#🪦: from the drafts
thedeadthree · 1 year
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ISIDORA DALÍ circa 2015. aka the intelligence operation where she meets her soon to be husband! a party! they had the same target! they worked together! rest is history!
ISIDORA VARGAS (née dalí) in the field looks. can and will drop you and possessing a phd in running in heels. is miffed she saw her husband on the field. neither pretends to know the other to protect them.
ISIDORA + mi-6 hq style. no janet she doesn’t want to go to your baby shower. her daughter is smarter than half the people in her department and she’s only 4.
ISIDORA + off duty style. a huge fan of thigh high boots. for scaring her half to death by almost dying her husband is treating her to movies + whatever she wants.
this darling dear now has a fc and a name so i had to introduce her with the iconic meiker!
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They’re having a “Meow-Meow-With-Big-Square-Glasses-Doing-Unethical-Experiments” Off
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partsnservice · 5 months
ouhhhh i need to add to my queue again soon
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j0kers-light · 6 months
Discarded WIP Graveyard 🪦
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Hey hi loves! Keep in mind this is another discarded draft. 🖤✨
Here lies a rough draft of a Sugar!Daddy Joker fic I was working on until my mind stopped mid production (I got distracted with Just One Check) and went a different path due to them having similar plots. Funny how my brain works. Anyhoo! I'm starting complete over so its safe to post this. I think. 🤔
Joker was late. 
And not just a few minutes, it was going on two hours and nineteen minutes that Joker stood you up. Not that you were counting or anything. He gave you a monthly allowance and one half was quickly deposited into your savings, the other you wanted to use to get a head start on Christmas gifts. J promised he would take you shopping despite his hectic schedule today yet he was nowhere to be found. 
You were burning daylight waiting for him. He gave you no choice but to go solo in order to get everything done today. Joker never broke a promise and the fact that he did made your lower lip wobble as you left your apartment. 
Just to get back at him, you decided to take one of his coveted sports cars as your set of wheels for the day. 
You hated driving– you were a certified Passenger Princess!– but you sucked it up and fumbled in your high heels to find the gas pedal. Thank goodness everything was push start and buttons, you would be so confused. But nothing would ever come between you and a shopping trip. You smirked every time you made a sharp turn into a curb or braked too hard in J’s fancy car. 
Every wear and tear you made was proof of your disappointment for Joker standing you up. 
Across town, Joker was very aware he was late. 
He attended the quarterly meeting with the expectation it wouldn’t last longer than thirty minutes. Time was on his side, that is, until the focus shifted to finances and then someone chimed in expansion ideas for the next quarter. With each new input made, Joker saw the clock tick closer and closer to the time he promised to pick you up.
He never made a promise he couldn’t keep so when he said he’d take you Christmas shopping today, he meant it. 
Yet time had gotten away from him and despite his desire to spend time with his Princess, business was important. You knew that, however it didn’t mean it was fair to you. 
You weren’t a girl who simply settled being second place to anything. You deserved an explanation for his absence. 
Joker tried to send off a quick text to reschedule with you but one of his goons spoke up about a rival gang that was harming profits and his attention was promptly stolen. Joker tossed his phone aside to focus on work– not noticing the entire morning passed by in the process. 
The mall was as crowded as you expected it to be and a part of you was glad that Joker wasn’t here. His low tolerance with mundane people and his social anxiety in general would’ve provoked him to kill everyone in the vicinity. 
You did not have the time nor the energy to pacify a cranky Joker. You were almost done with your shopping list if not for the man of the hour making things difficult.
You did not know what to get Joker. 
You could get him another knife set but that would be predictable along with any lingerie you bought to ‘surprise him’ with. It honestly didn’t matter what you got him. J would either be impatient and open the present early or check his bank statement to see what you got him. 
He was impossible to surprise yet you knew he enjoyed receiving gifts. Your Sugar Daddy was secretly a kid at heart. He loved the glowing lights and all the boxes under your glamorous tree. 
That’s why trying to buy him something was virtually impossible. The man had everything and you wanted to give him something sentimental that he would remember for years to come. You spent another hour walking around the mall, trying to find the perfect gift for J despite knowing it was a fool’s errand.
The blaring seasonal music, screaming children, and the overall traffic that came with one of Gotham’s biggest malls during the holidays, was the perfect cover for the two men trailing behind you to blend in. 
It was impossible to lose you in the crowd with your monochromatic outfit. You were a burst of pink amongst the holiday reds and greens. 
If your handbag wasn’t shaped like a candy cane, (or if the diamond ornament earrings you wore weren’t flashy enough) they would’ve assumed you didn’t care for the holidays. 
You did– however the bright multicolor lights and stark red decorations weren't your style. You preferred an all White Christmas with endless amounts of pink and gallons of glitter. 
There was a dress shirt that caught your eye with a geometric plum pattern against black. You picked it up to inspect it further but it floated to the floor when a pair of hands slapped over your mouth and dragged you into an employee’s only service door. 
You were gone in a blink of an eye. 
