#i already made one of these but got a second idea for one
forzalando · 2 days
what makes the sunset?
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3k celebration blurb for @katsu28! you can find my celebration post here if you'd like to celebrate with me :) title inspired by the song what makes the sunset? - frank sinatra. if you’d like, give it a listen! that’s the vibe of lando x reader in this💛 word count: 845 summary: sappy sunset with lando. obvious they both love each other but no established relationship (i love idiots in love).
The time was nearing 8:00pm – you’d already cooked and cleaned up dinner, thrown a load of laundry in the washer, changed into comfy PJs, and vacuumed your entire living space.
The tick of your tv remote was beginning to drive you mad. Each time you scrolled to the next tv show or movie in your recommended, the sound grew louder and louder. After ten minutes of searching, you reached for your phone and went to the last text thread in your messages.
what should I watch? I literally can’t find anything that looks interesting and it’s driving me insane
The reply bubbles appeared on your screen almost immediately, but your (hopefully) saving grace decided to call instead of respond via text.
“What are you in the mood for?” Lando asked, his mouth clearly full of his dinner.
“Did you call me so that you wouldn’t have to take a break from eating to text me back?”
“Maybe, but I’m the one asking the questions here. What are you in the mood for?”
“Hmm,” you paused, “something beautiful, passionate, emotionally stirring. I want to feel something.”
“And you came to me for suggestions?” Lando’s laugh rang through the speaker, the sound filling you with warmth.
“Well, excuse me, Mr. ‘I’m a Scorpio and let me tell you all about it’! Aren’t you supposed to be passionate and emotional?”
“Alright, give me a minute to think!”
The silence was brief, not even 30 seconds had passed before Lando began speaking again.
“Be ready in 15 minutes, I’ve got the perfect idea.”
Before you had a chance to ask what he meant, the line went dead. You huffed out a breath and made your way to your room to change out of your pajamas – which, quite honestly, soured your mood a bit.
Exactly 15 minutes after your call ended, Lando Norris was furiously knocking at your door.
“Come on, come on, hurry up!!!” You could hear him yelling from outside your apartment – thank goodness it was early enough that your neighbors wouldn’t complain about a nighttime disturbance.
Swinging your door open, you came face to face with Lando, his arm raised to knock incessantly once again.
“You are insufferable,” you huffed. Those were the only words you could get out before Lando was practically dragging you towards the elevators.
“Where are we even going?”
“It’s a surprise,” he sang. You couldn’t help but laugh at his giddiness, following him blindly down to his car sitting outside your building, still running and somehow not stolen.
You tried to guess – ice cream, a friend’s place, a movie theater. With each guess, Lando shook his head and teased that he wasn’t going to tell you. Soon, Lando had parked his car in a familiar lot, one you’d driven to many times before when the weather was nice and he was miraculously home.  
The sand was white and inviting – it squished underneath your toes as you stepped onto the beach, soft and still slightly warm from the sun beating down on it all day. You began to sit down when you heard Lando shouting behind you.
“NO sandy bottoms in my car, I brought a beach blanket you heathen!”
Sure enough, you turned around and there he was with the beach blanket you’d bought for him last summer. It had papayas on it, you simply couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
“So what are we doing here, Lan?”
He gestured towards the view in front of you. “You said you wanted to watch something beautiful and emotionally stirring.”
You looked at him quizzically, his hint completely lost on you. He rolled his eyes teasingly, scooting closer to you and bringing his arm up to look at his watch.
“The sun should start setting in about…five minutes? If I timed this correctly.”
“You brought me to the beach to watch the sunset?” A soft smile graced your lips, and it was your turn to scoot closer to Lando, only a few centimeters separating your legs.
“It just kind of popped into my head, but I should have asked you. I didn’t totally think this through, I’m sorry – ”
“Lando,” you interrupted him. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
He smiled at you and breathed a sigh of relief as he looked out towards the water, his shoulders visibly relaxing. It was silent for a few moments until he tensed again, turning to face you with wide eyes.
“Are you cold? The temperature is going to drop like twenty degrees, I have an extra hoodie in my car, let me go grab it.”
As he started to get up, you gently grabbed his arm and pulled him back down, finally closing the tiny gap of space between you.
“I’m fine, Lando,” you insisted, leaning your head on his shoulder and linking your arms. “You’re everything I need.”
He relaxed again and lowered his head slowly to meet yours, intertwining your fingers at the same time. As the two of you sat in silence, unspoken words and feelings swirled around in your minds.
Emotionally stirring was an understatement.
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outerspacebisexual · 14 hours
Memories of Days Gone By - Spencer Reid
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Summary: Spencer has never understood having a cluttered desk at work. Then you start at the BAU, and he's forced to share a desk with the least desk-tidy person in the whole FBI. Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader Word count: 3.1k Warnings: none, except talk of reader getting shot a/n: woah, outerspacebisexual actually writing instead of just reblogging post about writing? crazy Masterlist
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Spencer always thought that having personal mementos in the workplace was weird.
Maybe it came from his mother, whose desk was always so cluttered she could barely place anything down without something else falling off. He could—as with everything else—vividly remember sitting in her office chair, spinning in around and around in circles, watching his framed toothy six-year-old-self flying past him again and again and again.
She never swapped out that photo, even when he got older and his round, chubby face became angular with his teen years. Not when he graduated high school, or college, or college again. In fact, he knew for certain that photo still sat on his mother’s bedside table. So you’re always here with me, she’d said on one of her good days. And even though most of the time she had no idea who the tiny child with thick frames was, she still traced a finger down the side of the glass before bed.
When Spencer first joined the BAU, he’d made a point to ensure his desk was cleared every hour. Empty coffee cups, old files, shredding, sticky notes; after one hour, it all went. That way he could ensure that everything got done.
And that same habit continued for years, until you showed up.
Hi, you’d said on your first day, sticking out your hand and smiling wide. Looks like we’re desk buddies.
He wasn’t sure how to feel about that. The desk had belonged to Emily before you got there, and the idea of looking up and seeing you was just another reminder that he’d lost her.
He was nice to you, of course. You hadn’t done anything wrong. You’d simply taken a job opening from the ballistics unit to the BAU. It wasn’t your fault that his dead friend’s desk was now yours.
At first, he noticed how you had a habit of leaving empty coffee cups on your desk, choosing to get another one rather than reuse the one already on your desk. It wasn’t a problem. There were plenty of mugs in the kitchen. But when your chair hit your desk, they chimed together, and the noise set him on edge.
He left it alone for the first month.
But then came the files.
