#i mean how could ale NOT fall in love with her u know? she’s the moment! the icon! she’s so cool! ✨😌🕊🤍
thedeadthree · 1 year
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ISIDORA DALÍ circa 2015. aka the intelligence operation where she meets her soon to be husband! a party! they had the same target! they worked together! rest is history!
ISIDORA VARGAS (née dalí) in the field looks. can and will drop you and possessing a phd in running in heels. is miffed she saw her husband on the field. neither pretends to know the other to protect them.
ISIDORA + mi-6 hq style. no janet she doesn’t want to go to your baby shower. her daughter is smarter than half the people in her department and she’s only 4.
ISIDORA + off duty style. a huge fan of thigh high boots. for scaring her half to death by almost dying her husband is treating her to movies + whatever she wants.
this darling dear now has a fc and a name so i had to introduce her with the iconic meiker!
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octo-hyacinth · 2 years
Hey! I recently stumbled across your work and have been absolutely hooked. Can I request Dorm Leaders’ reactions when fem!reader accidentally falls under a sleeping curse? The cure is true love’s kiss of course, but they’re either too dense or too anxious to know that:P
yes, ofc! i’ll only write up to vil cuz im not familiar enough with idia and malleus for the time being, but hopefully one day i can muster up the courage to write them haha
Dorm Leaders with an S/O Cursed to Sleep
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar,Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit Content Warnings: Tiny bit of angst (more like panic but the title is self-explanatory), yall can imagine the ending however u want im cutting it off at the kiss, mostly typed on phone so possible typos but its fine A/N: man it took me so long to get around to this and i'm so sorryyyy (*_ _)人 but i hope you enjoy!
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"How could this possibly happen? Y/N is surrounded by students for a large portion their day, every day, and yet they are lying here, having been singled out and targeted by such a malevolent curse," Vil argued.
Leona leaned against the furthest wall, rolling his eyes. "Will ya shut your trap already? We get it, it's a bad situation, and it's real inconvenient." He scowled at your sleeping form, like maybe if he judged you enough, you'd wake up. "I almost wanna say they deserve this, for bein' so dense, but—"
"How could you say that?" Kalim cried, attempting to quickly wipe the tears streaking down his face. "They've been nothing but nice to all of us, but now they're d—"
"The prefect is not dead, simply... incapacitated for an indefinite amount of time," Azul replied smoothly, but if you looked closely, he seemed to be holding back a bit of his own worry from showing on his face. "I think—"
"No one asked you what you think, cephalo-punk—"
"QUIET, ALL OF YOU!" Riddle shouted, thoroughly irritated by the lack of progress in getting you to wake up. "Instead of sitting around complaining, we should be coming up with a solution."
They stood in silence for a few tense moments, before Vil softly spoke.
"I believe I've read about a similar situation happening with a princess long ago. She too was cursed into slumber, and the only way to wake her up was—"
"But-but that's impossible!" Riddle sputtered. "True love's kiss? Should we really be looking to a fairytale for our answers?"
"All stories are laced with truth, as they say," Azul thoughtfully stroked his chin. "Perhaps... we should try it, if we truly have no other options."
A heavy silence spread across the room as every leader contemplated this. Finally, someone spoke.
"Alright, I'll do it."
Riddle Rosehearts
Oh, dear, what a predicament.
Riddle’s a clever boy, so he knows exactly what needs to be done... he just doesn't exactly have the courage to do it.
I mean, true love’s kiss? Is that something he can even achieve? Is he worthy of kissing you awake, or will he fall short of needing to be your "true love"?
He has his worries, but he does his best to be rational, and just do the next logical step in achieving his goal.... in this case the goal being to save you from being stuck in an eternal slumber that possibly no one will be able to wake you from. No big deal.
He ordered everyone to clear out, as there was no way he could bring himself to kiss you in front of all those eyes. Much too embarrassing.
He approached the side of your bed, and stared at your gently closed eyes. You looked so peaceful— was this perhaps a much-needed break from running around campus every day? As much as he wanted to say you SHOULD be waking up to attend to what needed to be done, he was afraid of forcing you back to your tiresome waking reality. What if you got upset at him for bringing you back?
But he couldn't dwell on these questions when you were stuck under a curse. Everyone wanted you back. And Riddle missed you more than he'd like to admit. So he leaned over your resting frame, and with only a moment of hesitation, he pressed his lips gently to yours.
Leona Kingscholar
First off, what a hassle.
Most of him didn't even wanna be here, arguing with the other dorm losers, but he couldn't bring himself to just ditch you when you needed help.
Once Schoenheit mentioned true love's kiss being the only option available to wake you up, he scoffed and almost left right then, ready to let someone else deal with that. But then he had a thought.
What if he was the one that you needed that kiss from?
The more he thought about it, the more possessive he was getting over you. He didn't want any of these other idiots kissing you, cuz you were his. He was the one that truly wanted you, and you felt the same way, of course. Right?
He got flashbacks to all the times you defended him, like during his overblot, when you simply refused to let him destroy himself when he was at his lowest.
And then, right there, he made up his mind. He wasn't gonna let any of these guys claim you first, so he pushed his way through from the wall, slipped his hand underneath your head, and kissed you with all the passion he'd been holding back since he met you.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul was incredibly good at holding up a façade of confidence, even if he didn’t always feel that way. But upon realizing the fact that the only way to wake you was through a true love’s kiss, well, it made him more nervous than he expected to be
At first, he tried to approach it like he would any other situation. How can he turn this in his favor? How can he maximize his own gain from this situation? How can he take control?
But the more he thought about it, the more a certain sense of dread overcame him. He started to realize that this was not a situation he could take control of. There was only one option; to kiss you, or let someone else do it. No cheating, no manipulation, and there’s nothing else he could gain or lose. That was the only variable.
But now that he really thought about that… was kissing you really such a bad option? Or was it something he desired deep in the pits of his own soul, under all the indifferent, confident, businesslike masks he used on the regular?
The more he thought, the more his feelings for you started to claw its way towards the surface of his consciousness. And once those feelings broke through the tumultuous waves of all his suppressed emotions and made itself known, it hit him like a brick.
He cared for you. Deeper than he’d ever ventured back in the Coral Sea, deeper than he could’ve imagined. And then he felt something akin to possessiveness, almost. Not quite so aggressive as it, but he realized how badly he wanted to be the one to kiss you. Not any of the others, because then he’d have to face up to the possibility that he wasn’t your true love.
But then, even if he WAS the first one to kiss you, would you even wake up?
He really, really hoped you would.
Finally, after being stuck in his thoughts for what felt like an eternity, he decided to act.
In his most confident, self-assured voice, he asked the others to step out of the room, and only after Leona made a mocking gesture at him before closing the door, did Azul let out a big sigh.
Now alone, with his feelings free to take over, he inched towards the side of your bed, all the while keeping his eyes on your serene face before delicately sitting down on the edge.
Slowly, he took off one glove to gently hold the side of your face, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. And as he studied how peaceful you were, and felt how soft your skin was upon your beautiful face, he felt a sense of calm wash over him like a beach at high tide. All of his nervousness about kissing you was dispelled. Because like this, he felt as if you were his rock during a torrential hurricane. You felt like the safety of his octopot whenever he was afraid. He cared for you so much, he could never be scared of you.
So if this was what had to be done to wake you, to bring back your smile and laughter and all the joy you brought to his life, he would kiss you without a moment’s hesitation.
And so he did, and it was as gentle as the rocking seaweed sways under the sea, but filled with enough love to create an ocean.
Kalim Al-Asim
He’s so, so terrified that you won’t be able to wake up from this curse
Almost leaves to go get Jamil over here to figure out a way to wake you up, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave you!
If Vil said that a kiss would be the way to wake you up, does that mean they’d all have to take turns kissing you? But he wanted to be the one that counted as true love!
I mean, he always showered you with gifts that you said were “too expensive” or something, and he always shared Jamil’s cooking with you, which of course you both thought was delicious. He does so much for you because he loves you! You’re his favorite person, and he regularly told you so, and how he wanted to bring you home to his family over school break, and that he was positive that his parents would approve of you!
And with how much he showed his love for you, how could he be anything but your true love!
Wait, he had to focus at the problem at hand. You needed a kiss to wake up, and he was totally willing to give you a lil kiss (you didn’t even have to be cursed to get one from him, he’s just that affectionate)
He tried really hard to push back the nervousness by thinking happy thoughts, like how excited he’d be once you woke up and then he could give you all his affection again and have Jamil cook up a feast to celebrate your waking, and he could get a bunch of fancy animals too, and invite the whole school so everyone could be happy that the curse was gone!
Dang, he wasn’t very good at focusing on the problem in front of him. Anyway.
If kissing you was all he had to do, he was willing to give it a shot! So he volunteered out loud, and without waiting for anyone to respond or even leave, he rushed over to your bedside, and combed his fingers through your hair before accidentally smashing his lips against yours a bit too hard. Oopsie. He was just overexcited, just looking forward to seeing your happy smile again!
Vil Schoenheit
Likely approaching this problem the most rationally, closely tied with Riddle.
In the story, the fabled princess was kissed awake by a wandering, random prince who just happened to be enraptured by her sleeping beauty, and he just happened to be her true love. But how lucky would you be, to have your true love be someone in this room?
Truth be told, he was hoping with all his heart that this was his chance to be the prince, the protagonist in the story, the one who ‘gets the girl’, as those ancient stories would put it. Going his whole life playing the role of the villain, he just wanted this one chance to be your prince.
Of course, you deserved nothing less than the fairest one this world had to offer, and Vil would say he was the fairest of them all, and that you deserved him, but more than anything, he just wanted to to able to deserve you.
He didn’t overthink the situation much. He was never one to succumb to nerves or panic or anxiety. He knew what had to be done, and he knew what he wanted to do. So he strode up to you without giving the other housewardens even a passing glance, gently cupped your face, and kissed you as lovingly and as elegantly as only the best prince could.
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satoruluvies · 17 days
first angst drabble!! i cannot write angst without tryna cryy :(
okk here it goes HELP srry this took while say i had go school to catch up works i miss when sick
imagine nanami sending you texts every time when he goes out for mission it start with "hey how are you?" and at night he give you heads up "mhm comin home late." it's always was a routine, one mission was going be his very last he text you sweet messages how he Forgot kiss the kids good Moring since he went early but he promise to you when he comes back he give them a sweetest night kiss, you guys texted back and fought before he had to go, he sent you a message d before he had to go, you were to focus on the Kids you didn't see it pop up, minutes went hours you were so worried you texted your husband wondering where he is, you saw a text that you missed "if anything happens, I love you." you reply back "promise?" why reply to someone who not on earth anymore?
(this was a diff idea i wanted when everyone was using reader and when she finds a boyfriend, Gojo he just like the same and uses her too tell me if u want this drabble to i thought it was bit mean!!)
-🐱 anon
honestly could go a little something like-
the day starts with the lovely morning text from your husband as usual, smiling to yourself at the endearment he called you and the apology saying he forgot to kiss your lovely daughter before he left. he'd make up for it when he arrive though, you had no doubt.
checking your phone right after you wake up to read your husband's text was your daily routine even before kento became your husband. it just didn't feel like your morning was complete without doing so.
this particular morning however, you find yourself crying for a reason you can't find yourself to pinpoint.
you: i think my period is coming, im getting emotional for no reason. come kiss me better when you arrive!
✓ 6.54 am
you set your phone down and take a moment to bask in the small rays of light falling from your windows into your room and sigh, wiping your tears away. you could really use morning kiss right now.
"mama!" your daughter scurried over to your bed and threw her tiny body over yours earning a giggle from both your mouths. you place a chaste kiss on her forehead and a second one, for kento. it was a charming moment until your daughter's smile disappeared.
"mama are you crying again?" you find your hands rubbing away the tears that happened to run down your cheeks. what is up with that?
"momma's fine, baby. how about we surprise papa with his lunch today? he forgot to give you your morning kiss hm?" you tuck her hair behind her ears, her own eyes slowly turning teary.
"you're doing it again" she pulls away from your hold, a frown now found itself on her adorable face.
"doing what baby?"
"talking like ... like papa is still here. i don't like it."
that's when it hit you. her papa, your husband wasn't here anymore. you knew it, you do but somehow it does not make sense. how could nanami be dead when you've just received your morning text like you always used to when he was here?
you scrambled among your sheets desperately searching for your phone to prove to yourself, more than anyone, that nanami was alive and well. of course he has to be.
however you were only met with disappointment and that nauseating feeling of jumping off somewhere high when you opened your chats to his number.
you: i think my period is coming, im getting emotional for no reason. come kiss me better when you arrive!
[message not sent. this number is no longer in use.]
! 6.54 am
ah. it wasn't for no reason that you were emotional first thing in the morning. it was your body mourning for the love of your life that your mind forced itself to forget about his death.
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omg this concept of reader imagining/hallucinating beloved used to be one of my favourite tropes!! pls the way my world paused when i read your drabble because i knew it was angst but i didn't know it was about THIS topic crying crying
also im so glad to know you're better now, enough to go to school hehe i hope the workload isn't too heavy to catch up on <3
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alex-maeson · 2 years
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📌 Alex Maeson ⚡ 30 ⚡ Sugar baby ⚡ Playlist
Introduction under the cut. 
Alex grew up in the foster care system. Doesn’t know anything about her birth parents.
Was a mean girl as a teenager. Bullied others, started fights, spread rumors.
Was never adopted, aged out of foster care on her 18th birthday.
Never considered college because she couldn’t afford it. Started working odd jobs straight out of high school.
Became well-respected as a waitress at fine-dining establishments. Also worked as a maid and a night club manager.
Survived an abusive relationship that lasted for 5 years.
Eventually started dancing at a gentlemen’s club. Worked there for a while, then met a super rich patron named Victor.
Victor is a sad, old pervert who became infatuated with Alex. She quit her job and married him for his money. It’s called playing your cards.
Hasn’t worked a day since then, thanks to her sugar daddy.
Spends her free time shopping, partying and enjoying the finer things in life.
Alex grew out of her “mean girl” phase but she is brutally unfiltered and it’s nearly impossible to hurt her feelings.
Feels that she has paid her dues, struggled for long enough, and does not care what you think about her lifestyle.
Vain, but also spends her money on workshops and vocational classes. Skilled in mechanics, welding and carpentry.
Not desperate to prove herself but, if someone questions her intellect,  she is quick-witted and armored with knowledge.
Practices homesteading. Keeps a gorgeous, lush garden of fruits and veggies– Her safe place and her pride.
Not greedy; often helps others on the down-low.
DISCORD: samspiel#8683 (or message me on Tumblr, of course)
**I want to develop all kinds of connections – Hoping that Alex makes friends, enemies, connections to existing stories, etc. – Just some ideas below!
Foster sibling: Someone who lived in the same home as Alex. She switched between a few locations, so details would be up to us as the writers – How long they lived together/when, what the foster home was like, what their relationship is like...That said, I do envision this character as the closest thing that Alex has to family (they share a small circle of NPC foster siblings but this character would be the only other in-game sibling). The rest of the details are totally UTP!
Haters: Any character who thinks that Alex is vapid and spoiled because she doesn't have a job  (Okay, so she is spoiled). This could be someone who deals with career-related stress, anyone who struggles with money and harbors resentment for rich people, etc..
Fake Friends: People who love to party and gossip with Alex, but very surface-level friendships. Maybe they are using her for her money (and she doesn't care), maybe they talk shit about each other, maybe they have a falling out. They look like best friends on social media, but actually, they know very little about each other.
Bestie: Al's one true friendship. The one (1) person she can't lie to and will not disrespect.
High Class Connections: Alex has a very rich husband. I'm keeping details about him pretty vague for now, but he is a crooked NYC businessman. Plenty of elitists would know Al as Victor's (much younger) wife, having seen her on his arm recently. She knows a lot of people. Maybe your character works/has worked with Victor, has beef with him, fears him – Let's figure it out?? 
