#i used be kinda mean in like middle school
diorhoon · 2 days
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❛ park sunghoon may not know what he wants to do after high school, but he knows this: he’s eighteen, and he will go wherever you go. ❜
summary. park sunghoon falls deeper in love with ice skating in the summer, ice cream at midnight, and you.
pairing. park sunghoon x gender-neutral!reader genres. fluff, angst, coming of age; friends to lovers!au, summer!au word count. 5.1k
warnings. profanity, mc twists their ankle, lots of pining a/n. last repost i promise 😞🙏 for the anon who requested this + heavily inspired by eighteen by one direction! header gif was taken from giphy. thanks for reading!
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Summer arrives with a sort of sticky-sweetness that melts on Sunghoon’s tongue and drenches him in melancholy. 
Graduating high school made him think he was now a Fully-Certified Adult, ready to face the real world. He had squeezed your hand while taking photos during graduation, donning his cap and gown with a certain air that he perceived as mature. You had grinned at him, and he had smiled back, glad that one milestone was over. The world felt like his for the taking.
Of course, viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses always makes everything crumble faster than it should. Park Sunghoon is now faced with the horrible, horrible decisions that every teenager on the cusp of adulthood deals with: What is he going to do with life now?
His mother brings home pamphlets and brochures, all advertising various colleges and courses. His father sends him links to different university websites. The joy of graduating quickly fades into something more sombre, and multiple times he is hit with the realisation that he must now choose what he wants to do for the rest of his life.
“Do you ever think about how temporary everything in life is?”
Your gaze is thoughtful, aimed at the tufts of grass that grow in between the cracks on the sidewalk. Sunghoon kicks at a loose pebble, hands in his pockets. He thinks it’s way too hot to be dwelling on such philosophical matters, but he humours you anyway.
“Sometimes, yeah,” he answers. 
“I mean, look at us,” you say with a short laugh. You wave your hand in the air. “Only eighteen and we’re already looking to move out of this little town.”
Sunghoon hums. “But, like, some things are permanent. Mr. Kim’s always gonna give you a free donut every time we go to the bakery.”
“Yeah, I guess. But who knows how often we’re going to visit? College is… a big deal.”
“Not really,” Sunghoon mumbles. The sun is scorching, creating a trail of sweat that trickles down the back of his neck and spine. 
“You don’t think it’s a big deal?” You glance at him, chewing on your lip.
“No, I mean, it is. What I mean is not everything in life is temporary. We’re still going to be friends.”
Your face softens at that, and you give him the little smile that Sunghoon has come to recognise as your you-are-such-an-idiot-but-you’re-cute smile. It makes his chest puff up with pride whenever he thinks of it—that he’s lucky enough to have a special, reserved smile for him from you.
“That’s true,” you concede. “I just—I don’t know. I can’t believe this is our last summer here as not-college students. Kinda insane.”
Sunghoon stops walking, scuffing the sole of his worn-out trainers on the pavement. “Let’s make it memorable,” he says.
You stop as well, looking at him intently. “Okay, yeah. Okay. What do you have in mind?”
“Dunno.” He shrugs. “What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn?”
In retrospect, Sunghoon knows he shouldn’t have expected some normal, sane skill for you to pick. Pottery, baking, swimming—those are all very viable options. Years of knowing you has dulled his senses, he supposes; he’s become a little bit soft around the edges.
You beam at him when you reply, and your face looks like the inside of a lit-up lantern. 
This is how Park Sunghoon ends up teaching his best friend how to ice skate in the middle of summer.
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Lacing up skates shouldn’t be this hard, but, Sunghoon acknowledges, they can be tricky for a first-timer. He watches you struggle helplessly with the strings, smiling goofily to himself. God, he’s such a sap.
Normally, the local ice skating rink isn’t open during the summer, reserving its staff and services for peak winter. But Sunghoon has been skating since he was a kid, and the owner, Mrs. Jang, knows him well. He was able to call in a few favours with the promise of not breaking any equipment and to close up when both of you were done.
“Can you help me instead of smiling like a creep?” 
“Nope,” Sunghoon says. “This is peak entertainment.”
“Ha ha,” you mutter sarcastically. “I shouldn’t have offered to buy you ice cream after this.”
“Can’t spare a few bucks?” he teases.
You sniff. “Definitely not for someone who can’t spare their struggling friend some assistance.”
“So righteous,” Sunghoon quips. All the same, he crouches in front of you and deftly does up your laces, patting the tip of your boots when he’s done. “It’s easy; you’re just dumb.”
He glances up at you only to find you already gazing at him. His cheeks colour. He finds his mouth running dry.
“O, my knight in shining armour,” you say, sarcasm dripping off your words. “O, my prince, who has come to save me from the depths of my despair.”
“Shut up,” Sunghoon mumbles, rubbing his nose embarrassedly. You laugh at him.
“How do you even walk in these?” You try to stand, only to flail your arms about in an attempt to stay upright. Sunghoon hurriedly lifts himself off the ground and places a hand on your shoulder to steady you.
“Here, hold on to me,” he says.
You grab his arm with a vice-like grip. Sunghoon gulps, trying his level best to tame the flush that creeps up his face and the back of his neck. He can’t possibly be this obvious—getting all flustered just because you’re holding onto him. Still, he finds some sort of delight at this proximity to you.
This close, he can hear the way your breath rattles in your throat, a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He can feel your solid weight against him, a little bit unsure. He resolves to fix that, straightening up and giving you a tiny squeeze.
You turn to him, lifting up a corner of your lips. “You wish.”
“You’re shaking,” he points out.
“That’s because I’ve never worn ice skates before, you utter crumpet!” 
Sunghoon’s shoulders shake with silent laughter. When you glare at him, he raises his free hand in mock surrender. “Joking.”
You roll your eyes at him, but after all these years, even that gesture has a sort of affectionate softness to it. Sunghoon’s smile turns gentle. “You’re doing great for your first time,” he reassures.
Your mouth parts, just slightly, and Sunghoon can see the sheen of your favourite lip balm coating your lips. Raspberry, if he remembers correctly. He’d tried wearing it once, in eighth grade, only to discover it tasted like cough syrup. He’s not sure what to think of it now.