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Sorry I missed your call but leave me a cute lil message and I’ll hit you back! Have a great day sprinkled with glitter!
Joker grimaced hearing your voicemail for the third time in a row. You were a phone addict and never missed a call nor would you ignore the multiple texts that he sent you. J knew you were mad at him for not taking you shopping but this radio silence had gone on way too long. 
He was getting antsy so on the fourth call, he left a message. 
“Hey doll, uhh I know you’re mad at me buuuuuut let Daddy make it up to ya! I’ll err come by n’ scoop ya up. Anywhere you wanna go for lunch, my treaT. Just ah.. lemme know you’re okay, Y/n. S’all I’m askin’ Princess.” 
Joker ended the call and spun around to face Frost when he spoke up. “Her phone’s probably dead, Boss.” He tossed out. 
Mac was seated nearby and verbally disagreed. “Unlikely. B carries a power bank with her everywhere.”
Neo scoffed, “Of course you’d know that. The both of you are phone addicts.” He eyed the blond fiddling his smartphone before facing their boss. 
Everyone was tense given the radio silence you put J on. An upset Princess made for a testy Prince of Crime. It was best to walk on eggshells until the two of you made up. 
“What’s the move, Boss?” Neo asked. 
J made a noise and leaned back in his chair. He honestly didn’t know. 
It was lunchtime and he and the top three had some time to kill before going out tonight. Joker wanted to see you and get back in your good graces beforehand. He hated when his Princess was upset with him and if you were still cross with him it would only distract him tonight. Your cold shoulder was the worst feeling in the world. 
Green eyes darted over to Frost when he spoke up again.
“We can drop you off at her place before we rendezvous for tonight’s plans. Sitting here is a waste of time and we all know how Y/n gets when hers is wasted.”
Everyone silently agreed but right as Joker was gonna take Frost up on his offer, his phone rang. Glamorous by Fergie, the ringtone Joker begrudgingly programmed for you, began to play.  
“See! You still got a chance, Boss!” Mac laughed. “It was that voicemail that got her!” Neo added before gesturing for Joker to answer the phone. They were hyping up Joker until Frost shushed them both with slaps upside their heads. 
Joker simply rolled his eyes at their theatrics. They were all idiots but they had his best interests in heart. He hit the green accept button and raised the phone to his ear. “Have ya decided what you want for–”
An unknown voice cut Joker’s sentence short. 
“Are you missing something, Joker? Perhaps a pretty little thing dressed head to toe in pink with a body I’d bang all days of the week if I could?” He whistled loudly, “D__n, I just might.”
Joker’s blood ran cold the second the stranger described you. Without a doubt, he knew you were kidnapped. 
It was a scenario he staunchly tried to prevent but unfortunately failed in. You knew it was a risk being Joker’s sugar baby. You were Joker’s weakness, walking bait to use as blackmail and his enemies knew it. Yet the pros of being with Joker outweighed the cons. 
Most knew better not to cross Joker but there was always that one individual who thought they were better than the rest. As if anyone could steal from The Joker and get away with it. This stranger would have to learn the hard way why that was a bad idea. 
Joker still panicked knowing you were in danger. 
He didn’t think anyone would be bold enough to try to take you but his carelessness landed you in trouble. Joker feared the worst but he couldn’t let it show in his voice. First, he needed to learn your whereabouts and go from there. 
He tapped his fingers on the table in Morse code. ‘Track Y/n, now!’ 
Frost, Mac, and Neo all saw Joker’s entire demeanor change and knew something was up. J’s back was stiff like a board and his green eyes darkened to lumps of coal. They instantly deciphered the non-verbal message and got to work finding you but their ears were focused on their boss still talking on the phone. 
“Whaddya want?” Joker growled into the cell. The caller sighed in a displeased fashion. 
“Straight to business I see. I admire that, but you of all people know the rules when it comes to these things. I say I kidnapped your girl, I tell you my demands, blah blah, you threaten me, I laugh bladdy blah. You ask me why I’m doing this. Well actually? Lemme tell ya that part. It’s all about the money and lots of it! Let’s see. How about.. five million and I’ll try my best to keep my hands to myself. Can’t guarantee anything, I like pretty things and I’m very greedy. Oh! Speaking of pretty things— she wants to talk to you.���
There was movement on the end of the phone and Joker barely heard the warning that was spoken before he heard your shaky breath through the receiver.
He could hear your fear in just one syllable. 
You never experienced the dark side of Joker’s work, you simply reaped the monetary benefits. Someone as sweet and innocent like you should never have to experience being kidnapped much less by his rivals. They were ruthless animals that wouldn’t play by the rules. 
Joker had to find you fast before they began laying their hands on you. If they did, he would cut them off. 
Time was of the essence but J had all the time in the world to calm you down when he heard you hiccup. “Ohh my pretty girl. Did they hurt ya?” 
It was a rhetorical question; one that you didn’t have the energy to respond to. The fact that you changed the subject was telling enough. 
