#i am rambling in the tags now uh long story short do what you can don't stress about what you can't
anipgarden · 11 months
Things to Do that Aren't Related to Growing Plants
This is my second post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
Some of us just don’t have much luck when it comes to growing plants. Some of us simply want to aim for other ways to help that don’t involve putting on gardening gloves. Maybe you've already got a garden, but you want to do more. No problem! There’s a couple of options you can look into that’ll help attract wildlife in your area without even having to bring out any shovels!
Provide a Water Source
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Oftentimes when I see ‘add a water source’ in informational articles about improving your backyard for wildlife, it’s almost always followed by an image of a gorgeous backyard pond with a waterfall and rock lining that looks expensive to set up, difficult to maintain, and overall just… not feasible for me. Arguably, not feasible for a lot of people. And that’s okay! There’s still ways to add water in your garden for all kinds of creatures to enjoy!
There’s tons of ways to create watering stations for insects like bees and butterflies. A self refilling dog bowl can work wonders! Add some stones into the receiving tray for insects to land on or use to climb out, and you’ve got a wonderful drinking spot for all kinds of insects! You can also fill a saucer or other dish with small stones and fill it, though it’ll likely need refilling daily or even several times a day during hot times. 
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I've seen people online use all kinds of things to make water features. Some go with terra-cotta pots, pebbles, and a cheap pump to get a small and simple fountain. Others use old tires, clay, and a hole in the ground to create an in-ground mini pond system. If all else fails, even a bucket or watertight box with a few plants in it can do the trick--though do be wary of mosquitoes if the water isn’t moving. In situations like these, a solar-powered fountain pump or bubbler are great for keeping the water moving while still making it a drinking option for wildlife (it not even more appealing for some)--and these items can be obtained fairly cheap online!
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Bird baths are an option as well--a classic way to provide for birds in your area, they can be easy to find online or in a gardening store! The only downside is that a good, quality bird bath can be pricey up-front. However, a nice stone bird bath should last a long time, be easy to clean and refill, and be enjoyed by many birds! I’ve also seen tutorials on how to make your own with quickcrete! Bird baths will be a welcome sight to birds, as they provide a space for them to drink and bathe to regulate the oils in their feathers for flight and insulation. Putting a stone in the middle will also help insects to escape if they fall in, and provide a place to perch so they can get their own drink. You’ll want to change the water and clean the baths regularly--as often as once a week, if you can manage it.
If possible, it’s highly encouraged to fill and refill water features with rainwater instead of tap water. Tap water is often treated, so instead of using hoses or indoor kitchen water, collecting some rainwater is a great alternative. Collecting rainwater can be as simple as leaving cups, bins, or pots outside for awhile.
Butterflies and other creatures will also drink from mud puddles. If you can maintain an area of damp soil mixed with a small amount of salt or wood ash, this can be fantastic for them! Some plants also excel at storing water within their leaves and flowers (bromeliads come to mind), making them an excellent habitat for amphibians as well as a drinking spot for insects and birds.
Bird Feeders and Bird Houses
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Some of the fancy, decorated bird feeders are expensive, but others can be pretty low-cost--I got my bird feeder from Lowe’s for around 10 dollars, and a big bag of birdseed was around another 10 dollars and has lasted several refills! If you don’t mind occasionally buying more birdseed, a single birdfeeder can do a lot to attract and support local birds! If you’re handy, have some spare wood, and have or can borrow some tools, you may even be able to find instructions online to make your own feeder. You may not even need wood to do so! Even hummingbird feeders, I’ve found, are quick to attract them, as long as you keep them stocked up on fresh sugar water in the spring and summer!
An important note with bird feeders is that you have to make sure you can clean them regularly. Otherwise, they may become a vector for disease, and we want to avoid causing harm whenever possible. Also keep an ear out and track if there’s known outbreaks of bird diseases in your area. If local birding societies and scientists are advising you take your birdfeeders down for awhile, by all means, do it!
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Bird houses are naturally paired with bird feeders as biodiversity promoters for backyard spaces, and it makes sense. Having bird houses suited to birds in your area promotes them to breed, raise their young, disperse seeds, and generally engage in your surrounding environment. Setting them up takes careful selection or construction, preparation, and some patience, but sooner or later you might get some little homemakers! Keep in mind, you will need to clean your birdhouses at least once a year (if not once per brood) to make sure they’re ready and safe for birds year after year--you wouldn’t want to promote disease and parasites, after all. But they could be a valuable option for your landscape, whether you purchase one or construct your own! 
Again, do make sure you're putting up the right kind of boxes for the right kinds of birds. Bluebird boxes are some I see sold most commonly, but in my area I believe they're not even all that common--a nesting box for cardinals or chickadees would be far more likely to see success here! And some birds don't even nest in boxes--robins and some other birds are more likely to use a nesting shelf, instead! Research what birds live in your area, take note of any you see around already, and pick a few target species to make homes for!
Solitary Bee Houses
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A bee house or bee hotel is a fantastic way to support the solitary bees in your area! For a few dollars and some annual cleaning, you can buy a solitary bee house from most big box nurseries. Alternatively, you can make one at home, with an array of materials you may already have lying around! You can even make them so that they’ll benefit all kinds of insects, and not necessarily just bees.
Though you don’t even necessarily have to break out the hammer and nails, buy a ton of bricks, or borrow a staple gun. Making homes for tunneling bees can be as simple as drilling holes in a log and erecting it, or drilling holes in stumps and dead trees on your property. You might even attract some woodpeckers by doing this!
Providing Nesting Area
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There are tons of different kinds of bees, and they all make different kinds of homes for themselves. Not all of them make big cavity hives like honey bees, or will utilize a solitary bee house. Bumblebees live in social hives underground, particularly in abandoned holes made by rodents--some others nest in abandoned bird nests, or cavities like hollow logs, spaces between rocks, compost piles, or unoccupied birdhouses. Borer, Ground, and Miner bees dig into bare, dry soil to create their nests. Sparsely-vegetated patches of soil in well-drained areas are great places to find them making their nests, so providing a similar habitat somewhere in the garden can encourage them to come! I do talk later in this document about mulching bare soil in a garden--however, leaving soil in sunny areas and south-facing slopes bare provides optimal ground nesting habitat. Some species prefer to nest at the base of plants, or loose sandy soil, or smooth-packed and flat bare ground. They’ve also been known to take advantage of soil piles, knocked over tree roots, wheel ruts in farm roads, baseball diamonds and golf course sand traps. You can create nesting ground by digging ditches or creating nesting mounds in well-drained, open, sunny areas with sandy or silty soil. However, artificially constructed ground nests may only have limited success. 
Providing Alternative Pollinator Foods
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Nectar and pollen aren’t the only foods sought out by some pollinators! Some species of butterflies are known to flock to overripe fruit or honey water, so setting these out can be an excellent way to provide food to wildlife. You may want to be cautious about how you set these out, otherwise it can help other wildlife, like ants or raccoons. Butterflies may also drop by to visit a sponge in a dish of lightly salted water. 
Bat Houses and Boxes
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Big or small, whether they support five bats or five hundred, making bat boxes and supporting local bats is a great way to boost biodiversity! Not only will they eat mosquitoes and other pest species, but you may also be able to use the guano (bat droppings) as fertilizer! Do be careful if you choose to do that though--I’ve never had the opportunity to, so do some research into how strong it is and use it accordingly.
Provide Passageway Points
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If you want your area to be more accessible for creatures that can’t fly or climb fences, allowing or creating access points can be an excellent way to give them a way in and out. Holes in the bottom of walls or fences can be sheltered with plants to allow animals through. 
In a somewhat similar manner, if you’re adding a water fixture, it’s important to provide animals a way to get into and out of the pond--no way in, and they can’t use the water. No way out, and they may drown. Creating a naturalistic ramp out of wood beams or sticks, or stepped platforms out of bricks, stones, or logs can do the trick. 
Get or Keep Logs and Brush Piles
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I’ve already mentioned logs a good handful of times so far in this post. To be used as access ramps, or as nesting areas for solitary bees. But they have value as much more than that! Logs on the ground provide shelter for all kinds of animals, especially depending on size--anything from mice, reptiles, and amphibians to things like turkey vultures and bears will use fallen logs as shelter. Inside of a decaying log, there’s a lot of humidity, so amphibians are big fans of them--meanwhile, the upper sides of them can be used as sunning platforms by things like lizards. Other animals can also use the insides of logs as nest sites and hiding places from predators too big to fit inside. Fungi, spiders, beetles, termites, ants, grubs, worms, snails, slugs, and likely much more can be found inside rotting logs, using the rotting wood as food sources or nesting places. They can then provide food for mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. They can also be regarded as a landmark or territory marker as wildlife get more familiar with your space.
So how do you get logs for cheap? Try Chip Drop! I talk about them more in a future post, but you can mark saying that you’d like logs in your drop, so they’ll give you any they have! In fact, you may even get a drop faster if you're willing to accept some logs. You may also be able to approach arborists you see working in your area and ask for logs. There may also be local online listings for people selling logs for cheap, or just trying to get rid of them. If there’s land development going on near you, you may be able to snag logs from trees they cut down to make space. Do keep in mind, you don’t need to have huge gigantic logs laying around your property to make an impact--even small logs can help a lot.
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If possible, creating and leaving brush piles on the edge of your property can be a great boost to biodiversity--even if you may not see the wildlife using it. They’ll provide shelter from weather and predators, and lower portions are cool and shady for creatures to avoid the hot sun. The upper layers can be used as perch sites and nest sites for song birds, while lower layers are resting sites for amphibians and reptiles, and escape sites for many mammals. As the material decays, they also attract insects, and as such they’ll attract insect-eating animals too. As more small animals find refuse in your brush pile, their predators will be attracted to them as well. Owls, hawks, foxes, and coyotes are known to visit brush piles to hunt. Making a brush pile can be as simple as piling branches and leaves into a mound, as big or as small as you want. You can even use tree stumps or old fence posts near the base, and keep stacking on plant trimmings and fallen branches. Do note that you don’t want to do this near anything like a fire pit.
Don't forget, with all of these, your mileage may vary for any variation of reasons, so don't worry if you can't take all of even any of these actions! Even just talking about them with other people may inspire someone else to put out a bat box, or leave a few logs out for wildlife!
That's the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about ways to get seeds and plants as cheaply as possible. For now, I hope this advice helps! Feel free to reply with any questions, success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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doublegoblin · 3 months
A year and some change in retrospective
Okay so technically It’s like a year and 2 months and like a day. While I made the account and started posting things in November of 2022 I made my intro post on the 23rd of Jan last year so that’s when I’m going to count myself as having officially joined lol. I got thinking about this on my way into work today and I got a little reflective. I’m going to be kind of rambling (what else is new lol) but it dawned on me that, damn dude, a whole year is still like 300+ days and life can go wild directions. I also figured this may be nice for the newer people who have started to follow me (hello and thank you btw). Things won’t necessarily be in chronological order, I mean they might, but, I’m also liable to jump around.
So let’s start with some backstory, all good stories start with backstory yeah?
Me and my -at the time- bf(we’re still together lol just fiance now) were on our way to my aunt's wedding…running late actually because I had the day wrong and blah blah blah. To kill time on the 3hr car ride I started to spit ball this idea for a story I had brewing, that would then become Rituals and Red Tape. I was writing it for myself for a while as a way to deal with being let go from my last job. Well I then had the silly idea to maybe share this with people, so then we get to November and I make a profile and start posting.
That’s right, I started my path on here to be someone putting out original works of writing. I mean, if you go to my profile and check out the pinned post you’d know this but let’s be real, nobody really does that lol. And as those of you putting out original stuff also know, it can be pretty quiet at first. I had in my mind that I was just going to have my stuff on my blog, maybe reblog writing stuff only; that uh…didn’t last long. I’ve met some pretty cool people on here, even if we never really talk I’m happy to see your stuff cross my dash. It was the whole song and dance of you follow me and I follow you, support network stuff. Took part in tag games, an OC fighting tourney thing, and just some other fun things. All the while I’m posting little one-offs, a new WIP here and there…that I eventually just kinda stop working on in favor of my first child. 
I make a Wattpad and start posting what could be considered the 1.5 draft of the story. Things are fun, quiet, but fun
I start to engage in more fandom related things, because why not?
Then something happens, something that I didn’t think would take me in the direction I am going now.
I buy a $30 mic.
Voice acting and acting in general were always a passion of mine as a kid, and with a new stable job and comfy living I thought it was time to revisit some old joy. What was even better is that an artist I was following had a “casting call” for an animation she was working on. So with my little microphone and audacity(the program lol) I do the thing that changed my blog, I tried out…and I got a little part! I’ve never really been one to yearn for the spotlight but I took a chance and it worked out, and I was hooked after that.
So I started to use that mic more and more. First recording a short story of my own, recording a short story by a pal, then…well I guess you can call it doing some dub work.
Now in the past I had people follow me just out of the blue, but, with the first Five Pebbles recording it started to happen more and more. And those posts, well, they were getting some attention. Not a lot mind you, but like, more than the original works. Now I don’t say this with anger or bitterness, it’s just how stuff like this works out. So with what I thought was going to be a one-off thing, I knew I wanted to keep doing it. Yes the notoriety was fun, but more so, I was making something that was bringing people joy. So I recorded more, and more people saw it and liked it, reblogged it too.
Then I had that funny little idea. Something new to me that scratches a few itches at once. If you’ve followed me for THIS you know, the Kel Logs. Not only was I playing a game that I really enjoy(btw if you haven’t you should go play the game it is fun and but I won’t bog this down with info dumping), but I was doing some original writing and voice acting. It was the perfect storm.
Now I know I’m not the most well known person out there and this little fan fiction project isn’t like super famous, which I’m very okay with lol, but like the comments and stuff show I was having an impact on people in a small way. And it was having an effect on me, I was becoming more comfortable with my voice. Not going to sour the mood too much but I’ve struggled with voice dysphoria for a while and the joy I am able to bring people is so important to me, which I know sounds selfish.
So now here we are in the present, I know I’ve missed some stuff and simplified others, with people following me for fandom things and all that jazz. I thank every single one of you. Whenever my stuff get reblogged I do try my best to say something in the comments to those who say things in tags lol, sometimes tumblr won’t let me @ you but know I try. You all have no idea how much it means that I can bring joy to you and I don’t feel I can pay you all back other than to keep doing what I’m doing.
I haven’t worked on my original stuff in a while but I don’t think I’ll be tossing it to the side. In fact I know I won’t. I have a story I want to tell and it will be. So if you have any interest, please check it out and let me know what you all think. I want to always improve but I can’t know where to patch things up if I don’t hear about a leak lol. I’m getting super rambly so I’m gonna stop this here.
1 year later and I’ve gone from solely original writing to a strange hybrid of that and fandom stuff, and I couldn’t be happier with where I am.
So once again, thank you all so much for liking what I do and I hope to keep bringing you things to make you feel emotions.
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Laisse tomber les filles 4
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; tags to be added as story progresses
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: Things are starting to pick up but Lee’s still playing low key.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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The book club let out on Friday and you quietly packed up your fraying copy of Nabokov, happy you would finally be able to throw it on the shelf and forget about it. As you pulled on your jacket and hooked your bag over your shoulder, Andre, the star of the club, approached you. He wasn’t as curt as Nora but he still made you feel daft.
“Hey, you like the book?” he asked.
“Um, yeah, I guess,” you answered, “I never really read anything like it before.”
“It’s definitely no Secret Garden,” he quipped.
“Oh, but I read the Bell Jar already, that’s the next book, right?” you countered.
“But did you really read it?” he challenged, “did you soak in the depth of the words?”
“I’m sure my second reading will help with that,” you said plaintively, “I think even, I’ll enjoy it even more.”
“It is more of a woman’s book,” he said tritely, “where are you going now?”
You went to the door and he followed you casually. You walked down the hall and shrugged as your sole tapped on the wooden floorboards.
“Oh…” you stopped yourself from saying no where, “actually, someone’s expecting me.”
“Oh ha, really? I saw those flyers they hand out. That’s one of the tips, say you’re being expected so the creep doesn’t follow you,” he rolled his eyes, “I was just asking, I’m not tryna pick you up or anything.”
You came out in the early spring dusk and stopped at the top of the stone steps. “I know you weren’t, I only… I am supposed to be somewhere.”
“Oh yeah? Well, if you ever need a reading partner--”
A honk came and cut off his invitation. You glanced over at the black and white cruiser then back at Andre. You gave a weak smile.
“Maybe,” you answered, “sorry, that’s my ride.”
“So you’re dad’s a cop?” he wondered.
“My dad?” you shook your head, “he’s… a uh, friend.”
“Friend,” Andre echoed and another honk came, “he’s sure impatient.”
“Sorry, I should go.”
“See ya next week,” he called after you as you stumbled down the stairs.
“Yeah, see ya,” you tossed over your shoulder.
You approached the cruiser and Lee got out to open the door. You got in and waited for him to settle on the other side of the seat. You watched Andre stroll down the pavement and catch up with Van.
“You didn’t have to honk, I saw you,” you said quietly.
“Who was that then?” Lee asked as he steered onto the street.
“Just some guy from the club,” you replied.
“So, shakes?” he asked.
“Can we stop by my dorm first?” you hugged your bag anxiously.
“Why’s that?”
“I want to give you back those clothes, I can’t wear them,” you said.
“What? They’re a gift,” he furrowed his brow but you looked away before he could glance back at you as he stopped at the sign.
“It’s too much and they… they won’t fit me,” you said.
“Well, did you even try them on? You’re young, it’s the new style, I thought--”
“But why would you even think to buy me anything?” you interjected. 
He inhaled and said nothing. His breath rose like a growl as he passed the road that led to your dorm. He switched gears and headed for the south exit of the campus.
“Don’t interrupt me. Ever,” he snarled, “and I was being nice, honey. It’s nothin’ bad, just a gift ‘cause I thought it’d look pretty on ya.”
“It’s not that I’m not, er, grateful, I only--”
“No thank you, no nothing,” he moped, “you really hurt me, girl.”
“No, it’s not like that. I just--”
“Just what? I saw you back there, tryna act like you don’t know me in front of that boy,” he grumbled, “‘cause I’m old, right?”
“We were talking, I was just saying goodbye,” you returned, “I don’t know why you’re being like this-- Can you please turn around and just take me home?”
“You promised me a date,” he huffed, “so we’re going… next time you can wear your new clothes.”
“Date?” you sputtered, “Sheriff, please, I want to go home.”
“My name’s Lee, honey,” he purred, “I wanna hear it on your tongue.”
“Wha--” he snaked his arm over and slid his hand onto your leg, just beneath your bag.
“Go on and say it,” he squeezed, “please.”
You swallowed and stiffened as you stared down at your lap.
“Lee,” you eked out.
“Good girl,” he snickered.
“Please, I don’t want a shake, I want to go--”
“I ain’t done nothing, honey, don’t be so dramatic,” he drew his hand away, “have I?”
You were quiet. He hadn’t really done anything more than be a bit grumpy. The touch was nothing, wasn’t it? Just a friendly gesture, trying to calm you down. And he bought you nice things and expected nothing but you to like it. It really seemed like you’d done something wrong the more you thought about it.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“Nah, don’t be, I’m happy as long as you’re here,” he turned off of campus and sped up, “I read that book, you know? Lolita. Made patrol a bit easier. I haven’t read a book for years. It was… interesting.”
“You read it?” you flinched.
“Oh, yeah, it was… the man, Humbert, messin’ with a child, that’s some sickness there,” Lee mulled as he kept his eyes on the road, “don’t you think?”
“Um, yeah,” you answered, “I think it was also about, um, you know, an unreliable narrator and how stories unfold differently for people. How we can experience the same thing but not in the same way… I don’t know.”
“Hmm, yeah, that’s probably it,” he said, “but I just thought, that’s awful. You know, we’re adults, you and me. How old are ya, again?”
“I’ll be nineteen this summer, sir,” you replied.
“See, girls here can marry at sixteen,” he said, “but no twelve year old gettin’ hitched.”
“Oh, well,” you murmured, uncomfortable by his rambling, “can I try the vanilla this time?”
“Vanilla? Sure,” he smiled over the wheel, “think I’ll stick to strawberry, I like the sweet stuff.”
The radio show came to an end and you fumbled with your empty cup. The dread still lingered in your chest. You counted the minutes until you could go home. The milkshake settled like a stone and added to your queasiness. Lee put his cup on his other side and yawned.
