#i don't mind getting messages in polish
asteroshearts · 5 months
My Type
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Oh no! Nanami's wife is just Itadori's type!
Or the story of how, upon meeting Nanami's wife, Itadori just can't take his eyes off her.
Nanami x Reader
Tags: this story was referenced here, but can be read completely alone, she/her pronouns, discussions of body types, Itadori's a bit of a pervert here (but he doesn't actually see anything!! Nanami, however, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), typical anime flashing
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Hey Ken: How are you feeling?
You: Like shit My fever got worse after you left
Hey Ken: I'll be home soon. Please take ibuprofen, drink lots of water, and rest as much as you can. I'm finishing up now.
You: I just checked our cabinet We ran out of Bufferin UGHHHH I feel terrible I fucking told Daiki from accounting that he should go home if he was coughing but he said it was fine AND COUGHED IN MY FACE And now look at me
Hey Ken: We're out? I'll pick some up on my way home while I grab our other groceries. Please wait for me until then. Take a nap if you can. You're just going to get more exhausted thinking of the idiots in your office.
You: I looked online, delivery is going to take over an hour I'm getting dizzier I don't want to wait I'm going to go to the Matsukiyo near us to get it myself
Hey Ken: What?
Hey Ken: Don't go. I'll pick it up.
Hey Ken: Darling. Read my messages.
Hey Ken: Pick up the phone.
(10) Missed Calls
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Several moments ago…
Itadori already thought that today got off to a weird start.
To begin with, it wasn't Ijichi in the driver's seat to pick him up today, but Nanamin. It also wasn't the Jujutsu Tech standard vehicle, but a nice, sleek, and expensive Porsche.
"W-Woah! Nanamin!" Itadori called then. Eyes wide and bright at the polished paint that glistened in the heavy sunlight. "Nice ride!" he said giddily, running his fingers across the aerodynamic doors. Popping his head up toward Nanami's window, he said, "This must've cost you a fortune!" And he thought that Gojo-sensei spent crazily.
"It was a gift," Nanami flatly said. The boy gaped at him like a fish. But who would just give away a car like this? They had to be really close — or maybe he had saved some rich guy and he thanked Nanamin by giving him a brand new car! The boy's eyes shone. Maybe one day he could get a nice gift like — "Get in." The doors unlocked.
"Hiya, Ijichi-san! Must be nice not driving for once, huh?" While marveling at the car's clean interior, he hopped into the back seat, feeling the leather under his hands and the cool blast of the AC hit his sweaty hair after being in the summer sun.
"Good morning, Itadori-kun," the dark-haired man said with a nervous smile. The car rumbled beneath them as Nanami turned the engine back on. "Nanami-san is surely giving me a nice change of pace — "
"Our duties will not change," Nanami stated, turning the wheel. "Ijichi-san is still required to do his job, as well as you, Itadori-kun. Don't get distracted." The pink-haired boy pouted in the backseat. "It just so happens that I have urgent errands to run after this, so time is of the essence."
Turning into an alleyway, Nanami smoothly hit the brakes and put the car into park. "Let's go."
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Luckily for him, the curse was a low-level one mostly used for teaching Itadori the ropes, and the two of them managed to exorcise it in record time. For someone who was just thrust into the world of curses several weeks ago, he was doing well. As well as anyone could in his situation.
The boy was still a bumbling newbie, but he had a good head on his shoulders and was a strong opponent for most curses that they dealt with on a daily basis. Lips twitching into a frown, the blond thought that if Gojo didn't poison the youth's mind, surely Yuji would continue having a nice and mature head on his shoulders.
Nanami had to drop Ijichi off at his next assignment, but other than that, all he needed was to drop Itadori off at the college and then he could return to his sick wife. Paperwork still needed to be done, but luckily he could finish that at a later time. Unfortunately, last night you had a major headache and showed signs of an upcoming sickness this morning.
He had just barely convinced you to not do remote work and just take the day off to rest instead. However, as he checked on his messages with you, he found out that you were insisting on double — no, triple mask to go to the pharmacy yourself. All while you had a 37.5-degree fever.
He tried to call you once, thrice, and all of them were left for voicemail.
Cursing inwardly, Nanami leaned his head back on the headrest. Normally, the blond man was the arbiter of restraint and level-headed thinking, but all of that went out the door at the mere thought of his sickly wife dragging herself out in the street to get some medication. Why did you have to be so stubborn?
"My apologies, Itadori-kun." Nanami pushed up his glasses. "I need to take a detour before I drop you off at your dorm. I apologize for the inconvenience."
The boy blinked owlishly. "Oh that's alri — GH!"
Without another word, Nanami quickly turned left, jolting the teen to the side from the momentum, increasing the speed of his vehicle, and raced down the streets.
Within five minutes, Itadori felt like a dog left in the car as his "owner" raced into the nearest grocery store to grab medication, vegetables, and grains for the upcoming, proverbial storm. Even as the cashier tried their hardest to ignore the intense stare of the tall blond man before them, every second that ticked by as they scanned his purchase felt like hours.
As soon as he nearly threw his money on the tray and took all of the grocery bags under his toned arms, Nanami was off again, shifting into drive and ignoring the speed limit all the way back home.
Nanami could've nearly run into his apartment's chain-link garage doors if it had lifted any slower, allowing him access to his own underground parking before he landed in his designated parking spot within three seconds.
Racing out the car, he took all of the grocery bags over one muscular arm and was prepared to run off until he remembered he had a teen in the backseat.
"Itadori-kun," he said hurriedly. "Can you — " The man stopped himself short.
He originally planned to tell the boy to wait for him in the car, but caught sight of the boy's skin gleaming with sweat, reflecting one of the garage's low lights. Summer was brutal right now, with insane humidity that made Itadori's hair damp as if he had just taken a dunk in water. Even though the parking garage was cooler than it was outside, it was still unbearably hot, not to mention cruel, if he had forced the teen to just sit here and deal with it. Itadori had already waited in the hot car when he went out to grab groceries, and although he rolled the windows down, suddenly Nanami remembered all of the articles of puppies and toddlers dying in the back of cars during the summer.
Sighing, the man pushed his glasses up. "Behave yourself. Come with me."
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"Ken?" Eyes wide, you held the door open. Keys were lifted up in the air in the man's hands, but you had beat him to the chase and opened the door before he managed to get the key in the keyhole. "Oh! I didn't know that you were bringing a guest." Stepping back quickly, you realized another person was standing behind your husband. "If I had known, I would've worn a surgeon mask!" Alert, you said. "Hold on, I'll go grab one right now — !"
"No need. We'll make this fast." He was about to take a step forward, but then realized that the student hadn't moved an inch ever since you opened the door. "Itadori-kun?"
As still as a statue, pink slowly rose from the boy's neck all the way up to the tips of his ears. He couldn't rip his gaze from you for even a second. Although your hair wasn't done and your face was covered, he could tell just how beautiful you were.
Furthermore, you looked just like the pin-up models he had in his room — you were just his type! Your little chemise barely ended at the middle of your thigh, and although everything important was covered up, it left little to the imagination with how the fabric hugged your waist and hips. As you held the door open for them and leaned forward, the loose triangle top of your nightgown was teasing him with the exposed curves and valleys of your chest.
You were too hot!
"Itadori-kun," Nanami repeated, irritated.
Way too hot for Nanamin!
"Nanamin! You didn't tell me that you were married!" Eyes nearly bugging out of their sockets, Itadori almost thought they had gotten the wrong apartment when you had just opened the door. While his mentor was an attractive man, it was like a mountain and a molehill to the teenager. Not to mention that this strict and serious ex-salaryman was hitched! To a babe no less!
Certainly, you didn't marry for personality!
He couldn't imagine what your daily life was like while Nanamin talked about doing the bare minimum and never smiled.
Raising an eyebrow, Nanami followed Itadori's stare to your state of dress. You weren't even wearing your indoor slippers, and you were absolutely breathtaking even if you had a dark clay mask over your face. He wasn't an idiot, and he could feel his blood vessels pumping harshly. Trying to remind himself with mantras of how Itadori was just a stupid, hormonal teenager, and you could dress how you wanted, and that he especially couldn't beat up Itadori. Pinching his nose bridge, the man couldn't even look at the boy. "My personal life and my work life are completely separate. I wouldn't anno — !"
"But you don't even wear a wedding ring!" Itadori insisted.
"Why would I wear my rings when my daily job involves fighting and getting messy?" Nanami rhetorically asked, stepping through your door with all the groceries in one go. "Wedding and engagement rings are investments, and I'd be damned if I lose my rings and be forced to inflate the wedding ring industry any more than I already have."
Grinning, you beamed at Itadori. Only you really know how seriously Nanami took the "three month's salary on rings" tradition, especially on his sorcerer's salary. "Now you know, Itadori-kun! If you catch him committing adultery while he's out without his ring, you'll shank him for me, right?" Placing both of your hands on your husband's waist, you laughed when you playfully tried to shake him. Of course, that didn't do much. Your man continued to stand there like a stone statue, as if you tried to rock a brick wall while he remained wholly unamused.
From your weak roughhousing, all that managed to do was drop your spaghetti strap from your shoulder. With your dress threatening to slip, Nanami sighed and quickly stood in front of you, blocking your body from Itadori's gaze. He carefully and slowly pulled your shoulder strap back up your body before you managed to flash the poor teen. When you looked up, his brown eyes met with yours.
Gently rubbing your bare shoulder with his large hand, he asked, "I thought you said you were going to Matsukiyo?"
"I was," you rasped out, voice raw from all the coughing you did. "But then I took one step outside and it was too damn hot." Laughing weakly, you said, "I slunk back like a vampire the second the humidity hit me."
The man sighed deeply, and his shoulders dropped in relief and exhaustion. While he ran around like a chicken with its head cut off from worry, he was glad that you ended up not going out after all.
"Why didn't you pick up my calls?" he said deeply, leaning in close enough for you to feel his breath on your ear.
"I was making okayu with kombu," you explained. "Sorry," you said genuinely, "that's all I managed to make for our dinner today."
"I'm upset that you cooked in the first place," Nanami scolded. "You should be resting. I said I'd take care of it. Why were you in the kitchen when the hot fumes could make your fever even worse?" Turning away from his nagging, you pouted.
"I'm hungry though…" you mumbled, far too much like a spoiled child, and Nanami was sure, in some way, that you were spoiled, of his making too. He always prioritized you and let you have your way. "And I already ate the miyeok guk you made."
"You could've ordered delivery," the man countered.
"Nothing interested me there."
Inhaling deeply once more, Nanami tried to calm the upcoming headache he felt. There was no point in arguing with you, not when you were coughing and sick like this. "Stay here. I'm going to whip up a bowl of okayu to have with your medicine," the man ordered before he picked up a blanket you had draped over one of your couches and wrapped you in it like a burrito. When you opened your mouth, your husband only sternly repeated, "Stay."
Playfully rolling your eyes when he left to go to the kitchen, you puffed out your cheeks in mock irritation. Closing the door to your apartment so the AC couldn't escape anymore, you turned to the teen who was standing awkwardly in your home.
"Aw I'm sorry," you said, voice sounding like sandpaper again. "You know, Kento's kinda strict, but I assure you he's a good man," you said gently. "Thank you so much for taking care of him."
"M-Me?" Itadori sputtered. "I'm not the one taking care of him! He takes care of me! Um…" The boy grew demure when he realized he had no way to address you.
"Oh," you realized you didn't introduce yourself. "I apologize! I totally forgot! I know you since Ken talks about you and Ino all the time, but I didn't realize you didn't know me!"
Itadori gasped. "He talks about me?!"
"Of course! All good things!" you assured. "Even though Kento seems like a meanie, he's a genuine person and wouldn't exaggerate, so he wouldn't praise you unless he absolutely meant it." You knew that this was the teen that hosted Sukuna, the King of Curses. It was a heavy burden for someone who wasn't even an adult yet, and your heart grew heavy at the thought of this boy's fate.
"Before I forget…" Quickly, you ran to your bathroom and cleaned off your clay face mask before you returned with your bare face wet and a cloth Pompompurin headband keeping your hair out of the way. "I need to introduce myself."
Now Itadori was sure that you two were married with the way you introduced yourself nearly identically to your husband. With your back straight and shoulders squared, hands flat, and arms straight at your side, you closed your eyes and bowed.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Itadori-kun." You acquired your business card out of thin air and held it out for the boy. "My name is Nanami [Name], and I'm a senior project manager at Yurukawa Corp. If you or your friends ever get tired of exorcising curses and want to look into engineering, you can ask me!"
It was too silent.
When you rose and looked up, you realized that your husband had suddenly materialized out of nowhere. Standing in between you and Itadori, your husband's stern expression could freeze hell over as he stared down at Itadori with a frown, arm outstretched and his hand held up — right where Itadori's eyes would've seen your cleavage when you bent over to bow.
"We are going. Now."
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The car was completely silent the entire way to the dorm rooms. Quickly shifting the car into park, Itadori jumped at the sudden stop.
No one said a word. The entire ride felt like the air was heavy enough to drown in.
"Itadori-kun." Nanami's eyes were hidden by the reflection in his glasses.
"…Yes?" the boy squeaked out, pressing his index fingers together.
"Never ogle my wife again."
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The Malicious Daughter is Back! - 2
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 , Chap 4 , -
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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“Cassy, pardon my eldest daughter. As a mother, I admit the mistakes and the shame you've witnessed today.” Genevieve clasped her friend’s hands together, her demeanor polished yet tense.
