#steel (oc)
Hope the execs at Universal Pictures get absolutely fucked by all the fines and fees for damaging the trees at the picket line to sabotage the strikes. 🙏🏻
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kathy-ifnt · 5 months
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Just go to his bed already!!!!
Join my patreon to see what happens if u do join him 👀
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quiddling · 3 months
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feel like pure shit just want spoon back x
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felsicveins · 4 months
John Dory's Final ex reveal!!!
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It's Creek!
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Wait, what's this?
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It's Patty with the steel chair!!!
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Meet Patty the Pain™!!! She's a professional wrestler rock troll! She and JD met at a party after a wrestling show and she basically said "I like you. You're going to be my boyfriend for a little while."
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ffunkyspicyy · 4 months
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back in 2021 I created these fallout new vegas valentine's day cards and this changed my life! now I can post these every year and hope that someone would use them, because i 100% won't! enjoy <3
p.s. OKAY OKAY I will dedicate the last card to myself!!
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dearchose · 4 months
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Hello! Though I'd draw some other Zelda fan comics :D
Obviously, it would take too long to draw all characters, so I chose my favorite characters for story or character design. *Excluded Ravio cause he would obviously have first place everywhere lol* I sadly couldn't include all the fan comics I like cause I need more space.
Here are the comics in question;
Legend from @linkeduniverse
Mirror from @bonus-links
Koridai from @linked-maze
Wind from @minas-linkverse
Steel from @link-rejoin
Dark Link from Four sword return aka @blackstarchanx3new
Link from @alternate-triforce
Shade from my own fan comic; @kings-comic
You definitely need to check them out!
Are there any comics you like that I didn't include?
>>Part 2<< • >>Part 3<<
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localceilingdevil · 5 months
i need to maybe start remembering to post things hi
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i made a lot of gifs for toyhouse. still don't have them all done (especially for mirror's slugcat) but we're getting there!
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necro-hamster · 1 month
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psuedofolio · 9 months
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Last week I decided to make "Cringey OCs from different fandoms" and it was some of the most fun I've hard drawing in ages.
Moonglow the pony says, "Kill the part of you that cringes."
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galedekarios · 9 months
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press x to doubt
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kathy-ifnt · 6 months
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König the battering ram Bass player of Call of duty based on Peter Steele’s pics!
Press HERE for pipi
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mushroommans-cache · 1 month
Knight Hermes, the Brotherhood’s worse; and Paladin Danse, the Brotherhood’s best
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beyhr · 3 months
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blessed knight ⚔️
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helmet and armorless versions... this was a class doodle so i didnt like look at references for armor but also shes a horse so how helpful would that really be?
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lamprophonia · 9 months
》 [ yandere!Jock. ] 《
yan!jock x gn!reader: introduction. 1273 words. reader referred to as 'you'. cw for general yandere behavior.
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elijah steele is the best goddamn actor in your school.
the theatre kids could learn from him, honestly, because there is no way in hell anyone else could have convincingly pulled off what he did: pose as the nicest, most helpful and kind student in the entirety of the sorry shithole that is eastview high for four years straight.
to literally everyone, elijah is so sweet it's almost vomit inducing. the school's golden boy — smart, nice, strong. best player on the football team, co-captain of the swim team, and part of the basketball team for good measure, helpful, always cheery, and he got good grades.
even amongst his peers, he was always considered the most straight-edge one; still, he was pretty much universally liked. he was genuinely friends with everyone, never judging or turning anyone away.
what's not to love?
well, probably the fact that all of that is a lie, an ever on-going act. a carefully crafted persona, custom made to hide the fact elijah steele is a colossal prick.
it's honestly almost too easy for him. help teachers out here and there, talk to the right people, go to the right parties, and play on some teams, and boom, the entirety of eastview wrapped around your finger. he's made high school a game for himself, and he has been winning for four years straight.
elijah's obsession with you didn't kick in right away. he saw you and was... eh, rather neutral. he decided you were pretty enough, and homecoming or some other stupid dance he didn't actually care about was coming up, so he needed a date to look good. you were just a pawn, after all, no different from anyone else. an accessory — good-looking and non-threatening enough.
no, the obsession started when you rejected him.
worse than reject him: you saw through the finely crafted veil he's always putting on — through the smile that's as fake as it is charming, the tone of voice that's almost a bit too nice — you saw through it all, and didn't hesitate to let him know.
and oh.
it hurt.
