#i wish i had help before i started seriously spiraling!
juviin · 2 years
i just heard the phrase “she has so much potential if she would just apply herself” in a tv episode and was immediately sent back to being a kid. i dont quite know how to describe that feeling but im already in a bit of a funk bc im already stressed about going back to school after two years off so thats taking over my brain. so just hearing something that i’ve been told by teachers my whole life just kinda felt like getting stabbed. like i wish as a kid instead of telling me i had “wasted potential” my parents and teachers realized that something was wrong and i needed help but no one did.
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five-bi-five-mind · 9 months
Maya and reader were together for 2 and a half years before Maya lost her job as captain of station 19, and reader broke up with her due to Maya's distance and behaviour toward the team and reader. reader than transfers to another firehouse, Maya goes through therapy and turns down the captain position and fights to get reader back.
I Wish I Was the Moon
Fandom: Station 19
Pairing: Maya Bishop x fem!reader
Words: 9.7k+
Genre: Angst, Hurt & Comfort, Smut
Summary: Maya hit rock bottom and along the way she lost the most important thing to her. It wasn't captain, she realized that quickly into her downward spiral. No, it was you. She had to do something to fix this, but she knew it started with herself. Would Maya be able to fix herself in time to win you back? Would you ever be willing to give her just one more chance?
Warnings: Alcohol mention; toxic relationship-ish depiction; mental health and therapy is a big theme; fingering (r!receiving); top!Maya, bottom!r; nipple play; marking.
A/N: Okay, this isn't exactly the same as the prompt so bear with me... but it's really close. Also did I put my own twist on an existing scene? Yes, yes I did. Also, the fic is named after the song with the same name that gave me inspiration. It's by Ewan J Phillips. Maybe listen while you read!
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Maya was doing better. She really was. It was the first time she could say that in months, maybe even years. She was working on herself, she was putting in the effort. 
Therapy had a lot to do with this. From regular sessions came the ability to regulate her emotions when things felt too intense. It helped her process trauma, not just the trauma she experienced as an adult either, but childhood trauma too. It shocked her, how healing it could be to process everything. It was hard to really fully come to terms with all of it. Memories that she had hurt, but she didn’t have a word for why. Now it felt less painful since she finally understood herself and what had happened throughout her life. 
Of course, therapy itself was something she was originally reluctant to do. It was something she was too headstrong to think she needed it, until she finally tried. She didn’t try for her though. No, if she was being honest, what got her to first make an appointment and then— after three cancellations —to finally show up, was you. 
When you left, Maya told herself she didn’t need anyone, didn’t need you. That quickly became obvious to her that she was seriously lying to herself. You left because she pushed you away when she lost her position as captain. She became irritable when you asked for her to be more open. This irritability led to fights and fights led you to distance yourself from her eventually too. Then, after one night of fighting back and forth, you left to cool off. When you came back in, Maya rounded on you without skipping a beat. That was the last straw for you. 
Maya still winced at the thought of the words that left her mouth that night. Accusing you of cheating, that the space you were taking was just to fuck someone new. She had thrown in your face that you two weren’t fucking, so it only made logical sense that you were out finding someone else. Of course, the words Maya used were more colorful.
She could still see the hurt in your eyes when she said them. She still remembered the way you didn’t yell back, instead you just stood utterly silent. The next thing she knew, you were packing up your things and officially moved out of her apartment. 
The weeks to come, Maya didn’t run after you. She didn’t try to call or talk or anything. Maya had foolishly convinced herself that you needed her more than she needed you; that you’d be back. She wasn’t going to call first. You had to. But you didn’t and it made Maya spiral even more. Things got worse for her. At work it was a constant reminder of her loss of captain. At  home, her apartment reminded her too much of her loss of you. So, she went out to bars in the evenings often. A little too often. 
That drinking led to bad decisions. One particular night was definitely her rock bottom. She had decided to call you. Drunk off her ass and angry she was stumbling into a dark apartment without you had her thinking irrationally. Her hands moved before her mind really comprehend what she was doing. Maya saw your name on the screen and immediately hit call. 
“You just gave up,” she slurred into the phone the minute she heard your tired, confused greeting from the other line. “How could you just give up?”
“M… Maya?” Your voice sounded exhausted. Somewhere in Maya’s drunken brain she knew she shouldn’t be calling you at 2AM, but at that moment she didn’t care. 
“You left and now I come home to nothing,” Maya pressed. “I lost… I lost my dreams and then— then you left me. You gave up on us. What was it? Because you’re ashamed I got demoted?”
“Maya, I did not give up on us.” Your voice sounded clearer now and Maya’s mouth snapped shut at the frustration she heard on the other end of the line. “You pushed me away. You forced me to leave.” 
“That- I-“ Maya was at a loss for words. The way you sounded, it wasn’t broken like Maya had thought, it wasn’t sad. It was angry. In those few words, drunk or not, Maya knew you were absolutely right. 
A sigh came from the other end and Maya turned her attention to her phone again. “Look, Maya, are you okay? Are you home?” You didn’t have to be there to know she was very much not sober. She might have made the last few months with her hell, but you still cared. You couldn’t just easily erase the history you had with her or turn off your feelings. 
“I’m… yes, I’m home.” Maya couldn’t think of anything else to say. Her hand dropped and her phone slid from her palm onto the couch. Her thumb tapped the screen to hang up and then she just sat there. Her mind spun from your words and from the alcohol. Even in her inebriated state, she knew from your tone of voice, just how hurt you were by her. 
The day after was no easier. She had curled up on the couch that night, not bothering to change or move before she passed out. There was a small hope in her drunken mind that she would forget those devastating words you said, but of course she didn’t. They replayed in her mind from the moment she woke up and nursed her hangover to the minute she went to bed. 
It was after that night that she decided to fix herself. You never called to follow up. Your silence was something that Maya knew she deserved, but still wished was otherwise. So, Maya became determined. She would fix this, but it started with her. No more drunken calls, no more lashing out. The next time she saw you, she’d prove she was a better version of herself, one that deserved your love again. 
Logically, Maya realized this transformation wouldn’t happen over night. There were times where she wanted to be impatient and reach out. Her therapist worked with her on this though, advising her to wait until she was sure she was ready. Therapy helped her be honest with herself, and so many times she wanted to see you, but she knew she wasn’t ready.
Until she finally was. She had discussed this in detail with her therapist. There was a plan being made, one she was eager to implement. Months had gone by, so this wouldn’t be easy. But Maya had a newfound passion and knew that this new outlook, this better version of Maya, wasn’t complete until she had her love back in her arms. 
So, she planned to show up at your door. Flowers in hand, ready to beg on her knees for you to hear her out for even just one minute. She knew she didn’t deserve that for what she put you through, but she was willing to try. She had to try. From the moment she met you, she felt like you and her were meant to be. When she finally was to enact her plan, it had to go well. But things really never are that simple. 
Running into you totally disarmed her. You looked vibrant. The last time she saw you, like really saw you, you were just so… broken. She knew, deep down, that she did that to you. But now… Now you’re glowing, you’re thriving and it made her disgusted with herself. All these negative feelings that she had worked through for months suddenly bubbled to the surface the minute her eyes landed on your face. 
There you were, on the other side of the cafe Maya had stopped at, smiling at someone she didn’t recognize. How much time really has passed? Maya knew it had been months, but she was trying not to dwell and count. Apparently enough time had passed for you to move on. At least that’s what it looked like. Obviously, you would move on from her. Maya knew, realistically, you had every right to move on, but she hoped you’d wait for her to right her wrongs. God how she hoped. 
But clearly, you didn’t. Maya treated you like shit so you left. It made sense. You gave her chance after chance after chance, of course there would be a breaking point. Of course, there would be a process that Maya didn’t see where you would pick yourself up from the wreckage she left you in and find someone else who would give you all the things Maya promised. The reality of it was that Maya failed to follow through on every single thing she said to you. Well, all but one. She told you she would never stop loving you. This promise happened once on a night when she held you tight and was scared you’d slip through her fingers. She remembered the ways your breath hitched and your eyes shone as she looked down at your face in the moonlight and made that promise. 
She remembered that promise so vividly. When the storm was coming down hard and you both listened with the window open, wrapped in each other’s arms. The setting was quiet, calming even despite the thunder booming outside. The feeling of you wrapped in her arms warmed her heart and she had never felt more complete than in that moment, so she said, “There’s never been someone I loved more completely than you.” You looked up at her with wide eyes filled with the most hopeful emotions. Then she followed “And I promise, that won’t ever change.” And it didn’t. Even if you didn’t look at her the same way, or at all now, she still loved you with her entire heart. Despite all the ugliness of your last few months together, it still was the truest feeling she’s ever had. Each night she laid down in an empty bed she ached for not just another body next to her, because that wouldn’t suffice. No, she ached for you and you alone. 
When Maya saw you, you didn’t see her. She had decided she needed to get out of there as fast as possible. After her order had come out, she snatched her coffee as fast as she possibly could. Her head stayed turned from you as she made her way past your table and to the exit. Of course, she was trying so hard to avoid your gaze that she didn’t pay attention to where she was going.
She fully bumped into another random man, her coffee falling to the floor and spilling all over the place. Apology after apology flew from her lips as she still tried to keep her head down and clean up her mess. When she popped back up with a handful of coffee soaked napkins though, that’s when her eyes met yours.
You were shocked, staring back at her with eyes wide. “Maya?” Your voice was full of surprise and not resentment, which relieved Maya for a second. But then your eyes flicked to the confused person next to you and Maya’s eyes followed before landing back on your face.
The look you gave her next killed her. It was a look of guilt and pity. One that crushed Maya’s heart into a million pieces. So, she fled. 
If you had followed her, Maya didn’t notice. She walked with as much speed as she could without breaking into a full blown sprint. Her eyes stung, but she refused to cry. 
This whole encounter threw off everything for her. She had to rethink everything she planned. Was it still possible to win you back? Was it too late? Should she even try?
Those were all the questions she flung at her therapist the moment she sat down for her next session. What she was reminded of was that she had no answers for what was going on and who she saw with you. Therefore, she had no answers for the previous questions she posed. 
The new plan was still to reach out, but be more casual about it. Ask for coffee and discuss all the ways you may have changed and how Maya had been doing. Focus on you first and then perhaps Maya can move onto her proposal to restart. This plan positioned herself so that she could learn who that person was and what the situation might be before putting her heart right on the line. 
She wasn’t ready for all of that just yet though. There was a greater potential for rejection now. Maya told herself she was too scared to know the truth so she would wait a bit longer. Even if waiting was knowing she could possibly be pushing you closer to this mysterious person, she just couldn’t muster up the courage. But, much like the coffee shop incident, life had other plans. 
In the months you two had been apart, Maya hadn’t run into you at all. Now, suddenly, she bumps into you two weeks in a row before she was really ready to. It was like some kind of cosmic cruel joke. 
Again, when she saw you, she felt utterly disarmed. She was just trying to enjoy a nice run when she ran straight up to you. Not intentionally, of course, she was off in her own little world. Her mind was wrapped up in you, so to hear your voice say her name as she passed had her utterly freeze in shock.
“Hi…” Maya said hesitantly as she turned to see your face staring back at her. This time, thankfully, you appeared to be alone.
“Hi.” Your voice had just as much hesitation as hers. “How… um, how are you?”
“Good,” Maya nodded, trying to catch her breath and calm her heart rate. She didn’t think it was the run that was elevating it. “Yeah, I’m good.” And it was true to an extent, even if she was internally panicking.
She hadn’t thought it would go this awkward. Maybe it was naive, but she assumed everything would just… click when she was one-on-one with you again. But instead, you were anxious and she was tense. 
Maya took a deep breath, remembering the exercises given to her in her sessions. It helped ground her and get her bearings. “How are you?” Maya finally managed to ask after a long, awkward pause. 
“I’m okay.” If there was one thing Maya knew, it was how to read your eyes. Your tone sounded fine, but that answer didn’t reach your eyes. In fact, as Maya looked on at your face, she thought you looked tired. Maybe even quite a bit sad. She wondered if she read you wrong at the coffee shop. If maybe you weren’t as happy as you seemed. Did your smile reach your eyes that day? Maya was too taken aback by suddenly seeing you that she didn’t pay much attention then. 
“Yeah?” Maya questioned. 
You nodded and for a moment that awkward pause was back. “Maya, about the other day…” you finally broke the silence.
“You don’t need to explain.”
“Yeah, but— I don’t know, I feel like I should.” Your voice got quieter as you spoke and Maya shook her head. She offered you a sad smile and more guilt washed over you. 
“You don’t owe me an explanation.” Maya honestly hoped you wouldn’t give one. Not yet, she still wasn’t ready to hear it yet. “It’s okay really.”
But then, as you both stood, shuffling awkwardly and trying to find the right words, or any words for that matter, Maya felt the nagging curiosity bubble up in her. Maybe if she did ask, it would be better now than later. She could rip off the bandaid. She didn’t want details, but she just wanted to know. It could determine if there was hope. If she had a reason to hold on to it; to you. So, she asked the scariest, but most simple question to end this internal debate that she could think of.
“Is it serious?” Maya tried to play it off as a casual question, but deep down the answer you would give her would hold an important weight in her heart that you were entirely unaware of.
“No,” you gave her a small, sad smile. “We just met that day.” 
Maya couldn’t help herself, she really couldn’t. She had to know. As much as your answers could rip her heart right out, she just had to. “Has there been anyone serious?” 
“No, Maya,” you sighed. It wasn’t a sigh of frustration, but one that sounded just so disheartening to Maya’s ears. “Not since…”
“Me,” Maya finished. 
You just nodded in a response. The look on your face said it all. The pain was still right there on the surface. There’s a discomfort between you two. Things were still broken. Of course they would be, Maya thought. It’s not like you two tried to talk after you walked out. She just let you walk away and she was sure you probably held that against her even today. You two didn’t try to be friends, you didn’t try to be anything after it all went down. It was just radio silence apart from that drunken night. But Maya could feel that there was still so much left unsaid. It wasn’t just her that wanted to talk, but she could see in your eyes that you did too. If you didn’t, you could’ve just walked on. Yet, you stayed. It was awkward and public, but you still stood in front of her, shuffling your feet, as you waited for more words to come. So a talk was definitely necessary and obviously overdue. The question is, would you be willing to actually sit down and talk with her?
She had to try, right? You were, well, you. The person on Maya’s mind every single day even if you weren’t currently in her life. Her greatest love that still held all of her heart. She had to try. 
“Could we… I don’t know.” Maya was really struggling to get these words out there. No matter how many times she practiced this in her head after running into you, doing it was harder. She had to be brave though. She knew this moment wouldn’t come again for a long time. It had been so long since she saw you. Last week didn’t count, this meeting was different; face-to-face. A rare coincidence that suddenly presented her with so many options. What would happen if she let this chance pass her by? When would it come next? Would that girl you were with still be nothing serious? Maya couldn’t risk that. “Could we maybe grab dinner sometime?”
“Why?” It wasn’t a harsh question. You weren’t being defensive when you asked, but you were being cautious. Maya understood that and honestly she appreciated it even. But the question still took her aback.
“I just- I think we should talk.” Maya searched your eyes for any type of negativity to her request. She was really putting herself on the line. Not just with asking you to talk, but actually telling you that she was willing to. And talk she would. She would say everything that was left unsaid and she would let you say what you needed to say too of course. Maya could show you that she’s different, that she’s better, that she changed. Maybe then you’d give her just one last chance. She had no right to ask you for any more, not when so much time had passed. But god fucking dammit she wanted you back so badly. 
“I’ve been seeing a therapist and working on myself,” Maya continued. “I just want the chance to— to show you how far I’ve come.” The mention of therapy shocked you. It was something you asked her to consider, but all you were met with was a scoff. As your eyes searched Maya’s face, you realized how sincere she was. She seemed to be very honest about her claims. 
You wished you could relate. That you could say you worked on yourself in the time you two were apart. Truthfully, when Maya saw you it was the first time you decided to stop drowning in your heartbreak and find someone new. The sight of Maya that day had ruined that resolve.
Secretly, after that day, you hoped to see her again. Part of you wished she would call, but she didn’t. If you called, you felt like that was betraying every promise you made to yourself after leaving her. She needed to change to make it work, to stop hurting you, but you were scared she wasn’t capable of that.
So, you didn’t call. But when you saw her running towards you, on a route you knew she took, you couldn’t stop yourself from stopping her. Part of you still felt shocked to see her again, but really it was you lying to yourself. There was a strong chance you’d see her, and you knew that. You told yourself you needed the walk for fresh air, but there was more to it. The need to just talk to her, for even a moment, was too great. You wanted to know how she was doing, if she was okay. That drunken call still ran through your head and made you sick with worry.
When you saw her at the cafe, though, you thought she looked good. There was an inkling of hope, which is why you found yourself here trying to “accidentally” bump into her. And it all played out how you wanted.
But then she wanted dinner and to actually talk and you realized you were playing a dangerous game. If she hurt you all over again, honestly you didn’t think you could survive it. All you’ve done for months is lay in an unfamiliar, empty apartment you managed to find when you left. It didn’t feel like home, it felt depressing. You were sufficating in your heartbreak and just starting to pick up the pieces. If she was lying to get you back, only to treat you so badly again, it would destroy you for good this time.
“I don’t know…” Your eyes fell as you tried to find the right words to let her down.
“Just one dinner and then, if you want, you never have to hear from me again.” Maya’s plea had squeezed at your heart. The moment you made the mistake of looking back up at her, your resolve broke. She was so hopeful and yet so scared at the same time. “Just one dinner,” She repeated and you shocked yourself when you nodded in agreement. 
“One,” you whispered. 
“Good.” Maya’s smile was hesitant, but her eyes sparkled as she realized you were giving her a chance. Maybe it wasn’t a chance to get back together and make up for all the pain Maya caused, but it was a start. “This weekend, let’s go to that Italian restaurant… the one you love so much.” 
You knew the exact one. Maya wasn’t subtle. It was your first date, which is possibly why it was your favorite place. It was romantic and intimate. A good place to talk, but also a good place to get lost in Maya’s presence and lose your resolve even more. 
Still you couldn’t help but agree. “I’ll meet you there.” You knew if you drove there at least you wouldn’t be going home with her even if you wanted to. Maya nodded, giving you her most charming smile that used to make you swoon. It still did, if you were being completely honest. 
Your smile was nervous as you returned it, but still there was a flutter in your stomach that you hadn’t felt in a long time. The last time was before Maya got demoted, when that bright smile was turned your way almost every day. Seeing it again, you didn’t realize how much you missed it. 
Both of you parted after a moment. Maya’s jog continued but this time instead of spiraling in anxiety about potentially losing you forever, she was happy. Her plan was to talk, really it was, but as she ran her mind daydreamed about all the romantic possibilities that could happen after.
You, on the other hand, were preoccupied with very different thoughts. Ones of re-lived heartbreak and broken promises. The rest of that evening you spent spiraling and consumed in regret and fear of the what ifs. 
The weekend came faster than you expected it to. In the days that followed your last encounter with Maya, your mind was fixated on so many worst case scenarios. Maya, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. 
She was nervous, sure, but she was also confident. She had her foot back in the door, she could try to convince you that she had changed. Logically, she knew jumping back into it all with you would be nearly impossible. It wasn’t like she wasn’t ready for that or for you. She knew she was ready to have it all with you, to have you back home and in the bed you once shared with her. It was all she wanted now. Screw captain, she had dropped the fantasy of getting it back somewhere in the second month of regular therapy sessions. Recently, it had even been reoffered to her and it was just as much of a shock to the station as it was to herself when she rejected the opportunity to snatch the position again.
Somewhere in the process of self improvement, she realized that wasn’t actually what she wanted. What she did want was her life back. That wasn’t possible, she decided, without you. But, not only did she want her life back, she wanted it to be better. For you. It’s what you deserved and she realized that now. She had taken you for granted and she was going to spend the rest of her life making it up to you if you’d let her.
That was another thing. Part of her plan was ambitious. She had wanted to eventually prove her dedication to you with a ring she had long hidden in the drawer next to her side of the bed, waiting for just the right chance. This was part of her plan that she had in mind before she saw you on that coffee date and if she was being honest, it was a part she tried to let go of again before she saw you on her run. When she saw you at the coffee shop, she had tried to calm herself, realizing the minute she felt ready that she was getting a little too excited. She had expected you to be hesitant, mad even, but she had held onto this naive idea that you were waiting for her to better herself. 
Even if she tried to calm herself down and not get her hopes up, she couldn’t help it. The closer she got to Saturday the more hopeful she got. Her mind wandered to the daydreams she used to have about a future with you, a wedding, a house… All those big things. There were butterflies in her stomach that she hadn’t felt since she got demoted. It really felt like everything was coming together for her.
That is, until about two hours before you both had agreed to meet.
While she was eagerly getting dressed in the nicest possible outfit, you were sitting frozen on your bed, staring at the clock tick away closer and closer to when it was time to see her. Your mind was running in circles about how you were setting yourself up to get hurt again, how you were going along with this all too easily. It was a big step to see Maya and who’s to say she really has changed? Or what if she has changed, but would stop working on herself the minute she had you back? She could lean on you, sure, you were always there to support her, but you didn’t want to be her emotional punching bag again. You didn’t want the cold shoulder when she came home, the accusations, the walking on eggshells. You didn’t know what was worse, living with a shell of the woman you loved or being without her completely. But as these months went on, and that emptiness sunk in, you had gotten used to it. Maybe it was better than the constant pain, rejection, and resentment Maya had directed towards you? Or maybe you just got comfortable in it?
Either way you were scared, so you made a choice. It was one solely made out of fear, one that you chose without truly thinking over it in a logical way. You sent a text on impulse.
Maya saw her phone light up as she was out already, trying to pick up a few of your favorite things before the date really started. With your favorite flowers in hand, she opened the text and her stomach dropped. 
I can’t see you tonight. I’m sorry.
That was all you gave her and honestly, Maya understood. She really did, but she was still crushed. 
The flowers she had in her hand were left forgotten on the cashier counter as she just walked straight out the door. 
The minute you sent that text your heart sank. You saw the three dots on the text thread start for a moment and then nothing. There was no reply, all it said was that it was read about a minute after you had sent it. You fell back on the bed, regretting the decision almost immediately and knowing just how much that had to hurt Maya. But it was for the best, right? That’s what you were telling yourself. It would save you both pain in the long run. It would save her from seeing you leave again, seeing you not be strong enough to stay by her side when she’s going through the worst of it. 
The guilt was killing you.
Eventually, about three hours later and what would’ve been an hour into the dinner you were supposed to have, you got tired of wallowing. You needed to eat, you didn’t have the emotional energy to cook, and maybe it would be good to get yourself up and moving. That way you couldn’t break your resolve, which for three hours had been seriously slipping. You lost count of the amount of times you typed and deleted an apology text to send to her. Of course, none of them got sent. If you sent one then there would be a possibility to reschedule and that reschedule would lead to all these feelings again. You couldn’t do that and you couldn’t put Maya through that.
So, by some miracle, you got yourself back out of bed. You walked, on autopilot, to your favorite pizza place to get some food. Honestly, you were probably quite the sight. You didn’t bother to do much other than get dressed in a comfortable t-shirt and jeans. There were probably still tear stains on your cheeks from how overwhelmed you felt by your emotions over tonight and your hair was definitely a mess, considering you buried yourself between two pillows and willed yourself to sleep off the horrible feelings. Sleep never came, so here you were. 
As you made your way into the restaurant and got in line to order, you really didn’t pay much attention to your surroundings. So, when you completely missed Ben Warren with his family sitting at a table, it was only understandable to take no notice. But he definitely saw you.
His head perked up and his eyebrows arched high in surprise. Maya had been talking all week about tonight, so to see you here and also in such a state of dishevelment was really shocking. But then he put the pieces together. You looked rough, but he didn’t think it was because of your interaction with Maya.
What he should’ve done was mind his own business, but he had a soft spot for you and Maya and once he saw how dead on your feet you looked, he couldn’t stop himself. With determination, while you remained completely oblivious to his presence, he walked up behind you and cautiously tapped your shoulder. 
You turned slowly, not really thinking about who was behind you or what they could want. The emotional exhaustion was too strong for you to honestly care much about anything. You really just wanted to get food and go. Even then, you weren’t sure you were going to eat it. At least you’d try though.
Then, as you turned and realized who it was, that’s when you jumped out of your skin. This was the last thing you wanted– Well, maybe not the last thing since it wasn’t actually Maya who was standing in front of you– But still, seeing someone she worked with was not much better. God, you hoped he didn’t know that you had plans with Maya. If he did, then it would be very obvious that you blew her off. He was her friend before he was yours. In fact, you weren’t sure if he really was your friend. Ben was kind and caring of course, but he was like that with everyone. 
