#i cant stand hot weather
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no colouring for the next week bc im on holiday without my markers anyway JINGLE JANGLE PORTER SOLAIRE
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intercosmiiic · 11 months
its almost autumn
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burning-sol · 1 year
y'all summer freaks arent valid unfollow me.
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koteknaplotek · 2 months
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cinnabeat · 1 year
nothing like being in cold weather but not long sleeve shirts cold but not warm enough for tank tops so its just tshirt weather and yet not owning any tshirts
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elixlozgamer · 1 year
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The temps absolute perfect for this
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rainbowbeanstyles · 2 years
man the tumblr app sucks
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thatdeadaquarius · 4 months
GREETINGS! How are you doing? I've been practically gobbling up your posts (there very tasty)
Ok so hear me out- I've seen a couple posts like this but imagine-
The almighty all powerful wise creator isss
✨️A literal child✨️
Thanks for hearing me out! For you ->->❤️
Baby you taking on the world aw
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DAMN SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER!! i started fics before i answered my askbox :/
Aw i fucking love child reader stuff,
Lots of isekai animes/manhwa/manga do it and i eat that shit up everytime-
I also deeply appreciate when its not done creepily, like being turned 8 again, and having crushes on others who are... yknow, actually 8 yrs old or sm fucked up shit, like even if its 16 yr olds that doesnt make it any better, bc the protag will actually be like,, actually 20?!?!💀 the straights r wild man, i feel like it happens either way too, like its usually a male MC but thats just bc theyre more common tbh, like regardless of gender of protag 🥲
Sun: Child God Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Short Headcanons
Stars: Mondstadt ppl bc i don't show them i love them enough
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment any I missed. /gen
Klee has recruited converted you to throwing bombs with her.
You are the only leash on that child too and the only thing standing between Jean and full head of gray hair. 💀
Kaeya doesn’t know whether he’s endlessly worried or endlessly amused that the most powerful god is currently a child
if Jean isnt freaking out over ur whereabouts, Diluc is instead, and worst case scenario, Noelle/Lisa/Albedo is in charge of you
and YES someone has to look out for you, bc ur ass will just start making a hot springs spot like ur in ur teapot or smth in dragonspine (Albedo was fascinated it stayed warm despite the weather so he let you make it/enjoy it before asking u to restore natural order lol)
(Albedo has definitely asked to study you and, unfortunately for Jean, asked u to demonstrate several powers u have)
You do work as a lucky charm for Bennett tho so he does babysit u sometimes
it mostly consists of Fischl, Benny, and Razor “adventuring” by trying to do smth like who can jump on the Anemo slimes and ride them around longest
(the answer is you btw, u managed to get a small fleet of them to bus you around, the teens were simultaneously terrified running around below u to catch you and also amazed)
Noelle is so happy making toddler you all the pancakes you can eat, Sucrose had to stop her from going overboard and not just listening completely to kids when it comes to food
She is now very concerned with making you a balanced diet, tho she will still make u an ungodly tall stack of pancakes every now and then <3
They kind of all equally provide for you, obv ur their god, and ur a literal cutie patootie child, they cant just leave you
(also u might like move a mountain or change the weather or smth if they don't watch you so most are a little paranoid of that too)
Lisa gets u all kinds of cute outfits, still stuff you'd like, but definitely snuck in some sumeru looking clothing lol
Fischl lends you all kinds of books to read, Bennett shows u all the cool views in the city and outside of it (when Jean lets him get away with taking u that far), and Razor…
Razor brings you to Andrius and the wolf pack for a wolf pack party and gives u all kinds of shiny trinkets he’d collected for you
Diluc/Jean/Noelle/Eula nearly had a heart attack when they found out
Amber lets you have all the piggyback rides you want lol
she even managed with her own crafting powers (and your probably editing the game code or smth) she somehow makes a reinforced glider with a small harness on the back for you to glide with her
(Venti has definitely helped for some fun flights by boosting the winds for you two)
ur absolutely spoiled rotten by him (and Dvalin, and Andrius, and the wind sprites)
if this god had money he’d spend it on wine and you lol
takes u flying all the time, any time, would drop everything to go to Mondstadt wilds and use his archon form wings to take you wherever you wanna go
tries to bring u to Angel’s Share but Diluc nearly hits him on the head with a wine bottle and brings you back home after kicking Venti out and giving you grape juice (yes you get all you want, within a healthy amount)
anyway the most important part abt you being a god and child is that you can now fulfill your childhood dreams of riding a dragon whenever you want
(one way to quickly get Mondstadt citizens to trust Dvalin again was just constantly seeing him flying overhead, occasionally seeing a small child on his back also helped lol)
(neither you nor Venti tell Jean you ride Dvalin and keep it an active secret from her.)
srry i took so long! i hope u liked my hot mess of writing (i think its even sloppier than usual bc of all the fic writing full sentences lately)
and if not, I'm sorrryyy 😭😭
I'm focusing on getting thru a haul of asks before getting around to posting that Eldritch AU Part 2 if anyone reads this :)
hope u guys are have a great weekend, thanks for all the birthday wishes!! :D
Safe Travels Anon,
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stevethehairington · 2 years
once october hits and the weather turns cold, steve, eddie, robin, and nancy deicde to go to a pumpkin patch.
it's robin's idea, as she reads about the opening of one nearby and gets excited about going and indulging in all things fall.
steve pulls out his favorite chunky knit sweater (eddie touches it once when he first sees steve, then cant stop petting it throughout the rest of their trip because "it's so soft, man"). nancy's got her giant knit scarf looped around her neck at least three times (by the end of the night she'll be sharing it with robin). and eddie and robin unintentionally match in their flannels — eddie's topped with his leather jacket, robin's with her jean jacket.
they go with the intention of hunting for the perfect pumpkins to carve; but when they get to the pumpkin patch they see that it's so much more than just a pumpkin patch. there are stands with gourds, and apples, and squashes, and all kinds of fall fruits and veggies. there are craft stalls set up too, people selling homemade jewelry or candles or tie-dyed t-shirts or wooden carvings and the like.
there's a wooden cabin with a full baking kitchen and display cases of all sorts of baked goods: turnovers of all sorts, apple pies, pecan pies, berry pies, caramel apples, apple donuts, fudge. they sell apple cider, hot and cold, at the counter too.
at the entrance to the pumpkin patch area there are some wooden photo stand-ins, one of two scarecrows standing next to each other, one of three pumpkins in a wooden wheelbarrow, and one of a sunflower. nancy brought her polaroid, so they all take turns sticking their faces into the cutouts. she snaps one photo of steve and robin in the scarecrows, another of steve, robin, and eddie in the pumpkins, one of robin in the sunflower. steve takes the polaroid from her and insists nancy and eddie take a turn in the scarecrows, so they do. they robin catches nancy by surprise, curling her arms around her from behind, tucking her chin over nancy's shoulders, and steve snaps a photo of that too.
in the pumpkin patch itself, they search for the perfect pumpkin. eddie had a very specific criteria for his — it's got to be a big one with a good face to carve into; it's got to make a good sound when he knocks on it; it's got to be orange enough; it can't be rotten; there needs to be a stem. steve picks up pumpkin after pumpkin, holding each out to eddie with a raised eyebrow. each one gets a full inspection, but eddie always finds something wrong with them. "it's too skinny, there's not enough room to carve anything good." "steve, the whole underside is rotted, did you even look at it!" "mm, no, it doesn't have a stem." it's a little ridiculous, steve thinks, but he can't say he isn't having fun with it. sometimes he picks one that very obviously doesn't fit eddie's criteria on purpose — he likes the look eddie gives him each time, something fondly, affectionately annoyed. and if that also gets eddie to stick more closely to steve's side since steve can't seem to figure it out, that's just a bonus.
after they find their pumpkins, they hit the bakery. nancy gets a blackberry turnover, robin orders a dozen apple donuts ("i need some to take home, steve! these things are the best!"), eddie gets a caramel apple, and steve orders a slice of apple pie. he also gets some assorted fudge to bring back for the kids. they all get cups of hot apple cider too.
robin and nancy share their pastries, sitting close and swapping bites. eddie nearly gets his hair stuck in the caramel, and steve just laughs. eddie laughs back at him when steve spoons up a particularly big chunk of apple filling and it slips off the end of the spoon and right into his lap. he says it's karma. then holds up his apple, grinning stupidly, and says "or should i say... caramel." it's a terrible joke, but it makes steve laugh anyways as he tries to clean himself off.
robin asks nancy if she wants to go on the hay ride and nancy says yes but also jokes that robin is stealing steve's move because he used to always take his dates on the hay ride as an excuse to cuddle up to them. this, of course, makes steve flush bright red because not five minutes earlier he'd asked eddie if he wanted go on the hay ride. eddie had said yes, and steve did have every intention of using said hay ride as an excuse to cuddle up to him, thanks very much nancy.
they sit close on the hay bales in the back of the wagon, thighs pressed together, arms brushing. steve rests his arm against the side of the wagon behind eddie, feels eddie shift closer, sees the smile pulling at his mouth out of the corner of his eyes.
one of the tires ends up popping on the tractor pulling the wagon, so everyone unloads and starts the trek back through the apple trees on foot. robin loops her arm through nancy's and off they go, following the crowd. steve elects to hang back a little, waiting for the crowd to disperse, leaving him and eddie to their lonesome.
eddie jokes that steve orchestrated the whole thing to get him alone.
steve laughs, takes a step closer to eddie. backs him up against one of the apple trees. steve doesn't know where the sudden confidence is coming from, but he's grateful for it as he takes eddie's jaw into his hand, cups his palm to it's curve and draws eddie in, bringing their lips together.
he kisses him — the way he's wanted to all day. the way he's wanted to for months now.
eddie tastes like tangy apples and sweet caramel. his mouth is warm and responsive, his tongue soft and insistent against steve's.
when they part, eddie laughs, bright and happy, fingers gripping the front of steve's sweater in a bunch.
the two of them make their way back to the pumpkin patch, fingers twisted together at their sides. they spot robin and nancy, sitting on one of the benches together, nancy's scarf looped around both of their necks — just like steve predicted it'd be. when robin and nancy spot them back, robin's eyes go wide and she claps her hands together, pointing out their clasped hands to nancy, who smiles knowingly.
"you two get a little lost back there?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.
steve laughs, flushes pink. he glances over at eddie, leans into his side more, swings their hands a little. "something like that," he answers.
"you had the right idea, roping us into coming here, buckley," eddie chimes in.
"glad to be of service," robin salutes, grinning salaciously.
and yeah, it was the right idea, steve thinks.
they just might have to make this a tradition.
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soccer-love · 11 months
Baby girl
Merle Frohms x reader 
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“Then let's start then.” our trainer Tommy says and I feel like I just woke up as I get up from my place in the looker room. 
Even during the time he explained what we will do in todays session, I almost feel asleep. 
I follow Feli outside and we start doing our warm ups.
Normally I am one of the last ones to get off the field but this time I cant wait until the session is over and I can go. 
Usually we have about 60 to 90 minutes of training, depending on the weather and if we have games the day after or before, but after 40 minutes it starts raining so Tommy stops the training after about 55 minutes. 
Everyone tries to get inside as quick as possible but I sit down at the floor and take a few deep breaths. 
“Hey, Y/N are you okay?” I hear someone saying and Merle comes up behind me, handing me her water bottle. 
