#i love it so much ydek
nukkibunni · 7 months
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@bipanicoverthegravessiblings a disgruntled andrew and smitten ashley as asked <333 i had SO much fun drawing this, thank you so so much again!!!!! :> 🖤💝
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yearningaces · 1 month
Mr. Hallewell, can i please hug you? and maybe groom your hair? if you are in your beast form, way better! Let me see those fangs and claws of yours, so pretty... can i polish them? sharp them? i would like to have the honor to look them up close in their prime. A magestic griffin indeed, not some kind of copy and paste in a cheap photoshop program of an eagle and a lion (wait declan settles on medieval times right? damn i hope the joke reaches over there). I want to cuddle with a griffin, use the wings as blankets and yer chest a harm pillow, sure iknow its lacking the usual bpm but i can share it with ya
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i luv declan muahmuahchuchuhugsandkisses
"THE HORNS I FORGOT THE HORNS, should give them some apreciation too
sorry but declan beast form is truly something coming from my wildest dreams, recording the anatomy, the biology, every detail and corner of his existence makes me wonder how such creatures go on without being at least documented at leat once!
(i must recall that if this rant sounds at least creepy please let me know but its just obsession with anatomy on mythical creatures....)"
I feel I can safely assume this was the same nonnie and listen, I live for the ramblings in my inbox
Declan will quite literally, roll over like a pup for you, so please please please give him attention. He would tear down mountains, he would rip stars from the sky, all for you to look at him with a moment of praise so please never hold anything back for worry of being too much he would just exist at a point of joy he'd never imagined possible before while melting around you as best as he could.
Yes he's in medieval times! I don't want to have the limitations of modern day stuff with my world building here, also because I like the idea of a Hallewell being a kingdoms dragon instead of an actual dragon it's amusing to me
And the answer for documentations is this! If he's not hunting someone they won't see him, not truly
There will be reports of larger and larger beasts that move closer to who he's hunting, and it becomes part of the Hallewell's legend. Listen for nature's approach through different footsteps sort of ordeal. If someone truly looked to see him in his shifted form. They wouldn't see him unless he wants them to. They might see a man, or a pack of wolves, or a bear, or maybe MAYBE a dragon. That's not to say Hallewell's aren't documented. But usually it's someone being hunted screaming about what they're seeing before they go missing(dying but yk) and humans pieces those together to form a general idea
Maybe someone sees one when they're not a target, but again that's rare and it would have to be the Hallewell's choice. Usually it's a warning. "Be better or next you see me you'll be the one bloodying my maw"
Back to Declan though, you're his heart. You want him to go beast mode? Of course! He holds the same sentience and logic regardless of form but he can't really speak without a human mouth. He'll growl, and purr, and roar, and make all sorts of sounds, and he'll understand you entirely, but he'll never be able to say words like that because the mouth isn't human so no human words
So yeah, do those things. Watch this horrifying creature melt like a kitten. If you fall asleep on him? He won't move, he will remain as still as stone and if any get close enough he'll bite them in two if they risk waking you
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slytherinshua · 10 months
genre. fluff. sickfic. warnings. description of illness and medicine. written on a plane and not proofread. pairing. j-us x fem!reader. wc. 735. a/n. aaaaaa guys im writing for onf 😭 IM SO EXCITED YDEK LIKE???? my lovely lovely boys 🫶 ik it won't get much attention but im so over the moon about this!! also this was a request from my best best friend @ddeonudepressions 🧡🧡 dia i know it took a rly long time but i didn't forget about sick juice u wanted 🫶 i hope you like it ☝️
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“What?” You sighed, probably for the thousandth time, glancing up from your phone to pay attention to your sick boyfriend. Headache, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, ringing ears, or neck pain, you name it, Seungjun was suffering from it.
You had to admit he did look pretty cute with his bright red nose and puffy face, but if you said anything he would get 10 times whinier than he already was.
He currently couldn’t decide whether he wanted to cuddle or wanted to keep his distance to not get you sick. You tried to tell him that you had a good immune system, but he just wouldn’t buy it. You tried to tell him that you were probably already infected from taking care of him for the past 2 days, but he wouldn’t take that answer either.
“I miss kissing you.” He mumbled along with an over-dramatic sniff.