Files piled up on your desk---not in neat piles marked ‘Complete’ and ‘Incomplete’ like his—just spread out across the surface in every direction and orientation. And as the week went on, more and more were added until there was no discernible way to tell which had been done and which hadn’t. This led to you having to leaf through folder after folder until you found the one you were looking every day.
Spencer had been tempted to say something one week when he’d watched you out of the corner of his eye search for a file for fifteen minutes. You’d found it right as he opened his mouth, spinning in your chair and heading straight for Garcia’s office. Spencer had sat and stared at the mountain of manila folders then entire time you were gone, thinking to himself, How could you put up with this?
How could you deal with having to fight with your desk at every second of the day just to find something? The idea of it made him want to throw up. Not that his apartment was any better, he knew that. But there was a difference between work and home. Home was allowed to be messy and cluttered, full of the rest of your life outside of work. Work was work. It depended on being able to obtain information quickly and efficiently—not after ten minutes of rooting around.
Hey, Reid? you’d asked one afternoon. Have you seen that Milwaukee case file?
Which one?
The consult one? With the three missing girls?
He tried his best not to roll his eyes. I think you put it down on the edge of your desk.
You spun and rifled through the stack, grinning when you held it up. You’re a genius, you know that?
Pursing his lips, he said, Believe it or not, I do.
Spencer might’ve been bad at reading social clues, but he wasn’t an idiot. He knew that you were just trying to be nice and start a conversation, but he reached over and lifted the phone to his ear, pretending not to notice the way your face fell. You quietly turned back to your computer and opened the file.
A week later, you tried again. Reid, do you want coffee?
No, he answered quickly, despite blinking back the sting of a 3:00am emergency case. ‘Urgent’ was all the text from Hotch had said, and now he was sitting behind his desk once again, for the fifty-second hour this week. Hotch was never wrong. There had never been a case that Hotch had chosen where the team hadn’t been needed, not in all the years Spencer had worked for the BAU. But he couldn’t deny that there were times that he wished he wasn’t at work.
You sure? I know we got more sugar, if that’s what you’re worried about.
I’m fine, he snapped, harsher than he’d intended. Thankfully, you left it alone.
Then, you were all in Atlanta, consulting on a case of three male bodies and another man missing. By the morning, his head had cleared, and he noticed the space you’d put between the two of you when you both arrived at the ME’s office.
Doctor Glenn, thanks for meeting with us, you started.
Doctor Glenn had smile brightly at you, standing from behind his desk to shake your hand. Spencer waved. Of course. And please, Scott is fine.
You sent him a soft smile. Where are we with the latest autopsy?
Well, from what I can tell, the murder weapon was some sort of short-bladed knife. What kind, I can’t say for certain. The advanced decomposition on all three makes it tricky.
Something like a kitchen knife? Or pocketknife?
Scott nodded. It’s possible. Like I said, I can’t be sure at this stage.
Can I see the photos? Spencer asked.
Absolutely, Scott replied. I was going to give you the file anyway. He opened the closest folder to him, but frowned. Oh, this isn’t right. Sorry, it’s here somewhere.
Noting his reddening cheeks the longer he searched, you said, Your desk looks a lot like mine.
If Scott noticed you attempt to put him at ease, he didn’t make it known. Brows pinched tightly together, he queried, The BAU doesn’t have strict guidelines on that kind of thing?
You shrugged. Maybe, it does. Though, I’m sure I’d have been written up by now if it did. You leaned forward in your chair to glance at the photo frames on the side. Spencer could see them clearly from where he sat. Two dozen frames littered the side of his desk, all displaying four boys---from baby photos to teenagers. Are they your boys?
Scott, visibly grateful to have a distraction while he continued rustling through drawers, didn’t look up. Yes, the four of them. James, Patrick, John, and Liam.
Spencer watched in silence the conversation the two of you had.
How old?
James is almost 21, Patrick, 19, and John and Liam are both 16.
Must have been a handful when they were younger, I’m sure.
He smiled gently. You don’t know the half of it. John’s decided to head to college in California and Liam’s heading to New York.
It must be nice to have them close, at least for the time being, you replied.
It is. I don’t quite know what I’ll do once they’re gone, if I’m honest. And I worry. Like every parent does, I suppose.
Well, if they’re half as kind as all these photos make them out to be, then I’m sure they’ll be just fine.
That’s kind of you to say. I’m not blind, either. I know it’s a lot.
You laughed. It’s not, I promise. It’s nice to have something to remind you of the good. Especially with jobs like yours and mine. Reminds you of what you’re working for. Who you’re working for. There’s so much darkness out there, if we don’t remind ourselves, we can get lost in it.
Scott produced a file from the bottom drawer, and Spencer just stared at you, even as you took the file and flipped through it.
A month later, Spencer found himself hunched over his desk, computer brightness on low as he tried his best to block out the noise emanating from every corner of the bull pen. With the migraine he was sporting, he was sure he could hear all the way to reception, which did nothing to help his pounding head. He clicked random buttons on his computer as his eyes watched each minute tick by.
Four hours. That was all he had left. Then he could leave and collapse down onto his couch and sleep for two days until it was gone. With each passing minute, his brain fog got worse, until he was reading the same sentence for the fifth time in a row without comprehending what it was saying. Who even sends an email at 1:04pm on a Friday?
Aaron Hotchner, according to the contact name at the top. He needed to reply. Hotch would be expecting an answer.
Spencer hadn’t even realised you’d been speaking until you waved a hand in the air over the partition between your desks.
What? he asked, when you just stared blankly at him.
I asked if you were OK?
He sat up straighter, doing his best to ignore the pain that stabbed through him. I’m fine.
You cocked an eyebrow. Are you sure? You don’t look great.
I said I’m fine.
You were silent for a long moment, and you refused to break eye contact with him. That was until you leaned over and reefed open a drawer.
What are you doing?
You continued to dig through it. I have some pain meds in here. Nothing fancy, but you look like you could use some ibuprofen.
I don’t need it.
And I don’t need to sit here and watch you suffer for the rest of the day, Reid. Seriously. It’s painfully obvious.
Spencer didn’t have it in him to reply. Any other day, and he might’ve snapped at you. But today, he would take your kindness. As he came around to your side, he peeked inside your drawer, noting it was the same as the top of your desk. Cluttered and messy.
He stared at the mountain of files, eyes roaming over your desk. Your nameplate. Your empty coffee cups. Your photos. He paused as he took them in—for the first time since you’d been here.
Many different photos were tacked onto the partition. Most were of a cat and a dog and a few people who he assumed were family and friends from outside of work.
