#i think it would be so heartbreaking for steve to love his mom and remember all of the good times
florallylly · 5 months
steve harrington's mom used to love him. she used to brush his hair and pinch his cheeks and tuck him into bed. and then she caught his dad in bed with his secretary.
and it got too much so she started to drink. and when the wine hangovers got too annoying to deal with, she started taking ativan. something to calm her nerves, something to keep her from spiraling.
steve insisted she still loved him. and she did, but she was different now. instead of making him a cup of cocoa when he couldn't sleep, she gave him a glass of wine. he was eight
and when he started to grow up, the features inherited from her became more prominent. and she constantly reminded him that beauty fades, and no one stays for just a pretty face. she told him he had to be clever, unlike her.
so he closed himself off, only casually dating. he never let himself get attached, but the romantic in him longed for something different.
but the more he dated around, and the more times he talked about going on a date with a new girl, his mom saw his father in him. and it became too painful to see her little boy becoming the man she hated and loved the most. and she couldn't stay around to watch him
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
I remember a while ago Steve wasn’t letting go of hope for his Mom showing up because he said she’s always late. Does he hit a point after that where he starts to admit maybe she isn’t coming? How does Eddie handle it?
@mcneen asked: Was there ever any further discussion between Steve and Eddie when Steve’s Mom didn’t show up, and Steve was like “oh she’s going to be late, she’s always been late”? I love love this series and check for more updates every day, thank you so much for writing it!
I’m going to kill two birds with one stone here since these two are asking for similar things
He always knew that she wasn’t coming.
He has known it every time he’s extended an olive branch just to watch it wilt and rot, and he knows that his friends and family think that he’s in denial about it. He knows that they have worriedly whispered conversations about him, but they don’t get it.
Yeah, it would be less heartbreaking to just give up but it wouldn’t be easier.
The Buckley’s are amazing parents that still send care packages to their daughter and call her every day for a month leading up to her birthday. Wayne took in his nephew when he didn’t have to and stood in defense of him against an entire town. Joyce – Jesus, Joyce Byers went to hell and back for her son. Hopper, Claudia, Sue, Karen… they’re all amazing parents, and you know what?
His mom was amazing once too.
And he knows. He knows. He knows. He knows how untrue that statement really is. He’s been in therapy long enough to know that he had a bad childhood and his parents were neglectful, but he cannot rectify that with the little boy inside him that loves his mom to pieces.
In the same way that he will always be sixteen years old and scared of the dead girl in his pool, he will always be small, waiting by the door for a mother that always eventually came home. Though, he knows.
He knows that seasons change and old injuries never heal quite right, and it never really mattered if his mother came home because she was always leaving but… But she was never outright cruel.
His father was a mean man that demanded perfection and belittled anything less than that. He was a unhappy man that fostered an atmosphere so hostile that his only son barely dared to breathe in his presence, and his mom. Well, it wasn’t her fault that she didn’t know how to be a mother.
But she was there. Sometimes as the silent observer, sometimes disinterested, but always the one to say, “Enough.”
“Enough,” she said after Barb’s disappearance, after the phone call from the police, after the lecture that turned physical. She stood between them with her hand pressed against her father’s chest and said, “That’s enough. Steven, go to your room.”
“Enough,” she said after the final rejection letter, after the job at his dad’s company was rescinded, after he was told to get a job or get out. “Enough, James. What is all this yelling going to do? It will not get him into college.”
“Enough,” she said after Steve stood his ground and took back nothing when he told them that Eddie was not just a friend, that he loved him and for the first time ever, it felt like someone loved him back. After the fighting, and the yelling, and being kicked out, she finally uttered, “Enough.”
About insurance.
His father stripped him line by line of everything he has always known, but insurance was where his mother drew the line. They all new that he would never be able to afford his medication without it and, “God forbid, he have a seizure and get another kid killed, Jay.”
The last conversation Steve had with his mother was at his father’s funeral. He said she looked well given the circumstances and she said that he should really do something about all that gray hair.
So, no. He’s not expecting her to show up. He never really is, but he wants it. He wants it so bad and it all kinda comes crashing down around him one evening after Eddie casually mentions that Wayne called earlier, “He said you’re getting better at speaking on camera.”
Eddie explains that Wayne caught Steve’s interview about his YouTube math tutorials going viral. Steve asks how a man living in Florida manages to watch a local news broadcast from Illinois, and Eddie says that he looked it up online. Steve asks, “Why would he do that?”
“Because he’s proud of you,” Eddie says simply.
Something just cracks and the next thing either of them knows, Steve is crying. It’s kinda funny how wide Eddie’s eyes go, but Steve can’t even laugh about it because he feels like he’s going to drown inside himself.
It takes time and a lot of coaxing for Steve to get to a point where he tell Eddie that he’s sad. He just doesn’t understand what he’s supposed to do to make her want to see him. He doesn’t know what he did that was so wrong that she can’t forgive him and why – “Why can’t she just love me?”
Eddie tells him firmly, “Stevie, baby. I want you to listen very carefully to me, okay? I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life, okay?”
Steve nods.
“You did nothing wrong,” He says, and Steve just – he can’t believe it. He can’t believe that because then there’s nothing he can do to fix it and he – “Tell me this, Steve. Tell me what Erica Sinclair – Lady Applejack herself. Tell me what she has to do to make you consider cutting contact with her? What’s the least she’d have to do? Think about it an give me an answer, sweetheart.”
Steve things about it and eventually settles on, “Open the Upside Down on purpose.”
“Have you even opened a portal to a hell dimension on purpose then, babe?”
“No, I want an answer,” Eddie says. “Have you ever purposely ripped a hole in the space-time continuum to an alternate reality?”
“You ever do something worse than that?”
“I- no? Eddie-“
“Then it sounds like the problem is with your mom and not you,” He answers. “It sounds like she needs to get over her own fucking issues, and I know. I know that fucking sucks, Steve, but you cannot spend the rest of your life blaming yourself for her unwillingness to grow as a person.”
Eddie wipes the tears from his face and kiss the tip of his nose, and Steve admits, “I’m still sad.”
“I know, baby,” Eddie tells him. “That’s okay.”
Steve doesn’t know how much time lingers between them in silence, just that he’s tired the way he always is after he cries a lot. He’s about to tell him that he’s going to go to bed when Eddie states, “Joyce still lives in Hawkins, right? I’m gonna call her and see if she’ll beat your mom up.”  
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avengersfantasies · 10 months
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Summary: You and Steve end your relationship.
What to expect: cheating, angst
Prompt request by @19thenightshade86
✩ Read the series here ✩
A/N: let me know if you guys maybe want a part 2? I kind of have an idea.
taglist: @kandis-mom @missvelvetsstuff @mavrellover91 @natashasilverfox
Things had been off between you and Steve lately. When you first started dating Captain America, you had convinced yourself that he was the perfect man – a true gentleman who would never hurt you. You seemed to have forgotten, however, that he was in fact still a human – super soldier or not. Because he was a human, he wasn’t perfect. The two of you had been arguing over the dumbest things lately – things that were so small that you’d never remember them the next day. The arguments started to take a toll on your relationship, though. It had gotten to the point where you began to think he was lying to you – sneaking around behind your back. That fear was confirmed one day when you were sent a photo by your friend. Your heart shattered when you saw the picture, and it was at that moment you knew the relationship was over once and for all. You didn’t reach out to Steve to ask him the million of questions you had, instead, you waited for him to come back to the tower where you found yourself waiting in his room. You paced for what seemed like hours before he came in.
            “Hey, baby,” he greeted you – walking over and trying to give you a kiss.
You pushed him away. “Don’t.”
“What’s wrong now?” he scoffed as he put his bag down and sat on the edge of the bed.
You were furious – doing everything you could to mask the pain and heartache with anger. Without a word, you pulled up the picture that your friend had sent you and held it out to him. The picture was of Steve locking lips with a blond bombshell. “Wanna ask me that again?”
Steve looked down. “I’m –,”
“No,” you cut him off – finally letting the tears fall and your heartbreak come to the surface. “You don’t get to offer me some bullshit apology.”
Steve nodded. “I should’ve ended things between us first,” he softly confessed.
You felt your heart fall apart in your chest even more. “What?”
“Don’t act like you didn’t hear me,” he said louder. “Look at us,” he stood up. “We’re bad together. We bring out the worst in each other.”
You couldn’t look at him. “I thought you loved me?”
“I did,” he confirmed.
“Then why were you making out with her?”
“Because I don’t anymore.”
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lennadanvers · 5 months
Dustin's Mom kinda adopted Eddie
You know when Eddie is hiding in S4 E2, and Dustin, Robin, Max and Steve go looking for him? I was just watching that. And when Eddie has Steve cornered, they all swear on Dustin's Mom that they want to help.
And Eddie lets Steve go.
When they swear on Dustin's Mom.
All I can think about is that sweet lady, who just worries about Dustin, welcoming his new friend from school. She doesn't see him as dangerous, or a freak, he's just Dustin's new friend who's given him a place at his table at lunch. He makes his son happy. That's all she sees.
When he meets her, Eddie is wary. He always is around parents. But Dustin's Mom just offers him food and worries that he's eating enough, and that he's safe, and is his jacket warm enough? Does he need anything?
Eddie has a soft spot for the lady. Her home is like a little shelter he can escape to. She is like a maternal figure for him, even if he doesn't like to think about her like that -he has feelings about maternal figures. But still. It's like she doesn't see what everyone else in that goddamned town sees. She sees just a boy, like the other boys his son hangs out with. One that gave Dustin a place in highschool. One that he admires. And Eddie is so charming, I bet he bows when he sees her, calls her Queen Henderson or something. She finds it endearing.
So when they all swear on Dustin's Mom, he trusts them.
Dustin swears on his mom, and Eddie remembers her offering them little sandwiches on a yellow plate. Robin and Max swear on Dustin's Mom, and he remembers the first time he crossed the door and she smiled at him, all warm and worried -no one worries about him like that (Wayne loves Eddie, but he doesn't go around asking that many questions, his love is more quiet and calm; she, on the other hand, makes a fuss about him being too skinny or cold. It's kinda nice). If Robin and Max are Dustin's friends, they know her. They know how she is.
If they swear on her, he believes them.
Terrified, traumatized little Eddie puts his safety at risk because of Dustin's Mom. He knows they are telling the truth.
Because the only way Eddie himself would swear on Dustin's Mom is if he was telling the truth.
Idk, just thought it was cute. Even if later on she suspects Eddie, it'd only be more heartbreaking. I'm rewatching, maybe later there is another silly little line that makes this theory crumble. For now, I'll be happy believing this. Thank you for attending my ted talk. You're welcome.
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still-with-koo · 7 months
Ok Lo 🥹 with teary eyes I am here to discuss Vincenzo.
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But I wanna read your thots first!
VINCENZO!!! yes let’s discuss!!! but first and foremost THANK YOU for recommending it. seriously i had given up mid-way thru the first ep a few months ago but no one can deny you have the best taste 😘😘
I LOVED IT!!! it’s actually now in my top 5 of all time. i binged the hell out of it, it was that good. (i even stayed up nights watching 😭)
(the rest under the cut with spoilers)
i think the standout for me was song joongki, mostly bc of how adorable he is 🥺 i wanted to squish his cheeks (and other things 🥴) and him and hanseo???! the softness! the lil face slaps! him finding hanseo cute! 🥺 and kwak dongyeon was perfection. i cant remember the last time i saw a redemption arc that massive 😳 oh, actually the only one i can think of to compare it to is steve from stranger things. he went from being kinda annoying to one of my absolute favourite characters. the fact that he tried to fit in with the trio was so adorable, i couldn’t stop saying ‘cute, aww cute’ pretty much everytime he came on screen after he switched to vincenzo’s side. remember when they quizzed him 🥺 he studied. he actually studied. pls he just wanted a head pat and someone to tell him he was doing a good job :((( he was actually such a sweetie pie, imagine if he didnt have the devil incarnate as a brother, he would have turned out so well. vincenzo was the brother he deserved 💔 and i just, i can’t get over how things ended for him (wait no they didn’t end, he’s definitely coming back in season 2!!) tbh i was actually pretty mad at vincenzo for not stepping in and doing something, anything, to stop what happened. to save him. 💔 he’s such a skilled fighter, i feel like he could have jumped in and maybe avoided… i can’t even say it 😭
ok, but on a happier note, vincenzo’s relationship with chayoung was also super adorable, that slow burn was everything! EVERYTHING!! their 10 second hug? her smacking him? 🤣
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(he’s so attractive 😭😭)
and chayoung was such a badass character, i wish i could be that brave and assertive. and man oh man, she is so strong! the way things ended with her dad, that scene was heartbreaking :(((
ok switching back to happy, can we talk about the male on male affection in this show?? i never get to see it and it’s just so disappointing bc yes! pls hug each other! kiss each other! tell each other you admire the other! it’s healthy! it’s freeing! i’m such a sucker for tiny displays of affection, and his interactions with everyone had me clutching my blanket on the verge of tears. ugh every single person in this kdrama was adorable. the intelligence agent especially, his awestruck admiration for vincenzo had me both soft and cackling 🤣
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(pls he’s so funny 🤣 also, perfect timing??)
but all the geumga plaza ppl were surprisingly cute with really interesting back stories. it’s funny, i was thinking to myself how weird it was that all of them had some special talent and then they said the same thing seconds later 🤣
the estranged mother side story was also heartbreaking. i wish they had more time together and that he could have called her mom, but i understand him and why he couldn’t say anything. at least they both knew it before she died, and i’m so grateful chayoung was there to bring them together 🥺💕 the scene where she hugged him, i bawled. and when she was talking about him as he was bawling. and then again when he read her letter 😭
ok last but not least, taecyeon!! i can’t believe i didn’t recognize him??! but he did such an amazing job. and the plot twist was perfection, i was in shock and that hardly ever happens for me (my stupid brain always anticipates plotlines 😭😭) i went from finding him adorable to being in love to hating him resolutely to feeling really sorry for him all in the span of a few eps. although i can never forgive him for how he treated hanseo 😔
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but he is an incredible actor! and the writers are also amazing. choi myunghee also did a fantastic job! i hated her but i guess i was supposed to 🤣 oh! that scene when vincenzo came to their hq and shot his mother’s killer gave me goosebumps, it was so well done 👏
i rambled on here oops… but there was sooo much to talk about! there’s a lot more but i should stop here haha. who were your favourite characters?! favourite moments?!
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All I Want for Christmas - A Steve Harrington Imagine
Characters: Steve Harrington x Reader
Word Count: 3410
Summary: The annual Christmas-themed Hawkins Middle School dance is fast approaching, but while they should be volunteering, Steve and the Reader spend their time with each other instead.
Warnings: Slight swearing, suggestive ending + angst - topics surrounding a previous breakup, as well as a mention of a bad relationship with parents.
