#i had so much trouble deciding which ideas to stick with (i didnt even have many ideas tbh..) and then
can u draw ummm balloudy, nailtag (sorry) or basketball x robot flower ^_^ whichever u want
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henriiiii-1001old · 11 months
can you talk abt the alt swap au :3 ?
ooooohohoho alt swap au </////3
here's my first post talking abt it just for reference :3
most of this that im gonna talk abt is from discord and it just gonna be a bunch of different stuff so cut me some slack xddd
and this is. a lot more than i thought so uuhhh enjoy another masterpost??? kinda??? CFVGBHNJ
"cain can travel through tvs and mabel can travel through mirrors, but cain cant travel through mirrors and mabel cant travel through tvs (at least on their own).
seth can travel through both, but they didnt know that until uh. until adam told him"
"i have an idea to how the end of vol 1 in this au would go so cain has been locked in his room for 3 days by this point, and basically the "uh oh, bad decision!" part would turn into more of a "cain killed abel" situation. the alt outside cain's door would mock cain and fake his sister's death to maybe make him succumb to M.A.D. finally, and it almost worked.
until mabel came in and dragged cain out of the house...
...based in the message i replied to," (which are the lil blurbs i pasted above lmao), "i think that when mabel was trying to help cain escape, she realized she also just trapped herself in cain’s room. but then cain realized somehow that he can travel through tvs. he took mabel’s hand, took them to trust him, and they went through. they end up in the static world and theyre like “tf is this” they do end up getting out though, and after they figure out where they were, they go back to mandela, grab seth, and fucking leave
also here's some toonbriel lore! bc hell yeah he deserves to be in this au B)))
"and he actually takes the place of dave in the au. i originally didnt have a technical spot for him and decided that putting toonbriel there would be cool.
his name is terry o'brien but he goes by "toony" around family bc he was super obsessed with cartoons when he was younger, whether it be on tv, comic books, etc
he's a pastor at st. gabriel's and is lt gabe's younger twin brother and theyve been two peas in a pod since they were super young. they did end up fighting on their different methods of trying to help the county, and terry argues that while gabe is literally doing nothing, terry has been giving people hope and shelter and food and so many things. this ends up causing them to split, and terry goes to dave for advice. turns out, dave has been using him as his prophet and ends up killing him because he's no longer of use to dave.
im still working out the details of how he helped dave tho, but gabe is devastated after losing terry. he was already stressed enough and was basically blamed for sgt maria's death (she's preacher who took ruth's place) back at the murray house, and losing one of the only things he lived for was heartbreaking. finding seth dealing with the horrors^tm helped a little bit bc he's actually helping someone he tried protecting in the past...
...im thinking gabe was the more protective one of the two as well as the more sociable twin. terry was super clingy and liked sticking around gabe bc he was the only person he knew.
not a childhood story, but i do imagine that gabe does know dave, and they probably met through terry! not sure abt how terry and dave met just yet, but gabe doesnt actually like dave all that much.
gabe immediately knew who to suspect when terry died, and the fact that he heard his voice after said death only made him more sure"
some lilith and seth lore
"lilith and seth were both troubled kids in school and they just. fought so much. and lilith had to deal with shitbag dave at mandelatech and was even forced to stay working for him once he revealed to her and he led the alternates. she has a LOT of pent up anger and just needs to get it out.
like i imagine that one time after seth found out he was an alt, he called lilith over for a fight, and she'd been itching for one since dave killed terry. she literally beat him to a pulp during that fight, but she stopped once she saw him look up at her. he looked hopeless and his eyes looked somewhat glazed over. he took slow, deep breaths even after he got the wind knocked out of him several times.
lilith new something was wrong. she ended up helping him recover and even asked what was wrong. he didnt really reveal the whole alt thing, but he mentioned having holes in his identity and how its been beating him up, especially since someone claiming to be his father wants to suddenly come (back) into his life.
since then, theyve worked towards trying to support each other and just trying to maybe be friends {:)"
yknow how in unholy gift sarah and tiffany are kinda rivals?? like tiffany likes to fuck w sarah bc she's bored? and she's usually v snarky and cocky?
lilith and eve are the exact same way except tat eve is like GENUINELY malicious and very manipulative. she takes advantage of lilith's dislike of mandelatech to make her do a bunch of shit for the alts, and it's asically a big old scheme to use lilith to advance the alts' plans.
i also think that thatcher is the one who told davis to go back and get seth. davis did go to cain and mabel first though, and they were VERY rightfully pissed. but they did eventually get seth and shit. seth was super avoidant of everyone after the whole thing though {:(
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enchantedmirage · 3 months
hello! Would it be ok to ask why the former enst yume blog got deactivated? I didn't happen to know why it did if there was a post about it before deactivation, but thank you so much for modding it well!! <3 I'm glad you're back, and i didnt knew at first that this was you 🙈
It was internal strife for the most part, there was a certain user that actually helped in creating it— does Jade happen to ring a bell? I have a fully fledged document explaining what I've been through and recounting the experiences but it got reported for some reason and those formerly associated with me think of me as some traitor because I was defending them— not their actions, the fact that I didn't advocate for people calling them out, calling them names and sending DEATH THREATS in their inbox.
But to get to the main point, I was the one that deactivated it in the end and it was because I lost the heart to keep doing it. It had broken apart essentially and I was blamed for being the cause when it started off from me unblocking Lolthia from that account— which didn't make sense, like if we wanted to make everyone comfortable, why did we have to exclude one singular person out?
I still feel sorry that I couldn't so enough, I was only able to rebuke what I could before my body decided to take that break by force.
And It came to light also recently that one of the mods there was never really into the idea itself, as my friend recently told me.
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I don't know but it doesn't sit right with me now that they were part of the community when they didn't want to, I didn't force anyone, hell even the idea originator (who is fine being called, so her name is Cas) sent me this and thought it was pure bull 💩 because they actively chose not to take part in Yumestars.
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Like Mod Vis and Zen, they didn't do much of anything frankly, it was them being in the project and supporting it that gave me the motivation. Not sure if I can name that Mod now because they made the choice to go with an obvious name, but if you know, I guess you know.
(sneer) And yet I'm the one blamed on for miscommunication when she had this under the rug the whole time, what a masquerade she has going on.
Though to end this on a more positive note, I really do want to make yumestars stick to it's original intentions of making people comfortable with selfshipping especially in the enstars community, I love writing for people although have trouble with requests so imagines naturally came to me.
Since in the end, I wrote about 85% of the imagines there and those 85% were thoroughly enjoyed which makes me glad, that other mod may have been a writer but I had the heart to do so.
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
Could I get a fluffy and maybe flirty Childe imagine set during his story quest? Instead of the Traveler and Paimon accompanying him, the reader (who works at the Northland Bank as one of Childe’s subordinates) gets slapped with the duty of babysitting Teucer and covering for Childe and his façade as a toy seller in Liyue.
"I must say that your brother is quite cute, sir."
"...I guess it must run in the family."
"Hm? Did you say something, comrade?"
"Oh. Um. Nothing, sir."
Of course, being the perceptive man he is, Childe heard all of what they said. What he ends up doing or saying to the reader? Seeing the magic you’ve worked when anon previously gave you the liberty of it, I leave it entirely up to you. :)
featuring: childe x gn!reader
warnings: a teeny bit suggestive at the end
published: april 27 2021
form: imagine
a/n: i’m gonna be real with you, i was stuck on ar35 for the longest time because i was too cowardly to level up my world so i finally did it today and i jumped from 35 to 41 T_T and now my enemies are stupidly strong. but anyways i just started the childe quest today so im just gonna stick to the part when they’re still in liyue and there’s no fighting wwww
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“teucer, i swear to celestia-” you muttered under your breath, as the little redhead slipped from your grasp yet again, running ahead to go look at some kite vendors. “come back here, kid! otherwise you’re gonna be in a heck of a lot of trouble!” 
earlier in the day, you were out running errands for the bank, under tartaglia’s orders, when you had come across rumors of a ruin guard running amok. figuring you would use your spare time and save some local liyue citizens the trouble of having to deal with the feral robot, you defeated the machine with efficient ease. however, in the vicinity, you discovered a lone child showing great excitement at a deactivated ruin guard, jumping and leaping while calling it “mr. cyclops” with a strange elation. 
you figured the boy was snezhnayan, what with his features and clothing reminiscent of the cold climate of your homeland. but why in the world was he out by a ruin hunter all alone? he kept mentioning his brother, a toy seller in liyue, but you could think of absolutely nobody that fit that description. 
so, out of the goodness of your own heart, you decided to take the little boy-- teucer, he called himself--back to liyue harbor with you, and see if you could find this older brother of his. 
however, once you arrived back in the city, your plans were quickly derailed as the little brat seemed to have the attention span of a fruit fly, and was constantly trying to weasel his way into some other dangerous situation without you knowing. 
“god dammit teucer”, you huffed, trying to keep up with the child. who let children have so much energy? your age must finally be catching up to you, you thought. “how about we go back to northland bank? you might like it there” you thought taking him back to your headquarters would stall the boy for enough time for you to find someone who might know the whereabouts of teucer’s brother. there weren’t too many snezhnayans in liyue--whoever his brother is, he can’t be far.
the little boy looked up at you with his big, blue puppy eyes, but you knew his act by now. “no buts, kid. if you’re lucky, we’ll be able to track down you’re brother there.” he sighed, relenting to your orders and following you back to northland bank.
the two of you climbed up the stairwell leading to the entrance of the bank on the second floor, teucer clearly dejected and pouting like a baby. exhausted, you pushed open the doors that you were so familiar with, and ushered the child inside.
much to your surprise, you see tartaglia talking with ekaterina in the lobby. it had been quite a while since you had seen your superior in person, and the surprise certainly was not unwelcome. sometimes you couldn’t stand the man’s smug attitude, yet there was something in his rogueish charisma that you simple couldnt deny attracted you to him.
teucer also seemed to be excited by this sighting of the red-headed harbinger, the little boy’s eyes lighting up with unbridled excitement.
wait. was tartaglia the older brother teucer had been talking about all along?
childe turned around, distracted by teucer’s voice, and upon seeing the little boy, his eyes lit up—first with surprise, then with confusion.
“teucer? what the heck are you doing here in liyue?”
he left the fatui agent with a befuddled look upon her face, and ran towards the child. teucer jumped up into his brother’s broad arms, and they grasped each other in a tight hug, like they had not seen each other for at least an eternity.
ruffling teucer’s hair, tartaglia softened, with an expression unlike anything you had really seen him wear before. he really must care about his family, you thought to yourself.
“so you’re the older brother this little tyke has been talking nonstop about”, you teased tartaglia, elbowing him in his side. “you know, he’s thrown me for a loop this entire day. i didnt think babysitting was part of the job requirement.”
the red-head chuckled abashedly, scratching his head. “sorry about that, [y/n]. the little guy can’t seem to bear being away from his favorite big brother.”
teucer laughed. he truly looked so happy to be with tartaglia again, which made you wonder what the harbinger was like when not on the job. you had known him to be a ruthless war machine, a hedonistic killer who thrived off of the rush battle and bloodshed gave him. childe could take down a dozen men, twice his size, in a matter of minutes, hardly breaking a sweat. yet seeing him interact with teucer, almost a little mini-sized version of himself, his gentleness and care surprised you. perhaps there was more to the man than you had initially thought.
teucer finally detaching himself from tartaglia, looked up at his brother with those same puppy eyes, now full of admiration. “are you here to sell toys to the liyue children, too?”, the child asked. toys? what toys could he possibly be referring to? you and ekaterina, both, looked at childe with confusion.
tartaglia stuttered for a moment. “oh! uhh— yes! yes i am! i was just talking with the nice lady, ms. ekaterina, on how many toys we can sell to all the children in liyue!” he responded, hardly missing a beat. did teucer not know what childe’s actual occupation was?
“wow! my brother really is the coolest person ever!” teucer leaped up and down, hanging onto tartaglia’s pantlegs. looking at this young, untainted innocence, you begun to understand why childe might try and shield the child from the truth.
childe detached the excitable child from his clothing, and beckoned ekaterina over. “ms. ekaterina, would you do me the grand favor of watching teucer for the rest of the day? i’d hate to burden our friend [y/n] after they have already brought him to liyue from celestia-knows-where.” he turns to teucer, telling him “big brother ajax is going to sell many, many toys now! so you need to behave yourself when i’m gone, okay? miss ekaterina will be watching you, and she’s very nice.” he pinches his brother’s cheek, teasing him lightly, and ushering him away with the fatui agent.
it’s now just you and tartaglia in the bank, as the sun was setting and all the other employees had gone home for the day. you heaved a sigh of relief, glad to be rid of baby-sitting duty, after having to deal with teucer’s antics for several hours now.
“i’m really sorry about all of that. i had no idea he would be coming, as a stowaway, no less.” the man looked at you with genuine gratitude. “i don’t want to imagine what might’ve happened to the little brat if you hadn’t been there.”
you chuckled, not quite used to seeing such sincerity coming from the harbinger. most of the time, you had been accustomed to his charismatic facade that he puts on when he becomes childe, the eleventh and one of the most dangerous members of the fatui harbingers.
“don’t worry, it really was no problem. your brother is certainly a handful, but undeniably adorable”, you said, mindlessly gathering your belongings again as you prepared to head out again. “he takes after his older brother quite a bit, i must say.”
“come again?” childe looked behind him, eyebrow cocked.
“oh— nothing. i didnt say anything”, you muttered. shit. you really need to get better at keeping your mouth shut. you refused to be known as the insolent fool with the puppy-love crush on the goddamn eleventh fatui harbinger.
“oh? that didnt really sound like nothing, my dear [y/n].” he smirked. whenever he called you “my dear”, you knew you were in for major teasing. he was definitely having fun with this. he strode towards you innocently, with that usual swagger of his, that tinted everything he did. his walk, his talk, his appearance all oozed confidence, and it was utterly intoxicating.
tartaglia now looked at you with a glint in his eye, the same look he gave enemies before he was about to utterly obliterate them. it was frightening, yet terribly alluring, and you despised how much you fell for it.
suddenly, you felt your back hit the cold, marble wall. you hadn’t even realized that tartaglia had cornered you against a gold pillar, his mere presence forcing you to unconsciously move away from him as he approached you, calculatedly. a lump growing in your throat, you couldn’t bring yourself to even utter a single word in defense, only feeling your cheeks grow hotter and your legs grow weaker.
tartaglia leaned his arm against the pillar, dangerously close to your head, effectively propping himself up with only you between him. you were far too aware of the space—or rather, the lack thereof—separating the two of you, the man’s hot breath audible in the dead, echoing silence of the golden bank.
tartaglia smirked, bringing his face close to yours. “you flatter me greatly, [y/n].” smirking, his breath grazed against your neck, his stare burning into your flesh. the way your name sounded on his lips made your breath hitched in your throat. too hot, you felt way too hot. it was impossible for a hydro user to make you feel such unbearable heat.
“seems as if your clever words aren’t of any use to you now, hmm?” you could feel the mans lips brushing against your jaw, each touch against you leaving a stinging trail. he brought his free hand to caress your own, fingers clasping yours as if you were made of a delicate porcelain, the finest kind liyue had to offer. slowly, as if dragging out each second as long as he could, tartaglia brought your hand to his lips, and planted a long, slow kiss to the back of your palm.
your eyes widened at the sheer eroticism with which he kissed your hand—an act commonly of etiquette somehow being much more lustful, even debauched when tartaglia did it. all you could feel was where his lips met your hand, the phantom burn it left, the slight string of saliva connecting his lips to your hand as he left it, the dark gaze in his eyes as he looked back up at you, clearly aware of how vulnerable you were in his grasp.
“thank you again, my dear. i hope we can continue to work together in the future.”
a/n: jesus christ this got really horny at the end LMFAO anyways i hope you like it! its kinda long but wtv
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
Desperate Much?
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Pairings: Ten x Reader.
Theme: fluff, angst, hurt, comfort, family, sad, happy ending. (Life is still going on)
Characters: Ten, Taeyong, Mark, Donghyuck, Jeno.
Word Count: 2k
Ten wasn't like his 'brothers'. Infact he wasn't ever their brother, he was their cousin. His dad was the one who inherited the family business and had settled with him and his mother in Thailand to branch out.
He had a happy and perfect life with both of his parents, but that was untill they both died unexpectedly in a car accident when he was eleven. And suddenly everything in his life was changing. He had to move to Korea to live with his uncle and his children, his father's buisness was now his uncle's buisness until Ten was old enough to take over. Until he could legally take over. He had to learn a different language, make new friends and start his life all over again in a very dysfunctional family.
He remembered the constant yelling between Mr.Lee and Mrs.Lee, having to sit by himself during those times when Taeyong would take his younger brothers Mark and Jeno and hide in his room, he remembered how Donghyuck would cry under the scrutinizing gaze of Mrs.Lee as she fought with Mr.Lee and the boy was stuck there not able to escape, the loss of the joys of family dinners that he was used to, the loneliness he felt. That was when he met you. You were his only friend in this country and even though he could barely talk to people you tried your best to talk to him despite the language barrier.
You were cheerful and jovial and very very clingy but he didn't mind that. You ate lunch with him and helped him with his Korean. You even made sure to stick by his side with the excuse of him being new here so he wouldn't get lost months after he arrived.
You were a blessing in disguise to him especially since it was so awkward with his cousin Taeyong at home and at school.
Time flew fast and a year had passed and he could speak and write Korean way better than before and lucky for him you were still stuck to his side.
In those trying times you were his only semblance of joy. The times in which Mark wouldn't talk at all, the times in which Taeyong would go around at the ripe age of twelve and hurt people with words so sharp that they would leave the school, when all Jeno did was look upto Taeyong and when Donghyuck started to act out getting himself in trouble so bad that he could have almost lost his life but no one cared.
It hurt Ten to watch all this happen but not being able to do anything about it because no matter how well he got along with the youger two, Taeyong would always pull his brothers away from him and take them to his room and well Donghyuck, he wouldn't talk to anyone at home.
But unfortunately all he could do was get used to this awful life, glad that you would quietly listen to him rant and then lighten his mood up with something silly.
He was mid rant one day when he spoke about how much he missed 'family dinners' that you interrupted him, "Why don't you have a dinner with your cousin's?" Ten scoffed at you and shut that idea down immediately but when he came home and saw how far apart everyone was he decided there and then that's what was needed.
So he forced Mark out of his room and away from his books, he pryed Donghyuck away from his bed, he bribed Taeyong and Jeno just followed his eldest brother and thats how he found himself at the diner table for the first time ever since his parents passed away.
"I used to eat dinner like this with my parents" he spoked but Taeyong glared at him, "I don't care"
"Look you want to be a brat be a brat but at the dinner table all feuds are forgotten and all hatred is gone, food is supposed to be consumed happy"
"What did your parents say that?" Taeyong asked, rolling his eyes.
"Nope y/n did!" Ten said with a cheeky smile, "Now c'mon dig in"
And so there started their first meal together with everyone silently serving themselves, "So we usually talk about our day at the dinner table" Ten smiled his eyes crinkling into two half moons. "I know none of you will say anything so I'll start, Teacher Park yelled at me for correcting him on his Korean today. I was so pissed" Taeyong snorted at that, "Yea that old geezer is weird"
"I know I don't like him either" Donghyuck spoke and Taeyong glared at him but Ten cleared his throat loudly and Taeyong sighed muttering an inaudible apology.
"I placed a fart cushion on his chair today" Donhyuck grinned proudly and collective snorts were heard across the table and Jeno chocked on his food as Taeyong patted the younger boys back. Mark was still eating quietly. Then Donghyuck frowned, "But he didn't like that..." He then put out his hands showing everyones his palms, "So he took me out of the classroom and hit me" Tens heart sank at the red bruises on the boys hands and Taeyong was glaring again but this time it wasn't at Donghyuck, "How dare that old rat hit a seven year old child like that" the eldest growled. But Donghyuck only smiled, "It's okay I'm used to it" he said and Tens heart broke at that statement and by the looks of it so did Taeyongs.
Something shifted between the boys that night and they all knew it. Ten came to school the next day boasting to you about the success of his first family dinner and how excited he was for the next one tomorrow.
He even told you the story Donghyuck had told him not knowing what to do and that very day you got detention for throwing your thick Oxford Dictionary at Mr.Parks face.
Ten still smiles at that memory, a tiny you standing on your bench, yelling out a swear word and launching the book right at the unsuspecting teachers face, nevertheless what you did got the principal's attention. And without making a big deal of it she started an investigation on the teacher.
You chatted excitedly the next day about how exhilarating it was for you to throw a book at that man's face and Ten smiled listening to you talk with animated gestures.
That night he was greeted by the sight of Taeyong silently treating their youngest brothers wounded hands while avoiding the younger boys adoring gaze.
And so life moved forward and Ten had new friends and family here in Korea. And of course you. At this point he wasn't sure if you were his friend or family or both. But you were you.
You were known in school as- The y/n. The y/n who had all of Ten's attention leaving zero for his admirers.
To Ten you were the y/n who made him happy, the y/n who made him laugh, the y/n with a beautiful smile, the y/n who held him as he cried, the y/n who would nag him endlessly when he didn't eat properly, the y/n who would latch pinkies with him and walk everywhere, the y/n who was exceptionally smart and savy.
His life was finally looking up, with you by his side helping him through it all. And slowly he was making new happy memories, like the day he got you all flustered for the first time, or the day Taeyong had put his foot down and finally dragged Donghyuck away from the fighting couple into his room along with Ten, the day he took you to the amusement park you wanted to go to so badly that you kissed his cheek and went running off to the roller coaster, the day Jeno who only looked upto Taeyong had asked him for help, the day he snuck out of the house at night to watch the stars with you, the day Mark spoke at the diner table for the first time, the day you tripped and fell and he got it on camera, the day Taeyong called him his brother, the day of their class picnic and many more.
But there were also bad days like they day he had his first big fight with you or the day Donghyuck had come to him crying and crying without ever telling him why or the day where both the adult Lee's decided to join the family diner and ruined it.
But even those didnt last because his fight with you ended with the two of your crying in each other's arms promising to never have a fight this big again, because the day Donghyuck cried so bitterly that it shook the entire house Taeyong, Mark and Jeno rushed in and it turned into a mini sleepover as they took care of the youngest who soon forgot why he was crying and promised to make sure he only laughs in the future. And the day that Mr. And Mrs. Lee ruined the family diner was the day all five of the boys snuck out to eat marshmallows and chocolate in the park. The initial idea was to make smores but none of them knew how to make a fire and they were all out of crackers.
Those were just a few happy moments with many more to come like the day he asked you out, or the day he and his brothers went camping together, or the day Donghyuck smiled a smile so pure as his eyes shone with genuine happiness or the day Jeno started to think for himself and made friends who were a good influence on him. And the day Mark started dating someone. (Ten genuinely thought by how quite the boy was he would have to force him to talk to people let alone date someone), the day he got his father's company back and the day he proposed to you on the banks of the Han river, under the stars with his family and closest friends there to witness the moment.