Only one was framed—a photo of the team. He could remember the day. You’d only been at the BAU for a month and upon returning from a hard case, Garcia had surprised you with a cake and balloons in the conference room. You’d cried, he remembered. Which he’d thought was weird, but hadn’t taken much note of at the time. Anderson had snapped a photo at Garcia’s insistence.
Suddenly, a sleeve of ibuprofen was thrust into his chest. Here.
Thank you, he mumbled.
You don’t need to thank me, Reid. Just take it, and maybe seen Hotch about leaving early. That can be your thanks. You gave him a tight-lipped smile, which he returned before heading to the breakroom.
Six months after you started at the BAU, you got shot.
Not life-threatening, but a bullet to the shoulder meant you were laid up on leave for two weeks.
The bullpen had never been so quiet, Spencer thought. Though maybe it was his guilt that made him think that. It had racked him every day of the two weeks since they’d gotten back from Wichita. The bullet had been meant for him, and if he’d actually been paying attention to his surroundings, then he wouldn’t have missed the UnSub lining up the shot, and you wouldn’t have pushed him out of the way, taking the hit for him.
Your screams still echoed in his mind. The first, his name: Spencer! Get down! And the second, your yelp of pain. Spencer had fired off two shots in quick succession, taking out the UnSub with barely more than a thought before he was turning to you lying flat on your back and gripping your shoulder.
He’d accompanied you to the hospital, where they said long-term damage was unlikely, but you would have a long road to recovery until you had full use of your arm again.
Hotch had immediately put you on leave, threatening that he’d make you take even longer if he saw you in the office at all before the two weeks was up. You had kept your word to him that you’d take the full two weeks.
Spencer hadn’t been sure what to do about your desk for the first few days. Hotch had instructed him to take over your files, which was easier said than done.
Heaving your last folder into his ‘Complete’ tray, he breathed a sigh of relief. Glancing at the clock, he realised he’d been zoned out writing reports for four hours. The rest of the team had all gone—aside from Hotch, but when wasn’t he in his office.
Starting over the partition, Spencer eyed the mess that still cluttered your desk. He hadn’t wanted to touch anything except the files, which he’d gingerly sorted into what was done and what wasn’t, careful not to disturb anything else on the desk.
Now, staring at all you’d left behind when they’d suddenly been forced to jet off, he wondered if tidying it was the least he could do. Maybe you would thank him for it. Or maybe you’d tear his head off for touching your stuff.
He decided to take that risk.
Collecting the loose papers and random Post-its, he placed them neatly into piles to the right of your computer. Most where mindless reminders for yourself—Get the dry cleaning! and Pay the water bill by tonight!
Spencer wasn’t always grateful for his eidetic memory, but not having to remember small day-to-day tasks was a huge bonus for him. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to cope without it.
He straightened the tacked photographs and wiped down the team photo. He made sure your computer was properly plugged in. He ensured your tablet was fully charged for your return. He was almost satisfied, when he noticed one green Post-it note had fallen behind your monitor screen. Weaving his hands between the cords, he pulled it out.
Thanks for the ibuprofen. I really appreciate it.
Below his barely legible script, sat a small face he’d doodled. Truthfully, he hadn’t thought anything of it since he stuck it to your monitor.
But you still had it, even two months later.
He stuck it back where he’d put it the first time.
You’re back, Spencer said as he entered the bullpen the next morning.
I am, you replied, grinning wide. Do I have you to thank for this?
Placing his bag down on his seat, he said, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Oh, come on. There’s only one other office neat freak in this whole place, and I know for a fact it wasn’t Hotch. When he said nothing, you rolled your eyes. Fine. Guess I’ll have to pass my thanks on to the boss man.
Spencer smiled as he unloaded his bag.
Cat got your tongue or something, Reid? He kept his lips sealed perfectly shut. Ok, then. Keep your secrets. I don’t need to know them. I don’t want to know them anyway.
I’m getting a coffee, he said suddenly, cutting off your teasing drawl. Do you want one?
You blinked. What?
I said, I’m getting a coffee. Would you also like one?
Uh, yeah. That would be great, you managed after a moment. Thanks.
He nodded, and he pretended he didn’t feel your eyes watching him the whole time as he made his way to the break room.
“Reid?” Morgan called, and Spencer looked up from the file he was currently nose-deep in. “Are you coming?”
“What’s happening?” he asked, furrowing his brows.
Morgan groaned. “Don’t tell me you forgot about dinner at Rossi’s tonight.”
“Oh, that’s tonight?”
“Yes, pretty boy. How could you forget?”
“I didn’t forget,” he mumbled, gathering his belongings as Morgan made his way over to him.
“From the looks of it, you absolutely did.”
“I didn’t. I just…have a lot on my mind.”
Morgan stopped at the side of Spencer’s desk, his signature smirk adorning his face. Spencer didn’t even look at him as he hastily jammed files into his bag.
“This is new,” Morgan commented, and he glanced over to see him staring at a framed photo he’d picked up.
When he flipped it around, Spencer could see it. The photo of him in his apartment, sitting on the couch, grinning ear to ear, and you sat right beside him, holding your left hand up to display the shiny ring adorning your finger. You’re looking directly at the camera. Spencer is only looking at you.
Spencer took the photo from him. “I liked it, so I got it printed.”
He didn’t have to tell him that he got every photo printed now. He’d never been a fan of technology, and the idea that all his best memories were being held ransom on a device that could be destroyed any minute made his head spin. So, he got every photo printed. Most were safely tucked away in albums on his bookshelf at his apartment.
But this one was special.
Morgan’s voice was gentle as he said, “It’s nice.”
Spencer smiled and brushed a finger over the glass. “Reminds me of the good,” he said.
Then he placed it back down on his desk, the frame right at home amongst all the others.
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suckingsugu · 1 day
Having His Baby
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a/n — osamu brainrot is actually insane. not proofread so for sure horrible i wrote this on a whim 🫶🏼
content — nsfw, 18+, osamu x fem! reader, breeding kink, goes back and forth between high school and time skip, reader and osamu are high school sweethearts, reader and osamu are married, mating press, cursing, talk of a pregnancy scare, nicknames(pretty girl, nasty girl, baby, maybe more i forgot), daddy kink if you squint, i think that’s it! lmk if i missed anything!
synopsis — in high school osamu miya knew you were meant to be a mom, but seven years later he’d finally decided he would make you one himself.
