#i might be reading into it because of ✨trauma✨
goiwantamuffin · 3 months
I am pleased to inform you that i've just watched the Netflix Version of Lady Chatterleys Lover and i'm completley obsessed!
The only thing that felt a bit iffy to me is that towards the beginning of the movie, it almost felt like they were implying that her husband is a bad person because he doesn't want to sleep with her and it's like... yeah he sucks but that's because he's a selfish, classist wanker. But it really only was like two moments right at the beginning of the movie and then it focused on completely different stuff so I might be reading into it
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theleotarot · 2 months
How Your Person Of Interest Sees/Thinks/Feels About You
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Choose the image you are most drawn to or resonate most with… pile 1, pile 2, & pile 3 ✨
Pile 1
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(Knight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Three of Wands, Knight of Swords, The Unknown Card, Three of Swords, Mentor, Plane, & Thriving)
Hi Pile 1! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Your person of interest sees you as someone who is very hardworking in all areas of your life. Perhaps, right now you are pursuing a degree or job, or maybe you are working towards a goal that requires lots of resilience and financial responsibility. Your person sees you very successful as well. I am also getting this energy that they may think you are above them in some way, whether it be financially, emotionally, or mentally. I really think they do look up to you in every way regardless if you feel like you are struggling yourself or you feel like you can do better. They see you as someone who is very helpful to other people and the community. Your job or every day work may involve with interacting and helping people out, and this is confirmation that this is your pile! They might find you very funny and young at heart as well. I'm getting that some of you may not think you're funny, but your person definitely thinks that you are. I'm getting that you may be the type of person to also laugh things off when you feel scared or hurt, it's kind of like a coping mechanism, only for some. Besides that though, I really do think your person sees you as someone who radiates bright energy and that's why people and even animals enjoy being around you. Not only they see you as bright energy, but they also see you as someone who attracts very much positive things into your life, again, abundance, school, work, you name it. What your person thinks about you is that you have a huge future ahead of you, and you have the ability to achieve your goals if you just go for it. I believe that they also think that you are very good with your words. Again, I keep getting this energy from your person of interest that they do not think they are as good as you. Honestly, I feel like they are intimidated by your potential and success. I believe that your person is going through something difficult or heartbreaking. It may be because of a separation, insecurities, or any kind of past trauma, but it is unknown. I think that this difficulty they are facing has an affect on how they feel about you. I do think that their feelings for you are developing though. I think that this person just cannot show your their full interest or attention because they need to focus on themselves more. Even though they are facing their own difficulties, I do believe you cross their mind, and their feelings for you have potential in growing into something bigger within time. Overall, I feel like your person sees you as a light in their life. They really look up to your for your positivity and ambitions. I think that once they get their life together and feel better about themselves, their feelings for you will escalate and they will start to show how they truly feel.
Pile 2
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(Ten of Wands, Ten of Cups, The Fool, King of Wands, Eight of Swords, The Magician, Shape-Shifter, Flowers, & Transformation)
Hi Pile 2! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Okay pile 2, before I start your reading, I just want to say that this is the sweetest pile. 🥺 Okay let's carry on. Your person sees you as someone who carries or has carried a lot of baggage on themselves. Perhaps, you have struggled financially or educationally, or you have really struggled with your family or friend relationships. I also get this energy from you that part of your baggage has something to do with the fact that you always put others as a priority rather than yourself. You are always sacrificing yourself, even if it costs you your happiness. Even though you've been through so much emotional baggage, you continue to persevere through adversity, and your person of interest definitely sees this about you. They see how hard your life has been, yet you find the power to proceed with your life, and they find this absolutely inspiring about you. It's like, you have the choice to stay in despair and yearn for a better life, but you choose the opposite and make changes to your life to be happy instead. Your person sees that you have amazing grit and can also adapt to your environment, whether it be difficult or easy. They might also see you as someone who is very emotional and someone who wants to have their own family and children in the future. They can see you feminine as well. The way that your person sees you is very warm and precious. There are lots of pink and purple in your reading pile 2, so this means that your person sees you very delicate and they are really romantically connected with you too. I think they think you are confident in your actions as well, and whatever risks or actions you take, you are able to go through with it. I think your person thinks you're very playful as well. Even though sometimes you may feel stressed or upset about certain things in your life, your person knows that inside of you, at the very core of you, you are actually a very warm, delicate, loving, affectionate, and playful individual. I think that they believe that you deserve the best, pile 2, especially since you've gone through so much. They also think of you as a flower. Not only are they beautiful and delicate, but they're also a product of growth and transformation. Your person not only sees you for your beauty but for also all your hard work, tenacity, and sacrifice. Pile 2, I believe that your person has very romantic feelings for you, but they do not know how to come forward with it towards you. I believe that they want to turn your bond with them into something more, but they are intimidated at the same time. I think that maybe you have a chance to come forward instead, and this will save your person a headache lol because they feel for you so much. One more message I'm getting is that they see you as a butterfly. Again, you have transformed so much in your life. You may have felt stuck in the past and over worried, but you will grow into your wings and you'll be set free to fly. Your reading is beautiful pile 2. Your person deeply feels for you.
Pile 3
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(King of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Star, Seven of Cups, The Tower, Four of Wands, Servant, Unity, & Protection)
Hi pile 3! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Your person of interest finds you very, very attractive, and maybe even very addicting pile 3! I say this because The Devil card popped out twice in the back of the deck. You're quite appealing to them I would say. 😏 Anyway, I think you give off independent vibes to your person. You're very successful, and you're independent. You're not a loner, you're in solitude. There's a big difference between those two. I think they see you as someone who does not take bs either (I'm getting that some of you here are more mature so I can insert bs here lolol). I think they see you as someone very helpful to others. Maybe you are a people pleaser, for some? I just got that. Your person also might see you as quite mysterious. You may be more of the quiet type, and they are intrigued by you. They just want to know more and more about you. I get the feeling that your person also thinks that you may have a lot of people lined up for you in regard to romantic partners. Your person may think that they don't even have a chance with you because you're so hot lol. They do think of you as a star though. You radiate light in their life, and I think that they may admire you from a distance, and they keep their feelings to themselves at times. I think that when you or if you have conversations with them, they will feel very emotionally connected with you. Your conversations with them are easy, and they feel like they can open up to you about pretty much anything comfortably. I think this is what separates you from others. You just get them in a way that no one else does, this pertains to your conversations with them, as well as your looks. 😉 One random thing, I think they might like your hands lol. Your person's feelings for you are strong pile 3, it's a given here. I think they did not expect to be this attracted to you though. Maybe some people here are in a work or classroom environment with your person, and your relationship with them could almost feel "taboo" but they can't help but be so drawn to you. Another situation I’m seeing here is a friend dynamic. Just take what resonates. I think that your person does really want something more with you though. I think if you two were together, they would really make it known to the world that you are theirs and they would celebrate your love lol. They also feel very protective over you. Even if you are already strong on your own and independent, your person still wants to be the one to protect you at all costs and even be your knight in shining armor. I believe that your bond with this person does have potential to lead to something more pile 3, even if you do not talk to them, the both of you still have potential together. Overall, they are so attracted to you pile 3. Do you ever have that person that you like so damn much that they are ruining your life???!! Yeah, that's you to them. Lol.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 7 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n Part six! Right, who thought we would see each other here? In all honesty... I'm just so freaking excited because you all seem to enjoy this series. ✨🤍 Thank you for reading!🤍🫧
warning: lots of past trauma, Illyrian camp kind of trauma, anxiety, kids because some of you said it was a warning, same old things.
You were struggling to grasp the world around you. Trying to figure out where someone as small and meaningless could slot it. Crack through the broken pieces and allow the roots to form. You hated yourself for it. Hated the feeling that surrounded you. And for the very first time, you found yourself agreeing with every rule that Padme had set in this place. Hating yourself because you opened yourself to the inevitable. Made yourself believe and see things that weren't there. Hated it even more because, in the mix of all of this, you managed to lose the hold of your heart that had been safely locked away.
"Y/N", you blinked a couple of times. Being met with an eager hand flailing right in your face, "Mhm", you muttered. "You weren't listening to me...", Axel fell back on the mattress dramatically. You had slipped back into your room after that balcony fiasco. You couldn't. Simply couldn't look at Azriel now. And what were you thinking? Saying things like that. Kiss me...
You cleared your throat, "I was. I was. The purple looks nice", you nodded. Axel tilted his head to the side, "We figured that an hour ago", the boy frowned. "Ah", you exclaimed. What was he talking about? You had been so lost in your head that you had lost the line of his babbling somewhere along the sugar tree canes. Zofie crawled onto your lap. She was an empathetic child, managing to sense even the smallest dents in others' moods. Her questioning was silent; just her eyes managed to pierce right through you. But you kept your head high, a smile plastered on your lips. A fake one, yet it was better than a wobbling lip. You were about to ask Axel about the Candyland dream when the boy sighed, "You're no fun. Azriel actually listens".
You bite your cheek at that. Your whole body seemed to shut down at the mention of him. But it was infectious. The moment your body realized the familiar sound of his name, it seemed to burst with all the different sensations on its own. "That's rude, Axel; apologize", Zofie bit back, arms crossed over her chest. Her fiery gaze was enough to make Axel's shoulders droop. "I didn't mean it like that," the boy said, moving an inch closer to you. "I know, sweet boy, I'm not mad", you brushed your hands through his messy hair. Letting him snuggle into your side.
And nothing had ever felt more right than having them both wrapped up in your hands. They might not be yours, but you loved them as if they were a part of you. No big gestures were needed. You had found one another and clung to each other ever since. And Mother knows you had taken orphans from camps before. But these two were special. Special beyond anything else. The thought of someone taking them away The thought of having to let go of them so they would have a chance to be a part of a normal family...
"No", Zofie muttered, her tiny fingers paddling at your cheeks. Axel's big brown eyes looked right at you. "I'm okay, I'm sorry", you tried to smile at them. You were always great at hiding your pain and fears from them. But with so many things going on, so many things slipping through your fingers. You had lost the grasp of your shields completely. "You're lying", Axel stated quietly, and all you could do was cup his face. Zofie sent him a worried look. And even if she could power through others' pain, your sadness left her feeling hopeless. So Axel did the only thing that felt right to him in that moment.
