#i just know she loves to knit/crochet/sew and makes most of her clothes
bibliosims · 3 months
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egophiliac · 1 year
please i would like to know more knitting headcanons if you have them. i love the most wholesome cozy headcanons out there
this got SO away from me, I'm so sorry, it started as "here is some needlework-related headcanon" and then I just lost my entire mind and it turned into "here are Scenarios about characters doing crafts". I…wasn't kidding about dedicating large amounts of time thinking about characters making things out of yarn.
it's not quite a fanfic but, uhhh, take it about as seriously as you take my comics, I guess. :') we're all just having fun here!
the closest Grim has gotten to knitting is the time he ate half a skein of yarn because it "looked spicy". (that was not a fun day for Yuu or the Ramshackle bathroom.) the ghosts, meanwhile, have canonically have made clothes for Yuu and Grim and, honestly, they're probably their own little knitting club (and Yuu's self-appointed eccentric granduncles). you know they're loving having an actual person to play dress-up make things for. we shall be well-prepared for any more impromptu Tsunotarou snowstorms.
Riddle, Trey, and Jamil all know the basics of sewing, but don't do any needling beyond mending/darning/general upkeep. they're all annoyingly practical. (Najma is also annoyingly practical, but she's more fashion-forward about it than Jamil. she's probably really into visible mending.)
Ruggie and Epel probably do know how to knit, in addition to those basics, but to them it's more of a utilitarian thing (need a new warm hat for the winter!) than something they do for fun. on that note, I think Epel wouldn't really have a complex about knitting -- partly because it IS a practical skill to have for those Harveston winters, and partly because he would have learned from Marja, and no one would dare imply Marja is anything less than absolutely badass.
meanwhile Ruggie is over here gleefully unravelling Leona's old sweaters so he can make himself a cashmere hat. it'sfreeyarn.jpg
Jack crochets little cozies and accessories for his cactus. he makes seasonal and holiday-themed versions with cute little sewn-on buttons and, you know what, now I need to draw event outfits for a cactus. hold on.
Deuce's mom definitely knits. he might've learned the basics from her when he was little, but never used them until recently, when he's been trying to pick it back up in order to make her a gift. (there's probably a heartwarming story in there about a special scarf or something that she made him that he's trying to replicate for her.) he's been at it for literally months now because he keeps screwing up his math and Riddle has to help him fix it.
Ace doesn't do any needlecraft, and razzed Deuce about it for a while until he found out the reason he was so Determined is because it's for his mom (and also the heartwarming story about the special scarf or whatever). so then he felt kind of guilty, and since he'd rather die than admit it, resolved to just never mention it again. except Deuce is so hilariously inept that not making fun of him is really, really hard. so Ace is just sitting there having a personal crisis every time Deuce whips out his needles and adorable little yarn basket. his life is so difficult. :(
Cater bought an amigurumi kit once when they were The Thing on Magicam. he made a few hedgehogs, took pictures, then gave them away to his friends and hasn't thought about them since. (Riddle was so moved by the gift that he forgot to yell at the first-years for a whole day. his hedgehog has a place of honor on his desk.)
Leona has never touched a needle in his life, and would be insulted if you implied he might enjoy expending a small amount of energy over anything he doesn't have to.
Kalim has touched a needle, once, when he tried to help mend something. he was so atrocious at it that Jamil forbade him from ever touching one again. if he started knitting it would probably give Jamil heart problems.
Azul strikes me as being someone who always has to be doing something. but he also doesn't like the inefficiency of spending so much time and effort without much return (personal satisfaction doesn't count). so I think he doesn't really do any crafting outside of whatever's necessary for whatever bit he's running at the moment…though maybe there's a tasteful stitched sampler or two hanging on a wall in Mostro. just because.
Jade is a little more crafty (ho ho, puns) outside of Schemes. by which I mean he exclusively makes mushroom-related decor and insists on hanging it up in Mostro. (Azul keeps asking him to stop. Jade pretends not to hear.)
Floyd once knit most of a densely-cabled fisherman's sweater in half a day. he got within 200 stitches of finishing before he got bored and never got back to it.
Vil probably, like…spent a week making a pair of cute mitts or something, and was really proud of them! then Neige made the mistake of getting super excited and trying to bond over it, and inadvertently soured Vil on knitting forever.
Rook I genuinely believe is both capable of doing everything, and also actively involved in using those skills at any given time. he could make an offhand remark about how he's been needlefelting tiny petals to stitch together into an elaborate rose-themed bodysuit and I would just be like "yep, that tracks."
he could also mention that he just put the finishing touches on the statue of Neige made out of hair that he keeps in the Hey Arnold-style shrine in his closet, and I would still be like "yep, that tracks".
I don't think Idia knits, but he might have bit of theoretical interest in it because of the relationship between knitting and binary? he probably spent a while trying to figure out if he could somehow make a playable version of Doom on a sweater. (it's magic, so yes. he doesn't want to actually have to make the sweater though.)
Ortho once made a hat and some mittens for Idia. it might be cold when they finally go to the park. :)
Malleus has a tapestry that's been his quick breather project for the last 400 years. he was vexed when he ran out of a color that hasn't been produced since the plant the dye came from went extinct a century ago. >:( the new flosses just aren't the same.
Sebek has tried embroidery in order to feel closer to ~wakasama~ but he doesn't have the patience for it. he's trying, though! his daisies are barely lazy at all these days! (he would probably actually be really good at knitting, since a lot of it is just…following instructions and doing math. since his main point of reference right now is Lilia, he hasn't figured this out.)
Lilia knits poorly and with much gusto. gauge? never heard of her. tension? this is supposed to be a relaxing hobby! it's unclear if he knows how bad he is, or if he's deliberately trying to see how embarrassing he can get before the others stop wearing the things he makes them. (they never will.) either way, he's having fun!
Silver was a self-sufficient little homestead boy by the time he was twelve, so of course he knows all the fun things you can do with wool (fortunately he learned how to knit before Lilia had a chance to ruin him) (idk, a friendly squirrel taught him or something, he's a literal disney princess his life is like that). he has a unique talent for being able to sit there asleep and somehow still spin perfectly consistent yarn.
look, I just want Silver to use a spinning wheel, c'mon
Neige and Silver both make tiny sweaters for orphaned baby animals. Neige's are more skilled (they have colorwork and little seed buttons) but Silver's are softer, since they're made from the wool that his forest bunny friends gather for him and donate to the cause. (Ace heard him mention this once and had to go have another personal crisis over it.)
this also ties into another absolutely unfounded headcanon I have about Silver and Neige being friends with the same bluebird family that alternates island sides for breakfast and dinner. there isn't any more to it, I just think it'd be cute. 🐦
orphan baby animals aside, Neige absolutely 1000% knits and you'll never convince me otherwise. he made that sweater. he made Snick's scarf. if you spend too long around him he'll have already started making you a cardigan in your favorite color. the dwarves don't knit because they don't have to. (wait, no, Timmy probably does -- you never actually see him do it, but every once in a while there's a new aggressively cute potholder added to the collection. Toby has tried, but he is physically incapable of not dropping stitches everywhere and ending up with a sad little pile of yarn.)
Che'nya says he does yarn sculpture, but really he's just batting the yarn balls around and leaving them for someone else to clean up.
Rollo does enormous cross-stitch recreations of illuminated manuscripts on 60-count linen (over one, of course). he will lecture you for two hours on how much he does not enjoy doing it and how that makes him better than you.
Mickey doesn't (I SAID EVERYONE). I'm sure his girlfriend knits though.
Crowley enters stitching competitions at the local fair. his depictions of handsome-looking ravens in top hats do better than you'd think, but he still keeps losing to goddamn Ambrose with his perfect backs and railroaded stitches and no hoop marks and…
resisting the urge to say that Crewel does crewel. failing.
…okay, but look, he does fashion design in canon, it MAKES SENSE --
Trein is a Good Cat Owner, so (after carefully researching durable and pet-safe materials) he crochets little mice with catnip inside. he gets a deep sense of satisfaction at seeing them get torn to shreds. :)
Sam doesn't partake himself, but he does have weirdly intricate knowledge of every potential needlecrafting technique and the associated tools -- which he just so happens to have in stock now!
like Rook, I do believe that Sam just…knows everything, through his "friends" or otherwise. he could start spouting details about the historic production of goldwork thread, and as long as he then offers to sell something to us while shouting gratuitous English, it would feel perfectly in-character.
you wouldn't think Vargas would be into crafting, but he did spend a week painstakingly painting antlers onto a hoodie for his deer cosplay. magic? pah! he didn't get these muscles by NOT smearing craft-store fabric paint everywhere BY HAND.
(this is also why Crewel agreed to wear the…thing…that Vargas made for his turn at being camp monster. he actually spent time and effort on it and the whole idea was giving Crewel his own personal crisis.)
this got so far away from me, I am so, so sorry
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Sewing in G/T
Fiber Arts | Knitting | Crochet
Sewing is one of those skills that exists in literally any representation of g/t, even if it's not emphasized! Most people wear clothes, and those clothes have to come from somewhere. If they're not being sourced from another place, like doll's clothes for borrowers, then giants and tinies likely have to make clothes for themselves! So long as they have a needle and thread, they can make and mend their own clothes and other articles.
As per the usual format now, I'll be going through examples of g/t sewing in media that I'm aware of, talk about some of the practical application in g/t scenarios, and provide some examples of what gives me real life g/t vibes in sewing.
Just a heads up, I am a relative novice with sewing compared to knitting/crochet, having picked it up only in the last few years. So if anyone more experienced has more ideas, please share them!
In Media
This time around I actually have quite a few examples of on-screen sewing in g/t that I know of, and as always I'd love if anyone would share others that aren't shown here!
