#i gotta properly sit down and do concepts
seasicksilver · 2 months
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bros being bros
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence under the cut!
This is my own submission with the help of some Discord friends <3
First friend's evidence:
tbh adhd zagreus is largely vibes to me but for more specific evidence:
inability to work a desk job properly no matter how much he tries. ability to run marathons thru the underworld 24/7. one is not an interest of his and the other is a thing he got obsessed with in 0.5 seconds. man struggles with directing his attention
the fact that he basically never wants to stay still ever, even the narrator gets on his case about this
additionally to above: iirc there's a line where he mentions he won't be able to get started again if he sits down, when you try to interact with chairs in the house, which. mood. gotta keep momentum going or the task doesn't get done.
rly thoughtful to his loved ones but still forgets to tell them his whereabouts or plans (thanatos)
no concept of time
nonexistent sleep schedule
the entire admin chamber flashback, honestly, just look at that
there's more bullet points probably i just don't have specific moments in mind to back em up
Second friend's evidence:
The man exists for short term dopamine hits - He gets demonstrable rewards and actionable improvements in his abilities with the low low cast of some physical pain after maybe twenty minutes of running around blowing things up, it's like the perfect loop for any adhd brain
Also as a pinnacle of adhd zag - It's only with actual long term investment that he gets better at playing the lyre, which means that most players won't go for it unless they're actively trying to get the prophecy done.
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herotome · 9 months
Finally-official-devlog #112
Also known as FOD112 hi-ho, Wudge here.
Gosh there's just. So much. I'm actually drafting this devlog a few days early so that I'm not suddenly overwhelmed on devlog Tuesday again. But without further ado-
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This is the big cheese right here -- each character has their own layer, each character's clothes and expressions have their own layers, and there's a separate layer for the soft orange lighting on top of it all. 😭
On that note, here's most of the individual image files that create the CG with their powers (and my code) combined:
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And since this is a cropped version of a BIGGER CG (featuring ALL the love interests sitting together), I had to tinker with the position code a great deal to properly feature these three goons Of course it was worth it of course twas merely at the cost of all my energy and sanity at the prospect of eventually possibly also adding in blinks and expression changes--
Mad props as usual to the sweetwonderfulamazing Remnantation who first completed this CG -checks watch- sometime last year! With some additional edits by me since then~
And, did you happen to notice something new in the lower right?
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Tadah... a brand new click-to-continue icon animation! I made (mostly) all by myself! The lil sparkle burst is free from production crate, but I drew the star and added the rotation code... ... Honestly, the hardest and most time-consuming part of this was finalizing the design. Originally I was gonna make it rotate 45 degrees, flip, rotate 45 more degrees, flip, etc-- and messed with that concept for several hours before scrapping it for a simpler, more graceful idea. :| Part of the process, I gots to tell myself, part of the process...
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Next up is Jade's powers, as you may have seen in the preview last week. Much like the CTC animation, I did a lot of research on other ideas - various glowing VFX like vertical veins across the cheeks and smoky rising from the eyes, as well as a bigger low opacity character zoom effect - before settling on something simple. Jade's power usage here is... pretty mild in context, and I figure I can always store the more dramatic animations for later in the story.
Here's a still of the effect btw:
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Her eyes look like headlights lmaooo. Honk honk!
Do I have more to update with? Believe it or not, yes.
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I made some icons, which took a fair amount of trial and error: on the left you'll see an earlier draft, on the right are my more final redesigns from the same day(...night. midnight. I worked on these until midnight).
I had to look up some guidelines because most of my previous icons did NOT look good or legible when sized down to 50x50 pixels. What I learned was, tadah, I had to draw with an unprecedented line width of 200 pixels! (For non-artists: I typically draw with a pen width of 12 pixels at most).
I also studied the icon styles of Persona 5, which saved me a lot of time - they had a cool stylistic choice of diagonally tilted color blocks and thick black outlines.
Here's yet another gif of icons in action...
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Did you see them? Did you?? For a split second, in the upper right.... Still gotta adjust some of the text overlap, don't look at that.
Oh and the "How to play" page is brand new. I coded it from scratch... That also took all night...
... Oh. Oh. And remember your MC's phone?
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This old thing? Yeah. Visual upgrade:
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Also rendered and colored in by Rem <3 Where would I be without them...!
The text, though, can be updated in code!!!! I spliced the phone into layers, with the screen on top and code-generated text just below it, so I can update the caller ID at any point in-game without making any new images.
Took a little while to get it to work... honestly it doesn't look 100% centered... but it's fine. This is fine...
And then... more code. After much tears, blood and strife, I got a musical crossfade to work. It shouldn't have been challenging but it was a nightmare -- when calling the crossfade the second track would either not play at all or its volume wouldn't change and I was starting to develop a preference for eating gravel. But I persisted, found a much simpler code that actually works. After the tearsbloodstrife.
And...... lastly... I simplified this big block of code:
vbox: pos (269, 76) add "sprites/MC/mc[mc_number].png" hbox: if mc_number ==1: text "DEFAULT" style "MC_label_text" elif mc_number ==2: text "LAVENDER" style "MC_label_text" elif mc_number ==3: text "PETUNIA" style "MC_label_text" elif mc_number ==4: text "SUNFLOWER" style "MC_label_text" else: text "TBD" style "MC_label_text"
...(not properly indented bc tumblr is mean 2 me)...
down to these lines, to make my future life easier:
default PrintMC = ["Default", "Lavender", "Petunia", "Sunflower", ""]
text PrintMC[mc_number] style "MC_label_text"
Two!!! lines!!!!!
Instead of typing out additional if/else lines, I only need to add new names to the PrintMC list. Won't really affect the player at all, but it's a HUGE quality of life update for me!
...Anyway that's it, thank you for checking in. <3
Stay safe and keep warm,
PS screw it I'm gonna queue post this early.
PPS have you listened to our composer's new single yet? No?!?!?!
Every click, every listen helps, and every song of his is a BOP that deserves recognition!
ok that's all for real now xoxoxo,
wudge (again)
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bomberqueen17 · 6 months
assorted, and snippet
it is a rainy sunday. we had a glorious last-gasp-of-summer week, 70s and sunny and lovely, and then last night as the sun went down it suddenly got cold and is going to stay that way.
today's my late father's birthday. he'd've been 79 today. farmsister asked the family groupchat if we wanted to do anything special but like, what? no, so we're just having our normal sunday family dinner. she decided to make enchiladas because while the tomatoes are done, there are still tomatillos, so she's roasting those. i decided to thaw a pork butt and i'll make a sort of al pastor kind of pulled pork for the filling, later. but at the moment i'm out in my cabin, which is a disaster area and needs cleaning. but at the moment i'm just listening to the rain on the metal roof, and i have the propane stove on to get it up to room temperature in here, and i'm dying to take a nap but probably won't.
i told myself i could sit for an hour and maybe write. I sorta don't want to write, I sorta want to fuck around and nap, lol. I'm at a bit in Peace-Tied where I'm trying to fold in stuff I wrote ahead that doesn't quite fit now, so that's complicated-- I've been resorting to using two monitors to have the old doc open in a window so I don't have to tab back and forth. But Fit For Thrones is also in an awkward spot where I wrote stuff ahead and like not a lot has changed, but I realized there needed to be a new thread introduced, so I've got to work that in, and I'm realizing a scene I wrote ages ago that was just fluffy and didn't show a lot of character development is going to have to get overhauled to fit the new concept in, which at this point is just a slight complication but later I wanna hang like a whole plot off it, so it's gotta be here-- if I put it in later it won't have any support and might not really properly hold all the weight it needs to, so. And this scene was just fluff anyway and needs more stuff in it. So that's fine. But it's hard. Because of course all I want to do is skip ahead and write the juicy weighty scene this is gonna support. But if I do that (again, as i've been doing a lot in this series, ugh) i'll get there and it won't fit and i'll have to do more of this fiddly kind of work.
I did only miss Friday's update because I was physically too busy at the time, though. It's the wind-down of the farm season but that just means people have started to peel away to do other things, there's not actually a lot less work, and so those of us left are kind of juggling a lot more balls, even if they're less heavy than they were. (more wittering specifically about FFP behind the cut, and a snippet)
So I have a bunch of stuff allllllmost ready to post, but a bunch of tricky work to do for the continuations of them. There has been a spate lately of very nice comments, some rereaders and some new readers, and I appreciate all of you and it keeps me going, really it does.
I can't find the one, though, someone commented on the latest FFT that they thought Morvran might wind up a bit subby perhaps, and I literally cackled out loud. (Someone else was speculating that he's more traumatized/demi/gray than pure ace, which I also have been trying to convey-- he's ace-spec for sure but gray, is where I'm headed with him.)
I don't think Ciri is going to wind up being particularly domme-y in her preferences-- she also would like a pretty lady to push her around please-- but understand she was raised by a bunch of dommes all around, so I had a very early slightly-cracky notion that she thinks this is how het relationships have to work (this did bear fruit in an outside-of-series published work on AO3 thanks to the Smubbles folks, here: What Every Young Woman Needs)-- but there's an excerpt here I haven't quite yet fit into the FFP continuity, which I suppose I'll put here for everyone's delectation (Ciri POV, of Morvran):
He glanced up only briefly at her arrival, flashing her a quick smile but returning to whatever he was writing, clearly intently focused. She propped a hip on the edge of the desk, waiting, and he finished writing the line and looked up at her.  There was something about the way he looked up at her, like this, something open in his expression that usually wasn’t. It sort of made her want to pull his hair, and made her suddenly understand some things about the way her-- Geralt and Yennefer had acted, around one another. She’d always thought Yennefer was perhaps too mean to Geralt, but she could suddenly understand Yennefer’s perspective, and see that maybe it… well maybe it wasn’t being mean.  But. She didn’t know Morvran near well enough to offer to pull his hair.
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renae-the-turtle · 1 month
I have an idea and I gotta tell someone about it or else I won't be able to stop thinking about it.
It's a concept for a rottmnt au focused on the Disaster Twins, which I'm calling the Hybrid Twins AU. Full concept is under the cut, but if you don't wanna read my whole explanation, the idea is that Donnie and Leo got mutated with each others' DNA as well as Lout Jitsu's.
So you know those pods that Draxum stuck the turtles in when he mutated them? Well, in this AU, the gargoyles accidentally broke one after they captured Yoshi. Draxum decides it would take too long to fix it first, because he finally has Lou Jitsu and he's not going to risk giving him time to escape, even if he seems remarkably content in that cage.
So he has decided to go ahead and mutate the turtles, but he only has three pods, and four turtles. He's aware that if he sticks two turtles in one pod, they will mutate with each other's DNA as well as Lou Jitsu's, which could be unstable – all his experiments so far have involved combining only two sets of DNA – but, he reasons, if two of them... don't make it, then he'll still have the other two.
Obviously, this means he has to consider which ones he'd rather keep, and which ones have the most compatible DNA, to increase the chances of a stable mutation. After some consideration, he picks the red-eared slider and the spiny softshell. They're both aquatic species, and are similar in size and approximate age, so he estimates that they have the best chances of survival. And it could be interesting to see how their traits combine.
Draxum goes ahead with the mutation as planned, but with two turtles sharing a pod. All he actually gets to see of their combined mutation is that they now share similar markings, before Lou breaks out and snatches the turtles, just like in canon.
From then on things aren't really any different, except for the twins looking different and having a slightly different dynamic.
I really wanna draw out what they look like properly, as that's what I was focusing on when I came up with this, but I literally only thought this up today, and haven't had a chance to sit down with my sketchbook yet. For now, have this reference sheet I made for their markings and colour:
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Interesting things to note, which should be visible here:
- their skin tones have shifted towards each other, so Donnie's skin is a little lighter and Leo's is a little darker
- they both have yellow sclera (in canon, Leo has white sclera and Donnie has yellow)
- their shoulder markings go all the way down to their elbows
- Leo's markings are a bit brighter than Donnie's
Other things I came up with:
- their shell markings also match now, though Donnie's still a softshell and Leo is not. So Donnie gained lighter-coloured markings that perfectly match Leo's shell pattern, and Leo has dappled darker spots on his shell like the spots on Donnie's.
- both of the twins are sensitive about their shells being touched. And they're very defensive of each other, so when they were tots, if one of them got his shell touched by someone when he didn't want to be touched, then both of them would try and bite the offender. Splinter has scars on his fingers, yes
- you know how rise!Donnie always wants to blow things up? And how his brothers always stop him? Yeah, in this AU, the only ones trying to hold him back are Raph and Mikey. Do not leave the twins alone together, because Leo's definitely not gonna be holding Donnie back from going lethal
- related to the last point: moral alignments! The way I see it, rise!Raph is neutral or lawful good, rise!Mikey is chaotic good, rise!Leo is... probably chaotic neutral, and rise!Donnie is chaotic evil. In this AU, the twins are both chaotic evil
- how about I let Leo swallow a sandwich whole. Even better, let the twins have eating competitions that focus solely on "how much can you swallow at once without chewing", which Raph and Mikey might try to get involved in, but it would eventually just become a twin thing. Mikey would always be the first one out, and Raph would last a bit longer simply by being bigger, but then it would be down to the twins
- can't believe I almost forgot this one, but they have actual twin sense. The mystics involved in their mutation, combined with their Hamato genetics, plus the fact that Leo and Donnie got mutated in the same pod and share enough DNA to be almost (but not quite)as closely related as identical twins, means that they have the ability to sense each other's emotions, and will probably figure out how to do the Ninja Mind Meld before even unlocking their ninpo. Or even before using any mystic powers whatsoever. Because yeah. I'm a sucker for giving them twin telepathy hehehe
- outfits! Have you noticed that in canon, whenever the turtles get dressed up, Leo and Donnie's outfits usually complement each other? Most notably the sweaters they wore for the family dinner in Repairin' the Baron, but other times too. Yeah, I definitely wanna draw them in matching/complementary outfits.
