#i mean yes he is a fuckboy in many ways but COME ON
shadowqueenjude · 2 months
@halfbutneverwhole shared me a video of Frank Sinatra and THIS. THIS IS AZRIEL SINGING.
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bangchansnudes · 2 months
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fuckboy!hyunjin. 1.6k word. cliched enemy to lovers(??) with a douchebag hyunjin.
“don’t tell me you’re scared of some fake gore,” the boy whispers over to you, followed by a mocking chuckle, “need me to protect you baby?”
“shut up.”
“can you both shut up and just watch the damn movie?” seungmin says from his sitting position on the floor, his head turning back to glare at both you and hyunjin on the couch, “i swear if i need to pause it again, i’m throwing both of you out in the cold!”
if it weren’t for the fact that your roommate was dating seungmin, you would never ever interact with someone like his best friend, hwang hyunjin, let alone let him into your apartment.
but unfortunately for you, the two were the ultimate besties which meant where one boy went, the other usually followed. that’s why it had become a norm for the four of you to hang out. like right now, a weekend movie night.
you really didn’t mind seungmin, the boy was nice and treated your roommate well but hwang hyunjin was a whole other story.
hwang hyunjin. sigh. the boy was the literal definition of a fuck boy. an obnoxious frat boy who flirted his way through every living thing in a skirt. yeah, that was a way to describe him.
at first, hanging out with him wasn’t all that bad. you actually didn’t mind him either, the boy was somewhat funny and that face of his was just absolutely breath taking. one of the many reasons why he was so popular around town.
but then he began treating you differently, for some reason. he’d go out of his way to annoy you, to insult you, to tease you. he seemed to suddenly hate you and he made sure to let you know that.
and it had been hell since.
“i’m gonna make more popcorn,” you get off the couch and head towards the kitchen, sighing at the thought of having to spend the rest of the night with hyunjin. classes had already been hell for you so the last thing you needed tonight was a screaming match with the fuck boy.
“don’t do too much thinking, your small brain might explode.”
that voice. that god awful voice.
you turn around to see the devil himself leaning against the kitchen entrance, arms crossed over and a smug grin on his stupid handsome face.
“what? cat got your tongue babe?” he makes his way over to you, cornering you in against the kitchen cabinet, “or have you finally fallen in love with me?”
“fuck off hwang,” you push at his chest but the boy doesn’t budge, only laughing at your weak move, “i’m not in the mood to deal with your shit.”
“what do you have against me anyway?” he leans in closer to you, both his hands now resting on either sides of you on the cabinet, “is it cause i’m so good looking and so popular?”
this has to be the closest you’ve ever been to hyunjin, his face barely even an inch away from yours. the smell of his cologne is attacking you from every direction, a very clear indication that he was way into your personal space than necessary.
“no hwang. i hate you because you’re so obnoxious and so self centred!”
“oh really?”
“yes!” your hands push up against his chest again as you say so, preventing the boy from coming any closer to you, “you think everything is about you! just because all the girls on campus wants to fuck you, doesn’t mean you can be such a douchebag all the time!”
perhaps you were crazy but you swear you could see his gaze move from your eyes to your lips as you spoke, the boy clearly not paying any attention to your words. you’re not sure why he’s suddenly so quiet, why he’s not throwing insults at you but the way he’s staring is making you more nervous than ever.
you try to avoid his weird, intense gaze by moving away but the boy stays put, his arms on either sides of you seemingly sliding closer to your body instead.
“mo- move-”
“do you wanna fuck me?”
“what the fuck hyunjin?”
“you said every girl on campus wants to fuck me right? well do you wanna fuck me?”
“of course not!”
“well that’s really too bad,” he scoffs, a playful grin on his face as his hands grab onto your waist, holding you in place, “cause i wanna fuck you though.”
your mouth is frozen, your mind unable to process the words that had come out of his mouth. maybe you were just hearing things because there was no way he had just said what he said to you.
the boy who had made your life a living hell these past two months wanted to what? fuck you?
“you... what?”
“i said, i want to fuck you,” his grip on you tightens with every word, fingers now gripping so harshly into your skin that you’re certain marks will appear by tomorrow morning, “and if you don’t tell me to stop, i am going to kiss you right now.”
“th- this isn’t funny. let go.”
you let out a squeal when he suddenly lifts you up onto the cabinet and moves to stand in between your dangling legs. his body is now comfortably pressed against yours, his arms tightly around your waist while yours are resting on his shoulders. it’s a position you wouldn’t have ever imagined you’d be in with him but here you are and you’re not pushing him away either.
“does it look like i’m trying to be funny?” his lips brushes past yours just slightly as he says so, a move you would’ve surely punched him for but at this moment, you don’t know how to react.
so many things are running through your mind, so many different potential reasons as to why he was suddenly acting this way.
“too late baby.”
and his lips were on yours before you could even respond, kissing you with so much force that your bottom lip immediately hurts. the boy is evidently desperate, wanting to taste more of you than just the surface.
his hands casually slides underneath your shirt as he continues to kiss you, causing an instant shiver through your body from his touch alone. you feel as though your body is on fire, every part of you screaming to be touched, to be pleased.
he moves away from you slightly after a bit, just enough for you to catch your breath again. he doesn’t take his eyes off of you the entire time, the intensity of his gaze only causing an embarrasing pool in between your legs. in addition to the pool that was already there during the kiss.
“if you just want to get your dick wet, well you’re not getting shit from me hwang.”
lies. you know for a fact that one more move from the boy and you’ll probably end up on your knees if he told you to.
but he didn’t need to know that.
“actually i’ve been trying for two months but you’re too fucking dense to notice,” he rolls his eyes at you, clearly annoyed, “why else would i spend every single weekend here? you think i really want to watch shitty b grade movies with the lovey dovey couple?”
“wait... what?”
“i flirt with you every single time! as if you really didn’t know!”
“being a dick is your way of flirting?” you make a disgusted face and slap his chest, “how on earth do you get girls everyday being this way?”
“well i haven’t had a girl in two months because the one i want is oblivious as fuck.”
more silence.
“well- well... i-”
“just shut up,” he smashes his lips onto your onces again, this time kissing you in a way that had your knees weak and your body feeling like mush. it’s a slow and sensual kiss, as if the boy is taking his time with you, wanting to feel every part of you.
you end up whimpering into the kiss when one of his hands moves to trace the thin lining of your pants, his fingers teasingly slipping past the band. but to your dismay, that’s all he does.
“yeah baby, i’m right here.”
“oh. my. god,” you and hyunjin immediately freeze at your roommate’s sudden gasp, only to see her and seungmin standing at the entrance, completely disgusted, “i knew you guys would’ve ended up fucking one day but PLEASE not in my kitchen. PLEASE.”
“i told you dude. should’ve just confessed instead of giving me a headache for the past two months,” seungmin sighs dramatically before pulling your roommate away, “whatever, we’re going out. you guys play nicely.”
and the two are gone as quick as they appeared, leaving you and hyunjin alone in the apartment. no one says anything for a while but you don’t care. all you wanted to do was hide in a hole forever after being caught by your roommate and seungmin.
with a sigh, you decide it’d be best for you to get off the cabinet but hyunjin stops you.
“ah- i’m not done with you yet,” he says sternly, holding you in place, “we have a lot to talk about.”
“yeah like where you want me to take you on our first date.”
“who said i’d date you?” it’s your turn to scoff now, amazed at the boy’s confidence, “you wish hwang.”
“who you trying to fool? you were about to let me fuck you right here in this kitchen babe, so i’m pretty sure you wouldn’t say no to a date.”
“hwang hyunjin!”
“yeah baby, i’m right here.”
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on-leatheredwings · 2 months
Yandere! Tim Drake / (AFAB) Reader
> romantic, rated M > tw/cw: yandere-typical behaviors (obsession). M rating is for a boner. just some sexual tension. reader is mentioned as bisexual.
> summary: Intellectually, Tim falls fast. Romantically, he falls hard. Seems this time it's both. > a/n: i just wanted to post some tim practice, pls let me know if i did okay. I made him a bit of a fuckboy i guess but ngl i think tim’s just run through af ���� > word count: 1268
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Tim likes you. And knowing himself, soon, he’s going to really like you.
More than anticipated, too. He didn’t think he’d have much of an opinion at all on you, when you had first met on your first day, in your new position as his personal assistant.
Personal assistant. 
At the reveal, he exchanged a hard look with Bruce across the room. Tim Drake had not been slacking on the job. And sometimes he had the eye bags to prove it.
Tim hadn’t even said anything yet, when you chirped, “Think of it as delegation.”
You gave him a pleasant, albeit cheeky look – which he respected. If you had the qualifications and enough charm to impress the hiring manager, who was a notorious hardass in interviews, you were probably fine. Probably more than fine.
Either way, he expected to forget your existence until you texted or called him to remind him about meetings he hadn’t forgotten about.
It turns out, you had… personality. Probably more than you should’ve, working in the professional setting of Wayne Enterprises. You dealt with Tim’s shit (absences, excuses), but gave as good as you got (ultimatums, thinly-veiled blackmail to run and tell Bruce). You were also… very attractive. And clever. And smart. And insightful.
And God, he wonders if you have a boyfriend. Or girlfriend. Partner. And he wonders if he can somehow orchestrate a breakup. 
Tim moves a chess piece across the board. 
Okay, maybe he’s being too hasty. 
Oh, for the love of– you know what? No, he isn’t being too hasty. Anyone working in such close quarters with the heir apparent of Wayne Enterprises is heavily vetted. But it’s about time he did his own background check on you. He has made it three whole months without doing so. 
See, he really is getting over his control issues. Eat that, Stephanie.
Okay, if he’s going to entertain the idea of courting you– Wait, wait, since when was it courting? Yeah, no. He’s merely entertaining the thought of you. He’s been burned too many times now to start courting.
Let’s talk about having sex first before we start talking about dating, he jests with himself.
Anyway. He wonders what would be the most interesting means of going about this. Coming out and confessing would be a little boring. Too easy. His eyes wander to your lips. You’re too focused on making your next move to notice him ogling the soft swell of your chest beneath a sharp button-up. You’ve rolled up the sleeves – very casual for this very casual hangout. You both lounge on your bed, in your bedroom, in your apartment, because if Tim wins, you don’t get to hound him on personally contacting investors. (Sometimes, you gotta leave malcontents out to dry. Make them miss you.)
He hopes you like being experimented with. Or maybe you like experimenting on others. He would do anything you liked because, man, it’s thrilling to know people and their wants. Anything you give, he could take it–
Tim startles as a realization comes to his mind. 
… Him. Taking it.
Is that something he wants? To bottom for you? … Is that something… he wants? 
Now that the idea has been conceived, yes, he wants that. So that’s that. 
The reality of whether you’d want to do that… is slim… maybe? You’re bi as well. Maybe that changes things. He’s not going to think about it too hard, because now he’s getting excited.
Tim would love for the skittering, synapses-firing-on-all-cylinders effect in his brain to cool down – for everything to wash over with cool calculation and academic interest. He manages to do that much for even the most intriguing cases. But you… Tim sighs.
And now he’s hard.
Tim shifts uncomfortably. He’s lying on his stomach, held up by his forearms. 
He sighs, even though there’s an evil piece of his brain snickering and taunting, “But you love this, though!” Evil, evil.
At Tim’s increasing silence, you lift a brow. Man, he’s been out of it all game.
“Tim?” He comes back to planet Earth. “It’s your move. Again.” You wear a Cheshire grin. “It’s almost like we’re taking turns, or something.”
He blinks, baby blue eyes clearing up. He shifts in his spot, feeling trills of pleasure from friction against erection. Your sheets. Against his erection. He bites back a smile. Okay, yes, he loves this. He likes hiding like this, right under your nose.
Him getting a boner was a development he had foreseen coming ten minutes ago, once he started daydreaming about you. So he just went ahead and casually switched positions. A risk, but a calculated one. He was pretty sure there’d be no reason for him to get up and expose the tent in his jeans. And boy does he love it when he’s right.
Tim goes to move another piece, when he glances up at you and nearly goes slack-jawed. You don’t meet his eyes. Instead, you wet your lips, seemingly meditating on something.
You meditate on him. After all, Tim is so… pretty. Pretty in a way unlike the rest of his gorgeous brothers. He has pretty eyes framed by dark lashes and a smaller frame, though he’s deceptively muscled under the clean-cut slacks and button ups. He has silky black hair that often falls into his eyes; a defined jaw. And pale skin. He is notably the palest in his family, burning miserably on beach days. It is that pale skin, contrasted so sharply with his dark green tee, that brings your eyes to his collarbones.
Tim nearly erupts.
Fuck, yes. He caught you staring. It takes him self-restraint not to puff out his chest or try to show more skin, lest he reveal his hard-on.
You snap out of it only moments after he notices, grin returning to your face.
“You know if you lose focus like that, I’m going to win,” you tease, almost childlike mischief in your expression. 
Tim so badly wants to parrot the words back at you, but he doesn’t want to scare you into never checking him out ever again. The little inch you just gave him– oh, he intends to take a mile. Whatever small acquiesces you give in the future, he knows he’ll take that and much more.
Now, he’s hungry for you. As soon as this game is done, he’s going to create a new case study file, just for you. He could start kicking his feet at the thought, he's that excited. He’s excited! 
He’ll put the pedestrian, basic stuff like your height, weight, alma mater, major, past jobs and experiences. Somehow get into your social media that’s all on private mode to see what you’re always laughing at on that damn phone. He’s also going to bring up your phone records, go through your email, go through your physical mail. Oh, fuck, surveillance. He’s already in your room, too, luckily. If only he had more of his bugs on hand… The ones he always keeps in his belt buckle will do for now. Also, Tim needs to think of some way to acquire your breast, waist, and hip size – he has a good idea of those measurements, but he wants to know. When is the next time you’ll be out of the house and not at work, he wonders–
“Tim,” you whine, impatient. The sound is music to his ears.
Tim’s eyes rise from the board to your pouting face, and he smiles apologetically. Suddenly, your face dawns with disbelief and indignance.
Tim swiftly picks up one last piece and knocks one yours over.
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dollypopup · 9 days
I get why people would think it but
Colin is NOT a rake. Colin is a young man trying to figure out his identity and what he likes sexually and trying to understand what the men of his society talk about and do. He's not out here messing around with women just to string them along and then leave them. He's trying to fit in and has been made fun of for being a virgin so yeah, he rectifies that by having sex, but just because he slept with a few women, that doesn't make him a rake? You wanna know who an actual rake in the series is?
Because what the fuck happened to Miss Goring? I think about her sometimes and my heart aches for her. Her first season out, she's an 18 year old woman, and an older, titled man of her society who she assumes to be a proper gentleman makes her believe their relationship can actually be something, messes around with her the entire season, and then fucks her in a linen closet at a ball only to....what? Come back the next year with absolutely no mention of her whatsoever. Did she get pregnant? Was sent off in disgrace? Have to marry someone else?
Fife is a 30 year old man who has a bad habit of hounding after young, vulnerable women in his society. He fucks them and leaves them. He's a rake. Colin? Colin is not even close to that. Say what you will about the brothel scenes, but that IS the responsible place for a man of his time to go to for sex. Please stop demonizing sex work. Yes, many of these women are in that line of work because of less than savory reasons, but Colin is not taking advantage of them. He is paying for a service and they are providing that service. It is transactional, and he is the LEAST of their concerns in terms of clientele. A kind, handsome man who pays well and is discrete? Yeah, they're fine with him.
Colin has a history of respecting women. He respected Marina all throughout their courtship, and even after. I know some people sneer at him coming to see Marina, but please keep in mind she is a woman on her own who married a stranger far away from ANYONE who knew her. Colin was worried about Daphne when she came to him, asking if anything happened when she was away and clearly ready to fight for her, so of course he's worried about Marina. Partly he visits her for his own closure, but also like....y'all that's a WELLNESS visit. He's concerned that she's unhappy, but ultimately leaves because she's not hurt and that she tells him to. Colin listens to 'no' from the women around him. He asks for permission from them. He waited for Penelope's consent sexually, but he also didn't even get into the carriage until she allowed him. He even asks "Please, let me in".
Colin lives in a time when women do not have many rights, and he listens to the women around him even more than the men. He is the only one of his siblings to ask for his mum's advice and immediately takes it and takes action. He brings Eloise back a feminist text from his travels, even after she's besmirched as a radical, because he supports her pursuits. In season 2, he also knew of her going to the printers and didn't say anything. He has always respected and cared for Penelope. He hasn't insulted a single woman in his vicinity. He doesn't make the women he flirts with feel bad about themselves, or feel less, but compliments them, all whilst keeping respectable distance so as not to make them think he's interested in marrying them. He doesn't dance with any woman but Penelope in that season.
Colin isn't a rake. He's not a fuckboy. He's trying to act like he is, emulating the circle of his society, but that doesn't mean he is. I swear people just WANT to misinterpret him because that's the easiest way, but Colin is a character who doesn't lend well to surface level readings. He's a nuanced, gentle hearted character who has been looked down on for his sensitivity. He's a deeply relatable person because who of us haven't pretended to be accepted? Especially if we've been bullied or excluded. I know I have. Put on a persona for the sake of survival. And he does so for what? A few weeks? That does not a fuckboy make.
