#i got fired from my one job last month and found out last week that my other job will be closing at the end of may
hotdogct · 1 year
if your best friend said some really hurtful and mean stuff in the name of ‘honesty’ (unasked for) and you stepped back from the conversation: who should break the ice first?
or it’s not a case of ‘who should’, but is it even worth it at this point? we’ve never gone this long without speaking to one another in our 15 years of friendship. she has recently gone through some tough times and i understand how that factors into her lashing out at me, but it’s been a week now of silence. it hurts to think that she’s sitting at home feeling right and secure in her cruel statements towards me instead of any slight sort of remorse. i don’t know if that’s a friendship worth keeping any longer.
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sugume · 4 months
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✧・. on vacation with your family, you discover that your biggest fan may not be a mystery after fall.
( TW ) f!reader. camgirl!reader. stepbrother!Geto (in a plot device way, no nii-chan and stuff.) unprotected sex. cream pie. phone sex. squirting. fingering. mutual masturbation. cunnilingus. deception. mentions of bullying. misunderstandings. hurt/comfort. explicit content.  
word count - > 6.6k
authors note. can you see I wasn’t creative with the username? I have a love-hate relationship with this fic because I feel like it goes from 0 to 100 real quick lmfao. This is heavily inspired by the book Eyes on Me! 
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“I bet you look handsome.” You smile at the black screen with the default profile picture floating in the middle. 
‘Nah.’ User @Sssman72  types into the chat the takes up the left half of your computer. 
“Stop! Don’t say think bad things about yourself,” You laugh, making sure your tits jiggle in the flimsy red lingerie you're wearing. “I know your handsome baby.” You reassure your favorite client. The man who alone gives you 50% of your income. He’s the one who bought you this pretty lingerie set you're wearing.  
‘You look tired babydoll...how was today?’ He types. 
“I’m fine, I promise, just had a long day, was on a few other private chats with some other customers the entire day.” You confess. In all honesty after this call you were planning to pass out and try to get a few hours of sleep before you had to fly out to your family's vacation home. Today on your live stream, you told your followers you were going on vacation for the next two weeks and wouldn't be online. You didn't plan to get on a call with @Sssman72 but he had texted you as you were getting ready to go to bed that he had a bad day and wanted to see you. Before you had a chance to protest, he spent you 500 and said it would only be 30 minutes. You gave in because first he was your biggest supporter and you wanted to be there for him in some way with all the money and gifts, he sends you and second, you didn’t mind chatting with him, you thought he was the sweetest and you struck lucky the day he joined one of your lives.  
‘I’ll let you go then, I want you to get some rest before your flight, sorry for keeping you up beautiful just needed to vent about my ass job.’ 
“I’m always here for you handsome, I'll make sure to send you those pictures you requested through the week.” 
‘Make sure you enjoy your break babydoll, don’t gotta worry about me. Goodnight.’ 
You say your goodbyes and end up falling asleep in the lingerie bought you as soon as you shut your laptop. 
“How’s college y/n?” Your stepfather asks when you slide into the back seat of the car. Your mother fitting the last of your luggage into the trunk.  
“it’s fine, some of my classes are difficult but nothing I can't manage.” You answer as you buckle in. 
“Oh yeah? Thats good. You mom tells me you started a job a few months ago, how's that working out for you?”  
You tense under the small blanket you’ve thrown over yourself. 
“u-uhm yeah its good—yeah it’s been fun.” 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I don't remember what you mother told me you did again.” He chuckles. 
“Uhm—I'm a bartender, m-my friend works there and got me a position.” You tell him the lie you've rehearsed hundreds of times. You start to sweat under the blanket. Did he buy it? What if he and your mom found out what you did? Are they planning to ambush you when you get to the house? They're going to make you drop out and chain you up in the basement when they find out. You throw the blanket off, suddenly too hot and alert. Guess that nap you were planning on taking during the drive wasn’t happening. 
“Oh, that’s fun sweetheart, I remember I bartended awhile when I was in college, got fired for stealing the alcohol though,” He laughs at the memory before turning to look at you. “You wouldn’t do that though, you’re a good girl.” 
You nod, thankful that your mom decided now to take your stepdad's attention away and get in the car. 
“Alrighty were good to!” She cheers. Your stepdad turns back around in his seat before starting the car. 
“Finally, thought we were going to get a fine parked here another minute.” 
“Oh, shut up! Y/n are you excited to go back to the vacation house? You haven’t been in years!” You mom asks as you guys pull out of the airport.  
“Yeah, I can’t wait to, I missed the hiking trails and the waterfalls. None of that in the big city.” You answer truthfully. You did miss the silence of the secluded house you vacationed at every summer since your mom married your stepdad. It was the company that you hated. As if your mom heard your thought, she says something that makes your heart drop. 
“Suguru feels the same way, we didn't even have to blackmail him to come! That boy...” 
“Suguru is coming?” You scream.  
“Coming? Sweetie, he’s already arrived this morning. I’m so excited were all together as a family again.” 
“Are you fucking serious mom? Turn the car around and bring me back to the airport!” You screech. You were not going to spend the next week with your bully of a stepbrother.  
“Y/n!” You mom gasps. 
“Sweetheart, he’s changed.” Your stepdad tells you as if that's going to make it better. 
“That’s what he wants you to think! He’s the worst human being on planet earth, please don’t make me spend the next few weeks with him, please mom,” you lean over the consul. “Please dad.” You pout at your stepfather. You know he gets weak whenever you call him dad. 
“No! You aren’t sweet talking your way out of this, he’s changed. He isn't the same teenager with a chip on his shoulder, he’s matured. He even told me the reason he’s coming is to apologize and bond with you y/n.” 
“He’s lying mom! He doesn't care about me; I wouldn't be surprised if he told you that just so he could drown me in the lake. You guys own the land so nobody would find my body!” You start to tear up. You were going to jump out of the car if your parents didn't turn back around. Your stepbrother was your biggest tormentor since the day you met him. From picking on you at home to getting the girls to bully you at school. He made your life hell for four years. The day you left for college you screamed how much you hated him and told your parents that the four of you would only be in the same room again when you lay in a casket. 
“Oh, don’t cry sweetheart. Your mother is right, he’s changed, I wouldn’t have allowed him around you if he hadn’t. Give us a week and if you want to leave, I promise I'll drive you back to the airport and you’ll never have to see him again, please?” 
“No.” You cross your arms and look out the window despite knowing that they’ve won. You can’t jump out of the car now that you are on the highway, and you didn’t bring your own car to drive yourself back to the airport. 
“We’ll give you the master suite, the whole attic floor to yourself.” They bargain. You act like you’re thinking of accepting the offer. With the master suite taking up the entire third floor you could lock yourself up there and ignore Suguru. You could also film videos and even go live because the room is soundproof. You perk up at that. You could just spend your vacation on stream and chatting with @Sssman72. He’s somehow always free for you and told you that if you get bored you could call him. He’ll make up for your stepbrother’s awful behavior. 
“Fine, I’ll take the master suite.” 
“Okay that's the last of your luggage, we’ll be having dinner in a few hours on the dock.” 
“Kay, thanks.”  You watch your stepdad shut the door. Once he does you release the tension in your shoulders. You lock the door before running to throw yourself onto the huge king bed. You sink down. You didn’t see Suguru when you arrived, you mom told you he was probably in town. You hope he stayed in town for the next two weeks.  
After laying it bed thinking about how much you hate Suguru with a passion you pull out your phone and open the porn app. You click on messages and open your chat with @Sssman72. 
‘Hey...I know I told you I was on vacation but I already wanna go home. You don't have to answer lol.’ You send. He immediately starts typing.  
‘Of course, I'll answer you babydoll. What’s wrong?’  Your face heats at the pet names. You wish you knew what he looked like, all he told you about himself was that he was in his twenties and worked for his father's company. You want to know more, what he looks like, what he sounds like. If the messages he sends make you sweat, you wonder what’ll happen if he spoke to them to you. In your head he’s a handsome bachelor who just so happened to find you and deem you worthy of his time and money but hell, he could be lying. He could be some old rich man in his eighties who likes young girls like all the rest of your viewers. The romantic part of you ignores that and is convinced he is who he says he is and that one day you’re going to meet in person and fall in and have a bunch of his babies. 
‘You know that stepbrother I told you about?’ 
“Mm, that asshole who bullied you?’ 
‘Yep, that asshole. Anyways I bet you won't guess who's here on vacation with me?’ 
‘Are you serious?’ 
‘Dead serious...my parents didn’t tell me until I was already trapped and now, I have to spend my vacation away with a man who hates me for no reason.’ 
‘Wow that’s crazy lol. Did your parents tell you why he chose to vacation with you if he doesn’t like you?’ 
‘Apparently he’s here to make amends...he’s probably here to kill me so he gets all the inheritance.’ 
‘Well, what if he’s really there to make amends baby?’ 
‘You should've heard the groan I just let out. I can’t believe you’re on his side babe. When I tell you that he too evil for that I mean it.’ 
‘Hey, you know I'm always on your side babydoll, I'm just giving you a man’s perspective on it. Maybe he realized he’s fucked up and he feels back so he wants to apologize for all the wrong he caused you’ 
‘Yea well from a women's perspective he’s an asshole who doesn’t care about anyone else but himself!’ 
‘Don’t say the baby...hypothetically what would he have to do to get you to forgive him?’ 
‘Hypothetically he's going to have to get on his knees and beg for my forgiveness every time he sees me until I deem, he's forgiven. And he’s also gonna have to send every dollar in his bank account to me AND be my slave for the rest of his life...hypothetically.’ 
‘Lol you never know babydoll, he just might be willing to do anything for your forgiveness. I know I would.’ 
‘That’s because you’re perfect and care about my feelings...now I'm gonna go get some sleep before having to eat with the devil. Pray he doesn’t poison me and I survive the night.’ 
You sit at the dinning room table waiting for Suguru. Of course, he’s late, he doesn’t care about anyone's time but his. You say so to your parents. 
“Y/n stop being so harsh and give him a chance please.” You roll your eyes and go back to scrolling on social media.  
“Sorry I'm late.” You jump at the deep voice before whipping your head to the left where your stepbrother stands looking so...so different. 
“Suguru! No need to apologize! Come sit.” Your mother points to the empty seat opposite you. Suguru glances at you and smiles before walking to the seat. You gasp. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile at you or anyone else. Actually, you know he hasn’t smiled at anyone, he was know for being so stoic. You watch intensely as he pulls out the chair and sits. He looks like a different man, his hair is long, down past his shoulders, the black shirt he's wearing stretches around a huge chest. He looks like he spends half his day in the gym. And those eyes—those eyes that always had heavy eyebags and glared at everyone that looked his way, look at you with gentle look you can’t place. They even crease with the smile that he’s wearing. Your eyes widen, he has a fucking dimple. He looks like a gentleman, he looks handsome. You can't stop staring at his smile. 
“Y/n? You alright?” You Stepdad breaks through the haze you were in. You look at your parents and back to Suguru who all have concerned expressions on their faces.  You feel your entire body heat in embarrassment.  
‘Uhm—yea I'm fine.” You look at your parents, refusing to look back at that smile.  Suguru has different plans. 
“Hey y/n, it’s been a long time yeah?” Suguru says in that deep voice that has your heart beating faster.  Out the corner of your eye you watch as Suguru reaches over the food, holding his hand out. Does he really think you’re about to give him a damn handshake?  
...Are you seriously thinking about shaking that huge hand? No, you won’t. 
You purse your lips and cross your arms over your chest. You swear you see him glance down at your cleavage but the next second, he's holding eye contact. You blink and look away with a ‘hmm’. He lowers his hand.  
“Alright guys let's eat, okay?” You mom breaks the tension. Everyone grabs their share, and you eat in silence for a while, nobody brave enough to speak and you simmering with anger at Suguru. You throw glare at him every time you look up from your plate which happens more times than you’d admit.  
“You got something there.” Suguru points the sharp end of the fork at you. 
“What?” You ask. 
“There,” He grabs his napkin and starts to reach for you. You tense suddenly locked in place. Suguru brings the napkin to the corner of your mouth and wipes it. “There you go.” 
You stare at him like he's grown three heads. Maybe he’s dying and wants to make amends? Why else would he be treating you like this. Maybe someone took over his body? That has to be it. 
“Uh thanks?” You mummer, unsure what to say. 
“You're welcome little sis.” You choke on your spit. What the hell did he just call you!? He must be messing with you; you’re suddenly filled with rage. You glare at him, hoping he disintegrates with the sheer force of your stare. 
“You’ve grown up.” Suguru says after another blinking contest, you lost. 
“Yea, have you?” You snarl. He stops smiling. 
“I have,” he says seriously, setting his fork down. “I want to talk about—” 
“I don’t care.” 
“No!” You slam your hand on the table, and he goes silent. You’re overcome with guilt before you remember that he bullied you for a year, that he told the entire school to bully you after he graduated. Fuck him. 
You slam the door the door of your room speed walking to the bathroom. You strip your clothes before turning on the tub. You finally breathe when you settle into the scolding hot water. You needed to wash his gaze, his touch, off your body. The entire dinner after your conversation was awkward, your parents didn't really speak, and you refused to glance back up at Suguru who wouldn't stop staring.  
You hated him. You hated him. You—you can’t bring yourself to hate him. For some unknown reason you can’t bring yourself to hate him despite everything he's put you through. Why? You shake your head. You don’t want to think of Suguru while you're trying to relax. You phone dings. You pick up and a smile replaces your frown. @Sssman72. 
‘How are you babydoll, you alive?’ 
‘Yes, wish I wasn’t though.’ 
‘Why what happened during dinner?’ You sigh and send him voice message detailing everything that happened. 
‘Oh wow.’ 
‘I know.’ 
‘You gonna give him a chance to explain?’ 
‘I don’t know I don’t want to but also, I want to hear his explanation...can we call I really don't want to type all of this out?’  
‘Course, give me a second. I'll call you.’ You wait a few minutes before you hear the familiar ring. 
“Hi handsome.” you smile at the blank profile. Right now, you’d do anything to see him, to hear him comfort you, to be in his arms. He could be the ugliest man in the world, you wouldn’t care. 
‘HI beautiful. Talk to me.’ He types into the chat box. 
“I don't know. like I said I want to hear him out but also, I don't want to hear it because what it it’s bad, what if it doesn’t excuse it? But also, what if it does and I feel like shit for being mean back—it's just so stressful.” 
‘I know babydoll. I wish I could be there right now and hold you. I would do anything to take that hurt away. I'm sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.’ 
“Stop, don’t apologize you didn’t do anything. If anything, I should apologize for using you as a therapist when you paid to see me naked.” You laugh. 
‘Beautiful girl—I would rather pay to hear all your problems and be able to comfort you than see you naked again.’ 
“Wow you don’t want to see me naked, I'm hurt. Just kidding, thank you for saying that handsome.” You feel your heart skip a beat at his message. Maybe you can convince him to turn his camera on tonight. 