The most practical example of tiny sewing I know of is the scene from Studio Ghibli's Arrietty (The Secret World of Arrietty) in which she and Homily are putting together very large bags in preparation for their move. Not only is it a nice quiet moment that starts to build the tension and seriousness of their situation, but it also showcases the difference in skill and experience between mother and daughter.
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While appearing rather large in comparison to real life hand stitching, you can see that Homily's stitches are tight and even along her own seam. Arrietty's, on the other hand, are uneven, and within the scene Homily points out that some of them are too long and she'll have to start her seam over to make sure it's properly secure.
Homily is shown sewing in several iterations of The Borrowers that I've seen, as shown below. She seems to be mending things in the 1997 and 1992 versions, and I think 2011 Homily is running her needle through a ribbon, maybe making a ruffle? It's hard to tell since it's not exactly the focus of the scene, but it's clearly a way for her to cope with her husband very audibly getting into trouble.
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And for once I have examples of giant sewing to include as well! @taters169 recently shared one with me in the discord, in a version of Gulliver's Travels I hadn't seen before. The Lilliputians pitch in to make him a new jacket!
Another, shorter example is from an old Disney short about Paul Bunyan, an American folk tale about a giant lumberjack. There's a brief scene, timestamped below, in which the town that found and adopted Paul as a baby came together to make his clothes. Not only does this include sewing, but there's also a big group spinning yarn to knit into cartoonishly large booties for him. Again, it's very short, only one shot in the whole thing, but it's nice to see those details included!
The Potential
Sewing has been around since the dawn of time, so there's really no reason why any giant or tiny couldn't have some access to it in some form or another, if they really try! Needles can be made from bone or antler if metal isn't available, and tinies can potentially use human-sized needles for their own purposes. Sewing needles come in many different thicknesses and lengths, so depending on the scale, they don't have to be too unwieldy. The smallest needles I've seen were quilting needles (shown below), but I'm sure if a tiny or giant is crafty enough, they could make their own.
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As for thread, that can be sourced from loads of places! It can be spun from natural fibers, like animal hair or plant fiber or silk, or it can be repurposed. Giants could use spools of rope, and tinies could use some of the thinner threads available.
Similarly, fabric can be homespun and woven, or found and gathered and recycled. I think it depends on the kind of setting you're working with, and whether the giants or tinies live adjacent to human society and have to source things that way. If they live independently, then the former is certainly a possibility. The latter is the reason patchwork items give me major g/t vibes! It's a thrifty way to put clothes together when you don't have enough of any one fabric for the entire thing. The smaller the patchwork, the bigger I envision the person wearing it since I can only imagine giants could find very small amounts of fabric at a time, proportionally.
I guess that leads right into:
Real Life G/t Vibes
With regard to sewing patterns, Vibes are really open to interpretation. I often gravitate to simple garments that don't have too many bells and whistles. Adjustable garments as well, especially if one imagines a giant or tiny could have less access to fasteners.
I recently found a company called Matchy Matchy Sewing Club. I'm in no way affiliated with them. They're a US based company that sells cotton and linen fabric, and PDF sewing patterns. The patterns are designed in such a way as to have several panels, giving ample opportunity to mix and match fabrics into some very cute patchwork looks!
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I will say that printing PDF patterns can be tough on a domestic printer, so if you can, I would find a service that can print patterns full size for you. I can't speak for international services, but I know that in the US you can use PDF Plotting and have patterns printed and shipped to you. I haven't used it personally yet, but from what I've heard, it's more worth it to upload several patterns to print at once to make the shipping worth it. If anyone knows of other services that work internationally or in other countries, please let us know!
Fabric choice is also a factor in g/t vibes. Solids are kind of a blank slate, but if there's any sort of pattern on it, I feel it kind of works like visual storytelling. For instance, Moda has a line of tone-on-tone fabric called 'Grunge' that almost looks pre-distressed, great to give one some rugged, well-worn vibes! In a similar vein, I'm a huge fan of their speckled metallic line, which is a fun and random-looking small scale print.
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The scale of prints can do a lot to imply how large or small someone is, without being obvious enough to those not in the know. Small scale can give the impression of being big in comparison, while large scale has the opposite effect! Examples below, small scale Liberty Tana Lawn on the left, and large scale Robert Kaufman Organic Flannel on the right.
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The thickness and texture of the fabric can also play a part. For example, cotton woven fabrics are much thinner and more drapey than typical quilting cottons, and there are lightweight canvases that are stiffer than typical cotton, but still usable in garments if one wanted to make something that looked like it was originally made for dolls!
I feel like I could go on forever about this, but I'll cut myself off there. What do you think? I'd love to hear your ideas and inspirations for g/t sewing! And if you'd like to chat with more g/t fiber folk, come join us on our discord!
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How do you do solarpunk aesthetic week when you live in a tiny apartment with no outside access? I always want to participate but I feel like most stuff y'all post is geared towards people who live in houses...
Hey, thanks for sending in the ask!
We put our heads together and came up with a few ideas for you!
Grow plants indoors! You could grow a few houseplants to green up your space, or even try growing some vegetables and/or herbs indoors! I've heard people have lots of luck with basil indoors, and my freshman year of college I grew cherry tomatoes and peppers in my dorm room! Maybe check out information on semi or full-hydroponic setups? You can also propagate a lot with a few cuttings and a glass of water! If you have a balcony with your apartment, that could also be a good place to grow flowers or vegetables--depending on the season and temps where you are, it might be a bit cold to start things out there right now, but you could always start planning!
Crafting could be another fun idea! You could try your hand at mending clothes, or making your own clothes from scratch! I (Ani) am learning crochet, if you wanna join me in spirit and pick it up as well! Kala/Fennopunk (who lives in a small apartment 👀) also knows a lot about crocheting, its a pretty nice winter craft! You could also try embroidery, so you can add unique designs onto your clothes! Other options are things like knitting, sewing, leatherwork, jewelrymaking, soap making, and maybe even woodworking or soldering if that interests you!
Learning how to repair tech would be cool! Honestly, learning how to repair anything sounds super cool and is pretty solarpunk! This can also kinda go hand-in-hand with learning how to build your own things (one of my friends knows how to repair and build computers, for example). Try finding some information on something you're interested in and going wild!
Decorate your home in a way that feels Solarpunk to you! Even if you don't get it all done during the event week, I think its definitely a nice way to bring joy! Look into ways your apartment can change with the seasons, ways to keep yourself cozy and warm in winter but cool and bright during the summer! If you get started, feel free to send in progress images, we'd love to see!
Guerrilla gardening! Winter's a great time to scatter wildflower seeds (at least here in the states for me) as it gives the seeds time to acclimate to weather conditions! if you want flowers in spring, you plant seeds in winter! Maybe find a place you wanna target if you go out, think about what seeds you want to plant, and start planning? Or if you have seeds on hand already, you know what to do! Honestly, I also kinda view picking up litter as hand-in-hand with guerrilla gardening, if you've got the vibes for that at all.
Build community with your neighbors! Even if its just saying hi, or talking about what you're up to!
Maybe guerrilla art as well? Moss graffiti, spray painting, or even plastering a couple of stickers up counts as solarpunk! I will give a general warning that doing stuff seen as illegal probably shouldn't be posted online, but hey, you can participate in the week without telling us what you do!
Speaking of art! Maybe you could make art at home! Whether you use chalk, or pastels, or paint, or pencils, or if you've got a tablet you can use--find some inspiration and draw! I've seen lots of people draw solarpunk fashion ideas, solarpunk building concepts, or just general vibe art!
You could also take a crack at writing! You could write a short story, or get started on a longer project idea! You could even just write worldbuilding-type stuff, like examples of event listings or building histories you imagine a solarpunk society would have, or ideas for holidays and festivals!
Learning an instrument feels pretty solarpunk to me! I (Ani) say this as someone who has 2 guitars around and has forgotten 80% of the stuff she learned in her lessons back in high school. Just in general, picking up an old hobby you miss, or starting a new one works great for this event honestly!
You can also check out the Apartment Solarpunk tag on the Practical Solarpunk blog, it may have more ideas for you!
We hope this helps! Either way, I hope you enjoy the event week!
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onegianthotmess · 2 months
Headcanons For Jane
I’ve been wanting to do this for a while so let’s go!!
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Here is the post where I introduced Jane and showed what she looked like: Jane.
Also, I know that @queengiuliettafirstlady is a bit curious about Jane! I’d like to clarify that she is my OC as @natimiles informed you and that there will be a happy ending with her and Theo, just give me a little bit, please! But, in the meantime, you can enjoy these random headcanons that are canon because Jane is my OC/baby and I love her!!!
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Jane is Comte’s first daughter, so obviously she’s a bit spoiled in the beginning
Not in a bad way, more so Comte just goes a bit nuts and almost buys all of the women’s clothing in Paris when he brings Jane home, but Leonardo stops him because he doesn’t want the mansion to overflow with gowns and take up his napping spots or for Jane to be overwhelmed
And yes, Leonardo also unofficially adopts Jane and gives her daily headpats because I said so
Jane is incredibly grateful to have been given a second life, but it has led her to question things
She was a devout Catholic while human, but she was confused on what to do with her beliefs when she’d been given an impossible second chance
So, after much contemplation, Jane did decide to remain Catholic in terms of beliefs, but not as devoutly as when she was human because her second life as a vampire has given her a new perspective on things
Jane is often compared to Vincent in personality and none of those comparisons are incorrect
Historically, Jane Seymour was actually called a peaceful angel while in court and was known to be one of, if not the most, beloved queen that ruled during King Henry VIII’s reign
So it makes sense her personality would stay the same even after becoming a vampire
In fact, the reason she wanted to continue living was to help children, even though she couldn’t raise her own son
So, yes, she is often compared to Vincent in terms of being an angel, but her and Vincent don’t see how they’re similar to each other and it’s so cute!!!