Just say you don't want to understand him and move along because those of us who get him GET HIM. And I'm grateful for a character like Colin.
He's the best man in the series by an entire mile and you can't change my mind about that.
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youraverageaemondsimp · 9 months
A Helping Hand. // Virgin!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader, MODERN AU [ONE SHOT]
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Summary: it comes as a shock to find out that your extremely attractive best friend is still a virgin! So you offer to help him lose it to which he agrees to, unbeknownst to you, he was secretly in love with you, are those feelings reciprocated? // based on this request
WARNINGS: unprotected p in v sex, handjob, blowjob, orgasm denial, virgin!aemond, multiple orgasms, teasing, tiddy sucking, oral (m.), pussy slapping, cumming inside, premature ejaculation, some fluff at the end + not proof read.
WC: 2.6k
You were currently lying on the sofa with your best friend Aemond, watching a movie but it was so boring that you both engaged in a conversation which revealed something you had not known about Aemond, despite being friends for almost two years.
“Wait what?! You're seriously a virgin?” you yell when, shocked at what Aemond had just revealed, he looks away shyly and feels a little embarrassed, you quickly regain your composure, immediately noticing how his face dropped when you were shocked, likely taking it in an insulting way.
“Don't get me wrong- Aemy, but seriously? You're literally the hot shit, I can't believe you haven't gotten with anyone, do you know how crazy popular you are?” you try to show him that you didn't mean it in an insulting way, but just complete shock considering how beautiful he is.
He looks at you in confusion and shakes his head.
“Oh seven hells, you dense dumbass.” you huff crossing your arms, “Literally there's so many people fawning over you! The girls from my uni class? Everyone! Even one of my friends used to have a crush on you. I had to listen to her constantly ramble about you.” you explain.
“I never really focused on my surroundings that much, and I didn't really think I would stand out.” you dropped one of the popcorn kernel into the dish, shocked at what he had just said.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me! Seriously? 'I didn't really think I would stand out' my gods, you are literally so perfect! Your unique features, your purple eyes and platinum blonde hair are features I would die to have! You're so beautiful.” you mock what he said before you compliment him and he gives you a shy smile after chuckling at the way you quoted him, with a high pitched voice.
“Thanks.” he says and you nudge him with your elbow, “Seriously though, never thought you'd be a virgin, I thought you'd at least would've gotten with multiple girls, or boys.” you shrug and he purses his lips, “I think you are confusing me with my brother.” he says and you laugh, “Yeah right! I never expected the younger brother of the literal fuckboy of KL university to be a virgin, thought that you'd follow in his footsteps.” you joke around, and Aemond scrunches his nose, “I have no taste for such depravity.” he says, tone serious before you both burst out laughing, “Whatever you say baby.” you wink at him jokingly, calling him baby. He smiles at that and stares at you.
Just then a loud screen erupted from the TV screen and you were focused on the movie once again, watching intently while chewing on popcorn.
But Aemond didn't turn his attention back to the movie, he watched you, the way the light emitting from the TV bounced off your lights and face, giving you a certain type of glow, the way your lips were pursed and eyebrows furrowed as you watched the screen, clearly affected by a scene that bought out that reaction from you, but he didn't care to look, he preferred to stare at you.
Aemond Targaryen was in love with you.
You didn't know that.
You and Aemond had shared classes but never really interacted with one another, until you were late to class one day and found all the seats occupied besides the one next to Aemond, you went and asked if you could sit there and Aemond smiled at you gently before muttering a yes, and that's when your friendship blossomed, you both started talking to each other.
You developed a small crush on him at that time, the way he would be so kind and gentle with you made your heart flutter, but then you pushed away that crush the minute you found out that he was dating Floris. You felt hurt but quickly moved on, and continued to stay friends.
That's when you turned your attention back unto him, “Hey- didn't you date floris? Did you guys not have sex?” you asked way too openly and he blushed immediately at that thought, “N-no- we tried but i was so nervous that i could not get it up, and then I found out she was cheating on me.” he says embarrassed and you mentally wanted to punch yourself, how can you ever forget the reason they broke up? It was the first time you saw Aemond so out of it, not being his usual self, but you helped him get over her, after her, he never really was interested in anyone. Until he realised how he truly felt towards you.
“I'm sorry, that was stupid of me.” you apologise and he shakes his head, “Don't be, you were curious, and that's okay, I don't take any offence.” he says and you smile at him before scooting close to him, leaning your head on his shoulder, he could smell the shampoo in your hair and he loved it very much, closing your eyes and basking in the comfort of your presence.
Aemond never felt like this before, he didn't know what you did that made him fall in love with you, or get so comfortable around you, you showed him the difference between what 'love' and 'like' feels like. He thought he had loved Floris, but it was just like, and he thought he liked you, but it was love.
“Do you wanna lose it?” you ask, raising your head to look at him, “Lose wh- my virginity?” he asks and you nod, “Mhm yeah, I wish I had experience.” he says and your mouth curls up into a smile before you propped yourself up. “I can help you.” you say and he looks at you shocked. “–Only if you're comfortable, no pressure.” you reassure him, before reaching forward and grabbing the glass of water and downing it entirely, and he thinks for a bit. Losing his virginity to a girl he loves so dearly? Fuck yes. He would be a fool not to accept that offer.
“Sure.” he says and you smile, “Do we schedule it?” he asks and you bite back a laugh, “Whenever you're ready babe.” you wink at him and he looks at you with a smile on his face. You both sit there in silence after that exchange, staring at the screen but not quite watching or processing what the hell was going on, until you felt Aemond place a hand on your thigh, you smirked, there's your cue.
But you didn't react and let him explore a bit more as his hand went under the skirt you were wearing, his hand travelled up to your inner thigh, stopping right by your cunt, you felt him press two fingers onto your clothed area gasping when he found it damp, you were clearly enjoying this. He looked at you with uncertainty and you nodded, giving him permission to touch you.
His hands pushed aside your panties, fingers dipping into your wet heat before he slid his hand up and down, coating his fingers with his juices until he found your clit and rubbed small circles on it. You gasped when you felt him do that.
He was teasing you.
You did not know what came over you, and you pulled his hand away, before you got off the couch, going on your knees in front of him, he was taken aback by your swift movements and tried processing what was happening, but before he can, you parted his legs, settling yourself in between them on your knees before undoing his pants, and pushing them slightly to reveal his boxes, you pushed them down as well and it revealed his hardening cock.
He gasped when he felt your warm hand wrap around it, giving him a few pumps before it became fully erect. You watched as the tip became red and started leaking precum, which you collected with your thumb before rubbing it on the tip, making him throw his head back.
You slowly took the precum leaking from his tip and coating your hands with it so it acts as lube before moving your hand up and down his length, you were so enchanted by how pretty his dick looked, it was big, bigger than any of the guys you've had before, he was just perfectly thick enough, a vein running along his erection, pumping the blood. Your mouth watered at the sight.
Your daze was quickly broken by a loud moan Aemond let out when you squeezed his cock a little, and you looked up at him, his face was flushed, breathing ragged and heavy and he looked at you with mouth slightly wide open and it went straight to your core, you rubbed your thighs together to satiation the itch there.
You pulled his cock towards your mouth before kissing the tip and licking it causing his gasp loudly at the way how good your tongue felt against it, you slowly took him inside your mouth, hands making up for the area you aren't able to take and bobbed your head up and down, tongue swirling around his cock.
“F-fuck you feel so good.” he grunts making you chuckle, causing vibrations which shot up to his spine, he held your head with one hand and started using you to fuck himself, your hand left the base and resting on his thigh as you let him using your mouth to fuck, he shoved his cock deep inside making you gag, tears welling up your eyes, you breathed through your nose, eye closed at the intensity.
He was near, and you could tell by the way he became sloppy, that's when you pulled yourself off him, ruining his orgasm and he looked at you with such a confused expression that made you smirk.
You got up off your knees before taking off your skirt and top, leaving you only in your bra and panties before you straddling him, hands resting on his shoulder as you kissed him on the lips, his hands held you by the waist, kissing you back and rutting up against you, trying to gain some friction.
He undid your bra clasps and you helped him remove it, baring your tits to the room, you got up slightly to grab the hem of his shirt and pull it off him, revealing his toned chest.
He kissed you again, hand entangled in your hair as he pushed his face against yours, it was desperate, you away and teased him but pinching his nipples making him slightly whimper.
You felt his finger wrap itself around the band of your panty before he applied force in pulling and tore it, you gasped when he discarded the torn piece, slapping him lightly on the arm, “Hey! Those are expensive.” you said and he chuckled “I'll buy you a new one.” he says in a daze, and kisses your neck. You can feel the stiffness in his kisses, he was extremely nervous about it.
“Aemy, just relax.” you put your hands on his shoulders, lightly massaging it when you felt how tense they are and he pulled away to look at you and nodded.
You gave him a small kiss on the cheek, below his scar, before you caressed his hair lovingly, trying to soothe his nerves.
He appreciated that, he really did.
When you felt him relax enough, you grabbed his still-hard cock again and lifted yourself up on your knees before lining it against your entrance, slowly sinking down on him, completely engulfing him before you let him settle inside you, that's when you started riding him, grinding your hips.
He moaned loudly, cumming almost instantly when he felt the way you clenched around him, and you halted.
That was way too quick.
He felt embarrassed and he looked down, avoiding eye contact with you.
You grabbed his face and made him look at you, “It's okay aemy, it happens.” you say, caressing his cheek with your thumb but he looked down once again in shame, “That- was way too fucking quick. I'm fucking ashamed- fuck.” his voice cracks and he seems like he's about to cry, but you pulled him in for a hug. Hands around his hand as he presses his face against your tits, his hands hold your hips for balance.
“Shh, it's not shameful Aemond, it happens and that's completely all right, it's your first time as well! Don't feel bad.” you kiss him atop his head and he looks at you, you give him a reassuring smile before pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“Besides, I didn't let you finish earlier too, and by the way, you're still hard.” you say, grabbing one of his hands, pressing it down on the end of your stomach, making him feel the bulge there, and his eyes widen. “That's me?” he asks and you chuckle and nod, “Yeah you're way too fucking big.” you say it in a joking manner and he smiles.
You slowly start moving again, riding him, he showers kisses on your breasts before taking one unto his mouth. You grabbed onto his shoulder for support, moving up and down, you moan out loud when the tip of his dick grazes against your rough patch, he moves his hips upwards as well, rutting into you with so much need, he stops his actions on your breasts before he kisses you, holding you by your waist as he pounds into you.
You felt the familiar rise of pleasure from your core, the coil that snapped so quickly when his tip hit the rough patch, pushing you over the edge as you moaned his name out loud, causing him to grunt as well.
You felt his thrusts become sloppy once again, and you had an evil plan, pushing off him, sliding him out and ruining his orgasm once again, before you could get off him completely, he changed positions by pushing you onto your back on the sofa, pushing your legs to your chest and sliding in effortlessly and roughly beginning to pound into you.
You didn't know where this intensity came from but you didn't mind, you grabbed the sofa hand above your head to stabilise yourself as his thrusts were extremely brutal and hard, causing your body to jolt up.
You felt his tip bullying your cervix, causing slight pain, but you didn't show it and let him fuck you brutally.
His hand fell to your clit, rubbing fast but furious circles onto, and slapping it time to time, causing a little twinge of pleasruable pain, the band in your core snapped once again, making you arch your back pushing onto him, he came at the same time inside you, pushing to the hilt and riding his orgasm out. He collapsed on top of you, still inside you.
“Wow- that was- fucking intense.” you compliment him and he just hums, causing vibration.
“I love you.” you freeze when the confession leaves his mouth as you feel him burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
You smile at that and caress his hair lovingly.
“I love you too.” you place a small kiss to his head when you feel him smile as he breathed heavily.
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I don't think non-New Yorkers know how funny Miles and Wiles having Jordans is.
Like it's REALLY funny and really Brooklyn - New York of him.
Miles, Wiles, and Jordan Sneakers - Clever Cultural Characterisation
[A MEDIUM length post were I talk about Brooklyn Sneaker Culture and it's use in ATSV]
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Have you ever wondered -
Why is Miles the only one wearing branded clothing?
When all other brands are either spoofed or replaced, why is Miles - the main character wearing such VERY BLATANTLY branded sneakers?
And why is Nike, a random shoe brand, the choice to go with?
There's a reason the creators show Miles' creativity and personality through his shoes.
And it's because
JORDANS HAVE A CHOKEHOLD - on Black Guys in High School from NYC
And this might be bizarre to some and idk if it translates to other black communities- (please tell me if it does)
But here in Brooklyn, almost every masc guy in my high school was OBSESSED with Jordans. Most guys I knew can name certain releases by looking at them, and had multiple pairs in different colors
JORDANS WERE LIKE SOCIAL CURRENCY - from middle school all the way to college. And it's a very cultural thing here in Brooklyn.
What colors you had and how many are something you bragged about. Many guys own multiple different colorways of Jordan's and will WAIT in line hours for a new release.
There's a store call Flight Club here in the city, and sometimes you'll see the line going out the door, of well dressed black guys waiting for the new release of Nikes to start going on sale.
Of course Adidas is popular, but no where near the culture hold as Nike to us.
I remember begging my parents for like a week until they brought me Black Air Force 1s
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And I STILL have them over ten years later. They're too small, but they're holding up well. And even until this day, my home town is lined with sneaker stores. There's one around the corner from me rn.
Here it really is natural for guys LOVE JORDANS and to use them as a form of self expression. It's not odd for Fashion is on the minds of black guys in Brooklyn.
Even in high school, guys were matching their outfits and always trying to get the latest brand name. Mind you, this is an inner-city school full of 98% low income black kids. For us that was a social language.
Some shoes even have their own 'personalities' tied to them:
For example:
Black Air Force 1s (the one above) are often called 'hit a lick' shoes. Hitting a lick means to rob someone. So there's this idea that if you have those on you about that action lol it's an chill inside joke though it isn't serious.
White Air Forces are seen for guys who DON'T do that because they're too worried about getting their white ass shoes so clean.
Keep the above in mind for the next part
Hair cuts - like shape-ups and fades, Backpacks, and Shoes are three big things that were a fashion influence in my high school HARD.
Trends also are a big thing here, and they come on really quickly. I remember for maybe four years a brand called Sprayground got big, and after all SO many high school kids started collecting these $80 bags in all different colors. I wanted one so bad.
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A lot of them had illustrations of things like money or weed.
If you see a mfer with the shark mouth bookbag RUN he's the biggest fuckboy you've ever met.
Which is to say - !42 WOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE BAGS
How many of the iconic orange boxes that you lined up in your room (yes they keep them) was something you boasted about.
MFers would deadass have this in the corner of their room and bring you over talking about sum 'it's decor' SIR IT'S A HOARDING ADDICTION
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They'll walk different, and NEVER squat, because doing that might crease the leather along the toe box. And creased Jordans are not fresh so what's the point - they're ruined. A guy in my class use to being plastic bags and tie them around his ankles when it rained then he walked home.
Like look at this Reddit post I found -
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'is he stupid' 😭😭that's so mean but like here EVERY guy just assumes you know not to do that to Jordans ever
And that's why the creators do it - AND THEY DO IT WELL
And it's so impressive their deep understanding of this very specific thing that happens in mostly black high schools in NYC.
Cause that's not something you can just search up and research really.
Because of our culture - Miles & Miles!42's shoes are a silent language in their own right.
Like Miles!42's shoes are one of the first things we see about him.
They're the first thing we're suppose to notice - because it let's is compare him to Miles.
Miles' Jordans are iconic - the white and red shoes.
They're clean and white, with pops of color and personality. Like Miles, he's about being the good of Spider-man, while also getting himself and adding his own colors to it.
And because it's natural to the character and the culture, they let his shoes be the signal that Wiles is not like Miles. He has a different style, in fighting, in speaking, in personality, from his hair literally down to his shoes.
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Wiles' shoes are VERY similar to Black Air Force 1s. It's basically that with utility bags and purple detailing.
That's a signal - like I said: WILES IS ABOUT THAT ACTION. He's here to get his lick back.
From his standpoint, as a black guy from Brooklyn with his personality, he would know about this culture. He'd know the message black Nikes send where he's from.
It'd be natural for him - Hell yeah he'd go for the black Jordans.
He's speaking his social language.
Wiles' doesn't have to say 'fuck around and find out' he got on Air Forces with bags on them - HE'S ABOUT IT.
The writers didn't wake up one day and say 'Oh Nike wants a brand deal?! Okay cool'.
They don't show Wiles' shoes to be like 'LOOKY BUY THE NICE SHOES' - We are shown this shot
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For them to be like : This is who Miles!42 is.
Because of sneakers.
But it's really funny to me to see Wiles shoes and be like 'damn he bout to fuck Miles up'.
Do guys where you are do this?? Like is this a thing y'all know any Sneakerheads.
Anyway I would put a pic of Hobie but I'm on mobile so they won't let me and I'm lazy
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jjkeverlast · 1 year
bloodline | jjk #3 (m)
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-> pairing fuckboy!jk x fuckgirl!f.reader
-> genres/aus slow burn, friends with benefits au, smut, humor, angst and college au
-> summary a relationship was the last thing you wanted, but having wild and experimenting sex? now that was something, and jeon jungkook is there to give you simply that. as long as either catch feelings... but that won't be hard for you knowing you'd never go for a guy like jungkook, although jungkook might have another opinion about you. let the (fun) begin!