“Thanks,” you say softly, almost as a whisper, “but I haven’t even done anything yet.”
“I’m complimenting you in advance.”
“That’s not a thing, Sunghoon.” Still, a laugh spills out of your mouth.
“Here, c’mon.” Together, you and Sunghoon half-drag half-hobble your way from the benches to the opening of the skating rink. Once on the ice, Sunghoon balances himself on the thin blades of his ice skates fairly easily. You, on the other hand, are not so adept at steadying yourself yet. As a result, you end up transferring your grip on your best friend to the railing on the walls surrounding the ice.
You nearly topple over, and Sunghoon catches a brief hint of panic on your face. He skates closer to you. “Almost forgot,” he says, gesturing to the helmet you’ve tucked in between your shoulder and your arm. “Let me just…”
He takes it from you and places it on your head, securing it under your chin with a small click. You look up at him, your eyes tracing every movement of his. There is something intimate about this, Sunghoon decides, though what exactly it is, he can’t name. Once he’s done, he has to force himself not to let his fingers linger on your skin. One thing is abundantly clear: He’s down terribly, horribly bad for you, and it feels like he’s about to throw up his own heart.
“Um,” you say. “You’re staring.” 
Sunghoon blinks.
“Oh, right, sorry,” he chokes out. Plastering a smile on his face, he gently knocks on the top of your helmet. “Just making sure you don’t get an injury before you’ve even learnt how to skate.”
You shoot him an unimpressed look. Sunghoon guffaws, and even though it’s weird, teaching you to ice skate in the middle of summer, he couldn’t be happier.
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When Mrs. Lee decided to throw a welcome-home party for her son, Heeseung, Sunghoon should’ve expected half the town to show up in her backyard. The lawn is crammed full of neighbours and relatives, all basking the sun, sweating buckets, and chatting. 
The good thing is that he can finally meet all his friends who were whisked off to college in different cities the year before.
The bad thing is that he has to endure questioning from all the local aunties and uncles, who are far too nosy for their own good. Months before, when Heeseung and Minjeong were the ones being interrogated, you and Sunghoon used to laugh at their disgruntled expressions. Karma has a way of biting you back, he supposes.
He shoulders his way back into the house to get himself a can of soda—but cringes when he finds Mrs. Choi in the kitchen. She brightens up when she sees him, adopting a kind, motherly smile on her face.
“Sunghoon! It’s great to see you,” she greets him, pulling him into a hug which he awkwardly reciprocates. “Wow, you’ve grown so big.”
He chuckles embarrassedly. “Thanks, Mrs. Choi. You look nice too.”
“Oh, you flatter me.” She smiles indulgently anyway. “I heard you just graduated high school.”
Sunghoon groans inwardly; he can already see where this conversation is going. “Yes, I did, a few weeks ago.”
“Congratulations. Any plans for college?”
“I’m still thinking, Mrs. Choi,” he replies politely. It’s the same excuse he’s used with everyone who asked him some variation of the same thing: That he hasn’t decided upon anything yet, and is still looking into different opportunities. It’s not completely true, strictly speaking—Sunghoon doesn’t know what he wants to do, but he’s looking into different colleges. His parents have been surprisingly supportive, giving him time and space to come to a decision. But he can tell they’re growing more and more anxious day by day. He can’t blame them; if he was a parent, he would also be concerned at his son’s cluelessness.
He’s only researching because it seems like that’s what everyone who graduated high school is doing.
His friends, Taehyun and Jongseong, have already decided where they want to go. They’re going to move out by the end of the next month; you’re already planning a surprise farewell party for them. When he ran into Yizhuo at the convenience store the other day, all she did was ask him for his opinion on different universities she was contemplating joining. Huening Kai’s parents proudly boasted about their son joining the same reputed college as his older sister.
And you… Park Sunghoon doesn’t even want to think of where you’re going and what you’re going to do.
He would miss you on a visceral level. Every atom in his body is attuned to you; he can’t even fathom living away from you. Sure, video calling and texting each other is a way to stay in touch, but for Sunghoon it isn’t enough. How would he be able to steal candies from your secret stash and see the confused tilt of your head when you open it and find it half-empty? How could he challenge you to eating contests, a tradition you’ve had ever since you began frequenting the local ramen place?
He presses his lips into a thin line. Mrs. Choi continues speaking. “Ah, well, I’m sure you have enough time to decide. You know—” she lowers her voice into a conspiratorial whisper— “you could try applying to Yeonjun’s college. He’s pretty popular over there. I’m sure he would be willing to help his old town friend settle in.”
Mrs. Choi’s son, Yeonjun, is at a university in Seoul. Sunghoon hasn’t heard from him since he graduated high school three years ago.
“Thanks, Mrs. Choi.” Sunghoon smiles blandly. “I’ll look into it.” 
“I’m sure you will.” She pats his cheek affectionately and leaves the kitchen, taking a platter of snacks with her.
Sunghoon lets his shoulders slump, walking wearily over to the fridge and grabbing a can of Coke. He’s tired of everyone’s curiosity, of their blatant interest in his life and matters. Cracking the can open, he takes a long swig, letting the liquid bubble on his tongue before swallowing.
“There you are!”
You swing into his periphery, waving at him. 
Sunghoon brings the can down. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Heeseung and the rest are having a Mario Kart showdown in the living room while the adults, y’know—do their thing, I guess.” You beam at him. “Wanna come?”
“Sure,” he readily agrees. Disregarding the fact that he sucks ass at Mario Kart, Sunghoon doesn’t want to be faced with the endless stream of questions and unsolicited advice that he’s been contending with. At least when he’s surrounded by his friends, he can forget about it for a while.
He follows you out into the hallway, clutching the soda can to his chest. It feels strange. Sunghoon isn’t usually bothered by all this, but suddenly the uncertainty of it all is hitting him like a freight train. He realises with a jolt that he truly doesn’t know what he wants to do, and has no idea where he fits in the grand scheme of things. 
“You look sick.” You eye him carefully. “Did you eat something funny?”