- I considered having Donnie wear a different mask, one like Leo's, because of his stripes, but I don't wanna get rid of Donnie's eyebrows, and neither does he, and trying to draw eyebrows on a mask like that would be too difficult. However, when little Leo failed to convince Donnie that they should have matching masks, he wouldn't stop crying over Donnie "trying to cover up his stripes" and "not wanting to be twins" and stuff like that. So, to get him to stop crying, Donnie drew red stripes on his mask, above his eyes where his natural stripes are (I can totally picture it and I absolutely need to draw it soon). He likes the way it looks and likes matching with his twin, so he keeps drawing those stripes along with his eyebrows
- with how similar Donnie and Leo look, there's no way anyone can deny that they're twins, not even Donnie, but it still bugs him that he doesn't know how they are twins, because he can tell that they appear to be hybrids of two different turtle species. He can't find the answers on his own, and so he bugs Splinter about it until he finally caves and tells the boys that they were mutated using human DNA (not specifying which human) and that Blue and Purple got some of each others' DNA as well. So when Leo is wailing about thinking Donnie doesn't want to be twins with him, Donnie comforts him in his own logical way and assures him that there's no way they could ever NOT be twins, pointing out that they share more DNA with each other than they do with Raph or Mikey or even whatever human they got their DNA from, and adds on that even if they didn't have that much genetic material in common, he'd still want to be twins. (I need them to be soft, plz! Turtle tot twins are adorable!)
- speaking of Splinter, whenever the twins aren't wearing their signature colours, he has a really, REALLY hard time telling them apart. He was worried about being able to tell Raph and Leo apart in canon; you can't tell me he wouldn't get these twins mixed up All. The. Time.
- the twins are nearly inseparable. They always wanna do everything together, especially when they're young. Because of this, they end up knowing a lot of the same stuff, because they are each others' favorite person to info-dump to when they learn something new. So this Donnie has a bit more respect for Leo's intelligence, which is to say he won't outright say or even imply that Leo is stupid. Calling him smart would still be going too far though, duh. Gotta have some squabbling somewhere in here.
- yeah I guess they're really competitive. They compete over everything. Including rights to being the older twin. I'm a firm believer of the the fact that they have no way of knowing which of them is actually older, even in canon, so there will be no "older twin" or "younger twin" headcanons here. It's way more funny if they're constantly arguing about it, anyway. Or if they switch it up depending on their mood, cuz sometimes being the second youngest of four can be pretty appealing.
- uhhhh let's see do I have anything else...?
- oh yeah, I'm considering giving Leo some sort of shell cover? 'Cause I said that he's sensitive about people touching his shell, like Donnie is, but he has a hard shell so he doesn't actually need a battle shell.
- leading from that, though, I think both twins have a lot of similar sensory issues. And they're both neurodivergent. Donnie is autistic, and Leo is AuDHD (that refers to having both autism & ADHD, in case you didn't know. It's what I've got)
Anyway that's all i have for now. Might edit this post if I think of anything more later.
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heavensigh · 1 year
Its been a while since I journaled...so lets get into it.
I started my period 3 days early and I’m not sure what that means. I have been eating healthier so that could be it. Not yesterday, I had about 3 donuts yesterday and a second helping of dinner. I blamed it on my period. For when I bleed...I hunger...?
I got a new workout coach. Its a woman this time and she seems nice. She has me doing a little cut to get my body fat percentage down and I don’t think I’m doing a good job at tracking my calories. Its been about 3 days and its time consuming. Practice makes perfect I guess. I’m pretty much starting back at the starting line so might as well make my mistakes now and get them out of the way.
Chu went to get his labs done last week and he is finally sperm free. We’ve been at it like rabbits and my period is still on time. I’m so happy. This is one of the best decisions we made.
Launching the new store today. Chu showed it around to some guys at work and now I got all this feedback. Psh, where was it when I was in the design phase?! I gotta go back and make the corrections and I’m still unsure on the price but I’m going to let it be and see what the market says. I might take it lower.
Work is fine. I got a new position. Turns out I’m still really green as a paralegal. The attorney I was working for has a heavy case load and is awful about time management. They were a huge source of stress. I did a review meeting with the partners and it seems like they are unsure on where to place me. Especially now that they are short one attorney. So my schedule has changed. I come in 5 days a week now. It hasn’t hit me yet because my pay is still the same but I am looking for a new job. My goal this year is to increase my salary by at least 10k. I’m also looking into project management? Google has a course on it and I’ve always been attracted to the concept. Law is cool but I don’t want to be an attorney. And what's the point if I don’t aim for the top?
This week I’m just going to focus on getting a sale and quieting the voices of creating new business plans.
Finally got my new car back but the insurance wants to send an investigator to check it before they okay any more repairs. I have a full write up from the repair shop so I’m going to go through the whole thing with them while they are here. It better be a smooth process or they are going to hear it.
I’m still sitting on my ankles but I’ve been reminding myself to sit properly throughout the day. 
 I hope it pops off for me soon. I’ve been getting really tired as of late.
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londonhalcyon · 2 years
Now that I've seen some of the screenshots u share of yer personal HPHM gameplay; I actually uninstalled the app for my own good at the beginning of my Uni semester KSEJGBLSEG, and I kinda wanna install it again and keep it up, but I'm like... UUUUUGGGHHHHH, mr. impatience over here, gotta do those... 8HR missions and stuff. How ye feelin about the game so far? I'm barely begginning year 4, if I recall correctly.
Watch my lack of restraint turn this into an essay. Actually, no, this will be an essay. Buckle up.
Year 4 was actually where the story began to pick up for me because of the raised stakes. It was the first time I was like, “Oh. People might die.” Then, and this might be an unpopular opinion, Year 5 ended up being my favorite year. There were some frustrating moments when the story got unnecessarily sidetracked, but Year 5 introduced some interesting plot points, great character development (especially for Merula), and an incredibly dramatic climax. Year 5, I think, is where the story had the most future potential.
Year 6 is where the quality started to fluctuate more. Lots of ups and downs, lots of progress undone, and not a lot of potential fulfilled. It wasn’t terrible, and the potential was still there, so I was willing to stick with it.
Year 7…I have so many complaints. They keep adding new friends and making them the focus (although Chiara savagely insulting Victor is hilarious), we keep having to do pointless or illogical tasks (we did not need to sneak a dog into the hospital), and many of the plot twists weren’t set up properly or make little sense. There are some moments that I have loved: Tonks being Tonks, the duel with the wampus cat, Jacob and MC behaving like siblings. But I’m cherry-picking canon at this point. The only reason I’m sticking with it is because I have no concept of sunk costs is because I’m invested in these characters for better or worse and I’m genuinely curious where the story is going to go, even if it crashes and burns.
Whether you want to continue the game is completely up to your level of patience. I first downloaded it freshman year of uni during a stressful spring semester, and it helped force me to take breaks. If I was working on a long essay or studying for a lab practical or something and received the “Energy Full” notification, then I would step away from my computer to play for five or ten minutes before returning to work. My life’s too chaotic to play as habitually now, but it still helps on occasion. I also have enough pets and side quest rewards in Year 7 that I can often complete an 8-hour task in one sitting (if all the energy tappies are available, which is once a day). And some of the side quests are genuinely fun. Not all of them, but some.
So, yeah, up to you if you want to stick with it. There’s always the option to watch a YouTube playthrough if you want to keep up with the story without suffering through the tasks. I also sometimes look at the BlueMoonGame walkthrough screenshots if I’m feeling impatient.
I complain on occasion, but this game does hold a special place in my heart. I’ll never recommend it to anyone ever, but I do love it. After all, unfulfilled potential is a chest full of gold to a fanfic author, not to mention any other creator. It’s half the reason this fandom exists, which is awesome.
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
I just read some of your sub Shig stuff, and I didn’t know how much I would love the concept until I read yours!
I really like the thought of his crush trying to teach him some manners. Like just pinning him somewhere, not giving him ANY relief unless he says please. Maybe even calls them sir/mistress? And they’ll stop immediately if he insults them or gets too impatient. They’ll taunt him like, “All you’ve gotta do is be nice. That’s it! Then you’ll get whatever you want.” And UGH HE HATES IT but at the same time they’re making him feel incredible.
~ 🌹
I swear I'm starting to convert more of you guys. Y'all have to be looking through my screenshots at this point, thats EXACTLY my type of shit. Like don't get me wrong, whining for Shig's cute and all but its so much better to have a guy that could literally kill you in one hit on his knees. I don't have anything against him being both, but like personally I like my serial killers whiny and needy, and considering I only simp for Shig, he's the biggest victim. I'm also the only dominant one in my friend group, and they act like its a crime to be the one on top
Boutta pull out my private drafts for this, hold up
Minors DNI. Just because I let y'all follow for the sfw stuff doesn't mean you can get away with reading smut <3
If anyone's wondering what they described, I believe its this one
Sub Shigaraki x Dom Fem! reader
One of your hands was wrapped around his throat, just barely applying enough pressure to keep him from breathing properly. His pale skin seemed to glow under the dim light while it only made yours stand out that much more.
He's not even sure how it got to this point.
Your free hand moved to cup his chin, forcing him to look at you before brushing your lips against his briefly, just long enough for him to lean forward to catch yours, inexperienced lips trying to force his tongue into you mouth
You pull away, pulling him onto your lap, his legs straddling your thighs, your eyes scanning his chest down to his legs. He just looked so pretty, his cock already so hard just from a few simple touches.
"You're so goddamn pretty like this, y'know that, don't you? C'mon, just tell me what you want, I'll do it for you if you ask nicely," you start, taking a moment to give him a quick, sloppy kiss, "It's that easy Tomu."
His words were barely recognizable, only the word 'please' being loud enough for you to hear correctly, everything else sounded like a mix of whines and blabbering.
"What's wrong? You're so quiet. It's just us, no need to be so quiet with me." You cooed, moving his hair out of his face, your other hand grabbing at his shirt.
Instead, he just buried his face into your neck, murmuring something seemingly along the lines of 'just do it already, you're taking too long', his words still quiet and once again, barely recognizable.
This time though, instead of asking him to speak up again, you just assume you know what he wants, slowly unbuttoning his jeans, just watching the visible parts of his face turn red. Small whimpers escaping his lips every time your fingertips get just a little to close to his boxers, his breath hitching at the thought alone.
The second he feels your skin against his bare cock, he almost looses it immediately. A single loud, drawn out moan escaping his pretty lips. It's so hard for him to stay quiet once you start moving your hand, instead, he opts for biting your neck in order to muffle his sounds.
Once you speed up your movements though, its a whole different story. He detaches his mouth from your neck, throwing his head back, holding onto your shoulders for support. His legs go weak, and he'd probably fall on his back if you weren't holding him. The amount of noise coming from him is strange considering he won't talk unless he's desperate, and even then he's awfully quiet. Maybe its just the same little mix of moans and pants, but he's just so much louder.
"My little toy likes that, don't you? You're doing so good... just sit still, I'll take care of everything from here, ok?" You say, pressing kisses against his cheek, pulling away only to have his lips smashed against yours.
His hips involuntarily start bucking into your touch, desperate for anything he can get from you, his tongue trying to squirm past your lips. His arms wrap around your back, one hand tangling in your hair, pulling you closer to him. His legs start shaking just a little bit, and his already sloppy kiss getting worse.
When he finally pulls away, there's a string of saliva connecting you two. He just looks at you, his eyes glazed over and hazy. His mouth hangs open, drool spilling down his face as his cock start twitching, just before you pull your hand away.
"Hey! I-I wasn't done yet! Please mistress, just a little longer, please? I didn't do anything wrong..." He whines, his hips thrusting into thin air, the tip of his cock red and swollen.
He almost starts crying, his voice cracking every time he even tries to speak. Even then, anything he can get out ends up as a broken plea, a promise that he'll listen.
The familiar warmth of your skin against his almost makes him cry, your thumb rubbing the tip of his cock, but nothing more. A cracked whine slipping past him, his mouth moving to press desperate kisses against your neck. Anything that he can think of, he'll try.
"If you wait just a little bit, I'm sure I can give you something better, got it baby? Just be patient, you'll get what you want."
He starts biting his lip again in a pathetic attempt to stay quiet, anything that might get you to do what he wants. You gently push him off of you, laying him on his back before sitting in front of him.
You start removing your clothes, leaving your bra and your panties on. He almost jumps at you, his hands instantly moving to your back, trying to unclip your bra. Eventually, when he finally gets it off, he starts grabbing at you. One of his hands moves down to your panties, pulling at the waistband, but not removing them. His other hand starts massaging your soft mound, cherishing the weight of it in his hand.
"Can I..? Is it ok for me to, mistress?" He asks, dipping one finger under the waistband, slightly tugging them down.
You nod your head in approval, watching as he struggles with getting your panties off at first. Instead of letting him go further though, you push him back, touching yourself. He tries to grab your hand to replace it with his own, but you just slap his hand away.
"Why don't you just watch for now? You can do that for me, right Tomura? Surely my little toy can at least give me that much." You say, slipping a finger into your entrance.
He just sits there, not quite sure what to do. His eyes move back and forth between your hand, and your face. Every time he gets close, you just push him back, reminding him that he has to be patient if he wants anything else.
When he's had enough of you, he grabs you and pulls you on his lap. His fingers start trailing down your sides, one of his hands holding you in place. Your protests fall on deaf ears, his thumb already pressing against your clit.
He only stops once your hand once again, wraps around his throat. One good squeeze, and he snaps out of it, immediately pulling his hand away. Pathetic sobs emerge from him, looking down to avoid your gaze.
You start kissing his neck, caressing his cheek. "I told you to wait. You couldn't even give me that much, could you? How sad. Maybe I should go find Dabi, I'm sure he would listen better than you could."
His arms wrap around your waist as he buries his face into your shoulder. Tears start spilling down his face, his voice cracking every other word as he begs you to stay, to give him another chance, he can do better.
You pull his hands off of you, pushing him onto his back, giving him a quick peck. He wraps his legs around your hips, grabbing at whatever he can get his hands on, clinging onto you tightly.
You sit up, crawling over to his chest.
"How about this. If you be a good boy, and actually wait this time, I'll let you have your fun. If you don't, I won't let you do anything." You say, your thumb tracing his collarbone. He nods, staying as still as he can.
You crawl on top of his face, and he pulls you down, his tongue going to work almost instantly. His tongue laps up your juice, taking a quick dip inside of you. Your soft moans only encourage him, his hands moving to grab your thighs as his nose gently nudges against your clit. His thumb starts to work on your clit as his tongue delves inside of you, his grip on you thighs becoming almost bruising.
You try to get up just enough to reposition yourself, only to be pulled back down, his hand moving to your waist. The obscene sounds coming from him mix in with your quiet pants. Your soft praises encouraging him further as you hand grips his hair.
He groans against you, each sloppy lick seems to excite him more than it does for you. His fingers start rolling your clit between them, each noise you make only seems to get covered by his.
You bite your lip, muffling the groans spilling past your lips, though once you reach your limit, it doesn't help one bit. You scream, your grip tightening on his hair as you finish. He doesn't let you up just yet, his tongue licking up everything you have to offer before releasing his hold on your thigh.
