#i wanted to study creative writing tutoring sessions
cipher-fresh · 4 months
I have accepted defeat on the researching creative writing tutoring front
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augiewrites · 7 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society (part 3)
summary: y/n joins meeks and pitts for a study session
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count: 977
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Y/N approached the bespectacled boy before they could lose their nerve.
“Hey—Meeks, right?”
“Yeah,” he stumbled a bit, surprised to be approached by his usually reserved classmate, “you’re Y/N.”
Y/N chuckled, “that I am.”
He signaled to the taller boy waiting for him by the door—Pitts, Y/N remembered—before he gave them an easy smile, "what can I do for you?"
“You tutor Latin, right? I could use a study partner that actually knows what they're doing,” a laugh, "if you have the time, of course.”
"Oh, sure," he glanced at his watch, “Pitts and I are going to the library during common hour if you want to meet us there.”
Y/N touched Meek’s arm briefly, “thanks, Steven. You're a lifesaver.” 
The boy turned a shade of red that rivaled his hair and excused himself.
Relief bloomed in Y/N’s chest as they released a breath they didn’t realize they were holding. Their half-cocked plan was in motion.
“So much for ‘we’re just going to have to wait and find out’ huh?” Quinn mocked Y/N from their seat at the lunch table.
“Well I can’t just let him be the only player in this whole thing,” Y/N shook the latest letter around, “if he wants to play a game, I want to be the one winning.”
“Y/N, the man is infatuated with you. I wouldn’t exactly call it a game.”
Y/N huffed as they shoved the letter back into their bag, “these things are starting to get annoying.”
“Oh, yeah,” Quinn rolled their eyes, “it must be such a burden to have Whitman reincarnate writing you love letters.”
“So, what is your plan, exactly?” Quinn asked around a mouthful of pasta.
Y/N was suddenly bashful, “I honestly didn’t think I would get this far.”
Quinn stared blankly back at Y/N.
“This is the part where you tell me what to do, Quinnie.”
“Torture. Medieval style. Get your answers.”
“You’re truly unbelievable,” Y/N ran a hand through their hair and stood from the table, “I’m going to be nice, and I’m going to study latin. Roll with the punches.”
Meeks was mildly surprised when Y/N actually showed up at the library. He was well aware that Y/N wasn’t struggling with the subject matter—Welton made sure that its students knew who was at the top of the academic food chain. He was one of the rare lucky ones to be among them. He was curious why Y/N sought him out, but he knew better than to push the subject.
It took nearly all of common hour before Y/N started to feel at ease around the two boys. It seemed the feeling was mutual.
“So, Y/N,” Pitts started, looking bored by his trig homework, “have any hobbies?”
“A few,” Y/N muttered as they finished their last verb conjugation, “I like to read and write. I used to draw, but I barely have time to breathe outside of schoolwork.”
The boys shared a glance that Y/N couldn’t quite decode.
“Welton isn’t exactly a breeding ground for creativity,” Meeks sighed.
“That’s an understatement,” Y/N scoffed, “Welton is where creativity comes to die.”
Another look between the boys.
“Touché,” Meeks drawled, “so…you’re roommates with Quinn, right?”
Pitts grinned as a blush tinted Meeks’ cheeks.
Y/N raised their eyebrows, breaking into a cheeky smile, “yeah, I am.”
Meeks was suddenly very interested in the wall, the bookshelves, his textbook—anything other than Y/N, really.
“Are they…seeing anybody?”
Pitts laughed, earning a scolding hush from the librarian.
“No, they’re not,” Y/N smiled, “I’ll put in a good word for you, Meeks.”
Relief flooded the boy’s features and he was finally able to look at Y/N again, “thanks. I—”
“Like you could pin down someone like Quinn.”
Charlie Dalton had a habit of showing up at the worst times.
“Very nice, Dalton,” Y/N closed their book and slid it into their bag, “that’s my cue to leave.”
“Oh, please. I—”
“Don’t let him get in your head, Meeks,” Y/N looked between their study partners, “see you two around.”
Before Y/N could leave, Pitts called out, “we’re usually here during common hour,” he laughed and nudged Meeks with his elbow, “maybe you could bring Quinn next time.”
Meek’s head turned to Y/N so fast they thought his neck would snap, “could you?”
They grinned, “I’ll see what I can do.”
Y/N could hear the three boy’s rushed whispers as the door closed behind them.
“So you don’t think it’s either of them? Why?”
Y/N turned onto their side in bed, facing Quinn, who was doing the same.
“I don’t know,” Y/N looked at their nails, “I could just tell they weren’t interested like that.”
Quinn scoffed, “well, we’ve established that you aren’t exactly aware when people are interested like that.”
“Well, they gave me a pretty open invitation to join them again,” Y/N smirked, “maybe you could come and run interference.”
“You’re not taking this seriously enough, Y/N.”
“Whatever,” Y/N flipped to face the wall, “goodnight.”
Y/N couldn’t fall asleep, though.
The issue with infatuation is that it’s nearly impossible to not let it consume you at all times. It burrows deep into the fibers of your very being and suddenly you’re fully engulfed by the idea of that person.
And that’s all this was, really—an idea of a person. Y/N didn’t know what their admirer looked like, how they acted, or even if their proclamations were truthful. Could reality meet the expectations being set by the letters? Y/N didn’t want to admit it to themselves, but they were afraid to find out.
Y/N dreamed of a faceless poet that night. 
Their heart ached in the morning.
part four
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aquagirl1978 · 18 days
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Meet my OC: Charlotte (IkePri)
Name: Charlotte Lelouch Paired with: Chevalier Michel Relationship: romantic Age: 27 Hair Color: dark red Eye Color: hazel green Birth Sign: Aquarius
Early Life
Charlotte came to live at the Palace in Rhodolite at an early age. Her mother, Clavis' sister, passed away when Charlotte was very young. With her father not in the picture, the now orphaned Charlotte moved into the palace to live with her aunt Leticia and cousin Clavis. Clavis and Charlotte were the best of friends, with Charlotte following her older cousin around and getting into trouble with him.
Incredibly intelligent and kind hearted, Charlotte was much like her cousin down to the matching birthmarks below their mouths. The one glaring area where the two differed was on their relationship with Chevalier.
Charlotte often acted as a buffer between the brothers. Clavis, never wanting to be alone with Chevalier, brought Charlotte along with him to make things more bearable. Chevalier, who tolerated so few people, allowed Charlotte to remain as, in his words, she, unlike her fool cousin, knew when to stay quiet.
After the death of the former queen and her aunt, Charlotte's future was unknown, until Sariel agreed to let her stay. He reasoned that it would be detrimental to her to remove her from her closest living family member.
Childhood Friends
When they were young, Charlotte had a somewhat distant, but respectful, relationship with Chevalier. She would remain (mostly) quiet in exchange for borrowing books from his library. They would sometimes read together, with minimal words exchanged. She was in awe of Chevalier - his genius, his grace, and as she got older, his looks. She never understood why Clavis hated him so much, and perhaps a part of her tried to get closer to Chevalier to improve their relationship.
There came a time in Charlotte's education when she, to put it nicely, outsmarted the palace teachers. Sariel was at a loss as to what to do with her - being the hellcat's cousin, no one wanted her as a student. That is, until the second prince agreed to be her tutor.
From that day on, they would spend time in each other's room studying together. Chevalier was impressed with her intellect, and found her thirst for knowledge refreshing. Unlike her cousin, she was not obsessed with besting him and was therefore able to focus her attention where it mattered.
It was during these study sessions when Chevalier first noticed he was experiencing strange feelings. They weren't unpleasant, a bit bothersome if anything. Over time, he grew accustomed to them, so much so that he even enjoyed these new feelings. He knew then it was time for him to stop being Charlotte's tutor.
Dating Chevalier
Now we get to the anti-climatic part of this story. I don't want to put anything here, because this is where it gets fun - flirting and kissing and teasing and more - and I have fic ideas planned for their dating journey. I'm gonna kinda just end it here, if I don't I'll ramble on until I can't write anymore words on this post. Charlotte has lived in my head for close to three years now, and I have a lot of stories in my head. Some I might share, some I won't.
On that note, I do welcome any and all asks about her, about her relationship with Chevalier and Clavis and anyone else in the palace. I will be reblogging OC ask games moving forward - always feel free to ask about her. I also have a modern AU for Charlotte and Chevalier which deviates greatly from canon. I might actually be more invested in that one, as I have far greater creativity there.
I also had so much fun working on this for Charlotte, that I have created another OC, this one for Ikemen Villains, and I hope to have her page up soon.
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
Small ways in which they show their affection (Hogwarts Legacy)
Kinda ran out of creative juice and work is still killing me so yeah, decided I needed a small break. I'm still writing but I'm likely taking things a bit slower on the fics, will gladly keep doing short form requests though 🖤
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Poppy Sweeting 🦡
Surprise hugs. The best ones.
Nothing to make a bad day better than your comfort Hufflepuff wrapping her arms around your middle when you least expect it.
She feeds and grooms the beasts in the vivarium when you’re out running errands outside the castle (so that you can spend more time with each other once you get back)
Sometimes you find beast treats in your bag, much to your surprise. You’re even more surprised to find that they actually taste pretty good.
Ominis Gaunt 🐍
He gives great back rubs.
Especially when he notices the tension in your voice, he will stop at nothing to pull you in and keep you there until he’s released every knot.
He’s a very patient listener. Whatever you’re struggling with, he always makes time to make you feel like you’re heard and understood, even if it’s mostly you doing the ranting.
If you don’t feel like talking, he’s perfectly content with being your human pillow as well. Sometimes soft cuddles are all you need to make the bad thoughts go away
Natsai Onai 🦁
Holding hands in public. It’s all about the little moments between all of your adventures, never knowing when your next minute of affection will be.
She loves to play with your hair, most of the time without even knowing that she’s doing it. If you don’t make sure to pay attention, you’ll be walking around with braids for the rest of the day
Knowing how much you love learning about her homeland, she often leaves you little origami figures representing the animals she grew up with on the plains.
Sebastian Sallow 🐍
You always find small notes in your bag after breakfast with cute messages written on them. It’s a reminder that he loves you (and, of course, that you’re his)
He walks you to classes and holds your hand to make sure that no one will bother you if you don’t feel like talking (also, to cut off any cute glances thrown your way)
You love to drive him crazy simply by making small talk or standing just a little too close to other students. The moment he sees you, he will be all over you with compliments and little gifts and offers to carry your books. It’s a side of him not many get to see often, but you can have it whenever you want.
Imelda Reyes 🐍
She’s not one to show affection very openly, so it’s all about reading the signs with her.
She frequently schedules workouts for you together under the guise of working on your “abysmal” cardio, even though it’s fairly obvious she likes spending time with you more than she’d care to admit
She always sets you up with first-class seats to every Quidditch match, joining you when Slytherin is not playing. (Just don’t ever call it a date)
Bonus for Slytherins: sometimes you wake up to find a bouquet of freshly plucked flowers on your bedside table. She always denies having anything to do with them, even though you can’t help but notice that this particular kind only grows around the Quidditch pitch.
Amit Thakkar 🦅
He knows how busy you can get with all your escapades outside the castle, so he doesn’t mind doing your homework once in a while (though he still gives you impromptu tutoring sessions on your walks between classes to make sure you don’t fall behind)
He’s a very meticulous planner, which means you don’t have to worry about missing out on quality time with him. When you don’t have time for romantic evenings, he simply takes you out on study dates to the Three Broomsticks.
When you’re too tired to memorize the words on the pages, he’s perfectly understanding as well. In fact, he’s more than happy to lend you his shoulder for a quick nap
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iznsfw · 2 years
tonight doesn't count, (i promise)
Kinktober 2022 Week Three - Cheating
LE SSERAFIM's Kim Chaewon x Male Reader Smut
9, 617 words
Categories ⋅𖥔⋅ inspired by this ask by @idevian + the pic below + @majorblinks' awesome writing, badgirl_student!Chaewon × teacher!Reader
T/W ⋅𖥔⋅ CHEATING, manipulative!Chaewon, age gap
Thanks to idevian for the clever ask that got me writing a Chaewon smut. I feel like I haven't done her enough justice with my previous fics of her. Hope this one does the trick.
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"And I guess you can call it even."
She shrugs dismissively, as if it were such a small matter to her. As if it were something that can be resolved in little to no time at all. She's careless like that, and you guess that it's your fault for even giving in to her, but admittedly it's that very thing about her that made you do it in the first place.
Lift your head from your hands and turn to her with a glare blurred by your tears. "What the fuck about this is even? You ruined my marriage, Chaewon!"
"But you wanted me to, didn't you?" She inquires you with a raise of her eyebrows.
You roll your eyes at her and sniffle, wiping your cheeks dry the best you can because deep down inside, in your heart of hearts, you know that she's right.
There are many ways to describe Kim Chaewon, in both metaphorical and denotative manner. You're no boyfriend nor family of hers—in a passerby's perspective, you're too old to be her boyfriend anyway, and too young to be her father—but you've known her for four years, starting from when she was nearly nineteen and a freshman at the university you taught at, to current time: a senior student of yours at twenty-one working towards a graduation, although she had finished your year some time ago and the two of you haven't met each other that much ever since. That might seem like a pretty short time, but you know her more than anyone in the university. You knew what it is about her that caused her to fail so many courses and classes, and helped the other professors try and understand her the best you could.
So, in short, if anyone needed get-to-know details about Kim Chaewon, you are a reliable source.
You would not be afraid to describe her as impulsive or dangerous. Chaewon is young, yes, but she has that unique ability only experienced businessmen have to twist any situation at hand into one that puts her into a good light. Her classmates Jo Yuri and Kang Hyewon are often the ones victimized by this talent, and many times, you had needed to explain to the principal that they weren't at fault. Kim Chaewon was. Of course, over time, the professors started to think that you might have had some grudge against her, probably stemmed from a rude commentary during class or her being... herself, but they were intelligent enough to know that you are right. And that you know her too well to let yourself be a victim of her. Kim Chaewon is a manipulator, and a good one at that. She has had her whole life to practice. She gets what she wants in whatever way she can think of and succeeds. But you, even with just four years of analyzing and studying her behavior, can play this game.
Charismatic is another word you are certain to use when explaining the depth of your former student. It might put you and your job in danger to say that, although your usage of the word is free of any other intention, and you and Chaewon haven't even had any sexual relations or thought of each other that way, even with the obvious "tutoring sessions" the other teachers had, but it is as true as she is. She's admittedly pretty. She has a deceptive smile and siren eyes that made you drown in her and never want to seek a lifeboat. She has this way with words that made it so that Creative Writing is one of the only subjects she didn't fail, and charmingly coaxed people to let her off the hook. Many students thought that she had persuaded Mr. Choi by performing... oral sex on him, but you know it isn't true. Chaewon is just that experienced in using her God-given charisma to make other people swerve her own way.
She's a rebel, too. You always make note of that whenever you can. She dresses like one, acts like one, and speaks like one. She's responsible for almost every vandal and moral violation in the university—from minor to serious offenses, playful "SIR LEE SUX ASSSSS!!!!" to straight-up nude pulp art on the university walls—and she... does not care. She doesn't care at all. All she minds herself about is herself, and if she wants to go on another spray-painting spree or teacher intimidation, she will. And to hell with it if any other person stood in her way. To hell with it.
So it surprises you when she knocked on your door one fateful day, and you opened it to see a Kim Chaewon who—
"—want to babysit for you, sir Kim," she finishes, smiling at you gently. She's wearing a white crop top and‐ ooh, red short shorts that would not have been allowed past university premises. File your eyes away from that, of course, to the pair of shades sit on top of her head. "If it's not much of a bother."
It isn't. Your two-year-old girl Yeongwon is an angel, but the demands of a baby make it difficult to go to work or return from work. There's the changing of diapers, buying of baby formula, feeding—you get the drift. All that is exhausting, and you credit your wife Minju for bearing with it all alone while you teach at Seraphim Colleges.
You're a little suspicious, though. Chaewon never offers help unless it benefits her. It is an unspoken rule not to trust her when she initiates am act of kindness out of nowhere. Even a lollipop from her should be questioned thoroughly.
"Why the sudden saintliness, Ms. Kim? Suddenly decided to become a nun after graduation?" you ask. It's difficult not to smile amusedly, because you know her more than anyone. Does she really think her little tricks would work on you?
Chaewon ruffles her short hair and smiles charmingly, before telling you why: "I've been thinking about what you said, professor, about trying out kindness."
Right, because she's so easy to convince like that, and she's actually able to be a genuine person. If it is unclear, all that is sarcastic. Again, Chaewon is not an easy girl to convince. You know that after numerous lectures and pleads with her to take her education seriously. And you know, most importantly, that she is not one to be trusted. Who knows what she might do with your baby? Or your house? She'd probably spray-paint mocking caricature of you and Minju.
"And I thought," she continues, lowering her face so she can meet your eyes, "that you were the one I have to practice that to first. You always understood me when no one else could, sir. I just thought I might give back in my own little way."
She's not wrong. Like you've said quite often, you understand how she works and thinks, and as her teacher, you perform your job well in trying to get your fellow educators to figure out how to deal with her. It has cost you sleepless nights aplenty and several headaches, to put it briefly.
It won't hurt to let her return the favor, would it?