“I dropped my purse at the mall! The shiny sugar cane one you got me for being a good girl last month. Oh and your ca—”
J called your name when you yelped mid sentence. It was too quiet and Joker became antsy while waiting to hear your voice again. 
Your kidnapper returned to the phone after a long moment of silence with another arrogant sigh. 
“Is that all she ever thinks about? Purses, clothes, and those slutty heels of hers? Don’t get me wrong, they look hot! Even better off.. Man! It's great to finally have someone to use against you. Now about the money. I want it delivered to…”
Joker drowned out their demands and glanced over at Mac.
The blond spun a laptop around to show J the custom pink dot blinking on the screen. Granted if your kidnappers didn’t remove the tennis bracelet he gifted you, then you weren’t too far from his current location. Thirty minutes if traffic allowed. He nodded at his crew for a job well done and returned to the phone call.
“I’m not making deals with dead men. I’m gonna get my Princess back and you’ll be uhh float-ting in the Gotham River by dinner time. Nice chat errr.. what’s your name again?” Joker asked. 
He knew his words would anger the person on the phone and they didn’t disappoint. “We’re The Tirad, you cocky son of a—“
Joker ended the call and locked eyes with Frost, Neo, and Mac. “Let’s go.”
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“That f__king clown hung up on me!” He pointed right in your face, making you jump in place. 
“Your ransom just doubled! Ten mill will show him we mean business. I know he has it.” He began to pace and nod to himself. “Yeah.. he has it.” 
You tried not to break down in hysterics but you were just so overwhelmed. One minute you were shopping for Christmas gifts at the mall, the next you woke up in some run down room tied to a chair. The decent thing they could do was explain what was going on but you didn’t get that common courtesy. 
Their only concern was money and using you as bait to get it. You rolled your eyes at the steep ransom they set on you. They’d never see a penny of it with the way they were treating you. 
You turned your nose at the smell and the dingy surroundings they kept you in. There was no color whatsoever in the room and even worse, the rope they had binded you with was an ugly tan hue. 
Nothing went with your shimmering turtleneck or your pink suspender skirt dress. You shifted but winced as the raw rope dug into your skin and sullied your clothes. 
You voiced your disgust, it went ignored. They didn’t even take you seriously! You hated everything about this and you hated J for putting you in this situation. 
If he didn’t stand you up this morning you wouldn’t have been kidnapped in the first place! 
Then to make matters worse, he answers the phone for them and not you, only to hang up and jeopardize your life as if it was all some sort of game. It was insane to believe that Joker would pay anyone ten million dollars and especially to save you. 
There was nothing deeply serious about you and Joker’s relationship. He was a Sugar daddy spoiling you rotten and the second he moved passed this phase, he’d toss you out like trash– or worse. You had the impression Joker didn’t let his exes remain alive. 
You tried to stay optimistic but after two years together, Joker’s affection for you was starting to decay. It was only a matter of time before you had to find another Daddy to take care of you. 
You were used to the game. You’d been living this lifestyle since you left home at the ripe age of nineteen. Nothing was ever permanent and contracts between daddies and babies were meant to be flexible in order to terminate at any given time. 
You knew the signs all too well that your Daddy was moving on. 
Joker was creating distance lately, not keeping his promises from yesterday, and today he didn’t care about saving you. The ball was no longer in your court.  You were expired goods not even worth ten dollars let alone ten million. 
The two guys in the room glanced at you when you suddenly blurted out your thoughts. “Ten million?! He’s not g-gonna pay that much for me! I’m just his—” You jumped again when they spoke over you. 
“Awww his what? His dumb little whore? His f__k toy for the month? Or does Sugar baby make you feel like you’re special to him? Like that’s something to be proud of!” 
They both began to laugh at your crestfallen face. “Stop laughin’ Tom! She actually thinks she’s important!!” 
When they worded it that way it made all the sweet connotations that Joker created evaporate into thin air. You are something special to J. Why else would he buy you the world and call you his Princess? 
They were just jealous, that’s the lie you told yourself to keep from crying. They wished you were their baby to love and spoil. 
You weren’t just a pretty toy to pass the time with. Joker wouldn’t abandon you at your darkest hour. 
You couldn’t let these hurtful comments and your own self doubt break you down into nothing. Joker provided for you and in return, you loved him unconditionally. Just because he didn’t verbally return your feelings for him, didn’t mean he didn’t feel the same. 
Come to think of it. Joker never said the words, I love you before to you. You lost how many times you said it to him. 
It couldn’t be true. You refused to believe them. You are special to Joker. Yet their continuous howls of laughter finally made a tear slip from your eye. 
“Oh man, that's funny! As if you mean something to a man like him, but I don’t blame em.’ I’d pay top dollar to keep a naïve, sexy little thing like you on my arm too. ” The ringleader walked forward to wipe your tears away. 
You recoiled as far back as the rope allowed. He noticed and sneered.
“Tch. Oh I’m sorry! Am I not crazy enough for your standards? You only f__k psychos?” He traced your lips and you didn't hesitate in biting his thumb hard. It wasn’t the best idea but it was the only reaction you had at the time. 