You smiled a little, “You really won’t take the risk, huh?”
He shook his head vehemently, frowning, “You’ll get sick too.”
“What if I wanted kisses too?”
Seungjun paused, contemplating the question before shaking his head again, “Even if we both want kisses, we shouldn’t.”
“Is your throat still sore?”
“Mhm, it feels so… dry.” He coughed.
“I told you to use the throat spray I bought. It’s foul, but I promise it works.” You urged.
“It’s really nasty, though.” He shuddered.
“You might be able to get kisses if you use it.” You coaxed.
Seungjun bit his lip, head falling back onto the couch. You giggled at his antics. He was dramatic even when he was healthy, but no one could ever beat the melodrama that came with a sick Seungjun. He didn’t say anything for about 10 minutes, and you thought he had fallen asleep.
“Get me the throat spray.” He mumbled just above a whisper.
“Knew it would work.” You giggled.
“You feeling any better?” It was hours later, and you were just slipping under the covers after brushing your teeth, joining Seungjun who was hugging a pillow.
“A bit?”
“Still probably not enough for my goodnight kiss, then?” You pouted. You had already gone 2 days without one and a part of you was really hoping to sneak just one peck in before bed.
“I’m sorry, baby.” Seungjun whispered and held out his arms. “All I can offer is hugs right now.”
“You owe me at least 10 kisses once you’re better, got it?” You said seriously, settling so your head rested on his chest and he could wrap his arms around you.
“I’ll give you 20 kisses once I’m better if you want.”
“100.” You giggled.
Seungjun tried to stop himself from laughing since it usually ended in a coughing fit, but he ultimately failed.
“You sound ugly when you cough.” You joked.
“Can’t really help it.”
“I miss you singing me to sleep.” You sighed, tracing little shapes on his shirt with your finger.
“I miss it too, but my throat is really out of commission.” 
“I know…”
“I thought I was whiny, but you know, you’re pretty whiny too.” Seungjun smiled.
“Maybe if my boyfriend wasn’t sick for so long, I wouldn’t be so whiny.” You countered.
“So it’s my fault, huh?” 
You nodded.
“I like it when you’re whiny, though. It’s cute.”
“Shut up.”
“You think I’m annoying when I’m whiny, though, don’t you?” He didn’t say it in his usual teasing tone where you knew he was joking. He rubbed your arm as he spoke, his breath coming out a soft tone that you rarely got from him.
“Do you want an honest answer?”
“Usually I would just say ‘of course, you’re the most annoying person I know’, but I feel like I shouldn’t tease you while you’re sick.”
“How thoughtful of you.” Seungjun mumbled, voice coming out softer and softer as he teetered on the edge of drifting off into a slumber.
“I don’t mind when you’re whiny. It kinda reminds me how much you love me, and that you would even want to put in that much effort just for my attention… So, I guess I like it too.” You glanced up only to find Seungjun already asleep, softly breathing while still holding you close to his chest.
“Why’d I even say all of that if you were just going to fall asleep on me?” You muttered. “…Sleep well, baby.”
↳ onf taglist: open!!
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Aww, he would hang around just to flirt with Virgil I love that for them
I love this au so much ydek
Bdjdjdd :D
Also ueah
Virgil didn't realise he was being flirted with for like two months until one of the others pointed it out. He had an "oh. OH." Moment.
Remus, however, frequents the Front Death-k to chat up the nerd who works there and came down to the help desk literally once (Logan (I don't know yet whether or not he's a soul or something else, we haven't gotten that far haha)) he's not hugely welcome by most of the staff because he keeps accidentally freaking out the souls wth his dark humour.
@twoalpacas :)) I'm not tagging for everything because there's... A lot and most of it's just small bits lol.
But we have ships now I have decided.