You tell her you'll think about it. Surprisingly, she easily allows you to, giving you a swift "okay" and telling you she'll come back tomorrow to hear your final decision. She's clever like that, casually inserting a deadline for you to have no choice but to follow. It's not like you are being told to solve a cold case, so you actually do think it overnight with your wife.
Minju is getting ready for bed when you tell her about the incident with Chaewon. Her almond eyes are gazing the other way, in the closet in search of her pajamas, but you can tell she's listening. Minju is one of those people that can do multiple things at the same time, including listen closely and decipher well despite a bunch of tasks at hand. Such are the lessons naturally taught when being a wife and mother.
She takes off her T-shirt the same time she takes the pajama top from the hanger. The upper half of her hourglass body is revealed to you. "It feels like a good thing to do, especially from her," she says to you. "You should let her try, at least."
"But honey, it's Chaewon. The Kim Chaewon."
"Exactly. She's a rebel, a bad student. The nightmare of every old parent who's nearly in the retirement home wishing to just see their kids grow up. Why don't you offer her the chance to redeem herself?"
She faces you finally. She's wearing her white pajama top littered with cartoon foxes and shorts. But even her beauty can't even quench the worriedness written in your forehead.
"I don't know," you say, "I, I guess I'm just afraid she'll vandalize our house or something."
Minju nods sympathetically, but stays silent. She knows you are going to say something more. She confirms that from the heavy sigh you make.
"I just don't want her to bother you, Minmin. You know that she swings the other way, too. Remember when I told you she was caught in a make-out session with the ballerina? What was her name? Nakamura—"
"Honey..." Minju's brows raise disapprovingly. "Watch the wording. You know it isn't like that."
"I'm sorry," say you, a person who's never been good with words. Always saying the wrong things without meaning it.
"Just because she's supposedly bisexual doesn't mean she'll make her advances towards me. That's a horrible thing to assume. And even if we say she does, for argument's sake, I'm twenty-seven. She's twenty-one. I know better than to let some college student seduce me."
A gorgeous roll of her eyes renders you dizzy as she takes a seat on your lap. She gives you a sweet smile. "Besides, I only have you." Minju plays with your uniform tie, twirling it in between her fingers. "Remember?"
"Right. Sorry for the... misconceptions. And, and all that."
"I know you are." Minju plants a kiss on your forehead and pushes you down to the bed. Her smile takes a sinister twist and you notice her hand straying further down your body. " I know you are. "
Chaewon returns the day after, as she promised. She shows up in a fitted dark green-blue dress, that accents her slim figure. You once again have to give props to her fashion style: simple yet eye-catching. Not that the dress does majority of the eye-catching part. She can wear a potato sack and still look beautiful.
The day is fairly bright and so is your mood, so Chaewon showing up doesn't sour it even a little. Even with the worries tucked at the back of your mind.
"Reached a final decision, professor?" Chaewon asks.
"Yeah, I have."
"Minju and I figured that we could use the help."
You subtly sense that Chaewon knew all along that you were going to agree, but she is so happy to find out that you and Minju have agreed to let her babysit Yeongwon that you forget all about your suspicion. Her smile is so genuine, so delighted that you dwell a little longer on the thought that this might finally be Chaewon's path to a better self. No one stays a rebel too long after college. The spray-painting and risky shouts usually evolve into even worse habits once graduation settles in, so you are truly glad that Chaewon has decided to be a good girl. Maybe she'll even complete the full arc of bad-girl-gone-good.
You give her the usual list of warnings and guides about your daughter. Bedtime is at seven, fish sticks are a good go-to for snacks, and no sweets. Chaewon makes a note of that, literally. She pulls out a notepad and writes it all down, nodding to your words. You wonder if this little babysitting gig will eventually get her to dutifully take notes like that in class, too.
"All done! When do I start?" she asks brightly, lowering her papers.
"Tomorrow, if that's okay," you respond. Her hands linger around her notepad. You catch a glimpse of a checklist of things she should do scribbled on another page. Wait a minute, is that your name? It says to do something to you... is that... "Hey, Chaewon, what do you have written on the—"
"Good! I'll see you tomorrow, sir!" Chaewon interrupts happily. She gives you a cute wave goodbye, and walks away without letting you finish.
Your mind is still stuck on what she could have written on the checklist about you. It specifically said to do something to you. But you can't remember what the verb was. It started with "f." Free... no, must be fall—? Not quite right, but if things take a twisted turn it must be—
Oh well. You give up. She probably wanted to try the babysitting job for a long time. It's not something worth worrying about.
It's quite unexpected to you when you find out that she is actually good with children. From day one, she plays with Yeongwon around the house, giggling when she laughs and gently prying away the things your baby gets her mouth on with a gentle "No~." She feeds her on time, puts her to bed, and keeps her well-entertained enough to make Yeongwon actually attach herself to her. It's rare for your child to even like any other person than you or Minju, so you see that as a small victory, for both your precious kid and Chaewon. They are both trying things outside of their own boxes.
Maybe Minju was right, you think, as Chaewon watches another bout of Cocomelon with Yeongwon. Maybe letting Chaewon do her magic was a good idea.
You're starting to warm up to her, too. "Hey, Chaewon!"
She turns to you and raises her brows. "Yeah?"
"Aren't you a little too old to be watching Cocomelon?"
Chaewon tries to formulate a proper comeback, but the real idea of her watching and enjoying the show at twenty-one is so absurd that she bursts out laughing. You share the guffaws, too, which are so loud you have to slap your own hand to your mouth.
A confused Yeongwon watches you and Chaewon laugh, and, as babies do, copies you. She laughs along childishly, cracking the two of you up even more. And it's such a happy night, with the fire dancing on logs in the fireplace to add to the warmth of your laughter, that you forget about every problem there is in your life, for a very short but meaningful while. Little did you know how twisted things will get after a mere few weeks.
Minju has gotten another photoshoot for Prada, and has been invited to their Paris fashion week as well, so she will be gone for a whole week. You're a bit saddened to be without your wife for that long, but you know it's what she wants to do. Besides modelling being her dream, she is naturally shaped and fit for the job. She looks good in any dress you throw on her—classy fashion, casualwear, elegant corsets... even a goddamned kids' raincoat and wellies can be sold out within a few seconds because of her God-given talent and face. You trust and know that she'll do well while she's away, and you'll watch her every step of the way.
So, you are stuck at home, with no one but your kid and Chaewon. It's semester break, but Chaewon has still decided to come over and care for Yeongwon. You are grateful for that gesture; Yeongwon has become incredibly demanding day by day, and she refuses to settle down without a fight.
"It's okay, Yeongwonie~" Chaewon singsongs to the baby, rocking the child in her arms. "Chaewonie's here~ She's not going anywhere."
Yeongwon's tears are abundant still, but she looks up at Chaewon curiously. Her tiny hands make grabby gestures at her face. Chae won avoids them, but still sweet-talks her to calm her down. The baby babbles in response, and her eyes close into crescents as she lets out a cute giggle, before carrying her to the nursery room and tucking her in.
You watch on with a stunned fashion. You are feeling something risky at the moment, but all you can mutter to yourself is:
Somehow, it is in that moment that you see Chaewon a little differently than you did. Who was she to you before all this? Oh, right... the rebellious Kim Chaewon, the fuck-all-do-all Kim Chaewon whose stone heart you cannot break into even with a pickaxe. She was this tedious, hellsent girl who made your work life and others' torture. She is not a behaved girl. She is far from it, to be exact. She lies and swears and disobeys and fucks without any care in the world. She is cruel, she is—
—You watch the fullness of her lips curve into a smile, and her shoulders rise in accordance with her cute laugh at Yeongwon waving at her, while the black hair frames her face like a painting, like a monumental painting, one that was drawn and crafted by a loving artist, a determined talent—
Maybe it is all just admiration for her, because, to be fair, you've never seen Chaewon like this. She's in her own world caring fondly for your daughter, doing what her heart has wanted to do: change for the better. Because changing for the better doesn't mean rejecting old dressing styles or stopping oneself from putting on dark makeup. It's keeping your wildness to a minimum to leave space for viridity. For calmer and equally beautiful things.
And right now, Chaewon is beautiful to you. Before, she was merely pretty. Pretty doesn't mean anything. Pretty is eye-pleasing, eye candy, but not exactly something to love. But beautiful? Beautiful involves the soul, too, not just the general attractiveness Chaewon exudes. And despite all she's done, Kim Chaewon has the most beautiful soul to you right now.
Maybe you are romanticizing all this too much. If she were any other girl, it would have been okay, but Chaewon is not like any other girl. She's your student, too young and free for you, and too risky. If you even dared hold that beautiful face in your palm and kiss her pink lips as if you had always wanted to, you're putting everything just on top of the chalked boundary line to danger.
But she's looking at you now, and you can't look away. She's smiling at you now, and you can't force yourself to pretend that your gaze hasn't been following her from your living room sofa to the bedroom, as if she were precious treasure only you can get your hands on.
And she's asking you something:
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
It comes after a brief giggle, and it's a little accusing, but sweet nevertheless.
You can't come up with an excuse. "I- I... what?"
Suddenly, she's risen from the sofa. For the first time, you take into account what she's wearing. It's a tight sleeveless top that gives everyone a view of her gray bra. And that skirt is too short for minds not to stray to her thighs and legs. How dare she wear something like that in front of you? She just drips of attractiveness, and the sight of her slim body just makes your heart scream her name instead of the girl you were sure resided there: Minju.
No, nothing about this is sexual. Or anything. Chaewon is just walking towards you, that's all. Besides, even if she is planning something different, you're an adult, and so is she. It's nothing morally wrong, even if there's the considerable age gap between you. But no, nothing is wrong about this.
Yes, there is! You're married! You have a daughter with the woman you married, too. You can't let yourself be tempted by a younger girl, especially since she is your student.
Well, used to be. You haven't taught her classes since forever. Plus, it's not like there—
" I said," Chaewon starts, slowly. And now she's really going for it; her strides are dangerously slow, as if she's a predator sizing you up, and her head is cockily tilted to the side. She's finally reached you, and your knees and hers knock into each other.
She kneels.
She places her arms above your lap and looks at you with those wide, fascinating eyes of hers. They look innocent, almost curious as to why you did not understand her inquiry. And it's so strange how hot the whole thing is, with Chaewon on her knees and looking up at you, asking you a completely pure and innocent question, although her body language is saying something else.
Are you even supposed to feel like this?
"Why were you looking at me like that?"
It takes a while for you to answer. "Just thought that..."
" That? " she prompts gently.
"That it was nice seeing you take care of Yeongwon like that. Very nice."
Chaewon smiles. "Of course. It's no problem."
"Yeah," you say, with a deep gulp. "Minju and I appreciate the gesture."
"Is that all you have to say?"
No, you want to answer. No, you want to say how beautiful she is, how bad you wanted her and how you never realized it until you saw her caring for Yeongwon. You want to say how tight and petite she is, and how you want to test out if her smallness can take you on more than you think she can.
But you can't say that. It's wrong. Although the two of you are adults, there's the dynamics to worry about. You are a teacher, and she's a college student. You've known her since she was nineteen and so on. You can't do this.
"Chaewon. This is wrong."
"What is?"
"This!" you say, frustratedly. "This! All this! You trying to seduce me when you know damn well that I have a wife! You wearing that... revealing top and kneeling like that!"
Chaewon laughs in response. Your frustration and fear is just playing into her plan. Even if you had not, she wouldn't care. She may be kind to your kid, but she's still Kim Chaewon.
"There it is again with men like you," she says pitifully, shaking her head with a disapproving tsk. "How is it my fault that you want to fuck me? I'm just doing what I've always done, and now you're here accusing me of something I don't even think of."
"I do not want to fuck you, Chaewon."
"Sure you don't. You shouldn't! Why would a teacher ever want to fuck their student, right?"
She's right. No teacher, even if he and his student are adults and have been when they met, should ever engage in sexual relations. Besides the morality at hand being complicated, there's the job and life to risk. Will you really ruin your life just because of a girl like her?
You wonder at this with hot ears as Chaewon bites her lip and mounts your lap. Her tits are just inches away from your face. You use all your might in not pervertedly looking at them as Chaewon's hands find their long, touch-filled path to your thighs. Her fingers run along your chest and playfully unbutton one circle, making your heart skip three or four beats. Your stomach contracts under her touch.
Your bulge is an embarassingly hypocritical Freudian slip to your previous words. Chaewon doesn't mind at all; in fact, it is what she wants. She palms your erection with her tiny hand, pleasuring its covered tip with how it knocks and rubs against it. Your pants become tighter, but they are not close to Chaewon's tightness.
"Wow, look at you, professor," she says, giggling. "You're so hard for your little naughty student. I thought you said you didn't want to fuck me, hm?"
"Chaewon," you say, in between heavy groans, "I'm married. You can't do this."
"Oh, Minju unnie? I would have wanted her to join us if she were here, but since she's gone, I have you all to myself."
Her words are as haunting as they are tempting. The latter factor weighs heavier with the next, though:
"Come on, touch me, sir. I know you want to."
You give in. Her tiny body fits perfectly in your hands. Her tits are perfect handfuls even from the side. You can feel her abs under the thin gray cloth. She's such a perfect little thing, and you just have to find her slutty cunt beneath that short skirt, as she grinds herself on your knee.
"Mmmm." Chaewon tips her head back and moans. Your fingers play with her clit everytime her hips rise. "That's it. Rub my clit like that."
You do more than what she requests. You lean in to kiss her neck and shoulders. Lick the back of her ear, then bite gently on her earlobe to evoke a louder gasp of pleasure from her. Your fingers swipe at her flint clit through her underwear and tease at her slit.
You leave open-mouthed kisses everywhere, especially on the valleys of her breasts pressed tightly to her bra. Red spots become signs of your actions as they fill her neck and chest. Chaewon is in heaven, gripping the back of your head and moving her hips more urgently.
You can't help but compare her to Minju. Minju's body is more of an hourglass shape while Chaewon's is slim all over. Chaewon's tits, which you have freed from the offending bra and are currently sucking on, are bigger. And her moans... God, dare you say they sound sexier than your wife? Chaewon's sounds of pleasure are stressed and loud, high-pitched through and through, and you find yourself clinging onto her moans as validation in your making out with her body and rubbing her clit.
"Shit... you are such a bad girl, Kim Chaewon," you whisper in her ear. She makes a strangled gasp when you grip her ass tightly, guiding it so her needy pussy grinds along your thigh easily.
"Then punish me, sir." She looks you in the eye and grins challengingly. " Fuck me like you fuck Minju unnie. "
Although you have been comparing her with Minju from the moment she sat on your lap, anger stirs inside you. You grab a fistful of her ebony hair and pull it harshly backwards.
"Never say her name ever again, you got me?"
Instead of contracting the fearful reaction you want, Chaewon scoffs in your face. "Why, professor? Guilty that you let some hot younger girl get you to cheat on your wife? I'll say her name whenever I want."
You slap Chaewon's ass. "See what happens when you say her name again. I dare you."
You should not have said that. You should not have even thought that Chaewon—the rebellious risk-taking bitch you know too well—would have turned down a dare, because now, Chaewon has risen from your lap. She's standing in front of you, hands poised on her hips, with a smug smile.
"I want Minju unnie to watch while you fuck me like an animal," she tells you, each syllable that rolls of her tongue clear as day. "I want her to cry while she watches you ruin me, the very person you did not want in this lame house of yours. I want Minju unnie to leave you, and think about how much better I must be for you to cheat on her."
Your breathing gets heavier and heavier with each statement. How can you fall for a girl like this?
"Then I want Minju unnie to seek me out and fuck me," continues Chaewon. "I want her to fuck me while she slaps me and tells me how worthless I am. I want her to push me to the edge until I ruin her, too. I will—"
You rush at Chaewon. She remains there no matter how close you are now, standing still with that irritating arrogance-filled snicker on her face. Her smile grows bigger as you lift her up and carry her to the bedroom with flash-paced legs. She gasps artificially when you throw her on the bed.
"Ooh, big boy's all tough and angry now," Chaewon continues taunting you. Although she is below you, she will always have the upper hand. You tear away her panties angrily, spread her legs far apart and slap her cunt, but she never stops degrading you. "Ooh, good slap. You'd never dare slap Minju unnie like that, huh? Because you're too much of a coward to even try."
Your jeans are kicked away on the floor with Chaewon's panties. Pull her legs far up into a mating press and stare down menacingly into her eyes. "Kim Chaewon, shut the fuck up."
"Make me."
First pump makes her anything but quiet. Chaewon yelps, her body arcing off the bed. You discover that she's as tight as her body is. Her tiny cunt refuses to let go of your cock without a fight. Her legs quiver in the air like leaves in the wind.
The neckline of Chaewon's top has been tucked beneath her two jiggling breasts. They're perfect to watch while you fuck her, but the real deal here is Chaewon's face as you do it. Her gasping expression followed by a bite of her lower lip causes you to hump her deeper, to find that sweet spot inside her that will show you the fruit of all her weeks trying to make her advances. The fruit of this immorality you've given into.
Grunt as you strengthen the slams of your cock inside her, which add to the violent slapping sounds that overpower her moans. It's becoming painful; your continuous violation of her pussy and the slapping of skin that comes with it makes the bottom of your stomach as red as her face. But it's the pain that heightens and amplifies the experience, along with the knowledge that you shouldn't be doing this at all. Your mind screams a firm no, and your lips do so, too, but instead of refusal, they form Chaewon's name.
"Chaewon!" You pound into her shapely body like there is no tomorrow, like there is no Minju to think of to guilt you.