“Agh! You stupid b__h!” He jerked his finger back and hit you across the face in the same motion. 
You cried out in pain but spat in his face to get even. You never been hit before and you grimaced at the metallic taste of blood in your mouth. 
Then it dawned on you, your spit was red from biting him. You saw anger boiling in his eyes and knew you went too far. 
Before he could try anything his partner rushed over and pushed him away. “ Tom! Hey! Don’t damage the merchandise you dickhead! You think he’ll pay ten mill if you hurt her?” He jabbed a finger at you sniffing in your chair. 
Tom shrugged him off, “Come off it, E. He’ll pay twice that for his used up Barbie doll. Her pussy gotta be insane to go through all this trouble that or f__king crazy. Kinda wanna find out for myself. Matter of fact, I will.”
He was smirking and stalking his way back to you when his partner in crime grabbed him by the shoulder to whisper in his ear. 
Obviously this wasn’t something they wanted you to hear.  
“What part of, don’t damage the merchandise, you not getting? Let’s wait till they drop the money then you can have all the fun you want. But until then, keep ya hands to yourself! Don’t screw this up!” E clapped him on the shoulder to get his point across. 
He walked out leaving the hot headed ‘Tom’ alone with you. He nodded to himself but glanced at you out of the corner of his eye the second the door closed. You rolled yours with a huff, “Dick.” you said under your breath.
“Keep that attitude and guarantee you’ll be choking on mines pretty soon. I can’t wait to tame you brat.” He grinned before settling in a chair off to the side. 
You could care less what he was up to as long as he listened to his partner, E or whatever their fake names were. You didn’t want anyone but Joker touching you. 
And thankfully you didn’t have to wait for long. 
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tisiphonewolfe · 9 months
Naenia, Through Murder: WIP Intro
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Original Fiction - Standalone Novella
Pitch: A homicide detective on the trail of a serial killer doesn’t realise that her girlfriend is the grim reaper, who has a mystery of her own to solve.
Genre: Urban/Paranormal Fantasy
Word Count: 46k
Staus: First Draft Complete
Naenia, the Death responsible for murder victims, is summoned to escort homicide detective Carina Choudhry at the hour of her passing, and is shocked when Carina fails to die. She is even more shocked to find that Carina can see her, thinks that she’s human, and wants to go on a date with her. Carina was supposed to die from a stab wound while investigating a serial killer. When a witness abruptly passes away with no apparent cause of death, Naenia realises that the killer is being assisted by one of her colleagues. She must conceal Carina’s botched death from the other reapers and track down the killer’s accomplice, all while trying to navigate a romance with a living human.
🪦 Supernatural murder-mystery
🪦 Cute dates
🪦 Nine major personifications of Death
🪦 Dramatic hidden identity romance
🪦 A car chase with a skeleton
🪦 Espionage, investigations, and interrogations
🪦 That damnable bird!
Content Warnings (CW): Body horror, gore, death, violence.
Character Intros
Watch this space . . .
In 'Naenia, Through Murder' the power of human imagination has, over the millenia, brought beings such as the Deaths into existence. They escort the spirits of the dead through the halls of bone and flesh and into the ashen forest. The Deaths reside in a spire of bone which looms into the perpetual moonlit night of the world beyond.
The living world is much like our own, but a bit to the left. The city looks like Victorian London, the fashion comes from Columbo, and technology is all mechanical. The country is ruled by the Lord Minister and his parliament.
Taglist (DM to be added or removed): No-one yet . . .
Prologue below the cut
Naenia stalked the halls of bone and flesh, the twisted veins that pulsed below the ashen forest, seeking her next passenger.
She always stalked; for there was no need to sprint, and to sidle lacked gravitas. The halls would deliver her precisely where and when she was called. The rest was merely professional image - the passengers expected her to be a huntress, and so she was.
The endless ticking in the corridors was too loud today; she laid her hand upon the wall, resting it upon a displaced ulnar between undulating, fleshy membranes, and listened.
Ca-clang! Ca-clang!
The distorted and wavering knell seemed close; she felt it shudder below her ghostly-pale fingertips, her skin - or approximation thereof - so tissue-paper thin that one could see every green vein below it. She traced her fingers along the wall, following the ringing bell through the gloom by touch towards her archway.
Three twists, a fork, and a bend later, the ringing now hit her ears with force; at the tapering end of this hall, tucked between a bellowing pair of lungs, stood a tall, obsidian clock.
Its pendulum hung still; the pointing finger-bones of the clock’s hands jerked in their effort to tick forward. Naenia tapped a knuckle against the glass covering the clock-face to see if it might spring back into movement - the hands twitched miserably.
Atop the clock was a raven, tugging on a ragged rope of twined intestine with its beak. As Naenia withdrew her hand, it let go of the rope and hopped onto her wrist; the great bell’s ringing ceased. The raven croaked at her expectantly, and she brushed the crown of its head with her thumb. “Good work,” she muttered. The bird ruffled its feathers indignantly, then flew away - clearly Aurelia had been feeding it, despite having been told a thousand times not to.