Your eyebrows furrow with concern. Sunghoon stays rooted in place when you take a step towards him. You raise your hand and place it on his forehead, brushing his bangs away.
Sunghoon’s glad you aren’t pressed up against him—if you were, you wouldn’t miss his sharp intake of breath, or the way his gaze lingers momentarily on the dip of your lips. Your touch is gentle against his skin, soft and warm, despite your cold fingers. His eyes almost flutter shut.
“You don’t have a fever,” you confirm, drawing your hand back. He misses your touch instantaneously.
“That’s good,” he murmurs, barely aware of what he’s saying.
“It is.” You reach down and tug on his free hand, squeezing it gently. “Come on, the others are waiting. Are you sure you’re fine?”
“Yeah, I am,” he says, breath catching in his throat. You have no idea what kind of effect you have on him. Sunghoon feels like he’s a moth and you’re a flame, and he’s doomed to circle around and around you, like Icarus touching the sun.
“Okay.” You turn back around and begin walking to the living room, still holding his hand.
Later, when he sits down on the sofa, next to Heeseung, he watches you play against Minjeong and Jongseong, making fun of the latter when he loses to you. He takes small sips of his soda just to have something to do other than observe you.
“Please tell me you finally grew the balls to ask them out,” Heeseung says after a while, low enough for only Sunghoon to hear.
He chokes mid-sip, slipping into a coughing fit. Heeseung slaps his back unhelpfully, snickering the entire time. 
Park Sunghoon may not know what he wants to do after high school, but he knows this: He’s eighteen, and he will go wherever you go.
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A week later, Sunghoon finds himself in the ice skating rink once more.
Only this time, he’s holding your hands and dragging you along with him over the ice. He bites back a chuckle at the way your eyes narrow in concentration, your mouth twists with focus. You’re not even doing anything substantial—just letting Sunghoon pull you along with him—but he finds it incredibly mesmerising. He settles into a smooth rhythm, his legs moving back and forth fluidly, while you try to copy him. 
“How are you so good at this?” you ask suddenly. 
Sunghoon meets your gaze, a silent scoff escaping his lips. “Jealous?”
“...Extremely.” Your teeth worry your lower lip in that slightly embarrassed way of yours.
“I’ve learnt figure skating for years, idiot,” he gently scolds. “I didn’t learn how to skate in a week.”
“That’s… fair,” you admit, squeezing his fingers when you wobble a little bit. “It’s just—I don’t really know how to explain it.”
“Try me.”
You take in a deep breath, looking at him squarely in the eyes. “It feels like we can’t be kids anymore. We’re going to move out of here soon, and I know we’ll come back and visit… but we’re really adults now. Like, don’t you find that scary?”
Sunghoon’s not entirely sure why this sudden wave of melancholia is drowning both of you. Admittedly, you’re way more vocal about it than he is—but he doesn’t mind. Hearing you talk about it and put into words what he can’t, while reassuring you all the same is strangely cathartic. 
This time, however, he doesn’t know what to say. Grappling with the same thoughts as you, he can’t think of a single word to comfort both you and him.
He settles for a soft, “Yeah, it is.”
“And it feels like I’ve wasted so much time,” you continue. “I could’ve done so much more when I had the time.”
“Like what?”
“I dunno. Learnt how to cook, maybe. Or even some sort of extracurricular thing, like how you learnt to ice skate. Volunteered at an animal shelter. Something.”
“You can still do all that, though,” Sunghoon points out, seamlessly navigating a turn. He slows down slightly, recognising that this is a pretty important topic for you. “We’re only eighteen.”
You give him a small, sad smile. “It’s not the same, though, is it?”
“...No, it isn’t,” he agrees. “It’s… kinda hard to accept the fact that we’re adults now.”
“Yeah, it feels weird.”
“If it makes you feel better, we can both think it’s weird together,” Sunghoon offers.
You let a soft laugh at that, your eyes crinkling at the corners. Sunghoon positively melts at the look on your face. “Thanks, that does make me feel better.”
He smiles. “Hey, wanna hear something cool?”
Sunghoon raises both his hands and grins at you. “You’re skating on your own, by the way.”
Your jaw drops. You gape at him, astonishment filling your features. “Holy shit,” you breathe out, glancing down at the ice, then at Sunghoon, and then back at the ice. “Oh my God, I really am! Holy shit.”
“Good job,” the boy praises. Your awe and excitement is infectious, and Sunghoon feels a happy laugh bubble out of his throat. You mimic him, laughing incredulously. “Wasn’t that hard, was it?”
“You liar. You said no one could skate in a week!”
“Maybe I’m just a really good teacher,” he quips, shrugging. He’s still skating backwards, facing you. The joy on your face at having finally mastered—a bit of a loose term, but he’ll go with it—something you’ve been wanting to do for ages is palpable. Sunghoon gets the sudden urge to kiss you silly, share in the happiness you’ve found with sweet nothings and the feel of your skin against his. He curls his fingers into a fist to stop his impulsive thoughts from racing.
You spread your arms out on both sides of your body, the standard pose for someone trying to balance. But you still remain fairly steady, so he doesn’t immediately come back to your side. You’re supposed to be learning how to ice skate, he reminds himself. Not hold his hands and traipse about the ice. 
Sunghoon hasn’t skated in a while. It feels nice, though—the ice greets him like a second home. He’s spent so much time on the ice that traversing it feels as natural as walking. Competitive figure skating wasn’t for him, he realised after years of rigorous training. He would rather live a normal life—hang out with his friends, cram for exams, wake up at a reasonable time in the morning instead of setting his alarm to 4 a.m the night before. Look at him now: Had a normal high school life only to turn into this confused, wayless person. 
He speeds up a little, remembering bits and pieces of routines he’d practised multiple times before, to the point where they became a sort of muscle memory to him. He lets himself forget his worries, to lose himself in the fluidity of his movements, relishes in the feel of his calf muscles straining after months of neglect.
He hears a grunt of pain from behind him.
Sunghoon stops, immediately turning around and skating rapidly back to you. You’re on the floor, bent over and cradling your left ankle. Panic fizzes through his windpipe. 
“Fuck.” He kneels down next to you, concern morphing his features into a frown. “Shit. Are you okay?”
