#i haven’t cried since roger’s last win
He did it! HE DID IT!
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sweetdreamling · 3 years
assholes - ( gen avengers )
Summary: Your friends can be such assholes sometimes.
Pairing: Hints at Reader x Loki, but nothing serious.
WC: 2.3K
A/N: This is a super old one shot. Originally it was just Rhodey and Tony, but I just rewrote it and added more characters. I'm back in my marvel writing feels. Since I'm a POC myself, I mostly picture the reader like me. Though I go for gender-natural terms. Hope you like it.
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"He's such a dumbass sometimes," you snicker, watching Thor try and fail to work the toaster. "But it's adorable. It's like watching a clueless golden retriever. Zero thoughts, head empty."
"That's rude, Y/N." Sam hides a smile as he walks over to Thor, helping him with his apparently "impossible" task.
"How long has Thor been on Earth now?"
Steve looks thoughtful for a moment before replying, "I think a couple of years. But, even I know how to work the toaster. I swear I've seen him use it before."
"Hmm, Loki did say Thor likes to pretend that he's a dumb blonde."
Steve rolls his eyes at the mention of Loki's name. "You're still talking to that maniac?"
You shrug, "duh, he's my friend, and sometimes you guys can be a little too much. He's my escape."
Steve raises an eyebrow as he slides a plate of chicken alfredo to you. "Why do I get the feeling you're sleeping with Loki?"
Throwing him a smirk as you picked up your fork. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not."
"I'd prefer the latter."
Sam shakes his head as he hears the conversation. "Please stop talking about him before he pops up. We don't need him to add to the chaos in the tower."
"Loki's always in the tower; you guys just don't know it."
Sam and Steve look alarmed as a grinning Thor takes a seat beside you. "Y/N is right. My brother tends to come at such odd hours, but he's in the tower daily with Y/N."
"Does Tony know this?" Steve demands.
"Oh yeah, he literally burst through my door with his suit the first time Loki appeared in the tower. We came to a compromise if you catch my drift."
Sam lets out a noise of disgust. "Okay, no. We don't want to hear about it. As a matter of fact, forget that we even brought Loki up."
Thor and Y/N share a laugh as Steve shakes his head.
The duo's laughs are cut off when Y/N's cellphone starts to ring. Everyone's confused, staring at the cellphone sitting on the counter.
It rings a few times before going quiet.
"I have no clue who'd be calling me at one am," Y/N says as the phone lights up again.
"I mean...shouldn't you answer it and see? Could be important." Steve replies.
"My parents are sleeping at this time of the night. Everyone else that's important to me is currently in the tower, Steve. I'm sure FRIDAY would let us know if anything's happened to them."
Sam snatches the phone off the counter, answering it mid-ring.
"They're asking for you." He frowns before handing the phone to a confused Y/N.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you reached out, taking the phone and bringing it to your ear.
"Hello?" You questioned.
"Hello?" The unfamiliar, hushed, and husky voice rang out.
"Heard you were looking for me. Who is this?" You asked, exchanging glances with Steve, Thor, and Sam.
"Who is this?" The caller repeats your question.
"I mean, you're the one that called me. So what do you want, creep?"
The only thing you could hear from the other side of the phone was heavy breathing.
"Are you going to say anything besides breathe on the phone?" The person doesn't say anything, so you shrug, hanging up the phone.
"Who was it?" Steve asks.
"I don't have a freaking clue. All he did was breathe on the phone." You respond, going back to your dinner. There are a few minutes of silence before your phone starts ringing again. You shake your head at Bruce as he reaches for the phone again.
"Let it ring, probably the same idiot. He'll get tired eventually."
Ten minutes later, the four of you were at your wit's end. The ringing didn't stop.
"Y/N, I beg you to please answer your phone before I smash it to a thousand pieces." Thor bemoans as the phone goes off once again.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you snatch the phone back up. You placed the phone against your ear. "Hello?"
"Y/N, you know it's rude to hang up with someone. I thought you knew better than this."
You roll your eyes, "What do you want? You've called my phone nonstop for the past ten minutes!"
"I just want to talk Y/N! We can talk and become the best of friends."
"You're out of your goddamn mind. Do yourself and me a favor and stop calling my phone. I'm hanging up now." You snap, pulling the phone away from your ear.
It was clear that Thor, Sam, and Steve heard his threat as alarmed expressions overtake their faces.
"Y/N, give me the phone," Steve says through gritted teeth.
You stare down at the phone in shock before anger takes over your expression. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?! I don't know who the hell you are or what the hell you want with me, but I'm telling you now to leave me the fuck alone! Come near me, and I'll be your last day alive!"
The creep begins to laugh over the phone. "Oh, Y/N....your petty little threats don't scare me. All I want to do is play a little game, and then I'll leave you alone. I promise!"
"Fuck no! Leave me the hell alone!"
The creep lets out a growl. "I want to play a game. A simple one, call it movie trivia. Answer it correctly; you and your little trio of morons will survive."
There's no warning as the lights go out, leaving the four of you in absolute darkness.
"Answer wrong; you die. Don't even bother calling for help. Your little friends and A.I. are all...out of commission."
All of you glance around and then at each other uneasily. "Don't even think about it. I'm watching your every move!"
Sam lets out a sigh. "This is a fucking nightmare."
"What the hell did you do to our teammates and FRIDAY?" Steve was gripping the counter, glaring at the phone that you'd placed on speakerphone.
"Don't worry about that. I can see you, Thor. Try summoning your precious hammer, and I slit Barton's throat!"
Thor looks disgruntled as he drops his hand. "Very well."
The creep chuckles, "That's more like it."
"I'll ask again, what the hell did you do to our teammates?!" Steve questions again.
"I can hear the desperation in your voice, Rogers. Don't worry, your pretty little heads, I haven't done anything so far. Their fates depend on you four. We win the game. and I'll let them go."
"We can't trust your word, man. We need proof." Sam says.
The creep hums, "That is true. Look for yourself."
A hologram of security footage pops up. "Say hello to your fellow avengers!"
Your eyes widened as you took in the sight of your teammates, bound and gagged to chairs in a circle. Tony, Clint, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, and for some odd reason, Pepper was there as well. Clint and Tony were the only ones awakened and were frantically shaking their heads.
"You sonofabitch." Steve curse, running a hand over his face. "What do you want?"
"A simple game. Are you ready to play now?"
"YES! YES! We'll play your stupid ass game! Just don't hurt our teammates!" You say, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder.
"That depends on how well you do with my trivia! Tell me Y/N. Do you like scary movies?"
The voice tutted. "Then you should be very good at this game then."
You take a deep breath, hoping your racing heart would calm down. It frightened you how easily someone snuck into the tower, basically kidnaping your teammates and holding them hostage.
"Question one, How many people does Jason kill in the first Friday the 13th film?"
You furrow your eyebrows, looking at Steve. He shrugs, looking hopeless. "I'm so sorry, but I haven't seen any horror films."
Sam snaps, making a zero with his hand. "He didn't do any killings in the first Friday the 13th movie!"
The creep hums, "who did the killing then?"
"His mother!"
"Bravo Y/N and Sam! "The voice praises the two of you.
"Question two, how many knives does Freddy Krueger have on his gloves?"
"Four. He has four!" Thor calls out.
"Yes! Good boy, Thor! It appears you aren't as stupid as I thought!" The voice laughs once again. "Next question...Which room does Dick Hallorann tell Danny to stay away from in The Shining?"
"I heard Tony mention sometimes once about room 237 as a joke. He said it came from a film called The Shining. Is that it?" Steve says.
"Is that a question or the answer, Rogers? And no, don't help him!" The voice yells as you go to tell Steve it was correct.
"I...It's the answer."
"CORRECT!" The creep gives a round of applause. "Now, last question, who is the Ghostface killer in Scream 4?"
Oh, shit, there was so much going on in the Scream series, you couldn't keep up. Besides the first two movies, you kind of gave up watching them.
The four of you were exchanging frightened and panicked looks when no one answered. You took a deep breath and said the hell with it.
"Roman Bridger!" You cried out. "It was him! Right?!"
There was silence on the other line before the creep said the words you dreaded, "Wrong answer Y/N."
The four of you were surprised when two cloaked figures appeared in front of your unconscious teammates. One head Tony's head up as the other slashes him viciously across the stomach.
"TONY!" All of you cried out as blood began pouring from his shirt, and Tony lets out muffled cries of pain, fighting against the ropes.
The two cloaked figures turned, waving at you mockingly.
"Are those Ghostface masks? We're really dealing with a fucking Ghostface copycat groupie?!" Sam says, bewildered.
"Come out and play with us!"
Your nails dig into the palm of your hands as you stare down the copycat Ghostface on the right. There was something familiar about them.
"You're going to pay for hurting our dear Anthony, you fool." Thor looks furious; the rage in his eyes was clear to see.
"You'll have to catch us first!" There was a slam of a door down the hall, and you all turn your heads in the direction.
"We were the only ones on this floor. No one knows we hang out here." Steve says, glaring down the darkened hall.
"You will need weapons Sam and Y/N. Steve and I will use our brute strength to defend ourselves. " Thor says, grabbing the skillet off the stove, handing it to you. He gives Sam the butcher knife Steve was using earlier.
You and Sam exchange glances, the message clear in your eyes. 'Did he forget we're both trained fighters and can defend ourselves weapons or not?'
Steve leads the way as you slowly creep down the dark hall. "I've got nothing-" A swift punch to the jaw cut off his words.
"HOLY SHIT! STEVE!" Sam calls out, rushing over.
"I'm fine, Sam. They came out of nowhere. They're on this floor somewhere. We've gotta look for them."
"Oh, there's no need to look for me. We're right here." Sam lets out a yelp, falling to the ground, clutching his side.
"Shit, guys were humans and can't really see that well in the dark. You're going to have to use your weird-ass super senses and find them." You say, fumbling around until you find Sam's outstretched hand. You help him sit up, leaning on you for support.
"Stop being a coward! Come out and face us!" Thor yells out.
"This shit feels like it's from a low-budget horror film," Sam mutters to himself.
You nod in agreement.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder and a voice whispering your name in, "Y/N..."
Letting out a yelp, you grab their hand, using all your strength to flip them over your shoulder.
"FUCK!" You didn't waste any time kicking the shit out of this asshole.
"Y/N! Y/N, IT'S ME! IT'S ME, SCOTT!" The cloaked figure shouts, reaching up and snatching his mask off. Scott's now bruised face stared up at you as the lights flickered back on.
You glanced up to see Thor holding Loki in a headlock and Steve scowling at Clint. Sam was frowning at Tony, who was smirking.
"There's no need to be all upset, brother. It was a mere prank; you know I've done far worse than this." Loki lets out a grunt as Thor tightens his grip.
"I recall the numerous times you've stabbed me, bitting and nearly gotten me killed. But, these are our human friends Loki, and they are far more..." Thor trails off, staring at Scott, who was holding his head.
"You guys are such fucking assholes. A prank is putting something funny and straightforward. This shit wasn't funny; it was fucking terrifying. We thought Tony had gotten stabbed! Our teammates had gotten kidnapped, and FRIDAY was harmed." Sam growls out, crossing his arms and shaking his head.
"This was out of line, guys. I'm disappointed." Steve's "I'm Disappointed In You" face and tone of voice were enough to ruin anyone's mood.
"There was no real harm done, guys. Lighten up," Tony tries to brush it off.
"No harm do-" You start before shaking your head. "No, I'm not saying anything. I've gotta go take my rage out in the training room, come on, guys." You motion for Thor, Steve, and Sam to follow you.
"We're going to prank them back, right?" Sam questions as you guys get into the elevator. '
"Oh, for sure."
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marvella15 · 4 years
Astaire & Rogers Rewatch Part 6: Swing Time
• Swing Time aka the Astaire/Rogers film that I think is actually the best, especially from the dance perspective. Every duet is fabulous. You could watch just the duets and understand the entire plot of the film. That’s how well crafted and executed they are.
• Our characters/actors: John “Lucky” Garnett (Fred Astaire), Penny Carroll (Ginger Rogers), Pop (Victor Moore), Mabel (Helen Broderick), Ricardo Romero (Georges Metaxa)
• Is this the first Astaire/Rogers film where he’s the one engaged (or married) to someone else? It’s usually her. 
• Lucky is already ridiculously late for his wedding, even before he’s rushing to get dressed. But I love his little snap-and-a-heel-click. 
• How does Fred Astaire manage to look so dapper in shoes, a top hat, no pants, and a robe?
• It’s interesting that Lucky’s bride-to-be calls him John, rather than his nickname, which is tied to his gambling talents and therefore doesn’t fit in with her or her upper class family. But Penny only calls him Lucky. The two women even have a little exchange about it later in the film. 
• As usual, Rogers’ character is uninterested in Astaire’s upon first meeting and also as usual, she has a very good reason. She thinks he’s using any lame excuse to hit on her. Wow, look how much men have not changed at all.
By the way, 25 cents in 1936 is almost $5 today. Not saying it’s a reason to call the police but it’s at least not as outrageous as calling the police over a quarter. 
• Remember I said her cries for a porter in Gay Divorcee would come back? Here it’s reprised in her calls for an officer, which Lucky will also gently mock later just as Guy did to Mimi in the previous film.  
And wow, the officer is condescending and patronizing to her in deference to a man whom he thinks is an affluent gentleman. Look how much the police have not changed. 
• It’s odd that Lucky describes Penny as having red hair when Rogers was definitely a blonde (originally a brunette). Maybe she had strawberry blonde hair at this time?
• The tense exchange between Penny and Lucky as she teaches him to walk at the start of his dancing lesson is some of Astaire and Rogers at their acting finest. It’s a short, rather simple scene but they make it charming, funny, and entertaining. 
• Penny’s line, “If you’re trying to annoy me you certainly are succeeding,” is such a mood sometimes.
• Lucky, already starting to flirt: “All the world loves a dancer. Don’t you?”
• Astaire does a good job of acting like he’s a terrible dancer. Takes a lot of talent to pretend to suck at something you’re actually incredible at. 
• Pay attention to the three-step maneuver Penny teaches Lucky. He uses it as the building block for all of their dances in this film, beginning very soon with “Pick Yourself Up.” 
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• I love the “Pick Yourself Up” duet so so much. As much as the romantic duets for Astaire and Rogers get a lot of attention, I really love tap dancing and this is one of their best tap routines. Plus, you can see Penny (thanks to Rogers’ intuitive acting) go from surprise to delight to pure enjoyment and maybe a little bit of well-deserved smugness. Also notice that Lucky and Penny are much closer together in this duet than they had been during the dancing lesson. They’ve already become familiar with each other in that short span of time. 
• Because of the nature of the scene, Astaire looks frequently at Penny’s boss but Rogers is watching Astaire almost the entire time. Her expression conveys the feeling that Penny has finally found the right partner.
• There’s a lovely moment where she glides back with her arms up as she waits for him and Rogers’ face is so full of joy and affection. 
• Astaire typically avoided naming a “favorite” partner out of consideration for the many other actresses he danced with. But he did comment that because of how well Rogers danced with him, “She got so that after a while everyone else who danced with me looked wrong.” And he’s kind of right about that. Swing Time as a whole is probably the best example. No other actress would look right in any of the dances they share in this film. 
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• The moment of wordless conversation between Penny and Lucky after their dance feels very much like the actors themselves. In addition to having known each other prior to making films, they’ve also now spent the last 5 years working very closely together. No doubt they had some silent shorthand. 
• One of the reasons I enjoy Swing Time is because unlike other Astaire/Rogers films, the misunderstandings between them don’t emerge until later on, rather than appearing at the start to constantly obstruct their relationship. Here, Lucky and Penny begin their relationship almost right away. Just look at their cute conversation in front of the elevator where he hastily decides to get a room in the same building as her. 
• For the second time in this film, Astaire looks incredibly dapper while also being pantless. 
• At first it seems ridiculous that Lucky is picketing outside Penny’s room claiming she’s been unfair to him since he made them miss their try-out. However, he’s done everything to make it up to her, including arranging a new try-out for them, building up a sizable bankroll for him/them and Mabel, and, obviously, getting some new clothes. 
• Although they tried many things in Rogers’ hair to make it look like shampoo, I believe they landed on whipped cream at her suggestion. And they use it as a very convenient excuse to prevent yet another kiss. 
• Unlike other romantic songs in their films, “The Way You Look Tonight” is framed as a popular song of the time within the film itself. And we know this because Ricardo Romero is singing it in the next scene as part of his “romantic medley hour.” 
• Love the way Astaire looks at her during this social dance. So warm and loving. And when they leave the dance floor, he gets her attention at one point by hooking his index finger to the point of her elbow. Just little moments of familiarity between them. 
• More little moments: When Penny gets up from the roulette table, Lucky stops her until after the ball has landed, indicating he feels she’s good luck. Rogers is holding Astaire’s elbow as she goes to leave so he grabs her hand under his arm without looking. 
• I’ve always loved the look on Lucky’s face when he watches Romero approach Penny. It’s not jealousy or concern, necessarily. Just soft, like he’s wondering if his heart is about to be broken. And the music playing? “A Fine Romance”
• Lucky does everything possible to get Penny and himself the promised try-out including winning nearly $25k at the casino tables, then winning Romero’s contract, and eventually publicly goading Romero to play for them. But Mabel was right before when she told Penny that everything Lucky did was solely for her. He doesn’t need a new dancing gig, and had in fact come to New York to earn money as a gambler, rather than a dancer. That all changed when he met Penny.
• Remember a time when you were newly in love? The sheer elation of that feeling is what the “Waltz in Swing Time” is. It’s a celebration that builds on what was established in “Pick Yourself Up” and adds sweeping moments of romance. The three steps to the left and right move is expanded on first with outstretched legs and arms and later with exuberant movements around the floor.
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• Right at the start, Astaire has a twinkle in his eyes when he looks at Rogers and she responds in kind. They smile at each other easily as they move through a fast-paced and breathtakingly beautiful routine. 
Usually in their films, a romantic and celebratory duet comes near the end when all of the misunderstandings have been resolved. But in Swing Time, it’s right in the middle. 
• There’s one moment where Astaire affectionately touches Rogers’ wrist. It almost looks as though he’s going to spin her towards him but instead they keep dancing separately, next to one another. 
• When the music kicks up, Rogers smiles broadly and she looks radiantly in love. As they spin together, tapping in a circle around the dance floor, both of them keep looking up in wonder and rapture. 
• They’re cuddling during the snowy scenes is very sweet but some of the romance is sucked out when you see the behind the scenes pictures. 
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(photo credit)
• Cuuuuute:
Penny: “I like being off alone like this.”
Lucky: “You’re not alone. You’re with me.”
Penny: “Then I like being off alone with you.”
• Lucky’s face when he accidentally finds himself in an embrace with Penny is purely Astaire and you can fight me on that. There’s so much longing and want in that look. He’s able to get away with it because of the long moment before he has to say anything but even when he does speak, his voice cracks a bit. His gloved hand keeps stroking her forearm. 
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• Not hard to see some true-to-life parallels in this dialogue and I’ve always felt that the way Astaire said his last line here was as himself, not just him acting. 
Penny: “It’s funny how we met, and all that’s happened to us since.”
Lucky: “The way we’ve been sort of thrown together and everything.”
Penny: “As if it were all meant to happen.”
Lucky: “It’s quite an experience.”
• Like I’ve said before, no way the actors and creative team didn’t know exactly how much they were trolling audiences by having lyrics like “a fine romance with no kisses” in Astaire and Rogers’ SIXTH. FILM. together where they still haven’t kissed romantically on screen. 
And in fact there will be at least two thwarted kisses in this sequence alone.
• “A Fine Romance” is quite scandalous when you pay attention to the lyrics too. Penny says Lucky won’t “nestle” or “wrestle” and she’s “never mussed the crease in [his] blue serge pants.” 
Rogers does a really wonderful job throughout. She’s frustrated and disappointed when singing at him and then stewing with hurt feelings when he sings to her. 
I’ve always loved how Astaire flatly says “cactus plants” in the lyric “you never give the orchids I send a glance, no you like cactus plants.”
• I always chuckle at the way Penny loudly and awkwardly asks, “HOW DO YA LIKE MY DRESS?” Who hasn’t suddenly gone awkward af in front of their crush?
• In the movie Grease, there’s a part where Rizzo has a hickey from Kenickie. According to Stockard Channing, actor Jeff Conaway insisted on giving her the hickey himself. But just in case you thought maybe Ginger Rogers insisted on leaving her own lipstick imprint on Fred Astaire’s lips, sorry to disappoint. A makeup artist came in and applied it. 
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• And I adore how they’re both giggling and giddy after the supposed kiss. So much of this movie is about young love or your first real love, those butterflies mixed with terror and anticipation. 
• I always thought the club owner said, “Lucky, you’re a mess” after finding Penny and Lucky immediately after their first kiss. But he actually says, “Lucky, you’re on next.” Either way, Lucky’s dazed response of “Am I?” is cute. 
• Ok, the “Bojangles of Harlem” number. It’s the only time Astaire did blackface. It’s uncomfortable to watch even though he intended it as a tribute to African-American dancers Bill Robinson and John W. Bubbles. There’s also some very innovative use of 1936 special effects to make it look like Astaire is dancing with three of his shadows. Largely because of this, choreographer Hermes Pan was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Dance Direction. 
He lost but won an Oscar in the same category the next year, the final time that category was awarded, for a routine in Astaire’s only 1930s film without Ginger Rogers, A Damsel in Distress. 
• If Lucky had just let Margaret say her piece, he would’ve known that he’s actually not beholden to her anymore. But then we wouldn’t have one of the greatest dances ever put to film. 
• In all fairness on the kissing front, Lucky’s well timed entrance does prevent Romero and Penny’s kiss from appearing on screen.
• A heartbreaking exchange where they never break eye contact:
Penny: “Does she dance very beautifully?”
Lucky: “Who?”
Penny: “The girl you’re in love with.”
Lucky, meaningfully: “Yes. Very.”
Penny, after a beat: “The girl you’re engaged to. The girl you’re going to marry.”
Lucky: “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve danced with you. I’m never going to dance again.”
 • “Never Gonna Dance” is distinguished from the other songs in this film’s world because it’s not something that is also used in the dance studio or played by Romero’s band. Instead, it includes elements specific to these characters. The line “the la belle, la perfectly swell romance” recalls Penny’s line earlier in the gazebo. The reference to “dinner clothes” harkens back to Penny and Lucky’s first day together. The repeated use of the word “penny,” transforms in its final iteration to being her name when Lucky sings, “Though I’m left without my Penny.” The whole song is Lucky’s elaboration on his line above. Nothing matters now, not his clothes or money or dancing. All he’s going to do is love her. 