You move in front of his cock, spitting on it before giving it a few quick strokes, watching his eyes widen and his mouth open.
"How about you beg? I'm sure a little slut like you would be willing to do that much. My pretty boy just wants to sink his cock into his mistress, don't you?" You tease, running a finger along the length of his cock.
He nods quickly, his eyes shutting tight as his hands grip the bedsheets. You watch his eyes fly open just from the feel of your thighs around his cock. He moves his head up enough to watch you, one of your hands grabbing his shirt as you line up his cock with your slit.
You start sinking onto his cock, biting your lip painfully hard as he starts squirming underneath you, one of his hands moving to grab your hip.
Once you're fully seated on his cock, he starts thrusting his hips up, pathetic whines falling from him. His hold on your hip tightens, trying to hint at what he wants. Soft whimpers emerge from him as drool starts slipping past his lips once more.
One of your hands tangle in his shirt as you start moving, the noise he makes immediately increasing in volume, his eyes trained on nothing but your figure on top of him. His back arches, and his hands turn white from his grip on the bedsheets.
You start increasing your pace, picking up your hips only to slam yourself back down on his cock. His hand moves to your chest, taking one of your breasts into your hand, increasing his grip there instead. Quick I love you's fall from him. You stop, moving his hair out of his face, giving him a quick kiss as he tries to deepen it with no success.
"Do you want me to keep going? If you tell me exactly what you want, I'm sure I'll let you do it." You say, running a hand through his hair.
"I wanna- fuck, I wanna cum inside you! Please! I'm so close, don't you want to be filled up too? Please mistress?" He begs, his eyes starting to water. You can feel his cock twitching in you, and his grip on you increasing.
You pick up your pace again, watching his expression quickly change. He starts panting, squirming underneath you as his fingers dip into your hips, and you're almost certain that there will be bruises there in the morning.
His moans increase in frequency, and he starts getting louder. His legs go weak as his grip loosens again, eyes shut tight as he thrusts his hips up to meet yours before spilling his seed into you.
His panting slows, and his breathing slows again. He pulls his hands off of you, letting you rest on his chest. He nuzzles his face into your neck, peppering kisses along the side of your neck.
You could've sworn you heard him mutter a quiet 'I love you', but he wouldn't admit it anyway.
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wingsofkpop · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet - Yang Jeongin (m)
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A - Aftercare
Despite being on the more inexperienced side, I think Jeongin is responsible enough to know that aftercare is a must following sex, whether it be making sure you both are properly hydrated or helping you change the bed sheets. Because he’s usually babied by his members, this sweet boy treasures each moment he’s able to take care of you for a change though he won’t say no if you request to be the bigger spoon for a night or two.
B - Body Part
Seeing as our dear maknae has apparently gotten buff somewhere over the years, he likely takes pride in his biceps and arms in general as he damn well should. We’ll go more in depth about it later, but let’s just say Innie likes to use his strength in more ways than one… Moving on, Jeongin will never not be a fan of your neck. Mans has a bit of a marking tendency, but hormones aside, Jeongin’s in love with your scent, which seems to be more pungent around thah area. Plus, the crook of your neck also makes a good hiding place when he’s shy.
C - Cum
The only place this man’s cumming is in a condom. He may not be a baby anymore, but he doesn’t want any other baby Jeongins showing up anytime soon. Changbin is already a handful enough as it is…
D - Dirty Secret
Now it’s a bit out of the element here, but Jeongin sometimes gets tired of being coddled by his members. That being said, he’s had some fantasies about proving his growness—fantasies that may or may not include getting caught eating you out until you’re a literal puddle by Chan or Hyunjin, or maybe fucking you into the wall just in time for Changbin or Seungmin to walk through the door. Not wanting to disrespect you or anything, he prefers to keep these thoughts to himself… just don’t ask questions if he starts to get a little handsy during movie nights with the other boys.
E - Experience
Like most of the younger Stray Kids members, I don’t think he has too much sexual experience. He’s probably made out with a girl or two over the years, maybe felt her up a bit, but that’s as far as his hands-on exploration goes. Even so, he probably has a general idea of how things are supposed to go, generously provided by stories from his members and the wonders of porn.
F - Favorite Position
Due to his lack of sexual practice, Jeongin probably has not found his all-time favorite position just yet. He’s eager to try everything he possibly can, so expect to be blown away literally every time y’all do the do.
G - Goofy
Jeongin doesn’t mind getting a little silly during sex every once and a while, but he also knows that a more sensual, serious mood is needed too. The first few times will definitely be more casual and light-hearted, kept alive by his playful grin and mischevious fingers. But even as you two begin to become more mature, that same youthful atmosphere will remain, making it feel like the first time every time.
H - Hair
He probably just lets it do it’s own thing honestly. As long as it doesn’t get too unruly, he doesn’t mind it all that much.
I - Intimacy
Seeing he’s likely never been in a serious relationship before you, he’s all about the ideal, romantic aspect of love making. And while there won’t necessarily be rose petals and silk sheets every time you guys have sex, he knows how to make you feel loved and wanted with just his touch alone. Eye contact is also a huge must for Jeongin—he needs to see your face in the moment, to watch the pleasure overtake your body as he brings you to a headspace only few have the privilege to witness. It may sound cheesy, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he has a secret plan to marry you one day, already knowing you’re his forever person.
J - Jack Off
Innie is young, so it’s no surprise his hormones are a bit on the overwhelming side at times. For him, getting off largely depends on if and when he has a moment to himself, which is quite rare between his busy schedule and lack of privacy in the dorm. That being said, he probably masturbates no more than three times a week. If that.
K - Kink
Alright hoes, I’m gonna start this off by saying Jeongin damn well has some sort of strength kink. We’ve all seen the size of those arms. Now he wouldn’t necessarily manhandle you, but if the moment requires him to pick you up by your thighs, or maybe pin your wrists to the bed cause you’re getting a little too frisky, then a man’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. He also has a HUGE thing when you get all dressed up for him, whether it be in a dress/suit or a lingerie set. Some other honorable mentions of his include marking, praise, and the occasional teasing.
L - Location
Please, please, PLEASE let this man take you against the wall, or anywhere that lets him show off his strength. He turns into some type of beast, I swear—Bonus points if y’all have the dorm to yourselves, because then he will literally take you against every single surface…
M - Motivation
The second you compliment him, this man will be literal putty in your hands. He loves, and I mean LOVES, when you praise him for his stage performances or MV scenes. And don’t let him catch you watching his fancams… or else prepared to get dicked into next year~
N - NO
BDSM is completely off the table for Jeongin. While he doesn’t mind trying something new every so often, he’s just not comfortable treading into the kind of intense territory that would require use of a safe word. He’s also just not a fan of power dynamics in general.
O - Oral
Sorry fam, oral is just not it for Jeongin. It’s nothing against you, he just doesn’t prefer blow jobs because of his tendency to finish too early, and he’d much rather practice other methods of foreplay to get you both off.
P - Pace
In the beginning stages of your relationship, Innie used to utilize a rapid, sloppy pace. After obtaining more experience, his stroke game is much, much better and more fluid, though he sometimes tends to revert back to an awkward pace when he’s close to climax. But like everyone, his skill and confidence will grow more over time.
Q - Quickie
The only time he’ll settle for a quickie is if he’s completely and totally desperate for your touch. But even then, he needs to be sure your session will take place in an environment that is both private and isolated from any other people. But once he’s comfortable and secure, he’ll drive you into the nearest wall with no further hesitation whatsoever.
R - Risk
Nope, nope, nopity, nope. While the idea of getting caught makes him feel all the things, Jeongin would rather not risk anyone actually walking in on you two when you’re being less than innocent. Especially his members, because if they do, he knows he’ll never hear the end of it.
S - Stamina
He’s got pretty decent stamina. Jeongin can usually go for some foreplay and maybe two rounds depending on how exhausted he is from his schedule. Then again, on days he is a bit more on the tired side, he wouldn’t mind sitting back and letting you do most the work.
T - Toy
The most curious boy omg. Innie’s experience with toys probably stems from porn and the dark side of Reddit, so he’ll be utterly fascinated if you own any nifty gadgets of your own. And while I don’t think he’d actively shop for sex toys, he doesn’t mind spicing things up in the bedroom with a couple vibrators, restraints, or sensation play objects.
U - Unfair
Don’t let his adorable facade fool you—this boy can be the WORST tease on any given day. He’s the type of lover that will suggestively trail his hands across your breasts and thighs, then act all innocent when you call him out. Jeongin is also an expert in getting you to tell him what he wants to hear. For example, “You want me to make you cum, baby? How exactly do you want me to do that?…”
V - Volume
Honestly, this man is a moaning machine. And you may hear some cute little whimpers and whines in that mix too… At first, he was probably a bit bashful to make any noise in that context, but after some coaxing and needed praise from you, he’ll never try to be silent again.
W - Wild Card
Let me set the scene for you: You and Innie watching some horribly budgeted rom-com you found on Netflix, and literally just making fun of the entire movie. That is, until the two main leads start making out in the back of a car. Oh, this shuts you both right up, especially when clothes start coming off and the car windows begin to steam up. The scene ends eventually, but this awkward, sexually tense silence still remains between you and Jeongin, and when you look to your blushing lover, you find him poorly attempting to cover his raging hard on. Then, he clears his throat and cutely stutters, “S-So… You wanna… you know?…”
X - X-ray
He’s a bit below average: 4.5-5 inches. But he’s got some thickness to his name.
Y - Yearning
As already mentioned, Innie tends to hold back in regards to his sexual needs for fear of coming across as a horn dog. You two probably do the nasty at least once a week, but I guarantee you can raise that number if you sit your boyfriend down and explain the concept of a mutually beneficial relationship huehuehue.
Z - ZZZzzz
If there’s one thing that Jeongin loves most in the world, it’s being in your arms after a long and stressful day. Whether or not you choose to end the night with an orgasm or two, he’ll settle himself atop your body, using your breasts as his own personal pillows, and just let his tension melt away in the comforting warmth of your touch. And though he’d never admit it, sometimes he doesn’t really mind being babied after all…
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yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing vii.
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: smut, jungkook is really an asshole, the angst hurts a lot tbh, unhealthy relationships (?)
words: 4, 627
summary: a series of drabbles where you're confused and jungkook's confusing
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Despite being friends with three (well, now four) people on the football team—you didn’t fancy attending football games at all. It was highly unlike the usual scene you were comfortable with. It was loud, rowdy and people didn’t understand the concept of personal space when they’d shove and push others aside just to get a better glimpse of the players on the field.
Yet, you attended every single one of the football games—and you were a familiar enough face that the coach smiles at you when you hover outside the changing rooms; a simple request from the captain himself.
You’re a little shocked at yourself at the fact that you had no idea who Namjoon was prior to his introduction. He was the captain of the current football team, which apparently, throughout your college’s history—brought the most wins ever. And, he was also well-known that lecturers applauded him for his impeccable work-to-life balance.
Somehow, the divulgence of your own thoughts makes you frown. Because perhaps you were truly anti-social. You weren’t even acquainted with common school affairs in spite of being apart of the student council.
Maybe Jungkook was right.
You don’t dwell too much on your thoughts because you’re unable to, not when the door slams open and bodies of college men pour out with large shouts and their padded shoulders—looking very much prepared for their game.
The anxiety settles into the pit of your stomach when you realise you stick out like a sore thumb. The jeans and white top you were wearing was quite a typical outfit to wear to a game, with the addition of ironically—a baseball jacket. But when you were definitely smaller than the footballers; it was hard not to feel out of place.
Especially when they look you over before continuing out to the field. While you attended games before, you were never asked to meet in the changing rooms. Jimin and Taehyung knew well enough not to ask you, and Jungkook … well. You were always his dirty little secret, weren’t you?
And you see Jungkook first, grinning like a madman when another footballer brings him into a headlock and hollers something you assume is their hype-cheer.
It isn’t supposed to feel like this. Things were meant to have been settled, but the tight feeling in your chest when you look at him only reminds you that some things were hard to erase.
Before you can look away, Jungkook spots you—and he pushes the arms of his teammate off ever so slightly before turning to him and muttering a few words before he’s stalking towards you.
Your eyes widen, definitely not expecting him to pay you any mind.
“You’re here?” He furrows his brows.
You clear your throat, and you realise navigating a conversation with him after what’s transpired is much harder than you expected it to be. The fact that he was so casual about it when he left you with a kiss on your forehead makes you even more conflicted.
“I am.” You mumble. “I told you, remember?”
Jungkook blinks as if he remembers something, and his expression hardens ever so slightly before he’s schooling his features.
“Yeah.” He breathes. “I knew that. Just didn’t know you’d be … here.”
Here was probably referring to standing outside the changing rooms, and you can’t help but flush at the declaration.
“Um, yeah. Namjoon—” Before you can finish your sentence, you see the captain heading towards you with a large grin; looking over Jungkook for a brief moment.
“You’re here!” His words are exactly the same as Jungkook’s, but it evokes a different set of emotions in your chest.
You smile as sincerely as you can, which is proven difficult when you can feel Jungkook’s gaze on you.
“I am.” And you repeat the same thing you said to Jungkook. It feels odd, but you push the feelings aside. “Good luck, you.”
You offer a small punch to his shoulder, an awkward attempt at supporting him and you almost apologise but Namjoon smiles even wider.
His hand reaches out to your hair, gently patting it as he looks at you fondly. You don’t think anyone’s ever treated you so … tenderly before, not upfront and after one meeting at least. And you’re definitely flustered.
“Thank you. It means a lot that you’re here.” His dimples are on full show when he looks down at you with a kind gaze.
You clear your throat and look away, hoping the dim lights didn’t amplify the blush on your cheeks.
“Of course. We have that exhibition next to look forward to if all else goes South.” You grin cheekily up at him, words still soft.
You hope that your joke doesn’t rub him the wrong way, and it doesn’t because he snorts in response. All while Jungkook is silent.
“That’s a win itself, isn’t it?” He says smoothly, and your eyes widen at his blatant—or at least you think—flirting.
And before you can splutter a response, Jungkook is nudging Namjoon’s arm with his shoulder, the movement slightly rougher with his shoulder pads in place.
“We gotta go, Cap,” Jungkook says stiffly.
Namjoon doesn’t realise the hostility in his tone, but you do. And you frown ever so slightly, but you cover it up when Namjoon looks over at you with an apologetic expression.
“I’ll see you after the game?” He asks, eyes lighting up.
Your lips tilt upwards and you nod your head.
