#i will need the next 6-12 business days to recover
faloverfae · 7 months
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Britney was right
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johnemulaney · 3 years
John Mulaney: From Scratch in Las Vegas, September 4
Once again, spoilers for the show and what will presumably be in the special. This is about his relapse so tread with caution is that will be an issue for you. However, the tone of his struggle is the same one he used in his past specials so if you didn’t have any issues then, I think you’d be ok with this. Of course, use your own best judgement, friends.
The opener was Seaton Smith. 
He opened with trying to find the rich people in the crowd but acknowledged that they’d go mwrmwmwrw money isn’t everything so then he started talking about golf and went aha I got ya’ll. 
There was a joke about weed being the only Christian drug
He had a bit about when white people are nice, be nervous
He had a bit about there being a black man on the Bachelor and was like America (ABC and Disney+) were not ready for a black man to be fucking a house full of 50 white women. That shit premiered on Tuesday and the Capitol burned on Wednesday.
He also did some crowd work and roasted a couple in the front row for having different answers about kids and she was like I didn’t hear the question and was roasted about how not hearing questions you don’t want to answer is certainly a tactic, often used by drug dealers
He also had a bit about how different child rearing is in Texas versus New York and about how hitting your kids is treated differently, like his dad would have just threatened it whimsically. 
Now on to the Main Event!
The first thing he said was “hiiiiiiiiii” exactly in the tone you think he said it in. he followed that up with a little shrug looking adorable and a little bashful
“It’s him! Mr. Problems. Oh Las Vegas, Oh my god” he then talks about how Vegas is a land of vice and a Choice for him to preform in as a recovering addict. He had a sober buddy and 3 bodyguards with him at all times. 
“And here’s what happened” December 18, 2020, he gets invited to a friends apartment for dinner AND HE’S TWO HOURS LATE because he stopped, coked out of his mind, at SNL for a haircut because he still had his building access badge and he went to the hair department and they were like, he’ll leave faster if we just do this, and then he stopped at his drug dealers. 
He called venmo and cashapp, apps for drug deals and was like what do normal people even use them for. He maxed both out paying for drugs. 
He was the best looking person at his intervention. “Coke skinny, new cut” and the 12 people intervening looked like shit. He looked “tears for fears while they all looked jerry garcia” (I hope you know who those musicians are besties). 
He immediately yelled “Can I go to the bathroom” to you know, dump his drugs because when you walk into that, you know what it is. 
He was not allowed to go (he would be asked if he still needed to pee later and would say “what?”
There were 6 people in NYC and 6 people over zoom in LA because he guesses 6 people couldn’t be bothered to fly in for HIS INTERVENTION
Interventions can go two ways, it can be kind of accusatory and this is how you let us all down, or it can be supportive. Everyone but Nick Kroll got the memo to be supportive.
Nick Kroll went first.
Nick Kroll listed all the ways John was a bad best friend and brother over zoom and John was getting texts during the intervention saying Nick wasn’t supposed to do that and they were all sorry. 
Bill Hader went next. he originally wasn’t going to be able to make it so he had recorded a thing but since he was there, he did it live. (He would eventually send the video to John in rehab, which is not what you want on the way to rehab “awesome, more intervention”)
He tried to derail the intervention, “there’s not enough latinx representation” he said he’d go to any rehab except the one they had picked out for him. This was a star-studded affair and he was mad no one was being funny. 
 Natasha Lyons went next, telling him his life and career is in shambles
So he gets carted off to rehab after this intervention. Don’t let 12 comedians pack your bags for 2 months at rehab. it was bombas socks and iphone chargers. 
A little secret about rehab, you’re not allowed to bring drugs in. You remember how he was late? In his pocket on the way to rehab included: a huge amount of pills, 3g of coke (which was 2g by the time he got there, courtesy of a koala station in a gas station bathroom), and $2000 in cash. He had other plans for the weekend. He was admitted for xanax, coke, perocet, and adderall addiction. Say what you will, but he does not do anything half way.
It’s 4am when he’s sent to detox, he’s been awake for 3 days. 
He also gives a small lesson on how to get drugs. Find the lowest rated doctors on yelp and webmd reviews and go ask for them, they need all the business they can get. You become like Captain Phillips, I am the doctor now. 
Dr. Michael was his shady doctor. He was a first avenue apartment where he would write prescriptions from his kitchenette where his girl Minerva was always asleep. “I didn’t kill my wife Minerva.” But John would ask for his drugs, Dr. Michael would write the script and then ask what he needed it for. Dr. Michael would also make John take his shirt off, always offering a flu shot and going no, shirt all the way off (in case you were wondering how bad this addiction actually was)
The first moral is now you know. The second moral is get vaccinated.
He’s sent to the regular ward the next afternoon and they finally get him to sleep. 
He’s sketched out that doctors have last names at this establishment
He asks for drugs such as klonopin and is taken aback a bit when he doesn’t get them. The doctor is like PA state law says no, and so John suggests they go to a CVS in Jersey to get some. 
His bestie Pete Davidson starts calling that night. Except Pete changes his number every month and a half so John has him send a selfie and saves the new number under some other random name, at this point in time, Pete is saved as Al Pacino. (We get an Al Pacino impression) John is asleep and his nurse sees Al Pacino trying to call him 5 times and so she wakes him up. 
Pete Davidson and John Mulaney did not do drugs together. (The author is lowkey surprised and sad about that, like if Pete was my bestie, we’d make so many poor choices) But Pete was always very supportive of his sobriety. 
John needs recognition so badly, in group when they introduced themselves he said “I’m John M.” and no one cared. So he left a tabloid out with the news of his admittance and his face on it in the rec room on the table. The not being someone was “driving him bananas.” When they talked about what they do for a living and he said I’m a a stand up comedian, someone asked if he made a living that way. He said “yeah ask your daughter” (or your son)
One of the things you do at rehab is break up with your drug dealer.
One of his drug dealers only bought drugs to keep John from buying worse off the streets and only got into the game because John kept asking him for drugs and was his only buyer. That guy was originally a painter and John has no idea how they met. John is the only person to turn an innocent man into a drug dealer. 
Here he did the Baby J is back baby joke. the Park Theater is one of the biggest stages in the world so he did that joke in one pace across the stage and said the stage is that joke long. 
“I am no longer on drugs. It’s very good but also ah---” He’s in a 12 step anonymous group. 
“I need attention, clearly.” After a show you think he would be sated, but no. 
He wants that attention that the kid who’s grandparent died and showed up to school dressed for the funeral and got to sit in the beanbag chair for reading despite it not being his turn, gets. He went on about being willing to let one of the lesser important grandparents die so he could get attention, for quite a while. 
He feels left behind in science, like his C’s and D’s in those classes. All those classes were was putting things on a windowsill for the janitor to throw away. He had a bit about how the fuck people put dinosaurs back together, it’s like getting wayfair furniture without the instructions. 
He also things the moon belongs to America. Like we got there first and when other countries say stuff about the moon he’s like mmmmmmm.
He also had a joke about paying to get into college and like, for white people that’s always how it’s been. 
The show ended with him going over the highlights of that GQ interview that he was so coked out for that he forgot he did it entirely. He has no memory of it at all. He was just called up that day and asked for an interview and you know how coke is the best drug to receive attention on? He just did whatever he wanted with that attention. 
And that was the show.
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aahsokaatano · 3 years
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i've been crazy busy this month for various reasons, so instead of doing a regular "once per day" bingo thing, I decided to do a bunch of five-sentence dumps. Enjoy!
1. Keeli/Doom
The helmet recovered from Ryloth sat heavily in Doom's hands. It felt like it weighed more than the rocky planet itself.
He ached to speak. To say I'm sorry, I failed you, I wasn't there when you needed me.
But the words didn't come, and Keeli would never tease him about being lost for words again.
2. Fox/Fox
"The more you speak," Fox said in a low, threatening tone, "the closer I get to punting you off the nearest platform and letting you free-fall to the surface."
"Aw, Commander, you say the sweetest things," the Torrent that Fox refused to name simpered.
One of these days, he was actually going to kill the CT. The name they had picked was bad enough - did they also have to be so karking annoying?
"You know, I hear kissing is a good way to keep people quiet," they grinned, and Fox didn't give them a chance to say anything else, much to their delight.
3. Keller/Neyo
They didn't ever speak about anything important, really. Neyo could chatter about anything and nothing for as long as Keller would let him, filling up the quiet of the med tent as he stitched the Commander back together after yet another harebrained mission that Neyo and Bacara had taken on.
Proof of life, in the little things. Keller could see he was alive, sure, but the more Neyo talked, the more he could see the tension drain out of the medic's shoulders.
If the stitches got a little more painful towards the end, well, that was just Keller's way of saying he was glad that Neyo was still there to feel the sting of it.
4. Hound/Tup
Grizzer always beat Hound to the lamding platform when the 501st came to Coruscant, not that Tup minded too much. The massif was a package deal with his handler, after all.
Hound laughed and wiped the slobber off of Tup's cheek to press a kiss there. "Welcome back, cyare."
"Good to be back, cyare."
5. Vaughn/Wooley
Someone once described them as distilled sunshine twice over. Vaughn had laughed, all but sparkling in his delight, and Wooley had grinned and blushed, running a hand through his hair and making it fluffier.
The darkness that was spread throughout the galaxy seemed to have a harder time casting a shadow over them. They were just... happy. They had each other, after all.
6. Oddball (Davijaan)/Crys
"You were reckless again," Crys fretted, watching with a scowl as Davijaan climbed out of his scorched fighter.
"And I won, again," he added, getting both feet back on the deck. "Isn't that what's important?"
"No, coming back to me is what's important."
Davijaan rested his forehead against Crys', hoping the contact would say what he couldn't find words for - that he won for Crys, every time.
7. Blackout/Grey
Grey was dozing, just enjoying the warmth of the bunk and the man next to him. Blackout was still deeply asleep, half on top of Grey with his head on Grey's shoulder and his arm over his waist. Warm, and comfortable, and safe.
It was a feeling they didn't get to indulge in often. He was going to relish it for as long as they were able to stay here.
8. Longshot/Hardcase
Hardcase had once claimed he wasn't a very good sniper, which was why he carried pretty much everything except a rifle.
Longshot was now ready to call banthashit on that.
"A millimeter," he said for the tenth time, "a single millimeter of difference between our shots and you say you aren't a good sniper!"
Hardcase shrugged. "You're the best and I'm not as good as you, so -" He gave a muffled laugh as Longshot cut him off with an aggrieved kiss.
9. Bacara/Colt
Kamino was as deary and depressing as ever, but the welcoming party was a sight for sore eyes.
"Colt," Bacara greeted softly, nodding at the other Commander.
"Bacara," he nodded back.
Later, they would have a proper reunion, would catalogue the new scars on each other and kiss away the ache of loneliness that had built up since they had last seen each other. For now, a short nod would have to do.
10. Dogma/Wrecker
Wrecker had called him 'regs' the first time they met, and Dogma had taken it as a compliment.
Dogma had quietly told Hunter about killing Krell, which got him assigned to CF99, and Wrecker overheard and immediately developed a crush.
They really shouldn't click as well as they did - uptight Dogma, loyal to the point of rabidness, and loose canon Wrecker, who loved nothing more than making things explode in glorious fashion?
But they did work, somehow, and soon it was Dogma-and-Wrecker, a single unit rather than two. And they excelled for it.
11. Thire/Cut
"I'm leaving, going AWOL."
"I know." The signs had been there for a while, he just hadn't wanted to think he was interpreting them correctly.
"You should come with me."
"I... I want to, but I can't." I'm sorry.
12. Bly/Spar
Bly had once thought that Spar was everything he wasn't - big and strong and fast and the best of the best.
But now he realized, Spar was an attainable goal, in more ways than one.
He was still a bit taller than Bly, but the muscled arms that wrapped around Bly in the night were hardly bigger than his own.
As Bly snuggled in closer, though, he still thought Spar was the best of the best. Even if they were closer in size, now.
13. Free/Free (my OCs, Crasher/Steel)
"Don't ever do that again," Crasher whispered against Steel's lips.
"I'm sorry."
"I - I thought -" a lot of terrible things had crossed Crasher's mind when Steel had been publicly declared a traitor.
"I know," Steel said, holding Crasher tightly. "No more covert ops for me."
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tenthgrove · 3 years
500 Followers Celebration!!!: Part 1 (La Squadra Backstories)
Hey! Thank you so much for 500 amazing followers! Every single one of you mean so much to me!
Part 1 of this celebration is, as the title suggests, my headcanon backstory for each of La Squadra. As some of you know I was at some point in the process of writing a full multi-chapter fic on this, but since that unfortunately never came to fruition beyond the first couple chapters, here is a shortened version of the stories that were originally planned.
Part 2 is going to be a little something I wrote a while back but never felt brave enough to send to more than a few people. That will be seeing the light of day soon. ;)
Risotto Dante Nero was born in a small, poor farming village in Sicily, somewhere in the vicinity of Catania. His parents were a young, dysfunctional couple who weren't ready for a kid in the first place. Seeing their newborn son had 'evil' eyes was the last nail in the coffin for them, and they gave the baby up to his paternal grandmother when he was only days old.
Despite being shunned by his family over the aesthetic defect, Risotto was able to form a close bond with his older cousin, Domenico, who would eventually move in with him and his grandmother after being disowned by the family himself. Domenico helped Risotto find friends, and was the main reason why the next few years were the happiest in the young boys life.
Unfortunately, Domenico was struck and killed at age just 19 by a drunk driver, a millionaire from Milan who on top of his intoxication, was driving incredibly fast. Risotto never recovered from the grief; his personality was altered drastically and he eventually dropped out of school. His grandmother indulged him in his revenge fantasies, believing that he would never seriously carry them out. This proved the biggest mistake of her life.
At age 18 Risotto left home to hunt down Domenico's killer. Despite the years of preparation he was in way over his head and was eventually forced to make a deal with Passione for the resources he would need to break into the mansion and not get caught. But the newly initiated mafioso found that revenge did nothing for his grief. Now, he simply had nothing to work for.
Risotto fell into a deep depression for the next two years, doing his duties as a low-ranking soldato for Passione but feeling utterly empty inside. It became so dire that after becoming injured in a fight with a stand user, he welcomed what looked to be his impending death.
But Risotto did not die that day, being saved by an associate of the gang and rushed to hospital. After hearing word that Risotto had defeated a stand user, Prosciutto became interested and approached Risotto for help with a hit he had been assigned to. Risotto agreed and Prosciutto developed a liking for the young man. A few months later, when Prosciutto was tasked with forming a specialised squad for assassination, he remembered Risotto and requested he become the team’s captain. Risotto was put through at once for receiving a stand, and was seated at the head of the brand new La Squadra di Esecuzione.
Maiale Crepuscolo was born the daughter of a powerful Don in Naples, and his much neglected wife. Raised in luxury, he came to resent his callous father, especially when the man continued to behave adulterously despite his wife’s failing health. The death of Mrs Crepuscolo was a huge blow to her 16 year old son. It was around this time that Maiale discovered his male identity and chose a new name for himself: Prosciutto.
Mere months after the death of his wife, Don Crepuscolo married his pregnant mistress, a young woman by the name of Loreta. Despite the circumstances, Prosciutto and Loreta got on very well together, and the young man confided in her about his transgender identity, to be met with her full support. Any faith that Prosciutto may have had in his father before was immediately lost when Loreta was thrown out onto the streets by her new husband, along with their infant son Pesci. His sole reason for doing this was that he had become tired of her, and the baby's crying.
Without his father’s knowing, Prosciutto continued to wire Loreta and Pesci money through his hefty allowance, and counted down the days until he could graduate highschool and become eligible for his mother’s inheritance. The very day he gained access to it, he cut his father off for good.
The next few years of Prosciutto’s life were the best. He went to a prestigious university to study politics and afterwards found work as a journalist. With his father no longer an issue, he medically transitioned and upped the money he was giving to his half-brother and former step-mother. Everything was going perfectly.
At age 24, Prosciutto received a visit by members of Passione, who informed him they had annexed his father’s gang and killed him. As much as Prosciutto insisted they had been estranged for years, the men maintained that Prosciutto was still considered a threat, and could only be allowed to live if he joined the gang. Worse, they threatened him with Pesci’s life. Prosciutto knew he had no choice.
Over the next few years, Prosciutto worked his way up. By age 27 he was granted the privilege to develop a stand, and was quickly pushed into the assassination business as a result of its deadly power. At that time, Passione had no designated assassination team, and individuals ordered to carry out hits had to go running around for volunteers if they needed help on a mission. This is why Prosciutto had sought out Risotto.
When the order to form a hitman squad was given, Prosciutto was initially primed to become the captain. However, he was strongly against taking this role, as Loreta was starting to show signs of chronic illness and Prosciutto wanted to make sure he could still take care of Pesci if it became necessary. Tasked with finding an alternative, Prosciutto initially approached his old friends Sorbet and Gelato, who had been part of the squad sent to confront him after the death of his father and had kept in touch out of pity. The pair were cleared to join the team, but were not trusted by the team’s superiors to become captain. And so, Prosciutto turned once more to Risotto.
Sorbet and Gelato
Sorbet and Gelato could not have been born in more different circumstances, the former in absolute poverty, and the latter in comparative privilege.
Sorbet’s mother was by no means a bad woman. It was just the case that through her crippling addictions and mental illnesses, she was in no means equipped to care for her 6 children, forcing Sorbet, the eldest, to pick up the slack. Though he loved his siblings the young Sorbet resented this role and was easily tempted by a street gang at age 12, who offered him escape from his miserable life through drug peddling. Sorbet began to drift from his family more and more. He soon disappeared from school, and became completely estranged from his mother and siblings.
By age 17 Sorbet had developed a reputation in the gang for ruthlessness, and was approached by its leader to carry out a number of assassinations. He soon became the group’s designated hitman, and was paid generously for the role. He was still however, functionally homeless.
Gelato was born to an upper-middle class family in Minsk, Russia. The youngest of four boys, his parents had been hoping for a girl, and their resentment only grew when it became clear the young Gelato was both autistic and ADHD. He suffered from extreme emotional neglect.
When Gelato was 13, the family moved back to Italy where his mother was from. Though he preferred it here, the problems with his family continued and Gelato was eventually kicked out at just 17 years old.
Following the word of a friend, Gelato made his way to Naples and found work running an illegal bar for a street gang in exchange for a room to sleep in. The same gang, incidentally, that Sorbet was working for. The two first exchanged words when Gelato found Sorbet beating up a patron who had been abusive to him, and decided to join in. Within weeks, they were lovers.
One night, while Sorbet and Gelato were asleep upstairs, the police raided the bar. In a panic, Gelato shot two, and Sorbet took out a third. The fourth got away. Knowing they would be hunted, the pair begged refuge from their gang but were denied. They were not a powerful enough syndicate to deal with something of this size. And so, with only each other, Sorbet and Gelato fled Italy.
They were on the run for two years, passing through just about every country in Europe at least once. As a means of surviving, they took on assassination contracts from local gangs and became very skilled, but of course this only turned up the heat to catch them. Eventually, it got too much, and in a final desperate bid to avoid capture, the pair went back to Italy to plead their gang to reconsider.
What they found now in charge of Naples was not their gang, but Passione. A capo by the name of Pericolo listened to their story, and agreed eagerly to dissuade the police from pursuing them in exchange for their loyalty to the new gang. Sorbet and Gelato agreed at once, and developed stands soon after.
A Naples Boy through and through, Formaggio was born in the central city to a large, loving family. Owing to their poverty, all the aunts, grandparents and cousins lived in one house. Although many were part of the mafia, it was always stressed to the children they were under no obligation to choose such a life. Nonetheless, many of them still did.
One night, Formaggio’s eldest brother Miguel sneaked off from the house, telling nobody but Formaggio. His goal was to seek initiation into Passione. The young Formaggio pleaded to come as well, but was told he was not ready yet. Miguel returned a couple of hours later, carrying a metal arrowhead. He told his brother that something unexpected had happened, and he needed to go now, but it was vital Formaggio told nobody of this meeting. He promised it would all be worth it in the end.
Years passed, and Miguel did not return. Then one day- a hastily-written letter, addressed solely to Formaggio. In his final message, Miguel apologised for the absence and announced that he did not expect to survive the next few hours. However, if Formaggio wanted the answers to all that had transpired, all he needed to do was recover the arrowhead that he had last seen Miguel with all those years ago. Most likely, it would have been returned to where he found it, address enclosed. Saddened and eager to understand what had happened to his brother, Formaggio followed the instructions and broke into a heavily guarded warehouse. He found the arrow, just as Miguel had said, but failed to understand how this could solve his problems.
Formaggio looked for a way out of the warehouse, and was suddenly set upon by the guards. He ran for the exit and tripped, impaling himself on the arrow. Little Feet came forth at once, stunning the guards. Not wanting to deal with whatever that was, they called in Risotto and his newly built execution squad, based nearby, to deal with it.
Fortunately, the assassins’ skills were not needed. In spite of the circumstances Formaggio met the assassins with charm and cooperation. Risotto phoned his superiors to see if killing the man was really necessary, and they agreed it wasn’t, provided Formaggio became Risotto’s business. An agreement was reached, and Formaggio was inducted into the hitman squad. It would take two more members for Formaggio to piece together what had happened to his brother.
Ghiaccio was dealt an awful hand in life. Poor, and with parents that hated him, he had little respite as a child. He was autistic, but never diagnosed, and had visual impairments that were never addressed. His fondest memory was of a bizarre couple he met as a child, a dark-haired, dour man and his blond lover, who kept him company after his mother walked away from him in anger at a shopping mall. She came back, unfortunately.
When Ghiaccio was 15, a frantic knock sounded at his door while his parents were out. Answering it nervously, an equally frantic man stood on the other side brandishing an arrow-head. He introduced himself exhaustedly as Miguel and begged for shelter- he was being chased.
Before Ghiaccio could answer a squad of men burst onto the porch and attacked Miguel, dragging him out of view. Ghiaccio was thrown to the ground and told in no uncertain terms to speak of none of this to anyone. It wasn’t until later he realised the arrow had accidentally slashed him.
At that time, Ghiaccio’s soul was not fit to manifest a stand, but it was close. And so, Ghiaccio began to suffer the slow, agonising fate that some in his position fall victim to, his half-manifested stand slowly sucking the life from him. His parents didn’t even have the heart to call a doctor.
Two months into this agony, Ghiaccio heard something outside his room. His parents. They were talking about what to do if he died. He’d had enough. He snapped.
And so, Ghiaccio’s soul reached the point where it was strong enough to bare a stand fully, after having already partially manifested one. This unheard of situation created a stand with no physical form, but unspeakable power. A surge of ice broke out around the house without Ghiaccio even meaning it to, killing his parents at once. His sickness gone, Ghiaccio got up from the bed. What the hell had just happened?
Convinced he had lost his mind, Ghiaccio fled, but left a trail of unexplainable events behind him. Realising they were dealing with an unaccounted stand user, Passione had Ghiaccio hunted down and propositioned to join them. Terrified and with no other idea of what to do, he agreed. With a stand like this, there were only 2 options: La Squadra and La Unita. La Unita had no interest in an impulsive teenager, so Ghiaccio was sent at once to La Squadra.
The group was reluctant to house a teenage boy as an assassin, but took him in nonetheless. Formaggio was grateful for the crumbs of information Ghiaccio could give about the fate of his brother. Sorbet and Gelato couldn’t shake the feeling they’d seen the boy before somewhere.
He was an only child. There was nothing particularly wrong with his relationship with his parents, but nothing particularly right either. There just… wasn’t a connection. They were a middle class family, well to do but nothing special. An arrogant boy, Illuso struggled to make friends, though he did become somewhat close with a boy in the year below him named Formaggio, for a short time.
When Illuso was 15, his parents came to him with a proposition. A distant relative of theirs was in possession of a large castle, but could not pay for its upkeep any more. The man had asked if Illuso would be interested in becoming a live-in caretaker, to be paid less than industry standards but still a lot by the standards of a 15 year old boy. Illuso agreed at once, and moved out of his parents home in a matter of days.
At the castle, his loneliness only grew. The place was closed to visitors and had no inhabitants apart from his new employer, who even then only lived in the castle 4 days a week. Illuso thought he was okay with this life, but the effect on his psyche was indisputable.
Then one day, the castle had a break-in. Illuso was accosted by a young man named Miguel, who had been squatting in the cellar for days and believed the castle was abandoned. The pair came to an understanding, and Miguel proposed that in exchange for his silence, he would give Illuso something amazing. He pricked him with the arrow.
Thrilled with his new power, Illuso agreed to keep Miguel’s existence a secret and the pair co-existed for many years. Illuso learned that Miguel had stolen the arrow from a gang named Passione, after discovering its power and making the decision to take it on impulse. Passione is still hunting him, hence the need to hide.
But eventually, they found him nonetheless. Illuso and Miguel tried their best to fight but it was an uneven battle. Miguel fled with the arrow, chased by one half of the attacking squad, leaving Illuso to deal with the other half.
But against all odds, Illuso survived, using his stand to eliminate the attackers one by one. Eventually the last attackers gave in and fled, The next people sent to confront Illuso came with a deal: join Passione, and all will be forgiven.
Despite his stand’s power, Illuso’s superiors disliked his attitude. After a few months of being thrown between teams, he was saddled with La Squadra.
The middle of three children, Melone was born to an upper-working class family in Florence. His parents were eccentric-academic sorts, who encouraged Melone and his sisters to act without regard for social convention. Though intelligent, Melone was never quite top of the class due to his inability to stay on task. Still, he got into a decent university and had plans to become a gynaecologist.
In his second year, Melone was approached by a poor couple seeking antenatal care for their pregnancy. As they explained, they were in a gang and could not go into public care for fear of their identities as criminals being discovered. They pleaded Melone for whatever rudimentary checks he could provide, just so they could have some assurance their baby was okay. Melone agreed, and met with the couple several times.