“I kinda wanna take my mind off everything right now.” You murmur into the phone before turning on your camera. You hold it above you and smile so he can see everything.  
‘So, fucking beautiful, prettiest girl in the world. You gonna give me a show?’ 
“hm,” You use your free hand to tap your chin. “Only if you do something for me.” 
‘And what is that?’ 
‘Can you turn your camera on? And before you say no, you don’ have to show your face—maybe you can just show your dick or something else. We can masturbate on the phone, please handsome please.” You whine giving him your best puppy face. You watch as the chat bubbles disappear and reappear. You’re about to back out but all the sudden you’re looking at a dim lit room and a huge cock between a big hand. Your eyes widen and the sight. 
"Y-you probably won’t be able to type and jack off at the same time” You suck in a breath. Please turn your audio on please... 
‘I’m gonna turn my audio on but I won’t talk, okay? Think you can get off on my moans babydoll?’  
You nod. 
‘Good girl now show me that pretty pussy, make it squirt for me.’ 
You lift yourself up to sit on the corner of the tub, propping one leg on tub and spreading the other that rests in the water. You flip the camera so your mystery man can watch you finger yourself. You hear him groan and spit onto his hand. 
You moan softly at the sound, teasing your entrance. You wish he was talking to through it, but you’ll settle for this for now. One day... 
“Mmm, wish you were the one fingering me right now,” You circle your clit before gliding your fingers out your cunt. 
“Wish you were here, holding me n' fucking me.” You curl your fingers into your g-spot and moan. You look back at your phone, watching your stranger play with the tip of his long cock. It looks so big compared to his hand, you know you’ll struggle to take it. Your pussy clenches around your small fingers that do close to nothing compared to your dildos at home.  
“Wan’ your cock in me so bad, it looks so big you’ll have to force me to take it, you’ll have to hold me down and make me take it.” You cry out. You watch as he squeezes his hand up and down his cock. It looks painful. He grunts louder. 
“M’gonna cum for you handsome, m’gonna give you what you want and make a mess,” You speed up your fingers to match how fast he slides his fist up and his cock. You moan louder, thankful that you got the suite and aren’t in the room next to your stepbrothers, how embarrassing it would be if he could hear you pleasuring yourself.  
You clench harder around your fingers. Your stranger starts to grunt and groan louder. You shiver at his deep voice on the edge of cumming. 
“Please please let me cum please! Can I come for you please?” You cry, your pussy starts to squelch, spurts of liquid coming out. 
“Yes, cum for me.” Your mystery man groans in an all too familiar voice but before you have time to think about it, you’re squirting, the grip on your phone loosening and falling into the water. 
“Yes, this phone is done for, your mother and I are heading into town we can try to find a company that sells phone, but you know how small towns like this are.” You stepdad stares at your phone that’s been sitting in a container full of rice since last night.  
“Fuck, I need it for work! What am I going to do?” You look up at him in distress. 
“What do you need your phone for bartending?” He looks down at you incredulously. 
“My boss is sending me some important email and I didn't bring my computer.” You lie. 
“Well, you can use Suguru’s laptop, I saw him using it this morning in the sitting room. Think he left it there before he went on his run.” Your stepdad points down the hall as your mother rounds the corner.  
“Ready to go honey?” She asks your stepdad. 
“Coming! Use Suguru laptop to check your email, if we come back and you haven’t got the email you can use my phone. Bye! Have fun and be nice!” Your stepdad waves before following your mother. You wave back. 
 Of course, you had to use Suguru’s laptop. Maybe you can just log in, tell your stranger that you’re okay and that you won’t be able to contact him until you get a new phone and then delete the history before Suguru comes back from his run. It’ll only take a few minutes...you hope he doesn’t a password.  
You run to the sitting room, but you don’t see a laptop anywhere. Dammit, he always has to make things hard for you. You walk up the round staircase and down the hall until you're standing in front of Suguru’s room. You look around, as if Suguru's gonna pop up out of nowhere and attack you from going into his room. You shake the thought off and open his door. You stop and stare at the bed, you feel like you've seen that duvet. You chalk it up to a bunch of man having the same bedding before turning to scan the room for a laptop. You quickly spot the laptop on his desk and run to it. You sigh in relief when it opens to the last tab he had opened. Thank you Suguru for not caring about who gets into your shit. You click new tab and start to type in the name of the website you use before you freeze.  
You only need to type in three letters before the website popped up in top hits. You stop breathing. No... He couldn’t know what you do. Is that why he came here? Was he going to expose you to your parents? Was he acting nice to butter you up before crushing you? Your vision starts to blur. All boys watch porn, maybe he just happens to watch porn on the same website you film on. You can block your account from him so that he never finds you. You swallow before clicking the tab. You shakily move they pointer over to the search bar before you spot something in the left corner that makes you dizzy.  
Right where the username of the viewer is supposed to be is the username @Sssman72. Your heart stops and you feel wetness hit your hands. This can’t be real. You move to chat and cry out when you see your username. The last text he sent was asking what happened. No—this is a dream; you’re going to wake up and this is going to be a bad nightmare. You refuse to believe the man you’ve been slowly falling in love with over the last six months is your stepbrother, your bully. The man you confessed all your darkest secrets is the man who never showed you an ounce of kindness. Is this a part of his master plan? Is he going to blackmail you and hold all the nudes you’ve sent him and all the secrets you’ve told him over your head. You’re going to become his slave, doing whatever he wants of you until you die. You curl into yourself and cry harder at the thought.  
“Y/n? What are you do—” Suguru stops when he sees what's on the screen. “Let me explain please baby.” He reaches out to touch your shoulder. You flinch away from his touch.  
“D-don’t call me that,” You sob staring at him with such heartbreak in your eyes he wants to drop and beg for your forgiveness. “You-you, it was you the whole time.” Your voice breaks. 
Suguru nods slowly trying to reach out for you again. You take a few steps away. “Was this some masterplan to hold me under your thumb for the rest of my life!?” You scream at him. 
He’s grateful your parents went out of town; this would be an absolute shitshow if they were here.  
“No babydoll—” 
“I said don’t call me that you asshole! Stop pretending. I hate you Suguru! You win okay, you win!” You tell him before you run out of his room. He curses before running after you, you run up that stairs and into the suite but before you can shut the door Suguru shoves it open. You drop to your knees to pull your suitcase from under your bed. 
“Please listen to me y/n. I wasn’t faking—stop packing and let me explain.” Suguru pleads as he watches you throw your clothes into your suitcase. 
“Y/n, baby, please listen to me please” He grabs your arm, and you try to fight him, but he pulls you down onto the bed with him. He hugs you around the waist and you push in this chest trying to break free. His heart aches. He hates seeing you hurt, he hates that he was the one who made you cry like this. He hates that you only associate him with the version of himself that he created to stop anyone from seeing what he was truly feeling. He hates that you won’t accept the real version of him now that you know it was him. He holds you tighter as you scream and cry. He whispers sweet nothings as you whisper how much you hate him. At some point you stop fighting and wrapping your arms around his neck. You sniffle into his neck, and he rubs your backs and rocks you.  
“Why?” You ask hoarsely after all the anger leaves your body. Now you feel numb, like you're watching your life from a third perspective.   
“I never hated you, I never lied, and I never planned to blackmail you—I know you don’t believe me baby but everything I've ever told you on that app was real. Everything I feel for you is real.”   You pull your face out of his neck and stare up at him. You don’t believe him. 
“I have never hated you y/n. I swear it. I hated the fact that my father replaced my mother with yours not even a year after she died. Baby, I never fucking hated you. I was just a teenager who didn’t know how to express my emotions so I took them out of the person I knew I could hurt the most. It was bad I know; I feel like shit to this day. When I graduated and got away from my father, I realized how bad I was to you, and I got into therapy. I wanted to be better for myself, for you, for everyone around me. I didn’t know that the bullying continued when I left. I didn’t know how bad people had taken it until that day I came back home. When you told me off about it, I was so confused. I’m so fucking sorry. I want to reach out and apologize for everything and the day I planned to do it Satoru—my best friend, you remember him—well he sent me the link to your account and so I made an account and it all just spiralized out of control after that. I was too embarrassed to tell you it was me and then we started to form a connection, a real connection, and I didn’t want our conversations to end so—fuck I'm sorry. Everything I told you; I meant it. I fucking meant every word.”  
You sit there stunned, trying to comprehend everything he said. You never knew about his mother. You thought she had passed away long before your mom and his dad had met. But you remember when your stranger told you that. God, you remember when your not so mystery man told you about his family the seemed so familiar to yours. And he didn’t tell all those people to bully you after he left? Did he mean every word? Every word of affirmation he gave you. Those times when he told you that you were capable of being loved and that you were going to find someone who would love every part of you, the good and bad. Was that the same Suguru? You try to wrap your mind around the fact that the man you love is your stepbrother. 
“I know it’s a lot of information.” 
“It is.” 
“Do you believe me?” He looks at you with furrowed brows. You do. Despite everything you find yourself nodding. He sighs and you feel the tension release from his shoulders that your arms are wrapped around. You suddenly realize the position you two are in and feel your face heat. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your legs are on either side of his thick thighs his cock, the cock that you saw last night, is right underneath you, if you lower yourself an inch, you’d be sitting on it.  
Suguru grips your waist with one hand, the other cupping the right side of your face. You look up at him and sniffle. He leans down until your foreheads are touching.  
“If you give me achance, I'll treat you like the queen you are. I’ll love you the way you’re meant to be loved. One chance is all I ask for.” He mummers rubbing your noses together.  
You hesitate, one part of you wants to run away with him because he’s the man you’ve wanted for the last six months. The other part of you wants to run away from him, he’s your stepbrother, he lied, and you don't know if he would’ve ever told you the truth. But isn’t that what he came here to do? Can you blame a little boy for being mad at the people who replaced his mother?  
You give him his answer by grabbind his neck and push his lips towards you. If this does go to hell at least you’ll have a story to tell your feature children.  
Suguru kisses back before standing and pulling you off him. “What—” 
“You said you wanted me on my knees, didn't you? I’m ready to serve you in any way you want. I can have my savings transferred to your account by tomorrow night.” He says as he drops to his knees. You stare at him with wide eyes as he holds your legs and starts kissing from knee to right where your pussy starts.  
“Shh babydoll let me take care of my girl, show her how sorry I am for hurting her.” He mummers before dropping your leg and picking up the next one. He repeats this a few more times before finally asking you to lift your hips so he can pull your leggings and panties off. Suguru throws your pants behind him before standing up to pull your tank top off. You reach behind to unbuckle your bra and toss it on the floor with your other clothes. Suguru chuckles, reaching up to kiss all over your face. 
“Take your clothes off too Sugu.” You giggle, reaching for his sweatpants. You get a firm grip and yank them down. His thick cock bounces out. Your mouth goes slack. The phone call didn’t do it justice. It somehow looks bigger than before and if you weren’t wet before, you are now. That thing is going to be inside you soon.  
“Like what you see beautiful?” You nod dumbly as you watch Suguru step out of his pants and take his shirt off with one hand. He’s so fucking sexy.  
He drops back down to his knees and pulls you until your ass is hanging off the bed. “Lay down and let me please you.”  You comply and watch as Suguru lifts your legs up and buries his face in your cunt. Your hands fly down to his long shiny hair. 
“Suguru!” You moan as he licks you from asshole to clit. He sucks on your clit before biting both lips. Your pussy clenches. “Feels s’good Sugu!” You grind down on his talented tongue. Suguru hums into your clit before setting one of you thighs in his shoulder and bringing his fingers to your entrance. He teases you, only pushing his fingers into the joint before taking them out. You cry out in frustration before pulling on his long hair when he finally slides two big fingers into you. 
Yours definitely don't compare to his long thick ones. Your back arches off the bed as Suguru fingers jackhammer into you all the while his mouth sucks on your clit.  
“S’good Sugu! Don’t stop!” You scream letting go of hair with one hand to cover your loud mouth.  
“Don’t hide those sweet moans from me babydoll. If you want my cock, you’ll let me hear you scream my name as you cum on my fingers and mouth.” 
You bring you hand back to hair and grind hard as you get closer and closer to orgasm.  
“Gonna cum! M’gonna come!” You cry, as you release all over Suguru's face. He moans and sucks even harder before adding another finger. You cry at the sudden intrusion. It doesn't take long before you’re coming all over again, this time liquid shooting out of you and onto Sugu’s chest.  
“Yes baby, that's it—what a good girl,” He praises as he slurps up all your juices. “Such a fucking good gril f’me.” 
“Gimme a kiss.” You say between heavy breaths.  
“Does the pretty girl want kiss?” You nod, pulling Suguru down with you by the shoulders. 
“Want you to kiss me while you fuck me for the first time. Want it to be special,” You confess shyly. Suguru leans down and pecks you on the forehead, then the nose, and then both of your cheeks. 
“Don’ tease meanie!” You laugh when he kisses the corner of your lips. 
“M’sorry baby, can you forgive me?” He pouts.  
“Hmm—I’ll forgive you only if you kiss me right no—” You don’t even finish your sentence before Suguru shoves his tongue down your throat. You kiss him back and your tongues fight for dominance. Suguru wins and smiles into the kiss. You can’t believe this is happening. Your bully, your stepbrother, your mystery man is kissing you right now. Your about to make love with said man. 
“You okay babydoll?”  
“Mhm, just can’t believe this is all happening.” 
“Me too beautiful, you sure you want to do this right now? We can always wait.” 
“No, I want to. I want you.” You raise your hand to tuck his hair behind his ear. He smiles, showing you that adorable dimple. You kiss it.  
Suguru kisses your lips once more before he grabs his cock, rubbing it up and down your cunt. 
“Fuck—I don’t have a condom.” 
“I’m on the pill—please Sugu.” You beg, frustrated from all this foreplay. You’ve been on edge since last tight in the tub.  
“Alight beautiful,” He pushes the head of his cock into you. “Fuck me—you feel so good. Always knew you would.” You feel his fist guide his long cock into you. You moan. He fits you perfectly.  
“Sugu—feel’s s’good, want more!” You cry, fisting the blanket’s underneath you.  
“Does my baby want more—does she want to orgasm on my cock?” You nod watching Suguru lift your legs to his shoulder. He leans down, bringing your feet to the side of your head. You whine at the stretch. 
Suguru groans as he pulls his cock in and out of you.  
“S’too much!” You moan into his shoulder. He just laughs and picks up his pace. The fancy headboard above the bed starts to slam against the wall. You watch with blurry eyes as the stock photos hung on the wall shake.  
“Said you wanted more baby, ‘m giving you more.”  he says before biting into your neck. Hard. You scream, back arching at the pain. Your hands fist the sheets even tighter, knuckles turning white. Suguru unlatches his jaw. Lifting his head to admire his mark. Now all your customers will know you belong to someone. To him. He kisses the mark. 
“Sugu, It’s too much. Hurts! m’gonna cum!” You cry, tears soaking the blanket breath you. 