• The music of the dance and many of the moves are pulled from previous songs and dance numbers. A fittingly mournful version of “The Way You Look Tonight” plays as they walk together, which is also how Lucky began his dance lesson with Penny. Later, “Waltz in Swing Time” trumpets in to propel them into that same three steps move again but as euphoric as they were in that previous dance, now he is almost desperate and she is slowly letting him go. “Never Gonna Dance” is a compilation of their entire romance from start to heartbreaking finish and it’s a truly stunning duet. I know “Cheek to Cheek” gets a lot of hype, and it’s deserved, but “Never Gonna Dance” is something extra special and is certainly tied with “Waltz in Swing Time” as the best Astaire and Rogers duet in my book. 
In keeping with how much Swing Time breaks the tradition of Astaire/Rogers films, “Never Gonna Dance” is the duet where Astaire is trying to woo Rogers’ character, something we typically see earlier in the film but was never needed here. It’s also very tragic, something we almost never see in Astaire/Rogers films. Even “Let’s Face the Music and Dance” had a hopeful tone. 
• Their expressions in this number are especially poignant. He is imploring her to stay while she is gazing at him as though drinking him all in because she knows this will be the last time they’re together. While he is concentrating on pouring everything into the dance, she is memorizing every detail of this last dance with him, even watching him when he can’t see her. I know I talk a lot about Rogers’ acting ability during these dances but it never stops being worth mentioning. No other partner of Astaire’s got it the way Ginger Rogers did. 
• Thank god they cut this dance into two pieces so that they only had to perform this last bit again and again by itself, rather than having to start from the very beginning each time.
After two films that included “issues” with her dresses, Rogers this time has an issue with her shoes. Or rather, they did so many freaking takes (47ish) that she bled into them. And supposedly she didn’t complain at all because she was just as committed to getting the dance right.
She does the majority of the tough work in this final piece too. Not only is she spinning quickly and frequently, in the final spin she has to move towards where he waits, rather than him coming to meet her. 
Some credit to the level of trust they’d built though, Astaire’s arm is always ready well in advance of when she will spin into him. 
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• Even as the duet is ending, Astaire keeps his face longing and hopeful. Lucky has done everything to win her back and as they move towards the door he thinks he may still have a chance. But in their last embrace where he holds her tightly to him, she tellingly doesn’t return the gesture and leaves both of her arms raised. When she exits, he grimaces as though his heart has truly been broken. 
• The ridiculous overacting when they’re all laughing is 🙄🙄🙄. Did the Joker unleash some laughing gas?? The silliness of this ending takes away from the rest of a truly excellent film. 
It also reminds me of the silliness of the beginning. If I had to guess, the writers probably had a great middle and no clue to how start or end things. At least, it feels that way.
• I do like how she sings a reprise of “The Way You Look Tonight” about him while he sings a reprise of “A Fine Romance.” And they go in for another kiss, pause, then embrace with his back to the camera because GOD FORBID we see a single dang kiss between these two!
Though I am left wondering just what Astaire and Rogers were doing in the final embrace because their faces do seem awfully close together...
• Swing Time is probably the last exceptional Astaire/Rogers film. Everything after this doesn’t quite measure up except in a few specific instances. That said, I do enjoy many parts of Shall We Dance, which is next. 
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awstenknyght · 3 years
Never Bloom Again
A/N: i have decided that this will lead into Bad Idea. josie finds out kath cheated
Warnings: alcohol, drugs, self harm, tell me if i missed something. also emily being a little bitch, but what’s new
Song Used: Never Bloom Again
Tags: @buttons-and-gulons @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @thatsmycigarbutyoucanborrowit @brooklyn-is-here @the-cowbi @trans-witch-cauldron @and-shes-calling-a-cab @lxwkey-as-hell
All the girls in Los Angeles look like you from a distance
Josie stepped up to the mic. She’d only been on tour for a few days, but she already missed Katherine more than anything. 
“Hey guys!” she was met with a chorus of applause. “This one’s called Powerless. Its for my wonderful girlfriend Kath. I wish she could be here with me now.”
She strummed out the first few chords and began to sing. “I really wouldn’t mind a 20 hour drive…”
I tried to give you space until i stepped away
From your brain but now i just miss it
After the show, Josie flopped onto her bunk. Everyone else had gone out to a bar, but she decided to stay in the bus and call Katherine.
Josie pulled out her phone and clicked on the familiar contact. It took a while, but soon a very disheveled looking Kath came onto the screen.
“Baby!” Josie cried, wishing she could reach through the screen and kiss her.
“Hey Jo,” Katherine responded, her voice hoarse. She kept looking at something behind the screen, but Josie thought nothing of it. “How was the show?”
Josie grinned and launched into an excited recap of her day. “How about you? Did you have a good day?”
Katherine’s cheeks turned bright red. “Uh yeah, it was great.”
Josie frowned. Kath wouldn’t stop looking at something- or someone- behind the camera. “Is someone there with you?”
“No!” Katherine shook her head quickly before clearing her throat. “Hey, I'm getting kinda tired. Do you want to call in the morning?”
Josie swallowed and nodded. The screen went black before she could say goodbye.
All the girls in los angeles look like you from a distance
And now i’m kinda thinking that i’ll never bloom again
Josie sat at a bar stool next to King. Mouse, Moth, and Bruiser were all playing pool. Well, Moth and Bruiser were playing. Mouse was doing her best to distract them from the game, which included climbing on the pool table and bonking their heads with one of the extra poles.
Josie took her phone out and checked it again. There was still nothing.
“You okay?” King asked hesitantly.
“Hmm? Oh. yeah i’m fine.” she said, barely looking up. 
“Are you sure? You haven’t looked up from your phone since we got here.”
“It’s just-” she let out an exasperated breath. “It’s been a week since i talked to Kath. And last time we called she was kind of… off.”
King nodded and downed his drink. “She’s probably fine. If you’re really worried, maybe try calling her again?”
Josie pulled out her phone and tried calling. Nothing. Maybe she just fell asleep. She decided to send a text instead.
Hey baby, you okay?
Kath responded surprisingly fast this time. 
Yeah, just a bit tired.
Josie frowned. Being tired never kept Katherine from calling before. Well, at least not before the tour-
I never thought I’d let myself wear the weak look
but I guess if the shoe fits
Josie didn’t talk to Kath at all for the next week. Then a week turned into a month, a month into two, until Josie was outside their apartment door, waiting to go in.
Josie took a deep breath before pushing the door open. “Kathy? You home?”
No response. Josie set down her bags and walked into the kitchen. There was a note on the counter for her.
Hey love!
If you get home before i get back, i’m just at a friends house. Can’t wait to see you again! <3
Josie tried not to be disappointed. It wasn’t Kath’s fault. She turned back, deciding to start unpacking, when something caught her eye.
Sitting on the counter was a small charm bracelet. Not just any charm bracelet though.
There's a million pairs here
String along my soul, dear, 'til my breath feels useless
“Em!” Josie ran up to the taller girl and jumped onto her back. “Happy birthday baby!”
“Jesus christ J, be careful!” Emily responded. 
Josie climbed down. “Sorry babe. Look what i got you!”
Josie handed her a small charm bracelet. It had six charms already on it, and room for more. “D’ya like it?”
“Thanks baby! I love it!” Emily smiled as she slipped it on. She gave josie a kiss. Cherry lipstick and alcohol. The combination might seem repulsive to others, but to Josie it was perfect. It was emily. 
It's like god fell asleep in
The middle of the day he built my self-esteem
Why was Emily’s bracelet in their apartment? Unless-
No. she’d never. She’s not like that
Josie needed to clear her head. Only one thing could help with that. She rushed to the bathroom.
'Cause I'll keep hopping on these planes
'Til we're sharing last names and a softer scene
Josie turned the corner into the alleyway. Emily was waiting there, just like she promised, with a familiar smirk.
“I knew you’d come crawling back.”
Josie looked down. She didn’t mean for it to get this out of hand. But her hands were shaking and she knew only one thing that could stop them.
“Em, give it to me. Please-”
“Nope! Kisses first baby,” Emily responded in a sing-song voice. “You know the drill.”
“Please Em, i don’t want to do this again-” she was cut off by Emily's lips crashing into her’s. She tried to pull away, but emily had her trapped and wasn’t letting go.
Cherry lipstick and alcohol. Josie wondered when the taste stopped being home and started being hell.
Instead of tying our breath in knots again
You're chopping it down in heavy seconds
Alone was never easy after you
Katherine walked in the door hours later. Josie had come down by then. Her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were puffy and red. Katherine noticed immediately.
“Baby! What happened? Are you okay?”
Josie held up the bracelet. “What’s Emily’s bracelet doing here?”
Kath froze. “I- I don’t know.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” Josie yelled, standing up so she was almost eye to eye with Katherine. “Are you cheating on me?”
“Josie, you’re not in a good mental state. Come on, lets go to sleep.”
“No! Answer me!” Josie’s voice finally broke. “Are you cheating on me?”
Josie shook her head. “I knew it.”
With that, she grabbed her bags, still packed and waiting by the door, and ran.
Cause all the girls in Los Angeles look like you from a distance
I tried to give you space until I stepped away
From your brain and now i just miss it
Josie’s hands were shaking. She needed more. Just a bit, just enough to calm her nerves.
It had been three weeks since- since the incident. Josie tried to stay away from it. But without Kath to lean on, it was all she had left.
“So Josie, any new songs we should get ready for?”
Josie snapped back to the present. Right. The interview.
“Uh, I’m working on a new one. Called Never Bloom Again.”
The woman smiled widely. “What’s this one about?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see!” Mouse cut in. Thank goodness for mouse. Josie hadn’t released any news about the breakup and she wasn’t ready to talk about it now, especially not with this far-too-cheery-to-be-real interviewer.
Josie excused herself to the bathroom as soon as possible. She needed it bad. As soon as it was back in her, she was able to relax. 
I’m so screwed.
All the girls in Los Angeles look like you from a distance
Now I'm kinda thinking that I'll never bloom again
Josie sat across from king in a small diner. Mouse had forced them there. In her words, “Just because you’re both sad and alone doesn’t mean you can become shut-ins. Go be sad and alone together.”
So there they were. Being sad and alone together. 
“Did you relapse?” King asked after taking a drink.
“Yeah,” Josie sighed. “You?”
They were silent for a while after. “Why wasn’t I enough?”
Josie looked up. King was staring at his phone. Josie grabbed it out of his hand. “Don’t say that. It’s not your fault B cheated, it’s that bitch Katie’s.”
King nodded, but he didn’t look convinced. “Can I have my phone back?”
“Not if you’re gonna keep looking at pictures of B.”
“That’s not fair, you still have your phone!”
“Well I’m over Kath.” Josie said, but she sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than anything else.
“Mhm,” King said, grabbing Josie’s phone and turning it on. The screen lit up with Katherine’s face. “Completely over her.”
“Fuck you,” Josie said, kicking him under the table. He kicked her back. Soon they were full on fighting under the table and laughing loudly.
A few minutes later, after being kicked out of the restaurant, they began walking home. Josie was finally smiling again.
'Cause this is what you've done, you've done to me
Josie’s heart was racing. She had blacked out and woken up to far too many notifications. 
She logged into twitter to see what all the commotion was about and froze. 
It’s official. No more lies. Me and @ watch_what_happens are done. Sorry
Had she sent that? She didn’t remember it. Then again, she didn’t remember anything from the past hour-
She had hundreds of notifications; press, friends, family, and fans all wanted to know what went down.
But one stood out.
Blocked number
Guess that means i win?
'Cause this is what you've done, you've done to me
Josie stepped up to the microphone and took a deep breath. “This is never bloom again. It goes out to two wonderful exes. I hope you’re having fun together.”
She nodded to mouse and began strumming. She could feel her hands beginning to shake again.
No. Not now.
She tried to focus on the song. It was the last one in the set. She could do it. In and out, sing the words, go through the motions.
“You're not alone 'til it stings like this
I'll fake asleep until I'm dreaming
I guess you messed me up, I'll pay for this
And sleep it off without your kiss”
Josie finished the song and ran off stage. She needed something, anything. She opened the bathroom cabinet. Empty. Her bag was gone too.
Mouse must’ve found it.
She collapsed on the floor, shaking. She needed something to ground herself. Something shiny caught her eye. A small blade in the corner of the room.
It would have to work.
I never thought I'd let myself give what you took
But I sent it off in gift wrap
Josie slowly stood and tried to leave the trailer. She had been spending every night there for god knows how long, but she was done now. She had an actual family now, one that wanted her, and she was ready to go. There was only one problem.
The sleeping girl rolled over, reaching out to where Josie was only moments earlier. She woke up with a start, noticing the lack of warmth next to her.
“Baby? Where you going?” Emily asked in a sugar-sweet voice.
“I told you Em. I’m leaving.”
Emily sat up. Her tone turned harsh. “No you’re not.”
“I can’t keep doing this Emily. I’m leaving and I’m not coming back.”
Emily grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down to the bed. “I don’t think you heard me sweetheart. You're not going anywhere.”
With that, she kissed Josie. Hard. Josie gave in and kissed her back. The taste was addicting. And as much as she wanted to leave, she would always come back.
Just as Josie was starting to drift off to sleep again, the sugar sweet voice returned. 
“You’re mine.”
Now all that's left here are my lonely words, dear
I'll paint you pretty with my syntax
It was too loud. Everything was ten times louder and Josie didn’t know what to do.
The show had just ended. The fans were cheering and Mouse was trying to tell her something. But she couldn’t hear a thing.
She was in her head again.
Josie pushed through to the bathroom. She could still feel the scars from the last show. Or were those from last night? She couldn’t remember anymore. Not that she cared.
Once she had it in her again, her hands stopped shaking. It seemed less loud now. She pushed open the bathroom door, ready to put on her fake face on and pretend, when something stopped her.
Right outside waiting for her was none other than Emily and Katherine, holding hands.
Josie’s face hardened. “What do you want?”
Katherine opened her mouth to say something, but thought better of it. Emily just smirked. Josie tried to push past, but Em wouldn’t budge. 
“Kathy, sweetheart, why don’t you wait by the car? I want to talk to Josie alone.”
“Jo, I’m so sorry, I made a mistake, I-” Kath was cut off by Emily’s sharp gaze. She nodded and ran off.
“What were you doing in there?”
“None of your fucking business,” Josie retorted with a glare. What did Emily want from her anyway?
“Oh, we both know that it is my business,” she said with a smile. “Come on baby, did you really think it was that easy to escape it?”
Josie winced. “Don’t call me baby. You lost that right a long time ago.”
“But babe, don’t you miss it?” Emily moved closer and grabbed her hand. Josie didn’t push her away. “We had so much fun together! Don’t you want to go back?”
“I-” Josie’s head was spinning. Snap out of it. “No! What about Kath?”
Emily leaned in closer. “It can be our little secret”
“Katherine’s smart. She’ll figure it out.” What was she saying?
“Will she?” Emily asked in an innocent voice. “You wouldn’t have known a thing if i hadn’t left you that little… clue.”
Josie’s eyes widened. The bracelet. Suddenly, she could feel Emily pulling her somewhere. Before she knew what was going on, Emily was straddling her, their lips locked together.
And she wasn’t complaining
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
Maybe I Am? - Chpt.6
Characters: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Steve realizes the extent of his screw up and devises a plan to win his man back, even if that means coming out to everyone in his life. Master list HERE.
Content Warning: a really sad Bucky and an even more sad Steve. But (cue Monty Python voice) it gets better! 
Word Count: 3.2k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! This is it, last chapter!! I know some of you have been waiting with baited breath since last night's cliffhanger. At least I don't make ya'll wait very long for new chapters! Thank you to every single one of you who has taken the time to like, comment, and reblog. Ya'll make writing such a rewarding experience. I don’t have an epilogue for this fic, but if anyone would like mini head cannons set after the fic shoot me an ask with what you’re looking for and I can write something up just for you. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Six
“Dude, you look like a ghost.” Sam commented when Steve entered the gym the next day. 
Steve shrugged noncommittally. “Didn’t sleep great.” And that was the truth. Sleep had eluded him except for a few brief hours here and there. He hadn’t had the heart to change his sheets, as disgusting as he knew that was. He laid in his bed, trying to catch the faint scent of Bucky on his pillow and sheets. Steve was torturing himself over the break up that he’d known was inevitable. And it wasn’t even a break up, not really. And wasn’t that the bitch of it? He was hurting more now than he had when Peggy had left him and they had been together for over a year, had lived together even. Bucky was a fling, a curiosity that he couldn’t let go. Deep down Steve knew it had been more than that though. It had been everything. 
Sam let Steve throw himself into work, not pushing him to talk until he was ready. But when they were wrapping things up for the day Sam’s patience had run thin. His best friend was in worse shape than he’d ever seen him and he didn’t have a clue as to why. “Get your shit.” Sam ordered gruffly, “We’re gonna go get a beer.” he looked at Steve’s devastated expression, “Or five.” 
Two beers later Steve was peeling the label off of his drink, still avoiding the subject. Sam had been filling the silence with superficial work talk but when Steve lowered his head to his hands with a groan Sam caved. “Was it Peggy?” he ventured a guess. That was the last time he’d seen Steve even close to this rough of shape.
Steve let out a bitter laugh. “Nope. It definitely wasn’t Peggy.”
“Well then what, man? You look like someone’s ripped the life out of you. We used to talk about everything. What’s so bad you can’t even tell me?”
“Bucky.” Steve murmured quietly.
Sam wrinkled his nose trying to make sense of Steve’s answer. “Bucky who?” he said a second before it dawned on him. “Oh shit. Bucky as in WinterBae Bucky?” 
Steve nodded. 
“I didn’t even know you were still talking to him. What the hell happened?” 
“I fucked up, Sam.” Steve choked out as the tears came, fresh and hot down his cheeks. 
The story spilled out of him in fits and sobs as they nursed two more rounds of beers in the dimly lit quietness of the bar. Sam listened patiently, not commenting except for the occasional interjection of a hmph or ah ha to show he was listening. Steve felt raw and empty by the time he was done, finishing with Bucky’s departure the day before.  
Sam sat quietly for a moment, thinking over everything Steve had just dropped on him. When it was clear Steve was done Sam spoke up. “You know you could have told me, right? I was probably a bit of an ass when you told me about Bucky the day you met him, but I just didn’t want you getting yourself worked up over nothing. But this, man, this is something.” 
“I think I loved him.” 
“I think you still do or you wouldn’t be sitting here crying in your beer. So what now?” 
“What do you mean, what now?” 
“How are you going to fix this? No offense, but you definitely were the one who fucked up. So how are you going to go get your boy back?” 
“I don’t even know if he’d take me back. I hurt him Sam. He’s the most amazing, special person I’ve ever met and I made him feel like I was ashamed of him. What kind of person does that?” 
Sam rubbed Steve’s shoulder. “The kind of person who’s scared. You went thirty years thinking of yourself one way only to find out you maybe didn’t have the whole picture. That can be disorienting, but it’s not an excuse to hurt someone you love. You gotta make this right if you still want him in your life.” 
“I don’t know how.” Steve looked utterly defeated. 
“You gotta figure that one out on your own. But regardless if things work out with him or not, you still have to figure your shit out. Otherwise you’ll never have a real chance with any girl, or guy, again.” 
“I don’t want anyone else. I just want him” 
“Then ask yourself the hard questions, man. Are you willing to be honest with him? To really apologize and accept whatever he has to say back? Are you willing to really be with him, out in the open? Because if you couldn’t bring him into the gym and proudly introduce him to all of your friends, then don’t waste your time or his.” 
“I guess I have a lot of thinking to do.” 
“Take a few days off, get your head on straight. And call me if you need to talk.” 
“Thanks, Sammy.” Steve pulled his friend in for a bone crushing hug. It was going to be a long couple of days. 
Bucky knew it was foolish expecting Steve to text or call. But part of him had hoped that Steve had cared enough to at least try to reach out. Bucky chalked it up to one more time he’d had too much faith in Steve. It would be the last time though.
Natasha came over on Wednesday after Bucky had dodged her calls for three days straight. She slipped in with assassin-like stealth, using the spare key he’d given her years ago. Bucky was slumped on the sofa in his fluffiest lavender robe, hair laying stringy and limp around his shoulders, and a bag of gummy bears resting on his stomach. An episode of The Office was playing but he wasn’t really paying attention to it. He glanced over, unsurprised by her presence, and mutely handed her a clear gummy bear - her favorite flavor. She accepted the bear with a nod and settled in next to him. 
The episode ended and Bucky popped the last few pieces of candy in his mouth. “Are you here to yell at me for wallowing?” he asked, breaking the silence.
Natasha raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow at him. “Do you want me to?” 
Bucky shook his head, his composure breaking. “I miss him, ladybug.” he sobbed, turning to cling to his oldest, dearest, friend.
“I’m sorry, Bucky-bear.” Natasha held him tightly while he cried. She fired a quick text off and her phone chirped almost immediately. “Becca will be here by dinner.” 
“Nat, no.” he grumbled pathetically.
“Nat, yes.” she quipped. “Now come on, let’s get you cleaned up before she gets here and thinks I haven’t been looking after you.” 
Bucky grumbled more but complied. The last thing he needed was a Becca lecture. 
Becca arrived with bags of take out and several bottles of wine a little after six o’clock. She and Nat sat and listened while Bucky poured his heart out over the next few hours. They curled up around him on the sofa, letting him mourn and trying to just be there for him. He passed out eventually and Becca looked over his sleeping head at Natasha once his gentle snuffle-snores started. “I want a name and address.” she demanded with a low tone that left no room for disagreement. 
“I’ll text it to you. You go do what you have to do and I’ll keep an eye on our boy.” 
Becca was fuming the entire ride across town. She had been there for the fallout out from Brock, who had been the worst type of prick imaginable, but who Bucky had genuinely loved. And this was a hundred times worse. Becca knew it was stupid and ill advised but she needed to confront the asshole who thought he could just toy with her brother’s emotions like that. She still regretted not punching Brock when she’d had the chance, and she was not going to have that regret this time. 
Steve heard the sharp knock on his door and groaned. He’d already been in bed despite it only being nine thirty and he felt completely exhausted dragging himself to the door. Three days of beating yourself up will do that to a guy. Steve opened the door and his heart stopped. Standing in front of him was a petite woman who reminded him so much of Bucky he thought he was hallucinating. 
“Are you Steve Rogers?” the woman demanded. The grey-blue eyes, so much like Bucky’s, flared with anger.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, clearing his throat, “Who are you?” 
“The woman who’s brother is a fucking wreck right now because of you, you fucking prick.” Becca shoved at him as hard as she could but he barely moved, the damn mountain of a man.
“Bucky?” Steve choked out, his eyes welling up at the name.
“Yeah, Bucky. Or do you do this with all the guys? Poor gorgeous confused guy who just wants to get his rocks off and use people?” Becca was almost shouting, anger radiating off of her in waves. 