✿.。.“ screaming but daddy i love him! ”.。.✿
Osamu always knew you’d be a good mom. From the moment he'd met you in the nurse's office during his first year, you simply radiated that aura. Always so willing to help him every time he and atsumu got in a fight or he got hurt in volleyball — you would drop everything to come help him in the nurse's office.
Sure, it wasn't exactly smart to skip the classes that Osamu needed you in, but that was your job. You were the nurse's student assistant after all.
You hadn't gotten the courage to actually speak to him until his fourth appearance in there, yes you'd given him your number just so he could text if he needed help, but the two of you only texted when he was hurt. (you had no idea how many “you up?” texts he had wanted to send to you to see if you'd respond)
It was an accident really, saying your first real words to him. They were simply out of shock as you saw his lip cut open and his jaw already beginning to bruise, "what happened to you?” you had asked, hand slightly grazing the boy's, now bruised, jaw.
That was a million years ago in Osamu’s mind, while it really had only been seven. So much had changed since he first met you, you started dating not soon after, and then he'd married you, he’d opened his own onigiri business, and it all led here — to the two of you cooking in the kitchen. " ‘samu, can you get me a bowl? There's none in the drying rack and my hands are dirty.” your cute voice broke him out of the weird trance he was under as he watched you work. “Anything for you baby.” he cooed as he reached over your head and grabbed a clean bowl for you.
Everything was always clean in your shared home, which shouldn't have been a bad thing— except it was to Osamu. As a kid, he remembered him and Atsumu making various messes whether it be with liquids or even drawing on the walls- their home was very rarely clean. Osamu loved and appreciated everything you did for the house, but the ache to have kids that would make simple messes prodded at him more often than he would've liked to admit. He remembered the first time he brought kids up to you in high school during second year.
“ ya ever think about havin' kids? ” he asked as the both of you lay in his bed, his TV just droning on as background noise since the two of you had been talking the entire time. “Hmm…sometimes. I have dreams that we have kids- twins actually,” you admitted. Your raw and honest confession shouldn't have had his cock stirring in his pants the way it did, “Really?” he asked as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, imagining your stomach all round with his children, not one child, but twins. “Yeah, and they look like you,” you said simply, hands finding their way to his dyed locs and running through them. That conversation made Osamu Miya realize that he would rather die than not have kids with you. (and that he had a breeding kink but he found that far too embarrassing to tell you)
When you press the spoon to Osamus's mouth is when he suddenly comes back to the present, “Open samu, need my favorite person to make sure it tastes good.” you smiled as the man opened his mouth and allowed you to feed him— which only made him think of you feeding a baby - your baby. The male nodded as he pulled away from the spoon, “tastes good baby.” He wasn’t lying, it did taste good- but maybe the thought of you feeding a child made his mind a bit fuzzy. “thank goodness, it’s a new recipe, so I was really worried.” you gave your husband a smile as you turned back around, grabbing the bowl osamu had gotten you.
Maybe it was the high school memories coming back to him, or maybe it was him thinking about how the house was always spotless, hell— perhaps it was because you just looked so cute right now with your apron around your waist and spoon in hand. Whatever it was, Osamu couldn’t help the ache he felt in his pants, coming behind you and placing his hands on your stomach. “ ‘Yer so cute…”
“mhm, thank you, baby. you’re real cute too.” you smiled as you tilted your head up, giving him a quick peck on the chin. As you returned to what you were doing, filling bowls with the soup you had made for dinner, Osamu pressed himself against you, his hard-on very prominent. As much as you could’ve tried to ignore him, your husband always got his way when it came to you, “ ‘Samu dinners ready…” you said as you pressed your back into his chest- face beginning to heat up.
“ it can wait…need you right now-” usually your husband was a kind, patient man (except when he ‘had’ to fuck you in the back room of onigiri miya when you brought him some lunch) “You’d be such a good mommy…so good to our babies.” the male muttered against your hair, grabbing your waist and grinding against your clothed cunt. a small moan fell from your lips, “ ‘s-samu! it’ll get cold-”
It wasn’t like you were oblivious to Osamu's want for kids, in your third year you and Osamu had had a pregnancy scare. While many other 18-year-old boys would’ve probably been relieved seeing that one line on the pregnancy test, Osamu felt some strange emptiness and disappointment. sure, it wasn’t ideal to be teen parents, but he couldn’t figure out why he so badly wanted you to have his baby. It was on that same day that he figured out he didn’t want a professional volleyball career, no he wanted to have a true career that let him be home with you as often as he could be (so he could knock you up.) ever since that day, every time you passed the baby section in a store- his eyes would glaze over and he’d mention how tiny the shoes and clothes were, and you’d talked about kids- but never were you guys actually ‘trying’ for a baby.
“ jus’ reheat it,” Osamu mumbled as he picked you up, strong hands that still hold proof of his years of playing volleyball and now being a professional chef digging into the underside of your thighs. Your house wasn’t large in the slightest, but the minute it took for him to carry you felt like it took an eternity. The second Osamu’s foot crossed over the barrier of your shared bedroom- his lips were on yours. The kiss was downright disgusting, spit being shared as his tongue invaded your mouth, leaving you gasping for air when he finally pulled away. “ so pretty…” he mumbled as he carried you over to the bed, using one of his hands to untie the apron that hugged your waist in a way that turned his brain to mush.
Osamu groaned as he pulled off your shirt, seeing that you had no bra on, “you knew this was gon’ happen didn’t ya pretty?” he asked as skillfully he pulled his gray shirt off with one hand, making you squirm under his intense gaze. “n-no I just-” but Osamu didn’t want to hear your excuses, there was no need for them now. his hand quickly pushed you down to where your back met the mattress, lips puckering around one of your nipples as he played with your other one. he wasn’t much of a boob man, much rather enjoying your ass, but even he couldn’t stop the images of your tits full of milk from invading his mind. he let out a groan as he looked up at you, hand covering your mouth as you watched him- face flushed in arousal and maybe some embarrassment. “let me hear you pretty girl.” he came up and caught your lips in another kiss, hand sneaking down to the waistband of your his shorts and pulling them off of your legs in one quick movement. if there was one thing about Osamu Miya, it was that he knew how to get you undressed in a matter of seconds.
