#i will jump off of my my roof /j
lavendervulcan · 2 years
me: okay, lets keep watching more house.
*clicks next episode*
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uluvjay · 4 months
Drunken confessions- J. Marino
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John Marino x Hughes! Sister
In which you drunkenly admit your feelings for your brother’s teammate
Warnings?; fluff, talks of embarrassment, crying, drunkenness, cursing, throwing up and mentions of it, kissing, slight age gap(5 years), I apologize for any errors.
The sound of the front door bursting open along with stumbling feet and mixed curses caused John to jump up from his spot on the couch.
Making his was to the entryway of the house he found both of your brothers holding you upright as they did their best to get you into the house.
“What the hell happened?” He questioned the younger men as he moved forward to give them a hand.
“Someone was upset about failing her test so let’s just say the vodka shots were never ending tonight.” Luke grumbled as they finally made way into the living room and laid you onto the couch where John had just been sitting.
John laughed lightly at the sight of your snoring form, your hair was messy and makeup smudged, yet to him you still looked just as beautiful as earlier in the evening when you first emerged from your room for a night out with your brothers.
“Um My girls here, I’m gonna head out.” Luke coughed before he quickly rushed out of the house.
“Okay?” John laughed as he looked at Jack who looked just as guilty.
“I-would you be okay watching over her till morning? She usually doesn’t puke or anything and Vodka tends to knock her out so she shouldn’t be an issue.” Jack rushed, rocking back onto his heels while he awaited his teammates answer.
“Where are you going?” John questioned confused.
“There’s a girl in my car….waiting to go back to her place…” Jack breathed.
“Oh, uh yeah I can look over her. Go enjoy yourself man.” John shrugged, you were snoring pretty loud and it looked like you wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon.
“Thank you! I swear the next time we go to dinner I got you covered. You’re the best man!” Jack beamed.
John watched as your brother placed a kiss to the top of your head before rushing out the door and making sure to shut it quietly behind him.
John grabbed the remote off the coffee table before he sat on the opposite side of the gray sectional, he unpaused his show and picked up from where he had left off.
However he had trouble keeping his eyes on the tv for long, they seemed to continuously drift over to your sleeping form. He didn’t understand how someone could be as beautiful as you, he still remembers when Jack introduced you a few months back.
You’d alway been around and he knew he had met you before but there was something different this time. You were in college, had just transferred over from the university of Michigan so you could attend a better program.
He knew he shouldn’t have looked at you the way he did, you had barely just turned twenty-one but there was something in those blue eyes and dark hair that captivated him.
Especially once his apartment building had to be shut down due to an outbreak of termites and your brothers offered their last spare room to him three months ago.
He thought he’d be fine living under the same roof as you, you’d always be at school, him at practice or a game, however he was very wrong. He couldn’t help the way his eyes followed you throughout the house, how his heart warmed at the sound of your laugh, or how he blushed like a teenager anytime you came within a foot of him.
The sound of you coughing pulled him from his thoughts and before he knew it you were jumping up and sprinting down the hallway towards the bathroom.
Hearing your gags echo throughout the hall he quickly followed behind you and grabbed your hair just in time for you to empty the contents of your stomach into the toilet.
You don’t register who it was behind you even as there was a cold rag placed onto the back of your neck;something your brothers never did, however that didn’t stop you from thinking it was one of them.
“Thanks Jacky.” You mumbled as your head rested on the back of your hand.
“Uh, I’m not Jack but you’re welcome.” John spoke softly.
Your body went stiff at the sound of his soft voice, there was no way you just puked in front of him, dread filled your stomach and before you knew it tears of embarrassment were streaming down your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” The older man quickly kneeled beside you on the cold tile of the bathroom floor.
“S’ nothing” you grumbled slightly pushing him away.
John pushed away the flash of hurt in his chest and grabbed your chin to lift your head, his free hand pushing the hair that had fallen in your face back.
“Don’t say it’s nothing, what’s wrong Y/n?” He asked gently.
“That was embarrassing” you mumbled, eyes looking everywhere besides his.
“Throwing up? There’s nothing embarrassing about that sweetheart, trust me I’ve cleaned up Jack’s vomit more times than I can count.” He laughed.
You tried not to swoon at the nickname he let slip, but the alcohol in your system wouldn’t let it go as your cheeks flamed bright red.
“I didn’t just throw up John, I threw up in front of you!, my crush, the hot guy that’s older and can have any girl he wants, the guy that doesn’t want some sloppy college girl.” You cried.
John swore his heart skipped a beat at your admission, but he couldn’t lie that his brain made him think it was just your drunken words.
“See you don’t feel the same and it’s all because I threw up in front of you.” The alcohol spoke for you and John couldn’t help but giggle lightly.
“How about we talk about this tomorrow? When you’re sober.” He asked softly.
“Okay.” You agreed.
John smiled and helped you off the floor, his hands gripped your waist and walked you towards your bedroom a few doors down. He sat you on the bed and turned to your large vanity looking for makeup remover, finding what he needed he made his way back towards you and began to wipe your face.
“Are you taking my makeup off?” You whispered.
“Mhm” he nodded.
You smiled as he ran the wipe along your forehead before coming down and running it over your cheeks and eyes, doing his best to get everything off.
“Do you want some pajamas?” He asked.
“Yes please, they’re in the drawers on the right.” You smiled softly.
He nodded and made his way over to your dresser grabbing you an old T-shirt and a pair of shorts he sat them next to you.
“I’ll be right back.” He spoke as he left you to get dressed and to collect a bottle of water and Tylenol for you.
He came back to find your bedroom door open once again and your body tucked comfortably under your large comforter.
He sat everything on your bedside table and wished you a goodnight but before he could exit your room he heard your voice speak up.
“Yeah?” He replied as he turned back to face you despite the now pitch black room.
“You promise we can talk tomorrow?” He heard you ask quietly.
“Goodnight John.”
“Night Y/n, sleep tight.” He smiled and made his way to his own bedroom for a long sleepless night.
The following morning you woke up to the smell of bacon flowing into your room making your severely dry mouth water.
Sitting up you looked down at the shirt you wore and the shorts on your legs, confusion wracked through your body for a moments until the memories of puking in the toilet and John taking care of you came floating back.
Butterflies filled your stomach as you remembered how well he took care of you and made sure you got into bed safely. However your smile quickly faded as you remembered that you drunkenly admitted your feelings to the older man last night.
“Fuck!” You groaned as you slumped back into the comfort of your bed.
It took you a few minutes to get the guts to go out to the kitchen where you knew John was no doubt cooking breakfast.
Shuffling into the large kitchen of the house you found him standing him at the stove, shirtless with sweatpants low on his waist, his rib cage tattoo on full display.
“Morning sleepyhead” he smiled as he heard you take a seat at the island.
“Morning.” You greeted with an awkward smile.
You watched as he turned the the fire off and turned to place the last few pieces of bacon onto a plate, looking around you noticed pancakes and a bowl of fresh fruit.
“Eat up, you definitely need it.” He spoke up nudging a plate in your direction.
You wanted to but you couldn’t take the feeling that weighed down on your chest, the anxiety of what you admitted last night lingering over you.
“John, I’m sorry.” You mumbled quickly.
“For what?”
“For what I said and did last night. I shouldn’t have drank as much as I did and you shouldn’t have had to take care of me while I was a mess, I was probably a handful and I’m real-” You began but the feeling of soft lips touching yours cut you off.
It took you a moment to respond due to shock but once you shook it off you were tangling a hand into his curls and pushing your lips harder against his.
He placed a large hand on your jaw, tipping your head back as his tongue slid into your mouth and ran against yours.
You whined when he pulled his lips away from yours, embarrassingly following his mouth as he pulled back.
“Don’t apologize.” He whispered, hand still holding your jaw.
“Did you really mean what you said last night? About me being the guy you like?”
You nodded softly, “I’m sorry if it’s weird.”
“It’s not weird, especially since I feel the same way.” He smiled.
“You do?”
John laughed lightly, “Thought me kissing you was enough of a give away.”
“Hmm, I’m not sure I’m convinced. Maybe you should give me another one.” You smirked.
“Is that so?” He asked, spreading your thighs a bit more as he slipped between them.
“Mhm” you nodded, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you looked up at him.
He smirked before dipping down and kissing you breathless this time, it was different from the first kiss. This one was full of passion, his hands tangled into your hair as kissed you deeply.
Once he pulled away he rested his forehead against yours.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me only being twenty-one?” You questioned softly.
“As long as you’re okay with dating an old man.” He laughed.
“You are not old!” You giggled.
He gave you one more kiss before backing up and beginning to make himself a plate and you followed behind him to make one of your own. And after a delicious breakfast you two cleaned up and made your way to the living room to relax on the couch, this time cuddled up next to each other instead of on opposite ends.
“How should we tell my brothers?” You questioned.
“Tell us what?” You heard from the entryway.
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imasinnerimsorry · 11 months
The Break-In
Harry was on a business trip with a couple of co-workers, leaving his girlfriend all alone at her house. She begins to notice strange things going on around her until suddenly, everything becomes more intense.
SMUT; Kinks included: Gangbang (4 people), deep penetration, Daddy/Sir/Mister kinks, Squirting, Deepthroating, Dildos, Gaping, Anal, Oral, Creampies
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The house was quiet. Too quiet. But there was Rani, filling the noise of the bathroom with some 2000s R&B music and humming along to Mary J. Blige as she finished her nighttime routine. She had a whole process: tie her hair into a bun and put a headband around her hairline so that her hair wouldn’t get in the way, remove her makeup if she had any on, wash her face, apply her moisturizer and essential oils, put on a face mask if she felt like it, put her bonnet on, and brush her teeth. She did this every night- same old thing on a different day.
But, tonight was different. Something about the air was off. It was almost as if someone was watching her…
She shrugged off that feeling, though, not wanting to get super paranoid before she went to bed. Anytime she had a worrying thought or even watched a scary movie before bed, she would always have nightmares. She didn’t have time for that because she had a date with her boyfriend tomorrow.
Her boyfriend, Harry, was such a great man. He was attentive to her every need. If Rani called him at 3 AM to cuddle, she’d hear a knock on her door at 3:15 with him being there behind it with a smile and loving eyes. He was attentive to her every need, want, and desire, whether it be at social events, in the comfort of their own home, or in the bedroom. Harry was just amazing. Her best boyfriend of all time.
Speaking of Rani’s every desire, she had a bucket list of every thing she wanted to do before she died. Everything thrilling like jumping out of a plane to everything kinky like having anal sex.  No one knew about this list or the contents of it. No one except Harry. He made a mental note of every single detail, from traveling to the Philippines to trying out a threesome. And he wanted to make sure she could check off aspects of that list by any means necessary.
But Harry was on a business trip with some of his favorite co-workers this weekend, so he unfortunately would not be at her beck-and-call like she would’ve wanted him to. And she really did want him to. She hated being alone on cold, dark nights like these. The moon was nowhere to be seen in the night sky as she looked up out her window, and she usually depended on its light to shine through and bless her with a good night’s rest. 
As she laid into her bed, she could hear creaking coming from the house. It was a breezy night, so she didn’t suspect anything of it. She didn’t live in the most modern home anyway, so creaks and cracks were expected. She lifted the covers over her body and tried to relax, her comforter covering her entire body from the neck down as the nightgown she was wearing wasn’t enough to keep her warm. 
Then, another creaking sound, only this time followed by a deep thud. Rani jolted as the thud’s vibration pounded through her chest. It sounded like something fell… on top of her house? But what? And how? 
Then another pound followed by another and another. It was a repeated action in a rhythm, but it was traveling from one side of the roof to the next. Almost as if it was the sound of… footsteps?
I must be trippin’, she thought. No way is someone walking on top of my house. On my roof… The disbelief turned into confusion as the footsteps increased in their sound as they got closer to her. Is that a human? A raccoon? I haven’t seen raccoons here before. But, how could a human even get up here? The confusion evolved to fear as another thud was heard. What am I gonna do if it’s a human? Who could that even be? I’m alone, no weapons, no help, no protection! What the fuck could I use as a weapon? 
The footprints stopped. And one more thud shook the house. Then footprints began again. Rani put all of the pieces together. Three thuds. Three sets of footprints. All coming her direction. On top of her house. There were three people trying to break in through the roof.
Her thoughts were stopped as the window flew open. She forgot to lock it shut. Again. Harry would always remind her to. Whoops.
All she could see were three tall human figures dressed in all black hop straight into the house before she covered her whole face with her comforter and screamed. The protection (or lack thereof) of the comforter was quickly gone as it was tugged from off of her bed and thrown to the side of the room. “No! Please!” she screamed out.
Rani quickly noticed three colored masks of the three figures in the room: pink, blue, and green. Each of the figures wore black clothing with padding, however, which sealed any sort of identification of their bodies that she could take note of. But Rani made sure that she didn’t stay still for too long, she knew she had to get out of there in some way. So she slowly inched herself off the bed when she noticed the three figures huddled up in the room speaking amongst each other about their game plan, as if they were some American football players. Their voices were deep, so she could probably infer they were all men. 
The blue masked figure turned his head to face Rani as he noticed her movement. “Stay on the bed, bitch!” He grabbed a hammer that was inside of a duffel bag that he snuck in with and lifted it over his shoulder as he walked over to Rani, who was quivering with fear as she slid herself back into the position she was in before on top of her bed. Her widened eyes couldn’t stop staring at him and the weapon that he had, but the figure only chuckled as he noticed her fear. “Scared little kitten, aren’t ya?” He teased her. Rani could only nod her head and gulp. He chuckled again and walked back to the other two men, continuing their conversation.
All of their voices had a robotic sound to them, and from the looks of it, the men were wearing voice changers under their masks to hide their identities. Smart move, but Rani knew this would give her a great deal of trouble when she would report them to the cops. If she ever could report them, that is. Who knew what these men would do with her after they were done with their business?
The one with the pink balaclava walked over to the edge of Rani’s bed and just stared at her. It felt as if his eyes bore a hole into her head as he did so. Then he looked at the other two masked men behind him. “I want you two to take everything you think is valuable. Leave the bag here. I’ll handle the girl first.” He turned to face Rani again, whose eyes were still widened and legs still trembling in fright. 
The other two men went down the hallway as they followed PInk’s instructions and Pink walked up to the side of the bed. The pace of his walk was slow, heavy and intimidating, yet almost calm? It was as if he wasn’t nervous at all about what was happening or what was about to happen. He was probably the seasoned mastermind of all of this, the one who had been through this before and had always succeeded, so he probably didn’t have a care in the world about the consequences. He came to get the job done, and that was it.
He stroked his latex-gloved hand down Rani’s temple and took her bonnet off. “Gorgeoussss,” he drew out from his lips like an exhale. Rani didn’t know how to react but whimper and turn her head away. But in the corner of her eye, she noticed the man reach his hand into his pocket and retrieve a bundle of rope. He didn’t say anything as he quickly jumped on top of her body and held her down. Rani tried to squirm and fight her way out of his grasp, but to no avail. “Shhh,” he coaxed her, as if that would help to calm her down. All it did was cause her heart to beat fast against his chest as he reached himself to her left arm with some rope and managed to tie her against one of the bedposts. He did the same with her other arm, and then he shuffled himself to her legs to tie them to their respective posts. The man still sat on top of her, legs spread around her waist and looked down at Rani like she was a finished sculpture of his that he was admiring. Like she was his best work. He ran his hands down her sides, her body still covered by her nightgown but skin feeling every bit of the latex on his gloves through her fabric. 
One of the other men, Green Mask, ran back with a trash bag which Rani could assume was filled with some of her belongings. She was annoyed at her not being able to fight back, but it’s not like she had any way of doing so. She stopped straining against her confinements, and the man with the pink mask rose from his position and walked towards the green mask. Rani watched as he shuffled through her bag, looking through all of the items. When he was satisfied, he nodded his head, and walked over to the duffel bag that was brought in with them. He said, his head pretty much shoved into the bag as he searched for everything he wanted, “Take the gown off.” 
Green Mask nodded in compliance and made his way to Rani. Just as Pink did before, Green pulled something out of his pocket, only this time it was a pocketknife. Rani connected the dots.
“Uh, no, no, no, no! You are not cutting this gown!!” She screamed.
“Would you prefer it if I ripped it off?” Despite the distorted sound that the voice changer gave him, his teasing tone pierced straight through.
Rani shook her head no and watched as the man brought the knife down to her body. He used the knife to tear through her gown, but he was meticulous about it, thankfully for Rani. Did he not want to potentially hurt her? Rani took note of his precision and carefulness as he wielded the knife- maybe it would be a helpful detail to remember for the police when this whole ordeal was over if she made it out alive.
Green Mask removed the fabric from her body, his eyes immediately widening in admiration of her naked figure. Rani was too embarrassed, so she tilted her head to move from the man’s gaze. His eyes were like scanners as they observed her entire body from head to toe. His mouth hung open a bit as if he were about to drool at the sight before him. “Look at these fuckin’ tits.” He used his hands to squeeze at them and give a slight tug to her nipples. “Can’t wait to have a taste of those,” he stated, causing Rani to whimper.
