#i will obv help i just need more instructions
uglypastels · 1 year
jovi hi i’m requesting for a a level of help to resolve this matter due
m k case vv
I'm sorry what
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randombush3 · 10 months
falling (for you)
Ona Batlle x Reader
Summary: despite your precision on the pitch, you are somehow the clumsiest person ever when you are off it. your girlfriend doesn’t really mind though.
Words: 1539
Notes: kicking off the woso x reader fics with my fav obvs xx (and still pretending she didn’t leave utd)
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You stare at the shattered bowl in shock.
You hadn’t meant to drop it, and really it’s all the stupid rug’s fault for catching your toes and sliding on the hardwood floor. The pool of soup drowning the smashed ceramic makes you gulp, wondering what your girlfriend will say when she sees the mess you have created.
Bending down to inspect the damage properly, you lean towards the vegetable chunks swimming in what was supposed to be your lunch. The rug is ruined, that’s for sure. And, despite your athleticism, your legs creak at the position and you begin to wobble. Heading straight into the—
“Uh oh.” The only other person in this apartment has found you at the right time, pulling on your t-shirt to keep you from face-planting into the dangerous soup/bowl combination. “What happened?”
Ona laughs softly as you startle, gripping onto you harder as you almost lose your balance again. You stand, deciding it’s safer to be upright. “I dropped my soup. The rug was in the way.”
“Mi amor, most people can walk on the rug without creating abstract art all over it.” You tilt your head, hoping the splodge of brown liquid might actually complement the design. “I will help you clean.”
“I’m sorry,” you start, familiar with these words by now. However, your girlfriend, with her beautifully forgiving nature, places a finger to your lips, shushing you from rambling another hurried apology about wrecking some part of your shared home. Yesterday, it was walking into a shut door while carrying her. The day before, it was knocking the chess pieces off the board when you reached for your drink.
Ona’s love for you only grows with each clumsy mishap, though she has to frequently defend herself against Tooney’s teasing for that fact because of it. She wouldn’t change you for the world, even if you are more accident-prone than Alessia, who is infamous for that exact aspect of her personality.
“Your girlfriend is scary,” Leila mutters in Spanish to her friend as Manchester City crowd the Reds’ box, fighting for a goal in today’s derby. Ona glances at you, momentarily distracted from her mission to not concede. You have your hand pressed firmly against the back of a City player, your slight nudges bordering on punishable shoving.
Leila, though not usually needing to meet you on the pitch, has been tackled by you a fair bit this game. It’s no secret that you are a fierce defender. Your slide tackles are clean cut like the sharp edges of knives Ona would never let you hold, and your challenges are strong and determined and… the opposite of the lumbering person you are without a ball at your feet.
Once more, Ona is baffled by this phenomenon as you clear the ball to the feet of Russo, who sets off on the counter attack with a vicious pace. Having been instructed to press high this match, you take advantage of your slightly advanced knowledge of where the ball is, and chase after the forward, shouting at her to pass when there is a clear space for you on the left wing.
Less looks up and feigns right, the defender in front of her lunging in the same direction. Well into the eighteen yard box, she can see the goal ahead. Your continued call for the ball makes her believe you’re unmarked and in a better position to shoot. She knows you played up front in your old club.
What she doesn’t see is Leila, who you can’t seem to shake this game, stuck to your side, ready to poke her foot into the pinging pass you have just been sent. It’s a guaranteed interception.
Or is it?
Because you pull the ball back from her reach skilfully, and it sticks to your feet as you dribble towards an even better angle to kick the ball into the back of the net. In fact, Leila audibly gasps as you nutmeg her, your shoulder holding a strong foundation against the other defenders trying to get the ball off you. It must be, what? Three to one? And you’re winning.
You beat the confused goalkeeper, who has had to come out further than she’d hoped to help her defenders as they fail to do their jobs, and it’s an easy shot to help the ball find home in the other team’s goal. Half of the crowd erupts into elated cheers. The others sit back, shocked.
Your team, who had pulled out of the box to allow you the space to dribble, surge towards you as you watch the net ripple — white against the sea of red behind it. They shout in your ear, patting your back, squashing you with hugs as you catapult Manchester United into the lead. Only Ona catches your subtle trip as your studs catch the turf cumbersomely when you are walking back to your position for the game to restart. She can’t help the smile on her face from growing three sizes.
The POM award in one hand, and Ona’s in the other, you giddily skip to the changing room after the match, recounting each minute as though the defender hadn’t played alongside you.
“It felt so good to score again!” you squeal with excitement, still running off the adrenaline from your goal. “Like, obviously defence is gratifying in its own way, and I’m happy to play there because it clicks better with the team, but, Ona, scoring? Scoring gets the crowd to go mental. And at one of the most important games! You should have seen me, babe. I was on some next-level Brazilian fire.”
“I did see you,” Ona replies, tugging you closer so she can wrap her arm around your shoulders. Your boots clack against the hard floor in the tunnel, but the satisfying sound is drowned out as you continue to ramble.
Until you slip, your studs gliding across a shiny patch on the floor.
Ona jumps in surprise, but she manages to grab ahold of you to keep you upright.
You laugh it off together, though Ona is aware of the blush dusting your cheeks and does you a favour by asking the social media manager not to post the video she (un)fortunately took of the whole situation on the team Instagram.
As you make your way into the changing room, Ona turns to the giggling woman, holding in her own grin. “Can you send that to me?” she asks with a wink. “For the memories.”
“Definitely,” she replies.
Ona falls deeper in love with you when she receives it later that night, watching the video and chuckling quietly to herself as you sleep nestled into her side.
“I’m a beast,” you murmur, lips pressed into her neck. Your hot breath against her skin causes her stomach to flutter, and she shifts, offended that you have let her believe you were asleep the whole time. She’s been rewatching the video over and over for the past five minutes.
“You are clumsy.” You sit up, though the swiftness of your movement is ruined as your hand catches in a folded part of the duvet, getting stuck as you attempt to implement a distance between yourself and your girlfriend. “See.”
Her arms fold over her chest as you formulate a response that isn’t flipping her off and scrambling back on top of her.
“I’m a beast in the sheets and clumsy on the streets?” you try, but she only raises her eyebrows.
“You fell off the bed the last time we—”
“Pitch doesn’t rhyme with streets!” you interrupt, trying to defend yourself. “And, if I remember correctly, you were more than happy to continue on the floor. So who’s falling now?”
Your Spanish girlfriend looks at you, puzzled. Lost in translation.
“The girls keep saying that I’m falling for you.” Her eyebrows remain knitted together in confusion. “Baby, as in ‘falling in love’. Estoy enamorada de ti.”
“Que mona,” she giggles, squishing your cheeks together. “Your pronunciation is improving. Finally.” Your cheeks burn red, though Ona cannot see that in the darkness of your bedroom.
“My teacher works slowly because she likes it a little too much when I start speaking Spanish to her,” you tease. “I’ve had to get Lucia to help me out. Te quiero mucho, Onita. See!”
“Perfecto,” she replies with a smile, happy to take whatever allusion to a Spanish accent you can produce. But you’re not silly. Her eyes have squinted like they do when she is trying to suppress her laughter. “No, es la verdad, es la verdad,” she splutters as you hold her gaze, unimpressed.
“You liar,” you grumble, reaching over to prod her in the stomach with your index finger.
It isn’t a surprise when you misjudge the space you have on the bed, hitting the ground with a thud. Ona doesn’t try to keep quiet about how funny she finds that, but she pulls you up despite her shoulders shaking from her guffaws.
“Estoy enamorada de ti también,” she gets out between her gasps for breath, kissing away your frown as you try to come back from the embarrassment. “And I love how you fall in love with me.”
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expectopatronum81 · 2 months
Why do people get so offended with fics that hv lily copying from Snape in potions instead of having the innate ability to do it herself?(hear me out)
Obvs, its annoying when its used to show lily as satan reincarnate against poor uwu sev, but imo there's nothing inherently wrong with the idea itself. Because we get absolutely no evidence from the source material attributing to her abilities apart from Slughorn's word. For example, we get evidence of james being skilled at transfiguration because he literally turned into an animagus at 15 (smthng Mcgonagall needed Dumbledore's help for) and even helped a fellow student do the same (albeit with Sirius). Ollivander also says in book 1 that his wand was good for transfiguration (actually, he also says that lily's wand was great for charms, but this is either forgotten or massively slept on by both the fandom and the source material itself). We get nothing of this sort about lily's supposed prowess in potions. In fact, Slughorn keeps saying that Harry's inherited his mother's abilities literally every single time he follows the Prince's instructions, which honestly makes me see this as the more plausible option.
Now obvs, there is the possibility that snape could have taken lily's work, but imo this is highly unlikely as we do hv evidence of him being good at the subject (brewing wolfsbane, becoming the potions professor only a few yrs after graduating, theatrics on the subject in his very first class with 11 y/os, etc. Also I don't think someone who names himself 'the halfblood prince' would be very ok with just copying from someone, snape is too proud for that).
This isn't canon ofc. They could have helped each other, had their own individual abilities, or whatever, but i just don't see why this possibility should be frowned upon so much. Maybe he was just helping her as a friend. Or maybe she was profiting off of him ( imo that would be an improvement to the perfect godlike figure we get in canon, and even so she wouldn't be half as flawed as the others in tht generation). Even if she did, it wouldn't mean she's stupid or incompetent overall, she was probably just bad at one subject and got help for it/ conveniently used the most easily available resource. Who knows, the possibilities are endless.
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friendship-ditch · 3 months
hii! how r u? 💗
i would KILL for katniss headcanons about her and the reader living in district 13 (at the beginning of mockingjay pt1). just katniss and the reader trying to heal from the games with each other’s love. 😼
skip if you don’t want to obv
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Temporary Home
(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: After being rescued from the Quarter Quell, you and Katniss try to adapt to life in District 13.
