#i think his quirk would have something to do with the letter f considering his sign
34saveme34 · 1 month
I'm so obsessed and I must talk because I love the amount of potential here
like it's. villain x hero's silly sidekick. that's hilarious
like think about it. Puzzles didn't quite get to Mario like to the others
babe's collateral and did he make Puzzles regret that
their dynamic
just the silly in general. I love the early time ship art "what those antennas do" hell if I know but Mario is keen to find out.
it's silly fun! really cute and fun, especially when it stop Puzzles in his tracks. When he expects fear or devotion and instead he gets such a weird and unexpected and chaotic form of adoration with which his heart (if it is still there) cannot handle. it's beautiful. Mario in general just having feelings for him. It's so good
but also I wanna explore the like, specific eroticism that you can put into the Hunt. The way how Mario hunts Puzzles because he craves Entertainment and he'll have it No Matter What, it's so disgustingly amusing and something I could think about forever. I never really understood this before but these 2 REALLY made me understand. Mario smashing every single TV on his way until he finds His One and the Hunt is over? I'm so fucked up, I'M SO F U C K E D
ngl I realise a certain part of the fandom would probably call me a freak for this. I'm calling them catholic guilt ridden
the emotional. oh the emotional. Mario already had a different thing going on when it came to villains
I think he is like, the best candidate in general to help Puzzles in redeeming himself. Mario can be SO caring and like like like
it's just ONE facet of this, this isn't how it starts but over time it would become such an important part of this because he grows like, genuine attachment
but the most important thing in the beginning would be is that he's casual. He also has like. a very specific type of emotional maturity, which some people like to call inconsistent writing, I like to call it a quirk and acknowedge it with my whole heart
but it would like, allow the 2 to speak on like, more casual terms
where Puzzles isn't a danger anymore and Mario just so happens to be there at the right time, say the right words
the rights words for Mario to just so obviously see that Puzzles needs a friend so so badly and letting him have it
this once, maybe he can prove to be a cool friend
and oh would he.... oh my goooood would he aaaughgh
because at his core, like, Puzzles isn't evil for the sake of evil, he's evil to obtain what he wants
so like, if he isn't obtaining anymore kdsldlsk I bet he could be fun. Mario would make him touch grass, they would go places together, have some silly adventures together, some more chaotic than the other
a dynamic that would form between the 2 where Puzzles becomes just a bit too soft that he lets Mario get away with things he shouldn't
maybe even helps him because he finds it fun anyways
considering what he was before..... finding solace in chaos and forgetting perfection for a second there...... he finds perfection right beside him....... maybe like, for example in the middle of a food fight Mario causes because they gave him shitty spaghetti or something and Puzzles just seeing the glee on Mario's face over the fun chaos and just. Feeling something in himself. And he wouldn't, for a long time, realise that it's love. He never felt it before
I can almost imagine him turning to romantic movies and such, trying to figure out if the feeling fits. Because it's so so intense in him, he never felt anything like this. He can't talk to anyone about this, he has no other friends in all this. And oooh dhslksdjsd ooOOhOohK?,s,,s,s dsooooooooohhh,,, dsdldk
guys I think he would create. Idk I just think. ijust think .
having experiences in life now, things that just keep replaying in his head, as he is starting to have a life. he would create something from his own head. And it would be like a love letter to Mario. And he would GET IT. And by it I mean. You know. 😲😳😳😳😳😳😳don't make me say it............
okay okay.......!!! He would get Puzzles's homosexual ass.
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pochipop · 2 years
can i get a bakugou abc headcanon post? & can i be your 🦩 anon if it's not taken? thank u !
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#. synopsis! — a bakugo headcanon for every letter of the alphabet .
#. characters! — bakugo .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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A: affection. | are they affectionate? how do they show affection?
Katsuki is fairly affectionate when the two of you are alone together, which may be surprising to many. He enjoys physical contact with his partner, even if he's hard pressed to admit that aloud. He tends to be more handsy when he's sleepy, grasping for warmth and comfort, especially on chilly nights. In his day-to-day life, his affection can range from a quick kiss on the crown of your head when he passes by you in the halls, to cuddling sessions in either of your dorm rooms when it's just the two of you. Bakugo likes it when you visibly lower your guard around him, slink into his side, and rest your body against his. He's a sucker for you.
B: bizarre. | something strange they do or a weird quirk they have with or without their partner?
Katsuki refuses to put his weights away. He always insists that it's for quick and easy access to them, but you've discreetly chalked it up to laziness on his part. It's his dorm, so he can do whatever he wants, and you don't tend to complain; —but it would be nice to not have to trip over weights when you go to pay him a visit.
C: comfort. | are they good at comforting their partner? how do they do it?
Katsuki isn't a very good candidate if you need the type of comfort that is coddling or very empathetic. He doesn't exactly feel comfortable being open about emotions other than anger; and because of that, his means of comfort can seem a bit insensitive to some. However, if you're in need of some good advice and some solid tough love, he's not a bad option. Bakugo might not always word things the best, but he's a surprisingly adept listener, and it's easy to get lost ranting to him (especially when he makes no effort to cut you off.) If you just need to get some frustrations off your chest, he's great with that, though. He'll be sure to throw in affirmative comments and engage with your energy levels appropriately.
D: domestic. | how do they feel about settling down? do they cook/clean?
Katsuki feels he's way too young to think about settling down in that manner, so he avoids seriously considering it. Right now, his heart is set on becoming a hero, and you certainly don't want to be any sort of hindrance in that. Though, he has thought about a future where the two of you are older and more mature, still together, maybe living in a place of your own. As for cooking and cleaning, he can do both, albeit one much better and with less complaints than the other. He's not half bad in the kitchen, and he makes some pretty tasty dishes. Nothing too fancy, but it's always delicious, so the level of elegance really isn't of any concern. When it comes to cleaning, Bakugo isn't the biggest fan of it, but he'd rather clean than be in a dirty environment. He's a quick organizer, and he tends to be very good about cleaning up after himself (unless that involves putting his weights away, apparently.)
E: ending. | if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
Katsuki would end the relationship in person, and it would be one of the few times you'd see him fully vulnerable; stripped bare to his core. He'd likely shed tears and offer up some form of apology but wouldn't ask to be friends. If he happened to see you in the future though, he wouldn't actively avoid you. He'd say hello and keep it lowkey, but his heart would ache inside.
F: future. | do they think about the future? how does it look?
Katsuki does think about the future sometimes, but he chooses not to put much weight into his fantasies. He'd like to share that future with you as long as you both get along well, so almost anything will be fine by him, really. It's not as if he'd want to live in a giant mansion or buy himself his own island, after all. He's fairly content with living a normal life aside from hero work. But, who knows, maybe those feelings will change one day, and Bakugo is open to said change.
G: gifts. | how often do they give their partner gifts? what kind of gifts are they?
Katsuki doesn't shower you with presents by any means, but he likes to spoil his partner every once in a while. A stuffed animal here, an oddly specific gift tailored perfectly to you and your interests there. . . It's only natural, he thinks, to want to give someone you love nice things.
H: honesty. | are they honest with their partner? do they keep secrets?
Katsuki is honest, but does keep some things to himself. He's gotten better about being a more effective communicator, however, he still feels that not all things are meant to be shared. It's only natural that he would want to keep some feelings to himself, but he does tend to be honest about them a while after he's resolved them or learned how to make peace with them. Bakugo does his best to be open, although it can be a struggle at times. Be patient with him; he's not used to being so candid.
I: i love you. | how fast do they say the L word? who says it first?
Katsuki feels and acknowledges it long before he says it but isn't incredibly unlikely to say it first. It could be a 50/50 chance depending on your personality, and even if you were to be the one to say it first, it wouldn't pull him off kilter. He would say it back confidently, heart beating a mile a minute. He wouldn't lose his composure, but on the inside, he'd be melting into a pile of lovesick goop.
J: jealousy. | do they get jealous? does it show?
Katsuki can be quite jealous at times, —not to any fully detrimental lengths, but it might work him up a tad more than normal. He doesn't like it when other guys eye you down as if you're some prize to be stolen away; like you're fresh meat and they're some kind of predator. His trust in you is solid and unwavering, but he doesn't trust others to keep their hands off. You can handle yourself, and Katsuki knows and acknowledges as much, but that wouldn't stop him from stepping in. Usually, his jealousy settles by the time you're alone with him again. A little bit of personal affection calms him down more than enough.
K: kisses. | what kind of kisses do they like to give/receive?
Katsuki likes all sorts of kisses, —it really just depends on the time, place, and sometimes his mood. Usually, anything goes as far as he's concerned. Still, he particularly enjoys mouth to mouth kisses where you'll let him nibble at your bottom lip a little. Bakugo also likes to press his lips to the crown of your head, and it often proves to be his most innocently affectionate gesture. As for receiving, again, typically anything goes depending on the time and place. He must admit though, he's impartial to shoulder kisses because they feel intimate to him, albeit not for any reason in particular.
L: likes and dislikes. | favorite and least favorite things about being in the relationship?
Katsuki's favorite and least favorite part about being in the relationship is the emotional aspect of it all; —a double edged sword for him in every sense of the phrase. He really likes having someone to lean on, and he even likes it when you lean on him in return. Unfortunately, there are times when he just doesn't have the ability to give you what you might need, and there are times when he can't bring himself to accept what he needs either. He has a lot of emotional baggage that he doesn't want to dump all over you, but he wants to let you in. Katsuki's complicated emotional state and how it relates to you and your relationship with him is simultaneously one of his most favorite things about loving you, and something that brings him copious amounts of dread.
M: mornings. | how do they spend mornings with their partner?
Katsuki isn't a happy-go-lucky kind of morning person, but that's to be expected. He's not really the happy-go-lucky type any time of the day anyway. When it comes to spending said mornings alongside you, he's pretty much the same as he always is; —if a bit clingier until he manages to wake himself up fully. At times, he can be a little grumpy if he doesn't sleep very well, but he's quick to move past it once he's pulled himself out of bed. Don't count on him to cook in the morning though. . . If you want breakfast, you'll either have to go out and drag him along with you or make something yourself.
N: nicknames. | what do they call their partner?
Katsuki isn't a fan of the overly sweet, mushy type of pet names. He tends to settle for "babe" more often than not, but melds it down a bit more to "baby" when he's sulking over something, is looking for attention, or is feeling tired. He might call you "doll" every once in a while, and "sweetheart" isn't off the list completely, although it would be much rarer than the others.
O: out of character. | what is something people would be hard pressed to believe they do/enjoy in a relationship?
Katsuki can be incredibly romantic. Suit and tie, candlelit dinner, dressing himself up and putting on his very best face for you. Pulling your seat out for you, bringing you flowers, —the whole package and more. It's usually for special occasions (like an anniversary or your birthday,) but that side of him certainly exists, and it's lovely to see every now and again. Plus, tuxedos look really good on him.
P: pda. | do they like public displays of affection? if so, what types?
Katsuki isn't typically the biggest fan of public displays of affection, but he doesn't tend to mind smaller things after you've been in the relationship for a while. He'll place his hand on your thigh under the desks in class, will offer you a quick kiss on the crown of your head in the halls when he passes you by, and he's not opposed to holding your hand or throwing his arm around you in the lunchroom or something like that. More overt stuff, however, he would much prefer to keep behind closed doors.
Q: quirk. | what is something they do that their partner finds cute or endearing?
Katsuki mumbles to himself a lot, a habit that he's had since the day you met him. It's not something you pay much mind to anymore considering how normal it feels, but it's cute nonetheless.
R: rough times. | arguments? how often and in what manner?
Katsuki can be fairly argumentative. He's stubborn and he doesn't like to be wrong. However, he's definitely come a long way and has since made active efforts to communicate his feelings and issues more appropriately and effectively. Bakugo isn't perfect, —he can be loud, and sometimes he says things he doesn't mean in the heat of the moment. Even so, he's gotten a lot better about such things and you have no doubt he'll continue to grow. He apologizes when it's needed, accepts apologies you offer fairly easily, goes out of his way to fix issues before they really begin, and though he's far from perfect, so are you, and you've accepted that you're each just doing the best you can for one another.
S: sensitive. | what’s a sore spot for them that their partner should steer clear of?
Katsuki doesn't want to talk about his relationship with Midoriya. It's complicated, and there's a lot of feelings there that he still hasn't worked through. They know one another better than anyone else does, but the bitter air of rivalry that hangs between them (mostly from Bakugo's end) is a sore spot. He'll open up about it eventually, but it's best to leave that subject be until he comes to you about it first.
T: thrill. | do they need surprises in a relationship, or do they prefer a routine?
Katsuki doesn't mind some surprises every now and again, but routine is good for him for the most part. He's not quite accustomed to relationships yet, and because of that, he often lacks a sense of full security. Some excitement here and there may do him well, but the majority of the time, Bakugo would prefer consistency. His hero training gives him more than enough thrill to survive on anyway, even if he likes to pretend that it's all a piece of cake.
U: unacceptable. | what is something they cannot tolerate in a relationship? what is something they would never do?
Katsuki could not be in a relationship with someone who purposely pushes his buttons. He's easy to set off, and if his partner were to consistently take advantage of that for amusement, he would have to remove himself from that situation. Just as well, Katsuki would never purposefully neglect his lover's needs, even if he were angry with them. He knows what it's like to be left alone to shoulder what feels like the weight of the world, and he can't see himself ever subjecting his significant other to anything of the sort.
V: vanity. | how concerned are they about their looks? are they insecure about them?
Katsuki thinks he's pretty damn attractive. He doesn't put too much weight into his appearance, —but he's not insecure about his looks and he doesn't really care what anyone else has to say about them. If they don't like how he looks, they can put their eyes somewhere else, and that's that. Still, Bakugo isn't exactly vain. Confident, sure, but when it comes to his appearance, he's not one to gloat for the most part. He's more apt to flaunt his strength than anything else.
W: wild card. | random headcanon?
Katsuki likes being massaged, —specifically by you. Hero training is by no means easy work, so he often finds himself feeling stiff or sore in certain areas. Offer him a massage every now and again, especially for his shoulders. (Throw in a few kisses to the very same area and he'll be putty in your hands for the rest of the evening.)
X: xoxo. | how often do they hug/kiss their significant other?
Katsuki's level of affection fluctuates. Some days, he's all but wrapped around your finger, —wanting to stay in bed and just feel your warmth seep into him. Other times, Bakugo would like more space and less contact, but still appreciates affection in passing. Something small every day is his minimum, but on a typical day, he'll offer up a few types of kisses, maybe a hug or two, and will hold your hand for a while. He doesn't mind initiating, but if you'd like more than what he's given on a certain day, test the waters a bit and if he proves to be receptive, dive in headfirst. He likes to offer up the things you want.
Y: yearning. | how do they feel when their partner is away?
Katsuki is fine by himself, but does miss you a great deal. He likely won't express that aloud, but it's not hard to figure out if you know him. When his mind drifts, it drifts to you, and he'll be sure to send you a text or give you a call to check in. Hearing your voice over the phone is enough to stave him off, but he's really happy when you're back; even if he tries to play it cool.
Z: zzz. | how do they sleep with their partner? how do they sleep alone?
Katsuki hogs the bed whether you're with him or not, but he tries to temper himself when you spend the night. He likes it when you cling to him, and sleeps with no blankets when you do because he gets enough warmth from your body. When he's alone, he sleeps however feels most comfortable at any given time. He takes advantage of the open space and sprawls himself out most of the time.
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For your event! Could I get Bakugo with B, F, I, V Q, W
Thank you and congrats on 200!!!
Hi! Thank you for your request! You're the first person to send in a request for the event. I hope you like the headcanons!
Letter T for Bakugo can be found here and letters X and Z can be found here!
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Body - What is their favourite part of you?
I see Bakugo as someone who likes anywhere he can see muscles move. Whether they’re really defined or a bit hidden, he likes being able to see the muscles working beneath the skin. It’s a reassurance that his partner is alive and safe.
Future - What future are they picturing with you?
Hasn’t really thought too much about the future. He’s still young so it’s not really an aspect of his life he’s considered. If he had to give an answer, he would probably say he would like to work with you as pro hero partners. It may not be the most romantic answer but Bakugo is someone who works alone. Him wanting to be your partner is a big thing.
Injury - How do they react when you're injured?
Oh, this guy is raring to go. If someone else injured you, nothing is holding him back from unleashing his full fury on them. But if the injury is self-inflicted (either intentionally or not), he’s going to gruffly take care of you. He’s worried but shows it in his own way.
Quirks - What are some of their quirks?
Has a habit of patting you on the head. It’s a completely subconscious thing but whenever he’s passing you, he’ll absently pat your head as a form of acknowledgment. If you call him out on it, he’ll get self-conscious and stop (for a while at least).
Value - What do they value most about you?
Values your relationship more than he can ever say. He knows he’s not the easiest person to get along with, so the fact that you’re willing to stick around and be with him means a lot. In the same way, he also values your patience. It takes a lot to be around him as much as you are so he’s grateful you’re willing to be patient with him.
Wild Card - What's a random headcanon about the character?
Bakugo definitely wants to have some say in your hero outfit. Not because he thinks your design looks bad but because he wants there to be an element of his own hero outfit in yours. You’re a couple, may as well show that to the rest of the world.
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vodkanrainbows · 3 years
Xefros' Daymare
Well my dudes, I already wrote a fanfic about Dammek having a daymare, so this time Xefros is the one to have a daymare.
Some Background Information: This takes place after the events of Hiveswap, wherein Xefros and Dammek leave their lives on Alternia behind to start fresh (Joey is the one to persuade Xefros into coming back to Earth with her) and stay in Earth. They are now living at the Half-Harley Manor with Joey and Jude. Now that Dammek and Xefros don't have to do Dammek's rebellion, Dammek now devotes his life to spend time with Xefros and has learned how to treat him right (especially after getting yelled at by Joey).
Additional Notes: Dammek and Joey are kismesis, and Xefros and Dammek are no longer moirails, but matesprits instead.
Characters: Dammek, Xefros, Joey (mentioned), Jude (mentioned)
Ships: Xefros ❤ Dammek, Xefros ♦ Dammek (mentioned), Joey ♠ Dammek (mentioned)
Warnings: Red Dammek/Xefros, since some people don't like them being shipped red.
Story below the cut! Enjoy me writing at 4 in the morning :)
Ever since Joey was able to convince Xefros to come to live on Earth with her and her brother, Jude, he has been much happier with his now matesprit, Dammek. The two were able to reconcile after Xefros broke off their Moirallegiance for a few months. They recently got back to dating and officially became matesprites. Xefros had flushed feelings for Dammek since the very beginning, but decided to never tell him in fear of being told that Dammek didn't feel the same and would reject him. So Xefros was extremely surprised (and relieved) when Dammek revealed to Xefros that he indeed felt the same. Since they're no longer having to rebel against Trizza, Dammek now treats Xefros right and they spend a lot of time together.
It was a peaceful night at Half-Harley Manor. Everybody was asleep and the manor was a quiet as can be. Dammek and Xefros share a room together and share a bed. Dammek was sleeping just fine, but Xefros was whining softly under his breath in his sleep.
Dammek: xeFros, we have to talk.
Xefros: sure! what is it?
Dammek: so i've been thinking...
Dammek: about our relationship together.
Xefros' bloodpusher sank. Uh oh...
Xefros: oh... uh...
Xefros: really?? X:O
Dammek nodded.
Dammek: yes.
Dammek: i think...
Dammek paused for a sec, breaking eye contact with Xefros.
Dammek: we should break up.
Xefros covered his mouth in shock.
Xefros: what?
Xefros: w-why?
Dammek: xeFros, you know i like you a whole lot, but i'm not always gonna have time for you!
Xefros: b-but you said youd always have time for me...
Dammek: that was then, xeFros. things change, y'know?
Xefros' eyes started to well up, burgundy tears threatening to run down his cheeks.
Dammek: i'm sorry, xeFros, but we're done.
Xefros: dammek please
Xefros: dont you DARE leave me!
Xefros was full on crying now, grabbing Dammek by his hoodie sleeve. Dammek was refusing to make eye contact.
Xefros: i-i love you!!! im IN LOVE with you!
Xefros: please!
Xefros: i dont want you to go
Xefros: i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i lov-
Xefros was interrupted when Dammek suddenly yanked his arm out of Xefros' tight grip, which made Xefros fall backwards onto his back. Xefros yelped in pain.
Dammek was now crying as he leaned over Xefros' body currently on the ground.
Dammek: enough!
Dammek: i said we're done! what part of that are you not getting, huh?!
Dammek: just leave me alone, dammit!
Xefros was still laying on his back, looking up at Dammek with blurry vision. Burgundy tears are now violently falling down his cheeks and onto the ground below him. Xefros only whimpered in response to Dammek shouting at him.
Dammek: ...goodbye, xeFros.
Xefros' eyes widened when he heard this, swiftly jolting up into a sitting position, ignoring the pain in his possibly broken back. Xefros suddenly started to scream at Dammek's now disappearing form as Dammek was walking away from Xefros.
Xefros: DAMMEK!!!!
Xefros stopped screaming when he realized Dammek probably can't hear him anymore. He lie back onto his back as he cried silently to himself.
Xefros awoke with a scream.
Xefros: DAMMEK!!!!!!!!
Suddenly, Dammek started moving frantically in the bed, jumping to his feet.
Dammek: xeFros?! what the Fuck happened?!
Xefros was crying.
Xefros: d-dammek?
Dammek turned around to look at Xefros with wide eyes. Dammek got back up into the bed and nestled next to his matesprit. Dammek grabbed Xefros and held on tight.
Dammek: yeah, i'm right here babe
Dammek: what happened?
Dammek: tell me everything, ok?
Xefros was still crying, but he felt a little better with Dammek holding him tightly.
Xefros: i...
Xefros: i had a daymare
Dammek pulled back from Xefros slightly, looking at Xefros with his beautiful eyes. He had no sunglasses on, which gave Xefros a good chance to look into his eyes, which were glowing green because of the pitch darkness that they are sitting in. Xefros is the only one Dammek allows to see him without his trademark shades on. Dammek is extremely insecure about his eyes, which is why he wears them, but Xefros thinks Dammek's eyes are beautiful. Xefros even prefers seeing Dammek without the shades on. "my eyes are only for you, baby," Dammek has told Xefros.
Dammek: a daymare? about what?
Xefros: y-you dumped me...
Dammek: ...what?
Xefros nodded.
Xefros: you said you no longer had time for me...
Xefros: i-i tried to atop you from leaving me a-and you...
Xefros had to gulp and take a deep breath. Dammek rubbed Xefros arms up and down in reassurance.
Dammek: it's okay. tell me more baby.
Xefros: ...y-you started to scream at me telling me to leave you alone and i screamed and screamed for you but you wouldnt come back no matter how loud i screamed...
Xefros: i just...
Xefros: dont want you to leave me!!!!
Dammek jumped at Xefros' sudden shouting, but quickly recovered and sat up a little and straddled Xefros' lap. Dammek put one finger underneath Xefros' chin, forcing Xefros took look at him. Dammek was scowling.
Dammek: hey.
Dammek: look at me, baby. listen carefully For me, ok?
Xefros nodded.
Dammek: xeF, you know that'll never happen. i'll always have time for you. i will not leave your side, no matter what happens.
Dammek: i am not perFect, but i really am trying. i love you so much, always have. even when i was treating you like shit.
Dammek: of course joey would try and convince you that i didn't care about you, and you believed her and you dumped me. you realized that we were meant to be together, so you came back to me and we started the relationship from Fresh.
Dammek: but joey was right about one thing. i was not a good moirail to you. sure i cared about you, but i was too caught up in that stupid rebellion to give you the time we should've spent together. i was selFish. i was bossy and put you through dangerous shit, not caring about the consequences. i hurt you so many Fucking times but you never realized it because of how much you looked up to me. i took advantage of that because i knew you'd always come back to me. jude helped me realize a lot of things, xeFros. he helped me realize that a TRUE Friend wouldn't do the things i did to you. i am glad i came to earth. if the portal wouldn't have activated, we would still be rebelling and i'd still be treating you like shit. hell, we wouldn't even be matesprits right now!
Dammek: so in short, i was a shitty person who didn't treat you right.
Dammek released Xefros chin, putting his hand on Xefros' waist.
Dammek: you are literally the best person in my liFe, you always have been. even back then.
Dammek: i love you so Fucking much, baby. you have no idea.
Suddenly, Xefros shifted and pushed Dammek down into the bed and into the mattress. Xefros was covering Dammek's face in kisses. Dammek laughed.
Dammek: xeFros!!
Xefros made his way from Dammek's face to Dammek's throat, splaying kisses all over there too. Dammek gasped a little, wrapping his arms around Xefros with a growl and bared fangs, as if to protect him. Joey and Jude didn't wake up to Xefros' screams. Dammek didn't really have a reason to growl and show of his fangs like that since Joey and Jude mean no harm at all. He still kinda thinks Joey means harm, but he guesses this is normal since they're now in a black relationship. But Dammek still does this whenever anyone harms his friends.
Xefros stopped kissing Dammek's neck. Dammek still has his arms around Xefros. Damnek buries his head in Xefros' neck, purring.
Xefros: thanks, dammek
Xefros: i feel so much better now...
Dammek's reply was slightly muffled, but Xefros understands him anyways.
Dammek: anything for you, baby.
Dammek and Xefros part.
Dammek: wanna go back to bed?
Xefros: sure
Dammek smiled as he got under the covers with Xefros. Dammek opened his arms for Xefros so they can cuddle. Xefros purrs and quickly accepts Dammek's embrace. Dammek pulls Xefros close to him, kissing Xefros on the lips. They locked lips for a few seconds before they broke the kiss. Xefros buries his face into Dammek's neck before finally closing his eyes and falling asleep. Xefros is so grateful to have Dammek in his life.
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mirclealignr · 3 years
Regulus Black Fluff Alphabet
regulus x gn! reader
requested by anon
warnings; brief mentions of food and anxiety
from this alphabet
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A - Affection; how they like to show their love.
Regulus does a lot through touch and reassuring looks/smiles. He finds it hard sometimes to express just how he feels about you, especially considering expressions of love were severely lacking in his life. But when he holds your hand or caresses your face, he feels as if he's spilling all his secrets, and hopes that you understand them.
B - Beauty; what do they especially admire about you?
Your warmth. At first it was practically disarming, but overtime he learned to embrace it and miss it when it was absent, when you were absent. It would be so different to what he was used to, especially with the people closest to him. But he would adore the change that was you.
C - Cuddles; how they like to cuddle you.
Most of the time he likes to have his arms around you, sitting up slightly while you lay against his chest. There's a sense of safety he finds in knowing that you can hear his heartbeat and that it doesn't scare you off. But sometimes, he likes it when you take him in your arms and he can nuzzle in the crook of your neck.
D - Dancing; their favourite place to dance with you.
He is simply a hopeless romantic, and loves to dance with you when it's dark and raining outside, when the two of you are almost completely alone. He loves watching you smile as the rain seeps into your clothes and dampens your hair, and when you rest your head on his chest for some shelter.
E - Excitement; do they get excited with you about things?
Regulus likes to understand things before he gets excited about them with you. If you come running to him with an elated expression and start rambling about whatever brought you this pleasure, he'd want to know why. He'd want to understand you and relate to you. Almost always, he'd become just as excited as you.
F - First Date; your first date together.
The Astronomy Tower. Regulus would want to be alone with you, without prying or judging eyes. It wouldn't be much, maybe some snacks and a drink he brought for you, but he would want to hear you talk and laugh and to see you smile. He'd want to know your likes and dislikes, the memories you cherished, and things you looked back on and laughed at.
G - Goals; do they have things they want to achieve? Do they include you in these things?
For Regulus, his future goals remain largely unclear. Before you, he thought it was simple, but afterwards it would become far more complicated. With the weight of his family, and Sirius' abandonment making it heavier, he would often try to avoid the thought. But if you ever brought it up, he'd tell you that wherever you were, he would be.
H - Honesty; how open are they with you?
