#i took a month on it n i submitted a few minutes before the deadline bcs i rlly had a hard time
noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#bless granblue fantasy#i thought of smth painful#i say that while smiling irl#i can't write stories yet tho it's been too long :<#last time i properly wrote smth was back in 2020 iirc#or. december 2020/early january 2021#for school i had to write a short story#i took a month on it n i submitted a few minutes before the deadline bcs i rlly had a hard time#that was technically my first proper original work i think. all the characters were original#hmmm i have a lot of story ideas but#for my main original story that i want#i'd love to have the start of it have a similar aesthetic to those ideas i had years ago#n i'd like to incorporate the same emotions i've had in all my dreams to somewhere in the story#one i rmber particularly rn is that one dream i had where#you're kind of alone or overshadowed amongst ppl but#there's someone a special someone that has their eyes on you. they miss you#n i think i rmber that idea i had perhaps 1.5 years ago#i still rmber the sequence of events i thought of back then. n i love how#the themes in that idea. i've thought of stuff like that w the same themes across many points of time in my life#secrets. in the night. alone together. comfort... a presence you've known for a long time#i remember how those stories in my head ended with leaving the other behind though. haha#noctis two years ago. and last year w two ocs#w the ocs i'd like to merge the kind of royal/angel vibe i had from the two most prominent ideas i had back then that i still remember#i think ff really spoke out to me in general bcs#by coincidence it really just relates w me#'kiss me good-bye' n the lyrics connecting w that short story back in grade 9 even tho i haven't listened to the song back then#suteki da ne english lyrics n. yeah. & melodies of life as well T_T#not rlly sure what i can say abt the present though#i've always been a dreamer. but i've been becoming more in touch w reality this year n maybe in a loss of balance i've been losing myself
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rentsturner · 7 months
If you’ve a lesson to teach me… - AT
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professor!alex turner x fem!reader
Warnings: established student/teacher relationship, smut, spanking (with a riding crop), oral (male receiving), tiny bit of face fucking, bdsm undertones, unprotected piv sex, sir kink, alex has tattoos, aftercare, teensy bit of angst but lots of fluff, cuddling.
A/n: this is from a request where reader gets a bad grade and Alex ‘punishes’ her. It’s very smutty, but there’s fluff at the end I promise. Thank you as always to my bestie @martinipoliz who wrote like 25% of this fic and is always putting up with me and my moods, couldn’t do it without her. As always, if you don’t like it, don’t read it :)
Today is the day.
The day that you’ve been dreading all week and wishing it wouldn’t come, but it still has.
Last month, Alex gave your class a task which was due last week, and you had barely submitted it on time. Three minutes before the deadline, you were just so relieved that you finished the essay, but not without receiving a disapproving look from Alex as he took the paper from your hands.
To say that you’re nervous about your grade would be an understatement.
You’re fucking terrified.
It was unlike anything Alex had ever given before, and you’re not going to deny that you did struggle a bit coming to terms with some of the subject matter, so that it took you way too long to finally understand it, and even longer to come up with sentences that didn’t sound like absolute dogshit.
You had even tried asking Alex to maybe help you in some parts but then immediately backtracked when he gave you a stern stare that meant you can do this yourself, and so you accepted your fate and gave everything you could and hoped for a miracle.
And who are you kidding? That miracle did not happen.
Because the essay lands on your desk, a large red B- staring up at you, and suddenly getting swallowed by the ground doesn’t sound too bad at the moment.
For you, a B- isn't necessarily bad, but it’s not as good as you usually do. And you know for certain that Alex is not happy with it, by the way he sighs as he hands you the paper and looks down at you pointedly. He taps the ‘B-’ with one long finger.
“Not quite up to your usual standard, sweetheart.” he mutters, quiet enough just for you to hear, and your ears turn red in embarrassment.
And then he’s off, hurriedly handing out the rest of the papers and giving praise to other students, and your heart sinks. To top it all off, you hear him saying “good job, darling,” to the girl sitting at the front while you got nothing. Not even a mere good job too.
You rifle through the pages of your essay, reading Alex’s comments written in red pen. Most of them are constructive criticism, things that you can improve on quite easily, except for the note at the bottom of the page: ‘SEE ME AFTER CLASS’.
You sit through the rest of the class nervously, hands fidgeting, struggling to keep still. Alex notices your restlessness and sends you a stern look from the front of the class. Your stomach twists and clenches just thinking about what he might have planned for you, it’s making you hot and bothered just thinking about it, as well as incredibly nervous.
Alex has talked about punishment before, it’s come up a few times in the relationship that you’ve been having for the past four months. He’s rather very good at communicating and negotiating stuff with you, telling you to be open to him without feeling any shame, and you did.
You told him about the things you wanted to try out and he listened, nodded, indulged your fantasies without making you feel judged or walking on eggshells. Your confession ranged from giving him full authority over you during sex, to negotiating what kind of punishments you’d be comfortable with when you misbehaved. It seems that conversation will be coming in useful now.
Finally, Alex wraps up the class and dismisses the other students. You slowly pack up your notes and pens, waiting patiently for everyone else to filter out the class before making your way to Alex’s desk.
He’s piling up his papers, the sleeves of his white dress shirt neatly rolled up to the elbows.
When your shadow crosses over his desk, he looks up at you. His eyes are soft, but you can tell he’s disappointed.
“I know it was a hard paper, but I did expect better from you, darling.”
“I tried, Al, I promise, I just -”
“Maybe you need a reminder of how hard you should be working. You don’t get to coast in this class just because you’re fucking me. Handing it in with 3 minutes to go wasn’t acceptable either.” He raises his eyebrow at you before going back to stacking his papers.
You stay quiet, guilt and embarrassment rolling in your stomach. He’s right. You’re usually better than this, maybe you have taken your foot off the pedal the last few weeks. It wasn’t like you to hand in papers late, or struggle to write about a subject that you love. But you had been tired recently, it was getting to that time of year where everyone starts to burn out, you included.
Alex seems to notice your silence. He stops messing with his papers and places one hand on your shoulder, brushing his thumb gently along your skin.
“Look, I am a little disappointed in you, darling, and I admit that I expected better. But don’t mistake my disappointment as me being mad, because it’s different. If I was mad at you, I would’ve already bent you over this desk.” He chuckles at that, and you manage to crack a smile too, a jolt of electricity running through you from the thoughts that that comment incites.
“But, this is just me reminding you that just because I’m your boyfriend, that doesn’t make me any less of your teacher.” Alex squeezes your shoulder and you nod at him, understanding what he’s saying. Because he’s right, Alex is still your teacher, and you want to impress him with your work, not coast through his class.
Alex continues marking papers for a bit while you do some revision, taking your usual spot at the end of his desk. He notices you yawning and losing focus after a while, so he offers to order you an Uber back to his flat. You’re practically living at Alex’s place at the moment, half of your clothes and toiletries are there, and it’s a lot easier to go to and from school from his.
Alex walks you to the pick up point, one hand planted protectively on the small of your back - he’s planning to stay on campus for a little longer to finish marking, as he wants you all to himself when he gets home later.
When the Uber arrives, he grabs the door for you, ushering you into the car while he whispers, “I expect you to be naked and kneeling by the bed when I get back. If not, then you’d find yourself in more trouble than you already are.”
You shiver a little at his words, suspecting there would be some element of punishment involved tonight, but now that Alex has confirmed it, you’re incredibly excited. This is something you’ve wanted for a while, and obviously you didn’t want to do badly on your paper, but maybe something good can come out of it…
When you arrive at Alex’s flat, you manage to have a quick nap in an attempt to calm your nerves.
An hour later, you’re kneeling on the floor, ready and waiting. Your skin is coming out in goosebumps, partly from the cool air on your bare skin, partly from the anticipation of Alex arriving home. You rub your thighs together, trying to create some friction to ease the ache in your cunt. The sound of the door opening and then slamming shut startles you a little, your stomach dropping in excitement as you realise Alex is finally back. You hear him drop his bags in the hallway, then his long strides echo through the house as he makes his way up to the bedroom. The suspense is killing you now, you're practically shaking as you wait in your kneeling position for him. You just hope he’s impressed.
The door swings open and Alex enters, a smirk growing as he takes you in, naked and kneeling for him. You swear you see his pupils dilate, his hands clenched into fists at his side.
“What a sight to see, really,” he comments, leaning down fully and pressing both of his hands on his knees to meet your eyes. “If only I get to see this every day I come home. Would you mind it, darling? Would you mind if I ask you to be in this exact position every day, naked and vulnerable, waiting for your Sir like a good girl?”
You shake your head, then open your mouth to speak. “I wouldn’t, sir.”
“Good. Because it’d be such a shame if you do,” Alex flashes you a smile, leaning forward to peck your lips. “But let’s not forget why you’re currently here in that position now, yeah? Can you tell me? Tell me the reason why I’m punishing you, wanna hear you say it.”
“I –” your lips quiver, gulping down hard. “Because I got a B- on my paper, sir.”
“That’s right,” he nods, now standing up straight and fixing his posture. “And what am I gonna do to you exactly?”
“Straighten me out?”
Alex laughs softly at your reply, bringing one of his hands up to pet your hair gently. It’s a small gesture yet still manages to make your stomach erupt with butterflies. “Not the words I would use, but sure, darling – I’ll straighten you out.”
Alex quickly discards his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves, exposing his arms. You feel yourself gush just looking at them, the veins snaking across his pale skin, marred only by the intricate tattoos extending from his wrists up into the sleeves of his shirt. You think about how the patterns curl around his shoulders, spreading into wings across his back, how you trace them so gently when he’s sleeping, admiring the beauty of him.
Alex interrupts your thoughts, opening his wardrobe and rummaging around in there for a bit. You squirm with anticipation, having no idea what your boyfriend might have planned for you, only knowing that it’s going to be intense.
Alex turns round to face you, a menacing grin plastered across his face, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the object in his hands – a long, slim riding crop, the end a double fold of stiff leather. Your eyes widen, your heart racing as you watch Alex tap the end against his hand.
“What do you think of this, baby? Think you can take it?”
You nod again, but Alex needs more this time”
“Need your words for this, love. What’s your colour?”
“G–Green, sir, so green, please.”
Alex smirks. He takes a few strides so he’s standing over you, stroking your hair gently, and you can’t help but nuzzle into his palm.
“On the bed, baby. You know what to do.”
He points the crop to the king sized bed behind you, following you as you stretch your stiff legs and make your way over. You sink slowly onto the soft mattress, knowing exactly what position Alex wants you in – ass up, face down. You stretch your arms out in front of you to support your head and try to relax your thighs, presenting your bare cunt and ass to Alex. You can hear his breathing quicken as he takes you in – he’s just as excited as you are.
“I want you to count these out for me, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
You feel the bed dip behind you as Alex takes his position, then hear the swoop of the riding crop through the air, then a burning sensation on your left ass cheek. God it hurts, but it feels so good at the same time, sending a jolt right to your cunt as you cry out.
“One, sir.”
He lands another one on your other cheek, you whimper as the burn spreads across your skin, and manage to whisper out a ‘Two, s- -sir.”
“Green, please keep going Al – Sir, more please.”
Seems like Alex doesn’t like the way you accidentally addressed him by his name, and so two more quick swats land on your cheeks in quick succession. You bite into the pillow, feeling the tears welling up as you muffle your scream. It fucking burns. You’ve always been so used to his hands spanking you but never leather.
“Forgotten how to count already, princess?”
“No – no, Sir, just –” you sniffle, swallowing down the sob threatening to spill. “Three a–and four.”
“What’s that? Let me hear you –” he pauses, you try to look back in confusion, but before you can see what he’s up to, he’s already bringing the riding crop for another lash on your ass – much harder than the last four. “– say it fucking louder!”
“Five!” You scream, burying your face into the mattress and pulling your lower torso away from the sheer pain, but Alex places his hand on your waist to pull you back closer. “F–Five, Sir, that’s – that’s five, please, it hurts –”
“Does it?” Alex mocks. “You know deep down in yourself that you deserve it, so count properly unless you want me to bring the number up.”
You can’t bring yourself up to speak since you’re already shuddering from your sobs, your skin burning in pain, just adding to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you. It was so much, all at once.
You took 5 more strokes from Alex, forcing out the number and a thank you each time, until the 10th blow had you collapsing onto the bed, shuddering and crying.
“Alright, I think that’s enough, yeah, baby?”
Alex places one hand on the small of your back, rubbing up and down your skin in an effort to calm your shaking form.
“You did so well, baby, I’m proud of you.”
Alex’s voice is softer now, and you suspect you’ve got past the worst of the punishment. His words fill you with warmth, and you nod and hiccup into the duvet, reaching one hand back to grab at Alex’s. He intertwines your fingers, letting you find comfort in him for a few moments.
“Good girl. But we aren’t done yet. Need you to make me feel good.”
You roll over, wincing as your raw ass rubs a little on the sheets. You aren’t going to be able to sit down for a few days, that’s for sure.
Alex shuffles to the end of bed and sits back on his heels, beckoning for you to come over, a growing bulge glaring obvious in his navy pants.
You crawl over to Alex, swaying your hips seductively as you move, knowing it will just turn him on even more.
You unbuckle his belt and pull down his fly, your hands shaking a little in your eagerness to please Alex. You’re practically drooling at the thought of his thick cock in your mouth. His fingers card through your hair, gathering it into a ponytail in one hand. He pulls your head back a little from his grip on your hair, until you’re looking up at him. His eyes are dark, pupils blown from anticipation, his chest heaving up and down under his shirt. God, you wish you could just rip the white fabric off him, run your hands over his shoulders and chest, feel the solid muscle under his smooth, pale skin.
“Slow down, baby, we’ve got all night, yeah?”
You nod your head, taking a few deep breaths before tugging on Alex’s boxers. He helps you pull them down, his cock slipping out, already thick and hard, a dribble of pre-cum leaking from the swollen tip. You wrap one hand around his length, feeling his velvety skin under your fingertips. Alex’s deep groan fills the room as you drop your head to lick slowly along the underside of his cock. His grip tightens on your hair as you suckle gently on the tip, tasting the saltiness of his precum when you flick your tongue over his head. He sucks in a harsh breath, pulling on your hair.
“Don’t tease me now, darling, you’ll just make it worse for yourself.”
You smirk, giving him your best doe eyes, before ducking your head down to try and take him fully into your mouth, feeling his tip hitting the back of your throat and trying to swallow down a gag. You wrap your hand around his base, pumping what you can’t fit in your mouth. You continue looking up at Alex, his face blurring as a film of tears cloud over your eyes.
Alex groans, the deep sound going straight to your cunt and you try to rub your thighs together for a bit of friction, but Alex is quick to put a stop to that.
“Uh uh, darling, none of that. You can have your pleasure when I’m done, alright?”
You just whine around his cock, bobbing your head and taking as much of him as you can. There’s drool dripping down your chin and tears slowly spilling from your eyes. Even after numerous tries, you don’t think there will be a day in your life where you can fully take his whole nine inches down your throat without choking yourself to death – but whatever, that’s one good way to die.
“Fuck – so good baby, so good to me.” Alex pants, hand fisting your hair roughly as his hips buck against your mouth. You choke a little at the action and your own hands go to grip his thighs for support, a trail of spit dripping down your chin and onto the floor as the fat head of his cock hits the back of your throat again. “Yeah, darling, fucking choke on it – take it all, fucking take it all like the good girl you are –”
You moan at his words, feeling his cock throb in your mouth, so hot and heavy on your tongue. He’s close, you can tell, so you hollow your cheeks and suckle fervently on his length, getting Alex to his climax the only thing on your mind. Alex growls and you feel a tug on your hair as he pulls you off his cock, and you peer up at him, confused. A string of saliva still connects your lips to his cock and you can see it twitching in front of your face.
“Want to come in your cunt, darling.” Alex declares in between pants.
You nod your head eagerly. “Please, sir, want your cock, please.”
Alex nods, pushing you back until you’re lying back on the soft pillows. He grabs your wrists and puts them above your head. “These stay here, okay?”
You nod again, although you're desperate to touch Alex, you know it's better to do what he says. The cuddling can come later.
Alex drapes himself over your body, the fabric of his trousers brushing against your skin as he nudges your thighs apart, his hand dropping down to spread your folds.
“Fuck, baby, so wet for me, you just fucking love getting punished, don’t you?” One long finger flicks over your clit, spreading your slick over your hot skin. He’s right, you're soaked, a result of the spanking and having his cock in your mouth, so ready for him to have his way with you. And so is he, you can feel his hard cock pressing against your leg, still sticky from a mix of your saliva and Alex’s precum. You moan as Alex’s two fingers press roughly into your cunt, scissoring and pressing against your walls, trying to find that special spot inside you.
“You’re lucky I’m giving you some prep, baby, bad girls don’t get stretched out before they take my cock. But you’ve done well for me so far, so I’m gonna be generous.” Alex pants into your ear, his hot breath causing goosebumps to spread across your skin.
He pulls his fingers out, bringing them up to his mouth and sucking on them. Your eyes widen as his face contorts in bliss, licking all of your juices off of his digits. His eyelashes flutter as he looks down at you, his eyes are dark, lust completely overtaking any semblance of reason.
“Gonna fuck you now, darling.”
You both groan in unison as Alex nudges his cock against your clit, grabbing himself at the base to push slowly inside of you. Despite how wet you are, and the few moments Alex spent stretching you out, there’s still a sharp burn as your walls try to accommodate his girth. He’s hot and heavy, throbbing inside of you, and you swear you can feel every ridge and vein as he slowly bottoms out.
Your whole body is trembling, your eyes rolling back into your head, the feeling of Alex so deep inside you almost enough to send you over the edge right there and then. You clench your fists, trying to keep your hands in the position you left them in, fighting the urge to rip Alex’s shirt off and scratch your nails down his back.
“Look at me, baby, look at me while I’m fucking you.” Alex practically growls, grabbing your chin in his hand and turning your face to him.
“Please move, Al- Sorry, Sir, please move.” The feeling of being full is so overwhelming, you need him to move or you might just combust.
Alex just smirks. “I really don’t think you're in any position to be making demands right now, darling. Remember why you’re here, yeah?”
You just whine and nod your head submissively, trying to keep your gaze on his. He lets you suffer for a few moments before finally moving his hips. He pulls out until just his tip is left snug in your hole, then slams his hip back forwards. You scream as his cock drags along your walls, his pelvis rubbing against your clit and his balls slapping against your still raw ass. Within seconds, the fire in your belly is reignited and you can feel yourself approaching your orgasm. You feel like you've been on the edge the whole night, and now, finally, you might get your release.
Alex pounds into you, his face buried in the crook of your neck, his gasps and moans coming in time with his thrusts. You can feel the sweat dripping down his brow onto your chest, the fabric of his shirt rubbing roughly against your nipples. You’re desperate to touch him, to run your hands over his shoulder, his neck, his hair, and you can’t hold it back anymore.
“Please, sir, p–please can I touch you? Please, I need to.”
Alex lifts his head from your neck, one sweaty lock of hair falling over his forehead as he looks down at you. “Oh really? You think you’ve been good enough to touch me?”
“Y–Yes, please, I’ve been a good girl, I have.”
Alex shakes his head. “I don’t think so. Good girls don’t get bad grades, do they?”
You’re truly on the edge now, can feel your orgasm approaching like a runaway train, and you squeeze your eyes shut to try to fend it off, not wanting to come without your arms around Alex.
“You close, baby? Gonna come for me?”
You shake your head desperately. “Please, sir, need to touch you, please.”
“You wanna touch me?” Alex smirks, breathing hard as he drives his cock even deeper, loving the way your walls clench around his length everytime he hits that special spot that never fails to make you fucking shake. “If you wanna touch me, you better cum around my cock and maybe I’ll think about it.”
Now that’s something that’s not very difficult to do. With a sniffle and a loud whimper, you crack open your teary eyes and look at him. He’s watching you very carefully. One of the few things you’ve noticed at the start of your relationship is that he never takes his eyes off of you when you’re cumming – whether it’s around his cock or his fingers or even his mouth, his eyes will always find their way to look at your face as you crumble down from both his generosity and cruelty.
Your vision tunnels to just Alex’s face, his dark eyes, long lashes, pale skin, the little scar under his brow, and you come. The emotions of the past few hours finally catch up with you and you shake and shudder under Alex, clenching and milking him for all he’s worth. He groans and his hips stutter as he reaches his climax as well, a warmth filling you as he empties himself deep inside of you. You sob and bury your face in Alex’s neck, which is damp from sweat. His chain presses against your cheek, cold against your burning skin.
“Fuck, baby, such a good girl, so good for me. Come here, love.”
And finally you move your stiff arms to wrap yourself around Alex, curling your legs around his waist, his softening cock still inside of you. You tug at his shirt, whining into his neck and Alex immediately knows what you want, pulling back for a moment to peel the shirt off his shoulders, flinging it to the other side of the room. His pants are also discarded within moments, until he’s left just as naked as you are. His chest is sweaty and if you aren’t so tired from getting dicked down within an inch of your life, you would’ve taken your time admiring it and maybe leaving a very funny comment that would surely make him laugh.
But unfortunately you don’t have the energy to do all that, you’re sure Alex will understand.
“Tired?” He croons, pressing his hand on your cheek, loving the way it’s burning and still a bit wet from your tears. “You wanna shower, baby? Need your answer here, don’t leave me hanging.”
“No,” you whine, pawing at his shoulder and pulling him closer, purposefully draping his whole body on top of you and putting his head in the crook of your neck. “Stay here.”
You hear him chuckling, his hot breath tickling your neck as his hands then move underneath your back and wrap you up with his body like a big weighted blanket. “You wanna stay like this? All night? You sure I'm not gonna crush you or something?”
“No, you’re warm.”
Based on your short responses and clingy attitude, Alex comes to the conclusion that you’re in one of those moods again. You often get clingy and a bit out of it after a good orgasm, but not entirely in subspace. He would’ve known the tone of your voice if you were, but right now he thinks you’re just a bit floaty, and you think you are too.
“Is there anything you want to do after, baby? Take a bath? Sleep? Order a takeout?”
You don’t know. You’re still very much intoxicated by his scent especially since he’s closer to you than he has been all day. Alex’s aftershave mixed with his sweat is practically making you mewl like a kitten, and you have to stop every urge not to rub your cheeks against him like one.
“How about just lie here for a bit, then take a bath, then order a takeout, then sleep?” You suggest, voice hoarse and raw from getting throatfucked earlier. Wonderful. “And I wanna…” You trail off, a hand snaking up to play with his hair.
“Wanna what?” Even though you don’t see Alex’s face, you can practically visualise in your head that he’s currently holding up his confused expression. Raised eyebrow and all. “You wanna go for another round or something?”
“No!” You giggle, slapping him slightly on the shoulder, which earns a quick nip on your neck and a chuckle from Alex. “Well, not that it’s a problem. But that’s not what I mean.”
“Then what?”
“Wanna apologise.” There it goes. Your voice sounds a bit teary and sad, no doubt Alex picks up on that. “I didn’t… mean to have that kind of grade, you know that. It’s just everything has been stressing me out lately and I haven’t really figured out how to fix it yet. I guess overthinking about making it all better kept me from putting all my focus on that paper. I’m sorry. I’ll do better next time, I promise.”
Alex doesn’t answer for a bit and you think that maybe he’s thinking if your excuse is good enough, but luckily that’s not the case when you feel his lips pressing soft kisses on your neck and up behind your ear. You flinch a little from being ticklish, a giggle spilling out of your mouth.
“I know you will,” Alex finally says, pulling his head back and looking at your face. “I know you’ll do better, sweetheart. You always do. And I love you for that. You know that if there’s something bothering you, you can always just ask me for help, right? I’m not a mind reader, darling, that’s why we need to communicate. I’m not always with you when we’re in school so I have no idea what problems you might be facing, but if there’s something I can do to help, then please tell me. Okay?”
He’s right. He always is.
“Okay. I understand. I love you too,” you give him a smile, now feeling a little shy under his stare as he brushes your hair out of your face. “I’ll tell you about my problems next time. Would you still help me if it was about your subject, though?”
Alex laughs cheekily at your question, leaning down to kiss your nose. “I’ll think about it. Still depends if you’d be willing to give me something in return.”
“Oh yeah?” You quirk an eyebrow, a playful grin making its way on your face. “And what’s that?”
“What do we say about roleplay –”
You push his shoulders before he can even finish his question, barking out a laugh when Alex only scoops his arms underneath your back again and pulling you closer to him.
“Absolutely not!”
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snelbz · 1 year
Better Or Worse {Chapter One}
Nessian. Angst. Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
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A/N: We are so excited to share this one with you guys! As you know, angst is sort of our specialty and while this one will be pretty heavy, we’ve tried to sprinkle a good amount of fluff as well. We hope you love it and always, please let us what you think!
Chapter Warning: Language.
Nesta -
“I'm going to bed.”
My fingers come to a pause on my keyboard. I glance up and find Cassian leaning against the door frame of my office.
The clock in the corner of the computer screen tells me it’s 10:46. I know he’s not telling me to try and entice me to join him. No, he’d given up on that weeks ago.
My fingers go back to flying over the plastic keys, clicking as I try to pick back up the stream of consciousness I was working on when Cassian interrupted. “I want to get this draft finalized tonight. I only have a few chapters left. The publishing company will have my ass if it isn’t submitted before tomorrow afternoon.”
That’s all I’m full of anymore. Excuses.
Excuses as to why I’m always at my office downtown late or don’t ever want to go to dinner. Why I’m distant or never try to touch him.
“Can you at least try to make it home by six tomorrow night? Please?”
My gaze leaves the screen and lands on him again. “I’ll try. You know I’ve got deadlines I have to hit.”
He’s as handsome as always, even more so with the shadow of stubble across his jaw. He must not have shaved this morning, if the dusting of hair was any indicator. That wasn’t like him. Shaving was a part of his daily routine, quickly followed by his morning shower. My husband may be brash and blunt, but he’s a man who has and loves his routines.
Routines that often feel like they are smothering me, stifling any spark of spontaneity in my soul.
His arms are crossed over his muscular chest, his tattoos just barely peeking out over the neckline of his t-shirt. I know those tattoos intimately, can trace them with my eyes closed.
It’s been far too long since I’ve done that.
His voice pulls me from my thoughts of the ink adorning his skin. “I’ll cook. Get a bottle of your favorite wine. We don’t have to go anywhere.”
He sounds like he’s negotiating a hostage situation, not asking me to dinner. I hate it.
I stop typing, trying my best not to show my annoyance. “I don’t know. I’ll have to see.”
Cassian's reaction does not reflect any sort of satisfaction. “Come on, Nesta. We haven’t had a date night in months. I will literally bring date night to you—”
“I said I’ll have to see.” The moment the words come out of my mouth, I feel guilty. My tone is embarrassing, but I can’t control it, the snap. 
Cassian's mouth shuts and his jaw locks. “Fine.”
A beat passes between us before I start typing again. I can feel Cassian’s eyes blazing into the back of my head for a minute, then he’s turning around. “Night.”
“Goodnight,” I say, trying to sound as genuine as possible, but mostly I just sound stressed.
Which I am.
So damn stressed. 
I hear him walk down the hall and close our bedroom door. I stop typing yet again, my eyes shutting as I rub my temples. 
At least I’m honest. I could tell Cassian that I’d be home by dinner tomorrow, but then I would be late and he would just be disappointed and get pissed. It’s better to let him down up front rather than too late.
Being a best selling author isn’t all I was expecting it to be. Sure, seeing my book on shelves next to some of my all time favorites is awesome, but it’s daunting. My first book was self published, coming to life out of my own blood, sweat, and tears. So once it took off and I started working with a publishing company, I thought I’d made it. Things were going to get easier. All I had to do was get my words down onto paper and they’d do the rest.
Someone is always demanding something. Whether that’s a finalized draft, an update on an outline, or approval for cover artwork, I never have a moment to breathe.
As if the universe is laughing at me, a new text chimes on my phone, lying face down on my desk. I recognize the sound, immediately knowing it’s my agent, Eris.
I sigh, telling myself to ignore the notification. I’m already editing hours after I should be, but my eyes keep bouncing up to my phone. After reading the same sentence four times, not comprehending a single word, I snatch my phone up.
Got a phone call from the Velaris Times. They have an opening for an interview tomorrow afternoon.
An opportunity I can’t pass up.
Sounds like a plan. My office or theirs?
If I thought I would be able to focus back on my edits, I was wrong. Eris is typing back as soon as my text is received.
Over dinner, actually. Viviane Whittaker will meet you at Rita’s at 5:30.
My thumbs hover over the screen.
Can you at least try to make it home by six tomorrow night? Please?
Swallowing, I type out my reply.
I’ll be there fifteen minutes early.
I should go tell Cassian that there will be no date night tomorrow, but I think better of it. I’m already so tired and that is not a fight that I want to start so late at night. I’ll just text him about tomorrow.
I look back up at my screen and try to reset my mind, call back my concentration. Just as I begin reading, a jingling bell comes closer and a ball of fluff settles on my feet.
I look down at the chubby black cat and reach down to scratch him between the ears. “Hi, Greg.”
Greg shoots me a look full of judgment. 
“Don’t try to guilt me,” I say, straightening back up in my chair. “I already feel guilty enough.”
With a huff, Greg lays his head against the carpet and closes his eyes. I’m officially the only one in the house not fast asleep.
Cassian -
I haven’t gotten mind-numbingly drunk since college, but all I want to do once I get out of work is drink to forget. I’ve never been good at handling my anger, and I was already on edge, so when Nesta texted me saying that she had dinner plans and would be home late, I was automatically seeing red.
I just want one night with my wife but I should have known that was too much to ask for. It usually is. 
Already finding Rhys’ number in my phone, I hop in my truck and start the engine as he answers.
“We’re going out tonight. Drinks are on me,” I say, before he can even say hello. 
“It’s a Thursday,” he replies with a laugh, but I know he’d be there regardless. Out of all of us, Rhys was the one who had ended up with a real “big boy” job. He’s one of the most respected lawyers in Velaris, and having his own practice, he basically gets to make his own hours if he isn’t in court.
“Glad you can read a calendar.” I sound like a dick but I can’t bring myself to care. “I’ll be at Windhaven in fifteen.”
“Should I call Az or is he already on the way?”
“I texted him first. Didn’t want him to leave work and have to turn around.”
Azriel works in a tattoo parlor two blocks down from our favorite spot, but lives outside of town. With Elain being pregnant, there’s only so much time we get with our brother.
I look over at the empty spot in the garage next to mine and sigh.
A hole in my chest that has been progressively growing larger aches. I’ve always been proud of Nesta. She’s always wanted to be an author since the day I met her, and she’s living her dream. And she’s really damn good at it. She has a way with words that I could never understand, that I couldn’t even come close to matching. She was meant to be a writer.
But ever since she’s found success, I’ve come in second.
It’s not that I always have to be her first priority. I want her to live for more than me, but it would be nice to be a priority sometimes. It would be nice for her to put our marriage first, to make time for me, for us. I barely even see her, and when I do, her eyes are glued to her laptop screen. She didn’t come to bed until four, then was up again at seven, barely uttering a word to me before she left for her office. 
I haven’t even realized that Rhys has been talking to me. “Sorry.”
“I’ll be there in half an hour,” he says, and his tone has softened, fully aware of where my mind has gone. “Get a booth.” 
“Alright.” I hang up, reading Azriel’s text on my screen once I pull the phone away from my ear.
Perfect. Had to tattoo a flower on an 80 year old woman’s ass today. I need a drink. 
Despite my current mood, I chuckle and pull out of the driveway. Keeping the radio off, I drive, wondering if I should send Nesta a good luck text. In all reality, she probably won’t reply, so I toss my phone in the passenger seat and let it be. 
If Nesta wants to talk to me, wants to spend time with me, she would be home for dinner for once. I know I’m being petty, but after a while, being neglected by the woman you married becomes exhausting. 
And I’m so damn tired. I need booze and bad food and my brothers. I’m man enough to admit when I need to get something off my chest, but not enough to do it sober.
Rhys’s instructions to get a booth were unnecessary. Azriel unsurprisingly beat me here and is sitting in our normal booth, the one with a direct line of sight to the bartender. A pitcher of beer sits in the middle of the table as well as three glasses. I appreciate my brother’s propensity to think ahead, but I need something harder than beer tonight.
Nodding to Az, I make a beeline to the bar. Breathing a sigh of relief, I see Ace is the one behind the bar tonight, not Devlon. The old man owns the bar and has never been a fan of me, Rhys or Az.
“You look like you need a free drink,” Ace says, as I make it to the bar and lean against the cool wooden top. 
“I always need a free drink.” The words sound pitiful coming out of my mouth. Ace just winks and pours me a glass of whiskey without even having to ask me what I want. “Thanks.”
“Always,” she says, patting my hand before I turn to walk to the booth. I’ll see her again shortly. I don’t expect the glass of whiskey to last too long before I need another. 
Azriel watches me approach, his glass already halfway gone. I nod to it as I sit across from him. “Has the image of elderly ass been erased from your mind yet?”
“No,” Azriel says, taking another drink. “But the memory looks better and better with every drink.”
I huff a laugh as I sip from my glass of whiskey, enjoying the burn as it slides down my throat and I pour a glass from the pitcher in the middle of the table. 
Rhysand appears beside me and slides onto the bench. I hadn’t even realized that he’d walked in, but in my defense, I’m hardly present. 
After pleasant hellos and Rhysand pouring his own glass, he asks, “So, is this when you tell us the reason you want to get plastered on a Thursday?” 
Swirling my glass, I watch as the whiskey moves through the ice cubes, the color diluting as they melt slowly. Bringing my drink to my lips, I drink deeply and set the glass down, staring at the table top.
“My marriage is falling apart.”
Neither of them speak.
Neither of them do anything.
I wasn’t expecting them to fall over themselves to comfort me, but I was at least expecting a back pat or an I’m sorry, man. Glancing up from the table, they both just stare at me.
The look in their eyes tells me they knew. Everyone knows. We haven’t been ourselves in months. I can’t think of the last time we were both at a family dinner.
“I don’t know what to do,” I go on, when neither of them say a word. “I’ve been trying…but every time I try, no matter what I try, I feel like I’m pushing her further away.” I take a drink. “I’m exhausted.”
