#i have an extremely fucking time sensitive room. i fucking missed it last week and im gonna miss it again bc im literally supposed to start
nomaishuttle · 11 months
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gif by @corvidcrossbow
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Vamp!Daryl has rotted not only my brain but the community. I am not sorry at all for the plague I'm spreading and I hope that it only gets worse.
So I've been doing some research on it, and I really like the idea of mixing the Blade universe w TWD, I did some more research on the different types of vampires (its kind of a lot so if you want you can go read abt them here!) To basically summarize, there's people, daywalkers (half vamp-people), walkers, full vampires, and then Revenants (half-walker half vampire, basically just another way to die)
This also makes it easier for whenever Scud becomes my next vampy victim
also I am working on reqs yes I am, I have one scud fic that is dirty and nasty and should be getting posted soon. also I may not be on tumblr as much as I used to be because GUYS I am now employed yes that's right I got off my computer, went outside, interacted with people, and got a job #gangshit
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It had been over a week since Daryl had eaten, and over two since he had left to go out on the community's monthly supply run.
As he stumbled through the opening gates, he felt like he had been through a war. His body was wracked with exhaustion, weakness, and hunger. The air was thick with the strong scent of blood, and he couldn't keep himself from groaning painfully when he was bombarded by Carol and Rick asking where he had been, what had taken so long, and if he was alright.
“No! M’not alright dammit” He barked at them in frustration after being asked for the third time if he was alright, his voice laced with irritation and discomfort. Carol couldn't help but notice his pale and clammy appearance.
Her forehead creased into a frown as she tightly pursed her lips, giving Daryl a scolding look that made him uneasy. With a tone of concern, she asked, "I'm worried. When was the last you fed?"
The man's face twisted in discomfort as Rick and Carol stood in his space. He scoffed and muttered, "Not recently, m'fuckin' starvin'" The longer he stayed, the more his head spun and his vision blurred, causing the corners of his eyes to fade into a deep red color. His stomach churned uncomfortably, and he could feel his teeth starting to ache.
Rick observed Daryl's malnourished skin, staring at how he was almost transparent. His eyes were screwed shut as the sun harshly burned his sensitive orbs, and he was gripping the strap of his crossbow so hard that his fingers were starting to turn red.
"You should go see Y/n," Rick said, eyes fixed on his friend. "She should be back home and she's been asking about you. I think she misses you." Daryl's body tensed at the sound of your name, and a sudden chill ran down his spine, causing goosebumps to rise on his arms. He tried to hide his reaction, but Rick's sharp eyes didn't miss a thing.
Daryl's head drooped weakly as he could only manage a feeble nod. Rick and Carol had stepped off to the side for him, offering their silent support. Carol placed her hand gently on his shoulder, her grey hair falling across her face as she did so. Rick, with his stern expression, gave Daryl a look that he knew meant there was no room for argument.
His senses were already heightened to an extreme level, almost at an overload as the sun was abnormally bright, blazing down on him with a blinding intensity, making it difficult for him to even keep his eyes open. He could feel the heat searing his skin, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead and trickle down his face. He noticed the way that his vest rubbed uncomfortably against him, the fabric clinging to his skin and making him feel sticky and irritable. His already aching teeth began to grind down against each other, and he could feel his razor-sharp fangs digging into the tender skin of his bottom lip, further fueling his pure discomfort.
Each step he took in the direction of your house was tiring and heavy, his dirty, muddy boots slapping against the ground as he dragged himself through the streets, promptly ignoring any strangle or judgy looks that were thrown his way. He didn't have the time, let alone the strength to even bother paying them any mind. His stomach churned as his overwhelmed nose couldn't help but pick up the sickeningly sweet smell of blood.
It forced him to quicken his pace, trying to get just as far away from the public eye as he possible could. He didn't want to be looked at, didn't want to be stared at. He just wanted to get inside as soon as fucking possible and just tear off all his goddamn clothes. A ping of hope struck through him when he could see your familiar house only a short distance down the road, having to hold himself back from flat-out sprinting the rest of the way there.
Though it was only about a thirty-second walk, it had been the longest in his whole entire life, and walking up the small steps of your porch was like something out of a nightmare. He could disgustingly feel the material change in flooring when he stepped off the pavement and onto the creaky wood, the sound grating against his now way too-sensitive ears. Dear god, would someone fucking help him already?
Of course, as if on cue, the red front door to your house swung open, but instead of being met with a friendly face, he was met with the barrel of your gun.
"Daryl?" You questioned as you lowered the weapon slightly, a smile stretching across your lips once you had confirmed who was standing and dicking around on your porch. "Daryl!" You fully dropped your defensive position, stuffing the weapon in the band of your pants as you prepared to throw yourself at the man, halting when you finally took in his ruined appearance.
His breathing was labored, and it was hard to keep himself upright on his own two legs, forcing him to lean against the wall by the door. "Hey doll"
You scoffed at him in disbelief, "Don't you dare even "hey doll" me, mister! What the hell happened to you? Get in here right now" Grabbing the front of his vest and pulling his heavy body inside, Daryl groaning as each movement caused pain to his body, slumping against the door when you slammed it shut.
He couldn't be happier when he felt you prying the buttons of his stupidly itchy vest off, him shrugging it off as well as his crossbow, clattering down on the floor and probably chipping the metal further.
"Jesus Daryl, you look fucking terrible. Did you feed on anything at all out there?" You purse your lips as you analyze and checked his unnaturally pale chest, letting out a surprised hiss at the burn lingering on your fingers tips from where you had brushed them against the skin of his shoulder
Daryl groaned as you directed him to sit on the couch, the short steps from the front door already leaving him utterly winded, almost dripping in sweat as he wheezed each breath of air.
“‘Wasn’t much… ‘wasn’t much out there” He spoke breathlessly, head spinning and his stomach loudly churning when you stood in front of him.
When you extended a hand out to cup his face, he tightly gripped your wrist with a shaky hand. “Don’. Please don’” He didn’t want to feed from you, not like this, not in a state where he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t absolutely drain you.
“Daryl” You whispered softly, frowning slightly as you started taking your shirt off, and he wanted to scream at your stubbornness.
You straddled his lap and gently brushed the hair sticking to his forehead off, his blue eyes starting to tint red as the smell of your blood was strong, right in his face. “I don’ wanna”
“I know you don’t sweetheart, but you’ll die. What am I gonna do if you die?” You cupped his face, forcing his gaze onto yours. He whimpered slightly at your touch, his whole body sensitive and reactive.
Daryl shivered when you combed fingers through his hair, hands curling around your hips when you directed his head to your neck. “I trust you, more than I even trust myself” You whispered soothingly into his ear, and he almost wanted to cry.
He could smell the blood coursing through you like it was a burning candle, and his mouth was uncontrollably watering. His fangs were sharp and heavy, aching with the need to sink into your skin, which is exactly what he did, groaning against you at the first drops of blood, not wasting against another second before he was greedily taking mouthfuls.
It was so good, so warm and fresh, sweet and bitter. Daryl had drank lots of blood before, and yours was easily his favorite. He craved it during his time out there, not just because there was a serious lack in wild animals, but because it was addictive.
He squeezed your hips, soft and pillowy in his buzzing palms as he could feel himself starting to get hard in his pants, the more blood he swallowed the more drunk he got.
It made you feel good to watch his natural tan color fade back, his scarred back no longer a ghastly pale. You ran your fingers through his hair, occasionally curling your fingers and gripping the dark locks to grind down against his now-straining cock.
Daryl made soft, small sounds as he fed, each roll of your hips making each gulp of your blood taste so much better. His senses were at an all-time high, overwhelmed and at an absolute edge. He couldn’t help the way his hands pressed you down on his cock, hips desperately jerking against you as he could feel himself getting closer and closer, his head spinning in a blood lust haze.
He was so close, so very fucking close. His sharp claws had made themselves known, and you jolted when they painfully curled into your flesh, hips sputtering and slightly faltering in their movements. Daryl had no problem picking up the slack, almost fucking you right through his pants from how hard he was rutting up into you.
It was just all so much, his whole body on fire with pure arousal as he sighed around a final mouthful of crimson, trembling from his core as his orgasm washed over him, pressing your clothed cunt against him as hard as he could, making his already fuzzy mind draw a complete blank, a loud groan tearing from his throat that caused his fangs to slip out from where he had punctured the skin and drop his head against your shoulder, whimpering softly as he held you down.
You scratched his scalp comfortingly, feeling a little woozy from the amount of blood he had taken. He hummed against you as he started to come down from not only the high of his orgasm but bubbly buzz from his feast.
“Feel better?” You asked in a quiet, sleepy voice when Daryl’s tongue cleaned the drops of blood that had leaked from the small wounds, coating the area in his saliva so that it could heal.
He nodded as peppered you in appreciative and apologetic kisses, pulling you flush against his bare chest by wrapping his arms around your back, claws retracted and replaced with blunt nails. “M’sorry fer hurtin’, ya”
“Instead, you should be sorry for not feeding yourself, mister” You said as you shook your head, pinching his side as you got a bit upset again. “You know it scares me shitless when you do that”
“I know, I know. M’sorry for tha’ too” Daryl grumbled, feeling fatigued as well now that his tummy was full and satiated. His body was still weak and needed rest, now yours did as well considering he had taken a lot more than usual. “I’ll make it up to ya’” He said as he pushed himself up off the couch, grunting as it was a lot harder with tired muscles and one hand keeping his woman wrapped around him, adding a second once he was finally standing.
You giggled at that, arms hooked around his neck. “And just how will you do that?”
“Got a real good idea” Daryl smirked, hoisting you up as he ascended up the stairs to your shared bedroom, hungry for something else that was much better than blood.
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I started writing this a few days ago I think this is the quickest I've written something
Vamp!Daryl is an absolute need. I'm loving every single post I see of him and I love watching the disease spread faster than fucking covid I jump for joy when I see someone I don't even know talking abt him is this what fame feels like is this what its like to be famous am I fucking famous
yes you do want more of this so go read more
Bloodthirsty @dixons-sunshine
Bite me @mydearestdaryl
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chereus · 6 months
Save a Horse, ride a cowboy | JJ. Maybank
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Summary; Reader gets back from a trip to the mainlands and just wants to make sweet sweet love to her boyfriend.
Pairings; JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Warnings; Somnophilia!!, DUBCON!!, pegging, slight mommy kink, best friends sister, usage of a v!brator, (kinda) established secret relationship, P IN V contact with no protection *I’M UNWELL, OK.*, very minimal editing —lemme know if I missed any please!
Cherries Notes; y’all. What in the hell is this? I just imagine John B waking up to absolutely violent moaning and thinking, “what the fuck?” Because honestly, he’s not wrong.
Cherries Notes PT2; don’t bully me ok, this work is literally from months ago. I barley recognize my own writing.
Word count; 2.1k
JJ has been extremely horny all this past week. To the point where he could just think about his girlfriend and get hard. Unfortunately she was on a trip to the mainlands with her friends. It was extremely frustrating to not be able to talk to his best friend about his girl troubles considering this girl in particular was his sister.
Ever since their dad got lost at sea John B became her father figure and would absolutely flip if he found out that they were together. JJ wasn’t too concerned about it since he knew that even though John B would be absolutely furious in the beginning, there’s no way he could stay mad at his lifelong best friend and someone he considered to be his brother.
So here he laid, in the humid dark room of the chateau thinking of how he was going to nail his little sister when she got back. In this very room. He was thinking about how first he’d teasingly kiss her plump lips and wrap his hand delicately around her throat as their tongues messily tangled together. About every time she’s pull back for air he’d smile into her kiss and pull her back in further.
About how he would move his hands up and down her body in a way they both know only he could do to her. About how he’d smush their entangled bodies together by the widest part of her hips. About how he’d fall back on the bed and take her with him by her thighs and have her straddle him. And most of all he was thinking about how much he missed her.
How while he explicitly missed her touch and deep romantic kisses and the hidden desire in her eyes he also missed the way she’d snort when she laughed. Or when she got angry and she’d pout. Or when she would take care of him when he she knew he had a bad day. Or when she knew he just needed comfort.
The thought of her not coming back was sending JJ into a mindset that he wasn’t equipped to deal with when she wasn’t here, ironically enough. So he decided that going to sleep would be the best option right now.
It was the wee hours of the morning by the time that you got back to find JJ curled up in your bed sleeping. You smiled softly and thought about how last week before your trip you had talked about wake up sex. JJ was more than happy to indulge in that fantasy. In fact he more than begged and pleaded for you to start the gracious level of kinky shit you guys were into right away. You had slept the entire car ride home so you were energized just enough to mount your boyfriend like a horse and ride him into the sunrise.
You knew how heavy of a sleeper JJ was so there was no need to be extremely quiet. You did however take caution in the fact that he looked harder than a rock and hadn’t been touched by anyone other than himself in a a little over a week so he’d be extremely sensitive when you tried to touch him. You knew exactly what the man liked. And what he liked was to not be in control all the time. He absolutely adored when you’d boss him around in bed. And even more so he enjoyed being the brat everyone knew he was. You had been teasing him on the phone all week just getting him riled up so you could go for hours when you got back.
Setting your bags in her closet you pull out a medium sized black box with all of your favorite sexual related things. You scan the box looking for four bundles of rope and your strap on harness. Deciding to be nice you take out your and JJ’s favorite attachment. An 7 inch long duel ended vibrating dildo. You love it because fits perfectly snug inside you while you giving the best performance of your life.
As you move to tie JJ to the bed you could help but smile at the sight of him cuddling the pillow in place of you. Continuing with the task at hand you slowly remove the pillow from JJ’s death grip. He turns and groans at this action which you find equally as cute. Even in his sleeping form he always has to be touching you in some way. When you successfully get both of his wrists tied to the headboard you move on to his ankles. You notice how he’s starting to stir a little from his restricted movement so you take that as a sign to move faster.
A few minutes later you have successfully tied your boyfriend to the bed and we’re beginning to quickly strip your clothes off. The quicker you went the hornier you got. JJ always slept practically naked anyways. It seemed that his horniness got the best of him tonight and he was completely naked. But usually anything short of just his boxers was too hot. You definitely didn’t complain. Easy access.
As you moved to approach the bed you stopped by your nightstand and grabbed the bottle of lube that occupied the tight space of the upper drawer. Also easy access.
Crawling over JJ you sat directly in the middle of his thighs so when he woke up he would see you pounding into him. Luckily you’d tied his legs far enough apart that you didn’t have to worry about wiggle room as there was plenty.
You started by kissing his hip bones and then working your way up his perfectly chiseled abs kissing one after the other. He softly moaned in his sleep from your feathery kisses. Once you made your way up through his stomach and chest you quietly nudged your face with his, brushing your lips over his own. He groaned with the sudden attention not wanting it to stop. You quietly pulled away and sat down on your calves. Lubing up the toy adequately and lubing the rim of his anus. His cock twitched and he deeply groaned at the cool sensation.
Lining up the toy and his delicate hole you slowly start to push in. JJ let’s out a loud moan and his eyes shoot open. You ignore him and speed up gently. Your thrusts were beginning to get deeper and JJ is still half asleep moaning his heart out.
“What the fu—” he groggily starts but the words soon die on his lips as you thrust a particularly rough thrust. You lean forward and kiss him on the lips and mutter an ‘I love you’.
As your thrusts begin to get deeper and faster the other end that had currently resided up your vagina begins to hit every nook and cranny of your vaginal cavity. You couldn’t hold the moan that was brewing in your throat and certainly not when you heard JJ mutter “harder”, along with a strangled moan.
The deeper he moaned the harder you went. At some point you remembered that this toy had a remote that made it vibrate and you took full advantage of that. Grabbing the remote from the right side of the bed you don’t hesitate in quickly cranking it up.
You could tell that JJ was doing more than stellar as he couldn’t even form complete sentences out of pure pleasure. This created a massive grin to spread across your face in euphoria. JJ was right, you should’ve done this so much sooner.
As you thrusted in the deepest, most sensitive parts of your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but just put your hands anywhere and everywhere. JJ seemed to appreciate the warmth of your petite hands as your nails dug into him wherever they could find a spot. He was getting close you could tell by the slight arch in his back and the furrow of his brows. One last time your hands slid down his inner thighs scraping with your nails before you gently grabbed his swollen cock.
As you started to rub up and down JJ’s face twisted in fiery bliss. He was so close but so far. Watching him get absolutely demolished by something he did to you on a weekly basis had something deep in you stirring. As you came up on your high you started to rub harder and faster on him. His moans were unrecognizable at this point. You’d never heard him make those sounds before. They were deep and husk like. It would’ve sent you over the edge if you weren’t so focused on giving your boyfriend the time of his life.
One sharp trust later and JJ was spurring hot cum all over your hand and his stomach. Before your you removed your hand from his sensitive member and lifted it to your mouth and licked it all up you made sure to turn the vibrator on low as to not cause too much overstimulation. He attentively watched you preform all your actions as he was sure to get hard again after not having a proper orgasm in over a week.
His eyes widened as you resumed your thrust. “W-what are you doing?” He finally spoke.
“Good morning sunshine. How’d you sleep?” You menacingly taunted. If he wasn’t too fucked out to come up with a response he’d demand that you untie him immediately and let him maul you like a bear.
He whined as your slow speed made him feel like he was about to explode. You just laughed in his face as he would do to you.
“Baby, you wanna make mommy feel good don’t you? Hmm?” You asked reaching down to kiss him everywhere but the lips.
His submissive side was showing and you couldn’t savor enough of it. He mumbled a quiet, “yes.” That made your heart clench in awe.
You were careful not to cause too much overstimulation for him as it made him physically uncomfortable but just enough for you both to start sweating like bitches in heat.
You cranked the volume back up to full speed and everything was buzzing. Your head flew back in pleasure. You wanted, no needed JJ to be touching you. You rested deep inside of him while you untied his arms from the bed frame.
“Touch me JJ I need to feel your hands on me.” You eagerly demanded. JJ wasted no time in pulling you down to his level and kissing you like his life depended on it.
Your thrusts became sloppy at this angle so JJ hoisted you in place so the vibrator inside you was hitting directly the right spots. Your kisses mended with his to insure that neither of you knew who was breathing who’s air. Your hands hadn’t left JJ’s hips since your turn to finish and it was driving him crazy.
Just before you tipped over the edge JJ lifts up his head and says, “fuck, your so gorgeous.” And you were sent spiraling and cursing as your thrusts almost completely stopped and you realized JJ had came again without you even touching him or even acknowledging that he was there other than for your pleasure the second round.
You quickly shut all the vibrating devices off and removed your strap on. The thin layer of sweat covering your entire body was enough to make you chuckle at what just happened.
“I don’t think I give you enough credit J, that’s a lot harder than it looks.” You say lifting yourself from the bed.
“Yeah, well, I don’t wanna take all the credit,” he sarcastically murmured from his same spot as you untied his ankles.
“Oh ya, come on. Let’s go get you cleaned up.” You said dragging him from his middle of the bed antics.
When he finally tried to stand up from the side of the bed he immediately sat back down with widened eyes, “I don’t think I give you enough credit y/n, that’s a lot harder than it looks.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t wanna take all the credit,” you laughed back helping him up.
As you were cleaning each other up and washing each other in the shower he bent down and gave you a long slow kiss and clearly said, “I love you more.” With a smile on his face.
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icedmatchatae · 2 years
No Kisses | KTH Chapter VII: Let's Confess!??
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Pairing: Captain of the Football Team fuckboi Taehyung x Class President goody two shoes Reader
Genre: FWB AU-ish, enemies to frienemies? with benefits to lovers, smut, fluff, angst?? I guess
Summary: It's championship week! The most anticipated week of the school year; however, leading up to the events, you and your council must collaborate with the football team to promote school spirit and pride. Unfortunately, you're forced to work with your number one enemy, Football team captain and fuck boy, Kim Taehyung, known for having a mysterious "no kisses" rule.
Chapter VII: Let's Confess!?? || Series Masterlist
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“Tae!!” You giggled as he attacked your neck with kisses. He laid behind you on the freshly clean couch, spooning your body while trying to finish last night’s movie since you were…interrupted.
Since you both slept through the morning, you spent the afternoon in each other’s company. You cooked a meal for you and him while he found your washer and dryer, washing his dirtied clothes. He also cleaned your cum-stained couch, which you were extremely grateful for.
You only had on an oversized t-shirt and fresh underwear. While waiting for his clothes, he didn’t bother having anything on. Although his bareness was a God-giving sight, you didn’t want his dick dangling around distracting you…it would lead to things you were still sore from.
You handed him a pair of Jimin’s old joggers. They were a bit short on the legs, but hey, it covered his unmentionables. However, the little shit dared to hang them so low you found his shaved happy trail. You couldn’t help but peak from time to time until he teased you about it.
His teasing would have you snap back like a grumpy gremlin, but you could only pout and scrunch your nose. He mocked your expression. Irritated, you pushed him away and wanted to be alone, but he didn’t let you. 
He chased after and grabbed you by the waist, lifting you up in the air before placing you down on your couch. He smooched wet kisses on your face and finally onto your addicting lips before apologizing. 
The both of you felt an unspoken shift. You felt lighter seeing him and vice versa, almost happy and in l***. You enjoyed every minute together, the craving, the taste, the sweet sick scent of longing idiots. It didn’t help that the first sight you woke to was him eating you out like your pussy was a God damn breakfast buffet.
He had to change the sheets again.
You weren’t getting anywhere with this movie, so you called it quits and exited from the streaming account. You turned towards the cheeky captain, facing him with your noses touching.
“Baby, why’d you stop the movie?” He questioned innocently, but his tone was anything but.
“We’re never gonna see Boo finally get into her room if you keep kissing me!”
“Then we never will.” He shrugged. Moving closer, his lips reached yours, wanting your sweet taste on him. He loved kissing you, will never get enough. He felt you kissing back, smiling into your mouth.
He nearly came right then and there when you swiped your tongue on his mouth for permission. You never initiated anything with him, but there’s always a first for something. 
Once he accepted, your tongues collided and suckled, creating wet sounds throughout the living room. Your bodies shifted, letting you go on top of him. You felt him hardening under you, feeling more of him since you only had panties on. Rotating your hips, he groaned deeply, biting your lower lip and sucking onto it. He slapped your ass cheek, then massaged the muscle. You were sensitive, but it didn’t hurt to tease him.
But you thought wrong.
But before he could do anything, ringing resonated in the vicinity. You both turned to your coffee table, spotting Taehyung’s phone going off. It was Jimin calling. You glanced at him, then back to the device, suddenly feeling queasy about the thought of your cousin. Did he know what was going on? How would he feel?