“Vanilla good?” he asked.
“Not bad,” you answered as he took the cup from you, “it’s late, hm?”
“Not that late,” he slid across the seat as the radio host picked up after the outro, “so you makin’ friends then?”
“Some,” you said, “just talking about schoolwork and, um, books.”
He was close, close enough to feel the warmth radiating off of him. He pushed his arm over your shoulders and let his hand hang down above your chest. You went rigid and tried to sidle away.
“Sheriff?” you croaked.
“Aw, come on, honey, ain’t nothin’ wrong, just getting close, it’s cold, ain’t it?” his other hand came up and caressed your chin, “I like spending time with you… not havin’ to worry about my radio or criminals, just you.”
“I don’t… I think…” you grabbed his wrist, “I thought…”
“I’m just being nice, I’ll admit, I’ve grown a bit sweet on ya. You’re so pretty and that,” he slipped from your grasped and framed your chin and turned your head, “am I hurtin’ ya?”
“N-no, but I…” your lip quivered. 
Was this how it happened? Maybe every girl felt like this the first time a man was near. You didn’t know, you couldn’t. You stared at him wide-eyed as he leaned in and his breath grazed your lips. You smelled the sugary strawberry flavour.
“This hurt?” he asked as his lips brushed yours.
“No,” you gulped as he pulled you to him.
“And this?” he didn’t wait for an answered before he kissed you.
He pressed his lips to your and sucked on your bottom lip. His teeth nipped lightly and he shoved his tongue against the creased of your mouth until you opened it. You garbled as he filled your mouth and hugged you tighter. You were terrified and confused by the suddenness of it all.
You grunted and pushed on his chest. You turned your head away and gasped as you shoved him harder and he relented. His hand slipped to the bottom of your neck as he looked at you in disappointment. 
“What’sa matter?” he asked.
“I… I wanna go home, it’s late,” you whispered.
“Oh honey, don’t be scared, it’s a date, I’m just kissin’ ya good night.”
“I never… said it was a date,” you mumbled.
“And why not?” he pressed, “you’re an adult, I am too.”
“I don’t… know,” you uttered, “I never… never been on a date so I guess I wouldn’t know.”
“I didn’t mean to confuse you, I thought you knew,” he said, “a girl like you, I thought you had plenty of dates.”
You shook your head and chewed your lip. You stared at your shoes and wriggled away from him. You ran your fingertips along your jawline as you huddled against the door.
“Please take me home,” you breathed.
“I didn’t mean nothing by it, I just think you’re very sweet and… beautiful,” he reached out and took your hand gently, “I can go slow.”
“I just don’t know,” you didn’t pull your hand away as he held it.
“Ah, I get it, I’m old, I know it, I ain’t stupid,” he sighed.
“I don’t care about that,” you withdrew and wrung your hands in your lap, “I’m… embarrassed.”
“Embarrassed?” he repeated.
“That I never… That I don’t know about all that,” you confessed, “but I don’t wanna think about that now.”
“Can I see you tomorrow then?” he asked, “I wanna see your new clothes.”
“Sheriff,” you said.
“Lee,” he corrected sharply.
“Lee,” you hissed, “please, can you take me home?”
“Well, you just needa ask nicely is all,” he pushed himself in front of the wheel and jolted the whole car with the movement, “let’s get ya there all safe and sound and you can rest up for tomorrow, huh?”
“I gotta study tomorrow,” you argued.
“You can,” he assured you, “you come study at mine and I’ll make you a nice home cooked dinner, how about that?”
You sniffed and pouted, “sure, if you take me home.”
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Overwhelmed when Loki saves you, you respond to his kindness with fear. Determined to apologize, you seek Loki out to thank him with a couple of milkshakes and some fries. Warnings: a tad angsty but much fluff A/N: This is actually one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written. Hope you all enjoy :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @lowkeyorlokificrecs @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @castiels-majestic-wings @kozkaboi @cozy-the-overlord @birdgirl90 @myraiswack @mythicalgarlicknot @what-a-flammable-heart​ @marvelouslovely​
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Disclaimer: Picture not mine
Of course it had to be during your lunch break that a supervillain attacked the city. Of course today you decided to go out to eat instead of packing something. And, of course you had to be walking by the building right as it crumbled. You started praying to any god that there may be to save you from being crushed. Though, you hadn’t actually expected one to save you.
In the moments before you would have been flattened, Loki put an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. Raising his free hand, a glimmering green force field appeared around you. The falling matter bounced off of it and landed around you, the shield offering strong protection. Of course you were thankful to be rescued, but did have to be Loki? You knew he was supposedly reformed, but so many news outlets still ran stories about how he was dangerous. A ticking time bomb. You’d never quite formed an opinion on him, and it was causing great conflict in you now. On the one hand, he looked very intimidating from this close, what with his impressive stature and horned helmet and all. But on the other, he was saving you from the actual super villain destroying the city. Perhaps if there wasn’t so much going on, you could think more clearly. Alas, your thoughts were a messy, confused jumble, leaving you fearful of the super-powered god in front of you.
“Are you alright?” he asked in his deep, smooth accent as the shield shimmered away into nothing. The god brought his arm to shield your eyes from the small pieces of debris still falling, the other one still around your waist in a protective manner. “Are you injured at all?
“I, um, uh, I- I,” you stammered, backing up. “Mhm. All good. Uhhh, thanks.”
You were certain you must be the most awkward person in history, but instead of making fun of you, Loki just looked sad. Even with the hurt behind his eyes, his arms shot out to catch you when you stumbled over the wreckage. He guided you away from the obstacles to a place where you could walk unhindered. He moved back from you as soon as he’d finished escorting you.
“You are welcome,” he finally responded. “I am sorry for frightening you. You should get somewhere safe.”
Without waiting for a reply, he left to rejoin the battle. You started retreating from the scene, steering as clear of any large structures as you could, cursing yourself the whole time. Loki had saved you, and you’d been afraid of him. What kind of nonsense was that? And you were certain he got that kind of reaction all the time, based on the way he’d looked at you and realized your bumbling actions were a result of fear. Fear of him after he’d so carefully and gently saved you.
You felt stupid and petty as you joined a throng of people being guided away from the scene. After nearly two years of working to protect the city, Loki should have gotten more praise and love than he did. You realized it now, only moments too late. Someone should tell him he was appreciated, a hero. And if no one else was going to do it, you resolved to do it yourself.
The meeting was dreadfully boring, but someone had to go. Seeing as all the other Avengers were busy, that someone was Loki. Besides, Stark had told him it would be good for his image to head up the restoration of the city this time round. The committee and resources were all a part of Stark Industries, of course, so Loki felt there should be some employee to take care of it instead of him. But whatever, he’d been roped into it now, and he figured that there was some merit to what Tony has said about his reputation.
Luckily, with a week having passed since the battle, great headway had been made with the repairs, and the meeting was much shorter than expected. Itching to get outside, Loki headed to the main doors.
“You don’t understand,” Loki heard someone say to the receptionist as he approached the front desk. “He saved me the other day. I have to thank him. Please?”
Loki just rolled his eyes as he pushed through the turnstile. He couldn’t even begin to count how many fans had tried this tactic to meet their favorite Avengers. Granted, no one had ever tried to see him, but he was coming to terms with it. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder which of his colleagues you were trying to get through to see. Perhaps Steve, or maybe even Thor. Loki was so lost in thought it barely even registered when the voice switched from pleading with the receptionist to calling after him.  
He turned and stopped, recognizing the person jogging after him as you, who he remembered from the battle. “May I help you?” he asked in the most pleasant tone he could manage.
��Yeah. Uh, hi. I don’t know if you remember, but you saved me the other day,” you explained sheepishly. “You know, during the attack.”
“Yes, I recall.”
“Oh! Good. I just wanted to say thank you for that. For saving me, I mean. And the city.”
“I see,” the god replied, suspiciously raising an eyebrow. “Well then, you are welcome. Really, I was just doing my job, though.”
“Well, I still appreciate it.” There was a lapse in the conversation, as neither of you were really sure what to say next. “Can we go somewhere? Like for coffee or something. Can I buy you a coffee?”
Oddly enough, that made Loki distrust the situation even more. Ok, maybe you were actually a super nice person who had a guilty conscience for making him feel bad, and maybe that prompted you to come thank him properly. But that you wanted to buy him something, presumably to show your newfound appreciation? Absolutely preposterous. The only people who ever did something remotely as kind as that were his fellow Avengers, and not even all of them or particularly often. Any of the other people who openly supported him didn’t show appreciation, per se. It was more that they felt he’d done enough to redeem himself at this point, which wasn’t exactly the most thrilling phrasing either. But here you were, awkwardly shuffling your feet and asking to buy him coffee. Loki supposed he shouldn’t pass such an opportunity up. And yet, he probably was going to.
“No thank you,” he finally replied, shaking himself from the shocked, catatonic state he’d fallen into. “I do not much like coffee.”
As he walked away, he thought that would be the end of it. That perhaps you’d only been talking to him in the hopes he’d invite you to see the other Avengers, too. That maybe you’d go back to trying to wheedle your way inside at the front desk. Much to his surprise, you came hurrying after him.
“Wait,” you called. “Ok, so scratch the coffee. How about ice cream or tea or a milkshake or something? Anything really, you name it.”
Now that you were outside, he observed you again while he thought, as if hoping the sunlight would reveal your true intentions. He couldn’t find anything malicious in your expression, just some sort of anxiety. Loki must have taken too long in coming to a decision, because you started rambling.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to pressure you into it or anything, but I wanted to do something nice to say thank you and-” you cut off and bit your lip. “Is this stupid? It sounds stupid. It’s probably stupid. I’ll go now. Again, I’m really sorry to have bothered you.”
“One moment,” he said before you could make your retreat. “You said anything I want, correct?” You eagerly nodded as Loki got an idea. “Alright then. I would like a five course meal at the nicest restaurant in London, please and thank you.”
“I, um. I know I said anything but, uh...” You noticed his serious expression had turned into a sly grin. “You’re joking, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am. My apologies, but I simply could not resist,” he chuckled.
You began to laugh, too. Not in a way that made him think it was out of courtesy or pity, but an honest to goodness laugh. Briefly, he thought it one of the most beautiful sounds he’d ever heard, before quickly shaking the idea from his mind. It was ridiculous; he hardly even knew you. But you seemed pretty adamant on showing your gratitude. Plus, you’d apologized to him, which was more than he could say for most of the people in his life.
“You know, I would usually say tea, but a milkshake actually sounds quite lovely right now,” he told you once you’d calmed down. “That is, if the offer is still open.”
“Of course it is!” you happily told him, the smile on your face growing. Not to mention you seemed much more at ease. “I actually know a great diner that’s just a short walk from here, if that works for you.”
“By all means, lead the way.”
It took approximately ten minutes to get to the restaurant. After properly introducing yourselves, you kept up a light dialogue. It wasn’t uncomfortable, exactly; just hesitant, as if both of you were afraid of saying the wrong things and shattering the blissful moment. Loki still couldn’t bring himself to fully trust you. Such a feeling just wasn’t in his nature, especially not when it came to someone he just met and had a considerably rocky start with. Even so, he found himself enjoying your company.
Arriving at the diner, Loki held the door open for you as you walked in. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait for a seat, the classic red stools at the bar free at this time of the afternoon. Loki swiveled the seat back and forth ever so slightly, and found himself chuckling when he caught you doing the same thing. You offered him a shy smile as a waitress handed the both of you a menu.
The God of Mischief had only ever had the pleasure of drinking a milkshake once before, a vanilla one when the team had convinced him to try it on one of their outings. He’d thoroughly enjoyed it and planned on playing it safe by ordering the same thing now. When you asked what he was getting, though, you were having none of that. After nearly five minutes of rousing debate, you’d finally talked him up to chocolate. Part of him was having so much fun with the discussion and how animated you became about the topic that he almost didn’t want to concede. But the waitress came back to take your orders, and he didn’t want to make her leave and come back again.
“Oh, and some French fries too please,” you added after ordering your favorite milkshake.
Loki shot you a perplexed look. “French fries?” he asked after the waitress moved away.
“Yeah. Please tell me you’ve heard of them before.”
“I have. I have even eaten them a few times before, believe it or not,” he answered as you turned to face him, leaning on the counter. “But are you certain they go with a milkshake?”
Your jaw dropped open. “Of course they do. Listen, Loki, you haven’t lived until you’ve dipped French fries in a milkshake. You’ll love it, I promise.”
You continued to help him expand his knowledge of Midgardian cuisine as you waited for your order to come. Once it arrived, you dipped a fry in your shake, just as you had said, trying to convince him just how delicious it truly was. The trickster skeptically picked one up and mimicked your actions, plunging it into the frothy liquid. The second it hit his tongue, his face lit up in pure delight.
“See, I told you,” you laughed.
“Indeed you did,” he said back, the corners of his eyes crinkling from how wide his smile was.
An hour and another order of fries later, the two of you finished your snack. Loki was in a better mood than he’d been all month. Honestly, he was a little sad when the bill came.
“Are you certain you do not want me to pay?” he checked as you fished out a twenty from your wallet to cover the low-cost meal. “Or we could split it, at least.”
“Loki, it’s fine,” you giggled. “This is me thanking you, remember? And, honestly, it’s me apologizing, too. I was just startled the other day and there was a lot going on. I hadn’t ever really thought about what I’d do if I met an Avenger, least of all if it happened while they were saving my life. I was overwhelmed; I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about yourself or anything.” Without really thinking about it, your hand moved to rest on top of his. It was a surprise to Loki, but a welcome one. “Because—and I can say this with absolute certainty—you’re amazing, Loki. You do so much for the city. I hope you know how appreciated you are, at least by me.”
His other large hand came to cover yours. “Thank you, darling.” He didn’t mean to say the pet name, but it just slipped out. “I cannot express how much that means to me.”
Somewhere in his heart, he wanted to tell you everything, make you privy to all his inner turmoil. But that was buried underneath years of pain and rejection, too heavy to move for someone he didn’t know all too well, no matter how connected he felt to you in this moment. So he let the urge pass over him, hoping his thanks would be sufficient enough in expressing how he felt.
“You’re welcome, Loki,” you told him, squeezing his hand. Then you stood up. “So, I guess I’ll be letting you get on with your day then. This was really nice, though. Thanks for agreeing to it.”
“You’re welcome and thank you,” he replied. “It really was.”
After waving goodbye to each other, you exited and Loki stayed where he was, picking at the last few nubs of fries left in the basket. He didn’t know exactly why he didn’t leave, too. Just that something was missing.
“Ah, young love,” the elderly waitress who had been serving you all day said to Loki as she came to collect the empty dishes. “Magical, isn’t it?”
“Love?” Loki choked out. “I am afraid you are quite mistaken. It was not even a date. I hardly even know them. I will probably never even see them again.”
“And you’re just gonna let them walk out?” she tsked. “It’s a right shame, sonny. Let me tell you, you don’t just let something like that walk out on ya.”
He looked at the door for a second in melancholic contemplation before bolting out after you. He shouted his thanks to the waitress as he pushed open the glass door, exiting out into the harsh sunlight. As his eyes adjusted, they scanned for your form before it walked out of his life forever. Spotting you, he jogged in your direction and called your name. Funny, he thought, how just earlier that day the roles had been reversed.
“Loki?” you asked, stopped on the sidewalk as he caught up to you. “Are you ok? Did something happen?”
“Actually, the problem is what did not happen.” He kicked a rock with his shoe, as suddenly the ground became very interesting to him. His insides were a nervous mess. Clearing his throat, he gathered his courage to continue. “See, I do not have any way of contacting you again. And it had been my sincere hope that you would want to do this again, let me take you out somewhere.”
“That sounds amazing,” you agreed, jotting down your number on an old receipt you’d found in your wallet. Smirking, you parroted back his words from earlier. “How about you take me for a five course meal in London?”
“Oh, so you have turned my own jokes against me. How very clever of you,” he laughed. “What if we just went to see a movie, instead?”
“Perfect,” you nodded. “Just text me a time and place, and I’ll see you then.”
“I look forward to it. As soon as I buy the tickets, I shall let you know.”
“Sounds awesome! It’s a date.”
As you parted ways, for real this time, it registered in Loki’s mind what you’d said. He hadn’t particularly been thinking about his phrasing or in what way he was asking you to hang out. But apparently you’d taken it as an invitation for a date. As Loki arrived back at the Tower and flopped onto his bed, already dreaming of your laugh, he found he was quite happy that you had.
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ack3rlady · 3 years
The Universe Had His Back - Chapter 7
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Chapters: Six | Seven
Master List
Warnings: Fluff, Fluff and more Fluff
Word Count: ~2.74k
Inspiration: Don't Go - Exo
A/N: And with this chapter, I conclude this series. Thank you for all the love you all gave my baby project!
Tags: @sooibian, @queenofcurse, @red-n-tall, @badbitxhbuckybarnes , @sweet-assh0le
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‘Why am I nervous? We've done much more than just kiss. For fucks sake! I'm the mother of his child.’
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down before pushing the cart from behind your truck towards the large glass doors of the café. You had offered to take today’s batch of bread and pastries to Levi’s to snag a chance to see him, much to Mikasa’s annoyance.
“Oi, brat! You’re late.”, Levi remarked without looking up from his laptop when the bell above the door rang with your entrance, expecting her to have finally arrived.
“Levi, I’m so sorry! I made an impromptu decision to come here instead of Mikasa and -”, you emerged from behind the lofty stack of boxes.
Your hair was up in a messy bun, you were panting from hauling the weight and the resultant perspiration made you glow. Your continual rambling about why you were late, instantly gave him a feeling of Déjà vu, hurling him eight years back in time to the morning when he first laid his eyes on you.  Mirroring that day, he couldn’t focus on anything you were saying, gawking at you with unblinking eyes given how stupefied he was by the sight before his eyes and the sound of your voice.
“Levi? Are you listening?”, you waved your hand in front of his face, disrupting the mental movie playing in his head.
“Huh? Oh, y-yeah. Hi.” he shook his head vigorously and blinked a few times to bring himself back to the present.
Both a blushing mess, you stood by the entrance to the cafe, smiling at each other like two smitten high-schoolers.
“Are you finally back together?”, a shriek from the opposite end of the seating area made your ears ring.
The cacophony was loud enough that Erwin’s head immediately peaked out of his office; his face riddled with confusion. Both your necks snapped towards the source - Hange was running in your direction with the brightest grin on their face. Every head in the room was turned towards you. Eren and other new members of staff at the café, Armin, Jean, Sasha and Connie were slack jawed with their gaping eyes fixed on you after being subjected to this abrupt and unnecessary announcement. One look from Levi sent them scrambling back to work.
“Fucking four-eyes.” he mumbled as they came closer.
“I knew it! You lovebirds couldn’t stay apart for long!”, they squealed with joy enveloping you both in an spontaneous group hug, not giving Levi an opportunity to flinch away.
“Shhh! Calm down, Hange! We’re not back together. Yet.”, you tugged on their hands trying to free yourself from their clasp.
Levi's eyes met and stayed on yours when you uttered the last word, the way his heart fluttered at the sound of it clearly reflecting on his face.
“But you were together last night. You have both put in way too much effort in your appearances today. And the color on Short-stack's cheeks can be spotted from Mars! What am I missing here?”, they observed, unaware of the heat rising within their two friends thinking about their final moments together at the Ackerman home yesterday.
Always the perceptive one, Hange. They weren’t entirely wrong. You did spend forty minutes in your closet hunting for the one floral lemon-yellow dress that Levi loved seeing you in; piling on deodorant while simultaneously cursing the hot summer. You picked your reflection in the mirror apart for way too long, fiddling with the necklace he bought you ages ago while rehearsing what you would say to him.
By the looks of it, he did too. He looked oh-so handsome today. Granted, he always did. But today was different. He wore your favorite navy-blue button-down shirt with slate grey slacks, sleeves folded to reveal his toned fore arms, and the top two buttons left open to aid with the sweltering heat; or was it because he knew that it made you weak in the knees when he wore his shirts that way? And his cheeks and ears were definitely a brighter shade of pink than the raspberry compote on the cheesecake you brought.
He stood pinching the bridge of his nose, his breathing starting to speed up. You figured it was his attempt at suppressing the strong urge to smack the grin right off Hange’s face.