You instinctively tried closing your legs, but Osamu knew you too well, his knee already finding solace between your legs as he pulled away from the kiss, a string of spit connecting the two of you as he looked down at you. “fuck baby…look at how wet you are,” you let out a small moan as he ran a finger over your clothed cunt, your panties becoming insanely wet as you reached down and grabbed his wrist. “please ‘samu, need you…” you begged as you shook your head. “want you in me-”
Now usually your husband wasn’t the type to fuck you without fingering you or (his favorite) eating you out, but right now his cock was begging to be freed from the confines of his jeans. “my pretty girl…”he mumbled as he pulled off your panties, a string of arousal connecting to you, making him let out a groan. “need to fuck ya right now…” and Osamu made good on his word, quickly getting rid of his jeans and boxers, cock springing to life- making you moan as you saw it. it didn’t matter how many times you’d seen Osamu in his bare glory, it always made you want to thank whatever gods decided you were good enough for him.
You remembered in high school when the two of you had first had sex, both inexperienced as you tried figuring out what position worked for the both of you and accidentally breaking his bed— something atsumu never lets you forget.
Osamu groaned as his tip met your entrance, staring at you with those bedroom eyes that were like a remedy to any problem you ever had,chest heaving as he stopped himself from shoving into you- wanting you to be ready for him. “please samu…need it so bad-” you cried out as you reached up to his neck, moaning as you brought him down for another kiss. osamu miya was nothing if not a gentleman who listened to his wife, pushing into your hole and bottoming out almost immediately, groaning against your lips,“still so tight fa me, huh baby?” the moan you let out was almost pornographic, back arching into your husband,“ fuck! S-samu!” you cried out, legs wrapping around his waist.
Sure, Osamu could’ve been nice and given you time to adjust to him like he usually did, but who had time for that when he needed to get you pregnant tonight? The male groaned as he took your legs and pushed them to where your knees were pressed against your chest, making him feel extra deep, “s-samu!” you cried out as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “yer so pretty, baby, my pretty girl…”osamu mumbled to himself. he didn’t even give you a warning before pulling out and slamming back into you, letting out his own moan as your nails scratched into his back.
You’d always been sensitive when it came to osamu, but never had you felt him this deep inside of you before, gasps and moans leaving your mouth. “feel me, baby? gonna get you pregnant, full of my cum.”osamu pressed down on your stomach as he thrust in and out of you in a rhythm you knew all too well. you tried answering him, truly you did, but even two seconds with Osamu into your cunt made you brain dead. “mhm-” was the only word you could make, giving your husband a small laugh as he looked down at you.
“Fucked ya dumb already pretty girl? C'mon, know ya got more in ya-” The teasing tone in his voice made you want to cry, but some sick sort of enjoyment of being embarrassed held back those tears. you looked so pretty under Osamu, your wedding ring adorning your finger as your hair was messily sprawled out beneath you with your knees pushed to your chest. Osamu thought he could take a mental picture and have enough spank bank material for three months, at least.
“Gonna cum- ah samu!” you whined out, nails scratching down your husband's back. Osamu let out a groan, maybe he should give you more money to get your nails done, because the short acrylics you have on scraping down his back made him want to short circuit. “cum for me baby, gonna look so good filled with my cum.” Osamu was on the brink of his release, groaning as he brought a hand down to finally rub your clit, giving you the final push to let go. you moaned out his name over and over, even slipping a small ‘daddy’ in the chant of words. With that one word, you made Osamu want to blow his load- feeling his hips stutter before stilling inside of you and releasing his cum. you whined as you felt him fill you up, your husband had always came a lot- but something about right now- this singular moment- made him give you everything he had.
Osamu looked down where the two of you were connected, seeing his and your cum mixing as it spilled out around his cock,“ fuck…” he said as he pulled out watching as more seeped out of your abused cunt. it would be a waste if you didn’t keep it all in, though. Osamu hummed as he fingered the cum back into you, making you let out a gasp from how overstimulated you already were.
“gotta make sure it sticks, baby.”
✿.。.“ i’m having his baby ”.。.✿
if you can’t tell, i love the miyas.
likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!!
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fairlyang · 20 hours
miguel’s version🕷️
w/c: 1.5K
pairing: miguel o’hara x peter b parker x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. mig’s bright idea, tiny bit of possessiveness, fingering, fucking, kind of a 3some but not really, unprotected sex x2
notes: didn’t expect this to be my comeback but I’ll take it! my phone is on 2 😀 no translations bc I’m so tired n it’s barely anything dw also no part 2 tis a one thingie
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miguel, who was such a dirty fucking pervert, had the grand idea of doing one of those tiktok challenges where people play rock paper scissors for delicious food and the winner gets to eat it while the other has to run behind them then come back
but the plot twist for his version is that it’s not food they’ll get to eat, instead he and peter b will be playing for your pussy
he had the idea as soon as he saw one of those challenges that had crumbl cookies and thought, “I know something that’s sweeter.”
so on a whim he just blurted it out while you guys were just chillin in his office in that exact moment because why the fuck not and because he was already hard
he really couldn’t help it
peter didn’t need any convincing and you were just unsure you heard him right
he repeated it and you just bit your lip as well as subconsciously squeezing your thighs together because that just sounded so hot
he grabbed a chair near him then dragged it over to you and while you blinked, looking all confused but pretty, he turned you around and had you arch your back then you got the hint and grabbed onto the back of the chair
now fortunately for all of you, your suit was just like miguel’s, holographic in a sense so with a touch of a button on his own watch, he made the lower half of your suit disappear
you gasped and shivered at the slight cold breeze but now just felt pure excitement
“hope you won’t get in trouble Parker.” Miguel scoffs before passing you his phone so you could record it
you hit the camera on his phone and you felt Peter behind you then seeing him when you flipped the camera so you could get them both in frame
you stuck your ass out like a good girl and you could’ve sworn you heard a groan
“we run to where those bookshelves are then come back.” miguel points and peter eagerly nods
you saw miguel nod on the screen and you switched it so it’d be a video and quickly hit record while you recorded over your shoulder a bit so your ass could be in view along with the two men
miguel’s office was quite large so they had plenty of room to run and then come back
“rock paper scissors!”
miguel pulled rock and peter scissors.
miguel dropped to his knees and immediately began devouring your pussy while peter full on sprinted towards the bookshelf
you moaned as miguel sucked on your folds and you had to grip the chair harder just in case your legs wanted to give up on you
he wrapped his arms around your ass and moaned, sending shivers down your spine as you slowly started to grind yourself against his face
he gave your ass a hard smack, earning himself a whimper while he went lower and started sucking on your clit
suddenly his mouth is gone and you look at the camera to see peter was back and they went back into it
“rock paper scissors!!”