She couldn't ruin Victoria and Bucky's engagement because of you. She had worked hard to persuade her husband to connect with the Barnes.
Cassandra looked at Genevieve, noting how she was swallowing her pride—a remarkable feat for such a proud woman. She gently patted her friend's hand. “It’s alright. Every family has its own troubles.”
Genevieve's face brightened upon hearing that. She placed a hand on her chest. “Oh, what a great friend you are. I’m so glad we’re going to be in-laws.”
Victoria felt a wave of relief wash over her. Your attempt to ruin her future hadn't succeeded.
Bucky and his mother, exuding an air of sophistication and wealth, got into their Rolls-Royce Phantom. Cassandra's movements were graceful, and her every gesture was a testament to their family's high status. Still silent and composed, Bucky followed her, his mind racing with thoughts of the day’s events.
In the quiet ride, Bucky's mind kept replaying the events of the day. His fingers touched his lips.
Someone had touched his face and kissed him.
He hadn’t vomited or fainted.
He would have to see the doctor tomorrow.
“Are you alright?” Cassandra looked at her son, noticing how unusually quiet he seemed. He hadn't shown any reaction when she saw him get so close to you. Compared to Victoria, she could see Bucky's face turn pale.
Bucky murmured, “It's strange.”
Then he looked at his mother. “After what we saw today, do you still want to keep the engagement going?”
Cassandra tilted her head and crossed her arms. “We need their money. I thought being in-laws would benefit us, but I'm starting to have second thoughts. We'll see.”
She asked, “What about you? If you don't like it, we can stop the wedding.”
Bucky hummed, his eyes looking out the window. “I don't know.”
Right now, all he needed was an answer to why he didn’t react when you kissed him.
He grabbed his phone and started typing, his fingers moving quickly over the screen. “I want you to search for someone.” Then he clicked send.
Within a minute, his phone vibrated with a message: “OK.”
Bucky leaned back in his seat, his fingers lingering on his lips, his mind racing as the car smoothly glided through the city streets.
Inside the bedroom, Bucky emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets glistening on his six-pack abs and muscular chest. His dark hair was damp, and he exuded a fresh, clean scent.
He had spent an hour in the shower, trying to wash away the sensation of Victoria’s touch.
Then he heard his phone buzz again. It was the information he had requested about your background.
He quickly put on his pants, then sat on the edge of his bed, his body still slightly wet, and started reading the message, his eyes scanning the details intently.
The story unfolded: you are the child of the first wife. After your mother's death, your father, Jonathan, brought another woman and her daughter into the house.
It turned out that when Jonathan was drunk, a woman took advantage of the situation. That woman was Genevieve, and her daughter was Victoria.
You hated your stepmother and stepsister, becoming a rebel. You caused chaos at home and were a troublemaker at school, until the day you were finally kicked out of the house.
Bucky read on until he reached the part about your occupation. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he stood up abruptly. “She's what?!”
The bell's sound echoed throughout the entire building. It was supposed to signal the students to enter their classrooms. But they didn’t. They continued smoking, sitting on the floor, or sleeping.
This was a common sight at Granite Hills Reform School, where problematic, delinquent students from all over the country were gathered.
“Tuck. Tuck. Tuck.” The sound of something hitting the floor echoed in the hallway. Students who were still lingering started to head into their classrooms. The sound served as a final warning for them.
They didn’t want to have a problem with the person responsible for the noise.
“It’s time to enter the class, you lazy pricks. Why the heck are you guys still here? Are you discussing the solution for world peace?” You tapped a baseball bat on a locker door, addressing the final-year students who were still acting tough.
The students who had been acting strong before began to back away. One of them pulled a friend away from starting a fight with you. “Let's go. Didn’t you hear she fought two students who weighed like sumo wrestlers?”
“It was her? Damn. No wonder she broke her left hand.”
You watched as the last group of students left the hallway. Now it was empty.
You entered your classroom. Your students were already waiting for you, looking attentive and ready.
You sat on your chair and rested your leg on your teacher's desk.
Pointing at one student, you said, “Andre, prepare the TV.”
“TV again? When can we study?” Jimmy, one of the students, complained.
“Now you want to study? Fuck. I don't get paid enough for this,” you retorted.
“Grab your phone and look for 'To Kill a Mockingbird,'” you instructed.
“We didn't use the book?” Jimmy asked.
“What's the point? You're going to throw the book away,” you replied.
The other students agreed with your reasoning.
“Read two chapters, and I will ask you questions,” you said.
The students in your class started complaining amongst themselves, but you didn't care.
After a while, you announced, “Time's up,” and began asking questions.
You got up from your seat and walked around the class, your presence commanding attention. Then, you picked unlucky student Jimmy.
“Who is Scout Finch, and how does she introduce herself and her family in Chapter 1?” you asked.
Jimmy gulped nervously. “Scout Finch is a local shopkeeper who lives alone and has no family.”
“WRONG,” you declared bluntly.
“Miss, I know the answer,” Andre raised his hand eagerly.
“Give it to me,” you commanded.
“Scout Finch is the young narrator of the story. She introduces her father, Atticus Finch, her brother, Jem, and mentions her mother’s death,” Andre confidently answered.
You snapped your fingers, a smirk playing on your lips. “That's right. Bravo.” Then, you pulled dollar bills from your pants pocket and handed them to Andre.
“As a reward, you could skip this class, buy a coca-cola for you, and grab a coffee from the cafeteria for me,” you said.
“But… I'm diabetic,” Andre protested.
“A mineral water for you then,” you replied dismissively.
Andre rolled his eyes and left the classroom. As he headed to the cafeteria, he never imagined that the hallway would be empty and the dirty graffiti gone.
All of this has happened since you joined this school, and the crime records have also decreased significantly.
You were scary as heck, but you had made a change in this school.
As Andre returned to the class with the drinks, he saw someone who seemed out of place entering the building.
He looked the gentleman up and down. This man seemed to embody the type of person he wanted to become when he grew up.
“I'm looking for Miss Sinclair,” the man asked Andre with a deep voice.
Andre raised his eyebrows, taken aback. “My teacher?”
Back in the classroom, you sat behind your teacher's desk, still asking questions while waiting for your coffee. You rested your right arm behind you and propped your legs up on the desk again.
Finally, Andre entered.
“Finally—" you began, but your words stopped short when you saw the person behind your student.
“Whaa—Andre, did you bring your master?” Jimmy asked, starting to laugh. “Hahaha—oh.” He realized he was the only one laughing in the class.
Andre handed you your coffee. “Here's your coffee, miss. This gentleman is looking for you.”
“Oh, you have a gigolo, miss?” Jimmy quipped.
You looked at the guest while sipping your hot coffee. “The outfit he's wearing from head to toe is worth more than your net worth, Jimmy.”
Other students murmured while Jimmy asked, “Should I become a gigolo too?”
“What are you doing here?” you asked Bucky.
“I want to talk to you,” Bucky replied.
“I don't have time,” you retorted.
“Is this how you talk after you stole a kiss from me?” Bucky's words hung in the air.
“Oohhh…,” the students murmured in surprise, their voices echoing in the classroom. Seeing their intimidating teacher talking to a man who looked prosperous, and she stole a kiss??
“Get all of your asses out of this room,” you commanded sternly, gesturing for the students to leave.
“Awww,” the students started complaining, reluctant to leave as they wanted to see what happened next. However, they eventually relented and filed out of the classroom, grumbling as they went. In a short moment, the classroom had become empty.
“Is this how you talk to your students?” Bucky asked, a hint of amusement in his voice, observing your interaction with the students.
“They're not students, they're devil spawn,” you replied with a wry smile, leaning back in your chair with a sense of satisfaction.
“Pfft…” Bucky turned away his face, trying his best not to laugh. Now, he realizes entirely that you're different from all the women he's ever met, especially Victoria.
“So why are you here? Is it because I kissed you without your consent?” you asked bluntly, raising an eyebrow.
Bucky cleared his throat. “Ehm. Partly. And I want to talk to you about something else. Please,” he replied politely, his demeanor surprisingly calm despite the situation.
You raised your eyebrows, not expecting him to ask so politely. He didn't seem mad, even after you kissed him. You were starting to feel like Bucky was too good for your stepsister.
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Author Note: I have so much fun writing this chapter 😂
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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strawbeelemonade · 1 year
i don't know much about Hobbie, just what i've seen of him in the trailer. i think he's fun! :D this was made before the movie's come out by the way, so we're going off the barebones research ive done on the wiki and my silly brain impulses.
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🕷- If Hobart has a crush on you, you will probably not know about it.
🕷- But there will be signs.
🕷- He doesn’t project a lot of his feelings on the surface. He keeps his cool in most cases. But you WILL get little smiles and hums occasionally.
🕷- When you mention you liked one of his guitar picks, he’ll give it to you.
🕷- He’s not afraid of eye contact, especially with you.
🕷- While he randomly practices he might catch you watching him in awe, and when your eyes meet he won’t look away.
🕷- He starts playing faster.
🕷- He’ll greet you first out of anyone in a group every time. Even if he has to walk passed someone else to say hi.
🕷- He seeks you out first and gives you a little “hey.”
🕷- If he’s sat and you come over he’ll pat the spot next to him.
🕷- “C’mere.”
🕷- Is comfortable sitting in complete silence.
🕷- If you you don’t have any spider powers and you guys have to run he will grab you.
🕷- No questions asked. YOINK.
🕷- His outfits are full of sharp edges and spikes, so he’s mindful. But there’s a sweet spot tucked right at his side with a space between his collar and jaw for your head to rest.
🕷- He likes it. Keep your head there.
🕷- He’s always coloured his nails in with sharpie, but If your lucky he might even let you do it.
🕷- If you have nail polish on hand he’ll let you paint his nails instead, which he ends up preferring the look of and might make the switch.
🕷- Polish is way messier, though. So he was hoping you’d do it whenever he sees you.
🕷- He’ll do yours. Give him your hand.
🕷- No matter how tall you are, Hobart will almost certainly be taller.
🕷- while holding a conversation he’ll get closer to you then he would with other people.
🕷- He’ll greet you by locking your fingers with his in a high five format… if that makes sense
🕷- His hands are huge, and unusually warm. You tell him it’s nice.
🕷- His reaction time is crazy, if a projectile is headed your way, and he can stop it? Best believe he’s gonna catch that shit. And chances are he’ll be close enough to you to just stick his arm in front of your face and stop it.
🕷- He will opt to stay close to you.
🕷- If you give him any band pins or patches he will put that on the front of his jacket. If there’s no room he’ll make some.
🕷- He has an affect on the emotional environment in a room.
🕷- If someone tries to intimidate or square up to him chances are they are gonna look pretty stupid. He’s just unbothered.
🕷- If someone tries to bother you he’ll let his presence be all the message they need to get lost. He won’t budge, no matter what. He’ll look out for you, Dw.
🕷- He will stand behind you and just watch them with this foul, unimpressed look on his face.
🕷- Canonically Hobart is super politically active, so his moral compass is strong. he stands up for what’s right and defends what he believes in. If he defends you, it will mean a lot.
🕷- If you’re anxious, scared or stressed you can hang out with him for maybe like 5 minutes and you’ll immediately feel better. He likes that you come to him for things like that.
🕷- You make him relax easily. You’ll have no idea, but you have a huge affect on him.
🕷- I can imagine he writes music in his free time, he might play a song or two for you if your interested…
🕷- He’ll get a little shy, so make sure to tell him how cool you think it is!!
🕷- You make him go shy more than you realise.
🕷- In his universe Hobart has canonically experienced homelessness, so basic amenities that you might take for granted mean a lot to him. He’ll share what he has with you, no matter how small of a thing it is.
🕷- If you packed a little lunch or grabbed a snack from somewhere and share some with him then he will smile a bit.
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capricornlevi · 9 months
noise complaints -- choso x reader
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college au!choso x reader, RA!choso, secret relationship. wc 2.5k
MDNI, 18+ only. reader has a vagina but no gendered pronouns.
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"he's at the door again!"
you hear utahime's shout from the bedroom next to yours but you don't answer, hoping she'll get the message from your pointed silence.
she doesn't.
"come on!" she protests through the paper-thin walls. "please! you're the only one he likes, we never get written up when you answer."
"turning the music down could help!" you shout back, but without much malice. it's 8pm on a friday, hardly unsociable hours, and the speaker isn't nearly as loud as some of the other dorms on your floor. it's not exam season; there's no reason why you need to be singled out for punishment.
plus, the only reason you're not in there with her -- drunkenly singing along to some autogenerated playlist that has 27 likes, sipping 'sangria' that's more like boxed red wine and soda -- is because she's on a date, one she's been looking forward to for some time now, one you helped her get ready for as she rambled anxiously about her plans for the evening.
you don't have it in you to begrudge her.
"fine," you sigh, rubbing your tired eyes with the back of your hand.
two voices cheer victoriously from next door.