“Hange, I promise, I’ll give you all the details later. But for now, Levi and I have things to discuss.”, you pulled him away before he could act on his impulse.
Taking a seat at the table by the large bay window, kissed by the morning sun, you watched the city slowly rise awake with your cheek resting on the palm of your hand. Levi, who was walking back from the kitchen with a cup of tea for himself and a caramel latte for you, stopped in his tracks to mentally frame this image. It was as if you were a different person than who he met over the last two days.
There were no signs of the anxious but adoring mother from yesterday nor the bewildered, pained ex-wife from the day before; you were the same clumsy, moody, garrulous, as well as kind, selfless and mesmerizing woman he fell madly in love with when you walked in through the doors of this very place eight years ago. How could one person flood his heart with a barrage of different emotions this way?
You acknowledged him with a soft ‘hi’ accompanied by a smile when he sat down on the chair opposite to you, nervous about the forthcoming conversation. You stole occasional glances at each other while sipping your beverages, hesitating to be the one to say the first word.
“Do you hate me?”, he asked out of the blue, his gaze locked on his cup.
“No! Why would you think that?”
“Uh- you obviously had a chance to think about what I said to you after going home last night. Why would you possibly want to still see me?”
“Well, I’m here, aren't I? I want to work on us if you’re willing to try as well, Levi. I want to see where this takes us.”, you smiled, placing your hand on his.
"Me too."
Four months later
The day of Suki and Furlan's wedding was finally here. The venue was set, guests had arrived and you were busy helping the bride get ready for her special day, having spent all morning with her, Isabel and the other bridesmaids in the bridal suite, chatting away in excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.
“Honestly speaking, Suki, I’d have a hard time keeping my hands off you if I were Furlan”, you teased while draping the veil into her hair, causing her to bury her face into her palms.
“You’re one to talk! Levi has been looking for reasons to see you all morning. I had to turn him away thrice already. I'm pretty sure he is going to murder me after the wedding is over.”, Isabel shot back with a smirk.
The last four months had been nothing short of a whirlwind. After that morning at the cafe, having breakfast with Levi turned into a routine. He brought Luna along on most days, and the three of you spent time chatting and admiring the toddler’s antics over tea and scones while sitting at your usual table by the bay window. Sometimes you’d have her accompany you to the patisserie to give Levi a much-deserved break.
Everyone there was enamored with the little firecracker. Her Uncle Miche had always been her favorite because the gentle giant ferried her around the large kitchen on his shoulders. Bertholdt and Reiner would happily comply to all the orders their mini boss belted out. Annie, although a little awkward around her, listened intently to her endless stories; Mikasa secretly pampered her with numerous treats even after several warnings from you, and Nanaba would fuss over her all the time and try to keep the little one all to herself, earning protests from the others.
The evenings varied between taking Luna to the park or the pier, or just spending time indoors at your place or his. You even celebrated her fourth birthday two weeks ago. All your friends and family, along with some little friends the birthday girl had made at the park were invited. You spent a beautiful evening in the backyard of your house around a bonfire, with a delectable meal and wonderful company.
Levi especially made sure you knew that you were being wooed by taking you out on date nights every now-and-then to the finest of restaurants, walks on the beach, to the drive-in theater a few miles outside your town, or star gazing from your favorite spot up the nearby hill. You both were working through your differences and had barely had any disagreements during the time spent together. Things were slowly falling in place; in fact, this newly re-built relationship with him felt much stronger than ever before.
The flashback ended when the wedding planner knocked on the door indicating it was time for the ceremony to begin. You, Isabel, and the other bridesmaids ushered Suki to her designated spot, making sure her dress, hair, make up and flowers looked perfect.
Standing at the altar by Furlan’s side as his best man, Levi was relieved that he would finally be seeing you soon after being apart all morning. Lately, the two of you spent most of your time together; and this sudden separation had him feeling restless.
On cue, the two harpists seated on either side of the rows began to play heavenly tune of ‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perry, a prompt for the bride’s party to start making their way towards the altar. He watched patiently as bridesmaids accompanied by groomsmen walked down the aisle, waiting for you to finally appear. He almost forgot to breathe when your form eventually entered the nave, walking a short distance behind Isabel and one of Furlan’s friends.
You wore the emerald gown from your encounter with him at the store four months ago, and looked a million times more beautiful this morning. Your usually open hair was tied into an elegant loose braid with some curly strands framing your face. The sun rays falling on your silhouette from the towering stained-glass windows of the church made you look like an angel descending solely upon him. He finally began breathing again when you smiled at him and mouthed “breathe”, after taking your position at the altar.
Levi only peeled his eyes away from you when Luna’s giggles reverberated off the stone walls as she waddled down the aisle, scattering petals of baby pink roses, about the same shade has her chubby cheeks, on the ivory carpet. You wiped a stray tear rolling down your face as you both proudly watched her play the part of a flower girl with utmost perfection. Upon making it to the end, she ran to you and buried her face in your gown, suddenly feeling shy from the cheers and applause she received from the smitten guests.
You instantly scooped her up and held her close, letting her nuzzle into the crook of your neck, cooing sweet words of encouragement into her ears. Levi was so taken by this divine scene before him that he failed to notice the bride's much awaited walk down the aisle; surprised to directly find Suki standing at the altar, facing Furlan with her lips curved into the widest smile before his attention found you and Luna again.
He lost track of how long he was marveling at his two perfect girls for, until he felt an elbow harshly crash into his ribs, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
“Is this revenge for your wedding?”, Furlan frowned.
Levi blankly stared at him, having no clue what he was talking about
“Ring, Levi!”, the fuming groom growled.
Oh, right. He pursed his lips in embarrassment melting under the scrutiny of the baffled guests while he handed over the ring that was in the safety of his blazer’s pocket. His eyes darted towards an alarmed Suki and silently apologized to her. Then his gaze moved back to you, an impish smirk on your face as you stared back at him, knowing exactly what was going on in his mind.
Fuck! Furlan was not going to let this go for a long time.
Luna had lost interest in the festivities midway through the nuptials and had fallen asleep in your arms. After the ceremony, when everyone began to make their way outside the chapel, Levi swiftly moved over to walk beside you and offered to carry the snoozing toddler. You groaned after her weight left your body, stretching your sore shoulders and aching back .
“Stop that. You have no idea how hard it is to control myself from jumping your bones, especially when you look this gorgeous.”, Levi whispered in your ear, snaking an arm around your waist.
You glanced around awkwardly making sure his words did not fall on any prying ears and gave him a quick smack on the shoulder, trying to suppress the heat creeping up your neck.
Time skip – Evening
The wedding reception was underway. You sat at a table sipping lemonade, watching the newlyweds grooving to the beats of music being played by DJ Zeke. Levi swapped his usual glass of Macallan for a cup of ginger lemon tea; His reason being that his throat was sore from carrying out best man duties. But you knew he was just being supportive of your goal to stay off alcohol.
Erwin and Hange sat by the bar, socializing with Furlan’s Boss, Mr. Pyxis while Luna was busy playing duck-duck-goose with some new toddler friends she made at the venue. Levi needed to be physically restrained from ambushing Isabel who he had discovered slow dancing with the same groomsman that walked alongside her at the ceremony. Miche and Nanaba were spotted in a rare public embrace, dancing leisurely to the slow music; and your army of helpers consisting of Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie took the lead on setting up tables as yours and Levi’s patisserie and café were the official caterers for the evening.
The choice of DJ Zeke's next track brought a sparkle to your eyes. Your smile spread from ear to ear when ‘Fly me to the Moon' by Frank Sinatra emanated from the speakers. You sang along and began swaying cheerfully in your seat to the melody.
“Remember, Levi? This was the song we had our first dance to at our wedding.” you reminisced; a nostalgic smile spread across your face.
“How can I forget?”, he asked.
His eyes were unfocused, lost in memories of his own. He remembered how ethereal you looked in your white wedding dress. How your diamond jewelry shimmered under the spotlight, how you whispered honeyed words into his ears when he felt exceptionally uncomfortable dancing in public, how warm your hands felt wrapped around his body, how your breath tickled his neck. He’d give anything just to go back and relive that moment.
You gaze was still lost among people enjoying themselves on the dance floor when a stretched-out hand entered your line of vision. Your eyes followed it to land on Levi’s face. A quirk in your eyebrows wordlessly asked him what this action meant.
“Let's dance.”, he said.
“You, Levi Ackerman, are willingly asking me to dance? Did someone spike your tea?” You smirked, earning an eye roll from him.
“Oi, brat! Let’s go before I change my mind.”
“Only if you ask nicely.”
“May I have this dance with you, my love?”
You accepted and the pair of you headed towards the dance floor. He gently pulled you close to him and firmly held on to your hand. His other hand wrapped firmly around your waist and you rested yours on his shoulder. You both moved to the slow rhythm in perfect harmony, as you drowned in those gorgeous blue-grey eyes. It felt like the world around you had dissolved and it was just the two of you and the music.
“You look nice today. I see you bought the same gray suit you hated with a fiery passion.”, you teased.
“How could I not after you said you liked it?”
You looked over his shoulder to Suki and Furlan flashing you a wide grin from across the dance floor. And so did Hange, Miche and Nanaba from over that the bar. Erwin gently raised his drink in your direction. The heat from the from the sudden metaphorical spot light you stood under was cooled by the kiss Levi planted on your cheek.
“Did I tell you how lucky I feel to have you?”, he whispered into your ear as while brushing strands of hair off your face.
“I could stand to hear it more often.”, You hid your blush by resting your forehead on his shoulder, feeling too shy to keep his gaze.
“It's true. You’re the most beautiful woman is this room tonight, scratch that, you’ll be the most beautiful woman anywhere, any day; and I get the honor of calling you mine.” he cooed, drawing gentle circles on your back with his fingers.
“You’re awfully talkative today!”, you lifted your head again to reveal a contagious coy smile spread across your lips.
“Don’t be stupid. I’ve always been talkative.”,
“Come with me.”, he moved you off his chest and tugged at your hand.
“Where?”, you asked in utter confusion, and a bit of annoyance at the wonderful moment being ruined, just to receive silence in response.
Levi quickly glanced over to find Luna munching on garlic bread sticks with Erwin and Hange, as he guided you away from the venue and towards the lake nearby. The ripples in the water gleamed under the moonlight, resembling liquid silver. Warm yellow light from the lamps on either side of a wooden dock dimly illuminated the path that led to a gorgeous gazebo that stood at the end, its ceiling sprinkled with fairy lights that defined the intricate floral carvings in the wood. You stood in the center of the structure and slowly spun around, marveling at the work of whose ever brilliant hands built it.
“Levi, this is stunning!”, you said gazing in all directions, running your fingers over the sophisticated engravings.
“Yes, it is.”, Levi agreed, his eyes not on the architecture, but instead on the human embodiment of radiant sunny day that stood by his side.
Not remotely expecting anything to outshine the sight before you, your vision was captured by an extravagant display of red, green, and gold against the dark blanket of the night’s sky. You jumped when the sound of the first soaring explosion caught you off guard. An arm slid across your waist and a kiss was placed on your temple. You were enamored by the shattering sparks of the fireworks, eliciting frequent oohs and aahs, until a voice snapped you out of your reverie.
“Marry me.”
It took you a few seconds to fully register what you just heard. But when you did, overwhelming feelings of joy rendered you speechless; fingers absentmindedly running over the carved railing of the gazebo, stunned orbs darting between the brilliant sky and the love of your life.
This time Levi had to remind you to breathe.
Your eyes and lips both turned into wide Os, and you slapped your hands to cover your gaping mouth when he slowly lowered himself to kneel before you, opening a little black box containing the same gorgeous ruby ring from all those years ago, which he sneaked out of your nightstand during one of his visits.
“I know that you said you wanted to take this slow. But the last four months with you have been the most precious of my life, where I got a glimpse of what having a perfect family would be like. I learnt the hard way, what I lost when I lost you and you gave me a second chance at finding happiness when you decided to come back. I promise to love and protect you every single day for the rest of my life, and even after. You complete me, love, and you complete our family. So, will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Ackerman, again?”
“Levi...”, your trembling voice was barely audible.
“Yes.”, you breathed, letting the floodgates finally open when he slid the ring on your finger.
He got back on his feet and engulfed you into the tightest embrace as you wept joyous tears into his shoulders.
“I love you so much!”
“I love you too!”, moving to look into your eyes, he cupped your face with warm hands.
And finally, his lips found yours.
It felt... like home;
Like laying in a cozy bed after a long day of work, like the warm chocolate sauce on a cold scoop of ice-cream, like wearing a fuzzy sweater on a crisp autumn evening, like walking barefoot on the beach at sunset, like taking a cool shower on a blazing summer afternoon, like everything you ever needed.
After being torn apart from the one person who made your life perfect, you were finally back in the soothing confines of his strong arms, resting against his able chest, ready to fall apart; all while the fireworks in the sky mirrored the fireworks in your hearts.
“Mama! Papa!”
You were awoken from this surreal euphoria by the most beautiful squeal you had ever heard. Both your heads turned towards the source of it – a tiny figure running towards you with all her might while all your near and dear ones including the newlyweds watched from a distance, cheering merrily.
“They knew?”, you gasped, sobbing and sniffling from the joyous tears.
“Yeah, pretty much everyone but you knew.”
Luna flew into Levi’s open arms when he bent down to receive her. The three of you merged into one blob of a positively smothering family hug, only pulling away to pepper each other with more kisses. Levi held his two girls close. His sun and moon were now back together in the sky of his life. He looked into Luna’s crescent shaped eyes and whispered,
“Moon beam, Mama’s coming home.”
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supraveng · 3 years
Moving On (3/?)
part 2
Summary: you have to confront your past….what could go wrong
Characters:  Sam Winchester x reader, former Bucky Barnes x reader, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Bruce Banner, Kevin Tran, Dick Roman, Maria Hill, Nick Fury
Word Count: 2508
A/N:  sorry for the delay on part 3, (work has been crazy)....hoping to post the next chapter next week
does not follow any MCU story line; attempting an MCU/SPN crossover; let me know if you want to be tagged in the next chapters
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@mythandmagik    @lieswithoutfairytales   @bbmommy0902  @hailmary-yramliah  @jessyballet  @paryl @tcc-gizmachine @vicmc624​
You were in a daze and barely remembered getting back to your room, you heard Sam talking but you couldn’t grasp anything other than Thor telling you about your pregnancy.  Something that you would never expect to happen and you were certainly not ready for.  
“Sweetheart? Are you ok?” Sam looked at you worryingly.  
“Yea, uh, I um, I’m ok” you nodded “I am in need of a shower and uh, yea.”  Looking up at Sam, you saw the biggest smile on his face 
“I can tell you are worried, and I know this wasn’t your plan, but I’m so happy right now I can’t help it. We’re having another baby!” he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a comforting hug.  
“I love you so much, Sam” just a hug from him helped your anxious thoughts to quiet down for a few moments.  “Wanna join me in the shower?” you winked as you turned and headed towards the bathroom.
Making your way back to the common room, after a very long and rejuvenating shower, you tried your best to focus on what to do next.  Your head is spinning, as excited as you are about having another child, this wasn’t planned and kind of throws everything out of whack.  
You huff as you plop down on the couch next to Kevin, watching Morgan and Joy have a tea party in the middle of the room with all of their favorite animals.  
“So Kev, we are probably heading home tomorrow, so if there is anything you want to see while in NY, now is your chance” you tell him knowing he’s been enjoying this trip as much as you have.  
“Oh, I thought we’d be here longer, I was hoping to catch a show, but I haven’t been able to find affordable tickets, so maybe next time” he shrugs in response.
“Don’t be silly, I’m sure i can have Tony pull some strings and get you tickets for tonight, or we could move your return flight home, whichever you prefer really. Anything for Kevin Tran, world’s best nanny” you smile at him and see the small blush on his cheeks from the praise.  
“I’m serious, whatever you need, just say the word, you have no idea how relieved I am when she’s with you, because I know you take such good care of her, I don’t worry for a minute, you Kevin, are a Godsend if there ever was one”
You could tell Kevin was a bit taken back, but he rarely took a compliment well so you simply squeezed his hand and offered a sincere smile before being interrupted by Sam as he joined the girls on the floor for tea.   
“What do my girls say to a picnic then maybe a trip to the park?”   
"That sounds like a great plan, but I have an appointment with Maria after lunch so I can't make it to the park, I'm sorry sweetie" you tell them as you go to join them for tea.  
"Well, we could picnic here and maybe play down at the lake, I'm sure Tony has a kayak or canoe I can take the girls on." Sam tells you as you adjust the flower crown on his head so it  doesn't fall in his eyes.  
"Are you sure you want to take care of 2 kids by yourself? I gave Kevin the rest of the day off"
"Of course, and I need the practice" he winks as he starts to tickle the girls.  "Ok, then I will get our lunch ready while you help the girls out of these beautiful gowns and into some play clothes''
 Lunch was an event, although both girls were always well behaved, they had a tendency to make a mess, or get distracted and try to follow the butterfly that came by for a visit.  By the time you were done, you were rushing to meet Maria in time, knowing that being late was not an option.   
You knew what needed to be done but not sure how she would take the info about Roman getting away, hopefully the few of his lackeys that were picked up would get you some important info.  
By the time you made it back to the compound you were mentally exhausted, and apparently your clan had a good day as they were spread out in the common room watching The Little Mermaid.  You had to laugh at how engrossed in the movie the adults in the room seemed to be, and was Steve singing along...no, you had to be imagining that.  
Finding a seat next to Nat, you looked around fondly at your two families combining so nicely.  
“So how did she take it?” Natasha whispered without taking her eyes off the screen.  
You hadn’t told anyone what your full intention of today’s meeting was, as far as everyone knew, you were going over the mission report and strategizing the next steps, but Nat always knew everything….now that you were having two kids, you really needed to figure out how to do that.  
“Well, she’s not thrilled but understands, Furry asked if he had to buy me a farm….whatever that means” you responded shaking your head.  
She snickered and simply responded with “Clint”, you hadn’t even thought of that, “ah, well, Sam Winchester is not the Mr. Mom type, so this is my only option”    
“And are you ok with that?” she asks, finally turning and looking at you. 
“Honestly, I can’t imagine anything better” you sigh as you look over at Joy napping on Sam’s chest.  
“Good, you deserve all the happiness in the world” she gives you a small hug.  “And Tony’s throwing a dinner tonight, since you are leaving tomorrow, so be prepared”  
You roll your eyes in jest, knowing Tony would probably do something like that, “well, in that case, I’m going to try and take a nap before dinner”.   
Getting up you make your way to Sam and bend over to place a small kiss on his head, “I’m going to try and grab a nap, do you two want to join me?” you whisper in his ear, not wanting to interrupt anyone’s movie time…..and now I’m certain Steve is singing along ang actually knows all the songs.  
He smiles and nods, following behind you and into the room you are staying in
Sam got Joy settled in her crib before turning back to me, pulling me into a much needed hug.  “How do you always know when I need you?” you mumbled into his chest.  
“That’s my job” he smiled down at you “so I take it the meeting didn’t go well?”  
"It went as well as could be expected, I'm just trying to wrap my head around the time frame I gave them. Two weeks is a bit short to transition my cases to someone else and pack up my apartment but, the sooner the better I suppose" you are rambling as Sam put Joy in her crib and is now sitting on the bed watching you. 
"You are relocating?  Are you moving back to NY? I didn't realize that was an option when you made this trip…..does this have anything to do with Bucky?" he barely whispers with a worried look on his face. 
"What? Sam, no, none of this has to do with Bucky" you aren't sure why he thought that and look at him confused.  
"I…..I remember how broken hearted you were when we met, if you still love him, I would like to know…..I deserve to know since you are the mother of my children" you had never seen Sam so distressed in your life.  
He was the most confident man you had ever met, the lawyer that owned the courtroom as soon as he walked in.  You couldn't believe that he would ever be concerned with someone you used to date. 
"Oh Sam" you hold his face in your hands as you settle in his lap. "There is nothing left between Bucky and I, he was a part of my past, and might be a friend in the future,  but you are the only man I have ever truly loved with my entire being" looking into his eyes you see some relief so you lean in and kiss him softly but passionately. 
"The meeting was my resignation, or retirement as SHIELD prefers to call it. I'm leaving DC so we can all be together in Kansas all the time."  
He looks at you shocked "you quit? You love your job, I didn't think you would ever leave."  