Written by: Jasper
A/N: we’re back!!! we missed you guys SO much. i absolutely LOVED writing for steve and stranger things! our requests are always open, so if you love this as much as i loved writing it (as well as any of our other posts), please please please check out our requests post and send over your requests! merry christmas and happy holidays! <3
p.s. peep our new feature that we’ll sometimes be adding to our works! listen after or while you’re reading for the full experience 👀 ⤵️
Soundtrack: ‘Snow On The Beach’ by Taylor Swift ft. Lana Del Rey 🌨️
Disclaimer: GIF isn’t ours - credit to whoever it belongs to.
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Snow Ball, 1984.
Given everything that happened a month ago, Y/N should have felt elated to go and help out at the school dance; to act like everything was okay just for a night, to feel normal again, but she surprisingly felt quite the opposite. She begged and pleaded, more than she ever had in her whole life, to just stay home, but her mother refused with a swift, “You’ll regret it when you’re older.”
“She’s making me go,” Y/N whispered over the phone, peering around the corner to make sure her mother wasn’t eavesdropping from the living room.
“I don’t know, Y/N,” Steve Harrington’s voice came through the ear speaker. Her and the once snobby rich boy formed an unusual bond after last month’s troubling events. Going through something as traumatic as that certainly ties you to someone for life, and she guessed that was what ultimately made them become the best of friends so quickly. They came to each other for everything since then, and she would be lying if she said that she hadn’t formed a crush on him that first night… But he was just out of a heart-wrenching breakup, so she (as hard as it may be) kept quiet as to not make him feel uncomfortable or ruin their budding friendship, which meant so much to her already. “I guess it could be kind of nice for you…”
“Jesus Christ, not you too—” she rolled her eyes, aggressively leaning into the wall.
“I’m just saying,” his voice was muffled through the phone, seemingly because he put it between his ear and shoulder. “you haven’t been the same since… everything…”
“Of course I haven’t, Steve… Who would?” Y/N answered, frustration and impatience apparent in her voice. He stayed quiet, prompting her to remember all the times he has acted as if nothing had ever even happened, “Well, not everyone can be Mr. Perfect Steve Harrington who-ignores-all-his-problems.”
“I think we’ve established that no one thinks I’m Mr. Perfect,” he chuckled insincerely, hinting at what had happened between him and Nancy Wheeler a month prior. The two had gone through a rather nasty breakup— the boy was devastated, seemingly never quite moving on. The girl, however, moving on not even a couple days later, contributing greatly to Steve’s heartbreak.
I do, Y/N so desperately wanted to say, but instead she kept quiet, an awkward silence falling over the two them.
“Okay, I’ll tell you what,” Steve said, cutting through the quiet tension. “I’m taking Dustin to the dance— why don’t I come around, pick you up too, you can make yourself look all pretty or whatever, and then you can sorta lie to your mom; act like you’re going to the dance, but in reality, you’re just hanging out with me.”
“Are you asking me to the dance, Harrington?” Y/N laughed, trying to make Steve flustered. “And did you just call me pretty?”
“Technically, I’m asking you to ditch the dance and hangout with me instead,” he replied, making no mention of the pretty comment.
After a moment of thinking, “Fine. But you have to stay in the car, I don’t need my parents asking you any weird questions— we all know you’re awful at lying.”
The night of the Snow Ball fast approached, and before Y/N knew it, the night had arrived. For hours beforehand, she had hastily gotten ready, trying to make herself look absolutely perfect. She wasn’t exactly certain why— sure, she had a crush on Steve and she would have made herself look nice for him anyways, but she wasn’t attending the dance, so was it really necessary to make herself so dance-ready? Picking out shoes that would be perfect for dancing, even picking out a flowy dress perfect for dancing?
“Y/N! Your date is here!” the girl’s mother called from the living room. “Is that really what he’s wearing to the dance?!”
“For the last time, Mom, he’s not technically my date…” Y/N answered, hurriedly rushing past her unbothered father sitting in his recliner, grabbing her bag off the coat hanger and opening the door. “Also it’s 1984, don’t judge other people’s attire. Bye, love you!”
“Is he not coming to meet us?—” was the last thing she heard before abruptly closing the door behind her, practically running to Steve’s car in the process.
She jumped in the backseat, “Step on it— Oh, hey, Dustin! I almost didn’t recognize you.”
The younger boy sat in the passenger, looking small in comparison to the older boy in the driver’s seat. His outfit was the epitome of the 1980s, puffy hair, bow tie and all. She wondered briefly if Steve had helped him get ready or if Dustin had done this all on his own. She looked over to Steve as Dustin greeted her, her attentiveness dying out instantly, no longer hearing a word the younger boy was saying.
Steve’s eyes were on her, and by the looks of it, they seemed to have been on her. The air between them suddenly felt on edge like never before— the way he looked at her made her heart hammer faster and faster against her ribcage; so loud that there was surely no way the other two couldn’t have heard it. His eyes sparkled in the dimming light as he took deep breaths, clearly mesmerized— well, until Dustin’s growing voice and finger snapping cut through the tension, “HELLO?! You two are going to make me late! Stare at each other later, it’s already getting dark!”
Steve pulled himself together first, slapping Dustin playfully on the arm, “We weren’t staring, smartass. OKAY, OKAY! I’m driving! Jesus Christ, you’re such a—”
But Y/N never really pulled herself together. The whole car ride to the dance was a blur, she didn’t even truly hear what the other two were saying. All she could focus on was the memory of his eyes on her, the look on his face, and the way she absolutely melted underneath his gaze. She was oddly quiet the rest of the ride, and Steve noticed— his eyes frequently shifting to the rearview mirror above him to glimpse back at her.
Quickly, she realized that the Hawkins Middle School building was emerging ahead of them; street lights and traffic finally snapping her out of her trance. Sitting up straight and leaning forward, she rested her forearms on the center console as Steve pulled the car around front, directly adjacent of the entrance doors. People streamed into the building in mostly pairs, all dressed head to toe in formal attire.
“All right, buddy, here we are…” Steve’s voice cut through the silence. Both him and Dustin looked to the doors, Dustin’s lingering on them a bit longer than Steve’s. “So, remember, once you get in there…”
Dustin looked back to Steve, nervousness somewhat apparent on his face. “Pretend like I don’t care.”
“You don’t care,”
“I don’t care.”
“There you go. You’re learning, my friend. You’re learning.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ— are you actually teaching him that?!” Y/N scoffed in disbelief, interrupting the other two’s somewhat heartfelt conversation, laughter choking out from her throat.
“What do you know?” Steve replied, turning around in his seat to directly look at her for the first time since the start of the journey. His brazen gaze softened the moment his eyes landed on hers.
“I know that acting like you don’t care makes you look like an asshole—”
Dustin reached for the rearview mirror as the older two playfully argued (which was such a common occurrence at this point, to which everyone else just simply ignored) and snapping it rather hastily in his direction.
Steve looked back at the sudden noise, “Hey—”
“What?” Dustin replied, still glancing anxiously at himself in the mirror above him.
Steve grabbed the mirror from Dustin, pulling it back into his direction, “Come on, you look great, okay? You look— you look great.”
Dustin assured Steve that he was hearing what he was saying, but it seemed more like assurance to himself than anyone else. He more or less looked like he was about to cry— he looked frightened, almost as if he wished he could just stay in the car forever and never have to step foot through those daunting doors.
“Dustin, take it from a girl, okay?” Y/N said, reassuring the terrified younger boy. Steve smiled to himself. “You genuinely look amazing. How about you save me a dance for when we pick you up later, yeah?”
Dustin nodded, signifying he was listening despite him looking to the floor.
“Okay, you’re gonna go in there…” Steve said.
“Look like a million bucks—”
“And you’re gonna slay ‘em dead.”
“Like a lion,” Dustin replied, a newfound confidence in his voice. Suddenly, his mouth opened and a purring noise came out, issuing both Y/N and Steve to nervously glance at each other.
“Yeah… don’t do that, okay?” Steve said as Dustin stared back at him, doe-eyed.
Steve reached out a loving hand to him, “Good luck.”
Dustin took it, a slight smile on his face. He nodded, turned, then exited the car. Both Steve and Y/N watched as Dustin walked into the building hesitantly, but more confidently as he started to speak to someone that Y/N couldn’t see. Then, awkward silence washed over them as they both watched through the doors, neither of them saying a single word to another.
She looked to Steve out of her peripheral, realizing that he had spotted something, a relatively distressed look apparent on his face, unalike the smile he had merely moments before.
“Steve?” she said gently, worrying what she would see if she put herself at his level. “You okay?”
After he didn’t answer, she leaned forward, eyes instantly falling on Nancy Wheeler. She looked absolutely beautiful, talking and laughing with attendees as they came to her for a cup of punch. Steve visibly didn’t know that Nancy was volunteering tonight— the thought of going from knowing everything about someone, to knowing nothing, appeared to hurt him greatly. She was happy, which must have pained Steve even more— he hadn’t seemed genuinely happy himself in so long. But knowing Steve, Y/N knew that it was bittersweet to him— he was happy that Nancy was happy, and to him, that’s all that really, truly mattered.
Turning away, hiding the pang of jealousy and hurt that she felt by this, Y/N acted as if she hadn’t seen what he was looking at. Instead, she hopped up into the passenger seat next to him, minding her dress, and looked over at him. She was now unknowingly blocking his view of Nancy, yet he didn’t really mind it. Honestly… he grew to like it better this way.
Y/N was always there for him; she was there through the thick of last month, saving his ass that night more than he cared to admit. She was there through the aftermath of the breakup; all the times he tried to hide his tears from her in fear that she would make fun of him, yet she never did. She’d even let him stay over on nights that his parents made him so furious he couldn’t even be in the same house as them. She was there through it all, yet Nancy hardly did the same. Y/N was better for him, and he was finally starting to realize it.
“You okay?” the girl asked again sincerely, her eyes glistening in the low light as she watched him closely.
The boy exhaled and looked away, shook his head, more so to himself than her, and shifted his gear from parked to driving, “For the first time in awhile, I’m okay.”
He drove around the side of the school and parked. The parking lot was now deserted of other people despite the amount of vehicles that resided in spots, their owners clearly dancing the night away inside the building, abandoned until hours later.
The two of them exited the car, walking around and taking a seat on the back. That seemed to be one of the things they did these days; parking off somewhere and sitting on the hood or trunk and having deep conversations. Y/N cherished those perfect moments, she was sure she cherished them a bit more than Steve did considering her feelings, but nonetheless, she was sure he adored them too, even if not the same way she did.
“You sure you’re okay? You looked pretty… blindsided back there—” Y/N hesitantly said, shifting her position to look at him. She feared he would be upset with her for bringing it up again. She braced for a sarcastic remark… but none ever came.
He looked back up, his dark hair falling over his forehead in pieces. He looked so innocently back at her, no sign of hurt or annoyance at her question. His voice was gentle, “More than okay.”
She chuckled, “Well, that’s a start. Why the change of heart?”
“You, actually.” He replied, his voice soft, unlike she’s ever heard it before. “It’s always been you.”
Her breathing shallowed, her heart beginning to palpitate. Was he meaning what she thought he was? Or was she simply looking too far into it? “I don’t understand—”
“You know,” he begin. “I can’t remember the last time Nancy asked me if I was okay, or simply cared if I was, if I’m being honest.”
Y/N simply sat and listened, not daring to say a single word or make him lose his train of thought.
“It was always me asking her if she was okay, always only caring about her and her well-being. I lost sight of myself and how I was doing, all just to make her happy… but I never got it in return.” he continued, looking out at the empty parking lot, remembering memories that he was trying so hard the past few weeks to forget. “I mean, I don’t blame her. She’s always had her own shit going on. I don’t know— I guess what I’m trying to say is… it’s been nice having someone care about me for once. You know, ask how I’m doing and all that shit. Maybe all this time I’ve just been focusing on someone who never really wanted me in the first place, while someone who’s been there for me since day one was getting the short end of the stick.”
“Steve—” Y/N began to say, the words dying out in her throat. Her comforting hand came to rest atop his beside them, their fingers slightly intertwining. Her eyes scanned his face, looking for any sign of hesitation or regret. Yet, there was none…
“You’re beautiful,” Steve spoke delicately, looking up from their embracing hands to meet her gaze. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it.”
“We still have time.” she smiled, squeezing his hand a bit tighter. She dreamt of this moment for so long, yet when it finally came, she felt as if she couldn’t speak properly; all the words she imagined saying to him died out in her throat the moment it was finally happening. It wasn’t just a dream this time— it was real life.
“I’m sorry— Jesus Christ, I haven’t even asked how you feel—” he backtracked, shaking his head, frustrated with himself. “I just assumed—”
“Are you kidding, Steve?” Y/N replied as he looked to her nervously. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
He smiled, relief washing over his face in waves. This was atypical for Steve Harrington— not only the anxiousness he exuded in those few moments, but also the way he poured his entire heart out. Y/N was sure he must have done it with Nancy; he’d even done it with other topics to Y/N, but never in this way. Never so vulnerable— she figured that was the perfect word to describe it: Vulnerable.
Steve had changed so much over the past month. He was broken and bruised (even quite literally at one point), so much that it changed him. He was worried that Y/N didn’t feel the same— he had always just assumed Nancy did, but that didn’t turn out well for him now, did it? No, he needed to be absolutely sure this time.
“Y/N, are you sure?” Steve asked, glancing back at her hand atop his. “I can’t go through it again…”
Her lips met his, gently but urgently, washing away all of the doubts and insecurities swirling around in his head. In that moment, he forgot about Nancy wholeheartedly, forgot about every bad thing that had ever happened to him, even forgetting how him and Y/N got to this point. The only thing that mattered was the destination; her lips were soft moving against his, her hands caressing his skin in innocent places that she’d never touched him before.
Steve’s fingers came up to lace through her hair delicately, pulling her closer than ever. He ached to feel her nearer to him, to embrace her wholly, after so long of not knowing what that felt like.
He pulled away first, cold air replacing the heat of where his lips were mere seconds previously. Her senses on high alert, Y/N realized the music from inside the building could be faintly heard, interrupting the quiet of the dark, abandoned lot. Every Breath You Take was vaguely audible, the vibe of the dance changing drastically. She imagined the dance attendees slow dancing with another, taking the opportunity to kiss and be close to each other.
Steve jumped off the back of the car, held out a hand to her and said, “You didn’t think I’d let you come to a dance without making you dance with me, did you?”
She chuckled, smiling to herself, happiness overtaking her for the first time in awhile, “Not letting Dustin get the first dance with me, huh?”
“Never in a million years,” Steve joked. “you’re mine now.”
“I could get used to that…” Y/N flirted, taking his outstretched hand in hers.
The two found themselves embracing, slow dancing, spinning, playfully joking, until it got comfortably quiet between them. They basked in each other’s presence, feeling happier than they’ve felt in a long while. It was hard to imagine this any other way— it felt as if it had been this way between them forever.
She rested her head atop his shoulder, pulling him close and wrapping her arms around him. They both shut their eyes, the comfortable silence giving way to the song faintly coming to an end inside of the school. The moment felt bittersweet— both of them wishing it could last forever.
