#i just wanted to write some taegi fluff
altvoid · 11 months
Role-play Ad for a Long-term Partner!
Hello! I’m looking to write with some new people! I’m 20, turning 21 soon so I would prefer that you're 19+
About my writing style / AU preferences.
My replies are typically 300-500 words, past-tense, third person. The length does depend on what the scene calls for, but yours don’t have to be as long as the content is good! (quality over quantity tbh)
I enjoy writing angst, victorian/historical*, dystopian*, action-adventure, or fantasy* AU's! (The ones with stars are my favorite!) I'm generally not into pure fluff/cliches, or slice of life, but I am very big on building with my partner so we can discuss it!
Some ships I write with:
Vmin, yoonkook, jikook*, taegi, taekook* and yoonmin* with me usually writing as yoongi, taehyung, and jungkook. Smut is appreciated, but it's not a must! I would prefer both characters be switches, however I don’t mind writing as a strict dom character if necessary for the rp.
Additional information + where to message me:
I’m a working college student, so I get a bit busy every now and then, but I do my best to update my partner of any schedule changes! Time zone isn’t important to me, but i’m CST just in case you wanted to know.
side note: I really like to befriend my writing partners and bond outside of our rp, but it’s not mandatory :)
I’m on kkt & discord, so if you’re interested please message here for my ID’s 🤍 I look forward to hearing from you!
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7ndipity · 3 months
Omg I only just saw your post asking for fics! I am Taegi trash so it'll be that. Also it'll be in ao3, cause thats really only where I read 😂
So these are some of my favourites.
Fluff and angst (this surprised me too, but it's honestly my comfort fic) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26028490/chapters/63292435
Fluff. Seriously so cute. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26041150
More fluff. Also funny. Deaf rep which is awesome. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26170840
I cannot not add this one. Its the very first bts fic I ever read. Its cute. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20176822/chapters/47804122
Also amazing. I think you never should've asked this because I will not stop. I have too many and I'm not even to my favourites yet. Blind rep which is also cool. Fluff and angst. Slow burn soulmate au - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12109173/chapters/27456411
Again. Amazing. Disabled person. Slow burn. Check the tags cause this one idiot doesn't like himself. Fluff and we'll mostly angst I think? Still cute tho. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18236501/chapters/43147451
Okay this one is different! It shocked me how much I liked this! Read the tags! Violence and blood and monsters. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/34719919/chapters/86447590
This is seriously getting way too long. I am so sorry. (I mean I'm not but it's nice to say)
Angst and sexiness. Seriously lots of sex. Basically porn but with a lot of plot! Bdsm, please read the tags! If I *could* choose a favourite fic, this one is definitely in the running for it. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15059120/chapters/34911437
Also a comfort fic. Really really cute. Like you're teeth are going to hurt. Also nsfw. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26183770
I hope there's no limit on asks on words or characters 😬
This one is also a favourite. It think we've finally gotten there 😂 fluff and angst and some smut. Abo au - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29268030/chapters/71872530
Amazing. Gay af. Multiple sexuality reps. Ace rep!! Poly. Awesomely writing. Fluff. Angst. Smut. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23674972/chapters/56835586
Tooth rotting fluff. Angst? Hurt/comfort. Don't know if that's the same as angst. Magic creatures. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24705697/chapters/59713543
This is one of my favourites. Amazing author. Also one of my favourite. Love them and I'm sooo excited everything they post something! Historical fantasy au. Harem. Disabled. Angst. Fluff. Check tags, there's blood and violence. This one has some of the best one liners ever. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26477401/chapters/64519822
Again a favourite. Abo au. Fluff and smut and angst. Slow burn. Check the tags, blood and violence. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26172610/chapters/63685945
Another favourite author of mine. Fluff. Smut. Lots of it. Stupid men in love. Oblivious af. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30873191/chapters/76228433
This is my all time comfort fic. Its so soft and cute and it just feels like a warm hug to me. It isn't. Angst. Depression. Please please please check the tags. Fluff. Magic. Poly! - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12297168/chapters/27954360
This is yoonmin but omg sooo cute. Fluff. Pining. Abo au. Lots and lots of cuddling. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25672453/chapters/62327929
Taekook! Sugar daddy & baby. Fluff. Smut. Just really cute. Lots of caring 🥰🥰 Tae is the boyfriend I want. He's great with the non sexual dominance. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/10282934/chapters/22761803
Another taekook. Cute af. Check the tags!! Depression. Fluff. Supernatural elements. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8279911/chapters/18967897
Omg girl, you just gave me like two weeks worth of fics!?😭💜😭 Thank you!!😭
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ffion451 · 2 years
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@moonleeai - thank you for being so kind about this chapter! I’m going to answer your notes in this post because it’s easier to reply this way!
If you’re reading this and you haven’t read Diving Ch12 - spoilers follow!
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I am ready!
So Taegi and Hari - I am so glad you brought this up! I wanted people to feel about her like I do, though I can’t control that obviously, but I think she’s worthy of our sympathy but not really worth liking! In short, she’s done some stupid stuff because she’s in pain and she’s worthy of pity, but she’s still really quite selfish and unpleasant, so yeah, she can happily watch dramas in bed with a cup of tea without a second thought about what might have happened to Bertie… she’s not a good person!
I’m glad the bit with the cliff came out ok; I was worried because I’m not good at writing action so I thought it might fall apart! Hobi and wifey are badass - they’re the benchmark for healthy relationships in the story (you have no idea how much I wish I’d named her in Salt and Sway…) You know how I feel about dogs so Bertie simply had to survive! Finally, OC and JK - to my mind they’ve fallen fast because they’re emotionally in the same place: both of them have all this love to give and both are lonely and want love… that’s sort of drawn them together. Will it last? We’ll have to wait and see!
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Thank you times 1000 for mentioning my imagery! I really agonise over these and so it it just the best feeling when someone mentions it 😊
JK and OC - ugh, I’ve made them too sweet and expect I’ll have to include some fluff in a chapter ahead… I’m terrible at writing it though so that’ll be a challenge 🙄 They’re definitely more than half way to being in love… I hope some demented writer doesn’t come along and eff everything up for them 🫣😬🙃
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Ok, TMI, but when I read this I made a ‘sqqqqqqquuuuuuueeeeeeeee’ sort of noise, to many the sound of a startled pig, but, worryingly, the sound I make when I’m really thrilled/excited… thank you for being so kind!
I’ll do my best not to cause much more heart break!
Thanks for reading and thank you so, so much for your comments and feedback. I have a tiny readership and it’s mostly silent so this just means everything to me. Thank you 🙂
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jungmoseok · 6 years
zero plot taegi shitpost (literally nothing happens, just posting it for funsies, can ignore this 😂)
I intended on writing a short, cute ‘lil warmup fic to prepare to start other fics. but that warmup turned into over 800 words. and that warmup took way longer than I planned 😭😭 so, I’m just gonna leave this here. fr, this is some low quality fic. it was a warMUP DON’T JUDGE ME. I just thought it’d be funny to show my writing process at 3am when I have no idea what I’m doing. this is how 99% of my stuff comes out. 😂😂)
The piquant aroma of jasmine and dandelions envelopes the small kitchen in a somnolent warmth.
Jin’s eyes gleam with an adoring firelight at the sight of his husband timorously fiddling with the shrieking kettle.
Taehyung’s apprehension towards the contraption is pacified by a familiar touch smoothing over his shoulders.
Jin glides his palms to the small of Taehyung’s back and rests his hands between the dips of his waist. His waist is broader— thicker— since their wedding day.
The older man slinks his arms around the front of Taehyung’s cushiony middle. He circumspectly squeezes the pudge.
A valiant smirk teases at Jin’s lips.
“You are divine”, he professes, “and, that’s the tea”.
Taehyung lets out a duck-like wheeze at the audacious quip. Jin finds it one of the most mellifluous dins in the universe. The younger divulges a brilliant box smile, big rounded cheeks and dimples revealed.
“Jin”, Taehyung gasps as he struggles to overcomes his rash of giggling, “I swear to god: I will punch you in the face”.
“Speaking of god,” Jin snappily muses, causing Taehyung to break into another fit of laughter, “I can’t decide rather you’re more seraphic or cherubic”.
Taehyung snorts then lets out an interminable groan. He’s hushed by a pair of plump lips that crash into his own.
Jin’s osculation is always lavish— occasionally excessive— just how the younger savors it. When they separate, their starry-eyed gazes are mirrored.
Their entire being radiating the same scorching vehemence they held when they eloped years ago.
Taehyung returns Jin’s affection with languid touches. He holds his waist and presses his plump belly against the concave shape of Jin’s abdomen.
Jin lets out a muffled moan. The younger man slides his hands down to the space right above the older’s crotch.
His fingers play with the hem of Jin’s joggers before scantily tugging the fabric. Jin instinctively gropes one of Taehyung’s pillowy love handles, earning a shy gasp.
“In the kitchen?”, Jin teases, “not exactly the most romantic place for a celebratory rendezvous”.
Taehyung chuckles delightedly. His glee suddenly fades. He clears his throat— once, twice— still just as dry.
“You know what else the kitchen isn’t exactly the most romantic place for?”
Jin looks throughly perturbed at the abrupt change in mood, “What?”
Taehyung swallows again, hoping third time’s a charm. He can feel Jin’s rapid heartbeat pounding against his soft chest.
The younger man speaks slowly, plucking words from memory as he utters: “Telling you that KAS called earlier and said that we could bring little Jungkook home in a few months”.
Jin’s eyes are comically wide and his mouth hangs agape. Taehyung pulls a sour face and winces, assuming he said
something wrong.
The older man frantically shakes his head at the anxious expression, still too dumbfounded to form simple speech.
“We can—“
“Potentially”, Taehyung asserts, pointing a finger.
“But we’re—“
“Poten— Jinnie!” Jin briskly scoops up Taehyung in his arms and kisses him hard. The younger beams then whines when Jin cradles him bridal style.
He petulantly swats at Jin’s broad chest, face flushing pink, “Stop that, I’m too heavy for this, now”.
Jin only rolls his eyes and pecks Taehyung’s lips once more, “Gotta practice carrying around a kid, Tae”.
Taehyung scoffs, fabricating offense, “I weigh way more than a kid, Jin. Like, the weight of at least fifteen children is going to break your arms in a second, so put me—“
“You’re a big baby”, Jin murmurs endearingly.
Taehyung shoots the older a blank expression— was he even listening?
Taehyung sighs then smiles jadedly, knowingly. He strokes Jin’s cheek, “Love you”.
“Love you,” Jin responds, not even after a beat.
“Happy five year anniversary. Sorry I couldn’t get you anything—“
Jin interrupts, wildly astonished at the younger man’s words, “you got us a child, Tae. We get a kid. You made me a parent. And, I promise I’ll be the best dad, okay? I—“
“Hey, slow down,” Taehyung urges softly, “it’s not even a guaranteed thing yet. But, we’ve been talking about it for so long and the entire process takes so long. And, I feel ready, you feel ready—right? Because if you changed your mind then that’s fine, but I just—“
“Hey, Tae, you slow down, too. We’ll be the best parents. And, you’re the best gift I could ever get”.
Taehyung scoffs playfully, “Your gift doesn’t appreciate your cheesiness”.
“My gift is going to appreciate my gift very much”, Jin utters through a smirk.
“Oh, I think the gift of life and family is a little more meaningful than— ah!”
Taehyung reflexively yipes at Jin groping the underside of his plush thigh.
“I blew my whole bonus on a holiday to Europe— happy?” Jin whispers into the younger’s ear.
“Do you still have that extra money to decorate Jungkookie’s nursery?” Taehyung asks, imitating the same whisper.
Jin chuckles then nods.
“Very happy”, Taehyung ripostes, “happy five year anniversary, Jinnie”.
They share one last benevolent kiss before Jin practically races to their bedroom, big baby Taehyung in arms.
Taehyung trudges— practically limps— his way into the pitch black kitchen— he knows he smelled something strange. His husband is just an idiot who apparently doesn’t have the ability to smell. Taehyung sniffs the unexpectedly thick air. Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Jin, we might have to cancel both gifts— I’m an idiot who nearly killed us both”, Taehyung panickedly calls to his more than half-asleep husband.
“What?” Jin groggily yells back.
“I left the kettle on—fuck!”
“Are you sure?” Jin calls from the bedroom.
The fire alarm blares.
“Pretty sure, Jin!” Taehyung shouts.
“Happy five year anniversary, my ass”, he mutters to himself and scrubs a palm over his face.
(I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to insert one of those ‘keep reading’ htmls 😭😭 pls help my dumbass. also I promise I’m working on requests!! 😭💕)
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venusain · 2 years
Role-play Ad for a Long-term Partner!
Hello! another member x member RP ad because I’m looking to write with some new people! I’m turning 20 soon so I would prefer that you're 19+
About my writing style / AU preferences.
My replies are typically 300-500 words, past-tense, third person. The length does depend on what the scene calls for, but yours don’t have to be as long as the content is good! (quality over quantity tbh)
I enjoy writing angst, victorian/historical*, dystopian*, action-adventure, or fantasy* AU's! (The ones with stars are my favorite!) I'm generally not into pure fluff/cliches, but I am very big on building with my partner so we can discuss it!
Some ships I write with:
Vmin, yoonkook*, jikook, taegi*, taekook* and yoonmin with me usually writing as yoongi, taehyung, and jungkook. Smut is appreciated, but it's not a must! I would prefer both characters be switches, however I don’t mind writing as a strict dom character if necessary for the rp.
Additional information + where to message me:
I’m a working college student, so I get a bit busy every now and then, but I do my best to update my partner of any schedule changes! Time zone isn’t important to me, but i’m CST just in case you wanted to know.
side note: I really like to befriend my writing partners and bond outside of our rp, but it’s not mandatory :)
I’m on kkt & discord, so if you’re interested please message here for my ID’s 🤍 I look forward to hearing from you!
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storm-in-a-glass · 2 years
Hello, sunshines! I came here today to promote my newest Taegi ff 💜
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Title: tis the damn season (i'll be yours for the weekend)
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationships: Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | SugaJeon Jungkook/Park JiminJung Hoseok | J-Hope/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Original Female Character(s), Park Bogum, Min Yoongi | Suga's Parents
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Light Angst with a Little Bit of Fluff, Post-Break Up, Kinda, Getting Back Together, Kim Taehyung | V is a Sweetheart, Min Yoongi | Suga is Bad at Feelings, like so bad, Photographer Kim Taehyung | V, Producer Min Yoongi | Suga, Childhood Friends turned Lovers turned Strangers turned Friends turned Lovers, Protective Park Jimin (BTS), We Believe in Vimin Supremacy in This Household, side jikook - Freeform, Growing Up and Growing Apart, Coming of Age, Plot is Basically a Christmas Hallmark Movie but I Tried to Make it Good, It's Been 84 Years Since Author Started to Write This, Christmas Gift for My Soulmate, Yes The Author is Obsessed with Taylor Swift How Can You Tell, Song: 'tis the damn season (Taylor Swift)
Language: English
They’re laughing again and it’s so easy – all of their weird, peculiar awkwardness vanished at some point of the night (maybe just after the fourth drink) and it’s good. It’s the best Yoongi has felt in a long time. He’s looking at Tae, who returns the gaze all pretty and hot, with long lashes that put a shadow over his starry eyes and Yoongi wants to kiss him so badly, he can almost feel his lips itching to do that. But he can’t. He has no right.
He’s crumbling once again.
“Your laugh is the same” the younger whispers. “You seem like you haven’t changed, yet at the same time you feel completely different, you know? But your laugh is the same.”
Yoongi comes back for Christmas and runs into the boy whose heart he broke seven years ago.
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pars-ley · 3 years
Sugar and Spice
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Pairing: Yoongi x Taehyung
Summary: The aftermath of a chaotic house party may be the worst and best thing Yoongi could come home to, with a meddling Jimin to thank.