Very. Trust is something extremely important to him. While he may not tell you everything the second it happens, he does have every intention of letting you see every side of him, even the parts he wished would vanish from existence. Upon getting to know you, the trials of his family would be revealed slowly, rather than all at once, so he didn't overwhelm you. Of course, he'd be terrified, but he knew it was better that way, and he knew that you would love him all the same.
I - I Love You; do they say it a lot? did they say it first?
Regulus does not say it first, though he'd be sure he felt it first. He confesses straight after you, though, and gradually says it more and more over time. Expressing his feelings would not come easy, and sometimes, rather than tell you how much he appreciated you for listening or how beautiful he thought you were, he simply said 'I love you' in replacement, hoping that it would be enough.
J - Jealousy; do they get jealous?
Not necessarily jealous, but rather insecure. When he sees you laughing with someone else, he'd wonder whether they were better suited to you--they were warmer, more free, happier. Perhaps he brought you down, perhaps he weighed you down, and though he didn't express these insecurities out loud, he'd always seem to be easily read by you. And you'd always be there to reassure him when you needed to.
K - Kiss; their favourite place to kiss you.
Your hands. For Regulus, hands mean so much, represent so much, and yours are his to kiss and hold as much as he pleases. To him it would feel incredibly intimate, despite the fact that your hands can touch others, but that they're only his to kiss and hold. People can always get close, but never as close as he can.
L - Little Spoon; who’s the little spoon?
The majority of the time, you are the little spoon. He likes the idea that he is able to protect you, actually make you feel safe and wanted; it's one of the things he prides himself on. But, there woulds be times when he needed to feel that, and revelled in the warmth of your embrace tightening around him, holding him close.
M - Melody; what’s your song together?
I think your song together would be 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' by The Beatles.
N - Nicknames; do they use nicknames for you?
Yes a few. Some of them would include 'treasure' and/or 'my treasure' because he adores you and could not think of anything better than you. For him, you are what people search for their whole lives, sometimes without ever finding it. And, because he speaks French, ‘mon chéri /ma chérie' for definite.
O - Open Book; how hard was it to get to know them?
It wasn't necessarily hard, just gradual. However, you would have always suspected that Regulus did not have it easy and were content with him going at his own pace, and appreciating that he was brave enough to reveal it all to you. It never seemed too slow, rushed, or overwhelming--he picked his timings well and never let things become too heavy. He'd also be very conscious that everyone had their own burdens, and would make sure he always left time and room for you to air anything you wanted or needed.
P - PDA; how affectionate they are in public.
Not very much at all. He prefers to show you his love when it's just the two of you. But he isn't afraid to let other people know that you're in a relationship, and will often intertwine his fingers with yours, whisper things in your ear, and kiss your temple.
Q - Quirk: a weird but loveable trait of theirs.
He never signs his name, he always signs R.A.B. Even when it's small notes to you, little love letters, or ordinary letters, he will never sign it as Regulus, but with his full initials.
R - Romance; how romantic are they?
So much. He loves leaving you love notes, writing love letters to you, slow dancing with you, playing music for you, watching the stars with you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, snuggling up in bed with you with a good book. He loves to do it all.
S - Secrets; do they keep secrets from you?
Not really. Perhaps only ones he thinks would unnecessarily hurt you, like what his family says about you. He doesn't tell you because he doesn't think it matters, they don't matter to him, only you do, and he wants their words to mean nothing.
T - Thrill; do they like to keep the relationship new and exciting?
He likes to, and he tries. He certainly likes surprising you, even if only to see that smile. He likes taking you places, learning your favourite songs on the piano simply because you like hearing them, taking you on spontaneous trips or dates. He's not on for grand, public gestures, but he still keeps excitement in the relationship his own way. But he also knows when things need to be slow and calm, and doesn't mind it either way.
U - Understanding; how they comfort/support when you’re upset or anxious.
He knows that most things said would be wrong, even if they were intended to be reassuring and understanding. Even when you talk about what's bothering you or don't, it can be hard to say the right thing. So instead, he takes you in his arms, rubs your back, kisses your cheek and gets you any comfort foods that you wish for. Sometimes, words speak far less than actions.
V - Vexed; how easily they lose their temper.
With his family, and even with Sirius, Regulus can lose his temper very quickly, but you understand that their relationship has not been easy, nor do you care for his family. With you, it's rare that he loses his temper or raises his voice at you. When he does, there are usually other factors that have contributed to his mood, and he is quick to apologise afterwards.
W - Weakness; what’s their weakness what it comes to you?
Your smile. So easily it can make him feel like he's falling from the stars, watching the constellations become smaller and smaller as he slips into the earth's atmosphere, burning and smiling and falling completely in love with you every time he sees it.
X - Xtra; random hc about them.
Regulus likes to speak in French to you when there are things he is too afraid to say or things he thinks sound more romantic when said in another language. Even if you can understand him, there's something less nerve-racking about saying it in French, it's almost like he's playing himself in another world, but still hopelessly in love with you.
Y - Years to Come; how they imagine your future together.
He doesn't like to think about the future often because he knows how easily it can change and fail to meet your expectations. He only hopes that he is with you, facing whatever is to come. He prefers to focus on the present, where he already is with you.
Z - Zzz; how they are when they sleep.
Incredibly still, almost scarily still. The only time he moves is to be closer to you, closer to your exuding warmth. It almost frightens you to move in case it wakes him or disturbs him, but if it does, he never lets on. - - - fill in this form or send an ask to be added to a tag list <3 forever friends; @myalupinblack / @selenes-sun / @vixxiann /@queen-asteria04 / @lillict / @savingpluto /@theincredibledeadlyviper / @pad-foots / @fizzleberries / @willowbleedsonpaper / @kinkyduuh harry potter; @fuckingbloodyhello / @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts / @scvrllet / @dreamerinthesun / @crazy-beautiful / @chaoticgirl04 /@cupids-crystals / @fandom-life-12 / @mypainistemporary-blog /@oliverwoodmarrymepls / @eunoniaa / @missryerye marauders era; @spxllcxstxr / @natashxromanovfreads / @ch /@sereinegemini / @helen-with-an-a / @sweeter-than-strawberries /@spxncervibes regulus black; @jackys-stuff-blog / @with-love-anu / @yinrose98 /@tarorootboba / @lyaseille / @bloodblossom73
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tsukishumai · 3 years
pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x f!reader word count: 2.7k (idk I’m sorry) tags/warnings: fluff, smut, NSFW, bondage, oral(f!receiving), MINORS please DNI with this post a/n: a big thank you to @forgetou and @neobakas for beta-reading this piece for me. ilysm <3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were always incredibly considerate of Sakusa. It had been that way from the moment the two of you had met. You didn’t scoff at how he needed to be the first one in the locker rooms after practice, or laugh at his post-game rituals. You quietly adjusted to his odd habits, no fanfare or complaints. You never did so with any disdain nor treated his quirks as if they were a nuisance. You just accepted those parts of him without a second thought, considering it just as important to him as his limbs.
So yes, Sakusa fell for the kind girl that made him feel normal – the one that avoided taking him to crowded places, and stitched his jersey number onto a face mask. He thinks your jokes are hilarious, and he feels proud when he’s the one making you laugh. He likes it when you cook his favorite meals, and he appreciates the way you stay up to wait for him when he gets home a little late. He notices the effort you put into always looking pretty for him every day, always waiting for him to initiate contact for fear of invading his personal space.
But that’s just the thing.
Sakusa doesn’t want any personal space from you. He loves the way you smell, and the way your skin feels beneath his fingers. He daydreams about holding you in his arms, and rubbing circles along your back as you relaxed against him. He gets butterflies in his stomach when you kiss his cheek without asking him first, and he revels in the timid look on your face when you apologize for doing so.
He doesn’t mind. Why would he? Despite any preconceived notions one might have of him, Sakusa enjoys affection – from the right person. He’s not going to give Bokuto a high five, nor is he going to shake Hinata’s hand. Sakusa never fails to get the odd look from Atsumu when he slides his hand into yours without a second thought, or when he ‘allows’ you to brush his hair away from his face.
Sakusa wants to scoff whenever he hears that phrase. He doesn’t allow you to touch him. He yearns for it like his lungs need air.
So of course he notices when you try to keep him at arm’s length.
You were never afraid to tell him how you felt, easily slipping I love yous and I’m missing you into daily texts and conversation. It made his heart flutter, but Sakusa wasn’t a man of many words. He’s not sure how to write a love letter, and he’s never even picked up a poetry book. When you ask him how much he loves you, he’ll just look you dead in the eye and say “A lot?”
No, you won’t be receiving sonnets nor prose about his undying affection. He’d much rather just show you.
His every touch is filled with so much care, delicate but sure as they travel across the stretch of your skin. He places gentle kisses along your pressure points, feening for the feel of your pulse against his lips. He wants to taste every inch of you, and commit the sensation of you on his tongue to memory.
Yet whenever he tries to lower his head past your navel, you push him away. You try to distract your rejection with your kiss, rolling him over instead to take him entirely in your mouth.
It’s not that Sakusa is complaining; how could he when he’s pumping his dick into your silky throat, watching your saliva dribble past your chin as you choke on his length?
He forgets about your denial until his next attempt, when he’s nipping at the skin of your hips, moving his mouth to forge a wet trail that lead to the space between your legs, and yet again you pull him up from his spot, kissing him and grabbing him until he plunged himself inside of you instead.
As he collapses next to you in bed, wrapping his arms around you while you nuzzle your face into his chest, for the first time ever, he feels unsatisfied — as if he hadn’t done all that he could have.
He brings this issue up to you the next day, unabashedly asking why you wouldn’t let him kiss you.
“What do you mean, Omi?” You asked, confused. “We kiss all the time.”
“No, I mean,” he turns slightly red as he gestures to your crotch, “There.”
The flustered look on your face shouldn’t have made him hard, but it did. He liked the way you stuttered and widened your eyes, searching desperately for the right words to say.
“I dont know,” you answered finally, “I figured you thought that kind of stuff was gross.”
You cut the conversation off there, no longer wanting to speak on the subject, but it haunted Sakusa for the rest of the day.
Gross? Why would you think that of him? Don’t you know that he wants to claim ever single inch of your body, wants to dip his fingers into you and watch your eyes roll to the back of your head, wants you to sit on his face until he can’t breathe? Had he not been doing a good enough job showing you this?
Sakusa shakes his head, feeling disappointed in himself.
It’s alright. He’s got a plan.
Later that night, as he ran his hands along your waist, lightly dragging his nails across your stomach, he leaned down and whispered in your ear, “I want to try something new tonight.”
You didn’t even think about it as you nodded your head eagerly like he knew you would, gazing up at him with half-lidded eyes that screamed of lust.
He sits up, and you try to sit up with him but he just pushes you back down onto the mattress. You looked up at him curiously as he reaches down the side of the bed to where he placed a plastic bag with his earlier purchase.
Sakusa’s hand emerged holding a pair of silver handcuffs, and he smirks at the way your eyes gleamed with excitement.
“Hands up,” he commands, and you quickly obliged. He looped the handcuffs behind the bars of his headboard, cuffing one of your wrists on each side. He left it slightly loose so as not to injure your skin, but as you struggled against your bindings, Sakusa was pleased to find that it would be impossible for you to get out.
Your arms were outstretched above you, and Sakusa roves his hungry eyes over your dips and curves, so exposed and vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do.
But only one thing was on his mind.
He begins with a soft kiss placed in the crook of your neck, ghosting over your collarbones before leaving marks all across your chest. You fidgeted beneath him, and he placed two hands on your waist.
“Stay still,” he commanded, and you simply gulped.
Sakusa dips his head back down, supple lips enclosing around your hardened nipple, and you arched into his touch. You shiver when his teeth nips at you, while he brings his other hand to cup your other breast, fingers pinching and twisting the previously ignored bud until you were a whimpering mess.
He disconnects his mouth a loud pop, but it wasn’t long until he begins to drag his tongue across your stomach. His direction slowly moves further down, and he can feel you slightly tense up. He ignores the way you try to wiggle your body away from his ministrations; you have nowhere to go, and he has you right where he wants you.
Sakusa draws circles around your navel, his hands finally coming down to rest on your hips.
“Omi,” you say nervously, the handcuffs lightly clinking against the metal bars they were attached to, “I’m not sure if...”
Your words died on your tongue when Sakusa’s grip tightened on your hips, looking up at you through his lashes before darting his tongue out to wet his lips.
“Relax,” he cooed, “Be a good girl for me.”
You nearly choked, your throat feeling dry watching Sakusa move his hands down to your thighs, kissing his way down to uncharted territory. You felt uneasy, and nervous, unable to keep your insecurities at bay when you felt Sakusa lick at the junction of your thigh and pelvis. He was so close to you – what if he thought it was dirty? Or didn’t like your scent? You could feel the warmth of his tongue trace up your pussy lips, and it was involuntary the way you tried to kick him away.
Suddenly, you felt a hand grip you tightly behind your knees, forcefully pushing your legs apart and up against your chest. You gasped in surprise, face turning red at your position. You squirmed against Sakusa’s grip, but his hold on you was strong, and the silver cuffs around your wrist were doing their job well.
“I thought I said be a good girl?” Sakusa questioned, his expression stern while he had your legs pinned down. “Or am I going to have to punish you for being such a disobedient little slut?”
The butterflies in your stomach manifested themselves as the slick wetness between your legs, and Sakusa smirked at the starstruck look on your face.
“I’m a good girl,” you whispered, though the position you found yourself was anything but.
Sakusa responded by pushing your legs even wider, looking down to admire the view. He could feel the tip of his dick struggling against his boxers, a large wet spot on the material indicating just how much he wanted to wreck you. But that could wait.
You start to feel shy under his intense stare, trying not to wiggle away and get another reprimanding.
“Omi, what are you – ahh!”
Sakusa licks one long stroke up your slit, and you couldn’t stop your entire body from shivering. He could feel your legs tremble beneath his fingers, and who knew just one lick could already elicit such a reaction from you?
He moves one hand away from your leg, using two of his fingers to spread apart your folds. Like a man finding treasure, he plunges his tongue onto your swollen red clit, sucking and nipping at it gently before flattening his tongue, drawing patterns that made you feel like your entire body was on flames.
Your head was thrown back against the pillows, back arching as you struggled to catch your breath. Sakusa flicked his tongue against your pussy so expertly, alternating his speed and rhythm in a way that had your legs shaking violently.
“Ohh fuuuuckk,” you managed to groan out, gripping onto your bindings so tightly, your knuckles were turning white. The lewd sounds of him lapping at your clit could only be heard in between your gasping breaths.
Sakusa flicks his tongue up one last time before pulling away slightly, staring up to drink in your flushed expression. Your tongue was lolled out the side of your mouth, eyes rolled back and chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Your arms hung limp from its tether, and Sakusa can’t think of a prettier picture.
He looks down at your shining cunt, glistening and swollen and Sakusa didn’t think twice about slipping two fingers into your slopping entrance.
He hooks your leg over his shoulder, smiling as you thrashed helplessly, body reacting fiercely to the way he hooked his fingers and found your gspot with ease.
You squeezed your eyes shut, screams and moans filling the room, unable to adjust to the pleasure of Sakusa rhythm.
You could feel the heat pool into your stomach, tightening in a knot so fraught with tension, it was only seconds before you snapped.
Sakusa could feel the way you pretty little cunt began to tighten around his fingers, quickly slipping in a third one and burying them in deeper.
“Ki...kiyoomi.. I’m .. I’m gonna —“
Sakusa latches back onto your clit, flattening his tongue and sucking in rhythm to the way he pumped into you.
Your legs tightened around his head, but Sakusa didn’t stop. He could feel every tremble, every shake of your thigh against his cheeks, blocking out the sounds of the way you called out his name.
You bucked your hips up into his mouth, and he could feel you gush on his tongue. Sakusa lapped up every single drop, and you felt your body twitch as he continued to lick your sensitive clit. Finally, he surfaces from his meal, looking up at you with your sex dribbling down his chin. It was sinful the way he withdrew his fingers from your cunt and reached up to shove them in your mouth. You sucked on them eagerly, eliciting a smirk from the wavy haired man.
“You taste so fucking good, don’t you?”
Sakusa pulls away, standing up to get rid of his boxers before quickly returning to his spot on the bed.
Your arms were numb, and your legs felt weak, but Sakusa gave you no chance to recover from his previous performance, grabbing your ankles once more and pressing your legs down into a press.
“Such a good fucking little whore,” Sakusa murmurs in your ear, nearly crushing you in the process. “You just let me do whatever the fuck I want, don’t you?”
Without a warning, he slams into you in one hard thrust, the only retaliation coming from your mouth was a strangled groan.
“This pretty pussy is all mine,” Sakusa muttered, keeping your ankles steady by your ears, his cadence unforgiving, and unwavering.
“Omi.. I.. I can’t —!”
Sakusa responded by angling his hips to hit your sweet spot, reaching deeper than you thought possible.
“Yes, you fucking can.”
The crude sounds of his drive were only amplified by the way you gushed all over his dick, the mess you made staining the 400 thread count sheets he so carefully picked out for the both of you.
Sakusa wanted to hold out longer, he really did. But the way you looked under him right now, so fucked out and stupid, he couldn’t help but feel himself get closer and closer to his limit.
“Kiyoomi— please!! I can’t —“
In one swift movement, Sakusa pulls out, pumping his cock until he spilled hot white all over your stomach.
You hadn’t done anything but lay there — bound, at that — but you were desperately gasping for air, your heart beating so fast, you thought it would explode out of its cage.
Sakusa sits back on his heels, equally out of breath, his dick growing limp in his palm, though it still twitched at the sight of you covered all over his cum.
He leans over to give you a peck on the nose, leaving you to walk to his attached bathroom.
He returned a few seconds later with a warm towel, gently cleaning the mess he had made all over your stomach. You nearly fell asleep at his touch, only opening your eyes when he unlocked the cuffs around your wrists.
Your arms fell back down limp, and Sakusa chuckled, kissing the red marks left by the cold silver metal.
“I’m sorry for this,” he mumbled against your skin.
You smiled at him lazily, bringing a hand to tuck a loose strand of wavy hair behind his ear.
“Don’t be sorry.”
He smiled once more before planting a soft kiss on your lips. He settles into the empty space next to you, pulling you on to his lap. You laid your head on his shoulder, and your hand settled on top of his chest, sketching soft circles with the pad of our fingers. He rested his cheek on top of your head, while he supported your back and held your thigh.
“Did you… like that?” He asked quietly, his deep voice disturbing the calm that had nearly engulfed you.
You felt your face heat up, burying further into his chest. He chuckled lowly, holding you tightly and placing a kiss on your temple.
“I did… d-did you?”
Sakusa brings his hand up to your chin, tilting it upwards until you were facing him.
“I loved it.”
He leaned down to place a gentle kiss, filled with all the tender love and care he never gets to say.
Suddenly, He pulls away.
“Hey, what are you—“
He slid his hands beneath the back of your knees, picking you up bridal style in one easy movement. He turned around and made his way back to the bathroom.
“Come on, let’s take a bath first.”
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tooruluv · 3 years
Katsuki Bakugou x F!Reader ( part 1 )
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❝ ...and then there’s you. ❞
description: you and bakugou have hated each other since childhood. through the constant bickering, fighting, and actual fist fights... you had no idea that you had been writing to him.
genre: angst, soulmate au where you have a notebook that you can write to your soulmate in
word count: 3.8k
warnings/notes: strong language, lots of angst, aged up characters, bakugou being bakugou, reader has an air manipulation quirk created as part 1 of 3 for my winner of my tooruluv2kparty contest @katsulovee​ <33
teaser | part 2
| masterlist
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“ ‘cause when the sun goes down, someone’s talking back ” - talking to the moon, bruno mars
The storm only escalated, casting the sky in deep blues and greys. Loud rain clattered against the roof of your apartment building, the ceiling of your top floor apartment being the only thing that separated you from the pour. 
The rain may be cold, but you were on fire.
You had been livid all day, positively outraged by the man who seemed to always be in your way. He was the most arrogant, most opinionated, and most… loud-mouthed person you ever met. You were screaming from the inside out, burning with rage.
Groaning, you sprawled out on your bed.
Katsuki Bakugou was the biggest fucking issue on the planet. His absurd need to be the best at everything he did, his cold demeanor and venom that spews from his mouth -- you wanted nothing more than to punch him directly in the throat. 
With a deep breath, you flipped open your Soulmate Journal. 
The world was such a strange place, full of quirks and criminals and heroes and villains. To add on top of that, when you turn thirteen a journal just… appears. And whoever is your soulmate can read everything you write. Once they read it, they can reply or talk to you that way and the ink disappears. There are plenty of rules that go along with it, like if you turn thirteen before your soulmate does, the ink is red until they receive their own journal. Or how the journal itself is indestructible. Or the biggest rule: you cannot write any given name. 
When you’re thirteen, your life is full of hope and wishful thinking. Almost everyone at that age is excited to start writing to their Person, the one who they were supposed to be created to be with. You were surprised when you opened yours to find nothing written.
You assumed that you were a bit older than your soulmate, but that was quickly shut down as you wrote in black ink. Your soulmate hadn’t written anything. 
It took two months for him to write back. Two months of your excessive writing and nearly diary-like entries. Two months of you wondering if they would ever write back. Until he did.
Today sucked.
That was all you wrote, your past two months of writing still ever present and glaring at you with smudges and hinted annoyance. The ink started to fade like Harry talking to Tom Riddle, reappearing with new handwriting.
It was scrawled across the page with terrible handwriting, very much one of a middle school boy. 
Life sucks. Deal with it.
You were now twenty two, an adult and that once hope and love has turned into pessimism and indifference. And life still sucked. 
You were pretty famous, your air manipulation quirk one that catches a lot of attention. That, alongside your rivalry with the second most famous hero Bakugou, brought an abundance of recognition. Bakugou completely steals your thunder every chance he has, stealing your light and victories. 
You hated him. With the utmost disrespect, you hated him. Since your days in the hero academy, the two of you were at each other’s throats. He would even stop in the middle of antagonizing Deku to make some horrendous comment towards you instead. 
You ended up scribbling along the Soulmate Pages, heated rage boiling with each word.
Hey Honey! I need to vent if that’s okay.
Of course.
You would not believe the shit I have to endure in real life. I wish I could describe the hatred I have for this man I work with, he’s a real piece of shit. Anyway, how was your day?
My day was about the same as yours, living with the idiots of real life. If we could write names I would because there’s this bitch I work with that I fucking hate.
Maybe we need new jobs (insert laughing face even though I’m livid right now)
Yeah. Maybe. But we’ll get through it.
It took years for your soulmate to warm up to you. The first interactions were hesitant, slow, and barely considered conversations. But now you can discuss your day as if you were texting a friend, talk about your likes and dislikes. 
He was your soulmate after all.
You learned that he was a boy and an only kid, he had a strong quirk, and that he liked ramen. He was a rule follower and his handwriting always used proper punctuation. You told him all about your life and how you wanted to travel away from everything.
You wanted to know who he was, more than anything. 
You wished you could tell him your name and quirk, where you lived and who you were. You wished he could do the same. 
You’ve tried, of course, to write out your name and location. But the second the words were written onto the page, they turned into a random assortment of letters. Gibberish. Never to be written, never to be known.
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“Dude, fucking relax!” You rubbed your temple at your desk, voice spitting venom against Bakugou’s loud vocals. “Not everything is about you, just sit down and wait to be sent on a mission.”
“What did you say to me?”
Katsuki Bakugou had been going on and on about how Deku got assigned to a mission in upper Japan, sent to work with a separate force for a bit to expand his horizon. He was outraged, yelling and standing tall and broad to pretend to be bigger than he was. 
You were doing paperwork, trying to concentrate despite his yelling and complaining and bitching. You were hovering above your seat with your legs crossed, papers scattered (it was a habit of yours, to just kind of hover a couple of inches off the surface of things; air manipulation and all that). 
“I said,” You turned to look into his ablaze eyes. “Sit down and wait. Not everything is about you.”
You only threw fuel into his fire, you could hear the sparking between his fingers. You turned back to your paperwork. 
“You don’t get to tell me what to do, you’re not even in the top five heroes.” Bakugou barked in your direction. You could feel his heat as he approached your desk. “You can sit and do your own paperwork all you want! I need to be put on serious cases, just like stupid Deku is always placed on.”
“You can argue with me all you want.” You moved to continue your work, pretending to be unbothered. You could feel the anger boil in your chest. “But you still are and will always be measly little number two. Now shut the fuck up, you’re interrupting those who are actually working.”
He was going to hit you, you knew he was. You two ended up fist fighting all the time, oxygen and explosions ending in destruction. Before he could, your boss walked in with a bellowing, “Bakugou! Get over here, I have something for your loud ass!”
You decided to give him a bored middle finger as he walked away.
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They say that words are the way of life. You could say an infinite amount of words and sentences in your lifespan, you could say a word and only ever say it one time. Each assortment of words are different each time, something new every day. 
You figured that’s why you hated the soulmate thing. 
Finding your soulmate should be one of chance, of pure coincidence and meeting of strangers. With the journal, you are starting something you only hope to find. You could go your whole life without finding your soulmate.
And that is terrifying.
There are horror stories of writing to an endless notebook, sad movies created where the lettering turns back to red before they’ve found each other. You wanted nothing more than to meet and just… be with the man you’ve been writing to since you were thirteen.
It seemed to be some sick joke, a tease in the palm of your hands.
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When you were young, you attended UA High. It was meant to be the best school for heroes, grooming them into the best of the best. Both of your parents had been heroes themselves, your mom with a cloud quirk and your dad with wings. You took after a bit of both, no wings and no clouds but could create air currents and manipulate the air surrounding you within a certain radius. It has something to do with your breath and lungs, but you never looked too much into the actual DNA aspect. 
When you arrived in the hero program, you passed the tests with ease. You tried to focus mainly on yourself and gaining your own points, alongside a couple of students with the same idea. 
You were pissed when you were placed in 1-B instead of 1-A. It was the start of your rivalry with the explosion boy. 
Luckily, you quickly gained friends. You actually seemed to have a soft spot for Hitoshi Shinsou, and you and Itsuka Kendou seemed to be the only two with brains (this led to many conversations resulting in shit talking and giggling). So in the end, you weren’t too upset to be placed in the second best class. 
And you did get to fight with Bakugou a lot more without punishment, your professor wanting to be number one as much as anyone else. 
One particular day that you remember to this day, one that really labeled your hatred for Bakuogu, was just a normal day at first. You were finished with your normal morning classes and just beginning the hero portion of the day, the training and fighting. 
Your class was working with Class 1-A for the day, teaming up with one of their students and seeing how your quirks would act both against and with each other.
You were, of course, teamed with Bakugou.
The fucker was already set in his ways, loud and in need of attention at all times. You were well aware of his… loud personality… at that point, being beside Shinsou when he called your class “extras”. He was already someone you wanted nothing to do with. 
“Good luck.” Kendou muttered to you when your names were announced as partners. “See ya.”
The second you headed to him, you could feel his apprehension. He wanted nothing to do with you. And you wanted nothing to do with him. In fact, you were hoping for Uraraka as your partner, wanting to see how your air manipulation would work with her gravity. 
Apparently the professors wanted to see the oxygen working with the burst of flames. Which, honestly, is cool yes — but it was the person behind the explosions that you did not want to be a part of.
Bakugou was not one to mumble under his breath. 
“Why am I paired with you?” He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest. “I could at least be with someone interesting like Mind Control over there.”
You already wanted to punch him. “You’ve obviously never seen my quirk.”
“Clearly it hasn’t been interesting enough to be worth my attention.”
“Say that again when I remove the oxygen straight from your lungs.” You threatened, knowing damn well you didn’t know how to do that yet. “Let’s just get this over with.”
He let out a long exhale, moving into position. You were already flying by the time he let off his first explosion.
His utter disrespect for you and your quirk not only irritated you, but only was the start of a long term competition on Who Can Be Better Than Who that lasted the rest of your time at UA.