Namjoon jogs off first, not before grabbing his protective gear as Jungkook lingers ever so slightly, stuttering in his feet as you have the vision of his back towards you.
You’re about to head towards the bleachers, a spot that Namjoon purposefully reserved for you with help of his coach; but Jungkook turns around and his face is hesitant.
“Will you …” He swallows as you raise an eyebrow at his uncertainty. “Will you cheer for me?”
The question is odd, especially when you know that he’s aware that you were here for Namjoon. Usually, that would imply that you were rooting for him. But, you’ve never been able to say no to Jungkook. Not even when you want him to feel the same hurt you’ve felt.
“What friends are for, right?” You mumble, eyes darting to the ground for a second until you look back up at him again.
What you don’t say is that friends don’t do the things we did, or that there was no manual to teach you how to navigate the throes of your relationship after everything that’s happened. Nor do you tell Jungkook that you’re always cheering him on, but you can’t do it outwardly. Not tonight. Not for a while, too.
Jungkook’s face falls obscurely, but he forces a tight smile before grabbing his protective gear too.
“I’ll look for you,” Jungkook says.
Then he’s off, with a squeeze to your shoulder that leaves your heart feeling a lot heavier.
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You ended up sitting next to the school photographer, who you now know as Yena. Prior to this, you’ve heard the student reporter club have a few intense individuals apart of them—word you heard from Yoongi, the President himself—and he was already as intimidating as one could get. But there was Yena, who essentially made people cower in fear when they’d make eye contact with her.
“What are you doing here?” Is the first thing she asks when you slide into your seat. Her tone isn’t condescending, neither was it purposely made to make you feel uncomfortable. Rather, she asked it in a rather bored tone—as if there were better things she could be doing.
“Um.” You squeak.
Yena rolls her eyes, “Relax. I’m not going to bite your head off despite my grotesque appearance. Ever heard of a conversation starter?”
You blink.
“You’re very pretty.” You say softly.
Yena narrows her eyes at you for what seems like forever as you clear your throat. Then, she snorts before patting you on the shoulder.
“I didn’t mean objectively ugly, sweetheart.”
The tilt of her lips make your ears flush and you never found yourself downright intimidated by someone, but there was something about her that made you want to listen to her.
She rolls her eyes. “You’re too nice, _____. Has anyone ever told you that?” She emphasises her point with a tilt of her head.
“N-Not really …” You mumble.
She sighs as she kicks her feet on top of the railings in front of her while her eyes follow the line of footballers that pour onto the field, already moving towards a group huddle.
Her camera is already in her hands when she snaps the shot like second nature, before plopping back into her seat.
“Well, you are. People are gonna eat you alive, you know?” She says pointedly.
You fiddle with your fingers before you find the courage to look at her.
“How did you know who I was?” You wonder out loud with furrowed brows.
Yena scoffs before turning to look at you with a blank expression. And it’s the worst part in you that makes you think that you’ve said something wrong.
“You’re kidding, right?” She deadpans. “Girl who made honours three years in a row? First female student council president? Lecturers pet? Curve-setter? The list goes on, really.”
You flush as you turn your head away.
“I didn’t mean …” You mutter.
She waves you off. “You don’t have to sound so guilty about it. You’re smart and you’re capable. Own it.” She shrugs.
You blink up at her with wide eyes, and for the first time; she properly looks at you and your surprised expression.
“Thank you.” You say softly.
When a whistle blows, the game has somehow started and you have half the mind to begin cheering like the rest of the crowd. But the awkward part of you remains rooted in position.
“So.” Yena leans in with a grin on her face. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
It’s … odd. Purely because you’ve never spoken to her before and you’ve briefly heard about her in passing when you communicate with Yoongi on pastoral affairs. And for someone to speak to you so freely and casually, like you’ve been friends for years—feels nice.
And it’s probably also because you didn’t have any girl friends that you could really trust. People on campus were … they were mean and they usually wanted something from you, whether it was to get to one of your friends or get insights on events so they’d get a boost on their reputation.
“Earth to _____?” She drawls.
You snap your head towards her and your ears turn red once again.
“There’s isn’t … any guy.” You confess.
Yena snorts as if she doesn’t believe you.
“Really now?” Her grin approaches a smile when she rests her chin on her palm. “You know not just anyone sits here, right?”
You shrug. “What about you? Who’s the lucky guy?”
She blinks, then leans back before kicking one leg across her other.
“Photographer pros. Or cons. Especially if you consider watching disgusting men sweat and chase after balls is something to be grateful for.” She rolls her eyes.
You laugh when she complains, and it’s likely the first time you’ve relaxed your shoulders around her.
“That does sound kind of gross.”
She nods her head as if to say right, before offering you a cheeky grin.
Then, her eyes zero onto the field, then back to your face—and eventually back to the field before she hops off her seat once again; waving her camera to signal you that she was going to carry out her duties.
You think Yena’s cool. A little intense, and kind of scary—but a nice person nevertheless. Maybe you were a blind optimist that saw the good in everyone, but there was something about her that you really liked. The kind of person you wish you could become.
The cheers get immensely louder, especially when you note that Jungkook’s scored a goal—his beaming expression displayed on the big screen while you hear girls and guys alike cheering his name.
It’s times like this where you’re reminded of how different you were from him. While he received praise and approval from the masses and was born to be loved by them. You were quite the opposite; the cheerer and the supporter but never quite the one receiving it.
His eyes skim the crowd, and you can see from the screen that his brows furrow ever so slightly. But he’s quick to return to his groove, fist-bumping a teammate along the way.
You sigh because even when you weren’t intentionally looking for him it’s like your heart only wants you to see what’s familiar. And funnily enough, the hurt is familiar too.
In the middle of it all, you try your best to smile—and throw in a small whoop on your own, hoping to blend in but be present enough to be heard.
Yena returns only when it’s half-time, her own body covered in sweat while she huffs, slapping a stray strand of hair away from her face.
“God. You’d think they’d slow down after fifteen minutes but nooo. They have to go flex on their fragile masculinities because they think growling and ripping off their shirts is peak alpha male character.” Yena mutters and it’s the first thing you hear from her.
You offer her a sympathetic smile before digging into your bag and pulling out a handkerchief, one that you always carry around.
“Here.” You smile at her toothily.
Yena eyes the fabric sceptically before looking at your face and back to the handkerchief.
“You sure?”
You nod your head, jutting out your hand once more to emphasise your point.
“Ah. I can see why Namjoon nabbed you up.” Yena coos, ruffling your hair as your eyes widen.
“How did I know? Well besides the fact that my job is to literally stick with the team and capture moments and make them look pretty—I’m nosey.” Yena shrugs and your face pales. “Oh, and I saw you guys at the changing room too.”
If she saw … that meant—
“Thought you were with the meathead Jeon for a moment.” Yena snorts.
Your eyes dart down to your lap, and Yena picks up on your silence immediately. But unlike the conventional person; despite her curiousity, she respected your privacy more. So she doesn’t, she just offers you a smile and a nudge to your shoulder.
“Don’t worry,” Yena assures, sighing as the voices of the footballers fill your area as they come up for refreshment. “He’s nice.” You weren’t sure who she was referring to so you just nod.
“Yena—pass me a bottle!” A boy calls, and you half expect her to do so, but instead, she delivers him one better—a middle finger.
“Get it your self you dickwad!” Yena calls back.
Your eyes widen when you turn your head to look at her, completely unbothered when the footballer shoots daggers at her nonchalant figure.
“Men. Think you always owe them something.” She scoffs.
You find yourself unconsciously nodding your head, and once again Yena recognises the gesture but doesn’t mention anything.
Instead, she turns towards you and levels you with a wide grin of her own.
“You’re cool. We should hang out.”
The declaration makes your eyes widen even more and you realise how much you’ve fumbled and made yourself look … stiff the entire time you were attempting to converse with Yena. But she seemed to be unbothered, and the thought makes you excited.
“We should?” You parrot with a squeak.
She nods and you’re still finding it hard to process the fact that she’d brought that up out of the blue.
You weren’t bad company. But you were … you.
“You’re like Ms Bona Fide.” Yena tuts. “People these days are either out to please or to receive.”
You furrow your brows.
“And I’m … not?” You say softly.
“You’re present.” Yena shrugs and throws you an easy-going smile.
God. She was so cool.
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Namjoon scores the final goal.
You expect him to call the hangout off because, well, he’d closed the game and he was the captain. It was only normal that he’d want to celebrate.
So when Yena nudges your shoulders while your head is bent and focused on your mobile device, you slowly looked up with furrowed brows to see her cocking her head to the side with a knowing grin on her face.
And you see Namjoon, out of his gear and in a plain t-shirt and sweats while he waves at you.
You can’t help but gape at him.
“I see you’ve surrendered to good company instead of a zoo.” Yena greets Namjoon first with a snort.
Namjoon rolls his eyes, and you gauge that they’re at least well-acquainted. Acquainted enough that Namjoon subtly tries to flick her off, but you catch the gesture as soon as it comes.
“Promises are promises.” Namjoon shrugs as if he wasn’t aware that you were still gaping at him. Mouth open like a fish out of the water.
“Well—be nice, captain.” Yena whistles, throwing her camera into her bag and slinging it over her shoulder before she turns to look at you, a gentle nudge with her shoulder to yours as she levels you with an intentional look in her eyes.
“Don’t start any fights, Yena.” Namjoon gently chides, but his tone is joking.
Yena waves him off, then waves at you one last time, leaning down to whisper something into your ear that has you flushing.
“Tell me how it goes when we hang out.”
And she leaves you with a keen sense of excitement on the prospect of a new friend like her to look forward to hanging out with.
Namjoon looks over at you, and gently reaches for the tote bag you’ve slung over your shoulder as he tugs it off you with a soft pull.
“Let me.” His smile is all teeth and dimpled grins when you reluctantly let him take your bag from you.
“Thank you.” You murmur, eyes attempting to look at him but his gaze is so focused on yours that you find it difficult to make eye contact.
“We’ve got an exhibition to go to, don’t we?”
You nod your head enthusiastically as he chuckles, allowing you to lead the way as you find a little prep in your steps. It was nice. Having a friend like Namjoon.
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“Captain’s not coming?” Yugyeom groans, ruffling his hair with a towel as the rest of the footballers filter out of the changing room.
Jimin snorts in response. “No. He’s got a date.” The emphasis on the word date is obvious in the immature sense, evoking wide eyes as responses.
“He bailed on us for some pussy?!” Yugyeom cries.
Jungkook has to clench his fists by his side when he hears how his teammate casually referred to you as just some pussy. You weren’t just … that.
“Watch your tone,” Jimin growls, and Jungkook’s thankful that Jimin was more of the confrontational type and didn’t allow shit like this to slide easily. Especially when it came to you. “That’s my best friend you’re talking about.”
Yugyeom’s eyes widened before gawking at the blonde boy.
“You mean Namjoon is going on a date with _____?” The rest of the footballers murmur in response, possibly out of confusion. “How did they—doesn’t she not … date?”
Jimin sighs, already ready with a response on the tip of his tongue but Jeonghan, the keeper interjects.
“Wait, I was under the impression that she and Jeon were a thing?”
At the mention of his name tangled with yours, Jungkook, who has been relatively silent throughout, freezes as his hands stop rummaging through his duffel bag while he tries to ignore the inquisitive stares he’s receiving from his teammates.
“W-What?” Jungkook stutters caught off guard.
Yugyeom narrows his eyes at the boy, while Jimin silently observes with an unreadable expression.
“Now that you mention it …” He trails off, head tilting upwards as if he was deep in thought. “I did always see the two of them alone with each other.”
Jungkook clears his throat as he lets out a nervous chuckle, his hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck.
“We’re friends,” Jungkook says stiffly and he hopes it’s believable, despite his hoarse voice. “Friends hang out.”
Jeonghan snorts. “Or she’s a two-timer.”
This time, Jungkook can’t keep his face neutral.
“Talk about her like that one more time and I’ll make sure you never speak again.” He growls to the other boy, whose eyes widen in response.
“I was kidding—” He raises his hands in defense but Jungkook is shoving the remainder of his belongings into his duffel bag before hauling it over his shoulder and storming out of the room, ears burning in both frustration and anger.
“You don’t joke about this type of shit,” Jungkook mutters under his breath right as he leaves the rest of the members brewing with confused expressions as they look at one another with concerned expressions.
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Namjoon, as expected, is a museum enthusiast. That much you could assess when he was excitedly chirping about how much he appreciated all types of art, abstract, modern and contemporary and vintage—you name it and he could likely give you a break down of the nuances behind styles and techniques.
He is also great company. Namjoon is a comfortable line between involved and chivalrous, never pushing farther than what you were able to offer but engaging you in insightful discussions that you found yourself being intrigued by.
While you expected more … forward gestures, Namjoon is respectful and you’re surprised but not really. He was mannered encompassed into human form.
So, when the security guard informs you that the exhibition was over and that the two were the last guests in the hall—the two of you reluctantly had to bring your night to an end.
“That was fun,” Namjoon says once the two of you exit the hall, just two figures in the night who have thousands of words to say about the masterpieces you’ve witnessed.
“Honestly, I was already looking forward to it but seeing the pieces the art students curated in person was just another type of euphoria.” You confess.
Namjoon nods in agreement. “I totally agree. You can just tell that they’ve really dedicated all their free time to the work they’ve displayed.”
“Art is beautiful, isn’t it?” You mumble, eyes looking back to the museum as you grin up at Namjoon who’s already looking at you.
“Yeah.” He breathes, and the way he’s looking at you under the dim moonlight makes you irrevocably flustered. “Beautiful.”
You clear your throat as you shift on your heels, hoping the blush on your cheeks isn’t too apparent. The night was still wondrous, and you feel a type of comfort in Namjoon that you haven’t felt in a very long time. But there’s still a lingering thought in the substandard part of your mind that reminds you of doe-eyes and a bunny smile.
“Thank you for your time, Namjoon.” You say shy, fiddling with your thumbs.
When you find the courage to look at his face, he’s already beaming at you.
“No. Thank you.” He reassures. “I know you’re super busy so for you to find time out of your schedule to hang with a virtual stranger really means a lot to me.”
Your eyes widen, but then your face neutralises as you flush.
“I’m not that busy …” You mumble.
Namjoon chuckles. He doesn’t even snort or offer a sarcastic remark in response. He just acknowledges it with a kind smile and doesn’t comment further.
He’s different from what you’re used to. A challenge. A burst of rebellion that loved to roll remarks off his tongue.