She, in turn, screams back. Her hands have flown above her, tearing at the sheets Minju had so lovingly folded and crumpling them with her lust and need. "Fuck me, sir! That's more like it! Punish your bratty slut student!"
You truly are feeding in to her plan she has so cleverly created. Though her expressions are wanton and blissful, you know she's simply showing them to purge you on. Sure, they're genuine in some way, but there's a purpose behind them all. The convulsing of her cunt, the screams she pitches, the slutty expressions she forms... you know they are impulsive and manipulative.
But why do you go on pumping? Why do you go on grabbing her legs and forcing them apart? If you are smart enough to know that this is entirely a simulation to force you to obeying her plan, why aren't you smart enough to stop?
No time to wonder, or rather, the heart to. You fill them with the pictures of Chaewon's ahegao, and her cute bouncing tits that jiggle just as much as her thighs. You blind yourself with the sight of Chaewon's pussy being stretched to their limits to take you, and find yourself unsheathing and sheathing your penis faster. Everything about her is made for sex like this, so why not fulfil their purpose?
Chaewon's mouth is a silent cave, except for the seldom gasp of wind. She looks down at the unholy scene of your sexes clashing and your cock making an imprint on her small stomach, and, with her eyes shut tight, finally lets out a cry of pleasure. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum on sir's cock, I'm gonna cum on sir's cock!"
And she does as she says. She squeezes so tightly that your cock feels trapped, and lets out a burst of girl cum. Her wail is stressed by her hands absolutely squeezing the blankets until the cotton beneath their precious fabric stiffens.
You've never, until recently, even thought of Chaewon like this. And now, when she's actually orgasming beneath you, you wonder why you've never done so a lot earlier. Chaewon is beautiful when she cums. Her legs close around your sides although her mind tells her to keep them open to welcome your thrusts. Her stomach tenses deliciously while her lips form a small smile that remains impossibly cute that a small part of you feels sorry for corrupting her.
Huh, cute. That's new. You've never necessarily viewed Chaewon as cute. Her rebellious actions made you paint her into this heartless monster, when really, she can be adorable if she's in this position. You're sure that's the reason a lot of the boys in the lower years like her in the midst of her school violations.
But they will never see her cum like this. They will never see her squirt onto your cock like a notched hose, or hear her scream so loud that it is deafening. They will never see her with her legs lewdly forced in the air or be able to pound her like you just did. Never.
Your orgasm trails behind her and finally arrives in time. You forget about the possibility of her getting pregnant and bury yourself to the hilt. Sperm erupts from your appendage and deep inside Chaewon. And maybe she likes it that way, as much as you do, for her pussy makes sure you drain every bit of yourself in her.
Chaewon gasps continuously. Her sensitive spots adore the twitches of your cock and how the tip is certain to stimulate them. She sees the flash of worry show in your face and she appeases it. "Haah, d-don't worry... I took the pill."
You are relieved, but also sobered to realize that if she did take the pill, she knew exactly what was about to go down in this exact bedroom. She has specifically prepared herself for it. That is unless she is fucking some other guy, too.
You don't have to think of that. You really do not, for Chaewon is suddenly up again. She pushes you to the bed carelessly and she places one leg beside your hip and the second on the other. Her hand wraps itself around your cock and jerks it to full hardness again. It turns you on how small her hand is compared to your girth, yet it still manages to pleasure it plentily. Her thumb thoroughly rubs the stressed cock veins and runs up and down the rim of your cockhead. Her fist is tight when it returns to its normal pumping, and you're so sensitive and overstimulated that you want to plead her to be gentle.
"Fuck, your cock is so big, sir," Chaewon comments. She looks down to admire your size, and spits on it to lube her handjob. "Wonder what it would feel like when I ride it."
She provides the answer to her own wonderings. She's a visual and sensory learner; she discovers that it feels so much bigger and better when she's on top. She stresses this with a whiny gasp, watching as your cock penetrates her from below. Her tiny cunt grips it harshly, and barely lets go when she starts to bounce.
"Oh god, oh fuck—!" Chaewon feels herself while riding, lost in the pleasure derived from your rod. She pinches her round nipple for a while before setting that hand back down to your hip, whose steadiness she takes advantage of to harden the slam of her cunt down on your cock. You aren't going to say it isn't working in spite of her painful determined grip on your hip; it allows your cock to properly and swiftly enter her wetness, as if it were the very thing needed to stop her juices from dripping on the bed.
If it were, it does not work very well. Every plug of your cock only provokes more wetness from the tiny hole. It only makes Chaewon gasp as she bounces faster, touching her body and her breasts to spark more of the pleasure. "Mm... oh! Fuck, pound me, professor! Make me cum!"
Her plead is helpless and needy, and you cannot believe you have actually succeeded in seeing Chaewon this weak and vulnerable. Where is the tough rule-breaker Kim Chaewon of yesterday? Who knew that a good fucking is the solution to her attitude problem?
"So ffffucking tight!" Start to move in unison with Chaewon. You jerk your hips up the best you can to meet Chaewon's bounces, and you both groan in pleasure—you with your guttural voice, and Chaewon with her sweet one and her head leaned back—when you fill her pussy up to her cervix. You've stuffed her poor hole so much now, your dick spreading all the right places and knocking against a rougher patch of nerves further inside. It is supposed to be painful, but it seems like Chaewon thrives and feeds on the pain so much that it distorts into pleasure. She's never taken a cock this big before, and she doesn't think that she shall settle for anything less after this night.
"H-hahh, fuck, s-so big, so big in Chaewon!" Chaewon is a screamer, laying out every blissful sensation running through her body out in the open for everyone to hear. She does not even want to try circling her ass or grinding to test the difference of the sensation; all she wants is to be filled up over and over by you, in this direct and merciless manner.
"You fffucking brat, Chaewon-ah." Back up to the headboard to sit up then seize her by her sides. "If all it took to get you to be a good girl was a good pounding, you should've told me."
As if she were nothing but a toy, you fuck Chaewon up and down your dick, taking over the pace and roughness. And of course, you choose to take her quickly and roughly. Fuck, she clenches even harder this way. Chaewon squeals needily as she is forced to take you from your fat tip to base, without any technique nor proper method.
"I'll always be a g-good girl for sir's cock!" she exclaims. She is given no mercy with the velocity. She is so light that it isn't any trouble at all to manhandle her. "Please fuck your naughty student's pussy, sir! Pound it hard and good, I'm so full—!"
You do. You drill her onto your lap like you have all the time in the world. If you did, you would spend every second fucking Chaewon's petite little body, and use the minutes of exhaustion to finger her till she squirts, just like she did earlier. You are curious about her taste, so you guess you will eat her out as well, suckling on her pearl and dipping your tongue through her folds.
You try to make the most of the time you have in the real world, though. You spit on Chaewon's jiggling tits and suck a nipple fervently. Her sensitivity reaches an all-time high, and she yells blissfully as your tongue laps her sore tits and bites down gently on the brown of her areola. With the harsh way you're feeding on her, you might as well draw milk.
Chaewon pushes your head down on her tit, demanding more. She would have told you with her own words to do so, but her mouth is busy yelling out profanity. Her nails are sharp against your back.
As you spank her round bubble butt and devour her neck like a vampire, you vaguely try to remember when is the last time you had sex this rough and passionate with Minju. It feels like so long ago now. And even back then, if you were to compare it to the present, Chaewon is ten times better, if not the best girl you've fucked.
Each adventure your cock embarks in her pussy is ended with your whole shaft slick with wetness. It is soon flooded completely when Chaewon lets out a cry of ecstasy. Her walls close in on your girth to keep it in place for the shower of cum she initiates. The tightness milks you dry, and all of it goes directly into her warm pussy, making the pink walls white. Your cum collides with hers, ending up splashing all over both of you as the aftermath of a rough night of sex.
Chaewon slumps against you. Whatever strength and energy that are left in her body are too insufficient to make her draw herself away from your cock, which is still fit snugly inside her hole.
You wonder what to do now that the two of you are done fucking. Should you make her leave? Think about what you have done?
Those options seem meaningless. You decide that all you have to do is lay Chaewon down on the wet bed and collapse beside her with an exhausted groan. You are too tired to visualize drawing figures on the ceiling tonight. A few seconds later, you unknowingly doze off to sleep. You dream about Minju crying in her hotel room at Paris. The reason for her sobbing isn't clarified in the dream, but after what you did with Chaewon, you know a possible one.
Six AM brings a ringing from your phone that jolts you awake. Your body is heavy with exhaustion, but you still make an effort to raise your torso from the bed, just enough for you to be able to put an end to the alarm.
The phone is blindingly bright. Squint your eyes to let as little ultraviolet rays pass through their lids, but just wide enough for your eyes to take notice of the day spelled out at the top of your screen. Wait, it's a Sunday! Why did you set an alarm for six when there isn't even class today? You do not even have tutoring sessions!
Then you see a message notification from an unknown number: 12-0801200. Curiosity-impulsed fingers dab on the notification to inspect.
Once it brings you to the conversation log, you almost drop your phone to the ground.
Kim Chaewon: good morning , sir ;)
Here's a picture of your breakfast~
Chaewon is on your kitchen island in the photo she sent after that. Her legs are spread wide open. Her tiny skirt cannot cover her creampied pussy that she flaunts at the camera. She is flashing a wink towards the round camera of her own cellphone as her fingers ghost over her lips painted white.
Arousal and panic merge and spread all over your body. How did Chaewon get your number? Why did she send such a provocative photo to you? You should report this! It's beyond inappropriate! She just—
Wait a minute. Did you...?
The memories of last night flash through your mind again: Chaewon screaming as you pound her harshly, her ahegao, and her spraying on your dick. Each one brings more horror to you. You cannot believe what you've done. How did you let yourself give in so easily to temptation?
Your thumbs jam quickly to deliver a message of your own to Chaewon.
You: we need to talk
delete that message right now
We need to put a stop to this
Kim Chaewon: :(
Dont u want to eat your brekkie??
You: You have to stop
You hesitate for a moment, then type anyway.
You: where are you?? We have to talk!
No funny business!
The left-hand side of the screen balloons three impending dots which transform into Chaewon's message.
Kim Chaewon: in the kitchen, waiting for u ;)
You dash to the kitchen as fast as your feet can muster. On the way there, you scold yourself again and again. There isn't a proper insult you can think of that can justify the anger you feel towards your own self. You have let yourself be swayed by some girl who is far too young for you. You have let her become living proof that can be used in future cases against you. It's more than scandalous; it's immoral. It's sinful. If anybody knew about this, your life will be ruined permanently.
And if Minju knew about this...
Your heart breaks. You can't believe you've done this to her. Your sweet, sweet Minju who has always been good and kind to you and Yeongwon. Your sweet Minju who loves you so purely and innocently that she might not even let her mind touch on the insecurity that you might cheat on her. Your sweet Minju who, because of your own carelessness and the girl laid before you on the table, can no longer be called yours.
Chaewon has evidently been waiting for you. She's poised on the table in the same top and skirt as last night. She is grinning happily at you, too, as if this is nothing out of the ordinary, for her to sit on your dining table with her legs spread and breasts shown.
"Good morning, sir," she says. "Yeongwon's fast asleep. What do you say we go for another—"
Before you can stop yourself, you've grabbed Chaewon by the shoulders and shaken her. Her surprised eyes reflect your angry and panicked self.
"How dare you even say that?" you ask furiously. "You fucking seduced me! You made me cheat on my wife!"
Chaewon is stunned for a while. Her eyes are large with shock that you have actually worked the nerve to have shaken her, but then she remembers: she's Kim Chaewon. You... you're nothing but the ground beneath her feet.
"Oh, wow, are we back at the fucking guidance office, professor?" Chaewon recovers from her surprised state with a dismissive scoff. "Chaewon's fault is this, Chaewon's fault is that... God, have any of you old fucks ever tried accountability?"
That insult targeting your age is one you easily breeze through, but the accountability thing... that is absolute bullshit. Sure, you fucked her with gusto the night before, but let's not forget that she was the one who made her advances towards you. What were you supposed to do with Minju gone and your head dizzy with the aftermath of a temporary crush on your student?
"What the fuck do you mean with your accountability bullcrap?" you roar. " You came into my home! You decided that you wanted to fuck me!"
"And you let me," chimes in Chaewon cheerfully. As she states her sentence more, her sweet smile dissolves. "Minju unnie was gone for the weekend and you decided to pervert on poor little Chaewonie who only wanted to babysit your kid. It isn't my fault your embarrassment of a dick can't take a day's worth of no pussy! "
Her smile starts out sweet and playful and changes to an expression mirroring your own at the end of her shouted sentence. She has stopped feigning innocence. Her true self has jumped out and it isn't going to hide soon.
You do not know what is more painful: you cheating on Minju or the fact that you actually let yourself believe that Chaewon was going to change. You see now that although her beauty is undeniable, so are her ugly intentions and attitude. Why did you let yourself be played when you know her so well? Why did you ruin your job and your life?
Well, you reconsider the job and life part. No one knows that you and Chaewon had sex. You let yourself calm down on that part. But just a few seconds after you decide to settle down, Chaewon pipes up with a revelation that makes your blood run hot and cold:
"I recorded your screaming by the way, and took our photos. I sent them all to Minju unnie and Professor Lee."
Your heart stops. The dread starts to grip you with its merciless fist and squeeze you to breathlessness. You don't dare question if she actually did it; she found out your number, for god's sake. Her finding out about Minju's and the prefect's are two instances that are very possible.
Chaewon shoves her phone in your face. You see the messages she sent to Minju and Professor Lee: voice recordings of you screaming your head off at her, and photos of you and Chaewon snuggled tight the night before. She even had the audacity to add nudes of her thoroughly painted pussy.
And Minju's responses... you start to break down into tears. You can feel the shock and anger from her even countries away. It breaks your heart to know that she trusts you so much, and now that solid trust has finally broken. You read the messages of her taking Yeongwon with her, and only cry more.
You have no one else to blame for this but yourself. If you followed your gut and never let Chaewon into your home, you would still be able to meet Minju with a smile. You would still be able to see Yeongwon. But you've traded in all that for a night of passion that is anything but permanent. There is no strings attached with Chaewon. She has nothing to lose while you have everything. The court and school are sure to take her side.
Chaewon watches you sob yourself dumb on the floor. There is not one fragment of pity or regret written on her beautiful face. This is what she has planned after all. She has gotten what she wanted, and after that, there is nothing but satisfaction in store for her.
"And I guess you can call it even."
She shrugs dismissively, as if it were such a small matter to her. As if it were something that can be resolved in little to no time at all. She's careless like that, and you guess that it's your fault for even giving in to her, but admittedly it's that very thing about her that made you do it in the first place.
Lift your head from your hands and turn to her with a glare blurred by your tears. "What the fuck about this is even? You ruined my marriage, Chaewon!"
"But you wanted me to, didn't you?" She inquires you with a raise of her eyebrows.
You roll your eyes at her and sniffle, wiping your cheeks dry the best you can because deep down inside, in your heart of hearts, you know that she's right.
But you can't blame this all on yourself. You were manipulated. You were made a victim by the girl you had sworn you would never be one to. She targeted you because even if you don't talk about it, she knows your weaknesses and knows the right time to strike. And when the first blow hit, you just had to accept it.
Now, as you watch Chaewon emotionlessly witnessing you cry after she ruined your life with just a simple "send" button, you realize that nothing matters. You just want revenge.
You want to take revenge on the girl who ruined your life.
You stand up, slowly, hands shaking like your voice when you say: "Open your legs."
"Funny that you decide only now that you want to fuck me," Chaewon says mockingly. "Got over the consequences of your own actions already? Or—"
Fuck it. If she doesn't want to spread her legs, you'll do it for her your-damn-self.
You seize Chaewon's legs and push them apart. Not caring if it results in pain, you lean in and eat her out. No playful licking to initiate, no sucking. You dice in straight to tongue-fucking her hole the way you wanted to the night before because fuck it. Your life is already broken. Might as well do what you want.
Chaewon tastes exquisite. You will never understand how such a rough and terrible girl can taste this good. Place your hands on the underside of each supple thigh to lick a stripe of saliva from the end of her slit to her clitoris repeatedly. Chaewon cries out. The sharp licks at her nub just brews more heat inside her being. And she knows that you are aware of that, which is why you continue giving her merciless licks and laps.
"Fuck, so good!"
Chaewon's hole twitches with the wind. You blow on it, making her legs strain to close, but you block them with your head as you eat her out again. It's messy and sloppy; your open-mouthed kisses on her clit are accompanied with your fingers swiftly entering her. Chaewon's quivering screams are drawn out by their pumps and their fingertips scratching her G-spot. Your fingers are already slick.
"Oh, fuck, yes! Finger me just like that!" Chaewon pleads. You hate how your form of revenge still benefits her carnal needs. Isn't revenge supposed to be a one-sided thing? Something that only brings good to you?
But then you remember: whatever you do is a component to playing into her plan.
It makes you angry, but how can you stop when she tastes so good? You even furiously pull her legs closer so that you can taste her better. You wildly wiggle your tongue and thumb her clit, and Chaewon becomes even more worked up, clenching down on your pink busy muscle and screaming. You can feel her walls loosen and clench again rhythmically on your tongue, as if they could not decide if they'd rather keep it inside or let it go.