You smile at him "I do, I love my job, but my family,  you, our kids are so much more important than any job could ever be" 
"Our kids" he whispers as you runs his hand over your stomach "we're having another baby and our family will all be under one roof….this has been an incredible day" he looks at you lovingly before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you as close to him as possible. 
"I'm sorry I didn't explain that before I left, but you know how exhausted I was the first time, there's no way I could continue this case on Roman being pregnant. Speaking of, do you think we could change the wedding date?  If we stick with our current plan, I'll be a whale walking down the aisle" you grimace at the thought of waddling in a wedding dress. 
He chuckles at you before kissing you, "whatever you want is fine by me"  
"Do you think your mom would be ok with us planning something small in the next month or so, before I start showing?" 
He laughs at your excitement to move things along so quickly "mom would love it, she works well under pressure"  
"Ok, let's try to rest before your princess wakes up" Sam and you snuggle into the bed wrapped up in each other's arms.  
It felt like you had just closed your eyes when you suddenly felt the bed shift.  Opening your eyes slowly, you came face to face with beautiful hazel eyes, had it not been for the giggles and tiny hands patting your cheek, you might have thought you were looking at Sam.  
“Joy sweetie” you whisper “how did you get out of your crib?” pulling her down to snuggle with you a bit longer.  
“Tevin hep me out” she giggles again before getting up and climbing over you to sit on Sam’s torso.  He didn’t move, but you could tell by his breathing that he was awake, and most likely ready to strike on Joy at any moment.  
It’s one of the things you love when you are all under one roof.  Not living in the same state is hard, and you both worked really hard to make things as normal as possible for Joy, but seeing them together, simple little things like this made your heart swell.  
She adored her dad, and had no idea it wasn’t normal for you to all be in the same house, but that would soon change.  Before you were too lost in your thoughts, Joy was squealing while Sam was tickling her, the fake sleep surprise attack never failed. 
Looking at them you laughed and attempted to get out of the bed, but you heard Sam whisper “let’s get mommy” and before you knew it, you were being tickled and attacked by both of them.  
By the time the three of you made it to dinner, everyone was there and of course Tony had everything catered and a full staff serving, and of course he needed to make a toast to make sure everyone knew it was an official ‘family’ dinner. 
 Clinking his glass he raised it in the air and everyone followed suit, you were about to grab the wine glass but quickly changed to the water in front of you.  
“To an ever expanding family, salut” Tony cheered as everyone followed suit and took a drink.  The table was full of laughter and chatter from everyone, even Morgan and Joy were chatting away as the best of friends. 
“So Sam” Bruce turned toward Sam “how did you propose to Y/N?” for some reason, that question got most of the tables attention and everyone was looking at the two of you.  
“Well, which time?” Sam asked with a smirk.   
You knew that this would come to bite you in the ass one day, but you had hoped it was with Sam’s family, not yours.  
“Wait…..you proposed more than once?” Steve asked, you could tell he was trying to seem like it was an innocent question, but he was really trying to understand the person you had become since you left NY.  
“Three times to be exact” Sam said with more confidence than you had expected.  You shook your head knowing everyone expected an explanation and you were about to speak when Sam squeezed your hand under the table. 
“Well, the first time was when we found out that our little Joy was on the way.  However, in Y/N defense, we were only together 3 or 4 months at that point, so it probably felt a bit rushed.   The second was about 15 minutes after Joy was born and it was a very emotional day for all of us.  The successful proposal was just a few months ago, and we went on a little road trip, and I proposed at the same chapel where her parents were married” Sam turned to you fondly and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek.  
“Wow, you are even more difficult than Pepper, I never realized that before” Tony smirked as he lifted his glass.  
“Very funny, Tony.   In my defense, the first two were spur of the moment emotional proposals and not thought through.  I didn’t refuse, but knew that you needed to really think things out before taking such a big step” you tried to explain your reasoning, but not sure if it was for yourself or everyone else. 
“They may have been spur of the moment, but they were most definitely thought through” Sam replies with a smug look while still eating and assisting your daughter with her meal.  
You looked up at him a bit confused and was about to ask more when he continued by bringing your hand to his lips and gently kissing your knuckles.  
“I bought that ring after our 3rd date, I just had to convince you that I wanted you for who you are and not what you have given to me since we met.”  
You were shocked, you had no idea he knew for that long that he wanted this life with you, it had all felt it just happened and you went with it.  You were actually speechless at this point and could see the glint in his eyes as you processed what he said.   Leaning in, you kissed him gently and looked into those amazing hazel eye, this is where you always belonged. 
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picnokinesis · 3 years
fic writer review
tagged by the wonderful @swinging-stars-from-satellites whoop!! Let’s go!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Fourteen! It was thirteen until yesterday, which appealed to me a lot, but I decided that posting pirate!thoschei was worth changing that number hahaha
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Technically five, because I’m not counting Avengers and MCU as two different fandoms hahaha. But they are: Doctor Who (2005), MCU, Stargate Universe, The Greatest Showman, and X-Men (comics) - the latter, though, wasn’t really for that fandom, because I was writing a TGS X-Men au hahaa
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Liminality , with 195 kudos - I am not surprised about this one, since it’s probably the most ‘readable’ of my fics, being a oneshot, not shippy, and also not being stupidly long haha!
Renegades in the Ring , with 144 kudos - I didn’t realise how much kudos this one got? I guess it helped that the fandom was very active when I first posted this. Alas, if only I had finished this one...I have a lot of nostalgia for the idea, but I don’t think I’ll ever return to it, simply because it would take about as much effort as campervan au is taking me right now. 
i need a place to hide (before the storm begins) , with 125 kudos - which I am genuinely SO happy about because ahh! This is my big project and to know that 125 people said ‘yes this is good’ is just...really really nice?? Especially when it’s such a niche, specific au.
Tropospheric Disturbance , with 125 kudos - honestly, I’m surprised this one has as many kudos as it does, since I regularly forget I even wrote it hah! It’s a weird one, because it’s not actually in my usual writing style, but I am very proud of it!
and they did live by watchfires , with 109 kudos - and I’m really really happy to see this one here, because I think this is probably the favourite thing of my own that I’ve written. 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
YES absolutely!! I love comments so much, and I really love to ramble about my stories because I almost always have a LOT of thoughts hahaha
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I mean, it’s probably a toss up between i need a place to hide (because I ended it on that twist/cliffhanger), Retrograde (which is another cliffhanger ending, leaving all the characters in a REALLY BAD situation), or maybe the new problem kid, you’ll taste all the salt in my lungs, because, uh, it basically ends with the Doctor saying ‘the person I was before this moment is dead’ HAHAHA. But, to be honest, I don’t know if I would call any of those endings VERY angsty? They’re more like ‘AHHH WHAT HAPPENS NEXT’ endings rather than angst. I don’t tend to write angsty endings because I love angst but I always prefer to end it on a hopeful note...otherwise it feels very unsatisfying for me to write, personally. 
7. Do you write crossovers?
Technically? I mean, I see Renegades as an au more than a crossover, because it’s merely set in the same universe as the X-Men comics, and the only crossover element is Nathaniel Essex being in it...and I never even wrote those scenes hahaha
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Nah, people are wonderful!
9. Do you write smut?
Since I’m sex-repulsed, this is a hard no HAHA
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know!
11. Ever had a fic translated?
I have not
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Me and @sunshinedaysforever have a collab-wip graveyard in our dms HAHA - but I am actually working on cowriting a fic with some other wonderful folks at the moment! I am. Supposed to have my part finished by the 6th. Hm. 
13. All time fav ship?
Right now, it’s thoschei/spydoc, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that’s my all time favourite, because my favourite changes a lot. I do have a HUGE amount of love for Clintasha and Rush/Young though! 
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Hmmmmm, there’s a few. I mean, at the moment, I feel like The Grandfather Paradox will NEVER get finished, but I like to think that if I’m still into Doctor Who enough when I finally finish campervan, I might take a crack at it? Grandfather Paradox is more solid atm than some of my other wips...(see: deathless, disarmed). Oh, I know which one I almost certainly won’t finish - this one I came up with waaay back before In the Wind, which is set between O55 and Telsa, which is about telepathy and not listening to warnings from the past, amongst other things.
15. Writing strengths?
I’ve been informed that I’m really good at character voices, and I also think that I’m quite good at expanding characters we see very little of and fleshing them out a lot more. I’ve had to do that a lot for campervan and it’s been really good fun!
16. Writing weaknesses?
I think I can get kinda tangled in the emotional plot lines sometimes, and it makes everything get convoluted and messy and hard to follow? Also I’m not very good at...taking a good metaphor and expanding it? If that makes sense. I’m also actually kind of terrible at subtle, clever foreshadowing because half the time I don’t know what’s happening HAHAHAHAH but sometimes I do manage it!! I’m trying to do it in campervan at the moment. Also I. Can’t write short things HAHA. My characters always think and talk a LOT and sometimes that’s good, sometimes not so much
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I’m actually doing it currently in part 5 of campervan, since Gabriela and Jamila both speak portuguese (and I’m learning portuguese!)
18. First fandom you wrote for?
On ao3? Stargate Universe. On the internet? The Avengers. Ever? Uh. I honestly don’t know. I made up ocs based on two unicorns in the aftercredits sequence of a My Little Pony VHS tape, does that count?
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
I mentioned it earlier, but I’m extremely proud of and emotionally attached to and they did live by watchfires
If anyone wants my ao3, it’s right over here!
And oh, who to tag!! No pressure, of course, but: @sunshinedaysforever @theplatinthehat @taardisblue @hetzi-art @krebkrebkreb @echo84 @theoreticalabsurdity @1-of-those-things @walker-lister @timelostdoctor and anyone else who wants to!
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agentsoftie · 4 years
Can’t Help Falling In Love ( S.R )
summary: let’s look back on the milestones Y/N and spencer had together! Let’s look back to the first time they met, all the the way to the engagement!
a/n: thanks @thestrawberrygirl for helping me out with the plot! also this mentions Pride and Prejudice and I’m not a literature buff so if something’s are wrong, sorry I’m advance! also this is in 3rd person and ig technically im narrating! also the end is inspired by @agenthotchner’s fic birthday cuddles which I 100% recommend you check out afte reading this one!
paring: spencer reid x (f!) reader
warnings: cotton candy fluff 🍭
word count: 2k
requests: open!
tagging: @marshmallowtraver, @criminalmindsmoodrn, and @ghostly-angelic
remember to like and reblog!!
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“Marry me”
Woah, let’s rewind, shall we? I mean, who likes to start at the end. That’s boring. So instead let’s start at the beginning like you would in any good story. Except in our case, a love story.
Our story starts off at the one and only coffee shop! It was a particularly quiet day. Although that’s what you expect on a Tuesday at 3pm. Y/N was the only one there working since her co-worker was on break. She was cleaning up a couple of things on the counter when in walked in, Spencer Reid.
“Hi, what can I get you?” Y/N said.
“Um, I’ll have your holiday special.”
“It’s the middle of September, there are no holiday specials.”
“Oh well, can you make it? I’ll pay extra.”
“Yeah, fine I guess. It’ll be 5.75”
He pays the amount with a dollar tip then goes and sits down. Being the only one in the shop she doesn’t ask for his name since that would just be a waste of time. So instead of a name, she draws a little pumpkin. And walks over to his window-side table for two.
“Here you go!” She says while handing him his special. “Be careful with it though, the pumpkin took like 5 minutes.” She says while he looks at the pumpkin in front of him and chuckles making her smile.
“Uh, thanks.” He says awkwardly while looking at her.
“Well yeah, no problem.” She responds blushing. All of a sudden his phone starts to ring.
“Oh shit! Sorry I really have to go, work.”He says while quickly getting up.
“Oh no yeah, don’t worry.” She says while smiling in confusion.
“Hey, I know it's weird and all but would you possibly wanna exchange numbers or something. I mean you don’t have to obviously.” He rambles awkwardly.
“Uh, sure!” She says while showing him her number. “I’m Y/N by the way.”
“Spencer, Spencer Reid. Well, Dr.Spencer Reid to be specific.” He says smiling.
And with that, he was gone. Gone like the wind on an October morning. “Dr.Spencer Reid. Huh. I like it.”
Wasn’t that adorable. I think it was. Now let's fast forward 3 weeks to Y/N and Spencer’s first date.
First dates can be terrifying. Will it go well? What if they ghost? What if it was all a prank? What if they turn out to be a crazed serial killer who’s on the FBI’s most wanted list? But all of these thoughts are normal, well maybe except for the last one but that’s a whole different story. Now this date was different for Y/N. This was the first date she’s had since her terrible, horrible, atrocious relationship that lasted way longer than it needed to.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Y/N waited 1 minute before opening the door to make it look like she wasn’t waiting. “You look stunning,” Spencer says while eyeing her up and down. She was wearing a black romper paired with gold jewelry. “And so do you.” She says while looking at his casual black suit.
“Uh, I got you these.” He says while handing Y/N a bouquet of sunflowers. “Oh Spencer, you didn’t have to.” She said while finding a vase to put them in. “I mean, how did you even remember?” She says while coming to face him. “Eidetic memory remember.” He says while looking down at his watch. “Now come on, or we’re gonna be late.” He says while grabbing her arm.
“Where are we going, Spencer?” Y/N says in the car. All she could see were the stars in the pitch-black sky above her. “Are you gonna kill me? Cause you know for being an FBI agent you could definitely get away with it.”
“Y/N, I’m not going to kill you. And, bam, here we are.” He says while pulling up to a rest stop lit up with dim lights and telescopes. “Hope, you like the stars.” He says while Y/N steps out of the car a gazes upwards astonished at the number of stars in the sky. “Oh, and pasta,” Spencer says while grabbing a picnic basket from his car.
“Spence, this pasta is, amazing.” Y/N says while devouring the pasta.
“Yeah, you could say it's a family recipe.” He says while looking at her clean herself up smiling as if this was the best thing that life could ever offer. “Do you like stars?” he says after realizing he was staring.
“Yeah actually. I know it’s stupid but when I was younger my mom once told me that whenever I feel say, I should look up at the stars and just tel the all of my problems. And that somehow they would hear me and they would help.” Y/N says while looking up at the stars and then to Spencer who was dreamily gazing.
“No, not at all. That’s actually really sweet.” He said to her while she was blissfully looking at the wonders up above. To him, in that moment, she was an angel. An absolute masterpiece. And a puzzle, that he was dead set to solve. “Hey Y/N?” He asks, causing her to rip away from the painting up above. “Can I kiss you?” She simply just smiles and nods and like that their lips were together. It was a short kiss but as soon as they pulled for air they were grinning like idiots and as red as a ripe tomato. This really was, how do you say it? Oh, the start of something new.
Aww, my heart. That was adorable right! I know, I know, you’re jealous. But so am I so don’t worry. Speaking of adorableness, next up on our little trip is “I love you.” And trust me, this one’s gonna make your heart melt.
It was a Friday night and Spencer couldn’t sleep. So what does he do, he pulls up to Y/N’s. She hears a knock at her door and opens it once realizing it's Spencer. “Spence babe, what are you doing here?” She says drowsily while scratching her eyes. “I couldn’t sleep.” That’s all he says. “Fine, um, here come with me.” She takes her to her room and sits on the bed watching Y/N while she looks around for something.
“Y/N/N what are you doing?”
“I’m looking for a very particular book, Spencer. And, aha, found it!” She says while holding Pride and Prejudice. “My mom used to read it to me when I couldn’t sleep. And now since you can’t, I’m gonna read it to you!” She says while getting into her bed with Spencer already on the other side.
He put his head on her lap and she started to stroke his hair and started to read.
“I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.”
And read.
“I am all astonishment”
And read.
“I love you. Most ardently”
“I love you,” Spencer says just before closing his eyes.
“I love you too,” Y/NN says after kissing his forehead.
Sweet right. Isn’t your heart just melting, because mine definitely is. I mean Jane Austin and “I love you” is just the best pairing. Now we get to meet the family! Or in our little genius Spencer’s case co-workers. But let’s be honest, family.
Y/N realized that she hadn’t really talked to Spencer like they always do in a while and didn’t like that. So she did the noble thing and got some lunch, grabbed her visitors’ pass, and drove off into the freeway.
“Y/N? What are you doing here? Spencer asked while Y/N put a take out bag from Chipotle on his desk.
“I missed you so I came here. And before you get mad at me, we haven’t been talking that much and you’ve been on the DL lately and I don’t like that. So we will be having lunch together.”
“I love you so much,” He says while pulling her in for a kiss which was rudely interrupted by the team.
“Hey, pretty boy! Who’s the goddess?” Derek asks. “Yeah! Is she single?” JJ adds on just to be scolded by Emily. “Jayje, we’re dating. Stop.”
“Uh, guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N,” Spencer says while Y/N waves.
“No way, you got yourself a girl? Huh, how long?” Derek asks.
“Um, about a year and a half give or take.” Y/N says while looking over at Spencer nodding as if she needed the validation.
“Damn!” Penelope says. “I’m Penelope the way! Everyone calls me Garcia though. That’s Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and Jennifer Jareau.”
“You can call me JJ though,” JJ adds for clarification.
“Well, hi! I’m Y/N Y/L/N! It’s a pleasure to meet you all!”
The girls crowded around Y/N while Derek went off to Spencer who was staring.
“You got a ring?” He asks.
“Yep,” Spencer says while pulling it from his pocket.
I swear if these two aren’t making you die right now then you have a heart of stone because damn! We’re really watching a Nicholas Sparks film play out right now. Except, for well you know, all the sadness. And now, bringing you all the way back to the beginning, “marry me.” Are you ready? Cause here we go!
It was a Saturday, and it was raining. No not raining, pouring. Y/N and Spencer were stuck inside today. It was just them, the rain, and their coffee. Spencer had the whole proposal planned out. He was going to take her to the rest stop he took her on their first date. He was gonna say it’s for their 2 year year anniversary, but then just get down on one knee and list all the reasons why he wants to marry her.
It was going to be perfect. Everyone was gonna be there, and that means the pasta to. They were gonna slow dance under the stars as they did in Captian America. He was gonna tell her that no matter what happens in the future, he’d always be there for her. He would be there no matter what. And that from the first moment he saw her, he knew that she was the one.
But everything got ruined because of the stupid rain. Now they’re stuck inside and all Spencer can think about is how much he wants to marry this woman sitting right next to him. How much he just wants to get on one knee and tell her that she is his world.
“Hey Spence, here is the hot chocolate.” She says while giving it to him. “Be careful it’s hot. Also, I know that technically we should be watching scary movies now since its almost Halloween and shit but can we watch a Christmas Movie?”
“Of course.” He says turning on Love Actually since it just happens to be Y/N’s favorite Christmas Movie.
He kept on looking at her throughout the movie. Something about her laughing at the same jokes she’d heard 12 times already just makes him love her even more. And the fact that every time Keria Kightly came onto the screen she would completely lose focus on everything and pay so much attention.
“Marry me,” Spencer blurts out causing Y/N to drop everything and turn to face him.
“What?” Y/N had heard exactly what Spencer had said she just couldn’t believe it.
“Marry me,”
“Spencer I-”
“I want to spend every moment of my life with you Y/N. You are my everything and I would be nothing without you.” He says while pulling out the ring. “You see this, I got this 6 months ago and I’ve been carrying it around everywhere I go.” He says while showing her the ring. “Today, seeing you just laugh at the same joke we’ve heard over 12 times now, I wanna see that laugh every day. Y/N, I wanna grow old with you. I wanna have children. I wanna have you!”
Y/N was speechless. Just looking at him in awe. “So I’m asking if you, Y/N Y/L/N would marry me?”
“Yes. Yes yes yes yes, 1 million times yes!”
He put the ring on her and it was the best experience either of then had ever had. They were both truly in love. People wonder if soulmates are real, and all I can say is to look at this love story. The stars were aligned and the pages we written. All they needed was ink, which they found!
“You have bewitched me body and soul”
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the-starryknight · 3 years
Hi you! You seem like such a nice and lovely person and the way you lift people up in this fandom is fantastic. Your recs and comments makes the fandom a brighter place 🤩 how do you have the time and energy for it? Is there anything that makes you nope out of a fic or some tropes you just don’t read? I want to be able to read more but I’m such a picky reader, do you have any tips? Have a lovely day and take care 💕
Hi anon! Thank you for coming into my ask box to say such nice things <3 I love being a part of fandom and doing what I can to be active and supportive wherever possible.