I down what’s in my glass and motion for Ace to make me another. 
“I tried to give her a date night tonight,” I go on, working on my beer that’s quickly disappearing. My brothers simply watch me as I babble. “We haven’t had a date night in months. She never seems interested, so I stopped asking. Last night, I asked, for the first time in a long damn time.” I gesture around the table. “As you can see, I’m not with my wife.” 
“Where is she?” Azriel asks, when it’s clear I’d paused my rambling, at last. 
Another glass of whiskey is set in front of me. I give Ace a grateful look before shrugging. “With some reporter. Not sure where. They’re out to dinner and will probably be there until some ridiculous hour.” 
Azriel looks away from me, his eyes locking with Rhys and then I feel both of their gazes on me. I turn to Rhys, who is usually the one who takes the lead in awkward situations. Tonight is apparently no different.
“She won’t have dinner with you, but she’ll meet some skeezy reporter for dinner?” He asks, an eyebrow raised.
Shrugging my shoulders, I start on my second drink. “So it seems.”
He folds his arms atop the table and leans towards me. “And you didn’t ask where they were going? Or when she would be home?”
“I stopped asking what time she’d be home months ago.” My voice sounds hollow, empty. I wonder how long it’s sounded like that. “And begging for answers seemed pathetic.”
They make eye contact again and Azriel clears his throat. “You don’t…think she’s having an affair, do you?”
“Absolutely not.”
He sighs. “Cass—”
“She isn’t sleeping with anyone else.”
“Cass,” Rhys begins, his tone as placating as possible, slipping into the voice of the man who can convince anyone of anything. It’s what makes him such a good defense lawyer. It makes me want to break something. Makes me feel weak. “We know you love Nesta and that she loves you.”
“She wouldn’t cheat on me,” I snap, and I mean it. We might not be on great terms right now, but Nesta is loyal to those she loves.
And despite the distance between us, I have to believe she still loves me.
“Sorry,” I say, trying to calm myself down once the silence between us stretches on for too long. The air is thick. They know they had struck a chord and are surely deciding if they want to keep the conversation going. “I just…don’t think that’s the case.”
“If she’s not cheating, then what’s the issue?” Azriel asks, tentatively. “Her work?”
“Yeah, she’s busy,” I say, staring at my empty glass. “But…I don’t know. Honestly, I have no fucking clue how we got here. We barely talk. Most nights, she doesn’t even come to bed. I can’t even tell you the last time we had sex.” That was a lie. I remember it, and it was way too long ago for me to admit. “Every time we do talk, it ends in a fight. I’m just…at the end of my rope. I don’t know what to do.”
The table is quiet for another minute before Rhys asks, “Are you saying that you want to leave her?”
It’s not that the thought has never crossed my mind. Lately, I think about it often, filing for divorce, giving up, but hearing the words out loud make me feel sick to my stomach.
I don’t answer.
I wave to Ace for another whiskey.
The table is silent until she brings the drink and returns to the bar.
“I don’t see what other options I have.” My words are whispered, as if I can’t hear them, they aren't coming out. My words are starting to slur a bit, a good sign I should probably slow down.
I ignore that sign and take a drink.
“You two fought like cats and dogs when you first met,” Rhys reminds me, as if I could somehow forget. “What’s different now?”
“Those weren’t fights, that was sexual tension,” I admit, shaking my head. “Gotta have sex for there to be sexual tension.”
Azriel refills his beer. “She hasn’t said anything to Elain, as far as I know.”
“Or Feyre,” Rhys adds.
“You both know Nesta,” I start, looking between the two of them. “She doesn’t talk about her feelings with anyone, much less me or her sisters.”
They both frown, watching me with concern, seemingly at a loss for words. 
“Do you still love her?” Azriel asks.
“Of course I do,” I say, my anger fading as the alcohol calms me, consumes me. “But just because I love her doesn’t mean that it’s working anymore.”
“Don’t make any rash decisions,” Rhys says, calmly, refilling my beer for me before motioning to Ace for another pitcher. Seems I’m done with whiskey for the night. “I know you, don’t act out of anger. You have to tell Nesta how frustrated you are. You have to communicate.”
I know he’s right, know that communication has become a weakness in our marriage. I don’t  want to communicate, I don’t want to work for it, I just want my marriage to right itself, to return to the way it used to be.
And I want to fucking drink.
So that’s what I do, alongside my brothers, until I’m not thinking about my crumbling marriage at all.
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multifandomimagines · 3 years
Let Me Show You - A Theo Raeken Imagine
Characters: Theo Raeken x Reader
Word Count: 3469
Summary: Reader is feeling stressed and insecure, so Theo wants to be there for her and make her feel perfect.
Warnings: Smut (female-receiving oral and vaginal), insecurity, mentions of IED
Written by: Josie
A/N: Keep reading after the cut 👀
Disclaimer: GIF isn’t ours - credit to who it belongs to
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Y/N sighed as the puffy red eyes of her reflection stared back at her through the mirror. This week had been… different. Every little thing had been going wrong, and each day brought more and more emotion, stress and insecurity. Her under-eyes were dark with exhaustion and her smile wasn’t as bright as it usually was - that is, when it showed itself anyway.
She didn’t even hear when her bedroom door opened and closed softly, didn’t register the light footsteps across her carpet moving toward her; not until the eyes of her boyfriend met hers in the mirror, round with concern. Seeing him so suddenly would usually have elicited a wide grin from Y/N, and she would jump into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Yet, in the state she was in, his arrival made her feel as if she could finally let it all out. Her emotions overwhelmed her like a tidal wave, and her eyes prickled with tears.
“Theo,” she whispered, her voice cracking, and hurriedly turned around to bury her head in his neck. Almost like a reflex, Theo held her tightly to his chest as she cried, his hand rubbing up and down her trembling back. He slowly walked them backward until his legs hit the edge of her bed, and pulled her shaking body onto his lap.
“Shh, baby,” Theo hushed her sobs tenderly. “It’s okay.” Her head had made its way back to his neck, Y/N couldn’t even look up at him. He wouldn’t show it, because he had to be strong for her, but seeing his girl like this broke him to pieces inside. She was the only person who saw the good in him when everyone else tossed him aside as either a failure or a villain. Either way, he was a lost cause in the eyes of most people. Everyone really… well, everyone except her. Out of all of the people Theo had met in his life, he knew Y/N deserved to be happy more than anyone. She deserved to be cared for, celebrated, loved. As someone who dragged him out of his darkest places, Theo wanted nothing more than to help her out of hers.
Y/N sniffled, and slowly lifted her head from Theo’s shoulder, her eyes staring downward and avoiding the gaze of her boyfriend. She knew it hurt him to see her like this and she wished she could just… stop.
“Hey,” she heard him say. “Look at me Y/N.” His voice was rich with worry for the girl he loved, and she flinched at the thought of causing him grief. It was quick, but Theo saw it, and his heart snapped once again. Slowly, he raised his hand to her cheek, running his thumb along her cheekbone softly, collecting the tears that were slowly drying on her face. She subtly leaned into his touch without even realising she did it, it was like her body moved off it’s own accord, drawn to him. Gently, Theo moved his hand to Y/N’s chin and turned her head to face him.
For the first time since he’d arrived, Y/N finally let Theo see the pain in her eyes. They were glossy and slightly bloodshot, and Theo’s gaze softened at the sight of her vulnerability. “What’s wrong?” He asked a simply question, not wanting to overwhelm her.
“Everything,” she breathed. Theo’s fingers ran themselves through her hair, encouraging her to keep going. Initially she wanted to shrug him off and succumb to her feelings again, but she let him comfort her. “I’m just feeling everything all at once. Theo, I can’t-“
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay,” He held her cheeks delicately, scared to break her fragile form. “Breathe with me.”
It was something Theo had learned over the months. Sometimes Y/N really needed to calm down and just breathe slowly, in and out, exhaling the intensity of her feelings as much as her brain would allow. Though she hadn’t admitted it, Y/N realised that the method worked better when Theo led her through it.
After a minute or so of long, deep breaths, Y/N was no longer jolting with the ghosts of sobs from earlier. Theo continued to hold her close, remaining gentle but tight enough to always remind her that he was there for her. No matter what.
“This week has been so bad,” She began, and Theo stayed silent, realising that she was finally feeling comfortable enough to talk. He felt a small surge of pride flow through him at this, knowing that it was hard for her at times. “I’m stressed. I still have so much work to do, and deadlines are creeping up on me like a freakin’ predator. I’m worried for my brother, he’s struggling with his IED and he’s even been taking his meds, but they keep needing to up the dose and it kills me to see him in the state he gets. I keep screwing up too, like earlier I kept stalling the car, and I broke a photo frame yesterday morning, and I forgot to submit an assignment for grading at the beginning of the week. And I can’t sleep at night… Theo, I’m so tired.”
“Hey, come here,” Theo whispered, pulling her into another hug. “Okay, first of all, you are so smart and every time you get stressed about an assessment, you always go and smash it, don’t you?”
A smile threatened to pull at her lips at his confidence in her, and she nodded.
“Right,” Theo grinned. “Next thing, Liam is resilient, just like you. He won’t let one little setback get him down, and his meds will be sorted before you know it. Plus, he’s lucky to have you as a sister, you know that? You’re always there for him, everyone sees it.”
Y/N shifted on Theo’s lap, looking into his eyes as he spoke. “And,” He continued. “Everyone has weeks where they feel like they mess everything up, even super cool badasses like me.” Y/N giggled, spurring Theo on. “Someone as perfect as you doesn’t need to worry about a few little mistakes. They’re nothing, okay? Not important.” His hand moved soothingly up and down her arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. “Is that everything?”
“Um, yeah…” Y/N trailed off quietly, suddenly avoiding her boyfriend’s eyes and sinking into herself. Theo knew her so well at this point that not a single subtle movement would go unnoticed, so he raised his eyebrows at her response. He knew she was holding back, and she knew that he knew. Sighing, Y/N gave in a little. “It’s stupid.”
“What have I always told you?” He said, smiling at her. “You can tell me anything. Anything at all. I’ll be there for you no matter what. You know that, don’t you?”
Y/N nodded and breathed in, slightly shakily. “I feel ugly, Theo.”
“What?” Theo whispered in disbelief, his eyes the size of saucers. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but it wasn’t that. “Baby-“
“I told you it was stupid-“
“No, it’s not that, it’s just-“ Theo searched for the words in his brain. He never thought he’d have to convince the most beautiful girl in the world that that’s what she was. He thought it was just common knowledge, really. “You and ‘ugly’ would never even fit in the same category. Not even in the same universe.”
“That’s just not true though,” Y/N stated, shaking her head, her eyes tired. “I can’t even look in the mirror at the moment. I feel like when I look, I’m not looking back at me. And it makes me cry. I’d rather not see myself at all than to look at that reflection.”
If Theo’s heart wasn’t broken before, the damage was definitely done now. Hearing Y/N, his girl, say that she wasn’t pretty, but ugly, made him feel all kinds of lost and confused, but more so sad, because he wished he could take away her pain and make it all disappear. Unfortunately, his powers of pain transference only worked on physical pain, and he silently cursed that fact.
“How can you not see what I see…” He whispered, almost more to himself than to her. “You know, the first time I saw you Y/N, even from a distance I knew I’d never see anyone as beautiful as you. And now I’m looking at you, months later, and I still think you’re just as stunning. You are gorgeous. You hear me? The most gorgeous ever.” Theo placed kisses on her nose, her cheeks, her forehead as he spoke, causing Y/N’s heart to flutter. His words stirred something in her, and the intensity of his eyes boring into hers made her forget about everything she was worried about. A wave of adoration for her boyfriend washed over her, and she cupped his cheeks delicately, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
Y/N didn’t have the words at that moment, all the emotion was caught in her throat, so she did what she felt conveyed her feelings best. She leaned forward and kissed him, Theo’s lips moving against hers immediately, as if by instinct. It was so soft, so pure, light as a feather. She pulled away from him all too soon, their eyes meeting each other once again, but Theo didn’t feel like stopping. “I want to show you how beautiful you really are,” He spoke lowly, holding her hand and giving a gentle squeeze. “Please baby. Let me show you.”
He didn’t have to explicitly say what he really meant by that for both of them to know, and his request sent warm shivers through her body. She spoke only one word: “Okay.”
Theo connected their lips again, harder this time. Even with just a kiss, he wanted to pour every ounce of love he had for her in it. He would make sure that he made her feel exactly how she deserves to feel. Her hands had moved to the back of his neck, plucking at the hairs on his head, while Theo held her as close as their bodies would allow.
His fingers slid up her t-shirt slightly, brushing the skin underneath. Theo’s fingers were so cold that Y/N gasped against his lips, so her boyfriend took the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth and explore. Slowly, he lifted her shirt up further and further until they were forced to pull away so Theo could tug it over her head and toss it on her bedroom floor.
Of course, Theo wanted to marvel her brilliance as best he could, so he gripped her by the waist and moved her carefully so she was laying flat on her bed, looking up at him. “So beautiful,” he murmured, and waisted no time in resuming their kiss. His hands travelled down her sides as their lips moved in sync like a perfectly choreographed dance, and his hips ground into hers - gently still, yet hard enough to give Y/N friction where she needed it the most.
He dragged his lips to her neck, sucking and biting on the skin to create dark marks to decorate her already perfect body. Theo considered it his finishing touch to her, as he knew she needed him as much as he needed her, which was what made them so perfect. Y/N’s hands roamed his back, one leg secured over his hip to keep him close, and Theo reached around to unclip her bra. His eyes widened - he would never get used to seeing her body like this, and she wasn’t even fully exposed to him yet.
“I love these so much,” He said, lowering his head to one breast and closing his mouth over her nipple, his tongue sliding across her sensitive skin. Y/N moaned as he simultaneously kneaded her other breast with his hand. “I love this one,” He said, moving away from the one he was playing with. “And I love this one.” Theo reattached his lips to her other breast, her rapidly increasing breaths spurring him on.
Y/N’s hips involuntarily bucked up at Theo’s, and he chuckled lightly against her skin at the movement. He trailed his lips back up to her collarbone, her neck, her jaw, all while dragging her leggings and her panties down her legs as far as he could. He pulled away from Y/N’s lips to crawl down the bed until he could completely reveal her entire body. Her leggings and panties discarded on the floor, Theo looked his girl in the eyes as he placed his hands on her thighs and lightly encouraged her legs apart.
Shivering with anticipation, Y/N watched her boyfriend wide-eyed as he licked one long stripe up her centre. Her eyelids fluttered, but she couldn’t bring herself to break the intense eye contact she held with Theo, until he began to flick his tongue against her clit. Her head fell back onto her pillow, arms flying down to grab onto Theo’s hair, feeling his head moving between her legs. She moaned as he licked and sucked at her clit, doing everything in his power to make her feel good, and it was music to his ears. He soon replaced his tongue with his fingers, rubbing her clit quickly, and started licking along her core, like it was his whole life’s purpose to do so.
“Fuck, Theo,” She whimpered, and Theo groaned against her at the sound of her saying his name in such a situation. Her voice held so much vulnerability yet so much excitement, so much feeling, so much love. The vibrations against her core sent waves of pleasure racing through her, and Theo watched through his eyelashes as her back arched off the bed.
Theo removed his mouth from her core, and her head whipped up briefly at the loss of contact, her eyes wide and pleading for something, anything. Barely moment after, Theo pushed two fingers inside her, pumping them at a quick pace. Y/N moaned louder, and Theo pulled himself up so his head was level with hers, staring directly into her eyes as his fingers worked their magic. “How good does this feel Princess?”
“So good,” Y/N breathed, barely being able to find it in herself to speak. She gripped onto his biceps as he continued his work between her legs, moaning with every thrust of his fingers. “It feels amazing.”
Theo smirked slightly, content that he was getting exactly the reaction from her that he set out to get, and leaned down to capture her lips with his once again. He added another finger and picked up the pace of his actions, his mouth drowning her voice as she cried out. He kissed her hard, drawing the breath out of her almost completely, and she could taste herself on his tongue which only brought her closer to the edge.
Feeling her walls clench around his fingers, Theo moved his lips around to her ear. “Are you gonna cum?” He said, his voice rough with his own arousal. He knew the answer, but he also knew that Y/N loved to hear his voice, and it somehow turned her on even more. All she could do at this point was nod frantically, her moans and whimpers making it impossible to get the words out. Theo sped up his actions even further, trying with everything he had to send her over the edge. “Cum for me baby.”
The words uttered into her ear sent her into ecstasy, and she let go screaming Theo’s name. He watched with his mouth hung open as her body pulsed and jolted as her orgasm washed over her in waves, her cries slowing into whimpers and her contorted face relaxing into one of sheer bliss.
A few moments later when Y/N had caught her breath, she reached down and palmed Theo’s bulge through his joggers, eyes widening when she realised how hard he already was. He groaned, dropping his head to her shoulder and tensing at her touch. “N- no, baby,” He stuttered out, voice rough from the feeling. Y/N was confused as he slowly moved her hand away, tilting her head to the side in a silent question. “Tonight is about you.”
Usually she would protest and say that they both need to be pleasured equally, but she wanted him so badly that she didn’t have it in her to argue. Frantically, she yanked his head down and smashed her lips against his, tongue and teeth clashing in desperation. All she wanted was him, and she didn’t want to wait any longer.
She pulled his shirt up his body, almost ripping the fabric with her speed, and he pulled away so she could pull it over his head. She loved to admire Theo’s toned chest and stomach, so she reached her hand down to feel up his abs. She tried to look, but Theo was adamant on her being the one who was worshipped, so he dipped his head and began sucking on her neck once again, causing her head to fall back and a moan to fall from her lips.
As he painted her neck with purple bruises, Y/N reached down and played with the waistband of his joggers, fiddling with the drawstrings. Theo felt her fingers brush him and growled against her neck, hurriedly standing up to yank them and his boxers to the ground, completely exposed before her.
Y/N whimpered at the sight of him, naked and ready for her, and he crawled back over her just as quickly as he’d stood up. Theo looked at her with dark eyes, wordlessly asking for permission to treat her to just what she deserved. “Please, Theo,” She whispered, and of course, Theo didn’t want to deny her anything she wanted, especially when she asked so nicely.
The two of them moaned in harmony, jaws dropped open, as Theo pushed himself inside her, easily sliding in due to her wetness. He moved all the way in until he felt like he was inside Y/N’s stomach, pausing there as they both breathed heavily from the sensation. “Feeling better?” Theo spoke thinly, smiling at his girlfriend’s expression of pure pleasure.
“Miles better,” She replied, thrusting her hips up at Theo, making it known that she wanted more. The chimera began to move, pushing in and out of her at an ever-increasing pace, making sure she felt every single inch of him to give her the best sex possible. Y/N hands roamed his back, nails scratching at it and breaking the skin as she moaned and cursed into his ear.
“Always so tight and wet for me,” Theo groaned, his hair falling messily over his forehead as he moved. “So perfect. Every inch of you is perfect.” He sped up his movements, making sure to hit the spot that gets her screaming, and grabbed at her breast with one hand and delicately stroking her cheek with the other. “I love you.”
Theo was going so deep and fast now, Y/N was so close. Her nails dug into his back as her release approached, unable to tear her eyes away from his as they glowed yellow from the adrenaline. “I love you too,” She spoke shakily, so nearly there, when Theo kissed her hard, knowing she was reaching her orgasm from her clenching walls.
“Now,” He spoke against her lips, and as soon as the word had left his lips, Y/N screamed out Theo’s name at the most euphoric feeling she had ever experienced, shaking and quivering around him. Moments later, as she was still feeling the high, she felt Theo slow his movements as he spilled into her, his own release washing through him like a tidal wave.
After coming down from their high, Theo flopped down next to her in bed, immediately pulling her close to rest her head on his chest, which was still rising and falling. He kissed her head lightly, stroking her hair affectionately, and then pulled the covers over their bodies. He knew Y/N was exhausted, not just from their activities but from her whole week. Her breathing had slowed and he realised she had already fallen into a relaxed slumber.
Theo smiled to himself - seeing his girl finally calm with no stress lines pulling at her face made his heart soar. He hated seeing her so upset, in fact it was his least favourite thing to see in the world, so he vowed to always be the one to lift her back up again.
Theo would always be there for her: rain or shine, any day, any time. And one day it’ll be ‘til death do them part. His smile lingered on his lips as he let his own eyelids closed and he joined her in her slumber, meeting her in her dream.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Good Day!
As I told earlier, I finished my Soap x Reader Fic and yeah here it is.
I suck at titles and that shows.
Midnight Coffee Rush
John MacTavish x Female Reader
Warnings : Smut. Read at your own Risk or whatever.
Cross-posting to AO3 later 😳
You softly slam your head on the desk as you stare blankly at the blinking cursor on your laptop. An article is due next week and you haven't really started on anything yet. Your editor keeps on calling you earlier today on how she can't work on last minute submissions. You assured her that yours won't need that much editing and she trusts you with that, but still, a deadlines a deadline.
Scanning your empty apartment room for ideas, you decide it's best if you take this ordeal outside and look for open places to work on. Coincidentally, the local café "John's brew" happens to open for 24 hours starting today. You feel uneasy at the name of the shop but that won't stop you from your goals today.
After a chilly midnight walk across the streets of your city, you finally make it to the shop, it looks like it can compete with the local Starbucks as its outer layout gives off the same vibe.
You push open the glass doors and the bell chimes from above you, this made the barista at the counter turn his head and greet you with a friendly smile. "Welcome to John's Brew!"
You stand just across the counter as you look up to view what the store has to offer while the barista waits patiently for your order. You order some fancy named coffee, wanting to try out why it has a star next to it's name as the barista, who now you know goes by the name "Gary" based on his name tag, explains that it's their best selling and unique blend coffee. He then passionately tells you how the coffee you chose is created by the owner of the shop and judging by the tone of his voice, he's excited for you to try it for the first time.
"Thanks Gary, here's my card." you reach out for your card and he cheerfully accepts it.
"What name should this go by, Ms. L/N?" he asks readying his marker.
"Just Y/N." you say. Gary raises his eyebrows in confusion.
"Sorry, I'm sure I heard that name somewhere." he dismisses his thoughts and writes your name on the cup.
"We'll you're a barista, I'm sure you've heard a lot of names in your line of work." you jokingly reply. It made him laugh as he gives your card back and you make your way to the corner of the room.
The music is soothing and the ambience is more than enough to keep you going, you pull out your laptop as you start typing ideas for your article.
Gary took the liberty of delivering you your drink saying "You looked very focused" and "There isn't that much customers anyway" and you smiled at the service he's done. He stays for a while insisting that he wants to witness your initial reaction as soon as you taste the coffee. So you slowly blow off the heat and took your first sip.
Your eyebrows raised and your cheeks blushed as the warm beverage tickles your tastebuds a wave of nostalgia brings shivers down your spine.
"So, what do you think of this?" A shirtless man with a signature mohawk and scar on his left eye approaches you just as you get up of bed. You remember smiling at the view, his deep blue eyes pierce through yours as he excitedly offers a cup of coffee he claims to mix himself.
"Mmm! This tastes, well... something even I can't describe! It's good? delicious? heavenly maybe?" You giggle as he inches closer to you crawling up the bed and reaching on your face for a kiss, blindly reaching for the cup and putting in on the bedside table.
"Not even the words from your thesaurus can't describe?" He whispers as he pulls the kiss away, eyebrows wiggling. Your heart melts at the sight of him.
"I'll tell you the perfect word when I find it." You giggle as you reach for his face and pull him to yours, as he softly crashes his body on you, rolling around the bed.
"Maam?" Gary taps your shoulder and you immediately flinch and turn to him.
"I'm sorry." you laugh nervously.
"It felt like you had a good time going on with that drink. We're having a contest as to which word best describes it. If you want to submit your word, I'll leave this pen and sticky note on your table." he cheerfully explains as the door chimes, making him rush back to his counter.
Shit. You thought to yourself. Of course it had to taste the same, even the name of the shop checks out. Your heart starts to thump louder and louder as you put the pieces together, you convince yourself it's just the coffee, but then again the evidences never lie. John's Brew, that exact taste, no word yet to describe it.
You flinched as you turn to the heavy door slam to your left, just by the counter. A man, walks out of it wearing a very fit long sleeve tucked into business pants, you assume it's the manager. Then again, you see him scratching his head, which happens to have a rather unique haircut. A mohawk. Holy Shit.
'Congratulations Ms. Y/N L/N! You have been accepted on the writer program. Please report tomorrow for your orientation.'
The text read just as you wake up. Your face lit up in excitement as you squealed like a kid. Your life would change for the better.
A very wet John MacTavish popped out of the bathroom, his face was full of worry as he quickly wrapped himself with a towel.
"What's wrong?! Something out to get ya?" He asked, a bar of soap on is arms ready to throw to the intruder.
"I just got accepted!" you squealed excitedly at him, hugged him thight not minding how wet he was. He slowly wrapped his arms around you and you felt that you're the only one excited about this news.
"Congrats. But what about your life here? What about me?" he muttered, his facial expressions dropped.
"I'm sure we'll work it out? It isn't that far, right?"
"I'm sure we'll work it out"
"Not now John, I have articles due."
"I'm too exhausted for today, John"
"I'm sorry. I fell asleep."
The loud growl of your stomach shocked you back to reality. Come to think of it, it's already 2 in the morning and you're almost through with your article. A muffin won't be that much of a distraction. You turn to the counter and see John catering to a lady on a bright red dress. She probably came from a club and now trying to sober up with a coffee. You pretend to type on your keyboard but secretly view the event from the corner of your eye. They are laughing and he escorted her as she is walking tipsily to the sofa. They exchange some words you barely make out and can't help but feel rage bubbling inside you. But then again, you don't have the slightest audacity to do so. You slowly ignored him while focusing on your job. You left his messages on read and calls on voicemail. You feel guilt rushing through you. Out of impulsive emotions, you quickly decide to finish the article home as you grab your laptop and coffee and rush to the exit.
"Ma'am! You left your sticky note." John's voice echoes across the shop. This made the few notable customers look at the both of us in curiosity.
You slowly turn back to him leaning on the counter, his elbows resting on the counter looking at you, he knows what he's up to. You remember telling him to stop flexing his biceps in front of you in public. It's kind of an inside joke for the two of you and he seems to remember it all too well.
"Your word. For the contest." he points out to the bulletin board of sticky notes on the other side of the hall.
"I... can't think of anything yet..." you stammer as you exit the door, walking as fast as you can away from him.
"Y/N, wait!" he quickly grabs your arm. You almost expect that he'd do this even after all those times.
"John I-" you quicky turn to him, hot tears start forming on your eyes as he pulls you close to his warm embrace.
"Yeah. You've been very busy... I know." He mutters as you sniffle on his chest, smelling his musk that never changed even after all these months.
"Congratulations on your most recent award, you know. Article of the month, and the month before that and that one time you wrote about the wildlife in Africa..." he trails off while rubbing your back as more tears fell from your eyes. He'd been watching your career grow, even after all this time. It somehow feels you don't deserve him. And you believe you really don't.
Pulling away, you looked at him with a smile.
"I'm sorry..." you croak.
"Why are you sorry, Y/N? You met someone else out there?" he asks. Then again, you both didn't really have a proper conclusion to your relationship. You initially felt like you were slowly drifting away from each other as your careers grew, but here he is, having the same sparkle in his eyes as when you last saw each other.
"No... but, it's been very long and I have been ignoring you... breaking my promi-" He suddenly pulls you close and kisses your lips, you deny him at first but you slowly grip his arms and let him have access to your mouth.
Longing is the only feeling you both feel right now as you slowly kiss back and respond to his mouth. His kiss gives you assurance that even after all this time he yearns for you to come back, his assurance that you did what you had to do to get where you are now even at the cost of completely shutting him out. But of course you weren't, you also long for him every single day, but life has to keep going, and you believed that he'd found someone else after all those times. But this moment made you feel wrong about him, and it's now your chance to get things right between the two of you.
"You know, I always assumed you're still my girlfriend." he smirks. He is true though, there was neither a formal nor informal break up effort on both sides, just indifference due to many reasons.
"Well, I assumed you looked for someone else... and I'm to shy to ask how things have been..." you croak, trying not to cry again. You realize your stupidity once more, but he wipes off your tear with his thumb and lifts your chin up to look at him.
"You still owe me a word, you know." he jokes as he walks you back to the cafe, arm wrapped around your shoulder. As soon as you both enter the door, Gary greets his boss while mopping the floor.
"You were right boss, she is pretty!" The barista smiles and gives John a thumbs up to which he replies,
"Guess I'll be back in my office doing paperwork, Gary. You take charge here okay?"
"Yes, Captain!" he jokingly salutes and continues his work.
"You done with that article?" he asks, a tone of concern in his voice.
"Almost.." you reply shyly. You still can't digest everything that happened so far, but your heart keeps on thumping and your mind's been trying to scream something to you.
"You know, I could use some company while I do some paperwork..." the trails off, the tone in his voice shifted into something you felt excited about. Something along those words mixed with that accent sends flutters across your insides.
"If you'd want me to..." you reply as he opens his office door letting you in. It was a small office a sofa just beside the door, two chairs infront of a large office desk filled with scattered papers, ledgers and journals. He quickly folds his laptop and puts it in his bag as you take off your coat, admiring the view. Plaques, certificates and awards plaster across the walls, along with pictures of his staff calendar schedules and some other things scribbled across the whiteboard. He offers his hand and you give him your coat, only to be pinned to the door.
"God, I missed you so fucking much." He breathes as you stare at his cold blue eyes blazing with desire, you know full well where this is going and you have no objections. You wished for this to happen as soon as your plane touched the city.
Unable to form any words, you quickly pucker your lips, signaling him to move closer and kiss you. Now that you're both alone, his kisses felt much more intimate, needier and his tongue explored every possible area he could. You hear the door lock itself and his hand slowly caresses your ass through the tight jeans you're wearing, pressing himself so you could feel the tension growing beneath his slacks. You slowly slide your hand through it and earned yourself a chuckle from him, as he moves his lips below your ear and around your neck, hearing each smack of his lip and sniff of his nose.
You let out a soft moan as you feel overwhelmed on what he does to your body, you couldn't focus on what's going on, your hands rubbing his hard crotch, his hands softly caressing your ass or his mouth doing wonders around your neck. He continues to do this until your pants and whines become erratic and fast and stops just at the right time for you to catch your breath.
You open your eyes to him, who seems to be enjoying your reunion, a sexy smirk across his face. You let out a smile whist still panting, and he seems to like what he sees, letting a soft chuckle.
"I remember that look on you. You're up to something.." He recalls as you push him to the sofa to his side, straddling on his crotch as you unbutton his long sleeves.
He grunts as soon as he plops on the sofa and groans as soon as you slowly wiggle your ass on top of him. You could clearly see the building frustration in his face as well as in his jeans.
You quickly undone seven buttons as he quickly tosses it somewhere and viewed his muscular physique as you sit on him. He became hairier and you find it very sexy, trailing your hand down his body, all while staring at him as seductive as you can. He smiles at the gesture as you slowly unbutton your shirt, never breaking eye contact, until he can't resist anymore and got up from the sofa. He lifts you down and you stand on the floor as he works your way to slide off your jeans. He quickly buried his face on your pussy as soon as he sees it and devours it like a hungry wolf. He never dissappoints as the feeling made you shudder, grabbing onto what's left of his hair in excitement. This goes on up until you softly pull his head out and move to unbuckle his belt, sliding his slacks all the way down as his cock springs free as soon as you take his boxers off.
You stare at him as you slowly jerk your hand around his cock, his eyes almost in a trance, as you teasingly kiss the tip, which was slowly oozing of precum. He grabs your hair and tucks it behind your ear as you slowly swallow his cock, giving him a blowjob that you've always imagined of giving him when you meet again. You're tongue slowly swirling around his length, feeling every vein and skin around it. You countinued mixing it up with your hand and mouth until he groans in anticipation and pulls you out of him.
He slowly gets up and shoves all his paperwork away from his desk and carries you to it, spreading your legs as he slowly pushes his tip on your opening.
You whimper at the first entrance, it felt different than usual, maybe because it's been quite a while since you to have done it, but that didn't stop the both of you from continuing. His eyes mesmerize you as he slowly picks up his rhythm, you can see his chest muscles bounce as he thrusts himself deep in you. He slowly rubs the upper area of your pussy as he thrusts, giving you a sensation that makes you wanna scream in pleasure. But given the circumstances, you only let out small gasps and whimpers. However, his grunts and moans are also getting louder, so you decide to let loose and follow his volume.
"Fuck." You whimper as he continues his fast pace as evidenced by the loud slapping noises. He quickly flips you to the desk and continues to fuck you from behind. Each thrust felt like the desk is inching closer to the wall, you didn't protest as you loved the sensation, how your walls clench as his warm cock slides in and out of you. You feel his motions change and you know full well what that means, you moan softly signaling him thay you're also almost there as he makes his final thrusts and shoots his warm load inside you, feeling the rush of his cum drip as he pulls his cock out.
He pulls you up and reaches for a kiss, a long yet intimate one as you both use the language of kiss to assure that you'll still be the same way no matter how distant it may be.
"See you after my shift?" he murmurs as he puts on his clothes, now all wrinkly and messy.
"Yes." you smile reaching for another kiss.
After preparing to go home, you quickly grab a pen and wrote the word you describe the drink, plaster it on the board and make your way out of the café.
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sinisterlyhan · 4 years
01. seo changbin ; 2chan / 5606 words
against the wall, dom!changbin (-ish), oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, blindfolds, seven minutes in heaven but like with a twist, female reader
parts: 01 ; 02
a/n: hmm, not extremely fond of this but that’s okay 😭
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it did not take much convincing for you to agree with being dragged to a house party on a busy friday night.
it has been a long, dreadful week of being assigned new deadlines and lazy colleagues, your best friend suggested that you get away from life for a little, and you agreed.
however, it did take him a whole lot of convincing to do before you agreed on joining a group of strangers—his friends, not yours—in a game of spin the bottle, one that would directly lead to the famous sex-trap called 'seven minutes in heaven.'
except it wasn't just seven minutes in heaven, it was "we won't let you two out until we hear something rumbling inside, okay?" heaven. and when you asked about the morality of such a game, the only explanation chan gave you was, "don't worry, we're all getting blindfolded so even if it gets embarrassing in there, only the people waiting outside will know, and we've all sworn to secrecy!"