“What?!” Steve barked out, shocked, “No! God, no. Bucky was the only guy I ever… I didn’t mean to-” a sob slipped out and he fought for composure, “Is he okay? I… I miss him so much.” Steve broke down, wrapping his arms around himself tightly for the small bit of comfort it gave him.
Becca just stood there speechless for a moment. She had been so ready to deck this guy and chew him out for hurting her brother, but she hadn’t expected Steve to be a mess too. Clearly, things were more complicated than she’d thought. “He’s not, you ass.” she informed him, “And neither are you apparently. Now invite me in and let’s see if we can fix this, yeah?” 
Steve sniffled, nodding and backing out of the doorway so she could come in. Becca followed him to the sofa where he told her how badly he’d fucked up, which she already knew but felt reassured hearing how much it tore Steve up. It was satisfying knowing Steve was beating himself over what had happened and saving her the trouble. She let him finish and get himself under wraps again before she finally spoke up. “I’m not going to help you.” 
Steve visibly deflated. 
“But,” she added, causing him to perk up briefly, “I will get him where he needs to be for you to fix this mess. God knows he’ll be avoiding you like the plague right now. So figure out to make this right and let me know when and where. I’ll make sure he’s there.” Becca stood up, satisfied she was keeping her meddling to a minimum. 
“Thank you.” Steve said right as she reached the door.
She gave him a sharp nod, “But Steve.” she added, her tone like ice, “If you ever hurt my brother again? I’m gonna punch you in the dick so hard it won’t matter what your sexuality is because you won’t have anything left to use.”  And with that warning, she closed the door loudly behind her. 
Steve groaned. He’d spent three days wallowing, now it was time to plan.
The next morning Becca’s phone buzzed in her pocket while she flipped a chocolate chip pancake, adding to the stack she was making for Bucky. 
1pm @ Los Aztecas; the text read, followed by an address. 
She sent back a thumbs up emoji, hoping she wasn’t betraying her brother. Natasha had seemed encouraging when she’d reported back to her the night before and that gave her some reassurance she was doing the right thing. 
Bucky slept late, cuddled up with Natasha in his rumpled bed. The three of them had curled up like they had when they were kids and Becca was happy to rejoin the warmth to wake up her brother and best friend. Bucky was reluctant to get out of bed but after some coaxing, they got him up and dressed. Becca filled Natasha in while Bucky showered and they planned on how they’d get Bucky out of the apartment later. 
It turned out to be easier than either woman expected. Becca claimed to have found a ‘cute little taco’ place online and gave him her best sad face when begging him to go out for lunch. Bucky was weak when Becca begged and they were in a cab on their way across time fifteen minutes earlier than they needed to be. Becca fired off a text to Steve of their ETA and gave Natasha a knowing nod when Bucky wasn’t looking. 
“Becs, no.” Bucky whined when they were dropped off outside the restaurant. 
“What?” Becca played dumb, mentally priding herself on her performance. “Why not?” 
“This is Steve’s taco place.” he swallowed roughly, refusing to cry in public. 
“That asshole doesn’t get to deprive you of tasty tacos.” Natasha interjected, “Besides, what are the odds you’ll even run into him? Come on,” she gave him a push towards the door, “Mama needs tacos.” 
Bucky grumbled but ducked into the little restaurant with them. His eyes adjusted to the low lighting and he missed Steve with an intensity that made him physically ache. He wondered how long it would be until everything stopped making him think of Steve. Hell, even the sound of a guy laughing in the other room reminded him of Steve. As a matter of fact, that laugh really did sound familiar. Too familiar. Shit.
“Hey, Buck.” 
Bucky cringed, glaring daggers at his sister and best friend before turning around. Well, at least he’d put on real clothes before going out. “Hi Steve.” he said as normally as he could. 
Steve was standing in the doorway to the private dining room looking devastatingly handsome in his white and blue checked shirt and khakis. Bucky wished he had been overly generous in remembering how damned attractive Steve was. If it weren’t for the faint bruises of purple under Steve’s bright blue eyes, he would have thought nothing was wrong. 
“Can we talk for a minute?” Steve asked, wringing his hands nervously. 
Bucky turned around to Becca and Natasha, “I hate you both.” he growled. But he nodded to Steve and followed him into the empty dining room.
“What’s this about Steve?” he asked, his voice betraying his exhaustion. 
“You.” Steve said simply, “It’s always gonna be about you.” he cleared his throat, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. “I wanted to say I’m sorry I hurt you. I never meant to but I know I absolutely did. I was a coward and I’m ashamed of how I acted. But I’m not ashamed of us. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want everyone to know it. I needed to sort my shit out, not just for you but for me too. I’m sorry it took me so long to do that. I don’t want to hide you away like some secret. I want to be able to walk down the street holding your hand, kiss you on the corner and not give a shit who sees us. I want you to meet my friends, my coworkers, my family. I want us to take all those silly trips we were planning together. I want you in my life, completely, not just when it’s convenient. Because I love you. I love you so much it terrifies me. And whether you want to give me, us, another try, or if you want to kick me in the balls and never see me again, I just needed to tell you that.” 
Bucky sniffed back the tears that were gathering in the corners of his eyes and took a long breath. “You hurt me.” his voice was steadier than he felt and Bucky was grateful for that. “And you’re never going to do that again. Do you hear me? Never again, Steve. I love you too much to go through this again.” Bucky gave him a soft smile, letting his words sink in.
“You still love me?” Steve whispered hopefully.
“Of course I do, you punk.” 
Steve laughed wetly, pulling Bucky in for a hug. They were still holding each other when Sam popped his head in a few minutes later. “You two ready for the party yet?” Sam called out, startling them both. This time though, Steve took Bucky’s hand in his tightly. 
“Come on in.” Steve waved his hand to his friend. “Sam, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Bucky. Bucky, this is my best friend Sam.” 
Bucky was beaming as he extended a hand to shake Sam’s. “Nice to meet you Sam. I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Sam gave Bucky his brightest gap toothed smile, immensely happy for both of them. “Likewise.” 
Thor was the next to pop his head in, accompanied by his wife Jane and their baby. Becca and Natasha sauntered in with margaritas in hand, twin expressions of smug happiness on their faces. Sam and Steve had closed the gym for the afternoon, enabling everyone to join them for a late lunch. Steve figured funding for an impromptu party for all of his nearest and dearest was a small price to pay to get the love of his life back. 
Bucky stayed glued to Steve’s side for the entire party. Likewise, Steve kept a hand on him at all times, whether it was wrapped around Bucky’s or resting around the other man’s waist, it was like a lifeline tethering them together. There was some gentle ribbing from Pietro and Scott about Steve finally manning up but overall everyone treated Steve’s unofficial coming out party as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Steve was both relieved and a little ashamed he had been so concerned. He loved these guys like family, he should have known they would accept him no matter what. 
As the party died down their assortment of friends trailed off to get about their days. Natasha and Sam had been sitting together at the bar for the better part of an hour, much to Steve and Bucky’s amusement. They were just a hair too close for it to be casual and the faint smile on Natasha’s face cemented Bucky’s assumption that she was smitten. 
“I’ll see you at the apartment later. Or tomorrow.” Becca teased, giving her brother a hug goodbye. “Don’t hurry home for me.” 
“I won’t.” Bucky assured her. He watched her go, leaving just him and Steve left in the room. “You ready to head back to your place?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” Steve looked down at him with a fond smile, “I think I am.” 
Bucky snorted a laugh, “You think so? You really should be more certain about things, Steve. Would’ve saved us a lot of trouble.” 
Steve bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. “Well, I know one thing for sure.”
“Oh really? And what’s that?” Bucky grinned, playing along.
“That I love you.” Steve leaned down to kiss Bucky sweetly. 
“Well then.” Bucky smiled widely against Steve’s mouth, “That’s a really good start.” 
~  The End ~
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch36: I Bid You Farewell And Good Luck, Morons!
Tumblr media
Intro: Thor wakes up on a strange ship, surrounded by even stranger people, a talking tree and a rabbit. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the fight to save Vision is won and the group make their way back to the compound to understand what exactly it is that they’re facing. 
But there’s no sign of Tony, and the more they heard, the more they start to wonder if this is a battle they stand any chance of winning. 
Warnings:Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
This is a bit of a longer update than normal, but I wanted to explore IW using all 3 of the perspectives that were shown, for no reason other than I had favourite bits in them all! And I LOVE writing for Thor and Tony!
As always tags are open and I’m taking suggestions for that lovely 5 year gap post snap/pre time Heist so if you have any ideas or wants, hit me up!
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 “It’s like a pirate had a baby with an angel…”
Thor wasn’t dead. But he felt like it. Every inch of his body ached and when he was jerked back to consciousness for a moment, just one split moment, he thought he saw Little Stark. Only it wasn’t her. The woman had dark hair, yes, but as he focussed he realised she looked nothing like the woman he loved dearly as a sister. This woman had huge eyes and antenna dangling from her forehead. And, whilst he knew it had been a while since he had seen his friend, she wouldn't have changed that much.
Finding his feet he looked around, chest heaving, at the band of people stood in front of him; A woman with green skin and red hair, a man with grey/blue skin, bald head, and red lines all over his body, a tree creature- a Flora Colossus he thought- which was off to the side draped over a chair, some kind of furry, animal thing- a rabbit maybe- and finally a man who appeared to be a normal, human.
They had offered him soup, and then when he had explained about Thanos the green skinned lady had told Thor what the Titan wanted the stones for. Which she knew, because she his  daughter.
"Families can be tough," Thor said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Before my father died, he told me that I had a half-sister, that he imprisoned in Hell. Then she returned home, stabbed me in the eye so, I had to kill her." he said, shrugging "That's life though isn't it I guess? Round and round, but I feel your pain."
The human, Peter Quill pushed his way between Gamora and Thor, and looked at her "I feel your pain, as well, because, I mean it's not a competition, but I've been through a lot. My father killed my mother, and then I had to kill my father. And that was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I, came out with both of my eyes."
Thor wasn’t paying attention. The man was clearly a moron, and he’d just noticed he had bent the spoon in the bowl of soup and was having a flashback to the time he had tried to bend the Captain’s shield. Little Stark had laughed so much at how annoyed he had gotten when he failed that she had cried. And then, to make it worse, a few days later the Captain had managed to move Mjolnir. Just a fraction, but it moved. No one had seen it, bar Little Stark of course, but there was something there, Thor was sure. Steve Rogers was a man worthy of a lot of things, but his hammer was complicated. You have to prove it. That had been explained to him the day it had been given to him. Of course, he hadn’t realised then that Eitri had actually made it for Hela first.
"I need a hammer, not a spoon." Thor mumbled, as the idea took hold and he looked at the pod at the back of the ship. "How do I open this thing?" he began pressing random buttons on the screen next to the door. “Is there some sort of a four-digit code? Maybe a birth date or something?"
"What are you doing?" Rocket asked.
"Taking your pod." Thor replied nonchalantly.
And then there was a row in which the moron called Quill tried to imitate Thor’s deeper voice telling him he could not take the pod, but Thor was going to take the pod anyway because he was the God of Thunder after all, and then the lady Gamora cut them off quite rightly directing the focus back to Thanos by stating they needed to find out where he was going next. But Thor had already thought of that.
"Knowhere," he answered as he brushed past Quill and over to the refrigerator he had seen Gamora get his soup from.
"He must be going somewhere," Mantis argued innocently.
"No," Quill shook his head and Thor noted his stupid voice was back to normal, "Knowhere? It's a place. We've been there. It sucks. Excuse me, that's our food." he said, suddenly noticing what Thor was doing.
"Not anymore," Thor shrugged, stuffing it into a backpack he found.
"Thor," Gamora cut across the pair of them again "Why would he go to Knowhere?"
"Because for years, the Reality Stone has been safely stored there with a man called the Collector." Thor said
"If it's with the Collector, then it's not safe.” Quill snorted. “Only an idiot would give that man a stone."
"Or a genius." Thor shrugged.
"How do you know he's not going for one of the other stones?" Gamora asked.
"There's six stones out there." Thor began to explain, "Thanos already has the Power Stone because he stole it, last week, when he decimated Xandar.”
He didn’t missed the shocked and horrified look the group shared with one another.
“He stole the Space Stone from me, when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The Time and Mind Stones, are safe on Earth. They're with the Avengers." Thor stated.
"The Avengers?" Quill asked.
"They're Earth's Mightiest Heroes."
"Like Kevin Bacon?" Mantis called out.
"Errr he may be on the team now, I don't know.” Thor shrugged, having no idea who the man named after a breakfast meat was. “I haven’t been there in a while. And as for the Soul Stone, well no one's ever seen that. No one even knows where it is. Therefore, Thanos can't get it. Therefore, he's going to Knowhere. Hence, he'll be getting the Reality Stone. You're welcome."
"Then we have to go to Knowhere, now." Gamora said
"Wrong. Where we have to go is Nidavellir." Thor said picking up the backpack.
"That's a made up word," Drax, the blue man countered.
"All words are made up." Thor smiled, slinging the backpack onto his back.
"Nidavellir is real?" the animal called Rocket’s eyes grew wide and he jumped up onto the table and looked at Thor "Seriously? I mean, that place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the Universe. I would very much like to go there, please."
"The rabbit is correct." Thor grinned at Rocket's excitement, "And clearly the smartest among you. Only Eitri the Dwarf can make me the weapon I need. I assume you're the captain, Sir?"
Rocket grinned and nodded, "You're very perceptive."
"You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?"
"Let me just ask the captain. Oh, wait a second, it's me!”  Rocket grinned. “Yeah, I'll go."
"Wonderful." Thor beamed.
"Uh except that I'm the captain," Quill chipped in
"Quiet!" Thor said, now beyond bored of the moron.
"And that's my backpack," Quill continued pointing to the bag that Thor was stealing.
"Quill, sit down," Rocket said, tapping at the pad and keying in the digits to open the pod.
"Look, this is my ship. And I'm not going to - wait, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?" Quill looked round.
"The Thanos-killing kind." Thor smiled. Boy, was it going to be a big, fucking weapon...
"Don't you think that we should all have a weapon like that?" Quill frowned.
"You lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as you minds collapsed into the madness." Thor said.
"Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now?" Rocket asked.
"Erm, a little bit weird. Yeah." Thor looked down at him, frowning.
“If we don't go to Knowhere and Thanos retrieves another stone, he'll be too powerful to stop." Gamora said, stepping forward.
"He already is." Thor shrugged.
"Look, I got it figured out," Rocket interrupted, looking at Gamora. "We got two ships, and a large assortment of morons.  Me and Groot will go with the Pirate Angel here, and the morons will go to Knowhere to try and stop Thanos. Cool? Cool."
"So cool." Thor said with a smile before he climbed into the pod.
"For the record…” Quill said leaning down to Rocket “ I know that you're only going with them because it's where Thanos isn't."
"You know, you really shouldn't talk that way to your captain, Quill.” Rocket said, walking backwards and gesturing outwards with his arms. “Come on, Groot. Put that game down. You'll rot your brain,"
As Rocket sat down Thor nodded out of the pod “I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Bye."
It wasn’t hard for the team to track Wanda, her red power flashing bright against the dark sky over Edinburgh City Centre, and as the jet followed her movements, the four friends saw her spiralling through the sky with Vision and crashing through the train station, just as Sam put the jet on the ground.
Within seconds the Ex-Avengers were sprinting off the jet.  
“Katie, Nat, take the side!” Steve yelled, as he vaulted over the railings at the edge of the road running down onto the bottom half of the concrete which led to the station. “Sam, up high,and remember protect Vision at all costs!”
“Got em.” Sam spoke over the coms “Platform seven, near the café.” 
Steve vaulted over another set of barriers, the station now deserted thanks to the evacuation taking place by the local police. As he ran onto one of the walkways he was just in time to see two of the aliens crash through the station roof. Weighing up his options, he realised it was going to be quicker for him to run down the platform he was over and jump across the lines to help. He swung his legs over the railings and landed easily, looking up. Across from him he could see Natasha and Katie emerging to the right, as Wanda stood and moved protectively in front of Vision, building power in her hands. An express train whizzed past him and he stood still, waiting and it wasn’t long before the taller, blue looking woman spotted him, and she launched her spear over the platform. Steve easily snapped his left shoulder back whilst leaning over his body with his right, catching the staff in his hand.
“Heads up.” Sam muttered, and as Wanda and Vision turned to see Steve step out from the shadows, fury lining his face, Sam swooped in and kicked one of the aliens across the platform and through a closed café’s security gate, causing tables and chairs to go flying, before he spun and started to fire on the other alien.
Steve launched the weapon he had caught across the tracks where Natasha caught it and stabbed the second assailant in the gut as Katie moved into to head off the other who was stalking back towards them. The weapon Natasha had been using flew back into the alien’s hands and Katie ducked as she swung, jabbing her in the back of the leg with an electric powered escrima stick. The alien let out a yell, stumbled slightly and Steve cleared the platform in a leap, rolling and scooping up the second assailant’s staff from the floor, holding it up to block the blow that the creatured aimed at Katie. He grit his teeth, planting his legs to absorb the power of the hit, as Katie rolled to the side, jumped up and the two of them began to fight the alien, joined shortly by Natasha who had stabbed the other one in the gut, taking him out of the fight. Steve had to admit, the woman (if you could call her that) was a force to be reckoned with, but the three of them were just about getting the upper hand when they heard Sam yell.
The three of them did so and Sam flew in hard, kicking the woman backwards where she fell and scuttled over to her fallen friend. Sam landed next to Katie, drawing both his submachine pistols on the couple.
“Get up” she instructed to her fallen partner, her voice was deep.
“I can't” his gravelly, robotic voice replied.
“We don't wanna kill you.” Natasha spoke coolly “But we will”.
“You’ll never get the chance again.” The female levelled them, with a cold glare and with that a beam shot down from the hole in the station roof and the two were transported upwards. The weapon Steve was holding also shot out of his hand. He frowned in surprise for a moment, looking at his hand then upwards as the beam of light disappeared and the ship sped off.
“Can you stand?” Sam asked Vision as Katie replaced her sticks and walked towards Wanda and the android. When Vision shook his head, Sam moved forward to help him up.
Supported by Wanda and Sam, Vision looked over at Steve, Natasha and Katie, electricity shimmering over his surface. He’d been badly damaged in the fight, and as he spoke his voice distorted.
“Thank you, Captain.”
Steve took a deep breath and nodded. His face stern, but his eyes were much softer than his expression and Katie knew why. It had been a while since anyone other than Sam, Nat or Wanda had called him Captain.
Steve looked at the android, he might have been damaged but they had the stone, and that was the main thing. Nodding, he spoke “Let's get you on the jet.” his voice was soft and he moved to let Sam and Wanda support Vision, Natasha following as Katie dropped behind to stay with him as they took up the rear of the group, her fingers lacing into his.
Once Vision was safely settled in a seat at the side, Sam dropped into the pilot’s seat as Katie hit the button to close the ramp as the Jet rose into the air.
“I thought we had a deal.” Natasha spun angrily to Wanda. ”Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances.”
“I'm sorry. We just wanted time.” The younger woman said gently.
Katie glanced at Steve, he was stood up in the middle of the jet, hands on the buckle of his utility belt, staring seemingly at nothing, clearly contemplating something.
“Where to, Cap?” Sam asked.
Steve looked up, he glanced at Sam then locked eyes with Katie as he spoke one word, one simple word that they had all been waiting to hear for almost 2 years.
“Home” he said, looking round the jet.
After a few hours, with the morning sky being the only thing in sight, Sam started to lower the jet through thick white clouds and Katie couldn’t help but inhale sharply when the compound began to take shape as she watched out of the front window. It looked the same. The buildings, the grounds…she wasn’t sure why she had expected anything to change, maybe because it felt like everything had changed for them, but either way, there it was. The same as the last time she had seen it.
Steve noticed her demeanour change slightly as they landed. She stood up straight, her shoulders squaring as if she was about to face an onslaught. And they were, in a way. On their way they’d let Bruce know that they had Vision and were heading back, but had had no idea what they were heading back to, nor did he care. Be it Ross, police, the army, whatever, he was done bowing to anyone’s will, over playing other people’s tunes. The two years they had spent hidden had shown them that they could operate on their own if required, and he wasn’t afraid to fight anyone who got in his way.
They stepped off the ramp and strode over the lawn, Katie taking a deep breath as she looked around. She felt a wave of that many emotions she couldn’t explain or identify half of them. Memories flooded in, the long summer nights they sat outside in the garden and on the BBQ patio until sunrise. Laughs during team dinners. Sam and Wanda collaborating on pranks. Training sessions with the team and Vision reading Tolkien aloud to Wanda before asking questions about humanity's love of fiction. Walks and picnics and other things in the ground, just her and Steve. Their wedding, God their wedding! Frequent visits from Tony, bringing in new ideas and improved gadgets. Getting back safe after being out on a long mission. Feeling relaxed and at ease.
Feeling at home.
Steve’s arm curled round his wife for a moment before he pressed a kiss to the side of her head as Vision opened the door.
“Still no word from Vision?”  The holographic figure of Ross looked up from where he sat at a table and glanced at Rhodey.
“Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh.” Rhodey replied. He knew they were on their way to the compound, but hadn’t told Ross deliberately. 
“On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals.” Rhodey felt his temper beginning to flare. “You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir? “
“My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own.” Ross said as he stood up. The sound of the call echoed down the corridor reaching the group that were making their way through to the lab.
“If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here” Rhodey shot back and Katie glanced back at Vision as the sounds of Rhodey and Ross’ voice grew louder as they neared their destination.
“I suspect it will be a Hollo Call.” Vision said gently, answering Katie’s unasked question.  His suspicions were proven correct as they rounded the corner and the lab came into view. Rhodey was stood across from where the holographic image of Secretary Ross was facing off against him.
"You have second thoughts?" Ross was challenging Rhodey, who smiled simply as his eyes shot sideways, as Steve strode forward, his presence as intimidating as ever, and the first thing Rhodey noticed was just how dark he looked. Gone was the upstanding, All American Hero, and in its place was someone much harder, far rougher round the edges. Kiddo looked different too. Her hair was shorter, she looked slimmer too, but her upper body looked stronger. 
"Not anymore." he grinned.
The holographic Ross followed Rhodey’s gaze and his eyes fell on Steve who was stood next to Katie at the front of the group, Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Vision behind them. Steve raised his chin a little defiantly and moved to take his power stance, feet apart, hands on his belt, before he greeted Ross politely.
"Mr. Secretary" 
Katie couldn’t help the smirk on her face as she watched Ross attempting to cover up the shock he had clearly felt at the group of outlaws turning up again. She locked eyes with Rhodey who gave her the smallest of winks before he glanced back at Ross who was shaking his head slightly as he approached Steve, his holographic form almost trying to square up to him.  Steve simply raised his chin further and looked down from the steps he was stood on,
"You got some nerve." Ross sniffed, staring up at him "I'll give you that."