"Why are you smiling so big?" your voice interrupted his thoughts and his smiled widened even more at the sight of you. "Did you fart?" You asked him and he chuckled grabbing onto your arm and and pulling you down to sit on his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Nothing I'm just happy"
"Ten Lee I swear to god if you're on drugs then I want a divorce even before I marry you" you scolded playfully and Ten chuckled, "My only drug is you baby" he cooed and you gaged "Eww gross get a room" you said and he deadpanned.
"You're weird you know that y/n?" He asked with a small chuckle.
"Clearly you knew what you were getting into" You smiled, teeth on full display with how wide your grin was.
"Oh by the way, I handled your little mishap at work today and got a few things you were supposed to do tomorrow scheduled for later and the rest got done today so your free tomorrow the entire day" you said and he smiled at you looking at you so lovingly. He doesn't remember that one moment he realised he was in love with you, maybe there wasn't just one lightbulb moment where her realised he loved you. Maybe he always knew or maybe he gradually figured it out. But that didn't matter all that matters is that he loves you and you love him.
"Ahh what would I do without you?" he asked snuggling into your neck and you chuckled, "Let's never have an answer to that question okay" you said and he nodded, you were right. You were there through evey step of the way after his life turned upside down and he's sure as hell he doesn't want to find out what it would be like without you so Ten grinned placing a small peck on you neck, "I'm gonna take you on the best date of your entire life tomorrow"
"Desperate much?"
"Y/n I'm literally engaged to you!"
Lee brother's- A mini series
Previous Part: Lee Mark
Next Part: Lee Donghyuck
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spookypotato · 4 years
Wow I loved that ankle fic!! If you are still looking for fics I would really enjoy one where Sirius is caught skating before he’s been cleared, maybe with a couple of the other boys and he gets in loads of trouble, lol dw just ignore if it’s bad idea 😄
1. Thank you! I'm happy you liked it.
2. Oooh yess! I hope I can do this idea justice, because I like it a lot. That's such a Sirius thing!
3. Also I love requests. I have quite a hard time coming up with good ideas but I love to write, so thank you!
Characters by @lumosinlove 💙 Thank you for this universe!
Sirius has been on the ice once, since the 'accident'. It went about as good as watching a toddler take his first steps, but in the end he was able to skate slow laps without falling down. It was stupid. He did this for a living. He had been - not to brag, just stats - one of the best. And now he was sitting on the bench waiting for the team to clear out, so he could go through the pain of skating in a circle for half an hour.
After their practice was over, Sirius went back, to the lockerroom with the boys. He could at least help them theoretically. James asked, how he was doing, as he did each week sometime more than once. Sirius - as he did each week - answered with a: "too slow for my liking". James responsible-motherhen-instict was now, nowhere to be found, when he suggested going skating later that day once even the staff had cleared out.
"You want me to risk my recovery to skate properly now instead of in a few months? Are you crazy!?", is what Sirius should have said.
"So when and where are we meeting?", is what came out of his mouth in a whisper.
That's how after the 10 laps, he did with (almost) ease today, he told Loops, that he was going to stay and do some more streches.
"You can overdo it, you know?", Remus told him, "just be careful alright? I know you'd be devastated, if all of your progress was ruined. And I would be the one having to listen to you whine."
"Firstly, I dont whine. Ever." -thats a lie and both of them knew it- "and secondly, thank you so much for your concern about my well-being, but I'll be careful, mum", Sirius added theatrically annoyed.
"This is literally my job. To tell you to be careful, so that you can play next season."
"So you dont really care about my well-being then, Loops?", Sirius gasped dramatically.
"Dont overdo it. See you tomorrow, Cap."
"Bye, Re."
The rink was silent. It was just him.
Then he nearly fell over as James jumped on him from behind.
Correction, it was just him and James.
"So, you're feeling up to playing?", James asked, standing on his own now.
"Do you really think you can win a one on one against your Captain, Potty?", Sirius challenged.
"Yes. But also I was thinking we wait for the others to join first. They should be here in a second."
"You told the others? If anybody finds out we'll be in so much trouble.", Sirius was beginning to regret his decision.
"So you dont want to play with us?", Finn's voice came out of the tunnel.
"Betrayed by our own captain?!", Logan's voice followed.
The cubs and Kasey stood in front of them now.
"Did nobody of you think it was a bad idea to come?!", Sirius asked.
"Well, our captain thinks it's fine, apparently." "And we found out about it a minute ago that someone will be blocking the rink during goalie-practise times", Leo completed Finn's thoughts.
"So we thought we'd stay with Nut and see if you suck now.", Logan added.
And because Sirius was already excited to just play a little, he answered an "Oh, it's on, Tremzy!" from where he was lacing his skates a bit tighter to give his ankle at least some stability.
Kasey hadn't been much for the idea of his Captain playing again. He knew from his thighs, that disregarding Loops orders, would only lead to a longer break. But since he would have been at the rink because of his goalie-practise anyway, he decided he would stay. Just to keep an eye on them, of course.
Definitely not, because he was missing his captain as much as the rest of the team on the ice.
Once they were all on the ice, James let Sirius choose his Teammates in a three on three. It ended in Potts, Logan and Leo against him, Finn and Kasey.
They all got their sticks and let Sirius' team have the puck first. And so his first after-recovery-game began.
He knew they went easy on him and for the first time he was glad about that. It made the game easier. He got less competitive than usual and thus put less pressure on his recovered ankle.
They passed the puck easily between one another. It felt like he had never been gone. Skating had been so had the first time afterwards, but as soon as he held his stick, he felt like this was were he always belonged.
Sirius got it to Finn and he shot it back. Kasey acting as a player now skated through the middle. He got the puck from Sirius and went for the goal. It hadnt been a bad shot at all, but for Leo there was no fun in letting the puck go in on purpose, so he blocked it and shot it to Logan.
The game went back and forth a few times, Sirius always staying on his good side. He even scored twice. He felt good. It was the first time in a long the he felt truly happy, even.
"Sirius!", came a shout from the boards. It was Lupin. A Angry-Faced Lupin. A kind of Lupin he hadnt seen in a long time. So Sirius decided to better skate over quick but carefully. The others luckily got the hint to be quiet. Or the just wanted to eavesdrop who knows.
"Sirius.", Remus repeated. "I told you to not overdo it-twice, might I add- and you decided playing a game with the team would be a good idea? I'm checking you again and yes, that is absolutely necessary. What were you thinking? You could have undone all you worked for so hard. Not just the last few months but your entire life. You could have never been able to play, do you know that?"
"Yes", Remus was never usually this angry. But Sirius thought he also saw something else in his eyes. Something between relief and excitement, he guessed.
"I hope I scared you enough with that whole speech, for you to not do it again unless I tell you you can, okay?", Loops actually waited for an answer this time. He seemed a bit more relaxed now.
"Ouai, pardon"
"No need to say sorry to me, it would have been your- Well, I do have more work now- actually yeah, say sorry, but it's no problem. I'm honestly just really glad your not currently on the ice with another broken bone.", Remus told him warmly. "Still, dont tell Arthur any of this. All of you!", he shouted to the rest still standing there. " And I will look at your ankle again, if something happens it's better to know sooner than later. Will you wait in the in the medic room?"
"Thanks. Yeah, I'll just take off the skates first.", Sirius answered, while making his way dont to the locker rooms. It was- if he hadnt broken anything again, which it didnt feel like- totally worth it. For the first time in months he actually felt like all the work had made a difference.
"Potts", he heard Loops again, while walking through the tunnel, "Potter, I know this was your idea. Come here and explain yourself."
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neverdoingmuch · 3 years
I’m here for the ‘swords not as pets’ agenda. Swords as cars: solid, get you from place to place, potentially dangerous, customizable, something people name. Wwx losing his license taking the fall for a mistake jc made (idk, dui maybe?) and just choosing to mod the hell out of a self-balancing scooter or segway or something so it goes dangerously fast. Alternatively: spending 3 months inventing the first functional actual levitating hoverboard, with an insane top speed. 3 months in the (1/2)
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sawdfert this is delightful!! i saw segway and i immediately started wheezing,, there was no time for laughing i went straight to the wheezing. i think it would make more sense if wwx lost his car and got a motorcycle? like hoverboards and segways are cool but motorcycles have that big reputation of being dangerous and there’s the whole ‘rebellious teen gets a motorcycle and becomes a delinquent’ thing? like motorcycles are fast and if you crash it’s so much worse than if you were in a car and there’s no airbags or anything. but also?? wwx rocking up to school on a segway while playing his flute like the shittiest entrance ever? iconic. but let’s stick with chenqing as a motorcycle/scooter (motorcycle-esque scooter not the ones that try and take out your ankles).
okay so all the major sects are super rich so in a modern au it would make sense for all the sect heirs to get cars. i’m not saying that jc and wwx complain about jzx being stuck-up bc he was given a porsche for his birthday even though they were also given cars for their birthdays,,, but i am. at first it would have been this major point of contention between yzy and jfm bc wwx isn’t even their son so why is he getting a car too but wwx is like ah it’s so i can drive jc and jyl to school! you wouldn’t want their cars being left outside the school all day would you? someone in my maths class had their car get keyed and it was super expensive to fix,, and yzy is like yes wwx may have a car only to protect my children from parking hassles,, also wwx must pay for his own parking. so wwx and jc both get given cars for their bdays.
now wwx gets bored easily,, so you could translate him being a cultivation genius to him being really good at driving. im talking that jc is still getting the hang of switching gears and wwx is out there casually drifting around corners. (this does mean he has to get new tyres really frequently but he’s friends with wen ning, whose family runs the mechanics that wwx likes to go to so he just helps around the shop for a bit and gets a discount (yes its the family discount)). anyway wwx really enjoys driving, also! he just rocks up to wen ning’s place one day and is like dude, i wanna pimp my ride, wanna help and wen ning is like heck yeah. so wwx pays for some upgrades with his own money and he spends hours doing some custom work to make it look cool,,
it’s all going well until wwx and jc go to wen chao’s party one night and jc gets absolutely sloshed,,, like completely hammered. wwx had walked in, grabbed a cup of lemonade or something and was gonna hang with his friends but lwj was there for some reason so he spent the entire night talking to him in the back garden. which means that when jc wanted to leave he saw wwx hanging out with lwj and went ew gross and just decided to drive home himself. he crashes and when wwx comes home the next day jc gets super pissed at him bc he was meant to be the designated driver and if he hadnt been screwing around with lwj jc wouldnt have tried to drive home and now his parents will be super pissed and wwx is like woah chill my grandmother is a mechanic and she can fix this up just give me a couple of days. 
so wwx goes to baoshan sanren mechanics (which is just the back entrance to the wen sibling’s mechanics) and spends the next three days getting rid of all of his customisations and mods so his car looks exactly like jc’s. does he cry when he has to spend like five mins spraying the inside of the car with axe body spray to get the jc stench going on? maybe a little. but he does it and returns the car to jc! and jc is like oh wow my car is fixed, your grandma is a miracle worker and wwx is like haha yeah (:
anyway wwx mysteriously and suddenly discovers a passion for public transport,, it’s a good way to stay humble jiang cheng, he says, also i used all my petrol money buying porn from nhs or whatever. anyway wwx is doing the whole pt to school thing but then one afternoon wen chao and wzh find him and idk maybe the party got too rowdy so the cops came and wc got in trouble with his dad? he assumes wwx called the cops on him so he shoves wwx into his car and drives him out to the middle of no where and dumps him in the burial mounds scrap metal recycling place or whatever. 
the train line isn’t running that day and there’s no phone service either so wwx is stuck there overnight. he gets super bored. so what does he do? he finds an abandoned scooter and starts scavenging for parts. he’s not expecting it to actually work but by the time the sun rises he’s found some actually decent parts and he thinks that he could get it working. tbh he kinda forgets to go back home and just walks into town to buy some food and then goes back and continues fiddling with the scooter. he doesnt live there for the three months but the people in yiling just accept that this random teenager has all but moved into their scrap heap and adopt him anyway. so he goes and visits the burial mounds every day after school so none of his friends or family really see him anymore. 
until! one day he rocks up to school on his scooter. scooters,, are kinda like sad pathetic motorcycles,, but wwx mods his scooter with like a powerful engine and new steering and everything so people see it and go oh! a motorcycle! even though it’s not actually (can you do that with a scooter? idk but suspend your disbelief pls). so lwj is like hnnngg wwx in a leather jacket on a motorcycle but also wei ying, stop riding a motorcycle, *enter statistics about motorcycle crashes here* and wwx is like no! you cant take chenqing away from me. and jc is pissed bc they were meant to be brothers and have matching cars and be able to work on them and give them cool paint jobs together! but now wwx has this bike which has been modded to hell and back and refuses to drive his car bc it’s not as cool as his bike. so we get to have the whole ‘everyone thinks wwx is doing something dumb and dangerous’ bc he has a motorcycle and why isnt he just driving his car anymore? but we also get to keep some of the nuance of the demonic cultivation bc yeah it’s more dangerous than driving in a car but wwx doesnt have a car anymore and scooters are a loottt safer than motorcycles (if my two seconds of research is correct).
so! wwx won’t abandon chenqing and he did most of his work using scrap parts so he goes back to the wens and is like wen ning my best bro check her out and he’s like oooooooh and they start modding chenqing together. wen qing doesnt know why wwx is constantly over at their shop all the time but jc keeps arguing with wwx and wwx grows more distant with his family and friends bc he’s making ~bad decisions~ and a motorcycle is a gateway to idk teen delinquent shenanigans like smoking and doing graffiti so he’s kinda ousted from respectable rich people society and wen qing is like i have two (2) brothers now and they’re adorable not that i’ll ever tell them that. and wwx modding chenqing got him a reputation in yiling like everyone saw him walk in one day and then drive out with this sexy sexy bike so people start coming to him for mods and stuff and wwx earns the title yiling patriarch and wen ning, his trusted best friend and helper, gets called the ghost general bc idk he helps a lot but the customers never meet him. so they become some dynamic duo for car and bike mods!
anyway,, yzy delivers him an ultimatum one day: the car or the bike (or more accurately: the family or the bike) but wwx can’t drive the car anymore so he just gets quietly disowned and drops out of school. (we’ll save jzxuan the suffering in this au he can keep his car). he goes to the wens and theyre like hey whats up? wait no you cant live in a scrap heap,, not even if you buy a tent,,, just live with us please. and then wwx gets adopted by the wens and idk i want them to have a happy ending so wwx and wn go off and do some actual mechanic and modding training with some expert (sqdcfgt imagine if it was the real baoshan sanren who just happened to be in the market for some apprentices and saw wwx and wn’s work and was like them and then later realised it was her grandson). so they get their apprenticeship and they disappear off somewhere for a year or two - when wwx had been disowned he’d deleted everyone’s contacts and was like if they text me i’ll add them back but im not gonna have a contact list cemetery. (no one contacts him). 
eventually the 13 years pass and wwx has been helping the wens raise their little nephew a-yuan who is showing a real aptitude for being a mechanic even though he’s just a kid and just generally enjoying the quiet life of being a mechanic while doing fun mods and lil baby projects. then one day lwj’s car breaks down while he’s driving through the area and he calls up the local mechanic and guess who rocks up? it’s wwx. and then we get to have them dance around each other and wwx being like lwj doesnt trust me, he’s just sitting here and watching me work all day ): and lwj is like dont let him go dont let him go dont let him go,, and eventually they get their romance but this is way too long already so im im gonna end this here
i didnt mean to make this an entire au but i adored your idea so much anon so i kinda had to!!
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Haikyuu boys and what gifts they would give you
Includes: Karasuno, Aoba Johsai, Nekoma, Shiratorizawa, Fukurodani, Inarizaki
A/N: Aha Aha Aha
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Hinata: He would give you a rock that him and natsu painted on. On the rock there’s a silly face on it, from natsu, and then a volleyball, from hinata, then an I love you at the bottom part. He gave that to you when you guys went on a park date with natsu.
Kageyma: The first give he would have ever given you was a milk box and you were so happy because he never really shares his milk. This was actually how he confessed to you like he wrote “Want to go out with me?” Or something like that at the bottom. He was blushing the whole time.
Yamaguchi: This baby boy would give you his scarf and a warm drink because you were both walking home from school and it was really cold but you forgot your scarf at home so he just gave you his. He would blush whenever he sees you wearing it now.
Tsukkishima: Salty boy gave you a playlist ever since you told him what type of music you liked. He wouldnt give it to you right after making it though. He would have given in when you’re stressing out over homework or something like that and he’d just put it on speaker for you waiting for you to ask whose playlist that was.
Nishinoya: An ice cream stick. Why? You called him senpai the first time you met him and he just- He automatically fell in love and asked you to an ice cream “hang out” because it wasnt a date or anything! He was just being a good senpai. He confessed to you by making an ice cream stick and the stick had a heart carved into it.
Tanaka: You and him went to a matsuri, shrine festival, with the team. He decided that he was going to be a man and catch you some goldfish. It took him a while however but you still appreciated his victory even though he spent most of his money it. You named that single goldfish “Ryuu”.
Suga: It’s not technically a gift but he gave you a mechanical pencil with your name on it. He was supposed to keep it for himself but you were borrowing a mechanical pencil during lunch time and he just gave you his pencil case only late to realize that it was there. When you saw it oh boy were you confused. Ended up confessing to you that way.
Asahi: OH MY- He gave you a handmade hair tie. Like he saw how you were struggling with your hair so much so he just decides to make one but he didnt plant ahead on how he’d give it to you. He was forced by suga and daichi to give it to you but in the end noya did that because he was too nervous to even tell you. Noya just “Oh hey! Y/N! Asahi thought you might be having trouble with your hair! Here” and just gives it to you. Blushing mess.
Daichi: The traditional gift 😤 He gave you a response chocolate he made with suga during white day. You gave him chocolate during valentines and he responded by giving you chocolate gift back. He gave it to you after practice and though the chocolate was a bit soft now he still gave it because the effort? Not letting that go to waste!
Ennoshita: Another traditional man. You gave him chocolate and he didnt know what to do so he just...Huh? He gave you chocolates back and let’s just say things started from there on ❤️
Kiyoko: You were stuck in the friendzone for quite a time too. She gave you matching keychains for your bag but like...Yachi also has it. 😔
Yachi: 😳😳😳 She drew you once for “art class”. Baby didnt have “art class” but when it came out better than expected she gave it to you when she confessed along with a letter. Let’s be real she was blushing and saying sorry the whole time.
Im sorry, guys but Im a big yachi-stan. Yachi is THAT bitch for me.
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa Toru: He doesnt give you 1 or 2 no no...He gives you 5 service aces. Shows off in the game more when you’re watching and for Seijoh it’s a sure victory once he does his little service ritual for you.
Iwaizumi Hajime: One time you called oikawa “shittykawa” during class he instantly fell in love with your fierce attitude so he legit treated you good food after that time. It became a ritual for both of you to eat out whenever they one which was often. His comfort food cannot be complete without you eating it with him.
Mattsukawa issei: His horsecock. That shit is a gift in itself. A big gift in fact.
Kyoutani Kentarou: People may see him as a very scary person but he actually gave you a stuff toy you wanted at the arcade. He saw how you looked at it with such longing that one time and proceeded to get it for you whenever you werent around. It took him such a long time but gosh was it worth it to see you smiling like that.
Kuroo: This man gave you...A headache. No fr hahahaha he gave you a spike actually. The first time you watched him play in a game...mf told you that if he stomped twice then it was a spike for you. He actually did win the game with that one spike because nekoma was losing and team morale was low. The moment he spiked that ball with that subtle double stomp he managed to score and boost morale again.
Kenma: He always gives you gifts but more like...Health potions, resources you need, animal crossing gifts tbh 🥺. He didnt really give you much gifts physically but virtually? He would specifically go and get rare items in doubles just to give you the other one and say he “Accidentally got another one”.
Lev: Alisa’s cooking. You were both out during lunch time and he saw that you were only drinking something so he decided to feed you his sister’s bento for him. My baby is so sweet- and also headaches. He also gives you headaches.
Bokuto: He gives you either his jersey OR a spike as well. Better yet he gives you his jersey for a game then does a spike for you. Bitch didnt even have a signal he legit shouted “That one was for you, Y/N!” And pointed at you. Kill me please- Needless to say everyone was looking at you so much.
Akaashi: You cant convince me he doesnt give you a copy of the book you wanted and were looking for. He just so happened to have it, yeah sure...🙃 Little did you know that he went all over miyagi for that fucking book. He probably gave you a bookmark along with it too. ❤️ Ya nerds
Date tech
Aone takanobu: Surprisingly enough he gave you a small vase for the flowers he gave you last time. He even told you how to preserve them more. He be teaching you all about plants whenever he you two go home together. He doesnt speak he just...gives you books or he shows you himself sometimes.
Futakuchi: He gave you his sour gummies 😖 TOO ADORABLE FUCK. You were staring at them and he just offered you some and now you’re in love.
Ushijima: Waka baby gave you a service ace. He isnt one to give you anything big and he didnt know what to give you so he just gave you something he knows he could. Before the game itself he actually told you that he promised you a service ace the first time he would be given the chance. Volleyball Idiot 🥺
Tendou: MIRACLE BOY STRAIGHT UP GAVE YOU ONE OF HIS SHONEN JUMPS. He gave you the one that you really liked and said it was “Not a big deal”-It was a big deal considering how in love he is with them.
Goshiki: Im sorry but...good head. He gave you heavenly head. 😔 King of oral right here. No really hahahaha tsutomu probs gave you a shrine charm that says “absolute victory”. You keep that little charm whenever you watch his games now. Though you tell him that its the charm working he says you’re his actual lucky charm.
Miya Atsumu: A migrane. His fangirls keep threatening you and you had to keep on telling them that you were just their team manager. He just- I mean I wanted to say he gave you a service ace but mf just gave you a migrane.
Miya Osamu: Unlike his brother this guy is actually pretty reasonable. As an asian you have no idea how happy your parents would be when this man gives you half a sack of rice. I know everyone expects the “Onigiri” answer but I enjoy being given a sack of rice more. 🍚
Aran Ojiro: I- IM SUCH A SIMP! He gave you his a batch of cookies. This headcanon is from @oof-she-needs-therapy by the way because I fell in love with their works so much. He just “Felt like he had to make an extra batch”. This boy 100% made that for you alone. Dont play me. He even fed you one and just to tease back you kissed the tips of his fingers. Practice that day was E V E N T FU L.
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Taglist: @my-mass-hysteria @janellion
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Hmmm Janus and Logan find out that Remus is a little and they take care of the baby? You don't have to! Take your time too :3
Thanks for the prompt!
Caregivers: Logan/Janus
Regressor: Remus
Remus was sitting on his bed watching beetlejuice for the third time in a row and using crayons to fill in a gory picture in his coloring book. Neither activity was exactly kid friendly but Remus didnt know what else to do. He only knew the creepy movies, that was his jurisdiction, so that was what he watched. Same with the coloring. He might try to draw something 'normal' bit it always came out....off...
None of the other sides knew he regressed to deal with the constant stream of intrusive thoughts running through his head at all times. He was never one to keep secrets but this...this was the one thing the other sides didn't know about him and he was going to keep it that way. He didnt need them to pay less attention to him than they already did when they would surely decide he was less of a threat than they originally thought.