Over the course of the next year, Melone gave similar services to a couple more women who were recommended to go to him by the first patient. It was only a matter of time before the university discovered what he was doing, especially once he started stealing equipment to improve the quality of his examinations. Melone was expelled and referred to the police, but one of his patients got Passione to bribe away his charges. Unfortunately, this put him in their debt. Melone told his family he was simply going away for a while.
Melone languished around in Passione for a while. Though he did receive a stand, its lethal capabilities weren’t immediately clear, and so he remained in the lower ranks. His main respite was the bar scene, in which he got to mingle with many of Passione’s members from different squads. It was through here that he met Illuso, Formaggio and Ghiaccio of the execution team, and formed a friendship. Through them he even formed links with the group’s leader, Risotto.
The team were eager to help Melone advance to a better position, and aided him in exploring his stand. Eventually, he discovered how lethal baby face could truly be, outshining everyone’s expectations. Risotto was pleased to welcome him into the team.
By the time Pesci was 13, it was clear his mother’s illness was terminal. Initially reluctant to involve him around the team, Prosciutto increasingly allowed Pesci to stay with them while his mother was at the hospital, since there was nowhere else for the young boy to go. As much as everyone tried to comfort him, he was terrified.
Two years later, it was clear Loreta was in her final weeks. Pesci dedicated as much time as he could to being with her, sleeping at her bedside more often than not. It was here that he first felt the strange occurrences begin. It would be subtle at first, the peculiar feeling of his mother’s heartbeat in his hands as he drifted off to sleep. It was comforting, then. It assured him his mother was still alive. Then, it got weirder, a long string extending from his fingers and into his mother’s chest. He thought he was just sleep deprived.
When the fateful day came and Loreta’s heart monitor stopped, Pesci felt a surge of panic. Desperate to find some proof this wasn’t really happening, his stand burst forth from his body and shot its hook into Loreta’s chest. Unfortunately, it was all for nothing. Loreta was dead.
As Pesci held the rod in his hands he realised this was far too real to be a hallucination. He could sense everything, the fading metabolism of his mother’s body and the vibrations in the floor. As the nurses confirmed the death, they could not see it. Why couldn’t they see it?
Prosciutto came into the room. With one look, Pesci knew that his brother could see the rod as well. He panicked and ran.
Prosciutto tried desperately over the next couple days to get in touch with Pesci. He knew exactly what had happened- clearly the boy had summoned a stand from the anguish of his mother’s death and had freaked out in confusion. That’s all completely understandable, but if Pesci isn’t informed of what his new power means soon, he could get himself into serious trouble. Especially if Passione found out.
And so, Prosciutto set off with Risotto to hunt Pesci down, eventually finding him at a run down park near his childhood home. Prosciutto comforted him and explained he knew what was happening, but if everything was going to be okay, he had to go with them.
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BB Fic Rec List
Remember to kudos, like, favorite and review! Authors love that love and support for their work!
Most of these fics are rated T or M so if you're underage or that's not your thing then these probably won't be for you. Fics are broken down into categories to make it easier and each states number of chapters, rating and word count. Enjoy!
A Dream Within a Dream by BlindAssassinUK (M, 25 chapters, 125k words)
Booth struggles to recover from his brain surgery and with Sweets' assessment that his feelings for Bones aren't real. As if this wasn't enough to keep our favourite FBI agent busy, a serial killer comes to town. Mostly written in tandem with Season 5.
A Lotta Heart by nelliesbones (M, 10 chapters, 18k words)
"Bones, she believes in the system." Except that she didn't. Not completely. Not anymore... This is a story about a woman protecting her family. A story about the man who loves her. Spoilerfree, warm-hearted and M for a reason.
An Aggregation of Maladjusted Companions by Jazzyproz (M, 43 chapters, 250k words)
Suffering from a declining solve rate following their returns to DC, Booth and Brennan are forced to attend a team-building convention. Neither of them think they need the workshops or exercises, but it's apparent to everyone around them that if they don't do something, the whole team will soon be falling apart. Can they fix their broken partnership?
An Unexpected Outcome by BB-loverr (M, 5 chapters, 8k)
Before she could do anything Booth had her pinned. He made sure most of his weight was on his elbows so he wasn't crushing her. Someone is after Bones & Booth is protecting her. Set in early season 5
Becoming One by nelliesbones (M, 21 chapters, 83k) 
He is handsome, she is beautiful, and somewhere in between… they have made a baby. Warm-hearted and M for a reason. Slightly spoiler-y AN's, the story itself is spoilerfree.
By Any Means Necessary by Heather Wyatt (M, 45 chapters, 433k, DARKER FIC)
When an overseas trip for Brennan leaves her in terrible danger, Booth does what is necessary to save her - even if what he is forced to do has the potential to drive her away from him forever. Set in season 5, pre-100th; Inspired by the movie "Taken".
Can You Save Her, Agent Booth? by Jazzyproz (M, 62 chapters, 464k)
Booth receives a disturbing text in the middle of the night aboout Bones - will he be able to find her in time? Or will he lose her forever? Will this guy really kill her, or is it just a bluff?
Coitus by willgirl (M, 5 chapters, 4k)
After a date, Brennan finds herself unexpectedly at Booth's door. B&B, Rated M for Smut!
First a Dream by Firstadream (M, 17 chapters, 53k)
"I don't want you to move on..." Post 5x16 story. What should've happened between Booth and Brennan.
For You, I’d Bleed Myself Dry by coffeehelps (M, 1 chapter, 11k)
The night that Booth took a bullet for Brennan in front of that karaoke stage was forever ingrained in Brennan's mind. Every year, on the anniversary of that night, Brennan experiences those volatile feelings all over again… and they help her realize just how much Booth means to her.
Learning to Fly by Shelly (T, 3 chapters, 8k)
It was never his intention to hurt her. And, yet, she was sitting on the edge of the tub, his bathrobe consuming her small frame, tears cascading down her cheeks. He didn't know how to fix this. Post "The End in the Beginning."
Recklessness and Repercussions by Nothing But Bones (M, 7 chapters, 29k)
Booth overhears one of his colleagues crudely reliving an intimate rendezvous with Brennan, and his ill-conceived reaction threatens to end their partnership on a permanent basis, leaving their emotions running dangerously high.
This Secret Dance by ALottaHeart (M, 14 chapters, 43k)
But this secret dance, it goes on. This. This is for them, between them, and they're not ready to share that with the world. Not yet. They've waited too long. Booth/Brennan. Spoilers for 100th episode.
Bone of Contention by Mochi-girl (M, 15 chapters, 33k)
During a murder investigation, a man from Brennan's past returns, and spins her relationship with Booth in a new direction.
Case File 2010c by lexeb (M, 1 chapter, 40k)
Booth and Bones face their worst case to date. Will our duo catch their man? Dark themes and imagery. Note rating. Written as an episode. Most characters appear.
Crimson Catastrophe by Dangereux (M, 5 chapters, 24k)
Booth and Brennan work a case that pushes them both to their limits, and into each other's arms.
Fear and Faith by Some1tookmyname (M, 35 chapters, 59k)
When a suspicious note is discovered in an unexpected place, Booth and Brennan fight against an unknown enemy to protect the life they've built together.
Getting Clean by blc (M, 1 chapter, 11k)
Brennan feels soiled after catching a serial killer. Booth helps her get clean again. Long Angst/Romance
Hearts in Overdrive by Christi Whitson (M, 22 chapters, 136k)
After stumbling upon the suspicious deaths of two men from Brennan's past, she is determined to learn the truth about how they died. Booth and Brennan deal with the emotional fallout of their discoveries as the events of S3 unfold.
The Effects of the Fan by gatewatcher (T, 1 chapter, 9k)
Someone is stalking Brennan. Will Booth be able to keep her safe? What will the effects be from his attempt?
The Gentleman in the Club by TheModernLeper (M, 11 chapters, 10k)
The team tracks a serial killer to a popular night club. With Brennan as bait, can Booth and the team keep her from becoming his next victim?
The Remains in the Rain by forensicsfan (T, 45 chapters, 70k)
What starts out as a trip to Seattle to promote Brennan's latest book turns into much more as secrets surface in flood waters and Booth and Brennan find that a few of their own secrets surface in the process.
The Two in One in the Park by ShaViva (T, 17 chapters, 80k)
Brennan and Booth are called in to investigate the remains of two victims arranged to portray a killer's twisted vision of a romantic forever. As they close in on the culprit they find themselves closing in on each other as well. AU early season 6. B&B
All My Yesterdays by cardiogod (M, 36 chapters, 134k)
Booth has been taught since early childhood that a wise man builds his house on rock, not sand, but it isn't until the ground starts shifting under him that he realizes he never learned how to tell them apart.
Burdens Which Allow Us To Fly by Mis Chi Evous (T, 1 chapter, 9k)
An alternate universe, where Brennan's parents are both killed, and Russ is in the Army with Booth. A study in how some things are meant to be.
Desert Storm by Alonzo Anonymouse (M, 12 chapters, 13k)
Operation Desert Storm: Sergeant Seeley Booth was captured and tortured. His first assignment back is to stand guard over an Anthropology professor and his grad students, sent to identify bodies. One of those students is Temperance Brennan.
Hostile Takeover by F.H. Blake (M, 22 chapters, 70k)
Booth is a billionaire businessman hell-bent on buying Bones' club, The Lab. Bones is hell-bent on keeping Booth as far away from her club as possible. The two worlds collide one night over too many shots, and Booth and Bones soon realise that enemies don't constantly want to rip each other's clothes off.
Killing Two Birds by dmnky (M, 34 chapters, 171k)
After six months in Maluku, Brennan is summoned to Afghanistan to identify remains from a military helicopter crash and assist Sgt. Maj. Booth in investigating the cause of it.
The Couple in the Alternate Universe by perscribo (M, 12 chapters, 22k)
Booth and Brennan are not who we know them to be. One is on the right side of the law and the other isn't. Their love story under conflicting circumstances.
His by Athena Alexandria (T, 40 chapters, 99k)
AU. Post The Critic in the Cabernet. Booth struggles with his decision to let Brennan raise their child alone after she uses his sperm to get pregnant.
The Opportunity by BtrixMcG (M, 8 chapters, 49k)
AU: Seeley Booth is the CEO of a prominent communications company and one of the most powerful men in the industry. Temperance Brennan is a brilliant young analyst who comes into his employ and gets far more than she bargained for.
Follow You Down by ButterflyWhisperer (T, 26 chapters, 85k)
The year is 1989 and our favorite group of crime fighters meet 16 years prior to 2005. Temperance Brennan is a lonely foster kid that just moved to D.C while Seeley Booth is battling demons from his past. What happens when this unlikely pair of teenagers & their friends end up trying to solve a murder their favorite teacher was framed for? And will love blossom?
Healing Two Souls by cmol8806 (M, 43 chapters, 146k)
Temperance Brennan is almost eighteen and entering her last foster home after barely surviving her last one. Seeley Booth is just returned from war, with new nightmares. What happens when they meet?
Purak: A Less Cheesy Way of Saying You Complete Me by boothaddict77 (T, 35 chapters, 163k)
14-year-old Tempe Brennan, recently abandoned by her parents, moves into a new home with her brother and his friend. Of course, the young man they will be sharing a roof with is none other than Seeley Booth.
White Knight by LordLanceahlot (M, 17 chapters, 52k)
Temperance 'I-don't-know-what-that-means' Brennan. At a fraternity party. Drinking heavily and being mauled by some punk frat boys. Booth scowled at the thought. His freaking forensics tutor. Time to go play white knight.
Beginning of Forever by JulesSC (M, 37 chapters, 301k)
Chicago, 1988. Tempe, 14 year old foster child. Seeley, 16 year old jaded junior. Can these two help each other and change each other's lives?
Any Way She Wants It by sleeplessinatlanta (M, 7 chapters, 33k)
When Booth's prodding makes Brennan snap and reveal the extent of her frustrations, he offers to help her out. He thinks, he can handle it, but nothing is ever that simple.
Bad Excuses by Pereybere (M, 4 chapters, 7k)
Brennan and Booth are using work stress as an excuse to get naughty.
Breaking All The Rules Tonight by sleeplessinatlanta (M, 25 chapters, 57k)
Brennan tells Booth she has a sex date and he doesn't take it very well. He's determined to show her why she should be his.
Silent Surrender by sleeplessinatlanta (M, 25 chapters, 27k)
Brennan shows up at Booth's house needing only one thing: him. One silent night could never be enough but it's months later and they still find themselves going crazy at night and pretending during the day. How much longer can they keep silent?
Exercise in Self Restraint by sleeplessinatlanta (M, 8 chapters, 30k)
B&B are in an established relationship and Brennan has a naughty proposal for Booth which involves tons of frustration.
Fighting Words by sleeplessinatlanta (M, 26 chapters, 71k)
Collection of one-shots. Some heated words, an argument, and tons of B/B hotness.
Hours by Dispatch22705 (M, 25 chapters, 47k)
A look at 24 different sexy times between Booth and Brennan. One post for every hour.
Colors by Dispatch22705 (M, 12 chapters, 50k)
12 separate one shots: each one based on a color idea.
Rooftops and Invitations by Space77 (M, 5 chapters, 17k)
You can’t stop thinking about him, you can’t stop looking at him. So do something about it.
Talk to Me by SSJL (M, 31 chapters, 118k)
All he wanted was a moment of honesty from her. All she wanted was to be able to give him this.
Morning, Nooner and Night by Dispatch22705 (M, 1 chapter, 9k)
A 'one shot' so to speak, of a few firsts between Booth and Brennan. He made love to her in the morning, had sex with her at noon and broke a few laws with her at night.
Only Between Us by sleeplessinatlanta (M, 100 chapters, 142k)
Collection of one-shots, some really short, others longer. Some funny, some angsty, some sweet. But ALL should be steamy/sexy/sweet. ALL revolving around B/B and their smoking hot dynamic.
Alphabet by OrigamiFlower (M, 15 chapters, 22k)
A whole load of one shots of Booth and Brennan dedicated to the Alphabet.
Alphabet Recurrences by Dr Madness (M, 25 chapters, 51k)
The Alphabet means a lot to Booth and Brennan. It captures every single romantic, hot, steamy and dirty moment between them.
A Family Business by nelliesbones (M, 14 chapters, 20k)
A story of one-shots and scenes around the beautiful and highly anticipated season seven of Bones.
An Epic Before Bed by eitoph (T, 1 chapter, 3k)
She's written this life and she's lived this life, and now she knows which one she prefers. 4.26/6.22/6.23 and how they all fit together.
Anything by CupcakeBean (M, 1 chapter, 3k)
“I’ve flown across the country, pulled strings, broken the law, risked my career, risked my life, *lost* my life - all for her." Booth and Brennan realize how much they mean to each other and give in to their attraction.
Don’t Mess With Booth by Aisho9 (T, 1 chapter, 2k)
Caught in the middle of someone else's battle, Brennan is hurt. The perp is in hot water enough, but now he's got a pissed off Booth to deal with, too.
Ferocious Love by rhyme time (M, 1 chapter, 1k)
Booth is feeling possessive of his wife.
Lies and Life by Tadpole24 (T, 1 chapter, 1k)
“I’m not this person who can’t tell if it’s reality or fantasy and I’m not this person who shows up on someone’s door step, crying at 3 am. This is something Bren would do, not something Bones would.”
Pray for George who offends Booth and Brennan by Hannah Taylor1 (M, 1 chapter, 6k)
A cautionary tale for those who would cross Booth and his lady love.
The Finally in the Holding by carol204 (M, 1 chapter, 5k)
Booth appears in Brennan's house on a rainy night with unresolved issues. She's pushed him too far and now they've reached their breaking point.
The Standard by RositaLG (M, 1 chapter, 1k)
"Tell me again." He said, his voice strained with anger and his jaw ticking in restraint. "Tell me that you don't need me."
We Belong Together by Dispatch22705 (M, 1 chapter, 5k)
While Booth is away, Brennan goes to a crime scene. Booth is furious when he finds out. When he calls her on it, it's in a place he wouldn't have expected, but is all so familiar to both of them. Angsty, angry sex but with a resolved B&B ending in bed
You With Me by mia101 (M, 1 chapter, 3k)
Takes place after Booth's fight in Vegas. Brennan is tending his injuries and recalling how it felt to watch him fight, wondering what it would be like if she were the kind of woman she's been pretending to be.
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animerina · 3 years
Your Eyes Are Like Starlight-8
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Haldir X F!Reader
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
Support me with Ko-Fi
Summary:  Haldir and his patrol rescue a woman outside of the forest and bring her to Caras Galadhon. She is allowed to stay to recover from her injuries, both physical and mental. Haldir quickly finds himself as her protector and worries what will happen when she leaves.
Note: Warning eventual smut, minors DNI. I wrote this a while back and it is incredibly self-indulgent. I know I probably screwed up actual lore, but I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you do as well. It was previously posted on A03.
All Italics are Elvish.
Chapter 8: Torn
Over the next few weeks, Haldir had grown more bold in his action with his One. She noticed he would stand closer, usually keeping a hand on her back, and he had taken to kissing or holding her hand whenever the chance presented itself. Y/N found herself enjoying the time she spent with him and looked forward to seeing him nearly everyday. Unfortunately, he had been sent on patrol further out on the border than usual and it would be a few days before he would return hopefully unharmed.
Y/N busied herself by repairing garments with Lindiel much like she did everyday. Word had quickly spread in Haldir’s patrol and she found several of the members were happy to have another person to mend their clothing. Lindiel explained that Lothlórien was small in number compared to elsewhere and many of the elves who worked as tailors and seamstresses did it out of hobby rather than occupation. Y/N was happy just to help out those who worked with Haldir and his brothers, and while the prospect of business did cross her mind, she brushed it aside for now. The elves had already done so much for her; she could afford to help them with her skill.
“Is that Orophin’s or Haldir’s?” Lindiel pointed to the shirt in the woman’s hands. The seam had given out under the arm and she was mid-stitch repairing it.
“I am not certain, if I am being honest,” she laughed out. “They all look the same.”
Lindiel laughed as well as she looked it over. The shirt was longer than Rúmil’s that she had in her own hands which meant it was most likely Orophin’s as he was the tallest of the three brothers.
“Orophin, I think,” she said examining it.
“Most likely so,” agreed Y/N as she finished sewing the rip closed.
The two were seated in Lindiel’s talan, which was only slightly larger than Y/N’s, but it had a large table the two used to sort through the garments. It also boasted a small kitchen in the corner that Y/N envied, however, she realized she did not have any need for one since she joined the others in the dining hall for nearly every meal.
Besides, she thought to herself, she was sure Haldir would have one. Suddenly feeling shocked, she paused while grabbing another shirt off the table. Had she just thought of moving into his home? She had, hadn’t she? A blush sprouted over her face as she bit her lip nervously. No, she chided, it was still far too soon to think about that, but the more she thought of it, the more she realized she wanted to experience it.
“Something on your mind, mellon?”
“Haldir,” Y/N admitted absentmindedly and then proceeded to sputter nonsense at the admission. The elleth threw back her head in laugher.
“He will be happy to hear you think of him so often,” she teased.
“And do you not think of Rúmil just as often?” Y/N teased back making the elleth laugh more.
“Indeed I do,” she cackled.
Y/N walked along the stone path under all the walkways. She hadn’t had much alone time since arriving in Lothlórien, but she enjoyed a nice stroll when she got the chance. However, she had yet to explore this path and was excited at the prospect of her little adventure. The sun had just set, but Lothlórien was never truly dark with its well-lit walkways above.
She soon found herself at a set of stairs that led to a stone pavilion below. Curious, she walked down them, pulling the hem of her dress so she wouldn’t fall. The stone was surrounded by well trimmed hedges and she found herself admiring all the little details carved into the stone. In the center of the pavilion was a small fountain, or at least she thought it was a fountain. As she approached it, she was surprised when Lady Galadriel’s voice broke through her thoughts.
“It is quite late for a stroll,” she noted smiling at the woman.
“I apologize, my lady,” I bowed my head. “I was-,” she stopped not knowing what to say.
“Worry not. I am glad to see you enjoying our lands,” she brushed it off as she stepped around the fountain facing me. “And I am also pleased to hear that you will be staying.” Her smile grew slightly.
Y/N blushed and avoided her gaze out of embarrassment, but was grateful she seemed so accepting. “Thank you, my lady, for allowing me the privilege of staying,” she said politely.
“You are most welcome,” she said gesturing for Y/N to step closer. “Do you wish to know what this is?”
The woman nodded and stared into the water in the basin.
“It is a mirror. It shows what has past, what is, and what is yet to come,” Galadriel said as she waved her hand over the water. “What is it that you see, Y/N?”
The woman glanced up at the ethereal being before her and then peeked down at the water, watching it begin to ripple in the basin. Her reflection began to change, the head slowly turning to gaze at the edge of the water.
“Will this show my future here?” She took a breath to gather herself. “Here with Haldir?”
“It may,” she offered.
Glancing down at the water again, Y/N thought about the choice she had just been given. She would be able to know right this moment if she would be happy here in Lothlórien. She could know if Haldir would be okay when she eventually passed, a thought that still weighed heavily on her heart. That would truly be the only thing she wanted to know, but she could still find out on her own if she wanted. Thinking it over, she decided.
“Do I have to know?” Galadriel looked at the woman in stunned silence, but a small smile began to work its way onto her face.
“What I mean is, I think I would rather work those things out myself rather than have the answer handed to be. Though I truly do appreciate your offer, my lady.”
“Very few have refused this gift,” Galadriel walked back around the mirror and stood right in front of Y/N. “I am surprised, but not displeased. Join me?”
The woman followed the towering elf down another path between the trees before they arrived at a stone bench. Galadriel motioned for her to sit before she sat next to her, turned slightly so she could still see her face.
“As you know, you have a gift,” she began. “One I have not seen in many years. Do you know how you came to possess it?”
“No, my lady, I am afraid I do not,” Y/N shook her head.
“A gift from the Valar is rare. They must have seen you worthy,” the elleth said as she touched the woman’s cheek where many weeks ago bruises had marred her skin.
Y/N did not mean to scoff in front of the Lady of Light, but she couldn’t help the sound that escaped her. Stuttering out an apology she tried to explain.
“I am just one person. I don’t believe myself special or worthy of anything, but truly I am grateful for this gift. If I didn’t have it, I would long be dead.” She didn’t have the heart to explain about her father again as it was painful, but knowing Lady Galadriel could see into her mind, she hoped the elf would use her own gift right now.
“Haldir certainly finds you worthy,” she smiled at me. “Is his love not enough to convince you that you are?”
Y/N but her lip in embarrassment not knowing how to respond to the elf. Understanding, Galadriel took her hand in her own and spoke again.
“You worry about him. About how things will be after you pass,” she said calmly.
“Yes,” she finally answered. “That was the only thing I wanted to see in the mirror, but I am not sure I want to know.”
“You care for him as well. If he faded after your passing, you would choose to leave now, but that is not what your hearts wants. You are torn between your feelings for him and his well-being. Both actions would prove your devotion, but you fear the consequences,” Galadriel continued as if she was reading the woman’s mind, which she may have well been.
“You speak more truth than I know, my lady,” she spoke solemnly. “I do not wish to hurt him, but I will end up doing just that won’t I? If I leave, he will suffer. When I die, he will suffer. This would not be a problem had I been born an elf.”
“Then you would not have lived through the circumstances that have made you yourself,” the Lady comforted. “He would not know you or love you as you are. Only you can make the decision, but know that no matter what you choose, his heart will always belong to you.”
The woman sat there quietly for a time, slowly absorbing the wise elleth’s words. After a moment, she spoke, voice quiet.
“May I ask you something, my lady?”
“What do you wish to know?”
“Have you seen our future?”
“What I have seen in my mirror is not set in stone.” She suddenly rose with the grace that was afforded to the elves. “I think we should head in, the patrol has arrived early.”
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Lovebug (13/14)
“It might be a bug.”
“A bug?”
“Sometimes the developers of this application make mistakes. This is our first time meeting I’m sure so…Isn’t it a bit weird that we just met for the first time and it rings like this? And for two strangers to coincidentally ring each other’s alarms?“
Levi is the developer of the Love Alarm App and Hange is married to Zeke.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Notes: Feedback is very much appreciated :D
With attire alone, Levi was already a fish out of water.
As the seconds ticked though, his self consciousness only grew.
It wasn’t just an issue of clothing. Too many things had been against him the whole way to the dinner room. The white and silver of the windows of the private dinner room in the hotel reflected the setting sun, the marble floors, the glass bridge, the carpeted floors.
The scenery was only half the battle though. The men and women strode in and out of the dinner room with attire much grander than is. There were leather bags, the jewelry and constantly hovering in the air were the business vernacular that fell into one ear and out the order.
There were too many conversations on mergers, acquisitions, business climates, market prices he could never be part of. And his own direct companions weren’t making it any better.
As Levi soon understood, it wasn’t their job to make him feel comfortable anyway.
“Yelena,” he repeated, a memory exercise for himself. The whole journey from the convention center on the first floor to one of the rooms in the mid floor of the hotel was silent and long. In the sea of business pleasantries though, it seemed ironic that the blonde had never even made conversation beyond her own name.
Even as she sat next to him on the dinner table, she didn’t speak, not even bothering to respond to her own name. She was too close though, only a few inches away that Levi swore she had heard it.
“That’s your name right?” Levi added. He couldn’t think of much else to say. After blurting her name mindlessly, with Porco and Pieck seated just in front of him, looking at him expectantly, he knew he had to continue with something.
“I introduced myself back in the lobby already,” Yelena finally responded.
“You did,” Levi said.
“Is there anything you want to ask?” Yelena asked, no hint of benevolence in her tone.
Levi had been rolling on the bed, in and out of sleep the whole day. He didn’t trust himself to say anything else. He didn’t trust himself to think.
Yelene had a knowing look on her face, as if she knew something he didn’t. And she seemed to be enjoying it. Since a while ago, she hadn’t at all been subtle with the fact that somehow, by just their first meeting, Levi had managed to rub her the wrong way. It wasn’t too radical of an idea, that she may enjoy his pain.