Genre: mxm / friends to lovers / roommates to lovers / drabble / fluff / angst / house party
Rating: 15 (SFW)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: One little bit of explicit language / Angsty and insecure thoughts from Yoongi / Mentions of alcohol and effects of alcohol / mention of strangulation but not seriously.
A/N: Happy birthday Dean! This is for the top secret birthday project for @eternalseokjin​ birthday. I used all the squares on my bingo card too, which were ; Taegi, chaos, pumpkin pie, vodka, cats, Jimin, roommates, angst and fluff. This is my first mxm fic, sorry if it's terrible. I actually enjoyed writing this more than I thought I would. As always thank you to @wheresmymoniat for coaching me on this and helping me approach this new challenge.
Yoongi steps into his apartment, the smell of food, sweat and perfume greeting him, as well as something else, something more unpleasant but he pushes it aside as the music thumping low in the background distracts him. 
His eyes rake over the bodies strewn across the furniture and floor. He drops his bag out of his grip, a thud as it hits nearly the only part of flooring that's visible. 
As he steps over limp limbs and unconscious heads he scans the mess of the kitchen. Various liquids spilt on the counters make his blood boil. 
Goddammit Jimin! He thinks.
He meets eyes with someone who lifts their face out of-what looks to be a half eaten pumpkin pie-long enough to nod in his direction before slamming themselves back into it, attacking it like a ravenous dog. 
He walks quickly past them and into the living area, spotting Jimin a mile off. Head slouched against the back of the couch, mouth gaped open, snoring like a wild animal.
Yoongi heads towards him, stepping in something wet, he looks down and sees a big, black patch on the grey carpet, the smell of vodka hitting and burning his nose instantly. 
Yoongi storms over to Jimin, kicking his foot with controlled anger and enough force to send him jolting awake.
"Huh, what?" He looks around, hazy eyed before finally resting on Yoongi. An audible gulp fills the room. He scours the room, processing the devastation.
"You weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow." Jimin squeaks out. 
"Oh I'm sorry, how inconvenient of me." Yoongi snarls through gritted teeth.
Jimin throws up his hands, palms up in surrender, stands and starts climbing backwards over the sofa, creating some distance between the two of them. Trying to avoid having his neck squeezed by the hands of the angry man, no doubt.
A small black object jumping near Yoongi diverts his attention for a moment, his head snapping in its direction, only for his eyes to bulge at the sight of the danity cat, climbing over people in his direction.
"What the fuck is that?" Yoongi asks, voice low and dangerous.
"Huh, it's a-a cat Yoongi."
His eyes narrow at him. "I can see that. What is it doing in my HOUSE?" He bellows out, awakening the senseless bodies around him with a start.
Jimin jumps, still backing up. "Um, you know I-I'm not t-too sure about that." Yoongi stalks towards him, the urge to smack some sense into his thick head almost overpowering his self control. "Get these people out of my house...now!"
A sea of hurried footsteps parade out of the front door, Jimin frantically waking the others that did not stir and ushering them out.
Yoongi's eyes search for him. Their other roommate. Where one is, the other is usually not far behind. So it surprises him when he doesn't see Taehyung somewhere in Jimin's vicinity. 
He heads to his bedroom, not bothering to knock and barges in, veins full of incensed flames, more than ready to unleash on him too. He's stopped in his tracks, flames extinguished and freezing to icicles, spearing him from the inside.
Taehyung's arm wrapped around some guy's waist, after a night of doing god knows what, as they lay together, spooned in comfort. 
An unwarranted, jealous rage lights the fire in Yoongi's heart instead, consuming him with emblazoned rage and singeing the edges of any hope he had of Taehyung seeing him in the same possible light he saw him. 
He scoffs at himself. The perfection that he is seeing Yoongi as anything other than ordinary, angry, miserable, would be a miracle. 
He lights up a room just by entering it, has eyes on him instantly; eyes full of desire, adoration and it's understandable. Why would someone as beautiful as him want anything to do with someone like Yoongi?
As if hearing his thundering heart roaring into the heavy silence of his occupied bedroom, Taehyung's head lifts in his direction.
"Yoongi, you're back early." He beams at him and it isn't fair, that perfect boxy grin making his heart flutter amidst the envious agony bleeding from every part of him.
Hearing muted voices behind Yoongi, his smile falters. "Oh. Sorry about Jimin, I tried to reign him in but you know how he gets."
Yoongi can't blame him for this mess, not at all, just hearing how his voice drips with sincerity makes him weaker for Taehyung.
He turns away slamming Taehyung's door without saying another word. Regret fills Yoongi instantly, making his stomach churn and ache with guilt. 
Taehyung doesn't deserve that, but he can't trust himself to speak right now.
"Tae didn't have anything to do with this Yoongi, please, don't be mad at him." Jimin pleads.
Yoongi heads straight for the front door, following the row of strangers exiting his domain. The place he couldn't bear to be with Taehyung and his new fling under the same roof. 
"I know." he bites back. "Clean this shit up before I'm back."
The echoing slam of his door vibrates behind him, as he pushes past the zombie-like crowd to get out of the building as fast as he can. 
A drink will calm him down, the burn making him forget the pain and hoping for the numbness to overtake his mind and dull the constant strum of insecure thoughts circling his brain like hungry sharks.
He downs the drain of his second drink, staring at the bottom of the glass like it holds all the answers, his own personal crystal ball.
Ignoring the chatter surrounding him, he slides the empty glass in front of him and taps it when the bartender comes over. 
The sound of the liquid filling it brings him some kind of comfort. 
He notices someone occupy the seat next to him, but his eyes stay fixed on his glass as he pulls it back to himself, cradling it like his most precious possession. Like the 'one ring', enough to rule over him in his darkness and bind him to it permanently. 
"I'll have the same as him." The voice next to him sounds and he recognizes it instantly. Heat rushes to his cheeks and he angles his face away from him to protect what dignity he has left.
"Yoongi, can we talk?" Taehyung's deep, silky drawl is enough to put his heart into overdrive. Taehyung manages to turn him into a shy, lovesick school boy.
"A-about what?" he stutters out, speaking fast as if words leaving his mouth quicker would make him less affected by Taehyung.
"About me...and you." 
Yoongi frowns and finally meets his eyes, a question burning behind his with a ferocity that could take down an entire forest.
"What do you mean?" He asks, struggling to focus over the pounding in his ears making it hard to think. The possibility in his words, although unlikely, still had him balancing on a knife's edge.
"I think you know, Yoongi. When are you going to stop pretending with me?" He turns to him, knees millimetres away from each others , Yoongi could feel the heat from Taehyung's skin through his jeans.
"When are you going to stop lying to yourself and open your eyes? Because if you did, you might find someone here waiting for you to make a decision on what you want."
Yoongi blinks across at him. Taehyung's words frantically roll about in his head as he desperately searches his eyes for meaning. Could Taehyung mean what he thinks he does?
No, how could he? Why would he ever look twice? Yoongi is completely his opposite in most ways. Taehyung's breathtaking and confident, fashionable and playful. Yoongi's just ordinary and introverted, simple and serious. He is not made for him. He deserves more.
"Yoongi, are you hearing me?" He snaps him out of his despairing thoughts.
"I'm...not sure what you mean."
Taehyung sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Jimin told me. Just now. He told me how you feel about me,  how you've felt for a while."
Embarrassment sets fire to Yoongi's face and to accompany it a fresh wave of rage at Jimin. "I'll kill him." He says with gritted teeth, sliding his stool from the bar and standing.
Taehyung's hands are on him instantly. "Sit down Yoongi." He pushes the shorter man back down and he folds underneath Taehyung's touch. If he was honest with himself, he could bend Yoongi to his will, whatever it was and he would obey.
"I'm glad he told me because let's face it, you wouldn't have any time soon."
Yoongi looks back at his drink, angry hands clasping it once again. "Why would I tell you?" He grumbles, "it's my dignity on the line, not yours."
"What makes you say that?"
Yoongi scoffs and downs the dark liquid in one shot, chucking it to the back of his throat,  relishing the way it burns and gives him confidence. "Why would you ever want me?" He laughs, the thought sounding crazier out loud than it does in his mind.
The silence stretches on until he can't help but glance up at Taehyung, to see his eyes wide underneath a furrowed brow. "Yoongi, are you so blind that you can't see?"
"See what?"
Taehyung places a hand on his, the action sending Yoongi's heart into overdrive. "I have yearned for this moment for so long but never did I think this would be what would leave your mouth." 
He frowns across at Taehyung, his response bewildering him completely. How could it not be obvious what Yoongi means?
"Why, I'm just being honest?" 
He shakes his head in dismay. "No you are not. It should be me saying that, not you. You know, I have felt for you for so long but I never spoke up because how could you be interested in me?"
Yoongi's mind stops. A laugh echoes in his head and turns manic. What is this guy on? Is this some kind of joke him and Jimin have orchestrated?
"Yoongi, you're so driven and hardworking and mature. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, while eating cereal out the box and drinking milk from the carton, which I know you hate." Taehyung smiles apologetically, the sight melts his insides into a puddle of liquid love. Who needs organs anyway when he's looking at him that way?
"I feel like I'm such a mess compared to you. You're so put together and I'm just drifting along."
The sadness in his eyes haunts Yoongi and hurts his heart. How dare he think this about himself?
"Hey, hey," he tugs Taehyung's hand towards him until he meets his eyes again. "Don't talk about yourself like that. You're smart and have a long list of talents, once you know what you want to do, they'll be no stopping you. You can achieve great things, I know it."
"You always see the good in me Yoongi, thank you."
"That's because there's so much to see." Yoongi replies.
"Not just in me." Taehyung raises an eyebrow at him and he scoffs again. "Don't do that." He scolds.
Yoongi can't help the laugh that escapes him and Taehyung joins in.
"So, you kinda like me huh?" He teases.
Yoongi tries to fight the smile that pulls at his mouth but fails. "Kinda." 
Taehyung beams at him, grabbing him by the collar and pulling Yoongi against him. 
Their lips crash together in a moment Yoongi has only dreamt about numerous times. It's everything he thought it would be, Taehyung's soft velvety lips moulding against Yoongi's as if they fit perfectly, as if they should have been there all along. 
The smaller man winds his arms around the taller man's neck and pulls him further to him.
Their mouths dance passionately until they're both gasping for breath and have to break away for air.
"Wow, I should have taken charge ages ago." Taehyung says, eyes sparkling with mischief as his blown out pupils pierce into Yoongi's.
"Let's get something straight, Tae, that conversation is the only time you'll be taking charge." His hand squeezes Taehyung's leg as he watches his teeth rake over his bottom lip, the sight both mesmerising and torturing.
Taehyung leans forward and whispers in his ear, "make me yours, Yoongi."
He needs no other words as he stands and leaves the bar, pulling Taehyung along with him. Ready to live out his fantasy and his life with the man he's desired for so long.
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daydream-hobii · 5 years
Routine | Poly!TaeGi | Part 1
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Genre: Hybrid!AU; Angst with some Fluff
Pairing: Yoongi x Taehyung x BassetHound!Reader
Summary: You were used to the routine you had: beating, cleaning, beating, bed. It was your life for months, almost a year. You became almost numb to the pain, but never the fear. You constantly lived in fear, and when your Master changed your routine, you felt almost hopeful, until you realized his motive. That’s when you met two men, who would save you from your horrible routine.
Warning: Mentions of Abuse(Physical&Emotional), Sexual Assault, Depression, and Anxiety; Read with Caution~ <3
Word Count: 1,355
// Part 2 [FINAL??] //
Author’s Note: Thanks for the request!! Writing Angsty pieces is always so therapeutic to me, just because it relieves some of my own turmoil. This will also be a Parter, because I just have too many ideas! I hope you like it!! ^_^ @missyoueverysingleday
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        Life became a routine. There was no living, no happiness, just constant fear and numbness. Your Master would leave at eight in the morning, not before he woke up and beat you for making the eggs wrong - you always made the eggs wrong - then he’d be gone for eight hours, but not without turning the cameras on, which he could watch from his phone. You’d clean the entire house on your hands and knees, then, around five, he’d return home just to continue screaming and hurting you.
        When he was out of the house, even with the cameras on you, that was your favorite time of the day. The peace and quiet, no fear of getting hit or talked down to… it was nice… then that world you created would shatter as soon as he walked through the door, his loud boots stomping towards you. He’d grab your hair and throw you down, scratching your ear in the process, making it bleed.
        He’d tell you everything he hated about you: from your human to your animal side. You were a basset hound hybrid, which meant you had long brown ears that reached the middle of your neck and a thin tail that had a white tip. You had stretch marks across your thighs and stomach, your arms having small ones too. Basset hounds normally have wrinkles, but as a human, you got stretch marks in replacement. You did have a longer face, however, and your Master always made sure you knew all of these traits were bad.
        This was the routine: he beats you, leaves for work, watches the cameras, then comes home to beat you some more. Pain just became a thought after a while, you’d been so used to it by now, there was just a numbness to your soul. Fear was still there, however. You never knew what abuse you would go through in the day… you've been through all of it, every kind…. You didn’t know anything else.
        One day, as you were cleaning the kitchen, your Master came home early, making you wide eyed and tremble - this wasn’t part of your routine. Once he saw you shaking and staring, he backhanded you, making you yelp silently. You cursed at your sound, because he just hit you again.
        There were no words between the two of you, just actions. He went and grabbed your leash and collar, making you surprised. Your collar was a choke collar, which was meant to keep a hybrid from pulling, but he used it for pain. He put it on you, dragging you outside.
        There was excitement in your heart, your tail wanting to wag, but you wouldn’t let it. You were worried he’d take you back inside. You hadn’t been outside in months, or was it a year? What day was it? The warm sun made your skin tingle and, for the first time in months, you felt something other than numbness. 
        He put you into the back seat of his trashy car, getting in and driving. You watched out the window in wonder. Everything looked so different since the last time you were outside. The drive felt all too short and, when he parked his car, he dragged you out. It was a strip mall type place, everyone looking clean and fancy while you just had ragged clothes on, dirt covering you. You felt embarrassed, which is something you felt every now and then.
        Everyone stared, grimacing at you, which made you thought it was about your looks, but really, it was your owner they were wincing at. You didn’t know any better, you thought everyone felt the same way about you as your Master did. He sat you on the bench, making you look at him curiously. That’s when he started offering you away…. You didn’t understand what he was offering, but it didn’t sound nice. Maybe he was trying to sell you away? The thought of a new family raised your hopes.
        That day, no one got you. You still had no idea what he was offering you for, but when you got home, he beat you. It was the worst he’s ever done. There were bruises all over your face and body, bottom of your long ear slightly ripped. This was your new routine, and each day, no one wanted you… until they did.
        That day, a man was looking at you and was holding money. Hope ran through your veins, making you sit up slightly. Your tail was wagging, you were getting adopted! Out of that hell hole!... until you sniffed the air. His smell was musky and he had hungry eyes, making you shiver from fear. Your eyes widened at your Master, who took the money. You had a feeling that this new man wasn’t going to be your owner… you would go home to the same life after this….
        You slammed your eyes shut, whimpering softly as your Master handed over the leash, making the new man tug. You grit your teeth, still sitting, making the new man upset. Just as your Master grabbed your hair to pull you up, there was a voice.
        “Hey!” A new man was in the picture. This was someone who was clean, with brown hair. He had on a blue headband and his face was furious, almost scary, but his scent revealed something else. 
        He smelled kind, almost concerned, for you, but you didn’t know what that was. He just had a sweet scent, making you feel light and warm. Your Master gripped your hair tighter, making you release the bench to hold his wrist, trying to relieve some pain. This new, sweet man reached in his pocket, taking out his wallet. He had a lot of cash, making you frown. He was buying you too.
        “Wait your turn, buddy,” The first man growled, making your Master smirk at the money.
        “I’ll pay double right now,” The sweet man said, staring hard. “I want to buy your hybrid.”
        “Oh, you’ll get your turn,” Your Master said, looking like he had heart eyes at the cash.
        “No, he wants to adopt your hybrid,” Another man came over. At this point, the man who originally paid money snatched his money back and walked away frustrated.