Blue Mask finally rushed back into the bedroom. “I have some good shit in he-” He paused, noticing Rani now naked and tied onto the bed, Green Mask’s gloved hands playing with her breasts. “Aw man, you guys started without me?”
Green Mask seemed to roll his eyes. His voice, robotic yet clearly annoyed, commented, “Well, we weren’t gonna wait for you. You took too long, and we don’t have all night.” One of his gloved hands rubbed against Rani’s bare inner thigh as he spoke. Rani wished she could close her legs due to this invasion of privacy, but alas.
Blue Mask rolled his eyes right back. “Whatever, Jake,” he said out of annoyance, but quickly coughed as he noticed the slip of Green’s name. “Alright, so what are we doing with the girl?”
The man with the pink balaclava, still shuffling through the duffel bag and dropping items onto the ground that Rani couldn’t see because of her position, responded nonchalantly, “We’re gonna play with her. Isn’t that right, Rani?”
Rani’s body turned cold at the sound of her name. “H-how did you know my name?”
Pink Mask laughed. “How wouldn’t I know your name? Your room is just plastered with it.” He wasn’t wrong. There were photos and journals with Rani’s name all over them. She didn’t think of that. Well, she didn’t even think of her house getting broken into and robbed one day, so it was a first time for everything.
“Well, Rani, you have a beautiful fuckin’ body.” Green Mask ran one of his hands up her thigh and near her cunt. “Pretty cunt, too.”
“Yeah, and it looks like she wants to play with us as well,” Blue Mask said, and by the direction his eyes were roaming in, Rani could tell he was staring directly at her pussy. She whimpered at the men’s wandering eyes, both of them looking at her as though they were predators hungry for their prey.
Green Mask’s hand snuck in between her labia, rubbing up and down, and the wetness immediately coated his fingers. He found her clit, swollen and needy, and began to rub his fingers on it in circles. The moist friction between his hand and her pussy emitted pornographic sounds from not only the wetness of her cunt, but also her mouth as it let out breathy moans and whimpers with each rotation of his hand. Rani’s eyes were closed through the ordeal because of her embarrassment and fear, but she could feel the eyes of the green masked-man piercing through her soul like daggers. She knew she was in for a long night.
The man with the blue balaclava walked over to the other side of Rani’s bed. Her head was already faced on the side he was walking to due to her not wanting to face Green Mask as he relentlessly rubbed her pussy, and Blue Mask took this as an opportunity to undo his black pants and throw them off to some corner of the room. His bulge was peeking through his briefs, precum seeping out in a little spot of the grey fabric, and Rani’s eyes teared up even more knowing what Blue’s next move was.
But Blue Mask smirked, and all he did was inch his covered bulge up to Rani’s mouth, and her saliva immediately started to smear onto it. “Gotta give you the appetizer before the main course, right?’” He stated as he watched Rani’s eyes look up at him in confusion. “Suck through the fabric, baby.”
Rani immediately began to suck onto the man’s underwear, her lips and tongue feeling the shape and size of his cock as she did so. Despite her fast and immediate movements, Rani wasn’t optimistic at all, she just wanted to do whatever the men wanted her to do, hoping that it would help her go through this situation easily and quickly. They obviously had weapons, reminding herself internally as she thought about the hammer that was just in the hands of the man whose boxers she’s now sucking through, or the knife that stuck through the pocket of the man currently twiddling at her clit.
Green Mask stopped his circular motions on her clit and slapped her cunt a couple of times, her wetness squirting out in little splashes as he did so. Her moans from Green’s actions vibrated through Blue Mask’s underwear and went straight to his length, making the rather dull experience of her sucking through his fabric a bit more pleasurable. Green stuck two of his fingers into Rani’s hole and began to thrust in and out her, sometimes curling them to stimulate her g-spot. Rani’s muffled moans against Blue’s bulge grew louder and therefore caused the vibrations against his cock to become more intense, making him moan alongside her.
“C’mon, I need you to cum for me fast like a good girl. We don’t have all night,” He stated as he picked up the pace of his fingers’ thrusts, adding another finger sneakily to stimulate the girl’s cunt even more. Rani’s moans against Blue’s bulge became even more muffled as she shoved her own face into him. Still flooded with embarrassment, her orgasm neared and she presumed that hiding her face from the men’s view would shed some of her fears away. Instead, it egged the men on to be more rough with her, Blue Mask now holding her by the back of her head further into his bulge preventing her from breathing while Green began to curl against her G-spot even faster. Rani’s body jolted not by much because of her constraints, but just enough for her to have a dramatic reaction as she orgasmed, her pussy leaking out more of her fluids onto Green’s gloved hand.
Green Mask released himself from the grasp of her cunt and sucked on each of his fingers, getting every taste of Rani’s arousal into his mouth. He looked over to Blue, who released Rani from his crotch and watched as she tried catching her breath. “Y’wanna switch places?” He questioned him, completely dismissing Rani’s existence despite her recent orgasm.
Immediately, Blue nodded his head. He explained, “Wanna taste the mess she made. I mean, the way she got your eyes rolling back, she must taste good, yeah?” 
Green nodded a yes as he wiped his saliva off his fingers onto Rani’s stomach, as if she was some sort of towel. She whimpered at the feeling, but the men didn’t even pay her any mind, almost as if she was, as they had said before, just some toy they were playing with. “And I wanna see how she takes cock in her mouth, how deep she can take one,” he said and smirked as he swapped places with Blue, the crotch of his pants now in front of Rani’s swollen, wet lips. “You can take cock, right, love?” He slapped at her face as he noticed her expression a bit dazed from her previous actions with Blue Mask. “Huh, you can take cock? Deep in that throat?” 
Rani nodded. “Uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, sir.” She gulped as she prepared herself physically and mentally for what the two men had in store for her next.
Green’s fingers then tugged at his pants’ zipper until it was fully unzipped, and he threw his pants and briefs in the same place Blue threw his. “Sir, hmm…” his lips turned into a smirk as he placed his tip onto her lips, his precum staining them, “I like that. Don’t you boys like the sound of that?”
Pink Mask chuckled from where he was, his eyes fully immersed in what was happening before him. His pants were down, Rani noticed, and his hand was wrapped around his cock. He must’ve finished going through the bag while the other men were hypnotizing her from both ends, she inferred. “Sir sounds lovely. Suits you well. I’m more of a ‘Daddy’ kind of guy. Hey,” he gestured over to Blue Mask, who was on his knees taking in the sight of Rani’s cunt before him, “What name do you want her to call you?” He handed a device over to Blue Mask, who smirked as he grasped the long object. Rani recognized it quickly- it was a Hitachi wand.
In the midst of thinking about his answer, he began slowly rubbing at Rani’s clit and gave her labia a little kitten lick. “Mm, how about Master?” He looked up at Rani, but his eyes widened as he recalled Rani’s skin color. “Uh, actually no, not Master. I’m not into the raceplay shit. Sorry ‘bout that.” He gave Rani’s clit a kiss and a lick, turning the wand on, before speaking again. “I guess Mister is better, right? Y’wanna call me Mister, babe?”
Rani was about to say yes, but ended up only nodding with a muffled moan coming from her mouth as Green Mask shoved his cock into it. Her eyes flooded with tears and flowed down her cheeks as he fucked her throat, his tip hitting so far back that she knew it would ache when he was done. Blue Mask took this as an opportunity to nudge the wand against his clit, causing Rani’s body to jolt again and throat to gag against Green’s cock.
Pink Mask went up to Rani and occupied himself by messing with her breasts. His thumb and index finger of both hands started to twist and pull at her nipples. The sounds she was making around Green’s cock encouraged him to continue with his own movements, slapping each breast after every pull of her nipple. He then settled on using one hand to play with her boobs as the other slipped around his cock and began to jerk himself off. With every sound that emitted from Rani, whether it was the sound of her throat being used, or the sounds of Blue Mask’s tongue lapping at her cunt, his cock slipped out more precum that allowed the movements of his hand to be slicker, and his head threw back at his pleasure.
Green’s cock continued to fuck into Rani’s mouth, his hands on each side of her head guiding her up and down his shaft as if her mouth was a fleshlight. The sound of his cock making her gag as he went in and out of the top of her esophagus made him moan. “You hear all those fuckin’ sounds?” He let out a laugh that forced his abdomen to move and make his cock vibrate inside of Rani’s throat. “The gawk-gawk-gawk?,” he mimicked the noises coming out of her throat as he continued his movements.
Blue Mask laughed as he continued licking Rani’s pussy, those vibrations traveling inside of her as well. “That’s what they call that ‘Gawk-gawk 3000’, right? That’s what you got honey,” he started to vigorously rub at her clit to emphasize his statements, “You got a Gawk-gawk 3000!” He slapped at her cunt a couple of times before placing his face back to her hole and thrusting his tongue in and out of her. The wand on her clit began to rub in circles, maximizing the pleasure she received from it all around.
Pink Mask continued to play with Rani’s tits with one hand as he watched the scene in front of him. He didn’t know which hole to look at- her mouth or her pussy- as he continued to jerk himself off with his other hand. It was all so overwhelming.
“Fuck,” Green moaned out, “Lick my ballsack, too.” He positioned himself to allow Rani easier access to his balls, and she began to lick and suck at them before heading back to his shaft, repeatedly moving between both parts of his body. She heard his moans, distorted yet beautiful, and it indirectly encouraged her to suck at him with more effort. “Fuck, shit,” he moaned out as the pleasure increased, but he suddenly began furrowing his eyebrows in frustration. “F-Fuck off me, bitch.” He slapped Rani’s face with enough impact to make her flinch off of his dick, causing her to cough and snort some mucus that was about to drip from her nose due to her crying. “I was about to cum inside your mouth,” he said as some sort of justification for stopping. “We wouldn’t wanna end the fun so fast, huh?” 
Rani moaned, not even paying attention to Green Mask because of what Blue Mask was doing to her pussy. He turned off the wans and threw it to the side as his lips sucked around her clit and his index and middle finger fucked into her hole, little spurts of arousal squirting out of her as it had done with Green Mask’s prior motions. Pink Mask stopped his own movements with Rani’s tits as he reached that same hand to push down onto Rani’s lower stomach. He knew this pressure would help to escalate Rani’s pleasure and make her orgasm come faster. Rani looked over at Green Mask, who was still calming himself down from facefucking her moments earlier, and pouted at him. Her eyes were pouring with tears, mouth was drooling, and her bottom lip was quivering; he knew the girl was close. “Feel good, yeah?” Rani moaned and whined out little “yeah’s” as he and the other men continued to egg her on with more questions and statements. 
“You gonna cum all over his fingers? Like a good girl?”
“You’re making a proper mess, sweetheart.”
“Fuckin’ squirt in my mouth, bitch.”
One final curl of his fingers and one final slap at her clit caused Rani to squirt like a broken fountain. She had no control over it, and some of the liquid flew all the way to her bedroom door before Blue Mask brought his mouth directly over her hole and drank whatever he could catch. 
Pink Mask let go from her abdomen and started to untie the knot from one of the bedposts on his side. “Untie those,” he commanded Green, and Rani felt relieved to be removed from her rather uncomfortable confinements. 
In spite of all of the commotion and the mental toll the situation had on her, Rani made sure to take mental notes of all of the men in the room. The one with the clean pink balaclava, seemingly the leader, had green eyes and a strand of dark-colored hair that stuck onto his forehead. He had an English accent, something similar to her boyfriend’s. Mr. Blue Mask had blue eyes, which she presumed was his reason for picking the color. He was quite a silly character in this situation, sort of the comic relief between all three men, so it would make sense. The one in the green mask (definitely a homemade one she might add), had freckles at the tops of cheeks and around his brown eyes. His accent was thick, but it wasn’t English like Pink’s. Maybe he was Australian? Or was he from New Zealand? She couldn’t tell, but it was definitely sexy. She knew that one’s name was “Jake” from hearing Blue Mask groan his name out of annoyance. Wait, Jake? That sounded familiar. But, wait, she didn’t know of any Jake’s. She knew a Jacob, who was one of Harry’s friends at work, but not any Jake’s. She quickly shrugged off that thought before the pink-masked man grabbed her by her jaw and tilted it up to face him.
���Dirty fucking whore.” Pink spat in Rani’s face and the fluid landed on her lips. “Lick it off.” He watched as Rani’s tongue worked itself over her lips and brought his saliva into her mouth. “Tastes good, doesn’t it? Had a mint.”
Rani did taste the mint flavor and that exact flavor reminded her of her boyfriend. Her eyes started to well with tears as she thought about him- his smile, his laugh, his face, and how he could help her in this situation. She missed him. She needed him. 
But he wasn’t here right now. His face wasn’t amongst these three men. In fact, no face was among the men, just masks, gloves, and distorted, modified voices. She didn’t feel like she was having sex with three men; she felt like an object only being used for their pleasure. It wasn’t the worst feeling, though. She’d spoken to Harry about a fantasy like this- her house being broken into by an intruder who would come across her and find ways to use her body for his satisfaction before he left with the loot. She was lightly enjoying this, she couldn’t lie. And it was obvious the men could pick up on that. She just wished Harry was one of the men under the masks.
He grabbed onto her shoulder and squeezed them to get her full attention before instructing her, “Turn around and get on your knees by the end of the bed. Now!”
Rani fell to her knees as she felt Pink Mask give her a push to the floor by her shoulders. Her knees buckled onto the floor, and her eyes met with Blue Mask, who made his way onto the bed and positioned himself in a way that made his ass meet with Rani’s face. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looked at what was before her, and she tilted her head at Pink Mask awaiting his further instructions.
“You’re gonna eat his ass,” he said sternly. “You understand?” Looking down at her, he could see her hesitation in her movements, but her eyes anticipated trying. 
She had licked her boyfriend Harry’s ass before, but it was only two times, and she didn’t think she was that good. But Harry was always amazing at licking hers, and she tried to remember what movements he would make with his tongue to help her out in this situation. So, she placed her hands on each of Blue Mask’s buttocks and put her tongue to work, running it along the rim of his hole in slow and smooth circles.
Blue felt the dampness of her tongue move around his hole and, although distorted due to the voice modifier, whimpered at the feeling. He wrapped his hand around the shaft of his length and began to stroke himself. The feeling was just indescribable.
Pink decided that he wanted in on the action, so he kneeled behind Rani. He didn’t give her any warning before shifting her body in a way that made her go on all fours- he needed better access to play with her cunt as he was the only one who hadn’t even touched  it out of the three, and the boys didn’t have much time left with the girl. They couldn’t risk doing this for much longer, and he needed to feel her.
Green Mask watched the scene in front of him- Rani’s focused face licking her tongue around Blue Mask’s ass with his face screwed in pleasure. “Yes, doll, lick his fucking ass like the slut you are,” Green Mask commanded with a laugh at the end of his statement. He was mocking her, but in some weird way it made Rani’s lower abdomen churn with pleasure. “Yes, Sir,” she moaned back at him, his words somehow encouraging her to lick with more vigor.
“Ohhhh,” Blue Mask emitted a moan and jerked himself off in faster strokes. His balls sat atop Rani’s forehead, and the friction between the body parts gave him more pleasure. “She’s too good at this, fuckin- shit,” he managed to get out of him amidst his moans and grunts. His accent (New York? Pennsylvania? She wasn’t sure.)  seemed to get thicker with the more intense he felt.
Pink Mask slapped Rani’s ass, causing her to moan into Blue Mask’s hole but never ceasing her tongue’s movements. “She’s definitely done this before, yeah?,” Pink asked her, and she moaned loudly, which was seemingly her way of saying yes. “That’s a lucky partner you got, I’m sure of it.” His fingers started to rub against her pussy, dragging along the outside of her labia repeatedly before smacking at her ass again. “Dripping like a broken tap, love. He did a number on your cunt earlier, didn’t he?” He was referring to Green Mask, who was now by the duffel bag and bent over the floor, trying to find one of the items Pink Mask removed from the bag earlier. 
Rani managed to crack some sort of smile as she continued licking at Blue’s ass. “Yes, Daddy,” she answered with a lisp since her tongue was busy.
“He made you feel so good, right, love?” He questioned again, running his thumb up and down between both of her holes, which surprisingly soothed her. 
The girl nodded again. “Yes, Daddy, so good. Mister made me feel good, too,” she looked up at Blue, who forced himself to look down into her eyes at the call of his other name “Mister”. He smirked and groaned, “Yeah? That’s good. And you’re doing such a good job at licking me, sweetheart.”
Rani’s hole pulsated when Blue praised her, and Pink noticed from his view. He loved seeing her aroused, and Blue wasn’t wrong about her satisfactory work. But he wanted to end the praise session and intensify the situation for his own satisfaction, so he slapped her ass and spread her cheeks open as wide as he could. “Stick your tongue down his asshole and move it in and out, whore. And don’t say another word.”