So you have a few questions here -- let me do what I can to answer them. And this got long, LOL, so under the cut it goes.
Also, these are just my opinions, and I'm no more an expert than you are yourself, anon. So if you, or anyone else has thoughts to share, I'd love to hear them!
Firstly - how do I have time and energy? Well, I know I won't always, for one. Right now, being part of fandom like this fills my creative and social batteries. I spend a lot of time on my computer as-is, so having the hubbub of fandom in the background is really comforting when I can't be sitting at a cafe or tucked up in the corner of the library.
I also find that, in the really hard times, looking for kindness brings me hope. So getting to be part of fandom and getting to spread a little bit of kindness during what has been an incredibly difficult year has given me energy and hope when I really needed it.
(Also, I am endlessly exhausted by capitalism and the state of our world, and I believe that fandom as I practice it is inherently anticapitalist & centered on building community so that uh... has also been a solace. Obv this isn't the only place I practice & engage in these values but it is important to me that it is a part of it.)
Re: being a "picky reader," you're not. Do I have things that make me nope out of a fic? Are there tags I avoid? Pet peeves that make me stop reading in the middle of something I'm otherwise enjoying? Pairings I'll never read? Formatting things that put me off? Absolutely. I don't think that makes me a picky reader, I think that makes me very normal.
Plus, when I don't have time to read as much as I do right now, I want to prioritize the things that I'm going to enjoy.
If you *want* to read more, it might be worth considering what things you want to be picky about -- what are your hard no's, those squicks and triggers you NEED to avoid? Are there short works by friends that don't contain those? Maybe try some of sitp-recs' gorgeous lists too, if you're looking for recs you can really trust!
Another piece of trying to be less choosey about your reading (and again, I don't think you need to be less choosey!) is to try to read differently. When I'm coming off a week where I have done a LOT of beta reading, my fic reading experience is very different. I find myself getting stuck on grammar in ways I wouldn't if I'd just spent ages reading for fun.
When I read a fic that I want to read that isn't necessarily something I love -- for whatever reason -- I try to read for things I do like about it to drown out the picky parts of my brain that want to try to edit.
To me, reading can be an act of community-building, because we're sharing in the same art. Sometimes my reason for reading is to connect with someone, regardless of my thoughts about their words. Talking to authors about what they've made can be a way to meet them & engage with them, and that's a big part of fandom for me, the words themselves aside.
Also, reader burnout is totally a thing! If you're struggling with reading, that could also be a part of it. Take a step back, relax, and take some pressure off of yourself. Time and space to read will come.
Anyway, that brings me to one other part of your question: comments and recs. I've said before that I think anyone can rec fics! Same goes for comments.
While I'm at it, a quick aside -- you're under no obligation to leave comments. If all you can do is reblog, or leave a kudos, or even neither, that is okay. That is okay! I know we all love comments and reblogs. I know they're important for boosting and sharing things. But it is okay to not do those things. You're not doing fandom wrong by not doing them or not being able to do them.
Also, comments with just a keysmash, or a string of emojis, or "omg i loved this" are all really lovely comments. I'm grateful for each of these I receive.
Ok, ramble aside. Here's my basic comment formula:
Something like "I really loved this story."
2-5 things I specifically liked about the fic (characterizations, a specific line, a detail I enjoyed, something else)
Some closing line: "Looking forward to the next chapter" "I'm excited to read more of what you write" "This is a special fic for me because..." "Thank you very much for sharing this piece" depending on what's relevant and what I feel
That's it! I also really love "how to praise writers and influence fics," a lovely post about commenting.
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toplinetommy · 4 years
You Bring the Moon and Stars to Me (Part Two) - Tyson Jost
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Synopsis: A Soulmate!AU where your soulmark only appears once you fall in love with your soulmate
Words: 4.8k
Part One
September 2017 - Denver, CO 
NHLers + 1 Tucker: heard you got a job in Denver Tucker: you know who else got a job there Y/N: what are you going on about Brock: tyson jost plays for the avs Brock: you should catch a game when the szn starts Y/N: he barely knows who i am Tucker: he thinks youre cute *Brock emphasized the message* Y/N: that was months ago Brock: whats the worst that can happen Y/N: hes literally a pro athlete Tucker: im a pro athlete and I still talk to you
You set your phone back onto the patio table, changing it out for your margarita. You were sitting on your new best friend and coworker, Caitlyn’s, back deck enjoying margaritas in the early Denver fall when she said a name you hadn’t heard in months.
“So, when were you going to tell me you know Tyson Jost?” 
You nearly spit out the alcoholic beverage, choking as it goes down the wrong pipe. “Uh, because I don’t? He played hockey where I got my undergrad, not a big deal.”
“Then how come I’m scrolling on Instagram, and Tyson Jost shared to his IG story a picture that you, my friend, are in?” She pushes her phone across the table to you and you look at the picture. Sure enough, it’s a picture Brock had shared to his story, that Tyson had reshared, from the 2017 senior banquet. You’re standing between Brock and Tucker in the back of the photo, barely seen as you were tucked in a large group of hockey players. You weren’t even tagged and yet, somehow Caitlyn had been able to pinpoint you, with none other than Tyson Jost standing right in front of you.
“I’ve had maybe three conversations with him? He only played the one year there and I wasn’t tutoring him.” You shrug, not getting what the huge deal was.
“You were a tutor?”
“Yeah, for athletes, but towards the end I was mainly tutoring the hockey team. That’s why I’m in that picture, I was pretty close to a few of the guys. That was their senior banquet my senior year and I went as one guy’s date, and no, it wasn’t with Tyson or Brock. It was with a guy named Tucker, he plays for the Jets actually.”
 Caitlyn asks a few more questions about your college life before the sun starts to set, and the hockey conversation gets dropped.
“Trust me, I’m not ‘immersed’ into the NHL community or whatever. I just have a few friends in the league that I don’t even talk to that much besides sending memes in a group chat.” You say closing out the topic, choosing to move onto something else.
“Anyways, tell me more about Jack! How come I haven’t met your soulmate yet, huh?” You ask giddly. Soulmates were one of your favorite things to talk about, mainly because you were a hopeless romantic at heart; always fantasizing about the day you’d meet yours and listening to other people share their stories about it.
“Well we met in March when we were at a tech conference while he was still going to school, but I had already graduated and moved here. He still has another year before he graduates and he plans on coming out once he does, depending on if he can get a job in the area.”
“Do you think he’ll move to Denver?”
“I think so, he loved it here when he came and visited over the summer. He loved this house, and he loves the outdoors. I don’t really want to leave, either. I mean, Denver’s my home.” She says, smiling at the thought of her current surroundings.  
Hearing others talk about their soulmates kind of made you envious, but you were happy for your friend. Watching her face light up as she talked about Jack was something you only wished for and couldn’t wait to experience for yourself.
Two days later, you’re back over at her place for your weekly Taco Tuesday’s - a tradition the two of you had started not too long after you met at your job a few months back. You hop out of your SUV, noticing the moving truck next to your friend’s house, and definitely not missing the large group of burly men unpacking it.
Walking into the house you shout, making your appearance known. Entering the kitchen you set the grocery bag on the counter. “Did you see that people are moving in across the street? Looks like it’s a group of guys.”
Caitlyn shrugs before continuing, “Took ‘em long enough to sell the house. That house was up for sale when I moved here in June.” She starts walking around the island, back towards the front of the house to further inspect the new neighbors, you close behind. A few of them have their shirts off, even in the brisk fall Denver air, and even with the distance, the both of you can tell there’s some serious man-candy going on across the street.
The both of you retreat back to the kitchen, getting ready to make your weekly tacos, catching up on work, friends, drama, and what had happened on this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy. As Caitlyn was finishing up the taco meat, you went to get beers from the fridge in the garage when you heard a voice other than your friends’ in the kitchen on your way back.
Walking into the room you’re shell shocked at the group of men in front of you. No, scratch that. Shocked at one particular man in front of you. Your jaw drops as none other than Tyson Jost looks right back at you.
He marveled at the sight of you, “y/n y/l/n?”
“In the flesh” You laugh lighty.
“You live here?” He inquired, with a hint of shyness in his voice.
“No, Caitlyn lives here, but I live in the area” you respond pointing over to the blonde standing in between the two of you. You look around at the rest of the guys, remembering that it’s not just the two of you standing in your friends kitchen, having what seems like a reunion of sorts.
A deep cough comes from next to you, pulling you out of your confused, yet awe-struck state. “Hey, uh, I’m JT,” comes from the burly redhead standing a few feet away from you, “This is Alexander, Nate, and then Tyson, who I guess you already know?” He points to everyone as he says their names, a hint of question in his tone when he goes over Tyson’s name. 
At this, Tyson jumps in, “She went to North Dakota, too. She knew the hockey team.”
“Oh?” JT asks, eyebrows raising towards his hairline in question.
“Uh, yeah, I was one of the tutors.” You explain briefly.
“You still talk to any of them?” Tyson asks, centering the conversation around you rather than the relationship between the two of you.
“I talk to Brock every now and then, and I’m still pretty close with Tucker.” You answer, not wanting to give too many details about your friendships with other NHLers. Tyson nods his head at you, before JT speaks up once again, steering back to the original reason of the conversation.
The boys had stopped by because they saw the open garage and needed a pair of scissors. Something you assumed a group of guys would have when moving into a new house. As the conversation came to a halt, and the boys started to leave, wanting to let you guys get back to your dinner, Tyson stops on the front porch to continue talking to you. 
“So, you ended up in Denver, eh?” He asks, shoving his hands into his short pockets.
“I did, and I like it a lot so far. I got offered a job as a project manager for a company that has their corporate offices here. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to move to a new city.” As you finish talking, you realize you had started rambling a little bit, a slight blush rising to your cheeks.
Tyson smiles widely, noticing the joy and passion in your voice. A voice in the distance calling out for Tyson breaks the moment you two are having. “I should probably get back, but, uhm, if you ever want to catch up or anything don’t hesitate to text me or something.”
“Uh, yeah, for sure. I’ll let you get back to moving.” You exclaim with a hint of nervousness. You weren’t sure if you should hug him goodbye, but you were a big hugger, so you awkwardly go in for a hug, to which Tyson happily consumes. The two of you go your separate ways as Tyson jogs across the street back to his house. 
Walking back into Caitlyn’s kitchen, you’re snapped back to reality by the look on your friends face. Dropping your shoulders, you groan, “What?”
“I don’t know Tyson Jost, she says. We just went to college together, she says,” she mocks in a high-pitched tone. “That interaction had way too much something in it for you two to have just been acquaintances or whatever you were.”
 “I promise you I barely know him. I just always thought he was cute like everyone else did and the guys loved to make fun of me for it. He’s also four years younger than me.” You reveal embarrassingly, a small smile coming to your face thinking back on some of the memories you had. “Like, my senior year, they made me show up to a jersey party at the hockey house wearing his jersey. I think I was the only one at the whole party even wearing something NoDak related, too. It was just dumb, little stuff.” 
“Aw, that’s kind of cute.” Caitlyn gushes, taking a sip from her beer. The two of you start to make your tacos, and sit in a comfortable silence while eating.
It’s halfway through dinner you realize you don’t even have Tyson’s phone number, contemplating on whether or not you want to text him. “Should I text him?” You ask. “I barely know him and now he’s an up-and-coming professional athlete.”
“You’re both new to the city, so I don’t see the harm in it?” Your friend reasons.
You nod in agreement, trying to figure out how you’re even going to get his phone number. Picking up your phone, you go to text Tucker.
Y/N: would you happen to have tyson josts number :-) Tucker: thought you didnt want it Y/N: yeah funny story actually Y/N: i guess he lives across the street from my coworker now Tucker: ur kidding Y/N: i wish i was Tucker: i knew you two would somehow find each other Y/N: whatever
Tucker ends up texting you Tyson’s phone number a little bit later, and after a lot of typing and retyping you finally settle on a simple “hey” with a simple smiley face, letting him know it’s you.
Once you had sent the first initial text to Tyson a few days ago, it seemed like the two of you had been friends all along. Conversation flowed easily between the two of you, only texting one another when you really had the time to. 
Part of you was nervous that the two of you had really never hung out, apart from those few occasions back at school, but even then it was never just the two of you. You had contemplated asking Caitlyn to come over in case it got awkward. In the end, you didn’t let your nerves get the best of you and you went through with going over to his house to meet up with him.
Knocking on the front door, you twist your hands together in anticipation. 
The large wooden door swings open to reveal a very smiling Tyson, “Hey!” He moves to the side to let you in but as you pass him he opens his arm signaling for a hug. 
You wrap one arm around him, half leaning into his side for a side hug as you greet him in return. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great, development camp just ended. I got the letter saying I made the opening day roster, so still trying to get used to that.” He answers with a small laugh. His hands are resting in his front hoodie pocket, and you notice how nice his posture is. You look over him, also noting that his legs look much thicker than you remember and his chest is much broader, even under the expanse of his hoodie.
“That’s great” You compliment, feet planted to the ground once you slip your shoes off. The two of you are still standing in the foyer of his home. The air around the two of you almost makes it feel like one of those ‘we met online and we’re now meeting each other for the first time’ moments. 
Tyson starts walking, leading the two of you to his kitchen before asking if you want anything to drink.
“Water would be awesome.” You answer, moving to take a seat on one of the barstools at the kitchen island.
Tyson closes the fridge, handing you a water bottle. “So how long have you been in Denver?”
“Since June, so three months?” You say, counting on your fingers. “I got the job not too long after I graduated but I went on vacation with some friends before moving. What about you?” 
“I actually came down in April after the UND season ended, but only for a few games. I just got back, like, two weeks ago.” He starts, leaning his elbows down against the counter in front of you. “I was in a hotel until you saw us moving in the other day, actually.”
“Why’s that?” You ask, knitting your eyebrows in confusion.
“So like, the way it works is that you have to make the team during development camp and if you don’t you’ll go back to wherever you were playing before. I already lost my NCAA eligibility when I left, so if I didn’t make the team I would’ve gone down to San Antonio where our AHL team is.” Tyson explains, hands moving around in the air as he speaks.
You nod your head as he speaks, starting to understand the process of how one makes the NHL. “Well, I think you’ll love it here. I’ve only been here for a few months and I can’t stop thinking about how perfect this place is.” You gush.
“Yeah, I’m really excited for the season. The guys are all really nice and welcoming already.” He muses. His eyes crinkle a little bit, a sure sign of happiness as he smiles.
You smile in response, “From what I remember back at school, you were pretty good, too.” 
A small blush rises on his tan cheeks and the tips of his ears. He pushes a hand through the curls on the top of his head with a shrug. “You majored in marketing?” Tyson asks, changing the subject. He was never one to talk about himself too much, even with all of his accomplishments.
“I did!” you exclaim, surprised he even remembered that about you. “I’m a project manager, so I basically manage a few different projects at a time at a marketing firm. I like it a lot so far. That’s how I know Caitlyn, the girl across the street.” You point in her general direction, gesturing to the house across the street.
“What part of the city do you live in?” He asks curiously. He stands up straight again, leaving his hands resting on the counter. 
“Over in Westwood, in a townhouse.” You answer, once again stunned at his ability to remember small details from previous conversations. “It’s just southwest of downtown and like, 20 minutes from here.”
“I haven't really gotten the chance to really explore the area too much, so I have no idea where that is.” He laughs. 
You laugh along with him, “We can always figure it out together if you want, because I haven’t done too much either.” You freeze up slightly at your request, not really knowing where your bravery came from. 
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer,” He agrees. “Being around a bunch of hockey players all the time can be a little much. Besides, it’s nice to have familiar faces around, eh?” He quirks his eyebrow at you.
“For sure.” You agree, taking another sip from your water. “You have any other plans for the day?”
“Other than this, no.”
“I was thinking,” you start, “we could order food or something? I can start showing you the best food places around.” 
“Yeah, I’m actually getting kinda hungry. What’re you thinking?” He asks, making a show to rub at his belly.
“I found a really good ramen place a few weeks ago that I really liked if you’re down to try that?” You suggest, pulling your phone out planning to pull up the menu for the two of you.
“Sure, I’m down to try anything.” 
You stand up from where you were sitting to move over to him, placing your phone on the counter so both you and Tyson can look at the screen. He moves closer to you, shoulders now touching as you both look down at the phone in front of you quietly. He’s comfortable enough to scroll on the website on his own, even with the newness of your friendship. 
As you move to fully stand straight up next to him, the brush of the side of your upper arm against his sends a sort of static through your body. You shrug your arm, moving a few inches away from the man next to you.
“Do you know what you want? I can call and place the order.” You suggest, gesturing towards your phone. He pushes the phone over to you, telling you what he wants before saying he’ll venmo you for his part. 
A little while later, once you’ve driven to downtown Denver and back, you have ramen in front of you as the two of you sit out on the back deck trying to enjoy the last of the warm weather.
The two of you sit across from one another eating in the quiet when JT walks out. “You guys got food and didn’t ask me if I wanted any? I’m hurt.”
Your eyes gaze between him and to Tyson, before Tyson speaks up, “Not my problem you weren’t around when we ordered it.” 
You chuckle lightly at the interaction in front of you as JT rolls his eyes looking for a response. Instead of verbally responding, he walks over to take a seat next to his roommate, giving him a shove as he passes by him.
“So, y/n, have you found your soulmate yet?”
“Bro, what is with you and your need to ask every single person you know that?” Tyson groans, dropping his fork into his bowl.
“What, it’s fascinating!” He exclaims, leaning back into his seat.
“Yeah, because you basically already know who yours is.”
“You already have a soulmate?” You ask, swallowing the bit of noodles in your mouth.
“Technically, no,” He starts, dragging out the ‘no’. “But I’m convinced I know who it actually is.”
“He met this girl over the summer and felt some ‘connection’ to her or whatever.” Tyson says, doing finger quotations around connection. 
“Shut up,” JT groans. “I swear the world stopped when we made eye contact and then we talked and I was just blown away.”
You look at him as he talks, but you notice Tyson next to him, mouthing the words JT is speaking. You giggle a little, causing Tyson to smile.
“I think that’s great, you’ll have to keep me updated on it all.” You say with a smile on your face. Tyson and JT continue to bicker like the best friends you're starting to see they are, as you sit and continue eating your ramen. The way Tyson easily chirps him and laughs makes your stomach do tiny little flips. 
January 2018 - Pepsi Center, Denver, CO 
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best friend ever?” Caitlyn exclaims with glee.
You laugh loudly, holding open the door to the Pepsi Center for your friend to walk through. “You mean have you ever told me that you love that I’m friends with NHL players so I can get good tickets? Once or twice.”
The Winnipeg Jets were in town, meaning Tucker would be playing Tyson for the first time at the NHL level. Tucker had let you know a few weeks ago that he would be in town briefly to play the Avs, and what he didn’t know was that Tyson had also told you the other day about the game. Tucker offered to get you and a friend tickets to the game, which you happily took.
Now, the both of you are walking around on the concourse level, looking for a good place to stop and get drinks before puck drop.
Caitlyn turns to you after you both get your drinks, “Does Tucker know that you’re talking to Tyson?”
“No, I’d thought I’d let him figure it out on his own. I mean, he was one of the guys that always pushed us two to get to know each other so I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing yet.” You shrug.
“Didn’t you say we’re all getting brunch tomorrow though? Won’t he know then?”
“He knows, yeah, but he doesn’t know that I know Tyson will be there. Just a little payback for all the pranks he pulled back in college.”
You guys finally locate your seats in the lower bowl, drifting your conversation to the game itself. You knew Caitlyn was a big hockey fan, her being from Michigan and all, so you were happy you finally got to see her in her element.
The Avs scoot by with an overtime win, not seeing too much action from either Tyson or Tucker on the official score sheet. As you guys exit the arena, you shoot a text to both Tyson and Tucker individually, letting them know they played good games.
The next morning both you and Caitlyn are running a little behind getting to brunch, catching an odd amount of Denver traffic on the way to the chosen restaurant.
Walking through the glass doors of the restaurant, you wipe your snow covered feet off on the mat before looking up trying to either spot the mop of curls atop Tyson’s head or Tucker’s broad shoulders.
You catch Tyson’s eyes before Tucker spots you, giving him a small wave and smile before you and Caitlyn make your way over to their table. Tyson stands to give you a hug before Tucker can and when you pull away, you see a look of confusion on Tucker’s face. You move to give him a tight hug, letting him know how much you’ve missed having him around.