-> word count 4.8k
-> warnings dry humping | grinding | oral (m. receiving) | rimjob rimjob, oh did i mention rimjob?! lmfao | oral (f. receiving) |🙅🏽‍♀️ if ass play is not of your taste, this isn't for you! 🙅🏽‍♀️ oh and we cannot forget, sub!jk :')
-> author's note hi? 🤥
masterlist for bloodline
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jungkook🙄: wyd rn [3:46 am] 
You rub your eyes, squinting as the light shines directly into your eyes. When you catch onto the text, you mumble under your breath. 
“You have got to be kidding me.” 
you: i’m sleeping [3:48 am] 
you: thanks for waking me up idiot [3:48 am] 
jungkook🙄: sorry baby [3:48 am]
jungkook🙄: go back to sleep it can wait [3:48 am]
Okay, now you’re curious, so to keep yourself awake you crawl upwards, leaning your back onto your headboard. You know this is his way of keeping your attention, by giving you a tiny taste of something he wants, which increases your curiosity. 
you: too late for that [3:49 am]
you: tell me [3:49 am]
jungkook🙄: you sure? [3:49 am]
jungkook🙄: it can wait dw [3:49 am] 
you: jungkook istg [3:50 am] 
jungkook🙄: all right all right [3:50 am] 
jungkook🙄: so remember last time when you sucked me off? [3:50 am] 
The event he’s referring to, happened not even two weeks ago. Of course you remember, and the surprise piercings he showed up with. Fuck, that nipple piercing is still deeply engraved in your mind. But then you also remember how he fleeted with an attitude, when you kindly asked him to leave after he got what he wanted. It was indeed weird. He’s not even bringing it up, almost acting as if it never happened. 
you: how could i not?? [3:50 am]
you: you do know it happened not even two weeks ago right? [3:50 am]
jungkook🙄: well excuse me for asking [3:50 am]
jungkook🙄: but [3:50 am]
jungkook🙄: fuck how do i say this [3:50 am]
you: lmfao why are you so nervous [3:51 am]
you: it’s just me dude [3:51 am]
you: we’ve seen each other naked so many times pls [3:51 am]
jungkook🙄: shut up [3:51 am]
jungkook🙄: you did something [3:51 am]
jungkook🙄: when you went down on me… [3:51 am]
You take a moment to think. Did you do something different? Not that you’re aware of— or, wait. Does he mean…
you: when i licked your perineum?? [3:51 am]
jungkook🙄: yeah why did you do that [3:51 am]
The response makes you guilty, especially since you did it out of curiosity, aching to please a man in different ways than just a blowjob. When in reality, you hadn’t even thought about what Jungkook would say to this. Yes, you made an agreement that this was strictly sex and to explore different things, but rimjobs were never a topic. Maybe Jungkook sees it as taboo, many do, which is why rimjobs are rarely spoken of when it comes to a woman doing it on a man. 
you: sorry koo [3:52 am]
you: i was just curious [3:52 am]
you: next time i’ll promise to ask before acting on instinct [3:52 am]
you: it was never my intention to make you uncomfortable [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: woah woah woah [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: slow down babe [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: that’s not why i asked [3:52 am]
you: what???? [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: i asked cause… [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: i haven’t stopped thinking about it [3:52 am]
Your eyes open wide, re-reading his message as if it isn’t real. Jeon Jungkook has been thinking about it? He’s been thinking about your tongue elsewhere than on his cock? 
jungkook🙄: did i freak you out [3:53 am]
you: no no just didn’t expect it [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: yeah sorry maybe this was a bad idea [3:53 am]
you: jungkook. [3:53 am]
you: you’re not the only one who’s been thinking about it [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: i’m not??? [3:53 am]
you: no…[3:53 am]
you: was just unsure if i should bring it up [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: i can admit that i’ve been repulsed by the idea [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: but fuck [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: it felt so fucking good [3:53 am]
you: you liked it?? [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: babe i might’ve liked it too much [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: i’ve been watching porn about it cause i was in doubt [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: now i’m just.. curious about it [3:53 am]
Is he suggesting…
you: yeah? [3:54 am]
jungkook🙄: yeah even though it makes me fucking nervous just thinking about it… [3:54 am]
jungkook🙄: but i definitely want to [3:54 am]
jungkook🙄: with you [3:54 am]
You lose your breath for a second. Never in the months of casually fucking around with Jeon Jungkook, had you expected for him to be so open about rimjobs. So open, that he’s texting you at almost four in the morning about it. But it’s happening, and just the idea of Jungkook lying beneath you, letting you run your mouth wherever makes you wet. 
Fuck, you really wanna try this. Even though you’re not certain how exactly it plays out, you do. It’s something new for you both, and just when you had tried other things for the first time, there was great communication and a whole lot of orgasms. So, in the end you’re not too worried. 
you: fuck [3:54 am]
you: me too [3:54 am]
jungkook🙄: will you come if i asked you to rn? [3:54 am]
You don’t even hesitate before replying. 
you: be there in 15. [3:54 am]  read
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Saying you’re nervous would be wrong, it’s more excitement you’re driven by as you move towards Jungkook’s front door. As promised, you’re here fifteen minutes after your last text, his apartment only being a few miles from you. 
It’s lucky for you that Jungkook lives alone, which also explains why you mostly fuck at his place, but lately it’s been at yours. Not only did it result in Cho-hee catching you both in the act, but you had to sneak him in as well — twice! 
Finally, you bring yourself to knock, letting the excitement play with itself as you await for Jungkook to open the door. When he does, you don’t expect to see him in nothing but his black sweatpants. Literally, nothing else. 
“Hey–” Jungkook notices how your eyes stay glued on his shiny nipple piercing, smirking when you realize he’s caught you ogling. 
“Don’t say it.” Jungkook holds his hands up in surrender, chuckling when he moves aside, letting you step into his entrance. 
Jungkook stands patiently, watching you take off your shoes and coat, and that’s when you notice how long his hair has gotten. His hair curls neatly behind his ears, tucked by a headband and fuck, that has to be the hottest thing… along with his piercings you’ve grown very fond of.
You’ve barely stepped inside when Jungkook grabs ahold of your waits, pulling you so your chests knocks into his. 
Jungkook kisses you, slow, almost like a peck and pulls back. His forehead keeps itself leaned onto yours while he softly smiles. 
“Well someone’s impatient.” You comment, making his eyes roll. 
“Been hard ever since our conversation.” His hand moves down lower, onto your ass, grabbing it to push you close so you can feel— and yeah, he wasn’t kidding. 
“Shit.” You mumble under your breath and he hums in agreement. 
“Bet you’ve been wet as well.” His voice is so low, it goes straight to your core, only making it worse for you cause you haven’t even been here for two minutes and he’s already pushing all your buttons — which will result in you becoming extremely impatient. 
Instead of agreeing to his statement, you kiss him again, longer this time. He complies, opening his lips wider so you can trail your tongue on his lips as you push it in further. It’s wet, messy, warm and you really need to move to a bedroom, or you’re going to end up asking Jungkook to strip down in the middle of his hallway. 
“Come on.” He pulls you by the arm, trailing his hand down to intertwine your hands, as he guides you to his bedroom. 
Every light in the apartment is off, only his night table lamp still turned on. The room is just as you remember it… very Jungkook. Dark walls, furniture, posters of his favorite bands and white sheets. 
He decides to lay down first, sitting up right as he leans on his headboard. You join him, straddling his lap as you go back to kissing him like you did in the hallway. This time, you grind down, feeling how hard he is under you with every motion. God, you’ve missed this. 
His upper body feels hot and warm under your palms. Your fingers trail further down, tracing the outline of his abs. You can’t believe he’s this hot. Sure, it occurred to you the first time you spoke to one another, but with time it’s really made you realize how great he looks. 
Jungkook has a habit of biting down on your lower lip, always managing to make you moan when he does. The nibbling sensation afterwards has to be the best part as you’re still able to feel it afterwards. 
The more he bites, the more you grind down on his covered cock, feeling the outlines as it stretches you out, despite the thick fabric standing in the way. You need it gone. 
“Take your pants off.” You breathe out, as you pull away, noticing how flushed Jungkook looks from only kissing you. 
You help him out, pushing your hips upwards, so he’s able to take off his pants. He leaves his boxers on, probably to tease you or maybe he just loves edging himself. 
“You too.” You nod, moving away from his lap to take off your checkered pajama pants. Jungkook giggles when you whine in frustration when the edges of your pants refuse to pull down. 
“Don’t laugh.” 
“What? It’s cute.” You scoff in annoyance, finally managing to get them off. 
Therefore you return back on his thighs, your covered core rubbing more thoroughly on his hard on. Jungkook bucks his hips to meet yours, your clit pressing down on his tip and shit how come that feels so fucking good?
“Fuck—“ You whine as you pull your lips away from his. 
“Baby. Fuck, wanna eat you out.” Jungkook runs his tongue on your neck and down to your cleavage but this was supposed to be about him. 
“Not now. Wanna taste you.” You hear the gulp Jungkook does at your words. 
“O-okay.” You’ve never seen him like this, all shy before which is probably due to him trying something he never thought he would. It is something that’s slightly strange to many, you’ve been composed to it as well. Until your friend from back home had told you how it was when she went down on her boyfriend. It made you curious, looking up on the internet regarding the infamous rimjob on men. The people speaking about it were mostly women, explaining their own experiences in detail and some open minded men as well who were very open to share how it felt. Somehow as time went by, the idea didn’t become that ridiculous, only tempting. 
Thankfully, Jungkook took the same road as you, with porn of course. It could be a good thing, having visuals directly and seeing if you’re into it, but for you it was more than that. You wanted to know how it felt, for the ones receiving and giving and it sounded hot. 
There’s a certain comment you’ll always remember. 
“My boyfriend has never been loud in bed, always keeping his mouth shut, until I gave him a rimjob and he was fucking whining.”
You thought it wasn’t real. How could you when the only partners you’ve had in bed were quiet, keeping it sufficient with low pants. Until, you took a risk, in your very own bedroom floor and licked Jungkook’s perineum. The sound is still clear as a blue sky, light and choked up. It might’ve been the best sound you’ve ever heard from Jungkook, although he’s been very keen on dirty talk and making you aware of how good it feels for him when he fucks you. No, this was completely different, as if he truly couldn’t hold it in and it simply slipped. 
“Do you have lube?” Jungkook’s brows furrow at your question. 
“Lube? What do you need that for?” 
“You know, if you ask for my fingers…” You’re teasing him and he notices it when you start to chuckle before he falls for your trap. 
“No. No fingers in my ass, I’m serious Y/N.” He’s tense in his voice, certain that he would never ask for such a thing. 
“We’ll see.” You send him a wink before you move downwards, letting your tongue run freely on his exposed chest. You glance down at the nipple piercing, noticing it’s healed better than the last time and you’re holding everything in you not to run your tongue on the metal. Instead, you run it over his non-pierced one, softly biting down on the nub. The vibrations from Jungkook humming in pleasure course through, making the tip of your tongue slightly tingle. 
Reaching the waistband, you look up to make sure this is what Jungkook wants. It’s not that you don’t trust him, people can easily back out when they’re in the moment, but Jungkook only perks his eyebrow, internally asking you why you’re pausing and that's enough of a signal that he wants you to continue. 
With a swift pull, you relieve his cock from his briefs, leaving it exposed on his abdomen as you kiss and bite onto his abs. Jungkook tries his best not to move but he’s impatient himself, especially when your cheek brushes against the length of his cock. 
“Please, baby don’t tease.” 
“Jungkook, we’ve been hooking up for months. You should know by now that it’s my favorite thing to do.” He knows you’re right, since the first time you’ve gotten your hands on each other, you’ve been on a winning streak with teasing him whenever the chance stood. 
“I hate you.” He says with a smirk, all while you join in with another wink sent directly to him. 
“No,” you grab ahold of the base before continuing, “you don’t.” 
“Fuck, you’re gonna fucking kill me one day.” Jungkook breathes out, pleased by your fingers just curling around him. You haven’t even moved your hand yet it still makes Jungkook react as if you did. You and your little temptations… they might actually kill him one day, he’s not wrong. 
“Maybe,” you make the first lick, it’s long, slow and wet all the way to his tip, glistening with pre-cum. It adds a certain pride in you, even though this isn’t the first time you’ve made Jungkook wet by barely doing anything. He keeps telling you it’s because you’re a tease, but deep inside your heart, something itches which is a sign there might be more to it. You don’t have time to dwell on it too long, wanting solemnly to focus on Jungkook and every part of him. 
Enough teasing from your side, you give him exactly what he needs. Good fucking head. Lips and tongue trailing on every edge of his cock, making it all wet before the warmth of your mouth engulfs him. Jungkook grabs onto your cheek, loving how he’s able to feel the edge of his cock in your mouth while you move your head up and down. 
The strokes are slow, along with your mouth, only blowing him to get him a bit more comfortable before you run down lower. Jungkook seems more at ease, pleased with what you’re doing now that teasing is out of the question. Some part of you wants him to beg for it, or just ask nicely for you to do it yet you’re not sure he’ll ever manage to do it. 
It already took him two weeks to just admit he’s curious about trying it. 
After getting his cock nice and wet, you release it with a pop, moving downward to his balls, licking them and rolling your tongue flatly on them. 
“Ah— yes, fuck.” Jungkook moans at the touch, being overly sensitive yet loving your warm tongue on them. 
You carefully take one in your mouth, letting it rest in your mouth as you slowly suck inwardly, cautious with not using teeth. 
Jungkook fucking loves when you get all messy, not caring where your mouth is on him. His usual hookups were afraid of playing freely with his balls, focusing only on his cock which yes, felt good but there’s something about the rest too that feels completely different. So, when he met you, and you didn’t even think twice as you went down on him, running your mouth everywhere — he knew that it wouldn’t be the last time he’d see you. 
Now he’s here, months later, sprawled in his bed with you in between his legs as you do everything that feels good to him. Yes, Jungkook is a fuckboy, and yes he’s mostly known for his wonderful one night stands all over campus but fuck, you’ve always been worth more than that. Everything about you feels like a drug that he can’t get enough of, desperately aching for it. 
Jungkook tries his best to keep calm when he sees your head lower, your mouth kissing his perineum softly. But he’s nervous, too nervous to look you in the eyes as you’re about to do it. 
“Wait.” You stop immediately, removing your face from his crotch. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Y-yeah, just let me—“ Jungkook looks around, grabbing the pillow to his left and hugging it. 
“You can continue now.” He closes his eyes, waiting for that simple touch of your tongue on his rim but it never happens. Jungkook removes his pillow, looking down at you with a confused expression. 
“I just didn’t expect for you to want to hug a pillow when I’m about to eat your—“ 
“Don’t say it. Please, I’m nervous, okay? This is a big no touching territory for me. But I trust you, and if anyone does it, I want it to be you.” Jungkook has never been more certain in his tone. He definitely knows he wants to do this with you and no one else. Because, he never really got to know his hookups, until he met you. 
“It’s okay to be nervous. Just know we can stop at any moment, I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to.” You run your hands on his thigh for comfort and the touch does help calm down Jungkook’s burning nerves that have only become worse. 
“I want to.” He grabs his pillow again, hugging it, letting you do what you’ve been curious about — the same for him. 
“Okay.” You trust him as well, that he knows, so when he doesn’t say more you return back to your previous position. 
The night lamp is helping you see only a glimpse of Jungkook’s untouched hole. It looks pretty, and without thinking twice you do what you’ve been wanting to do for months, languidly stroking your tongue on his rim, just once. 
“Nghn—“ You hear from above you, a fucking whine. You don’t continue, waiting for Jungkook to say something. 
“Holy shit what the fuck?!” He sounds speechless, too stunned about his own noise that slipped past his lips, meanwhile you only feel yourself grow wetter. 
The sound was so pretty, so gentle…
“You okay bub?” The nickname just slips out, Jungkook feeling his cheeks grow hot from it. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He is, it felt fucking good and you haven’t even properly eaten him out yet. 
So you do it again, a long stroke with your tongue on his rim, coating it with your saliva. The sounds from Jungkook only continue from every action you pursue onto him. You’ve become addicted to the high pitched breathless noises that escapes Jungkook’s mouth due to your tongue. 
It doesn’t even taste like anything, you realize quickly. Probably because Jungkook deep cleaned before you arrived, scrubbing as well as he can, because that’s all it tastes like, soap. You're grateful that he took it into consideration before letting you, making it much easier for you as well to enjoy. 
“F-fuck— Oh.” Jungkooks fists tighten on his sheets when your head moves sideways, letting the tip of your tongue glide back and forth on his opening. 
It sounds like his voice is barely able to make a sound, choking the last minute before he relishes into a pleased hum. He’s so loud, fuck your mind can barely stay focused on pleasing him when he sounds like this. 
The noise is indescribable, floating all over the room as you continue even though your neck is starting to cramp. You’re going to keep doing this until he finishes all over himself. 
“Feel good bub?” You question, your hand traveling upwards to tug at his balls and rub down on his perineum. 