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rainbowinbeigeboots · 2 years
i wanna get sappy here for a hot second so don’t mind me lolol
i don’t talk about it too much here, mainly because tumblr surprisingly doesn’t have a lot to interact with, but i am SUCH a huge fan of tessa violet. like so much so that girlie literally was one of the things that helped pull me put of the depressive episode i was in during 2020 right after a rough breakup and general pandemic. i had been into her stuff when she was meekakitty (fell off a bit as i grew out of the content) and rediscovered her in 2019 and fell in love with her music. jump to the past two years where she follows me on twitter and is aware of my existence thus making saturday one of the best nights of my life…ever. tessa straight up recognized me by my face when she walked into the VIP meet and greet area. she saw me and pointed at me and called me by name. she then went on to say how excited she was to meet everyone and then pointed at me and said “i’m especially excited to meet emiie” and i felt so amazed that she even recognized who i was since i didn’t expect it. when it was my turn to get my photo with her she gave me so many hugs (she lives up the “she looks like she gives good hugs” vibe btw) and talked about how exciting it was to finally see each other irl after online interactions/an online m&g we had last year. i gave her the shirt i made for her (it had “future milf” on it since it’s a running bit) and she looked so happy when i gave it to her 🥺 i forgot to tell her i had made it along with showing the tiny terror hoodie i made/was wearing but i was still trying to process that she knew me and called me out. but when my friend and i went back for a group photo i had forgotten i wanted to give her a kitchen song paper heart (i wasn’t sure if she was collecting them from each city but wanted to make sure she had one) and a photocard of her i had made and I was so grateful my friend and i were able to go back up. but when i handed her the heart and photocard she looked at it and i s2g with the sweetest look on her face, looked into my eyes, and said “emiie, you always make me feel so cool” 🥺😭🤧 i was beaming on the inside from just how happy that made me feel because i kept thinking “nonono ydek how cool you’re making ME feel rn” and during the show i had so much eye contact with her and smiles thrown at me (i did however almost get taken out by her mic when it fel from the micstand) and during crush she held out the microphone for me to sing into and god…it was such a good night 😭😭😭
i don’t think i can even express enough how much her music and just who tessa is as a person helped me SO MUCH at such a rough point in my life mentally and has helped me with my own self confidence/self worth. it’s a combo of just seeing her be really cool, so genuine to who she is as a person, and so willing to engage with being okay acting playful/goofy that rubbed off on me because i saw so much of myself there, who i want to be during this lifetime, and who i am at my core before i had the worst depressive episode of my life and had been working on accepting myself prior to that and post-2020 depressive episode. it also helps when you have a song like yes mom to blast that makes you inadvertently say positive affirmations about yourself LOL
i know tessa will probably never see this (unless she does then…hi lolol) but i just wanted to share how much i just adore/look up to her and how i felt so special and loved the entire night from such simple things she did 🥺💖 here’s to hoping the future milf shirt made it to her after she forgot it on stage and that she wears it during the next livestream i can attend lolol
also signing off with my meet and greet photo because i just love how genuinely happy both her and i look in this photo 🥺💖
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fairlyqualityanon · 1 year
💖 ✨️🤲
Thanks for the questions! <3
💖 What made you start writing?
I think my first foray into electively writing (it was fanfiction) was in 2009 (yes I am old). I'd written tons of essays and etc before - my elementary had a Special Ed tier for advanced students (math and/or literature/writing/English) and for the Lit one we had to participate in the statewide writing contest (a fancy thing with science requirements). My 5th grade year I won either first or second and my parents were so proud.
In HS and college I'd get back at teachers who made me do stupid assignments: the bigoted guy who harassed me for my perceived sexuality? Have a 6+ page paper on why you're wrong. A one-flash-card 5 minute speech? I'll go into detail on "weird" foods around the world (haggis, Rocky Mountain oysters, casu marzu, etc). Kind teacher (love her so much ydek) whose only real rule was to cite Everything? Time to craft a detailed journey on the discovery of tube worms, focusing on the researchers' reactions and decade-long confusion.
I got hooked on Transformers in 2008 and had a bunch of ideas in my brain, watched Transformers: Animated and decided I would formally write something out; you can still find it online despite it not being finished; I'm gradually reworking it now that I've got more experience. I really enjoyed interacting with people and got into RPing shortly after I posted what I had to DeviantArt.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
😓 But that's harrrrrd. Hmm. I like that I can really get into a character's skin, provided I find a trait that matches up with me, it's a huge help with canon characters. I'm also very deliberate with my wording sideways glance at TTDaaY, even if it slips under the radar of most.