Once Caitlyn introduces herself to Tucker, the two of you take your seats across from them in the booth.
“I feel like the two of you are all grown up! My two not-so-little NHLers,” You squeal jokingly. Tyson laughs with a slight blush at this, while Tucker, who’s across from you, rolls his eyes.
“No no no, we’re not doing that.” Tucker laughs. “You can see how we’re doing with one google search. How’re you? How’s work?” 
“Very good!” You exclaim, “Caitlyn and I have this really innovative project coming up that we’re super excited for.”
“The one with Finish Line?” Tyson jumps in, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah that one!” Caitlyn answers. You can tell she’s about to explain it further with the way she leans forward over the table.
Tucker cuts her off before she can continue to explain it, “What the fuck? How did you know that?” 
“She was telling me the other day about it when I was at her place.” Tyson answers quickly.
“You were at her place?” Tucker asks, growing even more confused.
“Yeah, he was helping me with my new desk. Caitlyn was out of town so she couldn’t help.” You answer without hesitation.
“Oh! You got it set up?” Caitlyn asks the two of you. “You’ll have to send me a picture when you get home.” The way Caitlyn jumps into the conversation doesn’t help Tucker’s confusion one bit as he stares at the three of you blankly,
“So you’re telling me the two of you, like, hang out?” Tucker asks, pointing between the two of you. 
“Mhhm,” you hum with a tight-lipped smile. “Not too often, though.” Before Tucker can muster up a response the waitress appears to take your breakfast orders.
“We’ve only really hung out a few times since we reconnected a few months ago,” You continue once the waitress walks away. “Like, maybe two or three times?” You look at Tyson for confirmation to which he nods his head with a quick ‘yep’.
“So, you actually ended up texting him?” Tucker asks you.
“Uh, yeah? Why wouldn’t I have?”
“You literally avoided him all of spring semester.” Tucker states. Realization of what he’s talking about hits you and you sink back into the cushioned booth, your stomach tightening up with nerves.
Tyson, who looked like he was just checking something on his phone, whips his head up to look at his old teammate next to him.
“I did not,” You stutter, eyes shooting daggers at the Jets player across from you. “He drove me home from the bar once and then I didn’t see him again until a few months ago.”
“And you guys hooked up and then we never saw you in the same room again.” He says casually, reaching for his glass of water and bringing it to his lips. You choke on your coffee at his remark, going into a fit of coughing once you set your mug back down in front of you.
“Dude,” Tyson warns roughly and slaps at Tucker’s chest.
“What? No one knew where the two of you went and you wouldn’t really say anything about it when we all asked!”
“You told everyone we hooked up?” You ask, staring blankly at Tyson in disbelief.
“I literally told the whole team that some asshole spilled his drink on her and drove her home and then ended up going home right after instead of back to the bar.” Tyson says through gritted teeth. His stern gaze turns from Tucker towards your face, eyes turning soft when he sees your mouth slightly agape.
“I swear I never said anything happened between the two of us.” He promises to you, eyes locked on yours. Your eyes stay focused on him for a while longer. The breath you didn’t mean to hold in is let out a huff of air once you see the sincerity behind his eyes.
“Tucker, that was literally just a coincidence that we never saw each other, and besides, Tyson told me he left school to come down to Denver right after the banquet.” You say, turning your attention back to him.
“Okay, sorry about the assumption.” Tucker apologizes, moreso to you than to Tyson. A smirk plays at his lips and you know exactly where he’s taking this conversation. Before you’re able to derail him and switch the topic to anything else he opens his mouth once again. “Everyone knew you guys were attracted to one another so it wasn’t a stretch to think.”
Your previous embarrassment comes back full force with your cheeks heating up. You pick up your coffee mug once again taking a sip, this time to hopefully hide the pink tint on the apples of your cheeks. You take notice at how Tyson doesn’t move to discount Tucker’s comment this time and especially notice the tips of his ears turning pink.
It’s almost like you’re saved by the bell as the waitress walks up the table, arms full of your food. The rest of your brunch is spent catching up and telling Caitlyn all about what it was like at UND, while she shared stories about herself as well as her soulmate.
All throughout brunch, you couldn’t shake the feeling of the pull you felt towards the man that was sitting kitty-corner to you. Even as you and Caitlyn parted ways from the guys once you left, you swore you felt a part of yourself walk away with them. It may have been a feeling you couldn’t shake, but you still chose to ignore it as the two of you walked back to the parking garage Caitlyn’s car was located.
tag list: @REAVENEDGES-LIES (if you want to be added just let me know)
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obutsuwrites · 4 years
confectionery kisses (fat gum x reader)
summary: “I know you’re enjoyin’ me, but -- uh -- can I kiss ya?” The alcohol hit him fully now; the hero too enumerated to be bashful. Steamie looked up and was greeted by lemon color eyes that held utter kindness. xxx lord forgive me bc this is so wholesome it killed me!!! but basically, bakery!au ft. meet-cute w/ drunken kissing shenanigans~! (well it's 1 kiss ok but it is what it is) 
author note: i’m considering a part 2 that picks up where this leaves off, but w smut. if that’s sumthin anyone would b interested in, pls lmk~!
reader is nonbinary/afab!
word count: 2,130
my ao3 for more shitposts~!
my ko-fi~!
my inbox is open 4 requests :3c
Focused, flour caked hands kneaded the dough before them. The young baker too engrossed by the magic of dough to notice a soft chime sound through the shop. Customers weren’t uncommon for them. Steamie’s Bakery was a word-of-mouth local treasure. A bewitching pastry shop that had the best donuts, honest. Steamie -- as they prefer -- adored their neighbors praises. Steady streams of patrons in a ‘hot spot’ for criminal activity wasn’t exactly the best business decision. However, this run-down homestyle bakery -- and it’s holes -- were theirs. 
Steamie hummed as they worked. Their mind was stuck within sugary confectionery. 
“Hey… y’all open?” This man’s voice was gruff and carefree. A smile wrapped in his syllables. 
Fat Gum stood within the tiny bakery. His form dwarfed the modest space; the edge of his hood scrapped against the ceiling as he waited for a response. The BMI Hero was surprised his lumbering footsteps hadn’t alerted the owner. Was it possible he had misread the sign? Work had drained him recently. Fat Gum had practically dragged himself to Steamie’s Bakery. Locals babbled constantly about the place, and he desired a quiet bite after hours. The quant business was one of the only eateries open at such an hour. 
The abrupt sound whipped the enamored baker from their task. Warm eyes glanced up, irises bright and alive despite the time. “Hi. Yes! Yes, we are. I’m Steamie.” Their eyes met the giant man who stood awkwardly in front of a display. He looked so out of place, the man’s body bulbous and impossibly large. Steamie guessed by the man’s rather campy mask that he was an off-duty hero. A species of hero not seen often around their street. The area deemed too dangerous for such leisurely activity. 
Truth be told, Steamie didn’t care about heroes. Or villains. The tall baker instead hyper focused upon baking. A hobby that morphed into a job. However, a small voice inside Steamie wanted to impress the man. He seemed so friendly and looked so… cuddly. Like a sentient teddy bear. A man composed of pillows and kindness. 
Fat Gum furrowed his brows. The BMI Hero seemed to be in deep thought over exactly which eclair to buy. He had never seen so many flavors before. Strawberry, blueberry, cherry, watermelon. Every flavor sounded as delicious as the last. Pink tongue darted out between his lips and teeth. A sugar overload was tempting. Simple black coffee wouldn’t cure this sluggy fog. Besides, he had burned away precious fat today. It was a treat. 
“Steamie? Does your quirk help with your work?” Fat Gum asked, as he scanned the pastries. He noticed their designs now. Soft and lacy intricate artwork that intertwined on each eclair; each pattern unique and perfectly executed. Every baked good was a labor of love. 
A snort escaped Steamie; the sound high pitched and hearty. 
“I wish. No, I just emit a puff of steam. I’m basically a glorified dehumidifier.” Steamie brushed flour decorated hands against their apron. The young baker was keen to serve the hero. Hero culture wasn’t an interest of theirs, but the physical embodiment of a pillow was too enticing for the baker. They wondered what exactly their job was. ‘Due to his size… maybe rescue?’
It was now Fat Gum’s turn to laugh. Rumbly and soft. “I don’t do rescue. Say, uh, how much are these eclairs?” 
Rambling out loud was habitual for them. Their thoughts grew legs of their own and walked out into tangible space. They were immune to the embarrassment of it, instead accepting their odd trait.
Steamie slapped a dusty hand to their forehead. “I don’t have price tags..?” The sentence was in limbo between a question and an answer. They had rearranged the shop recently. Changing pastry stock required innovation. The elclairs before Fat Gum had been a stroke of late night genius. Birthed from the desire for a gooey center and intricate lace. A happy medium for the proud baker. 
The baker quickly stepped behind the counter, dust flew from their hands. Diligent hands eventually found a leftover tag and wrote down a price. Patrons caused Steamie to envelope themselves into baking. Most days, flour and powdered sugar felt impossible to wash off. Almost like a second skin; signs of their success. 
Steamie beckoned Fat Gum to the counter. The BMI Hero obliged; pep in his gait. 
“Here. Don’t go thinking you’re getting a discount!” Steamie’s laugh echoed in the bakery as they handed the hero price tags. Fat Gum could swear the baker’s body vibrated from the sound. “I’ve been busy lately. Cakes and pies don’t sell themselves.” 
The hero’s smile grew like marigolds; fast and vibrant. Steamie didn’t mind looking at this hero. His posture was proud, but hid something. A mystery Steamie couldn’t quite figure out. ‘Kinda interesting…’
“What’s  interesting?” Fat Gum asked, the giant of a man still enamored by pastries. 
“You know my quirk; what’s yours? It’s probably super interesting.” 
The hero’s face contorted into a mix of confusion and admiration. ‘Does she not know who I am?’ “My quirk is fat absorption. I don’t usually look like this!” A laugh erupted from the man. His notoriety meant everyone knew of his quirk. The banter was refreshing. Fat Gum enjoyed the naivety of the baker. 
Their conversation died down as Fat Gum perused baked goods. Steamie wandered back to their original post. They almost forgot the hero was in the shop. Heavy footsteps dissolved any fantasy of peace and quiet. Little moments of serenity were scarce, but nightfall brought the quiet Steamie craved. A meager smile etched into the corners of the baker’s mouth. They hummed as they worked; now fully absorbed in kneading dough. 
“Hey,” the hero’s gruff voice broke the silence between them, “hope it’s not too much trouble, but I’m ready to be rung up!” His words carried an airiness to them; like cotton candy. Steamie wondered if this was a natural state for Fat Gum. 
Steamie nodded, again wiping their hands on their apron. Dusty fingers worked at the register and completed the transaction between the two. 
Fat Gum stopped short of the door and turned to the baker still stationed at the counter. “What’s your name?” He asked with childish curiosity, as if Steamie’s name was a mystery. 
“Like I said, I’m Steamie,” they replied, eyeing the hero. It wasn’t uncommon for locals to ask what their real name was, but as far as Steamie cared, Steamie was their name. An abstract, genderless name that suited them. 
Fat Gum laughed, a hearty sound that echoed through the empty bakery. Steamie swore display cases shook. Almost reminiscent of thunder. “No, uh, your… Your real name, unless you prefer Steamie. It’s cute.” A tint of red dotted his cheeks, unable to hide the embarrassment that painted his face. He didn’t intend to tell the baker; the compliment had slipped past him. 
“Steamie is who I am. Is Fat Gum not who you are?” They chose to ignore the comment, it was muttered anyway, as if the hero was embarrassed. It was polite to not intimate customers. 
“Toyomitsu,” the hero said and pointed to his chest; a smile stretched across his face. 
“It was nice to meet you, Toyomitsu.”
Fat Gum -- or Toyomitsu as he preferred -- was absent from the shop, until several weeks after their first meeting. 
It was closing time and Steamie was locking up. Despite their dingy location, the baker only carried two keys; one to lock up and the other to unlock their apartment. There were better things to steal than confectionery. 
“Long time no see, huh, Steamie?” 
The thunderous voice obviously belonged to Toyomitsu; unique and hearty. 
The baker flinched at the sudden noise and swiftly turned to the BMI Hero. His face was no longer taunt and long, but instead, squishy and soft. Chubby cheeks that were made for pinching and a soft, bulbous belly. The man before them sounded like Toyomitsu, but his hefty frame was the opposite of the hero Steamie met. 
“You’re… Toyomitsu, right?” Remembering names wasn’t one of Steamie’s strong suits. 
A light blush crept across Toyomitsu’s face, ending at the tips of his ears. “That’s me! Kinda surprised you remembered, it’s been awhile.” 
Steamie nodded and finished to lock the door, pocketing their key. 
“I was wondering,” Toyomitsu began, “if you wanted to get a bite. It’d be my treat!” The hero’s tone was excited, like a child asking for a sweet. ‘He’s so enduring like this… reminds me of a teddy bear.’ Steamie’s lips curled into a petite smile. A secret between friends. 
In truth, Toyomitsu wanted more than a dinner date, but any meaningful relationship is built on friendship. At least that’s the advice he offered to Red Riot. The pro hero wanted to kiss the baker and pinch their cheeks; all while cooing at them. 
“No thanks, I’m exhausted from today,” Steamie replied. They saw Toyomitsu’s wide grin falter and felt a pang in their chest. ‘His face is just too cute!’ “Actually, I don’t live far from here, and I have some left-over pastries. They don’t sell like my eclairs.” Anything Steamie baked was delicious, Toyomitsu decided. 
“Sure!” He eagerly replied. A grin encompassed his face as the couple walked towards the baker’s apartment. 
The BMI hero sat across Steamie as the baker dove into another work related story. He adored the spark in their eyes, like tiny sprinkles decorating a vibrant treat. A treat he wanted to admire and cherish. Watching Steamie become animated while they talked caused Toyomitsu’s heart to quiver against his ribcage. 
Steamie -- to their credit -- truly opened up after several cups of wine; slurring and excited. Their thoughts were no longer accidental blurbs, but drunken fragments. 
“...an’ that’s why I don’ keep sugar an’ flour!” 
Toyomitsu nodded, tufts of blond feathered around his forehead. 
“Wanna touch your cheeks, can I?” The baker asked, their voice small and childlike. This was the first sentence that wasn’t a slurred mess, and yet, Toyomitsu still felt heat bloom in his cheeks. 
Gently, Toyomitsu brought their small hand -- that his own dwarfed -- against his cheek. The baker’s touch was warm, like fresh baked bread. Without realizing, the hero nuzzled into Steamie’s palm. 
‘So soft…’
“Yeah, you are.” The alcohol had made Toyomitsu brave, lion hearted and flustered. 
Pink sprinkled across Steamie’s face as they withdrew their hand and buried their face within their palms. “Sorry,” the baker slurred, “you… You look so ‘oft.” 
Toyomitsu chuckled at the mumbled apology. “S’ok, you’re cute.” 
Steamie let out a soft gasp, “Cute? Dunno ‘bout that! But I think your cheeks…” They weren’t accustomed to compliments, especially compliments from a teddy bear. ‘Wanna bury myself in his chest.’
“You can.” 
Steamie’s face was uncovered and ever red, the baker unable to justify hiding the inferno that burned into their cheeks. 
The baker devolved into a red and squealing mess; unable to form coherent sentences, like little pieces of creamy confectionery. The pro hero wondered what their plush lips felt like pressed up against his… They looked so small, so delicate. A treasure he wanted to covet. The hero’s large, calloused finger reached up and quickly swiped across the supple flesh. ‘Like a flower petal,’ Toyomitsu thought. 
The baker drifted into Toyomitsu’s lap; scorching and far too big for their frame. “Ya smell ‘ice,” Steamie mumbled and buried their face into the gigantic man’s chest. Fluffy and cozy, like a pillow. “Like a pillow!” Steamie couldn’t help the outburst. Toyomitsu wasn’t a man, but a plushie they wanted to bury themselves in. He was velvety and felt like home. The baker inhaled his scent, trying to memorize the floral notes of his laundry soap. Vanilla and honeysuckle. 
Toyomitsu petted their hair, running his fingers through long strands. Even their hair was soft. Steamie was a squishy marshmallow he wanted to keep. He wrapped an arm around their small body, hyper aware of their delicate structure. Warm hands began to rub Steamie’s back as they nuzzled against Toyomitsu’s sweatshirt. ‘Feels like a hug.’
“I know you’re enjoyin’ me, but -- uh -- can I kiss ya?” The alcohol hit him fully now; the hero too enumerated to be bashful. Steamie looked up and was greeted by lemon color eyes that held utter kindness. 
Their tongue refused to cooperate, the baker only able to produce a curt nod. Their face was a blazing wildfire, a vibrant array of pinks and rogues. 
Slowly, Toyomitsu pressed his chapped lips against the baker’s mouth. The kiss was slow and sloppy, neither party capable of coordinated motion. Toyomitsu brushed his tongue along their lips and tasted sugar. His mind was clouded with lewd thoughts of the baker as he finally broke the kiss; greedy lungs heaving -- desperate for air. 
“Ya taste good, wonder what this tastes like,” the pro hero pondered. His hand gently palming between their thighs.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew; part 13
Summary: Truth or consequence time. Rus promised Blue a story and that's exactly what he gets.
Tags: heatfic, dubious consent, NSFW, frenemies to lovers, mates, first time, more if I think of them
PLEASE READ THE TAGS: This is a Heat story, so there are going to be issues of consent. I don’t do partner rape, nope, but hey, I want to be straight with y’all. I like heatfics personally, but I understand how they can be troubling for some people. So there it is.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Read Chapter 13 on AO3
Read it here!
Blue sat in silence while Rus told him everything. He started from the top with the first text from Red asking him to check on his sick brother. About how that little recon mission ended up with him pinned to a wall with a fresh bitemark on his collarbone and how that took him down the candyland path to visit with Undyne for a little research and a fresh batch of bad news. From there it was pretty much a direct route to a bunch of choices that were each worse than the last.
Rus didn't hold anything back. The only details he skimmed over was the actual heat, he figured his little brother could do without the HD recreation of him getting railed by a heat-crazed Edge and then turning around to do a little railing of his own.
Strange how this was probably the most honest he’d ever been with his brother. Not that he spent a lot of time communing with his inner Pinocchio, but Rus could reluctantly admit a tendency of glossing over the specifics of some situations. This time, Rus gave Blue the full, uncut dose and it felt kinda good to get it all out there.
He talked until he was hoarse and talked a little more; about the heats and the aftermath, and how it felt to get someone else’s undiluted emotions shoved right into your soul, specifically when they accidentally let you know about…about the way they thought they felt. Yeah.
Blue didn't say a word. He sat with Rus’s head settled into his lap, absently stroking his skull and listening silently as Rus rambled on as the stars of his eye lights fading to circles, then pinpricks. He only moved once, reaching with two cautious fingers to push down the neckline of Rus’s sweatshirt to peer at the healing scar on his collarbone.
He stayed mute until Rus was finished.
“so yeah,” Rus sighed. “that’s about it.” The whole fucked-up series of events laid out there for Blue to absorb in one long-winded rush.
Blue turned away and Rus’s soul lurched painfully. Was he…was he disgusted? It wasn’t a great situation all the way around, but he thought he’d at least made the right choice in not letting Edge possibly, you know, die. “bro?”
Blue gave him a gentle push out of his lap and Rus eased upward, shifting to sit cross-legged on the sofa. An ache settling in his chest as Blue stood and walked a few steps, only to hesitate in the middle of their living room, theirs, where they’d lived together ever since they came to Snowdin, him fresh from quitting the lab and worried about how he would take care of his little brother. The same brother who stood there now, surrounded by their familiar furniture and décor, the walls painted a soft blue and the striped rug under his feet. Blue’s head dropped as he hunched into himself, his shoulders rounding as a quiver ran through him.
Rus swallowed hard against the sudden dryness in his mouth, whispering out, “sans?”
“I’ll kill him!” That snarl caught Rus off-guard and he stared in disbelief as his sweet, gentle brother whirled around, his gloved hands clenched into fists. No happy, starry eye lights now, his brother’s gaze was a strobing flare of blue and yellow, radiating fury.