The call quickly ended, revealing a bunch of missed calls and text messages from various people. But you couldn’t fully see it as Jimin called again and Taehyung suckled on your neck.
“Tae, aren’t you gonna get that?” You pushed away, sitting on his pelvic. “It’s Jimin.”
With the look in your eyes, you weren’t taking no for an answer. He sighed before lifting himself up. You shifted apart, but he tugged you to sit on his lap as he reached for his phone. You, on the other hand, went for the remote to resume the movie. 
The ringing ended, but since your cousin was fucking adamant, his annoying ass face popped up on the screen. He accepted it and didn’t bother to greet as Jimin said, “And he’s alive! Jesus fucking Christ, Tae, I’ve been calling you since last night. You dipped out of nowhere. Yeonjun and Seokjin told me you just left! Might I also mention you were fucking drunk and unaware of your surroundings! Are you okay, my wonderful, stupid-ass best friend?”
“I’m fine, you miniature Bratz doll.” He puffed, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“I was nervous for you, my God! I thought something happened, and I wanted to call the police or hospital—”
“I’m fine. Damn, you’re more anxious than my parents.” He interrupted his best friend. He gazed back at you being indulged into Monsters, Inc. Without thought, he intertwined his free hand with yours, making you eye him out with a smile. You raised the interwoven hands towards your lips to kiss his sweetly. 
“Anyways, Jungkook calmed me down, and he told me to look at your location,” Jimin announced. “So tell me why you’ve been at my cousin’s house since last night.”
Taehyung swore his stomach dropped out of his asshole, trying to find a reason to give Jimin without any words, including, “I’ve been fucking your cousin’s guts behind your back.” Without thinking, he jolted up from his seat, letting you get up and fall from the sudden force. You looked up at him with confusion as you spotted his wide eyes and gaping mouth, standing still. 
To be fair, Jimin knew about Taehyung’s crush on you and encouraged him to confess. Though your cousin didn’t know how you felt, he was delusional and would think of it as anti-climatic if something were to happen.
Despite Jimin’s approval, Taehyung doesn’t think his best friend would appreciate you being dumbified by his kinky horny friend. Taehyung eventually would reveal his feelings, but it wasn’t the right time. Especially after what happened at the party.
“Tae, you okay?” You inquired. He looked distraught, and you wanted to know why to comfort him.
Gazing into your pupils, he cleared his throat and nodded. “Ummm, ___ had a movie night and told me about it, so that’s why I left. I fell asleep here and just chilled.” You cocked an eyebrow at his response. He technically didn’t lie, apart from knowing your movie night, but he did leave out a couple of things he did during his stay.
“Uhh-huh, okay? It’s now 5 pm and you’re still chilling there. That’s cool. Anything else?” 
“No, we had a late lunch, and that’s about it. We’re watching Monsters, Inc., if you were wondering.”
“Are you sure that was it? Don’t lie to me.” Jimin tried scrutinizing.
“What else do you want me to say? I’m wearing your sweatpants because I didn’t want to sleep in those tight ass jeans that rode up my dick.” Taehyung deflected, and you shook your head before turning back to the screen. “I promise you, nothing happened.”
“I’m just concerned, okay?” He could feel his best friend pouting his lips. “I thought you were going to confess or something…it’s been years, Tae!”
“I can’t tell her yet. Now’s not the time.” Taehyung said under his breath, looking at you mindlessly enjoying the movie.
“When will be the time?” Jimin huffed. “Look, I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“I am, and I’m enjoying it right now.” He smirked, eyes roaming the tops of your thighs.
“Anyways, have dinner with me! Let’s get cold noodles across the street from my place.”
“Ahh, you’re more demanding than an actual partner.” Taehyung scoffed. “Fine, gimme an hour, and I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay, bye. Love you!! See you soon, bro!” With that, Jimin hung up as he got what he wanted.
“What did Jimin say?” You asked, even though you heard some things.
“He just wanted to know where I was and wanted to have dinner together.” He replied. “Looks like I have to get going.”
“You’re leaving?” You pulled your attention away from Mike and Sulley to stare sadly at him with your large doe eyes.
“Aww, baby. I’m sorry, my best friend—your cousin—is needy and wants to spend time with me.” He chuckled at your adorable heart-wrenching expression. “I’ll make it up by texting and calling you, okay?”
You sighed and nodded. You didn’t want anyone to suspect anything, but it sucked when you had to share him with your cousin like that. Taehyung threw on his clothes and made sure he looked semi-presentable. He was going home from here but wished that no one saw him leaving your apartment as it would lead to assumptions that were very much true.
You walked him towards your door, and as you opened it, he pulled you in for a giant kiss on the lips, holding you tightly. You were surprised by the action but still enjoyed it as you kissed back. He parted away and gave another but smaller peck.
“I’ll miss you.” He whispered.
“I’ll miss you too.” You grinned like an idiot in l***.
“Uhh, hey.” Another voice came out of nowhere.
Your heads followed the sound, finding a flabbergasted Yeonjun in front of your door with his fist in mid-knock. He saw everything, the fluffy sick exchange, the kiss, the fact Taehyung wore the same outfit, and remembered what happened last night at the party.
Then Taehyung remembered as well, feeling his heart race.
You both let go of one another to avoid any other happenings. You then realized you had no shorts underneath your large shirt, so you hid behind your door. Trying to steer away from the conversation, you said, “What’s up, Yeonjun? Got locked out again?”
“Yeah…I forgot my keys when I threw my trash away. Can I have my spare?” The younger boy asked while eying out your smooth legs. Taehyung noticed but didn’t say anything. He only glared at him.
“Ahh, it was a good idea for you to make another and give it to me.” You sighed. “I’ll be right back.” You trotted away to your bedroom to obtain his keys and put on some pajama pants because you swore he checked you out.
In the meantime, Taehyung and Yeonjun silently exchanged glances as if they were conversing. The younger speculated something between the president and football captain but crossed it out when he saw Taehyung kiss another. Everyone knew his rule, knowing it was serious. But now he was here, seeing him with you the day after and also kissing. 
Yeonjun was smart enough to not be involved despite being curious. He only gave him a look that said Taehyung needed to figure out what to do before shit happens—even though it already happened. Taehyung nodded, agreeing with what Yeonjun thought. It was a big deal, and if you were important to him, he needed to tell you but feared how you would react when he did so.
The weekend passed, and you were excited to go back to school. Not because of all the stress and work, but you wanted to see him. Taehyung kept his promise and texted or called you through the days. It was unfortunate that you didn’t see him throughout the day. Your schedules never aligned except for the joint meetings.
You were finally done with your classes for the day but had to attend this leadership meeting with the other club presidents on the assistance you’ll need for homecoming. It wasn’t strenuous. Though you wished you were anywhere else but here. Preferably in Taehyung’s arms.
Though you liked him and fell harder, your heart had hope, hope that Taehyung felt the same. After all, he did kiss you, and that meant something? He finally lifted his rule, and now it didn’t pertain to you. You still didn’t know why he didn’t kiss, but you assumed he’d tell you later if you asked.
When he kissed you, it was one of the most magical things you could have dreamt about. Not because it was good—in fact, it was amazing—but because it was something that you’ve longed for, wishing to do with him. You wished that you were finally going to be together after all.
Being hopeful and confident that Taehyung would reciprocate, you decided to confess to him soon. You didn’t know when or how to approach it, but you didn’t want to wait any longer. You knew what you wanted, and it was him.
Alas, you were stuck in this meeting, and then you have another council-only meeting afterward.
Meanwhile, Taehyung showered after practice, smiling at himself and the very thought of you. He was for sure whipped and head over heels for you. He made the best decision ever, finally kissing you the other day. He felt closer to you than ever, never wanting to let go.
He was nervous about being honest with you and telling him about kissing Bini, but perhaps you’ll understand him once you find out he only did it because he thought of and missed you. He’ll tell you soon, but he didn’t know when or how to approach it, but he shouldn’t wait any longer.
He dried himself down, then headed towards his locker to change. Some members were still out practicing, others left for the day, but it was overall quiet in the room. Once he made it, he met someone he didn’t want to see. 
“What are you doing here?” He spat back.
You were done with the meeting, satisfied with the productivity made. Everyone knew their roles and positions during the parade as well. You walked down the hallway towards the council room while your mind wandered what Taehyung was doing right now, probably practicing. Maybe you’ll text him soon before your council meeting starts.
Once you arrived, you spotted Jimin with your best friends. You greeted and waved, wondering why he was here and not at practice.
“Coach gave us a choice to rest or practice. He didn’t want us to be overworked. Some of us stayed back, but I helped the parade committee with the float.” Jimin informed. “Can some of you help me bring the supplies here from the lockers? There’s a lot of them. “
“Sure!” You settled your backpack down. “I don’t mind. We have some time.”
“I’ll come with!” Hoseok tagged along.
“Not me. I’m good, thank you.” Yoongi was too busy writing a paper, to which you all shrugged.
Though it hadn’t been long since he had seen her, he wished to never be affiliated with her anymore. Bini broke his heart and cheated on him the entire summer before their second year of college began. She lied to his face, telling him the guy she was with was an older family friend who was practically her brother. 
Unfortunately, Taehyung was oblivious and trusted her until someone took a video of her slobbering up with that very guy and sent it to him. He was devastated, to say the least, crying to Jimin at times and being an absolute mess with post-breakup and his first love hurting him.
The worst part of it all was that she never had a reason for why she cheated. She just did it and continued to do it until he found out. In the past, Taehyung thought it was his fault that he did something wrong for her to betray the relationship. But not anymore and realized that she probably never felt as much as he did with her. Maybe she was only with him to boost her ego that she kissed Kim Taehyung, the football captain who never kisses anyone.
It didn’t matter anymore, though. He was finally getting a chance with you, someone who was more important, trusting, and kind for his heart to accept. He didn’t want to ruin it.
“Tae, I’ve been thinking about you since that night,” Bini announced instead of answering his question.
“Bini, that kiss meant nothing.” He sighed, shaking his head as he walked up to his lockers, trying his best to ignore her presence while he was gathering his belongings. “We were both under the influence.”
“But didn’t you feel what I felt?” She didn’t want to give up. “I mean, before we—”
“What we did together was ages ago. It’s been years!” He interrupted her, not bothering to face her. If he did, he was afraid the memories could come back.
“Taehyung, you and I both know when kissing is involved, it means something, especially to you.”
Irritated when she used his reasonings against him, his eyes met hers. “You have no right to say that after what you did to me.”
“I told you I regretted it ever since! Please, I want you back! I—”
“Well, I don’t. Sure, kissing means something to me but not this time.” He stood his ground. “This time, I was drunk, and I regret it. I don’t want you.”
Tears glazed Bini’s eyes, she knew it was the end of all, but she didn’t have the heart to stop. She knew his reason why. She wasn’t an idiot. When she observed from afar, she saw it in him every time he looked at you with the love he used to have for her, only this time it was much heavier and unconditional. He may have given up on her, but he’d never give up on you.
“It’s Jimin’s little cousin, right?” She sniffed, feeling her cheeks warming from her pain. “The one you wanted after me.”
“Don’t act so pretentious. Not everything has to do with you.” He rolled his eyes, folding his arms in front of his torso.
“Student body goody-two-shoes president?” Unnecessary words spewed out of her mouth. “Damn, didn’t know that was your type all along?”
“Don’t mock me or insult her. You don’t know me anymore, Bini. I’ve changed since freshmen year.”
“Maybe, but what happens if Jimin found out? Her friends? I know you’re doing things with her?”
His eyes grew, and his confidence took a hit. “I—”
“Everyone is probably ignorant, but I saw the glances.” She smirked as she could see his walls crashing down. “Frequently, messy hair and reddened lips. Your uniforms are completely wrinkled.”
“A-are you a stalker?”
“No, I just people watch, and you’re my favorite one.” She shrugged. “I wonder if you kissed her yet. I bet you did, but we kissed first and what we had was special.”
“Bini, st—”
“You probably did it first, and assuming how she is, she’s innocently following. But here’s the thing, Taehyung, I don’t think she likes you.” She stated, slowly moving toward him. “She’s letting you do all these things, probably for some good dicking. I mean, I can’t blame her. I enjoyed it too.” She was too close for his liking. Her focus was strong and held an aura that Taehyung was somewhat afraid of.
Bini knew underneath his facade that Taehyung was naive and vulnerable. His mind conflicted with his actions, going towards reaches that he was willing to do anything for acceptance and reassurance. He was willing to do things that probably led to consequences and hurt himself.
Bini had to use it to her advantage to get what she wanted with how he was acting. It happened when they were together, and to this day, Taehyung hasn’t noticed what she was doing. “It’s been a while, and she still hasn’t shown any feelings towards you. I’ve seen her push you away when you held her. She never said she missed you when you said it back.”
“Y-you d-don’t know anything,” He wanted to punch himself for being flustered by her. He didn’t want her to have his way.
She hummed, acknowledging him. “I know that we kissed, and you know that I still love you. Why waste your time on someone who doesn’t love you back?” She rested her palm on his chest, feeling his heartbeat rapidly. The look in his eyes told her that he felt exposed, susceptible to any behavior she could do from now on.
Did you feel the same with him? You were needy that other day. It meant something, right? But in the past occurrences, you did push away. Your friends didn’t know about him, and you weren’t upset when he spoke with Jimin about his whereabouts. How could you possibly fall for him if your actions didn’t add up?
He was not contemplating if he even had a chance with you. After all, once homecoming is over, you want to end it.
The contemplation and insecurity in his gaze revealed Bini got him where she wanted.
“Heard Taehyung spent the night at yours,” Jimin reported out of nowhere as the three of you headed to the locker room.
“What the fuck?” Hoseok snapped his head at you, growing a scowl. “I’m your best friend, and you didn’t tell me!”
“Jesus, relax! Nothing happened.” You implied, knowing what he was thinking about. “He was kind enough to join me on movie night. He happened to fall asleep, hence why he stayed at my place. He didn’t leave me for some party like a certain someone.”
“Hey, I told you to come with me, and you denied.” He rolled his eyes. “All in all, blame Yoongi. He told me he fell asleep and didn’t go.”
“Yeah, that bitch didn’t even apologize. Just gave me donuts.” You grumbled.
“Interesting to see you guys close.” Jimin pointed out. “You and Tae, that is. Usually, you’d be at each other’s throats.” Well, yes. But not in the way you’re thinking of.
You shrugged, trying to contain the smile blossoming on your face. “Change of heart, I guess. I told him that we needed to do our best and deal with each other, and he agreed.”
“How kind of him to agree without getting something out of it. He looks like the type to.” Your best friend highlighted, laughing at the thought.
“He is.” Jimin joined in on the laughter.
You laughed uncomfortably, “Yeah, who would have thought?”
“You realize he’s fond of you, right ___?” Jimin brought it up as you spotted the building near.
“I guess so?” You didn’t understand why he said that. “He enjoys annoying me and is practically the bane of my existence.”
“He has his reasons, and hopefully, he’ll tell you.” Your cousin explained. “He cares about you.”
“Interesting, you say that because ___ thinks of him in a similar way.” Hoseok blurted out. You glared at him as he blew you a kiss and then at a puzzled Jimin.
“What does he me—”
“I’ll tell you later. Just know that I don’t think he’s bad as I thought he would.” Your statement was super vague, but Jimin took it as a good sign for his friend to confess.
“So, where are the boxes?” Hoseok asked.
“They’re in the back where the storage is.” Oh, it was near Taehyung’s lockers. “The doors are wide open; members are probably practicing.”
You all quietly entered the room as Jimin led you to the back. You didn’t hear any noise, thinking that people weren’t there. The storage room was in the corner and had to take a turn. Once you did so together, your eyes reached a tragic nauseating sight that ripped your heart into a million pieces.
Eyes closed, his hands were on her waist with her arms around his neck, chests pressed together, and him being covered with only a thin towel. The heart-wrenching part was that they were moving in motion with their lips molded. They kissed like they were the only ones in this room, in the world.
You absolutely hated it. 
“Oh, shit! Seriously!” Jimin gasped while Hoseok scowled in disgust. “Taehyung!”
The culprit’s eyes shot open before pushing away from her. Though your cousin called him out, his attention was on you with the hurt in your eyes. You weren’t looking at him anymore. You peered at Bini, who smiled with please, holding your contact. You could feel her gloating, saying, “I too kissed Kim Taehyung. You’re not any different than me.”
He kissed you as if you were the only one, that you were special. Everything was a lie. There was no hope. You had no chance of ever being with him. You should’ve known from the beginning, but you were too blinded by your crush.
You refused to cry and show him how much you were affected by it, but your very little pride and self-respect in you covered your sadness, and the universe gave you a little chance when your phone rang, pulling it out of your skirt pocket.
“___—“Taehyung breathed and took a step to your reach.
“Jimin, Soobin is calling me. It must be an emergency, I’ll have to leave, but I’ll force Yoongi to help you both. See you soon, Hoseok, bye.” You said under one breath as you fled the premises. You don’t know what happened next, but all you saw was a blurred vision and feeling tears running down your face.
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just thinking about how pervy connie is. Like seriously he spends all of his nights jacking off to thoughts of you.
Forget about porn hub, that's boring what he does to satisfy himself is steal your things of course.
Obviously, it's wrong, he's your best friend but he just loves hearing you whine about your underwear being missing knowing that he was the one that used it to fuck himself all night.
What's even worse is that he makes sure that the underwear is still partially stained with his cum and then slips it into your drawer like nothing ever happened
He gets so turned on with the thought of you wearing anything that he stained with his cum.
He also loves the thrill of getting caught by you. The look on your face when you find out that you've been wearing panties smeared with his cum.
When he feels extremely mischievous he'll hit with you with the classic "hey y/n did you end up finding those panties you were looking for last week?"
You'd respond with "Oh yeah they were in my drawer I guess I wasn't looking properly ha!"
Sometimes when he's at your house watching a movie with you, all he can think about is cockwarming you or having you bounce on his cock. Those thoughts become so irritating that he tells you he has to go bathroom and instead sneaks into your room to steal one of your panties again.
It must be his lucky day because instead of the usual panties he finds something else much more better : a sex toy, your sex toy.
Was he going to take it? Of course he was, did he have any shame? Of course he didn't.
Sometimes he'd send you pictures of him in just his boxers, asking questions like "I don't know if I should go for green or blue whatcha thinkin?"
When you and him go to the movies or each others houses,he loves to expose at least his abs or his v line, on one occasion, when you were binging a series at his house he asked you if it was okay if he could take off his top as it was getting "hot" but we both know it was just so you could watch him slowly pull of his shirt to reveal a sculpture -like body.
He loves scrolling mindlessly through your insta just adoring you in those sexy bodysuits that he had helped you pick out.
There are times where he accidentally moans when you touch him somewhere sensitive and when you ask him if he's okay he'll just blush and say "oh that's one of my sensitive areas" hoping you touch him there again.
;) We love our pervy king !
My lil Connie fanfic:
Lemme know if you want more pervy! connie
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newyorkkiss · 3 months
did hit me for a second i have to go through the cycle again and by cycle i mean the eat/purge/sulk cycle i have been going through for a month now at least. my brain is just that fucking decayed from being sick every day that i’m genuinely losing track of time because i don’t remember when this major relapse happened but i think it was around a month ago at least? again, i’m not sure. i really can’t remember. can’t remember much at all to be quite honest. all i know of myself is that i weigh less now than i did when i saw spoon and i saw them while still in a near equivalent cycle but promptly stopped while and after i was gone. which was mostly situational as i was in a sort of dormitory hotel and didn’t want to puke my guts out in the one bathroom shared by like 4 other rooms on the floor. at the time i said to myself i wasn’t gonna let my ED get in the way but it still kind of did in another way where i restricted or didn’t eat the entire three days. think i ate twice my entire time in sydney. but the point here is i’m in worse shape than i was when i saw my boys and i am almost crushed by that but i’m plagued. i feel closer to death or extreme event now than i did upon initial relapse. one of the reasons i fretted and waited so long to pull the trigger on seeing them was that i was worried i was gonna end up in a bad place and be hospitalized and be forced to miss them which truly would have gutted me beyond belief if this was the case but! i saw them regardless whatever whatever. right now i actively feel my heart decaying and wasting away and its small twangs really do ache in the weirdest way. every time i stand up i almost feel my entire body dissolve into static fluid that’ll soak through the floor. i feel dazed and confused. physically i see myself no different but some weight-loss is evident, it’s not enough though. i would have to be literal bone before somebody notices something is off because i look more or less the same. i’ve been laying here curled in bed under two blankets because i’m infinitely more sensitive to the cold than i was prior to this. i think i’ve only kept two, maybe three things that could be deemed meals in the entire time i’ve been in this relapse. i legitimately cannot keep anything down that’s non-fluid. it feels like a fucking torturous clump forming in my stomach. like rocks. i force myself to eat something small and non-heavy that’s basically thick fluid every day hours after my purges so i’m getting some kind of fragmented nutrients (which is definitely not enough. the nutrients i’m getting from it are literal crumbs) which at this stage are the only thing keeping me alive/preventing a serious medical event. the other week when i was running in hysterics down the street unable to breathe and my body was hanging by a thread really felt like it was going to be the moment something inside of me broke and sent me to a hospital. still incredibly surprised my body somehow endured that because i really did feel like i was going to collapse on the pavement. anyways i still haven’t gotten out of bed to weigh myself for the day because i’m scared as i rebounded last night and have been trying to talk myself away from the hypothetical ledge i’m standing on like it has to be water weight but i also am certain i didn’t clear everything out of my stomach either so it could also be what i don’t want. in short i really just want to fucking die. every day i wake up and legitimately suffer. i have nothing to live for let alone recover for which i went over last time kinda. i don’t know what to do but i’m just resigning myself to nature taking its inevitable course which unfortunately in these cases, takes its time. there’s not really a whole lot i can do. i’m scared. frightened. but it is what it is.
0 notes
sukirichi · 3 years
— out of reach | gojo x reader
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request: Girllllll I just read your jealous gojo fic and my heart went 📈📈📈📈💥💥💥 youre now one of my fav writers 🙏🧎‍♀️And the spicy parts 😫😫😫 💖 If your asks are still open, could I please request a fic where GOJO has a size kink 🥺🥺🥺 my 5’1 ass is obsessed with that shizzzz 
pov: you’re gojo’s childhood friend and roommate – which leads to utter chaos – or perhaps utter bliss?
warnings: size kink, lots of teasing, lots of cursing, dirty talk, choking (probably not in the way you think), body worship, lots of size difference scenes, slight manhandling, overstimulation, thigh fucking, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (don’t do this irl guys) + unedited fic :D
notes: idk what happened here LMAOOO but i loved writing this one because i’m short as hell too lol. thanks for this request anon, i hope you like it! <3
word count: 10.5k
masterlist ! 
