn't tell me she feels the same way about me, I have to do it.” Another kiss to another sensitive spot and you gave up on any idea of suppressing the wanton sounds you're making now. He was rubbing you faster now, “Someone's gonna have to teach you to use your words, like a good girl. Not today though."
"Finn-” You moaned out, head tilting back. "Need you, need you so bad. Need you inside me.” You clenched around the tips of his stationary fingers and he thrusted them upwards, the sound you let out was guttural with shock.
“You sure you can take me, sweet girl? Want me to split you open instead of helping you open?" He sounded condescending as he kept moving his fingers inside of you as you whined, before letting out another moan as he slipped a third finger in you.
“Don't care, Finn, don't care if it hurts, need you cock in me. Please, please, please.”
He slipped his fingers out and your eyebrows scrunched together as you whined, he was opening your mouth with his fingers soaked in your juices. “You're my pretty little cock slut aren't you? Gonna let me break you on my cock?" You sucked his fingers in confirmation, licking off your own juices and he smirked. “Did you fantasize about me? Were you not able to tell me how you felt because you were too busy making yourself dumb thinking about my cock?" You nodded, moaning as his other hands began making even more aggressive circles. His hand titled your head up, “If you want my cock, then you're gonna tell me what you thought about when you were fucking yourself stupid."
It was hard to form words when you wanted to do nothing but whine at the pleasure rushing through your body, "You, I thought about how much I wanted you-” Your head fell back when his circles got rougher and then was forcing your head back up, "Wanted you inside of me, touched myself thinking about, oh my god, Finn, please I can't it's too much, wanna cum when you're inside me.”
He was quiet for a second before sighing, “When you beg like that how am I supposed to refuse you anything? Just because my sweet girl just got back to me and must be being so brave, using her words like that. But you're not getting out of it next time, honey." Finnick removed his hand and you let out an involuntary whine.
"Thank you, Finn.” You said breathily as he finally lined himself up with your entrance. “Already so close."
“So needy." He clicked his tongue as he started pushing into you, you clawed into his back. “Jump." You obeyed and he hoisted you up, legs wrapping around his waist. Trying not to hit at his back when caused more of him to push in, but you couldn't stop yourself from the scream you let out when he carefully pushed your back against the shower wall and he bottomed out in you. “So tight, this pussy was made for me, feels so good." He groaned, “Can I move?"
“Please, you're so deep in me, feels so good. Wanna be yours, Finn, want you to do what you want with me." His face planted itself in between your neck and shoulder and you could feel him smiling into your skin.
“You're so sweet, honey." Then he was moving again and you were instantly crying out, “Everyone's gonna find us if you keep this up, know you're mine now." At your insistence he let himself be fast, pound in and out of you as you tightened around him.
Finnick moved a hand up to protect your head as he thrusted recklessly into you. It felt like an eternity of his perfect noises and seeing stars with each movement, you were so grateful that it was your cunt making him groan like that, that he wanted to be inside of you. “Oh my god, Finn, I'm gonna come."
“Good girl, come undone on my cock, sweet girl. Wanna look at your pretty face when you let go for me.” You could've sworn that you'd left the planet when he brought you past the edge. He must have felt it too because your ecstasy doubled when you felt him releasing inside of you, how full you were of him.
You don't know how long you stayed like that, listening to each other's breathing, but nothing had ever felt so perfect. “They're gonna wonder what happened to us." You eventually let out a breathy laugh and he nodded into your shoulder. He tapped your leg and you unhooked them from around his waist. Feet falling onto the cold tiles below.
“Good, I've got to make up for lost time." He kissed your forehead before finally pulling out of you and you hated how empty you felt without him. Finnick pressed his forehead against yours and you watched the steam from the water gather around him, “I should've told you sooner, if you hadn't been okay and here with me again, I don't know if I could've lived with myself knowing you never knew I loved you." And the way he kissed you sealed your fate, you would forever be making up for the times that neither of you confessed to how hopelessly you adored each other and you would relish every moment of it.
thank you for reading! I'm going to try and get chapter two of the river out before I do the next request, working on scheduling these each out! if you enjoyed it feedback is always appreciated, comments, likes, reblogs, and my asks/requests are open! thank you again and love you all 💋
taglist: @wowzabowza69
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darkdemeter · 5 months
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—- not my gifs, credit to original posters! -—
Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader
A/N — I thought that this idea would be my smut ice breaker after it popped into my head when listening to some music. I have written smut before but it's been a while, especially in a form for others to read; so please excuse me if I'm a little rusty. This isn't exactly tied to anything particular regarding either Habits or Convict, but you may interpret this x reader however you wish. Have fun with the oneshot! I've tried to keep this as both descriptive and gender neutral as possible, but it may not be as on par with people who have become well accustomed to writing gn smut.
READER DISCRETION — Enemies to lovers trope — profanity — wounded reader, mention of scars and blood — semi dom! Wanda and sub! reader & reversal — smut 18+, minors DNI** — angry/aggressive sex — dry humping — bondage — hinted breeding kink — semi-clothed sex — fingering and mouth oral receiving (Wanda recieving) — Wanda is just a tease to reader — maybe dubious consent? (I feel like I should put this in here, just to be safe) — minor choking — talk of marking — potential grammar and punctuation errors — I think that's it?
SUMMARY — Of course this had to happen right before this mission. Wanda Maximoff had to pry inside your mind, searching for who knows what, the little witch did this to you. And now you will cash in on your promise - your one and only warning to her if she ever fucked with your mind: that you'll be a wolf at her door. Little do you know that you're a wolf walking into a trap.
‘Fucking dammit!’
You cringe to hide the snarl snaking up your throat, your palm harshly pressing into the bullet wound at your shoulder. A real fucking close call this time and all because of her. Yes, everything would have been fine had Wanda not pried into your mind, invaded the personal sanctity of your thoughts. 
But no. No, she had to just take a little peek didn’t she? And because of that, your mind was elsewhere - distracted - and your cover was blown before you could get the information you needed. In short, the mission was a complete fucking bust. Your report will undoubtedly be met by less than impressed superiors. When they brought you on, they expected the job done. 
It was your way to operate. You always got the job done successfully. Has Wanda purposely sabotaged you? Is that her goal?
You’re planning to confront her on the matter right now. You had stumbled all the way back to the compound because the car you took there was blown to pieces when you were compromised. Tony wasn’t going to be very pleased about that either. Shit, it’s like she’s trying to get everyone against you. 
‘Who does she think she is? Fucking me over like this!’
You enter the compound, the main level vacant except the night shift receptionist. She glances up at you and the sheer gasp of horror from her, you point a finger at her. “I’m fucking fine,” you snarl as you strut past her. Your hand leaves your shoulder to the large cut across your stomach. You allow a pained whimper to escape when you enter the privacy of the elevator to take you up to your chosen floor. 
Your ears ring in the deafening silence, breath fast paced and light. The wounds were of no dire measure to pay a trip to the medical ward. They only fuelled your anger towards Wanda. Ever since you first joined the team, Wanda always had a way to test your limits and push your buttons. 
It was just a common sight to see you both butting heads, whether that was during missions or at the compound. You both were always at each other, hackles raised and snarky comments. Of course, what was your conflict but a cover up to fatal attraction? That was the running theory of your fellow teammates, anyway. Never would you admit anything to them in any case. 
Wanda was a pain in your arse as much as you were a mongrel to her. 
Ah, that word: mongrel. Wanda favoured the use of that word for you. It was her name for you. The way you feel the fur beneath your skin bristle each time she calls you that is the reason why you now have to wear a shock collar. Anytime that the device would detect your body’s indicating factors of shifting, the shock would startle you and evade the transformation. 
Was it humane? No, not really. But did it give Wanda the power to only torment you further without repercussions? You fucking bet it did. 
The elevator pings and the doors open with a faint whoosh as you arrive on your floor. You immediately make your way towards her dormitory, which by incident, is temporarily yours as well. 
There was a small situation last week that left your own dormitory in such a wreck that Tony had you bunk with Wanda until he could fix and reinstate stronger materials to withstand your rage episodes. 
And you have only one person to blame for that particular incident. 
Your fist pounds on the door enough to shake it against the hinges. Your key didn’t work. She had the security chain engaged to keep you out. You can hear her inside, her voice is soft and fuck, if it didn’t aggravate you anymore than you already were it surely made something in your abdomen twitch and churn. 
‘That little–’
“Wanda!” you bark behind bared teeth, fangs pronounced in the mix of your frustration, you pound on the door again. “Open this fucking door, now!”
After a moment, and she was taking her time, you can hear the leisurely patter of her feet as she opens the door for you. She stands before you and the scent hits you. For a few seconds it disorientates you, you huff to regain control of your senses. 
“You fucking bitch,” you rasp, voice laced with your utter disdain for the woman who stood in your way; blocking your path. 
Her eyes were smirking first before the corner of her lips twitched into position. “How was the mission, mongrel?”
“A bust, thanks to you.” You growl down at her as you brush beside her to let yourself in. She closes and locks the door. 
“Why’d you do it, Wanda?” You watch her as she walks past you. When she doesn’t answer, you snatch hold of her wrist as you ask her again, tone far more venomous than before. 
“I didn’t do anything.” She pulls her wrist from your grip and continues on her merry way.
“Don’t you fucking lie to me, witch! You did it on purpose, I know you did.” You point at her accusingly, the shake in your arm causes a streak of pain to shoot through your shoulder and you yelp. You press a blood stained glove to it again, teeth clenched hard that your jaw flexes. 
Wanda holds up her hands in mock surrender. “Right, blame me, of course that’s the logical thing to do. You just can’t admit that you failed to do the job.”
That’s struck a deep nerve because you’re pulled away from your original plan to grab a glass and your whiskey and head for the shower. Instead, you engage Wanda. Your hands encircle her wrists and the entirety of your body pins her against the back of the couch. 
The aftershock of the collar is a distant sting in the heat of the moment. Wanda is close, so close against you that with a breathy intake of air, her breasts push up into your ribcage. She eyes the vibrant hue of your glowing eyes. 
Still, she silently denies she had anything to do with it. Did she do it on purpose? You have to know.
“You– you read my fucking mind, Maximoff!” you hiss your accusation, “I told you to keep your magic away from there, but no, you had to go poking around.” 
Your hands move to grip her forearms and for the first time ever, she flinches. Your breath hitches in your throat and the glow dissipates from your eyes. 
There was much more you wanted to say. But the way her body flinched beneath your iron grip, how for a sliver of a second you swear you saw the ember of fear. Did you really scare her?
But then why did she smell like that?
‘Fuck, she smells like…’
With a deep breath through your nose, you lean forward until your lips brush the shell of her ear. “Stay out of my head, Maximoff.”
The glow returns to your eyes and the urge to shift right there crawls beneath, it feels like your skin is on fire. The collar whirrs in warning to keep your transformation at bay, lest you need another shocking reminder.
“So you’re really going to ignore the fact you heard me moaning your name before?” You hear the challenge in her light, accented voice.
The animalistic growl in your throat ceases immediately, eyes wide and despite your dominating position, you feel like the one under her. She smirks again. “Come on, what’s wrong?” 
She arches her neck - baring it to you - as she tries to press her lips to your own ear. She whispers with a sultry purr. “Don’t you want to mark me anymore, Wolf?”
Now it was your turn to be the one that flinches. Why is she doing this?
You retract yourself swiftly as if she caused you some semblance of physical pain that made you release her. In some form, she did. That pang of arousal deep within you begins to awaken and you don’t like the smug look on her face as she sits herself up. 
She tries to act cute and innocent when she is anything but that. But her eyes compel you with the flutter of her dark lashes. Was she casting a spell on you?
You back off slowly, eyes trained on her as she takes one step forward. Then another. And another few after that. You watch her hand gingerly play with the tight knot of her short, silky bathrobe. Only now did you realise exactly how short it was on her, the hem of it grazing just above the middle of her thighs. No wonder her scent was so strong, there were barely any layers to conceal it.
She wanted this to happen.
“You know what they say about us,” she tries but you’re quick to shut it down. “There is nothing between us.” Your conviction is absolute on the matter. Even if there was a hint of attraction towards the woman in front of you, surely the others would have something to say about it; all of which would disapprove. You’d not gained a wisdom linking you to your supposed mate which gave you ample opportunity to sleep with whoever and however many you wanted. 
But you never did. You continue to stare at Wanda, unblinking with a narrowed gaze. She shakes her head. Of course, she isn’t going to take your word for it easily. No, like always, she would fight you over it. 
“But you want there to be.” She sounds so sure of herself. She is still stalking towards you. When did you become a prey and her the hunter? You give no response and this only gives her more power to do as she sees fit. 
“If it weren’t for that collar around your neck, you would have me bent over the couch right now.” You hold a hand out as you call for her to stop. She halts in her advance, head tilting to the side like a confused puppy. She flutters those lashes again and your breath feels heavy, swollen because of your conflicted arousal and confusion. 
“That is one of your fantasies, isn’t it?”
“I said stop,” you warn, slowly lowering your hand, “whatever you’re playing at right now, I want no part.” You see her lips fall open as she offers a toothy grin. “I’m just trying to understand why you fight this.”
“I’m not fighting anything,” you say quickly with a shake of your head. “No?” she purrs lowly with a quirk of her brow. Shrugging, she raises a hand up. “Then you won’t fight this.” 
The ambient glow of her magic orbits around her hand as she swipes her arm to the side. Your brows furrow and mouth falls agape, the clicking of your belt looped around your tactical pants is quick before the strap of leather is flying to the side, to some forgotten corner of the common area. 
Your eyes that bore witness to your belt coming undone fly up to meet Wanda’s, a protest on the tip of your tongue, you’re stopped short when you’re knocked back. Your arse, which you expect to get planted on the floor, is instead caught by one of the dining table’s chairs. Your arms are restrained by her magic to keep them pinned behind you.
“W-Wanda, what are you–”
She shushes you while she catches up to you, her steps slow and methodical. Her stare penetrates the darkest recess of your soul and you recoil beneath it. The pain of your wounds as they begin their process of healing are long forgotten now. You have other things to worry about, how much Wanda actually knows about you and what she intends to do with you. 
“I want you to admit it,” she hums in a low whisper that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand. She was playing on your fantasies. The fucking witch. 
“Admit what?” You force the words out through the biting of your clenched jaws.
“That there is something between us. That each time we fight it’s because we’re denying that attraction. That the wolf needs me to satiate its appetite because we both know I am the only thing that can.” 