“blue!” Okay then, looked like even if Rus was unwilling to hurt someone who wore his brother’s face, Blue didn’t have the same compunction. “come on, bro, that’s not gonna help! it’ll make it worse, even. red and i had a chat, we’re…well, we’re not good, but we’re okay, i think.” And when Blue only stood there, radiating hot anger, Rus tried, “think of edge! he’d probably be a little grumpy at any family reunions if you dusted his bro!”
Nothing like a little good bad humor to cut the tension. Blue grimaced and when he opened his sockets again, his eye lights were a little more normal. Mostly. “That is true. But a stern talking to hardly seems sufficient for this, brother! He changed the course of your entire life! Both your lives!”
“don’t i know it. look, if i come up with something better, i’ll let you know, ok?”
Blue nodded reluctantly, then with halting gentleness, he asked, “Are you all right?”
Rus could only offer an awkward shrug. “kinda think the point of this whole talk is that i’m not all right.”
“No, I mean, did…did Edge…” Blue hesitated, then stood up straighter and blurted out. “Did he hurt you? When you were--” he faltered and the hand gesture he made was one Rus could have happily lived his entire life without seeing from his little brother.
“no!” Rus strangled out. He cleared his throat and tried again. “no, he didn’t hurt me.” That first morning after wasn’t his fondest memory, but his recollection was pretty clear. After a brief stint of assholery, Edge went the opposite route. Lingering heat, maybe, or that damned bond settling in, but what he’d mostly been was kind…and horny. Rus let out a short laugh, “would you believe he asked me the same thing?”
“Yes,” Blue said instantly. No surprise there, Blue always did try to see the best in everyone and as frustrating as that could be sometimes, it was also one of the things Rus loved the most about him.
“of course you would,” Rus chuckled reluctantly. He sighed and slumped on the sofa, letting his head fall back on the cushions. “no, it was fine, he didn’t hurt me. it was good. i guess evolutionary bullshit doesn’t mess around, likes to keep things running smoothly. then again it was still pretty good the next morning after the heat part was over and—" He realized Blue was looking at him with both browbones climbing up his forehead and uh, yeah, probably didn’t want the details. Rus scrubbed a hand over his face and coughed out, “anyway. yeah, it was fine.”
“Mmhmm,” Blue said, and what the hell did that tone mean? Briskly, Blue went on. “Well, what’s done is done, if not forgotten, so what you need is to look forward.”
“not exactly my forte.”
“No, you’ve always been more of a here and now sort of person, haven’t you,” Blue agreed and now there was nothing in his voice but fondness tinged with exasperation. “But that’s all right because I am an excellent future strategist and I will help you!” Blue walked back to the sofa and sat down, taking one of Rus’s hands in both of his as he leaned in. “Now, brother, have you actually read this heat manual you mentioned?”
“uh…” Rus hedged, “edge said he'd get me a copy.”
“Papy!” That exasperation took over. “This is like the time you tried to put together that bookcase and said you didn't need the directions!"
“think there may be a couple of differences, bro. for one, my life didn’t hinge on making sure those shelves were level.”
It was with indescribable horror that Rus listened as his brother scoffed, “Nonsense, it’s all about inserting tab a into slot b! Honestly, how do you think can you manage without instructions?”
“bro, please,” Rus pleaded, “are you trying to get me to scrub my skull out with bleach?”
Blue ignored that, his rounded face screwed up in thought. “All right, if we don’t have the manual, we’ll need to think about this practically and set emotions aside. You two have a soul bond together, correct?”
“And neither of you have a choice in this, right?”
“no.” Rus’d been made abundantly clear on that, front and center over at Muffet’s.
“And you will both have to keep doing this heat cycle every couple of months, correct?"
“based on my own observations? yeah.” Rus only realized how tightly he was gripping his brother’s hands when Blue winced a little, gently loosening his hold and patting his fingers soothingly.
“And because of all this, you aren't able to…enjoy…being with anyone else." Faint blue rose in his cheek bones, but Blue didn't hesitate. “Of course, you haven’t really done that in some time, anyway.”
“yeah, i guess not.” That…was true. He’d dropped off with the bedshares a while ago and probably the only reason he’d wanted to at Muffet’s was the heat starting to burn through him and damn, that was gonna make getting a drink awkward for a little while, wasn’t it.
Blue nodded thoughtfully, “So if all that is true, then why not make the most of it?”
“what?” Rus blinked at his brother, “what do you mean?”
“You said it was good with Edge, didn’t you?” The shining enthusiasm in Blue’s eye lights was a stark contrast to sheer horror of what he was saying, “Make the most of it, who says you have to wait to go into heat again? If you can’t be with anyone else, be with him. It’ll be like training! You can work on your soul bond and your sex at the same time! You’re supposed to be mates, surely that means something, and maybe you’ll have a little fun as well!”
“blue!” Rus almost squeaked with indignation.
“I’m not blind, you know. He doesn’t really look much like you,” Blue mused. “I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating triscuits.”
“oh, thanks for that. i can’t…why would i even want to…” Blue raised a brow bone at him and Rus felt a blush flame over his face. Okay, time to change tactics. “sex isn’t the problem, bro.”
“No, it’s really not, is it,” Blue said softly. His gloved thumb moved gently over the back of Rus’s hand and the soft sympathy in his eye lights was close to unbearable. “Do you really think he loves you?”
“i…” Rus trailed off, looked down at the floor. At their carpet, the deeper blue stripes running alongside the black ones and he could trace every one to the wall and back, he could count them, number them or name them, but he couldn’t get away from that question. Couldn’t forget the way that brief tenderness felt nestled against his own soul, emotions that weren’t his but still so painfully real. “i think…i think he thinks he does. and so what if he does? you think sleeping with him even more is the answer? seriously, bro, what kind of asshole do you think i am that i could just fuck around with him, having a good time while he…feels like that and i don’t?”
“I’m sure I don’t know,” Blue said with some asperity, “but can it be worse than him sitting at home alone thinking his bondmate hates him? You don’t, do you?”
That made Rus wince. Yeah, he hadn’t exactly left Edge in the kindest way, had he. In fact, he’d been pretty shitty, ditching him right on the heels of his post-heat breakfast, right when he’d been about to give Edge a little dessert of his own. That, at least, Rus was good at. Shove aside all the heat bullshit and soulbonds and…and the rest, sex was something Rus could handle, literally. Still, could he really— “no, i don’t hate him.”
Blue gave Rus a scrutinizing look. “Do you think he'd turn you away?"
And that was the thing, wasn't it? Because he didn't. Edge seemed to have accepted all this with remarkable aplomb while Rus was the one clutching at his pearls. Then again, Edge got to deal with how he felt all the damn time, wasn’t Rus’s fault if he overreacted just a tad the first time he got an inkling.
"no," Rus said slowly. "i don't think he would." Edge had been pretty into it this morning before he slipped up with his shielding.
"So why not look at the silver lining?" Blue said cheerfully. “He loves you, you love sex, you’re both stuck in this together. You’ll never learn to properly control all of this if you don’t work on it together, so what do you have to lose by giving it a try? Perhaps you can come to some sort of understanding.”
“an understanding! fuck, i don’t understand any of this, bro!” Rus groaned. He flopped back on the sofa, flinging an arm over his eye sockets. “you really think it’s fair for me to get off while rubbing edge’s face into his feels?”
“What I think is that none of this is fair. You can only do your best.” Rus lifted his arm enough to peer out under and found Blue studying him, his expression unreadable, “Are you afraid, brother?”
“afraid?” That got him to sit up right quick, and maybe Rus didn’t live in murder world, but he knew how to do some damage if needs be, he wasn’t afraid of shit. “afraid of what?”
“You tell me,” Blue countered, “You said you felt Edge’s emotions, but Edge hasn't really tried to influence you at all, has he? From what you told me, he hasn’t forced the issue in any of this, not about the bond or the heat.”
“no,” Rus admitted, warily, “all he said was that this isn't what he wanted.”
“Of course he doesn’t, I certainly wouldn't want to force the person I care for into any sort of relationship with me. So what you need to do is choose a relationship and decide what you both can accept from it.” Blue held up a silencing hand when Rus tried to protest, “At some point, you can only make the most of the cards you’ve been dealt. If all you have is a pair of deuces, well—" Blue shrugged.
“i knew letting alphys teach you poker was a bad idea.”
“Brother,” Blue sighed out, “Truthfully, I can give you a bucket of advice to carry around, but I’m afraid the only real solution to this problem is one that you’ll like least,” Blue shook a finger at him. “You’re going to have to talk to Edge. Ask him what he wants.”
Yeah, sure. Ask his unwanted bondmate if he wanted to, what? Practice for their heats, train for them, work out the kinks in their soul bond, and oh, yeah, by the way, what did he want to do with all those pesky emotions of his, yeah, that’d be swell.
But it wasn’t like he had a better idea, now was it.
“okay,” Rus sighed. “guess it’s a plan.”
“That’s the spirit!” Blue said cheerily. “I’m sure all of this will work out, brother, you’ll see!”
More like it was going to end like Napstaton last cooking special, in a fiery blaze.
But first—
“think i’ll take a nap before i go over,” Rus yawned exaggeratedly, “get my strength up.”
It was an old joke, hell, once Blue scolded him that with all his naps, he should rival Superman for strength by now.
But this time, for the first time ever, Blue nodded. “I think a nap would do you some good.” His bro stood and pulled the worn blanket off the back of the sofa to drape over him, and when he leaned in to press a light kiss to Rus’s brow bone, murmuring, “Sleep well, brother,” unwelcome tears stung Rus’s sockets.
Rus buried them stubbornly into the blanket, snuggling into the folds. A nap, yeah, something to help deal with the ache that still lingered deep in his bones from a long night of heat fucking. He could deal with the aches that might be anywhere else later.
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combat-wombatus · 3 years
uHm if you do these and if you want to do it I’d love a bnha matchup <3?
• my name is Aubri, I’m bi but prefer MHA boys tbh. I go by she/her, too.
• I’m a very Gryffindor person. (Sorry if you don’t know Harry Potter - 😖)
• I’m a June cancer, and I have ADHD and anxiety. My anxiety can be literally crippling somedays, but it’s gotten better overtime.
• I’m a bit of a class clown and usually just a clown 🤡 but that’s irrelevant. My teachers all hate me but like school-wise I do well so we have a love and mostly hate relationship 🤧
• I’m usually the ‘entertaining’ friend, in elementary the popular kids would invite me to play games with them because, “you’re funny” and it was like the biggest achievement ever 😭👍🏻 then they’d ignore me but that’s another therapy session
• I’m usually made fun of by people for being ‘weird’ and ‘insane’. Like all through elementary everyone thought I’d be a criminal when I grew up JUST BECAUSE I HAD UNDIAGNOSED ADHD - I hate it here 😐🦶🏻
• I’ve always been super into crime stories/true crime (where my anxiety comes from, I’m always worried about a pesky serial killer just killing me. It’s usually being kidnapped tho lmao) so I knew and still know like all these murder facts and sometimes I’d just randomly be like;
“Hey did you know it takes 12 hours and 2 days to dissolve a body in acid?”
“If you bury a dead deer over a dead body you buried deep in the ground, when police dogs sniff it and people dig they’ll just think it was the deer and won’t dig any farther.”
• So maybe people had a reason to be scared of me and think I’ll be a criminal someday, i dunno.
• I love love love reading and writing, and also debating. The things I’ve wanted to be when I grow up are basically: Dog shelter worker, actress, FBI agent, politician, and a writer. But usually I just want to do something that makes a positive impact on people. Like i wanted to be an FBI agent to solve crimes for people. I wanted to be a politican so I could actually help a lot of people. The entertainment industry also seemed like a way to make people happy. Idk, but then I decided I couldn’t be a politican at 10 because they were all corrupt and to be one I would have to be too. 😫🤌🏻 we love some good childhood angst
• the only subjects I’ve ever excelled at are ELA and Social Studies aka History, and Math I can’t do to save my life. ELA comes easy for me and I usually don’t have to work that hard and/or get too stressed over it. But I always get the meanest teachers for some reason. For example, one time I did my final essay for like 30% of my grade in 30 minutes the day it was due and I got an A+ 🦟🦗🦟🦗
• Uhhh id describe myself as a pretty loyal friend, I’m a ride or die type of girl. A story from my childhood that summarizes it pretty well is when I was in 2nd grade my friend wet her pants and she didn’t want to go to the nurse for it alone so I peed my pants so I could go with her and she wouldn’t have to be alone. Like, you know, a professional problem solver
• and I have genuinely attacked people for fucking with my friends but don’t snitch pls 🕳🏃‍♀️💨
• But also just anyone, people at my school tend to come to me with their problems for me to either help solve them by reasoning, or just to confront the other person like the bad bleep I am 😈😈
• I also have a huge daydreaming problem, it’s literally maladaptive daydreaming. So paired with my ADHD I don’t get shit done like ever.
• I have really high empathy levels I guess, like I always say hi to everyone I see on the street, especially if they look sad 😔 I’ve done it ever since I was a little kiddo.
• My fashion sense is very much a preppy/alt style. I wear those ripped tights and fishnets, I also have the MOST BIZARRE JEWELRY- like who allowed me to buy the gummy worm glittery earrings, hmmm???????? and those Mary Janes???????
• But I love crew necks and pleated skirts so I always obide by the National “hoes dont get cold” policy 🇺🇸😫🦅
• I wanna move somewhere someday, I don’t want to stay in America for very long
• I can speak Latin, French, and my native language which is English.
• My music taste varies, but my all-time favorite artists who all of their music they’ve ever put out has been my favorites are, Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, and Conan Gray.
• I no-joke have a sign in my front yard that says;
In ✍️ this ✍️ house we ✍️ don’t ✍️ worship Jesus ✍️ but instead ✍️ Melanie ✍️ Martinez
• My favorite shows are MHA (duh), The Promised Neverland, and Malcolm in The Middle.
• and I’m not going to tell you what I prefer in a partner, because that ruins the fun 😤
• but I will say I cannot be friends with someone who doesn’t really make me laugh. Like I’m used to doing most of the talking in convos but if you’re just boring I’m sorry it’s nothing personal but no thanks 😐✌🏻
• About my physical appearance, I have fluffy n curly brown hair, but when it’s in the sunlight it looks sort of brown but golden yk?? It’s shoulder length :) I have bleach blonde streaks in the front. I like wearing eyeliner most days, too. I’m pretty average size/ on the skinnier side. Kinda high key inscure abt my body bc I got flat shamed in elementary EVEN THOUGH I HAVE TIDDIES NOW- whatever 😤🙄. I also have crystal type blue eyes, and I do have fairly big eyes. But, like, not weirdly big. A good big. My cheekbones are ALWAYS PRESENT so sometimes I get called a Tim Burton character but it’s cool ig ☠️☠️ oh and I’m kinda short. I’m 5’3, even though my doctor said I’d be 5’7. I feel like I was either tricked by the doctor or someone just stole my destined height while I was asleep. It’s probably cause I didn’t keep an eye out for Selener 👁 😔😔
• I’m a definite night owl, like all of my energy comes at night which really sucks cuz I can’t do much since everyone else is asleep.
• My love language is touch starved so I’ve never figured it out ✌🏻😗🔫
• but I am an attention whore so idk 😏
• I’m a huge introvert with social anxiety. It isn’t as bad as it used to be cuz I used to not be able to like go to restaurants but now I’m much better.
• I’m a huge history person, mostly like sad history LMFAO. Uh but a lot of my hyperfixations have been on history. Some examples are The Roman Empire, Julius Caesar himself, Anne Frank, The Titanic, the Black Plauge, Helen Keller, Marie Curie, Slavery in the US, Joan of Arc, and just a lot more. I always love talking about these things if someone would let me ramble to them but no one ever does 😖 it also got to a point where for all these subjects I’d go to the library and try to find a book on them but usually I’d either have already read it or I’d read it and know all the information.
• I’m super into Greek Mythology, I have 7 books filled with the stories, I’m going to Greece maybe this summer to see it’s history, and named my hamster Aphrodite but we call her Aphie. I also will talk about this forever and ever if you let me.
• My favorite color is yellow, my favorite food is literally nothing I never have an appetite, my favorite planet is Saturn, favorite song is Tag Your It by Melanie Martinez atm but it changes like everyday.
• Music is a huge safe-space for me if I’m feeling down or having a panic attack. It calms me down n is overall my coping mechanism 💃🏻💃🏻
• Biggest fear is spiders, even looking at one gives me a panic attack and I cannot sleep at all for that night, adding to my insomniac ass 🧎🏻‍♂️🏌️‍♀️
• I’m mature for my age, I don’t exactly like hanging around kids my age and I get along better with older crowds.
• i don’t like conventional dates, (I PROMISE IM NOT TRYING TO SOUND ‘QUIRKY’ AHAHA) I kind of like having a best-friend type partner more so dates that aren’t as romantic as like the movies or a fancy restaurant suite me better. My dream date is playing Monopoly on my bedroom floor 🦧
• Also I hate getting gifts. End of story. If someone gets me a gift like awe that’s nice but never again, I’d prefer to get you one. Especially in a romantic partner 😐 i keep a journal of my friends’ interests and hobbies so I can get them the perfect gifts for their bdays and Christmas’s. Been doing this ever since 4th grade.
• Though I don’t have much actual experience with relationships🧍🏻‍♀️
• I’m a huge believer in ‘family isn’t blood, it’s who you make it’ because I have a pretty shitty family life and my childhood has been trash. My friends are my family to me.
• Also if my friends don’t like my romantic partner ✨ GOODBYE ✨. Sorry girlie, bros before hoes 🦨💨
I was going to put more but I’m so so sorry for how LONG AND COMPLICATED THIS IS- idk if this is a autobiography or a matchup at this point 🤦‍♀️ don’t feel pressured to do this and if matchups aren’t open IM SO SO SORRY LMAO uh yeah ilysm 🦎🎂🧃
🥺 i’m so sorry bby but matchups are closed ;-; my 100 follower event was over while ago (i guess i should’ve specified that in the asks i answered LKSAJHFLKJAHDS SORRY IT’S MY BAD) but you sound so cool?? i had a lot of the same hyperfixations interests (heLLO helen keller was badass AF and the roman empire was messed up but still v cool, anne frank was awesome too) i also may or may not have wanted to be a politician when i was younger alskdjfhalkdhj but now i’m just 🧍🏻‍♀️ lost and anyways you’re amazing >.< love u lots and don’t forget to drink water and eat a lil something hehe :p 
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okimargarvez · 4 years
Original title: Reverse.
Prompt: Penelope is the new girl on the BAU team and Luke tries to treat her cold.
Warning: A.U., possible OOC.
Genre: drama, romantic, family, friendship.
Characters: Luke Alvez, Penelope Garcia, BAU team, Derek Morgan, O.C. Sam Cooper’ team, Roxy.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot 62 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💑😘👓🔦🐶❗🎲🎈👻🎬🎵.
Song mentioned: Amici per errore, Tiziano Ferro.
Reverse- Masterlist
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20 # Choose the wrong way then find your smell in all places
She didn't do it on purpose. She had no idea when she set foot in that shop. She had frequented this place for years. She was one of their best customers. This is the series of excuses that she says to herself, while her feet lead her to the bullpen, in a certainly not random point. She watches him as he prepares to leave. He is too concentrated to notice her presence. -Hello.- she greets him.
Luke automatically returns her, without taking his eyes off the bag in front of him. -Hello.- when he raises them, however, he understands who is there. Only his extreme control of the body prevents him from reacting in a more obvious and striking way. All he does outside is to slightly narrow his mouth. -Uh, Garcia, it's you.- he pretends to be indifferent. -Do you need anything?- in reality, he is describing each of her features as usual. The salmon-colored dress with a square neckline, the huge yellow flower that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest, the white jacket with black polka dots, the hair curled only on the tips, the necklace of stones (black), the brown glasses and that ridiculous, very strange transparent plastic that covers her. He is not expert enough in fashion to know the name of that business. But he doesn't think it can keep her warm. She would be much better off if she wore something like his jacket. Well, not right his own.
In the present, she is shaking her head. -Not for me.- she seems uncertain. She certainly has something in store, but he doesn't even try to imagine what kind. Garcia shrugs, taunting him. -I noticed that your desk is the emptiest of the BAU and I bet of the whole building.- she looks down, in the direction of her bag. He had been expecting such a comment for a long time, but he knows it didn't end there. -...and I happened to find...- she extracts an object, small. -This.- she puts it in front of his nose, smiling, hopeful, convinced that he will like it.