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If you’re going to be honest, having Gojo as a roommate is something completely unexpected.
Not only are you two from entirely different worlds – him as a jujutsu sorcerer and you as an average human who can’t see curses – but he’s also just someone who is entirely out of your league. He’s respected and looked up to in his field of work, while half of your co-workers don’t even know your name, much less notice you in function parties where you mostly just nibble on sushi before calling it a day and turning back home.
You and Gojo met in elementary school. You could tell from the way he’s surrounded by servants and stern looking adults, firm hands on his small shoulders, that he was different from everyone else.
Apparently, he comes from one of the three big clans in the jujutsu world or whatever. You honestly don’t care about any of that, because Gojo refuses to act maturely about his role in the clan. You still remember how quiet he was on the first day of school, never smiling and keeping to himself despite your persuasion to eat lunch with him or play with him after school in the courtyard.
You miss that Gojo Satoru – the quiet, serious kid who was far too gentle in his actions yet firm in his words and beliefs. When you were still a little girl, you admired how he seemed older than his age, a wistful look in those azure blue eyes of his that you’ve always loved.
To you, Gojo Satoru was your hero. You’ve always been one of the shortest kids in class, and it didn’t help that you really loved pigtails all the way until middle school that made you an easy target from immature people who’s being hit way too fast by puberty and growing each passing day. You never minded your short stature because really, it’s just height, but you couldn’t ignore how your confidence dwindled each day when they called you several array of nicknames.
Too shy to fight back, you’d laugh it off or force a smile.
Gojo wasn’t having any of it. He’d break his silence and immediately pull you to his side (which only made things worse because Gojo was one of the tallest kids in class, further emphasizing how small you are right next to him) before threatening to smack the kids right in the face.
The threat should be enough to land him detention, but because he’s Gojo Satoru, the golden kid everyone loved, they took his word seriously.
At the age of eleven, you started seeing your best friend as your knight in shining armour. Gojo basked in this, growing protective and always glaring at whoever snickered when you walked past them. Sometimes he even bared his teeth to hiss at them, which was honestly so ridiculous now that you think about, though the message – the threat – always came across loud and clear.
So yeah, you love Gojo, you still do.
Years flew by and the two of you grew apart due to work and also as a part of growing up. You still kept in contact, messaging each other once a month to ask the other how they’re doing. His work kept him extremely busy though, and Gojo didn’t want you involved in the dangers of what he’s doing, so he makes sure to keep a safe distance.
Until six months ago, you hear a banging on your door. You’re just about ready to throw hands because your former roommate moved out to live with her stoner boyfriend, leaving you to shoulder all the bills and responsibilities of maintaining a two man apartment.
A sneer forms on your lips as you swing the door open, a scowl already on your face. You assumed it was your roommate who returned to get the pair of lace panties they left in their room, but instead, your childhood friend stands before you, taller (seriously, how has he not stopped growing?) and definitely a lot hotter than the last time you saw him.
One thing leads to another, and now it feels like there was never such distance between the two of you with how easily you both fell back into a comfortable – yet chaotic – rhythm and routine of being each other’s roommate.
Not that you mind, of course. Gojo’s definitely changed a lot from when you were kids. He’s no longer that stiff or sensitive when it comes to others. In fact, it seems like he loosens up a lot more with age, because you can barely recognize the man living under the same roof with you now.
For one thing, Gojo is loud. Like really talkative, won’t shut the fuck up and speaks like he’s in a screaming contest with someone. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking an important phone call or sleepwalking at three in the morning to pee, Gojo is always creating some sort of ruckus.
You’d never admit it out loud, but you loved it. You love him.
He’s definitely a lot more enthusiastic and fun to be with now that both of you have grown up, or in Gojo’s case, simply aged. His maturity reversed backwards because it feels like you’re taking care of a little kid.
Not only does his body clock is practically non-existent, he’s also horrible when it comes to taking care of himself and being punctual with work.
Fortunately for him, you love him, and you both leave for work at the same time. You always wake up earlier to prepare breakfast so you’d both have energy to start the day – although you highly doubt there’s really anything that depletes his endless source of one.
Sleepily walking through the kitchen with your fist rubbing at your eyes, you rummage through the refrigerator for some eggs when you realize there’s none.
Huh, you think to yourself, scratching your scalp. You’re sure that Gojo went grocery shopping last week since it’s his chore to do the outside stuff like buying groceries and throwing thrash, so where did it go?
You open shelf by shelf, checking each corner and shoving cans aside to look for the tray. With a glare, you stand on your tiptoes to pull the pantry open, only to have your mouth fall aghast because it’s all there – right at the back where you can’t reach it!
Fucking Satoru, you grit your teeth while heaving your body up onto the counter. It’s a struggle because not only are your muscles still half asleep, but because the shelf is right in your face, and if you’re not careful enough, you could hit it right with your face and fall over. Of fucking course you know Satoru did this to make fun of you – and now you retract your statement over your best friend.
It’s all a lie.
He’s a pain in the ass. Why do you even bother cooking for him and letting him live literally just a room away when you know he won’t stop pulling shit like this?
Because, the nagging voice in your head tries to mock, he’s your best friend and you can’t really say no to him. This makes you huff as you carefully pull the tray towards you, hooking two fingers at the edge while your other palm grips at the end of the counter for support. No thanks to your short limbs, you’re practically hogging the shelf by now in an attempt to reach it. You look ridiculous, that’s for sure, and you make a mental note to keep Satoru’s windows open tonight so he freezes to death –
“Aw, cupcake,” a sing-song voice emerges from the other side of the room. “You look so adorable. You should’ve woke me up if you need my help.”
“Fuck off, Satoru,” you flip him off. The man only laughs, the rambunctious sound echoing off the walls. It’s way too early in the morning and he’s already so damn loud; something builds up at the back of your head out of frustration already. His grin only gets wider when you finally got the eggs and clutch it your chest, setting it down on the counter while wiping your sweat away from your face. “Freeloader,” you mutter under your breath, ignoring him when he happily skips over to you.
“Ouch,” he places a palm over his chest, although you both know he’s never really affected by anything. “So what’s for breakfast today? You?”
“You know, I can kick you out anytime I want. I’m being extremely nice even going as far to cook you breakfast before you leave for work, so don’t test my patience.”
“Exactly, my best friend is so kind,” Satoru grows the audacity to rest his arm on your head. This triggers a reflexive response from you; shoulders tensing up and hands curling into fists beside you. “I would totally date her if she wasn’t such a temperamental little devil,” you nearly stab him with a fork with his statement, which he thinks he’s being so sly for but you heard it, and you’re most definitely not pleased with it. “Okay, I’m kidding! I’m going to go shower now!”
You roll your eyes at him and heat the pan over with some oil, muttering under your breath that you’re really going to kick him out soon. As if things couldn’t get worse – as if Satoru couldn’t get any worse – he smacks your backside in the process before darting to the showers.
“Gojo Satoru!”
“Morning, best friend, love ya!”
You were right. He is a pain in the ass.
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“You don’t always have to walk me to work.”
“I know.”
“So why’re you still here? I’m not a little kid anymore,” Contrary to your words, you stick closer to Satoru when the morning rush of workers and students begin to crowd the streets. Your best friend notices this with a small smile, his hand resting on the small of your back. “Don’t even try, Satoru.”
“I wasn’t saying anything.”
“I know that look on your face,” you fiddle with the buttons of your uniform, sighing when Satoru follows you inside the bus after tapping your phone for two seats. It’s not a surprise to you anymore that most of your expenses are spent by him, for him, and he lazily sprawls his long limbs across the seat before you pulling you down right next to him.
As much as you hate this man, especially because he smirks at the attention he’s receiving from women – even men – in the bus, you have to admit he’s warm and smells damn good. You bite the inside of your cheeks, looking around in slight self-consciousness before inching a little closer, just to feel his warmth. He’s comforting – irrationally so – so you set your bag between the both of you to keep your sanity. “If you keep doing this, Principal Yaga might fire your ass because you’re never on time.”
“Trust me, cupcake, he won’t. I’m too valuable for that.”
How you saw that coming – you can’t tell anymore. The bus ride is relatively quiet and eventless, with you dozing off every now and then because you’re never a morning person. Thankfully, Satoru is more respectful this time around, lolling your head until it drops to his shoulder. After that, he snakes his arm around your waist before resting it on your thigh as a way to say you don’t have to head bang every damn second and just sleep.
On any other occasion, you would’ve hated it. You always look so small whenever you’re in Satoru’s presence. It doesn’t help that he’s long and lanky, either, his slender fingers effortlessly caressing your thigh while almost your entire body is flushed next to him. But right now, he’s too warm, too soft, and you’re too tired that for just a little bit, you allow yourself to relax.
A beeping wakes you up a moment later. Opening your eyes, you push yourself off Satoru when you see an old lady reaching for the handles. No one gave up their seats for her even as the bus driver asked her to find a seat lest she’d fall.
“Grandma, here, take my seat—” You’re about to stand up and offer it to her when Satoru tugs you by the wrist. Because of your small, wobbly composure, pulling you to him takes little to no effort. You end up on his lap, sitting on him as if you’re nothing but a small, dainty schoolbag. Satoru is clearly enjoying this because you feel him breathily laugh on the back of your neck, charming – annoyingly so – as he gestures to the now empty spot beside him.
“It’s no worries, Grandma. She’ll be fine,” he gestures to you, patting your head like you’re some puppy. “Please, take a seat. The bus is already moving.”
“Satoru, get off me,” You wriggle yourself from his hold, which only ends up in wasted effort because this big oaf doesn’t even budge. He even bounces you on one of his thighs, and you dig your nails into his arms as a silent plead for him to stop. He ignores this, ignores your small whines and the apparent embarrassment that has you debating whether to punch him or hide yourself in the safety of his uniform.
“She’s a feisty little one, isn’t she?”
The old lady watches the two of you banter, giggling behind her wrinkled hands. “You’re an adorable couple.”
“I think so too!”
“You’re so going to pay for this, Satoru,” you grumble, face planted onto your palms. This is it – the worst day of your life. It’s even worse because despite your protests, you have to admit his lap is actually comfortable. You’ve already known this before after countless times of cuddling with Satoru during movie nights, but its different when you’re both out in public. It feels...oddly intimate and maybe even romantic when he rubs soothing circles at your back, almost as if apologizing for this event. Most of all, you just hate the way something pools beneath your stomach at having him so close to you like this. “This is so embarrassing. I’m practically crushing you with my weight.”
“Please, cupcake, you barely weigh anything. I could easily lift you off with just my finger,” when you elbow him in the chest, Satoru only laughs, raising both hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I’ll stop teasing.”
You give up. No one seems to be paying much attention to any of you anyway, so you sigh, letting yourself hide in the crook of his neck as you watch the city pass through the windows. Your body moves as his chest rises and falls from his breathing, the movement oddly comforting. It’s embarrassing – it really is – but at least the grandma was comfortable until Satoru drops you off near your building.
“You don’t have to walk me all the way there.”
“Why not? You don’t want people to see us together or something?”
“No,” you stare at him from the corner of your eye. It’s no secret Satoru is attractive. This bastard knows it too, judging from the way he confidently and arrogantly swaggers next to you, hands shoved deep in his pockets as he walked with no care in the world. “My co-workers keep asking me for your number every time I tell them we’re not dating. It’s getting annoying at this point how they go Satoru this and Satoru that.”
“Am I hearing it right? Is cupcake jealous?”
“I’m not jealous, I’m disgusted,” you correct, “They don’t know how much of a pain you are to have around. They’re so focused with your looks that they completely overlook the fact you can’t even wash your dirty underwear!”
Satoru frowns at this, pointing his finger to you as if you’ve accused him of a huge crime. “Hey, I wash my underwear.”
“Yeah and last time you did, you mixed it with whites! My work uniform turned a stupid shade of blue! Now I can’t picture the colour of your boxers out of my head and it’s giving me a headache!”
“Wow, Y/N,” the smirk on his face and the sudden drop of nicknames lets you know you’ve said something wrong. Even behind his blindfold, you could tell his eyes are just sparkling with amusement. He’s enjoying this way too much. “I never thought you’d ever picture my boxers. I mean, I don’t mind showing it to you if you ask nicely—”
“Ugh, you’re so hopeless. I’m going to work.”
Gojo laughs when you jog away from him. He catches up with you in a matter of seconds, only having to take a few steps forward before he’s right beside you again. You’re unsure if you should be annoyed it’s so easy for him to always be right next to you, and how he almost always is right next to you while you prefer running away. It muddles with your heart and mind so much you pinch the bridge of your nose, trying not to be swayed by the sickeningly sweet sound of his laughter. “I can’t pick you up later, okay? I might work overtime!” (that’s a lie since Gojo prefers shopping and sightseeing)
Both of you know that’s a lie. Gojo never works overtime. He’s going to work for a few hours and so and call playing around with his students as “on-hand learning” before he goes shopping for stupid souvenirs and wild-flavoured mochis, then end his day by sightseeing and coming back home.
“Wasn’t expecting you to,” you mumble, waving goodbye to him as the office doors close. Slowly, Satoru’s grin and enthusiastic farewell fades into view until nothing but the pale, silver walls of your office greets you.
Funny how you claim to hate this man so much, yet the moment he’s out of sight, everything becomes dull and pointless.
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It’s an absolutely shitty day. Your equally shitty boss blames you for something you didn’t even do, all because his incompetent secretary – who you’re sure he’s sleeping with – lost this month’s report and claimed she handed it to you last week when you’re not involved in that kind of work. Logic doesn’t come by them because your boss publicly humiliates and scolds you, calling you all kinds of names until tears are streaming down your face.
You slam the door shut the moment you get home, kicking your shoes off as you head straight to your room. You don’t bother taking your makeup off anymore as you change into a loose shirt and floral cotton shirts, padding to the kitchen after seeing Satoru is well nestled into the couch.
At least someone’s had a good day.
Seeing as the sink is empty, he probably hasn’t eaten dinner. This makes you sigh, because when will he ever learn to look after himself? He’s literally like a child.
Satoru pauses whatever he’s watching before he hovers over you, head tilted to the side as he gazes at you with curiosity. You ignore him and begin to set down some bowls and chopsticks for dinner, all the while Satoru is studying every inch of your tightly pulled face. “Bad day?” he concludes.
“Bad day it is then,” he nods to himself. “I can cook dinner, if you want.”
“And have you burn my apartment? No thanks,” you scoff, pushing him aside to retrieve the pans when you see that he’s placed them above again, even after you’ve reminded countless times to just leave it near the holders in the sink. “Ugh, why do you keep putting the pans in this shelf? You know I can’t reach this. I’ve had enough with you pulling pranks on me, and don’t think I’ve forgotten you placed my shampoo above the shower head today, you idiot,” you snarl and hop over the counter again to get the pans, trying your best to fight back the tears that are threatening to fall. “You’re really bothersome, you know that?”
“Then why don’t you kick me out?” he challenges, completely oblivious to how you’re struggling – both physically and emotionally. “You always complain about me being a nuisance here, but you’re not really doing anything to keep me out.”
“Because where else would you go?”
“Technically, I have a room back at the Institute.”
“Yeah, but because you’re so stupid and reckless that you got kicked out of your own home,” you spat out, and you watch as Satoru raises a brow at your statement. Banter is common between the both of you, but something about the intensity of your gaze lets him know you’re serious this time around. “I don’t even know how Yuuji puts up with you. That poor Megumi is right when he says you’re insufferable. You’re good for nothing!”
Satoru scoffs, “Fine, if you hate me that much, why didn’t you just say so earlier? I could easily pack my bags and go since I’m just making everything harder—” Satoru doesn’t get to finish what he’s saying when your hand over the counter that acts as support slips under you, and you fall, legs bent awkwardly while you scream, preparing yourself for the impact. The pan is long forgotten, your only thought was oh my god, so this is how I die.
But it never came, and you keep your eyes shut tight even as warm hands cup your ass. Satoru is breathing hard under you. Finally gaining the courage to crack an eye open, your breath halts when you see that he’s sitting on the floor, with you safely nestled between him.
Satoru has always had pretty eyes, but it’s rare he takes off his blindfold off even when he’s home. This is one of those rare occurrences that he seems like a normal human, dressed in a gray sweatshirt that hands low from his collarbones and magnetic blue eyes staring right back at you. His touch is gentle, almost as if he’s afraid to hurt you, and his voice that is usually loud and teasing comes out breathy and hesitant.
“Are you okay?”
Your gaze drops down to his lips. He’s close, so close, that if you just lean a little closer you could – you snap out of your daze. “Get off me.”
“Cupcake, you’re the one who’s on top of me,” his voice falls an octave lower, eyes flitting down to your clothing – or rather the lack of it – before Satoru takes a deep breath. “Did you really have to wear that?”
“I have the right to wear whatever I want in the comfort of my own home.”
“I wasn’t complaining,” he raised a brow, this time completely in control of himself as he gazes back up at you with a burning gaze. You see nothing but the way one corner of his lips tilt up, almost teasing, and he looks so much like a shit-eater that you feel heat crawl down your spine.
You push yourself off him but your bent foot behind you slips, and you fall forward with your hands clutching his strong shoulders. Satoru catches your leg behind you, drags it forward until your knee is pressed in between one of your warmth, very much still enjoying the way you wriggle away from his hold. He knows his effect on you – but you deny this wholeheartedly.
“Careful, cupcake. This isn’t a slip and slide.”
“I hate you so much,” you bare your teeth at him, slapping his chest until he finally lets go of you. Turning your back to him, you pick up the pan and begin preparing your dinner, muttering curses under your breath as you heat up the stove. “I’m kicking you out tomorrow.”
“Why not now?”
“Eat your damn dinner first.”
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Dinner after that is awkward. Although Gojo is someone who can wolf down his meal in three seconds, he takes his time in eating to start conversation with you. Sometimes he asks decent questions like how your day was or he’d talk about something stupid, but he’s quiet the whole time. He even volunteers to do the dishes before retreating to his room, coating the house in silence.
It almost feels like you’re all alone over again.
You’ve gotten so used to him being an utter mess everywhere that when he’s not trying to piss you off and actually giving you the much needed peace, you begin to hate it. Memories of the rude things you’ve said to him a while ago play and in your head, and you bang your head against the wall repeatedly.
How are you supposed to apologize to Satoru now?
The answer doesn’t come until you stare at your walls, wide awake at midnight. The house is still eerily silent and you don’t stop shuffling around your bed in discomfort. Many times, you wished that Satoru would shut up and leave you alone, but now that he’s actually done that, it feels weird. Uncomfortable. It feels wrong.
With a grunt, you kick off the sheets and carefully tread to his room, knocking lightly in case he’s already sleeping. “Satoru?” you call out, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Are you awake?”
You’ve seen Satoru angry as kids before, but what would he be like now? Would he still want to be your friend? Would he still annoy you by hiding your things somewhere you can’t reach? Or would he be the who is now out of reach? If he leaves...who’s going to walk you to work? Who’s going to complain he doesn’t want to do groceries but buys you things you don’t ask for but want anyway? Who’s going to keep teasing the living daylights out of you if not him?
All these thoughts claw at the back of your mind until your bottom lip trembles. You hate how weak you feel; how you’re never careful with your words.
You never meant it when you said all that.
Your train of thought is cut off when the door swings open, revealing an equally tired-looking Satoru. At the sight of you peering up at him with glossy eyes, he pushes the door wider and steps closer to you, his large hands cupping your face as he leans down in worry. “Cupcake,” his brows pinch together, “Did something happen? Is something wrong?”
“I just wanted to apologize for everything I said,” you blurt out, “I was just tired from work and my boss was being shitty, so I wasn’t totally myself that time and I’m really sorry I took my anger out on you. I didn’t mean it when I said you’re insufferable and that I’m kicking you out so – yeah,” you breathe out, trailing your gaze downwards to stare at your feet instead. It’s difficult to look him in the eye right now. When you finally gain courage to speak again, it barely comes out as a whimper, your hands delicately tugging at his shirt. “Please stay. I like having my best friend around here.”
Satoru doesn’t answer.
You’re about to look up at him just in case you’ve said something wrong, or worse, he refuses to forgive you, but then – “Yeah, I know you wouldn’t kick me out. You’re too much of a darling to say no to me.”
Sigh. Satoru laughs when he sees your shoulders deflate, absolutely shattered in exhaustion. Hiding your smile to now show him you’re relieved, you punch his chest that really feels like a fly had accidentally flew into him. “Way to ruin the mood, Satoru. And here I thought I could have a serious conversation with you for once.”
“Apology accepted,” he beams, tilting your chin upwards so you could look at him. Even in the darkness of his room, his eyes glow, leaving you hypnotized in its beauty. “Plus, I think I’m the one who should apologize. You’re right; I haven’t been the best roommate and I am a freeloader,” he scratches the side of his head in thought. “But I do buy you food all the time though.”
“Yeah, with my money,” you counter, but you don’t really care anymore at this point. You’re beyond elated you’re both fine now, and you shyly gesture to his big, warm bed that suddenly looks so comfortable. “Can I stay here for tonight?”
“You want Satoru’s bear hug?”
“Yes, I do.” There’s no hesitation in your words and you don’t complain anymore when he easily picks you up like a ragdoll using only one arm. He’s surprisingly gentle when he places you both down on the bed, sheets warm and soft as it blankets over you.
It would be perfect – except it’s so damn awkward.
Gojo’s long limbs are everywhere. Your face is pressed into his chest, both your legs tangled together. His arm is sprawled over the curve of your hip, his hand nearly grazing your ass that’s barely covered by the thin material of your shorts, but if he shifts, he’ll end up cupping the back of your thighs which is equally uncomfortable.
He seems to be stuck in the same position because you’re so small, and your knees are grazing his groin. Had he known you’re going to sleep with him, he would’ve worn underwear or even boxers under his sweatpants.
He’s never told you before, but he prefers to sleep in the nude. Satoru only picked up the nearest pair of pants when he heard you knock, and even then, he didn’t have the time to wear a shirt.
Your breath is hot on his skin and he’s so sensitive and aware of all your movements. Satoru clears his throat awkwardly, shifting until his arm lightly holds your back instead, but then he pulls away as if he’s touched fire when he’d unknowingly fiddled with your bra clasp instead. It’s so painfully awkward that Satoru chuckles above you, while you scrunch your nose, silently praying to the heavens above that he won’t hear how loud your heart is beating right now.