"You could use some of that right now." Katie shot back bluntly, Ross turning his head to face her for a second. She held his gaze and arched an eyebrow until he turned back to Steve.
"The world's on fire." Ross said incredulously. "And you think, you can just walk back in here and all is forgiven?"
Steve levelled the secretary with a firm gaze. "I'm not looking for forgiveness.” his voice took on a threatening tone as he spoke “And I'm way past asking for permission.”
At that point the smirk on Katie’s face grew even wider as she stole a glance up at her husband, pride swelling in her chest as he continued, stoic and unyielding. 
“Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way," he stepped down to be at level with the hologram, and stared it square in the eyes "We'll fight you, too."
Ross was practically foaming at the mouth as his eyes went to Rhodey and he spat out his order, "Arrest them."
"All over it." Rhodey promised nonchalantly before shutting off the hologram, shortly after a beeping noise sounded from the computers.
"That's a court-martial." He informed the group as he slapped the back of his right hand into his left palm, though his tone said told Katie that he blatantly couldn’t have cared less for Ross’ demands. There was a short pause as the group glanced down at their friend, Steve smiling softly, before Rhodey’s face split into a huge smile of his own.
"It's great to see you, Cap." he said, stepping forward.
"You too, Rhodey." Steve answered, taking the last 2 steps down before he shook Rhodey's hand. Katie threw herself at her brother’s best friend and he gave her a huge bear hug before he stepped backwards.
“Hey Kiddo, you do something to your hair?” he teased.  She smiled, stepping back from his embrace while he looked the rest of the group over.
"Well. You guys really look like crap." He said lightly. "Must've been a rough couple of years."
Steve looked round, an amused smile on his face as he glanced at his wife then to the rest of the team.
"Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam quipped back cheekily, the banter flowing between them like no time at all had passed.
"Uh, I think you look great."
Steve turned at the new voice to see Bruce inching his way into the room nervously wringing his hands together.
Steve and Katie remained silent, exchanging a glance. In the rush around and the fray of the fight, we’d forgotten to explain exactly who it was that called. "Yeah. I'm back."
Katie glanced over at Nat, she had her gaze fixed solely on the scientist as she spoke "Hi, Bruce."
"Nat." Bruce answered inclining his head towards her slightly as he fidgeted.
"This is awkward." Sam piped up. Steve and Katie looked at one another, before they both smiled and looked back up at Sam.
“Any news on Tony?” Katie asked gently, interrupting the silence that had fallen.
“Not yet no.” Rhodey said. “FRIDAY lost him when he left the atmosphere. We got NASA running scans and we’re trying to track his trail but…” He shook his head. 
“Typical Tony.” Katie rolled her eyes “Always has to go one bigger and one better doesn’t he?”
Her blasé tone wasn’t fooling anyone.
"Banner.” Steve said gently, looking across the room at the scientist. “Can you fill us in on what we're up against here?"
"Yeah sure," Bruce said nodding hesitantly.
“We’ll use the living area.”  Rhodey said, “Slightly more comfortable”
They made their way to the lounge, the same lounge they had all sat in discussing the Accords. Not much had changed; the furniture was different, there was couple of new sofas and the TV was larger, but that was it. 
“So start from the beginning.” Steve looked at Bruce where he stood near the window, one hand on the back of a chair, the other on his hip. He nodded encouragingly, he could see the man was nervous “Who took Stark and what are we up against?”
“I’ll give you the short version and we can plug in the gaps later.” Bruce sighed, “His name is Thanos. He’s a War tyrant, from a planet called Titan. He goes from place to place, destroying worlds, taking what he wants, when he wants. Loki’s attack on New York?” Bruce looked around “Thanos was the one who sent him to attack Earth,"
"But what does he want?” Katie asked.
“All six Infinity Stones…” Bruce supplied.
“Infinity Stones?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah, so erm… the big bang, when it happened, it sent six of these crystals out across the universe. They each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. Time.” Bruce said, rubbing his temple.
“Thor told us about them, after Ultron.” Katie looked round and her eyes fell on Steve’s “He said there were three out there unaccounted for, and three that he could locate. One was with some collector or something, one was housed in the tesseract which was locked in a vault in Asgard and the other…”
"Viz." Wanda murmured, glancing at the Stone in Vision's forehead.
Bruce nodded again. “Thanos came to our ship for the tesseract, which means he already had the Power and Space Stones before he came to Earth looking for the rest. Just that alone makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe, if he gets his hands on all six he could destroy all life as we know it."
“Hang on, the Tesseract was on your ship?” Katie looked at Bruce, “I thought it was on Asgard?”
“It was, but right before Ragnarok…” “Ragnarok?” Katie frowned, her mind whirring “But that’s…that’s the fabled downfall and the destruction of Asgard, I mean....” “I know.” Bruce looked at her. “Asgard was destroyed as part of a battle between Thor and his sister. So was his hammer.” “What?” Steve let out a breath as Katie felt her mouth drop open.
“Thor has a sister?”
“Look, that’s a whole different story.” Bruce said, his tone slightly frustrated. “All you need to know is that Loki –yeah, surprise, not dead, -stole the tesseract from the Vault before we left. Thanos boarded the ship and took the stone. Just took it.” he said, his arms swinging out to his sides before returning with a slap.
The room fell silent.
“So Thor.” Katie took a deep breath and asked the question she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to “Where…”
Bruce dropped his head. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh no.” Steve muttered as he dropped his head, looking downwards. He glanced up and saw across the table that Katie had her right hand against her forehead the heel of which was pressed hard into the space between her eyes in utter dismay.
Thor. Gone.  
“He was no match for Thanos, not when he had those stones.” Bruce said gently. A single tear trickled down Katie’s cheek and fell to the floor and Steve watched as she took a deep breath, furiously wiping at her face.
“So the two we fought came for the mind stone.”  Sam spoke for the first time “I’m assuming the ones you fought were after another one that’s located somewhere in New York?”
"The Time Stone.” Bruce nodded “It was being protected by some mystical arts guy, or a Wizard as Tony called him, Dr Steven Strange.” Katie’s head whipped round to Steve and he took a breath and straightened up, before he glanced over at Sam and Natasha and the four of them shared an instant understanding, they’d heard that name before on top of a multi-storey parking garage in DC.
"A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future.”
“But he was taken along with Tony.” Bruce finished.
Katie didn’t even want to think about that right now. She had to trust in her brother’s quick mind and sharp resilience, because the alternative didn’t bear thinking about.
"Well, we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey said and Steve looked down again, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of everything Bruce had said.
"And they can clearly find us." Wanda added.
"We need all hands on deck," Bruce said pacing, "Where's Clint?"
"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal," Natasha explained, "It's too tough on their families. They're on house arrest."
"Who's Scott?" Bruce frowned.
"Ant Man," Steve answered.
"There's an Ant Man and a Spider Man?" Bruce looked around in confusion, but it was Rhodey who nodded, simply, like it was just perfectly normal. Bruce shook his head, realising that it didn’t really matter at the moment before he continued. "Thanos has the biggest army in the Universe. And he is not gonna stop until he gets Vision's stone." He said the last part softly, almost reluctantly.
"Well then, we have to protect it," Natasha said stepping forward but Vision immediately corrected her.
"No, we have to destroy it," he said resolutely, his gaze focussed on something out of the window as everyone turned to him.  He turned to face them and gestured to the stone in his head. "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps" he made his way over to Wanda and held onto her upper arm, "Its molecular integrity could fail."
"Yeah, and you with it," Wanda looked at him, shaking her head "We're not having this conversation."
"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it."
Katie noticed Wanda’s eyes flash as she glared at Vision. "It's also too high a price."
"Only you have the power to pay it," Vision said quietly.
Steve shifted slightly. He knew that Vision was right, but the idea of losing someone else in their group didn’t sit well.
"Thanos threatens half the Universe.” Vision persisted “One life cannot in the way of defeating him."
"But it should," Steve argued, his eyes were diverted to the floor as he spoke gently, and it was right. Who were any of them to decide one life was worth less than anyone else? He took a deep breath and looked up and around the room before landing back on the android "We don't trade lives, Vision."
"Captain, seventy years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?"
Steve took a sigh and stepped towards Vision, unable to answer because he knew the android had him, but then Bruce did it for him.
"Because you might have a choice," Bruce answered, and Steve could see the Scientist had suddenly had an idea, "Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixing together. All of them learning from one another."
"You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?" Wanda asked.
"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts."
"Can we do that?" Natasha asked looking back and forth between the android and the scientist somewhat impatiently.
"Not me. Not here."
Steve suddenly began to think, maybe not Bruce, but could Suri? She had fixed Bucky after all, surely she could do this. T’Challa would be happy to help. And with his defences, maybe Wakanda was the safest place for Vision to be.
"Well you better find someone and somewhere fast," Rhodey pipped in.  "Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back."
Steve nodded to himself, his mind made up before he raised his head to look up around the group. "I know somewhere."
His eyes momentarily locked onto Katie’s and he watched as the realisation crossed her face, she knew instantly where he meant.
“Wakanda?” she asked.
He nodded, turning to Sam. “Can we get wheels up in 20?"
Sam nodded and Steve turned to Rhodey. "That enough time for you to load up your suit?"
"Yeah. Should be."
“Ok. “Steve looked round “Banner, I suggest you grab what you need. The rest of us, back to the jet.”
The team began to bustle about and then Katie remembered something.
“Rhodey?” she asked, hopping down off the table, “Where’s Steve’s shield?”
Rhodey paused in the doorway and turned to face her. “I don’t know, sorry Kiddo. Tony never mentioned it.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Steve said gently. As Katie opened her mouth to suggest they had a look for it, he cut her off “And we don’t have time either, we need to go.”
Truth be told he didn’t want the shield back. It wasn’t his, not anymore.
“Fine.” Katie said somewhat stiffly. “I’m going to raid the armoury anyway, pick up a few things…” “Katie!” he called after her as she hurried out of the room. He let out a frustrated groan.
“I’ll go.” Rhodey said, patting the Captain on the shoulder. “I need my suit anyway.” The directions ingrained in her memory forever she headed to the armoury on autopilot and once inside she stopped dead. It had all changed. To the left were the usual lockers, although they now held no names she would lay odds on all the original seven of them still having kit in there. The guns, arrows, widow bites, shock batons were all still there on the racks. Rhodey’s War Machine kit stood in the corner, but what wasn’t was an Iron Man suit, or a Nova suit, of any description. Instead, in place of the the usual glass cabinets that held them were rows of smaller capsules.
“What the…” Katie mumbled, heading closer to examining “FRIDAY?”
“Welcome home Mrs Rogers…” The AI spoke, a hint of amusement in her voice “I believe Pod Seventy-Six is one of yours”
“Tony’s been working on upgrades” Rhodey spoke from behind, making her jump. “Nano-tech, courtesy of some work with Helen Cho.” “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Katie frowned as Rhodey made his way to the War Machine suit.
“Sevety-Six you say?” Katie’s eyes scanned the wall. “OK, FRIDAY hit me up.” One of the capsules opened and a smaller capsule flew out, opening in mid- air and then out of nowhere a suit formed around her body.
“Woah…” Katie said, as the familiar heads-up display lit up.
“The suit is held in a simple bangle” FRIDAY explained. “I’ll show you once the calibrations are done.”
As FRIDAY rattled through the new features, including a shield, new weapons Katie stole a glance in the mirror. It was much sleeker and less bulky, almost like wearing a cat-suit in a way. It was dark blue and gold, as always, with her Supernova Star in the middle of the chest. She gently reached up to touch it and the suit melted away to a silver cuff with the star in the middle which she tentatively placed around her wrist.
“Impressive huh?” Rhodey asked as he stepped into the War Machine suit.
“One word for it.” She said softly, tracing the outline of her bracelet with her fingers. “I can’t… why did he make it?” she looked up at Rhodey who slid his face plate back up to look at her.
“You know what Tony’s like.” Rhodey said, “Just because you left doesn’t mean he stopped caring.”
Katie looked down at the bracelet on her right wrist.
"Was- Was he okay, you know...after?" She asked, her voice cracking.
"He was as okay as he could be…” Rhodey hesitated slightly “To be honest, nothing was great though. The team was split and…”
Katie looked down “I had to go, I couldn’t stay, not after what he said to me.” Rhodey looked at her. “And have you ever considered why he said what he did?” “Because he hates me?” “No, because he loves you.” Rhodey took a deep breath “He knew full well that whatever choice you made it was going to kill you, but he couldn’t see you sat in a jail, he just couldn’t Kiddo. So he did what he had to do make sure you stayed away.” Whatever she had been expecting Rhodey to say it wasn’t that. His words hit her like a tonne of bricks and she felt her face screw up as she blinked back the tears. 
“Shit…” she managed to mumble out. “I could, you know we could have called him, or he could have called us, tried to …” “You’re both as obstinate as one another” Rhodey said, shaking his head as he started to walk to the door of the armoury “Which is why I know he’s still alive. He’s too much of a stubborn asshole to die. “
Tony was pissed, really pissed. Not only was he stuck on this fucking ship, the kid was still here too. Peter Parker was almost as much of a pain in his ass as Katie had been when she was his age. The thought of his sister brought a pang to his heart, especially when he knew she was more than likely at the compound now after Bruce will have called them. He hoped anyway, he’d thrown the phone down before the fight after all, he just hoped the scientist had found it.
He looked around and glared at Peter before his shoulders fell. Well the kid was here now, might as well use him.
“Come on.” Tony sighed “We got a situation” He lead Peter over to a viewpoint to see the torture going on below. Peter crouched to study the situation, with that damned cloak leaning over his shoulder. “See him down there? He's in trouble.” Tony continued “What's your plan? Go.”
“Um. Okay, okay... uh...” Peter and the cloak popped back up suddenly, a smile playing on Peter’s face. “Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?”
It was a dumbass plan, but dumbass enough to work. Tony blew a hole in the side of the ship which caused a huge depressurization and as such the alien was sucked out of the side. A quick struggle and Dr Strange was rescued from drifting off to space, Tony repaired the side of the hull with nanites and that was that.
“We've gotta turn this ship around” Strange looked at Tony who rolled his eyes. .
“Yeah. Now he wants to run. Great plan”. 
“No, I want to protect the stone.”
Tony walked towards the expansive front view-port and from the way things were moving out there, he assumed they were travelling at some kind of hyper speed. The wizard was irritating him though, if he’d just agreed to get the stone out of the way they wouldn’t even be in this mess. 
“And I want you to thank me now. Go ahead, I'm listening.” he turned to glare at him.
“For what?” Strange snorted, “Nearly blasting me into space? 
“Who just saved your magical ass? Me.” Tony looked at him. “
“I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet”. Strange shook his head as he eyed the billionaire up and down. 
“Admit it.” Tony said, for some reason he felt the need to make this guy admit he was wrong, just like he used to try and do with Rogers. No particular reason for it, other than being the one to come out on top “. You should have ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused.” 
“Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you”. 
“And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup.” Tony gestured around him.  
“I’m back up.” Peter said, raising his hand. 
“No, you’re a stowaway.” Tony said, waggling his finger between himself and Dr. Strange “The adults are talking”. 
“I'm sorry, I'm confused as to the relationship here. Wh-- what is he, your ward?” Strange frowned.
“No. I'm Peter, by the way.” Peter said, holding out his hand. 
“ Dr Strange.” Strange replied, looking at him.
“Oh, we're using our made-up names. Um. I'm Spider-Man, then”. 
Before Strange could respond, Tony piped up. “This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing's on autopilot.”
Strange walked closer to where Tony was stood. “Can we control it? Fly us home?”
They’d almost flattened New York once, and then there was Sokovia…no, home was most certainly a bad idea.
“Stark?” Strange’s voice cut across his thoughts. “Can you get us home? 
Yeah I heard you. I'm thinking. I'm not so sure we should.” he said, honestly.
“Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos.” Strange warned “I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here”.
“No. It's you who doesn't understand, that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back!” Tony said, stalking towards Strange, jabbing a finger in the air as he pointed towards the ground. “And I don't know what to do. So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his but you saw what they did, what they can do. At least on his turf, he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur?“
Strange had to admit, the guy had a point. Let Thanos destroy his own place, not theirs. “Alright, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't, because the fate of the universe depends on it”
“Nice. Good. Moral compass. We're straight” Tony nodded. Stepping over to Peter he tapped each of the kids shoulder with the edge of his hand, dubbing him as is done at a knighting. 
“Alright, kid. You're an Avenger now”
Tony couldn’t look at him as he spoke, because he knew what he was signing the kid up for. 
The jet was filled with chatter as Rhodey, Bruce and the rest of the team were catching up but Katie wasn’t listening. She wasn’t feeling great either, that damned sick feeling was back, most likely this time down to utter fear about what was to come. If Bruce was right, she wasn’t convinced this was a battle they were ever going to be able to win.
“You know,” she said, looking up at Steve and voicing her fear softly, “if he’s already killed Thor, and it’s going to take us, plus a royal army to attempt to fight this guy off what fucking chance does Tony stand?”
Steve didn’t answer, he couldn’t. Because what he was thinking wasn’t going to provide her any comfort. Instead he merely tightened his arm around her and pressed his lips to her forehead.
It was a couple of hours later before they hit Wakandan airspace.
"We're coming up." Sam spoke as Steve focussed his attention out of the front of the jet, one arm hanging lightly against the grab rails on the roof.
"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve instructed.
Sam glanced back over his shoulder before he spoke, "I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."
Katie gave a small smile as she drew up next to Steve, wrapping her arms around his waist. They both stood, waiting as Sam flew the jet right into the trees, and swore with a loud ‘holy shit’ as it passed right through the hologram barrier into Wakanda. Everyone on the jet moved to get a better look at the beautiful mountains, lakes, buildings as the jet circled and Steve directed Sam to the runway.
They disembarked and Katie strolled off shortly behind Steve, followed by Natasha. Vision and Wanda stayed put, Steve telling them he would get them some help soon.
Bruce, who was at the rear with Rhodey whispered as he shrugged his arms into his jacket, "Should we bow?"
"Yeah, he's a king." Rhodey answered casually without missing a beat.
Steve ignored their banter instead smiling warmly at T'Challa as he reached out to shake his hand. "Seems like I'm always thanking you for something."
T'Challa smiled back and he shook Steve's hand before embracing Katie in a warm hug. “Mrs Rogers, it is a pleasure to see you.” “And you.” She smiled softly, before she stepped back and T’Challa nodded to the rest of the group. The clearing of a throat caught Katie’s attention and she turned just in time to see Bruce bow forward towards T’Challa.
"What are you doing?" Rhodey asked, looking at him.
"Uh, we don't do that here." T'Challa said kindly waving a hand to stop Bruce’s bow. Everyone smiled in amusement expect for Bruce who turned and shot a disbelieving but amused look at Rhodey who grinned back at him, nudging him with his elbow.
Then they turned serious again as T'Challa asked, "So how big of an assault can we expect?"
His guards moved as he spoke, opening up a path that T'Challa took, leading them away. They followed quickly while Bruce piped up politely as he explained, "Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault."
"How we looking?" Natasha added, addressing the king with a similarly concerned frown on her face.
"You will have my King's Guard," T'Challa listed, "the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and-" He gestured to the side just as a familiar, dark-clothed man stepped out of the building to greet them by the door.
"A semi-stable, one hundred-year-old man." Bucky grinned. Katie smiled back and then glanced at Steve as he walked forwards, that familiar boyish grin on his face as pulled the man into a hug clapping him on the back a few times.
"How have you been, Buck?" he pulled back to look at his friend. He looked as well as he’d seen him in years. Healthy and dare he say it, happy.
"Not bad," Bucky shrugged looking down at his new black vibranium arm, "For the end of the world.” Katie stepped forward to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You look good Buck.” she said, standing back to look him up and down before smiling, something that didn’t escape Steve’s notice. And yes, he knew there was nothing in it, and this was the most inappropriate time to get jealous but still…
“I feel it.” Bucky smiled as Steve slid his arm around his wife’s shoulder. “Goat farming suits me.” With that, Bucky turned to Sam. “Hey man.”  
“Frosty.” Sam responded with a jerk of his head.
They left Rhodey, Sam and Bucky with some of the guard to keep watch, and the rest of them followed T'Challa up to the labs where the person who was said to be able to safely remove Vision's stone was waiting. Steve could tell that the rest of the group weren’t expecting that person to be T'Challa's sixteen year old sister, Shuri. But T'Challa had full faith in her, as did Steve after she had managed to remove Bucky's programming.  
"Whoa." Shuri blinked as she stared at the hologram of Vision's brain and the stone in awe, "The structure is polymorphic...”
"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Bruce nodded and Shuri glanced at him with a raised brow.
"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" She asked looking at Banner. Vision also glanced at the doctor in question.
"Because... we didn't think of it." Bruce admitted sheepishly.
Shuri smiled and Katie had to fight the laugh that was brewing at the Princess’ playful nature "I'm sure you did your best."
"Can you do it?" Wanda asked stepping forward anxiously.
Shuri's smile dropped as she became more serious. "Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." Her gaze moved to T’Challa “It will take time, brother."
"How long?" Steve asked, straightening up slightly.
Shuri shook her head. "As long as you can give me." She answered honestly and worryingly.
A loud warning siren suddenly started and instantly Katie looked around. General Okoye tapped at something on her bracelet and she looked over at T’Challa."Something's entered the atmosphere."
Seconds later, Sam's voice called over their coms, "Hey, Cap, we got a situation here."
Katie moved over to the floor-length windows of the lab to look out, Steve stood close behind her as everyone followed to see what was going on. In the distance, they could see the plains all around as far as the border stretched to the city. A giant ship descended from the sky and as they watched it exploded high above the city as soon as it touched the shield, causing Katie to jump back slightly. Steve gently caught her, his hands going to her shoulders as his focus remained on the exploding ship which dissipated above the invisible barrier they had flown through.
"God, I love this place."  Bucky’s contented sigh rang over their coms.
"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome." Rhodey warned.
More ships came crashing down to Earth just outside the Wakandan barrier disturbing the dust and sand on the ground as they landed. The lab they were stood in shook slightly and Vision sat up.
"It's too late."  he whispered and both Steve and Katie turned to look at him as he sat up. "We need to destroy the stone now."
"Vision, get your ass back on the table." Nat replied snapping her head back to look at him as she made her way to the door.
"We will hold them off." T'Challa said motioning to his guard.
"Wanda," Steve spoke up, looking at the young woman, "As soon as the stone's out of his head, you blow it to hell."
Wanda nodded with promise, "I will."