Still, your technique of gliding the tip of your tongue harshly against the upper wall of her cunt and stimulating her clit remains steadfast. Chaewon is beginning to whimper. Will you have the good sense to slow down the rubbing on her clit so she can take this orgasm? She wishes you do, but you just keep licking and lapping. The wiggling of your tongue slides against all the orgasmic spots that she feels the knot tense in her stomach.
"Fuck, you really like your breakfast, d-don't you?" Chaewon tries to maintain her bad girl façade, but it is close to gone now, just like the length to the destination of her orgasm. She feels it pulse in her clit and she screams again. "Fuck, fuck, I'm gonna—too much!"
You are smart to close your eyes. Chaewon is both a screamer and a squirter. Almost all of your face is wet from her cum. But you do not take that as a sign to stop. You haven't finished your breakfast yet!
You've licked her pussy clean from juices. Now, you have to actually take a bite of your breakfast. You tease your teeth around her clit as you bump it with your tongue. Chaewon's legs are flailing around wildly, but you keep them in their place. She wanted this, and you are giving it to her. It is simply a matter of eye for eye, orgasm for orgasm. You are treating her with the same logic as she did you.
It's her fault for screaming like that. For having such delicious and pretty whines that you want to eat more of her. For having such a beautiful voice that sounds better when she's moaning.
It's her fault for being so damn tempting that you start to like her more than you do Minju. It's her fault for being younger and prettier and more attractive that you do not even have to play your cards right to have a taste of her.
It's her fault. It's all her fault.
" Please, sir."
The girl who has ruined your life and others' is begging. Begging. She looks down at you, face red and eyes filled with tears. You smile; you've pushed her to her limit. She is going to ask you to stop. She will—
"More, sir, please. Please eat your bad student out."
You are stunned. Again and again you have been fooled by Chaewon. No matter how many times you think you finally have the upper hand after fighting for it hard, it always ends up being hers.
Chaewon knows you know this. Her smile says it all. She knows all the right words to rile you up, all the right movements. She is so much deception personified that you wonder if any of this was real. Had she been faking orgasms as well as her actions?
The tears rush to your eyes. You have reached an all-time low. Chaewon may be more exciting, but at least Minju actually cares for you. Your heart hurts even more at remembering you should be using the past tense, as your past actions have affected what she would have felt now. You are not a man at all. You're nothing but a masochistic toy for Chaewon to use and play for orgasms and outbursts.
Her cum is almost as abundant as your tears. God, how did your life get like this? you wonder, as your mouth instinctively drinks her up. How did you fall for a girl who doesn't care about you at all?
More importantly, how did you let yourself get to this point?
Those are questions best answered at a later time. You still have to finish eating your breakfast.
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deathofacupid · 2 months
game (headcanon) | clay jensen
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a/n: something. i had to post something. (i'm halfway through season three, any requests can only be made in the timeline of season one + two + three! please, no spoilers! (i'll cry.) i wanted to write something, literally anything, to get the creative wheels turning. this is kind of just a starting point for me. italics - clay; normal - ...anyone that isn't clay.
summary: how you and clay became you and clay.
warnings: mostly fluff, some depressive/suic!d@l thoughts (nature of clay), it's 13rw... let's face it, the show tackles some dark stuff.
pairing: fem!reader x clay jensen
word count: 0.79k+ words
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-after hannah, clay wasn't great at putting himself out there, especially when it came to girls.
-the biggest thing he'd be worried about was girls. once hannah passed, the main reason he was having trouble was because he was trying to find another hannah.
-clay couldn't help but compare everyone to her.
-it was funny though, because the second he saw you, it was like; who's hannah? the world of "before hannah" and "after hannah" was gone.
-in that moment, when you'd first locked eyes, anything revolving the mere thought of hannah disappeared. he didn't have to think about her, and as selfish as it feels to him, it was refreshing. relieving.
-and you know what? he loved that feeling. he loved the feeling of cloud nine.
-sure, plently of times he'd considered asked you out. and then the thought would hit him like a brick; he's never even said a word to you. how's he going to ask you anything at all, if he can't even utter yet a simple "hi" to you?
-trust me, he tries. clay tries a whole lot. but he'll be inches away, and freeze up.
-part of him is afraid to love again, because what if everything ends up like hannah? like one big repeat? he's not sure if he can live through that again. it was hard enough the first time around.
-eventually, he gives up, choosing to admire you from afar.
-it's luck for him, however, when you're the one to break the ice.
-he remembers it clearly, how you lean over during english lit.
-"clay? do you have any idea what we're doing. because... yeah, i wasn't listening." / "huh? what? oh, uh, yeah- yeah, it's chapters 12-15, questions 1-10."
-he's panicking. you're talking to him.
the second time, you're complaining about your math grade to a friend. he's not even thinking when he blurts out:
-"i can help you. like, tutor you or whatever. i'm pretty good at it." / "wait, really? like, for real?" / "sure."
-clay's non-chalant on the outside, not so much on the inside.
-you seem happy, and instantly, he is too.
-the first thing he does is head into his room, kicking justin out.
-"yeah, okay, well, the adoption papers strongly disagree." / "please? y/n's coming over! i need this to go well." / "y/n? no shit?" / "no shit."
-justin gives in, he's clay's number hypeman anyways. justin lingers in the main house, and then finally wanders to find jessica. that's not clay's concern right now, though.
-it's his room. or more specifically, his shared room. he's freaking out, he hasn't been this nervous since the trial, as he shoves all - i mean all - of justin's crap into the closet, then cleaning up his own.
-he hesisitates over his akr comics, before shoving them in a drawer.
-clay showers, it won't hurt, and spritzes on some of justin's more... masculine colongne.
-half an hour later, there's a knock at the door. he's giddy as he answers it, yet nervous as well.
-"nice house-shed." / "thanks."
-he hopes it a compliment. you're nodding in approval, taking in his room. (shared room.) the little trinkets and trophies.
-and the one akr comic he left out.
-"oh, you read these?" / "y-yeah. i mean, yes. i do. wait- do you?" / no, but my little brother does."
-it's incredible how the conversation flows so smoothly after that.
-after a while, you and him got close. suddenly, it wasn't just study/tutoring sessions, it was hangouts at your place and his.
-everyone thought the two of you were dating, starting with justin.
-he would just be talking to his brother, and it would slip in.
-"how's it going between you and y/n?" / "what's going?" / "dude, you still haven't said anything?" / "there's nothing to say."
-or between his parents:
-"clay, honey, how's your girlfriend? you should bring her over for dinner!" / "we aren't dating, mom." / "really?"
-and more frequently, at school. everyone just assumed you and him were together, and at some point, you stopped correcting them.
-"hey, man, your girlfriend left her jacket in class." / "i'll give it to her."
-somewhere along the line, the difference between dating and not-dating blurred, to the point where you weren't even sure what was going on.
-"hi, not-boyfriend." / "hey, not-girlfriend."
-^became a regular occurence.
-"should we just date? y-you know, because everyone thinks we are... so... it's like-" / "sure." / "okay. wait, really?" / "yeah, why not? i'm suprised it took you this long. i'm literally always flirting with you." / "oh."
-like i said, clay isn't always the best with girls. it doesn't matter though, because you have enough game for the both of them.
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sugoi-and-spice · 1 year
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Chapter Eighteen - The Friendzone
Rating: Explicit - Minors DNI
Summary: Tomura Shigaraki was her dad's boss's son. He was the creep that stole girls' underwear and tried to grope her in his room. But it's not like he could get her Dad fired just because she wouldn't sleep with him, right? ...right?
CW: Quirkless!AU, Explicit Smut, Dub-Con, Coercion, Blackmail, Cheating, Sexual Guilt, Humiliation, Unhealthy Relationships, Virginity Kink, Groping, Power Play, Hate to Love, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Animal Death, Slow Burn, Misogyny
Read Full Chapter on Ao3
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She really didn’t know what to expect the first time she went back to Shigaraki’s place for a study session after their… discussion . They were trying to find a new normal — one that didn’t involve yelling and backsliding and sex, and two out of the two previous attempts at this had been completely unsuccessful. 
Needless to say she had some serious doubts that any of this was going to work. She wasn’t sure that it was possible to ever just be friends with Tomura Shigaraki. And she was really scared of what that meant. Best case scenario, it meant that they probably would never see each other again.
And that thought pained her way more than she’d ever admit.
So she was pretty surprised when she entered his apartment that day and found not the usual empty living room, but Shigaraki himself, spreading out his textbooks on the dining table. And Kurogiri too, assembling a delightful little tray of snacks and braising a rack of lamb in the attached, open-concept kitchen with no signs of leaving the room. 
“What’s going on here?”
Shigaraki answered simply, “Tutoring.”
“Down here?”
“I’ve got my own work to do today, so I thought a set-up like this made more sense,” he answered.
Wait… had Shigaraki actually set up their session in the living room, a public place, where they couldn’t��get out of control?
“Did you have somewhere else in mind?” he asked.
Without even thinking, she answered, “I, uh, I guess I’m just surprised that you don’t want to do it in your room.”
Shigaraki smirked, “Do you want to go to my room?”
“N-No, this is fine!” she squeaked, eagerly taking her seat, “This is great, actually.”
He chuckled and tossed a stack of practice tests to her side of the table.
“Here are the study guides you missed. Review ‘em and then you should do a couple practice tests since you’re behind.”
She looked up at him with a scowl, fully ready to rebuke and rebuttal whatever snarky comment or patronizing smirk he’d throw her way for why she was behind. But there was no judgment or passive aggression waiting for her. He’d just stated it simply and opened his own laptop to work. It didn’t matter how long she waited either, no dig came. If he was holding onto any bitterness right now, it didn’t show.
Feeling her stare, Shigaraki glanced up, “What?”
“N-Nothing!” she dropped her head to dive into her work, praying to God that he didn’t see the red dusting her cheeks, “Just zoned out so… Yeah, nothing.”
His mouth twitched up. He absolutely did notice. But he chose not to say anything about it, instead pushing his laptop across the table towards her.
“Hey, what do you think of this paragraph?”
She looked back up at him, beyond surprised, “You want my help?”
“I want your opinion ,” he corrected pointedly.
She turned the laptop towards her, still a bit baffled, but looking over the document on screen regardless.
“I had the first two sentences switched originally,” he explained, “But I’m wondering if it actually makes a difference.”
She read through the section a few times before scrolling back to the intro paragraph.
“It’s for a history class?” she asked as she read over his thesis, “Not creative writing or anything?”
“I’d go with the way you had it,” she answered, turning the laptop back to him, “It connects more directly to your thesis statement.”
“Hm,” he made the switch and then reread his work, wondering aloud, “Do you think I should just cut the second sentence entirely?”
“No, no, it’s not fluff or anything. But when you open with that sentence, it definitely reads as more of a decorative lead-in rather than supportive evidence.”
Shigaraki nodded thoughtfully as Kurogiri approached with their snack tray.
“Can I get you any coffee or tea?” he asked her as he set it down on the table in front of her.
“Coffee sounds great. Thanks!” she said, her mouth watering at the assortment of stupidly expensive-looking snacks on display.
Kurogiri nodded politely and turned to his ward, “Tomura Shigaraki?”
He didn’t look up from his screen when he answered, “We got any barley tea?”
She paused, the leaning charcuterie tower of baked brie, duck salami, roasted fig, and truffle crackers she’d assembled stopping just short of her lips.
“Yes, I just picked some up yesterday,” Kurogiri answered, pointedly holding back the “by your request” that sat on the tip of his tongue.
“I’ll take that hot.”
“Right away.”
She couldn’t fight the smile that it all brought to her face. It made her charcuterie masterpiece taste all the better.
Continue on AO3
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I have an idea for Ot6 during high school. If you guys don't mind!
Person A is the child of a mob boss. He often reacts to everything with aggression and has been in juvie several times. With B they have known each other since childhood. He has problems with chemistry. (He/his pronouns)
Person B is Person B's bodyguard. He is usually calm and has had to rescue A a few times. Then he has to explain to his father why he didn't rescue him. He doesn't understand biology. (Pronouns She/He/They)
Person C is the child of a detective who is looking for person A and B (although he doesn't know what they look like). He is kind and charming. He hates aggression on others. He doesn't like physics. (Pronouns He/She/They)
Person D is the most popular person in school. He occasionally flirts with members of the opposite sex. Despite his calm outward appearance, he is stressed by the fact that his family is in debt to Person B's uncle. He is good at every subject except foreign language. (He/his pronouns)
Person E is an adventure lover. Person D's best friend wants to help him with his problems. He handles it poorly. He also does poorly in math. (He/They pronouns)
Person F, on the other hand, is a school athlete and a top student. He is the tutor for all the rest. (Pronouns She/He)
Mam nadzieję, że ci się uda! Przepraszam za błędy ortograficzne, ale angielski nie jest moim językiem ojczystym. Nie musisz dołączać zaimków, jak chcesz! Życzę wspaniałego dnia/wieczór/noc!
I don't mind! I like all asks/requests! You guys are very creative. This ask was so intresting!!! I wanted to write more prompts for them (but i am sleepy lol) Also, I like how you said guys, there's only one person running this acc lol. (Send help /j) The 6 of them rule the school, in different ways. No body dares to mess with any of them. (Mainly because A is scary) Person A would kill for their partners. They are very protective over them. If they find out that someone is/has been bothering one of them, they take care of it. No one dares to say anything bad about any of them. They all hate studying (well except for F), when every they try to they all end up getting distracted. Person B is also very protective over all their partners (mainly A because it is their job). They rarely get angry, but when they do it becomes a huge problem. Their partners always calm them down. They all like giving gifts to one another, all though both A and B's gifts always seem like it's very expensive. They all appreciate it however. Person C will often rant/talk about how they are trying to find A and B (unknowing that it is actually their partners). The others are very interested and very supportive of their partner. Both A and B swore to never let C know the truth. Sometimes the other (C,D,E,F) get very suspisous of both A and B. They (A and B) occasionally show up to school/dates late with something on their clothes that kinda looks like blood? None of them dare to ask them about it though. Person D is very flirty, often flirting with other people aside from their partners. They always make sure to give more attention to their partners though. Also, when ever they seem stress their partners are always there for them (even if they don't know why) The 6 of them can often be found sleeping over at one of their houses. They either cram into one bed or sleep on the floor together. (They even build a fort, but shhhh no one can know about that) Person E, being the adventure, often gets hurt worrying their other partners. They [partners] always help with their wounds and nurse them back to health. E enjoys the attention. During prom they all took turns dancing with one another, and they all won prom royalty! It was very chaotic but it would be a night they would all remember. Person F is everyone's tutor. The gang often meet up for a study session with them. In exchange for good grades, everyone spoils F as much as they can.
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ussmckirk · 2 years
Look Mom, I’m starring in a lesbian rom com!
So, for most people on Tumblr, November 5, 2020 was bonkers. I’m sure you all remember it well...
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November 5, 2020 was even more memorable for me because it was the day I met a beautiful, smart, talented girl, who would end up being my wonderful girlfriend, @xxxholicmaniac​ (Nat).
Tired of waiting for the election to be called, I posted some self-indulgent ‘I wish someone would tell me everything would be ok’ message, not expecting a stranger to do just that. Remember, 11/2020 was peak Covid times, so we ended up striking up a conversation amid the Destial Putin Election trifecta of madness. We realized we had some mutual followers and follows because we both were fans of Trixie, Katya and Drag Race, so I suggested we start vid chatting to watch the latest season together.
We became friends, then friends who flirted, then friends who did *more* than flirting. 
The two of us live over 4,000 miles apart so I didn’t intend to fall in love with her. But I did. I couldn’t help it. Natalia didn’t give me any other choice. 
We met in person for the first time in Mexico (halfway between me in California and her in Argentina) in December, 2021, just after our 1 year anniversary. 
We were both nervous, worried our ‘Tumblr relationship’ wouldn’t translate to real life. But it was magic.
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I got to go to Argentina for 6 weeks this summer and have never felt so happy, free and lucky in my life. 
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Being home now is hard. I miss Nat so much. But we video chat daily, and we’re planning another trip to see each other in December.
I hate to ask...but that’s what I need a little help with, though.
See, Natalia is amazing. She teaches Academic and Creative Writing Workships at the college level and is such a strong English speaker it’s hard to believe she’s not a native speaker. Nat is an great teacher and so easy to talk to. And she’s a really hard worker.
But the economy is shit in Argentina, Inflation is at 71% this year. Seventy one! And with all of that going on, Nat doesn’t have money to put towards seeing each other.
The good news is she’s a great Spanish teacher, and with the currency exchange can do Spanish tutoring or lessons over zoom for a really, really low price for anyone paying in dollars (Paypal). If you just want conversation practice, to brush up on your Spanish skills or to learn basics before a trip, she offers a half hour session for $15. If you’re taking classes and need help practicing, studying, making presentations or writing/editing papers, she does hour long sessions for $25. 
She also is more than down to help with fanfics (Spanish/English). Basically anything related to writing. She worked at a publishing company and is a published author. She can also juggle empenadas (not really...well, she could try and see how it goes).
I normally don’t try to advertise anything on my Tumblr cause I’m only here to waste time and avoid thinking about capitalism just like everyone else, but Natalia’s too shy to put herself out there on her own, and I want to see my girl again as soon as possible.
So, if you could use some Spanish help for a super good price and would also like to help reunite some adorable Tumblr lesbians, message me or her and we can set something up. :)
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daydreamtofiction · 11 months
Hi there! I saw a response to one of your asks a while back talking about how you did a degree in Creative Writing - do you have any advice for someone wanting to go into a degree like that? Cheers.