“Y-yeah, fuck, so good. So—“ He chokes up the last sound, sounding like he’s lost his breath for a second and your core begins to ache, needing something before you’ll end up losing your mind too. 
You ignore it for now, remaining your mouth on Jungkook, shifting between circling your tongue to flattening it out. If only you could reach lower, you’d be able to maybe even enter your tongue inside of him. 
“Bub?” You stop what you’re doing, catching Jungkook out of trance as he pants, still trying to realize what exactly is happening. 
“Could you pass me a pillow?” Jungkook only hums, throat probably starting to dry out from his choked out moans that are able to strain his veins in his neck fully, as everything just slips. You’re imaging what he’d look like, brows furrowed, eyes closed, mouth gape and head leaned back on his pillow. 
Jungkook cuts off your imagination when he scoots upwards, handing you the pillow. 
“Thank you. Lift your butt.” His eyebrows shoot upwards at your question, but he’s too dazed to question it, so he obeys, lifting his hips carefully so you can place the pillow beneath him. 
“That’s good baby. Thank you.” You kiss his inner thigh, catching onto the blush on the tip of Jungkook’s ears before he disappears behind his pillow again. 
The angle is much better for your neck, feeling it strain less as you return to Jungkook’s hole, who’s now glistening in your spit. You’re aching to touch, but you stop yourself, knowing this is already way out of Jungkook’s comfort zone to have your mouth on there. 
Jungkook hums at the first touch, his hand roaming down to his cock who’s desperate for his touch, so he complies, tugging down on the semi wet skin after your mouth has been doing wonders on it. 
The pleasure only increases when he feels your touch circling around while he strokes his cock in languid motions. Shit, he might not last long. 
Somehow with Jungkook touching himself it’s made him less tense. You noticed it the first time your mouth finally explored his rim, it was extremely tight. Now, it opens up a bit and finally you get to do what you’ve been waiting for, fucking him with your tongue. 
You suck on the outside, collecting the courage before you slip it in, just the tip. 
“H-holy fuck…” Jungkook chokes out breathlessly, too overwhelmed to form an incoherent sentence. 
You let it stay, lips closing down on the outside of his hole. Until you feel the first movement, Jungkook shamelessly grinds down on your tongue. 
You hadn’t expected it. You really truly thought it would be you controlling it, yet here he is, grinding down on your face, showcasing how desperate he is for more of it. So, simply you give in, your head moving with his movements, working him up as much as you can. 
“I don’t—“ Jungkook tries to speak despite his mind being too gone at the moment. “I’m not going to last long— shit.” 
He’s truly felt this before, the sensation of something so warm and wet that’s not his cock, but he doesn’t regret it. No, frankly he thinks he might’ve become a tad bit obsessed with this sensation that it highly won’t be the last time he’ll subtly ask for it. 
Fuck, how are you so good with that mouth of yours? Jungkook truly wonders. 
The speed you use turns quicker, messier, your nose and chin now covered in spit as you rub every part you can on him. 
“Yes— baby m’ so close.” Jungkook strokes faster, the slick sounds from his cock joining the slurping sounds you’re making. Hearing Jungkook be so wet, makes you moan against his hole, sending vibrations into him and that’s the last straw for Jungkook before he comes undone on his pillow and lower stomach. 
His thighs are still trembling from his orgasm, so you caress him softly, before pushing away and meeting him eye to eye. 
You never should’ve, because Jungkook looks so fucked out. The headband hangs loosely, his long hair curling on the pillow case. The front of it is covered in sweat, along with his forehead and neck. His pupils are blown out, as if he’s high on something. He just looks extremely pretty like this. You never saw the day coming when you’d find Jungkook anything but hot, but yeah no, he’s fucking gorgeous. 
“I think I might’ve passed out for a second.” He admits, making you laugh as you grab onto the pillow his arms are hugging loosely, removing it to see his cum covered abs. 
“So it was good?” You tease, already knowing the answer but your pride wants to hear it. 
“Good? Y/N, it was fucking incredible.” 
“Maybe it’ll let you open up to the possibility for my fingers next time?” You’re hopeful, wanting to do more than just eat him out. You want to touch him places he never has, making him finish untouched. 
“Absolutely not. Nice try though.” You pout at the response and Jungkook laughs before giving you a gentle kiss. 
“Now, can I eat you out?” He’s still slightly panting yet he still wants to please you. Holy fuck who even is he? 
“You don’t have t—“
“I want to. Need to.” He moves forward, kissing you once more, slower this time. You follow his tempo, tilting your head when he does. 
Jungkook doesn’t warn you when he flips you both over, so he’s now hovering above you. It’s not that you don’t love Jungkook going down on you — you live for it, but you’re exhausted. Jungkook can probably tell by the droopy eyes he’s met with. 
“I’ll be quick.” You nod, wanting to desperately come. 
Jungkook keeps his promise, going straight down to your cunt. He’s surprised when he sees the dark patch on your thong when he’s about to touch you. 
“Did that really make you this wet baby?” Jungkook’s curious. 
“Yeah, you sound so pretty.” You’re blaming the fatigue for spilling such a personal detail. 
Jungkook’s mouth drops when your words sink in, not responding to them but putting his mouth to good use instead. 
He moves your thong to the side, his tongue now running in between your folds. You forgot how good it felt to have his mouth on you. Jungkook has always been a fucking expert when it comes to where he should touch you. 
With a few sucks to your clit, you’re already shaking, warning him you’re about to come. Jungkook continues, humming against your core as he rubs his face as deep as he can. 
“F-fuck Jungkook!” You moan loudly, coming undone all over his tongue. He really wasn’t kidding, that was indeed quick. Maybe the fastest orgasm you’ve had. 
“Good?” You hum, dropping down your legs who are shaking after your bliss. 
Jungkook settles back next to you, breathing heavily himself. 
Neither of you say anything, just staring at the ceiling in silence. 
“I should probably go.” Yet you’re too tired to move. 
“Yeah… or you could stay?” 
Yes, you’ve been with Jungkook for a while but never have you slept at his place. Whenever the act was done, you were back on your feet, grabbing your clothes and leaving to go back home. 
Now, he’s suggesting you stay which surprises you, because you’re actually considering saying yes. You’re too tired to move, heavy eyelids making it hard to protest against his idea. 
“Okay, I’ll stay.” 
Jungkook sighs, scooting closer to you so his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
When it clicks for you that you’re cuddling, the only thing you can think is:
We’re so fucked. 
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perma taglist;
@sailoryooons @yoongukie-ff @kookstempo @jinsquishes @moonbeamjin @sugarwithtea @gimmethatagustd @sxtaep @here4btsfics @saweetspoiled @chaoticabstractism @ruinsofangels @pamzn @hollyweird0 @ellesalazar @dunixxd @aliceisabelx @copycat-namjesus @vsnnstuff @codeinebelle @wolfvmin @shimisushi @hobiiihope @synnfulqt @theladyblue @burnahtsw @bellaiscool @valkyrie418 @diorjgguk @guk97butterfly @tornparts @koostarcandy @starling7 @squishyfor7 @moonchildjooniee @sugaluvmyg @butterflieshee
taglist for this fic;
@jungkooksseuphoria @bloopkook @yopjm @vminsvixen @wnderkoo @i-dont-give-a-fok @mageprincess7
[ if your tag doesn't work nor show that means i either can't find your username or can't tag you, sorry :( ]
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© jjkeverlast 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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joonberriess · 2 years
𓆩♡𓆪 jock!jungkook—a much needed thread.
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⇢ ☆ ˚₊  Jeon Jungkook, third year
Football player and part time fuck-boy (< Jimin said that). He's apart of many different clubs cause he likes the extra activities and the bonus points he gets as credits. A lot of people know him, he's got a snapchat score of more than one-hundred thousand (red flag!1!).
Jungkook's a cool guy, he's messed with a lot of girls but he doesn't take them seriously. Probably only had like one serious girlfriend out of all of them but he ended that real quick cause she wasn't it. Always at the frat parties cause his fraternity throws them lmao. Beer ping-pong enthusiast here!
Drives a black Mercedes Benz, likes to light it up and make thirst traps for his Instagram. His insta is literally only one pic, posts a bit more on stories when he feels like it (rarely). Gym rat with Namjoon. He don't do much outside of school if he's free, often stays at home playing different video games.
Nice "fuckboy".
⇢ ☆ ˚₊  y/n l/n, second year
In the nursing program but mainly majors in accounting/business. Talks to a lot of people but isn't friends with many. Really nice, too sweet for your own good. Lots of people like you, but they also take advantage of you cause you're a little too slow.
Airhead here! Really clueless half the time and is really slow. The nicest way possible you're a dumb bimbo. Likes to wear low cut tops a lot and cute miniskirts with tennis shoes but forgets to wear safety shorts a lot. Carries a big heart underneath those big tits—
Half the male population wants a piece. You have a lot of followers but you don't follow them cause you're busy following cat accounts. Major Animal Crossing and Sailor Moon fan right here. Posts a lot of thirst traps unknowingly. Owns a bunny. Said bunny sleeps on tits.
Hates clothes when at home <<<
⇢ ☆ ˚₊ Are you two dating?? Yes-No.
You act like it. Nothing is official and people are like what the fuck? Especially Jimin. No one is more confused than Jimin. Like what the fuck you mean you're not dating? But you're hitting it?!
It's complicated, you both beat around the bush around that topic but are extremely loyal. Like Jungkook still messes around with other girls but doesn't fuck them? You're too dense to notice any other guy flirting so sex is off the table for you.
Carries your bag around cause you complain it's heavy. Has bought a Nintendo switch just to play Animal Crossing with you. His mom loves you and your mom loves him. Lap is your permanent chair, face is your gaming chair—
Hand? On tits. Always.
⇢ ☆ ˚₊ But you fuck? Yes. Just yes.
Only happened cause he helped you out and you kissed his cheek in return which somehow turned into you giving his dick a kiss and then yeah. Titty galore. This man loves your tits, always leaves a mark and never misses a chance to squeeze. Ass is amazing too but titties..
"Maybe you shouldn't wear any panties when we hang out." "Hm. Okay. I don't like clothes anyways. ^^"
Creampies to the max. Jungkook likes watching your dewy folds stick to his cock whenever he slides out and then pushes back in. He'll fill your pussy and then watch as your pussy gapes around nothing and strings of creamy cum slips from your cunt. Challenges himself to make you cum more then three times in one go.
Got the chubbiest and softest pussy ever. You're a creamer. It's Jungkook's most favorite thing in the world. He'll fuck you slowly just to hear the soft noises your cunt makes. He'll have you on all fours with your chest flat on the bed and ass high in the air. Your hands will come back to grip your ass cheeks and hold it apart to show off your pretty holes.
Jungkook's a huge fan of taking photos of you naked and filled with cum. He'll even video tape you two fucking either from a first person pov or just set the phone up on the nightstand.
⇢ ☆ ˚₊  Ummmmm but the relationship status?? Very much giving "mine and I'm not sharing".
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hiiiii this is a small series i’m considering writing! might turn it into a fic hehe with lots and lots of dirty smut. though, i’m willing to write your ideas based on this thread!
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bangtanficsforyou · 1 year
They Reject You (maknae line)
Pairing: maknae line x reader (fuckboi! Jimin x Reader, Co-worker Taehyung x Reader, Idol Jungkook x Reader)
Warnings: swear words here and there.
Word count: 4.6K
Park Jimin
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"Well if it isn't my favourite girl." A voice slurs slowly, right next to your ears which makes you flinch in surprise.
"Jimin, gosh, what's wrong with you?" You say in an annoyed manner, immediately recognising the person. "Also, maybe keep some distance?"
Jimin pouts exaggeratedly and puts extra effort into widening his eyes for special effects. "Don't you find me being this close to you, heart racing-ly desirable?"
"Heart racing-ly? That's a new one," you snort and roll your eyes. "But to answer your question; no. It is not heart racing-ly desirable." 
"Lie all you want but we all know the truth," Jimin smirks and you can't help but wonder how on earth he manages to remain this cocky even when drunk.
"Cut the crap and stop wasting my time." You turn around to leave, not wanting to give Jimin the time of your day. From your previous experiences, you know that Jimin only ever causes trouble.
"I'm not feeling good, Y/N," he whines, all cockiness suddenly gone from his tone as he pleads gently. "Don't leave me."
You contemplate for a split second before huffing in defeat. "What do you mean by you're not feeling good?" 
"I don't know," he shrugs with a sad frown. "I just don't feel good."
Instinctively, you place your palms on his forehead only to find his skin to be burning hot. 
"Jimin!" You exclaim, your feelings of indifference instantly turning into that of concern. "You have high fever."
"That might explain why I was feeling so hot," he nods. "But I thought that was because of how attractive I am."
Any other time, you would have retorted with a comeback but right now you pay no attention to his words. "Come with me, we need to get you back to your room. You need rest." 
Much to your surprise, Jimin doesn't throw a protest and lets you hold his hand as you make way for the both of you through the partying crowd. 
Thankfully his room is only upstairs (one of the many pros of being a frat boy living in a frat house) and you don't have much trouble getting there.
Making Jimin sit on the bed, you look for medicines that can help with his fever. "How long have you been feeling unwell?"
"For about an hour."
You have half a mind to lecture him on how drinking should be the last thing he should have done while feeling unwell, but you decide to keep it in. Maybe when he's sober and in a better health condition, you will give him an earful.
Right now, it's more important to understand the severity of the situation.
"Did you stay out for too long at night? Or stayed with wet clothes on? Or something that might have led to you having a fever?" 
Jimin's drunk mind feels perplexed by the series of questions you're throwing his way. "Does it matter?" 
"Yes, it does," you respond shortly.
As a nursing student, you know how important it is to know the source of any sickness. If his fever can be tracked down to any possible cause, you'd have this reassurance that there's most likely nothing to worry about. However, if the fever seems to have appeared out of nowhere, there are chances that it may be a symptom of some underlying infection.
Your response makes Jimin think. Has he done anything in recent days that could have led to this? At first, nothing comes to mind. But after a few moments of intense brainstorming, something clicks in his brain.
"Does having two hours of shower sex count?" He queries seriously.
Your hands momentarily falter on their journey of looking for the first aid box but you recover quickly. 
"Should have expected something like that from you," you grumble in annoyance.
"Don't be mean," he complains in a whine. "It's not my fault that the sex was so good. Plus, she kept asking for more and you know I can't say no to that."
You slam the drawer shut and aggressively open the box, having finally found it. You take out a tablet and hand it over to Jimin with a glass of water. 
Once Jimin has taken the medicine, you arrange the pillows for him and take a blanket out. "Go to sleep. Let your body have some rest."
"Are you leaving?" He asks in a quiet voice, reminding you of a small child asking a question they already know the answer to.
"I don't think I have any purpose being here. I'll ask Jungkook to stay with you in case you need something."
"Jungkook won't take care of me the way you do," Jimin replies with a huff, thoroughly displeased with the idea of you leaving him.
"That's not my issue," you shrug.
Jimin switches to his last option, one that works every time and on everyone; his famous, irresistible puppy eyes. "Do you not have any sympathy for me?"
You scoff, your patience running thin. You really don't want to have a fight or speak your mind while he's having a fever, but if he continues to prod you this way, he will be responsible for the inevitable outburst.
Jimin feels unhappy with your lack of response and he attempts once again. "Won't you do this much for me? Please?"
That's it. The way his soft voice pulls at your heartstrings does it for you.
"Can you, for once, not think only for yourself?" You snap.
Now that was not the reaction Jimin was expecting. "What do you mean?"
"Don't try to play dumb," you roll your eyes and cross your arms. "Don't tell me you have no idea how I feel about you."
Although drunk, Jimin's mind registers the seriousness of your words and he immediately looks sheepish. "I don't."
Well, that's a lie and both you and Jimin know it.
A sarcastic smile appears on your face. "I'll spell it out for you, again. I like you Jimin."
Jimin looks down and starts fiddling with the end of the bedsheets as he nods, having no other response. 
You sigh, wondering why you expected any other, perhaps a more thoughtful reaction from him. Feeling disappointed with yourself, you make your way out without another word.
On your way, however, you make sure to find Jungkook and ask him to look after Jimin. 
Once you're out of the frat house and have booked a cab to your rented apartment, you sit on a small bench and take a deep inhale to relax. Sadly and much to your frustration, the emotions that have come to the surface refuse to let you have your peace of mind.
You really should have stayed away from Jimin, from the very start.
Your brain chimes at you and it reminds you that perhaps there's no one else to be blamed but you. You are the one who has been entertaining Jimin all in the name of not entertaining him. 
It was a frat party much similar to that of today's when Jimin had first tried to add your name to the long list of girls he has had sex with. You were surprised, caught off guard and admittedly a little flattered by his flirtatious actions but irrespective of that, you weren't willing to be a part of his list.
You had asked him to fuck off and to leave you alone. Which he had done at the time but only to return later with much more determination to win you over. By then, you weren't feeling flattered by his repeated attempts, you were annoyed. Something, which Jimin found amusing.
The more he tried, the more your annoyance flared and so did Jimin's amusement. It went like this for a couple of weeks.
Things started to change when you stumbled upon a drunk Jimin sitting alone on the terrace. That was the first time the both of you had a proper conversation with each other. It made you realise that the whole fuckboy thing he has going on, is only a small part of him. You realised that there's much more to the guy than what meets the eye.