“Why is it so hot in your own room?”
“Maybe it’s time you get me an AC.”
“You wish, Satoru,” you mumble beneath him, making yourself as comfortable as you can with your cheek resting on his bicep. It’s not the softest pillow considering he’s pretty muscular, but he’s warm and smells like mint spice nevertheless. “You’re really not going to put on a shirt?”
Satoru sighs, a long and loud one that is extended for dramatic purposes. Suddenly, he pushes your knee off of him, grimacing and thanking the darkness that you can’t see how much he’s struggling right now. “Cupcake, this is hard for me as much as it is for you. You’re barely wearing anything.”
“Since when have you cared about what I wear?”
“I’m a man, Y/N,” is what he reasons with, “You’re lucky it’s me. Had it been someone else and you crawled into their bed wearing these—” Satoru pinches the waistband of your shorts, and you squeal in protest, only making him laugh afterwards before he lets it go and the material snaps back at your skin, “—poor excuse of what you call shorts, I can’t guarantee they’ll give you a peaceful night.”
You know exactly what he’s trying to hint at. Still, it’s hard to believe that Satoru is capable of seeing you that way.
It’s not that you feel you’re unattractive. You know you’re pretty and have been out on many dates, but it’s easy to feel that you’re not sexy when you have the height of a thirteen year old and you’ve been constantly chastised about it.
Satoru’s not-compliment compliment has your heart skipping a beat, and you scoff in response. “Shut up,” you warn lamely, “I want to sleep.”
“Then let’s sleep, cupcake.” You don’t know if it’s because you’re utterly exhausted that you doze off seconds later or if Satoru’s words just held power in them, but soon all thoughts of anything unwanted drifts out the window, his arms keeping you close, completely safe and sound until the worst nightmares couldn’t even come close.
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Hot. It’s extremely hot.
You crack an eye open to try and find the source of this uncomfortable heat, but you freeze when you realize you can’t feel your muscles from the chin down. Panic rises in your throat once you see the current predicament you’re in, and a scream rips through your throat so loud that the birds outside scurry away in a flurry.
You’re wrapped in Satoru’s blanket and comforter, rendering you unable to move because of how he’d treated you like a burrito wrap. Even your toes are captured inside this hell, and only your head is able to wriggle side to side.
The culprit comes out of the shower a split second later, his hair dripping wet and only a towel hanging low from his lips. If you weren’t so hell-bent on killing him, you would’ve been speechless at the way water drips from his hair down to the curves of his abs, going down down down into a place only your darkest imaginations could take you.
Satoru bends over in laughter as he whips out his phone, jumping from angle to angle and side to side to take photos of you. “Fuck,” he howls, slapping his thigh while you snarl in an attempt to break free. “You’re a lot cuter than I thought you’d be.”
“Satoru! Get me out of here!”
“No, this is way too gold. I’m sending these to my students.”
“Satoru, I’m serious!” The devil incarnate himself falls deaf to your please.
Maybe it’s because the violent intent has coursed through your veins so strongly that a surge of energy and strength overcomes you, and soon, you’ve rolled out of the blanket. The fresh air nipping at your heated skin is most welcomed, but right now, you had a mission to fulfil: obliterate Gojo Satoru.
The platinum haired man is still laughing to himself, too distracted in scrolling through the best photos to send to his students that he doesn’t notice you escaping and zooming straight right at him.
The momentum is enough to catch him off guard until you end up on top of him, short arms clawing your way through to snatch his phone. Satoru yelps when his phone lands out into the living room and your hands come down to choke him. You don’t have plans to kill him, but you want to hurt him enough to remind him you’re not someone he can fuck with.
You’ve just about had enough of this man and you’re so sick of him!
Satoru yells out a “Hey!” when you let out a battle cry, using your legs to kick him back when he tries to sit up. Your plan backfires when your hands slip down his wet skin and you fall face forwards, hands barely touching the ground for support when your lips come crashing down on his.
He stills underneath you. It takes a moment for you to realize that holy shit, you’re kissing him and his lips are so soft that has you scrambling back, but Satoru doesn’t let you.
His large hand comes up at the back of your neck to pull you forward. The sudden movement makes you gasp, and Satoru slips his tongue inside when you do so. You no longer remember how you got here or try to make sense of what’s going on, because he feels so good, tastes so good that you bury your nails in his hair while he ravishes your mouth.
You’re so tiny that his hand cups your entire buttcheek almost possessively, a low growl emanating deep in his throat when your tongue eagerly intertwines with his. Satoru tastes like heaven and everything about the kiss is sloppy – tongue clashing with one another and teeth nibbling at the other’s lips. It’s clear both of you can’t get enough of one another as you moan in his mouth, shamelessly grinding on his crotch, suddenly thankful that you’re always wearing thin clothes when you feel him harden underneath you.
“Fuck, baby,” he pulls away to breathe, a string of saliva connecting the both of you. “Yeah, just like that,” There’s something empowering about the way he pants at your ministrations, especially when you roll your hips faster across his erection. “Keep going, baby, you’re doing – fuck – so well.”
You smirk at his praises, latching your teeth on his neck to suck marks on them. Satoru groans at the same time you muffle your moans through his skin, his hands sliding under your shirt to tug the cups of your bra down. You nearly lose it when he pinches your nipple, bolts of electricity running down your spine at the contact. A moan breaks through your lips just as you come right there and then, the wetness of your sudden orgasm barely hidden in your flimsy underwear.
“Feel good?” he teases and drags your shirt down to the other side, but the post-nut clarity hits. And when it does, it hits hard.
Fuck. You just came from Satoru’s simple touches, and he’s so unsatisfied, still painfully hard underneath you but nothing but panic and regret washes over you like a strong tidal wave. Suddenly, you grow lightheaded as you push yourself off him, fixing your bra while ignoring the confused and hurt look on his face.
“I gotta go to work,” you run out the room, feeling your body tremble as Satoru runs after you. “Make yourself breakfast. I’ll eat on the way out.”
“Y/N, wait!”
You know you’ve just ruined everything – that nothing will ever be the same after that – but you’re scared, utterly and remorsefully so, that you slam the door right in his face as if you don’t have any idea how much you broke him.
You’ll never forget the way Satoru’s face fell when you left.
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Just as you thought, nothing is the same after that. The tension is so thick around the apartment you make an effort and go out of your way just to avoid him and the apartment completely.
It’s cowardly – you know this much – but do you ever try to fix the friendship you cherish but shattered completely? You don’t. You don’t because it only crashes down onto you now that maybe your feelings for him aren’t just platonic, after all. It’s even worse because you touch yourself at the thought of him filling you up when he’s asleep, all because you want him so bad and the mere presence of him has your brain malfunctioning.
It isn’t entirely sexual either. Yes, you want to fuck him badly, but it scares you down to the core even more because you want so much more than that.
Now you understand why you always say he’s a bother but never asked him to leave. It’s because you like him, actually romantically interested in him. It makes sense now why you always felt so annoyed whenever your co-workers asked for his number, or how you’re immediately pissed off when Satoru talks about this hot woman he saw at work. You always chalk it up to an excuse you just hate how he can’t keep in his pants, but it isn’t true at all.
It’s because you actually like him – and you’re at a loss on what to do or how to deal with it.
The next few days feels like hell. Satoru isn’t stupid; he knows you’re avoiding him. He stops teasing you eventually and even buys takeout all the time when you lock yourself up in your room right after work, refusing to cook dinner or even eat all so you’d be spared the torture of looking at him.
He’d knock at your door and ask you to eat, but other than that, he’s respected your distance.
You feel like the most terrible person on earth. You don’t miss the way dark circles line under his eyes or how he’s lost his spark, barely even speaking to you when you’ve come or about to leave for work.
You’re alone the whole ride, as well, and it only dawns on you how lonely you are when Satoru isn’t always annoying you all the time.
But it doesn’t make sense. Why is he so bothered by it? Didn’t he regret it? It’s painfully clear you’re not Satoru’s type. You’ve seen the women he dated before, and you’re not close to them so why does he seem like he’s struggling with this as well? Or maybe...he’s just sad that his friend is avoiding him.
Yeah, that has to be it.
Satoru is a man. He was probably turned on at that time, but after giving some thought about it, he probably wants to keep his distance too. He’d be insane if he ever actually wants to date you – his best friend out of all people – because he’s Gojo Satoru and he could literally have everyone else.
You don’t care that you’re a coward.
You don’t care that Satoru is sad to see you this way.
You don’t care because you know he’ll reject you, you know he’ll be weirded if you admit your feelings for him. To him, you’re like his little sister. There’s just no way you two would work out. For now, you have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. You just need some time to get over your feelings for him, and when you’re confident you won’t fall for him again, you’ll mend your friendship.
You just need time.
“So, Y/N, you still don’t want to give us your friend’s number?”
“Yeah, Y/N, you should share it,” your co-worker encourages by jabbing her shoulder to yours. It’s a lazy Friday night and the staff went out for dinner. You don’t usually come to these hangouts since dinner with Satoru is always much more fun, but he’s the last person you want to think about now, so you happily join them. Now, though, you’re starting to regret ever coming here. “If he’s really single like you said, then it shouldn’t be a big deal to ask for it.”
“Well, since you want it so badly, why don’t you ask him directly for it instead?” you snap, feeling anger begin to trickle. All you wanted was just one day where you don’t have to think of him, but of course they had to bring him up. It’s also annoying how they can never seem to get the message across that you don’t want them dating him. “Why do I have to be the messenger?”
“We haven’t seen him much. Doesn’t he always walk you to work?”
“He’s been busy with his job, that’s all.” And also because I’m avoiding him – so now he’s avoiding me too.
“He’s a teacher, right?”
“Oh, come on, guys, don’t be so dense,” your senpai chugged her drink rather loudly, catching the attention of your nosy co-workers who wouldn’t stop pestering you for his number. “Look at how uncomfortable she looks. It’s obvious she doesn’t want you guys to be involved with her friend for a reason. Think of how weird it is for her too if ever her co-worker and best friend dated. She’s going to feel like a third wheel.”
“I’m not—”
“That makes sense,” your co-worker nodded beside you, “Are you sure you just don’t like him though?”
“Ew, why would I?” the food began to taste bitter through your lies, “He may be tall and attractive, but as his roommate, I’ve seen his ugly side. Satoru is a complete slob and can’t even cook to save his life.”
“I don’t mind cooking for him all the time if I were to be his little housewife.”
“That’s never gonna happen,” your words came out harsher than it was, and you laugh it off with a wave of your hand when your co-workers’ eyes widened. “I’ve been living with him for six months and he’s never brought anyone home or told me he’s going on a date. I told you already, he’s a no strings attached kind of guy. He’s nothing but a one night stand.”
“You have to admit he’s still sexy though.”
Right. You hide your groan through another shot because there’s no way of convincing them otherwise. As much as you hate to admit, you’re actually jealous on how freely they could talk about him like that, but then again, it’s not like you and Satoru were dating – or would ever date, for that matter.
They start to leave one by one when it starts to get late, leaving only you who’s still desperate to avoid Satoru. Nothing prepares you for when the sky darkens and a storm comes pouring just as you’ve left the closing shop, the rain drenching and soaking your clothes through and through. Running under the nearest tree for shelter, you shiver. It’s cold – way too cold – and curse yourself for not bringing a darned umbrella.
The nearest bus stop is like what, fifteen to twenty minutes away? Your teeth are chattering and your legs are shaking, and you fumble through your phone as you dial a number you know by heart before you even realize what you’re doing. “S-Satoru?”
“Y/N,” the surprise is unmasked in his voice, something shuffling in the background before it falls silent. “Is everything okay?”
“Uhm, are you busy right now? It’s fine if you are, I’m just—”
“I’m training with Yuuji, but what is it?”
“Listen, I,” you inhale sharply when coldness bursts through your body, making you shiver and press yourself closer to tree to get away from the rain. Above you, thunder crackles before the rain grows heavier and angrier. “I forgot to bring an umbrella and I’m absolutely soaked right now. The nearest bus stop is fifteen minutes away and all the buildings here look so shady—”
“I’ll be on my way. Text me where you are,” You nod and thank him, too cold and numb to realize you’ve just broken days of silence. You lose track of time under there, hugging yourself until your lips turn blue. It doesn’t take long before Satoru shows up minutes later, his hair equally drenched and sticking flat to his eyes free from his blindfold while he pants, hand on his knees. “Thank goodness you’re safe. I rushed here so fast I forgot to bring an umbrella.”
After seeing Satoru drenched like that, something snaps within you. He doesn’t seem bothered by the fact the rain is unforgiving as it slaps the pavement, and your heart breaks when you see that he’s more concerned for you – even after you’ve given him the silent treatment. “You idiot! Now you’re soaking wet too, you’re going to get sick!”
“Highly unlikely,” he shrugs. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
“But what about—” Satoru suddenly carries you before draping his coat over your head, running until he found a cab to hail. He immediately asks the driver to turn up the heater while you tremble on top of him, not caring anymore that you’re sticking so close to him for heat.
Satoru doesn’t let you go all the way inside the apartment. He sets you down on the couch where you take off your wet clothes in haste, too cold with teeth chattering that you silently take the hoodie and boxers Satoru offers you, making sure to keep his gaze averted the whole time. Once fully dressed, you snuggle back into the sofa’s comfort, stiffening when the couch dips beside you.
Not a moment later, Satoru towel-dries your hair, leaving your mouth and throat dry with guilt. Even after you’ve unnecessarily been a bitch to him, he’s still so kind with you.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Satoru...” you twiddle with your thumbs just as he starts to ruffle the towel in your hair, making sure to squeeze water out of the strands as he dries it. “About what happened the other day—”
“It didn’t happen if you don’t want it to,” his voice is cold’ monotonous and so emotionless you’re rendered speechless. “You can forget about it.”
“You regret it, right?” he’s done with drying your hair, and he stands up to place the wet towels in the sink as you watch him stride all the way there. He’s changed his clothes too; looking comfortable in a plain white shirt and some grey sweatpants, looking every bit the domestic boyfriend you’ve always wanted but can never have. “It’s fine. We can forget about it and go back to normal,” to emphasize his point, Satoru winks at you, though it does nothing but make your heart sink.
“What if I don’t want to forget it?” your voice is small; hesitant and wavering with fear. “What if...the only reason I pulled away is because I wanted more of you?”
Satoru’s back freezes as he sets the towel aside. At this point, your heart is pulsing on your tongue, and you dig your nails onto your thighs when Satoru sits down next to you, right next to you. He’s silent the whole time; eyes calculatedly piercing through yours. Your breath hitches when his hands that are burning hot against your cold skin cups your jaw before his thumb runs across your lips, his eyes turning dark at your reactions.
“And what if I said I felt the same way?”
“I,” you gasp, closing your eyes because it all feels so surreal. “I like you, Satoru. I like you a lot and I—” he doesn’t let you finish. Soon, you find yourself in his lap with his hands cupping your cheeks while he smashes his lips onto yours.
Satoru is absolutely feral. He’s breathing hard and almost angry, even, with the way his teeth are biting down to nibble on your lips. You moan when he drags you closer, your clothed centre rubbing on his thigh with delicious friction. “You have no idea,” he rasps down on your lips, “how much I’ve fucking liked you ever since we were kids,” Satoru pushes his hoodie aside, revealing your sweet neck to him, and he doesn’t waste his time in sucking and abusing the poor flesh so he can mark you as his. “I’ve always wanted you, Y/N, it’s always you, always you.”
You fist his hoodie when Satoru sinks his teeth down into the juncture of your neck, his hands curious and exploring every inch of your body. He knows you’re naked underneath his clothes, but it’s a different thing when he actually feels your breasts right on his palm. Satoru tweaks the hardened bud in his fingers, growling when you moan at the contact and use his thigh to get off.
“You—” you gasp as you expose your neck to him, wild and needy as you keep rubbing your heat over his thigh. “—talk way too fucking much,” you scold, finally pushing his lips away from your neck. Satoru chuckles at your eagerness but you silence him by flinging his boxers off of your body and somewhere far away, exposing your heat slick with arousal right in front of him. His pupils blow in excitement, hands coming up to grab at your hips, but his attention is taken away when you nibble on his ear to whisper, “Shut up and fuck me.”
The simple command is enough to make his patience snap. In a flash, you’re pinned underneath him, whining and moaning when his finger meets no resistance as he slips it inside. “You’re that needy, huh?” he laughs even louder when you lose it, humping yourself on his finger because it’s not enough.
“Satoru,” you beg, clutching his bicep when he adds another finger in. “More.”
His fingers are so long, hitting places that your small ones could never reach. He begins to scissor his way in, his fingers deliciously rubbing against your velvety walls while pumping them inside and out in a speed that causes you to squelch around him.
It’s absolutely lewd how you’re eagerly spread out before him, but your head is clouded with lust, no longer hindered by shyness out of your need to cum. Your chest is rising heavily, his thumb now rubbing against your clit as he coaxes you to cum. “Tell me what you want, baby,” he kisses your cheeks, eyelids, nose, anywhere but your lips, his voice so gentle and innocent as if he’s not knuckle deep inside you. “Tell me how you want me.”
“Inside,” you whine, gasping when he brushes against a really sensitive spot that has you clamping down on him. “‘Toru, fuck, just fuck me.”
“Beg for it,” he smiles against your skin, relentless and harsh as he keeps pushing inside you. You feel him everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Another finger adds in until you’re dripping enough on his palm and staining the couch, but neither of you care. “I said, beg for it.”
“No,” you hold back, nearly crying out when he pulls your fingers out of you. That sudden emptiness is back again, but you don’t want to beg. You’ve never begged another man before, and this won’t be the first time you’ll be doing so either. You refuse to let him have the upper hand despite the crystal clear fact you’re already soaking wet for him, but because you’re stubborn, you only fumble with his sweatpants to spring his cock free.
He’s already dripping with pre-cum from the slit, his cock hard and angry. Despite his arousal, Satoru stops you from going further, using only one hand to trap both your wrists. “Beg for it,” he demands again, his other fist already pumping down on his shaft.
You nearly cry at the sight. Both of you are aware that Satoru is capable of pleasuring himself, but it’s not that easy for you. Your small, dainty fingers will never be parallel to the pleasure his long cock could give you. All you had to do was beg for it. He’s right there, within reach, if only you’d just –
Impatient for your answer, Satoru takes you by the hips and discards your hoodie in the process, sinking you down his cock, inch by delicious inch. You don’t hold back from the sensual and high-pitched moan that leaves your lips. He’s long, and the tip of his cock just about brushes your cervix when he bottoms out. He feels so good, so warm and huge and filling you up right where you want him to be. Your head falls down on his shoulder as you begin to roll your hips, but Satoru has had enough.
“Fuck, look at you,” he presses on the bulge of his cock visible through your abdomen. “You’re so fucking small – how do you take me so well? I could ruin you. Do you want that? Do you want me to ruin you?”
“Yes, yes, fuck.”
“You think you can just leave me hanging like that, huh?” he slaps your ass, eliciting another moan from you and making you clench around his cock. Satoru falters for a moment. Before you can react, he stands up, your legs wrapped around his waist with nothing but his tip hitting inside you. “You’ve been so fucking mean – leaving me wanting you like that and ignoring me for days. Do you think you deserve this, huh?” Satoru kicks his door open at the same time he loosens his hold around your ass, making you slide down his length the next second.
“Oh, fuck,” you cry out just as Satoru begins to bounce you, your breasts following the motion of him fucking deep into you. “Fuck, Toru, that’s too—”
He’s so eager to fuck you, to make a mess out of you and have you losing your mind over his cock that he doesn’t even wait until you’re both on the bed. You no longer register when your back hits the pillow, or how your arms are frozen when he pins it above your head.
“You’re so beautiful,” he praises as he watches you clench around him. You’re so small and his eyes zero in on the way your abdomen bulges then flattens again every time he pounds into you, rolling his hips in a way that has you screaming and thighs quaking. “Beautiful, beautiful, perfect,” the moment his hands grip at your hips to pin you down, you know he’s not going to stop. And you don’t want him to.
Satoru latches his lips around your right breast, gently grazing his teeth over it while his other hand pinches and rolls the pebbled nipple between his fingers. He feels so good – and you’re crying already by the time you wrap your legs around him to pull him closer.
The room is filled with the smell of sex, the sound of skin slapping against skin combined with his breathy grunts and your moans like heaven on his ears. Satoru wants you to feel how much he loves you – how much he adores you – and the pace he sets is torturous. He snaps his hips against yours and presses down on the bulge of his cock through your belly, chuckling when you tighten more around him.
Your head lols to the side, tears falling down your pretty face because of how rough he’s being. But you don’t complain, not when he’s filling you in so deep and he’s kissing you everywhere, touching you everywhere, making you feel nothing else and nobody else but him.
“You’re amazing,” he rasps, watching the way your tight cunt sucks him in greedily as if you don’t want him to go anywhere else. “You take me in so well – you really want me to destroy you, huh?”
“Satoru, please,” you finally plead, “I-I’m cumming, I want you, I need you, oh,” you squeal when he finally lets your arms free. You look so precious, so innocent, and he doesn’t let up his pace. He plants his feet into the ground and his strokes begin to grow sloppy, your tight walls encouraging him to go faster, go deeper.
If possible, Satoru is only even more fuelled with the way you look so precious and innocent in that moment. His touch is gentle in comparison to the way he’s mercilessly plowing into you, using his thumb to wipe away the tears streaming down your cheeks. He knows he’s too big for you, that much is obvious from how much you’re already overstimulated just by his size, but your nails sink down on the flesh of his ass as a silent plead for more.
“Fuuuuck, I’m so close!”
“Yeah?” He fondled your clit, loving the sight of your small body creaming down on his cock. “Come for me, sweet girl. I want to feel you coming on my cock. Come on, tell me you’re mine. You’re made me for aren’t you?”
“Yes, Satoru, fuck,” you squeal, throwing your head back for a second when he keeps hitting your g-spot that has you seeing stars. Your toes curl and your hands fist the sheets behind you as he keeps impaling you with his cock right then and there.
You looked perfect; so perfect to him that he’s basically using you for his own pleasure at this moment. Your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, back arching and nipples brushing against his chest.