        This new man was ethereal, a beauty you’d never seen before. He had blonde hair that looked a bit unkempt, but still looked gorgeous. He was much taller than the sweet smelling man, and was wearing a black headband with a pair of glasses resting on them. He looked just as scary as the first one, but he had a more calm scent. There was a sweet smell like the first, but his was a bit more tangy, spicy even.
        “She’s not for sale,” Your Master said, gritting his teeth.
        “You were just selling her!” The blonde man exclaimed, frustrated.
        “Listen, this isn’t us asking,” The brown haired man growled, shoving some cash towards him. “This is all the money we have on us, I’m sure it’s enough.”
        Your Master thought for a moment, staring at the large amount of money. He looked at you, before nodding and smirking. He loosened your hair, making your hands drop as you sighed in relief. The brown haired man watched him walk away, looking more threatening, while the blonde leaned down in front of you, making you stare.
        “Hi,” He said, gently. He had on a small, patient smile, making you move your head to the side, large ears flopping along. “I’m Taehyung. This is my boyfriend, Yoongi.” You looked at the brown haired man, who turned to you and instantly softened. You nodded you head in hello, not speaking. You were so used to staying silent, for your Master.
        “We’re going to take you to our home, alright?” Yoongi said, frowning as you looked nervous. “We’ll get you cleaned up… get some medicine.”
        “You’re not going to be in pain ever again…” Taehyung whispered, staring at you. You moved your head to the side, almost cockily. You didn’t show any emotion, but you thought you’ll believe it when you see it.
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biaswreckmepls · 5 years
hello! ^-^ can you rec some fics (maybe longer ones, like 10k+ if thats okay but i love anything) that are well written? some of them have amazing storyline and characters but the bad grammar throws me off :/ thank you, your blog is amazing *-*
I need y’all to know, y’all have to know, that i’ll never rec anything I won’t personally read (aka something that’s well written)
As much as I love reading the quick one-shots, lately i’ve really been into reading the longer fics that are just *clenches fist* so good. So as y’all might have seen, I’m still deciding whether I want to go back and start tagging all my posts with word count brackets, but as of now I don’t have a specific tag for longer fics. 
In the meantime, why don’t you check this out for longer fics, and then i’ll just add a few new ones, maybe one for each pairing if I can find. I have tons and tons of longers fics waiting in my pocket, and there are always more in my queue, so keep an eye out!
Long Fics (10K+) with a Happy Ending
Cuffed by chahans (Yoonkook, Fake Boyfriend AU, 9 Chapters, M, 44K, Yoongi needs a boyfriend for cuffing season, and Jungkook may be the perfect cuff, crack and angst)
Mono No Aware by eumorious (Jikook, Break Up AU, Model AU, Photography AU, 10 Chapters, E, 100K, It’s been a few years since Jimin and Jungkook have divorced and they haven’t seen each other since, until Jimin is the new model on set and Jungkook the photographer, angst)
bunny ears by goldenhearts (Jinkook, Magic AU, One-shot, T, 11K, Jungkook keeps turning into a bunny and the only other potion master who can help him is the cute neighboring rival Jin, crack and fluff)
all of you, all of me by conclusions (introductions) (Taekook, College AU, One-shot, T, 24K, Jungkook doesn’t fall in love and Tae falls in love too easily, and of course they find each other, angst)
Sweet Like Silicon by GinForInk (Namkook, Band AU, One-shot, E, 15K, Namjoon writes lyrics for a neighborhood band whose lead singer is always sucking a lollipop, smut)
stitch me up (you’re so pretty) by jjks (Junghope, Highschool AU, Embroidery AU, One-shot, T, 10K, Jungkook has an accident and can’t play sports for a while with a cast on his leg, so he decides to join an embroidery club to pass the time, he doesn’t expect the teacher to be a hot young guy, fluff)
i’d take my heart clean apart (if it helps yours beat) by waterandsilver (Yoonmin, Tattoo Artist AU, Homeless AU, One-shot, E, 17K, Yoongi needs a body to practice tattooing on and Jimin is the willing homeless guy who lives in the alley behind the tattoo parlor, angst)
Pretty in Pink by Profound_Felicity (Namjin, College AU, 14 Chapters, E, 67K, Jin is a walking contradiction, a big muscular man who enjoys pastel fashion and runs an LGBT blog, who falls for the exact opposite of him, an underground rapper, angst)
it’s gettin’ hard (this holding back) by raviolijouster (Vmon, Yoga AU, One-shot, M, 10K, Tae is determined to seduce the hot Hot Yoga instructor, and his plan is to wear leggings)
Burns Blue by themarmalade (Minjoon, Country Club AU, Magic AU, Magical Realism AU, Telepathy AU, One-shot, M, 15K, Jimin can read minds around him but tries hard not to, his new co-worker Namjoon definitely thinks about him though, angst)
limerence. by hopespiration (Yoonseok, College AU, Artist AU, 6 Chapters, T, 33K, Yoongi needs a nude model for his art and Hoseok needs the money, they don’t expect to find each other at the end of it all, angst)
One Less Stranger by chlexcer (Yoonjin, Guesthouse AU, One-shot, T, 20K, Yoongi has just come to Seoul from Daegu to look for a job, and he stays at Jin’s guesthouse till then)
ship to wreck by knth (Vmin, Halloween (Party) AU, One-shot, E, 10K, Tae comes dressed as an anime character to a halloween party, and is searching for the guy who’s dressed as his character’s counterpart, smut)
that which runs deep in my heart by airplanewishes (Taegi, College AU, One-shot, T, 16K, Tae and Yoongi are in a secret relationship but both thinks the other wanted to keep it secret, angst)
what rhymes with pug me by sequoiasem (Sugamon, Canonverse, One-shot, T, 62K, Yoongi and Joon share a sweater over the years, the sweater is a metaphor for their growing feelings, fluff)
when the moon rises by niveuos (Namseok, College AU, Roommates AU, One-shot, M, 22K, Joon makes out with his college roommate/best friend/long time crush when they’re both drunk, and then they both think the other regrets it so they avoid talking about it, angst)
In the quiet like this by ppphonology (2seok, Highschool AU, Library AU, Growing Up Together AU, Neighbors AU, One-shot, G, 20K, Jin and Hobi grew up together in the same neighborhood but they never interacted, until highschool when Hobi came in regularly to the library where Jin worked)
still waiting on your sunshine by airplanewishes (Jihope, Break Up AU, Dance AU, 27 Chapters, T, 55K, Jimin and Hobi were in love with each other but they had a big fight and broke up, and it broke both of their hearts, years later they bump into each other and have to face their past and each other)
something was bound to go right sometime today by roommate (Jinmin, Coffee Shop AU, Rivals AU, 3 Chapters, M, 91K, Jin owns an ‘elitist’ coffee shop with his bestie Yoongi, and he realises that the reason he’s been getting fewer customers lately is because there’s a new coffee shop around the corner, Jin goes over ‘incognito’ to spy and investigate, but he doesn’t plan on falling for the cute barista owner Jimin, slooooow burn)
Okay uhhhhhhh I swear I didn’t plan for this (☉_☉)
if anyone bothered to count, there are i think 19 fics on this masterlist *whew* I have no clue what i’m gonna tag this post as
Happy Reading!
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minyoongisjiminie · 5 years
“I want to make you mine” (myg+kth)
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(gif credit: @calicomewmew)
ship: yoongi x taehyung (taegi)
genre: fluff
disclaimer: none :)
synopsis: taehyung and yoongi are best friends, sharing a strong bond for several years. taehyung is a passionate photographer who puts his emotions into his work, always having his muse right by his side.. 
inspiration: this really damn cute edit i saw on insta :( + scenery by tae
a/n: yea, so basically i’m in love with all kinds of bts ships :( and these two make me so soft istg it’s nearly impossible to make me go uwu but these two literally made me insane :’( so I listened to scenery and I had this cute little idea in my mind: hopefully you’ll enjoy reading it, as much as i loved writing it
word count: 1,5k
Before both of the boys left their home they double checked if the weather was really as grey and windy as their phones predicted. Taehyung assured his friend that it was indeed really important for him to have a more triste and sad surrounding for his pictures, rather than a more colorful bright weather.
“yaaaaah.. dude you’re so weird! who the fuck goes to take pictures when it looks like that?” Yoongi widely opened his eyes and made a gesture with his hand showing the big balcony glass door that showed the sad outside view. He sighed as he realised that his younger friend didn’t seem to care about his words at all. “Are you even listening to me…” He said while pouting, keeping his glance at the wooden floor.
Taehyung held his camera in his hand, checked once again if he charged it fully and if the camera is well adjusted for the plans he had in mind. He carefully took a look at the tiny yoongi that was wrapping himself up in thick clothes so he wouldn’t catch a cold. He smiled to himself, keeping the secrets once again from yoongi, trying to not even dare to tell him that he was the only reason he wanted to go on a sudden shooting outside in the woods. 
Even though both were complete opposites of each other, they were still inseparable. Of course it was undenieable that little fights now and then couldn’t be prevented. But his love for yoongi was something.. else. Just now in this moment, his older friend didn’t know that taehyung had these kinds of feelings for him. However, Taehyung did not have the plan to letting him know any time soon. 
“Come on! It’s going to be just fine! I promise!” Taehyung finally breaks the silence, showing off his pearly teeth and his lips forming into his famous boxy smile. 
“Ahh.. it’s so windy!!!” 
Yoongi’s hair kept getting messy, due to the strong wind that started to blow around through the forest. His face was buried in the scarf and his small eyes looked tired. He was trampling behind his taller friend and put his hands in his jacket pockets. Even though he loved his friend, he sometimes had the urge to just push him into the next possible stack of loaf. What was he even doing here? He had no business here, and literally could spend his time wisely. But everytime Tae looked at him with a questioning stare, whenever he would ask if he would loved to join him during random shoots like that, his heart just couldn’t say no. Even though he knew that Taehyung would understand if he would decline any time soon. 
“Ahh.. isn’t this beautiful?” Taehyung said, while aiming the camera at some tree bracnhes and flowers. Yoongi just rolled his eyes as reply and went further on the path they were following. “Dude.. are you mad?” Taehyung finally broke the awkward atmosphere both were into. “Nah.. it’s just.. it’s cold.. and I’m tired..” Yoongi stood still, rubbing his eyes and going through his messy hair. “I just want to support you, but I don’t know how, Taehyung..” Taehyung smiled and looked at the back of his older friend, that was facing him. Gosh he didn’t even suspect him at all! How completely oblivious he needed to be, to not realise how much in love Tae was with him. Not even filming or shooting his surroundings was as important as spending all the time he had with him. 
What a cute grumpy idiot he was..
“Wait up! I want to shoot you!” Yoongi scrunched his nose and gifted him the most weirded out look he ever pulled. “W-Why?” Taehyung chuckled. “Do you trust me?”
“I don’t feel comfortable ahhhh!” Yoongi screamed in a relatively tiny voice, while Tae showed him the pose he wanted Yoongi to imitate. Taehyung ignored his behavior simply and made sure his outfit looked as messy as he wanted, just to be sure he also scruffled his hair a bit. “Yahhh..” Yoongi replied, now with a more soft tone to it. Since he was really pale, it was so easy to spot when he blushes. Tae’s heart stopped a beat. “Uhh..” 
Both of the boys just gazed at each other seeing the other person in a unmasked light. Seeing little scars and imperfections they never recognized before. Like, that tiny little scar under Yoongi’s left eye or that cute little mole on Taehyung’s nose. 
In a perspective of an outside viewer, one could clearly think that would be a awkward atmosphere. Nevertheless, the boys didn’t let it be one. 
Both quickly, came back to their senses and acted like nothing happened. 
Taehyung started to shoot yoongi in the way he wanted to, including the posture and the messy outfit. They were both so silent, the only thing that filled the freezing air was the sound of the clicking camera. 
“Hmm..” Soon Taehyung was finished and checked the photos. Right next to him there was Yoongi who was sitting on a big rock exhausted from the modeling job het got himself into. “I don’t know. I’m not happy with it, If I gotta be honest.” His frowning made Yoongi worry a little. Of course he always acted like he didn’t care about the hobby of his friend but deep down he knew how much it meant to him. He wanted to be a part of his passion. If he doesn’t like the pictures… maybe the problem wasn’t the scenery behind him, the lightning or even the angle. Maybe it was him. 
“Ahhh! I know what the problem was haha.” Taehyung’s pouty face quickly disappeared and his boxy smile filled his face. Yoongi needed to smile a little. Even though he was really tired. 
“Don’t do anything.”
Yoongi was slightly confused. “What do you mean with that?” He replied with a dry smile. “I mean like is there a certain-” Taehyung put his palm towards yoongis face to stop him from talking. “Just talk with me. Don’t act. Just walk as you would walk, smile as you would normally and naturally.” The little one just raised his head and tried to follow along. As Taehyung commanded, he tried to ignore that there was a camera following him, he talked with his friend and both quickly loosened up. There was definitely even a point where Yoongi completely forgot the camera. 
“I think that should do.” Taehyung said after a while, putting his camera back into his bag. “Are you sure that you’re happy with the results? You didn’t really check how they came out.” Tae just shook his head and made a gesture with his hand showing that he is sure that is not the case. “Trust me. Remember?” 
“Home sweet home!” Yoongi said in his dark voice sounding more than relieved to be finally back. He quickly disappeared into his room and soon there were no more sounds coming out of it. 
After Taehyung booted up the computer, he was opening the door of Yoongi’s room to check if he’s already asleep. 
And yes, yes he was. 
He didn’t even bother to take of his jacket nor his shoes. Taehyung sighed. Nothing new in this household, that’s for sure. He took of his boots and carefully put his fingers on the leather jacket of his friend. Yoongi was a good sleeper, he never woke up while Tae was trying to put a second pillow under his head or just to make sure he doesn’t have it too warm or too cold. 
Before he could leave the room he could hear a muffled voice coming out of yoongis room. Taehyung stopped right at the door. 
Yoongi was definitely asleep, but it never occured that he talked in his sleep, or better said, it never happened in a way that Tae could recognize. 
He was repeating Tae’s name over and over again. Taehyung could feel his hands getting sweaty. “Hyung?” He just softly replied. 
“Hyung loves you.. hyungie is proud of our taehyungie..” He said softly and hardly perceivable and continued to snore into his pillow. “I love you too hyung..” Tae replied, going back to his bed and going through his hyung’s hair slighly. “So much.” 
After the visit to Yoongi’s room, Taehyung was curious to find out how the pictures came out. He quickly put the SD card into his laptop and checked the previous pics. 
His calm breathing suddenly stopped. 
The comparison of the pictures that he saw between the“model yoongi” and the “real yoongi” he realised how much of a difference it made, if Yoongi was himself or just someone tae wanted him to be. A shiver went down his spine. The pictures were so ethereal, the way he looked at him and smiled softly or the pictures where he would have a slight pout or even the pictures where he would argue with him or tease him,  turned out just perfect. He realised how much he was in love with him. And now he knows that his older friend feels the same. 
Maybe not in the way Taehyung did. But enough to make him understand, that as long as he stayed as his muse, right by his side. There was nothing he could ask for more. 
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
Come Back To Me - NamJinKook Littlespace Drabble
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(Source - nochuie)
“mami-200o asked: Hey I love your blog it’s real cute and your writing is amazing, if requests are still open can I ask for little Jungkook being really clingy with his care givers (Namjin) and maybe having separation anxiety and stuff. Just super soft and fluffy. Maybe they need to leave the house and Jungoo has to stay behind and he gets upset. Thank you 🥺💗“
A/N: Ooh, my first poly request! I hope I did your request justice :) Also, I added some background Taegi, I hope you don’t mind!
Relationship: Little!Jungkook X Caregiver!Namjoon X Caregiver!Jin
Rating: T
Words: 2332
Light angst, fluff, non-sexual
WARNINGS: Jungkook gets close to having a panic attack (I put this just because I don’t want to trigger anyone)
Jungkook couldn’t get to sleep.