“I… think so?” You sound out of breath. “I think I twisted my ankle.”
Sunghoon swears under his breath once more. He gently moves your hand away from the injured area and rolls up your pants. He presses softly on an area of skin next to your ankle, grimacing when you let out a little yelp. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he says, unable to look you in the eye. “We should ice that first. Do you need to go to the hospital?”
“Sunghoon,” you say, gently cutting him off. “Why didn’t you continue ice skating? You’re amazing at it.”
“What?” He barely has the time to process your words, the sudden change in topic giving him whiplash.
“I was watching you skate,” you confess shyly. “That’s why I lost balance—I wasn’t paying attention to me. I was watching you. You’re so beautiful at it, Sunghoon. You could’ve made it to the Nationals.”
Sunghoon’s face burns. “...Oh,” is all he can say. For a moment, all you do is stare at him and he looks back at you. His lips are dry; he wets them with his tongue. He doesn’t miss the way your eyes dart to his mouth and then back. His fingers are still brushing against your ankle.
This would be a horrible time to kiss you.
He’s never wanted something more.
“Ow.” You wince, pulling back. “Sorry. You pressed too hard. Sorry.”
Why are you apologising? The boy draws his hand back from your skin like he’s just touched a hot frying pan. “Fuck. Shit, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. We—we should find you an ice pack. Come on.”
He scrambles to his feet and holds out his hand, ears ringing. You stand up with some amount of difficulty, leaning onto him and hobbling off the ice.
You sit down on one of the chairs by the entrance. Sunghoon hurriedly removes his ice skates and runs to the office of the rink’s manager. It’s mercifully empty—not that he expected anyone to be there—so he slows down and waits for his blood to stop pounding. 
What the fuck just happened?
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Only you could drag Park Sunghoon, lover of the indoors, outside his house to buy ice cream in the middle of the night.
“I’m hungry,” is the only explanation you offer, clad in your favourite hoodie. Sunghoon shrugs in response, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Sorry,” you add as an afterthought.
“For what?”
“Dragging you out of your house at midnight,” you answer sheepishly.
“At least you’re empathetic.”
“Not really.”
Sunghoon snorts derisively.
“Okay, fine.” You lick your lips before saying, “I really am sorry. I’ll pay for your ice cream.”
“Relax, I’m just kidding.” Sunghoon runs a tired hand through his unkempt hair, stifling a yawn with the other. The nights are much cooler compared to the day; a soft breeze makes goosebumps erupt all over his exposed arms. Perhaps gallivanting about at night in nothing but a loose t-shirt and shorts isn’t exactly a brilliant idea. He notices you favouring your right leg over your left one. A wad of guilt gets stuck in his throat. “How’s your foot?”
“Eh. It’s seen better days, I guess.” You shrug, lips pursed.
You’re distracted, Sunghoon realises. Something must be weighing on your mind—why else would you be unable to sleep? 
“Okay, let’s go,” he says. “Do you need help walking?” (At the end of the day, he’s still a selfish bastard who craves your touch far more than he should.)
“No, I’m good.”
He stifles his disappointment and falls into step with you. The local convenience store is open 24/7; some poor high schooler working the night shift will probably be ecstatic at the sight of customers. The walk there is quiet, only interrupted by the chirping of crickets and the shuffling of your flip-flops. You don’t say anything, and Sunghoon makes no attempt to break the silence. He lets you mull over your thoughts, knowing you’ll tell him when you’re ready.
Quietude wraps around Sunghoon like a blanket, leaving him to lose himself in his own mind. He thinks of his parents sharing worried glances with each other, debating whether or not to make the decision themselves on their son’s behalf. He thinks of Taehyun and Jongseong, set to leave this town for the foreseeable future. He thinks of high school and how it came and went so quickly, though it felt arduous and mundane at the time. He thinks of where exactly he fits in this picture—if he’s even meant to be a part of something bigger, or forever confined to the winding roads and quaint intricacies of the place he grew up in.
His head hurts. He looks at you instead, and your wind-ruffled hair and threadbare hoodie and orange flip-flops. His chest hurts, too.
Imagining a life without you in it—without your laugh, your sarcasm, your late-night ice cream runs—is far more painful than he ever thought it would be. You bring colour into his dreary life, turning his greys into vibrant hues of blue and yellow. He is meant to be by your side. In sickness and in health, and—
Sunghoon stops in his tracks, his head swirling and his heart pounding. He forces himself to tear his gaze away from you, staring down at the gravel on the path instead. His hand finds itself on the nape of his neck, twisting and pulling on the short strands of hair that grow there in some light-hearted attempt to ground himself.
You pause when you see your best friend isn’t next to you. Turning around, you ask him, with a small downward twist to your mouth, “Sunghoon? What happened?”
“Nothing,” he breathes out. Everything.
You nod, still wrapped up in your own thoughts. “We’ll be there in, like, two minutes.”
You continue on, and he jogs lightly to catch up with you. 
It’s at midnight, on the way to the convenience store with you, in his pyjamas and sandals, that Park Sunghoon realises he’s in love with you.
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Melted chocolate drips off his stick and onto his fingers, but Sunghoon couldn’t care less. He’s still reeling from his epiphany, delirious on the bittersweetness of what being in love with your best friend feels like. 
The swings both of you are seated on creak with every movement. Sunghoon stills his legs, finding the noise annoying. He looks at you, one arm twined around the chain of the swing, and the other holding onto your popsicle that you bring to your mouth every so often. The playground looks haunted in the dark; all the various playground equipment appear to be looming figures drowned in ghostliness. 
He eats a bit of his ice cream, then says, “So. Why exactly did you call me out here?”
You stiffen, and Sunghoon can see it even in the darkness. It’s probably bad news then. His heart sinks on your behalf.
“I…” You trail off, looking at him with uncertainly and then at your ice cream. “I’ve gotten accepted into a really good college.”
Sunghoon’s heart plummets deeper, down into the pit of his stomach. He should’ve prepared himself for this—for you to leave and not take him with you. He blinks once, sucking in a breath. 