Warnings/Notes: Slight mentions of suicide and mental illness but that’s it—Also, thank you for the request! I’m sorry this one is so short, I have another, longer D13 story in the works and didn’t want to use all my ideas
Word Count: 1416
You sat up in your bed, jolting awake from the voice. You looked around at the unfamiliar setting, the IV in your arm, the dim yellow lights in the walls and the flashing screens…
Katniss was standing at the end of your bed. She was in the same cloth gown as you, her dark hair messy and wild, and her eyes blank. She’d heard you crying in your sleep and had been clearly doing the same.
“Hey…” You rasped, wiping your face. You brushed the sheets aside as she took a seat beside you. “Are you okay?”
“Are you?” Katniss met your gaze with knowing eyes. When you shook your head, she shuddered a little. “Nobody’s okay down here…”
“No.” You agreed quietly, trying to keep your voice down so as to not alert the guards patrolling the halls.
After landing in District 13, the two of you were shipped off to the mental facility pretty far down. You hadn’t seen each other in a day or two, and you certainly weren't supposed to be with each other at the moment but Katniss was always a master at sneaking out.
Her shaky arms snaked around yours and she planted her chin on your shoulder, seeking affection and warmth like a lost child. Her District had been blown to bits and she’d found out only days ago, adding onto the pile of worry and grief in her mind.
As for you, well, you couldn’t return to your District now, not with everything going on. If you so much as stepped foot back there you’d either be shot by a Peacekeeper for the Capitol, or murdered by a Rebel of District 13, of whose base you were currently in now. You’d spoken to the President only once and she’d assured you that down here, you were an ally to the rebels and loyal to their cause, so you were safe, but you just couldn’t be sure.
“They keep telling me I need sleep.” Katniss whispered softly in your ear, her uneven breath tickling your neck, your arm coated in the cold sweat from her hands. “They don’t want me to walk… they don’t want me to do anything. I feel like a prisoner.”
“I think that’s how they work down here.” You whispered back. “At least for now… They don’t trust us enough to be alone, they think we’ll break and kill ourselves.”
“I thought about it.” Katniss’s mumble was quiet as if this was no big deal. “But… I’m with you now. I need you, please, y/n, I can’t be down here by myself.” Her voice was edged with panic as her heart began to race, mind flashing with images of losing you, the one thing keeping her sane, once more. “Y/n, please, please don’t let them take me.”
You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her flush against you. She melted into your hug with a broken whimper cut off as she buried her face into your neck.
“I won’t let them.” You murmured. “I promise.”
“I promise.” You repeated with a kiss to the top of her head.
Katniss slowly nodded, her breath calming down as she clung to you like a koala. You laid with her in your arms and the two of you slept peacefully through the night.
When the doctors believed you were both stable enough to be let out of the mental hospital, they urged you two share a living quarters and stuck you in there without much else instruction.
Primrose came and gave you two the most basic tour and made sure she was in the same lunch hour. She kept you guys company and helped you get used to the strict rules of this new militaristic life.
Katniss was a little less willing to adapt. She didn’t have to take up a job or wake up as early as everyone else as she had agreed to be the Mockingjay, and was deemed too mentally unstable. So when the two of you were apart, she wandered the long empty halls uneasily when she wasn’t busy.
It was somewhat of a nice break from the horrifying world that had become the surface above. District 13 would never be home, and you would never feel completely comfortable down there, but it was safe, somewhat.
It wasn’t safe from the nightmares, though.
Nothing could stop those.
Especially for Katniss.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay, you’re safe.”
The words tumbled out of your mouth, effortless like a waterfall, but frantic nonetheless. You were sitting on the edge of her bed, eyes still adjusting to the dim yellow light of your living quarters. It wasn’t a pleasant glow but it was enough to see what and who had caused all of the ruckus.
Katniss was practically curled up around your arm. She was soaked in a cold sweat, her nails digging into your skin with a rarely shown strength and her breath ragged and quick. She wasn’t screaming anymore but she was still shaking, the images from her nightmare lingering in her mind.
“You’re alright.” You murmured, wrapping your arms around her. Her board-like body melted almost immediately and she slumped into your arms with a whimper. You kissed the top of her head. “I’ve got you.”
It took Katniss a few more moments to snap back to reality, but she did it with a heavy sigh of relief. She pulled her head out of the crook of your neck and glanced up at you apologetically.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice was a little hoarse. “I have nightmares.. almost every night.”
You knew this already. During your nightwatch in the Quarter Quell, you heard this whimpering sound and followed it back to camp, finding Katniss, curled in a ball, thrashing about from a nightmare. You’d soothed her with a hand on her side and she didn’t wake up, unaware of your actions.
“That’s okay.” You murmured, deciding to not mention the memory. “I get them too. They suck.”
Katniss nodded. Her eyes were pleading and teary and you laid beside her, letting her lean into your grip. She rested her head against your shoulder and you held her close.
“It’s not like being down here helps.” You said a few seconds later, scanning the room once more with distaste.
The living quarters the two of you were sharing weren’t bad at all, just… very plain and industrial, as was the rest of the District. Primrose, who was asleep in the room next door, had told the both of you that every room was designed the same to be as efficient and equal. You couldn’t help but wonder if the President’s living quarters were the exact same.
Katniss chuckled weakly at your joke. Her heart had begun to calm down but her breath was still heavy. “You’re right about that.” She mumbled. “I miss the sky and the trees…” she trailed off before she could add the words District 12.
“I miss having a free will.” You chimed in and she nodded softly. You kissed her forehead this time and hugged her a little tighter. “But.. we’re safe here. At least for now.”
She smiled faintly at you, closing her eyes for a moment and letting out a heavy sigh. “You think so?”
“I do.” You nodded, stroking her hair now. “I know it doesn’t seem like it.. But I think we’ll be able to heal here, at least just a little. “We won’t be apart anymore, we won’t be in the games, we.. well, you, technically, kind of have special privileges…”
Katniss giggled softly and looked up at you. She pressed a kiss to your cheek and then snuggled her head onto your chest. “That’s true.”
“Mhm.” You kissed the top of her head in return. “Now… how about you get some sleep, and then tomorrow we’ll see if we can use those privileges and maybe take a visit to the surface.”
This idea seemed to settle Katniss even more and she closed her eyes, a small, real smile still on her face.
“Love you..” She murmured softly. “So much…” Her voice was drenched with sleep.
“I love you too.” You whispered back as she fell asleep on your chest. You smiled a little and closed your eyes as well, falling asleep beside her in your new, temporary place of rest, with the one person that could make anywhere, even a place like District 13, feel like home.
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washy0uaway · 8 months
Kiss City Pt. 2
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!Reader Chapter Summary: Frankie comes to your rescue, obvs. Series Summary: You weren't expecting to sleep through your alarms the morning of a massive work presentation. You also weren't expecting to get rear-ended on your drive into the office. You definitely weren't planning on spilling your coffee all over your new blouse. But the thing you expected least on what you swore was a day set out to be cursed by the universe, was Frankie. A/N: Thank you for the love on Part 1, seriously!!! I’ve been slammed with work but am hoping to have more free time the coming weeks, no set post schedule at the moment. Warnings: eventual 18+ / MDNI!!! car crash, fainting, blood. Series Masterlist | Part 1 Here!
You don’t know it, but Frankie’s at your side in an instant. It takes a baseball style slide on concrete, but the quickly bleeding scrape up his forearm and onto his elbow is the least of his worries. His large palm cradled the back of your head just before it hit the concrete - cutting it so close his knuckles are scraped now, too.
You’re not knocked out for long, but it feels like an eternity as Frankie goes into a mindset that he hasn’t found himself in for over a year. Void of emotion, he’s in military mode. He’s checked your pulse and breathing, calling your name when your eyes begin to flutter open.
Your eyes lock, and the concern paints wrinkles on his forehead.
“You never told me if your kid was okay,” you finally speak just above a whisper.
“…what?” The look of concern now changing to confusion.
“You said you were reaching for your phone - something about your kid’s daycare.”
“I -…. my daughter, she’s fine. But Jesus, that’s what you’re worried about right now?”
Though you’re still not completely lucid, you can’t help but somehow be hyper aware of Frankie’s hands are holding you. His right still wrapped around the base of your neck, fingers splaying in your hair. His left hand first grabbed your hip, and has since wrapped around the small of your waist, propping you upwards as you start to come to. His grip is strong (like nothing in the world could make him drop you), yet you still feel delicate in his grasp.
Still locked eyes and Frankie’s heavy breathing are interrupted by the two rent-a-cop’s stationed in your downtown office building. After having picked up on the commotion on the sidewalk, they rushed out and recognized you immediately.
“She hit her head this morning. Must’ve been pretty hard, cause she just passed out for a moment,” Frankie explains to the guards, his glance only leaving you for a second to acknowledge them.
“If these fine gentleman have a seat and water ready for you, and I carry you, think we can get you inside?” His asks, eyes now locked on you.
“You don’t need to carry me, Frankie. I can walk.”
The hand on your waist moves to wrap under your knees and he’s scooped you up bridal style before you can protest further.
Your arms are naturally reaching around his neck when he leans his head down. Gaze now trained on the guards opening the door for him (and you), he says something just loud enough for you to hear.
“Maybe I want to.”
The moment is fleeting as he sets you down in a lobby chair, crouching before reaching to the guard behind him who hands him a bottle of water. That gaze. Those eyes. Back on you.
He unscrews the cap of the water before handing it to you, instructing you to take small sips. You think you’d do anything he says, as long as he’s using that voice - low and calming.
“Do you know what day of the week it is? Where you are? Who I am? Who the president is?”
The questions baffle you for a moment, before you realize why hes asking. You answer each question correctly and he sighs.
“Good, okay, just had to make sure I hadn’t really knocked a screw loose this morning.”
You see the eyes of the guards behind him widen and chuckle, bringing Frankie more relief. “He didn’t hit me,” you begin to explain. “We’ll, he did. But with his car. Wait, no..” your voice trails off while Frankie is now the one chuckling. “It was an accident. I hit her car, with mine, and she hit her head in the process.”