"right! wow! as if that makes everything better?" you hissed to the side, glaring to the side when the group whistled and roared at a particularly pitchy squeal coming from inside the closet. you frowned, your eyes shifting to the locked wooden door. "why would you even lend your closet out to do shit like this?"
"minho can be a bit of a freak," chan said with a little shrug. when he saw your confused expression, he turned your head to the side by poking at your cheek and pointed at a man. "that one is minho–"
"i know who minho is, we all know who minho is!" you smacked his hand away, slightly annoyed that he didn't think you'd at least know the student who swept the grand price during last year's talent show without—or so he claimed—a lick of preparation.
he was popular in his department before that as well. smart, fun, good-looking, rich, and now he even dances! how fantastic; you didn't believe in god but you would still blame her for having favorites just because lee minho exists.
he looked as good as you have briefly seen him be, but this time with blushed cheeks and a constant goofy smile. he was clearly drunk; drunk enough to be crossed off the game but not drunk enough to not enjoy the obnoxious noises sounding from his guest room's closet, mixing with the loud music playing from downstairs.
"hey, you don't have to play if you don't want to," chan said after seeing your attitude. he glanced behind him at the empty bed and gestured towards it. "you can sit back, get drunk, and maybe sleep. i'll wake you up and take you home when it's over."
you licked your lower lip, your mind suddenly being flooded with the intense sound coming from behind the closed door. god, it was awkward to faintly hear someone else's intimate session, but it was even more infuriating to hear the rattling of hangers and bumping of walls because of how much it made you yearn for it.
when was the last time you had sex again? it didn’t really matter, did it? it was just a fling. it wasn’t uncomfortable but it wasn’t decent either. you’ve probably given yourself better orgasm than whoever that man was so there was no point in keeping the encounter in your head.
"you know i won't, chan," you mumbled under your breath as you watched the group return back to their incoherent card game. "i haven't had sex in months and fuck, i can't live on just using my damn vibrator."
you just needed to be fucked by someone, preferably someone who knows what they’re doing.
“woah, why didn’t you tell me about it?” chan asked, raising a brow curiously.
you pulled a face, not looking at him but instead glanced around the circle to look for a suitable candidate for your little closet rendezvous. “why would i tell you that? i’m not going to beg you to have sex with me.”
“i didn’t say you have to beg for it, although that does sound like something that’s up my alley,” he teased with a breathy giggle. “just thought i could have helped.”
you sucked in a breath, your mind wavering. chan—ahh, chan. you’ve moaned his name before, once or twice under a dark room and behind closed doors. how could you not? broad shoulders, strong arms, big chest; kind, reliable, caring—he had always given you soft, dominant vibes, and you had submitted yourself to him in your imagination.
just your imagination, of course, never in real life. he was way too out of your league, much like all of his friends in this game circle.
there was minho, whom you’ve bumped into a few times in the halls but never talked to.
sitting next to him with long blond hair was hwang hyunjin, a freshman who was rumored to go for older buddies, who appeared to also dance really well, and you’ve heard around the corners of this party to be very good with his tongue, however you’d like to take that information.
shifting downward—black shirt with bulging biceps and visible chest, comfortable sweats with the outline of his thick thighs hidden underneath. that was seo changbin. if you had to pick who you were more friendly with among chan’s attractive friend group, changbin would be your top pick. you two weren’t close, having only talked to each other out of the obligations of classes, but at least you two have talked to each other before.
“hey! you! keep your head down, we’re picking!”
you snapped out of your thoughts when chan pressed your head down so you faced the ground. you grumbled in annoyance, hitting his arm away and hearing him giggle before the room went silent besides the loud music.
you could hear minho’s clumsy footsteps walking around, trying to find his next two targets. every time he approached your area, you could feel the hair at your neck stand in anticipation, but your mind would try to fend against the excitement and hammer your chest with a slight hint of fear, making you both wanting to be picked and didn’t want to be noticed.
the good side was that you might finally have sex. the bad side was that (a) you wouldn’t know who you were gonna be doing it with, and (b) everyone in the circle was more attractive than you, and you would be putting people at a disadvantage that they might have to have sex with you.
you suppressed a gasp when minho stopped behind you and gently tied a silk scarf around your head. it did not have too full of a coverage unlike what you had expected. somehow you thought minho would have better blindfolds than whatever it was he wrapped around your eyes. but you could still faintly see the blurs of the outside world if you squint hard enough.
he giggled when you stumbled to stand up, seemingly able to sense your nervousness but he has definitely mistaken it to be the anxiety of not knowing where he was bringing you toward instead of the fact that you were literally picked to get it on with a stranger in an even stranger location.
he guided you around a space, possibly around the group of unpicked people seated on the ground  before he stopped. you felt his body move behind you, gesturing toward somebody else before he then leaned close to your ear to whisper, “oh, you are going to enjoy this one. he is good.”
alright, your possibility wasn’t narrowed down by a lot but at least you knew you would be fucking a man in his closet.
footsteps shuffled towards you and stopped. you could feel a presence next to you now that you were forced to pay more attention to your other senses, and before you had much time to think about who the person could you, both of you were shoved into the closer. the door slammed behind you both with minho’s obnoxious laughter, the last visible ray of light going off when the door was sealed and locked.
the room was dark and almost quiet. you could still hear the music from outside and the soft breathing of your partner, but you suspected that was only because you were rid of your sight, and therefore, your attention needed to divert itself to somewhere else. the room was completely dark, though, and if you were able to faintly see something before, you could not see a single thing now.
changbin licked his lower lip at the silence. he looked around despite the blackness and he was completely unsure of what he should do.
he never planned to join this stupid game until minho proposed that they play a mini-game between the four of them, or the three of them now that minho was out of the race. the mini-game was just your typical race game—whoever sounded like they had the best sex wins, or whoever can make their partner scream the loudest would win. three hundred dollars for the winner, one hundred from each of them.
there was that. he was okay with that, both for the money and for the sex since he was lacking in—and greedy for—both, frankly speaking. however, changbin didn’t plan to act on it unless he could make sure his partner was on the same page with him.
he wouldn’t tell them about the game, nor would he try and cheat his way to the top because of how sensitive minho was to sounds, especially lewd ones, jeez.
therefore, he planned to just make sure he had the green light before he would make a move, but that was the problem: how was he supposed to just ask for permission without feeling awkward about not seeing each other?
mustering up the courage, he took a big step forward and reached his hand out in hopes to feel his surroundings and access where his partner was. but immediately, almost as if the gods have heard his concern, his palm was met with a soft, plump surface and his ears were met with a surprised yelp.
changbin took a small step back, startled. “oh shit–i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to–well, actually, i did mean to do that but not in that way,” he said, fumbling about with his hands in the air before he held them to his chest with a pout of embarrassment.
you were stunned on your spot when you hard his voice. your hand was pressed against your breast, the one that was accidentally cupped a moment ago, and heat grew along your neck like vines upon the realization that not only did your partner actually planned to get it going in the closet, he wasn’t just anybody in the circle.
your partner was seo changbin. big arms, big thighs, big chest, gorgeous seo changbin, who minho told you was good at this.
“it’s fine,” you mumbled, trying to find your way back to him because despite your logic screaming at you to stand on your moral ground and not hook up with an almost stranger, you still wanted to be felt up, you wanted to be kissed, and oh god, you wanted to be fucked so badly.
“wait, so you… you’re okay with this?” changbin asked after hearing your mumble. his head moved around, cranking his neck to look at all directions when he heard the shuffling of your feet.
“don’t you think i would have left already if i have a problem with this?” you laughed, slowly advancing with both arms out, your fingers wriggling in a grabby motion.
the closet was small, yet somehow you two seemed to keep missing each other by an inch. it was until your arm casually swiped to the side when you finally found him, your hand hitting the back of changbin’s neck with a harsh jab. a small groan of pain left him as he turned around and quickly grabbed onto your wrist, pulling you closer to him in one swift motion before you lose each other again.
“point taken,” changbin whispered, leaning his face close but stopping just when he felt like his lips were about to touch your skin.
you felt his breath on your face, overwhelmingly hot and close. his hands had steadied your posture before they roamed down to your waist, feeling your curve up before resting on your sides. when you replied to him with silence, changbin took it as a cue to make a move, and he did so quickly by dipping his head down in hopes to find your lips.
you let out a faint, purse-lipped moan when his nose nudged against your jaw and his full lips found your neck instead. hearing your little sound of agreement, the cloud of doubt vanished quickly in his head and he finally got himself the motivation to keep going with his advances. he planted a trail of kisses down your neck before he found himself a spot to suck out a hickey.
you gasped, feeling the tingle of pain from his teeth, but you relaxed quickly when his tongue flicked over the spot to soothe out the sensation. you pouted a little then, wanting more than feeling his plump lips on your neck, so you tilted your head and leaned down to nudge your cheek with his. you pushed him just enough for him to perk his head up, and navigating solely by imagination, you pressed your lips to any surface you could find.
it was his cheek first, and it was the side of his nose, then you could feel the tip of his nose and down to his cupid’s bow. it was messy yet there was a sort of appeal in your clumsily leaving wet kisses around his face, changbin thought. and when you finally made it to his lips, it felt none other than worth it.
his tasted of faint alcohol and he smelt a little bit of smoke. you didn’t particularly hate it, and even if you did, it wasn’t like you could stop yourself from kissing him; your lips, on the other hand, tasted of cherry chapsticks and fruit punch, sugary and sweet in a way that only made changbin wanted more.
and he shamelessly looked for more, moving from kissing your lips to smooching your skin. everything changbin did to you had left you with a shaky exhale and a tremor in your heart. besides him, the blindfold was also doing absolute wonders to your senses. not only was it new and unfamiliar in the most exhilarating way, but it also forced you to rely on your other senses completely. you had to feel, hear, and smell everything he was doing to you.
the way his fingers squeezed at your waist, the way his lips turned upwards whenever you breathed out a content moan, the way his chest heaved against yours as you two started to pant at the lack of oxygen, his deep and sultry voice when he groaned, the way his hand occasionally moved down to your ass and—a gasp!
you held tightly onto his arms as your eyes widened at the feeling of his hard-on against the front of your pants. his palm pushed against your ass, bringing you towards him every time he grind against you mindlessly to feel more friction under his sweats, his moans being suffocated by your mouth as you continued to reciprocate the heated kiss that kept getting messier and messier by the second.
you were stumbling back at the force, your knees stuttering weakly at the exciting feeling of his clothed cock rubbing against the wet patch growing on under your denim pants. fuck, you could feel him, like really feel him. you hissed every time his tip poked against your clothed clit and whenever his shaft pressed against your slit. it was thorough, hard, and slow; it almost felt like you could guess his length and his girth just from the way he was dry humping against you.
it wasn’t long before your back hit something. a wall? a door? you didn’t really care, you just knew you wanted seo changbin, in whichever way possible, be it having him in your hands, your mouth, or between your legs. you just wanted to feel him, so after letting him pin you to the wall and kiss you with that fervent energy you prayed to god would stay until he was finished with you, you pulled away.
it was a swift movement, changbin wasn’t even able to comprehend what was happening. a quick whine huffed past his lips at the loss of your warmth before you turned him around and pushed him to the door. he let you, feeling both the faint ache on his back from brushing against the doorknob and the sweetness of your lips when you started to kiss him again.
as he planned to re-establish his dominance in this dark, dark closet, you got him wrapped around your fingertips again by moving your hand downwards and palming his member. he bit your lower lip, his hand gripping your waist to pull you closer. “fuck, stop teasing me–mmm,” he grumbled under his breath after pulling away, a hefty moan leaving his lips when you grabbed his length and stroked it through the fabric.
“you need to learn how to be patient.” you giggled as you took a step back so you could kneel before him, your hands sliding down his frame to steady yourself as you did so.
your hands moved to the waistband of his sweats before you pulled it down carefully, letting it drop to the ground with an inaudible thud. you thought this would be bad, in a sense that this might be a little awkward for you since you couldn’t exactly tell where anything was. everything you did was a blind assumption, from you running your hands up this bare thighs to fumbling around looking for the waist of his boxers.
but it wasn’t bad, it had turned out to be the exact opposite.
you were excited, both from being able to do such filthy act after a long dry spell and from the fact that you were about to suck changbin off out of everybody. he wasn’t just any random person in the party, he was the man who you’ve occasionally stared at during boring lectures, the man who you would never admit to ever having midnight fantasies about, the man who would probably never consider you to be a suitable partner if he could see clearly with his eyes.
he’s seo changbin.
“oh! oops, okay,” you whispered under your breath after the surprised yelp. you had miscalculated the proximity of your face to his body and the second you brought his boxers down to his ankles, his cock had flung out and brushed across your chin energetically.
bringing your hand back up to his skin, rubbing along his inner thighs before they finally made their way to his groin. your hands fumbled, delicate fingers curling around the base of his dick and hearing him hiss from above you. changbin was being impatient, as he had appeared to be for the past minute, and the second he felt the skin-to-skin contact, he tried to thrust forward into your hand for any type of movement.
fuck, how he wished he could see you right now, whoever you were. but, as much as he would kill to see your plump lips around his cock, the blindfold was serving him phenomenally. he wouldn’t switch it for the world, it seemed; he could feel it all vividly, the blood rushing to his leaking tip as you pumped it a few times, the slight graze of your nails where your fingers met each other at the end a god-sent sensation to him.
and when you eventually gave in and wrapped your lips around the sensitive bud, the softness of your tongue etching to his cock like a sharp needle to a piece of delicate fabric—poking his senses, sending tingles through his body, leaving his mind aching for more.
you bobbed your head forward and back, your eyes shut blind to taste the bitterness of his pre-cum and to drown in the suffocating feeling of his shaft poking your throat as you took all of him in your mouth. his hand flew to your hair, clutching a fistful of them and pulling at your scalp to keep you moving; you whined at the pain, he moaned at the stimulation. your hands rubbed along his flexed muscles, squeezing them greedily.
it was an array of sensations, both touch and sound, twisting and turning in your brain that you could barely catch up. but it was exactly the overwhelming rush of it that made you enjoy it so much.
“ahh, fuck, fuck–“ changbin cried out, his movement on your head stuttering when he felt his cock twitching inside your mouth.
and while it would be a dream to release in your mouth, he knew you both didn’t have as much time as he would hope. sooner or later someone impatient for their turn would come banging on the door. with that thought in mind, he quickly pulled out of you and pulled you up by cupping his hand at the back of your neck. navigating with his grip, he brought you to his face to kiss you, faintly tasting himself on your tongue and absolutely loving the taste of it.
he turned you around and slammed you against the door, apologizing with a quiet mutter when you groaned in pain. not that you quite minded the hammering in your head when his hands were busy fumbling with the zipper of your pants just to pull it off. and changbin wasted no time to press his fingers against your clothed heat, his finger sticking into your hole along with the fabric to make the wet patch even wetter and stickier.
“shit–are you gonna fuck me or not?” you asked, bucking your hips into his fingers as your chest jumped with each limited pump of his fingers, annoyed that his movement was held back by your panties.
“you need to learn how to be patient, baby.” changbin smirked as he mumbled down your neck, finally pulling his fingers away so he could tug your panties to the side and fully insert his digit inside. his smirk widened when you moaned, one leg moving up in instinctive response. his hand caught your thigh in time, and he brought it around his hip to move closer to you. his positioned himself at your entrance, lathering up the leaking essence before he teasingly poked the tip inside a little.
you whined when he stopped moving, your hands gripping his arms urgently as you let out soft needy whispers. changbin could feel you pull him towards you, a sign that you were still comfortable with this and you were not patient enough to wait for him to enter. neither was he patient enough to stall around, really. just the mere feeling of your wetness around his tip was driving him over the edge. he had only stopped in hopes to make sure you were okay, and it seemed that you were enthusiastic about this.
you held your breath when he pushed himself into you, his girth giving you an amazing stretch. you couldn’t be bother being surprised when he suddenly slammed a hand next to your head, his broad chest pressing up against yours as he got lost in the feeling of your tightness. a hiss sounded around your ear, changbin’s hand reaching down to push you against the wall to keep your in place before they quickly moved down to your thigh.
“up,” he commanded in a whisper.
you hopped as he told you to and he bent down to catch your legs in his arms. he pushed your back further against the door at the new position, feeling the back of your feet nudging at his side and your arms closing in around his neck. you brought his face close to yours, messily meeting his cheeks and his nose before your lips found each other again.
skin slapped against each other hotly as changbin rolled his hips into yours then, pressing your bones up against the concrete and pushing you upwards with each desperate thrust, all the while you clenched yourself around him as the soreness built up beneath your hips.
you kissed down his jaw then, returning the favor as much as you could by planting harsh kisses along his neck and his exposed shoulders. you bit onto his collarbone to leave a mark, earning a groan and a squeeze on your thigh from him. he unconsciously started to thrust harder upon the pleasurable trails you were leaving on his skin, finding the mixture of your hot breaths and the squelching sounds a very special kind of motivation for him to keep going harder.
“oh–fuck–right there, changbin!” you shamelessly screamed when his tip punctured through your sweet spot. your reaction was strong as the unexpected pleasure flew through your veins, your attention directing towards the movement down below.
and changbin could tell he found your g-spot just by the way your walls suddenly squeezed around him, the sensation so wavering and euphoric that he could barely respond to the abrupt idea that you knew who he was. not to mention how triumphant it made him feel to hear you scream his name, the ego-boost straight to his chest when he imagined the people outside listening to his name being rambled lewdly again and again.
“you like it here, hmm?” he grunted close to your face. he wasn’t sure where, but he could feel your breath closely against his so he assumed if he leaned a little closer he’d touch your mouth. 
when he received no response from you, he pushed himself into you and shoved you against the door with a strong crash, his hand moving from your thigh when you were trapped tight between the door and his body to grip your jaw.
the slam buried his cock deep inside your cunt, the rough thrust making you whine out louder than when he suddenly stopped to grab your face in his hand. he huffed teasingly down your neck, the tip of his nose brushing past the hair of your skin before he stopped.
“i asked you a question, bitch,” he said through gritted teeth, the vibration of his growling voice slicing through your skin and making you whimper. “if you want it there, you better fucking beg for it.”
god, this discovery was like a revelation. it was a side of him you have never seen before since he had always been rather soft-spoken when you talked to him. but somehow you have always imagined changbin to be one to act rough during sex, mostly due to your preferences in a sexual partner. and damn, has he surprised you with this, both his stamina and his strength and, oh, his cock.
everything about him was absolutely heavenly, and you will beg for it, the same way you’ve been asking for it in your own time before.
“plea–“ a whimper cut you off when he faintly pulled out and shoved back into you sharply. pants got mixed in with your words as you squeezed your eyes shut, the joyous pain of his hand gripping your skin and the hot pouring liquid gathering in your abdomen overpowering your senses. you needed him to move, you needed changbin to help you chase your long-awaited release. “please fuck me, changbin, please.”
there was silence in the closet. the only sound reverberating through his ears were you panting out his name and asking him to wreak you up against the closet door, your voice dripping with the taste of velvet wine, hoarse from the whines and dreamy from the kisses. those were all the words changbin needed for his confidence to fly off the rails and off to space; it had no plan to get back down until he finishes both of you off.
you got pushed up against the door, your back scratching against the wall as changbin started to pound into you. you grabbed onto his arms to steady yourself at the force, not forgetting to tilt your head to give him access to your neck. his lips pressed against your skin and his cock rubbing against your walls—it was good, too good.
this was a hook-up you would be thinking about for a really long time until someone better comes along and wrecks his standards for you, and really, you doubt that man would come along anytime sooner to take changbin’s crown.
“changbin–changbin–shit, changbin–“
oh god, has he fucked you dumb? you couldn’t say anything else other than his name! his lips quirked up at that, finding it almost hilarious how with each puncture of his hips, your voice magnifies a little with his name hanging off your tongue.
“aww, i know.” he faked a pout, picking up his pace and ramming into your sweet spot. “be a good girl and come for me, hmm?”
perhaps it was the lack of daily compliments you receive from people, but something about him calling you a ‘good girl’ just got your heart all shivered up, and the rather tender soft but dirty command got you coming undone around his dick with a final cry of his name, the sticky liquid slipping through your hole and dripping out through the gaps.
changbin groaned under his breath, feeling his movement falter gradually as he continued to thrust into you to chase his own high. his hands found your face before he could lose his head and he leaned close to you, his voice soft when he asked, “can i finish off inside you?”
you heaved a sigh, wanting to retort with a witty reply but also finding it so appealing to have his cum all warm and stuffed up inside your pussy. you gave him a faint nod, closing your arms around his frame. “yes, please.”
you didn’t have to ask him so politely like that but changbin wasn’t complaining about it. with one final push, the friction sent him over the edge and he released himself inside you. a long, heavy exhale left his lips then, his head thrown back when he was finally able to relieve himself of the tension cooped up at the tip.
for a moment after everything was done, it was just the warmth shared between the two of you and the heavy breathes that resonated among the air. the tingling sensation of your essence dripping down your cunt gave you was almost ticklish, and the hot skin of changbin’s biceps a handle you never wanted to let go of. your legs were shaking slightly from the aftermath, and changbin was running his thumb in a circular motion to soothe you down as best as he could.
“that… wow,” you said, a small huff of laughter bubbling up your lips.
“thank you,” he mumbled with a smile. “you weren’t so bad yourself… with the blowjob, if you know what i mean.”
“thank you.” you giggled. “and you’re welcome.”
changbin scoffed a little as he put you down on the ground. as if on cue, someone from outside banged on the door, and minho’s voice rang through with a threat to expose your naked bodies if you two don’t head back outside. you and changbin immediately scrambled for your pants, laughing slightly when he threw a mindless insult at his friend.
“okay, there we go.” you zipped up your pants and slowly made your way towards the door. but before you could give it a knock for the people outside to release you, changbin stopped you by putting a hand on the small of your back and moving close to you.
“hold on,” he said in faint disbelief, a hint of urgency in his voice when he felt your presence ready to leave his side. “you’re not walking out of here without telling me your name, are you?”
ah, you almost forgot about your hidden identity. pursing your lips, you contemplated the idea of revealing yourself to him. the whole reason why this encounter managed to happen so smoothly was because of the blindfold hiding you from him; what if he didn’t like you after realizing that you were just some plain jane in a few of his classes? would you be able to hand that kind of humiliation and disappointment?
the way it hit you so quickly, all of a sudden, that the man standing in front of you was still seo changbin, someone far too out of your league.
“you…” you licked your lower lip with an inhale, then you knocked on the door. “you don’t need to know my name.”
oh, but changbin does. he wasn’t exactly sure why he was so hung up on you. what he planned to just be a one-time encounter had manifested into something bigger, his chest storing up the longing for an unknown person through the sugary kisses you’ve left on his lips and the sweet tightness you’ve engulfed around his cock.
changbin has to know your name, and he planned to find out.
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0risha · 3 years
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» CHAPTER SUMMARY : As an aspiring author in New York, life hasn’t been the easiest. To your surprise, things start to look brighter when you're met with an unexpected offer.
» TAGS : a few curse words, mentions of insecurity
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⤻ series m.list  | series playlist | ⤻ the next month
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“Take as much time as you need,” Draena drawls. Your brows furrow as you note that she was, indeed, being sarcastic. 
“A-are you gaslighting me,” you scoff over the line. You wait to hear a bubble of laughter from your editor/best friend but it never comes.
“Shut it.” You gulp as her tone turns hard. “What you turned in last night.” You shut your eyes in hopes of drowning out her next line. 
“Was complete shit.” 
“Gosh, you’re so rude.” You turn in your seat, propping up your glasses as your attention moves from your computer screen to your slumbering cat. “What happened to my happy, enthusiastic Rae rae?” you boast, clutching the phone closer to your ear. 
“Well, this so-called final draft made my mood go sour.” 
“Fuck, Rae- I’m trying here.” You coax, internally wincing when you catch the crawling desperation in your voice. Draena must’ve heard it too.
“I know you are babe but when you send me videos of you dancing with Yuka while Erykah Badu’s singing her heart out in the background—” her voice cuts off when you let out a snicker. 
“It’s not funny Y/N!” Draena proclaims but you hear the low laugh she lets out. “Okay, but when you send me videos of that it makes me think otherwise.” 
You hum in feigned contemplation. “But you know…. those are like my interim periods.”
“I’m hanging up on you.”
“Wait, no! Rae rae please- I was kidding,” you plead, frantically.
“Give me a better draft by the 12th an—"
“Rae rae!” Your cat turns to you, telepathically telling you to shut up with her green, narrowed eyes.
“And have a goodnight Y/N, I love you.” 
You heave out a sigh. “She definitely doesn’t love me,” you confess to the air. “Yuka baby,” you sing, patting your lap; a signal for her to jump on.
“But you do…. I just know you do.” You coo, rubbing the scruff of Yuka’s white-haired neck as she curls into you.
“Yuka…. why does the world hate me so much?” You take your pair of glasses from your face and throw them on your desk. 
“And my head hurts…..” you whine. “And m’ so hungry.” 
You hear Yuka purr in agreement.
“Ugh, Yuka, back home they had such good ramen.” You sigh wistfully, turning to glare at the microwaveable ramen cup that sat in your trash.
“I miss it.” You divert your gaze from the trash to your office window to watch a trail of rain pellets zig-zag across the glass. Dark, heavy clouds farther up in the background. 
New York’s current weather didn’t help with your somber mood. 
“M’ gonna take you there one day, I promise.” You sniffle, unwanted emotions welling up in your chest. 
“You know who I want you to meet!” You raise an index finger idly in the air. “Want you to meet my brother, he loves cats. Have I told you that, Yuka?” Your mood instantly flips as you remember your older sibling. Though, it drops just the same when you get no response. It wasn’t like you were gonna get one anyway. 
With the piercing silence in your apartment, your mind starts to wander to forbidden thoughts. To straggly blonde hair, dark amber e—
“No!” Yuka jerks up when you do. “I’m not doing this tonight.” You push up from your chair, Yuka mewling in rejection. “Sorry, baby, come cuddle with me in bed.” You take one last guilty glance at your computer before walking to your bedroom. Groaning when your body hits your not so soft mattress. You pat the sheets for signs of Yuka’s body but to no avail. With a roll to the side of your bed, you see her glued to the floor. “You’re so spoiled,” you grunt, taking her in your arms and plopping her next to you. 
“Goodnight Yuka.” You get a nuzzle in response. 
When your eyes close and the rest of the world fades, you end up dreaming of him.
Well, it’s not just him. It’s more of an uncatchable blur of moments together. 
Your entry at the local girl’s volleyball workshop that you had eventually begged your mother to quit because you were terrible at it. 
The teasing words he would throw at you because of your non-ability to even set a ball. How his brother would force him to apologize after seeing the tears that stained your brown, pudgy cheeks.
Unsurprisingly, Aran was too caught up in his little world to even care but they were glee-full memories, nonetheless. 
Although, as if your subconscious was in tune with your wants, your dreams didn’t stray too far, cutting right off before that summer. 
The next morning, you’re pulled out of your sleep by Yuka’s insistent scratching against your chest.
“Damn it, Yuka, don’t scratch my nipple off,” you grunt. When you open your eyes, you’re forced to squint due to the harshness of the sun that filters through your bedroom blinds. 
With a sigh, you roll over to grab your phone, groaning when the bright light hits your sensitive eyes. You didn’t have any texts from Draena, which made you happy and sad at the same time. Usually, if Draena sent texts, they were pleas for a new draft or implied words of motivation that were sometimes laced with venom; the absence of emoticons always a telltale sign. 
However, Draena was the only person that bothered to text you, so it did brighten your day a teensy bit when she did. Aran didn’t text, at all, and if you didn’t know better you would think that he physically couldn’t, but he just took joy in speaking on the phone.
“She’s really mad at me huh, Yuka.” You throw your phone on the pile of sheets when you rise from your bed. Body craning to relieve itself when you elongate it to an upwards stretch. Yuka does the same, her white tail thumping on the wood-like tile floor. 
“Don’t have anything to do today,” you whisper, rubbing your eyes as you drag your body to your cramped bathroom. 
When you reach for your toothbrush, you glance at your reflection in the mirror. A simple glance turns into a long, attentive stare as you try to mentally pick and prod at your appearance. You blink, silently shocked that you weren’t falling into an ether of insecurities. 
While furiously brushing your teeth, careful to avoid harsh circles on your sensitive gums, you stare vacantly at your mirrored face. As if observing for long enough would finally uprise the emotions you had grown accustomed to. 
Droopy eyes, too full lips, not the prettiest nose. 
But they never came.
And as uncanny as it sounded, you didn’t like it. You didn’t like the unfamiliarity of losing such a dear friend. One, that you had carried by your side for years on end.
After placing your toothbrush back in its rightful place, you swished a small amount of evergreen mouthwash in your mouth, letting out a wince after following it down with a swish of cold water. 
You turn to leave, but not before glancing once more at your mirror.
It’d be back soon, it had to.
After feeding Yuka a reasonable amount of catnip and changing her litter box, you plop down on your couch (which was to your dismay, missing a few springs), grab your remote, and flip to a random channel. 
After a couple of minutes into a series about fire emergencies, you found it hard to concentrate, the colors that were supposed to solidify into suitable entertainment only blurred by. You squint, but the effect only works for a second. 
Things were so bad that you couldn’t even watch television?
Though, you weren’t sure what exactly these things were. Yeah, living in this place wasn’t exactly ideal but you were gonna make it big in due time. The heavy-paged outline you’d sent in last month had been placed on the top of the Greatest Upcoming list by your publishing company. 
Perhaps, that was the case; the heavy expectations that had been placed on your already frail shoulders, albeit, you knew exactly what you were signing up for when you’d hit the submit button. You couldn’t help but think that your conflicted emotions were for an entirely different reason. 
It was frustrating not knowing what was going on with yourself. The little things that were supposed to make you happy; eating snacks, listening to your mother’s voicemails, playing with Yuka, all felt like a toll. 
However, this train of thought introduced a new one. 
A rush of impelling air flits through your apartment, before it could find the means to disappear you clamber up to your office. Well, it was more a corner of your apartment that could fit a desk than an office, but it was enough. 
Grabbing your glasses from the desk drawer and placing them right on the bridge of your nose, your fingers fly. They’re set in rhythm, thoughts that fly to your fingertips and transfer. It goes on like this for nearly two hours, your eyes burn and your joints ache but something tells you that if you were to stop now, a feeling like this wouldn’t be so easy to attain again. Rare moments like these felt like euphoria. But it always came with a price; a hook of fear that settled in your skin. The fear of writing something that wasn’t up to par. 
To your utmost dismay, your writing is interrupted by the ringing of your phone, and just like that your impel disappears. With an annoyance-filled groan, you grab the source of the noise. 
“What! Rae rae... I can’t believe you, I had the best feeling of motivation, and my fucking fingers wer—”
“Come. Now.” Your eyebrows shoot up as Draena cuts off your impending rant, her voice low and demanding.
“Huh- to NPC, why?” Going to your publishing company was a rare occurrence, you basically worked from home. 
“Urgent news.” Draena clips.
“Why the short answers? Just tell me…” your voice trails off. As much as you hated to admit, you were terrified. What if they booted up your deadline? Or worse… 
“No, they’re not kicking you off the list because of your terrible drafts.” You release a long breath in relief. 
“So what is it?” You gnawed the bottom of your lip in trepidation. 
“You’ll see.” The line cuts.
You roll your eyes. Draena hanging up on you was starting to become an annoying habit.
With a glance at your computer screen, your eyes widen in shock. 
68,000 words.
A new record.
Everyone knew about New York, the melting pot of all types of people, food, festivities, and yadda yadda. 
But no one seemed to know how dampening it was. To you at least. 
The difference between being in one of the most active places in the states and having nothing going for you was very...depressing. Though the thoughts of impending success snuck into your gloomy thoughts, it was driven away by impatience. 
When? When were you going to finally catch a break? When were you going to be shrouded by contentment and feel as though moving to the states was the right choice? 
These thoughts compiled onto your mind as you stared at the back of a stranger’s brown and very ugly loafers.
The metro was loud and bustling with life. Though, it didn’t hold much surprise. 
You made sure to keep your head downcast and avoid eye contact with anybody. You were lucky enough to get a seat on the train, but the regret finally started to set in when you felt another person pushing against the left of you. 
With an inaudible sigh, you close your eyes in hopes of getting a few moments of peace before you had to go to your publishing company. Draena did tell you that it wasn’t a serious matter but a gut feeling told you that it was. 
When your stop comes, you squeeze through a plethora of bodies to get out of the doors. 
The walk to your publishing company is short, your gray sweatpants and sweatshirt made it an easier trek. With your heart in your throat, you elongate your neck to stare at the company. It was nothing special, a five-storied building that looked slightly crappy on the inside. However, it was seemingly special to you. It’d housed dozens of authors esteemed with the title of best-seller and you’d be damned if you weren’t one. 
After giving yourself a speech of confidence, you enter the building. The first thing that hits you is the overbearing stench of coffee. The sweet smell of donuts, next. Which leaves you to salivate due to the absence of breakfast. 
“You can have mine if you want to.” A figure towers over yours. Michael. Your eyes flit to his face, then to the donut, he offers on a folded napkin. Your nose scrunches up in distaste. A cruller.
When you see the way his face slightly falls, you smile at him. “Thank you, Michael. I’ll make sure to eat this since I didn’t have any breakfast this morning.” As you grab the donut from his hand and your fingers brush ever so slightly, you catch the way his cheeks flush red. 
Now, you weren’t an egotistical fool but there was no way that Michael didn’t have a thing for you. But there was no way you were going to entertain him. Yeah, he was cute; short-cropped black hair, sharp cheekbones, and nice jade eyes to go with it, he wasn’t your type. It didn’t help that he was only eighteen, four years your junior. The gap wasn’t huge but it just… wasn’t your thing. 
“H-have a nice day.” He chokes out, a nervous smile adorning his pasty cheeks. 
“I will, thanks again.” With a small smile, you turn away to trudge up the stairwell. 
The stairs are rickety and downright scary. Every step you take causes a flash of childish vision in which you end up falling through. The quality of the rails didn’t help either. Renovations, maybe?