The last thing you wanted was for him to look at you with any sort of disappointment or disapproval. What if his reaction was worse? That kind and welcoming side you had learned to associate with Warren could go away completely if he knew where you were supposed to be tonight. You really couldn’t get chewed out by him for hurting his friend. That wasn’t something you had the emotional capacity for tonight. Surely, Maya didn’t tell everyone. She wouldn’t, right? Thinking back to the dynamic you witnessed between her and her station and how everyone was a big family… the odds weren’t in your favor.
“What are you doing here?” Warren’s question was gentle, he waited to ask when the shock of seeing him finally washed from your face and was replaced with one of hesitation. He didn’t seem mad and, in fact, it was almost like he already knew the answer, but your heart still sank when you heard the question either way. “Aren’t you supposed to be meeting with Maya? It’s all she’s talked about this week.” 
So he did know. Of course, he knew. “Warren, hi… I- she told you about it?”
“It’s all she’s been talking about,” he said with no hint of humor in his voice. You swallowed hard at the look on his face. Not disapproving, but still serious.
“I- I couldn’t go,” you stammered. “It didn’t seem like a good idea. She said she changed— I don’t know. Look I should go.” You took a step back and your eyes darted to the exit. It was a bad idea to come out, you were seriously regretting that now. Food be damned, all you wanted to do was crawl back into bed. 
Seeing as Warren didn’t seem to want to stop you, you turned to leave. Even if you came here to get your comfort food before you spent the night, yet again, wallowing in heartbreak, your appetite was gone. Plus, you couldn’t stand the way he looked at you right now, the guilt of it was making you feel nauseous.  
“She gave up captain.” Warren’s voice stopped you dead in your tracks.
“What did you say…” Your question trailed off as you turned to him again.
“She gave up captain for you.” He repeated. What he said was something Maya didn’t even plan to tell you, not yet anyways. It was the last part of her process before she realized she was ready to try again with you, ready to show you she was better. And it was also the one thing you never thought you’d hear, one Maya knew would shock you to your core. She didn’t want you to know until she actually had you in her arms again, lest you think it was a tactic to get you back the easy way without even proving herself first. But, as Warren stood and saw how terrified you clearly were to jump into things with Maya again, he knew he had to nudge. 
“Warren…” It felt like the wind got knocked out of you. “That can’t be true. She wants that more than anything.” 
“No,” Warren shook his head. “There’s something she wants more.” His face said it all, he didn’t have to tell you what that thing was. It was so clearly you.
You were at a loss for words. Your heart was beating faster by the second as realization washed over you. 
“I suggest,” Warren’s voice was gentle now, “ you go see her. Tonight.”
You nodded, your feet backing away from the man yet again, but this time when you turned for the door it was for a different reason.
A million questions ran through your mind and you felt even worse about canceling on her now. You should’ve given her a chance to talk. You should’ve heard her out. If what he was saying was true then it changed everything. There was nothing bigger than the claim he just made. Warren didn’t lie either, you knew he was a trustworthy man. So you knew, deep down, the claim was true. 
Your feet carried you home faster than you thought capable. It was like your body was on autopilot while your mind raced. You stopped to grab your car keys before peeling out of your apartment parking lot and speeding towards your destination. You knew exactly where you wanted to go before you even really processed that you were already heading that way. It was rash. You had just spent the whole week worrying about being close to Maya again, hearing Maya out, opening yourself up to heartbreak. Now, though, everything was different. Now, you were suddenly ready to throw caution to the wind. 
Ben said the exact words you needed to hear to let go of any of your hesitations. Yes, you should’ve heard Maya out and yes, what you did wasn’t the best. But you were going to listen now, or try to. Even if your mind was in a million places at once, the only thing you knew was that you needed to see her. 
So when you found yourself at her apartment, you didn’t think to text or call her to warn her you were coming or to tell her you were there even when you slammed the car door and rushed to her unit. There was no hesitancy in the way you went straight to her door and knocked profusely. 
You definitely seemed like a crazy person, but you didn’t really care at that moment. Did you have a plan? No, but all you knew was that you needed to make this right. You’d hear her out, you’d listen for hours, you’d do whatever it took later. But as you waited anxiously for her to come to the door, this feeling inside you grew. It was one that told you to just fling yourself into her arms. Warren gave you all the reason you needed for you to let go of your trepidations. So if you could get her to open the door for you, you might just do exactly that. 
Finally, the door swings open and Maya’s irritated face twisted into utter shock the moment she saw you on the other side. It was almost comical to see just how flabbergasted she was. But then, as you took her appearance in, you realized she was probably wallowing in the same way you were the moment she read your text.
“(Y/N), hi what are you-”
“I have some stuff to say and I need you to just listen.” You interrupted her. She nodded immediately and stepped aside to let you in. You walked right past her and into the middle of her apartment. An apartment you used to share. The strangeness of being back here settled in your stomach like a storm and it just added so much more to your anxiety and confusion. Again, you really didn’t have much of a plan as to what was to come next. You should talk, you really should talk, but also you didn’t want to talk you just wanted… her. 
Maya walked in behind you and waited. You paced back and forth in front of her. With each step you took both yours and her anxiety was rising. She had no idea what you were going to say or if it was going to break her heart into tiny pieces. She was already hurting from your actions earlier today. The last thing she expected was to see you show up at her doorstep.  This could go either way. But honestly, she was gearing up more for you to say you never wanted to see her again rather than say anything good. But she hoped beyond hope that she was wrong to prepare for that. 
Your mind was racing and your heart was pounding in your chest. Ever since you let Maya back into your life (if you could even count the encounters you had as that), you were so afraid of her and the hurt she could possibly bring on top of the hurt you were already feeling from what happened before. But now you get this news? That the one thing she wanted more than anything in the world was offered to her and she said no. That one thing she wanted so badly it broke the both of you was no longer the thing she wanted and it felt like you were living in another reality. How were you supposed to react when Ben, the most honest man you knew, looks you in the eye and says it was you that she wanted most of all now? What do you say to him or, even more importantly, to her after learning that fact?
“We have a lot to talk about,” You were repeating yourself, but it was all you could think of to break the silence.  
“I know,” Maya nodded as she watched you pace the room.
“And a lot to work through.”
“I know,” she repeated.
“With this dinner was I… Was this your way of getting things back to the way they were?”
“No,” she shook her head. “Not how they were. A new start.”
“Maya, I- I’m still hurt. You hurt me and I haven’t healed all the way yet. It’s not that easy.”
“I know,” Maya hung her head. “I know, I hurt you. And I know it’s not that easy.”
“But even then… even…” Your words were escaping you and the battle in your mind was fizzling out to just one thing. You were so fucking tired. Tired of hurting from Maya. Tired of working through all of this and “staying strong” whatever the fuck that meant. Fuck sticking with your decision and standing your ground. Fuck being apart from the only woman you think you ever truly loved and would ever love. Fuck all of that. “Even after everything, even after months have passed… God, Maya can you just be kissing me now? Please?”
It didn’t even take Maya two seconds to process your words. In two quick strides she was in front of you, with her hands on either side of your face, pulling you in. It felt like a hurricane of emotions exploding inside you the minute her lips crashed into yours. But god was it just so… so everything. It was painful, it was incredible, it was messy, it was earth shattering. The way she was pressing her lips to yours with so much need, so much love, and so much desperation. And you met every emotion she was giving you into that kiss with your own tenfold. God, this was all you both wanted.
Maya felt like she was about to explode with joy. She knew there was work to be done, she knew you were hurt and the both of you were still broken, but finally there was hope. When she asked you to dinner, never in her wildest dreams did she think this would be happening right now. Especially after the text she received. But this. This moment right here was a sign that those pieces she broke back then could start being put together and that was all she had hoped for the minute you walked out the door. She was going to do everything she possibly could to fix what you two had. 
Your hands moved to tangle into Maya’s hair and hers moved to wrap around your waist and pull your body to press against hers. The kiss grew more and more heated with every passing second. It was like you had been starving for her and now finally you got to have a taste again, but it was going to take so much more to satiate you. Maya was in the same boat.
In the back of your mind, you thought maybe you should stop at kissing her and start talking at some point, but then your back hit the wall and Maya’s hands were dipping under your shirt and scratching at your sides. The way she was pressing herself so completely into your body, while also pulling you impossibly closer had your head swimming. A small moan fell from her lips as she kissed you harder and any thought of stopping was totally gone. The overwhelming need to be even closer (if that was possible at this point) overtook you. Plus, you didn’t want to go another night without having her next to you. The thought of going back to your empty apartment, falling asleep alone in bed, without her strong arms around you was the last thing you wanted. Tonight, you wanted Maya and you weren’t going to deny yourself of that any longer.
You were melting into her, your hands gripping at her back desperately as she kissed you with everything she had. The way your tongue ran over hers had both of you groaning against each other’s lips. Maya too thought maybe she should take it slow. Her reasoning was that she was worried she’d scare you off, but then you held her tighter and let her kiss you deeper and she knew that she couldn’t hold back. She’d only stop if you told her to stop, otherwise she was going to finally indulge. 
Eventually, Maya’s hands gripped tightly at your waist and she pulled you to walk backwards into the bedroom with her. Not once did she break the kiss and with each step you took with her, she just felt more eager to have you completely again. When both of you crossed the threshold, her hands were immediately tearing at your clothes. Both of you only broke the kiss for her to remove your shirt and bra and then her own, before you both leaned back in.
This time, when she kissed you, she slowed a little. Her tongue licked into your mouth and your nails dug into her bare shoulders. Her hands trailed down your stomach until they reached your jeans. She slipped her fingers into your belt loops and, in one swift move, she had you turned around until your knees hit the edge of the bed and you fell backwards. 
You landed with an umph but she didn’t seem to mind, neither did you. She followed you down with her knees resting on the mattress on either side of your hips to hold herself up. Her lips moved from yours to lick and nip down your neck. You were breathing hard and small whines were falling freely from you now. 
All the while, Maya was in a state of disbelief. This all felt too good to be true, but then here you were. In her hands, on her bed, laying right beneath her. The very thought of it all just made Maya’s need for you rise. 
Her teeth sank into the tender flesh between your neck and collarbone a little harder than she had been nipping at you before. A loud gasp filled the room, but quickly turned into a desperate moan as her tongue ran over the bite mark she left behind.
Usually, when you two were together before, you would complain about her leaving marks and the efforts you’d have to take to hide them the next day. This time was different, though. You didn’t mind her doing it, in fact you wanted her to. In a weird way it was a reminder that Maya seemed to have changed and that she was here with you tonight. So if anything happened after this encounter, at least you had this moment with her. This moment of completely throwing caution to the wind and letting Maya have you completely as she once did.
Maya’s hands tugged at your jeans as her lips and tongue made their way down to your chest. When she lowered her head past your neck, she was finally met with the sight of your perfect bare chest. When Maya had managed to rip off your jeans and toss them somewhere, one hand shot right up to palm at your breast while the other pushed your thigh until you had no choice but to spread your legs and let Maya adjust to kneel between them. 
With the way Maya was palming at one nipple, rolling it between her fingers and teasing you, your head was swimming. Then, she took your other in her mouth and your own hand flew to her hair, pressing her closer to your bare breast as she lightly sucked and nipped at it. 
Your head had already fallen back onto the pillow, your body already overwhelmed by all the things Maya was doing to it. It was like she never missed a beat.  She knew what you liked, she remembered every sensitive spot, every way and place to touch that drove you crazy. When her fingers finally left your inner thigh and moved between your legs to just barely trace the outside of your folds, you couldn’t stop the whimper.
That was one thing about you and Maya. The sex was always amazing because she always paid attention to your body. But she also loved to draw things out, which is exactly what it seemed like she was doing tonight. The way she continued to pay attention to your breasts while just barely ghosting the tips of her fingers over your clit was her way of taking her time. It was also driving you crazy. You didn’t think tonight, of all nights, you could let this be drawn out.
It had been months since you left Maya and even longer since she actually touched you like this. Drawing it out was torture for you. Even though Maya was enjoying this, enjoy your body, she still knew you well. She didn’t miss the frustrated huff when she only traced your entrance but didn’t do much else. She heard the pleading whimpers when her fingers rubbed lazy circles against your clit. As much as she wanted to take her time and absorb every little detail about your body, she wanted to fulfill your needs first.
So, when she entered you with two fingers without warning, the way you gasped out her name felt like the most rewarding sound Maya had ever heard. You still had one hand tangled into her hair and the other moved to wrap around her back as she began to move her fingers inside you. 
Maya managed to position herself in a way that whenever she entered her fingers into you, she put her whole body behind it. She rocked into you with each time her fingers pumped inside you. The whole bed creaked and groaned as she continued to fuck you at a steady, but strong pace.
As her pace sped up, Maya buried her head into your neck. Her emotions were high right now. To be with you like this again finally was everything to her. The way you held onto her, the way you felt around her fingers, the way you were about to fall apart at any second because of her— it was so beautiful to her. Tears pricked at her eyes, but she ignored them, knowing they were just a result of how happy she finally was. Her lips reattached to your neck, leaving marks on your skin as you turned your head into the pillow and gave her more access. 
When her fingers curled inside you and you cried out her name again, she groaned into your neck. Her free hand moved to grab one of yours and entangle your fingers as she started to pump the two inside you even harder. At this point, she knew you were close. She could feel you tighten around her fingers.
By now all you were doing was moaning her name. Every part of you was overwhelmed by Maya and the intensity was nothing you had experienced before. To go so long without the woman you loved, to not know if you’d ever have her again, made this experience so much more intense.
Your body shook as Maya continued to press her fingers against just the right spot inside you. The hand that was now in yours held tighter and you squeezed back as your body started to approach that edge.
White hot pleasure burst through your whole body finally and you felt yourself tighten even more around the fingers inside you. You let out a pathetic whimper of Maya’s name as you came. She kissed at your neck and your face, murmuring different things about how good you were, how beautiful you looked, and other praises.
Your body relaxed underneath her finally and she slowly and carefully slid her fingers out of you. Maya’s body rested more fully on top of yours once she had and you still struggled to regulate your heartbeat.
A hand came to press against your cheek and Maya leaned up slightly to look at you. You were still panting a little from the intensity of the orgasm, but you managed to focus your eyes and look back. The expression you saw from her took your breath away. Never had you seen her so happy, so radiant in all the time you’ve known Maya. She was smiling down at you with the softest, but most genuine smile you’ve ever seen. Her eyes shined as she stared back at yours and all you could read in them was admiration and happiness. 
She leaned down then, her lips pressing against yours in the most gentle kiss. Your eyes fluttered closed and you leaned up into it, overtaken by the softness that Maya was displaying. 
“I know we need to talk,” Maya whispered when she pulled away. “But would you stay the night, please?” You nodded and Maya’s smile only got brighter. “I just want to hold you for the rest of the night. Is that okay?”
“I’d like that,” you managed to say, your voice still rough from the intensity of the events just moments ago. 
“Good,” Maya sighed happily. She adjusted then, rolling off you and shimmying out of the rest of her clothes. Then she settled beside you, pulling you into her strong arms where you adjusted until you felt comfortable. There was so much intimacy in this moment, your bare bodies pressed to each other and your head on her chest so close you could hear the beat of her heart. Before you left, before Maya lost captain even, this kind of intimacy was hard for Maya to express. You had learned and accepted that it was a feeling that would come when it did, and that was rare.
But tonight, as Maya’s fingers raked gently through your hair, it felt so natural and easy for her. There didn’t seem to be any difficulty in the affection Maya was showing and your heart skipped a beat as you realized just how much truth she had spoken when she said she changed. 
You felt content in this moment, like everything would be okay. No matter what all you had to talk through, no matter the work that still needed to be done, things between you two would be okay. You were right where you were supposed to be and both of you felt that sentiment now more than either of you ever had. 
“Maya,” you whispered into the peaceful silence the room had fallen into. “I love you. I never stopped loving you.” Those words had so much emotion, they held so much promise in them, and you hoped Maya understood all of it in the conviction you put behind them.
Maya’s hand paused in your hair for a moment, but you felt the arm around you tighten and pull you closer. “I love you too,” Maya finally said, clearing her throat to avoid the obvious signs of tears that threatened to spill. “I will always love you with everything I have, if you let me. I promise you that.”
It was a new promise that Maya was making to you. What felt like so long ago Maya had held you and said she never loved anyone more completely than you and promised that never would change. Now she is promising you that she will give her all to loving you and being the partner you need. Maya has broken promises, she’s let you down and hurt you in the past. It’s what broke the both of you before. But as you took in her words, you knew, just as she held onto the one promise, she’d hold onto this one as well. 
There was healing to do, but Maya was ready to rebuild with you if you’d let her. And as you pulled yourself closer into her body and pressed a kiss over her heart, she knew you were all in to rebuild with her too.
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sansundertale14x1 · 4 months
Waiting for Gaz to come home
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Civilian!Reader x Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
CW: descriptions of anxiety and death, no actual death. Anxiety attack, and then comfort, Gender Neutral reader, no pronouns used but 'you', using the name 'Kyle' instead of 'Gaz' due to being a civilian. Proshippers DNI
Word count: 1013
Author's note: Heyy :) I don't post my fanfiction here very often, and this is my first work featuring Gaz, so keep that in mind while reading. I hope you like it! @chamomiletealeaf especially, thank you!!
It's late at night and you find yourself melting into the couch. It's a chore to keep your eyes open, trying to focus on whatever slop you put on the television just to pass the time. Your efforts are for a purpose, however. Your current roommate is Kyle Garrick (He mentioned the nickname 'Gaz', but you have no idea where that came from and what it should mean, anyway?)
He's currently on military duty, completing missions beside a task force '141'. It sounds quite dangerous to you, but Kyle always comes home in one piece. (Broken limbs aside)
You've never really had any concerns for Kyle coming home. He's assured you a million times before even exiting the doorway.
"It's alright, sweetheart. I know not to do anythin' stupid, I'll be home in a week."
The farewell is always sealed with a kiss.
Kyle was always sweet like that. He's able to stay calm and steady all the damn time...God, you wish you were like that.
Though you're halfway asleep, you can't help but be overcome with anxiety. He'd never come home this late before. He usually came home around 9-11pm...he's very consistent in that way.
However, your late-night binge-watching seems to be turning into an early-morning binge session. You wipe your glossed-over eyes, not wanting to believe what the clock is telling you.
You read that aloud to yourself, voice groggy from the lack of usage. The alarm sirens in your head begin to go off. Maybe...he wasn't okay and the authorities just haven't shown up yet.
You tolerate these thoughts for a while. Staring up at the ceiling, you barely notice the wet tears crawling down your cheeks as you start to plan. It's seriously morbid of you to start planning the funeral of a man you didn't even know if he was dead or not, But you couldn't help it. Having control over something is a comfort...even if you are completely alone.
The mix of anxiety and tiredness is nearly lethal to all forms of sense in your head. You'd spiral down a myriad of deadly thoughts. Your heart races...while also feeling as if it's stopped beating completely. It's impossible to control your thoughts at the moment...
Even if Kyle is alive, You doubt that he'd want to stick around and live with your poor, weak self. He's strong...and deserves someone that's the same way.
You stir aimlessly on the couch, thoughts still out of control. You're too distracted by the overwhelming mental noise to hear the click of the front door.
Kyle's heavy footsteps still don't break through your crowded thoughts, even as he removes his coat and begins to peer around their home. It hits him with a feeling of calmness...but also confusion as he notices your tired, shaking form.
He'd undo his shoelaces and gently place his shoes near yours in the mudroom. He then begins to approach the living room, keeping his eyes steady on your sleeping form (or...at least he thinks you're sleeping...).
Kyle smiled widely, finding it extremely adorable that you put in the effort to wait for him to come home, even if it did make you exhausted. He then starts to slowly descend onto the couch, trying not to make a noise. Yet, with the smallest creak of the couch cushion, you were alert once again.
You immediately shot up from your laying position, head turning to see who could've possibly disturbed your thoughts.
"Woah, Woah...at ease"
He softly chuckled. When you hear his voice...you let out the biggest sigh of relief that you have in a long time.
"You scared me half to death, babe..."
You groggily speak as you reach out to touch Kyle's arm..as if confirming that your boyfriend is actually there, lying with you. A soft smile spreads across his face as he notices your action, so, he takes your smaller body into his arms and pulls you closer, so your head is pressed into his chest.
"I'm here...for real. Just some fight delay is all"
You feel fully calm now...Just more assurance that Kyle is okay...and you're in his arms, taking in his scent no matter how...musky it happens to be. However...the tiredness hits you like a bus now that you're actually comfortable, and you begin to pass out in your boyfriend's arms. As your vision becomes limited, you can feel your body being lifted off the surface of the couch.
Kyle's footsteps are all you hear as he carries you to your shared bedroom. A warm feeling fills your body as you notice the change in feeling, and you immediately notice that you've entered the bedroom. Kyle is very gentle as he places you down on the memory foam mattress.
He then steps away, headed down the hallway, presumably to turn off the lights and such in the living room. You let out a whine, begging him to come back. Now that you know he's home, you can't let go.
"shh, calm down...I'm almost done."
He assured. Though sometimes you annoyed the shit out of him, he did choose you this way, so it's sort of his fault.
When Kyle returned to the bedroom, that view of your tired body was making it worth all the moments of pain and time that he spent apart from you.
He tries his hardest to shut the door gently, as he kneels down to press his lips to your forehead. Then, he stands up and joins you on the bed. His weight dents the mattress, causing you to collide with his body the moment he lays down. He lets out a low giggle:
"Oh, you're the cutest thing...though, the next time I come home late, please for your sake, go to bed."
However, his words fall upon deaf ears as you've already nuzzled into his body and fallen asleep.
"...I love you."
Those three words were the last he spoke, before pulling you closer and slowly closing his eyes.
and that's it! Thank you so much for reading my work, this took me a VERY long time compared to my other writing (oddly, lol) This was completely drafted on paper before I revised it here! (my hand hurts ;-;) A great thank you to @chamomiletealeaf yet again for the character analysis of Gaz that helped me write this. They're a wonderful writer and I recommend going to read some of their stuff. <3
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avatarmerida · 9 months
This is inspired by a tweet I say awhile ago that I can’t find anymore (but when I do I will link it here) with the idea of Darius brining in Willow as Hunter’s personal trainer. It’s just goofy and cute I think.
“Based on the less than satisfactory results of your last mission, I’ve made the executive decision to get you a personal trainer,” said Darius with a smirk as he walked the young boy out to the training area. Hunter was less than thrilled about the idea and made no effort to hide it.
“Seriously?” He scoffed, crossing his arms. “I’m hardly the coven head who needs a personal trainer! When’s the last time Terra did laps? I’m positive that any trainer you could find would just slow me down.”
“I think I’d meet the trainer before speaking so harshly, little prince,” said Darius. “You may find that they do in fact have a few things to teach you.”
“I highly doubt that,” he continued, rolling his eyes. “Honestly, this whole idea is a waste of time and a load of-.”
“Hi Hunter!” Came a bubbly, bright, and familiar voice. Hunter’s blood froze as his cheeks reddened, thinking her an illusion at first.
“C-Captain!” He croaked, both delighted and mortified. Had he known it was her he would’ve been on time and he would’ve made more of an effort with his appearance. “H-hey! Hi! How are you?”
She giggled. “I’m great,” she said with a smile, using a vine to slide closer to him. “You ready for some training?”
“Yeah! Totally! Haha.” He responded nervously. “I’d do anything with you! For you! Uh, I mean, yes I am ready for training.”
“Smooth,” said Darius and Hunter shot him a glare over his shoulder. Willow didn’t seem to notice.
“So uh, I didn’t know that you were uh… coming today,” started Hunter, not knowing how to say what he meant. “I mean, I-I’m happy to see you! Again! I just uh…”
“Sorry I didn’t tell you,” said Willow with a smile. “It was kind of last minute and Darius wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Oh he did, did he?” Hunter said between clenched teeth. He wondered what kind of ‘surprise’ Darius intended it to be. It would explain why he kept asking about her with a knowing smirk lately.
“Have fun, you two,” Darius said with a wave as he disappeared around the corner. “You can thank me later, little prince.”
“Okay! Haha! Byeeee!” said Hunter forcefully before turning back to Willow, hoping she could tell he was genuinely delighted to see her, despite the ambush of it all. She was wearing a yellow tank top with striped green shorts, and Hunter wondered if she had come prepared or if she had been interrupted by Darius’ request. Surely she was being compensated for her time, there was no way she’d be willing to give up a whole afternoon to help him. He had told her about the castle’s training facility and the equipment, maybe she just wanted to see it for herself. For some reason he couldn’t allow himself to believe she’d come all this way because she liked the idea of spending time with him.
“Where’s Flapjack?” she asked, interrupting his mental spiral. He didn’t realize he had been staring.
“Oh, uh…” Hunter quickly looked around before stepping closer to her to whisper. “I’m uh technically not supposed to have a palisman so he’s taking a nap in my room.”
“Oh, gotcha,” she whispered back. Clover flew onto her shoulder and buzzed something into her ear. “Yeah, good idea,” she said to the little bee. “You go find him and you two can play, so long as you stay out of sight, got it?” Clover gave a little nod before flying away.