"we love you!"
you chuckle to yourself before it gets cut off by a yawn.
tossing your phone onto the bedside table, you stand up, rolling out a knot in your shoulder that you know will only get worse as the evening progresses.
time to go see the RA.
the shy, reserved, yet surprisingly strict RA. the one who has a particular hatred for noise complaints.
he's still knocking at your door; like utahime, he clearly doesn't take silence for an answer. you speed up to answer it before your roommate feels to need to intervene herself.
as you make your way down the hall, you wonder absent-mindedly if you should've changed into something more ... formal. your vest is nearly see-through, the fabric light and flimsy, but you rationalise it away.
it's summer. it's insufferably hot in the dorms, too uncomfortable to wear anything other than the bare minimum.
you're sure he won't mind. he's probably hot as well.
not dwelling on those thoughts any further, you open the door to find what you expected to see -- choso standing there, holding the tablet that the RAs are issued with to log complaints on their floor, chipped black nail polish clearly visible as he tucks the device against his chest.
he's wearing all black - as per usual - but he's swapped his typical hoodie and jeans for a t-shirt and light sweats, looking a little self-conscious as your eyes flicker up and down while taking in the change in outfit.
you grin. it's really endearing.
"hi, choso."
"hi," he replies, a blush staining his cheekbones already. his dark hair is swept back in its usual hairstyle, a few soft strands falling into his eyes before he brushes them out of the way. he gives you a look you're all too familiar with, peering up at you through frustratingly perfect eyelashes, dark brown eyes meeting yours with a forced confidence "you ... you probably know why i'm knocking."
"i can guess," you answer plainly, still smiling at him as he puts in significant effort in keeping his eyes fixed on your face.
he bites his lip, a silver ring catching the light as it shifts. "okay. the same as before, then."
"so you're here about the noise?" you offer innocently, gesturing down to utahime's room.
he looks confused for a moment, thin brows furrowing as he tries to piece together your reasoning.
eventually, he seems to understand what you're getting at. he raises his voice just loud enough that utahime can hear from down the hall.
"yeah, the noise. got a report in a few minutes ago, so --"
"of course," you reply diligently. "i understand."
"uh ... good. so we're clear, then."
he trails off a little awkwardly, and if it weren't for the darkening of his pupils you'd think he was actually discouraged by your responses. you wonder if you've put on too good of a show.
not willing to let that happen, your grin deepens as you lift your hand, take him by the collar and drag him in for a messy kiss, barely letting the door close behind him as you pull him inside.
the awkward, shy version of choso nearly disappears the moment his lips meet yours again; he's voracious, hungry, the cool metal of his piercing hitting off your teeth as he deepens the kiss within moments of touching you.
you're still just as surprised by this side of him, this layer you didn't know he had, the same as you were the first time this happened. you relish every time you get to see it.
from what he's alluded to before, nobody else has the privilege.
"w-wait," you whisper against his lips, kiss-slick and already swollen, "you have to be quiet. she ... it's too early for her to find out."
instead of answering, he fixes his lips to your pulse point, suckling at your neck as he backs you against the wall, your shoulderblades hitting against the cold plaster and raising your skin to goosebumps.
"choso -- choso, i'm not kidding," you protest half-heartedly, the whisper already torn and desperate. "we need to -- we need to get to my room, ok? then we can do whatever --"
before you've even finished the sentence he pulls back, face now fully flushed but not from embarrassment, not from self-consciousness.
"or i can eat you out right here?" he offers quietly, one hand on your waist as the other drifts lower, trailing up your thigh and along the hemline of your skirt. against your better judgment, your hips start to shift, chasing his touch, the sensation you know only his fingers can bring.
just then, the music coming from utahime's room pauses, plunging the apartment into a sudden silence.
choso's hand stills on your thigh; you barely breathe as you listen intently, waiting for utahime to burst through the door and discover you here in the most compromising of positions.
thankfully, it's just her switching the song. seconds later the music starts to play again and you hear her date's voice sing along, blissfully unaware of what's happening just feet away from them both.
taking that as a sign to retreat to your bedroom, you take choso's hand and guide him down the hall, single-minded in your goal.
he lets you, knowing that it will pay off.
once you're safely hidden away in your room, you move in tandem as he backs you up towards your twin bed, his lips only leaving your jawline when he needs to catch his breath.
this is going to be really fun.
before you can even repeat your warning to stay quiet, you're lying flat on your back on the mattress, your already-short skirt hiking up your thighs as you settle against the sheets.
choso grins when he sees your nipples pebble against the thin fabric of your vest. his hands trail up your body, thumbs tracing lazy circles as you wriggle to try and shimmy out of your clothes.
he doesn't rush you, though. from the look on his face, you'd guess he could just play with your tits all evening and be more than satisfied.
but you're not of the same opinion. you need his touch somewhere else, need it to the point of aching, and you tell him as much.
he's not the type to tease with words. he's quiet, deliberate, even right now -- but he doesn't need to say what he wants to do out loud. you know with just a look, the way his tongue plays with his lip piercing, the imprint of his cock through his sweats.
even though you've been in this exact situation before, you can't tear your eyes away from the sight of choso getting on his knees before you, tugging your underwear down your legs and pressing wet kisses to your sensitive inner thighs.
you almost cry out before remembering to cut yourself off. hastily covering for yourself, you start to warn him;
"we need to stay --"
"yeah, quiet. i know," he whispers with a smile, not willing to protest too much given the situation he's in now, the one he's pictured every time he's touched himself this past week, since he met you in the abandoned study closet on the third floor on saturday.
since he fucked you against the wall till tears streamed down your cheeks, until your thighs shook around his trim waist, limbs turned to jelly as he wrung orgasm after orgasm from you.
"promise?" you whisper with a little smile, knowing it won't affect your own answer.
your underwear now tossed to the side, he takes his thumb and index finger and spreads you open, the cool air over your exposed flesh making you gasp, reverent in how he looks at you.
"i'll try," comes his hushed answer, before he dips his head in to taste.
the first slide of his tongue has your breath catching in your throat, spine already arching off the bed as he moves slowly, methodically, savouring your taste before circling back on your clit, dragging the tip of his tongue over the hood.
his grip on your thighs is strong but it needs to be in order for you to stay any bit still; you squirm against him, his nails leaving crescent indentations in your skin as he keeps you steady.
at the first broken cry of his name, he stops immediately.
you let out a groan of protest, lifting your head from the pillow to further voice your grievances, only to be met with a petulant-sounding;
"you said to be quiet."
frustrated at your own words being used against you, you let your head fall back, mulling over how to reply.
utahime's music is still playing. they mightn't hear you, you're not being that loud --
but choso still hasn't picked up where he left off.
you know what he's capable of doing with that tongue, those fingers, so you throw in the towel fairly quickly.
"use the back of your hand if you need to," he whispers before pausing, leaning over to pick up something, "or use this."
he tosses your own underwear towards you.
you grab it and throw it aside, rolling your eyes playfully.
"it hasn't come to that yet."
"still," he retorts, lowering himself down again, "it could come in handy."
"we'll - we'll see," you choke out, feeling his tongue part you again, wondering if you will actually end up need ingthat makeshift gag,
he licks and suckles, providing just the right amount of pressure as you start to grind against the wet heat of his mouth.
he knows what you need from him.
"one or two?"
you don't need to ask him to clarify. "two."
your hand flies up to cover your mouth, pleasured mewls dying in your throat.
once it passes, you let your hands drop back to your side.
well, you could ...
you could just ...
so you do; you fist your hands in his hair, soft and silky under your touch, and answer.
you feel one of his hands release from your thighs as he starts to stroke himself, low reverberations of his groans enhancing the sensation of his tongue against you.
then the other hand drifts down your waist, hips, until two fingers prod at your entrance, your wetness coating his fingertips before he can even get inside you.
his hand moves slowly while his mouth nips and suckles, your legs spreading even further to allow him room. 
inch by inch he slips inside, meeting no resistance since you're ore than wet enough for two -- maybe even three --
he curls his fingers and you cry out his name.
he doesn't stop this time, though, too enraptured by the sight of his fingers disappearing through your swollen folds to deny himself anything.
the music next door is drowning out any sound you're making, you know it is. you don't want to stop for a moment.
you can't stop.
he pumps his fingers in and out as your hips roll against him, chasing the friction that you need as much as air right now.
you really think you might die without out.
you feel yourself pulse around him; he feels it as well, the way you contract when he hits that spot against your walls, and suctions his lips around your clit in the way he knows will have you coming for him more than once.
with his lips angled like this, you can feel the piercing as it shifts against you; the cold metal should probably feel jarring but it only adds to the sensitivity, a unique sensation that you now can only associate with him.
it's funny -- you haven't been seeing each other for long, only hooking up when you have the chance to go undetected -- but he already knows your tells, the signs that you're close, so close --
you barely hear it, the sound muffled and quiet by intention, but the feeling of him groaning your name as he licks into you is too much, too much, too intense a feeling for you to bear ....
your orgasm hits you like a crashing wave, washing over every nerve in your body as you spasm around his fingers, your limbs turning to jelly as you lose your grip on his hair, hands fumbling with the bedsheets to try to establish yourself.
it is neverending, an all-consuming sensation that lasts until he pulls his fingers out unceremoniously, aftershocks clenching around nothing.
your teary eyes open as you see what prompted his sudden movement
choso's brows are pinched together desperately, almost panicked, as he fists his cock, hips rocking rhythmically.
"you're gonna make me come ... fuck, fuck --"
with a cut-off moan he grips the base of his cock, coming over your stomach, coming ropes that reach your breasts, his head thrown back as his jaw clenches shut.
the sight is enough to prolong your own orgasm, faint ripples running through you even as choso's pleasure starts to ebb away.
"oh fuck," he groans once his cock stills, his chest rising and falling, his sweat-slick skin glistening as he collects himself. "fuck ... I'm sorry."
"don't be sorry," you grin up at him, having come to a sudden realisation. "from the sound of it ... utahime and her date just closed to front door, so ... looks like we have the place to ourselves."
"we do?" he half-pants, half-laughs. "how ... how long has it been since --"
"too long," you cut him off. "so we need to make up for lost time."
it's his turn to grin again, eyes scanning the mess he's made of your chest with a sense of pride.
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demiesworld · 2 years
How They React When You Fight Pt. 2 (Tokyo Revengers)
pairings: ran, rindou, sanzu, kakucho, hanma, kokonoi x reader synopsis: a continuation of my last post contents: suggestive themes (in sanzu's), violence, fighting and swearing
Everyone and their mother knew about Ran's girlfriend. They knew of her temper, her possessiveness over Ran, and her protective mindset when it came to her boyfriend. That's why when Ran had a woman that wasn't his girlfriend flirting with him he would immediately shut them down. Sometimes Rindou would do it for him too when given the opportunity on his behalf. Everyone knew when it came to Y/N's man don't fuck with him. Not unless you want to end up in a hospital bed.
Ran was also possessive over his girlfriend too. Maybe that's why they clicked, they both had that "You're mine and I'm yours, can't nobody fuck with us" mindset. He loved her to death.
He was at the club he and Rindou operated, seated in a booth with Kokonoi, Kakucho, and Takeomi. Rindou went off to the restroom and you were at the bar ordering more drinks for the table you were at with your boyfriend and his comrades. Apparently this was the perfect opportunity for some broad to slither into the booth and try to steal your man.
As the woman joined and smiled lustfully at Ran, Kakucho and Kokonoi shared a look. Takeomi grinned knowing what was going to come. As for Ran he just sat there not responding to the woman when she tucked her hair over her shoulder and had the audacity to put her chapped nail polished fingers on Ran's tie.
"So what do you think, handsome? Do you want to come home with me?" She coos. Not knowing that you were returning with a tray of shots in your hands.
"He won't be going anywhere with you, bitch." She jumped when she heard your venomous voice and looked at you scared. "You got five seconds to get your grimy fingers off of my man. Five,"
She retracted her hand away from Ran, who was smirking in amusement at the situation, and scooted away from him. "No, no you got it all wrong-"
You walked around the side of the table and snatched up the woman by her hair. Pulling her away from your boyfriend and dragging her out of the booth. She was screaming for help, "No don't scream now bitch, you wanna go touch on someone's man do it, but it ain't gonna be mine!" You tossed her into the crowd of dancers like she was yesterday's trash.
Ran chuckled, leaning over to grab a shot of liquor and manspread on the sofa, "That's my girl, come sit on my lap princess."
Rindou knew you could fight before you two started dating, which is why when you two would have arguments he never let you or him go to bed angry. If there's one thing Rindou loves more than his older brother it's you and your relationship. He wouldn't do anything to cause trouble between the two of you.
You were spending time with your boyfriend at an arcade when his phone continuously was getting spammed with phone calls. The first few rings you didn't pay it no mind, but after the umpteenth ring you grew annoyed. You stopped playing the virtual hockey game with Rindou and turned to him. "Who is calling you?"
"I don't know! Must be one of the guys, just ignore it." He tells you, but you knew it wasn't just one of the guys. Your eyes narrowed at Rindou and you folded your arms. "Show me your phone." Rindou sighed, "Y/N…"
"Phone!" You held out your hand and he gave it to you. You unlocked it and saw an unknown number calling him again. Your eyes widened when you saw who's number it was. It was your best friend. "Why the fuck is Y/F/N calling you?"
"I don't know! She's been calling me for a week and I sent her a message saying to leave me alone!"
"That doesn't answer my question, you dumbass!" The phone rang again and this time you answered it, but held the phone up to your boyfriend's ear. "Talk to her."
"Babe- hello? Oh hey Y/F/N." Rindou shoved his hands into his pockets, his eyes averting your glare. When your friend asked where he was you told him to say he was at the arcade and he was alone. "Tell her to meet you up here." You said and he repeated it to her. Your friend, stupidly agreed to meet him up there and you two went outside waiting for her.