Wanda stands between the gap of your spread legs, she swipes her hand quickly and the lapels of your coat and tactical vest are torn open by the will of her magic. You exhale sharply, a growl pulling through your teeth as you glare at Wanda between the narrowed slits of your eyes. She drinks in the sight of your bare chest before her, the way each of the muscles flex beneath the skin, the heat of your body practically rising off your skin like hot springs. The red streaks of blood from your wound peeking out just beneath the fabric of your gear.
“Wanda.” You’re panting now, anger turned into the vulnerability that was your aroused state of mind. 
That was why you never gave into those temptations. Why you dismiss that flirtatious bartender at every turn whenever she sees you in that bar, why those who have asked for your number, you give them either the number of some Chinese takeout restaurant or even one of your teammates. 
The threat of such vulnerability and intimacy was too great of a target on your back. She moves to straddle your lap, hands pressed to your exposed chest. 
“Admit it,” she says again and you snarl at her. “Never! There’s nothing to admit!” 
She giggles then and rolls her hips forward and down against your crotch. 
“F-fuck!” you stutter, your arms and chest strain forward but Wanda has you contained. Trapped. Like some common dog. A mongrel. 
“Still nothing between us?” she asks, voice laden with a soft whimper, her purpose is to make you crack; to give in and admit to everything she knows. As if lying would spurn her when she knows the truth. 
Why does she want you to admit it so badly? Because she wants to torment you, it’s so simple. 
“N-no,” you grunt only to hiss beneath your breath when she rolls her hips again, this time with more pressure. You swear you feel the pulsing of her clit against the coarse fabric of your pants. 
You do all you can to refrain from bucking your hips or else you were done for. 
“So you mean to tell me that you haven’t fantasised about…,” she trails off with a pout of her lips, feigning that innocent look of contemplation. “For fuck’s sake,” you drawl as your head falls back. 
She’s killing you. Slowly but surely she is killing you. 
She continues, “being out here in the kitchen, late at night, drinking your whiskey alone before I come out here in a short, little bathrobe…” 
‘Oh… fuck.’ 
That was a recent fantasy.
Her fingers drag down the ravine of your heated skin on show for her to then fiddle with the two threads that held her bathrobe together. “Wearing this?” You shouldn’t have looked but fucking hell, you were always the a little too curious for your own good. 
She’s tugged the knot loose and lets the silky fabric roll off her shoulders and down to her elbows. If this was all to be considered as some strange, aroused induced coincidence then that is out the window now. Because there is no fucking way she knew to pick a lingerie set in your favourite colour. 
You tilt your chin toward her only slightly and let your glowing eyes take in her form. The moment she arches her neck the slightest is when you lose it. 
You lunge your neck forward, your canines bared and at the ready to mark the junction between neck and shoulder, to litter her neck with dark bruises so she wouldn’t be able to hide them. But you’re stopped short yet again in your advance. Her magic prevents you, mere inches away. To top it all off, she chuckles. 
She’s cracked you.
You growl, the sound husky and deep in your chest. 
“Fucking– let me–” Your muscles strain and flex as you fight the barrier of her magic to no avail. She tuts you softly, moving herself slightly forward so that her arms push her breasts up to elevate her cleavage to become more pronounced. Damn her. She continues to roll her hips in a slowed motion, riding you out into your confession. 
“Shall I continue?”
“No!” The single word sends a thrilling chill down her spine. “Then admit it.”
“No,” you answer again, this time with a more levelled tone. 
Her fingers move to the fly of your pants as you let out a confused whine as she loosens them slightly. Her palm presses flush against the junction between your thighs and you moan. And that sound is the most exquisite sound Wanda has ever heard you make. For a battle-hardened wolf, wild and untamed and a proven danger to the public, nobody would suspect that you were capable of such noises. But Wanda knew. 
Her palm is small in comparison to you, and as much force as she uses now there is a level of delicacy she retains. Your resolve is crumbling quickly. You jolt forward again with your mouth ajar to mark her but she stops you and arches back. 
“Let me have you!” 
“I’ll let you have me, play out all your little fantasies with me. But I want you to indulge in mine, first. So… admit it and I’m all yours.” 
Was she fucking serious? This is her fantasy? Well, you never expected her to be into something like this. “Ah, fuck…” She hears your mumbling, any moment now you are about to surrender. 
She just needs to push that last little bit. 
“Just think about it, Wolf,” she whispers, lips dancing over yours, one of her hands placing a single finger between your lips to keep them from meeting. “I’m all yours if you just say it. Tell me what I want to hear, and you can have your little midnight snack right here. You can have me over the couch, in the shower and in your bed until the tousled sheets smell of nothing but sex.” 
Fuck, where did she learn to talk so filthy? 
“I can’t,” you say behind a heavy pant. She whines quietly in your ear as her other hand that’s palming you stops, but her hips continue to roll against that sensitive region. At this point, you’re chasing your climax right there. Who knows if she will keep to her word after she indulges in her twisted fantasy. 
You shift your eyes to watch her hand that rests between your bodies and you almost lose yourself to your high. Her hand dips beneath the lacey fabric of her lingerie, her fingers sliding over her folds and thumb rolling her clit in circles; all of which is left to the beauty of your imagination.
“Wanda, don’t test me!” Your words are a command; a warning that she doesn’t heed. “But this is a test.” Your brows furrow, confusion etched into your face. “To see if you can be broken in.”
Was that all you were to her? Something to be broken in?
She begins to make those sounds again. The same chorus of moans and pleas with your name as a choked gasp on the edge of her vocals. You overheard her masturbating when you first banged on the door to be let in. 
And she was doing it to the thought of you.
“Wanda!” you hiss, your hips finally buck up to meet the hunger of her own that roll with such fervour, you believe she was so close to getting off right there in your lap. “Y/N, oh f-fuck, Y/N!” she gasps out, “right there, just like that– oh shit!” 
“Fuck, I admit it!” 
Everything stops all at once and your chest heaves numerous times. The air is thick to your lungs and each intake makes you feel like you’re drowning more than anything. Wanda stares at you, silently, her eyes searching yours when you finally look back at her beneath that wolfish glare. How that stare made her wet in her panties every time. 
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” You scowl at her teasing words. The moment you feel her magic cease is when you pin her against the dining table behind her. She props herself up on her elbows, the loose fabric of her robe still clinging to her form but she was exposed in that cute lingerie set.
Like a hungry wolf, your tongue licks over your teeth and along the top of your lips. You groan as her aroused scent wafts up, the smell irresistible. 
“You’re a damn tease, you know that?” She chuckles beneath her airy breaths. “It was the only way to get you to confess.”
Your hand clasps hold of her throat. Oh, how you love the look of fear and lust on her face all at once. It was a sight only you would get to see. “And I have a million ways to ruin you,” you growl lowly, “now you’re in my fantasy, Maximoff and if you have any idea what you’ve gotten yourself into by letting the wolf at your door inside, then you know I’m always rough.”
“I’m counting on it,” she wheezes behind the firm pressure you apply to her throat. “Good. Now keep them spread, Maximoff or you’ll learn what rough is real quick.” 
She does as you say and spreads her legs open and you sink to your knees, even then given your height difference, you are at perfect level with her soaked cunt, the large, dark patch evident of how badly she wanted this all along. This whole time. 
Your clawed fingers none too gently rip the panties aside, fabric tearing from the sheer force of it. Wanda’s hands find themselves clenching fistfuls of your hair, tugging you in closer with a needy whimper of your name.
Her legs hook over your shoulders, mewling when you pepper her inner thighs with kisses and playful bites with your sharp canines, a rumble of a groan reverberating between her legs causes her to quiver. “Y/N, please!” she pleads. 
“Ooh, what’s this?” you chuckle, “don’t worry, Sweetheart, I’ll give you a taste.”
You slide a finger past her slick folds, her walls tighten around your single digit. You groan when her moan makes her pussy clench your finger tighter. “Shit, Wanda, I’ve barely done a thing yet.”
“Then do something!” she hisses and you give her that same, wolfish glare. “D-don’t look at me like– ahh!”
She is at your mercy now when you begin thrusting your finger back and forth, soon adding another two through the folds. She whines and moans, cursing your name and praising your work. When you pull your now slick covered fingers from her pussy, she tries to protest but the replacement is swift; and in her lust-ridden opinion, far better. Her eyes roll back and she lays flat on her back against the table as your tongue laps at her cunt, tip teasing the bud of nerves. You growl again and fuck, if she didn’t make the sexiest, neediest sound ever at that. You continue with what’s working at getting your little witch off. Her breath comes in short pants and her legs quiver as they move to circle around your head. Her fingers curl tighter against your roots as she chokes out, “I-I’m cum–cumming!”
You purr against the flood of her orgasm, lapping her divine juices up with your tongue. She breathes heavily for a moment in regaining her composure. You pull your head, albeit, struggling to pry her hands and legs from around you, you crash your lips against hers. The kiss is passionate, fuelled by hunger shared by both parties. Her mouth invites you and you gladly force your tongue past her parted lips, letting her taste herself on your tongue. 
You rut your hips between her still spread legs and they envelop you, encouraging the rocking motion with eagerness. “I still fucking hate that you read my mind and all,” you mumble into the kiss. 
‘Even when I say that I've also thought about carrying your pups?’
Your smirk with a coarse chuckle, dark in its intentions and your eyes glow that colour that brings Wanda to her knees. “Naughty witch, don’t test me there. Those will be my pups you're swollen with.” 
She tilts her head again but this time, you see no intent to tease in her eyes. No intent to…
“This isn’t a test.”
Fucking hell, that wolfish smirk of yours could make anyone wet at the drop of a hat. Too bad for others, because Wanda had you wrapped around her witchy, little finger that danced with magic.
Magic that just so happens to unlock the shackle around your neck. Well, the wolf at the door is now off its chain.
Thank you for Reading! (◕ ᴥ x)
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cultofdixon · 4 months
Please don’t take my sunshine away
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Saviors War ended. Doesn’t mean vendettas don’t exist. The archer just wished those who hated him would fuck with him and not someone as important as you • ANGST/SFW • TW: Major injuries / Blood loss / Concussion / Discomfort
Requested by: Anon
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“You are one impatient man when it comes to your other half”
Daryl brought his attention toward the front door where Maggie stood with a tired expression on her face with an equally tired infant in her arms.
“Sorry if me leavin’ woke you both”
“No no. Hershel was the one to wake me but that’s what you sign up for with babies” Maggie smiles at her son who finally relaxed in her embrace. “Now why are you up? Y/N is going to be here in the morning”
“That. That’s exactly why”
“Again, impatient” She laughs bringing herself to sit on the steps as Daryl pushes himself off the pillar to sit beside his friend. “She’ll get here when she’ll get here”
Nothing could go wrong.
It was starting to become unbearable. The waiting for his partner even if he was occupied for most of the day.
Daryl decided to take his bike out of the community for his break, thinking Y/N’s car must have run out of gas on the way over so he would bring one over. But before he even left, Siddiq stepped through the gates with Enid who’s shadowing him to become a medic. They were coming from Oceanside after doing check ups and the route from that community and Alexandra merge at a point when heading toward the Hilltop. So he could’ve seen anything on his way over.
“No, we didn’t see a car on the way over”
“There were a lot of walkers in a single spot that we took care of and it was just a dead deer.”
“So you really shouldn’t worry about Y/N” Siddiq instantly went to where Daryl was thinking as Enid nodded nervously.
“Yeah well she hasn’t turned up. I gotta head out there and see what’s happenin’.” Daryl got on his bike about to start it when Siddiq laid a hand on his shoulder giving him a worried look.
“I’ll get Maggie’s radio. Just in case”
Daryl nodded, gripping onto his radio subconsciously.
This isn’t right?
Eugene told me this car had its maintenance done. Why is it being like this?
Fuck—-FUCK, where are the breaks?!
Who messed with the brea——
Y/N flinched awake after the initial crash as she slowly lifted her head off the steering wheel feeling the throbbing stiff pain in her chest. Her ribs were broken. The pain wasn’t only there. Her whole body ached and given the shaking from the shock, so much more happened. The blood loss was getting to her, how long has she been out? She went to reach for her pack in the passengers only to notice the glass shards embedded in her right arm. Staring at what caused pain on one side of her resulted in a realization that she couldn’t feel her other arm. Before she could even try and touch it, her lungs constricted causing her to cough into her hand noticing the blood and that’s when the tears started.
She’s going to die out here.
Then it clicked to her. Where she crashed and how far she was from the Hilltop, it shouldn’t go unnoticed if Y/N pressed down on the horn. She tested it at first to make sure that the horn was still connected but then she remembered it’s not the old world. Walkers littered the earth and just from testing it could’ve triggered one over.
But the smallest test caught the archer’s attention as he drove near the sound and took out walkers nearby.
The honk was only once, and then suddenly consistent.
Daryl followed and killed the walkers near the sound as it came clear what happened…or at least why she didn’t show up…
Fuck fuck fuck Daryl quickly ran to the driver’s door after dropping his bike. He forced the door open seeing the damage for himself as he struggled to keep his composure.
She felt him gently bring herself against the seat to check her pulse and thankfully it was there for him.
The sound of the radio buzz caught Enid’s attention from their inventory re-check as she quickly grabs it.
“Hello? Daryl?” She says watching Siddiq turn around to face her and eye the radio.
“It’s bad. It’s really fucking bad”
“We’ll see you soon” Enid stopped pressing their radio tossing it onto the counter and quickly cleaning up what they were doing.
“Once you put that box away, go inform Maggie and Jesus. Maybe someone can shorten the walk over here and drive Y/N the rest of the way back. Then come back and help me set up for anything” Siddiq states watching Enid not even wait another moment and sprint out of the infirmary.
They managed to connect to somebody who was on their way to the Sanctuary. The quick detour to pick up the two was the only easy part. The driving with a pretty much broken person in the vehicle was one of the first few difficult things to handle.
“Maybe drive fucking smoother?!” Daryl snaps at the driver who was already trying his best not to hit any bumps along the way but it is a dirt road to Hilltop compared to the others.
The gates opened the second they heard the car pulling up. Jesus accompanied Siddiq and Enid with helping Y/N get to the medical trailer but Jesus was mainly there to block Daryl the second the two medics got their patient.
“You seriously gonna keep me from her?!”
“Do you even see yourself? She’s going to feel worse seeing all of her blood on your person”
“How the fuck would you know that?! She’s not even awa—-“ Both Daryl and Jesus turned toward the shout coming from the medical trailer as the archer didn’t hesitate to shove the skilled fighter out of his way.