She called to her scythe, and it appeared, singing in her hand. Others among the nine deaths had made their weapons elegant, ominous, elaborate - Naenia found this extravagant. Passengers expected to see a simple farming implement; a lengthy wooden snath to hold it by, and a gleaming steel blade. There was no need to trouble the dead with unexpected golden spikes, silver inlay, or an onyx-black blade that curved nearly three-quarters around the head. She thought of Aurelia again and snorted.
Hefting the scythe, she examined the pulsating crevice that terminated the hallway - finding the appropriate angle, she stepped smartly into a slice that sheared the skin apart. It curled and withered away, letting in the muted orange glow of streetlamps and permitting her to step through into the living world.
Pattering rain soaked her permanently-damp hair. She brushed aside a dark lock, and tucked it behind her ear, and looked around for her passenger.
She had arrived in a gloomy city backstreet. Industrial, red-brick buildings stained with soot loomed into the smog  over the narrow sett-paved road, broken drainpipes pouring their deluge into the gutters. Flowers wilted in hanging-baskets; shutters were boarded over; no lights flickered at the cracked windows. The hem of Naenia’s midnight gown had already grown heavy as she stepped barefoot into the stream, through which the unmistakable trickle of blood was flowing.
She approached the sodden, balled-up figure that lay in the middle of the road, curious to see which unfortunate human had met their end this night. It was a woman - neat, straight-cut dark hair, brown skin, and runner’s muscles, wearing a heavy woollen coat. Below it, she was dressed smartly. Her shirt was adorned with a golden pin and she clutched a snub-nosed revolver to her chest - a chest that bore a deep, gaping wound, from which her heart’s blood spattering into the street. Like many of Naenia’s passengers, her wide, kind face was not set peacefully; it was scrunched up in an expression of agony and despair. Naenia stood beside her, respectfully waiting for the spirit to rise from the body, readying her scythe for the moment she would cut the cord connecting the two - that’s when she heard the moan.
This woman was still alive.
Naenia was not quite sure what to do with this fact. The clock had stopped - she had made certain of that. The woman’s time was over. She could see the spirit breaking free - glassy reflections of the woman’s limbs rose from her prone form, flailing their way out of her stilled body. “It is alright,” she assured the spirit. “Please be calm. It is over now.”
“No,” the spirit said weakly. “I need to catch him. I need to-“
“Shh, shh.” Naenia gripped the woman’s shoulder, gently lifting her from her prison.
“I won’t go!”
The woman’s spirit floated a little above her body, flailing at the air, swimming through the ether - Naenia readied her practised stance, preparing to cut the thread with a swift swing of her scythe - but the spirit struggled still. It looked at her with wide, baleful eyes. Naenia clicked her tongue. Rarely did she have one so difficult as this - she would not be pleased if she found herself battling a phantom tonight.
She had an angle - it was narrow, but she was more than confident that she could cut the cord without harming the spirit. She set her scythe carefully - then watched in wonderment as the spirit began to claw its way back into its body.
“No, no, no, no, no,” the spirit gasped out. “I have to tell them - I have to. We have to get him.”
With a sharp breath and a gurgling cough, the woman’s body convulsed and turned over. Stunned, Naenia watched the woman claw at the wound on her chest, pressing against it with a balled-up fist. “Get help!” the woman pleaded with her hoarsely.
Naenia had existed since the first person thought to bash in another’s head with a rock; as a thought, then a dream, then a god - and now, as a reaper, as Death through Murder. She had never been called to escort anyone who was fated yet to live. She gripped the woman’s hand - the woman stared at her as though she could see her, even though Naenia knew this to be impossible. “It is okay. It will be okay. I will help you.”
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bladesandstars · 5 months
11 on the writing ask thingy. 🪦 And 15! 📚
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
Not always, and especially not with fanfic. My fic is usually eight darlings in a trenchcoat. But I do think I have a sense for when something is…preachy. Or like, overly maudlin or just…I don't know. I don't want to use the word cringe, because I don't believe in cringe, but just somehow out of harmony with the story I'm trying to tell. Or lacking sufficient emotional distance from myself to analyze properly. And I do cut those. Sometimes ruthlessly, but usually reasonably.
I absolutely have WIP graveyards, and sometimes I reuse or rewrite things and put them back! I guess it's more of a WIP recycle bin. I tend to call the side docs I create things like "WIPTitle Cuttings," because they're things I cut. If I grieve TOO much, it's a good sign I should try to reuse it in some capacity.
As I'm drafting this reply, I feel like it's got a cool second meaning too. "Cuttings" are how you can grow a new plant from an old one, and sometimes I do do that! So that's a fun way to think about it too.
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
I super don't! I used to dog-ear and read in the bath when I was a kid, but I've never been a margin-writer. I will save quotes I love on Kindle though. I don't judge people who do at all; it's mostly habits with me. I kind of love the idea of margin notes, both for the reread value and the fun of finding them in used books.
Thank you so much for the fun asks!