In that moment, you grow needy to have him even closer, tilting up to blindly search for his lips. Satoru complies; leaning down and leaving open mouthed breathy kisses that’s a mix of you moaning and crying around him, while he struggles to do so when he’s cursing at the feeling of you coating his cock with your juices. Satoru looks down at your tiny frame trapped in his arms, his voice husky as he groans once he saw both of your arousal absolutely leaking out of your wet cunt.
He’s so close but you’re already over the edge, scratching at his back at the overstimulation. You’re still so sensitive from when you came and Satoru doesn’t slow one down one bit. He loses his rhythm as his thrusts go sloppy, and Satoru buries his face in your neck as his cock twitches inside you until he bursts with his cum leaking out of your hole.
Satoru’s arms give out beneath you, his chest colliding with yours but not enough that he’s crushing you with his weight. You’re both breathing hard and panting, his dick softening inside you.
He pulls back a moment later to slide out his sensitive cock, wincing while he watches pools of cum gather in your pussy before it drips out. It isn’t until he’s witnessing the mess he’s made he realizes how you’ve been so good for him; taking him all the way in despite your quivering frame. It dawns on him now just how tiny you are when he pulls you close to him; you’re practically hanging off his chest with how small your body is.
He wonders how you’re able to fit all of him, but he’s grateful nevertheless. Satoru shows his appreciation by peppering kisses all over your face, his hand snaking down to caress your inner thighs.
“Hmm,” you moan into the kiss, jolting when his knuckles brush against your sensitive clit. “Satoru, no,” you whine while pushing his hand away, and he shushes you with another kiss. “’M too sensitive, please...”
“It’s fine, cupcake, it’s fine,” his nickname for you is back again, and you lean closer to him just as he begins to massage your sore legs. “You did so well for me, cupcake, you know that? You’re such a good girl for me,” too fucked out to have a comprehensive answer, you only nod in response, spreading your legs open again and ignoring the warm stickiness between your thighs as Satoru kneads your abused flesh. You feel him kiss your temple before he leaves to get a towel and cleans you up. Meanwhile, you’re so tired you’re about to doze out in his bed.
“Hey,” he soothes, bundling you up in his arms until you’re tucked in the safety of his body. So small, he coos inside his head, watching as you fold yourself even smaller while your eyes flutter. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you sigh into his shoulder, “I feel good. Thank you.”
Satoru doesn’t really know what you’re thanking him for. He feels like he’s the one who’s mostly indebted to you after everything you’ve done for him. You’ve already fallen asleep before he gets the chance to tell you how he feels, so Satoru only covers you both under his blanket, making sure there’s no more space between you out of fear you’ll distance yourself from him again.
But he doesn’t have to worry about that because you’re right next to him, and you’re never out of reach.
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silversatoru · 3 years
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soapy titty pics (sexting w/ inumaki)
a/n: here u go shawty i hope you enjoy ur toge smut @brandmeyelena <3.
toge inumaki x f!reader
tags/warnings: sexting, mild edging, male masturbation
w/c: 1.2k
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it’s 2:00 am and toge’s still awake again.
staying up late and thinking of you — your hair, your eyes, the small curve at the base of your back. then his mind starts to wonder to other aspects of your beautiful body — your thighs, your tits, the way your perfect lips would look wrapped around his cock.
it’s been almost a month since he’s seen you and it’s been the most excruciating month of his life. he was tired and bitter that he had to be in another country fighting curses while you were back home without him. he missed pulling pranks on the other students and hearing your laugh ring out through the dorms — but he also missed the feeling of his dick in your pretty pussy. toge’s mind was bouncing from one extreme to the other but it was fitting, because he missed every aspect of you.
as thoughts of you continued to cloud his mind, his hand crept down to the growing bulge in his silky pajama pants. he pressed a firm hand over his budding erection, slowly palming it up and down.
fuck — the things he would do to have your head bobbing between his thighs right now.
his phone emitted a bright light in his dark room, a soft vibration buzzing from the device. he almost didn’t check it, because there was no way anyone of importance was contacting him at this hour. it was probably just an email, or a new follower on twitter, and he was kind of fucking busy living in his sexual fantasies of you.
but then it buzzed again, and then a third time, and a fourth time too. curiosity getting the best of him, he decided his aching member could wait another minute while he checked the notifications.
his cock twitched underneath the loose fabric, his mouth practically salivating as he stared as his phone. they were pictures from you, dimly lit snapshots of your round, perky tits covered in suds of soap. the pictures were accompanied by a single message, which read:
‘some soapy titty pics for u love,, wish u were here with me rn’
how ironic that both of you were up at this obscene hour just thinking of each other. you really were his soulmate — but he could focus on the sappy shit later, for now all he cared to focus on was how fucking hot you were.
‘yeah i’d titty fuck the hell out of those
how’d you know i was thinking about you right now?’
he quickly typed out his responses before his hand trailed back down to his throbbing erection. but this time he gently pushed the waistband of his pants down his thighs and let his cock spring free from its previous containment. he sucked a sharp breath through his teeth as he brushed his fingers over the sensitive skin.
he pumped a few lazy strokes up his length while he scrolled through the pictures you sent, pinching his phone so he could zoom in on your soapy, glistening breasts. your timing was truly impeccable — you have no idea how much he needed these.
‘lucky guess? you’re always thinking about me
and i’d let you do more than just titty fuck me
i can think of a couple other things that’d be even better’
your messages vibrate through his phone and send another rush of blood straight to his dick. he lifted his hand and collected some saliva in his mouth before spitting it into his palm. he massaged the sticky substance into his cock, his head falling back onto his pillow while he texted you back with his other hand.
‘obviously,, ur tits are just the warm-up
and then we’d move on to your mouth, right? with your hands tied behind your back just how you like them?’
he could practically imagine you down there, strands of spit hanging from the corners of your swollen lips while your tongue flicked over the head of his member. you’d be staring up at him with biggest eyes too, and they’d be glistening with a hint of mischief as you continued to tease him.
toge desperately fucked himself into his hand until the point where he was about to come, and then let his cock fall helplessly from his fingers. he was going to drag this out for as long as he could, edging himself in between each of your messages. but he could barely contain himself when the next thread came rolling through:
‘of course babe
i’d cover your thighs in love marks and then lather your dick with my tongue
hot, sticky saliva dripping from my chin while you shove it down my throat as hard as you want’
you were ruining this poor boy, a couple small beads of sweat forming above his brow. he was fiercely bucking his hips into his hand now, but it still wasn’t what he needed — it’s still wasn’t you.
but it was good enough, and he pushed himself right to the edge again before quickly letting go. his fingers twitched and trembled while they flurried across the screen:
then you can relax and i’ll do the work
slide my dick inside your wet pussy and bend you over the edge of the bed
i need you so bad it’s been so long’
toge’s hand wrapped around his shaft again, pumping faster and more frantic than he’d been before. his eyes were squeezed shut and he could practically feel the walls of your cunt around his cock. he’s picturing you riding you him, hearing the soft slapping noise of your ass hitting his thighs with every bounce. your hair is falling around your face, messy stands in front of your eyes as they roll back into your head. you look so pretty, so perfect on his cock, so-
‘two more weeks toge
two more weeks until i’m moaning and whimpering in your ears
gasping for air and clawing at the sheets while you take me from behind
i want you to wreck me when you finally get home’
he could almost hear the illusion of your delicate moans, the way they roll off your tongue and right into his yearning ears. and he could almost see your face contorting in overwhelming pleasure while he grinds his hips into yours.
clusters of the quietest whimpers slipped through his lips while he squirmed and stretched out his legs. he was intoxicated with thoughts of your body on his, your name glued to his lips while strings of white flew onto his bare chest. he milked out every last drop of his seed, the sticky white substance covering his torso and dripping down his hand.
he dropped his phone to the bed, the only sound in the silent room being his heavy, breathless pants. it was satisfying, doing this while he texted you, but it still didn’t amount to the real thing. what he really fucking needed was for this goddamn mission to end early so he could come home to you.
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sluttyten · 3 years
for writing prompt 18,21,23 with Johnny :)
Johnny + “you need to use your words, love.” + “show me just how much you missed me.” + “show me exactly where you want me.”
You were the one that left Johnny, the one that called quits on this arrangement you had with him. You came to him for sex, he gave you gifts. Really, you'd been getting more out of the arrangement than he had been, but you weren't sure he ever saw it that way.
You were the one that got dicked down regularly, gifted multiple orgasms on a spectacular dick, as well as gifted jewelry and clothes and expensive dinners.
Johnny spoiled you, but you were the one that walked away from it all because you caught feelings and that's the one thing that Johnny had made clear from the start that he wouldn't give you. He wouldn't tell you he loved you, just give you sex and presents, and at first that had seemed like a good deal until suddenly you realized the sour taste in your mouth when you had to leave him.
So you'd left, but after a month away, here you were crawling back to him.
Johnny didn't even look surprised when he opened the door to his apartment and found you standing outside. You felt so small under his gaze, so desperate for him to accept you back. Your heart almost split from the relief when Johnny stepped aside and welcomed you in.
He got a drink for you, a drink for him, and you sat down across from each other in his small living room. And then you looked at each other in silence, sipping your drinks, neither of you saying a word until Johnny eventually got tired of the silence.
"You need to use your words, love. Why are you here?" He sits his glass down heavily on the side table.
You stare down into your glass. Do you tell him the truth? That you left him because you loved him, that you're back because you love him too much to be able to stay away? Does all of this just make you a masochist?
"Baby?" Johnny's voice is soft, prompting you to look up at him again.
When he looks at you as he is right now, as if you're the only person in the world to him, the words fly from your mouth without much more thought.
"I missed you, Johnny. I shouldn't have left, I'm sorry."
"You're sorry? Why?" He leans forward with his elbows on his knees. "The important thing is that you came back, right? Because you missed me. Do you want to show me just how much you missed me?"
This is how it always goes with him. Maybe a little brief conversation, maybe a drink or two or ten, but soon the situation turns toward sex. That is why this all started out, so you can't be surprised, and even now after a month away, you find yourself drawn into this usual pattern.
Your mouth fills with the hunger to have him.
"Come on, love." Johnny leans back in his seat, spreading his legs temptingly. "Show me just how much you missed me."
One moment you're sitting on the seat across from him, still holding your drink, and in the next you're on your knees in between his legs. Your glass is somewhere behind you long-forgotten, your hands too busy now with unfastening Johnny's pants, getting at his cock that you've missed so much over the last few weeks.
Your moans are all that you hear as you take Johnny's length into your mouth. You've missed having him fill your mouth, weighing down your tongue, gagging you as you push yourself to take him all the way in.
Soon Johnny's hand falls to the back of your head, stroking your hair as you bob on his cock, blowing him to your heart's content. You used to spend ages sucking on his cock, sitting dumbly between his legs with his cock in your mouth while he played games or worked on something on his computer.
Being back here makes you feel like no time has passed, that you've lost nothing with him.
"You're so good for me, love." Johnny tells you, his voice catching low, not letting out a moan, but letting you know that if he would let himself make such a noise in front of you, then he would have. Johnny was never one to let out sweet sounds of pleasure for you; he used his words instead, no matter how many times you'd told him that you wanted to hear him moan. "Missed your pretty lips around my cock."
His thumb traces around your lips as you pull your head up until only his tip rests between your lips.
"So pretty." Johnny's compliments have always gone straight to your head, but after being away from them for a month, this one nearly makes you lightheaded.
You sit back, letting your hand take over from your mouth, and you pout up at him. "I missed you, daddy. I couldn't stay away any longer."
"Yeah? Shouldn't have left me in the first place. No explanation or anything, just gone one morning when I woke up." He pushes his fingers into your hair, tipping your head back so you're looking him right in the eye. "You didn't answer my texts or my calls. And now here you are, back again as if nothing changed, telling me you want me."
You suck your bottom lip into your mouth.
Johnny tuts at you. "Is this all I am to you, baby? Just a cock for you to suck on until you get bored?"
But isn't that basically all you are to him too? Just a pussy to cum in with no strings attached?
You shake your head. He's more to you. Johnny is so much more than just his cock. You love him, and sitting here on your knees before him with his hand tangled in your hair and his cock in your hand, you know that more than ever. You want to be close to him. As close as can be because you want him.
"Johnny, I'm sorry."
He tugs lightly on your hair before releasing his hold. "You just want me. Well, go on, show me exactly where you want me."
It's extremely rare that Johnny lets you do what you want without you begging him endlessly for it, so for him to offer it up to you like this, it takes you a moment to kick into motion.
Johnny watches you with his cool gaze as you stand up smoothly. He watches as you strip out of your clothes, and it's only the slightest bob of his throat that tells you that the sight of you standing entirely nude in front of him is affecting him.
He drops his head back against the back of his seat when you step closer, swinging a leg over his lap to seat yourself there. His hands sit now on either armrest, unmoving even as you start kissing his throat, lightly dragging your wet pussy over his cock.
When this goes on for another minute of him acting entirely unaffected by you, a fear sparks to life in your heart, and you wonder if you're doing something wrong.
The moment you lift your head from his throat, you catch sight of Johnny's eyes closed, his lips parted, his face smooth with quiet pleasure. Then you spot one of his hands clenching the arm of his chair. Maybe he's not so unaffected.
He stays just like that even as you reach down between your body and his to angle his cock for you to sit down on him. The only change is his lips snapping shut, his throat bobbing once more. You like watching him like this, seeing these subtle details that you're sure he doesn't even realize.
Johnny lets you caress his face, only opening his eyes to watch you as you lift yourself up only to drop back down on his cock, your body moving in slow undulations. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and you can't hold back anymore.
You've missed kissing Johnny.
His lips part against yours, and the moment that his tongue touches yours, it's like a switch is flipped. His hands leave the arms of the chair to plant themselves on your hips. He takes control, and you give it over willingly, circling your arms around his neck, drowning in his kiss.
Johnny directs your hips, keeping your hips rolling, bouncing you on his cock. You've missed him so much that the need to cum rises quickly; you've been so horny without him to satisfy you when you needed him to, so you haven't cum once in the month you've been apart.
Johnny smiles as you cum, clenching around his cock and letting sweet moans of his name out.
He keeps going, knowing just how easy it is to pull multiple orgasms out of you. You cum again just a moment later, clawing at his shoulders, which only drives Johnny to fuck you down on his cock faster, loving the feeling of you cumming around him. He fucks you until you're eyes burn and tears drip down your cheeks, and he kisses at your tears, pushing you into another orgasm with his fingers on your clit.
It's the fourth orgasm when you collapse forward, fingernails digging into his skin, your lips pressed to his neck. Your body shivers and twitches, pussy pulsating around his cock and so sensitive that you think just another orgasm might be the end of you.
Johnny, who (for the record, claims) he does not moan, lets out a sound then that sounds a hell of a lot like a moan, though it's cut off a little early. And then he cums inside you, and it feels so good after so long without it, that you feel a little drunk on the feeling of his orgasm mixing with your own.
And much like when you're really drunk, you're happy and crying and the words come out of you before you can think twice about them.
"I love you, Johnny," you cry against his shoulder, your wet cheek sticking to his skin. "That's why I left. I want you, I love you, I missed you."
His hands rub soothingly at your hips. His lips brush your shoulder. "That's okay, love."
That's okay. That's all he had to say when you confessed. Like, that's okay, I forgive you for stupidly falling in love. Or that's okay, but I told you I can't feel the same. You hold still in his arms. Maybe you should leave. Maybe this could've been goodbye, because the last time before this, you didn't think it was going to be the last time, but maybe this one could be.
Johnny strokes your hips, and then he slides his hands higher until he's combing his fingers through your hair and the other hand reaches for your hand. Softly, Johnny tells you, "I missed you too, you know. I didn't like waking up alone, having you leave my messages unanswered. Like, one day I had the world, and the next, I was adrift in space."
You sit up, pushing away from his chest so you can look at his face and make sure that Johnny's actually saying these words.
You've always been under the impression that although you definitely got more out of the arrangement since you got bomb dick and gifts, that you were the one that valued it more than Johnny even though he was the one giving you everything. You thought you were just a fuck, a pretty girl for him to give things to make her look prettier in his eyes. Because he'd told you with words from his own mouth that he wouldn't love you, but now here's these new words, telling you that you were like his world.
"You can't say stuff like this," you tell him, pressing your hand against his chest.
"Like what?" Despite those sweet words, Johnny's face is still the solid, cool expression that you so often see.
You frown. "You can't say stuff, comparing me to being your whole world. Not when you told me that you couldn't or wouldn't love me."
Now it's Johnny's turn to frown. "I didn't say that. I said that I wouldn't tell you that, not that I wouldn't feel that way. I'm not.... I'm not good at saying stuff like that, but that doesn't mean I don't feel that way. I like having you in my life, in my bed. I like treating you to gifts, taking you out, making you happy. You make me happy. I thought we were happy until you vanished last month."
"What a fucking miscommunication this has all been." You slide your hands over his shoulders, thumbs resting on either side of his throat. "I could kill you for the stress you've put me through. So you love me, even if you won't say it? That sounds like a problem I can work with."
Maybe it's a bigger problem, to have a man in your life that claims to love you without using those actual words, but you're certain, as Johnny smiles at you, as that cool facade of his breaks a bit to show you the sunshine he is beneath, that you can pull him out of that shell, disappear his fear of telling you he loves you.
requests are closed now! thank you everyone for sending them in!
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cvtqr · 3 years
hey roomie!
pairings; eren jaeger x reader
content warning; eren jaeger x f!reader
content warning; friends to lovers, masturbation, unprotected sex, cream pie 
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being eren jaeger’s roommate was... well, challenging. he was always up late doing extra work his boss assigned him, bringing his friends over, his brother barging in once a day.
you didn’t want to move out though, i mean you could never afford a place on your own. plus you had a good relationship with eren. you were connected through your cousin reiner in college. you guys got pretty close and by graduation the both of you decided to share an apartment for expense reasons.
as of right now, eren was interning at a company called scout. a business ran by no other than the semi-famous, and extremely handsome, erwin smith. eren was working in one of the offices managed by levi ackerman. you figured having someone as powerful and smart as levi guiding you, eren was going places in that company.
as for you, you were currently employed in a bar and grill restaurant called marleys.
“i’m headin’ out, see ya galli!”
“see ya tomorrow, text me in the morning.”
friday nights were usually the worst over at marleys, but today was different. some new workers joined the crew and my boss, galliard, wanted to see how they handled the pressure of a packed night. considering that, he gave me the night off.
living with eren for almost a year i’ve come to take notice of his schedule. every friday i get the notification someone’s at our front door at the same time. 12 am is when he comes home on fridays. it’s been like that since the first few weeks you guys lived together while you were still unemployed.
at least it’s only 7pm now. i can finally have some peace and quiet time to myself with no distraction. once i got home the first thing i did was change into my pajamas. it felt nice not having to worry about closing doors or anything, at least for the time being. eren wouldn’t be home for another 4 and a half hours so you could sit in the living room naked for all you cared.
you didn’t have to do anything but enjoy the peace and quiet, so that’s what you did. you plopped down on top of your made bed and just looked around. that was until your eyes met the picture collage on your night stand. specifically the one picture in the collage.
it was from last summer, you and all your friends at a pool party. the one person you had your eyes on though, was eren. how he looked with his shirt off, his damp hair thrown into a messy bun, his swimming trunks wet from just getting out of the water. to top it off, a smug grin on his face while wrapping his arm around you as you sat on his lap. completely innocent of course, there just wasn’t enough room for everyone to fit in the frame of the shot.
you don’t know what got into you during the next few minutes, but some how your hand found the hem of your pants. slowly bringing it down you started to rub circles around your clothed clit, all while thinking of your roommate. as the heat in your pants began to grow, you finally decided to let loose.
you pulled your pants, along with your panties, down and disregarded them on the floor, flipping back onto your side. you were on full display for anyone who walked in and turned down the small hallway of the apartment. you didn’t even consider the possibility of eren coming back home early. no, you didn’t even think of getting up to shut the bedroom door. was it because some part of you wanted him to come home early and see you?
it was dark in the apartment when eren got home. the only sort of light reflecting was the dim light of your lamp coming out of your bedroom. walking over to put his stuff down on the counter, he turned on the main lights.
if you weren’t digging your fingers into your cunt fantasizing about your roommate, so good to the point where you had to squeeze your eyes shut? then maybe you could’ve heard him come in and just maybe you could’ve seen the kitchen and living room light up.
but he heard you first.
not only was the small light coming out of your room, but soft little moans and grunts.
sneaking quietly to the door of your room, eren rested on your door frame, you still not noticing him. he figured you were too deep in your thoughts, and your cunt, to hear him.
that was until you felt your orgasm building up.
“i’m over here, y/n.”
you quickly realized that you weren’t hearing things and that for the first time in almost a year, eren came home and early. you quickly pulled your fingers out and reached over to your throw blanket, now covering you bottom half.
oh god he’s going to kick me out. he doesn’t want to live with such a pervert. some roomate, masturbating to the mere thought of him. that was all your brain could comprehend as eren walked over to you and took a spot on the edge of your bed.
“you know, i was going to let you be and go fuck my fist to the sound of your pretty little whimpers. but now i know you were thinking of me. i figured you’d wanna help me out with my ‘issue’ ”
what. i mean of course you weren’t going to deny. but will this change anything between the two of you? fuck it’s already changed after that
“will it change anything between us? like- would we still be good friends and roommat-“
“stop worrying so much, y/n. i just admitted to getting off to the thought of you, after i actually just walked into you doing the same exact thing.”
he crawled over your bed and landed hovering over you.
“things are already different”
he leaned down and captured his lips with yours. more of a gentle, passionate kiss, which led to a more rougher one just a few seconds later.
“want you eren.” you mumbled out between kisses
your hands trailed down to the belt of his pants before he slapped them away.
“i’m not giving you anything until you’re more specific. what do you want now, sweet girl?”
“want your cock, i want your cock eren!”
his hands trailed down to the hem of your shirt, slowly pulling it over you. the second you were exposed to him, his mouth latched onto you, sucking dark marks onto the flesh of your brest. his other hand now working on the other one, swirling around the sensitive nub.
after he was satisfied with all the whispers coming out of your sweet mouth he looked back up at you.
“want my cock hm?”
you never nodded your head so quickly in your life
“a little more specific baby... come on your so close!”
“want it, want it in my pussy, please eren. just please fuck me already.” at this point you were about to cry for him
“good, i think you deserve your reward for using your big girl words.”
moving your hands back down to his pants, you successfully removed his belt, this time without him slapping you away.
but it was him that quickly shuffled his pants and boxers down.