When he entered, Y/N was awake and trying to get Siddiq’s assessing hands away from touching her injuries. Her hands shook when trying to shove him away as he couldn’t stop paying attention to her left arm that was barely moving. He directed Enid to pin her as he gently—as best as he could, grab her shoulder watching her retract her entire body resulting in another shout of pain to escape her. Daryl noticed they cut her shirt to access the injured better and saw the deep blue and purple bruising from her ribs breaking. He was frozen in place, everyone expected him to try and intervene but how could he? He doesn’t know how to handle these things.
Siddiq noticed his presence after a while and glared at the man along with it directed to Jesus. “Get him out of here!” He barked as Jesus quickly grabbed Daryl.
“Come on. Let them work” He struggled to pull Daryl away as he instantly broke out of his grasp stepping over to the situation.
“Jesus I told you—-“
“If I grabbed him now, who knows what you’ll need to fix next” Jesus snaps back only to turn his attention to the doorway when Maggie called out for him needing his assistance.
Daryl gently rest his hand on Y/N’s head causing her to turn her attention onto him. Tears spilled from her bruised blooded face as she couldn’t think of anything to say but she instantly relaxed the best she could given her body ached when Daryl started to shush her in a calming manner. When her body finally relaxed, Siddiq gave Enid a nod for the okay to start working on her while he got an IV in her arm.
“You’re doing great, sunshine…you’re doing great” Daryl whispers brushing away the hair in her face. He glances up noticing Siddiq’s hesitation in popping her shoulder back in place, but once they agreed through the silence. Daryl stood up holding her carefully but also pinning her.
“It will only last a few seconds. I’ll be quick”
“It’s gonna be alright” Daryl reassures Y/N as she watches Siddiq get to work with fixing the dislocation.
After popping her shoulder back into place, she passed out. It scared the few working on her but Siddiq reassured that it was from the shock subsiding and the blood loss of course. Which led Daryl to reveal he’s a universal donor to Siddiq when Enid went to give Maggie an update.
“Are you sure she’ll be okay with this?”
“No, but she needs it” Daryl sat down in the offered seat as Siddiq went ahead with preparing his arm.
“I won’t tell anyone else. I know why you’re doing it now but again—“
“Yeah I get it, Siddiq. Just…yeah hurry up” The archer looked away when he put the needle in, not because he’s squeamish but because this brought weird memories.
After doing the blood transfusion, Daryl stepped out for a moment applying pressure to his arm giving them time to stitch the deep gashes and finish with cleaning and bandaging. He noticed the truck that Rick normally drives being by the Barrington house and when he brought himself into the vicinity there was more than just Rick in the building.
“Daryl, just…the man we needed right now” Rick clears his throat avoiding his eyes as Maggie and Michonne’s worried expressions caught the archer’s attention.
“What happened?”
“We investigated further on what happened to your partner” Jesus started the conversation but no one wanted to say it.
Which easily drove Daryl nuts.
“Spit it out”
“Someone cut the brake wires to the vehicle Y/N was driving” Michonne stated watching him tense. “then when we asked around Alexandria—more specifically the recent Saviors we took in. One of them threatened Y/N before she left”
“And the Saviors aren’t all too bright. They didn’t want her to crash the car” Rick finishes handing Daryl the list of Saviors they are shipping out of Alexandria.
“They did that…expecting me to fucking drive the car and crash?”
“Knowing you, you would’ve been able to crash…safely. Regardless. We are moving those Saviors back to the Sanctuary and—-“
“That’s all you’re ever gonna do. My fucking partner, my WIFE, almost died because some fucking Saviors are still out for me. Or hell they wanted her dead so I would finish the fucking job that y’all didn’t do that night on the hill” Daryl scoffs stepping away from the conversation as Maggie cut through the group letting them take care of the situation for themselves.
“Mags I’m sorry for bringin’ it up again. But I can’t listen to—-“
“You’re right” Maggie grabbed his shoulder making him stop and turn to her. “You didn’t say it but you’re right that their decision for handling this situation is wrong. They should’ve exiled them or worse. But can we at least focus on right now? Y/N is alive. Doing alright. And I’m recommending you both to live here until she’s well enough or hell. Permanently.”
“Y/N wouldn’t agree to the permanently thing. She spent too much time rebuilding our house…it’s just gonna take a while”
“I know and you both can spend that while, here. Or the Kingdom with Carol and Ezekiel. Literally anywhere until she’s ready to go back.”
Daryl didn’t have anymore words on the matter while his anxiety had a chokehold on him. Unexpectedly, the tears spilled as his thoughts raced and while Maggie had too many thoughts herself on the matter…she pushed them aside and brought her arms around her friend keeping him close as he latched onto her.
“She could’ve died…and left me all alone”
“You know she’s a fighter…you’re going to be stuck with her forever” Maggie laughs softly holding him for as long as he wanted.
Soon Daryl found himself seated beside Y/N’s gurney staring at every bandage, every bruise, her swollen face, and her arm strapped to her chest. He next focused on the rise and fall of her chest, afraid of the possible stop. But that never came and she was going to be okay…
“Hey…” Daryl smiles warmly gently kissing Y/N’s forehead as she had been asleep for three days since the accident. He stuck by her side the entire time for the moment she opened her eyes.
“Hi…” Y/N gave him a tired smile even with the bit of pain coursing through her, thank god the drugs helped with it. “You’re dumb”
“For?” He scoffs feeling her hand touch the bruise he got from the IV. “Yeah well, I ain’t losing yea so”
“Mm. Would’ve been out longer if you didn’t.” Y/N kept her hold on him for him to get the hint to sit on the edge of the bed letting her non-strapped arm rest in his lap feeling his hand rub up and down her arm gently. “Gonna take a lot to keep me out”
“Good” Daryl leaned over kissing her lips before pulling away to get one good look at her. “I love you…so much”
“Mm getting sappy, Dixon” She teases patting his leg as he took her hand into his squeezing it and bringing it up to his lips. “I love you, and I’m here. I’m alive. So stop worrying for right now…”
“Yes. For now” Daryl mumbles to himself as Y/N gave him a certain look that lead him to lifting her up enough for him to slip in beside her bringing her into his embrace.
She’s okay
She’s alive
And they are going to pay.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 21 days
In Their Element
I wanted to write Hyena!Danny at work as Hood's second in command.
Hyena!Danny Masterpost
As the fighting wound down Jason looked over the damage. It wasn't to bad, but it was so fucking unnecessary, there shouldn't have Been another gang trying to operate out of his territory, under his fucking nose! Did they really think he wouldn't notice? They should have just left when he confronted them, not actually initiated a fight! Now they had bodies to deal with, of those who didn't run, and a bunch of injured people.
A loud whistle made Jason jump slightly before he glanced over to Hyena, who was taking charge. He beckoned a couple field medics forward and cupped his hands around his muzzle to yell over the crowed.
"If You'd rather go to a real hospital clear out! you need stitches line up here, if you need a bone set, line up there," Hyena directed before glancing around as people straggled into lines. Not many left to go to a actual hospital, in Gotham people tended to be suspicious of doctors, and field medics got a Lot of practice.
"You two!" Danny pointed at two goons who jumped. "You're unhurt, I saw you hide when the fighting got bad. You carry anyone who can't wait in line to the front for emergency care, then we'll talk about reassigning you."
Jason hadn't noticed that, but he was usually too caught up in the fight once blood started to spill so that wasn't Overly surprising. He was grateful Danny had.
The two singled out looked sheepish and started to obey Danny's commands, checking on those on the ground and either dragging the dead to one side or carrying the living over to Hyena and the other medics. Danny grabbed one of the first aid kits the medics had brought in, ignoring their disproving look, it faded quickly as Hyena started efficiently, and correctly tending to those who needed stitches.
Jason wasn't surprised, Danny had stitched Jason up more then once and he had always done a damn good job. Jason loved seeing Danny liked this, in his element, taking charge and taking care of people. It reminded Jason how much he loved Danny, and it was hot as hell.
Jason approached Danny, who glanced up at Jason from the wound he was cleaning on a goons arm who was looking away from the blood looking a little green. "Hey Boo, are you hurt?" Danny asked. Jason could hear in his voice that he was smiling even though his muzzle his it.
"No, I'm perfectly fine," Jason assured, he was bruised but he wasn't bleeding anywhere and he could move all of his extremities.
"Good, I'm glad you're okay. Now make yourself useful and go grab some more clean water," Danny directed him, focusing back on his work.
Jason laughed, if anyone else talked to him like that he'd probably blow a gasket, but Danny was allowed. Jason looped an arm around Danny's waist and leaned his forehead against the top of the other man's head for just a moment, wishing their masks weren't in the way so he could kiss Danny. Jason let go again almost immediately before Danny could start fussing at him for being in the way.
"You got it Cub," Jason assured fondly, striding off to make himself useful as well.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hiiii! So I do not know if you are making requests but if you are doing can do: Charles x Reader where she is a medical student and will do an internship in formula one, Charles does not like her much until he gets hurt and have to take care of her which makes the two approach
kiss with a fist | charles leclerc
warnings: needles and blood mentions and charles being an asshole <3
Y/n was nervous. She was starting her new internship with none other than F1. She watched a couple of races, but she wasn’t a die hard fan. But she wasn’t here to watch men drive in circles, she was here to work.
When she first arrived to the paddock, she was already making enemies. She didn’t mean to, but a certain Ferrari driver had woken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. Y/n bumped into Charles, nearly dropping his hot coffee on himself.
“I’m sorry! The photographer was backing up and I-”
“Do you not watch where you’re going? There’s all this space around you.” Charles groaned as he dropped his coffee into a trash can. “What? You want an autograph?”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Not everyone wants your autograph. And I said I was sorry. By the way, I’m more of a Red Bull fan.” She really didn’t know anything about Red Bull to be honest. You could have someone explain every single detail of f1 and she still wouldn’t understand. All she knew was that Red Bull probably had more haters than supporters.
She quickly left Charles and walked to her boss’ office where she was supposed to meet him. Y/n was already wishing the day was over so she could go back home and bury herself in her blankets after her interaction with Charles, but she had a long day ahead of her.
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“Charles Leclerc crashes into the barrier!”
Y/n watched from a monitor as Charles’ Ferrari crashed. The replay kept on going, sort of a reminder to the Ferrari fans that this season wasn’t going their way. Charles stumbled out of his car, almost tripping over his feet.
“He’s okay, right?” Y/n asked her boss. Sure, he was an asshole to her that morning, but she would never wish for someone to get injured.
“Yeah, I got confirmation that Leclerc is fine. Have you met him yet?”
“Sort of. Had to leave before I could even get an autograph.” She said sarcastically, but her boss didn’t pick it up.
“I’m sure you’ll get one.”
Yeah, no.
After the race, Y/n was going through the piles of paperwork she was told to do. She was writing down on her clipboard when she heard a knock on the door. She figured it was her boss or someone else other than Charles Leclerc.
“Yes?” She looked up to see the driver. “Oh. Finally brought me an autograph?” She went back to writing in her clipboard.
“No, someone made me realize that not everyone wants my autograph. I was just wondering if you have time to check if I’m dying.” He said casually.
Y/n dropped her pen and looked at him, wondering if he was serious or not. “Check if you’re dying?”
“Yeah, I crashed today. My head is hurting, I think I might pass out. I’m not dying, right?” Charles explained.
“Fine, I’ll check. Sit down.” Y/n pointed to the examination table next to the desk she was currently using. Charles followed her instructions and sat on the examination table.
“Are you going to give me a shot? Because I hate needles. And sometimes I get weirded out if I see my own blood.” Charles admitted.
“Why would I give you a shot when your head is hurting? I can if you want me to.” Y/n said, standing In front of Charles.
“Nope, I am good.”
“Great. So just let me check if you’re dying real quick.”
Before Y/n could even do anything, Charles spoke up. “My head actually doesnt hurt at all. I lied, I wanted to come here to apologize for this morning.”
“Did your mom find out and made you come apologize?”
“No, my mother doesn’t know but if she did she would pull my ear and tell me to treat women with respect. And I do treat women with respect, but I’ve been having a bad…” Charles sighed and looked down.
“Day?” Y/n guessed.
“Season actually. Point is, I shouldn’t have been mean to you and I’m sorry and i understand if you don’t accept my apology. If I were you, I wouldn’t.” Charles nodded and got off the examination table. Before he could leave, Y/n called his name making him turn around to face her.
“You forgot your lollipop. I have this thing where I give my patients a lollipop no matter what age they are so here,” Y/n handed Charles a red lollipop. “You’re still an asshole, just the sweet kind.”
“Was that intentional? The sweet comment then you giving me a lollipop?” He chuckled as he took the candy.
“Just take the damn lollipop, Leclerc, or I will give you a shot.”
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starry--blossom · 11 days
Alright, the special.
The special was SO FUCKING GOOD I'm crying inside because there's SOOOO much to talk about with the kyman moments I am THRIVING right now- ahem sorry got too hyper there ^^'
First of all, the fact that everytime Cartman had a skinny dream Kyle was always at the front of it one way or another, this boy is obsessed with him it's insane that he was in his dream twice and he went to him first at the end after the declaration THAT KYLE MADE.
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Second, Kyle was making the conscious decision to help him make his dream real and was initiating almost ALL of the physical contact with Cartman which he would NEVER do and never HAS done until now.
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Then Kyle filling out all the medical records and going through all the loops despite not really getting anywhere with Cartman watching him REALLY reminded me of the crack baby episode where he was doing all the legal shit and I am honestly living for it, plus not to mention that Kyle was getting pissed off FOR Cartman's sake because they kept being denied. So good.
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BUT THEN it gets to when Kyle and the boys stay in the cycle of make the drug - drug gets taken - order more powder - repeat and Cartman was giving up, Kyle kept giving him the pep talks because Kyle knows that Cartman's never one to give up on anything so seeing him actively losing his will was weird for him to see and he wasn't allowing that, nuh uh. Even going as far as ordering a supply that wasn't their usual after the Indian factory got attacked.
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Also when they had the yelling match shaking each other back and forth, those last words from Kyle were so fucking passionate and genuine are you kidding meeeeeee. AND THEY WERE INCHES AWAY FROM EACHOTHER THEY LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT PERSONAL SPACE IS- oh yeah and Cartman was literally staring at Kyle's lips.