Rani yelped at the feeling of Pink manhandling her rear, and simply nodded as she followed his instructions. Her tongue stuck out and found itself inside Blue Mask’s puckered hole, beginning her thrusts with her tongue.
Once Green found what he was looking for, he walked over to Pink and, unbeknownst to Rani, handed him a tube filled with something clear. “She’s gonna love this shit, man.” he said to Pink, causing Pink to chuckle. 
Rani continued her actions against Blue’s ass and managed to lick at his balls a bit as well. Blue was in heaven with this girl, he couldn’t believe it. He needed to break into more houses and find other kinky bitches to lick his ass.
A click was heard from behind Rani, as if something was opening. She didn’t think about it much until she felt something cold land between her ass and into her asshole, some even running down her vagina. She then felt something be shoved right into her asshole, spreading the hole wide and stretching it in a way that hurt a little. She’d never had anal sex, the furthest she had gone was getting licked there by her boyfriend, so the feeling caused her to jolt away from Pink’s grasp before he pulled her right back over to him. “Did I tell you to fuckin’ move?” He questioned her, slapping her ass a couple of times before removing the object from her ass. 
She was about to answer until she remembered Pink demanding her not to say another word. Instead, she went back to leaving little kitten licks and sucks on Blue’s ballsack before, again, feeling an object being shoved inside her ass again, this time deeper than it has been before. She assumed if it wasn’t for the substance (she now realized it was most likely lube) dripped inside of her hole, the experience of this thing in her ass definitely would’ve felt worse than it did now. She only felt pressure and a stretch as the man behind her continuously thrusted the object back and forth into her asshole, using his fingers to rub at her clit which, surprisingly, also helped her be accustomed to this first anal experience.
Green Mask only sat back on a sofa Rani had in her room and watched what was happening in front of him, his cock dripping with anticipation to join in. But, he knew his place and knew what all three of them had in store for the girl next and decided to just wait his turn. Besides, he didn’t mind watching people fuck from the sidelines every now and then.
“Fuck,” Rani moaned under her breath and she threw her head down at the pleasure behind her. But, Pink didn’t like that and slapped at her ass with the object shoved as far as it could go into her asshole, causing Rani to wince in pain. “Shut the fuck up before I make you, pig.”
Rani didn’t say a word as she began to cry and went back to thrusting into Blue’s ass, Blue now jerking his cock at the sight. Her cries were so adorable, so thrilling, so sexy, and it made the pleasure he was receiving even more intense than it already was, as if that was even possible. “Fuck, you gotta stop it, girl,” he said, and Rani removed her head from between his ass until-
“Keep licking at him. And you’re not stopping until you cum for me,” Pink informed her, using one of his hands to shove her face right into Blue’s ass. Rani’s moans vibrated against Blue’s asshole as Pink shoved the object he was using into her even deeper and thrusted even faster. His fingers rubbed at Rani’s clit at a tantalizing pace, and Rani knew that if she focused on something else, Blue’s ass in this case, her climax would come faster. And so, she moaned into his ass and used her own hand to wank Blue’s dick for him. He wanted to protest against this as he went into this experience wanting to be in full control of his victim, but her smooth hand gliding against his cock felt too good to resist.
A few more thrusts went on before Pink paused, leaving the object inside of her ass as deep as he could, but continued his rotations around her wet, dripping cunt. He watched Rani’s facial expressions to the best of his abilities at his position, seeing that her face indicated her orgasm was approaching her once again for the night. He continued at the pace he was in, and Rani’s cunt pulsated as she neared her peak. “Alright, I want you to push your asshole as much as you can as you cum,” he commanded with a grunt, and Rani nodded as she followed his instructions, wincing out loud at the feeling of her pushing and her orgasm. Rani’s pussy finally squirted onto the floor, leaving a puddle that made a splash as the object once in her asshole landed on the mess. 
Pink kept her ass spread and his eyes marveled at the sight of her gaped asshole and her pussy weeping in front of him. It was the most gorgeous thing he has ever seen. Quickly, he glanced over at Green Mask, who rose from his seat and went over to Pink and Rani’s ass knowing that it was his cue. He picked up a polaroid camera from the floor by the duffel bag and snapped a picture of Rani’s asshole and pussy from the perfect angle. He knew Pink wanted to savor this moment, as he had discussed this scenario with him before.
Rani finally ceased the thrusts of her tongue at Blue Mask’s hole and removed her hand’s grasp from his cock. She and Pink Mask stood up from their positions, and Pink shoved the fingers he was using at her cunt into her mouth for her to suck on. She sucked on them, staring into his eyes as she did so before he finally removed them from her lips abruptly..
As Rani looked at the floor, she noticed the object that was used in her ass: a dildo longer and thicker than a cucumber. She looked over at Pink and saw him smirking, knowing that that look on his face came from seeing her own reaction to the object. 
She then heard Green Mask whistle and looked over his direction, noticing him laying on the bed. “Come on up here, gorgeous,” Green winked at her from under the mask and slapped his hands onto his thighs.
Rani stood in place, not really wanting to join Green onto the bed. She knew he wanted her to ride him, but having another man penetrate her just seemed so… disrespectful to her. And it  would be especially disrespectful to her boyfriend if he ever found out. Blue grabbed Rani’s shoulders from behind and began to walk her over to the bed before lifting her up and throwing her right leg on the opposite side of Green’s body. She was now in reverse cowgirl position, which surprised her, but she went along with it anyway, not really wanting to protest the men around her. But of course, the guilt of being fucked by another man still crept up on her and she muttered, rather shyly,-
“I have… I have a boyfriend.”
Green Mask paused his actions and brought Rani down to his chest, making her look into his eyes. “You’re telling us this now?” There was a pause before he let out a cackle, causing the other two men to laugh in suit. “After this man over here made you gape and the other one had his ass eaten by you? Now is when you say you mention a boyfriend? After squirting in front of three other men?” All of the men continued laughing. It was the most humiliating thing Rani was ever subjected to, and the tears on her face and whimpering of her mouth were proof of that. Yet somehow, it turned her on?
The man with the pink mask got onto the bed on his knees and slapped his cock onto Rani’s pussy as he spoke. “Well I’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t mind if we played with his toy for a bit, huh?” Rani’s lower body jolted, not like she could escape the situation anyway. “Trust me, honey, you’re going to love what we’re gonna do to you. I mean, your pussy is kinda proving how much you love it already,” He paused to stick his tip in, but pulled it out before starting up his slaps again. “And even if you don’t, we don’t really give a fuck. This night is for us to enjoy. Your cries for help aren’t gonna stop us. Your little boyfriend isn’t here to stop us.”
The glow of Rani’s face washed away as she felt the pink masked man stick himself inside of her, inch by inch, slowly getting deeper. “Don’t worry, love. We’re all clean here. A little raw sex never hurts anyone if they’re clean,” he said, as if that would make her feel any better. 
Rani didn’t even get to utter a moan before a cock thrusted into her mouth. The woman gagged and slobbered onto Blue Mask’s shaft as he forced himself deeper with every stroke. “There we go,” Green Mask prodded on as he watched Rani with Blue’s length. “You’re a pro at taking cock, sweetheart,” he groaned as he played with her tits from behind.
The feeling of Pink and Blue both inside opposite ends of her body made her gag and choke onto the cock in her mouth. Mucus fell from her nose and tears ran down her cheeks, the scene getting messier with every movement.
Green ran one of his hands down between her ass and his waist. He gripped his cock and gave it a few strokes before lining it up with her asshole, and Rani didn’t even realize this happening before he finally slithered his thick cock inside of her.
Pink Mask continued his own thrusts into the clenching cunt around him as he felt Green Mask’s cock glide against the wall that separated both of Rani’s canals. He groaned a low and drawn out “Fuckkk,” at the feeling; it was unlike anything else he had felt before. 
Rani choked onto Blue’s cock, saliva spurting out from either corner of her lips, as she felt the intrusion of another cock into her other hole. Three men were not inside of each of her holes. “What the fuck was even happening anymore?” was the last thought that passed through her mind before all three men gripped at her body from their respective position and began to fuck into her relentlessly. 
Pink and Green’s cocks moved simultaneously in and out of Rani’s cunt and ass, and they could even feel each other through the membrane that separated the two holes, maximizing the feelings they were already experiencing. Pink stared at Rani and watched all of her facial expressions as she managed to get fucked in her mouth by Blue. He paused the two for a moment and grabbed onto Rani’s jaw, forcing her to face him. His emerald eyes stared into hers, his eyebrows furrowed and forehead dripping with sweat just as she was, and Rani’s cunt clenched around him as she lingered in his stare. Everything started to make sense. 
Pink pulled Rani towards him and sunk his tongue into her mouth, licking and sucking at her own tongue and her lips before he pulled away and slapped her back down to Blue’s dick. “Keep sucking on him, bitch,” he was able to grunt out despite him being overwhelmed by all that was happening.
The room was filled with sweaty, sticky bodies slapping into each other and gags and chokes that came from Rani’s throat as Blue skull-fucked her. The men continued to egg her on with their own dirty talk, but not much was coming from Rani’s end of the conversation. Blue pulled out of her and watched as her head immediately threw back, almost like her head and neck were too numb to stand up on their own. “Damn, that bitch is braindead,” he commented with a chuckle, and the two other men took notice of this mention. 
Green slapped Rani's face a couple of times, but received no feedback from Rani other than a drunken moan. “Fuckin’ hell,” he muttered underneath his breath. He used his fingers of one hand to hook onto a corner of her mouth, which left her lips ajar, drool finding its way out from between. The drool landed onto her chest, as to which Pink bent over to lick it up and swirl it around in his mouth before spitting it back into Rani’s mouth. Rather, it missed and landed onto her cheek, but Rani was too intoxicated by her gangbang that she didn’t even flinch.
The two men fucking into Rani’s cunt and anus lifted up their hips to pick up their paces inside of her, Rani still too high to respond with anything other than a moan. Green let go of the corner of Rani’s mouth and gripped the back of her head to shove her mouth back onto Blue’s dick. Blue took the reigns and began face-fucking her again, this time with more desperation and speed. 
All of the men were finally close to cumming after more thrusts and grunts, and they could all feel it in their lower stomachs. The first to release was Green, who shot his cum so deep into her asshole, but he held his cock in place in order to not let anything drip out of her, not yet at least. 
Pink was next and did the same as Green, plugging his dick inside of her cunt and preventing any of his cum from spilling out of her.
Finally, it was Blue’s turn, and he shot his cum deep into her throat before smacking Rani’s cheek and grabbing her by her jawline. “Swallow my cum, whore.”
Rani regained consciousness from his grip at her jaw and somehow found a way to force herself to swallow his seed. She felt the thick substance slide down the walls of her esophagus and then looked at the two other men inside of her.
“We’re gonna pull out of you,” Pink started, “But we gotta make you cum first.” As he finished his statement, he and Green began their thrusts again. The thrusts of their cocks into her cum-filled holes caused their milky substances to squirt through the sides of her holes, splattering all over her bed. Pink rubbed at her clitoris while Green twisted her nipples and pulled at them before finally, Rani came. A loud pornographic moan filled the room as she climaxed, and she squirted all over Pink’s chest and torso. He and Green finally pulled out of her, and Pink watched as their beautiful concoction of fluids spilled from both of her holes. Blue had the polaroid camera in his hands and shot pictures of the entire orgasm. Pink knew he would have a fun time looking at the pictures later.
The three men in the room got themselves composed before they heard an attention-grabbing cough come from the bed. It was Rani, who was obviously composed and very aware of what just happened.
“Thank you so much,” she paused for dramatic effect. “Harry, for that wonderful night”
The man in the pink mask chuckled, and finally took off his mask, revealing himself to Rani as her boyfriend. “Glad you enjoyed this, sweetheart,” He blushed, “but what gave me away?”
“I looked into your eyes. No one has green eyes as beautiful as yours.”
“Oh,” he laughed again. “I guess I should’ve worn contacts.”
“Also, you were being really possessive about cumming inside of my pussy. I know how possessive you get when it comes to me,” she continued and smirked at him.
Harry laughed and went up to Rani to kiss her on her cheek, which was still warm and stinging from the men slapping her all night. “You’re right. Should’ve controlled that a bit more.”
“No baby, I thought it was really cute. I’m shocked that your friends agreed to this. Actually, I’m shocked that you thought of this whole thing in the first place.”
Harry let out a warm smile and brushed his fingers through his hair, which was matted from being confined to the balaclava. “Yeah, well remember the conversation we were having about our kinks and deepest desires? I wanted to do something special for my girl, especially since our anniversary is coming up. I wanted to help you mark something off of your bucket list.”
Rani scoffed, “More like a couple of things.” Then, she looked toward the Blue Masked Man. “And I mean, Jake?” Blue’s eyes widened and he let out a “whoops” as Rani continued. “You kinda slipped that one out, Timmy.”
Timmy, or Timothee, removed his mask along with Green Mask, the Jake in question, following him with his own. TImothee and Jake, who was the “Jacob” Rani thought of before, were Harry’s work buddies and best friends. “So it wasn’t really a business trip, huh, guys?”
Jacob raised his hand to butt in. “Well, you could say it kinda was. I mean it was a job we all took part in to help our friend. I guess?”
“Mhm, yeah, sure,” Rani said, “Anyway, I had fun guys. I don’t know if I’d ever do something like that again, though. It took soooo much out of me.”
Harry kissed her temple and smiled. “Yeah, well never say never.”
“By the way, we didn’t take anything from your house,” Jacob stated, lifting up one of the bags he and TImothee went around the house with at the beginning, and showed her the contents of it. “It was just styrofoam we brought with us to give that illusion.
Rani laughed and shook her head. “Y’all are just too much.”
The four of them sat in her bedroom and discussed what went on that night, watching as the sun rose from Rani’s window. Harry held onto his girl, feeling like such a proud boyfriend. He fell in love with Rani even more than ever.
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estapa-edwards · 2 months
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paring: Jack Hughes x fem! reader
word count: 3.7k
requested? yes -i NEED a pt 2 to i miss you, im sorry! 🤍
warnings: use of y/n.
pt. 1
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As I stared at the glowing screen of my phone, Jack's message seemed to jump out at me, stirring a flurry of conflicting emotions within. It had been a few weeks since we last spoke, and despite my efforts to move on, his presence still lingered in the corners of my mind like an echo that refused to fade.
"I miss you."
Those three simple words carried a weight that threatened to pull me back into the depths of nostalgia, where memories of our time together danced in the shadows of my thoughts. I never knew I could miss somebody this much, I reflected, feeling the ache in my chest intensify with each passing moment.
A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a photo on social media – Jack with his new girlfriend. She bore a striking resemblance to me, with her long dark hair and piercing blue eyes. It was as if he had found a replacement for me, someone who could fill the void I had left behind.
At first, the discovery had filled me with a strange mixture of jealousy and resentment. How could he move on so quickly, as if I had never meant anything to him? But as I scrolled through their pictures, I realized that perhaps it was for the best. He deserved to be happy, even if it meant finding happiness with someone else.
And so, I made the difficult decision to keep my distance, to refrain from responding to his message. It wasn't out of spite or malice, but out of a sense of self-preservation. I couldn't bear to reopen old wounds, to subject myself to the pain of seeing him move on with someone else.
Despite my resolve to keep my distance from Jack, there was one connection I couldn't sever – my friendship with his brother, Luke. We had formed a bond that transcended the complexities of Jack's love life, spending countless hours together sharing stories, laughter, and the occasional pint of ice cream.
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Despite living under the same roof, Jack's presence in our shared space had dwindled in recent weeks. His busy schedule and newfound relationship kept him away more often than not, leaving Luke and me to our own devices. It was during these moments of solitude that I found solace in Luke's company, grateful for his unwavering support and understanding.
As the days turned into weeks, my visits to Luke's room became a regular occurrence – a sanctuary where I could escape the chaos of my own thoughts and find solace in the familiar warmth of his company. We would spend hours talking about everything and nothing, laughing at inside jokes and sharing stories from our past.
But no matter how much I tried to bury my feelings for Jack, there were moments when his absence weighed heavily on my heart. Sometimes, in the midst of our conversations, I would catch myself drifting off, lost in a sea of memories that threatened to pull me under.
It was during one of these moments that Luke caught me staring off into the distance, a concerned expression etched upon his features.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.
I forced a smile, pushing aside the ache in my chest as I nodded in response. "Yeah, just lost in thought."
But Luke wasn't convinced, his piercing gaze seeing through the façade I had erected around myself. He knew me better than anyone, could sense when something was weighing on my mind.
"Is it Jack?" he ventured, his words hanging in the air between us like an unspoken truth.
I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But in the end, I knew I couldn't keep it bottled up inside any longer – not from Luke, my confidant and closest friend.
"Yeah," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I miss him."
There was a sadness in Luke's eyes as he reached out and squeezed my hand in silent understanding. He knew all too well the pain of unrequited love, the ache of longing for someone who was just out of reach.