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blakbonnet · 1 year
I was tagged by Jams @not-nervous-jester to share my writing process so here you go, I'm sorry but this will get a bit long and it'll not be proofread cause life's too short (and my laptop has 4% battery left) 🙃
Do you write in order?
Yes and No. I start off any writing project (whether it be fanfic or work) with a detailed outline of the major plot points. I do the endings first more often than not when I'm planning a fic, then the middle, and finally, once those are out of the way, then I'll tackle the beginning kinda.
Because I write like a person possessed, the beginnings sort of just happen on their own but I need a guideline for hitting the major points or it will be all out of whack.
How fully formed does your writing come out the first try?
About 100%. Because I am so incredibly stupid and anal about this stuff, my first try is essentially a weighty tome of garbage. You can only throw out the garbage once I'm done, you can't add more to it. I guess this analogy doesn't work but it works in terms of the ✨ vibe ✨ I'm trying to create, stay with me people!
How many drafts do you go through?
Just one actually. If there is stuff in the first draft that I am not okay with, I will stop writing and simply leave it for a week or a month until I feel like picking it up again later 😐 The only time I actually create a new draft is when parts of the original are unreadable. Actually I'm lying, I just add stuff to the first draft while whistling and being inconspicuous.
Tell me about your process.
First comes the playlist. It HAS to start with a playlist. Every project has a separate playlist. Songs can be repeated, playlists cannot be the same though. It's a thing, and if I don't do it, it'll be a whole separate thing tbh.
The playlist has to be instrumental, it has to be mainly cellos and violins for the meatier scenes, piano is okay for the fluffy non-plot filler bits that I'm writing for my own entertainment. There can be no words or bits of the fic will turn into a Metallica song, I'll be sued, I'll lose everything and most importantly, the fic would never be finished.
Next comes the poetry, stuff that is actually inspiring the work and pushing it forward. That usually goes in tumblr drafts so it's easier for me to access from my phone. This is usually screenshots from e-books or actual pictures from physical books.
Because I do a fairly detailed outline beforehand, I usually start writing the beginning because that's what I haven't planned out yet and am most excited by. This takes me the longest amount of time and I also do a LOT of rewriting at this stage because personally, as a reader, I do abandon a lot of fics if the beginning isn't doing it for me.
I use google sheets cause I'll sometimes reread my stuff over the phone but I only ever write on the laptop, my phone is mainly for rereading and obsessing.
I also edit as I go along based on feel and make notes where I need to add stuff. If I edit later once I'm done, it usually doesn't come out like I want it to.
Once chapters are done, I copy paste them into Google Translate so I can hear them being read back to me. I catch a record number of missed typos and errors this way. I'm very conscious of the way I write dialogues because I'm so nitpicky when I'm reading other people's dialogues and this also allows me to correct issues with those (the "he would never fucking say it like that" errors)
After the first couple chapters, I'll share the google doc with mutuals and friends (mostly Ara @stedebonnets ) and I don't have a beta reader. Plot points I'll discuss with Josh and Joy 😭 and I don't publish fics on ao3 until the entire thing is written cause I'm a big stinking fic abandoner lmao (smauglock fic from 5 years ago rip 🪦 sorry readers)
This is the writing process that went into Need for Stede ✌️which was incredibly fun to write!
I'd like to tag @wearfinethingsalltoowell @abigailpents @talkstoself @red-sky-in-mourning @ratchet @stedebonnit and anyone else who wants to do this!
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endious · 1 year
Would jeff fuck his s/o while she’s on her period?
- 🪦 Nonnie
i swear i wrote about this once but maybe i havent.. i have a draft though so.. make of that what you will ANYWAYS OFC HE WOULD ???? hes obsessed with blood on you in general can you imagine the sick kick he’d get out of seeing the bloody mess between your legs and dripping onto his cock?? the creamy red ring around the base of his thick length when he pulls out to what the blood stain his dick ???? he is crazy about it. and it’s so much easier to slide into your tight cunt even when you tell him you’re cramping too much and it’s too sensitive, he doesnt care not when he can slip in with ease from the slick of the blood and watch how it stains your inner thighs and how you seem much more reactive to his touches now compared to any other time he’s fucked you and he’s enjoying it. the way you seem to whimper and beg even more, the sloppy sound of squelching between your thighs that he mocks you for as he slams into you. you wont be getting a rest from him anytime soon and if you did manage to get out of his pushy for more grasp you’d better hide for the rest of your period cycle until it’s over and he gets over the rush he has when you’re on your period.
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bereft-of-frogs · 8 months
a weekend list 👻
friday 🍂
- job 😖
- use lunch break to pack for weekend / get sheets/towels ready (my fee for dogsitting is doing laundry 😆)
- somehow get 1) dinner + wine 2) dog from daycare and 3) drive 1.5 hours before 7. Ah.
- have dinner, watch more Fall of the House of Usher while frantic notebook scribbling (I thought about bringing the geriatric laptop, but she doesn’t deserve being dragged all over the state, I think ipad to reference where I’m at + longhand writing will be the most useful/fun)
saturday 🪦
- continue Flanaverse viewing and notebook scribbling
- do laundry
- take dog for a walk
- cemetery tour!