You’re pulled from your thoughts as you finally make your way through to the fifth floor. Surprisingly, this floor was tidier than the rest. More expensive printers, offices, and equipment in general. 
“Finally.” Draena cruises towards you, her expression is neutral, conveying no signs of what’s about to come. 
“Hi Rae rae,” you smile, handing her your cruller. “You look nice.” You observe her pencil skirt that fits just right on her curves, and her white button-up that makes her chest look really, really nice.
“Stop ogling my tits, you perv.” You roll your eyes at her crude language as she stuffs her face with the donut. “You look….” She ducks her head to study your attire. “Comfortable.” 
“Putting your rudeness aside.” You wave your arms. “Uh… what am I here for?” You scratch the back of your neck as a source of relief. 
Sensing your nervousness, Draena places her hands on your shoulders. “Everything’s fine, I promise. Just follow me.” She turns.
You blink out of your stupor to follow behind. Your eyes stay downcast. “Stop looking at my ass—”
Your eyes widen in shock as everyone turns to give you a perturbed stare. “W-what! Draena— I was not.” You scramble up to stand side by side with your friend, sending her an icy glare.
She gives you a low chuckle in response. “I know, I know. Just tryna get you to lighten up.” She pats your mass of curls. “Well, I hope ya did, cause we’re here.” She stops in front of the main conference room. 
She pulls your sweaty hands into her own. “You got this! Just don’t say too much because you don’t nee—”
“Huh- you’re not coming with me!” you whisper-yell, eyes moving sporadically in disbelief.
“Nope!” She springs, letting go of your hand and turning you towards the door. “Good luck, babes, call me when you’re done, I can’t wait to see your reaction.” And with that, Draena pushes a very terrified you into the conference room. 
“Uh, Miya!” Atsumu turns to the loud reporter. “Any ladies in your life?” 
“Nah and yer crazy if you think there’s gonna be.” He gives an upturning grin as the conference room bursts into a muttering mess.
Next to him, Sakusa grunts, “you’re so damn arrogant.” Atsumu gives him a shrug in return.
“So, any past ladies you’re still willing to pine over?” Atsumu blinks once, twice. The room falls into an eerie silence as his teammates turn to peer at him. 
“Nah,” he clips. “Let’s talk about the game now.” Atsumu coughs. “We should be talking about Mr. Shoyo here, no?” The orange-haired boy flushes in embarrassment as the attention of the room shifts to him. 
When the team heads back to the locker room, the air is filled with exhaustion. The adrenaline finally slithering away as they grab their belongings. 
Meian, their team captain clambers up to Atsumu’s figure and clasps him on the shoulder. “What was that about, Miya?” 
Slowly, Atsumu turns to give him a confused look. “What was what about?” He lies, slinging his bag on his other shoulder. His eyes flicker across the locker room as everyone tries, but fails miserably, to hide their interest in the conversation. 
“Whatever, I know you’re not gonna tell me,” Meian sighs, already used to the boy's nonchalant façade.
With a huff and a series of goodbyes, Atsumu slides out of the locker room and pulls the hood of his jacket on his head. He fishes his phone out of his pocket, thumbs ready to send a pleading text to his Osamu. 
When he does, he sighs wistfully. Silently hoping that his brother would give him at least a dozen of onigiris of his choice, for free. When his phone ringer goes off, he immediately slides accept. A wide smile on his face as he speaks to what he thinks is his brother.
“Sumu! If you’re calling to ask, I’d really like some with grilled salm-”
“Nah, It’s not Osamu.” Atsumu comes to a stop in the MSBY parking lot. 
“A-aran?” His dark amber eyes go wide. It’d been so long, but there was no he’d forget his best friend’s voice. 
“Yeah.” Though his voice is much deeper and gruff, a sense of nostalgia washes over Atsumu.
“What’d you call for? We haven’t talk-”
As Aran’s next words filter through Atsumu's right ear, the setter’s spine grows rigid. A plethora of thoughts enter his mind to merge into a red, blaring question mark. 
“Y/N’s coming back to Japan.”
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a/n: yayy, i know this is kinda short and should probably be a prologue instead of chapter one but.... idk. also, i’m really excited to dive more into atsumu’s character. okay, okay other than that. I hope you enjoyed this! I feel as though the header is downright ugly but whatevs ┐( ˘_˘)┌
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tubbyfingers · 6 years
Four Months | 03
Description: You and Jungkook have been happily married for seven years. Or so he thought. After three years of him being completely oblivious to your feelings and personal struggles, you decided that your happiness was more important than trying to salvage a failing marriage, so you filed for divorce, giving him a time limit of four months until he has to move out of your shared home. Unable to cope with the idea of his wife leaving him, Jungkook decides to comply with the terms of the divorce…for now…but is secretly plotting to win you back before the four months is up.
pairing: jungkook × reader
genre: angst, romance
word count: 2.2k
*warning*: mentions of miscarriage and slight profanity
               ~❀~              ~❀~                  ~❀~                    ~❀~
“Please pick up, please pick up,” you pleaded under your breath, pacing back and forth in front of your bed. You had your cellphone pressed securely against your ear, silently praying that your best friend Yuiko would answer so you could dump all your problems on her and she could help you find a logical solution to them.
Finally, after your fourth time redialing her number, you heard a click.
“Hello..?” A groggy voice croaked into the speaker.
“Yui, you gotta help me,” you took note of the exhaustion in her voice and mentally apologized for calling her so early on a Saturday morning, knowing she would forgive you anyway after hearing what you had to say, “Jungkook’s acting weird.”
“What?!” your best friend shot up in her bed, all traces of sleep leaving her voice.
“What did that piece of shit do this time?!” she raged.
“What...wait, no! That’s the thing!"
You went on to explain how he cleaned up the kitchen and continued on to the brownie incident.
“He was actually being nice, and like,” you lowered your voice, “touchy.”
Yuiko breathed in sharply, then there was silence. You started to feel embarrassed, thinking that her lack of response meant you were overreacting, and just when you opened your mouth to apologize for waking her up, a shout pierced the staticky silence of the call.
“What the actual fuck?!”
Your eyes widened in surprise.
Yuiko had been with you from the beginning. The two of you had met in middle school and she had gone with you to high school where you had met Jungkook and the three of you along with a few other classmates had become a group of best of friends. Yuiko was there when your feelings for Jungkook began to get complicated and you started looking at him as more than just a friend. She was there two of you started dating, when he proposed to you, at your wedding day, your honeymoon phase, and now your divorce. She had been a witness to Jungkook’s doting husband period in the early stages of your marriage and later on, a witness to his negative changes. She had been your rock after the death of your unborn child when Jungkook should have been. In all your years of knowing her, she had always been a rational, level-headed girl who was never quick to anger and rarely used profanity even in situations where strong language was definitely reasonable.
Her undisguised shock at your revelation confirmed that you weren’t overreacting as Jungkook’s look had suggested. Jungkook was acting weird, and you weren’t the only one who thought so.
“This is wild. The last time he wasn’t an absolute slob and actually showed you any physical affection was way too long ago for me to even remember.”
“Right?!” you answered excitedly.
“Okay Y/N,” you could hear the rational Yuiko coming out, “I don’t know what’s going on with him, but don’t let his actions sway you; you chose to divorce him for a reason. Personally, I wouldn’t fall for his crap. It just doesn’t make sense for him to have neglected you all this time just to suddenly change his rhythm. Ignore him for now and try to hold on until January when he’ll be out of your house.”
That was the advice you needed.
“Thanks Yui. Four months seems like such a long time but I know I’ll be able to get through it if you’re with me.”
“You know I’m always here for you.”
“Yeah,” you replied, “I know.”
After a few minutes of light conversation and gossip, you said goodbye and hung up.
“What did I do to deserve her?” you wondered aloud, smiling to yourself.
                                                 ~  ~  ~  ~
Monday rolled in faster than you would have liked. Glaring at you screaming alarm clock, you violently hit the snooze button before closing your eyes once again; it was customary for you to mentally prepare yourself for the day ahead every time you woke up.
That’s enough, you thought after 10 minutes, knowing that if you stayed in bed any longer you wouldn’t be able to get up. The clock read 6:11AM in bright green as you rolled off of the mattress and began to get dressed for work. The first of your two jobs was at a grocery store a few miles away and you had to make sure to leave in time to catch the bus.
Creeping down the stairs so as not to awaken the sleeping Jungkook, you slipped your shoes on and exited the house, walking quickly in the brisk autumn air to make it to the bus stop on time. In your bag you had a couple snacks, your uniform for your waitressing job after your shift at the grocery store, and lastly, the divorce papers, tucked safely in their envelope. You planned to make a trip to the lawyer’s office immediately after your work ended tonight. The faster you submitted the papers, the faster Jungkook would be out of your hair, right?
The sound of the approaching bus shook you out of your thoughts and you got stepped on, hoping the day would be an easy one.
The day was a long and tiring one. The grocery store had been somewhat slow, but the family restaurant you worked at was extremely busy, as your shift started during peak hours. You stayed late to clean up and close and you wanted nothing more than to go home. Despite your exhaustion however, you knew you still had to take the divorce papers to the lawyer if you wanted things to get done, so you pushed thoughts a hot shower and a good night’s sleep to the back of your mind and called for a taxi to take you to the office downtown. If only you had used the car, then you wouldn’t have had to waste your money on the expensive taxi fare. There was a car at home, but you had refrained from using it because when you had done so in the past, Jungkook would become irritated with you for being gone with it for so long so he couldn’t go out with friends.
Another reason we’re breaking up, you thought bitterly as you left the vehicle and entered the large law firm behind you.
Your bulky work shoes squeaked on the linoleum floor as the fluorescent lights reflected harshly against the walls. You couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable at being in such a professional setting while still smelling like fried rice and looking like you just walked out of a kitchen, which, indeed you had...but still.
You nodded politely to the well dressed people you came across in the hallway and reaching your destination, you pulled your hand back and rapped on the door three solid times. After a moment, there was the sound of a lock turning and the large oak door pulled back to reveal a handsome, stern faced man with perfectly styled hair, in his mid-twenties dressed in a form fitting beige suit. You looked up at him expectantly and as recognition filled his eyes, his hard features were replaced by a joyous, dimpled smile.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed.
“Namjoon!” you gushed with the same level of enthusiasm.
He invited you in and closed the door behind him.
“Sit, make yourself comfortable. I didn’t expect to see you back so soon,” he said with raised eyebrows as you plopped yourself down in the chair in front of his desk and he moved to sit across from you.
“Yeah, neither did I.”
The two of you were referring to Jungkook’s procrastination problem; the speed at which he returned the papers to you was almost unheard of.
Namjoon — Kim Namjoon — had been one of the people in your group of high school friends. His close relationship with Jungkook along with his smarts meant that he was always spending his freetime helping the more immature boy finish assignments he should have completed way before their deadlines. Namjoon was not only a great friend, but also one of the main reasons Jungkook was able to graduate high school. He always helped Jungkook out of the kindness of his heart, assuming he would grow out of such bad habits by the time he reached adulthood, but he was wrong.
A lot of what you had told Namjoon concerning the breakdown of your marriage had—in some way, shape, or form—to do with procrastination; Jungkook would plan dates with you and either put them off or completely forget about them, he would promise to pick up groceries you needed from the store, and even tell you he’d come with you to your doctor appointments concerning your pregnancy, but he’d never actually get to it. Little things like that...but the little things pile up.
“Anyways,” you said, breaking the momentary silence in the room, “I’m shocked that he had the papers ready literally a day, no, not even 24 hours after I gave them to him.”
“I know...I’ll mail them into court and once I hear back from them we’ll move on from there,” he reached forward to take the papers from your hand, hesitating as a fleeting feeling of sadness overcame him.
You looked up, confused at why the papers were still in your hands.
Namjoon loved you and Jungkook. Like Yuiko, Jimin, and your other friends, he had been a huge supporter of your high school relationship, and later, your marriage. When he found out you wanted to end things with Jungkook, he had first tried to convince you to try to work things out, but something stopped him in his tracks. One late night while Jungkook was out, you had called Namjoon and asked for help. Mentally and emotionally, you were in a horrible place and you had just needed someone to talk to. He couldn’t forget the pain and anguish in your voice on that night even if he tried. He didn’t want the two of you to break up, but at the same time he wanted you to be happy and couldn’t deny the fact that Jungkook was a shit husband despite him being an amazing friend and person. So when you had asked Namjoon to be your divorce lawyer, he didn’t say no.
“You sure you wanna go through with this Y/N?”
“Joon what do you mean?” you questioned irritably, “If I wasn’t serious I wouldn’t have come here tonight.”
“Sorry, I just wanted to make sure,” he said as he took the envelope.
“Hm,” you grunted in annoyance, folding your arms and looking away. Why did Namjoon have to make you question your decision? “Well it’s late, I should get going,” you stood up to leave.
“Wait. You haven’t eaten yet, right? Let me order something from the Chinese restaurant down the street and you can eat on your way home.”
You gave Namjoon and sidelong glance. No matter how annoyed you were with him, you couldn’t pass up an offer for free food.
“Fine,” you sat back down as he called the restaurant.
After half an hour of playing games on your phone and Namjoon typing away on his laptop, the food arrived.
He gave you a sheepish smile as he turned to face you, plastic bag in hand.
“I wish I could take you home, but I’ve got a whole lot of work to do and I won’t be out of here for a few hours, so…” he whipped out a few bills from behind him “I hope this is enough for the taxi.”
“Joon,” you stated firmly, “you don’t have to do that. I work. I can pay for a taxi.”
“Nope. I’m not giving you a choice...plus,” as though an afterthought, “I make more money than you with this job than you do at both your jobs combined so…”
“Pfft, show off,” you grumbled, snatching the bills from his hand, but you couldn’t help but giggle at your friend’s blunt but undeniably true joke; your jobs really did earn you a measly pay at the end of each week.
“Get home safely,” he chuckled as he handed you the meal.
“Thanks,” you replied, playfully elbowing him in the ribs as you departed, “I’ll see you around.”
                 ~❀~              ~❀~                  ~❀~                    ~❀~
Back in his office, Namjoon was unable to focus on the work he needed to do. Thoughts of Jungkook were running through his head.
I wonder how he’s holding up, he thought. The divorce didn’t sit right with him. Namjoon knew for a fact that you weren’t overreacting and that your feelings were justified. In the past, every time he had called Jungkook to check up on him, he always seemed to be out having fun but you were never there having fun with him. He had scolded the younger boy numerous times, but clearly that hadn’t worked. Either way, Namjoon still felt strongly that you should give Jungkook another opportunity to change his ways, but of course he wouldn’t tell you that. He didn’t want to risk losing your friendship because you thought he was siding with your husband.
It had been a few days since they had spoken, so Namjoon decided to call Jungkook the next morning to see how he was doing, hoping there was still a chance at salvaging your marriage and that he could do something to help. After all, problem solving was one of his strong points.
~ ~ ~ ~
note  ❀  lolol hi this was supposed to be posted on monday night but I was being lazy and didn’t finish until wednesday morning T-T. and btw, y/n’s bff Yuiko is supposed to be the Yuiko who sang Umbrella with Namjoon on duet song festival bc ever since that performance I’ve just shipped them so hard so there may or may not be some fluff between them in later chapters *wink wonk* hope you enjoyed ;)))  ❀
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emperor-lover · 6 years
hello! can I request for college! au jihoon ?
hello! of course you can~ here you go! im not used to writing for idols who are younger than me so hopefully it’s ok hahaa… (btw go read my Minki college!au if you havent yet, because im real proud of it woohoo) - I’ve edited it so no more typos woohoo
Park Jihoon College!AU
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So there’s this guy in your lecture hall
And he sits in a spot a few rows down and to the right from you
so if you tilt your head slightly he’s in your perfect line of vision
he’s someone who’s always caught your eye because he’s literally so good looking???
and he looked super familiar but you can’t put a finger on why
in lectures he’s always taking down notes and listening intently to the lecturer
he sits with a couple of his friends and they all seem like a nice bunch of pals
y’know, the typical joking around, slapping each other on the backs, fist bumps, the stuff you see in stock photos and teen movies
and he has the nicest smile??? like wow this boy was blessed with some photogenic wonders that do not come by easily in this world
after a lecture one day you’re packing up your stuff and filing out of the room with everyone else, when you realise you left your jacket on the back of the seat you were sitting at
you trudge up the steps quietly to get where you had been sitting when you notice two girls, one of them giggling away whilst pushing the other up to the cute guy who’s still joking round with his mates
He pauses and turns to look at her
his facial expression is still smiling, waiting for her to continue speaking
“Would I be able to talk to you…in private?”
Jihoon’s friends are all like :o and trying to warn the girl with their expressions that this is not a good idea
and you’re a bit taken aback by how sharp his gaze has turned
it’s kinda scary, like he’s still smiling, but his eyes are cold
“anything you say to me, I’ll tell them anyway, so you might as well tell me in front of them”
the girl and her friend are taken aback, but she still manages to stutter out a confession
Your heart goes out to the poor girl, it’s takes a lot of courage to confess to your crush
you’re kinda amazed by the events unfolding in front of you so you squat down behind the seats to see what will happen next
You swear Jihoon just rolled his eyes???? wow rude 
He folds his arms across his chest “i don’t think you’d like me very much if you knew what I’m really like”
The girls just shakes her head, not wanting to take no for an answer but he cuts her off mid rebuttal
“anyways, im not interested in dating you. You can go now.” 
The girl’s friend quickly grabs the girl’s hand and pulls her out of the room before the waterworks starts and you hear Jihoon sigh in relief
Woweeee what a jerk
you’re surprised, because he seems like such a warm individual with his friends and from what you’d seen of him
his friend Woojin nudged his shoulder, “Jihoon, that must’ve been the 6th confession you’ve got since the semester started…”
Woojin had actually gone to the same high school as you, and although you weren’t close, you knew him as a warm and funny individual
So after what you just saw happen, you were surprised to see that him and Jihoon were so close
“I don’t get why they keep confessing to me, I’m not interested in dating right now, I thought I made that clear.”
he runs his hand through his hair, and your heart speeds up a bit
like ok he’s a jerk but he’s a good looking one
You realise you’ve been sitting there for a while now and you remember that you were meant to be on your way to your next lecture
You try to sneak out the back entrance without disturbing the guys’ conversation
but lol you trip
of course
out of all times to trip
you trip now
good job, you get an A+ for stealthiness 
And Jihoon and Woojin’s heads snap up to where you’re sprawled out on the stairs
and you make eye contact with Jihoon who’s staring at you with this look that can only be described as annoyed curiosity
Suddenly you realise where you recognise him from and before you can stop yourself, you hear your own voice echoing through the lecture theatre
“hey, you’re Wink Boy….”
There was this guy in all the commercials promoting your college, and the ending clip of him winking had highkey gone viral - hence “wink boy”
Like people were fangirling over him and coming to the college 
it was one powerful af wink
Jihoon sighs and looks like he’s about to say something but you haven’t finished talking
“….thought you’d be nicer, but guess not…”
Woojin starts snickering hysterically in the background, he’s surprised you’re talking back to Jihoon because you were always super nice when you went to school with him
Diverting your attention to Woojin you gave him a cheery wave, “hey Park Woojin, good to see you”
“Y/N, good to see you too! how long were you listening there for?” 
As you make small talk with Woojin, you notice Jihoon getting crankier by the minute.
First you insult him, then you ignore him completely as if nothing happened? 
“See ya later boys, don’t break anymore girls’ hearts”
And you left the pair with a blinding smile, flicking you hair behind your shoulder as you headed off to your next lecture (playing it cool, make them forget you just tripped over)
“Who was that?”
“Oh, that’s Y/N, I went to high school with them.”
Jihoon nods, deep in thought “…she’s pretty.”
Over time, you didn’t really have that many interactions with Jihoon
you’d still admire his good looks from afar in your lectures,
and your crush on him was still the same
but it didn’t really affect you that much that he didn’t spare a glance your way so you just kept living your life peacefully
or so you thought
Jihoon pestered Woojin about you, and how you two knew each other
poor poor woojin
Jihoon also hadn’t been going to all the lectures recently, and you were kinda like oh well, guess i don’t have any excuse to be distracted in lectures anymore
then one day it was time. 
time for good ol’ group projects woopdedooo…the true cupid but also kills friendships lmao
so far you’ve had good group project experiences so you’re excited to see the new faces you’ll be working with for the next few weeks
“Squish over will you?”
that is, until you look up and see that Jihoon has come over and is standing next to the table you’re at
“eh? Wink boy, what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean? I’m in this group too.”
Everyone in the group was stoked that Jihoon was in their group because he always had some of the highest grades in the class and whenever he was in a group, they always got super good marks.
Like the lecturers and markers always love Jihoon and will give him good marks for his presentations 
and you knew he was capable, because you had been talking to a freshman called Lai Kuanlin who was getting tutored by Jihoon
But for some reason, you were struggling to believe it all now because for the past 3 meet ups, Jihoon’s sole focus had been on his phone
Usually you’d have the meetings at Jihoon’s dorm, because it was on the uni campus and that meant he wouldn’t have much of an excuse not to be there
But just the fact he never contributed any thoughts or ideas was starting to get on your nerves
The epitome of the “I’ll let you guys do all the work” member of the group
Everyone was too wary or polite to say anything but you could tell it was starting to get tense
One day after a meeting you tapped his arm as he slung his backpack over his shoulder
“Jihoon, can I talk to you for a sec?”
“What is it?”
“Is there something going on? You barely say 3 sentences in each meeting we have for this project…”
He opens his mouth to say something, and you wait for a response but he stays quiet
You can tell he’s hiding something but it’s not like he’s going to tell you his secrets anytime soon, so you just shrug and sigh
“Look, I know we didn’t exactly get off on the right foot, but can you at least put some effort into the project for the others? I don’t think it’s fair that everyone else is trying so hard and you’ve done nothing”
You head towards the door, but Jihoon grabs your arm
“make sure you send all the stuff you’ve done to me by tomorrow otherwise we’re all going to fail, and i’m not letting that happen”
Jihoon just nods at you and you look into his eyes, trying to decipher what’s going on in his head
“You know you can talk to me right? I’m not going to judge you.”
“I…I’m…never mind”
You didn’t want to push further so you just nodded and headed off home leaving Jihoon in a daze. There weren’t many people he had met at college who genuinely cared about people like you did.
However, even though you were holding back as much as possible, you had been delegated the role of putting everyones work together and submitting it
So when it was the day before the deadline, and Jihoon still hadn’t sent his work through to you….
you just snapped, storming over to his dormitory and knocking roughly on the door
“Jihoon, open up! It’s Y/N”
Standing outside for another couple of minutes you figured that he must not have been home and you were about to head off when you saw him round the corner 
“Y/N? what are you doing here?”
“The project? You haven’t sent me your things yet, and you havent been replying to any of my messages”
“You sent me messages?” He took his phone out of his pocket, gulping nervously when he saw the list of missed calls and unread texts.
“Look I can explain, do you want to come in first?”
He opened the door to his dorm and ushered you inside, before you can answer
“Last month, I was scouted by a company to become an idol….”
Recently, he had been training non-stop, which explained why you hadn’t been seeing him in all your lectures like usual
He’d get home late, have no time to work on anything or relax
And the company trainee contract meant that he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about his training and he still had to attend as much college as possible
As Jihoon explained his situation, you saw the exhaustion on his face and how genuine he was explaining himself
You sat down next to him, getting your laptop out of your bag
“Well, it’s called a group project for a reason, I can give you a hand”
“No, it’s fine really, I’ll get my part done and send i through to you ASAP, you can go.”
“And risk you falling asleep halfway through and not meeting the deadline, no way.”
You end up working all the way through the evening, stopping briefly to wander to the kitchen to make some coffee
Woojin was there making something to eat and he looked up at you in surprise
“Y/N? What are you doing here?”
“Oh I’m working on the group project with Jihoon, we’re a bit behind schedule”
Woojin looked disappointed, “Is that all? Jihoon hasn’t told you anything…interesting?”
You raise an eyebrow in confusion, “interesting? Oh you mean how he’s a trainee?”
“Yea-! wait no! He told you that he’s a trainee?” 
“Yeah, it explains why he hasn’t been at lectures”
“Ah never mind that, there was something else he’s been wanting to ask you!” Woojin giggles, “Jihoon’s a good guy, just give him a chance alright.”
“A chance for what?”
“I said too much, never mind” 
You shake your head, not too sure what Woojin was going on about, but you took the two coffees and headed back to Jihoon’s room
Closing the door behind you were about to ask Jihoon to decipher what Woojin had just said when you noticed him fast asleep at his desk
Setting down the coffee gently on a coaster you sighed.
This was probably the first time he slept in a while judging by his under eye bags
You walked slowly to his bed, and grabbed the fluffy blanket, placing it over him
You took in his appearance as you stood looking over him
He looked so relaxed when he was asleep, so different to the cold stare he had given that girl who confessed to him during your first encounter
His eyelashes are long and they flutter gently whenever he inhales, his body rising and falling steadily with each breath
You tear your eyes away from him and back to your laptop screen, trying to snap yourself out of the daze, you have to finish this project by tonight
It’s only moments later when you realise that you’ve also drifted off into a slumber
The feeling of something soft is over your shoulders, and you realise the blanket has moved from its owner and is now covering you
It smells like Jihoon though and you find yourself closing your eyes again relaxing in the warmth
—Wait. You fell asleep? 
Your eyes flicker open just in time to see Jihoon printing out sheets of paper and stapling everything together
You glance at the clock and you swear your eyes are playing tricks on you when it reads 3AM
“When did I fall asleep??”
Jihoon is startled by your voice, causing him to drop the stapler he was holding
Both of you reach down to grab it, bumping heads at the same time
You both pull back rubbing your heads in pain, before looking at each other and bursting out into giggles
He looked at the clock, “You probably fell asleep a couple of hours ago, I finished the rest of it and printed everything out so don’t worry. It’s really late though so I should’ve woken you up earlier, I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, “It’s my fault! I shouldn’t have fallen asleep. But seeing as you’ve finished everything, I should probably head home now.”
“W-wait! Let me walk you home at least”
You were taken aback, but it was late, so you figured better be safe than sorry.
You only realised how cold it had gotten as you stepped outside and the air hit you
You shivered slightly, your cardigan wasn’t doing a great job at keeping you warm
Jihoon looked over at you as you walked together, noticing that your teeth were chattering
He reached into his pocket, and handed you his handwarmer
“Take it.”
You look at him in surprise, “Oh I’m fine really, we’re nearly at my place anyway.
“Just take it.” He places the handwarmer gently but firmly into the palm of your hand
The dim street lights make it hard to tell but you swear can see faint traces of a blush on Jihoon’s face
“Y/N, your hands are freezing?!”
You shrug, “it’s just bad circulation, i’ll be fine with the handwarmer, thank you”
Jihoon shakes his head in concern before grabbing both your hands in his
His hands are warm and soft against yours and you blush at the close proximity
He brings your hands up to his face and slowly breathes onto them, the warm air hitting them
It’s a sweet gesture and you’re getting even more flustered because who wouldn’t want their longtime crush to do something like this
You tried to divert your attention to something else, so you started up another conversation
“Oh, so Woojin was telling me that you had something interesting to tell me?”  
“Oh um.” Jihoon lets go of your hands and scratches the back of his head awkwardly
You’re a bit sad at the sudden lack of warmth of his hands round yours but you just ignore the feeling
“Must be something juicy, what is it? Do you like someone?”
Jihoon’s eyes widen, and you realise you hit the nail on the head.
Your heart sinks a bit but you force a smile on your face, “ah how sweet, what are they like?”
He takes a deep breath, eyes practically glazing over as he speaks, “she’s beautiful, and kind and has the most breathtaking smile…”
You nod silently, glad that your house is literally only a few more steps away
“and also..well…you’d probably know better than me.” Jihoon stops walking, making you pause mid step. 
“Uh….hmmm, is it Sohyun? oh, wait, what about Jaehee? Am I right? Yes? No?”
He’s looking directly at you, his stare burning straight through you. “You really have no idea who I’m talking about….”
You’re literally so confused, trying to think of everyone in your class.
“For someone as bright as you, you’re quite slow on the uptake aren’t you?”
Next thing you know, Jihoon has reached over to you and pulled you to him
His lips are sweet on yours and your mind is racing as his arms embrace you gently
You can feel his heart hammering quickly against his chest under your palm and you can feel your own heartbeat pounding in your ears
When you pull apart, both of you are too shy to make eyecontact and you splutter out a goodnight
you reach up and give him a quick peck on the cheek before zooming inside your house, immediately resting against the door as soon as it closes behind you
A few minutes later your phone chimes and you pick it up tentatively
It’s a text from Jihoon. 
From: Park Winkboy:Hope you sleep well tonight and I’ll see you in the morning. Thanks for helping me out with the project.
You smile gently, and you’re texting a reply when your phone chimes again
From: Park Winkboy:P.S. I really like you 
i can totally picture college Jihoon embracing his dorm!jihoon self and going full tsundere mode lol - This is so long tho omfg when did i become winkboy trash.  
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 years
Donghyun X Reader
Summary:Sometimes, love isn’t always on time. It takes a little longer before it happens.
Please don’t read if you’re innocent, this is smut and mature content, please read other works if you like my fanfiction but, don’t read the smut. Just this is for mature readers and/or over 18 readers.