As you’re setting your water down on the side table, he’s reaching for his back pocket, pulling your phone out. “You left it in my truck. Good thing too, or maybe I wouldn’t have been there to catch you.”
Shy again, you mumble a “thank you, by the way,” glancing at your fidgeting fingers in your lap. He places one hand on your two, his large enough to fill in the grasp of both your hands. His skin is tough but warm. “Don’t mention it,” he glances up from beneath his cap, now kneeling in front of you. His free hand has illuminated the flashlight on your phone and he explains he wants to make sure your pupils are dilating properly.
“Don’t look at the light. Look right at me.”
Please, as if you needed an excuse. The world melts away and for a moment, it’s just you and Frankie.
“You really should get checked out,” he pleads, his voice instantly bringing you back to reality. You’re still holding onto his hand as he turns off the flashlight and lowers your phone as it joins the bottle on the table.
“Haven’t you done that? Checked me out?” The words leave your mouth before you can even register the implied double meaning.
Frankie grins - the most genuine you’ve seen all day, and you swear he blushes.
“I mean, yeah I guess I have,” and there’s no doubt, he is definitely blushing, hand still in yours. “But I mean medically. By a professional. It’s my fault, I’ll foot the bill.”
“That seemed pretty professional to me. Where’d you learn all that stuff?”
“Military,” he shrugs, offering no further details. Wringing the back of his neck again, definitely something he does when he’s anxious, your thoughts confirm.
“Oh my god, Frankie you’re BLEEDING!” The realization when you see blood dripping down his arm has you fully snapped back to reality.
“Oh that? I’m fine, just a scratch. You gonna be okay here for a few if I go track down a first aid kit and clean up a bit?” He’s almost annoyingly calm about the situation, not caring in the slightest.
“There should be one at the front desk, I can help you-“
“Not a chance,” he interrupts. “I’ll be back in 5.”
Frankie’s been in the bathroom for a few minutes when your coworker Liz and boss David step out of the elevator.
“Oh my god are you okay?!” Liz rushes up to you, “They called us from the desk and said you’d passed out. How did you get to the office? How are you feeling? Was it the fucking asshole that hit your car?! This is his fault!”
Impeccable timing, Frankie has. Appearing over Liz’s shoulder and lifting his hat to run his fingers through his hair. His right forearm is now sporting a gauze bandage.
“That would be me. I’m the fucking asshole, and yes, it is my fault.”
Her mouth is open and ready to unleash her protective wrath, but the words don’t come when she turns to look at him. And sees how he’s looking at you - like schoolboy with a crush.
“Liz, this is Frankie. Yes, he hit my car. But he also got it to a shop, brought me to work, and kept me from splitting my head open on the sidewalk. Oh my god, I forgot your iced tea - I had just stopped at Starbucks and-“
“Girl, what?!” She exclaims. “You’re thinking about my Starbucks order? You should be thinking about seeing a doctor, babe. Make sure you’re okay.”
“Told you,” Frankie chimes in from behind her.
“Really, I’m fine. I promise.”
David, your boss, finally joins the conversation when he tells you that if you aren’t going to be seen by a doctor, you should at least take the rest of the day off - tomorrow, too he insists.
“Fine.” You concede with a sigh. You really probably needed a few days off, having been working too much lately. “It could be good to rest.”
“Woah, hey, actually…you might not want to rest too hard,” Frankie intervenes, and everyone turns to look at him.
“He’s right,” Liz agrees. “You’re not supposed to sleep too much if you’re concussed.”
As if on cue, the exhaustion hits you, “Well, that’s too bad because I feel like I could use a nap.”
“You can sleep for a bit, but someone should be there to keep an eye on you. Check on you every few hours,” Frankie explains.
“Can you have someone come over? Dave and I will be tied up here holding down the fort in your absence.” Liz is worried, but you’re grateful for your coworkers, even when she continues. “Maybe Zach would?”
“No!” You blurt out as soon as she suggests your ex, “Not Zach.”
Frankie doesn’t know the person in question, but in that moment he would do anything if it meant you didn’t have to ask Zach.
“I can do it,” Frankie offers, and Liz’s side eye glance at you is not lost on him.
“I mean, I know you don’t really know me, but the paperwork I had planned this afternoon can wait.”
The room falls silent for a second before he begins to regret offering. “Im not a creep, promise. Here,” after drawing his wallet from his back pocket he pulls out a few copies of his business card, handing one to you and one to Liz. “That’s my card, she can take a picture of my license, I’ll give her my number” he motions to Liz, and continues to ramble on before you stop him.
“Frankie, I know you’re not a creep. But really, I can’t just ask you to clear your day like that.” Internally though, you wanted nothing more than to get to know the man standing in front of you.
Francisco Morales according to his business card. “Helicopter Flight Instructor & Aviation Safety Inspector.” Could this man get any hotter?
“Seriously, you’d be doing me a favor getting me out of office work. Besides, it’s the least I can do.”
“He’s right, you know. That sounds like a great idea, Frankie!” Liz’s tone is suggestive, and you know just what she’s playing at.
“Okay,” you turn to Frankie, “but only if you promise to let me pay for takeout for dinner.”
“Not a chance, sweetheart.” You practically melt at the term of endearment paired with that genuine grin creeping across his face again. Then there’s his hands in his back pockets, chest stretching his tshirt tighter? Shit, Liz practically melts too.
“Well, we’ll leave y’all to it,” David catches on and begins to drag Liz back to the elevator. “You don’t have to worry about a thing, we’ve got you covered!” He’d successfully whirled your chatty coworker straight out of the conversation as the guards retreated back to their station, leaving you and Frankie alone in the lobby.
“Shall we?” He asks, standing in front of you with his hand extended to help you out of the chair. He doesn’t let it go as you’re walking toward the door though, and your heart races.
“So,” he asks, looking down at you, “what am I ordering for dinner?
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euno11a · 3 months
Whenever you read this but, since your ask button wrote that I'm horny and i needn't be shy about it, then I think I'll request a smut ;)
Massager! Jk × fem! Reader, something like that?? Where oc gets a message after a long week but the spa she's at is freaky and gets people naked before the massage,,, and the massagers too are always naked while giving the message👀👀 and obv they end up doing things not allowed but eh, who cares😁😁
Anyways, this might be a lil weird (cause I'm weird) but just frame it according to you I'll be happy with anything 😁😁
babes, I’m here to fulfill your nasty ass fantasies if you need some sexy masseuse action, imma give it to you 🤭🤭
The week had been long and tiring for you, an ambitious and hardworking woman . You had been putting in long hours at the office, barely taking breaks to eat or rest. As a result, your body was sore and tense, and you could feel the stress weighing down on you. Desperately in need of some relaxation and rejuvenation, you decided to treat yourself to a massage at a nearby spa.
Little did you know, this massage would be unlike any you had experienced before.
As you entered the spa, you were greeted by a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The faint scent of essential oils filled the air, and soft music played in the background. The receptionist handed you a robe and instructed you to change into it before heading to the massage room.
Feeling excited and anticipating the soothing touch of a professional masseuse, you quickly changed into the robe and made your way to the massage room. However, as you entered the room, your eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
“The masseuses were all naked!”
You couldn't believe your eyes. You had heard of unconventional massage methods, but this was something else entirely. You were about to turn and leave when one of the masseuses, a stunningly handsome and muscular man, approached you with a warm smile.
'Welcome to our spa, Y/N. I'm Jungkook, and I'll be your masseuse today. Please, have a seat on the massage table, and we will begin shortly,' he said, gesturing towards the table.
Feeling a bit flustered, you hesitantly climbed onto the table, trying to avoid looking at the naked masseuses. However, as he began to massage you, you couldn't help but notice how skilled and talented he was. The tension in your muscles slowly dissipated, and you began to relax under Jungkook’s touch.
As the massage progressed, you couldn't help but let out a few moans of pleasure. Jungkook’s hands were working wonders on your sore body, and you couldn't believe how good it felt. But as the massage continued, you couldn't ignore the growing arousal you felt.
His hands were now roaming over your body, and the touch was becoming more sensual and intimate. You could feel yourself getting wet, and you knew you should stop this before it went any further, but you couldn't bring herself to do it.
Before you knew it, Jungkook’s lips were on hers, and your tongues were dancing in a passionate kiss. You couldn't resist any longer and gave in to your desires, letting JK explore your body in ways you had never experienced before.
As you continued to kiss and touch each other, you could feel the tension building up inside of you. Jungkook’s skilled fingers were now circling your clit, and you could feel your release approaching.
'Let go, Y/N. Let me make you come,' Jungkook whispered in your ear.
And with those words, your pussy clenched, body shaking with pleasure. You couldn't believe what had just happened, but you didn't care. All you wanted was more.
Jungkook, sensing your desire, continued to kiss and finger you until you couldn't take it anymore. You both collapsed on the massage table, panting and sweaty, but satisfied.
Laying there, catching your breath, you couldn't believe what had just happened. You had just had one of the most intense and pleasurable experiences of your life, and it was all thanks to this unconventional spa.
As you got dressed and left the spa, you couldn't help but think about how crazy and erotic your massage had been. And although it may not have been allowed, you couldn't wait to come back for more.