And she's right. All of Luke's self-control goes to hell, due to the mix of that figurine and the expression of Penelope. He can't decide which of the two is the sweetest. -Wow, but it's identical to Roxy.- he comments, gently pulling it out from her fingers, having enough time to see how good is the contrast between the shades of their skin. Both they also feel a shock, as usual, at that very short contact.
She is literally hopping on the spot. -It is, isn't it?- she asks, not caring about the rest of the world, about the other agents, mostly bureaucrats, who look in their direction, not understanding the reason for such enthusiasm. The man glares at them and everyone returns to do their own business. But he doesn’t realize that he has defended her.
-Yup.- he lays it on his desk for a moment. Both look at the effect on it. -Thanks.- he adds, but then withdraws it in his own bag. He wants to show it to the original for a second opinion. They head towards the elevators. Someone dares to peek at them as they pass, but as soon as Luke raises his eyes, they retreat like snails into the shell.
-You're welcome.- they stop in sync. -And how are you?- then she seems to consider it an excessively personal and perhaps annoying question (of course she does everything by herself, he doesn't reply anything, not even with a single gesture), but instead of withdrawing it, she replaces it with a more neutral one. -The case in Vermont was very bad. Don’t you think so?- he nods.
But then he shrugs. -Quite.- he has seen far worse, even if he understands what she means. As an animal lover, it is easy to sympathize with one who kills hunters. And as for the other half of the murders, it is almost tempting to consider him innocent. When they arrested him, he looked right at him, asking that they help him. He didn't want to kill. He had an illness. He sighs. Certainly she would have deserved a more comprehensive answer.
Something in the glance he gives him suggests that a declaration is coming, one with a capital D, as Chrissie would say. -I just wanted you to know that... Even if you keep thinking that I don't deserve this role, if you need to talk to someone, to let off steam, I'm here- he doesn't correct her, just because he wants to see how far she goes -even if you don't want me to.- the shock has reached stratospheric levels.
He tries to replicate something, but all that comes out is her surname. -Garcia.- who knows what the heck she reads, in his tone, because she starts again to ramble, talking fast, wandering, confusing him only more. And that desperate, lost expression not even she confessed that she loves him and he rejected her with a no thank you.
She moves her head, her hands, she passes them on her face, on her neck, then she manages to hold them still, squeezing them against her body. -I know, I exaggerated, I once again crossed the borders, but I am this.- again, she catches something in his gaze, perhaps thinking that Luke considers it an egoistic, stupid justification. -If you really can't stand it, I'll find a way to hold back.- it sounds like a promise that will cost her a lot. -But I just wanted...- she shakes her head. -I thought that after you confiding with me about Reid, that something had changed, that I had managed to scratch a little that granite heart you have in your chest.- the last sentence snatches an amused grimace from him.
The definition seems appropriate to him, and it is certain that Christine would approve. -All right, I admit it.- Garcia is right, something has changed in their relationship. Neither of them can believe that farce of him that hates her. It has become a kind of innocent game between them. With all that wandering, with her clumsy attempts to cheer him up, with that kiss on the cheek (has he perhaps forgotten it? Of course he didn’t), her light caresses, her gifts, her attentions in general... in short, yes, she deserves to hear the truth out loud. -I don't mind having you around, I'm glad you came, okay?- he watches her biting her lips, hanging from his lips. No, what he thought it is not right. She hadn't understood it, or wasn't sure. But now she knows. -But I won't stop teasing you, Penelope.- and he walks away, just as he hears the sound announcing the arrival of the elevator. She almost runs to reach him. He waits until she is on board, too, to finish. -I'm having too much fun.- this time, however, she doesn’t fall into his provocation.
She looks at him with her mouth open. -Luke?- she finally manages to stutter.
He looks at her smug. -What?- he presses the button and the doors close.
-Did... did you notice that this is the first time you use my name?- she is too genuinely happy. It is hard not to return her smile.
-Well, everyone makes mistakes.- Garcia, however, doesn’t buy it, not even at all. -Enjoy the moment.- he adds, and that's exactly what she does, dropping the bag on the ground and throwing her arms around his neck in an embrace. He feels she is about to come off, probably already regretted having ventured so much and at the same time already violated the promise she made him (and that he didn't ask her); but he stops her by holding her against him, her breast on his chest, her head on his shoulder. Neither of them moves their hands in caresses, although both would like to do it. She smells deeply the scent of his fabric softener, of Roxy, of the labors he had to face during the day. He is totally inebriated by her floral aroma that wraps him like a blanket and drives him crazy. They think the same thing. It tastes like home.
TAGS: @martinab26​  @thinitta​  @shyladystudentfan​  @pegasus-scifichick​ @paperwalk​  @inlovewithgarvaz​ @the-ellen-stuff​ @astressedwriter​ @symphonyashley​  @kofforever​ @myhollyhanna23​ @tootsienoodles​  @centiaaa​  @penelopesluke​ @dumbdraws​ @onefail-at-atime​ @reidskitty13​@adorarapril​ @princesstreaclefanfic​ @glocknade111-blog​ @magiunific​ @fallen-novak​ @dreatine​ @hopelessdayydreamer​ @painterofhorizons @racing-against-the-sunset​ @majo0803​ @vickyd-2012​  @writing-whats-that​ @wearejuststars​@klngzeewp​ @heylittlehollywood​ @kirstenvangsness​ @blu3crush​@futureperfectmedia-blog​   @jade-cheshire3303​   @life-between-pages​ @tooshorttobeanadult​ @xxlonelyghostxx​ @honeydoodles @pennypeabody​ @alessiapolimeni​ @londonrosebooklovingwitch​ @bbyxk​ @full-on-fangirl @catlynhoss05 @lushmp3 @glittergunshots​​ @tinymiko​​
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romy350-romyakari · 4 years
Since I'm okey with people calling me out here I will unleash my humble opinion on a matter that makes me roll on my seat because is so funny as it also is so... uhmmm "weird" to have in count.
Take it as the writers huge mistake what I'm going to point out in a bit.
I guess I'm still salty even after 5 years. Is confusing at best and I'm adding this after writing all of this. Is a lot to read so please just know is a huge ramble.
aka me rambling over what I feel on rewatch been no longer that young
Is part of our experience judge that to some degree.
Characterization is important, it defines who we see on a story and is better if there are consistend or if their inconsistent have a good reason to be.
Well I was young once and could miss mistake like the 180° not so justified turn of events on a main character. I realize some years later and can laugh about it because it makes no sense.
I'm going to explain the case of Angel's Friends cartoon and that huge mistake from their characters.
Like I am fond of the series because it was my first fandom. But still I can't unsee this as you can guess.
Let's begin with the nature of something they like to state early on the cartoon show which was really cliché but angels were the goodie two-shoes and devils were the bad guys im general. Simple but not so simple for them to keep in rule it seems.
I like to imagine they respect some of the calm and more expected nature of the angels and the chaotic and up to no good ways of the devils like the Original comics did for both of them but we wouldn't be here on my post if that was the case.
It was quite a mess how the cartoon take the character since the side character could be so plain that you forgot that they were doing something till they were support help to their own side been angels or devils.
But again with the stuff that make me roll off till now and nobody on the show says a thing about.
They freaking mess up with their own statment of Sulfus on the cartoon show and they can't tell me no they didn't. Is hillarious and let me tell you why.
They may say on that thing how "loves make you change" but this one could be taken for a fool and is really lot coming from me.
They present him lot more chaotic and really problematic on just chapter 1, it did give an impression but everthing goes down hill a bit from her and on.
As the plot of first season is the villianess doing hidding matchmaking and poison of love plan that seem to turn into a real love story for this chaotic case of the female lead Raf an angel and the male lead who is Sulfus a devil so she could scape limbo to the terrible consecuenses that bring over a trully huge rule on the series wich is part of a magic code of not interfering with each other party and less uhmm a kiss, you really see lot of stuff go on here and mark my word is not like "oh no this is not safe for the kids" but is not quite recomended for them peraphs.
This doesn't make sence but i think the villianess plan was an excuse to showcase the romantic tension and ovearlod or romantic takes.
I can't watch the series withouh some wather to pass the taste of "i thinks this is too much"
But this mention has a meaning behind since i need to state this and the huge overload on the romance we get because i believe is a guge thing that affecter how they write the characters on the cartoon show .
They really did bad to Sulfus uh? Like most of the show. You wouldn't qish to have to deal with chapter 1 Sulfus as asigned rival, he seem to be a big deal on the devils group because how remacable chaotic he was but that didn't last long.
The villianess plan was a match making one since he and Raf break a rule that is used to her advantage she would lead them to comith a sacrilege which would really shake that magical code that they should not mess with. It causes huge dissasters and mess btw.
There is s small time gap before the love poison the villianess send on a spider that she encomended her only servant with leaning it to find the pair of eternals she was targeting. On that gap we still retained normal characterization for Sulfus but the episode went down hills on characterization pretty quickly.
It was so uncalled for the way they set the situation of the bit from the spider tho... idk if blame the spider at all because actually the romance would no have a foot at all if the writers didn't bend Sulfus as a character like the extend they did.
There is this huge point they state that their romace was not because of the spider bit that later i think is kind of acknowledge but is quite confusing if they wat to justify some fated love.
Anyways from then on we see how literally did soften Sulfus character to the point he been devil makes me wonder why nobody call him out about it like there is this expectation they stated us the normal was been that troublesome chaotic for devils but they seem to just let it pass from then on. I am still laughing because he actually change so much that rewatch episode one you can just laugh because at that point you know he will became a softie later that is actually bad for him as a charcter since there is little to non struggle on why he is behaving that way or if he wants to undertand this changes at all.
There is near to non thinking on him since idk, it should peraphs feel more comflicting with all stated but he just misses the cue and goes for it on ocaccions?? Is quite weird he is so open to forget the only rules the devils respect. The no involve themselven with angels matters pr the angels themselves unless is about work.
Was is the spider? Who knows they smke it confusing after the trial episode and then the movie came and idk if laugh to the villaness of some fortune teller since wow she was lucky on that scape uh?
They literally make him datable material for the female lead and is a sad thing but well, the cartoon show itself could acomplish as the one with most romace scenes/moments of all time for a cartoon show, not well written but it has them. And maybe the one with an exclusive kissing sequence [no it was not just a few seconds for the kissing scene, there was a freaking sequece of it if i recall well and i recall it as something thar they put budge on it for some reasons since they did a 360° turn around on the sequence even] is impressive comoared to other european cartoons that claimed to have romace on the tags and give you a but here and there while this was like a full bag of the bread but questonable if is one you will like lol
You know the writer forgot many stuff when then Sulfus was the one trying to remind Raf the rules but follow behind her because who care love is a fool or so writers say on those chapter after the half of season 1
If you cringe is undestandable, I cannot rewatch in a full go as I used to when I was younger, i could because i let so many stuff pass.
Sometimes I wonder why even follow this plot idea when the Original comics had a great plot a great characters.
The most consistent Sulfus I know so far is Original Comic Sulfus, that is entretating to read and he does not change much from who he is, he may be a may character and this yime kind of falling in love with the Raf there but well, is not quite the deal since is explained this weird odds of the posibility of anglels and devils with training on 99% not be complete perfect and could end up with a crush or so but all is just momentary and will vanish once they reach 100%. Is onsided crush thing since the live interest for Raf is a human on the Original Comics and that, again, is a prohibited thing, the magic code is not applied between angels and devils but between humans and eternals here.
Back to Original comics Sulfus is quite funny how he figure out he is having a crush, btw they all pre-teen kiddos apearance wise except for the master of the school program while the cartoon show present them as teenager lookalike, and really he does struggle and bit on that whole process of realization. It seems Original comics Sulfus give hint of it but it was subtle changes that yeah it was nice details, maybe is even sad how he just decides to be subtle about it and do nothing big since is not something he would bother much aside there is bigger issues for angels and devils, that characters I like of that characterization is that he will still be who they state him to be but subtle changes mark that realization.
And the rest of the cast is just as cool on ther characterization, you see somtimes little on some of the characters but they don't lose thar cool characterization they had from the start and is so welcome from me as a reader.
A shame they cancelled the good comic because of the cartoon show, really a shame. I will be sad about that till the end of my days because iwanted the resolution of all major a smaller struggles were cool to read.
I have no idea how they funded a movie and a second season of the cartoon show and idk how their live action somewhat based on some fact of the cartoon show went.
But to make thing short here the resume:
Cartoon show mess it up big time with characterization and we lost cool orginial comics thanks tho the cartoon show, that would be all.
You fan cring or be sad about it and I will get it.
Yeah I"m still bit salty about that.
#Angel's Friends#AF#cartoon#comic mention#random rambles#I'm still quite salty#chapter 12 of the orginal comics will never be forgotten in my heart because it haunt me to this days nobody told knows a thing about it.#i will forever wonder what give the qriter the confidence to aprove what whent down on the cartoon show#i wonder how did the animators of that 360° turn around feel having to animate that thing#i doubt i will forget about his any time soon#there is the case of Gaby but oh that one hurts. they did so so much wrong Gaby. you deserved better that what cartoom show did#resume is original the teams where 5 angels 5 devils on the comics. on the cartoon show they have 4 on the angels and 4 the devils.#guess eho they take out of the angels group??? Gaby was out the group can come just for a few episodes as an extra character on season 1#he is nothing like on the original comics and that hurts. also he was used as a plot device 😭🥺#THE AUDACITY I TELL YOU. i am bitter because the also take Ang-lee out of the hroup and he became backgroud extra. he didn't say much on th#orgimal.comics but habe some od the moments fro the groups that show some point like maybe angels and devils can get along sometimes.#little stuff but uhhh... maybe I'm salty to fill the hole on the angels group they created Sweet. that is how they angels were girl group.#Mefisto was the one taken out of the devils gamag and became backgroud extra.#even is Ang-lee and Mefisto didn't add much they were nice to have around on the comics#maybe feel more alive the groups.#i could rant abou this and mention what I love of the roiginal comics but this wil get long#uhmmm#don't kill me please?
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I was tagged by @peanutbutterandgrapejelly. Thank you for the tag, Peanut, this seems pretty loaded, but in a good way, so here goes!!
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
Sue Heck! I don't think I let all of it out, but on the inside, I constantly feel like I'm extremely Sue Heck-y, :')
Amy Santiago, in a lot of regards, I'll say. Uh, cares a lot about her friends, ambitious, and would basically die/murder for organization, but also socially awkward and, uh, mostly percepted as a goody-two-shoes. Also, true nerd™.
Mindy Lahiri! (I mean, again, this seems more of a who I feel like I am, and not who I come across as, cause those two things tend to differ on a variety of levels?)
Sam Winchester (you know I had to) Basically, we're both INFJs. I'm not even close to his level, but my brain officially ran out of characters so uh, empathetic, constantly interpreted as "boring" and the "brains", patient, *yearns to settle down with someone they love*, believes in second chances. The whole nine, but toned down XD
2. Aesthetic:
I'd usually have a hard time with this one, but I recently did a long thing about my aesthetic, so! I'm going to say, soft pastel, beige, and shades of white!! A tinge of light academia, but mostly unassumingly modern, and faded rainbows as watermarks.
3. Favorite musical/play? If you've never seen a musical or play, one you'd be interested in seeing?
You got me ~ never seen any. (I mean, school plays don't count, right?) I honestly have a bunch of musicals I want to see, recommendations from friends online, but somehow it always slips my mind. But, off the top of my head, @spot-the-brooklyn-pirate wanted me to check this one out, and I am looking forward to actually doing it sometime: Book of Mormon.
4. What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Mostly, anyone who says I, in any way, made them happy, literally gives me the best compliment ever. And uh, my sister called me inspiring once, and it stuck. When I nagged her into elaborating, she said she thought I was functional in spite of all my flailings, and self-analytic, and it didn't make sense to me, but I still think about that.
And a few people, over the course of time, have named some of my fics as their favorites, and those stay with me for a very long time.
5. How many times have you been in love?
Hardly once. She's still one of the most important people in the world to me, but as somebody great once said, if you don't fight for it, it doesn't count. And we didn't.
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself which now makes you laugh?
By far the most embarrassing thing I've ever done, is written a fic on wattpad which revolved around my own life, except for the fact that it really, really didn't. Long story shortened, I was in sixth grade, and had a surface-level-y crush on this guy, and it seemed like a brilliant idea at the time. In the story, we're all in senior year, though the authoress forgot pretty much all the real things about school XD it's not just cringy, but also extremely sixth-grade-y written, and it astounds me to this day that it went on to have like 18,000 views? (I managed to block the entire shtick out, until a few months back, when I randomly remembered and rushed to unpublish the work. *facepalm* it even had all our real names)
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
This one's so hard. Uh. Ratatouille, maybe?
8. Favorite flower/plant?
I regret having to confess that I probably don't have one :( but hey, my go-to answer for these ones is daisies, because they remind me of the lovely @daisy-jeon <3
9. What's your favorite holiday?
Holi :')
(I miss it being like the older times, though? Somehow it always clashes with my final exams these last few years, and Shelley is often not home, but it still really makes me happy, so just imagine how perfect it used to be, when I was a kid!!)
10. Name three things that made you smile/laugh this past week.
Rewatching The French Mistake!! A really great decision, haha!
The lovely comments an older fic of mine received, (about old Destiel, uwu) since a couple of big blogs happened to reblog it 🙈🙈🙈 and my activity started blowing up!!
A full-blown coffee high, which resulted in me being hilarious through a 98-message monologue to dish, eeeeee!!
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
I'd been dreading this question the most, because I'm horrible at remembering good songs when I - need to be. Oofsies.
But I guess I could wing it with 'What About Us' by P!nk.
12. Name something that truly makes you peaceful even at your most stressful moments.
Writing about Character A of a ship going through said stressful moment, and Character B being the best possible responder to all of it. Projection's the key to functionality, kids.
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
Would you, and will you, sound unfortunately like different questions to me, so I'm going to answer the one which is asked. I'd like to major in History, with a minor in English. (And to be crude for a bit, as my sister calls it, thus successfully be left solely employable as a teacher.)
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
My black Avenger's logo t-shirt, with this pink hooded, kinda-down-past-my-hips, not-warm-at-all jacket and any one of my numerous, mwuahaha, grey shorts.
I never said I'd go out of the house in that outfit, did I?
15. What is a quote you live by?
I don't think there aren't any. I'm just here, faking it till I make it. Still, if I had to choose? Misha's "Be Kind to Yourself so You can be Happy enough to Be Kind to Others" is something I aspire to live by.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I'm sad that I don't have any funnily named ones now. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm hoping that it counts a teensy bit that I have like seven playlists just for background shtuff when I'm working, and they're all named *extremely* similarly, with variations of the word "study" basically, but all have exceptionally different vibes.
But I really am sorry, and I'm going to try and up my playlist-humor-game.
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
'Time for tapwater'.
18. What is a message you'd give your younger self if given a chance?
Don't build your sense of self-worth over the people whose opinions you think matter. You don't have to get everybody to like you. (Oh, and probably don't switch between multiple first-person-pov's, even though you're just writing the most unrealistic self-indulgent fiction EVER.)
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
Hands down, my sister. Shelley, didi, @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect, you're like the best part of my life, and you're probably going to be the longest part of it, too. Cause we might not have the best record for funny titles to call each other by, but we still nail the cheesy till the end of the line moments, ;)
20. What's a secret dream of yours?
I, uh. Want to run a completely-revolutionalizing-the-concept-of-education-style school ~ a boarding school actually, with my best friend dish. And as a means to acquire funds for it? We're going to do a whole lotta stand-up. :D
(Oh, and since i've already rambled for at least a thousand words, so what's the harm in a few more? At some point, probably on my birthday, I want to do a YouTube livestream, a pre-planned one of course, and everybody I've ever been frens with, on this dumb, wholesome hellsite???? They're all sent an invitation to join!! And there's nothing to do, really, we just talk and everyone's enjoying themselves, and I dunno, I had a dream about this once, and I've been so ridiculously smitten with the idea since!
Huh, maybe I could rally forces starting now, to make this possible by my eighteenth!!)
If anyone would like to play, these are really awesome questions! @3dg310rdsupreme @mystybloo @thotfordean @bcozwhythefuknot @theninthdutchessofhell @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @quicksilver-ships @all-or-nothing-baby @screamatthescreen @telefunkies @elvenlicht @facepalmmylifeu @specialagentrin @noemithenephilim @but-for-the-gods-three-days
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