Prompt: 17. Snow day? You know that means another day for you and me. Single Dad Au (I’ve seen this one so often it just makes me so happy) My best friend is a single parent, his girl friend at the time when she had the kids. Decided that she didn’t want them, walked out on him soon after. He was so crushed, he loved his kids with the epitome of mollycoddling . He was so protective of the two twins. The boys are so adorable, the minute I heard–being as I had to find out from his ex–that she had left him for dead to care for these kids. I immediately pitched in, so worried for him. He was worried that he might end up snapping their necks by holding them wrong. I was a babysitter when we were younger, so I knew how to care for little babies. I taught him everything I knew, I pitched in money as well. As much as I could, without having my bills and landlord coming after me. The first time, he feed them real chewable food when they were one and a half. He was so nervous, and I got it on a Polaroid so his kids when they got older could look at the baby book that I was throughly working on every day for him–I bought it for him as a gift–who would expected that I’d have to fill it out. He ended up just asking me to live with him so we could take care of them together more efficiently Who am I to say no to not having to pay one more bill. It was more money I could pitch in to raise his twin baby boys. The hardest part was when they came home from their first day of Kindergarten we both took of the day. I’ll be honest I did shed a few tears, but this one over here was a mess. Like a mom that lost his kid to the war, I mean he’s not wrong Kindergarten is war. Well for me the one who started food fights and ended up tripping over this poor excuse I have for a best friend. We came quick friends after that. Back to the point, when they came home his son, ‘Dae-young’ asked the more talkative of the two, “Is (Y/n) our omma?” We looked at each other for a good minute not expecting him to have said that. As his brother ‘Jae-young’ came up to me and sat on my lap like always. And I could just see the gears practically grind in his head. And he answers with a question, “Why would you ask?” “Because last week our teacher was talking about us telling about our parents. And this week we’d have to tell about our appa and omma.” Jae-young answers swiftly. I look over scanning Donghyun to help him answer. And I decide, “If you really need to talk about someone use me as your omma, okay?” They both nod their pretty little heads. I look over at Donghyun and he gives me a sweet sincere smile. If we weren’t busy with this race against time to make sure these kids end up okay. I would date him, I have felt this spark for him since we were younger. The reason I noticed it was when we wend over to a party when we were 6th graders and acted like we were all cool since we had friends in 7th grade that were throwing a party. We ended up playing truth or dare and he was dared to kiss me. Both of our first kisses gone just like that. I wouldn’t have changed it. Yes, the way I coped with my feelings was date other guys and as did he with other girls. And yes, sloppy seconds exist and I’ll be a liar if I didn’t go out with a chick he went out with, as he went out with a guy I went out with as well. I would have loved or given anything for us to have ended up together. But he thought this girl who had these two twins was the one. And wanted to marry her and everything, I was on my way of moving on. Well, not all the way, he is still my best friend we were going to have our movie talks. Since his girlfriend and I, didn’t actually despise each other like it usually happens if the guy has a girl best friend. No, actually we got along quite well with each other. When she had left him she told me, she told me that she’d be heading away as well. And she wishes me well and him. She just can’t see herself ever raising kids that it hurt so much that she had to have them, she didn’t want to go through that again and she was heading to Britain, to attain a new path. When she left, I was still in a state of shock, that would be the last time I’d ever see her or hug her. And I went to Donghyun’s house to see him in despair but fervently trying to change Dae-young’s diapers without crying. That was the day I went out an bought him the baby book to remind him to always be happy for these little ones, it will mean a lot to them when they get older. I finally snap back into reality when I feel little hands on my shirt tugging at it, I look down to see Dae-young trying to get my attention, and he says, “Will you read us a bedtime story, (Y/n)?” I nod and pick up this little bundle of joy as Donghyun does to Jae-young and he spins him around. And I shake him around and kiss Dae-young’s head knowing he doesn’t like to be spun around like that. Rather in fact, he quite despises it he’d rather be cuddled with, I get that. We put them in their room, I tuck in Dae-young as Donghyun tuck in Jae-young. I sit in the chair as Donghyun sits on the floor. Acting as a kid ready to sleep, my luck he falls asleep and I’ll have to carry him to his room. I start telling the three of them about a heroic prince who the ladies swooned for, how he was fearless, bold, and not afraid of anything. Well except for his love the princess, he was afraid of her the most beautiful, kindest, and if you don’t shut your mouth Donghyun you’ll never get to know her last quality. Which is cunning she wasn’t afraid to battle and rather she was quite good at it, she would strike you like you were a monster. And that’s what he was afraid of. So the day he worked up the courage to finally tell her, she major shocker rejected him. He was devastated, his buddy Romeo decided to go after her and actually won her over. They battled but he gave up and moved on to another, a little more worried about the impending future. He asked her after three months of courting her, and unlike the princess before that wasn’t really worth his time that much. The sweeter, yet daring, and funny princess said, yes. When she did he couldn’t believe it and it was long before they had a marriage, they got married five weeks later, and were busy figuring out how to rule the land under fair rule where no citizen was above one another, they were all equal and had the same rights. It was then, I realized they all were snoring I was so deviled in the story I barely noticed, I didn’t even get to finish I was going to tell a battle of a dragon but these boys feel asleep. I kiss Jae-Young’s forehead then Dae-young’s for the second time tonight. My luck he did actually fall asleep, when I moved over to him. I picked him up with a huff and a scowl. He ends up doing this every time. I open the door and quietly close it behind the two of us. I take him to his room and set him on the bed and he reached and I pulled his stuffy that he wouldn’t admit to anyone but me, he still sleeps with it and needs it. I give it to him and I kiss his forehead after tucking him into the blankets. He curls up into a ball and starts sleeping. Man child, oh well. Least he isn’t that bad for one. I get to my room and start editing a story I tirelessly right. Even though I’m a professional writer doesn’t mean I have a schedule just when ever I feel creativity. I start throwing the story together my dead line for this story is really soon. And it seems like I have a pretty good plot so, I’ll just throw in a sprinkle of comedy a dash of conflict and a barrel full of monkeys. Cute thing is, everyone thinks I’m joking about that barrel full of monkeys, no that is the main story. Haven’t you ever wondered what happens a barrel full of monkeys, much more of a young adult read, then a child or an adult read. I finish chapter three in under an hour typing away, three chapters done. 27 to go tomorrow, I’m so not ready. Yes, I was talking about the deadline being tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. sharp. Woot woot, my hands are going to turn black and wish I wasn’t a writer. And yes, I luckily don’t have work tomorrow, that job at the cafe is about as good as this writing gig, not getting me anywhere least I found a place that will publish me. I fall asleep as comfortable as baby, even though I had that inner thought of how am I going to write that many chapters in so little time. Just like I always have and will done. Finish it with three minutes and seven seconds to spare. Submit and everyone gets off your case for another five months. Giving an idea or a pitch as they like to call it and throwing it at you and you figuring out what to write about. I wake up to see Donghyun in my face grinning and said, “I made you breakfast! I know you procrastinated and have a long a day a head of you, I got the kids under control today, leave it to me!” “Thank you so much, Donghyunnie! I’ll promise after I finish up the book we can have our all-nighter like we usually do.” “Really!?” “Yes, really! Now, go take your kids to school you rascal!” He laughs and places the tray of food on me, I eat the toast up rather quickly and start working on the book. I eat the bacon on the plate as I tediously finish up chapter seven, seems like plot a went out the door and plot j decided to take over all of the other plots and run this thing like a circus. Funny, right? Barrel full of monkeys a circus, okay my humor sucks. Give me credit here, I’m working on a young adult book. I hear the door open and close from downstairs, he’s home later than usual. I’m not going to question it like I usually would except for days like today, where I’m a little shit that procrastinates like no other and is typing a mile a minute. And oh my god Gerald did you really have to mess up your beautiful gorgeous face by slipping in the mud you ask, yes yes I did. It was necessary to the plot, actually no it wasn’t it was just filler as fuck. I hear someone knock on the door and I tell them to come in, not calmly at all I’m ranting throughout the whole book on monkeys and things that wouldn’t make since in a normal story but it does since it’s a barrel full of monkeys. I see Donghyun and he sits down in front of my feet and lays right there. No questions asked just lays there. And I roll my eyes as I finish up chapter nine. I start typing faster I want to finish this and an idea just came out of nowhere, and it’s looks really good so far. It’s 4:00 p.m. the time he has to go and bring home the kids, has he moved all day. No, did he want to move, no. They had a longer day at the kindergarden because they were doing an assembly today I remember being told that from a mother that was talking frantically to another mother. So instead of a half day, it’s a full day. By the time they got back I was on the last chapter. And instead of being really close to the deadline I actually had it done. When my computer crashes, let me just praise jesus for a minute when I realized I typed that on a google doc and everything was saved instantly. I got back on and I found it was still all there, I submitted it to the boss my publisher. I went downstairs and giddily made cookies for everyone. Knowing the affliction everyone has for my peanut butter cookies. (Sorry if your allergic but they are the bom.com)
About a week later the school system calls my phone I was added in case of emergencies. And they told me, “Your son, Dae-young got into a fight and your husband isn’t answering would you mind coming down here.” I didn’t want to break to them that I actually wasn’t the mother of the two or I wasn’t married to Donghyun actually that was a secret fantasy of mine that I couldn’t bare to bring alive to anyone. So when the accidently called me that I didn’t mind, quite the opposite I actually was fond of it. Till the actually weight of the situation laid on me. Dae-young the quiet yet brave, shy and sweet. Got into a fight I would believe it if it was Jae-young he and I tussle all the time. We rough house together like no tomorrow. But, Dae-dae. Are we talking about the same person? I don’t believe we are. I throw on my sweater and walk to the school, Donghyun didn’t live that far away. And when I get in Dae runs over and hugs me, I pick him up. And I ask the principal did he start the fight. And she says, “No, but he still is suspended, misconduct like this is appreciated, Mrs. Kim” “Actually for your information he was standing up for himself, this isn’t misconduct. If he was trying to make sure he didn’t the shit beaten out of him. Let me guess your prize student here was bullying Dae-dae. And he stood up for himself instead of taking it like he should. And you’re pissy about that?!” “MRS. KIM!” “At-at. I’m not someone you can yell at, I’m not a kid. Actually, if you remember correctly I’m older than you. I’m your unnie, and aren’t dongsaeng supposed to respect their elders.” “Mrs. Kim! You know I have fair right to speak about this issue!” “Oh is she mad because she used to bully me and then when I knocked her out into next week, on accident I assure you. Now when my kid gets into a schrmidge you’re upset because it’s exactly like your case. That bullies never win.” “You know that isn’t the point I’m making–” “He’ll take the suspension, good day, Mrs. Becaubachi.” (I came up with that at 10:25 I’m keeping it, oh well). And without another word I turn my heel slam the glass door and I’m out. I kiss Dae’s head and he starts pouring down crying and I get into the car and I start telling him, since he didn’t start the fight I don’t blame him. I never thought I’d see you’d get into a fight.“ And he tells me that he was so scared. And that he gave the kid a good black eye. So I decided to get ice cream to not honor that he beat the shit out of a kid, no never. Well, maybe. No to honor that he stood up for himself when he was getting pushed around and I’m so proud of him. We were sitting eating ice cream and he asks, “She was calling you Mrs. Kim. I thought your last name was, (L/n). Did you marry?” “No she was being an insolent fool.” “Appa has the same name is that what she was confusing it for?” “Yeah I would guess.” “Would you ever date, Appa?” “If you can keep a secret.” He nods his head and in that instant I forgot he is only six and will tell the instant it’s brought up. “I would love to, only if he liked me.” “What if, Appa did?” “Then I’d happily date your Appa.” “Would it be okay for me to call Omma?” “Full of questions as ever. You can, I don’t really care. My friends used to call me 'Appa’ all the time when we were younger, cause I’m the appa-like friend. They used to call your dad, 'Omma’ because he acts much more like a Eomma than an Appa. And it’s better if your Appa doesn’t know you go suspended. He wouldn’t like that very much.” “Really? That’s so cool. Were you the Appa/Omma team? And why would he care?” “Yes, we were the parent team. Because he doesn’t want the idea of his babies getting hurt in his mind. And he’d blow a gasket. Can you fake sick for me, the next two days. Does Jae know why you left?” “No. He was at recess.” “Don’t tell him, he’ll tell dad. As much as I love the kid he’s sort of a blabber mouth.” “I promise, Omma.” I grin, for the first time ever I was truly called Omma by someone I considered to be my own kid. I kiss his forehead and we sit on tailgate of my truck and I lean back and we start pointing out shapes of clouds.
It was about two months later, at conferences that Donghyun forced me to go because he didn’t want to be alone. And I told him I feel like I’m the one being scolded rather than our kids. When, they started talking about how they can’t believe how innocent little, Dae-young fought with a kid. That’s when Donghyun’s head nearly spun 180 degrees. I’ve gotten into pretty messy fights with him. But once his kids were put asleep. We went downstairs, like usual just to play video games. When I got down the stairs he closed the door and starts bitching about how I didn’t tell him about Dae-young being suspended 3 days. “Well, maybe I would have told you if I knew you wouldn’t act like this. You’d take it out on Dae-young. I could care less if you yell at me about it, but if you say one thing to Dae-young about it. I’ll have you on the floor with a broken nose faster than you can say, 'pudding’. And if I knew you would have accepted that he got suspended for self-defense I would have told you sooner. But I knew the minute it was brought up you’d act like this.” “Well how do you want me to act!? Act like it’s fine? That my son didn’t give another kid two black eyes over what?!?” “I’ll have you know, he was getting beat up, the kid acted on his own and he stood up for himself. Like I taught him, if someone throws a punch at you. You hit them twice as hard.” “What the fuck are you teaching my kids?!!! I thought we were on the same side, (Y/n)!” “What do you mean what am I teach your kids, I’m teaching them life lessons that you obviously won’t bestow upon them. I thought that too! You think you’re the only one this is affecting? If Dae-young were to hear you right now, you know he’d be crying because he knows he messed up. And it won’t make his appa proud. That’s why I didn’t tell you. Because he really is afraid of fucking up, and you’ll leave. He knows what his mother did, so he doesn’t want you to do the same. He wants you to be proud of him. And if that meant me lying to you, my best friend. I would do anything to make sure that he wasn’t terrified of this.” “(Y/n)!!! You don’t get a word I’m saying do you?!? You don’t get that my son, MY SON, shouldn’t be getting involved in fights at all!” “Oh really? Look what your doing right now, I wonder where he would get the idea of fighting from, you. So you want YOUR SON that YOU OBVIOUSLY ONLY RAISED! To come home with a bloody nose, a broken arm, and a broken wrist because he didn’t stand up for himself?!” “That’s not what I’m saying” “Sure as hell sounds like it. And if you don’t remember, I ended up in a fight like he did. And I was the one with a bloody nose, a broken arm, and a broken wrist. The next time she fought with me I broke her jaw. Because I was tired of it, I’m glad YOUR SON stood up for himself instead of being like his father a damn coward. It seems like your proving to be. I thought I helped raised YOUR SON, it seems not. Good luck raising him and his twin by yourself, Donghyun. If you can’t be proud of your son, that he stood up for himself, then you can’t be my best friend, my love of my life.” I say without meaning to. I take my jacket, my purse, wallet, phone, a pair of shoes and sprint out of the place. I can’t believe this.
It was four days later when I heard a call I was living at my parents, I can’t believe after all these years I’d end up back here. I answer the phone not even caring who it was, “Hi, Omma this is Dae-Dae. I stole Appa’s phone quickly. I was wondering why you’re not here anymore, Jae-Jae and I miss your stories. Please come back home we miss you so much.” “Aw, Dae-Dae I miss you, tell Jae-Jae I miss him too. But until your Appa apologizes to me, and you. I’m not coming back, he doesn’t deserve me. You two do, but he doesn’t.” “Omma… Does that mean…. Does that mean your leaving forever?” “I sure hope not. I want to come back I really do. But I think your Appa wouldn’t be so kindly to my residency if I came back. So I’ll see you hopefully soon, continue to stand up for yourself, and be that brave little Dae I know. Okay, tell that to Jae too, okay?” “O-Okay… I’ll miss you every day.” “I’ll miss you too.” When I hear the line go dead I just go into the mountains of tissues and blankets and curl up and cry. I don’t want to be without the three. But it seems Donghyun doesn’t want me there anyways.
It’s a month later after those four days. When I go downstairs to eat dinner with my folks, I mean don’t get me wrong but this is just so hard being back here. After all this time of being away, living my life. Not to extent I want it to be, but I was fine with it. There’s a knock on the door then a ring of the bell. My Appa starts singing, “Somebody’s knocking on the door, somebody’s ringing the bell. Do me a favor and let 'em in.” I laugh and go open the door. I see the face I’ve been avoiding for a month, four days, ten hours, thirteen minutes, and eleven seconds. It’s Donghyun, with a tear-stricken face. He looks at me and says, “(Y/n)–” “Nope. I can’t do this.” I run off to my room delve into my sheets of comfort and go into a cocoon. I could have done that completely different. But when you miss someone to point of aching you can’t face them it hurts too much. I hear a soft knock on my door and it’s my Omma and she says, “Will you talk to, Donghyun. I know how much you are mad at him right now. But listen to him for a minute. And if it displeases you, I can send him out the door.” I growl through my pillow. I get up, and I slowly open the door and my Omma pulls me into a hug kisses my forehead and encouragingly moves me to the living room. I see a bouquet of (f/f), I shake my head. That won’t win me over if he thinks that. He looks down and then looks me dead in the eye as I sit as far as away as I can on the couch. And he says, “I know sorry isn’t enough. So–” “Let me stop you right there. You’re right apology isn’t enough. And as much respect as I have for my parents I hope the excuse these being as I’m an adult. It better be a damn good apology or you can walk out that fucking door, and don’t let the door hit you where mother nature split you, Donghyun.” I say with so much venom I could be a poisonous snake. “(Y/n), I wasn’t at all right for what I said to you. You helped raise my kids as much as I did. And sometimes more than I could ever. And for me to yell at you like you were an insolent child, that deserved to be scolded. Was wrong, I know. I’m so thankful for you to teach the twins self-defense. And when I found out that my kid was afraid this situation happening. And they both had separation anxiety to the nth degree. And at first I was so mad that I didn’t care about it, I didn’t realize how much I hurt you or them. That I was being a rotten father, that I was being a rotten person in general. And when I start thinking so hard about how much I missed you, how much I didn’t want to fight with you. That I realized how much I ruined my chances of ever asking you out to be my girlfriend.” “You got that right, you ruined that by a long shot.” “I figured, I’m not asking for you to move back in for me, even though it is a bonus. It’s just the twins miss you so much. And they will refuse to talk to me if I don’t bring you back, the made a blood pact and everything on a paper. Written by both of them. So please, will you please come back.” “So you don’t have to deal with a quiet life-style. Oh how miserable that would be. No offense appa and omma. But how do you think I felt the minute I walked out that door and moved back into my parent’s house. How awful I felt that I wasn’t up to your standards. That it was basically like living in a void with out two cheerful little ones to brighten up my day. I think you deserve to go back home by yourself just because of that.” “Please, I’m begging you, (Y/n)….” “You know if you would have given me an apology a lot sooner, I would have maybe accepted it, but I think you missed your time slot. Got to wait to punch in again, it won’t be for a while. So if you don’t mind me, I’ll be in my room.” I get up from the couch, and to make my point when I got up and into my room, I slam my door as loudly as possible. I wonder if I was too hard on him, as I slide down the door crying. I wonder how many calories you could lose from this, because it seems I’m a professional at this.
I go to sleep after a while and wake up go downstairs to have breakfast with my parents before Appa goes to work. I get downstairs to see Donghyun sitting at the dinner table, and I look at him with the hardest of glares abruptly set my food on the table with my coffee. Eat breakfast and drink the coffee, wish my appa a good at work and go back up to my room without hearing, “Go run after her, if you really do care for her, then do it.” There’s no point of locking the door, I know my parents to well. They would give him a key if they really needed too. Would it be acceptable to jump out this second story window? Maybe? I would be fine with it. I hear the door softly click open I scowl at the presence. And he sits next to me and I move away as far as I can away from him and he opens his mouth and tells me, “I know how much you hate me right now, but can you think of the twins, for one second?” “Would you think for a second that wasn’t the thing that was torturing me in the back of my mind. Not knowing, how it was happening, knowing how much separation anxiety Dae-Dae has, and I had to leave him? You know how much that tore me to absolute pieces? No you don’t.” “Actually I do. It tore me up to pieces because you weren’t there. I had no one to ask how to deal with this situation. How to help Dae-Dae cope with you gone, when I couldn’t even cope with you being gone. How much it hurt me that the love of my life left me, because of me.” “Wh-what?” I ask as my tears start flowing, he’s seen me cry many a time before. But this is a different case, it was because of him I still was trying to understand it. He gets down on his knees and says, “I would never beg for forgiveness from anyone else, but you. (Y/n), please if not for me, then for OUR kids, for little Jae-Jae and Dae-Dae. They miss you so much as do I, please come back home. I don’t think the three of us can be alone. I realized just how hard it is with out you there. How wrong of me it was when I got mad at you for teaching OUR kids something useful, and if you please, please just accept this apology. I’ll do anything. Except for leave without you, I need you in my life. More than you would ever realize, the kids need you so much as well. They miss you every day as much as I have, and guilt tripped me for the past month and now five days in the twelve hour and 50 seconds. I love you, so much. And this hurts so much to be without you for this long, it hurt the minute you left as bad as it does right now. It feels as though a piece of me is missing. Please, please-” “Stop right there. I accept your apology. You-You love me? Wait–Hold the line…. (LOVE ISN’T ALWAYS ON TIME– I’ll stop I get it, I’ll stop).” “Actually I was planning before you left asking you to marry me, figuring we could just skip the part where we were dating. Because we know each other so well… That we had friend dates that meant more to me than you would ever believe, I imagined each time even when I was with my ex. I realized how much I wanted you. How wrong I was for wanting you and picturing it was you every time we laid in bed together. How much I realized I was mistake, when she ended up with my kids. I lost all sight that you were even my ideal. I forgot you existed, and I saw her for the very first time. I cared for her so much. When she left me, I was so devastated because I finally moved on and she didn’t want me in the end. And then my inner self thought of you, and I was wallowing in my tears so sad without you. And when you came over, I wasn’t only crying that I’d have to care for them myself. I was crying because I thought I lost you. And this time I really lost you. When we started going on our best friend dates again I realized how much I truly loved you. How much they meant to me, I imaged myself each time before we ended the date I’d confess or move across from you and lean in and just kiss you. But no, I never did. And I wanted to so bad. And when you said you I was the love of you life it cut deeper, because I realized I wasn’t the only one that was at a loss here, when you left. I’m sorry, this is probably a lot.” “Wait… You were going to ask me to marry you?” I say in utter disbelief, this is the same guy right? “And you pictured me each time? Except for when she was carrying the twins? You wanted to kiss or confess each time to your feelings each time we had the best friend dates as much as I did? Wait you must be kidding me. And you’re right you weren’t the only one suffering from leaving. It hurt me so much not be able to call you up and ask what do I do, when I have a fight with you. How do I even approach the situation. I may be a writer but I could have never written our life out like this.” “Yeah… I know we just finally made up. But I can’t live a single day without you ever again. You’re my Earth, you’re my son, you’re my stars, you’re my Moon, I love everything about you. It might have taken me long to do this, not even what we proclaim liquid courage could help me gain enough courage to ask you this. So from the bottom depths of my deepest sorrows to the highest hope above my head. Would you do me the honors of being my one and only. My jagiya, my wife, my best friend, my pearl that is completely polished, to my oyster bed, still looking for a pearl to hold. Would you be that pearl?” He had shift the first start of that proclamation of love to his one knee. With a ring that was gorgeous in his hand held out to me. a pearl about the size of of a rock, just smoothed out with diamonds surrounding the ring, the ring silver. And I can’t believe just said that to me and I tell him, “Get up, come over here and kiss me will you.” He looks at me with a grin, he gets up, and slips the ring onto my finger. Wow, that’s actually heavy… Jeez. He kisses me affectionally his hands on my cheeks holding me there, as I encircle my arms around his waist. “I love you” I tell him once our first real kiss takes place. And he gives the biggest grin and he says, “Would you please come back home with me?” “I would never not” He grins and picks me up, and my parents were busy filming this, I had yet to realize that in the heat of the moment. They tell us to get out of here you crazy kids. And live happily and invite them to the wedding. If that is one of the first things they play on our dvd, it’s baby pictures. (I think you all are wondering when that prompt will come in, well get ready).
Its was 3 months after that we were happily married, the twins were high fiving that we finally got together. And then Jae-Jae started asking when he’d get a little sibling or three. He really want little siblings like no other kid in the world. I laughed as well as Donghyun. Dae-Dae was the ring barer, and Jae-Jae was the best man.
We had our first Christmas together, for the first time when the kids entered 1st grade. We were in amidst of arguing during that period of not being together. And if I had to say how much fun that was, it really freaking was.
If I’m being all honest, Donghyun and I still haven’t had sex. Not that I’m complaining we never get time with these two all the time, and we hardly getting a day off. Except for when snow storms hit. And it’s broadcasted that’ll happen the 2nd the day our kids are supposed to go to school. Jae-Jae and Dae-Dae already planned how they were going to spend it. They were gonna have us take them to the hill and they’d meet up with there friends. And its not like its a bad snow storm it’s just going to be enough to leave four feet of snow. Thank god I’m friends with the people in the neighborhood, Si-yeon is the watcher of all of our children. She never had any herself even though she wanted some. So when parents want a day off she takes care of them and has everyone’s number memorized, that moves her. And planned to make this snow day eventful for the kids. The kind sweet heart. Dae-Dae asks me to make sure he stayed awake through the new year. And I did so Jae-Jae fell asleep before 8 O'clock even hit. Dae-Dae stayed up through it surprisingly him and Jae-Jae usually have the same sleep clock. And he cheered like the little kid he is. And so did we, to join in on the fun. We kissed when the clock rang in the new year. And Dae-Dae cheered. He like I was, wasn’t the kid to be grossed out when someone kissed. Although, Jae-Jae is, oh he really truly is. He starts yelling about how icky it is. Dae-Dae falls asleep soon after, and I pick him up and Donghyun picks Jae-Jae up and we tuck them into there bed laying a kiss on there head and switching to do the same to the other. Donghyun picks me up and kisses my neck. “What’s a better way to celebrate the new year than with you?” “Um… With food and drinks?” He laughs at that and shakes his head. And it looks like a light bulb broke itself over his head and gave him an idea and he says, “I have an idea~” “What~” I ask as I close the door silently not to wake them. “You know how the twins are deep sleepers and we’ve tested this theory before right?” “Yeah, where are you going with this?” “I was think you and me, for a way to celebrate the coming of the new year, we could cum as well.” “You really had to make that joke?” “Yes, but you up to it?” “I don’t know Big Ben isn’t. He hasn’t rang in a while” He looks at me with a shake of his head, a thin lipped smile and says, “I guess I had that coming to me.” "Funny how you say that” He shakes his head again and I laugh. He picks me up by my thighs and pushes me against the window that was in our bedroom that we had made our way into. And he grinds into me, letting out a few muffled groans into my sweater. I let out a soft moan. I feel him pull at my leggings and I feel him rip them open. I gasp at the sensation, not expecting him to do that. And he rubs his rough fabric over my lacy underwear that I was wearing because I was to lazy to do the laundry this week. So I was on my last pairs of my panties, and oh my god do they have to be so thin. And that feels so good against my clit. That course feeling of jeans and I feel him move his hand yet again and he unzips and unbuttons his jeans, lets them fall to his ankles and kicks them off. He whispers in my ear, “I hate for this to be a quickie, but if I wait any longer without me buried inside of you…” “I understand and if you wait any longer I’m going to slap you.” He grins at me and I feel him rip my panties, he better be buying me new leggings and panties for that. As i gasp at the sensation of how cold the room was against my wet entrance as he slips two fingers into my entrance and he says, “Jagiya you’re already this wet for me?” “Yeah, you caused it you better fix it.” He smirks at me and take his fingers out of me and licks them off. And he slips into me and I let out a deep as does he into each other’s shoulders. He pulls my sweater off my one shoulder his face was buried in with his free hand, and starts kissing along my shoulder. And nibbles on a spot and starts sucking on the spot. I buck my hips against his, wanting and craving for him to move inside of me. He complies as he gives me a hickey and starts pounding me against the window. He moves us from the window and throws us on the bed and starts pounding into me like a mad man, and I’m letting out moans louder than I should, so I to muffle them, kiss him deeply, my legs wrapping around him tightly encouraging him to go deeper into me. And he goes all the way to the hilt, and I moan out loudly against his lips, that luckily muffled it. The twins are pretty deep sleepers but not to the point of where they don’t wake up at all. He breaks the kiss for a second to allow us to catch our breaths when he picks up his pace and starts slamming into my hips harder, if I don’t have bruises on my poor hips, I will be surprised. I feel my end coming, and before I can even reach my clit to get me off quicker he already moved his hand thumb to start rubbing over it. And I feel him twitch inside of me, I guess he was meeting his end as well. And I my walls clench around his cock and he kisses me and we both moan into the kiss, cuming at the same time. Surprisingly he rides out our high as my thighs spasm around him. He slowly pulls out and pulls me into him and kisses my forehead. And then he reminds me, “Snow day? You know that means another day for you and me.” I grin and say, “Definitely, but let’s rest for now, alright?” He nods and we fall asleep from our intercourse, and I couldn’t be happier. ((I was really content on how this ended, I hope you guys throughly enjoyed this as much as I did) I think this may have been longer than Chanyeol’s).
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a-mellowtea · 6 years
Never Meant To Be
Characters: Pyrrha Nikos (+ Thea Nikos) Summary: Pyrrha may have been Mistral’s prodigal daughter, but her heart lay solely in her destiny as a Huntress, wherever it might take her.
‘The Invincible Girl’. 
‘Prodigal Huntress’. 
‘Warrior of her generation’.
Pyrrha Nikos had been called these things, and more in the past few years of her training at Mistral’s Sanctum Academy. None of them by choice, but all accepted with a great deal of humility and gratitude. She was a brilliant young woman; brave, and strong, and kind to a fault. Many saw the shining star as the very model of what the aspiring Huntsmen and Huntresses of Remnant should strive to be.
So, when Pyrrha finally mustered the courage to round the corner and step onto the creaking floorboards of her kitchen, she rightly hated how timid her voice sounded to her own ears,
“Mother? Can I... talk to you?”
Thea Nikos was, by no stretch of the imagination, an old woman. Though in her late forties, time had been gentle with the aging artist. Her eyes - the color of which Pyrrha had inherited - shone with a brilliance and lust for life one would expect from someone many years her junior, despite the dusting of silver in her upswept auburn hair and the fine lines around her mouth and eyes that usually only made a prominent appearance when she smiled.
Wiping off her hands, her mother turned to her with one such smile.
“Of course,” she said. As Pyrrha settled herself at the small sunlit table, two cups of tea were poured, and within moments one was set in front of her with a barely audible thunk. Her mother eased herself into the chair opposite her, hands curling around her own steaming beverage.
“What is it, sweetheart?”
“Mother, I...” Pyrrha began, but didn’t get very far. She averted her gaze and took a slow breath, giving herself a brief few seconds to gather her thoughts. “The application deadline for Haven Academy is tomorrow.”
“Are you having second thoughts, dear?” she said, brow furrowing in what seemed like understanding. “It’s alright if you are, you know. If you’re not sure. You’re under no obligation t-”
“N-no!” Pyrrha interjected hurriedly. “No, this is what I want. I want to be a Huntress. I’ve come this far.” 
And she wasn’t about to throw it all away. Not for something this trivial. If anything, her years at Sanctum had only proved to solidify her desire to continue down her current path. It was, she firmly believed, her destiny to be a Huntress. To help the people of Remnant with the gift she had been so graciously blessed.
“I’m just...” she finished slowly, “not sure Haven is the right place for me.”
“I see. Is it something with the school, or...?”
She shook her head. The Academy was an incredible place; the Headmaster was a good man, the grounds were beautiful and peaceful, and it was undoubtedly one of, if not the, best combat schools in Remnant as far as Pyrrha was concerned. 
No, it wasn’t Haven. It was Mistral. It was her, and what the people thought of her.
Winning the Mistral Regional tournament at her age was no small feat, and a four-year streak was downright incredible. It was something Pyrrha was painfully aware of. She couldn’t go anywhere, do anything in the main Kingdom without someone recognizing her. Without pictures taken, autographs signed, questions tossed this way and that.
At first, she had tried not to let it get to her. She didn’t care for the fame - all she wanted was to challenge herself to be better. The tournament had seemed like a good way to do that at the time. The ramifications to her personal life had been small, once the fanfare of her victory had tapered off. A bit of recognition here, a ‘job well done’ or ‘are you going to enter next year?’ there. But then the second, and third, and fourth years had come about, and she had suddenly found herself very alone. Her fellow students at Sanctum distanced themselves from her. Her professors gave her special treatment. Her status had soared from celebrity to prodigy.
That was a weight she was eager to lift given the opportunity, no matter how it presented itself.
Her mother didn’t need to know that, though. Pyrrha loved her with every fiber of her soul, but the last thing she wanted was for her to worry. 
“I just think...” Pyrrha said at length, “that a change of scenery might help put things into perspective a little better.”
Her mother considered her for a long minute, taking a sip of her tea. Pyrrha did the same, the warm liquid doing wonders to quell the anxiety twisting her stomach.
“Well...” said her mother, giving a small nod. “Haven is not the only Huntsman Academy in Remnant. Was there somewhere, in particular, you had in mind?”
Pyrrha's smile was apprehensive, despite the fluttering hope that swelled in her chest. “Beacon Academy. In... Vale?”
Her mother’s eyes widened. “So far?” she asked, setting her cup down.
“Mother,” Pyrrha huffed, grin broadening fully. “It’s only a day’s journey by airship.”
“I know,” came the soft response. Pyrrha frowned. Perhaps she was wrong in her thinking. She hadn’t known for sure if her mother would say yes, but it had far outweighed the possibility that she might say no. Now, she wasn’t sure at all. Maybe Vale was too far? Maybe she wanted her to wait another year, until she had settled into the format of a proper combat academy? 
She couldn’t help her small jump as her mother’s hands slid over her own, the older woman crouching at her side. She hadn’t even noticed her standing. 
“My darling girl...” she said, voice tinged with a startling sadness. A few bothersome strands of hair were brushed from her forehead before her mother’s hand came to rest on her cheek. “You’ve always pushed yourself a little too hard.”
Pyrrha winced, and lowered her gaze. She supposed a mother’s worry was unavoidable, especially in this circumstance. Still, she found it in herself to offer a playful smile. “I believe the saying is, ‘like mother, like daughter’.”
“Ah, a fair point,” her mother chuckled, giving the side of her nose a tap with a knowing wink. They laughed together for a minute; one that ended far too quickly. All at once, she was frowning again. “Although, Pyrrha, it is an entirely different Kingdom. You wouldn’t know anyone there. You’re... certain you’d be alright? On your own?”
“Of course,” Pyrrha said brightly, straightening in her seat. Her mother trusted her ability to be responsible unwaveringly, she knew that much. Years in the spotlight had demonstrated that quite clearly. “It might take some getting used to. But I’ll be fine.”
Her mother sighed, a thumb trailing across her cheek in a gentle caress. She regarded her for a few more moments, pursing her lips slightly. Then, she nodded. 
“Alright. As long as you call as often as you can spare...” 
Pyrrha’s breath caught, and she forced herself to swallow past the excitement that leapt to her throat. Her mother got to her feet, still holding her hands tightly, but now her eyes sparkled with joy and pride.
“If you feel that Beacon is where you want to go, then Vale it is. Sounds like a wonderful adventure,” she announced. 
Pyrrha stood and wrapped her arms around her mother, humming contentedly as the embrace was returned. She felt a little lightheaded, giddiness making her head spin. It was actually happening. Within two months, she would be leaving for Vale. 
She giggled and drew back, a bright smile tugging at her lips.
“I’m positive it will be. Thank you, mother!”
Yes, Pyrrha nodded to herself, smile still steadily lifting her expression as she raced from the kitchen, throwing a wave over her shoulder. An adventure. With that perfectly wonderful view in mind, the young warrior took the stairs two at a time. She had an application form to submit.
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suga-angel · 7 years
A Crossroad Deal (2)
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Summary: After getting out of a long term relationship, you try to move on with your life. However, having spent the last three years unavailable, you are not sure you know how to get back out there again, let alone if you even want to. That is, until you meet Jeon Jungkook, the barista at your college coffee shop. He is more than happy to help you wet your toes in the dating scene again, but at what cost?
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: A little of everything
Word Count: 5k
College!Jungkook, somewhat FuckBoy!Jungkook
Warning: language, slight sexual references
Murder was illegal.
You knew this. It was one of the most basic laws of most countries. People cannot kill other people. Not only was it against the law, it was also morally wrong to even consider taking another person’s life. It was arguably the most horrendous act a human can commit. Yet, on this fine Monday afternoon, you were toying with the idea that maybe, just maybe, it could be seen as a grey area, just this once.
Today had actually been a rather good day up until now. The birds were chirping, you had time for coffee, you managed not to somehow injure yourself in your travels between classes, and you even found time to get a replacement phone for the one you broke last week. All in all, you would have summed up the day as rather successful by your standards. That is, until about ten minutes ago.
A floor meeting was scheduled for each department, a fact that you had completely forgotten about up until that point. You cursed yourself for your terrible memory. Truth be told, you knew you deserved to get reprimanded. After all, you were a bit behind on your assignments. Perhaps a bit more than you cared to admit. It was not that you weren’t a hard worker, you were. It was simply finding something that you cared to write about that was making things difficult.
While being part of the school newspaper was one of the aspects of your college career you were most excited about as a freshman, things simply didn’t turn out as planned. For one, your hopes of being placed in the investigative journalism branch were quickly shot down upon applying. It turned out that that department was already occupied with overly qualified journalists way above your skill level at the time. It was a lost battle before it even begun.
Still, you licked your wounds and applied elsewhere. Being a journalist had been your dream for years now; you were not about to give up the experience that came with being part of the school paper just because you couldn’t get your dream position. There would be time for that later. However, the second detour to your plan came when you were placed in the lifestyle department of the paper. To add further insult to the injury, you were placed in the ‘Love and Romance’ section of the department, which covered topics such as setting up blind dates for college students, coming up with great date ideas, and, most dreaded of all, the Lady Love advice column. This was the one stop shop where the campus student body wrote in letters in hopes that some stranger would be able to fix their love life.
To give credit where credit is due, Lady Love was the post popular subsection of your department. There was constantly a surplus of letters written in from readers in hopes that the esteemed ‘love doctor’ of campus could somehow fix the train wreck that was their relationship. Most of the time, she delivered. There were very few times in which Lady Love lead her readers down the wrong path. She was usually very thorough. She didn’t merely hand out advice based off of her own beliefs and opinions. She did research. It was a rare instance in which her replies to the readers did not involve some sort of study or philosophical paper that tied in with the issue at hand. She would always take the time and explain what it meant in layman’s terms with just a hint of comedic sass that would not only assist the readers in their troubles but also provide some sort of entertainment that kept the readers coming back for more. In short, the Lady Love column served to offer a more personable side to the paper that the public seemed to enjoy.