“Yeah I am just tired.” I say and take a sip before giving it back, Merle offers me a hand and helps me to get up. 
“Did I hurt you with that last action?” she asks and I shake my head, we where doing a little game during the last minutes and Merle accidentally tackled me down while trying to get the ball. 
“No, I am okay really.” I say and we enter the locker room, I take a shower and almost fall asleep again while standing underneath the hot stream. 
Everyone was dirty form the training in the rain and looks a little bit tired but I am probably the badest looking person right now.  
I look like a zombie. 
It takes me what feels like eternity, to put on my cloths and I barley cant keep my eyes open. 
At the exit I walk into Merle, she smiles at me, before looking outside where it's still raining. 
“Can I give you a ride?” she asks, knowing that I normally ride my bike here. 
“Uh sure.” I answer and we run over to her car. 
It’s not a long drive, but the sound of the rain against the windshield and the soft shaking of the car, makes me fall asleep even I try to fight against it. 
“Y/N?” I feel someone softly shaking my arm and slowly open my eyes, I am still in the passengers seat but the rain stoped and we are standing outside my apartment building. 
“Sorry, I...” I sit up and grab my bag from my feet but Merle holds me back. 
“Hey, you know that I know you sine we startet playing in the U-17 together, and lately you are not at your usual best, you look tired like you haven't slept in a week.” she says, giving me a worried look. 
“I am fine.” 
“Seriously, I know you're not, what is up with you?” 
I look down before taking a deep breath. 
“You know my sister?” I ask and she nods. 
“She lives with you, to support you with your baby, right?” 
Five months ago, I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, Sophia. Her father was never really in the picture and my sister moved in with me so that I wouldn't have to give-up  my career. 
“Yeah but she moved back to Chicago where she works a couple of weeks ago, I have someone to watch over her and when I we have games my mom come here but...” I stop because I don't want to say anything bad about the person I love the most. 
“the nights are hard, she normally needs to be feed two to three times and then she needs at least half an hour to fall back asleep and I think she really misses her aunt.” 
Merle grabs my hand and smiles at me. 
“I think I have an idea, how about I come by in like an hour, make you two some dinner, you can take a relaxing bath and then I stay the night to help you.” 
“You...no you need to sleep-” 
“Y/N, I wouldn't have offered it if I didn't want to do it.” 
I know that there is no point in discussing with her, Merle is a really strong minded person and won't give up so easily. 
“Okay.” I say and grab my back. 
“See you later Y/N.”
“See ya.” I say goodbye as I get out of the car. 
I have to nannys wich take turns to watch over Sophia during the day and sometimes for the evenings. Sometimes I feel really bad about it that I leave my baby alone this much but I’m not ready to retire yet. 
I cuddle a little bit with my daughter and fall asleep for a couple of minutes before I clean the living room a little bit up. 
“Welcome back.” I say as Merle comes back, a bag with stuff in her hand. 
“Good evening to you too.” she answers laughing, following me inside. 
She notices Sophia laying on her favorite blanked on the floor next to the couch, a stuffed dolphin in her hand. 
Like almost everyone Merle met my little girl many times, she was actually the first one to visit me after I gave birth. 
“Hey there, how are you sweetie?” she talks to Sophia sitting down next to her. 
“Can I?” she asks, reaching her hands out to Sophia, wanting my permission to pick her up. 
“Of curse.” I say and she takes her in her arms, smiling down at her. 
I feel my heart beating a little bit faster and I don't know if it's because of Sophia or Merle or both of them together. 
“So little one are you more a spaghetti and meatballs girl or a spaghetti bolognese girl?” she asks before looking up at me. 
“Definitiv a spaghetti bolognese girl.” I answer and Merle laughs, she grabs her bag with one hand and walks into the kitchen. 
“Can I help you with anything?” 
“You can take this beautiful girl from me because I eat her up, she's just so cute and maybe set up the table, I’ll do the rest.” Merle demands and I nod, taking Sophia from her. 
I set the table and then just watch Merle cooking, getting lost in my thoughts. 
The way she cooks is the same way she plays soccer. 
With passion and love. 
I cant help but stare at her hands, watching them cutting onions and stir in the pot with the sauce. 
These hands are thousands maybe millions of dollars worth. 
And then I realize how lucky I am, 
One of the best goalkeepers in the world, is standing in my kitchen. 
Sometimes I have these moments where I realize that I am surrounded by stars, that my friends are famous. 
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say that no one knows me but I am defiantly not as known as they are. 
My mom is German and my Dad Norwegian, I grew up in Oslo and also play for the Norwegian National Team and many people in my home country know us. 
I look down at Sophia who is still laying in my arms, looking at Merle completely stunned. 
And I really understand her, Merle is so extremely beautiful and she just has this vibe that you have to love her.
“I think dinner is ready.” Merle says and looks over to us. 
She fills our plates and brings them over while I sit down, with holding almost asleep Sophia in my left arm. 
“You now I think you are really strong for being a professional soccer player and raising a child at the same time.” she says as I take the first bite of the food.
“Wow, this is so good.” she laughs and I think I just feel a little in love with this pasta. 
“And thanks but I didn't really have a choice, don't get me wrong I love my little girl to pieces but I was definitely not ready to give up my career.” I explain and Merle nods. 
We eat our dinner and after that Merle practically forces me to go and take a relaxing bath while she takes care of Sophia. 
“You know that you just could tell me that I smell.” I joke, making Merle roll her eyes. 
“Believe me you smell wonderful.” she says pushing me towards the bathroom. 
To be honest it is really great not to have to worry about doing the dishes after dinner or that I have to put Sophia to bed. 
After the bath I get dressed in some shorts and one of my VFL shirts and when I  exit the bathroom, the living room and kitchen is empty and I see a small light coming from my bedroom. 
I walk over and see Sophia laying in her bed that is next to mine and also open to this side so I have easy access to her during the night and she doesn't feel like being speratet from me. 
Sophia is laying on her side, holding onto the collar of Merles shirt with her tiny hands. While Merle is fast asleep next to her, wearing the same shirt that I have, she must have got changed while I was laying in the bathtub. 
I grab a blanket from my dresser and softy place it over her, she looks so peaceful while sleeping. 
As quiet as possible I lay down next to her and pull another blanked over myself before turning of the lights. 
Sunlight is falling over us as I wake up again, I must have turned around in my sleep and I a arm over me, only then I realize that there is a body behind me, really really close to mine. 
I smile against the wall and feel Merle pulling me closer, her warm breath hits my neck and I think I feel safer than I ever did before. 
As I wake up again, she is gone but as I turn around I see her standing next to the bed, Sophia in her arms as she is feeding her with a bottle. 
“Look who is awake.” Merle says and I smile at them. 
“I didn’t even hear her crying.” I sit up and undo my hair tie, letting them fall over my shoulders, 
“Oh she wasn't, she slept through the night and when I woke up earlier she was just a little whine so I got up and made her a bottle.” 
“I cant believe it.” I say and look at my daughter. 
“Last night you woke me up four times and now you just learned to sleep the whole night.” I add and Merle laughs. 
“Maybe she was relaxed because she felt that you are.” 
I node and get up, kissing Sophia on the cheek and I almost kiss Merle too but I can hold my self back. 
We have breakfast together and spend the morning together before Merle has to leave because of goalie training. 
After this night, it becomes a habit that she comes over almost every day. Sometimes she even stays for the night, sleeping with my in my bed, but since Sophia started sleeping through the nights I am also more awake during the day. 
Often we end up cuddled together in the morning and I feel myself falling over her more every day. 
I mean I already had a small crush on her but now I really know that it is more than that. 
She makes me feel safe and her arms feel like home to me. 
We always were roommates for our away games but since she's staying at my apartment more often it kind of feels different. 
Even there we wake up close together and I don't know if I am imagining it but I feel like there is sometimes this tension between us, like when we are sitting close together on our beds, or when we are doing weight lifting together. 
But I am not sure if it is really there. 
And I don't want to talk about it with her because I don't want to loose her, it would break my heart and probably Sophias too. 
I love the way she acts with my daughter, she is just so kind hearted and a real angel. 
Oh fuck i am so damn in love with her....
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daddysuga101 · 1 year
You want what you can’t have: Part one
Suguru x reader x Satoru
Warnings: self pleasure, sexual conversations, predominantly Satoru and Suguru pov, this was way more than I meant to write hence the two-parter
Part 2 here: https://www.tumblr.com/daddysuga101/720344475594063872/we-want-what-we-cant-have-part-2
The light of the tv scrapes over Sugurus eye lids, it's loud.
So loud he can't ignore it once he hears it so he has no choice but to wake up.
He reluctantly stands to his feet, shutting off the tv his body heavy and tired. More than likely due to fact he feel asleep on the hard wood floor of your dorm, during you, Satoru and Sugurus weekly movie nights.
His eyes find your limp form on the couch, popcorn spilled on the floor by you. You look like you're sleeping better than he was, so he wasn't sure what to do.
Should he move you?
He was tempted to for the sake of bettering your sleep but was equally scared he'd end up waking you in the process.
A blanket should suffice.
He tugged the covers over your shoulders, smiling to himself at the drool dripping from your parted lips.
He laughed quietly, reminding himself to tease you about it later along with Satoru.
Speaking of Satoru..
"Adorble right?" The white haired man questioned from behind him. Suguru didn't know when he reentered the room but his sudden presence was surprising enough.
"Satoru, you'll give me a heart attack one day." Suguru dead panned. Satoru shrugged.
"You didn't answer my question. She's hot right?"
Suguru shrugs picking up the discarded dishes and trash the three of you haphazardly left everywhere.
"I don't know." He mutters heading to the small kitchen of your dorm to clean them.
"Why can't you just say yes or no?" Satoru asked following him into the dimly lite room. Suguru shrugged.
" I just don't think it matters either way, I mean we're all friends here aren't we? Weather I find her attractive or not doesn't make a difference."
Satoru smirks.
A knowing smirk, like he can somehow reach into the deepest parts of Sugurus mind and pull out the truth.
And what is the truth exactly? Not even Suguru is fully aware of that.
Yes he's your friend, and yes, you mean a lot to him. And yes, he'd be a liar if he said he didn't have a few dreams where he was doing filthy, nasty things to you.
But it wasn't even the sex dreams that scared him. It was dreams where you'd just kiss him. Where you'd just hugged him that scared him.
Because he could write off the sex dreams by saying he's just being a boy in his twenties desperate to fuck any and all pretty women.
But the sweet dreams?
Those created a ache in his chest he had been struggling to push down.
But he pushes it down anyways because god, he would hate to succumb to the age old stereotype of a boy secretly wanting to fuck his girl bestfriend.
He's better than that.
"You say that, but I think I know the truth." Satoru says as he slithers over closer to where Suguru is scrubbing dishes.
Suguru let's out a low chuckle.
"And what's that Satoru?"
"That you're in love with her." He says accusingly. Suguru almost drops the glass he was cleaning but he doesn't. Instead his body tenses and makes a slow turn towards Satoru.
As much as Suguru cared about his best friend, it didn't stop him from having moments like this.
Moments where he wanted to punch him in his perfect teeth.
"I am not in love with Y/n."
"And you're also not a good liar." Satoru pointed out, grabbing a green apple off the counter taking a large bite from it.
"No shame in it Suguru," He says in between bites. "I know you have this tortured, miss understood, bad boy thing going but, it's not a crime to want a girl." He pauses.