He pouts at the idea of less attention. He really cant get enough if it. Not that anyone is willing to give it to him. Sure Deceit might tolerate him. They might even have what some would call pleasant interactions from time to time. But Janus was really very busy usually, and he tended to get very grumpy when Remus interrupted his meticulous planning sessions with his morningstar and a moldy banana that he threw at the wall.
So there he sat in his room, watching beetlejuice and colouring alone, even though he really wanted someone to pay attention to him.
Janus noted that Remus had been acting...odd lately. He would make excuses for why he had to leave the room suddenly and while it was believable to most of the sides when Remus said he had to go figure out the melting point of birds, Janus could taste the lie.
After a few times of this happening he decided enough was enough and he was going to get to the bottom of whatever the trash man was doing. It was making him nervous to say the least. Remus didnt usually lie so whatever he was doing was probably highly destructive in Janus's mind.
When he creaked open the door however he did not expect to see Remus in a onesie watching beetlejuice and coloring with his thumb in his mouth.
Furthermore he definitely didnt expect Remus to look at him with wide eyes and begin wailing and scrambling away from him.
What??? Was all Janus could think for a few moments before he took a deep breath and slowly approached Remus, trying to calm him down.
"Remus, are you okay?"
He shook his head and backed up a bit more.
"Its alright I'm not going to hurt you." He tried to assure him.
"Bu- but you- think m' not scawy anymore!" He wailed.
Jan winced and reached him, placing a hand on his shoulder and Remus collapsed, knees giving out. Luckily Janus was able to catch him and lifted him up.
"Believe me I am all sorts of scared right now. Come on, we're taking you to Logan, he'll know what's going on with you." Janus quickly sunk out with him confused as all hell as Remus started crying and squirming again. Logan already didnt take him seriously! But Janus kept a tight grip on him and rapped at logans door impatiently.
"Logan. Logan!"
The glasses clad side opened the door with a look of exasperation
"What?!" Then his eyes fell on remus and he stepped back a bit in surprise, giving janus the opportunity to briskly walk in with Remus and set him on the bed. Said side was now hiding his face in a pillow.
"He's broken. We broke him." Janus pointed at Remus,
"He isnt broken Janus." Logan brushed him off and approached Remus. "Hmm...I think I might have an idea of what's going on. What was he doing when you found him?" He questioned.
"Umm...watching beetlejuice and doing a coloring page I think?"
Logan nods to himself.
"And did he seem different than usual?"
Janus points to Remus
"Oh I don't know Logan. What do you think??"
Logan rolled his eyes but nodded. "I think I might have some idea of what's going on."
He sat down slowly next to Rwmus so he didn't startle him. "Remus, how old are you?"
"What kind of question is that? He's thirt-"
"M' two." Came the hesitant reply.
Janus stared at him, more and more confused by the second as Logan just nodded and readjust his glasses.
"As I thought. It seems Remus is engaging in a coping mechanism commonly known as age regression."
"Age what now?" Janus asked as Remus whined and buried his head behind Logan while he rubbed his back, not liking that his secret was being figured out.
"Age regression. It's when an individual either voluntarily or involuntarily reverts back to an earlier stage in their state of mind. So Remus here," he gestured to him "is about the mental mindset of a two year old. Is that right honey?" His voice softened as he turned to Remus for the last bit who nodded reluctantly.
"M' sorry..."
"Oh no need to apologize." He picks him up and sets him on his lap. "Its a perfectly healthy coping mechanism, we arent going to judge you for it." He perks up a bit at that and nuzzles into Logan, enjoying the attention.
"How do you know so much about this?" Dee asked, eyebrow raised.
"Virgil taught me." He responded simply, not giving a further explanation and Janus didnt ask for one. Just sat down next to the two other sides as Remus played happily with Logans fingers, no longer worried about them knowing his secret as it didnt seem like they were going to judge him.
"So...what do we do?" Janus asked finally.
"Well we should supervise him until he comes out of this headspace. From what he's told us he's fairly young and honestly I dont trust adult Remus to be unsupervised." He shifted Remus out of his hold and handed him off to Janus who took him and set him on his hip. "I'm going to make him some food, entertain him while I'm gone." He turns and walks out leaving the too alone.
"So...what do you want to do buddy?"
Twenty minutes later Logan walks in on the two watching a horror film and looks positively exasperated.
"Why are you watching this with him?"
"Um...because he said he wanted to watch it?" Janus looks confused.
"He's two Jan, this is not age appropriate." He turns of the television with a click, getting whines from both Janus and Remus.
"Its lunch time anyways Remus." Logan tuts and lifts him off of Janus. He hands him a sippy cup and some dinosaurs nuggets which he quickly demolishes and whines in complaint when Logan wipes the crumbs and ketchup off his face.
"Hold still Remus." He grunts as he tries to get it while Remus shakes his head away.
Ree sticks out his tounge and hops down giggling and running out the door and into the imagination, he decided he wanted to cause some trouble.
Janus is up and chasing after him almost instantly while Logan shakes his head and sighs in his room, cleaning up the dishes.
Remus cackles as he watches jan try to follow him through the imagination. Remus knows every inch of the territory so he's much faster. At least he was until the imagination did its job. You see since Remus was in the imagination, the place where thoughts come to life, and his thoughts were currently that of a small child...well he shrunk rather quickly to that age and soon enough Janus caught up to him as he stumbled on his tiny legs.
"Gotchya!" Janus scooped him up and he shrieked with laughter, Jan couldn't help a small smile either.
"You certainly are a handful."
He smiles deviously and nods.
Jan brings him back to Logans room but he doesn't regain his usual size. Logan theorizes that he probably wont until he ages up again.
"Remus." Logan scolds when they arrive back. "You cannot run off like that." Ree just sticks out his tounge with a small pout.
"I know baby." Logan takes him from Jan. "It isnt fair is it? But the imagination is dangerous for a child to be all alone in. What if the dragon witch saw you?"
He shrugged, he hadn't thought of that.
"Exactly." Logan set him down on the bed and Remus let out a tiny yawn.
"Is it naptime?" Janus asks
"No!" Remus shouted.
"Oh so you aren't tired?" Janus asked eyebrow raised.
"....nooo... "
"That's a lie." He said "do you know what happens to little babies who lie?"
Remus shook his head.
"They turn into tacos!" Janus quickly wraps him up in a blanket as he giggles wildly.
Janus slips him under the comforter and he frowns "you tricked me!"
"That I did." Jan smirks "now get some rest little hatchling." He grumbles but they taper off as Logan and Janus cuddle him to sleep.
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daisychvins · 3 years
。・゚゚・ — introduction.
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introducing ... violet’s demise ! aka grayson aka her big brother she’s been wiring money to stay away in europe <33333
name: grayson swag money jeon  age: 22 turning 23 (don’t ask me about his sign that’s for liza to figure out someday <3) gender: cis male; he/him hometown: baltimore, maryland sexuality: bisexual & biromantic
listen i was feeling rlly committed to completing his stats but i’m already over it so don’t ask dont tell xx anYWAYS let’s get on to the juicy stuff hehe
i tend to ramble a lot so this intro is gonna be probably a mixture of paragraphs and bullet points and everything in between but let’s start simple. also i rlly wanna emphasize a massive DRUGS TW bc his character largely revolves around his interest in and addiction to drugs
grayson is claiming that he's been in a rehab program for the last year and is now completely sober and reformed when he really was just using the money to party and travel throughout europe.
without his parents paying to support him now, he's had to start dealing to make ends meet and keep up appearances. it’s mostly coke, but he dabbles in harder substances depending on what his connections can get him. 
grayson dabbles with calligraphy and was notorious for forging excuse notes and parent signatures all throughout high school and even now sells forgeries for a quick buck. the most notable of these was xavi’s letter of recommendation that helped him get into yale. 
grayson is violet’s older brother!!1 yes, that’s right, THE big brother who’s been out of the country getting LIT (and by lit i mean he’s been traveling europe on a series of solo trips w his parents’ money and doin lots of recreational drugs)
i haven’t fully fleshed out the dynamic he has w his parents but just know it’s ,, bad ASDHFJNK basically the jeons treated their children like accessories and expected them to be their little trophies and grayson just was not having that as a kid!!! so he acted out a lot and obviously got himself into a pretty bad scene (thank u goosie) and is basically the bane of his parents existence at this point <3 yet they still try to appease him to keep him under control but that’s for the family task to work out hehehehe
despite hating his parents, he adores both of his siblings. before the drug use started, he was always a big nurturer and would have done anything for either of them......now he wouldn’t be caught dead praising violet but he loves her in secret from afar HSJDFKG
yeah basically he met goose when he was around 15 i think????? and got introduced to drugs around 16 or 17 i wanna say and by the time he graduated high school he was just....a much different person than the soft big brother he used to be. his parents sent him off to europe pretty much as soon as he turned 18 under the guise of going to school internationally, but grayson obviously knew the truth and understood that he was being sent away so he wouldn’t be his parents problem anymore. 
he basically spent the last four years galavanting europe and just....trying to enjoy it???? but it’s hard to enjoy an extended vacation when u have no family or friends on ur side anymore </3 he basically used the money to stay in hostels and worked odd jobs here and there to stay afloat and keep supplied w the...special goods....but yeah lots of drugs, alcohol, sex, and recklessness but he DID learn a couple languages??? or at least enough to get through some pretty basic conversations in most european countries so <3 guess it’s all okay then!!!! 
anyways idk what else to put here that u won’t just find out in the family task so uhhhhhh idk lmk if u need anything else i guess
so now grayson is just vibing at yale obviously ummm he actually got super into writing after high school, especially poetry. he used to carry journals full of just random prose about his addiction and his deepest thoughts, as well as probably some lighter stuff about his love escapades or maybe goose idk...basically he used poetry as an outlet and it allowed him to really ground himself and find his place in the world even if it didnt include who he thought it would SO with that being said, grayson got into yale due to a poetry competition he was a part of. he saw some big fancy competition being advertised and on a whim decided to submit some poem about his struggles with addiction and losing his family (a v raw piece that he didn’t expect to ever see the light of day) and he actually ended up winning! it caught yale’s attention and they invited him to apply and, knowing how much it would probably disturb his little sister, grayson very smugly applied and was pretty stoked to see he got in 
because that poem gained such publicity, it was assumed that he was a survivor of addiction and was writing from a sober perspective. he didn’t want to correct anyone, so he just went with it and has basically crafted this story about his massive success and has become an advocate for addiction treatment and rehabilitation. of course, none of the companies that sponsor him or the events that host him as a motivational speaker know that he’s snorting lines in the bathroom beforehand or dealing to half the elites, but that’s between grayson, god, and the blackmailer !
basically grayson showed back up because of violet’s blackmail being exposed. he was off in europe, unable to defend himself, and with a massive vendetta against his family so he decided what better way to reenter society than by publicly outing himself as a martyr <3333 his plan is basically to bash the family name to fulfill whatever angsty coming of age arc he has in store for him to make up for the pain of being sent away .... really angsty yeah </3 rip grayson 
anyways yeah he’s a total fake. he’s been using his status as a martyr to his advantage a lot, the best example being his recruitment into the elites. he guilted them into accepting him by discussing the PR benefits of recruiting a member that struggles with addiction and how supporting addiction treatment and second chances would be such a good look for them. like he basically threatened to publicly expose them for denying him due to his troubled past and accuse them of being exclusionary so they said boop ! ur in. now the elites are proud advocates for second chances <3333
i would describe grayson as fearless, overconfident, infamous due to his condition being exposed recently, a little gloomy, he’s kind of just got this chip on his shoulder and feels like he has something to prove....he’s gotta be better than his parents, gotta stick it to them and to violet and to everyone who doubts him. he’s a grumpy guy with a massive vendetta and a need for some kind of justice. he just doesn’t know what that is yet. despite all of the bad, however, he’s genuinely a pretty good guy. he’s really goofy and a genuine person, pretty friendly with literally everyone until they give him a reason not to be. basically, unless you are a member of the jeon family he probably likes you or is at least cordial to you (unless we plot differently ofc but u know). he’s just a big lovable dummy with some sweet drug connects and a knack for poetry. he also knows calligraphy but that’s beside the point . 
idk if this is enough to describe him but yeah if u have any questions just let me know hehe
this is probably gonna make things hard but considering violet was just exposed i think that he’s pretty new to yale ???? like probably just transferred in/started this spring semester rather than being here for the entire year/a prolonged amount of time so most of our plots will likely have to be newer/center on him first showing up OR we can establish their connections from pre-europe which is also fine w me....idk i didnt rlly think this timeline through so let’s just plot and see what happens aghbfjnd anyways i included some connection ideas to help us all just in case
wanted connections
i’d say he’s the honorary dealer of the elites aghbdfjn so literally anyone who needs a plug could be a potential connection. we can obviously tweak this and customize it to each character <3
maybe someone who met grayson in europe. they could have travelled together for an extended period of time or even just a brief encounter. he was over there for four years, so the possibilities are endless. 
building off the last one, this same connection could work with a romantic interest. maybe they were romantically involved for a time in europe and fell out of touch or maybe grayson/your muse just left in the middle of the night and they never saw each other again until now and maybe there’s some unresolved feelings/one-sided longing or need for closure. it could also be that they just hooked up whenever this person was in the area and that was that, no strings attached. 
maybe someone who genuinely believes that grayson is actually sober and really admires his strength and idk maybe they’re struggling w their own issues and seek advice from him or maybe they just make it harder for him to actually do his thing bc they’re constantly around and it’s not like they can catch him strung out and acting up 
someone in the literature department or with a background in english or writing. someone he could read poetry to, or share his favorite lines with. someone who’s taken the same professors and can tell him who to watch out for or what to expect. idk i just want him to have someone to share his passions with. maybe a little crush is forming? maybe they’re just friends who share a love of fiction? idk i’m open to literally anything 
he’s sort of a motivational speaker now bc he advocates for rehabilitation resources and stuff so like maybe ur muse saw him give a presentation or participate in some kind of seminar and they called bullshit on him after the show bc they were like,,, bro i literally saw u partying w max and avery last weekend what the fuck are u on about and now they could potentially hold that blackmail over his head hehe......
exes plots are always fun we love angst in this house 
fuck it let’s bring another family member BHJFNGKM no but grayson rlly is a nurturing guy and like....definitely develops unhealthy attachments to cope w his loss of family so he’d love all the sibling-like bonds he can get to kinda numb the pain of “””””losing””””” violet 
if none of these interest you i’m literally so down for anything pls just let me know and i’m happy to brainstorm always <333333 
thank u for reading this....smooch . 
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lavendersage · 3 years
Hi, i hope you are having a nice day 💖 i just wanted to share something cuz i could rly use some comfort rn. Im currently recovering from a toxic friendship that i ended a few months back and every day i wake up hurt. They were an internet friend who disrespected me and talked about me behind my back with people who are no longer in contact with me to analyze my "bad" behavior towards them (as in what happened between us etc) which i find out after i broke the relationship off and blocked them, after several other incidents i went thru with them alone. I received a lengthy text about how im a horrible person and i have been accussed of bad things i havent even done and im not as a person and basically had every action and word twisted to benefit their hate towards me and even tho i know its not true it constantly gets to me. I felt unsafe, unheard and unappreciated so i left peacefully. But that made them so mad they found me and had to spit out all the horrible things they thought about me (even during the relationship when i thought we were okay, i was told that most things about me were a red flag to them but they brushed it off cuz i wasnt that important to them) and gave me advice on how i should be or else nobody will ever love me and i need to toughen up and get over things (i have a few different mental illnesses). This person claimed to be my best friend from their own mouth when i asked if we are close enough to consider ourselves that literally a week before i blocked them and then dared to call me manipulative back. I have great friends now and i love them dearly, but this and similar things happened to me with a few other people and it hurts so much. I dont understand why people are allowed to disrespect me and make me lose sleep crying over them but as soon as i do something to defend myself im the worst person in the world. Maybe im just too calm and open minded but i would never come for someone who i hurt lecturing them on why they shouldnt be hurt and it sucks that i have to live thru that and have someone out there talk about me in bad manner as we speak. I know they are a bad person and they have shown it clearly and i see it, but im just having such a hard time repeating their words in my head. It makes me feel like im not worthy of basic human decency and my needs are invalid and wrong cuz they are mine. They didnt believe me i was abused in the past cuz they believed it was my tactic to make people feel bad for me so i can manipulate everyone just cuz they decided im like that and the abuse i went thru is something im extremely passionate about in a sense of i rly want to recover from it but people like this make me take a step back every time. Im so tired of these thoughts circling around my head and this past is just so so hard to carry i wish i never met them and i could erase them from my head cuz the way i was treated and left off makes me sick thinking about it 😔 i feel the need to talk about it with as much people as possible to convince myself im not the bad one in this story, i hope you understand
hi anon. i will admit your story feels a little jumbled and unclear to me but i do understand that you were hurt by a “friend” in the past who used a common abuser tactic by turning other people against you through making up fabrications about who you are or exaggerating the truth, and that kind of thing is hard to forget. i dealt with a similar friendship a few years back and i still have a lot of trouble communicating my needs and sticking up for myself because of it. for many of us, it isn’t easy to live with the idea of someone thinking poorly of you, especially when the things they seem to believe aren’t truthful—i get that.
you say you have great friends now and that’s wonderful!! i think the best thing you can do for yourself at this point is try and stop letting those toxic people live in your head rent free. i get that their hurtful words won’t be easy to forget, but try to keep the knowledge that you have good friendships around you close to your heart. i hope you’re able to work through these feelings in a healthy way and grow the friendships that enrich your life, not dwell on the ones that made it darker 💚
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simptasia · 4 years
character number ask game thingy!!!!!! let's do jack and or ana lucia and the numbers areeee 2, 4, 7, 11 (doesn't have to be a specific song just like. music genre or smth idk) , 15, 16, 24, 25. as always you dont have to do all or both charas just what you want :) OH bonus since we're both reblogging supernatural maybe a cheeky cas + 10, 15, 16
ooh wasn’t expecting jack and ana lucia (me making lost headcanons not involving the sci trio requires using at least 4 extra braincells, as you know)
thanks lisa!
[cracks knuckles]
fave colour: blue
fave movie: the breakfast club (it was the first thing that popped into my head and i was like “...yeah, that feels right”)
fave pizza toppings: pepperoni and cheese
song they dance their ass off to: jack does not dance, he shuffles happily or awkwardly. you said i can do genre, so, like technically you can dance to anything but jack doesn’t dance to rock. he bops his head. jack “dances” to billy joel, some beatles songs, and whatever pop/punk/country music kate has put on
my first impression of this character: i can’t remember specific feelings about jack right away, i was sort of just cautiously judging the show (i didnt know it’d be good). i remember in his first proper scene, being taken back by his voice because it’s higher than i expected. i do remember early in the watch i didn’t like him though. i think that applies to most lost fans. i bounced back and forth between “okay i do feel bad for you” and finding him insufferable. i found his first centric episode REALLY engaging. this sounds all over the place but thats jack for ya
my thoughts on this character now: well it was a slow burn but over time i grew to like jack and then love him. i acknowledge he isn’t easy to love, but he got me. fucker got me. so love/hate? like i love him but when he’s bad it’s painful (and it’s worse because i know he’s a good boy!). even when i didn’t like him i always found him endearing and sympathetic. and my headcanon that he’s autistic really helped him make sense to me
are they a good cook or bad cook: technically he’s an alright cook, he just won’t ever flavour the chicken. nice omelettes and pancakes tho (in case you shouldn’t tell, i see jack as having the most generic taste in food and drink ever. it amuses me and hey its in character)
signature dinner dish: beef, macaroni and cheese. beefaroni!
ana lucia
fave colour: black
fave movie: i’ve decided ana loves action movies but the problem is i don’t, so i have no idea how to discern what would be a good pick for her. think stuff with shoot outs and car chases and explosions from the 80s and 90s... (MY fave action movie is con air, but i can’t just pick that, i dunno the genre well enough to know if she’d like that one)
fave pizza toppings: ham and cheese most of the time, sometimes a full on meat lovers with chili if she’s in the mood for it
song they dance their ass off to: i think its fair to assume this girl loves rock, yeah? guns & roses and bon jovi come to mind. i can see her screaming along to “living on a prayer”. beyond that, i’m afraid i find myself lacking in broader rock genre knowledge (like, how the kinda music an american puerto rican lady grew up with is probably different to the music i, a white australian, am familiar with or associate with Rock). i stand by living with a prayer tho because thats a good song to lose your fucking mind to in my opinion
my first impression of this character: its hard to recall. i’m not remembering any strong feelings one way or another, besides recognising michelle rodriguez from other things. i think i was neutral at first. i am happy to say i never went thru a “i hate ana lucia” phrase. oh its coming back to me, i was neutral but then i very quickly grew to like her. her tempestuous but secretly soft demeanour + her butch energy = <3
my thoughts on this character now: i fucking love ana lucia so much. it’s a shame she wasn’t around much, and i’ve started to notice that even in the one season she was in, she’d disappear for long stretches of time, which is a poor use of a new character [grumbles] i love her. i love her. she’s a bitch but she’s my bitch! (...more likely, i’d be hers...). last time i watched season 5, i knew ana’s ghost was gonna show up and i bit my knuckle to stop myself squealing ahead of time. i think i’d put her in my top five lost ladies. like the writing wasn’t perfect, i feel like they wasted her, but i still think she’s a great character anyways
are they a good cook or bad cook: she is, her mom made sure of that, but she doesn’t cook often, sticking to take out most of the time
signature dinner dish: i had trouble thinking of what she’d cook. so heres a little scenario instead: let’s say ana’s got a girl over for a date and she’s thinking “i like this chick, so im gonna actually make something for her” and at first she plans to make some sort of well prepared chicken-based meal and then she looks in her fridge and is like “ah...” so long story short she ends up making spaghetti bolognese (but she wants to try harder so she actually makes the sauce instead of using store bought)
do they like roller coasters: i thought about it and i’ve decided i like the idea of him not being as affected by roller coasters as humans so he’s like “huh. i don’t see how that’s supposed to be fun”. to which dean calls him a “friggin’ robot”
my first impression of his character: two things, “holy shit his voice??” (nobody prepared me) and “i ship him with dean”. literally the second he spoke to dean i shipped it. such a wham. yeah, as far as i recall, i’ve loved cas since the start. it’s an inherently interesting concept, and misha’s performance and oh my gosh the autistic energy off this bitch
my thoughts on this character now: cas is my favourite supernatural character and i love him so much. it’s hard to put into words, he’s just a really good character. eps focusing on him (or at least a b-plot are always are delight). now, i stopped watching half way thru season 8 and i’ve only seen chunks of season 9. but from what i gather cas has remained my lovely autistic-coded boy. tho i have noticed from the brief bits i’ve seen of later eps, he does emote a looot more. it’s a tad jarring but i’d adapt if i was like, actually watching the show. anyways cas good. love him. oh and the fact that he’s canonically queer brings me joy
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rosykims · 4 years
saoirse sounds absolutely fascinating (and she has one of my favorite names ever) so if it's not too much trouble and you're still taking these, then i'd love to hear answers for: berath's bell, dyrcap, orlan's cradle, skaenbone! thank you in advance!
thank you so much anon this is so sweet !! i'm rly glad u like saoirse and her name :3
Berath’s Bell: How does your Watcher cope with loss? Did past experiences affect how they interact in game one?
hmmm i think bc saoirse never actually Loses anything in poe1 its sort of difficult to say ! i think,,,, shes never had much to lose in the first place bc she's never had much of anything to lose! and bc she's not really used to having good things happen and/or she's already has a bleak outlook on the world, she probably has a pretty apathetic outlook on it at least at the start? she accepts a lot of bad things happening with a sort of defeat instead of real sadness, bc she's not really surprised? losing calisca and hoedan didn't hurt that much (though she was genuinely saddened when hoedan died, bc he had been so oddly nice to her), and with aloth’s ‘betrayal’ she used anger to cope and basically tried to pretend he didnt effect her at all, when he very obviously did. she doesnt like being Effected by ppl :(
Dyrcap: The Dozens, House Doemenel, or the Crucible Knights?
house doemenel !! because since she's been forced to work with so many questionable people over the years, siding with them just felt like the only safe option for her. she DOESNT trust or like the crucible knights, and she didnt feel safe around the dozens bc theyre fanatics and shes a watcher/cipher/godlike so. valid of her. so she sides with the doemenel's, dismissively at first, but starts to really regret it as she is forced back into all this shady stuff, when she ultimately wants out of that life – especially now, when she could potentially have a group of fwends.... but she sticks with them, bc she's dumb and she doesn't believe in change or that things could be better for her. i havent fully decided on her canon ending yet – ideally, i'd like her little change of heart to result in her fixing the doemenels and making them more progressive in the long run, because she would definitely want to make her new home safe for her sister. Alternatively (and this happened in my first playthru lol) i feel like she might go down the same path she always does, and ends up putting that doemenel son chara in charge, resulting in defiance bay being just completely fucked up post game. she feels absolutely terrible about it and it gives her motivation to fight them and use her new power to undo all the bad that she unwittingly caused ! i feel like both paths make sense for her, so i'll have to have a think abt it !