He had his favorite blanket (giant, red and fluffy) wrapped around him, trying desperately to make up for the lack of arms holding him close. He preferred the warms chests to the chilly pillow he had under his head.
The young man sighed out for the nth time in the last forty-eight hours - ever since they left.
“Y-You’re going to come back, right?” Jungkook knew it was a dumb question, but he couldn’t help himself. His little side needed reassurance.
Namjoon and Jin, his caregivers (and boyfriends) had to leave for three-day conference in Los Angeles, and due to his work schedule, Jungkook wasn’t able to go with them. And there was no way he was going to leave the grandma (Jungkook called her Nana) that owned the bakery he worked at on such short notice.
So now, Jungkook was seeing his boyfriends off, all of them full of anxiety. This would be the longest they’d been away from each other since they became boyfriends, so they were all a little on edge.
“Of course we’re coming back,” Namjoon ruffled his hair fondly, eyes wrinkling in a bittersweet smile. “Don’t be silly, bun.”
Jungkook pouted, “I’m gonna miss you.”
Arms circled around his midsection from behind and kisses were pressed to the back of his head. “Gonna miss you too, baby. Love you so much.” Jin said into his hair.
Namjoon pressed forward so they were in a Jungkook sandwich. “Me too. Love you, baby.”
Jungkook couldn’t help the whine that bubbled up in his throat as he tightened his arms around Namjoon, doing his best to bury the sound further into his chest. “I’m gonna miss you guys the most.” he sniffled, trying desperately not to cry. “Just come back to me.”
Words of “promise” were whispered into his ear, kisses all along his face following the words.
As Jungkook waved and watched the back of Yoongi’s car disappearing down the road, he finally let his tears begin to fall.
Taehyung was at his side in seconds, long arms wrapping around him comfortingly. “Let’s go inside, Kookie. Do you wanna cuddle until Yoongi gets back?”
The younger sniffled pitifully and nodded, allowing his best friend to guide his slumped body back into the condo.
Since then, two days have passed (Fifty-six hours and ten minutes, not that he was counting) and Jungkook was having a ridiculously hard time coping without his hyungs. It was embarrassing how badly he was affected, how much he craved for the familiar warmth of their bodies holding him close.
Sure, Taehyung and Yoongi were staying with him to keep him company, and they both gave amazing cuddles whenever he needed, but they weren’t his boyfriends. They weren’t his caregivers.
It was only about eleven o’clock at night, but he was still surprised when someone knocked on his bedroom door.
“Hey, Kook,” Taehyung peeked his head in and gave the younger a kind of sheepish look. “Your hyungs are on the phone for you.” he waved around his phone, making it light up with the call screen.
Jungkook thought for a moment, Why didn’t Namjoon and Jin just call me themselves? Then, it clicked. It was some kind of bad news. Something they needed to tell Taehyung first.
With shaking hands, the younger took the phone and pressed it against his ear. He gulped, “H-Hello?”
“Hey, baby,” Jin’s soft voice sent a wave of relief over him instinctively, “How are you doing? Sorry, we haven’t gotten time to call you.”
“I’m alright, hyung. Just r-really missing you.” Jungkook tried so hard to hold back the emotions overwhelming him.
“Ah, bunny,” Namjoon’s velvety voice was muffled a bit by the phonecall, but it still sent a shiver down Jungkook’s spine. “We’ve been missing you so much, too.”
“I-Is there something wrong?” Jungkook asked, unable to stop himself. He couldn’t ignore the bad feeling in his gut.
“W-Well...” Jin hesitated.
For a moment, it sounded like someone covered the phone with their hand as the younger heard muffled whispers and ruffling noises. Then, Namjoon was speaking again, “Jungkookie, baby, there was a mix up with our return airplane tickets. We’re not getting out tomorrow, it will be two more days until we can get home.”
Two more days of this torture? Jungkook thought to himself wiltingly.
“We’ll be back on Monday morning, eight in the morning your time,” Jin said, sounding sorry.
“O-Okay,” Jungkook said quietly. Taehyung had his arms around him again (it was a common occurrence anyway, but especially during the last few days) and it did make the younger feel somewhat better.
“I’m so sorry, love,” Namjoon said, “I wish we could get back to you sooner, but there’s just nothing we can do.”
“No, I-I understand. I’m just sad.”
“Us too, baby,” Jin whispered, and the wavering of his voice was clear even over the phone. “Us too.”
That night was a mess of tears (on Jungkook’s part, but Taehyung and Yoongi both teared up at seeing their friend so upset) and limbs (Taehyung was an aggressive cuddler, but Jungkook wasn’t complaining).
The next two days passed in a slow blur where Jungkook didn’t really feel all there. He was in a haze, feeling more and more vulnerable as the hours went by.
It all built up and up until it finally spilled over Sunday morning, when Jungkook was working a shift at the bakery.
He’d managed through the baking part alright, but when it came time to decorate, things went wrong.
His mind kept wandering off to Namjoon’s dimples and Jin’s eye smile, how they hugged Jungkook so tightly he almost couldn’t breathe. Just the way he liked it. How his Appa and Daddy sometimes gave him kisses all over his face. Jungkook loved it when they did that - when they showered him in all their love at the same time.
Jungkook shook himself out his daze and looked down to see a sight that made his eyes widen.
He was supposed to cover the cupcakes evenly in a variety of light blue, pink and white icing, but instead, he’d used all the colors to create a messy but kind of cute flower pattern on the top. Then, at some point, he had apparently grabbed the sparkly silver sprinkles and dumped a hold load of them all over the cupcakes.
Jungkook took a step back in shock for a moment before he realized that in his daydreaming he had slipped into littlespace. He stumbled and fell to the floor as he looked around with wide eyes.
“Kook-ah,” Nana poked her head into the back of the bakery, worry in her eyes. “Are you alright, dear?”
All Jungkook could do was shake his head. He’d never slipped in public like this before. At least he and his boyfriends had made a plan just in case this very scenario ever happened.
“Take your time, Kookie,” Nana said, “Call someone to get you home if you need to, love. You look like you need some time off.”
“T-Thank you, Nana.” he managed out, trying his best to keep his Big Boy voice going.
As soon as Nana left the kitchen and returned to the bakery, Jungkook grabbed at his phone from his (thankfully nearby) jacket. His fingers shook as he tried to find the right number.
“TaeTae-hyungie? Kookie n-needs help!”
Yoongi cuddled with a crying Jungkook on his bed that night, while Taehyung was in the other room on the phone with Namjoon and Seokjin, who were at the Shanghai airport waiting for their layover flight.
“Yeah, he’s fine, hyungs,” Taehyung assured them for the millionth time, “He ate a little bit of mac and cheese earlier for me, so he’s still eating, and he’s been in and out of consciousness today. He keeps wearing himself out with his crying, but at least he’s getting some sleep.”
“Oh, my poor baby,” Jin sounded heartbroken. Taehyung could picture him covering his mouth with his hand in anguish.
“Taehyung, do you think we could talk to him?” Namjoon asked.
Taehyung made an unsure noise and bit his lip between his teeth, “I don’t know, hyung, I think hearing your voices might make things worse right now. Might set him off.”
Jin sighed, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Well, just tell our baby that we love him a lot, okay?”
“I will, hyung. I promise,” Taehyung replied, “Have a safe flight.”
It took another hour of crying before Jungkook finally couldn’t cry anymore once again. He was passed out cold on the bed and Yoongi slipped away to talk to Taehyung quickly.
“It’s so hard to see him like that,” Taehyung mumbled into his boyfriend’s shoulder. They had been avoiding any PDA with Jungkook around, not wanting to remind him that his own boyfriends were away.
“It is,” Yoongi agreed, pressing a kiss to the side of the younger’s head. “It reminds me of when that first Christmas that we got together. You went home and I went on vacation to Japan with my family.”
Taehyung hummed, “The first time we were away from each other for more than a day or two.”
“Those two weeks sucked,” Yoongi grumbled, “But we definitely weren’t as close then as Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin are now. So I can’t imagine how bad it is for all of them.”
“They’ll be here soon. Jungkook’s going to be fine.”
Or maybe, not so fine.
Three hours later, the little startled awake, shaking and teary eyes wide as he looked around frantically. “Where D-Daddy? And A-Appa?” he asked, voice wavering already.
“They’ll be here soon, bunny,” Taehyung replied, trying to shush the younger back to sleep before there was another round of crying. It appeared to do the opposite, as in his haste to calm the little, Taehyung let that special name slip.
“No! O-Only Daddy and Appa can call K-Kookie that!” Jungkook said, voice not quite at a shout but getting there. He looked more hurt than angry about it.
“Jungkookie, sweetheart, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
Jungkook could feel the familiar feelings of a panic attack coming on. His heart was beginning to beat faster, his palms rapidly becoming damp.
Where were his Daddies? Why weren’t they here? Did they not love Kookie anymore?
A whine made its way out of Jungkook’s throat and he lifted his sweaty hands to clutch at the front of Taehyung’s shirt. “H-Hyungieeee, please. Need Daddies.” he whimpered.
Taehyung was doing his best to keep the younger calm as more time passed and eventually Yoongi slipped out of the condo to go pick up Namjoon and Jin. They both knew that Jungkook wasn’t in any shape to go to the airport and meet them there.
It felt like forever before the front door to open again, but it finally did just as Taehyung’s throat was getting sore from singing lullabies to Jungkook.
As soon as Taehyung heard the definite voice of Namjoon from the entryway, he turned to Jungkook. “Kookie, sweetie, your Daddies are back!”
The younger shot up from where they had been cuddling and began scrambling off the bed and out of the room while Taehyung tried to keep him from tripping over everything. He sniffled and ran like his life depended on it.
The moment that Jungkook skidded into the hallway and spotted Namjoon and Jin in the entryway, he cried out, “D-Daddy! Appa!”
Namjoon caught his baby with a grunt as he threw himself into his arms, Jin already there to rub the younger’s back. “Hi, bun. We missed you.” Namjoon said.
“We did.” Jin echoed.
“Kookie missed Daddies s-so much. So much, he don’t even know how much!”
Everyone in the condo resisted the urge to coo.
“Oh, my poor little baby, huh?” Jin took Jungkook swiftly into his own arms, allowing Namjoon to finish taking off his jacket and hanging it up. The oldest nuzzled at the side of the little’s face, pressing soft, reassuring kisses there.
Jungkook smacked a big kiss on Jin’s cheek before twisting around a bit to do the same to Namjoon. Taehyung and Yoongi watched on in the background fondly.
“K-Kookie almost thought Daddies didn’t love him anymore,” the little admitted sheepishly, “He had sad thoughts.”
“Well, you don’t ever need to worry about that, baby boy,” Namjoon’s voice rumbled against his back, “Your Daddy and I love you so much. It’s not possible for us to ever not love you, bunny.”
“You’ll always be our bunny, Kookie. Remember that, alright?” Jin added softly.
Jungkook nodded into Jin’s chest. “Kookie will. He got scared. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, love,” Namjoon bopped his nose with a finger, causing it to scrunch cutely. “It’s okay to be scared sometimes.”
After Jungkook gave two big hugs to Yoongi and Taehyung and saw them off with his Daddies, the three reunited boyfriends cuddled up on the couch, squishing the little between the two taller ones, just as he liked it.
They started playing The Little Mermaid on the television, and Jin even made them all some hot chocolate (he may have only done it just to be able to see his baby’s eyes light up with excitement again).
Jungkook knew that even though his anxiety sometimes got the best of him, his Daddies would never fall out of love with him. They were too close and they just loved him too much, just as they had said before.
Though countless panic attacks were inevitable in the future, Jungkook knew that everything would be okay, because he had his Daddies with him, right by his side.
Jungkook smiled almost dopily and snuggled deeper into his boyfriends’ embrace. They responded easily by tightening their grip on him.
Above him, Namjoon grinned at the younger’s cuteness before he leaned over to kiss Jin quickly on the lips. Then, the two of them attacked Jungkook’s face and neck with loving kisses, causing the little to burst out in adorable giggles.
A/N: So this kind of took off in its own direction before I could stop it. I hope it was okay, though. Let me know what you think.
If you would like to request a BTS littlespace drabble, you can go to my Request Guidelines page.
Thank you for reading! I purple you all <3
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peaches-and-hoshi · 5 years
WINTER 2018/2019 FIC REC [6]
PART 1 (PART 2 3 4 5 in the works)
TAGS: F for fluff, S for smut, D for character death, A for angst, ♥ favorites
i specified ao3′s ratings to clear up any confusion regardings how fluffy/smutty fics are
into the morning light by realface [YOONSEOK, teen and up, F, hobi is tired and accidentally asks yoongi out] ♥
even if it breaks down, oh better by misspamela [YOONSEOK, teen and up, F/A, some good ol’ pre-debut pining] ♥
if found please return to by misspamela [YOONSEOK, general audiences, F, hobi gets drunk in bv2]
Let the seasons change your mind by luminate [NAMGI, teen and up, F/A, enemies to friends to lovers, yoongi hates being a trainee, and hates kim namjoon, then he grows up] 
blue side by cutaepatootae [VHOPE, teen and up, F/A/light smut, Tae likes to sleep in Hobi’s bed, it gets complicated, pining, questionning of sexuality] ♥
feelings you provide by sugarlizard [TAEGI, teen and up, F, sort-of clothes-sharing? Tae keeps borrowing Yoongi’s A ring when he needs comfort]
like you like that by misspamela [TAEGI, teen and up, F, tae has been in love for a long time, it’s grown into a quiet, deep feeling] ♥
Hey Jupiter by almostblue [VHOPE, teen and up, F, hobi can’t sleep so tae keeps him company, very soft] ♥
meet me in the spring, catch up on everything by sugarlizard [MINJOON, general, F, jimin and joon meet years after bangtan failed to take off]
space by misspamela [YOONKOOK, teen and up, A/F, set years after bts disbanded, mentions of homophobia, jungkook has become a solo artist and decides to come out to the world] ♥
my best decision by madanach [TAEJIN, teen and up, F/humor, tae confesses in a spur of the moment, jin is flustered and offended] ♥
i used to be afraid of the words by raviolijouster [VMIN, teen and up, F, inspired by the vmin christmas duet that never was, where taehyung realizes a few things as he writes the song] ♥
this is the same ocean by blackranger [NAMSEOK, teen and up, F, joon wants to stay in bed and forget the world, hobs is too happy to comply for him]
lead me towards the deep end by sugarlizard [mature, S/F/A, yoongi runs into his ex on a vacation in hawaii, but also meets the nicest hotel staff]
such is the rapture of wine by blackranger [explicit, F/S, yoongi pretends to be bad at dance so hobi will teach him]
wouldn’t it be nice by ameliadebelias [teen and up, F/A, comfort fic, joon gets wrapped up in his own head and jimin gentles him out of it] ♥
we’d be good, we’d be great by marienadine [mature, F/A, college!au, pining, so much pining you have no idea, classic taekook trope of Bros who have been in Love for Years but are Scared] ♥
true love’s kiss by cutaepatootae [mature, F/A, hogwarts!au, tae gets cursed and needs someone to Save Him, please read the tags for triggers] ♥
a beginner’s guide to destroying the moon by blackranger [mature, F/A, taehyung leaves for europe to study art, jimin learns to Live Without, maybe this fic broke me in the best kind of way] ♥
this moment for life by misspamela [explicit, S/A/F, fwb to lovers, they meet on a dating app and catch feelings]
Carry Me by tiny_joon [no warnings, F/humor, college!au, Tae sends a sexy camel pic to the wrong person, read for context] ♥
it’s a beautiful thing by realface [mature, light angst, lost boys!au, kinda abstract]
130,000 won by sugarlizard [teen and up, F/humor, college!au, Tae does a kissing booth and yoongi is weak and gay, so gay] ♥
Until We Get There by sugarlizard [general, F, yoongi is bound to leave daegu but fuck if taehyung isn’t determined to follow him] ♥
i’ll wear out the words by blackranger [teen and up, F, shopping date at ikea, be careful if you’re lactose intolerent because it’s cheeeeesyyy] ♥
the wishes that are in our eyes by misspamela [explicit, F/S, everyone has some magic, tae’s is to manifest babies out of thin air, i swear the smut doesn’t involve the baby don’t worry!!!!] ♥
Long Live the Car Crash Hearts by almostblue (fictionalaspect) [explicit, SMUT/F, college!au, yoongi helps joon put eyeliner on and then fall into bed]
an uninhabited world by misspamela [explicit, F/S, namjoon has a “former” crush on hoseok and it goes as well as you think] ♥
the crystal goblet and, somehow, the wine by blackranger [mature, A/F, hobi fiddles with the idea of wearing skirts and tights feat. joon the supportive boyfriend; exploration of gender presentation]
little by little, one step two step by misspamela [teen and up, F, seokjin follows namjoon into a beginner’s salsa class, and meets the hottest dance instructor] ♥
another name for pirate treasure by misspamela [teen and up, F/humor, jin and jimin work as pirates in a theme park, many puns involved] ♥
jack i’m flying! by ameliabedelias [mature, F/humor, jinmin’s relationships through the years feat. them doing the titanic pose at every occasion]
fault lines by orbits [teen and up, F/A, and they were roommates]
(yeah i bloom) i bloom just for you by blackranger [explicit, SMUT/A/F, jihope are bitter exes, then they meet yoongi] ♥ ♥
i guess i’ll take it, heartbreaker by blackranger [explicit, ANGST/F/S, yoongi tells hobi he wants to date jin, too, and things kinda spiral from here, it’s a happy story tho there’s just a lot of miscommunication and okay it’s sad but also really beautiful] ♥♥
93 notes · View notes
𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
archive of our own account
𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘
ever since the break up, yoongi's days all look the same. rainy. gloomy. painful.