"Hell, I want her." He says his voice heavy with the same type longing that in Sugurus chest most days.
"But that's just it, I'm not in love with her." Suguru says. Satoru snorts out a laugh. "But Ill admit, I find her attractive and I do feel.. things..for her, less than friendly things." Suguru admits with a small shrug of his shoulders.
"So you just wanna fuck her?"
Something about the word 'fuck' in relation to you feels dirty. Like he's somehow disrespecting or defiling you with his thoughts, with his words.
You're a good person.
You're kind, caring.
You're not like the women he fucks or dates.
Because the women he messes with are more likely than not, cruel and selfish, because Suguru himself is cruel and selfish.
But not with you.
He could never be selfish with you.
"'Fucking' is a little crude no?" Suguru questioned setting the dish down and turning towards Satoru fully.
"What if I wanted to make love to her?" Suguru asked crossing his arms over his chest, almost laughing at his own question.
Satoru smirks placing a faux sympathetic hand on Sugurus shoulder.
"You and I both know you're incapable of making love," He pauses. " I don't think either of us are capable of that. That slow passionate shit."
Satoru pauses once more, but this time he looks to be pondering something, like he's playing around with some idea in his head.
"But maybe if it were her, I could..fuck her like I loved her. Because I do love her." Satoru says no hint of sarcasm or joking in his tone.
Suguru is surprised hearing him admit that.
The life they live is not one meant for those eager to find love. It's painful and hard. And often times lonely.
So if Satoru can find a pleasant emotion like love in you then that's great. Suguru is proud almost.
But despite what he said.
Despite what he wants Toru' to believe.
A part of Suguru still aches for you, and that same part of him resents Toru' for saying he loves you.
He’s not proud of that. He doesn't like feeling that way to towards his best friend, but he's a man at the end of the day.
And men are nothing if not territorial. So yes, he can be happy for Toru' while still wanting to cut his dick off for saying it.
"By the way." Satoru says pulling him from his thoughts.
"If you're not that into her that makes her free game right?" Satoru asks, his features honest. 
He's not being disingenuous or conniving, he genuinely wants to know if its okay.
And Suguru isn't sure it is.
Excluding his own feelings he's not sure if it's even a remotely good idea for either of them to get involved with you.
"No matter what we may or may not feel for her we both should agree that our lives are too hectic for someone like her." Suguru starts.
"Firstly, she's a first generation sorcerer in a line of people who have never even heard what jujutsu is and we're... us...We can't involve her in the bullshit that comes with our clans and our lives. Not on that level." Suguru says pointedly, honestly.
Satoru makes a face of sadness mixed with understanding.
In another world Suguru would have liked be normal, he thinks.
The saying 'knowledge is power' is true until knowledge becomes a burden. He wonders how much happier, how much less miserable,  he'd be if he were born in a different lifetime.
One in which he was born into a normal family, with a normal life and had normal problems and relationships.
He longs for that version of himself that only has to worry about getting a degree, not having to learn to live with the blood that soaks his hands.
He'd give anything for that kind of normalcy.
But the universe gave neither him nor Satoru normal and despite how unfair that is, it's reality.
Satoru nods seemingly understanding and little disappointed.
"Then we both have to swear. No making moves on her. For her sake and each other's. I don't want any awkwardness between us because of Y/n. Deal?" Satoru says holding his hand out, a little somberly.
Suguru can tell he doesn't wanna do this but knows it's for the best.
He gets it because if Satoru likes you half as much as he does, he understands the pain.
The ache.
"Deal." Suguru agrees completing the tight handshake.
"How hard could it be right? It's just one girl in a world of billions of them." Toru’ pointed out with a devil may care shrug.
"Yeah, it's just one girl." Suguru agrees.
"Guys?" A voice interrupts. Both boys look towards the origin of the sound and find you rubbing your eyes.
"What the hell are you two doing?" You asked sleepily, adorablely.
"We’re just straightening up." Satoru says to you before turning his head back towards Suguru.
Just a girl..    sure.
9 months later.
People say empty sex is meant for equally empty people, because how can you fuck someone, touch someone like that, and feel nothing after?
But Suguru disagrees.
He thinks empty sex is where people with too many feelings put them.
It's therapeutic he thinks, at least it's the closest thing to therapy he can get because he's never been to therapy and never will go. So fucking his problems away is the next best thing.
He's good at it too.
He goes to a club or bar, finds a girl he's into, charms her with his dark, misunderstood, play boy persona and gets her to spread her legs for him.
It's so fun to do it.
It's so exciting to charm a girl then have her on her knees for you, worshiping your body like it's her god.
He's kinda picky with what girls he picks though.
He wasn't always like that. He used to fuck any pretty girl that came his way and steered clear of the 'good girl' types.
It used to be so fun fucking brats. But the mean girls just isn't what gets him going anymore.
Because now.
Now he likes the quiet types. The one in the friend group with their eyes down cast. The ones with their arms covering their exposed body, in an outfit their friends more likely than not, made them wear.
He likes taking shy girls back to his place, being slow and gentle at first before he starts corrupting them more as the night goes on.
He likes to change them.
Turn em' into sex hungry whores.
He likes it hard and fast.
He hates hand jobs.
He loves reverse cowgirl.
And despite it’s popularity, he hates 69ing. It’s more work than it's worth.
But more than anything he loves pushing a girls faces into the mattress while fucking them from behind like a dog.
He likes how dirty he is, he likes making good girls dirty. He loves fucking like there's no tomorrow, like there's no consequences.
It's fucking exhilarating.
Until it isn't.
Turns out months on months of empty sex isn't good for you. It's quite the opposite actually. It's gets repeaditve and old.
Meeting, talking, charming, kissing, fucking, cumming.
Talking, charming, kissing, fucking, cumming.
Charming, kissing, fucking, cumming.
Kissing, fucking, cumming.
Kissing, fucking, cumming.
Kissing fucking cumming.
Not cumming.
"Shit! I'm gonna- oh fuck Geto yes!" Yuri moaned under him her head thrown back in pleasure she didn't know her body could experience. He felt it too. The moment she let go, he can feel the evidence of her orgasm pulsing around him.
And this would be great actually if it wasn't for the fact he wasn't nearly done.
Yuri was a girl that Suguru had been fucking for a while. She's good he can admit that.
But he'd be a liar if he said he didn't want her because she reminded him of something, of someone.
Her chest heaved as she pulled Suguru down for a hot open mouth kiss.
"Did you cum?" She asked in a sultry tone.
"Y-yeah." He answered. He's lying.
Why the fuck is he lying?
Suguru doesn't care about feelings especially not hers, if he asked shed blow him or jerk him off but for some odd stupid fucking reason he doesn't want that.
What the fuck is wrong with him?
He doesn't let her know about the mental dilemma going on in his head, he just pulls out and turns his back to her, shucking his pants back on.
"When will I see you again?" She asks wrapping her body over his, her perky breasts pressing into his hard back.
"Soon." He answers, she whispered an 'okay' into the skin of his shoulder before kissing his neck before running to the bathroom to shower or pee. Or both.
Suguru however, puts the rest of his clothes on and makes his way home the same way he always does after a one night stand or a 'sneaky link', as Satoru so eleganly puts it.
He doesn't stick around to cuddle or to bask in that orgasmic after glow. Instead he simply heads home feeling light and released after cumming.
But he didn't cum, not this time anyway.
And not for the last 3 hook ups he's had. It's not the women, their beautiful, amazing in bed and all around any guys fuck fantasy but he can't do it.
He can't get there with them, nowadays he can only cum by his own touch...by his own thoughts..
He pulls up to the school well past curfew, locking his car door and heading up the stairs of the jujutsu tec dorms whistling to himself as he does.
His hair is a mess from Yuri tugging on it like she did.
And despite how much he loved his hair he hated when it was in his face.
He grumbled to himself redoing his bun making his way to his dorm, his cock still aching for release,
he'll deal with it once he's at his room.
He's not sure what's keeping him from a normal sex life recently, it can't be a hormone issue cause he can cum just fine on his own.
Maybe he's just a narcissist that can only cum by jacking himself off.
If that were the answer it'd honestly be a little funny and maybe a little sad but he knew that wasn't the case.
It was feelings.
It was longing.
It was you.
His cock gave an excited throb at the thought of you. That'll do it.
He absentmindedly palmed his erection as he entered his dorm.
He's not wasting any time, he haphazardly throws his phone somewhere before climbing into bed.
He feels childish when he beats off like this. Horny like a thirteen year old boy, and guilty like a catholic priest.
The guilt doesn't stop him though, it just feels like a loser because the only woman he wants to cum for, he can't have.
"Fuck," He muttered his fist tight and hard around his shaft as he jerked it fast and rough. His teeth catch his lip as he fucks himself. And his mind flashes with images of you.
Your face, your ass, your tits, that smile fuck, that smile. There's nothing he desired more than to see you happy.
You were so kind, your big doe eyes carrying so much innocence in them.
One of his less than tasteful thoughts he's had about you is cumming on your face. It's hotter than the thought of cumming down your throat he thinks. Because it's like he's painting himself over you.
Claiming you.
"Fuck." He whined to himself his hips stuttering, shooting pent up cum on his chest and bed. His chest is heavy and tired once he's done.
It feels so good.
"Phew." He breaths soaking in that after orgasm glow.
It feels so good to cum thinking about what you really want.
So good.
That is until the high ends and you realize you just jizzed on yourself thinking about a girl who you aren't allowed to have.
He cleans the evidence of his sin off his chest, lying down on his bed and letting the tiredness of the day finally catch up to him.
He's grateful to be sleepy because the sleepiness numbs the ache in his chest. It's the same ache he feels every time he cums thinking of you.
And it hurts like hell.
October, 7th- 6 hours until inauguration
Todays the day.
Curses are attracted to those most vulnerable.
You learned that lesson pretty early on.
You were six when you saw a curse for the first time. It resembled a glob of jello mixed with what you'd imagine a devil looked like.
It put a fear in you, you still remember to this day. And you remember running to your mother, screaming to her about the evil monster in your room.
And when she checked. There was obviously nothing there, to her anyways.
But it was there to you.
You spent a lot of your teen years in and out of psych wards, on and off medication all to suppress or stop whatever was wrong with you.
You thought for a lot of your life that this ability you had was a curse that followed you.
A cosmic punishment of some sort that ruined any sense of normalcy you could have. That was until you met Yaga. And he showed you that these abilities you had weren't psychosis or a some hex put on your family 100 years ago. But something that made you special.
And if nurtured the right way, something that made you strong too.
That's why this day is so important, so necessary.
It's the day you swear your allegiance as a sorcerer for the good of man kind for the rest of your life. Everyone else did it.
Satoru, Shoko, Suguru.
They all at some point swore themselves to the cause and now it was your turn.
"Okay, okay. I got this." You whisper to yourself.
"Jesus, you look so nervous you're making me nervous." Satoru said lounging irritatingly comfortably on your couch . You sighed deeply turning towards the white haired boy.
"How do I look?" You question.
"Perfect, but you wear the same uniform everyday so..." He says with a chuckle. You sigh exasperatedly.
"But today is not just any day. Everybody that's anybody in the jujustu world is going to be here tonight. All the most import clans too. I need to be prepared." You say. He nods sitting up from the couch.
"I am the one and only member of the Gojo clan and you're not worried around me." He points out.