“That’s awesome!” he says, forcing an air of cheerfulness. “I always knew you could—”
“No, it’s not,” you interrupt, fixing your gaze on him properly this time. He gulps. “It’s not awesome.”
“Well… what do you want me to say then?”
“I don’t know!” You slump in your seat, a dejected frown marring your face. “I don’t know, Hoon.”
“Okay,” he says quietly. 
“It’s in Seoul.” You let out a sardonic laugh. “The college. I’ll be in Seoul for the next few years.”
After all these years and only now realising he’s in love with you, Park Sunghoon will now have to resign himself to the fact that he has to send you off to Seoul. He can’t even sneak in one kiss—just one, to soothe his aching, lovelorn soul. He bites his ice cream just to feel the cold seep into his teeth.
“Will you miss me?” you ask.
“Of course,” Sunghoon replies immediately. “Of course I will. It’s stupid that you even think I couldn’t miss you.”
I miss you even when you’re right next to me.
“Okay.” You let out a shuddering breath. Your next words are quiet but hopeful. “Do… Do you think you could try to get in too?”
“I…” Sunghoon flounders helplessly. He’s never thought of that. He feels dumb, now. “I could try.”
You nod, standing up and walking over to him. He looks up at you and smiles when he sees you smiling. “I found some interesting courses, too,” you say.
“That’s nice.” Sunghoon already knows he’s going to try his best to get in. He won’t rest until he does. Moving to Seoul—previously a terrifying thought—doesn’t seem too daunting now. Not when he can be with you.
“Thank you,” he says, still looking up at you. The stars twinkle behind your head—thankfully, this town isn’t that affected by light pollution yet. Even in your old and stained clothes, Sunghoon thinks you look like an angel.
“Kiss me,” you say instead.
Sunghoon grins so widely, his cheeks hurt. You always manage to surprise him, even after all this time.
He doesn’t want to waste any more time—it’s the one precious commodity the universe has given him, and he intends to make full use of it.
You bend down, and Sunghoon slants his lips over yours.
You taste like the raspberry popsicle you’re holding in your free hand. He finds he doesn’t mind the taste much now.
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don’t forget to do your daily click!
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arinzu · 2 days
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My Headcannons for Yoichi Isagi, Rin itoshi and Alexis Ness💕
Might not be accurate
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Yoichi Isagi :
✿He took a photo once of his hair slick back and his fan went absolutely feral.
✿He time to time stalks Rin to observe what he does.
✿Isagi probably stares at the ceiling when he's about to sleep and think about all of the opportunities he missed.
✿If he played any other sports it would be chess, since his vision is great for mental games.
✿Tbh is he was a sin he would be greed/gluttony.
✿If he could ask anything from his parents, it would be to have a little sis.
✿Does skin, body and hair care every few days.
✿Swears in videos games often. Those little brats think they're so gOoD but once isagi finishes his puzzle he'll devour them
✿Tried to hit Kaiser in the head with the ball after a practice match, but Noel Noah was there
✿Gossips with kurona and hiori about kaiser and ness, It's perfect since kurona doesn't know what they're doing but hiori has a lot of dirt on them.
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Plays football w/ u and teaches you by beating you, not even to destroy your self esteem.
♡ such a sweetheart while you are on your menstrual cycle (if you're a girl)
♡ gossip about every teammate with you, like a whole book of players he wants to gossip to you about
♡ once you were sick, he drove to the local store at 2 am just for you. He's so sweet.
♡ Cooks very well like he'll cook food decently
♡ Not that toxic? Maybe that's probably up for debate
♡tells you about his problems like it's the national news to be discuss
♡ Has that romantic playlist he made just for you and him to enjoy.
♡Due to being in blue lock he hasn't texted you often so in return he tries to send gifts every month
♡ Calls you darling and sweetheart multiple times a day
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Rin itoshi
✿Drools in his sleep (Me too Rin)
✿I feel like he'll stand awkwardly in a party not even interacting with anyone
✿Is good at cleaning, not barou level but up there
✿Perfect grammar, also TOP at his English
✿Never uses any gen-z/alpha slangs or any type of slang infact
✿Dry ass texter...
✿Gets really weirded out by any of his THOSE fangirls/fanboys... Like wdym you wanna have the reproduction LIKE HE'S ONLY 16
✿Knows knife play at some point, don't ask him why (he doesn't know)
✿Artistic in secret... Like he'll paint the beach or anything that shows the happy times of him and sae
✿Gets nightmares of that day... (Pretty sure everyone has that headcannon by now)
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Cuddles every time he gets a chance with you. That kinda prevents him from getting those dreams....
♡ even if he's not as romantic as the others, you guys still go on weekly dates and THEY are expensive or just casual date like movie date🫶
♡After getting traumatized by sae, he almost broke up with you, Thank goodness, that you manage to make him snap out of it.
♡ After getting convinced by your and his parents he went to couple counseling and saw his mistakes
♡One of his favorite things to do with you is Playing football, I mean two things he loves in one? Count him in!
♡ Bring extra clothes with him whenever you're around, just in case it gets cold and he doesn't need to give you his hoodie.
♡Does not have much of a soft spot for you BUT, his eyes sparkle whenever he sees you like the good old times
♡ Almost made you cry when you both were on a movie date, it was those scary ahh movies that you don't know what's coming next.
♡Has a separate Love notebook from his early days of middle school that he reads when he misses you.
♡Calls you lukewarm as a word of affection when he sees you
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Alexis ness
✿Would probably be in good terms with isagi if it didn't end like this
✿Has a mental breakdown every few days because of kaiser paying too much attention to isagi
✿Makes Kaiser a birthday cake every year and even bought him EXPENSIVE stuff from his hometown
✿Keeps the magician outfit he had when he was just a child, he cherish it like it's the most valuable thing in the whole universe
✿Would be friends w/ Charles if they interacted more, I mean like opposite friends, Ya'k
✿If richer than his awful siblings back home, if not then... It's because of the plot.
✿If he didn't met kaiser he'll probably be better than what he is now.