“i’m on the pill as long as you’re clean.”
his cock twitched at the thought of fucking you raw, his cum filling you up.
before you knew it, eren had pinned your arms above your head with one hand, using the other to guide your hips up. his large cock entered you and he bottomed out.
giving him a nod of approval, he slowly pulled back out, before harshly thrusting right back in. your legs quickly wrapped around his hips, pulling him in closer. his hands let go of your wrists, he was now using it to hold your chest down as he sucked and nipped at your neck. your hands held onto his shoulders, tugging onto his shirt.
without missing a thrust, he slid his shirt off with just one hand, soon returning to work on your neck. your hand met with his now bare shoulder, slightly digging your nails into it. your other hand found it’s way to erens hair, tangling into his messy bun. right as your hand met his hair, he pounded right into your g-spot.
this caused you to let out a loud moan, almost sounding like a scream of pleasure. your hand tightly gripped around his hair. harshly pulling it back.
“fuuuuck, that’s it? that’s the spot isn’t it?”
the only answer he needed is when you let out the same reaction once he hit over that same spot again. he had won you. he continued to abuse your g-spot all while you roughly tugged his hair back.
the wave of pleasure the two of your were experiencing was mesmerizing.
“fuck eren, i’m gonna-”
before you could even finish your sentence you creamed all over eren’s cock.
“please let me, inside, fuuck please.”
once he got the soon nod of approval, he poured his cum out. he did what he’s been fantasizing about since college. he finally fucked you and came inside. and he came hard.
when he pulled out the mixture of cum started to leak out of your hole. that was when eren used his figures to push it back in.
“no, no, not one drop of this is going to be wasted. you understand?”
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peachiimilquetea · 3 years
𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭
𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 boyfriend has never been too sexual of a guy... or so he thought
this authors note is gonna be a bit longer so bare with me pls. so this is the very first request im doing! woo! tysm to @m0chilattae ​ for this request it was so good and i had a lot fun fleshing it out! this is also my first scenario so its not gonna be in my usually bulleted format. I hope you guys like it and please let me know if you have any preferences for legibility or anything like that!
length: 2.6k
contains: sub!bf x dom!reader, afab/fem!reader, light b0ndage, edging, teasing, use of baby boy, use of miss/mistress, light degradation (m!receiving), face sitting/ oral (mostly r! receiving), light overstimulation (m! receiving), 69 technically?, vibe play
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“wow you didn’t even flinch,” you murmured
you and your boyfriend sat on the couch cuddled up together, the dim light from the tv softly reflected on your faces. this movie almost was unbearably long, but he had insisted you had to see it and so here you were almost an hour later.
you pulled your eyes away from the screen to look at your boyfriend.
“this woman is getting some of the best dick of her life on screen and you didn’t even miss a beat,” you giggled.
you weren’t even trying to be funny. the actress on screen let out an exaggerated moan as the man in front of her practically plowed into her, almost to prove your point. the scene wasn’t really your cup of tea but even you were a bit affected, feeling heat prick your skin as you watched the sex scene unfold.
your boyfriend, however, seemed extremely disinterested.
“hey can we skip this scene?” he asked and you grabbed the remote to fast forward.
the rest of the movie went pretty well. your boyfriend made a pretty good choice for this week’s movie night, but you were more focused on what he said earlier.
“so that scene really didn’t make you feel anything? not even a little stomach flutter?”
“nope,” he said popping the p for emphasis, “its just not my thing i guess.”
it wasn’t a secret in your relationship that your boyfriend had a significantly lower sex drive than you did. it was a running joke among his friends and he was almost notorious for not really being too interested in the cultural narrative of traditional sex.
you didn’t hold it against him of course, you loved him all the same and he even got you some toys for the times that he just wasn’t feeling it, but something was always off about his apathy towards getting down and dirty with you. there was, however, one thing you had not tried yet.
you were a switch, but you had never tried to turn the tables on your boyfriend. it could be the missing piece you thought, as you cleaned up the living room. as he took the dishes to the kitchen to wash them you made the executive decision to test your running theory
“you know, i think we should try something later this week,” you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.
“yeah? something like what?” he turned off the water and sighed, leaning into your touch.
“hmmm its a surprise. but you do have to come up with a safeword for me.”
“ill think about it”
and thus your plan was set into motion.
on the days leading up to the finale of your master plan, you decided to start small with the teasing. you had never attempted to turn the tables on your boyfriend and you were extremely curious as to how things would go.
you had asked him to go out and pick up some things for dinner.
“im home!” he called and you directed him to the kitchen with his bags.
“i was just about to start cutting up veggies, so perfect timing babe. did you get the salmon i asked for?”
“yup! i got the last fillet.”
“good boy! you’re so helpful baby i was afraid there wouldn’t be any left”
your boyfriend paused mid-action as he processed what you had just said to him. he didn’t notice the way you were subtly taking note of how his face heated up slightly and how he began to fumble over his words just a little.
the pet name made his stomach do flips, but why was that? did he like that? he didn’t even know himself, but he pushed it down and continued to help you unpack the groceries and set up for your meal. 
the second time you teased him was when he was doing some work for school. he had managed to give himself a huge papercut and came out of his room to find you for help.
“what the hell happened?” you gasped as you saw the state of his finger. he would live but you had no idea how he managed to do this with one sheet of paper.
“s’just a papercut but it stings like crazy. do you have a bandaid?”
you hurried to get him fixed up so he could get right back to work,
“you have to be more careful, baby boy, you only get 10 fingers,” you smiled at him, knowing your words would have an effect on him again.
he sputtered, whatever he was going to say becoming a jumbled mess in his mouth at the casual way you called him baby boy. it was so natural for you, and it sounded so so good to his ears.
“what?” he croaked out, desperately hoping you would repeat yourself.
“are you feeling ok? you’re looking a bit flushed, babe. i just said you need to be more careful, how much blood did you lose?”
“n-not too much,” he ran a hand through his hair to subtly calm himself down, “it was just a paper cut.”
“well ok, if you need anything else you know where to find me.”
the smile in your voice was a new kind of torture to him. he didn’t even know he could feel so hot all the time, let alone from words alone.
you, on the other hand, were growing more and more excited as the days passed. the build-up would make the end of the week that much sweeter and you were determined to make it good for him.
the end of the week couldn’t come fast enough for the two of you. your boyfriend had never been this horny in your life and you had never been so ready to help him out.
as you gently adjusted the restraints around his wrists he felt all sorts of anticipation bubbling in his stomach. he didn’t know what you had planned but he was almost itching to find out. so much for not being too interested.
“do you remember the safe word?” you asked, tugging the chain to check its security to the bed.
“yes,” he breathed.
you left the room to collect yourself and to give yourself the element of surprise. you had to make this a performance, and a damn good one at that.
giving yourself one last look over in the mirror, you stepped back into the room and put on your dominant demeanor. it felt good to be back after such a long time.
“you know,” you started, circling your boyfriend on the bed, “i almost feel silly for not picking up on this sooner.”
your boyfriend said nothing verbally, but his eyes followed you like a starved animal, mind holding onto every word you said for dear life. his mouth was so dry and he was so turned on.
“its funny really, i never did anything because i didn’t want to scare you. isn’t that ironic, baby?” you mused out loud, “the one thing you wanted all along has been here the whole time.”
he finally found his voice, asking, “and what’s that?”
you came closer to him, hooking your leg around his other side and sitting on top of him. you teasingly rubbed your hands all over his chest and stomach, reveling in how he squirmed for you made such small and cute sounds.
“you wanted someone to take control.”
he screwed his eyes shut and let out a low “fuck” at your words as you rubbed over his nipples lightly. he stared at your tits, desperately wanting to grope you back but being stopped by his restraints. 
he bucked in surprise when you pinched them, letting out a loud gasp and throwing his head to the side.
“awww, my baby boy is so sensitive,” you crooned and you swore you watched him die and go to heaven when you called him that.
“you like it when i call you a good boy?”
he groaned, nodding his head feverishly. you caressed his face and kissed him on the forehead, getting off his lap and getting out your box of toys from underneath the bed. it was time to really make him see stars
“as glad as i am that we’ve gotten to the root of your issue, you still need to be punished for not being truthful with me.”
“but _____ i didnt-”
“who?” you asked, voice turning icy in a split second, “you call me miss or mistress. do you understand?”
“yes miss,” he shivered.
“now, are you going to behave?” you asked, vibrator in hand.
he eyed the toy down but still nodded. you motioned for him to lift his hips up and got his pants off, leaving him in just his underwear strapped to your shared bed.
it was a sight you never thought you were going to see, so you savored it, drinking in his naked and flushed form, and really enjoying how antsy he got under your gaze. it was truly intoxicating.
“you always told me your sex drive was low, and yet here you are, practically keening at the thought of me using you like the toy you are. do you want me to touch you?”
he began to nod but you grabbed his jaw, making him look you in the eye, “use your words like a good boy.”
“yes mistress, i want you to touch me so bad”
“where do you want me to touch you?”
“o-on my c-chest and stomach. a-and on my… you know,” he mumbled shyly towards the end.
“you have to say it, baby boy,” you grinned pinching and twisting his nipples again. he cried out in surprise and pleasure.
“my cock! i want you to touch my cock! please miss!”
you smiled as he started to crack and looked down at where his dick strained in his underwear. his cock head was practically dripping, leaving him with a dark patch right on the front of his underwear. you hadn’t even properly touched him yet and he was almost cumming in his pants.
you pulled his briefs down, enjoying the view of his cock bouncing back up and hitting his lower stomach. grabbing it with some force, you started to stroke him, thumbing his slit to spread his precum around and use it like lube. 
“we’ll have you get you a cock ring soon because this won’t do,” you said, making a fist for him to buck up into.
he was moaning pretty loud now, the loudest you’d ever heard him outside of receiving head. there was a familiar but searing heat blooming in your stomach but you pushed it down. right now the focus was on him.
turning on the vibrator, you concentrated it to the underside of his head. he let out a yelp, then a hiss and a whine as he felt the waves of pleasure crash over him.
“t-this- its too much! s’too much!”
you let it continue for a few seconds before turning the vibrator off and moving away from him. 
you watched as your boyfriend fought against his restraints, bucking into the empty air for even a semblance of friction.
“i was on the edge! w-why did you stop?”
“you thought mistress was going to let you cum that easily? you’re working for this baby,” you stepped back up to him and grabbed his cock again, turning the vibrator to a higher setting than before.
back and forth you went edging the boy on the bed. as you teased him more and more, he became more restless, thrashing around more and really letting himself feel every stroke, change of pace, and new vibration. 
after a while, you couldn’t take the pangs of white-hot need shooting through your abdomen so you decided to put him to good use. you turned the vibe off, leaving the poor boy at the edge and climbed back on top of him, scooting yourself over to where his face was.
his eyes widened as he looked up at you, realizing what you had planned for him in real time. 
“do you think you can handle me sitting on your face?”
he audibly groaned, “yes mistress. i would love- mmmph!”
you cut him off by lowering yourself down on him, relishing in the relief of his tongue on your cunt. he moved in long and languid strokes at first, almost teasing, but then began to really eat as if his life depended on it, sucking on your cl!t and fucking you with his tongue.
you could feel your legs shaking as he went to town. you grabbed the headboard and unconsciously began to grind against his face, giving him little pockets of air now and then. you then got an amazing idea.
you completely dismounted off his face and turned around so you were facing his cock. he was still tied up very well, and he bucked his hips up at the view of your ass right in his face. 
he lifted his head to take a bite out of it and you slapped his thigh, chuckling at how eager he was. he had earned the right to be a little bit playful at least.
“do you want me to make you cum? you’ve been a good boy so i think you’ve earned it.”
“yes yes! i wan- i want it more than anything- i-”
“but,” you grabbed his cock, “ you have to make me cum first.”
“i-i can do that,” he moaned and you lowered yourself onto him and let him take over. it felt so good you almost forgot that his cock was right there.
you pressed a few light kisses to the head and almost immediately came his muffled moans from being deep in your pussy. you were so close you just needed a little but more.
he sucked on you with vigor, finally tipping you over the edge with a harsh suck to your clit. you cried out and braced yourself on his thighs, riding out your orgasm all over his face. he groaned as he tried to keep up with you, licking up everything that gushed out with vigor and you spasmed in slight overstimulation as he cleaned you up.
“you’re such a good boy,” you sighed.
you flipped around once again, catching him in a searing kiss before sinking down on his cock without warning. you swallowed a garbled moan of his as you continued to kiss him and leave marks on his neck and chest, riding him slowly.
“miss, im not gonna last long at all,” he whimpered and you ran a hand through his hair to push it out of his face as you looked at him.  
“that’s ok, baby boy. just let go”
two more strokes and he was cumming in you with a loud groan. his heavy breathing fanned your face as you continued past the threshold of pleasure he was prepared for.
“m-miss- i-ah! i finished- finished!” he babbled as you rode him into an overstimulated frenzy
“hurts-it hurts! please mistress no more!”
you finally slowed to a stop and let him just calm down inside you. after unsheathing him and taking off his restraints, you laid in your bed together in comfortable silence.
“what was that?” he asked and the both of you dissolved into post-coitus giggling. 
“well i’ve always been a domme, but i never thought you would be into that kinda thing. you never seemed like you were into any kind of thing.”
“that is true. i just didn’t know i was into… that”
he sighed as you played with his hair, “well now that we know, we can do more. a lot more.”
he looked up at you with a lazy smile, “most definitely”
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𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐮 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @kixa​
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tokisguitarpick · 3 years
drunken skunk
Characters: Toki Wartooth x Reader
Words: 2500+ holy FUCK 
A/N: hey i written in uhh 1000 years and i just binged metalocolypse on hbomax which apparently unlocked something in me. this fic takes place immediately following fertilityklok because I’ve had a weird amount of experience talking to men who want but for some reason can’t/don’t have children and watching Toki worry about it gave me feelings i just wanted someone to kiss him and tell him he was okay:( so he turned down the woman in the ep, went home and fucked, wakes up and doesn’t actually feel that much better so drinking, smoking, not being understood by his bandmates, leads to going somewhere else to drink, and that’s where we are. i also like the idea that the band members have slutted around so often that even blitz drunk, they’d still be quick and nimble in the sack 
“Y/N, can you come to my office, please?” Charles’s voice came through your cell phone.
You had the phone pressed to your cheek, despite the spikes digging into your shoulder, as you pulled on a pair of socks. When you saw Charles calling you, it was almost always to request you come to his office for a task so it was second nature to get dressed when his name popped up. “Of course, sir.” His thanks were short before the line clicked off and you were left alone to finish getting ready.
Scooting past a masked employees leaving Charles’s office, you stood in front of your boss and nodded when he met your eye over the documents on his desk. “Y/N, thank you for coming. We’ve got a small situation I’m hoping we can keep small.” Your brow furrowed as he picked up his phone and start swiping through it.
“What’s the matter, sir?” you asked.
Charles held up a finger, continuing to swipe until he finally clicked a button and a whaling voice suddenly filled the room.
“Whys is this happening to mes, iS AMS I UGLIES?! Ams I- Ma’am, MA’AMS, AMS I UGLI-“
The silence that followed Charles pausing the recording was deafening. “Um, was that-“
“Toki, yes,” Charles cut you off. “He’s currently at the Drunken Skunk and is living up to the name. I need you to go collect him as discreetly as possible.” As though that was all the information you needed, Charles began looking over the paperwork in front of him again.
You sighed quietly, you hated how little you got told about your tasks since they always spiraled into some kind of crazy mess when the members of Dethklok were involved, but Charles wasn’t one to question. “Yes, sir. Consider it done.”
You turned on your heel and began to head out but when your hand touched the doorknob, Charles spoke again. “Oh, and Y/N? Be careful. Toki has been sensitive since his birthday. Tread carefully.”
Brow furrowed again, you glanced back but Charles was already looking away, eyes on his documents. You wondered what he meant but as always, better not to question him. Stepping into the hallway, you let his office door swing shut behind you as you headed into the night.
The Drunken Skunk was a dingy little bar on the edge of downtown whose usual crowd were streetwalkers and weary men, so it wasn’t crazy that Toki had decided to come here but as you drove closer and closer, you were surprised how dingy it in fact was. It was cheek to cheek with the industrial district, had an empty printing shop on one side, and a storefront covered in plywood on the other. You parked in front of the boarded-up shop and did a quick check on all sides for sketchy characters before you stepped out of the car.
The bar was choked with cigarette smoke, and the stench of stale alcohol and vomit. You frowned, standing in the door while you scanned the dirty room until your eyes fell on a heaving form slumped across the bar. Toki.
His long hair was draped over his shoulders and hung down his back, quivering slightly with each heave. It seemed like he was crying, his head buried in his arms. “AMS I UGLIES?” rang in your ears again and your frown softened. You weren’t sure what had happened, but you had noticed he’d been… off since his birthday.
You had thought it was related to the fake kidnapping that kicked off the party- a horrific and idiotic idea you had spoken out against and were immediately told by Nathan not to be a bitch about- but even that wouldn’t lead to the question of if he was ugly. Would it? The Dethklok members were strange. Five lives full of tragedy and unprocessed trauma all packed into the most popular band in the world made for an uneasy balance in the workplace and living quarters. You were skilled at navigating it when you had to clear up the messes, but you were hardly ever around for the inciting event so it was always tricky to understand how it all connected. 
You approached cautiously and made sure to make a little noise so you wouldn’t spook him. If he heard you, he showed no reaction, so you perched on the bar stool beside him. “Hey, Toki?”
The guitarist lifted his head finally and his red rimmed eyes were bleary when they met yours. “Y/N? Whats is *hic* you doings heres?” His voice was hoarse and thick with tears, a few of which were clinging to his eyelashes and glittered in the dim light. It made his grey-blue eyes shine and your breath caught in your throat. You had to admit, Toki was your favorite member of the band and it had little to do with his musical talent. You weren’t one for metal much anyway.
What drew you to Toki was first his appearance. Back when you were just applying for a position at the record company behind Dethklok, he’d caught your eye on the poster in the lobby. Long hair on men was something of a turn-on and his piercing gaze struck a chord inside you. His angular face and extremely fit build made him one of the hottest members in your opinion but on top of all of that, he was a sweetheart. That wasn’t written on the poster, of course, it was something you’d discovered about a week after you started when he was the only person besides Charles to take the time to learn your name and point your in the right direction. You wouldn’t say you were close but you had a causal friendship, just right for making light conversation during elevator rides and not much else.
“I’m here for you, Toki,” you replied, trying to master a tone that was both soft and cheery. “I came to take you home.”
“Takes me… No! I wants to stay heres. I-I-” His bottom lip started to quiver as he spoke but you put a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, hey, relax, Toki. It’s just late and I think it’d be good for us to get you into bed,” you gave him a small smile, trying to coax his drunken mind into listening to you. He might be slim but if he tried to fight you on leaving, you’d have your hands full. Maybe you should’ve asked for an escort…
Toki slumped on the bar again with a huff before sliding off his stool towards you, prompting you to hop up quickly to catch him as he stumbled to his feet. He was heavy with alcohol and leaning on you to keep steady, so trudging to the door became a task. Despite having at least half a foot on you, his face was nestling further and further in your hair until you could feel his breath on the back of your neck.
You could feel your cheeks warming but it wasn’t until you got out the door, opened the back of the car, and loaded Toki halfway in that you really had a reason to blush.
“Y/N, ams I uglies?” Toki asked suddenly, looking up at you from under his lashes. He only had his butt on the edge of the car’s bench seat, looking at you with his face inches from yours, and fresh tears welling in his eyes.
Your eyes widened and your blush raged in full. Working around the object of your affection, even when that work was dragging him out of a shitty bar, was easy enough. Being asked directly about it by him was a whole other thing. Swallowing against the sudden knot in your throat, you decided to be honest and lightly shook your head. “No, Toki, not at-“
Anything and everything else you might be about to say was thrown out the window because the moment you said no, Toki launched forward. One hand on your hip, he lifted the other to your shoulder and pulled you to him lightening fast, his mouth finding yours with a squish. In his drunken state, he was a little sloppy at first but his skill began to show itself. His tongue traced the dip between your lips as he pulled you against his chest, your head fogging when he nipped your bottom lip. It was finally enough to coax your mouth open and Toki took full advantage of that fact, squeezing your hip as his other hand, warm and calloused, slipped around your neck and held you to him. Electricity jumped through you when his tongue met yours, twirling together for a moment before he moved on to exploring your mouth with a greedy moan.
“Wa-wait,” you mumbled around his lips. This was moving too fast, or maybe the fact it was happening at all was what was making you feel overwhelmed in the moment. It took everything in you to pull away, a solid percentage of your mind screaming at you to continue, to let Toki think he had control of the situation and see how far you could get with him. But you couldn’t. He was drunk and clearly something was bothering him enough to drink in the first place. You needed to just get him home. Plus if you did anything with Toki, you’d like for him to remember it, too. “Toki, wait.”
Your eyes met his just in time to watch his face crumple. The only way to describe his expression was pure heartbreak. The disappearance of his hands on your body made you miss the weight of them instantly but you hardly noticed, watching him melt right in front of you.
“I ams uglies, I knews it! I knews it!” Desperate and broken, his voice turned your stomach. His shaky hands found his hair and he began tugging on the ends, seemingly unaware of the motion. “No ones will loves me, I’ms hideous, I wills never find love! I wills never finds the mother ofs my childrens!”
While you had been paralyzed with bewilderment, his last sentence only compounded your confusion but brought you back into the moment enough to move again. Toki had cringed away from you, burying his face in the back of the passenger seat while still tugging on his hair, and you hurriedly heaved his long legs into the footwell before shutting the door and jogging around to the other side.
Even sealed in the car, you could hear his drunken crying. It twisted your heart but still, the mother of his children? Is that what he thought of you? Your blush burned your cheeks once more but you shook the thought off. He must’ve been crying about this when he left that voicemail for Charles. But what had happened?
Opening the back door on the other side, you slipped inside and snapped the door closed behind you. Toki seemed worse than before, now holding his face in his hands and heaving with small sobs. “Whats is it, Y/N? Whats makes me so uglies? I can change! I has monies, I can change!”
You furrowed your brows and put a hand on his arm, scooting closer to him. “Toki, you’re not ugly.” Quicker than you expected, his head snapped towards you.
“Then whys do you not likes to kiss me?” His lip started to quiver and you expected another outburst but his eyes stayed locked on you, expecting an answer.