“Oh, don't cry baby—shhh—you’re so beautiful y/n. So damn pretty.” He whispers, coaxing you to orgasm. Your eyes roll to the back of your head. You stop breathing for a second as your pussy contracts around Suguru's cock. Suguru follows in suit, spurting his cum deep inside your pussy. 
“Fuck,” he draws out, collapsing onto you.  
“T-that was—” 
“The best sex ‘ve ever had.” 
“Same.” You smile before wincing. 
“What’s wrong babydoll.”  
“You're about to break my damn hip if you keep my legs up any longer,” Suguru lefts himself enough to bring your legs to his sides. “And you probably ripped a chunk of my neck off with that little trick of yours.” You grumble. 
“It’s not bad, promise.” He kisses the bite mark softly. 
“And all the pictures fell of the wall.”  
“I’ll put ‘em back up baby,” He laughs into your ear. “Just let me hold you for a second.”  He kisses your cheek before snuggling deeper into you. You throw your arms around his shoulder while you both try to wrap your head around everything that happened.  
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moviecritc · 5 days
second best ⋆ max verstappen
track 2 of my bewitched department
pairing: max verstappen x teammate!reader
summary: max realizes that your situationship isn't going anywhere, so he decides to start a pr relationship for his own public image
word count: 1K
warnings: angst, hurt without comfort
a/n: this turned out amazing actually, i'm very proud of it <3 yk i loveee to write abt this blond dutch
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“I think it's better if we stop seeing each other.”
Y/N frowned slightly. She was under Max's arm, lying on the bed in the hotel in Imola.
“We’re on the same team, Maxie. We see each other all the time,” she said, completely oblivious to what Max was saying. She even smiled a little.
“I mean this,” Max sat up, forcing her to do the same. He swallowed a bit. “I think we should stop sleeping together.”
Y/N pressed her lips together and wiped the trace of sweat from her forehead. “Oh,” was all she could articulate as she chewed over that sentence. “Why?”
“For our careers,” he said immediately, as if he had it premeditated. “There are already a lot of rumors, if this got out…”
“What?” That didn’t make any sense. “We've been sleeping together for over a year, and now all of a sudden you're worried about rumors. Don’t bullshit me, Max. What the hell is wrong with you?” Y/N felt around the edge of the bed, searching for her underwear.
“I'm telling you, this is affecting our careers.”
Y/N clicked her tongue and stood up, finishing getting dressed. “Bullshit, Max. When you want to tell me what's really going on, let me know.”
Y/N left the room, slamming the door. Max leaned back, knowing that Y/N was right. It wasn’t about their careers, but about the pressure. His father and the rest of the team were pressuring him to have a relationship with a model, and YN was an obstacle in that equation.
Max never explained anything to her. They stopped seeing each other outside of work environments and even while working, they avoided each other as much as possible. Y/N refused to feel hurt. It wasn’t a breakup because there was nothing to break. In the end, they were just two teammates with too much sexual tension to satisfy. Even if that tension lasted a year and a half, three vacations together, a Christmas dinner, and countless private dates.
Y/N was determined to move on, focusing on her job, fighting for the title, and maybe—just maybe—accepting that date with Carlos at the end of the season.
But Max had other ideas, because two weeks after the breakup, the pages were on fire because finally, someone had conquered the cold heart of Max Verstappen. He and a woman nine years older had been seen dining and kissing in Monaco.
She was surprised, that was the last thing she expected from Max. Nine years older than him. Y/N couldn't help but dig a little, stalking her profile and seeing how pretty she was. That really hurt, had it meant so little to him?
Y/N flew to Monaco alone when she used to go in Max's private jet. From then on, she realized how much Max was in her routine. Arriving at her apartment, she found it cold with the plants dried up; she hardly had any clothes there. She knew she’d have to write to Max to get her things back, but she delayed it as long as possible—which wasn’t long. Y/N wrote to her friends to see if they wanted to go out, but no one responded; she hadn't written to them in over four months.
She spent that night alone at home, looking at her phone every now and then without expecting any messages. She found herself drinking and then went out for a walk, desperate to feel something. The next morning, photos of her were out, looking horrible with traces of mascara under her eyes. She also woke up to a simple message from Max:
Can we meet?
They agreed to meet at her apartment, Y/N knew the way almost with her eyes closed.
“Good morning,” said Max. He looked as usual, shorts and a t-shirt, a bit of gel in his hair, and clean-shaven.
“Hello,” Y/N said, clearing her throat. She stood still at the door until Max motioned for her to come in.
“Come in, please,” he said calmly. She nodded and entered, looking for traces of that woman, though the apartment still smelled of her perfume.
“Is she not here?” she asked, turning on her heels to look at him.
“No. That's what I wanted to talk to you about.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “You want to talk to me about your girlfriend?”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
She let out a laugh, the same thing she had told her friends at a dinner while he had a hand almost reaching her inner thigh.
“You never have girlfriends, do you?”
“Y/N, it’s not what you think.”
She crossed her arms. “You know what I think? I think you’re a hypocrite. A damn hypocrite who, because I didn’t suit him, found someone easier.”
Max approached Y/N. “It’s PR, they forced me.”
“They forced you?” she let out a painful laugh. “Did they force you before or after ending things with us?”
Max stayed silent. They had pressured him, but the final decision had been his. He couldn’t find a way to explain himself. That silence meant everything to Y/N.
“You're pathetic. Totally pathetic.”
“Y/N, I’m sor-” he took half a step towards her but backed off immediately.
“Bullshit,” Y/N exploded. “Do you think apologizing is enough? You treated me like a fucking toy, damn it.”
“I didn't… I never wanted to hurt you,” Max choked on his words.
“But neither did you want to treat me well.”
Max stayed silent, feeling like the stupidest man on earth. He wanted to shout that she was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time while kissing her until he ran out of breath. But he said nothing. Y/N looked away with a long sigh.
“I’m going to collect my clothes,” she said, clearly disappointed in her voice. She hoped that Max would follow her, not let her pack her things and beg her to stay. That he’d tell her she was worthy of love.
Max waited, sitting on his couch, running his hands over his face, searching for the words.
Y/N came out of the room and walked past the living room, intending to leave without saying goodbye.
“I'll break up with Kelly,” Max stood up, stopping her with his words.
“Do you think that will help? You’ll still hide me as if you’re ashamed.”
“Y/N…” He couldn’t find the words.
“No. I'm leaving. I'm tired. Of you and all your crap.”
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sky-high-standards · 10 months
Yandere!!! Millionaire!! x Fem!!Reader
(thanks for 400 followers edited thanks for 1000 love y'all)You were in a very poor family but somehow you caught the attention of a crazy Millionaire.
You were working at a local coffee shop to feed your family when a man with jet black hair wearing a expensive looking suit came in, he was undeniably attractive but his cold black eyes made you feel a chill run down your spine.
Then he made eye contact with you before smirking, he then came up to ask for your name and number but when you refused he tried to take you by force but you managed to escape and run into the break room.
He kept coming day after day yet somehow you managed to weasel your way out of talking to him but your luck soon ran out when you were suddenly cornered and pinned by your wrists, you looked up to see him with a smug smirk on his face.
"I know you've been avoiding me sweetheart."
"What's wrong with you? What do you want from me?!'
"Don't you get it? I want you~"
"You dot even know me!!!"
"Oh I know everything about you Y/n"
you gasped and tried to escape for the hundredth time but his grip was too strong.
"I know that your family is starving and are soon going to get evicted, I know that you work overtime just to feed your family and I know that you need a miracle to save them and I'm that miracle Darling~ Just do as I say and make it easier for everyone Sweetheart."
"No you're just a spoiled brat who gets everything he wants and you're not gonna get me!!!"
you said in anger and stormed off while he just stood there and smirked.
"Okay my dear let the games begin"
A few weeks after that encounter you stopped seeing him and genuinely thought he lost interest and left you alone but you felt something much worse was coming and you were right. As you came to work the next day your boss came and fired you on the spot you were shocked of course since you've been employee of the month for the past 6 months and your boss seemed terrified as he spoke to you almost like he was scared to say the wrong thing and constantly looked to the side as if some monster was here in the shadows and as soon as he fired you he ran inside.
This was terrible for you because without a job how could you feed your family but when you looked for new jobs the manager would fire you shortly after with the same look of fear as your former boss but when you finally found a job that paid well you immediately took it you were hired as an assistant for a wealthy business owner, you came to work the next morning in your best clothes and started working but as you went to your bosses office who were horrified to see the same creep from the coffee shop you stood there with your jaw dropped as he smirked and caressed your cheek.
"Well isn't it my lovely new assistant its nice to see you again y/n~"
All you could do was grit your teeth and greet him since he was your family's only hope now and you couldn't afford to get fired not again.
As worked days past he became far more touchy and would take any opportunity to touch you in any way possible this was tolerable until you came to work on day to find your seat was gone and he offered you to sit on his lap which sounded more like an order than an offer so you begrudgingly agreed while gritting your teeth and giving him a forced smile. He smirked back satisfied at how powerless you were with him now.
"Good girl~"
He said and you could here the satisfaction in his voice as you dug your fingernails into your palms in rage.
Though you constantly got harassed by your boss the job wasn't so bad due to the many friends you made and because your family was happy and healthy but good things don't last. One day after you came back from your break which u spent with your friends you boss went crazy and fired everyone that was with you because "they were only bringing you down." and "they made you loose sight of what was important" (which was him) and when you attempted to quit realized what he was capable of.
Sir I quit I'll clear out my desk now.
He then grabs you by the wrist and pins you to the wall where you're caged by his muscular arms and he whispered in your ear where you could feel his hot breath fanning your lips.
"You know you cant do that Dear you don't know what I'm capable of that sweet little family of yours wont be around much longer is you disobey me dear."
You gasped in fear and shock but he smiled at your reaction.
"Now be a good girl and do as I say"
He said as he pulled away and went back to his usual demeanor. Every time you found someone new they would go missing so you isolated yourself not wanting anyone else to get hurt but when your brother got really sick and you had to take care him for a few days but your boss didn't like that.
You came home to find the read stains? No it was blood but not just anyone's blood this was the blood of your family leading the way to their lifeless bodies the moment you saw that sight it was permenantly burned into your mind you still see that horrendous sight when you close your eyes...you broke down in tears and got on your knees devastated but you then got picked up by a pair of firm strong arms and felt a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I know you loved them Dear but they kept you away from me and besides we'll have our own family soon enough~♥
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justmystyles · 3 months
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Now You're In My Life
summary: a chance meeting at a diner turns your world upside-down and leads you on a whirlwind romance with one of the biggest pop stars in the world.
(More Than) One Shots
(One shots that got away from me, but aren't quite a series.)
Lost (2 Parts) Lose You to Love Me A run-in with your childhood sweetheart brings up old memories, and lingering feelings. Lost and Found You and Harry reconnected a month ago, and he insisted you come along for the final show. when your emotions start to get the better of you, you wonder if you and Harry could ever really just be friends.
End of the Road (2 Parts) Home Stretch As the tour comes to an end, the schedule starts to visibly take its toll on Harry, and you can't help but worry. Crossing the Finish Line It's the final show and Harry charms you into making good on a promise you made last time you were together.
Big Winners (3 Parts) Harry and Y/N have been friends for fifteen years, they finally work together on an album, and it leads them to a night that will change everything for them. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
One Shots
All I Ask*
You're finally starting to get over Harry, what happens when fate brings you back together?
Having Your Baby
You get some life changing news, and come up with the perfect way to tell your husband.
You're sitting alone at a wedding, can a handsome stranger help you come out of your shell?
Line of Fire
You and Harry have been keeping your relationship off the radar, but his concern for you overwhelms his need for privacy.
Coming Home To You*
Harry comes home early and catches you by surprise in the best way possible.
Can Harry be the comfort you need after falling back into old habits?
Ooh La La
After a revelation on movie night, you and Harry decide to reenact one of the scenes.
Love Don’t Cost A Thing
Harry loves to spoil you, but you're having a hard time adjusting to his lavish lifestyle.
The Battle in Barcelona
A crazy crowd at the airport comes between you and Harry.
Misplaced Emotion
As Harry prepares to jump back into the spotlight, he has a hard time re-adjusting to public life, and it manifests in the wrong way.
Good News All Around
You reach a big milestone in your life, but feel overshadowed when you call to tell Harry about it.
Perfect Harmony
You're in the final days of the tour, and Harry makes a suggestion that ends up changing everything.
Lights, Camera, Action
What was supposed to be just another job becomes the start of something new.
Business or Pleasure?
You return to Love on Tour after an extended break, but after your last interaction, you come back to an awkward situation with Harry.
Reigning it In
You're about to participate in your first horse show, but the nerves overwhelm you. Harry finds you just in time.
Family Portrait
Harry has a couple of heartfelt surprises for you while you're visiting him on tour.
All or Nothing*
You find a new way to tease Harry during a tour visit, which leads to a new way to drive him crazy.
With this Ring
Harry takes his commitment to you to a new level.
Veiled Insecurities
Harry has some insecurities about your relationship, but instead of talking to you about them, they end up coming out in the wrong way.
Heart Song
As a former member of the Love on Tour band, and current girlfriend of Harry, he asks you to reprise your spot for the final show.
Road to Recovery
After reading some negative comments about yourself, you nearly spiral back into old habits. you try to keep it from Harry, but he finds out and confronts you about it.
A Work of Art
After procrastinating for a few weeks, you finally make moves to finish your assignment, but run into an unexpected road block.
He's Not Me
You introduce Harry to the guy you're seeing, and you see a side of him you've never seen before and are shocked by his reasoning.
Sharing is Caring
You can't find your favorite handbag, Harry assures you he doesn't have it, but you see some photos tell a different story
In this one shot/flash forward from the Now You're In My Life storyline, you and Harry recap the big news from your family's Thanksgiving dinner.
Like Riding a Bike
Despite being on break, Harry manages to find his way back onstage.
Fa La La La Freakout
You will be meeting Harry's family for the first time over the holidays, and you are desperate for them to like you.
The Morning After
The morning after Harry's 30th birthday, you're hungover and Harry reminds you of your drunken actions from the night before, leading to a conversation you never expected.
Harry meets his niece for the first time, the joy and excitement are quickly replaced with a whole new set of feelings when his best friend, Y/N joins him at the hospital.
Smoke & Mirrors
Harry asks you to move to London with him, but a new opportunity for him makes things a little more complicated than you'd both expect.
(*) - NSFW
163 notes · View notes
Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: you work at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and George realizes he fancies you Warnings: mention of kissing? Note: bit long
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you had been working at the twin's shop for a few month now, ever since you got fired from your last job at a café.
you had gone into the shop and started talking to the Fred, seen as though you knew each other from school, but you were in the year below them.
you were an accidental victim to one of their pranks that was meant for Flitwick. they saw very apologetic and made sure you were alright and made it their mission to make it up to you, which they did.
so when you were talking, the subjects of jobs were unavoidable
"this shop is amazing, you should be very proud of yourself" you laughed
"thank you, I am, It's the best job. what did you get up to?" he asked politely
"I got a small job at a café in Hogsmeade" you smiled awkwardly
"how's that going?"
you shook your head, pursing your lips "to be honest, not good, I got fired a week ago" you looked down sheepishly
"really?" he gasped lightly, you looked up at him and saw his big smile, his eyebrows raised.