After a long pause, Y/N opened her eyes first, noticing that the scenery had slightly changed around them. A thin white sheet covered the ground and the cars residing in their respective spots, white flakes falling gently out of the sky.
“Steve—” she spoke, lightly backing out from his embrace. She glanced around them, “It’s snowing.”
He opened his eyes, both of them immediately landing on her, not bothering to even look out at the snow. As cheesy as it sounded in his head, she was more beautiful than anything nature could possibly do, and he didn’t want to miss her most of all.
He tucked a snow covered strand of hair out of her face, making her look to him. A smile formed on her mouth as his lips met hers for a second time, snow falling all around them like minuscule, twinkling stars.
“Hey…” Steve whispered, lips resting against Y/N’s. “How about we go back to my place? Pick Dustin up in a couple hours, yeah?”
“Mhm,” she replied, grinning, finally opening her eyes to meet his once again. “hey, wait— what happened to acting like you don’t care?”
Steve, remembering the advice he had just given Dustin less than a half an hour before, snickered, “Yeah, well, that was minutes ago— I’m a changed man now.”
She laughed, making a face at him as they got back into his car. They drove off to his house as Christmas music played vaguely over the radio, hands tenderly held near the stick shift, stealing glances at each other on well-lit streets.
As it turned out, her mother had been right in someway all along; Y/N would have regretted this night for the rest of her life if she hadn’t gone. As much as she hated to admit it, school dances, or lack thereof, turned out to not be so bad after all.
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seamea · 1 year
A Steddie AU where Steve meet a famous Eddie at a Taylor Swift concert
Part 1 ♥️
Steve and Robin were driving in their car up to Cincinatti. Taylor Swift was blasting in the car. Obviously. It was quite hot but the two of them were laughing really loud so it was really bearable.
They were going as a « gay version » of Miss Americana and the heartbreak prince as they were calling it. Robin with a lesbian flag color themed dress and a rainbow sash and Steve with a bi flag themed shirt and a tie matching Robin’s sash. They were stunning. Robin’s dress was puffy and Steve’s crown was surprisingly quite realistic giving expensive prom realness. They also made 100 friendship bracelet with rainbow colors. It was clear that they wanted to do the most for this unique event. When they arrived at the venue Robin found their seats while Steve queued for the merch.
There were a lot of people, mainly girls but everyone smiled at him and he saw so many cute outfits that he found so original. He was daydreaming when a voice interrupted him.
« Oh !! Are you Steve the swiftie teacher? From Tiktok? ». It was a little blond girl who almost squealed. She was 11 at best.
« Yes I am! I am so excited to be here! Do you want to exchange friendship bracelets with me? ».
The girl nodded with joy.
« You know, your tiktoks helped me a lot! You taught me how to tell my mom that a girl was bullying me »
Steve alsmost shed a tear. He was about the answer her when the mom in question appeared, a bit worried right before her daughter told her who Steve was. She then smiled at him and offered her card.
« You are such a kind soul. Could I give you my number by any chance? I’d love for you to be a speaker at a event I am doing! ».
Steve smiled and thanked her. It was amazing that someone felt better because of him. After he got Robin’s and his sweatshirts, he took a look at the venue and spotted were the famous people stayed. He tried to remember the path for later to bring Dustin his wanted picture. Damn. He realized at this moment where he was.
Taylor Swift would be in the same room as him.
The concert began and the crowd was wild. Everything was amazing. Life felt good. He cried during heartbreak songs thinking of his exes, which were only Nancy and Ben, a guy from college that he’d like to forget.
During one song that Steve liked a bit less he decided to go the toilets. He was annoyed but he wanted to enjoy the rest of the long setlist.
« Shake it off aha, I shake it off » was blasting in the stadium. While walking to the nearest toilets he passed next to where « famous people stay » as he called it. That’s when he saw the celebrities. He saw him. Eddie Munson. Wearing his usual outfit : a denim jacket, a leather vest, jeans but instead of a metal tee, he was rocking a era’s tour teeshirt. He was stunning.
Steve approached the security guard and asked if he could give Eddie a friendship bracelet. He was stressed, it was his one chance. The guard nodded and called the lead guitarist of THE group of metal of the moment. Steve saw that Eddie smiled at the word bracelet. He could not believe he was meeting a superstar, Dustin would be so happy. He cleared his voice to try to sound confident.
« Hum, I have a frienship bracelet for you. If you’d like it. »
Eddie’s deep voice shone, like kittens were coming out of his mouth « Wow thanks man!! « teardrops on my guitar», very fitting for a guitarist aha! »
Steve smiled, he was uneasy and shocked by this man prettiness, as well as how nice he sounded. Eddie must have seen it because he said:
« Are you a metal fan as well as a pop fan? »
« Actually, hum, it is really embarrassing but I don’t know your music that well… My friend is a massive fan though and wanted a picture. But… I…I like some songs of yours». Steve was dying of embarrassment. He should have said something else, the guitarist would be so offended by this.
Eddie Munson was, indeed, a bit taken by surprise by this. But to Steve’s relief, he laughed really loudly.
« Don’t be embarrassed man! Do you want a selfie with me? Or an autograph for your friend ? »
« I’d love too! »
Eddie smiled at him. Steve was so happy, he met a sex symbol, pleased Dustin and Taylor Swift was in the background. Truly magical.
Eddie took a leaflet and told him: «here you go babe! Love your shirt by the way… »
Steve must have been crazy because he thought that Eddie winked at him. He then waved, flushed and went back to his seat while texting the groupchat the picture of the signature and of their selfie.
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strangerweirdo15 · 10 months
The King will fall pt3 (King! Steve Harrington x Fem! Henderson reader)
Tumblr media
Warnings- Bullying, angsttttt, one sided love, mutual pinning,eventual  smut (soft love), crying, bad home life(steve), best friends-enemies-friends-lovers <3. 
Summary: you remember the day you met him, the day you fell in love with him, and the day you fell out of love with him. Then the day that everything changed what happens when two strayed souls are pulled back together and forced to question what happened that day. The day Steve Harrington broke your heart. 
All conversations are in BOLD writing 
*Not spell checked*
Previous:  https://www.tumblr.com/strangerweirdo15/722996588813893632/the-king-will-fall-pt2-king-steve-harrington-x?source=share
Chapter 3: same old same old
The thing is life moves on, no matter the feelings you have. A lot has happened since 7th grade. You went through your first heartbreak but life went on. There are times now and then where you miss what used to be but there was a more overpowering feeling of resentment and anger . I couldn't quite put my finger on it. 
I'm now a senior. Well technically I'll be one after this summer is over. I started High School. That's when King Steve already got crowned going into his sophomore year and already I didn't recognize the boy I Used to Know. I kept my head down. I never wanted to be singled out by him or any of his friends. I had a couple good friends. Robin was my best friend though she knew everything I went through with him. Our friendship grew stronger from 7th grade and now I'm here.
 Working a summer minimum wage job at Scoops Ahoy in the new Star Court Mall my brother is gone at camp and I thought there's no harm. Last year I had a few run-ins with he who shall not be named. Some crazy stuff happened that my brother didn't tell me but I'm glad I got to be there for him even though now I'll have nightmares about a demon creature that ate our cat. Do I know why the one person that was available to give him a ride for him had to be Steve Harrington no. I do know how I felt the minute I saw him though my brother was younger when everything happened he's still new I never wanted to be around him that's why I threw that whole night I did not speak one word or even look in his Direction and after it was over and he tried to talk to me I did not give in I would not let him hurt me like that again. 
When Robin brought up the idea for us both to get a job so we can spend our summer together and earn money I thought no harm no foul. I think she forgot to mention that Steve the hair Harrington was also starting a new job there this summer. There were certain scenarios I just couldn't avoid. And I had to look at him and talk to him and breathe the same air as him and every inch of my being wanted to scream in his face
I had just gotten back from the store with my mom picking up some new cleats. See if something happens to you that hurts a lot you tend to pick up certain things to distract you, mine was soccer and I loved it. I loved my teammates. I love the adrenaline. My brother got home yesterday from camp. I'm getting dressed in my stupid uniform to go work a shift with my best friend and my worst enemy. 
I walked out into the living room where my brother was Messing with his walkie-talkie
Hey dust mite if you want to catch a ride with me to the mall I'm leaving right now. I said. He  jumped in the passenger seat of my car as we drove to the mall. I missed you kid, how was camp meet any hot chicks. He looked over at me with that little goofy smile of his. No way did my little brother get a girlfriend?. I am shocked as I'm turning down the radio. Her name is Suzie. She's so smart and she's even hotter than Phoebe Cates. I shake my head laughing. I cannot believe my baby brother has a girlfriend. Where does the time go? 
So what's new with you sis have you..... um talked to Steve a lot? 
I look over at him and disbelieve he knows I hate when he talks about him. What do you think? I say I don't feel like I'm being irrational. My brother just got home and already he's asking about stupid Steve, the one person who he Couldn't stop talking about all year long. Okay...okay I mean It's been almost 4 years I understand he was an asshole but he's changed really you know he talks about yo-. I cut him off before he could continue. Dustin please stop. I honestly don't care what he has to say and I can deal with how I want to deal with what happened for how long I want to deal with it. Can we have one conversation where you don't bring him up okay I missed you and you're already talking about him i just-.. i..t ...it doesn't matter we're already here.  
(Flash Back) snowball dance end of 84' 
I'm volunteering for the Snowball Dance as a chaperone. I've gotten a lot closer with Nancy and Jonathan. Our Brothers had been friends for a long time so you know at some point we were going to have to become friends. Nancy asked me if I was available to volunteer and I just thought after everything that had gone on what's the harm.I like Nancy she was a good person protected my brother even though it did hurt when her and Steve got together everybody knew about them the golden couple I thought after all these years I would have been okay but seeing them it hurt. Don't get me wrong I know Steve was in his slut phase. There was gossip left and right about him. It just still kind of hurts. I think a part of me would always love him… 
I told Dustin I could take him to the dance. He told me he needed extra time to get ready and he had a ride. I didn't ask who it was but I assumed. I told him I would be waiting out front even though El saved the world again I still got a little scared something could happen to my brother. 
(Dustin and Steve in the car
All right all right kid stop worrying your hair looks good I'm sure Max will like it. Dustin looked over at Steve and sighed. Steve looked at the window and then he cleared his throat. So um.. how's yo- your sister. Steve had changed over the last couple months and after Nancy dumped him. The day you guys stopped being friends Steve didn't really know what to do with himself he missed you a lot actually missed your talks missed you whenever his dad would yell at him or when nobody remembered his birthday. He missed your laugh. When you started high school he thought it was best to keep his distance. He had just started becoming popular. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him. But he noticed you. He always noticed you. He even went and watched your championship soccer game he saw you make the winning goal even though he was hiding behind the bleachers he looked at you and wished he was out there cheering with you. you never tried to talk to him either and you had every right but back then all he wanted to do was keep his front on let nobody in really and have everybody love him. Even if it wasn't real. Now that he's older and he's grown he regrets what he did. He still remembers the day everything happened the way you looked at the sound of your muffled cry. How he saw you run out to your mom's minivan and he walked back into the dance and acted like nothing happened. He missed your friendship. She's okay. I think she hasn't really talked much since what happened but I think she's okay. Steve nodded his head. He had Home Alone after that night, times like this is when he missed you.)
Lo and behold pulls up Steve Harrington's BMW. I do have to say the hatred I felt for him had died down a little bit in the last week. Maybe it was because he helped save my brother and his friends and the world I don't really know. My brother stepped out of the car and so did Steve. I looked at his head and started laughing. What the hell did you do to my brother's hair Harrington?. I walked up to them. Do you like it? Dustin asks me to flashing his new pearls. I could see the real enjoyment in my brother's eyes so I smiled. You know what I think I just might. I went to try and ruffle his hair but he hit my hand away.Not the hair not the hair. He whined. Get on inside. I told him and giggled. He ran up the steps into the school. I looked over to see Steve staring at me with a look in his eyes I couldn't put my finger on. You alright Harrington? I turn around to fully look at him. He turned his head down slightly blushing that he had been caught. Um it's just I haven't heard your laugh in a long time is all. I look down for a minute trying to contemplate what he's saying and why he is saying it is this cruel joke there's no way it could be anything else. Steve started to think about what he just said in the look on your face he was mortified. i'm sorry all i meant- he starts to say. Steve we have barely talked in the past 5 years up until recently with everything that happened I have so much as looked at your direction I don't know what happened to you but I want you to stop trying to do whatever this is if you're guilty or something want to clear your conscience don't do it on my Accord it only makes you feel better. I turn on my heels and start walking back into the gym.
Y/N wait can we just talk for a second..  I can hear Steve running up behind me and as I was going to turn around and tell him to stop the gym door opens. Out walks Ally Parker, Head cheerleader at Hawkins High and part-time evil witch. She spots Steve and brushes past Me Knocking my shoulder. Watch out. She says in her snarky uptight tone she's just another one of those popular people who makes everybody feel little to boost their own confidence but I guess it's right where Steve belongs. I scoff and roll my eyes as she walks in front of me and bats her eyelashes at Steve. Hi Steve. She says Oh hey Ally I'm kind of busy right now. He says gazing up at me and trying to move past her. But she grabs his bicep with her perfectly manicured hand. She looks back at me and rolls her eyes. Why do you even need to talk to her? You should come out with us we're all going to the drive-in. Want to take me in your car? She lets out her evil witch giggle. I genuinely couldn't believe what was happening, same old same old. I scoffed loudly, turning the attention back to me. Yeah Steve, go have fun at the drive-in. Something about this Situation is bringing me back to the 7th grade snowball and that's why I don't know why I feel my cheeks going red and the tears forming behind my eyes. Steve must notice it too because he looks at me with those beautiful deep brown eyes full of pity. He reached out to grab my hand but I yanked it away Y/N please let me explain.
Thanks for making us relive history. I walked back into the gym down that same hallway where My heart was broken all those years ago. I can't believe he was doing it again, what I would do to not still be in love with Steve Harrington....( flash back over)
Dustin would never understand how I felt. He didn't know what happened at that Snowball Dance last year and I don't know why I feel like this. Maybe it's because I felt completely betrayed by somebody I called my best friend and yeah I know I was in seventh grade so why does it matter. I don't know I wish I could stop feeling what I feel. I wish I could just get over it and not feel resentment and anger but it's really hard when you're forced to be around the person that hurt you. And it sucks even more that he is always flirting. I don't want to feel what I feel but I can't help it so my heart hurts a little more each time. Because I see him in his little goofy sailor costume and I can't help but smile. Then I feel like that little girl, that little girl who just wanted Steve Harrington to like her, tell her, her dress was pretty to hold her hand to ask her to dance but I never got that and yeah I need to get over it but I can't..
End of pt 3 I'm not sure where to take this. but i hope you enjoy tho 
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themculibrary · 2 months
Letters Masterlist
1796 Broadway (ao3) - rainproof, teaberryblue steve/tony, bruce/natasha M, 460k
Summary: Captain America respectfully requests that all complaints be addressed to him in writing. On paper, the nice old-fashioned way, because the computer screen hurts his eyes.