“Looks like it’s just you and me,” said Willow softly and Hunter knew his face envied the grass beneath their feet. It was odd seeing Willow here, she seemed so out of place yet she brought a warmth the castle needed that made him wish she’d stay forever.
“Yeah,” he said, unable to stop his smile. “Looks like it is.”
“Okay, so how do you normally warm up?” she asked as she stretched her arms.
“Oh, I’m always warmed up,” he said quickly. “You never know when an attack might come so I make sure I’m always, ya know, ready to go.”
“I figured as much,” she giggled. “Well then, do you mind helping me catch up?”
He smiled. “Lead the way, captain.”
“All right then,” grinned Willow, grabbing her ankle to stretch out her legs. “Let’s see if you can keep up, golden boy.”
She took off and Hunter knew that realistically they should be doing more of a jog, something to keep a steady pace and regulate their heart rate but Willow ran free as though challenging him to catch her. He didn’t know why he thought of catching her not beating her but he started running nevertheless. Willow turned around, delighted to see him running after her as the two soon ran side by side. Usually Hunter didn’t find running enjoyable, but Willow had a habit of changing his perspective fairly easily.
He was so focused on the endorphins, he didn’t notice Willow slyly glance at him from the corner of her eye. She was grateful he didn’t see, so he wouldn’t suspect it was because she thought the way he scrunched his face as he ran was terribly cute.
After a few laps around the area, the two were ready for Willow’s lesson plan.
“Alright, so what did you wanna work on first?” Willow asked brightly, looking around the outdoor gym and the wide array of tools at their disposal. There were weights, weapons, obstacle courses; only the best for the Isles’ best. It was like being in a candy store.
“Oh, uh ya know whatever you wanna do,” Hunter responded, attempting to be nonchalant. “I-I’m totally chill, totally like not even like… ya know just whatever you think I’m sure uh…”
“Well, Darius mentioned you were having trouble with one on one stuff,” offered Willow, cutting off his rambing despite finding it endearing.
“Well I normally use my teleporting, so I-,” before Hunter could finish, Willow took the staff from him.
“But what if you couldn’t?” Willow said mischievously.
Hunter smirked and went to take his staff back but Willow whisked it out of reach at the last second. “Okay,” he said, her mischievousness spreading as she twirled his property behind her back. “Worried I’m too quick for you captain?”
“Mhmm, not exactly,” she chuckled. “But my dads were telling me about drills they used to do for flyer derby. See, using magic is great but sometimes when you’re in triple overtime you start feeling drained and your magic can get sloppy or weak.”
“Yeah, but mine is artificial so I don’t have to worry about that,” he countered.
“You do when you’re unarmed,” she said, swiftly bringing the staff out from behind her back and sweeping him off his feet with it. He didn’t land on the hard ground, as she had a large soft flower ready to catch him.
“Fair enough,” he said from the comfort of his personal flower. “But is playing keep away really part of your curriculum?”
“I know it seems a little silly,” she said as she walked around him. “But that’s what flyer derby is, the winner isn’t always the one who delivers the hardest blow, it’s usually the one with the most endurance.”
“Hmm, yeah I get it,” he said. Hunter had become accustomed to dodging blows and only striking when necessary, and a part of him lit up at the thought of getting to impress Willow by executing her vision perfectly. “Sounds like a good plan Captain, but then shouldn’t I have something to defend too? I mean, if my objective is to retrieve my staff and your only objective is to keep it from me, in a battle you’d simply need to find a way to escape to win. Doesn’t seem like a believable scenario for you to fight me without cause of your own.”
“Hmm, okay far enough,” she said, seeing his point. “I don’t know if I have anything with me to try and- oh! What about my glasses?”
“Your glasses?” said Hunter, as he finally stood up. “But you need them to see.”
“And they get knocked off all the time in practice,” she said. “I cast a protection spell on them before each practice so I'm not worried about them breaking but when they fall off they slow me down and other teams try to do it on purpose if the match is close enough. It would be a good challenge to try and heighten my other senses.”
“You want me to take your glasses?”
“They won’t break,” she assured him as she removed them, shaking her head as she did. The motion made Hunter’s heart flip a little bit, the way she subconsciously flipped her hair. He liked her glasses, he viewed them as frames like her eyes were watercolors on display. But without them he could see her eyes even clearer and even better she wasn’t able to see him stare.
“Here,” she said, squinting as she handed them to him. “You can put them on the front of your shirt, it’ll be just like in derby practice.”
He held up her glasses to see how they altered the scenery. “Oh wow, you really can’t see anything, huh?”
“Oh stop,” Willow teased back. “As if you can see any better in that mask of yours.”
“Excuse you, I can see just fine,”
“Suuure you can,” scoffed Willow, walking over to the bench to pick it up. She observed it for a moment, somewhat taken back by how it wasn’t as shiny up close. She didn’t think too much about the dents and scratches she could tell he had attempted to buff out as she placed it on her face, trying to line up her eyes. “Oh wow, you really can’t see anything in this.”
“What? Yes I can,” laughed Hunter at her dramatics. “You just can’t see anything because you took off your glasses.”
“Even so, the eye thing is so small,” she continued as she continued to turn to try and make out her surroundings. “Plus it’s so echoey, how can you hear anything in this? Is that why you do the voice?”
“‘The voice?’ What voice?”
“Ya know, your serious voice,” she said as though it was totally obvious. “When you’re all ‘here’s how things are gonna work, I’m the Golden Guard, bow down to me har har har.’”
“‘Har har har?’” Hunter repeated, unimpressed as he crossed his arms. “When have I ever said that?”
“Well, I dunno you don’t do the voice to me,” admitted Willow. “It’s mostly an impression of Luz’s impression of you.”
He couldn’t say he was totally clueless to what she meant, the mask gave him the opportunity to be taken seriously. But he liked that Willow knew a different side of him, that she could see through his act. Had anybody else done an impression of him, it would be to try and make him feel small or less than but when she did it, it was funny. Because he knew that she knew he was so much more, that the mask truly was just something on the surface.
He couldn’t help but smile as she went on to create her own character with his mask, inventing her own version of the voice and her own crime fighting backstory. She was silly, and he wasn’t used to having silliness in his life. She was genuine and kind and strong and pretty and… Titan, when he started thinking about all the things she was, it was like he couldn’t stop. He had never had someone in his life like her and he was convinced it was because there was no one out there quite like Willow Park. But he didn’t think too much into his overthinking, he assumed everyone felt this way about her.
Right now he was trying not to focus on the fact that her lips were touching where his normally did and how it didn’t seem to bother her. He knew he’d think about it every time he wore the mask from now on.
“Anyway,” Willow wrapped up her impromptu performance, realizing she had gotten carried away. “We should probably get started, huh?”
Hunter didn’t realize he had been staring and had to shake himself out of his daze to answer her. “Oh, yeah! Sure, o-of course.”
“Okay then,” Willow smiled, handing him his mask back. “Derby rules: first one to get their item back wins.”
“Alright,” agreed Hunter, making sure her glasses were secure hanging from his shirt. “So since you have my staff, I’m guessing no magic then?”
“Weeell, I mean I still have my magic,” Willow teased and even without her glasses she could tell Hunter was lovingly rolling his eyes. “Fine, no magic. Just good old fashioned hand to hand combat, for now at least.” She gave him a wink.
“Fine,” said Hunter as he watched Willow tighten her braids. The idea of competition brought out a certain light in her eyes and it made Hunter excited. He knew Willow liked his competitive side, but usually they were on a team together. Competing against her was different.
“I mean, if you need to use magic I-I don’t mind,” he said quickly.
“I’m okay,” she assured him. “Besides, I don’t wanna do too much damage to your field here.”
“Yeah, yeah totally,” said Hunter, clearing his throat. “I just don’t want to uh…”
“Oh,” said Willow, seeing the hesitation in his eyes. “Hunter, it’s okay if you beat me ya know.”
“You… won’t be mad?”
She shook her head. “Of course not,” she smiled sincerely. “Knowing your strengths will help me help you. And you not holding back will help me get better too.”
“It’s just that… when I spar with the other scouts they always get upset when I win and then they don’t wanna… uh.”
“Ohhh,” she said, really understanding. “Hunter, if we spar and I win will you stop being my friend?”
“No!” He responded immediately. He remembered the utter euphoria he felt when Willow had referred to him as her friend when they were messaging one night. He had been asking about her day, simultaneously vicariously living through her and wishing he could be there in person when she mentioned her dads asked about him and wanted to have him over for dinner as they did with all her friends.
He waited for her to unsend or correct the message but she didn’t. She meant it. He was her friend and she wasn’t afraid to let everyone know. He was beyond honored to be considered her friend, and he would do absolutely anything to make sure he did not lose that title.
“Of course not,” he said with conviction and Willow nodded.
“Exactly, so if you win I’m not gonna stop liking you or anything I’m just gonna try harder next time,” she said as though it was truly so easy. “I mean, if you win. I don’t plan on going easy on you.” She spun his staff around herself as though to emphasize her point and the light in her eyes was contagious as Hunter felt motivated again. He donned his mask and took his usual fighting stance, waiting for her to deliver the first blow as he prepared his strategy in his head.
Hunter was quick but Willow was tricky. Both their strategies revolved around defending and similarity made it difficult to properly start as neither of them wanted to strike the other. But once they prioritized the task at hand (retrieving their items) they became more comfortable with the idea.
Willow made the first move, using Hunter’s staff to launch herself towards him to try and snatch her glasses from him. But Hunter quickly countered and leapt over her, getting his hands on his staff but not succeeding in removing it from Willow’s grasp. She used the momentum to send him flying toward the ground, but he was able to rise to his feet no problem. Hunter knew he had the upper hand, he knew the area better and he had a bigger target to claim. But Willow was true to her word about not making it easy for him. She didn’t play dirty as many of the scouts did and Hunter was giddy at the idea of truly getting to test his skills.
Willow couldn’t help but think of it like dancing. The way their steps complimented each other, the way they’d get just close enough to hear the other person breathing. Every so often she’d get bold enough to tease him.
“Tsk tsk tsk, you really thought I’d fall for that?” she asked when he tried to fake her out and his ears would get red and he’d come back at her with more determination. She had nearly forgotten she was trying to get close to him to retrieve her glasses, she was more focused on getting close to him so she could see his reaction. She reached for them once and he grabbed her wrist to stop her, but he quickly retracted it. Willow wanted to point out that he should;ve sed that opportunity to disarm her but she decided against and tried to think of something cheeky to say the next time it happened.
She was excited to be able to have someone who took this as seriously as she did but still managed to have fun. Amity was serious but was still so worried about hurting her and Luz and Gus were fun to train with but sometimes were too silly and couldn’t keep up with her when she got in the zone. Hunter was the perfect opponent.
Hunter observed the way Willow moved and while he found her to be a remarkable force, he felt he had discovered his way to victory. As agile as she was, she favored her right side. If he wanted to catch her off guard, he would need to approach her from the left and grab the staff while she turned to her less dominant side. He sprang into action but Willow anticipated this and as he went to turn, she stuck out her foot accidentally causing Hunter to lose his balance. He managed to grab his staff but Wilow did not let go and so they both ended up hurtling to the ground. Willow had shifted the staff behind her head and landed atop it with it resting behind her neck. Hunter in turn landed atop Willow, his hands catching him, placed on either side of her head as his nose was mere inches from hers.
Their breathing lined up as she stared up at him, close enough where he was in focus. His face red and his eyes wide as he waited for her to say something. She knew his mind was shouting a thousand apologies, that he was deciding what to be embarrassed about first, but he didn't need to be. She carefully removed her hands from the staff and reached up to grab her glasses as they dangled above her.
“Not bad,” she said smugly. “For a first session, that is.”
“Ha, uh thanks,” he said, praying that the sweat he knew was collecting on his brow wouldn't fall onto her. But he was paralyzed. He was hypnotized. He was utterly captivated by how picturesque she looked, her frizzy braids sprawled out on the ground like a halo. She made no attempt to move either, likewise captivated by the way the sunlight above him outlined his frame. He truly was golden and she thought about telling him so but she was hoping he would have something more to say first.
He wanted to but just as he went to open his mouth, his attention was diverted by a new voice.
“Yeah, Golden Guard!”
“Smooth move pipsqueak!”
“Looks like the private lessons are going well!”
Hunter’s eyes shot up in horror as he saw a collection of scouts had gathered on the balcony above and had been watching him and Willow spar. It was then that he realized how… compromising their current position looked.
“Uhhhh let me get you a water,” Hunter offered as he leapt away from her like she was on fire.
“Okay, thanks,” said Willow with a smile as she sat up. “But hurry back! We’ve got a lot to get through.”
“Haha, totally,’ he said, giving her finger guns in a panic response as he speed walked up to the balcony.
“Having fun, little prince?” asked Darius, sipping a cup of tea as the scouts offered a series of whistles and comments as he walked past them, his face hopelessly flushed.
“What are they doing?” Hunter whispered in a panic. “I thought this was supposed to be a private instruction.”
“Oh, is that so?” Darius said with a smirk.
“You were the one who arranged this,” Hunter hissed, his eyes darting down to Willow who thankfully seemed unaware of their audience.
“Fine, fine, “ he said. “Come now scouts, let’s give the Golden Guard some privacy.”
“Ohhh, you wanna be alone with your plant girlfriend?” teased a scout as the scouts tried to suppress their giggles.
“Yes, thank you,” said Hunter, not missing a beat.
“Okay, okay, just to be clear, you and your plant girlfriend want to be alone,” asked another.
“Yes, that’s an order!” said Hunter, feeling his authority was being honored. But just as he went to leave, the scouts burst into laughter. This was nothing terribly new, they often found ways to undermine him. But he failed to see what was so funny about-
Then he saw Darius was also suppressing his laughter and suddenly the words caught up to him. Hunter’s face turned a deep shade of crimson and he felt like steam was coming out of his ears. “Oh… shut up!” he demanded as the room erupted into another round of prepared remarks.
From the ground, Willow could just barely make out the faint sounds of laughter. As she strained to hear any specifics, Clover flew down to meet her buzzing with news from Flapjack having not gotten to see her best friend in awhile. She nuzzled her owner who was eager to hear about her day. Willow quickly looked for something to do, trying to look busy like she wasn’t overthinking what was taking him so long. Not because she was nervous, but because she didn’t get to spend much time with him as it was. She wanted to try and squeeze in some time to talk to him in person instead of texting.
As Hunter marched back with water for Willow, he could feel the scouts still watching him. He didn’t call up to them because knew making a scene would only embarrass him in front of Willow, or worse make her feel uneasy. He just hoped they’d keep quiet.
When he came back to Willow, she was balancing a free weight on the tip of her finger. “Hey Hunter,” she beamed, her eyes darting between him and the weight. “Check it out!” she carefully lifted her hand and threw the weight into the air, it flipped and then she caught once more with apparent ease.
“Impressive,” he said as he handed her the water bottle and offered her a smile, which quickly dissolved when he heard the collective sounds of over dramatic kissy noises coming at them from the balcony. He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, there was no way Willow didn’t hear them this time.
“Ugh, I’m sorry, please ignore them,” Hunter pleaded. Willow couldn’t care less about what the scouts thought, she only cared about what Hunter felt. The notion that they were bullying him sent a sharp chill up her chest, and she had to take a deep breath to steady herself before responding.
“Okay,” she said, her eyes momentarily darting to them anyway trying to get a quick read on their intentions. “But is everything alright? Did they say something to you?”
“No,no… well yes,” he admitted, unable to convincingly lie when her eyes caught his. “But it’s nothing bad, just teasing.”
“Hunter, it’s not nothing if it’s bothering you,” she assured him. “I can say something if-.”
“No, no it’s stupid,” he cut her off, starting to feel nervous and twisted. “I mean, it’s not stupid it’s about you.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “But it’s nothing bad about you, because you’re amazing. It’s just… I’ve never had a friend over to the castle before.”
“Oh,” she said, hoping he’d elaborate.
“Yeah and so I guess they thought… and it’s my fault because I didn’t even think about it, that you were my… more than a friend.”
“Oooh,” Willow fully understood now. “I see.”
“And it’s totally my fault because of how I described you so I-.”
“How did you describe me?” she asked almost breathlessly.
“I uh, well after the whole… kidnapping thing, they would talk about you sometimes,” he began. “And they asked if you were my plant girlfriend and I said yes.”
“And I know there’s so much more to you than just plants,” Hunter went on. “But you are on the plant track and so it seemed like a suitable identifier at the time but it wasn’t until just now that I realized that the words ‘girl’ and ‘friend’ were not separate so they weren’t saying that you were a plant girl who was my friend but rather you liked plants and you were my… uh…”
“Don’t even worry about it,” said Willow sweetly. “I get it; my dads like to tease me too.”
“They do?”
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “Whenever I bring someone cute over to the house they can’t help themselves. But it doesn’t last very long.”
Someone cute, someone cute, his mind rang out. His mind quickly bounced back when he realized she was the someone cute in this situation. Because she was very cute. Had he always thought that? Pssh, everyone thought that. Willow was objectively cute, it was a fact. It made sense the guards found the notion silly that someone so cute would associate with him.
“I mean, if you ever came to my house it’d be the same thing,” she continued and before Hunter could offer a response, his heart stopped. The way it did when she had pinned him down. Her fathers would consider him cute enough to tease? More importantly, she considered him cute at all? Even hypothetically?
“Yeah, Darius keeps telling them it’s not like that,” said Hunter. “He said I wouldn’t even know what to do with a girl like you and the scouts said I have no game anyway, but I didn’t bother debating with them since training is serious and not about games.”
“Oooh,” said Willow once more, as the narrative shifted again. They weren’t teasing him like assuming parents, they were teasing him like obnoxious siblings. Her mind pulled up all the times Ed and Em had evoked the same response in Amity. She knew the best way to combat this was confidence, and to make them eat their words. She was positive they couldn’t hear them, as they seemed to not be whispering and Willow could not hear them from where they stood, so she made sure to have her actions speak for her. She reached out and touched Hunter’s arm.
“I bet they tease you all the time, huh?” She smiled. “I mean, you’re the Golden Guard. I'm sure plenty of teenagers have crushes on you.”
“Uh, not really?” Said Hunter, unable to focus for a moment when he registered her touch. He was grateful to have learned the definition of a crush so he didn’t embarrass himself in front of Willow the way he had when he misunderstood the word when Darius used it. “I mean, I wear my mask most of the time. I don’t know how you can have a crush on someone you can’t see.”
“Hmm, yeah I guess seeing does help with that,” she said softly and Hunter knew he’d be thinking about the way she said that sentence all week. It was like she knew something and she let a clue dwell just under the surface of the words. He had never heard the assumption that his position would make him attractive to his peers (respected and feared, yes but not admired). He wondered why Willow would assume it. He dared to hope she’d relate.
“C’mere,” she said, moving closer to him.
“W-what are you doing?” He nervously chuckled as she pretended to dust something off his shoulder.
“Let’s give them something to talk about,” she said with an innocent shrug. “Something I’ve learned is that when you’re in on the joke, it’s not as funny anymore.”
“Trust me,” Willow said with a wink. “This is the kind of teasing I know how to stop. Now, I’m gonna laugh really loud like you just said something funny and then I’m gonna lightly shove your shoulder and when I do I want you to take my hand, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that,” he said, thankful his back was to the scouts and they couldn’t see him sweat. Even worse though, Willow could see. But she somehow didn’t seem to mind, keeping her cool as she kept smiling at him like it came naturally to her.
She threw her head back and let out a light, airy laugh. Hunter knew it wasn’t genuine, but it would fool most anyone else. She flipped her braid before shoving his shoulder as she said she would, lingering there a moment to remind him to take her hand. He somehow knew what to do with it, bringing it down to their sides as he had seen teen couples do when he went into town.
“Okay good,” she whispered. “Now lean against the wall and I’ll pretend you said something cool.”
“Like what?”
“I dunno, just say anything and I’ll pretend you told me something cool.”
“What about how the venomous fly trap can live in below freezing temperatures if it’s watered with as little as two ounces of boiling rain once a year?”
“Oh yeah, that is pretty cool,” she said. Hunter could tell she genuinely meant it and he smiled, having memorized that fact solely because he thought it would interest her. His smile inspired hers to linger and they stood in comfortable, smiling silence for a few moments.
Out of the corner of her eye, Willow saw one scout nudge another, as though impressed and Willow knew her plan was working. She was doing this to help improve Hunter’s cred and for no other reason, right?
Okay, maybe it was a little fun.
Maybe it was a little easy.
Too easy.
She rose onto her tiptoes, placing her hand delicately on Hunter’s chest to steady herself as she went to whisper in his ear.
“Okay, now walk me to the gate and when I leave don’t look up at them,” she instructed. “Take out your scroll or something, act totally casual.”
“Okay,” he said, a chill running down his spine as her breath hit the side of his face. “But why?”
“We want the scouts to think it’s no big deal,” she explained, as they began to walk hand in hand. “Because you totally have game.”
“I’m sorry, I still don’t understand,” he said as she lead him to the gate. “What kind of game is it exactly?”
Willow chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ear, having reached the exit. She didn’t have to try hard to make it look like she was dreading having to leave. “Hmmm I think we’ll make it part of next week’s lesson,” she said, biting her lip as he continued to offer her a look of confusion.
“Well, alright then,” said Hunter. “Looking forward to it, Captain.”
He waved to her until she was completely out of sight, watching as she soon flew away on Clover.
“Sir! Here’s that water you asked for!” came a voice from behind Hunter. He turned and saw Steve running out with a large, overflowing jug.
“Oh, uh thanks Steve but we’re okay,” said Hunter, feeling like he was leaving a fence taking his eyes off where Willow had last stood. “But I gave her one of Darius’ fancy waters.”
“Oh, okay,” said Steve, dropping the jug without a second thought. “Did you two have fun?”
“Yeah,” said Hunter, smiling in spite of himself. “I did. I hope she did too.”
“Oh totally sir, I watched the whole thing,” assured Steve with a thumbs up. “She was definitely feeling the vibe, she was seriously flirting with you.”
“Huh? Oh, that,” Hunter sighed. “No, between you and me she was just pretending so they’d stop teasing me up there.”
“Really? It was pretty convincing,” marveled Steve.
“Really?” Said Hunter, trying to hide his excitement. “You uh, really think she’d laugh like that at something I said for real?”
He had never dreamed he’d be considered amusing but he had to admit her adored the sound of Willow’s laughter.
“Uh, well I don’t remember her laughing at anything,” said Steve, thinking. “But I left to go get water when you said you needed a water. I was mostly talking about how she smiled when she saw you walk in, I didn’t know you guys planned all that in advance.”
“We, uh w-we didn’t,” said Hunter, clearing his throat.
“Oh,” said Steve, not totally understanding. “Well then, you guys are pretty in sync with your improv.”
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glassshrew · 3 months
I wrote this for @vapolis
Highly recommend you play their game demo, it's an awesome game and the main character can be such a feral trash goblin, I adore them!
I'm obsessed with their character Jax at the moment, and instead of working I've been daydreaming all day. I created this blog purely to post this because I'm too shy to post on my main! Writing is not my strong suit but t his was fun to do. Anyway here's some flirty sexy tension with Jax.
Written with a F!Merc in mind.
You grin at him tiredly, tugging your jacket tighter around yourself as you stand in the club foyer. You’re 100% sure Jax has seen you in worse states but standing in front of his unimpressed stare in nothing but underwear, a cropped gaudy carebear t-shirt and a bloody jacket made you feel more exposed than you ever had. Or maybe it was the way his gaze lingered on your bare legs, or his own half dressed form, hair still damp from an impromptu shower. His appearance unusually sloppy for him. “Jaxxie! New uniform? A little risque. I like it.”  You waggle your eyebrows and for a long strained minute, Jax didn’t reply, a frown on his face like he can’t decide whether to just throw you out or not. “Blood and vomit is more your style.”  
“Gross. True but gross. Sounds like your night was as fun as mine,” You point towards the growing lump and bruise on your forehead. “But my new accessories are cooler than yours.”
He stays silent, and you're forced to confront the sight in front of you that you were trying to ignore. His arms crossed over a dark red shirt that was fully undone, exposing his chest. Your brain helpfully shutting down until it was just screaming incoherent body parts at you. Pecs, collarbones, nipples, tummy. You couldn’t stop your eyes from following the line of his body down to the trail of dark hair below his naval.“Carpet doesn’t match the drapes then.” Fuck sake. You could scream. You swear to god that your mouth was not connected to your brain in anyway shape or form.
His head tilts as he continues to stare at you, but he doesn’t shut you down or even button his shirt and little warning bells start to twinkle in your brain. That ever growing sexual tension between the two of you sparks to life and you suddenly wished you had gone to Delilah for help instead. You couldn’t stop staring at him, his hips moving as he shifted his weight and your perverted brain took over again. If you dropped to your knees right now would he throw you out?  Or would he grip your hair tight in his fist as he -
You jolted as Jax cleared his throat, eyebrow raised. Shit. 