"I don't see the necessity to rush", Azriel was talking to a swirling image of Rhys that flouted in his room. But not before he had called his brother a dramatic ass for showing up most extravagantly. "I'd send Cassian, but you and I both know how that ended the last time", Rhys huffed, and quite frankly, Azriel didn't want to recall the time Cassian had way too much fun in Summer. Yes, he was undeniably an amazing warrior, but dang, there was a child in that grown body that seemed to take over his judgment at times. "So, what? You're unlocking my cell door so easily?", Azriel shook his head. Rhys sighed. "You can hate me all you want. But you and I both know you needed to get away from Velaris", Rhys said calmly. Azriel wasn't an idiot; he knew his previous appearances were to monitor him. And even now, there was that inkling of hope in his brother's eyes. Looking for a change, trying to see if Elain was still something Azriel wanted to pursue.
"Look, I need to make sure...", Azriel stated right as his bedroom door burst open and in fell Axel. Yet the boy quickly picked himself up. Just his attention instantly got snagged by Rhys. "Wow, a flouting head... cool", he mussed. Azriel frowned slightly. "Axel, bud, what's going on?", he asked in a softer tone. "Oh, amm...", the boy's gaze darted between the two males. "It's okay. Look at me", the spymaster turned his full attention to the youngling.
And yet, no matter what Azriel was expecting, didn't prepare him for the world that left Axel's lips: "Am... Y/N is not feeling well". And it's as if Azriel's body reacted on its own. The male practically leaped out of his chair, moving to reach for the boy, "What do you mean? Did something happen?". And deep down, from the bitter taste alone, he knew that it was his doing. The conversation on the balcony was so unfair and stupid. He shouldn't have mentioned Rhys like that. Because that wasn't the case at the time. The boy shrugged his shoulders. "Just... come", Axel pleaded, moving to grab Azriel's palm and giving it a little nervous squeeze. And of course, he moved to walk right after the boy. "Yeah, I'll hang here", Rhys muttered, an amused smile on his face, but Azriel only called over his shoulder, "Shut it, Rhys".
Was Azriel worried? Yes. Ever since he saw you practically ran away from him. He was convinced that he had heard your heart-shattering, Azriel saw it in your eyes. That final undoing. That final decline. That was the final straw. Was he once again being selfish? Yes. Because he was mortified. He didn't want to go back; that alone scared him. But then he thought... What if he didn't manage to hold back? What if he wasn't yet all over it? What if he slipped up, and you all got hurt in the process?
Axel gripped his arms firmly and said, "And you will talk, and you will make it better like you always do", only now did Azriel realize that the boy was talking. Myst has been talking the whole way up the stairs. His breathing was uneven. "Hey, hey, slow down", Azriel tugged lightly, but Axel didn't give in. "This is urgent", "I hear you, but you need to slow down", Azriel stated calmly, and Axel finally stilled. His wings were always slouchy, but now they were practically dragging on the floor. The flicker of protectiveness flickered in Spymaster's chest.
"What if they are finally sending us away?", Axel's words were barely a whisper, but they knocked practically all the air out of Azriel's lungs. "What?", was all the male managed to mutter. Axel's eyes were big as if he was not supposed to say anything, as if this was meant to stay a secret. "Y/N has been getting in trouble for keeping us", he sighed after a while, his eyes darting to the floor. Azriel quickly hooked his finger under the boy's chin, "Hold up, Axel, look at me. Like soldier to soldier".
He was sure that he was not supposed to have this conversation with a kid, but... This was a serious thing. They can't be taken away from you. "She's not considered fit to be our caretaker", Axel said, eyes filling up with tears. "She's a summoner or something. She does this thing", the boy waved his tiny hands around, and Azriel just watched him, "And it's easier for them", Axel ended with a sigh. Them. Them? The sanctuary? That rusty lady? Azriel gritted his teeth, reassuringly squeezing Axel's shoulder.
When he stepped into the room you three shared, he was convinced that jumping off this mountain and falling to his death was less painful. Zofie was seated right by your side, her tiny fingers brushing against your cheek every time a new tear fell. You just seemed so small. So broken. Mother above... Azriel had wondered about the kids, but what about you? What was your story? Who said that you weren't a victim too?
"Azriel", that was a sound that Azriel knew he was never going to get tired of. He met Zofie's eyes from across the room. Eyes that were now almost pleading. "Hey, baby Z", Azriel muttered with a wink. Your body instantly shot up, an angry scowl on your face, "What are you doing here?". Azriel had never heard your voice so cranky and low. It ripped at parts of him that it shouldn't.
"Axel, take Zofie to my room; why don't you?", Azriel ruffled the boy's hair, and he instantly stretched his arm out for the girl, who was quick to leap off the bed. "No", you muttered, pushing yourself to get out of bed. "Y/n", Azriel pleaded, his eyes fixed more on the kids as they both hurried to get out. "Who do you think you are?", you were right in front of him now, hands reaching for the door handle, but Azriel blocked it off by standing in the way.
"Come on, let's talk", he said softly, but you only let out a huff. "No", you said, moving to shove him away, but in reality, you should have known better, taking into account that he was at least three times your size. You pulled back angrily. "You might be some big scary thing down there", you pointed at the window where the lights of Velaris could be seen. "But here... I don't care", you nearly whined in frustration. You moved to flick your hands out, the light instantly drenching them, but Azriel was quick to catch your wrists.
"I don't want to fight", he said in a calm, worried tone. You tried to yank your hands from his. Just like you tried to get away from him on the balcony, just this time he didn't buck. "I don't care what you want", you spat through gritted teeth. "You're leaving", and as angry as you tried to appear, the last part made your voice crack, and you instantly bit the inside of your cheek. Azriel let out a sigh before saying, "I never said that".
Your body seized. That same painful feeling of hope rushed through you, but you drowned it out almost immediately. Why wouldn't he? Why would he stay? You watched Azriel until your eyes were burning so much that you couldn't keep your composure any longer. "It's not fair", you muttered, but all you got in return was, "Why didn't you tell me?". You blinked a couple of times in conversation. "What?", you breathed. "That they want to take them away", Azriel's words pierced right through you. Igniting that same anger that was just starting to fade away.
"They won't", you snapped. They might try, but you would go down swinging if you had to. "You're sure?", Azriel bites back for the first time, and it's enough to make you pull away from him once again. "Fuck you", you hissed, "Who do you think you are?". You wished he would yell back instead of just standing there. Looking. Standing and looking. "You came in here after thinking with your dick and just stirred it all up", and you know your words hit the spot just from the way pain flashed in Azriel's eyes, but his face stays stone cold. Unreadable. Unapproachable. "You don't mean it, you're mad", he said in an utterly blank matter, and it only inched you forward. "Oh, I mean it, I so...", but you didn't have words; you don't have words for what you were looking to say. There was nothing. Because none of them were true.
"You...", you point your finger at Azriel. "Yeah, go for it. Pull out another name for me. I don't care what insult you throw at me. You're defending yourself because you're scared", and that's it. Those words were your final undoing. Your lip wobbled. Nails digging so deep into your palms just so you can keep yourself from sobbing. "I can't lose them...", you breathed out and Azriel instantly crossed the distance between you both, pulling you in and tucking your head beneath his chin. "We'll figure this out", "This doesn't involve...", you try to fight back, but Azriel ignores your words. "I've got you, love", he muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. And just like most times when Azriel was near you, a warm flow seeped deeper into your bones, settling into your body. Your hands reached to hold onto his shoulders for support as you let yourself cry.
"You cheated", Axel gasped, making you turn your head back to your bed. Azriel was sprawled on it, with both of the little monsters on either side of him. They had both come back with a handful of sweets in their hands that they snuck in from the kitchen. For comfort, they said it in unison, and as much as you wanted to tell them off, all you had done was smile. Yet the empty feeling in your chest still throbbed.
"How does one cheat while reading a bedtime story?", Azriel let the book rest against his chest. "You read too fast!", "You didn't do voices", both Zofie and Axel said in unison. A deep chuckle slipped past Azriel's lips, "Two very different accusations here". His eyes darted to your frame. You had opted to sit near the fireplace instead of lying with them. "Judge?", he called out playfully to you, the two kids giggling alongside him. But your eyes didn't leave the dancing flame. "Y/N", Azriel called out softly. You turned to them with a hum, but your eyes alone said that now was not the time for games. You couldn't take it. A sharp lash of pain gripped Azriel's chest, making him grit his teeth. But your shoulders sagged in slight relief. As if Azriel had managed to take at least an inch of pain off your shoulders.
"How about we settle down?", the spymaster turned to the kids, quickly pulling the blanket all the way up above their heads, making them both fall into fits of giggles. Giggles that pulled even at the corners of your lips "Will you stay?", Axel asked breathlessly. Azriel stilled for a moment, "I don't think I...", the spymaster muttered quickly. "You're very warm", Zofie beamed, and for that alone, Azriel was willing to drop all of his plans. "Then I can't keep you freezing", his shadows quickly fluttered through Zofie's hair, making the girl squeal at the tickling sensation.
Azriel watched you for what felt like ages. The noise in the room had died down. With both kids asleep, the place felt quiet. Only the crackling of fire remained, accompanied by the light snoring. Azriel had managed to slip from in between the two younglings. As if by second nature they had found one another in between the sheets. Axel's wing draped over Zofie almost immediately. And Azriel had to crack a smile. Illyrian instinct.
"What's on your mind, sweet?", Azriel had walked over to you, both hands on your tense shoulders, as he finally broke the silence. "Sadder or a happier version?", you chuckled coldly. "Sadder", the spymaster muttered, because deep down he knew there wasn't a single happy scenario in your head at this moment. "How horrific it will be for them when you go back", you muttered. Azriel shook his head as a sheen of frustration ran down his face, "Why are you so fixated on it?", "You didn't just ask that", you huffed, turning to him swiftly. Azriel let out another sigh, "Why does every conversation between us end up in an argument now?" There was no anger in his tone. Pure sadness at its best. It hurt him, and even you couldn't ignore it. You looked away quickly, but one of Azriel's shadows brushed against your cheek, turning your head back to the shadowsinger.