Jane only knew English while she was alive and had to learn Modern English from Comte, so when she started dating Theo, Arthur tried to learn Dutch swear words so he could tell Jane to say them to Theo as “terms of endearment”
But, before Arthur could do that, Vincent began to teach Jane Dutch without Theo knowing so she could surprise him
Jane is a very good cook and actually surprised Sebastian the first night she was there because she started cooking dinner way before Sebastian and was about halfway done with the meal when Sebastian walked in
Needless to say Sebastian was both bewildered and very interested by this and started scribbling in his notebook that Jane Seymour was an exceptional cook
Jane will also sit down and knit, crochet, or sew with Sebastian when he gets some downtime and she usually mends his suits if a tear is ever on them
Sebastian’s notebook is getting a nice section on Jane Seymour’s hobbies
Jane loves birds and her pet dove Enid was actually a gift given to her by Shakespeare as a thank you for her sewing some costumes for him for a play he was putting on
And Theo doesn’t like that Enid was from Shakespeare, but Jane loves Enid and sees Will as a nice person and good friend, so he stays quiet
Jane likes to watch Vincent paint and she usually tells him when it’s time to eat and when it’s time for him to go to bed
Jane is actually the only person King doesn’t knock over when he sees and is always gentle with Jane, which pisses Theo off a bit but he also thinks it’s cute as fuck-
When Jane feels restless, she will clean and organize things around the mansion
She’s reorganized the library so many times that it’s literally impossible to not find a book within thirty to sixty seconds, if you know what you’re looking for
Jane will occasionally go into town to help teach children with Napoleon and Isaac
It usually takes a minute for Jane to wake up, so Theo usually has to help her get dressed and occasionally has to help her with her hair if she’s that sleepy
Despite being a queen while human, Jane can be very naive and believes a lot of what Arthur and Dazai say if someone doesn’t immediately stop them or tell her otherwise
And yes, she’s fallen for this plenty of times
She’s the baby girl of the mansion, leave her alone-
Jane has days where she can faint very easily and she has done this while out helping Theo with his work
The first time this happened, Theo rushed her to the hospital and was panicking internally the whole time
And when Jane woke up with instructions from the doctor to go home and rest and drink a lot of water, Theo went with her and didn’t leave her side the rest of the day
When Leonardo and Arthur were asked to see if anything was wrong with Jane after multiple fainting spell days happening, Leonardo and Arthur eventually came to the conclusion that, because Jane’s death and final days had such a massive toll on her body, it affected her even after becoming a vampire
Leonardo and Arthur advised her to try and watch for signs of feeling weak or faint within herself to see if she needed to stay home so that her bedroom wasn’t too far to carry her to if she fainted and another resident found her
Luckily, these fainting spell days are usually few and far between and rarely even happen once a month most of the time
When Jane was dying of postpartum complications, she’d gotten an infection in her eyes from a remedy one of the doctors had given her and it damaged her eyes to the point of her needing glasses
For the first two to three months of Jane’s new life as a vampire, she needed to be guided around the mansion because her eyesight was awful and she needed to wait for Comte to take her to an optometrist to settle a prescription for her and get her glasses made before she could walk around the mansion freely
And during those first two to three months, Jane had broken a few things around the mansion while left alone and wandering the halls and after she got her glasses, she apologized profusely for the damages she’d caused
Occasionally, Jane and Arthur will mix up their glasses and Arthur has to go and find Jane to give her her glasses back as quickly as possible before she breaks something and feels guilty about it
All of the mansion pets have at least a slight fondness for Jane, but the birds, Brush, King, Vic, and Chérie all really like her in particular
Vic actually almost prefers Jane to Arthur and it makes Arthur really jealous because Vic is meant to be his dog and love him
But Arthur feels better after Jane reassures him that Vic still loves him before handing him his precious pup to go and play with King for a bit, who was getting jealous of the attention Vic was getting
Arthur and Jane are very good friends, with Jane almost acting motherly in a way towards Arthur and Arthur just being the flirt he is while also being nice and a gentleman to Jane because she’s a babie who must be protected
Jane actually has a great knowledge on the language of flowers and their properties, from medicinal uses to poisons, she knows almost everything about flowers, even some things Leonardo doesn’t know
Jane has always wanted to go to the beach, but she never really could in her life as a human due to being a lady-in-waiting, then a queen who was pressured to produce a male heir who eventually died after giving birth
Also, she can’t swim-
Jane makes Sebastian take breaks from housework and takes care of it herself
She will cook and clean and do the laundry and have it all done all before Sebastian arrives, thus forcing him to take a day off
Jane enjoys taking walks and usually has someone accompany her, which is usually Arthur and Theo
Arthur occasionally goes out to the bar alone with Jane and challenges her to a drinking contest, which usually ends in Theo being called down to carry his drunk wife back to the mansion and makes sure a tipsy Arthur is alright to be left by himself long enough for Leonardo to come down and eventually carry him back home
Jane gets unusually hungry while drunk and she’ll usually ask Theo if they can go get pancakes while he carries her back home
Jane is allowed to drink with anyone except Jean because of how they both get easily wasted and so they need someone else to watch over them so they don’t get themselves killed or do something worse while drunk
Jane and Vincent often go to Shakespeare’s villa together so that they can have tea with him and talk
They occasionally bring Brush and Enid along with them and both of their pets love both Shakespeare and Puck
Puck is a bit iffy on Vincent, but he LOVES Jane and doesn’t focus on giving Vincent half of an evil eye because he’s too busy getting pets from Jane when they visit
Jane has made winter scarves for everyone in the mansion, Shakespeare, and even the vampires in the castle
Jane met Vlad on the street as he was packing up his little flower cart one evening because she was waiting for Theo and Arthur, and Vlad took a liking to Jane and gave her a few free flowers from the selection he had left
Vlad thinks Jane reminds him of an innocent little girl and finds her cute, so he usually gives her a few free flowers whenever he sees her
And it makes Theo jealous whenever Jane tells him about “the very nice man with strawberry eyes” who occasionally gives her a few free flowers because….it’s Theo and Theo doesn’t like to share his precious and innocent little hondje
And Jane makes pancakes for Theo whenever he’s jealous to help him calm down and to reassure him that no one else will ever catch her eye except for him
Pancakes and a night of cuddling usually does the trick to make Theo feel better and Jane is always happy to oblige
Jane does try to limit Theo’s sugar intake, like giving him the option of letting her pour his syrup on his pancakes or having no syrup at all
It usually works, but sometimes Theo is sneaky and swipes the syrup bottle to put more on his pancakes when Jane isn’t looking
Jane usually instates herself as Sebastian’s replacement and caretaker whenever he gets sick, despite his objections
Even though Jane usually tries to take care of any one of the residents when they get sick because she doesn’t like to see them unwell
Jane loves going to the park and will take Enid with her so she can fly around
Jane actually met Charles at one of her visits to the park and asked if she could visit him at his home so she could get to know him better and meet his friends that he lives with
And that’s what led Jane to visit the castle and meet Faust for the first time and figure out who Vlad is
And Theo does not like Faust
Because Faust finds Jane interesting, very interesting and just gives Theo a bad vibe
Meanwhile Jane likes him because he doesn’t seem that bad and she finds him funny
Also everyone added Vlad to the “Don’t Let These People Drink Alone No Matter The Cost” list with Jane and Jean due to his zero tolerance for alcohol
Seriously, don’t let them drink alone together without at least one other person or someone is going to die or something weird is gonna happen
They all woke up hungover in Vlad’s flower garden once and flowers were on fire, there was a bear sleeping with them, Marshmallow was trying to get past Cherie to gnaw on Jean’s leg, Enid was asleep on Jane’s head, Vlad was hanging upside down in a tree, a pot of boiling water was in a rose bush, Jean’s eyepatch was missing, and Jane was using Vlad’s black cloak as a blanket
Yeah, Charles had to clean that up and Faust had to take care of Vald, Jean, and Jane while they were all hungover before Jean and Jane could go home the next day
Comte was freaking out about where his favorite most lightweight went for the three days they were gone
Vincent had to calm down Theo and assure him Jane was fine, but it didn’t really fully work until Jane was home
Jane has a mouse/kitten sneeze
The first time she sneezed at breakfast, everyone looked at her because they never thought she could get any softer or cuter, but they were very wrong
Children love her a lot, she’s like a magnet for kids
When she goes with Theo to take King to the park, children usually come up to her to tell her she’s pretty or to invite her for a game of hide and seek
And babies somehow calm instantly when she holds them
Jane is just really good with kids
Jane was worried about Vincent not having a bed and became even more worried when he said it was fine because he had his couch to sleep on
And Jane couldn’t let that happen, so she talked with Comte and made sure Vincent got a bed put in his room
She even set up some tarps to act as curtains around the bed so that the pillows, blankets, and sheets would be safe from any possible stray bits of paint that would possibly be splattered around in cast of an accident
Jane usually makes Vincent take breaks from painting because she worries about him and they usually make flower crowns together or they go and visit Shakespeare
They make flower crowns for Shakespeare and Puck, too along with their own respective pets
Jane has made flower crowns for Theo and King as well, which makes Theo embarrassed and shy and King very happy because he looks even cuter and eventually gets a snack when the flower crown falls off his head
For Christmas one year, Jane made everyone a special embroidered decorative pillow, even Shakespeare and the castle boys
Theo’s had a golden retriever on it, Arthur’s had a magnifying glass on it, Leonardo’s had tools on it, Jean’s had a tiger on it, Vincent’s had a sunflower on it, Napoleon’s had a sword/rapier on it, Isaac’s had a stack of books with an apple on it, Dazai’s had a book and pen on it, Mozart’s had a violin on it, Sebastian’s had a lamb on it, Comte’s had an hourglass on it, Will’s had symbols for his three most popular plays on it, Faust’s had a monkey on it, Charles’s had resurrection lilies on it, and Vlad’s had strawberries on it
Jane spent about a year and a half planning, researching, and gathering supplies for those pillows before she actually spent another year making the pillows before putting them in nice boxes with wrapping and bows and tags and a hand written card in each to everyone for how grateful she was to have them in her life and that they could do what they wished with their gift
Everyone was very touched by Jane’s dedication to just one gift and they all keep their handmade pillows out on display because they deserve to be seen
Yeah, needless to say that Jane is the queen of going above and beyond for handmade gifts, and just gifts in general
Any holiday involving the giving of gifts, Jane is on top of those gifts, which she planned months in advance for
She’s also the queen of arts and crafts, Sebastian being an extremely close second to her
Jane has made new collars and leashes for both King and Vic because she saw that the ones they had were getting pretty old and worn out
She even made a little harness and leash for Comte’s precious ferret, Thyme
When Jane told Theo she loved him in semi broken Dutch, Theo eased up as best he could on his swearing so that he had less of a chance of his sweet hondje learning any sort of bad language, especially from him
Arthur received many death threats just in case he decided to corrupt Jane’s pure and innocent, and definitely a bit naive, mind
Because Arthur is…well, Arthur
One time Jane accidentally broke her finger on a door and started crying, Theo nearly ripped the door she broke her finger on off its hinges and used it as firewood
He would have, too, if Vincent and Comte weren’t holding him back
Overall, Jane is a sweet babie who could make even the most stone faced serial killer melt with a single kitten sneeze and I love her
(A/N: I got the divider from @firefly-graphics, if you wanted to know or if they wanted to receive credit in this post because I used one of their divider graphics! Either way, go look at some of their stuff because the graphics are really nice!!)