"Yeah but that's cause you're.. you." You say, he groans dramatically, holding his chest in pretend pain.
"Am I..am I not cool to you anymore?" He asks planting a faux hurt expression on his face.
"That would stand to reason she ever thought you were cool." Shoko said joining the two of you in your dorm. Satoru let's out a childish groan.
"Bitch." He mutters.
"I heard that! Also let's go, if Y/n's late that won't look good." Shoko says,
"Right." You  grab your bag from the floor. "Let's go." You say following behind Shoko.
"Oi." Toru' called after you, tugging you towards him by your pinky.
"Toru', I have to go." You almost whine like a child.
"I know, I know, but from where I'm standing you look damn near ready to shit yourself." He points out.
You chuckle because he's so fucking right.
"Don't be nervous because of all those jujustu fat cats out there. Be calm, be cool, you'll be fine." He says.
"Plus nobody can give you trouble because you're friends with me. And I'm Satoru fucking Gojo. So don't be scared." He says searching your eyes, hoping you believe him and you do.
You nod.
Satoru isn't good with his words. He sometimes says the wrong thing, at the wrong time and ends up upsetting the person he's trying to comfort.
But when he's right, he's right you'll give him that.
"Thank you Satoru." You say, he smiles all big and adjusts your necklace. And when he's done, he looks down in your eyes.
Even though his are covered by dark shades, you can feel them on yours.
His eyebrows furrow a little grazing your cheek with his index finger.
"Today's a big day, and no matter what happens. Winning, losing, I'm proud of you. Do you understand?" He asks honestly.
"I understand." You say. He nods licking his dry lips.
He looks as if there's something heavy on his chest. Something he's almost dying to say that he can't for whatever reason.
You can see when he puts that wall back up between the two of you. Shoving down whatever thought was building up in his mind.
"Alrighty then, lets go!" He says excitedly, practically pushing you out of the dorm as if whatever just happened between the two of you didn't.
You shake it off though.
It's only in your head.
"There you two are." Suguru said as you and Satoru head to the field where everyone else was gathered. "I was scared you'd be late."
"You think so low of us Suguru." Toru' said.
"If the shoe fits." He says back, you smiled shaking your head at their banter turning your attention to Yaga who was entering the stage.
Said stage was lined with a few of, but not all of the jujutsu elites that would be attending tonights inauguration.
No pressure.
"Good afternoon. Theres a lot up and coming that we need to go over so ill make it quick." Yaga starts.
"Our trip to Toyko is still on and everyone needs to be prepared to leave the 28th of July as we are all aware." Yaga said.
Satoru released an obnoxiously loud yawn Yaga chose to ignore.
"We already know all this why the play by play?" Satoru questioned quietly . Shoko laughed.
"Maybe it's so idiots like you don't forget." She teases earning a tongue stuck out at her.
You chuckle.
"And in more recent news, Y/n's ceremony as an up and coming jujustu sorcerer is tonight, and as tradition she will do the maids honor ceremony." Yaga says.
Your eyebrows furrow.
"Maids honor ceremony?" You questioned to Shoko.
"It's the ceremony where one man of an extremely important clan, like the Zenins for example, present you to the rest of the clans to 'honor' you."  She explains with air quotes on the word honor.
"Did Guru' and Satoru do their ceremony like this?" You questioned in a hushed tone. She shook her head.
"Nope." She says bitterly, with a loud popping of the 'p' sound.
"They only did it with me. Wanna guess why?" Shoko said giving a glare towards Yaga.
It was no secret the world of jujutsu was misogynistic and filled to the brim with entitled men with god complexes, but you never assumed Yaga of all people would make you do something like this.
You weren't fully aware you even raised your hand up high until Yaga stopped mid sentence, turning his attention to you along with the other elders.
What were you doing?
Oh god this is a bad idea.
"Uh, yes Y/n?"
"Why is it I have to do this exactly? Satoru and Suguru didn't." You pointed out.
Yaga sighed.
"It's tradition."
"It's a shit tradition." Satoru says with a shrug.
"It's true though. We didn't have to do it with a female escort so why is it Y/n or other women need a male one?" Suguru questioned.
"I mean what century is this?" Satoru question with a humorousless chuckle.
"Guys I got this." You say to them turning your attention back towards Yaga.
"All do respect sir, I understand the importance of tradition but..this feels wrong. I'm more than capable of presenting myself to the clans on my own." You say confidently.
"I wouldn't push this." Yaga says.
"Well maybe this needs to be pushed. I mean Shoko had to do this too. Shouldn't we be independent in this? I mean if we let this happen what does that say about us as women and as sorcerers?" You question stubbornly.
"Maybe women of today could stand to return back to their roots of respectably and femininety a little." Yoshinobu says.
"And what the hell does that mean?"
"It means you women of today open your mouths too much, always expressing radical opinions when you should just stay quiet and allow things to be as they are." He says. "Why don't you consider that miss L/n?"
You didn't have anger issues.
You swear you didn't, but sometimes, sometimes people just brought it out of you.
You laugh dryly.
"And why don't you worry about planning your upcoming funeral you old fu-" You say starting to move towards him, only to have Suguru wrap a strong arm across your waist stopping you.
"Easy girl." He says in your ear. You let out a shuddered breath.
"Don't let them see you all uptight. Seem unbothered. Not caring gets them heated." Satoru whispers in your other ear. You release another strained breath.
Their right and you know it. Letting your anger take control will do you no favors. It'll just screw you over more.
"Is there an issue?" Yoshinobu asks. You give him a tightsmile.
"No sir." You say. He smiles in triumph.
You wanna gag.
"Alright then, you have until tonight to find a partner you will allow to present you for the inauguration. This meeting is ajurned." Yaga says.
You sigh loudly.
"Fucking hell.."
3 hours until inauguration
You were still pouting about it hours later. Lying on your bed like a limp corpse, as if it were the end of the world.
Suguru was trying to lift your spirits in any way he knew how, but couldn't seem to make you feel any better about the situation.
You hate to feel so defeated but it's hard not to when you know you're right and they're wrong.
But to win the game you have to play it, no matter how fucked up the rules are.
Doesn't make it suck any less though. And it really sucks....
"Great newssss!” Toru' says entering your dorm with a clasp of his hands. You all but spring to your feet in excitement.
"They changed their mind?? They'll let me do it on my own?!" You asked hopefully.
Toru' hated to be the one that snatched the hope from you but he had to be honest.
"Well, no..."
You visibly deflate. "But," he continued. "I found what type of incantation you're reciting, that should help you prepare a little." He says, you smile a little.
"You didn't bribe or threaten anyone did you?" Suguru questioned.
"No, I just asked like the gentlemen I am." He said,
"Okay what is it?" You question.
"A dance spell." He answers. You deflate once more.
"I'm sorry?" You ask.
"Also I feel like I should mention that the person who 'presents' you will also be your dance partner so..." He says hoping you don't take the news the way he knows you will.
You look at Suguru as if he can somehow save you from your impending embarrassment. But he just shrugs and you almost start whining like a child.
"Great so not only do I have to be 'presented' to the clan leaders like a show dog, I also have to dance? This is ridiculous." You groan.
"If it makes you feel better all sorcerers with your type of curse energy do the same thing at their inauguration." Suguru tries to soothe.
"Doesn't make it any less embarrassing." You pout. Suguru sits next to you on the bed.
"Think of it as an incantation more than it is a dance. It's a complicated spell despite it being for something as mundane as dancing. But the purpose of it is to see how you quickly you can grasp a complicated spell for something no matter the gravity of the situation."  Suguru explains.
A small part of you feels at ease. You're happy that at least this isn't a gender thing. It's just a cursed speaker thing.
"Okay, how much time do I have to learn it?"
"For sorcerers like yourself they'll give you the incantation at the ceromoney." Toru' says.
"At the ceromoney?" You question, Satoru nods. "But what if I don't know how to pronounce the words? How many chances do I get in case I don't get it on the first try?"
"Y/n, this only works if you trust yourself. You're ready, you need to believe you're ready." Suguru says.
You nod somberly.
"Why are you pouting still?" Satoru asked kneeling down in front of you. You shrug.
You feel like a child in this moment. An absolute cry baby child but you have to be honest with them.
"If I'm being honest, doing this whole thing with a guy I might not know isn't an exciting feeling. It feels almost wrong to do this with just anyone." You explain.
You don't notice Suguru and Satoru eye each other.
There's a mutual understanding between them that in this moment that you need them. Maybe not both of them but know what they have to do.
They both silently agree with their eyes, to a brief pause on their, 'Don't involve her in our bs rule'
One of them needs to step up.
Satoru's mouth opens but Suguru beats him too it.
"I can do it." Suguru speaks up. You miss how Satorus face falls when Suguru offers.
"You don't have to." You say with a shake of your head.
"No I want to, I know how you are with strangers. I won't let you do this with some old weirdo. I'm also quite the dancer." He said with a chuckle. "Unless you don't want me to of course." He says honestly.
You don't say anything, you just wrap your arms around his neck the best you can with his height. He meets you half way wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Thank you." You say.
"Of course." He whispers into your ear.
2 hours until inauguration.
Satoru Gojo has anger issues.
He's been told that before....
When he was a child he used to break things around him when he was frustrated. When he was in his early teens he used to yell and curse like a mad man at whatever or whoever got him mad enough.
But he's older now, and he's gotten control of that anger that boils under his skin at every waking moment.
The anger that follows him like a lion that stalks a antelope. Waiting for just the right moment to consume him.
Waiting to turn him into something he can't recognize anymore.
He's gotten better though. A lot better.
He's not perfect. He still doesn't know how to deal with feelings. Not like normal people anyway. But he was never normal.
Overtime he realized that his explosive tendencies were nothing if not hindrances on his relationships, and on his overall well-being.
So like many excessively angry teens do, he found a way to cope. 
He learned a while back that when his feelings become too much for him to handle he can simply suppress them.
It's what he did for you.
He first realized he was in love with you the night he had a break down.
He didn't remember what it was about. He doesn't remember what was said or much of what was done. It felt like a hazy dream just slightly more vivid.
He remembers  you though.
He remembers how he felt.
He remembers feeling worthless and unloveable. Like a black hole that destroyed any chance of love or happiness in his life.
He cried a lot that night. His tears splashing against his hands as they lied in his lap.
He remembers you wrapping your arms around him telling him it would be okay. Your touch was like a silk blanket being draped over his tired shoulders. A touch that said more than words ever could.
A touch that told him 'you don't have to be anything other than just you.'
You were always like that. You never expected anything from him.
You knew he was rich, attractive and powerful but that never seemed to faze you.
Most people in his life would want nothing to do with him if that all went away. Not you though.
If tomorrow he lost everything that ever made him appealing to the general public, he'd be okay because you'd still love him.
Maybe not the way he wanted you to.
Ached for you to. ..
But it was love from you.
And that was enough for him.
However two things can exist at once. He can be satisfied by your relationship dynamic. He can be okay with not getting anything further from you.
But God.
Him having to watch as Suguru dances with you in front of the whole school well.. it sucks.
He's been doing better with his anger. He's been getting better.
But this would tick any man off.
That's how he ended up here. Less than two hours until the inauguration, he thought it was only smart if he blew off some steam before your big night.
He couldn't, no, he wouldn't ruin your night with a sour attitude. So this old punching bag in the jujutsu tec training room was going to have to deal with these emotions.