He kneeled in front of you, lowering himself to your height. "I'm not throwing this away. I said I'd teach Axel how to fly, and I will", Azriel said firmly, "I want to earn Zofie's love; I can't..", but you quickly cut in, "Don't", you muttered, "Don't make promises like that". Azriel watched you. Watched you because, no matter how much he tried, he knew he would understand the roots of the pain you carried. And then, against his better judgment or just simply because his heart was telling him to, Azriel muttered, "Come to Velaris with me". You let out a surprised gasp, scanning his eyes. "You don't mean it", you whispered, shaking your head, but Azriel only inched closer, "Then I'll prove it to you".
Taglist: @naturakaashi
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yourheart-inmyhands · 6 months
She hates me tho :(
Zhongli, Neuvillette and Dottore
With a fox!darling that is always with animals and isn't social at all due to heavy torture in her past and they discover it? 💀
Man I'm in need of some gore rn 💀💀
- Weird anon ✨
i'm so sorry but i just couldn't write neuvillette for this prompt, he's too precious DX
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including being held against will, delusional behaviors, torture, breaking of bones, and other potential topics. Please Read At Your Own Risk!
Yandere!Zhongli sympathizes with you, and since it’s clear that the animals bring you comfort, he allows you to keep a couple when he moves you in with him. He even goes the extra mile and builds a special enclosure so they’ll be just as content as you are, even if you aren’t receptive to his love yet. 
When he finds out about your past, which is inevitable with how overbearing he can be and how good he is at finding out things from the locals, it almost hurts his heart a little. But the more sickening side of him is thrilled because now he knows exactly how to get to you, exactly how to make you his perfect little spouse.
Whether it’s be reintroducing trauma through breaking bones, locking you in a cold, damp room with no lights for hours on end, or even things that border on torture, he’ll use it against you so long as it won’t entirely ruin you. While he wants you compliant to his whims and wishes, he doesn’t want you to be a shell, it would’ve been a waste of his time to break you to that point;
Zhongli would never stop as low as hurting your animal friends, but if need be he could certainly find ways to turn them against you. It’s almost amusing to him, the way you care so much for creatures who you’ll outlive. How you care so much for creatures who don’t even really know you, funny.
The sickening crunch of bone echoes through the room as Zhongli stands over you, the heel of his shoe digging into the freshly crushed bones in your leg. The makeshift gag, a towel from the kitchen, dug into the sides of your mouth as it muffled your screams and cries. The Geo Archon almost feels bad for using his strength in such a brutal manner, but it would all be worth it, at least that was how he justified it to himself. It wasn’t about the now, but rather what now would soon be bringing him. By breaking you down bit by bit, sending you spiraling back into some of the worst moments of your life, he could slowly rebuild your shattered pieces how he saw fit. What use was a puzzle if the pieces weren’t in the correct order, right?
Yandere!Dottore is sick, sick, twisted, and absolutely disgusting. If he wasn’t the cause of your original trauma, you could surely bet he’d be the driving force behind re-traumatizing you. 
Whether he chooses to reenact every step, or to simply do something far worse than what had previously done it all dependent on how he feels that day. Some days will be so similar to your past that you’ll truly feel like you were back there, all those years ago. Other days are so awful it almost makes what happened in your past seem insignificant as if that were a stone among boulders resting on the ocean floor. 
Dottore does think it’s funny though, using it as both amusement and research opportunities. It wasn’t often that animals such as yourself came across his table, so of course he’d taken the prime subject as soon as he’d laid eyes on you.
In his lab, you aren’t seen as anything but a thing that exists only for Dottore’s own gain. If you’re lucky one of his more sympathetic clones might take pity on you and actually give you a day to rest when he’s out of the Palace, but they’re expected to keep up the same treatment he inflicts in his absence.
It was almost sickening to the segments as the watched the fox-human endure soul shaking torture day in and day out. Everything from injections to straight up live surgery to see how much pain the body could take whilst awake had occurred on the cold, steel table. They were often left to clean up the mess, expected to stitch you up, administer antidotes to anything too harmful that had been administered today, and even sometimes bathe you due to the mess that had occurred. You’d been fed little since you arrived, given water only when necessary for your survival, and hadn’t seen sunlight in days- or months maybe? With the sickening way time seemed to pass, you couldn’t tell how long you’d been here. Your only reprieve would be when the doctor left for something more pressing, leaving you in the care of his segments that only sometimes took pity on you. Some seemed to hold a little more humanity than others.
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overgrown3d · 9 months
Who are you in their eyes? (PAC)
💭How does your friend, partner, crush, colleague, family member, or anyone in your mind view you? REMINDER! This is a general reading & purely their perception of you, take what resonates.
✨How to select your pile?✨
1. Slow your breathing, taking deep inhales. Focus on feeling present in your environment.
2. Looking from left to right, use your intuition to pick the pile meant for you (what you connect most with.)
3. Doesn't resonate? No worries! Pick another, it's message may be just right for you.
!!For Entertainment Purposes Only!!
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
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Pile 3 -> Pile 4
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🍃Pile 1 ;
Cards: 8 of Wands, Queen of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, 6 of Cups
The person in your mind could be someone from your past, perhaps a childhood friend, a classmate, or a family member. If not from your past, either you or them remind each other of a person you guys used to know, maybe they even perform a hobby you dropped, just something from the past. There is a lot of nostalgia here, and the reason why is because they possibly watched you grow up, or knew you from the past and reconnected again in the future, and they are shocked by how well you seem to be doing. The first thing I heard is "I'm so proud of you." They think you are somewhat of a go-getter, and most certainly financially stable. They perceive you as someone who invested a lot of time and effort in developing yourself. This energy feels so nice! They just think you're super mature, that you handle problems well, you're emotionally mature, etc. You just have your shit together, according to them. You may be able to "feel like a kid again", and overall have a lot of fun with this person, and they think the same. It's giving the vibe of "Wow, it's been that long, huh?" Overall, what they think of you is purely positive, and pretty lighthearted!
🍀Pile 2 ;
Cards: 3 of swords, 10 of swords, Page of wands, Queen of Pentacles , 8 of Swords
They think you're STRONG. From perception, they think that you've gone through something completely heartbreaking and life-changing, then brushed off your knees and got going again. They think you have such a strong demeanor, like I'm hearing "After all that?" They sense that you've gone through something transformative, like they see that spark in your eyes to use your heartbreak as a reason to strive. This could be letting go of old habits and past traumas. They are honestly baffled how you can keep going. They think you endured a lot emotionally, or resurfaced from a pretty dark place. You're pretty financially okay to them, or near the path to being there. This person could actually be someone that helped you as you were going through your struggles, providing an opportunity for you. You're like a go-getter, not settling for anything other than what you deserve.
🍀Pile 3 ;
Cards: Temperance, Page of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, The Emperor, Ace of Swords
The person you're thinking about may be a mentor, a teacher, or someone with experience and influence that gives you a lot of inspiration. I get very strongly that they passed down some intellect to you. They think you're starting out in a new field, but already low-key mastering it lmao. You're going to be pretty bloody quick to succeed. To them, you are pretty focused on yourself, perhaps focusing greatly on aligning your career to your passions, and working hard in all aspects of your life. I'm hearing "They have a lot of potential." so they view you as a person with a lot of skills and expect you to quickly master anything new. They think you are well-rounded and leading a pretty average lifestyle, actually. They think that you're certainly passionate, but not dreaming very big for your future. You're a balanced person in their eyes, very reliable. At first, they would think you're shy or socially awkward haha. They might even be shocked at your progress, like you'll outdo the master!
🍀Pile 4 ;
Cards: 2 of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, Wheel of Fortune.
While shuffling your cards, a bunch flew out super quick! This person would form a strong opinion of you upon first meeting you, and if you know this person closely already, they would be quick to answer if someone asks what they think of you. You are someone that would've stood out for them, even in mind. They perceive you as someone sociable, seeing you around other people very often. They think you have a stable income or can afford to be leisurely and have fun, and that you were born privileged. They think you're pretty lucky tbh, I'm hearing "They won in life". I'm getting a vibe that this person may be insecure about their assets, or at least need to develop themselves emotionally. They think they are out of your league, and that you are going to be veryyyy different from them, like a whole different level. They think that you've got good habits, they idolize you a bit imho. Looking past that, they think that both you and them have a lot to learn from each other. They think you're steady in life, while also fun-loving. This could be a romantic interest, but this also applied well for platonic relationships!
~~🍃 You reached the end of the reading, 'till next time!
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starl3ght · 1 year
//~Simon Riley hcs~//
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A/N: Alr first post🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ I’ll be doing a lottttt more. So, requests are open so ask anything, but please do read my request rules. I’m gonna do more hcs on task force 141 and more characters first then one shots. Maybe even series😳 Enjoy this🫶✨
contains: fluff, angst??, sex, mentions of anxiety, trauma, abuse, nightmares
- When you met he was a bit clueless how to process his feelings for you. And he was also clueless that you were in love with him
- Physical affection wasn’t immediate right away. You took time with him because you wanted him to be comfortable
- When you do hug him for the first time he froze in place. He had to process what was happening. He felt relief that he had someone in his life and held you close
- The mask stayed on for a while but when he felt comfortable he took it off. You were shocked he let you see his face. But he feels safe with you
- Helping him put the black paint on his eyes? Hell yes
- You sit on his lap while you apply the paint gently around his eyes. Playfully, he might get some paint and smudge your cheek while you giggle
- His heart melts at your laugh
- arguments oh how it breaks both your hearts. He will never yell though. He’ll walk off because he doesn’t want to hurt you
- You both apologize for your wrongs while you hold each other
- Oh he makes you coffee in the morning. Because I said so and he does seem like the type for me to just bring you a cup of coffee and you watch tv together or something
- He loves how interested you are in your hobbies. Just something about seeing you happy gives him the motive to do the same.