Sneaky Link: U know ;)
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stripesboneapart · 1 year
Gang team unit possie game on locky so sock cocky but so much ice it's hockey games riged you got me
no do not rogger don't copy but rem who's the best and why I'm great better then tooth paste that fell out your girls mouth while I just ate 68
hmmmm you really wanna know how good her butt n cunt taste
mean look before and after I'm done she got the same slut face
it's okey cuntcake happy birthday every time we fuck things erode and we just cause earthquakes
how meany slerpys to the face before I nut hey I'm so lit let's just call it ok and play with some doe
Look mommy she beautiful
Then I take her to my C u b ick al
Have her looking like rush hour when we're on my train
Yes it's time for hunger and pain
now I'm beginning heat up where's the chillz
IDK just give me 100 lighting pills
while she sucks and drives the wheel
Plz tell me what's wrong 💔 love what's the deal
I'm too heartbroken to even feel
Why I kill people and put them in flies and keep stomping on them for ova 8miles were gonna need a new planet the way I have new tiles
New piles
New people for air
Yeah I'ma runner buyer supplies for my heir
Peaches pumpkins or pears
Got marijuana in the sheets seats and leaves so take a seat while I give this beat a beet
Bitches love to cook ain't even talking about the meat she just wanna meet have fun and repeat
Walk her around on a leash put something on the ground somthing good for her to eat
Nah this ain't a lease least I'm ballin hoopin ball droppin new lip poppin yea I told you we got options
Keep um all flockin
Yes bad bitch bossin
Pussy wet sobbin
Only cry when I supply shoppin
Yea yea never leave um dry top um
Do this shit with no effort, no pressure, lost um why should I even try they must just be playing possem
So meany mouths gotta feed awsome, eat treat um like chickens way I got this feed moshin, they be trying to catch you threw the cord ive seen the feed knockin
Whole lot of dirty deeds
fuck my bitch make some money got back to sleep
Wake up new way
while she cleans the steam what I call peace
Grab my pce and I'm out the doe gotta make some doe could flip some snow or just kill um ice sick al
Dam so cold
Rag she got the flow
Still fuck her and leave her in that pose smash holes and glass walls we were never ment to fall less you deserve to but me watch how I desert it all while im in a dessert and the rain it falls maybe the month ifs fall that's when she gripped on my ball so hard i got so oplald put her on the carpet and fucked out the side of her jaw anyone else wanna ask if the kid is R.A.W.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
Rooftop Thoughts and Worried Girlfriends (Sanvers x Reader)
Main Masterlist
Anonymous asked:
Oooh so could you do sanvers x reader where reader likes to sit on roofs with feet dangling off and so one day sanvers see her and their all freaked out and she's like wait what's up I'm fine y r u crying and their like dude wtf we thought you were gonna die.
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Maggie and Alex had started dating and a few months into their relationship, another young women had bumped into the couple on their way back to their shared apartment.
"Oh God," the other women says, picking up the yoga mat a taller Latina had dropped. "I'm so sorry."
Maggie and Alex take in the shorter woman's apologetic expression.
Alex chuckles, "It's alright."
Maggie takes the offered yoga mat from the younger woman.
"Again, I'm so sorry," (Y/n) says.
. . .
The next time the two women meet (Y/n), they're in the alien bar and (Y/n) bumps over them again.
"Sorry," (Y/n) says hastily. "I'm just so clumsy." (Y/n) looks up from the floor. "Oh, we have to stop meeting like this."
Maggie laughs, offering (Y/n) a hand.
(Y/n) takes Maggie's hand, a deep flush darkening her cheeks, and (Y/n) lets go of Maggie's hand quickly.
Maggie and Alex decide to ignore (Y/n)'s nervousness.
"You play pool?" Alex asks (Y/n).
"Who? Me?" (Y/n) questioning, tilting her head.
Maggie nods.
"I guess," (Y/n) replies.
"Good, I've needed some competition," Alex says, then looking fondly at her girlfriend. "Maggie isn't enough competition for my skills."
"I don't know how good Maggie is, but I doubt I'm as good," (Y/n) says, her eyes flashing amusedly.
"Guess we'll find out," Alex says with a slight smirk.
Maggie tosses (Y/n) a pool stick, and (Y/n) catches, but not before it smacks her in the head.
(Y/n) rubs her head where a knot is already forming.
Looking back up at the two women, (Y/n) raises an eyebrow at the two women who were trying to hold back their laughter.
A giggle escapes (Y/n)'s mouth and the other two women burst out laughing.
. . .
(Y/n) sits on the roof of the apartment building, her legs swinging back and forth, knocking against the building.
"(Y/n)?" comes Kara's voice and (Y/n) looks up, fixing her eyes on her girlfriend's sister.
"Oh, hey Kara," (Y/n) says as Supergirl lands beside her, also sitting on the edge of the building.
"What's wrong?" Kara asks.
"Huh?" (Y/n) questions, meeting Kara's eyes. "Nothing. I just come up here to think."
Kara nods. "I know what you mean," Kara admits, her red cape fluttering behind her as the two sit on the ledge.
(Y/n)'s gaze flashes curiously, but she doesn't say anything.
. . .
(Y/n) reenters her apartment, Maggie and Alex looking over from the TV.
Both women smile warmly at their girlfriend, Maggie and Alex move over to leave a gap between them.
(Y/n) smiles and crosses the apartment, sitting down between her girlfriends, and she grins when the two women drape themselves over (Y/n), Alex's head on (Y/n)'s shoulder; Maggie's head in (Y/n)'s lap.
(Y/n) lets her head rest against Alex's, and runs her fingers soothingly through Maggie's hair.
When Maggie and Alex had asked (Y/n) to join their relationship, (Y/n) had been slightly nervous that she was going to be pushed to the side, but that hadn't been the case at all. (Y/n) had been invited to every movie night, every date, and any other thing that would be considered couply.
. . .
The next time (Y/n) is on the roof, she is startled from her thoughts by the door slamming open.
When she turns around, she finds both Maggie and Alex standing there with tears in their eyes.
"Loves, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asks, standing up, and stepping off the edge towards her girlfriends. "What's wrong? I'm fine."
Both women wrap (Y/n) in tight hugs, their tears falling down onto (Y/n)'s own cheeks.
"Why are you crying?" (Y/n) whispers, not wanting to talk normally as she is in such close proximity to her girlfriends.
"I thought you were going to jump off the side of the building," Alex murmurs.
"Why would I do that?" (Y/n) questions.
"Well, what were you doing up here?" Maggie asks.
"I come up here to think," (Y/n) replies. "Come on, lovelies," (Y/n) murmurs.
(Y/n) leads her distraught girlfriends back down to their apartment, pulling them into bed and the two women cuddle close to her.
"Don't do that," Maggie murmurs.
"I'm sorry, lovelies," (Y/n) replies, just as softly as Maggie.
"You know we love you, right?" Alex asks.
"Yes, Al," (Y/n) says gently. "And I love you two more than anything in this entire world.
Maggie hums contentedly, burying her face in the crook of (Y/n)'s neck, Alex wrapping her arms around (Y/n)'s waist and letting her head rest on (Y/n)'s chest.
Word Count: 748 words
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
U could do headcanons of idia, azul and Kalim with a fem!s/o who doesn't like her own body because she thinks that she too thicc? Can sfw, nsfw or both. U choose
Ah, anon, you’ve asked for something that I relate to a lot Once imagined Azul reassuring me through these doubts, it was so comforting, hopefully I’ve managed to write this well!
I know it’s hard to believe when these doubts plague our minds, but you’re beautiful ❤️ We’re all beautiful 💗 And lemme tell you, these boys (the whole cast) will love you so deeply, regardless of your looks and struggles. They will do their best to try and help you when brain isn’t being the friendliest ( ◜‿◝ )
Just a small head’s up:  tw // self harm In Kalim’s part. Nothing super intense, but still want to put a warning just in case
There's also some suggestive mentions, but they're small
Let’s begin!
-- -- --
☀️ Kalim Al-Asim 🦂
It takes him some time to notice, but more so because he’s carefully taking note of her behavior after it plants a seed of suspicion and worry in his mind
He wants to make sure his suspicion is right and isn’t assuming wrongly
There are two things that ring the alarm: her attitude towards food, and her (un)willingness to join him in dancing
These are the things he notices quickly due to his proclivity of throwing parties and banquets for anything
At first, he brushes off her relative shyness at the table and how she politely declined his offer to try new dishes cooked that day
I mean, it does shock him a bit, but it’s fine
Around the third time he sees this happen is when he feels unease at the negative answer, the feeling grows bigger as he watches the expressions she makes at the food and how much she’s eating
But he decides not to bring it up, maybe it was all a product of his imagination! Yeah, probably misinterpreted things!
Still, he keeps a close eye on her. He cares a lot for his beloved, wants to make sure everything is fine
Same with dancing. Kalim is a little taken aback by her declining his offer, but it’s fine at first
He tries to approach her again, a little more calm and not as enthusiastic so the spotlight isn’t on her (he sees her discomfort having others’ eyes on her), and of course respects her answer
But seeing her frown lightly while everyone enjoys a nice dance tugs at his heart
“What can I do? How do I ask her? Ah… I just want to help, she looks way more beautiful with her smile!”
He may try to hint at the topic, but does so in such a strange way it gets nowhere
It’s until he sees her pinch at her body or examine her reflection a little too strictly that he confronts her
If Kalim notices her doing any sort of harm, doesn’t matter the severity, he will shed tears and shower her with all his sincere thoughts to try and make her recover her senses
He doesn’t mind that she’s on the thicker side, he loves her just the way she is!
The dorm leader will tell her just how amazing he thinks she is
If she wants to make changes to her routine, exercise more, follow a properly made dietary regimen, he will be with her every step of the way! And more than willing to join her in the routine!
Perfect mood booster when you have to keep trying and restarting tbh
But all that only IF she wants to, if not, that’s totally fine! It’s her decision and he respects it
“[Name], what’s wrong, why are you doing that?” Kalim asked. Turns out the 2nd year came across the girl in the same lonely hall.
The [hair color] flinched at the sudden intrusion breaking her away from her thoughts. “K-Kalim! I, uh, I-!” Her hands tremble, “Did you see…?” A furious, embarrassed blush covers her cheeks.
The dorm leader approaches her slowly, going to hold one of her hands. “[Name], my sunshine… Are you alright? Why have you been holding back on things you love? The food, dancing with me…” Concern filled those round ruby eyes, “Are you struggling with something? Can I help?”
The [ x ] year looked to the ground, she felt ashamed of being caught like this.
“Hey, come on,” The boy spoke gently while entwining his fingers with hers, “It’s okay, you can look at me. I won’t judge.”
“[Name], why were you pinching your body like that?”
There it was, the dreaded question. The girl shifted around and groaned silently from how uncomfortable it felt to have her action pointed out like that.
“Kalim, it’s-”
“No, it’s not fine.” He interrupted her, a stern tone mixed with worry in his voice. “Love, my flower…”
“You’re beautiful!”
His eyes shone with love, worry and were beginning to fill with tears. “Are you having doubts about your looks?! [Name], but you’re the most beautiful out there! You-You stole my heart in under 5 seconds of interacting!!” The emotional boy hugged her, burying his face on the crook of her neck. “Don’t hurt yourself because of that! There’s better ways to deal with this!”
“Kalim, please-”
“No, Love, listen!” He hugged her tighter for a second before separating, hands on her shoulders, “Do you know how many of my family’s customers, friends and business partners are chubby?! Many! And they’re the sweetest people! So cheerful and gentle, and kind! And you’re like them! Beautiful, breathtaking, always lending a hand to those who need, and you welcomed me for me! Not for my fortune, not to take advantage… You love me, and I love you! All of you! You’re-”
“I’m so fortunate to have you in my life, [Name]... You have no idea!” The Asim heir shed a couple tears before placing a tender kiss on his one and only’s lips.
[Color] eyes let droplets fall, allowing the girl to finally shrug away the net of negative thoughts that trapped her mind. She embraced her lover, “Thank you, Kalim… You’re golden” Her voice was muffled by his chest.
“So are you, [Name], the shiniest of all gold.” The boy returned his partner’s hug, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
A mischievous giggle left the white haired male. “Later today, I gotta kiss those pinches better!” Leaning down to her ear, he whispered, “I’ll be waiting for you in Scarabia~” And proceeded to wink once he stood up straight again.
The blush returned to color the girl’s cheeks. “K-Kalim! ...I’ll hold you to that…”
One last bright smile came to the dorm head’s face before dropping off his beloved to her class.
💀 Idia Shroud 💙
Probably the one to take the longest to notice
Mainly because he spends most time in his room, with not many face to face interactions. He does have the most irl conversations with his lover, however
Don’t take it the wrong way, but he welcomes the feeling of not having someone in his room constantly, he missed the feeling of solitude a bit…. But he only tolerates it for two days before feeling like something’s missing, something that made his happiness complete
He may even develop doubts of his own when she keeps refusing to get together
Being with a reclusive boy who sees skinny fem characters with very prominent curves in the media he consumes can be… tough 
She knew Idia most definitely had a handful of fictional crushes on these gorgeous characters, couldn’t help but poke and pinch at her jiggly skin wishing it could disappear
At first, he doesn’t mind much that she opts out of his random invitations to hang out in his room after class
But then she begins dodging his floating tablet multiple times
He takes notice of the way she tries to hide herself, he’s familiar with that body language
Baggy clothes, carrying books to cover her front, picking and pulling at her blouse and skirt/shorts/pants
“Is she… hiding from me? Does she… no longer love me?”
His self doubt becomes worse when even Ortho complains about [Name] being avoidant to him
“Where did it go wrong? I-I need to see her!”
This man is shaking where he stands before the door to her room, shaking from being so out in the open to other talkative people and from the anxiety of what may happen once he knocks on the door
However, her being his lover, he’s more than willing to push aside the nerves and bashfulness to have a talk
After she speaks up what’s going on, he’s quick to quell the uncertainty building in her heart and mind
He does expect to be heard and reassured, too! After all, that period of doubts was hard on both of them
Idia can offer cute little messages littered with sparkles and adorable kaomoji to encourage her with any changes she decides to make. Both of them also naturally express their love through text more frequently (stickers come in very handy with this)
Shroud knows the feeling of insecurities, that’s the least thing he wants you to experience in your relationship. He’s a genius when inventing and building things, he will do his best to build a nice, comfortable and healthy environment, a space where feelings can flow freely through your whole relationship
“[N-Name], please open..! It’s me, I-Idia… your... “ He gulped, feeling his stomach churn with tons of doubts (and a little embarrassment due to what he would do next). “Your… hero…” The blush was very visible.
The door opened a crack, a single glossy [color] eye looked at him. “Sorry, Idia, I’m not feeling superb… Can we do this some other day?”
No cheer, no affection tainted her eyes or voice, only misery.
“No!” Shroud cleared his throat, “I mean..! No, I would very much rather we talk now… I have things to speak about. May I come in?”
The [hair color] sighed, “Idia…”
A sudden burst of confidence and bravery lit up his heart. “No, nothing of that ‘Idia...’ stuff, [Name].” Taking a deep breath, he continued: “I can see something’s wrong with you. Preventing any accidental stumbles with my tablet, and even avoiding Ortho.” He fumbled with his fingers, eyes looking elsewhere to avoid their (single eyed) stare. “And… with all this… I’ve developed some doubts of my own… W-What I mean, [Name], is…”
Amber eyes finally locked gaze with the single [color] orb. “I want to help you… I can see you’re trying to hide, hide yourself, I know that slouching and hugging yourself language.” Pale hands reached for the doorknob. “Can we please talk?”
The door closed, making Idia feel a pang in his heart that mimicked the shutting door’s intensity. While the flaming boy processed what happened, clinking metal could be heard from behind the door.
“Come in.” A low voice instructed, door held open. Startled, Idia curiously looked around before slowly stepping in.
“I apologize for making you this worried, for avoiding you so hard… Didn’t consider how you would feel from this treatment.” [Name] stated, hands playing with the hem of her long shirt after closing the door.
It was the dorm leader who signaled her to sit down next to him on the bed. “No, I get that you wanted to isolate yourself to think, I’m guilty of doing that too.”
“Speak when you feel ready.” The Ignihyde student reassured.
Silence carried on for quite a long time. All the while, Idia sneaked glances at his heartthrob, admiring the way her hair looked even when on a bedhead, a hand wandered to brush against her knee and rest on what peeked of her thigh from under the shirt.
“Why… Why would you touch someone like me?” Even the girl was startled by her shaky question, turning to look at her companion with wide eyes and ears red from shame. “I- What I mean- Please just-!”
The boy silenced her with a finger to her lips. “What do you mean? I-I long to touch you, [Name]... You’re so warm and soft… I love hugging you, and having you sit on my lap as we-”
“Play games together.” The couple spoke in unison. 
“Even if I suck at them.” The girl added. “You don’t suck, you’re a nice teammate.” The 3rd year refuted.  “Besides, I like coming to your rescue.”
The [ x ] year sat upright, looking at him now. “Idia, love, do you mean it? Do you truly love me even if I’m not… super thin?”
Finally he understood what was happening. “So it was self doubt about her body…” “Of course I mean it, [Name]. When I’m with you, I’m at the most comfortable and can express my emotions and needs with no fear, with reassurance that you also want to cuddle and hold me, that you love me.” His own doubt formulated a question, “...You do love me, right?”
A [skin tone] hand reached to caress his cheek, “Of course I love you, Idia. You’re my hero, aren’t you?” She giggled a little at the term of endearment. “I just… Ugh, it’s gonna sound SO dumb, but… I got a little… jealous of your anime girls…” Her forehead bumped into his shoulder to prevent him from seeing her blush.