Hi, it’s quite hard to give advice about the degree itself because no two degrees will ever be the same. Each university writes their own programme so experiences really will differ depending on where you study (I’m assuming you’re in the UK!)
My general advice would be to attend everything. Get your butt to every single seminar, lecture and workshop. They’re invaluable. Go to every single event you can too - my uni would host plays, live readings, ‘audience with’ events, q&a’s with visiting authors, poets, theatre companies etc all the time, and one of my biggest regrets is not attending more of them.
Enter all the story/writing competitions they hold and take every opportunity to submit your work for feedback sessions.
Do the assigned reading. You will be asked questions about it.
Don’t leave your assignments until the last minute. Deadlines approach fast and you usually end up having several assignments due around the same time. Pulling all-nighters in the uni library isn’t as fun as it sounds. My friends and I all went literally crazy one time after a 36 hour stint and - spoiler - none of us came out with a first for that assignment. Also your tutors will notice when your work is rushed or hasn’t been proofread/edited.
Engage in discussions in class. Ask questions, answer them, put forward ideas or suggestions. The best seminars I ever attended were the ones where the room buzzed, where the students bounced off the tutor and vice versa.
Similarly, always try to give valuable feedback to your peers. Don’t just say ‘yeah it was good’ or sit there silent during workshops/feedback sessions. Be honest, be vocal, be constructive. It’s up to you guys as the students to make the most out of these sessions.
I hope this helped a lil bit!
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
How To Write Good // Vernon
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A/N: It all started with watching Vernon’s English tutor series and now we’re here omg. This is my first series so please give it some love <3 kind of unedited so lmk if there’s any mistakes! PART ONE | PART TWO | PART THREE
PAIRING: Vernon x You
GENRE: enemies to ???, fluff, student!vernon, tutor!vernon
WARNINGS: swearing
SUMMARY: There’s the crisp air of campus, the rush of something new, and a four year degree ahead of you. Your college experience doesn’t go off as smoothly as you’d hoped when you fall asleep on course selection day and are stuck with left over electives. Struggling to get through your creative writing class, you have no idea how you’re going to get through this semester. Fate steps in when the stranger you fought in the library might just be your only chance at passing. This is all just part of the college experience… right?
Orange leaves began surrounding the burnt red brick pathway, and the small green hills of the campus quad.  Fall was fast approaching, without much warning.  The bright summer sky, now often clouds of gray. The wind brushed past you, causing your hair to fly up. Your legs brushed together quickly as you tried to make your way through campus to get to your Writing in the Arts class. You swore to yourself that you wouldn't sleep through course selection but sometimes sleep was an actual priority to you...and it so happened to be on that day.  Not your first choice, but definitely miles ahead of  Economic History on the list of leftover electives.
You flipped over your wrist to take a look at the time on your brown pleather watch. 8:12.
Professor Hampton was an older woman, who always kept her sandy brown hair in a slick tight low bun. She had enforced a rule that the doors to the lecture hall would shut 15 minutes past the hour. If you didn’t make it then you’d have to get notes from a classmate. Maybe it’d be fine if you had a friend in the class that was actually punctual, but you had often sat alone in the same spot in the far left corner of the class room.  Time was definitely never on your side as you reckoned you only had 3 minutes left until your trip downtown was rendered useless. 
You swung the thick metal door open, and began pumping your legs forward, not stopping until you reached the top of the stairs. To your luck, the lecture hall was on the exact end of the hallway. As you took longer strides, your gray backpack bounced behind you. Finally arriving at the end of the long hallway, you came face to face with Professor Hampton, who had a scowl so thick you’d think it was drawn on with a felt tip permanent marker. Without an ounce of forgiveness, that old lady secured the door shut, eyes keen on your betrayed face just a few centimetres from hers.
With the little pride you still had, you contained the urge  to bang on the door repeatedly and say "OPEN UP."
If you hadn't had time to get ready that day, or missed your bus, dammit this would've been the boiling point that would've driven you to  kick the wall. Your saving grace was that there was a cute guy typing away on his laptop in this hallway and you'd be damned if you were about to look a fool.
It was that moment, you knew that if you were going to pass this class without sacrificing a wink of sleep, you were going to have to make a friend that was good at writing notes. And quick.
The next day, you navigated your way through the twists and turns of the library, never having had been there a day in your life. You swear you’d gone in a circle at this point. You promised your best friend, Taylor that you’d secure a spot for your impromptu study date. Although you both had good intentions, you knew it was more than likely going to become a gossip session that involved sometimes looking at class material.
Among the rows and rows of occupied tables, you finally found an empty table, situated next to the window that overlooked the architecture and art buildings. You settled in the chair, slipping your laptop out of your tote bag , and typing mindlessly to look busy while you waited for your friend. With a look around the room, you wondered if people actually studied at the library or if they were just faking it like you.
You were so immersed in your game of Tetris you almost didn’t hear the voice that said , “Hey, I think you’re at the wrong table.”
You paused your game and surveyed the empty wooden table you were sitting at.  You blinked slowly at the brown haired man.  “I was here first.”
“That might be true but I booked it out for the hour.” The stranger stood with a slight slouch, sporting a backwards snapback and a deep green hoodie. He didn't look like the type to hang out around the library- but then again, neither did you. You swear you had seen him before, but you couldn't place where.
Did I go to high school with him?  you thought.
What if he was ugly and had a glow up and that’s why I don’t recognize him?
You took a closer look at him.
Nah. I don’t think he’s ever been ugly in his life.
“Look. My name's right here." He leaned forward, showing you his screen.
[TABLE 9] 3:00pm - Vernon C.
You pushed the phone away, unimpressed. "But you showed up late."
"It was only 6 minutes." Vernon scoffed, as if his tardiness would automatically forfeit him from his table.
"Well, have you ever heard of finder's keepers?"
Vernon nodded, his voice pointed. "But have you ever heard of fair and square?"
You tried your best to conceal the fact that you were somewhat amused by his elementary-level comeback.
"Could you look into your great, big heart to share?” You pouted tauntingly.
"Oh, yeah, because you need a table to play Tetris." He responded sarcastically but it was as if he had crept into your mind. You dreaded the idea of being on your feet trying to find another place for your game.
Your best friend rolled in between you two innocently, confused at the interaction at hand. It was like a kid walking in on their mom and dad fighting for the first time… except dad is a Tetris-hating stranger you just met 3 minutes ago.
“Sorry I’m late, Y/N.”  Taylor interjected, trying her best to mend the atmosphere with a grin.  Vernon's posture went notably straight as he exhaled, returning a sweet close-lipped smile. You couldn't help but notice the way he looked at your friend- you squinted at the shadow of the difference between this Vernon and the one that basically told you to fuck off only moments prior.
Without a doubt, you knew he was suffering from the "Taylor Effect".
Taylor was your textbook girl next door; equipped with a warm demeanour, and a confidence that was endearing rather than cocky.  You could tell that Vernon was trying his best not to stare so obviously, but he was failing miserably.
Because everyone gravitated towards her, many found it odd that she chose to keep you as company. Sometimes you thought she stuck around only because your personalities were so starkly different and would emphasize how great she was, but time and time again she proved she was notable on her own accord.
"Did I interrupt something?"
You and the man shared a look.
Vernon had a feeling that if he let you speak first, that you might ruin his chances with Taylor, and there was absolutely NO shot that he was going to tell her what had just happened. You were quick to take advantage of the situation.
“Vernon just wanted to take the tab-“
He shook his head, "No, no, no I was just leaving."
You raised your eyebrow, smugly.
“I'll see you later,” He bid.  Your eyes widened as he went closer to you, clasping his hand around yours and pulling you forwards into an almost embrace. He dapped you up. Vernon dapped you up. What? Did he think you were bros now?
Ya, right. You thought. This is my first and last time in this library. You will never see me or my Tetris again.
And with that, he swung his backpack over his shoulder  coolly and headed down the long carpeted aisle in the other direction.
Only a few moments later did he return to go through the north exit. “Wrong way.” He mumbled, charting past both of you.
“So you don’t know anyone in that class?” Taylor said in disbelief as you two sat at the table you had only marginally won.
“No, I missed the first two weeks so by the time I actually went to class  they already had their groups.”  you responded, blowing air out of your mouth in frustration.
School had only just begun and Taylor had swept up a bunch of friends, including you, in just this one semester.
You, on the other hand, were awkward, but not in the forgivable way. You never knew the right thing to say, and your sarcasm drew a fine line between a joke and the truth. You felt like you always had to bite your tongue to hold a decent conversation with someone. In turn, this scared a lot of people away, and resulted in a small but good group of friends that understood you.
For some reason though, you did well with confrontation. That was the only time you could force yourself to not care about what someone else thought about you. Other than that, your communication skills were almost useless.
“So go up to those kids and say hi.” Taylor responded.
You knew your best friend was being well meaning, but sometimes she felt like she oversimplified your problems because she saw it through her own lens. Of course it would be easy for Taylor to do so, but for you it would be a different story. Your stomach turned at even the mere thought of introducing yourself to the group of strangers that always sat all the way in the front of the lecture hall.
“I’ll just figure it out. I don't know how to just talk to people."
“What about that guy that I just saw you with? What was that about?”
You cleared your throat, fixing your attention to your laptop screen. Getting work done suddenly seemed more interesting.
“No, no, no look at me.” Taylor dragged your laptop away.
You begrudgingly looked at your friend. “What about him?”
“Who was that? He was kind of cute.” She cupped her cheek with her hand and sat closer, clearly interested. It was rare to see you with anyone other than your usual friend group so Taylor was invested in your endeavours outside of it.
You knew that if you told Taylor about your weird argument with a stranger, that she’d explain that you were unfriendly, that you needed to be nicer, etc. etc. You didn’t need a lecture today.
“Just some dude who finished using the table.”
Taylor chuckled, “What kind of guy says bye like that to a person he just met?”
Her guess was as good as yours.
Determination is setting 25 morning alarms, pre-picking your clothes and opting for an on-the-go breakfast in order to just make it on time for class. You took your final strides towards the class slowly, knowing you finally had time on your side. Would it be crazy to call waking up at 6am a victory? Doesn’t matter, you were just so happy, you could answer Professor Hampton’s questions… that is, if you listened.
At the bottom of the lecture hall, sat the aforementioned groups, while the top were lonesome stragglers looking at their phones in an effort to look less lonely. You knew they were probably just reviewing their settings; turning their wifi on and off.
Professor Hampton cleared her throat into the microphone at the front of the class, prompting you to pick up the pace to your regular spot at the far left corner.
No way.
Your speed slowed down again, as you craned your head to get a better look at a brown-haired boy sitting by himself.
Despite the numerous empty seats to choose from, your caffeine rush assisted you in making the possibly dumb decision of sitting exactly right next to him. He seemed unbothered, though as he didn’t look up to question it.
Professor Hampton played her slides, while you pulled out your laptop out of your tote bag.
“Hey.” You whispered.
The man’s light brown eyes flickered towards you.
“You’re in this class?” Vernon whisper-exclaimed.
It registered in your brain that this might’ve been a mistake.
You nodded.
Vernon kept his focus on the front of the class, his pencil swivelled  away on his lined paper. You had never seen anyone actually take real-life notes before. You scanned his paper, pleasantly surprised at the organization.
“Why did you dap me up last week?”
“I honestly don’t know what I was doing.” He admitted.
Boys do dumb things around pretty girls. You'd seen it happen so many times with Taylor.
“She’s cute isn’t she?”
“Who?” Vernon was quick to play dumb, but he clearly knew. 
You were fascinated by how he was writing and listening to you at the same time.
“Taylor—my friend.”
Vernon squinted his eyes, either to think or because he couldn’t see the projection clearly. It made you wonder why he sat in the back of the class if that was the case.
“Yeah, she is.”
You silently relished in your impromptu decision to sit next to a stranger.
“What would you say if I got you a date with her?”
Vernon put his pencil down. “You strike me as the kind of person who wouldn’t do that out of the kindness of your heart.”
You snorted. “You’re right.”
Vernon let out a deep sigh, pushing his hoodie sleeve up his arms. He relaxed back in his seat and stared at you as he waited for your proposal.
“What is it?” His deep voice was littered with impatience but it was clear he was at least curious.
You weren’t  prepared to gain his full attention. Your mind went several ways as you collected your thoughts to be as concise as possible.
“I’m struggling in this class, okay? I can’t always make it on time, and creative writing? Not really something I’m interested in.”
“Then why’d you take the class?”
“Why does anyone do anything here? For the credit.” You responded as if the answer was obvious.
Vernon’s raised eyebrows was enough to tell you that he was actually passionate about this subject— which was perfect for you if you wanted to pass the class.
“How do I come into this, though?” His patience running thin from your incredibly interesting backstory.
“If you tutor me up until midterms and I pass, I’ll get you a date with Taylor.”
He shook his head “What if you fail?”
“Then you can take that as a reflection of your teaching skills,” Vernon rolled his eyes. Okay maybe that was a bad joke. “but on the plus side you’ve gained a new friendddddd.”
Professor Hampton gave you two a dirty look on her way back from shutting the lecture hall’s door. Vernon picked up his pencil to look busy and you tapped on your trackpad to turn the screen on.
“And what if I say no?” Vernon said between his teeth, catching the professor glare right at him with her scowl turned up to one hundred.
“Then I’ll shit talk about you to Taylor so you never have a chance.” You threatened. Your mom always urged you to use your brain, and boy, were you using it.
“You want me to teach you how to be creative?”
You shrugged. “I mean, how hard can it be?”
Vernon looked down at his notes contemplating his choices. He was silent for so long that you actually started typing notes.
“Y/N” Vernon whispered. You seemed to be fully immersed in the lesson now. Your eyes absorbing the information... Maybe writing was kind of fascinating.
“Y/N” He tried again, snapping you out of a trance.
“My bad.” you apologized. “I didn’t know the interesting part of the story was called the climax like ew—”
“I can only tutor you on Thursdays between 6 and 8 in the library. Bring your laptop and be prepared to learn.”
You knew you didn’t have class at those hours, so it should’ve been fine, but you also dreaded staying after school longer than you had to.
“What about 4-6?” You pleaded.
Vernon looked offended at your counter offer. “No. 6-8”
“4:30…?” You tried once again.
Vernon snorted at your no-quit attitude. “You wanna pass or not?”
You stuck out your hand defeatedly and Vernon shook on it before either of you could change your mind. Vernon was your new tutor.
Maybe Taylor was right. All you had to do was go up to someone and say “hi.”
And blackmail them. And use your friend as bait.
Making friends was easy.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
hey! if your requests are still open can I request a hc w/ tsuki nd akashi with their s/o who doesn’t like studying. they aren’t academic but more creative and would rather spend their time painting and the last thing they would do is study. how would the couple rs work? would they push their s/o to study? XDD
hello hello!! i love this request a lot so i’ll be getting to this before the costume requests but ahhh!! i relate to this y/n so much. i did a visual arts kind of y/n for akaashi and a writing y/n for tsukki (because hahah i love a bit of self-insert)
you guys are not just classmates but seatmates too and before you got together, akaashi would kind of notice that you were a notebook doodler
like instead of copying down notes from the board you’ll be doodling cartoon-y figures and flowers on the margins of your notebook
because of that your teacher would often comment on your notebook and call on you often to pay attention 
instead of laughing at you like the rest of the class, akaashi actually thinks that your doodles look cool and he loves glancing at your notebook for the new drawing of the day time and again
akaashi also know that you really shine during your art classes. he can tell you’re always excited and your pieces always look amazing
he actually tried to get close to you and befriend you by asking for help when he had to make a painting and he loved how you were also eager to help
after you guys got together akaashi would often visit your house for study session and just to hang out
your room is basically a studio. your desk is covered with different kinds of art materials with sketches pinned to your wall 
you also have an easel set up in the middle of your room with a half-finished painting on it with your brushes and paints on the side table
the first thing he notices is how much your room smells of paint and paint cleaner
and you, having gotten used to it, don’t notice anything (you have to open some windows though so that akaashi doesn’t die from the fumes)
but he loves the creative mess that is your room. one of the things he loves to do with you is clean your brushes (idk but i find it super relaxing)
like he’ll just sit down with you on the floor, put on some music, and clean your paintbrushes with you
akaashi also finds it cute that you always have ink or streaks of paint on your face and hands. he always brings wipes to clean you up
he’s also super encouraging with your art. he loves to watch you paint and see the things you create
he’d definitely help you study but push you enough for you to reach the bare minimum that you want to pass your class. akaashi understands that you don’t have to excel at academics if there’s something else you want to do
he helps you study just enough for you to pass your classes and he’s an awesome tutor. super patient and will encourage you to study with him
he and the rest of your classmates know you for your really awesome grades in your literature subjects, but not so much in other subjects
reading and analyzing stories was just generally your thing but what you loved the most was writing these stories
tsukishima kind of knew that you were in the Literature Club and he read some of your short stories that you guys compiled
but he was mainly impacted by your work with the Drama Club wherein you wrote a script for their production (tsukishima was hella moved)
he ended up complimenting you for it one day and you were kinda flustered by it since you’ve lowkey been crushing on him for a while 
after you got together he was the biggest supporter of your work (although he’s not so vocal about it)
tsukishima likes it when you ask him to comment on or workshop your pieces because he thinks it’s awesome that you would trust him with such a task
also helps you out by pushing you to study. he knows you don’t love studying (especially with things like math and science) but he’s like ‘if you want to get into the university you want, you better grit your teeth through it for now’
tsukishima knows your mind has probably wandered off after just a few minutes of studying and has to snap you back to reality
eventually got you to focus more on science by convincing you that you could use it for your writing (and it works)
lowkey finds it funny that your search history is full of the most random things. from ‘tobacco prices in the 19th century’ to ‘how fast would it take to bleed out from a knife wound’
he’s also the one who pushed you create a blog for all your writing and he goes through it every day to see everything from your content to your rants 
 you kind of bug him a lot whenever you have writer’s block so he has to put up with you begging to watch a movie with him or go somewhere
eventually he relents with the condition that you buy him cake
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
I need some help deciding [+apology]
Hello! First off, thank you for reading this!