Orlan’s Cradle: What did your Watcher do with Vela?
i can't remember exactly how the quest goes, but saoirse definitely is not down w sacrificing babies fbfnfnd she absolutely poisoned that man, though as i remember it im pretty sure i failed the speech check to convince him to drink it? i cant remember? either way he definitely died and then i gave the baby back to that guy bc saoirse does not Ever want to have a child !!!
Skaenbone: Ultimately, which of the God’s of Eora did your Watcher side with in the Council of Stars quest?
saoirse choses hylea in the end ! it's important to note tho, that during the whole game saoirse learns more about eothas from eder and starts to . . . idk. feel comforted by the idea that she might be capable of redemption and that she could change her path (especially bc she FEELS like shes changing but is still clinging to the only life she's ever known bc shes afraid). so she basically decides right before she goes into the council of stars that she is going to try and commune w eothas. Obviously when she gets there she cant find him. no redemption for her :( she's sort of at a loss for what to do after that (she doesnt care for the gods much and she is NOT talking to ondra lmao) and the i like to hc she.... she's a little bird playing on the shrine to hylea, and it reminds her of her sister and what her sister would want as a devoted follower of hylea, and she realizes thats rly the only choice she'd take, even if eothas was there. In the end, her own redemption means far less to her than her sister :(
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newt-the-newt · 4 years
The Mandalorian’s Everything - Chapter 4
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Story Masterlist
(Y/F/C) = Your Favourite Colour
Warnings: 8700 words of pure, cheesy fluff, and now that I’m looking back on it, a smidge of angst.
It had been about 4 hours of the Mandalorian sitting in the cockpit slowly slipping into madness as he watched the stars before he went back to check on you. For good measure he punched the target in the face as he walked by, and entered his room where he found you still sleeping peacefully.
There was still at least another day's trip to Coruscant, maybe even longer with his damaged hyperdrive, and the bounty hunter was starting to get tired. But there was no way he was going to wake you up. If you needed sleep, then you could get all the sleep you wanted.
The Mandalorian went back to the bathroom to grab some more antibiotics, this time in pill form, and left them alongside a glass of water on the nightstand. He was hoping they could relieve some of the pain in your shoulder.
After taking one last look to make sure you really were okay, the Mandalorian made his way back to the cockpit where he watched millions of stars zoom by. Again.
About another hour later the bounty hunter heard small footsteps. They were gentle, and seemed to be going quite slowly. The Mandalorian smiled to himself as he guessed it was you walking around in a bit of a daze from your sleep.
His assumption was quickly confirmed when he walked into the main sitting area of the ship and saw you looking around with quite a confused expression.
However, it seemed you had heard him coming because you quickly spun around to face him, grabbing a nearby pipe that had fallen off his speeder. The Mandalorian almost tripped over his feet when you laughed at yourself after coming to the realization that you were safe on his ship.
"Oh, Lumpy, thank goodness it's only you. I was worried I had been taken by those horrible clones."
The Mandalorian shook his head. How was he supposed to tell you that if something happened to you while he could have been there to help you, hed never forgive himself? Thatd hed probably end up doing something very reckless and stupid because he now had to live in a universe you werent in anymore? It was my duty. Yeah, that ought to do it, now she knows you like her. Go me.
Your smile fell. "She told you to help me, didn't she? My Grandma?"
The bounty hunter remained silent, and you nodded.
"Of course she did."
"I think she knew it was coming, she told me before I left that I was to protect you. I hadn't realized she meant so soon."
You nodded again. "Well, nevertheless, I must thank you greatly, again, for this is now the second time you have saved my life."
It was quiet in the room for a minute, before you spoke up again. "You can drop me off wherever you'd like. I have a feeling I'll only get in your way if I stay. I don't want to be any trouble."
"You could never." I said that way too quickly. But it's true. How could something so innocent and gentle ever get in his way?
You smiled again, causing the butterflies in his tummy to start up again. "Even if I wasn't any trouble, I don't think I'd be much help either."
"What are you good at?" Smooth. Real smooth.
You thought for a moment before answering. "Not much. I can cook, clean, and I'm pretty good at mechanics. I used to fix a lot of pod racers and speeders at one of my older jobs. I can learn how to use them pretty quickly, too."
The mechanics was good, because it would allow the Mandalorian to have an excuse at letting you stay with him on the ship. "Well, if you'd like to stick with me, you can."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Nope. "Yeah."
"I won't be in your way?"
"Thats not possible."
"I still don't think I'll be much help to you."
"I won't ask you to do too much. Just maybe do some repairs on the ship while I'm retrieving a target and maybe be my quick getaway."
"I don't know Lumpy, I just don't think you're realizing what you're getting into. I'm not that great."
Oh, he knew alright. It was a terrible idea to bring you along with him, because only the maker knows all of the possible things that could go wrong. And there were quite a few, but they were all his fault because he gets so caught up in everything you do.
"You can stay."
You shook your head. "It's really whatever you want, Lumpy. This is your ship, I cant intrude anymore than I already have. I can't ask to stay with you, you've already done so much for me."
"Do you want to stay?"
The Mandalorian could not believe how much he wanted your answer to be yes. But, at the same time he could, because who wouldnt want you around? He knew, if you said yes, then you were staying, and that was it. If it was no, he would reluctantly yet whole-heartedly respect your wishes and help you start a good life somewhere else.
The bounty hunter let out a small sigh of relief as you quietly whispered, "Yes, I think so."
"Then stay with me."
You glanced up at him still with that look of uncertainty, which drew him closer to you. He took 3 steps forward, each bringing him closer and closer to you. So close you were standing practically chest to chest.
"Stay with me," he whispered. "Please?"
At first he wasnt sure if you heard him, since he knew that whispering under a mask cant exactly be easily understood, until you slowly nodded. "Okay."
The bounty hunter almost let out an enormous sigh of relief, but caught himself at the last second, nodding instead.
"Then it's decided."
After awkwardly standing there for 30 seconds, the Mandalorian cleared his throat.
"I have some clean clothes somewhere around here you can change into. When we get to Coruscant we can get you some new outfits."
You nodded once more. "Thank you, Lumpy."
The bounty hunter was silent as he walked down the hall to his small room. He noticed that you had made the bed, and more importantly had taken the medicine, which he was grateful for.
He went into the small chest at the foot of his bed and rummaged through it, looking for some clothes he thought might fit you. He didn't have many clothes anymore, since all he wears is his armour now.
But, he was able to find a shirt and a pair of pants at the bottom of the chest that looked to be relatively the same size as you. There was also a clean pair of boxers, but he decided he would leave it up to you if you wanted to where them. He wished he could smell them quickly to make sure they were in fact clean (he has no idea when these were washed), but he opted out of taking off the mask, just in case you came in.
He came back to see you sitting on top of the speeder waiting for him.
The Mandalorian handed you the clothes and pointed towards his room. "There's a bathroom right beside my room if you'd prefer that, or you can just change in my room."
You nodded and gave him a gentle smile as you turned to go change in the bathroom. As you were doing that the bounty hunter went back to go sit in the cockpit while he waited for you, and contemplated what he should do.
Theres now going to be an extra body sleeping in the ship, and there werent anymore rooms. He figured he could give you his room while he slept in the speeder or something. After all, hes slept in much worse. He could try finding another ship, but that would probably take too much time, and he wasnt too sure the money he had would be enough.
Hearing you enter the cockpit broke him out of his thoughts, causing him to look up at you. He smiled beneath his mask as he took in your look of wonder, your gaze being on what was outside the ship.
"Wow, I've never been in hyperspace before, you breathed out.
He nodded, recalling your childhood story on how youve been a slave your whole life.
"Actually, I've never been in space before. I've always been stuck on that stupid planet."
The Mandalorian thought for a moment. "Is there a place that you want to go?" He was curious, did you even know of anything outside that planet?
You took a minute to answer. "Well, in one of Grandma's stories she spoke of a planet so beautiful it almost didn't sound real. I'm not even sure if it is real. It was something like canoe.. or baboo... or maybe it was-"
Your eyes lit up with recognition. "Yeah, that's it! Wait, does that mean it's a real place?"
He chuckled quietly under his breath. "Yes it is."
"Wow," you sighed. "Grandma said it was the most beautiful place in the whole galaxy."
The Mandalorian turned in his chair to take a look at your full frame. Of course, these had to be some of his clothes. And of course, you had to look good in them. Really good. So good, he felt his throat close up and only let out a very embarrassing wheeze.
The bounty hunter cleared his throat, extremely grateful the mask could cover up just how red his face had gotten, then asked "Are there any other planets your Grandma told you about?" He mentally let out a sigh of relief in that you didnt seem to notice.
"Hmmmmm I can remember a few. Just a couple of days ago she told me about Scarif, which is also really beautiful, but its under Imperial control and theres no way you can go there. There was also Kashyyyk, although that one was told to me by a Wookiee I worked with, oh! There was-"
"Wait, you speak Wookiee?"
You shrugged. "I understand it much more than I am able to actually pronounce the words."
The Mandalorian nodded, when on the inside he felt shock. If you could speak Wookiee, then there definitely some other talents you had. There had to be, and the bounty hunter was ready to know all of them.
"Oh! There's Alderaan, and I remember there's a planet that's like a big swamp, but I can't remember it's name."
He nodded again. "That's Dagobah."
You looked back up at the stars, and the Mandalorian watched you with an amused expression. "How many planets are there? In the whole galaxy, I mean."
The bounty hunter stopped for a moment. "I think theres about 3 million planets we can live on in our galaxy."
He became amused with the shocked expression that took over your face. "Wow. And I've only been on one in my whole life."
Before he could stop himself, the bounty hunter stood up to face you and whispered "I'll take you to anywhere you want to go. Any place, any time." Oh for Petes sake, get a hold of yourself-
"Thank you Lumpy, but I'm not going to ask that of you. You just go where you need to, and Ill do my best to stay out of your way," you whispered back.
The Mandalorian shook his head. You could never be in my way.
About a day and a half later the Mandalorian parked his ship on one of the landing pads and turned towards you.
"I'm taking the bounty to an office about 3 blocks from here. It's connected to a restaurant called Nonchaus Pizza Dogs, which I never understood because the only food they sell stuff like burritos, but that's besides the point. If you need anything, I'll be there, but I need you to stay on the ship, just until I deliver the bounty."
"Okay, Lumpy. Do you know how long you'll be gone?"
The Mandalorian stood up and walked past the speeder, towards the target. "No more than 2 hours. After that I can take you around to buy some clothes."
The bounty hunter saw you nod your head out of the corner of his eye. "Is there anything you need me to do?"
"Just stay hidden in the ship. I have to turn off all the power, so it may get a little cold in here. I would take you with me, but I have a feeling it'd be much safer for you if you stayed here."
He saw you nod once more. "Okay."
As he was on his way to untie the bounty, he noticed you went into his room in his peripherals. Curiosity took over him as he slowly stood up and followed you there.
When he got to his room, he leaned against the door frame as he observed you sitting in his bed reading. Recognition flooded his mind as he squinted at the cover of the book, realizing it was the one book he had actually enjoyed reading front to back. "Where'd you get that?"
You looked up at him and smiled. "It was on your dresser," He followed your finger as it pointed to a piece of furniture that was way too small to call it a dresser. An apologetic frown made its way onto your face as you had a thought. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone through your stuff-"
"No no, it's okay. Do you like reading?"
Your frown turned upside down instantly at that question. "Do I?!?" However, the more you thought about it, the more sorrowful you seemed to become, and a sad smile graced your features as you spoke. "Well, I really liked Grandma's stories, and I figured that if they had to be anything like that, they must be amazing. I've only read a few books in my life, and none of them have ever compared to hers. I'm still on the hunt."
The Mandalorian could see you visibly begin to get more upset the more you talked about your Grandma. "If you'd like we can get some books too while you pick some clothes."
You looked up at the bounty hunter, a melancholy smile still present, and he could feel his heart sink a little at your dampened mood. "Thank you, Lumpy."
When he saw you go back to your book, the Mandalorian took one last look back at you (still beautiful, even when upset), before he went to untie the bounty from his ship and deliver it to the client.
He grabbed another bowl of cold water and splashed it on his target's face; he did not want to carry him. At all.
For good measure, kicked the idiot in the stomach, then grabbed the collar of its shirt and stood it up. The client wanted it alive, but didn't say anything about the injuries. If he had to he could just say the guy put up a fight and it was necessary.
He untied it only from the rope that was attached to the ship, and loosened the ones wrapped around his ankles. After shoving it forward, the bounty hunter spoke in a very threatening voice. "Get moving."
The Mandalorian did his best to make the process go as quick and smooth as he as possible. He did not want to keep you in his ship alone and unprotected for longer than necessary. In only an hour and 15 minutes he managed to turn in his target (good riddance), retrieve his reward and obtain another bounty that he would get to after he made sure you had everything you needed.
When he walked back into his ship, he was relieved to see you fast asleep in his bed with the book laying open in your lap.
The bounty hunter gently kneeled next to the bed, dogeared the corner of the page you were on, placed the book on the nightstand, and, after taking a minute to admire the small smile adorning your face from the dream you were having, he rubbed your arm soothingly and whispered "Y/N."
You hummed, and he grinned as he watched your eyes open slowly.
"We gotta go get you some stuff now."
You looked at the clock next to your bed and whispered, "Wow, you were quick."
"I didn't want to keep you waiting long. Come on, let's go."
The Mandalorian got up and exited the room, and when he felt your presence behind him, he continued off the ship, making sure the hatch was closed and turned to face you.
"I'd ask where you want to start, but I have a feeling you have no idea."
You shook your head, confirming the bounty hunter's suspicion. "I just don't think I need much, only a few shirts and pants. I don't want to take up too much room on your ship."
"Okay, well then I have a better idea of where we should go."
"Better than Coruscant? For shopping? But look at all the stores." You emphasized your words by pointing to the hundreds of shops and businesses lit up with their advertisements plastered everywhere.
"I have a feeling that you're gonna like the clothes much better somewhere else."
You giggled at the situation as you re-entered the ship. "If you bring me to some planet filled with armour like yours, I think Im gonna pass."
The Mandalorian chuckled as he answered, "No nothing like that."
Unfortunately, for gas and travelling time purposes, it would take the bounty hunter a whole other day to travel to where he wanted to take you, but he had a feeling it would be worth it.
He noticed that you had finished the book way faster than he ever could, and went to his small storage compartment to grab you more.
When you finished the second book he had given you in just over an hour, the bounty hunter went looking in the very back of his ship. Amidst the pile of old food wrappers, papers of very old targets he kept when his hologram transmitter broke, spare parts he picked up wherever he found them, and many, many, many other things, he found a tabletop version of Dejarik.
The bounty hunter set it out on the top of the small table he had made for 2, and taught you the basics of the holochess game. The two of you spent at least 4 hours duelling at the game, with you snacking on some chips he found and the bounty hunter losing at 95% percent of the games. You cheered in victory at every win, but what seemed to make you laugh the most was when he just sat there in contemplation on what the hell he did so wrong to make him lose again.
He taught you the game hours ago and you were already better than him. But, he as not complaining at all because the friendly competition came with much laughter and many jokes. There were also questions you asked each other, but never that many.
After being in hyperspace for another 22 hours or so, the Mandalorian had finally arrived at the place you mentioned you wanted to see most: Naboo.
Before he entered the planet's atmosphere, he raced towards his room to retrieve you and show you where you were going. He couldn't wait another minute to see the reaction on your face.
When you entered the cockpit, the Mandalorian had a small smile on his face when he heard you gasp. "Wow, Lumpy, it's so... blue, and... green."
"It's Naboo."
The bounty hunter kept in his laugh as you whipped your head around to face him. "Naboo? We're going to Naboo?"
When he nodded, your smile grew tenfold. "Maker, we're going to Naboo!"
He sat back down in the chair to enter the atmosphere of Naboo. After a minute, when the ship was slowly descending onto a landing pad, the bounty hunter felt you wrap your arms around his neck to give him a hug from behind. It was difficult for him to concentrate on keeping the ship steady because all he could focus on was how you were so close to him, yet so far because of his stupid armour.
When you whispered "Thank you, Lumpy," the Mandalorian had to clear his throat to keep his voice from shaking so you wouldn't notice the effect you had on him.
"Of course." The bounty hunter landed his ship at a much slower pace than usual (he definitely was not trying to make the moment last as long as possible), and turned off all of the ship's systems. After he heard you exit the cockpit, he took a deep breath and followed you out, seeing you waiting by the closed ramp.
He grabbed his weapon and opened the hatch, letting the ramp go down so you two could exit.
While you were too busy looking at anything and everything your eyes landed on, the Mandalorian stuck to watching you look on with awe. He had never thought he could feel so happy, yet when he saw the look of excitement on your face, it was really hard to do anything but that. Every once in a while do a sweep to make sure no threats were near, but he mainly focused on you and how wonderful you were.
Before you went shopping for clothes, the Mandalorian brought you to a little inn where he bought a room. He didn't have the intention of taking a nap, however. The room included a bathroom, and that room included shower.
"I don't think we're going to stay very long, but these showers are much better than the one in my ship, so I figured we could get you some clothes after."
Even though these showers still weren't the greatest, they would hopefully make you feel less grimy, because he knew what it was like to get sand everywhere.
The bounty hunter waited patiently on the bed with his weapon in hand as you showered. He could hear you humming a tune to yourself, which had to be your favourite song because this was certainly not the first time he heard the soft melody pass your lips.
Your shower seemed to be on the longer side, but that was understandable. Who knows when your last proper clean was.
He heard the water shut off, and about 5 minutes later you emerged from the bathroom.
Nothing could have prepared the Mandalorian for what he saw next.
You walked out wearing the same clothes he had given you a few days prior, but this time, since your skin was a bit damp making the shirt cling to your figure, highlighting some features that were well hidden behind the baggy clothing.
Your wet hair was let down, framing your face in the most breathtaking way he had ever seen. Your skin glistened with some of the water that didn't get wiped off, and it looked even softer and smoother than it did before.
The dirt that covered your face was now gone, allowing the bounty hunter to perfectly see even the tiniest of details. The bags were still under your eyes, but weren't as prominent as before, probably from all of the sleep you got on his ship. There were a few freckles that he hadn't noticed before dotted around your face. Your eyebrows now had a defined shape since they weren't hidden from the dirt anymore, allowing your expressions to show even more emotion.
Your nose, jawline and cheekbones were more visible and prominent, defining your face in a whole different way. A very good way, he must say.
And, most importantly, you genuinely looked happier. He noticed that you still seemed melancholy, which was understandable, you had just watched your Grandma get shot. But that shower seemed to lighten you up; you stood taller, and carried yourself in a more confident manner.
The Mandalorian started tracing your jawline with his eyes and continuing down your neck, before he realized what he was doing and very quickly looked away. He did not want you to see him staring, completely forgetting that he was wearing a mask and you wouldn't see his eyes anyway.
He cleared his throat and stood up, looking through his pockets to make sure he brought money. He did.
"Wow, Lumpy, I don't think I've felt this clean in all my life. Didn't you say this was just a dingy motel bathroom? That was fantastic."
"Are you ready?"
"Is it okay if my hair is wet?"
The Mandalorian smiled softly under the mask. "Yes."
You nodded. "Then yes, I'm ready."
The bounty hunter lead you out of the motel room and towards the heart of the city. He grinned again as he saw you pause in his peripherals, admiring everything you saw. He turned to face you. "Are you coming?"
You snapped your head towards him, wearing an apologetic smile. Running to catch up with him, you answered, "Yes, I'm sorry."
He chuckled. "You've got nothing to apologize for, I know you're excited."
"Where are we going first?"
"There's a market a few streets from here. We can buy you clothes, and some food for the ship to. And I believe there's a book store just down that way," he stated as he pointed towards his left.
After he saw your nod of agreement, the Mandalorian stayed silent. He found himself enjoying the walking in comfortable silence, though he knew it wouldn't last long. As soon as you got to the little market, the bounty hunter heard your gasp.
"Oh my goodness, there's so many people! And there's so much stuff! Where do I start?" When you looked at him with one of your heart stopping smiles, the Mandalorian had to clear his throat before he responded.
"It seems to go in a circle. Pick a side and we'll make our way around."
You giggled. "Okay."
You chose to go to the left first, opting to make the circle go clockwise.
You looked to the first tent, which had many different types of jewellery covering each of the four tables. He noticed the woman behind the tables was wearing something much different to the simple robes and plain dresses everyone else was wearing.
She wore a bright red two-piece with gold accents, the skirt pooling on the ground. Attached to the neck and waist of the top were small, yet many diamonds and jewels. A red shawl draped over her shoulders to match the outfit, with gold lacing the bottom.
Her middle length hair matched her brown eyes, and her skin was tan from all of the sun that shines in Naboo. She was taller, and the bounty hunter could see beneath her skirt one of her feet poked out, displaying a short red and gold heel.
The necklace she wore seemed to be made of pure diamonds, as did her earrings. He could feel your nerves from a mile away. He wanted to pull you into his arms and assure you that no one else's beauty could even come close to yours. However, he could understand why you would feel intimidated. She looked to be dressed like royalty (which is strange, why would royalty be selling cheap jewellery in a tiny flea market?). You probably thought she looked like a goddess because you had never seen an outfit so... expensive.