- Whether it’s reading, drawing, or collecting stuff, he loves how excited you are and vows to always protect you.
- When he does make love to you? It’s the best thing ever.
- I don’t see him having knife kinks or BDSM because if it could hurt you he wouldn’t do it.
- Just regular sex. If he’s stressed and you’re there in front of him…prepare to wash the sheets
- When you do have some soft sex, it’s beautiful. He focuses on your pleasure and experience. You both love each other and I’m gonna say, he prefers giving. He can take your core into his mouth with his hands wrapped around your thighs and your shaking form. He always makes you see stars
- The aftercare tho✨ Falling asleep being held to his chest or he takes your exhausted form into the bath. He makes sure to take care of you well
-When he does tell you his story and about what his father did, oh how it breaks your heart
- He was sitting on the carpet floor and you were on the couch behind him holding him and caressing his head while he told you.
- you pushed strands of hair behind his ears and told him you would love him always and how you’d be there for him.
- that was probably a breaking point for him and he let out some tears while he hugged your waist with his face in your chest while you kissed his head and held him
- You comfort him when he has some sort of nightmares or episodes.
- Just hearing his hyperventilating while he’s asleep is sad. You gently shake him awake and whisper his name as to not make it worse. Or just talking to him softly while he’s having a nightmare to stir him back to sleep peacefully
“Shh Simon, it’s alright honey…open your eyes for me”
- When he does wake up he looks for your face immediately and hugs you so tight. You coax him back to bed and you keep him close until he falls asleep again
- He has a polaroid picture of you smiling and takes it with him when he’s out of the country
- And god bless his soul because when Soap finds it he will not shut the hell up with questions about you
“That your lass Ghost?”
“Walk away mate…walk the fuck away and out of my face”
- Soap’s probably gonna tell the rest of 141 and ask who you are and if they know you
- Gaz wonders too but keeps it to himself. Price will tell Soap to mind his own business
-Johnny better sleep with one eye open now
- He brings you back some souvenirs. Like a ring, necklace or bracelet. Anything you might be interested in
- When he comes back exhausted during the night you have his food ready and he quickly takes a shower before heading to bed.
- he probably flops onto the bed in his black boxers and you’re at the door smiling at him. You just kiss his cheek and whisper goodnight and you get into bed with him or go into the living room to do something else to pass time
- I don’t think you go out for dates much. You just stay home spending time together or you do go out sometimes but for walking around in parks or going to the store maybe
- Overall you relationship isn’t SO normal. But it’s something alright <3
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pocket-jack · 5 months
Ok... We all have menstrual cramps... (Everyone with something to menstruate, at least...). So I present to you... KIDLAWLU crumps synchronized! Not menstrual... But crumps.
•Kid usually just have phantom pains in his chopped off arm. His shoulder also hurts because he wears heavy metal (ha, zing ✨). Sometimes it's just a little ache that annoys him, and sometimes he just feels himself returning to the day when he was laying on the ground feelings his freaking hand got cut off, suffering from extreme pain, panic attack and adrenaline boost.
He doesn't have any panic attacks know, but that's episodes are enough to bring him on Law's knees with a really ashamed begging to get the pain away. Then he would sit and wait until the painkiller starts kicking in, receiving massage from Luffy.
•Law is a guy who suffers from migraines sometimes. It was caused by a lot of stress and head traumas, luckily he knows how to deal with those. Yet sometimes he have to lay completely still in a fully dark and silent room with earplugs on, only to not feel a piercing pain.
It's a miracle, but Luffy and Kid starts to play a wonderful game of pantomime everytime, when Law starts to go paler with each moment and throwing up on the special basket near the bed. They tend to lay with him, and warm him up in attempt to put him to sleep. It's a small thing, but it helps to go through mostly all of the migraine attack.
•Sometimes Luffy just... Feels his scar ache. It might be just a little ache, but sometimes he feels himself returning to the Marineford. He usually get angry or frustrated with what seems to be no reason, but Kid understand him. Maybe it's just PTSD symptoms they going through together, but they're always understand what the other needs.
But unlike Kid Luffy just has it hard. Panic attack is a normal thing for him. Raising heartbeat, problems with breathing, head spins, and there's a nauseating feeling that someone or he is in danger. And he just walks around the perimeter to try to find something to beat the frustration in. And when he just can't he usually screams, or break staff or slams himself against the wall out of pure helplessness.
Kid's are there just letting him hit whatever he wants, but when the deal comes to hitting himself, he usually stops Luffy. If Kid's not suffering from phantom pains himself, he calls Luffy to the place where they can spar and kick their frustration out. Usually it helps to ease the pain, because it's more of psychological torture then the real one. Luffy needs a distraction and he can be distracted really quickly. Then they go to some places where they can play games or do the fun activities together, because Luffy gets so happy, when he sees something exciting to play.
When Kid is not feeling himself well, they just sit together in awkward silence, because each of them is too proudful to ask for help. Yet Kid just holds him tight, for Luffy to not run away. Usually Law just comes around with the painkillers for Kid and some fidget toys for Luffy. He could give him a medicine, but Luffy just too easy to stop from panic attacks to do so.
•Like the best boyfriends ever, they can have everything at the same time. And that's when they all just go quite for some time. Law knows the sign language, so he usually just use it's lazy form to talk. Luffy knows the sign language a little bit, because he was dating Law before Kid and therefore had some time to learn. Yet it's imperfect so he usually draws a really poor drawing to make Law and Kid smile. Kid doesn't know the sign language, and he tries, showing pantomimes. Usually he just opens his mouth in hopes that his boyfriends know how to read his lips. They don't. They usually end up laughing, hurting poor Law's head more, but then just stop to hug him as an apology. Law usually have emergency pack ready for their bad days: heating pad and painkillers for Kid, migraine pills, dark glasses and earplugs for Law and drawing kit and puzzles for Luffy. It's a miracle, that they can exist together in piece and even laugh. Evil love, huh?
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arkive78 · 2 years
ATZ Fanfics I’ll Forever Reread
Ok so most of this blog is me reblogging some of my favorite ATZ content, and I thought I’d make a masterpost of some of my all-time favorites. Please let me know if links aren’t working btw! A lot of these have NSFW/18+ content, so minors please DO NOT interact with those mentioning 18+ or NSFW below the cut!!!
** Updated: August 25, 2022 (added some fics and also tidied it up a bit hehe)
✨ Mists of Celeste by @hongism
NSFW!!, space pirate au
Ok, so if you’ve been on ATZ tumblr, you SURE have heard of this story by now, its at like 46 (roughly I might be remembering wrong) chapters of pure space-pirate galore and it’s honestly one of my favorite stories ever. It is NSFW, and is. M/18+, so yeah, it’s got smut and violence and trauma. 
The way she writes is absolutely amazing from the world building to character development it’s insane. No character is perfect, and honestly the MC is such a badass it’s just amazing. The personas she builds is just crazy and I swear she’s a god at tying plot points together or dropping some of the juiciest info or moments at the BEST TIME!!! 
Also, if you love pirates, this fic is great. I’m such a hoe for this fic it’s insane, it’s so well done and just everything one could want. It also has MANY funny moments that had me cackling. I do love the very “human” moments of just dissecting the human psyche or emotions and dealing with trauma and the like, or even the complications of relationships and ethics. Overall a work of art.
✨ Horizon by @pxedpiper
SFW, pirate au
Another iconic pirate ATZ fic, I read this one a LONG time ago, but it’s a classic pirate AU with the MC as a princess who gets stuck on ATZ’s ship and it’s very found family vibes and cute. 
It’s 21 chapters of everything I love too, and is completed hehe. It is Hongjoong x reader, so it’s even 100000x better because I am a huge simp for Captain Hongjoong on so many levels it’s a shame that there’s not more pirate Hongjoong fics. 
✨ Do you believe in fate? by @lettersfromaphrodite
SFW, soulmate au, magic au
A glorious HJ x reader chapter story with soulmates, magic, and all that good stuff. I read this one a long time ago, but the story is just so good and I love a good soulmate AU ahhhh. There is a sequel that’s a Chan x reader one (as in Chan from SKZ).
✨ Pirate King by @chaseatinydream
SFW, pirate au
NOW THIS!! THISSSSSS!!!!! I rmb when I first found this and was like huh this is a lot of chapters, and I wonder what it’s like. I swear hands-down I obsessively read the HELL out of this. IT’S SO GOOD!!!! 
It is another Pirate AU (my favorite), and it’s done so well I screeched multiple times, the whole story is so immersive and you literally cannot help but keep reading it, I would read this story til like 3AM it’s crazy. 
The MC’s storyline is SO COOL and unique from what I’ve seen. And the ending is just absolute perfection. I would make everyone read this if I could (like MOC LOL).
✨ Body Talk by @jungkxook
NSFW, 18+ smut
This is a 3 part story FWB! Wooyoung x virgin!reader, and the story is basically, reader asks wooyoung to take her virginity and the like. The smut is written so well and I just love a good ole idiots to lovers vibes because obviously they’re both in denial LOL.
✨ You’re the one that I want by @ateezmakemeweep
18+ NSFW
this is peak Badboy!Seonghwa do not get me started. This author has the tendency to pull you in and immerse you and then destroy you in the best of ways. 
I have actually not finished this out of fear of what happens next but lemme tell you, if you love a good angsty love story, read tf outta this. the way they write this story is just PERFECTION with the build-up and everything. 
Highly recommend this author in the first place but man, this was so good and the relationship building is awesome too (and ofc the angst if you love it). I swear I’ll finish this one day when I’m emotionally ready.
✨ Richboy!Seonghwa by @ateezmakemeweep
18+, NSFW
but another iconic writing by this amazing author. You will become obsessed immediately. It’s just absolute perfection.
✨ Into the Aurora by @honeyhotteoks
18+ NSFW
one of my favorite ot8 x reader fics, premise is really great and written VERY WELL. 
It’s so good it will have you absolutely SWOONING!!!!!! 