You sat on a bench with a newspaper in front of you covering your face and Rindou stood in front of the entrance of the arcade with his hands in his pockets. Just then your friend showed up beaming at your boyfriend and waving at him. "Hey there Rinnie! I see Y/N is not here with you today. What happened?"
"Oh, um she's just not feeling good right now." He swallowed feeling guilty that he was setting her up for her demise. Before your friend could answer you shot up from your seat and tossed the newspaper away. "Trying to talk to my man behind my back huh? Really Y/F/N?"
She jolted, taking a step back and smiled sheepishly. "Y-Y/N, I didn't know you were here!" You stomped closer to her and yelled, "Yeah because you were too busy trying to get," your hand went over your head and slapped her across her face. "dick from my boyfriend!" The impact of the slap sent her on the ground, holding her cheek and scattering to get away from you. "The fuck are you looking at slut?! Go!" Your now ex-friend scrambled to her feet and ran away from you and Rindou still holding her cheek.
You turn your attention to your boyfriend, "And you, if something like this happens again and you don't tell me, your ass is going to be just like her dickless."
Rindou nodded his head stiffly, he knew you weren't playing either this time.
"Oh Y/N… my pretty angel, the most beautiful girl in the world, my cherry pie, the apple of my-"
"Who is it that I have to fight now, Sanzu?" You deadpanned.
Your lover rested his chin in his hands as he looked at you from across the table. You were preoccupied with arranging a dinner for the weekend for you and him before he interrupted. Sanzu slid his phone across the table, a picture of a woman with short blue hair. His finger tapped on her face, "Her. She's a nuisance to me, and she shows up at the bar whenever I'm with the guys desperately trying to get my number." He pouts like a child, then starts to smile wickedly, "I need for you to teach her a lesson for me please."
"If I teach her a lesson what sort of reward will I be getting?"
Sanzu leans across the table and sweetly kisses your lips. "You'll get to do that thing you always wanted to do to me." Your face heats up for a moment and you nod your head agreeing to his terms.
That's how you find yourself in the parking lot of the local bar fighting with the woman. Sanzu stood by watching as you had her against a car and were kicking her in her stomach. He licked his lips at the sight of blood trickling from the woman's head when you had hit her with a steel pipe earlier. The sounds of her pathetic groans for you to stop were arousing to him.
"Don't. You. Ever. Look. At. Him. Again." you say as you finish your final kick with your steel-toed boot colliding with her face. She slumped forward coughing out blood and weakly told you she won't look at him again. Satisfied with your results of the fight you walked away from her and locked your arms with Sanzu.
"Oh, princess that was so hot of you to do that for me." Sanzu croons, as he opens the door for you to enter the car. You thank him and watches as he shuts your passenger door and goes to enter on the driver's side. "The pleasure is all mine, princess, and speaking of pleasure," your cheeks are squished in between his fingers as he leans over the center console to kiss your lips.
Sanzu nibbles at your bottom lip with his teeth, tugging at the flesh as he pulls away. "I hope that what you do to me tonight really pleases me."
"You know when you said we were going out to have fun," you start just before a girl lunges for you and you punch her in the stomach. She groans in pain from the impact, giving you the chance to elbow her on the top of her head knocking her down. "I didn't think fighting a group of coeds would be it."
Hanma slugs a guy in the face just as he charges towards him. A manic laugh leaving from his mouth when his fist collided with the man's cheek. He felt the bones of his opponent's face crack upon the blow. "Aha! Then what did you think we're going to do baby?"
You shrug your shoulders, and reply back, "I don't know maybe terrorize the convenience store owner again." You duck when a girl swings a bat at your head, narrowly missing it. You dodge her swings and block another attempted hit with your arm. It hurt like hell, but you fought through the pain and kicked the girl in her groin. She loosens her grip on the bat and you snatch it from her hands, bashing the end of it at her skull. From the corner of your eye you saw a guy heading towards Hanma. "At your 6 babe!"
Hanma laughs boisterously, he blocks the man's jab and snatches him by his nose. "Come on baby! I thought you knew me better than that!" The crazed smile of his never once falters from his face as he lifts the guy by his nose and throws him on the ground. "Surely this is more thrilling!" He stands above the man, stomping at his head with his heavy feet. The sounds of bones cracking encourage Hanma to further disfigure the man underneath him.
You look around at the several bodies scattered in the alleyway, unmoving bodies of both male and female on the ground. Hanma stops stomping the man's head in once he sees his teeth caving in. You walk towards your boyfriend holding the arm that had blocked the hit earlier. "I think they're all done for Shuji. Let's go."
Hanma smiles at you and tosses his arm over your shoulders leading you out of the alleyway. "You got hurt baby," you scoff and turn your head away from his gaze. "It's nothing that a little ice won't fix." You say to him, and smirk, "Besides I had some fun back there."
His eyes brightened as you two made it to his bike and hopped on the ride, "Great~ Would you do it again for me, baby?"
"Absolutely not."
Cue Hanma pouting.
For him it was never easy dealing with your feisty attitude and short temper. He didn't know how to control you, and frankly didn't want to even do it. He was afraid he'd wind up at the end of a closed fist to his face if he were to defy or deny you of anything. If you told him to jump he would ask you how high. That's how committed he was to not pissing you off.
He felt pity for those who fought with you because they would end up seriously hurt. He remembered the one time a girl was picking on him at a party. She was calling him lizard man because of his habit of sticking out his tongue. What really ticked him off was when she went up to him, flicked his nose, and called him a pussy. She was a bold woman. He will give her credit for that.
If only she knew just who she was fucking with. The words that the girl said to him went through the grapevine to you at the party. "Where is she?" you said as you push through people to reach your boyfriend. Koko stood there looking scared, meanwhile Ran answered the question for you. He pointed his finger at the entrance of the club, "She just went outside for a smoke."
"Y/N wait!" Koko called out but it was too late. You were already running out of the club to go and get the girl. "Shit, Ran why did you tell her where she was!" Koko shouted to the purple-haired man, Ran shrugged his shoulders. "I wanna see a cat fight." Koko scoffs at him and leaves to go stop you from fighting with the girl. The last thing he needed was you in jail tonight.
Meanwhile you were outside searching for the girl. As you rounded the corner you saw the girl smoking a cigarette underneath a lamp pole. "Hey, bitch!" You shout, and slide your heel off of your feet. "You got some nerve to be talking about my boyfriend with those grandma titties you got!"
She gasped and flicked her cigarette away, "Excuse me," You grinned at her and held your shoe tighter in your hand. "You heard me!" She went to say something else, but you had enough of the talking. Using the heel in your right hand you whacked her with the steel tip end of the heel, successfully smashing her temple with it. You whacked her with it again on the other side of her head. "I'm not done with you bitch," You pulled her by her hair and started punching her on the top of her head. Little whimpers came from the woman and she tried to defend herself by hitting you in your stomach. "You crazy fucking slut!" She shouts.
Koko showed up outside with Ran, Kakucho, Rindou and Sanzu behind him. He saw you about to pull your killer move on the woman and immediately he charged to stop you. "No!" he cried as he tackled you to the ground; you both grunt at the impact. "Y/N are you crazy?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
You thrashed in his hold, "Get off of me Koko!" you sneered.
"Hell no, I just paid for your nails and I'd be damned if you're gonna fuck them up by fighting some whore!"
And that is why Koko tells people who talk ill about him, "My girlfriend isn't afraid to do jail time over you."
If there was one word to describe Kakucho, it would be his undying loyalty for those he grew to love. He was loyal to Izana, his closest friend until his untimely passing, and he was just as loyal to you, his girlfriend. Never did Kakucho complain about you to anyone or talked about you in vain behind your back. He respected you just as much as you respected him.
Though he never would have guessed how protective you were over him until the incident at the park happened. It was on a late, cool night when he was at home polishing the magazine of his gun and he heard rapid heavy knocks on his door. He stopped what he was doing and went to answer it. As soon as he pulled the door open he saw the sight of one of your friends. “Y/F/N? What are you doing here this late?” He asked, and she shook her head. “I can’t explain to you, but you gotta come with me Y/N is in danger!”
The second your name was mentioned, Kakucho quickly snatched his house keys and locked his door before following your friend. She led him to a park that was just a few blocks out of his home and there he saw you fighting two men. Scattered on the ground were incapacitated men, and Kakucho believed you must have been the cause of that. “Y/N,” he whispered, as he stopped in his tracks and stood there in a trance.
You fought so elegantly, yet with a vengeance in your hits. You were dodging hits, blocking punches with your arms, and serving strong kicks to the opponents abdomen. When one of them picked up a bat to swing it at your head, that’s when Kakucho snapped out of his trance and started to run towards the man. “Y/N!” he cries. Everything seems to move in slow motion for him. Kakucho intercepted the melee attack with his hands grasping the bat and halting it from striking you.
You gasp, “Kakucho!” the guy in front of you tried punching you but you blocked it and swung your left fist up to his chin. The man’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he stumbled on his feet. “Bastard!” You stood there as he fell backwards, he was out. Your attention went to your boyfriend, looking at him worriedly as he used his strength to push the man away from you. His jaw clenched, arms straining to stop the attacker from hurting you or him. “I won’t let you touch her, you piece of shit.”
Just then you appeared from behind the man, pulling him into a chokehold. He loosened his grip on the bat and Kakucho took it away from him, tossing it away from his grasp. The man gasped for air, his eyes bulging from his head as you held him there. “Y/N,” Kakucho began, your cold eyes met his heterochromatic ones, “What are you doing here? Why are you doing this?”
“These guys were talking crap about you Kakucho. They mentioned Izana’s death, they said they were glad he died because he was nothing but a pathetic leader.” Kakucho’s breath hitched as he looked down at the faces of the men surrounding him. He recognized them as former Tenjiku members. He swallowed, as distraught as he was right now he couldn’t let you do this. “You don’t have to do this Y/N, this isn’t what I want you to do.”
You look at the man still struggling to break free from your deathly hold. Your eyes were unreadable and void of emotion. Kakucho couldn’t guess what you were going to do next. “Let him go, please.” You shook your head at your boyfriend. “Please Y/N.” Suddenly he fell to his knees and you sucked in a sharp breath. “Release him.”
With your body trembling you let the man go and he collapsed to his knees before Kakucho. He hunched over gasping for air to enter his lungs. Your boyfriend stood to his full height, his eyes glaring down at the man at his feet. “You will thank me for telling her to stop.” He then looked up at you, “I understand what you were trying to do, but that doesn’t mean you have to kill these traitors.” You took a step forward, stepping over the hunched form of the man, and wrap your arms around your boyfriend’s body.
Kakucho’s strong arms held you close to him, his warm hands caressing your back up and down in gentle strokes. His lips ghosted over your ear, “I love you Y/N.”
That’s how he found out that you were the one for him. His undying loyalty for you and your never-ending love for him.
a/n: ugh i might have did word vomit with kakucho’s! but i hope you enjoy!
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be-missed · 7 months
Not Strong Enough (Chap 5)
Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
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(pictures not mine)
Summary: Jenna was visiting her mom in the hospital to drop off the food that will be eaten for the hospital party, but she met a resident surgeon and she thought "God forbid I ran into an accident, but I want her to open me and stitch me up." While the surgeon tries her best to keep her fan girling low-key.
Warning: curse words.
A/N: 5th chapter, thank you for waiting. I'll be using a different POV her, please tell me if this is better or no. Also, I think if I start using this POV, y'all need to be guessing what's inside of Jenna's (in the story) mind.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 6
Chap 5
"Hey, thanks for today, I really enjoyed the concert. See you around!"
You kept on reading the last text message that Jenna sent you after the concert. In the past few days, you are trying to keep your distance from the girl that you have been liking for some quite time now. After the concert, listening to the songs, it feels like you are having a revelation; you can't and you won't be the love of her life you thought.
So what you did was to be more productive than you are to stop yourself from thinking of the other girl and checking your phone. In the hospital when Jenna visits, you try to lessen your interaction and dismisses her telling that you are busy and needed in the surgery room. But one time, Jenna caught you seating in the chairs and watching a video on your phone. You didn't know that she'll go visit and unfortunately she asked around and asked what time is your break.
You were watching Melissa Barrera's 'Get To Bed With Me' YouTube video for Harper's Bazaar. "So, you are on a break, right?" You heard from your side and that got you surprised, it is Jenna's voice and you answered "Hey, I didn't know you were coming." and she chuckles and said "I came to surprise you, you were always on the go when I visit" she said and sat beside you.
You look at her whole figure intently, nothing has change, still the same chipped nail polish from the concert, same chuck taylors that she loves to wear, her headphone hanging around her neck, that necklace she wears sometimes when she is in the mood and a few rings.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry... there's a lot that's been going around here" you said with a sad smile and Jenna answered "No worries, I'm just glad I get to talk to you." and smiled at you.
Why does she need to smile like you are the softest thing that she have ever seen. "So, I just noticed, I mean I don't want to assume, because like, you know, it's not good, but I would like t you know, ask maybe, or like no, I've been meaning to tell you-" Jenna started to rumble but you held her hand and squeezed it and said "Hey you're rambling, it's ok breathe."
"Okay, I noticed that you are kinda ignoring me. You haven't replied to my message last last week, you have been ignoring me when I go here, I mean yes, we talk in facetime but you end it so quickly. I just... I miss you." Those words came out of Jenna's mouth.