Your mouth was dry and you scrambled for an answer that would keep him from crying again. How had you ended up here? Eyes darting around the car, you quickly mumbled, “I do, I liked the kiss! I jus-“
Once again, the Dethklok guitarist moved faster than you thought in his state. His hands found your face and pulled you up to him, putting you nose to nose with the lanky musician. His eyes were bloodshot and rimmed red from tears but it only exacerbated how bright his stormy irises were. You felt nervous and excited and tingly all over from being held so close and you hardly dared to breathe. Hypnotized by his gaze, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. “Thens kiss me,” he murmured in a throaty voice. It made you shiver and lust began to haze your thoughts, the previous kiss still so fresh in your mind when his lips found yours again.
Slowly this time- painfully, delightfully slowly- Toki kissed you. His hands nearly covered the sides of your head as he held you in place, his lips closed while he kissed you once, twice, three times before deepening it. You let him without hesitation, heat coiling in your stomach. Of course, the thought of breaking the kiss occurred to you but with every motion of his, that thought got further and further away. Toki’s tongue slipped past your lips again and he gently stroked over yours as he made his way around your mouth. You returned the kiss with fervor, trying to match his speed to keep him close as long as possible.
One hand on top of his over your cheek, you let your other wander. His knee pressing into your thigh, then up the outside of his leg to rest on his hip and give it a squeeze. He moaned in your mouth and your body responded in kind, your own moan escaping as the heat in your belly moved south. When his free hand fisted in your hair and tugged, you wondered if maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if Toki didn’t remember your hookup. Hell, maybe it would keep things from getting awkward at work?
Skwisgaar’s best guitar solo blared through the vehicle, interrupting your mental plan to get the man in front of you undressed. It was your phone, ringing out from your back pocket, and you knew without looking that it was Charles. He tended to check status on the jobs he gave people, especially when they went alone, as the Dethklok members seemed to have a way of making mountains out of molehills and then exploding the mountain into a bunch of fiery chunks raining from the sky.
Toki hadn’t stopped kissing you. If anything, he seemed more desperate, his hands falling to your shoulders and tugging at your shirt. But you straightened up and caught his large wrists to still him. Pulling away, your lips tingled and you had to blink a few times to gather yourself. “I have to get that, hang on.” Your voice was hoarse and you cleared it twice as you pulled the phone from your pocket and selected ‘Answer’. Toki huffed but he seemed much more relaxed compared to the last interruption, leaning back against the seat and putting his large hand on your thigh with his eyes closed.
“Hello?” you asked, still trying to steady your voice.
“Y/N, any updates?” Charles bluntly asked back.
You cleared your throat again and replied, “Everything’s going well, I just got Toki in the car,” the guitarist squeezed your leg at the sound of his name, “and we’re about to head back home.” The thought of leaving the back seat, of having to drive with the fruity taste of whatever he’d been drinking still on your tongue and the memory of his hands on you front and center in your mind, nearly made you groan aloud but you held yourself back.
“Good, good. Knew you could handle it.” *click*
Just like that, Charles had broken the heady mood and hung up in under a minute. You sighed, knowing what the right thing to do was and knowing exactly what you wanted to do instead. As if reading your thoughts, Toki spoke, “Wes don’t has to leaves yet, does we?”
“We does,” you replied playfully, trying to convince yourself of that fact. It wasn’t often that you wished for another job, one where you could be a groupie, act a little slutty, and turn one of your daydreams into a reality. But this was one of those times. However, people got fired- or killed- at work for less and you wouldn’t have even gotten into Dethklok if it weren’t for your job.
Toki sighed, squeezing your thigh again and holding it for a moment. Glancing at him, you’re eyes scanned his face thoroughly. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back on the headrest, giving you an eyeful of his neck and throat. He had the slightest stubble growing and as you watched, he gulped, making his Adam’s apple bounce. You wanted to remember this moment, every detail, as though that would make it last longer. While you were looking, he opened his eyes and caught yours.
“But you liked to kissing mes?” he asked, his voice more nervous than you’d heard all night. “You thinks I’ms is handsome?”
You hesitated before concluding the cat was fully out of the bag on this one and nodded. “I liked kissing you and I think you’re handsome, Toki. If you asked, I might even say you’re hot as fuck.”
Toki beamed at you, nudging you with his knee. He seemed too tired to move as fast as he was in the heat of the moment but he reached to put his hand on your hip and squeezed. “Okies, you cans drives us home. We is goings to my room,” you blushed but he continued without notice, “we cans talk, I ams asking you questions, it is ams dates.”
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dailydaydreamings · 3 years
Best in the Worst Way, Chapter 14
The Reader has been having a love affair with two Avengers and gets caught in a sticky situation. She’s suddenly faced with life decisions she’s not prepared for, including who to love, what she wants, and is this all worth it?
Okay okay, warning. This one got away from me (18+). Also, as always, I outdid myself on the swearing. It’s a little shorter, but for a reason. Thank you to all the responses! Enjoy this part :)
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You have this memory in your head.
You’re not sure when it happened, it must have been early in your relationship though, because Steve and Bucky weren’t living with you yet.
The morning starts off so beautifully slow. Dawn breaks and your room fills with soft light. It was one of the few mornings you didn’t have to set an alarm.
You wake to feel slow, sloppy kisses up your naked back. You moan, curling back against Bucky. You feel the slow prodding of Steve’s fingers as he teases you awake.
You moan again, still not sure if you’re dreaming. “Good morning.”
Bucky grinds himself against your rear. You can feel Steve sliding himself over your entrance. You gasp, clutching at the sheets, desperation hitting you hard and fast. It doesn’t matter they kept you up all night. You wanted them both now.
“Please,” you murmur, leaning forward to wrap a leg around Steve. “Oh, please, please, please.”
Bucky’s stubble tickles that sensitive spot on your neck and you jerk backwards into his embrace. “So polite in the morning,” he bites at your ear. “But not very specific. Use your words baby, please what?”
His hands slide up to grasp your breasts. Steve moans in front of you, gripping your hips, but still not giving you what you want. Your hips buck faster, more erratically, hoping he can just slip in.
“Stop it, Steve,” Bucky grunts.
Steve practically whines but does as he’s told.
“No,” you keep moving on him, desperate now for some friction. “Please.”
“Please, what?” Bucky’s tongue licks the inside of your ear.
“Please,” your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Please fuck me.”
Bucky chuckles darkly, tweaking a nipple, “How should we fuck you, hm?”
You bit your lip, “I want both of you. To fuck me, just like this.”
Bucky bite on your ear lobe, “All you had to do was ask, baby.” And with almost no warning, he, already lubed, slides into you from behind.
“Oh!” You gasp, needing a second to adjust to the suddenness.
Steve leans forward, sucking on that spot to help you relax. In half a second you’re moaning and begging for more again. Steve grabs your leg, wrapping it around himself and enters you slower, more gently.
You moan deeply, your head falling back against Bucky’s shoulder.
“How does she feel, Steve?” Bucky asks, his hand stroking up and down your side.
Steve only moans in response. The sound causing you to drag your nails down his back. You reach back to grip the back of Bucky’s neck, withering between them. Steve sets the pace, grinding into you, sending you back into Bucky, who pushes you forward again.
Steve’s mouth comes down to your neck and that’s it, you’re release rockets through you thanks to the extreme pleasure of the two of them inside of you.
Their lazy, morning pace continues. They get two more out of you before the three of you are left gasping, clutching to each other for air. You could die right now, right here, and you would be perfectly happy, you realize.
Steve kisses the top of your head as he rolls away, asking if you want pancakes or French toast. Bucky kisses your cheek, saying he’s going to run out to your favourite coffee shop.
The rest of the day was just as perfect. You eat breakfast, you drag the boys to the beach. Bucky refuses to go in the water and Steve gets a wicked sunburn, but they fall asleep tangled together in the sand while you read your book. It starts to rain at some point, just misting. It wakes them up and as you reach the boardwalk, it starts to pour.
You take cover in an ice cream shop, with the most ridiculous flavours. Between the three of you, nearly all of them were tried much to the dismay of the shop owner, but then you each bought a giant cone.
The rain didn’t let up, and the air conditioning plus your wet clothing made it unbearable after a while. You make a break for the car and Bucky blasts the heat, while you sit there waiting for the rain to stop.
You head home, have dinner, and someone mentions that there’s a late showing of a new movie, you’ll make it if you leave now. You run to the car, and miss the previews, but you sit between your boys, happy as can be. Even if the three of you fell asleep and had to be woken up the usher when it was over.
It was one of the happiest days of your life. There was no work, no missions, no stress. Just the three of you. You could just be.
It is a moment you search for when things feel impossible. When you want to throw something at Steve. When Bucky forgets something and you feel like you’re losing parts of him. The perfect day. Even with the sunburns, the sand caking your bodies, the wet clothes in your car, the wasted movie ticket. None of it mattered, except for the people around you. Because it was also the day you realized you loved them.
It’s what you remind yourself of as you drive to the hospital as another contraction hits. Your stomach tightens painfully and your whole body goes rigid.
You cry out, your hand grasping the arm rest with a death grip. The pain would be worth it. The babies would be here soon. It’ll all be fine. Totally fucking fine. But holy fuck it hurt.
“Can you go any fucking slower?” You look over at Bucky. He, for the record, looks about ready to pass out but is still in better shape than Steve.
“I swear this is the only day ever there is traffic,” Bucky mumbles. He wasn’t wrong, the drive normally took less than twenty minutes. They’d already been driving for thirty.
Steve rubs your shoulders from the backseat, “Isn’t there that festival downtown today?”
You turn in your seat, swatting Steve’s hands away, “That would have been helpful before we left, you—”
You cut yourself off as another contraction hits. You brace your hands against the door. Holy shit this hurt.
“They’re really close together,” Steve mumbles.
“Thank you for your fucking observation,” you pant. Holy shit they were. Your head lulls back against the seat. You just needed a moment, just one second to breathe. Please.
Bucky’s hand comes to pet your leg, “You’re doing great, baby. Almost there.”
“I’m never fucking doing this again,” you mumble, wanting to curl into a ball as you can already feel another one coming.
You expected the pain, but this was too much too fast. There was no time to adjust. No break between contractions.
“I feel like I need to push,” you gasped as the last one finished. There was a new pressure. You’d always wondered what women meant when they said they needed to push and this was it.
“It’s way too early,” Steve rubs your shoulders again. “You’re hours away.”
You barely manage a moan, reaching back to grab his hand, desperate for some contact now. “I’m not joking. I really feel like I need to push.”
Bucky shot you a look, “We’re two minutes out. You’re not having these babies in the car.”
You groan. The longest two minutes of your life later, you’re pulling up. Steve is out, calling for a wheelchair before helping you to your feet. You lean against him, pressing your face into the crook of his neck.
A nurse comes running out, helping you into your chair, “How are we doing, mama?” She asks.
You shake your head, bracing yourself through another contraction. When it eases, you gasp, “I feel like I need to push.”
She shoots Steve a look, “How long has she been in labour?”
“About an hour and a half?” They’d guesstimated it. Your contractions really hadn’t been painful or consistent until you started dinner.
She shakes her head, starting to wheel you inside, “You’ve got hours to go before that, don’t worry hon.”
You grip the arm rests like a vice. You were not going to be able to handle hours more of this. If this wasn’t time to push, you weren’t looking forward to what it was going to feel like. The pressure was insane.
Bucky jogged up beside you as you were wheeled up to admitting.
“Are you the father?” The nurse asks.
“Yes.” Both boys answer in unison.
She looks up in surprise, but waves you all in. They help you into a gown, into bed.
Dr Lawrence waltzes in, “I was not hoping to see you three for a couple more weeks. How are you, y/n?”
Not well. The pressure you were feeling was becoming unbearable. You grasp the sheets, your teeth clench together as you grind out, “I’m telling you all, I need to push.”
Dr Lawrence shakes her head, “You have hours to go. I was going to have my student do your first look, is that okay?”
“Fuck, fine,” you cover your eyes with your hand. “I want an epidural. And soon.”
Dr Lawrence shakes her head, “We’ll let you labour for a while. It’ll only slow things down now.”
“Oh fuck me,” you murmur, pressing a hand to you eyes.
Bucky kisses the top of your head, “You’re doing great.”
Steve squeezes your other hand, “We just want what’s best, baby, it’ll be over before you know it.” You wanted to smack him in the face. No, the groin.
You life your legs into the stirrups as the student takes a look. You feel some pressure as they check your dilation and then, “Um, Dr Lawrence...”
Your head shoots up, “What’s wrong?”
Steve and Bucky are on either side of you, their hands tighten on yours.
Dr Lawrence practically shoved the student out of the way, “Let me see...” Her eyes widen, “Oh, you do need to push.”
You straighten, “What?”
She looks up at you from between your legs, “You’re ten centimetres dilated. I can see the first baby’s head. It’s coming right now.”
You frantically look between your boys, terror rocketing through you, “I want the epidural. Now.”
Dr Lawrence shakes her head, “oh, it’s too late for that now.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
Bucky squeezes your hand, “You’ll be fine, baby.”
Steve leans forward to kiss your forehead, “You’ve got this, baby.”
“Oh the next contraction, you need to push,” Dr Lawrence commands.
Well fuck.
And you push. And push. And push.
You fall back against the bed. Gasping. Your whole body on fire.
“One more push!”
You wanted to shake your head, to turn away and cry. But the contraction built up and you screamed as you pushed. Hard.
And then the first baby is out. You grasp your boys hands to your chest as you wait for a cry. It’s too early, it’s only thirty-two weeks. You know that they might not cry, they might go straight to the ICU, but—
A wail fills the room.
You let go of their hands, desperately reaching for your baby.
“It’s a boy!” Dr Lawrence places the baby against your chest.
“Oh,” you gasp. “Hello.”
Your perfect, perfect baby boy. Who is still crying, but you wrap your arms around him, holding him close.
“Oh my god,” Bucky mumbles, reaching out to touch his cheek. His perfect little cheek.
Steve kisses the top of your head, “Good job, baby.”
You can’t keep your eyes off of him, you can feel your whole body trembling. The whole ordeal isn’t over, but he’s so perfect.
“I love you so much, Henry,” you murmur, as the nurse reaches out to take him from your arms.
“Okay, good job, y/n,” Dr Lawrence says, “One more to go.”
And you push. And push.
Nothing happens. This is harder than the first time. You collapse backward, gasping for air.
“Can we get some oxygen for her please,” Dr Lawrence’s voice cuts through the room, and a mask is fitted over your nose. “Okay, one more push.”
You push again. And again. And again. You flop against the bed. Your head is spinning, and no baby yet.
“Come on, one more push,” Steve kisses the top of your head.
You can only shake your head, you can’t even tell him you can’t. You can’t do this. Your body is failing you. The ones thing it is supposed to do, you can’t do.
“Damn it, prepare for a c-section,” Dr Lawrence calls out.
“What?” You hear Steve gasp.
“The last baby isn’t coming,” Dr Lawrence’s voice is beginning to sound very far away. “Y/n stats are dropping and so is the baby’s. We need to get the baby out now.”
@booktease21 @sexyvixen7 @just-the-hiddles @fading-mentality-bouquet @a--1--1--3 @broco8 @yougottalovefandoms @hailqueenconquer @tazzi-baby @imaginebeinlovedbyme @amiets2 @prettyblueskylark @spookyparadisesheep @bloodbrink @holl2712 @navs-bhat @animegirlgeeky @fanofalltheficsx @obsssedwithjustaboutanything
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sunfire-forever · 3 years
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Punishment time
Pairing: The Boyz Juyeon x Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Tags: smut, dom!juyeon, sub!reader, oral (receiving + giving) , 18+ , bondage, swearing, teasing, just extremely filthy
Summary: Lee Juyeon, oh that troublemaker. He is your best friend's extremely hot roommate who acts like a nice guy during the day. But when the night appears, he takes the mask off, turning into a beast and leaving all girls who come in his room a whiny, screaming mess. This is the story of how you became one of those girls.
It was just another day at your best friend's Eric place. You've known each other ever since he moved to LA and after 6 years of friendship you were sad to find out he'll move back to Korea. He was always so sweet and kind, you two knew everything about each other and you used to miss him a lot. Luckily, when you decided to move to Seoul to improve your Korean language skills, you were glad to see him again. You were besties and he was even like a brother to you. Yet the problem here was not Eric. It was his new roommate. His name is Lee Juyeon. Since you were learning Korean, you knew his name meant "main character". The name itself already gives a very bold statement, yet you would never have imagined it would be to this extent. Okay, let me put it this way: You know how in every university you will have these obvious looking attention whore fuckboys. The charming but dangerous ones? When you met Juyeon... He didn't seem like such a guy. Not until you got to know him better.
You remember the first time he appeared while you and Eric were making ramen for lunch. He actually looked like a very nice and polite guy. He wore an ironed Lacoste shirt and basic jeans - he actually looked like a guy with class. One time even his parents came to the apartment and he would act it all out like he was the most rule abiding, lawful son there is. So, what was the matter then? It is those secrets that you only found out because you were Eric's bestie. When the night came down, a new Lee Juyeon would be born.
Every night you spent watching a movie with Eric or just casually chatting, you would hear questionable sounds coming from the room next to you. You never had the courage to talk to Eric about it, but he also must have heard the intensely loud moans and screams coming out his room. The goodie two shoes Juyeon during the day became a sex monster during night. You never saw "the action" but you often met his one night stands with extremely messy hair, makeup smudged everywhere looking like they've just went through 10 orgasms. The truth is, they probably have.
To be honest, you always wanted to experience how it is. All these girls looking like that made you jealous. They made you envy what they had. You wanted to taste him. You wanted him to be the reason why your makeup is smudged as well. You wanted him to fuck the shit out of you and make you not be able to walk for days. Your sexual desire kept on increasing and increasing every day when you came to their place and you visited a lot. Did Eric know about this? Not that you were aware.. I mean you've never felt romantic feelings towards Eric but you were always the one to change the topic once he mentioned Juyeon. You were too embarrassed to reveal the true you to your best friend. At least before THAT happened.
It was just another morning at Sohn and Lee residency. It was a weekend and you slept over again on a couch. You expected to sleep a lot but then a very loud and irritating alarm woke you up. It was not your alarm, it was Juyeon's. It was 8am in the morning and you wondered who it can be. You looked at the phone and you saw "Mom is calling". You would not bother if you also haven't seen 20 other messages from her saying "Lee Juyeon!! It's an emergency, pick up". What could it be? You thought that you should hurry up and give him the phone. Yet you fogot all the other circumstances.
You thought he is still sleeping. It was 8am indeed. Yet, opening the door of the room, you didn't expect to see this view: It was Juyeon laying on the bed and not one but 2 of girls laying on top of him giving him a morning blowjob. You froze to death and dropped the phone. His mom was still on the phone, though.. The "loudspeaker" button turned on and you could hear Ms Lee calling him and asking if he is there while in the background you could still hear his moans reacting to the blowjob not being aware of the call because of the pleasure from those 2 sluts in his bed.
You just stood there at the entrance of the room not knowing how to react. You froze to the instance of seeing him naked, of seeing these girls as well - it looked like a porn movie live. Yet a milisecond later fear started to take over your body as you realized his mom is hearing her son's moans live and you fell on the floor starting to hang up the call. But oh, it was too late. His mom's voice became louder and he understood what was happening. Those two girls started screaming and his face turned red as if he's about to explode from anger and embarrassment.
You not being able to deal with the situation ran outside their apartment and took the first taxi home. How should you even react to this? How should you even explain the situation to Eric? You just wanted to give his phone to him so he can talk to his mom, you would have never expected for everything to turn out like this...
Many weeks have passed since the incident and that was the last time you went to their place. You met Eric of course, but it was always outside - in restaurants or parks. Eric was understanding, honesly the whole situation was extremely funny to him and he always teased you and laughed about it. Yet you were extremely embarrassed about it and avoided going to their place because you couldn't manage to see Juyeon again.
But then, a situation happened where you just needed to visit again. You finished your meeting with Eric at 8pm and went home from the restaurant. Yet on your way back home, you realised you left your phone charger with him, since you borrowed it to him during dinner. You immediately texted him and agreed for you stop by quickly at 10 o'clock for you to take it. He said you should just ring and he would know to open the door so you can avoid the possibility of meeting Juyeon. So right after you headed to his apartment and rang the bell. The door opened. It was not Eric Sohn in front of you.
"Um, is Eric here?" you asked, looking straight into Juyeon's dangerous eyes trying to act like everything is alright. He didn't answer but took your wrist and leaded you in the apartment. "Eric told me he will here at 10" - you said. "10am not pm, baby."
"Now you're all mine", Juyeon continued. Shivers went into your body. You didn't know how to react. Juyeon let your arm go and you wanted to open the door and run away again, yet the door was locked. And then you heard the click with which the lights turned off, the small night stand lamp being the only source of the light in the room.
"Is this what you are looking for?" - said Juyeon, holding the apartment key in his hands. You came closer trying to snatch the key from him. He hates you anyway, you just wanted to leave it all. On the other hand, the surroundings made you feel weak. Him swrling of keys with his enormous hands made you remember how long you've dreamt of those hands choking you. Him looking at you with the smirk made you remember how bad you wanted him to ruin you, just like those other girls you used to see every night.
And that day, you gave it in. Despite of everything, you could not resist how much you were actually attracted to this man. He was the source of your wet dreams, those dreams that you've always waited to come true. You decided to be brave and you took a few steps in front. You are a strong woman after all. He watched you surprisingly not even stating a word until you were only an inch away from his face. His daze was still as stroking and intense as before, but now you were so close to him you could feel his bulge getting harder and his breath getting faster and more delicate. "You were a very, very bad girl, y/n. You know that, right?" he said, his lips being literally a millimeter away from yours. You moved your gaze from his lips to his eyes, realizing he expects an answer from you. You just nodded slowly and tenderly.
At that very instant, it's like the past was forgotten. He dropped the key on the floor and used those hands to pull you in to the most delicate kiss you've ever had in your life. With every second, with every touch, you knew this guy was hella experienced. His lips were like made for yours. His kisses were desperate. They were angry and they wanted more. He licked your lower lip slowly looking you straight in the eyes, which was the most irotic scene you've ever experienced. "Do I have the permission to ruin you, kitten?" he asked. "Do whatever the fuck you want with me, Juyeon" you said in breaks from the burning hot makeout session.
He easily took you in his arms, just like you were made of feathers. Your lips did not split up to the moment he got you in his room and slammed the door behind him. He brought you to his bed and slowly paused. The room was in the complete darkness, but the streetlight from the outside was shining directly to his face while he was looking at you below him. He looked beautiful, he looked ethereal. Not breaking the eye contant, he started taking his belt off. Afterwards, instead of throwing it on the floor, he took your hands and used the belt to tie your hands to the poles around his bed.