Steve turned his attention back to the window, watching the space ships which at the moment were doing nothing. T'Challa meanwhile, turned to his General and her warriors and began barking orders, "Evacuate the city. Engage all defences."
Steve turned to look at him as the king pointed in his directing before adding firmly. "And get this man a shield!"
Steve gave a small nod before he glanced back out of the window. For 2 years his fighting days had been focussed on simple people. Small groups of nobodies. Now, they were being thrown back into the crazy world of Aliens, AIs…and he knew they were going to look to him for leadership.
He might not be Captain America anymore, but he was still Captain Rogers, still that dumb kid from Brooklyn. And he still wasn’t going to run from a fight. 
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A Midnight Reminder (one-shot)
Synopsys: Ben Hardy has been dating the Reader for little more than a year now, and their relationship has been amazing so far. But when some things are revealed and insecurities flare up, she’ll need to remind him of who owns her heart.
Pairing: Ben Hardy x f!Reader
Genre: fluff, toiny bit of angst, SMUT
Warnings: SMUT (unprotected sex and all that good jazz. Wrap it before you tap it, guys.), swearing, jealousy
Word count: 3499
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“I have better things to do on my Saturday nights,” Ben said as Roger Taylor and then smugly smiled. “I could give you their names.” On cue, Gwilym as Brian May rolled his eyes and that’s when the director called cut. The two men stood up and stretched their legs, looking at a makeup artist who was doing the finishing touches on Rami’s hair, and Joe who had just decided to tag along, since he wasn’t in the scene. But that was not what took away Ben’s attention. There in the corner talking to Lucy was the most beautiful girl, with Y/E/C eyes that sparkled like diamonds and a smile that always took his breath away. “I hope my name is the only one you’re giving away,” Y/N said, giving him a small smile when Ben finally caught up on the fact, that she was actually there. In a second’s time, he had sprinted across the set and Y/N, anticipating his next move, had already jumped up, their bodies colliding as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms had a death grip on his shoulders. “You’re here, you’re here, you’re here,” Ben kept mumbling in the crook of Y/N’s neck and she just vigorously nodded as a response. Without thinking much, he started to make his way back to his assigned trailer when she muttered in his skin, “Are you not gonna let me say hi to Rami? Or introduce me to the rest of the guys?” “Nope,” Ben popped the ‘p’. “I haven’t seen you in two months, so forgive me if I wanna spend all of my time with my girlfriend. Alone.” At the last word Y/N saw his pupils dilate and a shiver went down her spine, but she had to be the grownup, even though her heart screamed to give into the mind of that horny teenager.
“Come on,” she said pecking his lips. “I wanna meet Queen.” Begrudgingly, Ben set the girl down and interlocking their fingers, he led her around the set to meet the guys. “Okay, that’s Gwil, Joe and you know Rami. Great, now you’ve met them, let’s go,” the excitement in Ben’s voice as he thought of spending time alone with Y/N was palpable, but she just laughed, pulling him back.    “Don’t be rude,” Y/N kissed him quickly. “I’m here for two whole weeks, so we’ll have enough time. Besides, I don’t think I heard them call wrap, so you still have work to finish.” Ben groaned and dramatically let his head flop down on Y/N’s shoulder. “But you’re here,” he whined, wrapping both arms around her waist. “Wow, you really have him wrapped around your finger,” Joe said, but it was not meant in a mean-spirited way. Y/N shrugged. “What can I say- he has me the same way.” Sooner rather than later, the guys were called to re-set, and they ran through the scene a few more times, Rami finally joining in before they wrapped for the day. Ben was the first one to dash to hair and makeup, sprinting to wardrobe just so he didn’t have to waste any second, he could be spending with Y/N. When he found her again, she was talking to Allen Leech and the man was completely in awe. Ben grinned, seeing her get along with his fellow cast mates so well and came up from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Hey, my Ben’s back!” Y/N smiled pecking his lips. “Allen and I were talking about going to your trailer and just chilling. Maybe order a pizza or something.” “Sure, you were. Or is that just your way of saying you want pizza?” “I’m off the fucking diet, so if you wanna talk shit about me enjoying life, I can go straight home.” Ben didn’t say anything just smiled and kissed her cheek, as he, Y/N and Allen all made their way to get together the rest of the gang and hang out.
The cast, including Lucy all, sat in the ‘Band’ trailer, just talking and discussing things. Loud laughter erupted through the small space as everyone cackled at what Allen’s reaction to his first meeting Y/N had been. “I’m just a huge fan of her music and movies. Can you blame me?” Y/N just waved a hand in a ‘stop it’ motion and snuggled closer to Ben. The man smiled down at her, and honestly, he couldn’t say that Allen tripping over a bunch of wires and stumbling over every single word that tried to make its way out of his mouth, was that off from his own experience. Y/N was an actual Rockstar and an Academy Award-winning actress. They’d met when he first had heard the rumours about a biopic of Queen being made. Instantly, Ben had gone to the closest studio to his London apartment to meet up with the person that would be his drumming teacher when he’d walked into someone, literally making the person fall on their ass. “Holy, shit! I’m so so sor-“ but he stopped mid-sentence seeing the one the only Y/N Y/L/N brush off the dust from her jeans. “ ‘S fine. Should’ve been watching where I was going anyway.” She looked up only to see two big green eyes and a wide goofy grin. “You’re Y/N Y/L/N.” The girl chuckled extending a hand. “And you’re Ben Hardy.” He started nervously laughing. “You know who I am.” On the inside he was feeling like a child on Christmas, the giddiness almost making him bounce on his feet. “I do,” she smirked before walking around the man and towards the exit of the studio. “And if what I’ve heard from Rog and Bri is true, I’ll be seeing you around. Top candidate for the role of mister Taylor and all.” Ben stood there, in the middle of the hallway, a dumb grin stretched across his face until his drum teacher clapped down on his shoulder, bringing the man back to reality. “You look happy.” “I just met Y/N Y/L/N.” “Ah,” his teacher smiled, leading them to the practice studio. “Well, then you might want to keep your fangirling on the inside. You’ll be seeing her a lot around here.” And he had. She was there to record another album while Westworld was on break, her playing one of the main characters and all before she went back to LA to start filming. But it was three months down the line they had formed something akin to a friendship. It was the middle of the night, when he’d seen her again, tears streaming down her face as she stormed inside the studio and suddenly, she had screamed. Ben was by the drums, trying to memorize the beats to ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ when the loud yell had scared him. Instantly, he was out of the recording booth and saw a hunched over form sobbing in her hands.    “Are you alright?” he wanted to smack himself the moment those words left his mouth. Of course, she wasn’t alright. No one cries like that when everything is good.    “I- yeah,” Y/N said, wiping a tear away. “What are you doing here anyway? It’s past one o’clock already.” “Practicing,” Ben said, and she just nodded. Slowly he made his way next to the couch and sat down beside her. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Y/N shook her head and rested her cheek against his shoulder. “Just hold me, please.” So, he did. He wrapped both his arms around the girl and hugged her. Together they laid down on the sofa and fell asleep. After that incident, they became closer and closer until the man finally gathered the courage and asked her out for a coffee. The smile she had given him had made his heart stop. Ben was so far back into the memories of how he’d met the girl and had fallen in love with the talented human being, it was when she said words he never expected to hear, that brought him back. “You know, if things had been different, it wouldn’t be me and Ben here together, but me and your lead singer,” she pointed at Rami with her chin, who chuckled at that. That threw Ben for a loop. Of course, he’d heard the rumours of the two stars of Night at the Museum hitting it off behind the scenes as well, but never did he think it was true. Media always liked to speculate. When the two had started filming the first movie, tabloids absolutely loved writing that the actors who played the love interests in the movie had a romance of their own going on off stage. Instant jealousy rippled through his veins as he looked at Rami, who had his own hand on Lucy’s knee, her eyes wide and looking back and forth between the two. “And what happened?” she asked. Ben felt Y/N shrug. “I don’t know. I think we kinda decided to try it out because everyone else was saying how good we looked together, how great the chemistry was and blah blah blah. But as the ‘relationship’,” Y/N put the word in air quotes with her fingers, “progressed, it just didn’t feel natural. It felt like I was dating my best friend, but not in a good way.” Rami nodded along, looking off into the distance. “We tried to see what everyone else saw, but ultimately it was not what either of us wanted or needed. And honestly, I know you feel the same Y/N, so I’m just gonna say it- kissing you off-set was the weirdest fucking thing ever. I think that is why it took us until the third one to actually do anything. Just the thought of you that way made me feel weird.” Her loud laugh echoed through the trailer, but Ben couldn’t stop thinking about the new revelation. She had been together with Rami. Not for long and neither seemed to have enjoyed that kind of a relationship, but still. It was a pretty big thing Y/N had kept from him and the actor didn’t like it. Of course, he realized how unfair he was being towards the two, all of that having happened years ago, but when you’re surrounded by the glitz and glam so much, it’s hard to sometimes distinguish what is real and it makes you question things. “Don’t take this wrong, Rami, but even if we had ended up having something serious, it wouldn’t have lasted long.” “Yeah,” the man nodded and looked down at Lucy with the same fond smile Y/N looked up at Ben. “Why’s that?” the blond asked, uncertainty in his eyes. Y/N seeing this sighed and slid a palm to cup his cheek. “Because I found love in you. And I could not fathom being with someone who doesn't own my heart.” There was an audible ‘aww’ from Gwil and Allen, but Joe scoffed, playfully rolling his eyes. The bromance between the two was one of Y/N’s favourite things as Ben always sent her funny snaps and Instagram messages of the two goofing around. "Gross," he muttered and the trailer was overtaken by laughter.
Y/N’s head was heavy as she leaned against Ben’s shoulder, as they made their way together to his trailer, after four more hours of talking and giggling with the cast. “You alright?” he asked, the deep voice she adored so much laced with concern. “Mhm,” she hummed, closing her eyes for a second. “Just tired.” He pressed a sweet kiss to her temple and wrapped his arm tighter around her waist. “We’re almost there.” She walked the rest of the way with her eyes closed, trusting Ben to guide her and not let her trip over things or hit her head at a low hanging sign. With a soft click. Ben unlocked his trailer and he let Y/N step inside first. She didn’t even wait for the door to be closed when she pulled off her pants and shirt. “Giving me a show, are we?” Ben smirked, eyes raking up and down his girlfriend’s body, but both of them knew, he was just teasing. Y/N was so tired she could fall asleep while standing up. Gently, he scooped her up in his arms and went over to the bed, placing her above the covers, while he quickly got rid of his own clothes. A soft whine of ‘come here’ fluttered through the air, making his heart clench. As he laid down, Y/N pulling the bedding from underneath her and over them, Ben wrapped her in his embrace and sweetly kissed her. “Night, love.” “Love you.” Y/N fell asleep in a second, but Ben seemed to be doomed never to close his eyes. The thought of her being with Rami had overtaken every part of his brain and he hated how bitter it made him feel. She wasn’t in love with his costar, Y/N was in love with Ben, and he knew it without a doubt, so why this new revelation made him so jealous, was beyond the Brit. “Baby, you okay?” her voice was raspy with sleep and Ben sighed, turning to his side to wrap an arm around her midsection. Her worried tone made his chest hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “About what?” “About you and Rami? Why didn’t you tell me you had a thing with him?” Y/N was becoming wider awake with every passing second, so she leaned up on her elbow to better look at Ben’s face. “Because, as I said before, it wasn’t even a thing. And what does it matter? That was more than two years ago, and nothing came of it. He’s like a brother to me.” A devilish smirk appeared on her face. “Is someone jealous?” Y/N whispered leaning up and letting her teeth nip at Ben’s ear. He groaned feeling her hips roll into his as she had hiked her knee over his side. “Can you blame me? You’re this amazing actress/ fucking rock and roll legend at this point. How could I not be when you could have anyone you wished to?” She continued on with the motions, eliciting delightful moans from Ben. “And have you seen yourself in the mirror, darling?” Y/N groaned, feeling him stiffen with every movement their bodies made. “Fuck, if I let myself go off every time, I read a comment on any social media about how much of an Adonis you are and how much everyone wants to be with you, I’d handcuff you to the bed and glue myself on top of you, just to make a statement that you’re mine.” Ben’s mouth quirked up. “You know, that doesn’t sound that bad. Actually, that sounds like fucking heaven.” His hands settled on her soft sides, as they helped her keep a steady rolling rhythm. The fabric that separated the two was beyond offensive in Ben’s opinion, but there was just something about teasing Y/N and in the end himself, that made the climax of everything so much more amazing. “Ben, I need you,” Y/N’s voice was desperate. The man just hummed as his lips lazily moved up and down the column of her throat, and he smiled, feeling her get more and more frustrated. But it was when she pulled his hands away from her waist and pushed them up and over his head, pushing him on his back and grabbing his wrists in a tight grip, an animalistic growl reverberated through the air and his bones. “Now,” her voice was low and dangerous and holy shit did that turn him on. Instantly her nightshirt was off, and her panties followed suit, Ben practically ripping his own boxers away. There was no time for foreplay, as the ache in both of their bodies had become insufferable. As much as Ben wanted to slam up and be hugged by Y/N’s velvety wall, he let her grip his member at the base and slowly ease down. Profanities, that he didn’t even know he knew, passed Ben’s lips and Y/N echoed them by pressing their lips in a tight kiss. It had been so long, too long since they had been together like this, she was almost sure she’d burst just from the feeling of him being sheeted inside. Ben gave Y/N a minute to gather her breath and as she did so, he felt her stretch and adjust, and once again mould to him. Her mouth was by his ear, praising him and whispering confessions of love as her hands moved up and down his biceps. It was in that moment, that Ben wanted to punch the living daylights out of himself for ever doubting Y/N and her feelings, for ever thinking that she was with him simply because it was easy and practical. Because in reality, it was far from it. The distance and work lead to fights and tears, and they had to solve the issues, rather than abandoning them, which is what both had usually done. If they didn’t, the pair knew all of the brilliant moments spent together, the tender lovemaking, and gentle laughs would crumble. And never had Y/N or Ben wished to keep something so much as they did with one another. “Can I move?” Ben’s words were a plea because suddenly not moving was incredibly uncomfortable. The soft moan rippling from Y/N’s throat was all the green light he needed, so clasping both his hands down on the small of her back, he pushed his hips up, until he had bottomed out and then slipped almost all the way out, leaving only the tip in. Her sigh of content was a sound Ben assumed he would only get to hear in heaven. Yet there he was, biting down on the shoulder of the most gorgeous girl he’d ever met as she marked his neck with love bites of her own. “I love you,” he groaned feeling Y/N tighten around him as his shaft finally hit that spot that made her Y/E/C eyes roll to the back of her head. “I love you so fucking much.” “I love you too, Ben,” her reply was breathless, but her gaze was fiery and piercing. “And don’t you ever forget that or doubt it.” Each word was accentuated by a harsher snap of her hips. The sounds of their bodies colliding, and Y/N’s slick having coated both of their thighs, sweat sliding down their frames and onto the sheets was more than obscene. He knew he wouldn’t last long, he could feel the release approaching like a freight train, but at the same time, Ben was not about to cum first. Detaching their lips from the heavy kiss the pair had been engaged in, he licked the pad of his thumb and brought it between them. The second Y/N felt him touch her clit, she saw white. Her vision blurred at the edges and the hold she had had on Ben’s arms became so strong, her nails broke his skin in places. Instantly, she wanted to apologize, guilt settling in her chest, but the movement of his finger became more erratic and without a warning, she was cumming all over him. It was like the orgasm had been pulled from somewhere deep within her soul, for she had never actually felt on the verge of passing out. Y/N screamed Ben’s name into the dark and if he hadn’t had a hold on her body, she would have most likely fallen off the bed, her thighs and stomach spasming so hard. Ben shut his eyes, forehead scrunching up as Y/N squeezed him so painfully hard, she almost pushed his member out of her, but instead, he trust up a few more times and let bliss take over his body. She felt him release, hot thick streams of cum filling her up and painting every inch of her walls. Ben remained like that- still buried to the hilt inside her warm and now leaking center- for what felt like an eternity, but not nearly enough, before Y/N rolled off of him, a whine of discontent making its way into the air that smelled of sex and love.    “Do you think anyone heard us?” Y/N asked, already being pulled back to dreamland by Ben’s steadying heartbeat.    “Well, if they did, then they will definitely know, who made you feel that good.”    And with a snort, Y/N closed her eyes.
***    Lucy’s head was laying on Rami’s sweaty chest, both of their breathing laboured. “Do you think they heard us?” she asked, big eyes drooping closed from the activities they had taken part in. Rami shrugged, pulling Lucy’s body closer and together they fell asleep.
Joe’s eyes were wide as he stared at the ceiling. “I hate my life,” he muttered and turned to the side, just in case his neighbours decided to go at it again, placing a pillow over his head. No matter which pair.
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take): @16wiishes @wanderingsami @desir-ae @thiccio-and-thicciet @roseslovedreams @vesoleil @gloomybisexualemo @kostyaownsmyheart @perriwiinkle @screaminggalileochickenwrites @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife  
A/N: I’m so tired and stressed and holy shit does everything feel like it’s happening all at once.
I have two fics of Roger (both set in the 80s Retro and 70s Vintage world) lined up to write. On is in the early days of how they met and then another one is revolving around the Golden Globes.
P.S. what did you think? 
P.S.S. my tags are always open.
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5 Years Later
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x OFC (Eleanor) 
Summary: It’s been five years since the Snap took Bucky from her. Now he is back but nothing is the same as it was. 
A/N: This is my first fic posting so please be nice. This takes place after Endgame. 
Warnings: None? Mostly fluff. 
Word Count: 1441
The sweat dripped into Eleanor’s eyes but she did not let it deter her. Okoye’s spear was relentless, as were her taunts. “You call that a strike? I know goats with a better lunge than that.” The woman smiled as they sparred, the clash of spears the only sound in the training yard. Eleanor went on the offensive, attacking with ferocity and forcing Okoye backwards. 
“Better,” Okoye grunted, throwing off the attack and spinning at Eleanor with her spear poised for a counterattack, “but not enough to beat me.”
Okoye knocked out her opponent’s knees with the butt of her spear and sent the woman to the ground with a frustrated grunt. Okoye stalked around her in a circle, waiting for the woman to get up and continue. With a determined shout and lightning speed, the woman rolled backwards to her feet and lunged with her spear, stopping when the point was only an inch from Okoye’s surprised face. They stared at each other for a moment before both erupting into laughter. 
“Now that’s more like it!” Okoye said proudly, knocking Eleanor’s spear to the side and embracing her quickly. It was the first time in five years of training that Eleanor had bested Okoye in a spar. Even so, Eleanor suspected Okoye let her win. 
“I think you’re losing your touch, Okoye,” Eleanor teased. 
“Or maybe I finally managed to teach you something,” Okoye responded good naturedly. 
This proud moment was interrupted with clapping from the edge of the training yard. Dropping the spear, Eleanor turned toward the clapping with a victorious smile, expecting to see another of the Dora Milaje warriors watching her spar with their commander. Instead, she saw someone that made her heart stop, someone she never thought she would see again. Someone she hadn’t seen in five years. 
An involuntary sob escaped her as her knees threatened to give out. Bucky saw her wobble and ran over, holding her to his chest when she went limp in his arms. His scent, long forgotten, now overwhelmed her with familiarity. 
“It’s okay, El, I’ve got you. I’m here,” he whispered to her. 
“How?” she squeaked out, finally coming back to herself and running her hands over his arms and back, as if she was making sure he was really there. 
Five years ago Thanos came to Wakanda and left Eleanor’s world in ashes. Since the snap, Eleanor had been working with the remaining Wakandans to rebuild, without their beloved king, princess, and half the army. It was devastating to the country she called home, but nothing could compare to the hurt she felt when Steve told her Bucky had disappeared into thin air. She screamed until her voice gave out and then locked herself in the hut they had shared, leaving only to feed the goats Bucky had loved so much. Nakia checked in on her regularly, but Eleanor didn’t speak for nearly a year after the snap. 
But after all that grief and anger, here he was, holding her as if he had never left. 
“I am not entirely sure,” he said softly, “Time travel, I think, and some guy named Strange.” Eleanor had no idea what he was talking about but the feel of his heartbeat against her chest convinced her he was real and the last five years caught up to her. She pushed herself away from him and studied his face. He hadn’t changed at all. His brown hair was just as shaggy and unkempt and his beard just as thick as the day she last saw him. His clear blue eyes were filled with love. Eleanor couldn’t help but think of how she must look to him now, five years older, a few more worry lines perhaps. 
“Ellie, babe. Let’s go home, yeah?” Bucky took her hand and led her away from the training field. She was still too dazed to disagree and followed slowly behind him as he led them towards their small hut. As they got closer they could see a group of children playing nearby, too young to know Bucky as the White Wolf, but just seeing them made Bucky feel at home. Ellie started to find her voice again.
“Bucky, can you slow down?”
“Ellie, are those my goats?”  He sped up, excitedly pulling her along, ignoring the tremor in her voice. 
“Buck, wait,” she tried to pull away but he didn’t even notice. He was too focused on his hut and his goats and his home. 
“Ell, what do you think about moving to a bigger place?” 
“Bucky, I need to talk to you!” Eleanor said with more force, making Bucky stop in his tracks and look at her scared expression. After a moment, a pained look crossed his face. 
“Oh my god, Ell, I’m so sorry, I forget that it has been five years,” his voice wavered with sadness, “you’ve moved on, haven’t you?” 
“No, that’s not--” 
“I’m such an idiot, I should have been prepared for that possibility.” He ran his hands through his hair, pulling at the ends. 
“Bucky, just--” 
“I’ll just go,” with drooping shoulders, he turned to walk away. 
“James Barnes!” Eleanor shouted, stopping Bucky in his tracks. 
“Yeah, Mom?” came a small voice from amid the pack of children. Bucky whipped around to see a small kid with shaggy brown hair and brilliant blue eyes came running towards Eleanor, never even looking Bucky’s way. 
“Nothing, baby, go play with your friends,” Eleanor said with a smile, shooing the boy back to the kids before facing Bucky.
“I’m so sorry, Buck,” she nearly cried, “I didn’t want you to find out this way.” 
“He’s yours?” Bucky nodded towards the little boy. 
“He’s ours.” 
Bucky’s eyes went wide and he looked back to where the little boy was kicking around a ball. The hair, the eyes, the light skin, why didn’t he see it before? Now it was Bucky’s turn to go weak in the knees. Eleanor wrapped her arms around him and did her best to hold up his bulk while he buried his face in her neck.
“Ours?” he muttered into her skin. 
“Ours,” Eleanor replied, rubbing his back softly, “his name is Jamie. He’s four years old. He’ll be five in a few months.” Bucky stood up and gazed at the boy and then back to Eleanor, who was waiting for his reaction. 
“He’s amazing, Ell,” he whispered in awe. 