She misses you. SHE MISSES YOU.
"Oh..." You started "I'm sorry if you feel like that, but I have been really really busy." You ended. But you feel like Jenna knows that you are lying to her.
"Sure, I mean, I'm sorry to bother you." Jenna said and went up to stand but you stopped her "Hey, please don't think that you're bothering me, that can never happen" and you smiled at her.
"Okay..." Jenna said and accepted your answer "So, do you have any plans for Halloween?" she asked and you answered "Yes, actually My friends and I are having a Halloween Party, just the four of us since we can't handle big events" and ended with a laugh.
"That sounds really nice, what are you dressing up?" Jenna asked you with such curiosity and you answered "Well, I'll be dressing up as Mavis from Hotel Transylvania."
Jenna took a mental note on that. The both of you heard a blaring sound and a voice said "Code Blue" and that alerted you.
"Hey, I'll be calling you, I am needed, duty calls." You said and kissed Jenna's cheeks and hugs her and you bolted out.
"Y/N please stop walking around, please" Ava stated while you pace around the break room with you friends watching you like you were in a loop. Beatrice enters the room, kissed her wife and looked at you weirdly.
"What is happening here?" Bea asked and her wife answered, "Well your friend here kissed her little princess, IN THE CHEEK." Ava exaggerated the last words that made Bea chuckle and said "Wow, a kiss on the cheek made you like that, how about when you get to kiss her." and the wives made fun of you that made you stop from pacing.
"GUYS! This isn't even funny!" You said that made the both of them laugh even more, "Chill down Y/N, girl friends kiss each other in the cheek." Beatrice emphasize the space between girl and friends "And please calm your thoughts down, try to stay in the present and no overthink yeah." Beatrice added.
"Okay, sure sure, I will try" you sat beside them and drink your water.
"So are you ready for our Halloween Party?" Ava asked and you just nodded "Okay, I can't wait to see you in your costume."
"TRICK OR TREAT" Those are the three words that the four of them hearing while they are having a dinner and playing monopoly.
"Damn, it's so late and there are kids outside." Ava stated as you went up and opened the door to give them candies and give them compliments for the effort that they did for their costume.
As you take your seat again "You can't blame them. I'd be walking the whole neighborhood just to get lots of candies" and rolled the dice, you moved your character that landed on boardwalk. You hollered and celebrated as you got the most expensive property in the game.
"That's not fair Y/N, you need to leave some property for us." Camila exclaimed while pouting like a little kid, "Oh stop it, you almost owned all of the land on the other side."
Beatrice gave you a house and the card for the boardwalk. Another knock on the door and a "Trick or Treat" can be heard, with a happy feeling, knowing that you'll be crashing Ava and Camila in the game, you happily get the bucket of candy and opened the door, and it stunned you.
Jenna was the one that is in front of the door, with her little cousins.
As you scanned her face, you could also see a surprised look, she probably doesn't assume that you will be the one opening the door and will be giving them the treats.
"Hey..." you said with the brightest smile, feeling like a fucking winner even if the game hasn't ended, but looking at Jenna with her orange long sleeve under a yellow jersey T-shirt, cargo shirt, and on her adidas rubber shoes. You intake in everything that is on her and she replied back with a smirk on her face "Hey back to you beautiful."
"Can I get my candies now?" You hear a littlw voice and you looked down and answered "Sure sweetie, here get anything you want" and almost gave all of the candies to Jenna's cousin.
"Whoa there, that's a lot for you miss." Jenna exclaimed seeing that you almost empty the candy bucket that you have.
"Didn't know you live around our block?" Jenna said and you answered "Oh no, this is not mine, this is actually where Ava and Beatrice lives" and scratched your head, "You wanna join our party?" you asked Jenna and she answered "Oh I would like to, but as you can see I'm tasked to bring the kids to trick or treat"
That made you sad because you won't be hanging with Jenna.
"But... I can come after we round the whole block if that's alright?" She asked and that made you smile and you answered "Sure, that's great" and you watched them walking away. The both of you shared a small wave.
As you went back to the table, you said to the group " I hope it's okay that I invited someone later?" and that made them look at you "It's just Jenna, so I hope you don't mind?"
"Wow, so now you got the guts to invite her huh? But yeah, it's okay for me, how about you my love?" Bea said and Ava nodded because her mouth is currently full with m&m.
"It's about damn time I get to meet her. I'll show her how I fucking nailed Wednesday's dance" Camila exclaimed and both you and Beatrice said "Please no."
An hour passed and the four of you are just watching a horror film when the doorbell rang. When you opened the door, you saw Jenna standing with a wine on her hand.
"Hey you didn't need to bring something" you said and Jenna answered "I think it's good to impress your friends" and the both of you entered the living room that made the other three stare at you.
Beatrice paused the movie and Camila said "Wow, you got your whole costume planned huh?" and that made you look at her questionly.
You then scanned Jenna's costume, orange long sleeves under a yellow jersey T-Shirt, a cargo short, and a rubber shoes. That's where it clicked, SHE WAS DRESS AS JOHNNY, Mavis' husband.
"Surprise" Jenna said in a little voice and looked at you worriedly.
You bit your lips and said "Well good to see you husband." You kissed her cheeks again and pull her to the sofa to the spot where you were seated earlier and the movie continued.
"I hope it's okay" Jenna whispered and that made you look at her, you were so close to her face, the lights of the TV illuminated her face, and that just took your breath away.
"What do you mean?" You asked, a bit of perplexed on what she's asking. "I dressed up as Johnny" she said.
You thought, why would she feel sorry for dressing up as your husband, as Mavis' husband? Because what she just did for her costume, being in a couple costume with you, sent you heart beating impossibly fast that you fear it will just stop and Jenna will be seeing you body lying on the floor while your three friends are trying to perform a cpr on you.
"No worries, I kinda like how you played it off, it looks good on you." You said and if the lights were on, you will notice how the blush on Jenna's face creeps in. "You are beautiful as well Y/N" Jenna said.
"Can we please now watch" Camila said to the both of you because she is just literally seating close to the both of you, which made the both of you said your apologise quietly and sat comfortably beside each other.
The night went on, and the five of you finished two movies. Beatrice and Ava are now cleaning the living room while you clean the dining room which leaves Camila and Jenna in the living room.
Camila broke the silence and said "I really liked you on Wednesday." and that made Jenna smile and said a thank you, Camila then continued "You know, if I may, I can show you how I perfected the dance you did in the ball" Camila stands up in the middle of the living room and within a second you tackled Camila into the floor, not wanting to make Jenna feel uncomfortable since you have watched a lot of her interviews about the Wednesday dance and also you are concerned about your friend who can't really dance to save her life.
"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N" Camila exclaimed and pushed you off of her "I'm sorry, I just missed you" you answered while you are still lying on the floor.
Jenna went to you and helped you up "Are you okay?" she asked and you just nodded.
"That was not fair Y/N, I was about to show Jenna my dancing skills" Camila said with a pout on her lips, and that just made you giggle.
Jenna buts in and said "Maybe you can show me next time when we meet each other again."
But that just made your head shakes for a no, earning a few "no" that can be heard from Bea and Ava.
Finishing up and gathering your things, you said your goodbye to Ava, Bea, and Camila. Jenna by your side walking towards the street.
"Thanks for inviting me tonight" Jenna said kicking stones that got in her way.
You looked at her like a little kid, thinking it was fun to see her like this, enjoying herself and being young & free. "No problem, I love having you around and the girls have been wanting to meet you since they only got to greet you in the hospital" you said.
"Really? I'm glad to hear that. I also enjoyed spending time with them" She said.
Walking a few more streets and you were nearing Jenna's house. No small talks were made, only the noise of the neighborhood can be heard and your small hums.
Jenna the breaks the silence "I just noticed that you always invite me to do something while I just go and say yes."
"Well, I like hanging out with you" you answered, because it is true. You know for yourself that even if you don't have any feelings for Jenna, you would enjoy her company.
"How about if you come to our Family dinner next time, sounds good?" Jenna suggested and it surprised you. How come you got invited to a Family Dinner and that made you super shy because you will gonna be surrounded with Jenna's family and you were scared that they will not like you. But then you reminded yourself to calm down and live on the now.
"Uhmm sure, if that's okay with your family, I don't want to intrude" you answered and Jenna smiled and said "Oh trust me they would love you there, my mom was also planning in inviting you, she said you are like a daughter to her"
Wow, Natalie has plans on inviting you, that was the first time you heard that. You know that you and Natalie have this bond and you feel so treasured and loved, thinking that Natalie thought of you more like her daughter.
Stepping in front of the Ortega's front door, you and Jenna faced each other earning a sweet smile on both of your faces.
"Thank you for tonight" Jenna said.
That moment, this moment, you were so sure that you wanted to kiss Jenna, you are thinking, you have stopped yourself many times to not kiss her so maybe this is a good chance to let go and just kiss her. Live on the now, you think. Your heart beating loud and you try to block the negative thoughts.
So one of your hand went into Jenna's side, you were slowly leaning in, waiting for a movement from the other girl to pull away and you felt none, so you persisted and you felt that Jenna was also leaning in, placing her hands into your shoulder.
A flashing of lights and a honk is heard that broke you apart. The windows rolled down and you saw Jenna's dad waving, getting down the car and going towards the both of you.
"Hey girls, hope I'm not interrupting something?" said and hugged Jenna and looked at you.
You introduced yourself "Good evening Sir, I'M Y/N, Jenna's friend and Natalie's co-worker.' and stretched your hand to shake his hand which he did shake and exclaimed "So you are who's Jenna is talking about, huh?"
Jenna nudged her father "Dad, please stop" which made her father laugh and said "Well, if you are hungry you can go inside and dig in." and leave the both of you outside again.
You broke the silence and said "Well, I'm gonna go home" you take Jenna's hand and kissed the back of it, "Good night my husband" You said with a teasing smile referring to Jenna's costume and you started to walk down their front yard.
Jenna then said "Good night to you my wife, call me when you're home" and blow you a kiss which you catch and kept it in your pocket that made Jenna laugh.
And that maybe was the greatest Halloween that you could have ever have in you whole life.
Chap 6
A/N: an update, hope this was good. Thanks for reading!
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seethesin · 10 months
having a one night stand with shane
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pairing: Shane McCutcheon x F!Reader
tags/warnings: sexual content, clubbing, fingering, cunnilingus (mdni, 18+)
a/n: don't mind me being 19 years late to this party! i recently finished the l word and goddamn, shane mccutcheon would be a fantastic lay :) hope you enjoy my stream of consciousness headcanon. gif credit
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It's Alice that brings the two of you together
She's so tired of you whining over your recent breakup
She can barely get a word in anymore when the two of you hang out
You complain over coffee at the Planet
You bitch when you come over to her apartment
Your constant nagging does not stop for days on end
Finally, she breaks, calling Shane and begging her to come out to the Hit Club to meet you
Alice makes a point to stress that she has a good-looking, recently single friend who simply needs something other than this failed relationship to harp over
Shane, the loyal friend she is, obliges
It's Saturday night and Alice practically drags you out of your one-bedroom to go out with her and Tasha
You can't say no; any reason to support Kit and Helena is enough for you
Even with all your moping, you dress to the nines and go with the duo to the club
The music is good, the drinks are flowing, and finally, a genuine smile is permanently plastered across your face
Shane seems to materialize next to you as soon as you polish down your first drink
Alice is glowing—neither you nor Tasha misses it—as she pulls Shane into a hug before hurrying her over toward you
She rapid fires through introductions, extremely interested in getting you both settled before completely taking off with Tasha
You can't even take the time to appreciate Shane's fitted blazer, dark skinny jeans, long fingers—
Okay, maybe you did have enough time to appreciate her attributes before Alice abandoned you
The thought leaves your head entirely as the gravity of this situation begins to settle
Both you and Shane are left in the middle of the dance floor, stunned as other patrons bounce and bump into you
Shane's the first to recover, offering to buy you a beer which you gladly accept to break the tension
The rest of the night goes without any hiccups
You notice that Shane isn't much of a dancer unless convinced otherwise, and you find yourself taking advantage of that
You sway together and with feigned innocence, you find yourself grinding against her more obviously
Shane seems to get the message and presses you against her chest, allowing your hips to rock against her groin
Her mouth is on your neck and her hands splay across your stomach as the two of you dance
Her touch drives you crazy
From what feels like an amalgamation of all the sexual tension from tonight, the two of you reach the same conclusion at the same time:
"Wanna get out of here?"