Put your phone down, Tony.
all my love (ao3) - casdoms (moffwithhishead) sam/bucky, steve/bucky M, 4k
Summary: September 7th, 1943
Tell me something good. Tell me a story about home, about the neighborhood. Give me something to live for, here, because I’m dying. I’m fucking dying. All these guys, dying, and they’re not even –
How are you? There’s been fewer letters from you. Hope you haven’t gotten yourself into trouble. Becca said in her last letter, that she hasn’t seen you in a while. I hope you didn’t do something stupid, you fucking moron.
I’ll be unreachable for a while. Keep sending letters, if you’re not dead. I want something to read when I get back.
a whole new world (ao3) - Icylightning pepper/tony T, 18k
Summary: For last six months Tony and Pepper were looking for a child to adopt but luck wasn’t on their side. Until one day, Tony receives a letter from five year old Peter Parker.
better when i’m with you (ao3) - thelilacfield wanda/vision T, 69k
Summary: He’s had a number of firsts. Virginia Reed, his first crush. Wanda Maximoff, his first kiss. Eve Simon, his first heartbreak. Mandy Fournier, the first girl who said yes when he asked her to dance. And he’s becoming increasingly certain that Sam Wilson is his first love.
Vision writes a letter each time he has a crush so consuming he can’t forget it. They are tiny pieces of his heart, written out for his eyes only, a way to say goodbye.
Until the day they’re sent out.
Christmas Letters (ao3) - thesoundofasmile clint/laura T, 6k
Summary: In the lead up to Christmas while waiting for Clint to get home, Laura remembers some instances of Natasha celebrating the holiday with the Barton family, and Nathaniel inadvertently starts a new tradition to continue to include Natasha in their celebrations.
counted days, counted miles (ao3) - CrimsonPetrichor sam/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Separated for months by Captain America duties and missions with the Thunderbolts, Sam and Bucky somehow still manage to keep up their domestic squabbles, browbeat each other into taking care of themselves, and deal with their not-strictly-platonic feelings.
A story told in correspondence.
Dear Sam (ao3) - QuestinWitchFace sam/bucky M, 18k
Summary: Months after the events of TFATWS, Bucky and Sam are work partners and roommates living in a house together in Delacroix. Bucky's therapist suggests that, since Bucky has trouble verbalizing his feelings sometimes, he should try writing them out in letters to the people in his life. Bucky can only think of one person he wants to write to.
Dear Yelena (ao3) - flipflop_diva T, 1k
Summary: While the Avengers wait for word on Steve's quest to return the Soul Stone, Yelena reads a stack of old letters Natasha once wrote to her.
dust off our new love (ao3) - ArabellaAM steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Tony’s clothes are full of dust when he finds the box.
Letters between Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes: 1942-45 (ao3) - Jakcett steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Content Summary:
Historical documents, with annotations.
Letters Never Sent (ao3) - wisteriafic wanda/vision T, 9k
Summary: Dear Family and Friends,
I’m not sure why I’m writing this. I don’t have any friends or family anymore to send it to. The moms on TV would write these holiday letters, and I guess I like the idea of putting the past year down on paper.
letters we never sent (ao3) - MissAmyShay bucky/sarah G, 6k
Summary: Bucky likes Sarah. Sarah likes Bucky.
Cass and AJ think it’s time for their relationship to progress to a new level.
Post Haste (ao3) - roboticonography steve/peggy T, 13k
Summary: Steve, Peggy, their friends and family, and a mad dash to the altar. A story in letters.
Read It and Go From There (ao3) - Write_To_You bruno/kamala G, 1k
Summary: A peek into Kamala’s mind when she reads Bruno’s letter.
Shallow Pockets (ao3) - Chargedlion T, 3k
Summary: Valentina doesn't recruit Yelena. Yelena doesn't dedicate her time to hunting and killing Clint Barton. Instead, she wakes up alone in a world without her sister.
All that was left of Natasha was her legacy and the vest she shared with Yelena. And there's something in one of the pockets.
sincerely, (ao3) - catjeno mj/peter G, 5k
Summary: It's been weeks since The Spell, since Peter Parker was erased from the Earth. And though he loves being Spider-Man full time, his new life is not an easy adjustment.
Peter needs someone to talk to. So he turns to his loved ones, in the only way he can.
The Notebooks (ao3) - Ribbonsflying steve/bucky G, 3k
Summary: To cope with his new reality, Steve wrote notebooks to Bucky long before Bucky was ever found.
to live without a lifeline (ao3) - himynameisv T, 1k
Summary: She allows herself one day to grieve.
She comes out the next day—ready and not ready at the same time—to face the world.
What happened during that time is between Natasha and the dead.
(Or: Nat writes a letter, of all the things left unsaid.)
To make things right (ao3) - missingcrowdsof1000s bruno/kamala T, 3k
Summary: A peek into Kamala’s mind as she finally reads Bruno’s letter (a.k.a. an alternate ending to Episode 6, in a world where the deleted scene “Just Friends” from Episode 3 is actual canon).
waiting on my soldier (ao3) - Areiton, BladeoftheNebula steve/tony, bucky/natasha M, 13k
Summary: Here, it feels like anything is possible, like he could ask for the world and actually get it. 
It’s that, more than anything, that makes him ask, “Can I write to you. When I’m gone? I don’t--I have Bucky and Ma, but I’d sure love to have a pretty omega like you waitin’ on my letters.” 
Tony leans into him a little heavier, and squeezes his hand as the sun begins to rise, and paint the sky purple and pink. “Yes,” he says simply.
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Hello Miss Amazing, Incredible, Show-Stopping, Breathtaking, Wonderful Writer!! 💕💕💕
I'm here for my stucky prompt! ☺️☺️
Given how i'm forever in love with the way you wrote Steve and Bucky as parents, i would like nothing more than to read thousands of fics written by your sweet self about their day to day life as the world's best dads! 
But for now, i'll settle for just one 😉
If you feel like doing it and if it sparks your imagination, can you plz write something about Stucky and their teenage daughter after her first heartbreak. Like how would they comfort her and how would they react. Maybe how the way they do deepens the love and connection they have for each other even more. I'd love to see how you think they'd be about someone breaking their little girl's heart. I can already sense that it will definitely break mine in the best and most glorious ways! 🥺🥺🥺
May by the time you answer this, you would have gained a million follower for your blog is almost awesome as you! (Cause nothing and no-one can be as awesome as you, bubbie 💙💙💙)
OULA, bubba, my love 💖💖💖 Thank you so so much, for this wonderful message and your constant support and all the love you send my way every single day, I’m so grateful for it and for you 💕💕💕
I’m so happy to hear you loved my earlier stucky kid fic. I just love the idea of them as parents, you know? I just know they’d be the best dads, and your enthusiasm as well as Tej’s might have inspired me to think about writing more of them as parents 💛💛
I love your prompt, even if it’s a little more than just a word + ship 😂 and I did my best to write you a little something I hope you enjoy. Thank you again sweetheart, hope you’re having a lovely Sunday, and I love you a whole lot 💕💕💕
Stucky + Heartbreak, 2.6k, T
Read on Ao3 or below
Steve almost drops his keys, trying to open the front door while juggling a couple of bags of groceries. It’s a Thursday, late afternoon and he just dropped the twins off at Sam and Nat’s, picking up food on the way back, leaving the evening free for Bucky and his date night. Ever since Emma and Ben were old enough for them to feel comfortable leaving them alone with friends or a babysitter, they’ve made sure to have at least one evening for themselves on a semi-regular basis. They love their kids more than life itself, sure, but sometimes they need a night just for the two of them.
He finally manages to open the front door, calling out for a little help when stepping inside. While he’s toeing off his shoes, Bucky shows up in the hallway and takes two of the bags, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek in the process. “Everything go alright with drop-off?”, he asks over his shoulder, slowly making his way to the kitchen, Steve following right behind.
Steve sighs. “Yeah, if I didn’t know better, I’d think they were glad to see me leave so they could spend some quality time with their aunt and uncle. When did they get so big? I still remember Ben clinging to me, not wanting to be left with anyone else”. Bucky gives him a sympathetic smile. “Beats me. But you know it’s just because they rarely get to see Sam with all his Cap duties. Don’t worry, they still love you.” Steve wraps his arms around his husband’s waist, leaning his forehead against Bucky’s.
“You think?”, he asks, a little self-pityingly. “Yeah pal, I’m sure. What’s not to love?”. Steve smiles, feeling a little better. “Oh”, he starts, taking a step back, “have you heard from Nat? Lily was supposed to make her way over right after track practice, she should be there by now.” Bucky frowns at that. “No, she hasn’t texted me. But give it like half an hour, you know how she is, probably still hanging around there somewhere. I’m sure she’ll get over there soon enough.”
He can’t help but grumble a little. “Hanging out with Noah you mean.” Bucky chuckles at him. “Probably, but what did you expect? She’s 16, almost 17. We at least know where she is, do you think your mom knew what we were up to at that age? And Noah seems like a great kid.”
Steve knows he’s being a little unfair to the kid. He’s met him a couple of times now, since they started dating about 9 months ago, and he seemed polite, nice, like he thought the world of Lily and would treat her right. But you can’t blame him for not liking it. She’s their first child, his baby, and even if he’d never stop his children from dating anyone they liked, he just…worries. Bucky can probably see the wheels turning in his head. “Come on honey, stop worrying so much”, he says softly, grabbing one of Steve’s hands and running his thumb over Steve’s knuckles, “why don’t you go take a shower and get ready? We have about an hour until our reservation.”
He knows he’s being a little dramatic, and Bucky‘s not wrong. He really shouldn’t worry so much. He sighs, pulls Bucky in for a quick kiss. “Yeah, I know. You’re right.” He’s about to make his way upstairs and take a shower, but before he’s even out of the kitchen, the front door swings open. “Lily?”, he asks, but he gets no response, just hears the front door slam shut and feet stomping up the stairs.
Looking back at Bucky, he sees a concerned frown on his face, one that must match the one on his own. “I’ll go see what’s wrong?”, he offers, and Bucky nods. “Let me know if you need back-up, I’ll tell Nat that she’s with us.”
Steve goes upstairs, softly knocking on the door. “Lily, sweetheart, everything okay?” he asks, but he gets no response. When he’s about to knock again, he can hear that Lily’s crying, the sound tugging at his heart strings. “Sweetheart, please open the door”, he tries again, still getting nothing in return. He slumps down against the door, willing to wait a little. He hates to hear any of their children cry, but he also respects their privacy, so he’s not gonna go barging in there. He’s gonna wait a couple of minutes, see if she changes her mind. Even if it’s hard, and he’s worried.
“Okay. I’m here, I’ll be here. I just want to know if you’re okay honey, but you don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to”, he says, hoping that maybe the worry in voice will get her to at least tell him something . He texts Bucky, telling him to maybe try to push up that reservation. He’s not going anywhere until he knows she’s okay, and he knows Bucky will feel the same.
After a couple of minutes, he hears some movement on the other side of the door, and then the sound of the bedroom door unlocking. Good thing he didn’t try to go inside. He can hear Lily walk away from the still closed door. He opens it a little. “Can I come in?”, he asks quietly, and in between sobs he thinks he can make out a “yeah”, so he opens the door a little wider. His heart sinks when he sees his daughter on the bed, her face pressed into the pillows, body shaking a little with her sobbing.
“Oh baby”, he whispers, rushing over and sitting down on the bed beside her, carefully moving some of her long blonde hair from her face. “What’s going on huh? Can you tell me?”.
Lily doesn’t stop crying, but does try to get some words out. While he hates seeing her cry, it’s not the first time he’s tried to figure out what she’s saying through tears, so he’s at least grateful he can make out some of what she trying to say, which comes down to “Noah”, “not anymore”, and “break up”. He felt a little guilty for speaking badly about Noah earlier, but now, now that guilt makes way for anger. But he knows that’s not what Lily needs right now, so he breathes in deep.
He quickly shoots off a text to Bucky, telling him what’s going on and asking him to come up, before dropping his phone. “Oh Lily, I’m so sorry”, he says, taking his daughter into his arms. She goes willingly, wrapping her arms around his middle and pressing her face against his chest, and he can feel his shirt getting wet with tears. He softly cards his fingers through her hair. He’s not sure what to say right now, thinking she probably needs a little time.
He looks up when the door opens again, Bucky walking in, a stormy look on his face. He’s about to open his mouth, probably say something about Noah, something along the lines of “where is this kid” - Steve knows, because that thought is running through his head too - so he quickly shakes his head, hoping his expression is enough to tell Bucky not to. When he sees Bucky take in a deep breath, he knows he understands, and he’s never been more grateful for the fact that they know each other so well.
Bucky makes his way to the bed, sitting down next to Steve, running his hand up and down their daughter’s back. They sit in silence for a while, letting Lily cry, exchanging worried looks. Even if they have had their fair share of heartbreak, and a little on top of that, this is different. Steve hopes Bucky knows what to say, because he feels a little lost. Lily’s life couldn’t be more different than theirs growing up, so even if he knows what it feels like to be heartbroken, he’s worried about saying the wrong thing.
When Lily’s sobbing starts to die down a little, Steve presses a kiss to her temple. “You feel up to talking?”, he asks softly. She shakes her head, then nods, slowly removing her face from where it had been buried against his chest. Her eyes are red and puffy, tear tracks visible all over her cheeks, her skin splotchy red. Steve bites the inside of his cheek, trying not to cry at the sight of it. That’s the last thing they need. He feels Bucky’s comforting hand on his back now, tries to pull it together. This is not about him.
Thankfully, Bucky takes over. “Want to tell us what happened honey?”, he whispers, wiping some of the tears from Lily’s cheeks with his thumb. She swallows roughly, closes her eyes, but finally looks ready to talk. “He, he said he, I”, she starts haltingly, but when she starts talking again it all comes out in a rush.
“We finished practice and we were talking about summer plans and he said he got his college acceptance letters and he’s gonna move away, and he said he didn’t really like me like that anymore, that we’d be better as friends, that he wanted to break up because he didn’t want to do the long distance thing, so that he was ending it”. Before either of them can respond, she says, voice sounding a little angry now “he said he was sure I’d understand , what does that even mean??”
Steve can understand something all right - that Noah kid is a little asshole. He balls his fist up, but Bucky’s hand wraps around it to get him to relax. While Steve is contemplating murdering an 18 year old, or at least severely maiming him- not that he would actually do that, he’s just angry with the kid for upsetting his daughter so much - Bucky’s the voice of reason. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry. What did you say?”
“I said fine, but it’s not fine, I don’t understand, I thought everything was going great? And people stay in long distance relationships all the time, why didn’t he even want to try? I just… I don’t get it papa”, she rushes out, sobs starting up a little again. Bucky moves her into his lap, grabbing her hands and squeezing them a little.
“I know it doesn’t make sense sweetheart. It doesn’t. He wasn’t very nice for just dropping that on you like that. And I know it must hurt a lot huh? You really liked him?”, and Lily nods. “Yeahh I know sweetheart, I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this. But I promise you’ll feel better eventually. You really will”, Bucky continues, and Steve just looks on in awe as he can see Lily’s starting to calm down.