The older Shroud snorted lightly, “My my, why was that?”
“Well, don’t you see them?! They’re always skinny with damn big boobs and round butts, and they always look so cute and sexy in anything! I-... I sometimes struggle a lot finding nice clothes that fit me well, and those may not always look super cute…”
“Okay, yeah, the characters look like that, and yes, I have a handful of favorites… But they are fictional,” His arms wrapped around the girl still hiding on his shoulder, “And you are real, very real… Adorable, attractive, amazing. [Name], you’re the person I wish to touch a million different ways. Everything that makes you you… steals my breath away all the time.” The embrace tightened, with the dorm leader nuzzling into the crook of her neck.
[Name] repositioned herself to sit on his lap, kissing all over her boyfriend’s face. “I love you, Idia, I love you so much! You’re the most handsome guy, you’re so cute and intelligent! I’m so lucky to be with you!” The female student said between kisses while the 3rd year smiled tenderly.
“Say, you had doubts too. What were they about?” The curious girl asked.
Idia was snapped to reality, hand coming over to scratch the back of his neck. “Ah… Well, guess you weren’t the only one being jealous of… anime characters…”
“Wait, you were jealous of the 2D guys I like?!”
“And the idols, artists, and all that…” He admitted.
[Name] returned to kiss his face. “Oh no no! Can’t have that! Not when I love my hero with my entire heart and will choose him over any silly little drawing or artist there is!”
The flaming haired teen captured her lips in a kiss, escalating to multiple liplocks varying in intensity, until he eventually carried her to lay her down on the mattress.
A pointed tooth smile slashed before her eyes. “Now, if you allow me, I believe there was an intimacy meter I ranked out a while ago~”
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 💜
The one who spots it and approaches it the quickest
He allows one day to analyze his observations and obtain more information before talking with her about the issue
Azul passed through the same self doubts and loathing while very young, and with how analytical he grew to be in order to exploit people’s insecurities to strike up deals, he noticed right away
His heart breaks. Why is his darling passing through this? Why didn’t he notice any beginning signs?
“Alright then, what can I do to help her through this?” Is his immediate response to the sadness he feels
He’s more than ready to lend a hand, genuinely. This is his beloved pearl, the one he loves most, he wishes for her torment to be cut short fast
Touches on the subject once he convinces her to share a drink together once Mostro Lounge is closed. It’s just them and their thoughts in the room now
Listens attentively to everything she says
Offers tender words of comfort and firmly states his view of her, his honest feelings
“I know how you feel, I perfectly know how it feels to be disgusted with the way you look… but that can change”
May shed a tear or two as both talk about the topic. Having felt these doubts, hearing the one he cares for think so lowly of herself really hurts
Ashengrotto encourages her to go forth with a new routine if she wishes so, if not, that is absolutely fine. He loves her for who she is, any decision made is fully respected
Does make it clear the path to change isn’t the easiest, but he will be there for her always
Of course he will help her with anything, from preparing meals to selecting “beginner” exercises for a morning workout session
But most importantly, he showers her in all the praise, security and affection for her to learn to love herself truthfully
His office, his shoulder, and his arms are always open for any feelings she wishes to spill and get out
The silence was uncomfortable. [Name] knew Azul wanted to have a serious talk, something in his whole body language and energy told her of it.
She just sipped her [drink] from time to time in order to divert her attention away from her boyfriend.
Clearing his throat, the merman broke the silence: “[Name], dear, I know you’re struggling with something.” The female student became alerted by those words, looking at the grey haired with wide eyes. 
“I see my suspicion is right.” Azul moved to sit beside her, “My pearl, please, you know I’m here to listen, to help any way I can.” His gloved hand tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, giving him full view of her beautiful face.
Silence prevailed again as she fumbled with the metallic straw in her glass.
“[Name],” He took her hand now, “Are you feeling negatively about your body?”
It startled her, “H-How did you know, Azul…?” Her voice was barely audible.
His expression became saddened, an upset smile graced his lips. It was his turn to look away for a moment. “Well… you do know I used to be a chubby kid, don’t you? Someone people made fun of.” A kiss was placed on the knuckles of her held hand, “I know the signs, the feeling a little too well… Just observing you for a day was enough for me to draw the conclusion.”
The [hair color] gripped his hand tightly, effectively making him look at her. “A-Azul… I… know I have no right or reason to feel this way, but-”
“No, absolutely not. You have your reasons to feel like this, and I’m more than willing to help you realize they can be overcome.” Octavinelle’s dorn leader interrupted. “Don’t invalidate your emotions, love, we all go through them… If it’s something small or big we’re fretting over, we will only realize once we process them correctly.”
The [dorm] student slid over in the booth to wrap her arms around her partner, nuzzling into his chest. “I… just think… that with your talents and intelligence, your charm and attractiveness… you can do way better than me. I-I don’t understand why you’re with me when surely there are many other better looking people than me, up here on the surface and down in the waters.”
The octomer felt his heart shatter, breath coming in shakily as he listened to her words. This reminded him of how he always feared the twins faking their friendship only to mock him later on.
“I mean, don’t you see? The rolls in my body, how I’m bigger than others… You always look so elegant and gorgeous, people must think I look so sloppy next to you. They must ask themselves how you can be with someone like me…” The nerves at the pit of her stomach made her feel fuzzy as she spoke her next question.
“Are you… with me… because I’m easy to manipulate due to these insecurities?”
That broke his heart even worse than his overblot incident.
“No, of course not!” A sob tore through him, “[Name], you’re my beloved angelfish, my one and only! I love you more than anything!” Ashengrotto buried his face on the luscious locks of [hair color] he adored, tightening his embrace.
“I-... I-I know I’m known to be a-a sneaky, sleazy bastard octopus who uses others, but [Name],” His hands went to lift her head, holding onto her cheeks while her arms remained securely around him. Glistening baby blue locked with glossy [eye color], “I would never in life use you like that.”
Blinking tears away, the girl continued. “Then why are… you…?”
“Because you’re ethereal! [Name], my whole heart is in the palm of your hands!” The 2nd year pressed their foreheads together, still keeping his hands on her cheeks. “You make me feel confident in myself, in what I do, in the future… because I know your love will be here with me, because I know I can always count on you, because you make me look forward to another day.”
Thumbs brushed away little droplets. “You make me genuinely happy and excited to know what the future holds, with your brightness and light, your love and affection, your beautiful smiles and wonderful laughs, your intellect and those random facts of strange information you say at times!” He chuckled a little at that, remembering when you once told him about [obscure thing you love]. “I love feeling your warmth beside me, your body entwined with mine as we share passion, your softness hugging me whenever you embrace me, your smooth lips against mine, your lovely hands holding me when days turn blue, your tender touch when we’re alone… The love in your eyes whenever you look at me.”
Her lips formed a shaky smile, cheeks becoming warm with every compliment. “Oh, Azul… you sweet talker of my dreams~” Both giggled at the comment.
They looked into each other's eyes for a while longer before [Name] finally closed the space between them. Deep and intensely filled with love, their breaths were stolen once they parted, but their eyes returned to look at the one they loved once more.
“Do you wish to speak to a professional about this? I think my mother still has some psych therapy friends that can help.” The dorm head spoke first, still wanting to help his girlfriend as much he could.
It took some time, for she played with the idea a little, before she made up her mind and gave him an answer.
“I will always be here for you, my beautiful pearl, don’t ever doubt that.” They shared one more kiss before he led her back to his room to spend the night.
-- -- --
May you live a long, happy life full of love 💖 
Thank you for your request, hope I interpreted it correctly (;・∀・) Hopefully this brings comfort to those of you who struggle with these doubts 💕
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
You Had A Bad Day (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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@kweens14 Request: hi! can u do alex morgan x reader where r is just having a bad day and alex just helps her and it's all cute and fluffy? thanks!! :)) love your work
Thank you so much love, I hope you enjoy the fluff and stuffs. ❤️❤️
You hit the ground with a dull thud, the ball you’d just slammed at goal hitting the goal post before flying right back at you, busting you in the face.
You cover your bleeding nose with your palms, your cheeks flushed bright red.
A number of fans pointed towards you, laughing, along with a number of your teammates and members of the opposing team as well.  
Alex rushes towards you with a frown, cupping your cheeks.
“Hey, it’s okay, let me see.”
You shake your head.
“Everyone is laughing…” You mumble, tears welling up in your Y/E/C orbs from more than just pain.
Alex snarls sending a deadly glare to everyone on the pitch, shutting each and every one of them up.
Alex frowns at the sight of your tears, the woman cupping your cheeks.
“It’s okay.” She coos, sighing in relief when the final whistle blows, signaling the end of the game.
“Thank fuck.” She mumbles as the medical team makes their way towards you to deal with your profusely bleeding nose.  
Alex drops into the empty seat beside you on the bus, giving you a small smile, one you half heartedly return.
“I can’t believe you fouled yourself.” Kelley snorts, Alex’s nostrils flaring as she sticks her foot out, tripping the defender who falls to the floor with a dull thud.
“What the hell Morg-
Kelley stopped midsentence when she sees the look on your face.
She clears her throat.
“Sorry Y/N.” She frowns, earning a wordless nod.
The defender ruffles your hair before dropping down in the seat behind you.
Kelley’s eyes widen when she sees Sonnett, the blonde’s eyes almost immediately finding you.
“Nice nose rudol-
Emily crashes to the floor, again, courtesy of Alex Morgan’s foot.
You turn away, head down as the bus begins to move, heading to the hotel where you could hide away in your room.
Fans were having a hay day, gifs and memes all over your Twitter, some choosing to make fun of you with some pretty colorful language.
Tears slide down your cheeks as you climb into bed, under your blankets, shielding you from the world around you.
Still, you clutch your phone tightly, examining each and every post, a number of fans calling you a 'dumbass' or ‘nothing but a fucking idiot.’  
Some fans decided to use the post as a time to promote others in the NWSL who they said would be better players than you.
You drop your phone, burying your face in your pillow, tear tracks prominent on your cheeks as you eventually fall asleep.
Alex makes her way into the hotel room, frowning when she sees a lump under the blankets on your bed.
She tosses her things on her bed and takes a seat beside you, the woman sighing sadly.
Reluctantly, she decides to take a shower before waking you, the woman at least wanting to give you some solace in the world of dreams, away from the fan's mocking.
The sweet smell of coconut oil is the first thing you notice as you wake, the second thing being that someone’s arms are wrapped around you.
Your eyes flash open, cheeks flushing when you realize the arms belong to none other than, Alex Morgan.  
You’re about to shuffle away, but before you can, she tightens her hold on you.
“No…” She grumbles, nose crinkling in her sleep and you smile, settling back into her embrace.  
You bury your face in Alex’s chest, the woman’s eyes fluttering open.
“How’s your nose?” Alex whispers, cupping your cheeks she can examine your bruised face.
Alex frowns at the purple skin, noting the way you avert your gaze.
Alex smiles.
“Fans used to make fun of me for how I ran…” She huffs and your brows arch.
“Baby horse?” You ask, the forward rolling her eyes.
“Don’t rub it in.” She pouts and you giggle.
“Come on, it’s adorable just like you.”
Your eyes widen as you glance away, missing the fact that Alex’s cheeks have flushed just as pink as your own.
“S-S-Sorry…” You stutter, your eyes nearly popping out of their sockets when Alex leans in, kissing your forehead.
“Don’t be.” She grins, shrugging.
Alex giggles as she pulls you back against her chest, nuzzling into the top of your head.
There’s a beat of silence before Alex whispers.  
“I think you’re cute too.”
You wake sometime later, Alex’s arms still tightly wrapped around you, the forward snoring softly.  
You’re unable to keep your eyes off her, the woman’s face entirely relaxed as she explores the world of dreams, well that is until she mumbles under her breath and tightens her hold on you.
Unable to stop yourself, you bury yourself in her embrace, the woman smiling in her sleep.  
Again, considering you have little to no self-control, you find yourself searching for your phone, the nagging feeling in the back of your head telling you to see what the fans were saying now that time had passed.  
You scroll through Twitter with a frown, still seeing a number of memes, but it’s what you see BENEATH them that makes you smile.  
Each and every one of your teammates tearing into the fans who were unnecessarily hateful.  
Your bottom lip trembles, your heart skipping a beat in your chest.  
Yes, the women poked fun at you, like any family would, but when it came to fans being hateful, your family would be there to defend you all the way.  
Your eyes widen when you catch sight of a post by none other than the woman fast asleep beside you, your eyes bulging when you realize it’s a video, a video of her in your hotel room, in your bed.  
You glance at the sleeping woman, making sure your volume is low before you start the video.  
“Uhh, hi guys.” Alex whispers in the video, the woman taking a deep breath as she glances your way, smiling softly.
“Let me cut to the chase... I’ve seen a few of you posting about what happened to Y/N in our match today, I know it’s all in good fun, but some of you are taking it too far.”  
Alex shakes her head, your eyes wide as she turns the camera towards you, your face bruised, visible tear-tracks on your cheeks.  
Alex gently brushes a strand of hair out of your face, turning the camera away from you and back to her, the forward frowning sadly.  
“This is what your comments do guys. The first thing Y/N said after she was hurt was, ‘everyone is laughing.’”
Alex runs her fingers through your hair, a sound much like a purr coming from the direction where you’re lying.  
“We’re human beings' guys, just because we’re famous doesn’t mean your comments don’t hurt us.” Alex shakes her head.  
“Just, think before you send a Tweet, think what it’ll do to the other person.”  
Alex nods, taking a deep breath.  
“That’s all I had to say.”  
The video ends, it’s only then that you realize tears are siding down your cheeks.  
You sniffle, swiping at your cheeks with the sleeves of your shirt.
“Y/N?” Alex rasps sleepily, peeking through her cracked eyelids, the woman’s eyes flashing open when she realizes you’re crying.  
“Hey, don’t cry, what’s wrong?” She croaks, voice rough from sleep.  
You wordlessly wrap your arms around her, pulling her close, burying your face in her neck.
“You didn’t have to make that video for me.” You whisper, Alex’s blue orbs widening before she wraps her arms back around you.  
“I did, seeing you hurt, hurts me Y/N, I care about you.”  
You smile against her neck, your eyes fluttering shut.  
“I care about you too Al.”  
Alex beams, ducking her head down to kiss your forehead.  
What she hadn’t confessed to you was that, caring was deeper than that, it was a crush that had slowly evolved into something more, something that would eventually come to light after the events of that day, something that would change your and Alex Morgan’s life forever.  
All because you’d had a bad day.  
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infini-tree · 3 years
FANFIC: in post
Summary: A unexpected reunion takes place. Captain may be the one who starts it, but its Benjamin who ends it.
A/N: (alternate title - i don’t know what possessed me to write this post in fic form, but its here now and you all have to deal with it)
in post stuff isn’t going to be an ongoing multi-chapter thing, let alone in order, but just a place to put all the little drabbles I have. Unlike what the name suggests not all of them happen after the main story of the AU, though this one definitely does. The only way I can imagine this is after years after the main story has wrapped up.
though lbr i mostly because I got tired of trying to figure out titles for WIPs.
And just in case: slight content warning for verbal abuse from a parent. Its nothing explicit and is just a flashback, but it does take up the entire paragraph chunk its in and starts with “Suddenly he was back at his living room”.
Captain comes back to a gymnasium full of people and music, which wasn’t the weirdest part. Nor was the fact that the people were grown-ups. 
No, the weirdest part was that the gym wasn’t the one he had come to associate with Jerome Horwitz. Though, it was difficult to appreciate the novelty; between the sudden noise and people, he feels out of his depth.
His body moved automatically. Every accidental bump into someone was a shock, each trumpet blare was like a blow to his skull, and he dimly recalled thinking ah, that’s it when hearing the sound of snapping in the music. The clothes, while leagues comfier than his counterpart’s go-to, it was still there.
After what felt like ages of wading through a sea of people, he stumbled into a hallway just as unfamiliar as the gym. He really, really wanted to get out of this place quickly-- or at least, bring Benjamin back to deal with whatever this place is himself.
(Which bears the question: why did Benjamin come here? Parties aren’t exactly his Thing.)
The music faded as he moved away from the gymnasium, which helped a little.  Captain forced himself to look around. The walls looked the same as Jerome Horwitz was, but if the details were reshuffled. The lockers were in different places, the corridors weren’t exactly where he expected them to be and neither were the bulletin boards with posters on it-- wait, posters!
There were a lot of random stuff about clubs and other announcements, but one stood out. Its top edges curled in on itself, so he couldn’t read the top part, but the rest read: REUNION.
“Welcome back, class of--” Captain repeated, until--
Someone cleared their throat. He leapt up in the air with a short yell, nearly stumbling over his shoe-covered feet.
The newcomer winced, but nonetheless stayed silent. If the Waistband Warrior could describe her, then it would be... sharp. Sharp look, sharp flat top, sharp gaze. Not mean, though it could be. It reminded her of his sidekicks’ freshly sharpened pencils, ready and full of potential.