“Yeah, he is.” 
“So there isn’t someone else?” 
Eleanor laughed, finally. 
“No Buck, never anyone but you.” 
“Can I-- can I meet him?” The shaking nervousness in his voice nearly broke Eleanor’s heart. “Of course you can, sweetheart,” this time Eleanor took Bucky’s hand and led him down the path towards their home, “He already loves you.” 
“Jamie!” Eleanor called sweetly, waving her boy over. This time the boy took notice of the man standing next to his mother and slowed his run to a walk. 
“Mom?” he called, never taking his eyes off Bucky. 
“Jamie, baby, do you know who this is?” Jamie nodded, having had a picture of his father and mother next to his bed since he was born. Jamie stood as tall as he could before he spoke.
“You’re my dad.” 
Bucky nodded through the tears streaming down his face unabashed as he crouched down to Jamie’s level.
“Yeah, buddy, I am.” There was a tense silence for only a moment before Jamie launched himself at Bucky, causing him to nearly fall over with the force of the small kid. 
“I knew you’d come back.” The boy shouted excitedly. He grabbed Bucky by the hand and tried to pull the large super soldier to his feet. Bucky obliged, standing up and letting Jamie lead him excitedly towards the hut. 
“Steve the goat will be so excited to see you!” Jamie said excitedly, not letting go of Bucky’s hand. Bucky wore a stupid smile, his eyes still misty from happiness. Eleanor couldn’t stop crying at the sight of her two boys together. Jamie was a tiny version of Bucky. She had let his hair grow to the length of Bucky’s, selfishly making him look more like his father than he already did. Now Jamie was introducing Bucky to all the new goats and showing him all of his favorite toys, including the well-loved Winter Soldier action figure he kept next to the picture of Bucky next to his bed. Bucky finally looked away from his son to see how cramped the hut had become with all three of them inside. 
“Babe,” Bucky said, finally looking back at Eleanor, “We definitely need a bigger place.” 
Tagging People who might read this:
@tinyytonitrus​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @bucky-plums-barnes​ @buckyofthemyscira​ @buckfics​ @all1e23​ @wkemeup​ @revengingbarnes​ @sgtjbuccky​ @imhereforbvcky​ @papi-chulo-bucky​ @until-theend-oftheline​ @captain-rogers-beard​ @baezen​ @laketaj24​ @fvckingavengers​ @browngirlmagic @beefcakebarnes 
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thewingedwolf · 4 years
Tagged by @addictsitter to do a movie meme thing. I’m tagging @monstersandheartache @shoeeatingshark @reallivemannequin @tokioramos @biportamis @ribbon-couture @kispesan
Favorite movie: Pacific Rim or Dirty Dancing it The Way He Looks. No I will not choose.
Movie that makes you remember your childhood: Whale Rider
Favorite Tom Hanks movie: Forrest Gump with the caveat that I haven’t seen the Mr. Rogers movie yet
Favorite Disney movie: TARZAN.
Movie that makes you cry: The Handmaiden. I cried like five different times during that movie man it still fucks me up
Favorite 80’s movie: the breakfast club
Favorite comedy: 4th Man Out. One day I’ll write a line as funny as “I don’t know titties I’m gay.”
Favorite sports movie: A Knight’s Tale
Favorite courtroom movie: legally blonde (Akskkd no I like courage under Fire I just haven’t seen it since I was 12)
Favorite horror movie: The Conjuring
Most overrated movie: The Last Jedi 🤢🤢
Favorite gangster movie: The Departed.
Favorite war movie: glory wins by default as literally the only war movie I’ve ever seen.
Movie you can watch over and over again: DESCENDANTS.
Movie with the best soundtrack: LOTR: The Two Towers. That violin that plays the Rohan theme.....breaks my heart every time.
Favorite Christmas movie: Rent. No I will not take criticism
Movie you’re embarrassed that you love: The Wedding Guest which is just a two hour long audition tape for Dev Patel to play James Bond, which, Yeah absolutely buddy I get it, but it is SO predictable and the second half really loses steam but I absolutely did cry at the end and I read a very long fanfic about it ajsjd
Favorite sequel: X2. It’s just as well paced as the first one, with great special effects, engaging performances, an absolutely WHAM ending (I kno the Phoenix storyline in xtfs was Bad but when it first came out and you saw that Phoenix in the water, tell me you weren’t excited as FUCK), AND it handles its ensemble cast better than the first movie.
Favorite period drama: Anne of Green Gables the sequel hands down, if we’re talking that specific “1600s-1800s weird dresses and lots of Lingering Glances” sort of movie. If it’s “any movie set in a year before the year it was made” then Rhymes for Young Ghouls.
Favorite movie quote: “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” From Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
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bxcksdoll · 5 years
I warned you guys...
Parings: Thor x reader
Summary: Y/N didn’t survive the snap in infinity war but now she’s back and reunited with, her boyfriend, Thor and the other avengers. (Also the reader has magnetic powers)
Warnings: endgame spoilers
A/N: endgame killed me and did my man thor dirty by ruining the whole new development he had in ragnarok like he developed into a true king and they just threw that away so I’m mad and needed to give him some happiness. I had great fun writing this so I hope yall enjoy it.
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Walking through the portal from Wakanda to New York, you witnessed the ruin around you. The portal had taken you to the Avengers Compound but, instead of seeing the pristinely modeled building, all you saw around you were ruins of the place you once called home. Either side of you were people and aliens from all around the universe, teaming up to beat Thanos.
Your heart ached as you glanced around to search for Thor; you hadn’t been able to see him in, what felt like, years. He had gone back to Asguard for a ‘short trip’ and when he returned to the battle in Wakanda you had hardly said hello before you had turned to dust...
Suddenly, forks of lightning shot down from the clouds above, giving you as signal to where your boyfriend was. You couldn’t see him over the rows of Wakandan’s but felt a burst of pride in your heart when seeing his powers.
“Avengers!” the voice of - one dirty-looking - Captain America shouted. “...assemble.”
The battle had begun, both sides sprinted forward, knocking down and tearing each other apart. You stopped dead in your tracks, ripping metal imbedded in the ground and surged it forward with all your might, forcing some of Thanos’ army down.
“Nice one, girl,” you hear a voice from beside you. You glanced around to see Shuri, a proud smile spread across her face.
“Thanks,” you reply before seeing her expression change to concern. She shoot some sort of energetic waves, from her specially-designed blasters- behind you. The energy waves took down five aliens that were heading straight for you.
“Thanks, again,” you nod before running to your right.
“Hey, Y/N?” comes Tony’s voice from just ahead of you.
“Tony!” you shout, making your way over to him whilst clearing out herds of aliens with ease.
“You’re alive - it’s so great to see you!” he smiled, moving in to embrace you.
You embraced him back, “I hope I haven’t been gone too long, Stark,” you laughed. To your surprise, Tony let you go and stepped back; staring at you with a sad expression.
“You’ve been gone for five years...” he responded, quietly.
Shock hit your stomach like a knife. “W-what?”
“Look out!” you heard Steve’s voice say. Turning around, you saw an enormous, armoured alien coming towards you. Steve flung his shield at the back of its head and attempting to take it down.
You joined in, using your powers to telekineticly force metals bars around the alien’s legs - trapping him. With one final swing of metal, you were able to chop the head off the creature.
“Thanks...” Steve said, breathlessly. “It’s good to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back,” you gleamed, hugging him.
“Is Bucky here?” Steve asked, in a concerned manner.
“Yes, don’t worry about him, Cap. You’ll see him soon enough after we’ve finished this,” you answered, optimistically.
“I hope so, I just wanted to be sure. I saw Sam but not Buck...”
“Hey, Rogers, Y/L/N, there’s no time for chit-chat. Get your asses back into the fight,” Tony ordered, taking flight.
You flew the nearest sharp stick of metal closest to you; grabbing it and making a run towards a crowd of aliens. You swung it into the first creatures head, knocking it into three more creatures and proceeding to impale the others around you.
More and more began to surround you as you sent disfigured scraps of metal flying in every direction. Still, it seemed that your powers weren’t enough to hold the herd off.
Your estimation was that there were 50 of Thanos’ army surrounding you as you continued to fight for your life. You knew that more were coming every second and had to act fast.
In the distance you acknowledged that bigger, more powerful aliens were on their way to attempt to defeat you.
“Well, shit,” you murmured, pausing for breath before crushing some more creatures with, what you thought to be, a large flooring panel.
“If anyone...” you stopped to take another breath, “cares to help me here, I’d much appreciate it.”
A few seconds later, the sky turned even darker and a deafening sound of thunder boomed from above. Straight after, the brightest, most powerful group of lightnight blasts struck the herd around you. The estimated 50 of them fell dead to the floor, no longer anywhere near you.
Then, a large figure dropped to the ground, behind you. Turning, you saw him. The man you had been searching for. Thor.
But, this time, he was different. Your eyes grew wide in shock as you saw a scraggly-haired, bushy-bearded Thor before you. He had gained a lot of weight since you last saw him.
“Y/N, you’re-you’re alive!” he spluttered, charging towards you.
“Hey, big guy,” you smiled, tears in your eyes. As he approached you, Thor grabbed you close to him, sealing your reunion with a tender kiss. The kiss was passionate, longing. You broke free, holding his face in your hands.
“I’ve missed you more than you can ever imagine,” Thor cried, moving his head slightly to kiss your hand. “I failed you, I couldn’t defeat Thanos. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you say that, sweetie. We are here now and we can finish this. You didn’t fail me. I love you,” you replied, bringing his lips to yours for another tender kiss. “Now, c’mon,” you whispered against his lips, “let’s go win this.”
You stepped back from him and he sighed from the loss of contact. “Stay safe,” Thor ordered, seriously.
“I’ll stay safe if you do,” you replied.
“Deal,” was his final word before he flew to the sky.
Making your way over to another herd, you were faced with a group of taller, more muscular aliens. You stopped, suddenly, glancing around for traces of metal. None of it was in sight; you stepped back, forcing your powers to search while the giants stepped towards you.
Finally, you felt a source below the brickwork and painfully dragged the material up into view. You sent the pieces flying at them, however they skilfully dodged them.
From behind you, a figure came flying towards them. Sam Wilson. He shot misiles towards them as you continued to send every scrap of metal you could find towards their huge frames.
With non-stop amounts of effort, you and Sam took the group of them down.
“Thanks, dude!” you shouted up at him.
“Anytime, girl,” he replied, flying off.
Time passed and the group of you were still fighting Thanos’ army with all your might. Suddenly, you heard a scream come from your left.
You looked over to see Thanos above Thor. He had your boyfriend pinned down, forcing Stormbreaker slowly into his chest. Your heart sunk down to your stomach. You sprinted with every last bit of energy in you, over to him.
The sound of thunder surged through the sky as you breathlessly ran across the battlefield. Suddenly, Thanos was hit aside by mjolnir. Continuing running, whilst fighting off more aliens, you felt extremely confused as to how Thor could wield mjolnir as he tried to keep Stormbreaked from splitting his chest open.
Moments later, mjolnir flew past both Thanos and Thor and into the hands of Steve Rogers. Feeling extremely out of breath, you still managed to gasp. Steve proceeded with mjolnir by smashing it into Thanos; fighting him which gave you a perfect opportunity to help Thor.
“I knew it!” Thor shouted just before you fell on your knees before him. You were passing the infinity gauntlet between each other - keeping it away from Thanos.
“Thor!” you cried. He saw the heartbroken reaction on your face and pretended to not be hurt.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t be this close to Thanos...” he grabbed your hand tightly. “Come on-” he tried to stand up but winced in pain.
“Thor, we had a deal to both stay safe,” you shook your head.
“I know, my love, and I’m sorry but I am safe now that I’m with you.” You helped him up, your eyes fixed on the fresh cut in his chest.
“Let’s get you away from here,” you murmured, helping him away from the fight between Steve and Thanos.
When you were in a safe-ish area you turned to him and ordered, “don’t go near Thanos again, Thor. I mean it. Stay safe.” He nodded in agreement and you kissed his cheek before running off to join the battle again.
Now, the avengers were passing around the infinity gauntlet; keeping it out of Thanos’ reach. Peter had it and passed it over to a woman with short blonde hair that you’d never seen before.
Peter warned that she wouldn’t be able to pass through the army alone. But she had help. You and all of the other female heroes worked together; fighting off Thanos’ tireless army.
The fight seemed endless but you were strong. You still had power and strength left in you. You fought with all your might while the woman flew through the army.
You weren’t able to see past all the creatures so you couldn’t witness what was going on. Even more time past and you were still pushing on - fighting endlessly. Thor had joined in moments later; helping to fight with you, side by side.
Suddenly the beings around you started to fade. Started turning to dust. You and Thor glanced around at the extinction of Thanos’ army.
“Did we win?” you asked, hopefully.
“Yes. We won,” Thor answered, unbelievingly.
You let out a sigh of relief, throwing your arms around his neck and nuzzling your face into his chest. He placed his arms around your waist, squeezing tight.
“Thank the gods you’re back,” he murmured into your hair.
“Yes, I’m back and I’m going nowhere,” you promised, hugging him tighter. “Thor,” you said, concern laced in your words.
“Yes?” he asked as you moved back a little, staring into his eyes.
“A lot has changed since I last saw you. I swear that back in Wakanda your hair was...shorter and I don’t remember one of your eyes being brown,” now you were addressing the elephant in the room, “and...what happened to your weight?” you asked, worriedly.
Thor broke eye contact, as if embarrassed.
“I, um-” he faltered. “When I was, um, in Asguard a lot happened...I met new people, my father died and I found out Loki was still alive-”
“What?! Loki’s still alive!” you interrupted.
Thor’s eyes began to gloss over with tears.
“Well...” he began. “He was alive...only...he’s dead now. Thanos killed him before he killed everyone else.” You exchanged a sorry look with Thor, giving his shoulder a light squeeze. “I also found out that I had a sister but she was going to kill us all so...I had to kill her,” Thor nervously chuckled, “and she took out my eye - which is why I have this glass one.”
“Oh, Thor, baby, I’m so sorry all of that happened to you and that I wasn’t there to be with you. You lost so much...”
“Yes. That’s why I’ve changed so much,” he laughed. “I may have drowned my sorrows in liquor and food for the past 5 years but now I have you back,” he suddenly looked serious, held his hand against your cheek. “And I will never, ever let you go again.”
“I love you so much, Thor Odinson,” tears fell down your face as your leaned forward to kiss him gently. He returned the kiss, pressing you tightly against him.
Being back in Thor’s arms was all you ever wanted. You were elated, grateful and you were sure you’d never leave his side again.
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hellomomo · 4 years
the lovely @tinacentury tagged my in the 7 comfort movie game and like her I have realized that i Do Not watch a lot of movies, let alone rewatch them lol so i will also cheat a bit and use tv shows. in no particular order, here is what my brain managed to scrambled together :D
1. Tangled (2010)
My favourite Disney movie. I just LOVE this one, it’s so much fun and Rapunzel is overwhelmingly relatable. The songs are so catchy and easy to sing along to and I adore the scenery and magic. It’s cute and fun and easy to watch a billion times. And Eugene is obviously the hottest Disney Prince.
2. Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005- 2008)
One of my favourite shows in all of existence! I know putting an series is kinda bending the rules too much but I’m not kidding when I say I could watch any episode/season and feel comforted. But “The Blue Spirit” and “The Beach” may be some of my fave episodes. For those of you who haven’t seen ATLA yet I totally recommend adding it to your binge-list! It’s the perfect combo of comedy, comfort, amazing world building, fleshed-out characters, and friendship/family.
3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Probably a weird one to put under ‘comfort movies’ but this is a really good movie. I love the action scenes and the fighting and Marvel actually got Steve Roger’s character right in this one. It’s still funny after the nth time watching and the elevator scene will never not be cool.
4. How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
I love this entire series but the second was just stunning to watch! The details in the animation were gorgeous and all the scenes were so fun and exciting. And the dragons are so cool and adorable! It was a bit of a tear-jerker though but by the end it still leaves me with a sense of peace and comfort.
5. Sailor Moon R: The Movie (1993 lol wow 6 whole years before i was born)
This is probably my favourite Sailor Moon movie (although I haven’t watched the other ones in a while haha). I LOVE all the flowers everywhere, cried seeing baby Mamo and Usagi in the hospital, and I adored the Moon Revenge scene! It was the perfect blend of romance, Sailor Moon coolness, and fun!
6. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
best Spider-Man movie, best superhero movies, best animated movie, just like BEST MOVIE. This one is INCREDIBLE like you MUST see this movie. I don’t even know how to describe it properly. The animation is AMAZING and there’s so many little details woven into it that add so many layers to the story and viewing experience. The characters are amazing, they did a great job with Miles in particular I think. It’s SO funny, from visual gags to dialogue, it’s hilarious that even like the 7th time around i was still laughing my head off. Seriously, this was a Spider-Man movie that actually felt like a Spider-Man movie. It’s uplifting, heartwarming, filled with amazing action scenes, and I swear the What’s Up Danger scene will have you cheering so hard for Miles.
7. Run BTS! Protect BTS Village Part 1 & 2; Ep. 47/48 (2018)
This still counts as a show right
The suspense, the betrayal, the thrill, the heartbreak, the humour. Run BTS really has it all. Although nothing beats the shock of watching this the first time, the Bangtan Boys are still comedic geniuses when you rewatch it. This episode is a really funny one and it’s a lot of trying to figure the puzzles out with them and guessing which ones are the outsiders. Also, 7 cute boys in different occupation uniforms! 
yeah i really don’t rewatch a lot of stuff. i like to watch most films just for fun so i don’t watch a lot of ‘classics’ or award winning stuff. 
idk who to tag since i think most of my mutuals have already done this but anyone who wants to feel free to do it!
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
in the footsteps of giants
Anon asked: I know you briefly mentioned Ash meeting Motley Crue in the 80s but does she ever meet Lola?? If so, like how does that go down???
A/N: RTP and AYDTD have always taken place in the same universe in my mind. So this is just a little thing i wrote today in rehearsals on my phone abt a potential way that Ash and Lola meet, plus a little bit of a hint at what ash does when she’s and roger split in the late 70s/early 80s ;) (also just so you know, once ash and queen reconnect after the release of A Night At The Opera, Ash asks freddie if she can take his last name because she doesn’t want to be associated with the family that ostracised her; Ash Mercury is what she goes by in her day to day/non-professional life, after 1975) (Established Nikki/Lola & Ash/Roger)
{Ash | AYDTD} | {Lola | RTP}
Early 1987. Los Angeles.
“Hey do you know if the photographer Vince likes is around in the next few weeks?” Lola barges into Doc’s office, disregarding his assistant’s squawk of protest. Doc looks surprised, looks mildly annoyed, holding his jacket and standing just beyond the door. Behind him is a woman with hair as red as a flame, standing a few inches shorter than Lola herself.
“I’m about to go to lunch,” Doc tells Lola, voice flat, “can we discuss this when I get back?” The woman behind him is pulling on a dark jacket with yellow floral detailing that’s a little too big for her, watching Lola with an intense, green eyed stare.
“Who’s this?” Lola asks instead, completely ignoring Doc, who sighed and pulled on his jacket.
“Lola, this is Rocket; Rocket, this is Lola Gone, she’s Motley’s,” he turned the thought over in his mind, frowning a little. The woman, Rocket, raised her eyebrows, and Lola’s expression already soured; “who was that little fella Reid had with Queen for the day to day?”
“Oh, she’s their Paul,” realisation dawned on Rocket’s face, speaking for the first time with an unexpectedly thick accent, and Lola frowned, not exactly sure who she was being compared to. After a beat, the ginger frowned at Lola, and Lola frowned right back, “Paul was a rotten little bastard.”
Doc laughs.
“Fuck you.” Lola spits, and Rocket smiles, all sharp teeth. “Fuck both of you.”
“Lola, don’t get your knickers in a twist; which is the photographer Vince likes?” Doc heads down the hallway with both Lola and Rocket a few steps behind him, Lola holding a sketchbook.
“The one that Nikki didn’t yell at last time,” Lola groaned, her face scrunching up, “Barry something? Vince is convinced he always catches his good side.”
“And why do you need him so soon?” Doc presses the elevator button and Lola sighs.
“Nikki wants to put together some draft cover designs for the single and he wants a photo of the band for it.”
“If I give you Barry’s number can you set it up?” Doc asks, his voice condescending, and Lola stands up straighter, expression darkening.
“Give me some fucking cred-”
“Just answer the question.”
Lola narrows her eyes, her gaze locked with Doc’s as he raises his eyebrows at her.
“Fucking obviously.”
Rocket watches her as the doors of the elevator close, wearing a strange little Mona Lisa smile, setting Lola on edge.
“What the fuck kind of name is Rocket?!” Lola groans, draping herself over Nikki in the studio, handing back his sketchbook. Nikki, who was spread across the sofa chatting about lyrics with Tommy and Vince.
“Did you get the good photographer?” Nikki asked, shifting to get more comfortable with her on top of him.
“Doc’s gonna give me his number after his date,” she sighs.
“Who’s Rocket?” Tommy asks, just as Vince snorts.
“Doc’s on a date? Yeah fucking right.”
Lola doesn’t know much about the woman apart from the fact that she’s got hair like fire and she seems like an asshole.
“She said I was a rotten little bastard!” Lola crowed, her whole face wrinkling with irritation, though Nikki laughed loudly, pulling her close.
“Lo, you are a rotten little bastard,” he told her fondly, smirking.
“You’re an asshole too;” though her voice was soft as she propped her chin on his chest, scowling at him, “you’re lucky I love you.”
“I only know about one Rocket even mildly attached to Doc - maybe -” Mick interjects, his arms crossed as he twists in a spinning chair, “and there’s no way she’s getting romantic with him.”
“Well you don’t even know if we’re talking about the same person,” Lola responds loftily.
“Red hair? Kind of an asshole? In town same time as Queen, and she knows Doc? Girlie, I’m pretty sure we’re talking about the same Rocket.” And he’s smug with good reason, because almost an hour later, Doc makes his way into the studio while Mick is redoing his solo for the third time. Rocket comes too, watching with bright eyes and hands clasped behind her back. Lola hadn’t gotten a good look at her before, but now, with the floral jacket folded in the woman’s arms, she sees Rocket’s impeccably tailored pastel blue silk shirt tucked into acid washed denim cutoffs, and the powder blue converse; the outfit looks so couture and summery, and Lola feels like a mismatched child in her vicinity.
Tommy is giving her the most starry-eyed look, whilst also turning bright red.
“Ash Mercury.”
That’s enough to get Rocket’s attention, and she turns with raised eyebrows away from where she was watching Mick.
“Motley Crue, this is Rocket; she’s a designer, she requested to meet you all.”