Hard punch after hard punch.
It felt so good.
"You punch that bag any harder you might break it." Suguru said joining Satoru in the training room.
"It's fine." Satoru insists punching the bag once again extra hard. The chain does in fact break and it falls to his feet making a loud almost startling thumping sound when it hits impact.
"Told you so." Suguru teased but Satoru didn't respond in kind. Hell he didn't even give him a pity chuckle.
"What's with you?" Suguru questioned.
"Nothings with me."
"Bullshit." Suguru says. "Is this about Y/n? About the dance?" Suguru asked,
"Liar." Suguru accused. "What are you jealous?" Suguru joked with a small laugh, Satorus silence spoke louder than anything he could have said.
Sugurus eyebrows furrowed.
"Are you?" He asks seriously this time.
"Who cares if I am? You'll get to dance with her in front of the whole fucking clan anyway. Just be grateful and move on." Satoru said no playfulness in his tone.
"Youre acting like I'm gonna take her on the floor in front of everyone or some shit."
"Oh I bet you wish you could." Satoru said with a small strained chuckle as he rips his boxing gloves off.
Satoru wasn't being fair. He was being childish because obviously Suguru wouldn't do that. He's not some sadistic asshole that would purposefully hurt his best friend.
He's sacrificed a lot in the name of keeping that stupid deal they made all those months ago. And it's been affecting him so much he can't even fuck anyone anymore. So no, he's not a bad person for being a little selfish this once.
He deserves this at least.
"Whatever." Suguru said dropping his arms to his sides and heading to the door. "I don't need this shit."
"Does she know?" Satoru called out.
"Know what?"
"How you feel?" He asks.
"She doesn't. And I'd like to keep it that way."
"You know what's fucked? You don't even give a damn about her like I do. You just want her to spread her legs for you so you can fuck her like she's one of your whores. She's not a fucking booty call." Satoru said back.
"Since when are you the moral dictator between us? You have more casual sex than me. Also. Don't forget I was the one that said we should leave her out of our mess." Suguru reminded him.
"That's true. But did you do that for her or for you?" Satoru questions walking right up to Suguru getting in his face.
"Or did you do it because you can't say you love her but you also can't let someone else have her? Because you can't let me have her?" He asked.
Suguru said nothing he just watched Satoru as his head tilted to the side waiting for an answer Suguru doesn't have.
So he doesn't speak.
"I know it's just a dance." Satoru starts.
"And I know it's stupid but, forgive me if I'm little bothered about the fact that my best friend is going to get to show off the girl I love. I'm not mad, and I don't hate you. I know it's petty, just let me be petty Suguru." He says poking a firm finger into his chest. Suguru nods.
He gets it.
Satoru doesn't know how he feels about you. How you flood his mind like the rain floods rivers and lakes. He wants you so bad.
But so does Satoru.
"That's fair." Suguru says finally. Satoru nods and wordlessly leaves the gym.
He'd get over this little disagreement soon enough.
But Suguru couldn't think about that right now. Right now he needed to focus on you and only y-.
His phone dings before he can even finish the thought. When he pulls it out. He sees it's a text from Yuri.
Y- We need to talk. Meet me outside of your school.
Sugurus eyebrows furrowed.
S- I'm in the middle of something, is it an emergency?
Y- Yes. Hurry please.
It was 7:20 pm, your inauguration was at 9:00. He could handle this emergency then come straight back.
Yeah it's fine, he has time. He pulled his phone out once more typing a simple phrase.
On my way.
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kaebedom-me · 1 year
in which gojo cant seem to get his shit together when he's in front of the person he likes
synopsis: gojo tries his best to impress a regular he's been crushing on, too bad he can't keep his shit together long enough to make a proper latte
cw: gojo x reader, the babygirlfication of gojo satoru, ooc!gojo, he's actually not ooc my personal hc is that he gets real flustered in front of the person he really likes that's why, equally flustered and shy!reader, fem!reader, fluff, slightly proofread but not really, this is part of @freyzrc's very cute very good cafe au series! so please support the original creator!
word count: 1544
a/n: im actually scheduled for another DisappearanceTM but i 🥺 anyway, if you've been wondering where I've been I'm actually neck deep in jjk hell hence! i present to you, tumblr, this fic!!! (more hcs and context after the fic if you're interested in my ramblings)
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Gojo, despite his very pretty (self-proclaimed) appearance, actually prefers to work the morning shift during the times when the café was not a bar. It’s definitely not because he’s more of a morning person, it’s also definitely not because he hates alcohol. Also, it’s certainly absolutely positively NOT because of a pretty girl that comes in every once in a while, to grab a latte at a time where it (in his opinion) should be an inappropriate time to get coffee. But it’s favourite part of the day anyway, he always finds himself looking forward to it despite the irregularity of the girl’s visit.
“Ah! Welcome!” Itadori’s voice chimed in, snapping Gojo out of his daydreaming.
“Welcome!” Gojo exclaimed, too. He turned around just in time to catch sight of the girl he was daydreaming about coming to the counter.
To say he was a little excited was an understatement, because Gojo had almost dropped the cup that he was drying to the floor, earning a snort from Geto who’d been standing next to him the entire time. Gojo turned to glare at him for a split second before returning his attention to you.
“The usual, right?” Itadori asked cheerily.
“Actually, could I get it hot today?” you asked softly.
“Of course! That’ll be out to you in a jiffy!”
You gave Itadori a smile while tucking away your wallet. As you walked away, you glanced behind the counter to note who was on shift. Geto gave you a kind nod before whispering something to Itadori.
Before you could get too far away Itadori raised his voice a little to catch your attention. “Um! Miss! Excuse me! I’m so sorry to bother but we’re a little short staffed today, would you mind waiting here for your coffee?”
He asked you so nicely you weren’t able to say no, it’s not like you would’ve in the first place, though. You approached the end of the counter, where they usually put the drinks before serving.
Geto gave you an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Megumi-kun’s out with the dogs and I’m just about to take my break, so I really hope you don’t mind.”
You nodded; you understood you told him.
“Thank you so much, hun’! It’s nice seeing you again.” Geto beamed, and right there you swear you died while you were on your way here because this can’t be happening.
Geto quickly excused himself and went to the back, leaving you flustered.
Gojo was by the machines pulling a shot when Geto so kindly passed by him to pat him on the butt. The daggers he had been glaring at him had Geto trying not to laugh the entire time.
When you noticed it was your favourite white-haired barista making your coffee today you nearly choked on your own spit. Surely, you definitely died on the way here today, that was the only reason why the stars had aligned so perfectly today.
By the time you snapped back to your senses, Gojo was practically right in front of you assembling the drinks. You were way too nervous to look directly at him but you felt it would’ve been rude to look away considering you just made eye contact with him.
You awkwardly gave him a smile, and he returned it stiffly. “Uh, nice weather, huh?”
“Yeah!” You answered.
Curses! “Nice weather”??? That’s all he could come up with??? The only time he gets to talk to you outside of the usual short conversation while you ordered and he had to mess it up??? A disgrace! He’s The Gojo Satoru! How could he have been so-!!
It was then Gojo slightly slipped up and spilled some of the milk from the pitcher. “Shit,” he cursed.
He shouldn’t have looked up. But he did, and he made direct eye contact with you. GOD! STUPID! How did he mess it up this badly! Gojo wanted to curl into a ball and hide under the stupid cabinets right now.
“I usually don’t fuck up this badly-”
“Oh!!! Um! It’s ok! Take your time,” you tried and offered him your best smile.
Huh? HUH???? Did he seriously, seriously accidentally say that out loud? In front of you??? Of all people?????
Gojo cleared his throat as he felt the heat rush up into his cheeks. He has to save this somehow. “I, uh- Erm, is there any particular latte art you like?”
Taken off guard, you shook your head. “Anything’s good really!”
FUCK. What now?? He just kind of made conversation with you, should he continue?? Should he give you some options? A heart? What?! No! That’s too obvious! A swan? A rose? C’mon, Gojo, think! You can do better than those basic fucking starter latte art. Maybe he should drop dead and die, there’s no saving this interaction at this point.
“Maybe?” You quietly piped in. “Those plant looking ones? I think they look nice.”
A tulip? A tulip! Gojo’s got this! This is easy! Tulips are so easy! And he’s the best latte art maker in this whole damn café!
“Sure!” He puffed up his chest and answered as cheerily as he can, trying to hype himself up. If this goes well, maybe, MAYBE, he’d deem himself worth enough to ask for your number.
A tulip, a tulip, a tulip. A very simple and easy design. Yes, Gojo can make it with his eyes closed. He can even make it more complicated and intricate, that’ll surely impress you enough to want to give him your number. Super simple tulips are, he’s been making them since forever.
So why, why, WHY, is his hand shaking so badly. No!! No!!!! He has to do this perfectly! Oh, God, he can feel you looking at him and waiting. You’ve been waiting for a while too, he knows this! But God damn it, Megumi didn’t have to come in at this time to remind him that you’ve been waiting for a while. No! Focus! He can do this! Make good latte art, get pretty girl’s number!
Gojo ignored Itadori calling Megumi over to the back. He breathed in and let his hands worked his magic. This was easy! It’s practically muscle memory at this point! He’s got this!
Make good latte art, get pretty girl’s number!
Gojo must’ve been too excited because he fucking accidentally poured too much of the stupid milk into the damn cup too quickly and royally fucked whatever art he was about to make.
Gojo wanted to scream.
“Oh, um, I can still take that,” you piped in.
Oh, fucking fuck, you were watching him the entire time too. Gojo wanted to cry.
“No, no, I’ll remake it-”
“No! It’s ok! I don’t mind,” you said again. “I really don’t mind.”
You were truly an angel sent from heaven. How are you so forgiving and cute?? He can never show his face again the next time you come in.
“Ah, at least let me draw something on it to make up for it,” Gojo meekly offered.
Too shy to say no, you let and then watched him shuffle a little to the side to reach for the chocolate syrup.
Gojo made quick work of drawing Shiro into the latte you ordered. It wasn’t something too impressive but he knew at least you’d like it considering how much time you spend with Megumi’s dog whenever you came in.
“Enjoy,” he sheepishly muttered to you while he slid the coffee towards you.
Curse that stupid!!! Suguru!!!! For making you, of all people, stand by the counter to watch him work.
He watched as your eyes lit up at the little doodle he made. “Sorry I’m kinda off my game today,” he lamely excused himself. “It’s not the tulip you wanted but I hope it’s enough, I swear I’m a killer with latte art.”
You nodded, still eyeing the little Shiro on your cup, absent-mindedly you said, “It’s ok, maybe next time!”
Gojo perked up at that. The fact that you were still willing to come back!!! Ah, that almost brought tears to his eyes. “Next time for sure,” he promised.
Realising what you had just heard you snapped back to look at him. He was smiling gently down at you now and your heart almost burst out of your chest right there. You nodded and offered him another smile before scuttering away to find a seat.
“Oh my God, that was so painful to watch,” Geto could hardly contain his laughter.
“Hey!!! Whose fault was it, huh!! I could’ve made the best damn art in my entire career!! And you!!! You fucked me over,” Gojo whisper shouted at Geto while the other staff slowly made their way back to the front.
“You screwed it up yourself,” muttered Megumi. “It was funny to watch though, I’m glad we took the shorter route back today.”
“Yeah, the Gojo Satoru fumbling so badly,” chimed Geto.