“...Are you lost?”
“Beg pardon?”
“You’ve been wandering the same hallway intersection and--” she pointed a thumb towards a distant hallway. “The gymnasium is over there.”
Captain blinked for a moment, letting her words sink in. “Oh-- ohhh. Oh no, I meant to get out of the gymnasium,” he said matter-of-factly. “Though yes, I am lost. Do you, ah, could you show me where the nearest washroom or... water fountain is around here, er--”
“Moxie.” It looked like she was expecting something, but when nothing did, her shoulders untensed.
“Captain!” he beamed.
The sharp look turned severe. “Is that a joke?”
He flinched, unsure of what set her off. “U-- uh, no?”
Sensing his nervous energy, the severe look shifted to apprehension. Her brow furrowed. Did she not know either?
“...Do I know you from somewhere?” she asked, crossing her arms. “I’m no good with faces.”
Captain paled. Either she knew Benjamin-- which was not a conversation he was equipped for-- or she recognized him as Captain Underpants-- which was a whole other, potentially dangerous can of worms.
“Uh, nope!” he chirped. “About that washroom--”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” she said after a moment, pointing a thumb down a nearby corridor. “There should be one down the hall.”
"Alrighty, thank you! Have a lovely night, Moxie.” And with that, Captain rushed to the washroom to wash his face and get out of whatever that was.
And only when he looked in the mirror of the dingy washroom, to the clothes that made it hard to think did he slap a hand to his forehead. He really did just introduce himself as himself while dressed up as Benjamin. 
He was definitely going to read an essay’s worth of complaining after this whole thing.
“Hey, Captain.”
Benjamin gripped at his chest at the sudden voice. He just stepped outside and into the parking lot only to find Moxie Swaggerman, straight A student, the envy of literally half the school, now astronaut just...
“Uh, what are you doing out here?” his lip curls up wryly out of old habit-- he’ll address the whole Captain thing later-- what did that idiot do while he was out?! “Got tired of people asking for your autograph?”
She tilted her head, adjusting her aviator glasses. “Oh, so you do know me.” She almost seemed... disappointed by that. “Why, you want one?”
“Urgh, no.” He crinkled his nose. Opinions about her aside, that just sounded... weird to ask from someone he knew, even if said knowledge was periphery at best and non-existent at worst.
Moxie let out an amused huff. “Good, because I can only take so much people trying to kiss up to me.”
Despite himself, Benjamin couldn’t help but let out a laugh, short and loud and practically a cackle. The woman’s brow quirked up as she regarded him.
“What?” he snapped back.
“The lack of hair threw me off, since I remember you with that weird swoop back, but I finally figured it out--” And he couldn’t help but adjust his toupee as she swept back her hands on both sides as a pale imitation of how his hair was all those decades ago. “You were the one who competed against me for Prom Queen.”
Benjamin wanted to say something, but all that came out was half-noises. His entire body grew hot and his hands became clammy as she just... continued to stare. The worst part about all this was that, with the low light of outside, he couldn’t tell why. 
Suddenly he was back at his living room-- but not his, not anymore, he refused to consider that place his own-- staring down at the floor and clutching at the hems. Seeing his brother just peering in in his periphery vision as his mother continued her tirade, each word bullwhip-precise at hitting him in his core. But this was different; he was older and under no one’s thumb.
“A-- and what about it,” he managed to pry out of his throat.
Moxie’s posture shifted, and he could see her surprised expression now. If the circumstances were a bit different, then he would be reveling in the fact. Right now, though, he felt exposed, which was saying something considering who his counterpart was.
“Whoa-- hey, I didn’t mean it like that,” she clarified, and was that a hint of awkwardness? Remorse in her voice? “Honestly, it’s... nice to see you again.”
It was his turn to gawk. “...Really?”
“I mean, yeah. It’s uh-- like, its nice to see, ah... people like me still kicking.”
And it was then that Benjamin remembered the old rumors about Swaggerman-- about why she couldn’t get a nice guy to fall for her, and the girl from the rival school that clung by her side like a second shadow during summer vacation.
“I’ve always wondered for the longest time if you did that whole thing as a...” she paused, pursing her lips. “A joke, or something.”
“Oh,” he managed. “No, it wasn’t.”
“OK.” She nodded. “OK. Good to know.”
“Why, was that eating away at you?”
A passing car lit up her features in relief. When had her annoyingly cool façade been just that? It looked guarded now. A little more awkward. Funny how a few decades of separation can do.
Moxie shrugged. “Would have been nice to know back then.”
Benjamin wasn’t sure what to say to that, so he shrugged sympathetically and began to fiddle with the keys in his hand-- he had almost forgotten why he was out here in the first place.
She gaze followed the source of the glint. “Leaving early? Figure I should head out too.” She sighed. “Thanks.”
“...For what?”
“For making my last night before I get put to my paces a little more bearable.” She stretched her arms in front of her.
“Really, last night before you go to space and you choose to come here,” Benjamin deadpanned.
“First of all, no that’s not--” she shook her head. “Never mind. Basically, I wanted a normal night, and at least I got a bit of that. So, thanks, Captain.”
Benjamin had half a mind to correct her, but the moment had long passed and frankly he didn’t want to break the moment he was in now.
“Uh, yeah.” He waved her off awkwardly. “See you later.” 
She's going to space, idiot, not a weekend road trip, his own mind admonished.
Moxie only nodded in reply before she went off as well-- presumably to her own car.
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thedeadthree · 1 year
multiples of five for viktor and an oc of your choice please! 💕
ROSIIEEE hii! i hope your doing well dear! <3 THATS MY DEAR BOY. ive had him for EONS he means the world to me AHH. hmm and for the second one in honor of tlou releasing today on hbo! i'll introduce alaia! <3
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i would say MODUS by joji would be a cute first slow dance song for him! i would say first slow dance parter would go to the lucky dear ness (or nessie as he likes to call her <3 shes aj @jendoe's girlie!)! for a goood chunk of his life slow dances wigged him out u know? it's what his parents did at galas, and furthermore, its what people in committed relationships do u know? so it would take a "love of their life" sort to sway prince skittish of long term relationships <3
to be honest i think until nessie he didn't think himself as much of a romantic? and after they become an item (nessie will likely have to go "LISTENN BUB I THINK UR NEAT" or something like that jksankjn bc for all of his banter and etc etc dear boy was like UHH when it came to the art of courting ahjsabjx). but he'll try his best! its like watching a baby dear learn how to walk which is precious but also PRIME opportunity for teasing (affectionate). wanted to be in love but didn't think it was for him u know?
he's a social butterfly my dear boy sure is! of course soap and willa and Garrick and ghost begrudgingly are the besties and price and isi are like parental figures to him <3. radolfo and alejandro (dad wars between him and price kajnsj their time together in that cell was all the convincing ale needed that vik was to be his son jjhsjh) became instant besties of his <3. he has a number of close friends and fringe acquaintances as well! though the one who will hold the candle as his friend of all friends for him would be his late brother aldric <3
vik gets crushes like his dogs track mud in his house... ALL THE TIME. the essence of the "falls in love with a new person everyday." hehe <3 he took the cake for that until he met *COUGH*!
hES TrYinG hIS BeST his upbringing he's a nepo baby and his tendency towards the dramatic (stubs his toe? shakespearean tragedy.) he makes an effort for practicality but like his mannerisms in the romantic department its like watching a deer learn how to walk <3 viktor "how much does a banana cost? $50?" mason <3
no greater slight he could make to his mother if he didn't put thought into his sense of style bjsbjd and thank the heavens for aldric and his IMMACULATE TASTE bc i am confident dear boy would have considered joggers and a t-shirt as a suitable formal wear jankxdk. he learned all he knows from him! <3
his grandma on his moms side in france pronounced it as meh-meh and as a like seven he used to say it that way until aldric told him its MEME not meh-meh habjsbj (after waiting EONS until vik was fifteen to tell him DARN OLDER SIBLINGS). now, its just around graves to get on his nerves <3. he's a twerp!
he survives only bc select clowns would find his "hot mess with a heart of gold" nature endearing <3 he's beelining for roman, ayrenn, vindamea and enya the moment he sees them! strong badass ladies who can break his neck like a twig? AND upon them knowing him for five minutes if anyone touched a hair on his head they'd zero everyone on the scene hehe <3 he's drinking mead with baelor afterwards and running for the HILLS shrieking and tears in his eyes seeing una on the back of the cannibal <3 its fun!
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i think maybe not a first slow dance song but something for a first emotional moment where the bleakness of the post apocalyptic landscape of the world (which members of her family may or may not have been responsible for the outbreak) and its really getting to her.. i think of DEAL ME by MeLoveMeAlot ft KÅIKÅI? the "you can't kill me I'm alive / you gotta deal me i'm alive ... we all know no paradise." i think would be lovely for her in that moment u know? like a hold her while she sways a bit sort of post panic attack moment?
she was the child of seattle socialites and so the notion of romantics came from her admirers verses from her u know? but! she is for sure with the love language of gifting as that was the way she saw her parents expressing their affections and what people around her would do for her. so sort of a romantic but? not really?
i think between her and viktor she would have more friends but none of them she would consider close, acquaintances at best u know? a lot of her friendships in seattle were superficial. a lot of them were more so to have a connection to her name? to say they knew the family? she was little when the outbreak hit the friends she had and their parents it was like that? she needs friends i am PLEADING. these days its easier for her to have dalliances and acquaintances <3
crushes? in the year of our lord 2023 post outbreak? not on her life <3 she does have more than a few admirers though in higher circles and in leaving the comforts of home traversing the landscape <3.
alaia actually would have that over dear boy vik! i am still working things out (im doing lore diving as im watching the show rn <3) her step father before the outbreak was a neurosurgeon and he was looking into understanding the outbreak. on her defying her dads wishes and finding survivors outside of FEDRA the things she learned from him and the people around her she took to things rather well!
the outbreak broke out in 2003 i believe right? y2k in the post apocalyptic pnw/us fashion icon besties! luxury clothing from the 2000s and 90s inherited from her family! it may be the end times but that didn't mean she had to stop dressing cute!
sending memes? in the year of our lord 2023 in a post apocalyptic era? shes asking "huh?" habjwbdjbj in a no-outbreak au, dear girl was pronounces it as memes! <3 or nuisances <3 (rich people u know?)
oh shes not fighting jkanknw <3 fighting? in these chanel boots? she wouldn't dare! she and narcissa and sybille are sipping champagne as the fighting rages!! she would likely if she must use ye olde charm and request damiano to protect her (AND HE OBLIGES *cough* clown <3 but also love that for her! and he's valid for it!) and that's how she walks out of the conflict without a scratch <3
#🌹: rosie#rosebarsoap#oc: viktor mason#oc: alaia alcántara#leg.asks#leg.ocs#leg.txt#TY TY ROSIEE FOR THE ASK <3 i hope ur doing well dear!! this was the cutest to do and to develop them with!#i don't have much on her at the moment but i did do some reading and i may have her bio dad be the head of fedra?#so on her learning he made it VERRY clear they weren't to provide aid any further survivors she was like YEEA no bud <3#they fully expected to learn she was dead within the week.. i would almost also say they sent out parties to look for her?#but she knew how to thwart them <3 she had been doing it for years so it was no challenge!#(at a point she also meets tommy right and learning she came from a well off upbringing he was like?? how are u not dead?)#(shes a smart cookie bestie! i don't think she informs who she is for a WHILE but <3 yea <3)#theyll either be besties or something more i haven’t decided sksjjxjx 🤍😵‍💫#totally not for the giggles after the final question thinking of a crossover thing jasnknkw it would be inch resting!#ocs from the fantasy verses interacting? with the modern clowns? funsies! neat!#vik is being held together with star wars duct tape and glue but he's doing his darnedest and I love him <3#he was easily spooked by relationships prior to nessie <3 congrats dear! u did it!#the new banners and how they look for them both turned out so pretty GAHH im emotional <3#i had to make new ones as the old banners are on my old m*acbook and i love love how they turned out <3 and the babies deserve it <3
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cuinnamonbun · 3 years
I really love ur headcanon about Hijabi Mc with the brothers! I really love it cuz there is no one writing about us in any fandom =(
I was thinking would u do the (un)datebale characters with Hijabi Mc if u can ? =3
If u don’t want then u can ignore the ask ���
Hello there, angel! I assume you meant the chaotic Hijabi MC headcanon that I wrote, so I hope you enjoyed these xx
she/her pronouns!!
The (Un)Dateable Characters' + Luke’s Reactions to a Hijabi MC That Looks Extremely Pious and Quiet but is Actually a Chaotic Mess
As future king of the Devildom that wishes to strengthen the relations between the three realms, prejudice and discrimination against the human exchange students’ choice of religion is a HUGE no-no
Diavolo would not mind the fact that she is wearing a symbol of her devotion to God on her head, but he would be so intrigued by this human at first meeting
Not about her religion, of course, he is well aware of all the religions in the world; Abrahamic religion being the one he is most familiar with (obvi)
What excited him was the fact that this human was so. friggin. hilarious.
He’s not even sure if this human is doing it on purpose because something would happen that would catch her off guard and she would just say?? the most random shit???
Like say, she got jumped by Mammon and her response to that would be a monotone scream and a “sTOP i could’ve dropped my croissant!” but she was actually genuinely startled
He’d be so fascinated like wow! Go girl, give us nothing!!
He would invite her over for tea so many times just so she could explain slang to him
Diavolo: Tell me MC, what is the meaning of DILF?
Due to personal reasons, MC will now be passing away
He would abuse the usage of slang everywhere and he would be so excited to finally understand what Leviathan is talking about
Lucifer: Diavolo, we must talk about the student council budget
Diavolo: That wasn’t very cash money of you
Lucifer: ....excuse me?
Diavolo: Periodt okurrr slay queen
MC has to go hide to avoid being slaughtered like a sacrificial lamb by Lucifer
Diavolo would be also be curious and impressed at the intricate planning of each and every one of her pranks
Like sure, it may be annoying to be the one at the receiving end of it, but understanding the details behind it?? All the logic, physics and patience put into it just to ensure a flawless delivery??? Absolutely stunning
MC has him mesmerised
He would absolutely want to learn the art of pranking from her
Honestly, at this point it’s no longer the human exchange student and the Devil King, it’s now the mentor and the mentee
Lucifer has to demand MC to stop teaching him these things for the sake of his sanity because it’s taking him away from his royal duties that’s keeping the Devildom from falling apart
They still meet up in secret though screw you, Lucifer
This is another demon whom would not mind the fact that their chosen exchange student is a Muslim
Lord Diavolo’s reputation hangs on this exchange program going extremely well, he would not let simple prejudices put a smear on that
He has prepared himself well to receive people from different walks of life just so he can provide all students a comfortable stay during their term in the Devildom
But wait...what is that human doing?
Oh...this poor man
Not only does he have to keep that ginormous labyrinth of a castle spotless and immaculate at all times and ensure that every event being hosted by the castle is going perfectly without a hitch, but he also has to take care of an overgrown man-child that is also known as the future king of the Devildom
Now, he has to make sure this...mess of a human doesn’t go stir up trouble anywhere?
Barbatos is a calm and collected man, but he’s still a demon; virtues aren’t exactly something they practice 
He would need to down three cups of melancholy coffee and squeeze a stress ball whenever he catches MC in her antics whether it is alone or with someone in tow
Somehow he’s the only one whom MC would find almost impossible to prank
Like she managed to catch Lucifer off guard once (that was her proudest achievement) but BARBATOS???? yeah, it’s like he has a pair of eyes on the back of his head or something
MC: *tries to sneak up on him*
Barbatos, not even turning back: Enough of that now, MC, come enjoy this tea I’ve made
Pranking Barbatos will become her number one mission during her entire term in the Devildom
Barbatos would be really amused and impressed at the lengths she would go through just to see that shocked look on his face
Why, it might even be—dare he say—endearing
Though MC will cause this man stress and grey hairs, Barbatos couldn’t help but appreciate her company every time she came around
When she’s not up to her daily shenanigans, she would simply opt to help Barbatos out with some of the chores or preparing the treats for a tea party with the student council members and the exchange program, even though he’s mentioned that she should do no such thing
But knowing that this girl is constantly energetic and restless, Barbs agreed to let her help since he would not want to deal with her breaking some priceless antiques or getting herself in trouble with Devildom law again
She helps to remind him that it’s okay to be laidback once in a while and that he doesn’t need to be so uptight all the time
These two have an unusual friendship but it’s only good vibes all around ^^
Before she leaves the Devildom though, he would pretend that she actually managed to startle him with her last grand prank and the look on her face was worth his reputation taking a slight hit
He totally has a soft spot for her
Solomon and MC would be the best of friends man
The minute this shady sorcerer laid his eyes on her, he KNEW...this would be his new BFF
They would wreak so much havoc together that they give Lucifer a migraine the size of Lord Diavolo’s castle because they’re rUiNiNG tHe iNtEgRiTy oF tHE eXcHanGe pRoGrAm
Psh, as if that’d stop them
Honestly, it was like they each have one braincell that cancels each other out every time they get together
Lucifer: You two better have an explanation for this
MC: We have three actually. 