Levi’s mind was suddenly racing, reminding him why he had even considered going in the first place. Is there anything you wanna ask?  Those words echoed for a while longer. The longer he sat there silently, the more restless he became. He avoided her gaze, looking behind her, then behind Porco and Pieck, taking in his surroundings again. He was observing mannerisms, branded bags, branded ties, branded purses and Zeke in the middle of all of it, going from one table to the other.
Eventually, after the discomfort settled, Levi realized he was torturing himself for a reason.
Hange wasn’t there. And he shouldn’t have needed that long look to notice it. But you’ve given up already? Right?
“You’re not going to eat?” Pieck was a lot more friendly. There was a huge difference between being polite and being friendly and Levi suspected, he was only seeing politeness as friendliness given the stark contrast of Yelena’s overall approach towards him
In the air, tension hung so thick. Levi didn’t notice a piece of bread and a bowl of soup had been served in front of him. “I will.” He immediately went for the spoon in front of him.
“That’s the spoon for the main course,” Yelena said.
“What?” By the second, Levi was starting to realize how disconnected he actually was. Around the soup, there were spoons, forks and knives in multiple sizes. In a panic, Levi had looked around to see it was the same for everyone else.
Yet, everyone else knew how to navigate such a complex design.
“The small one is the soup spoon.” Pieck was helpful at least. “No, that’s the tea spoon,” she added as she looked pointedly at the smallest one Levi had taken hold of.
Levi was familiar enough with tea to be familiar with the size of the teaspoon. At that point though, who cared what spoon he ate with? He wasn’t there to dine.
By some pride or just utter frustration at the whole situation, the spoon debacle was never solved and Levi never touched his soup that night. He closed himself off from everything else, keeping his world closed to anything but the entrance, Zeke, the crowds, and the one familiar face he wanted to see.
But Hange never showed up.
“She’s not coming. If that’s what you’re thinking.” Yelena could have been reading his mind.
“Who’s not coming?” Levi asked. He widened his eyes in mock surprise but he kept his voice toneless. In his mind, that seemed like a good balance to display both calm and disconnect.
Yelena never answered the question. Maybe she knew silence was the right answer, that is, if her attention had been to keep his insides boiling in frustration, his mind racing.
The grin on her face only proved it. Maybe that was her intention.
It only got worse though as the night dragged on and Levi noticed his own restlessness around the salad course that he could barely even look at.
He could barely coordinate his hands. His legs were trembling.
Those few moments he focused on evening out his breathing, he was able to grip the spoon, then the steak knife as the main course came in.
As if to add salt to whatever wound she had, Yelena commented abruptly. “It’s not everyday people like you will be able to get steak like this.”
The steak could have just been soft. Or Levi was recovering. One of those, he couldn’t be too sure. But it was a good steak. He could tell that much. It melted in his mouth and he had spent an inordinate amount of time contemplating how it was physically possible for steak to melt in his mouth.
Then suddenly the delectable steak rotted mid chew. “You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” It was as if Yelena was on a mission to be a total buzzkill. Maybe she was being paid by Zeke to do just that.
And she was doing a wonderful job. Levi almost choked on that last piece, his fork fell to his lap. In a bout of embarrassment, he stood up. “Toilet.”
Five minutes and an empty bladder later, whatever peace and calm he had managed to muster alone in the toilet completely dissipated. It seemed like that dinner was also on a mission to make him as miserable as possible even in a supposedly pleasant environment.
“Where’s my steak?” Levi put too much energy into keeping his tone as subdued as possible.
“Oh, you weren’t done?” Pieck asked, seeming genuinely curious.
He had only gotten two bites. Of course, he wouldn’t be done. He was close to raising his hand up to call the waiter until he was reminded, he didn’t even pay for the dinner. Did he even have the right to complain?
At that point, Levi was just a little ticked, his grumbling stomach at having missed three courses over his own discomfort and tense state was already catching up to him. “What made you think I was done?”
“You put your spoon and fork together, like this,” Pieck said. “That means you’re done with the course.” She organized her plate the same way Levi did, for just a second.
Maybe Levi had been too self conscious. In an attempt to seem more posh than he actually was, Levi had channeled his own fastidiousness into putting the utensils together before he left for the toilet.
“I would think someone who works in corporate would know this. This is standard fine dining,” Yelena said nonchalantly.
Fine dining for Levi meant a dinner at a cafe, or a sit down restaurant. The whole world that existed for the sake of fine dining, the course meals, the secret language he didn’t seem to understand felt completely unnecessary. And the longer they sat there as if deliberately keeping him in the dark while he starved, Levi only became more and more impatient.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t have known any better at first,” Levi said.
“I’ve been handling Zeke’s properties overseas for years so I’ve had my fair share of fine dining experience.” She then turned to Pieck and Porco who both nodded. “Even before that, my parents have taught me this. Have yours?”
Levi’s earliest memories of fine dining had been sit down restaurants, diners, nothing too fancy. He shook his head. “Well, I didn’t come here with the intention of dining. You put me on that list yourself, without even waiting for a reply.” He regretted it, as soon as he let it out. His grumbling stomach had him almost out of control.
Yelena raised one eyebrow. “Oh? Then why did you still come, Mr. Ackerman? The free food?”
Levi froze.
“The free food you barely even touched?” Yelena pressed.
And Levi stiffened up, much harder than he would have thought was ‘completely frozen.’
“You have some business to settle with Mr. Jaeger I’m guessing?”
“It’s none of your business.” Levi managed to say.
“I’ve been working for the Jaegers for years. I manage their overseas properties, a few apartments and houses here and there,” she said proudly.
“And?” Levi challenged. “Does that make you entitled to whatever other business Zeke has?”
That question was a response enough. Enough to get Yelena crack, her expression shifted from incredulous, to abrasive to subdued. One eyebrow raised, mouth twitching slightly. “I had to clean up the mess you two left behind.”
Mess? Levi had an inkling of an answer.
A clatter of metal on a plate. “Yelena! Not here,” Pieck said.
“Then we should talk outside then.” Yelena was half way to standing up, before she stopped herself.
Levi found himself following her gaze. The one view that had her frozen in her tracks had been Zeke and before Levi even knew it himself, he was just as surprised as Yelena.
“Should we retire early?” Zeke asked.
“Sir, you haven’t eaten yet,” Yelena argued.
Zeke shook his head. “I hold these dinners to find potential business partners, not to eat.” He turned to Pieck. “I think Pieck can take over from here. I’ll leave you to answer any questions about Jaeger healthcare holdings.”
Pieck nodded. “Yes sir, I’ll take over.”
“No hurry, everyone’s still busy with their meals…” Zeke looked pointedly at his surroundings at the other people. HIs staff table had been conveniently placed by the corner, and it didn’t seem at all like their conversation had been heard by everyone else.
Pieck and Porco were noticeably eating faster, seeming deep in thought. Back into business mode maybe, the caustic exchange of a while ago completely forgotten. Or at least they looked like they were attempting to forget it.
Not burdened with that same responsibility, Yelena didn’t seem to put up any facade. Her own antagonizing attitude towards Levi didn’t falter. Yet somehow, Zeke’s presence had kept her mum, subdued her to just venomous glares.
They exited the dinner hall and made their way out of the hallway, opening up to the open hotel lobby. “We can talk in my private suite,” Zeke said. “I don’t like having a lot of my conversations in public.”
Levi didn’t respond. The glances Yelena snuck him only made it harder to come up with anything more than a few mumbles which he was sure would only make him look pathetic in front of Zeke.
“Did you pay for the flight yourself?” Zeke asked.
Levi nodded. Where’s Hange? That thought tore into his mind so abruptly, Levi found himself having to clamp his mouth shut, much tighter than normal. He couldn’t trust himself to speak. God knows, he might end up asking just that cursed question.
“You’re quiet,” Zeke commented as they entered the elevator. “Did you enjoy dinner?”
Levi nodded and mumbled some hint of a yes.
Zeke raised his eyebrows. “Really what was your favorite course?”
The steak obviously. Even those words got caught somewhere in his throat, admitting to Zeke that he enjoyed the food seemed almost like flaunting himself naked.
Luckily—or unluckily, Zeke didn’t prod, instead going for another speech which made Levi regret keeping silent. “I hold dinners every night for PR, get the right potential partners to the same room, for my healthcare holdings, my supermarket holdings, my…” Zeke rattled on.
To Levi, it felt the blonde had just been jacking himself off instead of actually making conversation. Still, that gave Levi time to think.
Thinking turned out to be a bad thing.
Even before they arrived at the penthouse floor, Levi had to admit, the hotel was posh. The scent of new wood hung in the air, the marble finishings, the lamp made out of metals Levi suspected weren’t easy to acquire. And when they stepped from the elevator wing to the matted floor of the penthouse, whatever plush they used underneath greeted him in some strange manner.
Strangely, Levi felt guilty for dirtying something which he was completely aware was supposed to be dirtied anyway dealing with foot traffic everyday. Then the more they walked, the more self conscious he became of the way he was walking.
Zeke and Yelena both walked ahead with confident strides and Zeke never stopped talking. When Levi found himself listening, he noticed, Zeke's tirades only made the grand hall seem grander, a completely different world to Levi, something he wasn’t supposed to be in.
Was he a visitor. Hell, maybe not even a visitor. A slave? A serf?
“The convention is to attract potential resellers. We’re planning on reselling our research, our products, our technology, to this region...”
They walked towards the end of the hall, stopping in front of some fancy door only accentuated by the plush carpets and the decorative lamps.
“... And this city will be our hub…” It looked like Zeke had been too distracted by his own grand plans to even bother to open the door. It was fortunate then that Yelena had the key and that she knew her way into the presidential suite.
They settled on the sofa in the living rooms, the first room past the foyer.
“We’ll set up office space... Maybe a building...”
It was around then that Levi noticed he hadn’t been offered a seat but he didn’t mind it too much. The multiple sitting rooms, the wide window to one side that gave a good view of the infinity pool on the balcony, and beyond that, a view of the city.
Did Hange get to swim? Levi looked out for a while longer and he couldn’t look away. The longer he looked, the easier it became to imagine her leaning over the infinity pool in her purple bathing suit.
“It will cost a few million dollars…”
Just like in the country club.
“Levi, you want to go for a swim?”
Levi coughed, an instinctive movement. “Sorry… Excuse me, what?”
Zeke looked very unimpressed. It was obviously a joke. “For gods sake, sit down. It’s distracting just watching you stand awkwardly.”
“So why did you invite me here?” Levi asked. If not to listen to you ramble. He added silently to himself.
“I think I have a right to answer first,” Zeke said. He nodded to Yelena. The latter walked away and back to the kitchen. “Why are you here? Don’t tell me you’re here for the convention?”
“What if I am?”
Zeke spared a small grin. He leaned back on the sofa and looked to the side, as if sharing an inside joke with himself. “And do you have plans of investing?”
Millions of dollars. Those three words echoed in Levi’s head. He didn’t have that money and he most likely never would.
Zeke didn’t give him time to speak. “Figures,” he muttered. “So why did you come here?” He asked in a clearer voice.
“You invited m---”
“I wouldn’t have invited you if you weren’t here already,” Zeke said.
Yelena chose that moment to come in between them, a wine bottle on one hand, two wine glasses on the other. Her movements were too casual, the fine dining positions of a while ago seemed almost like a facade.
Zeke gave a nod in thanks. “Sit where you’re comfortable.”
Yelena didn’t hesitate. She settled on one of the sofa chairs, a comfortable distance between them. She mirrored Zeke’s own expression, a mix between mocking and expectant.
It only became harder to speak. When Levi was weighing between speaking up and staying mum, he found, as painful as it was to continue speaking, the outcome seemed more desirable.
At least in his head.
“What’s wrong? Can’t tell me why you visited my convention?” Zeke took a sip of the wine. “Unless it’s something… controversial? Embarrassing? Offensive?.”
Levi felt his skin crawl. Not completely in control of his body, he almost feared his facade cracking and not noticing it. He cleared his throat. “I was going to speak.” He paused, using that moment, to meet Zeke’s eyes. “It’s about Hange.”
“What about my Hange?” Zeke had put too much emphasis in those last two words, it seemed almost out of place. In one sleek movement, he straightened up on his seat and tightened his grip on his wine glass
It was as if Levi was walking on Zeke’s territory, completely unwelcome. And Levi was starting to notice that. He shook his head and softened his voice, a subtle peace offering. “I had plans for the emotion alarm, I wanted to discuss them with Hange, get her opinion---”
“Erwin hasn’t told you yet?” Zeke put down his wine glass. “We’re terminating the contract.
It was like a ton of bricks fell on him. His stomach followed suit. Levi went for his wine glass and took a long sip which quickly turned into a gulp then he let out a cough. Water would have done a much better job to clear the tickle in the throat, the pang in his chest and the hollowness in his chest that followed. But he wasn’t going to ask for water in Zeke’s territory yet.
A ninety five percent chance of termination. Erwin had said back in their meeting.
“So it’s final?” Levi asked. The crushing disappointment had been enough proof that Levi had been vouching on that five percent.
Zeke nodded once. “Hange won’t be bothering you anymore. We’ll find another developer for her to work with.”
“I was working on some plans. They’re suggestions I was hoping she’d consider. If I---”
“Levi, can you send it over through email? Do you have to talk to her?”
Levi felt the blood rush to his face. He bent his head down almost immediately, focused on his shaking hands that were only gripping his knees tighter. He dug his nails into his knees, as if that would be enough to stop the shaking. “No, I don’t need to.” It could have come out as an exhale or an actual response.
“Well, that makes things easier. You know, she doesn't want to see you.” Zeke’s voice was painfully casual.
Levi looked up again, regretting it almost immediately. Zeke had a look of triumph on his face. It had only served to piss Levi all the more that Zeke had tried to hide it behind a nonchalant face. Seeing the small smile that decorated his lips, Levi dug his nails deeper into his knees. “Then why?”
“Why what?” Zeke pressed. “Why doesn't she want to see you?” His voice was getting colder and colder with each word. They twisted into an almost malevolent sneer.
“Why invite me here?” Levi asked, his voice clipped. Grappling with both Zeke’s attitude and the revelation on Hange’s feeling, Levi was finding it harder to speak.
“So you came because you were invited then?” Zeke took another sip. “And how were you invited?”
Does he expose Hange? And maybe Levi had taken too long vacillating.
Zeke had ended up answering the question himself. “An email? A support ticket with a flyer? Spam mail?” He took another sip. “You and your company have your very techy love alarm. And I have my own version too, my very old fashioned love alarm.” He gestured in front of him, right at Levi. “And it’s ringing in front of me right now.”
It took a few more seconds for Levi to understand it.
Zeke was either impatient. Or probably he thought Levi was a total idiot. He bent forward, leaned his elbows on his knees and dropped his wine glass on the wooden table with a loud clack.“Tell me, why would you go all the way here, over a fake email?” he asked. “Her name really was enough for you to book a plane ticket and fly across the ocean?”
Levi didn’t respond.
And it looked like Zeke didn’t need an answer anyway. He waved one hand in front of him and rolled his eyes. “I’m sure you’ve been in the corporate world long enough to know, there are meetings that could have been emails yet you still chose to take a plane and come here.”
“Do you want me to write an email?” Levi asked.
Zeke shrugged. We don’t need your input. This project...it’s mine and Hange’s.”
Yours and Hange’s? He raised his eyebrows in mock surprise, as if that slow and subtle movement had been enough to quell the fire in his chest. “What makes you say that?”
“It’s our project. It’s my gift to Hange.”
What does that make me? Levi didn’t say it out loud. He didn’t even want that instinctive jaw drop, the twitch in his mouth that followed to expose what the hell he was thinking.
“You’re merely someone paid to do the work.” Zeke continued, as if he had heard Levi's silent question.
Levi didn’t even feel it. He wasn’t even completely aware it happened until Zeke’s eyes widened for a split second in surprise, then narrowed again, shifting instead to one could have been pure fury.
But Levi didn’t care. Even when looking down had revealed, he spilled wine all over the lush carpet. The wine glass had hit the table, scattering pieces of broken glass on the table and over the floor.
It would be a bitch to clean up. Levi didn’t care about that either, it wasn’t his mess. It wasn’t his fucking presidential suite.
Zeke just had more practice in the diplomacy department. “Why do you feel it necessary to stand up and cause such a ruckus?”
The calmness had Levi’s blood boiling more violently inside him. He could only be grateful that the breaking the wine glass had released some of that pent up energy.
Zeke was only making it harder and harder to stay still. “I’m only stating facts. The money I put into it makes it mine. The fact that you’re being paid to do it. The fact that you even signed an employment contract relinquishes all ownership you have of all the projects you do in the company. You of all people should know that. I can’t even believe I need to school someone like you on this. You can’t even keep yourself together.”
Levi looked away, back at the view of the balcony, the glowing city. How much of it was owned by people who knew nothing about construction, architecture or just the hard work that went into even making such a view possible? A tiny injustice that surfaced in Levi’s mind as he let Zeke’s words sink in. “With all due respect... ” His last few words came out softer than expected. But Levi had seemed almost confident with them. “...You know jackshit about coding or psychology.”
Soon, Levi gripped enough of that new found confidence to take control of the conversation. “You know nothing about how any of that shit works. You didn’t stay up all night working on that damn application. I’ll fucking bet my whole life savings you don’t even know how this application works.”
“Ackerman, watch your mouth!” It was Yelena who spoke, looking as if she had just recovered from shock, eyes wide, her own wine glass on the table.
Levi cleared his throat. “Once again, with all due respect.” He was mildly aware then, that he may have raised his voice. Zeke was surprisingly—almost admirably calm. He put one hand as if to stop Yelena and spoke up. “And does ‘knowing jackshit’ make me less of an owner?”
That was a question that Levi couldn’t answer. He regretted losing control. In shock, or in some punishment which only the inner workings of his mind understood, Levi could only stand still, unable to even sit back down.
Zeke stared at him accusingly. “Mr. Ackerman…” he started. “You don’t believe there’s any dignity in the labor of moving money around? Investing and reinvesting?”
Levi felt shame wash over him.
It was a strange state to be in. There was more than enough dignity in being a billionaire, in being one of the top one percent who just bought and sold whatever they got their hands on. It was an inarguable fact that society thought highly of the top one percent regardless of where they got their money. Yet Zeke had a way of speaking that made Levi reflect the validity of his own words, any disrespect or any backhanded insult he could have been sending to anyone else.
Levi knew he was being manipulated but he couldn’t seem to point out how.
Maybe it had been the way Zeke had opened his eyes, his face a mix of confusion, hurt, with a hint of derision. Or maybe everything had been Levi’s imagination and once again he was faced with the prospect that maybe he didn’t mean it.
“That…” That wasn’t what I meant.
At that point, Zeke had stood up and at that difference of height and difference of social status, Levi had to bite his tongue, not to lose his composure.
Zeke though seemed to know he had taken control of the conversation. “You’re trying to cover your ass?”
“Cover… my ass?” Levi said that last word with a little more venom in his mouth. Somehow, the eloquent Zeke suddenly putting so much force into one single curse only added to the tension of that moment.
“Trying to justify your own mistakes by emphasizing your own superiority. It’s a very common tactic. You’re not the first to employ it.”
“I never---”
“You should be thanking me. I’ve been treating you fairly, paying you for your hard work. And on top of that, I’ve tolerated the transgressions, even putting more money unnecessarily into covering this up.” Zeke said. He walked towards the kitchen island, pulling an envelope from next to the telephone and slamming it on the counter. He wasn’t motioning though for Levi to come.
Levi preferred to stay frozen, just standing between the sofa and the coffee table. But when Zeke opened the envelope, pulling out pictures, and a few pages which he waved on the air and slammed on the table, Levi’s curiosity peaked.
Levi covered the distance in so short an amount of time, he never figured out if he seemed too desperate.
In hindsight, it wasn’t important. The contents of the papers, the pictures bundled together by paper clips had only been a more pressing matter.
Zeke’s words only confirmed it. “You went on a road trip up north on Hange’s birthday?”
“We did,” Levi said. There wasn’t much else he could have said to deny it. The evidence was too overwhelming— blurred pictures, screenshots of comments online in threads, subthreads, all speculating Hange’s side relationship.
“No use denying it. Yelena made a call to our employees in our estate up north. They mentioned Hange’s companion when she visited.”
“But we didn’t do anything…”
Zeke raised one eyebrow as if he had caught them in the act. “I’m not accusing you of it. But what would you say in your defense? When the Love Alarm rings, when you book a double room in a motel and when you’re together, almost inseparable in all of these pictures,” Zeke spread the photos on the table, shots of them in the motel, in the train station, in Zeke's house. “Hange isn’t a high profile person. It never made the news, Yelena and I made sure of that but people talk, anyone familiar with the tech world and particularly interested in it, would know how our family looks like."
It was funny, how anger could so easily sour to shame. At that moment, Levi considered disappearing an almost welcome development. Zeke pushed the pictures nearer to him, in one messy pile, the screenshots on comments, mentioning words like ‘misters,’ ‘paramours,’ ‘who’s the man???’ “We purged the internet of all photos, no names. Some people repost but I have people watching and reporting. This isn’t cheap.”
I’m sorry. Levi’s first instinct was to apologize, the adamance of a while ago almost completely forgotten. But sorry’s wouldn't work. “How much? I’ll pay what I can.”
Zeke scoffed. “Can you?”
Levi couldn’t think up much to say. He scanned his eyes over the comments at first to feign business, an excuse not to speak up. The more he looked, the more engrossed he got at lines of comments. Others towards him, then as he turned the pages, they were all towards Hange.
Slut. Whore. Low life. Cheater.
“I’ll pay what I can,” Levi said.
“How much are you willing to shell out? A hundred grand?”
That was a huge chunk of Levi’s annual earnings already. He wasn’t one to disclose salary though. He kept his mouth a thin flat line and nodded.
Zeke shook his head. “I’ll be generous, considering all the inconvenience you’ve caused both of us. While you're here, humor me,” he said. “I may not be a coder or a psychologist but I’m sure, there are things I can teach you. If you’re willing to shell out a hundred grand, let’s gamble with it. I haven’t had a good game in a while.”
“A good game?”
Zeke turned to Yelena. “Can you be a dealer again?”
“You plan on playing heads up?” Yelena asked,
“We have a table in one of the private rooms, why not?”
“Heads-up poker?” Levi clarified. There was only one game heads up that the two could have been referring to, mentioning terms like ‘deal.’
Zeke didn’t even bother to answer the question either for lack of consideration for Levi or just an expectation that Levi may have understood.
Levi didn’t live under a rock and he was very much familiar with the game. He had played a few games on online poker sites back in college.
Still, he moved a little sluggishly behind his two companions. Levi could have just been a little too wary or Zeke could have been out for blood.
The stakes then and there were completely different. For one, he had never bet almost a year’s worth of his own salary on a single game. He had never played with anyone whose net worth was a thousand, or maybe even a million times his own.
At that moment, Levi felt like a total beginner and it was as if hesitation clipped every single moment he managed to pull out of himself. There wasn’t too much he was expected to do but watch as Yelena prepared a few playing cards then chips.
Zeke made himself comfortable right in front of Levi. “Willing to bet a hundred grand?” he said those last words with an ominous smile on his face.
Levi sensed danger, but he couldn’t sense any proper way out either. He owed Zeke, he knew that much, whether it be for the money or the utter disrespect he had been treating him with since a while ago. Maybe he owed Zeke for more than that, for any inconvenience Zeke may have experienced at Levi having gotten a little too close to Hange.
Levi admitted, even just to himself, he had been a little too close to Hange for either of them to have been comfortable. Guilt, a sense of duty or just hyper awareness of everything all at once had Levi conceding, “Do I pay now?”
“We play with chips first,” Zeke responded.
Yelena dropped colored stacks of chips in front of them. Levi counted reds, blues, yellows, browns.
“You should have a hundred thousand worth,” Yelena said. “Do you know the colors?”
“Yes, just a bit.” Dabbling into online poker for a few months at least, Levi had enough experience to tell the browns as five thousands, the light blues as two thousand and the rest had inferred for himself from the amount of chips in front of him. He looked up to see that Zeke had a noticeably larger stack. “That looks like a lot more than a hundred grand,” Levi noted.
Zeke didn’t answer immediately and the flicker of realization came quicker, quick enough to have Levi coughing in surprise. The odds were against him.
“It is,” Zeke said as he counted his own chips, as if it wasn’t plain and utter cheating or even deception that he had a glaringly higher amount of chips than Levi. He slipped the chips towards the side and looked questioningly at Levi.
What had Hange told him back then in the golf course?
Zeke likes winning...But the way he goes about winning is like...He’s always been smart about it, always playing safe.
And what a better way to play safe than to have a larger pile than your opponent.
Zeke spoke up. “Hange and I, we’d play games with business partners while talking contracts and logistics. And Hange always said this about games. They teach things and sometimes they expose parts of ourselves… And the more I played with Hange, whether it be mahjong, blackjack, golf, or chess, I started to notice something. Games are a mirror of life, almost a clear reflection of what you deal with in business and in relationships.”
Zeke paused for a second and closed his eyes as if deep in thought. The room filled with the sound of shuffling of cards, the sound of the clack of chips as Zeke ran his hand over the brown ones, tapping them over the wooden round table in stilted and deafening movements.
“Poker is one of my favorite games. Like business, you base your decision on three things… Tells, numbers and circumstances,” He paused for a few seconds longer and he could have been expecting Levi to speak.
Levi didn’t look up though, instead using the brief silence to make sense for himself the amount of chips on his side.
Zeke spoke again. “Yelena, shuffle up and deal. We’re playing heads up. Our small blind is five hundred dollars and our big blind is one thousand dollars,” he said coldly. “I hope that isn’t too much money.”
In truth, that was enough money to make Levi’s stomach turn. Zeke’s manner didn’t look like it welcomed any protest though, so Levi merely nodded as some weak reply.
A weak nod could have sufficed as a response. Zeke turned to Yelena. “Give our valued guest the dealer button.”
The dealer plays the small blind. Levi counted five hundred dollars worth of chips and pushed it in front of Zeke.