- repeat item one on Saturday list
- family dinner at my aunts house
- repeat item one…
sunday 🎃
- take dog for walk
- you guessed it, repeat—
- actually I’m thinking about also taking my knitting so I might work on my sweater (I’m on sleeve #2, so close to the end)
- wait for parents to get back from their vacation
- possibly go grocery shopping on the way home, just to get it out of the way for the week
- also see how I feel, if I want to type up notebook or work on some dangling prompts, or start the second drafts. I’m kind of debating switching up the system. Since there’s no way I’m finishing all 31, it might make more sense to take a more relaxed approach, rather than setting a deadline. Like just post whenever I finish the second draft and feel like it’s ready, regardless of the day on the calendar? Idk a more chill approach is probably better for me (this does not count the second chapter of ‘omens and all kinds of signs’ which will be posted on Halloween). Idk I’m considering things. Oh no I have to start thinking of titles too 😱
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ghostbymistake · 2 years
i can’t wait to share more about my wip on here. my pride and joy 🩰⏳🎻🕯🌲🪦🏛🚬🗝📜🕰⚖️🎞
i decided to pull it from the drafting stage and restart the planning page and i am organizing all of it into a big master doc and once i do i am going to make a new intro post for it and share more :)
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fluffy-ami · 1 year
You are literally the swaggiest person ever did you know that? Well now you do 😌 I want you to know that even though you’ve been offline a lot-which is fine of course-life is a staggering struggle sometimes, I want you to know you have had a massive important impact on my life this year as well as many others and I know it. You are the sweetest person alive and the moments we had this year are some of the most fun ones ever (and maybe I go back and read our RPs and messages over and over- But shhh I totally said nothing this part of the message was totally was never here) I dunno when you’ll be online again but take your time, and as mentioned in previous asks, don’t feel pressured to answer! I just wanted to let you know how important you are to me, I mean you’re basically an older sister to me. I hope that you are looking after yourself and that if anything is going on in your life that may be making you go through pain and sadness that it gets better. Life can be a total pain in the A$$ so punch it in the guts and tell it that it can stop being annoying. You’re a strong person and I have full trust that whatever is going on in your life, you got it. So once again, look after yourself well, and go kick life in the butt!
(guess who finally has the energy to answer some asks and is now feeling bad for disappearing randomly hmmmmm lmao- 🤡)
Yooo, happy 2023, lil' bro! Me finally crawling out of my offline grave to tell you that I'm doing fine for the most part, so there's still no need to worry >:D
And no pls i died of your sweetness as soon as i read that, stopppppp 😭😭😭
I actually hope that things will get better for me now, and as soon as I have more time, I really hope that I'll get back to writing and drawing stuff here and talking with you all more (even tho me still nervous as hell, esp after all this, but let's forget about that and pretend that i'm really gonna talk more ok 🌝)
I'm really happy that I'm friends with you Ran-Ran, and even if I disappear sometimes, just remember that I always come back (lmao true William Afton moment) and I love you, I hope y'all are doing good out there <3🍃✨
And to everyone who wants to talk, my dms are always open! Even if I'm not posting, like, at all, and anyone is worried, you can always text me and I'll reply eventually, just like it happens most of the time, but it'll be faster than me getting to my asks aokdlsdk, pls i see all the adorable and supportive stuff that's been chilling in my inbox for weeks, i feel so bad help 🤡
My drafts are also doing perfect, some of them are already more than 1 year old 💀💀💀🪦💐🕯️✨
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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WILLA WYNDHAM a fresh face in the mi-6 era, training with 141 trying to not look like the newcomer. questioning why the rookie with the mohawk keeps looking in her direction. he’s begrudgingly endearing.
“NATASHA” posing as the girlfriend of m*karov to infiltrate his inner circle. counting the hours and the days till he gets his. silently vows to herself she’ll take him out personally if they don’t.
WILLA WYNDHAM in her field era. can and will scold her spouse for scaring her like that by not radioing her after she thought he got shot again. hearing that name again brought both rage and a smile. you’re getting yours she’ll make sure of it.
WILLA WYNDHAM off the clock. believes in the sacred doctrine of her husbands shirts are her shirts. the rarity she has some down time she and her cat binge watch reality tv (yes the cat joins in). when they’re both off he’s making her watch vine compilations. which she’s fine with.
and once again using the darling meiker i wanted to do a little look book for the other darling girl!
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Tired of men who clean up nice, I love him best disheveled and a little dirty
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1967-impala · 2 years
🪦 Welcome, hunters and demons! 🪦
Supernatural sideblog time!!!
Please check out this resource! (It’s for mental health and/or crisis situations!) -> resource post
Also a friendly PSA from my buddy Crowley.
Always lmk if you want me to use any specific tw’s!
Icon by @queerstudiesnatural :D
About Me :)
Main: @masquerading-man
You can call me Damien!
(He/him, he/it trans man)
I also do fanart and writings!