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And the chase scene... WHERE DO I BEGIN?? Kyle was literally SHOOTING PEOPLE'S MOTHERS so he could successfully make the drug for Cartman (and everyone else) because he didn't want Cartman's hope to run out again THAT IS SOME GAY SHIT RIGHT THERE. He was so determined to make Cartman's wishes come true he didn't care what he had to do to make it happen.
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And I have no idea if anyone else even caught this but Cartman pronounces Kyle's name CORRECTLY. THREE TIMES! This just proves my theory I had ALL the way back since Imaginationland that Cartman says his name correctly when he's actually being genuine aghhh bye I'm losing my fucking mind I was literally GIGGLING after watching this special the first time around.
Matt and Trey KNOW what they're doing with every subtle action, whether it's eye placement, name pronunciation ect and those of you who are going to turn around and say that Kyle doesn't give a shit about Cartman and how he is then RESPECTFULLY you are living under a fucking rock because this whole thing is just... Kyle being concerned about him and wanting him to achieve what he wants for himself like a caring friend should and I am so glad this was finally brought to light and shoved into everyone's faces ❤💚
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wosoamazing · 4 months
Opening Match
Summary: It's the Matilda's first 2023 World Cup Match, against Ireland and you're starting.
Warnings: Panic (I guess – but not like a panic attack, I don’t think), mentions of Sam’s WWC injury….
A/N: ACL injuries don’t exist in this universe, if only that was the case in the real world. Tried to make it semi-factual, so like the times at which things happen are factual, however obviously the goals aren’t. (Also I know the Lionesses were in QLD and the Matildas were in NSW but let’s just pretend they weren’t)
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It had been an hour, and you still couldn’t get to sleep, you were too scared for tomorrow, Tony was starting you, which he had told you this morning, Sam had injured herself and he decided you were the best replacement, the only saving grace was that only the your Captain’s, Tony, and yourself knew this, the rest of the team would find out tomorrow, so at least you weren’t reminded of it all day.
You had millions of thoughts racing through your mind, preventing you from sleeping, causing the panic to ever so slowly increase. “What if I screw up” “What if this team wasn’t the right team” “What if I let the whole team down” “What if I don’t meet their expectations” “What if my streak at Arsenal has just been a fluke”.
A few tears had left your eyes at these thoughts, creating little puddles on your pillow. You decided to get up and go into the hallway, if you were going to cry you didn’t want to wake up Steph. You were crying for such a stupid reason, anyone would kill to be in the starting 11 for the Matildas, let alone a 16-year-old, yet here you were crying, wishing you could be anything but the Matildas starting 11. You quietly got out of your bed and walked towards the door, you opened the door just enough so you could slide out, trying to minimise the light that flooded the room, you made sure to keep hold of the door as it shut in hopes of it closing silently, you didn’t want to make a noise, you didn’t want to wake Steph or anyone else up. Except the thing was, Steph was actually still awake. She waited a while to see if you would come back thinking you had just gone to fill up your water bottle at the end of the hall, however when she noticed your water bottle was still sitting on the side table, she grew a little concerned, but she reassured herself that maybe you were just getting some Panadol or something from the medics. However, when she heard a faint sniffle come from just outside the door she panicked, she quickly jumped out of her bed, and made her way out into the hall.
“Oh bug,” she sighed out at the sight of you, beginning to sit next to you. You sat curled in a ball leaning against the wall, body slightly shaking with your sobs, you looked up at her, your face was red and tearstained, and your eyes were puffy. “It’s okay, I’m here,” she said softly as she pulled you into her lap, you sat there as she rocked you slightly trying to calm you down, you felt like a baby, how could you be so upset over this, and now you had disturbed Steph’s peace because of your pathetic little problem.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to wake you” you mumbled into Steph’s chest.
“Don’t be sorry, you can always wake me for absolutely anything, but you didn’t actually wake me I was still awake” she gently replied, as she wiped your tears away with her shirt.
“Oh,” “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” “I don’t think I should start tomorrow, what if I stuff up, what if I’m not good enough for them, what if I don’t live up to their expectations, what if-” you were cut off by your ever increasing sobs, making it hard to speak, Steph sighed at your words, she had suggested that they didn’t start you, just brought you on early, but Sam and Tony thought starting you was best, coming out with a bang. Steph had hoped maybe her suggestion would be taken, reducing some of the pressure, the media was all over you already, pressuring you, so too were the fans. You were the sister of Leah Williamson, the women who captained the Lionesses to Euro’s victory in 2022, the women who once again would Captain the Lionesses in the fight for yet another victory, one that could well possibly be theirs. There was something extraordinary expected from you by the public, and the second the starting line-up was released that would only increase.
“Y/N/N, it’s okay to be nervous and a little scared, everyone does, it won’t stop, but you get used to it and before some games you will get more nervous than other games, why do you think I wasn’t asleep. But you can’t let the outside world affect you, the people in this building and in this team believe in you, and if you don’t do as well as you hoped well so be it, everyone had off days, off games. Don’t listen to them, they would faulter the second they took a step on the pitch, even the commentators yes they do know what they are talking about but at the end of the day they are there for the public so they are going to feed them, and I promise, we wouldn’t have chosen you if we didn’t believe in you, and Tony only expects that you try your hardest every time you step onto that pitch, that’s all any of us want.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you sigh before continuing “but why are you nervous for tomorrow?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you said you weren’t sleeping, and then you said some games you get more nervous than others, so I just assumed-” you were cut of by the sound of a door opening, you both look up to see Sam sleepily walking over to you rubbing her eyes.
“Shit, sorry did we wake you up, I didn’t think we were that loud” Steph whispered as Sam sat down.
“No, don’t worry, I couldn’t sleep, thought I heard something so just wanted to check, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter” Sam gave you a look, causing you to blurt it out “I’m scared Sam, what if I stuff up, what if I’m not good enough for them, and now I’ve disturbed both of you when you should be relaxing and sleeping and I shouldn’t be upset about this, it should be something happy but I’m too scared to be happy, and, and my problem isn’t even a big problem, I mean you can’t play and now I’m technically in a way complaining about being in the starting 11 to the person whose spot I took” at those words Sam looked down at the floor, the tears that had started welling up in your eyes, started streaming down, “I-I’m S-sorry, I-I, I shouldn’t have said that”.
Sam looked back up at you, her face held a sterner and more serious look “No, don’t apologise, it’s okay, you did nothing wrong, and never think just because some else may or may not have a bigger problem than you, that your emotions and feelings aren’t valid, and never apologise for what you say. And yes, I can’t play and you get to play but at the same time that doesn’t mean you can’t be upset, it’s a big thing starting in a major tournament let alone …..” you nodded finding her words to be oddly comforting and had stopped crying, Sam had pulled out her phone and was messaging someone, so you looked up to Steph.
“You know, you never answer my question from before,” “Really, I thought I got out of that one” “Nah-uh” you say with some sass as you shake your head.
“I don’t know, I just guess I didn’t really expect to be leading the team out, it’s kind of scary, I mean this is our chance to make history and I guess in a way I’m leading the team out and am in charge of the start of our chance. I just don’t know, its silly anyway,” Steph let out as a singular tear rolled down her check.
“Steph, you have nothing to worry about, you are such an amazing player, and you are such a great leader, and such a great big sister and mini Mum, I believe in you, as you said, Tony wouldn’t have picked you if he didn’t believe in you,” Steph blushed at your kind words, before letting out a small laugh at your end comment, she hug you tighter and mouthed ‘thank you’, before the three of you feel into a calm silence.
“I think we should go outside, get some fresh air quickly” Sam said, breaking the silence whilst almost winking at Steph. “Good idea, Sam”
“But its late, wont we get in trouble?” The last thing you wanted was to be getting in trouble the night before your first world cup game.
“No, we’ll be fine, we will only be quick and plus as Sam said some fresh air will do you good” Steph said as she practically dragged you upright. As you left the elevators and walked towards the hotel doors, you noticed an oddly familiar figure standing just outside the doors, they were holding something, what you didn’t notice was the smile your two captains exchanged at the sight of this figure, Sam opened the door and you stepped outside into the cool air, before you found yourself running up to the figure, “Le!” you exclaimed as you jumped into the arms of your sister, “what are you doing here?”
“Well, I might’ve been told by a certain someone that my little sister was upset, and I thought I would quickly come visit to cheer her up.” You planted your feet back on the ground and said thank you to Sam before turning to talk with your sister, after a few minutes you both had to go back to your rooms, so you said bye to each other. She gave you one of her hoddies which you put on, it being the next best thing to being with her. You fell asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were tired after all.
You were lining up in the tunnel when the nerves started to kick back in, probably due to the fact that when the teams were announced it was also announced that this is your first time starting, first major tournament playing for the Matildas and thus your first World Cup. You were also reminded that your sister had captained the Lionesses when they won the Euro’s just last year. But you felt Caitlin hands on your shoulders, and she squeezed them, Steph had obviously been discussing things with her. It was strange to you that the shoulder squeezes worked, but they did, they almost seemed to bring you out of your thoughts and into the present. As you walked out of the tunnel the stadium erupted, fans cheered like you’d never heard before, which is saying something considering you did attend the Euro’s final, you took your place in the line as the anthems were sung and soon enough the game was starting.
15 minutes in and a free kick was given, you took it, it was almost close enough to just go straight for the goal but you didn’t want to risk it, so you crossed it in, but instead of the ball finding a place at one of your teammates feet or head, it found a place in the back of the net, you had just scored your first goal for the Matildas, your first goal at a major tournament, your first goal at a world cup and the first Matildas goal of the world cup. You were elated. Your elation only increased at the 26th minute, when you headed the ball and it hit the back of the net, however you couldn’t take full credit for that one, Steph had delivered it in perfectly, you just had the easy job of tapping it in.
It was now extra time for the first half, you knew Tony was taking you off at half time, he had told you at the 35th minute during the ‘team tactical’ while Katie was down, Ireland was playing more aggressive than expected and Tony wasn’t risking having his two best strikers injured. Knowing this you decided to push yourself to your limits, you were running after every ball, you were taking tackles, and somehow by some miracle you scored your third goal in the final minute of extra time, you didn’t even know how you did it but you did, and with your goal the ref blew her whistle and the first half was over. The team ran over to you to celebrate, “Hattrick baby!” was screamed in your ear by someone, you all jumped up and down continuing to celebrate before deciding you should probably head back inside.
“Good game?” Sam asked as you walked into the tunnel together.
“Great Game!” You exclaimed, as you followed her through the door, to the locker room.
You took a seat in your locker ready to listen to Tony, being number 8 your locker was in-between Steph and Caitlin’s, “She might hate you now, though,” Caitlin said with a wink, it was a compliment in its finest, but it felt nice to get an inside compliment, like an inside joke not everyone would understand what she means.
“How do you feel? Like a million bucks?” Steph asked.
“Nope, like I chose the right team.”
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jinwoosungs · 3 months
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{ 016 }
- how they take care of you when you're sick -
featuring: megumi, nanami, gojo
[ megumi 🌡️ ]
this boy is a total mama hen. the day prior to you truly getting sick, he could already detect the raspiness of your voice and was well aware of your lack of appetite throughout the day...
because of your sudden fever, you were forced to stay back within your dorm, missing your classes for the day as you felt the life seeping out of you.
okay, perhaps you were being a bit dramatic, since it was just a simple fever. however, you hated how hot you felt all the time, turning your mind hazy as a sense of nausea was felt settled in the pit of your stomach. all you had the strength to do was lay in bed with your eyes clenched shut, unable to do much but fall into a restless slumber.
in your fevered haze, you felt yourself going in and out of consciousness, vaguely aware of someone entering your room. you heard a soft voice letting out a string of curses coupled along with a rustling of a plastic bag.
you heard the shuffling of feet across the hardwood floors of your dorm before a cool, damp cloth was placed on your forehead. opening your bleary eyes, you came face to face with megumi's scowl, blue eyes shining with concern for you as he adjusted the handkerchief on your head.
"'gumi? didn't you have a mission...today?"
"i let itadori and kugisaki take over for me." was his simple answer, and despite how his gaze remains expressionless, his actions gave his intentions away. the touch of his hand against your fevered cheeks was a clear indication that he was worried about you.
"have you done anything to help with your fever?"
"just... took some tylenol / ibuprofen, that's it."
your boyfriend simply replies back with a huff, standing back to his full height to bring the bag closer to him.
your throat felt dry, yet megumi seemed to know what you needed before you even got a chance to voice it out loud. placing a hand behind your body, megumi lifts you up so that you were in a seated position. grabbing a bottle of water from his bag, his unscrews the lid before placing it against your chapped lips, coaxing you to take a drink.
feeling tears well up within your gaze at his kindness, you remain silent, even as megumi brought out a container filled with what you assumed to be his homemade rice porridge. your heart felt full of warmth, allowing megumi to take care of you as he fed you the rice porridge.
even when you knew megumi to be a man of few words, one who seldom ever spoke of his feelings for you, you knew that in this exact moment that he cared-
that he loved you so much, he wanted to spend his day helping you feel better. and you honestly couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
[ nanami 🌡️ ]
total husband material. the moment you tell him how unwell you felt, he does all of the work for you. when morning came, he was the first to call your workplace and alert your coworkers about your incoming absence before spending the entire day caring for you (a feat that he never once minded).
your breathing comes out as hot puffs, with you staying in bed since the morning you woke up with a fever. after getting off the phone with your workplace, nanami enters your shared bedroom while brushing back your strands of hair.
"what would my darling wish to eat? rice porridge? or chicken noodle soup?"
"mmm, noodle...soup..."
he manages to hear your whispered voice, letting out a gentle coo of your name before brushing his lips against your heated skin. "my poor darling, don't worry, your husband is here to take all of your discomfort away."
you manage to give him a weak smile, relishing in the way he presses a kiss against your hair before heading off into the kitchen.
your medications were finally taking effect, putting you in a drowsy trance as you fell in and out of slumber. what ultimately wakes you up was the delicious scent wafting from the kitchen, making your senses heighten almost immediately.
miraculously, the scent of nanami's cooking was enough to break you out of your trance. you sit up in bed, eyes practically shining with anticipation when your husband reappeared with a large bowl of soup in hand.
completely focused on your needs, he settles himself in bed with you, holding the soup within his large hand while blowing on the broth. he then proceeds to feed you spoonfuls of his delicious soup, and with each bite, you swore you could feel the strength slowly returning to you.
within what seemed like mere minutes, you finish the entirety of the bowl, clinging to your beloved husband with a purr. nanami lets out a rich chuckle of your name while folding his arms around you in a steady embrace.
"was it good, my love?"