"I know it's hard," he murmured, his voice filled with empathy. "But you're stronger than you think, Y/N. And no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you."
His words brought a sense of comfort, a reminder that I wasn't alone in my struggles. With Luke by my side, I felt as though I could weather any storm, no matter how fierce.
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I was just about to leave Luke's room one afternoon when I heard the sound of footsteps approaching from down the hall. Before I could react, the door swung open, revealing Jack standing in the doorway, a surprised expression on his face.
"Hey," he greeted, his voice tentative. "I didn't realize you were here."
I felt a pang of discomfort at the sight of him, memories of our past rushing back to the surface with a vengeance. It was as if time stood still in that moment, the weight of our shared history pressing down upon us like a heavy blanket.
"I was just leaving," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.
There was an awkward tension in the air as I gathered my things and made my way towards the door, desperate to escape the suffocating atmosphere that surrounded us. But before I could make my escape, Jack spoke up, his voice filled with uncertainty.
"Y/N, wait," he called out, his words stopping me in my tracks.
I turned to face him, my heart pounding in my chest as I braced myself for whatever was to come.
As Jack's words hung in the air, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. The anticipation that had built up inside me came crashing down like a wave, leaving behind a sense of emptiness that threatened to consume me whole.
"Actually, never mind."
With those three simple words, he shattered the fragile hope that had flickered to life within me, leaving nothing but a hollow ache in their wake. I stood there in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the sudden shift in our interaction.
Before I could gather my thoughts or muster a response, Jack turned on his heel and disappeared into his room, leaving me standing alone in the hallway, my heart heavy with disappointment and regret.
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Had I imagined the connection between us, the unspoken bond that had once held us together? Or had he simply grown tired of playing games, choosing to retreat behind the walls he had built around himself?
I wanted to scream, to lash out at him for the pain he had caused me with his thoughtless words. But deep down, I knew that it wouldn't change anything – that the distance between us was a chasm too wide to bridge, no matter how much I longed for things to be different.
With a heavy sigh, I turned away from his door and made my way down the hallway, each step echoing the rhythm of my broken heart. It was a painful reminder of the harsh realities of love – that sometimes, no matter how much we wish for things to work out, the universe has other plans in store for us.
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No matter how hard I tried to avoid Jack, it seemed like fate had other plans in store for us. No matter where I turned, he was there – a constant presence in my life, a reminder of the love we had shared and the pain we had endured.
It felt as though the universe was playing a cruel joke on me, taunting me with his presence at every turn. Whether it was bumping into him in the hallway, catching a glimpse of him across the crowded room, or hearing his laughter echoing through the walls of our shared home, there was no escaping the inevitable.
Each encounter served as a painful reminder of what could have been, dredging up memories of happier times and igniting the embers of longing that still smoldered within me. No matter how much time had passed, the wounds he had left behind remained raw and tender, refusing to heal in his absence.
And yet, despite the pain it caused me, there was a part of me that couldn't help but be drawn to him – to the warmth of his smile, the kindness in his eyes, the way he made me feel alive with just a simple touch.
But I knew that giving in to those feelings would only lead to more heartache in the end. I had made a promise to myself to move on, to let go of the past and embrace the possibilities of the future. And even though it was difficult, I knew that I had to stay true to myself, no matter how tempting the allure of Jack's presence may be.
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I stood in the kitchen, lost in the comforting routine of chopping vegetables and stirring simmering pots on the stove. The rhythmic clatter of knives against cutting boards filled the air, a soothing melody that helped to drown out the noise of my thoughts.
But just as I was beginning to lose myself in the familiar motions of cooking, a sharp knock on the door shattered the illusion of calm, jolting me back to reality with a start.
My heart skipped a beat as I glanced towards the entrance, a sense of apprehension knotting in the pit of my stomach. It couldn't be, I told myself, my mind racing with a million possibilities.
With cautious steps, I made my way towards the door, each footfall echoing the rapid rhythm of my heartbeat. As I reached out to grasp the doorknob, a sense of dread washed over me, the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon my shoulders like a heavy burden.
And then, with a trembling hand, I swung the door open – and there he stood, Jack, his presence filling the doorway like a looming shadow against the fading light of dusk.
For a moment, neither of us spoke, the silence stretching between us like a taut wire. His eyes searched mine, a mixture of emotions swirling within their depths – regret, longing, and something else, something I couldn't quite name.
"Hey," he greeted, his voice soft and tentative. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
I swallowed hard, the lump in my throat threatening to choke me as I struggled to find my voice. "No, not at all," I managed to reply, my words coming out in a breathless whisper.
There was a tension in the air, palpable and charged with unspoken emotion. It was as if time stood still in that moment, the world narrowing down to just the two of us, suspended in a fragile bubble of uncertainty.
And then, without a word, Jack stepped forward, closing the distance between us in a single stride. His presence enveloped me like a warm embrace, his scent familiar and intoxicating all at once.
"I've missed you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "More than you'll ever know."
His words hung in the air between us, heavy with unspoken implications. I couldn't deny the surge of conflicting emotions that washed over me at his confession. Part of me wanted to believe him, to hold onto the hope that our connection was still strong despite the obstacles that stood in our way.
But another part of me couldn't ignore the bitter reality of his words – he had a girlfriend. The thought stung like a fresh wound, reopening the scars of heartache that had barely begun to heal.
"Did you actually miss me, because you had a girlfriend?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mixture of hurt and disbelief.
There was a flicker of guilt in Jack's eyes as he met my gaze, a silent admission of the truth I already knew deep down. "I did," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it wasn't the same. She's not you, Y/N."
His words cut through me like a knife, reopening old wounds and igniting a firestorm of emotions within me. How could he expect me to believe him, to trust in his feelings when he had chosen to be with someone else?
"I don't know if I can do this, Jack," I confessed, my voice trembling with emotion. "I can't be just another option, waiting for you to decide if I'm worth choosing."
Jack's words hung in the air between us, a fragile bridge spanning the chasm of uncertainty that had grown between us. His confession stirred a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within me, tearing at the walls I had built around my heart in an effort to protect myself from further pain.
"You know how much you mean to me. The whole time I was with her, I wished it was you instead."
His words echoed in the depths of my soul, resonating with a truth that I couldn't deny. Despite the hurt and betrayal I felt, there was a part of me that longed to believe him, to cling to the hope that our love was still worth fighting for.
But the wounds he had inflicted ran deep, leaving scars that would forever mar the landscape of our relationship. Could I truly trust him again, knowing that he had chosen someone else over me?
"I want to believe you, Jack," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "But I don't know if I can. Trust isn't something that can be easily regained."
There was a heaviness in the air as we stood there, caught in the gravity of our shared pain and regret. For a moment, it felt as though time stood still, the world narrowing down to just the two of us, suspended in a fragile bubble of uncertainty.
And then, without a word, Jack reached out and took my hand in his, his touch gentle yet filled with a quiet determination.
"I understand," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "But please, just give me a chance to make things right. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust."
Tears glistened in my eyes as I listened to Jack's plea, his words reaching deep into the recesses of my heart. Despite the pain and uncertainty that still lingered between us, there was a part of me that wanted to believe him – to believe that we could find a way to heal the wounds of the past and move forward together.
But as much as I yearned for reconciliation, I knew that I couldn't ignore the doubts and fears that gnawed at the edges of my resolve. Trust wasn't something that could be easily regained, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to take that leap of faith just yet.
"I appreciate your honesty, Jack," I replied, my voice steady despite the storm raging within me. "But I think we need some time apart – time to figure things out on our own."
There was a flicker of disappointment in Jack's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the reality of our situation. He knew as well as I did that our relationship couldn't be repaired overnight, that it would take time and effort on both of our parts to rebuild what had been broken.
"I understand," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "But please, just know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
I nodded, a bittersweet smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "And I'll always be here for you too, Jack. But for now, let's just focus on being friends."
There was a sense of relief that washed over me as I spoke those words, a weight lifting from my shoulders as I embraced the possibility of a new beginning. It wouldn't be easy, and there were sure to be challenges ahead, but I knew that as long as we had each other, we could weather any storm that came our way.
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In the weeks that followed our heart-to-heart conversation, Jack and I embarked on a journey of rediscovery – one that would test the boundaries of our friendship and pave the way for a new chapter in our lives.
With each passing day, we grew closer, our bond strengthened by shared laughter, heartfelt conversations, and moments of quiet companionship. We spent hours exploring the city together, revisiting old haunts and discovering new ones, each adventure bringing us one step closer to understanding ourselves and each other.
There were moments when the pain of the past threatened to resurface, old wounds reopening with a raw intensity that left us both reeling. But instead of turning away from each other, we leaned in – offering comfort, support, and a shoulder to lean on when the weight of the world became too much to bear.
Slowly but surely, the walls we had built around ourselves began to crumble, revealing the vulnerable hearts that lay beneath. We shared our hopes and dreams, our fears and insecurities, laying bare the pieces of ourselves that we had long kept hidden from the world.
And in those moments of vulnerability, we found strength – strength in each other, in the unspoken understanding that bound us together, and in the knowledge that no matter what the future held, we would face it together, as friends.
As the days turned into weeks, I found myself grateful for the opportunity to rebuild our friendship from the ground up, to forge a connection that was deeper and more meaningful than anything we had ever shared before.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, there were moments when Jack and I found ourselves drawn together by an invisible force – moments of quiet intimacy that left us both breathless with the realization of just how deeply we had come to care for each other.
It was in the small gestures – a lingering touch, a shared glance, a smile that spoke volumes – that our bond grew stronger, weaving a tapestry of connection that defied explanation.
One evening, as we sat side by side on the couch, engrossed in a movie marathon, I felt Jack's hand brush against mine, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins. It was a simple touch, yet it spoke volumes – a silent reassurance that we were in this together, no matter what.
In that moment, I found myself leaning into his touch, craving the warmth and comfort it offered. And as our fingers intertwined, a sense of peace washed over me, filling the room with a quiet serenity that spoke of the deep bond we shared.
There were other moments too – moments of shared laughter and inside jokes, of stolen glances and secret smiles – each one a testament to the depth of our connection and the growing affection we held for each other.
And as the weeks turned into months, I found myself falling for Jack in ways I never thought possible, his presence a constant source of joy and comfort in my life.
But amidst the growing closeness between us, there lingered a sense of hesitation – a fear of crossing boundaries that had long been established, of risking the fragile equilibrium of our friendship for the sake of something more.
And so, we treaded carefully, tiptoeing around the unspoken tension that simmered beneath the surface, content to bask in the warmth of each other's company while keeping our true feelings carefully guarded.
But deep down, I couldn't help but wonder – what if? What if we took a chance on love, risking everything for the possibility of something beautiful and true?
As the days passed and our friendship continued to blossom, I could sense a shift in the air – a tension that crackled with unspoken emotions, threatening to burst forth at any moment. And it was during one quiet evening, as we sat together on the balcony, that Jack finally found the courage to speak the words that had been weighing heavily on his heart.
"Y/N, there's something I need to say," he began, his voice soft yet tinged with a hint of urgency. "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I realize that I owe you an apology."
I turned to face him, my curiosity piqued by the solemn tone of his voice. "What for?" I asked, my heart racing in anticipation of what was to come.
"For everything," he replied, his gaze never wavering from mine. "For hurting you, for taking you for granted, for not realizing sooner what you mean to me."
His words washed over me like a wave, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within me – surprise, disbelief, and a flicker of hope that threatened to ignite into something more.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he continued, his voice tinged with regret. "I know I messed up, but I want you to know that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."
I felt a lump form in my throat as I listened to his heartfelt confession, the weight of his words settling in the pit of my stomach like a heavy stone. Could I trust him again, after everything we had been through? Did I dare to hope for a future where we could be more than just friends?
And then, before I could form a coherent response, Jack took a deep breath and spoke the words that I had longed to hear.
"I want more, Y/N," he confessed, his voice filled with quiet determination. "I want us to be more than just friends. I want to explore what we could have together, to see if there's a chance for something real between us."
A sense of relief washed over me as I heard Jack's heartfelt confession, his words echoing the silent desires of my own heart. For so long, I had yearned for something more – something deeper and more meaningful than the platonic friendship we had shared.
"I agree," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, the weight of his words settling over me like a warm blanket. "I want that too, Jack."
There was a flicker of hope in his eyes as he reached out and took my hand in his, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes – a silent promise of the journey that lay ahead, filled with uncertainty and possibility.
And as we sat there, bathed in the soft glow of the evening sky, I knew that no matter what obstacles we may face, we would face them together, united by the bond of our shared love and the hope of a future filled with endless possibilities.
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Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 9/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Nine: Nightjars
Jason waited on the roof, swinging his feet as he sat on the ledge. The black of night and lights of Gotham shone beneath him. He tilted his head back and looked up into the sky at the darkness as a familiar wave of sadness and fear washed over him. He took a few deep breaths, trying to pull himself together.
It wasn't like he was scared of being home alone. He kept trying to tell himself that, but the way his hands shook after waking up from another one of his nightmares said otherwise. "Hey, got space enough for two?" a voice asked. It didn't startle him in the way that it usually would have.
"I'm not gonna jump. I'm just waiting for my sister to get home," Jason mumbled.
"You say that like your sister is Batgirl," he chuckled as he sat next to Jason. Jason turned to him, and he gasped.
"You're the Boy—. Robin. You're him," Jason whispered, "Did she tell you to come here?"
"So she is your sister? And no, I'm just in town. Thought I'd stop by," Dick smiled, "And thanks for not calling me the Boy Wonder. I'm a little old for that. Why are you waiting for her up here?"
Jason tried to conceal his trembling hands as he spoke. "Pop's out of town... It just feels weird knowing he's not in Gotham, so I'm watching from up here until she gets back," Jason explained himself.
"How long have you been—? It's none of my business. If she wanted me—."
"Almost five months. Didn't really think I'd be here this long, but they feel like family," Jason confessed. A breeze blew past, and Jason shivered.
"Come on, I'll make us an omelet," Dick whispered, "You like eggs?"
Jason nodded and followed Dick back to the apartment. They climbed into Barbara's window, and Dick went straight to the kitchen as if he'd been there before. "Who are you?" Jason asked.
"She really didn't tell you?" Dick asked. Jason shook his head. "Well, if she trusts you... Dick Grayson." Dick held out his hand, and Jason shook it.
"Jason Todd... Or Gordon. Not really sure how the name thing's gonna work long-term... People really call you Dick?" Jason asked. Dick nodded as he took off his gloves and mask and set them on the counter.
"So, Jason... What's it like having Barbara as a sister?" Dick smiled. He cracked a few eggs and chopped up some peppers and sausage.
"I thought I was stubborn, but I think she's got me beat," Jason replied, "But I've never had a sister before, so I dunno... Maybe they're all like this."
"Nobody's like Babs, trust me on that," Dick replied, "But yeah... Stubborn. That's her."
"But she's also a good friend," Jason whispered.
"Oh, boys. Now, who's gonna tell me I'm pretty?" Barbara asked. Dick and Jason turned to her. "What are you doing here?"
"When were you gonna tell me you had a little brother?" Dick asked. Barbara messed up Jason's hair.
"I would've told you the next time we talked... Jason, what are you doing up?" she asked.
"Having an omelet with your friend, Dick," Jason answered casually, and Barbara cleared her throat. "I couldn't sleep, so I went up on the roof to wait for you."
Silence fell over the kitchen, and Jason looked at both of them. "Who's taller? You or Wonder Girl?" Jason asked.
"Which one of us are you asking?" Dick replied.
"You say that like Barbie knows Wonder Girl," Jason replied. Barbara sighed.
"Barbie?" Dick grinned.
"Don't start," Barbara went into the fridge and poured herself a glass of juice.
"I'm taller. Not by much," Dick answered.
"How many questions can I ask before it gets weird?" Jason questioned.
"Um, you can ask what—."
"He can ask three questions, eat his omelet, and go to bed," Barbara interrupted. Jason stuck his tongue out at her. "Three."
"Fine. How old were you when you started out as Robin?" Jason asked.
"Don't answer that," Barbara chimed in, and Jason opened his mouth to argue.
Dick chuckled as he asked, "Why? How old are you?"
"Thirteen," Jason replied.
"I was around your age," Dick replied.
"Oh, you just love to start problems, don't you?" Barbara pinched the bridge of her nose. "You know he's never gonna let me hear the end of it." Dick made Jason's plate. "I told Jason I'd train him, but I don't want him out in the field. He's not old enough."
Dick nudged Jason and whispered, "You'll wear her down. It might take a while with her, but if you really want to change her mind, you won't give up."
"I'm not like Batman. He's not gonna wear me down. He's too young," Barbara replied.
"Oh, come on. It's not like you waited until you were an adult to throw on the cape," Dick scoffed. Barbara sat down next to Jason and sighed.
"Did you two used to date?" Jason asked. Barbara and Dick turned to him.