As for myself, I don't like how long it takes me to finish each piece, but I do keep writing and refuse to give up. (ง’̀-‘́)ง
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip
Okay, I'd totally forgotten that I'd started this already, but it's the Switchy planned sequel to Prompt 1.07 and is titled "Tip The Scales". You'll get a bit of worldbuilding on the more chaotic regions of Rikard's and Karla's world.
... Tumblr has a character limit for ask posts, I'll post that next and link them.
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kaleidoskuls · 1 year
give me more music recs tbh i feel like listening to new music
i got you okay um
medicine by bring me the horizon (LITERALLY just heard it for the first time and i am Obsessed)
no shame by 5 seconds of summer (i literally listen to this at least once a day😭 the melody is Too fucking addicting)
all i want by kodaline (okay this shit. i love it. it's beautiful. it's on my boreo playlist. the VIBES >>>>>)
my trains & jaws by lemon demon (i will always recommend lemon demon tbh😭 i love these songs a Normal amount <- lying )
cold weather by glass beach (🎶I DIDN'T MISS THE COLD WEATHER I JUST MISSED YOU 🎶)
a kind thing to do by cavetown (I LOVE EVERY CAVETOWN SONG SO FUCKING MUCH YDEK)
feel better by Penelope Scott (there's SOMETHING about her songs dude there's just SOMETHING)
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bigmack2go · 3 months
Ez, i love you so much ydek! We should absolutely collab thats an awesome idea
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
I agree wholeheartedly with sunshine boy Dick Grayson readings, but it is super duper extra funny because he is the angriest sunshine boy on the planet.
Dick Grayson met Batman after his parents died and went “If I cannot have vengeance, I will have vengeance anyway, there is actually no other option, it’s give me vengeance or I will scream and have vengeance, pick.” Dick Grayson gets in fights with Batman and is like “Wow you think you can control me, you think you can talk to me like this, you think I will just listen, how about I don’t and also I’m running away and starting a super-powered crime fighting team and also I’m talking shit about you to everyone.”
Dick Grayson is the sunshiniest boy of all boys ever, do not get me wrong. But, it is only in comparison to people like Bruce “I guess I’ll walk into a room of guys with guns who want me dead because I’m sad my son died” Wayne or Jason “my dad didn’t commit murder after I die so I’m going to explode a bunch of warehouses” Todd or Tim “what do you mean self care? I ate a peanut today, I can keep working” Drake or Damian “if I do not kill the competition, Father will abandon me on the streets to die” Wayne, like of course Dick “gets reasonably upset at things that shoukd reasonably upset him” Grayson is seen as the happy one, but outside of that comparison???
Dick Grayson is the most serious Teen Titan, the “Batman” of the group who can sneak up on people with superhearing and appear or disappear dramatically from the shadows at will or intimidate a god by looking Disappointed tm at them.
So, where am I going with this?
I think it’s really funny when someone in the Batfam is like “oh yeah, Nightwing is always so chipper :)” and someone in the Arrowfam is like “wtf r u talking about???? He just bit a guy!!! The guy is bleeding, does Nightwing have rabies???”
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weirdgoblinman · 2 years
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I have nothing to say for myself
I love him
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bunnykaye · 3 years
hello! i was wondering if you were to make a bridgerton!AoS au, who would be who? (ie elena as hyacinth or eloise?) ps, your work is literally amazing.
Thank you so much!!! 🥺🥺🥺 Also I apologize that my reply took quite a while! To be honest, I only finished ALL eight Bridgerton books like 2 weeks ago and I had to finish it first before making final decisions (I OVERTHOUGHT THIS SO MUCH RIP lol). 💀😅
Also, disclaimer: I based the Bridgerton characters and their AoS counterparts to the one which closely matches their personality, so I hope y'all won't be weirded out an AoS ship (I'm lmao-ing) are Bridgerton siblings ✌🏽
Coulson - Benedict
May - Lady Danbury
Daisy - Eloise
Fitz - Gregory (grown)
Simmons - Hyacinth
(I swear I have an excuse for this, Gregory and Hyacinth were considered as a duo bc they were the two youngest, and are closest to each other. So I believe that checks out lmao 😝)
Mack - Anthony
Yoyo - Kate
Deke - Gregory (young)
Hunter - Michael
Bobbi - Francesca
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reality-retold · 4 years
; thank you
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so. today’s the day when yoon doojoon finally blessed us with an album filled with only his voice and his voice only. who would’ve thought, huh?