Through the constant loud arguments, the yelling in the cafeteria and the comments just loud enough for the other to hear, the fist fights and the swearing that was reserved only for each other, you found comfort in talking to your soulmate. It was relaxing after a long day of pure annoyance and shit talking to finally just get to have normal conversations with someone you enjoy. 
Are we allowed to ask about school in this thing?
I don’t think so.
I’m sighing. Pretend that you could hear my sigh.
Wow, that was a loud sigh.
YOU’RE FUNNY! Anyway, I really want to know if we go to school together :(((
I don’t even think we can talk about JRTPD or BO::SOMD. See, they turn into gibberish.
 I mean… we can say school. So we can ask ABOUT school just not… specific schools. 
That’s true. I go to a special school and am the best in my class. You’re getting lucky by having me as a soulmate.
Well I would only hope so. Need a smart soulmate for fun facts.
Fun fact: you’re pretty cool. I guess.
Ah, the admission of your love for me.
Not love. I don’t hate talking to you if that does anything for you.
The one person you don’t hate. I’ll take it, Soulmate.
Don’t push it.
We should give each other nicknames. Since we can’t call each other by our real names.
Does the book allow it?
My parents did it before they found each other.
Okay. Like what?
I can call you Hot Head, because you’re hot and because you are always writing about how mad you are.
I can always go with something cute like Honey.
This is gross. I was thinking like gamer tag nicknames.
Okay, Honey.
I take back what I said, asshole.
Honey and Asshole. The perfect pair. We could solve crimes!
I’m going to bed now.
Goodnight Honey ♡ I know that you aren’t reading these but you will in the morning. Dork.
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“Do you know who your soulmate is?” You asked.
You were hanging out with Kendou, Monoma, and Shinsou in Kendou’s bedroom. The dorm rooms were all set up the exact same way, but for some reason Kendou’s always seemed to be bigger. 
“No idea.” Monoma shrugged. “I don’t think I want to know until I’m older, we’re too young and I want to focus on graduating first.”
“He’s right.” Kendou twisted in her position on her bed. “Why? Do you want to know who yours is?”
“I want to know more than anything.” You sighed. Your head was laid across Shinsou’s lap on the floor. “We get along so well and I try to talk to him every day.”
“How do you know it’s a he?”
“He told me.” You laughed. “We tried really hard to narrow it down as much as possible.”
“It sounds like he wants to know you too.” Kendou said. She giggled. “I should ask my soulmate their gender.”
“What about you, Shinsou?”
“I barely write to mine.” He shrugged, making your head tilt a little. “I’m sure they understand.”
“I’m sure they do, they were made to be yours.” You looked up at him with a smile. “Of everyone, I thought you would write the most.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because most people are scared to talk to you in real life.”
He flicked your forehead. “You aren’t scared to talk to me.”
“I’m not scared to talk to anyone.”
“I’ve noticed.”
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You sighed and closed your Soulmate Journal, the rain now casting a dark shadow across the entirety of the sky. Your face was flushed in red, hair disheveled and you were still in your hero uniform, dirty and kind of burnt. 
Katsuki Bakugou had not only interrupted your victory, but he had claimed it as his own. His desperation to be the number one hero hadn’t stopped. It’s been years, you’ve grown past his stupid desire and he simply… hasn’t.
You fought the villain yourself, using your quirk to it’s full capabilities and trapping them in a circle of air. You fought for over an hour by yourself, taking up the mission while out and witnessing it first hand. Your freshly bought coffee was long forgotten as you raced after the thief.
The second you landed the thief, the ball of air dissipating as you grew tired, Bakugou arrived in a fiery feat and handcuffed the villain. Of course, the main photos were of him with the handcuffs, standing proud as if he hadn’t stolen your fight. 
His argument was that he did help. Yeah, he did ‒ for three seconds.
Katsuki Bakugou was a piss stain upon himself, truly the worst of the worst who’s own personal interest outweighs anything else in his life. He will never be anything but second best because he never thinks of anyone but himself. 
If only he could read thoughts instead of turning his sweat to ignition. Then you wouldn’t have to put your harsh thoughts into tone.
Your Soulmate was one of two people you genuinely enjoyed talking to, he always seemed to be on the same page as you. The other is Shinsou, from your high school. He was the only one you really kept in contact with.
Sometimes you like to convince yourself that Shinsou is your soulmate, since he hasn’t found his either. But you compared the handwriting and it didn’t match at all. Shinsou’s handwriting was much smaller and neater than the man you would eventually call yours.
“This is so fucking stupid!” You screamed, your rage reaching its max.
You threw your journal across your bedroom, the storm masking the sound of it banging against the wall by your bed. You were pissed, you wanted nothing more than to see Bakugou’s downfall. It’s been years. You were over it.
You were over it all. You were over him, you were over not knowing your soulmate, you were over being alone in your stupid apartment. It all reached it’s apex. Maybe you needed a shower, or maybe you needed to move from your job.
Your fit was interrupted by a loud crash on the roof of your apartment building. You nearly jumped at the sound, the sound not even close to the crashes of thunder. 
You rushed to the roof, your hero senses kicking in more than your regular carefulness. Once you were outside, you were almost instantly drenched in the rain. Only a couple of yards ahead of you was a man crumbled to the ground; they must’ve hit the roof harder than you thought.
When they turned, clutching their side, you knew instantly who it was.
“Deku?” You rushed towards him. “I thought you were in Hirosaki for some serious villain.”
He moved to stand, much taller and broad than he was back in high school. Yet still with the fluffy green hair and bright eyes with hope always seemingly sewed in. 
“I was. I just… I need your help.”
“Why do you need my help?” You helped him stand fully, taking his hand from his side to check for an injury. He wasn’t bleeding. “Doesn’t Uraraka live around here?”
“I don’t… want to involve her in this.” He stood straight. His healing must’ve started. “I… this is something I need you for.”
“Okay…” You crossed your arms. “What do you need?”
“I know what you’re going to say.” Deku started, and you didn’t move. “But it’s Bakugou.”
“C’mon, Aero, I know that you two…”
“Please, I…”
“Deku, you know more than anyone how and who he is. Whatever it is, he can deal with it himself.” You started back towards the stairs. “I appreciate you coming to me, for whatever reason, but this is something that you have to find someone else for.”
“Don’t think of this as us doing something for him.” Deku rushed to stand in front of you. “Think of it as a favor for me. You owe me one.”
“Don’t do this now.” 
“I’m officially cashing in my favor.”
You sighed, “Fine. Can you at least tell me what we need to do for the asshole?”
“I’ll tell you on the way.” He nearly jumped in joy. “But you cannot tell anyone. Not Shinsou, not the police, and not our boss. This is under the radar.”
“Oh, shit.” You followed him as you flew next to him. “What are you getting me into?”
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tag list: @katsulovee @paradisebabey @seaofemptygold @zhaixiaowen @daylghits @haikyuusimp91 @darknessyournewfriend @samwise-though @liaxxx109
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ao719 · 3 years
Strike A Pose
It's @zaffrenotes​ birthday! 🥳🤩
Happy birthday, Donna! You have been such a bright spot for so long for both Gen and I. What started out as a love for Liam and a thirst for Henney a couple of years ago has turned into a friendship that we both are grateful for. Between rice, all things potatoes, TVD, loathing and loving characters, Dino, and things we can’t unsee no matter how much we wish we could, we’ve had a lot of laughs. We hope your day is as amazing as you are! Love you! 🍚❤️
A/N: This is a collab written with my favorite asshole, @cocomaxley. Absolutely nothing in this fic should be taken seriously. It’s probably the most ridiculous thing we’ve ever written together, but we had some laughs while working on it. Thank you @burnsoslow, @emichelle, and @the-soot-sprite for reading this over for us!
Summary: Charlotte finds a buried secret from Drake’s college days.
This part of my Full Disclosure AU.
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Charlotte, along with Liam and Maxwell, were at Drake’s cabin, looking around his cluttered garage. Drake had been using it for storage, and he now wanted to brew his own beer since Liam had given him a brewing kit for his birthday. He decided that the garage was the best place to set up the station for his new hobby. The only issue was that the garage was jam-packed with years’ worth of junk.
Drake pointed to the different machines that were scattered around the space and addressed Maxwell. “Beaumont, move that equipment outside. We can put them in different spots after the garage is cleared out.”
Drake then turned to Liam, gesturing to the open loft. “Li, can you get the crap from the storage space up there and bring it down?” Liam nodded and began making his way up the narrow steps.
Charlotte bounced on the balls of her feet, awaiting her instructions. “What about me, Drake? What do I get to do? Do I get to demolish walls?”
Drake shook his head. “We aren’t demolishing anything, Brooks. I repeat, nothing is to be demolished or broken.” He eyed a large steamer trunk in the corner of the garage and pointed to it. “You can look through that and sort through what looks like it’s worth keeping or tossing.”
Charlotte’s face fell in disappointment. “That’s it? I get to sort through trash?”
“It’s not trash. There are probably important documents in there that I need. Besides, the only risk of you hurting yourself by doing that is getting a papercut.” Drake chuckled as he watched Charlotte stomp towards the corner.
“Ha ha ha. So funny, Walker.” Charlotte opened the lid, groaning when she saw the mess of papers inside. She grabbed as many as she could in her hand and pulled them out. “Ouch!” She looked at her finger that was starting to ooze with blood from the first cut.
Drake burst out laughing. “Did you seriously just get a papercut, Brooks?”
Charlotte hid her hand behind her back. “No, I did not! I just said ‘ouch’ to make you think I got a papercut.”
Over the next few hours, the friends worked in silence. Every once in a while, the men would hear Charlotte groan or say ‘owww’ or ‘son of a bitch’ or ‘that stings like the devil’ as she accumulated more papercuts. A long while later, the silence was broken by Charlotte’s shriek of laughter. She was holding a stack of Polaroid photos in her hand, laughing like a hyena. Curious, the men gathered behind her to see what was so funny.
When Drake caught a glimpse of the first photo, his cheeks immediately flushing crimson with embarrassment, and he grabbed them from her hand.
I thought I got rid of these. “These are … uh … they’re nothing.”
Charlotte snorted. “I can’t unsee it! You tried to be a model? You don’t even like to smile!”
Liam plucked the Polaroids from Drake’s hand while he was busy scowling at Charlotte, and he dodged away when Drake tried to take them back. Even the King couldn’t keep his laughter at bay upon seeing the top photo as his eyes widened. “What the fuck is this?” Liam shrieked.
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Charlotte burst into laughter over Liam’s inability to keep his amusement contained. “Even Liam thinks it’s funny!” Charlotte shook her head. “That poor bag. What did it ever do to you?”
“Um … just why?” Maxwell asked.
Drake ripped the photos from Liam’s grasp and sighed. “Back when I was in college in New York … I needed some extra money. So … I took up a modeling gig.”
“You … you modeled?” Charlotte giggled. “Like … really modeled? With a real photographer for a legitimate modeling agency?”
Drake looked up at her, recalling the memory. He wished it wasn’t real.
Drake got into the waiting taxi, feeling optimistic about this opportunity. He had seen the advertisement for male models pinned to the bulletin board inside the entrance of his dorm just a couple of days prior. It wasn’t something he had ever given thought to before, but the advertisement said experience wasn’t necessary, and he was in need of some extra cash as he worked towards getting an apartment of his own. They weren’t cheap in New York City. When he called the number, the agent that answered seemed eager to meet with him.
Drake watched as the buildings of New York got taller the deeper they drove into the city. He looked at his watch, expecting to arrive at his destination at any moment, but the cabbie continued to drive over the Verrazano Bridge to Staten Island.
Drake chuckled nervously. “Did you miss it? Are we turning around?”
The cab driver grunted. “Nah, man. We’re almost there.”
The taxi drove into a seedy neighborhood and stopped in front of a brown brick house, and Drake laughed. “This is a joke, right? You’re supposed to take me to Ford Modeling Agency. This is someone’s house!”
The cabbie rolled his eyes. “This is the address you gave me. That’ll be $69.60.”
Drake’s eyes widened. “Seventy dollars? Are you insane?” He was doing this to try to make extra money, and after today he would be $140 in the hole. Good thing he still got a monthly allowance from the King.
After reluctantly paying the taxi driver, Drake got out of the vehicle and stared up at the house. I might die here today. He shook the thought; honestly, how bad could it be? As he walked up the pathway towards the door, he noticed a cardboard sign staked into the yard that read ‘Forde Molding Agencee’ written in bubble letters in black marker.
Drake mumbled profanities under his breath, and for a moment, he considered just walking away, but then the front door opened. A man with shaggy, greasy brown hair, an odd-shaped nose, and a full beard smiled from the doorway of the house.
The stranger extended his hand. “You must be Drake. I’m Neal. Neal Spooner.”
Drake extended his hand, trying his best to smile like it didn’t hurt his face. “Yes, I’m Drake Walker.”
Neal opened the door wider for Drake to enter. “Welcome to Forde Modeling Agency.”
Drake went to take a step but stopped and looked at him curiously. “Did you say For-day?”
“Yes! F-O-R-D-E. It’s pronounced Forday. It’s French.”
Drake’s brow quirked; the man spoke with a heavy southern twang, lived in Staten Island, and was now telling him his name was French. Yep, I’m definitely going to die here. He kept his mistake of thinking he was heading to a meeting with Ford, a legitimate modeling agency, to himself. He didn’t want to be disrespectful, and he also wanted to save himself the embarrassment. And he still needed the money.
Drake took in his surroundings inside the house. There was brown carpet that he was sure was a different color back in the 80s, along with wood-paneled walls. He then looked at his agent. He was wearing brown house slippers, a pair of New York Rangers pajama pants, and a dingy white t-shirt with a small hole in the chest and a larger hole in the armpit. This is one hairy dude.
“Let's go to my studio, shall we?” Neal broke the silence.
Drake felt a glimmer of hope at the word ‘studio.’ That hope immediately turned into dread when Neal led him through the kitchen and to a set of horror movie stairs in the mudroom; they walked down to the musty-smelling basement. The ‘studio’ had orange shag carpet and unfinished concrete walls. In the far corner, there was a makeshift “shooting” area with a white sheet attached to the wall with blue painter’s tape.
Neal walked to a closet and opened the door; he reached in and removed a couple of props and some outfits. He turned and threw a pair of tighty whities, a white ribbed tank top, and a black unitard at Drake. “Here, put one of these on.”
Drake looked at the articles of clothing in horror. “You want me to wear these? Have they been worn before?”
Neal chuckled at Drake’s facial expression. “Does it really matter? You’ll only be wearing them for a few minutes.”
“I don’t think so, man. I’m not going commando in another man’s fatigues.” Drake put the items onto a nearby table.
Neal rolled his eyes. “Fine, then strip!” Neal turned his back on Drake to prepare the camera.
After a lot of grumbling under his breath and more contemplation over leaving, Drake finally complied. He stood in the middle of the room, buck naked, covering his manly goods with his hands. Just then, he heard the basement door creak open and the sound of footsteps.
“Neal, dear, I made cookies for you and your friend.” An elderly lady rounded the corner with a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Neal grinned at his mother. “Thanks, Mamaw! They smell delicious. Just hand them to Drake.”
The woman smiled at Drake, offering him the plate. Drake internally panicked. If he removed both hands, he would surely give this lady a sneak peek. He opted to leave one hand in place and take the plate with the other.
“Erm … thank you, ma’am,” he said with a nod.
“You’re welcome, dear. Neal’s friends are always welcome.” Without another word, she made her way back upstairs.
Neal approached Drake and plucked a cookie off of the plate. “Have one. She makes the best cookies.”
Charlotte’s cackle interrupted Drake retelling his story. “You mean to tell me, this guy’s mother baked cookies, and you were standing there, ass out on full display while covering your slim jim?”
Liam was sitting on a crate shaking in silent laughter as tears streamed down his face. He was clutching his stomach, and his mouth was open, but no sound was coming out. Maxwell shushed Charlotte. “Shhhh, I wanna hear the rest of this story.”
Neal looked at Drake as he held the plate of cookies in his hand; his expression was filled with apprehension as he stared at the “photographer.” “Cookies not your thing?” Neal asked as he took a step towards him.
“Uhh …” Drake trailed off.
“I like beef jerky myself.” Drake’s eyebrows raised, and suddenly, Neal procured a bag of beef jerky from the pocket of his pajama pants.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Maxwell waved his hands. “This dude just pulled out a random bag from his pants and offered you some meat sticks?”
Drake just stared at him, ignoring Liam and Charlotte who’s laughs became louder, but his attention was pulled when he heard a snort from behind him; he turned to see Bastien in the garage doorway. “Sounds like this Neal fellow wanted a bit of your meat stick, son.”
At Bastien’s words, the normally stoic King completely lost it. Liam’s heel kicked the crate he was sitting on as he doubled forward with a wheezed rush of air; his eyes were squinted, and he struggled to breathe through his laughter.
Charlotte rolled to the floor from her seat, curling into the fetal position at Liam’s feet as she shrieked with laughter. “I … I think ... I think I just wet myself,” she squeaked. Liam’s foot slid as he began to slip off the crate, kicking Charlotte in the head with the tip of his sneaker. “Ow!”
That only caused the pair to laugh harder, and Liam crumpled to the floor, covering Charlotte’s body with his own as they failed miserably to compose themselves.
Drake glared at the hysterical couple. “You guys are such fucking assholes.”
“Well, did you eat the offered jerky or not?” Maxwell asked, causing Liam to screech as he buried his face into the crook of Charlotte’s neck while his entire body shook.
“Yes, Drake, did you eat his meat stick?” Charlotte asked in between laughs. Another loud snort escaped Bastien; Drake turned in time to see the head guard walk out of the garage. Charlotte began to cough, trying her hardest to stop laughing. “Sorry, Drake. Keep going. Please, tell me more.”
“No! Fuck you guys!” Drake stomped away towards a pile of trash that needed to be swept up.
Maxwell pouted. “I really want to know what happens next. Like, did your picture wind up in Women’s Hustler?” Another loud guffaw came from Liam; Charlotte could feel his body vibrating against hers as he failed to stop laughing. Seeing Liam this way was Charlotte’s favorite thing and only made her laugh more.
Drake huffed but continued on as he swept the floor. “So then …”
Drake shook his head at Neal. “No, man. I’m good. Thanks …”
Neal shrugged his shoulders. “Alrighty, then.” He pointed towards the shooting area. “Sit on that stool with your feet on the top rung and cross your ankles together, knees apart.”
Drake sat down with his hands still covering his manhood. “Uh … I didn’t realize these were going to be nude photos.”
Neal shook his head, “No, they aren’t nudes. Here …” He tossed Drake an extremely large leather crocodile print handbag. “Put that between your legs.”
“Excuse me? Put what where now?”
“Between your legs! Then put your arms behind your head and flex those muscles.” When Drake did as instructed, Neal approached him; he combed Drake’s hair forward and floofed it; Drake shuddered as the man’s hands touched his hair, and not in the good shudder way. Neal took a step back to examine his work before nodding. Then he held up the camera. “Now give Neal your best smoldering look.” He pronounced Neal as “Nay-al,” speaking with a French accent.
Drake arched his brow. “Did you just say ‘Nay-al’?”
“It is my alter ego when I am in photographer mode. NOW, SMOLDER!” Drake’s eyes slightly widened at Neal’s sudden change of tone before he heard the first click of the camera. Is that … a Polaroid camera? “Pout de’ lips!” Drake looked back at Neal and jutted his bottom lip out awkwardly, unsure what he was doing exactly. “CHIN UP! Hollow those cheeks!” Drake sucked his cheeks between his teeth, still with his lip out as he flexed his muscles. Click after click came, and the camera spit Polaroids out one after the other. Neal suddenly dropped the camera to his side. “No, no … this is all wrong. Something is missing …” Neal popped his hip as he tapped a finger to his lips, thinking. “AH-HA!”
Neal turned on his heel and headed towards a closet, flinging the door open. He began throwing items behind him while he looked for something: a hot pink feather boa sailed through the air, a can of glitter spray, some rope and duct tape, a pair of heeled combat boots, a deflated blow-up doll, and what Drake was pretty certain was a dildo.
Neal emerged from the closet a moment later, holding a pair of sunglasses in his hand with a triumphant smile. “All of that and sunglasses was what you were looking for?”
“Do not question my creative mind! Put these on.” Drake did as he was asked and slipped the sunglasses on; Neal fixed Drake’s hair again and looked at him with a broad grin. “PERFECTION! Now strike that same pose as last time.”
An entire roll of film later -- and after putting on the offered clothes that he had declined to wear before -- Drake was thankful to be slipping back into his own clothing. Neal gathered up the Polaroids scattered around his feet, wearing a gleeful smile. “Uh … so did you get the shots you needed?” Drake asked as he slipped his shoes on.
“Oh, yes,” Neal giggled. “These are splendid.”
Drake watched as he flipped through the pictures, almost as if Neal had forgotten he was even there. Drake cleared his throat. “So, uh … my payment?”
“Oh, right,” Neal said. Keeping his eyes on the photos, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled one dollar bill and outstretched his arm, handing it to Drake.
“A FUCKING DOLLAR?” Drake bellowed; his booming voice caused Neal to snap his gaze over to him.
“A set amount was never agreed upon.”
“GIVE ME THOSE!” Drake snatched the pile of photos from Neal’s hand. “You fucking greasy ass freak!” He turned and stormed up the stairs.
“Did you two have fun?” Neal’s mother asked Drake as he stormed through the kitchen.
Drake didn’t answer. His eyes fell on the plate of cookies; he reached out and snatched one before running outside.
“You … you got a whole ass dollar for all of that?” Charlotte howled. Liam was now lying on his back with his hands on his chest; his face was red, and the veins in his neck bulged from lack of oxygen as he continued to laugh. “You can’t even get something from the dollar menu at McDonald’s for just a dollar. You were short of the tax,” she squealed through a giggle, resting her head on Liam as he laughed harder and rolled towards her.
Maxwell stood and clapped Drake on the shoulder. “Sorry your modeling career didn’t work out, buddy. I’m gonna be honest, these aren’t the most flattering photos, so maybe it worked out for the best.” He went back to cleaning out the garage, singing, “I’m a model, you know what I mean. And I do my little turn on the catwalk.” Maxwell spun in a circle and began to moonwalk backward. “Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah.”
Charlotte stood up. “Drake shakes his little tush in Neal’s basement.” She turned towards Drake and shimmied her butt. Liam threw his head back in another laugh as he finally attempted to stand.
Several days later, Drake was in the newly cleaned garage with his brewing station set up. He was eager to get started after spending a lot of time researching different ingredients and methods. He was interrupted by an urgent knock on the garage door. When he opened it, there was a delivery man holding two large thin packages.
“Drake Walker?” the man asked.
“Yeah, that’s me. What’s all this?”
The man shoved the packages into Drake’s arms as he replied, “Delivery from Her Majesty, the Queen.”
Drake peeled off the envelope from the front of one of the boxes.
Dear Drake,
I thought these would add a nice touch to your brewery.
Drake opened the boxes and noticed that they were large pictures. When he saw what they were, he groaned. He looked at 24 by 36 framed canvases of his modeling photos. “Why did I think this would be something I actually wanted?”
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
statistically significant | 2 | bakugou/reader
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length: 23,490 words | 7 chapters
summary: You’re the scientist who developed a neural net to model the value of assists. Now that your work is feeding into the hero rankings, pro hero Ground Zero has a bone to pick with your results.
tags: romance, enemies to lovers, sexual tension, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut, m/f threats of violence, problematic behavior
note: I cannot overemphasize that this interpretation of Bakugou is based on season 1 Bakugou, which means he behaves very questionably at the beginning. Please heed the warnings!
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Present day
Miruko’s agency was large, much larger than you had expected.
From the street, it had looked unobtrusive enough, a moderately-sized office building with a modern-looking glass front. You could see into a large reception area on the ground floor, and open workspaces on the next few floors, conjoined desks piled high with paperwork and slightly wilted-looking office plants. If not for Miruko’s name emblazoned over the entry in bold, metallic letters, you could have taken it for just another office building.
Once inside, however, the building became much more than that. After checking in at reception, you were led deep into the building, and gestured into an elevator that took you tens of floors down. When the doors opened, they let out into a cavernous space, stretching under what must have been the entire block. The floor was equipped with a gym, several reinforced training spaces the size of office buildings themselves, and what appeared to be a surveillance room where footage from the training spaces could be replayed.
Your mouth dropped open. Did all hero agencies hide deep underground like this? How many other underground floors were there? How big was Miruko Agency, really?
Your guide had enough tact to ignore your inelegant expression, instead leading you towards a training room. A huge, clear window tens of meters across looked into the space, but you would bet anything that it was made of some material much stronger than glass, which was especially evidenced by what you could see going on beyond the window.
Rubble littered the room, scattered in towering piles that gave the appearance of a post-doomsday cityscape. You didn’t know if the room had been set up this way, or if the rubble was the result of the battle going on within; there were two heroes that you could see darting around the space, both appearing to be causing maximum chaos.
Closest to you, a woman with wild pink curls was emitting a powerful stream of some cement-colored substance that ate away at anything it touched, causing it to smoke and hiss and crumble. She melted a huge hole in a pile of rubble, and a man with a shock of golden-yellow hair leapt away from what had probably been his hiding place, backpedaling wildly.
You perked up when you realized who they were--Ashido Mina, the number twenty-nine hero Pinky, and Kaminari Denki, the number thirty-three hero Chargebolt.
Kaminari threw out a hand, and a crackling wave of lightning struck out at Ashido. The lights flickered out briefly, and even behind the window, you could feel your hair stand on end. You blinked past the powerful flash that had temporarily blinded you, casting about for Ashido who had surely been struck down, only to choke on a laugh when you caught sight of her flashing Kaminari the middle finger, sliding away from a huge chunk of rubble she’d dislodged with her acid to use as a shield.
“They’re idiots,” a voice intoned from your side.
You nearly jumped out of your skin, turning to find Miruko herself standing next to you, powerful arms crossed over her chest. Despite her words, a little fond-looking smile flickered at the edges of her mouth.
You schooled your slack jawed expression into a smile. “I don’t know--their personalities are mostly why they’re so popular, so they must be doing something right. I did a little digging into everyone’s results before I got here, and they stood out among a lot of the rest.”
Miruko’s gaze flicked over you. She was short, maybe even shorter than you, but her keen red eyes and very lethal-looking biceps more than made up for her stature. She was intimidating in person, an air about her that told you she could snap and turn on you at any second. Despite the fact that she had asked you here herself, you felt like she might seize you and bodily throw you out of her agency.
“And that’s why they’re idiots. Their results are buoyed by their personalities,” Miruko sniffed. “They need work.”
You prickled a little, feeling like you should say something in their defense, but the truth of it was, you were here to help them work on things.
Some weeks ago, Miruko had contacted the Public Safety Hero Commission with interest in the ranking model. Your version had been in production for close to a year, and you had recently been making scholarly noises about feedback loops, asking for permission to provide pro heroes with individual results breakdowns. Miruko had caught wind of this and demanded on site assessments for her “team of frigging clowns” as she had so eloquently put it. And so you had been loaned out, with the idea of helping to direct the training for the heroes at Miruko Agency, providing them a real time comparison of their training footage to the generic hero ranking model results.
If this trial run was successful, if you could help any of the heroes measurably jump ranks, then the Commission had committed to providing individualized results for the thousands of heroes employed today. The Commission had also expressed interest in your idea of creating and packaging smaller models that took less technical skill to operate, for heroes to use to direct their own training. They had even seemed receptive to giving you a small team of research scientists and software engineers to build such a product, so you would be looking at a pretty sick promotion, not to mention.
Miruko made her way over to the surveillance room, beckoning you after her, and you watched as she leaned over a desk, pressing down a button with one gloved finger.
A crackling sound echoed overhead and her voice followed. “Alright, brats, recess is over. Anyone not heading out on patrol, meet in the surveillance room now.”