"yeah." you nodded your head, your eyes closed
"you know, George and I were thinking lately that there isn't enough of us working here, it's sort of.. understaffed, i mean it's only the two of us, and most days we don't get lunch breaks" he explained, his smile widening
"if you want, I would -and I'm sure George too- would love to have you work here with us" he informed
"really? you would hire me?" you raised your eyebrows
"yeah" he nodded enthusiastically "you know what, you meet me and George tomorrow at three broomsticks and we'll talk more about it"
"yeah, of course, thank you!" you replied quickly.
the next day you went to meet with them and it went great, George seemed happy to hire you as much as Fred did and at the end they said you'd start Monday, and you did
George watched you as your worked, he was helping a kid figure out what he wanted as you stood at the cash register, taking money and giving change and smiling at the little kids faces when they laughed at their products
he found himself staring at you a lot, you were a distraction from his job, but he wouldn't rather anyone else work there.
"mister? will these turn me into a death eater?" the little kid by his side asked him, making him look away from you and down to the boy.
he looked down at what he was holding, seeing the edible dark marks
"no buddy, it won't make you into a death eater" he answered amused by his soft voice
the boy smiled and seemed to relax "well I want this then"
"ok well go down to the counter and the pretty lady at the front will check that out for you, ok?" George told the boy.
the boy nodded and went off, running to the counter to join the long line.
"pretty lady at the front, ay?" he heard Fred say from behind him
George turned to his brother and rolled his eyes at his smirk.
"what? can't I call my friend pretty?" he questioned
"oh but is she really just a friend to you George?" Fred smirked
"yes" George responded quickly
Fred glared at him knowingly the grin on his face growing
"shove off Fred" George grumbled, walking off to go help other customers.
Fred snickered to himself before going to help a kid get something off a shelf.
George often found himself watching you as you worked, he told himself it was to make sure you weren't making mistakes or if you needed help.
Fred, Of course knew it was more than that, he knew his twin brother fancied you.
but Fred also knows that George is helpless when it came to realising and acting upon his feelings, you weren't the only girl he's seemed to like.
but you were definitely the girl he's liked the most, how does Fred know this?
first of all, it's a twin thing
but it's the way he looks at you, it's the way he asks you for help even when you've finished for the day, the way he laughs when he's with you when nothing is funny.
it's the way George's face turns red when he's around you and the way he fiddles with things when you're there.
and Fred saw the way you looked at George too, you would steal glances at him when he's not looking and smile up at him when he's distracted.
Fred saw the way you fixed yourself when you saw George coming, you would straighten your posture and pat down your clothes.
so Fred wanted to help, he wanted George to notice and acknowledge his feelings for you.
so when closing up the shop that night, George was at the counter, counting the money and splitting it while you talked to him, your elbow on the desk, using it to hold up your chin as you leaned
Fred was out the back- the workshop, they called it. figuring out what they needed to brew up.
"alright, here you go" he heard George sigh
"thanks, see you in the morning," you said "bye Fred!" you called out
Fred popped out to say bye to you and you left, George locked the door and Fred looked over at the love potions, an idea popping into his head.
"hey can you finish up back, I gotta head up and order some things" Fred asked George, making him turn to him and nod
Fred headed for the stairs and waited until George went into the workshop, the door staying open.
Fred smirked and snuck over to the love potions, opening a few bottles before running upstairs to order ingredients
George was finished up in the back when he felt a particular scent hit his nose, making it tingle
it was the smell he loved and craved, it smelt exactly like you.
he turned around as the scent of your perfume filled the room.
he knew you left, but you might've snuck in because you forgot something
he called out your name, heading to the door to head back in the shop, the smell getting stronger
"Y/n?" he called out again, looking around the shop
he didn't see you anywhere, and the door was still locked. leaving him puzzled. he looked around again and brushed it off, thinking he imagined it.
he turned off the lights and head for the stairs, passing the glowing pink flower display that held the love potions, the smell of your perfume almost burning his nose.
he looked down at the bottles and noticed some of them were open.
George picked them up and smelt it, smelling you. he closed it and read the back
smell what attracts you! he read in the pretty pink font.
it clicked it his head, it hit him hard. he fancied you? he began to feel dizzy as the smell intoxicated him.
he closed the rest of the bottles that were open and the small seemed to fade away, letting George breath
he stood there for a while, deep in thought,
deep in thought about you
he blinked and decided to get sleep. he laid down and as soon as his head hit his pillow he was drowned in a deep sleep, dreaming about you, with him
the next morning he got ready for work, yearning for your arrival
and Fred could sense it, he smiled as he saw George's grin stay on his face all morning.
"what are you smiling at?" he questioned his twin, making George's grin falter, not realising his upturned lips.
"nothing" he shook his head
"really?" he smirked, giving George a knowing look
"just in a good mood" George shrugged
"Y/n just arrived" Fred lied, seeing the way George immediately turned to the front door, a look of anticipation in his eyes
"shove off Fred" George grumbled before going to the back to brew up some products
everything was ready for opening so he decided to go up to the flat to make himself tea.
George heard the door open and he left the potion, casting a spell to make it pour in the vials itself
he walked out to the front to see you with your bag
"good morning George" you smiled.
a lump formed in his throat and he failed to speak
his faced turned red and went hot as he felt his hands get clammy
you noticed his flushed state and went closer to him
"George? are you ok?" you asked
he swallowed the lump and nodded his head
"yeah sorry, Good morning" he replied
you smiled and went to the back to hang up your bag. you came out and went to him
"what do you want me to do?" you questioned, looking around the shop
"you can help help me stock up the love potions" Fred spoke as he walked down the stairs.
you smiled and looked up at George who grinned crookedly
you walked to the back, Fred right behind you. he shut the door behind you and you looked for the boxes of love potions
"so, do you like working here?" he interrogated curiously
you turned to him and beamed
"yeah, It's great" you answered happily
"what do you think of George?" he smirked
"He's fine?" you frowned, puzzled by his words
Fred grabbed a bottle and accidentally dropped it, making the fumes fill the room.
while Fred didn't smell anything, you on the other hand got overwhelmed by the scent of George's cologne
"bloody hell" he sighed "you go stock up, I'll clean this up"
your gaze stayed on the liquid, the pink heart bubbles flowing up to reach your nose. the scent making you feel dizzy.
"Y/n? you alright?" Fred asked, knowing exactly what's going on.
you averted your eyes from the spill to Fred.
"yeah, sorry, just frightened me" you responded quickly. the smell still chasing your nose. you picked up the box and headed to the front to stock them on the display.
George stared as you talked to a few male customers, ones that seem to be around your age.
it annoyed George and distracted him from his job. And Fred, who was walking past leaned into George
"You should tell her" he whispered before walking away, not letting George get the Chance to protest against the idea
George sighed as he looked back at you smiling at the boys.one of them getting a little too close for George's liking.
He clenched his jaw before turning away to get back to work
he heard your laugh from across the shop and fought the urge to interfere.
you were allowed to talk to other guys, you didn't belong to George, you weren't even his girlfriend.
you were his employee.
so he had no right to feel the jealousy bubbling in his stomach or the pain in his heart when he heard your little squeal.
he went to the other side of the shop, to the back to occupy himself until the boys would leave
George has been trying his best to flirt with you the rest of the week, he would go up to you and make you laugh with stories from school.
he would go out of his way to make sure he was by your side and help you when you seemed to struggle
he knew he wasn't the best at talking to women he likes but the way you smiled and laughed at him made him believe he had a chance.
it was a quiet day in the shop, the weather was cold and wet, the rain from the night before dripping from the pipes.
so George didn't have to worry about having to help anyone, by the time you started working there, most people already knew where everything was, except when things moved or they had never been there before.
so George stayed with you the whole day, making you laugh between scanning the products.
"then me and Fred decided that we just wanted to make the dream real, people thought it was a bit childish but we knew that this was what we wanted to do" George jabbered
"well I'm very proud of you two, not many people have the guts to chase their dreams, I admire your ambitions"
that made George happy, you were proud of him, you admired him.
in that moment George thought you might've liked him the same why he did you.
"thank you" he replied softly, his smile widening as he looked down at you
it was nearing closing time and it began pouring with rain, the thunder and lightning soon after.
the shop got even quieter as parents ushered their kids to hurry up and buy their products so they can get home.
you were at the register scanning the last few products, while George watched from behind you
when Fred came out from the workshop
"George I need help" he yelled out to him
George groaned quietly before going to his brother.
Fred pulled George in, shutting the door behind them
"are you gonna tell her?" he asked his younger twin
"tell who what?" George scratched the back of his neck
"don't play that game" Fred crossed his arms
"I don't know what your talking about" George shrugged
"really? so I can go out there and ask her out on a date?" Fred huffed with a coy smile
George swallowed deeply, his hand subconsciously balling up to make a fist
"go ahead then" George blinked, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried not to curse his brother out
"fine" Fred rolled his eyes, walking to the door slowly, waiting for George to stop him, but he didn't
Fred walked through the door and shut it behind him, waiting a second before opening it again, seeing George by the cauldron, probably wanting to start brewing something
Fred shut the door and marched up to him, looking at him like he has two heads
"what was that?" Fred spat
"what did she say?" George questioned quietly
"I didn't ask her you idiot," Fred answered "why didn't you try to stop me?"
"why would her? if you like her then ask her" George spoke softly
"I don't like her" Fred sighed in disappointment
George turned to his twin with a deadpan expression "then what was the point of this, Fred?"
"for you to stop me? I know you fancy her so why didn't you try to stop me?" Fred slapped his arm
"what do you want from me?" George took a deep breath, looking at the ground
"to tell her, I know she fancies you too so what's stopping you?" Fred lied.
"how would you know that?"
Fred didn't know, he assumed
"she told me. we were talking yesterday and she told me" the older twin blinked
George believed him, and he was excited, Fred could see the redness rising on his brothers cheeks and smiled, leaving to room, going to the flat leaving it to you and George to close the shop
George stood there, thinking when he heard the rain and thunder from outside starting again, he came out and looked out the window. no one was in the shop other than you and him.
you were cleaning up the counter, getting ready to leave
the first lightning strike of the night had flashed and didn't stop
he went up to you and cleared his throat
he stood behind you, waiting for you to turn around.
you did, and you were met with his frame towering over your own, making you jump, not knowing he was right there.
"merlin, George, don't do that" you squealed
you made your way past him to the back to get your bag, but he stopped you
"you're really pretty" he informed you. you looked up at him with a smile, feeing the heat rise to your cheeks as he complimented you
"thank you, George" you beamed
you continued to go to the back, you took your bag off the hook on the wall and turned around to him cornering you.
he leaned his hand against the wall and stopped you from moving
his gaze moved down to your lips and stayed there, you stared at him while he slightly licked his lips.
he took your time to examine his face, it was more defined than Fred's. he also had more freckles and his eyes were softer, holding more emotion.
you counted the dots on his face that decorated his face, going through his cheeks and across his nose.
he was gorgeous, and the close proximity he forced you into made you feel weak
he continued staring at you. his gaze was gentle and held a sense of longing.
"hello" you broke the silence awkwardly, it made him chuckle
it was a deep and cocky chuckle. it was sexy
he reached up and stroked your hair, looking at you with pure love and care.
"you're so pretty" he whispered
that was the second time he said that in the span of almost 4 minutes.
"George" you muttered when he inclined closer to you
"yes?" he murmured, you gulped down a lump in your throat and looked down at his lips for a second before looking away from him all together
he took a step closer to you, and you could feel body heat radiating against yours
when he realised you had nothing to say he spoke up himself
"you should stay the night, wouldn't want you walking home in this weather" he mumbled
his head bent down to rest of yours, the warmth of his breath blowing onto your lips
"we have a guest room" he breathed, he seemed to be panting
he slowly leaned in and pressed his lips on yours, you could barely call it a kiss.
his he sunk his teeth gently into your bottom lip before letting go.
he groaned almost inaudible
you felt heat rise between your legs as he grabbed your hips
"ok" you replied, almost silently, afraid that if you speak to loud he'll disappear and this would all be a dream
he smiled before smashing his lips on yours, as if he was hungry for you.
he held your hand and held it against the wall.
he hummed against your lips before letting go, taking your hand off the wall and dragging you upstairs.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 6 months
Hypno Handyman Inc.
So I got this idea about a week ago: what if I used some hypnosis to help my failing repair business. See, all of today's young men are afraid of getting their hands dirty, and it's been impossible to hire any of those pansies. So I thought, 'Why not hypnotize them instead?'
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This is Tim and Jim. They're identical twins, but I made Jim shave his head so I could tell them apart. Wait, maybe that was Tim. I don't remember, but it doesn't matter anymore! What's important is that they've been thoroughly hypnotized. Just look at the dopey grins they always have on!
These brothers were once my neighbors, back when they were influencers or something. I'm not really sure what they did for work, but now they are actually contributing members of society. I did them some good, bringing them under my control. Now they actually enjoy all the long hours and hard menial labor.
"Go ahead and tell 'em what your doing, boys!"
"Sure, boss," Tim answers brightly, "Jim and I are just grabbing some tools for a job. Mrs. Jones has a leaky pipe again."
"This is the third time this month." Jim explains with a blank smile.
I chuckle and shake my head. Mrs. Jones, the retired widow, was almost definitely just calling so she could oggle these young men as they tinker with a problem she made up. She's definitely wasting my employees' time, but I don't mind as long as she keeps paying.
"Just remember your new mantra, boys," I check.
Their bodies stiffen as they robotically relay what I taught them, "We work for you. We are your handymen. We work hard, stay humble, and always respect our client and our boss."
"That's right," I beam with pride, "Go ahead and unbutton your uniforms, boys. If Mrs. Jones wants a show, you're gonna give her one."
"Yes, boss!" they declare, smiling as they loosen their shirts before packing their tools in the truck.
They used to have a real attitude problem: thought awfully highly of themselves since they were 'TickTock famous' or whatever. Obviously, that was the first thing I corrected in their personalities. Tim and Jim are now just the perfect humble and eager-to-please workers they should be. I don't think I've seen them drop those stupid smiles in weeks!
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This here is Rodrigo. He used to be a model or something, which meant he had practically no skills or common sense to begin with. At least his simple mind was super easy to hypnotize. I tried programming a bunch of common knowledge about plumbing or mechanics in that head of his, but it never stuck. That's why I always have him doing the simple heavy lifting.
"What's up, Rigo! Working hard?"
"Yes, boss," he reports with a heavy breath, "I'm just hauling the fresh supplies into the garage."
"Glad, I can count on you, boy," I clap him on his shoulder, pleased to find his hard work soaking into his uniform, "It's hard work, but someone's gotta do it!"