Itadori walked over to where Gojo was and offered him the cloth by the sink. “Aw, I think you did your best, senpai! Next time! You’ll make the best damn latter art in your entire career, I’m cheering for you!”
Gojo snatched the cloth from Itadori and glared at his friends before wiping down the mess he made. 
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so as mentioned, my personal hc is that gojo gets really flustered and shy when he's in front of the person his likes that's why he's like that in the fic uwu
it's just a simple cafe au with your favourite jjk boys
according to @freyzrc the bar becomes a bar after hours so your faves are able to pick and choose what shifts they prefer to work and when
i say your faves but really its up to you (read: me) if i want to see who at when and where lMAO
in my head, if i were to make this into a series it'd be like a dating sim with different routes depending on your fave that you're after
but also, there's no particular order in which events happen because I'm really writing this as a one off HAHAHA
if you're curious though, you can read it as a "best moments compilation" thing, but if you're on the other routes, the events of this route then not something that happened? it's basically kind of like the timeline branches out and there's multiple different universes within this universe
this route is gojo x reader + geto x reader with a hint of satosugu
this was intended to be a gift to the original artist so uwu reader is the way they are because of that
gojo does crush on geto here in this route but his brain actually doesn't process his feelings for geto because he dug himself a very deep friendzone hole. it's very tragic :/
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boobamilktease · 6 months
Helo! If you're taking request, may I request a modern aemond x reader smut: they're at a party and aemond can't stop touching reader and letting her know how hard he is for her and they end up having sex in the backseat of his car.
Thank you so much!
Of course!
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Steamy Nights
Summery- when you were invited by your dear friend helaena to a party hosted by her brother Aegon, you did not expect to get so close to her other brother, Aemond.
Warnings- smut, p in v, pussy eating, groping, dry humping, Aegon, pet names, degradation, Aemond uses the word whore once.
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Helaena. Sweet, innocent Helaena, casually during free period that her brother Aegon was throwing a party that Friday night. Normally, I was not one for parties, but seeing her pout and beg for me to come to the party and live a little, changed my mind. That evening, I get a message from the girl saying that it’s just a party and there is no dress code. I throw my phone to the side and go to my closet. I see many outfits, but one stands out to me. It’s a cute cropped tee that shows my stomach with pretty rhinestones on it in the shape of a butterfly. Originally, I was going to pair it with pants but due to the weather being hot, I opted for shorts, only to find none of them clean and or small. I then go for a skirt which I recently received for my birthday by my aunt.
It was roughly 9:15 when I arrived at the party. The party started at 9:00, so it had only been 15 minutes, regardless, it was filled with people. I walked in, and immediately the scent of alcohol wafted through the house. The house itself was a sight, teens dancing and drinking as if they won’t have a hangover in the morning. I shimmy past a few partygoers, and make my way to the kitchen in search for Helaena, not noticing the sharp eyes of a certain Targaryen watching me.
I enter the kitchen and find Helaena dressed in a shirt and ripped jeans. She is talking to another girl, when she notices me and smiles brightly. “Omg! You came!” She says while hugging me, I smell a tiny hint of alcohol coming from her, but she isn’t drunk. I smile at her and say, “well I had nothing better to do.”. Helaena laughs before introducing me to the girl she was talking to before. Her name was Lana, a sophomore at Kingslanding High School, the same school most of the people here went too. I smile and say hi to her.
All while this is happening, I can feel eyes watching me. Suddenly, someone appears behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. I jump slightly and move out of their way. It was Aemond, wearing a black tee and black jeans paired with black boots. He smelled of cigarettes and mint with a hint of vanilla. He stares at me with his one eye, before gruffly walking past me and grabbing a beer from the fridge. As soon as he has the beer in his hand, he stands up and leaves, not saying a word.
I cant help but stare as he walks away, albeit confused and curious. I turn to Helaena who shrugs at me. “What was that about?”, I ask and she says that she didn’t know. I sigh and decide to grab myself a drink. I open the fridge, finding various amounts of liquor. I grab a bottle of booze and pour it in a red solo cup, provided by Helaena. The stench of the booze wafts into my nose. I ignore it and take a swig.
A loud cheer is heard from the partygoers as Aegon and Cregan play a game of beer pong. Aegon loses but not before chugging a cup of beer. I slight grimace due to his non restraint to alcohol. Regardless, I stand and watch them play, unaware of a predator watching my every move. I continue to sip on my booze before gasping as I’m quickly dragged off to a dark corner of the room. I can smell the scent of cigarettes and mint, meaning Aemond is the one who dragged me. But before I could even ask, his head nuzzles into my neck and he breathes deeply.
“I don’t know what game you are playing, but it better fucking stop.”, he growls sending a shiver up my spine. His hands ghost over my hips, creating goose bumps in their wake. “I don’t know what you are even talking abou-” I say, before getting cut off by Aemond licking my neck. I should push him away, slap him, call for help, but I do none of those things except freeze. I can feel the heat pool in between my thighs. Aemond continues biting and sucking on my neck, leaving a hickey. He presses against me, and I can feel his hard on behind me. The fabric of his jeans catch my clothed pearl, earning a little moan from me.
But just as that happens, he disappears, leaving me flustered and frustrated. I quickly attempt to gather myself before ingesting more booze. After a moment, the booze kicks in, and my confidence levels rise. I try to forget all about what happened by dancing to the music, grinding against a partygoer who is drunk. He wasn’t ugly, but not outstandingly hot. I’m pulled Away for the second time that night, from the boy by Aegon who seemed shitfaced. He grinds against my ass, and I in-turn grind against him.
Aegon places his hands on my hips, before noticing a cheerleader and ditching me. It’s like he ghosted me, and I sigh before dancing again. My hips sway and move enticingly, feeling my self and the music. For a third and final time, I am pulled away from the dance floor and outside. The night sky shines of many stars, and I can see who is pulling me. It’s Aemond, again. I sigh, not in the mood for his antics. Aemond quickly pins me against the side of his car. He is close to me, close enough I can smell the smell of beer from his lips.
His gaze is intense and his jaw is clenched. “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing.” He spits, and I look up at him confused and irritated. “No, what the fuck are you doing?!” I say, and Aemond’s grip on me tightens. “Don’t change the subject pretty, what the fuck were you doing with Aegon?” He says, in a dark tone, I swallow being saying. “We just dancing, why? You jealous that he was able to touch me?” I tease him, which was a mistake.
Aemond opens his backseat door and pushes me into the backseat. He follows, closing the door and locking it. There isn’t a lot of room in his backseat, and Aemond pulls my legs apart and over his shoulders. He nips my inner thighs, and presses wet kisses on them. He leaves marks and bites all over the inner part of my thighs. He presses a kiss on my clothed cunt, and to his amusement, is soaked. The thong panty I wore, had given me away completely.
“You are such a dirty slut aren’t you? Being this wet for me?” He murmurs and grabs my panties with his teeth, pulling them down and stuffing them in his pocket. My bare cunt is glistening in front of him, soaked with arousal. Aemond licks his lips before licking a stripe up the side of my wet folds. I bite my lip, holding back small moans. Aemond then licks another stripe on the other side of my folds. Then, without hesitation, he sucks on my pearl, causing my back to arch off the seats. My hand finds his head and tangles my fingers through his silky hair.
The other hand holds on the seat for dear life as Aemond eats me like a starved man. His tongue flicks and sucks my bundle of nerves before his finger teases my hole. He then inches his finger into my velvety walls, and they clamp on his finger. He pumps his finger in and out of me, still sucking and licking my pearl. I feel my orgasm coming up from the pleasure, and I moan as he adds another finger. His fingers pump out of me at a deliberate pace. My juices cost his fingers, and he adds a third finger. The stretch burns deliciously and I clamp down on him with a moan.
With a loud moan, I cum around his fingers, feeling my juices flood his hand and wrist. I’m breathing heavily as I hear him unbuckle his jeans. He groans, feeling his hard cock free. With a few tugs of his cock, he presses slaps his heavy cock on my pussy. I whine, feeling overstimulated. He grins before saying. “You got a condom or you on the pill?” I nod, already being fucked dumb. “M on the pill.”
And with that he grins, shoving his cock head in my entrance. Due to me being stretched, it doesn’t hurt entering me. I let out a moan, feeling full. This makes Aemond groan, as my walls flutter around his cock. He starts pumping in and out of me, before setting a ruthless rhythm. My pussy squelches as he fucks me. He handles me as if I am a fleshlight. I moan, feeling his balls slap against me. He groans and says, “look at you, taking my cock so well. Fuck, it’s like this pussy was made for me.” He pulls my shirt up and frees my tits. He slaps them gently as he fucks me, enticing a moan.
My legs are shaking, and Aemond groans as he flips the position. I’m now on his lap, and he inserts his cock again and grabs my ass and pulls me off and on his cock. My toes curl as this position has him hitting the spongy part in me. I moan and small tears roll down my face from the pleasure. Aemond gropes and massages my ass. His hips snap against mine, and I moan. Sweat rolls down his forehead and the windows of the car are fogging up.
“Fuck I’m close, keep bouncing on me like the whore you are. Cmon pretty.” He moans as I bounce on his cock. My walls tighten and flutter around his cock and he can’t take it much longer. He rubs my pearl feverishly, and coaxes my orgasm to come faster. A few more thrusts and with him rubbing my pearl so deliciously, it doesn’t take long for me to orgasm. I clench around him tightly and throw my head back with my eyes rolled, feeling the steering white pleasure. Aemond groans and pulls his cock out of me and with a few tugs he finishes on my stomach.
He then fights the urge to get hard again as he swipes his cum off my stomach and tells me to open up. I do and he sticks his finger in my mouth. Making me taste his seed. He groans, feeling my tongue swirl around his finger. “Fuck baby, next time I’m gonna use your mouth.” He groans. I look up at him and smile coyly. “Next time?” He lets out a huff of laughter before pulling me closer onto his lap. He kisses me on the lips, gently holding my chin. He then lights up a cigarette, and I stare at the steamy windows of the car.
“Do you think anyone saw us? Or knew what we were doing?” I ask, drawing a smiley face on the window. “Who cares, if anything they’d be jealous because Im your boyfriend.” He says and I look at him, “you’re my boyfriend?” I ask. He freezes with a blush, a drastic change from earlier. “I can be if you want..” he says in a soft tone, bringing a smile to my face. “Sure, let’s go to that café downtown. I’ve heard it’s really good, plus there is a bookstore right next to it.” I say and he hums, agreeing. “Sounds like a plan.”
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spiderrrling · 2 years
Hi could you do a Eddie Munson x fem!reader, her and Eddie are dating and one day Eddie lets her wear his jacket around school (cause she forgot hers and is cold) and she gets super happy and everything so Eddie decides to make her a matching jacket like his..❤️
Masterlist - Taglist - Requests are open
Hi could you do a Eddie Munson x fem!reader, her and Eddie are dating and one day Eddie lets her wear his jacket around school (cause she forgot hers and is cold) and she gets super happy and everything so Eddie decides to make her a matching jacket like his..❤️
“Are you cold?” Eddie looked at you, your arms were crossed over your chest and hands running up and down your forearms and he could see a light layer of goosebumps covering your skin. “Oh, no- I’ll be fine, just left my jacket at home.” 
Indiana weather in spring was always unpredictable, it was either always too hot or too cold and never that perfect in between. Which also made it almost impossible to find an appropriate outfit.