From then on you stopped treating him like a guy whose sole identity was that of the 'campus fuckboy'. 
That doesn't mean that his actions stopped annoying you. But you sure found it more tolerable.
However, exactly when your feelings for him turned romantic, remains debatable. Was it the night when he drunkenly kissed you? Or was it when he drunkenly confessed that he enjoys your company more than anyone else's? You don't know. 
But you do remember, exactly when you realised that your feelings for him don't fall under the category of platonic. It was when you saw Jimin making out with a petite blonde in a bar. The pain and jealousy that shot through your veins was an indication enough for you to see how your feelings have bloomed into something more.
You, upon realising, did not hesitate to confess. His response to your confession was simple. He does not do relationships and he sees you as a friend.
You could do with that. You weren't expecting Jimin to return your feelings or to commit to you. After all, you were well aware of his lifestyle and how he likes having lovers instead of a lover. 
The only reason you had confessed to him was in hopes that he would stop trying to bed you and realise that it isn't just fun and games for you anymore.
Unfortunately, Jimin didn't stop with his antics.
Annoyed and angry, you had decided to cut Jimin off. But of course, he wouldn't have that. He would, in some way or the other, sneak into your daily life and cause a ruckus as if it were his birthright. 
Truth be told, you weren't hurt by his rejection as much as you were by his total disregard for your feelings and how his actions and choices could affect you. 
The events from today serve as another example of the kind of emotional turmoil he stirs within you. The question is how long will you put up with this?
Your cab honks to announce its arrival and it causes you to break out of your thoughts. You give a small nod to the man in the driving seat and get up. As you walk towards the cab, you make up your mind. 
You're not going to entertain him any longer. 
Kim Taehyung
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You: that's very mean of you 👿
You type with a wide grin plastered on your face.
Tae 🐻: mean? me? Never 🥺
You: putting that emoji won't help you 👿
Tae 🐻: ☹️
Tae 🐻: I sent you the snap of the chocolate because it reminded me of you 😔
You: that was NOT your intention 😤
You: you do this every time and then i start craving chocolates 😭
Tae 🐻: then have some 🙇
You: i have to complete the excel sheet by today :(:
You: which mean i can't go out
You: and if I opt for ordering online, I'll end up ordering a bunch of other stuff along with it and that won't be good for my wallet 
Tae 🐻: awwww
Tae 🐻: It's okay! I'll bring you chocolates tomorrow 
Tae 🐻: from your favourite brand 😉
You: you sweetheart 🥺
Tae 🐻: says the sweetest ❤️
A bashful giggle escapes from your lips when you read his text. He sure has a way with words.
You: now let me do my work
You: shoo
Tae: ☹️
Tae: I'm being chased away 
Tae: but okay xD
Tae: I'll let you get back to it. 
You bite on your lower lip to stop smiling like a fool and try to focus your attention on the computer screen. Keyword; try.
The butterflies in your stomach and the fluttering of your heart make it extremely difficult for you to think about anything else that's not Taehyung.
Gosh, he really is the greatest distraction of them all.
The next day, you find a big pack of chocolate from your favourite brand, on your desk. Attached to it is a note that reads for my favourite girl ;). You smile involuntarily and wonder what you ever did to deserve someone like Taehyung in your life. 
You sit on your chair and while the computer boots, you take a small bite from the chocolate bar. As you relish the sweetness that spreads in your mouth, you can't help but think of Taehyung and how much he has come to mean to you, in the few months that you have known him. 
When he first joined the company he was shy, barely talking to anyone and having a hard time socialising with his co-workers. It took him about a couple of weeks to get comfortable and once he did, there was no going back. He somehow became everyone's favourite. 
However, the way you two became friends is a bit different. 
Four months ago, on a fortunate day, there was a huge mishap with the data files. Small groups were formed to work on the mistakes and correct them as necessary. As fate would have it, you and Taehyung were a team. And the amount of jokes you two made about your higher-ups, were perhaps the only source of energy for you both to carry on with the work and ultimately, finish it. 
And those three intense working days were enough for the two of you to become friends. 
It started with having small conversations via text, which then turned into full lengthy regular conversations. In the midst of all of that, when the flirting began, you have no clue. All you remember are those nights when you stayed up late, talking to him and smiling into your pillow, feeling like a teenager. 
He would sneak little compliments and warm affectionate words that would have you looking like a tomato in a matter of seconds.
Most importantly, he has become one of your closest friends. He has been there whenever you needed him and has confided in you whenever he faced challenges. The bond you two share is something you treasure deeply. He has become such an integral part of your life that there hardly goes by a day when the two of you don't talk to each other.
It's one of those 'more than friends' but 'not really dating' scenarios.
You had never given much thought about giving a label to what the two of you were. You were happy having him the way you do. But recently, you can't help but think of taking things to the next level. You find yourself wondering what it would be like to call him your boyfriend. 
As the all too familiar windows tune plays, notifying you of the booting process being completed, you decide to subtly ask him about it. 
"Did you like the chocolates?" That's the first thing Taehyung asks as you take the seat opposite to him.
"Do you think I would not like it?" You answer his question with a question of your own. Because honestly, that's a very silly question to ask. Anyone who knows you knows how much you love chocolates.
Taehyung grins, his boxy smile making an appearance. "I mean, it would still be nice to hear it from you."
"Well, then, I loved it." 
He nods, satisfied with your answer. Placing one of his hands on his chest, right above his heart, he bows. "I'm honoured to know that."
You chuckle softly, endeared at his actions. "How was your day so far?"
He rolls his eyes. "Eh, the usual. Mina got some files messed up and I had to do twice the work to fix that."
"That sucks," you grimace. "Work has been so tiring lately, I wish we could take a small break from all this shit."
"Oh, that reminds me–" Taehyung exclaims suddenly, startling you, "–I have got these free tickets to a movie, would you like to go with me?"
Excitement bubbles in your stomach. "Sure! I'd love to."
"Then it's set! I'll let you know of the date and time later, okay?" 
You nod, feeling giddy at the thought of watching a movie with him. It won't be the first time for sure, but it has been a while since the two of you last did something like this. Work hardly leaves any spare time for rest and fun.
However, the thought of spending some alone time with him, makes your mind go back to what you had decided while you were devouring the chocolate. You clear your throat before bringing the topic to the table. "Tae?"
"What are we doing?"
He looks up from his food, with a confused smile. "What do you mean by that? We are eating lunch." 
You shake your head softly, and make your question more obvious. "What are we?" 
You see as his confusion clears out and his smile fades. A look of discomfort appears on his face as he swallows the food. "Well, we are friends." 
"Are we just friends though?" You raise a brow in question, not willing to accept his answer. 
A soft sigh escapes his lips when he realises he can't really back out of this or push the conversation away for some time later. "You aren't just a friend to me. I like you. I like you a lot."
You stay quiet, sensing that there's a but coming. 
"But I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship." He adds, figuring out that there's no way to put it subtly. 
That wasn't the answer you were expecting and naturally, you feel disheartened by his words.
Taehyung notices the way your face has dropped and he immediately feels guilty. "I know I should have told you this before. My intentions weren't to string you along, I genuinely do like you–"
"Then why?" You cut him off, confused and unable to understand what could be the issue if he really likes you the way he claims to.
"I am scared it will distract me from my career."
Your first instinct is to counter his statement and say, it doesn't work that way. That relationships are not a distraction. But you hold yourself back from saying so. 
If he believes that having a relationship will distract him, you cannot force or persuade him to believe otherwise. If anything, you understand where he might be coming from. He has only recently joined the company and you know he has experienced financial issues while growing up. You can see why he might be scared of something making him lose his focus. Having an established career is what he wants and what seems to be his priority.
Although you have been hoping and looking forward to putting a label, you know you can't expect that from him anymore. You could try and ask him to reconsider his choices but what good would that do? 
Even if he were to get into a relationship, he would most likely still have that thought in the back of his mind and will keep worrying about getting sidetracked. What's the point of committing to someone if you can't really enjoy it to the fullest? What is the point of calling someone yours, if you can't fully feel the beauty of it? You see none.
"Maybe, we can wait for each other?" He suggests meekly, too scared to see what your reaction to the question is.
Now, waiting for each other and whatnot sounds really romantic in movies and romcoms but you have to remind yourself that this is not a movie. In real life, irrespective of the intentions the individuals may hold, somewhere along the line, something usually happens that causes chaos and turns things sour. 
"How about we just let things flow and see where it takes us?" You suggest as that seems like the best possible choice at the moment.
Taehyung nods knowing he's in no place to bargain. He will take whatever you will give him. However, it bugs him to no end when you spend the rest of the lunch in silence and with a frown on your face.
Jeon Jungkook
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"Can you sit still for a moment?"
The person in question, aka Jungkook, pays no attention to your words and hollers when something exciting occurs on the screen of his mobile phone. 
You sigh and place your palms on both of his cheeks and make him look up. However, the adorable sight of his squished cheeks, pouty lips and doe eyes wide in surprise, has you snorting. When you let go of your hold, he frowns, offended by your laughter.
"What's so funny about my face?" He grumbles.
You shake your head and apply blush on his cheeks. "You just looked like a real bunny for a second there, couldn't help but laugh at that."
He pouts. "That's supposed to be cute, not funny."
A fond smile appears on your face at his displeasure. "You're both cute and funny, I guess."
Jungkook grins at you, now satisfied. "Now make me cuter."
"I'll be able to do that if you stay still for a moment," you retort. 
Jungkook huffs and closes his eyes. "Fine! I'll stay still."
You hum in response and get to work. 
Being Jungkook's make-up artist was fairly easy. You just had to make his beautiful face appear flawless for the cameras. Nothing too difficult. Jungkook was friendly and so were the other BTS members. The pay was, of course, more than satisfactory.
Recently, however, being Jungkook's make-up artist hasn't been easy. It hasn't been easy being this close to him and keeping the fluttering of your heart under control. It hasn't been easy to see his eyes this up close and not let yourself get lost in them. It hasn't been easy to notice that small mole under his lips and resist the urge to kiss it. Oh no, it hasn't been easy at all. 
One might call you unprofessional and to be honest, you don't have much to defend yourself with. Rather, if someone questions your professionalism, you'd challenge them to take your job and not fall for the guy.
You think it's simply impossible.
But you see, that's the simple part. Falling. The consequences of falling, however, are where the complications begin. 
The very first question that comes to mind is; what are the chances that they might feel the same? Then one realises that there's no way to answer this for sure as it's only the other person who's aware of what they feel. Which leads to a major dilemma; to confess or not to confess. 
Confessing your feelings is a very vulnerable thing to do. It feels like exposing yourself at one's mercy. Like a delicate bud that you hand over and whether the flower will bloom or wilt, totally depends on the other person. 
It's beautiful yet scary.
For a long time, you haven't been willing to be that vulnerable with Jungkook.
All anxieties that come with confessing aside, you can't ignore the fact that he's a world-famous idol.
You are not worried about word getting out about you falling for him. You hardly think that it will cause a stir. If anything, the fans will probably make memes out of it and will agree with you on how impossible it is to not fall for the guy. The memes will be all over the internet for a few months and after that, they will be gone and will resurface every once in a while. That doesn't seem like much to you and you think you can handle it.
What does worry you is word getting out and you getting fired and not getting a job henceforth (you're pretty sure that the agencies won't take up on your 'don't fall for Jungkook' challenge). 
This particular fear is what has been holding you back from letting Jungkook know of your feelings. 
However, the thing with love is, you cannot bury it no matter how hard you try. It's like the sun that comes out to shine no matter what. Love blooms in the heart and it refuses to stay hidden for too long behind whatever fears the mind comes up with.
After all, in the battle of mind and heart, when has the former ever won? 
Once you're done with the finishing touches, you let Jungkook know that you're done.
Jungkook opens his eyes and they automatically land on yours. The sharp spike in your breathing rate and the loud thumping of your heartbeat, makes you look away immediately.
You clear your throat and take a slow deep inhale to calm your racing heart. "I'll put the lip balm and foundation in the kit. Just in case you need it."
"You say that every time before a performance as if you're not going to be backstage," he chuckles in amusement.
"Jungkook, the performance is in fifteen," Taehyung says loudly from the other side of the room.
It's like a switch being flipped on. Jungkook's eyes widen and he gets up from his seat instantly. Bidding you a quick goodbye, he exits the room in a hurry. 
You sigh in relief, finally feeling like you can breathe again. Taking a seat on the chair previously occupied by Jungkook, you stare at your reflection in the mirror. You notice the red hue on your cheeks and your lips part in awe at how flustered you look. Almost, as if you have run a mile. 
Something about this moment makes you come to a quick decision. For a long time, you have been toying with the idea of confessing but have always backed out every time you had a chance. But not anymore. 
You grab a small piece of paper and a pen and write down what you have been wanting to tell Jungkook.
You make it direct and simple and put it in Jungkook's handbag. 
The moment you zip the chain, you feel this urge to take the chit out and throw it in the dustbin but you somehow, withhold yourself from doing so. 
You are aware that he won't notice the chit until he's back in his dorms. The bag contains all the skin care products (handpicked by you) he uses before going to bed. Which also means you would have to wait until tomorrow when you're back to work to know Jungkook's answer. 
Seems like it's gonna be a sleepless night for you.
The next day, you go to work with nervous excitement. While in the car, you couldn't wait for your destination to arrive yet at the same time dreaded it. It's this mixed feeling where you can't decide what you want but in the end, realise that it's better to just get over it.
However, while you're walking towards Jungkook's make-up room, Namjoon calls your name.
"Y/N," he shouts to get your attention. Once he notices he has it, he walks up to you. "My dressing room is the other way." 
"I know that," you say with a small frown, wondering why he is telling you this.
"Oh," Namjoon realises that you're unaware of the changes. "You don't know, do you?"
You shake your head, your confusion only increasing. "Know what?"
"Jungkook has requested a new make-up artist. So now, you're in charge of my make up," he replies. 
Namjoon's words ring in your ears and you feel the world around you fade. You knew that there was always the chance that he doesn't feel the same way. You knew if that were the case it'd hurt but you'd accept it. However, you didn't expect Jungkook to do this. 
It feels like the unbloomed flower has been stomped by someone and you're left to feel the crushing pain. 
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A/N: if you wish to support me and want to have early access to all my works, consider visiting my patreon!
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spicybutterfly · 11 months
Moon Meeting
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Summary: Of course, you would get your first menstrual cycle on a Monday, in the middle of class, during an algebra test, in front of your crush. Fortunately, that very same crush is there to save the day. 
Pairing: nonidol!Jungkook x fem!reader
Genre: High school au, neighbors au, childhood friends au, angst, fluff
Rating: M (18+!)
Word Count: 4.3k 
Warning/Tags: !Mentions of blood! (reader has her first menstrual cycle), explicit language, bullying
A/N: As per usual I proofread this myself so please excuse any mistakes!
*Disclaimer all characters and events portrayed in my works are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persona or events is purely coincidental.*
Copyright © 2023 Spicybutterfly
All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for reading!♡ 
“Did you guys see what Noa posted on her Instagram story last night?!” Your best friend, Peri announced, coming to stand before you and your other best friend, Imani. The booming of her voice startled you, making you jump. With her mouth ajar, eyes widened, and eyebrows raised high, you imagined this is the exact face you made when you saw Will Smith slap Chris Rock across the face at the Oscars. How she had so much energy at seven in the morning was beyond you.
Both you and Imani watched as Peri raised her phone, the Instagram story in question already displayed on the screen. Beside you Imani gasped, covering her mouth with both of her hands.
“Omg, yes! So it's true? Theo really cheated on her?”
Peri locked her phone and tucked it away before responding. “I don’t know for sure, but that’s what it seems like. I believe it though, he definitely gives fuckboy vibes. I mean, did you see how touchy he was being with her best friend at the basketball game last week? He’s gross.” Her curls swayed as she shook her head disapprovingly. 
Further down the hall, the sight of a familiar boy caught your eye, distracting you from the conversation. You watched as your longtime friend, neighbor, and crush, Jeon Jungkook strutted down the hall. Flashing his peers a pearly white smile as he passed, his dark brown, fluffy bangs bounced with every step. 
With your attention now focused on the boy, the voices of your best friends soon faded into unintelligible murmurs. You probably looked just as hypnotized as those cartoon characters mesmerized by the scent of a freshly baked pie sitting on a windowsill. 
It always amazed you how he could make your school’s overly bleak uniform look so attractive. There was not a wrinkle or crease on his white collared shirt and black uniform pants. His tie rested against his chest, tied neatly and securely. And, although it was nearing the end of the year, his school shoes looked like he’d just bought them yesterday.
The sight of his smile as he approached his friends all huddled around his locker awaiting his arrival made your heart flutter. He didn’t even need to say anything. All he had to do was walk down the hall and you were already a nervous wreck. He had you wrapped around his finger with not a clue in the world. 
With how far away you were standing at your own locker you couldn't hear what he was saying to his friends, but from the way they all laughed it was obviously funny. You didn’t miss the way Ella, held onto his arm, covering his mouth as she chuckled the hardest. She grinned at him, tucking a piece of her long, black hair behind her ear. 