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arrow487356 · 11 months
headcannons of The vamp bois
long one kinda, also nsfw will be its separate post if i even post it. (Also if anyone wonders this is still set in 1987) ALSO JUST A WARNING THIS MOVIE IS NOTHING LIKE TWILIGHT AND IS WAY WAY DIFFERENT SO PLEADE PLEASE DONT MENTION TWILIGHT STUFF. (This is just little note to anyone who is new to this movie and has seen twilight) also my head cannons won’t involve laddie or star since i don’t like writing about little little kids and star isn’t my favorite character, but I might hint to them.
Tw: (slight self harm will be marked down.
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pronouns: he/him
hes been turned for 2 years, and he was turned when he was 18.
hes the most serious, but cares about the others. they know that he cares for them even if he says he doesnt.
he dyes is hair every week and a half, that shit dead as fuck but hes dead anyways.
likes to get hugs but will never accept them with the others around or in public, since it makes him look weak.
He loves cats but can’t be around them since they don’t like him due to him being a vampire except for a few strays that stay near their hideout.
He hates Marcos birds that marco keeps in the hideout.
He has smoked since he was 12 due to his father smoking around him and leaving out a pack out in the open (80s sucked)
He sometimes stole some eyeliner or even eyeshadow to just test it out, but when marco and Paul stole a shit ton of eye makeup to fuck around he sometimes put on eyeliner or eyeshadow.
He is very very territorial to the hideout when people near that he doesn’t want to kill or turn.
He has cuddly moments and when alone with someone he loves he will be cuddly and won’t let his love leave his arms until they need to eat, or go to the bathroom.
(Tw Self harm)
He has scars from an accident as a kid when he wanted to see how sharp each knife was in his dad’s collection. (He took many of the knifes that he used when he disappeared)
Also his grandpa was a veteran and had a whole knife collection and when his grandpa passed away his father got all the knifes.
When he feeds he is not very messy and won’t let a drop waste
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Pronouns: he/they
Hes was turned at 17 and has been a vampire for a few months he is the newest member.
He has the least grip on his urge for blood and his vampire form. He does what he is doing in the GIF when ever he is around someone who’s blood smells delicious to him.
He has the strongest sense of smell out of the group which makes it harder for him to control himself.
He’s the shortest but don’t let that fool you. He’s very very aggressive at times and will start or add to fights.
He’s best friend is Paul. They always talk to each other and Paul is very very protective of him.
This little boy is very cuddly and handsy, if he falls in love and you’re near him he will hold them or they will hold him.
He is such a sweet ball full of love when he isn’t angry or overwhelmed with the smell of blood.
He loves when his hair is played with.
Part of the hideout area is just full of birds that he takes care of and Paul sometimes helps.
If he finds a person to love and they help him take care of the birds he will be weak in the knees for them.
Eyeliner, every day. Some days are more noticeable then other days.
Knows how to knit, sew, and crochet. He fixes the others clothes if they have holes in them, and sometimes makes gloves to just wear on his own.
Oh and he has a slight stubble on his face, it’s barely noticeable but he doesn’t want his facial hair that noticeable.
When he feeds it’s a huge mess. Blood will be all over his chin and it will drip down to his shirt
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Pronouns: he/him might try she/her
Turned when he was 19 has been turned for 1 year and 9 months
He is like a momma bird to his little baby birds. He’s protective and since they can eat human food if they ever want human food he quickly goes to get it.
He can make jewelry and makes most of his earring’s. (He made the one that david, and Paul is wearing in the Gif)
He doesn’t mind the birds in the hideout. They get a bit annoying but he likes them since their pets and it makes him feel some humanity is left in him.
He cuts the guys hair and his all the time when ever needed.
He has tried dying his hair since david wanted to. Let’s just say, that won’t ever happen again.
He always has slight facial hair. It’s not fully noticeable like david but can be visible.
This man wants a kid but can since he’s technically dead, so when ever he is around a kid that watches them he just smiles and waves at them. (Most of the time the parents see and quickly move the kid away 🥲)
He likes to wear bracelets and rings, but his least favorite thing to wear due to the California heat. A shirt. Confusing right since they l wear jackets. (I might get into that stuff later though)
He has a tattoo that he got from his older brother when he turned 18, it was his mothers name since she past away that year.
He is the sweetest of the group.
He’s the silent one though most of the time so he doesn’t really praise or say he loves you to his partner.
He just shows it though action. Like holding them, rubbing his face into their hair or neck like a cat. Or protecting them from any type of harm even just bugs.
He’s acts like a cat lion at times also. and he has claws so watch out.
When feeding he is the cleanest of them all. There is some blood on his face or chest but not a lot.
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Pronouns: any he/him is mainly used since 1987
Turned when he was 17 he’s been turned for 1 year.
He is very very hyper and talkative.
He is a lot like a frat boy at times, and if you find that wrong you can fight me. Look up the definition and you’ll see.
He’s a lot like a golden retriever and you can’t tell me otherwise. He’s a hyper boy and is loyal once he finds the one.
He is the supplier for all the booze and alcohol they drink, even though alcohol can barely make them drunk.
Paul doesn’t care about the birds but help marco out since he will do anything for Marco.
He barely brushes his hair but when he does it takes him 3-4 hours to brush it and Dwayne has to help him due to how rare he brushes it.
He has tattoos. There are mostly stick and poke and random things but he’s recently got a tattoo for free and he got fangs and blood dripping down ironically.
When he finds a lover he is very very playful and likes to tease. He also love them very much and makes sure they know.
He loves his S/O and if they ever think he doesn’t he will prove it in many ways, from giving them cuddles, or the little devils tango to murdering someone for them, or if they are a vampire like him killing the person and bring the body to his S/O like a cat giving their owner it’s prey. (Sometimes the person is alive…)
He loves when his hair is brushed by someone else, that’s why he rarely brushes it, and if his s/o does it trust me he will get on his knees for them.
MESSY FEEDER he will have blood all over his chin chest sometimes will have it on his face. He doesn’t hold back when drinking blood.
All of them
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If their s/o is ever okay with it and they are starving for blood they will drink a little from their s/o.
They are all down bad for a s/o who cares for them and will play with their hair.
They have their moments were they are rude or shut away but that’s normal for a teenage boy, or man that will be stuck as teenagers forever.
Anyways they have that little day of a month when it special and it’s called heat, we won’t get into the nsfw shit, but when that happens they will want to hold you, and they all have heat at the same time basically. 1 after the other.
Paul gets clingy but quiet, david gets clingy and very very talkative, Dwayne clingy and territorial, marco agressive clingy boy.
They all have their issues and problems that can be harder to deal with every day.
Paul has the issue of being very very energetic to the point where he might hurt someone.
Marco has bad bad anger issues.
Dwayne goes into silent spells and won’t talk to anyone and won’t voice his needs, and might even disappear.
David has anger issues and the need to control. He has this power greed issue where he will be agressive to anyone who he sees under him or weak during this time so nobody is safe.
None of them asked for this, and don’t like being a vampire secretly, some days they just need loving. They need to be held and reassured. Since their life got taken from them by a SHIT PERSON WHO I HATE.
ALSO they all have long tongues and they are a lot like a snakes tongue. I’ve read somewhere about that and Marco cleaned his face with his so after feeding I can imagine most of them cleaning their chins with their tongue, except Dwayne he uses a cloth.
ANYWAYS that’s is really. They have their ups and downs they are sweet boys and just need love. Have a good day to who reads this.
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ghostcookieturner · 2 years
so...you're taking requests 😏
what do you think about some headcanons or smth with må(or thomas) x fashiondesigner!reader
yes yes big apologies for me doing this 5 months after you sent it lol
word count:<1000
tw: swearing, light mention of stress
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ok so first he will watch you for hours while you stitch, sew, crochet, knit, etc.
eventually will want to learn the basics of creating these clothes
ends up wearing a lot of what your label produces
“rest your hands, amore, you’ve been working all day”
will contribute ideas when you have none
def gives you motivation to continue what you love
did i mention he loves to wear what you make?