Solomon: Pick your favourite
Lucifer hates it whenever they get together and he would always try to prevent them from meeting up 
But his wits are no match for the power of their friendship!!
Solomon would defff try to persuade MC to get more pacts with other demons
Solomon: C’monnnn MC, we could be powerful! :c
MC: Bold of you to assume we’re not powerful now, bestie
So we have established that MC loves to pull pranks right?
She would have so many ideas on the top of her head that she would never use because 1) they either defy the laws of physics or 2) she would need magic to pull it off perfectly
So imagine her excitement when she found out Solomon is the greatest human sorcerer
She would 100% reel him in her plans and schemes and NO ONE (except the angels, they have immunity bc they’re babies :] ) would be safe from them
Despite all the fun they would have though, Solomon definitely treasures her as his greatest friend
I imagine life for Solomon would be quite lonely and he appreciates the constant joy and company that MC would provide him
He would definitely fuck a bitch up if someone dares to mess with his bestie 🙄
These two adore each other so much but they would be caught DEAD before they would admit that to each other 🤭
When they first met, Simeon was so happy to find a person so devoted to God such as MC
He takes it upon himself to become MC’s guardian angel around the Devildom
He would helicopter them for a while and would (reluctantly) back off if MC finds it a bit suffocating 
(don’t be mean MC, he just cares about u alot that’s all :( )
This man is capital P patient
I mean, that’s a given with him being an angel and all
But seriously,,, one has to be in awe at how calm and collected he is even when MC would pull pranks that would cause a normal person to wanna punch the living daylights out of her
Eventually she would feel bad and stop pulling these pranks on him though, he’s just too sweet and she can’t take advantage of that </3
They would be really close though (along with Luke) because he would frequently invite her to pray the 5 essential prayers together with Luke or read the Qur’an together and it’s just wholesome vibes all around man 🥺
As angels, him and Luke would have such beautiful recitations of the Qur’an and I can picture MC frequently dropping by Purgatory Hall just to listen to him recite the kalimahs with the perfect tajweed (Non-Muslims if you’d like to hear an example, check out Sheikh Mishary reciting Surah al-Kahf, it’s beautiful man 🥺)
He would frequently invite MC and Luke out for walks too and these three would look so domestic together people often mistake them as a little family (much to the brothers’ chagrin and Simeon’s amusement)
Simeon has such a calming presence that he could even tame a chaotic MC down and have her sit still enough, it will be as if she turned into a completely different person
MC, violently shaking like a hamster on crack: U CANT STOP ME LUCI, URE NOT THE BOSS OF-
Simeon: Hello, MC! Would you like to come and have a pleasant chat with me? ^^ 
MC, as if in a trance: ...anything for you, Beyonce
MC is such a simp for Simeon and honestly, who can blame her?
Luke was extremely happy when the two of them met
This cutie is a proud servant of God and he loves humans who loves Him as much as he does
So it comes as to no one’s surprise when he attaches himself to MC
This would heighten when MC stepped between him, Beel and Lucifer during that,,,,incident
His favourite time of the day is praying in congregation with MC and Simeon and baking with MC
MC would steer clear from involving Luke in her pranks and/or outright pranking him
He’s just a precious little child okay, MC has a soft spot for this angel
She would definitely try to tone down her chaotic energy around him, but she would NOT hesitate to verbal + cyber bully any demons that dare to bully her child
Rando demon: haha shortstack
MC: So you have chosen death
Seriously, Luke would gawk at the obscenities coming from MC’s mouth
He would have to physically drag her away before the demons could devour them both
He would be absolutely SHOOKETH at the language she used because she has been nothing but sweet and polite to him. It was like she switched into a whole different person right in front of his eyes
Luke: MC! I knew living with those horrid demons is a bad idea! They’ve corrupted you now!! *crying Luke noises*
MC: Lil buddy, I was born this way
He would definitely feel really touched that MC is so protective of him though, but he would have to tell her to never say those words again, even if she’s trying to protect him
She would (hesitantly) tell him she would try her best but that would literally only last for half a day because another demon has foolishly decided to mess with him with her present
MC is Luke’s mother point blank period.
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warpspeedchic · 3 years
liminal spaces - three
chapter one. chapter 2.
1627 words, read on ao3.
Stevie felt her phone buzz beneath her cheek. She hadn’t remembered falling asleep, but she had gotten ready for bed earlier than usual that day, hoping her brain would have reset by the time she woke up. Her phone buzzed again. The screen lit up with another text notification, blinding her in the darkness and letting her know that it was almost 4:40 in the morning. 
Squinting against the brightness, Stevie unlocked her phone. It opened up on her text thread with Matt. She had turned down his invite for their first night back in town, just like she had done with Nick’s invite earlier that same day. She had one unread message from him that he had sent after she had already fallen asleep, calling her an old lady for turning down the invite to the old dive bar for their first night in town. 
Then, another message came through; one from Alex, and instinctively Stevie tapped the notification, even though simply seeing his name pop up on her screen had made her insides turn to lead.
He wasn’t online, but since his last text had been from that very moment, it didn’t do much to quell the vague anxiety Stevie felt. The idea of a conversation with him, even through text, was, at that moment, oddly terrifying. That was new. 
What do you mean ‘new’? It’s a rerun, we’ve seen this episode before. She shoved the thought aside, it was normal for friends to… drift apart. She refocused her eyes.
You up? [3:30 AM]
Where are you? [3:54 AM]
I wanna see you [3:56AM]
Why no answer? [4:02AM]
Text me so I know you’re ok. [4:37AM]
Automatically, Stevie's fingers tapped out her response. It was habit for her, at this point, to reply "i'm okay" when someone asked.
i’m ok. [4:46AM]
The ellipses popped up, and Stevie, oddly numb to it all, she stared at the screen as he typed.
I’m outside. [4:47AM]
That hadn't been the response she was expecting. Frowning, she shuffled out of her bedroom to the front of her house. Squinting out her sitting room window, she saw no sign of Alexander on her front steps or the street. Glancing up and down the road, she actually saw no signs of anyone, which she was hardly surprised about, given that it was almost 5 in the morning.
no u aren't [4:50AM]
?????????? [4:51AM]
Stevie huffed, his message lighting up her phone as she stuck her feet into boots and threw on a coat. If she weren't so sleepy she would probably be angrier at him, for not bothering to text her when he was back in town, ignoring her for months, and making her act like a nanny, picking up his drunk arse. Regardless of whether she was or wasn't annoyed by him, that had nothing on the annoyance she felt for herself, because she had it so bad for him and she just couldn't help acting like a fool, could she?
Grumbling internally, Stevie stuck her phone in her coat pocket before heaving her front door open, sending a text to Nick to ask him where her idiot best friend had last been sighted.
Her half-jog slowed to a walk as she got to the end of a street of nice townhouses, when she finally spotted one Alex Turner. Yawning and rubbing her eyes, she took her phone out to snap a picture to send to his fellow band members, to assure them he wasn’t dead.
“Come on, get up, you prick,” Stevie grumbled half heartedly, nudging the slumped over figure who was sitting on the front steps of a house with a nice garden that certainly couldn’t have been hers. She nudged him again, harder this time, and with a little snort, he woke up.
“‘Ey,” Alex grinned sleepily, his eyes half-squinted. He was huddled up not unlike a homeless person, his arms resting on his knees. He was dressed weird, at least to Stevie. She knew this get-up was his “new thing”, the leather jacket and slicked back hair and all, but it was his fault that she hadn’t had much time to get used to looking at him like that.
“Hey, Al,” Stevie said, nudging him again, this time with the toe of her boot. “Come on, it’s like 5AM.”
“‘M sleepy,” Alex said, yawning and taking his sweet time getting to his feet.
“And what do you think I am?” Stevie rolled her eyes, looking down at her phone when it lit up with a reply from Matt, which also forced the fact that it was 5:05AM onto her. Scowling, she looked back at Alex, expecting to see him asleep again, but surprised to see him looking up at her, smiling vaguely. He looked good. He always did, but privately, Stevie loved how he looked when he was sleepy, something about it made him look young and boyish. This wasn’t the worst way to be introduced to Alex Turner: Greaser Edition; sleepy, cheeks pink from alcohol and cold.
“Get up, please,” Stevie said, offering him a hand. She was tired, and cold, and did not want to have to be conscious while she was wishing she loved him like a friend more than she loved him like anything else. After a beat, he took her hand, getting to his feet. His hand was somehow warm, like it always was, even though he had been sitting on that step for longer than Stevie had been out looking for him.
Sighing, they began walking back towards her place, Alex trailing almost like a puppy, Stevie leading, weary and sleepy and heavy hearted.
“‘Ve missed you,” Alex said after a moment of walking in silence.
“Yeah, missed you too, Al.” Stevie replied, not looking up. Focus on getting home, going to sleep.
“...Are you mad at me?” Alex asked, and she could hear the frown in his voice. He sounded hurt, and she didn’t have the energy to get annoyed by that.
“I’m not mad at you,” Stevie said. Maybe she was lying a little. Alex stayed quiet then, and she gave his hand a squeeze out of habit. “Promise.”
“Okay,” Alex said, sounding happier. “Y’know… I thought- Been thinkin’ about you all night.”
“Yeah?” Stevie said, almost laughing, though immediately she wished she hadn’t. She didn’t want to hear it.
“Yeah… Saw you snoggin’ some bloke at the bar… and- saw you on a motorbike… and in a taxi… Wasn’t you, was it, love?”
“Unless I’ve been sleepwalking, I’m quite sure it wasn’t.” Stevie chuckled a bit. “You’re just drunk off your arse, is all.”
Alex hummed and squeezed her hand again, and they continued walking.
Stevie remained patient but mildly exasperated the entire time she helped Al up the stairs to her front door. When he had just about made it up the last few steps, she turned to unlock her door, confident that he wasn’t about to topple backwards down her stairs again.
Out of nowhere, Alex hugged her, and Stevie jumped at the sudden contact. He was warm, though, and he smelt like ale and something that was probably hair product, but he also smelt like himself. He sighed contentedly and rested his cheek on her neck as Stevie fumbled with her keys and got her door unlocked.
“You’re warm,” Alex said, his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her towards him and almost making her fall backwards. His cheek was pressed onto her neck, which was flushing like her face was, and his hair was tickling her ear. “You smell nice…”
“I want to go to bed, Al,” Stevie said quietly, pushing his arms off her waist and pulling him into her flat. She shut the door, and bit the inside of her cheek when she turned and they locked eyes. He was looking at her like she had been giving a speech, like he was hanging on to her every word, waiting intently for what she was about to do or say next.
“Come on.” Stevie took his hand and led him to her bedroom, her sheets thrown aside where she had left them. She took off her coat and kicked off her shoes, before going to her dresser to pull out some shorts and a different t-shirt. She changed shirts before dropping down on the bed, too tired to stand while rolling off her leggings from her cold legs. She threw her leggings aside; Alex was still getting out of his jeans, just managing to undo his belt. 
Stevie went to her kitchen to get him a glass of water and when she was back, he wasn’t in the bedroom. Figuring he was in the bathroom, she left the water on her nightstand and unplugged her phone charger to use in the sitting room. She took one of her pillows off her bed and collapsed on her sofa, leaving her phone on the ground where her hand grazed the floor.
She had almost immediately fallen asleep, willing herself into not thinking any thoughts, when she heard Alex mumble her name. She held her breath, the knot in her chest tightening, trying to ignore him.
After a moment of silence that Stevie thought was Alex returning to her bedroom, she was almost fully asleep, and surprised when she felt him pick her up and put her in bed. He crawled in next to her, lifting her head gently to place her pillow under, brushing her hair out of her face. Weak-willed and half-asleep, Stevie put her arm out and found him. Her head was on his chest and he smelled like himself. He wrapped his arms around her, and she fell asleep.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
Tumblr media
Always make sure to check here to see if your request is coming up ! I’m going to update this as often as possible and it will stay pinned to my blog as well. 😊I have a LOT of requests to get though and work a full time job and go to school full time so please have patience with me. 🥺 I’ll get these out as soon as I possibly can. ❤️ If they look like this it’s because they are done and in the queue. 
Current Requests:
Inbox - 221
Drafts - 100
Naruto Headcanons
Can you write about kiba with an touch starved s/o? I bet he’s so cuddly and plus he is cuddly with akamaru too
Hi!!! Can I request a hc or imagine(either one is fine, whatever is easier☺️) on kiba with him proposing to his longtime girlfriend who trains dogs and is a high ranked ninja (forgive me, Idk the actual names it’s been so long since I’ve seen Naruto) . Like, I want FLUFF!!! Or, as fluffy as kiba gets🤣. Please and thank you!
Can I request a headcanon for Kakashi where his s/o slaps his ass out of nowhere and it turns into a spanking session for his s/o? 😂Can you write Kakashi with a big tiddy s/o? lol
Can you write hcs for Kakashi being assigned on a mission with his crush (he recently admitted to himself that he REALLY likes her) what would he think and how would he behave?
Can I have a Kakashi headcanon where his s/o decides to dye her hair silver like his hair and he sees it and is really mesmerized by it and starts kissing her because he thinks she looks really cute? 🤭
Hello 😊 Can I have a Kakashi headcanon where the reader is also a teacher and Team 7 noticed that Kakashi really likes her and they find out what the reader likes (e.g. flowers) and Kakashi gets them for her and asks her out? 🥰 
Ok I read your hcs for Kakashi simping over his so (and they were GREAT) but how would he react to his so simping over him?? Could we get some hcs for this?? I think he would melt 🥴
Black Clover Headcanons
Ryha Headcanons for S/O that sneaks into his room. 
A headcanon for Zora with a s/o who has a cum kink? Like she loves it when he cums on her face or her breasts or likes to lick it from his belly? 😬
A headcanon for Yuno when he becomes a magic knight he has to travel to Hage because the people are in danger and some guys want to kidnap the reader who is his childhood friend and Yuno saves her? 😊
Can I get a headcanon for Yami where he tries new things with bis s/o in bed like he blindfolds her and then takes a ice cube and caresses her body with it and it's just really hot? ✌🏻
Mirror sex hcs with Yami gave me life, could I request some for Fuegoleon
Can I request a headcanon for Yuno where his female childhood friend also becomes a magic knight and is in the same squad like him and he realizes he is in love with her since they were kids and is too shy to tell her and she just kisses him? 😊  
Omg you write for Yuno 😭😭😭💕💕💕 Can I have a headcanon for him and a really silly and clumsy s/o and he always needs to prevent her from getting hurt and he thinks she's really cute and gives her forehead kisses? 😭💕
A headcanon for Yuno when he becomes a magic knight he has to travel to Hage because the people are in danger and some guys want to kidnap the reader who is his childhood friend and Yuno saves her? 😊
I don't feel comfortable with sending a nsfw request for Yuno because he's only 16😅😬 but can I get a fluffy headcanon for him being silly with his girlfriend and they have their first kiss? 😊
Hello ✌🏻 Can i have a headcanon where Yami gathers the black bulls together to discuss the next mission and Zora's s/o comes in late and Zora makes a snappy comment about it and his s/o says "Sorry, I had to finish masturbating" Zora gets jealous because she touched herself and he fucks her after the meeting? 🥵
Ok idk if you're comfortable with writing these (if not then you don't have to! It's just an idea💕) but how about a threesome headcanon with Yami x Zora x s/o? I mean yes, that poor s/o getting destroyed by not one but TWO rough and kinky men but I think this would be pretty hot 😪🤭
Attack On Titan Headcanons
Omg I have such a good idea (I gues...) I hope you will write it because I love your HC's 😭 Can I have a headcanon where Erwin goes into a bar with the vets and there is a female singer and Erwin is really mesmerized by her and after her performance he meets her outside and is really flirty and he asks her out? 🥰 
Naruto Imagines/Scenarios
Tell Me What You Want || {NSFW} Obito x Reader
Post-Shippuden Obito x reader fluff or lemon
Teacher’s Apprentice || {NSFW} Madara x Reader
189 & 291 from prompt list 5 with Madara Uchiha
Don’t Be Gentle || {NSFW} Madara x Reader
Prompt 36 “don’t be gentle” with Madara Uchiha
Forbidden Soulmates || Kiba x Reader
One Shot i guess. Soulmate au with Kiba x shinobi reader from another village. But smth dark as i think in shinobi world if your soulmate is from another village (or mb even inside village) it is considered taboo. Like mission above feelings.