What the public did not know though, was that you were in fact Lady Love. You were the revered master of love, the go to person for all things romance and relationships. To this day, you cannot fathom what ran through your boss’ mind that made her believe you were the perfect candidate for this section of the paper. You had never thought of yourself as being a rather friendly person, let alone someone who people could turn to for advice. To make matters worse, the state of your love life at the moment only went further to show that you shouldn’t be the person in charge of other people’s relationships. Yet, by some weird turn of fate, you were good at it. Not only good, you were amazing. The amount of unhappy customers could be counted on your one hand. Somehow, you were able to get into a certain mindset and everything just clicked.
No matter how good you were at your job though, it wasn’t what you had hoped working for the paper would be. It is not that you had anything against the department you worked for. In fact, you found it essential. While keeping up with new research and current events was vital, your department helped readers on a more personal level. However, it wasn’t your passion. You had always dreamed of being an investigative journalist, diving deeper into events to dig out corruption and injustice in your society. You wanted to make the world a better place by uncovering the truth that others tried to mask. You wanted to be the change that you always dreamed about. Instead, here you were, stuck behind a desk and writing articles about something you held very little interest in.
“Right, Miss Y/L/N?”
You blinked a few times, snapping yourself out of your thoughts. “I-I’m sorry, could you repeat that again?” you answered sheepishly, sitting up straighter in your seat. Across from you, you could see Seona hiding a smug smirk behind her hand, but you chose to ignore it.
“If you were paying attention, Y/N, you would’ve heard me asking you how your assignments are coming along. I’ve noticed you haven’t answered all of last month’s letters yet, and you’ve been submitting your weekly articles rather close to the deadline lately. It is very unlike you” Mrs. Dong replied with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Her eyes momentarily left yours to take a quick glance down at the paperwork in front of her.
It was true, it wasn’t like you to fall behind. Even though your position wasn’t your first pick, you took your responsibilities very seriously. In the past, you made it a mission to reply to each letter that was sent to you within a couple of days of receiving it. This was usually accomplished by replying whenever you took a break from your assignment of the week. This often lead to many late nights to keep yourself on schedule, but you prided yourself in always turning everything in by Friday evening, leaving the weekend for yourself.
However, recently you’ve been having trouble keeping up. No matter how much you tried, you simply could not get into the mindset you needed. Ever since your breakup, you’ve had a lot of time to reflect on your relationship and all of the mistakes that had happened along the way. If you were being honest with yourself, you felt like a complete failure. You had willingly trapped yourself in dysfunctional relationship, even though you knew all of the signs to look for and how damaging such relationships can be. There had been many letters sent in to you over the years portraying many of the situations you had faced in your relationship and you had always known the right thing to say at the time to help people through it. However, when it came to your own relationship, it was if you had blinders on. You could not see things as they were. How were you supposed to continue to give advice to people when you failed so miserably in your own relationships?
Before you could reassure your superior, someone interrupted you. “You can’t really blame her, Mrs. Dong. How is she supposed to give relationship advice when she doesn’t have any experience to draw from?” Seona butted, feigning innocence. “I’ve heard she’s only dated a few guys, and well… we all know how her last relationship turned out.”
And thus, the murder plots began.
You stared at her, trying to stay composed as you heard a few of her girl friends try to hide a giggle. Everyone in the office knew of what happened between you and Jaesung. For the longest time it had been the talk of the office; the so-called relationship expert getting dumped. The irony. It didn’t help that Jaesung and Seona wasted no time in going public around the office, using any excuse to get their hands on each other in some way. Eventually, the whispers behind your back started to die down. You suspected it had something to do with Jihyun. She might be a small little thing, but her ears were always open. If there was a secret, Jihyun knew about it. And she wasn’t afraid to use her bank of knowledge to her advantage.
“Not everyone has quite as much experience as you do, Seona” Jihyun responded when she sensed you wouldn’t. “But I’m sure if Y/N needs to refer her readers for an STD screening, she’ll pay you a visit.”
“That is more than enough, from both of you” Mrs. Dong interjected, cutting Seona off before she could reply. The latter woman’s face was turning red with anger from Jihyun’s comment, but your friend looked more than pleased with herself.  “Unless you would like to be sent to HR you both better quit it right now. Leave your personal issues at the door.”
“Yes, ma’am” the two younger employees replied without breaking the deadly glare they were both sending each other. Upon noticing your boss’ unhappiness, you reached under the table to pinch Jihyun’s leg warningly. While you loved how protective she could be, there was a time and a place. You didn’t want her getting in trouble for fighting your battles for you.
“Anyways” Mrs. Dong continued as she sent both girls a look of warning. “Y/N, I’ll give you a couple more days to reply to last month’s letter, but I expect this month’s to be in on time. If you need any extensions or help, come talk to me ahead of time. Got it?” Though her words may have sounded harsh, the look she was sending you was soft. While Mrs. Dong usually came off as a strict employer, she did care about her team.
You gave a nod, sending her a grateful smile.
“Good. You’re all dismissed.” With those magic words, the room came to life again as your coworkers started shuffling out of the room. If you strained your ears, you could pick up on more than one group of people already starting to gossip about what went down between Seona and Jihyun. It looked like the office wasn’t done with your failed relationship yet.
As you were getting up from your seat, your eyes met Seona’s across the table. The glare she sent you took you by surprise with its intensity. You had no clue why she held such distain towards you. It wasn’t as if it was you who stole her boyfriend.
“Can I help you?” you asked, more confused than anything. Before the whole Jaesung issue, you and Seona had been on reasonable grounds. By no definition were you friends, but you were definitely polite acquaintances. Ever since the breakup though, Seona has had it out for you. At first you had found it funny; shouldn’t you be the one wanting her blood instead? As your resentment over the whole situation was reduced to a slow boil though, you were mostly left in a state of confusion over the matter. What could you have possibly done to her?
“Next time, why don’t you face me yourself instead of sending your lap dog to do your dirty work?” she sneered, gathering her belongings.
You were slightly taken back at her level of immaturity. Honestly, if this was any other situation, you might have laughed. However, this was your work place. You could not afford to let your personal life interfere with your job anymore than it already had. “Look, I don’t exactly know what your problem is, but I don’t engage with you because we’re at work. If you have something to say to me then do it off the clock. Until then, why don’t you show some class and act professional.”
With that, you gathered your belongings and made your exit, trying to extinguish the anger that threatened to rise. Once again, you had to remind yourself that murder was not the answer to your problems.
“Ignore her” Jihyun said dismissively as she caught up with you. “She’s just mad that she’s stuck with that pest on her own now. Before he would leave her after fucking, but now she has to deal with his personality on top of the bad sex. That is enough to make anyone bitter.”
You rolled your eyes, not being able to help the smile that broke out on your lips. “You know, a normal friend would empathize with me over my bad breakup and not rub my failures in my face,” you stated in an amused tone as you arrived at your cubicle.
“It’s not my fault you fucked up when you decided to date that ignorant toad. Why should I sensor the truth for your shortcomings?” she retorted, slouching back into her office chair adjacent to your own.
A snort escaped you. “Why are we friends when you abuse me so?”
“It’s not abuse, it’s love.” She grinned at that, before sitting up straighter saying, “Anyways, have you taken your break yet? I need a smoke.”
“Then go take one, you don’t need me for that” you huffed, turning your computer back on. “Plus, did you not attend that meeting? Mrs. Dong is expecting those letters.”
Jihyun let out an obnoxious groan. “Then bring your tablet up with us and answer them there. Come on, it would give you a break from the Regina George and the Plastics.”
That was all the reasoning you needed. Less than five minutes later you found yourself sitting up against a wall on the buildings roof, a tablet on your lap and a granola bar in your hand. Beside you, Jihyun was perched in a similar position but with a cigarette hanging from her fingers as she took a long drag.
You coughed dramatically by her to get her attention. “You should feel guilty. If we keep coming up here you’re going to give me lung cancer.”
She made it a point to blow out the smoke in your direction. “If you can deal with that cancer as your boyfriend then you can deal with me smoking, buttercup.”
You chuckled softly, leaning your head back against the wall so you could stare off into the distance. “I debated murder today you know. I don’t think I have what it takes to get away with it though.”
“If you’re still down for it I could make it happen. I won’t talk if you don’t,” she teased, making you chuckle again. “Really though, I don’t see why she upsets you so much. She’s not the one that cheated on you. If anything, we should be planning Jaesung’s murder. I already have that one planned out, like, ten different ways.”
You smirked a little, not putting it past her. “My reason’s are petty. And stupid.”
“Do you know who you’re talking to? I once hid Mark’s phone in the ceiling above his desk because he ate my Snicker’s bar. The poor sap looked for that thing for hours before someone finally told him,” she said, grinning at the memory.
She had a point. If anyone would understand it, it would be her. “I don’t like to lose. And it feels like I lost to them both.” It was probably one of your biggest flaws: your pride. If it weren’t for that, you were pretty sure you would be over this whole thing already. It didn’t take you long to get over Jaesung. Merely a couple of days proved to you that you honestly didn’t need him in your life to be happy. At first you missed just being in a relationship itself, but even that you’ve recently realized doesn’t bother you as much as it did. In fact, you liked the single life. You don’t have check in with someone else, you don’t have to set aside time for date night or worry if what you say might come off as flirting. You could do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. It was liberating.
What you couldn’t get over, though, was how you were so incredibly stupid, how they made you look so incredibly stupid. You had known that something was going on with Jaesung, but you stayed anyways. And now he was parading around your office with his mistress on his arm, happier than ever while you were made to look like the pathetic victim. It left a bitter taste in your mouth. He should not be the happy one. He should not be the one winning.
A silence settled between the two of you. You didn’t have to look at Jihyun to know that she understood what you were talking about. She’s always gotten you, even with the minimum amount of words being spoken between the two of you. And though her words were harsh at times, she never truly judged you: no matter how selfish or self-absorbed you could be at times.
“You’re letting him win if all you do is sit around mopping about it.” She finally broke the silence, before taking another drag of her cigarette.
“What would you suggest then, Dr. Phil?” you teased, pulling up the emails your readers sent in to you.
“I’m saying you need to get out there more. It’s one thing if you’re holing yourself up in your apartment because you’re healing, but that’s not what you’re doing. Your pride has just been damaged and you’re just angry about that. And by brooding away in your apartment you’re letting them win because that bastard probably thinks you’re still hung up on him. He probably thinks he’s a treasure to all of womankind. And it’s your fault for making him think that.”
You huffed at her observation. You were torn between denying it out of instinct or considering what she said. Part of you knew that what she said was right, but you didn’t want to admit it. Admitting it meant that you were still letting them win. You couldn’t have that.
“You went on a blind date this weekend, didn’t you?” she pushed, looking towards you. “The brooding artist or some shit like that right? How did that go?”
A laugh tore its way up your throat before you could stop it. “Awful. Absolutely awful. The guy was a total douche. Minjin better have gotten enough sex because that’s not happening again.”
Jihyun burst out laughing at that. “Oh god, what did he do? Was he handsy? Did he go caveman when Jackson flirted with you? ‘Cause that boy needs to quit it.”
You shake your head. “No, no he was just an art snob. I half wish Jackson still worked at the café just so he could’ve saved me from that dick. He called me rude. And stuck up!”
This only made her laugh harder, leaning into you for support. “That’s gold! Wish I could’ve seen it.” You rolled your eyes, waiting for her laugher to subside. Maybe in a couple of days you’ll be able to laugh it off. Right now you were still bitter. “Wait, wait, Jackson doesn’t work at the café anymore?”
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’. “He’s got a replacement though.”
“Oh, that’s right! Minjin told me, the guy you were drooling over!” she exclaimed in excitement. “Was he there when you went on the date? Did you make him jealous? Jealous sex is one of the best sexes you know.”
“Jealous? That ass laughed the entire time! He found it hilarious how awful my date went the fucking bastard!” you shouted, heat rising to your face as flashes of Jungkook laughing behind the counter at your expense flashed before your eyes.
You hadn’t seen him since your failed date on Saturday. You purposely avoiding going to get coffee there on Sunday, afraid that you’d run into him after the note he slipped you on your receipt. You hadn’t told anyone about your encounter with him after the date, if only just to prove him wrong. How would you react when you saw him next? Should you act like it never happened? Should you flirt with him, even if it’s just for fun? He struck you as a flirt, and you had a feeling he wasn’t just giving you this kind of attention. You knew better than to get attached. That didn’t help the butterflies that fluttered in your stomach every time he graced you with that devilish smirk.
“Sounds like a man after my own heart” Jihyun said with a grin, putting out her cigarette and shoving it into a soda can she left up there for that very reason. “Did you at least find out his name?”
“What do you mean, at least? Am I supposed to know all barista’s names from now on?” you asked, indignantly, if not a little defensive.
“Well at least the ones you’re gonna eye fuck, yeah.” She stood up, brushing off her dress pants as she does so. “Plus, it’s better to moan out his name when you think of him at night rather than just calling him a barista.”
You scoff at that, following her lead at standing and cleaning off your pants. “You’re a perve, you know that?”
“You love me,” was her only reply, before she holds open the door that leads downstairs. “So did you get his name or what?”
With a roll of the eyes you walked past her and down the flight of stairs. “Jungkook. His name is Jungkook.”
Tuesday morning.
It wasn’t until Tuesday morning that you managed to get the courage to go back to the café again. You told yourself its because you couldn’t go another day without getting a proper Americano. The day before you had settled for going to a chain brand store on your campus to get your fix. The drink left much to be desired. Nothing was as good as an Americano from this place. So between classes today you decided you would bite the bullet and come here. For the Americano, of course.
The entire walk to the café you mentally prepared yourself. You decided that you would act completely normal, unless he said something first. In which case, you were fully prepared to turn your flirt on. It might be a little rusty, but flirting was like riding a bike. At least, that is the pep talk you had given yourself on the way there.
However, all of your self-talk had been for nothing; Jungkook wasn’t working today. Instead, an elderly woman who you recognized as the storeowner was behind the counter, a warm smile on her face as she talked to a couple at the register.
You refused to believe that what you were feeling at that moment was disappointment. Why would you be disappointed? You didn’t even know the guy. Sure, he had a killer smile, and the physique that made you just want to spend all day li-
The sound of your name being called drew you away from your less than appropriate thought. Turning in the direction that it came from, you were pleasantly surprised to see Jackson walking towards you, a bright smile spreading on his face.
“Jackson!” you greeted happily, not at all surprised as the bubbly man swooped you into a tight hug.
“Where have you been girl, I haven’t seen you in weeks!” he exclaimed, hugging you tighter, if possible. You couldn’t complain though; no one gave a warmer hug than Jackson.
“Avoiding your ass,” you teased, trying to match his intensity in the hug. It was a lost cause though. Your poor arm muscles didn’t stand a chance against his.
“Why would you avoid it? It’s a very nice ass.” He giggled as he pulled away to get a better look at you. “Did you get prettier while away? How dare you hide that from me!”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help but grin wider. “Ever the charmer, you are.”
He merely grinned wider. “Beautiful women bring it out of me.” He spoke the words so honestly that you couldn’t help the blush that rose to your cheeks. No matter how cheesy the words Jackson spoke sounded, the conviction and pure belief he held in his voice made it sound more than a mere line, as if he truly believed what he was saying. That is what always made Jackson so dangerous; he was a charmer, but a convincing charmer.
“So you quit huh? I heard you work at the Rec Center as a trainer now?” you questioned, smiling earnestly at him, especially when his smile grew at the mention of it.
“Yeah! It’s so great there. I get to help so many people get healthy and look the way they want to look without harming themselves. I love it,” he spoke eagerly, his face practically shinning with excitement.
“I guess I can’t be too upset with you leaving me then…” you teased. You were honestly happy that Jackson found something he loved to do. The extra cash would definitely help him with his masters program, and it was a great opportunity for him to dip his feet in the industry.
“Oh please, I didn’t ditch you. You ditched me! I worked here a solid two weeks without seeing you before I quit. You’ve never gone that long without getting an Americano during the week, let alone those sugary death traps you went without on the weekends!” he exclaimed, poking your shoulder accusingly. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m sorry, I had some things come up I had to deal with.” You didn’t want to get into the whole break up with Jackson. He would spend the next hour wanting every detail to know if he had to defend your honor or not. He would do it for anyone, you knew this, but it still made you warm inside knowing that someone would go to that extent for you. “So what are you doing back here? Checking to see if your replacement is better than you?”
Jackson snorted indignantly, looking at you as if you had just insulted his whole family ancestry. “You think he is better than me? Why, because he is younger and has annoyingly healthier hair than me? Because I will tell you, my muscles are better. I’ll prove it. Look at my abs.”
The boy then set the coffee he was holding down on the nearest table before reaching for the hem of his shirt with a decisive look in his eyes. Your hand quickly shot out to halt him in his tracks as you burst out laughing. While there is nothing you would like to do more than check out this beautiful man’s abs, the last thing you needed is for someone to call the cops on you two for indecent exposure. “No, no, that’s not necessary Jackson! I’m sure you have way better abs.”
“Damn straight I do. Did that punk tell you he was better than me? Aish, he never respects his hyungs” Jackson grumbled, fixing his shirt disgruntledly.
“Wait, ‘hyung’? You know Jungkook?” The words passed through your lips before you could censor yourself.
“Know him? Of course I know him. Who do you think got him the job? I pulled a favor with the owner to get him my position.” He eyed you suspiciously once he finished speaking, before giggling and smirking knowingly at you. “The real question is how do you know Jungkook?”
“I-I don’t, you just talked about him like you knew him is all,” you stuttered, brushing your hair behind your ear as a way to distract yourself from the brush creeping onto your cheeks.
“Mhm. If you don’t know him, then how do you know his name, hm?” he pushed on, his smirk growing into a full-blown grin at the sight of your blush.
“Because you said it!” you defended yourself.
“No I didn’t!”
“Yeah you did, don’t lie.” You silently replayed the conversation you two were having in your head, praying to God that he had said the barista’s name first.
“No I didn’t, I never said his name!” he shouted as he giggled victoriously. “Oh my god, is that why you looked so disappointed when you walked into the café? I thought it was because I wasn’t working but you were hoping it was Jungkook!”
The glee in his voice made you huff. “How do you even know him anyways? Do all attractive guys just huddle together?”
“Aw, you think I’m attractive? You’re so sweet babe!” he beamed excitedly, lightly bumping his fist with your arm. “We’re in the same frat house together. He’s an underclassman though. Sophomore year I think?” he inquired out loud, before smirking deviously at you. “I never thought you’d be into younger men, Y/N.”
“Yah!” you shouted, your cheeks instantly burning at his words. Instinctively your hand shot up to slap his shoulder, but that only resulted in him giggling harder. “I am not into younger men! I’m not into anyone!”
“Don’t blame yourself, Y/N. There aren’t many girls that can resist Jeon’s charm,” he teased, still giggling happily.
“To think you were my favorite barista once…”
“No, that spots taken by Jungkook now.” He laughed harder as you smacked his arm again. “Okay, okay, I’ll quit it now. Come one, let me treat you to an Americano.” Placing his hand in the middle of your back, he lead you to the short line forming at the register. “It’s the least I can do for causing you to blush so deeply.”
You shot him a small glare but didn’t resist him. “I liked you better as a barista. Back then I could complain to management if you were ever this mean to me.”
“No you wouldn’t have. I was your favorite.” He puffed out his chest proudly, causing a chuckle to escape you.
“You’re such a child sometimes.”
“Yeah, well, I bet the thoughts you have about Jungkook are anything but childish.” Once again his laughter overshadowed the sound of your hand making contact with his arm.
A/N: I had to cut this chapter onto two because I was going over 10k lol. I promise things will start picking up in the next chapter. It will definitely make up for the lack of Jungkook in this chapter too ;) Feel free to message me if you’d like, I don’t bite =) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! 
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smutbangtan · 7 years
Office Files - Chapter 6 ‘White Night’
Word Count: 5,950
Genre: Smut
Summary: You are a lawyer at a major company. You’ve been given the responsibility to oversee an intern.
Paring: Reader x Jimin x Namjoon x Jungkook
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Jimin decided to ignore the second file and just continue with what he knew. He didn't see the point in spending time on sections of the work that he had no idea about. He typed frantically on his computer, rushed to the photocopier room multiple times and even called clients to organize meetings or finalize documents. Time was his enemy today. You gave him a deadline and he needed to meet it or his job would be on the line.
He understood his punishment. It was seriously unprofessional of him to end up fucking a colleague in the bathroom. If only he hadn't thought with his dick and used his mind instead, he wouldn't be in this situation. Work had been stressful, the amount of paper work and the schedule for meetings was crazy. He couldn't blame anyone but himself.
Every now and then Jimin would stop his work and remember the conversation he heard when he entered your office. He felt a little confused at first but then it all started to make sense to him now. He now realized why you were so harsh towards him when it came to work and why you were so distant towards him.
You liked him.
It was the only conclusion Jimin could muster. He couldn't believe that he missed all those signs. Usually, he could detect when a woman found him attractive. Katy showed all the obvious signs, which of course ended up with them fucking. But he couldn't read you. He figured the subtle hints of a smile, or the way you glared at him when he got sections of a case wrong hinted towards something. He even remembered when you had your angry fit a few weeks back and how you stared him down. He now understood your reaction when you caught him and Katy in the bathroom fucking.
You wanted it to be you.
Jimin chuckled to himself and shook his head in disbelief. You wanted him, and you wanted to express those feelings tonight at the charity ball. He wasn't too sure how he would react but he was curious where the night would lead with you. Sure, you were attractive but Jimin never really saw you that way. Not intentionally anyway. He wanted to keep things professional. Of course, he would stare at you when you weren't looking but he never went anywhere further than just 'admiring'. Even when Jungkook would ask him questions about you, Jimin couldn't really answer them truthfully, because he paid no mind. But now it was different. Jimin couldn't but help think of you a little more than just his attractive boss. He felt different towards you.
Jimin's mind started to wander, but his thoughts were broken by a tap on the shoulder, then a hand passing past his vision to grab his attention. Jimin blinked then moved his gaze off his computer screen to the person standing beside him. It was Jungkook. He was grinning with his weight on the cubicle wall "Someone is in deep thought." Said Jungkook with a playful tone.
Jimin hummed in response then leaned back on his chair, feeling a little more relaxed. He took a deep breath, then ran his fingers through is hair. He felt he needed a little distraction from all this work. Distraction from you.
"Kind of, what are you doing here?" asked Jimin with a raised brow. This isn't Jungkook's usual hangout spot. Whenever he was in this vicinity it was either to perv at you or ask Jimin for some advice about a case.
Jungkook tilted his head to the direction of the door indicating the other department "Namjoon is asking for you"
"Oh?" Jimin moved his gaze to the glass doors then back at Jungkook with a curious look.
Jungkook shrugged then adjusted his suit jacket and picked a flint off his shoulder. He couldn't care less about the meeting but felt it was important. "Yeah, something about a meeting and a case file. We all have to be there, the interns that is" he added.
Case file. Jimin hated that word right now. The last thing he wanted was another god damn file.
"Yeah alright, I'll be there in a minute. In the meeting room, right?" asked Jimin, while he shuffled his papers and organized his work. Thankfully, he was finished with the first case.
Once Jungkook left, Jimin stood and looked over towards you. He watched you curiously for a few seconds. You were back on your desk typing away and answering your desk phone. He lowered his eyes and saw how you tapped your feet a little while you spoke on the phone. He also noticed how you would drum your pedicure fingers against the edge of the desk when you started to get a little annoyed. Jimin bit his lower lip then thought looked away. He felt something in his stomach while he watched you. Was it anxiety from all the work you had him do?
He wasn't too sure if he had to wait for you, but since Namjoon did request for him right away, he decided to leave you at your own devices and head to the meeting alone.
"Afternoon" said Namjoon once Jimin walked in. Namjoon was seated at the far end of the meeting table. He wore one of his dark suits again which contrasted against his sleek blonde hair. He always created a professional atmosphere whenever he was in the room. He had a few papers and files neatly stacked in front of him and a pen slowly twirling between his long fingers as he waited.
The room itself was luxurious in design. There was a grey long marble table with leather chairs placed around its edges. One side of the room had a sweeping view of the city and river.
At the table was Jungkook, who sat closest to Namjoon. Jungkook looked already bored of the whole ordeal and was ready to leave the room. He was leaning back against his chair with his arms crossed. Hoseok looked quite pleased even though he wasn't sure what the meeting was about, but he sat with anticipation. Next to him sat a woman. She was in her late 20's with dark sleek hair that was pinned in a bun. She wore a deep blue business suit pants and silk blouse. Jimin saw the woman a few months back, talking to one of the clients in another department, but he didn't know her position within the firm.
Jimin greeted everyone with a nod then pulled out one of the leather chairs and took a seat. He decided to leave a chair empty beside him, creating a gap between himself and Jungkook just in case if you decided to join the meeting later. You were now starting to creep back into Jimin's mind.
Silence swept through the room for a few seconds before it was broken by Namjoon. He lifted a hand and indicated the woman beside Hoseok. "This is Rutuni, she's head of HR and our international partners"
The woman nodded with a soft smile then opened one of her files. She plucked a few papers from it, then started handing it out to each of the interns as she spoke. "Afternoon gentlemen, thank you for coming today. This meeting will be brief, so I'll get right to the point'
Jimin reached over and took one of the papers then scanned over the information while he spoke "Y/N isn't here, should we wait for her?"
This question sparked Namjoon's interest. He smiled at Jimin with his dimples then chuckled. He knew very well that every man in this room, including himself found you attractive. But he was curious why Jimin was suddenly concerned about your absence. It wasn't the first time you were absent from a meeting.
"She's aware of the meeting, however she won't be attending" Namjoon answered. Jungkook's shoulder fell after hearing this.
Rutuni continued "As you are aware in your contracts, your internship allows you a solid employment within the company however, the position is a regular position with a starting salary"
The woman closed the file then laced her fingers together on top of it. "What you have in front of you is quite a difficult case. It is a mock case, but you will submit, write and act like it was real. Each of you will submit the final mockup by the end of next week and present your findings."
There was silence in the room. Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok exchanged looks.
Namjoon leaned back on the leather chair and grinned. He enjoyed how the interns looked a little confused. It was like telling students about a surprise test "It's a contest. For a managerial position within the company. We're opening a new department. It will be mainly based on housing and building contracts across the state" He continued to grin, noticing the confusion on the interns faces.
Rutini looked over at Namjoon then at the interns again with a smile "Yes, unfortunately it has come down to some sort of competition. I personally felt it wasn't a good idea bu.."
"It was my idea" said Namjoon suddenly. He leaned forward and rested his hands on the edge of the marble "There's no harm with a little competition." He grinned then gave a wink to Rutuni.
Rutini continued talking but narrowed her eyes at Namjoon for cutting her off "Besides, you all have a job here, but we couldn't decide on who could take this role. By submitting electronically and anonymously, it will allow us to choose without bias" Namjoon raised a hand apologetically at her and nodded at every word she said.
Jimin read the mock case then rested the paper on the table before asking a question. He had enough of cases right now, this mock case could be done later in the week. Your files were more important "And who decides this role?"
Namjoon quirked a brow. He shifted his eyes to Rutuni who also was intrigued by the intern's question. All eyes were on Jimin. He was the only intern that spoke after the introduction of the case. Namjoon did notice a few months ago of Jimin's mannerisms, approach, and the way he spoke to people was professional but also slightly authoritative. At first, he thought it was because he worked under you, which allowed him to walk and speak freely but that wasn't necessarily the case. He did see Jimin as the quiet intern, but something else was there and he couldn't quite piece it together. His trail of thought about Jimin was broken when Rutuni spoke and answered the question for him.
"We will. Najmoon, Y/N and I."
Jimin lowered his eyes back on the paper and scanned it again. He already knew what sort of case he would create for the 'competition'.
Hoseok looked a little taken back at the idea of being placed in some sort of competition, but he smiled brightly then clapped his hands together and rubbed them enthusiastically "Well, like Namjoon said 'a little competition doesn't hurt anyone.' I'd like to give this a shot!"
Jungkook was quiet this whole time and kept his arms crossed. He finally uncrossed them then held onto the collars of his blazer and adjusted it. He cracked his neck to one side and smirked.
"Let's do it then" he said. Jungkook was ready, and he was certain he would get the position. The cases he had been preparing for Namjoon allowed him to gather experience and a taste within the field. He was confident.
A four-numbered pin code was pressed onto the keypad then the apartment door opened. Jimin walked in and shut the door firmly behind him before heading to the kitchen area. He placed his case and suit jacket on the bench then loosened his tie. He was completely exhausted but he knew the night wasn't over. He sighed to himself then pinched the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed and mentally ran through the events of today.
He remembered the meeting, the case files assigned by you (thankfully he only had one more left) and the charity ball tonight. Jimin plucked open the buttons of his white shirt with one hand as he held his cell phone with the other. He pressed voicemail and put it on loudspeaker. He set the device aside and let it play through while he got ready for the shower.
"You have 2 messages"
"First message: Hey bro, haven't heard from you in a while. Dad said something about you doing your own thing? Anyhow give me a call. Lisa say's 'Hi' by the way"
Jimin listened in on his brother while he was in the bathroom. He stared at his own reflection then turned on the faucet of the shower before heading in. The steam started to fill the room and fog the mirrors.
"Second message BEEP: Son, think about your decision."
"End of messages"
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The event hall was filled with lush white flowers and decorative furniture
The event hall was filled with lush white flowers and decorative furniture. The theme for the night was white with tropical green. The main entrance was occupied with people dressed in elegant clothing, laughing and conversing with one another. The ladies wore mostly bright colors, silk dresses and long gowns. The men wore tuxedos or a suit and tie. It was obvious the people were rich and came from the upper tail of society. The charity event was mainly held for speeches and awards given to corporations and government bodies. The award event occurs every year and people always anticipate seeing if their company has won the prestigious award.
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Jungkook walked in the hall and felt a little overwhelmed by the whole atmosphere. It was his first professional event with the company. He passed a few people and headed to the main floor where everyone gathered before going to their designated seats. When a waiter had offered a beverage, he gladly took it and felt a little more relaxed. Jungkook moved through the small crowd and headed towards a group of people he recognized from work. Jungkook wore a black suit with dark buttoned down shirt. His attire looked a little casual compared to the other men tonight but, but somehow made it work. Once Jungkook joined his coworkers a few women from the group edged their way closer to him. Jungkook was popular with the women in his department. He always flirted with them whenever he had a chance. He didn't go any further than a few flirtatious words or brief physical contact. His eyes and mind was always on you. He wanted you.
Jimin greeted a few people as he passed them and headed to the group he recognized
Jimin greeted a few people as he passed them and headed to the group he recognized. Jimin had enough time to have a shower and get ready for the event. He wore a classic suit and tie. He stayed almost 2 hours after work, preparing the case files. Within the group, he saw Jungkook talking to a few of people. Jimin and Jungkook locked eyes and both nodded to each other as a greeting.
'Evening everyone" said Jimin. Everyone in the group smiled and greeted Jimin in returned and included him in the following conversations. Hoseok joined the group a few minutes after. All three interns started discussing work matters and interesting gossip that occurred during the week. The three of them managed to branch off the main group and stood aside, talking to themselves. Jimin was thankful that he wasn't in any gossip, which meant you didn't tell anyone about the bathroom incident.
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The taxi parked in front of the hall and you handed the driver the cash The taxi parked in front of the hall and you handed the driver the cash. You exited the taxi and made your way up the stairs into the building slowly. Tonight, you wore a white sleek dress that hugged your curves. The length was long and reached your calves. You draped a small shawl over your shoulders and held onto a glittery clutch in your hand. The moment you walked up the stairs, a few people recognized you and started talking with you. You smiled and spoke to them all respectfully then made your way inside into the main floor where everyone was waiting to be seated. After speaking to your friend earlier that day, you wanted to see where things would go with Jungkook. He flirted with you at the bar the other day, it was clear that he was interested in you. You knew when Jungkook was in your department, it was either to stare at you or speak to Jimin. He made certain efforts so ensure he was in the same room with you. It felt good knowing someone secretly liked you. A small grin crept onto your lips as you saw your colleagues gathered in the main area. You made your way towards them as you locked eyes with him.
Jimin raised the rim of his wine glass and took a small taste while he spoke to Jungkook and Hoseok. "I'm not too sure how I feel about this whole mock case" said Jimin. It was true, although he thought the project to be easy, he wasn't sure if he was ready for managerial position. He furrowed his brows in thought. Hoseok nudged him in the ribs with an elbow as encouragement. "Out of us three, I'm pretty sure you'll get it. You've been doing cases from the first day. Y/N really threw you in the deep end, now it's going to pay off!" Hoseok leaned closer and wrapped arm around Jimin's shoulder, and looked up at the sky in mock amazement "Imagine, Mr Park Jimin – Manager" Hoseok laughed.
Jungkook kept quiet while Jimin and Hoseok spoke. He felt Jimin was his main competitor, and if Jimin had a good chance of getting the position it meant he needed to work double time just like him. When it came to winning, Jungkook always went above and beyond to get what he wanted. He always won. This mock case wouldn't be any different. Jungkook opened his mouth, about to say something but he paused and saw you walking towards him.
Jimin was about to protest with Hoseok about winning the position but shifted his gaze at Jungkook and noticed him staring at someone. He too turned his attention then landed his eyes on you. "Beautiful" he said under his breath.
You locked eyes with him as you walked towards his group of friends. Since he was watching, you swayed your hips a little further than necessarily. Your fitted white dressed moved with your curves and your heels clicked against the floor.
"Good evening Gentlemen" You said with a soft smile. You looked at each of the interns but lingered your gaze on Jungkook a few seconds longer. All three of the men wore tailored suits. You noticed Jimin's suit and tie. The black suit made his fiery hair stand out. Your attention then fell on Jungkook and his slight casual attire. You liked it. The first male to speak was an intern you only heard from Namjoon, but never met formally.