"Yes, boss," he agrees, and turns his head to the floor as he gets back to it.
I doubt that boy ever had a hard day of work before he met me. He didn't have a shred of real muscle on him when I found him. The only thing his pretty arms could carry were a bunch of shopping bags from the mall.
He threw all that fancy attire away after I had him under trance. I think those clothes on his back are the only thing he owns now. It's not like any of my guys need something nice to wear. They're just my handymen, after all, and I intend to milk their hard-working asses for all their worth.
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This last guy is my newest recruit. He came crawling to me when he got fired at his last job. His name is Cameron, and he's been quite a handful. Out of all the idiots I've hypnotized so far, he's been able to resist the most.
He's still thoroughly under my control, but I can't seem to control his thoughts like I can with the other guys. That's why I have him doing all the nastiest jobs. Hopefully it'll break that strong will of his!
"Hey, Cammy," I call.
"Don't call me that!" he snaps, "I'm not your damn puppet like those other freaks!"
His words have venom in them, but his body doesn't seem to agree. His head stays bowed in a mock of submission as he diligently searches the supply closet.
"What you lookin' for, Cammy?" I ask.
"The fucking plunger! You've got me on clogged toilet duty, remember?" he growled in frustration, "How long are you going to keep me doing this?"
"There's a lot of people who aren't willing to clean their shitters," I explain, "And you'll keep doing it as long as people will pay!"
I let out a sigh as Cameron continues to get more and more frustrated. Despite his radical glare, his body can't stop searching for that plunger.
"It's in the bathroom," I finally admit, "Go ahead and kiss each of our shitters while your in their."
Cameron's face twists in disgust as his body obediently marches past me, carrying him to our company restroom. He's clearly angry beyond words for being made to degrade himself once again. One day I'll get him to see me as a respectable employer just like the rest of the guys do. It's only a matter of time.
"Hey Cammy!" I call before he leaves, "Don't forget about tonight. You remember what we discussed yesterday, right?"
Despite all his internalized rage, his eyes glaze over as my hypnotic instructions kick in, "I'm on house duty. I will cook, serve, and clean up dinner for you and the rest of the men. I will be ready to give massages and showers to you and the rest of the men. I will not let myself relax until you and the rest of the men have no need of me. I will be on house duty every night forever, until you say otherwise."
"That's right," I smile in amusement, "Carry on!"
His vacant stare melts away, and he quickly adopts his trademark glare. His hands ball into fists like he's about to fight back, but he just turns and walks down the hallway. I chuckle at the idea of him in that empty bathroom, angrily kissing each of our toilet seats.
I put aside Cameron's defiance and relish just how far my repair business has gone. Not only am I making a ton more money than when it was just me, but I also have a whole flock of guys to keep me company. Even though they are all products of a weaker generation, I am well on my way towards turning each of them into real men like myself.
Already, I have Tim, Jim, and Rodrigo sipping beers and watching football with me after work everyday. I'll tell you that none of those boys enjoyed either of those things before they met me. Eventually, I'll have them genuinely laughing at all my jokes too!
Whether or not Malcolm comes around, is honestly unimportant. As long as he keeps up the disrespect, I'll keep him in the worst jobs and the longest hours.
I'm telling you, hypnotizing your employees is the way to go! So, let me know if you need any help getting your workers under your control. Or just let me know if you need a good old-fashioned handyman to fix something for you!
My boys will do anything as long as you fork over some cash...
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blackopals-world · 6 months
One Tragedy After Another
Special Forces!Yuu x Rook Hunt
A look at the past in a now-distant world.
Warning: Blood, death, violence, and general angst
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"What have I told you about crying?!" The Overseer yelled pulling them up by the back of the neck.
It was a grueling day of training.
Yuu was given such a simple task one they could do even at that age. But all they did was cry.
"Mama! I want mama!" They cried pitifully.
It had been one week since the soldiers came. The battle had destroyed the village and Yuu was dug out of the rubble. Their mother held onto them even when their home collapsed. But they made it. They survived. Mom smiled her face white from the cement dust. But the soldiers found them. They grabbed Yuu and tried to drag them away.
But mom got in the way.
"Please don't take my baby! I give you anything! I beg you!" Their mother was on her knees as she pleaded for her child. " I can't live without them."
The request was answered with a bang. A gunshot echoed in Yuu's ears.
Their mother wouldn't live without them. Not for a moment longer.
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"Please don't make me," Yuu asked again.
"What is this pathetic begging about? You don't beg. Now kill it." The Overseer ordered.
In a cage there was a white bunny rabbit. A creature that he had given to Yuu one month ago to care for. The child had fed, played with and slept with it. They named it Raindrop and I was their only friend. Yuu had thought it was a reward for good behavior but it was a test.
"I'll be good I swear! Please don't kill her." Yuu still begged.
The Overseer snarled and shoved the child to the ground.
"Guard, shoot the damn thing." He ordered.
And once again the sound of a gun echoed in their head.
"You will learn soon enough. All of this is for your benefit. If I didn't care I would have had you shot like that rat or let you go soft."
Yuu was left there on the floor for the entire night clutching their deceased pet to their chest weeping.
"I'm so sorry."
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Yuu stalked the halls of the facility. Chasing down the leader of the rebels. The job was clear, kill him. Yuu didn't particularly care about either side in this endless struggle. If he died another likely more extreme leader will continue his mission and then the The Watchtower's leader gets assassinated then the cycle repeats. That how it's been for at least a century.
"Do you have a heart?! Do you even cry monster?!"
Yuu didn't move but they didn't pull the trigger. Perhaps you'd call it hesitation but they were only doing what felt right. Giving a man his last words.
"What are you doing this for? You're a child!" The man tried to grab them and the gun fired.
He was foolish.
To think that...they needed saving. That there was anything left of a child in them.
Yuu didn't fall for sweet words. Fake concern. They knew better. They were all the same on both sides. They all had the goal to take control. Not for any reason but to have the power. That is what powerless people want more than anything. They don't really think of them as children, only pawns. Future martyrs for the cause.
Yuu had heard hundreds of years of those stories of every child fashioned for a cause, every chosen one meant to free them from the hell of war. They all died the same.
But Yuu didn't kill him. Only leaving him with a bullet in his leg. If he was wise he'd fake his death.
Maybe there was a vain hope for a future where there was peace.
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"They said that this place used to be a forest. With trees as higher then any building." Lily said as they walked the Waste.
Yuu had a mission to find a target out in the wastelands. Lily was another child chosen for Yuu's role and it was their job to mentor her.
"Shut up." Yuu didn't like babysitting and Lily was not a normal child. She was bright and bubbly. Unsuited for this life and unsuited for war. Her parents were loving and wished for her to have a better life and gave her to the Overseer.
Lily was trusting and looked to Yuu as their older siblings almost instantly. She was also intensely interested in the old world.
"I saw a picture of it though. It was so pretty. When the war is over I want to plant a new forest with lots of trees and flowers." Lily said bouncing on the tip of her toes.
Yuu snorted "When the war is over" what a childish notion.
"Don't laugh, I want you to see it too. A big beautiful forest with animals and flowers everywhere." She laughed hugging Yuu.
Her arms only reached the height of Yuu's waist.
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History repeats itself.
"Yuu kill the damn rat." The Overseer ordered.
It was another test but not for them, for Lily.
Another rabbit, the same as the first held tightly in her arms.
"Yuu, please don't!" She begged.
"Overseer, I don't think she's ready. Maybe-" Yuu tried to reason with him.
"Are you questioning me? I said kill it either you do or she does." He said coldly.
Yuu wasn't proud of it but they knew what had to be done. They just wanted to protect Lily.
The picked up the rabbit as Lily frantically tried to stop them and...made it quick. The rabbit didn't suffer.
The Overseer wasn't pleased but he left them alone.
The siblings hugged as Yuu tried to comfort Lily. She wouldn't go through this alone, not like they did. Yuu wanted to keep Lily innocent so she'd never have to kill.
"I'm so sorry." Yuu squeezed her in a tight embrace.
"I forgive you." Lily whispered as her warm tears fell on Yuu's shoulder.
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"No no no no no. No No NO NO! LILY! LILY!" Yuu screamed as they ran to her.
Yuu had just returned from a mission. Lily still wasn't ready for this work.
Lily was in the garden. It wasn't a natural one with was artificially cultivated to exist there. Nothing really grew on its own but it was the only bit of color they had out here. Yuu never appreciated it until Lily taught them. Yuu never knew how beautiful a water lily was until they saw one.
"Mom always said that what makes a water lily so pretty was that it grows from the bottom of the lake. It starts in the muddy bottom but it grows out of it to the sunshine. It means that no matter where you start it doesn't mean you can't make it out of the dark places." Liliy said holding the waxy pale flower in hand "That's why my name is Lily."
Lily had to make it out of the dark place they were in. Yuu was going to save them both. They promised it. Yuu had finally made contact with the rebels leader and asked if he'd take them. Anything would keep Lily safe.
But it didn't matter that man. He shot her and left her to die.
"Take this as a lesson. We don't keep traitors. If you had done your job and killed him like I told you this would not have happened. Do not fail again." He said walking away.
Yuu didn't hear him. All the could here was the shallow breaths of Lily.
"Yuu...I'm scared." Tears welled in her eyes
"I know, I know. It's okay." They both knew she was going to die. "Hey, look up."
Yuu held Lily up so her head fell on their chest. Just like when Lily would read while sitting on Yuu's lap and pointed at all the pictures of the world long ago, a world she dreamed of.
The crown of artificial trees framed the sky. A pair of stars glimmer in the dark.
"The wishing star."She whispered.
"Yeah kid...make a wish. I will too." Yuu said.
"I want...want to...see the flowers again." And then she was gone.
"Yeah, let's...go together...I promise." Yuu wept as they closed their sister's eyes.
"I promise."
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History always repeats.
Yuu was no martyr and no one would call them a Saint. But since that day they had thought of nothing but revenge. Destroying the Watchtower was the ultimate goal. They didn't care who was good or evil, only that the war ends. Blood was on everyone's hands.
Not that moment had arrived and while the rest of the group went to the capital to take on the main forces Yuu stood before her mortal enemy. The man who raised them.
"Get up." Yuu hovered over the man bleeding.
"You've really grown." He laughed blood dripping from his mouth.
"Shut up! Get up and face me!" Yuu would kill him while he was on his own two feet and looking them in the eye.
"And do what? Beg for me life? I thought I thought you better. You don't beg for anyone." Those early memories flooded back to Yuu and they remembered that same snarl.
"You bastard! You absolute monster-you took everything from me!" Yuu yelled m.
"No, you gave me everything." He said back smiling like he had won and a way he had. Yuu was his greatest creation, his monster. To die by its hand was no different from ending himself but leaving his legacy behind.
"Your right I did. I gave you my life." Yuu could admit it no matter how much it hurt.
"My trust!" Yuu shot his leg.
"My faith! Then the other.
"My love!" Then the arm.
"My fucking name! I gave it to you! I forgot who I was before I knew what I was! And you took her!" And finally the other arm.
The Overseer screamed in agony of every bullet. One for every tragedy.
The death of their mother, their bunny, their innocence, and their sister.
"I took away your weakness and you took my kindness as a threat. Now you want to kill me you ungrateful urchin. I raised you! I am your father!" He yelled writhing in his own blood.
"You made me watch as she...she..was just a child. She was innocent." Yuu said with tears in their eyes.
"She was weak."
"No. She was perfect. I was protecting her from you. From making another monster." Yuu pressed the muzzle of the gun to his forehead.
"She called for me. She called my name-my fake name when she died. She searched for me. She thought I could save her and I tried. I tried so hard." Yuu continued.
"So foolish." Those were the last words he ever said.
"It should have been me but now it will be you." And the gunshot echoed in Yuu's head.
History repeats itself. It always ends with a gunshot.
But now it would end with a bang. They knew The Overseer had already pressed the button that rigged this place to blow. When you're head of the military you don't get that far without a bargaining chip. He knew Yuu didn't fear death and they both knew that. That's why Yuu sent everyone ahead.
Maybe they made it. Maybe the war was over. Maybe there was hope.
Yuu just didn't want to fight anymore.
With moments left they gazed at the wishing star from the window and thought of Lily.
"I wish I could see the forest too."
And everything went white.
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The forest really was beautiful. Everything Yuu had heard.
Yuu layed in the meadow feeling the cool breeze and the warm sun. A bunny rested on their chest.
"What are you thinking about?"Rook pried laying next to them.
"I want to see someone again. I know they are out there somewhere." Yuu said petting their rabbit.
"I know she's out there. She probably still thinks of you and loves you." Rook said reaching out to take Yuu's hand. "Until then I'll show every beautiful thing in this world."
"I...I would like that."
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lisbeth-kk · 17 days
May Prompts (26) Manipulate
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 26)
Summary: Rosie finds an unmarked box in her wardrobe. When John scolds himself for lacking as a parent, Rosie sets things straight.
Twenty-Six Years Old
Six months after my return to London, I was moving out again. The internship at the ministry of justice paid surprisingly well. I couldn’t help but think that a certain uncle had been using his manipulation skills again… In addition to my wage, the generous inheritance from Nana and Timothy’s income from his published novel, were more than sufficient to buy a decent flat in Stockwell. 
Nana had clearly wanted that 221 Baker Street was well looked after, and gifted it to her two boys, and insisted in her will that if Deidre, or Dee, as she preferred to be called, needed a home, 221A should be hers. And for the last two years, 221A had been occupied by Dee. My parents got along with her like a house on fire.
“It’s like having a younger version of Hudders down there,” Papa stated.
“Agreed. The sassiness runs in the family, I presume. Dee’s skills in the kitchen are sadly things she did not inherit from her aunt, though,” Dad said.
“Definitely not! She almost sat the flat on fire when she was boiling eggs,” Papa filled in.
Moving out the first time, had been poles apart to this move. That time I was going on an adventure, and I knew it was for just a period. When I moved in with Timothy, it was forever, and that was more bittersweet than I’d anticipated.
Moving to Paris, I had only taken clothes, some books, my laptop and the like. Stripping my room bare, was something entirely different. There were so many memories, and I knew I had to get rid of some of them because the flat wasn’t exactly big, and there were Timothy’s things to consider as well.
Over the next weeks I felt that I lived inside a cardboard box. They were everywhere, even downstairs to let me have some room to move around upstairs and leave the bed free to sleep in.
On the floor inside my wardrobe, I found an old box that had remained hidden behind clothes, rucksacks, shoes and a bag with blankets. It wasn’t marked and I couldn’t remember having placed it there. I opened the flaps and gasped in surprise.
“How are you getting on?” Dad called from the stairs and seconds later he entered my room.
I looked up at him with a stunned expression. When he saw the box, his shoulders slumped, and he sighed heavily.
“Right. I’d forgotten all about that one,” he said sheepishly. “I’ve failed to keep her memory alive for you, haven’t I?”