“No fucking way did Ash Mercury ask to meet us.” Tommy’s acting like a starstruck fool, like he did when he met Nikki, eyes bright, tapping excitedly against the sound desk with his drumsticks, much to the sound engineer’s chagrin.
“Who in the fuck is Ash Mercury?” Lola finally asks. Nikki’s not paying much attention to the situation, in his own little world with his bass, and Mick hadn’t realised they had company, but Tommy and Vince were watching the newcomers with interest.
“I am.” Rocket smiles toothily at Lola, “though, granted I hadn’t assumed that’s how you’d know me.”
“Tommy saw your tits at a very formative time in his life,” Vince snickered, “of course he remembers you.” Tommy threw a drumstick at Vince’s head, but the blonde can’t help but cackle. Ash at least has the decency to blush.
“I was seventeen, you make me sound like I was twelve!” But he turned to Ash with what he hopes is a winning smile, “I’m not- I mean, I wasn’t twelve then and I’m not seventeen now. I’m Tommy.” And he actually stands, walks over to her and holds out her hand. Ash’s handshake is surprisingly firm, and his enthusiasm seems to be endearing her rather than putting her off.
“Good to meet you, Tommy; you’re the drummer, right?” She smiled when he nodded, standing back and trying to be subtle where he’s all but preening under her gaze. She knows who he is! He looks like he’s about to cream himself. “You remind me of my favourite client,” she says, something gentle about her words.
“Who even are you?!” Lola half laughs, though she’s more confused than before.
“Hey dickhead, Ash Mercury’s here.” Vince throws the drumstick that was just lobbed at him at Nikki, which at the very least gets the bassists attention.
“Yeah right,” Nikki snorts, looking over at the ginger, who looked mildly bemused, “what would she be doing here? She’s in fuckin’ England isn’t she? Is Bowie in town?”
“Jesus Christ you lot are a bunch of perverts,” Doc sighed, but Ash smiled brightly.
“I’m Scottish actually, but close enough I suppose,” she paused, “and I haven’t seen Bowie in a few years; I do have a life outside of him ah,” she turns a little red, “those photoshoots I did for and with him,” she can’t be quite sure which they’re referring to, but both make her a little self conscious, “but if it’s enough to convince you;” she untucks her shirt, lifting it up to expose her ribs, and the worn tattoo that sat just below her breast.
An orange, about the size of a quarter, with a little green leaf. Lola recognised that tattoo, and could feel herself starting to heat up with embarrassment.
“It’s a clementine, I got it right after Queen released A Night At the Opera,” she clarified, and Tommy makes a noise of understanding.
“You must be a big fan of theirs, what with the tattoo and the name and the-” Tommy was cut off by Doc, who held his head in his hands.
“Do you really not know about Rocket apart from that Rolling Stones shoot she did with Bowie?” Doc asked. Ash was tucking her shirt back into her shorts, since the rest of them seemed satisfied that she was the real deal.
“She also did that shoot for him,” Tommy adds, very pointedly, and with maybe a little too much confidence. Ash’s smile is a little too bright as she refuses to acknowledge that particular career move of hers.
“I’m actually a costume designer, you see, and I just wanted to stop in and tell you I love your look; I appreciate your theatricality. The Bark at the Moon tour looks were,” she mused, gaze a little far away, “oh they were something else.”
“Is that a good thing?” Nikki asked, typing his head to the side as his tone betrayed his amusement.
“Absolutely.” Ash grinned in return. “Well I just wanted to stop in and say hi.” She shrugged, “I should be getting back, Rog is taking me out for dinner.” She told Doc, who nodded sagely, and though she left, he didn’t.
“You chucklefucks sure know how to embarrass yourselves in front of one of the most sought after designers and fabricators in the industry,” Doc sighed, but the rest of them were preoccupied by Lola hurling everything within arms reach at Tommy.
“You had that centrefold of her and Bowie on your bedroom fucking wall!”
“I know!” Tommy snorted, easily deflecting the empty cans thrown his way, “how did you not recognise her?”
“Because it’s been years since I saw the poster and on it she had sparklers covering her nipples; I wasn’t exactly paying attention to her face!” Lola cried, before falling back into the sofa, covering her face at the sound of Vince and Nikki crowing with laughter.
“Don’t think you’re getting let off so easily, Tommy, you’re just as dense as Lola;” Doc snaps, which shuts everyone up, Tommy most of all, wearing a wide-eyed, confused state, “’you must be a big fan of theirs’” Doc parroted mockingly back to the drummer, before cuffing him over the back of the head, “she’s engaged to Roger Taylor.”
Tommy’s look of dawning horror was enough to set everyone off and laughing again. His despair was almost palpable.
“And I asked her if she was a fan of Queen.”
“She still seems like a bit of an asshole,” Lola finally announced, and Nikki snickered.
“Isn’t that a bit ’pot-meet-kettle’?” He asked, and Lola gave an small smile, rolling her eyes. It’s Doc, however, who interjects.
“She’s allowed to be an asshole sometimes, she’s damn good at her job.”
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keishiko · 5 years
What Gives It Value (Chapter Two)
A lot can happen in five years.
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[Chapter 2/?  |  Rated for language, adult themes  |  Angst  |  Natasha x Steve  |  Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4]
[Set during the five-year jump in “Endgame”.  My latest, lame attempt at a fix-it fic]
They got back in the wee hours of the morning, too tired for words, heading for their rooms with barely more than a grunt or a nod to sign off.  The entire trip home in the quinjet Steve had looked forward to a hot shower, a clean bed, an hour’s rest, preferably twenty.
But when he got to his suite he couldn’t find it in him to turn on the light or even change out of his uniform.  The silence shrilled in his ears and he knew, tonight as on most other nights, that he wouldn’t get a wink of sleep.
Even when he did nod off these days, he often woke screaming.  Or crying.  
Piece by piece he shrugged out of his gear as he padded into the room, dropping his harness and kit belt on the floor, discarding his gloves, leaving his earpiece on a side table.  He ignored his own resulting unease, his military training chafing against the disorder.  As he stood looking out the bay window he suddenly became aware of Natasha’s presence in the room behind him by the door, and he wondered how long he had been idly watching the wind outside, stirring the treetops across the way in the murky gray before dawn.
“Care to explain what happened back there, Rogers?”  
He sighed.  “It’s late, Natasha.”  He was almost getting used to calling her by her full name again.  Knowing she was watching him, he slumped into an armchair and turned on a lamp.
She didn’t move as he began removing his boots.  “That’s not an answer to my question.”
He said nothing, merely kicked off the boots into a corner.  Socks soon followed.  She came over to stand in front of him, arms crossed over her chest as she stared down at him implacably.  She wasn’t one to simply drop the issue.  
“Mission successful,” he bit out. “Target neutralized.  Survivors turned over to designated authorities.”
“And you very nearly took a hit.”  He averted his eyes then, busied himself with unfastening his jacket.  “You of all people, you stood there and you knew there was incoming and you almost didn’t move.”
He sighed, tossing his jacket to the floor, still not meeting her gaze.  She’d been there, after all, at his side as usual on that rusty tub of a ship that hid a satellite communications center in its belly and sidelined as an offshore drug laboratory.  He’d heard her frenzied shout of his name, a millisecond after she realized what was happening, a millisecond after he did.  After so much time in combat together, she must have thought she didn’t need to warn him.  He’d leaped out of the way at the last moment.  “But I did.”
She had promptly made short work of his would-be assailant, shattering bones in a show of force that only she and Steve knew was strictly excessive.  As the poor fool sobbed in pain behind her she’d glared at Steve, daring him to raise an objection.
“But you could have, sooner.  We both know this.”  When he said nothing, she stepped closer, crouched at his feet to look up into his face.  “Hey,” she said, more softly, when he still refused to look at her.  Reaching up, she cupped his cheek in her hand tenderly.  “Tell me what’s going on.”
Despite himself he leaned into her palm, breathing deep for what felt like the first time in weeks.  He remembered that moment vividly.  Though his head had been turned at the time and his attention focused elsewhere, he’d heard the shell deploy, the whoosh as it took flight, the churn of air in its wake.  He’d known with the perfect accuracy of his enhanced senses and all his years of experience in the field that the shell was headed straight for him and in that fraction of a moment he had only thought, Why not?
Then she’d called out to him, and he’d belatedly remembered that even now there was still something he couldn’t bear to lose, still something he shouldn’t just throw away.  And even as the shell exploded harmlessly in the deck behind them she had already been surging forward in a blur of blond hair and light-crackling batons, vengeance blazing in her eyes.
Gently he folded her hand in both of his.  Lifetimes ago the same calloused, fine-boned fingers had skated seduction along his skin, thrust into his hair, teasing, guiding, welcoming.  “I’m just a little tired.”
She sighed.  “I know you haven’t been sleeping well.”
He almost smiled.  He could probably count the nights he’d “slept well” in the last several months on his fingers.  Her eyes met his and she smirked for him for a moment, just a flash of the familiar wry twist of her mouth.
“Y’know,” she said slowly, “not too long ago, I asked you.  If it were up to me to save your life, would you trust me to do it?”
Now that was a long time ago.  I did then.
“What about now?”
Her face was shadowed with hurt.  Remorse twisted in his chest.  The Black Widow could wring the deepest secrets from the most hardened liars, but this was Natasha at his feet, for so long his proud ally, through so much his loyal friend.  And, far too briefly, his passionate lover.  He’d never said anything, but the first night he’d kept himself from going to her—clamped down on the longing and the loneliness with the cold finality of shame—was seared into his memory.   She’d never called him out, never asked why.  He wouldn’t have known what to tell her.  
She looked up into his eyes now, guileless and gentle, and he knew he had long owed her at least some small accounting of himself.  
“I’m compromised,” he began, unsure how to continue, afraid he might never stop.  As the weight of her stare became unbearable, he glanced away.  “I’m losing sight of the mission.  I’m not even sure why there’s still a mission, or why I’m on it.”  His attempt at a laugh turned ugly.  “Given that I failed the last mission.  No, Nat.”  He cut off the protest already sparking in her eyes.    “It’s true.”
“We all failed the last mission.”  The sob caught in her throat, the tears spilled down her face, but her tone was like steel.  “We all lost somebody.  We failed together.  You can’t keep punishing yourself for something that wasn’t just your fault,” she called after him as he abruptly got up and stalked over to the window.  
Maybe this was finally what it felt like to be a hundred years old.  His eyes burned when he closed them.
“For the longest time all I wanted was to be strong,” he said at last, almost to himself.  “I was this sick, skinny little kid nobody wanted on their side because I couldn’t do anything for anybody.  I could barely look out for myself.”  Bucky did a lot of that for me.  But words felt too cheap, the loss too sacred.  He scrubbed his hand over his face.  “All I wanted was to make a difference, the only way I knew how.  At that time it was so easy.  Everything was so clear.”
She had moved to stand behind him, her presence silent but reassuring as always.  Yet again he pushed back the desire to reach out for her, to close even the small distance that yawned between them.  It wasn’t his place, he told himself, as he had told himself a thousand times before.  Not anymore.
“Now I’m all I ever wanted to be and it turns out it doesn’t change a damn thing,” he said quietly.
The glass felt blessedly cool on his skin as he rested his forehead against the window.  He had run the full gamut of his emotions more times than he cared to count in the months since Thanos and he knew now, with bone-weary certainty, that feeling any more of his feelings wouldn’t make any difference, no matter how painfully they consumed him, burned through him from the inside out, ate into his bones, smoldered in his lungs.  Even if he ended up curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing as if his heart was broken.  Even if Natasha found him and they cried together, clinging to each other in the darkness.
“You gave it everything you had,” she said softly.  “Nobody could have asked any more of you.”
“But it still wasn’t enough.”  In his mind’s eye he saw Bucky, wielding a gun as he hadn’t had to in years, slashing doggedly with his knife at the nightmarish thing that managed to pin him down.  He saw Sam, swooping and firing desperately at Thanos only to be swatted aside like an insect, spent bullets clattering on the ground.  Steve remembered the ear-popping silence that fell soon after that, the dawning sense of horror and hopelessness that the monster left behind.  He felt again the strange dust slithering between his fingers and he shivered, clenching his fist and closing his eyes as if he could physically shut out the memory.  “I was supposed to lead you—”
“It was a bad hand, Steve.”  Her arms came up around him, soothing, subduing.  “We all knew what we were in for.  We took our chances.  We played the odds.  Sometimes the house just wins.”  Her voice cracked with bitterness.  “Sometimes the house is a giant purple alien sociopath whom no amount of training in this world can prepare you for and not even Wakanda can keep out.”
He remembered again the ashes sifting incomprehensibly through his hands where Bucky had shimmered like a dream only moments before, and how’d he looked around frantically to realize who else had already gone: T’Challa, Sam, Wanda, even the tree-creature who had seemingly come out of nowhere to fight with them.  Through the trees had come echoing one by one horrified yells and shouts from the battlefield beyond and, as if in response, the dull, blank confusion inside him, the void Bucky had so suddenly left behind, had taken form—no, no, nonono—and then erupted into a wild and wordless howl of agony.
Sometimes he felt as if he were still screaming.  
“Wanda told me once about something you said to her.”  Natasha’s soft voice pierced the numbness; she pressed welcome, solid warmth into his back.  “We try to save as many people as we can.”  Her voice crumbled into a whisper.  “Sometimes that doesn’t mean everybody.”
She crumpled against him and he turned, held her gently, his own eyes too parched now for tears.  
She’d held him like this once, years ago, in an empty church.
“I’ve said a lot of things,” Steve murmured.  Every time somebody tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die.  He wondered if Tony still remembered.  He certainly did.
He’d been so damn sure of himself, once upon a time.
We don’t trade lives.  
He squeezed his eyes shut against the image of Vision sprawled sightless on the ground, Wanda lost on the breeze, her head still thrown back in soundless grief.  Steve shuddered.  He’d only ever wanted them to have what he hadn’t.
“We couldn’t have known.” Natasha sounded tired but firm in his ear.  “Nobody could have known.”
Tony had known.  In his own way.  “And all you wanted was for us to stay together.”  He shook his head.  “I’m sorry, Nat.”
Her arms tightened around him.  “It was never really up to us, Steve.”
The sun’s first rays found them in his bed, still fully clothed, her bent over him, him curled desperately into the shelter of her arms.  Later he would be grateful that, for the first time in a long while, he’d slept without dreaming.
She put him on indefinite sick leave.
to be continued
Chapter Three
(Thank you for reading :)
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midnightcalibration · 4 years
Merry Bobunk Christmas!
What: Short Fanfiction
Fandom: Avengers
Characters: Read the tags for the list.
Why: ‘Cos me and a friend of mine came up with the idea of giving a Christmas role to each avenger, and I decided to write this.
Words: Almost 1800 according to my text editor.
Quality: Probably with a lot of typos and awful grammar.
Stupidity level: High (I hope).
Tony is coming back to his workshop to continue one of his most important projects of the year. He hadn't slept since whenever the last time was, but who needs sleep when you've got coffee? He pities those who can't drink the miraculous brew.
As he enters the room the first thing he notices is DUM-E fighting against the cables of some Christmas lights. The lights are winning... Oh! Now U is trying to help his brother, that's nice. Aaaand now he's stuck too. Tony can't believe he won a prize for one of those things.
"Dum-E, U, stop destroying my delicate work, if you please."
Sparks jump out of the lights.
"You know those lights are supposed to last, not turn into fireworks. Sto- Ah- great! The workshop is on fire. Congratulations! Now it would be a good time to use your skills with the fire extinguisher, Dum-E," Tony says as he grabs said object himself, "Though I'm not sure you would still point it at me, instead of the fire..."
After putting the fire out and helping his not so intelligent bots, he gets back to work. He is just a little bit tired, but he has to finish it in time.
Last years had been chaotic. He never had time to properly put on a good Christmas decoration show for everybody. It's not like he is a traditionalist, or even believes in Christmas. For him, it is a time where people start to compete to see who has the best circus in town. And he, as the Stark he is, cannot just let it pass. He is the greatest showman there is. Sorry, Hugh Jackman, not sorry.
Has he hears the "bing" of the elevator sound he looks in its direction and sees the best two presents he is lucky to have in his life. Pepper is holding Morgan's hand while the little pea giggles as she skips and pulls her mother with her. Only when they got closer he notices something is odd. They are wearing costumes.
"What do we have here?" Tony asks. "An elf munchkin coming straight from Santa's workshop? And she's bringing with her a..." what is Pep supposed to be? "Gingerbread woman? Seriously?" He snorts. "Is it because of your hair?"
"Well, this Santa's little helper here thought you might need a sweet cookie to help you work," Pepper replies.
"Ok," he snorts again, "that sounds like something you would never say."
"Well, I didn't say it, Miss M. did."
Another "bing" echoes in the air and Peter comes out rushing and talking non-stop, "Oh, So sorry I am late Mr. Stark, I had to help like half of the people I saw when coming here as well as save like seven cats from trees and woah I even found a goat on one, Did you know goats climb trees? It's amazing, I mean I knew that already but I never thought I would see one in New York, And-"
"Calm down, Speedy Gonzalez! Have you ever heard about punctuation? And, I don't know, breathing?" Tony sasses before noticing Peter is also wearing an elf costume. "Did you go around saving old ladies from crosswalks in that?"
"Oh this?" Peter looks at himself, "I wasn't sure what to dress as but then Morgan told me she needed an elf brother and I was happy to be hers!"
Okay. That makes sense, Tony guesses.
"Has the party already started?"
Tony jerks his head and sees Rhodey, in a ridiculous candy cane suit. Like, seriously, what is going on? Why is platypus wearing that colorful, er-, thing, where only his face is visible?
"What's up, honey bear? Did you get abducted by aliens, where they did all these terrible things to you, and now you have a nineteen year old college student clown soul trapped in your body? Come on, Rho-rho, you can do it! You can win the fight for the right of control. Now really, what party?"
"Ha-ha. Very funny, Tones," Rhodey says with a fake laugh. "I hope you haven't forgot that today is Bobunk day."
The fu-?
"Bobunk is my favorite!" Morgan almost squeals. "It's what makes Christmas magical."
"It sure is, honey," Pepper agrees and Peter nods. OK, maybe he drank too much coffee. Or not enough!
He turns to his desk to get his mug so he can wash down the brown liquid. It is then he notices two big present boxes near the wall, that were not there before.
"Who the hell put that there?"
"Boss, you should mind your language! Morgan has ears." FRIDAY spoke.
"Sorry honey bee," Tony says trying to ignore that the sentence "has ears" was a bit odd, in the context. Like, it is true, but perhaps not the best way to put it. Maybe he needs to check FRIDAYS NL program, and see if she's not trying to learn her vocabulary from websites where people forget the difference between "they're", "their" and "there". Anyway, the presents! What are they doing there?
As he approaches the packages, they "explode" with a loud pop revealing Nat and Clint smiling from ear to ear, with present bows in their heads, dressed in wrapping paper, and shouting "SURPRISE! MERRY BOBUNK CHRISTMAS!!!"
Okay, now he is sure they are trying to troll him. He gets it, he deserves it for all the times he did the same. It was never at this level of crazy, though. He would keep it to wit and sarcasm.
*knock, knock, knock*
The sound came from the balcony glass doors. It is dark outside and Tony can't see anyone. And who would enter through the balcony? Except for him, of course? He purposefully ignored it.
He looks again. Nothing. He resists the urge to ignore it again, but then whoever is outside is probably freezing. And they are just pranking him in a weird way, they don't deserve to turn into ice cubes, right?
When he opens the door, he sees a snowman. Dressed. As. Captain. America.
"Ahah, joke is on you! This is more of a jab to Capsicle, not me."
"What are you talking about, Tony?" The voice sounds so much like Steve's. Where the- "Holy shit!"
The effing snowman is speaking. IT. IS. SPEAKING! Like, it is not Rogers dressed as a snowman. It is a effing snowman, like a real one.
"How are you doing it?" Tony is still perplexed. And not even sure he can believe Olaf here actually had enough humor in him to be passing as a snowman.
"Doing what, Tony?" the freaking snowman actually frowned.
"Make it so realistic?"
"Tony, do you always need to be so rude?"
"Wha-" *CLASH*
Tony rushes inside to see what has been broken. He hopes it wasn't anything related with his Christmas project.
He stops. Thor is there, blinking. Not with his eyes, no. He is lighting on and off in several spots. You know.... like Christmas lights!!! And he is fighting is bots!
"I challengeth thee to fight me with honor, arms of metall. Thee shalt learn the warth of the mightie lightning!"
"Pepper! Pepper Ann!" Tony calls.
"What is it, Tony?"
"What is happening? Please tell me you are seeing how weird this is. I'm not going crazy, right? I don't do crazy."
"What are you talking about?" she smiles, "You are always crazy. Come! Let's see the nativity scene."
"We don't have a nativity scene, Pepsy Pep."
Pepper chuckles as she points to two new figures. Yep! He gives up. Yep, yep. For the good of his sanity, he's going to pretend everything is normal.
Wanda is dressed as Virgin Mary, and is hugging(?) Vision who seems to be wrapped in a big blanket, and very naked under it.
"Hey there, Mary, baby Jesus." Tony acknowledges. "Where is Joseph?"
Vision replied with baby cries. Totally normal.
"I'm a single mother."
"Oh yes, of course you are. Sorry for the assumption."
"I am Groot!"
"You're right, you a-" Did the tree just talked?
"Meow!" T'Challa says, his cat tail wagging as he "paws" at panicking Bucky and Scott, who are hanging from the tree - which has grown, just a note - like Christmas tree decorations. From above, Sam and Hope are laughing. They have wings so they can fly away from the sharp claws of the King of Wakanda.
Of course this is normal. He just probably traveled to an alternate universe. He just needs to know how to go back to his sane plane of reality.
The tree is gigantic, now. It's breaking the glass doors and cracking the walls. It is threatening to destroy the whole tower. This can't be. No matter how everyone is ignoring what is happening, this is dangerous and he can't let anyone get hurt. Specially Pepper and Morgan.
He makes a gesture to call his suit, and flies outside to assess the damage. Curiously enough, nothing seems to be in danger.
"We have an UFO incoming, and fast."
"Say what now?"
He looks and sees something is coming his way. His GUI zooms on the object.
"This is normal, this is normal, this is normal."
"SANTA SMAAAAAASH!" Green Hulk Santa yells, as he flies through Tony in a sled pushed by a black reindeer with a helmet that looked the exact same as Loki's.
They smash into the tower, because why wouldn't they, right? The 'K' of the STARK lettering of the tower falls.
Then he sees it! It all makes sense, now! This is Bobunk Christmas in its perfection! This is his destiny.
Letting himself accept the Christmas spirit burning inside him, he flies to the top of the tower, that now was more tree than anything else, opens his arms and legs and turns on the repulsors, casting a magnificent light, turning into a blinding shining star.
He feels magnificent!