Now, I shall start this with an apology. To anyone that had sent a request during my March event, requests that I hadn't fulfilled....
I'm sorry, for I've cleared my askbox of all of them 🙇‍♀️ Just 2 that still catch my attention will be answered
And, due to the knowledge that event gave me, I've decided to only host mini events/flash events for the time being
I never expected to get over 40 requests back then. I overwhelmed and burned myself out quite quickly. Having the requests lurk in the backlog just made me want to stay away from this blog and its box for weeks at a time.
I hope you understand my decision 🙇‍♀️
From what I've seen in my side blog, mini events have been much more manageable and fun for me and my creative brain (and seems like they've been fun for participants, too!); not much burn out happens bc the answers are short and sweet ❤, and the theme of the event helps keep my mind in one place
So, a special date is soon approaching.....
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As some may know, the "anniversary" date of my first twst fic is coming up! Rather than celebrating a blog anniversary, I want to celebrate my 1st year actively writing and contributing to a fandom
That's why I want to hold a mini event on this blog!!
BUT we have a problem... I can't decide on a theme ; v ;
That's where you guys come into play! There's three potential themes in my head for the event:
Alchemy shenanigans (accidents, tutoring, potion making, potion consuming, anything related to magical liquids, potion-laced foods, magical plants, etc.)
Domestic life (proposals, wedding day, marriage, pregnancy, raising kids, etc... hell, even pet/plant parents, sleeping together for the first time [non-nsfw], cooking together, doing a hobby or side project together [non school related], moving in together... ANYTHING MUSHY aaa <3333)
Sleepy Time Boyfriend scenarios (basically, what the boys would do when seeing you sleep/nod off. What they point out as you sleep, or how they help you sneak in a short nap before class, in class, or during your study session.... sleep related scenarios) [If you've seen Makura no Danshi anime, that's the premise of this theme]
I've made a form so you can help me decide! [link] ⚠ click submit in all windows after selecting your answers ⚠
Go go go! Over to the form!
I'm already getting exited~ 💓
That's all I had to say Thank you for reading, I deeply appreciate it 💖 Will be waiting for your answers~!!
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beccascribbles · 4 years
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kageyama is failing english so he asks you to tutor him. neither of you were expecting the relationship that formed between you as a result.
warnings - swearing, kissing scene, contains a fair bit of angst
word count - 6.3k
a/n - this was originally meant to be a fluffy oneshot where kageyama falls for the person he asked to tutor him. however, it didn’t really end up that way exactly. i hope you enjoy anyway!
read the sequel - ‘selfish when it comes to you’
It was with hands trembling that he approached your desk, shooting a nervous glance over his shoulder at the small group huddled by the door. Hinata waved his hands in a 'go' gesture, encouraging him to approach you, while Yamaguchi gave him a thumbs up. Tsukishima, despite declaring he was not interested in Kageyama's educational escapades, had come to watch. He just wanted to see the boy fail. Raising an eyebrow, you looked up at the black-haired boy that you had immediately recognised as Kageyama. Who could forget that face when you had watched him get stopped in the corridor to be handed small gifts by blushing girls, and then watched him hand them over to the energetic ginger at his side?
"Can I help you, Kageyama?" you questioned, shocking the poor boy. Nervously, he shifted his weight from foot to foot, avoiding making eye contact with you. His expression was tense, and you were almost certain this was something he had been forced to do. A glance at the doorway confirmed this, his small group of friends unable to move out of view fast enough. Although, truth be told, Tsukishima had not even bothered to hide. It had been Yamaguchi pulling him out of sight behind the wall.
"Um..." he stammered, face burning a bright red. To think he could look so at home on a volleyball court but so awkward when tasked with an actual conversation was laughable to you. "Um, I, um, heard that you were really smart from Tsukishima, and Hinata was pretty much singing your praises earlier this week when you helped him study before a test..."
He trailed off, looking behind him again. You could not help but wonder as to what kind of emotional support he was seeking from them. Hinata was snickering as he whispered something to Yamaguchi, who was red from holding in his laughter. Meanwhile, Tsukishima was just smirking at the scene unfolding in front of him.
"Yeah, I heard Hinata passed that test," you said, leaning around Kageyama to shout to the hallway. "Well done, Hinata! I knew you could do it."
"You really helped, l/n," he shouted back, beaming at you. "If you hadn't broken down the concepts in such an easy way, I never would have been able to understand it."
Kageyama cleared his throat in an attempt to bring your attention back to him. His hands were now stuffed in the pockets of his trousers, and he was focused on some point above your head.
"I-I was wondering if you would be able to tutor me in English," he stated, stumbling and tripping over his words. A loud snicker from the hallway caused him to spin and glare at the taller boy, who just snickered louder. When he moved as if he were about to head towards him, you reached out and clasped his wrist, stilling him.
"I would love to tutor you. When are you free? We can work around your schedule as much as possible. I know how busy you are, what with volleyball practice and all."
"Does this Saturday work?"
And that was how you found yourself sitting beside the black-haired boy at nine o'clock that Saturday morning. Textbooks, along with his workbook, were strewn along the desk in front of you.
Currently, you were going over what he had covered in class that week to attempt to pick out some weak points. It was clear to you that his memory was good. When you had quizzed him, he was able to recite the grammar rules perfectly. His spelling was so accurate it made you slightly envious. But, when it came to the application of those facts, he was clueless. You read the sentence one last time.
"Can you tell me why this is wrong?" you asked, indicating it on the page with a point of your pen. He looked down at the page, brows furrowing in concentration as he read.
"I think my spelling is correct," he stated, looking over at you for reassurance. You nodded your head, urging him to continue. "Is the word order incorrect?"
You again nodded your head. "Yep, that's correct. Well done, Kageyama! Now, can you tell me why the word order is incorrect?"
He rubbed the back of his head, returning to studying the sentence. His pen followed along with the line of writing. "Instead of using the English sentence structure of subject-verb-object, I used the Japanese sentence structure."
You smiled, extremely pleased at his ability to critique his own work so confidently. "Good. Remind me what the Japanese sentence structure is."
"Subject-object-verb," he replied with a confidence that you weren't expecting.
The rest of the session continued in a similar pattern, with you getting him to critique what was wrong in his own work. You thought that by helping him see what he was doing wrong currently, he would be able to learn from his mistakes and stop himself from making them in the future. This seemed to be having the desired effect, with the pause he needed to work it out shortening the longer you worked.
You glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was twelve o'clock. "Alright, I think it's time to wrap this up for now. Can you do the same time next week?"
He nodded in affirmation, beginning to gather up the textbooks to return them to the shelf they had been taken from. You hadn't really needed them due to his knowledge of the basics, so they had simply been on the table to take up space. While he put the books away, you gathered your stuff together to put in your bag, also putting his stuff in a neat pile that he could pack away when he returned. Upon his return, he quickly packed them away, slinging his bag over his shoulder once be had finished. Awkwardly, he pulled at the strap.
"Would you like to get some lunch?" he asked, gaze settling on a slight crack in the wall behind you. "Just as a thanks for helping. Not like as a date or anything."
"Relax," you laughed, patting his arm lightly as you walked past him. "I didn't think it was a date and, now that you mentioned it, I would love to get lunch with you."
It took him a moment to process your words, and the fact that you were already walking towards the exit. Hurriedly, he walked after you, his long strides easily allowing him to catch up. You turned to him with a wide grin, "So, what's the plan? You got a specific place in mind?"
He found himself returning your grin. It was infectious. "Not really. But I'll think of something."
From your first tutoring session onward, it became something of a routine to get lunch together afterwards, leading to the formation of an easy friendship. While Kageyama could still be slightly awkward at times, his habit of blushing furiously had diminished slightly. He genuinely enjoyed the conversations with you. You listened with rapt attention when he ranted about volleyball, a fact that warmed him to his core. It was rare to talk to someone who didn't automatically act uninterested when the topic turned to what he was passionate about. But you admired that passion. You encouraged it. And, like you encouraged his passion, he encouraged yours.
At one of your lunches together, you had let it slip that you were currently working on a novel, just a light-hearted way for you to let your creativity flow. It had never been your intention to write for someone else to enjoy. It was just an escape for you, something you found enjoyment in. Something you were passionate about. Your novel was only a passion project.
"Tomorrow, I'm probably just going to work on my novel," you said in response to Kageyama's question. He had just finished telling you his plans for Sunday (it consisted of a lot of volleyball specific training to fine tune his skills as a setter, and also a run - which he had invited you to join him on one time only for you to immediately refuse) and then enquired after yours.
"Your novel?" he questioned. "You're writing a book?"
"No, no, it's nothing serious," you chuckled awkwardly. This time it was you desperately trying not to make eye contact. "It's only for fun. Like a little passion project."
"For fun?" he said, searching for your gaze across the table. Finally, your eyes dropped to meet his deep blue eyes. "I think it's really cool that you've got something you're passionate about."
Those were almost the exact same words you had said to Kageyama when he had tripped his way through an apology after going on about volleyball for an hour.
It came out on an exhalation of breath. For most of your life, you had hidden the books you had written, terrified of judgement. Yet here Kageyama was telling you that it was cool. "Um, I can show it to you if you want. Maybe you could read it? Tell me what you think?"
He nodded his head in response. "What's it about?"
You launched into an explanation, not only outlining the plot, but also providing him with the main character's backstory, along with their planned arc. He just listened, nodding his head. The way you were so animated pulled him in, making him admire you even more as a person. It was hard to find people with a true passion, and here were two people with a lot of it.
The friendship you formed was so easy and comfortable to be in for the both of you that you gravitated towards each other. At school, it became rare to see you apart during the break times. It wasn't uncommon for Kageyama to show up outside your class with two cartoons of milk, one for you and the other for him, before you followed him out to the courtyard where you would just sit and chat. Sometimes, you would poke your head into their volleyball practice if you had stayed late in the library. It was always to say goodbye to him but ended with him telling you to wait for him so he could walk home with you. On those days, Daichi always thanked you for stopping Kageyama from practising more.
During the weekends, your tutoring sessions had now moved from the neutral ground of the library to one of your houses. He would host one week, with you hosting the next. If it were at his house, you could guarantee that you would be roped in to helping him with some form of volleyball practice after, leaving you sweaty and in need of a shower. Therefore, Kageyama now had a drawer in his room specifically for you to leave spare clothes in. If it was at your house, after tutoring, you read the next part of your novel to him as he listened, his head resting against your thigh. He would always give you his opinion, managing to explain why he had liked certain parts. Then, you would convince him to watch a film with you. Sometimes it would be a comedy, other times it would be a volleyball documentary.
When Hinata had found out that you had a drawer of your things at Kageyama's place, he had become almost unbearable.
Kageyama had let it slip while he was talking to you about your plans for the weekend, telling you it wasn't necessary to bring any more spare clothes when you visited due to the amount already occupying the drawer. Hinata had chosen that moment to walk up to you.
"Why would Kageyama have your clothes at his?" asked Hinata. Both you and Kageyama paused, sharing a look that Hinata automatically read the wrong way. "Oh my god! Are you dating? No way! There's no way Kageyama would ever find some who would want to date him."
"We're not dating!"
You both snapped in unison, blushing profusely. Kageyama glared at the smaller boy, "We're just friends, boke. Stop making a big deal out of nothing."
By the time you were in your third year, everyone just assumed you were dating. You attended all his volleyball games wearing his jersey, would occasionally wait for him to finish practice before going home together and were always with each other. He supported you, always there to cheer you on at a school related event or writing competition. He had, after all, been the one who had encouraged you to enter your first writing contest, where you had won runner-up. The photo of you grinning while holding your certificate was one of his favourites. It was also his lock screen photo. Coincidentally, your lock screen was also a photo of him. It was after he was told that he would be representing Japan in the u19s team. He had looked so happy in that moment that you still felt proud of him whenever you saw the photo. You were also both very affectionate with each other considering you were ‘only’ friends. After breaking through the initial awkwardness he felt at physical closeness, being close to you, touching you, brought him reassurance. He would always have an arm slung over your shoulder as you walked. When sitting, he would always be pressed against you, his body warm where it touched yours. In private, it was common for you just to cuddle. As you watched a film, he would have his arms wrapped around you as you rested on his chest.
There was also the small fact that neither of you had entertained the idea of dating someone during high school. Both of you had been asked out multiple times, only for the answer to be no. It was easy for people to assume Kageyama was just too focused on volleyball to be in a relationship that would require so much of his attention. In your case, people found it odd that you had not even gone on a date. Naturally, they just assumed that Kageyama was your boyfriend, so the confessions of love stopped for the both of you. You were not oblivious as to why they had stopped but decided not to deny the claims. It was easier for people to think you were in a relationship.
Kageyama, as much as he hated himself for it, would sometimes find himself wishing that were the case. He could not deny that he was attracted to you. Wherever you were, his eyes were drawn to you. They would follow you around a room, enticed by the way you moved. And, when you were finally close enough to touch, he was unable to stop himself from reaching out and pulling you towards him. It was definite that his own actions had fuelled the rumours. Most of your potential suitors had been on the receiving end of a cold glare from the setter at your side. However, despite this desire for you, he told himself he would never act on it. This was partly due to volleyball. He could admit that your friendship was distracting enough, able to pull him away from the sport with ease. Entering a relationship with you would make it harder, and he could not let that happen. Volleyball was the most important thing in his life. You would always be second, as much as he might want you or need you to be there with him.
For the most part, you were unaware of his feelings. Or, at the very least, you acted like you were. You could acknowledge that he was both overly protective and affection with you considering he claimed to only view you as a close friend. The glares he directed at people had not gone unnoticed by you, especially as they had always been accompanied by the tightening of his arm around you. Equally, you could not deny that his behaviour towards you made you feel giddy. You could not deny that feeling his arm wrap around you to pull you against him made your heart race, or how the sight of him made your breath catch. You could not deny that having his support meant everything to you. But you also could not deny that his attachment to volleyball would override any feelings towards you, no matter how strong they were.
“You need to tell him to stop,” Ichika said, giving you a pointed look. She could see how much you cared for him, how much this affection for him was slowly destroying you. “The way he’s acting is unacceptable. If he’s not going to date you himself, he should stop being so damn possessive.”
You looked up from your coffee. Her words had struck a chord in you. You knew his behaviour was unacceptable, but you let it continue in the hope that it would transform into what you wanted: for Kageyama to finally act on his feelings for you. “Don’t you think I know that? I know it’s bad. I know I should tell him to stop. But I can’t help thinking that if I let it continue, he may finally realise what’s been staring us in the face for the past two-and a-bit years.”
You were so close to breaking. You could feel your eyes beginning to burn from suppressed tears. Again, you looked down at your coffee, hoping that focusing on a specific point would stop the tears from forcing their way out. Ichika reached out a hand to touch yours gently.
“Come on, y/n,” she practically pleaded. “This isn’t healthy, and you know it. The relationship you have with Kageyama now isn’t good for either of you. You can’t let him control you like this.”
“Control me?” you snapped, pulling your hand out of your friend’s hold. “He’s not controlling me. He would never do that to me. You know as well as me that he struggles with his feelings and how to express them. If I told him how I felt, I know he’d stop. But I don’t want him to. If I tell him, he’ll pull away. I’d rather keep him like this than risk not having him at all.”
“y/n, sit back down,” said Ichika, looking up at you. During your rant, you had risen from your seat. You were visibly shaking, whether from anger at what your friend was insinuating or frustration at the truth of your relationship with Kageyama you could not tell. The tears you had worked so hard to suppress were freely rolling down your cheeks.
“No,” you said, turning to walk away. “I think I’m going to go home. I don’t really feel like talking anymore. I’ll see you at school on Monday.”
You walked out, hands fumbling for your phone. As much as he was the cause for your tears right now, it was his comfort you craved. So, you called him. He picked up on the first ring, sounding breathless as if you had interrupted his training. His greeting was unusually harsh. Shit. You had forgotten that the volleyball team had arranged an extra practice session today to prepare for nationals.
“Tobio...” you said, voice cracking. It was clear you were crying. Your voice was thick with emotion. All he could hear were your sobs in his ear. “I’m sorry. I forgot you were busy. I’ll just call... actually, I don’t know who else I’d call.”
Your laugh was bitter, and the concern he felt for you hit him with so much force he almost keeled over. You had not even told him what you needed yet, and he was already beginning to gather all of his things together. “What is it, y/n? What happened? Where are you?”
“I’m walking to yours from the cafe close by.” Another sob escaped your lips. “I just need to see you.”