Growing Love || Kiba x Reader
Imagine an scenario where akamaru has a girlfriend and they have puppies and you’re al like 🥺 at them, and Kiba is just so awed at how you treat the puppies and he realizes he loves you, hope you can write this :)
The Clones || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
Ok but what about a threesome with kakashi and his clone? 👁👄👁
All You Had To Do Was Ask || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
I know everyone is a sucker for kakashi being dominant in bed but what about him being a lazy shit and letting his s/o being in control! 👀💦
Meeting Team 7 || Kakashi x Reader
Hi! I think I saw your requests open so I was thinking if you could do something where reader is Kakashi’s girlfriend/wife and invites team 7 over for dinner but Kakashi’s like ugh but inside he really enjoys it lol, and team 7 would love reader and Sakura is like obsessed with reader bc she’s so badass and asks her for training in front of kakashi and he gets a little bit jealous because they absolutely ADORE you. I hope you can do it and I’m sorry if it’s too specific💕
The Taunt || {NSFW} Neji x Reader
Hey!! Congrats on 1k!!! I would like to request a Neji hyuga one-shot for the 1k special! Prompt list choice 3 and number 4 please!!! Thank you!
The Scent || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader 
One shot where Akamaru can start to recognize the sent of Kiba's s/o getting aroused. Maybe one time they're all out and Akamaru starts whining at the sent to let Kiba know and he takes his s/o somewhere secluded to fuck em. (Preferably male?? But gender neutral is cool too) 
Pin Me To The Wall || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello darling! Can I please request some angry sex with Kiba? Maybe he and his girlfriend get into a fight and he just fucks her against the wall or something, and it's all rough and hot? asdfghjkl, I don't know. I'm horny for this man!
Double Trouble || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader x Kankuro
Could you write a fic where kiba and kankuro dp someone? Its okay if not!
Take The Reigns || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello lovely! Can I please request some smut with my baby Kiba? He let's his girlfriend ride him for the first time and he's completely blown away by her and just praises her a lot? Thank you so much ❤️  
You’re Mine || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello 😀 Can I please have a Kiba one shot where he's been very busy with work so he hasn't been paying much attention to his girlfriend so she decides to be a brat and on a night out she flirts with another guy to piss Kiba off and that leads to extremely rough, possessive sex? Thank you so much. I love your writing
Adversary Love || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
Can I get a nsfw headcanon for Kakashi where the female reader was an enemy but is now a good person and Kakashi used to hate her but now he fell for her (she still thinks he hates her because he doesn't talk when she's around) and during a party he grabs her and sneaks away with her and they have sex? 🙂
Black Clover Imagines/Scenarios
The Haunted House || Mimosa x Reader
A haunted house visit with Mimosa Vermillion with her s/o that’s her boyfriend.
Pleasure At The Golden Dawn || {NSFW} Yuno x Reader
Yuno's s/o teasing him in a Golden Dawn meeting with Nsfw please
Falling For You || Zora x Reader
Would it be possible to request a SUPER FLUFFY one shot with Zora?? Maybe the writing prompt of “I think I might be falling in love with you” and a cute moment? I just really love that man 🥺
Into The Flames || {NSFW} Mereoleona x Reader
Smut for Mereoleona and s/o first time. In which s/o is a virgin.
Black Butler Imagines/Scenarios
Give Me A Chance || Sebastian x Reader
Request: Prompt “Give me a chance” with Sebastian Michaelis
BNHA Imagines/Scenarios
Quit Teasing || {NSFW} Bakugou x Reader
Request: Hey babe 😊 Can I get some Bakugou x reader NSFW? Bakugou and the reader have known each other since forever and he always finds ways to tease her (her height, her neediness...). One day they're making out and reader decides to tease him in bed as payback? Thank you!
Consternation || {NSFW} Dabi x Reader
Summary: When the LOV kidnaps the daughter of a wealthy business owner for the sake of her quirk the one person they never thought would grow attached was Dabi. So when Dabi develops feelings for the girl he now has hostage will he be able control himself when it comes to them using her quirk to their advantage?
Quarantined Love || Bakugou x Reader
Can i request bakugou being all soft with his s/o when they finally see each other after being apart because of quarantine? 🥰
Bleach Imagines/Scenarios
The Meet Up || {NSFW} Ichigo x Reader
Not Requested. Just struck by inspiration.
Please, Don’t Leave || Ichigo x Reader
Not Requested. Just struck by inspiration.
Durarara!! Imagines/Scenarios
First Times || {NSFW} Shizuo x Reader
Hey! Could you do a NSFW of Shizuo’s first time, from Durarara, with his S/O. they’ve been dating for a while now & have only ever done kissing.
Fake Text Scenarios
Can you do fake text with shika, kiba, kakashi etc of jealousy? 
Naruto fake texts idea...you know the one picture of a melted cutting board in the oven and asking your mom how to fix it, but instead asking the Naruto boys how to fix it.
can i request fake text for the akatsuki? reader asks them to pick up pads/tampons. 😅😅😭😭
Pregnancy Prank: Ohhh ok 😎😎❤ Kakashi, Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, Minato, Konohamaru (adult), Iruka, Orochimaru, Izuna 🤗 Ohhh I cannot wait 😂😂 Thanks so much
Can we have some text scenarios for Kiba, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Shika and Shino where they go out drinking with the boys and they drunk text their s/o about how much they love them? 😂💕
Sends Nudes: Hey 😁 Ok, then Madara, Hashirama, Orochimaru, Yamato, Minato, Konohamaru (adult), Iruka, Shino, Izuna, and Jiraiya would be awesome and funny 😂😍❤ Thanks 🤗🤗
can you do the sending nudes thing but for akatsuki plzzz bby 😭🤲🏽❤️ 
115 notes · View notes
icequeenoriginal · 4 years
The Meaning of FamILY
Note: I am so sorry for this taking centuries to come out, I blame laziness and writer’s block. So here it finally is, @khadij-al-kubra, the fic you requested. Again, I am so so sorry this took so long to get out. Also, this takes place a year after Intimacy and All Its Forms. Also Happy Late One Year Anniversary of this AU’s blog. 
Thank you @theromnempire for editing. You’re the best!
Names of side characters belong to @hi-i-love-u-bitch. This AU belongs to @ask-spiderverse-virgil and @sugarglider9603
Trigger Warnings: Deaths mentioned, two past minor character death, crying (Let me know if I missed anything)
Pairings: Prinxiety and Logicality
Roman was ushered into the living room by his older sister. He couldn’t understand why. Normally when his father came home, he would see Roman sitting at the kitchen table, doing his homework and his father would walk over and ask about before changing out of his work clothes.
Maybe it was a celebration! Or maybe a surprise! But…why was Amá crying?
Roman’s mother looked up and locked eyes with her confused, innocent son. It made her burst into more tears and Roman ran to comfort her.
“¿Amá?¿Por qué lloras mami?” Roman asked while tilting his head to the side. 
Lupita couldn’t help but smile at Roman, almost forgetting what had just happened. She frowned, and more tears fell as she realized what she had to do now.
“Roman ...mi Valiente chico…tengo algo que decirte...se trata de tu padre…”
Roman woke up with a start like he did every year on this day. It’s always the same memory that would wake him up like clockwork, ending right before his mom said the words that shattered his world forever. Roman’s brain liked to torture him but pretend to forget the worst part.
He decided not to think about it and just dressed. 
Roman never noticed how quiet the house actually was on this day. Any other day of the year, even if he was the first to wake up, there was some kind of noise. It could be anything from the humming of the ceiling fan or people rushing to get breakfast ready. But today, nothing. All the sounds of the apartment were swept out as if the family occupying the house needed a reminder of what was happening
Maybe Roman just lost his touch with reality on this day. He was never sure, not that it really mattered. He knew the world did not stop just because he is in a shitty mood. Did that ever make him feel any better? No, but it gave him a false motivation to get up and get ready for school.
He walked to the twins' room, like every day, to get them ready for school. Any other of the 365 days of the year, the twins would already be awake, fully ready to run around and make Roman’s morning even more hectic. Today, both had a blanket over their heads and he could hear his little sister sniffling.
He wished it was because of a cold. It never was.
“Vamos, es hora de levantarse,” Roman said, just loud enough for the twins to hear, worried if his voice went any height they could hear how broke it was. 
“NO!” both Jenni and Marco shouted, pulling the blanket simultaneously over their heads. Roman wanted to laugh at the sight, badly.
Instead, he sighed “No no, you guys gotta get up and go to school.”
“NO!” Marco shouted 
“It’s a bad day today!” Jenni cries
“I know guys but we can’t miss school,” Roman said softly.
“We’ll go to school tomorrow!” 
“Yeah, when it’s not Papi’s death day!”
Roman inhaled sharply, it was the first time of the day someone acknowledged what the 17th of February meant. The house somehow got even muter, if that was possible. His sister and brother burst into tears and Roman felt his face heat up. But he couldn’t cry, he was-
A soft, reassuring hand landed on his shoulder as he took a step forward. 
“Amá…” Roman said, his voice strained
Lupita’s eyes were full of storms of sadness, threatening a downpour. “Roman ... ve y desayuna.”
Roman shook his head. He could do it, he had to. His mother had enough on her plate. “Pero Amá--” Lupita cut him off.
“Está bien. No te preocupes por eso”
Roman sighed “Okay.” He was too tired to argue. This day seemed to already take so much out of him and it had hardly had started.
Roman sulked to the kitchen and made himself some toast. Something quick, easy and he was least likely to get sick from. He stared absently, unfortunately making eye contact with his father in an old happy family photo. He sucks in his breath as silent memories began to haunt him like they always do. He hated those more than any amount of his siblings sobbing or screaming in agony. He could tune those out with music, his one constant. These just got louder and louder no matter what he tried.  
What snapped him out of the pitiful void was a vibration from his phone. He pulled it out to reveal a text notification from Patton.
Bestie <3: I’ll be on the fire escape in a minute! Alex stole my sweater again :(((
Roman frowned, had he really taken that long to get ready? He hadn’t even made anyone’s lunch or even breakfast. He wasn’t even sure he was ready to talk to anyone today. Much less to get their glances of pity. Constantly hearing “sorry for your loss” got old quick. Besides, he didn’t want to bring anyone down, especially his best friends, just because of what today is. He sighed and texted Patton back:
Romaine Lettuce :): It’s okay. I’m gonna swing over to school today, go on without me.
Roman saw that Patton had read his text but he didn’t reply. Roman didn’t think much of it, he figured he was still chasing Alex around, and just grabbed his toast as soon as it was done in the toaster.
“Amá! I’m heading out to school! I love you! Bye!” Roman didn’t wait for a reply and ran up the stairs that lead to the roof as he put on his costume. Web swinging always seemed to calm his nerves, or more accurately, distracted him. Something about one mistake and you can fall to your death really makes your other problems seem small. As he was about to fire his first web, a voice shouted for him to halt. 
Patton ran up to him, also in full costume “Wait for me!”
“Pat?” Roman asked, not trying to hide his confusion. “What are you doing here?”
Although Patton had the mask on, It wasn’t hard to tell he was smiling. “I’m going to swing with you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I know but I want to head to school with you like I always do.”
Roman felt a mixture of happiness and guilt swirl around in his stomach, creating an unpleasant cocktail make just for him. Not that he knew what a cocktail tasted like. 
Roman gave a small smile behind his mask “Okay then Pat, I’ll race you” and took off without another word.
They swung without another word, which relieved Roman. He didn’t want to be asked about how he was doing, the answer was obvious and Roman was tired of being asked it.
Unfortunately, this feeling did not last and Roman quickly returns to his self-pity and dark thoughts. Roman was so lost in his brooding thoughts of the bombardment of sympathy that he would receive through the day that he did not see the tall building in front of him. Thankfully, Patton did and webbed Roman quick enough so that he landed on the roof.
Well...landed is a generous term here. With how fast Roman was going, Patton had to quickly web him and throw him on the roof of the building.
Patton landed gracefully next to him. He placed his hands on his hips and said: “Okay, that’s enough swinging for you, mister!”
“I’m fine Patton, I just wasn’t paying attention this time.”
Patton shook his head, “You’re distracted, understandably so and I know you don’t want to talk about it, even though you should, but I won’t make you. It’s not safe Roman! I can’t let my best friend get hurt again! Not on my watch…”
Roman could see the agony swept into Patton’s eyes. He knew that memories of the year before, bad ones brought nothing but pain, were swarming Patton’s mind. Memories of Roman avoiding him, the fighting, the robot battle, all were tearing Patton down. It was a look far too familiar to him.
Roman ran to Patton as he began to shake. Roman muttered an apology that seemed small to himself but was perfect to Patton. Once Patton was able to calm himself down, he hugged Roman tightly, to show he was never going to let him go. 
“Let’s walk to school okay? I know a game we can play. It’s called “Beautiful Things’. As we walk, we point out the beautiful things we see and why we find them beautiful. Alex and Georgie made it up after Frankie…passed…and we played it all the time”
Roman raised his mask just above his lip to show that he was smiling “That sounds great, Patton, I’d love to.” 
So they snuck off the roof, changed, and walked. They pointed out birds, children, babies, and music playing from cars. Roman had no idea that such a simple game could bring him so much calm, but it did. He never realized there is so much good in the world, that was what they, as heroes, fought for. 
When they got to school, Roman headed to his locker. To an outside viewer, it was nothing out of the ordinary. But for the four, it was breaking the sacred tradition. First, they would meet at Logan’s locker as it was the closest to the entrance. Then they would make their way to their own lockers while catching up with one another. Finally, they would arrive at homeroom to get ready for the school day. 
However, as Roman watched Patton saunter over and embrace Logan, his feet didn’t want to go anywhere except towards an island of isolation. He didn’t want to ruin the happy mood, especially after making Patton think of Frankie so early in the morning. What best friend forces you to remember your dead brother?
He opened his locker and slowly pulled out the books he would need until lunch. When that took less than a minute. He stared at the objects he taped onto the door of his locker over the course of the year. At the top was a small mirror that he suddenly did not want to look into. At the bottom is a whiteboard with reminders of tests written by Logan, supportive messages from Patton, and quick doodles by Virgil. He felt the tug of a small smile on his lips, though it went away quickly.
He had only begun scanning the dozens of photographs he had before two arms snaked their way around his waist. He felt warmth in his chest as his boyfriend’s lips were pressed on the space between his shoulder blades.
“Morning” Virgil said, tiredness leaking into his speech.
Roman smiled softly and leaned slightly into the touch. “What leads you to my neck of the woods?” Roman asked as if he did not already know the answer.
“I needed to escape before I drowned in the puppy love.”
It wasn’t the answer he was expecting so he pressed on, “What do you mean?” Roman turned his head slightly to look at Virgil. Virgil, without lifting his cheek off Roman’s back, unfortunately, removed one of his arms from around Roman and gestures to his right. 
In distance, Patton has Logan’s shirt held carefully in his fingers, playing with the buttons as he talked to Logan. Logan watched with nothing but love and appreciation in his eyes. Roman couldn’t help but sigh at the couple, he was part of the team that got them together after all. One of his best accomplishments, if he’d say so himself.. 
“It’s so sweet...disgusting.” Virgil continued. Switching from resting his cheek on Roman’s back to his chin, he looked up and said, “Now give me my good morning kiss.”
Roman chuckled and happily obliged. When they pulled apart, Virgil asks “I’m going to ask you a stupid question.”
“No question is stupid, love, ask away.”
“Are you okay?” “I stand corrected.” Virgil elbowed Roman in the side, both happy for their spider-strength for the opposite reasons. 
“I mean it, Ro. I know you hate being asked that question, especially today, but I rather you get annoyed with me than let something happen like last time. So I’ll ask again, are you okay?”
“I am.”
Virgil raises an eyebrow “Am what?”
“Fine.” “I asked you if you were okay”
“Same difference.”
“Big difference, people only say they’re fine when they don’t want to admit they aren’t okay.”
Roman just looked away, having nothing to really say, plus he didn’t want to argue. Virgil sighed and hugged him again. Roman doesn’t push away, the pressure behind his eyes getting more and more unbearable. His emotions were already becoming too much for him to handle. He hugged back, relishing in the warmth of another person. It was stupid, in his mind, since Virgil was just hugging him moments ago. 
With a sigh, Roman pulled back. He brushed his knuckles gently against Virgil’s cheek and whispered “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay because I’m sorry too,” Virgil said softly.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Virgil couldn’t help but smile at that. “You know what? You’re right. I don’t. And with that, I’m going to spend this whole day cheering you up.”
“Virge…You don’t have to. Really! There’s no reason to-“
Virgil suddenly poked Roman chest, silencing the boy. “Do you remember the day that marked the anniversary of my grandpa’s death?”