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oh my god now if this isn’t his dream
will most definitely wear your label
in fact his closet will be mostly your label
massages your hands every now and then when you’re stressed
critiques your works
respectfully of course
we love our respectful king
hangs out with you whenever you have to do a long boring project
gives you ideas for your projects
when he’s on the road/busy, he pays for mani pedis
always tells you how proud he is of what you’ve done
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absolute fucking simp for your work
will sit and just listen to the hum of your sewing machine while you work
“Cara signora, your fingers are so blistered”
will also do hand massages because we love a soft boy
knows a little about fashion designing himself
makes good pointers and helps with releases and advertising
there’s probably only 3 pieces in his wardrobe that’s not your label
keeps you motivated
Victoria De Angelis
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very similar to thomas, a fucking simp for your work
probably makes her pasty’s out of ur scraps lmao
strokes your hair while your sewing
all of her wardrobe is your label
makes it clear everywhere that she is the significant other of a world class fashion designer
always puts lotion and rubs your hands every night
also does ur nails hehe
always gives suggestions and feedback
loves to help
aaaaaand that’s about it. sorry it sucks lol i’m a little rusty.
send in more requests lovelies! check my master list to see who i write for!!! bye bye friends!!!!
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veronicaleighauthor · 1 month
The Great Depression
It’s odd to admit that The Great Depression fascinates me, especially since it was a dark period in American history. But it does fascinate me, enough so that I’ve written several short stories and a couple novels (unpublished) based in the era. How people lived, what they ate, how they entertained themselves – most of all how they survived that period – it intrigues me.
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Following WWI, during the Roaring Twenties the economy and America thrived. The present and future appeared bright. A few economists predicted that the good times couldn’t last forever, but the world paid little attention. Throughout 1929, there were signs of a slowing economy, and then on October 24th – what is now known as Black Thursday – the stock market crashed. In the following weeks, it was confirmed that the perpetual party of the 1920’s was over and that a new, bleak era was being ushered in.
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For the next decade, America and the rest of the world endured the Great Depression. Images of bank closures and people lined up for soup kitchen often crop up in the history books and on the internet. As well as the famous photograph of the careworn mother and her children. My four grandparents lived through the Great Depression and that part of their lives affected their experiences and behavior. Even late in life, they couldn’t shake off those memories. Growing up, I heard countless stories of those days. My grandmother, Margaret, was very candid about the past. She would have just turned twelve when the stock market crashed and she would have been sixteen in 1933, which was considered one of the worst years during the Depression. Her memories were vivid, painting a picture that the history books couldn’t. She was the third of six children – her eldest brother died as a baby – her father was a boiler maker and her mother a housewife. They were a loving Christian family, which is what I believe brought them through the hardest of times. Grandma and her family never went hungry, however, there were many times they didn’t know they’d make ends meet. Yet somehow, they always did.
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Hobos would show up on their back porch. A picture of a cat had been drawn on their fence, signaling to other hobos that a kind lady lived there. And my great-grandmother, Edith, was kind, feeding whoever was hungry. If great-grandpa, Charles was present, the visitor would be welcomed in the kitchen to eat and for a nice conversation. Charles always had a job, unfortunately he didn’t always have work and was often sent home. By 1933, his health began to fail and two weeks before Margaret’s sixteenth birthday, he died. Extended family planned to help, by splitting up the family. So-and-So would take Margaret, So-and-So would take Bettie, So-and-So would take Russel…but Edith was adamant: “We may starve together, but we will stay together.” For the remainder of the 1930s, they banded together to survive.
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The weather seemed to turn against the country as well. Dust storms struck all over America, costing lives and ruining livelihoods. It soon became known as the Dust Bowl. Lightening accompanied the storms, and folks would hang chains off the bumpers of their cars to prevent them from being stuck. If caught in a dust storm, one would have to cover their face with a cloth and walk backwards against the gusts. Houses had to be shut up tight, windows closed and key holes plugged to prevent the dust from seeping in. But old houses had their crevices and dust would get in somehow. Decades later, Margaret and others who lived through the Dust Bowl, out of habit would place cups and bowls upside down in the cabinets because that is what they did to prevent dust from collecting on their dishes.
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Clothing was rarely store bought. Dresses were made from stylishly printed feed sacks, using patterns, and sewn by hand, or by sewing machine. Sweaters and cardigans were knitted or crocheted. Shoes were worn at work and school, but at home if the weather was seasonable, they went barefoot to preserve their shoes. Clothing was patched and mended and passed from one sibling down to another, then onto another family. Like many of that era, Margaret left high school early to work. She was first a maid, then she worked in a number of factories. Her earnings of $4 a week went to the household. Later during WWII, when she earned $16, she was allowed to keep $4 for herself, and felt she was rich.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president and was eventually voted into office three more terms, holding the position until his death in 1945. After Herbert Hoover, who was oblivious to the suffering of the American people, many trusted Roosevelt would lead the nation through the dark times. His New Deal, his relief programs, his steadiness, his fireside chats were a beacon of hope. His assurances that they had “nothing to fear but fear itself” spoke volumes. Despite his attempts to alleviate the financial woes and troubles of the 1930s, the US didn’t rise out of the Great Depression until the onslaught of WWII.
            Years later, Grandma told me that her life had been a hard one, but it had been good and satisfying. I believe many of that era would say as much. I don’t know if it is the Great Depression that is my favorite era, or if it’s the people who lived during that time. They possessed an indomitable spirit. After the Great Depression, they endured WWII and more or less saved the world. That generation proved to us that whatever trials we may face today, this too shall pass.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Hello love 🌿🤍 I wanted to ask if I could have a lotr match-up please?
My pronouns are she/her, I'm bisexual, tho I'm more attracted to men. I'm an Aries sun and leo moon, my mbti type is infj.
I'm quite introverted, tho I'm coming out of my shell more as I get to know people. I can get very stubborn and don't do all too well with criticism. I've always been quite good at school and I like to read, tho I can't seem to concentrate well atm. I'm very creative, like to draw and paint and working with textiles (I've started sewing, knitting and crocheting my own clothes a few years ago).
I absolutely love mythology and really enjoy documentaries and podcasts on history and different lore of ancient cultures. As for music, I listen to almost every genre, tho mostly folk and slower cottagecore-y stuff with a few showtunes here and there. Taylor Swift and Johnny Flynn are my top artists atm. I've played some instruments, accordion and clarinet for gge longest time, and currently I'm trying to master the ukulele and sing occasionally.
I'm going abroad in a few weeks, so I'm both excited and a bit terrified to be far from home for a long time, but I'm trying to romanticise my life there, so that everything will be alright.
Sorry, for oversharing 🥲💕 anyway, who do you see me with? Thank you so much love, I hope you have a lovely day 🤍🤍🌿
hello darling, absolutely you can! really sorry I took so long btw! lotr and grishaverse, i got that right hopefully. you didn’t overshare at all, actually you could’ve given me even more info, so you're fine!
so for lotr,
I ship you with...
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Arwen can be very fierce and very gentle at the same time, but she's confident nonetheless. She's not the in-your-face kind of extroverted some people are, she's very observant, perhaps more introverted, but still very sure of herself. And she's super compassionate - so she's always there for you, always holding your hand, always beside you when you're insecure or not feeling as confident in yourself.
I believe she knows a lot about history and culture, too, but since she's an elf it'll be quite different to what you know. Which just gives you the opportunity to educate each other, to talk about your interests a lot. She'd love to teach you, but she'd love even more to be taught by you.
She really admires your creativeness and what you can do. She loves to watch you draw or paint or sew or knit or crochet - I mean, she loves to see the results, yes, she's amazed every time at your skill and your prowess, but she loves watching you do it even more.
Because elves give music a special meaning, she can also most definitely play an elven instrument, but again, she'd love learning one that you can play that she can't. And she loves dancing, too, so she's dancing with you whenever she hears music, or she's dancing whenever you play.
as for shadow and bone, 
I ship you with... 
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First of all, Nina is so confident. She's so outgoing, so extroverted, so she's really the opposite of you, but that doesn't clash in the slightest. No, absolutely not: she's the best person to motivate you, to hype you up, to make you feel confident in yourself. At the beginning, sometimes she went overboard and made you feel a little uncomfortable, but she always realised quickly and apologised and bettered herself.
Nina, just based on her education alone, can also totally play an instrument, and she knows a shit ton about culture and mythology, which means that the two of you can geek out. And/or form a band. Like, you wouldn't need podcasts because she could just tell you so many things. But she'd also absolutely listen to those podcasts with you. So.
Plus, you sewing clothes? Holy shit. Nina is in love. Nina has fallen head over heels. She knows she looks good and she loves fashion, styling herself, I bet she's tried to make her own clothing before too, and now that you do it? Now that she's found someone who can? Oh. She is begging you to make more and more clothes for her and every time you do, she is just over the moon. Like, you've never seen her happier.
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sleepy-bunbun-ace · 11 months
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hhhhhhhhh yea, twisted wonderland got me
i made some yuu ocs because i got bored
yume rosalia - the first one. i wanted to make a star based character and then threw them into twst and gave them lore. my only non-human yuu, i got inspire by herta's design in hsr. they have another form but i'm not showing it yet ;P. i made them come from the super mario galaxy universe as an evolved form of the luma because some of them evolved in a way to help out princess rosalina because they love her a lot and want to help her out.
yume asta - the idol. originally they were just created because i needed a yuu for my tsukasa gets isekai'd to twst au but i grew attached to her. she's minori's cousin and has been an idol for the past two years before being isekai'd. she's a totally normal, rule obeying student. yeah, totally. don't go looking for any hidden messages in their part.
silvester hatter - the one magic user. i like making characters based off of concepts and since the twst characters are based off of the disney villains, why not make one based off of a fantasy novel? i was originally gonna do xie lian but then i remembered howl's moving castle and decided to do sophie hatter instead. i based her look off of movie!sophie while her personality will probably be more book!sophie based.
yuu - the tired one. he is the most normal one in terms of life experiences. she definitely introduces the first years to pop culture from her world. they also know how to make their own clothes (sewing, crochet, knitting, etc.) and offer to make clothes for others as well. plushies included. they are not responsible if anyone gets hooked on anything they introduce from their world.