“How about for now, we just get some ice cream and put on a movie? Just a movie night with the three of us. We can talk some more, or we don’t have to talk about it at all. It’s okay to feel those feelings”, he pulls Lily in for a hug. “But if you do want to talk, just know you can always come to daddy and me, okay?”, and Steve can see Lily nod against Bucky’s neck. “Can we watch an old movie?”, he hears her whisper. “Yeah baby, anything you want”.
Bucky stands up, Lily still clinging to him. Even if she’s a tall 16 year old, he carries her easily, that super-soldier serum helpful at times like these. “You wanna go downstairs or our room?”, Bucky asks, and Lily mumbles out a quiet “yours”, so they make their way out of the room, but Steve stays where he is. After a couple of minutes, Bucky comes back. “You wanna go get the ice-“, he starts, but Steve must look a certain way, because he stops talking and makes his way over, cups Steve’s face in his hands. “Hey, you okay?”
Steve nods, closes his eyes. “I just… I was useless just now, I didn’t know what to say, and I would’ve just said the wrong thing, what kind of parent am I?”, he shakes his head, feeling disappointed with himself. “I would’ve just made it worse, and you just, you knew what to do and I just, I just sat there.”
He can feel Bucky tilt his face up. “Come on, open your eyes, look at me baby”, he says, and Steve complies. “You’re a great parent Steve. She trusted you to come in, you let her cry and try to process her feelings, you stopped me from saying something stupid.” Steve shakes his head, unconvinced. “No, no listen to me Steve. You’re an amazing dad. You did everything you needed to do for her. You were there for her when she needed it. And you calmed me down enough to do my part. Because we’re a team, aren’t we Stevie?”
Steve feels a tear run down his face. “Yeah”, he says roughly, “yeah, we’re a team”. Bucky presses a kiss to the top of his head, and removes his hands from Steve’s face. “Good, because as the captain of this team, you’re in charge of ice cream procurement”, Bucky grins, taking a step back. “Make sure there’s cookie dough”, he calls out over his shoulder, making his way back to their bedroom at the end of the hall.
Steve gets himself together, goes downstairs to get the ice cream and makes his way back up, seeing Bucky and Lily cozied up against the headboard. He puts down the spoons and ice cream tubs, and sits down on Lily’s other side. They watch a couple of comedies and rom-coms, and eventually, Lily falls asleep with her head on Steve’s shoulder, a smile on her face. Bucky gets rid of their trash while Steve carefully carries Lily back to her own bed.
Both of them are tired, not just because it’s late but also because of the evening’s high running emotions, so they go to bed not too long after. They settle down on their sides, facing each other. Steve must have a dopey look on his face, because Bucky smiles and asks “what’s that face for?”. Steve smiles back, reaches out to push a lock of hair behind Bucky’s ear, his finger lingering on the side of his face, caressing it slowly.
“Nothing. I just love you. You’re amazing, you know that? God, I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone other than you”. Bucky raises an eyebrow at him teasingly. “You better not, pal”, he says, in faux-offense, before sobering up. “I hate to see her, any of them, get hurt. Wish I could change it.” Steve pulls Bucky closer to him, tightens his hold around his waist and back. He knows Bucky kept it together for all of them earlier, but just one look at him now and he can see how he’s struggling with it just as much as Steve is. “I know sweetheart. But like someone very wise told me, you did everything right. She’ll be okay.”
Bucky sighs. “Yeah, I know you’re right. Still.”, he mumbles, hiding his face against Steve’s neck. They stay like that for a while in silence, both processing everything but trying to offer each other some comfort. Steve’s about to fall asleep when Bucky whispers “Stevie?”, which he responds to with a hum. “I couldn’t ever imagine doing this with anyone else either. And I love you too.” Steve smiles, presses another kiss to Bucky’s temple, squeezes him close. “I know baby.”
They might not always know what the right thing to do is, might not be able to protect their kids from ever getting hurt. But they have each other. They’re a team. They both fall asleep still a little worried about their daughter, but comforted by the knowledge that at least, they’ll always try to figure it out together.
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natashasfilms · 2 years
Chapter Six - Boy Problems
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Summary: With the days leading up to the fall, Aria had hoped to spend her last summer after high school with her friends before she went off to college. She didn’t expect to deal with the monsters she and her friends supposedly defeated months ago once again, nor did she think she had to deal with heartbreak in the process.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Original Female Character
Warnings: This story contains mature themes such as sexual content, strong language, violence, mentions of alcohol and drugs, blood, gore, and death.
Note: I imagine Aria Kaul as South Asian but I have decided to let you, the reader, imagine her appearance, hence the reason why I have not given her a face claim. However, her race does not affect the story, whatsoever. You, as the reader, are free to imagine her however you want. If you don’t see her as South Asian, then that’s fine. It won’t affect the storyline.
Series Masterlist
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Someone started knocking on Aria’s door in the morning, causing the girl to run downstairs to open it. She opened the door and was met with a beaming Dustin. “Aria!”
“Dustin?” She was happy to see him but was a little confused on why he was here. “What’s up?”
“Could you drop me off at the mall? I wanted to see Steve!” He exclaimed, a little too enthusiastically.
Her heart dropped at the mention of Steve. “Oh, um, what’s wrong with your bike?”
“Nothing, I just thought it’d be nice if we went to go see him.” He told her. “I mean, you get to see your boyfriend and I get to see my best friend so…”
She pursed her lips, remembering that none of the kids knew yet. She didn’t want to upset him so she gave him a tight lipped smile, nodding her head. Her mom was in the kitchen so she decided to let her know she would be out. “Hey, mom! I’m going to drop Dustin off at the mall! I’ll be back soon!”
Yasmin popped her head into the living room, raising an eyebrow. “Okay, honey, stay safe.”
She nodded her head and grabbed her car keys, walking out of the house and locking the door. She ushered Dustin into her car and drove them to the mall. Her heart was beating terribly fast but she couldn’t upset the boy next to her by mentioning the breakup. She’d just have to suck it up.
They arrived at the mall and Dustin tugged her hand, running towards Scoops Ahoy. This would be the first time she saw Steve since their breakup and it hasn’t even been more than a day.
They walked in and saw Steve’s coworker, Robin at the register. Dustin walked up to her with a smile on his face. “Hi.” He said.
Robin looked at Aria who was behind Dustin and raised an eyebrow. She gave her a small smile and shrugged. “Hi.” She answered back.
“I’m Dustin.” He introduced himself.
“I’m Robin.” The girl responded, clearly not understanding why this boy was speaking to her.
Dustin still had a smile on his face and went straight to the point. “Pleasure to meet you. Uh, is…is he here?”
“Is who here?” Robin asked, confused.
Suddenly, the door to the backroom slammed open and all eyes turned towards the man who opened it. Aria swallowed harshly, not being able to take her eyes off of him. Steve most likely didn’t notice Aria as his eyes went instantly to Dustin, a huge grin appearing on his face. “Henderson!” He exclaimed, arms up in the air.
Dustin started laughing and the two came closer, jumping up and down in excitement. “Henderson! He’s back! He’s back!” Robin was very startled, looking at Aria who once again, just shrugged. However, the small smile that was on Aria’s face was very noticeable. She loved the friendship between Steve and Dustin and seeing the two of them be so happy with each other warmed her heart immensely. It almost made her forget about her and Steve. Almost.
“You got the job!” Dustin exclaimed, happy for his older friend.
“I got the job!” Steve yelled, using his hands to play an invisible trumpet. The two boys did their handshake, still yelling in excitement.
The two laughed and that’s when Robin spoke up, teasing them. “How many children are you friends with?” She asked, looking at Steve.
Steve, clearly annoyed with her, gestured his hand to her and made a face to Dustin.
Their little moment was over as they calmed down and that’s when Steve looked up and saw Aria, his mouth agape. She looked down at the ground, not being able to meet his eyes. Dustin looked back and forth between the two, noticing that they weren’t their usual lovey dovey self. Generally, Steve would be all over her in an instant.
Dustin laughed, not understanding why they were acting like this. “What’s wrong with you two? You guys are acting like you broke up or something.”
Steve flinched and looked down onto the ground as Aria’s eyes were anywhere but at the three people in front of her. Dustin’s eyes widened, throwing his arms up into the air.
“I leave for one month! One single month! And you guys break up?! What the hell?!” Dustin screamed in frustration, upset and angry that his two favorite people broke up while he was gone.
Aria cleared her throat and gave Dustin a fake smile, positioning her body to leave. “Um, I have to go…um, bye.” She rushed out of Scoops Ahoy and ran out of the mall, finding her car before driving away, not being able to handle staying there any longer.
She decided to drive around the neighborhood a little, wanting to clear her head. She suddenly came across Max’s street, seeing her ride her skateboard. She parked her car and got out, walking over to her.
“Hey, Max!” She waved, the redhead looking up, but then accidentally slipping off her skateboard. Aria was close enough to catch her in her arms, saving her from falling onto the road. The skateboard rolled away until someone stopped it, the two looking ahead and seeing Eleven flipping the skateboard and holding it in her hands.
Eleven walked over to them and gave the skateboard back to Max, the redhead looking at her in confusion. “Hi.” Eleven said.
“Hi?” Max questioned, her eyebrows arched.
“Can we talk?” Eleven asked the two girls, to which the both of them nodded.
The girls went inside Max’s house, walking into her room. They listened to Eleven talk about Mike and her relationship and how Mike was acting really weird. “And then he said he... he missed me. And then he just hung up.”
“He's a piece of shit.” Max stated, pacing back and forth in her room.
“What?” Eleven asked, a little shocked.
“Mike doesn't have jack shit to do today, and his Nana obviously isn't sick.” Max told her, knowing that Mike was lying to her. “I guarantee you, him and Lucas are playing Atari right now.” She said, pointing a finger at Eleven.
“But friends don't lie.” Said Eleven.
“Yeah, well, boyfriends lie.” Max responded. “All the time.”
Aria patted Eleven’s back, reassuring her. “Don’t worry, El, you’re not the only person who’s having boy problems right now.”
Eleven looked at her confused while Max’s eyes just widened in surprise. “No way! You and Steve?! Is that why you were so upset yesterday?”
“Was it that obvious?” Aria said, sheepishly.
Max crossed her arms and nodded her head. “Uh, yeah. You weren’t yelling at the boys like you usually do and that was not the Aria I know.” She sighed. “But, what happened?”
Aria explained what happened between her and Steve to the two girls, the girls listening to her intently. At first, Max thought Steve was the one who initiated the breakup but after hearing the full story, she understood that it was mutual.
After a long conversation about Aria and Steve’s relationship, they went back to Eleven’s problems with Mike. Max started giving her advice on what to do while Aria just listened, not wanting to interfere.
Aria thought back to Hopper needing to talk to the both of them and thought that there was a possibility that he may have said something to Mike that caused him to act like this. However, she wasn’t too sure.
“You're going to stop calling him.” Max stated, Eleven listened carefully. “You're going to ignore his calls. As far as you're concerned, he doesn't exist.”
“Doesn't exist?” Eleven asked.
“He treated you like garbage.” Max told her. “You're gonna treat him like garbage. Give him a taste of his own medicine.”
Eleven repeated what she said, trying to understand what she was saying. “Give him the medicine.”
“Mm-hmm.” Max hummed. “And if he doesn't fix this, if he doesn't explain himself, dump his ass.”
Eleven looked at Aria who had a smirk on her face. She nodded her head. “You heard her. Dump his ass.”
Max grinned. “Now, come on.” She looked at the two girls and tugged at their hands, bringing them to stand up. “There’s more to life than stupid boys so we’re going to cheer the both of you up!”
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bellenichelle · 1 year
It's Not So Berry Night!
I haven't said much about my running Not So Berry stream lately, but it's every Tuesday and TODAY's Tuesday. We're gonna be officially wrapping up Gen 1 HOPEFULLY by the end of tonight's stream, but if not then definitely next week. So I present, a few notable moments from the series so far!
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Here's our Gen 1 gal, Araminta (I usually just call her Minta) She's completed the Chief of Mischief aspiration, mastered the Logic and Mischief skills, and she's currently ONE promotion away from mastering the Scientist Career. She's also completed the elements collection, just for funsies.
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Minta and her now husband Jim on one of their first dates! Look how young and full of hope they are. These two were so adorably in love. (His full name is SimJim JimSim and if you want to know why, you should pop by the stream and ask). *A side note, I used to think the star gazing thing was a mod because I had never seen it before. I am not observant, and I had a LOT of joy when I first saw it.
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The first time Minta encountered a fox on her property is absolutely a notable moment and you cannot change my mind. *If you wanna see house I built for her when she was living alone, check out this tweet about it here. I'll make a tumblr post with more pictures later.
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So anyway, Minta and Jim were so in love, that Minta couldn't bear to wait around for him to propose. Jim's a little paranoid, what if he got in his head and never asked? So she popped the question and of course, he said yes! Little did they know that their relationship going forward would be more trying than either of them thought.
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Not long after the wedding, they gave birth to the Gen 2 heir, Ambrose Berry. A charming little boy who would grow up into a charismatic, heartbreaking politician. But first, a sweet angel boy who loved his little red duck.
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Later on, Ambrose would get a baby brother, TotallySteve. Steve liked to follow his brother around and just watch him. It was a little unsettling, but Steve absolutely adores his big brother, so it was still pretty cute.
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Steve also has the Dog Lover Trait. Minta wants nothing more than to give her boys the world, so she knew that even though their home was small, they needed to get a dog for her boy. Merlin was aggressive towards every in the house EXCEPT for Steve. The two of them bonded immediately. So, even if it was a bit reluctantly, Minta brought Merlin into the family.
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Minta and Jim definitely have had a bit of a rocky marriage. Things started poorly when Jim caught her flirting with one of their wedding guests right before they exchanged vows, but they worked through it and things seemed better. That was until sometime in the middle of Minta's second pregnancy, when Jim suddenly started being rude and disrespectful towards her and Ambrose. He would yell and berate them out of nowhere, he had lost his focus for work, Minta was sure they were on the verge of separation and she was preparing for life as a single mother with 2 sons (and a dog who barely tolerates her). But then Jim did another 180. He was apologising, trying to be better, he was making an effort again. Minta didn't want to get divorced, she didn't want her young boys to be without a father, so she agreed to give it one more go, and they renewed their vows right in the backyard.
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Not everyone was quick to accept Jim's apologies though. While Steve was too young to remember his father's outbursts, Ambrose had withdrawn from his parents. He even started lashing out at Minta in his teen years. He still loves his mom, but their relationship is rocky. He doesn't think he'll ever forgive his father for being so harsh with him but fawning over Steve from the moment he was born.