✨ Murphy’s Law by @uhmingi
NSFW, 19+ a/f/s, soulmate au, alien au, enemies to friends to lovers, san x reader, and ?/reader
the way I’m absolutely OBSESSED WITH THIS STORY??? should be illegal, it literally had me geeking out from the very first chapter, especially with the whole AU itself. 
Because aliens? How you gonna portray that? what kind of world are we in? And like literally it has me on the floor freaking out over how GOOD IT IS. 
Literally I had no idea what would happen next with each chapter. There is sadly only going to be 4 chapters, BUT I feel like this story will end satisfyingly, that’s the vibes I’m getting. 
But man, I will forever wish I could look at this story for the first time all over again just relive the shock moments. 
You will NOT regret reading this story. I would sell my soul for more chapters, but man this author got me YEARNING for these characters AGHJJJJJJ. 
Literally this story had me SWOONING
✨ Letters to a Ruined King by @ zetsumyona (on AO3)
18+, mature, 
another pirate AU that has me having heart eyes over captain hongjoong tho he hasn’t done a lot yet in this story. I
t is marked as an ateez x reader, tho granted they can always throw surprises at us but my assumption is that any member is game LOL. this series is also Mature and 18+ btw. 
It’s got great worldbuilding, portrayal of emotions, and it’s been fun to guess how each relationship is gonna go.
But the level of depth they’ve given the characters is crazy, and you don’t know what to expect next
it’s definitely an interesting take on a pirate AU
✨ You Belong to Us by @teeztheflag
18+, mature, ot8!werewolf ateez x werewolf!reader
about four parts right now, but man I love this fic. I think why I always liked werewolf!aus is the found family vibe but also the soulmate vibe and I always love re-reading it because it makes me so curious about their dynamics.
✨ Der Damonen Klan by @teeztheflag
18+, mature, demon au, poly teez
this was the first fic I found on their page and I love it. It' just such a vibe and I'm such a fan of ot8!fics because they're so entertaining and seeing the dynamics of each relationship (but also lowkey having people interested in you woohoo what fun). The storyline here I really like too because the MC is still trying to figure out what works and how she feels about them and the like. hehe.
✨ Blood Masquerade by @hongism
M/18+, fem!reader x tba, smut, violence
So ofc it's Miss Caly herself so obviously it's amazing. It actually mimics a dating simulator so she'd have choices after each chapter. and man this story is so immersive and I love how the MC is such a badass and isn't letting the boys win her over so easy, and although there's only 2 chapters so far, its stunning. The best part is you don't know what to expect since it's a twist on dating simulators and it's just so good, I cannot wait for more parts.
✨ catlike by @ maganxx (AO3)
witch au 
san gets turned into reader’s familiar and I’m about halfway thru it but it’s so good!!! It just finished I think.
✨ Kiss of Chaos by @ tenelkadjo (AO3)
Here’s the tumblr link as I’ve learned recently they’re also on tumblr @tenelkadjowrites
another witch au
Seonghwa x reader
literally I wish they would write one shots with each member because I think it would be so cool (please write one about Fae Hongjoong I might lose my mind) !!!!!!! And Seonghwa is such a hottie in this too!!!!!!
One shots! One’s that are NSFW are labelled but please read the further content readings when you go to the post.
✨ Can’t Stand You by @domjaehyun 
NSFW, HJ x reader
basically HJ is bad boy and reader is good student, and they get paired together
✨ 5 weeks by @ zetsumyona (on AO3)
strangers to lovers, colleagues to lovers, smut, there is an age gap btw (the reader is older)
idol!wooyoung x fem-stylist!reader
✨ Can’t take my eyes off of you by @bobateastay
san x reader
70s college au, boy next door san, smut
✨ Take me home pt 1 by @yeosanghwas
wooyoung x reader
THIS WSS SO GOOD WTF, it gets so heated in the best of ways
sub!wooyoung, softdom!reader, smut, frenemies to lovers, college au, fluff
✨ hop hop little bunny by @bngchnsi
yeosang x reader
when I read this for the first time I about died thank you very much
brat tamer!yeosang x brat!reader
✨ A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out by to_shinestar (AO3)
wooyoung x san x reader
!!! the iconic duo!!
this literally got ME sweating
✨ The House of Eden by @ faerbloom (AO3)
literally the softest thing I ever read
this is a very wholesome fic and just makes me wanna live in the woods with my lovers as a witch like wtf
ot8 x reader
✨ Room for Three by @honeyhotteoks 
yunho x reader x seonghwa
a duo I didn’t think I needed
there’s a second part too
this fic is literally so good i was SWOONING!!!!! just the dynamics and everything got me SCREECHING if they made a whole series of this I would go feral please and thank you
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sussysluttyscorpio · 2 years
Random Astrology Observations Part-3
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(This picture does not belong to me in any sorts)
~Libra mars and fleeing from any sort of confrontation. These people HATE arguing even for the things that should be argued about. And then they complain that people walk all over them, like "Bro stand up for your shit"
And even they do argue, they do a crap job at it. They end up getting too angry, throwing things and end up arguing about something completely unrelated.
~Aries moons are ✨healers✨ These people redeem their childhood traumas by healing others from theirs. Unintentionally. They just feel like they are doing what anyone would have done.
One of my good exes had this placement and he helped me with my unhinged and dark Scorpio moon a hell lot. Finally, I feel like I'm in a good place in my life for once. Protect these people at any cost.
~On that note, let's talk about Scorpio Moons. Sorry, not sorry, for calling it unhinged. I mean, I love my Scorpio moon but god, has it not made me overthink about the most unrelated and stupidest things.
Scorpio moon natives might often get nervous and emotional anxiety. They feel too intensely and that's where the problem arises. Majority people can't match their intensity. This makes the Scorpio moon native agitated that why don't people get them? The frustration then erupts in how the mars is placed.
If mars is in Libra, the Scorpio moon native in turn gets passively angered, don't know how to direct their anger and gets even more emotionally angered.
If mars is in Aries, the Scorpio moon native gets explosive in their anger. This might get ugly if they lose their shit. The type of people whose anger scares people.
Trigger warning: Nightmares, Death, Depression
~I've noticed this thing with Capricorn Neptunes in 8th house that even though they don't get nightmares very often or if they do, it is about death. Death of their loved ones or even themselves, which then affects their physical well being too. They might feel sick or emotionally burdened. Maybe even get depressed.
~If you wish to settle in foreign lands, look at your North node (Rahu) If it is in 9th, 10th or 11th house, there is a chance that you might get the opportunity to either go to a foreign nation for higher studies or maybe even settle down.
This is because Rahu is all about leaving your home to see the world or materialistic gains. And it gives good results in the 10th and 11th house since they are the Upachaya houses.
~On that note, Rahu in 11th is a huge fame indicator as well. A very common placement in celebrities or people who've gained fame.
(Will Smith, Neil Armstrong, Abraham Lincoln, Lady gaga and many more have this placement)
~But the downside of Rahu in 11th is that it may make the native egoistic. Also, their views about friendship might be marred by selfish gains. They are the people who go by "Use and Throw" in friendship🤡
~I read somewhere Sidereal Sagittarius moons have the best mothers. Ever. My mother has it too and her mother, aka my granny, is just 🤌🏻❤️
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ashesbreadandbutter · 3 months
Adrian Tepes x Reader • I Need You To Help Me Forget
Includes talking about what happened to Alucard and his assault and his feelings towards it with Reader who loves him dearly.
Word Count: 1,628. It was only supposed to be 1,000 words but I still went over it so be happy about that y'all lol.
Enjoy the read!
Her kisses are gentle, careful and he can feel his heart racing in his chest. Hammering.
It feels nice, lovely, and Alucard can't help how warm he feels being under her while she sits above him, holding his face with her hands as she covers his face in kisses. She kisses his lips, once, twice, three times before kissing his cheeks and after that she kisses along his jawline in a way that makes his breath hitch.
He can feel that similar heat in his gut, a feeling that he both loved and hated and just like that he was trembling.
He loved her so much. Too much.
And sometimes he feared her using him, playing him like he's been done before even though she's been by his side for years now. Helping him, keeping him safe.
A sense of guilt rushes over him and against his will he's remembering things he doesn't wish to. He wants her kisses but he feels dirty knowing used been used before. He feels unworthy of her love and of course she notices his tense nature, as she always does, and she pulls away quickly looking down at him with a worried gaze. Worried that she did something wrong and that hurt him more because never has she done him wrong and he needed her to know that.
She opens her mouth as if to apologize but he's quick to shake his head, closing his eyes for a moment as he gathers his breath. He's warm all over, a ball of fire in his gut. He wants her and he needs her to know he wants her.
His trauma annoyed him, made him angry beyond belief at times and sometimes… it came out on her. Sometimes he'd be so angry she'd catch the fire but she always managed to put him out as well… calming him with her smooth voice, holding him in her warm hands, kissing him with her angelic lips. She was his heaven on this earth and he needed her to know that.
“No.” He breathes as he looks at her again with those beautiful golden eyes of his. They're a little teary like he might cry. “Don't stop, please don't love my love.” He says softly as he looks up to her and it's like he's begging.
He needs her.
“Are you sure? Really sure?” She asked seriously as she leaned down, lips hovering over his own as she looked him in his eyes with her own and he loves how much she cares. She's supposed to after all.
He nods eagerly and she watches him for a moment before smiling softly and leaning in to kiss those lips of his again for a moment, hungry for another taste of him.
They press against each other before she nips his bottom lip and with a small moan he opens up for her. The way his tongue slides out to lace with hers is enough to make him rock hard in his undergarments and since she's in his lap, sitting so comfortably, he groans at the feeling of her against him. The heat between their bodies is enough to drive him wild and he needs her, needs her to keep kissing him, to keep touching him and to never leave him. Ever.
He needs it all.
She slides her tongue against his and moans softly as his hands move down to slowly grip her hips. He squeezes them, digging his nails into her skin a little as he holds her firmly against that hot bulge in his boxers. He can feel her through her panties, how warm and wet she's getting as she straddled him and when he gives a roll of his hips as if testing the waters she moans.