“Dad,” I scolded him. “You had far more important things to cope with when she died. Raising me with Papa is the greatest gift you could’ve given me. Never be sorry for that. I don’t remember her at all. From what I’ve gathered she did some horrible things to you both. No, stop. She did. I may not know the full extent of it, but it doesn’t matter that she was my mother. Remember what Papa said about extended and chosen family. They can be way better than the biological one. Not that I would want to replace you, mind.”
We both looked down at the photo of my mother and Dad on their wedding day. I didn’t recall when it had been replaced with the wedding photo of Dad and Papa. It felt strange and a bit eerie to look at Dad embracing another person like that. I took it out and placed it in the box that was going to the bins.
“Rosie!” Dad exclaimed, more out of shock than anything else.
“It’s wrong, Dad. I don’t need that. To me she’s the one who gave me life, but she was never in it when it mattered, and I’ve never missed having a mother. I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world having you and Papa as parents. You’ve done a great job, and uncle Myc, Nana, Molly, Granny, Pops, and uncle Greg have been brilliant carers as well. Now, what else is in here?”
I found Ted, still stained with tomato sauce, a white baby blanket with a bee pattern, tiny boxes containing a curl of my hair, my first tooth, a book where my growth, my first real meal, my first words, my first steps, my first trip, (to Barts), my favourite toys and books were painstakingly written down in Papa’s handwriting. My eyes filled with tears when I realised how much love lay behind those notes.
“He didn’t let me near that book with my horrible handwriting,” Dad said in a choked voice, clearly as emotional as me.
Another book caught my eye. The one uncle Greg had mentioned. A book with children’s names. It was worn, and I didn’t know whether that was from Papa searching for male names starting with a G, or my mother’s search for names meant for me.
“Did you…”
“No,” Dad cut me off. “She’d already decided on a name once we got back together. After…”
He didn’t have to finish that sentence, and I’m glad he stopped himself. Just thinking about it made me nauseous. 
I hadn’t told Timothy about her yet, but I knew I needed to. He would eventually ask. The lack of photos of her would ensure that. I reminded myself to ask uncle Myc how much I could reveal. Not that I knew more than half of it myself.
After I’d put the box aside, I leant into Dad where he sat beside me and placed my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug.
“I’m so glad you decided to move back here with me after she died,” I murmured. “We would’ve been miserable without him.”
“Yeah, two years was enough for a lifetime,” Dad said and drew me closer, kissing the top of my head.
“I bet Papa is relieved that he can walk around in just a sheet now that I’m moving out for good,” I quipped to brighten the mood.
Dad chuckled and he was unable to hide the glint in his eyes at this prospect.
Also available on AO3
All the love to the other magnificent participants <3 Thanks to everyone for the endless support and especially to those who normally don't read parent!lock, but despite that are walking the extra mile. I'm in awe!
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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WIBTA if I told my sister she wasn't entitled to everything just because she's pregnant?
I (19F) have a younger sister, E, who just turned 18. She got emancipated when she was 16, and moved out to go and live with her boyfriend (my age). E is currently 8 months pregnant. She shared with me, the day she found out, that her baby 100% does NOT belong to her boyfriend of 3 years. This is important because he continues to stay with her, much to his parents' discontent. She lived with him for about 6 months of her pregnancy, but absolutely trashed their house every day, refused to work, and refused to do anything around the house other than smoke weed in their bedroom, so they called our mom, and forced her to come and pick E up.
We let E stay at our house after that. It's important to note that we live in a 4 bedroom, where our youngest sibling still lives in our parents bedroom, and one of our other younger siblings had to give up their room for her to stay in. She got a job in our small town (~3000 people), and started to spread rumors at work about how terrible we were, how we were forcing her to work while pregnant, and taking all of her paycheck. None of which was happening. Our parents told E that she could either get a job and pay for some of the groceries, or she could give us her food stamps payments, which she usually sells for weed, as there are 4 other kids under the age of 18 in the house that they have to provide for. E later got fired for smoking weed in the bathroom of the restaurant where she worked. When we brought up how she'd need to give us that months food stamps for us to let her stay, because she got fired, she brought me into the argument. She said that since I was over 18, I should have to work as well to earn my spot in the house, when in reality, most of what I do all day is clean up after and take care of our younger siblings. My mom argued back on my behalf, saying that since I'm disabled, and my disability checks, as well as child support payments from my biological father, go to living expenses, I shouldn't be suddenly forced to move out when I do my share of work around the house. E blew up on our mom for defending me, citing her own history of mental health issues and her pregnancy, and left.
A few weeks ago, she came back, asking for a room while she waited for her new apartment to clear, as her boyfriend's parents had once again kicked her out. Our parents agreed, on the grounds that she stay in the trailer we have on the property, as opposed to taking over our younger sibling's room again, because she completely trashed it last time and refused to clean or fix anything she broke. She agreed.
Here's where I may be the asshole. Every time she's in the house proper, she badgers me to make her food, when I am clearly busy cleaning or taking care of one of our younger siblings. She takes over the chair that our mom has to sit in for her back issues, citing her pregnancy as to why she needs the extra back support. She uses our younger sister's expensive bath products, which she had to get a babysitting job to pay for herself, without asking, and didn't stop when asked, despite having her own bath products. She constantly complains about how I never do anything, despite the fact that while she says that, I'm actively cleaning up after her the same amount I am a literal four year old, while she never even lifts a finger to help out, or even make her own food. She does not pay for food, or pay any sort of rent at all, as she's only supposed to be here for a few more weeks. The absolute last straw for me was when I, a chronically ill person who has to have a very specific diet and meal replacement shakes, came out of my room to see her eating from a tupperware container literally labeled with my name, and drinking one of my meal replacement shakes.
Would I be the asshole if I told her that just because she's pregnant, that doesn't mean she's entitled to all of our things? I want to tell her that she needs to start making her own food, and cleaning up after herself, instead of forcing me to do it. I want to tell her that, just because I'm her older sister, that doesn't mean that I still have to take care of her like our 4 and 7 year old ones. That she doesn't need to keep taking from things specifically bought by/for another person in the house, without offering to pay for it or compensate?
What are these acronyms?
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
She’s a Fire-Epilogue
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x OFC/Reader (no use of y/n)
The End
(previous chapter here)
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, mentions of smut, throwing up mentioned, pregnancy mentioned, lmk if I missed anything.
You officially became Mrs. Bradley Bradshaw 3 months later.
You had looked breathtaking in an ivory long-sleeved, lace gown. It was an intimate affair with both your closest friends and family on a snowy day in Colorado the day after Christmas. You’re not sure who cried more.
The evening after the wedding you departed for your honeymoon at an all-inclusive in the Bahamas.
You couldn’t contain your laughter at Bradley’s flush when his bag was opened and searched by customs, revealing all the sex toys you’d stuffed in there. He was equally aroused as he was humiliated as they rummaged through the items before zipping it closed and handing it back. His eyes were dark as he stalked over, dragging you to a quiet corner of the terminal to tell you exactly how you were going to pay for embarrassing him when you got to the resort. Good thing it rained the following day-your ass had paid for it dearly and you could hardly sit without wincing. Totally worth it though.
It was a perfect, relaxing week. Equal amount of time was spent in the sun as it was in your room, wringing pleasure out of each other in every way possible.
Like every good thing, it came to an end too quickly, but you were happy to get back home to Lola.
Bradley was called out to deploy only a few days later and even though you understood it’s his job, it was disappointing.
It’s been a rough deployment too; 5 weeks in and you only got one short phone call. Not to mention you’ve been nauseous on and off for over a week.
You woke up in a sour mood one Sunday morning; your boobs hurt and were cramping so much that even Lola couldn’t cheer you up.
Must be getting my period, you think as you feed Lola. But you freeze when you look at the calendar. You were late.
You’d gotten your birth control implant removed shortly before the wedding. But there was no way you were pregnant yet. It took some time for your body to regulate when going off birth control, right?
30 minutes and a quick run to Target later, you’re shaking as you force yourself to not peek before the 3 minutes are up.
You startle when your phone signals that time up. Taking a deep breath, you open your eyes. Happy tears immediately fill your eyes at the two pink lines. It’s positive.
You’re still sitting on the floor in disbelief a few minutes later when Sunny texts you and Nat. Nat didn’t deploy with the rest of the squad this time for some reason, but you hadn’t seen her as she went to visit family for a few weeks.
Sunny: Wanna have brunch with me?
Nat: Yes! I just got home last night from Dani’s. I’ve missed you guys.
Rowan: Missed you too, Nat. Brunch sounds great.
Sunny: Yay! Meet at the place on Park Street in an hour?
Rowan: Perfect, see you soon!
Nat: Works for me.
You get there early and snag a table, waving them over when they arrive.
“What can I start you off with to drink?” The waitress asks right as she sits down.
“Just water is fine,” you answer, pointedly looking at your menu while you avoid their eyes.
“I’ll do the same, thanks.” Sunny replies.
“Me too,” Nat smiles.
The waitress leaves and you finally look up.
They look between each other and you, looking like they’re ready to burst.
“I’m pregnant,” you all say at the same time.
Your eyes widen. “Oh my God! No way!”
“What?! You are too?!” Sunny says, choking on a sob as you both wrap her in a hug.
“Yeah, I just found out. Literally right before you texted. I’m still in shock, like…it doesn’t feel real yet. I wish Bradley was here,” you sniff, wiping your own tears as you pull away.
Nat smiles, eyes watery as well. “I found out at the pre-deployment screening. I hadn’t even missed my period yet. I told Jake and he was…ecstatic. My body hadn’t even changed yet but he was insatiable, didn’t even let me get out of bed the day before he left,” she laughs. “I’m a little over 7 weeks now. Does Bob know? How far along are you?”
Sunny shakes her head and dabs her eyes with her napkin. “No, and it’s the worst. I found out Thursday. I almost threw up at work when I was debriding a wound. I thought it was weird because it’s never bothered me before. I got home and took a test when I realized my period was a day late. I’m about 6 weeks. I wanted to tell you both in person.”
“I’m almost 6 weeks too, if my calculations are right. Wow,” you smile and squeeze their hands, “We’re all having babies, due at the same time. What are the odds?”
Just as you finish eating your phones go off simultaneously.
Bradley: Just hit dry land. I’ll see you in an hour, Mrs. Bradshaw. 😘
Rowan: Can’t wait, Mr. Bradshaw. 😏
Natasha and Sunny are looking at their phones and you assume they both received the same type of message based on their smiles.
Hugs and promises to give updates are given before you all rush out.
Your stomach starts to turn halfway home, and your mouth starts filling with saliva as you pull into the drive. You manage to make it to the bathroom before you empty the contents of your stomach, but not without startling Lola in your haste.
She timidly peeks her head in the door as you retch.
“I’m so sorry sweet girl,” you murmur, holding out the hand not gripping the toilet. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
Her tail thumps loudly against the wall at your tone before deciding you’re forgiven. She lays at your feet with a huff.
You flush and curl up next to her, not wanting to get too far from the toilet as your stomach gurgles.
“Mama doesn’t feel good because I’ve got a baby in my tummy. You’re gonna be a big sister,” you whisper, rubbing her soft ears.
“Row? Lola? Where are you guys?” Bradley calls.
“In the bathroom,” you reply, sitting up as your heart flutters. Or maybe it’s your stomach because you’re back to throwing up as he enters the bathroom.
“Oh, Row. Are you okay?” He asks, too preoccupied to notice the pregnancy test on the counter, right next to the sink where he’s running a washcloth under cool water.
“I will be, thanks,” you sigh as he presses it to your neck.
“Is it the stomach flu? Something you ate?”
You shake your head, closing the lid and flushing again. He helps you to your feet and rubs your shoulders while you brush your teeth.
“How long have you been sick?”
“I’ve been feeling queasy for the last week or so.”
“Hope it doesn’t last too much longer,” he murmurs, kissing the top of your head.
You pick up the positive pregnancy test and turn to him.
“Won’t be more than 9 months,” you smile weakly.
“You-you’re pregnant?” He whispers, his face pales and is suddenly white as a sheet. “Oh shit, I better sit down.”
After he feels less faint, he guides you to bed and brings back a bucket before climbing in behind you.
“How far…when are you-just,…wow,” he laughs. “We’re having a baby, Row!”
“I just found out this morning,” you smile. “I think it happened on our honeymoon, so I’m due in the middle of September.”
“That’s amazing,” he breathes, resting his palm below your naval, “Did Nat tell you?”
“Yeah. We met Sunny for brunch this morning. She’s a little more than a week further along than me and Sunny.”
“Wait-Sunny too?! Holy shit!” He laughs in disbelief. “This is amazing!”
You fall asleep in his arms and wake an hour later to his head on your thighs, whispering to the little being inside you.
“…and I can’t wait to meet you. You’re gonna be my little buddy, doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or girl, I don’t mind either way. Tell grandma and grandpa Bradshaw that daddy says hi and I miss them so so much,” he murmurs, voice thick with tears. “And quit making your mama sick, okay? You’re so lucky to have her, she’s the best. Just don’t make her mad. I love you already.”
You haven’t even opened your eyes but tears are already streaming down your face. “You’re going to be an amazing dad, Bradley.”
7 ½ months later:
Wade Michael Seresin comes screaming into the world first, followed by Owen Bradley Floyd right on his due date; already a stickler for being on time, unlike his namesake.
5 days overdue, Connor Nicholas Bradshaw finally graces you with his presence, perfect in every way.
The end.
A/N: Well that’s a wrap! BRB while I go cry.
Anywho, let me know if there’s anything you want me to elaborate on or go into further detail (like the honeymoon—would it even be a chapter I write without at least mentioning a spanking? 🥴).
Next up will be the asks. So far I’ve gotten:
Jake and Natasha breeding/pregnancy smut
Foursome with Jake, Nat, Row and Bradley
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katzchai · 7 months
private session for free // seo changbin x reader
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pairing: seo changbin x reader contains: fluff, personal trainer seo changbin, date invitation
"okay, maybe it's not that bad." i said to myself while looking at my reflection in the glass doors.
i've moved to a new city a month ago and i've finally built up the courage to get out of the apartment after work and try a new gym. back in my hometown, i'd visit the gym once a week for the fitness class and i loved it. perfect amount of a workout and fun.
if someone would try to call me a gym rat i'd laugh in their face. do i like going to the gym? like the actual gym? hell no. i always hated the PE classes at school and i still remember all the times when the coach would scream at us because we couldn't hit the ball right or run for longer than 5 minutes without a break. it wasn't until the coach got sick in the middle of the last semester and we got a new PE teacher that i started to enjoy something gym-related.
our new teacher introduced us to fitness and she would hold one class a week. that was the only time i had fun. after graduating and starting a job i decided to try fitness in my free time and it became a part of my friday. everyone would go to clubs on fridays but me? i'd get my bag and go straight to my favourite gym in the city.
now after moving for a new job, i had to find a gym in the city that's not only close to me but also feels good - the right vibes have to be there - otherwise it's not fun at all. i did my research on maps to see where the closest gym is and i found one 5 minutes away from my apartment so after work i went home, grabbed my bag and i came here.
now, as i'm standing in front of the doors i'm thinking if i'm at the right location. everything inside looks so - black and white. no character to the place and i'm rethinking my decision to come here. but hey, momma didn't raise a quitter.
as i'm opening the doors and stepping into the gym i hear lots of very upbeat music. "okay, i can still turn around and go back home." and as i'm about to turn around a lady behind the desk pops up. 