The flickering light from Kaminari’s lightning fizzled out, and the door to the training room opened not long after, Kaminari and Ashido spilling out in a chaotic whirlwind of limbs and petty squabbling. They were the first to arrive at the surveillance room, and Kaminari visibility perked up when he saw you.
“Hey!” he exclaimed, interrupting himself on a gasp when Ashido’s elbow caught him in the ribs. “What the fuck, Mina--! Why are your elbows so sharp? Can you just not--?” He grabbed her elbow. “Stop, look, it’s stats girl! From the Awards!”
You startled a little, shocked that he had remembered you. That had been almost a year ago, and you’d only exchanged a couple quick comments in the stairwell.
Ashido looked up from where she appeared to be attempting to crack one of his ribs, her expression shifting into something altogether too interested. You flushed when a sharp grin broke out over her pretty features.
“Oh my god, you’re stats girl? I have been waiting forever. It’s an absolute honor to meet you.” She held out a palm, waggling her rosy fingers expectantly.
A rising sense of horror grew within you. Did...did Kaminari remember you so clearly because he’d told people about the incident? What exactly had he mentioned to her? Who else had he spread the tale to?
“Um, yeah that’s me,” you managed, trying to tamp down your embarrassment.
Ashido grinned wider, leaning forward. “I was totally convinced Denki and Eijirou made you up, except that Katsuki wouldn’t stop plotting revenge out loud for months. You’re, like, a legend. Do you do autographs?”
You gaped at her, your mind sticking on the phrase Katsuki wouldn’t stop plotting revenge out loud for months. A nervous, hunted energy crept over you. Revenge...for months.
Miruko’s rabbit ears twitched and she turned to you, frowning. “I wasn’t aware you’d already met some of my circus monkeys. Is this going to be a problem?”
You dithered nervously, not actually sure if it would be. You’d known Bakugou worked at her agency, considering you had done a fair amount of pre-work collecting everyone's results. But you’d honestly put off thinking about this. Bakugou had been in quite the rage at the Hero Awards, but that had been almost a year ago. And Ashido had phrased his revenge plans in the past tense… Surely he didn’t still hold as much of a grudge now?
Miruko eyed you suspiciously for a moment, but she was distracted when the scuffle of boots indicated the approach of other heroes, and a pair of burly men with curling satyr horns rounded the corner, one of them leaning forward to speak to her. Ashido sent you a wink when Miruko turned her back, mouthing something that looked suspiciously like later.
In the next few minutes, a small group of heroes assembled, ranging from relatively well-known heroes like Ashido and Kaminari, to a couple of heroes who ranked deep in the hundreds--you only knew some of their faces because Miruko had provided you with a list of her employees for preparatory research purposes. They formed a small crescent around the surveillance area, chattering lowly to themselves and eyeing you with speculative curiosity.
To your eternal relief, her most famously explosive employee was conspicuously absent, and you felt yourself relax when it seemed like everyone had turned up who was going to.
When it seemed like the crowd size was finally large enough to please her, Miruko barked a loud “SHUT UP” at them. The din of low voices instantly died down.
“Alright brats. Over the next few months, Y/N will be working here at the agency with us. She has been invited on behalf of the commission, and will be analyzing your quirks, your methods, and your recent work,” Miruko said. “She has individualized results pulled from the current hero rankings that can inform you how to improve. I expect you to take full advantage of this opportunity.”
She gestured to you, giving you a meaningful look as if she expected you to introduce yourself. You gave a little wave, glancing at the heroes around you.
“Um, hi,” you said. “As Miruko-san said, I can give you a little advice based on your current results breakdown. I also plan to analyze video of your training in the coming weeks, and build parallel models to simulate future results given your performance. We can compare those to the current rankings for an idea of how much work you will have to put into particular skills for you to move up in the ranks.”
A small murmur went through the crowd at the prospect of moving up in the ranks. Some gazes sharpened in interest.
You continued, “This is also a good chance to work on specific growth areas -- I can train smaller models on subsets of videos so you can compare your skills more directly with each other or with other heroes from other agencies. Please let me know if there is anything special any of you would like to focus on.”
Miruko stepped back in front of you. “Y/N is going to set up in the surveillance room for the next few weeks. I’ve already established checkpoints for all of you to meet with her, but I encourage you to meet with her more often if you can.”
There were a couple of nods, and a few interested whispers from somewhere at the back of the crowd. Miruko took a breath like she was going to say more, but then--
“Hard pass,” a voice growled from your left. Your hackles instantly raised, and it took your brain a couple seconds to catch up with your instincts. You whipped around wildly when you realized you knew that voice, and you almost jumped a full foot in the air when you caught sight of those familiar blonde spikes over another hero’s shoulder.
You hadn’t noticed his approach, but Bakugou had clearly returned from a fight only minutes ago. His hair drooped a little with sweat, there was dirt streaking the points of his high cheekbones, and his costume was shredded by a thousand tiny tears, like he’d been thrown through a glass window. And...was that blood on his gauntlets? Was it his?
You were torn between immediate annoyance and something like concern at the sight of him so obviously roughed up.
“The meetings are not optional,” Miruko’s voice took on a hard edge.
“I already know what this fucking nerd has to say,” Bakugou drawled dismissively. “And I don’t give a shit. I don’t need assists if I’m the one busy saving the fucking day.”
Your mood edged cleanly into annoyance. It seemed he hadn’t changed any, then.
Miruko’s face darkened. “It wasn’t a suggestion.”
Bakugou bared his teeth. They gleamed almost blindingly white against the dark dirt on his face. “No.”
A wild look entered Miruko’s eye at the challenge. “Everyone is dismissed. Except Katsuki,” she uttered in a low, dangerous tone.
There was a small pause. The heroes around you looked at her askance, and her features darkened even further. “I said scram. NOW!”
The effect was immediate. It felt like no sooner had you blinked than the hall was suddenly clear. The sight of Kaminari and Ashido wheeling around the corner was all the proof you had that the team hadn’t suddenly vanished from existence.
Bakugou snorted and propped himself lazily against a column, affecting a slouch, one pale eyebrow raised over his insouciant expression. It looked almost too perfectly arrogant, and you wondered if he practiced it in the mirror sometimes.
“I said the meetings are not optional, Katsuki,” Miruko hissed, taking a step closer to him. “You can ignore her suggestions all you want, but you will attend them.”
Close as they were, you could see she was almost a full head shorter than him, but the force of her anger seemed to make her larger somehow--she wasn’t towering over him, but she was certainly terrifying. Towering under, your mind supplied unhelpfully.
Bakugou, for his part, held his ground. His mouth curled disdainfully. “What’s the fucking point? The nerd’s just gonna tell me stupid shit. And I’m not going to listen.”
Your fingers twitched in irritation. Data wasn’t stupid shit -- it was mathmatical fact, almost as divorced from human bias as it was possible to be. How was it humanly possible that he hadn’t learned anything or grown even the littlest bit? How was it possible that he was just as infuriating as he was a year ago?
But fine. He could have things his way if that’s what he wanted.
Miruko’s face twisted in a scowl, and she took a deep breath like she was ready to start yelling. But you got there first.
“He has a point,” you said, giving him a hard look over the top of Miruko’s head. “I would hate to waste my time on someone who’s been stalled in the rankings for a year now. He wouldn’t know how to implement my advice even if I were to give it.”
You paused, letting an uncharacteristic smirk curl your mouth, trying your best to channel his disdainful energy. “Isn’t that right, Number Eight?”
Bakugou’s gaze sharpened over Miruko’s silver hair, twin pinpricks of red narrowing in on you. He abandoned his slouch, his body tensing like a hound that smelled blood. “What did you just say?”
You pushed down the petty satisfaction that rose within you at his reaction. He was so fucking prideful, so easy to bait.
“Hmm, cognitive delays,” you said, pretending to tap your chin thoughtfully. “Very worrying. Further evidence he wouldn’t be able to process the information, though. No, I think it’s best if we don’t meet.”
Bakugou pushed himself off the column, edging around Miruko as his mouth drew into a snarl. You were immediately reminded of the Hero Awards, that same overwhelming prickle of power edging over you as he stalked closer, the same scent like caramel and gunpowder.
Miruko’s eyes flicked between the two of you curiously, an eyebrow raised in interest. You hoped it meant she was interested enough in your data analysis to intervene if Bakugou tried to sauté you like an onion.
“If you melt through this blazer I really will sabotage the hero rankings and dip you all the way to number five hundred,” you threatened, edging away from Bakugou as he drew closer. “And also you owe me money for that dress.”
“I’m not gonna fucking give you shit,” he announced, looming over you when he’d decided he was close enough to intimidate. He was near enough that you could feel the heat of him, but he hadn’t put his hands to you yet. It seemed Miruko was enough of a deterrent to curb his bad behavior. “And I’m not gonna meet with you.”
“Good, then we agree,” you said, tipping your head back to look him in the eye. “You’re not good enough to do better anyways.”
Bakugou growled, the phrase clearly still enough to tick him off a year later. “Fuck you, I’m the best.”
“That’s not what your ranking tells me,” you clicked your tongue, feigning disinterest. With the dirt and scratches all over him he looked wilder than ever and you would be a fool to ignore it, but Miruko’s presence made you bold. And something else, some latent streak of frustration and pettiness told you to keep going, to keep pressing the buttons that were getting this reaction from him.
“Your ranking tells me you haven’t even improved the tiniest bit in an entire year. At this rate, you’ll never even hit the top three, never mind be the best. I don’t think you could improve even if you wanted to,” you said.
Bakugou looked like he wanted nothing more than to tear your head off with his teeth. “I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
You opened your mouth to reply but there was a sudden motion at the edge of your vision, something pink and blurry and wild. You glanced past Bakugou’s shoulder to find Ashido leaning around the wall, waving a hand frantically and mouthing something at you. You squinted, watching her lips shape themselves carefully: make a bet.
What? Make a bet?
She wanted you to make a bet?
You looked back up at Bakugou, taking in the oppositional expression, the angry curl of his mouth, the straight slope of his nose, and those keen, blood red eyes glaring down at you. This was certainly the face of a man who wouldn’t be told what to do, who couldn’t be told what to do.
But despite your words and your inherent distaste, there was no denying he was actually your best shot, the cleanest pathway to your promotion. Bakugou was smart, driven, and absolutely lethal. If anyone could turn around a rank at top speed it was him.
But he couldn’t be made to do it. He had to want to do it.
Ashido waved in the corner of your vision again, enunciating with exaggerated facial expressions. Make a bet.
Things clicked into place.
“Hmm, I wouldn’t be so sure,” you looked away from Ashido, inspecting your nails casually, like your focus would rather be anywhere than on this conversation. “In fact, I would bet almost anything that you wouldn’t know how to implement my suggestions, even if you tried.”
Bakugou froze, red eyes passing over you curiously. For one heart stopping moment, you thought he was on to you, but he just leaned down instead, putting his face close to yours.
“I’ll fucking take that bet.”
You tried to push down your sudden swell of excitement, fighting to keep your expression neutral. You knew he wouldn’t cooperate if he thought you were happy about this.
“Fine. You have two months to jump a rank,” you said. “Or I win. And you’ll pay me what you owe me for the dress.”
Bakugou smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. This had the effect of emphasizing both the tears in his shirt and the swell of his biceps.You quickly attached your eyes firmly to his face--that was so not what you needed to be focused on right now.
“I’ll do it in one,” he said. “And then I win, you smug fucking nerd.”
You gazed at him steadily. “Agreed. Miruko’s number seven--you think you can beat your own boss with just a month of work? You’ll never.”
“You haven’t heard what I win yet,” he said.
You stared at him, eyebrows drawing together in confusion. “You go up in rank. That’s what you win.”
Bakugou’s handsome face shifted into an uneven smirk. “Oh no. This is twice now you’ve opened your little know-it-all mouth and acted like you know what the fuck you’re talking about. When I win, you’ll tell me I’m the best and I was right all along.”
You suppressed an eye roll. If he moved up a rank, the point would very obviously be that you were right all along. Was he really so unreasonably competitive and spiteful that he needed to be told he was right?
Then you remembered he’d quite literally dragged you into a stairwell and implied he'd fry you to a crisp when he found out he was number eight. Of course he was.
Well, a few throwaway words were worth nothing compared to the promotion you’d be getting. He could have his sense of self satisfaction when you were knee deep in software engineers and fat stacks of money.
You took a deep breath, holding out a hand. “Okay. If you win, which is a very big if, then I’ll admit it. Deal?”
Bakugou considered you for a long moment, red eyes watching you closely, before a calloused hand engulfed yours. “Deal," he growled, a crooked grin flickering at the edge of his mouth. "Get ready to eat shit, nerd.”
You suppressed another eye roll, hoping to god this was going to be worth it.
This was going to be the longest month of your life.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Changsub is always incredibly cuddly around him, it’s very much a habit of his to wrap his arms around you whenever you’re in reaching distance, he can’t help but have you as close as he can into him as often as possible.
Your first meeting was all a bit of a misunderstanding, you caught Changsub pulling a funny face, presuming that he was doing it in your direction, pulling one back. It was only when you noticed a guy behind you, you realised it wasn’t actually at you, but Changsub was far too much of a tease to ignore what you’d done.
It all ended up working in your favour though, and the two of you got to know each other well. Changsub ended up confessing how much he enjoyed getting to know you through a short song that he’d written. Music was his best way of expressing himself, and so he invited you over to his place one day, with plenty of instruments laid out in the living room, inviting you to sit down and listen to what he had to say.
His love for music often resonated into your dates as well, Changsub loved to take you to live gigs and other events in the city, whether it was music, a film, or even sometimes a comedy event, he loved seeing someone else go through the adrenaline of being on stage as he often experienced. You just tended to trust him and his suggestions on places that the two of you could go to, but they usually turned out to be a pretty good time anyway, with only a few minor hiccups along the way with some acts.
Changsub had some old dating rumours which certainly played on his mind when the two of you began to get together. He was determined to keep you protected out of the vicious cycle that the Korean media could be, and make sure that you were sure that a relationship was something that you definitely wanted before things got too serious between you both. Changsub couldn’t help but worry, and also the last thing he wanted was to deal with the attention of a dating rumour once again.
If there was one thing you learnt about Changsub quite early on in your relationship, it was that no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t hide whenever he was in a bad mood. It usually ended up working in your favour as you’d know when to steer clear of him and when not to start an argument because he was feeling pretty low. But if you managed to catch him off guard, then the bad mood would very quickly be very obvious to you, and once you’d been caught by his vents of frustrations, it was usually a pretty terrible loophole for you to find your way out of without the two of you arguing with each other first.
Changsub was incredibly close with his family, which made you incredibly anxious to meet them all. You were terrified, putting off your first meeting for as long as you possibly could, until his sister’s birthday came around, and Changsub promised that you’d be in attendance without even asking you to join him.
You were quite quick to move into Changsub’s place, he loved having you there and the company that you brought. It was no fun for him to mess around in such a nice apartment all by himself, and so having you there to enjoy it with him was definitely something that he wanted sooner rather than later in your relationship.
Changsub ended up being the first of the two of you to say, ‘I love you,’ on a letter that he wrote whilst BTOB were in the middle of a tour. He was far too nervous to ring you or say it in person, so at the end of a lengthy letter about all the adventures he’d been on so far, he signed it off with his name, and his confession too.
Just like with his bad moods, it was very apparent to you too when Changsub would be feeling jealous too. His face always managed to give it away, how his eyes would narrow at whoever was making him feel jealous, and how he’d always poke his tongue against the inside of his cheek. Whenever you’d challenge him about it, he’d always vow that he wasn’t jealous, but as soon as you’d imitate the face that you saw him pulling across the room, he’d know the game was up and that he didn’t have a leg to stand on.
You certainly felt the pressure from his family to start considering a family of your own quite soon into your relationship. They knew the two of you were great, and it was obvious to them all that the two of you were going to stick together, and with that, their minds instantly looked to kids. Changsub could often only apologise for how forward they were, assuring them it was something you’d think about when the time was right.
Changsub had plenty of quirks and weird habits that meant there weren’t many times around him that you didn’t have a smile on your face. You never knew quite what to expect from him next, one minute he’d be serious and an adult, the next minute he’d be running around the place like a kid, trying to get you involved in all sorts of pranks and jokes on the other members. Changsub loved to enjoy himself and was more than happy in expressing himself and how crazy he could be without the fear of what others would think. All that mattered was that you loved and enjoyed the person that he was.
Just like with many other stages of emotion, it was very clear to the group when Changsub was missing you on the road too. Of course, as with his jealous, he’d argue that he was fine, but the group hadn’t spent a decade together for no reason, they knew Changsub better than he knew himself sometimes. Eventually they’d manage to wear him down into admitting that he was struggling, but not before he made them all promise that they wouldn’t tell you how low he was feeling, because as he always told them, and you, the last thing he wanted to do was make the tour more difficult for you.
Changsub loved to give you cute nicknames that he knew would make you blush. He was always coming up with new ones, sometimes very random, but each one always managed to get him a reaction out of you.
He was obsessed with your eyes, he could always tell exactly what was going on and how you were feeling, usually just by the way that you looked back at him.
P ⇴ PDA 
You could never expect Changsub to be normal with his affection in public, he loved to clown around, and would often play up to any cameras that were around too, knowing that the fans loved to see the two of you too. No matter what, it would always take you by surprise, and leave him scolded when you got home too.
He’ll always make sure to check in and see how you are at various points throughout your day together. Your eyes are always a giveaway, so if you lie, then he’ll just keep asking until he gets the truth out of you.
You’ll often find yourself falling asleep with your fingers tracing over Changsub’s tattoos, usually with him already fast asleep beside you. You’ll often doodle new ones too, tracing random patterns along his arm or his ribcage. Although he never lets on, the feeling of your fingers trailing along his skin is definitely a feeling that helps him sleep tonight, although he’s far too scared to admit that to you in person.
S ⇴ SEX 
For the most part, Changsub is always incredibly loving when it comes to intimacy, he enjoys the moment and the adrenaline rush that comes with it. However, it usually isn’t long before he starts up with his usual antics, when he finds himself falling too deeply, he’ll come out with a joke or make a funny remark to try and make things a little less intense between the two of you, never quite knowing how to cope with the sudden passion.
If he can’t ask you in person how you’re doing, then Changsub will often text you instead. Although he never wholly trusts in your response, the fact that you responded alone is usually a good enough sign for him.
More than anything else, Changsub loves that you’re someone who can really appreciate his sense of humour and give him somewhere to be himself. He never has to hide or pretend around you, because you love every part of who he is.
It had been quite a while since Changsub got to spend some time with his family, and so when the chance to go away came around, he decided to create a huge trip for you, him, and his family too. It was also the perfect chance for you to get to know them more too, and another event that you couldn’t back out of.
There were definitely times that Changsub would whine, whilst he didn’t crave attention, sometimes he just couldn’t help but want your eyes on him.
He would love nothing more than when he was able to tease you with his kisses, he loved to pull away just as you began to deepen a kiss, or tug gently against your bottom lip when you were busy in the hope that it would distract you from what you were doing and put your attention on him. However, if you ever did that to him, you could be guaranteed to be in big trouble with him, unimpressed by your antics.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his best friends, together you were the best possible team.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
The struggle was definitely real when it came to trying to wake Changsub up in the morning. You’d never known someone sleep as well as he did, often resorting to dangerous tactics to try and wake him up and get him out of bed.
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seanfalco · 3 years
Dog Eared Page | 03. Blank Space
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a collaborative crossover fic by @seanfalco​ & @imagine-you​
Pairing: Nathan Young x f!Reader (eventual Luke x Reader & Nathan x Reader x Luke) Warning(s): Language, Recreational Drug Use Word Count: 9.4k (oop, apparently each chapter just gets longer lol;) a/n: Luke’s here babes.
[ masterlist ]
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You had hoped that the note in Curtis' locker was a complete fluke.  There was no way anyone could know about Tony, right?  It wasn't like any of you would be stupid enough to go around talking about the two dead bodies you had buried out under the flyover.  Curtis had probably royally pissed someone off and they were playing a little prank on him.  It would be fine. 
You should have known better, though.  The second you let yourself think that maybe everything would be fine, another note showed up.  This time in Nathan's locker, putting to rest the theory that the first note was only meant for Curtis. 
"What d’you think it means?" Nathan asked as he considered the note in his hands. 
"It's obvious, isn't it?  Someone knows we killed him," Kelly pointed out. 
"Maybe it's Sally," Simon suggested.  "She doesn't seem to actually like any of us."
"Who's Sally?" Curtis wondered, his attention seemingly split between the conversation and where Alisha was carefully applying makeup in front of the mirror.  It wasn’t like he was being subtle at all about his attraction to Alisha and you knew that Alisha seemed to be just as interested in him.  You wondered how long it would be before they got themselves sorted out. 
"Sally's our probation worker," Simon answered. 
Nathan shook his head, making a displeased noise.  "You're a twat, because Sally, if that's really her name, didn't show up until after the other one was already in the ground."
"You mean Tony," you interrupted, shooting Nathan a frustrated look.  "Talk a little louder, yeah?  I don't think they heard you outside."
"I was practically whispering," Nathan argued, his brows furrowed as he turned on you.  "Why don't you speak up, then?  This concerns you too."
"Because I'm listening," you stressed, offering him a glare.  "Something you've never been that good at."
"Look, as interesting as this is, we don't have time for this," Curtis hissed. 
"He's right," Kelly agreed.  "We've got to figure out who's sending us these letters.  They're only doing it when we're not here, so they've got to be coming in while we're all working.  We won't be able to catch them."
"Not unless I'm waiting in here while I'm invisible," Simon offered.  "I can just wait here while you all go get started out there.  If anyone comes in and leaves anything in our lockers, then we'll know who's blackmailing us."
"You're just trying to get out of doing your work!" Nathan accused, pointing at him. 
"This is Simon we're talking about, not you, Nathan," you told him, quirking an eyebrow at him.  You knew you were probably being a little harsh, but you still couldn't get over the fact that he had outright lied to you and slept with someone else.  You hadn't so much as looked at another guy since you broke up, but Nathan hadn't hesitated to jump into bed with another girl the first chance he got.  It hurt so much that you could barely keep yourself from lashing out. 
"Maybe we should separate you two," Kelly suggested as she glanced from you to Nathan.  "We're not going to get anything figured out with you two arguing like this."
"She's arguing!  I'm just here minding my own business!"
"This is useless," Curtis muttered.  "But it sounds like a good plan," he added as he looked at Simon.  After he checked that Alisha was fine with the plan, Curtis turned his focus back on Simon.  "Go on, then.  Turn invisible."
Simon shook his head, looking uncertain for a moment.  "I can't do it when everyone's looking at me."
Nathan laughed, the sound harsher than usual, as he reached out to clap a hand to Simon's shoulder.  "So, I guess it's like pissing at a urinal if you've got a tiny cock," he mused as he gestured towards Simon's crotch.  "Zero for two there, aren't yeh?"
Alisha snorted before she turned away from the mirror, taking a moment to size Simon up.  "Well, that's really impressive," she drawled before she moved to leave the locker room. 
The others followed after her, leaving you for a moment with Simon. 
"Don't worry about it," you assured him.  "If it doesn't work, then we'll figure something else out, yeah?" 
Simon nodded his head, shooting you a nervous look.  You offered him a smile before you left the locker room, not hearing Simon calling after you.
Leaving Simon behind, you joined the others to find the main area strewn with piles upon piles of clothes, which you were informed by another volunteer that you’d be in charge of sorting for donation.  With a sigh you moved to a pile away from Nathan, doing your best to keep your distance from him like Kelly had suggested, but you could still feel him watching you, and despite your deliberate move away from him, he followed you over to the pile you’d chosen, plopping down next to you anyway.
“Get your own pile, Nathan,” you groaned, trying to ignore him.
“What if I don’t want to?” he countered contrarily, idly pawing through the clothes in front of him.
Growling under your breath, you were about to stand to go join Kelly when Sally stepped out of her office, clearing her throat to get your attention.  Looking up you nearly did a double take.  Next to Sally stood a tall curly haired youth, gazing around the room for a moment until his eyes settled on you and didn’t move away as if taking you in appraisingly.
“Alright, everyone, your attention,” Sally snapped, clapping her hands together briskly.  “We have a new addition to the group.  His name is Luke and he’ll be working off his service hours with you from here on out,” she announced, looking around the room.  “I want all of you to be welcoming, okay?” she added, narrowing her eyes at the lot of you before turning toward him.  “Here is your jumpsuit.  You can go change in the locker room and keep any personal items in one of the unoccupied lockers.”
“Right,” he drawled, unimpressed.  His lilting accent was different from Nathan’s, but it was clear he was Irish. 
Still glancing over at you, he ambled down the hall toward the locker room to change.
Well, he definitely had your attention.
As soon as he left everyone began talking over each other.
“What was that?” Nathan exclaimed, gesturing toward the corner Luke had just disappeared around, his voice practically climbing an octave.
“What was what?” you asked distractedly, finally tearing your eyes away and returning your focus to the task before you.
“What was what?” Nathan repeated incredulously, his brows drawing down as he gaped at you.  “He was totally eye fuckin’ yeh!” he cried.
“Yeah, so?” you countered, feeling your face warm.  “We’re not dating, so what’s it matter t’you?  You actually did fuck someone,” you snapped.
“Yeah, don’t remind me,” he grumbled under his breath.
“Did you see that?” Kelly exclaimed, catching your and Nathan’s attention.
“See what?” he demanded with a sour frown and the others merely stared at him.
“You seriously didn’t notice?” Alisha asked.  “That guy could be your twin!” she exclaimed with a laugh.  “Are y’sure you don’t have a long lost brother or somethin’?”
“Course not!  I’m a classic example of an only child!” Nathan cried.  “Besides, I don’t see it!  We look nothin’ alike.”
“Oh no mate, the resemblance is uncanny,” Curtis disagreed.
“Yeah,” Kelly chimed in.  “He’s tall and lanky, got dark curly hair, he’s even Irish,” she ticked off on her fingers.
“Didn’t y’hear that accent, he’s clearly from Northern Ireland!” Nathan exclaimed as if that made all the difference.  “We’re nothin’ alike,” he insisted heatedly.
Curtis frowned thoughtfully.  He’d been awfully quiet since Luke had walked in.  “He looks familiar,” he mused.
“Well yeah, cause he looks like Nathan,” Alisha scoffed, but Curtis shook his head.
“No, I mean, I feel like I’ve seen him before...”
Before anyone could speculate further, Luke returned and everyone’s eyes turned to him.
“What y’get done for?” Kelly asked without preamble, and everyone waited expectantly.  You’d be lying if you said you weren’t at least a little bit curious.
“Drugs,” he answered with a shrug.
“Usin’ or dealin’?” Curtis asked pointedly.
“Who wants t’know?” Luke countered with a cheeky grin.  
“Can y’hook me up?” Nathan exclaimed and you rolled your eyes.  Of course that’s what he’d be thinking about at a time like this.
“We’ll see,” Luke scoffed, brushing past the others and making his way over to you, joining you at your pile.  “Well, hello there,” he greeted, raising his thick dark eyebrows as he looked you over once more.
“Hey,” you answered, pointedly ignoring Nathan’s glower.
“Y’know, you have me at a bit of a disadvantage here,” he exclaimed nonchalantly, idly digging through the clothes in front of him.
“Oh, and how’s that?” you asked, unable to fight back your grin.
“You already know my name, but I’m afraid I don’t know yours.”
At his words, your grin grew and you saw Nathan roll his eyes, sorting through the clothes with sudden interest.
“I’m [y/n],” you answered, looking into his eyes, noticing they were a lovely shade of green.  Huh, Nathan’s eyes are green, you realized, the thought coming to you unbidden.
“[y/n],” Luke repeated, saying it several times as if tasting it.  “Please tell me you’re single.”
“Hey, who am I?” Nathan suddenly exclaimed, interrupting you and you turned to look at him, annoyance flashing across your face.  He’d donned a pair of large orange ski goggles and looked ridiculous. 