"it was sooo good..." you moan while hiding your face within his broad chest, your yawns becoming muffled as you cling to the front of his shirt. being immensely attentive to your needs, nanami lies back down in bed with you, stroking at your damp hair while beckoning you to sleep.
"rest, my dear... and i'll be here when you wake up."
[ gojo 🌡️ ]
the world's strongest only showed weakness when it came to you and you alone. he was none the wiser when morning came, trying to coax you out of bed with some coffee. yet when you refused to move from your spot in bed, gojo knew that something was amiss.
"fuck, you're burning up!"
you groan, not opening your eyes because all you wanted to do was sleep your fever away. you try to tell your boyfriend that you were okay, that all you need was to spend the whole day (or two) just sleeping.
whenever you got sick like this, both your appetite and strength was nonexistent. you tended to remain in a soft cocoon, practically closed off from the world as you focused on truly resting your tired body.
gojo continues to whine and talk your ear off, yet when you remained unresponsive was when he finally backs off. his footsteps were heard all across your shared apartment before the slamming of the door was heard.
a part of you felt hurt that he had actually left you, not even bothering to at least stay in bed and cuddle you as you rested. his absence was what made your sleep less peaceful, becoming restless within seconds as you tossed and turned in bed.
you had no idea how much time had passed, but you were dimly aware of the sounds of the door opening and some movement, but you were too weak and tired to say anything. instead, you continue to remain silent with your eyes closed.
the familiar scent of gojo's cologne was what makes you stir in your sleep, with you managing to smile in your sleep.
"...toru..." you whisper his name, feeling your boyfriend get into bed with you, holding you within his arms while he calls out your name.
"come on, baby, you need to wake up and try to take this medicine. come on, open your eyes."
another groan was felt escaping from your parted lips, and you could not find the strength to open your eyes. you hear him let out a huff before adjusting you in his embrace.
"what 'm i gonna do with you?"
you hear the sounds of fabrics shifting for a few minutes before feeling gojo press his lips against yours. the kiss was sudden; being so unexpected that you couldn't help but let out a gasp in response. the moment you opened your lips to him, a rush of something cold was felt going down your throat coupled along with two tablets.
you open your eyes, with a few water droplets escaping from the side of your lips. you watch as gojo looks down at you with a loving expression seen beneath his dark sunglasses. his aquamarine eyes were shining with absolute love and adoration for you, placing the bottle of water and medicine off to the side as he lays back down in bed with you.
"my poor baby, feeling so sick. let your man take care of you..."
finding immense comfort in his presence, you cling to him while letting out a sniffle of his name. "i thought...you were gonna...leave."
"never, babygirl; never. your man would never leave your side during your time of need."
feeling relaxed while in his steady embrace, you slowly fall back asleep, knowing that gojo would protect and care for you for forever and a day.
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a.n. - oh to be spoiled by the jjk men as you are feeling ill 😭🙏🏻
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
red string 2
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“our connection is determined by a tiny invisible string”
summary: you figured it was too late for your string to solidify, used to the idea of finding someone on your own, who also never got their string. However, your string began to tug when you least expected it, to the last person or people you would have ever thought.
genre: soulmate au, red string of fate au, poly au,
pairing: BTS (Yoongi centered) x Reader
status: ongoing (random updates)
warnings: slight yandere themes, insecure reader, alcohol, talks of jealousy, soul bonds, mentions of past abuse,
chapter warnings: soul pain, first meetings, running away, mc didn’t really want a bond, cinderella-esque plot line, mc is cynical, allusions to past abusive relationship, bad flashbacks, kind-of kidnapping but not really??, soul tug, mc has ptsd, 
I am not going to have a taglist for this fic. I will only be using the permanent taglist as its intended for all of my fics.
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp​ @yourleftsock​ @skyys-universe​ @cryingpages​ @strxwbloody​  @drissteele​ @dustyinkpages​ @iamkookiesforyou​ @crushedblackroses​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @blaaiissee​  @iiitsmaria​  @carolinexkpop​  @azazel-nyx​ @strawberry-moonpies​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​ @knjkitten​ @foreverweareyoung7​ @lachimolala22019​ @namuficxs​ @94z-93​ @kimgmzmc​ @thenaverse​ @dahliasbouqet​ @black-rose-29​ @tinyoonsblog​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @stellauniverse​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​ @tinyoonsblog​ @veronawrites​ @tatyhend​ @singukieee​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​ @exfolitae​ @butterymin​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ @anaspectoflife @welcometomyworld13 @slinekyu @ghostlyworld@svnbangtansworld @loisje123 @i-have-no-life-charlie @danielle143 @jcrml@softieyn @kyuupidwrites @friedlollipop @lulu-83​ @tokiodori​
masterlist // part 1 // part 3
Previously on Red String:
“If Mr. Min saw you carrying her, you would need the medical room.” The guard’s words were blunt, but a little worrying.
“Mr. Min? You don’t mean…” Hong visibly paled as he looked down at you, his mind making the connection you didn’t want to say. His grip loosens as Hyunsoo takes you from his arms.
“I don’t need to remind you of the NDA you signed, do I, Hongmin?” The man who found you shook his head quickly, before looking down at you once more and walking away. You could almost see his body shaking as he did so.
Still unable to move your neck, you grumble into the guard’s chest.
“So, how’s it goin?” You ask, your brain’s defense system seeing sarcasm as its only choice.
The guard assigned to you was immensely stoic; silent in a way you couldn’t even crack a smile out of the man as you grumbled to yourself.
“You know, this was not how I wanted to spend my birthday. I imagined, well, hoped for, a nice drink and take out with a crappy movie I could laugh mindlessly to. Not having fate move against me and trap me against the bathroom door.”  The guard just kept walking, sometimes stopping to adjust you in his arms as your body arguably continued to let gravity do its job, more or less against your will but who were you to fight against fate when it went with your own wishes.
“So, where are we goin?” You asked him, trying to get the man to crack, but he just continued to ignore you. You weren’t going to give up though.
You could vaguely hear the music playing, the concert still happening as you were being brought to your doom. You wondered where the man was taking you, only slightly correct in the idea that you would be brought to a waiting room of some sort. However, you realized you were wrong when you were brought to a very nice room, three big couches taking up the left of the room while a couple of tables and vanities took up the other half.
The guard, and consequently you, only made it a couple of steps in before the door was being opened again. Well, more like the door was slammed open, almost flying off its hinges as the man you were trying to run from pushed his way into the room. You would have laughed at the growl coming from Yoongi’s lips if it wasn’t aimed in your direction, and a shiver raced up your spine. You were practically shaking in the guard’s arms!
Yoongi was surely gone, Agust D taking his place as the dark look in his eyes takes in your figure, resting in the arms of the guard he had assigned to watch you. He couldn’t explain the rage he felt when he saw you in the arms of someone else; someone who wasn’t him! You were his bond, his red string! He could feel the growing possessiveness he held for you, his instincts screaming at him.
“Sirs, I—” The guard tried to explain but began to stutter after being pinned with six other glares that accompanied Yoongi’s; looks that radiated anger and power looked at him, and only then did the guard realize what he was doing wrong. He didn’t understand why the guard was holding you when he said not to touch you.
Yoongi just held his hand up, stopping the man from continuing his apologies, and stepped forward, arms reaching to take you from him. You only grunted, not exactly wanting to be in Yoongi’s arms but unfortunately, the stupid soul tug was still in effect. You couldn’t fight against the idol who now tightened his embrace around you and cradled you to his chest like a lost kitten. Like he expected you to jump from his arms any second and run.
Well, he wouldn’t be wrong.
It’s not like I could make it far anyways. You answered the stupid voice in your head.
You ignored the warmth building in your veins, ignoring the way Yoongi’s touch had your body unwillingly relaxing into his arms as you tried to move your head to see where your strings led.
You had almost forgotten about your fourth string, now split into four other pieces, each leading to the members you had yet to meet. You had seven total strings and each one led to one of the boys.
Man, Lindsey was right.
Let’s not tell her that, though. You internally cringed, knowing exactly how your best friend would react. The words “I told you so” would not be the last thing leaving her mouth, unfortunately. She would never let you live this moment down. Ever.
You couldn’t hear anything Namjoon was saying to the guard who brought you here, only seeing the dragon eyes aimed at the shorter man, and the way the guard was nodding every couple seconds. Within a minute the guard had all but ran out of the door, Namjoon turning to you with a smirk on his lips.
You were about to make some remark to the taller man smirking at you but your breath whooshed out instead when Yoongi turned you around and sat down with you still in his arms. He adjusted you so your head was resting back against his shoulder and you were facing the room, feeling entirely too exposed.
“You’re not very good at running, are you?” Yoongi murmured into your ear, causing that stupid, heated blush to creep up your neck and ears. You could practically feel the damn smirk creeping on his lips.
“You knew I’d be here.” You stated, now having put everything together. They were responsible for your and Lindsey’s seat changes and for the guards keeping an eye on you., making you feel watched and panicked.
“We did say we wanted to speak with you in private…” You turn your head to see Taehyung and Jimin seated on a smaller loveseat to your right. Taehyung had a neutral expression but you could see in his eyes something different, while Jimin was just hopeful, watching your own facial expressions carefully.
You look down at Taehyung’s words, feeling the pain of rejection and hurt all over again. You didn’t think you wanted to have a conversation that would lead to where you thought it was going to, so you wanted to avoid it all together.
It seemed Yoongi could tell where your thoughts were going, moving his arm from around your waist to slowly trail his fingers up your arm and to your wrist, turning your left hand over connecting his palm with yours, intertwining his fingers with yours causing the thick, dark red string connecting you to glow for a couple of seconds before returning to normal. The bond snapping back into place after being incomplete from your first meeting.
The first stage of the bond, the soul tug, was meant to ensure that the bond was being completed. This meant you now couldn’t go be more than a few feet from any of the boys once you had physical contact. By you running, and now Yoongi holding you, the first stage had begun.
You try to leave his grip, feeling the tingling and numbness in your toes starting to disappear, but unfortunately, the rest of your body was not so lucky. When Yoongi noticed your attempts, he smiled smugly, taking advantage of the fact that you couldn’t move or leave him by holding you tighter against him.
“Do you not feel the tug? Do you not feel the way your body relaxes against Yoongi’s touch, even against your own subconscious?” Namjoon’s questions have you tensing again, not wanting to answer his question, instead you stare at your bonds, noticing the tugging sensation and the ripples in color whenever one of them moves.
“Do you not feel the bond you so obviously share with us, the one you continue to fight against?” Namjoon continues, frowning as Yoongi leans back to rest against the back of the couch, your body unhappily following along. Your cheeks grow hot again, your body working against you and showing the way you feel about the answers to his questions, completely giving you away to the intelligent leader.
“Ignoring the feelings you have for the bond; it does not ignore the fact that we are soulmates. Your strings are connected to ours. You are ours whether you like it or not. We aren’t going to let you go and we aren’t going to just let you walk out of here without us by your side.” You open your mouth in shock at the leader’s words, wondering where in the hell he got is audacity from?! The rest of the boys were nodding their heads in agreement, as if they had already discussed this.
Which they probably did, the little voice in your head tells you.
You ignore the voice and you ignore the butterflies in your stomach at Namjoon’s claim. You hadn’t realized how much you would love the idea of being claimed until it was staring you in the face, with a little tilt of the head and a raise of the eyebrow.
Before you could argue against his words, you could feel your phone in your back pocket vibrating. You sighed out in relief and hoped you could use this as an excuse to leave.
Lindsey you are a life saver! You praised your best friend in your head, only to start cursing as you felt Yoongi reaching for your phone, his hand resting just a little too long against the curve of your ass before taking your phone out of your pocket.
“Give me—" You’re cut off but Yoongi pressing the answer button and pressing your phone to his own ear.
“Where the hell are you dude? You disappeared and missed the entire concert! I’ve been looking for you everywhere and trying to think nice thoughts while one of those guards from earlier follows me around!”
“I’m sorry about that. You must be Lindsey?” Yoongi’s voice was soft, like velvet as he spoke to your friend. You were in shock at the change in his voice, from sultry to being as sweet and innocent as can be.
“Who is this and why do you have my best friend’s phone?”
“This is—”
“Is this Yoongi? Oh my god! Uhm, you know what, never mind. Just make sure she goes to bed on time. She gets cranky in the mornings.” Yoongi wasn’t even able to get a couple words out before Lindsey recognized his voice.
Hmm. It seems our little soulmate told her friend about us. And she approves. Yoongi hummed to himself as Lindsey hung up the phone after promising she would give your things to the guard following her, assuming that he was working with the boys and she was right.
“Well, it seems as though your friend is just fine with you coming home with us.” Yoongi’s smile brightened as he watched the others faces light up, Jungkook was especially excited as he knew you were his age. He hoped you liked to cuddle, seeing as the others never liked to stay in bed as long as he did.
“What… I…uh?” You stammered, brain moving too slow as you tried to come up with a way out if this, forgetting the fact you still couldn’t move.
You hear a slap and see Jungkook bouncing in his seat, clearly excited for you to come home with them. He was slapping his thighs and talking animatedly to Jin about all of the things he planned to do with you. You would have been completely endeared by his plan to play video games with you if you weren’t internally freaking out.
“I can’t go with you!” You blurted out, cringing a little at how loud you were.
“Why not?” Hoseok inquired; eyebrow raised as he watched you come up with an excuse.
“I, uhm, don’t have any clothes.” You replied, a little proud of your quick answer only for your smile to shatter at Jimin’s words.
“We can give you some!” You paled at his own excitement, not wanting to crush his plainly obvious feelings of hope. Strike one.
“I don’t have any of my things.” Someone knocked on the door, Jin moving around to reveal a man holding onto your bag making you rest your head back against Yoongi’s shoulder, trying to think.
“Look, your bag is right here.” Strike two.
“You guys must be really busy. I don’t want to bother you or anything…” Your last hope to weasel your way out of the situation was destroyed by Taehyung, his smile wide as he counters your words.
“Actually, we planned for you to come with us anyways. We have the next couple of weeks free. You know, we don’t want the soul pain to start.” Taehyung has his own moment of satisfaction as he sees your face pale at his words, knowing all of your plans to leave were thwarted by him. 
Fuck, you cursed.
How in the world did you forget about the soul pain period?
It’s not my fault! I forget a lot of things.
Well, now you can’t be more than a couple feet from them without immense pain. Good job.