"hey! welcome to hitshOt, the only gym in the city where nobody judges you. is it your first time here?"
"yes, hello. i was thinking about signing up for the gym membership."
"awesome!" the girl behind the desk has a name tag and while i'm coming up to the desk i read that her name is dabin. "we don't offer any free trials but we offer the best equipment and the best personal trainers so i'm sure you'll find something for yourself here."
"oh actually, do you offer any fitness classes? i'm not interested in the typical "macho" stuff. i prefer something more... fun."
"i'm so sorry but we don't. we're in the process of firing more staff and maybe one day. but hey, you can go in and take a look around and if you decide to stay you can pay me once you'll be going out." am i disappointed? yes. this is the closest gym to me and the ratings were high but if there's no fitness this is not a place for me.
"well... i'm sure the gym is amazing but no thank you. i'm not interested. to be honest with you Dabin i hate working out in a gym because it seems like everyone is waiting for you to fail. i'll keep an eye on your website to see if there are any fitness classes in the future though."
as i'm picking my bag from the floor i can hear a strong voice behind me. "who said that the gym is only for the typical "macho" stuff? i'm pretty sure you can do anything in there and have fun." i turn around and see a very muscular guy who is definitely at the gym almost 24/7 - i mean who has arms like that and doesn't go to the gym? "do you think that maybe you could give the gym a chance with me?"
"and who are you?"
"changbin. i'm a personal trainer here and before you say anything - i'm willing to get you on a private session with me for free. i've got time since the person who was scheduled didn't show up and i can show you around and maybe you'll decide to stay with us."
"and what if i don't want to try out the gym with you?"
"i can take you out for a coffee and convince you that working out can be just as fun as fitness."
shocked i start to wonder why this guy is so keen on getting some one-on-one time with me. i won't lie he is handsome and i'm all for the meet-cutes but something seems fishy.
"i can see you haven't decided yet, so i'll be in the cafe next door," he says and walks up to me. when he stands next to me he whispers "the coffee and the private session will be on me, beautiful. no matter what time."
and what do i do? i say bye to dabin and walk out of the gym and head to the cafe. you never say no to a free coffee. and a private session with a "macho" like that.
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fakesimp · 1 year
The Sorcerer & The Demon
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Warning !
Fluff ; Comfort ; Mentions of Physical Affection ; Mentions of Anxiety, Frustration, Desperation ; Mentions of Marking ; Established Relationship
A/n !
Okay (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ last part as I promised ! Thank you for the Reblogs and Likes (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Also decided to post this on Shu's birthday since I don't think I got the chance to write anything for his b-day (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠), anyways,
Happy Birthday my Beloved Sorcerer, Shu Yamino (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
<- Part II ||
How long has it been?
It's dark, and cold. Again.
You should've bought the Shikigamis with you, it would've made them find you much quicker.
But what if they couldn't find you? What if they decided to let you be here? All alone inside this kidnapper's household.
Dark thoughts slowly flooding in, you were just started to live with them for like for 2 months.
They've taken care of you ever since your first meeting, it was nice. It made you feel alive again. You missed their voice now, there's not a day goes without hearing their voice. Vox's flirty remarks, Shu's identic smile.
Why do you miss them so much? You've only been with them for 2 months, it is still a short span of time. At least that's what you thought. You slowly pull your knees up to your chest, slowly hugging it as you close your eyes, silently praying for them to save you.
. . .
"It has been a week Shu, is there no sign of them yet?" The Demon asked, a week is way too long for comfort. They're getting more anxious each second pass by, Shu who Constantly not taking any rest trying to find you, sending his shikigamis out to trace your essence.
"I am trying Vox, I know it has been a week, I haven't go take a rest ever since their disappearance. I am trying my best here Vox" Shu replied, sounded a bit desperate also frustrated, Vox could only glare down at the tatami floor under him. Not because he's mad at The Sorcerer he's mad at himself not being able to go out find you.
"Then, Let me, go find them, Shu." Vox finally voiced out his suggestion, Shu looked up at him, he frowned for a moment. Before letting out a sigh, "Okay, ..I let you go out from my range, but return before the sunset tomorrow." He ordered, and then right after he said that, the magic golden chains that's wrapped around his wrists and ankles breaks into pieces. "But, if I have found their whereabouts, I am catching up to you." he continued as he look at The Demon.
Vox kneeled before Shu, summoning his katana, "I shall now take my departure, I will return soon." With that Vox disappeared, leaving only a mist behind.
Shu sighed once more as he ran his fingers through his bangs, he's not going to rest, definitely not, he's still going to find you, at least, your essence to know where you are.
. . .
One, two, three, four, .. hours have passed ever since Vox's departure, one of the Shikigamis he sent out returned in a hurry, bringing the expected good news.
"Good job, now lead Vox and I to where they are."
Shu stood up and walked away, the moment he stepped out of the room, he teleported away. Only leaving behind bits of his purple pink fire behind.
"We're going to find you."
. . .
Does your life story really ends here? Do you really have no choice? You're now chained up. Nowhere to go now. You're stuck here.
The kidnapper is not a human, it is a yokai, there's no way you can fight them, you're just a human, if you decided to fight them, you're definitely digging your own grave.
The sliding door that slowly opened up awakened you back to reality, you look up at the door. Seeing the Yokai smiling down at you, they coo as they approached you. "There There.. Do you know who you're living together with?" The Yokai whispered at you as they crouched down in front of you, "The Mysterious, yet Strongest Sorcerer. And The last Akuma blood line, now turned into the strongest Demon." They explained as they stared at you no emotions. Eyes empty, void of life.
"And Seeing you living with those two so casually, when you're just a mere human? Do you know how many Yokais out there want to be friended those two?" You shook your head as you stared back into the Yokai's dead eyes, "There are thousands, yet here you are. A mere human manage to catch their attention and live together with them even." The Yokai grabbed your face so aggressively that you let out a whine from it, "L-Let go!" You struggled as you tried to push their hands away, only for them to tighten their grip.
"Know your place Hum-"
"Hands off."
A familiar low voice rings through your ear, your eyes widen up at the voice, "V-Vox!" He let out a chuckle as he heard you calling his name. "I'm sorry little human, It took us this long to find you.." he apologized as he walk up to the Yokai and You, his golden eyes glows as he approached you.
The Yokai who was so confident now shaking in fear, facing Vox Shaking as he kneeled down to the floor, their forehead are on the floor. You look down at the Yokai in front of you, then up at Vox. His eyes staring down at the Yokai before him, and then you felt something tugging at your arm behind you.
It was the Shikigamis, it took a bit while before they manage to release you free. "Go out little human, Shu is outside waiting for you" The Demon said and glances at you, a smile slowly appeared, "Don't look back and just keep walking." He said as he saw you slowly standing up, slowly walking pass him.
Oh how shocked you were when you saw the footstep coming from the door leaded to Vox's, and the moment you stepped out, you saw Shu burning the last dead body. His face looked so gloomy. But it soon disappeared and his violet eyes glows slightly when he sees you, "You're okay-!" He said as you both walk up to each other.
The Sorcerer reach out his hand to your cheek, gently rubbing his gloved thumb along your cheek, his eyes soften up, "I'm sorry it took us a whole week for us to find you.." he whispered. He sounded so regretful, disappointed.
"I'm glad we manage to find you, seeing you still in one piece. If not.." Shu stopped he then pulled his hand away, leaving you hanging, "Oh look at you two, being all sweet and stuff without me" Vox said as he swing his katana to the side with a bit of force to let the blood off from his katana.
Vox sheathed his katana as he walk up to you and Shu, Vox's hand soon reach out to you placing his hand at the left side of your cheek, gently rubbing his thumb along your cheek. "I'm glad you're okay." He sounded so soft, you blinked slowly as you look up at him. And then Vox pulled his hand away, smiling towards you "Let's go home now shall we?"
. . .
"I believe we need to do something about you.." Shu said as he frowned a bit, thinking of something.
You, Vox and Shu are in Shu's room, thinking of a way about how to prevent the uneventful things to happen in the future. "Well, There is, a way.." Shu whispered, bit his voice are a bit hesitant. "And that is?" You asked him, but the way Shu glances at Vox, making Vox frowned too.
"Are you sure it's the only way?" Vox asked, knowing what Shu meant, "Do you have any other ways?" Shu asked, they both continue discussing leaving you completely clueless at the discussion.
After awhile, both of them then looked at you, "Let us hold your hands" Shu requested as both him and Vox extended their hands to you. You tilt your head a bit confused, but you reached out both of your hands anyway.
The both of them held your hand gently, and the moment they leaned their faces close to your palms your eyes widen up. The next second you felt both of their lips on your palms, your body shivered a bit at the sensation.
After a few seconds, they both leaned away and gently rub their thumbs along your palms. They then released your hand, you look down to see what did they do.
There was nothing at first, but then slowly red markings started to appeared on your palms. You look back up at them, "Personal marking of protection for our Little human" Vox replied as he smiled at you, then the smile slowly turn into a smirk. "Or you could say that it is a marking of ownership-" he teased making your face went hot, The Demon let out a chuckle when he sees your reaction.
"But it is something to let other Yokais know, you belong to someone.. or certain, .. people" Shu said, whispering the last part as he closed his eyes, clearing out his throat before letting outa soft chuckle.
You look down on your palms once more, oh, now where did you see that mark again?
You frowned for a bit, slightly tilting your head. But then it clicked, you shot your head up and see the same exact mark on Shu and Vox's foreheads. "..no wonder it looks familiar" you said as you then look back down at your palms.
"Don't worry, little human. You're now safe. We will not let anything. Bad happened to you." ...
Ever since they put the marks on your palms, no Yokais dared to approach you, whenever they see you they'll back away from you, with a bit of intimidated look on their faces.
. . .
That was 5 years ago, your encounter with the two men have changed your life entirely, they're now your lovers. You've decided to gave up your life as a Shikigami, now living an eternal life. Together with the two.
Waking up from the sound of birds chirping at the window, you slowly opened your eyes, you tilt your head down slightly to see a glimpse of a familiar raven haired male snuggled to your chest. A soft breathing behind you, you then look over your shoulder to see Vox's face. Sleeping peacefully behind you as he draped over his arms over your waist and Shu's arms.
Oh right, last night these two were drinking.
"Shu.. Vox.. wake up.." you gently pat Shu's head and then Vox's, making the two shifted in their sleep a bit before slowly opening their eyes. Shu slightly looking up at you, kissing your collarbone, humming in Satisfaction, "Good morning.." he whispered.
Vox at the other hand started kissing your shoulders, "..Morning to both of you.." he greeted you and Shu, "Is your head okay?" You asked them both, Shu went quiet, "..It is hurting quite bad" Vox replied as he snuggled his face at your shoulder. "Indulge me will you, hm?" He said as his hands started roaming on your body under the futon. "..I could just make this headache gone, but I don't think my mind will let me register the magic" Shu said and let out a chuckle.
"Come on, let's get up, I'll cook up some soup for you two" You said as you tried to get up from the futon, only for you to be pulled back down again, Vox who was laying on the futon now are on his sides, resting his head on his palms, while Shu at the other hand are snuggling into you from the side. "..Is this how we're going to start our day?"
"Hahah, come on now, it's still early anyway.. you can cook us the soup later, love"
"Yeah.. my head is throbbing, let me at least hug you a bit longer"
Both of them didn't let you go, you're stuck in between them, you could only sigh lovingly as you rise both of your hands and gently pat their faces. "Fine, just a bit longer okay?"
"Thank you my dear, Love you"
".. Mm, Love you.."
You're so glad that you can spend the rest of your life with them, you let out a small chuckle, "Love you too"
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There ! That is all for The Sorcerer or The Demon fic ! I hope you enjoyed this, fufu~
Also I'm sorry, this have been sitting in my drafts ever since i uploaded the second part.. so I still have that, color exaggeration.. I'm sorry
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Reunited and it Doesn't Feel So Good
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AN: Toxic!Jack doesn’t make an appearance until the end. There will possibly be a part two and I hope yall like this!
Synopsis: Your boyfriend isn’t spending time with you and you grow tired of it
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader, Urban Wyatt x Best Friend!Reader
Please do not repost my content anywhere
You were as excited as a toddler in a candy store and could hardly sit still since the pilot announced you would be landing in Vegas in the next thirty minutes.
Your job had been a lot lately and you found yourself overwhelmed and needing to be in the arms of your boyfriend.
The boyfriend that was constantly flying all over the country, but you weren't complaining. It got hard at times, but you were proud of him nonetheless.
He's worked his ass off for this and accomplished everything he set out to do and you were more than happy to be along for the ride.
Jack had promised to pick you up from the airport and have lunch before his show at a place he found on his explore page on Instagram that he had been dying to try and waited so you would be able to go with him. It's been two months since you've seen him and you were longing for his touch.
But much to your surprise, Jack wasn’t waiting for you when you landed. 
Strike One
Neelam and Urban were and they were just as excited to see you. 
It wasn’t that you weren’t grateful to see them as well, but your heart sank a little bit noticing he wasn’t anywhere in sight. 
“Y/N!! I’ve missed you! It’s been too long!” Neelam exclaimed while bringing you in for a tight hug. She was like an older sister to you and you were constantly going to her and Metta for advice.
“I’ve missed you too Nee. I take it you’ve been keeping the boyfriend in check because I obviously can’t trust this one to do it.” you said nodding towards Urban before he pinched you and brought you in for a hug.
“I do my best, but you already know how he is.” She replied before taking your carry-on bag from you.
“Is that how you greet your best friend? Missed you too little mamas.” Urban asked while wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leading everyone out to the car.
Urban had been your best friend close to five years and was the reason you met Jack and eventually ended up together. 
“Missed you more and yes because the two of you together causes a whole lot of problems. All I’m going to say is 4th of July 2 years ago.”
“How was I supposed to know the car was full of fireworks before I decided to light my blunt?”
“And almost set the entire block on fire?”
“You’re one to talk. Remember when you and Jack..” You immediately placed your hand over his mouth as your eyes went wide knowing the incident that he was referring to. 
“You take that to the grave Wyatt!” You whisper-yelled before settling in the backseat of the black escalade that would take you all to the hotel in order to let you get settled into your room before heading off to the venue. 
The ride to the hotel took less than ten minutes and before you knew it, Neelam was handing you a room-key before heading off to the venue to make sure everything was running smoothly and Urban helped you with your bags.
“You’re only staying for two weeks, right? Why the fuck is this shit so heavy?” Urban was starting to break a sweat while carrying your bag to the room that you would be sharing along with Jack.