"Good evening Miss Y/N, I'm Hoseok" He smiled brightly and reached out his hand. You took it and shoot it once with a nod.
"Ah yes, you're the third intern. I believe you work under...." you trailed your sentence, trying to remember who he worked under.
"I work under Rutuni,.." You spoke at the same time as him "Human Resources"
Jungkook slipped into the conversation. His dark eyes scanned your attire slowly then smiled "You look.." He paused, trying to find the appropriate word to describe what he thought of you without sounding so perverted.
"Beautiful" said Jimin softly. A brief smile was shown on his pink lips before he took another sip of his drink.
"Ah thank you" You said with a soft chuckle as you looked at Jungkook.
A waiter walked pass with a silver tray with flutes of champagne. You spoke to the three of them as you reached over and took one in time "Tonight is just a show. I wouldn't bother sitting down if I were you"
Hoseok frowned a little at your comment and tilted his head like a lost puppy "What do you mean?"
"We won't win the award. L&P Associates will most likely win" You eyed your own drink then took a long sip of the bubbling alcohol. You felt the warm liquid down the throat and immediately felt the buzz. You fluttered your lashes then looked the men again. "They're our main competitor" You took another sip and said your words as though it was obvious. You've been at this award ceremony many times. It would start off by speeches from government bodies and small awards given to members of the public. The main event is when the corporate awards are given. It is a prestigious award and allows the company to be recognized globally. It creates more networks which means more money.
You felt a hand rest on your shoulder. You turned a little and saw Namjoon enter the circle with you and the interns. "I'm only here for the free alcohol to be honest" Added Namjoon with a bright smile. "Someone has already started" he laughed. Namjoon eyed your drink.
You smiled a little, raising your flute of champagne "It's never too early to start. I was just telling them how we won't win tonight so there's no point in sitting down" Namjoon nodding slowly, understanding the ordeal but then spoke seriously to the men. "That may be true, but since you gentlemen represent us, you're required to sit with some of the important colleagues. It's your first event. So ..it's mandatory" Namjoon moved his arms little, motioning the men to move with him to the table.
The moment you entered the circle, Jimin couldn't stop staring at you. He kept to himself however and allowed you to talk to them freely. If he spoke it meant you would look at him and that would create knots in his stomach and Jimin wasn't too sure why. His eyes lowered to your lips and watch the curves move and glisten after taking a drink of the alcohol. He started to contemplate mentally if he should talk to you about the conversation he heard earlier. Maybe talking about your feelings and mentioning that he was willing to see where things would go with you. It would be better than just staying quiet. Jimin stepped a little closer to you and was about to say your name but Namjoon entered the circle and spoke instead.
Jungkook eyed you down as you spoke to him and the other guys. His dark eyes trailed down your curves again and was so tempted to reach over and smooth his wide hand over the curve of your ass. He's been wanting to touch it since the incident at the bar. Just the very thought of you and him together started to get his crotch hard. Now wasn't the time and place. But he wanted you so badly. When Namjoon motioned everyone to walk to the tables at the seating area, he noticed that you weren't going to join him. He stayed behind and took a step beside you, reached out and placed his hand on the small of your back and leaned in to your ear with a grin.
"Remember the last time you drank? Maybe you should take it easy?"
The men started to move and you decided to stay back and hang at the bar. You figured once the prestigious award ceremony starts, that's when you'll join the rest of your colleagues. But for now you didn't mind being on your own to drink. You felt a hand on the small of your back and a warm breath wash over the side of your neck. You knew immediately who that voice belonged too. You watched the back of Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon walk away into the seating hall.
"Remember the last time you drank? Maybe you should take it easy?"
You quirked your brow at the comment but couldn't help grin. You turned your head and looked up at him. He too was grinning ear to ear, creating creases at the corner of his eyes.
"I don't take things easy" You said playfully. Your eyes stayed on Jungkook as you took the last sip of your champagne.
Jungkook scanned his surroundings with his dark eyes as he leaned in again to your side and spoke for your ears only "No, you don't, but I bet you like it fast"
You parted your mouth slightly in shock. The rim of the glass was still pressed on the bottom of your lip. You breathed out slowly and felt a pool of heat between your legs when you heard him speak. You didn't think things would happen so soon. His confidence was overwhelming.
Jungkook remained standing at your side and watched your reaction. He wasn't sure where this confidence came from but he knew if he didn't do anything now, he'd never get a chance to be alone with you. Jungkook reached over and slowly took the empty champagne class from your fingers and stepped around slowly so he could face you directly.
"We could, go to the bar over there and drink a little more and chat" He twirled the glass in his hands and watched it briefly and looked at you again with a grin. "Or we could just get down to what we both really want" He stopped the twirling then reached out and placed it on a silver tray as it passed the both of you.
"And what would that be?" You asked with a quirked brow. Your hand now being empty, so you move it to trace your collar bone until you held onto the pendant on your necklace. You were playing dumb and he knew it. You just wanted to know what the intern would say next. He had already surprised you, you were now wondering what else he had up his sleeve.
Jungkook stepped a little closer and his hand on your hip and held it. You stepped in and had your bodies almost touch. His thumb rubbed over your silk fabric as he leaned down with his head and spoke quietly into your ear. You remained still but lowered your eyes a little to listen to his secret.
"Or..." He paused. He breathed out after smelling your sweet perfume. "Or, we could go back to my place and fuck each other's brains out" He chuckled a little then pulled back to look directly into your eyes.
Jimin took a seat on one of the large round tables. He greeted a few people who sat with him. He recognised them from other departments and briefly talked to about the night's event. After a few moments had passed when he noticed that Jungkook didn't follow them into the seating area. Jimin looked around the table, then back towards the main hall where he saw you and Jungkook standing. Standing a little too close. Jimin narrowed his eyes a little and watched the scene unfold before him. He saw how Jungkook leaned in and whispered something into your ear. He watched how you reacted and how Jungkook quite boldly took the champagne glass away from your grip. He couldn't see your face anymore since Jungkook moved to face you and had his back towards him. A few words were exchanged between the both of you, then before he knew it, the both of you left the venue. Jungkook reached around and had his arm draped over your shoulder as you both walked out.
Jimin clenched and unclenched in jaw in frustration. He couldn't look anymore. He knew where you two were heading. Anyone could piece it together, especially after seeing you two flirt. How could he be so stupid? You clearly weren't talking about him when he overhead you on the phone, it was about Jungkook. And this whole time his stomach was tied in knots thinking about how he could talk to you and explain how he wanted to give whatever you wanted a shot. Was he hurt? He wasn't sure. But he did feel humiliated. A mix of emotions passed through him, but in the end he was just angry. Jimin zoned out after that. He didn't pay mind to the awards given to government officials or how you were correct about L&P Associates winning. He already knew about that. Before the ceremony ended, he got up and decided to go home.
You sat on one side in the back of the taxi, while Jungkook sat on the other. You agreed to follow him once he suggested they should go back to his place. But only under one condition, they couldn't be seen getting into the taxi together. Your idea was to get into a taxi and have it drive up one block and pick up Jungkook. You didn't want anyone seeing you enter a taxi with a young man, when you only just arrived at the charity event moments ago. There were old clients and people who you previously worked with at the event. Your professional reputation was on the line.
As the taxi drove, you kept your eyes out the window and with slight smirk displayed over your lips. You kept your composure and held your clutch in your lap as you sat silently. Jungkook leaned forward and spoke to the driver to turn left then stop at the corner. While he spoke, he reached out behind him and grabbed your thigh briefly and gave it a small squeeze. Just to remind you that he still was there and he wanted you. You moved your head and looked down at his hand and watched how his hand held your thigh tightly. A pang of excitement ran through you as you couldn't wait to have those hands over your body and between your legs. The taxi came to a stop and both of you exited on opposite ends of the car. Jungkook motioned his arm outwards, allowing you to follow closely at his side. You lifted your eyes and noticed that you were in front of a large luxurious apartment building like your own. To be honest, you'd thought you'd end up near the rougher part of town, which of course you wouldn't have mind. No words were exchanged as you both made your way into the building and towards the elevators. You both knew what you wanted and there was no reason for small talk.
When both of you entered the elevator, an older man also joined and stood between the both of you. The man pressed a button, grunted a little then stood and stared at the doors waiting for his floor. Jungkook leaned over and pressed his floor button. You moved your eyes on Jungkook and watch him press his number. You noticed how he lived on the second highest floor.
Jungkook clicked his tongue in anticipation. He wanted to hold you and devour you, but he wasn't alone with you in the elevator. Jungkook looked over and you both locked eyes. He gave a quick wink. You couldn't help but laugh but quickly pressed your hand over your mouth to muffle the sound so the man wouldn't notice. The alcohol gave you a slight buzz. You cleared your throat then looked back towards the doors. The elevator doors 'pinged' open and the old man walked out.
When the doors closed, Jungkook immediately moved across and closed the gap between both of you. He held your shoulders and pushed you back, pinning you against the cold silver wall. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against yours and let out a shuddery breath. His hands reached down and gripped both of your ass cheeks and gave it a tight squeeze. You gasped from his sudden movement and reached out and gripped his wide shoulders, curling your fingers in the fabric of his suit. You tilted your chin up and almost met his soft lips with yours. His lips brushed over yours as he spoke.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this" He said deeply. He opened his mouth again, to speak but immediately you stopped him with your mouth. You kissed him deeply, swiping your tongue over his pink lips, wanting entrance. Jungkook gladly responded by kissed back with an open-mouthed kiss. You tasted the alcohol that coated his lips and the sweetness of his tongue. You both took in a deep breath, and resumed kissing but stopped once you both head the ping of the elevator door. You pushed him off you which made him stumble a little. You grinned and Jungkook knew you were now in a playful mood. He stepped out and looked over his shoulder at you, eyeing you down with his lustful eyes and then walked through the dimly lit hallway to his door.
You followed closely behind him. You bit your lip in anticipation and watched him stand in front his door and press in the pin numbers. Once the door opened, he stepped through and you entered also. The room was dark but you could make out the outlines of the walls and furniture from the light outside the window. Jungkook turned around and closed the door, caging you between his arms as he rested his hands on the door in front of him. He reached for your clutch, took it out of your hands and tossed it over his shoulder carelessly.
"You won't need that" He grinned then leaned in and kissed your lips. You laughed at his actions then reached for his collar and started opening his shirt while your mouths remained attached. You both groaned into each other mouths, filling it with hot breath then releasing for more kisses. Jungkook's hands roamed over our body till one rested at the back of your neck and the other on the side of your thigh, allowing you to raise your leg and curl it around his hip. Your fingers hurriedly opened his shirt while his hands tried to reach for your zip. After moments of eagerly wanting to feel each other's warm skin, the night was spent with your bodies tangled and laced in positions and pleasures.
The sun crept through the curtains and painted your bodies with gleaming yellow light. Jungkook shifted in the bed then slowly got up, groaning from the brightness hitting his eyes. He squinted a little then shaded his eyes with his hands and looked at the window. You moved your legs slightly under the sheets which made Jungkook snap his neck to your direction and watch you lay there sleeping on your back. He blinked then remembered the events of last night. He started to grin and loved the feeling of accomplishment. He felt like a king. Wanted you and he finally had you. The game of finally chasing you was over and he won. He knew nothing was happened between the both of you, in fact he didn't care. Just knowing that he slept with one of the hottest women in company was an achievement alone. Jungkook turned and stares at you, watching you sleep soundlessly. His gaze trailed down your body and saw the shape of your frame under the silk sheets. Slowly and gently, he tugged on the material and saw the edges move further down till your soft breasts where exposed before him. He licked his lips. Jungkook reached over to the side of his bed and grabbed his phone.
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hansolmates · 7 years
vernon; get lost in the rhythm of me
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Summary: She had less than a month to finish a project she should’ve finished ages ago, and on a whim decides to interview the campus radio show. Little did she know she’d get locked into the Thursday Night Lockdown with a certain campus cutie. Wow I’m sorry I suck at summaries please send help.
Characters: fratboy!Vernon/Original Female + various
Genre: Fluffity fluff (and if you count student stress a lil wittle angst)
Word Count: 5896
01 | 02(?) | 03 (m)(?)
“There’s that dance team that covers songs, you can write about them?”
“I already checked with their e-board, they’re too busy for an interview.”
College Avenue was littered with students after the final 4:10 session, the kids excited for the week to be over as they walked around like busy ants. Despite the nippy weather, Greek Row was still going strong, so strong that we couldn’t get past the student center without hearing the cacophonous noise pollution coming from the different houses. I totally got it though, considering it was a hard week of exams for everyone. It was lucky enough for us to go to a big university where students could cry and party together. A little part of me itched to go grab a drink from one of their coolers, but I promised myself that I couldn’t have fun until I figured out my final project topic for Media Studies. The topic that I was supposed to have down over a month ago.
(Last Tuesday, 4:33:
“I’m doing a compilation on popular YouTube artists,” Joshua informed, taking a long sip of his iced Americano. .
“Ah. Should I get the small or medium?” I asked distractedly, my eyes calculating how much more content I would get in my smoothie if I got the bigger size.
“I’m almost done with my project, maybe you should start soon.” he continued, probably glaring holes into my back because I wasn’t paying the least bit attention to him.
“Do you think I should get extra bananas in my drink? How can you even tell if there’s extra bananas when it’s all mixed up?”
“And I’ve also discovered aliens are real.” Joshua drolled, unamused as he swirled the caramel in his drink. “Their mothership came to my dorm last night, and now I’m pregnant with the Queen’s future heir to the throne. So nice knowing you, I’m glad to have a friend who’s always willing to listen to me!”
Needless to say, I didn’t have my work cut out for me.)
Joshua stopped in his tracks, and by my demise I had to stop in front of him, my neck narrowly missing the sharp corner of his textbook that was sticking out of his backpack. “Did you see that?” he asked, practically pulling my arm from the socket so I’d be right in front of him.
Sigma Tau (notorious for having the prettiest pink house on Row) had a lawn practically spilling with loud students, with equally loud music drowning out their block.
On the makeshift plastic and metal stage, a guy with flowers was on one knee looking like the high heavens as his lips moved in some sort of proposal. The girl who was forcefully dragged up by her sisters looked absolutely mortified, cheeks ruddy, face sunken, and her pale limbs hugged around her t-shirt that was now way too skimpy for her comfort level. The guy was absolutely smug however, looking like he just won a trip to Mars as he practically dipped the rose petals in her palms. But everyone was watching, cooing and making eager, alcohol-laden cries of encouragement, and she had no choice to accept, her face tilted away as she reluctantly grabbed the bouquet.
“Seungcheol is so embarrassing,” Joshua muttered under his breath, pulling them away from the lawn and back onto the sidewalk, “She looks terrified up there.”
I frowned at the childish proposal, watching the couple (?) pull away from the stage and melt between the thick crowd. “I feel bad for her.” I frowned, forcing my gaze to the DJ. The rosy-haired student flipped a switch in his soundboard, and played another upbeat mix, effectively bringing the mood back to a million.
Joshua bobbed his head to the everlasting beat as they walked further away, in that cute non-party boy way that looked more like he was walking down Disney’s Main Street, U.S.A. with birds and sunshine rather than a Thirsty Thursday on campus. “Oh, I got it. What about the radio show?” he suddenly asked, his face glowing with excitement.
“Radio show? Like the campus one?”
“Yeah, there’s one for every day of the week. You can probably go tonight and see if you can snag an interview or something.”  Joshua dragged us to the pizza place by one of the main classroom buildings, the aroma of garlic buttered dough and tomato sauce notifying my empty stomach like lightning.
“The mac n’ cheese pizza looks good,” I murmured, my eyes glazing over the shiny window display.
“Are you paying attention? You should go before their show starts because we have to have our topics before class tonight and—oh shit that does look good. Let's get two slices. With garlic knots.” his large cat eyes widened at the specialty pizza, ready to pull out his wallet. “I can spot you this time.”
Nudging his shoulder with mine I giggled, “You're a lifesaver.”
I blame the food coma from that sinful pizza, because after napping in the dorms it nearly escaped my mind that I was supposed to go to the radio station after class. By napping, I mean sleeping. Missing the first campus bus, it took an extra fifteen minutes to get to the Communications Department. It looked like any other building on campus, faded brick walls which veiled a treasure cove of our student talent. The lights that led to the station upstairs were a dim deep yellow, bathing the atrium that led to a series of dark hallways.
“Excuse me,” I said, careful not to disturb the student in the lobby who was currently alphabetizing records behind their desk. “Are you, DJ Suga?”
Said boy took his sweet ass time to turn around, his glazed eyes giving me a look that wondered why on earth I was here so late. He wore a dark denim jacket with a poorly painted uterus on the back, with a very subtle wording of “fuck the patriarchy” in fine white script. “Yeah, I am.” he said, his pebbly voice wracking my form and waking up all the hairs on my arms. DJ Suga was the de facto head of the campus radio, and at best I hoped he could be a tad less irritable to my outreach. “What of it?”
“I was wondering if I could get an interview with one of your DJs? If there’s time.”
The ebony haired student tilted his head, as if he were momentarily stuck in dreamland, before pulling himself away from his desk. “Let’s see,” he hummed, more to himself as he walked down one of the dark hallways. He returned in a matter of seconds, his petite form looking absurdly high and mighty from his lazy smile, “Sorry, doll.” he murmured, jerking his head back in the hallway. “I got a kid who’s going to be on the air in a few minutes. But I think you’re better off listenin’ to their show before you get the interview, y’know? Feel their vibe.”
My eyes darted to the big digital clock that sat fat in the middle of his desk. 11:52. Wow, I slept longer than I thought. I suddenly felt a little silly, barging in so late with the faintest idea about how to go about this project. With a quick thanks, I hitched my bag above my shoulder, going across the radio floor and to one of the study lobbies. When I made sure I found a nice corner desk where no one would bother me I threw my laptop on and shoved my headphones over my ears, finding the university station. I hoped after coming all this way here in the middle of the night, I could at least try to “feel their vibe.”
Some techy music signaled the start of the show, and to my lack of anticipation the most velvety voice filled my ears, causing my chest to jerk involuntarily.
“What’s up, College Avenue. I’m Vernon and we’re back with The Thursday Night Lockdown.”
His voice was something out of the city and back, with purpose and history. It wasn’t raspy like DJ Suga’s, but it definitely had that low timbre that probably could melt people like butter if he used it right. Adjusting the volume on my laptop, I closed my eyes and let DJ Vernon have his evening.
“I hope you guys submitted those assignments. I’m tellin’ ya freshmen, that 11:59 deadline will close on your ass if you don’t press that red button.” a small smile played on my lips, and I subtly kicked my sneakers under the table, tucking my legs in a comfortable position. I’d imagine Vernon would be just as comfortable, feet on the desk, loose sweats, totally in his element. “I didn’t really have a set plan for tonight, considering it’s midterms and there was a lot of stuff to do this week. I know a lot of us are out drinking their livers out, but for the rest of us I was thinking we could all wind down together. Listen to some playlists, I’ll take some calls and talk about life.”
He talked a little bit about his first playlist, saying it was his favorite cool down mix after a hard day of classes. Everything he said rolled off his tongue like molten chocolate, and I belatedly realized that my fingers curled after every other syllable, his eagerness to spread his enjoyment seeping into my tensed muscles. When his voice faded to silence and soft acoustic music rose, I felt myself momentarily transcend in the surprisingly soothing setlist. I opened up a new tab and started working on some homework, feeling myself get in the zone as I let my mind bounce comfortably between assignments and The Thursday Night Lockdown. This was pretty cool, actually. I never made the time to listen to university shows, but this guy was a natural. Vernon made off-hand comments between songs, reading some comments from their forum page like a conversation with friends or ad-libbing on certain songs. It was a welcoming distraction on particularly rough parts of the work.
“Ah, but one thing that I really need to get off my chest today.” Vernon’s low chuckle rumbled in my ears, “I’m incredibly annoyed at what went down at Sigma Tau today. My boy Coups was brutally rejected for formal on stage this afternoon.”
Shooting up from my nylon seat, its wheels rolled farther from the desk causing my ears to tug painfully from the wire. Pulling myself back to the wooden desk, I furrowed my eyebrows as my focus blurred from my literature paper, concentrating on what Vernon had to say.
“I mean, he did so much for her, Got her flowers, played her favorite song right before he asked, and even got her sisters on it, But once she got off the stage she apparently got so angry, and walked out on him! Seriously?” he scoffed, the once enjoyable sound of his voice feeling like a grating chalkboard forced against my ears. “It was so rude of her, I hope she apologizes to him soon because no one deserves to be treated that way.”
White heat boiled my blood, my jaw pulled so low in shock that it ached. My fingers twitched with a sudden urge to rip at my textbook that I’ve left on the side for the last ten minutes, finally putting it to good use on my sanity.
“Feel free to drop some comments on the forum or shoot me a call, let me know your opinion.”
With pleasure. My fingers typed at lightspeed as I searched up the radio’s number, then with equal pace as I tapped on my cellphone with a bit of unnecessary force with each key. Pulling out one bud, I pressed my cell to my ear. The dial tone was Drake’s Fake Love, which made me even more irritated as I waited for him to pick up.
“And then I was craving—oh, we got our first phone call of the night!” A small, cruel smile nipped on the edge of my lips at Vernon’s innocence as he prepared to pick up. Ripping out the other earbud, I slammed my laptop shut, the lid echoing in the small cubicle. “Good evening, Caller 10.” Vernon sing-songed, “Welcome to The Lockdown. What’s up?”
“Hello, Vernon.” I replied with an equally cheery voice, drumming my nails against the lid of my computer. “I presume you were there when Seungcheol asked that girl to formal?”
“Oh, yeah. Of course I was there.” his voice perked up, probably eager to vent out his frustrations of this afternoon. I was equally armed.
“So I guess you’re blind, then?” I bite, my voice still laced with a sickly positivity.
I felt his breath hitch slightly, probably undetected from the rest of campus listening, but against my ear his surprise was blissfully palpable. “E-excuse me?” he said.
“Because if you had eyes, you would’ve seen how absolutely uncomfortable that poor girl looked on stage. She looked like she was about to cry.” I prayed that the girl from this afternoon wasn’t listening in, and if Seungcheol was supporting his friend like I’d imagine, I hoped he’d feel every ounce of my venom. “How dare you insinuate that girl was wrong. She doesn’t have to apologize, and in fact it’s your friend that should be apologizing.”
“Whoa whoa, hold up Ten.” I blistered at the fact he referred to me as a number, but let it slide considering it was my first time on his line and I was attacking him. “You don’t even know the whole story—”
“Oh, I don’t need to know the whole story to know that your friend is immature and delusional. And so are you, if you think some flowers and a grand confession is any consolation for a date. She had every right to say no.”
“You have no idea,” I felt his voice go dangerously low, like the way a predator would test the waters. Eliciting that sort of reaction from the originally happy Vernon, was satisfying. “How much Coups likes that girl. He would do anything—”
“Bullshit.” I spat, fingers curling around my phone. “If he really liked her, he wouldn’t have put her on the chopping block. He wouldn’t have let her stand on that damn stage, forced to say yes on the spot. She was doing your friend a favor,” I said slowly, my words careful and deliberate. “And made sure she wouldn’t embarrass him like he was embarrassing her.”
I knew Vernon was hanging on a thread, trying to be mighty and defend his friend. Despite my subconscious telling me to let this poor boy off the hook, it’s not my business and it’s his show, I couldn’t let him continue to talk as if he knew everything.
Vernon scoffed, and I could imagine him practically groveling in his studio, grappling for a comeback. “You really think he was trying to hurt her? Coups wouldn’t hurt a fly.” he said.
“Then if it’s not you or me, Seungcheol is the blind one. If you had asked me out on that stage, you better believe I wouldn’t have been as nice to you as she was.”
“Good thing that won’t happen, ever.” Vernon shot back. “I don’t think I’d want to date someone like you.”
Low. Blow. “Excuse me?” I hissed. Screw being quiet in the study room, I got up, smacking my palms against the desk as if Vernon was right in front of me. “You’d be so lucky to date someone like me—”
“Oh!” I heard some rustling, plastic, prickling against my ear. And then the call ended.
Ripping the phone away, I whipped open my laptop and turned on The Lockdown.
“The call dropped.” Vernon’s A-class acting reverberated through my speakers, his candied voice strained with concealed stress. “So, so sorry that happened, Ten.” he cooed. I was fuming, half-tempted to fling my laptop across the room if it wasn’t so expensive. “Anyway, I hope she comes to her senses. The exams must be getting to her, but on more important—”
I closed my laptop with another huff, throwing it in its case and shoving my books in my bag. Unbelievable. It was hard to get me riled, but my face was burning so hard with embarrassment and anger that my cheeks hurt. No way in hell was I letting this guy get to me. He was probably a complete idiot who didn’t deserve the satisfaction of making me angry, and was probably sweating in his studio for being such a coward and ending an argument that he was destined to lose. Throwing my jacket on, I left the study area as fast as I could. I needed food, a hot shower, and Vernon’s stupid voice to be erased from my memory.
I passed by the lobby, avoiding DJ Suga’s smirk as he lazed against his desk.
“Nice show, doll.” I heard him say to my retreating back. “You’re a natural.”
“So, I heard the radio show last night.” Joshua’s voice was like a meek puppy, molasses slow as he weighed my expressions.
“Can we not?” I sighed tiredly, taking a sharp stab into my bubble tea. My straw pierced through the tight plastic with a satisfying ‘pop’ and I gave a hard sip of my thai.
The small bubble tea shop felt even more suffocating than usual, the arylide yellow walls closing in on me through Joshua’s motherly gaze. There was nowhere to go when you’re trapped under his chocolate eyes. People who have never done a wrong thing in their life would plead guilty if Joshua was chastising them.
“Minghao’s in Sigma. He said that Vernon was practically fuming when he got back.” he informed, both of his hands clutching in his mango yogurt tea. “Apparently he doesn’t get angry often.”
“Well, I’m glad I was able to tap into his newfound emotions.” I replied tartly, looking away to focus on the black framed window. The sky was a dull blue-grey, signaling the end of another day. Clouds blanketed the campus, fat and eager for a reprieve. “Josh, can you please stop looking at me like that? I did nothing wrong. I only spoke my mind, or is that against your moral code?”
“It’s not.” Joshua huffed. “But you messed up your final project by picking a fight with him. You don’t have much time.”
“It’s fine. I’ll ask Suga for help. He found my little stunt entertaining.”
“His show is about underground rap. What on earth do you know about underground rap?”
“Okay, what about Woozi?”
“Not after what happened last night. Vernon and Jihoon are friends, no way is he going to help you.”
“Alright, Grapevine.” I looked up at him through my lashes. “I was impulsive. What do you want me to do, apologize for telling the truth?”
“Stop attacking me. I'm just saying for the sake of your grade, you should try making peace with him.” Joshua took an obnoxious sip of his tea, emptying his plastic cup with a loud slurp. “You already declared radio as your topic, right?”
“Yeah, yeah.” I glowered, shifting in my uncomfortable metal stool. “I’ll figure something out, don’t worry.”
Seemingly satisfied, Joshua threw away his finished drink and put on his backpack. A little part of me envied how put-together my friend always was, the perfect poster student in a baby blue button down and Dockers oxfords. He gave me a pleased smile and waved to the owner, pulling out his portable umbrella. “I gotta go to glee club, but think about what I said alright?” he patted my head, mussing up my hair. Before I could growl in his face he was already out the door, waving cheerfully.
Once he was out of sight, I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding in. Feeling a whole lot more heavier and weighed with the whole world against me, I slumped in my chair and leaned over my laptop. Ordering another round of tea, I vegetated in that little hole-in-the-wall shop all evening. Mulling over my unfinished radio project, the layers and upon layers of other subjects I had to handle, and to my bitter acknowledgement, The Lockdown. Had I made a mistake, lashing on a fellow student when I really did have no clue what was going on? I only said what I saw, and while I wasn't going to take it back a little part of me felt guilty for putting that guy on the spot.
It was already past ten when I finally decided to go home. Popping my joints in all the right places I packed up my things, bumping into other customers who were trying to get something to drink before the shop closed. Bubbling myself to repel the happy students lazing around the sweet smelling shop, I walked outside where the rain was at its peak.
Thunder popped across the sky, and I flinched, clutching the straps of my bag tighter around my shoulders. I didn’t have an umbrella and my windbreaker definitely wasn’t large enough to protect myself and my laptop. Water droplets bounced like millions of tiny scintillating diamonds across the sidewalk, and I had to take half a step under the canopy to stay dry.
“The rain isn’t going to stop anytime soon, but a little water never hurt anybody.”
That voice. The pops in the sky, the lightning streaking across the midnight blue sky suddenly made a race into my chest, electrifying me and rooting me to the spot. An umbrella was suddenly draped over my head, the inner lining decorated with pearl white clouds and a clear azure sky. I looked up to the speaker of that insultingly attractive voice, and it belonged to DJ Vernon of The Thursday Night Lockdown.
There were a number of things that confused me on a daily basis. The people who order iced water at Starbucks, or why the detergent pods couldn’t be used in the laundry rooms because they were so damn convenient. But today it was Vernon, I couldn’t fathom why I couldn’t look at him and get mad like I did last night. It was like he was a completely different person, the way he smiled like he was the sunshine steering away tonight’s rainfall.
He was cute. Really cute. I felt trapped under his aura, which felt tons warmer than the cold rainy night. Eyes like caramel coffee, both energizing and sweet. A smile so disarming I was struck as much as the lightning to a tree, a little part of me felt like he was being betrayed because I didn’t deserve such niceties.
“Uh, are you okay?” his smile quirked in confusion, and I realized he probably felt really uncomfortable that I was staring up at him like he was some beacon in a fog. He tilted his head, the dark bangs shifting slightly in his neon orange beanie. One hand held the handle of the umbrella, the other with a large strawberry yogurt boba. If I moved a centimeter closer I would surely be bumping into his arm. As fate would play dirty tricks in life, it was inevitable that I would end up meeting him the night after I called him out.
Feeling like cotton was being shoved in my throat, I said quietly, “Hey, Vernon.”
And I couldn’t comprehend the sinking feeling in my stomach when his face fell slightly at my words, recognizing my voice just as quickly as I had. “Oh, Ten.” he said with a sort of glazed wonder, his umbrella dipping slightly to let the water dribble off the edge. “You look, a lot less scarier than I imagined you to be.”
“Scarier?” I gaped, wondering exactly how angry I made this guy.
“Yeah. When you’re not talking, of course.” his voice was devoid of any distinguishable emotion, blending with his barely there smile and off-putting gaze. “You look, kind of sweet actually. But unfortunately for you, looks are deceiving.” he deadpanned simply.
And he dropped me like a bowling ball, pulling away from me and walking into the rain.
My eyes followed his quickly retreating trail, looking about as dry as a sheet of paper as he walked into the street. I swallowed back a sigh, half-expecting Vernon to walk away upon discovering I was Caller 10. He had every right to leave me stranded, but it felt even crappier watching him walk off in the rain. I looked up into the suffocating sky, the dark clouds giving me no hope of getting back to the dorms without being drenched. Maybe if I stared hard enough, the rain would stop. Maybe I could do a raindance, at this point dignity was non-existent.
The tic-tic of rain suddenly turned into harsh splashes, and I looked straight to find Vernon retreating his footsteps and making his way back to me. If he noticed his Timberlands drowning by the neck in grimy water, he made no notice. He looked like he was talking to himself, his cheeks glowing pink in the midst of the grey city as he quickly pushed himself back to the front of the store. My heart rate seemed to multiply in double time the closer he got, and I fought the urge to go back inside the warm shop and avoid him altogether.
“Okay, shit. I’m not that much of a dick.” he looked guilty, biting his bubble gum toned lips. There it was again with the eyes, I thought in frustration as he stared in the remnants of my soul. They reminded me a little of Joshua’s, they way he’d stare and be completely willing to share the world. Vernon placed the umbrella over both of our heads. “I’m not gonna let you walk in the rain alone. Are you heading to the bus stop?”
“Yeah.” I said quietly, still surprised he actually came back for me. What exactly was this guy?
“Cool. C’mon then.”
I followed his footsteps, doing my best to match his long legs which were covered by a light pair of cuffed jeans. I don’t even know what I was thinking, walking with the guy I practically trashed on the night before. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing either, his Adam’s apple bobbing nervously as he walked to the stoplight. It seemed more like his morality was forcing him to be generous to me, and it was only more aching on my conscious knowing he was being nice to someone who probably didn’t deserve it.
“Wow,” I murmured against the thick rain, soft enough for only the two of us to hear. “You’re really nice.”
A small grin tugged on Vernon’s lips as we rounded the corner. He refused to look at me, his gaze dead straight on our destination. “Why, did you think I was some evil radio host?”
“No.” I snorted, “Believe it or not I actually thought you were pretty nice back then, too. Anyone who’d stand to defend their friend no matter how bad they messed up, is a pretty good guy in my books.”
He didn’t reply after that, and I didn’t mind. He probably thought I was tricking him or something. We stood in front of the bus stop next to the other late-stragglers, waiting for the next bus to take us back.
I tried not to notice the wary look he gave me, not because I looked threatening, but because I was pretty far from him. As big as his umbrella was, I kept edging away from the center to give him his personal space. My left shoulder was exposed, water spilling on the wicker fabric of my windbreaker. I did my best to ignore the subtle way Vernon would try to cover it.
“Your show is nice.” I continued to fill the lack of conversation, might as well while we waited it out. “It was my first time listening to it. I thought it was great, I like your music taste and you really sound like you’re enjoying it. I was actually supposed to write about your show for a project. Still am, actually.” I added with a little bit of remorse, willing for the bus to come faster. “It’s too late to change my topic, but I’ll figure my way around.” The familiar red and white bus turned into the stop, and I shied away from Vernon’s space, finally looking at him with as much sincerity as I could muster. “Thanks for waiting.”
And as I climbed on the bus, Vernon finally spoke.
“Turns out the girl broke into tears after. Coups really fucked up.”
My head snapped to him in surprise, Vernon still rooted on the spot. While I didn’t want to be right, knowing I was made the situation feel a lot more real. Our fight wasn't in vain. I didn't understand why Vernon felt the need to tell me that, so I bit my lip and replied, “I'm sorry to hear that happened.”