This morning you had decided to forgo your jacket, putting your trust in the faint sun to bring enough heat. Which was the wrong call to make, turns out the promise of the morning sun was simply an illusion.
You were standing out behind the gym, hiding behind the low brick building and passing a joint between you. Eddie took a drag from the joint before putting it out against the brick and dropping it on the ground.
“C’mere.” You could hear the soft smile in his voice as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace against his chest. His arms resting against your back and pulling you impossibly close, inhaling the soft scent of your perfume. “You’re freezing.” He whispered into your hair, his arms gripping tighter around you.
You laughed softly into his chest, he was wearing one of his old faded band t-shirts, the hem of it was frayed from overuse. But it smelled so much like him, the cheap laundry detergent he used and the soft smell of tea that always hung in the air in the Munson trailer.
“I’ll be fine.”
“I can’t have you freezing to death sweetheart.”
“It's Hawkins in spring, I don’t think anyone has ever frozen to death.”
“Well, I am not going to let you be the first.” Eddie loosened his grip around your shoulders and grabbed onto his leather jacket and battle vest combination, quickly shrugging it off and placing it around your shoulders. His hands ran through her hair, pushing it out of the way to look at you. Cocking his head slightly to the side and a massive smile grew on his face. “It looks good on you.”
“Yeah?” You looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile as you saw the wide grin on his face. Eddie always loved seeing you in his clothes, but it was usually always limited to his various t-shirts, his hellfire shirt and his boxers that one time. He had never seen you in his jacket. His signature home made battle vest draped over the old leather jacket he had found at the thrift store. The one you had fixed when the zipper broke. 
You carefully slipped your arms into the sleeves of the jacket, it was slightly too big for you, the cuffs reached the middle of your palm and your fingers wrapped around the edge of it. You thought you must have looked ridiculous. But it was special, knowing that Eddie trusted you enough to wear his signature piece. It made your heart flutter in your chest.
“You look fantastic.” He finally said, realising he had been staring at you. 
“Won’t you be cold?”
“Go to class.” Eddie chuckled and placed a quick kiss on your lips. “I’ll see you later.”
Eddie didn’t know what he enjoyed more, seeing you in his jacket between classes. Or seeing everyone else stare at you wearing his jacket. Everyone at school knew who that jacket belonged to, and sure it was commonly known that you two were a thing. But this made it very clear to anyone who laid eyes on you, you belonged to Eddie Munson.
It gave him a thrill he didn’t think it would. And besides, you did look really good wearing his jacket. When you returned the jacket to him the smell of you lingered on it, the faint lingering smell of the shampoo you used on the collar. It was different wearing it now, but a good kind of different.
It took him a couple of weeks to gather everything he would need, scouting out the local thrift store until he found exactly what he had been needing. And it was much harder to do considering he would have to do it all in secret so you wouldn’t see. Which was difficult considering how much of a constant you were in his life. But he found a way, Eddie always found a way.
Eddie had been hiding his little craft project away in the back of his closet where you knew you wouldn’t look. You were comfortable enough in his life, but you weren’t a snoop. You respected him enough to have his own privacy.
You were sitting outside of his trailer, on the little wooden patio Eddie and Wayne had built around the back, the early summer evening illuminated by the disappearing sun and the warm yellow light that was coming from the living room.
The giggles and laughs shared between you filled the small silence of the oncoming night air. Eddie finally made his move and passed you the eyeliner pencil. For the past half an hour you had been clumsily playing games of tic-tac-toe along the exposed skin of your legs as the day faded away around you.
Eddie’s eyes were glued to your face as you evaluated your next move, he always loved watching you. But being this close to you he could see every ounce of concentration on your face, the small creases that appeared between your brows and the way you bit your bottom lip trying to focus. He was sitting close enough that you were practically breathing the same air and Eddie swore that he could see his reflection in your eyes.
He had begged you to play one more game with him, simply just to be able to look at you for a little bit longer. Eddie glanced down at your thigh to where you had made your next move and smiled to himself.
“Check mate.”
“I don’t believe they say that in this game.”
“Can I have my prize now?”
You laughed quietly before leaning in and pressing your lips against Eddie’s. “I let you win that one I hope you know.”
“Oh sure, just like I let you win all the previous games.” His voice was sickly sweet and he shook his head at you before leaning in to kiss you again. Sending a chill running down the length of your spine and allowing goosebumps to grow along your arms.
With the sun dipping beneath the horizon, the sweet summer breeze quickly turned sour, and it wasn’t long before you started to feel the cold settle in.
“Cold?” Eddie raised his eyebrows at you, of course he noticed. He was observant like a hawk, nothing ever got past him. You nodded slowly in response, and Eddie didn’t need any more encouragement. With your legs over his lap it was easy to pick you up and hold you against him as he carried you back to his room.
It wasn’t uncommon for Eddie to pick you up, he didn’t look like it but he was freakishly strong. He carried you into the back of the trailer and gently placed you down on his bed, leaving a chaste kiss against your forehead. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Eddie’s room always looked the same but no one item was ever in the same spot twice. By this point you were convinced they moved around by themselves. A couple of things were usually the same, his guitar hung in its usual spot against the mirror above his desk, the usual ash tray stood on his bedside table and his jacket was tossed over the back of his chair.
But that wasn’t his jacket you realised, it sure looked like it but it wasn’t Eddie’s jacket. It had the same kind of patches and pins, but they were more to your music taste, and not Eddie’s. You leaned out of bed, reaching for the article of clothing to inspect it. But just as your fingers grabbed around it you heard Eddie padding back into his room.
“Eddie what's this?” You ask and hold it up for him to see, Eddie cursed under his breath and leaned his head back in frustration. Had he really managed to forget to hide it? After so much time of being careful.
“You know a few weeks ago, when I let you borrow my jacket?” 
“Well, I thought it was really cute and you looked so good in it that I wanted to make you your own…” His eyes were glued to the floor, he didn’t know why but a little part of him thought this might all be silly. “I didn’t mean for you to find it- it's not even done yet and I just really wanted to surprise you I’m sorry-”
@pastel-abyss-x  @fayetheenthusiast  @obi-wanakenobi @starbeambo  @chloebeansack @a-villain-vying-for-attention  @meaganjm  @prettytoxix  @magicalxdaydream  @ghoulsgraveyard  @EmmaGinanni @eddie-munsons-girlfriend  @munchabunch  @kaydencegilr0y @eateraa  @satorix  @xbreezymeadowsx  @hunnybunimdun  @eddiemunsonsfuturewife  @avery-needs-more-fics  @kbakery  @milly-louise  @salome-c   @hopebaker @mooonlight-and-stars  @sweetpeapod  @eddiemunsonsfuturewife
His rambling was cut off by your lips meeting his. You were standing on your knees on his bed, your hands draped around his neck pulling him in close. “I love it.”
Mutuals - @uglypastels @catastrofhe
@cherrypieyourface  @theglitterymess @eddieshellfireshirt @lovelyladymayyy @hellfire-state-of-mind @itsmoonyhere  @missriverred  @crabravee  @escape-in-time-x @eddielives1986
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anawrites3 · 9 months
Ana seeing as Ive just finished reading the Captive Prince trilogy, Im iching for a sladick AU with a similar premise.
In the books they mention that slaves/pets are trained to take cock well before they lose their virginity.
If Dick was given to Slade (not a Prince, maybe a member of nobility? A slave trainer? Whatever role you like)...
Ahh that's great! I havent read it yet because I just cant put my hands on it, it's so expensive here :( and I dont think any libraries nearby have it haha
But I'm always all in for some slave/master dynamics 😏💕 so have a little story, I hope it's what you were thinking about!
Dick breathed out slowly in an attempt to calm down even just slightly, and his breath shook almost as badly as his hands did when he was shading his robe. Lord Slade Wilson, the man that was his master now, was sitting comfortably on the settee in front of him, watching Dick like a predator watches its prey. He was sprawled on the soft cushions with his legs spread comfortably, his pants untied and lowered just enough to uncover his erected cock.
The thin material of Dick's robe pooled around his feet and for a moment he allowed himself to just stand there, letting Slade's hungry gaze wander around his body. It's not like it was covering much in the first place but without it Dick suddenly felt much more vulnerable.
"Do you know what to do, boy?" Slade drawled in a low voice.
With those few words, he interrupted the silence that wasn't exactly comforting but still made the whole situation feel more surreal. As if it was just a distant dream or, more precisely, a nightmare. A few words, that's all it took Slade to made everything feel so much more real for Dick.
Dick shouldn't even be there. He was a prince, even after being betrayed and sold, even after being bought by men that "trained" pleasure slaves and... and after being forced to go through said training himself- he still was a prince of Gotham, the first son of king Bruce Wayne. He shouldn't be there, gifted to lord Wilson to be his slave and do everything the man wanted.
Still, what left his mouth was, "Yes, master."
Slade kept watching him. Dick looked back, his heart pounding against his ribcage, painfully aware of every inch of his naked body, still bruised from the last time his trainers punished him.
The man patted wordlessly at his thighs and Dick stepped closer, close enough to put his hands on Slade's shoulders and take a seat on his lap. Slade's hands seemed to be scorching hot when they found their place on Dick's waist and for a moment Dick was sure that they would leave marks on his skin with barely any touch. But no - it was just Dick who was cold, still not used to this realm's weather.
Slade traced his hipbone with his thumb.
"They told me no one touched you before." He mused. "Is that true?"
Dick lowered his gaze. He wet his lips with his tongue, hating how nervous he still got while talking about it after everything he already went through.
"Yes, master. I'm fully yours."
Slade's fingers dug into his skin as Dick got pulled closer to the man, so close that their chests were pressed together, Slade's cock rubbing against his stomach.
"But you still know what to do." Slade said, more a statement than a question.
Dick swallowed, "I've been trained well."
The settee whispered when Slade leaned back against it more comfortably. He continued watching Dick's every reaction, his every move. It wasn't how Dick imagined a lover would ever look at him.
But that was before. Now he was just a pleasure slave, property of his master.
"Show me then, little bird." Slade purred out, the corner of his lips twitching up in a smirk. "Let's see how good you are."
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nrdmssgs · 5 months
💕do you do aus for zhar and nik? ever since i learned, what her callsign stands for, i want a supernatural au with them, please! they are cryptids and you cant tell me otherwise! 💕
Lovie, the short answer is: I have not a single idea, how to make a decent AU. I don't understand, how this whole thing works.
However, a few days ago my friends reminded me of this idea, I had a while ago. Consider this one time promotion, but I present you with a shifters!NikxZhar
Summary: they show each other their inhuman forms. This is somewhere between the first and second chapters of Matters, if you need a timeline, so Zhar already has her call sign, works in Chimera and has burn marks. TW: swearing
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Shifting is a very intimate moment. It should be kept to the shifter themselves and maybe their closest family. This is the well respected principle among all the shifters, so even in the Task Force they just wrote, what their 'second faces' were on pieces of paper and left those pieces on the desk, so that each of them could read and remember in silence.
Though, of course, Soap couldn't keep his mouth shut.
"Wait, lammer-what? I need to google that thing."
Ghost hissed, gripping Johnny's collar and shaking him vigorously: it was considered inappropriate to comment on others 'second face' - something so personal.