 “Uh right, I know it’s late, or early, closing time? Opening?” You tried to focus on what you were saying. “but I need you.” 
Fucking Christ almighty your stupid fucking mouth.  “Need me?” The corner of Jax’s mouth twitched, he looked a mix between entertained and annoyed.
“Uh no, not th-, you and Orla,” You stumbled over your words, cursing yourself internally as Jax made a low noise in the back of his throat. “help! I need your help, nothing else not that – I -, Is she still here?” You force your mouth shut so fast you almost bit your tongue. Why was it so fucking hot all of a sudden. Were you sweating?
“Yeah she’s still here,” Jax was still staring at you, and he had still made no move to button his shirt. Asshole was enjoying seeing you flustered. “Turn around.”
Turn around bend over be good –
“Seriously? Where exactly do you think I’m hiding a weapon?” You didn’t sound as annoyed as you were hoping for, you sounded a little breathless as your thoughts continued to spiral.
“Rules are rules,” Jax grinned at you, he was obviously enjoying the effect he was having on you. “Turn around, jacket off.”
“Fine.” You are moving to follow before you can stop yourself. Shivering slightly as you shrugged the jacket off, leaving you in your panties and cropped shirt.
It’s silent. You’re just starting to think that this was some sort of prank when his fingers lightly brushed over your wrist making you jump. “Stay still.” 
His hands trail up your arms, not his usual pat down but a slow, gentle touch, caressing you almost. “Are you hurt?”
Your body stiffened. The quiet genuine concern in his voice throwing you completely off balance. His gentle touch making you feel warm, and something else you didn't know how to name. Did he genuinely actually care? A lump starts to form in your throat, and you once again bite the inside of your cheek, hard enough this time to taste the coppery tang of blood, desperate to kill those feelings before they can become a problem.
“Not badly,” you shrugged. You wanted to run but wanted to see where this was going so very much. “Used to it. You know I could just nip in and see her, there’s no need to-,”
“Stay still.”
You cleared your throat. “Yes Sir, sorry Sir.”
Jax froze. Your momentary glee at having flustered him in return is short lived as the hand on your shoulder slid up the back of your neck and through your hair, causing a little flutter of panic in your gut. This was new territory for you both, usually one of you would have backed off by now. You could feel his breath over your skin as he tugged your head to the side, the sensation making your stomach tighten and your thighs squeeze together. “Can't you just shut up for once?”
Your sarcastic reply is lost as your breath hitches when his lips brush gently over the skin just beneath your ear. Its hesitant, but when you make no move to pull away his grip tightens in your hair, pulling your head more firmly to the side.
“I’m not hid-,” You start, and he makes a low warning sound at your inability to shut up, his teeth grazing harder over your skin. “- not hiding anything up there.”
Jax pulls away abruptedly. Disappointment growing in your chest as you realised you’d reached that point again. The point where Jax realises who he’s flirting with,  what he’s flirting with, and shuts down.
“Better things you could do with that mouth than yap all the time.”
You feel like you’ve just been slammed into an alternate universe. Getting lost in the moment is one thing, but jesus Who are you and what have you done with Jax?
He continues his search before you can ask the question, before you can, as usual, ruin the moment. Both of his hands sweeping down your back, pushing into your spine and round to the front of your hips.
“Easy ther-,” You flinched back against him when his fingers pressed a little harder over your ribs. The pain turning into something that drew a whimper from your throat. Jax went still behind you, you could the warmth of his bare chest, and - fucking fuck me sideways-  your brain short circuiting as you realized you could feel him.
“This is cosy,” You let out a breath, voice strained. Does he remember it’s you? The intrusive thoughts slip in, nagging and chipping away at you. He knows its you right? The two of you stand there, his hands holding you flush against him while his cock presses against your ass. The silence lingering for all of a second before the pressure to talk gets too much.
“Bruised, not broken,” You had no idea what was going on, what to do, whether this was actually happening or if you had done more damage to that already fucked up brain of yours. “probably not broken.” 
He hummed in acknowledgment, warm breath over the shell of your ear causing your back to involuntarily arch and he cursed under his breath.
“You're clear,” He lets go, steps back from you and the loss off his body heat hurts. “You can go through.”
 “Right, great. Told you.” you turn to face him, arms crossed over your chest, disappointment and rejection making your heart sting. For the first time in a long time you feel vulnerable. You want your jacket back. You almost, for a second there, genuinely believed he wanted you. A stupid foolish childish thought. Why would he? When you didn’t have anything to offer, when you didn’t deserve it. You’d destroy him, infect him, pull him down into the dark to drown with you. He deserved better. “Catch you on the flipside.”
Flipside? You cringe. You can feel him frowning at you as you grab your jacket off the desk, and you’re tempted to sneak out the little pen knife you have hidden to show him as a ‘ha ha fuck you’ but you don’t. Your heart is not in it. The abrupt withdrawal of his attention has you feeling cold, exhausted all of a sudden. You avoid looking at him as you move towards the door, and he makes no move to stop you as you go through.
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under-the-aspen-tree · 8 months
A Moth To You (Chapter 14 - Tides a-Turning) Aegon II Targaryen x (Bastard Velaryon) Reader
Series Summary: After a year travelling abroad, you have been called home to Kingslanding by your mother, Rhaenyra. Turns out your family has grown in your time apart.
Word Count: 3.7k
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The memory only came to you in passing dreams, though perhaps that was the only time you let it. On any usual day, you would simply push it to the side, and find something else to debate upon. In dreams, you had not the opportunity, and it always left a sour taste in your mouth when you woke.
It always started in the yard, never before, with you strapped to the chest in ill-fitting leather. Your boots belonged to Jace originally and were a size or so too big, filled out with an old pair of stockings to keep you from tripping so easily. Your hair was braided and pushed back into your tunic, and you knew you looked entirely ridiculous, you just simply did not care. All morning, you hadn’t been able to wipe the grin from your face, for your brother had finally agreed to spar. It wasn’t as though you were entirely new to the art of swordplay. Daemon had taught you well enough on Dragonstone and you had practiced a little in the safety of your old chambers, but you wanted something more than a tutor. You wanted an ally, a friend, to be able to play and spar as your brothers so often did.
Convincing Jace hadn’t been easy, the boy having been mortified at the idea of sparring with a girl, let alone his sister, but he did have a soft spot for you. It took some time, and many pleas, but he came around, nervously biting the inside of his cheek at the idea.
“What if people see?” He had asked, lowering his voice as though you were already at risk of being caught.
“I care not for the eyes of bitter chickens wishing for a larger hutch. I wish to play, will you entertain me?”
Jacaerys rolled his eyes but laughed. “You shall be the death of me, or at least my reputation.”
“You have sullied your reputation with no help of mine, brother. Perhaps I’ll give you the opportunity to finally win a battle, then you might start at rebuilding it.”
He had given you a look then that suggested you would regret speaking so callously when rivalled in the yard, but you only grinned.
The pitch was empty, just as you had planned, the hour growing quickly late. The boys typically strained from morn to noon when the day was at its coolest and brightest, but you preferred the secrecy that came with dusk. Less were around to bother, which would mean less would be around to question.
The evening was tinged with summer's warmth, though you did not let that deter you, taking the occasion very seriously with a wooden sword in hand. Jace had been using blunted steel for years, but he dutifully took to the basics for your sake, his expression torn between hesitant and amused. It took a while for Jace to strike any true blows, ever hesitant of hurting a girl, and it took you demanding he at least try to defeat you for him to put in any true effort. Once the real sparring had begun, and you had delivered a few rather cruel raps to his ankles, however, he lost all concern for true chivalry. The air was filled with the smell of smoke and dirt and sweat, the dimming sun setting a dull orange glow about the courtyard that went a soft russet as you kicked up flumes of dry soil. 
The fun didn't last long. Jace had just sent a particularly painful blow to your ribs, knocking the wind from you even despite your leather armour, when a bemused laugh had you both whipping around, panting. Aegon Targaryen stood at the bottom of the spiral staircase leading to the balcony, his arms crossed and a grin on his pale face. He was less broad in the memory, his face a little more angular, his silver hair reaching past his shoulders.
“Oh, you have to be playing me,” Your uncle called once he had your attention, shaking his head. “Jace, is that you?”
Jace's face fell, and you could see his throat bobbing as he swallowed, looking nervously between you and Aegon. 
“I’d say I could recognise that mop anywhere, but it is truly indifferent to the masses," The older boy continued in your shared silence, the grin never leaving his pointed face. “What are you doing out here?”
Jace took the opportunity to square his shoulders, trying to appear a little more formidable with his wooden sword. His voice rang clear across the pitch. “Little to do with you, Uncle.”
“Aww, no need to be so brazen, Jace. Perhaps I wished to spar,” Aegon chuckled, a look of cruel delight upon his face at the sight of you both before him. “Though upon seeing this farce, I’d almost feel bad. It would be an injustice to set you against me.”
That set you off finally. Gritting your teeth, you spoke up yourself, your sword pointed to the ground. “It is only for my benefit, uncle. Jace said it well enough. This has little to do with you.”
Aegon guffawed, taking a few steps across the pitch, circling you from the sidelines. “I’m beginning to think this has all to do with me. (Y/N), is that you, under all the garb?”
He grinned wickedly. “Seven hells, you truly are a sight.”
“Leave, Aegon," You flushed, knowing his words rung quite true. You were a mess in strange clothing, your hair unkempt and sticking to your face and neck with sweat. You certainly didn't look a lady. It seemed your words only spurred your uncle on.
“And if I don’t want to? I’ve quite liked the show so far. Go on, show me what you’re made of. It can’t be difficult to do better than your brother.”
You could practically hear Jace's teeth grinding together. “My sister asked you quite kindly to go."
“And I stated I wish to remain.” Aegon's grin slowly turned to a sly smile, a grim cruelty behind his eyes that hinted at his amusement. He had come upon the chest of weaponry still left out on the sidelines of the yard and he was running a finger along the side of the table. “How about a demonstration for the princess? Show her how real men fight, hm?”
Quicker than a snake's bite, his hand lashed out upon the handle of a bastard sword, the dulled steel glinting in the tawny light of the evening. He turned on you both instantly, his eyes set upon Jace's slowly retreating form as he approached. From this angle, you could see how his lips were stained with wine.
“This isn’t about real fighting, Aegon. This is a spar between us," You protested, a knot forming in your stomach. Jace was ill-equipped, wielding but a wooden sword still, and Aegon was growing more menacing as he advanced, a grin on his face.
“And yet I see it as a perfect opportunity to teach, do you not?” He raised the sword to point at your brother, tilting his head as you watched on in horror. “Sparring a girl, Jace, that’s low, even by your standards. Can you not fight a man, or do you take enjoyment out of hitting a woman?”
“That’s not-“ Jace blurted, blanching.
“Stand properly. At least take this moment to show the princess how it is really done.”
Jace was doing his utmost to appear bold, but even he was cowering slightly in the face of the older boy. Aegon was practically a man-grown, Jace a few years his younger. Your hot breaths were short and quick, your mouth dry as you protested yourself, approaching as closely as you dared. “I asked him to join me, Aegon. This isn’t about him.”
It was as though your uncle hadn't heard a word you said. Despite wearing no armour, he took to sparring with all the confidence of a warrior, rapping his blade against Jace's toy sword so quickly your brother could scarcely raise it to defend himself
“I have not a proper sword!” He gasped, earning a scoff from the older boy as he advanced once more, this time sending a blow to Jace's hip that he barely dodged.
“You chose it, did you not?”
“It is not a fair fight!”
“And your one against the princess is?” Your uncle sneered, though you knew he had no true concern for your wellbeing; only your brothers torment. “Come now Jace, I at least thought you half a man. Even with the bastard blood, you have a dragon's ancestry and... rather strong roots. Can’t you-“
The words angered your brother into action, swinging down with a cry and cutting a grinning Aegon off. You cringed as he deflected it with a twist of his wrist, sending his own blow that almost knocked his nephew clean off his feet. Your pleads filled the evening air as Aegon sent blow after blow, half of which landed quite painfully, and the others serving to snap at Jace's wooden sword, quite quickly reducing it in size. 
He had no chance, though he never had one to begin with truly. Jace could only defend himself, and that in and of itself was a losing battle. Even you could see the tears stinging your brother's eyes in the face of Aegon's childish cruelty, each rap of the sword stinging enough to flinch back.
You didn't notice how your hand tightened around the leather of your handle, the grip slick and hot with sweat. All you heard was the pounding in your ears, the dull whimper that sounded from your brother as Aegon dealt a particularly harsh blow, and then you were upon him. 
Any knowledge learned from your training fled your mind in an instant, and you returned to your base instincts. Approaching quickly from behind, you snapped your sword hard against Aegon's back, earning a sharp cry as his hand impulsively dropped his blade. Your sword was but a toy, but the polished wood landed hard a second time, and then a third, sending your uncle to the ground as Jace watched on in absolute shock. 
A scream tore from your throat as you hit him while he was down, the sword coming upon his shoulder and his hip and his knee as he curled up in an attempt to defend himself, his arms wrapping around his head to protect them from your barrage of attacks. You didn't need to be doing this. This was growing cruel and unnecessary. You had only meant to stop him, perhaps disarm him if you possibly could, but you couldn't help yourself. Each whack of your sword filled your veins with catharsis, each cry from the older boy a deep and heavy justice in the face of every cruel taunt and jab and leer he had ever sent your way. He looked pathetic on the ground, and it made you happy to see it. You relished in the sound of wood whipping leather, the flash of silver hair as he cowered beneath you.
You didn't notice the calls, the shouts, not over the roaring in your ears. You only came to when a pair of strong arms wrapped around your rips, tugging you back so harshly your feet came off the ground and you dropped your wooden sword.
"What in seven hells is going on?"
You could only pant in response to the voice in your ear, one you recognised to be Ser Criston Cole, the queen's sworn protector. Ser Erryk was at the prince's side, pulling him to his feet.
Aegon was a mess, spitting on the ground as he tried to hide the tears in his eyes. His silver hair was stained with dirt that turned dully russet in the dying sun, his breaths short and panted as he pushed the knight's arms away furiously.
"Don't touch me!" He cried.
It was then that you noticed the tinge of shame in his cheeks, his eyes surveying the crowd that had gathered around you, likely drawn by the commotion. Jace was protesting something, swearing and yelling words that didn't quite reach your ears. A hundred eyes looked upon you with shock, upon Aegon with something close to amusement. The prince, trained from youth, was bested by his niece. What a sorry sight. It filled you with as much pride as it did shame to know you had humiliated him. He deserved it, he had attacked Jace.
The arms holding you shifted to grab at the back of your leather tunic, pulling you away from the scene.
That was when you awoke with a start, your mouth dry and your breaths short and panted. Your bed was uncomfortably warm, the late afternoon sun streaming through the open windows and straight onto your sheets, bathing you in a warm glow. You winced against the brightness, pressing a hand over your eyes as you swallowed, attempting to catch your breath.
"Princess?" The knock came from the other side of your door, likely the one that awoke you in the first place, and it shocked you back into the present, pushing the sheets from your body haphazardly as you staggered to the door.
"Sorry," You mumbled, still slightly disoriented as you unlocked the latch on your door and pulled open the heavy wood, revealing a bemused Kaira, your personal maidservant, holding a heavy-looking box.
"At which point did you start locking your door?"
You stared at her blearily. "The point in which a sellsword tried to cut my throat open."
Kaira tutted, weaving her way into the room and fixing your crumbled sheets with a single, impressive pull. "I doubt that sellsword will be doing you harm any time soon, princess."
You could only hum in response. Kaira's company was usually enough to brighten your mood, but the dream always left you sullen, brooding on days long passed. It had been coming more regularly since the night in the Kingswood, and it only drove you further from speaking to Aegon again. You couldn't face him after seeing it, his youthful face crumpled in shame and pain. You always forgot the sneer he wore before, only the shameful wave of pride you felt in besting him. You were no less guilt-ridden since formally apologising to the man, and he had avoided you entirely in the days since, only adding to the tension you were sure to feel tonight. 
Spring had officially ended, and despite the winter being short and quite comfortable, the beginning of summer was always celebrated quite thoroughly. The royal family had decided to mark the changing of the seasons with seven days of jousting, a sport you took little interest in and therefore avoided well enough. You hadn't enjoyed the sight of blood before that night in the Kingswood, you hadn't since you watched Aemond lose his eye on Driftmark, but you now grew sick at just the sight of it. It reminded you of Boras' dull eyes glinting in the moonlight, of your sticky hands burning as something wet and hot beat against your chest and neck in thick waves.
Your mother didn't mind your absence so long as you attended the more formal occasions; a princess was scarcely missed from such violent events and you knew Helaena had always abstained herself. But tonight was important and, in all honesty, you didn't much mind the idea of a feast. You had scarcely been able to speak to anybody since Jace's name day celebrations, only being allowed to leave the safety of the Red Keep on the days you went flying, and you were actually looking forward to doing something interesting.
The jousting has been cut short for the day in order for the lords and ladies to prepare for the evening, and you had taken the free afternoon to regretfully nap. By the way Kaira was setting the box down on your bed and pulling out sheets of fabric, you assumed the feast was vastly approaching.
"I do hope you're feeling advantageous, princess," Kaira said with a smile, her auburn hair glowing gold in the light from the window like a soft halo around her curls. In her hands was a dress more beautiful than you had been given in a long time. You raised your brows, forgetting the dream for the moment to approach and run your hands down the silk.
"Seven hells. Is this what my mother commissioned?" You had been sent to the tailors for measurements a week or so past, but you had never expected this. 
"The dressmakers finished it just this morning," Kaira grinned, unclasping the ornate metalwork of the dress before dragging you to your wardrobe and upon your step. After waiting for you to remove your gown, she shimmied the garment with extreme care up your body, gently clicking the belt and collar shut and positioning the looking glass with a smile.
The dress was more than impressive, it was extravagant. Made of a rich, sea-green silk, the garment began in a thick collar that hung around the throat and flowed into a rounded neckline just over your breasts. The sleeves were soft and billowing, staring not at the shoulder but instead spilling from the bodice to the centre of your bicep. Ornate carvings of gold made up a heavy belt that cinched your waist, while silver embroidery so beautiful you could only marvel in wonder lined the hems and sides of your ribs down to the thigh. You ran your fingers absentmindedly over the beaded thread, entranced by its watery texture. It had to be one of the most awe-striking dresses you had seen in your life.
"The Velaryon colourings," You hummed, staring at yourself in the looking glass. You looked a stranger.
"A show of strength, I believe."
Kaira sat you down then and began the process of readying you. A princess must always look proper, but a court-hosted celebration is a whole new game to play. Your hair had already been carefully brushed and oiled and curled until it shone, and Kaira spent what must have been an hour carefully weaving it into a tangle of braids and twists that fell in layers down your back. She pressed golden pins resembling flowers into the delicate nest and rubbed cream blush into your cheekbones and lips so that you had a rosy glow about you. She mixed wheaten flower and rosewater in a little glass dish to pat against your forehead and nose until your very skin seemed to possess an unearthly radiance, then dabbed pearlescent powder here and there until you shone faintly in the candlelight. Only then did she permit you leave with a grin and a promise of early courtship, which only earned an eye roll and a faint blush upon your painted cheeks.
The beginning of the feast was as dull an affair, as they typically were. After finding your seat beside your mother and Jacaerys, you sat and watched as each noble family entered the great hall and bowed their respects. There were the Arryns in cornflower blue, the Celtigars in red and white, the Lannisters in gold and crimson, the Tyrells in yellow and teal, and even the Tullys in their sullen greys made an appearance. Names were called and pleasantries exchanged until you were tapping your hands upon the table, fighting the urge to fidget in your seat with your mother so close by. One or twice, Jace turned to you with a lewd comment about some lord or lady that had you fighting the urge to giggle. You quickly found yourself and your brothers matched the rest of the Velaryon family in colourings when your grandmother and grandfather approached the dais to sit, all bearing incredible fabrics of teal and gold and silver. A show of strength, truly.
It was in the height of boredom that you saw him, late enough into the festivities that you had already begun to eat. He emerged from the shadows of the hall to join his family, a dreadful swipe of purple and red against his left cheekbone that bloomed with a near-beautiful quality considering its harrowing appearance. Eyes locked on yours, eyes that reminded you of a fresh spring pond. Gentle eyes. His hair was oiled in an attempt at grooming, but those dark curls still layered about his face, now grown to his shoulders.
You blushed when you caught Colren Tully's attention, and suddenly the feast wasn't so dull. You could scarcely keep your eyes from your plate as your family ate and drank, and had barely made it around the as when the dancing arose when you came upon an open palm, a gentlemanly smile upon full lips.
"Princess, it has been so long."
Colren looked even more dashing in his finery than he had at Jacaerys' name day celebrations, and you found yourself quite grateful for Kaira's concoction of flour and rose to dampen your natural blush as you took his hand delicately. It was warm in yours.
"Too long. I am glad to see you well, my lord."
"I consider myself more grateful, your grace. I was wondering, after all this time apart, if you would do me the honour of a dance?"
You looked down on the charming man from the height of the dais, the festivities a wash of colour in contrast with his fine features, and fought the urge to grin.
"The honour would be mine."
Feeling his hand in yours, so large in comparison that he practically overwhelmed you, you let him lead you from the stage of the iron throne to the dance floor. You had turned your head to send a wry smile in Helaena's direction, whom you knew to have been seated at the other end of the table to yourself, but it was not her eyes you met. 
You bowed your head quickly, flushing, as Aegon Targaryen stared back, a silver cup in hand and an unreadable expression on his face, and dared not so much as glance upon the table again as Colren Tully led you into the crowd.
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ilyuu · 9 months
get ready folks this is a rollercoaster of emotions but uh, just to put this out here, it isn’t exactly good news
alright, so i think i’m gonna go ahead and quit writing for this blog. yeah, not exactly the best start to this - you think as a writer i’d know what words to use.
before anything - nope, i am not going to deactivate my blog, next best thing is to archive it since there’s so many memories that i like to at least keep, of my moots and of just a lot of things in general that i like to memorialize and a lot of writings and posts.
i want to keep them here because i want someone, whoever comes across it, to read whichever one and feel some semblance of comfort; that’s the main reason why i made this blog in the first place and that’s how i intend to leave it.
oh uh, yeah, for the reasons why i’m quitting, i can technically list a few :
genshin burnout : i don’t feel as strongly as i do for the game anymore, not as excited, even as fontaine was released, and stopped playing it a few months back. so, y’know, as genshin-centric this blog is, it’s technically a bit hard to try and get into something that you long lost interest for.
school : it’s catching me off-guard every time and even though i found a rhythm with my classes and schedule, it’s only asking for more of my time and, quite literally demanding. i’ll be honest and say that i can’t juggle a blog with a post every day and stay consistent with my schoolwork and what’s expected of me. i need to start thinking about my future.
spiraling thoughts : yup, you read that right; i’m back at it again with me thinking that my writing isn’t good enough and am doubting my skills as a writer as a whole, especially with my way of writing that as his poetic touch to it that’s making me wonder if it’s even worth anything at all.
with that, i think i just need to start writing for myself again because i haven’t felt that feeling for literally a while now.
have i thought about this for a while now? i have actually, somewhere in the middle of august but i was really, really hesitant for a lot of reasons.
said reasons being mainly my moots. i don’t like the ideas of leaving any of them behind at all, especially with them being the main reason why i love opening this app every day, seeing them flood my dash with everything that happened the night before, saying good morning, and seeing them in my notifs and inbox with their chaos and genuineness. i have so many memories here that i consider so dear to me because of each and every one of them, making my day and night, and… i don’t know, it’d suck to lose all of them.
@mikacynth : you were my first moot and i know i’ve mentioned and said this so many times to the point that you’d probably get sick of it but it did and does mean a lot to me knowing that you opened a door for me to meet so many others that made writing and just being on here amazing. you’re just so damn cool, creative, and nice and i’m so, so happy that i met you.
@floraldresvi : i don’t remember how i met you, and i’m so sorry for that vi, but you’re the kindest, absolutely gentle and attentive person i know and i just wonder how i ever got the chance to talk to you and be moots. i wish you nothing but the best because that’s all you deserve and more and you better keep that in mind vi.
@st0pthatsgay : this was a strangers to friends to lovers arc fr!! sorry i couldn’t help that, do you know how long i wanted to make that joke? but seriously, oli, you and your unbridled chaos and energy never fails to make my dash and quite literally everyone else who follows you like a rom-com movie or something; i’m so glad that i can call you a moot and one that i cherish so, so much.
@papiliotao : rei, you made my day whenever you drop in one of your small blurbs into my inbox and i get the space to just write whatever comes to mind; it was a little thing we had and, i don’t know, i loved it. i love it still a lot. it was like a duo we had and always made me smile with whatever we talked about, maybe just about writing in general or the cats that you always see. i’m just sorry that we won’t be able to have our wedding soon. really.