You had completely forgotten that when a bonded person meets their soulmate or soul group, completely, for the first time, the string snaps together, leaving each person with only a few feet of leeway to move away. It could last for several days or weeks, depending on the bond and how many people are connected. With your luck and how the universe seems to be against you, you guessed it would be months before you were able to leave.
Strike three and you’re out.
You pouted the entire way to the boy’s home, unable to move even an inch from Yoongi’s arms without the slight pain tugging at your chest making you groan out and want to gouge your heart out. How dare your body do this to you?
The boys, on the other hand, were all making bets on how long you would try to fight them. They could tell this was just some sort of defense mechanism and were all building their own individual plans to make you theirs. They knew it was only a matter of time before you were seeking them out.
“Welcome home, baby.” Jin smiled down at you as he unlocked the door. It made your insides tingle and made your head hurt all at the same time. For a second you couldn’t remember why you were fighting against this, everything becoming jumbled together in your head. You couldn’t remember the fear you felt for the bond, the trauma from your last relationship almost disappearing from your mind as Jin smiled at you.
Your thoughts were forgotten when Namjoon placed his hand on your back, helping you inside, through the living room and down the hallway until you appeared at the entry of a room with a very large, wall to wall bed. It looked like the comfiest cloud of softness you had ever seen.
You were practically melting at the idea of being able to lay in the soft warmth you could only imagine you would feel.
“Why don’t you get changed, baby.” Jungkook couldn’t help but smirk at your face, the way it changed from adoration to a deadpan as you looked up at him.
“I’m not changing in front of you.”
“Baby, I can almost guarantee you’re going to want to strip in front of me eventually…if it’s not me undressing you.” Jungkook retorted, smirk growing into a devilish grin as your eyes narrowed.
“You wish I would undress for you.” You snap back, trying to take a step back only for the tug to bring you closer than before. This makes Jungkook’s grin widen.
“Baby, it’s not a wish.” Jungkook pushes further, an inch away from being able to steal a kiss from your lips, and boy was he tempted!
Until he noticed the fear behind your eyes, causing him to step back and turn around. He was mortified! You had thought he was going to force himself on you?! He needed to talk to the others, but how were they going to do that when the soul tug was active?
When you were finished changing into the oversized shirt and shorts, you timidly tapped on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“I’m uh, I’m changed now.” Your entire demeanor had shifted, flashback after flashback trying to steal your vision as you forced yourself not to shake. You were scrappy, you knew that, but only to defend your own mind from what it saw as a threat. 
You could not put yourself in a position to be vulnerable again. (But you also didn’t want to let on that anything was wrong. You couldn’t have that conversation. Not right now, hopefully not ever.)
“I’m sorry if I pushed you. I was only teasing.” Jungkook tried to apologize, his hand reaching out to grasp onto your arm but you flinched away from him, the soul tug allowing you a few feet leeway.
“It’s uh, it’s okay.” You rushed out, trying to end the conversation before you could imagine where it would go. But Jungkook was observant, and he could practically feel the pain in your heart. Something happened. Something that had you flinching away and fighting a soul bond.
And he had a bad feeling about it.
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pablitogavii · 6 months
Hi! How are you?
I was wondering if you could do something like the reader moves in with Gavi to take care of him because of his injury. And how she takes care of him constantly.
Love this request love <33
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"Amor, you really don't have to clean all of that alone. I can always get cleaning ladies to come earlier this month??" Pablo said seeing you vacuuming his living room while he sat on the couch with his leg in a cast.
He really appreciated you moving in-and helping him around the house but he didn't want you to feel obligated to do it all for him. Besides, he wished he could just get up and take that vacuum away from you finally.
"Don't worry about it cariño, dinner will be done soon too. If you want to call your friends to join us??" you ask knowing that Pablo was missing his teammates a lot and hated being so far away from Barça.
"I just want you and me tonight princesa.." he said and you giggled with blushing making him smirk at your shy nature. That's one of the things Pablo adored..no matter how long you've been together he still makes you shy around himself.
"Bueno. And you favorite meatloaf pasta??" you say finishing up the vacuuming and taking some wipes to clean the desk in front of him.
"Hmm don't test me amorcito.." he said reaching forwards and touching your bum making you jump and turn around to roll your eyes at him. You secretly liked it..and he knew it.
"Come sit on my lap amorcito" he said but you didn't want to hurt his leg more telling him you can just sit besides him instead.
Pablo was protesting grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him the moment your butt hit the couch. You sighed placing your arms around his neck an leaning in to kiss him before caressing his face gently.
"Que?" you say blushing more from the way he was looking at you like it was the first time you've seen each other.
"What have I done to deserve such a gem in my life?? Such a precious little angel..looking over me..taking care of me..loving me" he kissed sides of your face and neck as he spoke and you moved a little on his lap.
"You're..umm..making me shy Pablito" you said pulling back and he smirks nodding his head and moving your hair from your face to look at it in admiration.
"Why? Because I praise you so much?" he sais leaning in and kissing your cheeks that were hot and pink.
"Too much.." you sigh and he shakes his head holding your face in place and kissing your lips lovingly. It was his favortie thing to do..to see his girl shy for him.
"Nonsense mi amor..you deserve every praise leaving my mouth..every kiss..and every caress..just be all mine and I'll give it all to you" he spoke gently and you were in trance enjoying the way his fingers felt, his voice sounded and his lips tasted.
Just when his fingers started moving underneth you blouse did the doorbell interrupted you making you jump off his lap and rush to open.
"Saved by the bell mi amor" he said and you blushed opening to see Pedri and Yamal standing there with flowers in their hands.
"Come in guys!" you said taking the flowers they brought and they walked into the living room to a very grump Gavi sitting there with remote in his hand.
"Did we interrupt anything amigo?" Pedri said sitting down and Yamal looked clueless (poor boy) as you came back with some refreshments and snacks.
"Shut up!" Pablo said annoyingly looking at you with longing while this time you smirked putting down the drinks on the table.
"I'll go make dinner, amor. You guys wanna eat with us??" you ask but seeing Pablo's stern stare both boys said 'no' quickly.
"Bueno, don't forget the medication in half an hour cariño" you remind him and he nods seeing the boy giggle at how you were treating him like complete baby.
"We got the signal, let's go Yamal! Have fun cabrón!" Pedri said after finishing his drink and the boy followed very confused about the whole situation. Pablo smirked getting up after taking his medication and limping towards you in the kitchen.
When his arms snaked around you jumped turning around with your arms on his chest. He trapped you against the stove.
"What are you doing up Pablito!? You shouldn't be walking! Let's get back to the couch, please.." you say trying to move but he wouldn't let you leaning down to capture your lips.
"I'm fine mi amor, don't worry. Can I try it??" he said and you smile taking a little bit and placing it into his mouth as he moaned at the delicious flavor.
"Alright, let's go back now..want me to massage your leg cariño? It's been helping you sleep" you say and he smiles nodding his head and walking back to the living room with you.
You brought some warming lotion and massaged his sore muscles while he laid down looking at you with heart shaped eyes. He was so infatuated by everything you've been doing for him..how well you took care of him for months now.
"Amor..venga aqui" he said holding you hand and you stopped massaging him moving closer and kissing his lips while his hand held your face.
"I love you, mi preciosa..and I couldn't imagine getting better without you in my life" he said and you pouted making him chuckle and kiss your bottom lip lovingly.
"Hm..why did your friends go so quickly cariño??" you smirked and he did as well hiding his face into your neck.
"Can you blame me?? It's been months..and I crave you so badly" he said making your hand move from his leg closer to his bulge massaging it gently.
"Hm..maybe you should let me take care of you in another way then??" you said moving downwards while he groaned tossing his head back as you played with his painfully hard cock.
"F..fuck a..amor!" he said as you slowly took him out of his shorts grazing your lips over him as he looked down in awe. You started licking his lips enjoying the familiar taste of him while his hand went to your hair turning you on to the maximum.
"Hmm..is this helping you amor??" you said playfully and he groaned when you moved further down getting as much of him in your mouth as you could.
"F..fuck YES!! J..just like that..my good girl" he said and you enjoyed the praise continuing to suck him off feeling his whole body finally relax.
"U..ughh" Pablo tried moving as his high washed over him but you stopped him taking his dick on your own hand and stroking it quickly as his cum decorated your hand. You licked him clean afterwards kissing his lips after wards until you both heard a fire alarm..fuck dinner!! HAHAAH
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3amfanfiction · 7 days
MDNI tw: baby trapping and manipulation. GazxReader fluffy-dark one-shot.
Kyle is ready for a baby, so when he sees his chance he just can’t resist. And he knows how he’s going to make you an enthusiastic, albeit unknowing, participant.
He was ready.
It’d been a long time coming; you and he had had your ups and downs and always came out stronger on the other side, together. Always together. It was you and him until the end.
You were such a perfect partner for him, practically handmade to fill in all his rough edges and he never let you forget how much he adored you. He bragged about you any time you came up in conversation and wasn’t shy about crowing your achievements from the rooftop.
Your friends were over the moon at your relationship. Every time you met up for brunch or movie nights you would field at least 3 comments about where they could find their own head-over-heels partner.
You had been sick for a few weeks before you finally went to the doctor.
“Tuberculosis.” you rasp to Kyle on the other end of the phone. “They prescribed me some heavy duty antibiotics called rifampin that are the size of horse pills!” you hold the prescription bottle up towards the light and shake the tablets around in disbelief.
Kyle just laughs into your ear, well aware of how much you disliked needing to take large pills. It had been brought up every time one of you got sick throughout your relationship. You insisted that they got stuck in your throat and stayed there for hours before finally dissolving, no matter what Kyle tried to say. He used it as an excuse to brew your favorite tea and pamper you more than usual whenever you had to take them, so he never tried to argue too hard.
“I miss you . . . wish you were here,” you croak, making your way to the couch to relax and try to catch your breath. Your lungs felt physically tired as you tried to breathe. It was a unsettling feeling. Panting lightly, you pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and cocooned yourself, relaxing back into the cushions.
“I know sweetheart. I wish I was there too. I would make you that soup you like and rub your feet while we watched a movie. You wouldn’t have to get up for anything.” The line crackles and breaks for a few moments before clearing up again. “Just a little bit longer, love, and I’ll be able to come home. It’ll be before you know it.”
“I miss you Kyle.”
“I miss you, sweetheart.”
. . .
When the call ends Gaz immediately looks up the medication you said you were prescribed. Rifampin. He’s never had tuberculosis and he wants to verify that this is the standard treatment and if there are any side effects to watch out for. While he isn’t in the country right now he’d figure something out if you needed him back quickly.
Fingers which had been swiping steadily, reading warnings and side effects with the same attention to detail as to mission reports providing intel before an operation, slowed and then stopped as he continued to read. After a moment his screen goes dark and your future shifts and locks into place on the other side of the world.
. . .
It was edging into evening just over a week later when the front door swings open and in steps Kyle. You immediately throw yourself into his arms and begin fussing, hugging him and checking for any new injuries at the same time. He just laughs and squeezes you back tightly. “I’m fine love, just happy to be able to hold you again.”
After sorting out the immediate concerns you tumble into bed, cuddling face to face and sharing a pillow, sharing breath. You’re not sure who kissed who first but you’re both tied for ardor. Your tongues tangled together as hands slide under clothes and down pants. Before things got too involved you pulled back to look at him. “You’re going to have to pull out. This medicine can affect my birth control so you can’t come inside me okay?”
He nodded eagerly as he began to pull your shirt up your torso, fingertips dragging along skin in their own version of a kiss. “Pull out, got it.” He said distractedly, glancing down at the skin and softness he was uncovering. Before you knew it you were both naked and he moved his way down your body, taking his time to slowly work you up. Spending time nibbling along your coller bones, sucking a bruise into the hollow of your throat, tonguing around your neck to the other side to continue.
What follows is hours of pleasure and torture in equal measure. Kyle has never been a stingy lover but tonight it’s like he has something to prove. He brings you to your peak again and again and again . . . and then he holds you there.
While the two of you had dabbled in edging before this, it had never been to this extreme. Tonight had been hours of cruel pleasure, the sheets under you were damp with sweat and you were sobbing with your hands buried in his hair.
“Pl-please,” you hiccup on a sob “I need to come. Please let me-let me come.” you beg him, trying to maintain eye contact through your tears. He currently had three fingers buried deep in your cunt and his lips suctioned to your clit.
His lips pop off with a slurp and you yelp.“Do you need it, baby?” He grins with a feverish gleam in his eyes. “You ready to come?” You nod eagerly, blinking and causing the tears to spill over your lash line.
“Please, please I’ve been good. I’ve been so good, please let me come.”
“God you beg so pretty baby. Okay, but I want to come together.” He climbs to the head of the bed and lays on his back. He grabs you by the hips and helps you climb on top, slotting himself back at you entrance. “Come on, up on top love, thats it.” he babbles as you sink to the base and gasp at the feeling of being stuffed full. “Yes, Just like that, just like that.” is wrung from his throat as you squeeze him tightly.
You begin to pump your hips, pulling away from him before bringing yourself back down but you quickly lose steam. It had been hours at this point and you were on your last legs.
“I know.” Kyle coos condescendingly, brushing the back of his knuckles over your cheek, wiping away tears, sweat and drool. “I know sweet thing, you’re so tired. It’s gonna be okay. Look, I’ll help you.”
He reaches both hands down to your hips, digging his fingers into soft skin and plush rolls. His fingertips causing divots where they press into the fat of your hips. He pulls you into a grinding motion, “Doesn’t that feel good baby? Me holding your hips just right, helping you grind back and forth?”
You nod dumbly, brain fried and only able to think of how good he feels inside you. He drops one of his thumbs down to find your clit, giving it steady, smooth circles to help you finish.
“Yeah? Right there? I can tell it’s good just by your face. I love that fucking face that you’re making.” His mouth begins to run, words dropping out with no prior planning. “If I could tattoo it behind my eyes and carry it around with me for the rest of my life I would die a happy man. You make me so damn happy baby.” He grunts as he begins to move your hips faster, grinding you down firmly against him. “I want you forever, do you hear me? Forever. It’s you and me okay? Yeah, you’re getting close? I am too, love. Mmmm fuck. Just like that, keep rocking your hips baby and you’re gonna make me come. God you’re taking me so well. Tucked up, deep inside you.” His jaw clenches and he pulls you as tightly against him as he can.
“Fuck. I’m gonna come love. You’re gonna make me come.” His words stutter to a close as you continue to grind, chasing the final edge. You could feel it tingling up your legs, across the backs of your thighs.