"Look, one of her earrings looks like it costs more than my entire life. They're beautiful. She's beautiful. Look at her hair, it's like the wind is bowing before her feet, it's so magical. Wow." The Mandalorian didn't think you realized that you were whispering these things out loud, but he smiled nonetheless. Bingo.
When he laughed through his nose at your words, you turned him and gave him a confused stare. "What? I'm serious, Lumpy, look at her hair! The wind is just" as you were saying this you were making motions with your hands and hair, making it look like it was flowing beautifully like in those unrealistic commercials you had seen in the bar at times to emphasize your point.
He laughed again before he gently nudged you toward the woman. "Go on, I'll be back here if you need me."
The Mandalorian watched with amusement as you slowly made your way up to the woman behind the small tables.
She looked up and beamed. "Hi, how can I help you?"
You froze for a minute, which made the bounty hunter's eyebrows furrow. He was about to step up and encourage you it was okay before he heard you say, "You're beautiful."
The girl giggled and replied, "Thank you, but I don't think I can compare to you."
You gave her a look of bewilderment, which made the Mandalorian almost laugh out loud. "Me?"
"Yes, you! You don't have to wear fancy clothes to look nice! You should see me in the morning when I first wake up, my hair's all over the place, my eyes are all crusty and, you know that bit of that dry saliva on the corner of your mouth? Yeah, that's me every morning."
You laughed and responded with "Can't be as bad as smelling like old people all the time and having sand down your bra literally every minute ever. And that sand goes everywhere."
The girl smiled and stuck out her hand. "I'm Hana."
You grinned and took her hand, making the Mandalorian happy you made a friend.
"What brings you to Naboo?"
You glanced back at the Mandalorian, which yet again made him feel weak in the knees (he's gotta find a way to fix that), then answered Hana.
"I need some new clothes. All of my old ones got wrecked."
The girl's face lit up like she had just won the lottery. "Oooooo, girl shopping. D'you mind if I tag along? There's not much going on here anyways."
You nodded furiously, which made Hana laugh again. "I have no idea what I'm doing. Oh, wait." You turned back to the bounty hunter and asked him, "Lumpy, can Hana help me pick out some new clothes?"
He gave you a small thumbs up, and felt the butterflies flutter when you giggled at his actions.
The Mandalorian followed you around for 2 hours after that. He kept his distance, and was constantly on high alert. His eyes kept sweeping over the entire area to ensure there was no danger, though he did find himself getting distracted by many of the things that you did:
The look of awe with every new tent you approached. The look of surprise, yet giddiness you felt when Hana linked your arms together (he made a mental note that you liked this, since you seemed to always go back to this position with her). The little scrunch your nose did every time you saw a piece of clothing you didn't like. The small laugh you did when Hana made a joke, no matter how corny and terrible it was. The annoyed glances you gave when your hair flew into your face from a particularly harsh gust of wind, and the look of wonder you gave Hana when you asked how the wind made her look better and you a child that's rolled around in a sandstorm for the better part of 6 days.
Each and every small quirk made his heart swell that much more. When you put back every item you thought cost too much, thinking the bounty hunter didn't notice. (He did.) The look of disbelief on how delicious the food you ate for lunch was, even though Hana kept insisting it wasn't even that good. The look of surprise you gave when a little girl in a purple dress came up to you and gave you a flower. The small tear that ran down your cheek when you bent down and gave her a tight hug. The laughter that was contagious when a small band came to the market and Hana taught you how to dance one of the traditional Naboo dances.
The thing that the Mandalorian will never, ever forget was when you tried on a dress.
"No, Hana, that's way too much."
"Just try it on, just for fun." Both he and Hana could see how you kept glancing back at it, a look of wanting upon your face every time your eyes made contact with the dress.
Reluctantly you went behind a privacy screen to get changed, and the Mandalorian turned to Hana. "What are you doing down here."
He knew that she wasn't just some pedestrian trying to sell some old things for money, and he was curious as to why on earth a person of hierarchy would be down here.
Hana shrugged. "My sister's the queen, and I get sick of all the prim and proper bull everyone expects me to do. So, my Grandma and I make jewellery and once a month I come out here to give them to anyone that wants them. Normally I would wear less noticeable clothing, but... I don't know."
After a minute, she raised an eyebrow. "And what are you doing here? This doesn't seem like your kind of scene."
The bounty hunter's voice got quiet. She was right, a Mandalorian is never usually even seen with a person, let alone following one like a lost puppy. "She said she'd never been, and she really wanted to come here. Her Grandma used this place as the paradise in her stories."
Hana nodded, and seemed hesitant as she asked her next question. "And why is she with you?"
"There was an attack in her hometown, and I got her out."
Hana contemplated her next words before deciding to just bite the bullet. "Doesn't seem like the Mandalorian type to save a damsel in distress."
"She's much more than a damsel in distress."
"And that's why you won't let her go?" The bullet has now been bitten.
Before the bounty hunter could respond, you stepped from behind the screen. The Mandalorian did a double take, and he thought he was going to pass out. You seemed shy and uncertain, but man oh man, did you look angelic.
The dress was what seemed to be (Y/F/C), because this colour was a common occurrence in most of the clothing you picked. The dress was fitted at the top, hugging you in all the right places (though he could tell that the front went a bit lower than you were used to). There were thin straps on your shoulders that held the dress up, and the diamonds that covered the top portion sparkled in the sunlight.
The bottom portion of the dress was made of a material the bounty hunter had no clue of what the name was, but it looked silky smooth and was loose, flowing all the way to the ground in the most elegant way. Your hair had long since dried and curled just a bit, framing your face gracefully.
When you turned around the Mandalorian gasped so hard he started coughing, as he noticed there was a slit on one side of the dress that went up to your mid thigh, and your back was completely exposed. He saw the wound from the shot you got a few days ago was starting to look less red and angry, which relieved him quite a bit.
When you turned back around to face him, he was speechless. No amount of words could ever describe how stunning you looked to him. He was grateful when Hana spoke up because he could not.
"Y/N... oh my god, you look fantastic! Look at you!" she squealed and ran up to you, playing with your hair and asking you to turn a few times, showering you with compliments and oooos and aaaahs while you just giggled and shrugged, looking as though you didn't deserve her praise.
"I don't know... it seems a bit much. What do you think, Lumpy?"
Well, shoot.
"Uhm, uh- I-I-It looks- It looks, good, yeah, it looks good." Maker, I stutter now too?
The Mandalorian could see as Hana rolled her eyes and mocked him. "Looks goo- Y/N, you could outshine the Queen, oh my god."
"Stop it, I could not."
Oh yes you could, and the bounty hunter knew it. If only he could come up with the words to tell you too, but instead he was a blubbering, and quite frankly embarrassing mess.
"Yes you could, now lets go." Hana demanded as she pulled you by your elbow.
"Wha- go where? I have to take the dress off."
She snickered. "Just wear it for now. We need to show you off." She looked to the woman behind the table selling it. "Aurora, can she wear the dress around town? We'll bring it back."
When Aurora nodded, Hana linked your arms again and started pulling you towards her tent. "Come with me, I have the perfect necklace that would match."
The Mandalorian waited 30 seconds after you left before walking towards Aurora. She was an older woman, with olive wrinkled skin and grey hair pulled back into a braid.
"How much for the dress?"
"What currency do you have?"
The bounty hunter emptied his pockets and looked at what was left in his hand. "All I've got left is Corellian Credits."
"I'll give it to you for 1000."
"1000! That's outrageous, my armour costs less than that-"
"1000 credits. These clothes were made for the Queen, and she simply doesn't want them anymore."
"I hardly think the Queen is in need of any more money-"
"1000 credits, boy. No more, no less."
The bounty hunter sighed and looked down at the ground, thinking. He just got the reward of 2500 from the last target, and he figured if he got the next job done quick enough he could fix his ship with the reward from the next bounty. He'd need to be careful with his spending on fuel for the ship when he went to pick some up.
After a minute of staring at the ground, cursing the woman who sat behind the table with a nasty little smirk, he looked up and saw you, giggling and twirling in the dress, looking the happiest he thinks he's ever seen you.
He hung his head low as he started counting out the money, knowing full well that if that dress was 10 000 credits he'd still find a way to make it yours. He counted his blessings though because he was very thankful with was not 10 000 credits.
The Mandalorian sighed again and gave her the correct amount.
"Thank you," she said after placing the money in her little tin and grinning at him with a knowing smile.
He responded only by getting as far away from Aurora as possible before he made a rash decision, and instead chose to focus on you under Hana's tent. His heart beat a bit faster when he saw the smile on your face after Hana did indeed find a matching necklace, a pair of earrings and a clip pinned to the top of your head.
When you noticed the Mandalorian walking towards you, you giggled and ran up to him. "Lumpy, look what Hana gave to me! Aren't they nice?"
He hummed in response, allowing you to turn back to the woman in red, your back nearly pressed against the bounty hunter's chest. He did his very best to stay still because he knew if you got any closer, you would be able to hear his heart beating out of his chest. "Oh my goodness, are you sure Hana? This seems like too much."
She dismissed your words instantly with a flick of her hand. "Please, I made them to give to someone, and they look perfect on you."
"I bought the dress," he mumbled, hoping if he said it quietly enough you wouldn't be able to hear him.
To his misfortune you totally did hear him and whipped around to meet the Mandalorian's gaze so quickly you tripped over your own feet. He reached out and caught you by your hips swiftly, cursing himself and trying not to pay too much attention to what he did as you whispered, "What?"
He swallowed, steadying you as your arms rested on his shoulders and he repeated, a bit louder this time, "I bought the dress."
He frowned when you started shaking your head. "No, no Lumpy I don't need the dress, go get your money back, really, I don't need it-"
Tears started trickling down your face as you continued, not hearing the Mandalorian in your ramble. "- it's just a silly dress, I probably won't even wear it that much so it'll be a waste to buy it, please, go get your money back-"
"Y/N." He kept his voice gentle, but still pressed on.
"-let me go get changed, and I'll put it back on the table-"
"Y/N!" He cupped your face with both of his hands, effectively silencing your ramble. He wiped your tears with his thumbs as he whispered, "The dress is yours."
He sighed in relief as you went on your tiptoes and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly hugged him. He snaked his arms around your waist and squeezed lightly as you mumbled a "Thank you."
"Of course." He replied in a voice so soft he though you might not have heard him, but the Mandalorian realized you did as you squeezed just a bit tighter.
When you stepped back, the Mandalorian couldn't help but follow you for a split second before retreating, not wanting to let go of you just yet. He held himself back though, because this was not the time, nor the place.
"Hana, thank you so much for your help."
The girl being spoken of shook her head. "It was fun. I have to go for a few minutes, but I think you need to see something before you go. Just walk down that street for a few minutes and you'll find it. Also, don't leave without saying goodbye!"
She ran down an alleyway in the opposite direction that she pointed, and you linked arms with the Mandalorian as you pulled him along. "Come on!"
He was glad you were feeling happy again, because he couldn't stand the thought of you being sad, especially since he was the main cause.
The walk you shared was silent, but comfortable as you enjoyed the presence of one another and the noise of busy people from all around.
Hana was right. Not even 10 minutes of walking down the direction she pointed the alley ended, and it opened up to a massive field, filled with grass and flowers of all different colours. The field seemed to go on forever to the left and right, but straight ahead, what looked to be about a mile away, were massive waterfalls.
The Mandalorian smiled lightly beneath the mask as he heard your gasp of excitement, "Oh, Lumpy, look!"
He lead you forward, towards the water, but kept his eyes on you to take in the look on your face. The pure joy that emanated off you was contagious, and it made him want to scoop you up and carry you away into the sunset forever.
The sun did nothing but damage to him to make him sweat in his armour, but it made your skin glow and your hair shine, so he was not complaining at all.
When you were close to the edge of the water you ran forward, and the Mandalorian watched as you knelt down and put your hands in. You giggled as you did so and looked up at him.
"It's much colder than I expected."
"It's a lot of water, and there's not that much to heat it up." The Mandalorian grinned under his mask as he got an evil idea and slowly bent down, dipping one of his hands in the water.
You laughed again. "Okay, smarty pants, but just so you know-" you were effectively cut off with a gasp as the Mandalorian reached his hand in the water and splashed a small bit onto your face.
He actually laughed out loud, and really hard too as you tried to look at him angrily while wiping your face.
"Hey! That's no fair! It's not like I can even get you back, your protected by your armour!"
He laughed even more as you still splashed some water onto him, satisfied that you at least managed to get him even though it had no effect whatsoever.
The two of you laughed some more while splashing each other, and you pointing out even the smallest of details that made you excited.
The bounty hunter sat back on the grass as he witnessed you gasp again and run over to one of those gigantic rhino things. He was shocked when it let you run straight up to it and start petting it. You giggled as you gently stroked it's head, humming the same tune you did in the shower earlier.
The Mandalorian was feeling very conflicted. As much as he wanted you to stay with him, he knew that you belonged somewhere much nicer. You deserved a place that gave you unlimited happiness without the fear of getting hurt.
This was a very nice place, and now that you made a friend, he knew that you could stay with Hana. She could take care of you much better than he ever could. She was royalty, after all, and she could provide so much more.
He knew that was what Hana was implying when she was asking her questions earlier, and it made sense. It didn't seem fair to make you come along with him to a war zone when you could be safe amongst new family and friends.
And she was hinting that it wouldn't be a bad thing if she stayed here instead.
As much as he hated it, he knew that this was the better option for you. So that's what he offered.
"Do you like it here?"
After you nodded in confirmation, the Mandalorian continued.
"Maybe you should... stay here."
You snapped your head around to face him, about to interrupt him right there, but the bounty hunter only pressed on. "You would be much happier here, and much safer, and you have Hana now, you could stay with her. She can help you live the life you were supposed to live, not one filled with the constant fear of 'am I going to make it through today.'" He paused, catching his breath. "I wish I could make this your everyday, but it can't be. It's going to be dangerous and serious, and not beautiful and safe, and-"
"Lumpy, stop!" That shut him up instantly, but he needed to convince you to stay here. It was for the better. "I'm not leaving you! I love it here, but I don't think I could live like this everyday! I like the excitement that comes with you, the adventure, the many places I'm gonna get to see! I know it's going to get rough at times, and we're both probably going to get hurt at some point, but I don't care. Unless... you want me to stay because you want me gone?"
He shook his head quickly, "No, it's not that I don't want you with me, I do, but-"
"Then it's settled." For emphasis you took his masked head between your hands and pressed your forehead against his. Not caring about the tears running down your cheeks again, you continued. "You asked me to stay with you. I'm staying."
The bounty hunter started shaking his head again, feeling the after begin to pool in his eyes as well. "I don't want you to get hurt," he mumbled quietly so voice wouldn't crack.
"I think it would hurt a lot more if you left without me."
The Mandalorian sighed. He was about to begin protesting again when you whispered, "Please, Lumpy."
Why did you have to be so stubborn? Why did you have to be so good? Why did you have to make him want to give you everything you've ever wanted, and more? Why did you have to make it impossible to say no to?
"Okay." The smile that you gave him in return was already making him agree with his decision.
"Thank you."
The high you gave him would have been bone crushing if he wasn't head to toe in bullet proof armour, and it seemed you had noticed that too.
"Grandma was right, it really does feel lumpy."
When you walked back to the little market, the bounty hunter saw Hana standing in her tent again. Her face lit up as she saw you walking towards her. "Well, did you see it?"
You nodded in excitement, "We did, and it was amazing!"
She beaned and walked around the table. "I'm glad you thought so."
Your smile had started to go a little flat as you walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much for everything you've done, but we have to go now."
The Mandalorian watched as she nodded and gave you a squeeze back. "Of course. Please come back and visit, I don't have too many normal people in my life." You giggled as you stepped back and wiped a stray tear from your face.
He held out his elbow to you, which you gladly hooked your arm through. He gave a curt nod towards Hana, causing her to nod back in reply, and gave a small wave to you as you started to walk back to the ship.
The walk back was once again silent, but the bounty hunter had a feeling it was because you had been reflecting on your day. "Thank you for taking me here, Lumpy. It truly was one of the best days of my life."
He hummed back as you climbed up the ramp to his ship and went into his room.
The bounty hunter assumed it was because you were putting all the clothes you bought away to be washed, and started up the ship. He heard the door open as you stepped in, and could see you admiring the view as the ship rose up into space.
When the bounty hunter put the ship into hyperspace, there was silence for a few minutes.
It was more than likely because you both came to the realization that your lives were never going to be the same ever again. This had happened to both of you, a long time ago.
The only difference is that this time, your lives were changing for the better.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 5 years
Turns Out Being a Super Hero Is Actually Really Gay! - Chapter 2
Yo, yo, yo! Y’all ready for the second chapter of this bullshit? Cuz I sure as hell ain’t because that means I have to now start writing chapter three and I have no idea where this story is going! Aaaaaahhhhhhh! But I’m excited though! Again, thank you to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil for their lovely AU! Without further ado please ENJOY!!!!
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Swirls of colors and sounds filled their head like passing movie commentary you skip over. Small glimpses in and out of consciousness that made no sense by themselves but when put together you get some sort of visual on the puzzle you’re trying to put together.
“…food poising…?”
“…stress maybe…”
“…flu…should rest…”
“…24 hour bug…”
They all made sense when you thought about it but the reality of it was that they weren’t just “sick” they had been poisoned. Not on purpose, though who could say for sure. Who knows what kind of DNA splicing was done on that spider?
Wait, when did they get poisoned?
What spider?
The spider we let out the window?
No, it’s in our room!
We don’t like spiders! They’re icky!
They aren’t so bad.
A soft chuckle. Of course, we’d think that. You’d think that? I’d think that?
Wait, what?
Logan woke up with a start, heart pounding and lungs burning. He clutched onto something solid next to him so as to steady himself. He blinked rapidly, eyes adjusting to the dim light of the room in was in, his room? When did he get here? Logan carefully turned to take in his surroundings; he was in bed, dressed in pajamas, right hand having latched itself onto his head board. He glanced at the alarm clock near his desk it read 5am which would explain why everything was so dark.
Logan’s throat felt dry, like every time he swallowed it was like a cheese grater scraping against his vocal cords. He also fest extremely hungry despite the events that had happened previously. Logan carefully got up to go get some water and maybe an early breakfast only to be pulled back into bed.
“What the…?” Logan looked around to see what had happened and found that his had was still on his head board. His brow frowned as he tried to pull it off but it continued to stick as if it had been glued on. He pulled again, a bit harder, but only managed bend over a section of the metal bed frame. Logan’s eyes widen in shock and awe as he pushed back against the bended area and effortlessly straightened it. Now Logan wasn’t weak by any means necessary but he never considered himself athletic material either, let alone able to bend thick metal bed frames!
A soft tap on the door, “Logan, love, are you awake?”
“Uh, yes Ummi,” He replied hoarsely before clearing his throat “what did you need?”
“What are you doing up so early?” She questioned “The doctor said you should be resting?”
When did he go to the doctor?
“When did I go to the doctor?” Logan asked lamely, seriously all these blanks in his memories were going to drive him insane.
“We didn’t, we had called Dr. Smith next door,” Mrs. Quinn explained “unfortunately the Storms had called him as well. It seems Virgil had gotten sick too, very similar to how you did last night.”
Her voice sounded distant, like the memory of it brought her immense pain and that hurt Logan more then he thought it would. Also, Virgil had gotten sick as well, has he also been bitten? He asked, “Is he okay? What happened?”
“He’s fine but I’m not quite sure what was going on with you two,” She sighed “you seemed to be in a lot of pain, both mentally and physically. It was…very unpleasant to say the least.”
That was an understatement.
“Dr. Smith said it was probably a seasonal bug going around as well as stress,” There was a beat of silence “Logan, have you been doing alright in your studies?”
“Yes Ummi,” Logan reassured “everything is fine.”
“And you haven’t been harassed by other students like that boy from yesterday?” She asked anxiously.
“No Ummi, I haven’t,” Logan said seriously “I’m alright, I promise.”
More silence filled the room, unsureness thick in the air because honestly Logan had no idea if he was really fine or not. There was definitely something different about him that’s for sure and it had to do with that spider. He saw it on his desk, siting in the jar he placed it in earlier as if it hadn’t caused all this trouble.
“Can I come in?” Mrs. Quinn’s voice snapped Logan out of his train of thought and in a brilliant moment of word association he said “N-no, I’m…no dressed.”
It was cleat that this wasn’t something Mrs. Quinn expected, “Why are you undressed?”
“I’m getting ready for school,” He replied quickly “this is my normal routine, is it not?”
“Yes, but I would hope you would stay home today,” She said “especially after yesterday’s events.”
“I feel better now,” Logan assured, which was true, he actually felt great just really, really hungry and thirsty.
“Well, you don’t have to be in school until 8am so maybe you should rest a little bit more,” She suggested “and if you’re still feeling up to it then maybe you can go to school.”
“Of course, Ummi.” He nodded, even though no one was there to see it.
“But if I find out that you’re even slightly ill, you’re staying home,” Mrs. Quinn said firmly “understood?”
“Understood.” Logan agreed, best not to argue least she come in her and find Logan in his sticky situation.
“Good,” She sighed “go back to sleep love, I’ll be by to check on you soon. Babá and me have to leave to work a little early today so I want you to make sure you’re completely fine to go to school, okay?”
“Yes Ummi,” Logan sighed and with one last get well his mother departed down the hall. Finally. Logan’s muscles relaxed, not realizing how tense he had been, and he felt his hand slip from the metal bars it was attached to.
Logan blinked in confusion, standing up carefully and walking to a nearby wall. He decided to experiment a little, placing his hand on the wall and tensing the muscles in his fingers, just a bit. Like he predicted it stuck solidly onto the wall, he relaxed and his hand slipped free. He did this a few times more, first with one hand, then with two then with his feet before deciding to see what would happen if he pulled himself up. Logan was able to lift himself a few inches off the floor with nothing but his hands and feet holding him in place somehow.
“Holy shit.” He whispered to himself.
Logan looked to the little spider scuttling around in it’s jar as it effortlessly crawled up and down the sides. He wondered…he detached one hand and lifted it further up, same with the other hand, right foot, left foot, and soon enough he was hanging upside down from his ceiling.
“Something is definitely not right.” Logan breathed out anxiously, wondering how the hell the others were taking to this.
Something was definitely not right with Patton. First of all, he woke up tangled in his bed sheets which wasn’t unusual for the most part but it was much more difficult to get out of this morning since everything kept sticking to him. By the time he was able to detach himself from everything he was standing (hanging???) sideways on the besides his bed. Needless to say, he freaked out and spent half an hour trying to get unstuck only to drop back down on his bed and get tangled in his sheets again.
Defeated, Patton settled starfish style on his carpet floor, half the sheet clinging onto his leg as well as other thing such as papers and markers and socks sticking to other parts of his body. Patton really wanted to cry, he had no idea what was going on or what to do about it. But he knew crying wouldn’t do him any good so he took a few deep breaths to calm himself.
In for four…hold for seven…out for eight…
“I wonder why no one has come into my room yet?” Patton wondered aloud, especially with all the ruckus he was causing.