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kon-konk · 11 months
Otogiri headcanons?
Oh, I love her so much.
We already know she's A+ at making soba, but I think she's really good at cooking all kinds of noodles. I feel like she'd be the type to prefer cold noodle dishes, but goes with whichever kind of recipe is most appropriate for the weather.
She's the one Tsubaki goes to when he wants to do something calming with someone. Sometimes it's just reading, sometimes he sits with her while he's planning something and she's doing her own thing. They also garden together.
Otogiri just seems like the type to sew her own clothes and in general just be into various needlework crafts. Crochet, embroidery, knitting...You name it, she's probably tried it. If she buys or is gifted clothing, she adds her own flair with little flowers.
Kind of related to the above hc, I like the idea of her making friendship bracelets for team M. Every time they gain a new member, she makes a new one, but she does give it to Tsubaki to give to them. She doesn't even request that they wear it, it's just a "welcome to the family" gift, though the others do say she lights up when she sees someone wearing one.
She's not very openly expressive, but all the others of team M have gotten so used to the small ways she expresses herself that they feel she's just as expressive as they are. And they get so confused when someone says she doesn't seem to be enjoying something or doesn't seem to be bothered by something because they can see just how happy or angry she is.
She's the least codependent of team M. Where the others tend to do things in pairs, she prefers to do it solo unless she knows she can't handle it on her own.
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dead-blondie · 4 months
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- First off and one of my favourite ones is this girl loves Easter! It's her favourite holiday. I can see both her and Dewey loving to celebrate it when they were younger and now Tatum just can't help herself but get excited over it every year. It's an under appreciated holiday, but she loves it nonetheless!
- Another one I have is that she knits, sews, crochets. This is because to me, her mother looks like someone who sews, so she probably taught Tatum growing up. It also goes hand in hand with another small headcannon that she has a fashion dream. Anything fashion and clothing, she loves!
This can link into the Easter one, as I like to think she crochets rabbits and baby chicks around the holiday. It's sweet.
- Tatum seems like someone who's been through a fair bit in terms of love life. It could be potentially why she's protective over Sid in terms of Billy because she doesn't want to see her best friend making the same mistakes she did and get hurt from it.
Also could explain why she's very wary over Stu, his whereabouts or how he genuinely feels about her. Makes me feel that she used to be a little boy crazy and at some point got hurt real bad, it made her completely turn a leaf, become confident in herself and refuse to let any man walk over her. Though that is also the reason this girl is super prideful, lmaooo!
- From the previous HC, this goes hand in hand with my 'Stu was her first actual boyfriend' idea. She knows alot more about him than she lets on but stays silent, maybe she just thought this was the most she could get out of a guy, since she's used to being someone fling or eye candy. (Not that she doesn't love knowing she can hold a man's gaze.)
- If she had survived the 1996 massacre, she'd have black hair in college. A sort of way of proving she wasn't a 'dumb blonde'. It wouldn't be that much of a drastic change considering Tatum was never a real blonde in the first place. Either black hair or a couple shades darker than her natural brown.
- Tatum was also 100% an aggressive child. She's bossy and always has been, yes that includes those temper tantrums, but she'd hit more than most. Poor Dewey was always victim to his sister's assaults. This is super cute if you remember Tatum and Sidney were childhood best friends. You got a bossy, snappy child who hits, and then her best friend who's quiet, friendly and normally sits in the corner of the room. Besties for life amiright?!
- Tatum loves physical contact!! Side hugs, holding onto wrists, comforting pat on backs, CUDDLING. She's very keen on touching, even with strangers, so someone she's close with and loves? SPOILED WITH HER AFFECTION. She loves giving out attention, but she'd tease anyone who admits it, lovingly of course.
- Okay this one could actually be canon, it was just never confirmed. Tatum could have actually been really close friends with Casey. Them two with Sid could have been an amazing trio if it wasn't for Stu. (It was more her having an issue with being a rebound, it had nothing to do with the fact it was to Casey.)
If it wasn't going to be awkward due to Stu, and well if Casey wasn't dead, I feel like they'd have great potential. (Also I just know they are teaming up against Stu in the afterlife!)
- When sleeping with her partner, she'll entangle herself around them, limbs for limbs. Though she's a freezer during the winter and usually sleeps in long sleeved shirts and comfortable pants. ABSOLUTELY sleep talks, and can totally sleep with any old shit playing, AND do not expect her to sleep when a film she hasn't seen is playing. She will watch it.
- BIG OLE INITIATOR, she loves to initiate, she genuinely doesn't know whether she loves initiating or preferring her partner too, it all really depends on her mood. Usually it's a half half kind of situation. She wants to control and take chance, but she also wants to be verbally wanted by her partner, she wants passion!!
- Ways she initiates will include gentle grazes of her hands, ESPECIALLY over her partners thighs, she will flash bedroom eyes, she'll whisper in her partners ear. It's quite obvious when she wants to sneak out to have some intimate moments. As she usually will say yes if asked.
- Is also quite very open minded, whenever, wherever, any position, she loves experimenting. As long as it doesn't unnecessary or unconsensually cause harm to her/her partner or even others. She will most likely get intrigued/ask to try something out or be very enthuistic if her partner were to bring something new and spicy to the bedroom.
- Such a confident girlie!!!! It's mostly her personality and her experience, she definitely knows what she's doing and she's still just as spunky and outgoing in bed, she'll tease and tease to her hearts content, and loves to make her partner feel good.
- She doesn't need to wait all that long to become comfortable in a relationship to have sex. Before Stu (and after Stu), she had her fair share or making out and hooking up etc. She is quite sex positive and comfortable in herself already. Obviously she can wait if her partner isn't ready, she has patience, believe it or not. For people she cares about that is.
- She does happen to be a switch, when she's being a sub, she wants to be manhandled, yes that is one of her kinks, she likes a big strong man to be direct. However if she's in the mood to top, she wants the heavy passion, the fighting for dominance, and then she wants to win. The surge of pleasure and confidence this gives her is immaculate!! Especially if her partner is quite dominate strict.
- The blonde won't even feel bad about leaving marks if she wakes up to see what she did the night before, in fact over anything else, she'll laugh about it and it just might get her in the mood for another round. Seeing the marks scattered and littered over her partners skin from when she lost herself admist the chaos of a desirous and libidinous night.
- With her partner, aftercare is a HUGE thing, she wants to cuddle, she wants to be cuddled, she wants to surround her partner with gentle caresses, she wants to be the reciprocant of said gentle caresses, she wants to praise, be praised, she also finds aftercare a great time to bond and have pillow talk with her partner (also so she can jokingly taunt you about any noises or spoken words.)
- If she's been drinking, whether she's plastered, drunk or tipsy, she'll try to have as many sweet moments as she can in terms of aftercare, but she'll fall asleep fairly quickly.
- If it's the full thing, rather than a quickie or something, and she's waking up in her partners bed or they're waking up in hers, she probably would very much rather cook breakfast with them. But if not, and she's in a loving mood, she'll make breakfast in bed (this is also for birthdays, christmas and other special occasions, where she will expect at least appreciation.)
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ittacookie · 2 years
Knit/Crochet: RE8 Edition
sfw | headcanons | four lords + winter's family
Alcina Dimitrescu
• Lady Dimitrescu prefers needles over crochet, as most of the garments she prefers to make are based on antique patterns that mostly were written for knitters. She uses the continental way to knit.
• Knits her own stockings from silk and wool blend, does it quite fast due to the experience. She learned how to knit in childhood (as a part of an aristocratic upbringing). Lady Dimitrescu looks very elegant while engaged in the activity.
• Frequently makes warm garments for her daughters, as she is worried that they could hurt themselves or freeze. Daughters most definitely have a collection of knitted scarves.
"My entire yarn stash is done in? By the likes of you!?"
Donna Beneviento
• Canonically known to be a knitter, Donna enjoys making clothing for her numerous dolls. Miss Beneviendo uses English method of knitting, and does it quite fast, which always surprised Alcina.
• While being skilled at knitting, Donna likes to crochet as well. She usually uses crochet to make shoes or any decorative details for the dolls.
• Angie's veil is done in lace by Donna, all hand work.
• Made a few big blankets, that she can get comforting in while knitting/crocheting.
"Don't leave me, I need to finish winding this yarn…"
Salvatore Moreau
• Crochet, the only thing he had patience to learn.
• Likes to make crochet fish, even tried to learn amigurumi from Donna; however the flat version is faster and does not require sewing things together.
• His room is decorated with over 20 fishes that he made himself.
• Once attempted to crochet a Roland sweater for Mother Miranda. Was refused.
"M-mother, I made you a fish…"
Karl Haisenberg
• Crochet, as it is the most efficient way to make things from his point of view (apart from sewing, which he also knows how to do).
• Surprisingly into making pullovers and sweaters, that are usually one colourd. Never uses complicated stitches or patterns, as "practicallity" is his second name.
• Knows how to make his own yarn, and sometimes helps Donna with delicate fibers that can only be spinned by hand. His arms are strong, and man knows how to move fingers with precision.
• Makes heat resistant pieces of equipment that are durable enough to use during the work.
"Stay with me, Ethan, and I will make you all the sweaters you want!"
Mia Winters
• Both knitting (continental style)/crocheting, because she wanted to find a way to cope with psychological distress after the Baker's incident and handcraft has a therapeutic influence.