비가 오는 짙은 색 서울 그 위에 거긴 아름답지 못한 내가 날 보고 있어
-yoongi centric drabble -angst, unhealthy coping mechanisms, post break-up -basically just a day in the life of min yoongi 921 words
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡 𝔞𝔰 𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔬𝔪𝔢
what stories were left unheard and we'd be able to bring to everyone's attention if only walls could talk? we might never know, but that won't stop Taehyung from wondering.
-mild angst, mentions of terminal illness and hiv, original characters -tae moves into a new apartment and thinks about all of the things that happened in there and he'll never know of 477 words
恋の予感 𝔨𝔬𝔦 𝔫𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔨𝔞𝔫
恋の予感 (Koi No Yokan): The sense upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall into love.
-vmin -not so loosely inspired by true events -long distance relationship, happy ending, fluff 850 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰
ring noun a small circular band, typically of precious metal and often set with one or more gemstones, worn on a finger as an ornament or a token of marriage, engagement, or authority.
[Nobody really knows Namjoon and Yoongi are dating until one drops to one knee in front of them.]
-namgi -a very self indulgent proposal fic 704 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰
mindless adjective acting or done without justification and with no concern for the consequences.
[Hoseok and Jimin have known each other for what feels like a lifetime, and they have always been deeply, wholly, and carelessly in love with one another.]
-jihope -childhood friends to lovers, heavy angst, homophobia, mcd, terminal illness and hiv, i cried a lot writing this 832 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔟𝔞𝔦𝔱
bait noun food placed on a hook or in a net, trap, or fishing area to entice fish or other animals as prey.
[Yoongi and Seokjin have always been very close, but the never had anything in common until Seokjin organises a fishing trip for the two of them.]
-yoonjin - "platonic" date, they go fishing, extremely self indulgent and fluffy as fuck 740 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔷𝔢
freeze verb -be so cold that one feels near death (often used hyperbolically). -become suddenly motionless or paralysed with fear or shock.
[Whenever Jungkook is cold he always goes to Hoseok for warmth.]
-hopekook -kook is cold so hoseok cuddles with him. that's literally the plot. -fluff 716 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔟𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔡
build verb -construct (something) by putting parts or material together. -make or become stronger or more intense.
[Taehyung and Jungkook have always built each other back up, but what happens when that isn't enough anymore? How far can you bend something before it breaks? How many times can you put something back together before it's destroyed for good?]
-taekook -angst. -ambiguous relationship status, possible cheating, substance abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms 762 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔥𝔲𝔰𝔨𝔶
husky adjective (of a voice or utterance) sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse.
[Jimin fell in love with Yoongi's voice before they even knew each other.]
-yoonmin -college au, strangers to friends to lovers -fluff 825 words
[𝔦����𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡
enchanted adjective -placed under a spell; bewitched. -filled with delight; charmed.
[Seokjin is a practicing witch, but living in a world were people don't believe in his craft makes it hard for him to talk about it even with those he loves the most.]
-platonic taejinmin -modern witchcraft, fluff, self indulgent as always 723 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔣𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔩
frail adjective (of a person) weak and delicate.
[Jimin has a problem with food. Jungkook notices, but it's fine. Until it isn't.]
-jikook -heavy angst, eating disorders 885 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔰𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔤 
swing noun -a seat suspended by ropes or chains, on which someone may sit and swing back and forth. -a style of jazz or dance music with a flowing but vigorous rhythm.
[The razzle dazzle of jazz is fascinating, but sometimes it makes people do careless things and not knowing why something is wrong doesn't make it any better in other people's eyes. Taehyung and Jimin learn that at their own expense. They also learn that things change with time and that family isn't defined by blood.]
-vmin -past setting, period typical homophobia, jazz clubs and gay bars, drag queens -angst and a bit of fluff 2039 words 
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔭𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫
pattern noun a particular way in which something is done, is organized, or happens.
[Jungkook is the younger brother Namjoon never had. Or so he thinks.]
-namkook -childhood friends au -slight tention, fluff with a happy ending 1845 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔰𝔫𝔬𝔴
snow noun -atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer. verb -mislead or charm (someone) with elaborate and insincere words.
[Jung Hoseok is in love with Min Yoongi. The feeling is not quite mutual.]
-yoonseok -unrequited love, friends with benefits dynamics, deception, angst with no happy ending 483 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫
dragon noun a mythical monster like a giant reptile. In European tradition the dragon is typically fire-breathing and tends to symbolize chaos or evil, whereas in East Asia it is usually a beneficent symbol of fertility, associated with water and the heavens.
[A story of a dragon tattoo and a family not bound by blood, but choice.]
-yoongi centric, platonic ot7 -tattoo artists au -everyone is lgbt+, includes trans characters -lots of fluff 1513 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔞𝔰𝔥
ash noun the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance.
[Taehyung has been the most powerful person in all of Daegu for years now. All it takes to make him falter is a baby-faced journalist named Min Yoongi.]
-taegi -kind of a banana fish au (ash lynx!tae, eiji okamura!yoongi) -organised crime au, violence, guns, all that great stuff -angst, but this has a happy ending -some fluff here and there 1941 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔤𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫
overgrown adjective grown too large or beyond its normal size.
[Jungkook finds it hard to leave his feelings for Yoongi in the past. When he decides to stop trying to push them down he finds his chest is exploding with all the roses he had kept from blooming for years.]
-yoonkook -childhood friends, unrequited love-it gets better and then so much worse, i'm sorry 1292 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔩𝔢𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔡
legend noun a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated.
[Jimin is a fox in a city where people think they can get away with anything if they have enough money. Little do they know that no one stands a chance against the fox. No one except for Kim Seokjin.]
-jinmin -roughly inspired by Sharleena 's UKIYO -gumiho!jimin, brothels, mentions of murder and police corruption 2950 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔡
wild noun a natural state or uncultivated or uninhabited region.
[Taehyung and Seokjin share a summer of beautiful romance, but fall and winter aren't as kind to them.]
-taejin -summer camp au -fluff and angst, homophobia, domestic violence, alcoholism, mentions of drug use, long distance relationships 1825 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱
ornament noun a thing used or serving to make something look more attractive but usually having no practical purpose.
[It's Jungkook's first Christmas away from his family and his hyungs want to make it special.]
-jungkook centric, platonic ot7 -christmas au, just lots of fluff 502 words
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖘
𝔦𝔱 𝔱𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔰 𝔞 𝔟𝔦𝔱 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 (𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲)
yoongi moves to crown his dream of opening his own flower shop and makes a home in six boys he meets unexpectedly.
-flower shop and tattoo parlour au -taegikook -slow burn, a bit of angst, lots of fluff
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢 - 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢, 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔦𝔰
a beginning.
-very fluff -there’s alcool drinking, in case it makes some of y’all uncomfortable -drunken banter 3536 words
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔬 - 𝔴𝔢'𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔞𝔪𝔢, 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔞 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔪𝔢
in which they become part of each other('s routine)
-more fluff -just,,, so much fluff -mentions of abuse -backstories explained in this chapter 2851 words
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 - 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔦𝔫 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱
a not-so-platonic valentine's day date and a birthday party. alternatively, yoongi loves his family.
-valentine's day and a little not-so-platonic date -bogum is introduced -plus hobi's birthday -a lot of fluff -so much fluff, seriously 4220 words
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯 - 𝔦 𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔟𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔢𝔩𝔰𝔢
a home, warmth, and the colour pink.
-lots of descriptions in the first half -very fluff, very domestic -ot7 get drunk, what's new -bogum is a **** 5439 words 
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myjaebutt · 6 years
Fic Friday #1
note: every friday i will recommend some of my favorite bts fics (all pairings are game tbh)
The Great Escape by TheOrgasmicSeke yoonmin, one-shot, 67k+, rated E (smut but lots of fluff) “Harper is a small town near the Canadian border where Jimin Park has spent his entire life. After losing his parents, Jimin feels trapped in the town, unable to leave and make something out of himself. He's stuck in a shitty job, with a shitty boss and mostly shitty customers and he sees no way out. He had a light, a small glimmer of it in a pretty smile and twinkling cat-like eyes but that left him just like everything else. He refuses to give up, however. After years of saving, Jimin finally has the money to get the hell out of Harper and find a new life for himself. But then Yoongi Min rolls back into town with his pretty little car and his pretty little smile and Jimin is, literally, screwed.-"I want to hold you once more before you disappear."-” --- The writing and characterization is so unique and wonderful. I love sassy Jimin so much and I totally did not see that twist coming lol. Really beautifully thought out and written. 10/10 ---
baby, love me hard and hold me tight by MyHope (CutesyMe) jikook, one-shot, 51k, rated E  ““If you can’t say no to the arranged marriage then make him say no,” Hoseok suggests, closing his book.Jimin turns to him. “What do you mean?”“You said you can’t say no because your parents will most probably stop supporting you and thus ruin your future, which we aren’t sure of by the way. That means if you can’t say no, then Jeon Jungkook has to. They can force you into marrying Jeon Jungkook but most probably not Jeon Jungkook into marrying you.”“And how do I do that?” Jimin asks. He isn’t sure if Jungkook can say no to the marriage but Jimin at least has to try to get out of this.“Embarrass him. But don’t make it too obvious what you’re doing. Be clumsy, be loud, laugh like a dying hyena. Those are the least bearable people.” --- I’m a huge sucker for arranged-marriage aus but this was something else. It pulled my heartstrings and I was rooting for Kookie the whole time. Get ready for awkwardly cute moments and very steamy moments in the end ;). 9.5/10 ---
Will You B Minor? by ohdizzy taegi, chaptered 2/2, 19k+, rated T ““Hey baby, my brass isn’t the only thing that’s upright.”“Goddamnit, Kim Taehyung.”In which Taehyung is full of useless music-related pickup lines and Yoongi is too confused, too awkward, and too smitten with a certain Saxophonist.(A story with one too many midnight serenades, Americano’s, hungover misunderstandings, exploding washing machines, and that one little snore Yoongi does in his sleep that makes Taehyung want to catapult himself into space for No Apparent Reason.)” --- Oh my god. Get ready for lots of laughs, great puns, and second-hand embarrassment. Hands down one of my fave taegi fics. Taehyung is my spirit animal and he must be protected at all costs. 11/10 --- 
Like Never Before by ayumin yoonmin, one-shot, 9k, rated G (GET READY FOR FLUFF) “"And that’s right when a new way of thinking seized Hogwarts – something that people didn’t think was common before. At least, not before Park Jimin came into the picture."(or: a mix of omegaverse and HP in which omega Jimin enters Hogwarts at the beginning of his fifth year, manages to flip the whole school upside down and make a certain Head Boy fall for him at the same time.) --- SO MUCH FLUFF. But seriously this is too sweet and a very nice take on hogwarts au. Made me smile so much. Gosh they’re so cute! 10/10 ---
Beauty And The Beast by TheOrgasmicSeke sugakookie, chaptered 2/2, 34k, rated M “Jungkook didn't completely understand what was going on, and he wasn't sure if he believed in the whole true love thing, but he did know one thing. Yoongi was the single most lonely broken thing he had ever seen in his entire life and something deep inside of his bones screamed at him to fix it. So, He was going to fix it. Or perhaps die trying.” --- Such a nice take on Beauty and the Beast. The angst made my heart hurt (i’m a weak bitch to angst okay), but the ending totally made up for it. Jungkook is such a beautiful soul in this. 9.5/10 ---
baby, you're bad by kadotas vmin, oneshot, 14k, rated M “It’s been a slow few months and with Valentines Day around the corner, Jimin seizes the perfect opportunity to spice things up.But as always, where Taehyung’s concerned, things never go according to plan.” --- Smexy time gone wrong lmao. I love vmin and more importantly I love crack vmin. This is pure fluff and crack and it’s the best thing ever. Need to cheer up read this and laugh. 11/10 ---
You Are My Sunshine by springrain21 yoonmin, oneshot, 17k, rated T “ Jimin has had a crush on Yoongi ever since he became a hunter, but Yoongi wants nothing to do with him. When a hunting mission goes wrong and Yoongi is turned into a baby by an angry witch, Jimin volunteers to take care of him. As days pass in the care of Jimin, Yoongi, still fully aware in his baby body, realizes how kind and beautiful he is and begins to fall for Jimin. But time is running out for the other guys to break the curse, and if they fail, Yoongi will be stuck as a baby forever.” --- Jimin really has the kindest soul and baby Yoongi!!! This fic is the softest sweetest thing ever and now all I want to do is squish a baby Yoongi ;-;. 10/10 ---
***remember to give kudos and comments, you can also check out my writing here @myjaebutt thank you ^^***
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dtsugabby · 5 years
BTS Fic Rec
Bear with me, I’m trying to organize all of my recs from various sources. In the meantime, check out below and also my ao3 bookmarks here if what’s below isn’t enough!
Basically, I’d rec anything by these authors. They are incredibly talented and I always enjoy their works.
 dirtysope (ao3, also on twitter)
wispyoongi (ao3, also on twitter)
pauline (twitter)
bri (twitter)
kaythebest (ao3)
metastacia (ao3)
babiesko_o (twitter)
moonlitaehyung (twitter)
bloom (twitter)
<History> sope au in which murder mystery writer Yoongi joins a new dating app that connects people based on their internet search history. He’s matched up with Hoseok, who, unbeknownst to him, is a notorious serial killer all over the news.
jikook au where idol jimin is having a competition, whoever has the highest scores on his superstar app gets to go on a date with him. only one problem, 90% of the songs have an unbeatable high score all from the same user, "jjklovespjm". that user happens to be the idol jungkook
jikook au where jimin and jungkook are new roommates and jimin finds jungkooks hidden stash of yaoi and boylove manga under his bed but it's funny bc jungkook is straight.
jikook au where jimin and jungkook are both gay af but they think the other is straight. so, they act extremely heterosexual around each other, causing them to believe the other is straight even more. this only leads to awkward conversations and situations.
「 euphoria 」   ✧ jikook au ✧ -in which they were childhood friends. later on they both become part of different rival musical groups, and one day jm finds a love letter from jk which he wrote years ago.
jikook au where well known ceo, jeon jungkook, is seen as a huge playboy by media and the public. nobody knows that hes been married to his childhood best friend for 6 years and has a son.