@supernova25 : bestie, i still remember those times about the ai bots!! i still think about them a lot!! it was fun!! in general, you’re always a lot of fun to talk to, and it could be about anything and it’d fly off the roof. also your asks about the most random of things has definitely made me feel better on my worst of days just to put that out there.
@soleillunne : i’d make a joke about you running up for the title of creator of angst and all that but you’ve always been so sweet so let me just push that aside, considerate as well; don’t think i didn’t see you send me links of anything scaramouche related because i do and i appreciate that so much
@hollythius-rising : YOU AND YOUR THEME CHANGES DON’T THINK I DON’T NOTICE THEM you’re also very very sweet and chaotic when it comes to your taste in tall purple men in lab coats but we don’t talk about that aosjksjs just that it’s always been a pleasure to talk to you whenever we have the chance to
@mondaymelon : YOU. we vibe with each other a lot like radio waves and it got me all giddy, and i’d just drop a lot of memes into your inbox just so i could see how you’d react only for you to give me a taste of my own medicine when you do the same thing 100 times more effectiveaisjsjs
@venusflwers : those late nights of playing roblox with you makes me feel so, so happy, you have no idea. it’s filled with crack with whatever you say and you somehow make a horror game feel like some comedy instead i swear; you’re literally the most unhinged and funniest person i met and i love that about you so much
@kazumist : it’s like a parent watching their kid grow up and then completely surpass them in terms of height. yeah, that’s you akiaki!! always frothing over your writing, your drabbles, because it had that soft and domestic feeling to them that i absolutely love to the moon and back
@m1shapanda, @snobwaffles, @vennnnn-diagram : you three are, excuse me for my language, so fucking amazing. i always wanted to talk to you so many times and even when i did, always hoped that we could’ve talked a bit more. misha, you’re so cool and i always wanted to just ramble with you; that and your art is so pretty and soft and just so DAMN COOL did i mention that? snob, you detective, you and your curse arts that make me laugh as much as pour bleach on my eyes (/j), you’re just so supportive and i really like that about you. ven, i wished we could’ve talked a lot more too with how just vibe with everyone so quickly and easily - you’re just as amazing, really.
and to all of my other moots, the same goes to you, even with the ones i didn’t talk to as much - just being moots with you, knowing that someone liked me like i liked them made me feel more belong on here and more a part of something. i’ve never been a part of something like this, and know so many people and to know that i mean something to them? yeah, that really, really means a lot to me.
i’d probably just be a lurker on here than anything… haven’t really thought that far, only that i know that i can’t stay on here any longer without feeling guilty, burdened, stressed, or all of the above. or maybe just start off as a smaller blog again without any sense of obligation because ever since i’ve hit 500, which was a while ago, that’s what this blog started to feel like with each bit of time that passed.
i’ve enjoyed it, of course i did, don’t get me wrong! i’ve just been enjoying it less than i did when i started off, that feeling of accomplishment and joy and pride at myself numbing a bit more with each milestone i passed. that’s just all me though, i’m sure.
anyways, not right now though, maybe just around the weekends when i actually have time to spare. so, until then, i’ll stick around here as much as i can. other than that, i don’t have much else to say other than thank you.
that i hope that you’ll keep doing what you love, whatever that is, despite the highs and lows. just know that the community you’re in is filled with people who love you through and through and that i do too - that you’ll do what you love because you want to, not because you should.
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keyboard-mang0 · 2 years
Lost and Found
Part 3!
Genshin Impact x Child! God! Fem! Reader
Not sure if I can still call it impulsive, but it’s definitely still a dumb idea for a cult au with a child reader! Not imposter, and inching slightly more into SAGAU kinda.
Reader is referred to with she/her. Not proof read. If you see typos, no the fuck you don’t.
Notes: Major thing to note, the “Favored” refer to the main team of four in the game, the “Auxilary” is the nickname I gave to my off team that I needed to make for the part of Spiral Abyss that you needed two teams for, and “Vessels” are just any playable character. I used my own Favored as I’m the one writing. They are a healthy balance of “Characters I own” and “Characters I pray to RNG to just fucking give them to me GAME”. Other then that, Warning of religious themes, likely out of character moments, more child crying, and misplaced feelings of guilt. Enjoy!
<~Part 2   Part 4~>
Word count: 3,552.
The work of an outrider is far from simple, to scout the surrounding area of your home, help those in need of it, guide the lost to safety, and of course fight off the dangers that threaten those under your charge. Being an outrider has many duties, and so Amber takes her work very seriously, her bow in hand, Baron Bunny at the ready, and the sheer resolve that no problem can shake her confidence. 
That is until a man appeared before her from thin air. 
Startling the young woman, the man looked down at her, a twisted mask covering his face as he looks her up and down, humming to himself. He nods as he pulls out a pair of sealed envelopes, holding them out to her. 
"Give these to the names written on them." Xiao demands as he pushes the letters into her free hand.
"Wait, who are-?" Amber starts, however she's quickly cut off.
"Do not read those yourself under any circumstances, do you understand?" Xiao's voice sounds slightly hurried and forceful as he glares into her eyes.
"Um… yes?..." looking down at the pair of letters, she can't stop the small gasp at the Qixing seal that holds both envelopes closed.
"Good, then I must say my goodbye, and be going. Goodbye." Xiao states finally, then with a gust of wind, he's gone.
Staring into the empty air that the man had disappeared into, Amber's gaze gets pulled back down to the letters, flipping them over to read the names they've been addressed to. Her eyes widening at the selected recipients.
"Well, I wonder what news this could be." She thinks aloud, turning on her heels in the direction of Mondstadt, back to the Favonius headquarters.
Mornings in the Jade Chamber are ordinarily, not a terribly busy time. Secretaries and maids arriving to carry out their work day for the Tianquan. Organizing papers, light cleaning, making sure the lady Tianquan has eaten before starting work. Mornings are their time for quiet conversation and preparation for the more difficult times of day. Which lends to the irregularity of this morning.
"What do you mean she's gone?!" Ningguang shouts at the guard that was unfortunate enough to be the one to deliver the news.
"I-I mean we can't find her, Lady Tianquan! We've already checked the room the maids said she had slept in, top to bottom, and it was empty!" The guard explains, eyes locked on the floor to escape the seething gaze of the Tianquan.
The woman pinches the bridge of her nose, "then where's Captain Beidou?" Her voice alone gives way to her annoyance at the situation.
"We aren't sure, Ma'am! She is not in the Jade Chamber either." The guard slowly tries to inch toward the door, their resolve to stay through her annoyance waning.
A low groan slips from the Tianquan as she drops her hands to her sides, "alright, I'll be back, return to your post." She states, walking past the man towards the entrance. Not pausing as a secretary walks in step beside her, "yes?"
"I just wished to inform you that the Adventures Guild has accepted your commission, and that Miss Katheryne will see to it personally." The secretary reads over a paper in her hands.
"Good, then our Inazuman guests should be receiving the news about Y/n soon enough, and we can expect our first guest by this evening or earlier, anything else?" Ningguang hums as she opens the door to leave.
"Yes, rather strangely, Miss Ganyu is late for work this morning, can't imagine what's keeping her, I can't remember the last time she was late." The secretary looks up from her paper to see Ningguang wearing a small smile.
"If Ganyu isn't here either, then there's probably nothing to be worried about, but I will be going just to be sure, see preparations for both the Mondstadt and Inazuma guests are being made, while I'm gone." Ningguang steps out the door as she speaks, the secretary giving a bow to the empty doorway before turning to begin her work.
The early morning sun is warm, a light cool breeze carrying the salty scent of the ocean further in, trips down to the harbor during clear mornings are always pleasant. Too early for the echoing chorus of work, but late enough to see it just beginning. 
Yujing Terrace however is still yet to rouse, the wealthiest of Liyue not needing to rise as early as the rest. The empty courtyard proves the perfect place as echoing voices reach Ningguang's ears.
"I'm not sure if I would count this as a breakfast." Ganyu's voice echoes.
"Why not? Some spice to help wake you up is good for you!" Beidou, of course not even the early morning can stifle her energy.
"I just don't think spicy stir fry is a good choice for a growing girl." Ganyu says, sounding half focused on the conversation and half on something else.
A loud whimper echoes as Ningguang turns a corner to find Beidou and Ganyu both sitting at Y/n's sides, take-out boxes in hand, and Y/n's face rapidly flushing as she takes a bite of her food. 
"So, it's good, right?" Beidou pushes, smiling brightly at the girl, who looks on the brink of tears as she shakily smiles back.
"It's good." Her voice is strained, her teeth slightly clenched, as gold streaks slowly escape her eyes.
The taller woman throws her head back to laugh at the girl's reaction, Ganyu instead looking away to hide her own laugh before making eye contact with Ningguang. 
"What are you three doing out here?" Ningguang steps closer, crossing her arms as she gives a stern look to Beidou and Ganyu.
The captain's smile does not waver, "what's it look like? We're eating." She answers cheerfully, shoveling food into her mouth for added effect.
"I happened to bump into them on the way to the Jade Chamber, so I thought it best to stay with them for a bit." Ganyu shrinks slightly under Ningguang's gaze, sheepishly patting Y/n's head, more to calm her own nerves than the little girl's.
The white haired woman relaxes as a small sigh slips from her, shifting her full attention to Beidou, "but why did you leave without telling anyone? You caused quite a little panic by just disappearing with Y/n." Her arms remain crossed as she waits for the other woman's response. 
A small voice interrupts the women, "because I was hungry, miss Ningguang." Y/n looks up at Ningguang, the flushed tint of her face slowly ebbing away, but the glint of gold still sitting in the corners of her eyes.
Stopping to look her over, Ningguang notices the girl is still wearing her strange ragged clothes from yesterday, however much cleaner. Making the faded colors and numerous tears all the more prominent. The scarf she had previously covered her face with now sitting loosely around her neck. And where her hair has once been a tangled mass of dirty knots, now it has been cleaned, brushed out, and tied into a pair of neat buns on either side of her head.
Beidou interrupts her study of the girl, "I tried to find something to eat in the Chamber, but for such a big house, you hardly keep anything edible in there. I mean come on, Ning, you live like that?"
Irritation takes over the woman's expression, glaring at the sitting captain, "Preparations to host take time you know. If you have a problem with it then help."
Y/n hums looking down at her small box of food, holding it up for Ningguang after a pause, "are you hungry, Miss Ning?"
Turning her gaze down to the girl, Ningguang stops her eye from twitching at Y/n using the nickname Beidou devised to annoy her. "Thank you, but I'm fine-" she stops mid sentence as she looks into the box, turning a scrutinizing look to Beidou. "Why did you get her jueyun chilies?"
Still smiling, the Captain pats Y/n's head between the buns, "Little Rat, here asked to have the same thing I was getting."
"Little Rat?" 
"Yea! Don't you think these buns look like rat ears?" Beidou's hand moves from patting the girl's head to poking at her hair. A laugh bubbles from the girl, pushing Beidou to return to patting her, "plus I saw her scamper. You'd put real rats to shame, wouldn't you?"
Y/n's laughter is all that stops Ningguang from growling at the other woman. Her eyes flicking to Ganyu, who has suddenly found the clouds far more interesting than before. "Well since all of you are already out of the chamber, I have a couple plans for how we can start the day." Ningguang sighs, pulling the trio's attention to her.
She lifts the box of food Y/n had handed her, "first, we're stopping somewhere to get Y/n something to eat, that won't leave her in tears." 
"When you said we would get Little Rat new clothes I didn't really think this was your plan…" Beidou sat leaning against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest as the small gaggle of tailors took measurements of Y/n. Pre-made outfits being held up to compare then passed around and swapped for new pieces.
Ningguang sat in the waiting chair beside her "she needs more than just a couple dresses, Y/n said her only belongings are those weird rags she's been in this whole time. She needs a proper wardrobe." 
"I get that, but isn't this a bit much? She's still so young, there's no way she'll be able to wear anything you get her now by next year." Beidou groans, pulling a flask from her belt, which is quickly snatched from her hand by Ningguang.
"Watch your drinking around Y/n." Ningguang doesn't look up as she just places the flask back on Beidou's belt.
"What? Why?" Beidou's eyebrows furrow in annoyance.
"She's already started mimicking you. Don't give her bad habits." Ningguang moves a warning look up to the captain.
Returning her arms to where they had been crossed over chest, Beidou grumbles under her breath.
"Don't be such a baby, I'm going to be careful with my smoking, so it's not just you." Ningguang snaps her attention back to the tailors.
"Let go!" Y/n shouts, her hands clinging to the scarf, the attendants let go of the cloth at Ningguang snapping her fingers. 
Beidou rushes to the girl, pushing past the attendants, kneeling down to look the girl in the eye, and gently putting her hands on Y/n's shoulders. "Hey hey, Y/n, it's ok." She shushes the girl, quickly wiping away the thin streaks of gold on her cheeks.
Ningguang kneels down closer to eye level with Y/n, "do you not want a new one?" She asks gently, the girl only shakes her head in response.
"My parents gave it to me. Right before… before I…" tears form in her eyes as Y/n speaks, and the girl quickly throws herself at Beidou as quiet sobs escape her.
The two women share a look before both move to enclose their arms around Y/n. Ningguang gently shushed, and Beidou quietly hummed. Neither moving to try and force the girl to stop her tears, just holding her close. Both think about how much they still don't know about her, but she needs care, and Archons be damned if they don't give that to her.
The rest of their shopping visit went on with little trouble, a short word from Ningguang and the tailor attendants continued their work, more carefully around Y/n's scarf. Quickly ending the visit with an armful of bags and an order placed for even more later.
The sun hangs higher in the sky, greater warmth washing over the three as they step back into the Liyue streets. Ningguang hums as she looks around, turning her head back to where Y/n is practically perched on Beidou's shoulders. "It looks like it's around noon, so I should probably get back to work. If you two wish to stay out, go ahead." She says, the pair look around absently before Beidou awkwardly attempts to look up at Y/n.
"What do you think, Little Rat? Wanna go back to drop off the bags then come back out?" Beidou smiles each time she says her nickname outloud.
Y/n hums for a moment, "ok!" She smiles and hugs closer to the Captain.
"Well then it's decided, lead on, Ning!" Beidou's boisterous energy has giggles coming from the girl, and the nickname earning her a scowl from the woman beside her.
Climbing the steps to Yujing Terrace voices echoing plenty. Guards and citizens milling across the courtyards and gardens. But it is one voice in particular that stands out.
"Come on! Come on! Paimon wants to see what Miss Ningguang wants!" A shrill childish voice shouts.
"Settle down, the secretary said Ningguang was out, so we are just going to have to wait." A young woman's tired voice answers.
"Which reminds me! Why couldn't we wait in the Jade Chamber?" Paimon groans.
"Because whatever it is Ningguang wants to talk about must be important if she got the adventurers guild to use teleporters just to send a letter." Lumine absent mindedly responds, eyes scanning over the crowd in search of the Tianquan in question. "So we'll wait here so we can find out sooner."
Almost as if on cue, Ningguang steps from the crowd, eyebrows furrowed slightly as she leans close to the Traveler. "Get up to the Chamber now. This is not the place for our discussion."
Confusion surround the world-wondering pair at her words, "but Paimon thought it was really important." Her high voice rings in an attempt to be quieter to match Ningguang.
"Very, but not something for the public, so go, I'll catch up." Ningguang says with finality, turning away to signal for the pair to leave.
Beidou smiles as she nods in greeting to Lumine and Paimon, Y/n quietly staring wide eyed at the pair, even after they had already left.
The sound of porcelain smashing against the ground echoes in Lumine's ears, the loss of weight on her fingers not dawning on her yet. Eyes locked onto the two women in front of her, Ningguang seated at her desk as if this were a mere business transaction, Beidou leaning against the side of the desk with her flask still firmly planted against her lips.
"You… you're being serious?!" Paimon shouts, floating closer to the desk before hesitating.
"Completely. The Creator is in Liyue Harbor, she has been taken in as a guest of the Jade Chamber until further notice." Ningguang states, sighing as she eyes the shattered teacup.
"But you don't want anyone to know? Not even the Archons? Not even her?" Lumine's voice is quiet, the news still echoing in her mind.
Beidou finally pulls her flask away to breathe, "well we don't actually know if she's aware of her own divinity, or not."
"What do you mean you don't know?" Lumine's attention shifts to the captain. 
"We have learned that the reason we couldn't find her in the year following the ceremony is because she was purposefully put into hiding." Beidou explains, setting her flask back at her hip.
Ningguang continues for her, "according to her, she was told by an abyss mage that she would get in trouble if she was around humans too much."
"The Abyss got to her!?" Paimon screeches, her words setting the Traveler on edge behind her.
"Another thing we don't know. They might have, or it could have been the actions of an outlying mage, we don't exactly have a way to find out." Beidou turns her attention to the door to the office, almost as if on guard at someone intruding.
"So where is she now then?" Lumine looks between the two women expectantly.
"Yea, can Paimon meet the Creator?" Paimon pitches in, drifting back to float around Lumine's head.
The two older women share a glance before looking back at the pair. "You can, but there are ground rules." Beidou states, pushing off the desk and starting towards the door.
"First, you will by no means refer to her as the Creator to her face. Second, you will not speak of her identity to anyone outside of a select number of her Vessels. And the most important one, that is admittedly mostly for just you two. Never under any circumstances at all, for any reason so much as mention having come across the Creator to even a single one of the Archons." Ningguang gives each rule, her eyes carrying a threat not missed by the pair of Wanderers.
"Ganyu should still be with her, let's go." Beidou calls out before opening the office door.
Paimon wastes no time, zipping through the air after the woman to escape the Tianquan's threatening eyes. Lumine however hangs back as Ningguang stands to follow along.
"If I may… if she was really hiding on purpose. How did you even manage to find her?" Lumine asks quietly, Ningguang nodding to show she heard.
"We arrested her." Her voice calm as if there was no problem with her words at all.
Lumine couldn't help but gawk a bit at the woman's reply, "you… what?"
"It doesn't matter. Look, Beidou stopped so she must be in that room." Ningguang brushes the blonde off as she widens her steps to catch up.
A giggle echoes from behind the door. Beidou smiles to herself as she pushes the door wide open.
Inside a child with h/c hair hops in place where she is seated on a large bed between Ganyu and Xiao. E/c eyes almost sparkling when she sees Beidou in the doorway. However upon catching sight of Paimon and Lumine, she shrinks back slightly, partially hiding herself behind Ganyu. An action that has all four people standing in the door pause in surprise. 
"Um.. Y/n, this is-" Beidou starts to introduce the pair before being cut off.
"Lumine and Paimon." Her voice lacking the meekness it had the night before, but still quiet.
The Traveler perks up slightly, taking a step closer, but stopping at the way Y/n moves further behind Ganyu. "You recognize us?" She asks quietly as she tries to look more relaxed without getting closer.
The girl nods slowly, a small glint of gold beginning to peak at the corner of her still visible eye. Her voice lowers back into her meek whisper, "I'm sorry." 
Paimon slowly drifts closer, covering her gasp at the gold beginning to drip down her cheeks. "You don't have anything to be sorry for." Paimon talks quietly, as she comes closer, e/c orbs lock onto her.
"But… but I…" Y/n starts before feeling a comforting weight on her head, looking up to find Beidou smiling down at her with the woman's hand patting between the hair buns. Y/n sniffles slightly before wiping her face on her shirt sleeve, still looking sad, but no longer in tears at Lumine "I didn't finish helping you.. i-in Inazuma."
Lumine can't hold back the small gasp she lets out, a year ago the warmth in her heart that pulled her across the distant islands disappeared. A year ago she found herself in the middle of a conflict she wasn't sure how to deal with alone. And now here sits the girl that had been guiding her the whole way. Apologizing as if she had a say in the matter.
Lumine inches closer, kneeling down by the bed before slowly offering a hand to the girl. "You have nothing to be sorry for, ok? Just like Paimon said!" She smiles gently as the wide eyed girl moves closer to her, gently placing a hand in Lumine's, and giggling when the older girl gives it a shake.
Ningguang smiles at the scene, her gaze dragging across each person before stopping on Xiao. The Adeptus, seeming to feel her gaze, turns to meet it. The pair both move to a separate corner of the room before speaking. "So you finished delivering those letters?" Ningguang whispers, eyes on the child now smiling with Paimon.
"Handed them off to one of those Knights and left before Lord Barbatos could catch wind of me." He whispers, stoic expression unchanging as he takes in the room.
Ningguang sighs, "so you didn't give them to the actual recipients?" 
"What use would those Knights be if they can't deliver a simple letter? I'm sure it will be fine." Xiao groans annoyed.
Ningguang pinches at her temple for a moment before loud laughter pulls her attention again. Y/n kicking and wiggling in the air as Paimon tickles the girl, and Beidou holding her up like she's weightless.
"Oh well look, I've caught a little rat!" Beidou laughs, Paimon smiling wide as she drifts to dodge Y/n's flailing limbs. Lumine and Ganyu both take the sight in with soft smiles.
Another, softer, sigh slips from Ningguang "well, if they don't, I guess planning a trip for us to go to Mondstadt wouldn't be the end of the world."
Post reading notes: I honestly came so close to dragging things out even more just to slip an OC in there for the funsies. But ultimately decided to go the route of a random bit of dialog that I’m not sure why I remembered. Namely of Kathryne saying she uses the teleporter network to move between the nations.
Taglist: @twstfan-san @saltysugarysembei @universal-rose @qluvrv @jaynahh @heavenlyfloof @thetwinkims @victoria1676 @beemarkie @definitely-a-keqing-simp @inlovewithwaffels @qinxin02
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lokislastlove · 2 years
What’s Mine (Dark!Eddie Munson x Reader) part 2
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Warnings: Noncon, Vampire AU, blood, death, smut, public sex.
Notes: So I finally understand why it’s so hard to finish a god damn story when you have so many WIPs. I finally finished this, mostly for the AO3 people but here it is anyway. ❤️
Part 1 Here 
“So now that you’ve taken what you want… what are you going to do with me?” You ask bitterly as Eddie rolls off the mattress and pulls the black Metallica shirt over his head.
He smirks as he buttons his pants and tugs his hair out from under his collar, but doesn’t look at you. The satin sheets slip along your skin as you try to cover your naked body - not that it matters as he just spent the past several hours tasting every inch of you.
“If you think one night is all I want, you are seriously underestimating me, princess.”
He walks over to the French doors he left open and shuts them just before the glow of the morning sun starts to break along the hilltop.
“I haven’t even seen how cute you look in chains.”
He locks it with purpose and you flinch at the way the deadbolt handle breaks off. He lets it fall to the floor and looks at you over his shoulder.
“Why don’t you try to get some sleep, sweetheart. I’ll come back to fetch you when it’s time to eat.”
Your lip curls in disgust and he snickers to himself as he heads for the door to the stairwell.
“Behave yourself,” he teases as he shuts the door behind him.
You toss a pillow at the door in frustration and fall back onto the bed. How did this happen? Not even twelve hours ago you were fantasizing about a life of luxury… now you wish you could be back in your little studio apartment with nothing but a shitty job to look forward to on Monday. I guess this is what you get for never saying no to a favor.
The thought brings your friend to mind… Star. How could she do this to you? She looked scared, but she knew. She knew what they were and she helped them.
Rage boils in your stomach and you kick off the blankets. You stomp over to the door and grunt as you tug on the handle. You hear the wood groan under the strain until it eventually sprinters around the edges of the handle.
“Holy shit,” you look down at the ornate knob balancing in your hand, “what the...”
You let it fall to the ground with a thud and quickly pull on the silver beaded dress, leaving the underwear in pieces on the floor. You tiptoed down the spiraling stairs until you eventually come to another wood door. You press your ear to the grain and listen for signs of life on the other side.
After a few moments of silence you turn the handle and follow the embroidered runner down the hall. The morning light is just breaking over the mountains and you hiss as you pass a window. It doesn’t set you aflame, like you had expected. It’s more like the hot scorching of the desert sun in the heat of summer, intense and unpleasant. You squint as you pass, blocking the rays with your hand and push on despite the discomfort.
You wet your lips as you come to the end of the hall. It opens on a cavernous mahogany and marble space with a balcony overlooking the grand foyer below. There is a scent in the air, familiar, yet you can’t identify it. It makes your mouth water and despite your best judgement, you follow it.
Like a moth to the flame, you tiptoe down the stairs and find a set of double doors left slightly ajar. Your mind grows hazy as you near, as though the smell takes over all your other senses, numbing them until you are drooling with ravenous hunger.
So. Impossibly. Hungry.
“I thought I told you to stay in your room?”
His voice cuts through the buzz in your ears, and the fog lifts instantly. You blink as you stand in the doorway and take in the horrific scene before you. The larger dining tables are broken to create make-shift body racks leaning along the walls – six all together. On each is a party guest, unconscious and hanging upside down as they are slowly drained of their blood.
You gasp at the sight of them still twitching while their life trickles neatly down the table into a tub on the floor. Your instincts pull you in different directions, one has your feet itching to run while the other leaves you salivating.