• Her cardigan seen during the events of the game was made by herself during the pregnancy, and Ethan was quite impressed at her patience while working on this big project. Came out to be one of her favorite garments.
• She has also made a cardigan for Rose, and has at least 40 models of different garments that she would love to make for her sweet little baby. Before she was kidnapped by Miranda, she started to knit overalls with bunny years for Rosemary.
• Ethan was not left without attention; however he is not a fan of knitted things; therefore he asked Mia to reserve more time to make garments for their daughter.
• Made a few toys, that Rose loves and always checks if they are in a cradle with her.
"You are just paranoid, you maid the third row right..."
Ethan Winters
• While he has enough ability to knit, he prefers one hook over two needles. It is more efficient and requires less time to build a skill. Also, the diversity of pattern options.
• The main toy maker in the house, likes to make something while Rosemary crawls around or plays with her toys.
• Went into lace crochet, specifically crocheting decoration items like flowers or vegetables, that are made in really small stitch sizes but at the end look almost real. Some of the decorative flowers and greens around Winter's bedrooms are made by him.
• Overall, crochet is therapy for Ethan, too.
"Rose, sweetheart, I know that it looks like an apple, but do not try to eat it..."
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dreamers-studio · 2 years
Madrigal Fam Headcanons
Dolores has special earmuffs she uses when she needs a hearing break and/or get a good night's sleep
Dolores also knows sign language/how to read lips
Luisa collects plush unicorns and has a huge stack in her room (that Mirabel will sometimes camp out on with permission)
Luisa's favorite plush is named Framboesa (Raspberry) and she sleeps with it every night
Mirabel knit a scarf for Framboesa one winter and Luisa never took it off
Isabela becomes a botanist post-movie and explores the mountains for new plants
Isabela's room now has an entire section devoted to just succulents
Isabela's favorite flower is the jacaranda
Bruno's room completely remodels itself post-movie to be less isolated (no more f***ing endless stairs and sand) and less ominous; kind of like Antonio's but less forest-y
Bruno and Antonio send each other secret messages via the rats
Camilo is nonbinary and goes by they/he
Camilo gets ribbed on for making Tío Bruno sound like an Eldritch monster, to the point Bruno tries to deliberately scare him as a prank
Julietta has a whole book of recipes she's collected and adds to every year
Pepa loves having her hair brushed/cared for by Félix (she strokes her hair to self-soothe)
Tío Félix is an expert in curly hair care/grooming and does Dolores', Camilo's, and Antonio's hair (and sometimes Mirabel's)
Mirabel is the only one in the family who can have a full conversation with La Casita
Mirabel can crochet, knit, sew, embroider, and is trying to get into tatting lace
Parce (Antonio's jaguar) begs for table scraps and cuddles Antonio every night making jaguar-sized biscuits (kneading)
Antonio knows as much gossip around town as Dolores because of animal informants and they spill the tea with each other a lot
Bruno gets taken on bonding trips with his brothers-in-law, Félix and Augustín. He particularly enjoys fishing and having cookouts
Since Augustín is super accident prone, Mirabel has to mend her dad's clothes a lot
Mirabel makes custom clothing for Luisa as not a lot of shops will accommodate her size and most durable clothing isn't cute or fashionable
Camilo's powers are triggered/affected by allergies (e.g. coughing/sneezing)
Julietta makes regular non-magical medicines and tonics in case of emergency, e.g. if she can't cook anything right away
I'll add more if I think of any (or yall can add some idc)
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goddess-pan · 3 years
Tailor!Reader in Dream SMP
Dsmp x reader prompt; Tailor!Reader in Dream SMP. Credit would be appreciated so more people can find this and make their own things based on it.
Can fully be read as platonic. GN!reader with they/them pronounce as a placeholder so anyone can adapt it however they want. Both general and character specific parts included.
Characters who have a lot written for/about; Eret, Ranboo, Foolish, Tommy, Technoblade, Philza and Michael. Mentioned; Tubbo, Sam Nook, Purpled and Foolish Jr.
This ended up being super long so I’m putting it under the cut in order not to clutter people’s pages. My personal favourite part is Phil’s and Techno’s part. These could be read as headcanons but are still available as a prompt(s) to use for anyone.
The reader joining after the doomsday as a time frame in my mind.
The reader helping people patch up their current clothes since most of it got pretty banged up during the doomsday, and it's not like they can just go get a new outfit since quite a few people had just lost all their belongings and only had the clothes on their back. So at first prioritizing helping patch up the current clothing people were wearing and then moving on to making some simple fast to make and easy on the resources clothes for people. Just like basic shirts and shorts/pants, nothing fancy. Then when everyone has at least a couple of different clothes to change to and from starting their own business to sell people more if they wanted. However waving payment if they brought them the materials and what they wanted wasn't overly complicated.
People at first thinking they are just some chump who knows basic sewing or something. A very kind chump, but still a chump. So imagine their surprise when one day they are just walking by the reader's now established tailors and they see these absolutely stunning designs displayed at the windows. 
Just like their reactions seeing these beautiful designs they can't help but stare at. I'd imagine some of them just doing a double take when they walk by, someone pressing their face up to the glass trying to see it closer, the braver ones going inside and talking to the reader about their designs and the more anxious and/or shy ones only going inside when the reader isn't there to look at designs closer. 
And the reasons they like/are amazed by the designs vary also ! Some just have monkey brain that goes "Pretty. WANT", some who just love the colour and art of the pieces, some who imagine how epic this design or others would look on them, some who love the fashion aspect of it and of course the very small portion who actually know anything about tailoring/sewing and the amount of work that goes into making something intricate.
Some specific character/group interactions I thought of;
Making warm well insulated clothes for people moving to Snowchester so they don't freeze. +A warm cape for Ranboo for the same reason.
Eret being one of the firsts (if not the first) to get himself a fully tailored and customized outfit. Them also being the first and very possibly only person to get a dress or a skirt since most of the other people on the server prefer to wear pants (excluding maid dresses which people might get as joke). The reader crying in joy for getting to design something different for once. And hey if the reader ends up making a few extra ones that she didn't order, but decided to give her anyway it was all just some extra ones they had lying around, never mind the fact that the dresses/skirts are perfectly tailored for Eret and are her style. Just a coincidence, nothing suspicious there. Eret also models for the reader and once he even convinced them to hold a fashion show to showcase some of their work to the whole server. Of course he was the main model presenting the outfits.
At start of the reader beginning to display their designs at their shop Ranboo sees a really cool looking suit on display and his brain just goes "Want." He probably wouldn't be able to buy anything pre-made and be comfortable in it due to his physique. And him having just moved into the arctic and only starting to get settled in, he doesn't have comfortable enough funds for him to get something as expensive as a custom tailored suit AND have enough for any possible rent that he might be required to pay. 
Eventually when he gets richer he starts considering getting one but the anxious side of him always ends up winning and he doesn't. However once he finally gets the courage to go commission the suit for himself he doesn't regret it at all. The reader did their best to not overwhelm him and to make it the best possible experience. Just imagining the absolute joy he would feel for having a properly fitting suit that's made just for him, not too short sleeves nor too wide torso and shoulders, just perfect. If he ends up ordering a couple more suits that's between him and the reader. He actually ends up probably being their most frequent and reliable customer.
And we should all know why that is, but let me clarify just in case; Michael.
The reader basically becoming Michael's personal stylist (/hj) . Not only does Ranboo buy a god awful amount of clothes for Michael, the reader also makes some free ones for him. The free ones are things the reader felt like designing since they absolutely adore Michael and the ones Ranboo pays for are commissioned by him. Michael absolutely has the biggest wardrobe in the whole server. The reader learning how to make plushies so Michael could have some more toys, this learning experience including learning to crochet and knit to see what he like best.
Using their newly acquired plush making skills, the reader starts their quest to make some plushies for others after seeing people stare at the plushies wistfully either while they were working on them or seeing Michael with the plushies. People who got them include the minors, their close friends and basically anyone they thought might benefit from them. Some of the ones they made (that I could think of);
Of course a bee for Tubbo, but also throwing in a little ram one as well
Ranboo gets a grass block plush/pillow
Tommy gets a cobblestone block plush and a cow plush. He also later receives a Sam Nook plush while he's working on the hotel
Purpled getting two different sized ufos, one to hold and the other more of a big pillow
Eret definitely gets a flamingo plush
Foolish gets a totem and a gold block plushies
Phil gets crow plush as well these tiny fake coin and gem plushies (the latter causes problems for him which I'll expand upon later)
Techno gets a pig one as well as polar bear one
Back to the individual/group part
The reader just chilling w/ Foolish as a fellow artists. Them talking about both their arts and catching up every time the reader comes to deliver something to Snowchester when Foolish is building the mansion. Just two pretty peaceful artists talking about their passions. I’d imagine Foolish and the reader could relate to each other and their place in the server due to their similar hobbies/jobs as well as their similar time of joining the server. Foolish's first commission from them being an intricate blanket for Foolish Jr so he could have a more comfortable resting place. He may or may not end up receiving that and several other (though less intricate) blankets as well as a tiny shark plush to give to Foolish Jr. Later on when the reader gets better at either knitting or crocheting they end up making a tiny shark jumper with a hood for Foolish Jr as well. Foolish would definitely cry when he sees his tiny shark baby. Any commissions of clothes for himself tend to always take some time due to sheer amount of work needing to be done due to his size so he always makes sure the reader doesn’t already have a lot on their plate and that they know he’s fine with waiting if they need to take a break from it.
Then there's Tommy, who they sometimes teach more about sewing since he already knows some basics. Him probably being the first person aside from Michael they make a plush for, due to him demanding one once he saw the reader making them. Then proceeding to get three plushies in rapid succession. The first being the cobblestone, the second being the cow and the third one being the Sam Nook one. He ends up losing one of them during the prison fiasco and when the reader asks if he'd like a new one they only get the answer of "Don't want to think about what happened and the same one might make me do that". He then promptly receives new clothing (so he isn't wearing the same ones he was wearing in prison) and some extra blankets (for comfort) from the reader. 