Oh, Ella. How could you describe her?
Many of your peers would say she was pretty, smart, and well-liked. But you on the other hand liked to keep it simple. Ella was a bitch
For whatever reason unknown to you, Ella decided she would make your life a living hell. Since the day you all started high school together, bright-eyed and full of excitement, she’s had it out for you. From tripping you up in the halls or cafeteria, making you spill whatever was in your hands all over yourself, to knocking your things off your desk whenever she passed you in class. She’s always found a way to terrorize you.
Now, don’t misunderstand. You didn’t just take the abuse. Sure, the mere thought of confrontation made you queasy and anxious. But you always stood up for yourself, no matter how much your hands shook and your voice trembled.
“Ughh, I feel so sad for her, she doesn’t deserve that at all,” Imani expressed. “Is it bad that I kinda want to ask her about it, though? I mean, I know it’ll be weird because we’re not really friends but we do follow each other on Instagram.” She frowned, fingering the curly ends of her braids before tossing them back over her shoulder. 
Peri shrugged. “I think ______, has a class with her.”
“Oh, yeah!” Imani called your name. “Has she said anything to you about it? Did you guys talk?” 
  You didn’t answer, too busy focused on Jungkook, now conversing with Hoseok and Seokjin. He rolled his eyes, pushing at Seokjin’s shoulder before grinning. He must’ve felt your gaze, turning away from his friends to look directly at you. Focusing his bright eyes on you, he smiled raising a hand to wave at you.
 Your breath caught in your throat. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of its chest. 
God, you were so whipped for this boy.
You smiled back at him equally as brightly, returning the wave before he thought you were a freak. 
Your mood was quickly soured though. From beside him, Ella shot you a nasty glare. You kept eye contact for a few seconds before she rolled her eyes, turning away to whisper something to her friend. They then both turned back towards you, grimaces on their faces. 
It took everything in your power to look away. As much as you wanted to show the pair, you disliked them just as much they disliked you, you didn’t have time for the drama. These past few weeks have been nothing short of exhausting. Your schedule was packed with back-to-back exams, homework keeping you up all hours of the night, and several oral presentations coming up in the near future. With so much going on, you simply did not have the mental capacity to entertain Ella and her mean-girl antics. 
The sound of fingers snapping instantly removed you from your thoughts. “Earth to ______,” Peri grinned at you knowingly.
Beside you, Imani touched your arm. You turned towards her giving her your full attention. Concern was plastered all over her face. “Are you okay? You looked pretty spaced out there.”
“Oh, she’s more than fine,” Peri declared before you could answer. Bringing her thumb up, she gestured it backward over her left shoulder towards Jungkook and his groups of friends. Snitch. Next to you, Imani snickered, attempting to mask the sound with a hand over her mouth.
Instantly, you felt your face flush. Avoiding their gaze, you opted to twist at the charms on your bracelet.
“Don’t you get enough of him outside of school? You do live right next door to each other. And what about your nightly, romantic stargazing? What is it called again? Moon gathering,” Peri cooed making kissy faces at you. 
“Moon meeting,” You corrected, rolling your eyes, listening to both of your best friends snicker. 
You were still sour you’ve been missing your Moon Meetings with Jungkook. You hadn’t missed a single one since you both started doing them at the youthful age of six, nearly a decade ago. 
You still remembered the day Jungkook came up with the Moon Meeting Idea. Both your moms damn near had a heart attack when they found you and Jungkook, on top of his roof, wrapped in blankets and sharing a tub of chocolate ice cream. Neither of you understood the problem, waving down at your bewildered parents with toothy grins on your faces.
 After a stern scolding, and a long talk about safety your parents agreed to let you continue your Moon Meetings as long as they were supervised by your or his mother. It wasn’t until you were ten that your parents stopped supervising your meeting, trusting you to make the right decisions. Of course, they’d still check on you from time to time, bringing you snacks and blankets if the weather saw fit.
“Actually, I haven’t been to a Moon Meeting in the past two weeks, so,” you stated matter-of-factly. 
“Oo, snappy.”
“Anyway,” you continued, ignoring Imani’s comment. “I’ve spent the last two weeks hunched over my desk studying for my stupid algebra test.” A sharp pain in your lower stomach made you grimace
Peri hummed, looked at Imani, and then back at you. “Any we don’t stargaze romantically. We talk and eat snacks. And watch movies occasionally."
“Right,” she nodded, drawing out the end of the word. From the look on her face, you could tell she didn’t believe you. 
“Whatever,” you leaned away from your locker, readjusting the bag on your shoulder. “It’s 7:26, we have to get to class.”
Chatter filled the room as the rest of your classmates filed in. Sitting idly at your desk, you watched the fish tank perched atop of the bookshelf. Your classroom pet, a clownfish cleverly named, Nemo swam around aimlessly. He poked and prodded at the colorful rocks at the bottom of the tank, mistaking them for food.
He was the only fish in his tank. Your class used to have another, also cleverly named, Marlin, but they didn’t get along. Marling constantly picked at Nemo. Biting at his fins, stealing his food, and smacking him with his own fins.
Besides your two best friends, you didn’t really talk to anyone else. You took solace in being alone. Too many social interactions rapidly drained your energy. It didn’t matter though, there weren’t too many of your classmates who an effort to get to know you anyway. Courtesy of Ella.
You and Nemo had a lot in common.
None of it bothered you though, you didn’t have anything to prove to anyone. Thus, while your peers conversed with each other, you sat patiently at your desk waiting for your teacher to arrive. 
Of course, your least favorite class would be the one to start off your school day, and of course, you’d be taking a test in that very same class today—Algebra 1.
Math has always been a challenge for you. You’d never been the type to get excited about numbers and operations. And once they introduced letters into the formula, you completely checked out. Algebra is just a concept you simply did not understand. All the effort you put into the subject seemed to be pointless, as with each exam you take your score drops lower and lower. Maybe that’s the reason why your stomach has been hurting all morning. Just testing anxiety.
The sound of Jungkook calling your name came from behind you. Subconsciously, you sat up straighter, brushing out the creases in your uniform skirt. With that same bunny smile you loved so much, he rested against the desk next to yours, crossing his ankles. 
“Hey, Bugs! I’ve missed you. It feels like we haven't hung out in forever.” Playfully, Jungkook pushed your shoulder, smiling gently at you. “Our Moon Meetings aren’t as fun when it’s just me.”
“Jungkook,” you groaned, pushing his hand away. “I told you not to call me that.” He smiled down at you, letting you continue.
“I’ve missed you too,” you confessed, before licking your lips. Suddenly, your mouth felt as dry as the Sahara Desert. With your eyes downcast, you missed the way Jungkook’s eyes intently followed the movement.
 “My test scores in this class haven’t been the best so, my mom has been making me spend nearly all of my extra free time studying.”
 Besides this class, and occasionally passing each other in the halls, your Moon Meetings are the only real time you have together. With Jungkook’s packed soccer schedule and you working four days a week and maybe more at your part-time job, there was really no extra time to spend together. 
“Damn Bugs, that sucks. You know I have a B in this class, I can help you study.” You could hear the pride in his voice. 
You popped your head up, staring at him with widened eyes. “You have a B in algebra?”
“Yeah!” Noticing your shocked expression he continued. “What I can’t be good at math or something,” he pouted, lower lip jutted out.
Your eyes widened. “No! I just meant-” 
“Well that’s rude, ______,” Ella interrupted, standing next to Jungkook. “Our Jungkookie is very smart. And, apparently, he’s better at math than you.”
Taken aback, you stared at her in disbelief. Where the fuck did she even come from? You swear she was like a constant dark cloud looming over you just waiting to ruin your day. Just as you were about to open your mouth to respond, Jungkook spoke up before you could reply. 
“C’mon Ella, that’s not necessary. ______ and I joke around with each other like that all the time. She obviously meant no harm.” 
“This conversation has nothing to do with you anyway,” you defended yourself, returning the rotten scowl she was sending you.
Ella arched her manicured eyebrow. “Hmpt,” she shrugged, sending a smirk your way before strutting over to her desk. Gosh, you couldn’t stand her. 
Jungkook sighed. “I don’t know what her problem is.” He shook his head, wiping his palms down the front of his pants. 
“I don't see how you’re even friends with her. I mean, you two are nothing alike.” You don’t mean to sound so possessive but it’s true. Jungkook and Ella were the complete opposites. Jungkook was good Ella was evil. Jungkook was an angel, Ella was the devil, simple. 
The look on his face turned sheepish. You watched quietly as Jungkook scratched the back of his neck before answering. “I don’t know about friends. She’s more like a pain in my neck. All she does is follow the guys and me around all day. It’s actually pretty annoying.” You hummed, pursing your lips. 
“Good morning, everyone,” the firm voice of your algebra teacher, Mrs. Lee, rang out in the room. Her blunt-cut bob swayed with every movement as she strode across the front of her classroom toward her desk. Authority radiated from your teacher as she silently stood at her desk waiting for her class to settle down. Around you, your peers quieted down scurrying to their assigned seats.
“Good luck!” Jungkook shoot you two thumbs up. “I know you’ll do good!” With that he made his way to his own desk, waiting for further instructions. 
One by one, Mrs. Lee called you all up to put away your phones and assign you a calculator and a formula sheet. The pain in the lower part of your stomach grew stronger. You were really nervous about this test. 
After Mrs. Lee passed out the final test paper, she stood behind the podium. “Did everyone receive a test paper?” A chorus of yeses was heard. Mrs. Lee smiled.
 “Good. As per usual, there is absolutely no talking, assisting others, or usage of any device besides your calculator during this test.  If you are caught breaking any of these rules your test will be terminated and will result in an automatic zero. Please refer to your formula sheet, guys,” Mrs Lee sighed. “I’ve provided you with one for a reason. And take your time, there’s no need to rush, you have the whole class period to finish. Good luck, don’t let what you’ve learned be in vain.” 
Mrs. Lee glanced down at her expensive-looking wristwatch. Anxiety filled you as you awaited her next words. "You may start.” 
At Mrs. Lee’s confirmation, you and all of your classmates flipped open your packets and began your test. 
Here goes nothing.
It had been forty-five minutes since you started your test and you were in excruciating pain. This was definitely not testing anxiety. Your stomach has never hurt this bad before, and you were dreading the possible reason it could be. Please don’t let this be what I think it is. Please, please, please.
Readjusting your legs into a more comfortable position in hopes to relieve some pain, you felt your worst nightmare come true. A gush of thick liquid rushed out of your nether region. Immediately your eyes widened. Oh shit! No, no, no, no, no, no!
Panicked, you felt your hands shaking as you hurried to finish the question you were on. There were at least ten left, but there was no way you could bear the pain or the messy feeling of your blood-soaked panties any longer. Tears had already begun to prickle your eyes. Gosh, why today?! Why this class?! Why me?!
Wiping your eyes before a stray tear could fall you, stood up from your seat. Squeezing your thighs together, you walked as stiffly as you could to avoid any further damage. Your desk was only a few feet away but felt like it took forever to reach Mrs. Lee. Silently, her hawk–like gaze remained on you the entire time, her eyebrows pinched in question.
Your test papers wobbled lightly as you placed the packet on her podium. You cleared your throat before you spoke. “M-may I go to the restroom, please? It’s an emergency.”
“Now? Why didn’t you go before-”
“Mrs. Lee,” you interrupted her scolding. “I thi- I started my period. My stomach hurts really, really bad and I don’t have any um sanitary supplies.”
A look of realization crossed Mrs. Lee’s face as she registered your words. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry!” She kept her voice low, ensuring you were the only one who could hear her. “I’ll write you a pass to the nurse.” She rushed to her desk leaving you to stand alone.
 Her words were like a trigger, causing the lump in your throat to grow thicker. You swallowed, trying to ease the discomfort. It felt like your nose was full of cotton as you sniffled between breaths. You could feel yourself continually leaking into your underwear. Please hurry up, Mrs. Lee. 
“Ew! What the hell!”
It felt like time had stopped. You didn’t dare turn around, already knowing who the voice came from
 “Ella!” Mrs. Lee snapped finally finishing her signature at the bottom of the pass, giving the girl a stern look.
“Seriously, ______. Are you just going to stand there and bleed all over the place? Go get a tampon!” 
Your breath hitched at her words. There was no doubt everyone’s attention was now on you. You could nearly feel the stares of your classmates pierce your back. Your body was hot all over with embarrassment. You couldn’t move, instead, you stood frozen in shock.
Someone snorted behind you. This time a more profound voice was heard. 
“Gross, she even got it in the seat!” 
Roars of laughter filled the once silent classroom. The pounding in your ears muffled the sounds around you, virtually drowning out the mocking laughter and Mrs. Lee’s panicked voice demanding them to stop.
 Oh, fuck this.
 Solely focused on your escape, you missed the concerned voice of Jungkook calling out to you. You swung the door open, rushing out of the classroom. 
The harsh sounds of your breathing echoed throughout the empty halls. Tripping over your feet with how fast you were walking, you shoved the door to the girl’s bathroom open, barreling into the first empty stall in sight. It wasn’t until you were secured behind the locked door, slumped against the defaced wall, that you finally let yourself break down.
Your body shook with the force of your cries. Snatching the toilet paper from the dispenser, you struggled to wipe away your tears with how fast they were falling. Your nose was completely stuffy now, ensuring the only way for you to breathe was through ragged open-mouthed pants
Of course, this would be the experience of your first menstrual cycle. Of freaking course. This was all Ella’s fault. There wasn’t a violent bone in your body, but you wanted to punch her right in the throat.
The sound of the bathroom door creaking open interrupted your panicked thoughts. Swallowing, you pressed your lips together, trying your hardest to suppress the harsh sounds escaping your mouth. Sure, your entire class has seen you covered in your own period blood, but you didn’t want to add to the embarrassment by having someone know you were crying in a bathroom stall. How lame.
Wiping your eyes, you flinched at the roughness of the toilet paper tugging at the skin underneath your eyes. You clutched the wad of used tissue in your hand. 
Confused, you stared at the stall door as if you could see through the solid. You know there was someone else in there with you, but you didn’t hear any movements. It wasn’t until you looked down that you noticed the pair of shoes right outside of the stall you were in. 
A knock sounded on the door, followed by a gentle voice calling out to you. “Bugs?”
“Ju-Jungkook,” you croaked eyebrows furrowed. What the hell was he doing in the girl’s bathroom? Through the crack between the door and the wall of the stall, you could see the boy standing on the other side. A calmness was radiating from him. 
“Could you open the door? I have something for you.” When you made no movements he spoke again. 
You wiped your face again before smoothing your shirt and readjusting your skirt, despite all that's happened, still wanting to present your best self to him You hoped your eyes weren’t as puffy and red as they felt. 
Slowly, you twisted the metal lock, opening the door for Jungkook. You kept your eyes cast down, staring at a scuff mark next to his foot.
“Here.” A black uniform skirt, pair of black cotton panties, a sanitary pad, and a travel-size pack of baby wipes obstructed your view of the dusty bathroom floor. Once again, you stood frozen staring at the items in his hands. When you didn’t immediately take them from him he spoke again. 
“I got them from the nurse. She assured they'd never been warned. I didn’t know your size, so I just guessed.” Carefully you took the items from his hands. Hoping your face remained neutral when your fingers brushed over his, you secured the items in your arms. You swear a shock ran through you. Jungkook was truly an angel sent from above. 
You cleared your throat before you spoke. “Thank you, Jungkook.” The expression came out hoarse and dry. Ignoring the roughness of your voice, he smiled and nodded. “I’ll be out there,” he reassured, pointing a thumb towards the bathroom door. 
You cleaned yourself the best you could with the few baby wipes you had. The panties you wore, which were your favorite pair from Victoria’s Secret PINK might you add, were completely ruined. You wrapped them up with the bathroom’s flimsy paper towels. It stung a little when you had to throw them away in the trashcan. 
You stuffed your soiled, khaki uniform skirt in the trashcan as well. It sported a large blood stain where your butt would be. You knew your mom wouldn’t mind though. You had more uniforms skirts than you could count.
Standing at one of the three bathroom sinks, you washed your hands clean of any remnants from your accident. You avoided looking at yourself in the mirror. You were feeling incredibly self-conscious and had no intentions of making it worse with the sight of your swollen eyes and stuffy nose. Rather, you wet a few paper towels, and dabbed lightly at your face, focusing on the tender skin around your eyes and nose. You felt a whole lot better, though the cramping in your stomach was still incredibly painful.
True to his word, Jungkook stood outside of the girl’s bathroom waiting for you to come out. He wore a look of concern as he watched you stand before him. 
“The skirt looks good. Like it fits goods.” Choosing not to think too hard about his choice of words you nodded, looking down at the skirt in question. Jungkook didn’t do too badly with the sizing. It was a little snug, but it would do until you went home.
 It was silent for the next few seconds, neither of you not really knowing what to say in the next moment. Wordlessly, Jungkook opened his arms, asking for a hug. You could melt with how adorable he looked. 
Without a second thought, you fell into his embrace. Like magic, the worries and the stress from the day began to melt away. There was a strong sense of security that emerged from being wrapped in Jungkook’s arms. 