For my horny fellows
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ARIIIII HI HELLO HEY !!! i got a bit busy (i hate assessments) but I'm back and I will soon read all the things I added to my tbr that you posted !! soooo excited hehe :3 I wanted to ask how you guys are playing phanpara.... i also want to see all the fun stuff and play.. ☹☹ manifesting the banners for you so you get them easily <333 - ❄ anon
❄️ ANON MY LOVE !! welcome back!!!! :3 i hope your assessments went well…. i’m proud of you for working hard 🫂🫂🫂 AND PLS don’t feel any pressure w the tbr, my fics will always be here when you have the time !!! <3333
BUT YES . phanpara ….. i’m not gonna lie to you anon getting it downloaded on ios was a whole trial of will but 😭😭 it’s actually. fairly simple. it’s easier on android (you just need to download a bunch of apps to emulate it!!) but on ios you need to manually change your appstore region to japan. and then download a vpn app. the biggest downside w ios is that there aren’t really any good translator apps!! :(( on android you can get bubble translate which lets you translate on screen text really easily…. but you won’t get anything like that on ios. so you won’t understand what the characters are saying (unless you take screenshots and throw them into an image translator)….
buuut if you’re still fine with that!! (assuming you have ios and not android)…. then i’ll leave the instructions down below :33 i’ll try to make them as clear as possible but just ask if you have any more questions!! i’d love to help!!! phanpara is sm fun…
ok so . here are all the steps !!
1) make a new appstore account!!
this step is easy :3 … i don’t. remember how i did it tho. pretty sure you just go to the appstore browser page?? or something.., and then you obv just need to add a name and a functional email address!
when you’ve made a new account, make sure that your ios is logged into it . just go to settings -> click your profile -> click on the appstore icon -> log out from your usual account and log in on the new one!! then you just need to press ”show account” to go to the next step.
2) change your region to japan!!
this is the complicated step. it’s not really that complicated though it just took me a while to figure it out 😭😭 you can use this site for reference if my descriptions confuse you lol
when you try to change your region to japan, you’ll be forced to add your name and your address. you can use your normal name (assuming it’s made up of english letters), but you’ll need to generate a jp address!! it’s actually kinda easy. this is the website i used!! it lists all the information you need in the correct order, so just . copy and paste into the settings . (i believe you’ll need to choose the prefecture manually, so just look at the prefecture name on the website and match it with the options ios gives you!!) street name, prefecture, city, zip code, phone number… etcetc. this may or may not be an illegal process but if you’re a gacha enjoyer i’m assuming you like living life on the edge.
you’ll also get the option to add a payment method, but you should be able to skip it by choosing the option at the bottom. this is important because otherwise it won’t let you change your region (unless you happen to have a japanese credit card hanging around)….
when you’ve entered all the necessary information, click the blue text in the top right corner to move on!! if you’ve done everything correctly you should be taken to the jp appstore :3
3) download phanpara + ovpnspider!!
now you’re almost done!!! downloading phanpara should be easy, just search for it in the appstore and. well. download it. when i did this i had to click through some ios popup page..??? but just . click your way through it. trial and error. until it lets you download the app <33
while phanpara is loading, download ovpnspider!! this one is super easy and doesn’t take up much space at all. when it’s finished downloading, just go into the app, go to the ”jp” folder and connect to one of the vpns!! the status has to be ”alive”, but any of them should work :3
4) play phanpara !!
now you should be good to go <33 the only issue is that the vpn can be a little difficult sometimes. phanpara might take a bit to load, and throw you out if the vpn disconnects, but as long as you just exit the app and change the vpn there shouldn’t be any issues. could be a little bothersome sometimes but you get used to it quickly!! just make sure that you’re connected to a vpn, enter phanpara, and play :33 for me it takes up roughly 5gbs of space, so make sure your phone can handle it!!
aaaaand that’s it <333 i’m sorry if this is just. gibberish 😭😭 or if i’m making it sound more complicated than it is …. and pls let me know if it works for you!!! i’d love to be friends in game if you make an account :33 then you’ll be able to use my gojo in battle … hehehe ……..
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sluttysaph · 7 months
Babyyy, you get it. The baby monitor, that’s definitely how it would start for us.
You haven’t been invited to our bed yet, mommy thinks you need time to adjust before we start introducing you to our sex life, but I’m impatient and you’re just too cute to resist. Despite how put together and proper she can be, mommy cannot keep quiet when she’s being fucked deep and primal and I talk about breeding her full. I know this, of course and decide to use it to my advantage. Your room is close enough to ours that I know you’ll hear us, my grunting, her moans, the wet slapping of my hips on her ass. After a few nights of this I know for certain you’ve been getting antsy and exploring your body more. Between rounds I check the baby monitor and I can see you squirming and touching yourself. Finally one night I see you grinding on a little plush that I got you, and I know it’s time.
I let mommy know that the baby is awake and she tells me to make sure I put some boxers on to go check on you so that I don’t scare you, but the bulge is obscene either way. I walk into your room with the purpose of catching you, you’re terrified you’re in trouble, but I tell you you can make it up to daddy, that I have a very important job for you. I lead you back to our room and instruct you to sit on the bed by mommy, who is still a little too out of it to know what’s going on. I position mommy on her back and take off the boxers, giving you the first look at the strap, maybe it’s our biggest one, maybe it’s one of those gross monster ones mommy pretends she doesn’t like but always begs to suck when I wear it, either way it’s frightening.
I’d ask you to spit in my hand, you look disgusted but do as I ask. I use it to lube the strap a little for mommy. As I push in, I tell you that mommy probably would love for you to hold her hand, I suggest you tell her how pretty she looks, kiss her nipples, suckle on them. Finally I take your hand and bring it to mommy’s cunt, at first you’re scared I’m going to make you touch my cock, but instead I show you how to rub mommy’s clit to make her feel good and help her come. After she comes down she tells you how good and brave you were, and I can see in your eyes how perfect of a toy you’re going to be for us 🧸
gosh. gosh gosh gash😵‍💫 ur writing>>>
id stay awake late everynight, waiting for you to start, always biting my lips and squeezing my legs together cuz im feeling so much. id start humping the plushie just slightly at first, with my pyjamas on and under the blanket, but soon enough id be undressing myself and getting out. maybe u can watch me on the baby monitor while u fuck? being extra loud and rough, watching my reaction and the way i hump my stuffie. sometimes i leave my door open slightly, hoping u dont notice, but u do and u leave ur open as well, to make sure i hear it all.
i would be terrified. i would be so busy by humping that i wouldn’t hear the door open fully and suddenly ure there in my room and im all naked and being so naughty. i might even start crying, so scared ull punish me and so confused when u just tell me to come sit on the bed. mom’s laying there all naked with cheeks red and i cant stop looking at her body and it makes me feel even more naughty, the same way i feel whenever i look at the huge bulge in ur boxers.
the strap is huge. mesmerising, making me not want to look anywhere else while im also terrified by its size and shape.
i always want to help mom out! i only hold her hand at first, watching u slowly sink in and feeling mommy squeeze my hand hard. u tell me to kiss her to make itbetter, so i do even if i might not know how to do it properly. she navigates my head on her boobs, holding me down as i kiss and suck on them and listen to both of u moan loudly. it makes me so tingly, making me hump the air. u notice, obv, but dont give it much attention; first u, then me.
scared to touch ur cock. yes yes yes😵‍💫 mommys so wet and u take my hand into ur hand, helping me touch her to really make her feel good, putting my own fingers into my mouth to such off her juices. putting your fingers into my mouth to see how obscene will i look once i suck ur strap for the first time.
🥺🥺🥺 shes gonna kiss me so proudly, will cuddle me and make me sleep with u two, cuddled up naked between mommy and daddy with a kiss goodnight. i might be falling asleep with hands palming me everywhere<3
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hi it's me again lol i started watching spy x family and omfg. i get the hype now. it's so good
matchup(s) for spy x family, bsd and haikyuu pls!! i added some more details
some facts abt my appearance lol: im 4'9 (i am fr), kind of chubby, brown filipino, dark brown hair. also im an istj. 5w6 based on a quiz i took some months ago.
in terms of personality, im naturally quiet lol i can't help it. even when im around ppl i like, im still on the listeners side unless i have something good to say. otherwise im sorry but you'll have to be the one to start convos 😭
my jokes are mean so im kind of afraid to joke around unless ik they can argue back jokingly. and aren't sensitive. i'm also kind of blunt to the point that it's sometimes a problem. i'll apologize obv but man it makes me a little antisocial lol
in spite of istj stereotypes, i (try to) give my criticism very gently. i try to make sure that the other person knows im not judging or insulting but giving advice. i'm blunt but not that blunt
i like helping ppl out & taking care of others, actually. i like feeling appreciated/needed by others. tbh, it's why im aiming to become a nurse if i pass the exams. if i don't, i still want something along those lines. :))
hobbies: reading (aka prowling around in libraries), watching shows, i like cooking too but idk if it counts bc i don't have many opportunities to do it
aesthetic: coquette, femme fatale sort of thing. laces, bows, frills, etc. i like everything on me modest tho
likes : coffee, any hot drink, reading (tho i don't have the mind power these days lol) , scary movies, ghost hunting videos, history docs, romance but with awkward fmcs. taking walks, and... pink.
dislikes : cluttered spaces (i can't handle stuff just being thrown around. i need even a bit of organisation. not much of a clean freak but i need to know where everything is), crowded and noisy places, non-specific instructions (stresses me out fr), not submitting stuff on time bc its embarrassing, awkward situations (ex. meeting someone for the first time)
have a great timezone!! hope ur food is always warm unless u want it cold 🍲
Hi! Thank you for your request! I took out the Bungo Stary Dogs matchup since you mentioned you've already got one before. Sorry this took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Spy x Family, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Loid and Yuri, but I think you’d get along slightly better with Loid due to his less boisterous personality.
Loid loves cooking with you and taking walks. There’s not a lot in his life that he finds relaxing but spending quality time with you doing something as mundane as walking or cooking helps him take a load off.
Very clean so no need to worry about clutter. He does his fair share of housekeeping, so you also don’t have to worry about being run off your feet trying to keep the house clean all by yourself.
Admires your desire to help people. That’s one of the main reasons he became a spy, so he values that trait in others greatly. It makes him feel like he can trust you.
Loid is amazing at making you feel needed and appreciated without forcing you to work too hard for it. You hung up his coat for him? Thank you so much. You set the table for dinner before he got home? That’s great, it means you can cook together and have dinner earlier now.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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You and Kiyoko are the quiet (and kind of intimidating) power couple. While you can both be a bit standoffish, you do like helping people and genuinely care about those close to you.