You don’t want to think of him just yet.
“Regardless. You’re here. And I’m grateful.”
You nod your head lamely, clutching your bag into your chest (after relentlessly whining to Namjoon to allow you to hold it yourself when you felt a little useless).
“I should—I should head back.” You cock your thumb towards the direction of your apartment.
Immediately, Namjoon steps forward and is ready to head the same way you are.
“Let me walk you back.”
“I can’t possibly—”
“I’m not asking this time, ______.” He frowns.
You snap your lips shut. Though you did feel a little bad, it was late and the rational part of you knew that it was best if Namjoon walked you home.
“Okay.” You say softly.
Before you can begin walking, he tugs you by the elbow so gently, but firm enough for you to nearly stumble into his chest.
And he’s so tall, so you’re peering up at him with wide eyes as you gauge his nervous expression.
“I-I’m sorry if this is a little forward but—” Namjoon clears his throat. “W-Well I think—I really think you’re nice. And great. Like—good company, you know? So I’d r-really—I’d enjoy—”
You blink at him as he attempts to find his words.
“Namjoon.” You whisper gently, tugging the hem of his shirt.
At your gesture, his mind blanks but he remembers that you’re still looking up at him with a confused gaze.
“Okay. Fuck.” He whines as a giggle escapes your throat when he peers at you with an exasperated expression. “I’m not usually this much of a mess. You just make me nervous.”
“O-Oh.” You breathe, “I do?”
Namjoon sighs, rubbing his hands over his face.
“I don’t know if it was obvious but I’m kind of into you.” He says softly, rubbing his hand over his neck.
You don’t expect it, not at all. So you can only muster gawking at him at his sudden confession.
“And you don’t need to—you don’t need to say anything about it. We can pretend like I didn’t just confess to you. We can just be friends.” He rambles, eyes wide. “I just wanted to let you know … yeah. So I really hope we can still continue to hang out even though you might think I’m a creep and I really didn’t offer to walk you home because I had intentions. Really just wanted to make sure you were safe.”
You continue looking at Namjoon with wide eyes. Because you’ve never been on this end before. The one receiving the confession. You’ve never really given a confession either, and you try to suppress the bitter memories of the confession you tried to give Jungkook that wasn’t verbal but with your presence.
With you giving up certain parts of yourself for him so he could see you.
“Please say something.” Namjoon chuckles nervously.
“I—…” You choke. “I don’t know what to say.”
“We can pretend like I didn’t just say that.” He winces.
You shake your head. “No. No. It’s fine, Namjoon. Really.” You reassure him gently. “I really appreciate it … I just didn’t … expect it.” You finish lamely.
“You’re a very interesting person,” Namjoon tells you, lips twitching in an attempt to lighten the awkward atmosphere.
Interesting? You don’t think you’ve ever heard anyone call you interesting before. Not outright, at least.
“I’m really not.” You say sadly.
Namjoon furrows his brows but doesn’t reach out to you further, his hands still remaining limp by his sides.
“Hey.” His voice calls out. “You are. You’re definitely one of the most interesting people I’ve met in my life.”
You blink.
“T-Thank you.”
He waves you off, gesturing towards where you gestured towards earlier.
“Shall we?”
And somehow, Namjoon has a way of making everything feel easy. Like a temporary space for you to feel safe, to feel wanted.
So why doesn’t your heart flutter?
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cinnamonest · 3 years
please spare more crumbs for the sex slave au with diluc and kaeya's meimei,,
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Thank you for giving me permission to be more depraved this is from forever ago but I'm slowly getting the "forever ago" stuff done lol
I love the concept tho, especially Crepus buying a lil qt and having to teach them how to be good masters bc they’re both dumb clueless boys, bless.
TWs: slavery, implied incest or pseudo-incest, could give vibes as under//age (nothing is specified but I guess it could strike some people that way so I wanna be cautious), noncon/dubcon, mentions of anal, misogynistic, awful depraved and nasty -------------------------------------
God. The arguing. The rivalry. The chaos. Like, with some poly yanderes/owner/master relationships, the two work *together* and focus attention on controlling *you,* but these two are... not like that. They have a lot of rivalry going on half the time.
Now, this could be Crepus buying a slave and basically indoctrinating her as a meimei, but of course, if you actually are one of the boys' bio sis, the one is gonna claim some authenticity - you know, the whole "well she's my real sister, not yours, so I get to fuck her more" kind of thing. The other appeals to "well she's your real sister which makes you worse," and it devolves into arguing back and forth about whether or not the blood relation makes them more or less justified in sticking their dick in you and claiming more rights to meimei's time and attention. Not just to each other either, it's also directed at you -- the whole "hey, I'm your real big brother, so you should spend more time with me than him" kind of thing. It actually can get pretty annoying over time, you have to constantly be soothing not one but TWO egos in desperate need of affirmation. But here I’m going more with the idea of Crepus just buying them a sweet meimei. Diluc's more... patient. He teaches you "touch commands" -- little learned gestures, like a dog. Just the lightest touch on your spine and you know it's a clear message to arch your back, a hand under your chin and thumb pressed against it has you instinctively opening your mouth, a tap to the back of your neck and you kneel. Little gestures that can bend your body and mind with minimal effort. Despite that though, Kaeya is actually the master of The Look™ - the kind that can make you go quiet and apologize in a mere instant when given. But because you know it, expect him to be even harsher if you defy it. Sometimes in your little tantrums you get so mad that you'll have the audacity to ignore that look and keep whining or being a brat which does not end well.
Meimei is what you call free use - any time, anywhere. One of the most important lessons Crepus told you when he first got you/when you were old enough is that you are never to deny the boys any of your holes if they want it. This is just as important for the boys to learn as it is you, he's a big believer in the whole, "if you act like a good proper master, the slave will naturally fall into their role too" sort of thing, so he teaches them to be forceful and dominating, not hesitant to do what they want -- if they're clear on what they want and make known their expectation of your obedience (and the subtle implication of threat of punishments if not complied with), you'll fall into the submissive role you're meant for and naturally want to submit to them like a good little wife-sister-slave.
So, whenever one of them beckons you over, you smile and ask them how you can help. Your brothers work so hard, and it's the least you can do to take care of their needs. Sometimes they just want you to sit on their lap, wrap your arms around them, sit there a while in silence when they're sad, sometimes they want to vent to you about things when they're frustrated, sometimes they want to use you. Of course, the former two usually leads to the last anyway. You're... emotional support pussy. There's important rules and practices to be followed, it's actually rules for all three of you, several apply to them, actually, as Crepus taught you before he died, and it's become second nature for the boys (it works in their benefit, after all). #1. You can never be left alone. There's a lot of reasons for this, but primarily it's in your instinct to get fucked, all you know how to do is take cock, so if you were left alone you may very well go running off and jump onto the first thing with a dick, and they can't have that. So basically you either have to be with one of them, within their sight, or accounted for in some way - there's a couple of installed tethering hooks and the like on the walls  in several areas of the house you can be attached to. But, really, they're not usually necessary, with two very horny males running around you're busy most of the time, even if it's a more passive task. You spend a lot of time sitting on someone's lap, sometimes taking naps throughout the day with whoever decides they're tired at the moment. So, you spend more or less every waking moment with one or both -- well, every sleeping moment too, of course you don't have you own room. You alternate nights between the two just like you were told to. There's not really any task you do alone. Bathing? It's always gotta be with one or the other. Sleeping? Always with one or the other. Even when you're cooking -- because obviously you do that, they wouldn't even know how to, since you've always done it -- one is always standing beside you, talking to you, or sitting a ways over in a chair as they vent about their day. Oh, speaking of that, as aforementioned, you're there for emotional burdens too. When one has had a long day, what would they do if meimei wasn't there for them to vent and whine and complain to? You've always been taught to be a good listener. Don't interrupt. Listen to everything and don't zone out. Don't oppose their actions when they're telling you about their problems, always tell them they were in the right and comfort them. Smile while you listen. That's how you were trained to respond when one of them has some burden to unload on you. Always offer your body to make them happy. That's the last part, and they've never not taken you up on the offer. That being said, sometimes you have to... motivate them. Push a little bit. You see, you're just so sweet that sometimes your brothers might want to just spend the entire day in bed with you. So you have to motivate them to do their actual work. Tell them that if they don't go to work, if they stay in bed all day inside you, how are you supposed to clean the house and make dinner for them? So they sigh and accept you're right and go off to work after all. And, again, the rule is important for them too. You can never run off on your own, but they're also vigilant not to ever leave you alone. When you're first bought, Crepus had to constantly pull them back inside the house when they'd go to another room for something because see, you're leaving her all alone and she's going to go running off and it'll be your fault. So they had to be conditioned to communicate and make sure you were always accounted for, taught how to restrain you properly. If you were left in a room, Crepus would come by to make sure they remembered to lock you inside, would test the tightness of your leash if you were tethered to something, and sigh and chastise if one of them neglected to do it right. #2. No getting off on your own, this is a rule they have to help enforce. It's a waste - you have TWO big brothers, surely one of them is always going to be available and eager, so really, getting yours without either of them involved is pretty selfish, and worthy of punishment if found doing so. If for whatever reason they're all too busy, you have the option of asking permission to ride and grind on their thigh, but no cumming until they're done with their task and are available to properly handle it. Crepus is particularly adamant about this rule, as well as enforcing the same mentality in them, doesn't think it's appropriate for a girl to be so selfishly absorbed with pleasure when she should  be giving it to the men that own her. For one, a girl should be spending all of her time dedicated to serving her masters in some way, and two, they're both needy boys that would be eager to fuck you at any time. So really, masturbating is an act of defiance and will be dealt with as such. #3. No favoritism! There will be times where you may feel mad at one or the other, and sure you have different levels of how much you can tolerate certain behaviors... But, you have to train yourself against that. Meimei should have no limits of what she can tolerate - that's part of your whole purpose. So even when you're mad at one, you can't try to avoid that one and go to the other, you still need to divide your time, energy, and body equally. Don't talk bad about one to the other, don't try to spend more time with one or the other at any time. This also includes pitting them against each other through jealousy, it's a huge no-no. Don't try to make one jealous of the other. If they catch you doing that, sooner or later they'll realize what you're doing, and deal with it, usually harshly, since it's seen as a high-ranking offense. In fact, you really shouldn't be mad, ever. Your big brothers know what's best for you, so if you're mad over a disagreement, you just need to accept that they're right and you're wrong and that you need to submit to their will. Outwardly showing you're upset is bratty behavior, things like pouting or giving them the cold shoulder are punishable offenses. #4. You're also a peacekeeper. Diffuse fights. Both of your big brothers can be... stubborn, prideful individuals. This leads to pretty regular conflict over this and that. It's meimei's job to help with that, calm them down with a smile on your face. Or, if it works better, with some tears and a quivering lip. Please don't fight, you say with watery eyes, sniffling, and well, they can't help but feel bad, they both turn their attention to you rather than to each other and apologize for making you upset.  And if they're having one if their regular it's my turn kind of arguments, your job is to propose the easy solution of sharing. You have more than one hole to fuck, and can easily cuddle one on each side. It should be an obvious solution. Oh, and they fight sometimes over who gets to do what, who spends time with you, but doing different things rather than both wanting to do the same thing. One is sitting at his desk to work and he can't be expected to focus on work without meimei sitting on his lap and cockwarming him of course, but the other says he wants to take a nap and how is he supposed to sleep if he can't rest his head on meimei's tits? There is only so much of her to go around! But they will legit adjust their schedules to make sure they get alone time. And are very nitpicky about it -- wait why do *you* get an extra hour on Tuesday?? If you get that I deserve an extra hour on Thursday -- that sort of thing. You're supposed to be able to propose such ideas. It's your job to come up with solutions that make everyone happy. You can cockwarm one brother while he works and tell the other that hey, if he postpones the nap, you can just ride him until he cums and can sleep right? Things like that. #5 Actually isn't for you, it's for them, regarding punishment. When Crepus got you, the poor boys didn't really know how to go about doing it, so they had to be taught. It's important to be a good master and know how to do so adequately, you know? To not let anger get the better of them and go too far, since sometimes they might get too mad about something. In fact, a good trick, he teaches them, is to just tie you up, and go blow off some steam before coming back to punish you. That way they won't go too far, and you'll have to wait around in fear for a while, which just helps the punishment sink in better. But at the same time, don't go too light. No matter how much you whimper, he says, don't feel pity for her and go lax. It's intentional, it's just your nature to try and fake-cry to try and get out of it. You did something bad, so they shouldn't feel bad about it, even if you cry and squeal. It's the right thing to do. You're supposed to cry, you're supposed to say it hurts and whimper, that just means they're doing it right. But of course, there's some sensitivities to be taught. If they have you bent over a knee, they have to make sure to only hit your ass and the back of your thighs, make sure not to go up too high and hit your back, since that could cause injury. If they're gonna fuck your ass as punishment, make sure to use a certain amount of lube. Things like that, it's important to be good masters, just as much as it is your job to be a good little slave.
And to remember, of course, that meimei is... an inferior little creature. Don't get mad at her just because she's stupid and doesn't understand this or that, that's not her fault. She can't be expected to be smart or responsible, that's their job. But also, don't feel pressured to give her what she wants just because she wants it or anything. And, most importantly, don't start having self-doubt and ever think she might be right about something while they're wrong, because obviously that can't be the case. You might get defiant and try to insist you know better than them, act like you're just as capable of something as they are, or think your opinions matter or something, but in that case, they have a responsibility to remind you of your place.
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Harry Takes Care of His Sick Daughter in the Middle of the Night
This story contains: vomit, crying, comfort
{ dad!harry - husband!harry - Reader is pregnant }
Edited on: 8/14/21
Your daughter comes waking you and Harry up in the middle of the night due to a stomach ache, and your husband Harry insist on taking care of her while you stay in bed and get needed rest.
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You and Harry were asleep in your king sized bed when you suddenly heard your bedroom door being opened. You sit upright to see your little d/n standing there with her teddy bear in her arms.
"Mummy, daddy, I don't feel so good." d/n says in a whimpered tone.
Harry sits up, realizing d/n is in the room. He turns on the lamp beside the bed to view your distressed daughter better.
"What's wrong sweetie?" you ask d/n.
"My tummy hurts." d/n replies back softly, with a quivering lip.
You go to get up but Harry quickly stops you. "Y/n, I'll tend to d/n love. Just lay back down and get rest. I don't want you to hurt the baby."
You do as you're told and lay back down on the soft bed, while Harry slips out the covers and goes to see take care of d/n.