“I’ll give yeh a hint, I’m a giant cunt,” he announced, throwing his arms wide and Luke gave a snort.
“Y’got that right, pal,” he scoffed, already disregarding Nathan.
“Oh, c’mon, anyone?” Nathan asked, looking around expectantly.  When no one answered he huffed exasperatedly as if it were obvious.  “I’m Bono!”
“So, are yeh?  Single?” Luke asked again, ignoring Nathan, his focus swinging back to you.
“Maybe,” you taunted, not only enjoying the fact that the rather good looking new guy was already interested in you, but that it was definitely getting under Nathan’s skin.  Let him get a taste of his own medicine, you thought smugly.
“I can work with a maybe,” Luke replied with a shrug.  “Maybe community service won’t be so shite after all,” he mused and you shared a grin.
You could’ve sworn he was about to say something else when suddenly the front door opened and a rather cross looking black girl strode in, her arms crossed over her chest before she disappeared into Sally’s office, and Kelly scowled.
“Who’s that?” you asked, leaning past Nathan who seemed to be sulking, to address Kelly, feeling Luke’s gaze shift to your ass.
“That’s the girl I got in a fight with,” she answered with a sneer.
“What’s she doin’ here?” Alisha asked.
“I’m supposed t’do some ‘restorative justice’ bullshit with her,” she replied as Sally stuck her head out of her office door.
“Kelly, Jodi’s here,” she called.
Kelly dropped the shirt she’d been holding with a sigh and pushed to her feet, heading to Sally’s office.
As soon as she was gone Nathan began dicking around again, no doubt in a desperate attempt at catching your attention.  Strapping a pair of roller blades he’d found to his feet, he began skating around the room, obnoxiously singing as he rolled past you.
“So, how’d you end up here, then?” Luke asked, effectively ignoring Nathan’s antics.
Tossing the baby clothes in your hand into a nearby box your lips twisted sourly.  “It’s my stupid ex’s fault I’m here,” you explained.  “He wanted to act a bloody fool and got me stuck in th’middle of it,” you huffed, vaguely registering Sally sticking her head out the door to snap at Nathan who nearly lost his balance in his surprise.
“He sounds like a git, but I kinda wanna thank th’bloke, else y’wouldn’t be here,” Luke murmured, wearing a cheeky smirk as he glanced over at you.
“Oh, very funny,” you replied, unable to hold back your own grin.  You were half tempted to tell him the git he could thank was right over there making an arse of himself, but at the same time you didn’t exactly want him to know that Nathan was your ex.
Not but five minutes later, Sally’s door crashed open again and the girl Kelly’d gotten in a fight with came storming out, followed by Sally before Kelly chucked a plastic chair across the hall after them.  “I was tryin’ t’be nice!” she yelled before taking off in the other direction.
“Well… that obviously went well,” Luke quipped and you snorted a laugh as he joined in, your eyes meeting Nathan’s for a moment before quickly darting away again.
The flash of hurt betrayal that crossed his face for a split second made your stomach churn, but you quickly reminded yourself what he’d done to deserve it and suddenly you didn’t feel so bad, returning your attention to Luke.
The next morning, you escaped to the rooftop for a moment alone before you were supposed to meet the others downstairs to begin another exciting day of sorting through donated clothes.  Of course, because you obviously weren't allowed the solitude you were looking for, you were soon joined by Nathan and Curtis. 
You didn't so much mind Curtis, because you knew he wouldn't really bother you if you looked like you just wanted a moment of peace, but Nathan loved nothing more than to have everyone's attention on him. 
Sure enough, he dropped down into the chair across from yours and placed an empty beer bottle on the crate in front of him.  Curtis had already settled on one of the lounge chairs, lying back with his arm flung over his face. 
"Come on, baby," Nathan urged as he stared at the beer bottle.  "You can do it," he added as he strained, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the bottle. 
"I almost hate to ask," you drawled, wondering just what Nathan really thought he was doing.  Did he think that he was going to blow it up with his mind? Wasn't that something you were capable of?  Why couldn't he try something else out?  Something less annoying and something that wasn't happening right in front of you. 
"I've got a power," Nathan claimed, not taking his eyes off the bottle. "It's got to be something way better than what this lot have been saddled with and I'm going to figure out what it is.  Maybe I can shoot laser beams from my eyes or get girls to undress just by lookin' at them."  He shot you a lingering look before he shook his head, turning his attention back towards the bottle. 
You rolled your eyes before settling back in your chair.  Closing your eyes, you were intent on ignoring Nathan's grunting and groaning, but when he let out a particularly worrisome whine, you opened them to make sure he hadn't somehow killed himself.  When you noticed a tear beginning to slip down Nathan's cheek, you scoffed before you leaned forward in your seat to consider him. 
"Maybe you should let it go.  You're going to give yourself a hernia or something."
Curtis snorted before he dropped his arm, glancing at Nathan.  "Would serve him right."
"Hey!  You won't be giving me so much shit when I'm saving all your asses with my badass power."
"And what is that again?" Curtis wondered, pulling his arm back over his eyes. "Being super annoying?  Because we already discovered that."
Nathan flipped Curtis off before he went back to trying to smash the bottle with his mind. 
You weren't sure how long you sat there watching Nathan do his best to mentally blow up the bottle before Simon showed up. 
"We've got a problem," he said, drawing your attention away from Nathan. 
Nathan held out a hand, stalling Simon.  "Will you shut up?  I nearly had it."
"You did not," you argued, shaking your head.  "You're no closer to blowing that up with your mind than you are learning how to breathe underwater."
"Now there's an idea," Nathan grunted, his whole body trembling as he stared down the bottle. 
Curtis moved to sit up, finally giving Nathan his attention again.  "I think he's gonna shit himself."
Nathan let out a frustrated yell before he kicked the crate, sending the bottle flying.  You watched it hit the rooftop before smashing into tiny pieces. 
You clapped your hands, sending Nathan an unimpressed look.  "Hey, look, you did it."
Nathan made a face before he looked at Simon.  "What is it?"
"We've got a problem," Simon repeated. 
Nathan's attention span seemed to quickly gravitate to something else entirely, because he threw his arms up in frustration.  "I've got a power!  I can feel it in my balls!" he exclaimed as he reached down to cup himself. 
"Just shut up and let him speak," you snapped at Nathan.  "What's the problem?"
"They're going to dig up the bodies," Simon said, finally putting a stop to Nathan's ranting.  "They're building an environmental monitoring station under the flyover."
"That sounds made up," Nathan argued.  "Are you having us on right now?"
"It's real," Simon stressed with a frustrated look at Nathan.  "It's meant to measure carbon monoxide, but we've got a bigger problem.  When they dig the foundation, they'll find the bodies."
"Shit," you breathed, at a loss for anything else to say.  If the bodies were discovered, then you could no longer play dumb about the whereabouts of Gary and Tony.  It would become painfully clear that you had all lied when the bodies were discovered together.  What if you had left some kind of evidence behind when you buried them?  What if you weren't as careful as you should have been?
"We need to talk about this with Alisha and Kelly," Curtis suggested, drawing you out of your thoughts.  "We need to figure out what we're gonna do."
"We can't talk about this around the new guy," Simon pointed out.  "He doesn't know what happened with Tony."
"Oh, yeah," Nathan breathed, as if just remembering that there was a new addition to the group.  "Simon," he said, snapping his fingers. 
"What?"  Simon turned to look at Nathan, his brows furrowed in confusion. 
"What do you mean, what?" Nathan asked, turning his attention on Simon. 
"You said my name," Simon reminded Nathan. 
"What?  No, I didn't.  Simon's th’new guy."
"Oh, for fuck's sake," you sighed, shaking your head. 
"No, Simon is my name.  The new guy is Luke," Simon told Nathan. 
"Simon, Luke, whatever his name is, he still can't find out we murdered our first probation worker."
"We need to come up with some kind of code word," you suggested.  "Something that won't let on what we're talking about while Luke is around."
Nathan snapped his fingers again, his face lighting up.  "I've got the perfect word," he said before he moved to brush past Simon and opened the door. 
You watched the door close behind him, a feeling of dread rising within you at the thought that Nathan had assumed he had the perfect word.  After all, he’d been in charge of your safe words when you were both feeling a bit more adventurous in the bedroom and they always turned out to be something ridiculous and funny and sure to ruin the mood, but you found yourself hoping that he wasn't about to suggest that instead of the word 'bodies,' you instead used something like 'banana dildo.' 
Curtis turned to look at you.  "Are we really going to let the moron come up with the one word that's going to keep us all out of prison?"
You sighed and shrugged your shoulders, moving to follow after Nathan. "Looks like we have no other choice," you muttered, hoping the day wouldn't end with you in handcuffs and being carted into the police station. 
"Where's Kelly?" You glanced around the room, but didn't spot her.  You only saw Alisha and Luke waiting near the massive pile of clothes still taking up space on the floor of the Community Centre. 
"Dunno," Alisha answered with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Kelly," Luke mused.  "That's the loud, angry one, yeah?  She hasn't shown up yet."
"Great," Nathan groaned.  "That's really helpful."
"What's going on with you?" Luke asked, his eyes settling on you.  "Y’look freaked out about somethin’."
"Don't worry about her," Nathan cut in before you could say anything.  "Why don't you start on those tuxedos over there while we go talk about something over here," Nathan said before he took off towards the other side of the room. 
"Subtle," you muttered before you followed after him.
Curtis grabbed the sleeve of Alisha's jumpsuit before towing her over to join you, Nathan, and Simon.
"Why do I get the feeling you're about to tell me bad news?"
"Because we are," Curtis responded.
You noticed Sally watching the group and quickly sat down.  "Look busy," you hissed as you gestured for the others to join you on the floor. 
Alisha sighed as she picked up a blouse and started inspecting it.  "So, what's going on?"
You listened as Simon once again explained what was happening. 
"Oh, fuck," Alisha groaned.  "We're screwed."
"Maybe not--" Simon started before he was cut off by Luke walking over to join the group. 
"What are you all whispering about over here?  Not trying to exclude me, are yeh?  I thought I was part of the group."
Nathan scoffed before he shook his head. "Look, mate, if we wanted you over here, we would have invited you."
You couldn't exactly admit that you were trying to come up with a way to get rid of the body of your probation worker and the young offender he had killed.  You and Curtis both quickly glanced at Nathan, silently reminding him that he had come up with a code word to get you out of this situation. 
"Herpes!" Nathan exclaimed. 
Luke frowned at Nathan, looking adorably confused.  "What?"
"Yeah, herpes," Nathan repeated with a smirk on his face.  "[y/n] here has got a ragin’ case of them, so you know she won't be kissin’ anyone any time soon."
"Fucker," you growled before you reached out and pinched Nathan's arm. 
"Ow!  What was that for?"
"He's just joking," you assured Luke, shooting a glare at Nathan. 
"Good t’know," Luke told you, giving you a considering look. 
You felt your cheeks flush as Nathan made an outraged noise, but before he could make any more comments, Kelly finally showed up. 
Right away you noticed she was acting strange -- wearing a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses, keeping her head ducked, as if she didn't really want anyone to notice her. 
"Where have you been?" Alisha asked, frowning at Kelly. 
"Had to go to the doctor," Kelly muttered as she came to a stop at the edge of the group.
"Well, while you were getting your smear test, big shock!" Nathan exclaimed as he turned to fully face Kelly.  "Weird Kid found out that the bod--" Nathan cut himself off when you elbowed him sharply in the side.  "Oh, right," Nathan muttered, shooting a look at Luke.  "We found out that [y/n] has got a social disease!"
"I do not!"  You turned towards Curtis.  "Maybe you can fill her in while I go distract you-know-who," you whispered to him.  You waited for him to nod in agreement before you stood up.  "So, Luke," you started, moving to stand next to him.  "Why don't we work together over there?"
"Sounds good," Luke agreed, letting you lead him over towards the other side of the room. 
You were just getting settled on the floor, Luke at your side, when Nathan sat down across from you. 
"What are you doing over here?" 
"Just thought you two might get lonely with just each other for company, so I thought I'd join in," Nathan said, raising his left shoulder in a shrug. 
"I don't remember anyone invitin’ you," Luke pointed out, raising an eyebrow at Nathan.  "In fact, I think you're best suited over there," he added, nodding towards where the other four were all whispering to each other. 
"They're fine without me," Nathan said before he picked up a black lacy bra.  "Say, [y/n], I think you'd look ravishin’ in this."
"Dream on," you muttered before you started folding a pair of shorts. 
"So, [y/n]," Luke started, turning towards you.  "Lived here long?"
"My whole life," Nathan piped up. 
"Mate, did I ask you?" Luke asked, scowling at Nathan.  "Is your name [y/n]?" 
"It could be!  Y’never asked for my name," Nathan pointed out. "[y/n] could very well be my middle name."
Luke shot you a frustrated look, as if silently asking ‘is he for real?’
"Well, I'm new in town," Luke continued, deciding to try ignoring Nathan as a tactic.  "So, if you know some good spots to hang out around here, then maybe we can get together some time," Luke suggested. 
"Oh, I don't know about that," Nathan interrupted.  "She's gunna be pretty busy.  She might not have time for you."
You opened your mouth to berate Nathan for butting in on your conversation with Luke when the sound of Alisha yelling reached you. 
"And you're being a whiny little bitch!" Alisha snapped at Curtis before she turned and stormed away. 
Curtis rolled his eyes before he took off in the opposite direction. 
"Well, guess that's that, then," Nathan mused before he stood up.  "We should probably check on that," he told you before he took off after Curtis. 
You sighed before shooting Luke an apologetic look.  You knew Nathan was only acting like more of a twat than usual because he was jealous.  You couldn't help but feel satisfied at the thought that he was getting a taste of his own medicine, but as you glanced back at Luke on your way to follow after Alisha and noticed him watching you with interest, you couldn't help but hope you’d get a moment alone with him soon.
After you’d tracked down Alisha and Kelly in the locker room, they filled you in on the conversation you’d missed. 
Apparently the plan was to meet up at the Community Centre later that night.  Alisha was going to take her dad's car and you'd all drive out to the flyover to dig up the bodies.  You were worried that someone would see you or follow you, but you knew that your hands were tied.  You had to move the bodies or else you risked them being found by a construction crew. 
That night, you met the others outside the Community Centre while you waited for Alisha to arrive. 
"Fancy meetin’ you here," Nathan said, shooting you an appreciative look. 
"Oh, shut up," you sighed before you turned your back on him.  You just knew he was checking out your ass, but as long as you didn't have to see him do it, then it was fine. 
When Alisha arrived, Nathan immediately claimed the passenger seat.  He kept his door open and beckoned to you before he rubbed his hand over his thigh, biting his lip as he considered you.  "Care to go for a ride?" 
Kelly snorted before she climbed into the backseat. 
"Oh, that's awful," Curtis groaned as he let Kelly press against his side to make room for Simon. 
"Please do not have sex in my dad's car," Alisha added, shooting Nathan a disgusted look. 
"I think I'd rather sit in Simon's lap," you told Nathan before you climbed into the back with the other three.  You didn't end up sitting on Simon's lap exactly, but you might as well have with the way you were all squished together in the backseat. 
"Weird Kid!" Nathan exclaimed, shooting you a scandalized look over his shoulder. "You're choosin' Weird Kid over me?"
"That's not my name," Simon insisted.
"Oh, no one cares," Nathan sighed before he turned around in his seat. 
You shot Simon an apologetic grimace as the others started trying to figure out where the bodies would be stashed once they were dug up.  Nathan shot down the idea of throwing them in the lake, pointing out that next week the lake would probably be dredged, landing you all in the same predicament. 
"There's an unused storage room on the second floor of the Community Centre," he offered instead.  "I've got the keys, so we can just throw the stiffs in there."
"Uh, why do you have the keys?" Kelly asked, shooting Nathan a confused look.  "Won't you get in trouble for that?"
Nathan was silent for long enough that you knew something was up. He confirmed it when his shoulders slumped in defeat before he turned around to address everyone in the backseat.  "I nicked them because I've been livin’ in the Community Centre.  There.  Y’happy?  Big secret revealed," he added as he waved his hands in a 'ta-da' motion.  "Now, can we get the fuck outta here?  Six people sittin' in a car in an abandoned parkin’ lot is gunna look mighty suspicious if anyone comes by here."
You felt a flash of guilt at the thought that Nathan was living in the Community Centre.  You realized that his mum must have kicked him out for some reason.  He usually wouldn't have hesitated before asking if he could crash with you, but now... he couldn't.  You felt a moment of irrational anger.  If he hadn't fucked up and landed you both in trouble, and then went and slept with Ruth, then maybe he’d have a place to stay that wasn't a public building.  He could have been with you this whole time, but everything had gotten so fucked up. 
You realized that you weren't so much angry with Nathan as you were upset that you hadn't been there for him when he needed you most. 
After you helped unearth the bodies and wrap them up in a tarp, you began to help fill in the makeshift grave. You were still thinking about what Nathan admitted about living in the Community Centre when you overheard Nathan talking to Kelly. 
"You alright? It's just you're usually a whole lot gobbier than usual. Y’haven't said much of anythin’ all day."
"I don't talk that much," Kelly argued, shooting Nathan a frustrated look. 
"Oh, c’mon," Nathan prompted as he leaned against his shovel. "You haven't even punched me in at least a few hours. I'm worried ‘bout yeh."
You couldn't help but think he sounded sincere in his concern for Kelly. Nathan wasn't as bad at feelings as everyone seemed to assume— he was a bit brash and crude, sure, but he just had his own way of showing he cared. 
You heard Kelly try to ask Nathan about the Community Centre, but Nathan shut her down. He started to walk away and you decided to follow him. 
"Nathan," you called, getting his attention. 
"Yeah?" He turned to face you, a nearly hopeful expression on his face. 
"Why didn't you tell me your mum kicked you out?"
Nathan's face fell for a moment before he affected an unruffled expression. "Would it have mattered?"
He didn't give you a chance to answer, instead turning and walking over to help Curtis stuff the bodies into the boot of the car. 
You felt someone put a hand on your shoulder. When you glanced over, it was to see Kelly standing there. 
"You two'll figure it out, yeah? I think yeh both just need some time."
"Yeah," you agreed, hoping she was right. 
Once everything was taken care of, Nathan sidled up to you. "Y'know, you can always change your mind about sittin' in my lap. It's got to be better than being packed in the back like a tin of sardines."
You shook your head, not able to help the tiny smile that quirked up the corners of your lips. "I think I'll be fine," you told him before you climbed into the backseat to sit next to Simon. 
You expected Curtis to slide in next to you, but you were surprised when Nathan let Curtis take the front passenger seat. 
"Well, well," he mused as he looked you up and down. "Come here often?"
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Alisha groaned before she put the car into gear and drove off. 
You were surprised that Nathan didn't try to flirt with you more on the way back to the Community Centre and you wondered if he was as lost in thought as you were. You knew you wanted to help Nathan, but you just didn't know how to now that you weren't together. You were barely able to have a civil conversation without your anger or jealousy getting the best of you. Although, you suspected that a part of you would always be drawn to him, you didn't know if you could forgive him. Not yet, at least. Like Kelly said, you just needed some time. 
You helped the others cart the bodies up to the storage room Nathan had mentioned as he produced a ring of keys you were sure a janitor was sorely missing before he started trying them out on the door. 
Once the door was open, you helped get the bodies into the room. 
"Hey, I like your cap," you heard Nathan say behind you. 
You turned at the sound of Kelly yelling to see Nathan holding up a wig and Kelly's pink cap. Kelly looked upset before she stormed off, not giving anyone a chance to say something or try to stop her. 
"Shit," Nathan hissed, looking uncertain as he held out the wig and the cap, as if he half-expected Kelly to come back and take them from him. 
"Did you know she was bald?" Curtis asked.
"What? No! Of course not," Nathan immediately denied. "I'm not a monster."
There was a moment of stunned silence among you before Alisha broke it. 
"She kinda looked like an alien," she offered, amusement in her tone. 
"Ah, don't be mean," Nathan chastised, but from the way his lips quirked up, you knew he found it funny. He snorted before he looked at Alisha. "But she did, didn't she?"
"Oh, c’mon," you muttered before you moved to go after Kelly. She had looked like she was about to cry and you hated that she had gone off by herself. 
"Wait, no," Nathan said, reaching out to grab your arm. "I've got it. It's my fault, I guess, so I should be the one t’bring this back to her," he said as he brandished the wig and cap. 
Your first instinct was to go with him, but one look at the sincerity in his expression had you nodding your head and stepping back to let him pass you. You remembered him checking in on Kelly earlier that night and you were starting to wonder if maybe he’d done a little bit of growing up since your breakup. 
Something in you wanted to go with him, but not to keep him in line. You realized it was because you wanted to be close to him. As much as it pained you to admit it, you missed having him around. It had been almost nice sitting in the backseat with him earlier and having him pressed close to your side. 
You hated that Nathan wouldn't be going home with you—that at the end of such a stressful night, he’d have to stay here all by himself, alone in the building with two bodies rotting not too far from where he slept. 
You were tempted to offer to let Nathan crash on your couch, but you weren't sure if it was such a good idea. He might have seemed more mature for just a moment, but would it last? Did he really understand why you had broken up with him and why you were so upset about Ruth? 
You weren't sure, and for now, that was answer enough for you.
“We should rebury the bodies under the foundations of the environmental monitoring station, before they pour in the concrete,” Simon whispered, looking around at everyone.  Luckily Sally had pulled Luke off to the side to speak with him about something while the rest of you met to decide what to do with the bodies.
“Wait, so your plan is to bury th’bodies in exactly the same place as before?” Nathan scoffed incredulously.  “That’s genius,” he muttered sarcastically.
“You’re right, that’s dead smart,” Kelly agreed as the others nodded as well, Simon grinning, surprised everyone seemed to like his idea.
Nathan gaped at you all as if you were crazy before blowing a raspberry.  “Psshh, it’s okay,” he muttered sullenly as you rolled your eyes.  You had to admit Simon’s plan didn’t sound half bad.  Now all you had to do was figure out how to get the bodies back over there from your hiding spot in the Community Centre.  Hopefully Alisha would be able to get her dad’s car for you to use.  
Glancing around, you still couldn’t believe Nathan was squatting there at the Community Centre, wondering where exactly he was sleeping. You have more pressing matters to worry about, remember? you told yourself firmly.  So what if you’d barely been able to sleep the night before, worrying about him, wracked with guilt and indecision, nearly calling him several times to tell him to just come stay with you.  It’s not any of your concern, you reminded yourself.
“Guys, d’you wanna grab a box and follow me?” the volunteer in charge of the donations exclaimed cheerfully as he walked past, box in hand with Luke trailing behind, shooting you a flirty grin.
No one seemed to want to move for a moment, especially Alisha, whose expression suddenly turned stoney and she turned her back on the guy.  Had something happened between them? you couldn’t help but wonder, having noticed that she and Curtis seemed to be on the rocks.  Shaking the thought from your head, you grabbed a box, hurrying after Luke.
It felt like the rest of your hours dragged on until you were free again, changing into your regular clothes, ansty to get the bodies moved.
“Hey, you doin’ anythin’ after this?  Wanna grab a drink or somethin’?” Luke asked, suddenly appearing by your locker and you bit your lip. Of course he’d have to ask you out now, you thought, grimacing before shutting your locker and turning to him.
 “I wish I could, really,” you sighed, glaring at Nathan who was heading out of the locker room with Kelly to meet up with the others, his eyes locking on you as he gestured furiously toward the door, no doubt telling you to hurry up.
“I uhm, have… plans,” you muttered reluctantly.  Fuck, but you’d much rather be getting a drink with Luke than moving two decaying bodies.  “Important plans, or y’know I would totally bail.”
“Oh, really?” Luke asked, frowning slightly.  “That’s too bad.  Think I could get a rain check?”
“Yeah!  Yeah, course!” you exclaimed, perhaps a little too excitedly.  “I mean, I’d like that.”
“Good,” Luke answered, grinning.  “Maybe later, then.  Think I could get your number?  So we can… coordinate?”
“Uh, y-yeah,” you said, feeling your cheeks warm as he pulled his mobile out.  “Here,” you murmured, taking his phone to enter your number.  Moments later, your phone buzzed with a text from him.
“There, now y’have mine too,” he said, winking at you before pushing off your locker and ambling away.
By the time you finally met up with the others outside, Alisha and Curtis were nowhere to be seen.  “What’s going on?  Where’s Alisha?  Did she go t’get her dad’s car?” you asked.
“Oh, lovely of you t’finally join us.  Did yeh have a nice little chat with th’new guy?” Nathan exclaimed, his words dripping with sarcasm, and you frowned.
“We have some bad news,” Simon interrupted before you could fire off a comeback and you swung your attention to him.  “Alisha’s gone off.  We need t’find another way to move the bodies.  I was thinking we could use Sally’s car,” he suggested.
“Who’s Sally?” Nathan asked and you, Simon, and Kelly all gaped at him, not bothering to answer as you launched into planning.
Turning invisible, Simon snuck into Sally’s office as the rest of you hauled the bodies down from the storage room, meeting him out by the parking lot.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!” Nathan exclaimed urgently, snatching the keys from Simon’s hands to unlock the door and pop the trunk, settling in the driver’s seat as Kelly lifted the boot lid.  Working together you managed to lift Gary in before glancing up to watch Nathan idly picking his teeth in the side view mirror.
“D’you wanna give us a hand?” Kelly cried angrily, glaring at him through the mirror.
“I’m th’designated driver,” Nathan argued, sticking his head out the window to watch you.  “I gotta be ready t’drive away at a moment’s notice!”
“Nathan,” you groaned, imploring him with your eyes as Kelly growled.
“Help us, you prick!”
Before Nathan could get out of the car, rolling his eyes, you felt Tony’s body lighten in your grasp and you frowned, your eyes widening as you turned your head to find Luke standing between you and Kelly, helping you hoist the body bag, shoving it into the boot as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
“Luke!” you cried, your mouth falling open as Simon and Kelly gaped at him, clearly as surprised at his presence as you.  Hearing your exclamation, suddenly Nathan was in a hurry to scramble out of the car, nearly slipping as he rounded the corner.
“Th’fuck are you doin’ here, mate?” he demanded as the others seemed to snap out of it.
“Luke!  Uhm… y-yeah, what— how—?” Simon faltered quietly while Kelly merely rolled her eyes.
“Oh, c’mon, did yeh really think I wouldn’t figure it out?  You lot couldn’t’ve been more obvious if y’tried,” he exclaimed.
“Oh, really?” Nathan countered, propping his hands on his hips.  “So what gave it away then, genius?” 
“I’m a little curious as well,” you admitted, shutting the trunk.
“Did you really expect me to believe y’had herpes like this prick said?” he asked, raising a cheeky brow at you as he nodded toward Nathan.  “Plus, you’ve all just been sneakin’ around this whole time.  It wasn’t hard t’figure somethin’ was goin’ on and t’follow you,” he answered with a shrug, and you couldn't help but be thankful that he didn't think you had herpes, at least.
“And you’re just okay with this?  Aren’t you even the least bit curious why we’re cartin’ around two bodies?” Kelly asked.
“Figured y’had a good reason,” Luke answered, though it was still a little strange that he just didn’t seem to see anything wrong with it.
Before you could say anything more Luke suddenly tensed, grabbing your arm and hauling you to the other side of the car.  “She’s comin’!” he hissed, and you looked past him to see Sally indeed heading your way, digging through her purse, no doubt searching for her keys, which Simon had stolen.  Quickly filing behind a line of bins to hide, you peered through the cracks watching as Sally shut the car door.
 “You’re th’one with all the big ideas, what d’we do?” Nathan exclaimed, glancing over at Simon.
“Where’s the keys?” Kelly asked.  
Seconds later the engine turned over and came to life and you all turned to look at Nathan incredulously while he froze, his adam’s apple bobbing nervously.
“You left the keys in the ignition?” you cried, unable to believe him as Nathan quickly scrambled out from behind the bins to watch Sally drive away.