"Eat your omelet," Barbara replied before responding to Dick, and Jason started to eat while they argued. After he finished eating, he lay on the couch and drifted off to sleep. It wasn't until he'd been asleep a whole hour that they'd stopped arguing.
"Look at that," Dick chuckled, "He's out cold." Barbara picked him up and carried him back to his bed before returning to her conversation with Dick. "What's the story?"
"He was living in an abandoned apartment all by himself. Two parents dead, his birth mother in the wind... I don't want him out there because of what he's already been through. He won't really talk about it, but from what he's told me, his father was horrible to him," Barbara whispered, "I didn't want to say it in front of him... But when I took him home, I promised myself that I'd protect him. I can't do that if I allow him to do what we do."
Dick nodded and sighed. They talked for a few hours, and on Dick's way out, he whispered, "The biggest mistake you could've made was letting him know what you do, but all you can do now is train him as best you can and hope that he'll listen to you."
Barbara nodded, and once Dick was gone, she changed into her pajamas and checked on Jason. A thought weighed heavy on her mind as she went back to her room. It kept her up for the rest of the night.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Heat Waves - A Flyboy Blurb | Jake Seresin x Reader Top Gun: Maverick - Jake Seresin x Reader  Genre: romance; fluff Warnings: general hangman being hangman; sexual inneundo; fem!reader; general naval / flying inaccuracies. Length: Blurb set in the Flyboy universe
Summary: Where you aren’t teenagers anymore, but Jake still has to sneak into your room through the window at night.
Set in the same timeframe as this flyboy blurb.
Flyboy | Mini-Series Masterlist
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A/N: The song “Heat Waves” has nothing to do with this. I just thought of that song, and adopted it as a title, because of that one scene from Never Have I Ever. I am so tired from the week, it feels a bit like I’m drunk, but I had to write this and get it out of my system - I hope it makes… sense?
You hear your phone buzz, and you flip over to pull it off your nightstand, tugging it from the charging cable in the process. Your lips tilt up in a small smile as you see who it’s from.
J: Asleep?
You unlock the phone, dimming the brightness of the screen to cut the glare, and respond.
Rudely awoken by your text.
You weren’t, but it was always fun to rile Jake up in jest. He doesn’t respond, and you flick through the other notifications on your phone as you wait for his reply.
You were both back visiting family for a week - Jake had just returned from a mission and had been given some time off. You had quickly made the decision to submit your own request for time off, and both of you had made the choice to venture back home. It made sense, as you both had decided, to stay with family while home - him with his, and you, with yours, because it had been a while since you both had been home for more than a week. You and Jake had decided that you both would not stay collectively in one household or the other (because there was just no better way of determining which was the household of choice), and shuffling your belongings back and forth between both houses was just impractical; which was how you ended up, tucked into the bed of your childhood bedroom, and Jake in his.
You had spent nights without Jake in your bed before during the periods of time he was out on a mission, or when he was home and you were off somewhere on business, but this, this felt strange, sleeping apart just after a week since he had been back.
You are just about to shoot off another text to him, to check if he had truly fallen asleep, when a sharp rap of knuckles against your window makes you jump. An audible hiss of your name follows and you push the covers off as you simultaneously scramble out of bed to draw back the curtains to find Jake crouched on the roof by the outside of your window.
“Jake?” You hiss back, as you fumble to unlock the window, the hinges creaking slightly as you tug it open. You step aside, allowing him to somehow, manage to gracefully slide his way in. “What are you-” You begin, only to have him silence you with his lips against yours.
“Hi-” He says against an open-mouthed kiss, while simultaneously sliding his hands around your waist, under your tee and up your back. You kiss him back, throwing your hands around his neck.
“Hi,” he says again as you both pull away, Jake still holding you to him, his fingers now running up and down your lower back. “Haven’t done that in a while,” Jake cocks his head towards the open window, referring to the time he used to slip into your room throughout high school, or when you were both back from college; but not for any lurid reasons.
“You used to come bearing gifts,” you tease, recalling the many a times he would slip in with pizza, fast food, chocolate, or a bottle of something alcoholic, which often paved the way for late night movie binges, or just talking, for the both of you.
“I have come bearing a gift,” he says with a sly grin, “myself.” He can’t help but slide his hands from your lower back down to your hips, grabbing you by the waist and pressing you firmly against the lower half of his body. It makes you roll your eyes, and drop your hands from his neck as you twist out of his reach, walking over to shut the window.
“I think I liked the pizza better,” you say to which he chuckles before flopping down on your bed, propping his head up against a palm anchored by a bent elbow. You settle, seated on the mattress beside him and reach up to run a hand through his hair, which is still slightly damp from his shower. You let your fingers scrape against his scalp, and Jake moves a hand to squeeze your thigh.
“Permission to stay the night?” He asks, and you pretend to think about it, which makes him squeeze your thigh again, more firmly this time.
“Permission granted.” You finally respond, and Jake moves his hand to your shoulder, pulling you down easily into a flat lie beside him, your face pressed up against his chest.
“You’re suffocating me,” you say, your voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt, and Jake plants a kiss to the top of your head before letting you go.
You glare up at him as you let yourself land back on the mattress, only to find him grinning down at you, the sides of his eyes crinkling in amusement.
“It’s a good thing I know CPR.”
“Bed.” You say, ignoring his comment, as you reach for the bedside lamp, flicking off the dangling switch, while Jake pulls the covers which you had thrown off earlier over the both of you.
He sits up to tug off his tshirt, balling it up and tossing it towards the chair in your bedroom before settling back into your bed and slinging an arm around your waist, your back pressed to his front.
“I never imagined this is where we would be one day,” you can hear the rumble of his words in your ear, and against your back, his tone both amused and contemplative at the both of tucked into the bed of your teen-hood.
“Well you don’t have to imagine it,” you mumble, your eyes closing, mind settling fast, taking comfort in the weight of his arm around your waist, and the warmth of him against your body, “it’s happening now.” Being with Jake, you have come to realise, always makes it easier for you to fall asleep.
You hear a rumble of words that sound like his voice, feel the light press of lips to the back of your head, but you don’t register what Jake says as sleep claims you.
“Morning!” You call out as you enter the kitchen of the Seresin household to find Grace Seresin sitting at her kitchen counter, cup of coffee in hand as she flicks through the tablet in front of her.
“Hi honey,” she greets you with a smile, placing her coffee cup down, “I think Jake is almost done clattering around the bathroom.” She makes a face, before calling out in a stage whisper, “boy has always been vain.”
“Got you and grandma to thank for that,” Jake’s teasing drawl floats down the stairs as he enters the kitchen. You let yourself take him in, his hair is tame, but the movement of it tells you he has 0 product in it, and his jaw slightly scruffy. He bends to kiss his mother on the head, and then on the cheek, before reaching for you, to press a kiss on your lips in a hello.
“Sleep well?” He asks you, a twinkle in his eyes, as if he hadn’t slipped out of your room just an hour ago, and you have to bite down on your bottom lip to control the giggle which threatens to force its way out.
“Very,” you confirm and it makes him grin.
“Shall we?” He holds out a hand to you, and you slip your hand into his, both of you calling out your goodbyes to Grace as he tugs you out of the house for breakfast.
Grace Seresin watches you both go with a smile on her face, waiting for the door to click shut before she lets out a laugh while shaking her head. She had, to neither of your knowledge, heard Jake climb out of his room, and across the roof the night before, and again this morning, as she had multiple times before since the fateful day you had moved in next door.
“Kids,” she huffs to herself, laughter still on her lips as she picks her coffee cup back up.
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lvrhughes · 1 year
Guitar lessons | J. Drysdale
word count: 0.6k
pairing: Jamie drysdale x f!reader
summary: coming to visit Jamie, but when Trevor calls for help, it’s time for you to teach Jamie guitar yourself
warnings: none! pure fluff
requested: no
not my gif!
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You could hear the strum of the guitar from outside, it was out of tune and formed wrong.
“Oh God” you mumbled under your breath, before walking into the the house.
“Y/N SAVE ME!” Trevor yelled at you as you walked in.
“What happened?”
“The guitar.” Was all Trevor said. You giggled walking towards your boyfriends room, where the horrid strumming was coming from.
“Hey Jam”
“Y/n/n!” He finally put down the guitar to open his arms for you to jump into. And you did dragging him back onto his bed.
“I think Trevor wants to kill your guitar” you warned Jamie, he just laughed.
“Oh I know, he’s tried.”
“Wait he’s tried?”
“Oh yeah, once time I came back home and he was on the roof with it, said he tried throwing it off but he couldn’t. Felt too bad.”
You laughed. Trevor had genuinely tried.
“Okay c’mere baby.” You said sliding off him and sitting on his bed. He followed sitting beside you. You grabbed his guitar.
“Follow what I do, okay?”
“Okay.” You could tell he was eggar, he knew you could play but you had never played for him.
You put your hand into the chord of G. You turned to show him how your hand was set, then strumming the chord. It sounded so good to Jamie, he knew he’d be playing it wrong before.
“Okay,” you handed the guitar to Jamie, “you saw that, now you try.”
He put his hands where he remembered you did, you corrected him a bit but for the most part he was correct, and strummed.
“OH MY GOD I DID IT!” Enthusiasm was radiating off him.
“SHOW ME ANOTHER PLEASE” So you obliged. You showed him simple chords and helped him memorize the hand placements.
You and Jamie were in his room for almost three hours, you could tell he was passionate about his and decided to learning it, so you helped him. By the time you had deemed it was more then enough guitar for the day he had learned G, D, C, and E chords.
“Baby we have to go show Trevor!”
“Okay Jams, let’s go” he was like a excited puppy, he grabbed his guitar and your hand, pulling you both out to Trevor room.
“What the fuck?” Was the first thing Trevor said when Jamie ran in, pulling you behind him.
“Listen, listen!”
“Oh no” you heard Trevor mumble, a small laugh leaving your lips.
Jamie sat on Trevor’s bed, pulling his guitar where he needed it and placing his hand in the right position. He played through all the chords you taught him, Trevor had a presently surprised look on his face. You smiled looking at Jamie, he was so focused, it was adorable to you.
“That was actually good” Trevor said when Jamie stopped, shock lacing his tone.
“Thank you” Jamie beamed. “We’re going now, it’s time for cuddles.” Jamie ended, grabbing you and his guitar again and returning to his room.
You laughed as he threw you on his bed, following shortly after putting the guitar away. He basically fell on top of you, quickly he nuzzled into you.
A content sigh left his lips at the warmth from your bodies. His eyes shut as you ran your hand threw his hair.
“Baby if you keep doing that I’m going to fall asleep.” Jamie mumbled against your chest.
“Good, you need some sleep. We’ve been playing for over three hours.”
And he did, he fell asleep not even ten minutes later, you following in suite.
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Like by trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and others
yourusername teaching Jamie guitar is my new favourite hobby<3
tagged: Jamie.drysdale
trevorzegras pic credit?!?
yourusername shut up🫶
_quinnhughes you two are disgustingly cute
yourusername why thank u
jamie.drysdale are u sure that’s really a compliment?
yourusername yes
liked by yourusername
jackhughes get this off my feed
yourusername you’re just jealous😚
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Hello, I would like to make an order so it is not a bother.
I wish it was tim drake x male reader.
I would like the reader to be the son of deathstroke and for the two to be in a relationship, but for none of the members of the batfamily to know about the relationship (for obvious reasons)
I would like the batfam to be on a mission and for the reader to be seriously injured and for tim to care about him without caring that others find out about their relationship.
If you could do some scenes of how they met, along with some "fluff" scenes (either in some flashback or during the reader's recovery from his injuries) and the reactions of the members of the batfam (maybe slade as well, rose or respawn) would be awesome.
Also, if you want to make it inspired by a comic or that the reader has some power, no problem.
I hope I have not bothered you.
First love to change the world (Tim Drake x M!Reader)
whoo requests are back!
Am I super proud of this? not really but it's cute and it was hella fun to write anyways.
Also it took me forever to come up with a name for the reader's villain persona that matched Deathstroke so yall better enjoy it/j
Word count: 2.8k
Main Masterlist
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The first time you met Tim Drake was when he was going by Red Robin. You'd met a few times and he'd been the bane of your existence. You were just trying to live your life, even if that life was as a mercenary and gun for hire.
Tim had tried to stop you from completing your job a few times, sometimes he succeeded, mostly he didn't.
It was on a quiet night in paris- one of the times he hadn't managed to stop you from getting to your target- that he sat down on the roof from which you sniped down someone's former employee. You tried not to ask too many questions about your targets. It made the job easier.
"Why do you do it? What did that man do that he deserved to die?" He asked and you shrugged as you slung your rifle over your back.
"I don't ask. I wouldn't be a good killer if I let my heart stop me from doing jobs" You told him quietly and he looked at you almost pitifully.
"You're not like him. You don't enjoy hurting people, so why do you do it?" He asked and you stared him down.
"Like who?" You ask even though you knew exactly who Tim was referring to.
"You're not like Deathstroke" He said as he stood up to block your way and you laughed.
"And you're not like Batman. If he was here I'd be in handcuffs already" You said, sarcasm dripping from your voice. You lowered your voice as you walked past him.
"You're weak." You said and he grabbed your wrist.
"Why did you kill that man?" He asked you and you pulled your wrist free.
"It's what some rich asshole paid me to do, why do you care? If you're not going to try and arrest me leave me alone." You told him but before you could leave he grabbed your shoulder.
"You don't have to waste your life killing people" He said, trying to convince you but you shrugged his hand off.
"Not many places will have the wanted son of the most renowned mercenary in the underworld, but thanks for the life advice Tim" You said and jumped to the next rooftop.
He looked at you bewildered and you smirked.
You'd run into Tim a few times after that, slowly things became more and more civil- even friendly between the two of you.
You never told anyone, not that you had many friends or family to tell and your father would have had your head for your growing friendship and feelings for Tim.
Tim did the same, none of his brothers or friends knew about his friendship or growing feelings for you. For all his flaws Tim was very good at keeping secrets.
The two of you knew how to keep secrets and communicated in ways that couldn't be tracked by your families: burner phones, secret non regular meeting spots, and flirty bickering when you met on the field. No one suspected a thing.
But all good things had to come to an end.
It wasn't often that you helped your father on missions but when he needed a second man for a job in Gotham you saw no reason not to go. Everything went according to plan until the bats showed up. Batman and Nightwing immediately went after Slade while you intercepted Damian.
You unsheathed your swords and went on the offensive.
"Surrender Deathblade, you don't stand a chance!" Damian said as he blocked with his own sword.
"Against what? The Baby Robin?" You scoffed and continued your offensive.
"I don't think so baby face" You told him before throwing him off his balance and into and alley.
You were about to go help Slade when Nightwing split from his fight with him to stop you.
"You should've stayed home kid" He said as his escrima sticks collided with your swords.
"Nah, but it's- Dad behind you!" You screamed and Slade moved out of the way just in time to avoid Tim's Bo staff.
Dick took the chance to kick you off your balance and you tumbled back and over the ledge of the roof. You quickly pulled yourself up.
"Oh you're gonna pay for that" You said as you wiped blood from your nose away. One of the blood vessels must have ruptured in your tumble along with the bruised rib you felt as you stood back up. You've fought with worse so you simply kept going, racing back to confront Dick again when gunshots rang out and you noticed a nearby window was broken.
"Deathblade, the job's done! We're leaving!" Deathstroke called out to you and you changed course, running in the direction of your father.
He was still fighting Batman when a another shot rang out and you fell to your knees, grasping your side. You recognised the pain immediately but didn't understand where it came from. You saw Slade shoot at Batman- it took you a moment to realize the shot must have ricocheted. You held your side as the pain expanded and you heaved, looking at your father for help. He was still occupied with Batman but Tim- who had been trying to keep up with his mentor and Slade ran over to you.
"Deathblade!" He yelled as he came to your side.
You pushed him away.
"What are you doing?!" You tried to say, though it sounded more like a groan of pain. What was he doing? Both of your covers were about to be blown!
You tried to push him away but he wasn't having it.
"Y/N let me help you, please" He tried to tell you even as he fought your extended arms.
Tim's soft tone caught both Slade and Bruce's attention and you hissed in pain when he finally got you to lay down.
"They're gonna-" You tried to tell Tim but he cut you off.
"I don't care" Tim said and you didn't fail to notice the glare your father sent your way. Your rouse was up and you knew there was no going back when he used the opportunity to escape.
You cursed under your breath as you were left with Tim and the Bats.
Tim was soft in his actions, he took gauze from his utility belt and wrapped your chest as well as he could on the field. You felt the gazes of the rest of the bats as your boyfriend took such gentle care of you and you wished he hadn't done anything. You wished things could have stayed the same but you knew they were about to change drastically.
The judgemental silence was broken when Tim picked you up bridal style and you knew there was no arguing with him.
"Red Robin, what are you doing?" Batman asked him in the gravelly voice he probably used for interrogating criminals or scolding his robins as it seemed.