peter pulled scissors and miguel paper
peter dropped to his knees and teased your hole with the tip of his finger before slowly sliding it in, then after one singular second he started pumping it into you at a fast pace with no care if you were ready for it
you cried out and felt your walls clenching on his fingers meanwhile he was just leaving kisses on your ass as if it were nothing
“p-peter-“ you moaned and felt your eyes flutter
he hummed and went even faster, the noises from your pussy becoming louder then suddenly the pleasure is gone
“what the fuck-“ you whined and miguel was back
you groaned, not realizing this was just going to be “edge the fuck out of your girlfriend day” but with how desperate they are to please you maybe an orgasm will come
through glossy eyes you saw they had a tie with rock then miguel won with paper
he got to his knees and just slid two of his fingers inside you before just slamming them into you relentlessly making you let out a full-throated moan
“baby- fuck I didn’t think-“ you start then can’t form a coherent sentence as he starts sucking on your clit
“Mmm fuck! j-jus- like that-“ you cry and roll your eyes back
your juices were leaking down and he could taste every drop you were giving him, he wasn’t so sure he’d be able to control himself anymore
peter came back and he shoved miguel off you as he caught his breath, bringing his fist up
trying to control your shaky hands to steady the camera a little but at this point it might just be useless
especially after feeling three fingers slip inside you and you couldn’t even see the screen anymore so just having to guess who won
you felt a kiss on your ass and that answered your question so you just moaned out his name
“fuck peter! p-please don’t stop-“
he moaned against your skin and fucked you harder, just having the need to hear your pretty moans
then he felt hands on his shoulder and he was harshly pushed to the floor
you whined feeling the emptiness and weren’t sure you liked this idea so much anymore
you tried to wipe your eyes with your arm when you let out a gasp followed by a moan now feeling a thick cock inside over some fingers
you could see miguel’s patience ran thin, especially with the way he bottomed out immediately and just stayed deep inside you
“feel so good baby.” he groans into your ear and pulls a bit back before shoving his hips into yours making you both moan
“hard mig please-“
he groaned and pounded into you with all his force, the sounds of your skin slapping echoing throughout his office peter was able to hear it clearly
“tan perfecta, tan bella-“ he moans and grabs onto your hips making you fuck yourself back into him
you tried your hardest to keep the phone steady but at this point it was useless and just focused on how amazing miguel was fucking you
it was like he was trying to prove a point, what it was who knows but it sure did feel incredible
suddenly it was gone and you groaned, making sure both of them knew you didn’t want this stupid game to go on for much longer
after an eye roll you looked at the camera and peter positioned himself behind you when you heard a rip
before even getting the chance to clown him on how cheap his suit must’ve been, he slammed himself into you
not wasting any time he lowered his body so his chest was against your back and he was holding your stomach with one hand and your face with the other
you slightly turned your head to the left and looked at him with fucked out glossy eyes and he did not hesitate to kiss you as he gave you deep strokes
you kissed back and closed your eyes, letting your sense of touch take over your entire body
he presses his hand on your stomach a little bit making you whimper into his mouth which just drove him absolutely insane
then the expected happens and miguel forcibly shoved him off with all his strength because he was calling it
“last round” he growled making you and peter both whine
“I don’t care-“
“Bebé me vale.”
you pouted, mainly because as much as it was tortureous it was also so much fun
you calmed your breathing as you watched the screen, both of them all sweaty and out of breath
boy did they look good
“rock paper scissors!”
they both pulled paper
they tried again and both pulled rock
they tried once again and both pulled paper
“just choose scissors!” you yelled and they both shushed you
they tried and the final winner was miguel with rock because peter chose scissors
“you sneaky fu-“
miguel slipped inside you then took peter’s previous position and started pounding into you as hard as he could
he pressed onto your stomach so it could intensify the pleasure for you and you shut your eyes, letting out the prettiest of moans and cries while he fucked you in such a relentless pace
he was fucking you as if it would be the last and he couldn’t bring himself to slow down because he was feeling so close and he just needed to fill you in front of peter no matter what
“fuck baby- god you’re fucking perfect.” he groans and moves his hand from your face to your jaw to kiss you
you kissed him and somehow that little piece of sweet affection threw you over the edge unexpectedly and you were letting out whimpers into his mouth while he dumped his load inside you, making sure he was as deep as he could be
your body shook and you just let the slow sloppy make out happen as you both came down from your highs meanwhile peter just exploded himself because of course he wasn’t going to run that final lap and just stayed back to watch and jerk off
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connorsblog · 2 days
Season 4 Carl has a grab on me. Could please write a fic where Carl and Rick are in the house, Rick is unconscious, basically those episodes but when Michonne shows, she shows up with reader, whom Michonne found on her journey. Carl and reader become friends quite easily. Just a massive fluff. Pretty please, with a Dixon on top? 💕🙏
who's the cowboy? | c.g
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genre : fluff !
summary : read request
a/n : i love this idea, thank you for requesting !!
i didn't really know how i ended up with michonne, i was just pacing up and down this abandoned house's hallway — and i had heard something clang on the road.
i was hesitant to check it out, but i'm glad i did.
me and michonne were walking down this narrow street. i think she is looking for someone, but i'm not sure, she seemed preoccupied.
"are you looking for someone?" i inquired, focusing on my feet planting themselves on the gravel whilst michonne tried to find a way to answer.
"yes, i'm looking for my friend. his name is rick. he has a son, too," she seemed melancholy about them, almost like one of them were dead — or something of the sort.
"oh — here we are, i think." her head angled upwards as she looked towards the house. it was scuffed up, dirt projected all over the sides from the roamers' hands scuffing it up.
"you think?" i asked, squinting as far as i could into the window of the door. i couldn't see anything, nor hear anything. probably not a good sign.
"can't be too sure these days, kid." was all she had said before promptly walking around the house's outside area — probably inspecting it.
i heard a sudden clang, which made me jump. michonne came straight over as it happened, and it was from inside the building.
suddenly there was some sort of indistinct yelling, it sounded from a kid. he sounded angry, too.
michonne seemed to recognize that voice immediately, most likely this “rick”s son of his.
she didnt have any problem with knocking now, her knuckles making a firm noise against the white wood.
i saw a head peek into the door's window, a pale faced boy with piercing eyes — dark, almost an upsetting shade of blue surrounding the middlest hue, bright and electrified.
his face seemed to light up as he saw michonne, he hadn't seemed to notice me yet though. he'd figure out soon enough anyway.
after various locks unclicked on the door, it swung open to reveal a couch shoved into the corner of the main room, probably just recently.
he had a sheriff's hat on his head, uneven and disheveled — probably from the yelling that occurred just a minute ago.
"who's the cowboy?" i half-joked, teasing him about his sheriffs hat. truthfully, it suited him quite well.