He lifted himself off the floor, not noticing the things he had stuck too start to slowly slip off, reaching over on his night stand for his phone. He clicked it on and found a few messages from his brother Georgie but aside from that he looked to the date and found that it was Wednesday. It explained a lot, Wednesdays were the busiest for his family with his parents’ bakery always filling up, Alex is having the morning shift at his part time job before heading to university, and Georgie opening up at the dinner he worked at. He quickly opened up his text messages.
Georgeous: ma said shed get off work early if ur still sick
Georgeous: theres soup & crackers at your desk if ur hungry
Georgeous: also water
Georgeous: ma also said u dont have to go to school today if u dont wanna
Georgeous: doc said u should take it easy
Ever the doting older brother Georgie was, always looking out for Alex and Patton even if they could get on his nerves sometimes. He should bake him a cake as a “thank you for dealing with all my oopsies”. Patton sent him a reply along with a few questions.
Baby Shark: thanks but i feel better now
Baby Shark: when did i go to the doctor?
Georgeous: dr. ortega from down the street was alredy coming by to check on romen
Georgeous: turns out he was sick as well
Georgeous: ma asked her to come over when she was done checking him out
Baby Shark: is Ro ok?
Georgeous: yeah doc said it was probably the flu going around an it just got to u 2 realy hard
Georgeous: why didnt u tell us u were feeling sick?
Patton thought for a moment, how could he explain that he hadn’t been feeling sick at all up until yesterday afternoon after…after he got that bug bite. Then that weird dream he had just before he woke up stuck to the wall and tangled in his sheets. How was he supposed to explain that things kept sticking to him and that the world seemed much more sharp now?
Baby Shark: i didnt notice it much
Baby Shark: and when i did i just thought it would pass with a good nights sleep
Baby Shark: i didnt want to bother anyone if it was nothing
Patton didn’t like lying to people but he just had no idea what was going on and he doubt anyone else did either. This would just cause them to freak out and then what? More doctors? Would the government get involve? Were they gunna make him a science experiment now that he’s a freak?
Georgeous: still next time tell us even if its just a stomach ache
Baby Shark: ok
Baby Shark: i g2g and get ready for school
Georgeous: r u sure?
Baby Shark: yeah i feel a lot better now promise <3
Georgeous: ok but if u feel sick just call me an i’ll pick u up ok?
Baby Shark: ok bye love u <3
Georgeous: love u too
Patton sighed, flopping back on the floor. He felt sick again but not like before, this was a different kind of sick. A guilty pit in his stomach kind of sick that probably won’t go away any time soon. Oh well, he couldn’t change anything now, might as well move on with his day. First things first, he had some thank you cookies to make.
He lifted his phone to check the time, 7am, plenty of time to do a quick batch of peanut butter cookies and scones. He should hurry so he could go check on Roman afterwards, he did look a little down when they were walking home yesterday.
“I wonder…” Patton said aloud again as he stood up to get dress. He placed his phone back down on his night stand and noticed his glasses sitting beside his lamp. Patton blinked as he felt his face and found he indeed was not wearing his glasses and yet the world looked crystal clear as if he was.
“Oh geez…”
Virgil was very thankful that it was Wednesday, everyone always goes to work early on Wednesday since it was the middle of the week and for some reason Manhattan decided to be a world of chaos. He was also thankful that he grandmother was a heavy sleeper because he had no idea how he was going to explain this!
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Virgil cursed as he desperately tried to unstick his feet and left hand from the ceiling. He had no idea how this happened or why it was happening he just knew that he wanted to get unstuck now!
Knock! Knock!
“Piglet, are you awake?” His grandmother called from behind the door.
“Uh, yeah,” Virgil squeaked “b-but, um, don’t come in I-I don’t have a shirt on!”
It was true, during his earlier struggle to get unstuck from his bed, which he at first thought was sleep paralysis, his hands got stuck to his shirt and tore it open when he was trying to unstick them.
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted breakfast,” She said “I could make you a warm broth so as not to upset your stomach.”
“N-no thanks Mama,” Virgil said quickly, finally able to get his hand free “I’ll just have something at Logan’s house before I go to school.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” His grandmother questioned sternly “You were very sick yesterday and the doctor said to take it easy.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure,” He fibbed as he wondered when he had gone to the doctor.
“If you’re sure,” She said skeptically “just make sure you two don’t eat anything too heavy. I heard Logan got sick last night as well, the doctor said it was a passing seasonal bug.”
“Okay, sure thing,” Virgil gulped “I’m gunna get ready now, don’t worry about me.”
“We will always worry about you, Piglet,” His grandmother said gently “it’s what families do.”
And with that she was gone and Virgil was beyond relieved. Then he fell off the ceiling. He was thankful for the dirty clothes pile in the middle of his room that softened his fall but he also cursed it because that means more stuff got stuck to him.
He groaned, “Come on, come on! Unstick, unstick!”
He hopped around the room like a lunatic and was only able to shake off a few articles of clothes before he tripped. The fall wasn’t as soft this time but at least the floor was carpeted at least so he didn’t knock his head that badly. He had landed near his dresser drawer where JD’s tank rested on, the tarantula in question was practically pressed up against the glass and hissing worriedly at his owner’s misfortune.
“Hey buddy,” Virgil groaned as he pulled himself up to be eye level with the tank and all who inhabit it “I’m okay, don’t worry. Though I’ll be honest, I have no idea what’s going on.”
“Hurt! Master hurt!” JD chittered as he paced anxiously in his tank.
“I’m good really, you hungry?” Virgil asked before he paused to process what just happened. Did…did his tarantula just talk to him? No, no, it couldn’t be, he just hit his head too hard. Right?
“Food!” JD cheered excitingly as he scurried around his food bowl patiently waiting for something to drop.
Virgil’s eyes widen in shock, completely frozen in place as he stared at his pet tarantula who was excitingly chanting “Food, food, food!”. He noticed that there were little waves of colors radiated off JD like a sort of technicolor halo. It was all getting to be a bit too much.
JD scuttled back to the front of the tank, a confused look in his eyes, “No food?”
Virgil yelped, accidently launching himself backwards towards his desk where he got stuck again. God damn it! Papers flew around were everywhere and Virgil couldn’t see, he stubbled around not knowing where he was going as he tried to desperately to get things to stop sticking to him.
“Stop sticking god damn it!” He growled as he finally got the last piece of paper off of his face. His relief was short lived because to his horror he was not in his bedroom anymore but on the standing perpendicular to the side of his building. “Keep sticking! Keep sticking!”
He was about a foot away from the fire escape near Logan’s window and Virgil contemplated weather or not he had enough courage to jump over or if his stupid sticky body would even allow that to happen. Still, he tried, carefully shifting one foot in front of the other until he had inched his way over the fire escape. Thankfully, it was only then that his stickiness decided to abandon him as he fell onto hard metal. Virgil groaned, it surprisingly didn’t hurt as bad as he thought it would but it still hurt pretty fucking bad.
He heard the window above him open up and his head tingled when he saw Logan poke his head out, looking around before finally spotting him below. The waves of color were back but this time they were brighter and loud like some sort of signal. Logan was a mesh of blue and cool grey and by the look he was giving him Virgil was just as colorful.
Logan seemed to think deeply for a moment, his mouth a straight line of concentration, “I can assume my theory was correct.”
“What theory?” Virgil groaned as he slowly sat up, rubbing his sore head. He’d be lucky if he didn’t get a concussion after all of this.
Ignoring his question, Logan grabbed Virgil’s arm before he could warn him and pulled, “Come inside.”
“Wait!” Virgil was pulled into the room quite effortlessly as if he weighed nothing to Logan. Which wasn’t all that hard to believe, Virgil had always been a thin guy plus he was a dancer so that wasn’t helping with anything. But not to say Logan was weak but seeing as the most physical activity this guy does is walk to and from school, he should have had at least a little trouble getting Virgil inside.
“You’re not gunna believe this but JD talked to me and I fell from side of the building because I got stuck!” Virgil blurted out in one breath.
“Yes, I know,” Logan said coolly “I need you to relax.”
“How the hell do you want me to relax?!” Virgil screeched “I just fell from the wall and I’m sticking to everything!” To emphasize his point, he shook his hand which was now stuck on too Logan’s arm.
“I know,” Logan repeated “it’s been happening to me too but you need to calm down if you want to get unstuck.”
“How do you know?” Virgil cried, thoroughly done with this whole day and it hadn’t even started.
“Because I’ve been testing myself since 5am ever since I woke up stuck to the head board of my bed frame then proceeded to fold it and unfold it like it was paper!” Logan shot back, seemingly frustrated as well “Now breath!”
Virgil finally shut up and listened, breathing in for four…hold for seven…out for eight…then again, a few more times until he was able to unstick himself from Logan’s arm. He leaned back against Logan’s desk, wrapping his arms around himself as he anxiously looked towards Logan for answers. “What’s going on?”
Logan looked tired, his hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes but he looked determined, “I have few theories, mainly surrounding the spider that bit us.”
“Spider?” Virgil said, it couldn’t possibly be the same one from yesterday could it?
“Yes,” Logan said, grabbing a jar from behind Virgil and thrusting it in his face. Inside was the same spider from yesterday scurrying around the now web filled jar. “It’s from the same spiders we saw at the lab at Oscorp. Most likely the one that escaped.”
Virgil tilted his head curiously, “I thought the tour guide said it was back in the lab?”
“Obviously not,” Logan said deadpan.
“Trapped! Free!” The spider hissed causing Vigil to jerk back, kicking his leg up at the jar as Logan fumbled to grab it again.
“It fucking talked!” Virgil shrieked.
“Yeah, no shit!” Logan snapped, placing the jar near one of the shelves furthest from the panicking teen “I thought we established that with your spider!”
“Why is it talking?” Virgil snapped back.
“It’s not,” Logan sighed, straightening himself out as he reached to adjust his glasses only to realize he wasn’t wearing them “our sense have been enhanced to see and hear things better which in turn means we can hear certain frequencies better. It has been theorized that insects have their own language but the frequency at which it’s at it too high for normal human ears to pick up. What we’re hearing is a weak and choppy frequency so we’re only able to make out a few words.”
“Ah-huh,” Virgil nodded, still slightly freaking out “so what does this have to do with, mmh, everything else!”
“Don’t you see?” Logan said “We’ve been enhanced with artificial spider DNA! The venom injected into us was supposed to kill us but it instead latched on to our genetic coding and mutated us!”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Virgil rubbed his face anxiously “so, what your saying is we have spider-based superpowers like…like Rainbow Weaver?”
“Basically,” Logan shrugged “though all I’ve been able to find now is our abnormal adhesiveness, above average strength, slight sensitivity to radio waves, slightly larger range in frequency, faster reflexes, acute awareness and, as you’ve noticed, perfect eye vision.” He gestures towards his glassless face as evidence.
Virgil ran a trembling hand over the left side of his head, “This is crazy, this is impossible, this…this…” He tugged at his hair and realized “my hand is stuck.”
“Relax,” Logan soothed “you were able to get it unstuck before, you can do it again.”
“And if I can’t?” Virgil squeaked, panic beginning to rise once more.
Logan bit his lip nervously, “We’ll think of something.”
There was a note on Roman’s dresser from his mother when he woke, he tried to read it but he was stuck to his sheets and as well as a few other things when he came tumbling out of bed. Notebooks, scrap papers filled with important theater notes, dirty clothes, make up, and any other thing his body made contact with. At first, he thought it was a prank done by the twins but it seemed a bit excessive and a little to advanced. Plus, how would they even do that? Getting Roman to stick to everything without using some sort of glue?
Roman was able to rip most of the things off of him and finally walk over to the dresser. He didn’t risk touching it though, much too scared he’ll get stuck again, so he merely peered down at the note filled with his mother’s careful handwriting.
Descansa un poco, mi amor, el doctor dijo que tenías una enfermedad que había estado dando vueltas. Patton también lo tiene, pero he oído que ahora está bien, solo necesita descansar. No vayas a la escuela si no te apetece. Hay un caldo en el refrigerador para calentar si tienes hambre.
Roman squinted at the not confused, when had he gone to the doctor? When did Patton get sick? What the hell was going on? Billions of questions swirled in his head causing Roman a painful headache or maybe it was because he was super hungry? Either way he needed to get out of his room. Roman marched to the door and yanked it open but found that he was now stuck to the door knob.
“Pinche manos pegajosas!” Roman cursed as he tried to yank he’s hand off the door knob only to pull it off with him. He sucked a painful breath through his teeth though it wasn’t because he was hurt, more it had to do with the landlord finding out and charging them for the damage later. Roman fixed it the best he could for now before carefully side stepping around the door into the hall. He breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned back against a wall contemplating what was going on with him and how he was going to pay back the broken door knob.
How had he even done that? Sure, Roman liked to brag that he was athletic and junk, which he was, but even he wasn’t that strong to tear a door knob off it’s wooden frame. Also, he was really jittery, like there was a constant buzz at the back of his head that made him super aware of everything around him. Was this how his mother felt with four kids running around the house?
His stomach rumbled, train of thought gone and replaced with the want of food. So, Roman moved to stand from the wall, well, he tried, he was stuck again. A loud groan left his lips as he made the mistake to use his hands to push himself off. No surprise they stuck to so he used his feet…you see where this is going? Long story short he did end up making it to the kitchen but for some reason he ended up stuck to the ceiling, dangling by only his left foot. Which is how Patton found him.
“Roman?” Patton entered into the apartment dressed and ready for school with two bags of cookies neatly wrapped in clear plastic. There were swirls of baby pinks and blues radiating around him like a sort of weird halo of light. It buzzed and sang with in a weird yet familiar tune that was just…all Patton. Patton must have been able to see it too because he had this sort of curious looked as he continued to stare at Roman for a long time. Then Roman remembered the situation he was in, “Help!”
“Oh dear.” Patton sighed, snapping out of his trance and placing his cookies on the coffee table near the living room before heading over to inspect the situation. He grabbed onto his friends dangling arms and looked him straight in the eyes, “Roman, I need you to calm down.”
“How do you expect me to be calm right now?” Roman shrieked “I’m hanging upside down by my foot! From the ceiling! What even is going on?!”
“I’m not sure,” Patton replied calmly “but all I know is as soon as I started to calm down things started unsticking. So, I assume it’s going to be the same for you.”
“W-what? You too?” Roman asked a bit less panicked, it was good to know he wasn’t alone in this strange situation.
“Yes,” Patton soothed “then when I started stress baking everything stopped sticking. I’m guessing if you’re too anxious or tense it just gets out of control. So, I need you to try and calm yourself, deep breaths, you can sing a little bit if it helps.”
Roman took a few deep breath, trying to qualm his shaking nerves before starting to hum a little tune, “Isn't it lovely, all alone?/ Heart made of glass, my mind of stone/ Tear me to pieces, skin and bone/ Hello, welcome home.”
Finally, he unstuck and flopped right into Patton’s arms who, surprisingly, was able to carry him without any trouble. After being carefully set back on his feet once more Roman began to freak out again, “What the fuck is happening?!”
“I’m not sure,” Patton said, anxiously rubbing his hands “I just woke up sticking to everything and the world seems like it’s moving in slow motion and I can see without my glasses and none of my cute clothes fit me anymore!” He pouted, gesturing down towards his favorite jeans that had flowers embroidered at the cuffs and up the sides which used to fit Patton perfectly but now land few inches above his ankles.
Roman gazed sympathetically at his friend, had been ready to assure him that he still looked very cute only to be cut off by his rumbling stomach. “Dear God I’m starving.”
“I know what you mean,” Patton replied as his own stomach rumbled “I ate the soup my mom made me plus all the left overs plus the first batch of cookies I made and I’m still hungry!”
“I’ll be willing to share my soup and left over with you if you make me cookies later,” Roman bargained “I’d ask for those you brought over but I know those are special.”
Paton flushed red, quickly changing the conversation, “D-deal, we’ll eat then head off to school and…maybe find someone who can help us afterwards.”
“Like who?” Roman questioned “What other person has been going through the same shit we’ve been going through this morning?”
Virgil’s stomach rumbled as he and Logan made their way down the school halls, “For the love of god! We practically cleaned out all the left overs and snacks from both of our apartments and I’m still starving!”
“I’m guessing high metabolism should be added to the list,” Logan said, stopping by a nearby vending machine “Or maybe it’s the fact that our bodies are still going through puberty and the spider DNA has enhanced that as well, or maybe it’s a mixture of both.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet,” Virgil grumbled, carefully pulling down the sides of his beanie “by the way, you couldn’t of thought of anything better to get me unstuck then mutilating my hair?”
Logan rolled his eyes, bending down to retrieve the various treats he had purchased “We tried to get you to calm down for thirty minutes but you still remained tense. What were you gunna do? Stay stuck and let someone find out?”
“You could have at least done a better job!” Virgil snarked, taking the chips and candy bars handed to him.
“I’m not hairdresser,” Logan stated plainly, stuffing half a chocolate bar in his mouth “I did the best I could.”
“Well if this is your best, I don’t want to see your worst,” Virgil grumbled, stuffing a hand full of chips in his mouth “what are we even gunna do after this? Can we do anything? Who can we even tell?”
“Calm,” Logan soothed, a careful hand placed on his friend shoulder “we’ll figure something out. Right now we need to focus on finding Patton and Roman, they must be having just as difficult a time adjusting to their new found abilities.”
“Are you sure they were bitten?” Virgil asked skeptically “What are the odds of the same spider biting all four of us?”
“Patton’s bug bite from yesterday looked similar to ours and I can only assume since Roman was in close proximity to us, he was bitten as well,” Logan explain, readjusting his glasses which now had no lenses “my theory is that he got bitten during detention yesterday, then Patton outside, then you when you arrived home and found the spider, and finally me after I finished talking to my parents. Tell me, when did you start feeling the effects of the venom after you were bitten?”
Virgil thought a moment, “I took a nap and scrolled through Tumblr, my mom called me out for dinner and I was talking to my grandma and then…nothing. It’s all fuzzy after that.”
“Interesting,” Logan hummed “I remember being called out too after I caught the spider, then I sat down and…it’s all a blur from there. From what my parents told me I assume I was somewhat coherent enough to eat and talk, although it was somewhat slurred, then I began to malfunction.”
Virgil snorted, “You’re talking as if you were a computer.”
“It seems the spider is learning with each victim and increasing it’s dosage,” Logan continued, ignoring Virgil’s comment “which would explain why the effects happened faster for me then for you. And I can only assume the same can be said with Roman and Patton seeing as when they were bitten earlier on. But like I said, it is only a theory.”
“A game theory!” Virgil quoted with a laugh causing Logan to quirk and eyebrow “This isn’t a game Virgil.”
“Yeah, I know but I cope with sarcasm and memes,” Virgil grumbled, stuffing more chips in his mouth “sue me…”
Logan sighed, unwrapping another candy bar, “This is going to be a long day.”
Down the hall on the opposite side of the school Patton and Roman were having their own conflict. Still hungry after downing all the left overs and munchies they bought at the corner store before coming to school they were currently emptying out the vending machine. They were discussing their current predicament while spitting their purchase.
“How we were able to get here in time I will never know,” Roman grumbled, struggling to stuff his food in his backpack “are you still sticking to thing?”
“Not as much as this morning,” Patton said, finally able to zip his bag before sling it over his shoulder “you?”
“A little, I guess, I don’t know,” Roman sighed, opening a bag of Skittles “it’s just I feel like everybody is staring at us.”
“But there barely anybody in the halls,” Patton said “but I know what you mean. It’s like you can feel them from the inside of the class.”
“Yes!” Roman exclaimed softly “It’s fucking weird!”
The first period warning bell rings and the two friends make the journey down the hall to their class as did the rest of the remaining students in the hall. This whole situation was like some weird fever dream they couldn’t wake from. Their skin buzzed, their ears rang, their senses were just all over the place, it was all very overwhelming. Roman usually reveled in being under the spotlight but at the moment it seemed like there were too many eyes watching him and all he really wanted was to curl up into the nearest dark corner and sleep. He hadn’t had the time or ability to get dressed properly or do his make up and he was still in shock from everything that happened this morning. Patton, the usually cheery social butterfly, didn’t feel so cheery or social at all today. None of his clothes fit him right, everything was either too slow or too fast, and he had to take out the lenses of his glasses which really upset him because they were cute round rose gold glasses with rose tinted lenses and now, they’re ruined!
So busy moping were the two friends that if it weren’t for the tingly sensation at the back of their head, they would have missed Virgil and Logan passing them by. Granted they were distracted by their own conversation as well and were basically snapped into attention by the weird and colorful tingly sensation pulling them towards Patton and Roman. They were all a melting pot of technicolor waves, blending and buzzing with each other in some weird kind of dance. Virgil was a foggy storm of blacks and purples and white lighting which in theory should be dark and hard to see but was for some reason bright and beautiful. Roman was a swirl of bright white with streaks of red and gold dramatically singing a beautiful melody. Logan was a cool blend of dark blues and greys, a normally dull combination but it structured itself with such formality and care it was an exquisite display of stars. Patton was a pop of cotton candy pinks and soft blues bursting with life and richness, they bloomed like flowers in the spring time.
“You’re like me!” They said in unison.
It was then that they noticed they were still in the hall and even though there weren’t that many people around there were still people. Logan, with his quick thinking, ushered them all into the nearby boy’s bathroom and corralled them into the large stall near the back. Everyone was freaking out.
“You’re all colorful!” Patton said in awe.
“What’s going on?” Roman hissed.
“Why the fuck would I know?!” Virgil snapped.
“Shut up!��� Logan demanded and the room was silent “I have a few theories, first off-”
The sound of a toilet flushing caught their attention, finally realizing they weren’t as alone as they thought. They tensely waited for whoever was out there to finish washing up and exit. The sound of boots echoed throughout the bathroom as the faucet opened and close multiple times. The hand drier blazed to life and for a moment the four teens thought they’d finally be safe until a familiar slimy voice said: “I know you nerds are in here!”
“God fucking damn it!” Virgil mouthed furiously, Dolion messing with them again is the last thing they need right now.
“Don’t think I couldn’t here your whispering,” Dolion hissed “what, are you here to fuck me over again? I already have another detention because of you assholes!”
The bang of a nearby stall door was heard then another and another each getting closer and closer towards them. Dolion growled, “Come out, come out, where every you are! Fucking cowards!”
The group didn’t know what they were so nervous for, what would Dolion do? Take them all on? And even if he did, they would just tell Mr. Larry and he would get in trouble again. Maybe it was the fact that they were all kind of lowkey scarred of Dolion, dude was a big guy, or maybe, just maybe, it was because they had weird mutant spider powers that they didn’t know what to do with and wouldn’t know the outcome of what would happen if Dolion tried to fight them now. But just as Dolion was nearing the last stall door the tingly sensation in the back of their heads told them to jump and so they did without hesitation.
The last stall door was kicked open, Dolion entered with a sneer and saw that it was completely empty. He did a double take, looking around confused, so certain he had heard people come in, that he had heard them come in. Shaking his head in irritation Dolion left the stall and marched out of the bathroom with a huff.