I see Kiyoko as someone who enjoys watching history documentaries and ghost hunting videos. They’re very different from what people think of when they see her, but I think she finds them intriguing.
Loves taking walks with you! There’s nothing better than being able to finish up with the volleyball team and walking home with the person you care about most.
Speaking of the volleyball team, there’s absolutely no way there’s ever going to be a peaceful or quiet moment with them around. If you’re still uncomfortable in noisy places like this, Kiyoko’s more than happy to meet up with you somewhere quieter.
Sometimes she needs to vent about school or her commitments with the team so she’s very grateful you’re there to lend an ear. Please know that she’s there for you if you ever need to talk as well.
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pictureamoebae · 6 months
Omg i feel so stupid now lol.. thank you for helping! That seems to be the problem why DOF doesnt work for me in bg3 since i’ve only tried using the regular shaders like cinematic or adof.. i’m gonna try Otis shader and see!! I have another question tho, you said it can take long like 30min to render the picture - is that the case even if you chose to not hotsample too, or only when hotsampling? And in cutscenes etc when I wanna be quick with getting a specific shot or serveral, is that possible like can i screenshot serveral times after another immediately and it renders like 2-4 pictures then, or do i have to take one - let it render - before i can move on to take a new one? Hope that makes sense. I usually smash the screenshot button sometimes cause i dont want to miss a specific scene/shot. Or get several screenshots of like the same moment. Thank you so much anyway!!!
If you want to use IGCS DoF you have to be slow and considered.
Otis' website has instructions how to use it, make sure you read them carefully and you'll understand what's involved, but the tl;dr:
Basically, the way the DoF works is completely different to a DoF shader. It moves the camera very slightly over and over again and takes a temporary screenshot each time to slowly build up the final scene (all of those temporary screenshots will be deleted once it's done). This way it gets very accurate information about what's in the scene, which is why it produces such an excellent result.
You set up a shot, you go into the addons tab and choose IGCS, click start session, and the DoF controls will come up (make sure you have the IGCS DoF shader enabled first - that shader does nothing, but it's required for the addon to work).
Then you choose your bokeh strength, and you set up your focus. You have to be very, very precise with the focus. You choose a few other things, like the shape of the bokeh, and you choose the quality. (Those settings will carry over to next time, but you'll have to set up your focus again.)
The quality is what determines how long the shot will take to render. It will tell you at the bottom how many pictures it will take. The higher the quality you choose, the more of those temporary screenshots it needs to take to get more accurate information and a better image quality. Imagine pressing the print screen key 1,000 times and how long that would take.
The lower your fps the longer it will take. If you have high fps it can fire off those screenshots nice and quick. If you have low fps each screenshot takes a bit longer. If you're hotsampling, you're going to have lower fps.
Because my PC is old, I have a quality that results in about 800 screenshots. When hotsampling and using RTGI etc that can take a long, long, long time to render.
Once the shot is rendered you take your own screenshot as normal, and then you end the session.
One thing, anon. You know you can pause cutscenes, yes? Any current dialogue animation may keep playing until that line has finished, but otherwise it will pause.
The thing about using premium tools from Otis and others, if you're just firing off cutscene screenshots hoping one will look okay you're never going to get the most out of them. They're designed for serious screenshooting (obv anyone can use them if they want). Taking your time to set up a shot, being precise about the composition, the lighting, the aspect ratio, the whole scene, is a lengthy process. I'm not especially great at composition, so my screenshots are only so-so, but I try very hard with each one, and it can take me an hour to get one I'm happy with (this is why I'm still in Act 2). Slowing down improves your skill.
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lucysweatslove · 11 months
I’m in a weird kind of mood… and I don’t really know what it is.
Last night my back was hurting for some reason. Probably sitting too long, but it never went full on spasm mode, just some standard annoying pain that wasn’t enough to be concerning but enough to keep me awake. So I was scrolling through Reddit, maybe the medicalschool sub. I can’t really contribute much. But anyway, I saw this eval somebody posted where an intern (first year resident) gave feedback that was essentially:
Lower than average situational awareness affected interactions with team and patients. Usually needed to be told or instructed in simple tasks 2-3 more times than the average student. It’s his first rotation but general disorganization, clear lack of interest in learning technical skills, nervous energy, and inappropriately timed questions made it difficult to trust him as a reliable team members
If reading this you thought “holy fuck that sounds like he might be autistic” then we are on the same page.
Obvs I’m not diagnosing, and the eval could be projections etc. But there were no specific instances cited and the general complaints are both normal when a) somebody is super anxious because it’s their first ever time doing medicine and it’s GENERAL SURGERY one of the top most difficult clerkships, and b) somebody is autistic??
What’s the student supposed to do? Especially over the subjective things. “Clear lack of interest” could have been an introvert being quiet and unsure how to insert themselves. Maybe last time they inserted themselves, they got a weird vibe- maybe it was inappropriate timing but they couldn’t piece together when it would’ve been more appropriate because, idk, autism? Or general lack of communication because how tf are you supposed to know??
Or maybe the “lack of interest” was a blank facial expression when they’re focusing on learning those “simple” technical skills. And then getting annoyed when they ask for help on these skills so they don’t fuck it up? What the fuck?
ANYWAY obvs I’m annoyed and the eval is non-actionable, (2/5, has mastery of English as a language but does not appear to know how to apply this mastery in a constructive, actionable manner. Does not give any specifics when asked for specifics). But, that isn’t really the point. Not is the point anything to do with the annoying details about how med Ed can be toxic and generally unsupportive.
Nah this morning I was scrolling through YouTube shorts and Jessie Paege came up. Idk much about her as a person tbh but the one off videos I see here and there make them seem like a person I’d probably like to be around. She’s recovered from anorexia (fuck yeah), and the video I saw of them was basically a before and after which I think was mostly about showing off their confidence and happiness etc. And they do look more confident and happier both after recovery and coming out / living more authentically herself.
I like her aesthetics and see a lot of myself in her in many ways. Which makes seeing those videos more difficult for me. When I see enough of my own traits in somebody who has had a similar experience, I start to compare myself to them a little more- and not really them but the presented version of them.
And I really don’t know how I feel because I can’t find words that adequately describe it. But it’s like, little things like how obvious my autism is to most people but I didn’t really didn’t pick it up (over a few short videos??) from her. Or like, comparing “recovered” bodies wondering why, even before I recovered into my size, my overall shape is just. Not socially the norm. Whereas their overall shape is pretty normative for the current social climate (which is also kind of fucked up because why is there a normative body anyway? Obviously fatphobia and the like but like why a normative shape??)
And that often spirals a little. I’m not saying she doesn’t get any hate (if you’re an online personality you’re getting hate; if you’re even a little bit fem at least some of that hate will be about your body). But I am saying that if somebody with MY body size and shape, even if posted the same kind of body-focused stuff, there would be far fewer positive comments.It just is.
And I wouldn’t take any of the positivity away from Jessie, not at all. Again I don’t really follow her or know her super well, idk if she’s ever done anything problematic, and I don’t know her heart. But they seems genuinely to be a good person who deserves love and kindness and to be celebrated for their achievements and resiliency. Just gotta be VERY clear on that.
I don’t really know what it is, but to be these two things - comparing myself / how I experience divergency to somebody else’s divergent experiences AND seeing how divergences are treated in medical education - seem linked to me. Maybe it’s because any form of *showing* divergence is pretty harshly judged in med ed, and then in main culture you can be divergent and show the divergence, but only in specific ways.
Dunno if I’m marking any sense at all.
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asksep · 2 years
What was it like living with her at first? I'd imagine it was one hell of a shock after being in the young army and then at zelda's
Yeah, it definitely took some time to get used to. Going from the YA to aunt zeldas was the biggest change though so I got that over with pretty quickly 😅 it was a bit easier to go from having no structure at aunt zeldas to having a routine with marcia than from Overly Controlled in the YA to absolutely nothing with zelda
There were a few stages we went through at first:
1. Back to structure. I didn't have any idea of what an apprenticeship or living with "a parental figure" entailed so I dropped back into YA mode of having to follow instructions perfectly, not doing anything without explicit permission or instruction, stuff like that. Marcia was trying to set up some kind of routine for both learning and free time which was a good idea to actually get me to be less zombie-ish, but it ended up meaning that I went back to having zero control over my free time. This lasted a month or so.
2. Running Wild. Having no control dropped me back into A Bad Mindset so we moved towards having structured apprentice time and then freedom to do what I wanted outside of that. The structured apprentice-y bit worked really well and we ended up sticking with that for the rest of my apprenticeship. On the other hand, I had no idea what to do with my newfound freedom so I just didn't do anything I didn't want to? And thats how I ended up with the messiest room in the world, staying inside for days on end, holing up in the library not sleeping until ridiculous hours (which tbf I still do, but its more of an issue when I had to be up for a lesson in the morning). We realised this wasn't working when I fell asleep whilst learning Unseen number 2. She'd never admit it, but I'm pretty sure marcia asked aunt zelda for help at this point?
3. Over friendliness. This was the stage where we worked out a good routine. I had structured lessons and free time within reason - had to be back within a curfew, had to use it to actually see my family/friends, had to put some time into general upkeep of myself and my room. It worked really well as I could do what I wanted as long as I hit these points and I actually had something to work towards as well as room to have fun. The downside of this is that both marcia and I then thought we had to be much more sociable than either of us could keep up with. We spent loads of time chatting (which in retrospect was a good thing, it was the methods that weren't ideal) and couldn't just exist in silence. We were also both overly helpful which also isn't a bad thing, but sometimes you just wanna do something for yourself? Thankfully this didn't last too long as we both ended up really grouchy 😅
4. Success! We realised that we were both needing time on our own round about the time marcia first noticed her shadow. Obvs the shadow was Really Not Good, but it distracted marcia enough that she dropped the constant hanging over my shoulder. I was also so worried about it that I stopped worrying about the smaller stuff? Really put things in perspective ya know. After all of it, only took 6 months to work how to live together in peace 😊
This was a very long rambly answer, hope it answered your question 😂
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unfriedough · 3 years
Greetings fellow Zuko enthusiast. You say your ✨desperate✨ eh? Well, I’ll give you three ideas and you can just choose which one/ones you want to write (if you yk, feel like writing them at all 😳)
1. Hcs where Zuko joins the gang and falls in love with the kind and caring earthbender? Ik they already have Toph but idk maybe this earthbender could specialize in like herbology or plants. Idk, it’s whatever you wanna do.