“Are you okay, Bugs,” Jungkook whispered, his cheek resting atop your head. Slowly, he rocked you both from side to side. Tears began to prickle in your eyes again. You were okay now that you’ve cleaned up and somewhat composed yourself. But what about later? What about when you go online and see everyone talking about what happened? What about tomorrow and then the next day and then the next, until something juicer happens for everyone to talk about? Sure you were okay now, but you don’t know about later.
Jeez, these hormones were really getting to you. 
 Rather than burdening him with your troubles, you kept your answer short and simple. “Mhmm,” you nodded, your words muffled from pressing your face against his chest. “Just a little embarrassed.”
“Hey,” Jungkook pulled away, forcing you to look up at him. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Periods are completely natural.” You groaned covering your face with both you’re hands. “You sound like my mom.” 
“It's true!” He giggled as pried your hands away. “Seriously though, you shouldn’t be embarrassed. But I know that’s easier said than done.” You nodded, listening to his words. “Everyone in there who laughed at you are a bunch of immature, idiots with worms for brains. And if they say any slick shit to you, I’ll beat them up, okay?”
“Okay,” you giggled, bumping your fist against his outstretched one. 
“Good,” he smiled, that same bunny smile you loved so much. “Come on,” he declared taking your hand, leading you down the hall when you intertwined your finger with his. “I texted your mom and let her know what happened. So, she should be almost now. Oh! And I left your bag and your phone with the lady in the front office. There’s also some pain reliever up there for you.” You felt yourself grin at his words. He was such a sweetheart. 
“Thank you, Jungkook, for everything. I really don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
He bumped his shoulder with yours. “Of course, Bugs. You know I got you. But you do have to promise me something.”
“Moon Meeting tonight? If you aren’t in too much pain.” Smiling down at you, he awaited your response. Sighing in mock annoyance, you playfully rolled your eyes. “Yes, Jungkook.”
“You promise?” 
“I promise.”
Copyright © 2023 Spicybutterfly
All right reserved.
Distribution, copying, reposting, or translating of any kind is not permitted. I will take legal action against those who attempt to steal my work. 
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elpida · 2 months
"Right, Noah, you can head off I'm good now, the breads in, just taken the sweet cherry loaf tins out too cool so we should have those tomorrow." Eden spoke, coming from the back and brushing her hands onto her well loved apron. "Don't forget to take a loaf for your soup later and yes, yes I really did mean it when I said I want to try your lasagna soup it sounds so tasty." Noah turned to her, lifting the loop of his own apron up over his head. "You only want to try it so you can steal the recipe and impress your fancy man. Is the bloke your boyfriend yet? You still haven't told me his name." Eden spun and did finger guns at him all matter of fact. "Not going to answer the first question or his name, gotta keep you on your toes but hey if you can guess it right maybe then I'll tell you." she laughed, she actually had a great friendship with her second in command. He was just into his twenties but he'd studied catering at a nearby college and when Eden had advertised for an assistant manager he'd come in with a printed out resume and told her that he'd work his way up, that he'd learn and do his best but it was the fact he'd brought her in his speciality baked cheesecake that sold her on his passion and commitment. Since then he'd been reliable and so willing to put the time in to learn. Eden could trust him with this bakery because he'd come to love it as much as she did, his baked cheesecake was a hit and a customer favourite too. Noah rolled his eyes at you.
"You know whoever it is, just glad they make you smile. Are you seeing them tonight?" she nodded. "I'm planning to take them a sweet cherry cake, I think they'll like it with a hot drink and I know they have a friend who'll definitely enjoy it because it'd go nice with limoncello." Noah slid on his jacket and took the crusty bread Eden wrapped for him. "Tell him and his friend I say 'hello please don't turn out to be a fuckboy'." they laughed but Noah laughed even harder when Eden asked what on Earth a fuckboy was. "Oh! Don't forget, bread in the oven. Don't forget!" Noah pointed his finger and she pointed back, waggling as if she was taking note. "Got it, no-nonsense-noah, won't forget about the bread. Oh and tell Sebastian I said he needs to come by I miss gossiping about you with him." she giggled, watching him get flustered over her mention of his recently announced boyfriend. "Cruel." he commented, half out the door. "More like payback!" she called with a wide smile.
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"It was about five minutes later that Eden heard the little bell above the door chime and smiled so widely when she looked up to see Agatha. "Hey Ags!" she was nearing the end of the day so typically it was quiet now, not many stopped by five minutes before closing. She'd brought forward the sweet cherry cakes, leaving the one she intended to take to Angelo's in the back. Five more minutes on the bread in the oven. "One second let me just-" slice by even slice she was prepping up the cake and making it look all perfectly presentable, especially when she covered it in the glass lid that she had for each separate item. Her bakery was so picturesque, she'd go on about how it was best to keep cake covered and at room temperature rather than refrigerated because the cold nature of a fridge would dry out most cakes. Everything was tidy and clean now, she was just getting a head start for tomorrow. "There we go." she mumbled and popped the new sweet treat in it's place.
"How's Cade? He was texting me the other night, he still really doesn't get the use of emoji's huh?" she laughed, she was so... at peace in this space, so happy but everything about this bakery screamed comfort. Even the well loved wooden work surface of the counter. Along the back lined huge bookshelves and benches, that was the free library. People brought books in to put on there and they could take them freely too. It was also great for people sitting in to have something to do, even for kids. "How are you? Oh! Oh what are you here for? I've fresh bread if you can wait five minutes you know, warm bread is always the nicest thing to smell!" like it didn't smell like heaven in here already. "I have some sweet bits too, are you feeling sweet? Savoury? Please say sweet I've the best thing today! Don't you dare get your purse out either." @wiinestories !
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jayflrt · 4 months
i completely agree with that anon on the fan service thing, i started liking enhypen since their debut and i've clearly seen a lot of changes. they're right about the heeseung thing, how people say stuff like he's a 'fuckboy' or a 'cheater' and while i understand that it might me alright to describe him as such in a fanfic, i don't think it's alright to think that he's actually like that. i remember seeing a post on pinterest, it was a clip of heeseung and i think he was talking about how he's changed since his debut, and the owner of the post had written about how they think he's become more mature and how he 'has definitely lost his virginity' now. and while it's alright to talk about and think how much your idols have changed since their debut, is it really necessary to make such comments about them like their virginity? And they've definitely upped their fanservice and while artists interactions with their fans do change overtime, their interactions have become drastically different and cater towards the fans more now. it's like they know that the fans want this from them, and that they think it's the only think which keeps their fans with them. It's honestly really sad if you think about it. And this might be a bit off topic, but I've come across so many posts on tumblr where there were like tarrot readings for the members. Like what kind of person they might date, their ideal type and stuff and i was just weirded out by such posts, because although i don't think tarrot readings are really reliable and stuff, it's still pretty weird to try to predict and assume stuff about someone who doesn't even know you. And you're definitely right about how jayhoon had the least fan service and as of now they've definitely started doing more. It wasn't even an overall growth in it, it was a drastic rise in the way they interact. This also comes to the fact that while enhypen might be known by many they're still quite underrated. I have seen so many people sleep on enha's skills and simply call them a 'visual group' like they are not just a visual group or just a group known for fanservice. Ni-ki is genuinely the one of the greatest dancers in kpop and despite the fact that people know him for his dance, his vocals and rap are improving day by day and they're also top tier. Yet people still sleep on them and are yet to acknowledge it. Lol sorry for the unrelated rant.
i agree !! i think just because we shouldn't assume that all idols are pure and don't date around doesn't mean we can jump to the other extreme and assume they fuck around 24/7. it's just degrading imo to assume such things when we don't know what they're like !!
and yes i agree that enha gets watered down to a fanservice/visual group a lot of the time. people really need to start appreciating their artistry more
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bunny-eats-fox · 1 year
first love 
terushima yuji
wc: 3039 warning(s): female, chubby reader
“Urgh, Terushima…” Your friend gagged and shook her head as she glared at him. “Always trying to slip into the girls’ panties. Unbelievable. Look at him trying to get her number. Ugh, what a fuckboy.”
You just faked a small little laugh. 
Terushima was quite well known in your school. The playboy who had slept with almost every girl in his grade - or at least he had tried. That’s what the rumors said. Did you believe them? Yes and no. It was for certain that he was very flirty with all the girls and definitely had managed to go past that, but the whole grade? You doubted that.
However, did it really matter? Yuji had (apparently) tried to sleep with everyone….except for you. Of course, you knew why that was. You were not like most girls in your school. You weren’t pretty, thin or athletic. Quite the opposite (that’s how you felt about yourself at least).
Yet, when you passed him in the hallway as he had kabe-donned the girl, he still greeted you with a little grin and a nod. That was simply because you were the team’s manager. Yuji was not mean to you, or ignored you or anything like that. He was fun to be around and you got along pretty well in the past two years. The harsh truth simply was: he was not interested in you, neither romantically nor sexually. And for you, who had been heavily crushing on him since your first year together, that was painful, but understandable. 
Terushima would never make a move on you.  
“He’s such a jerk, right, (Y/n)?!” She started huffing and puffing again.
“Ah, mh…” You quietly approved because you didn't want to explain yourself. 
However, you wondered what would happen if anyone would find out about your feelings and the oh so many fantasies. Very explicit fantasies at that. Like the fantasy of you and Yuji being alone and he would needily drag you into the storage room of the gym to have his way with you. Or the fantasy of giving him head in the club room when you two would stay behind to discuss something. Or making out in the gym before morning pract-
“(Y/n)? Hellooohoo?” Sara snapped her fingers in front of your eyes. “You’re not listening to me at all! Stop daydreaming already, we’re late for our science lecture.”
“Ah, shit you’re right. Sorry, Sara.” And thus, you hastily followed her - very, very happy that your arousal couldn’t be seen by others. Seriously, you should stop daydreaming and get over this stupid ass crush. It was hopeless anyways!
Sadly though, those feelings and fantasies were very hard to get rid of. You had tried all throughout your second and also last year of high school. But the more Terushima flirted with anyone and got confessed to constantly, the more your heart ached. You desperately wanted to be one of his many “girlfriends” (hookups) just once. 
But what could you do despite longingly sigh and look at him from afar?
Hence why, by the time you were all ready to graduate, you still didn't manage to tell him your feelings. Too scared to ruin your friendship or make things awkward between you, the manager, and him, the captain of your team. You didn't want to pull the team down, so you restricted yourself to just daydreaming and fantasizing. Even though all you wanted was to finally let this crush die already! 
After the ceremony was done, you looked back to the old school building. All the memories, good and bad, you would leave them all behind right there. You would never, ever see Terushima again. Your relationship was that of captain and manager; you didn't even exchange phone numbers. He never asked and you were too afraid to come off as “the fatty thought because I was talking to her normally she would have a chance”. So, that was it. At last, you needed to tell him how you felt. Just so Terushima would reject you properly and then you could finally move on after three years of pining after him. 
“Terushima-kun.” You walked over to him and a few of his friends.
“Oh, hey, (Y/n)-chan. Can’t believe we’re done, huh?” His usual grin played around his lips. You had to smile as well. 
“Yeah. One last time, can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?”
“Oooohhhh~” His friends whistled.
“Aw shut up!” Yuji immediately said and jokingly kicked one of them. “Let’s go, (Y/n)-chan.”
Your heart started throbbing uncontrollably. So that was it. You would tell him. And then move on. Everyone would go their own ways and you could get over this stupid first love. Your hands shook and you thought your knees would give in. Every step you took was a gamble if you would make it or not. Then you reached the place. The so-called “confession corner” as your high school had dubbed it (very original, right?). How many times had you watched from the windows as someone confessed to Terushima (and other dudes but that wasn't important)? Today was your day to do that. 
“Oh…” Yuji knew exactly what was going to happen and somehow, his grin faded a little. 
Oh no. Oh no, he was disappointed. At last, the fatty confessed. That’s what he probably thought right now, right? He didn't want to hear it, you knew it, but you had to hear it from his own mouth. That he didn't like you. Otherwise, you couldn't forget him. 
“So… Well, I think you know what’s coming, haha.” You nervously looked through your bag and then pulled out a neatly wrapped little box.
Terushima knew indeed what was coming, but he didn't walk away. He faced your confession.
“Every Valentine’s Day I made you homemade chocolate and cookies, but every time, I was too scared and ended up crying in my bed eating it myself. Kinda pathetic, huh?”, you laughed, because you were nervous, “So uhm…I don’t want to end up in my bed eating my own chocolates again. That’s why, please take them as a graduation present. And also…”, you suddenly bowed and reached out your arms to hand him the box of chocolates, “I like you, a lot. Will you go out with me?”
Your hands visibly shivered, your heart wildly thumped and you started sweating- how pathetic. However, Yuji not saying anything just made it harder.
But then, he took the box of chocolates.
“Thank you for these. I’ll make sure to really enjoy them, but… I’m sorry. Right now I just wanna have fun and not commit..”
When you looked up, he didn't look disgusted or annoyed. It was a new expression. A shy smile. Oh no. How were you supposed to forget him when he would show you such a new, cute expression. So, you forced yourself to smile as well. 
“Mn. Thank you for being honest and also for listening to me. I am glad we could work together during the past three years.”
“Me too. It was fun.” He took a step forward, but then stopped and instead asked, “Is it okay if I give you a hug?”
Thus he wrapped his arms around you. The reality was 10 times more amazing than just your imagination, dreams and fantasies. At least you had felt his arms around you just once. Terushima rubbed your back a little, as you still trembled, before you separated, smiled at each other and then he walked away.
Why did it still hurt so much even though you had known his answer from the beginning? You thought you had braced yourself for rejection enough. But, once Yuji was out of sight, tears still blurred your vision before they rolled down your chubby cheeks. Hearing it out loud was much more painful than just playing this scenario out in your mind. 
Your first love, before it could even start, had already ended that day.
#  8 years later #
When the bell above your door rang, you came to the front; as you wiped your hands on your apron, you hastily approached the counter . 
“Welco-” But you stopped mid-word. 
Oh no. Oh no, no, no. Everyone but-
“(Y/n)-cha- (L/n)-san? Shit, it’s been a hot minute. You remember me, right?”
FUCK! He was HOT. Or rather, Yuji, who you hadn’t seen since your graduation, had matured but still looked as handsome as he was back then. Maybe even a little more handsome. Crap. How could you not remember him? The guy you thought you had finally forgotten. 
Well shit, you didn't.
“S-Sure, Terushima-kun. How are you?” You stuttered for a moment, though tried to compose yourself again quickly. 
“Great! I’ve been doing amazing. What about you? I heard about the new bakery that had opened and was super popular. Didn’t think I would see you here.”
“Ah, yeah, a lot happened…” New customers then came in as the doorbell rang again. “Ah, Ryo?” 
“Sure, (Y/n)-chan.” You didn't have to say more than his name and your co-worker, a very handsome young man, rushed to the front desk as well to serve the customers. 
“(L/n)-san, I see you’re very busy. Here.” Terushima suddenly pulled out his phone, unlocked it and handed it to you. “Give me your number and we can catch up.” 
Oh hell no! That was not good at all. It all just came back to you. The pain, the heartache, the rejection. But goddammit. It took just one smile from him and you were smitten once again. And you saw he had kept his tongue piercing, too… Shit, where did your mind go again?!
Thus, you took his phone and gave him your number. Your brain screamed at you for your stupidity. 
“Thanks. I’ll call you. Now… I’ll have these.” He pointed to the boxes of chocolates displayed in your showcase. God, he knew exactly what he did when he flashed you that teasing grin. So he hadn’t forgotten how to be a tease and a flirt. Yuji was still just like he was back then.
“I always thought they were spectacular.” 
“T-Thank you.” AHH, you wanted to slap yourself. 
How was it possible that you would meet the guy you’ve had dirty dreams about again eight years later!? You thought that, in a small city in Hokkaido would be the perfect place to never meet anyone from your school ever again. You thought wrong. So wrong.
Once Yuji was gone, you sighed heavily and turned to Ryo. 
“I’ll take a quick break, can you manage the counter for a moment?”
“Sure, (Y/n)-chan.”
Once you reached the little break room in the back of your bakery, you slumped into one of the chairs. Of course the one person you’d meet would be Terushima. God, if only you would have had an amazing transformation and glow up, became thin and pretty. But no, instead you were at your heaviest at the moment and you still found yourself the complete opposite of pretty.  
But then again… Terushima had your phone number now. Even though you should have been over him by a long shot -  just one word was enough and he turned your whole world upside-down again.
“I hope he comes by again…” Damnit! 
Terushima, on the other hand, looked down to the phone in his hand and had to really suppress a stupid grin. He got your number. After eight years, he finally managed to get your number. 
The truth was, he had always found you cute. And working with you was also fun. He had tried to flirt with you on multiple occasions but you never responded and just ignored it (how could he have possibly known you didn’t realize it because you were too insecure to take it as anything more than just being friendly?). So, he didn't bother you any longer after that and thus, he hadn’t asked for your number or anything. Safe to say, when you confessed after your graduation, he was confused and surprised, but he genuinely didn’t want to commit to one person. Back then, he was an ass who might have even cheated if he had forced himself to stay with just one girl. So, in the end, even though his younger self would have probably said yes to anyone else and ignored their feelings along the way, he couldn't do that with you. Because even back then, you were still special, even if he had realized it way too late after he had already rejected you.