I stand from the bed and walk over to where d/n is standing and immediately stop in my tracks as she leans over and pukes on the floor. "SHIT!" I yelped, taken by surprise. I walk behind her fragile body and hold her brown curls away from her face so no vomit gets in her locks.
"Shhhh, it's okay my love. Let it out." I coo to d/n softly.
Truthfully, I didn't want her to keep puking on the floor, but I couldn't just pick her up mid stream and take her into the bathroom, so I had to let her finish.
"Is she alright Harry?" y/n asks from the bed.
"She will be darling. Don't worry about her. I'll take good care of d/n." I reply back to my pregnant wife, then turn my attention back to our sick daughter.
"Are you finished d/n?" I question softly.
D/n just starts bawling her eyes out and hugs her tummy.
"It hurts daddy!" she cries out.
"Shhhh love. Here, lets go to the bathroom yeah?!"
I pick d/n's small body into my arms and she buries her tiny head into my neck. I rub my hand over her clammy back to calm her down a bit. D/n has barley gotten sick since she was a baby, so this whole experience is probably scary for her.
We make it into the bathroom and I set her in front of the toilet, while holding her in my lap. I reach up on the bathroom counter and grab an elastic band to put d/n's hair into a bun so it's not getting in her way. Once I've done that, I just try and comfort her as best as possible.
"Does your tummy still feel sick baby?" I ask our sick daughter.
All she does is nod her head weakly. Her tiny body is shaking in my lap and my heart is breaking for her. I hate seeing d/n so sick and vulnerable. Suddenly, she lets out a sickly burp and I raise her body up slightly so she's leaning over the toilet bowl properly. D/n dry heaves until her face nearly turns blue. Then she throws up into the once clean water, little whimpers coming from her at the same time.
"That's it. Let it out and your tummy will feel so much better." I whisper behind her.
"I don't like this daddy. I feel yucky." d/n cries.
"I know baby but you're almost done love." I reassure her.
When d/n's done throwing up into the toilet, she turns around on my lap and hugs me tightly. Tears streaming down her face. I can feel my own eyes start to water from the sadness I feel for her. We sit like this for a few minutes until I decide I should clean her up and help her back to bed. It was in the middle of the night after.
"Come on d/n. Let's get you all cleaned up and back into bed." I say in a cheerful voice, trying to lighten the mood and make her feel better.
"Can I sleep with you daddy?" d/n asks.
Normally we don't let d/n sleep with us because we don't want it to become a habit, but she' sick right now and needs comfort. But I also don't want to keep y/n up through-out the night, so I guess me and d/n can sleep on the couch.
"Sure, but I don't want to keep mummy up so me and you can sleep on the couch." I tell her.
I set d/n on the bathroom counter and grab a washcloth to wipe her vomit covered face with. Then I take all of her pajamas off, not including her panties, so if she gets sick again we won't be ruining more clothes. Then we make our way out of the bathroom and I set d/n on the bed for a minute while I go clean the puke off the floor. A dad's gotta do what a dad's gotta do.
"Sit right here love. Daddies going to clean up your sick off the floor. Then I'll take us down to the movie room couch to sleep." I tell our five year old.
"Do you feel better d/n?" y/n asks, clearly still awake from probably worrying about our sick daughter.
"A little bit mummy. Daddy is taking good care of me." she replies a little more up beat than she had been speaking.
"I bet he is baby." my wife responds.
When I finish cleaning the sick puddle off the floor, I walk back over to where d/n is on the bed and say, "Come ere' d/n. Lets head down to the couch",  while picking d/n back into my arms.
"Y/n, me and d/n are going to sleep on the couch so we don't bother you. Call me if you need anything." I turn to speak to my wife.
"Okay. Just take care of our baby Harry." she commands me in a stern but caring tone.
"Of course y/n. Wouldn't let anything happen to our love" I reply, bending down to peck her lips, and then hold d/n to my chest as we exit the bedroom.
Then while carrying d/n in my arms, we head down stairs to our movie room where our bigger and more comfier couch is located. I grab us a few blanks and a bucket in case d/n feels sick again.
"Daddy, I'm thirsty." d/n mumbles in my neck.
"What would you like love?" I question her.
"Milk." she says hopeful.
"I'm sorry d/n, but milk will make your tummy feel more sick right now. How about some juice?" I recommend.
"Okay." she says in her small voice.
"Can you stay right here while daddy goes and gets it for you?" referring to the couch we're standing in front of.
"No daddy, I want you!" d/n pleads while hugging her small body around me tightly.
"Fine. You can come with me." I tell her, never being able to say no to d/n.
I poured d/n some juice in her princess cup and we head back into the movie room.
"D/n, take small sips so you don't make your tummy hurt okay?!" I tell our daughter.
D/n took small sips of her juice and I laid her her tiny body on top of my bare chest, with her head on my shoulder. I covered us with a warm throw blankets, and then I started rubbing soothing circles along her bare back, whispering sweet nothings in her ear until she fell asleep in my arms. Then I dozed off as well when I realized she was safe and fully asleep.
My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
Harry Styles Series One Shots Masterlist (for my one shots that go with a series universe)
Harry Styles blurbs, concepts, & short stories Masterlist- (short writing with little to no dialog)
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caramelcal · 3 years
His Favorite Secret.
“I’m tired of being your secret.”
You can find the rest of the prompts here.
i really took this and ran with it huh...IT’S 4.3K WORDS
warnings: mentions of sex, gangs, alcohol, bondage
kinda obsessed with this gang!luke idea. also, i’m not sure if i wanna make “bambi” the reader or an oc, it works as either i believe? bambi is a nickname btw and i honestly feel like making more parts based on this concept tbh 
kinda wanna make another part LMAO idk what i’d do it on though </3
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Luke was better to her than anything you could possibly expect. He was surprisingly gentle when it came to her, hugging and caressing her that seemed impossible for the way he was and the life he lived. People saw Luke as the 6-foot-odd man that could rip you apart without an issue, without even breaking a sweat but he was so much more than that.
He was so much more than the leather jacket-wearing gangster that everyone depicted him as; heartless and stoic. He was a great lover if he let people in, and she had never been loved that way with anyone before. Surely though, with his life, there were complications to their relationship.
He was different from other people, more violent, more dangerous. The gang, which was run by Luke and three of his closest friends, Calum, Ashton and Michael, was well-known and feared among many, but they were left alone by the police. The police were aware that they existed, but they didn’t do anything about it. There were more cons to arresting them than there were pros.
Luke’s life made everything very interesting. He was rich, of course, and after a while of them dating she had moved into his condo. It was massive, bigger than any house she had ever lived in before and it was just for the two of them. It was a luxurious life that she had not experienced before, and she was still getting used to it.
If there was one thing about Luke that she had learned, it was that buying her things was his love language. He never had been great at the romantic side of their relationship considering he hadn’t had a girlfriend in a long time and normally just had one-night stands, but he tried his best. That didn’t meant that he ever softened up during sex, though. 
Another thing about his life that made stuff interesting was that Luke had to drop things for work. Sometimes stuff would go wrong on a run, or other gangs would try stuff with them and he would have to leave. It was understandable, but still frustrating for her, especially the one time where an emergency had occurred right in the middle of them having sex.
Luke had been very busy the past few weeks, having to deal with numerous issues with the gang and barely having enough time to spend with the needy girl who craved his attention. There had been issues in the club, that was what he had said, but he didn’t go into much detail on the matter, he never did. He liked to keep his relationship and gang life very separate from one another. 
A lot of the mornings this week she had woke up alone, void of the warmth she liked to cuddle into in the morning. At least she was getting him all to herself this weekend, she thought. After barely spending anytime with her that weekend, Luke had promised they would spend the weekend together, even if the club was set on fire. Calum, Ash and Mike will deal with it. 
“Bambi?” The nickname fell from his lips when he stepped in the front door. She brought her eyes up to look at him, happiness filling her features. She hadn’t been expecting him home for another few hours, but she definitely wasn’t complaining.
Running over to him, she jumped, knowing full well that he would catch her as her arms wrapped around his neck. Her head snaked into the nape of his neck, comfortingly taking in the scent of her favorite person, his arms holding her protectively close to his body. They were alone, thankfully enough. After all, she really hadn’t thought out her jumping hug because her short skirt had ridden up, showing off her underwear which Luke most definitely would be furious if anyone but him saw.
“Welcome home,” She whispered into his neck, hand coming up to play with the hair on the back of his neck. Her eyes fluttered, eyelashes tickling the skin on Luke’s neck as he rubbed her back, taking in the comfort of having the smaller girl in his arms.
He walked forward so that he was fully in the house, using his leg to kick the door shut behind him before walking towards the middle of the room near the couch. He slowly lowered himself until he was sitting down on the plush cushions, the girl now in his lap, still being held closely.
“Bambi?” Luke started, making sure that the girl was listening, to which she hummed into the side of his neck, not willing to move just yet, “I know you wanna hug and kiss and stuff right now but we don’t have much time to pack your bags, you have to stay at the safe house for a few days.”
Almost immediately, the warmth of her face was gone from his neck, and her hands were no longer playing with his hair. She was still held tightly on his lap, mostly because he held her there with a semi-firm grip, her looking up at him with furrowed eyebrows and sad eyes.
This wasn’t the first time this had happened. In fact, it had happened quite a few times and each time it made her rather frustrated. She had to remove every single piece of evidence that she even existed in the apartment, and get hidden away in a safe house for the entire weekend, on the edge of town, where she wasn’t allowed to leave until Luke got her himself.
She hated the safe house.
“But you said-”
“Bambi,” Luke cut her off rather firmly, sending her a look which she knew meant that there were no arguments in this. She almost wanted to whine, to argue with Luke and tell him that he said this was going to be their weekend together, just them, no gang stuff, but now she wasn’t even going to get to see him at all this weekend, “I need to have a few low levels over to go over plans, and they’ll be over tomorrow which means we can’t let them know you’re here or that you exist. They still can’t fully be trusted yet, which means that they could be moles and I’m not putting you at risk for that.”
His speech was ended in a soft tone, looking down at her with a small amount of sadness for the girl. His hand comfortingly raked through her hair, piercing blue eyes looking at her but her eyes stay looking down. Slowly, without saying anything, she climbed off of his lap and started to retreat to their bedroom.
“Bambi? Where you goin, baby?” He called out, looking at the girl who stopped in her tracks, looking over her shoulder.
“I’m packing. That’s what you wanted me to do, was it not?”      
Not many words were exchanged afterward with the girl silently packing away every aspect of her life into two duffle bags. She wasn’t even allowed to properly live in her own house, no decorations, photos in frames, nothing. Everything she owned had to be easily removable so it looked like she didn’t even exist in her own home.
Luke watched her from the bedroom door, leaning against the frame coolly as he analyzed her movements. He knew she was frustrated, but she had to know he was doing this to protect her, she should have anyway. Rather harshly, she finally zipped up the duffle bags, throwing them over her shoulder and walking straight past Luke without acknowledging him.
He understood that she was frustrated, but was she really angry at him?
She was quickly at the door, grasping at the handle when Luke had snapped out of his thoughts, walking over to her quickly with ease, taking a grip on her arm.
“You okay?”
“Dandy,” She replied bluntly, looking away from the slightly concerned man, almost as if she was itching to get away from him. Normally, even if she wasn’t happy about being sent away to the safe house, she still gave him a goodbye kiss, but it appeared that he wasn’t going to get one of those tonight, “Gotta go. Wouldn’t want to keep Jacob waiting, would we?”
She walked out of the apartment without another word, but Luke’s eyes were on her retreating figure, “We’ll speak about this on Sunday, okay baby?”
He barely even seen the nod that she sent him before she disappeared down the hallway.
. . . “Please, Jacob,” She pleaded with the driver, with puppy eyes and everything but he tried his best to remain stony-faced. Jacob was the only driver that Luke trusted Bambi with, he had grown up with the boys too, childhood friends with Michael apparently, who Bambi had never even met before.
Jacob was the leading driver for the gang, one of the getaway drivers for bigger and more important heists or events, but normally he just got called in for private transport of any important members of the gang. He, as well as practically anyone who had ever met the girl, had a soft spot for her, and she knew that.
“You do realize if I take you there that I am directly disobeying orders of the leader of one of the biggest gangs in California?” He asked ridiculously, shaking his head with his hands placed firmly on the wheel.
“No,” He replied firmly, looking at the girl through the rearview mirror, seeing her begging eyes and sad face.
The man knew that everything was frustrating for the girl, especially when she had to get up and move out of her own house just so that Luke could host meetings and debriefings for the gang.
“Please, Jacob. I’m going to be cooped up in a safe house for three days without talking to anyone, at least let me go to Anna’s for a few hours. She’s been my best friend since I was three, she’s trustworthy.”
The black-haired man didn’t reply for several moments, and a frown fell onto the girl’s face before he started to signal off the highway. It was a familiar road, the one that she had taken many times before to her best friend’s house, and honestly, she had never been happier to see it. At least she would get some enjoyment this weekend.
“Thank you so much, Jacob, just tell me how I can repay you,” The girl said once she was out of the car, bouncing lightly in excitement while she stared at the man who was still inside the car.
He gave her a small smile, one that showed he knew how much appreciation she felt towards him before his eyes turned to the door behind her, “Just enjoy yourself and make sure he doesn’t fire me for this.”
“Consider it done.”
It was nice to see Anna again, it had been two weeks since their last meet up and they had both missed each other greatly. Anna was drinking alcohol, but the smaller girl wasn’t. It wasn’t like she was afraid of what Luke would say if she did, because she certainly wasn’t afraid of Luke, but even though she was angry she didn’t want to disappoint him.
Not that she had exactly abided by his rules anyway, considering she was with Anna right now instead of locked inside the safe house. The safe house had slowly become the girl’s own personal prison, it was bare, bland, and had nothing for her to entertain herself, and there was no company. That’s what she hated most about it, the lack of social interactions she could have while she was in there.
“-we were talking about the weather and shit right? Then he asked to see my tits! I was like are you being serious right now?” Anna rambled on, talking about another failed love interest that had been using her for her body. Anna never seemed to be lucky in the dating apartment of life, but she was a successful girl, and a beautiful one at that, she would get there. 
“Was he?”
Anna scoffed, taking another drink of her alcohol, “Yeah! He blocked me after I sent him pictures of minecraft chests and asked him what ones were his favourite.”
The smaller girl let out a laugh, looking at her best friend who had a sly grin on her face, trying to hide it with the glass in her hands. 