"his name is carl," michonne spoke up, introducing carl to myself and me to him before we all three entered the house.
he closed the door loudly prior to us entering, clicking the locks with a certain precision, probably signaling he had been here for quite some time already. or maybe he just got used to the locks.
michonne stayed by the older mans body — presumably this rick she had talked about. he looked dead, which explained carl's disheveled appearance.
"do you read comics?" carl finally asked after he caught me staring. not a good first impression, i thought silently.
"i read some, i usually don't have time for it, though." i answered simply.
"i have a few michonne got for me. wanna see?" he voiced, seeming to get more comfortable with me as the seconds ticked on.
"yeah, sure." i squinted, following carl to one of the other rooms to check out his comic collection — or what was left, at least.
it had been at least an hour of me and carl talking about comics together before michonne interrupted him in the middle of an X-Men comic he had grown quite passionate about.
"carl," she started as she poked her head into the doorframe rather eagerly, saying both of our names. "you guys hungry?"
me and carl shared a glance before nodding, his smile infectious and spreading to my face almost instantly.
as me and carl ate, we had laughed about numerous things. stupid stuff like milk dribbling down carls chin as he ate eagerly, or my obnoxious laugh as he did so. it was refreshing, i had missed that burning sensation in my cheeks from smiling.
i had said something that caused michonne to chip in and laugh as well. they both seemed to forget about ricks figure on the plush couch.
well, they couldn't now — i saw his frame move. either he was a roamer now, or he had magically woke up.
"i don't think i've heard him laugh like that since — well, for a while." i heard rick murmur as carl began to laugh again.
"well — this one time, i had a friend in like second grade, right? i had tried his lactose free milk and i almost puked!" exaggeration seeped into his voice, but it was too funny not to start laughing along with him.
this conversation had started when michonne offered for carl to try this lactose free milk, cue his story.
"seriously? you almost puked? i doubt that," michonne chuckled, watching the both of us laugh along with her.
"no! i'm not lying, it was horrible!" he puncuated each word, making a vomiting sound at the end of his sentence.
that caused us to laugh even more — even rick ended up joining in eventually.
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note : i LOVED writing this so very much !! thank you again for this request, i appreciate it :)
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⋆ 𝓣𝓻𝓮𝔂 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼: 𝓦𝓮𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⋆
Hello! ♡ Welcome to my first ever Trey Thoughts ♡ This is where I will talk about Trey Clover, and anything revolving him that I've thought about. While I will tag this as x Reader for other's to enjoy, please note that everything I write here is personal, and that there may be instances where I write in first person instead of second person.
Live Laugh Love Trey Clover ♡♡♡ lol Enjoy! ♡
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⋆ I feel like Trey wouldn't want some fancy or over the top wedding. He would want a simple ceremony, something small and intimate with family and close friends attending.
⋆ A spring wedding, with the ceremony held outdoors. The reception could be held outdoors too, or even indoors in a building close by. Perhaps in one of the gardens in the Queendom of Roses? Chairs lined up on either side of the aisle they made, leading to a beautiful arch of flowers where Trey stands, waiting for you.
⋆ I love the idea of Trey wearing a white tuxedo as his wedding attire, whether it be a fully white suit or a white suit jacket with black pants. I personally can't see him wearing a full black tuxedo (but I'm sure he would look good in it lol)
⋆ Since Trey has siblings (a younger brother and sister), it would be cute if they were apart of the wedding, as the ring bearer and flower girl. I'm unsure how old they would be when Trey gets married in the future though, so they may be "too old" to take on those roles (since usually the ring bearer and flower girl in wedding ceremonies are children)
⋆ It would be cute if perhaps you and Trey had or adopted a kid before you got married, and included them in the wedding as the ring bearer or flower girl. Just imagine a cute little toddler standing at the end of the aisle, Trey's mom or dad helping guide them. Their face lights up when they notice you and Trey, breaking off from their grandparent as they race towards you. Your guests are doing their best not to laugh (some failing to hold it in), watching as they ignore the basket of flower petals they're holding, or the pillow with the rings, giggling in joy when they finally reach you. Trey laughs as he picks them up, continuing the ceremony while holding them in his arms.
⋆ Riddle and Che'nya would definitely be apart of the wedding, whether it be as Trey's best man or one of his groomsmen.
⋆ HEARTSLABYUL REUNION!! HEARTSLABYUL REUNION!! I just love the idea of Heartslabyul inviting each other to important events in their lives, no matter if they stayed in touch with each other or not. Just the idea of Trey inviting Ace, Deuce, and Cater (Riddle already has his invitation since he's part of the wedding party lol), and all of them making sure their schedules are free so that they can attend...ahhhh I love it so much!! All of them catching up with each other at the reception, laughing as they reminiscence about their days at Night Raven. It's so sweet to think about!
⋆ For the wedding cake, I think it would be sweet if Trey's parents made it as their wedding gift to you. A cake they put so much time and love in, wanting it to be perfect.
⋆ As much as I love that idea, there's another idea I have for the wedding cake that is canon in my heart! I just love it so so much I can't stop thinking about it!! Trey's family has a recipe that's been passed down through generations, a cake recipe that's a Clover family tradition to have for your wedding. The couple getting married makes their own wedding cake together, as a sign of their love for each other.
⋆ So just imagine you and Trey in the kitchen, laughing as you bake together. Since the recipe is just for the cake, you're free to design it however you like, working together to decorate it. There's some candied violets placed on each tier, along with your initials written on the front in icing. It may not be perfect, but to you and Trey it was, adding the cake topper together once it was finished.
⋆ I think you and Trey would write your own vows, even if he may feel a bit awkward reciting them at first with everyone watching. They may not be the most poetic or eloquent vows, but they came from the heart, Trey meaning every word of it.
⋆ Ok so this is more my own personal thoughts than anything but I feel the wedding has to have Bells of Ireland, particularly his partner having them in their bouquet (or their bouquet only being Bells of Ireland). They are used in traditional wedding ceremonies in Ireland, and mean "good luck". These flowers always make me think of Trey, so I had to mention them lol
⋆ I feel if Trey were to attend a wedding (especially if he's part of the wedding party, or has to give a speech) he would bring up some funny/embarrassing moments he remembers about them, sprinkling them throughout his speech (if he had to give one) or bringing them up during the reception. In response to this, his old friends from Heartslabyul would return the favor, bringing up funny/embarrassing moments he would rather forget. It's all in good fun though, Trey laughing along with everyone else.