Olga didn't pay any attention - she was happy as long as Nikolai wasn't around, when she had to confess, what exactly she shifts into. Back in that days she didn't trust him even her address. And she couldn't care less for what's his 'second face' was.
That's why now, many years after, she has to guess.
As they walk into the deep forest, both dressed too light for the current weather, as their blood starts running hot in anticipation, she takes a peek at him secretly.
What could this man be?
There are a few factors, that might help to guess shifters 'second face'. First of all - 'second face' would never be a form, originating too far from the place, where the shifter was born. So it is almost impossible to be born for example somewhere around Finland and be shifted into a kangaroo. The next important thing, is that what shifters call 'a second face' is in reality more a second nature - it will affect their preferences in work or their personal traits.
"Any ideas, darling? Wild guesses? If you guess right - I'm the first to show, remember?" Nikolais grin shines in the last rays of dusk and Zhar understands, that her guesses are most likely to be wrong. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so arrogant.
"I need three attempts."
"Take as many as you want, but I'm not that big of a riddle." He stops on the edge of the clearing in the woods and leans against a tall dark pine.
Olga looks around, assessing the place, and turns back to Nikolai. "Ok, my best shot is a magpie or a crow. Someone of the corvidae."
"Because I'm the best pilot, you've ever seen, sokrovishe*?"
"Because you're the smart sneaky scoundrel, willing to steal anything, that is not nailed to the floor... And maybe because of all the flying."
Nik chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm afraid, the sky is my dream in every my form, but never my element. So think bigger."
Zhar tilts her head to the side. "Bigger? A wolf maybe? Statistically speaking, there must be at least one wolf in Prices Task Force and we had none, while I was serving there..."
"O-o-o-oh-h-h-h-h, I adore wolf-shifters. Something in them just makes my heart melt, little lovely puppies... " Nikolai clicks his tongue and leans closer Olga, freezing right above her ear. "But you, little thing, got yourself somebody more... massive, I should say."
"Nik, for fucks sake, I beg you: not a bear," pleads Zhar.
Nikolai looks at her and starts unbuttoning his shirt. Olga opens her mouth, but says nothing and watches him. The moment, that should have become their true bonding, grows so terribly cheesy, that she regrets even agreeing to this all. Not only she has fallen for a Russian guy - she somehow found her self the Russian bear shifter, as if she was aiming for the most cliché man on Earth. Nik breaks the silence with a loud laughter.
"Well, of course, every shifter born in Russia, must be a bear! As if you yourself are the one as well." He tosses his shirt on the bag, they brought with them, cups Zhars face and peppers it with kisses, still laughing. She doesn't react, still looking at him in shock, and he add 'just fucking with you, Nebo, don't you worry'.
"So, I was wrong? Not a bear?"
"No." Nikolai grins and places another kiss, a much longer one on her lips. "Not a bear. But that means, somebody lost and will have to shift first."
His fingers trail down her neck and tug under her sweater. "This will have to go, I guess. Unless I found myself a little mouse-girl..."
Zhar catches his lips: hard to resist him, when her body is boiling with both sides of her nature. Their kiss is full of thirst for each other, hands clutching on clothes, caressing and claiming, their heartbeats grow faster and synchronize. It is much more than a make out session - they open each other up, sharing inhuman warmth, loosing breath in each other. Everything feels much brighter in their state, every touch wakes so much more sensations right now. It feels so good, that Nikolai groans irritated, when Olga break their kiss and whispers 'not here, Nik'.
"Nobody will see you, Nebo. Not a single soul, but me." He tries to bargain for more of her proximity, but Zhar shakes her head.
"You didnt get me. Not here. I need a cliff."
Nikolai freezes. A shadow of concern crosses his gaze. Not every shifter has an equally simple way to change their form. If your 'second face' is a mammal - consider yourself lucky, because you practically can decide, when you shift, because the difference between your two forms is not that big. But in other it takes a great deal of 'motivation' for the shift to happen.
Such shifters often use adrenalin injections to trigger the process, but there are other, more 'traditional' ways.
"You're getting a shot." Nikolai doesn't even ask her - he states a fact. His voice resembles a deep, guttural roar. "This is your first shifting after the injury, I am not letting you do anything careless."
"I've never done this with a shot. Not for a single time! And i'm not starting today." Olga takes off her sweater and unbuckles her belt. They fly to the ground behind Nik. Her usual insecurities and desire to hide her scars are instantly forgotten.
"You are going to get yourself killed!" Nik grabs her arm.
He realizes his mistake too late: shifters get incredibly strong and easily irritated before the change. Zhar yanks her arm out of his grip with such force that she risks dislocating her shoulder joint. He lets her go in fear and she finally turns back.
"You dare to question my 'face'?" Something changes in her voice: it grows raucous, high and strong.
Nikolai takes a step back.
They walk to the cliff in a dead silence. No one breaks it, even when Olga takes off her last bits of clothes.
They stop on a large empty plateau, hanging above the darkening void full of rocks and trees. Zhar stretches her arms and shoulders, when she feels Nikolais hot breath on her back.
"What?" She looks back and meets his gaze: not an angry or menacing, but instead full of care and tenderness.
He walks around her, touches her cheek and kisses her forehead.
"That's all I wanted to let you know, moye Nebo*. I will be right here. Waiting." Niks voice is muffled, if there was any rage in him - he dragged it deep enough to not be shown in any way.
She presses her whole body against his for a moment and sighs. Olga knows, how hard it is for him to let her do, what she is about to do. And yet he strangles his own doubts for her.
Nikolai takes a few steps back, watching her undoing her usual bun. Waves of trembling run down her body, but he knows, that it is not from cold. It is the anticipation.
Zhar closes her eyes, takes a deep breath in and pushes herself ahead from the edge. Her motions are so calm and casual that for a few seconds Nikolai believes that she did not do anything unusual, and throwing herself into a deadly void is not a big deal. And then the chilling realization of what is happening creeps into his soul. His heaven, his beloved girl just jumped off the cliff on his very eyes. He waits for what feels like an eternity, but not a single sound appears in the black seas of tree tops waving on the wind under him. His hands run cold, throat feels dry and soar, heart runs wild. Shifting never takes so much time. Nik stands on the very edge of the plateau and whispers 'come on, come back to me, love, I beg you'.
All of a sudden, a huge black shadow, flies up right before his face so swiftly, that he instinctively covers his face. A magnificent beast of a bird straightenes her wings and lays down on the invisible streams of wind just a few dozens meters above the ground, casting a formidable shadow upon Nik. Cloaked in a tapestry of dusk and dawn, its plumage boasts a palette woven from the shades of twilight - a fusion of russet and amber intermingling with the deep hues of earth and blood.
Nikolai pulls his arm to the side, and calls her to sit on it and give her wings some rest. But she shrieks at him, rising scarlet feathers on her head. Her voice isn't anywhere near soothing bird songs - it is a war cry, a command, that only a fool would dare to disobey. So Nik lowers his hand and nods meekly. In the first minutes after the change, a shifter usually doesn't recognize anyone around. Younger ones need up to a few hours to fully understand, who are they, and what is happening to them.
Nikolai doesn't pressure her into interaction - he just descends to the ground and sits there, letting her circle above him. When she finally lands near him - Nik finally get a chance to see every smallest detail.
It's her eyes, that hypnotize him. They glint like precious gemstones amid the wild expanse, hold a glimmer of some secret knowledge, a silent witness to the untamed symphony of life and death that echo high in the sky.
She leans to the ground, curls up in an unnatural for a bird pose, and Nikolai understands, that she is tired.
"Come here, I'll hold you, my treasure." The bird looks at him attentively for a few long moments and leans her head on his lap.
Shifting back is painful: shivers run through her entire body for a long time after she loses her heathers and bones grow back to a human form. Nik caresses her shoulders and slowly rocks her back and forth to sooth her senses.
When her skin stops running so hot, he wraps her in a blanket they took from home.
"I know, I know: a girl must shift into something sophisticated and pretty. Like a hawk, falcon, or a dove... Not in-"
"You are a work of art. I've never seen anything so majestic. And I've spent quite some time in the skies." Nikolai smiles, looking her in the eyes.
"More majestic than your hellicopter?"
"Just don't tell her." Nikolai winks. "So... a vulture? A magnificent creature. And a fearful one. Dread from the skies."
"Bearded vulture. We look more menacing, than we really are, so don't worry."
"Oh love, you could leave my 'second face' eyeless in a few seconds, if you wanted." At these words of Zhar raises a confused gaze upon him. She wouldn't risk flying low enough to let something 'more massive than a wolf' to catch her.
Nik helps her back into her clothes and carefully kisses her hands, taking in a brief moment of her absolute vulnerability. When she is ready, Nikolai helps her stand and leads her to the nearest tree to lean against.
"You sure, you want to see it today? I can wait as long as you want." He whispers lowly.
"Nikolai, please! I showed you everything, it is only fair-"
"Ok-ok," he chuckles. "Just promise me to be a brave little thing and don't run away. I will be at your feet in any of my forms."
Following him with her gaze, Zhar waits until he disappears far behind the trees and sinks to the ground: the shifting was really hard for her, but she tried to hide it from Nik. Her eyes slowly get used to the dark ambience of the forest, but she notices no movement.
It is only when a few little birds quickly flutter out of the bushes and rush away, Olga finally understands, she is not alone anymore.
The first thing she notices are two eyes, mirroring moonlight. And the height at which these eyes are moving does not bode well for her. He is enormous. His colossal frame emerges from the verdant shadows. A creature of regal splendor, its tawny coat adorned with striking stripes that echoed the forest's secrets.
"Bloody hell..." Her heart skips a beat, and fear courses through her veins. Instinctively, she springs to her feet, pressing her back against the reassuring solidity of the tree. Her pulse quickens, her hand darts to the place, where her holster usually is: a primal response to the raw power embodied in the approaching feline.
The tiger freezes, his giant paw is raised for the next silent step, but remains in the air. He sees, where her hand moved, he undesrtands, what is it, shes seeking. Olga desperately tries to remember, how long ago Nik went away to shift. "10 minutes top. But he's a bloody cat - they need more time to adapt, they are much more wild than us," screams a frightened voice in her head. Before her stands a beast, approximately two hundred kilos of muscles and hunger for blood, and Zhar has nothing to help her escape. She won't even be able to shift once again - she barely stands.
However, to her astonishment, the tiger doesn't bear his teeth or growl menacingly. Instead, he approaches her after the initial pause.
Drawing closer, the tiger halts just a breath away, his golden eyes fixated upon her. But rather than aggression, the tiger displays an unexpected gesture—a subtle tilt of its head, an invitation.
Trepidation mingle with curiosity, and against all instincts, Olga tentatively extends her hand toward the majestic beast, fingers trembling in uncertainty. With tender grace, the tiger nudges his head closer, inviting her touch.
As her fingers brush against the tiger's velvety fur, a thought, not her own, but rather a dictated or a transmitted one, appears somewhere deep in her mind.
"At your feet, love. In any form. Always."
She looks deep into the ferocious predator's eyes and sees the same warmth, she often finds in Nikolais eyes.
Zhar finally gives in to her weariness and sits down, the beast pulls his head closer to her face and sniffs her hair. As gentle as she can, Olga embraces his head and scratches behind his ears. With a rumbling purr akin to a distant thunderstorm, the tiger leans into her touch, seeking more of her attention. Just as Nikolai always does.
sokrovishe - a treasure
nebo - sky/heaven
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