Hell yes you do
You find Alice and Tasha on the other side of the club and say your goodbyes
You pretend not to see the couple's sneers as you and Shane leave
Eagerly, you pile into Shane's Jeep so she can take you back home
The two of you are a whirlwind of wet kisses and inquisitive fingers, taking turns stripping and fondling each other
You barely make it to your bedroom, but through sheer willpower alone, the two of you make it to the bedroom
Shane’s fingers are already working on the waistband of your underwear
They’re replaced with two of her fingers sheathed inside of you while the heel of her hand drags circles into your clit
The initial shock of realizing how wet you were for her to jam two fingers into you so easily is replaced with an intense, unwavering pleasure
It continues to build as Shane fucks you and it doesn’t take long for you to forget about your breakup
Perhaps it’s because of how responsive you are, but suddenly she bows her head down, lips ghosting your ear and husks:
“You like that, huh?” while pounding into you
The coil in your stomach snaps and you’re cumming on her hand, babbling that yes, you absolutely love it
Shane lets you ride her fingers as the aftershocks of your orgasm hit
But as soon as you collect yourself, she’s sinking lower, dragging her fingertips down your torso
Her mouth latches onto your pussy: sucking, licking, and kissing every inch of velvety skin she could access
The next wave of orgasms hit sooner than expected, but all you can focus on is canting your hips towards Shane’s mouth
Once you're coherent, you want nothing more than to return the favor
Shane's laughing as she lets you shove her into the mattress, welcoming your curious hands on top of her breasts and your mouth all over her cunt
You feel her thighs clench against your face, holding you steady as you work through her folds
Her fingers are threaded in your hair, yanking you forward as you continue to swirl tight circles on her clit
She lasts a little longer than you and is a little quieter, but she falls apart to her orgasm the same way you did earlier
You kiss once more before hitting the mattress, staring up at the ceiling as you wipe your chin clean
It doesn't take long for Shane to recoup and she wastes no time pulling her clothes on
You follow suit, straightening yourself up before gathering up your outfit pooled on the floor
Before she leaves, she throws you a smirk before saying:
"That was fun; I wouldn't mind doing it again some time"
You agree; you couldn't remember the last time someone made you feel this good
You make sure to let Alice know just how incredible she is the next day for introducing you to Shane
Alice, however, realizes the grave mistake she's made in orchestrating last night
Now, you have someone new to prattle on about: Shane McCutcheon
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dmagedgoods · 5 months
Why ppl dislike Raphael this much?
It was a very loud minority, that's important to keep in mind. I counted how many people I blocked yesterday. It was around 30 or 40. - A very small number compared to all the people enthusiastically telling Larian to add a kiss on that weird tweet about him being a devil and an even more insignificant number compared to 542 signatures for our petition. We gained around a hundred more in one night only because the antis shared the petition so enthusiastically and made people see it who agree with us and not them. 😂 Looking at it all, I think Raphael is a very, very beloved character actually. Those antis don't truly hate him, they have the completely ridiculous idea that asking for more content with a character is "harassing the devs" in some way. A wild thought, since the devs will see that (very politely phrased) letter around in the social medias once, maybe twice, and are perfectly capable of decision-making and choosing if any of it fits their plans or not. Other antis think that Larian even considering more Raphael content would take away resources from their beloved faves. - What isn't only hypocritical but makes no sense at all, since it's not mutually exclusive to work on more content for character A and character B. Raphael's story arc (as much as I love our devil) in the game itself is weak. And needs as much polishing as many other things. And the third group of antis I saw, well, they didn't truly read the letter and apparently only saw one point with the idea of Raphael being in camp for a while. What is, yes, the most unlikely of the ideas, but also just one among so, so many others that would be much easier to implement. That he stays in camp only works if they'd write him a strong reason to do so. I did not think it was necessary to mention that but apparently, I should have. They think our suggestions are against his character and would take from it. (Please consider that many cishet men just don't like the idea of another male romance and that's all they need to be mad.) I don't agree that our suggestions are against his character at all. He already flirts with the MC, we just want to flirt back. The option to kiss him would go well with his plans actually, if he notices Tav's/Durge's interest is another tool to get them to take his deal. Romance-specific camp scenes with him would be more work and are not a must-have in the main game but how those camp scenes would look like - manipulative, cruel even, or a little more fond (he shows all those sides with us during the game) - would be up to Larian if they'd decide to make them. In any case: How much affection Raphael would or wouldn't feel for the MC and how much of it would only be a method to get what he wants would be free for interpretation (as it is right now already too). Visiting the HoH when not betraying him and talking there peacefully with him should be in the game already, actually. Exactly like the option to spare him after the fight with him should we so decide and his help during the last battle. That's not a weird or outgoing request, that's just things that should be possible actions/developments and belong in the game, in my opinion. Long message short: I don't understand the hassle at all. But it's twitter after all and, it seems to me that most of its users are only happy if they can pointlessly yell about something and hunt shadows. I, for my part, block them and continue to have fun with the content and characters I enjoy and also continue to hope Larian read the letter and considers the points in there they find fitting.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 10 months
Just an Arrangement Part 3 pls pls pls i’ve been thinking bout it while you are away :((((((
It's Just An Arrangement (Part 3): Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 577
tw: drinking
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Finale
Between sips of brandy and thoughts of mortality, Ran seems to be losing his sanity faster than Sanzu in the early days of Bonten. The clink, clink, clink of a pen hitting the desk, and the tick tick tick of the clock run together while Ran tries to rack his brain for anything he could use.
"Useless," he finally mutters to himself, tossing the pen across the desk and watching it clatter to the polished wooden floor without a care in the world.
"We don't have any word on--" The radio on his desk cuts in and out, but the voice of Kokonoi makes Ran inflate a little. Perhaps he had some news about your whereabouts. Ran's fingers grab the radio, and his thumb pushes down on the talk button.
"Say that again," he huffs. "I didn't hear you."
Precious seconds tick by before Kokonoi speaks again. "We don't have any word on the repayment of the debt by the--" Ran sets the radio down. His whole body deflates, and he sinks into the chair once more, feeling the exhaustion knocking at his bones and making him feel older than his mere thirty-five.
He almost wants to scoff at how old he is; it seems the many brushes with certain death led him here. But your brush with death... well, that became more real by the second.
Before Ran can slump into his depression once again, his phone buzzes twice in his pocket. He hesitates. The message might be from someone or something completely unrelated, and he would be getting his hopes up once again.
But what if... the nigging voice in the back of his mind sings. Ran pulls out the phone slowly, bracing himself for the inevitable disappointment. He opens his phone and looks down at the message from an unknown number with a sinking feeling of dread, the blood draining from his face as he clicks on the lone video.
"Say 'hello', princess."
There's a high-pitched ringing in Ran's ears as he watches tears stream down your beautiful, innocent face. Nothing in the world mattered more than your happiness, Ran reminded himself, trying to shake the image from his mind as he chucks the phone across the room.
But he's weak, so it only lands barely a foot away. Ran's toes curl, his fingers tremble, his eyes water, and every nerve in his body wails in outrage.
"You have five days to get me my money, Haitani," the phone echoes from the floor. But Ran can't hear it. All he can endure is the sinking feeling of someone having you, you being in trouble, and he can't do shit about it.
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"Rindou, I need you."
The request is always met with undying devotion. Rindou, the ever-faithful Haitani - shows up on Ran's doorstep with a look of excitement in his eyes.
"It's been a while since I've had to beat someone with my own hands," Rindou admits, placing his gloves on as Ran hefts his baton over his shoulder. "I'm excited... Who is this guy?" Ran pulls a wad of cash out of his pocket and tosses it to his brother.
"Some punk who says I owe him money."
"The Haitanis don't owe anyone anything."
"Exactly." The car door opens, and Ran slips in, his eyes hazy from the amount of alcohol it took for him to get his version of a 'good night's rest'. "Nothing except an ass beating."
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p1nk-matter · 2 months
...debunking PT did it
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So let me preface this by saying this was 100% inspired by a tiktok comment in a hxh phantom troupe's religious symbolism video back in 2021 (:/). The person who commented made such an impact I screenshotted their comments which unfortunately are not in correct order and messaged them this year (i just know they think im weird) but they never responded. I'd give their @ but its their government name (I take it) so msg me for deets. All credit goes to them as I'm just polishing and tidying these thoughts.
First op talks about Meteor City, a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist on any official records and are treated horribly from the outside, people are taken from Meteor City for crimes, prostitution, slavery and no one's doing a thing to stop it. People go outside and face racism, like the one guy accused of a crime he didnt commit and when the truth is shown no one does anything (think op meant The Bum Incident, vol 11, Chapter 102). These people get no justice, they're just used and this is where the duality of Chrollo comes in, he is a demon to the outside world because he is challenging the gods but also a Jesus figure for the underprivileged Meteor City. Even his reverse St Peters Cross on his jacket means that he feels unworthy to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus. Thats his way of saying he doesnt see himself as worthy of savior. His priority is the Troupe so they can together be seen to the outside world, they are literally a troupe of phantoms, trying to be recognized. This is why when he asks Neon if she believes in ghosts and she says no, she is the oppressor that doesn't understand the one hurt.
If you read the story with this idea in mind you start to observe that the Troupe only attacks people hazardous for the City (mafia, ants) or when they want revenge for one of them killed so its weird they are presented in a positive almost heroic light. Only exception that sticks out to the story? Kurta massacre.
The og commenter wondered why it was that the Troupe was always presented in a positive light. We've known the Phantom Troupe does acts of good alongside the bad but we also haven't seen anything entirely "evil" commited by any of them yet. Most of the legends surrounding them are hearsay. And though they could have easily killed Gon and Killua, they don't, twice. Also, Uvogin when taken by mafia/Kurapika says if freed, they wouldn't hurt them as they are not the target.
Op comments on how narrative should be filtered as its being commented via Gon- a non objective source, they claim that the 1st arc feels like a kid show whereas chimera arc feels dark, thats not to say it is actually like that but as Gon's perspective changes so does the narration. At first when innocent people die, he doesnt really care but in chimera we need a narrator to explain as Gon is too biased at that point. Regarding the massacre we only have Kurapika's word but what we are being told/shown about the Troupe is different. The characters talk about the Kurta massacre, how horrible and brutal it was but the narrative is keen and favors the Troupe, it paints them in a favorable light and why should the narrative do that, they don't become better people like the Ants after all.
From the moment they appear on screen, the narrative wants us to see them as underprivileged, both in York New and in the ship, even when they're fighting in Meteor City, they're fighting for injustice or when somebody hurts them. Then why justify their actions everytime they appear on screen if they massacred the Kurta Clan? If they are responsible for this why make them the underprivileged representation? Both Kurta and Troupe says the op are ostracized by the outside and seen less from people.
Say they did it. 3 ideas were proposed as to why.
1. for the eyes (Chrollo likes the eyes, like Hisoka said but Hisoka is a liar and also Chrollo has never shown interest in the show for them. For someone who steals things he likes, why make an exception and murder here?)
2. for money (that's not correct, we are told multiple times they don't care about it, neither money nor fame, they want to be recognized by the world but how would that work by killing a clan that's been hidden for 100 years, they dont get anything out of it.)
3. for revenge: Revenge for what? Kurta are a peaceful clan that hide for years. We know the Troupe left a note that is the motto of Meteor City (I'm adding here what op referred to: "we reject no one so take nothing from us"). Op says note means they serve justice to their city, when someone takes things away from them so what did Kurta take? From the thematic and narrative point they are not set up to have done it, op thinks thats 100% intentional.
Like said above, BOTH have the thematic of oppression from the outside world, they are a commodity for the rich and powerful (gods) but why is Phantom Troupe put in the light of both, the oppressor and the oppressed? Why would an oppressed group oppress another one for NO good reason? The Troupe doesn't kill innocent people if not necessary, they do NOT care about money or fame and the revenge aspect doesnt work because the Kurta were isolated from the outside.
If we look back at the York New Arc they never state the massacre, they simply suggest it and of course from a Kurapika POV they are guilty but if you look again you have to ask..are they really?
this took ages for me to coherently formulate and ik it goes back and forth but bless op's heart because it changed my perspective completely (more than any yt analysis found online) !
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kryptid-writes · 11 months
Chapter 10 - Alone Again
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With Castiel missing, the boys go out to search for their angel, leaving Y/N alone again.
TW: This chapter briefly discusses alcoholism
“Exorciza… exorcizamus… te omnis….” I slur out, butchering the Latin words far worse than usual, which I’m surprised is even possible, interrupted by the occasional hiccup. “Omnis.. immand… immundus, Ugh!” I groan in frustration, slumping my head onto the library table, the cool wood contrasting with my flushed face. I’ve spent all night rehearsing this damned incantation, never getting past the first few lines.
“How the hell does Sam do this?” I growl, staring down at my nearly empty glass of Jack Daniels Whiskey. I swirl the fancy glass cup of booze, the rigid sound of glass grinds against the wood that’s polish had begun to erode long ago. The clear amber liquid whirls in lazy circles, something I could personally relate too. No matter where my lonely life takes me, I always circle back to the sweet relief of alcohol, the one thing I can always rely on. Some people say life is better through a sober lens. I call bullshit, anyone who makes it through this place without a buzz is doing it wrong. Between the argument with Dean, Sam’s growing doubt, and Castiel up and vanishing, this is all I have left.
I down the last bit of whiskey, the familiar burn soothing my nerves. I stare down at my empty glass in distaste and carelessly slide it across the table. It hits a discarded book a few feet away and tips over, a single remaining drop falling from the cup.
I just want to go home. The message repeats in my head over and over. But then again, I don't really have a home to return to, do I?
Like it usually does, the whiskey catches up with me. My mind becomes foggy, my blood warm and fuzzy. I slump over, pressing my upper body flat against the table. The wood painfully cuts into my ribcage, but I'm too tired to care. The world spins around me and I close my eyes to fight off the impending dizziness and nausea, slowly slipping into a comforting slumber.
The blade bites into his skin, leaving fresh slices along his arms. Trickles of red race down his skin, joining the dry streaks of blood that came before. The wounds heal within seconds, even still he groans in pain.