The noise makes his eyes roll back a little, before shutting. His hands squeeze her some more and he finds himself having to control himself.
There's a need to flip her over, to grab her by her hair or her throat and ram himself into her over and over again until she's screaming, crying that she'll stay with him, that she'll never leave.
And he's tempted.
Very tempted.
He can wait. He will wait because he's obsessed with her love, her attention and he'd be damned if he didn't receive every single bit of it.
She rolls her hips and he arches his back a little, searching for more… so much more.
He wants to rip their clothes off, to feel every inch and part of her around him… to pin her head down as she pleads for mercy but he doesn't want to hurt her, to scare her, even if she's completely happy with any and all the attention he gives her.
It feels good.
She feels good.
And he can't bother imagining his world without her after all this time. He'd rather die than lose her, then have her leave but he knows that she cares. That she loves him more than this world itself and knowing such makes him hot, needy.
He ruts his hips into her's, she's so pillowy and she grows wetter as she moans above him. She leans up, tossing her head back in pleasure at the grinding. He's hot against her like a burning sun.
His hands hold her tightly and soon he's tearing at her panties. He needs her, needs to feel her and he's practically losing his mind as they move against each other as their noises fill the air around them. Alucard could hardly control himself as he holds her and before he can stop himself he's flipping them over, caging her in under him as he continues to rock his hips.
He holds her legs open and watches as clothed cock rubs over her clothed and soaking wet cunt. He pants heavily much like a wild animal as he grips at the bed, nails digging in as she moans and pants. She whines his name, hands moving to caress and grope his chest before she runs her hands down his sides and holds his hips.
Even though he's not completely naked he feels hot all over and he pants as he looks her in her face as she gasps and calls out his name.
He's lost in her. Lost in her love, in her touches, her cries as she begs for more and Alucard feels an innate sense of relief.
Before he can stop himself he leans down and buried his fangs in his throat and they both explode. The feeling of his fangs send a wave of pain through her for a second and then explosive pleasure and she arches against him as she lets out a loud cry.
He groans hotly against her neck, the taste of her blood on his tongue and her hips shaking sends him into euphoria and he cums hard with a violent shudder as he presses hard against her.
He takes a moment to pull away from her, savoring that taste of hers with a moan before slowly pulling away. He's shivering and there's blood on his lips, his cheeks are red and his breath is ragged and he looks at her with enough love to shatter their reality. She breathes heavily, panting hotly under him, her legs around his waist and her hands on his chest as she looks up at him.
For a moment there's nothing but their panting but after a moment she grins at him, that cute and silly grin that he loved seeing on her so much and it makes his heart leap to his throat as her hands slowly move to wrap around his shoulders.
They kiss again, hot and desperate as she tastes her own blood on his lips.
“I love you.” He breathes, moaning softly as he moves his arms to hug her, squeezing her close as he spoke.
“I love you so much.” He whimpers softly and she purrs against his lips, lacing her fingers in his gorgeous blond hair, pulling him in even more even if there was already no space between their bodies.
“And you know I love you too.” She giggles. “I love you from the moon and back three times over, Adrien.” She smiles up at him after they pull away from a moment and her smile is so kind that he can't help the way it brings a few tears to his eyes. He sniffles, thanking her softly.
Thanking her for loving him, for being with him and she shushes him with kisses as she laces them over his cheeks as she kisses his tears away.
“No need to thank me. You deserve as much love as anyone else does and I'm happy to give it all to you.” She hums softly and as she holds his cheeks now he melts into her hold like a big happy dog. He loved her more than he could ever love anyone else and he was glad to finally have someone like her in his life.
“I want to be with you forever.” She breathes and he sobs softly as he hugs him tight. He refused to ever let her go.
“Then do so. Promise to never leave me.” He says with such a small voice that he almost seems like a small child pleasing for love and affection and she kisses those lips of his again, stealing his breath.
“I promise. I put it on my soul that I'll never leave your side.” She promises as they hold each other close, desperate to feel each other even more.
He loved her more than he's ever loved anyone else and he refused to ever let go and so did she.
They'd be together forever. He refused any other option.
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
who’s mad at you + why?
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• pile one •
who’s mad?
cards: the tower, page of swords. 9 of swords
this is someone who has a lot of fears and anxieties for some reason. perhaps due to something that they’ve said/gossiped about that proved to be quite destructive. they’re someone who you had a tower moment with, and perhaps someone who doesn’t know how to communicate properly. they could talk about struggles with anxiety, and maybe they’re someone who is constantly in crisis mode. to the point that their life is always in shambles and they never know how to help themselves out of it. this person might regret something that they’ve said because of the destruction that they’ve caused, but this person is also very two-faced it seems. i’m seeing gemini, and feeling the energy of the 7 of swords (although it hasn’t come out). you could feel like this person was side-eyeing you, evil-eyeing you, or judging you in some way. but again, they could regret doing that now.
cards: king of wands, justice, 4 of swords
they’re mad because you seem to be going after your own personal goals and achievements, meaning that you have to balance out your life in order to keep a clear mind. you may have realised that this person was not reciprocating your energy or that you deserve better treatment than whatever this person was giving you. they’re mad about your own self-governance. you seem to be prioritising yourself and demanding fairness in your connections and general life. you could have focused on them and invested too much energy into helping them, which resulted in you realising that you need to put a lot of that energy back into yourself. this person knew that they were taking advantage of you in some way, and they’re just mad that you’re more aware of what’s fair and what’s not now. meaning that they can’t use your energy for their own benefit.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ✨💞
• pile two •
who’s mad?
cards: 8 of cups, 3 of swords, the devil
wtf is going on here, pile two? this person is someone who definitely isn’t in your life anymore. this person was emotionally overwhelming and maybe even manipulative, so you walked away for the sake of healing. but i feel like this is someone who’s still trying to manipulate your energy or bind themselves to you continuously. even after walking away from them. the devil shows that this person is possessive. they have some weird ass obsession with you and it’s almost like they feel as though they need to still have a say in your life. this could be a capricorn or scorpio placement. if you haven’t walked away from them fully, then this is someone who you experienced some type of transformation with. a permanent change to the connection that you have with them. they may be responsible for inflicting pain that deeply affected you, or maybe even trauma/triggers. i feel like this is someone who’s mad that you’ve managed to drag your issues through the mud and use them for self improvement or self discovery. this person is someone who could have abandoned you multiple times in the past, but it seems like you’ve abandoned them this time around. and they’re mad about it. while also feeling powerless.
cards: 3 of cups, 2 of pentacles, the wheel of fortune
your life seems to have done a complete 180 (or it seems like it’s on the trajectory to that) because things are turning in your favour. they’re mad because of your connections with other people too (maybe they’re evil eyeing your friendships). and this is because you’re now very selective with who you invest emotional and physical energy into. there’s an energy of exclusion too, so perhaps this person also doesn’t actually know what’s going on in your life because they’re disconnected from it. there’s also something about other people “singing your praises”. if you have mutual connections with this person, there are multiple people who talk very positively about you. that makes this person big mad 😂. i’m hearing that it seems like you’ve effortlessly won a situation (particularly a social situation) too. without even trying. i heard that this person feels like you have the upper-hand constantly. and like everything constantly works in your favour.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ✨💞
• pile three •
who’s mad?
cards: 6 of pentacles, the hermit, knight of swords
this is someone who you spoke a lot of truth to about their expectations or their codependency on you. they may be someone who almost begs for help or attention constantly (similar to pile one), and they’re usually not willing to do some soul searching and focus on realising what they need to learn in certain aspects of life. it’s like they expected you to direct them and tell them what to do. to give them the wisdom that they felt like you held. this is someone who could be quite isolated and lonely, focused on pessimism more than anything. either pessimism or maybe they’re depressed. i’m also seeing that they could be someone who uses materialism and money as a way to avoid loneliness. they could be a giver themselves in some way, but they definitely feel quite alone and maybe even lost and in need of help.
cards: king of cups, 2 of cups, judgement
this person is mad because of some type of awareness about a particular connection that you have with someone. maybe you’re someone who isn’t very emotionally expressive, but you’ve found a reciprocal connection with someone else. this person also may feel like they were judged by you in some way, or perhaps that they were discarded for someone else. this person could also be upset about your connection to a king of cups (a masculine water sign or a masculine, emotionally stable person in your life. this could be a partner or a brother). idk what that’s about. this person is definitely mad about some type of connection that you have with another person though. and also they’re upset about your ability to realise something on your own. your insight triggers them for some reason. also how you can “rise from the ashes”. you seem to know how to rebirth yourself and close out cycles in your life for the sake of protecting your peace - as well as someone else’s.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ✨💞
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Silas asks #4
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Previous one next one
Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: mafia, punishment, breaking reader
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How tall is Silas?
Here you have the characters approximate heights
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How much money does Silas have? 200 mil?
Silas little 'business' has a net worth of 500 million, but he only keeps around 1/5 of it because he has a lot of workers to pay for. It's not about how much money he has, but what he spends it on and how he uses it. He doesn't need much money when he has so many people in control.
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We know that Silas is in the Mafia but like what does he really…do?
He thinks off himself as a business man and does a lot of paper work ... which is basically forgering signatures and looking through different contracts between him and his "business partners". He also goes out on missions and does the dirty work, which is confronting people, killing and buying illegal stuff.
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Silas is a whore
Yes :)
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Regular Silas < ✨Babygirl✨ Silas with 💖Cat Ears💖I rest my case (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧~🥀
bed now. sleep. yoU'RE NOT THINKING STRAIGHT
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Would Silas ever realize that throwing his darling in the basement may be pushing them farther away from him? Or would he rather just hurt them than win them over another way? (Love your writing btw!)
I think he does realize that, but he doesn't want to think about it. It pains him to know that he's the reason why you're hurting. He just want to make you obedient because when you're obedient, you won't get hurt ... he'll try to come up with another way to get you.
"I'm sorry, little thing. Please don't run. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to talk to you. You're in pain because of me. I thought that putting you down there would help you get rid of more pain in the future ... but it seems like I've made a mistake. I'll change my ways. Somehow."