with a few words and an unimpressed look, without even realizing it, you broke elijah's game. you weren't playing along. and hey, he might be a prick, but he's a prick with feelings. a lot of very conflicting feelings, as it turns out; he's dealt with rejection before, but never when it came to relationships.
he probably should have seen the hurt he felt when you rejected him as a sign of what was coming, that being the growing obsession he can practically feel developing. you made him feel something other than smug superiority and mild annoyance. it wasn't anything pleasant, sure, but it was new. the week after that little encounter of yours, you were literally the only thing he could think about.
at first, it was a mixed bag. elijah was confused, weirdly hurt — he discovered he didn't like feeling either of those much — and angry. mostly angry. that was the only emotion he was really familiar with of those three, so he thought he would be able to use it pretty easily. he does football after all, he'd just tackle whatever poor sods that were unfortunate enough to be going up against him in practice and get it all out of his system. easy, right?
it wasn't easy.
he nearly dislocated a guy's shoulder before realizing that his usual method for dealing with his feelings — channeling them into brute force — wasn't working, which only made him more confused, which in turn only made him angrier. so used to being in control, elijah didn't know what to do with himself for the first few days.
fortunately for him and the rest of the eastview football players, his anger, hurt, and confusion subsided after maybe a week and a half, giving way to another unfamiliar, but much more welcome emotion: fascination.
you still occupied his thoughts constantly, but he finally got a break from the all-consuming contempt he felt. instead, he regarded you with intrigue, a curiosity. it was then he decided he had to learn more; you were an obstacle, a challenge. another part of the game.
he just had to figure out how to beat you.
in some strange way, elijah was excited. this was going to be hard, sure, but his mind was already hard at work, and he was sure it would eventually be rewarding.
and hey, most importantly, this was new! his rage turned to pure goddamn delight at the idea of someone who finally isn't drooling all over him. it's so fun! like a specimen for him to study, aren't you, darling? finally, he has to work for someone's favour.
once elijah comes to this... decision? realization? he gets started pretty much immediately. he knows now that the overly sugarcoated golden boy persona isn't going to work for you. he's going to need a new strategy, and he's giddy to get to work on it.
with negative hesitation, he starts stalking you. honestly, he probably starts stalking you before he actually buckles down and starts trying to win you over; at some point in the bafflement that comes with you not immediately falling for him, he just starts to follow you around from a distance, almost absent-mindedly making notes on your schedule, your friends, class mates, teachers... he decides to double down after that, though, deciding that if he's serious about beating you, he's going to have to up his game.
that's when he starts actually following you home, taking note of your family and your behavior outside of school.
the second thing he starts doing is shadowing you outside of stalking. that meaning, he starts sitting with you at lunch, making friends with your friends, switches classes to have them with you, and joins your extracurriculars; and he does so with the most smug, shit-eating grin on his face.
he starts talking to you as if you were one of his friends, and even though you knew that elijah was probably less nice than he seemed at first glance, you didn't realize just how starkly different his real personality is from the persona he puts on.
elijah starts to treat you more genuinely, in a way. he talks shit about his friends to you, bitches freely about all his classes and coaches. it's a distinction that would feel sweet, if not for the cognitive dissonance that comes with watching him be all smiles with someone right after he told you he hates them.
because here's the thing — now that elijah knows you're not fooled by the overly sweet and helpful guy he pretends to be, that his polite golden boy act won't work on you like it does with everyone else; now, he can stop pretending.
it's freeing. hell, it's almost more fun that way.
he wants to win with all of his cards out on the table. every nice, kind he does to make you like him will be colored by that tension, that dissonance, that confusion.
of course, elijah would never admit it, but slowly, as he makes friends with you, his obsession with you turns romantic. his intrigue turns to sincere care and affection. he doesn't realize it until he sees someone flirting with you — or worse, you flirting with someone — and jealousy hits him like a fucking brick.
he's left to collect himself, once again feeling hurt, angry, and confused at his own thoughts. he didn't even like you. you were supposed to be just a game, a challenge, an obstacle.
what the fuck was happening?
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yeehawpim · 3 months
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wwwo oc painting the sword of the citadel!
The Wizard Smile
paints propaganda murals and portraits by day and creates children's books by night
wrote and cast a spell that erased all visual representation of themselves in retaliation to pictures of themselves existing without consent
the public facing reason to the spell being cast is that they would rather the heroes of the empire they paint to be remembered rather than their own face
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by-sexual · 9 months
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