Two cards lay in front of him, care of Yelena. Levi had played before and he was familiar at least with what a good hand would have looked like. In one swift movement, he held the cards in front of him.
Ten of Clubs and Nine of Clubs. With just one look, he knew he could complete either a flush or a straight.
If the board plays to his advantage.
Zeke tutted. “It’s not considered good practice to lift the cards. Most poker players would just raise the corner just high enough to see their own cards.” He demonstrated that exact same movement, only raising high enough that he could get the contents cards with one glance. “You’ve never played on the board?”
“I’ve played for a few months online,” Levi muttered. He would look back at that experience with little animosity. After all, a few months dabbling with bets online and just applying what little he learned from his statistics class had seemed like an overall enriching experience at first. Then and there, on the board, with thousands of dollars at stake, Levi felt utterly vulnerable. Like a beginner. Maybe, in the grand scheme of things, someone with only months worth of casual experience was a beginner.
And Zeke held a glaring advantage, something Levi couldn’t so easily brush away. Levi’s own instinct, his own experience with odds had him considering raising. Just for a second. When Zeke was staring at him though, his own pile much bigger than Levi, Levi could only weigh between two decisions, fold and give up that hand or match Zeke’s bet.
It’s still a good hand anyway. “Call,” Levi said, matching Zeke’s bet.
By the way that Zeke was looking at him though, Levi knew he was probably not playing on the board properly. Zeke spoke up. “Tells. One important concept in both poker and business is tells,” he explained. “The way you carry yourself tells me you never played on the board. Am I correct?”
“Yes.” There was no use denying it but Levi didn't have to spare him a long answer.
Zeke dropped five purple chips on the table. “Raise to 2500.”
There was value in those chips, his lifestyle, his savings. And for a split second, he saw an abyss. He had spent too much on a flight ticket, a hotel room, just all the food he had been eating in that town. Then another year's worth of income on stake, reduced to chips.
By some strange instinct, by some adrenaline rush, Levi had managed to brush it away, reducing whatever stakes to the few chips on the board. And he was grateful for the power of delusion. By god, if he didn’t have at least a sliver of self-delusion, he could have folded right then.
“Call,” Levi said, once again matching Zeke’s bet. He needed to calm down. It wasn’t a loss yet, the game hadn’t even started.
There was hope in whatever cards Yelena was shuffling. She spread the first three on the table.
“We call that a flop,” Zeke said. “Just in case you didn’t know.” And of course Levi knew, he had played online long enough to pick up some terms. With the grin on Zeke’s face, a far cry from a face more appropriate for a game of poker, Levi was certain Zeke was provoking him. “I know what a flop is,” Levi said, running his eyes over the three cards.
Ace of clubs. Seven of Clubs. Eight of Hearts.
Levi started to calculate. He had 2500 dollars, a months worth of basic living expenses on the line. He wondered if it would have felt better just dropping the one hundred grand to Zeke from the start. There was something notably more painful and more terrifying about the possibility of watching his money whittle away slowly.
“During business meetings, I like to tell which topics, which specific products make my business partners uncomfortable, when dealing with stakeholders, with employees. I like to take a few quick guesses on the backgrounds of the people in front of me, to see whether they’re worth dealing with in the long term. ” Zeke explained. “How they handle pressure…”
Was that a threat? A challenge? Maybe it was. Levi was suddenly morbidly aware that he had licked his lips, that his hand shook as he took another peek at his cards.
He had a chance for a straight. But what would Zeke have? And Levi had made the mistake of looking at Zeke then.
“Another ‘tell’, your eyes widened just there. You have a pair? A potential straight? For someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, Hange does a much better time hiding than you do.” Zeke had deliberately put more emphasis on the word Hange.
If Levi hadn’t frozen solid, tensed up by the shoulders with Zeke’s almost accurate guess, the word Hange had done the trick to make Levi terribly, terribly self conscious. In an instinctive moment, Levi bent his head down, raised one hand in an attempt to cover his own eyes, only to realize a second later with his hand halfway to his eyes, that that had done worse to even show that he had something to hide.
“You don’t have to hide it. We all know already, you’re in love with Hange.”
Levi had accepted that part already. If he had been in complete denial at that moment, maybe he would have lost himself in Zeke’s accusing glare.
“Are you going to deny it?” Zeke dropped an alarming number of yellow and purple chips. “Raise to four thousand.”
Levi let out a sound, a combination between a no and a quiet huff and he matched Zeke’s bet.
“A month ago I heard from the staff in our summer house up north mentioning the man, who always followed closely behind Hange, the man who so willingly got a single bed hotel with her, the man in the train station who sat close to Hange Zoe,” Zeke said. “People talk, Levi. Did you consider that? And I thought to myself back then, maybe, it could have been a coincidence but Hange had her own tells as well. When Hange saved you from drowning, did you know she didn’t want to let go?”
Yelena put one more card down. Two of diamonds.
“This is a convenient turn card ,” Zeke commented. “If you have a nine, or a ten, you have a chance at a straight. Have you calculated?” He raised one eyebrow.
Levi didn’t answer. Hell, anything he did say could probably be taken against him.
“Hange would have. When we played, she would babble on about statistics. Everytime she held out a hand, completely beating me, she would babble all the calculations in her head. She has always been quick witted, intelligent, clever. That’s why I fell in love with her too.” He had said that part louder, more confidently and so matter-of-factly, and Levi was reminded he would never have that same confidence to say those words about Hange, even if he would have meant it.
There was a clack of poker chips. Four thousand dollars? Levi counted. He looked towards the pile next to Yelena. He had four thousand dollars there already. A total of eight thousand dollars on the table, months worth of rent for most.
From the expectant look on Zeke’s face, Levi was expecting he’d only go higher. Do I fold? But maybe with the excruciating mentions of Hange, that was something Zeke had wanted him to do. In a sliver of weak protest, Levi matched the bet, his own bet up to eight thousand dollars.
He needed a jack or a six for a straight. But why was Zeke easily dropping bets? Did he have something better?
“Let’s consider numbers in real life. Even with how you and Hange were acting, I thought I could give you the benefit of the doubt. When the alarm rang, when you and Hange accepted it as truth, I realized my suspicions might be right. Hange might actually be attracted to you, she might actually love you. So what does that mean for me?” Zeke was once again playing with his chips.
Five thousand dollars worth? Levi thought loudly to himself as he counted the chips.
A bluff? Levi’s mind was racing. Zeke’s own words were deliberately or even just half heartedly disturbing. But there wasn’t much else he could do, four thousand dollars were on the line. Zeke proved to be confident at least with his own hand.
Bluffs happened, Levi played enough to be aware that people did put more than enough money than necessary just to scare people into folding. Another surge of protest later, Levi had matched the bet, putting his total bet at eleven grand.
The final card on the board was a jack and Levi didn’t have to look back at his own cards to confirm it. He had a straight. When Zeke had bet ten grand in chips, it had been much easier to call.
Soon the cards were revealed, an Ace and a King. Zeke had the strongest pair.
But Levi had a straight. He took the pot, more than a total of twenty thousand dollars, more than enough to offset his whole trip. When Levi looked up at Zeke, he regretted it almost instantly.
The latter didn’t seem at all affected by losing over twenty thousand dollars. “Circumstances, the most powerful tool but the easiest to control with the right resources. ” Zeke said, as if that had been the explanation for his own strange behavior. “It’s only natural when the person I’m married to starts running off with another man, I’d feel threatened. When she started working on the love alarm and I noticed she was happier, happier than I’ve ever seen her before. Then she was crankier than I’ve ever seen her before, then sadder. I wondered, what was our head developer doing to make Hange like that.”
Nothing. Fall in love with her? There weren’t too many things which could have fit what was starting to seem like a redundant question, so once again, silence was the best response.
Yelena spread the deck of cards over the table and Levi instead focused on dropping the new blind and appreciating the deft manner at which Yelena ran her hands over the cards.
He wasn’t in any state to be mesmerized by cards though.
Zeke’s voice echoed in the room. “Levi, I asked you a question.”
“What did I do, you mean?” Levi asked. That was the last thing he remembered and it had seemed almost redundant, not worth an explanation. Zeke shook his head. “Do you think she’s in love with you?” A strange question to ask someone, too personal. Zeke had a way of speaking that demanded answers.
Levi’s mind was working faster, vacillating between answering or not. He thought back to the ringing of the love alarm, Hange’s words up in the tower. Hange seemed happier, then crankier, then sadder, than I’ve ever seen before. “That’s for Hange to decide, right?” Levi said.
Zeke’s voice was suddenly softer as if they had released a sigh with his words. “Considering circumstances though, I was assured Hange can’t just leave.”
That last word had peaked Levi’s interest. “Leave?” He repeated.
“Even if your love alarm is correct, even if by some chance she loved you, and she didn’t love me, Hange can’t leave. I made sure of that. I’ve covered my bases.”
Covered your bases? Levi bent his head down, hiding that incredulous look that forced itself out of him.
“I paid for her research. I paid for the emotion alarm. I paid for the media embargo so your photos wouldn’t get printed.  I paid for everything, our home, our trips. Hange can’t just leave, after I put so much into this relationship right?”
Yelena dealt a new set of his cards and Levi pulled his new cards towards him and took a peak.
Eight of hearts. Three of hearts. Shitty hand with a potential for a flush.
Zeke slipped the new cards towards him. “She’s not going to leave. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized, why are you still hurting yourself over this. Why don’t you give up?”
“There’s nothing to give up. I wasn’t holding on to anything.” Those words had been surprisingly easy to say. “Hange married you. I went here to talk to her, nothing more than that.”
“You could have sent an email. You could have sent it through Erwin. Why come here yourself?” Zeke’s words were suddenly ringing through his ear.
“Why are you so bothered by me showing up? You didn’t have to invite me here,” Levi said, and somehow, a cathartic release that came with those words.
The shocked almost speechless expression on Zeke’s face, a far cry from the calm, poker face of a second ago, sent a rush of confidence over Levi
Maybe there were things he knew about Hange that Zeke didn’t. Levi continued “I don’t understand why you had to go through all this trouble, covering the embargo, sending Hange away, buying the emotion alarm. Even if you didn’t cover your bases, even if you give Hange all of that, she wouldn’t have left you. She really believes she’s in love with you.” She’s a prideful prick that way. He added silently to himself.
“What do you know about Hange? You only met her months ago.”
Long enough to feel like I’ve known her my whole life. If his words could have at least been enough to ensure some happiness for Hange in the future, it was worth a shot. “You should have just trusted her. You take in the most free-loving person I have ever met as your partner and you trap her by hanging all that over her head? That’s not how to love someone like Hange.”
“Who are you to tell me how to love the person I’m married to?”
This time, it was Levi’s turn to ask a question. “Do you love Hange?”
“More than you’re capable of understanding,” Zeke answered venomously, as if it was an attack on Levi.
Somehow, of all the things, an attack on his own ignorance didn’t feel like anything at all. Levi was confident, he wasn’t ignorant. “Hange really believes love is a choice, love is freedom. And you think the best way to love her is to tie her down with money and gifts? With circumstance?”
“You can’t assume that.”
“Then why do you have to make her feel guilty? Why do you give her everything just so she won’t leave? Why are you assuming she’ll leave the moment she gets the chance?”
One hand on the table, and the table rocked, the pile of chips Levi had meticulously organized fell in one crash, the few others as they slid amongst each other, colors mixing amongst one another.
Yelena was the first to speak. “Focus on the game, Ackerman.”
“Check.” He didn't have the best hand. As the river opened up to reveal a potential for a flush, he still thought it worth a shot.
Zeke pushed a huge pile of chips to the front. “Raise to a hundred thousand dollars.” Almost all of Levi’s available funds.”
“Fold,” Levi said.
The button switched. Levi and Zeke dealt their blinds again. Yelena dealt another two cards. And the game continued.
Carefully raising the corners of his pair, Levi noted a three of spades and a queen of hearts. Even before Yelena had dealt the river on the table, Zeke had already pushed his pile to the middle. “Raise to a hundred thousand dollars.”
Levi couldn’t win, and just like the hand before, he folded.
It continued with that same pattern for the next ten hands. Zeke started to bait him, going all in towards the fourth hand, enough for Levi to lose all his savings, and Levi would fold. Hands later, Levi had lost the winnings of the first hand, he had absorbed a net loss. Zeke’s large pile was starting to seem more ominous.
Circumstances. The word started to hold more gravity as Levi reflected the unfairness of it all. Zeke wouldn't have minded putting one year’s worth of Levi’s salary in a single round, he had more than enough to spare.
You can’t win against money. What the hell was he thinking, giving up his blinds every single time. Zeke obviously bluffed a few times. No one would be lucky enough to have a streak of good hands.
But which hand? Levi thought loudly to himself, as if by some miracle, a god-sent answer could echo in his head.
“We can do this all night,” Zeke said, his composure once again collected, the exchange of a while ago forgotten.
Levi lost track of the number of hands. A quick look at his chips only made him realize he had forty thousand dollars left. Did he lose that much by just folding?
He would lose a hundred dollars that night if he continued playing but when he willed it, he realized was ready to lose that money. But the more Zeke played, the more he spammed all ins, the more urgent the loss started to seem.
It took a few more handsfor Levi to gather the courage to play, even with the stakes completely against him. Levi spared some thought to calculation, taking from Zeke’s rulebook.
Zeke wore a poker face...Nothing there.
He had to do something fast, or risk losing all his money.
Most importantly, statistics were on his side. He had opened his new hand to find a pair of aces.
Ace of Clubs. Ace of Spades. Statistically, the best poker hand. He could easily win everything back.
Then came the first three cards.
Ace of Diamonds. Queen of Diamond. Nine of Clubs.
“Raise to ten thousand dollars,” Zeke said.
Three of a kind, with the strongest cards. “Call,” Levi responded.
The next card was dealt. Ten of diamonds.
“Bet twenty thousand dollars,” Zeke said.
“Call,” Levi said again, pushing his pile of chips to the middle of the world. He couldn’t be too sure how he looked then. Were his hands shaking? It wasn’t a graceful movement for sure. He had to push his pile to the middle with three clumsy movements while Zeke did it in one elegant push.
But Levi noted the subtle way at which Zeke raised his eyebrows before they met eyes. And for one second, Levi allowed himself a long stare, a slight movement of his lips, nothing close to a smile. If that one expression would be enough for Zeke to fold and give up everything, it was worth a try.
It wasn’t.
Yelena dropped the last card on the board. An Ace of hearts.
“Raise to one hundred thousand dollars,” Zeke said, notably louder than every other time before.
Enough to make Levi jump, enough for him to doubt. He snuck another look at his cards. Four of a kind. You’re fine. Why was his heart still beating wildly? Why was meeting Zeke’s eyes for a while longer such a harrowing experience?
It’s a poker face. People do this when they play poker. Levi told himself and the longer he was able to convince himself that Zeke knew what he was doing. And maybe it had always been good practice to stay calm, even when everything was stacked against you.
“Showdown,” Yelena said.
Or maybe Zeke just wasn't that connected, especially since nothing much was at stake for him.
It could have been all those guesses, or it could have been the ugly one that opened up in front of them right then and there.
And it looked like Zeke had figured it out first. “Have you heard of the term bad beat?”
Levi was taking longer than usual to make sense of the cards, much slower than usual and maybe it had been the exhaustion of calculating the past almost countless hands.
“There is roughly a four thousand to one chance of getting a four of a kind. But sometimes, people have something better than that… Not often but… It’s still worth considering.”
Something better. And when Levi was considering every hand better than a four of a kind, it became much easier to scan the river then Zeke’s hand for the answer.
Zeke had two cards: King of Diamonds and Jack of Diamonds. A Royal Flush.
“There’s a six hundred thousand to one chance of actually getting a royal flush. First one in my life.” Zeke could have been genuinely amazed, but that big ham reaction had been more than enough to piss Levi off.
It made it difficult to sit still.
“When you consider circumstances, you introspect, you strategize and you pray for a little luck,” Zeke said. “Believe me, you had every other chance to win before. I went all in with the worst cards and you folded every single time. Are you that terrified of losing a few thousand dollars?”
Hundreds of thousands of dollars. Levi corrected in his head. An annual salary’s worth. And maybe that was the point Zeke had wanted to make. By circumstances alone, Zeke had manipulated Levi's choice.
Zeke smirked. “Circumstances rely on luck too and luck is a funny thing. Even if you play everything correctly, you can still lose. Life’s unfair isn’t it.”
“You had less to lose than I did,” Levi said, his lip trembling. “That’s all there is to it. If you lost all the money, you would have put more in.”
“I would have,” Zeke admitted.
“I was playing a losing game.”
“At least you got the lesson. These are your circumstances. Every life lesson everyone should have learned from birth, life isn’t fair. I’m surprised you’re expecting that from a casual game.”
“I never said that. I knew I was playing a losing game and I expected that.” It had taken all his effort to keep his reaction unreadable, and god he wished he had managed it every other time before. “Thank you for the food. Thank you for the game. Thank you for covering for me and Hange.”
With the game over, it didn't look like he felt compelled to wipe that smug grin off his face. And there were things Levi wished he could tell Zeke, and maybe it was worth the risk. “One last thing, I don’t agree with you about relationships, businesses being like games. Loving isn’t a game. When you give all this money to Hange do you expect her to give back? You expect to be able to manipulate relationships through circumstance alone?"
“I told you Ackerman, don’t tell me how to love my partner.”
"I don't have enough fucks to give for every single person in this world. I’m not telling you how to love the person you married because I actually give a fuck about your love life. I’m only telling you how to love your partner because your partner just so happens to be Hange and Hange’s a free bird. She doesn't deserve at all to be loved like that. Don't cage her in with circumstances. Don’t tie her down with money, with a debt of gratitude.” He pushed his seat back and walked away.
“Where are you going?”
“I need some fresh air.”
The sliding door wasn’t locked. He forced it open gently then too hard, enough to make it rattle, He gave one was long look at the infinity pool then leaned his arms on the balcony railings. He took a deep breath.
And that reprieve was just a little too short. It turned out Yelena followed behind him, a piece of paper in hand. “Zeke’s bank details,” she said.
That had seemed too abrupt. But really, what was he supposed to expect, a consolation prize? Hange’s location?
“It would be much easier if you paid immediately,” Yelena said. “Do you have the money on hand?”
He didn’t have the credit rating to pay that in one go. He opened his own banking application and attempted to transfer that much in one go.
Bank error.
“We accept checks,” Yelena said.
Levi had never dealt with checks. His credit card limit was far less than how much he needed to pay. And a few exchanges later, a quick google search later, Levi had figured it out. He could pay by wire transfer but by god, and just the wire transfer would cost him more money than necessary.
Levi was a man of principle though. Slip of paper on hand, Yelena’s contact details on his phone he made his way out of Zeke’s presidential, without even bothering so much as a goodbye. It looked like Zeke had retired to his own private room or study anyway. Did he need that pleasantry from Levi of all people?
On the way back to his own hotel, he took a long cut, through the hotels that connected to one another through glass pathways, a few floors above ground. He made sure to take a longer time than usual, enough time to reflect on his own shitty luck.
A fruitless reflection with a very very repetitive and depressing conclusion. That’s just how life is?
If it hadn't been for those two who had talked a little too loudly by the side, maybe Levi would have deemed it fruitless.
If didn’t look to his right to see the entrance to the casino, if he didn’t walk quickly past the slot machines, taking in the red plush carpet, he would have said it was a total waste of time. The dim room only further accentuated the lights that never seemed to come from an exact same place. The casino had a way of just letting some strange feverish state, some illusion blanket his surroundings.
Hange Zoe. The man at the front had said her name, too proudly, as if in total amazement. For a while, the dazzling casino lights had him doubting that name clipped into one brief exchange. Others seemed to be talking about her too. Then he was following the crowd.
Murmurs of Hange Zoe, none of them demeaning or admonishing. Others seemed breathless, and Levi thought it worth his time, to tiptoe just to see a good look of what they were staring at.
Levi dove into the crowd, slipping his way through, bending over, moving his hand through when necessary. He never made it to the front, but he did note the messy mop of brown hair, tied into a high ponytail, bent over the table. The autumn jacket, the side profile and the glimmer of some tight lips.
Hange was deep in thought in the middle of what looked to be some poker game. Her own pile of poker chips right next to her, much larger than everyone elses. He knew her enough to make that type of guess.
Levi decided it would be a waste of time. Circumstances were never his to control anyway. They were Zeke’s, they were hers.
Hange Zoe’s win again.
How many hands had she played before that?
She’s cheating.
No, she’s just lucky.
I heard she calculates every single hand.
Levi felt some sense of superiority, knowing something the murmuring crowds didn’t.
All summarized into three things. Firstly, lady luck was probably on her side, it had always been as if making up a string of misfortunes in a previous life. Secondly, she probably calculated every single hand. Third, Hange would never ever cheat.
And those would be last few thing he would allow himself be proud of. That would be the last time he would think of Hange as someone remotely his.
As Levi turned the heel and walked back to his hotel, he decided, although it wasn’t too fruitless a detour, he still regretted making that quick trip into the casino.
If Levi knew he would have felt like shit as soon as he came back from vacation, maybe he never would have gone on that stupid vacation in the first place.
Monday. Monday morning. Those words managed to taste bitter, even when Levi was barely forcing it out of his mouth. It could have been the fact that he barely had time to get over the jet lag or it was just way too early in the morning. Scratch that, it wasn't any of that at all.
Zeke was sitting on the couch, seeming very much unaffected by what should have been transoceanic jet lag and very much unaffected by the words that came out of Erwins house just a second ago.
At first, Levi even doubted what I heard, attributing it to exhaustion. He turned back to Zeke, no sadistic grin, no furrowed brows. He was calm, unimpressed and all business.
"Sorry… it's too early in the morning… I don't think I heard you correctly,” Levi said, an attempt at professionalism even with the trappings of shock, disbelief and very inconvenient drowsiness.
“We don’t usually invite lower management to these types of meetings… But Mr. Jaeger requested you be here, to answer any questions that might pop up...” Erwin said apologetically.
“No. Not that… You mentioned it a while ago...Why is Mr. Jaeger here?”
"We’re making amendments to the contract," Erwin answered.
“And why do you need me here?”
“He’s here to buy the love alarm,” Erwin said so casually that Levi had to clear his throat, get rid of whatever popping sensation had been going on in his ears.
My love alarm. The love alarm he worked more than half a decade on. The love alarm which he knew like the back of his hand, from the backbone of the codes to the front end bugs.
"It's for sale?" Levi spat out. There were only so many ways he could speak and so many ways he could even articulate the emotions running through his head.
Erwin cleared his throat, seeming uncomfortable at such a simple question. "Initially no… we never considered selling it but when Zeke called about it last week, we thought it worth a conversation.” He turned to Zeke then back to Levi. “We were able to run through Zeke’s proposal with the higher ups last Friday, and given the generous proposal, we are more than willing to sell him the rights to the Love Alarm and the Emotions Alarm project.”
How much did he offer? Levi instinctively looked towards Zeke but he soon figured out that no matter what he said, Zeke probably would never disclose the final price. In some vague response, Zeke pulled the brown envelope on the table closer to himself. "Everything has a price,” he said matter-of-factly.
Erwin spoke up. "I did the calculations as soon as I received your call last Thursday and it looks like it would be more than enough to cover what potential earnings we expected within the next two years and more than enough for the development of another project.
Last Thursday night. The night they had met in Zeke’s penthouse suite. Was buying the love alarm an impulse decision on Zeke’s part? The timing just seemed too right.
And they only continued to talk about it, as if Levi wasn’t there. What did an engineer know about business though or about purchases as high volume as the rights to the love alarm?
For something that had taken countless all nighters over time and years of development, the process of selling it just seemed too easy. “Mr. Jaeger, if I may ask, what made you consider buying the love alarm?” Levi asked.
“Hange’s research,” Zeke said, as if it was the most obvious and the most noble reason in the world.
“And when you buy it, what then?” Levi challenged.
“I’ll work with Hange. We’ll hire new developers to fix the bugs you never fixed. We’ll further improve the product and the code and we’ll break the product down, see what else we can use to improve the emotions alarm project.” The answer was disappointing, a far cry from what Levi wanted to hear.
Your other plans with Hange. He had opened his mouth, ready to expound on the question.
Erwin though may have sensed the thick tension between them. "You have the contract?"
Zeke nodded. "I had our lawyer work on it over the weekend, a rush job. You can run through it with the higher ups and I'll have someone pick up a signed copy by this week"
"Believe me, we’re decided, you can even pick it up tomorrow," Erwin said as he opened the envelope, pulled out papers and flipped through the pages. For a second, he dropped the paperwork on the table then onto the page where the executives were expected to sign.
All familiar names from the big wigs all the way, down to Erwin. Levi's name wasn't there at all. Figures, Levi after all, was merely an engineer. He couldn't help but sense irony though in the fact that the one who knew the most about the product had no say in its actual fate.
Erwin's words only made the irony seem more glaring. “We'll use the next two weeks to do some clean up on our end, pack up the resources and work on data migration.”
By ‘we’, Levi knew Erwin would be ordering him to do that.. He couldn’t help but feel slightly cheated though. He would be basically ordered to take apart something he built from scratch, send it off and never see it again. And the longer he stared at the contract that would be ordering all that, the more desolate the air around him seemed to feel.
The product he had worked on for years, taking apart every now and then, breaking and putting back together to find even the smallest bugs, going on countless hours of overtime over, was like a child to him, a child he was unwillingly sending it away to some known.
Some masochistic part of him had him still staring at the contract, long enough still to remember his first contract when he first signed into the company, something that stayed snug into the back of his mind, unexpectedly kicking his arse then.
Ownership of Intellectual Property. Employee agrees that the Company shall own, and Employee shall (and hereby does) assign, all right, title and interest...
Everyone in the room seemed to have too much regard anyway for pleasantries anyway and never felt the need to clarify it. Levi had to rely on his own memory of Zeke saying it just a few days ago in his hotel room.
The company pays you. Any effort, ideas, projects you put into our product is company property.