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Once Ambrose got into high school, he quickly figured that if he joined the football team, he wouldn't have to be home too much. He liked football, even though he never was able to find the time to practice after hours. It didn't take long to figure out if he had a girlfriend, he had even more of an excuse to be out of the house. At this point, his mom's house is just a place to sleep and shower until he can escape. --------------------------------------
And that brings us up to the present! Ambrose has the Serial Romantic aspiration, so since they can go on dates as a teen, we're getting him started early. He's a little hot headed and a bit of a romantic, but he's an independent boy. After watching the waves in his parent's marriage, he's not sure if he ever wants to get married, but there's nothing stopping him from dating around.
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falcqns · 3 years
he's gone for good.
pairing: sub!Bucky x Reader
summary: Bucky informs you about Steve leaving.
warnings: angst, sub!Bucky, crying Bucky, mentions of violence.
a/n: hope you enjoy!
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when you opened the door, and was greeted with a crying Bucky, you had no idea what to do.
you may had known Bucky for many years, but he was never open emotionally with you. in front of you, at least.
you two had met when you were studying abroad in Bucharest, and ended up moving in right beside him. you knew who he was right away, and you also knew that he was most likely on the run from HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D., so you never revealed that you knew who he was.
a week into living there, you found out he had nightmares, but it wasn't until a month later that you found the perfect cure for them, home cooked food.
you were up late doing some research for a paper, when you heard the beginnings of a nightmare. you usually heard the terror and scream filled ends, not the beginnings, but you listened anyways.
he was calling out for someone. it took you a few seconds to decode what and who he was calling out for, but when you realized, your heart broke for him. he was calling out for his mom. his calls became louder and more desperate, before coming to a head with a shout, then sobs of heartbreak. it made you think of your mom, hundreds of miles away. it wasn't until you remembered that he was born in 1917, so his mom was definitely dead, that you moved from your bed.
you ran into the kitchen and pulled out all the ingredients for some chocolate chip cookies. eating homemade cookies always soothed all your pain when you were little, and you didn't want to think about the kind of food HYDRA fed him on a daily basis, if they fed him at all. you also knew he most likely wasn't eating properly here, as you’d see him come back everyday with plums, along with some type of street food that he found.
didn't matter what the street food was, he always had plums accompanying it. a quick google search told you that plums helped improve memory, so that was that question answered. an hour later, and the cookies were done, and loaded into a spare Tupperware that you had lying around, with a note on top letting hi know that if he ever needed to talk, you were there.
you placed it outside his door, knocked, and retreated to your unit just in time. thanks to an abandoned body mirror that sat opposite the wall that separated the two units, you got to see the smile that spread on his face when he saw the cookies and read the letter.
after that day, it became tradition.
every time he would have a nightmare, you would give him some type of food. whether it was chicken parm, French onion soup, cookies, cake, donuts, or even chicken nuggets and fries that you Uber Eat’d from McDonalds, you always made sure he was comforted.
it wasn't until a month before you were due to move back to your home country that you saw him face to face for the first time. you were bringing him some white chocolate macadamia nut cookies when he opened the door. he had a coat, hat, and leather gloves on, indicating he was going out.
he smiled and blushed, before speaking. “so you're the lovely lady that cooks for me,” he said, and you laughed before handing him the container with cookies.
“yes I am. I just made some more, actually.” you said with a smile as he took the box from you, and looked inside.
“well, thank you doll. these look absolutely delicious, I can't wait to try them.” he said with a smile and you felt your cheeks heat up.
he placed the box down on the table next to the door, and turned back to you.
“well, I'll let you get on with your day,” you said, as you turned to head back to your unit.
“actually,” he said, and you turned to face him. “I was just going to go on a walk since it was my day off today. do you maybe want to come with me?” he asked, and you felt butterflies form in your stomach as you nodded.
“sure! just let me grab my coat.” you said.
then, just like the cooking, the afternoon walk became tradition. you two would walk and talk about anything. whether it be work, school, or building drama, you always had something to talk about.
on a certain walk through a quiet little park, he confessed who he was, and was surprised when all you said was “I know.” he’d asked if you were afraid, and you said no. he’d asked if you were planning on turning him in, and you also said no.
you’d explained that it was obvious that HYDRA had control of him, and that everyone deserved a second chance. after your little speech, he’d kissed you, and asked you out on a date. you'd accepted, and started dating after your first date.
then, he was captured by S.H.I.E.L.D.. the two of you had been at the market together when he saw a newspaper saying that he had killed King T’Chaka with a bomb at the UN. he swore, and dragged you home. the two of you blew past your unit, and headed into his where you were faced with Steve Rogers. this didn't surprise you, he'd told you what he could remember about Steve, and you were expecting him to show up eventually, you just weren't expecting it to be so soon.
you could hear someone else, Sam, over Steve’s comm, and realized that there were police here, to capture Bucky. upon hearing this, Bucky shoved you out of the apartment, and down the hallway, with Steve following. he’d led you to a back entrance that you didn't even know was there, and told you tp leave the building until everything was over.
he gave you one last hug and kiss, and your first ‘I love you’, and he was gone.
you hadn't heard from him for 2 years, when you got a letter from him. according to the letter he had been seeking refuge in Wakanda, and had been freed of the Winter Soldier. he invited you to come and visit, and you did. you got to watch him tend to his goats (which he named after every avenger, even Tony) and interact with the Wakandan people, and the children. who knew a former brainwashed HYDRA assassin could be so sweet with young children? definitely not you.
then, just as you were preparing to leave and look for a farm where Bucky could continue to raise his goats and be with you, King T’Challa came to Bucky and gifted him a new arm, and informed him of a new fight. Bucky had begged you to leave, but you wouldn't have it. you had been working out and training since the day that you watched him and Steve fight against the police in Bucharest, wanting nothing more than to run in there and protect him.
so, you fought. it felt surreal to you to be fighting with the Avengers beside you, although there was no place you’d rather be. in that moment, as you were racing towards those “space dogs”, as Rocket had called them at one point, you didn't care if you lived or died, won or lost. you only cared about fighting beside the love of your life.
watching that same love of your life fade away to dust in a beautiful Wakandan forest broke you in two. you had just gotten him back, and you’d lost him again. you were trapped in your own head for days, wishing to dust away like him, just to be with him.
before you knew it, 5 years had passed, and you had joined the remaining Avengers. how you went from studying abroad in Bucharest, to being an Avenger, you had no idea, but you were grateful nonetheless. when Steve, Natasha, and Scott approached you with the possibility that you would be able to get Bucky back, you instantly accepted.
you joined Tony, Steve and Scott, and helped Steve in the fight against himself. when Tony failed to get the Tesseract the first time, you joined them on their journey into 1970, and was blown away. it wasn't exactly the time that Bucky and Steve were from, but it kind of felt like it in a way, and you instantly felt closer to Bucky, although Steve had to stop you from going to find Bucky, who was coincidentally only a few kilometres away at that point in time.
you fought with Steve and the rest of the Avengers against Thanos, and almost fainted from happiness when you saw your Bucky walk through the portal and run into your arms. you, once again, fought with the Avengers and Bucky to defeat Thanos once and for all.
then, Tony snapped his fingers, and your whole world changed. you didn't know it at that particular moment, but it did.
you attended Tony's funeral, and you and Bucky went home. a few days later, Bucky and Sam went to see Steve off to return the stones. you had no idea why, according to Bruce it would take about 5 seconds, but Bucky insisted that he needed to go, and said that he was sorry he couldn't join you on an afternoon walk, your first one with him in over seven years.
but, then he showed up at the door, tears streaming from his steel blue eyes, his cheeks puffy, and the smallest of sobs escaping from his rosy lips, and you knew something went wrong.
you pulled him into your apartment, and wrapped your arms around him. he nuzzled his face into your neck, and sobbed freely.
“what happened?” you asked. “did something happen to Steve?” at the mention of his best friend, Bucky sobbed harder, and your question was answered, albeit silently.
you pulled him into the bedroom, and stripped him from his clothes. you’d never dealt with a sobbing and heartbroken Bucky in person before, so you just went with what felt right.
you instructed him softly to go lay on the bed, and he nodded. you laid down on your side, and pulled him to lay on your chest. as your hands ran through his hair that was starting to curl slightly, you tried again.
“can you tell me what happened, honey?”
Bucky sniffled a few times and sat up. you did the same, and he fiddled with his metal fingers while he talked.
“y’know yesterday when Steve and I went out for lunch?” he asked, and you nodded. “well, he told me about your journey back to the 1970′s with him.”
you furrowed your brow in confusion, but nodded. “I-i guess he was dodging some workers or something because he hid in an office, an office that happened to belong to Peggy Carter. he said that he saw her through the glass, and that he realized that he could have the life with her that he’d always wanted, the Pym Particles safe in his pocket. he knew that he had to come back and bring everyone back, but then he was going to go back.” you didn't know what to think. that wasn't the Steve that you knew, the Steve that you had become family with over those horrible and painful five years.
“when he told me, I didn't really think he was going to do it.” Bucky said, his voice shaking. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and he rested his head against your chest.
“even when I watched him disappear on the tunnel platform I didn't believe it. then, he showed up again.” he said, almost whispering.
“he was old. like grey hair, wrinkles, all of it.” he managed to get out in between sobs that were growing louder. “t-thats when it hit me. that he left me, for he-” he tried to say, before his sobs started full force again, and you pulled him to lay on you. he had his head on your chest, and his body in between your legs.
his cries continued, and you knew there was no stopping them. he was heartbroken, and he had to work through his feelings, not ignore them.
he swallowed, and continued to explain. “he left me for the girl he kissed once. which is great, he deserves to be happy, but I need him. I'm finally completely free, and I don't have my childhood best friend anymore.” he sobbed out, and you started to rock your body slowly to soothe him.
you wanted to cry too. cry about the friend that you’d never get to see again, but you couldn't, not yet. Bucky was hurting way more than you were, and you could push your pain down until Bucky was okay. you cuddled him closer to you, and spoke into his hair.
“its okay, baby boy.” you said, and he nuzzled deeper into you, the stress and sadness melting away from his body. it would return later, but it was gone for the time being. he sighed in contentedness, and his tears slowly stopped. you kissed his forehead, and felt him smile.
you ran your hands through his locks for the millionth time, and hummed a slow tune to him to soothe him further. you felt his breathing even out, ad light snores escape his mouth, and you smiled.
at least for a while, he was at peace, a peace he hadn't had in a while.
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 07 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 1.6 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (06)
Next part (08) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Don't Go
Billy did threw the keychain away when he got home. It was on the trash can he has in his bedroom, beside the desk. It remained there, among a few school papers for half an hour before he took it again.
It went right back to it's previous place at the nightstand.
Billy is deliberately skipping class. It's the fourth day now, and he doesn't feel like he'll be returning tomorrow.
He leaves everyday at the same time he would for school, and returns after. But he drives to lonely places where he thinks he can run away from his own mind. But it is everywhere he goes.
She is everywhere he goes.
Billy Hargrove did considered going back to his old ways. He even managed to make his way to the phone, ready to call Stacy again. But when he picked up the phone, he caught himself halfway through her number. The number that belongs to the girl he can't stop thinking about. To the girl he can't ruin. Whose life he can't destroy.
She's too good for him, and he knows that. An angel, as stupid as it may sound coming from a asshole like him. Because that's what Billy thinks he is. He'd live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve (Y/N). Her smile, her laughter, her blushing cheeks. Her amazing, sweet scent, that shine in her eyes when she looks at him.
What does that even mean?
Billy is looking at Hawkins, parked on this cliff. (Y/N) would like it, and he wonders if she ever came here. Probably not, since the only people who know this place are those who come here for a hook up. There are a lot of places Billy would like to show her, some of them would take an hour drive through the woods, but it's worth it. He found them soon after getting into town, because he couldn't handle to stay still, so he drove. Pretty much as he's doing now, constantly running away from something that's inside of him.
Sighing, he pushes the car door close. At this time, he should be leaving school, going to her place as always. Today they'd go over the Biology class, if he's not mistaken. (Y/N) loves it, mostly when it's about animals. She loves birds. She didn't had to tell him that, he got it from the way she smiled as the teacher spoke.
These little things, the small details, as silly as they may be, are making him fall harder.
But he can't.
Well, he can.
But not her. Billy knows who he was. Or who he still is. So he knows what people will say about her. They'll call (Y/N) mean names, say she's just another of his sluts. And that's something he can't do, not to her.
But despite knowing this is the right thing to do, it hurts. It hurts that he has to step away from her, for good this time. Billy doesn't know how he'll live from now on without their daily meetings. Without her soft voice, her sweet scent inebriating him every damn time.
He has it bad.
It's only worse because he remembers it clearly, that day at that stupid parlor, how she said they could try. They could wait and see what happens.
That was a chance. A small one, that probably would lead to nothing, but still, a chance. Something he never thought he'd get. Not with (Y/N). But now, he won't even try anymore.
This might be love, he thinks. Putting someone else's well being before his own.
It's a hard thing to acknowledge, but when it's real, there's no way to run from it.
Sighing, Billy starts the car, putting the daisy keychain on the passenger seat. For a moment he sees her image, looking at him and smiling. On the next second, it's gone.
With a weight on his chest, he maneuvers the car, heading back to the hell on Earth he calls home.
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“I don't know, Nan. He just... He disappeared. Like smoke in the air and I don't know why.” Sitting shotgun in Nancy's car, you let your heart out. Billy didn't show up at school last week, and not today either. It's been five days already, and he doesn't even answer your calls.
“You know Billy Hargrove, (Y/N). I'm not impressed with this sudden change and neither should you.”
“No, Nan...” Running a hand through your hair, you sigh. “Trust me, Billy... He's not like that. Not with me at least and I know what you'll say. That he lies to get girls but... I've seen how he treats them and so have you. He... He never yelled at me, or called me bad names, he...” You're defending him. The idiot fled with no explanation and still, you're defending him.
“(Y/N), I trust your judgment.” She stops by your place, turning her body towards you. “If what you're saying it true, go after him.”
“Look, I get that you don't want to talk about it because you're scared of having feelings for the bad boy, and I'll wait until you're ready, but honestly, I think you know what you feel.”
Looking down at your hands, you blush. “I really like to be around him, Nancy.” Your voice is low and weak, as you admit it to her and to yourself at the same time. “And I miss him.”
“Don't call him, then. Go after him.” She touches your shoulder, smiling. “...Just don't let Steve know Billy is making you sad because you know he'll freak out.”
“God, no!” Giggling, you reach for your bag on the backseat. Steve looks out for you, even now, and it's good to know he has your back. But you definitely don't need the two guys having a fight over some misunderstanding. “Tell him I'm fine. Because I am. I'll... I'll fix things. And if Billy does want to stay away from me for whatever reason... I'll be alright.”
“Good luck and call me if you need anything.”
“I will. Thank you, Nan.” Giving her a hug, you step out of the car, heading inside. “Mom! I'm home!”
“Hi, darling!” She shouts from upstairs. Taking the chance, you run to the phone, quickly dialing Billy's number. It's not the first time you call, and whenever he picks up, you say ‘hello’ and the call is cut. It breaks your heart every time.
“Who's this?” A female voice answers, slightly pissed.
Relieved, you breathe out. “Hi, Max. It's (Y/N).”