“Shit!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands above his head and wringing them nervously together as he kept them there.  
Back up on the roof of the Community Centre, unsure what else to do, Nathan called Alisha to bring them up to speed as you sat, staring numbly out over the lake.
“Someone left th’keys in the ignition, but there’s no point in naming names at this stage, it’s done now,” Nathan exclaimed, pacing the roof as he spoke.  “So the probation worker is driving around with th’stiffs in the boot of her car.  Just thought you’d wanna know.  Anyway, call me.”
Hanging up he turned around to look at the rest of you as he headed back over.  “I left a message,” he explained, sitting down heavily on the bench next to Kelly.
“Well, I guess that’s it.  We’re goin’ t’prison,” Nathan sighed, carefully avoiding looking at you before glancing instead at Kelly.  “At least you’ll do well, you’ve got the whole bald thing goin’ for yeh, you’re well butch.”
With a growl, Kelly turned to him, punching him in the arm, several times.
“Ow!  You hit me a lot!” Nathan cried, holding his arm where she’d hit.
“Yeah well, you’re a dick.”  Kelly cried, sharing a disgusted look with you.
“A stupid dick,” Luke added.  “I can’t believe y’left the keys in the ignition, man.”
Nathan’s mouth fell open.  “I— at least I—“ he cut off, unable to come up with a good comeback before scowling.
“Maybe Sally won’t look in the boot,” Simon offered shakily in an attempt at positivity.
“Oh!  Fingers cross, eh?” Nathan replied, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
Could your life get any worse thanks to Nathan Young?  It seemed like it could.  You could end up in prison.
“Did any of you get any sleep last night?” Curtis asked as you all met early at the Community Centre, arriving before Sally.
“Barely, I was sick from worrying all night,” you groaned, cracking a yawn as you glanced around at the others, everyone looking as exhausted as you felt.
“You know you coulda called me, right?” Nathan murmured, shuffling closer to your side, his hand brushing yours and you felt your stomach flip.
In fact, you very nearly had called him, stopping yourself before hitting send, instead sending a text to Luke to distract yourself.
Though, what did it mean if your first instinct when needing comfort was to call Nathan?
Shaking your head, you were saved from having to answer when Luke walked in, his hands shoved in his jacket pockets.  Pulling his headphones from his head to drape around his neck, he came to stand next to you.
“All right, [y/n]?” he asked.  “Did y’get any sleep after our conversation last night?
At Luke’s words, Nathan’s head whipped toward you, his mouth falling open.
“You talked t’him but not me?” he hissed incredulously.
Ignoring him, you answered Luke instead.  “A little, but I kept waking up every hour,” you admitted.
“So what’s the plan?” Curtis asked, looking around the room.
“We wait for Sally to return, make sure she hasn’t found the bodies and then we finish the job,” Simon explained wide eyed, just as worried as the rest of you.
“What happens if she already found the bodies?” Alisha asked, her voice wavering slightly.
“They probably would’ve arrested yeh already if that were th’case,” Luke pointed out, his words buoying you slightly.
“Unless they’re waitin’ til we’re all in one place!” Nathan bemoaned, making everyone look even more nervous.
“Why would you even say that?” you demanded, directing a slap at his arm.  “That’s not helping!”
“I dunno, it’s made sense!” Nathan replied sullenly, rubbing his arm.
“Okay, she should be here soon,” Kelly pointed out, checking the clock on the wall and you all hurried outside, finding a place to hide behind some bins near Sally’s parking spot.  Anxiety clutching you, you didn’t even really seem to notice that Nathan had crouched down next to you, Luke taking your other side.
“Oh shit, there she is,” Alisha whispered as Sally’s car pulled up.
For a moment everyone held a collective breath as the car door opened and Sally stepped out.  Grabbing her bag, she shut the door and began to round the car, heading for the Community Centre.
“We did it!  She didn’t look in th’boot!  We’re not goin’ t’prison!” Nathan exclaimed in a hushed voice and in your elation you didn’t even care that he’d embraced you instinctively, wrapping your arms around him as well until your celebration was cut short.
“She’s gunna find the bodies!” Curtis exclaimed suddenly, looking over.  “She’s gunna open the boot and find the bodies.”
“What?  How d’you know?” Nathan exclaimed, apparently forgetting about Curtis’s power.
“Because it already—I just know, okay?” Curtis hissed, catching himself before revealing his powers in front of Luke.
To your horror, Curtis seemed to be right, as you watched Sally suddenly stop and sniff the air, wrinkling her nose at the rancid smell coming from the decaying bodies stashed in her car.
“Someone has t’do something!  I don’t wanna go t’prison,” you cried under your breath.
A determined look stole across his face and Nathan suddenly planted a kiss to your cheek before jumping to his feet.  “I’ll distract her!  You guys get th’bodies outta here!”
Before you knew what he was planning, Nathan had already grabbed a piece of brick from the parking lot as he popped out from behind the bins, hurling it straight at Sally’s car without hesitation.  You watched as Sally had been about to unlock the boot when the brick made contact with her windscreen, spider webbing the entire surface with cracks, and she instantly abandoned her investigation of the smell, rounding instead on Nathan with murder in her eyes.
“What the bloody hell are you doing?” she screeched as Nathan grinned awkwardly at her.
“It’s just… pure mindless vandalism,” he replied with a shrug, his answer only infuriating Sally more.  
“Are you mentally deficient?” she cried, pointing furiously to her head.
“If I were mentally deficient, I woulda missed!” Nathan laughed, gesturing to her car.  “Look at that.  Bullseye!”
With an angry growl, Sally pulled Nathan toward the Community Centre by the sleeve and you winced, wondering what sort of punishment would get tacked onto his sentence, almost feeling sorry for him, til you remembered it was his fault that Sally drove off with the bodies still in her boot in the first place.  Glancing over his shoulder at you, Nathan nodded toward the car and you quickly ushered the others out of hiding and into action.
Back at the dumpsite, at least you didn’t have to dig any more, you thought as you helped the others toss the bodies into the trench that was just waiting to be filled with concrete, covering them just enough so they weren’t visible before the construction crew returned.
“Well, that was relatively easy,” Luke exclaimed, dusting off his hands.  “Well, once we got past all that other shite,” he added after a sharp look from the others.
“I know this probably isn’t th’best time t’ask this, but… what exactly happened?” he asked, glancing pointedly down at the half buried stiffs.
“Tony… our probation worker… he went crazy and killed Gary, one of th’guys doing community service with us,” you answered, carefully omitting any mention of your powers or the storm.  “When he found his body, Tony tried t’kill us too.  It was self defense, but who would believe that?”
For a moment you grimaced, glancing up at Luke, wondering if he believed you when he finally nodded.
“Well, shite.  I know how that goes,” he muttered, leaving it at that and a relieved breath hissed through your parted lips.
“We should probably watch from a safe distance to make sure there are no more surprises,” Simon suggested and you all agreed, moving out of sight to watch the concrete get poured.
“What an excitin’ start t’the day, huh?” Luke asked as he leaned next to you, his gaze flicking over.
“Yeah, no shit,” you agreed, relief filling you.  After the adrenaline that had flooded your system earlier, you felt rather shaky now, your nerves shot after all that plus a whole night spent worrying.
Pulling a joint from an inner pocket of his jacket, Luke slipped it to you, and you gratefully placed it between your lips, letting him light it for you, the first inhale already calming you.  Offering a hit to Luke, your fingers brushed his as he took the joint, stirring up a fluttering in your stomach as he grinned at you.
“Why’d y’help us?” you asked as you watched him take a long drag, lazily letting the smoke trail from his mouth.  Fuck, that’s hot.  “This wasn’t your mess t’clean up.  Why get involved?” you couldn’t help but wonder.  After all, Luke didn’t exactly seem like the selfless type.
Luke thought for a moment, his lips twitching impishly, handing you back the joint. “Would y’be impressed if I spouted some lofty heroic bullshit?” he asked, cocking a thick eyebrow at you.
“Honestly?  No.  Besides, I wouldn’t believe it if y’did,” you admitted, leaning back against the wall next to him and Luke shrugged. 
“Alright, fair,” he chuckled.  “Honestly, I wasn’t lyin’ when I said maybe community service wouldn’t be so bad with you around.  And my chances with yeh would seriously decline if y’went t’prison, now wouldn’t they?” he pointed out, eyeing you appraisingly.
“Y’mean you wouldn’t wait for me?” you teased, flicking the line of ash from the end of the joint.
“Sorry, doll, we just met.  I’m not ready for that kinda commitment,” Luke laughed, spreading his hands apologetically.   “Seriously though,” he continued, his expression sobering.  “I’ve been t’prison, albeit briefly, pretty thing like you shouldn’t ever be locked up like that.”
Frowning at his words, you couldn’t help but wonder what he could have possibly been in prison for, even if it was only a short stint.  
“So, uh, you and… what’s his name seem pretty close,” Luke exclaimed nonchalantly, almost more of a question than an observation, changing the subject before you could work up the courage to ask him more.
“Oh… Nathan?” you supplied with a twist of your lips.  “No, we’re not close, at all.  He’s a prick,” you muttered, not exactly keen on divulging your dating history at the moment, especially with the new guy you may or may not have a bit of a crush on.  In fact, you didn’t wanna even think about Nathan Young right then.  
“Let’s not talk about him,” you continued hastily, taking another long hit before handing the blunt back to Luke.
“Gladly.”  Luke grinned as you turned to head back to the Community Centre.
"So, I figure you should be grateful," Nathan said as he sidled up to you. Apparently, Sally had given him a dressing down after he threw the brick that smashed the front windshield of her car. He said he had to promise to pay to replace it before she would let him go. 
"Oh? And why's that?"
"Well, the way I see it, I'm the only reason you're not sittin' in jail right now. I totally saved your ass with my quick thinkin’. Don't you think that means I should be rewarded or somethin'?"
You rolled your eyes before shaking your head. You couldn't believe that you had actually thought Nathan had matured just because he showed a little bit of compassion towards Kelly. He was the same as ever. "If you hadn't left Sally's keys in her car, then she never would've driven away with the bodies in the first place. I should be thanking Luke for helping us out when he didn't even have to," you pointed out. 
Nathan's face scrunched up in annoyance. "That prick? All he did was help you shove a body in the boot of Sally's car. I could've done that too!"
"But you didn't," you pointed out. "You stayed in the driver's seat and only got out once Luke showed up. Face it, Nathan. You got yourself out of your own mess, but we wouldn't have all lost sleep last night if it wasn't for you. Maybe next time don't leave the keys in the car, yeah?" 
You hated being so harsh with him, but Nathan couldn't just swoop in and claim that he had saved the day when he was only fixing the problem he created in the first place. Maybe he hadn't grown up all that much after all. 
"Oh, c’mon!" Nathan exclaimed as you started walking away. "I'm sorry, alright? Is that what you want t’hear?"
"Too little, too late," you muttered to yourself, not bothering to turn back and look at him.
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faulty-writes · 3 years
A scenario where Tamaki's been trying to confess to his crush for literal MONTHS but just can't ever get it out. Since his voice doesn't work around reader he decides to write a letter, penning down his innermost passions and it ends up being REALLY long with flowery Helga Pataki-esque descriptions of his feelings. But he ends up EATING the paper to prevent reader from seeing it when yn almost sees it. Later that dayduring training, his quirk manifest forces him to say everything he wrote aloud.
[ Finally your girl posts something after forever. Sorry guys! Life has been a bit crazy, I got obsessed with a couple role play groups, and of course, school. But, I’ll try to be better with my blog. I hope you all enjoy this Tamaki piece, thank you for the request dear anon! I thought this idea was a very unique take on Tamaki’s quirk. ] 
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There you go again. His eyes locked on your every move as you walked through the hallway, your friends by your side, and you were laughing and smiling. Making his heart accelerate and his cheeks flush as always. It was true, Tamaki Amajiki. One of the members that made up The Big Three, had fallen for you. Unfortunately, despite trying to confess to you countless times. 
It did no good. Honestly, he didn’t know what he was thinking. He’d always be nervous when he approached you, cheeks red, and that stutter of his present. Even when he did finally manage to speak, he’d find his tongue felt like it was swollen, then he’d get more embarrassed and panic. Despite the fact, you would always ask him what’s wrong or if he needed help. 
The fact is, he was nothing but a coward. He’d turn and run which didn’t help much with his confidence considering he knew that you probably thought he was some kind of a freak. But, he had to tell you how he felt. He couldn’t stand the idea of seeing you with someone else which might sound selfish. He knew it was selfish but, he didn’t care. He wanted you all to himself and for once, maybe he deserved what he wanted. 
But, he didn’t know how to tell you. How could he reveal his feelings to you without looking silly or fearing rejection? There was only one person he thought of asking, “Well!” Nejire’s voice was as bright and cheery as ever as they sat outside a cafe. Nejire had insisted because they had good lattes and Tamaki was never one to argue. 
She smiled as she reached over to place her hand over his, the warmth and comfort from that gentle touch put him at ease for the moment. But, still, he needed an answer on what to do and eagerly waited to hear what Nejire had to say. “If you ask me, nothing says I love you more than the words of a love letter!” Tamaki’s expression completely dropped, his eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed.
“W-What?” he questioned, he could already feel his stomach twist. That nauseous feeling of butterflies beginning to bother him, his cheeks grew unusually hot and he shook his head. “I c-can’t d-do that!” he stuttered out as his free hand tightened around the styrofoam cup he held. Nejire looked at him with a cross expression. 
“They don’t have to know who it’s from silly!” she half scolded, “Besides maybe it’ll help you sort out what you really want to say to them!” she suggested with a bright smile that made Tamaki groan in response. “I c-can’t! T-That’s so e-embarrassing and w-what if t-they find out the l-letter was f-from me!? W-What am I s-supposed to do?! W-What am I supposed t-to say?” he questioned and Nejire shook her head before slowly getting up from her seat. 
“Well duh!” she said before reaching over to lightly knock on Tamaki’s head, something that caught his attention but also made him flinch. He leaned back with a present frown on his face, “D-Duh what?” he asked, growing a little scared as she leaned over. He didn’t exactly like that smile on her face. “Then you have nothing left to hide,” she concluded as she reached up to boop his nose which made him wiggle it in response. 
He then looked down, nervous eyes shifting back and forth, “I...I d-don’t know,” he said which had Nejire sighing and she placed her hands on her hips. “Just start with the love letter and see where it goes from there, you may not believe it Amajiki, but you’re pretty brave when you’re determined,” she said before patting his shoulder. “Don’t forget that,” she said, smiling yet again before she walked away. 
Leaving him sitting there alone, his body hunched over the table as a gentle breeze came to ruffle his hair. Should he try to write you a love letter? Sure it sounded easy, but what if he got nervous and ended up writing the wrong thing? Was there a right or wrong way to write something as personal as a love letter? Your feelings across paper? Well, he supposed it wouldn’t hurt to try.
So he purchased a notebook and pen and began to get to work, at first he found it rather difficult. His words were sloppy and lacking the meaningful nature he wanted them to. But, on occasion, this would change. Especially when he saw you in the hallway or in class, he couldn’t help but feel a rush of inspiration and would always write the words that screamed from his heart when he was near your presence. 
He often rewrote the confessions he had, longing for them to be perfect. He was almost finished with what he believed to be the perfect love letter and though he was still unsure how he’d give it to you. He was currently sitting in the library, body hunched over the table as he neared the end of his letter. All that was left were those three big words, the words he was too shy to speak. 
But, the ones that he longed to scream from the top of his lungs, the ones that could only be used to summarize how he felt about you. His pen continued to glide across the lined paper, prepared to write ‘I love you’ before he jumped. You had noticed Tamaki around and while you knew he was a member of The Big Three, you had never actually had a full conversation with him. 
Though you had class together and on occasion, you got the chance to fight side by side with him. He was amazing and you admired him for the heroism he showed, it was almost silly to think he was the same shy boy you saw roaming through the halls. You had always wanted to try and become friends with him, given you knew from past experience he tended to stutter and honestly couldn’t hold up a conversation. 
Still, you were determined to try. Of course, you hadn’t expected him to jump when you spotted him in the library and decided to walk over. You noticed he was writing something and couldn’t help but try and sneak a peek at it, looked pretty serious. You blinked before lowering your mouth to his adorable elf-like ear. “Hi Amajiki-san!” the cry that left his mouth ended up scaring you and without thinking. 
You stumbled back and watched as his head turned, those precious indigo-colored eyes wide and fearful and his cheeks dusted over a faint red. “Y-Y/n!?” he exclaimed before pulling the notebook to his chest, fingers securely grasping it. Hiding the written evidence of his feelings for you, despite you having no knowledge of his feelings for you in the first place or how he was trying to convey them through written words. 
You did, however, know he was hiding something and couldn’t help but smirk. “Hm?” you raised your hand, pointing a finger at the notebook. “What are you trying to hide there, Amajiki-san?” you questioned as you took a step closer, reaching out to grab his upper arm. You tugged on his sleeve and Tamaki let out a soft whine. “N-Nothing! I-It’s nothing!” he stuttered out, feeling his stomach twist into knots. 
He hoped he wouldn’t get nauseous, you were so close. You were touching him! “Oh? If it’s nothing then why are you hiding it?” you questioned in a teasing manner as you took a firmer grip and yanked his arm away. “Show me, I’m curious! Is it a project? Essay?!” the questions left your mouth in an excited manner. “I-It’s not uh, h-hey!” you had reached over and snatched the notebook away. 
“Oh boo, let me at least proofread it for you,” Tamaki’s stomach flipped upside down and his hand was clutching his chest, twisting the fabric of the signature red tie of his school uniform. He couldn't let you read it! He’d die! But there you were, holding his notebook with his dedicated words of love scribbled across it. “Now then,” you turned your attention to the notebook, about to read the first line just as the sound of a chair falling came. 
You jumped and turned to look but before you could react you felt a strong hand around your wrist. “Amajiki-san!” you exclaimed, prepared to activate your quirk or at least find your way out of his grip. But then, another noise echoed through the air. Your attention shifted back to the notebook and your jaw dropped as you realized he had ripped out the single page you were trying to read.
“Amajiki!” you scolded again, “S-Sorry! B-But you c-can’t see t-this!” he said as he proceeded to crumble the paper into a ball. You looked at him bewildered as he then shoved said ball into his mouth. “Uh…” was the only sound that managed to come out of your mouth as you watched him chew and proceed to swallow the paper. You blinked, lowering the notebook. 
Jaw hanging open in absolute awe at what you had just witnessed. Tamaki on the other hand had an itchy throat, and when the crumbled paper reached his stomach. He felt a small ache, which prompted him to place a hand over his stomach. His face was completely red, all the way to the pointy tips of his ears. “G-God, that w-was e-embarrassing u-uh…” he couldn’t even bear to look at you. 
He did, however, reach out to snatch his notebook back. The action caused you to gasp and you took a step back, your mind still trying to process what had just occurred. Damn, was it that much of a secret he had to eat it? What sense did that make? Still, you watched as he took the notebook and put everything into his backpack before scurrying away. Strange. 
You knew you’d see him in just a few moments, given you had class and hero training together. But, you weren’t entirely sure if you wanted to see him after he pulled such a strange stunt. “Uh...okay, bye then?” you said, clearly still confused despite the fact he was long gone. You placed your hands on your hips and sighed. “Well, wonder if I’ll see anything stranger than that today,” you shrugged and exited the library. 
It was almost a nightmare trying to sit through class, much less pay attention to the lesson. It didn’t help that you sat near Tamaki either, but he seemed to give you the cold shoulder. Not so much as dare to take a glance at you, though you happened to notice his hand was over his stomach. Maybe he had a stomach ache, though after consuming a whole piece of paper splattered with ink.
It didn’t surprise you much, if at all. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder just what he had to hide. When afternoon came, you seemed to have forgotten about the strange incident as soon as you slipped on your hero attire. You grinned as you walked alongside your classmates to Ground Gamma, given you couldn’t help but glance over at Tamaki. 
He was currently talking to Nejire, but you noticed his face was twisted in some form of discomfort. “Y/n...Y/n!!!” you snapped out of your thoughts before turning to face one of your classmates. “Huh? What?” it was a little shameful you had zoned out, but even so. The teachers had decided that instead of team exercises, you’d be facing each other one on one. 
This disappointed you as you rather enjoyed working with your classmates to form tactical strategies and such, but it was important for heroes to learn how to work on their own as well. The who versus whom opponents were randomized as to assure fairness and the element of surprise, you were hoping you’d be one of the first students to show your skills in combat.
But, unfortunately, you weren’t and much like the other student heroes in training, you had to stand back and observe. Though you found yourself growing bored and decided to take a seat on the ground, pulling your knees up to your chest and sporting a dull expression. You glanced over at Tamaki once more, taking note that he was still holding his stomach and Nejire was patting his shoulder. 
You assumed she was telling him he was fine. As the second pair of students finished their training exercise, you leaned back and gave a loud yawn which seemed to catch your teacher’s attention. “Y/n,” they said and you turned to look at them with a raised eyebrow, but answered nonetheless. “Yes?” you replied, “Since you seem so bored, I’ll give you a task. Next match, Suneater verse Y/n!” your eyes widened and you sported a dumbfounded expression. 
“W-What?” you questioned and your teacher merely smirked at you, was that even legal? You knew your teachers were also pro heroes and as such, should be respected. But, sometimes you couldn’t help but question their teaching methods. Your classmates seemed rather surprised, whispering how lucky you were to be facing a member of The Big Three and how you’d more than likely get your ass kicked. 
Tamaki didn’t seem to take the news very well either, in fact, his face twisted into what you could only describe as pure fear. “Uh, I d-don’t think-” he tried to protest, but the teacher cut him off quickly and ordered you two to start at opposite ends of the training ground. You looked to Tamaki and shrugged, “May the best student win?” once you had taken your position among the twisted landscape of metal piping. 
You crouched down, going through strategies that could possibly give you an advantage. You wouldn’t let the fact he was a member of The Big Three bother you, even though this all boiled down to one thing. You had to try your best, with that in mind. You decided to lay low and take a running start, keeping your eyes and ears open for Tamaki. 
Carefully avoiding those obnoxious pipes in your way before you heard a noise. It was just a small creek, but you knew better than to believe it was just Ground Gamma settling. You stopped briefly, legs bent and ready to make an escape if you needed to. You stared into the abyss of metal before suddenly a tentacle shot out toward you, but a quick dodge saved you from being captured and you took off. 
Slithering between big and small pipes alike before you decide to ricochet between two of them, angling your body so you landed on top of a sturdy pipe. You quickly turned on your feet, glancing over the landscape once more. Your eyes searching for any sight or sign of Tamaki, you also had to be aware those tentacles of his could be trouble. With that idea, you quickly looked down. 
Ensuring there was no sight of those powerful octopus arms, you then opted to travel above the pipes. Easily jumping from one to the next, your head turning back and forth despite the fact that wind was ruffling your hair and causing your bangs to sway in your face. But, it was quiet. Everything was so quiet which it shouldn’t be, Tamaki’s steps couldn’t be that silent, unless...he wasn’t on the ground. 
Your eyes widened at the realization and from the corner of your eye, you saw a single brown feather. “Oh no,” you turned your head as a shadow cast over you. Instantly, your jaw dropped as you saw him. Tamaki, Suneater, the best of the best. Right above you, brown wings spread to their span. His right hand was morphed into long tentacles and his left shaped into a clamshell.
Before you could blink, those wings flapped and the next thing you recalled was a hard hit to your stomach. It threw you off balance and you fell a good few feet before reaching the ground. Pain surged through your person and a long groan escaped you. Every fiber of your being was screaming for you to get back up, but you were too slow. You heard Tamaki land behind you, but he said nothing as he approached you.
Which at the moment, was scary even though he was normally a quiet and reserved person. However, you yelped when you felt those tentacles proceed to wrap around you, binding your arms by your sides. Your quirk was useless without the movement of your hands and knowing that simple fact, you couldn’t help but clench your jaw. It seemed Tamaki had to add insult to injury as you felt the pressure of his enlarged chicken foot against your back. 
“I think...y-you’re...done…” came his words, seems he was always a tad braver when he was Suneater which made sense. You turned your head as much as you could, sending a glare toward him. You were usually better than this, but to get bested this quickly. It only reminded you of how much further you had to go before you could truly call yourself a hero. 
“Suneater…” you hissed out, flexing your arms as you attempted to get out of his grip. Tamaki however, felt his stomach twist again and his face once more showed discomfort. Maybe eating that letter was a bad idea. It certainly wasn’t settling in his stomach right, and his heart was racing at an unusual speed. But, he felt a strange sense of happiness course through his body as well. 
“Y/n, I think you’re my love,” a gasp left his mouth and you felt those tentacles retract. You pressed your hand to the ground, now looking at Tamaki with a wide-eyed expression. “W-What?” you questioned, wondering if you heard him correctly. But, judging by the way he was holding his hands over his mouth and how red his face was turning. 
You assumed you had indeed heard the words he had spoken correctly. He took a step back and you noticed his wings were disappearing, was his quirk so consciously controlled that when he was distracted by overwhelming emotions it became faulty? You were more than certain that if the teachers and fellow hero students were still watching, they would be confused as to why Tamaki had let you go.
You slowly rose to your feet, though your body. Mostly your ribs coursed with a dull ache which had you grasping your side. Your eyes were locked on Tamaki as he shook his head and took a step back, his hands tightened around his mouth to prevent it from opening again. But, it was no good. His jaw ached and he couldn’t stop himself, painfully he opened his mouth and more confusing words spilled. 
“I...have...been watching you...for so long! I see...you in the...h-halls...and I…” his body went tense as he forced his jaw closed once more, teeth pressing tightly together. What was happening? He had no idea, but he needed to be quiet or else. Oh God, was this because he had eaten the confession he wrote? Your jaw was hanging open, unsure of how to process the words he was speaking. 
First, he ate a piece of paper, now this? You took a step back when Tamaki stepped forward, “Uh, T-Tamaki, are you okay?” you questioned before he opened his mouth once more, his eyes watering over which concerned you all the more. “I...f-freeze! You’re the one...p-plaguing...my t-thoughts, my desires…I,” Tamaki’s jaw clenched once more and he leaned over, his hands curling into fists. 
“I w-want you...my l-love,” your heart began to pound in your chest, being called ‘my love’ by Tamaki of all people. Well, it was sweet. But, you couldn’t ignore the fact this was clearly not a willing confession. Something was making him speak against his will, maybe his quirk? His voice was strained and breathless which only furthered your assumption he was truly fighting with himself.
“I...long...t-to hold…y-you! My darling...and b-be your hero, to c-cradle and protect...y-you!” his body was trembling as he raised his hand, fingers spread out and palm facing toward you. Your eyes shifted to that hand, eyebrows furrowing together. “Uh...Tamaki,” you said, though you were tempted to take that hand. “I long...t-to be yours!” he stumbled forward, his face was hot and he could feel droplets of sweat fall from his person.
The fact his cheeks were completely red was a good indication he was embarrassed by what he was saying which caused you to frown. You planted your feet on the ground, knowing that you couldn’t exactly run away or restrain him in his current state in order to win. That wasn’t a fair fight and in addition, you knew heroes don’t run from those in need. 
However, it seemed even in his...current abnormal state. He was still in control of some of the aspects of his quirk, in fact, before you could properly react. Those tentacles were around one of your arms, the suction cups digging into your skin and taking firm grip. “Amajiki!” you took a step back, trying to pull your arm out of his grip. But, it was no use as you just got pulled forward again. 
“AMAJIKI,” you warned again, going as far as to reach over and begin to claw at those tentacles. The sound of your shoes scraping against the metal ground wasn’t exactly comforting, neither was the fact you knew you were going to lose this small struggle. “I w-want to be your husband...one day! Scream your name...f-from the rooftops! My love...my one and o-only!” you shook your head, now growing afraid of the shy reserved boy. 