“Of course I do, you were so upset. You didn’t even want to leave your room”
“Yeah, and you know what you did? You broke into my room, like some lunatic by the way, wrapped me up like a burrito-“
“It’s called a blanket burrito for a reason.”
“Don’t interrupt me. You wrapped me up, put on all my favorite movies that I wasn’t even aware you remembered and fed me snacks as we cuddled. Not even Logan had thought of doing that, he would just let me lie under my blankets while he just sat in the room.” Virgil paused to smirk before continuing  “And I was never more grateful for you than at that moment.”
Roman’s face began to heat up. He couldn’t help it. No matter how big or small the compliment that Virgil would give him, he would turn into a blushing schoolgirl, ready to throw himself at Virgil and pepper him with kisses. 
He opted to just hug Virgil again, a silent thank you. They were in public after all. They had some class.
Virgil embraced him for a few moments before the warning bell went off. “Listen, I’m going to make sure today is not going to be total shit for you.”
Roman chuckled in response, “Thanks, stormcloud.” Roman took a step to walk to his class but stopped when Virgil firmly grabbed his hand, “Huh?”
“What? I can’t hold my boyfriend’s hand as we walk to class?”
Roman chuckled, if there was one thing he knew about Virgil is that despite his boyfriend’s wariness of physical affection, Virgil always saw things through. Roman gently squeezed Virgil’s hand, absorbing the love that came from that simple gesture. Logan told him a few months ago about Love Languages and how physical touch was definitely his. It was a nice bonding moment for him and Logan, and it made Virgil really happy. Roman was rewarded handsomely for it.
Compared to every other year since his dad died, this was actually a pretty good day. Virgil would bring him to every class, even the ones were Virgil’s classes were nowhere near. Virgil had to keep reassuring Roman that it was fine, “I will just use my invisibility and sneak in. It will be funny to see how confused my teachers will be.” It made Roman genuinely laugh, something seemingly unachievable on this day.
The classes he did share with Virgil were the best. Virgil left his non-writing hand resting on Roman’s shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze whenever he felt Roman quiver, shake or tense up. Which was often since their teacher would not stop shooting Roman sympathetic looks, even after Virgil glared at her. Other classes that Virgil wasn’t in, Virgil would wrap his hoodie around Roman before he headed off to his next class. People would focus on this action and how cute it was that Roman would forget, even for a few minutes.
Around lunch, Roman’s mood changed from melancholy to calm, relatively speaking. He wasn’t walking with his head down, and even partaking. The numb and somewhat painful feeling in his chest was still present, but it was no longer the black pit sucking his emotions into it like usual.
Already seated at the lunch table were Logan and Patton, whispering and smiling at one another. Before Roman could announce his presence to the couple, Virgil tugged him back. He nearly made Roman fall backward in the process, but they both knew it wasn’t intentional. They always forgot how strong their spidey strength actually was.
“Sorry!” Virgil said instinctively though he did start laughing as Roman caught himself.
“What was that for?” Roman asked once he regained his balance.
“I needed to tell you before I forget, I asked Thomas if we could borrow his living room for a movie night and he said yes. Ask your mom if you can stay over.”
Roman smiled, “That sounds great”
Virgil smiled back as the two sat in their normal seats. As soon as the two entered Patton’s vision, his eyes light and he pushed a plate covered in tin foil towards the couple. It wasn’t anything uncommon, Patton using any excuse to make people food, from “Virgil had a headache” cookies to “You saved a bus filled with little kiddos and the city still won’t give you a key!” double chocolate cake. Roman removed the tin foil to reveal donuts. It shocked Roman, he had a bit of an expectation that Patton would make one of Roman’s favorite desserts; like he always did in years past.
Roman looked up at Patton puzzled and Patton reached over the table to squeeze Roman’s arm as it rested on the cafeteria table. “I know you don’t want to make this day all about you, so I made something we all consider a normal snack. Is it okay?”
Patton’s eyes read desperate and Roman, half because he wanted to be a good best friend and half because he did not want Patton to use his Empath powers, smiled, and nodded.
“This is perfect, Pat.”
 Patton pulled back so he could properly muffle his squeal of delight since they were still in school and he did not want to get into trouble for “starting a disturbance.”
Logan whispered to Patton “You told me it was because you did not have enough time to make Roman his favorite cake.”
“...I can have multiple reasons” Patton whispered back, glad that Roman and Virgil were too busy bickering about the best Avenger to listen in. 
Everyone ate their lunches and donuts, just enjoying the time they had together. Logan commented on how he heard that Roman and Virgil would not join them on patrol and he hoped that they “don’t burn down Thomas’ apartment”. That earned him a look from Roman, a “Logie!’ from Patton and a kick in the shin from Virgil all at the same time.
“It was a simple precaution!” Logan shouted, only to be told to quiet down by the cafeteria monitor.
It would later become a memory they would always look back on, Virgil even including it into his best man speech at Logan and Patton’s wedding, much to Logan’s dismay.
Once lunch was over, Roman snuck into the bathroom and sent off a text to his mom asking if it was possible if he could stay over at Virgil’s, adding that if she needed him to come home then it would be fine. He didn’t want to be selfish. 
Roman figured he would get his reply by the end of the day since he knew his mom would be really busy at work and he wasn’t exactly sure when his mom had her lunch break. He put his phone in his pocket only to scare himself when his notification sound went off in the silent password. He pulled it out and his phone and had a new text from his mom.
Amá: Of course you can, Your sister is watching the twins today, go have fun. It’s what Papí would want. 
Roman smiled, a single tear fell down his face. His mom was the best.
Roman’s afternoon classes came and went, nothing exciting or saddening happened of note. Though it wouldn’t have mattered, the prospect of cuddles and Disney movies filled him with so much excitement and joy. 
As faith would have it, he had no play practice since their show season had just ended and Mr. Bell always gave them a week off so he could tie up any last loose ends and decide the dates for the next auditions. This gave him an extra two hours to spend with his boyfriend, perfect!
Roman ran up to Virgil’s locker and bounced on his toes as his boyfriend got his stuff together so they could head off. Virgil smirked and tilted his head to Roman, “You seem excited.”
Roman smiled and nods “I’m really excited for tonight”
“Oh?” Virgil teased “What’s happening tonight? I can’t remember anything important”
Roman lightly punched him in the arm “You’re so mean, remind me why I love you again?” “It was your choice to get into this relationship, Princey, don’t forget that” Virgil waved his hand as he spoke and Roman, to Virgil’s surprise, quickly snatched Virgil’s hand.
Roman smirked back “I am very aware, and I am so happy to have you.” He then kissed Virgil’s knuckles.
Virgil cursed his cheeks for the blush that always came when Roman did something romantic. He pulled his hand back and nervously giggled “Oh shush, let’s get going already.” 
Man, did he love that boy.
After swinging over to Thomas’ apartment with Patton and Logan, Roman and Virgil quickly went to work on their pillow fort as the two other spider children spoke to their spider dad about the details of the patrol. 
Once everything was set up, Thomas said “Great. Patton, you and Logan get my snack bag and go to the bodega on the corner, there is money in the bag so don’t worry about using your own money. Meet me on the roof in half an hour.” 
Patton and Logan nodded and left to get their favorite snacks. 
Thomas turned to Roman “Hey, Ro? Before you guys start, could you come with me to the roof?”
Roman was confused but agreed. He was a bit nervous, he felt like a child about to get yelled at and tried to think of what he could have done wrong recently.
Once they got to the roof, Roman asked, “If this about keeping your apartment clean, I promise Virgil and I will not burn it down. Logan already gave us the rundown.” 
Thomas put his hand on Roman’s shoulder and softly smiled “I can feel you stressing out, even without Patton’s power. Don’t worry, I trust you. I just wanted to tell you something. Sit with me” Thomas patted Roman’s head when Roman released a sigh of relief. 
The two sat on the edge of the roof, Thomas in his Rainbow Weaver costume with the mask on and Roman in his civilian clothes. 
Thomas gazed over the city before saying “I know you are probably expecting me to give you a speech about grief and how to handle it, but I hated those speeches at your age when I got them because of my Aunt Patty. In fact, you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger, and I’m not just talking about being a fellow theatre geek. I never wanted to think about when she died and I would throw myself into helping people, with or without the suit. One thing led to another and I ended up beaten and bloodied in an alley on the anniversary of her death. When Talyn and Joan found me, I swear my Aunt Patty possessed them to yell at me for it. I thought Talyn might kill me themself.”
Roman laughed “I can see them doing that.”
Thomas chuckled and nodded “Oh yes. But what they and Joan did instead was patching me up and we had a FRIENDS marathon, ‘the police will handle crime for now’ Joan said. I broke down after three episodes because I love my friends so much. So before I start crying again at the memories, I just wanted to tell you that your friends--including Joan, Talyn, and I--are always here for you. Don’t make the same mistake I did and forget” Roman threw himself at Thomas for a hug “Never again, I promise.”
Thomas hugged back “Thanks, kid. Now go have fun.”
Virgil looked up from his phone when he heard footsteps coming towards him “What did Thomas want? Hey, are you okay?” Virgil pops out from under the fort and cups Roman’s face to wipe the tears away.
Roman smiles “I’m fine, really. I’m just...thank you, for putting up with me”
Virgil kisses him “It’s not putting up with you, it’s loving you. Ready to start Tangled” “Of course my love”
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stenbrozier · 4 years
Missed Dates and Missed Opportunites (Bill Denbrough x Reader)
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Plot: Bill has been getting more and more distant and it’s pissing you off. He misses an important date and it makes you upset so you decided to confront him about it.
Warnings: swearing, fighting!!, literally one mention of making out (very slight), sad + angry!Bill
A/N: I started writing this when my ex boyfriend and I broke up literally in October, and I finally had the energy to finish it without crying about how much I miss him cause I don’t miss that bitch anymore. I hope y’all enjoy :)
(Y/N) sat on the curb outside of the Aladdin, waiting for her boyfriend to get there for their annual movie night. It was the third Friday of the month, the day when all of the new movies were usually released, and her and Bill would both chose one to see. They’d buy tickets for one, and when that was over, they’d stay and then movie hop to the other movie that was showing. Afterwards, he’d take you to the diner around the corner from the theatre, and you’d both share a milkshake and get burgers and fries. They’d been doing it for three years. And Bill was late.
They always agreed to meet right after school, and she knew that he had baseball practice in the later months of the school year, so she offered to wait until about 5 so that he could head home and shower to. It was now 6 o’clock and still no Bill. (Y/N) stood up, wiping the rocks and dirt off of the back of her thighs and headed out of the center of town and down the street to her house. Tears fell down her face fast and hot, and she wiped them with the too-long right sleeve of Bill’s varsity jacket. She hugged it closer to her, turning down West Broadway to get to her house that was at the end of the road. She lived in the corner, her house adjacent to the Denbrough’s.
When (Y/N) got to her front door, she looked back across to Bill’s house, noticing his car wasn’t in the driveway, which made her hurt even more. She unlocked her front door, turning on the light in the foyer so that she could see where she was going as she walked into the house and shut the door, locking it behind her. Walking into the kitchen, she searched the fridge and the cabinets to see if her mom had gone food shopping for her before she left for her business trip. She sighed when she noticed all that was in the cabinets were a few boxes of cereal, all half full. (Y/N) angrily stomped her feet, going over to the plate cabinet and grabbed a bowl from the top shelf. She got a spoon out of the utensil drawer and the milk out of the fridge, and then (Y/N) made her way over to the table to sit and eat her “dinner”.
As she was eating her Frosted Flakes, staring at the stupid games on the back of the box, she heard a loud knock on the front door. Silently, she eyed it suspiciously, creeping towards the windows in the living room to see if she could peek around to see who was outside. Her heart hammered in her chest when she noticed Bill’s car was out front, headlights still on. (Y/N) walked to the front door, unlocking it and opening it slightly, see if Bill standing their looking annoyed and tired. She opened it all the way, leaning against the doorframe as he looked at her confused.
“B-baby, why weren’t you at the A-A-Al-Aladdin?” he asked quietly, hurt evident in his voice. “I-I waited for for-forever.” She shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her feet before looking back up at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Bill, I waited for an hour,” (Y/N) replied, annoyance lacing her voice. “5 o’clock to 6 o’clock, waiting for you because you said you’d be there when baseball was done. Baseball is usually done at 4:30!” She stood up straight, walking fully into her house and going to shut the door when he stopped it with his hand.
“We didn’t get done till 5 today,” he answered calmly, tapping his foot against the metal frame at the bottom of her door.
“Then you still should’ve been there when I was.” She tried again to close the door on him, not wanting to look at him any longer. He pushed the door back and walked in. “Bill, I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“L-Listen, baby, I-I’m sorry I wasn’t th-there. We-we can go n-now,” he offered apologetically, trying time reach for his girlfriend’s arm. She shook her head, folding in on herself as she backed up into the railing on the stairs that lead into the other part of the house.
“You’ve missed dates before,” (Y/N) whispered solemnly, tears stinging her eyes. “You...this isn’t the first time I’ve gone home, crying might I add, because you didn’t bother to show up or-or you decided to go do something else!”
“I-I had f-fucking baseball, (Y/N),” Bill yelled angrily, causing shock to wash over the girl’s face. She looked up at him, noticing his face was red and his eyes were watery. “I-I didn’t do-do it on p-p-p-purpose! Why w-w-would I do that t-to you-u?”
(Y/N) watched as her boyfriend threw his arms up into the air, gulping softly as he stared at her with hurt washed over his face. Bill suddenly dropped his arms, letting them slam against his sides before he slowly reached towards her. She let him grab her hand, and Bill brought it close to his mouth and leant down to kiss it.
“I love you,” he said calmly and slowly, not wanting to stutter over the most important words he’d ever told her. “I-I do. You’re my e-e-everything. I-I’m s-sorry, I’ll make i-it up to you.”
(Y/N) bit her lip, running over the situation in her mind. On one hand, she wanted to go to the movies with him and then make out in his car at the Quarry while Queen blared through the speakers. But she also just wanted her space: time to recover from the tears she had cried for him over the same stupid shit he continued to do.
“Billy,” she started, shaking her head, “I want some time to myself. I know you don’t mean to miss dates, but...I don’t want to be with you if I’m not one of your top priorities. Of course you should focus on school and baseball, for the scholarships, but I just don’t think I can be with you if you’re going to miss our dates.”
Bill let go of her hand, watching it drop lifeless to her side as he stared down at his feet. He felt tears wash down his face, his brain trying to wrap around what she had just said to him.
“B-but, (Y/N), I-I-I-“
“I know you love me,” she whispered, her sobs making it difficult to understand her. “But I’m not getting the love I need. You can love someone and yet show them no affection, Bill.” Bill looked up at her, meeting her eyes. He searched her face for any sort of remorse, and when he couldn’t read her emotions, he scoffed.
“Fine,” he said through gritted teeth. Bill turned around, hearing (Y/N) start to cry harder. “Just...just i-if you need any-anything, I’m h-here s-still. C-call me if you w-want to g-g-g-get back toge-together. I love you.”
He walked out the door, slamming it behind him and marched over to his car. It had been running the whole time, and he got in and felt the cold artificial air hit his skin. Bill slammed his hands against the steering wheel, tears falling down his face.
“FUCK,” he screamed, the word turning into a sob as Bill dropped his head to sit on the steering wheel his body shaking as all of the sadness flowed out of him through his tears.
Back in the house, (Y/N) slid down to the bottom step, not even caring that her back was being jabbed by the wood. She brought her knees to her chest, tears streaming down her face as she stared at the headlights that came in through the window of her mom’s office, which was on the side of the house that pointed directly at Bill’s. She saw the headlights of his car disappear as she wrapped the varsity jacket even tighter around her body, sobbing into her knees about the boy who broke her heart without even knowing it.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
I present u with a challenge: write a geralt x reader one-shot based on Black Moon Lovers' "A White Demon Love Song".
A/N: I accept your challenge. And I’m sorry, did you say angst? Also this is like the only time I will write Geralt being a personal heater. If you’ve read my shit before, you know I love the idea of Geralt being an ice cube and clinging to heat the same way a reptile does :) And I didn’t use the entire song because this thing got so far away from me sorry not sorry this is what I’ve been working on for the last three days
Warnings: pure angst, no happy ending :)
Word Count: 3.9k
Note: I’m not trying to shit on Yennefer. I love her with all my heart. She’s just a bitch by nature and that’s okay so am I
Your heart raced furiously within your chest. Your eyes were open, glued to the ceiling. Your fingers clenched the linens beneath you in some sort of feeble attempt to pull yourself from the nightmare plaguing your dreams.
It was the same nightmare you’d had over and over again, off and on for weeks now. You always dreamed of the White Wolf. It started out happily. You both were content, sitting side by side at a table. Beneath the table, his hand would rest upon your knee. He’d be whispering something in your ear, something you couldn’t remember when you woke up. But you remembered the very real feeling of happiness, pure, unadulterated happiness.