“Shut the hell up, Urby. I have to be prepared for every possible situation we may come across.”
“What the hell do you expect to happen? For us to be fighting bears and shit?”
“You get on my last nerve, I swear.”
You both finally made it to the door before Urban started to take off in the other direction.
“Umm,  where are you going?!”
“Tell your boyfriend to carry those heavy ass bags, I’m done.”
You proceeded to roll your eyes before pulling the room key from your back pocket and inserting it into the slot in the door. Once it had turned green, you opened it to see Jack sitting in the corner with his eyes closed.
So, what exactly was he doing that he couldn’t be bothered to come and get you?
He didn’t even acknowledge your presence and you simply walked over to him and sat in his lap startling him.
“Oh shit, babe you’re here already?!”
“Yes, I told you I would be landing around 2. I was expecting you to come and get me, but having Neelam and Urby do it was a nice surprise.” You replied before bringing your lips to his. 
“I got caught up. I’m sorry, you forgive me?”
“Yes, I’ll let you slide this time. I know you’ve been working hard, but have you actually been sleeping?”
“Of course, I have.”
“Okay, not as much as I should but I’m okay. A few more weeks and I get a break.”
By the looks of it, you were thinking he wouldn’t last through the next two days.
“So, are we going to this restaurant or not?” you asked before hopping up and setting your suitcases in the closet.
They weren’t even that heavy so you had no idea what Urban was talking about. 
“Oh, fuck.” Jack muttered while looking over at you.
“Don’t tell me you forgot.” You were now growing increasingly annoyed and getting frustrated. 
“Babe, I’m scheduled for a zoom interview in like twenty minutes, but Urban can take you.” 
Now you rolled your eyes and began to catch somewhat of an attitude.
“You said you would take me, not Urban.”
“I know, mamas. Today has just been so busy, but I promise to make it up to you, okay?” He replied while placing a kiss to your forehead. 
“Fine, you’re lucky you’re cute.”
This was the recurring theme for the entire first week. Keep in mind you took off for two weeks to be with your man, but your man was everywhere else but with you and there was only one week left before you had to fly back. You were growing frustrated, and everyone around you could tell. Urban being your best friend tried to keep you entertained, but that only went so far. Of course you loved being around your best friend, but all you wanted was for your boyfriend to give you attention.  
Strike Two
Neelam mentioned that Jack had off the rest of the afternoon and your heart jumped at the thought of having him all to yourself and you planned on taking advantage of it. As far as you were concerned everyone else could wait. 
“Babe, how about we go sight-seeing?” You asked while sitting next to him. He was typing away on his phone, not paying you any attention so you spoke up again.
“Damn, what? You see I’m doing something.”
“First of all, lose the attitude. I asked if you wanted to go sight-seeing.” It was your first time being in Houston and wanted to check out some places that one of your friends back home had recommended since she used to live in the area. 
“Can’t Urban go with you?”
“Is Urban my boyfriend? I flew out here to come and see you yet, I feel like you’ve neglected me for the past week. All I’ve been doing is hanging out with Urban.”
“What do you expect me to do? Drop everything because you suddenly show up?”
“I didn’t ask you to drop anything. But all of the plans we made have been blown off by you and I didn’t suddenly show up. You knew I was coming.” 
Jack suddenly sighed and if you were mad before, you were pissed now.
“Why did I even bother coming if you were just going to ignore me this whole time?”
“No one is ignoring you. You kind of make it difficult with you constantly fucking yelling in my ear.”
“Wait a minute. You’re mad because I want to spend time with you after not seeing you for two months? Did I get that right?”
“Y/N, that isn’t even what I said so stop putting words in my mouth.”
“Well, it sure does sound like it. I don’t even know why I bothered coming at this point.”
“Well, you can leave. The door is right over there and no one is stopping you.”
Strike Fucking Three 
Your jaw hit the floor after hearing his response and you were in disbelief that he had just said that to you.
“What the fuck is your problem, Jackman?”
Now he knew for a fact you were beyond pissed when you brought out the government name.
“I’m tired of your constant nagging. That’s my fucking problem.”
“But, you were the one who asked no... begged for me to come and see you and this is how I get treated?”
“You knew how it would be when we started dating, so why are you switching up now?”
“No one is switching up anything. I get your job is demanding, I truly do. But there is no reason for me to be ignored by my boyfriend who is in the same room.”
“I swear the only thing you know how to do is complain.”
“Fuck you Jackman.” You yell as you make your way towards the door and slammed it without another word.
You didn’t know where you were going, but you wanted to get as far away as possible from your boyfriend. 
Jack simply shrugged before giving his phone his undivided attention before he had been interrupted by you.
“She’ll be back.”
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rockofeye · 2 months
Ogou, a project finally finished, and upcoming possibilities!
The calendar has gotten ahead of me, and here we are again on a jou fet/feast day for Ogou. It's been quiet around these parts for a minute (more on that below..), and it feels like that kind of timing that puts you in exactly the right place at the right moment. Funny how divine providence works.
If you've hung around for a minute, you know the story I'm going to tell. Maybe I sound like an old person who walked barefoot up a hill in three feet of snow to go to school, but it's something that stuck with me and it's something that really did change my life.
Today is St. George's feast day, which is a day given to at least one Ogou for most if not all vodouizan; it's probably one of few overarching pieces of sameness that you can find country-wide in Haiti. Ogou is central to Vodou; it was Ogou Feray and Ogou Je Wouj who sprang up during Bwa Kayiman and who stoked the revolutionary spark that made the first free Black republic a reality. He is probably more central than he is given credit for; he is certainly overlooked at times in favor of others.
I've had the grace to not be able to overlook Ogou. He made sure of that when he (among others) brought me to my spiritual mother and the lineage named after nasyon Nago, the family of Ogou.
He also made sure of that when I was careening down a very bumpy road towards kanzo. It was 8 years ago now (!!) that I was sitting in an apartment that I would end up abandoning not knowing how in the hell I was going to get everything in order for kanzo just a few months later. I didn't have the money, I didn't have the stuff I needed, I don't even think I had my passport at that point. I was in serious trouble, and I knew it.
So, I did what I could and sat and made a small service for Ogou. I bought what little I could put together, made it pretty, and presented it to him. In retrospect, it's kind of cute what I thought I knew and must have been like a small child presenting you with the product of their toils: the spiritual equivalent of a mud pie with dandelions stuck in it and a macaroni necklace.
But, I did it and I told Ogou that I knew I had made a promise, I knew that I was in trouble, and that I would do whatever he told me if it got me into the djevo. I lit the match and gave it to him, he set the fire and burned my life down.
Within two weeks, I abandoned the apartment I had and packed my car to make a couple of trips into Boston to live in a teeny tiny rented room that was close to my job that Ogou would direct me to quit. I sold my car, any possessions I had that were worth money, and took my stacked vacation time money from the job I quit, all while working up until a few days before I needed to fly to Haiti and hustling at night with whatever side gigs I could find. I bought my flights to/from Haiti before I prepared anything else or even had the money I needed in my hands because I figured that it would be pretty awkward if I had to fly to Haiti and just...hang out when I had been planning to kanzo all along.
It looked like things were going to work out. I was barely sleeping, but the money was coming in and I had the things I needed to go to Haiti with....but what would things be without a last minute twist?
Two days before I left for Haiti, I found out that the way my rent was going to be paid while I was in Haiti fell through. So, I spent two days moving what I could into a friend's basement and abandoned the rest of my belongings, again. I had some boxes, a couple bags of clothes, my suitcase to go to Haiti with...and that's it. Everything else was gone, and I found myself in an airport unsure of where I was going when I got back.
I made it to Haiti after delayed and canceled flights and some crying in a corner, and the rest is history. Ogou (and all my lwa) held me up during the process, and held me up afterwards while he helped me rebuild the life I gave him to burn down. Literally everything I have now descends from the hands of Ogou and my lwa. Career and professional success, home, relationship, spiritual opportunities...all of it down to the last little piece. Nothing is without his/their influence, and my life has become worth living because of it. He saved me, and it all really started on this day 8 years ago. It's been a wild ride the last 12 years with the lwa, and I genuinely couldn't ask for anything better.
'Gratitude' is not a sufficient word because it cannot encompass how I hold all these things inside of me. It is beyond language and verbalization, and when I find myself in front of Ogou and wanting to thank him yet again for all that he has done for me, words are insufficient. I look at him kind of despairing to explain, and he just nods. He knows.
And here I am. Like I said, a wild ride. I looked at a calendar the other day and it really has been 12 years since I got dropkicked into Vodou. So much has happened and so much is to happen and to become. I am not yet the reflection of what I believe the lwa want for me, but I do believe I am climbing closer each day.
I've been pretty occupied in the last year with big stuff; I wrote previously about the completion of my husband's immigration process FINALLY which has him in the US with me permanently (and back and forth to Haiti as life allows). After that, a rather large project occupied most of my time/energy.
Details about that and upcoming stuff behind the cut.
I keep a lot of things close to my heart and am careful about what I write about here, both for practical and esoteric reasons. I strive to be transparent and vulnerable in healthy ways, and yet maintain some semblance of privacy, especially for those closest to me, like my husband.
But we did a thing and it's such a big thing that it deserves a mention in the place where I have detailed some of the most important bits of my life. Presenting our first collaborative effort:
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Bondye, all the lwa, and the power of our collective ancestors gave us the opportunity to bring this soul and newest ancestor into being. We are happy to have our little potato with us. This is what has kept me so quiet here; pregnancy is not for the weak and it was a ride I, your friendly neighborhood gender non-conforming houngan, never thought I would take....and yet life with the lwa brings new twists and turns and beautiful gifts. I was deadset on never having children of my own, and here I am with a little potato.
This has opened a wide new world for me and boy have the lwa had a lot to say before and after the potato arrived. They are a tiny pitit Ginen and the lwa have been clear that we can never forget that.
So...there's that. It's funny, but being the caretaker of a potato that the lwa are deeply invested in brings me back to why this blog was started in the first place: I was having experiences that I did not see reflected anywhere, so I decided to write it all down.
I am not the first parent in the world, of course, and absolutely not the first vodouizan to bring forth a child...but again I don't find anyone else with my particular constellation of experiences having a similar experience. This time, at least, I have plenty of people to call and chat with when I have questions about the intersection of Vodou and the potato.
I expect some of it will make it here and some won't. My rule about writing about people that are close to me is that they get to consent about what details I share. When I write about my (human) husband, I share it with him before it posts. As the potato has not yet developed the capacity for consent, what is presented about them will be limited. Their face won't make it onto Tumblr or any other platform or social media I write on, and personal details will remain as neutral as I can make them. If you are one of the folks who knows me in an offline kind of way, I'd ask you to respect that as well.
Other things:
Tomorrow, I will have a post about an upcoming opportunity to celebrate Kouzen. I had hoped to have something put together for his actual fet day on the 1st, but like November is given over to Gede, all of May is Kouzen's month. Look for details tomorrow.
By next week, I will be live on Medium. This will allow folks to get my long-form posts directly in their email or via the feeds they use elsewhere. My long-form posts will continue to be posted here, and I will continue to answer questions and interact with posts here.
Website is coming!
I am toying with launching some online educational opportunities and have some specific plans, but would also like to hear what folks are interested in having live educational opportunities on. I'll post separately about that as well.
My husband is launching his atelier, expect posts about what he has available as well!
So...how are you?
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chris-hartley · 10 days
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Happy Pride Month!
Today I thought I'd cover one of my favorite tropes: Found Family! This fic is based on a non-canon event in the Total Drama OC universe, but one that I think would be fun had it happened haha. It stars my OC Maggie and her found family (Cole - @hannahwashington's character, and Lola - @horatios-mom's character) along with a few others! Enjoy! And if these characters seem cool to you, do check out the blog we have for our Total Drama OCs: @teadocs!!
(Feel free to blacklist #kenziewritespride to avoid these posts in the future!)
December 19th was a complicated day for Maggie. For most of her life it was just another day. No cake or candles, no balloons or presents. Just going through the motions, just another year older somehow.
When she moved to Vancouver, she wasn’t expecting the day to hold any more significance. Her first birthday living on her own was quickly approaching and all the people in her life seemed to have other things going on so she didn’t think much of it. Just like usual, just another day.
She was scheduled to work at the job that Cole’s dad had secured for her, doing the front desk of a hair salon. So she got ready in her usual work go-to outfit. Professional but casual enough she wasn’t uncomfortable after doing all the menial tasks required by her boss, Sandra.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She looked down at the screen and it was Sandra, asking her to get there a little early. She didn’t have anything else going on so she replied simply: Sure.
Maggie got into her car, turning over the engine. The check engine light came on and she sighed. She’d needed an oil change for a few weeks but was waiting to get her next paycheck before shelling out the money for it. 
I get paid next Friday. I’ll be alright until then… I hope, at least.
She drove the quick 15 minute journey to the salon, parking in the back of the building. The place had been open for a few hours but the customer lot seemed busier than usual as she walked around the corner.
The lights were… off? She looked at the hours pasted on the door and they should be open, there were people here, why were the lights off?
She opened the door, the usual bell ringing as it did with all customers coming in. Sometimes she swore she could hear the bell ringing when she wasn’t even at work.
She flicked on the lights.
“SURPRISE!!!” A load of voices called as people jumped up from their hiding spots, scaring the living shit out of Maggie. She jumped back a few inches in shock.
As she looked around, there were all the people who claimed they were busy for her birthday. Cole, Lola, and even her boyfriend Landon. 
“What is this?”
“A surprise birthday party, Mags,” Cole explained, “You think we’d let it pass by without celebrating?”
“I-” she stood there stunned for a moment, “I’ve never had a birthday party I didn’t figure I’d start now.”
“Well as your best friends,” Lola said, wrapping her arm around Maggie’s shoulder, “We could not let that last any longer.”
Maggie chuckled softly, still completely surprised as she looked around the room. Even if she wasn’t close to some of the other cast members that lived in the greater Vancouver area, all of them had come to this makeshift party. Dannie, Paige, Cassie, and Esther stood there, the former wearing a party hat with a noisemaker sticking out of her mouth.
“Happy birthday Maggie,” Paige smiled.
Landon came up to her with a grin, “Hope this was a good surprise.”
“Y-yeah. I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“We have cake!” Cassie pointed out, “Do you want some?”
Maggie nodded, walking further into the salon to spot a makeshift table set up with a cake that had 16 candles stuck into it.
“That seems like a fire hazard.”
“It’ll be fiiiiiine,” Landon chuckled, “I think.”
Sandra, who had emerged from the back with a lighter in hand, painstakingly lit all the candles before all the group of people began to sing to her.
“Happy biiiiirthday dear Maggieeeee! Happy birthday to you!”
She closed her eyes, making a wish. A wish that she would always remember this day, when she realized that while she’d had a shitty family back in Delaware, she had people who really loved her in Vancouver. Maggie blew out the candles and opened her eyes, a smile creeping onto her smile as everyone cheered.
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