2. A oneshot with Lee (Zuko but in ~different font~ lol 😂) where him and his uncle have competition with the coffee shop across from them. So Zuko *ahem* pardon me, Lee, goes over there to see what it’s all about and ends up like meeting the manager of the place and low-key hating them at first. But then, they like….slowly grow on each other from seeing each other around and running into each other. Eventually they start dating and well….you can decide how it goes from there.
3. Hcs for Zuko with a librarian s/o? Maybe they manage the palace library and where like just hired or smth?
Just some of my random useless thoughts. Hope your morning/evening is going well, take care of yourself! 💞
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‘Flower Field’- Zuko x fem!reader
Masterlist <3
Imma do them all I think but I’m starting with the first one for now :)
See request number 1.
Warnings: None.
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When Zuko joined the Gaang™ you were practically the first person to be nice to him.
It was in your nature what can I say
But like? He didn’t really get it?
Because the only other earthbender he met was Toph, so he kinda expected the rest to be the same-
So like, not only were you kind and caring, but also, a herbalist.
So technically a healer.
Very confusing concept for Zuko
But eventually he warms up to you too.
When Azula attacked y’all at the temple, Katara didn’t wanna heal his small burns and whatnot.
So you did.
In your tent.
Safe to say he was dying.
That’s when he realised he was crushing on you
And his reaction was just to get super flustered-
Anyways, you healed him using plants obv
“Uhh thanks.” he fiddled with his hands
“Oh don’t worry about it, cutey.”
Words came out of your mouth before you could comprehend it.
Trying to play it cool though
Zuko is literally dying.
You give him instructions and whatever about what he needs to do to heal fully, then he leaves your tent.
He gets jealous when you heal Sokka or literally any other guy that could be a love interest.
Ahem Haru Ahem
Like you would be healing Sokka after sparring and he’d be in the distance like: >:(
Sokka, Toph, and Katara catch on.
Aang does not.
Sokka ships it 100%, Toph thinks it’s funny, and Katara is not fond of the idea.
“Zuko isn’t a healer,”
“I know,”
“Are you saying we should hurt Zuko!” Katara yells
“It would be my pleasure!”
She spars with Zuko and defeats him
He’s hurt
Sokka’s like “oh nooo! I’ll call Yn!”
He brings you over and you inspect the wound.
“Hm, I dunno, maybe Katara would do a better job on this one”
“Doing what?”
You eyed Sokka, knowing he was lying. What on Earth could he be up to?
“I’m sure she can pause training to help Zuko,”
Zuko is just behind you, completely flustered and dead inside.
“Nope she can't,” Sokka added.
“Okay” you sighed, not having the energy to argue.
Plus you get to spend more time with Zuko so 🤷‍♀️
You brought Zuko to your tent, and began collecting your things.
“This is going to hurt a bit” you smiled, as you gave him your hand.
Could you have given him something else? Probably. Did you want to hold his hand? Yes.
He took your hand, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
When you began healing him, he squeezed your hand really tightly
So cute.
After you're done, you wrap it up.
“All done!”
Ok time skip-
So he was definitely teased a lot by Sokka. Like he caught on to the fact that Sokka caught on.
Even angstier than usual :(
You notice.
It seems like he’s avoiding you like the plague,
You are sad, bc your in love with this grumpy idiot
So one day, you invite him to get plants with you (for healing because you ran out)
He doesn't want to.
“Please, you’ve been avoiding me and I miss hanging out with you.”
He feels SO BAD
So y’all are picking flowers and whatnot
And you take one of the prettiest flowers there, and put it behind his ear.
Then you laugh at him because he’s blushing, but you’re covering your mouth to try not to laugh.
But your laughing makes him blush even harder.
After a while, you guys decide to sit down and chill for a bit.
“I’m sorry I ignored you,”
“It’s okay, but did I do something wrong?”
“No no you didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Oh. Then, why’d you ignore me?”
He stares for a bit, before sitting facing you.
You are so confused
He sighs
(Think of it as the gif in the start. like that's how he looks)
“It’s because I like you. I like like you. Like more than I would like a friend. I like you like a-”
You cut him off by crashing your lips into his
It takes him a second to understand but he gets it
He kisses you back with so much passion.
Then when you separate, you say:
“I like like you too,”
He’s so happy.
When you guys go back to camp, Sokka notices Zuko not avoiding you anymore.
You walk Zuko to his room, and give him a goodnight kiss.
Just as you're about to walk away, Zuko grabs your wrist lightly.
“Can you actually stay?” he says avoiding your gaze.
Ofc how could anyone say no-
You guys cuddle all night.
Katara comes to wake y’all up in the morning.
“Oh my god, Sokka was right.”
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An: I really hope I did a good job with this lol. Again, Thank you so much for the request. As always, hope you enjoyed reading, SEE YA! <3
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Fic request! Hunter supresses his anxiety and PTSD at the Owl House, as he doesn't want them to think he is "weak". But one day he ends up not being able to leave the room (maybe there is a party going on?) and he has a full on flashback. As soon as it's over, he runs to his room and starts to pack up all his stuff hurriedly into a bag. Eda, obv confused, wonders what's going on and Hunter has a breakdown (Like Eclipse Lake) saying how she is prob going to kick him out anyways. Comfort follows?
Content Warnings: anxiety attacks, flashbacks, suicidal thoughts
Hunter flinched as the kitchen door slammed shut.
Everyone at the Owl House was so loud. And not predictably—they moved in whirlwinds and bustled in and out, and Hunter could never tell when someone would drop something, or fall, or slam a door.
“Hey!” King used him like a ladder, perching on his shoulder.
Hunter yipped, shaking himself. “Hey! A little warning next time?!”
“Whatcha doing?”
“Making a potion.”
“What’s it for?”
“Muting tiny annoying demons.”
“Ha, ha, ha.” King peered at the book. “Sleeping potion? Ohohohoho, who are we knocking out? Eda, so we can throw a party? Luz, so we can draw faces on her?”
Hunter picked him up by the scruff and set him back on the ground. “It’s for me.”
“You? You’re knocking yourself out?”
“It’s not—it’s just to help me sleep.”
“You can’t sleep?”
“I’m an insomniac. And at the coven, that was a good thing, because it meant I could be counted on for night missions, available at almost every hour.”
“Yikes, you were such a workaholic.”
Hunter nudged King with his foot, pushing him out the door. “Okay, out. Out!” Hunter closed the door, turning back to the book. He’d specifically chosen a potion that induced a dreamless sleep—which was mostlywhat he was after.
What if King gets into it?
What if he uses it to knock out Eda or Luz, like he said?
Hunter took a deep breath. No spiraling.
I’ll just hide it so he won’t.
“Oooo soup!”
Hunter jumped at Luz’s voice, flinging droplets of scalding-hot potion through the air. He put one hand over his pounding heart. “Titan, Luz! I’m going to put a bell on you!”
“Sorry.” Luz sniffed the cauldron. “What is that? I think I smell sleeping nettles?”
“Yes, you’re very astute, go away.”
“Aw, thanks.” She didn’t follow his instructions to go away, sitting on the table and swinging her legs. “What do you need a sleeping potion for, anyway?”
“To sleep,” Hunter responded curtly.
“What do you need the potion for, though?”
Hunter set the spoon down. “What do you need to know for?” He shooed her out of the kitchen. “You’re going to make me burn it!”
He shut the door again, leaning his head against the wood.
I bet it’s ruined by now.
Hunter sniffed the potion, then stirred it again, sprinkling in a few more sleeping nettles.
What if you just made a big batch of poison?
A hundred horrible images of King finding it and Eda and Luz ending up dead flashed through Hunter’s mind, and he shook his head, lowering the heat.
You followed the directions.
It’s fine.
“Heeeeeyyyyyy, what’s all the yelling about in here?”
Hunter grabbed Hooty in a headlock as the demon stuck its head on his shoulder, squeezing tight, then letting him go. “Augh—”
“You’ve got some reflexes there, Hunter! You feeling okay?”
No, I’m not.
I can’t even make a simple potion, and who even knows if it would work anyway! Because I don’t have any magic! I can’t do any magic right, I’ve never been able to, and I bet I messed up this, too.
I can’t make a potion
I can’t do anything.
Hunter ran a hand through his hair. “Um,” he managed, “I’m okay.”
Breathe, you idiot!
I can’t. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, IcantIcantIcantIcantIcant—
Hunter turned the stove off in a daze, wandering towards the stairs.
Get upstairs, get away, get somewhere it’s safe.
“Hunter?” Luz questioned as he wandered through.
“I’m okay.”
I’m not, I’m not, I’m not, and they’re going to know, they’ll be able to tell, and they’ll be so mad about it—
Somewhere in the back of his mind, a voice whispered that they wouldn’t be angry.
I’m not okay I’m not okay I’m not okay—
A hand clamped on Hunter’s shoulder.
“Everyone has a use, Hunter. Kikimora has her intricate little plans, the scouts carry out orders, and you… well, the Titan has big plans for you.”
“Everyone has a use, Hunter. Kikimora has her intricate little plans, the scouts carry out orders, and you… well, the Titan has big plans for you.”
Hey, Hunter, listen to me.