i was about to write my thoughts about the album as a whole and also about each song, but then i read the translation of his latest IG post and i just... couldn’t.
idk how to best put this into words, but let’s just say... the things he said in that post hit a little too close to home and reminded me of something that happened to someone i knew just recently, and it wasn’t at all pleasant.
but. let’s not go there.
let’s not end the day with such a somber thought.
perhaps i’ll be back in a few days to once again try to gather my thoughts and write about DAYBREAK, but all can say for now is, thank you. 
thank you for this album, doojoon-ah. it’s something i’ll treasure, for sure :’)
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cherubemojie · 6 years
when my cousin went home she gave me the biggest hug she’s ever given me like she climbed into my lap to be able to hug me closer and nuzzled her head into my neck godddd it was the cutest thing i want a baby so much 😭
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bangtanfeet · 6 years
i....uh have a PhD...... (post hixtape depression)
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wangxianficrecs · 4 years
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag
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❤️ to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all
by Moominmammashandbag
M, 35k, wangxian
Summary:  "Lan WangJi is not sure he can bear meeting with a matchmaker yet again, but at the same time, if he wasn’t going to care deeply about the person he was going to marry, he could just as well have settled for Wei Wuxian six years ago ."
or, Lan WangJi goes to a Discussion Conference and his soulmate is there. His soulmate, whom he doesn't love.
My comments:  I loved this SO MUCH YDEK. It's a VERY fast read, and every single paragraph is delightful, and I'm feeling such simple joy over the ending that I could practically float.
In which lwj has been ignoring wwx for 6 years, but then encounters him (finally, after all that time) at Koi Tower quite nearly dead from soulmate deprivation and suddenly reevaluates his decisions. There's been a whole lot of gaslighting and misinformation and manipulation (and curses) going on, which is slowly uncovered; but meanwhile lwj simply retreats to Lotus Pier with his rediscovered soulmate, marries him the next morning, and settles in with his loving, boisterous and very protective family.
It's a delight, I tell you. I'm delighted. The dialogue is exquisite. The relationships are enchanting. I adore everyone in this fic (except for the bad guys). I almost want to go back to the beginning and read it again RIGHT NOW.
Excerpt 1:  “Sect Heir.”
Lan WangJi bows to Jiang Wanyin as deeply as he can while cradling his soulmate in his arms.
“I would seek your permission to be allowed to ask your head disciple to marry me.”
Wei Ying makes a confused murmur, his fingers clutching weakly at Lan Wangji’s wrist. Lan WangJi feels a few hopeful notes of inquiry drift through him.
Yes, he sends back, firmly. Yes. Yes. Wei Ying’s eyelids flutter.
“As soon as he regains consciousness.’ Lan WangJi adds, in case that wasn’t clear.
Excerpt 2:  “Brother.” he says.
“WangJi.” says his brother impatiently and takes a step forward. He waves his hand. “What has he done to you? Did he try to throttle you?”
Lan WangJi puts a hand protectively to his neck, and frowns. He tries to think of an acceptable euphemism.
“We consummated our marriage early.” he says. “Several times.” he adds, for the sake of accuracy. “Once in the bathtub.”
He wonders if he should warn his brother about the high risk of the bath tub breaking during such an endeavour. He is fairly sure the question will never arise. But, then again, what does he know about anything or anyone? He shrugs.
“The bathtub broke. They are not made very robustly.”
soulmates, humor, banter, fantastic dialogue, angst, sickfic, soulmate deprivation, bond rejection, sick wei wuxian, chronic illness, hanahaki disease, curses, family drama, brotherly feels, fluff, caretaking, family bonding, touch aversion, POV lan wangji, autistic coded character, lies and gaslighting, lan xichen is a bad brother, lan qiren is a good uncle, jiang cheng is a good brother, jiang yanli is an angry kitten, jin zixuan is Doing His Best, wedding, soulmate song, heartsong, family feels, feel good fic, comfort fic, accidental baby acquisition, (that’s A-Yuan), jiang siblings, favorite, @moominmammamia​​
(You may wish to REBLOG as a signal boost for this author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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