“Speaking of guys though, how’s Mr. Hemmings then?” Anna jokingly asked the girl, cocking an eyebrow with a smirk on her face, swaying to the music that was loudly playing in the background.
“He’s good, I mean he’s doing good,” The smaller girl quickly corrected herself before her dirty-minded friend could make a joke about their sex life or ask about it. Anna hummed lightly, still smug and still swaying to the music, “I was supposed to be going to the safe house, but I’m here instead, I don’t think he’s very happy.”
“Girl, you’ve been here for nearly two hours!” Anna cried out in shock, eyes wide at the clear defiance that the small girl had for her 6-foot-odd gang leader boyfriend.
“He’s bound to know by now! He’s not going to bust through my doors with his gang and shoot the place down is he?”
The girl shrugged lazily in reply, letting some of her hair fall in front of her face as she smiled at her friend, “Yeah he does know, he’s been blowing up my phone for an hour and a half.”
Anna fell dramatically against the back of the couch, hand still tight around her glass of lemonade and pink gin. Her free hand was laying across her forehead with her eyes shut, “Oh please tell me you’ve replied.”
“Oh come on, I really like my door, believe it or not, I don’t want him or any of his gang members kicking it down!” Anna cried out, giving her best friend a pout to which she just laughed lightly in response.
“He won’t knock your door down, he probably won’t even come. He’s too busy debriefing his gang to even spend time with me and instead shipped me out of the house. Why does he care whether it’s yours or the safe house?”
However, she couldn’t have been more wrong because less than ten minutes later they heard a roaring engine speeding down the road. Anna, who shared a quick look with the smaller girl, got up and looked out the window, seeing no other than Luke gets out of his very expensive sports car and towards the house, “Guess you were wrong.”
He threw the door open, thankfully not breaking it down, his eyes quickly landing on the small girl, grabbing her and pulling her off of the couch, planting her by his side. His grip was tight on either side of her hips, almost as if it was a warning to stay by his side and cooperate for once in her life.
“Anna,” His accented voice wrung through the room as he gave the blonde a curt nod. She waved back awkwardly, maybe too hazed by the alcohol in her system to stay anything intelligible back, and Luke seemed to realize this, “don’t stay up too late, get a good sleep, okay?”
“Aye captain, yes sir,” She saluted him back with a smile on her lips, almost diffusing the tension in the room but it was barely a second later where Luke’s grip retightened on his girlfriend’s hips.
“Okay, good night.” He bid her farewell, walking out of the house with his slightly anxious girlfriend behind him. It seemed as if suddenly she was filled with regret and guilt, especially after seeing how angry Luke was with her.
“It isn’t Jacob’s fault I-” She started when the door shut behind them, the cold wind of the night surrounding her.
“Don’t,” He spoke gruffly, turning around to look down at her with angry blue eyes before grabbing onto her wrist and dragging her over to his car.
Luke hadn’t even locked his car when he had rushed inside to Anna’s house, not that he would be too bothered anyway, it wasn’t like anyone was going to steal the gang leader’s car, especially not in this neighborhood. He didn’t speak another word to the girl as he took her around to her side of the car, letting her get in before he leaned over and strapped her in, closing the door without a single word and getting in his own side.
He started the car up and the only noise heard in the car was the engine as it roared to life and they began to speed down the street. His blond hair was messy, jaw ticking with his eyes glued to the road, never once straying to the girl in the passenger’s seat. Her eyes, however, never strayed from him, picking up every sign that he was furious with her. His posture was rigid, he was impatient, breathing loudly and not even acknowledging her existence beside her; he was seething.
She wasn’t sure if they arrived too fast or too slow to the safe house honestly. Luke still didn’t utter a word, getting out of the car and slamming the door behind him. She knew not to move already, she knew that Luke didn’t want her to move and honestly she didn’t want to aggravate him further.
True to her belief, Luke opened her car door, undoing her seatbelt before pulling her out of the car. His eyes didn’t stay on her as he stormed into the house, a tight grip on the smaller girl’s wrist. She tried to get his attention, for him to say anything to her as he entered the house but it appeared he wasn’t in the mood to talk.
The main room was still dark, but just the feeling of being in here makes her feel sick. She wasn’t overexaggerating when she said how much she hated the safe house. It felt as if she was defeated, back where she didn’t want to be, somewhere she hated, and with her boyfriend furious at her.
In the time that she had been thinking of how much she loathed the building she stood in, Luke had let go of her wrist and wordlessly made his way towards the front door again. The thought of him leaving her here, frustrated and alone all weekend made annoyance bubble in her stomach and before she can help herself she’s shouting over at him, “So that’s it? Are you just going to lock me in here and leave again?”
Luke stilled, but he doesn’t bother to reply or even look at his girlfriend, just standing there like a statue. She can’t find it in herself to regret the words that come out of her mouth, especially after she awaits the nonexistent reply, causing annoyance to bluster in her stomach. Her eyes roll and her arms flail slightly before they slap against her thighs with a low scoff falling out of her lips, “Typical.”
“Excuse me?” Luke turned around, his voice hard and powerful, one that would normally make her shake, make her look up at him with wide eyes unsure of what to say. Their eyes meet, his blue piercing into hers. He took a step forward, tilting his head slightly with an eyebrow raised, almost as if he’s encouraging her to repeat what she had said moments before, “What did you say, Bambi?”
Her mouth was agape as she stuttered lightly, any feeling of bravery that she had mere seconds ago fizzling away into nothingness. Her eyes darted from one of his eyes to the other, looking at the expectant and slightly smug face as he looked at the stuttering girl in front of him. She tried her best to find the right words to say but she had, ultimately, been rendered speechless.
“Come on, if you’re so big and brave, baby, why don’t you speak up a little? Tell me what you said.” He walked towards her until he’s right in front of her, chests barely ten centimeters apart. Two of his fingers make their way under her chin, pushing her face up until she had no other choice but to look him in the eye, holding her face in such a way that she can’t move easily.
Silence filled the room once more, simply with the two of them staring at one another. Luke stared down at her with a slight smugness and with her looking up at him still frozen almost. When he does talk next, he muttered quietly, almost condescendingly with anger trailing in his voice, “You ruined an important meeting tonight all because you couldn’t follow a simple instruction-”
“Well, believe it or not, I don’t like to be locked up in a house for days on end like a caged animal,” She doesn’t even register that she’s speaking until she’s finished, the words flowing out of her mouth cutting off Luke’s lecture.
“This house is to keep you safe,” His grip on her jaw doesn’t loosen at this point in time, blue eyes swimming with rage. In all of their time together, he doesn’t remember his Bambi giving him this much attitude or a time where she’s tried to argue with him like this. Sure, there were times where they had disagreements or times where there had been a little bit of attitude but he had quickly sorted that out.
“I was safe at Anna’s and I was happy. Isn’t that what you want? For me to be happy?” Her voice is quiet, bottom lip threatening to quiver. She hated how she cried whenever she got frustrated, and right now she’s barely holding back from her eyes becoming glassy. She’s frustrated and annoyed, but she doesn’t want to look like a baby right now, especially when this was her first fight with Luke.
“Don’t try and guilt trip me now, Bambi. It isn’t going to work tonight.”
“I hate it here! I hate constantly having to move into this stupid fucking house where I have nothing to do and no one to talk to! It doesn’t even fucking have wifi or anything! It’s dumb and all because you’re paranoid!” After she finished shouting, she ripped her head out of his hold, standing back and away from him, back coming in contact with the marble counter of the kitchen island.
Her arms are crossed over her chest, and as Luke processed her words, he shook his head. His next words are low, like it’s a warning, “Don’t shout at me like that.”
“I’m not-”
“Listen here, doll, because I’m only going to tell you this once,” Luke doesn’t even let her finish before he’s talking. His voice is forceful and strong, something he normally reserved for when his men do something stupid like ruin a drug run, “You don’t call the shots here, I do. I’m in a gang and there are a lot of people that would put a bullet in your pretty little skull just to get to me,” He pressed a finger against her temple, hard enough for her to feel the pressure but not enough for it to hurt her, “People die in this lifestyle and I send you here so it doesn’t happen to you. Don’t tell me that I’m paranoid because I’m trying to keep you safe.”
“I get it, I do-”
“Then why won’t you just do what I say?”
“Because I’m tired of being your secret.” She whispered, looking up at Luke’s blue eyes sadly, tears gathering in her own eyes. His head dipped a little, shifting his weight onto his hands which are on either side of her, trapping her against the kitchen’s island counter.
It took Luke a few seconds to finally muster up words, and just from his tone she can tell that he’s disappointed, maybe in himself, maybe because of how she thought of their relationship, “You aren’t my-”
“Then why have I never met Cal? O-Or Mikey? Why is the only time I’ve ever met Ashton an accident? And why do you constantly send me away even if it’s only people you trust going to be there? And-”
“Bambi,” Luke groaned lightly but got cut off straight away when the girl continued to rant, barely even realizing that he had tried to cut her off.
“This was supposed to be our weekend and you just sent me away. I was so excited to finally get a whole weekend of you to myself but no, I was shipped off to this shithole again-”
“This was all because you just wanted me to yourself?” Luke asked incredulously, an eyebrow raised at the girl whose eyes snapped up to meet his.
“That’s what you want, Bambi? You got it.” Luke said, his eyes staying on hers, never wavering as he commanded. He pushed back, hands off the counter and now standing at his full height, towering over her with his eyes never leaving hers, “Hands out. Now.”
“Luke what-”
Her eyes frantically search his face, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. She can feel her heart rate pick up, beating loudly in her chest.
“No, Bambi. You’ve done plenty talking tonight. No talking unless I ask you a question, got it?”
She nodded her head, gulping down the thickness in her throat as a thick leather wrapped around her wrists, constricting them. Her mouth parted slightly, she hadn’t even seen or heard Luke take off his belt, but now she can’t even part her hands anymore.
His head dropped to her neck and she can feel her stomach flutter simply by his breath fanning over the skin on her neck. His hand made its way up to the nape of her neck, grabbing a handful of hair and yanking on it so her neck is fully exposed to him, “You’ve me all to yourself tonight, Bambi. And you’re all mine.”
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maskyartist · 2 years
*kicks door down, scatters my Augustus thoughts everywhere* PSPSPSPPSPSPSPSPSPSPS AUGUSTUS AQUATO STANS CMERE I GOT CONTENT FOR U
to make a long story short, it's 5am and im vibrating with these disjointed ideas i got for Augustus' mindscape so yall get to hear me ramble about it :D it probably wont make much sense? but these are super rough concepts that im just puttin down to see how i vibe with it (and maybe get feedback if yall end up throwin asks my way just sayin just sayin i will ramble MORE if u enable me and i'll do it for FREE)
so yeah enjoy my nonsensical ramblings about the only man i'd trust with my drink ever
a quick note, all of this is post-Psychonauts 2 so expect spoilers :D
okay so i dont have a catchy name for Augustus's mental world just yet but im considering "Augustus' Anomalies" or somethin i'll get back on that anyways-
i so badly want Augustus's mind to be a walk down memory lane. the whole place is like extreme platforming, think those super hard final levels in mario or somethin, so yeah this is Raz's home here he's gettin all over the place so easy. the idea is that the further you get, the more you find his repressed memories and feelings, things he's pushed down until he's forgotten so he doesn't need to face them. he doesnt have time for that with 5 kids, his wife, and his Nona around! he's a busy man!
but now? after everything? he only has time to think on his hands. and it's making it much harder to keep it all down, especially since he's just started remembering everything.
in comes Raz (and probably a few others. maybe the family too? or just Trouble Trio i aint sure) offering to do a mental wellness check on his dear ol dad, to clean up a bit and help him think a bit clearer
and to everyones shock, Augustus agrees, offering his mind for Razputin to explore as he pleases. when he's asked he just smiles. it's sad and tired.
"I don't want to hide things." he admits with a shake of his head. "Not after so much was hidden from me. My son deserves better."
so into the mental world we go! :D
we start in front of a small blue tent, similar to Raz starting in a dark room with just the Caravan in front of him when he explored his own mind, and going through reveals a whole new world. its full of bright lights and colorful displays, rides and games and everything you'd expect to see at a circus. a properly funded circus at least.
however, that's below you. in actuality, you've spawned on a rather narrow platform with a tightrope in front of you leading to Mental Augustus who sits atop it with little issue. talking to him reveals that he's not...entirely "all there". he's still very much Augustus, but there's parts of him missing. in terms of design, he's completely monochromed (and maybe wearing a mask he cant take off? im futzin as we speak) and to bring him back to full color you gotta find these missing parts of him.
there's three parts missing, kinda similar to Cassie's level. but unlike Cassie's level, these arent archetypes that Augustus needs back. they're memories he genuinely can't find on his own. the ones that were either repressed by the Astralathe or by Augsutus's own subconscious to prevent him from feeling more hurt then he already is.
the missing parts are
- Happiness
- Anger
and - Sadness
at least so far. im still feelin it out.
each section is held in it's own large looking tent that is slowly leading to a Big Top in the center. the level is made up of two sections, a "ground area" with concession stands and a bunch of figments and some mental constructs of people like his family, random carnies he's met when he was in Grulovia, and even some of the psychonauts :D only Milla, Sasha, and Oleander tho. they're the only ones that are important to him atm.
(Milla and Sasha are viewed rather nicely while Oleander seems to be getting the cold shoulder so....Augustus isn't over the whole "trying to kill my son and making him sneeze out his brain" thing quite yet)
the other part is a "sky area" or rather an area that's entirely off the ground, with tight jumps and carefully placed tightropes and trapeze placed all over to get around. on the ground you'll find the Emotional Baggage while in the air you'll find their Tags (to show that Augustus would rather repress his emotions then fully recognize them and accept them yknow?)
first area's Happiness. the tent is seemingly from the early years of the Flying Aquato's Circus, very well made and well decorated as you head inside. there's a performance going on and your job is to help it move along smoothly since it seems they're missing a few people...
you help set up some balance balls, tie together some tightropes, and adjust the spotlights while the show goes on under you. once everything's in place, the show finishes with a human pyramid which is topped by a young Augustus colored yellow. he smiles all broad and gap-toothed and waves at you until you jump on and land on his hands to finish the show properly
(if you look close, you can see the Gzar and a young Gristol watching the show from these theater seats. they look out of place in the tent, as if they're too....nice looking to be there. but they're there, and they look bored as hell.)
once it's over, Happiness (as we'll call him) goes over to Raz and asks him to take him back now. the show's over, after all! he can't just stay here forever when there's so much more to see! like Bob's Bottles you end up essentially teleporting back to the tightrope the Mental Augustus is still sat at. Happiness essentially tackles Augustus and the man laughs before hugging the young version of himself. a bit cautiously but it gets easier once he actually commits to it. Happiness melts away and Augustus gains some color, but not all of it.
first area complete :D
aaaand thats all i got rn. unfortunately. this is a super rough idea rn, and it'll be polished a lot before im satisfied with it in some kinda way, but i have a lot of thoughts
so tldr ; Augustus' mind is about digging up old repressed memories, good bad and ugly, and learning to accept them as part of you. even if they hurt, it's worse to ignore it all and let it simmer.
i also would like Maligugustus to be a final boss? but idk m thinkin.
if yall actually read all this im very impressed???? and if u have thoughts on this stuff definitely send em my way cause i have ideas for the Second and Third area and THATS where the angst is gonna hit i assure u
...anyways imma go get some sleep
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babybluebex · 3 years
Hi! May I request a Tom Holland x reader, where she's Sebastian Stan's younger sister and Seb (jokingly) threatening Tom to stay back to his sister.