Especially when he finally pulled you forward, causing you to shriek. Your hand was out as you collided with his chest and you immediately felt the pressure of his arm against your lower back. His nails digging into your hip which made you hiss. But he continued to speak, “Just let me h-hold you and soak y-your body in! M-Melt together in a beautiful...ember of love and j-joy,” you blinked, trying to jerk your body out of his grip.
But, it was of little use. He leaned over and you shivered when you felt the soft skin of his face bury itself into your hair. “You are...my w-whole world…” he sucked in a breath, still fighting but it was beginning to hurt. His stomach felt heavy, too weighed down. He needed to say everything, “Fear and c-courage, the one...s-sole purpose in my life...i-is you,” the words were mumbled slightly and he lifted his head. 
“I won’t g-give up. I’ll f-fight the army that holds m-my love hostage, I want you to be...m-mine,” your eyes widened and you wanted to tilt your head up and look at him, but you were almost afraid to. “My l-love and my heart, the one...I w-wish to worship. D-Drop to my knees...a-and kiss your skin,” he choked out and you could feel those tentacles loosen around you. 
“Tamaki…?” his name came out of your mouth in a soft whisper and you finally lifted your head to look at him. His face was still twisted, a painful expression spread across it and you gasped as he leaned close. You were taken back by the intense expression that danced in his eyes and your face began to grow red. “I want t-to set up a s-shrine...pray to your p-powerful aura,” this was just getting weird, but somehow you knew it was the truth which made it even scarier. 
You were tempted to run when those tentacles finally retracted, but you didn’t have time to even think about such as Tamaki’s hand now gently took hold of your chin. You felt a lump form in your throat as you found yourself staring into Tamaki’s eyes. “Forever...m-more...until the end of my...d-days...I...” he suddenly stopped and his breath hitched.
You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. However, you let out another shriek when Tamaki suddenly dropped to the ground. You stumbled back, not having expected such a thing. The sound of his panting filled the air and you watched as he reached up and ran his hand through his hair. Such didn’t help the sweat that covered his person and your eyebrows furrowed once more. 
“I...Amajiki, are you...I mean...everything you said...was it…” you were almost afraid to ask and took a sharp breath which caused a shooting pain to course through your ribs. You latched onto your lip to prevent yourself from hissing and Tamaki slowly lifted his head to look at you. His eyes full of horror and regret, “I...I…” he wasn’t sure what to say, what could he say?
He wasn’t entirely sure what made him say what he did, every word he spoke was in his letter. Did eating it make an effect on his quirk? He groaned and covered his face, saying no more before he took off running in the opposite direction. It took you a moment to fully realize the Big Three member was indeed making a run for it, “Amajiki, wait!” you called out, your hand outstretched in his direction.
Your teachers and fellow students who witnessed this odd interaction were currently scratching their heads, trying to piece together what could have possibly happened to cause one of the top students to run with his tail between his legs. But, the fact you were being watched through this whole exercise was the last thing on your mind. 
You couldn’t help but run after Amajiki, your feet pounding against the metal flooring of Ground Gamma. While you had lost sight of him, you knew there was only one place he could have gone. To the end of the training ground where the exit was located, though you weren’t as fast as Tamaki which caused some anxiety as you hoped he’d be where you thought he was. 
When you reached the location of the exit, you leaned over with your hands on your knees. The sound of your soft panting filled the air before you wiped your brow. Your jaw then clenched as you tried your best to ignore the pain in your ribs, the exit to Ground Gamma was a large hallway with very dim lighting. In a way, it made you uneasy seeing Tamaki there. 
Despite being dressed in his hero attire, he was facing the wall. His forehead pressed against it and you could tell he was trembling, you had known Tamaki to do this exact thing. Given the fact he was rather shy and suffered from anxiety, you frowned and slowly approached him. “Amajiki,” you said, your voice was soft. But, that didn’t stop the fact that Tamaki ducked his head. 
You reached your hand out, wanting to touch him but you decided against it for now. You took a deep breath, “Um, so…” you reached up, scratching the side of your temple. Where would you even begin? “I’m not sure...what that was but...did you mean it? Everything you said?” Tamaki wanted to smack his head against the wall, your question left his stomach twisting with butterflies. 
Honestly, part of him wished his heart would stop as opposed to continue to pound inside his chest. Of course, everything he said was the truth as terribly spoken and previously written down as it was. He honestly didn’t know what he was doing. In fact, he had never written a love letter before and though he had made countless drafts. It seemed he just wasn’t talented enough to write such romantic words on paper. 
“Mm…” is the only way he managed to respond to you. “Mm? Amajiki…” you paused and decided to finally reach out, placing your hand on his shoulder.  However, he seemed to shy away from your touch. Shuffling to the side, you let out a sigh and lowered your hand. A friendly touch wouldn’t do anything in this case and you didn’t know the other Big Three members well enough to ask them how to properly handle Tamaki when he got like this. 
You’d feel bad if you left him all alone, but it didn’t seem as though he wanted your company at the current moment. You glanced down, hearing the sound of wind echo through the open exit way. You turned your head to look around, you knew you couldn’t afford to waste any more time. 
Else your teacher would begin to look for you or another verse competition would start. “Amajiki…” you said yet again, allowing your hands to rest by your sides. “Regardless if...what you said was true or not, I think we need to leave an-” before you could say anything more.
Tamaki had turned and began to sprint away and it honestly made your heart sink. You watched him disappear from view again and let out a sigh, maybe you’d confront him about it later. But, if what he said was true. Well, you’d need to figure out how you felt about it.
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animatedarchives · 4 years
hi, hon! i absolutely adored your katsuki imagine, so i thought i’d request a shoto imagine. could you do an imagine where the reader’s in a quirk marriage with shoto, but the reader’s actually happy with it cuz they love the idea of love, and they think shoto’s really cute? thank you! ❤️
author’s note: HIIII CLARISSAAA i’m sorry this took so LoNG i really tried my best to write this so i really hope you like it!! thanks for requesting and for all your support I LOVE YOUUU ❤️❤️
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genre: fluff with a little bit of angst (because who am i without it)
warnings: unrequited love
word count: 2.3k words
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“Will you marry me, Y/F/N?” 
Shoto’s words echoed in your mind, the nostalgic feeling of butterflies returning as you fondly remembered his proposal. A warm smile settled upon your beautifully drawn face, your bright orbs looking tearfully at the magnificent double doors in front of you.
It was finally happening.
A warmth bubbled in your stomach as the doors finally swung open, welcoming you in with a shower of delicate rose petals. Time seemed to slow and the world faded into the background; the melodious music never reached your ears and the uncountable stares and open mouths went unnoticed. Your eyes - made up with beautiful eyeshadow and a light coat of mascara - focused on one thing and one thing alone: him. You didn’t even remember kissing your father’s cheek as he left your side to take his seat. All you knew was the feeling of your small, dainty hands slipping into Shoto’s gentle but strong ones.
A small voice inside your head nibbled away at your consciousness, trying to drag you out of the clouds and back into the harsh reality. But as you looked at the man standing in front of you, the very same one you fell in love with, your heart began to swell and you pushed those thoughts aside, wanting to remain in your rose-coloured world for a little while longer.
The officiant’s words passed by you soundlessly, your heart fluttering at the thought of being wed to the love of your life for the rest of eternity. Barely able to contain your excitement, you examined your fiance’s perfectly sculpted face to distract yourself from the burning anticipation. But as you did so, the whispers in your head grew louder, harsher and more incessant. Their words clouded your mind, and the glimmer of hope you held onto slipped right through your fingers. 
This was just a quirk marriage-
You didn’t want to believe it. You wanted this to be the love you had always imagined, the ones in the fairytales you had always read growing up. But as you scrutinised every detail of his face - his less-than-elated expression and the small smile that never fully reached his eyes - the truth slapped you in the face. Your heart began to sink as you realised that the love you had always wanted just wasn’t yours to own. 
This was just a quirk marriage. 
And Shoto didn’t really love you.
You tried for so long to pry your heart from his hold, doing anything to convince yourself to stop loving him. But no matter how hard you tried, your eyes would always drift back, for it knew where your heart belonged. That was why you agreed to this loveless marriage; your heart refused to be swayed and you just could not imagine spending the rest of your life with anyone else, even if he didn’t love you. In any case, you would much rather love and not be loved back than to be loved but not be able to feel anything from it. 
“Upon request, L/N will be sharing her vows first. L/N, please,” the officiant said, allowing you to take the spotlight. Before the wedding day, Shoto had asked if you were alright with saying your vows first. You thought it was rather uncharacteristic of him to suggest, especially considering how traditional he was, but you didn’t overthink it and agreed without a fuss. Clearing your throat, you looked adoringly into his eyes as you recited your love letter aloud for everyone to hear. 
“Todoroki Shoto, the only man my heart has ever belonged to,” your voice trembled. You paused to take a breath, calming yourself and focusing on the feeling of Shoto’s comforting touch. 
“I’ve always idolised the idea of love, dreaming about how it would feel to have my prince charming sweep me off my feet as he kissed me passionately. When I met you, I thought you were the furthest person from that ideal - you were cold, emotionless and unpassionate about everything except yourself because you wanted to be the best,” you said. You shook your head amusedly as the words left your mouth, your past thoughts seeming so ridiculous now, as you stood at the altar. “As I got to know you, I slowly started to understand. I began to see the determined boy who worked so hard to protect those he cared about. I treasured each rare smile and precious laugh that graced your stoic face. I caught a glimpse of the steady fire burning in this icy cavern and I couldn’t help but be drawn to its warmth. And slowly…” you trailed off, hoping your veil concealed your blush as much as you wanted it to.
“Slowly, you became the prince I had always dreamed about.”
The audience sighed dreamily as you publicly confessed your love for him. Even Shoto’s expression softens as he smiles at your sweet words.
“I know going from a platonic relationship to a romantic one is difficult, even impossible for some people,” you said, glancing at him knowingly. “But it was definitely not impossible for me,” you smiled, praying it didn’t look as sad as you felt.
“Shoto, I promise to love you unconditionally, with all my heart, my soul and my strength, for the rest of my life. I willingly give you every piece of me because I wholly trust you with everything that I have. I promise to be there whenever you need help and to never leave your side or let you face things alone. I vow to always give you the affection you deserve and I will never ever stop loving you, both in this life and the next.”
The tiniest bit of wetness coated your lashes as you finished your speech and you tried your best to blink them away before they ruined your makeup. 
“Thank you, L/N, that was absolutely beautiful,” the officiant smiled, genuinely moved by your words. “Todoroki, your vows, please,” he probed before stepping back to let your fiance speak. Shoto spared a quick side glance at his father who sat proudly at the front, his massive form blocking the poor audience’s view of this magical moment. His father was the only other person in the room besides the two of you that knew about the pretence of this marriage. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself to say the words he had so carefully crafted and memorised weeks before. 
“Children grow up by learning from their parents and their teachings,” he started, avoiding direct eye contact with his parents, who were sitting at polar ends of the front row. “Mine didn’t have the best relationship and every night, I would hide under the blankets in my room, wishing for better days I wasn’t sure would ever come.” 
You had heard this story a million times before, yet your heart still broke every single time he told it.
“I never knew what love was, but I knew what it wasn’t,” he continued, trying to bring some hope back into the audience’s hearts.
“Love wasn’t selfish; it was about giving to the other person and always putting them first before yourself. And the one who taught me all this wasn’t my parents… It was you,” he said as he gazed into your eyes.
“When we first met, I felt strangely inferior because I knew you were a better hero than me, but I didn’t understand why. However, on the second day of the internship we did together back in UA, I realised what it was,” he said, recounting the memory.
“It was love,” he smiled softly.
“I remember watching how much you cared for others, putting your life on the line to protect them even though you were injured,” he recalled. You could barely remember all this happening, but it touched your heart that he treasured the memory so much that he remembered every little detail. “Your selfless actions opened my eyes to what I was lacking,” he continued. “It wasn’t power that would make me the best hero; it was my heart for those I wanted to protect.” 
“If I were the number one hero, I would be defeating villains left and right, and have all the fame and money in the world. Yet after a long day of work, I’d still return home unhappy and purposeless. Without people I loved, who would I be fighting for? But if I didn’t have power, if I were quirkless even, it would be the people I loved that would give me the strength to face the world every day. Even without any powers, I would not be powerless at all. And…” his voice softened, barely a whisper. Emotions swirled in his eyes as his next few words ghosted his lips.
“... I would be happy.”
You never expected Shoto to be this vulnerable; he had rarely shared this much in private, let alone in public. Even so, you couldn’t help but hope he continued, the curiosity within you eagerly craving for more.
“The lesson you taught me is something I will cherish forever, and something I want to pass on to my children: the source of your strength does not come from your physical capabilities, but the purpose inside of you, the reason you fight, and the people your heart burns for.”
“That’s why I could never just marry for power. The pretence of a quirk marriage was just so I could get my father’s blessing,” he finally admitted. 
Discourse shook the crowd as people murmured amongst themselves. Even you were completely floored by Shoto’s confession. You looked worriedly at Endeavor who was fuming in his seat, outraged by the revelation of his son’s blatant lies, and understandably so. Declaring his true intentions and exposing his false claims to his father in front of everyone at his own wedding? Truly the ultimate act of rebellion. Endeavor was about to storm right up to the altar when your friends held him back in his seat, quieting the crowd in the process. 
Suddenly, you felt Shoto’s fingers under your chin, gently guiding your face back to his. Your thoughts were completely muddled, everything happening so fast and all at once. If he wasn’t marrying you for your quirk… then… 
Your breath hitched as realisation dawned upon you, his next few words being the only thing you could hear.
“I’m marrying you because I love you, Y/N.”
You didn’t know how you were still standing when all your brain was doing was malfunctioning and trying not to spontaneously combust. 
“You are my purpose. You are the reason I fight. And the fire within me, the one you said you were drawn to, is the same one that burns brightly for you.” 
Your heart was pounding so furiously against your ribcage, you thought it would explode. For so long you had convinced yourself that your feelings were not returned that you couldn’t possibly believe it was true. And yet, every fibre of your being wanted to believe it, hoping so dearly that it wasn’t just a dream. No amount of joy could ever compare to what you were feeling in that moment. 
“L/N Y/N, I promise to never hide my true emotions from you anymore. I will openly and wholeheartedly love you with every piece of me, and I will not hold back ever again, no matter what anyone says. I will always be by your side, protecting you and our love as we face the world together.”
Despite mustering all of your willpower, a tear still slipped from your eye, but was effortlessly wiped away by the man you would now call yours forever. All those years of wishing and hoping had amounted to something: your dreams had come true, and fantasy had become your reality. 
“That was truly touching. Though it came as a surprise, it was not unwelcome in the least,” the officiant smiled at Shoto, who returned it gratefully. “You may now present your rings to each other.”
Shoto gracefully extended his left palm. “May I have your hand, my princess?” he asked with the same gorgeous smile that had first captivated your heart. Still high on euphoria, you grinned and gingerly placed your left hand in his. The warmth of his hand contrasted beautifully against the cool metal as he slid on the glittering diamond ring. It was absolutely flawless, just like everything else about that day. Reluctantly, you pulled your eyes away from the stunning jewel to return the favour, slipping the ring onto his left hand. It fit perfectly on his finger as if it were made for him, just like you were. 
“Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: I now pronounce you husband and wife!” the officiant announced proudly. “You may kiss the bride,” he said under his breath, a cheeky smirk evident on his face. You barely had time to register the hollers and whistles in the background as Shoto scooped you up in his strong, muscular arms and planted a passionate kiss on your lips. It was everything you had ever imagined it to be and more.
As he broke the kiss to admire your gorgeous face, his eyes sparkled, brimming with abundant love and adoration for his new wife.
“I’m sorry your prince charming took so long.”
You beamed at his sweet apology, forgiving him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and gently pushed his head down to close the space between you. You loved the taste of his lips against yours and could hardly believe you had unlimited access to it for the rest of your life.
“Finally, you’re no longer my princess, but my queen.”
You couldn’t do anything but smile, the butterflies in your stomach finally bursting free from the cage they had been contained in for so long. As you walked down the aisle for the second time, you couldn’t help but think of the stark contrast between both times you graced it: first, the bittersweet feeling of entering a one-sided marriage and now, the overwhelming joy you currently felt knowing it was no longer one-sided. 
The fresh breeze outside complemented the new air of romance between the newly wedded couple. Jumping into his arms once more, he spun you around as you both laughed in pure bliss. 
This wasn’t just a quirk marriage.
And Shoto really loved you.
Certainly, this was your happily ever after.
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© written and published by animatedarchives 2020. please do not steal or repost. thank you.
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fairytsuk1 · 3 years
sweet japan breeze | (f)
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pairing: izuku midoriya x reader
genre: fluff
words: 3.2k
Midoriya grins as he traces the soft bridge of your nose, immediately looking away when you turn.
"Is there something on my face?"
"No! No, not at all."
Just the lack of a kiss, is all.
Sweat soaks through your white collared shirt and a string of curses towards the Department of Rare-Quirked Animals goes with it. Gracing you with a uniform more befitting of a tennis player, you grumble noisily. The net handle nearly slips out of your slick hands until you fumble and hold it with a grip that turns your palms white. You can see Midoriya’s green hair appear in your field of vision. He’s trying to act as if he isn’t squinting and analyzing your every behavior, but he is. The look makes you feel like you’re the rare-quirked animal.
“...What,” you squint back at him, squaring your shoulders to face him head on, “are you looking at?”
“What?! Sorry, were you concentrating? You just looked really stressed so I thought you might want a snack,” Midoriya whips his head left and right before sheepishly smiling at you, “I think we’re off trail anyways, my bad!”
You can’t find it in yourself to be annoyed with him, he’s been your partner since you first joined the DORQA. Your head aches at the thought of the insufferable acronym. If you had to see one more poster promoting their stupid monogram, you might need to be locked up.
But him. Your partner Izuku Midoriya...he always had a gleam in his emerald eyes no matter the job, and he always regarded you with a warm smile! He was the epitome of warmth and sunshine, your heart twinged at the thought of you ruining that with your sourpuss attitude.
Your hand brushes his as you take the protein bar, Midoriya’s face lighting up into beautiful shades of salmon. His back straightens and the apples of his cheeks lift. He’s so inexperienced that it’s funny to watch. He was also definitely a people-pleaser; normally you’d poke fun of him but you were too exhausted to do anything but munch on the almond-chocolate bar.
“I’m gonna radio back to headquarters so we can go back to our tent and get some dinner.”
He pulls his radio out and extends the antenna before turning away to call. A realization dawns on you whilst scanning the clear sky. It’s been four days and the white speckled fox was nowhere to be found. There hadn’t even been droppings or footprints; classifying it as extinct would make your life a lot easier but would lead to repercussions in Aizawa’s office. Aizawa...well, you didn’t want to know what would happen if you even dared to think about it.
There was absolutely no way you were going to let him call headquarters and let them know you’d failed on the excursion you begged to go on. It was just plain humiliating; the thought of Bakugou’s smug grin made you want to strangle someone. Bakugou wasn’t even here!
Midoriya had been moments away from speaking until a big fat finger slammed onto the hang-up button. Your foot beat on the ground, aura reeking of stubbornness. Midoriya cried out and turned to remedy the building lecture he was going to receive from Aizawa. You were quicker than him, swiping like a cat and jerking the phone from his grasp. The device cascaded into soft dirt and was nearly squashed under steel-toed boots.
“No way are we telling headquarters we haven’t found that damn fox yet, we’ll be here till we die as far as I’m concerned,”
“But I feel like we’re getting burnt out! Aizawa will understand!”
A loud sigh rings out as you press your palm to your forehead, squeezing your eyes shut as an attempt to calm down. “Understand my ass!” Retrieving his phone, you toss it to the boy and he lets out a sigh of relief.
“Let’s just go back to camp, okay? I can sway you with more food, can’t I?”
Your cheek twitches with the urge to smile as your eyes roll, settling on him dramatically. You cross your arms, he wasn’t going to win this battle.
“You think I’m gonna listen to you?”
“No, but I think I’m the more responsible one out of the two of us so I should at least try!”
Your shoulders drop as your jaw opens, a gasp of disbelief coming from your lips. If it had been anyone else, you would’ve screamed about the toxicity in the workplace as you stomped to Toshinori’s office. But in this moment, all you could feel was warmth washing over you. Embarrassment, you were responsible!
“I can be very responsible for your information, write that down in your little notebook!”
Picking up the forgotten net with a harrumph, you stomp your shoe to kick off dirt before walking away. Only two steps ahead, your body quickly turns around adorning the smile of someone who was losing their mind.
“You may be more responsible, but I’m more determined! I’m finding that fucking fox and you can come with me or not!”
You secretly pray he won’t report this, the termination letter left on your desk would be the final straw, your new life beginning by moving countries away and living within a secluded cabin. A strand of hair falls into your face and frustration explodes out of you with ascream. Shaking your hair out before tying it back up, Midoriya’s lips are strawberry and swollen at that point. With the way he’s biting them; they’ll turn into a pretty cherry red soon.
He shakes his head too, clearing the budding laugh in his lungs. He might’ve even looked a bit beautiful had he not been laughing at you.
He was such a nerd.
“Of course I’m coming, what kind of partner would I be if I didn’t? Besides, you need someone to keep you from losing your mind,” he settles his net on his back (firmly strapped in, he would never let you forget that important tip.) You find yourself looking away. Your eyes tug at the wants of your consciousness, desperate to admire the way his forearm flexed when adjusting his belt.
“Did you know this fox is patient and a hard-worker? Looks like you two are total opposites.”
You don’t miss the subtle dig and there’s a bruise to your ego with the way he smirks at you. Retaliation comes easy when your arms swing to capture his head in your net, a proud grin covering up the hearty laugh.
“Whoops! Looks like I caught a total dork in the wild, how’d that happen?”
His voice feels like the sunshine shining on your skin as he shakes his hair out, fluffy with his sweat gleaming under the rays. You only had a few hours left till you were blinded, only able to see his freckles in the shadow of an orange fire. The cool air that would breeze through as the two of you sat in silence, tension soon replacing the chilling wind. You slept in separate tents, professionalism was still a thing.
But you did wonder how it would feel to cuddle up under his arm and stare at the tent ceiling together. Maybe even the sky on a grassy patch in the summer. You envied your daydreams.
Every once in a while, Midoriya’s tracker beeped to remind you of where you are (well, not really, it was so you didn’t die out in the middle of nowhere) which knocks you completely out of your haze. There was no red, white, speckles, or fox anywhere. Anger courses through you at the thought of having to return back to camp empty-handed; your shoes stomping harder into mud. You rub your eyes before taking a deep breath, ready to zero in on the next nearby animal.
“We should probably go back soon, I think I might run out of water unless we find a stream but then…”
Your partner’s voice fades into obscurity when you see it, a flash of white in the corner of your eye. So fast you might have almost missed it if it weren’t for your keen senses. You could practically hear the crunching of leaves as it ran behind a bush.
In that moment it would’ve been much better to yell shhh and come at it with an element of your surprise. Your mind blanks, legs springing into action with a fierce jump. Your vocal chords could only make out one word.
Both bodies soar through the air, Midoriya following your lead as you crash through the bush. Bramble sticks you in your side and your eyes shut to embrace the impact your elbows, your whole body really, were about to receive. Wind knocks out of you as you grin once you can feel yourself fully settled on the ground.
“I got you, you little…” your eyes open. You blink once, twice, you even squeeze them a bit, “...bastard.”
There is no fox, even the trees have gone silent. The pinecone with white sparkles on it sits perched perfectly on its bottom, it’s mocking you. Surely.
“I know what it is, Midoriya.”
Shivers run across his skin at your cold throaty voice. Your head plunks into the ground, you lay there for a bit. It hurts so bad, if only the Earth could crack open and swallow you whole. Maybe falling into the Earth’s crust wasn’t so bad, burning to death must be colder than the shame that courses through your veins.
You can practically taste it in your saliva.
How was it possible to have made this...this rookie mistake?
“I want to die, Midoriya.”
He shushes you and lays a warm, large hand between your shoulder blades to comfort you. He winces when the shirt drags across your skin due to the moisture soaked through it.
Gross. He opts for patting your back lightly.
“It’s alright, we all make mistakes.”
“I’m considering quitting the field. How much do accountants make?”
You can hear the smile in his voice, “an actual accountant? Or is that a metaphor for something else?” He’s holding back his laugh, snorts coming out every few seconds.
Your head shoots up to give him an incredulous look, you didn’t even think he knew about that type of stuff. Let alone have the bravery to say it, your mouth opens and closes as you scramble to find something to say.
“You’re a pervert!”
His laugh echoes in your ears again like before, your own sounding out at the absolute ridiculousness of it all. Leaping towards a pinecone and now lying with a mud stain on your pristine white shirt. Things could not have gone any worse with this type of turn around. Maybe this was the good ending.
Midoriya’s hand reaches to his pocket, digging out his tracker and standing from his squat.
“Ready to go eat some nice soup from a can?”
You snort and push yourself up, kicking the pinecone with the remnants of your anger before turning to him, “soup in a can?”
“It’s all we have…” he trails off and fiddles with his tracker, “soup. Soup is all we have…”
“Yeah, you said that. What’s up? Don’t tell me...did Aizawa find out I did that?! Did you leave your radio on?” you reach towards your pocket and pull your radio out, “did I?...”
The incessant beeping you were used to hearing was silent now. When Midoriya sheepishly looks at you, flashing the dark screen of his device you think you might try to find the nearest cliff.
“Oh wow, oh great. That’s just, it broke? Like just now, it decided to fucking break?”
Rapid nods in quick succession.
“Okay. This isn’t a joke or anything right?”
“No. It is broken and you left yours.”
You spend a few minutes screaming with a stick in your mouth at the sky, the makeshift gag effective at silencing you but the rage still swirls like a storm inside you as you pace incessantly. Midoriya sits on a log, trying to radio in or charge the tracker with sun power (“it doesn’t have that capability!”) but it’s a lost cause.
You’re stuck in the forest.
“Fuck! ”
It’s not long before you’ve given up hope. You’re going to die out here to some sort of animal that will eat the meat off your bones like a plate of ribs.
“Midoriya, I feel like we’re walking in circles. I’m also going to starve to death so we should call it quits.”
“I didn’t know you were so weak! I told you we should've gone back earlier, but you’re stubborn!”
He’s mildly irritated, you can tell by the way his jaw clenches while he looks rapidly for a familiar landmark. You feel bad, you didn’t mean to be so rude. He was way more put together than you were, you needed him.
Your eyes search the surroundings, looking for something to possibly cheer him up. “Berries!” Your hand leaves the back of his shirt and you miss his disappointed frown from the disappearance of your warmth.
“We can eat these, maybe there’s hope after all.”
These are poisonous, you learn this within the first few days. If there was one thing Midoriya liked, it was teaching. You were sure if he weren’t here, he’d be helping some little kid realize their dreams of working in the safari.
“Well, aren’t those like-the poisonous ones?! Don’t put anything in your mouth!” He grabs the bush branch and shakes it away from you, the berries falling with little thumps on the ground.
You grin.
“I must be going crazy, we have got to find a way home before I mistake you for a nice piece of broccoli.”
“Shush. Look, remember when I went to pee? I found a water source.”
You blink, a dead look in your face.
“Listen, I may think you’re attractive but I’m not drinking your pee.”
He scrambles for words and shakes his head with wide eyes.
“Attractive?! I was just-there was a stream so I took the time to purify it!”
“Oh! Well, I just thought you were taking a shit.”
“You’re being inappropriate!”
Had someone been listening in, all they would be able to hear were the pleads from a male and the wonderful laugh of his partner.
Midoriya always felt golden light flow through his chest when you were around. The trail you two were on continued downhill, a man-made path making itself known once the two of you kicked astrew leaves away, it was mutually agreed to head downhill as you (possibly) recalled going uphill to get where you were in the first place.
The stars were beginning to rear their pretty heads, speckling in and out of the sky and it left a heavy feeling in your chest. You didn’t want something to happen to either of you, unconsciously clinging to Midoriya harder, you sighed shakily.