“Im so close,” you pant, head tilted back, eyes closed, unable to think of anything accept the feel of his cock bumping into your soft walls, creating sparks of pleasure. “Don’t stop baby. I’m so close. I can’t stop. Please”
A groan punches out of Kyle and his grip turn tight enough to leave fingerprint bruises to find in the morning. “If you don’t want me filling you up, you gotta get off baby. I know you’re close but you’re gonna make me come. You told me to pull out just to, just to be safe. I can’t-i cant hold it baby. You’ve gotta get - get off or it’ll all be inside.”
He starts to stutter and lose rhythm still pulling you into him, rubbing your clit with his thumb.
You don’t hear him. A roar is building in your ears, a white noise type of hum that is blocking out everything else. You can feel your release digging its claws into you down to your bones as it gets ready to wrench you from your body.
Your knees begin to shake from their place beside Kyle’s hips as you finally get what you’ve been working towards for the past however many hours. Your vision whites out and your mind blanks.
You clench around Kyle’s cock. warm gummy walls pulsing around him, drawing him inside. You’re grinding down on him as hard as possible, his tip pressed against the back of your channel.
His eyes hold an unusual gleam right before he closes his eyes and tilts his head back, groaning his release as he pumps everything inside of you.
Later when you’re spooned together, his arms wrapped around your waist and legs tangled together, you don’t notice him cupping his hand around your lower stomach. He falls asleep with a smile on his face as he imagines his future together, with all three of you.
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carlsdarling · 11 months
I imagine that Carl would be horny alllll the time. Just whenever: Short shirt? Cleavage? Sweat? Bending over? It all gets him going. So what if the reader is gone on a week long trip and he just pounces on her when she’s back because the poor baby is desperate.
Fucking needy!!!
Carl is naughty and can't control himself after Y/N has been away for a while. Bit of a plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
You had been dating Carl for about three months. You had liked him from the first time you saw him, right after you arrived in Alexandria. You had lost your previous group, and they had probably moved on without you. Carl, with his charming personality and his protectiveness, had immediately won your heart, and you didn't care about his injury at all, you were head over heels in love with him. Still, you had actually wanted to wait a while before sleeping with him; but it turned out to be impossible. Carl was so horny for you that after less than a week you ended up in bed together - or rather, in the back seat of his car.
It wasn't that Carl had pressured you into it, but with his constant groping, kissing, moaning and wailing, he had managed to get you just as hot for him and without hesitation had spread your legs for him, wet as the Colorado River. It had been wonderful, passionate and loving, and you had done it every day since.
Just everything got Carl going - if you bent over, tied your hair up, touched his arm, your shirt slid up exposing your belly, your cleavage (especially if it was sweaty) damn it, all you had to do was walk in front of him and he'd see your arse and he'd get horny, push you against the nearest tree or make you immediately ride him on the wooded soil. More than once you had been surprised by walkers during such actions, literally with your pants down. If Rick ever found out about it, you'd both have to write your testaments right now. He hadn't been thrilled with how fast your relationship was evolving anyway, but Carl was an adult and could do what he wanted.
But now you had been away for a week, accompanying Rosita, who was pregnant and had to go to Hilltop for a medical checkup. During your stay at Hilltop (although it was only for a week), you had thought of Carl constantly. The longing tension in your nether regions had been almost unbearable after only two days, no matter how often you touched yourself at night. Carl's horniness had somehow infected you. "You and Carl are downright addicted to each other," Rosita had stated, rolling her eyes meaningfully.
"We're not," you'd defended yourself, your face bright red.
"They are," Rosita said to Jesus, who was leaning against the door, grinning in amusement. "They literally can't keep their hands off each other. I bet Carl's right wrist is all sprained by the time we get back."
Jesus laughed. "You could have brought Carl," he wondered. "We have plenty of space at Hilltop."
"Oh, believe me Jesus, you don't wish that," Rosita replied. "They live in the house next to mine, and often they're so loud I can hear them. And it goes on all night."
"'Shut up", you commanded her, ashamed.
Now you were on your way back, and the gates of Alexandria appeared before you. Your stomach tingled; in a moment you would finally see Carl again.
Rosita hadn't finished parking the car when Carl already showed up, and when you got out, he immediately threw his arms around your neck and you could feel his massive boner. "I missed you so much," he murmured and kissed you deeply.
"Me too," you grabbed his butt. It would probably be best if you went to Carl's room right away and didn't come out until tomorrow so that Carl could pound into you until he was completely exhausted.
"There's a hole in the wall over here," Eugene objected.
Rick came over. "It needs fixing right away," he decided, "Carl, Y/N, it's a lucky thing you're here right now, we can use any helping hand we can get."
Carl looked pissed, he'd wanted to get the fuck out of here right now and rail you dizzy, your legs on his shoulders, and now he was forced to wait. Rick handed out tools. "There, plane off that metal and bend it so we can nail it up." You did your best, but were constantly interrupted by Carl, who, rather than concentrating on the work, kept fumbling you unobtrusively. "Carl," you scolded quietly as his hand tried to move back into your cleavage. ""Stop that!"
"But I can't control myself," he squealed and kissed your neck, leaving a hickey. Embarrassed, you looked around. Luckily Rick had just turned his back on you, but Daryl had seen everything and was grinning wickedly.
"Stop it now," you threatened, picking up a bolt from the ground. Big mistake: you'd been bending over. "Carl!" you hissed as he promptly grabbed your arse. "I mean it!"
"What's going on?" asked Rick, looking from one to the other in annoyance.
"Nothing," Daryl said hurriedly. "It's just something has fallen down." At that, Rick nodded and turned away again.
"It's more like something has risen," Carl whispered in your ear, taking your hand and guiding it to his hard one. He had long since dropped the screwdriver.
You withdrew your hand. "Carl, that's quite enough," you said sternly. "Get a grip on yourself. It can't be that everything gets you going and you can't control yourself for half an hour!" Carl was so desperate for your touch that you were afraid he was going to fuck you right here.
"Get away from here," Daryl said with a wink. "There's no sense in that. You two cannot focus on the work right now." Carl hastily grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him so fast you almost stumbled.
"Where are you heading?" you asked, uncomprehending, because the house was in the other direction. He turned toward a section of land that was near the main gate and where a few old cars were rotting in the high grass. Carl grabbed you around the hips and unceremoniously sat you on the hood of an old Chevrolet, then positioned himself between your legs and impatiently slipped his jeans and boxers down to his knees. His cock was so hard it had to be painful for him; it twitched slightly, and the tip looked sore. "Honestly, Carl, how many times did you jerk off in that one week?" you asked tauntingly.
"I wasn't counting," Carl admitted bashfully. "Anyway, I could hardly stand it without you." He fiddled a condom out of the wrapper and put it on his cock. You eagerly embraced him and let him penetrate you; it wasn't like you weren't horny for him, too. He moaned lustfully as he buried his entire length into your slick folds, his breathing shallow and rapid, and he made short, quick thrusts - as he always did when he was being particularly needy. His mouth was open and his eyes closed, there were drops of sweat on his upper lip. You tenderly stroked his lean back, then grinded your fingers into his tight buttocks as you approached your climax. "Carl, I'm close," you whimpered.
"Me too," he moaned, only seconds before he began to moan very loudly and the movements of his hips became even faster and more intense as he cum and spilled his seed into the condom. Sweaty and exhausted, you sagged on the hot hood, the grass tickling your bare legs. "Don't ever leave me alone for so long again, Y/N," Carl pouted before embracing you and kissing you tenderly. „I can't stand it!“
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cordeliawhohung · 4 months
When Your Blood Meets Mine - Part 2
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!Reader - part twelve of "soft spot"
it's growing.
warnings: talks of past trauma, medical trauma, medical worries
wc: 3.8k
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It only got worse.
If it wasn’t the pain, then it was the fatigue, but on most days it was both. Despite the fact you spent most of your days at work doing nothing but sorting through paperwork and typing nonsense on your computer, it wasn’t uncommon for Simon to return home to find you asleep in bed or on the couch. You didn’t bother with any over the counter pain medicine because you knew from word of mouth it wouldn’t help. No amount of ibuprofen or tylenol could rid you of the ache that festered in your side, and you reminded yourself of that fact every day as your fingers poked at the scar tissue and lumps that plagued you. 
You thought of your mom often those days. You thought of her home cooked meals and her soft tone when she spoke to you. But no matter how hard you tried to think of the good days with her shattered smile and broken nails, you were always brought back to that hospital. Beeping machines became the lullaby that accompanied your mothers explanation about everything because even though you were an adult, you really were still just a kid, and you were scared like one, too. So she taught you about how the chemo worked, and how neat her PICC line was, but you remembered thinking it wasn’t neat at all. A port with twisting tubes that invaded her veins and rested close to her beating heart wasn’t neat. The only thing that should have been that close to her heart was you. 
Those memories haunted you both in your dreams and in consciousness. Not even Boo, who you found curling into your side as a purring mess more often than not, could distract you from the fact that something wasn’t right. One night, a dream twisted up a story in which your position had been replaced with your mothers, and yours with her. She took care of you while you were sick, just like a mother should. She coddled you when you couldn’t stop crying from the pain, and smoothed your hair over while you tried to eat. And yet, for some reason, she still died in the end even though she wasn’t the sick one that time around. 
When you woke up, all you could think about was Simon and how you didn’t want to put him through that. How you refused to put him through that. It was a special kind of torture watching someone waste away. There was no gun in the world powerful or precise enough for him to use that would cure you of whatever had gotten you sick. He would not be able to fight his way to a cure. 
“Want me to come with you?”
There he was, in front of your desk, eyes trained on you with a type of soft concern you hadn’t seen from him in years. Anxiety stained your workstation, and its stench had followed you around for the last few days, and you knew he had picked up on it. He always did, but it was especially difficult not to this time around. Over the days leading up to your appointment with your OBGYN, he had pulled your hand away from your scar so many times he had lost count, and you were often so lethargic when you woke up he had to help coax your body out of bed. It wasn’t his first time taking care of you, and it certainly wouldn’t be his last; he just wished it didn’t remind him so much of what you were like after you had gotten shot. 
“No, that’s okay,” you assured him. Your voice was calm, but your leg shook underneath your desk. “It’ll probably be a quick appointment anyway. No need to have you leave base for it.” 
“I don’t care about what anyone on base wants, I care about what you need,” he said, taking care to keep his voice quiet. 
Of course he would say that, because you learned that there was nothing in the world Simon Riley wouldn’t do for you. But really, you didn’t want him there for your appointment. He had seen plenty of you in a clinical setting before, and you weren’t sure if you could stomach him seeing you like that again. Though, something inside of you told you that you might not have a choice soon. 
“Simon,” you said, firmly but kind, “I don’t need you to come with me. I’m fine. I’ll be back in like, two hours.” 
He didn’t believe you, and you knew that. You were always an open book to him, and he often knew more about you than you did yourself half the time. Yet he didn’t challenge you, and instead he straightened up as he got ready to leave. He had a tendency to not stick around too long while the two of you were working, but you knew leaving you this time killed him a little inside. 
“Alright. I’ll see you in a bit, love,” he said in a near whisper. 
You smiled to stop your bottom lip from quivering. “See you in a bit.” 
Despite the fact that you and Simon only ever used the quietest of tones with one another while speaking on base, that didn’t quite save the two of you from prying eyes. While no one in your office ever really cared, or dared, to eavesdrop or pay any attention to the two of you, the same couldn’t be said to anyone who happened to pass by the door. Especially for Arlo Sallow, who was always on the lookout for anything entertaining, private or otherwise. His beady eyes had caught sight of both you and Simon in the office as he passed by on his way to the gym, and while he hadn’t heard a single bit of the conversation between the two of you, that didn’t stop him from talking. 
“Do you think that masked freak wants to fuck Mrs. Riley?” 
Aaron, who had been in the middle of doing lateral raises, nearly dropped his dumbbell at Arlo’s question. Wiping the sweat from his brow, the man looked over to his blunt friend with his mouth slightly open in surprise. 
“You talking about Ghost?” he clarified. 
“Sure,” Arlo replied with a shrug. 
Huffing, Aaron set his dumbbell back on the rack before he placed his hands on his hips, almost like a disappointed mother. He shook his head as his chest heaved with a sigh, and Arlo nearly rolled his eyes at his friends over dramatic reaction. 
“You can’t just say shit like that, mate,” he chastised. “You’re gonna get in trouble one of these days.” 
“Yeah? Think Ghost is gonna reprimand me for speaking my mind?” Arlo jeered as he emphasized the word Ghost as if to make fun of it. “He’s just a big guy in a mask, he doesn’t scare me.” 
“What about Mrs. Riley?” Aaron challenged. “I get you’ve got some sort of imaginary beef with the lieutenant, but she’s obviously married. Keep spouting shit and you’re gonna drag more than just him into this.” 
Shrugging, Arlo tapped his fingers against a few of the dumbbells as if they were drums. “Maybe he should keep that in mind. Doubt I’m the only one who thinks he’s got a thing for her. Poor thing, he’s probably jeopardizing her job.” 
“Whose job is jeopardized?” 
Both men stopped their chatting and turned around to face the sergeant that interrupted their rather unpleasant conversation, John MacTavish. Sweat soaked into the fabric of his shirt near his armpits and chest, and his mohawk was slicked back from the perspiration. Though he looked somewhat relaxed despite his workout, there was a certain glint in his eyes that showed that he heard more than what he let on. 
“Nothing, sir,” Aaron was quick to excuse, “Sallow’s just talking nonsense.” 
“Mrs. Riley,” Arlo said, apparently with little regard for his life. 
Surprised that the man would admit that fact so blatantly, Johnny raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms over his chest. “What about her?” 
“Her and Ghost seem awfully close,” he commented, digging his own grave.
Johnny tilted his head to the side in thought as he stared daggers through Arlo Sallow. There were several ways he could go about shutting down whatever was brewing in that bastard's mind, and telling him to shut up wasn’t going to cut it with a man like him. No, he knew his kind well, untamed beasts that often had no shame in tearing others down. So he was left with two options; intimidate him, or get him to respect you. 
Why not do both? 
“Makes sense after everything they’ve been through together,” Johnny said as if it was common knowledge. 
Confused yet curious, both Troopers glanced at one another. Arlo with some morbid curiosity, and Aaron with a blatant ‘I told you so’ look. 
“What do you mean?” Arlo pressed.
With a sigh, Johnny ran a hand over his damp hair, smoothing it down before he scratched at the back of his neck. Though he wasn’t taller than Arlo, he had both men beat on muscle mass and sheer size. He was older, more experienced, and despite the Trooper’s childish confidence, this wasn’t a battle he could win. 