Meanwhile, clustered up on the ceiling, right above where Dolion had stood, were Patton, Roman, Virgil, and Logan who all let out a sigh of relief. “That was close.”
Then there was a loud creek and Virgil gulped, “Oh no.”
They all came crashing down along with the flimsy white ceiling tile that held them up their in the first place. They landed on the filthy bathroom floor with a thwap while the ceiling tile crumbled in half.
Roman groaned, “This is the fucking worst.”
“I’m inclined to agree,” Logan grumbled as he lifted himself from the floor “we shall further discuss the matter after school.”
“What do you mean after school?” Roman balked “I want to know what’s going on now!”
“Hey, genius, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I don’t think a public restroom in a high school is the best place to discuss our…condition.” Virgil snapped.
“They’re right Roman,” Patton butted in before his friend could reply “who knows what will happen if someone were to find out. Especially, Dolion.”
“Ugh, fine,” Roman sighed, he couldn’t say no to Patton’s puppy dog eyes “where shall we meet then?”
“On the roof.” Logan said.
“Why the roof?” Virgil and Roman asked simultaneously.
“It’ll be empty and secluded once clubs are over everyone has gone home,” Logan replied coolly “which I’m assuming all of you have, right? A club to attend, I mean.”
“Yes, I have culinary club,” Patton said “we’re working on the bake sale for Friday night’s game.”
“Shit, yeah, I have dance,” Virgil said then groaned “Ms. Green is gunna make me work double time for missing yesterday.”
“You dance?” Roman asked surprised.
“Uh…yeah,” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment before snapping to the defensive “Is there a problem with that?”
Roman raised his hands up in surrender, “You think I, the theater geek, would be one to judge?”
“Well, you have with a lot of other things so excuse us if we’re a little surprised.” Logan chimed in.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Roman snapped.
“Exactly what I just said,” Logan said nonchalantly “anyways, I myself have debate club so we all should finish up at around the same time.”
“Hey, don’t just brush me off!” Roman said, frustration evident on his face.
“What use is there to continue on that topic?” Logan asked “It’s not important to our current situation.”
Ignoring Logan’s statement Roman continued his rant, “Are you saying that I judge people based on how they look and what they like to do?”
“Yes,” Logan said bluntly “now can we please move on?”
“It’s not true!” Roman cried.
“Speaking from past experiences talking to you that’s highly unlikely,” Logan huffed “especially with Virgil.”
Roman glared at the bespectacled teen, “I don’t-”
“Hey, now,” Patton stepped in once more “I know Roman can be a bit eccentric and talk a big game at times but that doesn’t mean he out right judges’ people without getting to know their character a little bit. You assuming that he does is a bit judgy of you now, isn’t it?”
Logan gulped nervously at the glare? Pout? Patton was giving him and he immediately felt guilty, “I…guess so.”
“And Roman,” Patton turned to his best friend with the exact same look “maybe sometimes you’re a bit too quick to assume certain things about people. Speaking your mind is one thing but sometimes you can be kind of rude.”
“You’re right, Pat,” Roman sighed, rubbing his tired eyes “I don’t mean to pick fights it’s just…I’ve had a long morning.”
“I know,” Patton said, eyes softening once more “so have the rest of us but that doesn’t mean we should start turning against each other. We need to stick together, we’re probably the only people on earth that know what each of us is going through right now. So, weather we like it or not we’re a team and we have to have each other’s backs.”
“Falsehood.” Logan said suddenly.
Virgil sighed, irritably, “Lo, don’t start up again…”
“No, I mean that we aren’t the only ones alone in this.” Logan corrected, all eyes were on him again, curious and anticipating.
The last warning bell rung and the four teens were uncertain if they should stay hidden and listen to what Logan had to say or start booking it to class. Thankfully, Logan decided for them, “After school, on the roof, don’t be late. Come on Virgil.”
And with that they all scurried out of the bathroom and raced to their first period.
It was almost comedic how none of them ever noticed how many classes they had together. Like aside from their electives they all basically had the same classes together. Roman and Patton usually sit in the back of the class near the window, easier to get away with napping and passing notes, while Logan and Virgil sat near the center where they could easily blend into the crowed and not be called on as often by the teacher. Though that still wouldn’t stop Logan from raising his hand and blurting out answers and corrections. Point being they’ve never noticed each other before, they were in their own world doing their own thing with other students filling in for background noise. But now with their new freakish mutant powers they couldn’t not notice each other, especially with their weird colored auras buzzing and lighting them up like a fucking beckon.
It was like that all day, in every class, they tried to play it off like it was nothing, like nothing has changed and they’re in their own world but it didn’t work. They just kept fucking staring at each other and it didn’t matter if they were subtle about it or not because that stupid zing at the back of their heads would go off every time, they would feel eyes on them, and they knew! They all knew but they kept doing it anyway! Why? Because what else could they do?
Lunch came and went, an internal struggle within each of them debating weather on not they should sit with each other. They had no reason to do so other wise unless they used the excuse of that school field trip project but even then, that was flimsy and suspicious. They did not need anyone else suspecting them of hiding something when Dolion was already on their case.
Speaking of which, Dolion had been keeping an especially close eye on all of them all day. He wasn’t in all of their classes but he was in most and aside from each other they could practically feel his eyes burrowing in to the back of their heads. It did not help that this mutant power made them feel ten times more aware of themselves and the things around them. Their skin crawled when someone would accidently brush against them, they’d flinch when the bell rang, they’d race to their next class to get out of the crowed halls because it was so jam packed with people and noise and smells and they just couldn’t breathe.
Virgil was having the worst time out of all of them. His anxiety got bad sometimes and even on good days it could sneak up on him and leave him with a shitty day but this…this was the fucking worst! He kept accidently sticking to things and Logan had to say behind and help him out and that just made him feel even worse and caused them to be even more late for class.
Roman and Patton watched them from the sidelines, out of sight but never out of range. They weren’t too sure if they should intervene or mind their own business so they just lurked around like creeps. They figured if Logan or Virgil needed help, they would ask them and in turn they would do the same. Still, the day passed and none of them said a word to each other. Not even Logan and Patton who were stuck as lab partners. What would they even say?
“Yeah, nice weather we’re having, also do you think we’ll grow extra limbs now that we have mutant bug powers?”
Electives were the only classes they had by themselves and some how that was an even worse distraction. At least with four other people flashing like beckons you knew someone was right there when you needed them because they would understand your situation. But being alone, surrounded by other students, trying to act normal when you know that is far from the truth, is just horrible. How the hell were they going to get through their club meetings?
Patton never thought he would dread going to culinary club but here he was hiding behind the nearby lockers debating weather or not he should just bail and wait on the roof by himself. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending how you look at it, he didn’t have to decided because one of the girls from his club spotted him.
“Hey Patton, it’s good to see you,” Her name was Valerie and she was the sweetest person Patton has ever met “we missed you yesterday, where’d you go?”
“Oh, uh, hi Valerie,” Patton fiddled bashfully with the end of his shirt “I-I got detention.”
“What? Why?” Valerie asked, quite shocked “Out of everyone in this school you’d be the last I’d ever expect to get detention.”
Patton became red with embarrassment, “Well…Dolion played a prank on me and I kind of freaked out. A friend of mine named Logan stood up for me and kind of scolded him but then Dolion got mad and wanted to fight him. Then me and my other two friends, Roman and Virgil, were trying to break them up but then Mr. Larry came in and saw. So, he gave us all detention but it didn’t go on our records and Dolion got extra detention this weekend.”
“Gosh, that must have really sucked,” Valerie said sympathetically.
Patton shrugged, “I just feel bad that I got all my friends in trouble because of something so dumb.”
“Hey now,” Valerie said sternly “it’s not your fault that Dolion was being a jerk and picking on you. Plus, your friends really care about you Patton, they don’t want to see you in distress.”
“Yeah, but I wish I could have done something more then just stand there,” Patton said glumly “if it hadn’t been for them I probably would of ran off crying.”
“Aw Patton,” Valarie sighed “sometimes you’re much too sweet for your own good. And sometimes that sweetness can cause you trouble but you have to remember, you’re worth standing up for.” she reached over and gently grasped his hand, “It’s okay not to feel happy all the time too.”
“Yeah I know,” Patton sighed “it’s just…”
“I know, I know, you don’t want to worry anyone,” She smiled sadly “you must have had a really bad morning to be able to rant to me.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“No, don’t be,” She assured “it’s good to talk about your problems, it’s a good way to help air out your feelings.”
“Well, thanks for letting me rant.” Patton chuckled.
“Any time,” Valarie replied “now we should get going, the meeting is going to start soon. Also, you never got around to teaching me that lemon square recipe.”
“Oh gosh, that’s right,” Patton said “I am so sorry, I was going to teach you yesterday but then detention and-”
“It’s fine, Patton,” Valarie soothed before he could continue “you have plenty of time to teach me to day if the meeting doesn’t run too long.”
“Absolutely.” Patton beamed, though it wasn’t totally genuine. He was still very stressed and anxious to be in a room full of people alone. Though out in the empty halls talking with Valarie had been nice so it gave Patton a little bit of hope he could do this. But that had just been them alone, what would he do when he was in room full of students and loud baking utensils? Patton gulped as he followed Valarie into the culinary class room and for once hoped for a short meeting.
“One, two, three! One, two, three! Virgil, you’re off again!” Ms. Green sighed as she turned off the stereo. The entire class groaned, this was the third time they had to start the routine over because Virgil kept missing a step or getting off beat or something. It was seriously starting to stress him out more then he already was. Usually doing ballet helped calm his anxiety but right now with all the weird shit happening to his body it’s doing the exact opposite.
“Take five!” Ms. Green announced and the class disbursed into mindless chatter.
Virgil sighed tiredly as he began to trudge back to his bag near the back of the dance studio only to be stopped by Ms. Green. “Mr. Storm, please come here a moment.”
Virgil whined pathetically as he slowly made his way over to his dance instructor who looked very frustrated, “Yes, Ms. Green?”
“What’s going on with you today?” Her frustrated frown morphed into one of concern once she saw Virgil’s distressed face.
“Uh,” Virgil tugged at once side of his beanie nervously “I’m just not…feeling too great. I-I mean, I didn’t feel great last night so it’s kind of…lingering?”
“Is it because of your detention yesterday?” Ms. Green asked, she didn’t look mad or disappointed as Virgil previously thought, just curious.
“Kind of,” Virgil fibbed “there was a bug, I mean, there is a bug going around the school. Not a real bug, of course, like a cold and flu bug. Yeah, like that. Uh, I was sick and the doctor said it was a bug.”
Nailed it.
Ms. Green corked an eye brow suspiciously, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Virgil said a little too quickly before sighing “I’m fine, just…gotta find my rhythm again. It’s still getting out of my system…the bug.”
“Ah-huh,” Ms. Green nodded slowly “you’re lucky you don’t compete in anything. Although you really should.”
Virgil gave her a weary smile, having had this conversation too many times before and not wanting it to have it today of all days. Ms. Green kept on insisting that Vigil enter in dance competitions or audition for the production of Swan Lake they’d be doing in the spring. But Virgil kept rebutting that if he could barely get through a simple dance recital without vomiting on stage there was no why he’d be able to last through a four-act performance.
“Still not my thing Ms. Green.” He replied with a tight smile.
Ms. Green sighed, quickly dropping the subject, “Alright, go take five. Stretch out and be ready to go again. Start getting focused.”
“You got it.” Virgil gave her a thumbs up as he began to walk backwards towards his bag. He heard his stomach rumble for the fifth time and groaned as he searched through his backpack for any more chips.
“Skip out on lunch?” A voice asked from behind.
Virgil turned to find Terrance smiling at him with an extra water bottle shoved near his face. He quickly took it before addressing his question, “No, why do you ask?”
“That is a lot of wrappers,” Terrance pointed towards Virgil’s bag which was overflowing with candy and chip wrappers like some sort of volcano “I’m guessing you’re the one that emptied out the vending machine near hall B?
Virgil flushed, embarrassed as he stuffed the wrappers back in his backpack, “N-no, this was breakfast.”
Terrence frowned disapprovingly, “That’s pretty unhealthy.”
“Don’t worry, that’s not the worst thing that’s happened today.” Virgil assured as he finally found one last candy bar and stuffed it in his mouth. Before Terrence could ask what Virgil meant by that Ms. Green was already calling everyone back.
Roman loved play rehearsal, seeing things get slowly piece together as the day of the play got closer and closer. And when you finally go on stage its even more amazing then you could ever imagen because you’ve spent months building this from the ground up, costumes, props, lighting, hours and hours of practice. It was all just great and amazing and Roman loved every minute of it!
“Is this a dagger which I see before me,/ The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.” Roman recited.
“Cut!” His director, Mr. Bell, called out “Roman, your blockings off again.”
Just not today…
Roman groaned, “Sorry, sorry, sorry, let’s- can we do it again?”
“It’s okay,” Mr. Bell sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose “let’s all just…take five.”
And with that the house lights went on and the students disbursed to go do their own thing. Actors huddled together to recite lines, techs came down for their box for fresh air and socializing, crew fiddled around with stage and props, and Roman exited stage left towards the dressing rooms.
Roman hated this, his new abilities were throwing him why off balance in both the physical and mental sense. The stage lights burned his eyes, he could here the whispering backstage, the creaking from the catwalk, and all eyes on him. For once in his life Roman did NOT want to be the center of attention.
“Hey girl!” Roman paused to see Remy waving at him as he came down the latter one of the catwalks.
“Hey Remy.” Roman smiled tiredly, he was in no mood to put up a charming persona and thankfully Remy was the type of person that could care less about keeping up appearances. He liked to “keep it real” like that.
“Oh god, you look like shit,” Remy replied once he was on the ground, sipping on a Starbucks cup that he always seems to have with him “what happened?”
Roman inhaled deeply, “So many things that I can even begin to comprehend myself. But I’m fine, really.”
“Woof,” Remy said “must have been some bad shit that went down because you’re usually a one hit wonder out there. But five takes? You sure you okay, boo? I heard what happened yesterday with that dick Dolion.”
“Yeah, it’s all fine now,” Roman sighed as he stretched his arms “just got to shake it off and get centered again.”
“Mmh, okay,” Remy shrugged nonchalantly “but if you ever need me to beat a hoe just ask. I don’t mind dirtying up my new Doc Martens.”
Roman chuckled, “Thanks but no thanks, I’ll keep that in mind though.”
“No prob babe,” Then Remy smirked “also, I saw you and Virgil Storm getting along quite nicely yesterday. Anything going on there?”
Remy laughed as Roman groaned again, flushing a deep scarlet before scurrying away “I’m gunna go practice my lines elsewhere.”
“Ethan Zuckerman, Associate Professor and Director of the Center of Civic Media, stated that ‘Social media is critically important in giving voice to communities who’ve been systemically excluded from media – people of color, woman, LGBTQIA people, poor people. By giving people a chance to share their under-covered perspectives with broadcast media, social media has a possible role in making the media ecosystem more inclusive and fair’,” Emile Picani stated proudly “we are in an era where word gets around faster and problems can be caught early on to help fix them. We can share information and opinion that everybody can see and sort out issues much faster because of it.”
“Falsehood,” Logan said as soon as Emile finished “what about the manipulation of public opinion over social media platforms which can eventually lead to a critical threat to public life? Samantha Bradshaw, Researcher on the Computational Propaganda project at Oxford University, wrote a paper about how government agencies and political parties are exploiting the use of social media platforms to spread misinformation, exercise censorship and undermine trust in media, public institution, and science. Science Picani!”
“Yes, but where would we have learned any of this without social media,” Emile rebutted “not a lot of people are too keen on the idea of going to the library and reading research papers. Sometimes, small articles online talking about the issue can help spread awareness to others.”
“Yes, but can’t those same articles spread lies and slander at the same time?” Logan countered “Misleading people once more when they could have easily gotten the information from the source.”
“Who says there aren’t articles and groups dedicated to these ideas?” Emile said “In a hilarious state of irony, these groups came together because of social media, they made connections and helped raise awareness towards a common goal. Now, I’m not saying that social media is perfect but it is an important part of our culture. We should be working forward to improve it instead of tearing it down.”
Logan chewed at the end of his thumb nail, absolutely stumped on what he should say. He hasn’t been able to think clearly all day. Everything was too loud and too quiet, to fast and too slow, it was driving him crazy.
The buzzer went off and the sound of Mr. Shelton’s voice boomed throughout the room, “Time. Picani wins. Brake time everybody, then we’ll choose teams for the next topic.”
Logan groaned, letting his head drop against the desk with a loud thud. A shadow loomed over him and he turned his head to the side and came face to stomach with Emile Picani’s yellow sweater. He lazily looked up to see the nervous yet concerned smile on Emile’s face.
“May I help you?” Logan mumbled.
Emile shook his head, “No, I was just wondering…are you feeling okay Logan? You were kind of…struggling to keep up back there.”
“No, I wasn’t,” Logan quickly defended, sitting up straight “I just…have a bit of a cold.”
“Oh, yes, of course,” Emile quickly backtrack nervously “but, um, are you sure there’s not something else wrong?”
Curse Emile and his advanced human psychology classes. The kid was already super empathetic as it was as well as the second smartest student at the school. Logan being the first of course.
“What ever do you mean?” Logan said blankly, though inside he was panicking.
“You just seem kind of distracted by…” Emile made a vague gesture with his hands “Everything. Like, you’ve just suddenly realized the world is moving around you. Does that make sense?”
Yes, it did but Logan was not about to admit it because if he did Emile would be able to use that little amount of information to pull everything out of him. Emile wasn’t malicious by any means, next to Patton he was the kindest person you’d ever meet. He just had a way of making people feel comfortable enough to open up about their stress and (ugh) feelings.
So, he lied. “No, it does not make sense.”
Emile stared at him for a minute and Logan tried his best not to squirm under his intense gaze. It felt as if he was trying to search through the inner mechanisms of Logan’s brain just by scanning over his physical form. Finally, he blinked, sighing as he gave Logan a half-hearted smile. “You can be a tough cookie to read sometimes. Then there are other times where you’re an open book. It’s all very confusing.”
Logan didn’t know if he liked that metaphor or not so he just said what he thought was appropriate. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no, no, you have nothing to be sorry about Logan,” Emile assured anxiously “I’m just being nosy and weird.”
“I don’t think you’re weird.” Logan said honestly. Yes, Emile was childish and liked cartoon but he was also extremally smart and one of the few people Logan can properly debate with without having to dumb down his vocabulary.
Emile blushed but gave a wide genuine smile, “Thanks for thinking so. Um, I’ll get out of your hair now.”
Logan nodded as he watched Emile walk away to socialize with the other members. His head returned to the desk, cheek pressed against the cool plastic wood, as he stared at the clock counting down the minutes left until he could meet the others.
They all bumped into each other on the third floor, literally, they were so jittery with nerves and excitement they were practically sprinting towards the roof. They were quick to collect themselves before silently making their way up the fourth floor towards the stairs leading to the roof. They didn’t have to stay silent but just as it’s been all day, they had no idea what to say to each other, plus the paranoia that someone could be listening in like in the bathroom this morning.
They quickly filed out onto the wide-open space of the roof top, each standing about five feet apart from each other, not moving just, not talking, just listening. They hear the construction happening down the street but not just the noise of the machine scraping against the pavement but the conversations between coworkers about getting a beer after work. They could sense the movement of scurrying students beneath them as they all hurried to catch up with friends and walk home. They looked into the distant skyline where the city clustered together and they could make out every detail of every building, tree, person, and sidewalk. They could smell the warm pretzels being sold down town, cigarette smoke in cafes, and cheap perfume from the boys locker room. They could taste the bile building in their throats, the world around them becoming too much, it frightened them.
“What’s happening to us.” Virgil whimpered, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.
“I-I have a theory,” Logan stuttered out, taking a deep breath to calm himself “we were all bitten by the same enhanced super spider which had previously gone missing during our field trip to Oscorp yesterday.”
“I thought the guide said it was back in the lab.” Patton squeaked out, frantically looking around for more spiders.
“Yeah, how can you be so sure it’s the same spider?” Roman said skeptically.
Logan slid off his back pack and began rummaging through it until he pulled out a jar full of webbing and a familiar little spider inside. Virgil gawked at his best friend, “You brought it to school?”
“I didn’t trust leaving it at home alone,” Logan stated simply “I feared it would escape.”
“Escape…” the spider hissed “Freedom…”
“It talked!” Roman and Patton shrieked, scrambling backwards a few steps.
“Technically, it didn’t,” Logan said coolly, readjusting his glasses “it’s just that we can now hear at a higher frequency and can now get bits and pieces of conversations from-”
“That’s great Einstein but what does that…thing have to do with how we are now!” Roman cut in, getting more and more frustrated as time went on.
Logan glared at him but decided he was ultimately right and should get to the point, not that he would ever tell Roman that. “If we compare our bug bites, I can assure you that they will all look similar. Assuming that we all suffered the same symptoms afterward, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, memory laps, and/or fainting, then woke up like…this, my hypothesis is that the spider’s venom caused a mutated our DNA.”
“How can you be so sure?” Roman asked, taking a step forward with Patton clinging to the back of his shirt like a koala. Roman was ninety percent sure Patton had gotten himself stuck but that was something to worry about later.
“I mean, the evidence is irrefutable,” Logan said “but to be truly sure I’d have to do a blood test but I currently do not have the equipment for that and neither does the school.”
“Of course, you checked for that,” Virgil sighed, wanting to rub his face but worried his hand would get stuck again “So, what now? Are we gunna take it back to Oscorp or something? Because I’m pretty sure it’ll be mighty suspicious when four teenagers walk up to the front desk carrying a multimillion-dollar spider inside a Crofters jam jar.”
“Cookies!” Patton announced loudly, startling everyone, especially Roman since it was right next to his ear. Patton whispered an apology to his friend before detaching, with a bit of difficulty, from his back and searching through his back pack. He pulled out two clear colorful baggies, one filled with scones and another filled with peanut butter cookies.
Patton stepped forward to gift his friends the cookies only to suddenly stop short, “Um, can you…” he gestured towards the jar in Logan’s hands “p-put it away?”
Logan blinked owlishly before suddenly realizing what he meant and quickly tucked away the creature in his back pack, “Oh, yes, right, your, um, arachnophobia. I apologize for my ignorance.”
“Wow, Logan apologizing,” Virgil gasped in fake awe “that’s a first.”
Logan glared at his best friend but was soon faced to face with a smiling Patton, “I hope you like them. I was going to make them last night but then…ya know, that happened and I was a bit…frazzled this morning. So, tell me if they turn out okay, okay?”
“I’m sure they’ll be quite…adequate.” Logan gulped nervously, Patton was way too close but this wasn’t anything new. Patton seemed to have very little personal space with people he deemed his friends but right now with their newfound abilities he was just a burst of color and energy.
“Let’s hope your right.” Patton giggled before moving towards Virgil who took about two large steps back.
“J-just…put ‘em- on the…the…I’ll get them on the ground.” Virgil stuttered out, his hands moving along with his words as if it would help convey his feelings in the situation at hand.
Thankfully Patton got the hint and smiled warmly as he carefully placed the cookies on the ground before stepping back towards Roman. With a relieved sigh Virgil returned to his spot and picked up the bag, wordlessly nodding his thanks towards Patton.