After Tommy meeting Michael does he use him to scam the reader to make them matching outfits for free? Yes, yes he does. Does it work? Yes, yes it does. Are they bothered by it? Not really, they look adorable in their matching outfits.
The reader being the source for Sam Nook's construction gear/clothes or at least the original patterns for them.
And then there's the arctic boys (minus Ranboo, who will still get mentioned) who are an interesting bunch clothing wise. The first one to commission the reader out of them would be Phil who got the original warm cape for Ranboo but also at the same time commissioned one for himself that would include slits for his wings. Eventually getting to design clothing for him which is always an exciting challenge with his wings. And when Phil finally manages to convince Techno to get something made for himself as well, Techno almost immediately gets addicted to having high quality clothing when they finish their first piece for him. The fun the reader has designing clothes for these boys is immeasurable with their different styles and needs in the clothing. Aside from clothing Techno also commissions them for a pet bed for Steve. 
When the boys got their plushies it was adorable but also a very chaotic. Techno giving his pig one to Steve so he wouldn't miss him when he was away from home, but also bringing the polar bear one with him when he couldn't or wasn't allowed to bring Steve with him but still needed comfort. While on Phil's side of things; he was showing his crows the crow plushie joking about he'll replace them if they aren't careful however he made the mistake of showing them the tiny coin and gem plushies as well. I want you to imagine hundreds of crows descending upon this poor fool of a man in the background while the reader is walking away hoping they like their plushies. 
The war that ensued the couple following days amongst the crows starts to cool down but the bickering doesn't, every waking moment Phil can feel eyes on him and one or more of the crows coming to complain about the others having had the shiny plushies for too long. He quickly caves under the pressure and commissions more of the tiny shiny treasure plushies. And by more I mean a lot more. 
When he finally has enough of the things he goes around distributing them to the crows. Finally a moment of peace, but he still feels like something is staring at him occasionally. Deciding to ignore it since it's finally quiet he goes to makes himself a cup of tea and while waiting for the water to boil he fishes out the few shiny plushies he had saved for himself. The second he does he feels eyes burning into him and now that it's quiet he hears it, quiet muffled snuffles and snorts of discontent. Then he sees what ‘it’ is, it's Techno behind the window looking at the shinies in his hand with such intensity Phil fears for his life (/hj). Phil just sighs deeply before walking over to the window and opening it. For a second Techno looks like a deer in headlights before returning to intensely staring at the shinies in Phil's hand before Phil just dumps the shiny plushies into Techno's hand and closes the window. Happy piglin noises can be heard outside while Phil debates the pros (getting to have shinies himself) and cons (the embarrassment of having to commission even more of the shiny plushies than he already has) of getting new ones from the reader. And in all this the reader has no idea the amount of chaos they inadvertently caused.
And finally; Techno commissioning robes/cloaks for whole the Syndicate to wear in their meetings, because he’s dramatic like that. But since he’s a thoughtful guy, he wants them all to fit the members well and not be uncomfortable to wear so he gets everyone’s measurements. Once he has them all he goes to the reader with the order for the robes, he has all the measurements written down under just Person 1, Person 2 etc. to keep their anonymity and when asked what the robes are for he just tells the reader it’s a book club. When he gets them all and the reader asks no further questions he thinks he’s gotten away with getting some cool robes for the Syndicate with their secrets safe. Little does he know the reader actually now knows all the members in the Syndicate since they can just reference the gotten measurements with everyone’s measurements written down from previous work done by them. Whether the reader thinks it’s some weird cult they all are a part of or just an actual book club people are too embarrassed to admit they are in, is up to interpretation. 
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katyobsesses · 3 years
Katy my darling <3 I have a very fun ask for you!! What method of arts do each glee characters prefer and what is their favorite thing to create?
oooooo this is a fun ask!
I'm gonna do S2 New Directions for now, but may add S3-6 ND or other characters later 💛 (warning... this is LONG)
Artie: Film. 100% film. He loves using visual media to tell a story, he also really gets into the sound design side too when he learns it in College. He loves making music videos and after Uni that's mostly what he does. He also directs a lot of movie musicals and musical TV shows. Basically he loves making visual media for songs.
Blaine: Performing - mostly singing. He also love writing songs, which we never see in the show but I can imagine him learning about songwriting in NYU and loving it as a way to express his feelings. it's like a step up from using someone else's words to express them.
Brittany: Obviously dancing! I like to think that after marrying Santana she either goes to college for Dance, or maybe owns a dance studio/goes on tour with Mercedes a lot (with Santana as a guest singer) She really loves teaching little kids how to dance, she knows how to interact with them on their level and the kids love her.
Finn: Singing? I honestly can't think about what he likes. Like singing is the closest thing. He sings in the shower a lot and obviously he loves singing on stage. But he's not that much of an art person outside of that. He likes consuming it but not making it.
Kurt: Sewing, obviously, as well as sketching clothes. He loves making accessories for friends - scrunchies for the girls, bow ties for Blaine, a dog bandana for Sam's golden retriver (because you know he gets one) etc. - but he also loves designing and making costumes for small productions. Maybe he volunteers/works with a small theatre troop and makes & designs all of the costumes while also performing.
Mercedes: Mercedes likes making cards for everyone for Christmas and Birthdays. It started because she'd forgotten to buy a card for someone but had some card and pretty pens on hand and it spiralled from there. She now owns a fancy die pressing kit and lots of card toppers and pretty glitter pens and washi tape and all of that. She has a small kit she brings on all of her tours, it helps relax her after a show - making cards for the crew as a thank you/maybe selling some for charity because she makes so much? When she finally gets back together with Sam they both work together to make Christmas cards from them with cute pictures of themselves in terrible christmas jumpers and their golden retriver in a Kurt made bandana and later their kids in matching outfits.
Mike: Like Brittany he's a dancer first and formost. That's his art. He later goes on to be a professional on Dancing With The Stars where he reconnects with Matt on set (maybe they even get together in the end and the DWTS fans love their relationship and their jokingly competative instagram stories) He loves creating a story with only movement and music. Mike also really likes doodling.
Puck: Photography. I don't know why but I see Puck loving to take pictures of places he visits in his travels. He also scrapbooks but only Quinn knows that - he has a whole scrapbook of pictures of Beth that Shelby sends them and later makes them for all of his other kids too, and he has, like, travel journals and scrapbooks of roadtrips he's been on. Basically he's a Bullet Journal guy. He really likes washi tape and pretty papers and stickers and what-not. He will never admit this.
Quinn: Quinn's a writer. In my head she goes on to write a book that's losely based on her high-school years and it becomes a best seller and is later adapted into a Netflix series directed by Artie. I just like the idea! Maybe Rachel plays, like, the Miss Pillsbury character... or Terri! Or maybe Shelby? I dunno one of the adult characters.
Rachel: Obviously her art of choice is performing. It's singing and acting and standing on a stage or a set and making the words in her script her own. Also scrapbooking/moodboard making.
Santana: Santana likes knitting. She won't admit it but she likes knitting little plushies for Brittany, her favourite is a little bi flag coloured bunny. She makes knitted plushies and blankets for all of her friends when they have kids but she never tells them she made them - everyone knows though, they're too perfect for the couple/person (a cat in a scarf or a toy poodle in a bow tie for Klaine, a teddy adorned with gold stars for St. Berry etc. etc.)
Sam: This could be an essay for me (and kinda is opps). Sam is the Art nerd of the group and tries every type of art he possibly can. Macaroni art, illustration, digital art, traditional art, crafts, pumpkin carving, glass blowing, handlettering, graphic design, knitting, crochet, rag rugs, sewing, card making, pyrography, etc. He will try everything he can in terms of visual art. He doesn't, however, write because dyslexia, and he can't wrap him mind around, like editing and film stuff - he does try though because why not. He also really likes songwriting and music arranging.
All of this i'm trying to do as close to canon as i can but going off of canon let's say Sam goes to Parsons for illustration because he's so good at art, he stays with Mercedes in her brownstone and they never break up, after graduating he becomes a comic book illustrator (which i believe is literally a minor at Parsons, so let's say he does a Major in Fine Art/Illustration with a Minor in Comic illustration) and illustrates a run of Young Avengers comics and becomes a fan favourite artist.
In canon, however, he loves teaching the new generation of New Directions but he misses art because he doesn't have that much time anymore (because being the teacher of the new directions is a full time job, apparently, judging by the lack of adult friends or hobbies Will has lol) he loves loves loves arranging music, however, and that becomes the type of art he does the most. He does doodle a lot during faculty meeting (also he does a music teaching certification during his first few years of coaching the nNDs) and goes all out with pumpkin carving at Halloween, and loves decorating his apartment and the choir room at Christmas. He loves doing sets for the musical (and has a lot of fun staging it too) and helps out with the decorations for Prom.
Basically Sam loves to be creative in any way he can. He loves making things, whatever they may be.
Tina: Tina writes fanfiction and draws fanart. She's a nerd 100%, she watched Supernatural, she was a SuperWhoLockian, she loves Merlin, she's loves Twilight but more ironically than, say, Mercedes, and prefers books like Morganville Vampires or PC Cast's series that I've forgotten the name of. She loves the Hunger Games and Firefly and Star Trek and Star Wars. She definately has a tumblr. She mostly writes all sorts of fanfiction and is a huge name in the Supernatural fandom. Only Sam and Blaine know about all of this becuase they found one of her Star Wars fanfictions and in an authors note she said something that they recognised - idk she ranted about Santana or Rachel or something.
This was so much fun omg, thank you for the ask Myle 💛
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