And Zeke will be buying it so it will be his property.
Whether Zeke even knew how the alarm worked didn’t seem to matter to him though.“So, I guess in a matter two weeks, all server data and resources should be with Jaeger corporation.”
Erwin nodded. “We’d be happy to expedite the process. If all goes well, yes.”
When a huge sum of money was on the line, suddenly red tape was so easy to squeeze one’s way through. It took an enormous amount of effort to stay calm as they signed away the culmination of his own hard work, his countless hours of overtime, the blood, sweat and personal investment he put into that one application, all signed away in a brief second, all the red tape of a few weeks ago, non-existent.
Erwin turned to him, “If you can stay behind after the meeting, so we can discuss the logistics…”
Most days, Levi appreciated the manner at which Erwin spoke, the way he took some regard of Levi’s own time when giving orders. That day, there were too many things happening to even appreciate.
What else do you expect me to do? Say no? Hell, he had wanted to say no, but by the glaring lack of his own name on the contract, the glaring lack of regard for his own opinion on the matter, Levi could only seethe silently.
“Oh yeah,” Zeke snapped his fingers, loud enough to call Levi’s attention. “Hange sends her regards. She enjoyed working with your company a lot.” He turned to Levi and gave him a nod. “And to you too Ackerman, I just have to say we’re very grateful for your hard work and your generosity.”
What generosity? The implication that Levi had any say on commercial decisions seemed mocking.
“We’ll take good care of both applications,” Zeke continued. “And regards from Hange, she wishes you all the best with Petra.”
Petra. Levi let out a cough, letting out a subtle look at Erwin. If the latter did seem bothered, he didn’t show it.
With that, Zeke left the room, and Levi started to understand how someone could keep such a confident demeanor even with the slightest inconveniences. Somehow, having that many assets, wealth and power under one’s belt really had that paper.
The way he strode, embodied it, the way that in just a few phone calls, he had completely dismantled everything Levi had worked on, making it his own.
And when he closed the door gently behind him, leaving Levi and Erwin alone in the room, Levi was reminded once again, the love alarm, the emotion alarm, were never his, as much as he would have wanted to claim ownership.
They were never his, but suddenly they were Zeke’s. Levi turned to Erwin, narrowing his eyes, as he watched the blonde make his way to the desk. Erwin seemed uncomfortable as if he sensed the strange betrayal that something so standard as corporate procedure could bring. Then he cleared his throat and spoke up.
Two weeks. Levi was given two weeks to clean everything, migrate all data and vacate the office.
It was the company's project but it was Levi's responsibility. There was a broken partnership which somehow ended with two products sold. Yet even with all the damage dealt by that deal, the management needed some scapegoat from within the company.
Erwin had explained everything with as professional of a face as possible. With the tight lipped attempt at a grin that followed, the way he had avoided Levi’s eyes one too many times, Levi suspected Erwin knew more than he was letting on.
The photos maybe? The bug with Hange? The broken partnership? Of course someone would end up having to take the blame for giving Zeke a ‘bugged’ application.
Too many reasons, many among those rooted in some attempt to save face, in filthy office politics. And by then, Levi hadn’t been expecting too much.
That probably had been the reason that when Erwin looked back at him with a much softer expression, Levi couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, something to abate whatever emotion was threatening to let loose.
I didn’t think it was right for the mastermind behind the application to be terminated completely empty handed.
Erwin had arranged for some severance pay after the two weeks were over.
Enough to get out of the country, start somewhere else.
A job termination shouldn’t have been enough to be driven out of the country. Levi didn’t make too much sense of Erwin’s words until he had experienced it for himself a week later, through an empty email inbox after sending out the same resume to twenty companies for over thirty roles.
Have you heard of a no poach agreement? Erwin had asked back in the office.
A no poach agreement?
It’s technically illegal so this usually comes as a verbal agreement among companies. They’d note their best employees and if they have to let one go, all companies agree, they cannot hire them for a certain period of time, five to seven years. It's a 'scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' type of deal.
To keep company secrets apparently or to keep Levi from making a similar application in any other company.
If you want to continue working in the development industry, your best chance would be abroad.
Around one week left before his termination would become effective and Levi gave up on finding a development job in his city, hell even his country. Around that time he had started to clean up his studio apartment, throwing out whatever was needed.
He started looking through immigration laws, consulting when necessary. He looked through apartments in other cities, then labor laws. The severance pay was more than enough at least to get him out, and Erwin had been a big help in straightening other legalities out.
He had an extra few weeks to clean out his room, pack up his things, straighten out immigration issues and buy a damn ticket out of there.
In between, his final week at work. He had never considered leaving his job of over a decade to have ended such a long bittersweet moment. In reality, he never really had the time to appreciate normalcy and he felt some regret at that.
Migrating server data, resources, making sure everyone under him had straightened out their leaves, making sure they were assigned to new projects took time. Allowing himself reprieves in-between to just sit down, and stare at half filled boxes also took longer and more effort than he had expected it too.
He stared at the ever increasing boxes that lined his office walls for a while longer. Surprisingly, for someone so fastidious, he had a lot he needed to clean out, both inside the computer and outside.
You will lose all accesses, to emails, to chat accounts and to company property by end of day Friday. He got that same message, in different forms from human resources, from Erwin and Levi was on a strict time limit to get everything out.
In some protest, some act of empowering rebellion, Levi was taking his sweet time. He continued to reserve conference rooms, staying out of his own room as much as possible, going through each line of code slowly as if he they were all individuals all deserving of their own greeting.
He started with the backend, then went to the frontend. He looked through the pull requests and the merge requests and the fixes that would never make the next release.
And Friday couldn’t have come any faster. By then, Levi had ninety percent of  his office space cleaned out. He entered the room to find his own team lugging out some of the boxes.
100 percent done then? Levi thought to himself.
Eld was the first one to speak up. “We thought you’d need some help. We heard you only had until five to vacate the room." Yet, he had the expression of a guilty child caught taking cookies from the cookie jar at midnight.
His whole team looked similar.
Levi shook his head. "No, this is much appreciated," he said. A stiff choice of words if he did say so himself but the last few hours of work weighed on him more heavily than the days leading up to it.
He only had two hours before he lost access to everything he had worked on for years.
He held his work laptop close to himself as he watched them lug box after box out of the room.
"Eld was suggesting we go get something to eat tonight," Gunther suggested.
"That depends…" Levi started. Definitely, whether he enjoyed it depended on how quickly he could brush off that weight then that tightening in his chest. "Have you talked to your new team leads? Your new managers?" he asked, an attempt at a light conversation. He wondered if his expression betrayed his words.
Maybe they did. "Or we could wait a few days," Eld said.
"We'll see. We have a few more hours before the end of day," Levi said. He slipped past them and walked back into his office.
Shelves empty, desk spotless and even the floor shone with some unsettling gleam. It had always been spotless, he made sure of it but there had always been something melancholic about rooms that had been full for years, suddenly empty.
And until a few weeks ago, the room had felt like Hange. He had deliberately left many of the crooked books on the shelf, the crooked documents, the titled reusable paper tray and the test devices messily lined up on the shelfs because Hange had left it that way.
And the whiteboard right next to his desk which Hange had failed to clean many weeks before was suddenly wiped clean. Levi didn't even noticed he let out a sound, a mix between a gasp and a whimper when he saw Hange's list of emails completely gone, erased over.
"You okay in there, boss?" Petra asked.
"Someone cleaned the whiteboard," Levi said.
"Oluo, I told you he'd point out your shitty job cleaning the board!" Petra said, from just outside.
Oluo responded. "Well, he's not going to be using it anymore so I though--- Ow!" Some silence followed, then approaching footsteps. "Sorry sir, I'll clean it again."
"No, it's fine," Levi said, he put his hand up, as if to stop Oluo from making that quick trek back to the white board. "I'll clean up the rest. Thanks for the help."
For once, he was grateful for someone's carelessness. The white board wasn't as clean as he thought it was a second ago and maybe because he would have rather it wasn't clean.
Hange wrote in crooked lines where ends hit one another, others fell and the fonts and sizes were never too similar from one line to the other. And the closer Levi came to the whiteboard, he noticed it, one email peeking out, spared by the shoddy erasing job.
Hange had multiple emails she used for testing and when Levi opened his work laptop one last time, enjoying the last few hours of access as he cleaned up folders and code repositories, he found himself looking back at the email.
Does she still use it? He asked himself
Maybe. It was worth a try at least.
He looked once again around the room, the very empty room. Then he looked back at his screen, opened the repositories that were ready to be sent out to the point person from Jaeger corporation.
Then he opened his own personal folder, the unfinished codes from the love alarm then the mood alarm then the plans, the files and on the upper left of the file 'the Mood Alarm.'
To hell, with red tape, bureaucracy and all that shit. It was his project, right at his fingertips. It wasn’t Zeke’s nor was it management. The only reason they probably hadn’t sacked him on the spot was because he was the only one who could have so efficiently organized it before they sent it off to some poor sap who worked under Jaeger corporation.
He allowed himself one rebellion, or more specifically a string of rebellions.
If he were forced by some bureaucracy to send all the resources of the love alarm and the mood alarm to Hange, he would do it on his own terms.
He disconnected from the office wifi. He opened a hotspot then he opened his own personal email. Opening an incognito tab, he transferred all the codes and resources to his own personal repository, organizing it in a similar manner.
Then copied the link and started to compose an email.
All the codes for the love alarm
He pasted the link right below.
All codes for mood alarm.
And below it, he pasted another link.
He waited for a few more seconds as the email loaded the attachment, the file with all the plans he had for the mood alarm, allowing himself a small smile as he imagined Hange pondering the name 'mood alarm.'
He vacillated between writing a message under and keeping it brief. Then a second later, his fingers moved for him, he didn't even realize what he had been writing until it was on the page, ending on a period for finality.
“Dedicate your heart.” He read it out loud, then he felt a pang on his chest and a twist at his gut.
Dedicate your heart to what? He didn't want Hange dedicating her heart to anything. He wanted her free, flying high, doing whatever the hell she wanted to, bound by no role, no debt of gratitude, no excuse for love.
Reach for the sky? Hell, she could probably even make it to the stars.
So he went for something that left him cringing.
Reach for the stars (or anything higher than that).
Then he added something, collateral from that rush of indignance.
Don’t let anything stop you. Just remember, I would have given you all these damn codes for free.
After sending the email, he took a few precautions. He cleared his history, his cache, his browser and he deleted the rest of the files in his laptop. With one hour before the end of day, he turned off the laptop.
“Do you need any more help?” Petra had entered the room, hands behind her back in some very faux casual manner. And she seemed to be avoiding his gaze.
Levi used that moment to wipe that last line of Hange’s email, as if that could have been evidence to that bout of rebellion. “I’m done. Let’s leave the rest to whoever will be cleaning up the desk.”
Petra didn’t seem at all suspicious, or maybe she didn’t care. “That’s good. WIll you be joining us for dinner?”
Levi nodded. “Maybe my leaving is worth a dinner.”
“You’re really leaving?”
“Looks like it.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“I bought a plane ticket, secured a visa. I'll go somewhere, far from here, then find a job or maybe work freelance.
“I want you to stay here.”
“I wanna stay here too,” Levi admitted. “But I couldn’t even find a job.”
“I’ll miss having you here… And working with that love alarm. I really believed in the product and it made me realize my own feelings too,” Petra leaned by the window, looking worse for wear.
When Levi gave a long look, he noted maybe she had been crying. He almost felt guilty for not even struggling to fight back tears then.
Maybe his body had already reached the point of pure catatonic, pure acceptance at the hopelessness of the situation. “I’m sorry.” What was he saying sorry for? “I mean— I’m sorry I can’t stay.”
Petra took a deep breath. “This is probably the only time I can say something so I’ll say it now and you know, if you believe in your love alarm, you probably figured it out already,” Petra started. “I like you, I really like you. Actually you know what, it might be love. I don’t know if that would change anything—”
“It won’t.” Levi kept his voice firm. “I bought the ticket. I organized my papers and I have a place to stay. I’m leaving.”
“For good?” Petra had on a wounded look, her mouth twisted into something similar to a pout, by her eyes were elsewhere as if she knew there was a little too much vulnerability in her voice. “So, whatever I feel, it won’t change anything?”
Levi shook his head. “I don’t think it would be fair to you if I accept your feelings. I’m in no hurry to date.” He let out a clipped sardonic laugh. “At this point, I’ll probably die alone.”
“You deserve—”
“And you deserve someone who wouldn’t decide to date you for convenience.” Maybe Levi had been a little too frank at that moment.
Petra didn’t respond, her mouth frozen in a tight lipped line.
“The love alarm will be back so maybe you can use that to find someone else whose alarm rings with yours,” Levi continued, his voice deliberately gentler. “Or what about growing something organically, without the help of that stupid app. I honestly think, sometimes the love alarm causes more chaos than actually fixes things.” He shrugged. “It depends on the circumstances really.”
Circumstances he probably would never understand. He turned back to the black screen and reflected for a long painful moment about it. He was a slave to circumstance.
They were silent for a while longer and Levi used that time to recover, willing himself not to meet Petra's eyes.
She broke the silence a few seconds later. “We’ll meet you by the gate for dinner?”
“I’ll see you then, just give me an hour or so,” Levi said, checking the clock on his phone. He had a little more than an hour left before EOD. “Or just text me when you find a restaurant.”
It took a little longer to convince Petra to leave and it had ended with them having to text Levi a familiar restaurant name.
Levi had taken his time doing nothing at all, just sitting on his office chair in his bare office room. He counted down the minutes on his phone until five. A few times he had even stared at the seconds counting down on the digital clock view on his phone.
Around a minute past five. He booted his laptop again, typed out his email and password.
Access Denied. Please contact your IT Administrator.
At exactly five in the afternoon, he lost access to the system. He took a deep breath and let reality weigh him slowly, then sink deep into him in one swift sensation.
The love alarm and the mood alarm were never his. Any delusion that they were his had dissipated with all the company accesses.
In an airport, the point past immigration is international space.
Maybe that explained that strange liberation that came with getting past immigration and walking through the gates, searching for his own. Or it could have been many things at once. He was out of his old job, out of his old environment and somehow, in its own way, it symbolized a new beginning.
Even as an international space though, some things weren’t completely unavoidable. Settling on the departure gate, Levi went through some final checklists on his phone.
He had a new bank account. He had a place to stay as soon as he landed.
And his inbox was a confluence of unread mail. Many of them were goodbyes, from colleagues, some from finance, from human resources, from his own team and he wondered how the hell people found out and what they were thinking about his leaving.
Erwin sent a few tips on taxes and getting housing loans. Petra had sent a ‘safe flight’ message with the same pleasantries of meeting up when she gets to visit.
There was one message was avoiding and he decided to open it last. He spent the first few minutes before that spamming the same thank you message to every single goodbye message.
That one other message after all, was easy to ignore, just a bank notification that money had been wire transferred.
One hundred thousand dollars, the exact money he had lost and sent over to Yelena, he realized as he opened the message and put a little more thought into it.
You have two weeks to claim it. Two weeks? The countdown started a week ago and he only had a week to claim it.
Actually, not even a week. Looking up at the boarding time, he realized he only had an hour. He could probably organize something to have it sent over to his new account. Considering timing and the logistics though was stressful enough already. And besides, his mind found it more enticing to just indulge the context behind such a large sum of money.
It could have been a scam. The amount of money though had seemed too much of a coincidence and admittedly, Levi was a still lovesick.
Don’t send me money. Just fucking talk to me. Levi whispered to himself. Just in case, just in case that was Hange.
In some indignant response, he decided to delete the message and instead, spend last few hours going through some obscure threads on the industry. Something he had been actively avoiding.
Business Jaeger Zeke Jaeger acquires the love alarm… The mogul had found a fatal bug on the love alarm…
In a noble effort to improve the efficacy and accuracy of the product, he took it upon himself to oversee development….
Head developer behind the love alarm has been terminated....
Unnamed developer. He had at least been given that much. Levi let out a sigh. For a high profile application, no one really figured out the name of the head developer. It was a thankless job but Levi never thought too much about the glory of it.
And at that moment, he could only be grateful for the anonymity, whether or not Zeke had done it deliberately.
Plane ready for boarding.
They would be starting with first class passengers first and Levi knew he had more than enough time to take a trip, to the farthest trash can, yet still something near enough to catch the flight.
He unzipped the front pocket of his backpack, pulling out a small sim card pin. He poked it, pulling out the tray, noting the bronze sheen of the sim card. It had taken him a few tries to hold the small card between his fingers and a few more tries to bend it between his fingers, bend it to the point of unusable.
He pocketed his phone and quickly made his way back to the boarding gate.
No bank account. No phone number. He wondered why he went through that much of an effort to destroy everything.
Maybe just for an attempt for a new beginning. Or maybe because he didn’t want her to find him.
The more he thought about it though, the sooner he realized he wanted her to find him. He just thought it better to assume that she wouldn’t even try.
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coriel-muroz · 2 years
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I posted 582 times in 2021
169 posts created
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#too bad people won't have a wants bar that is so easy to measure to help recover from the red to the green zone simply with a puppy
My Top Posts in 2021
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First shot of Huntsville. I have A LOT of aliens in this hood, and I was never a huge fan. Didn’t love their look. Working on making them over so that I’m more into them. (Also of the 6 children in this household, there is a set of 3 clones and a set of 2 clones - definitely predates my knowledge of the First Born Syndrome)
14 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 03:02:03 GMT
8-9-27 🐥
Thank you @sims-for-semi!
8. My favourite gameplay blogs are @frauhupfner who has a gorgeous Decades Challenge going on and @cozy-sims with the Northshore BACC recently started.
9. My favourite storytelling blogs are @pixeldolly with her Walden BACC and @rurpleplayssims with her Campbell Quay BACC. And before you say, wait a minute, aren't those gameplay blogs - sure, they are. But the way both of them incorporate gameplay into telling stories that I am always anxiously awaiting the next post for is amazing!
27. The farthest I've gotten in a challenge is tough to say. It could be my Bachelorette Challenge, staring Kaylynn Langerak. Despite only having blogged half of it on tumblr, I did in fact complete it.
The other challenge that's been successful for me is my neighbourhood Huntsville - which you can see my new posts for since I revived the hood. It's been going since 2007 and is sort of a legacy. Essentially, I'm supposed to play every Sim decendant of the founders, Nicole and Matt Hunt. Currently, I have Sims from the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th generation populating the hood!
14 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 22:02:34 GMT
Huntsville Revived #94
Spring - Day 1-3 - Household 15 - Cory & Christy Gonzaga, and their dog Maxx.
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Cory knows he pretty. He works very hard on it. It’s been helpful in his successful career in Show Business. As a Family/Fortune Sim, at 48, he’s had shares of Family and of mis-Fortune.
Cory is divorced. He has two sons, Robbie and Charles, from his first marriage to Mary Anne City. Mary Anne lives two townhouses over in their apartment lot, with her new (third) husband, Felix. Her second ex-husband, Garrick Lawson, lives in the townhouse in between. Currently, Robbie and Charles live with their mother and their little brother, Rick.
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After his divorce from Mary Anne, Cory was single for a while. He didn’t enjoy it, but knew he needed to find a wife who suited him better.
Recently, he met Christy Stratton. Now Christy Gonzaga.
Christy is 35, she is starting out in a career in politics, and she is a Family Sim who would love to have 6 children and see them all married. Might be possible, if she counts Robbie & Charles.
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At the moment, Christy & Cory don’t have any children of their own, but they do have their lovely dog Maxx.
15 notes • Posted 2021-11-30 23:40:49 GMT
If you are a Sims 2 fan and you aren't reading @pixeldolly 's Walden BACC, then you are missing out!! Not only are we reaching a satisfying pay off to what happened before, but the drama is escalating!!
19 notes • Posted 2021-06-24 15:49:15 GMT
Favourites question for my Sims 2 friends.
Do you use custom food?
If so, what are your favourite meals you've added to your game?
I'm tagging a few people, but please answer whether if you have suggestions. I didn't want to end up with no one seeing my post.
@rurpleplayssims @pixeldolly @tamtam-go92 @frauhupfner @hyegracielog
67 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 19:08:43 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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broken-balance-baby · 2 years
forgotten idols and their intertwined destinies (chapter 7)
Chapters: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26
“You didn’t follow my plan!” Adhrit said, storming off, voice echoing through the caves. Bhadra followed him even as people were turning their heads to them. Privacy was not a good feature to this system.
“Your plan wasn’t going to work when we were surrounded anyway! What was I supposed to do?!” 
Adhrit stopped, then, and he turned around. “The others have served their purpose, Sakshi. We were not supposed to blow the brick factory up. That factory could have saved us thousands of things for this country’s fucked economy!”
“Okay— okay, alright, I’m sorry!” Bhadra exclaimed. Adhrit drew close to her, placing his hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t be sorry.” he said, grip tightening. Suddenly his face pulled into a smile. “Be better .” 
Bhadra stayed silent. He turned his back.
“We’re lucky that building only took some damages from your bombs. When we have it recovered, I’ll need some of our people to be processing what they were in the middle of doing, then we’ll have the workers manage the rest.”
Bhadra’s shoulders sagged. 
“You have more requests to follow through with the tasks, Sakshi,” Adhrit said, pausing. “Go and handle them until I call you.”
Bhadra huffed through her nostrils. “Okay, Adhrit.”
“Do you know anything about the FND general?” Bhadra asked a lady in the middle of painting. She tied the pack of wolf skin into one bag and gave it to her. 
“I heard he was the president of his country, but that’s all I know.” she shrugged. 
“His name is Diego Castillo,” Another man said, dragging out the body of a royal soldier with Bhadra as they tossed it to the fire. “I heard he’s just like Pagan.” 
“Interesting.” She said, carrying a crate of watermelons to the old vendor at the corner of the village. She’d just finished telling Bhadra about Diego’s army. 
The rest of the day, she spent it doing tasks and requests from other people in and out of the villages. It made her look to the sky, the grounds, the mountains. The place was slowly starting to crawl with those FND bastards, slowly infecting the cities with their filth as they traversed along with the royal army. They needed to be fast about this, time wasn’t a luxury, and yet the irony was she was busy helping out doing the best she could in order to get the people going. 
She had to remember that she said so herself: she wasn’t part of the revolution. She’s just helping out, and then she’ll get home and rest.
Except that, really, Bhadra doesn’t know when and where to be honest with herself. 
To Kyrat, she had been Sakshi Bal. If she was herself, as Bhadra Najjar, this country would have eaten her alive long ago. Nobody else knew her, not even Noore, not even Ajay, for fuck’s sake, because nobody wanted her to stay alive long enough.
And now the scar sits. The bullet stuck in her jaw aches. A reminder that sends her to mirrorless mornings and violent outbursts at night. 
She hasn’t known herself for a long time. There were fragments, there were only hints, but there weren’t any more about that. 
So today, for now, from yesterday to next week, she was Sakshi— the hero of Kyrat. The fighter for freedom. She made sure of that as she shot down one soldier after another during a package drop in Utkarsh. 
One shot. Two shots. She sprinted away and aimed her gun, firing. 
She just didn’t get to see the tranquilizer shot onto her arm. 
“Not— not again!” She forced out, right before falling face first into the bushes. 
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For A Greater Good 18/18
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not my gif
He Who Must Not Be Named
Summary: Kate Williams, young healer and member of the Order,  joins Durmstrang’s staff at Dumbledore’s request. Her mission? Find a     Death Eater and survive long enough to tell the story. Set in 1996.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x ofc/mc
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
[Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14]
[Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17]
A/N: bold lines are from the book Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix
Severus Snape emerged from the shadows to stand in front of his ally.
“I was starting to think you wouldn’t come, Severus.” The voice of Albus Dumbledore was, as expected, steady and confident. “Do you have it?”
Snape approached him, eying the room with suspicion. It was the first time he had stepped inside Dumbledore’s hiding place, but despite he trusted the man, a chill ran down his spine. Keeping a stoic expression, he reached inside his robes and handed him a rolled piece of parchment.
“She had it with her. As you said.”
Dumbledore unrolled the document and nodded slowly. Another name wrote itself with the others.
“It is vital that Cornelius sees Voldemort first. After that, I will personally make sure that this information reaches the aurors.” The bearded man walked to the end of the room; the dim light of a candle outlined Fawkes’ silhouette.
“My name appears on that list.” Snape watched Dumbledore’s hand halt in the air. He turned around and with challenging eyes, he stared at him as he unrolled the parchment again. Turning his gaze back to the paper, Dumbledore pursed his lips together as if he was going to whistle and with a light blow, the name ‘Severus Snape’ left the paper in the form of black ashes.
He looked up at the potions teacher from up his glasses. Snape nodded.
“What happened to Yankelevich?”
“She will be brought to Nurmergard” The phoenix moved so his master could slide the parchment under him. “Attempted murder, at least.”
“I don’t understand why you sent Williams. Yankelevich wasn’t an immediate threat and Alastor could have done it faster and more efficiently.”
Dumbledore turned and put his hands behind his back. “You underestimate her. She’s learnt fast, and listened to your instructions, didn’t she? You were busy training Harry to notice, of course, but her occlumency skills have improved enormously, and she’s been practising how to communicate with Mr Weasley.”
“You said she would, yes…”
“Well, she refused using her patronus to communicate, and she needed to be away from him to practise.” He opened his mouth to say something else, but he reconsider it. At Snape’s piercing stare, he kept going, “Astrid knew someone was up to no good and needed a favour, however,” he pointed at Fawkes’ nest “that was my goal.”
He walked to the nearest chair and sat down, grabbing a goblet from the table. Before sipping, he caught how Snape’s jaw tensed. “Besides, Alastor’s never run freely around a castle, breaking rules and finding places he is not supposed to enter. She has.”
“How did she know how to find it?”
“I said her skills had improved, not that they were better than mine. I might have… given her a small guidance.” He raised his hand up to his temple’s level and brushed his index and thumb together. “ I was certain that Karkarov knew about the existence of the room. It was the most logical place to hide it.”
“Where is he now?” demanded Snape.