Jikook AU} Whiskey   In which Jungkook comes back traumatized from war and Jimin is the bartender who lives next door. One day, as he’s coming back from work, he sees Jungkook sitting in his front porch, a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
NamJin AU In which for some reason Seokjin is just really really convinced that Namjoon is a witch. Joon found it interesting and keep taking Jin on a date, disguising it as a "prove research"
taekook au Jeongguk tries breaking up with his boyfriend through an AirDrop note but accidentally sends it to Taehyung instead, which of course, leads to a series of unfortunate events.
[jikook au] where youtuber jimin reacts to jungkook's video and jimin is introduced to the mess that is jeon jungkook
「 vminkook 」♡ hidden where taehyung finds this very popular vminkook stan account that he shows to jimin and jungkook and they spend the whole night laughing at the edits, aus and posts. what they don't know is that jungkook is the person running the account.
「 jikook au 」♤ little do you know when popular kid jeon jungkook's crush is revealed to be a certain park jimin everyone assumes it's cheerleader and social butterfly girl jimin and not nerdy bookworm boy jimin
「 jikook au 」◇ encounter park jimin's idol group makes an appearance on the hottest variety show in korea. he has a big fat secret crush on one of the hosts, jeon jungkook who is very clearly flirting with his fellow member, min yoongi - so jimin becomes petty on national tv.
[NAMJIN AU] “SKY HIGH” Seokjin is a flight attendant who keeps clashing with HR. He gets a final warning letter with one last chance. Desperate, he offers to give a passenger a blowjob in exchange for not writing a complaint, not knowing the other’s true identity...
Jimin is a single father and his little son is the biggest fan of the worldwide known singer Jeon Jeongguk~
[ jikook au ] - show me:  where jimin sent jungkook nudes over twitter but those pictures wouldn’t load on jungkook’s phone so he just replies with an ‘lmao’
[jikook au] solo artist, jeon jungkook, is getting married.
jikook social media au in which jungkook is a very famous kpop idol in the middle of his world tour and jimin is a small nsfw twt acc their worlds collide when korea’s favorite idol accidentally likes a tweet on the latter’s account
yoonseok!au in which hoseok accidentally drunk texts yoongi instead of his ex
yoonseok au where yoongi accidentally sends the wrong picture to his coworker hoseok
Yoonseok/SOPE AU In which amateur police detective Min Yoongi has to solve a series of public murder cases with no witnesses while being assisted by murderer and conman Jung Hoseok who agreed to help as it can shorten his prison sentence
<YOONSEOK/SOPE AU> in which Hoseok confesses to his long-time crush, Yoongi, by sending him a Spotify playlist. Oblivious to what’s going on, Yoongi goes ahead and drags his music choices. [mostly crack and fluff tbh]
[ jikook au ] - time where jimin can see a person’s lifespan and knows that his own time is limited but discovers that whenever he shares physical contact with jungkook he gains time but the thing is they hate each other
[jikook au] — the list nsfw in which jungkook just wants to go grocery shopping and jimin sends him an unexpected list
jikook au where jimin is a popular beauty youtuber, known for his lipstick looks. jungkook is a gaming/vlog youtuber who finally gets the confidence to post his own makeup tutorials that hes been filming for months (secretly) after discovering jimin.
jikook au where jungkook has tattoos, lots of piercings, and always wears black. jimin thinks hes dangerous and bad, until he sees jungkook with a pokemon lunchbox surrounded by dogs at the park one day.
Dynasty (series, completed, sope, taenamjin, jikook) Royal AU, slight fantasy?, I cried several times 
“Hundreds of years ago, the Gods intertwine the lives of seven boys. They suffer through war, heartache, & separation, but with the help of the Fates & their inner wolves, they all try to find their happy endings.
abo au universe on twitter;; https://twitter.com/dirtysope/status/1054116662620778496″
Peaches (series, incomplete, sope, namjin, vminkook) BDSM 101, somehow the most adorable thing ever, all commissioned
“A very nsfw modern setting AU which is centered around the boys exploring their sexualities predominantly through BDSM. The main ships are Sope, Namjin, and Vminkook, but various pairings will be explored in poly situations in shared BDSM scenes.”
Infinity (series, incomplete, sope, vmin) Vampire AU, all commissioned (I’m part of the commission group!!), sope are soulmates wbk
“This is an OT7 vampire universe that involves all seven of the boys. Main pairings will be Sope, Vminkook, and Namjin. This is your warning for darker themes⚠️ There will be compulsion, mind control, gaslighting, possessive behavior, violence, death, murder, & angst. ~no toxicity occurs within the ships~ Blood drinking will be very relevant and featured heavily!”
Charmed (series, complete?, sope-centric) HP AU! So cute, my first dirtywisp fic and tied for my favorite HP au in the fandom
“Bangtan in the Harry Potter universe.”
Infectious (chaptered, complete, sope, yoonmin, namjin, taekook, jikook, vmin, vminkook) THE zombie apocalypse AU, very angst filled, major character death, semi-happy ending (if you discount the MCD)
“During the first leg of their US tour, BTS, depleted, weary, tempers flaring, step on the stage for the second night of concerts. Little do they know, this is not going to be like any other show of their lives--instead before the end of the first song they are going to be on the run against what they can only call a zombie attack. Determined to stay alive until BigHit can rescue them, BTS is forced to be smart, resourceful, and get over themselves to survive.”
Hand In Hand (chaptered, incomplete, namgi) adoption au, disabilities au, i cried literal tears several times
“Namjoon, a sign language professor, and Yoongi, a songwriter, got certified to foster. But, they never expected that would open the door to love, heartache, pain, and most importantly, family. But, as they figure out this "dad-thing" hand-in-hand, they realize that family isn't made up of blood, it's the love that they have for each other.~or~ Namjoon's a deaf college professor Yoongi is his husband and a songwriter Seokjin is their case manager Hoseok, Jungkook, Tae and Jimin are kiddos with their own set of challenges and triumphs“
Heart of War (chaptered, incomplete, namjin, taegi, jihope) royal au
“For the protection of his people, Prince Seokjin has to marry his fiancé’s killer: the alpha king of the most ruthless and feared kingdom in all the lands with a reputation of being a cold blooded monster on the battlefield. Worst of all, the omega prince doesn't even speak their language.“
Until Dawn (series, incomplete, jikook, sope, namjin) fantasy creatures au, 100/10, tae is in it too, they all come together to save the world from various disasters major and minor, read this series
“The Documented Adventures of Your Favorite Local Supernatural Gang”
Raspberry Vodka (chaptered, complete, jikook) college au, misunderstandings
““You don’t have to make excuses.” Jimin crosses the room and Jungkook follows him to the doorway, all the words he wants to say jumbling together in his head but never making it to his lips. He wants to tell Jimin he’s just inexperienced and way too drunk and all he needs is a second to calm down and reassess his thoughts before he throws up from stress, but Jimin is already opening the door and stepping out into the hallway and oh god, he needs to say something.“I’m a virgin!” Jungkook shouts.“
Like A Hard Carry (chaptered, complete, namjin, yoonminseok, taekook) overwatch au, social media au
“In which: Jungkook, a popular Twitch streamer with both the self-esteem of a wilted piece of lettuce and the impulse control of suicidal squirrel, convinces his best friend Jimin to do a livestream for him; RM, captain of a pro Overwatch team, is suddenly missing a sniper; Jin, in an attempt to make things better, just makes them worse; Hoseok screams in various different volumes and moods; V, a pro-gamer, finds an incredible sniper, a cute boy, and a crush, making the mistake to think that they’re all the same person; Yoongi isn’t sure which one of his friends is going to make him die from second-hand stupidity first; and Jimin is caught in the middle of a love triangle that he’s not ACTUALLY a part of, one that he actually is a part of, and that fact that no matter how much Jungkook tries, Jimin will always be absolutely terrible at Overwatch.“
Vocal Princess (chaptered, complete, yoonmin) crossdressing on a dare au, yoongi is very gay and very confused, Jimin is embarrassed and trying his best
“Fed up with his inability to understand women, Jimin's sister dresses him like a girl. Jimin finds himself working with a producer, Yoongi, and donning his disguise for much longer than he intended. Jimin wonders if he’s losing his mind or if he’s really falling for a guy. Meanwhile, Yoongi is VERY GAY AND VERY CONFUSED WHY HE’S SO ATTRACTED TO THIS WOMAN IN HIS STUDIO. aka Jimin dresses as a girl and Yoongi has a heterosexual crisis.“
City of Stars (chaptered, complete, namgi) hanahaki au, so so good, but fr, FUCK THE ENDING
“hanahaki disease: an illness where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from unrequited love. this can only be cured through surgical removal, however the victim's romantic feelings for their love disappear along side with the infection. yoongi starts coughing petals for namjoon, a witch with a constellation of stars glowing on his cheeks – except, flowers aren't the only things ripping his insides apart.“
jung hoseok writes instruction manuals (while stupidly in love) (series, complete?, sope) so so fluffy and cute, list au
listen to my heart (can you hear it sing) (chaptered, complete, namjin-centric) abo au, namjoon is a big dummy but we love him
“Seokjin wasn't his, but he was still as every bit of 'his' as the rest of the wolves in the pack, and Namjoon was going to have to learn to live with that.In which Namjoon constantly, to everyone's disappointment, fucks up.“
delta (chaptered, complete, namgiseok) very very good poly rapline, canon divergence?, angst but happy resolution
“He was the last person Namjoon expected to hear from - thought he was dreaming when he saw the email in his work inbox. It was short and simple, typical Hoseok. Just: We saw what happened. We’re so sorry. If you need get away for awhile, you’re always welcome to come stay with us - JH. He wonders now if Hoseok was surprised when he said yes. If Hoseok only extended the invitation because he didn’t think Namjoon would actually come.(Or: Namjoon chose a solo career and left Yoongi and Hoseok behind. Seven years later, after being outed by a Korean tabloid, he ends up on their couch in Queens, trying to face an uncertain future. And confront feelings that have persisted for nearly a decade.)“
Good Friends (series, complete?, yoonmin, namjin, taekook, vhope) hilarious, misunderstandings, college au
“Yoongi likes to brag to his friends about his boyfriend. Jimin likes to brag to his friends about his boyfriend. Little do they know there's actually crossover in their friend groups.”
Just Another Game (chaptered, incomplete, yoongi x everyone, many side pairings) a n g s t, I am a beta on this fic, great writing, author is interactive
“Set during 2019, after their world tour and after Answer's release. Min Yoongi's career has put him in bisexual hell: living with six hot bandmates who think it's really funny to flirt and get handsy with him and with each other all the time. Between constant struggles like not knowing whether he and Jimin nearly made out while drunk, to bed sharing with Jungkook every other night, to not being sure how to stop imagining what it'd be like to kiss Namjoon, it's only a matter of time before he loses his mind as he realizes he's in love with six perfect but very straight boys. After Yoongi drunkenly comes out as bi, he can’t remember the confession the next day. Taken by surprise, the boys lightheartedly start a competition to see who Yoongi finds the most attractive in the group. The objective is set to getting a kiss from Yoongi before he finds out about the competition. Though they mean well, things go downhill fast for all of them. As they each realize they are attracted to Yoongi, they start taking things too far beyond what they’d signed up for.”
eternal sunshine (oneshot, complete, sope) canon au, i commissioned this fic!!, I love it so much, slight angst then fluffy sexy times
“Yoongi is having a rough day at practice. He's not focused on the choreo, and no matter how hard he tries he just can't seem to get anything right. But luckily for him he has Hoseok, and he always knows how to put Yoongi's broken pieces back together. “
offer me your deathless death (yoongi is a serial killer!AU) (series, incomplete, yoonmin, namjin, vhope) a bit of an odd read but I loved it, dark, not what you think, pulls at heartstrings
“a peak into the lives of the rich and the powerful (non-linear; no specific order of stories)Notes:mainly yoonmin, but there's namjin and vhope too! :D (also known as the jimin is a ceo!AU and the namjoon is a hospital-owner-person!AU)”
to the moon and back (chaptered, complete, vmin, vminkook) vmin are supernatural hunters, poor kookie, something’s not quite right in this town 
“"The other kids think that Jimin is strange. And he is, to be fair. Sometimes Jimin talks to people that aren’t there. Sometimes he starts crying, randomly, and then a moment later the wailing siren of an ambulance or police car can be heard outside. Sometimes he just shuts down and won’t talk to anyone." Jimin and Taehyung are basically professionals. When they're called in to deal with a werewolf terrorizing a small town, they know the deal. Things are rarely as they seem.”
Spine Breaker (chaptered, complete, sope, namjin, taekook) hunger games/ready player one au, video game brought to real life, plot twists, angst but a happy ending
“The clock is ticking, Jeon Jeongguk only has two bottles of water, one lunchbox, and ten bombs with which he has to kill six people if he wants to live. He's just eighteen and the only experience he has throwing bombs includes sitting in front of his screen, smashing buttons on his controller and swearing at his longstanding in-game rival, VforVictory. Someone has recreated the hit warfare videogame, Spine Breaker, and although Kim Seokjin is the mascot of the game, he knows nothing about how to play it but now finds himself launched in the middle of a stranded island, his bombs missing, his glasses smashed, and a pursuer who wants something more sinister than just his death. Min Yoongi knows why he's here. He knows why everyone is here, but his battles had begun long ago. The clock is ticking and Yoongi is running out of time, but he knows that zero is not the end. It's kill or be killed.”
The Shaman and the Exorcist (chaptered, complete, namjin-centric) SO GOOD, ghost hunter au, seokjin is a fake bitch and namjoon is pissed, angst angst angst, ok ending though
“Seokjin doesn't believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he's kind of a big deal at his university; he's a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn't remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money. Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there's a certain phoney shaman at his university who's stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he's not happy about it because haunted people pay good money. So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.“
charmed (oneshot, complete, namjin) very cute, existential, seokjin got tricked boo hoo
“"So you’re not going to eat me?" Seokjin asks, just to confirm."Why would I eat you?" "Because you’re a dragon," Seokjin says slowly, because it should be obvious, despite Namjoon not looking very dragon-y at all. Namjoon looks unimpressed. "I may be a dragon, but I’m not an animal."”
Monster Private Eye (series, incomplete, namjin, vhope, jikook) funniest thing ever, namjoon is a detective and kook is his assistant, tae is a mess, jimin is an idol, solve crimes be gay 
“Kim Namjoon (klutz, genius, poet, private investigator) solves cases for the unusual and secretive clientele of Monster Private Investigator. His assistant, Jeon Jungkook (big muscles, bigger heart) helps out. Each story revolves around Namjoon taking on the request of a different member (noted in the title), for a total of 7 cases in this collection, all from Namjoon’s POV. Members also appear in chapters that are not focused on them. All works can stand alone, but I suggest that you read them in order to fully enjoy the characters and relationships as they grow. Enjoy!“
bts hogwarts au (series, incomplete, vmin, namjin, sope) my other favorite HP au, set in the same time as the books but focused on the boys instead with their own storyline, angst, fluff, dealing with coming out and accepting yourself and others
“a series of non-linear snapshots of bangtan’s life at hogwarts. [all ships are main ships] green: yoongi, jimin, jeongguk. red: seokjin, namjoon. yellow: hoseok, taehyung.”
creating a home (series, incomplete, namjin) foster parents namjin kids all the other members, heart wrenching, fluff, would read again and again, follows them as they grow up
“A BTS Foster Care AU”
the professor’s family (series, incomplete?, namjin, taekook) professor! namjin, jungkook is his student, poor kookie, he has the hots for tae
“Professor Kim Namjoon is married. He doesn't have a wife. They have a sort-of son. And Jeon Jungkook just crossed paths with them.”
More to be added!!
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The Joys of Transfiguration (and everything in between)
Tumblr media
Pairings: Namjoon x Hufflepuff!reader (friends to lovers)
requested by @anon
Hi! Idk if you're doing requests or anything but I really really enjoy your headcanons!! I was wondering if u would be able to do a namjoon x Hufflepuff reader friends to lovers one?? Where Namjoon is looking for jungkook as a bunny after a prank gone wrong and he finds the reader taking care of him not knowing it's Kookie or smth like that? Thank you so much ur fantastic :D !!