Eddie saunters closer, hands out and head bowed, looking through his lashes as he coos at you. “It’s ok, Princess… I know it’s all a bit overwhelming.”
You shuffle your feet as he gets closer, still unsure which direction you want to go. Your eyes dart between him and the viscous red pool, shuddering temptingly with each languid drop.
“What’s wrong with me?” You whimper.
“You’re transitioning. This is a very important step… whatever you do next will shape your whole future.”
“So I get a choice?” You look at him sharply.
He cocks his head to the side with a half smile, “well, for now, sure… but let’s not be too hasty.” He takes the last few steps and gently grips your arms, rubbing your skin soothingly with his thumbs.
One of the guests gurgles, flinches and chokes on their own blood before stilling completely. The human part of you fills you with pity and a sob catches in your throat.
“I can’t. I won’t.”
Eddie let’s out a disappointed huff and his hands grip your arms tight, “you’re just not ready yet. That’s why I asked you to stay in the room.”
“No, no, no,” you panic, pulling against his superior strength. “I can’t. You won’t make me do this.”
Eddie tries to hush you. He gets one hand under your chin and tries to pull you into an embrace but another steel grip on the back of your head pulls you painfully backward. You cry out in surprise, follicles burning as they threaten to rip from your scalp.
“What’s this, Eddie?”
You blink away the tears as you grab at the hand at the back of your head, looking up at the glowing blue eyes and platinum blond hair of David. That same malevolent smirk dimples his stubbled cheek, but there is a fire in his eyes that lets you know he’s far from amused. His gaze sends a shiver down your spine that has you longing to return to Eddie’s embrace.
“David,” Eddie warns.
“I thought you said you’d take care of her?”
“And I did,” Eddie’s half yells before taking a calming breath and trying again. “She’s half, she’ll transition soon.”
You quiver at the thought but in the fear of the moment if the choice is dying or becoming one of them… well, you’re definitely not ready to die.
David let’s out a hollow chuckle, “well, no time like the present.”
“No!” you scream as he drags you into the dining room towards the closest guest.
No matter how hard you thrash his hold is unwavering. A few of the other vampires look up to watch you cross the room, they throw back their heads and laugh when you plead for their help. Adrenaline floods your veins as the pungent scent of blood gives you a heady buzz.
“Just a little taste is all it takes,” David whispers into your ear. “Try it.”
Your eyes roll as your inhibitions and doubts wash away with his words. All you can think about is how badly you want a drink. David releases your hair and bends to pluck a gold chalice from the floor that they had stolen from the fancy display case. He dips it into the crimson stained vat and holds it out to you.
In your haze you don’t notice Eddie step up behind you, or the disapproving frown as he watches you take the goblet. You bring it to your lips with glossy eyes while your nerves spark in anticipation of the mouthwatering taste.
It is a euphoric experience, like every mortal craving you’ve ever experienced swirled into one, satisfying every inch of your tongue and throat as it fills your body. It takes mere seconds to percolate through every cell. You imagine it’s as close as you can get to divinity. You feel like yourself, but enhanced, exactly what it must be like to be a god.
“Oh fuck,” you sigh in delight before quickly emptying the cup.
David chuckles darkly as he watches you fall to your knees to scoop up another cup full and down it just as quickly, droplets dripping from your chin in your haste. “I think I see the appeal, Eddie. She really is quite something, isn’t she?”
A heat rushes through your extremities, the more you drink the warmer you feel. But it’s not just warmth it’s power. Distracted by the new sensation, you miss Eddie’s low growl as David slowly squats down and runs a finger along your jaw, catching a runaway drop.
“That’s enough now. Too much will make you sleepy and we still haven’t been… properly introduced.”
The cup slips through your slack fingers and clatters loudly to the floor. It feels as though a veil has been lifted and you look down at your hands in horror, you had lost yourself for a moment there.
“What did you do to me?”
“Nothing that wasn’t going to happen eventually. Clearly Eddie wanted you all to himself,” he looks pointedly at the man behind you. “But that’s just not how things work around here. We’re a family, right boys?”
Whooping and laughter echoes around the room in response, making you flinch. You can feel your body changing and it’s enough to distract you from the tension growing between David and Eddie.
“And families share… right, Eddie?”
Before you can process his salacious tone you are knocked over and pushed aside as Eddie lunges for David. With a wild howl Eddie pins David to the floor. David tries to get a word out, his face twisted in surprised anger, but Eddie quickly slaps his ringed hand over his mouth.
“Man, I think we’ve all heard enough out of you,” Eddie snarls.
You watch with wide eyes as they start to levitate off the floor, but Eddie maintains the upper hand, careful to keep David mute throughout their struggles. Three of the others rush over, angry and poised to intervene.
“I think I’m done being your bitch boy, David. I’ll start my own little family and you’re not invited.”
The three growl lowly at his threat and one quickly bends to collect you from the floor. He wraps his thick fingers around your throat and shouts up at Eddie.
“That’s enough. Let him go or I tear out your girlfriends throat.”
Eddie hisses over his shoulder when he spots you, fangs displayed and eyes black. He instantly throws his head back and lets out an inhuman shriek, so high it’s almost imperceptible. Moments later there is a distant whoosh and cacophony of quiet squeaks, whatever it is its coming fast. A sequence of doors slam open in the empty halls of the house and within seconds a swarm of black bursts into the dining room.
Thousands of large leathery black bats swirl around you. You panic as the flap of their wings overwhelm your senses only to realize they are clawing at the men holding you. They roar with anger as Eddie cackles and turns back to the fuming blond beneath him.
You duck from their clutches in the chaos and hide beneath a pile of rubble in the corner, watching the madness unfold.
“Don’t watch, Princess. You don’t need to see this,” Eddie calls over his shoulder before diving toward David’a neck.
You hear the bite, a muffled gurgling scream followed by a dull thud. You uncover your eyes as David’s head rolls across the floor, his dull eyes unblinking as they stare past you. David’s body then falls to the floor and Eddie lands on his feet with a cheeky bow, face sticky with blood.
Eddie strolls over casually while the other three howl and struggle with the vortex of his winged minions. You don’t know whether to fear or admire him as he holds out his hand for you.
He offers a gentle smile and an encouraging nod. “Come on, Sweetheart. Time for our own adventure.”
You look at the men screaming and trying but failing to flee from the bats who keep them suspended in agony, then to the decapitated head of their leader only a few feet away. If he wanted to force you he could. Probably better to stay on his good side.
Finally, you take his hand and he pulls you to your feet. He cradles you against his side, curling his arm around your waist possessively.
“What about them?” You ask as he guides you toward the door.
Eddie smirks then whistles. The bats quickly scatter and fly around the room before busting through one of the stained glass windows. The men fall to the ground, bloody and weak. They look up at you and Eddie right as the last bats flutter out the window, leaving behind the golden morning sun. The vampires barely have time to realize what is happening before they sizzle under the rays screaming as their skin blisters and blackens. They scramble out of the light and into the shadow, hissing and wailing like injured beasts.
“They’ll be alright in time and now they know better than to try to follow us,” Eddie smirks while you look on in horror.
“Is that what will happen to me if I go outside?”
“As soon as you drank from that goblet you transitioned to full vampire. You’re a creature of the night now, princess. Just like me,” he guides you down the hall as reality sinks in.
“And the bats? Will I be able to do that?”
He chuckles and kisses your temple fondly, leaving a sticky residue you choose to ignore, “I discovered my ability not long after I changed. David had the power of persuasion, that’s why the others feared him. But I was getting tired of his games… then you came along and now everything feels different.”
“I didn’t … I didn’t ask for any of this,” you mutter sadly.
“You didn’t have to, I felt it the moment I saw you. You were destined for me. We can do whatever we want, go wherever we want. The world is ours.”
It’s a promise that terrifies and thrills you. The remnants of your humanity are fading, you can feel it. With every passing minute the guilt and fear weigh a little less and the anxiety that plagues your mind quiets, leaving behind a confidence and power you never thought possible.
The pulsing base from the wall of speakers shake the balcony railing as you scope the neon splattered nightclub. The black lights give everyone a purple hue, they teeth and eyes glowing in the darkness. The scent of their blood just beneath that fine layer of supple skin, moistened by the sweat from their erratic dancing. It’s intoxicating.
“How about that one?” Eddie whispers in your ear, his denim laden embrace closing you in and pinning you to the cool metal railing.
You peek over your shoulder and follow his eye to the tall man patrolling the edge of the dance floor, like a shark tailing it’s prey. His pointed glower is anything but friendly but he’s well built, lean muscles that are well fed and tended to regularly. They are always so tender and rich.
“Mmm,” he hum appreciatively. “Definitely a finalist.”
You lean your head into Eddie’s as he nuzzled your neck and rests his chin on your shoulder, “so which one were you looking at?”
His voice is deep as his hands run down your sides and pull your hips back against him. Your hips move slowly with his as he pretends to dance to the music, his bushy hair hiding the way he sucks and nibbles on your neck.
“Which one?” You echo breathily, distracted by his expert tongue and the way he sucks on that one spot that makes your knees weak. “Oh – uh. God… all of them smell so good. It’s all so good, Eddie.”
He nips your ear hard and curls his hand up to grab your chin. Forcing your face forward, he holds you there as he hisses, “I’m not letting you leave this balcony until you decide.”
His other hand slips down to pull up the hem of your short black dress, allowing him to palm your ass. He gropes you hard, pinching and spreading you apart until he has you moaning for more. You arch your back, rubbing your ass against his cool metal belt until he releases himself with a quick zip and slides easily inside of you.
You let out a long low moan as he fills you. It’s such a natural feeling now, you can hardly manage half a day without your cunt dripping at just the thought of it. Thankfully, he rarely makes you wait that long.
“In fact, I don’t think I’ll let you cum until you decide which little morsel down there you want to bring home for dinner.”
“Eddie,” you whine through his long, slow thrusts.
“Go on,” he says.
“I can’t think straight like th – “ you gasp when he adjusts his hand to around your neck and squeezes sharply.
Your eyes roll and you scan the crowd rapidly. You need to cum. He’s denied you all day and now with his cock deep in your cunt and your head dizzy from the tantalizing scent, you are ready to explode. You whine, hands grasping the metal bar as a tall sweet-faced young man catches your eye.
The way he runs his hands through his thick hair and that gentlemanly smile has you biting your lip. He’s definitely athletic, but not bulky and confident but unassuming. You breathe in deep through your nose, he smells better than anyone else here.
“Him,” you moan as Eddie ruts into you with subtle determination, not that he cares if you get caught.
“What was that? You pick someone?” Eddie teases, pounding into you hard as he looks down at the crowd. “Speak up, princess.”
You growl and release a hand to point down at the crowd, “him!”
Eddie slows as he narrows his eyes at your final choice. Then to your utter bewilderment he starts to laugh. A deep maniacal laughter.
“Oh, sweetheart. You sure know how to pick ‘em.” He laughs and releases your throat so he can push you forward, bending you over the railing. “Now cum for me.”
Your confusion is forgotten as he grips you by the hips and fucks you raw until you cum with a squeal loud enough to catch the attention of several people below.
“Good girl,” he coos and fixes your skirt. “Now go get him. I’ll meet you at the car.”
You brush back your hair and smooth down your top, clenching your burning thighs as you descend down the rickety metal staircase. You float through the crowd, peoples heads turn to watch you as you brush by. You smirk at their goofy smiles and dazed eyes as you drag your fingers over their sweaty chests. You never particularly wanted to be noticed or admired, but with your new life comes new desires.. and more importantly new powers.
Manipulation and hypnosis is fairly standard for all Vampires, but your allure in this form exceeds any others. You could commands this entire room of people if you so chose. You could make all of them desire you, follow you, kill for you even. But tonight you just want him.
He senses you coming when you are halfway across the room, turning away from his date and slowly moving toward you. You meet in the middle of the dance floor, the crowd still swaying to the music, but he stands still as if entranced.
“Hi,” he says dumbly.
“Hello,” you reply with a charming smile
“I’m Steve,” he holds out his hand.
“Steve,” you let his name roll across your tongue as you try to resist the urge to sink your teeth into him. “Come.”
Without further instruction you turn on your heel and head straight for the exit. People part for you without prompting as Steve follows close behind, deaf to the cries of outrage from his former date. He’s yours now and you have a feeling this one might be something special… someone worth keeping.
The door slams and you grin wide at Eddie waiting for you with the car door held open. “Princess,” he smiles and helps you inside before turning to Steve. “Harrington! Long time no see, man.”
Steve looks from you to Eddie. “Munson?” He asks in quiet confusion.
“Come with us, Steve,” you lilt, curling a finger wantonly as Eddie pulls open the back door for him.
“That’s right, big boy. We’ve got big plans for you tonight,” Eddie teases with a wink as Steve crawls into the back of the car.
You eye Steve in the rear view mirror, his brown doe eyes stare longingly at the back of your head. Already completely smitten and you barely had to say a word. Eddie slides into the drivers seat and rests his hand on your thigh.
“I don’t know, Eddie. I think Steve has potential for more than just one night,” you bite your lip, fighting the grin while Eddie raises a brow. He smirks as he takes the wheel and steers for home… Eddie never could say no to his princess.
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shini--chan · 11 months
Hi! Can I get some headcanons for Denmark and Sweden having feeling for the same darling?
For the short version: shit is gonna hit the fan. For the long version.
Yandere Sweden vs Denmark
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This would be a scenario that would get the blood of both men boiling. The present day status of being EU countries would encourage them to remain cordial on the surface, that it wouldn’t solve the pre-existing problems, only freeze said dilemmas or make them resort to more covert methods. When they would both find out that they’re eyeing the same person, then matter could very well spiral out of control. They would be both be running high on emotions and their mutual unwillingness to share along with the emotional baggage both carry would mix together to be the most explosive cocktail.
There was a loud knock on the door, interrupting the awkward silence that had settled between Matthias and you. You were thankful for it, because you had already started to feel nervous under the intense stare of your surprisingly silent guest.
A key twisted in the hole and Matthias hissed: “Who did you give your spare key to?”
He was angry, (of course he was angry – you had just rejected his proposition to move into his house; it was simply too early) and he got even angrier when he saw who stepped in and neatly took off his shoes.
Berwald froze when he glimpsed your guest and you could feel your anxiety rise, making your heart hammer in your ears and making you feel oddly floaty. While the taller man was a calming presence with his stoic attitude, he was the last person you needed here. Matthias was hot-tempered and without somebody to respond with adequate empathy, his emotions would flare.
“What are you doing here?”, Berwald all but snarled. It shocked you, because it was the most emotion you had ever witness from the man. Your first guest narrowed his eyes at him, mirroring his anger.
Your “you know each other?” was promptly ignored, as Matthias stalked forward, seizing up the man he had deemed to be his opponent.
“Oh, you know – visiting. That you really have a concept of it, seeing how you barged in here unannounced. You own the place or something?”
“And what if I did? I bet your face is yearning to meet the pavement outside. Don’t worry – I’ll help you.”
These two would be antagonistic towards each other, right off the bat, especially considering that the circumstances where they would learn of their shared interest would leave little room for misinterpretation. It would lead to vicious plotting as they immediately contemplate ways to get rid of the competition.
Denmark balefully glared at the closed kitchen door. From where he was sitting at the table, he could hear your soft voice as well as the hideous low rumble of that ogre. He wished he could be in their instead of Sweden, to caution you against allowing that emotionally constipated mess of a man continue to see you.
Without the shadow of a doubt, Berwald was doing exactly what he intended to do, only that he warning you to stay away from him, good mood personified. That was an underhand thing that he couldn’t allow.
Seriously, they would probably devise schemes that would end with one in hospital and the other possibly in prison. Trying to reason with them wouldn’t work, blinded by their emotions as they would be. They both know of the others stubbornness and was aware of the full extent of the other’s feelings, they would know that they could never fully enjoy you as long as the other would be free and yearning for your touch.
There would be people hurt and eventually lives ruined, if their “disagreement” would go on for long enough. They would use this fact against one another, using it to point out how the other is so reckless and violent and inconsiderate. Could they possibly be a good husband to you if they are already like this before the deal is sealed? This would probably be a point that Sweden would bring, seeing as out of the two, he would be more in control of his emotions.
Sweden would try to attract you to him by presenting himself as the more put together option, as the man that would listen to all your worries and treat you like a princess in opposition to the stormy Denmark.
Denmark would try to present himself as the more open-minded option, as the guy that can understand the emotions of himself and others, of the fun guy that would ensure your happiness.
Both would do their best to depict the other as a monster that you would do your best to avoid, and they wouldn’t shy from hitting below the belt line here. Thus, sharing would absolutely be out of the question. They would dig up blackmail on the other, throw blocks in the road, drag up unresolved and resolved issues to fight over them all over again.
It would escalate into kidnapping which would then turn into a tug of war as you would be stolen and re-stolen and re-re-stolen. If anything, there would be a high chance that you would die in one of their scuffles. Or just end up hating both of them. Time to move to New Zealand!
The only way everybody would stay alive would be if they would decide to duel for your hand in marriage. A fair share of pride would force them to respect the outcome, especially if a ref would be there to rule out any foul play. And, by the way, your feelings wouldn’t be considered in all of this aside from how they can be used to manipulate you.
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The Fox and The Viper Chapter 2: The Viper
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General Warnings: 18+, as is the whole of my blog, I will mark anything specific but be aware this is predominantly a smutty blog with plot. DNI if you are a minor. By reading further you have taken the responsibility to do so with the warnings I have given. Specific warnings: Nothing much for this chapter, no smut yet, but soon! Summary: Hari and Oberyn navigate a language barrier. Read on AO3
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“Yes Mam-gu, he’s still here, he’s passed out in my bed, I found him some of Lawrence’s old clothes, they’re a bit big on him, but he’s showered, much to his bemusement, and I’ve fed him.” Hari rolls her eyes as she sits on the sofa in her living room, watching the rain cascade angrily against the single-paned sash window to her right. The chill rattles her bones as she hunkers down into her hoodie.
“You move fast.” Mam-gu says playfully, trying to rile Hari up but she was too tired to care.
“Mam-gu, seriously, I need some help here.” She sighs, exhausted, as she takes another sip of coffee. She glances at the clock, it’s two in the morning, almost a full twenty-four hours without sleep. Her eyes drift to the leather armour by the door, stacked on a towel to collect the water dripping from the cured leather folds.
Not a costume.
“Alright, I’ll make some calls and text you as soon as I have something, try and get some sleep, or at least something to eat.” Hari rolls her eyes but nods.
“I promise-,” Hari starts but is immediately cut off.
“Coffee doesn’t count.” Mam-gu says with a knowing tone and Hari laughs despite herself.
“I promise, thank you.”
“Speak soon cariad.”
“Speak soon.” Hari hangs up the phone, looking down into the dark dregs of her coffee mug. The sound of an unfamiliar language, from a soft, rumbling baritone startles her and she yelps, jumping to her feet to face the stranger in her home.
Oberyn leans against the doorframe as he observes the copper-haired woman talk on the little light box she cradled against her face. It spoke with a voice he couldn’t quite hear, but the tone of the conversation was clear, between relatives, but the voice in the light box had seniority he hazarded to guess. Especially from the way the woman’s shoulders bend and flex, tension and relief coming and going as the conversation flows.
He had seen it before, even been part of that dance with his own daughters many times. The thought of his daughters sends a chill down his spine, worry gnawing at the usually boisterously confident man.
Oberyn shook himself out of the beginnings of a thought spiral, he looked back at the woman and was going to confront her, try and understand what was going on, but then she laughed, a musical sound bookended by a harsh snort through her nose that had his heart racing. It was carefree, throaty, genuine. He took the time to look at the way her hair falls in a tongue of flame from the tie fastened at the crown of her head. He wishes she was in fewer clothes, he’d love to see how her muscles ripple as she flexes and bends over the surface in front of her. Before he can act on his depraved thoughts she puts the light box down before sighing as she leans over the table.
He notes to himself that she is beautiful in ways Oberyn wasn’t accustomed to, Westerosi women were mostly pale, cold, and sullen, Dornish women darker skinned, passionate and quick to anger. This woman was something else, fiery like a Northern Wildling, but refined. Classically beautiful, yet strong like a Meereenese pit fighter. He couldn’t help but smile at how much of an enigma she was to him.
“You know, you shouldn’t sit with your back to a stranger.” Oberyn says with a wry smile, delighted at the yelp and startled look on her face as she swivels to stare daggers at him.
Hari seethes at the look on his face, cocky, smarmy, handsome in equal spades. He leans against the doorframe, his dark eyes boring into her and she tries not to blush at the heat it stirs in her belly. The language was completely unintelligible, a hint of old French, old English and something vaguely Germanic.
“I don’t understand what you said.” She barks, crossing her arms over her chest as she takes steadying breaths to ease her hammering heartbeat.
He speaks again, another language rolling off his tongue, it was almost Spanish, maybe Italian, but again she isn’t able to wrap her head around it. She shakes her head once more before pinching the bridge of her nose. He speaks yet another language, vaguely Arabic, maybe Farsi, yet still not one she could nail down. Admittedly, she didn’t know enough Arabic, let alone Farsi to really tell, but she did speak enough Spanish and and German to know the other languages weren’t of this time.
“I still don’t understand you, can you understand me?” She tries but he gives her a quizzical look that she expects matches her own. She shakes her head before gesturing to her chest, just above the low neck of her tank-top.
“Hari,” She says slowly before pointing at the stranger, “You?” He points back at her.
“Hari.” He says, the rich rumble of his accented voice makes her heart flutter as he points to himself with a slender finger, “Oberyn.”
“Oberyn.” She tries the name on her tongue and the flush that spreads across his cheeks and smile that flashes across his lips are gone as quickly as they appeared but Hari saw it and made sure to store the information away. Images of A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream come to mind as she notes the similar, yet different name.
Good to know I’m not the only one feeling flustered.
She thinks to herself before scooping up her phone and coffee mug, dumping the last of the lukewarm liquid into the sink before reaching up into the cabinet above the sink to grab two glasses. She fills them both with water before turning back towards Oberyn.
“Shit!” She exclaims as Oberyn is suddenly right in front of her, his full lips turned up in amusement as he catches the glass that falls from her left hand with ease, not a drop spilled. He chuckles and mutters something under his breath before stepping back out of her space, as if realising he had overstepped. Hari sidles around him before setting her glass on the coffee table next to her iPad. He follows her like a cat, silent, shadowing her every move.
She heads towards the front door, turning to the airing cupboard on the left to get out spare blankets and pillows for herself. Oberyn watches with a discerning eye, as if mapping out the very small flat with every step, every touch of a doorknob. He glances over to the bathroom, the light and whir of the extractor fan still baffling him as he realises he needs to relieve himself. He says something to Hari as she shoves the push-close door with her hip, blankets laden up to her chin. She cocks her head in question and he points to the bathroom.
“Go for it.” She says, nodding, almost forgetting the language a barrier between them, but Oberyn seems to take her meaning and disappears into the tiny shoe-box of a bathroom. She cringes internally as the recollection of trying to show Oberyn how to operate the various bathroom facilities by way of interpretive mime. She is sure he was laughing at her under his breath at times but every time she caught his eye he simply nodded, humourless, respectful.
Hari smiles to herself as she arranges the pillows and cushions just how she likes, the bad habit of too many naps on the small sofa making her an expert at arranging it just so. She flops down and snuggles under a navy fleece, dinosaurs in Santa hats, and sprigs of holly printed all over it, a gift from her best friend last Christmas. Molly was great at giving joke gifts that ended up in Hari’s heavy rotation. Thinking of her friend, she opens up her messages.
Messy Hari: Hey, had a really weird day, fancy catching up tomorrow? Can FaceTime or just Call? X
Hari smiles at the nickname in the chat but can’t deny that she is, as of this last year, a mess. Three dots appear quickly and fade as fast, before rapidly appearing again.
Moll-The-Doll: Fuck you doing up so late? Go to bed.
More dots.
Moll-The-Doll: But yes, I’m going to be hungover as shit, 6pm ok for you?
Messy Hari: You got it, I think I’m going to sleep most of the day anyway, lol. Speak tomorrow.
Hari hits the “Do not Disturb” mode on her phone, setting her first alarm for midday before placing it face-down on the coffee table before gulping down the glass of water. Oberyn is still in the bathroom so she waits for him to come out, not sure why she already feels so at ease with him around. But Hari knew better than to not stow her not-so-legal taser under the sofa, just within reach if needed.
She tries to stay awake for a little longer but she’s asleep long before Oberyn exits the bathroom. He chuckles at the sight of her passed out and turns off the lights, reversing the rituals Hari had gone through when entering the home. He tested the front door, checking the deadbolt and handle before feeling satisfied enough with the safety of the tiny space to head into her room.
The Viper strips naked before climbing into bed, turning off the small, fascinating lamp on the nightstand. It reacts to his touch, the thrum of electricity startling under his skin, but he taps it on-off, on-off a few times with an enlightened smirk before shutting it off for the last time. He sinks down into the sheets and is caught by the smell of her.