He struggles in the rusty metal chair he’s chained too. The silver chains dripping with oil clang together in resistance. A small ring of fire surrounds him, the white flames remaining an unrelenting burn. He sits along the edge of the circle, the toes of his black dress shoes licked by the roaring fire. His feet fidget, pushing as far back as the restraints allow, desperately trying to escape the unforgiving heat. The stench of burning leather and thick black smoke fills the air.
Lucifer stands menacingly just out of reach, his shoulders back and head held high. The long knife he holds drips with blood, staining the grimey concrete below.
Castiel's clothes are covered in blood, oil, and burn holes. He breathes in heavy, ragged breaths. His ocean blue eyes lull to the ceiling. It seems they’ve been at it for hours.
Lucifer grabs a fistful of Castiel’s unkempt hair, violently yanking his head as far back as the chair would allow. “Now, tell me where you’re hiding her,” Lucifer hisses, menacingly twirling the angel blade in his hand. 
“Go to Hell!” Castiel spits, grinding his teeth.
“Been there, done that,” he replies, looking rather bored. He crouches down to Castiel’s level, innocently gazing into his half lidded eyes. “I grow tired of these games brother,” Lucifer sighs, before plunging the blade deep into his shoulder.
Castiel lets out a strangled cry as Lucifer twists the knife. The sickening sound of flesh churning bounces off the confined walls. Blood trickles out of the laceration, staining his beloved tan trenchcoat a dark crimson shade.
“WHERE IS SHE!” He demands, his irises glow a bright red with passion, illuminating the immediate surroundings of the room.
“The Winchesters are coming, and you of all people know what they’re capable of.” Castiel laughs like a man that has lost his sanity.
Lucifer is not amused. “Let them come.” He stands, drawing the blade from the broken angel's shoulder and wipes the blood off onto his worn denim jeans. “I, for one, am looking forward to slaughtering them. I’ll make it slow and painful. I’ll take pleasure in watching the life drain from their pitiful eyes,” he coos, a deranged smile tugging at his lips.
“Y/N.” A big hand gently shakes my shoulder from behind. “Y/N!”
I jolt awake in a state of panic and fall out of my chair, smacking the hard ground below me that will surely leave a bruise on my hips. My heart races so fast that it feels like it could beat out of my chest any moment. “What the fuck Sam!” I yell confused, as I get my bearings and push myself to my feet.
“Sorry.” He puts his hands up defensively. “It’s just you were murmuring and shaking in your sleep, I figured you were having a nightmare.” He looks at me, concerned, trying to read my expression.
“Oh, uh, thanks?” The scenes of my nightmare plays over in my head, a sinking feeling washes over me as I remember what Lucifer is doing to Castiel at this very moment. “Ugh,” I groan, the hangover hitting me full force. I rub my temples to soothe the headache pounding against my skull and squint, the lights suddenly too bright.
“Fun night?” Dean quips, a sly smile tugging at his lips.
I roll my eyes, in no mood for his condescending jokes.
Sam picks up a green duffle bag that sits at his feet, slinging it over his shoulder. He brushes his long locks of hair out of his face, looking around the room for anything he might have missed.
Dean sits at the other end of the table, polishing an angel blade. 
I grimace at the realization that it’s my blood that stains the white, and now red, towel in his hands. A twinge of guilt pangs in my stomach, recalling my actions two nights ago. “Where are you going?” I croak out, my throat unpleasantly dry. 
“To find Cas,” Dean replies, not taking his eyes off the blade.
“What?” I sit up in my chair, suddenly feeling a sense of panic. 
“We have a lead,” Sam replies. “We heard word from a hunter that he may have been spotted questioning people around Chillicothe, Ohio.”
“You won't find him there,” I confess, my tone suddenly serious.
Both Sam and Dean stop what they’re doing, turning their undivided attention towards me.
“You got something you want to share?” Dean asks in an angry tone, slamming the angel blade onto the table with a loud clang.
“Lucifer has him and… he’s not doing well.”
Dean's expression drops from angry to concerned, morphing into vengeful.
“Y/N,” Sam steps in front of me. “I need you to tell us everything you know.” He looks me in the eye, giving me a pleading look.
“He’s being held captive in some sort of dungeon.” I swallow down the lump in my throat. “Lucifer’s torturing him with an angel blade and he’s surrounded by a small ring of fire.”
“Holy fire,” Sam says to Dean.
“Anything else?” Dean seethed.
“He wants to know where I am.”
Sam and Dean exchange looks. Sam tilts his head slightly, raising his brows in question.
Dean nods his head and grabs the blade, tucking it away in his leather jacket. “Let’s go get our angel,” he says, heading to the exit.
“You don’t even know where he is!” I yell, trying my best to get them to stay. Tears well in my eyes as I remember what Lucifer plans to do to them.
“Then we’ll figure it out,” Sam replies, turning away from me and trailing behind Dean.
“Wait!” I run and grab onto Dean's hand. “Take me with you, I can help!” I plead, meeting his eyes with a desperate look.
Dean thinks for a second, his face turning cold as stone. “You’d just slow us down.” He rips his hand away and walks out the door.
Sam gives me a sorrowful look, before following his brother.
And just like that, they’re gone.
I sink to the floor, devastated, no longer able to contain my tears. I've never felt so alone.

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Tags: @roseblue373
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etherealbelphie · 2 years
Late Night Cuddles (Ft. Mammon, Asmodeus and GN!MC)
Warnings: Touch-starved MC, Mammon being a tsundere and by extent, a bit of a jerk, self-depreciating thoughts, MC makes sure Asmo is gonna be SFW.
Length: 1.4k words
Genre: Slight bit of angst, mostly fluff and comfort though!
Summary: You need a hug.
A/N: Honestly I wrote the outline for this while I was feeling very tired and clingy, and I decided to polish it up. There isn't much plot, just some mindless, tooth-rotting fluff. I hope you enjoy it!
-Ethereal (✿◡‿◡)
Story below, please don't claim as your own!
You’d been in the Devildom for about three weeks now, and you were starting to feel a bit down.
Were you homesick? Was the lack of Vitamin D finally starting to get to you? Were you immensely stressed because you always had to be on guard during school?
None of that helped, that’s for sure. However, the real problem didn’t come to light until Simeon randomly hugged you upon seeing you. You immediately felt a hundred times better.
Oh. So that’s what it was.
Well, three weeks was a long time to go without physical contact.
While it was wonderful that you’d figured out what the problem was, that didn’t really help you solve it.
Though you were on decent terms with everyone, you weren’t sure you were close enough to straight-up ask for cuddles.  Even if you were, you were much too shy to do so anyways.
You managed to hold your resolve for about a week before you finally broke, rather late in the evening.  Yes, it might be awkward, but the worst they could say was no, right?
Not wanting to overthink it, you quickly sent a message to your closest friend in the Devildom.
You: Hey Mammon, this is going to sound kind of stupid…
You: I’ve been feeling kind of down lately, and I could really use a hug.
You: …Can I have a hug?
Mammon: What!?
Mammon: Pfft, why would I want to hug you?
You: I shouldn’t have asked.
You: I’m sorry.
You: Never mind.
You: Forget I ever said anything.
He started typing something else, but you didn’t wait for him to finish. You clicked the power button, making your screen go dark.
Turns out ‘no’ was not the worst thing they could say.
Your phone buzzed- probably Mammon- as you tossed your phone on the bed and stood up. You couldn’t be bothered to read his messages right now.
While he hadn’t exactly said no, it was pretty clear you weren’t getting a yes.
That was fine. You were fine. You didn’t need a hug anyways; you’d be fine without one. No human had ever died by ‘lack of hugs’.
Even though the very idea of receiving one made your chest ache, you would be fine.
Your phone kept buzzing—how many messages was he sending you, anyways? —as you stepped out of your room and began to wander.
It was honestly stupid of you to ask. You knew you weren’t close enough for that sort of thing, and you’d asked anyways. Now you’d gone and made things awkward, just like you knew you would.
Your wandering brought you to the kitchen, where you decided to make hot chocolate. Maybe the warmth of the drink would help you feel a little better.
You grabbed a mug from the cupboard and filled it with milk. Then you put it in the microwave.
While you searched for the hot chocolate powder, your mind began to drift again.
If you couldn’t even last a few days without a hug, how in the hell were you supposed to survive down here?
“Well, you’re up awfully late.”
You jumped, whirling around to face the voice behind you.
“Oh, I’m sorry darling.” Asmo frowned. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
You shook your head, smiling. “Don’t worry about it, it’s fine.”
The microwave beeped, and you quickly jumped to shut it up. Yes, the entire household was probably still awake, especially if the text chains were anything to go by, but it still felt odd to make too much noise.
You placed the mug of steaming milk on the counter and added a few spoonfuls of powder. While you stirred it in, Asmo slid up beside you.
You could feel his eyes on you.
“Is something the matter?” He asked after a moment.
“I’m fine,” you answered just a bit too quickly.
“No…you’re not. Look at me?” He requested.
You turned your face towards him, though you don’t make eye contact.
Unsurprisingly, that doesn’t convince him.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” He asked softly.
“It’s stupid.” You answered.
He tilts his head slightly but doesn’t respond. That was surprisingly effective at getting you to continue.
“It’s just…I’ve been here a while, and I’m starting to feel a little down. Not enough physical contact. But—” you wave your hand “—I’ll be fine.”
“…Is that it?” Asmo asked, giving you a funny look.
You scoffed. “Yeah. I told you it was stupid.”
He gasped. “Sorry, no! I didn’t mean it like it was stupid or something! It’s just…if you wanted some physical contact, you could’ve asked me, you know!”
 “Not that kind of physical contact,” you elaborated. “I just want a hug…or maybe some snuggles,” you added quietly.
“No, no, I understand what you mean. And I still mean what I said,” He reassured you. “If you wanted some snuggles, all you needed to do was ask me!”
Suddenly he wrapped his arms around you, and you instantly melted. You felt him rub your back a little.
He giggled. “Aw, you should’ve come to me sooner, love.”
All too soon, he pulled away, and you couldn’t help the pout that appeared on your face.
“Now, how about some proper snuggles in my room?” He suggested with a smile.
You hesitated for a second, then nodded. You needed this more than you were embarrassed.
As soon as you confirmed, he beamed and grabbed your hand, pulling you behind him towards his room.
He closed the door behind you two, then turned to you. “Now, would you like to cuddle in the bed, or would you prefer the couch?”
“Maybe…the couch?” You suggested. “And maybe we could watch a movie?”
“That sounds lovely,” he agreed, sitting down. He scooted to one side, then reached his arm out. You took that as an invitation, sitting down beside him.
He giggled, pulling you so you were properly leaning against him. “Come on, don’t be shy,” he cooed.  
He selected a movie—some cheesy romcom— and as it progressed, you slowly began to relax, even nuzzling him now and then.
He ran a hand through your hair, making you hum contentedly. “There, see?” he purred. “Aren’t I the absolute best person to snuggle with?”
You nodded, starting to feel a little tired. It was awfully late after all.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You’re welcome to sleep here,” he said.
You nod. Maybe you’ll take him up on that offer.
Suddenly, a loud crash jolted you out of your sleepy daze.
“Oi, Asmo!”
You raised your head, blinking as the intruder came into focus.
“Have ya seen the human anywhere?” Mammon asked, too distracted by his phone to notice the human in question was right in front of him.   “They ain’t in their room, and they ain’t answering their messages-“
He glanced up to stare accusingly at his brother, but he saw you instead. Then he saw Asmo.
Then he realized the two of you were sitting together, and just how close you two were.
“What the hell is going on in here?” He exclaimed, closing the door behind him.
Starting to feel awkward again, you attempt to push away from Asmo. He doesn’t allow you to, keeping his arm snug around your shoulders and throwing a smirk to his brother instead.
“We’re snuggling,” he responded simply.
“Wha- why!?” He asked, coming further into the room.
“They were a little lonely is all,” Asmo responded sweetly, kissing the top of your head again. You blushed, but didn’t find it in yourself to protest.
“And ya didn’t ask me first!?” Mammon exclaimed, taking off his jacket and throwing it on a nearby chair.
“I did, but you said-“ He cut you off.
“Ugh, you dummy! If I knew you were gonna go ask one of my brothers—” he paused midsentence, kicking off his shoes and untucking you from the blanket.
He slid in beside you, tucking himself in as well. “If you wanted attention, you could’ve just asked for it…” he muttered.
You debate reminding him a second time of the earlier events but decide against it.
“Excuse me, I don’t remember inviting you.” Asmo scowled at his older brother.
“The human needs attention, and I don’t want the stupid thing to die,” Mammon said. “Now, c’mere so I can love you,” he mumbled, suddenly tugging you towards him.
“Hey!” Asmo protested, crossing his arms.
Mimicking his previous actions, you stretch your arm out towards him.
He easily complied, snuggling into your arms this time.
This certainly wasn’t how you were expecting your night to go, but you definitely weren’t complaining.
And next time you want attention, you know you’ve got two demons who are more than willing to give it to you.
These are the messages MC missed from Mammon.
Mammon: Wait, hang on.
Mammon: Fine.
Mammon: If you want a hug from me, then I'll give ya one. Only because you're asking, and not because I want one, got it!?
Mammon: Don't say the great Mammon never gave ya anything!
Mammon: Why aren't ya readin' my messages?
Mammon: Whatever, I'll be at your room in a sec.
Mammon: Wait for me, okay?