Ratings: Fluff
Featuring: Whipped Bunny Jungkook, Seokjin’s red crocs, very clueless Jimin, A Saltbae-sized sprinkle of TaeGi because you know me, and brief mentions of Hoseok being an awesome captain
Word Count: 6k
A/N: Thanks so much for the request anon! I hope you and everyone else enjoys it!
“Hyung, can we go eat dinner already?” Taehyung groaned as he rolled around on Namjoon’s bed and looked up at his friend with pleading, puppy-dog eyes. His adoptive older brother, however, didn’t even lift his eyes from the piece of parchment he was scribbling on.
“You go ahead and eat Taehyung-ah. I’m almost done with this,” he answered. Taehyung pouted and rolled to the opposite side of the bed, knowing that ‘almost’ in Namjoon language took up a range of five minutes to four hours.
“Come on, we need to see how everyone else is reacting to Seokjin-hyung parading around the Great Hall in red crocs,” Taehyung said, hoping to somehow tempt his hyung. “What are you even writing anywat?” he asked, crawling over to sit beside Namjoon.
“Just… a poem,” his hyung answered. Despite the controlled expression on his face, Taehyung spotted the slight movement on his lips that indicated what, or rather, who, the poem was about.
“It’s for Y/N-noona again, isn’t it?” Taehyung grinned. 
“Yeah, yeah it is,” Namjoon scrunched up his nose and smiled. “I just… got some inspiration again.”
“When are you going to stop writing what you want to say and saying what you want to say instead?” Taehyung asked. “I mean, can’t you just walk up to her and say ‘Y/N-ah, I love you,’” he said in his best imitation of Namjoon’s voice.
“It’s not that easy, you know that,” Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean, you haven’t confessed to Yoongi-hyung either.” At hearing this, Taehyung pursed his lips and looked wide-eyed at the starry ceiling of their Ravenclaw dormitory. Namjoon chuckled and shook his head. Taehyung always had that funny, embarrassed yet shy look on his face whenever he talked to him about his crush.
“Fair point,” he finally said.
“Even if I did confess to her, I wouldn’t know what to say,” Namjoon muttered. “It’s easier to write words down.” With that, he went back to his poem and scribbled a few more lines on the parchment. Being from a muggle-born family, Namjoon didn’t see the sense in using quills and ink in class, especially since he often spilled the ink from his inkwell, but he would use them nonetheless. But when he was writing something as genuine as a poem, he’d rather not take the risk and go with an old-fashioned pencil.
“Joon! Namjoon-ah!” an all-too familiar voice echoed through the stairwell. Namjoon hurriedly sandwiched his poem in between two books and placed them on a stack near his bed.
“Y/N-noona!” Taehyung grinned and jumped off the bed. Namjoon quickly followed behind as his friend raced down the steps of their dormitory.
“It’s already dinnertime, are you guys going to eat or what?” he heard you say. You were standing, cross-armed at the bottom of the stairwell. Namjoon knew that you had just finished practice judging by how it was a Friday and that you were still wearing your bright yellow, Hufflepuff Quidditch uniform.
“Namjoon-hyung didn’t want to leave yet,” Taehyung accused his friend.
“I was just finishing something,” Namjoon nudged him. “Anyway, sorry to make you wait. You can go without us next time.”
“Not a chance!” you smiled and shook your head. “Now let’s go and eat. I’m starving,” you turned around and walked ahead.
“If we hurry, we’ll be able to spot Seokjin-hyung parading his red crocs around,” Taehyung grinned.
“No way, did Jungkook prank him again?” you laughed. Namjoon walked beside you and chuckled at Taehyung’s news, only his eyes weren’t on him.
“Sure did! Namjoon-hyung helped a lot too.”
“I convinced him that red crocs were the epitome of fashion in the muggle world,” Namjoon nodded proudly. “Since he wouldn’t believe Jungkook of course.”
“I guess dinner is going to be all the more entertaining,” you, the corner of your lip uplifted in a sneaky smile.
“I-I’ll go ahead!” Taehyung exclaimed, as if he discovered the most brilliant idea ever, which in Namjoon’s case, was. “Don’t want to miss any of that red crocs action.”
“Alright,” Namjoon shrugged, feigning nonchalance when in fact he was giving Taehyung the biggest telepathic high-five ever. Taehyung grinned and ran ahead but not before flashing a very obvious thumbs-up.
“I guess he’s really excited to see it,” you observed.
“It was kind of his idea,” Namjoon said. “I bet to him it’s like seeing his newly-born child.”
“That’s a very accurate but weird way of looking at it,” you laughed. Namjoon smiled to himself, proud that he made you laugh but also kind of embarrassed at that weird description he thought of on the spot. “So, how was practice earlier?”
“Tiring, as always,” you sighed and rubbed at sore muscle on your right shoulder. “Hoseok’s a great captain but boy is he merciless.”
“Make sure you eat a lot later,” Namjoon reminded you. “And drink some chocolate milk. I know that helps a lot with cramps in your muscles. There’s also this pressure point that my grandmother told me about on your arm near the elbow that helps relieve tension when you press it.”
“Really?” you looked up at him with wide eyes. Namjoon nodded, taking your arm and gently prodding at the said pressure point. Sure enough, you felt the soreness from your shoulder earlier fade away. “Wow, it does come in handy. Thanks for that!” you smiled gratefully at him.
“It’s no problem,” Namjoon shook his head.
The two of you soon reached the Great Hall where almost everyone was already seated and enjoying the Friday night dinner. It was often a bit grander compared to other weekday feasts simply because it was a Friday. You and Namjoon quickly found your friends causing a bit of a commotion, like always, with Seokjin at the center of attention angrily removing his red crocs.
“Seriously?! I walked around in this all day,” Seokjin groaned and kicked the red crocs away.
“Looks like Taehyung’s and your prank really did work,” you laughed and nudged Namjoon who wasn’t even trying to contain his laughter. Besides Seokjin, his friends Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi were sitting and taking pictures at the Ravenclaw dinner table. Jimin and Hoseok were at the Hufflepuff dinner table with the other Quidditch team players discussing team strategy. Despite the hilarious commotion his friends were causing, Namjoon couldn’t help but sigh knowing that you had to go join your teammates for dinner. He understood how important it was to you but sometimes he just selfishly wanted you all to himself.
“I better join the team,” you said gesturing over your shoulder at Hoseok who was waving you over. “I’ll come by after the meeting to eat dinner with you, okay Namjoon?”
“Y-yeah! Just take your time,” Namjoon nodded.
“I’m coming back to eat dinner with you,” you shook your head. “I finished reading the novel you lent me so you owe me another book recommendation,” you pointed at him. Namjoon didn’t care if he was called a nerd or a geek for it, but he sure felt as if he was falling for you every time you said that you finished a novel he recommended to you. It was kind of how you two bonded after all. When the two of you talked for about five hours about books, Namjoon knew you were the one.
“Sure,” he smiled, waving you off before sitting down beside Taehyung.
“Hey! You were in this too, weren’t you!” Seokjin pointed at him once he sat down. “Wow, I thought you were my friend.”
“Doesn’t mean I love pranking you,” Namjoon snickered. “But then again, if anyone could look good in crocs, it’s you hyung.”
“Flattery won’t work this time,” Seokjin pouted and sat down. “I guess my only friend right now is food,” he sighed and began piling rice on his plate.
“These pictures are going to be all over the Great Hall tomorrow,” Jungkook grinned at his camera and showed it off to Yoongi beside him.
“I still can’t believe you’d think red crocs are hot fashion in the muggle world,” Yoongi shook his head at Seokjin. “I mean, look at them! They look like tiny, weird, rubber boats.”
“Taehyung wears weird stuff all the time!” Seokjin protested.
“Tiny, weird, rubber boats…” Taehyung muttered. “Hey, what if we make them gigantic rubber boats!”
“And have a race in the Great Lake!” Jungkook added.
“Hey, Headmistress McGonagall already put you two in detention for messing around in the Great Lake,” Yoongi warned them.
“Yeah but you can bail us out again, right hyung?” Jungkook smiled cheekily at him. Namjoon snickered, knowing that Yoongi was still going to give in to their requests no matter how many times he had to do it.
“I think that’s a ‘yes’,” Taehyung grinned. Yoongi glanced at him once and groaned, an indication that he was going to do it after all.
“Hold on, I think I’m being called for a team meeting,” Jungkook said, looking over their heads at the Slytherin Quidditch team captain waving him over to their table. The game between Hufflepuff and Slytherin was in two weeks so most teams were already getting their strategies and workout regimens ready. “See you guys,” he waved and walked away.
“Man, I wish there was some way I could prank him back,” Seokjin muttered, poking at his rice with his chopsticks. “It might fun seeing one of the biggest pranksters here getting pranked himself.”
“You might need some accomplices for that one, hyung,” Namjoon advised. “If it’s just you alone, there’s a chance Jungkook will find something fishy quickly.”
“You’re right,” Seokjin nodded. “Yoongi—”
“Nope,” Yoongi cut him off.
“I can help,” Taehyung piped up.
“Yeah right, you’ll probably find a way to prank me too,” Seokjin looked at him with distrust.
“I think it would also be funny to see him get pranked,” Taehyung shrugged. “And I’ll do it right if you pay me. I’ll take twenty galleons worth of stuff from either Honeydukes or Zonko’s.”
“You’d sell out your prank buddy like that?” Yoongi frowned.
“He’d do the same to me. That’s how friendship works,” Taehyung said. Yoongi mulled that statement over in his head for a while before nodding in agreement.
“Alright then,” Seokjin grinned. “Prank him good and you’ve got yourselves a deal.” He reached out his hand and the two shook on it.
“How are you planning to prank Jungkook then?” Namjoon asked.
“You guys come up with a situation or an excuse,” Taehyung answered. “But I’ve mastered the perfect spell for this,” he grinned smugly.
“Is it another awesome Transfiguration spell?” Namjoon asked, clearly sounding impressed. He always admired the new and often complicated Transfiguration spells Taehyung invented.
“Yup,” Taehyung nodded sagely. “Recently I’ve learned how to transfigure ordinary black robes… into Fruit Roll-ups.” He grinned up at his seatmates, clearly awaiting some kind of applause but instead being greeted with confused looks on Yoongi and Seokjin’s faces and pure exasperation on Namjoon’s.
“Fruit… Roll-ups,” Yoongi repeated slowly.
“They’re this kind of candy in the muggle world,” Namjoon explained. “They’re like sheets of gummy candy that kind of taste like fruit but are really just artificial.”
“How did you come up with that?” Yoongi stared at Taehyung with a mixture of awe and confusion.
“In Transfiguration class, professor taught us a spell to change the colors of ordinary robes,” Taehyung explained. “But I was craving Fruit Roll-ups too so I guess I turned the robes into candy,” he shrugged.
“I can’t believe you sometimes,” Yoongi shook his head. Namjoon nodded in agreement.
“Will it look weird and gross on Jungkook?” Seokjin asked.
“Very,” Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll take it,” Seokjin nodded. “Jungkook’s got another thing coming for him now.”
It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that you fell in love Hogwarts your carriage arrived at the entrance. You loved the Great Hall, the warm and cozy Hufflepuff Common Room, the Great Lake, and the gigantic Quidditch stadium. It was quite easy for you making friends considering how inviting your fellow Hufflepuffs, both in your year and above, were to each other. You even found yourself having a slumber party with the other girls in your dormitory, giggling and sharing stories until you all passed out late at night. There was never a feeling of homesickness in sight.
But of course, the introverted side of you got tired of the constant social interaction. Which is exactly what led you to visiting the library early in your first week of classes. Somehow, you found time to escape all the flurry activities to read a book, or two, for a few hours each week in the library.
And that’s how you met Kim Namjoon.
Well, not exactly meet him for the first time. The two of you shared Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms class together. You didn’t know much about him except for the fact that he was a bit shy around his classmates but he always raised his hand and answered perfectly when the professor called him. When you saw him in the library, poring over a textbook with another stack of books next to him, you didn’t need to guess much to figure out why he was so smart.
The first few months of school, the only interactions you two had were smiles and nods when you passed each other in the library aisles. You always stayed around him long enough to read the title of the book he was currently reading before retreating to your own reading spot. You couldn’t help it, whenever you saw someone reading a book curiosity compelled you to read the title.
The only time you talked to him, like actually talked to him, was when you found him passed out over his books on a Sunday night. It was almost dinnertime and you didn’t see him take a break or anything so of course finding Namjoon like this kind of worried you. Taking matters in your own house, you slid it into the seat in front of him and knocked on the table to wake him up.
“Hey, Kim Namjoon,” you said under your breath, gently shaking his shoulder. He groaned and sat up, to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
“What time is it?” he yawned.
“It’s almost dinnertime,” you answered and placed a small carton of pumpkin juice in front of him. “I snuck this in. I thought you might need a drink.”
“Wow, thanks,” Namjoon smiled and gratefully took the pumpkin juice. You noticed the very adorable dimples that showed up on his cheeks when he smiled. “Thanks for waking me up too.”
“No problem,” you smiled back. “I figured you’d rather see someone other than Ms. Pince waking you up.”
“More like smacking me with a piece of parchment,” Namjoon chuckled, pulling out a parchment scroll from behind a stack of books. You looked over at it to find the Potions essay that Professor Slughorn gave everyone as homework. “Hey, have you finished the Potions essay yet?”
“Yeah, yesterday,” you nodded. “What did you make yours about?”
“I’m actually not finished with it yet,” Namjoon laughed sheepishly.
“I-It’s supposed to be two parchment scrolls long and it’s due to tomorrow,” you stammered.
“I always work on things the day before,” he said. That surprised you. Knowing how well he did in class, you expected Namjoon to be the kind of student who worked on homework the day it was given.
“The day before?” you repeated. “You always get high marks on your essays. How do you do it?”
“Procrastinating gives me time to think about things,” Namjoon said. “And I kind of spent most of my time reading yesterday.”
“’Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley, right?” you smiled.
“Yeah,” Namjoon nodded and smiled back, showing off those adorable dimples again. “Have you read it?”
“A few times,” you said. “It’s quite exciting after all. It’s fun to read it when it’s raining outside.”
“It matches the mood perfectly,” Namjoon agreed. “I love reading books when it’s raining too.”
“And with a mug of tea,” you added.
“With that kind of set-up, I don’t think I’ll do an ounce of homework,” Namjoon chuckled.
“You know, the Hufflepuff Common Room has a really nice reading corner,” you said. “It’s basically just a carpet with a bunch of pillows around it. Some people like making a blanket fort, but it is a great spot for reading. You should come sometime.”
“R-really?” Namjoon stammered, clearly surprised.
“Sure,” you nodded. “Hufflepuffs are really friendly to outsiders.”
“I-I know that. It’s just that, I haven’t made a lot of friends yet, except for Hoseok and two of my other hyungs,” Namjoon explained. “Thanks for inviting me.”
“Of course,” you grinned. “It’s nice to meet another person who loves reading.”
“The Ravenclaw Common Room is way too chaotic for reading,” Namjoon chuckled. “Even late at night, you’ll find someone incubating salamander eggs in the furnace.”
“At least you’re not in the Gryffindor Common Room,” you raised an eyebrow.
“At least I’m not in the Gryffindor Common Room,” Namjoon agreed.
“Taehyung, how many neckties do you have?” Seokjin asked, looking over Taehyung’s shoulder as he rifled through the chest near his bed.
“Enough,” Taehyung shrugged, pulling a purple-and-blue polka dot tie and putting it over his neck. He always wore his favorite neckties on Saturdays and Sundays. If he didn’t love Ravenclaw so much, Namjoon was sure Taehyung would wear a weird necktie every day.
“Did someone fetch Jungkook yet?” Seokjin asked.