“Hari.” He breathes as he inhales, almost lewdly as he feels his cock stir against the soft sheets. Lavender, pine needles, womanly, yet strong. Yet, it was missing the hint of sweat that had lingered on her skin as he stood behind her at the sink. The sheets must be fresh, but Oberyn can’t get the idea of what it would be like to feel her under the sheets with him, his head pressed into the crook of her neck. Guilt squirms it’s way into Oberyn’s mind as he thinks of Ellaria, he misses the way she held him close at every opportunity, the way she felt splayed across his chest.
Be safe my love, for I do not know whence I will return.
Oberyn shuts his eyes, remorse and longing a poison on his mind as his dreams morph into nightmares filled with blood and the screams of Ellaria and their daughters.
Hari’s alarm blares violently, waking her from a deep, untroubled sleep. The first night in a while that she hasn’t woken before her alarm. Fumbling with the angry little device she silences the alarm and snuggles back down into the blankets, not ready to get up just yet. She peeks over the back of the sofa, the light in her bedroom was still off and she the outline of Oberyn still wrapped up in her sheets gave her an odd sense of comfort. As if knowing he was still here meant she wasn’t going insane just yet.
Returning to her phone, Hari scrolls through her various social media feeds, photos of Molly’s night out make her smile. A text comes through and Hari eagerly taps the notification banner to read it.
Mam-gu: The Bear Shop one hour, bring your friend. Iason says he can help.
Short and sweet, like any technological interaction with her grandmother, Carys Owens hates the lack of connection texting and other instant messaging platforms provide. Hari throws the phone down on the sofa and begrudgingly removes herself from the sofa.
“Oberyn?” She calls through to the bedroom, the outline of her guest shifts under the covers before he calls back out to her.
“Hari?” He responds and she feels the flush of heat bloom across her cheeks once more at the way he says her name. The rolling lilt of his accent and the deep timbre of his voice was delightful.
“In here.” She calls and waits for him to join her in the small room. Muffled grunts and whispers of a language Hari can’t understand echo from her bedroom as she waits patiently for her guest to join her.
Oberyn pads out into the living room, his muscular torso bare as he yawns, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he asks a question. Hari tries not to ogle the handsome man as he stretches and bends in her home. His scarred body ripples with taut muscles, slight and lean but clearly strong.
Like a dancer.
She thinks to herself as she stands, walking around to the stranger with cautious movements. He looks at her, repeating his question before blinking twice, three times and smiling ruefully. He laughs softly, ruefully as he remembers the language barrier between them.
“Oberyn, I need you to trust me.” She says, already knowing how futile it was going to be but she needed to try to get across that he needed to follow her.
Oberyn raises a dark brow at her and shakes his head slowly, hands raised, shoulders shrugging in what Hari can only guess is him telling her he doesn’t understand. She sighs and taps her bare foot on the carpet trying to decide how to convey this.
“Hari,” She points at herself before gesturing back to him, “Trust Oberyn.”  He nods slowly, and repeats back to her.
“Oberyn trust Hari.” He says with a solemn nod.
“Come on.” Hari gestures for him to follow her back into her bedroom. Oberyn follows obediently, his gaze never leaving Hari as she pulled out fresh clothes for him a Metallica t-shirt, jeans and a pair of sneakers, then gathered up some for herself before she went to change in the bathroom.
She looks at herself in the mirror, rubbing her tired eyes as she tries to shake the weariness from her foggy mind. She dresses in a thick hand knitted navy jumper, skinny jeans and her favourite red and black paisley Doc Martens before plaiting her hair in a long braid down her back.
She re-enters the living room to find that Oberyn had chosen a different shirt from the drawer, he had found a fuchsia pink button down shirt instead of the t-shirt. It needed an iron but somehow the way he had rolled the long sleeves to just above his elbow suited him just right. She gave him an old leather jacket of Lawrence’s and dons her own camel coloured trench coat. She can’t help but notice, yet again, how handsome he is.
“Ready?” She asks and somehow he seems to understand, and follows without a word, Hari locks the door behind her, slinging her rucksack over one shoulder, motioning for Oberyn to follow once more as she opens the door to the stairwell.
The silence isn’t uncomfortable, if anything it’s fairly easy, but there’s something in the back of Hari’s mind that makes her want to fill it, no matter how futile it is.
“So, we’re off to see a friend of mine, and my Mam-gu’s, he’s an artificer and says he can help.” She explains as they descend the stairs, Oberyn nods slowly as she speaks, which she feels is just him being polite but takes it as an excuse to keep going. They reach the open street and Oberyn’s eyes go wide. The rain has finally subsided, puddles forming in the uneven dips of the pavement, the city is bustling with activity.
“This is Cardiff, it’s much nicer when the sun is out.” She says, looping her arm through his, steering him towards St Mary’s Street passing through the Saturday afternoon buzz. Oberyn instinctively tightens his grip on Hari’s arm as a delivery driver on a bike rockets past.
“It’s ok,” She says softly, squeezing his forearm with her other hand before coaxing him on. The cocky demeanour from her flat gone, the light of day finally giving way to how different this world was for him. Hari can’t stop glancing over her shoulder, checking on the shell of a man she was ogling only minutes before, “We’re almost there.”
Ducking into Wyndham Arcade seems to calm Oberyn as the preserved Victorian era covered alley detracts from the brash assault of the twenty-first century somewhat. Even if there was an e-vape shop and cheap smartphone repair place in immediate eyesight. But the vaulted glass roof with cast iron supports allowed a soft, almost ethereal light into the covered alley.
“Wyndham Arcade was built almost one hundred and fifty years ago,” Hari prattles on, in an attempt to soothe Oberyn’s nerves, “There are basements and secret back rooms in most of them, which makes it the perfect place for Witches to provide their real businesses with fronts.” Oberyn nods, loosening his grip on her hand but not fully letting it go, which Hari is secretly pleased with, his touch tender yet firm, calming yet fiery on her skin.
They pass families, and couples, sitting at the café tables that line the Arcade, some nod knowingly at Hari, friends of Mam-gu no doubt. She nods back politely before continuing on, Hari feels the familiar hum of Power as they reach the frosted glass front of The Bear Shop.
“They have to frost the front windows because they sell tobacco and cigars.” She explains as Oberyn eyes the place with suspicion, his moustache twitching as he tilts his head in observation. But he allows Hari to lead him in without hesitation. The signature haggard taxidermy bear greets them, acting as a divider between the two main rooms of the shop. The scruffy, not so expertly stuffed bear grimaces more than roars at them. Oberyn laughs at this, muttering something under his breath, his full lips turned up in a smile that has Hari’s heart in her throat.
The humidity of the store hits them first, the climate control paramount to keeping the tobacco and cigars fresh, sweat beads on Hari’s brow almost immediately as she regrets wearing the wool jumper.  The smell comes next, the aroma of sweet pipe tobacco, rich Cuban cigars and the faint smell of oil fill the air as they cross the threshold.
The right half of the room is lined with floor-to-ceiling humidors, cigars of all types and brands from the miniature Monte Cristo cigarillos to full sized Romeo and Juliette cigars, the selection is always a sight to behold. The left side of the shop is where the counter is, the old floorboards and dark green walls giving it an old-timely feel.
“Hari!” Iason calls from behind the counter, dressed in a maroon waistcoat and crisp white shirt, his bright hazel eyes peek out from the dark glasses perched on the end of his nose as his curly black hair bounces around his face. His youthful face lighting up at the sight of her, but more importantly Oberyn. Hari doesn’t miss the way Iason looks her companion with not-so-subtle appreciation.
“Iason, good to see you, this is my friend, Oberyn, I think Mam-gu mentioned him to you?” She says with a smile as he ducks under the counter to pull her in for a hug. Oberyn reluctantly lets go, watching the pair as they embrace.
“He’s a looker, you know if he likes guys?” Iason says without shame and Hari slaps him playfully on the arm.
“Iason the man dropped into our world less than seventy-two hours ago, keep your hands to yourself!” She laughs as the hidden door to the back-cellar opens behind the bear and Mam-gu totters out, her tiny frame silhouetted by the hulking taxidermy behind her. Wrapped in a deep red floral print dress and a grey plaid shawl she eyes Oberyn with sharp, crystal blue eyes.
“He’s a looker, no wonder you already had him in your bed cariad.” Mam-gu says with a smirk stretching wide on her withered old face.
“I let him have my bed, I was sleeping on the couch.” Hari hisses, her cheeks flushed red at the insinuation. But Mam-gu knows that, of course she does. Iason gives Hari a knowing look, having been at the end of Mam-gu’s Knowledge teasing more than enough times.
“Iason time to take a lunch break, shut the door.” Mam-gu turns her attention to Iason before turning back the way she came. The authority in her voice had even Oberyn willing to follow into the depths of The Bear Shop. The narrow staircase permits only single file traffic and Oberyn halts at the darkness, memories of the moment that sealed his fate, pledging himself to Tyrion Lannister as his champion, consumes him.
“Oberyn,” Hari says softly and his wide, caramel-brown eyes pleading with her not to force him to descend back into the inky abyss, “Trust me? Trust Hari?” She says softly as she threads her fingers through his, intertwining their hands as she steps forward in front of the darkness. There’s a tenderness to the action, one Hari didn’t think she was capable of, having built walls around herself for so long, but this was important, to her, and to Oberyn.
“Trust.” He says with a nod, a heavy swallow riddled with anxiety loud in the air between them.
Hari turns and tugs gently at his hand as she slowly descends the stairs, the temperature dropping rapidly with each step into the cellar. Oberyn follows, the grip on Hari’s hand is almost painful as his knuckles go white, unseen in the darkness, but she feels it, the tension and desperation in the grip that anchors him to her.
If it weren’t for the fact she had traversed these steps countless times, Hari would be just as apprehensive, but each step was ingrained into her brain. She takes slow, meaningful steps, letting Oberyn feel with his feet and adjust as he follows her like a shadow, tethered to her.
As they reach the door at the bottom of the stairs it swings inward to greet them, amber light spilling out like spilled whiskey as both Hari and Oberyn blink to let their eyes adjust. The large room smelled of wood varnish and, old books. The only light came from candles in hurricane jars and dancing flames of oil lamps.
Mam-gu sits at a round mahogany table in the middle of the room, four other seats are arranged equidistant around the table. Hari could feel the Power humming throughout the room, telling her this was one of many shapes this space could take, dependant on the intent of the occupants. In the middle sits a bleached horse skull. A crown of five white lilies spaced with various wildflowers rests atop it’s brow.
“Please sit.” Mam-gu orders and Iason takes his place to her right, Hari guides Oberyn to the two seats to Iason’s right and they settle into the high-backed dining chairs silently.
“Sorry I’m late!” The familiar voice is jarring in Hari’s ears as Arielle totters around the table to take the final seat next to Mam-gu.
“Arielle?” Hari splutters and a wicked grin pulls at the older woman’s features as she looks between her and Oberyn.
“I couldn’t miss this, and you need five to complete the circle, I see your Viper is as handsome as I expected.” She says matter-of-factly as she settles into the high backed chair. Iason clears his throat, giving Mam-gu and Arielle stern looks. They both roll their eyes but sit up, waiting for him to speak.
“We are ready to begin, please, place your hands flat on the table, you must not remove them until I say.” Iason’s usually bubbly voice is sombre, filled with latent Power as he channels it through his hands. Hari guides Oberyn’s hands to place on the table, then places her own down close to his, he looks at her with a pained expression but nods curtly. The table is smooth under her palms, a little cool to the touch.
The table hums with energy and Oberyn shifts in his seat but he doesn’t move his hands, somehow understanding that keeping them on the table is imperative. Hari instinctively spreads the fingers of her left hand, pinkie finger brushing against the heel of his palm. He glances at her, he wraps his pinkie over hers and the heat that blossoms in her chest is like sunshine kissing her skin.
“We call upon Arawn of Annwn, god of the hunt and Lord of the Otherworlds.” Iason declares to the room before continuing.
“Bless us with your presence so that a lost soul can be aided in his journey through our realm.” Iason’s voice lowers in pitch as another entity shadows his voice. Something darker, more sinister. The air is charged with an energy Hari can’t place, it’s like the thrum of Power but more potent, like static electricity snapping between each of the five human conduits in the room.
The horse head in the middle of the table slowly levitates, elevating to head height as the popping and crackling in the air makes Hari wince. Oberyn looks at her in concern, brow creased, and mouth open as if to comfort her as she slowly realises that she and Oberyn are the only ones feeling the intense waves of Power in the air.
“Do not react to my voice, simply listen.”
The voice comes from the horse head, Hari is sure of it. Her ears are filled with the hiss of oil lamps, the continued monologue of intent that Iason was reciting. But this voice was speaking to her without spoken word, it was broadcasting through her mind, like Arielle had done the night before.
Runes materialise on the horse head, as if painted by delicate calligraphy brushes. Prismatic light shines from the runes like an aurora, refracting iridescent colour all around. Luminous blue orbs of swirling flame appear in the eye sockets of the skull and something in Hari shudders, something deep, hidden down in the depths of her being.
“You did not intend for this Rift to occur, I know this, but you have altered the path of worlds more than just that of your own.”
Hari stares at the ghostly horse head, slowly coming to realise that this was no artificer summoning, nor a Witches spell. She is communing with Arawn himself, speaking to a God. No one else seems to see the vision before her. But Oberyn seems to be actively averting his gaze from the apparition, as if he knows.
“I will grant this man the blessing you seek, to have his tongue match your own, but let it be understood this is no favour. Debts owed must become debts paid.”
The ethereal voice sounds pleased with itself, boastful even. Hari squirms in her seat, grip tightening on Oberyn’s hand.
“I will be seeing you.”
Hari watches as the horse skull turns noiselessly to Oberyn and the pressure on her hand becomes blinding but she doesn’t pull away. Her bones creak under the Viper’s grip as she watches him converse wordlessly with the animated skull. Emotion darts over Oberyn’s strong features flowing through shock, defiance, anger, pain, and finally, submission.
Oberyn’s grip loosens slightly but he twists his fingers to interlace with Hari’s before giving her a pained look of sympathy.
“I will let the Artificer complete his ceremony, but do not think this is a mercy. The elder will ask what transpired here, you must not breathe a word to her.”
The voice from the skull seems to reach them both, Oberyn stealing a chastened glance at Hari as the atmosphere in the room returns to a quiet hum of Power. The skull returns to the place in the centre of the table, as if it had never moved.
“We seek understanding, and a bridge between two worlds of language, please heed our request.” Iason finishes and a gust of wind, hot and swift blows around the room. A moment of silence fills the basement and Hari looks to Oberyn, eyes wide and filled with concern for him.
“So, this is what Witchcraft is in your world?” The thick, affected accent rolls off Oberyn’s tongue as he turns to look at Hari, eyes knowing and filled with unspoken emotion as he continues to hold onto her. Iason and Arielle’s eyes go wide but Mam-gu gives Hari a withering look, one that makes Hari avert her eyes.
“Not normally,” She responds in a hushed whisper, heart hammering in her chest, terror and self-doubt swirling in her mind as she tries to reconcile communing with a literal god, “But it’s nice to hear you, properly.”
“And I you, I have many questions and I could think of no better person to ask.” Oberyn says with a twitch of his full lips.
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What did you think? :D I loved writing this one!
@yvonneeeee @notsosecretspy @jadealicious06 @famouslyanonymous @harriedandharassed @casa-boiardi @pimosworld @brittmb115 @beefrobeefcal @king-simp
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the treatment of a young justin bieber and in turn my inability to see him as the enemy:
keeping my trend of just talking and giving my 2 cents on trending topics, in the matter of rich, cis white men being exposed as a literal scum of the earth people i am never moved or surprised. (i also don’t usually care bc it’s normally someone i was not a fan of before they were exposed for heinous behavior)
however i have never been able to shake my sympathy, understanding, and hesitance to write off the musician that is justin bieber. i just always feel as though there’s so much he deals with behind the scenes that we’ll never know about. that’s true of anyone famous but the reason i say this is because of the amount of documentaries this man has where they barely skim the surface of what he endured in the industry. the stuff they choose to discuss doesn’t even scratch the surface of even things we saw happen on live television
(early sexualization of a child, SA, SH, etc.)
his entire brand since he was 15 was also to essentially be a “boyfriend” to all his fans and the minute he dropped the persona because he wasn’t feeling up to being touched/groped/kissed/screamed at for the day he was in turn CRUCIFIED in the media for being a heinous human. which has always been so odd to me? like the media/general public has some sort of claim or ownership of his body since he was a developing child. it’s gross and it’s been like that since his formative years. (that has to be ridiculously damaging)
*update* i’m reading this back to make sure i articulated my thoughts in the way i wanted and i’m now angrier about his treatment then when i first typed it. bc why isn’t his body allowed to be his and why is he a villain for setting boundaries? bc he’s a boy? that’s actually is so disturbing to me the longer i sit with it. (no seriously i want you to think abt how physically and mentally he lost like all body autonomy at 14. and he has never gotten it back in all honesty.)
also him having a drug problem in (2014?) i think and knocking on deaths door at (18/19? years old) visibly deteriorating and reacting to his lifestyle/trauma he was given too young, adult celebs took to twitter to call him names and attack him when he was clearly a child (yes child idc that he was 18) crying for help was also extremely odd to me. laughing at the traumatized kid having a downward spiral and evidently no reliable adults in his life left a bad taste in my mouth, even then.
maybe it’s the blind items i keep seeing about his alleged SA or the clips of it happening from grown women in talk shows, or because the open discussion about his sex life/sexual preferences/when he was only 15 and growing up watching the general public use him (A KID) as a punching bag/toy for their own enjoyment gives me so much sympathy and is why i’ve always given him grace. it’s also worth noting those who are respected in hollywood and are close to him speak extremely highly of him which also makes me pause to think he’s not nearly as heinous as the media has always liked to paint him.
not to mention that interview he did with zane lowe ?? where he talks about wanting to protect billie eilish from what he endured in the industry because “he wouldn’t wish that upon anybody” and then starts to sort of crumple in on himself when speaking about it like he can’t even recount what he’s been through without it having a visible effect is SO sad/scary to me. that whole interview was very strange and sort of haunting actually.
to this day small things he does/says are blown up to insane headlines to make him look like he’s on some tirade and then you watch the clips with these insane titles and it’s just the man asking to be left alone for a little while ? he just seems like a deeply traumatized/cut individual to me.
i hate long post w no pictures or gifs so this is what justin bieber looks like if you didn’t know !😃
(i think everyone who’s had the internet longer than a week could identify this man in a line up of white men but i digress😭)
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but that could just be because i witnessed his growing up in my lifetime so it feels closer than most lmao idk. it’s very possible i wouldn’t be as sympathetic if i didn’t watch him get broken down in real time.
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paigemathews · 5 days
idk why but in the prandy P3 daughters au i feel like piper would have a girl first and then her boys (maybe twin boys? i'm just bullshitting here tbh)
Okay, so, I can genuinely guarantee that this over three thousand word outline is not what you intended when you sent this, but I got this and another ask about the prandy girls AU and decided that I needed to sketch this out to at least have an idea of what happens and who else are around the prandy girls and it... spiraled. I did put this under a read more because, like I said, over three thousand words. But to actually answer your question, and I guess spoilers for the outline ahead, Piper actually ends up with two girls: Proserpina "Prose" Patricia Halliwell and Petra Penelope Halliwell. (Abi, you may say with dismay, there's no way that Piper would name her daughter Proserpina and you're not wrong! Special circumstances apply for why she did, and I actually did initially begin to dive into the next gen girls' powers and personalities here as well before realizing it was way too long already, but that information is available if anyone cares lmao.)
I also had to break this up more because Tumblr yelled at me, so we have different headings.
The Beginning
I think that the first two seasons would still primarily shake out the same, besides Andy's death, since season two is still pretty episodic
instead of that unnamed Cupid in "Heartbreak City," however, it's Coop, who kind of just gently bullies Phoebe into admitting that she's afraid of love and of losing people. (we're gonna set the stage early here.)
Additionally, Prue and Andy are still not fully together yet (bc they had been, y'know, broken up when he died) so Coop reveals to Phoebe that he's there to help them but doesn't tell anyone else yet.
Anyways, Prue and Andy end up hooking up at one point and accidentally ends up pregnant around three quarters of the way through season two but we end season two with them finally committing to one another and Perri is born about halfway through season three
During season three, however, we first see the sisters go head-to-head with the Source. They try to vanquish him, and Prue goes down hard. The Power of Three doesn't work and they're about to die when they're suddenly beamed out, revealed to be Phoebe wishing she could've confessed her love to Coop before they died. (Look, we're doing very broad strokes here rn.)
The sisters are confused because that was the strongest spell and potion that they got, and Leo goes to talk to the Elders and says that there's something blocking the sisters from their full potential and Phoebe is like "okay, what does that mean" and Leo has no idea so that takes up the back half of season three as they try to discover what's blocking them.
Meanwhile, Prue, a new mother, is having this breakdown about how she nearly orphaned her daughter and lashes out and has her plot about dealing with all of this with Andy.
Anyways, at the end of season three, we finally figure out what's limiting their powers and spoiler alert:
it's because there's supposed to be a fourth sister with them: Paige
but the Source discovers this before the sisters do and attacks once again, and this time, they're slightly more prepared but something happens and Piper is (seemingly) killed while the Source is seriously weakened so he retreats.
The Power of Four
In reality, Piper has actually ended up between planes, alive in the place you're meant to go before you die. Also, as we later find out when Leo is tearfully confiding to probably Coop, she's pregnant as well. (This will be relevant to our Pleo kid.) The rest quickly figure out, however, that wherever Piper is, she's not in the Beyond like their mother or grandmother.
But anyways, Prue is furious and going after every demon like a madwoman and casting any and every spell to locate a sister. Phoebe, meanwhile, graduated at some point during season three and is adrift and unsure what to do. She starts working with social services to help people down on their luck, where she begins running into a chaotic young Berkley grad named Paige.
Meanwhile, Piper is trying to figure out a way home and starts casting her own spells to contact her sisters. She ends up in Paige's dreams, who at first dismisses it as just being lonely and wanting family as the anniversary of her parent's death approaches and being alone for it for the first time (as Glen is unable to get back to the States in time).
Paige is a bit creeped out when she first sees a picture of Piper and sees that she's identical to the woman in her dreams but continues to dismiss it as her wishing she had a sister like Phoebe.
Anyways, something happens and Prue and Phoebe realize that Paige is their sister and Paige realizes that she's a witch. (For this, they initially believe that she's a telepath since she's able to mentally connect with Piper through planes and displays this mental connection with all of the sisters, but it's later revealed to be a product of their collective power. Her actual primary power is photokinesis, the ability to create and manipulate light.)
There's some growing pains at first, but Prue, Phoebe, and Paige manage to connect with one another and discover a way to save Piper, which is something like at the height of All Hallow's Eve or whatever.
Anyway, they save Piper and the Power of Four is established.
Either during or soon after, Piper gives birth to her and Leo's daughter: Proserpina "Prose" Patricia Halliwell, named after the mysterious woman on the plane who helped Piper and likely gave her something to help her keep the pregnancy (a life growing where one is not meant to exist)(look, I wasn't intentionally trying to sketch out stuff here, we're just going with vibes now.
Prue is also pregnant again about halfway through the "getting Piper back" arc and, if Piper gives birth end of season four, Prue gives birth to Presley about half a season afterwards.
Now, back to the sisters. Let's say that Phoebe finally confesses to Coop and they deal with their feelings and are going strong. But the Source has been working to regain his strength, and so, we get some kind of enemy sent the sister's way. With the reveal of Paige's existence and Piper giving birth, the Source decides to try to divide the sisters to weaken them by targeting the most obvious weak link: Paige.
We Still Have a Demon Romance
With Piper's return, Paige feels unnecessary, like she was a placeholder only meant to hold the second sister's place until she came back. And it isn't helped by the fact that Piper came back and had a baby, Prue is now pregnant/close to having another baby, and Phoebe is dancing around Coop who may or may not have tried to set her up with someone else.
And Paige isn't impressive to the magical community, not like the original Charmed Ones and she doesn't know what she's doing yet, not really, so it doesn't go well. But there's someone who seems to like her and look up to her and they're a fellow witch (except they're actually a demon) and he gets her and understands her.
So instead of Phoebe, Paige gets a demon romance, except she doesn't know of course. And she learns more about magic and how to use it differently than anything her sisters had taught her and a lot of it is on the up-and-up for the most part but some of it just tilts Paige a bit of a different direction.
The saving grace is that Paige is also given a charge during this time, so her Whitelighter side is tugging at her consistently so her demon lover can't pull her too far, even if Paige doesn't know yet why some things he shows her she is instinctually repelled from. And through her Whitelighter side, she gets a charge, who also happens to have an infuriating parole officer named Henry.