But now, he saw you again after so many years! Terushima couldn’t stop his heart from thumping louder and harder than ever before. You definitely got cuter in the last few years. Plus, he was also rather chill now. He was seldomly going to parties anymore. The last time he brought home a girl was also ages ago. Basically, he wanted a relationship, something that would last and was serious. But… Yuji couldn't help but wonder about that Ryo guy…
Was he your boyfriend? Or were you just colleagues? Ryo hadn't used keigo… and he even called you “-chan” and you called his first name too. Damn. What was your relationship?
And while he asked himself all of that, another question crept into his mind: Would you give him another chance if he tried? You probably hated him and had gotten over him already. Though, there was nothing wrong with asking or trying first, right? 
That same night, you rushed out of your bathroom when your phone suddenly rang. You, however, didn't expect to see an unknown number. As your heart thundered against your ribcage, you couldn't help but wonder if it would be… No. He wouldn't, right? Terushima probably just wanted to be nice and not actually catch up with you, right?
Curiosity got the best of you at last and you picked up, “Hello?”
“Ah, hi! (L/n)-san? It’s me, Terushima Yuji.”
For a second, that one sentence took your breath away. All those years of yearning and secretly crushing on him just hit you in the gut once more as your heart almost combusted. It was really Terushima. 
“T-Terushima-kun! Hi. Uhm… I didn't expect you to call.”, you truthfully said and immediately regretted it. Stupid!
“Haha, told you I’d call, right? Honestly I am also surprised you didn't give me a fake number.” Yuji might have chuckled but he sounded a little nervous. 
“No, I mean, why would I?” You sat down on the bed, still wrapped in your towel. Even though you just took a nice refreshing shower, your body was hot. Listening to his voice like that was heaven and hell. 
“Well…I was an ass to you, remember? Our last day.” Yuji nervously scratched his neck which made the many rings on his fingers clink. He didn't like remembering the past that much. 
“Aahhh, nhn not at all.”, 
It was embarrassing to think back to your confession, hence why you hastily tried to end the topic, “You weren't interested in me and you let me down really gently so it was totally okay, Terushima-kun! Really, no problem.”
He just sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Thanks.”, Yuji chuckled a little, but he still sounded a bit strained, “But I mean… I already had a crush on you in our second year so when you didn't even react to any of my flirting, I gave up; so your confession surprised me and then I rejected you for a really stupid reason too.”
When Terushima suddenly confessed he had a crush on you, it sent your heart into overdrive. Heat surged through your body like an erupting volcano; you were certain you could dissolve the drops of water on your skin into thin air with how hot you felt. 
“Ah, shit, wait. Why am I even telling you this now?”, Terushima nervously laughed again. 
“I think seeing you again kind of made me realize how stupid I was and it made my tongue loose so, uhm, all I wanna ask is if you wanna maybe go out and grab a coffee or something? Like, I don't expect any-”
“I’ll go!”, you yelled into the phone.
Then it was silent. Your face was so hot, you were ready to melt into the towel that was still wrapped around your plump body. And it definitely wasn't any better once Yuji started to laugh. His genuine, cute laughter was something your heart wasn't ready for. 
“I-I’m sorry, I-”
“Cute.”, he interrupted you, “You’re really cute, (Y/n)-chan. Ah, sorry, old habits die hard, is it okay to call you that?”
“Mn.”, was all you managed. 
That was the first time someone had called you cute. For some reason, your vision blurred as tears sprung to your eyes. Maybe, you could really believe in his words?
“Heh heh, thanks, you can also just call me by my first name though.”, Yuji still chuckled, before it was quiet once more. Though only for a few moments.
“So… uhm (Y/n)-chan…is it okay to get my hopes up?” Terushima didn't even hesitate. Like back then, he was still as straight-forward when he wanted something or someone.
You just hid your face in your free hand and suppressed a squeal. Was that really happening? Not just a dream? 
“Yeah… Yuji-kun.”
As you heard a small thud, you thought he fell down somewhere, but all you could hear on the other end was then, “… You’re unfair, (Y/n)-chan.”
Even though he had just confidently told you to casually call him by his first name as well, he didn't think you would immediately say it (and truth be told, he didn't think it would affect him that much).
So, in the end, you were both utterly embarrassed (but also happy) and melted into the beds. Though it made one thing very clear to him: If he already reacted like that, the feelings he had harbored and suppressed for all those years (and that came back full swing once he saw you behind the counter today) were stronger than before. And now, he was going to make it up to you that he didn't realize those strong feelings he had towards you sooner.
all characters canonically under 18 are always aged up ; english is not my native language so i apologize for any mistakes
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ariadnejoly · 10 months
I unapologetically love Girls
Yes, I'm bi, 😝 But I also love Girls, the comedy-drama series. The general opinion I see online is: most people can't stand to watch it. It's cringe. It makes them uncomfortable. For one reason or another, many haven't watched it. I would like to share my love for the show and what it means to me.
The glory of Adam Driver. Getting the obvious out of the way. He has always been gifted, this man who evokes such a raw and vulnerable edge. He is compelling, point blank, and this show acts as a long form story where he not only stuck around as one of the ensemble cast, but his character's evolution over the entire six seasons is a beautiful and subtle performance. I remember being surprised and delighted that Dunham didn't write out his character after a breakup, as they might do on say, Sex and the City. Adam Sackler hung around and became a core member of the group. Everyone else noticed his talent too, which is why Kathleen Kennedy snapped him up to play Kylo Ren in Star Wars. Girls gave me Adam Driver and I felt right at home in Star Wars with him. He's given his all to everything he's ever done. He is the actor of our generation. And he didn't get his breakthrough on the stage, or his episode of Law and Order. It was on Girls. But I don't need to brag. Just watch the show to see the absolutely feral and filthy fuckboi he starts out as. Watching it purely for Adam Driver will be worth it, and you might just end up liking other parts of the show, too.
It subverted my expectations constantly. And that's a good thing! People (me included) expected this new, anticipated show to be the Millennial Sex and the City. And I mean, there is sex, and there is Brooklyn, but this show goes in all different directions AND keeps up with male characters. See point 1 above. Adam, Elijah, Ray, and even dear, dysfunctional Desi round out the ensemble cast of women. As a long-time fan of Sex and the City, that show uses the Kens as ornaments, only utilized for sex and jokes, and breakups. The women don't talk about anything but the men they're dating. And guess what? That's fine! It is what it is. And I fuggin love that show --it was so formative for my 17 year old self. But then my 22 year old self watched the first season of Girls and was blown away by the way Dunham and the other creatives firmly planted their heels as an entirely different show that was not to be compared to anything that came before. These characters are complicated and deeply flawed. And at many times, unlikeable. But the writing is good. There's always one or two "bottle" episodes per season where characters are on a trip back to their hometown (season 1, episode 6), or the absolutely heartwrenching Marnie adventure in season 5 episode 6. I have many more examples I could give (Honorable mention to season 3 episode 9!). These episodes reveal another layer of complexity to each character in a way that feels lived in, possible, real. There's specificity and sharp wit. Characters often have a turbulent epiphany about their life in these bottle episodes, one that's usually scary to admit and confront. One of my favorite episodes is Hello Kitty (season 5 episode 7). It has so many moving parts, the play in the apartment building, the horrifying true story the play is based on...and yet that episode is so fun to watch. Beautifully written and directed. It has stayed deeply rooted in my mind as a piece of magic. This show has plot lines that are controversial and will absolutely divide people. It's not so middle of the road that it's blah, that’s for sure. It's irreverent and at times, utterly troubling. It makes you question your own character a little deeper. And that's why I keep coming back to study the show again and again.
Girls made me uncomfortable and cringe the first time I watched it. I was indeed like all the rest of the critics, appalled at Lena Dunham's flagrant nudity (I was from a Mormon town and had recently escaped the cult myself). Lena's body looked different than that one, victoria's secret model-type that we are all familiar with. Dunham's lack of shame horrified me and intrigued me. It tickled some deep part of my brain that yearned for the same liberation. But more than that, it was the scary way I related to the character within the first three episodes. Hannah is an aspiring writer who's 'bigger' than her friends. She hopes to be the voice of a generation. She wants to write a memoir. She’s just unkempt enough that no one takes her seriously. I was slack jawed after the pilot. I'd been watching myself on screen, for what felt like the first time ever. I staggered away from the tv and the episode rolled around in my brain, until a week went by and it was time for another episode. I'd just undergone a LEEP procedure to remove pre-cancerous cells from my cervix because I'd contracted HPV. Then episode 3 was about Hannah tracking down the boy who gave her HPV. Only to find out the ex she hooked up with that one time is gay. And yet again, it was like Lena Dunham was writing my life. Dating the gay boy who's a musical theatre aficionado? Yep. Me, Hannah, and Lady Bird. Hannah Horvath's life diverged from mine with every subsequent episode, but come on. If you were me, you would have been hooked too. Each season, no matter how batshit any character was, no matter what they did, I tuned in. And even though I was outraged when Hannah quit safe, secure jobs, like GQ (that allowed her to interview Patti LuPone!), it was really just me projecting my own money concerns. And when I cringed at her nude body, it was really just my own fatphobia and insecurity that I am still unlearning to this day. The writers of the show decided to make the characters self-sabotage in order to create comedy and drama. Hannah doesn't conform or stay quiet or people please to survive, like I had to. Watching Hannah and the girls became more of a “what not to do.” Back then I was comforted that while life was hard, at least I wasn't fucking up as badly as Hannah Horvath. Now I can laugh at the silliness and hijinks. It's all just good, fictional fun when you're past the poverty and crippling self-doubt of your twenties.
My thoughts on my body (and Hannah Horvath's) have changed. And that's the best thing of all. I rewatched Girls in 2022, a ten-year anniversary sort of thing. Wow. I saw it with different eyes. The eyes of someone older, wiser, happier. I watched it as a 32 year old, two years into my healing journey with my mind, body, and with food. And I see Girls in a new way. I see Hannah's body. It's straight out of Renaissance portraits. She is beautiful because she is real. I am also beautiful, and real. And so are you. Our bodies allow us to do and experience so many things. I'm grateful for the one I have. The culture in the 2010's was absolutely fat-shaming and misogynistic. When Dunham did press interviews, she deserved to be asked about her writing and directing, not why she was nude. And even when I wasn't ready to see Dunham's body (because I was still living in the fantasy that if I just did the next diet, I could finally be thin and look like the girls in the media), I am so glad Lena showed her real body and now that shit is immortalized in the Library of Congress. Good for her.
Girls shows some hard realities, for worse or better. The girls don't make lifelong vows to always remain friends. It's not a soulmate, forever Sunday brunch kinda thing. In fact, the show distances them all from one another over the last few seasons and at the end, gives them a sendoff in which they agree to float away from each other, more or less. And that's the true reality of some friendships, especially in your twenties. People will come and go throughout all of your life. It's a certainty. This show was creatively driven by a 24 year old woman, who was showing us the reality of adult life as a young person in a deeply corrupt, capitalistic system. A shitty recession where being an unpaid intern is legal. Getting felt up by your boss is tolerated by women in the office for the sake of financial security. Not eating to save money, hoping that boy texts you back, licking Cool Whip from the back of the spoon, avoiding the reality of your student loans. C'est la vie.
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livingindabisribcage · 3 months
2p!Canada Relationship HC
Another one of the lomls. I use Matt as his name
arguably one of the best boyfriends on the planet
yes, he's awkward. yes, he has anger issues. but he still treats you amazing
you met a few days after you moved to the city, and after a couple awkward first interactions he became your first friend there
you did hear about the rumors of the 'strange man in the woods' but you quickly realized matt, while he can come off as very grumpy and mean, more so has a bad case of rbf than anything else
he'll fight people quickly, but not for no reason. and you haven't given him a reason
all Matt really does in his spare time besides patrolling the woods is listen to music, do little sketches, and do lots of woodwork. he doesn't call himself an artist, but he's really good at what he does
I mean, he literally built his own cabin from scratch
after getting with you, he made his cabin a bit prettier and expanded it so that you'd have your own personal space in there. originally, it was very much only for the purpose of living in. only basic rooms that he needed, nothing aesthetically pleasing, just straight to the point
then you come along and he wants to impress you but also make you feel comfortable in his home, because once you're together he takes it very seriously and this is essentially your home too
Matt hasn't been with many people, he's been with a good handful over his hundreds of years, but that's about it. and most of the time he did it out of being lonely, and he hated feeling like that, so he stopped trying a while ago
so you're his first serious relationship in *a while*, and one that he genuinely enjoys being in
practically anything you want to do he'll try and help you do it. be it going somewhere, trying something new, he's finding the right tools or saving money to help you do it
he can be kind of stern with some things when it comes to your safety. you're not allowed to walk around the woods without him, end of story. he doesn't want you touching his wood working tools in case you hurt yourself. anything potentially dangerous he wants to be able to keep an eye on you
ik people generally think of 2ps as like evil and bloodthirsty but that's boring sometimes, so I like to think that Matt has no issues killing someone if they deserve it, and he has definitely killed tons of poachers throughout his life, but he tries to hide all that from you
it's not like he's out hunting people, just if they come into his area, he'll keep an eye on them to see if they do something dumb. and for these periods of time he'll send u back home with some excuse
he also wouldn't tell you he's a country until way into your relationship
he doesn't want things to get messed up because of it, he doesn't want to seem crazy also, but once he's positive that you wouldn't leave him just for that then he'll tell you
it does make him worry about the fact that you'll inevitably age, and he's tempted to ask Oliver if he can find some sort of magic to keep you with him forever, but he won't ask that of you. if you brought it up, maybe, but he would never dare to, it's not his right to mess with your mortality
he's not a very good cook, but he's very good at prepping meat. he's had to hunt to 'survive' before, he's eaten multiple different kinds of animals, so he knows how to handle meat. he just can't promise anything will taste great
he eats really healthy though, so you'll probably be eating healthy as well most of the time
Kuma (I like to think of Matt's Kuma as a wolf) loves you. that alone was a sign that Matt could trust you at least a little, cause Kuma hates everyone
Matt doesn't like you being around his family, but he does brag about you a lot. Especially to Francois, even though he doesn't get along with him, he wants to prove he has a good life
He doesn't want Allen around you though, at least not at first. Allen's a fuckboy, and he doesn't usually care if someone's taken or not if he's just looking to have some fun, so your interactions with him are limited
But Allen does like to hang out with Matt when he can, and Matt does love his brother so he doesn't object usually, so over time you kinda become friends with Allen too
Matt isn't necessarily shy, but he's awkward and doesn't want to upset you by overstepping your boundaries. so he'll be careful about what physical affection he gives you
he'll either wait for you to ask him to do something, or maybe initiate a conversation about what exactly you want from him, and he'll do his best to follow through
when he's comfortable, he can actually be a bit perverted. never in public, but when you're home alone he loves to grab at anything squishy on you
the only negative aspect to Matt is that he is angry and he has a habit of hiding away when he's upset. so he doesn't communicate any of his negative feelings at all. this includes if you're bothering him in some way, because it's just easier for him to be angry alone than deal with it so he might take it out on you in other ways by being extra pissy or snappy
but through some coercion from you, he'll work on it. slowly, but he will
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glitter-lisp · 4 months
AU ask game question! (You're getting a D20 one from me because it's where we overlap, though I know it's not your main fandom):
An AU where the corn cuties fight didn't go quite so bad and Arthur Aguefort lives the first day but is being poisoned through his tea - the fight still happens, Kristen and Gorgug just don't die.
First and probably most obvious it takes Kristen a while longer to split from Helio, since before meeting him most of her doubts seemed to revolve around her family and other people in the church and how they worshipped instead of who they worshipped. THAT SAID for no real reason i think she switches from a cleric to a celestial warlock. Like aight fuckboi I'll still be your chosen but me and my new friends all just almost died and the principal of our school is clearly losing his marbles, so we're gonna do things a little differently to make sure I can actually protect the people I care about
Aguefort is CLEARLY losing his marbles but he's got so few marbles to begin with that not many people can tell the difference. The bad kids are probably some of the only ones who can, mostly because Aguefort keeps trying to talk to them about what happened in the cafeteria and then getting distracted by nothing and starting to ramble about phoenixes and pirate libraries before wandering off
I think Doreen survives too!! Like my Pitch for this au is that Fig doesn't drop during the fight, which turns the tides and means having another healer on hand (could Fig heal at level 1 I don't remember but I'm gonna say yes), and let's be totally real with ourselves here that early in the campaign Fig would absolutely choose Doreen to save over the bad kids
THAT SAID I don't think Doreen actually sticks around. Both because wow what a horrifying start to the school year, and because she knows something she's not supposed to know, and she doesn't want to stick around and wait to see what happens if Daybreak realizes she knows who brought the corn cuties to life. She drops her "don't trust the faculty" hint and goes into hiding, starts training as a rogue for safety's sake, and comes back as a one off character during a live show or smth to mentor Riz
I don't have a real reason for it or way to make it happen easily but I think Zayn becomes friendly with the squad before he beefs it, both because I love him and want him around more and because I think his death would hit a lot harder if they had known him as more than just an occasional villain. Adaine finds out Edgar is a registered emotional support familiar and goes "oh my god that's brilliant" and ends up summoning Boggy back in season 1
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