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Ya know silas remind me of the main antagonist of kdrama called Love in sadness. The difference is silas is a mafia whereas the antagonist is a ceo. And has a trauma about the death of his mother. The common thing between them is that they both hold alot of power, know many men, has eyes everywhere, more importantly is obsessed and abusive to female lead(or female/male lead for silas). Both of them are capable of blackmailing reader to kill their loved ones if they escape. Thats all I wanna say~
I haven't seen that, but it sounds very interesting! Might have to check it out.
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i just finished reading all the Silas posts and..... oh my god he is awesome and your style is just incredible, i love reading new stories. so i have a question: how will Silas react to the darling who gave up trying to escape because it was impossible and decided instead to stay and make Silas' life hell? like, darling who will act like a bitchy trophy wife, looking down on him and trying to command his subordinates or even Silas himself?👀 not_so_submissive_darling, you know?
He'll be pissed. Although he'll be happy that you've given up, he'll be more than frustrated with how bratty you've become. He's the leader, you have no right to control his men. But you don't care.
"Baby, if you order one of my men to do something for you again, you will be put into the basement!" he'll warn you. "So stop acting like a bitchy trophy wife and go watch a movie or something. And if you don't stop, I'll take away everything I've given you. No more fancy clothes, no more jewlery, no more soap or shampoo- ... oh? That makes you mad? Good."
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 5 months
Pretty like the sun
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Next chapter
a/n not what I originally wanted to put out but today this hit my head so a little something to smooth us in. AND This is pretty like the wind series spin offs. This can be read as standalone all you need to know is that Azriel has two adoptive kids with OC - Zofie and Axel. Future stories related to them might include stories specifically decided to Azriel hence why I am taging it as Azriel story too. Don't come at me please. ✨🤍
summary: an arrival of a new sibling get a bit too overwhelming for Azriel's youngest daughter.
warning: past trauma related to wing clipping.
Zofie's pov:
She was ecstatic. Mother knew she had told every soul that was willing to listen to her about how she was going to become a sister. An older sister. How happy she was to no longer be the youngest. To be able to pull the same proud older sibling card, the same one that Axel used when Zofie had achieved even the smallest of things. It was easy to love like that because all she had known ever since she had met you and ever since she had seen Azriel was love. She knew because that feeling was always fuzzy. Always somewhat pink with tints of purple. It grew different in the saturation of colors, but it was always so delicate.
She doted over the idea of another element unifying you all as a family. Yes, she was content when it was just you four. Always had been. Even back in the sanctuary. There was something that told her that this was the endgame. That you all were always meant to find one another. Then Granny took them in for almost a month. Zofie still remembered how confused she had been when you and Azriel hadn't shown up the next morning. "Your parents are mates; they accepted the bond and need a bit of time... till it... well... settles," Cordelia had told them over breakfast.
And Zofie had loved seeing the new shades of gold that now constantly swirled around her two parents. Even when she drowned it out, the sheen stayed. And oh, how she had adored her lavender dress at the mating ceremony. How she had loved the fact that even though this was supposed to be a day about you two, Azriel had pulled Axel and her aside and made a separate vow, as a dad, just for them. Azriel was her yellow. Had always been. She had found it strange. Alarming even at first. Because no one, not even you, possessed a color like that. But then she realized that it wasn't a sign of warning. It was a sign that, just like a flower, she had to lean towards the sun. Toward the light. Towards her yellow.
She also remembered the day you two had sat them down. To tell them about the babe. "Well", you had breathed out, sparkling eyes gazing up at Azriel, who had been smiling like a fool. Never had Zofie seen him smiling like that. "Are we finally getting that black cat?", she had asked like a real kid, eager to drag the stray home. You had chuckled, "Not yet, but I'm working on it", since truly it had been Azriel who hadn't been on board with the idea. She watched Azriel moving closer to you, clasping your shoulders lovingly. She remembered how she had gazed at Axel, meeting his confused gaze.
The her dad let out a content sigh, "You two are getting another sibling", such simple sentence and yet the room exploded in a rainbow of colors for Zofie as she let out a squeal, grabbing onto Axel's hand. "Another kid from the camps?", Axel had frowned however. Most of them had been taken down. Only tightly monitored ones were allowed to stay put. And only with weekly reports sent to Rhys and then approved by the three Illyrians and the high lady. "No", Azriel had said softly as your hands had shifted to tighten the material of your dress that now shaped a slight bump. Zofie was convinced that Axel and her looked like two dead fishes up on the shore. Mouths gapping. Eyes big. "Surprise", you whispered as a smile broke out on your face. "Fuck yeah", Axel chuckled forward, embracing you in a tight hug. "Language, boy", Azriel reminded Axel as they clasped hands both smiling so much their cheeks had to aching.
"Mom", Zofie had muttered out, eyes full of tears. "You will be a big sister", Azriel had cupped her cheek lovingly. "That's so amazing", and she was genuinely happy. So happy. "We will knit things and oh, papa, we need to carve that crib and...", she knew she was ranting but the emotions. So many emotions... Azriel had wrapped her up in his arms. Drowning out the sounds immediately, "We'll do it all. You and me. Will make it special, my little star".
But what frightened Zofie now that she had returned after fetching some stew that Cordelia had made for your post labor recovery was that something had shifted. She didn't see it at first. Too focused on not spilling the food in the bowl. Too eager to watch you eat something. To see the colors that surround you growing brighter. Because the labor had taken so much out of you. Too much even. But now... Now she was dang happy she wasn't holding anything in her arms as she brought her gaze up because it would have clattered to the floor. Zofie had barely sucked in a breath. Her whole body was seized. Her dad sat in a rocking chair, one they had both carved. The baby was cradled against his bare chest as Azriel rocked back and forth slowly, humming beneath his breath.
"Papa", her voice was barely a whisper, but it had always been enough. Azriel had always heard her. It was always enough for him to stop doing whatever he was doing, just... His eyes didn't shift upward to meet Zofie. He did hum beneath his breath in acknowledgment, but...
Zofie tightened her fist. That would have been fine. She could understand it. The baby had been born a house ago, but it was the color that had shifted... "Papa," Zofie called out once more, feeling that same overwhelming sensation building up in her chest. "Isn't she pretty, huh?", was what Azriel had said in return as he shifted the newborn in his arm, pulling the baby that fit in his palm away from his chest so he could admire her. A wave of love crashed into Zofie's shields. Such an insufferable amount of love. Love had nothing to do with her. Zofie let out a shaky breath. As the bits of yellow dusted away from Azriel's aura.
"I want to hold her too," Axel's voice sounded from behind her, making Zofie twist back to look at her brother, who had stepped into the room. She was supposed to feel as full of love as everyone else, but watching Azirel carefully lower Novie into Axel's arms made Zofie's guts twist. Novie. Why pick a name that sounded like a better version of her own name. "Support the head," Azriel said gently, teaching his son on how to properly hold the youngest addition of the family, "That's amazing, and be careful with the wings." Another wave of emotions plunged into Zofie. Wings. Mother, that girl was perfect. Perfect in ways Zofie would never be. She never particularly cared that she didn't have wings. She didn't remember what it felt like to have them. Thwy had been ripped out by her father the moment she was born. But no one wished any harm to Novie. No, she would have a loving family from her first breath. He first cry. A perfect girl for a perfect family. And she was Azriel's blood. She had bits of Azriels. Features that would no doubt always make him smile. Because he would stop and see you, see himself in her. Zofie could sense slithers of green twisting around her own aura. She was jealous. Jealous of a newborn that was an unflawed version of her. Same dark hair. Same perfect skin. Just she wasn't cracked or marked.
A warm hand reached out for her, and Zofie instantly pulled back. "Zo, babe, is everything okay?", your gentle eyes looked up at her. Zofie forced on a smile, reaching back to you because she knew if she pulled back fully, it would alarm you, and she couldn't. Couldn't bring herself to hurt you. "Granny wanted some help downstairs; I will come up shortly.", the lie came so easily that it was alarming. Your warm palm cupped her cheek. "Thank you for being here with me today," you muttered softly. Zofie bit the inside of her cheek. Fighting the tears as she nodded. She didn't even spare a glance at her father and brother as she walked out. She had stopped to linger by the door. Was hoping for someone to ask her to stay. To do anything, but all she was greeted with was gentle laughter that only clawed at her heart more.
Hurrying down the stairs, she nearly tripled over her own feet. Barely catching herself on the railing. "Careful, love," Cordelia called out, her hands holding the basket filled with bloody sheets. Zofie simply nodded. Her hand reached for the doorknob instantly. Yet her hand stilled for a heartbeat as she looked over the door frame. Looking for Azriel's shadows. Ones that always followed her around. Ones that were always just for her. But she found none. "Zofie," her grandma called after not getting a response to her warning. Zofie knew the decision had to be made right here and now. A heartbeat of thinking too long, and she would... Without allowing another thought to simmer, Zofie yanked the door open. The cold winter breeze hit her face. And then she ran. Her feet slipped through the snowed-on rocks. As she ran and ran and ran, as the ringing in her ears drummed.
Nyx's pow
He could have stayed back in the camp as his father came to fetch Axel when YN had gone into labor, but Nyx always wanted to come back home. There was always a pull. An ache that only eased enough when he was in Velaris. That disappeared when everyone was in the room. Sitting in one of the fancy armchairs, the princeling continued to scribble as his parents talked in the background. He used to be a noisy boy, trying to listen in but as of lately none of their conversations interested him.
Just like his mother, Nyx reached for the brushes as soon as he could hold one properly. After that, his sketchbook was always close by. Simply because at times the visions and ideas would get so overwhelming that he had to put them down on paper. And he was just casually doodling flowers and swirls when an urge to draw a river bank hit him. Nyx was almost sure that he could hear the water roaring. The snow crunching beneath the feet. It was messy the way his pen arched out trees and snow. But it was almost as if he couldn't scratch an itch. One that was followed by an urge to fly. It happened at times more often than not as of lately. But he never gave it much thought. Illyrians were born with the sound of wind blowing within their hearts. So the need to be up in a sky wasn't anything strange.