"Punishment time starts, love", he said, while raising your skirt and literally ripping your underwear. From the gentle tone he started acting rougher and rougher and rougher. His fingers went into your core and he smirked after the realization of how wet you already were for him. But like literally how couldn't you - it was Lee fucking Juyeon! His fingers worked wonders and you were so sensitive to his touch. Simultaneously he also left kisses at every sensitive spot you had. The neck, around your earlobe, later moving to your nipples, sucking them mercilessly. His hands continued focusing and going around your clit. You were flabbergasted. As if he knew your body better than you. The moans and breaths filled the room while you drowned in pleasure. Not much later your body started uncontrollably shaking followed by the most powerful orgasm you felt in your entire life. You were sweating so much, laying below him on cloud 9 while Juyeon watched you feeling satisfied.
He still had all his clothes on, though. You felt like you owed him pleasure as well, but he was patient to wait. Because he didn't finish with you yet. He got closer to your face and when you expected him to touch your lips again, he started going around your lips, kissing everything except the lips themselves. He was such a tease, oh my goodness. These lips then continued lower to your body up to the point when his head was between your legs. He took both of them in his hands and started doing magic with his tongue. Still not completely recovered from the previous orgasm, another wave of pure, severe pleasure took over your body. Since your hands were tied up, you could not do anything except scream and swear his name, which he seemed to enjoy a lot. Soon your 2nd orgasm hit you and you were just a shaking, screaming and sweating mess.
"Juyeon, let my hands go", you bursted. "I need to touch you, please". You felt the urge of giving it back to him, the reciprocity law focing you to pay him back. After he let your arms free, the real game started. You've never felt so much chemistry with a person before. You stayed in his room until 5am and you two couldn't take your hands off of each other. After feeling him completely thoroughly inside you, it's like he left a spell on your body which made you addicted - to his touch, to his lips, to his cock, just to the way he made you feel. You did it on the bed, on the floor, in the bathroom as well. He knew extremely well how to lead you and you just went along. You made sure he felt good as well, deep throating the veiny monster he had, which made him whine and turn you on even more.
After your multihour long session ended, you had so many thoughts in your head. You felt filthy, you felt like you betrayed your dignity, but on the other hand oh damn it felt so good. You had no idea how you will explain this to Eric, but now you couldn't think about it. Juyeon took the blanket hugged you from the side holding your hand. He started massaging your knuckles and came closer to your ear. "How did it feel, babe?", he whispered. "Ah Juyeon, I don't know what to say", you answered, not knowing how to express your state of mind and body.
"I'm glad you could take it all you deserve.", he continued. "Next time, I'll allow Eric to join too. Now that we know that you're like us, you are ready to meet the other side of him, too."
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rulerofstars · 3 years
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how hot could one night get?
pairing: Levi Ackerman x Fem!reader
genre: Modern AU, smut, fluff.
warnings: NSFW, cursing, explicit smut, extreme smut, smut, smut, smut! :)
word count: 2,600 words.
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Peace had avoided you for the entire week, that you have never been this thankful to lounge around without any worries, or so you thought. Dim scented candles and fairy lights contributed to the calm aura which your room provides you. It is a well-deserved Friday night self-pamper day, and you could not be more relaxed. A nice yoga session helped in calming the raging nerves and sore body parts, as the stress you have accumulated evaporated along the subtle smoke from the candles.
Soothing rhythm and blues resonated within the four corners of your room, eventually contributing to the halcyon built upon your soul.
You sighed, lifting your buttocks up in the air while you rested your arms against the yoga mat, doing a puppy pose. A sigh of relief and contentment escaped your lungs, the first semester is finally done, and you can now enjoy your holidays without the burden of motherfucking school works from your motherfucking university. No more panicking because of surprise quizzes, stressing over projects, no more ruined days because of impromptu reports or night time shenanigans just to rush a paper.  
“Nice ass.” The voice of your boyfriend made you jump, delight and excitement flooded your system as you stood up and ran into his arms. Loaded schedules caused you both to endure five days of not seeing each other, and it was torture. You are so fond of him, as he is to you, that you had trouble sleeping without the coziness of his hold. But here you are, home, at last.
His left hand traveled all the way down to squeeze your ass, while his other hand holds you tight against his body, embracing your not so sweaty body, “Missed you, baby.” He murmurs, softening upon breathing in your scent.
A hum escapes your throat while you let your lover savor the moment of reuniting with you after a hell week.
“I missed you too, pretty boy.” You breathe against his ear, your body feeling warmer while glued against his. Rainbows and butterflies filled your system as you inhale the scent you have longed for, for five excruciating days.  
Levi’s face neared yours without any kind of warning, the space between the two of you vanished as you found his lips clashing against yours. His taste entering your mouth once again, and it tasted like a craving you have always yearned for, and every time you collide, you can’t help but to feel besotted against his passionate kisses. Drowning beneath his touch, a total slave for his heat.
Five weeks without each other formed a longing flame in the both of you, and being together again officially rekindled the hottest flame that itches for love and passion. Your lips found their way to make their own kind of love, starting slow at first, until subtle flicks turned into a war for dominance, and you have always been one to submit and obey.
Wet, hungry muscles danced like swords, the only sound that dared to compete against the small speaker you had set up earlier is the sound of you, making out like there is no more next time, colliding like galaxies aching for more.
“Have you,” Burning desire for his lips made you attack his mouth the moment he moved away, his hair already disheveled because of the way you grabbed onto him just to feel him more, fucking hell, your man is intoxicating, “Been a good girl?” He mutters, after pulling away for a while and kissing you daringly, you almost forgot your name.
The large, oversized shirt you were wearing earlier is now discarded on the floor, exposing your breasts to Levi and to the chilly air, hardening your nipples, making them more sensitive.
“I am a good girl,” You breathed, letting him palm your clothed pussy and groping your breast while he engraves his marks on your open neck. His touch makes you see colors that do not exist and feel sensations you have never felt before, “Your good girl. . .”
A squeal escaped your lips when you felt a sting of euphoria when his palm smacked your ass, squeezing it tight as you both stumble to get in your bed.
“Damn right,” Levi sighs, taking your left nipple in his mouth and massaging the other while you straddle him, your hands lightly grabbing onto his hair while your hips seemed to have a mind of their own and started to rock against your lover’s hips slowly, rubbing yourself onto him, rubbing your clothed pussy on his clothed cock.
“You’re my good fuckin’ girl.”
Sounds of beats from your speaker accentuated the mood, and it feels like the throbbing heat in your panties are synchronizing with the rhythm of songs.
You moaned your boyfriend’s name as his fingers traveled down to your soaking wet core, a thin line of wetness is now visible on your gray panties which Levi loves, so he’s not going to rip this, just this one.
“Missed this?” He teased, gliding his middle finger against your sensitive skin once, earning a sigh from you. His saliva coated his slick finger as he licks his tongue, tasting your juices and smirking upon tasting your ‘love juice’. “Fuck, you did.” His now slicker finger entered you effortlessly, smoothly slipping in against your wet, warm hole.
The sound of his finger going in and out of you clashed against your lewd moans, ten minutes ago, you were doing yoga, and you are glad that you now find yourself squirming under Levi’s touch as he fingers your blazing core, occasionally rubbing his thumb against your sensitive clit.
“A-ah, baby. . . feels good,” You slurred, eyes rolling in pleasure as he added another finger inside of you, stretching your walls and making you spread your legs wider, offering him a pretty view of your exposed pussy, with his fingers in it.
Warm breath tickles your inner thighs, and you feel Levi’s lips planting subtle kisses on them while he finger fucks you. Some stray hairs of his titillate you even more, God he is so near your goddamn fucking cunt, why won’t he just-
“Eat me up,” You shamelessly begged, feeling a lot warmer than you already are, “Lick me, fuck me. . .”
He looked up from below you and a mischievous glint from his steel grey eyes made your heart pound harder, your pussy clenching around his digits. Without any kind of warning, Levi fucking Ackerman dives in between your thighs and thrusts his tongue in you, a hot, sloppy lick of his tongue makes you shiver in pleasure and frustration as he suddenly pulled away, a string of your wetness connecting your core to his mouth.
“Like that?” He teased, now kissing on your pussy, not using his tongue. Never in your life had you felt so offended.
You glare at him, using your elbows to elevate your upper body while you thrust your hips up against his face. Your boyfriend smirks, he completely knows what you are trying to do, but he is such a motherfucker when it comes to teasing you, his arms pinned your thighs down, prohibiting any kind of movement.
“Levi. . . I want!” You whine, trying to lift your hips to meet his fucking light kisses on your pussy. The wetness is dripping from your core, Levi wanted to lap you like a wild animal, but he decided to be an asshole for a little while just because you are cute when you’re mad.
Much to your dismay, he completely stopped touching you, both of your legs placed on top of his shoulders while your thighs are widely open, you are completely exposed to him while he still has his damn sweatpants on! Fucking unfair.
“What does my baby want?” He asks, tracing your folds, taking advantage of your sensitivity. Levi bit his lower lip, the smell that you emit is making him hornier, harder, and more impatient as the fabric of his clothing is now tighter than ever against his cock.
“I want. . .” You wanted to cry as you begged for his touch, you are aching for him. You want Levi, you want him right now, you want him to make you feel good until you cry.
His dark eyes looked down on you, your boyfriend is hot as fuck, and you are so horny that you could fuck every part of him.
“Hm?” The vibration of his throat against your thighs is not helping, too, especially his voice. How you missed his voice.
“I want,” With every strength you have got, you tried squirming against his strong arms and attempted to overpower him, only to earn a harsh slap on the side of your thigh for misbehaving. Levi loves being in charge, and fuck, you do not want to piss him off right now, “I want your tongue in me.”
Every kind of sound that leaves your lips is now coated with dirty profanity as he savor your pussy like a wild animal. His tongue teasing your clit and painting it with his spit, you want to thrust your hips just to meet his warm muscle but his strong hold prohibits you to do so.
The fire in your body burns a little bit hotter when you felt the familiar knot starting to build up in your stomach, “B-baby, m’gonna cum!” You moaned, warning Levi. But the man loves it when you cum in his mouth.
Stars burned brighter as you rode your high and eventually releasing your juices on your boyfriend’s mouth much to his delight, as he started to savor the sweet aftermath of your high.
“C’mere, baby.”
Your hungry lips met once again, dancing in a sloppy kiss as you tasted yourself on Levi’s lips. Your juices are scattered all over his pretty face, and you fucking love it. As a couple, the two of you had already experimented with each other’s bodies for the sake of feeding your curiosities and trying out new kinks, causing every sex to get kinkier after another.
“M’gonna make you squirt,” Levi mutters, removing his sweatpants along his briefs, freeing his proud, hard cock oozing in pre cum. And he wasted no time, looking at you like a predator and pumping his shaft, exciting himself more.
A lewd and flushed look is plastered across your face, you are a simp for your boyfriend, and the sight of his dick intensified your scorching desire to fuck him- for him to fuck you, rather.
Levi’s smirk became hotter, or was it you, as he admired how your pussy glistened for him. He knew how you throbbed for his cock.
“Open wide, sweet cheeks.”
His length immediately hammered your insides the moment he went it, your lips parting as uncontrolled moans and sighs won against the loud speaker, “F-fuck, Levi!” You cried, moaning every time he hits on your most sensitive spot. The sound of his skin slapping on to you and your wetness against his cock turned you on even more, clenching your walls around him.
“You’re killing me, woman.” He pants, groaning when he felt your walls tighten on his cock, causing him to pound on to you faster, driving you insane.
Heaven came down to you at this very moment and you have called all the saints just to express the pleasure that you are earning, you love it when he fucks you, he loves it when he fucks your cute little cunt.
You are a moaning goddess underneath him while you play with your breasts as he thrusts his hard cock in you, twitching when he hit your g-spot.
“You like it when I do that, baby?” He asks, occasionally planting sloppy kisses on your chest, placing love bites all over you.
“I love it when you do me.” You confessed, adding fuel to the burning flame inside of Levi, making him pounce into your harder, faster, and deeper.
Because of his fervid touch and with the help of dirty talks, you unexpectedly came, clenching your walls tighter than before, earning a low moan from Levi as his lips parted a bit. You know he is nearing his climax, too, so you clench while he fucks you while you reached out to play with his hard little nipples.
Hot load gushed inside your walls as your boyfriend groaned in pleasure, releasing five long days of patience inside of you.
You got creampied.
Before you can even protest, Levi grabbed you suddenly, flipping your positions as you are now above him, straddling his torso while he rubs your thighs, acknowledging the slight sore that you are feeling.
“Fuck my face,” He orders in a stern tone, his ravenous eyes staring at you like a vulture about to savor its prey, “Ride my mouth, c’mon, baby.” He squeezed your ass and lightly smacks them, making them bounce, too bad he could not see.
You reluctantly lowered your self onto his face, “Levi, I-I’m still-” Your words are cut off upon feeling his tongue playing with your clit once again, your body convulsed because of your sensitivity.
“A-ah! Fuck me,” Moans and curses came out of your mouth once again, fueling Levi and pushing you harder onto him as your hips moved on their own, not just fucking his mouth but even his nose, and your boyfriend loves it. He loves it so much.
The overwhelming feeling of climax drives you insane once again, pushing you to your limits as your lover continued moving his wet muscle against your sensitive bud.
“L-Levi, move away I-I’m-” You stuttered, trying to fight against his grip, but the more you move, the more his mouth fucks you, the more his tongue flicks against your clit, the more you feel that you are going to explode.
His dark eyes greeted your glistening ones, you want to cry because of the immense pleasure of fucking your boyfriend’s face, you are pretty sure your moans could be heard miles away.
“Squirt on my fucking face.”
Just like a trigger, his words made you release your clear juices on him, moaning out loud as he continues to eat you out and you keep on coming.
God fucking damn.
 “Stop looking at me like that,” Your hands lightly came in contact with Levi’s sharp jaw, trying to turn his head away from you, but his eyes have their way of feasting over your body. His hungry, dark, and eager stares makes you feel so conscious, despite the fact that he had worshipped you for countless time a few moments ago.
And now you lie within the comfort and warmth of your bed. The sheets which are now embedded with his sweat and cologne pacify your ache for him, while he lay beside you on his side, admiring the post-coital glow that you currently have, feeling proud of the marks he had painted all over your neck up to your chest, and even your inner thighs.
“Can’t help it,” He smirks, his hands founding their way down your butt and lightly smacking it, earning him a playful glare from you.
You look cute with swollen lips and his marks all over you.
“Stop teasing me,” You pouted, scooting in closer to him as every fiber of your body quivered when you felt his finger on your sensitive pussy once again, “You are cruel, baby.” You sighed, letting him play with your sensitive core.
He let out a chuckle, pressing a kiss on your forehead and kissing you slow when his lips met yours.
“It’s affection, woman,” Levi sneers, squeezing one of your boobs, “We’re still going to shower.”
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andysbubba · 3 years
candlelight loving
-ᴀɴᴅʏ ʙᴀʀʙᴇʀ x ᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ʟɪɢʜᴛ ꜰᴇᴍɪɴɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴋɪɴᴅᴀ ᴄᴜᴍᴘʟᴀʏ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴀɴᴅʏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴛ ᴜɢʜ
ᴀ/ɴ: ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ :)
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
You and Andy have been too, extremely busy the past few weeks. You were coping with school and keeping up with all the final papers while he’s either in his office or in the study at your shared home.
Slight exaggeration, but the main point is- you were both extremely busy.
And you weren’t really expecting it when he wrapped his arms around your torso in the kitchen while you were making coffee, bearded chin resting on your shoulder and feeling his clothed chest against your bare back.
Your movements stilled for awhile before you leaned into his hold.
“I missed you,” His nose nuzzled into your neck as he pulled you closer into his chest.
You hummed as you stirred the coffee in your mug, “I missed you too, honey,”
“I’m sorry I haven’t been taking care of you lately,” His calloused fingers traced circles into your stomach as he placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder.
You pushed the mug away before turning in his hold, finally facing him. Your hand made its way to his chest, and the other to the side of his face. “You’ve been busy, bubba. There’s nothing wrong with that,”
“But I’ve been coming back late and spending all my time in the study,” He pouts, tone guilty as if he really did something wrong.
“And?” Your thumb rubbed his cheek softly. “I won’t pull you away from your work just because I’m attention seeking and my boyfriend isn’t giving me the attention I’m so deprieved of,” You playfully rolled your eyes at him.
He chuckles lowly, blue eyes staring into you with pure admiration. “You know, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met?”
You roll your eyes at him once again. “'Course I know,”
He laughs at your reply, head thrown back as he stares at you lovingly. “Well, I think I owe my pretty boy a little something, huh?” He trails off, hands trailing down to your sides and in a flash, he picked you up and sat you on the counter.
You gasped playfully, hands wrapping around his neck, “Andrew Stephen Barber.”
“Can’t help it when you’re walking around in just these grey sweatpants.” He winks like the true charmer he is, hands trailing up your torso and pecs, before he fully leans in and kisses you.
And god do you miss it. The pure thrill, his soft lips, the way Andy’s lips makes you lose your mind, and the way he knows every one of your weak spot.
You slide your hands under his shirt as soon as he pulls away, tugging so he gets rid of it. He leans into your neck as he pulls away, kissing, nipping and licking all at once. Andy kisses down your chest, eyes glancing into yours as he mouthed at your nipple, licking and sucking very lightly.
Andy smirks as you raspily groaned out his name, hand diving into his locks and tugging his hair.
“Relax, baby. I’m just getting started,” He cheekily states, kissing down your chest and stomach.
“Andyyyyy,” You whine, writhing on the solid hard counter.
“Shhhhh honey,” He hushes you, moving up and nipping at your collarbone before grabbing your jaw and pressing his nose against yours. “I always take good care of my boy, don’t I?”
You left his question unanswered as you writhed under his gaze.
Andy sighs, “C’mon baby, you know I won’t do anything till I hear you say it out,” He tugs on your hair and roughly pulled your head back. “Let me hear you, pretty boy,”
“You always take care of me, daddy,”
“That’s it, babyboy. Always so fucking good for me.” He leans in and licked a long stripe down your chest as his fingers tugged at your sweatpants. “Off.”
You lifted your hips up as Andy helped pull your sweats down. He groans deeply when he sees that you’re completely naked underneath. He brought his lips down on yours, roughly and so goddamn full of lust.
“You’re fucking perfect, baby,” He sighs as he pulls away. “C’mon, up. Wanna make sure you’re all comfy when I fuck that tight little pussy.”
“Daddy,” You whine desperately, as if he didn’t just call your asshole a pussy.
Andy laughs at your neediness. “C’mere.” He pulled your legs to wrap around his waist as he lifts you up to your bedroom. “Been too long, huh? You’re probably all tight by now, hun.”
Andy steps past the threshold of your room and drops you on the bed. “Guess I’m just gonna have to stretch you out till you’re all loose for me again, babe.”
“Andy,” You whine.
“Yeah, baby?”
“You talk too much,”
He chuckles breathlessly at your antics. “Okay, okay, baby. Turn around. Ass up.”
He walks away and reached into the drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube and a box of condoms.
“Need your cock, daddy,” You muttered shyly, a silent signal that meant that you didn’t want him to use the condoms.
Andy grinned at you as if you hung up the moon. “God, I love you, baby.” He steps over back to you, leaning down and pressing a kiss on the small of your back. “Still gotta get you stretched out, honey.”
Andy leans down and spread your cheeks open with his hands before he licks a stripe up from your balls to your ass. Andy tongued at your hole, licking and shoving his tongue inside in every way possible.
You shook breathlessly under him and drove your ass further into his face.
One of his hands let go of your ass and slides to your front, taking your cock in his grasp. You jerked into his grip as he slowly moves his fist down your cock.
He pulls away, taking in a deep breath, before you heard the familiar sound of the bottle cap opening.
“Ready, honey?”
You angled your ass towards him, presenting your hole open for Andy. “Please, daddy.”
The first finger entered your hole and besides the original 3 seconds of discomfort, it began to feel good. You grinded your ass against his finger and moaned into the bedsheets.
Andy added the second one without a warning. And the tiny stretch made you feel too fucking good that you let out a loud groan and fisted the sheets.
He kept on thrusting his fingers into you, trying to get you used to the stretched. “Another one, babe?”
You shook your head as best as you could. “Need your cock, please Andy,”
“Fuck, you’re so needy baby.” He flips you around by your hips and leaned down to press a his lips against yours. “Make sure you let the whole street know who’s fucking you,” He whispers as he pulls away.
The tip of Andy’s cock slids past your hole. The thick head was definitely more than the prep but it felt too good that you can’t complain.
“Fuck , Andy,” You groan as he goes deeper.
“Not loud enough, boy,” He notes before gripping your hips and thrusting his whole cock in your hole.
“Shit, ANDY!”
His cock was hitting so deep inside you that you felt your stomach quiver.
“Look so fucking pretty with my cock in you, honey.”
He tightens his hold on your hips before he kept thrusting into you. You barely got a breath in before his cock was back inside your ass.
“Daddy, daddy, daddy,” You moan out as Andy lets go of your hips and plants one hand beside your head and the other shifts to your cock.
He tugs on your length, but still bruising your prostate with his cock. His thumb brushes against your slit, making you quiver the slightest bit.
Andy’s chest was shining with sweat. A sight to behold. It would’ve been a romantic if he wasn’t fucking into you like it was his last time as a top.
“Gotta ask nicely if you wanna cum, baby,” He reminds you with the ever so annoying smirk gracing his lips.
“Shit, please daddy, I wanna cum. F-fuck fuck, please let me cum, Andy.”
He chuckles, “You’re lucky I’m feeling a little less mean today, babyboy. Cum for me, baby.”
He brushes his thumb against your slit repeatedly, knowing that it makes you sensitive, as he thrusts faster into your ass.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, ANDY!” You scream as you cum, your seed spilling over your torso as Andy slowly stopped jerking you off.
He grunts as he chased his own high, fully focused on spilling into your hole. “Shit, baby.”
He breathes heavily as he came inside you, forehead locking into your neck as he pants slowly. He licks and kisses your collarbone as he comes down from his high.
Andy glances up from where he was. “You okay, baby?”
You nod breathlessly, ass filled with Andy’s seed and the filth of your own cum on your torso. “Wanna use the buttplug.”
Andy groans at your words. “Fuck, I love you.” He tries not to move too much with his cock still inside you as he leans up and gave you a sloppy kiss.
“Love you too, honey,”
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