“You were right about Seungcheol. I talked to him today.” he looked up through his lashes with nothing but pure guilt, “While I’m still angry for you talking trash about my friend, I’m sorry I was quick to judge.”
Before I could even let his words sink in, the glass doors barriered us, and the buss whirred back to life. I gripped on the handle of the railing, watching Vernon wait for his bus as mine drove away. Vernon certainly was a character, I couldn’t even tell if he liked me or hated me. But he said sorry, and it wasn’t even his fault, and that only fueled the aching guilt inside me that would haunt me for the following week.
The next Thursday felt more like a Monday, the most painful Monday-Thursday in my entire college career. There was just so much work. I felt like I was drowning in it. Drowning in sleepless nights, drowning in coffee and all the various types of teas in the hope to keep myself conscious for even five seconds. I couldn’t retain any information my professors were giving me. My projects were crap, my life was a mess, and I could hardly breathe.
So that’s how I ended up in my dormitory’s laundry room at 3 A.M., curled up against the washing machine. My laptop was strewn across my slippers, my headphones connected to them and wound over my ears.
I’m sure it was normal for students to have their obligatory breakdown midway through the semester. When everything feels like it’s crashing down on you and you have no idea how to get up. I pressed my back further into the rumbling washing machine, the cool metal burning through my thin pajamas. I turned my music up up up, all the way to max volume until I couldn’t hear myself tear.
Crying’s a good thing, I tell myself.
It’d be even worse to let myself bottle up and explode in the worst possible way. I wasn’t even entirely sure as to what I was crying about, all I knew was that I was sad and I needed to let it out. Was it the piles of work? The fact that I missed home? My subpar projects? My shoulders shook like a chilled autumn leaf, brittle and vulnerable, my throat constricting and my face puffy and wet with stress.
I wasn’t exactly sure how long I was crying for, but I remember hearing the music breaking to a MultiVitamin commercial, forcing me to change the station on my computer.
“We’re at the last hour of The Lockdown.” Vernon’s voice purred in my ears, willing me to lift my shoulders up a centimeter.  
I exhaled tiredly, wiping away the tears that still wouldn’t cease their race down my face. My fixation to his radio show since that time in the rain definitely wasn't healthy, it was one of the main things distracting me from my studies. Although I would like to convince myself it was because of my Media Studies project, and not a certain beanie-wearing DJ.
“I'm not exactly sure how many of you are up with me, but if you are—that's lit!” I suppressed the small smile at his infectious enthusiasm.  “Because now you get to listen to a little something I whipped up with Sigma last month. It still needs a little bit of work, but you’ll like it either way.”
Vernon wrote music?
“This is for everyone who's going through a hard time right now. That you'll always have someone to lean on.
If I am in your heart If I am really in your heart Wherever you are I will follow you Even if we’re so busy That we can’t see each other often If we get drunk on each other and fall asleep In the dreams, don’t hesitate Lean on me.”
When he started rapping, I realized there was way more to radio than I thought. Way more on the inside to the puzzle that was Vernon. At the time, the one thing that I was absolutely sure of was that I seriously underestimated him. There was so much passion in his words, the messages he wanted to share, his declaration was nothing more than genuine. It only caused my emotional self to get even worse, tears bubbling down my face like water boiling over.
As soon as he finished his song I pulled out my phone, and tugged off the plug of the speaker. Vernon’s bashful self started explaining the origins of his song, the speakers echoing throughout the cramped laundry room. Pressing my cell to my ear, I waited to the all-too familiar dial tone of “Hotline Bling.”
“Oh. We have a caller! I didn’t think anyone would be awake.” he chuckled awkwardly, and I wondered what he thought about his rapping if he only decided to sing when virtually no one would be listening. “Welcome to The Lockdown… Ten?”
Surprise, surprise. “Hey, Vernon.” I sniffed, trying my hardest not to whimper according to  my weary throat.
“Are you, are you crying?” there was disbelief laced in his voice, honest surprise. He spoke as if this wasn't public radio, like a one-on-one phone call between two friends. “Was it that bad?”
“What? No?” I hiccupped, rubbing my raw nose between the paw of my sweater. “You’re amazing. I loved it so much. You’re so talented.” the words rushed out in impatient whispers, as if the laundry room had ears and would eat up my words if I didn’t speak fast enough. “I had no idea you could write songs.”
“Thank you.” he murmured, his words lingering in the air with no intention of ending the conversation.
“And I’m sorry. Sorry for talking shit on-air, sorry for thinking so badly for you, sorry for everything and anything. And if it’s okay and if you think I’m not so much of a scary person as you imagined,” his warm chuckles reverberated through the airwaves, and I stuffed my face in my sweater in embarrassment, “I know you said you’d never want to go out with me, but do you think you could take those words back for one afternoon? So I can apologize in person.”
I could practically hear his smile from the other line. “It’s a date, Ten.”
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revwinchester · 7 years
The Babysitter
Summary: The reader babysits for Sam’s son, Cam, while she is finishing college and preparing for graduate school.  She’s always found Sam attractive but assumes there can never be anything more between them because of their professional relationship.
Author: revwinchester
Pairings/Characters: Sam Winchester x Reader, Campbell “Cam” Winchester (OMC)
Word Count: 4777
Warnings: Fluff, emergency room visit (but even that ends up fluffy)
A/N: This was originally written for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog‘s Trope Challenge and then the story I was writing ended up fitting in really well with @jared-padaloveme‘s Birthday Challenge, too!  Woohoo for Sam fluff!
(If a 7-8 year age gap squicks you out, assume the reader took a gap year to travel and Sam skipped a grade or two in elementary school which drops it down to a much more manageable 4 years or so.)
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
“Alright, little dude, I’m ready for you,” you called up to the top of the slide.  You had helped Cam climb up the play structure and as he got himself situated on the slide you had made your way around to the bottom of the curved plastic tube.  
“You’re gonna catch me?” Cam asked, his nerves clear in his little voice.
“I’m right here at the bottom, I’m gonna catch you,” you guaranteed the boy.
“I promise, Cam,” you assured him.  
You heard the shuffling of his little feet as he pushed his body into the tube and half screeched, half giggled the whole way down.  When Cam appeared at the end of the slide, you hooked your hands under his armpits and swooped him up, swinging his legs as you spun in a circle, his shrieks and laughter filling the air with joy.  “Again!  I wanna go again!” he cried.
You placed him down on the ground and he ran off to the base of the play structure and began climbing again.  You walked over and stood behind him, letting him climb himself but providing a safety net should the two (almost three, as Cam would remind you constantly) year old fall.  Once he made it to the top, you asked “do you want me to catch you again?”
Cam looked at you with a face full of sass, something his dad claimed he’d learned from you.  “The end was the best part!  I wanna fly again!” he exclaimed as if you should have known all along.  He ran off and sat at the top of the slide and you jogged around the structure to catch him and swing the boy through the air.  
You had been babysitting Cam for a year, since he was about one and a half years old.  Your senior year in college you’d managed to work your schedule so that you only had night classes.  Taking advantage of this, you had put your resume up on a few of the sites that parents could go to when they were looking for a babysitter or a nanny.  A few folks contacted you that summer for one time jobs, which were great, but you had been hoping for something a bit more regular.  
After about a month on the site, you got a request for a sitter from Sam Winchester.  He explained he was a single parent and the neighbor who used to watch his son Campbell while Sam was at work had moved away.  He’d already checked with the references that you had put on the website and was hoping that you could give him and Cam a trial run the next week.
A long term gig was what you had been hoping for so you had quickly replied and set up the schedule for the week with Sam.  You instantly fell in love with Cam, not to mention his extremely handsome father.  You had quickly worked to forget about how attractive Sam was, he was your employer now, after all, and focused in on Cam.  
Sam worked as a lawyer with a prestigious firm and also taught pre-law students at the local university.  With his crazy schedule, you would often cook dinner for him and Cam and on the nights that you didn’t have to run out the door for class, Sam would insist you stay and eat with them.  Sometimes it would seem like he was flirting but you pushed the thought aside.  Sam was a nice, sweet guy, that was all.
As the end of your senior year approached, you applied for a few jobs in your field but it seemed like everyone wanted experience or a higher level of education, so you never got any phone calls after going for interviews.  Sam still needed someone to watch Cam so you turned your focus to preparing for the GRE and grad school while you nannied for the Winchester family.  
Right after graduation, Sam had made you an offer that seemed almost too good to be true.  You really didn’t want to move back in with your parents.  They weren’t too far away but it would be a forty minute ride each way to get to the Winchester boys’ house and, yet, with your salary, there really wasn’t much that you could afford that was any closer.  Sam and Campbell had taken you out for dinner to celebrate your graduation when the older of the two Winchesters presented you with his idea.
“You deserve so much more than I could ever give you, Y/N.  You are officially the most qualified babysitter I have ever encountered now that you’ve got your degree in child development,” Sam laughed.  “I really can’t afford to give you a raise but I know you’ve been looking for a place to stay in the area so, what if… what if you came and stayed with us?”  He asked, hope shining in his eyes.  “We’ve got plenty of space, you know the neighborhood, you’re already comfortable in our home…” he trailed off.
“Sam, that’s so kind but I couldn’t afford…” you began but Sam cut you off.
“No rent, Y/N,” Sam clarified.  “Consider it part of your compensation.  I was serious when I said you deserve a raise.”
You sat in the kitchen, a study guide on the table in front of you.  You were frustrated and tired and nothing was sticking in your mind.  Sam had to work late and Cam had been in bed for the past two hours.  Sam was teaching an evening class this semester and had called to let you know that a student had requested a meeting after class.  It was only about 9:00, but Cam had been particularly energetic that day and your shared adventures had left you feeling exhausted.  You fought to stay awake but your eyelids were just so heavy and…
You woke with a start at the feel of a hand on your arm.  The hand was way too big to be Cam so you were immediately on high alert.  
“Woah there,” a familiar voice chuckled as the hand pulled away.  Sam, it was Sam.  He was home.  
“Hey, sorry,” you yawned, sitting up.  “Must’ve fallen asleep while I was studying.  This stupid stuff won’t stay put in my head.”  You gestured to the study guide in front of you, frustrated by the vocabulary words you were expected to know.  “I want to study child psychology and work in an elementary school, why do I even need all of this ridiculous vocabulary anyway?” You moaned.  You picked up your phone to check the time, only now noticing a text from Sam asking you to warm up some lasagna for him.  You jumped up from the table to reheat dinner for the man and found that he hadn’t stepped away from where he had been hovering over you.  You knocked right into Sam and he reached out to steady you, his large, warm hands gripping your elbows as your hands landed on his chest.  You looked up into his eyes and couldn’t move.  The pair of you stayed there for a moment before you realized you had been staring for too long and awkwardly took a step back.  
“I, um, just saw your text about the lasagna,” you informed him.  “I’ll warm some up, now.”
Sam cleared his throat as he stepped away from the table and walked toward the refrigerator.  “Don’t worry about it,” he told you as he opened the door and pulled out the pan of leftover pasta.  “Sit down, you’re exhausted,” he commanded you as you pulled a plate from the cabinet for him.  “Just because the quality of meals has gone up around here since you started cooking most of our dinners doesn’t mean I don’t know how to use the microwave, Y/N,” he joked.
You went back to the table and your vocabulary study guide and, soon, Sam was joining you, his dinner in one hand and two beers in the other.  He sat and twisted off the cap on one of the beers before offering it to you.
“So, what’s up with this vocab?” he asked.
“None of it is sticking in my head,” you confessed.  “The math stuff was all review from high school and came back pretty quickly but I can’t wrap my mind around a bunch of these words for some reason.”
“I could help you, if you wanted,” Sam offered.  “Quiz you.  Though, I should probably sabotage you so that you’re stuck with us forever,” he joked as he took a bite of his lasagna, practically moaning around the fork.  “This is so good, Y/N!” he announced through his mouthful of food and you had to laugh at that particular similarity between Sam and his son.  
“Thank you and, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, that might actually be helpful.  Quizzing me, I mean, not the sabotage,” you replied to his comments.  
Sam was hunched over his plate but looked up at you through his eyelashes.  “It would be my pleasure,” he told you.  “I’m sure we could come up with some kind of motivation, like a reward,” he paused and licked his lips and your breathing picked up just a little at the insinuation.  “I’ll pick up some of your favorite candy when I go shopping tomorrow and I’ll hide it except for during our study sessions.  Whenever you get a question right, you get a treat,” Sam concluded and you forced your breathing back to normal, embarrassed by the direction your thoughts had taken.
True to his word, Sam picked up some candy from the store and you found that your study sessions with the man were actually very helpful.  After a summer of babysitting and studying, you took the GRE at the end of August and were applying to graduate programs by mid-September, just before the deadline for winter term admission.
The day you were accepted into the psychology graduate program at your top choice school you took Cam for ice cream and then prepared a special dinner to thank Sam for all of his help.  Not only were you going to be attending one of the best schools for child psychology in the country, but you also would be going to the same school where you did your undergraduate studies so you wouldn’t have to leave the two Winchesters that you’d come to love over the past two years.
You excitedly shared the news with Sam when he got home and he pulled you in for a huge hug, squeezing you tight.  “I’m so proud of you, Y/N,” he muttered into your hair.  Seeing the exchange, Cam ran over and hugged you both, one arm wrapped around one of your legs, the other attached to his father’s leg.  Your heart swelled at the picture you were sure the three of you were making.
A storm blew in and after the worst had ended, you and Cam decided to go puddle stomping since it was quite warm outside, despite being mid-December.  On the walk around the neighborhood, the pair of you started to talk about families.
“All the other kids at school have a mommy ‘cept for me.  Bill even has two mommies but he doesn’t have a daddy,” Cam told you.  He’d been going to preschool in the mornings and really seemed to love being surrounded by other kids.  
“You’ve got an amazing daddy, though,” you reminded him.  
“Yeah,” Cam agreed.  “I asked Daddy if you could be my mommy,” he announced and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks.  “His face turned pink just like yours! And then he made me promise to… oops…” Cam trailed off.
You waited, not wanting to press Sam’s son for personal information.  It was so tempting to ask what Sam had his son promise but it felt extremely skeevy to manipulate the three year old.  “What’s oops?” you finally asked, figuring it was a safe question.
“Dad made me promise to not tell you I asked.  He said he didn’t want to make you uncomfor’ble,” he whispered.
“Your dad is a very sweet man but don’t worry, sweetie, I’m not uncomfortable,” you assured Cam as you ushered him into the backyard to cleanup before you both went back inside.  Of course, Cam thought running from you when you were trying to squirt him with the hose was the most fun part of the afternoon and cleaning up soon devolved into a game of its own.  That is, until you hit a patch of mud created by the earlier rain and went down hard.
You tried to stand but as soon as you put any weight onto your right foot, you fell again, splatting into the mud.  Cam stopped running at your yelp of pain and quickly made his way over to where you were.  “Are you ok, Y/N?” he asked with wide eyes.
“I’m not sure, sweetie.  I don’t think I can stand up right now,” you told Cam as tears welled in his eyes.  “I’m going to be just fine, though,” you assured him.  “I need you to be a big boy and help me out, ok?”
Cam sniffled and nodded.
“It’s ok to be scared right now, sweetheart, but I need you to be brave for me, too, ok?” you told the boy.  “I need you to go inside and call 9-1-1 for me.  Can you do that?”
Cam ran off and you watched through the sliding glass door as he climbed up on a chair to reach the phone and dialed the numbers before bringing it to his ear.  
“Miss Y/N fell and she can’t stand!” the toddler cried into the phone.  He paused to listen and then shouted to you from the doorway, “Are you awake?”
“Yes, Cam,” you called back.  Who even had a landline anymore, you wondered trying to get your mind off the pain that was shooting up your leg whenever you tried to move your foot.  I mean, you were grateful that Sam did since your purse and cell phone would definitely be out of Cam’s reach and there was no way you were driving yourself to the hospital.
“Y/N?” Cam asked, “can I open the gate?  The lady on the phone says I should open the gate so the am-buh-lence driver can get in the back yard.  Then she said I should sit with you and tell you jokes until they get here.”  
“Go ahead, sweetie,” you told Cam, smiling at the cool headed thinking of the 9-1-1 operator.  Getting the toddler’s mind off of his fear by suggesting humor was a really good idea.
Once the gate was open, Cam made his way back to you.  “Uncle Dean taught me some jokes,” he declared.
“Alright, kiddo, hit me with ‘em.”
“Why did the superhero flush the toilet?” Cam asked.
“I don’t know, Cam, why?” you replied, pain starting to color your voice despite your best efforts.
“Because it was his dooty!” The boy was giggling before he even shared the punchline and you smiled at his joy but you were pretty sure it came out more like a grimace.
Luckily, Cam didn’t notice and he pressed on.  “Um… Oh! If you’re American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?”
“I’d have to guess I’m still American?” you responded, not letting on that you knew where this joke was headed.
“No! Euro-peein’!” Cam cheered.
You actually laughed at that one but it was choked off by a moan of pain when the laughter jostled your leg.  You really hoped it wasn’t broken.  Before you could go too far down that line of thought, two men in paramedic’s uniforms made their way into the backyard.  As they headed toward you, you asked Cam to run inside and make sure the front door was locked, instructing him to come right back out afterwards.
The men gently loaded you onto a stretcher.  “I need my purse, it’s got my phone and my health insurance card.  Cam can show you which closet it’s hanging in,” you told one of the men.  He met Cam in the house and the little boy pointed to the front hall closet.  You knew your bag wouldn’t be too hard to find, since it was the only purse in the closet and soon enough, you were loaded into the back of the ambulance and Cam was situated with the driver and one of the paramedics up front.
“Can I turn on the siren?” you heard him ask before they shut the door.
Luckily, your injury wasn’t the kind of emergency that required the siren so the ambulance stayed relatively quiet.  
��They’ll probably let the little guy give it a try once we’re off the road,” the paramedic in the back told you.  “From what I understand he did real well on the phone with the emergency operator.  Your son’s got a good head on his shoulders.”
“Oh, he’s not… he’s not my son,” you explained.  “I’m the babysitter.”  You appreciated his attempt to take your mind off of the pain in your leg, though, as the ambulance jostled a bit here and there on the way to the hospital.  
As they unloaded you from the back of the ambulance, you heard the siren go off and could see the lights shining on top of the vehicle.  Once you were ready to be taken in, both stopped and Cam was brought around.  You were in a seated position with your right leg raised a bit.  You curled your left leg under your right knee as carefully as you could manage and offered the space on the gurney to Cam.  One of the paramedics picked him up and gently placed him on the bed as the others began wheeling you into the hospital.  
Having come in on an ambulance, you moved through triage quickly and found yourself in one of the emergency room’s cubicles.  There was a tv and you gave the remote control to Cam before digging into your purse for your cell phone.  Now that you were a bit settled, you really needed to call Sam to let him know where his son was.
You didn’t often call Sam during the day so the worry in his voice was expected and you did your best to calm him down right from the get go.  “Hey Sam, first Cam is absolutely fine.  He’s not hurt or sick or anything.  But we are at the hospital.”
Though his voice had calmed down at your assurance that his son was alright, you could hear the panic rising again.  “What?  Why?  Which hospital?” he asked.
“Cam is fine, I slipped and fell outside.  Don’t know exactly what’s wrong, yet.  They’ll hopefully be taking me for x-rays soon,” you told Sam, trying to allay his worries again.  “Cam was great, he was very brave and called 9-1-1 for me and now he’s got the remote control to the television in my room and he’s happy as a clam.”  
“Which hospital?” Sam asked again, sounding just as worried as ever.  
You told Sam where you were.  He said he’d meet you there and you hung up the phone as a nurse came in to take you for x-rays.  He helped you into a wheelchair and you lifted Cam up onto your lap.  “You’re doing an awesome job today, buddy,” you told the toddler.  “I don’t think you can come into the x-ray room with me so I’ll need you to be on your best behavior right outside the door, ok?  Your dad is going to be here soon and he’ll take you home.”  Cam nodded at you.
“He can come into the control room with me, if that’s alright with you, ma’am,” the nurse offered.  You nodded your ascent, grateful for how wonderful the staff was being with the boy, and he spoke directly to Cam,  “You just can’t touch anything in there, buddy, but I’ll be happy to show you what some of the buttons do”
Cam’s eyes got wide and he half whispered, half shouted in excitement, “COOL!”
You were wheeled into the room with the x-ray machine and the nurse helped you onto the table and arranged your leg under the camera.  You did your best to grit your teeth and bear the pain so as to not scare Cam but every now and then a whimper escaped your lips.
Cam and the nurse went behind the wall where the controls were and you could hear him explaining to the toddler what he was doing.  A moment later, the nurse came back into view and repositioned your leg and, though he was as gentle as possible, it still hurt quite a bit.  He moved out of sight again to take the x-ray.  After two more photos were taken of your bones, you were helped back into the wheelchair and brought back to your room in the E.R. to wait again.
Almost immediately after you returned, another nurse came in.  “There’s a man outside who wants to come in to see you but his name isn’t on your paperwork as family so we can’t let him back here without your permission.  Says his name is Sam Winchester,” she informed you.
“Thank you, yes.  Sam can come back.  He’s here to pick up his son,” you told the nurse.
As soon as the nurse gave him the go ahead, you could hear Sam quickly making his way back to your room.  Instead of scooping up Cam, like you expected, Sam breezed by his son, ruffling his hair on the way past, and only stopped when he was beside you.  “Are you alright?” he asked grabbing your hand.  
“I’ll be fine, Sam, thanks,” you replied, blushing a little at his attention.  “Cam has been great through all of this, perfect behavior,” you told Sam, trying to divert some of his attention away from you.  “Why don’t you tell your dad all the cool stuff you got to do?”
Cam turned to his dad with such excitement.  “I got to make the siren go woooOOOOOOOooooooOOOOoooo in the am-buh-lence!” he exclaimed, “and then I got to watch cartoons and sit with Y/N, and THEN I got to see how they take pi’tures of her bones!”
“It sounds like you have had a very exciting afternoon, little man,” Sam said, smiling at his son.  You watched the pair interact with a fond smile on your face as Cam’s mouth opened in a big yawn.  “It’s past your nap time, isn’t it?” Sam asked.
“We can’t go home, daddy,” Cam declared emphatically.  “If we leave then Y/N will be all alone.”  The toddler climbed up the bed, careful not to touch your legs, and snuggled into your side.  “I’ll nap here but we have to stay.”
“You don’t have to stay,” you whispered to Sam.  “Take him home so he can get some good rest.”
“What?  No way,” Sam responded.  “Cam’s right, we’re not leaving you here alone.”
Before you could argue, a doctor came in to look at your x-rays.  “Well, it’s not the worst case scenario,” she told you.  “Nothing is broken but you’ve sprained both the ankle and the knee in your right leg.”  You let out a sigh of relief as the doctor continued.  “The ankle has the worst of the damage, it’s a grade three sprain.  Your knee is only a mild sprain.  We’ll get you fitted for a knee splint, a walking boot, and some crutches and you can be on your way.  You can take Ibuprofen for the pain but you need to stay off of it as much as possible for the next few weeks.  Really, you shouldn’t be using your right leg at all for the next week or so.”
That was bad news, there was no way you’d be able to do that while looking after Cam.  The boy was just way too active and energetic.  And Sam needed your help around the house, too.
“Let your husband take care of you, pamper you even,” the doctor suggested as if she was reading your mind.
“Oh, he’s not…” you began but Sam interrupted.
“You can bet I will, doctor.  Thank you,” he winked at you.  
After the doctor left, there was a flurry of motion around you as they made the arrangements to get you released from the E.R. so they could turn the room around for the next patient in need.  Cam slept through most of it but finally stirred just as they were ready to move you into a wheelchair to take you out of the hospital.  The boy walked beside you holding his dad’s hand while a nurse pushed the chair through the hallways and out the door.  
She stopped at the curb and Sam handed his keys to Cam as you made to stand.  “You remember which button to push to unlock the doors?” he asked his son and Cam nodded.  With that, Sam bent over and scooped you up into his arms, bridal style.  
You flailed a little bit at the unexpected lift.  “Please put me down, it’s just a sprained ankle,” you demanded as Sam carried you towards his car.
“Not a chance.  It’s a sprained knee and a severely sprained ankle and you heard the doctor, I need to pamper you for at least the next week,” Sam laughed and it was contagious, you couldn’t help but laugh, too as he made his way across the parking lot with you in his arms.  Despite your laughter, you crossed your arms over your chest and pouted the whole way to the car, which only caused Sam to laugh more.
The ride home was filled by Cam telling his dad more about the x-ray machine, how one time the nurse had even let him help push the x-ray button, and declaring that he wanted to be a bone doctor when he grew up.  It wasn’t a long ride and, soon enough, you were pulling up in front of Sam’s house.  He went and unlocked the door, giving Cam a few quick instructions and then jogged back to the car to help you into the house.
“You can’t carry me in the house like this!” you shrieked as Sam pulled you up into his arms again.
“Why not?” he asked innocently.
“It’s got, I don’t know… connotations, Sam!  What if one of your neighbors saw you carrying a girl over the threshold?”
Undeterred, Sam continued on, carrying you into the house and up the stairs into what had become your room where he gently deposited you on the bed.  “What connotations are you worried about?” he asked, one of his hands resting on your good ankle as he sat on the edge of your bed.  
“You know what I’m talking about, Winchester.  And what was that husband stuff at the hospital all about, anyway?” You questioned.  “I started to tell the doctor we weren’t married, that I was just the babysitter, and you interrupted me; let her think that you’re my husband.”
“You are not ‘just the babysitter!’  Look, Y/N, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you and I just haven’t been able to figure out how” Sam began.  “Would you… be able to recommend someone to sit for Cam?”
“Oh, um, yeah,” you sputtered.  You hadn’t actually thought he was going to propose in that moment - you two had a professional relationship, that was all - but your heart had still done a funny little flip when he’d started his question. “Yeah, you’re going to need someone while I’m on the mend, I guess, huh?”
“Yeah, and, maybe, I was hoping… I was hoping for some times after that, too.  Maybe a few nights here and there,” he shared.
You could feel the blood drain from your face.  Sam didn’t want you to watch Cam anymore.  You thought you had been clear that you would have time for Cam despite you starting school in the winter term but, apparently, Sam wasn’t interested in your time with your now fuller schedule.  
When he saw the look on your face, Sam jumped back in, “Not because I don’t need you.  I do - we do - but, I’d also like to take you out.  Like, on a date, if you’ll have me.”
A year and a half later, Sam was carrying you across the threshold once again but this time, you were wearing a white dress and he and Cam were decked out in tuxedos.
(shoot me an ask if you want to join one of my tag lists!)
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport
Mooselings: @jared-padaloveme
Pond Sam Tags: @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @loveitsallineed @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @blushingsamgirl @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @whispersandwhiskerburn @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @wildfirewinchester @for-the-love-of-dean @spn-fan-girl-173 @cici0507 @fiveleaf @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @supernatural-jackles @idreamofhazel @wevegotworktodo @jpadjackles @babypieandwhiskey @deantbh @supermoonpanda @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @ageekchiclife @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobsessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @faith-in-dean 
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evenmorereasons · 7 years
Chapter 27 - “Do you want to try this again?"
wattpad link x
Michael’s P.O.V
After the encore, I walked right off stage to Shay which is exactly how it should be.
“That was insane. I missed that so much.” She came up to me. “Michael, you were so good!”
“Thank you, Shay.”
“Really. I forgot how much I love watching you on stage.”
“I forgot how much I love playing to you.” I reached for her hand & I kissed the back of it. “Come on, let’s get my things so we can get right in the van. You want to come to the hotel tonight to talk?”
“Absolutely.” She squeezed my hand tight.
“Good. I just have to grab my bag. We’re leaving a lot of our shit since we’ll be here tomorrow night.”
“Sounds good.”
“You’ll be here tomorrow too?”
“Ehh.” She joked. “Maybe.”
“Shay!” I whined.
“Michael!” She whined back.
Then I leaned over to kiss her.
“I really just want to kiss you all night.” I told her.
“Well that’s too bad because we have a lot of talking to do, mister.”
“Well that too.” I then went to kiss her cheek. “That’s fine with me.”
I went into the dressing room to grab my bag before we were all led to the vans that would bring us to the hotel safely & hopefully without too many fans following.
“Michael, Shay, Ashton, Carter. You get in that one.” Luke said. “The rest of us will take the van behind you. Calum is still grabbing something & Emma forgot her phone charger in the other room.”
“Makes sense. Let’s go.” I opened the door before Shay jumped in. I got in the back seat with her. Ashton & Carter hopped in the front.
“Oh! I am sweaty!” Ashton yelled. “I’m so sorry I smell so bad.”
“So do I.” I added. “I don’t know why I wore long sleeves tonight. Fuck I was hot.”
“I’m used to the post-show sweat.” Carter laughed at us. "It doesn't bother me anymore."
“Yea, it doesn’t bother me either.” Shay added before she looked up at me & then she reached over to grab both of my hands. “It’s weirdly, grossly comforting right now.” She quietly added.
The drive to the hotel wasn’t long. The driver took us around so we could go into the hotel though the back door. But even from here, I could hear the fans outside the front & that made me extremely thankful that there was a back entrance because I love fans but I didn’t want to deal with that right now. I had to talk to Shay.
“I’m going to take the fastest shower ever. Then we can talk.” I told her. “I promise. Five minutes tops.”
“Michael, take a shower, you don’t have to rush. We have all night.”
“I’ll still go as fast as I can.”
“It’s okay.” She laughed. “I’ll be fine out here.”
“Can I kiss you again before I go? I know we still need to talk but fuck that’s all I want to do.”
“Yea.” She walked a few steps towards me before I kissed her. “Now can you shower?”
“As fast as possible.”
“It’s okay, Michael. I’ll be here when you get out.”
But I did take the fastest shower possible before I went back to join Shay who was curled up in the chair.
“All clean?” She asked.
“Yes. I am.”
I sat on the bed against my pillows before I patted the bed next to me.
“Come sit. Come talk. I want to talk with you right next to me.”
“Okay.” She slightly smiled before she did sit beside me.
“So.” She took a deep breath. "Is it okay if I just talk for a minute?"
"Of course. Go for it."
“I uh, I know it was sort of frantic but I meant what I said backstage. I’ve obviously been thinking a lot lately about you. Carter sort of made me realize maybe I should just stop thinking. I keep trying to find reasons to stay away from you but maybe it’s time I stop finding them. I know the distance is definitely something we need to discuss but I know I’m supposed to be with you. I feel like I’m at this great point in my life where I’m ready to be with someone again. I really know who I am now & I didn’t before when we first got together. But Michael? I haven’t stopped caring about you or thinking about you or loving you. I don’t want life without you. I don’t know if we can ever be just friends because I want to be more. I did need a friend a few months ago as support but now, I need you. I want to be with you, Mikey. I miss every single thing about us.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yea. I do. Seeing you these past few days solidified that I am nowhere near over you & I never want to be over you. I wanted forever with you & I still do. Now, hell I want it even more. We have a once in a lifetime love & I can’t let that go just because I’m scared of missing you. Michael, I just want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you too, Shay.”
“Yes. Without a doubt.”
“Do you want to try this again? Should we do this?”
“It’s all I want.”
“Me too.” I pressed my forehead to hers. “Baby, be my girl again.”
“Okay.” She whispered. “I will.”
Then I kissed Shay. I held her little face in my hands & I kissed her. Until I felt a tear.
“Shay? Why are you crying?”
“I’m so happy.”
“You’re fucking adorable.” I kissed her again. “But there have been way too many tears the past few days. We are done crying, okay?”
“Michael, I’ve been crying the past eight months.”
“Not anymore, alright?”
“Definitely.” She smiled before she leaned up to kiss me. “No more tears.”
“But more kisses?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around her back, pulling her on top of me. “That’s okay, right?”
“Yea.” She agreed as she leaned down to continue kissing me.
God damn I missed making out with Shay.
“Wait, Mikey?” Shay asked as I was kissing her neck.
“What?” I mumbled.
“We still have more to talk about.”
“No.” I wrapped my arms around her tighter before I flipped over over & then I knelt over her. “We’ll talk later.”
“We have eight months of kissing to make up for.”
“& eight months of taking!”
“We can talk all day tomorrow.”
“We can also kiss all day tomorrow.”
“Fair, fine.” I sat up next to her. “What else did you want to talk about?”
“Well the whole distance thing but I only want to focus on the next few weeks. We can worry about the rest as it comes. I don’t want to think about you touring next year or another promo tour when you album comes out at the end of the year. I just want to know about right now, these next few weeks.”
“Well, we’re in New York tomorrow for the show & then we’re supposed to be driving to Hershey but there’s a day in between the show so maybe I can stay here another day. & then we have a few more shows way up East & then we’re done. We’re back in L.A. for a few weeks before heading back to Australia for a bit.”
“Okay.” She nodded. “Well uh, I just submitted my most recent blog post the other day so I have a bit of a break & I can write from the road so-.”
“Wait.” I laughed. “Are you inviting yourself to tour with me?”
“Uh.” She bit her lip. “Maybe?”
“Well fuck yea.” I kissed her. “Stay with me as long as you can.”
“I think I can make that happen. As long as I can get blogs in my my deadlines, I can.”
“Perfect. Let’s do it. Come on the road with me.”
“I will. But I have to let my parents know & I have to pack & I still have to call my office.”
“Well all of that can be done tomorrow.” I told her. “Tonight? It’s just us.”
“Yea. That’s what I need. A night of me & you.”
“Good.” I went to lay beside her. “Because that’s what you’re getting.”
“But Michael?”
“I want to still kind of take this slow, you know? I don’t want to just jump back to where we think we are. I don’t know if that makes sense but I kind of want to fall in love again. I want to go on dates & get to know each other with where we are in our lives now. I’m not the same Shay I was before the break up & I want you to get to know me again. I want to just lay & kiss, not jump right into sex. I want to have that cute feeling we found with each other back on the lake. The nights where we stay up talking, getting nervous to see you, each kiss feeling special. I want to fall in love again.”
“Then let’s fall in love again. I’m sure it’ll be even more amazing than the first time.”
A/N Happy New Year! and happy new chapter! They're going to fall in love again - so be prepared :)
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