“Everyone has a use, Hunter. Kikimora has her intricate little plans, the scouts carry out orders, and you… well, the Titan has big plans for you.”
Focus on me, Hunter, just breathe.
“Everyone has a use, Hunter. Kikimora has her intricate little plans, the scouts carry out orders, and you… well, the Titan has big plans for you.”
Breathe. Like me. In and out.
Hunter squeezed his eyes shut.
“Everyone has a use, Hunter. Kikimora has her intricate little plans, the scouts carry out orders, and you… well, the Titan has big plans for you.”
“Do you know where you are, Hunter?”
“The keep. Where I belong.”
“Hunter, listen to me. You’re at the owl house.”
Owl house.
Hunter shook his head.
“You’re at the owl house, Hunter. Do you know who I am?”
Hunter blinked rapidly. “Eda?”
“Hey—you spaced out. Do you know where you are?”
“Uh—” Hunter rubbed his eyes. “The owl house—sorry—I’m sorry—I just—”
They’re all looking at you.
They’re looking at you, and they’re all wondering what’s wrong with you.
Hunter gestured helplessly towards the stairs, then raced up them, running to his room and throwing the few things he had in a bag.
There was a gentle knock on the door, and then Eda came in. She reached out, then stopped. “Permission to touch?”
Hunter thought about the hand on his shoulder, and shook his head.
Eda’s arm dropped down to her side. “Going somewhere?”
“I’m sorry. I—I’m bad at this, I’m really, really bad at this, and your family is perfect, and I’ll just—”
Eda barked a laugh, and Hunter flinched at the sudden sound. She shook her head. “Sorry. Our family’s far from perfect, kiddo.”
Hunter twisted the strap of his bag around his hands. “I keep thinking things,” he burst out, “I keep—my thoughts go around in circles, and it doesn’t matter how many times I tell myself everything will be okay, and to stop being stupid, my brain just—it keeps going.” He ran a hand through his hair. “And I can’t hear loud noises without flinching, and I jump every time someone touches me suddenly, and I can’t make you guys change how things are just because sometimes I freak out—”
She won’t understand this
You’re not making any sense
Why can’t you just be normal for once?!
Hunter shook his head. “Eventually I’ll mess up so bad that you’ll kick me out anyway, if I haven’t already done that. So I’m just going to go, because that’s the best thing for everyone, right? Right!”
Eda crossed her arms. “Uh-huh, and what happens when you’re out in the middle of nowhere and you have another flashback, huh?”
Hunter threw his hands up in the air. “Then I get eaten by a wild demon, and the world is better for it!”
Eda went weirdly quiet and still. “You don’t mean that,” she said quietly.
“No? I’m a mess.” Hunter’s voice cracked. “I can’t sleep without nightmares, and I can’t even brew a potion, and my stupid brain won’t stop thinking itself in circles, so maybe it would just be better if I just stopped. And then no one would have to worry about me anymore.”
Eda sighed, a long, world-weary sigh, and sat down. She patted the floor next to her, and Hunter slowly lowered himself until he was next to her. “When the owl beast curse first started, I… well, it gets worse with stress. Loud noises would draw it out. And I hurt people when I was the owl beast, I hurt my own father. And… some days I thought that everyone would be better off if I jumped into the boiling sea, and killed the owl beast with me. I was alone, I felt like my family hated me. There didn’t seem like there was any reason for me to stick around.”
Hunter made a tiny strangled noise. “But then Luz would have been eaten on her first day here, and Belos never would have been defeated and—”
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. A lot of good things never would have happened if I’d followed through on that.” Eda shrugged. “And If I’d listened to myself when I was at my lowest… I never would have met you.”
“Now you’re just being sappy.”
Eda snorted. “Maybe just a little.” She shook her head. “The point is, if you listen to yourself when you’re feeling your worst, you’ll probably do something you regret. Like running away. Or… worse. So. Hunter. When your brain starts thinking itself in circles, or you start thinking the world would be better without you, I have a job for you. And if you have trouble doing it, that’s okay, but I want you to at least try.”
“I want you to take a deep breath. I want you to count to ten. And then I want you to come find me, and we’ll figure it out. Together. Okay?”
“And what if—what if I do the spacing out thing? Where I’m stuck back in time?”
“We’ll figure that out, too. I’ll keep an eye out for it, and I’ll talk you back here to us, just like I did today.”
Hunter’s shoulders started to shake. “What if I can’t? What if I can’t talk to you, or—or—”
“We’ll come up with something. Mmmmmmmm how about if you feel like you can’t talk to me, or you can’t get me, youuuuuuuuu… sit crisscross on the landing, and I’ll come to you, and I’ll do all the talking?”
“And King and Luz and I will remember to ask before touching, okay?”
Eda nodded. “There are a lot of better ways to handle stuff like this. We just need to figure out what’s right for you. Permission to touch?”
He nodded, and she wrapped one arm around it.
“You’re going to be okay, kiddo. I’m going to make sure of it.”
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Dark Inside
Pairing | Wanda Maximoff x reader
Summary | she’s locked away, by the orders of the government. And you are the guard that is chosen with the responsibility of taking her to shower. Surely nothing unprofessional could unfold...
Warnings | nudity, smut, its a little dark I guess idk, shower sex, brief mention of infection, oral sex (fem receiving obvs), fingering, swearing
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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“Maximoff, get up.” You barked at the convicted avenger, whom kept her head down, staring at the cement floor of her cell. You rapped your hand against the door of her cell, as her head tilted towards you. It was her fault she was here, not yours, there was no reason for you to pity the strange woman, for her actions had come with consequences, and she knew of them before she decided to stand against the governement. “Now, I won’t ask again.”
It was a warning, and she fully understood that, no matter if her ability to read minds was restrained. That collar, metal and encrusted with a luminous red light, prohibited her from bewitching any one or any thing. Her arms were also bound together, limiting the possibility of her escape. She was the perfect prisoner, pretty and withheld, unable to exhume damage across the world, as she previously had done.
Wanda slowly came to stand, her eyes filled with emptiness as she slowly strode to the door, which you came around to. Hastily, you pulled it ajar, watching as her teammates converted their protective eyes towards you, wary for their friend. You hardly paid them mind as you escorted Maximoff through the walls of their holding, and through the corridors.
She plodded, like a barren mare, eyes sullen and downcast as you escorted her past the empty halls, and towards the shower room, where you lightly shoved her forward, lightly smirking as she did not struggle against the pressure you enjoyed roughing her up with. Out of all the government official inmates, she was by far your favourite. Her mouth remained shut, no sounds left her defined cheeks, all emotion was tucked away, in that blue suit that constricted her.
“Alright Maximoff, let’s get you out of this tight number.” You smirked at your own words, your hands pulling at the blue gear that kept her arms folded. As you stripped her, you could not help but let your hands scrape her pale sides, running down her waist as you pushed the navy suit down, keeping the collar on of course, as you reached behind her, watching as her breasts lightly bounced from the action.
Next to be removed were her panties, her feet shuffled as you dragged the material down, feeling as your eyes bore into her pussy lips, though you didn’t keep your gaze up for long. Instead of staring at her pretty cunt, you stood and tapped her ass. “Forwards girl.” She obliged with the action, moving slowly under the shower head, wrapping her arms around herself as you reached around her, your covered breasts pressing against her back as you turned the spray of water on.
As you moved away, you noticed how she tried to keep her modesty, not changing her stance of having her back turned to you. Her hands slowly raked through her dark hair, stroking the grease out of the strands as you watched, as was your job to do. Her back was thin, yet strong. She had held onto so much throughout her life, supporting her team, and that amounted to nothing more than declaring her a sentence.
People saw Wanda as a danger to society, here she was safe from causing more pain upon the world, restrained from reigning damage upon the earth. It had been ten minutes of her pathetically grazing her body with her shy fingertips, her attempts to cleanse herself were poor. “We don’t have all day inmate, if you want to actually be ridden of all that sweat and dirt that you’ve collected whilst being contained in that bag that clothes you, I suggest you get to scrubbing. Quickly.”
From you words, Wanda gulped, though nevertheless began to massage her knuckles on the midst of her chest, down to her stomach, and... she felt almost sick as she was about to wash the most private part of herself in front of someone. But she had no choice if she didn’t want to guarantee herself the severe cost of an infection down under.
Taking in a calming breath, that did little to actually calm herself, Wanda cupped her mound, lightly rubbing, her body jolting at how sensitive she was. A shuffling alerted her ears from behind, and she watched you kick her restraint suit lightly, her head prompting its gaze over her shoulder.
“Time is up, get dried and dressed.” The words sounded like a curse free falling from the curve of your lips. She didn’t want to be returned into that box, until the next time she required to use the lavatory, or her every other day shower. It was more constructing than the clothing that she was forced into, the four walls caging her in like a wild animal on show for children to see.
“Can’t I just have a couple more minutes?” Her voice was rough, sounding like seething sandpaper, for she had not used it in weeks. She usually spoke to no one, and thus it was a surprise when she finally did, more so when it was you.
“I have a tight schedule.” Your teeth gritted as you tutted deliberately at her enquiry. “But if you want my help to allow you bask in there a little longer, it’s gonna cost you, baby girl.” The sound and context of your voice made the young woman shudder, aware that your silent suggestion was an invitation for something deeper, and not one for the light hearted to take up on.
But she never considered herself weak at the knees from emotions, not anymore. There had been too much pain, and too many losses to think of herself as such. She could get through this, coil into your offered whim, or she could keep her dignity in tact, though it wouldn’t be complete for she would still remain tangled with her own dead skin clinging onto her for dear life.
“What do you want?” Her accent, which had somewhat faded a smudge, rang through your ears, making you curiously squint at her. But you said nothing, instead, pulling your shirt over your head, cocking your neck at the woman as her eyes went wide, seeing you be so forwards with your intent.