Requests: Open! :)
Navigation for fanart/edits/fics
FYI I use the queue and drafts a lot- so if you see me posting but not responding to messages, or spam liking without reblogging, that’s why! I sometimes take a break for couple weeks. Thanks for understanding! :)
Also if you ship w*ncest or c*ckles please DNI! Thank you! (Unless I follow you by accident- in that case, I would appreciate if you could lmk so I can unfollow!)
The Tumblr Ghost ^TM
Yup! His name is Dubois. He haunts these halls and gives me random non-existent notifications 💕
~Have a good day!~
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They really went for pain with this OP. That breakup is front and center! Ow. 😭😭😭
Thought I posted this a couple days ago but I guess I saved it as a draft.
I guess they have to do Blue Predator's Tragic Backstory SOME time. May as well get it out if the way half way through Season 4. 🙄
I'm gonna be honest I completely forgot that the Inter High has 3 days I thought it just had 2.
So what they're doing is stretching each day into a season and while I Don't Like That because I'm losing out on a whole years worth of whatever the boys get up to and their own 3rd Year Inter High, I do at least understand it now.
You go into an anime and it's so cute and it's about sports and you think to yourself "There's no way this will be triggering! It's Sports! What could possibly happen?"
And then Boom. 👊 💥
If he'd talked to his parents or like literally anyone and talked this shit out I feel like maybe someone could have steered him on the right path but his shame kept it quiet and he met the absolute worst enabler on the planet.
o7 RIP 🪦 kids y'all are GOD AWFUL for each other and literally everyone else around you.
How has an adult not noticed any of this bullshit? Don't they have a teacher for their club?
Good for him I guess? Midousuji seems like he's using him but he's probably aware if that and happy about it honestly.
Wish he wasn't let loose on everyone else though.
Of course the only introspection on feelings and actual confession so far are from him. Of course. Because this is the ONLY Homo in the series and everyone else are just Best buds! Nothing to see here Upper Management!
This is bolstering my Blue Predator Red Herring argument.
Lord if literally anyone else had gotten ahold of this kid he may have been OK after a couple talks. That's what sucks so bad about it.
He may have still been unsettling and obsessive but probably not like predatory.
Idk though that puts a lot of blame on Midousuji and while he definitely pushed him down that slippery slope with both hands there's plenty of hand and foot holds on the way down fir him to stop and get his footing and be like "idk man is this really the right thing for me to be doing?"
And dude just threw his hands in the air and laughed with glee on his way down to the bottom.
Jesus the jump scare
Man good for him that his confession went well and I'm glad they avoided the Show Canceling Next Season Destroying No Homo Beam but like,
At What Fucking Cost though?????
I hope he gets some kind of talking to and redemption. He's got 2 years of high school left for someone to step in and set him on the right path before he's out on his own and he deserves that chance.
Granted I'm saying this halfway through the episode because I keep pausing to avoid the episode so.
Oh geez Midousuji really actively taught him that huh? Then again dude knows that's not cool and does it anyway. 😕
He has sense at the back of his mind he's just actively silencing it to indulge in what he wants.
I haven't called it quits and skipped an episode yet but this might be it honestly. This is so rank. 🤢🤮
You know what good for toxic masculinity smoothing Izumida's self preservation instincts so effectively that this terrifying behavior slides right off his brain like water off a duck.
He just does not comprehend.
His subconscious does but he sure don't.
And I'm glad for him.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 6 months
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🌲 Twas the night BEFORE Christmas: It wasn't planned THIS way, but THIS daily devotional just happened to be providing analysis of the 10 Commandments in December. 👀 NINE of the ten have been studied across consecutive days, and today marks 🎯 the conclusion. Add the Pipeline tumblr app, which is 🆓 and secure, to gain ARCHIVE ♿ access.
Today: contemplation 🤔 of ACCOMPLISHMENTS ✝️.
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When does the work 🔚, 🖖🏼 when you can at last (then + ONLY then) take a breather?
👁️👁️ Today & ⬆️ Tomorrow, we will examine the last commandment NOT YET COVERED: #4, of 10.
God 🕎 didn't get distracted. God 🕎 didn't leave behind INCOMPLETE 🚧 projects.
And only AFTER 🏗️ ALL of the Intelligent Design was completed did the Creator Almighty 🛑 stop to admire.
👑👰🏼 Christ's Bridal Party: OUR work is UNFINISHED. Christians are still on Day 6.
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demo-🐀 RATS, on THEIR 👀 WATCH, 👺 were behind the immigration surge.
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Would you say that THIS 💩 remains unfinished business?
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Would you say that THIS 💩 remains unfinished business?
"Remember this well...there shall be NO peace 🕊️, as long as evildoers 👺 live."
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Days 📴 are for closers 🎯‼️
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💤 Day of Rest? STRICTLY RESTLESSNESS for the 👺 servants of 👿.
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Following our Lord's ✝️ total VICTORY over the grave 🪦, and NOT before, did Jesus🔋 recharge HIS batteries, once it was mission accomplished.
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