Thank youu in advance 😊💕
oh my god i love this concept so much. thanks for the request!!
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blood is thicker [tom holland x reader]
➽ pairing: tom holland x stan!reader ➽ word count: 1.6k ➽ summary: see above!  ➽ a/n: make sure to check out the social media au of this story on my blog!! thanks for reading!
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“Alright, who’s the punk?” 
I looked up from my phone to see my brother hovering over my shoulder. “What?”
Sebastian raised his eyebrows at me and titled his head towards me; towards my phone, rather. “Who’s the punk you’re sending kissy emojis to?” he asked. 
“Oh my God, invasive,” I gasped. “Why do you care?” 
“Umm, I don’t know,” Sebastian sighed dramatically. He was a drama queen, both on and off screen. I didn’t really grow up with him-- he was already in college by the time I was born-- but, as long as I had known him, he had a flair for the dramatic that contributed to his amazing acting. I think people always assume that, because I’m The Sebastian Stan’s baby sister, I too want to act, but that’s far from the truth. “Maybe because I never properly got to harass your boyfriends when you were in high school?” 
“And whose fault is that?” I asked. “Why do you think you need to harass my boyfriends?”
“It’s my job, Y/N,” Sebastian laughed. He moved to sit next to me on his couch, and he said, “As long as you’re living with me, I get to be an asshole about your dating life. It’s, like, the whole gig of being an older brother. I gotta protect you!” 
“Maybe I don’t need protecting!” I laughed.
“Just tell me who it is!” Sebastian said with a laugh . 
I looked down at my screen and the name that glowed up at me: Tommy. Tom and I had met at the Infinity War premier and, while that was a while ago now, we had kept up over Instagram. Eventually, we started dating but, because of how private Tom kept that part of his life, nobody knew yet (except for Tom’s brother Sam, who accidentally walked into an unfortunate Facetime call, so I could bet money that the whole Holland family knew by now). “Tom,” I mumbled, but even the sound of his name made my heart skip a beat. 
“Tom…?” Sebastian began. “Do I know him?” 
“Yeah,” I said and bit my lip. Sebastian knowing my boyfriend was one thing; Sebastian knowing that my boyfriend was Tom Holland, the secretly-84-year-old British diva, was something else. 
Sebastian raised an eyebrow at me. “Not Tom Hiddleston,” he said. “Darling, I love you and I’ll let you do anything, but he’s older than me, I think there needs to be a line--”
“No, you idiot!” I cried and smacked him with a throw pillow. “Holland!” 
“Holland,” Sebastian said slowly. “My baby sister is dating Tom Holland… You know, this is weird.”
“It’s just not,” I huffed.
“Why him?” Sebastian sighed. “Darling, it’s Tom Holland! He--”
“See, this is why I didn’t wanna tell you,” I said. “I don’t know why you hate him, but he’s actually very sweet! He’s funny and nice and respectful--”
“And he’s trying to put the moves on my baby sister,” Sebastian said quickly. 
“He’s not trying,” I said. “He did. We’re already dating, the moves were made and successful. He’s coming by soon to pick me up, so get your act together.” 
“Woah, time out, he’s coming to pick you up?” Sebastian said. “Taking you to dinner, a right proper gent he is.” He put on an accent that was supposed to be like Tom’s, but Sebastian was secretly terrible at accents, so it sounded a bit more like Chris Hemsworth than he intended. 
“Just don’t be an asshole to Tommy, please,” I sighed. “Be nice, be-- Ya know. Not you.” 
“That’ll be difficult, darling,” Sebastian mumbled, and I landed a kiss in his hair. 
“Make an effort.” 
The sun had gone down by the time there was a knock on Sebastian’s apartment door, and I jolted from my place in my room (technically, it was his spare room but, when I moved in, it became mine). “Don’t answer that!” I cried. 
“Why not?” Sebastian called. 
“You’re gonna scare him!”
I bolted out of my room just in time to see Sebastian throw the door open. Tom stood on the other side, dressed in a nice turtleneck and slacks, carrying a half dozen roses, and the smile dropped off his face instantly. “Oh, hi, Sebastian,” Tom said carefully. “Y/N’s here, right?” 
“Sure is,” Sebastian said. His back was straighter, trying to be taller than Tom, and he added, “What’s it to you?”
“I was gonna take her to dinner…?” Tom said, but he phrased it more like a question. “Is that okay?”
“Seb, get outta here,” I huffed. Tom’s smile returned to his lips when he saw me, and he presented the roses to me. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Tom told me, his cheeks turning red, and my chest grew warm. He was such a sweetheart, and I wondered how I had ever lived without him. 
“Oh my God, Tommy,” I whimpered, and I threw my arms around his neck to hug him tightly. “You’re so cute, thank you!” 
“You look amazing,” Tom told me, his hands falling to my waist. “So beautiful, as always.” 
“Alright, Holland, let’s think about this,” Sebastian said quickly. “You’re taking my sister to dinner, what else is planned?”
“Seb, shut up,” I grumbled, elbowing Sebastian’s chest. “We’re adults, go fuck off and bother Mackie.” 
“I don’t wanna bother Mackie, I wanna bother you,” Sebastian said easily. “And your man.”
“To be fair, you’ve bothered me extensively the past few years,” Tom said. “I don’t get a pass now?”
“Why would you get a pass?” Sebastian asked, his eyes staring holes into Tom. 
“I’m your brother-in-law?” Tom said. “You like me?”
“What if I don’t like you?” Sebastian said smoothly. 
“Well, I guess we’re fucked, then, huh?” Tom laughed. “I’ll have her home by one.”
“Twelve,” Sebastian stated. 
“Half twelve.” 
Sebastian narrowed his eyes for a moment, then sighed. “I guess so,” he sighed finally. “Have fun, you goons.” He ruffled up my hair, earning a groan of complaint, and he added, “Wait. Gimme a hug, darling.” 
“I literally hate you so much,” I mumbled, but I sank into my brother’s embrace all the same. 
“You know I don’t actually hate Tom, right?” Sebastian told me softly. “I’m just messing with ya.” 
“I know,” I told him. “You’re too nice to hate anyone.” 
Sebastian detached from me and took Tom’s hand in a firm handshake, and he said, “Right, listen, Holland. I wasn’t around when Y/N was growing up and I didn’t get to harass her boyfriends. I’ve got 20 years to make up for and I intend to take it out on you. If you hurt her in any way-- make her cry or leave a bruise, God forbid I spot a hickey-- I’ll hurt you back. You hear me?” 
“Yeah, sure thing,” Tom said, and I watched Sebastian’s grip tighten.
“I mean it, Thomas,” Sebastian said, his jaw set. “Treat her right.” He looked at me and winked, and then he said, “She deserves it.” 
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Tending to Their Wounds
Just some soft headcannon for my 2k Celebration! You can check out the original post here
Pairings: Mirio x reader, Shoto x reader, Bakugo x reader
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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This dude^^^^right here^^^^\
Like he feels it he KNOWS its theree
He just CHOOSES to ignore it
he could have literal slashes all over his body and insists that he’s okay
He main priority is to get healed ASAP of course
he will be cracking dad jokes, insisting he’s fine when he’s clearly NOT
You cant even get ahold of him hes just soooo fast
He will only really chill out if you FORCE him and he sees how nervous he’s making you
Its gonna be wierd cause he gonna be worried about you
Lots of soft touches, asking if your doing alright, and cracking jokes to make you smile
Honestly this baby has a heart of golddddd
“Mirio, please Im begging you-” you sighed, your feet scrambling to keep up with the hero, the first aid kit clanking in your hands.
“Begging me? Geez, didnt realize you were that  worried!” he laughed good naturedly, his body sauntering over to open the refrigerator door. “Honestly, babe, Im fine, honestly!”
You squinted your eyes at him, his arms outstretched as if to show you just how “fine” he was.
What a big ass lie- his suit was in shambles, his skin scraped and dusted with dirt...he was a wreck.
“Mirio, you look like you got hit by a bus,” you stated plainly, your face clearly not buying his remarks.
He simply laughed at you, his beaten body reaching into the fridge and pulling out some food.
“Ah, c’mon, y/n, you gotta believe me, Im feeling perfectly fine!”
Oh, so now he wanted to make food?! When he looked like that, completely trashed and bruised?! 
You shook your head, your lips pursed- deseprate time called for desperate measures.
MIrio began to look through the drawers, trying to find some utensils in the small kitchen.
“Hey, sunshine, do you know where the-uh,uh- sunshine?”
You had his tattered suit balled in your hand, your body pressed up against his own. You face was mere inches away from his, his blue eyes wide with shock as you kissed him square on his mouth. 
Mirio dropped the loaf of bread in his hand, his digits wrapping around your waist and giving it a squeeze as your hands began to work his suit off his battered torso.
Mirio smiled on to your lips at the feeling of you working his clothes off him.
“So this was why you were desperate-” he chuckled softly,his hands pushing you flushed against your body.
He was quickly snapped away from his hazy thoughts once he felt you push away, your hands quickly opening up the first aid kit and getting some supplies out.
“Nope- I just needed to give you a distraction,” you smirked at the boy, his pout making  you laugh
Mirio  gave you a sad look, his lips pouted out as if like a child.
“Ah cmon sunshine, now thats just cruel,”
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Shoto has nerves made of STEEL
And same with his pain tolerance
You could probably give this boy stitches and he’d only wince like twice
Honestly it kinda scary how calm he can be
If your kinda new to bandaging people up, he’s got you COVERED
Like will guide your hands and tell you what to put on what wound, etc etc
Hes a sweeetyyyy pieeeee
He will be blushy hardcore tho, no matter how long you’ve known each other or how long you’ve been dating
Hes a soft baby, and the feeling of your hands on his bare skin makes him melt into your touch
But even though he’s good at taking pain, make sure to remind him to breathe
Cause he has a tendency to hold his breathe, and it literally freaks you out when you see his lips turning purple lmao
You had your legs cradled against Shoto’s thighs, your hands busy at work to patch up an open wound left on his chest. His hero suit was pooled around his navel, showcasing the beautifully pale skin of his torso.
You had to admit it- the boy was built like a god, and you couldnt be more pleased to be so close to him, even if it was because he was injured.
“Are you doing okay?” you asked quietly, looking at him with waiting eyes.
Shoto gulped, his cheeks gaining a little red hue- you were so cute sitting on his lap, and the way you looked at him could have made his heart stop from just pure happiness. He felt so calm yet so nervous around you, and he was intoxicated by the feeling.
“Y-yes, thank you,” he stuttered out, his tone a bit more flushed.
You simply smiled, happy he was feeling okay, continuing with your work- 
until you felt heat radiating under your legs. 
At first you didnt pay any mind to it, letting it seep into your pants and warm your skin...but it began to hurt a little, almost like if a laptop was burning under your thighs.
You cocked your head looking up at Shoto’s face, his eyes downcast as if lovesick and his cheeks a fiery red...he was flustered.
“Shoto,” you mused quietly, taking your finger and resting it against his chin. His eyes met yours quickly, those bi-colored eyes wide in an owlish expression.
“Yes y/n?” he asked nervously, his tone deep and rich like honey.
You gave him a small smirk, tilting your head ever so slightly. “Are you nervous? Because your kind of heating up on me-”
“Oh, I-Im sorry!” he instantly apologized, his hands wrapping around your outer thighs, “I wasnt paying attnetion, I-Ill cool you down...”
Shoto’s kept his hands cradled on your sides for the rest of the time you were working on his wounds, his face a reddened mess as he sent cold sensations down your skin.
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He definitelllyyyyy got hurt from training, fighting Deku, or both
Your probably gonna have to get used to bandaging him up cause his pride wont let him get patched up 
but he will be too rough to properly fix himself up
He thinks he is being all tough,,,,
but honestly he’s not
Like he might be quiet at first, only a couple groans here and there-
but once you pull out that bottle of alcohol for his wounds hes gonna be FERAL
just throwing a damnnnnn temper tantrum
Once you get that part over with he’ll calm down...maybe even say thank you if your lucky smh
(This scene was definitellllyyyyy inspired by Indiana Jones and Ive been DYING to write this since like Christmas)
“Shit y/n, it fucking hurts!” he yelled, his vermillion eyes a deep red as he spoke through gritted teeth.
He was holding his scratched arm away from you, shielding you from being able to properly clean it. You couldn't help but roll you eyes- yeah, cleaning the wound stings a little, but you it wasnt like you were doing durgery on him. He seriously was a little too much to deal with at time.
You leaned away from the whining boy, an exasperated sigh leaving your lips. 
“So where does it not hurt then, Katsuki,”
Bakugo gave a sulky look, his eyes squinted at you as he pointed at his elbow
You leaned forward quickly, your lips placing a soft kiss on the skin. Bakugo’s cheeks immediately erupted in red, his eyes wide and all pain erased from his face as he gazed at your slightly annoyed face.
“And-and here,” he stuttered out, his voice a little less forceful as he slowly pointed to his collarbone with bandaged digits.
This needy little prick-a small smirk enveloped on your face as you leaned in gently, careful to not press your body too much on his as you left a small kiss on his skin.
Bakugo watched you with wide eyes, his whole body tingling and the spots where you kissed him leaving electric sparks on his skin.
“Anywhere else?” you asked, your eyes glowing mischievously as you looked at he flustered boy.
He grunted slightly, his mouth swallowing thickly.
“And-and here,” he slowly stated, his hand pointing to his lips.
You simply rolled your eyes, your smile growing on your lips as you happily obliged to his request.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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