✿Has surprisingly good fashion taste, It's better than most blue lockers I can tell you
✿Has that changing color book lamp at the side of his bed he use when he's upset or just sad
✿He would like science if it weren't for the fact of his childhood
Boyfriend Headcannons 💕
♡Is actually quite the gentleman to you and your family members, since he a very toxic household
♡Always makes your favorite dish, if he doesn't know the recipes he'll find it by your guardian/ by how you like it.
♡Gives you a lot of gifts, I MEAN A LOT like everyday you'll find things that you enjoy at your doorstep
♡Due to being away from blue lock, he gets awfully jealous of the boys around you. Even if it's just a friend
♡Husband material frfr
♡ Punch a dude that was making you uncomfortable, and then ran with you to flee the scene.
♡Prefers the value of affection than the materialistic value of a gift you give him
♡ Loves being the small spoon but if you want, he can be the big spoon, anything for his precious angel.
♡Yandere tendency!!! Whether a girl or boy, he will get jealous if you spend more attention on them than him!
♡Call you angel or any kind of German words of affection, he will use it
That's it y'all💋
Thank you for reading this! It too me longer than expected!
So thank you for staying till the end even tho it was just 3 blue lock characters!
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onnahu · 2 days
So in my opinion aroace pride flag kinda sucks (and it's not bc i don't like blue & yellow together bc it's a color of my middle school uniform, shut up) and it's pride month so I designed a new one.
And it's shitty bc I just made it and it's like, midnight, and I did it in my shitty photo editor. So hues are shit. Wtv. The thing is, That's a new one. I took from aro and ace flags but only pretty colours bc i think it's unfair they gave us gray. What pride colour is gray?
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And like it has a deeper meaning, i'm just to tired to explain it now.
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the-kneesbees · 3 months
I'm never being nice to anyone ever again btw
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
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#this is what the average person on tumblr is missing. what i meant when i said the average person on tumblr should see misogynistic men talk#on the internet regularly they would benefit from that#not incels or andrew tate guys. normal guys#in november#and like i say: brf slt#i remember in 2016 when i was just getting into feminism as like a thing of the present the big thing on french twitter was for guys to say#meuf = pute: girl = whore. they would just say this. 24/7. not even a creative way to be misogynistic. but i was like oh!#then when girls would talk about getting harassed they would be like you made this up you're too ugly a film directed by quentin#tarantino etc. i think one of the most frustrating things they do is say no boy has ever sexually harassed a girl in middle school because#all they thought about at that age (that age being. from 11 to 15) was football and video games like OH MY GOD we were literally there#i mean no there's worse a lot worse but it's one of the most annoying ones like how are you all coming together to collectively#gaslight us#i could give more examples but it's not that interesting just these people HATE US!!!!!!#it's never just one or two guys or even ten or even twenty it's SO MANY PEOPLE just united by their hatred of women...heartwarming#in a way#but whatever i know people are awful on the internet or whatever but these people exist irl i'm pretty sure. im just not blissfully unaware#i'm sure that's nice. it's probably a bliss even. frustrating for normal people who have to interact with that though#or maybe not for normal people misogyny is a very widespread thing idk if you know this...frustrating for me!#like why does seeing frankly misogynistic tweets kinda not bother me as much as seeing posts that act like misogyny isn't a thing. at least#they're honest!!!!!#like it does feel very bad. but i'm used to it. kind of
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ct-multifandom · 10 months
Can you guys rb this or comment with how you pronounce “Goncharov”? I didn’t really think anything of it until one of my friends said it out loud and I was like huh? I think it’s interesting how people can have different pronunciations of a word or name they’ve never heard out loud in their head an not question it. For reference, I’m a native Russian speaker and I’ve always read it like gohn-CHArohv and my US American friend said GAHNCHA-rahv.
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buneok · 7 months
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part 1
this drawing is so sexy i wish y'all could see it but not yet 👊🏼💥
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lesbiancressidacowper · 7 months
also fun fact. you can effectively punch holes in plastic glow in the dark stars using a push pin and a rock and just pressing it really hard into your carpet or something so it doesn’t damage anything once it penetrates the plastic. in case you ever needed to know that
#i hope all my actors come to the premiere because i do not think i will be finishing this shit by sunday when we stop filming#going to need to tell them i have surprise presents for them all and use that to make them come see my mid short film#i have to stop putting down my own film. it’s not going to be mid. it’s going to be good. perhaps not as good as some others in the class#but it will not be as bad as the annoying ‘men’s mental health story’ bs one group is doing#frankly i don’t give a shit about men’s mental health but whatever#actually it might not be bad as a film idk their skill levels. but i won’t care about it due to there being no women in there#actually another group is making a film with no women (except the firdged mom) but i think theirs will be good#they have a cast of two people it’s not insane that there’s no women so i’ll allow it#and also of course that guys script was very good and he was actually my first choice when we voted on who’s scripts to make#no i was not my first choice…. i was trying to be humble….#also i wouldn’t have had to be director on his film. i could have been the bitchy production manager…..#i also would have had to go on multiple hikes due to the locations they needed. so perhaps it’s a good thing my script got voted in too#and i know i complain but i do actually like my group they’re great people to work with#even if the Annoying one and i clash sometimes. i like to think of our dynamic as Divorced Coparents#which sounds more sexy than it is. it’s not sexy at all. there’s no sex going on metaphorical or otherwise#i just mean. we clash sometimes but we also have good rapport. it’s like a tense middle school friendship#and the other guy. he’s great. cringe at times but we love him#i wish i’d known him before this semester so we could have had more time to become friends this timing kinda sucks#anyway. i don’t remember how this post started.#ok bye
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gibbearish · 2 months
am finally back home and can say without a doubt that i am just fundamentally not built for long distance travel however the train was much nicer than planes