He remembered you telling him that you had planned to meet Ichika there for a drink and a chat. You were unsure as to why she had wanted to have a chat, and he could clearly recall you saying that your friend looked very serious when she had asked to meet up. “I’ll be home soon. Just use the key I gave you to go in... What did Ichika tell you?”
That caused you to pause. He heard your breathing still through the phone. What could Ichika possibly have said that would have made you so upset? You interrupted his chain of thought when you spoke again. “It’s not important, Tobio.”
“Not important?” he snapped, fist clenching around his phone. “If it’s not important, then why are you fucking cry? Why did you call me during volleyball practice?”
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed. The sound made his heart crack, almost breaking through his sudden haze of anger. “I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. It’s not a big deal. I’m just getting upset over nothing.”
“Fine.” His voice had changed again, becoming cold. “If it’s nothing, I’ll see you when I finish practice.”
You heard the stuff he had begun to gather clatter to the floor before he hung up. He chucked his phone back in his open bag, turning to face his friends. The rest of the team were still training, but they had stopped, turning to look at him as soon as he had begun to collect his things, the concern evident in his voice and the lines of his body.
“What was that about, Kageyama?” asked Hinata, looking at his friend with concern. Though his voice had been cold before he had hung up on you, Hinata could still see the conflict on his friend’s face. Concern for you was evident in the set of his face, but his need to improve outweighed your obvious need for him in that moment. “l/n is clearly really upset. Why are you still here?”
“You can go to her if you want,” said Yamaguchi. “You know Coach won’t mind. Plus, recently, you’ve been spending more time here than usual. Missing the end of this practice session won’t affect you at all.”
“Let’s just get back to practice.”
Kageyama walked back over to serve again, ignoring the concerned looks his friends shared. Even Tsukishima was worried, his eyes scanning Kageyama as if trying to gauge his emotional state. Throughout the rest of training, guilt gnawed at Kageyama’s conscience. His mind kept drifting to you, your sobs, the way your voice cracked. But he was too stubborn to leave now, too obsessed with improving in volleyball to waste his concern on you. However, as soon as training ended, he was the first to leave, sprinting out of the school.
Before heading home, he grabbed some of your favourite comfort foods, barely even acknowledging that it was physically impossible to eat the amount of food he had shoved into his bag in one sitting. When he entered his house, he headed straight to his room, knowing that was where you were most likely to be.
What he was not expecting was the sight that greeted him. You were curled up on his bed, hugging his pillow to your chest. But that was not what sent a spike of hot desire running through him. You were only wearing his jumper, your clothes neatly folded on the floor at the foot of his bed. In your curled-up position, his jumper just covered your arse, leaving your bare legs on display. It was clear you were fast asleep. With a sigh, he placed the bag of food gently on the floor before reaching for a blanket and placing it over your sleeping form. He brushed a kiss to the top of your head. Then, he left the room to wash.
Once he returned, dressed more comfortably topless and in a pair of loose-fitting joggers, he made his way back over to you, sitting beside your sleeping form on his bed. He brushed your hair away from your face, treasuring the soft feel of your skin against the pads of his fingers. He wanted to lie down with you, to pull you against his chest and curl around you. He wanted to protect you from everything that could hurt you, not realising the main person responsible for that was him, no matter how much you struggled to admit it. But something stopped him from lying down beside you and holding you in his arms.
He had added to your hurt. His sudden anger had not been towards you, though it had been directed your way. Though he had not meant to hurt you then, he knew that he had. But he also knew that incident would not be held against him. It was when he had deliberately made his voice go cold, telling you that he would not be there to comfort you anytime soon. In the back of his head, he knew you were clearly not upset about nothing, that it was important. Hearing you talk like that after interrupting his practice, however, had made him snap. He should not have done it. He should have come running to you. If he was not so obsessed with volleyball...
Kageyama pulled away from you, getting up from the bed. As he turned away to search for a futon to put on the floor, you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You croaked softly, “Tobio, can you hold me?”
And your relationship continued in much the same way, the incident of that day largely forgotten, your feelings on the matter remained suppressed. Both of you only had eyes for each other, but neither of you were inclined to speak those feelings aloud. Finally, you graduated from Karasuno, both still firmly attached to each other.
All those hidden feelings eventually fulminated at the graduation party Hinata had decided to host, inviting former members of the Karasuno Volleyball Club along with people from rival teams. Kageyama had asked you to come with him, so you had entered the party on his arm to chorus of ‘so you’re finally together?’ and statements echoing that sentiment. You had had to shake your head, forcing a smile on your face as you jokingly dismissed the claims.
“No, we’re just friends,” you said. “This boy has only got one thing on his mind and that’s volleyball.”
You were unaware of how incorrect that statement was. Since he had secured a spot with the Schweiden Adlers following graduation, his mind had been drifting to you more often. Truth be told, you were often all he could think about - your figure, your touch, your smile. As selfish as it was, he wanted you like this, with him, for as long as you would have him.
Kageyama forced a laugh at your words, not seeing the hurt look in your eyes as he unwittingly agreed with your statement.
“I don’t know why you’re not dating yet,” sighed Sugawara, swaying slightly as he walked up to you. “After he called asking me for advice, I thought he was finally aware of his attraction for you.”
“What?” You blinked at Sugawara, needing a moment to digest his words. Then you spun to face Kageyama. “You what?”
“I’m not attracted to you, y/n,” spat Kageyama, shrugging you off him. “You know as well as I do. We’re only friends... and that’s all we’re ever going to be.”
“Hey...” said Sugawara, fumbling for a way to stop this from escalating. It was clear that Kageyama’s words stemmed from his fear that acting on his feelings would affect his volleyball in some way. Meanwhile, you looked close to crumbling, Kageyama’s last statement highlighting how pointless your feelings towards him were. “Maybe you two should walk away before this escalates.”
“You know what, Kageyama?” you snapped back, the emotions you had been holding back bursting out of you. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and your fingernails bit into the skin of your palm. “Fuck off. I’m done with this, whatever this is.”
With that, you spun around, storming further into the party. Kageyama quickly lost sight of your figure in the sea of volleyball players. His cheeks felt wet. He was shaking, all control over his body gone as he launched a punch at the wall to his left. Skin ruptured. Glancing down at his fist revealed split knuckles and blood welling up from the cracks.
You pushed through the people, desperately searching for anything to help you feel less empty inside. Less broken. Alcohol. That was your answer. Your gaze landed on a table that looked close to collapsing due to the amounts of bottles on it. No one would miss one measly bottle. Not fully aware of who might be watching you, you grabbed the largest one, took off the cap, and drank from it deeply. The liquid burned your throat, a welcoming distraction from the numbness you were currently drowning in.
This time you pushed through the crowd holding the neck of a bottle, looking for somewhere to collapse. Your eyes landed on the open back door. Perfect. The cool air against your skin made you shiver, causing you to pull the jacket tighter around your form. You studied the black denim. It was Kageyama’s jacket. A bitter laugh escaped your mouth. How fucking typical that you were still relying on him to help you, even if it was just his jacket. Actions guided by nothing more than hatred at your own inability to do anything without him, you ripped it off you, throwing it down beside you.
Without his jacket to ward against the chill, you realised how cold it was. You simply shrugged, raising the bottle to your lips in the hopes that the bite of the alcohol would fight away the cold. When a jacket dropped on your shoulders, you barely registered it.
“l/n, come inside,” said the voice beside you. Vaguely, you recognised it as Tsukishima’s. Blearily, you tilted your head to look up at him. “It’s cold. You’re going to catch a fever or something.”
“I didn’t think you’d care,” you slurred, slipping your arms into the sleeves of his jacket. It was warm. You snuggled further into the warmth. He just rolled his eyes at you, grabbing you from underneath your arms and pulling you to your feet. You stumbled into him, feeling wobbly and unfocused. “Shit, I think I’m drunk.”
“Nope, you’re obviously completely sober.” His voice was dry, the sarcasm in his tone clear. You shot him a glare, poking your tongue out at him. He observed with a hint of superiority in his tone of voice, “Now, that was childish.”
“I don’t care,” you pouted. “I’m drunk and upset.”
Wrapping an arm around his, you leaned on him heavily as he walked with you back into the party. Barely audible above the noise, you mumbled, “I want Tobio. I really love him… Why does he always hurt me?”
To be honest, hearing you like this made Tsukishima’s chest ache. He had his doubts about your relationship with Kageyama, had taken to observing the dynamic between you two. For quite some time, he had seen the hurt that waited just beneath the surface, the way your eyes would suddenly become unfocused when you came to watch Kageyama practice. It was clear you were thinking back to that day, the way he had addressed you so coldly and emphasised the importance of volleyball over your well-being.
Kageyama watched you with Tsukishima from across the room, his right-hand throbbing with pain. After Daichi had helped Kageyama clean it up, he had told him to go home. Kageyama had refused. Despite the words you had spat at him, he could not leave until he knew you were safe. He had watched you, watched as you attempted to drown your sorrows in alcohol. He knew he probably should have approached you, offered to take you home before you got too drunk. It was clearly past that point now. You were clinging onto Tsukishima as if your life depended on it. This made him grit his teeth in annoyance. It should have been him there to support you. Although, if he had not lost his temper with you earlier simply because he was in love with you, none of this would have happened.
He strode across the room towards Tsukishima, powered by some urge to be the one to take care of you like he had been doing since that first tutoring session. “I’m going to take y/n home.”
“Do you really think she wants to be anywhere near you right now?” questioned Tsukishima, glancing down at you briefly. At the sound of Kageyama’s voice, you had let out a breathy moan, fingers twitching on his arm as if you wanted to reach out to him.
“Tobio…” you mumbled, clearly drunk. You removed your arm from Tsukishima’s, reaching out for Kageyama. “I need you. Please. Don’t leave me. I need you.”
I need you.
The words rang around his head as he curled a protective arm around your waist. You were turned into him, nose pressed against the material of his shirt. One of your hands gripped his shirt tightly, fingers curling in the thin material. He began to walk away with you towards his car. Even if this whole situation had not happened, it was still his turn to be the designated driver.
Silently, he helped you into the passenger seat, buckling your seat belt and brushing a soft kiss to your cheek before shutting the car door and making his way to the driver’s side. He opened the door, sliding into the seat and looking over at you once more to double-check that you were strapped in. Much to his surprise (and slight annoyance), you had decided to unbuckle the seat belt. He huffed, leaning over to grab the belt, “Seriously, y/n.”
Your fingers wrapped around his wrist, stilling his movement. Slowly, you brought his hand down to rest on the smooth skin of your exposed thigh. Kageyama froze, his gaze flickering to yours. Your face was so close to his he could feel the heat of your breath against his lips. Gently, almost teasingly, you rubbed the tip of your nose against his. He let loose a breath he did not realise he had been holding, allowing the pad of his thumb to begin rubbing smooth circles on your thigh. While his fingers dance across your skin, you grazed your finger along his jawline, the other hand reaching up to tangle in his hair. Unable to help yourself, feeling needy, just wanting him, you leant in, letting your lips brush against his. Once. Twice. On the third time, Kageyama’s restraint broke, the hand on your thigh tightening while the other went to the nape of your neck, pulling you into him harshly.
His lips pushed against yours, the swipe of his tongue against your bottom lip enough for you to open for him. He tasted you. Greedily. Hungrily. His tongue tangling with yours teasingly as the kiss deepened. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you from your seat beside him. You clambered over the gear stick, falling into his lap. The kiss broke momentarily as you adjusted your position, straddling him, both hands clutching onto his black hair. You did not have to wait long until his lips were back on yours, hands trailing down to grasp at your arse as he strained upwards in his seat to push his clothed centre into yours. The moan you let out against his lips did not go unnoticed, and he ground upwards into you, eliciting another soft groan. You pulled away slightly, stuttering out his name, “T-T-Tobio. Fuck.”
Your breath carried with it the stench of alcohol, seeming to pull him to his sense. Suddenly he released you, causing you to flop forward against him, hands still clutching his hair. Your head was pressed against his shoulder. “Tobio?”
He lifted you off him, returning you to your seat beside him. Without looking at you, he put your seat belt back on, trying to avoid touching you, afraid the feel of your skin and the way you were looking at him, eyes dark with desire, would cause him to snap again.
“Tobio?” you questioned again, voice painfully soft, as if you feared his reaction. “Do you not want me?”
His fingers tightened on the steering wheel. “Fuck. Of course, I want you. You don’t know how much I crave you. How much my thoughts end up drifting to you.”
“Then why’d you stop?”
“Because I can’t,” he said, the words physical paining him to speak. “You’re a distraction. One I can’t afford as much as I want it.”
A broken sob escaped your lips. But he did not reach over to offer you comfort, as much as he might have wanted to. And, although that night ended with you sleeping at his house, the next morning, there was a noticeable wall up between you. The once easy affection you shared was unwanted, Kageyama maintaining physical distance with you as much as possible.
And, though it pained you to admit, your relationship was never the same after that. It was never easy. It was never comfortable. It was tense, awkward even. Though you parted ways as friends, him going to the Schweiden Adlers and you off to university, it was as if a fundamental part of your relationship was broken. It was unlikely that part could ever be repaired.
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leerongrong · 4 years
of peaches and clichés.
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Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: In which you’re Jaemin’s chemistry tutor and he’s your cliché flirty high school bad boy.
Requested: yes // im not creative enough to think of an idea but i crave your writing so im gonna try and request lol. chenle fluff? dkjfid i have no idea on specifics, sorry if this didnt help. or some flirty badboy!jaemin im weak for that
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The sun's shinning down, rays breaking through clouds onto the school's rooftop. Winds sweep across your cheeks, eyelashes fluttering along with your textbook pages in the wind. Screeching shoes from the basketball team are heard from below, along with the coach's whistle and shouts. Your earphones block out most of the noise, a melody to help calm down your nerves from the stress of school work.
"Well, look who I ran into." A male's voice breaks you from murmuring the lyrics to the song, even going as far to startling you until the textbook previously lying on your lap is flung away. "I would say it was a coincidence, if I believed in them."
Your eyes trail to black shoes just in front of you, keeping track of the hands that bend down to retrieve the pink, tossed away textbook. Your eyes are trailing up onto the figure, taking in the sight of a slightly worn out leather jacket and an odd tuff of blue hair.
Every high school has a stereotype to them; some with big brain nerds, maybe even buff jocks that push said nerds into lockers. Others have preppy cheerleaders that smile and flirt at every living thing, or a gathering of Goth teens that only hang out with their own clique. You've never had an opinion of them, simply choosing to live your own life alongside your pack of friends who are deemed "smart" and ultimately being labeled as the school's good girl.
The white canvas, the teacher's pet, the school's innocent, the extremely sweet girl capable of making anyone smile, those are the names you've been called throughout high school. Not that you minded them, they're just labels put there by people who never even knew you.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" The epitome of a high school stereotype would be the one standing just right in front of you; Na Jaemin, the school's bad boy who's never seen wear anything but a leather jacket and skinny jeans, the one that goes around with whispers following him like the plague, the one who breaks heart after heart when he's bored, the one you got assigned to tutor chemistry. "Because if I'm not wrong, you fell head over heels the moment I came through that door."
The need to suppress your smile exceeds the need to take your book back.
"Besides, who wouldn't fall for me?" Jaemin's flirting is something you've only heard of previously, hallway whispers going around about his sweet words that make girls fall for him. You've only got to experience the end of it just two months ago, after your first tutor session had begun, the boy never failed to spew sweet nothings at you, at first driving you crazy with how much time he wastes flirting instead of studying. "But why would you throw away the book I gave you?"
The sight of his exaggerated pout makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, something that's been happening after tutoring Jaemin. Your friends had warned you to stay away from him, to decline the teacher's offer of an added grade if you succeeded in raising his grades. You don’t know what came over you to agree into something like tutoring, at first what you thought was, a lost cause like Jaemin. You remember feeling bad for lying to your friends, telling them that you needed the extra grade when in reality your grades have been stable and you didn't need any extra credits.
The butterflies explode once more when his pout turns into an attractive smirk you've seen him paint on his face multiple times. You're ducking your head in hopes he doesn't see the blossoming blush on your cheeks, not sure whether you want someone to burst into the rooftop to save you from your embarrassment or to spend a few minutes with him.
You're not sure when you started developing feelings for Jaemin. All your life you’ve never been one to believe in love at first sight, always seeing the logical side, explaining to Jaemin that falling in love happens slowly but gradually, declining his objections and telling him repeatedly that love doesn't happen overnight, it happens with unspoken moments and sweet words between two people intertwined with each other.
Maybe it started two weeks after your first tutoring session; the first time you ever saw Jaemin asleep in the library after the two of you decided to study after school, the day you remember seeing dark bags under his eyes after forcing him to study with you over the phone, the day you gathered enough courage to sweep away the, then brown, bangs from his eyes.
”Studying again?” The librarian’s voice pulls your attention away from your phone, snapping your gaze towards her smiling face before you’re smiling yourself, nodding at her question. “With company today, I see.”
“Company? What do you mean?”
You see her nod her head and you’re forced to squint when you see a hooded figure sleeping on the table you normally sit at. “He’s been here for over an hour already, sleeping.”
The library’s silent, with no one but you, the librarian, and the sleeping figure on the desk. The air is warm but windy, perfect weather to study in if it weren’t for the mysterious person sitting in your spot. You’ve got half the mind to start talking to the person and wake him up when you round the table and see that it’s Jaemin. Your heart softens at the sight of his soft brown hair, make shift bed made with chemistry books, more so when you see the bags under his eyes.