“AKA the reason why the shitface has been locked in his bedroom like a jerk.” She speaks fast, and you furrow your eyebrows and giggle. “I think Billy is in love with you or something.”
“What?” Max says as if it's no big deal, as if she didn't made your heart start beating insanely fast, neck and cheeks heating up. “I-I don't think–”
“Billy never gets upset over a girl so...” Her voice fades, and you hear something in the back, wondering if it's Billy. “He has your keychain, by the way. A daisy flower.”
“Keychain?” You don't remember any keychains, so you just sigh, pacing around. “Max, can you do me a favor? I'm going there so don't let Billy go anywhere. And when I ring the door bell, let him answer it, please.”
“Alright. But don't take too long. Neil will be back around eight.”
“I'm going now. Thanks.” And you hang up, heading to the front door. “Mom, I'm going to get Billy!”
“Alright!” Good thing she doens't ask much questions, God bless her for that.
You try not to drive too fast, and you try to tell yourself this is no big deal. But you don't know what will happen. Preparing yourself for a heartbreak sounds good, so you decide to expect the worse.
So when you're parking on the sidewalk in front of Bill'y house, you know what you'll do. You'll put a finger on his face and ask what the hell he's thinking skipping class like that.
When you reach the front door, you realize you've never been here. Well, Billy did dropped his sister a few times before driving back to your place. And then, you're whole act drops. “Damn it.” Pressing the door bell, you wonder if you'd have enough time to just run back to the car and leave. There's a discussion inside the house, with Billy telling Max to get the door, and she refusing. You would have time to run, but you decide to be brave. So you stand your ground, pressing the bell again.
“Damn you, Maxine.” Billy groans, and on the next second the door is violently pulled open.
You freeze, watching as Billy's face drops. “Hi.” You mutter, looking down at your hands, blushing. You shouldn't be here. This is stupid. Whatever Billy said at Scoops Ahoy, it's over. But still, you want to try. To break through him, even if it means you'll be pushed further away. “C-can we talk?”
There's silence, several seconds of silence. And you curse yourself. Billy would never like you. He's the bad boy Nancy warns you about, that girls like you should avoid. Biting your lip, you feel your throat burning, tears wanting to make their way to your eyes.
“Nevermind, I shouldn't have come.” Pushing the words out, you turn on your heels to leave. But Billy grabs your arm, forcing you to stop. “Let go.” You beg, looking back at him. Your heart is breaking and you don't even know why. You just need to be away from Billy right now, and from all these feelings boiling inside you.
“No, please, just... Don't go.” His grip gets loose, and his hand slides from your forearm to your hand, and he holds it, pulling you inside. “Come in.”
Taking a deep breath, you weakly nod, letting him pull you into the house.
@multific @clockworkballerina @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @vivian-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85
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justkending · 3 years
Moral of The Story. Chapter One.
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Summary: Marrying too young out of highschool leads to a naive and failed marriage. Now 10 years later, word comes that the divorce was never actually completed. Bucky and Y/N have to come back together after all these years to settle what wasn’t all those years back. Passive attitudes, miscommunicated endings, and reminiscing of an old love all comes back for the two.
Pairing: Bucky x Y/N
Word Count: 2600+
A/N: Ok, here is the first chapter! If you have not already listened to the song that evoked this idea from my imagination land, I suggest giving it a go! Moral of the Story by Ashe. I’m excited for you guys to see what this story brings and I really hope I do it justice! As always, comments and thoughts are welcome as they help me grow as a writer and let me see what you guys notice:) ENJOY MY LOVES!!! <3
(The posting will be once every other day until I have finished the series. If I finish early, I will post an update once a day:)
Read the Prologue here first!
Chapter One:
"You already got the flight?" Nat asked, perched on Y/N's couch as she ran around frantically packing. "Don't you have a huge meeting next week with that new business? What was it called? Bee's Knees?"
"Yes, but it's not until Monday evening. I highly doubt I will be there longer than a weekend to sign a few divorce papers. I'm planning on coming back early that afternoon, so I shouldn't miss it," she answered, not even stopping to look at her as she ran through the rooms and bathroom in the apartment.
"How soon did you book that flight?"
"As soon as I hung up the phone with Murdock," Y/N sighed. Nat sent her a questioning look not knowing that name. "New lawyer. The guy who took over for the sleazeball known as Justin Hammer," she rolled her eyes.
"Right," Nat nodded. "So, are you staying at your dad's house?"
"I would take my dad's house over my mom and Jerry's any day. You know this," Y/N paused in her actions, sending her a bitch face.
"I know. Just didn't know if you'd be all fancy and rent a hotel room to escape the smothering that is bound to happen from good ol' Mr. Y/L/N," Nat grinned.
"It's been so long since I've seen him not via facetime. And we both know that's barely seeing him as he doesn't know where the camera is even after a hundred calls," she laughed.
"Parents. Either they're technologically challenged or know how to work it better than us. Never in between and it's weird." Nat watched as Y/N froze in her stance and looked lost trying to think of something else to pack. Deciding she needed a distraction, Nat changed the subject some. "Hey, did you get Melody to go on that date tomorrow?"
"Yes!" Y/N answered proudly. "I know your aunt wants grandbabies from her daughter, but that girl just needs a night on the town more than anything. She's in her early 20's and holes herself up at the office almost more than I do, and I'm the boss."
"Cousin's got my work ethic. What can I say?" Nat shrugged smugly.
"Well, she needs to get your spirit in living some too."
"Touche," Nat pointed. "I need to have Yelena take her out. She's the real party sister out of us two."
"That is true. How she's able to party for 48 hours straight and still wake up at 8 am for mimosas, blows my mind," Y/N commented on Natasha's younger sister. "She's only a few years older than Melody, right?"
"Yeah, Yelena is 24, and Melody is 22. They were best of friends growing up, but once they got to high school, they kinda went different routes about life. Lana, the party gal, and Mel the studious bookworm."
"I'm not surprised by either of those," Y/N shook her head before collapsing next to Nat on the couch. A loud breath and sigh escaped her body.
Nat watched as her mind escaped back to the original issue at hand.
"What's going on in that brain of yours, Y/N/N?" she said, softly touching her shoulder. "Not that I don't already know, but maybe letting it out will help unscramble those thoughts."
Y/N lazily rolled her head to the redhead next to her.
"How is he?" she asked.
Nat was a part of their friend group from middle school through high school. She kept up with all of them still, whereas Y/N kept up with all of them except one.
"I actually haven't talked to him in a while. Steve on the other hand..." Nat nodded. "From that source, it sounds like Barnes is just as surprised and freaked out as you."
"He's freaked out?" Y/N asked, a hint of interest peeking out.
"Who wouldn't be? You get a call from a lawyer saying your marriage is still intact after 9 years of breaking it off, I would be freaked out too."
"He deserves it. I hope he's just as freaked out as me, if not more," she responded bitterly, crossing her arms across her chest like a pouting child.
"Y/N," Nat sighed.
"No. Don't. Don't defend him to me, it's pointless," she put up a hand. "I know you're still friends with him, but you guys still don't understand the pain that that man brought on me."
"He fought for you, Y/N. He didn't mean-," Nat countered.
"Again, you're wasting your breath. Defending him now does nothing to change the past," she said stubbornly, getting back up and carrying on with her packing. "You can still take me to the airport tomorrow, right?"
Her best friend wanted to keep pushing, knowing she had harbored this heartbreak for too long. Sure what had happened between them sucked and was a horrible chapter of their lives, but neither made an effort to talk it out and understand the other's side of the story. Faults of being young, immature, and not knowing how to handle a grown-up decision.
"Yes, I'll pick you up at work at 10. Flights at 11:25, right?"
"Yes, and you know California traffic. That will probably get me there 10 minutes before my gate closes. I had to get an early flight though because that time difference is going to kick my ass. It'll be close to 5:30 in my head and 8:30 there by the time I land... " Y/N huffed, rolling her bag to the front door for tomorrow. "You mind taking this tonight and keeping it in your car for now? That way I don't have to lug it to work?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll grab it on my way out. But we're still having a girl's night, right?"
Y/N laughed some before going to the kitchen to grab beers. "I Survived is already recorded and ready for us."
"Shit man... When's the last time you talked to her?" Steve asked, sitting across from his best friend in the chair diagonal from the couch, leaning forward on his knees after listening to the new news.
"Since I was supposedly signing our divorce papers. And even then, we didn't really talk. She sat there quietly straight-faced until it was signed and then rushed out the doors," Bucky sighed, still trying to wrap his head around the situation. "She was out of the state within the next hour."
Steve nodded before falling back into the single seat.
"So, do you guys have to see each other again, or is it one of those situations where you can sign separately?"
"I don't know. I just got off the phone. All I know up to this second is that Y/N and I have been married for the past 9 years without knowing it," Bucky said somewhat harshly. Steve didn't flinch at the tone knowing it wasn't directed at him. "I'm sorry. I-I just can't wrap my mind around this."
"It's ok. This is crazy shit, Buck," Steve waved off. There was a long pause before Steve decided to ask the question he was sure anyone would want to know. "Do you want to see her?"
Bucky slowly looked over to the blonde. God, he had been asking himself that question for the past 10 minutes himself.
On one end, yes. He wondered where she was now in life. How she was doing. What accomplishments he knew she would be making. He knew a few small things just by the whispers and small talk of her with their shared friend group that he still hung out with, but a majority of the time, they didn't bring her up around him. They knew what it did to him.
On the other end, he never thought about facing her again. I mean maybe for the year after their divorce, but when he never heard anything back from her all those times he still tried to reach out and she blocked him on almost all forms of social media, he gave up any hope of them falling back into good terms again. He hated it, but he wasn't going to push her when she clearly hated his guts.
And honestly, he deserved it. His young, stupid, college self was not a smart guy when it came to relationships. Even ones that had been there from the beginning of time practically.
Yet again, she wasn't perfect either. She made some mistakes of her own that pushed him to act the way he had.
"Hey, you both are older and more mature now. I'm sure you if you guys do have to see each other again, you can handle it like adults," Steve reassured, seeing Bucky's face turn to a soft frown. "Ok, so she may be a little stubborn..."
"A little?"
"Ok, a lot. But she's older now. She's not the 19-year-old girl that you remember," Steve defended.
"I believe that but I'm sure she still holds a grudge that is very, very, very, very-," Bucky was going to go on about 10 more very's before ending with BIG, but Steve cut him off.
"You don't know that," Steve shook his head.
"Really? Because usually when you no longer hold a grudge against someone, you might just reach out to that person and reconnect possibly," Bucky argued. "I mean that's what mature people do, right?"
"Not always..."
"So she's either not mature or still just as stubborn. Hell, for all we know, both," Bucky shrugged, pursing his lips.
"If you go into this with that mindset, nothing good is going to come out of it." Steve pointed an eyebrow at him.
Bucky rolled his eyes not replying to Steve. He knew he was right, but he was still bitter after all these years about how Y/N handled the situation. Sure, he messed up, but she had to. Yet she made him into this big bad wolf that was at 100% fault in the downfall of their relationship. It made him feel like shit, and though he tried to make amends knowing he did some fucked up things, she acted like she was Miss Perfect and didn't do anything wrong the entire time.
Damn, even after all this time, it still lit a fire in his chest with annoyance and hurt.
"When's the meeting?" Steve once again interrupted his thoughts.
"I guess Saturday morning. They said they were coming in on their off hours to fix up a few cases they found like ours," Bucky answered.
"How many cases were there?"
"Eh, I think he said it was single digits, but there were a shit ton of other cases in different areas that were worse off. The divorce ones are a small number compared to those."
"Damn. That sucks for all the couples who got a call today then," Steve huffed, running a hand down his face.
"Yeah, you're telling me..."
"Hey, we were going out with Wanda and Vis tonight. You still up for that, or...?" Steve stood up.
Bucky looked back at the beer on the coffee table and then at the TV still playing I Survived stories quietly in the background.
"You know what? I'm going to need a stronger drink than an IPA to get me to sleep tonight," Bucky nodded, standing and wiping his hands on his jeans before walking to his room.
"Looks like I'm the DD tonight then..." Steve sighed.
"Vis," Wanda motioned to her fiance as he came back from the bar. "Nat just texted."
"About what? How is she?" Vis smiled as he sat next to her with Sam across from him. Sam tagged along at the last second since his other plans got canceled.
"She's good, but it's not about her," Wanda waved off, still reading whatever lengthy text was sent her way.
"Wow, that looks like a novel," Vis noticed with wide eyes as he looked over her shoulder.
"Wait 'til you hear what it's about." 
Sam shook his head as he took a sip of the beer Vis had brought over.
After reading the rest of the text out loud from where she had left off, everyone at the table looked at each other with shock ridden faces.
"They're still married?" Vis said softly as if it was a secret.
"Apparently..." Wanda nodded with wide eyes.
"So that Hammer guy was a sham?" Sam questioned.
"I told her not to go to him. He had some shady hole in the wall kind of establishment," Wanda chided. "But she said they needed something cheap and fast. She hated his guts and wanted it out of it then and there. Plus, they were 19. They didn't have much money anyway."
"Why didn't they just ask their parents for help?" Sam questioned. "Isn't Y/N's mom loaded?"
"Yes, but she refused to help her. She said it was her own fault for getting married so young and that she had warned her. Told her she had to get out of the mess on her own," Wanda answered.
"What about her dad?" Vis jumped in.
"Bucky and her dad were close. She was off in Colorado for school and didn't want to put her dad through that or make him have to help her in cutting him off. Bucky was like the son he never had and they were bonded at the hip. No matter how much Y/N hated Bucky, she wasn't going to ruin or take away his relationship with her father. That would have been cruel, and Y/N is anything but that."
"Weren't Bucky's and Y/N's dad's best friends?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, they were old-time war buddies. They're the reason Bucky and Y/N had known each other since birth. But Bucky's dad died when he was about 13, and Y/N's dad, Thomas, kinda took him under his wing. Growing up a teenage boy without a father figure messes with you, and Bucky was on the edge of a bad path after losing his father."
"He's still rather close with Thomas, but I'm sure Y/N doesn't know that. Unless Thomas has said something, and with how everything came to an end for the two, I'm sure he doesn't bring it up knowing how tender of a subject Bucky is to her," Vis added.
"Makes sense..." Sam nodded. "I only knew you all from the start of college, so I'm still a little lost in all the beginning stuff."
"All good. It's complicated with those two. Their past and upbringing are so interconnected with the other, it makes their downfall all the more intense and messy," Wanda sighed. "God, if this is the news, he's going to be a wreck tonight..." She looked up worriedly at her fiance who shared the same concerns.
"It could go two ways. Either he comes in all solemn and says three words all night, or Steve's going to be the DD and he's waking up with a head-busting hangover," Sam noted with a small grin at the thought. "I'm going to go with the latter though."
"Poor guy," Wanda sighed, taking a drink with a sad face. Ever the sympathetic one.
"We'll be here to listen if he wants to talk. If not, we act like we have no idea and don't bring it up," Vision spoke up, throwing his arm over her and running his hand up and down her shoulder.