“Yeah, I talked to him during breakfast,” Namjoon said. “He’ll come up as soon as he finishes doing his morning routine of pining over Jimin.”
“That’s going to take a while,” Taehyung and Seokjin chorused.
“Hey guys, I’m here,” Jungkook appeared, jogging up the steps to the Ravenclaw boy’s dormitory. “Did I miss anything.” Namjoon, Seokjin, and Taehyung glanced at each other and shook their heads.
“You’re just in time,” Taehyung said.
“Are you sure you can actually transfigure normal robes into invisibility robes?” Jungkook asked.
“He did it to me last night,” Namjoon lied. He didn’t participate in pranks much himself but he was the best accomplice to have since most people believed what he would say. “I used it to sneak this book out of the library,” he added, holding up the book he was currently reading.
“That’s awesome,” Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was grinning smugly.
“You guys can mess with Filch even more now,” Seokjin suggested. “Or give Peeves a run for his money.”
“Alright,” Jungkook nodded, seemingly convinced and looked at Taehyung who was already holding out his wand. “Ready when you are.”
Only Namjoon could have spotted the knowing glance that Seokjin and Taehyung exchanged before casting the spell. But no one could have expected Jungkook to turn into a small, black and white rabbit. Everyone fell silent for a while, watching bunny Jungkook hop around, sniffing the air curiously, until finally Taehyung spoke up.
“I don’t think the spell’s supposed to do that…”
“You think?” Seokjin wildly gestured at Jungkook. “He’s a bunny!”
“A very cute one at that,” Taehyung smiled sheepishly.
“That isn’t making this situation better,” Seokjin sighed.
Namjoon got off the bed he was sitting on and walked slowly towards the Jungkook bunny. It looked up at him, twitched its ears, before jumping towards his foot. Namjoon knelt down and scooped him up in his hands.
“I think he still recognizes us,” Namjoon said. “Jungkook, nod twice if you understand me.” The bunny looked up at him and nodded twice.
“He’s going to be so mad when he turns back into himself,” Taehyung winced.
“You’re the one who said you could turn his clothes into Fruit Roll whatevers,” Seokjin blamed him.
“First of all, they’re called Fruit Roll-ups. Do not disgrace a holy name.” Seokjin rolled his eyes. “And secondly, you’re the one who asked me to prank him.” Jungkook perked up his ears at the statement and looked at the two of them. If bunnies could narrow their eyes, Namjoon guessed that the Jungkook bunny was death-glaring at Taehyung and Seokjin.
“We’ll turn you back, I promise,” Seokjin said. Jungkook stuck its nose in the air and turned away.
“Do you think we should take him to Madame Pomfrey?” Namjoon suggested.
“No, no way,” Taehyung shook his head. “She said that she would send me straight to detention if I transfigured my friends into animals again.”
“Again?” Seokjin looked at him incredulously.
“Maybe around twelve times,” Namjoon shrugged. “So, who do we take Jungkook to?”
“I know! Professor Slughorn!” Taehyung exclaimed. “We’re close,” he bragged. Even though Taehyung wasn’t that good at Potions itself, Professor Slughorn clearly had a soft spot for him and often praised his outlandish Transfiguration achievements.
“Sounds good,” Seokjin nodded.
“You’ll be back your old Jungkookie self in a little bit,” Namjoon said, stroking Jungkook’s head. Although he had to admit, it was pretty nice seeing him in bunny form.
The three of them made their way out of the Ravenclaw tower and headed downstairs to the Dungeons where Professor Slughorn’s office was. It was a Saturday so there were students milling around the hallways or playing outside. Namjoon usually spent his Saturday mornings with you reading in the Hufflepuff room or doing a weird, crazy experiment in the Ravenclaw room. Of course, now you were busy practicing for the upcoming Quidditch match.
“Wow, those guys sure are prepared,” Seokjin said, pausing for a while to watch the Hufflepuff team as he walked by. Namjoon paused to look as well. You had joined the Quidditch team in your second year as a Seeker. Practice with everyone did eat up on your time together but Namjoon really loved seeing you fly, weaving in-between the goalposts and doing seamless loop-de-loops in the air. There was a small feeling of worry in his chest whenever he saw you but he always believed that you could handle yourself on a broom.
Right now, Hoseok was making everyone do drills by attempting to toss the Quaffle through the goalposts while he was guarding it. Jungkook was watching too, standing up on his hind legs with his ears perked up whenever he saw Jimin make a shot. Even in bunny form, Jungkook was still whipped for Jimin. Namjoon wasn’t any different as he stared up at you, doing your own drills by chasing a golden snitch around the field.
“No offense Jungkook but I think Hufflepuff is in it to win it again this year,” Taehyung said. Jungkook twitched his nose.
“Alright everyone. Good practice! Let’s have a break now and come back an hour after lunch,” Hoseok called. Namjoon could hear his loud, captain-like voice even from the ground. The rest of the team prepared to land except for you. From the looks of it, you found the snitch already and was chasing it down heavily. With one hand on your broom and the other hand outstretched, you dove directly downwards before pulling up sharply and snatching the snitch from the air.
If Namjoon had the chance to see that over and over again, he would.
“Nice catch,” Seokjin and Taehyung clapped once you landed next to your team. Namjoon watched as you removed your goggles, the ones he gave you for Christmas, and sat down on the bench to drink water.
“They really might give you guys a run for your money, right Jungkookie?” Namjoon said, looking down at his hands to find that bunny Jungkook disappeared. “J-Jungkook?”
“Weren’t you holding him?” Taehyung turned around. Namjoon looked wildly around him.
“I was but then when I looked down he wasn’t there,” he said.
“Isn’t that him?” Seokjin pointed at the grass where a black and white ball of fur could be seen hopping around and nibbling the grass. “He must be hungry,” Seokjin groaned and called after him. “Hey! Didn’t you eat breakfast already?” But bunny Jungkook ignored him and kept on hopping ahead, right towards where the Hufflepuff team was.
“I’ll go get him,” Namjoon said, already chasing after Jungkook. “You guys go get Professor Slughorn. Meet me in the Ravenclaw Common Room later.”
“Got it,” Taehyung nodded as he and Seokjin went ahead.
“Hoseok sure is drilling everyone to death,” you panted and took a sip from your water bottle. In front of you, Jimin grinned despite the sweat rolling down his flushed face.
“Can’t keep up, noona?” he teased.
“Shut up, I was thinking about you,” you huffed and took another drink of water. It was a Saturday morning so almost everyone in the castle was either sleeping in or relaxing in the Common Room. You were kind of annoyed that Quidditch practice was currently eating up on your time with Namjoon but then again, it was better than having Hoseok get mad at you. Right now, Hoseok dismissed the team for a lunch break, giving you a little extra free time before you had to go back.
“Hey, can you pass me my water bottle?” Jimin asked. “It’s on the ground next to the bench.”
“Alright,” you nodded, bending over to fetch Jimin’s bright blue water bottle when you spotted what appeared to be a black and white bunny hopping straight toward you. Any questions you had regarding where the bunny came from or why it was here disappeared when you saw it twitch its cute little nose.
“Awww… you seem lost little guy,” you cooed, holding out your hands on the ground. The bunny hopped forward hesitantly before finally jumping into your hands, making you squeal even louder.
“What is it?” Jimin asked, looking over your shoulder. You turned around to face him and showed the little bunny in your hands. Jimin’s face melted at the sight. “Awww… it’s so cute!” he reached out a hand and gently stroked the bunny’s fur. The bunny twitched it’s nose up at Jimin and stood slightly on its hind legs.
“I think it likes you,” you grinned and handed the bunny over to him. Jimin held it up near his face and kissed it lightly on its head. You giggled at the sight knowing that Jimin could hardly help himself when it came to petting and giving love to cute animals.
“Where do you think the owner is?” Jimin wondered.
“Hey! Guys!” you turned around and spotted Namjoon running toward you.
“Look! We found this cute little bunny,” Jimin greeted, holding up the bunny for him to see. “Do you know who it belongs to?”
“I-I found it in the greenhouse,” Namjoon stammered. “I named it Flopsy.”
“Awww, Flopsy!” Jimin grinned and played with the bunny’s ears. “It’s perfect!”
“Maybe we should find something for it to eat,” you suggested. “Something other than grass.”
“I know!” Jimin exclaimed. “Professor Sprout was growing Scullyweed in the greenhouse. Animals love that stuff. Watch over Flopsy while I go get it,” he said, handing Flopsy over to you. Flopsy tried to jump back into Jimin’s hands but you gently held him back.
“Jimin will be back later, Flopsy,” you cooed at him. “He’s getting you something good to eat.”
“Let’s meet later at the Ravenclaw Common Room,” Namjoon instructed Jimin who nodded and began heading to the greenhouse.
“See you later Flopsy!” Jimin waved before leaving.
Of all the people Jungkook decided to run to, it had to be you. You had such a soft spot for cute animals and once you were near one, it was almost impossible for you to walk away from it. Admittedly, it could have been worse if Jimin found Jungkook first. Jimin practically rivaled you when it came to his love for cute animals and Namjoon didn’t think Jungkook would want to escape Jimin’s affection either.
But then again, it wasn’t so bad for him seeing how cute you looked playing with bunny Jungkook.
“Man, I wish I could just stay here and play with Flopsy all day,” you sighed, leaning against one of the bedposts on Namjoon’s bed.
“You still have more Quidditch practice later?” Namjoon asked.
“After lunch,” you nodded. “Hoseok is really pulling all the stops this year.”
“When has he never not pulled all the stops?” Namjoon chuckled.
“True,” you grinned tiredly. “It’s eating up on my reading time with you,” you pouted. “After Quidditch season, I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“You can make it up to me by catching the Golden Snitch,” Namjoon smirked and looked up at you. “Maybe when you do, you can yell out ‘Kim Namjoon is the coolest!’” or something.”
“’Study sessions with Kim Namjoon are open!’” you yelled. You grinned at him cheekily. “Something like that?”
“Hey! Last time I did that I hardly slept for a week!” Namjoon protested.
“But everyone did get good grades because of you,” you shrugged. “Still, I’ll make it up to you somehow.”
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon smiled and shook his head. “It’s enough that you even hang out with me.”
“Hey,” you edged closer to Namjoon on the bed. “I don’t like hearing insecurity talk from you. And besides, it’s fun hanging out with you, and that’s not because you’re great at helping me do homework.”
“Ah, and now your ulterior motive comes up,” Namjoon sighed and nodded. “I should have known that that’s why you were hanging out with me all these years.”
“Shut up!” you laughed at his joke. “If I only befriended you because you helped me with my homework I wouldn’t be putting up with listening to all your weird conspiracy theories.”
“Hey, aliens are real!” Namjoon protested.
“Right, and the government is totally watching us through bird cameras,” you rolled your eyes.
“If Hogwarts is real I don’t see how that can’t,” Namjoon raised an eyebrow at you. You crossed your arms and leaned back.
Jungkook hopped around the bed a few more times before finally stopping to rest on top of one of the stacks of books on Namjoon’s bed. You raised your hand up and petted it on the head.
“Man, I guess Flopsy’s finally tired,” you grinned and scratched him on the nose. Namjoon now felt himself pouting slightly at the interaction. Now he wished Taehyung cast that spell on him instead of Jungkook. But then again, if he was the bunny, he’d probably trip over his own paws while hopping.
“Jimin should be back any second now,” Namjoon said. And hopefully, so would Taehyung and Seokjin with some way to turn Jungkook back to normal. But, after hearing the name ‘Jimin’, Jungkook hopped excitedly off the stack of books, kicking most of them down on the floor in the process.
“Ah, you really shouldn’t stack your books on your bed,” you said, reaching down to pick up the fallen books off the floor.
“Sorry about that,” Namjoon apologized, crawling over to help pick up the books.
“You also keep leaving these sheets of parchment lying around,” you added, picking up a fallen sheet of parchment that had been wedged in-between the stack of books. “No wonder you sometimes have to rewrite your homework,” you chuckled.
“I know, I know,” Namjoon nodded. “I’ll try to put it all in a drawer.” You picked up the piece of parchment blank side up and right before you turned it over to see what was written, Namjoon caught a glimpse of his writing. It was a very brief glance, but long enough for him to remember what he wrote on it.
It was one of his poems for you.
“Y/N!” Namjoon reached a hand out to stop you but not before you read your name on the title of the poem. Your Quidditch reflexes kicked in to block Namjoon’s hand before he could grab the parchment.
“Why is my name here then?” you asked. You saw Namjoon swallow nervously as he searched for something to say. Even you felt your heart racing a bit faster, faster than when you were chasing after the Snitch earlier. Namjoon always let you read the poems he wrote so why was he so guarded about this now?
Maybe it was just you jumping to conclusions after three years of wishing that Namjoon shared the same feelings you did, but could it be that the poem was for you?
“Why are you so quiet?” you found yourself speaking up. “Can you… please say something? Anything?”
Namjoon looked into your eyes. It made you remember the first time you actually met in the library. At that time, you two were just young first years looking for a friend to share their interests with. Who would have known you would have begun to feel something more about him?
“It’s about you,” Namjoon finally confessed. He reached his hand out to you and you bit your lip before handing him the poem. He looked down at the words he wrote, fingers gently smoothing out the wrinkles in the parchment, a habit that you often saw him do while he was reading. Even though he was often called ‘Destruction Monster’ because of how clumsy he was, you did acknowledge the fact that he had such gentle-looking hands. You kept your eyes on them, uncertain of where else to look, as he read out the poem to you.
Whenever you read any of the poems or song lyrics he wrote, you were always dazzled by Namjoon’s gift with words. It probably came from all his reading and from the unique way he looked at the world which you always loved about him. His poetry always evoked some deep emotion within you. But now, hearing your own name spoken along with the words Namjoon skillfully stitched together, you felt something even deeper. The magic from Namjoon’s poem outshone almost every piece of magic in Hogwarts.
When he finished reading, neither of you spoke for a while, as if you two were afraid of somehow breaking something precious. But even without talking, you could sense Namjoon’s anxiety as he waited for your reaction and you hated seeing him so overwhelmed.
“Namjoon…” you began. Namjoon hesitantly met your eyes. You really wished you were as good as words as he was but the only things that came into your head were lines from those cheesy romantic novels you read secretly. Eventually, all you could say was “I feel the same way.”
The emotions on Namjoon’s face went from anxious to surprised to pure, utter happiness. You giggled at the sight of his dimples as he grinned.
“R-really?” he stammered, running a hand through his hair. “You like me? Me?”
“Why do you look like you’re about to spout a conspiracy theory?” you laughed at him.
“Are you kidding me? This is the best conspiracy theory I’ve ever discovered!” Namjoon laughed and hugged you.
“Who knows? An alien might appear in front of the door now,” you grinned, feeling your face flush as you hugged him back. Suddenly, the door slammed open and Taehyung ran in.
“Namjoon-hyung! I figured it out!” Taehyung yelled, pulling his wand out. You and Namjoon turned to watch as Taehyung walked towards where Flopsy still was resting on the bed. “All I need to do is cast that spell that undoes Transfiguration spells.” He directed his wand at Flopsy and yelled “Reparifarge!” Then, the bunny, which apparently was not actually a bunny, transformed into none other than Jeon Jungkook. He was sprawled on the bed, looking right at you and Namjoon still hugging each other. You felt your face heat up realizing that he was there all this time.
“Um… nice weather we’re having,” he smiled sheepishly.
“Where’s Seokjin?” Namjoon asked.
“Hiding from Jungkook,” Taehyung said.
“You should be doing the same thing,” Jungkook shot Taehyung a dangerous look and began rolling up his sleeves.
“S-stop that! You know how much that makes me nervous,” Taehyung backed away slowly. Just then, the door opened again and Jimin ran in carrying basket of leaves.
“I got the Scullyweed!” he grinned. “What did I miss? Where’s Flopsy?”
“I think things are going to get a bit messy in here,” you sighed.
“Want to go to the library?” Namjoon asked. You contemplated that for a bit before nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
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