“Mrs. Riley used to work as an intelligence agent. Very tech savvy, was really good at digging up intel that organizations wanted buried,” Johnny said, fabricating a story. “Damn good at her job. A little too good... You boys familiar with Mark Sizov?” 
While Arlo appeared just as bored as usual, Aaron’s eyes widened at the name. “He was a Russian terrorist, right? Some sort of splinter group created after Barkov was killed. He was executed a few months ago, wasn’t he?” 
Johnny answered him with a nod. “His men abducted Ghost during a mission gone wrong. Mrs. Riley was the one who found his location. They came for her after Ghost was rescued.” 
Lying so blatantly was necessary in order to really get Arlo off of your tail, yet it created a tension in the air Johnny didn’t really appreciate. It was as if the man was able to read right through him. Or, perhaps it only felt that way because the man hardly showed any other emotion than boredom or malicious curiosity. 
“They went after a civilian?” Aaron questioned. 
“They’d already killed hundreds by that point,” Johnny explained. 
“Civilians make for better bargaining chips,” Arlo added. 
Johnny looked at him with a glare. “That they do.” 
With a slight tilt of his head, Johnny took a few careful steps towards the men, though his eyes stayed trained on the most troublesome of the two. Arlo attempted to double down as the muscles in his jaw tensed, but he refused to waver. Still, nothing, not even his unfounded confidence, could save him from the fact he was clearly outranked. 
“My point here, Sallow, is that both Mrs. Riley and Ghost went through hell and back together. She’s a strong woman who’s recovered despite the horrors she’s witnessed. If I ever hear you spout bullshit like that ever again, I’ll ensure that you’ll be packing your bags by the end of the night,” Johnny threatened through gritted teeth. “She’s earned her place here. Don’t think that just because you’ve got your name on a badge and a uniform that means the same for you.” 
There were a million insults and vile things that bubbled in the back of Arlo’s throat. Johnny could see the man attempt to hold the bile at bay, but he wasn’t able to mask his glare. He obviously didn’t like being challenged, but he would be damned if your work life was put at risk because someone couldn’t keep their mouth shut. Besides, if he didn’t take the hint, there were plenty of other methods Johnny was more than willing to use in order to get his point across. 
“Understood, sir,” the man finally spoke. 
Once again, Johnny nodded something short and curt as he looked back and forth between the two Troopers. A part of him felt a little pity on Aaron for having made such a shitty friend, as he pegged Arlo as the type to not let relationships of any kind go so easily, but that was a battle for another day. Your image, your comfort, was the most important thing for him to accomplish. He had grown to see you like a sister, and he refused to just stand around idly while someone slandered you over what he could only assume was pathetic jealousy. 
“Good, because we won’t be having this conversation again,” he finished as he turned to leave. “As you were, gentlemen.” 
It had been a long while since you last found yourself in your OBGYN’s office. Any sort of clinical setting had always unsettled you ever since the death of your mother. Even in an environment as welcoming as a private clinic, the beeping of machines seemed to follow you, haunting you nearly as bad as her final breaths. Things only got worse after Adakskin had shot you, and it had been quite some time since you had last visited any sort of doctor because of it. The needles, the poking and prodding, the drugs; even the thought of it nearly had you melting down in the middle of the waiting room. But when the clinical assistant called your name, you were brought right back to reality, no matter how unpleasant it was. 
Something was wrong. Something had been wrong, and you were finally about to find out what. 
Everything that came next was something you were prepared for, as you had gone through it loads of times previously. Your height and weight were recorded before you were brought into a private room. A poorly padded examination table was shoved into the corner with the stirrups half folded up, and a gown and blanket laid waiting for you on the corner. Then came the vitals and questions. What is the reason for your visit? Notice anything unusual lately? All of which you answered truthfully. You were scared of dying. You were scared of the lumps that reminded you all too much of what your mother had dealt with. 
The easiest part of that whole appointment was the blood test and urine sample. A quick prick of your finger, and a cup full of piss later, and you were directed to completely undress and change into your gown to wait for the doctor. It was all so stale. The gown was stiff against your skin, and though the blanket smelled fresh, it wasn’t at all warm. It was as if everything good had been sucked out of the world due to your terror. Still, you sat there on the edge of the table, half naked and feeling small. 
Small. You were painfully reminded of the last time you felt such a way. Was it back on the beach in Salthouse? When Bukin had dragged you out there wearing his coat? When he had grabbed you and you had fallen into the sand, wishing Simon had been there to pick you up? Was it on the floor of that basement after Adakskin had beaten you to a pulp? Or maybe in that orchard when Simon had finally been able to hold you after so many months? You hated how your trauma seemed to weave together. The pain of your childhood had burrowed into the trauma of being abducted, and then even that had taken root in your present worries. It all meshed together to hold you tighter than that blanket in your lap could. 
A short knock on the door pulled you out of your thoughts and you glanced up just in time to watch as your doctor and her clinical assistant entered the room. She greeted you with a smile as if she was blissfully unaware of your exposed nature and she approached the side of the table as if ready to get down to business. 
“Hey, how’s it going?” she asked, her voice chipper. 
Silly, you thought. Doctors always asked that question even when they knew the answer.
“It’s going alright,” you responded with a sheepish smile. 
“Good, good,” she replied with a gentle bobbing of her head. “I understand we’re having some tenderness and pain in the breast area?”
Nodding, your hand instinctively reached up to hold the jagged tissue of your left breast. Really, it was more than just that. Between the fatigue and soreness, you had felt like nothing but a zombie for the last few weeks. Hell, you had even stopped wearing bras because the pain was near unbearable. But those questions would come in due time. 
“Why don’t you lay back for me? We’ll do a quick breast exam to check for any abnormalities,” she said as she gestured towards the table. 
Once you were settled as comfortably as you could get on a table as firm as that one, your doctor wasted no time getting to work. With your permission, she moved the cloth of your gown, revealing your bare breasts to the cold air of the examination room. It didn’t take her long for her movements to cease, and though you tried not to look at her while you were exposed the way you were, you knew exactly where her eyes had landed. 
“What happened here?” she asked, fingers ghosting over the ugly, puffy scar that afflicted your side. 
“I was shot,” you answered simply. 
Her silence almost made it seem like she didn’t believe you for a moment, and yet your own silence proved her suspicions wrong. With a tilt of her head, she visually examined your old wound yet didn’t make any effort to put any pressure on the area. The tension in your body alone already made the area feel like it throbbed. 
“Mind if I ask how you managed that?” she prompted. 
“It’s a long story but… we’ll just say it was a work hazard,” you said, bypassing her question. 
All she gave you in response was a hum, which you were grateful for, and then she truly got to work. She instructed you to move your arms over your head which stretched your breast tissue out to make for easier examination and access to your underarms. With the tips of her fingers, she began to poke in gentle circles around your left breast. No matter how light of a touch she used, the sheer achiness was overwhelming, and you found your face screwing tight from the pain. 
“I’m feeling a few small lumps here in line with your scar tissue,” she spoke after a moment. “It’s always difficult to tell through a physical exam, but it feels like fat necrosis.” 
Despite how uncomfortable you were in that moment, a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips. “My husband said the same thing.” 
“Smart man.” 
Your other breast wasn’t as painful, though it was still oddly uncomfortable as checked for any other lumps that could be lying elsewhere. Eventually, her hands left your skin and she instructed you to sit up where you were able to completely cover yourself with the gown once more. 
“Well, there definitely are a few small lumps there,” she concurred. “Your right breast was perfectly fine, no abnormalities, and as for your left the lumps seem to be in a perfect line with your scar tissue. I’m very confident that this is just fat necrosis. It’s very common for these cysts to form oil deposits and even calcify after trauma has been dealt to more fatty areas of the body. However, given your family history, I think it would be a good idea to get a biopsy, just to be safe. Perhaps put your mind at ease a little. We could even perform the biopsy today if you’d like?” 
There was something so relieving about her words that you nearly forgot all about the pain and discomfort that had been harbored in your body. A smile flooded your face as you nodded your head in agreement. 
“Sounds like a plan, I just…” You paused to sigh and you brought a hand to your face to rub at your eyes. “Sorry, the last few weeks have just been so stressful. I’ve just been in so much pain, I’ve been so sore and could hardly stay awake. I feared for the worst.” 
You expected more assurance from her. You wanted her to open her mouth and tell you that it was all normal, that pain was a part of the fat necrosis building in your body, that you were fatigued due to the stress, but she didn’t. Instead, when you pulled your hand away from your face, you were met with something of a somber look. Or maybe it wasn’t somber, was it pity? Whatever it was, it had your stomach dropping, and you could feel the color drain from your face. 
Of course. Nothing in your life had ever been so simple and easy before. 
“Pain and fatigue aren’t typical symptoms for fat necrosis,” she explained, “though I might have the answer to that as well.” 
There it was again. That small feeling. Nothing but a bug on an examination table. Stuck with a body that you seemed to know nothing about. Because if it wasn’t one thing, it was always another, and no matter what you always seemed to be in the dark. 
“We run a few routine tests of all of our patients to check for afflictions that may be the underlying cause of common issues,” she started. “For example, when your finger was pricked earlier for a small blood sample, that was to test for iron deficiencies. And, as you noticed, we test urine for things such as UTIs, sexually transmitted infections, things of that sort.”
Whatever she was trying to say, you wanted her to hurry up and spit it out all ready. Her explanation only prolonged you getting your proper answer, and you could feel your stomach churn with anticipation. But maybe this was her way of preparing you for it. It was never easy hearing unexpected news. Perhaps she did you a favor. 
“When we tested your urine today, it was flagged that you had strong traces of a hormone called hCG in your system,” she finally finished. 
With a dry throat, you looked up at her as your fingers began to pick at your gown. She said that as if you were supposed to know what that meant, and she looked at you expectantly. Instead, you shook your head as your brows drew together. “What’s that mean?” 
“It means you’re pregnant.”
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@ghostlythots @archonsabyss @crowbird @beware-my-thorns @koko-1025 @nessaasstuff @escapefromrealitysm @ilovehyperfixating @babygirl-riley @theloneshadow24 @ashableketchup @violet-19999 @ocyeanic-dani @paigetaylor628 @curlygirls-world @gaebestie @datlilwrench @analyseeeesworld @ryisghost @suffering-and-happy-about-it @achelois-is-here @spookyscaryspoon @vampykween @tapioca-milktea1978 @perfectus-in-morte @comeonatmebruh @xxkay15xx @talooolaaloolla @astraluminaaa
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Could I request Dadvi after the war, (wishful thinking, he just needed to heal and learn how to walk again after I healed) he has children outside of paradise? He fall in love with someone in the medical field. Please and thank you
think my heart would melt if i ever saw levi playing with his toddler ksjdfksdjf
Needy Little Brat | 2K Follower Event | Post-War Dadvi Drabble
✧ word count ➼ ~800 ✧ notes ➼ post-war, fluff, my headcanon that levi can still walk but with a limp and uses the wheelchair as a mobility aid
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You stepped out of the shower, pulling your shirt on over your head, immediately frowning once you heard your husband cursing across the hallway in the living room.
You walked over to see what it was that got Levi grumpy, knowing that it could range from something as simple as his tea leaves being steeped for too long all the way up to something catastrophic like the house getting set on fire.
You sighed as you saw him walking across the room from the dining table over towards the couch. His limp was a bit more noticeable than usual and you could see the small frown line on his forehead that resulted from him trying to ignore the pain that was undoubtedly shooting through his leg.
You remembered how stubborn Levi was when the war first ended. He had accepted the idea that his knee would never fully heal, but struggled with gauging where his limit was in terms of pain tolerance. Luckily, he had you to call him out on his bullshit, noting that if he kept pushing himself, then he was going to end up hurting himself more and end up being even more pissed than he already was. Plus, the fact that you were a combat medic helped with navigating his recovery.
Still, he was stubborn and refused to stay seated even though he was clearly in pain.
"You know, if you need to sit down or use the wheelchair, then quit being stubborn and just use it," you insisted with a sigh, unfolding his wheelchair and wheeling it over.
"Kinda hard to sit still when there's this little shit running around," he grumbled.
You followed his gaze and then understood why he was forcing himself to walk around despite his knee likely flaring up.
While your child had been calmly playing near the couch when you had stepped into the shower, she was now unsteadily wandering around the living room, with no regard for any tripping hazards or the coffee table that she was now tall enough to bump into.
She finally noticed Levi glaring at her, with her face lighting up as she began to run towards the two of you, immediately tripping over her own two feet.
Before you even got a chance to react, Levi had already leapt forward to catch her so that she didn't faceplant into the ground.
While you could clearly tell that he was in pain from the sudden movement, your daughter clearly did not put the pieces together, beginning to babble as she grabbed at Levi's arms.
Sighing again, you bent over and picked her up from the ground, motioning your head towards the wheelchair to indicate to Levi that you had brought it out for him if he needed it.
Now that he no longer had to worry about your child accidentally hurting herself for running around before she could properly keep her balance, he got into the mobility aid, clearly exasperated by the fact that your child was just as stubborn as he was when it came to moving around when she wasn't supposed to.
Still, he couldn't blame her. She was a kid exploring the world, but he'd be damned if he didn't admit to himself that he felt wholly unprepared when it came to having an actual child that wasn't just the 104th goofing off or hanging out around Gabi or Falco that were already able to take care of themselves.
His eyes flashed up towards you, his gaze falling on the toddler in your arms that was now looking more distressed as she reached out for him, trying to wriggle out of your arms.
"Alright, alright, calm down," you scolded, securing your grip on her so that she didn't fall headfirst back down to the ground.
"She's just as clingy as you are," he muttered, the corner of his lip raising into a small smirk as he saw the somewhat bashful look on your face as your cheeks began to heat up.
"Well, she's just as stubborn as you are," you retorted as you plopped her into his lap after he got settled.
She immediately calmed down, giggling as Levi began to poke at her belly after calling her a "needy little brat", which she found absolutely hilarious despite not knowing what he was actually saying.
You watched as she began trying to grab at Levi's hand, which he was drawing back at the last second, before going back in and allowing her to grab at him again, before drawing his hand back again, unable to hide the amused expression steadily forming on his face. Eventually, he gave in, allowing her to firmly grab at his thumb.
"Quick reflexes, this one," he pointed out, giving a nod of approval, which made you snort in disbelief.
"Wonder where she gets that from."
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