“I’m sure I don’t need to elaborate Maximoff.” You spoke as you kicked your boots off, toying with your belt, as your eyes denied to leave her bare skin. “Why don’t you turn around, so that I can see that lovely little bush I expect you’re growing.” She wasn’t sure if your words brought her somewhat comfort, or had her skin crawling, there was now a thin line between the two.
Nevertheless, the woman turned, blessing your eyes with her full silhouette. She was admittedly beautiful, especially out of her restraints, except of course, that heavy metal collar that forbade her from using her scarlet witchery. “Come closer, I’m not the one here that supposedly bites the hand that feeds.”
As her body spiralled around, to give you a clear and overall view of her body, you couldn’t admit to yourself that you were impressed. You had been right, there were hairs beginning to peak out of her skin, and her breasts, well they were like balanced bowls of water, awaiting for someone to drink from them.
At your words, Wanda gulped, though she did not stop moving, she instead, paced her feet forwards, not withholding her motions as came to stand before you, nervously licking her lips as she watched you toy with the waistband of your bottoms. It was uncertain if you were teasing her or yourself, though she figured that she best not complain, you were the one in charge here, and one step out of line could leave all her efforts for nothing.
Eventually, after moments of nerve wrecking and pent up expense, you dragged the cargos down your legs, showing her the blankness of your grey underwear. Grey was an understated colour, she saw it all around; from the falling of her country, to the walls that the government had encased her within. But this particular shade, encompassed quite literally against your skin, making her no longer envision it as a dull exterior, but instead an exciting barrier that concealed all the goods beneath its plain material.
Without instruction, Wanda dismissed herself unto her own knees, collapsing her weight down upon the back of her thighs as she tucked her hands around the back of your shins, her green eyes boring up at you, as she pressed an experimental kiss upon your thigh. “Go on Maximoff, earn yourself that extra shower time.” You kicked your panties off, leaving your bottom half bare to the enhanced woman, rolling your shoulders back as you took a steady breath through your nose.
Your fingers cascaded through her long locks, gently tugging her closer, forcing her to breathe in your scent, before her tongue darted out, licking a fine line along the outside of your lips. A frown settled upon your face at her obvious lack of knowledge when it came to pleasing a woman, though you allowed her to continue to explore herself, holding your lip between your teeth as you hungrily stared down at her.
“Good girl.” You coaxed her as she allowed her eyes to lightly flutter, her fingers, small and agile, reached up to part your pussy open, allowing her more access to what was behind its curtains. “Focus on the clit Maximoff, uses your fingers too.” Instead of your instructions leaving you as orderly, as you had planned them to pass in your head, they heaved from your chest in a breathy whisper.
Wanda complied with your verbal assistance, circling her warm and wet tongue around your special bud, rotating it around in her mouth as she pulled the pink ball of flesh into the confines of her mouth, striking it with rolls of her spinning saliva. Her hand trailed down from your lips, rubbing the pads against your slit, as you leant your head back, her nailed digits moving towards your entrance.
Her fingers fumbled, as one tried to surpass the entrance of your pussy, but slipped, only for her to try once more, succeeding to have your cunt swallow her digit into its lubricated depths, suctioning it within the confines of your walls. “Fuck, you’re not terrible at that inmate.” It wasn’t supposed to come across as a compliment, rather it was a noted observation to yourself. Though Wanda still muffled a moan against your mound, pumping her finger in and out of your walls.
Her administrations sped up, causing you to clench around her ravaging fingers, that albeit messy and irregular with their movements, were bringing you closer to fulfilling your satisfaction. It was wrong, to get off using the aid of an inmate, but she was far too compelling to just leave to her own innocent devices, alone in that little cell of hers. “Fuck.” You came over her face and fingers, rutting your hips as she lapped up your sweet nectar.
Once you had rode your orgasm out, you shoved her head away, falling down onto the tiles, and laying her down, spreading her legs wide as you by palmed at her perfect breasts. “Such a gorgeous little cunt. I knew that you’d get off on this, there’s a tantalising darkness to you, and that is what pulled me in.”
Your palms caressed her thighs, stroking soothingly down the parting of her legs and her centre piece, throwing your face between her revealed boudoir, trailing your tongue in quick motions up and down the expanse of her cunt, your fingers running languidly upon her swollen clit.
The fuzz from her growing hairs rubbed against the bottom of your face, but you cared not about the natural order of her body; in fact, it was kind of sexy. Your tongue entered her, slipping through her folds as you tasted everything that she had to offer you, tracing the shapes of figure eights within her flushed walls, your cheeks pressing against the insides of her cheeks.
“Oh my gosh.” Another few words that fell from her open mouth, her hands grasping the solid slate of the floor, as her hips lightly bucked up into your mouth, strings of moans dribbling off her tongue. “I- I-“ you soothed her thigh, confirming that it was okay, and all she had to was release all the tension building up within her.
And with that, she spilled, her swarm of essence falling onto your tongue, as your tongue eased out of her cunt, raking up the length of her pussy, cleaning up the mess that you had made of her.
“Looks like you’re gonna need another shower Maximoff.” You smirked, as you pulled your mouth away from her dripping cunt, her juices painting your rabid smirk in the most beautiful resolution. “I’ll let you have that extra time now.”
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
You should do one where y/n is dating Thor or someone else and Steve is obsessed with her so he used sex pollen.
yes omg!  dubcon under the cut, infidelity (obv) and dark!steve being obsessed and possessive, some degradation and praise, spitting, and daddy kink
“I should get Thor.”
he was bluffing, he just hoped you wouldn’t call it.  if the guy who sold him this stuff was right, you wouldn’t.  
he started to walk away, but you reached out and grabbed his arm; he did his best to suppress his smirk before turning back to look at you again.  
“n-no, don’t leave me,” you whimpered.  
you looked completely wrecked already, a thin layer of sweat making your skin glisten as your eyes watered and you shivered uncontrollably.
“please, steve, you have to help me-- it hurts...” you begged weakly.
he noticed the way your thighs were clenching together, and thanks to his enhanced senses, he could smell your arousal as it pooled under that flimsy little skirt.
it was so strange to him that you dressed that way around the whole team.  thor wasn’t doing a good job of keeping his girl in check, clearly.  first there were these slutty outfits that showed of your body to everyone, then there was the fact that you had agreed to stay late alone with him in his office in the tower.  what were you thinking?
clearly, it was further proof that you wanted him.  that you knew he could treat you better than thor did.
you just needed a little... chemical encouragement.  that’s what the laced coffee was for.
“you’re sure you want me to help you?” he pressed, smiling when you nodded feverishly.  he wanted to make sure you remembered asking him for it-- begging for it, even.  odds were high you would act like he forced himself on you tomorrow, so you wouldn’t upset your precious boyfriend, and he needed to prevent that.
but, he still had a chance to convince you to forget about thor entirely and just get with him.  
“okay, doll, I’ll help you,” he relented, stepping closer and loving the way you relaxed instantly in his touch.
he kissed you first, something he’d dreamed of for so long, reveling in the taste of your sweet lips.  it was a little bitter when he slid his tongue against yours, from the coffee, but it was worth it for the way you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck.
but he couldn’t just kiss you all night.  he’d been waiting far too long to get into your cunt and his cock was already throbbing.
he roughly shoved you away and pinned you down onto his desk. 
“spread those legs for me,” he growled.  he could see the fear in your eyes but you obeyed, putting your soaked thong on display. 
he grinned and rubbed the inside of your thighs, loving the way your back arched slightly.
“fuck, look at this pretty little pussy you’ve got,” he chuckled, giving it a spank as your body jolted.  he pulled the lace aside to find your clit swollen and your entrance dripping, already clenching around nothing in desperation.  
“oh my fucking god,” he hissed through his teeth.  “you little slut.  you want me so goddamn bad, don’t you?”
you didn’t reply, but he didn’t notice.  he was already shoving his trousers down and pulling his cock out, stroking it a couple times to get it ready for you.
“you’re so little, baby, I might split you in half,” he warned, but he didn’t give you a chance to change your mind before he pushed into you in one quick thrust, watching your face as you cried out before turning his attention back to where your body was giving him a very warm welcome.
“fuck, sweetheart,” he gasped, “how’re you so tight when you’re letting thor use your hole every night?”
he leaned down and pressed his body against yours, thrusting as deep as he could every time.  “or does he only put it in your ass?”
you whimpered but couldn’t seem to form words anymore, making him chuckle darkly.  “dumb little baby, so cockdrunk for me already...”
he had to grip the desk to stabilize himself, and to prevent it from sliding across the floor each time he slammed into you.  he realized he should slow down and give you a little more time, but he just couldn’t bring himself too when you felt so fucking good around him, soaking wet and clenching around him whenever he bottomed out.
he tore your shirt open and grabbed your tits, roughly twisting your nipples a few times as you sobbed and bit your lip.
“you’re close, huh?  little cunt’s squeezin’ me,” he grunted.  “want daddy to fill you up, doll?”
you looked conflicted.  “thor...” you whispered just under your breath.  he snarled and grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.
“he’s not here.  I’m your daddy now, understand?”
you nodded, but he wasn’t sure you got the message.  “open your mouth,” he instructed, and when he did he spit into it.  “swallow...”
you shuddered but obeyed, making him smile a little.  “now say it.  beg your daddy to fill you up.”
“daddy...” you mumbled sleepily, “f-fill me up...”
“yeah?  want daddy’s come in you?”
tears welled in your eyes, and he wasn’t sure if it was because it felt so good, or because you felt guilty for cheating on your boyfriend.  maybe it was because it felt so good to cheat on your boyfriend.
“I said,” he growled, “do you want.  your daddy’s.  come in you.”
“y-yes,” you finally answered, “yes, please steve, come in me...”
even though he had made you call him daddy before, it was the way you said his name that sent him over the edge.  he groaned and pumped every drop of his seed into you as he watched you fall into pleasure, panting and moaning all for him.
he smiled while he caught his breath, slowly pulling out and watching his come leak out of your ruined hole.
“feeling better yet, doll?”
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