It was just after you would giggle at something he said when things went downhill. A woman you could never see the face of sat down on the other side of him, taking his attention away from you. Then his hand would leave you and he’d turn his back on you.
You’d wake up in a cold sweat, your stomach churning like you were ready to vomit. Rejection was something you were used to, but with him, it was foreign and excruciating.
The nightmare had long since become a reality.
You’d known Geralt of Rivia and his travel companion, Jaskier, for six months before the mage came into the picture. You’d saved Geralt’s life on a hunt and when the fighting was over, you found yourself staring into heavenly golden eyes. He offered to pay for a meal at the tavern he was staying at. Jaskier was quick to suggest that you join them. He secretly wanted someone to be able to watch over Geralt’s back should he need it.
It had been just a short three months since Yennefer came into the picture, since Geralt wished that she be forever tied to him. You weren’t certain of the details but you didn’t want to know either.
White demon love song down the hallWhite demon shadow on the road
Two Months Later
Even while you slept, you couldn’t stop thinking of the witcher. He was everywhere. In every reflective surface you passed, in every tired smile you saw. Hell, sometimes you’d hear his voice. It seemed like you always found something that reminded you of him.
Snow falling from the sky made you think of how his pale white skin was cold to the touch. But just like a snowflake, when you’d touch his arm or his shoulder with a soft hand, he’d melt. Though he wouldn’t allow anyone else to know it, he was a sucker for gentle gestures.
Anytime you’d pass someone with a cloak shielding their face from the outside world, you thought of the same way Geralt wore the hood to his cloak. He often used it to cover his head. His hair was a tell-tale sign of who he was, what he was. If he didn’t want to draw too much attention to himself, he’d just wear his hood.
“Y/N, are you even listening?”
You turned your head to Jaskier, raising your brows.
“I’m-I’m sorry?”
You’d been too busy watching the door, awaiting for the witcher himself to show. You sat at a table towards the back of the inn’s tavern with the bard. Geralt had gone to put Roach in a boarding stable and said he’d be back briefly. Surely that meant any time soon.
Jaskier sighed gently as he watched you look back to the door. Every time it opened, he could see the brief flicker of excitement cross your features. You always lit up whenever Geralt was around.
Deep down, you knew he wasn’t going to come join you and Jaskier. There was a brothel you’d passed coming in to town. His relationship with Yennefer was-at best-undefined, but it was there. They felt for each other and at any chance, they’d reconvene and fuck until they’d had their fill of each other. But lately, Geralt had been visiting brothels between his visits with the violet eyed mage. He was an insatiable man. Whether it be because of the need he had to be with Yennefer, or just because that’s who he was, he often used wenches and whores from brothels to pass the time.
“You and I both know he isn’t coming, Y/N.” Jaskier spoke softly. His words, though not meant to be hurtful, stung.
You dropped your gaze to your hands, your fingers tightening around your mug of ale. Your chest squeezed and you felt sick. You nodded your head, pressing your lips together in a tight line. You sniffled and took a shaky deep breath.
“Love, I hate to see you like this.”
“I’m fine, Jask.” You lifted your head, forcing a smile on to your lips. “Just thought…. I just thought it’d be nice for us to hang out. You know, like we used to. Just the three of us.”
You shrugged your shoulders softly, dropping your gaze back to your drink.
“Guess he doesn’t have time for us anymore.”
Jaskier moved out of his seat and slid into the seat next to you. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and he pulled you in for a hug.
“That isn’t true, Y/N, and you know it. He’s just…. he’s adjusting to having Yennefer around.”
“It’s been three months, Jaskier.”
“I can assure you, he doesn’t get attached to people easily.”
“Oh, I know.” You muttered under your breath. The ache in your chest hurt, but at least you felt something, right?
Back up your mind, there is a callHe isn’t coming after allLove this time
One Week Later
It was a chilling night spent between villages. You all had decided to settle down and make a camp just before the sun disappeared behind the trees. As the sun disappeared, a bitter cold took its place.
You sat around the campfire Geralt had built. He sat across the fire from you with Yennefer by his side, as always. Jaskier was just a few feet off to your left. You rubbed your hands along your forearms, your eyes studying the flames while your ears listened to Geralt tell a story to Yennefer. It was of one of his first Selkiemore hunts.
You weren’t really taking in any of what he was saying. You were listening to the sound of his husky, low voice. His voice was the first thing you fell in love with. He had a way of making everything that fell from his lips intoxicating. The deep hum from within his chest when he grunted was something you never wanted to forget.
You remembered feeling it for the first time. It was during a bitter snow storm that plowed through the village you had stopped in. Jaskier made his usual rounds at the tavern down the street from the inn. You and Geralt retired to a room and settled into bed. The fire in the hearth did little to keep you warm and Geralt noticed this. You were shivering in the bed next to him beneath your own set of blankets.
Without saying a word, he moved closer to you and wrapped one arm around your waist to pull you into his chest. Younstiffened up at first, unsure of what he was doing. But as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, you melted against him.
“Is this okay?” He asked you quietly.
“Yes. Thank you.” You smiled to yourself. “You’re nice and warm.”
He hummed softly, the vibration carrying through the shirt you wore. It was oddly comforting to feel it, to know he was so close to you, protecting you from the cold.
You used to share a room with him before Yennefer arrived in his life like a hurricane personified. Jaskier often had company of his own, so you and Geralt became accustomed to sharing a room.
She likes the way he singsWhite demon love song’s in her dreams
Two Weeks Later
You walked with Jaskier through the corridor of the inn. He laughed at something you said, a joke made about the rude old man running the place. As you both turned down the last hall that would take you to the rooms you’d be staying in for the night, you came to a stop.
Just down at the other end of the hallway, Yennefer and Geralt were embraced in a passionate kiss. He had one arm wrapped around her and the opposite hand holding her cheek.
You chest tightened unbearably. You couldn’t stand to watch them.
Your arm slipped from the bard’s and you turned, fleeing the inn. You ran and ran, unable to stop your legs. They took you as far away from Geralt as they could.
It was nightfall before he found you. You were sitting on a large rock next to a creek, your legs folded beneath you as you stared at the running water.
Surely what he felt for Yennefer wasn’t true. He made a wish. Their connection was through a magic tie. It was fake, a knockoff for love at best.
You knew the feelings you held for him were honest. You cared about him, hated seeing him hurt when Yennefer did something like spit mean and hurtful things during an argument–which they frequently had. You hated seeing the way his eyes would glaze over with a hardness when villagers said anything regarding him being a monster. It made you furious. Why couldn’t they treat him like the hero he was?
But he felt nothing for you.
White demon, where’s your selfish kiss?White demon sorrow will arrange
When he found you sitting on that rock, he could smell the salty tinge of your tears in the air. He could hear the way your heart beat in your chest, steadily and quicker than usual.
You swallowed down the lump in your throat and forced the tears away.
“Y/N, I’m sorry–,”
“No.” You cut him off sternly, shaking your head. “I-I don’t want to hear it, Geralt. I just-I don’t.”
He stopped a few yards away from you.
“It’s getting late. You should come back with me.”
Anger grew within you like gasoline being added to a fire. You stood to your feet and stepped away from the rock.
“I know you feel something for me, Geralt. There was a connection, a strong connection between us before she came along-,”
“Don’t bring Yennefer into this.” He warned.
“She is the reason I can’t stand to be around anymore, Geralt!” You shouted at him. “You are so blinded by magic, by a spell that made you fall in love with her-,”
“What do you want from me, Y/N?” His voice, usually warm and kind, was hard and stern. He was growing agitated with you.
Your fingers curled into fists by your sides and tears of anger pooled in your eyes.
“I want you to admit that you feel something for me.” You spoke through clenched teeth in an attempt to hold back the tears. “I know I’m not the only one-,”
“What do you want me to do, Y/N? How the fuck am I suppose to know if I feel anything for you?” He growled, taking a step closer to you. “I know that I care for you. I would never wish harm to come to you. I-I enjoy having you by my side, but how am I suppose to know if those feelings run as deep as you think?”
“Kiss me.” The words fell from your lips before you could stop them. You paused for a moment to gauge his reaction but he said nothing. “Kiss me, and you will have your answer.”
He was close enough that one more step put him toe to toe with you.
Your heart raced so loudly in your chest, you were sure anyone within a ten miler radius could hear its frantic and wild beating within your ribs. Your stomach twisted with butterflies as he placed one of his hands, massive and calloused, upon your cheek. Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling and you unintentionally leaned into him.
His lips pressed to yours with such a softness that you could feel yourself melting into him. Your hand came up to hold his bicep and then the other went to his shoulder.
There was an underlying bitter taste to the kiss. This would either make or break your relationship with Geralt. This was your defining moment.
You were confused when he pulled away, your brows drawing together. When you opened his eyes, you saw the look in his amber eyes of disappointment.
He wanted to feel something for you, but it wasn’t there.
“You felt it, didn’t you?” You quietly asked, hope tainting your weak voice. You squeezed his arm to encourage him. The wrinkle between his brows that came when he was unhappy with something told you all you need to know. You just needed to hear him say it. “Tell me you felt it. Please.”
He softly shook his head.
“No.” The gentle word was uttered quietly. He retracted his hands from you and took a few steps away, almost like he couldn’t stand to be close to you anymore.
It was funny how one word, one small word, could crush you.
“I still want you by my side, Y/N.”
His words took too long to process. You were trying to focus on not vomiting or crying out. You wanted desperately to beg him to forget about Yennefer. You wanted things to go back to the way they were, when he didn’t choose her over you.
You blinked and nodded, biting your bottom lip.
“Okay.” You agreed in a hoarse whisper. You couldn’t just leave him be. Often times, locals were more willing to talk to you than the brooding Witcher. You were useful to him.
“It’s late.” He glanced around, needing to look at something other than your heartbroken eyes. “I’ll walk you back to the inn.”
You shook your head, still biting your bottom lip as you struggled to contain yourself. The dam within you was flooding and you were drowning, unable to save yourself and without anyone to save you.
“I-I want to walk-to walk back alone.”
He watched you for a few moments but you couldn’t look at him. Your eyes were fixated on the ground beneath his boots. He turned and headed back in the direction of the village.
You waited for a while, wanting him to be out of earshot when you broke down.
Your hand came up to your lips, brushing gently over where he’d kissed you. A mournful cry fell from tour lips. It was gut-wrenching and heartbreaking.
Your knees buckled and you collapsed to your knees. One hand covered your mouth while the other held your upper half up. Your nails curled into the dirt, fingers fisting around tufts of green grace.
Let’s not forget about the fearBlack invitation to this place that cannot change
Two Days Later
You sat alone at a table in the corner of the tavern. Your hands were loosely wrapped around the mug of ale you’d been nursing for the better half of an hour.
You could hear the boisterous crowd of patrons enjoying the night drinking, sharing stories, and laughing, but it was all muffled. It was as if you were miles away and could only hear the little noise.
Your eyes focused on hour cup of ale while your thoughts ran wild.
It had been just a short two days since you and Geralt kissed, and you hadn’t spoken to him since. You wondered if he was staying away because of how foolish you’d acted, how you let your emotions get the best of you. You should’ve just shut up and forced everything down like you always did.
Jaskier approached your table, taking note of the way your fingers slowly constricted around your drink. Your eyes were empty, void of any emotion. But there was a glossy tint to them, one that had been there for a few days now. It was like you were constantly on the verge of breaking down into tears.
“Hi, love.” The bard greeted you gently, turning the chair next to you around so he could face you. You looked at him very briefly, offering him a forced smile. “I’m worried about you. So is Geralt.”
“No he isn’t.” Your voice was hoarse and quiet. Your gaze flickered over to where he stood at the counter with Yennefer. His head was turned to face her, giving you a perfect view of the gentle smile on his lips as he looked down at her. “He has her.”
Jaskier followed your gaze.
“But he still needs you.”
You stood from your seat and finished off the rest of your drink.
“I’m leaving, Jaskier.” You sighed out gently.
“I’ll go with you.” He pushed himself out of his chair.
“No, Jaskier. I mean I’m leaving leaving.”
He furrowed his brows as he gazed at you.
“Like forever?” He murmured gently. “Love, you can’t do that.”
“Sure I can.” You nodded your head, trying to sound as excited as you were upset. “I’ve stayed far longer than I should’ve. I never meant to stay this long.”
“But you did, Y/N!” Jaskier followed you as you left the building and stepped out into the rain. It was coming down softly, slowly. There was almost a melodic tune to it. “You stayed! And because of what? Because-,”
“Because I thought I’d gain something from staying.” You snapped, turning to face him.
“You gained me, love.” He smiled but it wasn’t real. He was hurt from what you said. You were never harsh to him.
“You know that’s not what I meant, Jaskier.” You put your hand on his arm and squeezed gently. “I treasure your friendship, Jask, more than I could ever tell you.” You moved in to hug him, feeling the overwhelming need to be embraced by someone, anyone really.
He hugged you tight, afraid to let the woman he viewed as a sister go. He wasn’t prepared for you to leave.
“I can assure you that none of us want you to leave.”
In his arms, your facade crumbled and the tears left your eyes. You fisted his shirt, burying your face in his chest.
“It isn’t fair.” You cried quietly.
“I know, love.” He hushed you gently, brushing his hand over your back.
While strangely holy, come for a rainWhite demon, widen your heart’s scopeWhite demon, who let your friends go?
One Month Later
Your heart pounded in your ears. Adrenaline coursed through your veins the same way the rapids in a river moved.
You’d just finished slaying the werewolf after Geralt nearly killed himself. The beast left deep wound on the witcher’s chest, ones that were bleeding heavily. Why hadn’t he worn his armor?
He was on his knees when you reached him, his head hanging and eyes closed.
“Geralt!” You called his name, kneeling down in front of him. You tentatively reached out to move the shredded cloth of his shirt. He inhaled sharply and lifted his head. You retracted your hand, looking up at him. Amber eyes were focused on you.
“Why do you have to be so damned stupid?” You thought out loud, pulling off the cloak you wore to use the material to stop the bleeding. The blood could always be washed out later.
He said nothing to you.
Knowing you couldn’t do much until you were at the inn, you stood to your feet.
“Come on. We should be getting back.” You turned to walk away from him.
He could hear the anger in your voice. You were upset with him.
“I’m sorry.” He uttered out. You turned back to him.
“Don’t apologize to me. You chose to come out here without your gods damned armor. You are choosing to let your emotions guide you, Geralt. You’re going to end up dead.” You told him.
When he stayed silent, you started to leave.
“She left this morning.”
You stopped in your tracks. Sighing heavily, you turned to face him.
“I know.”
You’d heard the argument the witcher and the mage had at dawn. Geralt didn’t like that Yennefer was still endangering herself in an attempt to find a way to have children. They argued frequently, but never enough that Yennefer would leave.
“Come on. If you’d like to talk, we can talk once we get to the inn.” You didn’t want to talk about his issues with the mage. You didn’t even want to talk to him. You just wanted to make sure he would be fine before retiring to your own room for a sleepless night.
Jaskier talked you into staying when you told him that you wanted to leave. You stayed for him, doing your best to avoid Geralt. Yennefer never really spoke to you so avoiding her was easy. Geralt, however, still asked you to join him on hunts. You had learned to push your emotions down, to fight anything and everything you felt.
“I don’t deserve your kindness.” He whispered.
“You did nothing wrong. You can’t help that you don’t feel anything for me.” You murmured, shrugging your shoulders softly.
“I’ve pushed you away, haven’t I?” He met your gaze. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
“No. I chose to stay away.”
He nodded softly, his eyes falling to the ground just ahead of him. A few silent moments passed between you before he spoke.
“I care about you, Y/N.”
Your chest tightened but not from happiness. It was painful and made you feel as though he had just shoved his hand through your rib cage and tore yourself heart out. A surge of anger flew through your body.
“You don’t get to say that.” You spoke through tour teeth. “You don’t get to say that, Geralt. Just because Yennefer left doesn’t mean I should come crawling back to you-,”
“I didn’t say that because she’s gone.” He cut you off, rising to his feet. “I just need you to know that.
You shook your head and started to stomp through the woods.
“I never wanted it to be like this, Y/N.” He followed behind you. “There was a point in time where I wanted you.”
“And you’re telling me this why?” You spun around to face him.
He didn’t know an answer to your question. All he could do was gaze down at you.
“I have suffered an unbearable pain because of what you did, Geralt. The wish you made-,”
“I didn’t want her to die!”
You nodded understandingly. You hated that you understood him. You were angry that he had admitted what he did, that he cared for you. You’d been doing so well in healing, in recovering from the wounds brought on by such a heartbroking rejection. You had just recently started to fall asleep without crying. You were moving on. And here he was, opening old wounds.
“Tend to yourself when you get back to the inn. I need a drink.” You muttered under your breath, knowing he’d be able to hear you.
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