Dumbledore looked at his partner with amused eyes, but corrected his demeanour quickly. “I have no idea. I mistakenly believed he would be in the forest. I sent a letter to Katherine in hopes she would meet him there. Turns out, he is smarter than I thought.”
“It won’t be long until He finds out Karkarov’s writing that.” Snape pointed at Fawkes’s nest, and the bird chirped unhappily.
“I know.” He tsked and took a sip from his beverage, “But it was his choice.”
“What are you going to do until then?”
“We’ll wait. That spell is not easy to perform. We’ll let him write as much as he can.” They fell silent for a long while, lost in their thoughts, until Dumbledore spoke again.
“Tomorrow. He wants the prophecy.”
“Of course. Of course…” he stood up and crossed his hands in front of him and searched in his companion’s black eyes. Snape reached inside his sleeve and took out a small vial with a silver liquid in it. He handed it to Dumbledore, who read the tag ‘K. Williams. Durmstrang’.
“She will not remember the names.”
With one last nod, Albus Dumbledore observed how his confidant dissolved in the air.
Katherine Williams awoke for the second time in the same Grimmauld Place’s cold room. She let the sun rays hit her eyelids and savoured the memory of Charlie’s firm body against her own.
When she reached behind her, only cold sheets wished her a good morning.
Promise me something. Promise me you’ll wake me up to say goodbye.
She stared at the pillow next to her and sighed. To be fair, he didn’t make such a promise. He didn’t say anything at all.
Putting her disappointment aside, she prepared herself for one of the most exhausting whirlwinds one could face: the loving care of Molly Weasley.
Sitting up with her back against the headboard, she stretched her neck to the side and had to do a double take at the nightstand.
A pink flower with orange undertones sat beside a piece of paper that was folded in half. Her stomach flipped, and she considered forgiving him for leaving.
A snapdragon for the strongest of flowers.
I hope this wasn’t a one-time thing. Owl me.
“Oh, shut up!” Kate whispered, but a chuckle escaped her mouth, anyway.
Movement on the other side of the door startled her, and she hid the note under the pillow before quickly hiding herself behind the covers.
The doorknob turned, and Mrs Weasley entered the room.
“Oh, thank Godric you are alright!” Molly was by her side in four long strides and cradled Kate’s head in her hands. “How are you feeling? Charles told me you woke up last night. You look pale. Did you rest?”
“Yes, Mrs Weasley, I’m fine. My head is spinning a little, though.”
“Of course, of course, let me see that arm.”
Internally complaining, Kate let her put the cream on her arm and tend the bruises of her neck.  She didn’t have the courage to tell her that wouldn’t make the scar disappear. When she finished, Molly nodded with a satisfied smile and proceeded to pick up the clothes that were scattered on the floor. Kate held her breath during the entire the process.
“This boy... tsk... taught him better than this! At least he could have brought his clothes with him…” Kate wasn’t sure if she was oblivious or if she was giving them a green card because they weren’t at The Burrow. In any case, she felt the need to take Charlie off the hook.
“I’m sorry, that’s my fault, Charlie let me use his clothes after I showered and when I went to sleep... they were bothering me.” That wasn’t exactly a lie. She gestured her neck to point at her bruises and then remembered that maybe there were ones more recent, that she did not want to explain. Charlie had never left a mark on her, but that night he felt a tad possessive and she wasn’t sure he could be trusted.
Although Molly hadn’t commented on them while she was applying the cream, the younger witch rested her hand there, trying to appear casual. Just in case.
“Ah, don’t worry, dear.” Molly waved her free hand nonchalantly and went to pick her cloak from the floor. While putting on the robe that Charlie had left at the end of the bed, Kate remembered that she technically stole the uniform band.
“Oh, this is warm! What a nice coat!” She waved the magically warmed piece of clothing, admiring it, and something the size of a matchbox flew across the room in doing so. “Oh! I’m so sorry, I always check the pockets and now look at this!” She murmured something under her breath and went to pick up the mysterious object, but Kate interrupted her.
“I’ll get it, don’t worry.”
“Very well, then. I made you some breakfast, but it’s already cold, Charlie made me swear I would let you sleep in!” She laughed and when she was crossing the threshold, she added, “Arthur got your trunk, it’s downs… ah!”
Mr Weasley appeared from behind her with a smile on his face and his hands on her waist.
“Oh, not you too, Arthur, I have enough with your sons apparating everywhere…”
His husband ignored her with a laugh and entered the room, her trunk following him in the air.
“Special delivery!” He roared.
“Thank you so much, Mr Weasley.” He approached Kate, and after hugging her shoulders with an arm, he kissed the top of her head. “You scared us the other day, eh?” He squeezed her. “But, let’s thank Godric you are safe and sound! I must go to work now, if you’ll excuse me…”
“I’m fine, really. We healers recover quickly. Tonks filled me in, and I’m feeling alright.”
“Alright, then. I’ll let you change.” Molly placed a hand on her own cheek for a moment and left the room without another word.
The moment Mrs Weasley closed the door behind her, Kate spooned around and crawled down the wooden desk to retrieve the small object.
Placing it on her palm, she murmured ‘engorgio’, making the tiny leather journal grow to its original size.
Letters, maps, notes, names, drawings, and a full research on how to magically cross plant species were contained in that notebook. The past six months were portrayed in those pieces of paper, and their value was incalculable.
Looking up, she faced one of the obscure paintings that belonged to the Black family. Kate stared at a woman standing on a bridge in what appeared to be a forest, and a question formed in her mind. She needed to go to St. Mungo’s.
 Convincing Molly that she could go alone to the hospital was harder than the mission she just came from. After a diluted Invigoration Draught and some help from Lupin, she managed to step out of Grimmauld Place.
She didn’t feel ready to apparate, and she doubted she would ever be, so she enjoyed her walk through the streets of the city. With the muggle money that Lupin gave her, she jumped on the first underground station she saw and followed his directions.
She got comfortable on an empty seat and observed the people on the train car. When she saw a couple getting handsy in a corner, a wave of sadness washed over her, and had to look away.
She missed Charlie terribly. The night before was too desperate and rushed, she didn’t have time to savour the moment. She didn’t even ask him about his mission with the giants, about his dragons, or about how he felt all that time alone at home. Being on a mission kept her head occupied for most of the time, but now, with nothing to do, she anticipated some time of loneliness.
She brought her hand to her chest, and her heart ached even more when she couldn’t find the necklace that Charlie had gifted her many years before. No. Stop it. You’ll get answers and study your notes and then... and then you will have to explain to Dumbledore you lost an important document that could have saved lives. Brilliant.
Soft clapping noises brought her back to reality. A woman in front of her was struggling to hold an excited baby on her lap. Kate observed the child and smiled when his little finger touched her mother’s nose. The baby turned his head and stared at Kate for a while before raising his arm to wave at her. She chuckled and returned the greeting, her trip improving slightly and temporarily.
 Walking through St Mungo’s doors had a mixed effect of nostalgia and excitement. She had spent many hours in that hospital studying, training, and learning, and all of a sudden, she was fresh out of Hogwarts again, with all the emotions that implied. Taking a deep breath, she walked through the corridor and started searching for her first mentor and boss, Madame Louise.
She scanned the faces of the healers that were working, rapidly treating the patients like frantic ants recollecting their food.
“Williams?” Kate turned at the deep voice calling her and recognised the robust middle-aged woman in front of her. “What brings you here? I thought you were working in Romania?”
“Hello, Madame Louise, yes, well I was… working there. But I’m here as a patient today.”
Madame Louise frowned and looked at Kate up and down before giving a curt nod.
“Wait on that bed.” She said before turning and walking away.
Kate sat as directed and stared at the beautiful glass stained windows of the place.
“I request you let me go right now! This is nonsense.” She could recognise that firm voice anywhere. To her right Professor McGonagall was lying on one of the beds and arguing with a boy that Kate figured he was wishing he hadn’t been born.
She walked towards them and put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “I’ll take it from here, thank you.”
“Who are you? You are not a healer; Madame Louise will hear about this.”
“Mister, this young woman knows more than you, do us all a favour and go with your mother.” Intervened McGonagall.
“I heard Jared O’Leary was looking for you.” The boy shifted in his place and nodded nervously before leaving them alone.
“Professor, what happened?” Kate’s healer mode activated and started scanning McGonagall for injuries and signals of distress.
“Oh, Williams, a lot is been happening this past year. I can imagine you’ve been informed?”
“Vaguely. I arrived two days ago from…”
“I know.”
Kate grabbed the file at the foot of the bed and read the report on McGonagall’s state.
“Four stunning spells to the chest?” She looked up and asked with her eyes, but her professor wasn’t in a mood for a talk.
“Williams, I must get out of here and go back to Hogwarts. I’m afraid it’s going to be too late by the time they let me go.”
“Professor, you could faint just by… too late for what?”
“Williams!” Madame Louise motioned her to come closer. Kate hesitated, but followed the mediwizard to a quieter space. “What happens to be the problem?”
“I’ve been poisoned two days ago.”
“In that case you should have come earlier, don’t you think?”
“There’s been… complications. I wanted to ask you if it’s possible to poison someone without using a vial or a potion or, I don’t know, food or drinks.”
The woman hummed and crossed her arms in front of her. “That’s rather strange.”
“Is this…” Kate moved the collar of the shirt to the side, revealing the red marks that hadn’t disappeared yet. “… a possible way?”
Louise grabbed the glasses that were hanging by a chain around her neck and placed them on the tip of her nose to inspect the injuries.
“The poison could have been injected with some kind of needle, but the shape of these marks means claws or… nails.”
She took her glasses off and waved them while talking. “I imagine it is possible, but you must have a very twisted mind to carry around poison in your nails. Also, you need to be very careful, a bad placement of the poison can cause yourself to get ill. In what kind of troubles are you getting into, Williams?”
“It’s a story for another day.”
 “Madame Louise, I can’t find Jared O’Leary…” The boy that was treating McGonagall appeared from behind Kate.
“What are you talking about? Go back to work! Naturally, you can’t find him. He doesn’t work here anymore!”
“But she…”
“Is every patient cured, Mr Boyle?” Kate slid away from the conversation to where Professor McGonagall was resting.
“I suddenly feel tired…”
Kate nodded and checked that the potions on her nightstand were filled and in order. A hand grabbed her wrist, and she turned to look at McGonagall.
“Katherine. You must find Potter. Something terrible is about to happen.”
Kate frowned and got closer to her former professor’s face.
“The Ministry. Try the Ministry,” she whispered.
Kate didn’t think twice. She ran all she could to the underground station, receiving some odd glances from the surrounding people.
When she arrived at the Ministry stop, she could sense the commotion even from the muggles that were passing by.
“A gas leak.” She heard while climbing up the mechanic stairs. Some people complained at her rudeness, but she couldn’t stop and apologise at the moment.
“There’s the press. Those vultures. It was probably a problem with plumbing. Look! The water reached the first floor!” A man said.
Kate tried to walk among the curious souls that were conglomerated around the building and recognised the protection bubble that was forming around it. She slid under it with ease.
“But I heard an explosion! I’m telling you!” a woman said to a journalist.
She tried to enter the building, but what seemed to be an auror stopped her.
“Let me in! I’m a healer!”
The man remained stoic and grabbed her arm.
“I… I don’t have it right now but…”
“You can’t go in, Miss” She tried to get rid of him and she almost succeeded, but when the doors to the Ministry opened, she stopped the struggle. Four aurors walked out the building protecting several figures that walked behind them. She tried to reach them, but the security guard grabbed her again.
“You are the cursed girl! Daily Prophet here! Are you involved in the accident? How do you think your father will react to this? How do you think this is connected to your brother?”
“I’m not…” dumbfounded by the flash of a camera, she tried to escape from the journalists.
“Miss Williams! Miss Williams! What can you tell us about the person who died?”
She couldn’t hear anything, see anything, someone pushed her, and she felt another flash of a camera. Her head was spinning.
Cornelius Fudge stepped out of the building and pointed his wand at his neck. He cleared his throat and all the attention was directed at him.
“It is with great regret that I must confirm that the wizard styling himself Lord… well, you know who I mean… is alive and among us again.”
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
12. Skydiving with no parachute
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Genre: Min Yoongi x oc
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.3k
“You’re all packed and ready to go, right?” Sebastian’s voice is loud and clear as I put him on speaker phone and place him on the nightstand.
“Just about,” I respond, folding another shirt and placing it in my suitcase. “I’m just wrapping it up right now. What time will you guys be here tomorrow?”
Bong-cha is out for a meeting at the Bighit building, she promised to come back as soon as possible so we could enjoy the evening together. I decided to make the most of my afternoon and pack everything up.
“Rhea said we’ll swing by at 6.”
Our flight leaves tomorrow morning at 9:30, sending us back over to Europe for another week of promos and then we’ll be off to the states. Home sweet home.
“Ok, sounds great.”
“See ya tomorrow.”
For all that’s gone on over the past few weeks, today is too calm and quiet. I have the entire house to myself, nobody is blowing up my phone, and I have nowhere to really go today. Any other day, I would have been over the moon about my current situation...but I can’t help but feel a little restless.
Yoongi and I brainstormed yesterday for a long time, trying to figure out just how we were going to make this work. Living on opposite sides of the world and the both of us having busy schedules that just so happen to be in the spotlight isn’t exactly making this easy.
There was a point yesterday where Yoongi stopped mid-sentence and looked at me with bright red cheeks.
“Is this moving too fast? I mean, I know you said we’re on the same page, but I think we should try to make this as normal as possible, you know?”
That statement alone was enough to have me swooning over him all over again. “I’m with you on that. I think right now...should we just focus on the basics?”
To be honest, I still don’t even know what we are, but I’m just happy to know that we are something.
At least, that’s what I’m trying to entertain myself with now that I’m just sitting on the couch and staring at Bong-cha’s TV. I’m not even sure what I’m watching, the thoughts in my head are too loud to think around anyway.
There’s a lot that I end up doing within the confines of the apartment. I can safely say that I’ve completed 12 ½ squats, 3 pushups, and one thirty second wall sit.
I’ve also eaten approximately three meals in the past two hours, so yeah. Boredom can be a dangerous thing, can’t it?
The reality of the situation is this: I’ve completed everything I need to do for the day, and now I’m just trying to stop myself from marching back into my room and folding Yoongi’s black shirt for the fifth time.
Eventually I end up scrolling through the outlines my agent has sent me, mulling over each option. There’s one project that is especially calling my name, but from what I’ve heard there’s a couple of pretty big actresses going after it.
I’m in the middle of a very convincing monologue when Bong-cha walks in.
“Wow,” she chuckles at me while dropping her bag on the counter. “Looks like you’re having a great time.”
“Oh, yeah.” I shrug, putting my phone away. “I’m trying to memorize this monologue for an audition. It’s all about this forbidden love back in the 1700s, it sounds like it would be pretty intense. But people love that kind of crap, you know? Hey, how was your meeting?”
Bong-cha is slipping into her room to change into something more comfortable. “It was fine, pretty boring. Just wrapping up some final details. Jungkook said to tell you hello, by the way.”
We both know who I’m really itching to ask about, but I refrain from asking for the time being. “So what’s on the agenda for tonight? We can go out, eat at that one restaurant, you know the one by the park? That place never gets old. Or we can stay in, order takeout.” I quickly add once I notice the look of pure exhaustion on Bong-cha’s face.
Rolling her shoulders, she shoots me a tired smile. “Don’t you want to go out? I don’t want to be lame for your last night here.”
“No, I really don’t care. Sometimes it’s nice to just chill at home.”
It doesn’t take much more convincing before Bong-cha is on the phone and ordering up some food. We settle down in the front room, bickering over different movies and chatting about my promo schedule.
“So you’re going back to Europe? Why? Weren’t you just there?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, but we weren’t able to finish up everything that we wanted to because we came here. So we’ll be there for a week in Germany and Italy.”
“And then you’re heading home?”
“When are you going to start bringing me souvenirs? I always-” Bong-cha is cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the door. “Oh, there’s the food. Anyways, like I was saying- oh!”
I jump up from my seat, heart pounding in my chest as I hope against hope that a certain dear friend of mine is at the door.
“Hi, I intercepted your delivery guy.”
Jimin holds up our food with a shy smile, giving me a little wave. Bong-cha takes a moment to recover, but when she does she invites him in and scolds him for doing the deliverer’s job.  
“Are you packed now?” Jimin asks me from where he’s unloading our food on the counter. Bong-cha is moving about in a frenzy, pulling glasses from the cupboards and shooting me panicked expressions any chance she gets.
It’s all I can do to not burst out laughing at the situation. “Yeah, everything is ready to go. Actually, would you mind taking something back to Yoongi for me?” When Jimin nods I rush into my room and grab the black t-shirt from my bed.
“Wow, you stole his clothes? That’s pretty bold of you,” Jimin teases me before setting the shirt down where he’ll remember it. “Here’s your plate.”
I take the plate from him, making some lame excuse about needing something from the kitchen and sidling over to Bong-cha. “Invite him to stay for the movie,” I breathe out, hoping she hears me.
“Have you eaten?” Bong-cha asks as she stomps on my foot. I yelp, rushing out of the kitchen.
“No, not yet. I’ll eat later, though.”
“Well...Cara and I were just going to watch a movie tonight. You can stay if you want, we’ll order more food.”
Jimin’s smile could power New York City as he looks at Bong-cha. “Sure, that’d be nice.”
We fall into an easy conversation, the three of us lounging about and scarfing down our food. Jimin ends up ordering a ghastly amount of food and treats, so much that it looks like we’re hosting a party. I can tell that Bong-cha is one churro away from offering Jimin her hand in marriage as he laughs at a funny part in the movie.
7:06 ME: Soooo Jimin and Bong-cha?
It’s surprisingly easy to angle my phone away from their attention as the two of them are lost in their own little world. One watches the movie while the other watches the person, and then they switch.
7:09 MYG: What, the fact that he’s completely whipped for her?
“What are you over there giggling about?” Bong-cha asks me, wiggling her eyebrows. Jimin tries to do the same, looking like some evil experiment.
“What? The movie is really funny.”
“The main character’s mother just died.”
Jimin leans back, stretching a bit. “I bet she’s texting Yoongi. That’s all he’s ever doing these days, anyways.” My face burns which leads Jimin to give a triumphant shout.
“Has he confessed his undying love for you yet?” Bong-cha asks. Jimin jumps in next.
“He basically did yesterday, didn’t he?”
“No, Cara just said that they’re working through the basics. No ‘I love yous’ or anything yet.”
“Yeah,” Jimin rests his hands on his knees, angling himself toward Bong-cha. “But actions speak louder than words.”
Now Bong-cha leans forward as well, my own participation in this conversation long forgotten. “That’s true, but you can’t just rely on actions alone! Sometimes words are necessary.”
“So girls want actions and words?”
“Of course they do! Actions can be misleading, words at least offer a clear explanation!”
Jimin looks like he’s caught between telling Bong-cha he loves her or pulling her closer. “But words can be misleading as well! Why can’t people just connect the dots through someone’s actions?”
7:12 ME: Oh my gosh they’ve got it baaaad
7:12 ME: This is honestly the most fun I’ve had all day, just watching them. Are they always this oblivious?
“Because nobody should have to rely on that one thing alone! There should be a healthy balance between actions and words. Say what you intend, and follow up with your actions! It’s as simple as that!” Bong-cha is nearly panting, but there’s a hint of a smile curling around her lips.
Jimin scans her face for a moment longer, eyes lingering on the bridge of her nose and the way her hair falls into her face when she’s riled up.
“Huh. Interesting.” With that Jimin sits back, returning his attention to the screen. Bong-cha follows suit almost immediately.
“Idiots,” I mumble under my breath.
“What was that?” Bong-cha asks.
“Oh, nothing. Just reading out loud.”
12:17 MYG: Sorry, I just got out of a meeting. I didn’t mean to not respond. To answer your question, yes. They’re always like that.
I’m wide awake and staring up at the ceiling when Yoongi messages me. Snatching my phone from the bedside table, I scan the text.
12:18 ME: You just finished your meeting? Why was it so late?
12:20 MYG: I had to change some things with the mixtape, so there were a lot of things to go over.
Frowning, I hastily type out another question.
12:21 ME: What are you changing? I thought it was perfect the way it was before, but I’m sure whatever you changed will be good too.
12:25 MYG: It’s not as bad as it sounds. I just finally found a concept that I thought really fit. Now we’re just trying to make sure everything flows with the concept.
12:27 ME: What’s the new concept?
A while passes before Yoongi responds, and I try to trick myself into thinking that we’re done talking for the night so I can finally get some rest. Of course, once my phone lights up with a new message I’m just as awake as ever.
12:52 MYG: You’ll see when it drops in December 😌
12:55 ME: Rude.
12:57 MYG: Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping right now? What time are you leaving in the morning?
1:00 ME: Leaving here at 6, flight leaves at 9:30.
Sighing into the darkness I watch at those three little dots appear at the bottom of the screen. I can’t lie and say that I wasn’t disappointed that I didn’t even get to see Yoongi today, but it’s just now that I’m realizing I didn’t even get to say goodbye.
I’ve told myself a million times today that this is just how it’s going to be, and that I’ll just take what I can get. If it’s tired late night texts, then I’ll take it.
I think that scares me. It scares me, how little I want from him. How he has so much sway over my heart.
It’s a good scary, I think. Like the kind of scared you get before you jump out of a plane, your first time going skydiving. Right now I’m just hoping that my parachute isn’t riddled with holes, but as I stare at those three little dots, I’m wondering if I even remembered to put a parachute on in the first place.
1:02 MYG: You should go to sleep, Car. Let’s facetime tomorrow? Just shoot me a text when you land.
As my tired fingers text out a goodnight, I can’t help but feel like I’m an idiot for skydiving without a parachute, because the ground seems to be approaching too fast.
All I know is there’s an alarm going off, and I want to kill it.
“Whaaaat do you want from meeee,” I groan out as I fumble in the darkness for my phone. Once it’s silenced, I check the time.
5:15 am. I’m disgusted.
Stumbling around the room until I hit the lightswitch, I hiss as light fills the room. Through squinted eyes I can see my suitcase and the clothes I laid out for today. I’m ashamed to say that I nearly sustained a concussion while attempting to put my pants on, my tangled legs and the dresser being the main culprits.
I think it goes without saying that by the time I emerge from the room and finish brushing my teeth, I’m ready to go back to bed.
The sounds of Bong-cha using the toaster guide me, suitcase in tow. Now comes the hardest part: saying goodbye.
“Do you want jam as well or just butter?” A deep, tired sounding voice asks me.
Min Yoongi stands before the toaster, decked out in sweats and a sweatshirt. His hair is a mess, standing up on the ends. His eyes are still half-closed, his lips in a pout as he turns to face me.
I gape at him, taking in what I think might be his best choice of outfit ever. “Is this a dream?”
He shakes his head slowly. “It’s too cold outside to be a dream. Jam or just butter?”
Later I’ll cover for myself and claim that my tears were just a side effect of the early morning and the long day ahead of me, but right now I can’t think up any excuse as hot tears start falling down my cheeks.
Yoongi’s eyes widen as he notices my predicament, and he clears the kitchen in no time, leaving the toast abandoned. I think he must be tired as well, because he doesn’t even hesitate before pulling me into his arms and squeezing me tight.
My arms wrap around his back, hands getting lost in the fabric of his hoodie. He presses his lips to the top of my head, the action causing me to snuggle in even deeper and get his hoodie all wet with my tears.
“Y-you came...and made m-me toast?” The words are muffled, but it’s quiet enough in the house that he hears me.
“Should I not have?” Yoongi asks, and I pull away just enough to look up at him, scowling.
“No, I’m happy you d-did. It’s just…” I take a steadying breath, more tears flooding my eyes as Yoongi looks down at me with a soft expression I’ve never seen before.
“I know.” He pulls me back in, hands rubbing soothing circles on my back. “I know, Car.”
We stay like that for a long while, and it’s only when my sniffles have subsided that Yoongi gently takes my hands in his and leads me over to the kitchen island. I sit down, watching as he spreads butter and then jam onto my toast.
Setting the plate before me he reaches into the fridge for some orange juice and pours us both a glass.
“Sorry, it’s probably cold now.”
I shake my head, taking another bite. “Still tastes good. Thank you.”
“Oh, that reminds me.” Yoongi gets up, one hand tracing over my shoulders and he walks over to the couch. “This is for you.”
He hands me a small package wrapped in brown wrapping paper, a black ribbon tied around the middle. I raise my eyebrows at him.
“A present? Can I open it?”
“Open it when you get to your hotel tonight.” Yoongi looks a bit embarrassed as he sits back down, and I realize that he might be feeling a little out of his element here. After all, when was the last time he ever had a relationship?
I get up and put the package away in my suitcase, groaning when I check the time. Everyone should be here in about 5 minutes.
“Times up?”
Looking up I see Yoongi wandering over to me, hands pushing his hair back in an effort to tame it. I nod solemnly.
We don’t speak a word as I meet him halfway, fingers entangling themselves in the hair at the nape of his neck. He closes his eyes for a moment, and I take advantage of the situation, leaning up and pressing a peck to his jaw.
I can hear his sharp intake of breath, quickly followed by Bong-cha’s annoyed voice.
“Really? Get a room, losers.”
Blushing madly, I try to squirm out of Yoongi’s grasp but his gruff laugh has me stilling in his arms. “Turn around, Bong-cha.” Without waiting to see if she will, Yoongi leans down and presses a long, slow kiss to my lips.
It’s not nearly long enough as the sound of a car honking outside pulls us apart. Yoongi has a somber look in his eyes as he gives me an encouraging nod and a small peck to my forehead before stepping back.
Bong-cha skips forward, launching herself into my arms. “You two are gross, but I still love you.”
“Love you too,” I whisper, my tears threatening to make a reappearance. Bong-cha seems to pick up on it, shoving the handle of my suitcase into my hands and pushing me toward the door.
Yoongi beats me to it, swinging it open and clenching his jaw as a blast of cold air hits us. Without a word he takes my suitcase and heads out, leaving me with nothing to do but follow him and hope I have everything.