“So, what are we gunna do?” Roman said, suddenly bursting the friendly atmosphere. He was really on edge right now and it was an overwhelming crushing feeling that just kept growing with every passing minute. “You said earlier this morning that there was someone similar to our situation, who?”
Logan cleared his throat, pulling out his phone and tapping a few things, “Right, well, who is someone that is well known to the public who climbs walls, has super strength, and has sort of spider like tendencies.”
It was silent, the three other teens looked clueless and Logan was just a bit disappointed. He turned to Virgil with a look and said, “Seriously, Virgil?”
“Dude, I can’t remember half the things I’ve done today, okay, everything is just like…” Virgil groaned, waving his arms around “and if I’m honest I’m still kind of freaking out, like, internally and maybe a little bit externally too. I don’t know, give it time.”
“Rainbow Weaver,” Logan said blankly “Rainbow Weaver has these same abilities.”
“Rainbow Weaver?” The trio replied, the wheels finally turning in their head.
“Yes.” Logan nodded.
“Okay, wait,” Roman said “two questions: 1) What makes you think Rainbow Weaver will even consider helping us? And 2) Even if he did, where would we find him?”
Logan continued to tap on his phone before flipping it over to show the other, “According to his fan page on Twitter: on 5th street near main.”
“That’s ten blocks away,” Patton said glumly “we’ll never make it on time.”
“Even if we run that’s at least thirty minutes tops.” Virgil added.
“Anymore bright ideas, pocket protector?” Roman snarked.
“Just about,” Logan said coolly, as he began to collect his things before slinging his backpack securely on himself. He turned a whole 360 degrees before stopping in place and making his way towards the left side of the building. The other’s followed, curious as to what he was looking for, they peered over at a few smaller buildings next door clustered together with signs obscuring the view of the roof tops as they reached higher and higher the deeper you went into the city.
“This’ll do.” Logan said as he began to walk back.
“This’ll do for what?” Virgil asked but he wasn’t answered because Logan was now sprinting back towards them and he wasn’t slowing down.
The others, panicked, blocked his path screaming and begging for him to stop and explain what the hell was going on. But even that did nothing to deter the bespectacled teen because he simply jumped, high. It surprised everyone, including Logan himself, when he was able to leap clear over not only all of them but all the way to the next building. He stumbled on his landing, legs tripping his forward before he was able to finally find his footing. Stunted silence and open mouths were left in his wake before Logan snapped out of his stupor and laughed with all the giddy glee of a child who just met his favorite super hero.
“Oh my god, that was exhilarating!” Logan cheered, waving his arms over at his friends “Come on! Come on! You gotta – you gotta do this!”
“You’re fucking crazy!” Virgil wheezed out, gripping onto the side of the building for dear life.
Roman chewed at his bottom lip before finally sighing and running back, “Fuck it.”
“W-wait, Roman, kiddo!” Patton squeaked “Shouldn’t we think this over first?”
“I did think it over,” Roman said, setting himself up for a running start “and I’m not gunna let iDork get ahead of me.”
“You’re both crazy!” Vigil shrieked.
Roman didn’t answer, instead he charged forward, wind whipping his hair and adrenaline pumping throughout his body. He got to the ledge and quickly used it as leverage to leap up, floating in mid air for just a moment before he came rocketing down towards the roof. He didn’t land as far as Logan but he had a much better landing, legs bent as he shakily straightened himself out. Roman looked towards Logan who was smiling like a mad man and Roman couldn’t help but join in his excitement.
“Holy shit you guys!” Roman exclaimed, jumping up and down “You have to try it! It’s amazing!”
Patton gulped nervously before looking towards Virgil, who was just about ready to have an aneurysm. He extended a nervous hand towards the emo boy and asked begged, “Jump with me.”
“What?” Virgil’s voice cracked as he took a step back “Are you serious?”
“Yes, no, kind of…” Patton whimpered “I don’t wanna do this alone! I’m scared a-and you’re scared too. B-but Logan and Roman were able to do it and more then likely we’ll be able to do it too, s-so with both of us pushing us off we’ll have a better chance of landing safer. Right?”
Virgil looked at Patton like he was insane (which he was!) staring between his face and the hand extended towards him. Finally, after a long silence, Virgil sighed, “Screw it.” And firmly took Patton’s hand as they made there way back towards the center of the building.
“If we fall I’m using you as a cushion,” Virgil threatened, hand squeezing Patton’s tightly “I’m just joking, I’m just…really fucking scared right now.”
“It’s okay,” Patton said warmly, squeezing back just as tight “I am too but you don’t need to jump with me if you don’t want to. I’m sure we can figure another thing out.”
“N-no, no, it’s fine,” Virgil assured quickly “it’s just we gotta do it now before I psych myself out.”
Patton nodded firmly, looking ahead as he and Virgil prepared to sprint forward. They heard shouts of encouragement from Logan and Roman, who were still riding on their adrenaline high, as they began their charge. Blood pumped loudly in their ears, legs picking up traction much faster then they were expecting, and just when Virgil thought he was going to freeze up at the last-minute Patton boosted forward giving him a strong tug before they were finally soaring through the sky. They looked to the sky line, at the busy city and its scurrying people and for a moment it was as if they were flying.
They collapsed into a heaping pile on the roof next door, groaning as Logan and Roman rushed over to help them. Virgil was quick to dust himself off, laughing like a lunatic as he did. “That was awesome!”
“Yeah!” Patton chimed in, jumping to engulf Roman in an excited hug.
“We should be able to reach him if we head this way!” Logan cut in through the excitement, pointing towards the building roof tops heading towards the heart of Manhattan.
The boys looked at each other, momentarily questioning weather this was a good idea, before a sly determined grin spread across their faces and they began to sprint, throwing caution to the wind.
“Whooohooo!” Patton screamed joyously as he and his friends ran and jumped across the roof tops at a speed, they did not think was possible for a normal human.
They forgotten the map on Logan’s phone long ago and had no idea where they were going but somehow, they just knew they were going the right way. The tingling sensation at the back of their heads tugged them towards their destination as they enjoyed the rush of wind in their ears and adrenaline in their veins.
They reached their destination in no time but since they did not see their intended target anywhere, they decided to circle around a little to see if they could catch him. Though mainly the boys just wanted to see what they could do with their new-found powers. Climbing up the side of buildings, walking across utility wires, and using abandon construction sights as their own personal jungle gym. Somehow, they ended up on the roof of a pretty tall office building and decided to take a rest.
“Jesus Christ!” Virgil laughed hysterically “We’re so high up!”
“Are you okay?” Logan asked, he was concerned, really, he was, but Virgil’s laughter was contagious and the adrenaline was still buzzing in his system.
“No,” Virgil giggled as he laid down on his back “but give me a minute.”
“Deep breaths, kiddo,” Patton said as he flopped down next Virgil “this is a lot of excitement for one day, even for me.”
“I’ll second that.” Roman agreed as he too joined them on the ground.
Logan shrugged and settled himself between Virgil and Roman, all of them star-fished out in a circle watching the clouds roll by. Silence fell upon them once more as they began to soak in all that had happened to them that day. They weren’t as overwhelmed as they had been that morning, maybe running and jumping across buildings let them take out some of that jittery energy they had stored inside. Don’t get them wrong, they were still kind of freaking out but they were a little more calm about it. Especially since they knew that they weren’t alone in their endeavor. Sure, they might not be able to get Rainbow Weaver to help them but at least they had each other and that was a comfort that they were all truly grateful for.
“Do you think we can shoot spider webs like Rainbow Weaver can?” Roman asked, braking the peaceful silence.
“I’m not quite sure,” Logan said honestly “I tried at home but I just can’t seem to produce anything. Then again, not all spiders can make webs.”
“Hmm, true.” Virgil murmured, eyes closed as he practiced some deep breathing exercises.
Roman sat up, a determined look on his face, “I’m gunna try it.”
“How you gunna do that?” Patton asked, sitting up to face his friend with a slightly worried look in his eyes. Roman had that look again, he always got that look when he had a dangerous idea that would either get him in trouble or injured. It was the same look he had before he jumped off the school roof to chase after Logan.
“Well,” Roman began, hopping up to his feet “first I need to do a test shot. Uh, how does Rainbow Weaver do his…thing?” He began to flex his hand into various positions and poses.
Virgil, who was still on the ground, raised his arm up and did a sort of punk rock gesture, “Like this.”
Virgil’s eyes snapped open when he heard the sound and felt a sliver of something eject itself from his wrist. He was surrounded by three pairs of shocked eyes as he slowly stood up, looking down at his hand with awe and slight concern.
“Do it again!” Logan said excitedly.
Virgil aimed towards a small utility shed near the other side of the roof and thwiped! A long string of…something shot out from Virgil’s wrist and stuck to one end of the utility shed while Virgil held the other end. “Holy shit!”
“Fascinating,” Logan gasped in awe as he tugged on the silk string “you’re able to create your own webbing and by the feel of it it’s exactly as the guide described it, like steel cables.”
“It feels weird.” Virgil murmured as he detached the end of the string near his wrist.
“I’ll bet.” Roman said, looking over Virgil’s shoulder to get a better look at the webbing.
Patton, meanwhile, was trying to test out if he could do it too, he couldn’t. “Aw, I don’t think it works on me. What about you Roman?”
“Uh, let’s see.” He replied, taking a stance next to Virgil and aiming his arm towards the same shed. He pressed down on his palm with his two middle fingers and…thwip! “Holy shit…that felt weird!”
“I know right!” Virgil chimed in as they all now began to look over Roman’s web string.
“It would seem that me and Patton are incapable of producing web,” Logan deduced “but I’m fairly certain we may be able to produce some sort of silk, as all spiders do. It’s just the means of figuring it out…”
“I’m gunna swing across the other building!” Roman announced suddenly, causing everyone to jump and stare as he raced towards the edge of the building.
They were quickly snapped out of their surprise as they realized what Roman had said and went to chase him down before he did something stupid. Unfortunately, they were not quick enough because Roman had already launched another string of web and was getting ready to jump.
“Roman, wait!” Patton cried.
“It might not be safe!” Logan warned.
“Get down from there you idiot!” Virgil shouted.
“Tally ho!” Roman hollered as he pushed himself off the building and swung through the air.
Roman seemed fine at first, swinging through the air above the busy streets like some sort of extreme swing set. But then he realized, as the building he attached himself to got closer and closer, he had no idea what he was doing or how to stop. The only thing he could do at the moment was shut his eyes, curl up into a ball, and wait for impact. He vaguely recalled hearing the others scream before he was suddenly wooshed up into the air again.
When Roman opened his eyes to see what he had collided with on his way to his impending doom all he could see was rainbow. A rainbow arm holding him tight against a rainbow clad body and when he looked up to see a rainbow masked, white eyed figure a familiar buzzing was felt at the back of his head and he then noticed that the masked figure’s aura was a multi colored light show.
“You’re just like me!” Was all Roman could think to blurt out.
The figure looked down at him, slightly confused, until his eyes widen in sudden realization and he said, “Holy shit, you’re right.”
Once safely back on top of the building Roman was promptly tackled down by a sobbing Patton, “Don’t ever, ever do that again!”
“Yeah, not my brightest moment.” Roman admitted sheepishly.
The reunion was cut short due to a very furious looking Virgil who came stomping over, separated the two friends, then proceeded to punch Roman’s shoulder, hard. The theater geek cried out in protest, taking a few steps back before Virgil could get another swing in, “Ow, what the fuck!”
“You could have gotten yourself fucking killed you moron!” Virgil growled.
“That was very reckless of you, Roman,” Logan added crossly “even for your standards.”
“Oh, sez the one that convinced us to jump off a building,” Roman snapped back “excuse me for trying to follow the ‘smart ones’ lead and thinking this was a good idea.”
“The buildings were closer together and I calculated the right momentum needed to get across!” Logan countered, taking a step towards Roman “Given our new-found abilities it was obvious to be an easy jump!”
“Yeah, for you! How could you have been so certain for the rest of us, smartass?” Roman rebutted, getting up in Logan’s face as well.
“Simple physics really, something that a half wit like you could never understand!” Logan growled.
“Was it really physics or one of your scientific guesses?” Roman sneered.
“It’s called a theory you brainless Neanderthal!” Logan replied.
“Erlenmeyer trash!”
“Drama turd!”
“Cotton headed ninny muggings!”
“What the hell does that even mean?”
“Jesus Christ there are four of you!” The masked figure said as he got in between the two fighting teens.
Silence overtook the group as they stared up and finally realized who was talking to them. Clad in a rainbow spider themed suit with a sort of glider/cape mesh between his arms, his aura a burst of bright colors, it was the one, the only…
“R-R-Rainbow Weaver!” Virgil squeaked out, completely star structed.
“Yeah, and who might you guys be? Also, what’s going on with…” Rainbow Weaver gestured towards the group as if pointing out the colorful aura he could also see around them “…everything?”
“R-Rainbow Weaver…” Was apparently all Virgil could say now.
“Is everything okay?” Rainbow Weaver said worriedly as he scanned over the group of teens frozen in awe. Not that he wasn’t use to this but he just kind of figured out that these boys might have super powers like him so he really needed answers like now.
“Um, m-mister Rainbow Weaver, sir, uh…” Logan stuttered out, uncharacteristically shy at the moment, “w-we were actually looking for you but we couldn’t – uh, we were searching the city and someone on Twitter said they saw you here – around here and, uh, we kind of, um, wanted to talk…to you…”
“Take your time kid.” Rainbow Weaver soothed gently, the teen looked like he was getting ready to have a stroke.
“We got bit by a spider!” Patton blurted out before covering his mouth shut.
“Okay, go on.” Rainbow Weaver said with an encouraging nod.
Patton bashfully removed his hands from his mouth, fidgeting in place as all eyes were on him now, “Uh, well, we went on a field trip to a science lab thing in Oscorp where they had these creepy, crawly mutant spiders and one of them had escaped but the tour guide said not to worry because it was probably back in the lab, but it wasn’t, so it escaped and some how bit all of us and then we woke up with weird powers like: we can stick to the wall and jump really high and everything is really loud and bright and we have these weird color auras and I couldn’t fit into any of my cute clothes and we didn’t know what to do so Logan said we should find you and ask cause you have similar powers to us so we jumped off the school building and ran around the city to find you but we couldn’t, then Virgil found out he can shoot web but me and Logan can’t so Roman tried to swing to the next building over and almost died and then you came and I’m really scared right now so can you please tell us what’s going on!”
Patton finally stopped to suck in a big gulp of air having been so nervous he said everything in one breath. Roman went over to rub soothing circles on his distressed friend’s back as Patton regained the ability to breath. Rainbow Weaver, meanwhile, was trying to process all that had been said but also make sure that Patton was doing okay.
“Okay, first, I need you to calm down for me,” Rainbow Weaver cooed, a firm hand on Patton’s shoulder “breath in for four…hold for seven…out for eight…good.”
Once Patton was calmed down some Rainbow Weaver continued, “Second order of business, how old are you guys and what are your names?”
“I’m Roman Marigold and I’ll be seventeen in a month,” Roman answered as he hugged Patton close “this is my best friend Patton Foster and he’s seventeen.”
“I’m Logan Quinn,” Logan pipped up, finally pulling himself together “I’m seventeen as well as my friend Virgil Storm here.”
Virgil gave a shy wave, somewhat hiding behind his taller friend, Rainbow Weaver waved back, a kind smile visible through his mask. It seemed odd how quick the boys were to trust him, even if he was a famous super hero, he was still a stranger. But be it because of their weird aura or the kindness in Rainbow Weaver’s voice the boys knew he could be trusted.
“Okay, third order of business, is the spider that bit you guys dead or still crawling around the city?” Rainbow Weaver asked.
“Oh no, I have it in my backpack!” Logan said, quickly removing his backpack and rummaging around for the jar he had it in earlier.
“Excuse me?” Rainbow Weaver said confused before a jar with a colorful, weird looking spider was shoved in his direction. He took a step back to get a better look at it and vaguely heard Patton whimpering fearfully in the background. He sighed, scratching the back of his head, “Well, that’s just great, Oscorp didn’t learn after the first time it happen.”
“First time?” Logan asked curiously, pulling the jar back towards his chest, the spider skittering nervously.
“How do you think I got like this?” Rainbow Weaver chuckled, hollow and devoid of enthusiasm “But, yeah, this has happened before. A few years back, when I was in high school actually, god only knows what they’ve been able to do now with all the technological advances throughout the years.”
“What do you mean?” Virgil asked, curiosity finally letting him find his voice.
“Well, I-” Rainbow Weaver began but was cut off by four loud rumbling stomachs. His eyes widen with surprise at the blushing teens before bursting out into laughter. “God, you kids must be hungry. Having mutant powers will take a lot out of you, I’ll tell you that, especially if you’re still a growing teenager. How ‘bout we go out and get something to eat and I’ll try to explain everything as best as I can?”
“But don’t you have to watch the city?” Roman asked.
Rainbow Weaver shrugged, “It ain’t going nowhere, besides I have my ways of figuring out if I’m needed or not.”
“Um, are you sure?” Virgil asked timidly “We don’t want to keep you from, you know, important things.”
“Kid, right now this is the most important thing on my list,” Rainbow Weaver assured “I know for sure I would have liked someone to talk to when I was going through all this mess.”
“Um, mister Rainbow Weaver,” Patton chirped “not that we aren’t thankful that you’ll help but wouldn’t we look suspicious walking together on the street or jumping across buildings with you?”
“Not if I’m in civilian clothes, which by the way, I should have a pack here somewhere.” Rainbow Weaver wandered off towards the utility shed across the building and opened it to reveal a plain black backpack squished under an electrical control panel.
“Civilian?” Roman said aloud before realizing what was happening “Wait, isn’t revealing your true identity against some sort of hero’s code or something? I mean, unless you’re the Avengers but-”
“It’s fine,” Rainbow Weaver cut in having already finished changed, they hadn’t even turned away for a full minute! He was wearing some worn, baggy clothes that had probably come from a thrift store and was now stuffing his Rainbow Weaver costume into his bag, all was left was the mask he still had on. “I mean you can’t expect us to have an open honest conversation with each other if I’m hiding behind a mask, right?”
Casually, as if he wasn’t just entrusting four teenagers with his biggest secrete, Rainbow Weaver removed his mask to reveal a familiar face that had Roman and Patton silently squealing, Virgil to be even more star struck, and caused Logan’s jaw to hit the floor. The man before them ruffled his peppered brown hair nervously as he gave a lopsided smile, “Uh, hi, my name is Thomas Sanders…we have a lot to talk about.”
Spanish Spoken:
“Rest a little, my love, the doctor said you had a sickness that had been going around. Patton has it too, but I've heard that he's fine now, he just needs to rest. Do not go to school if you do not feel like it. There is a broth in the refrigerator to heat up if you are hungry.”
“Stupid sticky hands!”
 Song mentioned:
Lovely by Billie Eillish
@immortaldystopia @metaphoricalpluto2 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @misunderstood-shadow @fairytailtwists @0callmevirge0
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gwentoryfics · 4 years
1. I hope this comes off as constructive criticism as im not trying to be mean but the first few chapters of hft really captivated me and i think had a perfect essence of a slow burn but like maybe its bc im not really into woo, yanan, or yeo one but i felt the last two or three chapters have kind of fallen away from the story. Ch 8 probably could have just been a random one shot you produced as i felt like it really didnt tie into the story.
2. Theres less slow burn for hong and more heres smut for woo and a kiss for kino. I just think it may be getting a little bit too away from the initial story? Im not as excited to read the chapters though i really do enjoy the way you write and think youre talented
Thank you for the feedback! Let me also just preface this by saying that I’m not upset by this and I don’t want this to come across as overly-defensive. I just want to walk through some of my process and thoughts with you.
This is actually a super interesting position for me to be in, because this is the first time I’ve posted something and gotten some less-than-stellar reviews (you’ll see you’re not the only one feeling this way). I’m really glad that my readers feel comfortable to tell me what they think, and it’s kind of exciting lol.
I’ll just start out by saying that I obviously understand that not everyone will be thrilled about everything that I write, and I’ve come to terms with that. I’m sorry that you’re starting to feel less invested. I don’t want to disappoint anyone and I hope that you stick around for the rest of the story.
Part of the reason why this particular update took so long for me to write is because I grappled for so long with whether I was going to do the Changgu & Yanan threesome. It was something I was super interested in and really wanted to write, but I was worried about straying too far from the original storyline, like you said. I’ve had a lot of debates with myself over the last year about how much I want to involve other members besides Hongseok. Kino was always part of the plan, but Wooseok kind of snuck up on me because I loved his character so much after I started writing him. When it comes to Changgu and Yanan, I knew I wanted them to be a little flirty at minimum, and then when I had the original idea for a threesome it just got me really excited. So I ended up writing it, because it’s just something that I really wanted.
Part of the reason why I’ve decided to include other members, too, is because I presented this as a smut fic. I was worried about calling it a smut fic and clearly drawing in an audience that’s interested in smut, and then not giving them smut. Maybe no smut would be better than smut with other members, but idk. It’s already written how it’s written lol
I do have to disagree with you about how part 8 could be a side one-shot instead of part of the full fic. To me, this part is really crucial for the MC’s character development. This is when she’s starting to feel more confident in pursuing sex/flirting with guys. The fic started with her feeling uneasy around Hongseok at the wedding because she’s nervous/intimidated by attractive guys. I really wanted her to grow out of that, and part 8 is a good example of that. Not only does she actively make the choice to invite the seniors to her birthday party, but she also feels intrigued and flirtatious around them instead of feeling intimidated (especially since Yanan is so forward, which would have definitely made her feel embarrassed at the beginning of the fic). The party is also where she's confronted by feelings that she hasn’t been addressing, and going forward she’s going to be forced to make choices and have conversations that she’s been avoiding.
So even though part 8 strayed pretty heavily from her relationship with Professor Yang, I stand by the fact that it’s an important moment in the story.
Like I said, I know that I’m not going to be able to please everybody with what I write. I do put a lot of value in the feedback that I get because I want to keep people interested. I’ve reached out a few times to feel out where my readers stand in regards to their favorite character, and most readers (the ones that voice their opinions, at least) are in support of either Wooseok or Kino. When I see that, I feel encouraged to include them more heavily in the story. 
I’m really walking the line between trying to give readers what they want and also write the content I want to write. I feel comfortable with the work I’ve done and the balance I’ve found so far, and I also feel great about what’s coming up in part 9. I think you’ll find that things are going to start getting back on track for you.
I’m not a professional writer and I’ve never studied fiction writing, so I know that I might make some bad decisions for the story. Admittedly, I have a lot of trouble keeping the big picture in mind and I tend to work pretty granularly from scene to scene. This is just a fun project for me and I’m figuring it out as I go. 🤗 I’ve never written anything of this size before so it’s really been a cool project to tackle.
Anyway, like I said at the beginning, thank you for sharing your thoughts! I really do appreciate hearing what people have to think about my story. I’m learning a lot from writing this fic, and your feedback is all part of that learning process. Thank you so much for sticking with my story, and I really hope that you continue to read! 
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