So Nyx was up and walking towards the stained glass door, the pen and sketchbook forgotten. His wings were already ready for takeoff. "Nyx, where are you going?", Feyre's soft voice had made him halt. "Just for a fly," he said bluntly. "It's snowing," Rhys chirped in. "That had never stopped you, dad." Nyx rolled his eyes, stepping closer to his mother. "I will be back in no time; don't worry, ma." Nyx pressed a kiss on his mother's temple before turning back.
Usually, he never had a specific place he flew to on his night cruise, but tonight, the south bank of the river was exactly where he knew he had to be. The wind was painfully sharp tonight. That icy, rain-like wind. That felt like thousands of needless digging against one's skin.
Nyx would have flown over with no care if he hadn't seen the same oak trees that he had been scratching just before he leaped out of the balcony. His breath hitched. His heart was drumming in his ear. Because a part of him... He dove down, running the last couple of meters as his feet hit the ground with an impact. "Zo," he breathed under his breath. Chest heavy, "Zofie," he said much louder. The girl turned back, holding herself up against the tree. His skin was pale blue, and her wild swept black hair frozen over at the tips. "Hey, hey," Nyx breathed out, hands up, as he approached the younger female as if trying not to spook her even more. "Nyx," Zofie's voice was raspy and frail. Too raspy. Too frail. Something primal rippled deep within the princeling's chest.
"Hey," he called out softly, his hands reaching out for her. "Fuck, look at me," Nyx softly moved to cup her face, her ink-black pupils stared right at him. Not Zofie. An ancient spirit stared up at him instead. "You're freezing..." Nyz moved his warm palms over Zofie's icy arms, trying to soothe the skin. "Zo, what..." he muttered, looking around. Trying to find anything. A threat. Danger. Attack. Wildlife. He wasn't sure, "Why are you here?" but his question was met with Zofie's icy fingers gripping his arms. "Nyx," she called out. "I'm here. I've got you. It's okay," he reassured her. "Come on," Nyx wrapped both his arms and wings around Zofie, shielding her from the cold. He let his warmth seep into her. She felt so good in his arms. His mother had always joked about how he had been enamored by Zofie from the moment they met. They laughed it off as a childish crush, but they didn't know that the feelings hadn't changed.
But then a harsh wave of reality hit Nyx, "Does Uncle know you're here?" He knew that Azriel wouldn't harm him. Not really, at least. But Zofie was his everything. Nyx had rather a hard time forming a relationship with his uncle because they had never reached common ground as far as Zofie was concerned. She sagged in his arms, and Nyx swiftly scooped her up. She was tiny compared to him. And weigh no more than a feather. "Zo, what the fuck?", he growled, feeling the worry growing with him. But she didn't answer him. Curling deeper into his embrace. Her palm rested against his chest, right over his heart. He didn't know what he was thinking, but as he pushed back from the ground, Nyx knew that they weren't going home.
Taglist: @justdreamstars
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ivesambrose · 11 months
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ June Mini Messages ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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1. 2. 3.
Apologies for being MIA for the past month. May was rather overwhelming but let's intend June does a complete 180 🤍
Indepth Month ahead reading slots open for $20 only 🌼
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The central theme for you this month is to spend time around those who keep you afloat.
It's also important for you to assess how you feel around, during and post interacting with some people, places, information and situations.
Additionally stay hydrated this month.
Infact your body might crave more fluids in the form of soups, smoothies, juices etc
Expect new friends who are more supportive and compassionate towards you given you return the same energy.
Some of you may be starting a business or work of some sort or maybe even investments. Might be slow initially but will be successful in the long run.
Anything that you have started with determination towards the middle or end of May or the very start of June will pay off by the end of this month. This could be something very physical related goal either body, health, studies of any kind, business, finances, creating something tangible etc
You might feel indecisive in regards to something this month. Go within for clarity you don't have to have to make the choice till you're sure. Alternatively, priotrize meditation and detachment instead of overconsuming media or information.
By the end of this month you'll feel more confident in yourself and your leadership qualities, more stable in your health and life aswell. Might even get a tattoo that means something to you.
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Relationships is the central theme. Be it romantic, platonic, familial, interpersonal and self.
There is grief here that you have been suppressing and carrying. You may resort to comforting yourself with food for this.
Some of you might have gone through or will be going through some inevitable endings. Although rough will make room for the fresh start that you have been avoiding because the old felt too comforting.
You'll see a silverlining in your circumstances. Infact if you've been going through a sense of loss and disappointment for a long time this will finally come to an end. Some past traumas and experiences might mentally resurface for you so you can acknowledge and heal yourself as well as your inner child. Infact, this will be an excellent month to cater to your inner child the most. You deserve joy.
There will come a time you'll start feeling at peace. Some of you might even start getting proper 7 - 8 hrs of sleep.
You'll realize any form of supression and isolation that you've been feeling is mostly mental. But soon enough you'll break free from it too.
By the middle of June things will start speeding up as you feel more lively and renewed. Allow yourself to move forward, things aren't stagnant as they may have been.
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Perfecting the balancing act in your life is the central theme this month. You're a great multitasker but for this month fixate on what's been you're calling for the longest time.
For a lot of you it's been all work and no play or you stretching yourself too thin trying to cater to strangers or people who take too much from you. You'll be pushed to drop it.
There is something that will bring you financial reward. Enjoy it without guilt.
You'll be priotrizing your success. It's all a matter of focus. 'I am successful' not, 'I'm working towards my success.' it's time you realize you can't constantly treat yourself as a 'work in progress' for so long that you end up associating yourself with the narrative permanently.
More focus on aesthetics and personal style too this month. Followed by team work and proper partnerships.
Keep some things personal to you not everyone has the best of intentions.
For some of you, there's someone who admires you deeply but you can't seem to open up or trust them even though they mean well. Give them a chance.
You'll be mastering your emotions and channeling them into creativity.
By the end of June you'll see that the universe has been looking out for you all along. Something unexpected that makes you enthusiastic and allows you to be free spirited. Seize that chance and let it take you where you've desired to be.
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eureka-its-zico · 6 months
Will chapter 8 be the last one for now until s2 comes out, or will there be a chapter 9 which will be the last?
Chapter 9 is the official climax of the series and the literal climax following the OPLA. I do have chapters planned all the way until chapter 11, however, but these are all strictly filler.
I might take another vote tbrh and see how everyone is feeling afterwards, but chapter 10 and 11 will happen mostly because I have bestowed ✨trauma✨ and to properly flush out trauma and generate healing it happens slowly and as a process.
I’ve been reading the manga and watching the anime for said filler ideas until we get to S2 of the show and I’ve had a few people send in cute ideas, as well.
I’m just salivating over here because I KNOW my tiny son Chopper is coming and I can’t imagine waiting a whole damn year for this 😩😩
I’ve also planned a small spin-off, if you will, for Sanji that is going to be 3-4 parts. I’m not sure if any of this helped you lol I feel like I was, yet again, rambling so I apologize 🤣🤣
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fanyyy444 · 5 months
Who in bts believe in “Love at first sight “❤️‍🩹
Does BTS Believes In Love At First Sight?
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The Hierophant, The Devil, The Lovers.
Yes, a strooong yes❤️
It seems like he falls in love really fast at first sight lol, especially when the person is way too pretty and sexy.
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4 of Cups.
Sometimes..Sometimes he believes in it but sometimes he doesn't. I think he's not into love at the moment, just wanna do his things alone, he likes being single(Even tho idk if he's single👀 Might do a reading to see who in BTS is dating, do u guys like this idea?).
He believes in love at first sight sometimes, it kinda depends. I don't what that depends, but it depends lol. It's a maybe more pulled towards a slight no.
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Page of Cups
(I didn't even shuffle the cards and the Page of Cups just jumped off the deck omg😭😭😭😭 I don't even know how it jumped because I didn't even start shuffling the cards tho😭😭😭 ✨magic✨ lol)
He's so sweet😭😭 He definitely believes in love at first sight, don't need to say anything else🥹
This was so cute, I felt a soft energy while reading.
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The Judgement, 10 of Pentacles.
It's a maybe more pulled to a yes, same like Jin, "sometimes".
The cards took a while to fall, so I think and feel that it takes some time for him to fall in love.
I feel that he does believes in love at first sight, but sometimes he doesn't..It's a maybe guys.
The Wheel Of Fortune also wanted to fall, so I think that just like Seokjin, it depends for Hobi.
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The Moon, 9 of Swords, The Hanged Man.
Strong no guys..
Jimin what happened babe?? Did someone break your heart?😭😭😭
I feel he used to believe, but now he tries to avoid the MAXIMUM from falling in love or getting involved with someone.
Feels like a trauma or something?..
The cards are talking about other thing while I was asking if he believes in love at first sight or not(I think no)..He used to believe in love at first sight in the past and fell in love for many people in the past, but then he saw who these people really are, it felt like a trauma, he doesn't believe in love at first sight anymore.
Anyway guys, I think he doesn't belive in love at first sight anymore. That was deep lol..I really thought the cards would say a strong yes(Because of his energy, personality, etc. He's just so sweet), he has some secrets.
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King of Swords, 5 of Cups, The Death.
No..Not anymore, just like Jimin, it seems he has some traumas with "love at first sight" and even "first love" thing. He lost his hopes on that, but not at all. Nothing else to say.
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Knight of Cups.
Strong yes! Same as Yoongi, but he might even daydream about love at first thing. He believes in it a little more than Yoongi.
★ . . . . . · · · ♡ · · · . . . . . ★
Yes: Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook
No: Jimin, Taehyung
Maybe/Sometimes: Seokjin, Hoseok
★ . . . . . · · · ♡ · · · . . . . . ★
That's it, hope you enjoyed💖
Please take it as entertainment only, do not take it too seriously. And remember that it cannot be 100% accurate and that each and every reader has their own way of reading and interpreting tarot cards🫶🏻🩷
Ily guys💜
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