"I'm going to tease him still most likely," Sam shrugged nonchalantly. Wanda sent him a warning glare. "Fine, mama bear! I'll be nice... Until he starts making a fool of himself." He added the last part quietly.
Moral of the Story Taglist:
@taylormobley @ximaginx @vicmc624 @leyannrae
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx @death-unbecomes-you @heyiamthatbitch @lizzymacy555  @srrymydood @xa-dia @redhairedfeistynerd @morganclaire4 @connie326 @captain-asguard @mollygetssherlockcoffee @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses @pham-tastical
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon @lauravicente @kakakatey @traceyaudette @notyourtypicalrose  @laneygthememequeen @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @sandlee44 @thorne93 @thefaithfulwriter @essie1876 @greyeyedsmile14 @capsiclehan  @xostephanie @averyrogers83 @awesomenursingstudent @gh0stgurl @cs-please @carls1022 @jjlevin @rainbowkisses31 @anise-d-castle6 @deannotmoose @their-bibliophile @kitkatd7 @willowbleedsonpaper @mariaenchanted @snffbeebee @couldabeenamermaid @rebekahdawkins @alyispunk​ @princess-annna
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker @charmedbysarge @jbarness @bellamy-barnes @katiaw2 @aikeia
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psychdelia · 3 years
max showed up on his doorstep with blotchy red cheeks and puffy wet eyes, board discarded on his lawn as she pounded on the door with her free hand, holding a shoebox in the other.
“okay, okay!” steve called out as he rushed downstairs. “i’m coming! jeez.” he huffed as he opened the door, ready to bark out a what, shithead? because who else would show up to his place and pound on his door for a minute straight?
except his mouth snaps shut when he sees her shivering in the winter cold and cheeks still damp. it’s been about 4 months since billy died and he hadn’t seen max in this state for a couple months now. he thought things were getting better.
maybe not.
“max.” he frowned. “what’s wrong? what happened? are you okay? are you hurt?” he asked, the panic in his tone increasing with each question.
she just shoved the box into his hands, giving him a determined look. so similar to billy’s. too similar.
“i found this in his room.” he can hear the suppressed tremble in her voice as she fights the urge to cry again. “i never gave it you because i thought maybe,” she frowns, looking down. “maybe he-“ she lets out a shaky breath. “but he never came back so it’s yours now.”
then a switch is flipped and she’s suddenly glaring up at him, yet another expression too similar to billy’s.
“you can’t tell anyone.” she clenches her shaking fists. “if you tell anyone what you find in there i swear to god steve i’ll hurt you.” her upper lip is twitching into a snarl and steve is genuinely scared of this little fiery teenager.
“jesus, max,” he sighs. “first of all, you two are way too goddamn similar for not being blood related.” he ruffles her hair with a free hand. “second of all, you can’t just tell me what’s in here?”
“no.” she shakes her head as she bats his hand away. “just,” she plays with the hem of her jacket nervously. “just keep an open mind.” she frowns. “we’re not from here. things are... different back home.” her shoulders sag a little and he can tell she misses home. misses life before hawkins. “promise you won’t tell anyone?” she looks back up at him.
he frowns as he stares at the box in his hand before nodding. “promise.”
“good.” she nods. she rubs harshly at her face with her sleeve before turning away to walk to the lawn.
“you need a ride?” he calls as she grabs her board. chuckles when she rolls her eyes, tosses back an i can get myself around, steve. then a quick thanks, though. see you around. then she’s taking off.
steve practically sprints up to his room after that. sets this mystery converse box down in front of him on the bed as he sits, unsure of what to expect. maybe porn mags? weed stash? who knows.
so, naturally, he dumps it all out on the bed. stares at the pile of magazines, books, seashells, pictures, papers. the first thing he grabs are the magazines, expecting to see a half naked chick on the cover. he freezes when he finds a half naked man instead, clad in leather.
drummer. drummer. drummer. all of these are the same magazines, different issues with different men. he wonders if they’re targeted towards women, but then he’s opening them up and finding men... with other men. figures maybe hargrove had been holding onto them for someone else because there’s no way in hell these are his. no, no, no. that boy was straight as hell. loved to show off a different girl hanging off his arm every week, made shows of flirting with both girls and women.
but then he’s grabbing a polaroid dated 1983 and it’s billy with shorter hair and fuller cheeks kissing another boy with a big smile and lovesick dopey look on his face.
holy shit. this can’t be real. billy hargrove wasn’t gay. he couldn’t be. he was the womanizer, ladykiller, heartbreaker of hawkins. he loved women and they loved him 10 times more. none of this makes sense.
he grabs the journal next, the leather on the cover worn and threadbare. the first entry is dated from 1983 and the last just a couple weeks before starcourt. right before he got possessed.
steve sets the journal aside, opts to look at the other pictures and items billy had stashed away before he reads about the last three years of the guy’s life. there are a couple pictures of a blonde woman with striking resemblance to billy, the same saint christopher pendant and thick silver ring billy wore present around her neck and finger. some of them feature billy when he was a baby, toddler, kid. he finds jewelry that seems feminine, womanly. figures they must’ve been his mom’s.
there are also some california souvenirs. he finds seashells and movie, concert tickets that read “san diego” on the top. there are also some books steve remembers he was supposed to have read or heard about in school, but also some more he never heard of.
at the very bottom of the box he finds expired makeup and empty hair product. there’s black and dark blue eyeliner and mascara, baby pink lip gloss. nail polish in black, dark red and a deep purple. in some polaroids, the slight sheen of the gloss and his dark, thick lashes are barely visible, but he still catches it.
steve can’t help but chuckle when he finds some candy wrappers and leftover weed grinds at the bottom of the box alongside the butts of joints and empty cigarette packs. marlboro reds. there’s scrunchies, too. shimmery and purple, probably stolen from max.
once’s he’s finished digging through hargrove’s secret belongings, he leans back and sticks his nose in the journal. it takes him the rest of the day and all night to read it from cover to cover.
the beginning is mostly about missing his mom and hating his father, documenting his abuse. there are a few pages about his crushes and boyfriends, allowing him to figure out that the boy he was kissing in the polaroid is named santiago, but billy calls him santi. once he reaches the end of san diego and beginning of hawkins, billy’s tone and messy scrawl is full of hurt, anger, and melancholy.
and then steve’s name pops up. KING STEVE in all caps, taking up nearly half the page. there are hearts around his name, alongside a big drawing of a dick. below, billy writes about feeling like a foolish schoolboy with some stupid crush on some guy with a huge dick he saw in the showers. steve’s already blushing and it only deepens when he gets to the part about billy wanting to feel said dick in his hand, his mouth, inside of him.
he has to take a break after that. doesn’t realize things only get spicier until he gets back to reading and finds out billy’s jerked off and fingered himself open to the thought of none other than king steve. his eyes immediately flick to the half empty jar of vaseline, finger-shaped holes indenting the jelly.
he spends the rest of the night reading about billy’s remorse and guilt towards him and lucas after that night, how billy still wants to hop on his dick and kiss him stupid, his and max’s relationship and how it’s gotten better even though they still blame each other for the move.
it’s both of their faults, steve realizes. billy missed his curfew for a boy and max had no choice but to lead neil to him.
along the way to the end, a couple pictures of steve fall out of the journal. pictures that steve has no idea how billy acquired. some are from school yearbooks, others just random polaroids that might’ve been taken by tommy or carol or jonathan. when he finally reaches the end, he reads about billy’s pool job and plans fo move back to california for college as soon as he graduates.
i know it’s stupid but i’m gonna miss him. his stupid hair and big brown eyes and pretty face and pink lips. i didn’t know anything about the guy but i wish i could drag him out of this shithole and take him home with me. i still haven’t apologized to him. maybe kidnapping him and showing him the ocean would count. but i can’t fall for a straight boy, no matter how big his cock is. i don’t get to fall for someone i hurt. it’s not fair. none of this is fair.
that’s the very last entry. it’s 1am and steve is wide awake. too awake. before he thinks too hard about what he’s doing, he’s shoving everything back into the box and flooring it to robin’s house. he knocks on her window incessantly until she opens it with a glare and he’s pushing his way inside before she can greet him with a snarl.
“billy hargrove was gay and in love with me and-and and jerked off to me and,,, pretended his fingers were mine and his dad was hurting him and his mom left and he was alone, robin.” he’s rambling, eyes wide as he paces the room with the box in his hands.
“he was s-so hurt and alone and no one paid any attention and now he’s dead because of a monster in some town he got dragged to as punishment for being gay and,” his voice cracks. “he’s gone.” he whispers brokenly as he shoves the box into her hands.
robin is very confused and surprised but all she knows is that her best friend is in distress, so she sets the box down and grabs his hands.
“steve. look at me.” she only continues when he does. “sit down and talk to me. let’s go through everything together, okay? just calm down and breathe.”
by 3am robin’s looked through the box and the majority of the journal - steve dog-eared the important pages and she’s a fast reader - and she’s just as shocked as steve, apparently, if her bewildered expression and silence is anything to go by.
“robin? rob, say something.” he urges. “please. i need you to talk to me.”
“holy shit.” she finally raps. “steve, i’m gonna ask you a question and i don’t want you to freak out, okay?”
he nods.
“do you think you could’ve... reciprocated billy’s feelings?”
he opens his mouth to answer but halts, eyes wide and crazy as he stares at her.
“i-“ he gulps. “maybe?” he croaks out. “i-i think so? maybe yeah. yeah.” he nods.
“so you’re bisexual.”
and that’s throwing him on a whole other whirlwind. steve’s had too much thrown at him for the night and he doesn’t have it in him to deal with a sexuality crisis on top of everything.
but billy’s pretty. so fucking beautiful and steve can’t admit it just yet but he wishes he were still here. he wishes he could travel back in time and reach out to billy and save him from the horrors of hawkins but also kiss and fuck and love him properly but now it’s too late and steve and billy have one thing in common.
they’re both alone. lonely. so much love to give but no one to receive or give back.
“bisexual?” he chokes out.
“you like both. boys and girls. like david bowie. and david bowie’s awesome. you’re kinda awesome too, i guess. for a dingus.” she playfully punches his arm and it makes him feel better for all of 2 seconds until it’s hitting him again that the person who wanted to love him is dead. died right in front of him.
“do you have hot chocolate?” she nods. “with marshmallows?” she nods again. “can i have some?”
he feels like he’s about to faint. completely black out. wonders if he looks pale to robin. he needs something warm and comforting and hot coco will do the trick.
billy comes back in february. hopper and joyce gathered everyone up in joyce’s living room early february. sat everyone down to announce that hop had gotten... a call. a call from some doctor named owens who hop has a history with, the same doctor who helped will.
owens was nursing billy back to health in some secret lab in indianapolis, hence the funeral with no body. apparently billy was in comatose, then a medically induced coma when his brain woke up but he wasn’t strong enough to just yet. then, when he did wake up, he had to relearn how to eat, write, walk in physical therapy, alongside the heavy emotional therapy.
owens hid billy from the world until he was ready to be exposed to it again. then he called hopper one afternoon and told him to come pick the boy up.
max was angry. screamed and yelled until she was reduced to tears in joyce’s arms. the other kids were shocked and confused. didn’t know if they should be happy or scared. will and el were the only positive ones. nancy and jonathan were mostly shocked and indifferent, numb to these crazy surprises the shithole town throws at them. steve and robin just stared at each other knowingly, a million thoughts racing their minds.
a week later they were all in joyce’s living room again, nervously anticipating hopper and billy’s arrival. everyone looked up when the doorknob began to jerk and the lock turned, their eyes trained on the door as it opened to reveal hopper standing beside billy.
billy. clad in a big hoodie, gray sweats and converse. the same ones that were once in the box steve has hidden under his bed. his hair is long now, flowing freely and curling wildly at the ends, looking so soft with the lack of product. he looked tired, fading blue bags under his eyes. he hadn’t lost his tan, steve noted, and looked a little softer around the stomach and legs. for someone who went through all the shit he did, billy looked good. healthy.
max got to him the second he stepped inside, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him close. he immediately clung to max, holding her tight and whispering a shaky, wet hey, shitbird, only audible to her, resulting in her wet laugh. the siblings stayed like that for a few moments before pulling away to let billy see and greet everyone.
joyce had demanded they all not coddle billy because it would be suffocating and he probably couldn’t deal with that. except now she was serving and feeding him a million things, coddling him just like any other mother would. billy was hesitant and tense at first, but slowly relaxed, especially when he was given cookies.
sweet tooth, steve distantly remembered. billy has a sweet tooth, if the candy wrappers and lollipop sticks in the box were anything to go by.
everyone takes turns greeting and talking to billy. steve��s last in line to have his quick one-on-one with the guy and by the time they’re face to face, everyone’s sitting together, talking and laughing and eating.
“hey,” steve greets with a small smile. he can feel robin’s eyes on him and not-so-slyly flips her the bird, his eyes trained on billy and only billy. “it’s good to have you back.”
“you know you don’t have to say that, harrington, especially if you don’t mean it.” billy tries to joke but his eyes and smile are sad. “i only died for, like, two minutes. not a big deal.”
“shut up, man.” steve rolls his eyes and chuckles. “i do mean it.” he chews on his bottom lip nervously, doing a quick scan of the room to make sure there are no eyes on them before he looks back to billy.
then he’s reaching out and grabbing billy’s hand. running his thumbs over the scars along his palm and knuckles. he looks up to find billy confused and blushing. he smiles before pulling billy into a tight hug.
“you look good. so good.” steve whispers in his ear, getting a whiff of generic coconut shampoo. he has one arm wrapped tight around billy’s waist, holding him close with their bodies flush. he slides his free hand down and rests it on billy’s ass, barely squeezing. he chuckles when billy jumps a little.
“harrington.” billy chokes out, voice wrecked. “what’s your hand doing on my ass?” steve can feel billy’s lips moving on his neck and it makes him shudder.
“just doing what i should’ve done a while ago.” he sighs, content, just holding billy’s warm, very much alive body close to his.
“if you wanted to get in my pants, pretty boy, all you had to do was ask.” billy flirts with a smirk steve can feel on his neck. then he pauses. “you’re not fucking with me?” he asks, tone serious.
“nuh uh.” steve shakes his head. “actually, uh,” he pulls away just enough to meet billy’s eyes. “max gave me your shoebox.” he watches as billy’s eyes widen and go fiery. “hey, no, don’t get mad at her. it’s not her fault. she didn’t know you were comms back.” steve reasons. “plus, now i know big bad heartbreaker billy hargrove has a crush on little ole me.”
“who says i still do?” billy raises his eyebrows, as if his hands aren’t tightly holding onto steve’s shoulders and he’s not blushing and making heart eyes at the guy.
steve’s not too bright, but he knows when people have a crush on him. he’s always been bright in the language of love. and sex, for that matter, as billy will eventually find out when he inevitably get lovingly and romantically railed and fucked into steve’s mattress later that week.
“just have a feeling.” he shrugs, giving billy’s ass one last squeeze before he rests his hands on his hips with a grin.
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