“Bong-cha?” I turn around to see my friend wrapping her arms around her middle.
“Keep me updated. Jimin...he really likes you.”
My friend doesn’t have it in her to roll her eyes, instead just nodding before waving me off. She’s never been one for goodbyes.
Yoongi is already at the car, handing my suitcase off to Ren who hoists it into the car. He looks like he’s freezing, but as he turns to wave me over I decide that freezing looks good on him.  
“Be careful, call me, text me, have a safe flight-”
“You’ve got to stop worrying so much, Yoongs.”
Smiling down at me even as he shivers, Yoongi pulls me in for another embrace. There are so many words hanging between us, but I choose to sweep past them and opt to nuzzle my face deeper into Yoongi’s neck.
“See you soon.”
I sigh, hoping that I will. “Yeah, soon.”
The airport, flight, and car ride to the hotel pass in a blur of shapes and colors. I vaguely remember there being a mob at both the Seoul and Berlin airports, but I was stuffed so tightly between security that I could hardly see anything.
Now, sitting on the edge of my bed, I hold onto the little package from Yoongi. Holding my breath, I untie the ribbon and tear open the paper, chewing on my lip.
An audible gasp leaves my lips as I hold up Yoongi’s black t-shirt. As it unfolds, a small slip of paper flutters to the ground. Holding the shirt to my nose I grin as I realize Yoongi must have sprayed it with his cologne. I wonder who’s idea that was; my bet is on Jimin.
Grabbing the paper, I flip it over to see Yoongi’s handwriting.
It looks better on you.
Chuckling softly to myself, I hurry and slip the shirt over my head. It’s quiet in here, but soon the sound of my video call fills the room as I anxiously wait for Yoongi to pick up.
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 20
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19
Evelyn waits with folded arms for Lucas to arrive, her right foot not stopping tapping against the floor. As soon as her mother had made her aware of what had happened, annoyance had sprung up inside her, growing stronger and stronger. She couldn't believe it. Yet he'd seemed to agree when they'd talked about it days before, had agreed with her that being alone with her mother still didn't seem like a good idea. That more time was needed, testing the waters. She had left relaxed about that at least, but it turned out she had put her trust in the wrong person. Once again.
She jumps from her seat as soon as the doorbell rings, opening the door and finding herself in front of him, his lips widening into a smile as soon as he sees her. Evelyn remembers to breathe as her mother had suggested only moments before, before letting him in. And she takes one last look at Ben quickly passing by before closing the door to the room behind her.
Convincing everyone to stay out of it had been hard especially since they were all still there in the house, but Lucas was her problem and it was up to her to deal with it. No matter what would happen in there or the screams they would hear, until she came out or specifically asked for their help none of them would be welcome inside those four walls.
"How was your trip?" he asked her as he sat on the edge of her bed, his gaze moving around the room before focusing on her.
"I'm sure you know I didn't ask you here to talk about that" she replies harshly at which he shifts his gaze to the cot a little further away from them.
"Listen Evelyn-"
"What's wrong with you? I just asked you for one thing"
"Yeah we always have to do everything you say. Like I'm some kind of puppet you can move around at your pleasure" the boy stood up abruptly approaching the window and putting a few more inches between them while Evelyn froze for a moment, leaning against the desk, quickly recovering though.
"Excuse me? You don't seem to have put up much of a fight"
"It's because... just how much longer are we supposed to go on like this?  With me constantly under examination and you..." the boy runs a hand through his hair in frustration.
"With me what? Thinking about my daughter's sake?"
"No you only think about yourself, that's the point! If you really thought about our daughter's sake... you would've done differently"
"Are you for real?" Evelyn scoffs even more incredulously, "You washed your hands of it as soon as I told you I was pregnant. I spent months alone thinking about how things would go, then you come back tell me a few sweet words and hope everything goes back to the way it was?"
"When are you going to let this go? I can't do this"
"Well then do something to make me change my mind!"
"You won't let me!" Lucas emits a guttural sound before crossing the space between them and standing in front of her, their chests rising and falling rhythmically and her stepping back but finding herself even more trapped against the desk.
"Let's start again. Let's put it all behind us" he murmurs, laying a hand on her cheek, shifting his gaze between her eyes and her lips as she shakes her head slightly, swallowing hard.
"I can't"
"Please Eve, please" his face gets closer and closer, he believes she's finally given in when he sees her close her eyes, their lips only millimetres apart. But in no time Evelyn sighs pushing him away.
"You can't do this. It's not fair" Lucas allows himself to be moved by Evelyn's hands pressing his chest lightly, allowing her to put a considerable amount of space between them again.
"Ever since you came back I've never given you false hope. I tried to be open but I was clear, you could come back into her life but not mine"
"Isn't that the same thing?"
"No, no it isn't. We are two completely different people, you are two completely different people to us. And I can't live a life for my daughter, I have to be happy for her to be happy with me"
Lucas sighs going to sit back down on the bed taking his head in his hands. He looks genuinely torn and Evelyn looks at him unsure of what she should do. She doesn't want to keep feeding whatever is going through his mind, but in the end she chooses to approach him anyway by crouching down in front of him.
"Lucas... what's going on?" she places her hands on his knees moving a thumb over the fabric of his trousers, "you can tell me"
There's no need for a lot of words though. She just needs to see his face when he finally pulls his hands away, his red eyes and trembling hands. Evelyn's eyes also fill with tears as she nods knowingly, biting her lip to keep from giving in just then.
"You're free Lucas. But this time... it will be forever. You won't get another chance" her hoarse, trembling voice, full of emotion, comes out in a whisper as she looks up at him, "I can't do this to her again"
Evelyn closes her eyes, not wanting to see what happens next. Her words clashing with what she expects will actually happen.
"I'm sorry" he croaks leaving her a light kiss on one cheek before running out of that room, leaving her on that floor in disbelief and confused and broken again.
A week later that day, she had found a letter in the mailbox. She'd ripped it in two as soon as she'd seen who it was from, but from inside that envelope a necklace had fallen out. Lucas wasn't used to wearing jewellery of any kind but she'd recognised that necklace, it was one of his favourites. If not his only one.
So she'd put that piece of paper back together where she finally had some explanation. He wrote that he hadn't meant to make fun of her, that he admired her because in spite of everything she fit into that world and made it seem simpler than it really was, while he simply couldn't see himself as a father. Not yet and maybe never after that. In general it had served to put that chapter aside forever or at least until her little girl would have been old enough to understand it all. She had therefore hidden it with the other stuff without telling anyone, thinking it was better that way.
Evelyn hadn't given too many explanations about the moment after everyone had seen Lucas run off visibly upset. It was as if from the moment he'd closed that door behind her, something inside her had snapped too. She didn't care, or maybe she felt so many things to just erased them all and made her feel one big emptiness inside. And everyone in the house seemed to be waiting for her to burst out at any moment.
But she had rolled her sleeves up and got on with her life. She had no power in the decisions and lives of others, everyone does what they feel and it's only necessary to find a way so that whatever happens does not affect us so much. As absurd as it sounded given her history, she would stop dwelling on things too much. If we give too much importance to something or someone it will sooner or later end up hurting us, on the contrary if we don't expect anything, it might surprise us.
It was a first step, it needed a lot of work but she had to think about the present. She was going to choose her battles from that moment on, spending energy only on those who really deserved it. Her daughter, her family and Jack for example.
Time had passed slowly but also so quickly, taking away the last days of the year and starting a new one. Now, more than ever, it was time to make new resolutions, make room for new things and try to do better, always.
That time in their household had always been very chaotic, trying to fit everything in with Ben's busy schedule was always a challenge. But that was what she liked the most, it wasn't a specific day that was special but the whole period. The atmosphere created when everyone got together. It didn't matter if it was two days before Christmas or if it had already been, if they had spoken the day before or if they hadn't heard from each other in months. That day had the power to relax her in a way nothing ever could in her life, and between the confusion and the chatter, time passed without her noticing.
But if so far she had only had to deal with one busy agenda, now there were two of them. Jack had the same or even more workload than Ben and on top of that there was the distance factor.
They had seen little of each other, spending together a day here half a day there at the earliest possible opportunity, time that always seemed to pass quickly when they were together. Seeing each other like this, always in a rush, was in a way worse than not seeing each other at all. Having a taste and nothing more only left a bitter taste at the end of the day.
So one evening out of nowhere she made a decision. She had been lying in bed reading a book, Cece already sleeping soundly, when her mind had started to wonder. She and Jack had agreed that they didn't want to spend another rushed day together just because they had to, he'd have an away game anyway and she'd want to spend her daughter's first Christmas with her family now more than ever.
And she had smiled as she closed the book, occupying the next few hours filling a suitcase with things that she, and the little one especially, might need for a short trip but still with no clear return date for the time being.
She got this feeling in her chest, a mixture of happiness and excitement that would make her jump and clap her hands and laugh uncontrollably for no apparent reason. She hadn't felt this way for so long, she had to admit, and it felt good.
She forces herself to get some rest and in the early hours, after feeding Cece, she heads over to Ben's. The boy sleeps on his side and immediately lets out a sigh as she shakes him lightly.
"Ben" she strokes his hair, crouching down in front of him as he opens his eyes slightly, "I'm going to Jack's. I'll get the car okay?" he mumbles something sketching a smile and closing his eyes as she smiles leaving him a kiss on his cheek before packing up the last of her things and leaving. She leaves him a note on the table for some extra reassurance, just in case, before getting into the car taking one last look at her little girl in the rear view mirror and finally driving off.
Hi everyone, I hope you like the chapter. I just wanted to tell you that I've decided about the bonus chapters I was telling you about last week to write them down and publish them at the end all together so as not to create too much confusion x
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball @rosie7703
Chapter 21
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 14- On the same Page
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (bookshop/bartender/baking AU)
Word Count: 2,215
Summary: You two do your best to recover after your meeting with Tony and decide it’s finally time to talk to Grandma Betty. 
Author’s Note: Thank you for sticking with me through this story, it means everything. And I know I say it every chapter but I can’t thank you enough. I hope you enjoy this one and again, thank you all, so very much for reading! I LOVE YOU ALL ALWAYS ❤❤❤
Warnings: slight angst in the beginning, sweet and soft fluff, alcohol consumption, light smut smattering here and there :)
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Previous Chapters 
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers *
Chapter 7: Love Lines & Soul Finds
Chapter 8: Drunk in Love *
Chapter 9: Pour it onto the Page 
Chapter 10: Recipe for Love *
Chapter 11: The Pages in Between 
Chapter 12: Bookaholics 
Chapter 13: For the Love of Books
You left the meeting with the full support of Tony and the opportunity for a strong foundation to build your dream, but you were both shaken to your core. Neither of you had said much on the walk home and instead of being consumed with excitement everything seemed to be shrouded in uncertainty. Bucky’s hand is warm over yours and his grip tight, almost as if you might run away from him at any moment.
Instead, you pull him closer, wrapping your arms around his waist and squeezing tight. He returns the gesture, stopping you in the middle of the sidewalk and crushing you to his chest. “I love you,” he whispers into your hair, holding in a breath while he waits for your response. “Bucky. I love you. So much.”
He deflates like a popped balloon and drops his head to your neck, running his nose along the delicate column of skin while he whispers, “I love you.” You start walking again, this time wrapped in each other’s arms and without a word head toward the bookstore. He unlocks the door and you walk in, turning on the small light by the counter.
Leaving your jackets in the back room you head upstairs; the only sounds are of the city outside and the beginnings of an evening thunderstorm. Once you’re in the secret library you grab your overnight bag that you keep for moments like this, filled with some clean clothes and toiletries and change. Bucky strips down to his boxers and a tee shirt before fixing the blankets and pillows.
He lays down and holds the blanket up for you to crawl under. When you do, he gently rests it on your shoulder and snakes his arm around your waist to pull you close. You’re not sure how long you lay there face to face, just tracing over his jaw and lips while his fingertips sweep over your shoulder. Opening his mouth to speak he thinks better of it and kisses you instead, his warm lips gentle as they move over your own.
The thunderstorm outside rages, the loud claps of thunder rattling the skylight while the heavy rain beats against it. Every touch from his hands is just the opposite, a delicate dance that’s both controlled and desperate, taking you apart piece by piece. Even as the storm calms your love erupts, swallowing you both in a sea without end and it’s in the soft light of early morning that you know exactly what your heart wants.
“Bucky. Bucky! Hey Buck. Wake up!” He groans and rolls over to snuggle into your shoulder. “Mornin’,” he mumbles. “Morning baby,” you giggle, poking his side until he looks up at you. “You look happy for 6 am,” he teases, his eyes soft. “I am happy.” He sits up, suddenly feeling more awake and asks, “you are? I thought after what Tony said…” He doesn’t finish the sentence and just frowns looking to you to say more.
“I want to do this,” you say confidently. “It’s just like the first day I met you. I had a feeling. Something I couldn’t really describe if anyone had asked but I felt it just the same.” He takes your hands in his, rubbing small circles over your knuckles and taking a moment to think on his next words. “There is nothing I want more than you, for you to be happy. But this isn’t going to be easy. I think the excitement of a possible fix was overshadowing some of the real big questions. Like the one Tony brought up.”
Moving closer to him you sit between his legs as your fingers smooth down his chest. “I know. You’re right. This will be hard and scary and at times I’m sure it will put a strain on our relationship. But Bucky. If we don’t do this, then we have to live with that choice.” He nods in understanding and rests his head atop yours. “Can you just promise me one thing?”
You slip out from under him, looking him straight in the eyes when you ask, “and what’s that?” His eyes search yours before he speaks, his voice barely above a whisper, “this is me and you. No matter what happens, we’re a team, we’re in this together. Me and you.” Resting your forehead to his you kiss him softly before replying with, “me and you, baby.”
The rest of your Friday moves agonizingly slow at work and all you want to do is hide away in the secret space of the bookshop with Bucky. When the day ends you head back to your apartment, showering and making some food while you wait for him to come by. He has to work at the bar tonight but is stopping by beforehand.
“I want to call Tony so badly, but I know we need to run this by grandma before we take this big step.” Bucky’s eyes are focused on you as he speaks, a slight twinge of worry to his voice. “Yes, definitely. Did you ask her if she wanted to have dinner Sunday?” He nods, pulling out his phone and reading her message. ‘I can’t wait to see you kids. Tell y/n to bring more of that chocolate pie and something new for me to taste test.’
Trying to stifle a smile you tap your finger against your chin, contemplating what to make next. “Hmm, I’ll check my Pinterest. I found some good recipes last weekend. I was also thinking of making an Instagram for my baking, I just can’t think of a clever name for it!” Bucky’s eyebrows draw together as he thinks and his nose scrunches up. “Oh my god you’re so cute.” His surprised look makes you laugh harder. “When you think really hard your nose gets all scrunched up cute and you’re so cute.”
“That’s a lot of cute,” he beams, now scrunching up his nose on purpose. “Ok, calm down, now you look like you’ve got something stuck up there.” The two of you really get going, throwing playful insults back and forth while trying to come up with a catchy name. “What about something like ‘Bookshop Baker’ since you’ll eventually be selling your stuff at the bookshop.” You stand up with a squeal, high fiving Bucky and grabbing your phone. “It’s available! YAY! Thanks baby.”
Saturday night you’re back at the bar with Nat after spending the afternoon together shopping and catching up. Peter waves hi from the other end of the bar but doesn’t approach you and you throw Bucky a glare while he serves another customer. Sam saunters over wearing the grin he reserves only for Nat, but she isn’t having any of it. “You know. If you didn’t scare the shit out of Peter, we would already have drinks. But now, we have to wait because Bucky is busy.”
Sam rests his forearms along the bar and purses his lips. “Well. You know you could also ask your boyfriend and the owner of the bar to get you your drinks.”  Nat’s eyes soften and she whispers something in his ear and Sam walks off with a satisfied smile. “Do I wanna know?” She responds with nothing more than a wink and you know better than to push for more.
Peggy and Steve join you an hour later and you’re so happy that everyone was able to meet up on the same night. The conversation is flowing and even more so the alcohol and before you know it you find yourself pressed against the door of the supply room with Bucky’s hands under your dress. “You shouldn’t be teasin’ me so much baby doll.” His voice is low and husky, and you can’t help the way your body reacts. “What? A girl can’t enjoy watching her man at work.” You know you’re tipsy but you’re having way too much fun and from the feel of it, Bucky has zero complaints.
Your movements are frantic as you palm him through his jeans. “Bucky,” you whine, your lips in a pout when he pulls away. His forehead rests against yours as he catches his breath. “Listen, I want nothing more than to fuck you right here and right now but it’s really busy out there and…” “BARNES! Did you get that Tequila yet? What the hell happened?” Bucky’s hand covers your mouth, his own turned up into a devious grin. “We’ll never hear the end of this if you don’t keep quiet.” Slowly nodding you press your lips together and hold Bucky’s heated gaze as he yells, “Yep, be right out Sam!” You listen as his footsteps fall away and hand Bucky the bottle. “Don’t forget this,” you giggle, turning on your heel and sashaying out the door.
You spend the rest of the night continuing to tease Bucky’s every time you get a chance, loving how clearly hot and bothered he is. It isn’t until you’re in the cab ride home that he acts on it, carefully resting his hand on your thigh and lightly squeezing while he discreetly inches his fingers higher. Your expression goes from shocked to blissful the moment his finger brushes over your underwear and you’re biting your bottom lip to stop from moaning out loud.
Not a moment later he takes his hand away and the cab comes to a stop in front of your apartment. He gets out, a smug look on his face as he holds his hand out to help you. You scoot over the seat and take it, smiling sweetly at him on the way out. You barely make it through the door of your apartment before he pulls the dress over your head and throws it across the room. “This is all I’ve been thinking about,” he growls, lifting you to wrap your legs around is waist.
Sunday morning arrives in a tangle of sheets and naked skin with Bucky’s arms curled around your middle. You start to stretch and wiggle, somehow maneuvering out from his hold without waking him. Once you’re washed up and settled in the kitchen you begin to work your magic. You’re concentrating so hard you don’t hear Bucky come in and ask if you want coffee. It isn’t until he lightly kisses your shoulder that you’re aware of his presence, accidentally slapping him with the spatula in your surprise.
“Oops. Mornin’ Buck.” You smile warily and wait for his reaction. His tongue darts out to lick his lips and he hums at the taste. “Wow, what is that?!” Hopping up and down with the spatula you tell him, “it’s pastry cream for my cream puffs!” He grabs the spatula and brings it to his lips, going in for another taste. “Oh, I don’t think so, you can wait,” you scold before pulling it away.
Later that day you arrive at grandma’s, chocolate pie and cream puffs in hand and your heart in your throat. “Hello kids! Well, don’t these look divine y/n! And there’s that chocolate pie! I might just put this aside for myself and the girls when we play mahjong tomorrow.”  She says it with a wink before pulling you into a tight hug, ushering you both inside.
You and Bucky help set the table and make sure she doesn’t need you to do anything else before taking a seat. She mixes the pasta on the stove and levels you with a stern look. “Ok you two. You better start talking,” she demands, pointing the wooden spoon at you both. Bucky’s eyebrows shoot up and you suck your teeth, giving far too much away.
“Don’t make me withhold the food.” Bucky grumbles, quickly cracking under the pressure and giving you a look. “We might as well talk now doll.” You slowly nod your head and look at Betty, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Well, it’s about the bookshop.” She continues stirring the pasta. “I know.” Giving Bucky a sideways glance of confusion you continue, “and we had an idea about adding some things to help business, you know get more customers in.”
Still stirring the pasta, she adds in, “right. Because nowadays everyone is reading e-books and all that nonsense. The charm of an old bookshop just isn’t enough anymore.” Both you and Bucky are shaking your heads in astonished agreement but not speaking and finally Betty’s bright laugh snaps you out of it. “You’re…you’re not upset?” Bucky asks cautiously, gripping your hand tightly under the table.
“Upset? Upset that my wonderful grandson and the love of his life want to help keep the dream of mine and your grandpa’s bookshop alive?” She strains the pasta and brings the bowl to the table. “No. I’m not upset. I knew this day would come and I’m so thankful that you kids are here to do something about it.”
You can feel the tears start to well up, but you try your best to hold them back. It’s Bucky’s reaction that makes it too difficult. He stands and rushes around the table, taking Betty in his arms and hugging her, his quiet, “I love you, grandma,” sending you over the edge. “I love you too, James. Now sit down and eat, you have to tell me all the details.”
@flyawaybay @throwmyheartawayagain @amandatar-06 @nd1998sc @captainchrisstan @vherriepie @godofplumsandthunder @when-the-hell-is-bucky @fire-flv @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @irishflutiegirl​ @rinthehufflepuff​ @moonybarnes​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @inflxmes @lauratang​ @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines​ @buchanansebba​ @curlyred2020 @addikted-2-dopamine​ @lady-pswrld​ @buckys-henley​ @emilylyoness​ @lookiamtrying​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @aesthetical-bucky​ @auro-ora​ @bugsbucky​ @buckys-minty-breath​ @bucky-on-my-mind​ @book-dragon-13​ @breezy1415​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @hawksmagnolia​ @imgaril-lindru​ @itsunclebucky​ @ikaris-whore​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @kaosera​ @loricameback​ @lorilane33​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @mushyjellybeans​ @nano--raptor​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @the-wayward-robot​ @tuiccim​ @yansi1923​ 
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 6
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 2075
Warnings: Slow Start, Language, Tiny bit of Fluff
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change
As Promised, here’s Chapter 6. I really enjoyed writing this one, heck I even laughed at one bit XD Also I’d like to thank you all for supporting my work so far, It really means the world to me that people are enjoying my work. As always Enjoy! :)
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-Third Person POV
The minutes turned to hours, the hours turned into days, concern over the young girl was increasing day by day. Every single day Bucky and Steve were there, telling her how their days went and what was happening in the world all while holding y/ns hand, each day the boys watched her progress, the memory of her skin slowly regaining its colour giving them a new sense of hope.
Day by day the boys stayed as long as they could, only leaving when Mr and Mrs Barnes appeared at the door to bring them home, each time Mrs Barnes placed a small kiss on the young girl’s head before leaving. All of them taking the opportunity to show small sings of affection towards the girl, hoping that it gave her the strength to recover.
Later that night, when everyone was in bed and resting, a sharp ring disturbed the silence surrounding the house, half asleep Mr Barnes answered the phone, a wide smile appeared on his face as the news the family had been waiting for all week arrived.  Quickly the parents rushed to the boys, the pair sharing a smile as they frantically ran around the room to get ready, a few tears of happiness sliding down their faces. A huge sense of relief flowed through Bucky’s veins, all the guilt he felt throughout the week lessened, at least now he knew that he didn’t cause y/n’s death.
-Back at the Hospital
Readers POV
My eyes felt like they’d been welded shut and my head was poundin’ like nobody’s business, what the hell happened to me? Finally, I managed to open my eyes and I was immediately blinded by the bright lights shining in my goddamn face, can I not catch a break for once in my life?! A loud groan accidently slid past my lips, why is it every time I wake up some part of my body is aching? You’d think I was a pro wrestler or somethin’!
I gazed around the room, distant voices could be heard from the corridor, hang on where the hell am I? the room was decorated plain white, with a few pictures hanging on the wall and a small sofa was tucked into the back corner. Another door, presumably for the bathroom, was to the right of the window, the curtains were drawn but the steady tapping on the other side told me it was raining. What a way to come back into reality, absolutely chucking it down with rain, my dumbass soon realised that the nurses might not know I was awake, which is kind of important information.
Slowly I raised myself up, the ache on my midriff increasing much to my displeasure, as I slowly moved my legs off the edge of the bed, both were shaking with the effort of holding my body up and I hoped to god that I didn’t land on my ass anytime soon. Hang on, that might be becoming a very bad habit of mine, I’m gonna need to work on that later… finally my legs stopped shaking, taking VERY cautious steps I started making my way to the door. You’d think walking 5 feet would be easy, wouldn’t you? apparently not.
After about 3 minutes of moving like a bloody snail, I could finally reach the door handle, now for the hard part… turning the door handle, a high-pitched squeak met my ears as the door slowly flung open, the voices outside my room stopped and foot steps came towards my room. Two nurses came around the corner and stopped when the spotted me, a few seconds passed before I started to feel awkward, so I decided to wave at them to try and break the tension. Which in hindsight was one of the dumbest things I could have done in that moment, but it did seem to break them outta their trance, they both came towards me and started fussing over me, “Miss you shouldn’t have gotten out of bed! Why didn’t you just press the call button on the bed side table? how long have you been awake?” There was a bloody call button?! For the love of god!
“I woke up about 5 minutes ago, I’m sorry but could you tell me what happened to me? All I remember is fainting near the bank” The nurses shared a look, both of them ignored my question for the moment and focused on getting me into the bed and calling for the doctor, they gave me strict instructions not to move till the doctor arrived. Well, at least I know I’m in a hospital but what the hell did I do to land in here in the first place? All I remember is getting ready for the war and setting up in the dinner before it all went wrong. Shooting happened, I was taken hostage, shooting happened again, Alexi punched me and broke my nose, I was held at ransom before till I got bored and ran outta the line of fire, Bucky and Steve were pinned behind a wall, I fought with a մոխրագույն օրխիդ and got shot…wait a second…
I got bloody shot! How the hell did I forget that?! It’s not like I stubbed my toe, an actual bullet went inside me! Oh god are Bucky and Steve okay?! Where are they? Did they get hurt? My mind was going crazy with worry, I hoped to god that this bloody doctor got here soon, or I’d be out of here looking for those pair of numpties! A knock on the door disrupted my thoughts as a team of doctors and nurses filled the room, a few carried important looking equipment with them, a man with a clipboard approached me with a reassuring smile.
“Good Evening Miss y/n, my names Doctor Miller, you’ve been unconscious for a week or so, due to a gunshot wound to your midriff, the bullet shattered on impact and we had to operate to stop any internal bleeding. Now don’t worry too much about that, it’s in the past and there’s no lasting damage done, but we’re going to have to keep you in the hospital for one more night to monitor your vitals but after that you’ll be free to go. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.”