#that being said. pressurized cabins drive me insane a little bit#and also it gives you pretty intense sea legs for a While#like. the ones from the first trip hadnt gone away by the return one. so. might be stuck with that for a few days#we shall see#also ajr live fucks severely#the albums were already incredible but that was a goddamn religious experience#like. idk the way i think abt it is theyre more djs than a regular band esp w their performance showing the making of way less sad#like their music is very electronic‚ theyre making mixes of their own sound effects more than singing in one go#so like. the vocals were a teeensy bit rough at times#notably times it has taken me Literally Hundreds Of Hours Practice to be able to consistently sing along with#and times ive found its literally physically impossible to like. no matter what#idc how big your lungs are‚ there is no human on earth who can do that final run of karma in one breath#much less to An Entire Stadium After An Hour Of Jumping And Dancing And Singing Loud As Fuck#so like i dont blame them for that‚ you dont go to live shows expecting it to be 100% perfect anyways jwbdjsbfksb#the trumpet however. well she was certainly playing sometimes. and was very enthusiastic about her flares.#however. in most of their songs they use midi trumpets to my ear at least#meaning she was likely an addition specifically for live performances and in my personal band kid opinion#prooobably was not in any of the like. higher tier bands? idk just. a lot of the mistakes she was making were hitting as stuff that got#taught out of us the instant we joined any band beyond regular concert#so i would guess she was probably just like. a friend who happened to play trumpet in high school or maybe even just middle school#and they knew that the trumpet parts in their pieces were big and distinct enough that like they /had/ to get a live player#and just kinda. didnt anticipate the audition -> performance gap#like. her tone was really fried the whole time like she was playing as hard as possible#which. she was mic'd. have the sound guy turn her up.#the way they did it made it sound like she was using a mute but not. like she only got the bad parts of a mute from it yknow#her tempo and timing were. bad. theres no nice way to put that one it just Was Bad‚ like the trumpet runs in ajr songs arent. complicated#like. quite literally if you handed me the sheet music right now i would have it down perfect in a week at absolute most#and better than that player on sightread. like. we did so many sightreading drills.#like ill share my band kid creds if anyone cares but i need to emphasize this isnt me being braggy like. they genuinely just arent hard#fuck im out of tags. w/e i think only like one of yall also listens to them anyways so i can leave it there
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boys-and-such · 9 months
sometimes i mayhaps would like a boyfriend
#so here is my life rn im going to explain using letters representing people instead of their names bc there are two people w the same name#a and b are dating and c and d are dating then band d cheat on their respective partners w each other and a and c want to date and they#find out abt the cheating so they all start dating - b c and d are in a play that i am in along with e and f#e and f are also dating - f is one of the only other trans people in the cast so we talked a lot and he said he thought he only liked girls#and was thinking about breaking up with e because he is also a trans guy#one day we were going home from rehearsal and f left then e and i were watching b c and d say bye to each other all loveydovey#and e said he wanted that and i said yeah me too and he mumbled something i couldn't hear and i was like 'yeah' bc i couldn't tell and he#said 'join me!' and held out his hand and i took it and boom we were holding hands (his skin was very soft in case you're wondering) and we#shared phone numbers and said that's like how he started dating f and i was like oh interesting and we left and i realised he was asking me#to date him and i was like okay free bf! two free bf! then he texted me and said f didn't want me in their relationship and oh. no free bfs#and then flash forward i was in the friend group with a b c and d and i made friends with a super controlling guy who didn't want me to be#friends w the friend group and only him and was all 'if you're friends w them that means you don't like me' and we were friends w benefits#so i ditched that friend group for him and he was mean to them and wanted me to be like that too so i was kinda rude to them#flash forward again i finally left the toxic guy wow i have no friends now i was in 1st yr high school but e was in last year middle school#i didnt talk to him much bc i was focused on school stuff and now this year e is in first year of hs and im in the second year and he's#hanging out w the old friend group and I noticed him even before i knew who he was and i was like oh that person seems really cool hm#wonder who he is hes friends with old friend group how interesting OH that is e he looks different but he looks cute and now i kinda want#to text him bc he's in one of my lunches and he was in student council on friday and we looked at each other and i waved hi but he didn't#wave back and now im worried hes heard that im mean bc the old friend group but i still like him bc we were really good friends but also#ive been thinking about what might have happened if we did start dating and i really want to text him but i only have him on snapchat bc id#what happened to his phone number but i don't have it anymore#i really want to talk to him but snapchat gives me anxiety and idk what he thinks of me now#but i really want to talk to him!!!!!#help#what#should#i#do#does looking at him count as flirting#zen is gay :]
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astrxealis · 1 year
sometimes i randomly remember the time i was swimming as a kid and it was by the big pool but near the edge and the uhh entrance of the pool anyways i almost drowned and so i grabbed lune to live and almost drowned her. good times
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#the adults... were not there..... i mean they kinda were but did they really just look at us and think 'oh nothing's happening' and look#away :(( mom had to save us and it broke her phone bcs she forgot to remove it from her pocket and she still took so long raghhh !!#anyways i think that's what caused my extreme fear of drowning. it's funny i love the water so much yet fear it too#WE HAD TO WRITE ONCE about an experience where God Saved Us sorry religious school (SOBBING... <//3)#i did this. when i almost drowned (my twin too). uh. what was i going to say about this i forgot anyway#idk i have always had a very yeah imagination... sometimes thought about a plane landing down in the middle of a flight over the ocean#and it would really scare me thinking about the process (i think it was bcs i was a curious kid. even now but yeah. and i liked looking#at the papers and all during planes! love plane rides tbh tho i have a deathly fear of dying there too WHAGBJSHDB) it also didn't help#btw that yeah vivid imagination so i'd imagine it and it was worse than it would actually be tbh... maybe bcs i only really had those pics#+ watching the titanic + kid imagination to imagine how it would be like. i doubt now a shark would come if ever that happened tbh#also yk i love sharks they're so cute actually i love marine animals sooo much and sorry i should eat and do homeowrk i keep gettin#SIDETRAcked uhh i REALLY don't want to do my homework sobbing but at 5-6 i'll be busy and i don't want to cram and god i have sm to do
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remembering that time in middle school where one of my skyrim-obsessed friends told me “fus ro dah” actually means something (i don’t recall the specifics but iirc it’s “force protection push” or something along those lines) in the game’s dragon language and i immediately realized you could shout “fus dah” and fling yourself backwards for some kind of fucked-up fast travel.