Guilt starts eating at you when you remember you’re the one who practically forced him to stay up all night with you, studying for your pre-chemistry test that’s coming next week. You’re gathering the books around him, gently pulling the one under his head and replacing it with your neck pillow instead, the sight of him sleeping in a slightly better position lessening your guilt.
Hours pass just like that, the librarian signaling for you to pack up while you’re stretching your stiff joints. In the few hours, you realize that Jaemin looks nothing like the front he puts up every day when he’s asleep, he doesn’t look as rugged and mischievous, he looks more soft and nice like this. Another thing you notice is how soft his hair looks without any added products, the color reminding you of hot cocoa on a winter day.
Your eyes are darting back and forward on his face, searching for any signs he’s beginning to wake up, heart starting to beat slightly fast at the thought of being able to run your fingers through his hair. The librarian’s still moving around somewhere behind you and you’re cautiously lifting your hand up to his head, fingers slightly brushing against his tresses.
“If you wanted to touch, you could have asked.”
The yelp that pulls out of you has Jaemin smirking, said boy lifting both his hands up above his head to stretch. “And don’t think I didn’t catch you staring,” he smirks, “You can stare for however long you want, I won’t judge.”
Your face flushes red and you’re quick on your feet, dashing away out of the library after collecting your bag and essentials, leaving Jaemin alone with your abandoned neck pillow still in his hands. Jaemin’s smiling, hands playing with the peach shaped pillow while he’s staring at where you were sat.
It could have started on the third week after your club activities; when you ran into Jaemin for the first time that day, getting the surprise of your life when you saw his freshly dyed pink hair. Getting another surprise when he dragged you into the library for a study session, when he didn't need a tutoring for another 2 days. It was the first day butterflies erupted in your tummy when he told you he dyed his hair pink because pink reminded him of you.
Banter is tossed around while you’re laughing along with your friend. Your club activities just finished and you’re itching to go to the library for a much needed alone time, between your classes and tutoring Jaemin, there isn’t much time left for you to recollect your thoughts.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Your friends around you are all suddenly whispering, some fixing their hairs, others reapplying their lipsticks and you’re left wondering at the sudden change of attitude until Jaemin comes strutting down the hall with his usual leather jacket and not so usual bright pink hair. “Hi, peaches.”
“Peaches?” you choke out, “Who’re you calling peaches?”
“You.” He’s grinning at you, hands tugging at yours to pull you away from your peers and you’re slightly stumbling at his fast paced footsteps. “Or if you don’t like it I can call you Babe? Baby? Sweetheart?”
“Oh, I know!” He clicks his finger, “How about I call you mine?”
You force out a snort at his blatant flirting, thanking the Gods he’s not looking back at your frame, or else the full on blush on your face would’ve been blown. “Where are you taking me? Isn’t this the way to the library? Jaemin I don’t have to tutor you today.”
You’re met with silence as he continues to tug you into the library, waving a quick hello to the librarian when you pass her along the way. You bump into Jaemin’s chest when he suddenly stops in front of you and you’re on your tip toes when you see him pick an object up from your usual desk. “What are you doing?”
“You wanna know why I dyed my hair pink?” You’re sighing when he ignores your question, your patience running thin from your stolen ‘me time.’ He’s turning around and you’re shocked to see your peach neck pillow in his hands along with a chemistry test paper with the numbers 87 at the top left corner.
“My grades went up, thanks peaches.” He’s leaning down to your height, and goosebumps start to arise on your skin when his lips brush against the shell of your ear. “And I dyed my hair pink because pink reminds me of you.”
That day you’re the one left alone in the library, with a hand resting on your cheek, on the spot where Na Jaemin just kissed you.
Maybe it started on the fifth week when nature had decided to rain you in after school, all alone after studying for a physics test in the library, with the only other person there being Jaemin, who had to stay back for a physics make up test. The boy covering you with his beloved leather jacket, running under the rain all the way to your house which had resulted to him being absent the next day, getting a cold. 
“You bring an umbrella, peaches?”
Jaemin’s voice snaps you out of your stare off with the rain, said boy standing next to you with nothing but his leather jacket in hand and his backpack on his back. His previously bright pink hair has now been washed out, leaving only bits of light pink to color his hair and you’re embarrassed to say that it matches exactly with your peach neck pillow.
“No,” you mumble, “I’m guessing you didn’t too?”
”Always the smart one in the relationship.” Jaemin’s taking off his leather jacket and you look to him in confusion when he sets it on top of your shoulder, slightly adjusting the material so that it covers your head. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Why are you giving me your jacket?”
“I thought you were the smart one.” You open your mouth to banter with him, only to be cut of when he intertwines your fingers together. Your jaw falls slack and he’s laughing, pretending to push your jaw back up and fix it. “C’mon, peaches. Don’t tell me you’ve never watched kiss scenes under the rain before.”
Your stomach erupts with butterflies with the flirting that’s coming out of his mouth, and your hands feels warm encased in his much bigger ones. You’re watching as rain continues to fall from above, some drops slightly falling into Jaemin’s hair and there’s an unexplainable feeling that’s resting deep in you and you’re not sure you want to know what that feeling is.
“Let’s run!”
The run to your house is painfully quick, the two of you encased in laughter along the way while Jaemin had a minor heart attack when you almost slipped across a walkway, and now the roof of your house acts as a shield from the rain, both you and Jaemin still doubling over the stairs as you try to recollect your breaths.
You’re mostly dry, Jaemin’s jacket acting as a wonderful rain coat most of the way, while Jaemin’s drenched from head to toe. You’re eyeing the way his clothes stick onto him like second skin, how his backpack is completely drenched and you’re surprised when your fingers twitch when you eye the way his bangs are sticking onto his forehead. “You want to come in?”
“No,” He teases, “I don’t do that until the 4th date.”
You’re gasping at his innuendos and Jaemin lets out a laugh when you smack his chest, the laugh turning into a shriek when he topples over the stairs and onto the busy street. Your hands are reaching forward and grabbing at Jaemin by the front of his shirt, pulling at it with all your might until he crashes onto you, both of your chests glued onto each other.
Both your hands are on his chest while his are on your waist. The air’s warm with a bit of chill in the air, the dripping rain drops and honking car horns act as background music to you and Jaemin’s scene, the later pulling you flush against him and you feel your shirt dampen from the water on his shirt. You’re holding in a breath, head lifting up to meet Jaemin’s gaze, the feeling from earlier coming back to you ten times as strong as before, as if constricting your lungs, making it hard for you to breath.
Jaemin’s eyes flick from yours onto your lips and you’re clutching at his shirt, finding it harder and harder to ground yourself when it feels as if you’re floating in mid air. Jaemin’s head dips down and you debate on closing your eyes, until the soft weight of his lips come on yours and every doubt disappears from your mind. Your eyes are closed and you stand on your tip toes to deepen the kiss.
His lips are slightly chapped, tastes like rain water with a mix of something sweet. His grip on your waist relaxes when the two of you separate for air, Jaemin slightly dipping back in to leave a peck on your lips.  His mouth leaves yours fully when he leans back to look at you, hands coming up to caress your cheeks and slightly swollen lips. Your own hands works to sweep back his hair, letting you to finally get a clear view of his eyes.
Minutes pass while the two of you stare at each other, the moment finally breaking when Jaemin lets out a laugh and smile. “If all I had to do is give you my jacket and run in the rain for you to kiss me, I would’ve done it weeks ago.”
“Is a kiss all you wanted, Na Jaemin?” you tease, “I would’ve given it to you if it meant you leaving me alone.”
He’s pulling you into him again, eyes searching into yours while his lips stretch out into a smile. His hands tug at your cheek while he dips down once more, pressing a kiss onto your lips. “Not a chance. I want you, all of you.”
“Hello?” Jaemin leans down to your level when you don’t answer, breaking you out of your memory daze. “Am I asking too many questions?”
“It always takes me a while to put words together.” You pout at him. “It’s not you.”
He moves closer, his heart-stopping smile returning onto his lips. “Oh? Is it when we’re alone like this I make you speechless?”
“We’re dating, Nana.” You laugh. “You don’t make me speechless, not anymore. Especially after I found out what a dork you truly are.”
“But I can still make you blush.” His hands are suddenly on your hips, lifting you onto the railing and planting a kiss onto your kips, a spectacle anyone can see from all around the school. You let out a squeak when he bites onto your bottom lip, nibbling and dragging it with him as he breaks the kiss. You feel warmth spread all over your body, especially your cheeks, more so when he sends you his sweet-as-candy smile. “See? You’re too cute, peaches.”
The epitome of a high school stereotype would be the one standing just right in front of you; Na Jaemin, but now he’s the boy who got you a pink textbook just so you could match his hair, the boy who lends you his leather jacket when it’s cold, the boy who painted on blues, pinks, gold, reds and every color there is on your once white canvas.
You’re not sure when you started falling for Na Jaemin, all you knew was that falling for him wasn’t falling at all. It was walking into two arms and suddenly knowing you’re home.
“So does that mean you’re going to buy me a blue textbook?”
“Anything for my sweet peaches.”
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Hi, I love your blog! Can I request a cake, if you’re still doing them? It’s fine if you’re not though.
If you are, can you do it for a boy? I’m generally considered tall (I’m 5’7”) and I have really curly brown hair with green eyes and really pale skin. I’m Irish-American and I’m an Aries. My hobbies are; photography, reading thriller or historical fiction novels, writing fanfiction, and listening to music (specifically punk rock or really obnoxiously loud Irish rock). I’m quite shy when it comes to new situations or places and I have an anxiety disorder, so I’m usually quite anxious and generally considered quiet (which makes my music choices ironic). Before people get to know me, people think I’m a b*tch or that I’m cold because I tend to stick with the same people and not generally talk to others unless I’m forced. Even my friends have said they thought I was mean before they actually met me. I can be pessimistic at times, but I care about the people I’m really close with and I’ll defend them no matter the situation. I can be annoying, I overthink everything, and I am insecure about literally anything and everything about myself (from my body to my writing)
I’m generally considered one of the smarter ones in my friend group, usually my friends come to me when it comes to writing essays or having to read a book for class, since I’m good at analyzing things. I’m the friend that usually everyone tries to protect from things, from fear that I might “break” or something like that, which can be annoying but I know it means that they care. Though I would prefer that people be straight forward and honest with me instead of walk on eggshells or keep secrets, because contrary to popular belief, I can defend myself just fine. My friends say I have a hard time letting people in since I don’t want to end up hurt, so I have a tendency to keep people at arms length because I’m afraid to have my heart broken.
I don’t know if that’s enough information or if I over-shared (I have a tendency to do that), but if you are still accepting these kinds of requests, I hope this is enough.
🍰 for @lifewouldbebetteronmars
Hello my Aries sister!!!!
Romantic Matchup
Tsukishima Kei
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How yall met
Ok be prepared to be shocked
But Tsukki needed a tutor
He was having a difficult time understanding the new topic they were doing in class
So the teacher recommended you as a partial tutor
At first he didn't really like you
It really wasn't anything you did
He just hated that he needed someone else's help
And he was kinda embarrassed about it
But as time went on he started to warm up to you
Some could even say he looked forward to your tutoring sessions
So when he didn't need you to teach him anymore
He tried to find excuses to hang out with you
He's just too prideful to say that he likes you and wants to hang out with you
And even though you knew that was probably the case
You didn't want to call him out like that
So you would just hang out with him whenever you could
And the bond between you two grew with every passing day
And eventually you guys started dating
What they love about you
He loves how intelligent you are
Tsukki is pretty smart himself
So if he thinks that your smart
Bb you're a genius
And although he resented your smarts when he first met you
He's come to realize it's one of your most admirable traits
He loves how you care so deeply for your loved ones
He knows you would do anything and everything for him
But he also knows you would do the same thing when it comes to any of your friends and family
Like he's literally seen you telling off somebody for picking on one of your friends
He made a mental note to be careful who he picks on that day
He loves how straightforward you are
Ok so this is Tsukki were talking about
He doesn't really like overcomplicated people or people he can't understand
And you are anything but that
Tsukki can read you like a book
Maybe its because hes spent a lot of time with you
Maybe it's because he pays more attention to you than other people
The world may never know
What you love about them
You love how he doesnt try to “protect you”
Now don't get me wrong
Tsukki would take a bullet for you if it ever came down to it
But he knows for the most part you can take care of yourself
So unless you specifically ask for help hell leave you be
You love that he understands your limitations
Tsukki knows you have anxiety
So he tries to make social exchanges as comfortable as possible
If he notices that your uncomfortable talking to someone
He’ll swoop in and remove you from the situation
He tries to get you to step out of your comfort zone from time to time
He knows just as well as you do that being social is just apart of life
And he doesn't want you do always be dependent on him when it comes to being social
So he just gives you little nudges
Until eventually its like your anxiety never even existed
Favorite things to do together
Ahem anyways
Mans loves to have a good study date with you
It's really just you two doing homework and reading together
But he loves those little intimate moments with you
Late night walks
You guys take late night walks ALL the time
Once again it's nothing more than just walking round and listening to music
But Tsukki finds comfort in your presence during these times
Random Hc
The team was very very shocked when they found out you were Tsukkis gf
Like Tsukki + a relationship = error
Definitely got bombarded with questions when you met the team
He keeps some of the photos you've taken in a little box in his room
He proofreads all of your fanfics
One time it was your turn to pick the music for a study date
He was very shocked when hard core irish rock started playing…
When you guys first met there were a lot of moments when you just stared at eachother like
Because you didn't know how to talk to each other
Sometimes he acts like he doesn't know something just so he can be around you
Aries + Libra
Compatibility 62%
However difficult it might be to reconcile these two natures, remember that this is a primal opposition that represents partners by signification.
Aries and Libra are the couple of the zodiac, as much as any other opposing signs, for they are each other’s seventh house, house of relationships.
Even more so if we acknowledge the fact that Libra is the sign of relationships in general.
Any problem they might have with each other is something to be worked on, because it shows what their personal problem with any relationship is.
When they are madly attracted to each other and fall in love, there is almost nothing that could separate them, no matter the differences.
Wouldn’t we all like to find the middle ground with our loved one? They need to work on their bond, that’s a fact, but their relationship is a promise of a perfect fit of two souls meant to be together.
Friendship Matchup
Tendou Satori
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How yall met
You guys have been friends since middle school
You saw how other people treated him and you just didn't think it was right
So you befriended him!
You guys were attached at the hip all throughout middle school
Then he left for highschool while you stayed in middle school
Then when it was your turn to go to high school you had went to karasuno
So you guys lost touch
But then one day you saw a familiar head of red hair at one of your boyfriends matches…
It was Satori!
You were so excited to see him again that you practically sprinted over to him to reunite
He was so happy to see you again!
Ngl the entire Karasuno team was very confused on how you knew the guess monster of Shiratorizawa
Why you became friends
Like I said you saw how people treated him all throughout middle school…
So even though you were 2 years younger than him
You decided to befriend him
He was shocked by your kindness
And honestly a little hesitant
It wouldn't be the first time someone pretended to be his friend just to stab him in the back later
But for some reason he thought you were different
So he became friends with you
He was super sad when he lost contact with you :(
He always thought about how you were doing
But hey fate decided to bring you two together again
And it was like nothing changed
You both still had the same strong connection you had way back in middle school
What yall love about each other
He loves how out there you can be
Like there was a time where you two just blasted music in a park and just were dancing and vibing
He loves how your able to channel your creativity into your photography
He compliments every picture you take
Even if it's not a good one
He loves that how you look vs how you act are two totally different things
He won't lie to you you definitely have RBF Syndrome
(resting bitch face syndrome)
It almost reminds him how ushiwaka looks
But the difference is behind you rbf is a generally warm person
You love how fun Satori is!
Moments with him are always filled with laughs
Never a dull moment with that one
You love that he does not allow what others say get to him
Oh and on the days they do
Your right there to pick him back up and get him back to normal
Overall you guys love that you can depend on each other
Random Hc
Tsukki felt a little intimidated when he found out satori was your friend
Their rivalry during their game may or may not have had something to do with you…
You guys had homemade friendship bracelets as kids
And he kept his in his room even after you lost touch
Ironically enough he WILL NOT allow you to be insecure
He's like Insecurities we don't know her ❤️
Aries + Libra
A friendship between an Aries and a Libra brings in the inherent polarity of the Zodiac itself.
The constellations of Aries and Libra lie opposite to each other in the Zodiac, at an angle of 180 degrees between them.
This polarity is displayed in their characteristic traits as well. Each sign has qualities that the other sign lacks.
Add to it the fact that Librans have a natural desire to be harmonious, and Aries and Libra form a relationship of great equilibrium.
The polarity of Aries and Libra could be described as self versus other.
But the differences go much further than that. Aries are impulsive, excitable, and willing to jump into things immediately.
Libra are indecisive, peace loving, and prefer a calm, quiet view of everything.
Star signs with opposite polarity often share a zealous relationship with each other.
In general, polar alliances turn out awesome when they are good, but rather challenging when they are bad.
Polarities could twist and knot together if the signs didn’t understand each other well.
However, Aries and Libra are a well balanced pair.
Libra are charming, well cultured, and have pleasing manners that could compensate for the brazen nature of Aries.
On the other hand, Aries are strong willed and decisive, which could compensate for the irresolute nature of Libra.
Aries could help Libra reach resolutions more easily and make them more spontaneous.
Libra could, at times, show Aries that they are not always as right as they think they are.
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