"I'm taking him to the cave. He needs medical attention" Tim told him confidently and you wanted to hide your head in the crook of your boyfriend's neck. The entire situation was making you the most uncomfortable you've ever felt.
"Absolutely not! Father Deathblade is a criminal!" Damian said and you groaned.
"A criminal who should have cut your tongue off when he had the chance you little twerp" You said smirking at Damian's enraged appearance.
It was getting harder to focus, you heard more talking but your brain couldn't interpret what they said over the pain in your chest. Tim's arms were so welcoming and you had to fight everything in you just to stay awake.
Soon you felt Tim start moving. You noticed Tim placing you in a car and covering your eyes but you couldn't focus on anything else. You felt Tim's gloved hands run through your hair and you thought you heard him telling you to rest but you weren't sure.
The next thing you know you're laying down on something soft. You could feel the pinch of a needle on your arm and the sound of overlapping voices hitting your ears.
"I'm not going to apologize! He's a good person and he needs our help" You heard Tim's voice say.
"He's a criminal Tim" You heard another voice, one you didn't recognize, respond.
"That's never stopped you" Tim replied and you heard another voice interrupted.
"He's Deathstroke's son" It said.
"I'd suggest you take it easy Mr. Wilson" an older man said. He spoke with a british accent and you had to squint to make out his face.
"L/N." You corrected.
"My name is Y/N L/N- not Wilson" You told him and he nodded, helping you sit up and handing you a cup of water.
"Well then Mr. L/N, you should take it easy. That bullet punctured your lung and you had multiple bruised ribs." He said as he helped you keep the cup to your lips.
"Where am I? Who are you?" You asked and the man- who wore an incredibly fancy black suit sat beside you.
"I am Alfred Pennyworth and at the moment you are in the Batcave" He explained.
"Master Timothy brought you here after you were shot" Alfred continued and you immediately realized what happened.
"I need to go" You said and did your best to get out of bed, you collapsed as soon as you tried to stand on your own. Alfred steadied you.
"I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do that at the moment" He said but you tried anyway.
You noticed most of your suit has been cut off and you were left in only your pants as you limped towards where you saw Tim was with his family.
"Deathstroke shot him." Tim said and you heard another voice tut in annoyance as you got closer.
"How long has this been going on?" A voice you assumed belonged to Batman asked and Tim sighed.
"Six months" He said before he strengthened his resolve.
"But he's not like his father. I've seen it. He's just never known anything else from this" Tim said and you cleared your throat.
"He's also right here" you said and Tim's eyes widened as he ran to help you.
"What are you doing?" He asked and you smiled.
"I believe Mr. L/N said he needed to go" Alfred said from behind you.
"Though where you could go with a punctured lung and bruised ribs I wouldn't know" He said and you had to admit that this Alfred was really getting on your nerves.
You coughed as Tim tried to keep you from leaving.
"Tracker-" You said and coughed again.
"In my neck" You breathed out, even with increased healing your body wasn't ready for the amount of energy it would take to simply walk.
"He's gonna- he's gonna come here" You told Tim and he helped you sit down.
"I told you! He's going to lead Deathstroke right to us!" Damian exclaimed but Tim glared at him.
"Shut up Damian, he just warned us. Now go with Alfred and get a med kit" He told his brother before turning his attention back to you.
"Don't worry, we'll get it out" He told you and you sighed.
"You shouldn't have brought me here" You told Tim and he shushed you. "I wasn't going to leave you to bleed on that roof" He said and you smiled. "You're too good to me."
"You're important to me, I love you" He said and you chuckled. That was the first time he told you that. The first time anyone told you that they loved you, and in that moment you realized you would do anything for Tim.
"I love you too Bird boy" You said as you pulled him into a soft kiss.
You could feel the uncomfortable gazes and unsaid judgments from Tim's family but you couldn't care less. After all, Tim just saved you.
Alfred came back with the med kit and went to work with your instruction on removing the tracker.
"Why should we trust you?" Batman asked you and you could feel Tim tense beside you.
"Because my father just left me to die. If I had any loyalty to Slade Wilson I wouldn't have told you about the tracker" You told Batman and he nodded.
"I still don't like this, Slade's kids have made a habit of stabbing us in the back" Nightwing said and you scoffed.
"You mean the ones he cares about? Because Slade has about five kids from four different moms and he isn't shy about who his favorites are." Dick stared you down waiting for you to continue and you used all your strength to stand up and face him.
"He doesn't give half a shit about me if that's what you're worried about Grayson." You told him and you saw him flinch at the use of his name. He looked at Tim who shook his head. You'd known Dick's identity long before you and Tim got together.
"How do you know that name?" He asked and Tim helped you sit back down.
"Because my father hates you. Just like I know Damian's name. Or Jason's. You aren't particularly good at hiding your connection. The second someone knows one of you they'll know all of you" You told them and met Batman's eyes through his cowl.
"Either way your secret's safe with me. I don't have any interest in ousting my boyfriend's family as vigilantes" You told them.
Bruce took Tim aside to talk and left you with Dick. He took his mask off and sat down in front of you.
"If you don't like Deathstroke why do you work for him?" He asked and you scowled.
"With him." You corrected.
"I work with him occasionally because we're in the same business. I don't have any loyalty to him because he's a conceited asshole who doesn't care about me" You explained.
Dick took a moment to think.
"Tim said you only kill because you don't know anything else, is that true?" He asked and you rolled your eyes.
"Is this your version of the shovel talk?" You asked and you could see Dick was losing his patience.
"He's my brother and I can see he's happy with you but I still don't trust you." He said and he continued.
"Why do you kill people?" He asked and you took a moment to think. When you answered him your voice was even.
"I wasn't always like this. I used to take protection jobs mostly, bodyguard positions" You explained. "But I couldn't outrun his influence or reputation. Slade is- well his is a big shadow and no matter how much I wish it wasn't the case I'm his son." You explained and pointed to a small faded scar on your side.
"This was from my first job when I was 12, a bullet graze. He taught me hand to hand combat, blades, guns- anything I'd need to follow in his footsteps." You took a pause as you tried to keep your breathing even.
"I've never known anything but this." You told him and met his eyes.
"Tim saw the real me. For the first time in my life someone loves me because they see who I am beyond my family and my abilities and I would do anything for him." You told Dick and held his gaze until he finally responded.
He nodded and stood up.
"I'll help you back to your cot, I'm sure Tim and Bruce will be back soon"
You spent the next few days resting in the batcave. Bruce was adamant about you not entering the manor and you had no problem staying in the cave. Tim was by your side practically 24/7 and you had to admit that you appreciated the quality time with him.
With your enhanced healing factor your wounds healed quickly and within a few days you were almost fully healed.
You pulled on one of Tim's hoodies.
"You know you don't have to go yet, we could set up a guest room in the manor- or one of the safe houses in the city" Tim said and you smiled kissing his cheek.
"That's sweet of you Bird boy but I have to deal with this sooner rather than later" You told him.
"Comm me if things go wrong" He told you and you chuckled.
"Rose'll be with me so I think I'll be fine but I promise if something does go wrong you'll hear about it" You promised and pulled on a motorcycle jacket over the hoodie.
"This isn't the end love, I'll be back and we'll figure things out" You told Tim and he smiled, pulling you into a final goodbye kiss.
"See you soon Bird boy" You said as you got on the bike and sped out of the cave.
What Tim did on that rooftop changed your life forever but you wouldn't change it for the world.
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sunsetsandsunshine · 11 months
Oh wow 😧
I wasn’t expecting so many people to like the TMNT 2012 headcanons I did! Tysm for the support you guys 💕✨💗💞! Part two upon ye
~ TMNT 2012 Tickle Headcanons (pt.2) ~
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This gif is so dumb I hate them sm /j
You cannot convince me that Raph’s melt spot isn’t his neck- me and @tickleebug were talking abt this and just,,, IT MAKES SM SENSE I CANT EXPLAIN IT
Tickling his neck just makes him super giggly and squirmy and just an absolute PUDDLE of laughter- it’s so adorable 
Mikey’s brother’s 100% give tickly kisses on his freckles- FIGHT ME.
And boy does he absolutely LOVE and HATE it-
I feel like Donnie would be a ruthless Ler
Not as mean as Leo or Raph but pretty close
He would just playfully mock his Lee and laugh while he tickles them 
“Are you really this ticklish???”
He’s the best at gentle tickles and it drives his other brothers absolutely INSANE
Like, I can just imagine Donnie gently scribbling his fingers against one of his brothers sides or something and the convo would be something like this:
“Stop? Stop what~?” 
“No I don’t~!”
Then proceeds to tickle ANOTHER tickle spot that absolutely CANNOT handle light tickles as his Lee just CRUMBLES
“What? Don’t tell me you can handle this either!” 
“I’m barley tickling you! This shouldn’t even be considered tickling!”
Do you see my vision???
He be completely devious- we need more Ler!Donnie y’all…
Mikey will 100% try and bargain with whomever he’s ticked off 
It never works but give the guy points for trying 
Leo uses wake up tickles for his younger siblings all the time 
Sometimes, the 3 will purposely stay in bed to get tickled awake 
Mikey loves tickle chases- literally his most favorite thing 
Raph won’t ever admit to being ticklish (his brothers already know well enough how ticklish he is) but if you sneak up behind him and squeeze his sides, he will jump through the roof
It’s a hilarious sight to see
Leo snort/hiccup laugh >>>>>>>>>
When Raph and Mona started dating, Leo, Donnie and Mikey gave her a full on HANDBOOK on how to completely wreck Raph
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novelcain · 1 year
three small music-related fluffy thunks (not so much ideas since theyre kinda small and not fleshed out) because i want to -🎵
- reader singing/humming a song to themselves likely when she thinks no one is around to hear her, catching a certain rabid fuzzball's attention of course
- reader picks up learning an instrument, becoming the party bard /j but seriously, just imagine softly strumming chords while sitting by a fire while the other group members slowly dose off around you
- the party entering a town thats having a festival, there's a lot going on /pos, kids running around getting free samples from street vendors, who have special items on sale just for the celebration, theres people chattering and joking around, good times all around. theres also music because of course there is, either starting so herself, or just winding up getting pulled in by a crowd mosh pit style /j, reader ends up dancing along
god damnit 🎵 anon get outta my head you can't be putting out spoilers /j /lh
also tho for that last one~
Wukong watched as you were pulled into the crowd of people. He chuckled as you stumbled through the circle clumsily. Even from the roof top, he could perfectly see how flustered you were. He found it amusing. At least, he did until he saw a young man approach you. Wukong straightened up as he tried to hear what the man was saying to you, but with all the yelling and music already overwhelming him he couldn't hear a thing.
The Great Sage was taken aback when he saw the stranger take your hand and twirl you around. And he was even more so when he realized you seemed to be enjoying it. Wukong let out a growl as you giggled and danced with the young man. He huffed and slouched back down and laid flat against the roof tiles with his hands behind his head.
Whatever. She can do whatever the hell she wants. I don't care.
Yeah, that didn't last long.
He jumped up and leaped off the roof to land right next to you and your dance partner. Wukong smirked as the young man fell to the ground in fright from having a demon land next to him. You looked almost as startled but more confused than anything. Wukong gracefully stepped into your personal space and slowly slid his hand to the small of your back.
"Sorry. I just couldn't help but think you'd want a partner that's more... experienced~."
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bee-writes-n-spins · 4 months
a/n - i wanted to write a danganronpa fanfic other than nagito because you're all fools/j.
ibuki let out an exasperated sigh, fidgeting with the strings of her guitar. “even with my tuner-thingy, i can’t seem to tune it right! ibuki can’t keep doing this!” she flopped down on your shared bed. the instrument seemed to just frustrate her more and more.
“how about you take a break?” you suggested “come back with a clear head.”
the rain pitter-pattered on the roof, the perfect weather to keep ibuki feeling down. “i don’t wanna” she complained, “i want to play!”
you joined her in laying down, jumping onto the bed. “doesn’t ibuki own another guitar?” you smirked, pointing to the other, equally awesome, guitar in the corner of the room.
“you’re.. right!” she perked back up, her cheerful smile spreading across her face. she quite literally rolled off the bed and hit the floor with an oomph. springing back up, she skipped over to the spare guitar and picked it up.
“what’d i tell ‘ya?” with a laugh, you sat up.
“yeah, yeah. now here’s a song i’ve been working on, ‘i squeezed out the baby yet i have no idea who the father is’!” oh no..
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flamingo-writes · 2 years
Would i maybe be able to request an eddie x reader where the reader is newish in town, moved into trailer park on her own and needed a new weed dealer so robin/steve sent her to eddie. After meeting a few times they realize they have a lot in common and there's obvious sexual and romantic tension. So when the reader gets locked out of her trailer in the pouring rain she ends up at eddies and spicyness or fluff ensues
I saw this ask right before heading to bed, and I swear I dreamed of this. I woke up and got started right away. Now that In ave finished this, I can now have breakfast and get ready to start my day. I NEEDED to write this before anything else happened.
Warnings: slight nsfw? Not explicit tho, but still sexy themes 😳🌚 Eddie being a dork (this is a warning ok?)
Made For You
Title based off I Was Made for Lovin’ You by KISS
Mixtape Masterlist
I love this gif, I could stare forever at this gif, his hair, his shirt, his everything!
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“Shit, why today..." you wised softy as you gave up looking for your keys in your backpack.
Sighing deeply, you ran towards one of your neighbor's trailer hiding underneath the small roof they had, clothes soaked and shaking lightly as you hugged yourself in an attempt to warm yourself. The rain was falling violently, cold big drops that felt like they were drilling your body making you shiver to the bone, making the mission of looking for your keys the worst ordeal ever.
Wondering how much longer would you need to wait before going back to your trailer and sneak in through the window you usually left unlocked, you heard an engine growing closer and louder as you looked over your shoulder and saw Eddie’s van parking outside his trailer. Your heart skipping a beat, as you grabbed your backpack and threw it over your shoulder and sprint out of your safe spot, going back down under the freezing rain.
Among the chaotic rain blurring his sight, Eddie picked up a silhouette running towards him, and soon saw it was you. Frowning confused as to why the hell were you j Dee the rain, he moved to a side and opened the driver’s door.
"The fuck are you doing out there, dummy? Get in!" He yelled as you didn’t think twice about it, and got into his van, sitting behind the steering wheel and closed the door, catching your breath.
"Sugar, what the hell?" He asked with a cheeky grin as he looked at you, skin glistening with raindrops, and skin covered in goosebumps as he noticed the slight shivering.
"Locked myself out of my trailer again…” You sighed as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
"Great day to forget your keys, huh?"
"Next time I’ll make sure to check the weather before deciding to forget my keys…" You joked, making him chuckle softly.
"C’mon’ He said, jerking his head to a side as he grabbed his keys and opened the copilot door, jumping out of his van and rushing to his trailer. You looked at him and followed him, as he took a few seconds to open his trailer and let you walk in first before following you.
"Whew, shit, that’s cold, man" Eddie chuckled as you left your backpack by the door, "Welcome to Casa de Eddie, feel free to stay here until the rain stops and you can manage a way to get back into your trailer" Eddie said looking at you, his stare softening.
His heart raced slightly, as he thought about how of the many times he’d fantasized of bringing you to his place, but this never really occurred to him. However, he was not going to complain.
"Thank you," You whispered softly giving him a genuine grateful smile, making his heart skip a beat, and making him smile.
"No problem, sweetheart…" He said as he looked at you, remembering how your clothes were practically soaked and sticking to your body while his jacket was barely wet. "You should, probably take those off or you’ll catch a cold’ He said spinning in his toes as he went to his room.
Feeling slightly embarrassed by the mess his room was, if he’d knows this was going to happen, he would’ve tied up a little bit. And perhaps done some laundry, as he noticed he didn’t have much clean clothes, which reminded him the tiny fact that his uncle had asked him to do the laundry. He grabbed one of his hoodies, and since there wasn’t much where to choose from, he grabbed his last pair of clean pajama pants and walked back out of the living room, to find you still shaking and still by the door.
“Not the best outfit I could put together, but I haven’t done the laundry yet" He said with a slight shy smile on his lips as you giggled and grabbed. "Yo-you can use my room. Just…ignore the mess…Normally it’s not that bad…and I didn’t expect to bring such a pretty girl here today and—" You laughed softly looking at him amused, as you noticed the slight blush coloring his cheeks.
"It’s fine. Don’t worry, my room is messy always…" You said as you walked to his room.
It was easy to ignore the mess, as your heart was beating in your ears, and your stomach was about to burst with a million butterflies. The amount of posters in his walls catching your attention as you learned a little bit more of the guy who’d struck you shortly after moving to Hawkins. You felt some sort of relief that his metal head look didn’t just stop in his clothes and also had his room decorated as such. You didn’t know why, but you found it terribly endearing.