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jrueships · 2 years
i don’t know much about chet but he seems annoying
the HOLMgren hate in my askbox 😭😭😭 not that im in defiance however 🤭
chet jumping in Jaylin jumping in
to answer a question to answer a question
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i deffo agree he lowkey just very annoyin 😐 it's no big deal tho but jus smthin to note. They were asked in an interview the standard stuck on an island what 3 items would you bring question n jaylin was like 'axe' uhh idk just good items in general to survive ON an island. Jalen agreed with jaylin (love wins moment) then chet had to come in and ruin the love by sayin 'yall failed the test' whatever basically said they dumb n the RIGHT answers were 'boat. Gasoline. Map' like ok calm down einstein you got that answer off reddit. Bro didn't even laugh a lil to let em know he was jokin with them or bein 'fake smartass' like he was just bein a smartass. After that the interviewer told em Ousmane's answers were PS5, airpods, and some other dumb item lol. N everyone laughed and said that's hilarious, not chet tho. mans just straight up said that was stupid with no laughter no nothin 😭 started talking about all the cons that come with (no wifi no plugin no charge) n like that's COOL n all u can count the cons but like!! idk bros a lil blunt :( made me feel bad for ousmane ! but idk i just don't like ppl gettin undervalued or called dumb so smartass people kinda rubbed me offly depending on the way they maneuver with it. He also said sum sly to his haters which is a lil cocky yea but if you want that energy to your haters at least Keep it to your haters! don't friendly fire!! he a little aggravatin 😑
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A series of headcanons:
Victor Deslandes was a Gifted Child™ in elementary school, and hit burnout in middle school.
Sam Deslandes was a Gifted Child™ in middle school, and hit burnout in high school.
Bilal Belkebirs was canonically highly academically and professionally successful before time traveling back to save his friends. However, in the post-canon timeline, he experiences burnout in university due to feeling somewhat directionless.
Romane Berthauds, in the timeline she and Victor traveled back from, had no friends and decided to focus most of her time and effort into academic success. The Romane from Bilal's timeline also put a lot of effort into schoolwork, but after her mom died, her studying habits became really unhealthy and excessive as she tried to cope with the loss. Post-canon Romane does not experience academic burnout (she has sooo many other problems, though). However, the Romane from Bilal's timeline (who the show unfortunately doesn't acknowledge again) will have a midlife crisis at some point.
#parallels#disney parallels#paralleles#disney paralleles#i think they were all pretty good at school at different points. i also think all kinda crashed and burned at different points as well.#the “romane had no friends in her and victor's timeline” headcanon is very interesting to me. i have a lot of thoughts about her.#i mean the show didn't give us that much to work with for that timeline. which i appreciate because i can now go wild with headcanons.#also. can i bring up the adhd victor deslandes headcanon again?? please??? thanks. :)#i think the elementary school gifted kid victor concept adds a lot to alice's line about victor being intelligent and not making use of it.#because like. it would reflect the experience of so many kids who thought they were good at school and then hit middle school and it's just#not good enough anymore? the system's changed? and no one seems to care that it's different now? PLUS THE ADHD VICTOR HEADCANON.#also he skipped a grade so that definitely made it worse. anyways i think it all built up to eighth grade when he kind of stopped trying.#and that's where we see him in canon.#also i think the irony of sam potentially ending up in a very similar situation a few years later is. fun.#especially with all the pressure his parents put on him to be the easy kid to deal with. the golden child. yeah....#put that kid in high school and let me watch him spiral. please. (i say this affectionately i promise)#also i have more thoughts on bilal's future plans this time around. but i can't really articulate them. so yeah. headcanons :)
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misty-the-mysterious · 2 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog !
OOOO OKAY uhmmmmm, fact no.1 is I've never broken a bone but I did almost lose my eye when I was like 7 (that was my second time completely hecking up that side of my face and blackening that eye btw)
Fact no.2 is I've been eating the same breakfast every day for the past 2 and a half years? Maybe 3 years now? Time isn't real
Fact no.3 is I am the eldest child of 4, and there's a 15 year difference between me and my youngest sibling! She doesn't know what a VHS tape is and this makes me feel very old every single day <3
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inkskinned · 6 months
i love finding out how big this world is. my girlfriend has only visited boston a handful of times, but i grew up here. i told her we'd be going to do the tourist traps in salem, and she said - which salem?
to be fair to her, there are a lot of other states that have a town named "salem." and i think there's some evidence that the witch trials actually happened in what is now called Danvers. but the thing is - she thought "salem" was like, a made-up thing. there wasn't actually a salem, massachusetts - like there isn't a gotham city.
they don't talk about it that much where she grew up, is the thing! and this made me laugh. a week ago she was talking about her hometown and said something akin to "well the museum's kinda like the one in richmond," and i had to explain i still had no frame of reference for what the hell this museum was like.
i love finding out what knowledge i take for granted. i used to live with 5 other women. 3 of them were from south korea. they had to take, like, a solid fifteen minutes to explain their birthday system to my gay math-blind ass, laughing as they did.
that same month, our roommate from denmark taught me the danish word for wreath by accident - she'd been talking about decorations, used krans, and i'd been able to figure it out through context. i just picked it up and kept talking. our entire house used krans as the word. she came home and slammed the door one evening, mock-angry, shouting: you motherfuckers! it's a - a wreath!
and how often do you use certain words, anyway! i am cuban, so i was raised with certain spanish words sort of sprinkled in there; but never how you'd think. in middle school i asked someone to pass me the recogedor - in a completely american accent, like i was speaking english. i hadn't registered it as a spanish word. i mean, how often in school do you actually use the word "dustpan" - i'd only ever heard it in the context of cleaning my house.
there are places that you grew up that you, just, like, know. that you assume everyone knows. there are things and people and "common knowledge" that you have that, just, like. doesn't exist for me. i don't know what you call your public transportation system, but in boston we call it "the T". our train cards are called charlie cards because of a song where a father accidentally abandons his family, which was written because our system of transportation. in boston, most people would snort and say everyone knows that, kid.
i think you and i should go on a long walk - it's getting dark early these days and we need any sun we can manage. tell me about the first time you saw snow. tell me about the stuff everyone knows about your home. tell me about the cities "everyone's been to," about the food "everyone's already tried." who knows. maybe it will feel nice to you - watching someone learn about it for the very first time.
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