Okay, all I heard was “unconscious for a week” and “no lasting damage”, I really hope that I don’t smell too bad, my pride’s been damaged enough for one week.
“Dr. Miller, do you know what happened to the two boys that were with me at the bank? Did they get hurt at all?” I could hear the fear in my voice, I dreaded the answer and prayed to god that nothing happened to them. He took a moment to reply, my worry increasing by the second, “No, none of the boys got hurt, but I can’t say the same for some of the members of the Црни лабуд, some were killed during the fight and a few passed away in their sleep. I believe that someone called Damien is still alive though, he gave a statement that completely cleared your name in court today”
What? I can’t believe it, why would he do that? One by one everyone started to leave the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I don’t understand it at all, why would Damien go out of his way to protect me? All that’d of done was increase his jail time for human trafficking. It doesn’t make sense…
-Time Skip
At some point I fell asleep, the sound of faint whispering disturbed me from my sleep as I slowly opened my eyes, sat next to me was Bucky’s mother, his father stood behind her as they both offered me a gentle smile. A few tears slid down Mrs Barnes cheeks when she realised I was fully awake, her arms immediately enveloped me into a warm hug, “Oh my Goodness sweetheart, please don’t ever scare me like that again, I was so worried about you” I didn’t reply to her, instead I chose to hug her tighter as confusion began to cloud my mind. Why would she be worried about me? Me? Other people would have been over joyed at the news of me being shot.
Slowly she pulled away from me, choosing to look me in the eyes as carefully stroked my cheek, inspecting the few bruises littered on my face, a small sniffle grabbed my attention as I turned away from her, my eyes glanced over in the direction of the sound. There stood in the corner of the room were the boys, both of their eyes red and puffy as they cautiously made their way towards me, none of us said anything when they reached my side. My eyes scanned over Steve checking for any injuries and damage before I pulled him into a hug, his body tensed up in shock before he relaxed and returned the embrace.  “I’m so sorry y/n I never wanted you to get hurt, neither of us did we just wanted to help you” even with his voice muffled, I could tell that the poor lad was crying and I couldn’t blame him, bloody Niagara falls was streaming down my cheeks, I pulled away from him and turned to Bucky, he was looking at the floor and completely avoiding my gaze.
Oh, hell no, no sad boys allowed here! Carefully I leaned forward and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers together as I pulled him closer, something inside me hurt when his eyes met mine, they held so much guilt, so much pain and sadness and I hated seeing him like this. No words were exchanged as he wrapped his arms around me, a sigh of relief escaped him, my arms automatically tightened around him when a single tear fell onto my neck. His silent sobs cut me down to my core, behind him Steve stood to the side, his eye meeting mine as I grabbed his hand in reassurance, once Bucky calmed down we both drew back, and I pulled both boys in front of me.  
“I want both of you boys to listen to me, none of this was your fault, this is all on me. I pushed you both away to protect you and I’m sorry for that, I should have been more honest with you, me getting shot has nothing to do with anything either of you did.” My voice was firm and assertive, but of course that didn’t stop either of them trying to argue with me. Not much of a surprise there.
“But we went in the middle of it, we tried to play the hero’s and we ended up being the villains, you should be mad, not forgivin’ our stupid asses” this is probably not the best time to notice this, but Steve just swore for the first time in his life, I couldn’t be prouder! Wait, where was I?
Goddamn it y/n, concentrate for once in your bloody life! “Okay, stop that crap right now Rodgers, none of this had anything to do with you, although I would like to ask the both of what THE HELL YOU WERE THINKING DIVIN’ INTO THE MIDDLE OF A BLOODY GANG WAR?!” it was safe to say that they weren’t excepting that.
It was actually quite funny, Bucky went completely pale and started stuttering while Steve actually jumped up in surprise and fell down, admittedly I felt a bit bad about that bit. Neither of the boys could form a coherent sentence, both completely panicking as they tried to explain the reason behind their complete stupidity. Slowly my eyebrows started to raise as a small smirk made its way onto my face, the pair of them making no sense as Bucky pointed to Steve and said something about justice. I know I shouldn’t be finding this funny, but I couldn’t help it, they were babbling like a bunch of school girls!
Eventually, they both shut up once they noticed me failing to stifle a giggle, their expression turning from ones of panic to amusement, and eventually I couldn’t contain it, “I’m sorry but your faces were bloody brilliant! Oh my god I’m dying” both of the boys rolled their eyes at me, shaking their heads as Bucky’s parents started laughing with me.
Another Chapter down, as always feel free to leave some tips on how I can improve my writing for you all, Requests and tags are open :) Thanks for Reading!
Rose xx
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atla-hcs-and-bakoda · 3 years
Bato’s Backstory
ok so this is gonna be long, buckle up. This is my personal interpretation of bato’s backstory, it likely makes no canonical or reasonable sense, but canon does not exist and i make the rules. this is purely self-indulgent crack-treated-seriously. This is what all the other hcs, unless stated otherwise, will be set in.
Note about Bato: in my interpretation of him, he has teal/cyan eyes and darker brown hair than in the show, his skin tone has not changed.
(unfortunately this is not a zukka au, just a bakoda one. bato’s backstory is kind of an au in my mind, so when i do ship zukka, its not in this au)
(the bold letters at the beginning of the paragraphs are for accessibility)
‘Present’ (only a few months after zuko’s coronation) ages: Hakoda & Bato - 41 Kya - 42 Iroh - 65 Ozai - 47
under the cut because oh boy this is long, sorry asdfghfd
So, our story begins in the fire nation, about 59 AG, Iroh is the 25 year old crown prince, and recently had a child with his wife, Minami, on the coldest day of winter. They named him Shui, and they, quite frankly, spoilt him with their love. Minami stayed in the castle while Iroh was at war, and always sang to Shui while putting his hair up or putting him to bed.
One day, when Shui was 9, Azulon decided to take his family to Ember Islands on vacation, like the royal family has been doing for generations. However, there was a bad storm, and the ship got thrown near the south. Little Shui followed Iroh onto the deck, and fell overboard when a big wave hit the other side of the boat, rocking it and making him fall.
The royal family and crew tried to save him, but the waves dragged him under, and once the storm cleared, he was presumed dead. Iroh and Minami mourned the loss of their first son, who died so young that he hardly got to live life at all. Ozai mourned to a minor extent, as he was 15 at the time and wasn’t as bad as he is in the present, but not for as long as Shui’s parents, or grandfather, did.
Meanwhile, in the southern water tribe, little 9 year old Hakoda was wandering down at the seaside with his father when he came across a young boy unconscious in the snow, the cold water nearly freezing him to death. His father hurried him back to the tribe with the young boy’s body. For days, Hakoda sat beside the bed, rarely moving from the spot, keeping watch on the mystery boy. And eventually, he woke up.
Hakoda introduced himself once the boy was fully awake, but when asked his name, the boy said “i...i don’t remember...” So, instead, Hakoda decided to pick a name for him; Bato. The boy agreed to the name, and after a week, got adopted by one of the tribesmen, a close friend of Hakoda’s father. After that, the two children were an unstoppable duo, they did many successful pranks on everyone, including Hakoda’s mother, Kanna.
However, every once in a while, Bato would blurt out something without thinking, and when questioned, wouldn’t be able to remember it at all. For instance, Bato and Hakoda were once watching the stars late at night, when Bato pointed at a constellation and called it Druk. Hakoda laughed, but Bato insisted that was its name. Hakoda asked where Bato learned that, since thats not what their tribe calls it, and Bato had no recollection of learning it.
(This continued well into teenagehood, when Bato realised at the ripe old age of 14 that he was, in fact, in love with his best friend. He didn’t come out for a long time, in fear of his tribe’s reaction. Deep down he knew they’d accept him with open arms, but his anxiety said otherwise.)
At 12, there was a fire nation raid while Bato was at the seaside, and he recognised both the ship and flag instantly despite not being told prior about the Southern Raiders. He ran to tell the chief, and thanks to his quick reaction, saved the tribe to a degree. Many waterbenders still died, however.
At 15, Bato and Hakoda went ice-dodging with their respective fathers- and eachother. Hakoda recieved the mark of the wise, and Bato recieved the mark of the brave.
One night at 15, they were cuddling in Hakoda’s bed (because thats what best friends do, of course. its cold, no other reason, totally not) when Hakoda noticed Bato’s eye color; Teal. not the regular water tribe blue, not a dark blue, or even a light blue, but pure Teal. Although hakoda would still argue to this day that bato’s eyes are cyan. When questioned about his eye color, Bato shrugged and brushed it off as an uncommon trait. But Hakoda realised nobody else in the tribe had cyan eyes, just blue.
Then, at 16, the boys got into a bad avalanche that resulted in Hakoda getting knocked out. Bato woke up hours later, and pulled his best friend out of the snow. He realised Hakoda wasnt breathing, and started to cry, taking his gloves off to cling to Hakoda and try feel the warmth of his pulse, to no avail. He closed his eyes and cried, when his hands lit on fire. When he realised what he just did, he put the flame out and made a plan, carrying Hakoda to the dog sled quite a bit from the avalanche, and set them on course for the tribe while he carefully lit his hands back on fire after a few attempts, and kept Hakoda warm. 
Just before they got to the tribe, Hakoda started breathing again, shallowly, and his father quickly took both of them to the healer when they arrived back. This time, it was Bato who sat beside the bed and waited for Hakoda to wake up, refusing to eat much until his friend woke up.
He never told anyone about his bending.
A few months later, Hakoda met and started dating Kya, and Bato’s heart broke. he was happy for hakoda, he really was, but deep down it still hurt him to see him with someone else.
At 20, Hakoda’s father went off to war.  At 22, Hakoda became Chief, and Bato became the second-in-command.
At 23, Hakoda proposed to Kya after like 20 failed attempts at carving a betrothal necklace. Bato’s heart broke a tiny bit more, but he ignored it to be happy for his friend. Bato had to sleep alone for the first time since he joined the southern water tribe, he didn’t sleep much when alone.
2 years later, at 25, Sokka was born, and Bato babysat him a lot when Hakoda and Kya were busy. Bato admittedly vented to baby sokka quite a bit, and showed him very minor firebending tricks he practiced during sleepless nights, which was most nights.
At 26, Katara was born, and Bato now babysat two little children, both of which he adored with all his heart. He himself is infertile, so Katara and Sokka were the closest thing he had to his own children.
Things went mostly peacefully for years, until 34, when Kya got killed. After the raid, Hakoda wouldnt eat for days at a time, completely depressed and exhausted. Bato would offer him small plates of food and sit with him, letting him vent or cry or whatever Hakoda needed to do to get the stress and pain out. He also looked after Sokka and Katara while Hakoda couldn’t, and usually slept next to Hakoda’s bed, watching over the chief, along with his kids, as both children were terrified to sleep by themselves, Hakoda was scared of losing them, and Bato couldn’t bare the thought of not keeping them safe.
After years of recovering, Hakoda eventually had to head out to war with the men of the tribe, Bato included. Bato’s heart broke watching Sokka beg to come with them, but he knew it was for the best.
3 months after leaving, Bato came out to Hakoda in the Chieftan’s private room in the boat, and Hakoda accepted him with open arms, and promised to not tell anyone until Bato was ready. Bato fell a lot more in love.
At 5 months, he started very carefully dropping hints to Hakoda that he likes him, slightly-too-friendly-to-be-platonic compliments, cuddling him in hakoda’s room “because its cold” (they were nowhere near cold climates), and other vaugely homoerotic stuff like that. All of it went over Hakoda’s head.
(At 6 months he straight up told Hakoda at night on the deck “Your my stars, Hakoda. Whenever i’m lost, you always bring me home.”, and Hakoda responded “Thanks Bato, I’m happy your my friend too.”, Bato stayed awake all night in utter disbelief. He still teases Hakoda about it.)
1 year after leaving, Bato realised he might not be as much of a guy as he thought he was. He silently decided to put that train of thoughts on hold until the war was over. (In his heart he knew the war would never be over until the fire nation won. especially with sozin’s comet only a year away and- he doesnt remember what sozin’s comet is.)
When his arm got burned, he burned the soldier right back with his good arm out of sight of everyone else, and managed to shove them overboard before the pain hit him. He’s always had a high pain tolerance.  After the fight ended, Hakoda carried Bato to the abbey, and they had a tearful goodbye, where Bato quietly confessed his love as Hakoda walked out the room. Hakoda thought about it until he saw Bato again.
When they reunited, Hakoda confessed his love back to Bato, and they kissed right in the open, it took a lot of self control for the other tribesmen to not cheer, they had known for literally forever, the only person in the tribe who didnt know bato was in love with hakoda was hakoda.
Somehow, it took until the war was over for Sokka and Katara to find out they had a step-dad. They already considered Bato to be their second dad, so not much exactly changed.
The day of Zuko’s coronation, Bato got talking with Iroh, and when the topic came to children, Iroh explained how both his sons were dead, one dying at 9 from a storm, and the other dying at 20 from war. When Iroh says his youngest (eldest?) son’s name, Shui, Bato remembers the storm, and Iroh notices Bato’s rare cyan eyes.
They have a nice reunion, although Bato has to sit down for a while to process all this and figure out his family tree. He decides not to tell Hakoda yet, but he does spend a while walking through the palace with Iroh and remembering parts of his early childhood. He cant bring himself to go into the room of firelord portraits.
A month after zuko’s coronation, he sits Hakoda down and explains that he’s a bender, and he’s apparently fire nation royalty. Hakoda gets temporarily mad, but eventually calms down and hugs Bato when his friend told him that his firebending saved both himself and hakoda, and that he would never be like his forefathers or uncle. Hakoda takes a while to fully accept it, but eventually warms up (heh) to the concept, and continues to use Bato as a personal space heater.
Two months after zuko’s coronation, he finally decides to tackle the “i’m not as much as a guy as i thought” issue, and he decides to go to Iroh and Toph for advice over tea, where Iroh suggests some wise stuff, but Toph simply explains what non-binary is, and suggests Bato may be Demiboy. (Although Bato prefers to call himself Demiguy, he doesnt like being called a boy) The Gender Crisis continues for about another week, and takes another half a month for him to come out to Hakoda. Bato was somewhat internally afraid he wouldnt be counted as one of the men, but Hakoda was overwhelmingly supportive, and admitted that he knew Bato wasn’t exactly cis, he just never knew the words to use.
Bato spends a while at the palace after the coronation to get his bearings on being half fire nation and a prince, he learns purple is a very good color on him.(Hakoda later jokes that it was foreshadowing for Bato realising he was enby, as he wasnt blue or red)
He bonds quite a bit with Zuko, Iroh, and Toph during his stay, but eventually goes back to the southern water tribe, the place he truly considers home. Although, he does go and visit the fire nation every once in a while. He even goes to Ember Islands and has a vacation day with both of his families.
After about two years, He finally makes a betrothal necklace for Hakoda, with the symbol of the water tribe on it and flames coming up from the waves, both of them totally cry happy tears when he proposes privately under the light of the aurora.
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I Could Be Your Sometimes Part Three
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only Notes: Set before the series Thank you to everyone that’s liked and read this!! Warnings: Eventual infidelity and sexual content. If you dislike this, please don’t read. Thank you. Chapter-specific warnings: Cursing, alcohol consumption Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader Summary:  I glanced at the number, frowning when I didn’t recognize it. I got cold-called by reporters and clients often enough, I’d gotten into the habit of just answering numbers I didn’t know.
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The next few weeks found me unwittingly looking for Andy in the lobby bay every morning. It was stupid; I scolded myself every single time. Andy wasn’t going to show up at my job out of nowhere. A few people had sent ‘thank you’ emails and follow-up questions for the seminar, but I hadn’t gotten one from him. I hadn’t expected him to send one (I’d just wanted it). That was for the best, though. I hadn’t let him occupy my mind the way he had immediately after I’d seen him; he’d pop into my mind at most once a day, in the elevator lobby but, then I’d push it down. I didn’t have time to be so consumed simply with the idea of a guy - we were busy at Tactician, I couldn’t be so distracted. Friday afternoon found me sending my final edit of the Bright Start piece to the Boston Globe. I was giving it one last read-over when I heard my phone ring. I glanced at the number, frowning when I didn’t recognize it. I got cold-called by reporters and clients often enough, I’d gotten into the habit of just answering numbers I didn’t know. I huffed, highlighting the sentence I left off on before I picked up the phone, tucking it between my shoulder and my ear. “Hello?” I answered. “Hello?” Came the voice on the other end. My eyes were skimming over the document distracted me from the rest of the answer from the other end. “Sorry?” I asked. “It’s Laurie? Laurie Barber.”
My phone slipped in my grip and I scrambled to recover it and press it back to my ear. “Laurie, hi! I’m sorry, I’m just a little distracted over here. How are you?” I asked. “It’s alright! I realize I’m asking pretty late, but Andy told me you were in town and I was wondering if you’d like to come over for dinner tonight? You know, to catch up.” I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. I was an adult, I had friends. It was plausible that I had plans, couldn’t make it tonight. I could just keep putting off the invite until Laurie got the message and stopped asking. It was the more logical option, it kept me out of Andy’s way. "Yeah, I could make it tonight,” I heard myself say. “Really? Great! How’s six?” -- “Seriously? What the hell are you doing?” I asked myself as I caught my eye in my rear view mirror. Well, the technical answer to that was fairly simple. I was driving to the Barber’s house for a ‘catch-up’, because I had made the split-second decision that it would be a good idea. The only good thing that would come out of this was free food - and both Andy and Laurie were good cooks, I remembered that much. But why had I said yes? It was true that I had liked Laurie when I was working for her; she was always nice to talk to when it came what I was up to, my plans for school, what I wanted to do with my life. It was what I had imagined having an older sister would’ve been like. Frankly, the relationship I’d had with Laurie similar to what I had with Nora, but Nora and I knew one another as adults. Laurie and I had had a far more limited interaction. I had debated stopping off and grabbing the beer I remembered seeing in their fridge, but I’d decided that would be a smidge too weird, so I’d settled for grabbing a bottle of wine (from what I remembered, they both liked red; I preferred white, which was for the best. I needed to drive myself home later). I shook my head as I pulled onto their street. I hadn’t gotten dressed that morning with the expectation of going over to their house. Tactician was a younger workplace - it was fairly casual most days, and we only tended to dress up when we had people coming in for pitch meetings, or things like the seminar. On Fridays especially, I could get away with a pair of jeans, a pair of sneakers, and a cropped sweater like the plum-colored one I’d picked out that morning. I parked on the street, shutting the car off and looking in the rear view mirror again. I wasn’t going to bother to touch-up my makeup - in fact, I’d taken my lipstick off before I’d left the office. I shook my head a little bit, straightening the collar of my black denim jacket. "When we get home, we are having a long talk about boundaries and knowing when to say ‘no’ to people,” I warned myself in the rear view before I reached into the passenger’s side footwell, grabbing the bag with the bottle of wine I’d bought. I got out of the car, taking a deep breath as I headed up the walk. “Hi!” Laurie drew me into a hug the moment she opened the door. I smiled, hugging her back before she ushered me inside. The house looked like I remembered - for the most part, anyway; they’d painted the living room and the kitchen. I hated that I noticed that, but I had babysat Jacob every day after school for nearly two years, had spent every other Saturday night in the Barber’s living room helping him with his ABC’s or watching Tom and Jerry or re-watching The Iron Giant (it had been his favorite movie; he used to pitch a fit if I tried to put anything else on). “Oh, you didn’t have to,” She said, taking the bag from me. I shrugged out of my jacket, gently waving her off. “It’s alright, I think I know where the coat closet is,” I teased. She smiled, heading into the kitchen ahead of me. I hung my jacket up, glancing at my phone and answering a quick text from Nora (asking me if I’d like to grab a drink - if only she’d asked me earlier) before following her. “Jacob’s at a sleepover at his friend Derek’s house-- Andy’s still at work, he got held up,” Laurie shot me an apologetic look, as if this was an inconvenience. This was actually preferable; if I was lucky, Andy wound wind up staying late at the office and I could catch up with Laurie uninterrupted. “How’ve you been, how’s Jacob?” I asked, leaning against the kitchen island. “We’ve been good!” That was the thing about Laurie - even when I was asking about how she was doing as an individual, she’d tell me how they were doing as a unit, “Jacob is great, he’s in fifth grade now.” “Fifth,” I repeated, muttering, “Shit.” Laurie laughed, pulling the bottle of wine out of the bag before getting a couple of glasses down from the cabinet. “What about you? Andy said you’re a senior account executive at a PR firm?” She asked. I nodded. “Just got promoted, like, a month ago--” “Congratulations!” “Thank you! I worked with my boss when I was in New York, it was like my third PR internship at that point? She offered me a job at Tactician as soon as she knew I’d been approved to graduate.” “You like it?” Laurie asked, setting a glass of red wine in front of me. I smiled a mumbled, “Thanks,” making a mental note to add that to the talk I’d be having with myself later. “Yeah, I really like it. I mean, we get to work with a pretty varied range of clients and I get the chance to do pitches and talks, like the one Mr. Barber was at.” Laurie cut me an amused look as she poured herself a glass of wine. “You do know you can use our first names now, right?” She asked. I tipped my head forward, scrubbing my hand over my forehead as embarrassment thrummed through me. “Sorry, force of habit,” I said lamely as I lifted my head, resting my chin on my hand. Laurie smiled warmly, shaking her head. “It’s alright,” She soothed. Before either of us could ask another question (and before I could embarrass myself in front of just one Barber at a time), my luck ran out, and Andy walked through the front door, calling out, “Lor?” “We’re in here!” Laurie called back before turning to me, “I’m gonna check the food really quick.” “Course,” I nodded, reaching into my back pocket and pulling my phone out as Laurie turned away. Two new emails, and four texts from Nora: (6:10 PM) Nora: plans?? since when do you have plans? (6:12 PM) Nora: are they like...sexy plans (6:15 PM) Nora: tell me he’s at least hot 😏 (6:15 PM) Nora: and picking up the tab 😏😏 I shoved my phone into my back pocket as I absently swirled the wine around in the glass. “Are you old enough to drink that?” I turned my head toward the sound of Andy’s voice as he came in from the hall. He’d preemptively ditched the suit jacket, leaving him in a white button down and a grey tie. “You’re not funny,” I shook my head, but we were both smiling. Andy shot me a quick wink before he rounded the kitchen island. I heard the “Hi, honey,” And assumed the kiss he dropped to her lips, or forehead, or cheek, or maybe her shoulder, but I turned my attention to bringing my wine up to my lips and taking a sip. I schooled my expression as I swallowed. Still didn’t like red. -- “You actually helped me at work today,” Andy informed me. I glanced up at him curiously as he passed me a plate to dry. Laurie had gone up a little early - apologized profusely, but she had a budget meeting at Children’s Cottage in the morning and she wanted to get a run in before she went in for it. Andy had told me that he didn’t need any help cleaning up, that he could handle it, and it would take a bit anyway (the dishwasher was out of commission). I had pointed out that I really didn’t mind helping, that the work would go faster with two, and it was only fair: I was the reason he had extra dishes to do (and then I’d promptly added all of that to the list of things I needed to talk to myself about later). “How’s that?” I asked. “The Plain Language slide in that PowerPoint you sent out, the one about the Plain Writing Act of 2010, it had those links?” “Uh huh,” I set the dish atop the others before I picked up my glass of wine (the same glass Laurie had been poured me when I’d arrived. It really wasn’t hard to nurse the same drink for hours when you weren’t fond of the taste).
“We might be taking on a case--” Andy stopped himself, shooting me a look, “Is this off the record?” “Shut up,” I rolled my eyes, hiding my smile behind a sip from my glass. Andy chuckled as he turned his attention back to the dishes. I shook my head, letting my eyes drift over his biceps, down over  his forearms where his sleeves had been rolled up to ti the dishes. “So, the links?” I pressed. “Right-- We might be taking on this case between a former law student, never graduated, and a ‘friend’ of his. The former student lent some money to his friend, drew up a contract chock-full of legalese. The friend signed it in good faith. The terms were insane.” “How’d the DA’s office get involved in this?” I asked. “Pro bono,” Andy said, passing me the last dish. I set my glass down in favor of the dishtowel. “Sounds like you guys really need an angle,” I said. Andy hummed, shutting off the faucet. I set the plate down before I passed him the dishtowel to dry his hands. “We have other cases we could take on,” He admitted, turning and leaning back against the counter, “But...Something about this one, I don’t know. The fact that this asshole used his one bit of training to fuck over someone he supposedly cared about...Rubs me the wrong way.” Andy’s voice had descended into an irritated grumble, and I had to make an effort not to smile. I was not finding it cute. I was making a decided effort not to find it cute. “Well, regardless of whether or not you take the case, I’m glad you found the materials helpful,” I said. Andy smiled at me, this soft, easy look, and I knew that I needed to get out of there. “It’s getting late,” I said, glancing toward the time where it was displayed on the stove, “I should get going.” “Course,” Andy nodded. He followed me into the hall, patient as I got my jacket. “Kinda surprised you didn’t have any plans tonight,” He commented. “Oh, well, I leave my partying to Saturday nights. I use Fridays to prime my liver,” I said. Andy chuckled. “Very sensible.” “Yeah, strategy’s important,” I agreed, straightening my collar. “...This was nice,” I added. I wasn’t sure if I meant dinner or just talking to Andy - most likely both, dinner had been lovely, but being alone with him felt almost deliciously dangerous, heady. “Yeah, it was,” Andy said softly. I didn’t think he was bullshitting me. At least, I hoped not. Andy beat me to opening the door. His hand skimmed over my lower back as I passed him, fingers drifting over the exposed line of skin between my sweater and the waistband of my jeans. I turned to give him one more quick wave before heading for my car. I got in and drove off, not checking to see if Andy was waiting to watch me go. At a red light, I rested my head on my hand, peering up at it and willing it to change faster. When it didn’t immediately heed me, I glanced at myself in the rear view mirror. “You’re so fucked,” I muttered.
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