Everyone on the street below start to cheer and applauding the exhibition. He did it! He got the best Christmas decoration of the world!
"Stark!" Everyone shouts.
"Please! This is not about me," he says.
Tony jerks as he wakes up.
Fury is towering over him with a disapproving frown. Everything is back to normal, since it had all been a dream.
"Stark, why are you looking at me like that?" Fury asks, with actual confusion painted in his face.
"I makes total sense!"
"What does?"
"You are my Bobunk Christmas Grinch!"
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fenthyr · 5 years
A complicated world (Bucky x reader) marvel x supernatural *
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Summary: (y/n) lost everyone in the snap. Bucky, Dean and Sam, all of them gone with the snap. After Tony sacrificed his life for everyone else’s and losing one of her best friends Nat, she tries to restart her life. While Bucky and Sam go on a mission (y/n) decides to visit Sam and Dean.
 (y/n) helped the Winchesters on hunts and they became family to her. In 2016 she accidentally stumbled upon a certain avenger, Steve Rogers. She helped them in civil war and took care of Bucky. After she was certain Bucky was in good hands she left and went back to the Winchesters. Some time went by and she got a call from Cap saying that Buck is doing well and that he is awake so she visits him in Wakanda. There she gets the news of a titan wanting to kill half the universe. She stayed with Bucky and while waiting for the titan to approach she fell in love with the one armed man. Thanos came and she lost him in the snap. When she returned to the bunker Dean and Sam were both gone. Nowhere to be found and all their stuff still in the bunker. After searching for a long time she realized they were gone and Castiel only confirmed that. The souls didn’t go to heaven or hell, they were just gone.
5 years went by and (y/n) gets the news that they found a way to reverse the snap. She helped the avengers to gather all the stones. That’s when she lost Nat, she didn’t return with Clint. She gave her life for all those who lost it. Finally the moment is there. Banner snapped his fingers and suddenly the birds start singing. Everything feels back to normal. BAM. Everything goes bright and as quickly the light came it left. She woke up, fought Thanos with the avengers but they could win he was to strong. Then circles of light appeared. People stepped out of it. Armies joining each other to become one great army. (y/n) couldn’t find Bucky in the mass of people and Steve yelled. After fighting for a long time she saw Thanos fighting Tony, Steve and Danvers. Thanos already had the stones and before he could snap his fingers (y/n) grabbed his the gauntlet. He was to strong and threw her aside but her plan worked. Tony had enough time to regain strength and launched at Thanos grabbing to stones. He sacrificed himself and all enemies disappeared. Pepper and Peter ran to Tony. Everyone approached and that’s when she saw him. Finally after 5 long years she finally saw his face again. He hugged her, he face filled with sadness but also hope. Everyone kneeled and when she lifted her head she saw someone standing away from the mourning people and gesturing to her to come to him.
You walked up to the man in a trench coat. He smiled softly but his eyes were also filled with sadness knowing that Tony meant a lot to you, to everyone. You cried even harder remembering Sam and Dean, hoping for good news. “hey, Cas.” “Hi,  (y/n)” he said quietly. “They are fine.” “Are, are they back?” “Yes, they are. I would take you to them but I guess you aren’t done here yet.” He stated looking over my shoulder. I turned my head, looking at Bucky and then at Tony. “ I guess I’m not. I’ll come by when I’m done here.” “ We will take care of him you know, in heaven.” “Thank you Castiel.” You gave him a sad smile and returned to the crowd who were now returning. Steve walking over to Tony and lifting his body from the ground. You walked over to Bucky who almost couldn’t hold his tears back. “He knew Buck, he doesn’t blame you.” “I killed his parents, I never even had the opportunity to say that I’m sorry, that I didn’t mean to.” You laid a hand on his shoulder as a sign for him to stop walking and turn to face you. “He knew it wasn’t you Buck, he knows it wasn’t you.” You hugged him and he returned the gesture, desperate for your warmth an comfort. “I missed you so much.” You whispered to him while the tears rolled down your cheek.
At Tony’s funeral
Everyone was there when the arc reactor was placed in the water. Even Harley was there, a boy who met Tony years ago. It was quiet and the closest to Tony all went inside to watch Tony’s final message to the people he loved. A flutter of wings came from behind you and you looked back seeing Castiel walking over to you. Bucky followed your gaze and saw the celestial being approaching. “I visited him, he’s doing fine. He saw his parent again and everyone else he lost.” Bucky turned his head at the mention of Tony’s parents. “can you tell him that I’m sorry, I never meant to kill the people I killed. I didn’t want him to lose his parents, I didn’t want to kill the man who helped to save my life.” Bucky asked looking at the ground and then to Cas. “I will tell him.”  “Can you talk to his family about how he’s doing so they at least know here he is now?, they are inside.” You gestured to the house and Cas nodded. Steve opened the door when you knocked and gave you a confused look when you entered with the angel. Everyone around the device that had just played the hologram of Tony. They looked at you, confused about the strange man in a trench coat standing next to you. “ hi everyone, this is Castiel. He’s and..” “I’m an angel of the lord.” Everyone looked even more confused. “I came by to tell you than Tony is doing fine. He’s in heaven with his parents.” Castiel explained some more about heaven and Tony and when everyone was on board Pepper asked a question. “ Can you tell him something?” Cas nodded. “Can you tell him that we’re alright and that we miss him?” “I will.” Before Cas could leave a little voice caught our attention. “ can you tell him I love him 3000?” Morgan spoke. “I’ll tell him.” And with a flutter of wings Cas disappeared.
A few weeks later.
Steve brought the infinity stones back and stayed with Peggy to live the life Tony suggested him once. Cap’s shield was given to Sam and he and Bucky now worked together. You all lived in a nice apartment and had a beautiful view. One morning Bucky woke you up by giving you a kiss on your forehead. “hey doll, it’s already 11 am, id didn’t want to wake you but Sam found something and we are going to check It out. We’ll be gone for a few days.” You opened your eyes and looked at him. “well have fun, i’ll be at Sam and Dean’s place, I still haven’t been able to visit them, call me when you need me.” “I will doll.” He kissed you and left. After you showered and packed your stuff you headed for the bunker. It was 3 pm and you decide to eat something because you ate breakfast late. You stopped in a city and searched for a store when you saw 2 very known men in a suit talking to a woman. Who could not recognize the tall long-haired man and the blond brother. You parked your car and walked up to them when the woman left. They turned around and saw you. “hey guys” you say feeling your eyes tearing up. “(y/n)!” they both yelled and grabbed you in a tight hug. “God I missed you guys.” They let you go and you saw their eyes starting to water. “so, what are guys doing here. Another case?” “uhm yeah. Some people disappearing and some of them turning up dead with bite marks.” “So vampires?” “we guess.” “you know where they hide?” “no not yet, hey care to join for old times sake?” “ I would love to join the hunt. It’s been a while since the last time I killed some of those bastards.” “great lest go.”
After a day of research you and the guys go to a bar. “So (y/n), how is it gong with the guy you left us for a few years back?” Sam laughed. “Great actually, he was gone with the snap to so that’s why I didn’t directly came to you guys, he came back and his best friend left and a guy died before he could say sorry to him for doing something terrible that wasn’t even his fault. He went through a lot, I couldn’t just eave him like that.” “don’t worry we get it. But what the hell is this guy’s name you never told us.” Dean yelled playfully and Sam nodded in agreement. “James ‘Bucky’ Barnes. But everybody just calls him Bucky or Buck.” You smile at the thought of him. Wondering how his mission is going. “ You really like him, don’t you.” Sam askes eventually. “Yeah I do he’s awesome.” Is smile even more. “ Yeah well if he ever hurt you, you should know that I will kill him and it wont be a slow death.” Dean said and you all laughed.
After another day you finally got a lead. One of the people you where going to question ran and brought you to the safe place of the creatures. Dean, Sam and yourself got ready and entered the place because they would probably run or attack. it’s quiet and dark, they know we are here. All of the sudden 3 of them appeared but their eyes were snake like, not something a vampire has. “not vampires but vetala’s I yell as they attack. I quickly grab my silver knife and start to fight the monster that attacked me. I manage to stab it in the heart and twist my knife. The brother also manage to kill their attacker and Sam helps Dean stand up. “I totally forgot about those son of a bitches.” Dean grumbled. We slowly march forward and see a few hallways. “Let’s split to cover more ground.” I suggested and they agreed. I entered a room and started to look around for secret hiding spots or anything else. There is another door and I open it up. more vetala’s attack and I fight them off.
Dean entered the back room and stumbled upon some vetala’s. he started fighting but they were to strong. Suddenly he hears a window crashing and gunshots appear. Some of the vetala’s follow the sound and Dean was able to fight the remaining ones. When he entered the room with gunshots he sees a man with a beard and long brown hair trying to fight the creatures of. “Hey, stab them in the heart with this and twist 1 time.” He yelled and threw a spare silver knife at the strange man. They both fight the monsters until they are all death. Then they hear a scream.
Back to reader
They are to strong and only more of them appear. Sam already came to your aid but was dealing with some vetala’s himself now. The unknown man appears first and runs up to the vetala’s attacking you. He throws them off of you. You stab one of the creatures and twist. A grunt was heard beside you and then you recognized the man who just saved you. ‘Bucky?’ He was on the ground, a vetala burying his nails in his shoulder and back. You kill the creature and push him off of Bucky. “Bucky, you okey? What are you doing here?” you ask him while helping him up. “the mission want faster then expected so I tracked your phone to surprise you.” He grumbled. He had a big claw wound on his back and was also bleeding from his shoulder. “I heard fighting and came in to help.” Dean and Sam stood behind you. “so this is the famous Bucky we heard so much about?” Sam said with a smile on his face. “you know after seeing you attack some creature you didn’t even know existed just to help our little peanut here, I think I kind of like you.” Dean stated also smiling. “yeah well I would do anything for my doll.” Bucky noted in a low voice while looking at you. “come on let’s get you to the motel and patch you up.”
We arrived at the motel and Dean and Sam could stop asking questions about Bucky and the avengers. While entering the room Dean had another question. “So wait every avenger has some kind of ability like Thor is a god an (y/n) had special training but what is yours?” Meanwhile Bucky sat himself down with a grunt and took his jacket, gloves and long sleeved shirt off so I could take care of the wound. “ow that’s awesome dude.” Dean yelled as soon as he saw the metal arm. Bucky chuckled and flinched when I disinfected the wound. “How did you get that?” Dean was amazed by the arm while Sam was interested but didn’t show it to much, listening to the conversation while grabbing some supplies to take care of his own wounds. Bucky explained the whole story about HYDRA capturing him, escaping and his time in Wakanda. “and that leads to now.” A flutter of wings was heard and Cas appeared in the room. He saw Bucky’s back and walked over, healing him. “ if I knew you were coming I wouldn’t have wasted half of the stitches.” You laughed while Bucky just looked shocked. “How did you do that.” “I have healing powers, the wounds would have taken days to heal, even with your fast healing.” Cas stated but Bucky just looked confused. “What are you doing here Cas? Is something wrong?” Sam asks “I found out that some demons are acting out. I wanted to ask you guys if you would want to go and make sure they are dealt with.” “sure but it’s 2 am can we catch some sleep first?” “Call me when your awake.” And with that he was gone. “So demons, those exist?” “yeah, there is a lot you don’t know yet buddy.” “We’ll tell you all about it tomorrow but for now I need to take a nap and dream about some delicious pie.” You laughed and left Sam and Deans room and went to your own. You and Bucky laid down in your bed and Bucky hugged you from behind. “this world only gets more and more complicated with the minute.” “it does.” You chuckled.
Buck started to massage your stomach and his hand crept lower and lower. He kissed your neck. “ you know,” kiss “ We are in a motel.” Kiss “ and  no one is here to disturb us.” kiss his voice went lower and his breathing heavier. His hand crept lower and under you underwear. He pulled you closer to him and you could feel his member pressing against you ass. You moaned at the touch and he started to grind against your ass. His fingers still going lower and eventually playing with your clit before sliding a finger inside you. You opened your hips a little so it was easier for him to touch you. Moans escaped yours and Bucky’s mouth. “Fuck I missed you.” “I missed you to.” You moan while sliding your hand behind you and rubbing his member through his pants.  He moaned and you took this opportunity to turn around and straddled his hips. Bucky groaned at the feeling and placed his hands under your shirt. You took it off and started at his pants. soon you were both in only your underwear and you started to grind against Bucky. He sat up and captured your lips with his moaning into it. You broke the kiss and started kissing along his neck pushing him back onto the bed. You went lower and kissed his torso until you reached his boxers. You slowly slipped them of and let his hard member free. You started pumping him while keeping eye contact. Bucky was a moaning mess under your touch and you take him in your mouth. Taking him until he hit the back of your throat and pumped the rest you couldn’t fit in. swirling your tongue around his member and giving extra attention to the tip. Soon he started thrusting his hips into your mouth. “aah, aah, shit, you feel so good, uh. Fuck I’m mhg I’m gonna cum.” You stopped your motions and he grunts at the los of contact. “Not yet baby” you kissed his lips and took your panties and bra off. Bucky sat back up and started to attack your breasts. Taking a nipple in his mouth and the other between his fingers. You moaned at the touch. “shit, I need you inside me Bucky.” “ then take me.” You grabbed his member and lead it to your entrance. Both of you moaned while you took him in and after adjusting to his large size you started rolling your hips. “Fuck you’re so tight aah.” Bucky then attacked your neck and kissed every single spot and leaves your sweet spot for last. He starts kissing, sucking and biting it. he rolled you ever so you were on your back and started thrusting into you in a loving but hard pace. “Fuck I won’t last long. Tell me your coming.” “Yes almost. Aah fuck bucky you feel so good.” He buries his head in the croock of your neck and starts slamming into you in a faster pace. “aah Bucky faster, please.” And so he does. His rhythm become sloppy as you feel your own high approaching. “I’m gonna cum.” “so am I doll.” He slams into you and you came hard on his cock. A few more thrust and he came too. He rides out his high and slowly pulls out. Both of you out of breath and he walks to the bathroom and comes back with a washcloth to clean you. He lays down next to you and you lay your head on his chest. he kisses your forehead. “I love you doll.” “ I love you too, Buck.” And like that you fall asleep.
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just-jordie-things · 6 years
Troubled Times - Peter Parker
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word count: 1675 warnings: trauma request: hi!! wondering if I could request a peter fic? where the reader is having a really hard time after iw, but so is peter, so she feels like she can’t tell him. and then one day he finds out somehow about how bad it’s been for her, like really bad nightmares and no sleep and anxiety and being sad and stuff, and she confesses? 💓💓💓
[ a new day dawning comes without warning, so don’t blink twice / we live in troubled times ]
(y/n) tried the best to rub the sleep out of her eyes as she padded her way into the kitchen of the Avenger’s Facility.  Another night filled with nightmares kept her from sleeping through it completely, without waking up every other hour shaking and in tears.
After the war, she started having horrible night terrors, making it impossible to move on from what happened.  Losing her friends, her family, the Avengers, Peter, she was tormented by it all.  It haunted her.
But the sick joke was that even when they all came back, she was still grieving.
“Goodmorning (y/n),” Stephen Strange said as he casually walked into the room, preparing a pot of coffee with his magic, somehow.  She wasn’t sure when he started living at the facility, sometime after everyone came back.  Nowadays she saw a lot of faces she didn’t exactly recognize.  “Would you like a cup?” He asked politely, ready to get out a second mug for her.
“No, thank you” (y/n) shook her head, knowing that no matter how much caffeine she drank, she’d never be fully awake and aware of her surroundings.
“Are you feeling alright?” Strange asked, sensing her spaced out personna.
“Yeah” She answered, but he didn’t quite believe her, and made a mental note to talk to Tony, and probably the Spider Boy too, since they seemed so close.  He looked at her skeptically, but she didn’t even seem to notice.
“(y/n)?” He questioned, realizing she’d completely zoned out, just standing there.
“Hm?” She hummed, looking up at him, trying her best maintaining eye contact, but every time she looked at him, all she could see was him disappearing into dust, and it made her think of Peter leaving her in the same way.  Her chest began to heave, and she could tell that Doctor Strange was speaking, but she couldn’t comprehend a word he was saying.  Eventually the vision in her head became so vivid she had to leave, and bolted out of the room.  
“What- (y/n)!” Stephen called aloud, abandoning his coffee to find where she’d sprinted off to, but she was already lost in the maze of corridors.
She ran so quickly, trying to escape the memory, but it didn’t work, it stayed in the front of her mind, practically blinding her vision like a replaying movie.  She was running out of breath, and her energy certainly wouldn’t last long, since she hadn’t slept or eaten any solid meals in days.  Or maybe it was weeks.
“(y/n)?” A familiar voice questioned, before she was grabbed by the arms and brought to a halt.  The girl blinked until she got her vision back, and recognized Peter instantly.
It was Peter.
She was alright.
Peter was safe.
“Peter,” She cried out, grabbing him by the collar and planting her face in his chest, tears began to trek down her face as she held him tighter and tighter.  Peter was taken aback, releasing her arms to embrace her closely, his hands massaging her back as he pressed featherlight kisses over the crown of her head.
The girl’s knees gave out, and he found himself following her to the floor, in the middle of the hall of dormitories.  He stayed holding her, pulling her close anytime her sobbing caused her to slip out of his grasp.
“Hey, hey, look at me,” He prompted softly, leaning back and lifting her chin so that she could.  “What’s got you like this? What’s going on?” He was completely surprised by the way she was acting, he’d never seen her so distraught, even right after the war, she kept a blank face or a smile anytime she was around him.
“I-I-I-” She stuttered as her jaw was shaking from her hard crying.  “I tried- I swear Pete I tried”
“Tried what honey?” He asked lovingly, staring at her in worry.  He wiped at her tears, drying her cheeks as best he could.
“I tried to be strong,” She mumbled brokenly.  “I tried to be strong for you, but I just can’t, I can’t do it, I can’t do it anymore” She began to cry again, and again Peter tugged her against him, kissing her cheek and shutting his eyes as she bawled on his shoulder.
“You don’t have to be strong for me, (y/n/n),” He whispered into her ear.  “You don’t have to be strong for anybody, only yourself, and even then, you decide,” He assured her, kissing her cheek again.  She sniffled and her voice cracked as she spoke again.
“I missed you, so much,” She whimpered, wiping at her own eyes now, trying her best to stop crying so she could talk to him normally.  “I-I’ve just… I still miss you, sometimes it’s like you’re not even here, and I’m still stuck alone and-and missing you” She wiped her eyes again before the tears could fall.
“I missed you too, sweetheart” He cooed, giving her a smile as he cupped her face in his hands.  “You have no idea how long it felt, being away from you,” He admitted.  And (y/n) let out a bitter chuckle.
“Yeah, I think I do” She responded, and he laughed at her twisted sense of humor.  Clearly she’d spent too much time around Stephen and Tony, being this sarcastic after just breaking down.  “I haven’t been sleeping,” She told him in a quieter voice.
“What do you mean you haven’t been sleeping?” Peter asked, instantly getting protective.  “For how long?”
“Since the war,” (y/n) slumped her shoulders.  “I can never stay asleep, too many nightmares, bad memories” Peter frowned.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked sadly, and she gave him a look.  “To be strong?” He questioned, and she nodded.  “(y/n)...” He sighed, thumbs stroking against her cheekbones.  “Promise you’ll start telling me these things?”
“Yes,” She whispered shakily.  “I promise”
“Come on,” He drew her forward by her hands, and helped her up from the floor.  “We’re going back to bed”
“Right now?” She asked him as he lead her to his room.
“Yes, you need sleep, I need time with you, it’s a win-win” He answered.
(y/n) smiled, actually smiled, for the first time in a while.  She held onto his hand securely as he unlocked the door with the keypad, and shut and locked it behind hi after they entered.  She never wanted to let go.
“Peter,” She murmured, causing him to turn around.  She finally let go of his hand, smiling a soft smile as she stepped towards him, her hands cupping his jaw and pulling him down to her height to kiss him.
Peter sighed, his arms wrapping around her torso, pulling her close and kissing her back tenderly but passionately.
They hadn’t kissed since before the war.
It was nice, like coming back home after a long trip.
(y/n) let out a shaky breath when they parted, her eyes remaining closed for a moment.  But Peter couldn’t look at her fast enough.
“I’ve sure missed that,” She breathed out, and Peter smiled at her, not saying anything, not moving, just waiting for her to look up at him.  When she finally did, she smiled right back at him.  “I love you, Peter Parker” She whispered.  She hadn’t said it in what felt like months, and it made her heart both swell and ache.
“I love you too, (y/n) (y/l/n)” Peter responded without missing a beat.  He leaned down, hesitantly kissing her again, before taking her hand and bringing her to bed.
She crawled into his warm blankets, only to turn around when he got in with her, snuggling right into chest on instinct.  It made her smile as she thought of one of the first nights they spent together.
“Do you remember the first time I stayed here with you?” (y/n) asked, recalling the memory fondly.  For once, her mind was plagued with the fear of losing him.  But instead, the happiness of her time spent with him.  Peter chuckled as he remembered.
“Yeah, of course I do,” He said.  “We’d been up so late… and I was so nervous to ask you to stay the night,” He shook his head as a blush covered his cheeks, he could barely get the question out at the time.  (y/n) smiled into his chest, she’d loved how anxious he was.
“Yeah,” She sighed.  “It was adorable”
“It was embarrassing,” Peter refuted.  “I’d never been so nervous in my entire life,” (y/n) began to giggle softly against him, and he waited for her to finish.  “Are you done? Really? Laughing at my embarrassment?” She smiled innocently, and he couldn’t help but smile back down at her.  “I remember perfectly though,” He said, beginning to comb his fingers through her hair.  “Because you just cuddled right up to me, you didn’t care at all”
“I was more than happy to spend the night with you, Parker” She told him.
“Okay, well I was nervous, okay?” Peter stated.  “Not that you were, you just- well what you’re doing now” He said, gesturing to her arms folded against his chest, playing with the strings of his sweatshirt.
“Are you trying to refer to cuddling?” She asked, smiling sleepily and shaking with laughter, but the sound was quiet.
“You know what I mean,” Peter mumbled,pulling a blanket up around them.  “(y/n),” He murmured, and she hummed in answer.  “Will you stay the night with me?”
“It’s pretty early in the morning,” She whispered back.  “But I’d love to”
“Good,” Peter smiled, wrapping his arms around the girl and tugging her in closer to keep warm with her body heat.  “I love you so much, baby”
It was a pet name he rarely used, but it made her cheeks heat up and her heart beat faster in her chest.
“I love you too, Spider-Man” She mumbled back.
taglist: @writings-and-stuff @rofromtheashes @tomshufflepuff @steve-avengers-rogers @vibhati123
xoxo ~ jordie
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