Taking off your cold wet clothes, you changed into his oversized Black Sabbath hoodie. Thinking this hoodie must be still big on him as it fit you ridiculously loose, almost working as a dress, as it covered your ass effortlessly. And god, the smell. There was the familiar and comforting smell of his cologne and smoke, and traces of weed. You looked at yourself in his mirror, feeling your body boiling as you saw yourself in his hoodie, making you wish you’d look just like this but perhaps under another context. You remembered this hoodie, the first time you bought weed from him, shortly after making it to Hawkins and Steve mentioning Eddie could get you weed. He had this hoodie on when you first met, and remembered that it did look big on him.
"But don’t engage with him, he’s trouble…and weird…" Steve had told you.
But you couldn’t help but fall head over heels for him after your first interaction. All of him screamed your type, he looked intimidating, but was actually gentle and polite, and as you two slowly became friends, and the more you learned about him, the harder it was to not be smitten.
"You there?" He asked, knocking in the door, breaking you from your thoughts as you flinched lightly.
"Ye-yeah…" You said walking towards the door, completely forgetting to put on his pajama pants, and just staying with his hoodie covering your body. "Sorry, I got distracted looking at your posters…"
His heart stopped, and he swore he died for a second and found himself in heaven when he saw you, evidently not wearing nothing but his hoodie. His heart raced, his jeans felt weirdly tighter, breathless and so stupidly in love.
"Whoa, darlin’, I’m all for women’s rights, and I reckon, I am in no position to tell you what to do, although you should’ve warned me though that you were going to ditch the pajamas…" His joke was more for himself to cope with the sudden raging hormones taking over him.
"Ah, shit! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!" You panicked, pulling his hoodie lower to cover your legs, suddenly too ashamed as you felt your face heating up and your heart going erratic.
The sudden flustered look you had made him laugh softly, as he grabbed you by the shoulders gently, calling your name.
"Babe, I’m messing with you" He giggled, his hands going to cup your face. "Hey, it’s cool, my hoodie is humongous on you, besides you usually wear cute little skirts and dresses to school…It’s. It like I’m seeing something new—" He said, stopping himself as he realized how bad his comment sounded, "Shit, sorry, I sounded like a total creep…" He said closing his eyes slightly embarrassed and letting go of your face. "I’m gonna stop talking now…"
Seeing him flustered, just like you, made your heart skip a beat as you felt slightly less ashamed, comforted by his reaction. You chuckled awkwardly.
"What a pair, huh?" You said. "I forget to put in pants, you sound like a weirdo…"
"Yeah, I guess we’re even now…" He sighed looking at you, not being able to deal with the sight of you wearing his clothes. God, he loved his Black Sabbath hoodie, but he liked it better in you, and he thought about you keeping it until your sweet perfume and soft smell of your shampoo got impregnated in it before asking for it back.
He called your name, although, was tasked by surprise when you called his just at the same time. The both of you giggling awkwardly as you exchanged shy stares. You clinging to his hoodie for dear life, as he felt his heart about to jump out of his throat.
Before anything else could happen, he seized his chance and cupped your face again in his hands as he pulled you closer, kissing you. Not really thinking what he was doing, and not realizing what he’d done until you moaned softly against his lips and kissed him back. His entire body tingling, senses hyper reactive and hyper focused on you, he felt like a virgin all over again as he melted against your lips. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you towards him as you hugged him back, squeezing your chest against his, and making him see stars behind his closed eyes, this time, Eddie moaning into the kiss.
The rain kept pouring outside, loudly, raging, as the both of you lost yourselves to each other, molding to each other, and eventually ending up on his bed. Eddie’s clothes started falling to the floor of his floor, however, he refused to take his hoodie off of you until the very end.
He kissed and tasted every inch of your body, whispering your name like a mantra, as you scratched his skin every time he found a soft spot that made you feel in ecstasy. Driven by the sounds of pleasure each other made, you gave in, tangling your bodies together, the needy heat only growing hotter, however, the sweet shy tenderness of just found lovers remained there, as he claimed you as his and you marked him as yours, you wasted the afternoon away forgetting about everything else. Eddie’s music, and the sweet echoes of the rain hitting the roof of the trailer filled in the room, silencing each other’s sweet nothings, concealing your love confessions just to yourselves.
Sometime throughout the night, the rain finally stopped, although you didn’t really notice, not even after waking up next to Eddie, his warm body next to yours, keeping you warm under his sheets, as now his slow breathing was everything that could be heard in his room. You were far too comfortable snuggled in his embrace to dare to go back to your trailer anytime soon. You kissed his chest, your lips lingering on his tattoo over his heart as he hummed softly.
"Morning, sweetheart…" He purred in a husky voice as you looked at him and smiled, seeing his sleepy smile and his messy hair.
"Good morning, Eddie" You purred as you leaned forward and kissed the corner of his lip. He hummed.
"You should lock yourself out of your trailer more often…"
"On a rainy day?"
"Specially on a rainy day…" He chuckled as he cupped your cheek and brought you closer, kissing you sweetly.
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ink-flavored · 10 months
P&J: Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner
I just realized I've never posted a full excerpt of Pride & Justice here before. Clearly this is a mistake that must be corrected. warnings: generic patriarchy and misogyny P&J Taglist: @elegant-paper-collection @auroblaze @zonnemaagd you can also read this on my neocities site!
Like wandering in a dream, Pride paced the little dirt path that wound around the grassy field. Humans went about their little human tasks, the human spawn shrieked and ran around the brightly colored plastic castle. They didn’t notice him, their eyes clouding with a convenient fog of forgetfulness when they tried. Pride swung his tail side to side while he aimlessly walked, painting a curious arc. He hadn’t been to Earth since… how long had it been?
A human man stomped down the footpath toward him. A deep scowl marred his face, leash clutched in a tight fist, attached to a bouncing straw-colored dog that couldn’t have been happier. The closer he got, a tingling sensation on the tip of Pride’s tongue grew. Appearing out of nowhere, a tart flavor washed through his mouth, puckeringly sour and saccharine sweet all at once. Pride grinned through the overwhelming taste, relishing a feeling long unfelt. The taste of the sin of pride, and a soul that needed a bit of a nudge down the stairs.
Pride stopped walking. The human approached, marching along with his dog, oblivious to the demon lying in wait. The closer he got, the stronger the sharp taste of his uncommitted sin. As if he wasn’t there at all, the man stalked right past Pride, not even sparing him a glance. Pivoting on his heel, Pride followed until they were step-in-step, until the smoke curling off his horns tickled the human’s nose. No reaction to that either. Pride forgot how fun it was to be able to hide in plain sight.
“Alright, buddy,” he said, giving the man a friendly clap on the shoulder. “What’s going on?”
For a split second, the man looked bewildered to be addressed. Pride pushed out with his tendrils of influence, latching onto the potential to sin that radiated from his soul. The confusion evaporated as his eyes flashed a crimson red, matching the glow of Pride’s and the flickering flames of Hell.
“Trouble in paradise,” the human grumbled, talking to him as if he were an old friend. “Can’t get two seconds into the weekend before my wife starts bombarding me with a list of chores to do.” The dog trotting at his heels whined, tugging on its leash. He made a harsh noise and pulled it back.
“She wants you to do chores?” Pride repeated. “After everything you do for the family already?”
“That’s what I said! I work all goddamn week to provide for my goddamn family—the least a guy can do is get a break every once in a while.”
“It’s awful that she can’t see everything you do for her. For your kids.”
“The kids—that’s another thing. She said I need to be spending more time with the kids, but how am I supposed to do that when she’s giving me all this extra work? I’m in the office enough as it is. For the family.”
“Isn’t that enough? You’re putting a roof over their heads, aren’t you?” 
“Not sure who’d be paying the bills without me, I’ll tell you that.”
“Exactly. And she’s not grateful? She wants you to do more work?” Pride clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “You’re not getting the appreciation you deserve, my friend.”
The dog barked, low and aggressive, tugging back on the leash again. “Hey!” the man barked back. “No, Butterscotch, sit.”
Butterscotch did not sit, stopping in its tracks and growling. Pride jumped in front of the human, putting space between himself and the animal that was too smart for its own good.
“You want to know what I think?” he asked, and the man faced him with rapt attention. “I think you should tell her everything you’re thinking. You’re the reason they have it so good. You don’t deserve to be treated with all this disrespect.”
“You know what I think?” the man asked in kind, digging his phone out of his pocket. “I think I will.”
And oh what a sweet thing it was for a sin to be realized and acted upon, to see a soul condemn itself in real time. Pride grinned ear to ear.
“And hey,” he said, leaning in to make one last suggestion, “just between us?”
The man paused, watching him intently. His dog barked and tugged.
Pride put a hand to the side of his mouth and pretended to whisper. “She’s kind of a bitch.”
Butterscotch tore free of its leash and lunged for him. Pride jumped off the path into the grass and snapped the cord of his power short. The red glow vanished.
Phone pressed to his ear, the man stopped seeing him, eyes clouding once again. The dog continued to bark up a storm, but aimlessly, unable to find the target it once despised. It wheeled all around searching, until the human jogged over, empty collar and leash dangling from his fist.
“Come here, Butterscotch,” he scolded. Butterscotch dashed to his feet, whining and hopping on its back legs. The man wrestled the collar back on, phone pinched between his ear and shoulder. “Yeah—I’m still here, honey, the dog got loose. ”
Pride slipped away, a new spring in his step. It had been so long since he flexed his muscles up here, face-to-face with potential sinners. All he had to do was convince them their worst instincts were good ideas, and suddenly there was nothing even God could do to stop them. It wasn’t even that hard. He forgot how much fun it was to urge them into their egos, to be the whisper in their minds, and disappear without a trace. As far as they knew, he never existed.
The plastic castle squatted in the distance, crawling with humans and their offspring. Teeming with potential, if Pride had to guess, for sins of all kinds. And as the root of all sin himself, how could he possibly refuse?
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cielcreations · 1 year
"This Is Nothing!" - Vigilante Sheriff AU
Based off/Inspiration from @rhapsoddity Vigilante Sheriff AU!
Being a hero, whether a legal or not, is not an easy job. It's a dangerous job, villains themselves were dangerous.
Sheriff knew that better than anyone.
Unlike Stratos or Sanctuary, or even someone like Hotguy or Glimmer, his power didn't help in fighting the evildoers. Don't get him wrong, being able to talk to animals (especially his cat, that's the best!!!) was nice, but being able to talk to talk to animals didn't help when a villain was trying to burn, drown, stab, or whatever else they wanted to do to kill him. 
However, that didn't mean anything! He was a hero and he would do anything to save people!
Even put his life on the line.
It was night and he had found a large warehouse, housing a gang who had kidnapped two young woman. He jumped in from the glass window, landing on someone's back. The gang screamed and went to grab him. Five against one, this won't be too hard! Sheriff thought, smirking. He punched and kicked the two who made it to him first. The third person tried to stab him, but Sheriff grabbed his arm and crushed his wrist, forcing the man to turn around and pushed him against the fourth man. The fifth man threw a few quick punches that Sheriff dodged. When there was finally a good opening, he blocked the next punch and kicked the person in the stomach before running over to the women who were tied to the chairs.
"You okay?"
"Sheriff!" One of the women sobbed, "Oh, thank you, thank you!"
The dirty blonde took out a knife from his belt and went to cut the rope.
He turned around and his eyes widened as he was stabbed in the side. He groaned at the pain, grabbing the man's wrist in one hand before slamming is elbow into his arm. There was a large crack and the man screamed. Sheriff kicked the man back and took out his lasso as two of the men tried to run over. He was quick to dodge them and wrapped all five of the men in the lasso, disarming them. He took their knives and guns away before freeing the woman.
"Sheriff!" One of the women exclaimed, "Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine." He reassured them with a smile, "This wound is nothing thanks to my power!" The women seemed to believe him, "Now go, run. There's no one around, but there is a payphone nearby."
"T-Thank you!" They cried, running away.
Sheriff took out a deputy sticker and put it on one of the men's foreheads. He then took out his grappling hook and quickly threw it up, leaving through the roof. Once on top of the roof, he groaned, holding his side. He looked down, seeing blood seeping through and staining his white shirt.
"S-Shit..." He groaned, quickly running and jumping to the next roof.
He kept running for a few minutes before the pain in his body took over. He fell to his knees, sobbing as he held his side, the knife still stuck inside him.
"F-Fuck..." Sheriff jumped off the roof, the closed trash dumpster easing his fall. He opened the lid and took out the knife, throwing it inside, "F-Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
He stumbled forward, leaning against the wall, holding his side. The blood stained his white shirt and hands, sobbing a bit.
"D-Dammit..." He couldn't help but curse, everything just hurt.
He groaned, stumbling forward. He closed his eyes and fell to his knees, sobbing, tears falling down his cheeks, Fuck, there is no way I'm going to make it home...
"Are you okay?"
Sheriff looked up and saw a stray dog, "...N-No, I..." He groaned, "F-Fuck, I'm g-gonna die..."
The dog stepped forward, "That's a lot of blood..."
"...C-Can you do something for me?"
"Can you understand me?"
"Yes, I c-can..." Sheriff removed his hat, mask, scarf, jacket, and grabbling hook, "N-Norman and F-Flick... T-Two cats, th-they're mine... B-Both are white... T-They wait for me on t-the windowsill, b-bring this to them..."
"What about you?! I-I can't just leave you!"
"I-I know roughly wh-where I am... A-A friend l-lives nearby... P-Please, j-just bring that to t-them and t-tell them I love t-them and I-I'm okay... You can st-stay in my h-house, I'll give you t-treats and food w-when I come back..."
The stray dog was hesitant but nodded. He took all of Sheriff's items and listened to the directions and description of the dirty blonde's house. When the dirty blonde finished, the dog ran away, following everything he said. The man then pulled himself up, holding his side as he stumbled forward.
He laughed weakly, "H-Heh, l-let's j-just hope he's not b-busy..."
"Come back here you little rascal!" 
Joel laughed, leaning against the doorframe of the laundry room, "Sausage, you're not going to catch Hermes!"
The other brunette grabbed the boy and picked him up, "That's what you think~!"
The boy screamed, "Dad, help!"
"I can't, sorry!" Joel teased, turning, "Your clothes are done drying!"
Joel laughed as he heard his boyfriend start putting exaggerated kisses all over Hermes face, the boy screaming playfully. Joel chuckled and took the clothes out of the dryer, placing them on the couch. He sat down and watched Hermes manage to slip out of Sausage's grip. He ran and jumped on the couch, "hiding" behind Joel as Sausage stood in front of them.
"Dad! Fly!" Hermes hugged his neck, "Take off! You gotta save me from Sanctuary!"
"Kid, not even I can beat Sanctuary!" Joel snickered, "Better find someone else!"
Hermes snickered, "I'll go get Sheriff, he'll save me!"
"THAT'S IT!" Joel yelled playfully, grabbing the blonde and hugging him, "Sausage, tickle attack!"
"Sorry, champ, you should have behaved!" Sausage teased and began tickling him, Hermes screaming and laughing, begging for mercy.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"Sweetcheeks, could you get the door?" Sausage asked as he stopped tickling Hermes, picking him up, "I'm gonna get him ready for bed!"
"Noooooo!" Hermes whined.
"Behave, mister!" Joel teased before standing up and walking to the front door. He opened the front door and said, "Who is- WHAT THE-?!" The brunette screamed, grabbing the other before he could fall forward, "JIMMY!"
"U-Uggg, Joel..." The dirty blonde groaned, smiling weakly, "H-Hi there, b-buddy..."
"S-SHIT! SAUSAGE!" Joel helped the other inside, laying a blanket on the couch before putting Jimmy down on it, "H-Holy shit, what happened?!"
"B-Bar fight..." Jimmy groaned, "Y-You should s-see the o-other g-guy..."
Sausage walked out and screamed, "JIMMY!" He put Hermes down, "HERMES, GET JIMMY WATER AND WET A TOWEL FOR ME!"
The boy nodded, doing as he was told. He gave Joel the glass of water and ran to get a towel as Sausage came back. Joel pulled up Jimmy's shirt and his boyfriend poured some alcohol antiseptic on the wound. The dirty blonde screamed at the pain.
"I don't have time to numb you!" Sausage exclaimed, tears coming to his eyes.
Jimmy watched as Hermes came back. He grabbed the towel and put it in his mouth, before grabbing Joel's hand, nodding at Sausage.
"Don't scream at me when it hurts!" Sausage hissed, getting the stiches ready.
"I-Is he gonna be okay?" Hermes whispered to Joel.
Joel flinched as Jimmy squeezed his hand, the dirty blonde closing his eyes and biting into the rag. He smiled at the young boy, "He'll be okay."
Jimmy groaned, clenching Joel's hand and the couch as Sausage stitched the wound. When he finished, he poured more of the alcohol on it before taking the rag from his mouth, gently patting the wound, getting rid of the blood.
The brunette wrapped his wound and sighed, "There, finished..."
Jimmy went to sit up.