They butt heads a lot but both care a lot about their charge, so slowly and reluctantly become friends against their will. But Paige's demon boyfriend is getting impatient at the lack of progress, especially because the Source is starting to get vexed and regaining his strength, so he kicks it up a notch by starting to steadily bewitch Paige, a la Phoebe in s4.
In the interest of having a backup, the Source also sends a demon to befriend the sisters, especially in an attempt to target the kids and Prue's pregnancy. (After all, what better way to destroy the sisters than from the inside?)
And it takes a minute, because everything has been so hectic with everything going on for the sisters (Piper going missing and then giving birth, Prue getting pregnant again, finding Paige, etc.) that they've kinda just been lingering with this chill atmosphere for once, but start to realize something is wrong with Paige.
Andy is the one to investigate and find out that something is off about the demon boyfriend, like how he did with Rex and Hannah in s1. An oracle or seer (depending on who we wanna add in here) warns the demon that his cover is blown before Andy can get to Prue, and he knows he's no match for the Charmed Ones, so he decides to try to forcibly turn Paige, and potentially the sisters, in one fell swoop through a Dark Wedding (like Zile marrying Prue in the canon s3.) To distract the sisters, he infects the sisters, Andy, Leo, and Coop with sin balls.
This has a two-fold purpose: one, I love Sin Francisco, so shoutout! Two, Phoebe gets infected with lust and Coop with envy. Coop is envious of the men that he's tried setting Phoebe up with, and Phoebe is. lusting after Coop, so. Under the influence of the sins, they have sex! (I'm sure you can see why this will be very important later on.)
Anyways, Henry, who the demon boyfriend (who I probably should've given a name tbh) had deemed unimportant, figures out that something is wrong with Paige and tries to go to the sisters to ask about her, only to be like what the fuck.
He ends up somehow helping them realize something is wrong blah blah and they all break their individual sin/remove their sin in the case of Prue.
Meanwhile, Paige and the demon boyfriend are seemingly about to get married but Paige just looks around dazed and asks softly where are my sisters? and he gives her some bullshit about how he's the only one that cares about her or whatever and then is blasted halfway across the room by a very furious Piper going get away from my sister!
(Imagine this as being the turning point between Piper and Paige's relationship since they'd been so iffy around each other because they had no idea who the other was and thought that the other was intended to be their replacement or whatever.)
Her sisters rush to her side and Phoebe hands her a potion and gently asks her to take it, sweetie, and Paige trusts her so she does and all of the demon's tricks fail when his enchanting is abruptly wiped from her sister. Paige hesitates only for a minute before joining her sisters in the vanquishing spell.
Also Henry finds out about magic from this and has to sit down.
And this has probably been going on for the about three quarters of the season and uhhh, Prue goes into labor at the end of all this and hi ya, Presley!
And they hustle her off to the hospital and- Oh my God, Prue is cradling Presley in her arms with Andy beaming next to her and they need a middle name and everyone's making suggestions and Prue kind of just looks up at Paige, who we'll say have bonded over Paige's love of art and Prue's experience with antiquities and art knowledge, and says Artemisia after Artemisia Gentileschi and Paige points out that's a big name for a girl to handle and if Prue's sure if she handle it and they're not really talking about the name at all but Prue says that she knows she'll be able to handle anything because she's so strong and brave and will always have her sisters.
And Paige beams and Piper and Leo are standing together and Phoebe goes and leans her head on Paige's shoulder in one of those cute sisterly moments and gets a premonition of, oh, about nineish months?
Congratulations, Paige, it's a demon-witch-Whitelighter hybrid!
(Phoebe does not tell them in that moment but definitely brings it up later.)
I Feel Like Everyone is Just Having a Kid RN Here
Anyways, we get a break from all the heavy plot stuff for a minute because Phoebe and Coop are. Not talking about what happened between them and Paige and Henry are being a little weird with each other and Prue is having a crisis with Andy about what if she goes and dies on her kids like her mom and Piper isn't sure if she and Leo will be able to have another kid after her experiences on the plane between life and death, and that's all just the romance and family side of things.
On the professional side of things, Prue is struggling with the desire to stay at 415 Magazine or move to the Bay Mirror to be able to be there on the streets seeing what's going on versus the glossy photoshoots that she's been doing. Piper, after quitting Quake, had basically been working as a caterer without the money to actually buy a physical location for her building but is taking the plunge on the restaurant. Phoebe has been working at social services with Paige but isn't sure what she actually wants to do. After an episode where something forced Phoebe into helping Prue at the Bay Mirror, she begins doing some editing work there, eventually taking on a column role. Paige meanwhile finally becomes a social worker.
But anyways, Paige is struggling with what happened, her deteriorating friendship with Henry, and her impending motherhood. She finally explodes on Henry calling him out for slowly drifting away and revealing how terrified she is of becoming a mother. The two reconcile when Henry tells her that, regardless of magic, he knows that she'll be a great mother because of the way that she cares for her charges and her work and promises to be there for her. There's also plenty of bonding with Prue during this time because Paige (and Henry) definitely have a plot about babysitting little Perri and Presley for "practice."
Meanwhile, Phoebe realizes about halfway through the season that she's pregnant and she and Coop finally have to sit down and talk about it. They confess their feelings but are concerned about the forbidden romance aspect of it. Despite that, with Phoebe being spectacularly less burned this time, they decide to try and pursue it anyways.
About halfway through season six, Paige goes into labor about the same time that a demon is attempting to devour ghosts' powers or something so we get an episode featuring Melinda Warren because Paige deserves to meet her too and Henry gets some magical shenanigans. Also some nice moments with Melinda commiserating with Paige about being tricked and how she, and her baby, are still Warrens. But anyways, Paige delivers not one little demon-witch-Whitelighter baby but two! (No one expected this. Phoebe's premonition helpfully left out Henry cradling the other baby.) Either way, we now have Lillith Prudence Matthews and Morgan Melinda Matthews!
Remember how I mentioned that the Source had a backup plan to befriend the sisters? Yeah, she's still here, slowly worming her way into their lives. Due to the twins' half-demon natures, she begins often volunteering to be a babysitter with the goal eventually being to turn them completely. None of the sisters expect anything as demonic activity begins ticking upward again and she becomes closer to their kids. It's her that lets it slip that Phoebe and Coop are in a forbidden romance soon before Phoebe's meant to give birth, and the Elders recall him to the Heavens in punishment.
Phoebe gives birth soon afterwards to Philomena "Mena" Cordelia Halliwell, naming her daughter after love and heart.
She challenges the Elders for him back, and with her sisters behind her, they falter enough that she's able to press them enough that they give her an option. She came to them on the claim of true love, and so it's that claim they'll make her prove herself on. If Phoebe is truly in love with Coop, she just has to find him. They'll send him back, no memories and in-disguise, but will guarantee that they'll be in a position to meet once more and interact. If she kisses him, it'll return his memories and they'll be free to be together. However, to prevent her from just kissing every guy she finds to try to find Coop, she has only once chance, and her next kiss will be the only chance she gets. (I did decide to add in a fairytale ass plot bc I can, thanks.) Phoebe accepts, and her romantic plot for the rest of the season and the beginning of the next is on finding Coop.
Meanwhile, the demon friend decides that if she's going to poison the Warren line of witches, why stop at only a set of twins when there could be a death-touched witch and the first ever Cupid-witch hybrid at her command? (She looks at Perri and Presley, fully witches born with no complications, and dismisses them. She is the first demon that will do this but will not be the last. Like her, others will learn that this is a mistake.) Knowing vaguely of the potion Piper took to be able to keep the pregnancy, the demon creates a fertility potion to give her to see if she'll be able to utilize another child's powers to even greater strengths. She gives it to Piper in the season six finale.
The Final Battle
During this time, the sisters begin to prepare for the final battle against the Source. Their last major battle at this was at the end of season three, and we're now at the beginning of season seven. The Source has fully recovered from their battle, and the sisters themselves are at full power with Piper recovered and Paige at their side.
Piper finds out she's pregnant again a few episodes into the season.
Phoebe finds Coop at the midseason finale, which is also when the demon friend is revealed to be a demon when she makes a move for the kids. Someone gets stabbed (idk who. Andy? Henry?) stopping her but is narrowly saved and the sisters vanquish her.
Phoebe and Coop get married around midseason as well, while Paige and Henry discuss if they want to take that step soon.
The sisters take on and vanquish the Source in the season finale once and for all, which is where I think the big storylines stop.
Shortly after the finale, Piper gives birth to Petra Penelope Halliwell. Phoebe and Coop may or may not have a second kid? Still undecided on that one. Paige and Henry move in together in the flashforward in the series finale and marry a year or two later. Andy and Prue have Pamela as the last next gen kid.
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farity · 1 year
The Storm’s End, part 3
Modern AU inspired by Aemond Targaryen’s visit to Storm’s End.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OFC (House Baratheon)
Warnings:  smut
Part 1  -  Part 2
They’d toasted to their fake marriage and Cassie had downed the whisky in one gulp.  “Whoo!” she said hoarsely as the amber liquid burned its way down her throat.
“It’s meant to be sipped,” Aemond said quietly, watching her intently.
She smiled.  “Mm-hmm.  Because we’re all about the rules, right?”  
He merely smiled back and raised his glass to her.  Cassie turned to look at the pictures on his shelf while he downed the rest of the whisky.  "Why aren’t you in any of the photos?”
“Because I’m usually the one taking them."
She raised an eyebrow - a question, a challenge, he didn’t know, but he simply reached out and pulled her against him.  Cassie let him devour her neck, let him walk her back to his bedroom and start stripping her bare.
When she was finally naked beneath him, he kneed her legs apart, sliding down to start kissing the inside of her knee.  She shivered as his mouth trailed higher and higher on her thigh.  The first swipe of his tongue between her legs had her fisting her hands on the sheets, and then he fastened his mouth on her and she fell apart.  He had her spiraling down into her first orgasm in a few moments, let her ride his tongue before he started on the second.  His hands held firm on her thighs, keeping her wide open to continue feasting on her.  Cassie felt the tears running down the sides of her face as she came again, and then realized he was not going anywhere.  He was relentless, barely letting her catch her breath before he started driving her to climax again.  She had barely recovered from the fifth - or was it sixth - time she’d come when he turned her over and pulled her hips back. 
He was hard against her overly sensitized flesh, gently rocking against her before he slipped inside her.  Every stroke and drag as he recoiled his hips set off sparks in her body, and she let her forehead drop onto her fisted hands as he kept his rhythm slow and steady.   He didn’t want it to be over yet, wanted to spend hours making her come in every way he knew how, and could tell from her whimpers that she was close.
‘You feel so fucking good, Cassie,” Aemond said.  “You taste so fucking good,” he added, running one hand up her back to grip her hair.  She whined as he pulled gently, hips moving back to meet his thrusts.
He began picking up speed, the sounds of flesh against flesh filling the room.   Her hands were gripping the sheets for leverage as she pushed back against him over and over, and then her back arched and she moaned, and he felt her clenching around him.  
He pulled her up against him, reached between her legs and began stroking, nipping at her earlobe when she whimpered.  “Fuck, Aemond,” she managed weakly, holding onto the arm he had across her ribcage.  
“Your wish is my command,” he said against her ear, and began snapping his hips as she moaned, her short nails digging into the skin of his arm.  He set a brutal rhythm, fingertips working on her slick flesh as her whimpers grew louder.  She was nearly incoherent with need, and he felt his own release start tearing into him as she cried out, and let it take them both over the edge.
* * * * * 
Cassie was sure that if the room was set on fire, she would still not be able to move.  She’d collapsed against Aemond, and the next thing she knew she was on the bed with him, his arms wrapped around her.  He was warm against her back, nuzzling her shoulder.  Deciding she wanted sex to be part of their arrangement was definitely one of the best decisions she had ever made.
“That was . . . uh, I don’t know what that was,” she said.  
He went very still, “good or bad?”
She turned to look over her shoulder, “seriously?” She couldn’t believe his worried expression.
“You’re not answering my question,” he added, and she couldn’t help but smile.
“If you think there is any possibility that what just happened here was ‘bad’ I doubt I could survive whatever you consider ‘good’.”
He turned her around, and she reached up to kiss him, felt him relax against her.  The thought appeared in her mind as he wrapped his arms around her.  
This is all pretend.
She kissed him again.  
Fuck off, reality, you’re not welcome here right now.
* * * * * 
Aemond woke up the next morning to find her gone, Good, he thought, it’s for the best.
He showered, changed the sheets on his bed, started some laundry, and did his best to not think about Cassie.  He didn’t think about how perfect she’d felt in his arms, about the scent of her skin, the desperate sounds she made when she was about to come.  He drank his black coffee while not thinking about the freckles on her shoulder, the hungry look in her eyes when she’d first shown up at his place, the shaking of her thighs as he pleasured her.
It was past lunch time when Aemond realized he’d gotten nothing done other than run a load of laundry and make coffee.  The screen on his desk was still on his calendar and he was damn grateful he had nothing scheduled because he’d probably have missed it.
An email had come in from her father, and he frowned at the reminder of their arrangement.  
You have my vote.
He felt sick, despite the nominal win of having not only Baratheon’s vote, but the two others he brought with him.  They’d keep the company on their side.  They’d keep it for Aegon, who as Cassie had guessed, was in rehab.  Again.  If she accepted his offer, she’d be moving to Paris to start the life she deserved instead of being her father’s gofer.  Maybe they’d keep in touch.  If she wanted to. 
The hollowness in his chest grew until he had to stand up, put on his running gear and start the treadmill.
* * * * * 
Cassie curled up on her bed the next evening, having spent the entire day doing busy work around the cabin so as not to think about Aemond.  
It hadn’t worked.
Not even looking on Google at her potential neighborhood in Paris had cheered her up, and then she’d seen the email Aemond had forwarded.  Her father would give him his vote, along with the two sheep who would vote along with him.  
Every time she moved, every time she breathed, she could feel the lingering marks of last night in her body.  She was deliciously sore, there were bite marks on her neck and shoulders, and every waking moment had been spent reliving the hours they’d spent together in his bed.  She could still feel the way his stubble had scratched the sensitive flesh between her legs, the iron-hard band of his arms around her.  
She’d left before she could wake him, and smiled to herself as she remembered how he looked in sleep.  The first light of day had begun to creep through the room and gilded his pale hair and skin.  His expression, usually so unreadable when awake, was soft, his breathing steady.  Fallen angel, she’d thought, and reached over to brush a lock of his hair back from his forehead, but had stopped herself and left instead.
Yeah, a fallen angel who had thoroughly fucked her brains out.
She had to figure this out, decide how things were going to end before she ended up with a broken heart.
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glassshrew · 3 months
I wrote this for @vapolis Highly recommend you play their game demo, it's an awesome game and the main character can be such a feral trash goblin, I adore them!
I'm obsessed with their character Jax at the moment, and instead of working I've been daydreaming all day. I created this blog purely to post this because I'm too shy to post on my main! Writing is not my strong suit but t his was fun to do. Anyway here's some flirty sexy tension with Jax.
Written with a F!Merc in mind.
You grin at him tiredly, tugging your jacket tighter around yourself as you stand in the club foyer. You’re 100% sure Jax has seen you in worse states but standing in front of his unimpressed stare in nothing but underwear, a cropped gaudy carebear t-shirt and a bloody jacket made you feel more exposed than you ever had. Or maybe it was the way his gaze lingered on your bare legs, or his own half dressed form, hair still damp from an impromptu shower. His appearance unusually sloppy for him. “Jaxxie! New uniform? A little risque. I like it.”  You waggle your eyebrows and for a long strained minute, Jax didn’t reply, a frown on his face like he can’t decide whether to just throw you out or not. “Blood and vomit is more your style.”  
“Gross. True but gross. Sounds like your night was as fun as mine,” You point towards the growing lump and bruise on your forehead. “But my new accessories are cooler than yours.”
He stays silent, and you're forced to confront the sight in front of you that you were trying to ignore. His arms crossed over a dark red shirt that was fully undone, exposing his chest. Your brain helpfully shutting down until it was just screaming incoherent body parts at you. Pecs, collarbones, nipples, tummy. You couldn’t stop your eyes from following the line of his body down to the trail of dark hair below his naval.“Carpet doesn’t match the drapes then.” Fuck sake. You could scream. You swear to god that your mouth was not connected to your brain in anyway shape or form.
His head tilts as he continues to stare at you, but he doesn’t shut you down or even button his shirt and little warning bells start to twinkle in your brain. That ever growing sexual tension between the two of you sparks to life and you suddenly wished you had gone to Delilah for help instead. You couldn’t stop staring at him, his hips moving as he shifted his weight and your perverted brain took over again. If you dropped to your knees right now would he throw you out?  Or would he grip your hair tight in his fist as he -
You jolted as Jax cleared his throat, eyebrow raised. Shit. 
 “Uh right, I know it’s late, or early, closing time? Opening?” You tried to focus on what you were saying. “but I need you.” 
Fucking Christ almighty your stupid fucking mouth.  “Need me?” The corner of Jax’s mouth twitched, he looked a mix between entertained and annoyed.
“Uh no, not th-, you and Orla,” You stumbled over your words, cursing yourself internally as Jax made a low noise in the back of his throat. “help! I need your help, nothing else not that – I -, Is she still here?” You force your mouth shut so fast you almost bit your tongue. Why was it so fucking hot all of a sudden. Were you sweating?
“Yeah she’s still here,” Jax was still staring at you, and he had still made no move to button his shirt. Asshole was enjoying seeing you flustered. “Turn around.”
Turn around bend over be good –
“Seriously? Where exactly do you think I’m hiding a weapon?” You didn’t sound as annoyed as you were hoping for, you sounded a little breathless as your thoughts continued to spiral.
“Rules are rules,” Jax grinned at you, he was obviously enjoying the effect he was having on you. “Turn around, jacket off.”
“Fine.” You are moving to follow before you can stop yourself. Shivering slightly as you shrugged the jacket off, leaving you in your panties and cropped shirt.
It’s silent. You’re just starting to think that this was some sort of prank when his fingers lightly brushed over your wrist making you jump. “Stay still.” 
His hands trail up your arms, not his usual pat down but a slow, gentle touch, caressing you almost. “Are you hurt?”
Your body stiffened. The quiet genuine concern in his voice throwing you completely off balance. His gentle touch making you feel warm, and something else you didn't know how to name. Did he genuinely actually care? A lump starts to form in your throat, and you once again bite the inside of your cheek, hard enough this time to taste the coppery tang of blood, desperate to kill those feelings before they can become a problem.
“Not badly,” you shrugged. You wanted to run but wanted to see where this was going so very much. “Used to it. You know I could just nip in and see her, there’s no need to-,”
“Stay still.”
You cleared your throat. “Yes Sir, sorry Sir.”
Jax froze. Your momentary glee at having flustered him in return is short lived as the hand on your shoulder slid up the back of your neck and through your hair, causing a little flutter of panic in your gut. This was new territory for you both, usually one of you would have backed off by now. You could feel his breath over your skin as he tugged your head to the side, the sensation making your stomach tighten and your thighs squeeze together. “Can't you just shut up for once?”
Your sarcastic reply is lost as your breath hitches when his lips brush gently over the skin just beneath your ear. Its hesitant, but when you make no move to pull away his grip tightens in your hair, pulling your head more firmly to the side.
“I’m not hid-,” You start, and he makes a low warning sound at your inability to shut up, his teeth grazing harder over your skin. “- not hiding anything up there.”
Jax pulls away abruptedly. Disappointment growing in your chest as you realised you’d reached that point again. The point where Jax realises who he’s flirting with,  what he’s flirting with, and shuts down.
“Better things you could do with that mouth than yap all the time.”
You feel like you’ve just been slammed into an alternate universe. Getting lost in the moment is one thing, but jesus Who are you and what have you done with Jax?
He continues his search before you can ask the question, before you can, as usual, ruin the moment. Both of his hands sweeping down your back, pushing into your spine and round to the front of your hips.
“Easy ther-,” You flinched back against him when his fingers pressed a little harder over your ribs. The pain turning into something that drew a whimper from your throat. Jax went still behind you, you could the warmth of his bare chest, and - fucking fuck me sideways-  your brain short circuiting as you realized you could feel him.
“This is cosy,” You let out a breath, voice strained. Does he remember it’s you? The intrusive thoughts slip in, nagging and chipping away at you. He knows its you right? The two of you stand there, his hands holding you flush against him while his cock presses against your ass. The silence lingering for all of a second before the pressure to talk gets too much.
“Bruised, not broken,” You had no idea what was going on, what to do, whether this was actually happening or if you had done more damage to that already fucked up brain of yours. “probably not broken.” 
He hummed in acknowledgment, warm breath over the shell of your ear causing your back to involuntarily arch and he cursed under his breath.
“You're clear,” He lets go, steps back from you and the loss off his body heat hurts. “You can go through.”
 “Right, great. Told you.” you turn to face him, arms crossed over your chest, disappointment and rejection making your heart sting. For the first time in a long time you feel vulnerable. You want your jacket back. You almost, for a second there, genuinely believed he wanted you. A stupid foolish childish thought. Why would he? When you didn’t have anything to offer, when you didn’t deserve it. You’d destroy him, infect him, pull him down into the dark to drown with you. He deserved better. “Catch you on the flipside.”
Flipside? You cringe. You can feel him frowning at you as you grab your jacket off the desk, and you’re tempted to sneak out the little pen knife you have hidden to show him as a ‘ha ha fuck you’ but you don’t. Your heart is not in it. The abrupt withdrawal of his attention has you feeling cold, exhausted all of a sudden. You avoid looking at him as you move towards the door, and he makes no move to stop you as you go through.
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apoptoses · 1 year
how did you stop comparing your writing to other people's? if you can please share some of what helped for you ❤️
So. First things first. Step away from the fic.
Seriously. We have to develop the skill of being objective about writing before we can stop comparing.
Fic typically has a certain kind of writing style so you've gotta diversify your portfolio of inspo. Take a week long AO3 cleanse. Pick up a few books at the library, watch that movie you've been meaning to watch. Read some books about writing technique and only once you mentally feel refreshed can you come back with a clear mind.
And if you stop reading about your blorbo and start reading about some character in book you don't care a ton about you can disconnect. We project onto our faves, it's just a fact. So when you're reading a shitload of fic about your fave you're thinking 'yes, this is how i see them, no this isn't how i see them' and then you get into the spiral of 'but this is how i wish i could write about them' and you're on a one way train to Sadness.
But! Picking up, say, Call Me By Your Name- Elio and Oliver are fun, but they're not My Guys. So I can look at their experiences in the book more objectively and then actually look at the writing style itself. It's like taking two steps back from a painting and suddenly seeing the whole image at once. If you're too close (physically and emotionally) you're cut off from the big picture.
Then when you pick up a writing technique book, you can start seeing the stylistic choices used in Thing You Just Read But Are Not Too Close To. Get back into your literary analysis mindset. Get objective.
Now that you've done your cleanse, come back to a favorite fic. Print it out or download it to your phone. Treat it like an academic exercise. Highlight what you like about it. Figure out what skills that writer had to work on- was it description of places? Was it word choice?
Put those skills into a list of things YOU, the writer, want to work on. And then research how to get better at them! Remind yourself that you're learning and then you'll find yourself comparing in a objective way and not a self-esteem based way.
Now on the psychological side-
Comparing yourself comes from being insecure in some way (I know this, I have been there, I have suffered a lot from it). You gotta work on your self talk.
I've said this before, but work on changing the way you think about your work.
this work sucks -> this story needs edited
X writes blorbo better than me -> I need to reread the source material and write some meta about this aspect of blorbo
X's fic is so much better than mine, I'll never be that good -> X has spent a LOT of time working on their fic and if I work hard my fic will be good too
It sounds silly but god, it works! If I catch myself saying a negative thing then I stop myself, figure out how to reword it, and say that thought to myself in the new, not harsh way. Your brain works like a muscle, you've gotta train it until it remembers these things and you catch yourself before you spiral.
Also, if the person you're comparing yourself to is your friend- ask them about how they do the thing in their fic you like so much!
Remember that they're human too and are likely hitting the stages of grief as they write, and they're here to support you. My most feared writers are now my friends and I go to them for support when I'm in the weeds of self esteem.
Finally, if comparison is stopping you from sitting down and writing at all, you gotta just push through that pain. Write something. No pressure, it can suck, just put a 100 words down. And then the next day do something different. And the next. Just a 100 words! Until something sticks and you feel like you can keep going with it. And then apply previous steps so you don't give up before you're done.
And then? Post it. Fuck it. Your brain might be telling you it's not as good as X's fic but someone is gonna come into your comments and gush about loving it. If you can't post it because you're proud, then post it for the validation. Just share the thing so it becomes habit.
It's fic. We're not competing. We're not getting paid. We're doing this for love of our characters and if you're comparing and struggling with negative self talk then you're not having fun. Figure out what it'll take for you to find the joy in fandom and then try again.
I hope some of this helps! It's so hard but being objective about it is the most important thing you can learn to do ♥ And I promise, your work is better than you tell yourself it is.
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