Mammon: Hey, where are ya?
Mammon: I told ya I was comin', didn't I?
Mammon: Your phone is buzzin'.
Mammon: I guess you left it here.
Mammon: Wait, you ain't getting these anyways.
Mammon: Whatever, I'll just come find ya.
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bae04xx · 8 months
Heyyy I just saw it post and like I couldn't resist sending in an ask (or request if you will)!! If you want to could you write a bill cipher (yes ik💀) x reader where he and the reader are dating but get into an argument and he just says/does sum really mean stuff?? Fluff ending tho please I can't take only angst lmao, for the reader i would pref a Fem reader but gn is fine to!! Also for bill could he be in his triangle form?? (I'm so sorry if this is a long ask💀💀) but yeah that's it!!
One last thing if you don't mind could I be the 😻 anon so like if I send a ask/message I will add that and yk its me!!
hey ofc, sorry don’t check my tumblr that often! i would love to :)
thanks 😻 anon :)
bill cipher x fem! reader
angst and fluff 🖤☁️
i grabbed my bags out of my car boot, harshly gripping them between my fingers, which the knuckles of began to loose their colour from the chill in the air. after shutting the car doors and locking it up i begin storming down the pebbled drive towards my little cottage of a home. i sigh as i drop my bags and twist the key into the lock. i walk into the warmth of my house- silence greets me. after a full day at work, a very busy day might i add, then running about 5 errands i expect my home to be as i left it, cleaned to perfection. my eyes squint at the crumbs left all over hallway’s floor, i walk through them and set my bags onto the kitchen’s table- only to see condiments and dirty dishes scattered on the counters.
i quickly put my food shopping away, then hastily clean the house top to bottom, from hoovering to polishing to mopping to cleaning all of his dirty clothes because god forbid he contribute anything to this house and take any weight off my already drowning shoulders. i bury my face into my hands and curl up on my sofa, after sitting like this for a few minutes i decide to sit up and distract myself, flipping through a few tv channels to find a decent one.
i wonder why i’m even here, i was only meant to be in gravity falls temporarily, after my mother decided i was too much for her, she shipped me off to live with my aunt for the summer- aunty suz, or as the locals called her, lazy suzan. she ran a diner, which i helped out with as my keep, and there i met the twins. i felt like mable understood me, she really helped me deal with my mental health and overcome it all. she was my bestfriend- until i fell for him. i made the stupid mistake of choosing bill cipher, a living breathing demon, over my bestfriend. and now i’m stuck in this hell hole- gravity falls.
“loving boyfriend my ass..” i mumbled, throwing the tv remote to the ground in frustration.
“what about me were you saying, peach?” he smirks, materialising out of no where, with a snarky expression.
“what the fuck have you been doing all day cipher? i work my ass off and i come home to the house a state?” i plead, standing up to be someone as tall as the floating figure.
“woah woah woah, don’t be so aggressive peach, calm it and remember who you’re speaking to,” he warns, i laugh at him.
“i do everything for you cipher, i have up my life for you and this is the thanks i get? no support, messing with my home and threats? i have every right to be angry at you, you always do this!”
“do what exactly, peach?” his eyes narrow at me, staring me down.
“fuck me over! you expect to be fed, even though you don’t need to eat and can make anything you want appear but no- i have to supply it for you, to clean in a clean house but it’s fine for you to constantly mess it up, and to leave for days at a time with no warning and then just appear back and expect me to be fine? and treat me like shit!”
“i can do whatever the fuck i want peach, whatever i want-“ he grabs me by the chin, “you listen to me, you’re a puppet in my hands, you’re lucky i’m even giving the time of day. you’re only around because i like you, and you’re so lucky i like you because do you wanna know what would happen if i didn’t?”
“you’d be dead, rotting your own personal hell. so show me a little respect? don’t forget your place.”
i push myself away from him, i regretfully look in my eyes, i don’t know what to do, so i just stand there, scared, confused, anxious yet angry.
“i’m going, don’t try and get in my head, i don’t want you there.” i announce, before storming off and grabbing my handbag.
“i’ll never get out of your head, you belong to me remember, you’re nothing without me.” he announced, as though he’s just next to me but he isn’t. i’m in the car, applying as much pressure to the accelerator as i can- and he’s no where near me. he’s in my fucking head again. i have no space, no boundaries, i’m not just me, i’m him too- and i have no choice. i can’t escape.
i break as hard as i can, in the middle of a road, no cars were within a mile radius of me, perks of living i. a quiet town. i scream, a blood curdling scream, my nails clawing into my h/c, tears stream out of my eyes. sobbing uncontrollably i feel an arm snake around me, pulling me close.
he’s shushing me, trying to calm me down as a shriek and cry into his chest, not sure if i should push him away or accept him embrace. his boney hands stroke my h/c and instantly calms me, not by my choice though- the bastard is in my head again.
“i’ve given everything for you bill.” i state, wiping my tears away, a dead look in my eyes.
“i’m sorry peach,” he hugs me tightly, “i know i’m shitty, but i’m so sorry.”
and he just holds me, let’s me stay in his arms, i focus on my breathing, as he plays with my hair, he whispers a small ‘i love you’ in my ear, i hum back to him, too exhausted to process what’s really happened.
i wake up in my bed, changed into my favourite fleecy pyjamas, a very worried demon next to me.
i yawn, stretching my arms up, turning to him i say “and how did i get here?” my voice a little gruff from sleepiness.
“you don’t think i was going to let you sleep in the car do you? what kinda demon do you think i am?” he replied in his usually snarky yet flirtatious voice.
“ah yes sorry, you’re such the gentleman- how could i forget,” i giggle back at him before rolling away to the other side of the bed.
“i really am sorry y/n, i’m gonna try more, for you peach,”
“i love you bill,”
“i love you more peach,”
a comfortable silence surrounds us, i sigh before deciding to get up, yet just as a i begin to take the duvet off me i get it pulled start back on.
“what’re you thinking for breakfast peach? my treat, you just stay snuggled up in bed,”
“i bought some croissants yesterday, they’re in the cupboard,” i muse, before grabbing my book off the bedside table. bill let’s out a laugh.
“my treat, you just wait and see what i’ve got planned peach!”
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leavingautumn13 · 11 months
a tutorial-adjacent thing about how i make comics
this is just a general guide on how i personally do things, and i'm gonna keep it pretty simple. let's get into it!
for this tutorial i'm gonna be drawing some trainers trying to find a particular pokémon.
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i'm gonna jump ahead a little here and show my finished sketch for the full page, so we can see the end goal.
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the best advice i have is to treat panels as part of the composition. make them work for you. reading a bunch of comics will help inspire you--there are so many creative things you can do with panels.
next, placing dialogue bubbles! these are a bit more complex than they seem at first glance.
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once you've got all that sorted, you can move onto the fun stuff, like lining and coloring. keep in mind that you can partially cover dialogue bubbles, break panel lines, etc. do whatever gets your message across. like so:
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you can also apply these guidelines to much simpler comics, too. really, flow is the most important thing, in my opinion. it's like a line of action when you're drawing poses. here's a comic i did that's basically just talking heads, but the bubbles and art still flow together to draw the reader's eye along a path. here's a jokey little scribble comic that does something similar. making a good comic is not about polish at all. it's more about readability, composition, and making your dialogue and art work together.
scott mccloud's book making comics has a lot more useful information than what i can fit on one post. it's been a hot minute since i read it (and by that i mean like. twelve years) but it's a solid resource. you can also just read comics or webcomics that you like and see how those illustrators do it. one of my personal favorites is cucumber quest. it starts off very simple, but by chapter 3 (especially near the end) the artwork, panel choices, effects, etc all work together to make every page a stunning work of art.
anyway, as always please feel free to reach out if there's any part of this that you'd like elaborated on, clarified, if you just have questions, etc. i'm not a teacher by any stretch of the imagination but i love helping people with this sort of thing, so please don't hesitate!
[this post is for @tanlotts <3]
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petricorah · 8 months
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Thanks for the ask, @strrwbrrryjam ! i'm flattered that you think I do a good job of that, because I'm still learning! (and I also struggle heavily with proportions. I have to resize my heads and arms so, so much...)
I'm afraid I don't have any secrets. I think the answer is to just practice, over and over again. But specifically, this is what I try to focus on as I'm learning:
quick practices - 30 second to 5 minute studies that help with getting a full scope of the shape and energy of the body, not meant to be perfect
studies - deep dives into certain anatomical structures (videos linked below)
Below the cut is how I use references go from this to this:
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Use a bunch of references! Pictures you take, stock images, from shows--practice real people. Even if your style is heavily stylized, it all starts from an understanding of anatomy.
How I Use a Reference When I Struggle With Proportions:
The first step I take while looking at a reference is to just draw a very loose sketch with a line of action that goes then entire length of the piece, and I try to section it out. I find if I don't think about the body as a whole, and just start drawing a head, the head will be way bigger than the rest of the image. So my first step is just really boxy and basic, just to get all appendages on paper. My first pass could look like this:
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Okay, not bad. But the right arm is going way too far down--the forearm is really long. The head is too big for the style I want, and the left arm is at a 90 degree angle, unlike the picture. But, I have the general scope of everything on the page, so it's easier to adjust and look at the full picture!
Then, I try to focus on landmarks. I look at where certain body parts fall in the reference. For instance, Blackbeard's right elbow doesn't reach his belt, so his elbow shouldn't be near his waist. I can tell that his left arm is closer to being straight than at a right angle, and I can see that his head isn't as big on his shoulders as I have. I can also look at the negative space and see that the gaps between his right arm need to be smaller. So my next pass might look like this:
(I don't usually draw on the reference image, and I just "draw" the lines in my mind, but the for sake of things...)
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Now it's looking a bit closer!
The next is the harder part. It's making things shapes, and is closer to the lineart stage. I try to follow curves, separate the chest from the torso, get the angle of the shoulders and head, etc. I have some video links at the end that explain this step much more in def.
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You may notice that the head angle is a bit different than the image, and the shoulders are a bit lower. Sometimes, following a reference image completely either doesn't fit your style or, in some cases, the more accurate drawing following a reference can actually look "wrong" (anatomically) when drawn. Figure out what works best for you, and for the message you're trying to get across in the piece!
[sliiiight flashing in timelapse]
And here is the final timelapse, with a little refining and polishing of the anatomy. Not everything is completely accurate to the reference image, but I've created a believable image in the likeness.
I hope this helped! This was a quick and dirty post of something I'm still learning. Here are some youtube tutorial artists, resources, and books that I use to learn!
-ModerndayJames has lots of videos on creating shapes and understanding anatomy, and placing people in perspective. He has a lot of free videos, and then some cheap ones on gumroad that go more into it.
-Proko has lots of videos on anatomy!
Practice Resources:
-Pose Maniacs - figures in different poses. You can move the camera around to see different angles.
-QuickPoses has images for figure drawing and quick gesture drawing! You can even have different timers.
Morpho Series. There used to be the one on "Fat and Skin Folds" that was a free PDF download that was on tumblr for a while, but I don't believe the books are that expensive.
Taco's Books, published by Lezhin. This is heavily anime styled, but talks a lot about anatomy, and is a great resource!
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Please let us be a part of your thoughts about francis childhood! 🥹
To begin, before the haute frogs get on my case for something, as always my takes are historical fiction or even more accurately historical fantasy and is me fitting together as many of my niche interests into a plotline as possible. It's not me slapping some iconoclast label on myself coming to destroy European values or whatever someone's going to put in the box this time. Yes they probably suck, yes I know I'm some uncultured turnip fucking inbred North American peasant. No, I don't really care. Just keep scrolling and let me post one thing about France without getting a six part message in the box.
So in 52 BC, little baby François pops into existence to his 'mother' (I don't do bio parents but they mimic human relationships) Parisii. She's a somewhat more minor figure, existing as a client-kingdom to the larger Senonii. Some dingbat working for a municipal archive mislabelled a coin as having a nymph-like feature on it and I had the absolutely brilliant idea to link maman up there with Mélusine from whom a lot of noble and royal families would claim descent. Rome, Lucius, has taken Greece, Hélène, to wife and wanted to claim François and continue expanding his role as pater familias. The representative of the Arverni or Gaul, whom I'm now thinking of as a somewhat more rugged version of adult François was trying to build a coalition to coparent the world's most high strung child kick out the Romans. But Lucius won, and Papa Gaul spent the rest of his life chugging Roman wine and being bitter. Parisii (really need a name here) and her bouncing baby boy became a favoured mistress and one of Lucius' favourite protégés.
He grows up the quintessential Roman boy. Bright, brutal and pure bonhomme. He's a handsome, fair boy. The spitting image of Arverni/Gaul but sleek and fair. He could throw a spear, recite Homer and picked out the most stylish sandals from Rome. He was perhaps the best debater of all the sons of Rome, a politician and social butterfly.
And he's a bitter disappointment to Arverni. François has always been able to ride a horse, fight and meet the metrics of cultural masculinity but his heart lay in the abstract and artistic. The arts, philosophy. His mother might be getting railed by his stepfather but François doesn't mind at all because Helene is regaling him with stories about Strabo, Plato, and Diogènes. He had a crush on the memory of Alexander the Great. But in all things, he was sociable. All the sunniness of his Mediterranean shore around people. He could charm his way out of the colleseum if he'd needed too. He's a leader in that way the charming and polished those following hardly notice until subjugated are.
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