“I was joking before, but I'm actually getting a little nervous.”
You admire his freckled jawline, illuminated by the lantern he’d broken out. He gives you a quick side glance, searching for a trick being placed before nodding.
“Me too. I’m really sorry about the tracker, I should’ve charged it!”
A huff escapes you from the way he was so utterly wrong, you were the one mistaking pinecones for foxes and being ridiculous.
“No way! I was the one being immature, I’m sorry about that one. We should’ve gone back like you said.”
His shoulders square a bit more, your frame shrinking in tandem. You two were like two animals, one protecting the other with its teeth bared and stance wide.
“You’re...You’re really the reason I’m here.”
A beat of silence passes through the both of you, your lips ruby red from the way you gnawed on them with your anxiety chilling you.
“I just mean, you’re the reason I joined. You were so little, prattling on and on...It inspired me too. I probably wouldn’t have been able to get here if it wasn’t for you.”
He’s a bit shocked, half his face is lit and you can tell he doesn’t know what to say. His mouth opens and he can’t even resist the ear to ear grin making its way to imprint his feature.
“I-I mean...well! I’m glad,” he takes a deep breath, “I have to tell you something.”
Midoriya’s hands clench at his side, dripping with sweat as you look at him with big eyes, eagerly anticipating his anecdote.
You watch as if it’s slow motion, he takes a breath and the ghost of a word escapes him but the sound of a tiny scream beats him to the finish line. You’re sure he said something, but your eyes flit past his shoulder, lower, to stare dead in the eyes of a white speckled fox.
The two of you stare in a locked gaze as it’s tail swishes back and forth. You don’t even breath, blood rushing in your ears.
“You motherfucker.”
You bound past Midoriya, heels digging so hard into the ground that dirt flies up in a cloud. It was like you nearly disappeared.
“The fox Midoriya, the fox!” you cry, “I need you!”
He wasn’t sure if it was the fact he’d confessed and your selective hearing had kicked in, or the fact that it was his job. He didn’t know what made him feel so happy, maybe it was the part of you saying you needed him.
A phrase so simple that struck him in the heart. His feet dashed behind you, lantern outstretched as he cried for you, “I’m coming!”
It was like life or death, but it wasn’t. Why did everything feel so emotionally charged? Your thighs ached and the threat of collapsing was gaining on you.
It hit you though, jumping from rock to rock, that red tailing practically swishing in your face.
“I like you. More than partners, like! I want us to, you know, date and stuff.”
It was totally jerky and awkward, but the words registered in your mind when the fox darted into its burrow. You pause, careful to not ruin it’s precious home. Midoriya comes barreling beside you, barely even panting while a stitch in your side wrecks your lungs.
“Did you get it?!”
“You like me?”
Midoriya gives you an incredulous look, “you’re asking that after we just ran all the way here?!”
“It has a family.”
He sighs a loud breath and squats, “yeah. It does.”
You stare at the opening and listen to the soft squeaks in the nighttime air.
“I like you too.”
His head snaps up, voice wavering while you two share an interlocked gaze.
A familiar smirk quirks up, “duh. What kind of a girl follows a boy into the same field if she doesn't like him?”
Oh! He supposed it should’ve been more obvious when it was worded like that. You plop down next to him, leaning fully against him.
“We can’t capture her. She is a mother.”
“I’m glad we agree.”
The stars shine the brightest at this moment, you can’t exactly see his freckles the way you could before but you know they’re still there.
“The moon looks beautiful tonight.”
“I’m glad I could share it with you.”
A soft nudge is given to your shoulder, “I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”
You snort and let your head hang. Midoriya resists the urge to kiss you right then and there.
“I don’t know, I guess foxes just do it for me.”
A wordless hum reverberates through his chest, shifting to wrap an arm around you. The moment’s sweet.
“So, how are we going to get back home?”
“I have no idea.”
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fanfic-me-up · 4 years
Unwithering | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (1)
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Part Two
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader
Prompt: Flower shop AU, “I think I’m in love with you.”
Warnings: Mild Swearing. Flowery language (pun intended 😉... I’ll show myself out)
Word Count: 2,250
Taglist: Reply to this post if you want to be added for future chapters!
A/N: This is for @bnhabookclub​ event going on! Thank you for giving new writers in the fandom, like me, a place to promote their work. Shout out to @smolmilkyways​ for letting me use this beautiful piece of fanart above! Go check them out! Also, thanks @gallickingun​ for letting me tag you in my first fic. You gave me some pretty solid advice that pushed me to get this out here. This was originally a one-shot, but of course it turned into a multi-chap, so stay tuned for more! 
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Your fists gripped the hem of your dress. The sunflowers on it reminded you of him; a burning sun at the center of your universe. The boy in front of you crinkled his forehead at your statement; as if the love you spent years building up the courage to confess was no more than a pebble - insignificant - that he could kick to the side without a second thought.
Midoriya gave you a slight thumbs up from the back, but the rest of the boys cackled with no remorse. 
“You hear that, Bakugou? She looovvveesss you!”
“Freaky flower girl and Bakugou sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G”
“Awww is she gonna cry?”
The lump in your throat was difficult to swallow, but you refused to prove them right. It would only add fuel to the fire threatening to burn the seed planted in your heart.
He stepped toward you. The scent of burnt sugar filled your lungs; like fresh apples picked from your mother’s garden, dipped in melted caramel. You heard it’s a side effect from his quirk, but it was the first time you were close enough to experience it for yourself. 
You willed your eyes to find his. The soft breeze blowing past provided a cooling relief to the intense heat felt in your cheeks. When your eyes locked, a spark flashed within his own. You couldn’t catch it in time, but your heart stuttered in response.
 Any chance of a flower blooming died the next moment.
“I’ll never love a weak girl like you.”
A year passed before you saw Katsuki Bakugou again.
“Here’s your pickup order, Tanaka-san, I’m sure your wife will love them!” 
You ring up the older gentleman who’s been a regular at your mother’s flower shop for years. His wife loves the smell of scented geranium, a sweet apricot that never fails to remind her of the orchards back home. He’s convinced your flowers are the reason she’s still here; the true medicine to her illness.
You always deny this statement, shaking your head with a playful giggle, but the compliment warms you. It’s nice to hear people cared about your flowers.
“She loves only the ones made by you, dearest.”
He winks as his shaking hands grab the large bouquet. You smile and turn your hand, palm up, towards Tanaka whose eyes never fail to widen in awe at your quirk in action. A small stem sprouts from the center of your palm, growing taller by the second. You hone in on the bright yellow dot on the center of each petal. A wash of white forms around each dot, acting as a transition for the violet that envelops the rest of the petals.
Each petal opens up one by one to reveal a golden bud. 
You hand the flower to Tanaka.
“On the house,” you wink back. 
“Oh very nice, very nice, indeed,” he bows in thanks, “What is the meaning of this one?”
“Irises give hope. In Chinese tradition, it is referred to as ‘the purple butterfly’ because its petals flutter like butterflies.” 
The breeze from outside trails in at the perfect time and the petals flutter about.
“Very pretty,” Tanaka remarks, “I’ll be sure to let the misses know about this one!”
He thanks you one more time before walking out with a newfound spring in his step; the lone flower nestled in the pocket of his worn out janitor uniform. 
You’ve been working at Paradise Blooms for the past three years after your parents separated, and your mom needed the extra hand more than ever. It was difficult balancing school and work, especially when you were busy prepping for U.A. exams last year, but you could never say no to your mom. She’s been the constant in your life since day one.
The back door to the supply room squeaks.
“A little help here?” 
All you see is the top of your mom’s head, adorned with a multi-colored flower crown. Her face is covered by the high pile of crates she’s trying not to drop. You rush to catch the top crate before it tumbles.
“Phew. That was a close one. Thanks, honey!” 
She bends down to take the supplies out, arranging the items on the counters around the shop. She weaves through the aisles - it looks more like a garden than an actual shop, in your opinion, but you think it gives the place character. She stops at the row of potted flowers sitting on the far right of the shop, soaking in the sunlight cast through the window. It’s the new collection your mom got in time for the 2020 Garden Glow Event. Every year, flower shops all over the city participated in an annual gardening event to educate the public on gardening techniques with fun activities for the children. Your mom spent hours on the phone dealing with difficult vendors to get this specific collection for the event. Water sprinkles out from her palm as she takes the time to water each and every flower.
Since there’s no customers at the moment, you grab the broom from the storeroom and set to sweeping around the shop. It’s not long before your mom’s watering routine is interrupted by her phone ringing.
“Hello?” You continue sweeping, gently humming along to the tune playing through the speakers, but your voice catches when you hear, “Mitsuki! Hi! How are you?” 
Mitsuki? Your mom couldn’t possibly be talking to Mitsuki... Bakugou? 
Your knuckles turn white from squeezing the life out of the poor broom as you wait for confirmation. 
“I think I’m in love with you.”
The memories you tried so hard to forget come flooding all at once.
“I’ll never love a weak girl like you.”
You’re snapped out of the memory.
“Yes, bring him in! Great! See you in a few, bye.” 
Your mother returns to watering the flowers like nothing happened - like that single phone call didn’t just turn your world upside down, after you spent the last year flipping it right side up.
“Who was that?” 
You’re afraid of the answer. 
You promised yourself you moved on from Katsuki Bakugou. It proved to be easier said than done. Even if you both went to separate high schools and most of your days were spent either studying or working; at night is when your thoughts strayed. You wondered what he was up to… was he passing all his classes? You’d giggle at the absurdity of Katsuki not being number one. Was he still bullying Midoriya? Did you ever cross his mind?
Was he happy?
Because more than anything, you wished him happiness - even if that happiness was not with you. Was that weakness? Was wishing for someone’s happiness, who could care less about you, considered weakness? 
“Hm?” Your mom turns to you, “Oh! That was Mitsuki Bakugou. Her son, Katsuki - I believe you went to school with him? Well, he needs a part-time job to help pay for tuition. Can you believe he got into U.A.? Mitsuki must be so proud of him.”
“I figured you’d be happy,” she continues, " I know you’ve been struggling with balancing school and work, so I thought having another person around would help lighten the load a little bit. Besides, I owed Mitsuki a favor.”
Your mother blushes at the last part.
Favor? What favor?
But that’s the last thing on your mind when you suddenly feel the need to pass out.
Katsuki… is… working… here? 
“Honey, are you okay? You look a little pale.”
“I - I’m not sure I can…” you trail off. Your mom didn’t know about your confession to Katsuki. When you came home in tears that day, with your dress all wrinkled, you told her it was because kids were bullying you for trying and failing to get into U.A. 
It was the half-truth. 
“Y/N, did something happen between you and Katsuki? I can call Mitsuki back right now if you don’t feel comfortable with him around.” 
It was as easy as breathing or using your quirk, second nature, all you had to do was utter a two letter word and your mom would immediately have Mitsuki on the line, apologizing for the inconvenience, but making sure to recommend a few places in the area who were hiring. A simple “no” and your world would become right side up again, the boy you loved long forgotten during the day and only remembered at night when there’s nothing to consume your mind, but him. 
Taking the easy way called out to you, beckoning you to relinquish your strength, and give in. But if you couldn’t face one boy, then maybe Katsuki was right. Maybe you were weak. 
“I’m fine, mom, I can work with him,” you say.
Pounding footsteps against the pavement outside cut your mom off from her next words.
Your breath hitches at the sound. You haven’t heard that voice in over a year; it’s gotten deeper, raspier in tone. You take a few breaths in and out to calm yourself so you don’t melt into the floor at first glance.
The door swings open - the “We’re Open” sign rattles dangerously against the glass -  and in barges Mitsuki Bakugou, dragging her son by the ear.
Katsuki struggles to get out of his mother’s grasp, his arms stretch toward the door, but Mitsuki pulls him all the way inside.
Katsuki growls. His palms curving into themselves like he’s trying to reign in his quirk from exploding Paradise Blooms where it stands.
You and your mom look at each other, unsure how to inject yourselves in the rather awkward exchange. Truthfully, you’re not surprised by the interaction; you’ve seen Katsuki and his family at school events in the past. The Bakugous had an… interesting family dynamic. 
Mitsuki notices the both of you watching and immediately releases Katsuki. She smiles and greets your mom with a hug as if the previous interaction never happened.
“Y/Mom’s/N, it’s great to see you! How’s the event planning coming along?”
Your mom and Mitsuki engage in small talk for a couple minutes leaving you to sneak a quick glance over at Katsuki leaning against the door. He’s looking out the window with a scowl on his face. He crosses his arms to stop himself from fisting his palms, a sign you picked up on when he’s itching to get on the field and obliterate. 
You find yourself thinking how beautiful and destructive at the same time.
Once Mitsuki and your mom finish catching up, she directs her attention towards you. 
“And you must be Y/N?  Your mother has told me so much about you!”
You catch the flash of recognition in Katsuki’s eyes, but you’re wrapped in a hug before you can think. The hug is a bit awkward with the counter digging into your side, but the warmth radiating off Mitsuki makes you feel at home. She lets go of you and turns around to where Katsuki is still standing by the door, ready to leave the first chance he gets.
“And this is my son, Katsuki,” she beckons him over, but when he doesn’t move she barks, “Don’t be rude! Get over here and introduce yourself.” 
Katsuki grumbles under his breath, but trudges over. 
Mitsuki growls and slaps Katsuki over the head, “Oi! Where are your manners!?” 
She glances apologetically, “I’m sorry. He’s… a bit much to handle. I really appreciate you agreeing to hire him. He’s had trouble in the past with defying authority.”
Katsuki scowls at the ground when Mitsuki pats his head affectionately this time. 
“But he’s a good kid at heart, a little rough around the edges, but overall a good kid. I hope you’re able to see that and work with him.” 
She bows; her hand on Katsuki’s head nudges him to do the same. His nose twitches, but he listens this time.
Your mother is an empathetic person, able to walk all paths of life and notice the beauty in each one. It wasn’t like her to turn someone down in need. 
Your mom smiles, “I’m happy to work with Katsuki. What about you, Y/N?”
She’s giving you a way out for the last time. 
Mitsuki looks at you, hope in her eyes.
Doubt laid out its hand for you to take; to lead you away from the pain that still ate away at you everyday. The teasing. The pointing. The rejection from U.A. and from Katsuki. Working with him would force you to face the pain head on.
“I’ll never love a weak girl like you.”
You lock eyes with Katsuki for the first time since that day many moons ago; he’s awaiting your answer, a twinge of hope laced in his eyes overshadowed by a grimace. 
You wonder if you now hold the fuel to the fire threatening to burn the tiny seed of hope he’s trying so hard to bury.
For better or for worse, you were also a person who found beauty in all paths of life.
“Welcome aboard,” you say.
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 years
Hi yes of course I’m so sorry that angst made you cry 😭 but hopefully this will change those sad tears to happy tears!
To others with requests I’ll get to those! I wanted to do something not sex related cause that’s what most of the requests are 😅
Pairing: Sero Hanta x fem!reader there was just no way
Enjoy your meal~
Sero Hanta. Two semesters away from being a college graduate and applying his techniques from all his schooling into his pro hero work: soulmate-less. 
He remembers turning ten years old and seeing the magical red string on his pinky show up one day. The excitement he had at knowing he had a soulmate outmatched most of his friends at the time. He knew from his parents that little tugs on his pinky meant he and his soulmate were nearby and the tugs would increase, not to the point of pain, when they would finally meet.
He felt the first tug on his pinky a week or so after he got his string, telling him that there was indeed someone on the other end. But he never felt a tug after that. Sero didn’t let that shake him as he entered high school at UA. 
However, it did start to bother him greatly.
One by one, it seemed that almost everyone he met in his three years there found their soulmate in someway or another. Whether it was in class, at a festival, at an internship, or even on the job. Everyone had someone. Except him. 
Never him.
So by the time Hanta had turned 18, he had given up on his soulmate; the defeating blow coming after doing some late night pre-graduation research. 
Some people don’t even meet their soulmate
Sometimes if there hasn’t been any tugging for awhile, their soulmate could be dead and the string fades away.
Sometimes soulmates aren’t romantic and the person on the other side meets someone who isn’t their soulmate; very rare but it does happen.
He wanted to vomit. There’s no way they’re dead otherwise his string would have faded. But it might as well be that considering the odds of him meeting anyone new.  Sero exhales deeply as he shuts off his laptop and goes to bed. 
Although, there was a slight spark of hope in him when he decided to pursue his hero studies further before becoming a full fledged hero by applying to a hero university. However with his luck, it seems entirely unlikely. 
He slams his pillow over his head and tries to sleep away the sinking feeling at still feeling nothing on his pinky
(Y/f/n). New hero law student at one of the best hero universities in the world and finished her undergrad early at the top of her class: soulmate-less.
She can remember the moment when she turned ten and that mysterious red string appeared on her pinky, feeling an immediate tug. It made her heart soar at the possibility of finding a love like her parents. However, her parents’ story wasn’t usual in the world of soulmates. 
Her mother’s original soulmate had died in a strange accident and she thought she would never love again. But then a couple months later a new purple string showed up and she found (Y/n)’s father. An unusual story but a lovely story nonetheless. She feared that her soulmate would die and she would have to suffer the same fate as her mother.
But no such color appeared, and tugs on her pinky were all but non existent. 
It was depressing for the budding young hero lawyer, but she knew what her goal in life was and that was to help heroes and civilians alike under the law. It’s not that she didn’t want to become a hero, but being a human lie detector she felt her quirk could be used to better society and help out the good people and put away the bad.
That’s why she knew she had to go to Japan, soulmate be damned! 
She knew of All Might, the notorious school U.A. and their students, along with the infamous League of Villains. Nothing like that happened where she was from so everything about that intrigued her. So naturally when applying to finish out her law degree, of course she’d choose a place where all the action was! She couldn’t wait to get her hands dirty. 
With his final class of the day ending in the early afternoon, Sero left the lecture hall and went directly to the hero agency he’s been part timing at. Since he was still a college student, he couldn’t commit fully to being a hero so he took whatever patrol hours he could on top of the work he did (and don’t forget those smoke sessions to take off the load from school). He’s met with one of best friends from school, Kirishima, who also works at this agency established by his other best friend, Bakugou.
“You’re late, soy sauce face.”
“Sorry dude,” Sero chuckles, “couldn’t get on the early bus here.”
“Yeah yeah. Just get ready for patrol with Shitty Hair.” The ashy blond scoffs and walks off, returning to a phone call he was having.  Sero rolls his eyes as he heads to the locker room to change into his hero uniform, ignoring the twitching of his fingers. It’s still so weird how some people do and don’t recognize him at school as Cellophane. But that’s the way it has to be.
“Hey man, I don’t know if Bakugou told you this but we’re getting someone new.”
Sero pauses in putting on his hero outfit to look at the taller and buffer male. “Oh really? Another sidekick?”
“Actually no,” Kirishima beams, “some kind of lawyer type. It was decided after some hero managers and publicists were talking and the need for a hero lawyer, even one in training, would be good for us.”
“I totally get it,” Sero agrees, “considering Bakugou’s temper? Not surprised at all.” He finishes getting dressed and places his belongings in his locker. “So when are we meeting the unlucky bastard that has to look after us?”
“Either today or tomorrow. Either way, I think it’ll be great. You studied some hero law stuff, yeah?” Sero nods and the two men head out for patrol. “Maybe you two can talk and have something in common! You may never know.”
They turn the corner and begin on their way. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’m okay not having to meet my soulmate. I’ll just be single forever. It’s all good.” His fingers start to burn in a weird way but he shrugs it off.
The red head grunts, unconvinced. “Sure man. Whatever you say. Let’s hope patrol is relatively quiet, yeah?”
“Heh, when is it ever?”
After getting settled into the apartment, you had gathered your belongings and hurriedly made your way to the nearest bus stop. You had your first meeting with the new agency you would be working at for hands on experience with hero law. It wasn’t necessary for your degree, but when you saw the opportunity arise, you grabbed it. 
Once aboard the bus, you sit down by the window and mentally go through your bag. You have your school credentials, any and all letters of recommendation, your resume and CV, plus a good head shot should they need it. You are on your way to meeting one of the rising heroes of Japan, Dynamight, at his agency. Since it’s a relatively popular agency filled with well known heroes, it makes sense that someone like you would be needed. You had wondered why they didn’t have someone who was already a certified and bar-passed lawyer, but you’re not going to complain. 
The bus ride went along pleasantly, not really looking at the people around you and focusing more on how to sell yourself to your upcoming clients. You’ve met with your advisor and she is letting you work with her firm via the hero agency. You’re pretty excited to say the least. However, the whole time you’ve been in Japan, a little over a week, you’ve been feeling that pull on your pinky.
Not wanting that to ruin your mood, or your bus ride, you ignore it and think it’s one of those rare phenomena where it’s moving wildly on its own. You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn’t realized the bus had stopped moving and the passengers were all sitting closer to you. 
The poor bus driver shakes in fear and the two villains that have entered the bus, striking fear into the passengers. You spot the supposed leader who’s yelling into someone’s face when you gather your courage and stand up.
“Hey! Leave them alone, they’re not doing anything to you!”
Your loud voice caught the attention of the villains, one whose quirk has some sort of telekinesis as you feel your body being unknowingly brought toward the front of the bus.
The man has his face up close to yours and you can smell the nicotine on his breath, making you cough. “You got something to say to me little girl?” His cohort comes over to inspect you carefully, noting the money and jewelry they’ve already procured and you eye them sharply.
You cough in his face and continue, “yeah I do. What makes you think you can just come up in here and harass us?” You motion your back hand to the scared passengers to leave, remembering the doors in the back. You also didn’t know that the bus driver had already pinged for help from the nearby agency, alerting its patrolling heroes.
Both Sero and Kirishima feel their phones buzz with an alert. They look to each other and start heading toward the coordinates provided. There was a bit more sense of urgency to this for some reason that Sero can’t quite place. 
The closer they get, they see some fleeing civilians. Kirishima stops one and politely asks her what’s happened. 
“These two villains jumped on the bus and hurt the bus driver! They were stealing things until this young woman stood up to them. She told us all to leave but I’m not sure what’s happened to her!”
The two heroes nod and follow the direction of where the lady pointed. They run off toward it and stop a block away to assess the situation. Only a handful of cops are around as it has quickly turned into a hostage situation. The woman earlier was right, and that makes Sero’s heart race in fear. 
“I can sneak up to the side of the bus, head toward the back to check for an entrance.”
Kirishima hums and adds, “right, I can attack from the front, provide a distraction and if necessary close combat.” He breathes to collect himself, knowing they’ve done this a thousand times over. “Let’s do it.”
Sero nods and leaps into position. He takes his place on the side of the bus without alerting the villains or the hostage. The cool metal of the bus helps him to clear his mind and think carefully. His nerves must be getting to him because his fingers, more like his pinky, can’t stop twitching. He’s done this before, so why is this time different.
He almost gives up his position when he hears your voice.
“You’re just some low life petty criminals. I’m not too worried about you two.”
There it is. That little tell when you know you’ve got someone in your clutches. The mind based one seemed to falter and you knew he was going to act out in anger. And you were betting on it.
“Shut up stupid woman. You think I won’t do something to hurt you? Take you down a peg, huh? Because you look like you need to be tamed.”
Your time practicing cross-examining is paying off because that last statement terrified you. Villains are shameless and you know they’d have no problem defiling you in front of the police here; plus you were interrogating him. It got the people out and if you die saving some people then it would have all been worth it.
The two young heroes listening for the right moment give each other a look and both move in to do their parts. The loud red head getting the attention of the villains using his charm and personality to distract them while Sero sneaks into the bus, light on his feet to avoid detection.
Something in you sends shivers down your spine because you don’t even have to see him to know that he’s there. You, almost on instinct, duck down in order for Cellophane to apprehend both criminals and for Red Riot to keep them face down on the floor. You feel tape being wrapped around you and pulled toward the back, but the sensation should’ve come from your waist, not your pinky.
“Are you okay? That was extremely brave standing up to those guys and getting everyone out.”
His voice was unexpected but it drew you in, almost like it’s something you’ve been waiting for your whole life. The hero in question looks down at you and you feel him flinch. He takes off his helmet to get a good look at you and the moment seems to go on forever.
It’s not until you look down at your pinky’s is when it finally hits the two of you.
You had met the other end of your soulmate line. And there he is. His eyes go wide and you immediately get lost in their shape and shade. Is this the feeling your mother described when first meeting your soulmate? Magical? Indescribable? Gosh what is he feeling?
“You, you’re....”
“My soulmate...” you finish.
Sero hadn’t realized that he still had you wrapped in his tape from rescuing you but he doesn’t want to let you go. He spots the tears falling from your eyes and gently places his hand against your cheek and wipes them away. It’s like his hand was made for holding your face and he doesn’t want to let go. He wants to keep holding you like this because for so long, he had resided to being single but, you’re here and you’re real.
“Yo Cellophane, put your helmet on we’ve gotta talk to the police and- oh my god no way.”
The two of you are interrupted by Red Riot who had returned to check on his friend after he hadn’t come out with you, the hostage, yet. The two of you look to the buff man and then back at each other, and cute and embarrassed chuckle leaving your lips.
“I guess we should leave, I have to give a statement and all.”
“And get your injuries checked. Sorry if I pulled you too hard.”
“No no it’s fine! Uh, what’s your name?”
“Ah, uh, Cellophane. But my friends, and now you my soulmate mi amor, can call me Sero Hanta.”
He kisses your hand then and if you were in a courtroom you would’ve lost the case at the way your composure is failing you. It takes everything in you to not faint, because everything you had read was true about the first time you meet your soulmate. Out of this world. 
You’re brought back to reality, when a police officer comes in asking what the hold up was. You two were forced apart and Hanta reapplied his helmet. Even with it on, he can’t stop looking at you. And now that his soulmate is finally within arms reach he doesn’t plan on letting you go.
The four of you, including Red Riot and the cop, walk out of the bus. The cop directs his attention to you and gruffly asks. “So what were you doing on the bus? Why did you stand up for those civilians when you aren’t a hero?”
You looked at him incredulously. You understand he’s doing his job but what kind of question is that? “I was on my way to a meeting at Dynamight’s agency. I was preparing my reading notes as their knew hero lawyer and representative and I saw this happening! How was I supposed to stay back and do nothing?”
As the cop writes down some of your statement, the other two accompanying you are dumbstruck. “Wait, Kiri starts, “you’re our new lawyer?!”
Your eyes widen when you put two and two together. “No way, you work for him?”
Sero lights up, “work for him? We’ve been best friends since our days at U.A.! Who would’ve thought I would meet you today huh?”
You turn to him again, still shocked at the mere audacity of meeting your soulmate today, or ever. Stuck in a war with yourself, you reach out and tangle your fingers with his, just to have his touch once more. “I had given up on finding my soulmate,” you softly admit, afraid to meet his eyes.
He takes his helmet off again, away from prying eyes and focuses his attention on you. “So did I, corazon.” He had placed a hand onto your cheek like earlier and rubbed comforting circles on your soft skin. You hadn’t realized how close the two of you had gotten until he whispers, “May I?”
You nod, and gently lean into his kiss. If meeting each other was the appetizer, then kissing for the first time was like a meal and dessert. It was so chaste, yet so filled with emotions locked away that are now begging to be overflowed into the light. You two pull away, looks of awe and maybe love adorn you faces as you attempt to lean in again.
“I hate to break up the love fest,” Kirishima interrupts looking bashful. “But we’ve got some paperwork to fill out and all that so, we gotta go. And hey, we can take you to the agency after we’re done at the station, I’m sure Dynamight’s eager to meet you.”
Despite everything that had been happening, you had completely forgotten about your meeting, and hurry to call your new employer. You’re on the phone for only a couple minutes, but it gives Kirishima and Sero time to talk.
“So, who would’ve guessed you finally meet your soulmate today huh?”
“And I was right there too!”
“Are you listening to me?”
Hanta was listening, but was too busy looking at you and already thinking that he can’t wait to fall in love with you.
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