"No, sit down." Sausage pushed him down, "Lay down, you shouldn't move!"
"Norman a-and Flick-"
Joel rolled his eyes, "Idiot! I'll fly you to your house tomorrow, get some rest!"
The dirty blonde murmured something before he closed his eyes, falling asleep easily.
Sausage sighed in relief, "He's okay..." He cupped his hands together, "Por favor, déjalo estar bien, Santa Perla."
Joel gently nudged Hermes, "Come on, bud, let's go to bed."
"Jim will be okay, I promise. Come on."
Hermes nodded, letting Joel pick him up and take him to the bedroom.
Even at such a young age, he knew his dads were more trying to convince themselves than him.
AN: For those who don't know, the Spanish is just "Please, let him be okay, Saint Pearl." Figured it was a cute tie in if Sausage was a believer in Saint Pearl like in Empires. :D
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cutesmokes · 6 months
‘Come back down to earth, kay?’  
Summary: After the incident revolving around the boy on the roof, Nene couldn't stop her mind from spiraling. It's winter break now and even after the bathroom ghost promised that she would have her answers, she couldn't help but worry. (Un)fortunately for her, Hanako knows her more than she could even begin to imagine.    
Author’s note: HOHOHO!!!!!!! Surprise @duckymcdoorknob ! I'll be your secret santa this year~! Thank you so much to @hypahticklish for hosting @squealing-santa this year. Good GOD this is a long one. It's been a while since I've written anything but wow I've really had fun not only writing this but having the excuse to finally rewatch this anime~! Happy holidays my dear/p I hope you enjoy this little story about our favorite bathroom ghost~! (its just a tad edgy in the beginning and at the end lol. Yay for overthinking/j) 
Cw: very brief mention of murd3r/ some overthinking
Word count: 1526
Who was he; that boy on the rooftop, why did he look almost identical to the ghost in the bathroom? Hanako looked so.. Scared, maybe? What was that look in his eye- all his courage and confidence That  practically drained from him as was what the stranger said true? Did he really… murder someone?   
Nene cringed as she swept the bathroom floor, the coarse bristles of the broom licking over the floor, the soft sound the only thing audible in the empty school. The world outside was gray and cold, clouds blanketed the dull sky, threatening snow. School had let out early and Yashido stood shivering with a cold that only anxiety could bring. Before she had actually dared to challenge the legend of the Seventh wonder of her school, she would have been home by now; lounging in something cute, the soft twilight cooling the night as she babied her beloved hamster, but now she was here- spending most of her freetime in the girl’s bathroom. 
 She sighed to herself, smiling slightly as she let the broom rest against one of the walls before dusting herself off. She found that, within the last few months, she hasn't minded her chores so much anymore. Sure, she still felt obligated to somehow repay Hanako for all the times he's saved her- it was almost embarrassing how extensive the list was. She always seemed to get herself into trouble but Hanako was always there to save her. It almost made her feel.. Special. She shook her head, denying even the slightest possibility that she could like the ghost more than just a friend. The last time she let herself believe that, it ended in more hurt feelings as she cried into his arms. She really was silly. 
When she looked up, bright gold eyes met her amber ones. with a high pitched scream, she jumped back, almost tripping over herself as she turned back to the ghost boy, who was not trying very hard to hold back amused snickers.
“UGH!! You startled me!” she shouted with an aggravated stomp of her foot. Hanako hung upside down, floating almost weightlessly in front of her as he chuckled. 
“Oh come on, Yashiro, you've been so jumpy lately! What's going on in that head of yours, hum~?” he asked playfully, tapping his pointer finger against her forehead. She turned away from him, going to pick up the broom to return it back to the closet, Hanako not far behind. 
“Its nothing- I've just been in my own world is all.” She muttered nervously, smiling with a dismissive wave of her hand as she walked away from the closet. Once she got home, she could think things over, or, better yet, distract herself from all this bust HAnako wouldn’t have it. He knew her better than just about anyone, probably thanks to the bond they shared due to the mermaid’s scale. Still hovering over her shoulder, his fingers rapidly poked over her cheek and down her arm. Annoyed, Nene swatted at his hands,
“Hanako! Knock it off!”                     
“Not till you tell me what’s wrong~!” he said in a sing-song manner, chasing after her like a child. Seeing the stairs that led to the roof’s exit, Nene ran like her life depended on it. Hanako had gotten so mad last time and she did not want to risk repeating that. Her shoes clicked noisily against the cold wooden steps as she made it to the roof, not without clumsily tripping over the last step and falling through the unlocked door however. As soon as she tumbled out onto the rooftop, the cold wind nipped at her skin, making her shiver- she really wasn't dressed to be out in the cold, she didn't even have her coat! None of that mattered as the apparition appeared in the doorway, his silhouette darkened by the dim lights leading to the stairwell. Nene watched in silent terror as Hanako walked towards her, smiling as he always did, hands hiding behind his back. The poor girl found herself closing her eyes, maybe if she just closed her eyes hed go away- 
Cold fingers cupped her cheek, gently turning it upwards. When her eyes fluttered open again, she found the apparition’s enticing eyes dangerously close to hers again. She felt her heart flutter, making her turn away. Darn him. Hanako just continued smiling as his hands freed her face, only to intertwine with hers, making her squeak. 
“Now now, it's just me~! Friends talk, remember~?” he coos, but Yashiro just turned away again. The boy huffs, pooting just a little.
“You used to make me laugh, ya know. You're so easy to annoy~!” he paused for a moment, thinking- had he ever heard her laugh? He couldn't remember… he smirked slightly, subtly reaching to experimentally squeeze her side. 
Almost immediately, her legs kick out in reaction to the electric shocks that shoot up her nervous system. Nene attempts to roll away from the tingling sensation but finds herself trapped, slumped in a wedge made by the walls of the safety rails that lined the roof with the mischievous ghost above of her. She tried to make herself look angry, but with her cheeks already warming, she knew it would be useless to play anything off.
“Hanako!? What was THAT!?” 
The boy just scooted closer to her side, scooping her up slightly so that they now lay against each other, side by side. 
“Oh! Just checking if you were ticklish or not.” he said casually, his words light, almost sounding excited.
“See- my twin and I used to have battles all the time- it was really fun!” he seemed sad, remembering things Nene couldn't even begin to imagine. Just as quickly as it came, however, the sadness in his tone was replaced with the bouncy, perky tone returned. A hand rose into view , fingers wiggling slightly before he continued.
“Seems to me like you could use a good laugh, Yashiro~” was all he said before fingers quickly began spidering across her stomach. Almost immediately, Yashiro bursts into panicked giggles, kicking and thrashing the best she could. 
“haha-HAnako! Y-hohou you big jerk! Stahahp!” 
“Hum… let me think… nah~! You have to tell me why you were sulking again.” he taunted, fingers bouncing across the top of her leg before rapidly squeezing over her knee. The response was a high, girly squeal, before Nene sank down farther to the ground. She shook her head, not only as a way to decline his little “Deal” but as a desperate attempt to decrease the feeling of delicate fingers across her knees. She knew she couldn't go on like this much longer, but she was feeling suborn. She tried shaking her hand free of hanako’s grasp but the ghost was strong, his fingers traveled down underneath her knee, fingers tenderly clawing at the skin that hid beneath her black tights. 
Her growing laughter turned silent due to the sudden change and intensity. She tried to sit up, but only tumbled into the 7th wonder’s lap as her bright, squealing laughter returned. Chuckling along with her, hanako finally released her hand, only to grab onto the school girl’s hips, squeezing in a new found rhythm. Yashiro’s feet stomped on the cement, her dainty hands latching onto Hanako’s wrists as she called out between squeals.
“OKAYHAHA-!! Okahahay- please! Stahahap!!”  
Fingers scamper up her ribs, jumping up to her shoulder and gently feathering into the crook of her neck before they remove themselves completely. The girl’s hands cup over her chest as she tries to take deep breaths in between her giggles, eyes closing as she grounds herself. Before long, Nene was able to sit up, whipping a tear of mirth from her eye with Hanako waiting, watching with that smug look on his face. Nene took one last breath before beginning to voice the concerns that had been bothering her for weeks. The longer she rambled, the faster she talked, her hands waving around as a way to accentuate her words. It was only when she seemed to start repeating herself was when the bathroom ghost interjected, gently grabbing her hands with his own. Yashiro gasped slightly as she is pulled out of her rant before meeting Hanako’s gaze.
“Hey. it's really cool you wanna know everything about me. No one’s really done that before, and.. I'm glad its you- but you have to be patient, okay? I promise I will tell you everything you want to know when I'm ready, but for now, just come back down to earth, ‘kay? I've missed you.”  
Despite the chill from not only the wind, but from hanako’s hands as well, she could feel a warmth deep within her chest, growing across her cheeks as she blushed softly. Nene became lost in Hanako’s honey-like stare; soft and sweet, feeling tears well up from how touching his words were. He was right. He may have been a tease, but he never broke a promise.. Her smile became more determined as she nodded. She really did trust him, despite all his secrets. 
Neither of them noticed that it had begun to snow..                                        
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valyalyon · 3 months
November 4, 2024
After everything Dolores has been through, she's at a loss of whether to stay by Julius, or pursue something new with Raphael. Note that this is the first time since October 31 that Julius and Dolores have spoken. More of Dreams, Ink and Embers below. DIE MASTER LIST OR #LYONDIE
Again, Sara is heading to the club, leaving Julius and I behind. The only difference is that this time my mind is occupied by thoughts of what happened between Raphael and I just a few days earlier...
CW: Explicit sexual content, signs of controlling behavior, explicit language. Vague non-con reference. Affair. MDNI!
...He had my number and we had been texting back and forth since the 2nd, but I was still struggling. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do.
I had spent so long loving Julius, even through a marriage with another man. Yet, Raphael was coming onto me and I had given in. I knew why I had given in though. Just like Julius, Raphael came to me in dreams long before I had ever met him. Like I had told him though, I really didn’t know if I could deny Julius and getting with Raphael meant saying no to Julius, and potentially never even interacting with him again.
Julius had been there through everything… I desperately wanted to keep him in my life. Obviously because despite the opportunity to jump ship, I was still questioning that decision and refusing to leave his side.
I talk about the past like I talk about you, I leave out every little thing that I don’t like remembering.
I was reflecting on everything as I turned off the light to Theo and Anthony’s room, and stepped out into the hall. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for just a second to try and steady my heart rate. It was useless though, my anxiety levels were through the roof. What the hell was I supposed to do?
I decided to go outside to smoke some pot, hoping the smoke clouds would clear my mind. After smoking for 15 minutes, the backdoor opened and Julius stepped outside with me.
I didn’t look at him right away, mostly lost in the winding trail of smoke going up over my head, another part of me just unable to figure out what to say to him.
“Dolores, it’s been 5 days… can we please stop ignoring each other?” His voice broke me out of the numbness in my mind for just a second.
I turned my attention to him, letting some smoke out. Before I could speak, he continued, “when I went to Raphael’s party after the fight, I felt like such a shit head. I know you’re probably looking for stability for you and Theo, and I definitely missed the mark on giving you that.”
I scrunched my eyebrows together, wondering if Raphael had told him what we had done, “where is this coming from? Did you talk to Raphael?”
“Huh?” He seemed thrown off, and then moved closer to me, “I want to apologize for our fight and for the way I spoke to you. What about Raphael though? We talked at the party a bit but I haven’t talked to him since.”
At first, I hesitated. I wondered for a second what I would say, if it was information I should even share, but ultimately, it spilled out, “I went to Raphael’s party. We got wasted together, and ended up having sex. I didn’t recognize him until the next morning.”
J’s face was unreadable. There was an expression of rage, but the way he spoke to me didn’t give it away, “So he took advantage of you?”
“No,” I said, probably too fast.
“So, what if you slept with him? I just want to be with you, and I’ll prove that to you by getting a divorce from Sara,” he seemed resolute, but that irritation hadn’t entirely faded from his eyebrows.
She could ride my face, I don’t want nothin’ in return Her body count and who she fuck ain’t never my concern
“Aren’t you mad?” I asked, confused, and standing up from the little bench I had been on.
“Do you love him?” He asked, stepping forward and grabbing my hand in his.
“I have no idea what’s going on anymore, Julius.” I told him, trying to put space between us, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back again.
He was always so gentle, but in that moment there was a lot of tension, a lot of desperation. He could feel me slipping, and whenever he found us in this situation, he would always pull me back in closer. Why is that after you push me away for so long, you get desperate for me when I decide I’m too far and should leave?
My head swirled with wonder at seeing this pattern for the first time.
“I’m leaving Sara, I’m leaving her and getting a divorce. You won’t be a mistress, you’ll be mine, all mine. I’ll take care of you, I’ll be your rock,” He was starting to lift my t shirt dress off me. His hands were going in between my legs, touching my pussy from outside my panties.
I closed my eyes, my head leaned back, and I moaned as I felt him touch me. This only encouraged him, and soon, he was getting me into the house, taking my dress off as we kissed, and throwing me onto the couch to eat me out.
My legs were frozen in the air, my fingers curling in his hair, my body trembling as he began to eat me out. His tongue worked wonders inside of me, leading to some twitching orgasms and loud moans. When he finished with my pussy, he took his pants off, followed by getting his massive dick out.
I always thought it was crazy how big he was. He was 6’1” and had 9 inches that were always ready to go, that along with his muscles and big hands drove me insane.
He proceeded to spit extra on my pussy and then started to insert the massive thing slowly. He didn’t make a sound, I moaned.
With every thrust he slowly got quicker, until he was fucking me at a nice, fast pace. He started to choke me with both hands, just like I love it, and started moving my twitching body up and down on his cock.
We fucked for about 25 minutes before he started to cum. When he came, he grabbed me just before and began to kiss me, muttering, “I love you, I love you.”
Then I felt his load fill me. My hips trembled, I felt spent and used but so fucking good because it was him. I could never feel bad after sex with him. He repeated what he said, “I love you.”
I had said I love you to him when we had fucked on my 24th birthday. He hadn’t said it until that day. For some reason, I still hadn’t forgiven him entirely after the sex, and I was still at a loss for what choice to make and where to go. But, when he said I love you, I just couldn’t say it back because it made no sense. He had seen me as an opportunity away from his wife all this time.
Still, he said he was going to divorce her, so, I said, “I really have to make a decision. I don’t want to say I love you to anyone until I decide.”
“More sex then?” He asked, continuing to thrust but slowly.
I was going to put a stop to it, but then my phone started ringing from the coffee table. I got up quickly and answered, it was Raphael, “hello?” I asked.
“I’m taking you somewhere tomorrow, be ready,” He said completely seriously, and then added, “also, don’t ignore my texts.”
He then hung up.
I got dressed as Julius spoke, “isn’t he annoying when he calls and talks to you like you’re a dog?”
Somehow I felt annoyed by Julius saying that. Raphael did call and speak to people like they were dogs when they weren’t doing the things he expected of them. So Julius was right. But I was irritated, because it felt like yet another endless Julius v Raphael competition line.
They were best friends and I had more often seen them treat each other like a wall blocking the other from success. I just don’t know if I wanted to hear two men constantly bashing each other while claiming to be the best of friends.
“I’m going to go catch up on the messages he sent me,” I said, putting my hair up in a clip and walking up to shower and catch up on about 20+ unread messages from Raphael.
I would accept a lot of crazy behavior from Raphael, mostly because of the fact that I had dated a woman born a few days after him. I had dated Rosario on and off through high school, and was used to being texted hundreds of times when not around her. I had always tried to spend a lot of time around her, but any second I wasn’t near her I had to be texting her.
I told Raphael over text messages that I had slept with Julius, and that I would understand if he was no longer interested in me. He assured me he was still interested, but not in the same way that Julius had.
One who's always crazy, Never calls me baby, That's the one that I want.
He called me again, and on the phone he said, “listen, I am extremely mad right now. However, you didn’t agree to be mine yet so I know you’re entitled to doing what you want. That being said, be ready early tomorrow morning. And, wash your body, because I will be fucking you tomorrow, with or without permission.”
“Rude,” I said, annoyed. “I’ll be ready. Send me a time.”
“3am,” he said, with no hint of hesitation in his voice.
“That’s awfully early,” I pretended to be contemplating rejecting his idea.
“I will carry you out of the house if you’re not ready,” he countered, “we’re going on a day trip and I’m going to show you what life would be like with me.”
“Wow, because a vacation is a good indicator of day to day life?” I asked, taking all my clothes off again as I got into the bathroom.
“Shut up,” he stopped me angrily, “shower, be outside J’s house at 3am, and pack whatever you want, I’ll handle food and water.”
“I love it when you’re talkative on the phone,” I mused sweetly.
“First chance I get, I’m going to fuck you until you’re raw and you start to fear me,” his voice was full of rage, and he hung up as soon as he finished.
SONG REFERENCE Nostalgia by Suki Waterhouse DOGTOOTH by Tyler, The Creator Gingerbread Man by Melanie Martinez
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