⋆ You and Trey would cut your wedding cake together, each of you grabbing a slice to feed to the other. You begin to take a bite from the piece he holds in front of you before he smashes the rest of it into your face, causing you to do the same to him as you laugh together.
⋆ The reception would be so much fun, especially since you'll have people like Che'nya, Ace, Deuce, and Cater there. Cater was probably doing the Magicam version of "live tweeting" the wedding, honestly lol I think Trey would be more relaxed during the reception, especially since the stress of the wedding ceremony was over with.
⋆ I think Riddle would give an amazing speech at the reception, with Che'nya helping or co-writing it. I think he would even ask Ace, Deuce, or Cater for advice on it, wanting to make sure it was perfect. The speech would be eloquent but not detached, a mix of proper and heartfelt.
⋆ I love the science club, so I also love the idea of Rook attending the wedding as a guest, or even being the photographer for it. He probably had to fight Cater for the position lol
⋆ Since the wedding includes a Heartslabyul reunion, it's up to you whether or not Ace gets collared during the reception (they probably joked about it, or joked about making bets on it happening lol All in good fun though!) ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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feroluce · 1 day
For some extra context, I have a whole henghill manifesto I wrote over here, but the tl;dr is that Dan Heng decides to use the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath to save the Express Crew the first time. Boothill urges him to think it over carefully, but he doesn't stop him. And then, the second time Dan Heng decides to use it, we get this instead:
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And just! That's so!! so!!!
Because like. We see in the first battle against Sunday that that Jade Abacus is effective, like we really do just get an entire army lead by a whole-ass Emanator of The Hunt right to our location and ready to fuck shit up. It's important. It's incredibly valuable. That is a huge amount of power to hold in the palm of one's hand.
But Tiernan's relic works the same way.
Galaxy Rangers are terribly dangerous. Boothill comments on this when discussing Acheron's motives, because he can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to get The Hunt on their asses. They're considered to be on a level even above The Annihilation Gang.
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And now, with the burial relic, he has a way to get thousands of them, almost immediately, and all in one place.
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And you can't tell me that wouldn't be something extremely useful to Boothill, like literally life-saving. He's wanted by the IPC. He makes his living as a bounty hunter. His whole driving motivation in life right now is to do whatever he can, up to and including throwing away his own human body, to ruthlessly hunt down one man and kill him in revenge. Like that has to be dangerous, the IPC is a massive entity with far-reaching influence and money and power and weaponry. He surely must have already had some close calls.
Like can you imagine it? Galaxy Rangers are solitary creatures. If Boothill were to find himself near death, he would probably be all alone. Do you think he had regrets? Did he wonder if anyone would find his own burial relic? Did it feel the same way it did when they melted his flesh, replaced it with metal? Did he lay there with his vision slowly blacking out until he thought of home, and family, and the little daughter who he never even got to hear her first word, until he was so full of fury that he could prop himself up on his rage like a crutch and find help?
Tiernan's relic would have been like a get-out-of-jail-free card. Just for one time, no matter where Boothill was, someone would find him. The Galaxy Rangers aren't sociable or organized between themselves, but they help their own. Someone would save him.
He chooses to give all of that up to help Dan Heng.
And I just cannot get over it, especially the wording of it, the pause before he speaks, the gentle way he tells him to hold onto his once-in-a-lifetime treasure...!! He wants Dan Heng to leave this to him! He wants him to keep this precious item that will help him save his companions again in the future! And maybe it's just...wishful thinking, me reading too much into it? But I mean. Just the way he says it...
I really do think it comes from a place of deep kinship and respect. That there's a lot of thought and feeling behind that statement. Something from one Pathstrider of The Hunt to another. Boothill fought for his home and his family, he fought really really hard! But. Sometimes that just doesn't matter. And now he's watching Dan Heng fight for his, too.
When he made that decision the first time, Dan Heng was in the parlor car of the Astral Express. He was completely removed from any danger. He could have chosen to get the hell out of Dodge and not look back. Obviously we know he would never even consider such a thing, but it was technically an option, and Boothill watched him decide to go back into the proverbial lion's den for his friends anyway. And I'm sure that was part of what sealed his decision, to later use Tiernan's relic instead of the Jade Abacus to summon enough people to disrupt Ena's Dream. Because he greatly values ideas like righteousness and justice and saving people, and Dan Heng so beautifully embodies all of that and then some.
Boothill doesn't have people to protect anymore, only ghosts to avenge.
And there is just something so endlessly endearing about him wanting to help Dan Heng, to make sure his friend doesn't go through that the way he did.
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seulrinnie-rinrin · 2 days
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SUMMARY | You and Wooyoung are stuck in the elevator with nothing to do but talk. But when you are awfully aware of how close he is, you can’t help but act on your urges. PAIRING | Wooyoung/Reader GENRE | non-idol!Wooyoung, smut with no plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), fingering, oral, vaginal sex, elevator sex RATING | Mature LENGTH | 2593 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | On the shorter side but still smutty~
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"Nononono. This can't be happening." You ran a hand through your hair, sliding down the walls of the elevator as it stopped moving. The lights were out and you could barely make out the figure of the man who stood next to you.
Of all days to get a power outage!
"Freaking out like that isn't going to make things better." The man muttered, his voice low and calm. "Breathe deep. Count to ten. Do something productive. Shit. I forgot what to do when things go bad."
He added, not sounding at all sincere.
You didn't need him to tell you to breathe; you'd been doing so since the lights went out in the first place. Your heart was pounding and the sweat on your palms made them slippery. The whole situation was just freaking bizarre and the adrenaline pumping through your body wasn't helping either.
You knew you had a bad feeling when you woke up this morning as you struggled to get out of bed. All your work clothes were in the laundry hamper, a lightbulb went out in your bathroom while you showered, you ran out of coffee and there was nothing left to eat for breakfast besides half an apple that had turned brown overnight.
On top of all that, the bathroom mirror showed that the faint lines around your eyes were more pronounced than usual.
And now you're stuck in the company's elevator with that very attractive employee in your department, one who is probably pissed off that he can't find anything to do while trapped here too.
"I knew I should have called in today." You muttered, burying your face in your hands. "This day couldn't possibly get any worse."
"How worse could it be?" The man asked, looking slightly annoyed but also amused by the sight of you bawling your eyes out on the elevator floor. He took a few steps forward before stopping again, taking another deep breath. "It's just a power outage after all. It happens every now and then."
"True enough." You agreed, raising your head to look up at him. "I just can't believe I'm stuck here with you."
"What's wrong with being stuck in an elevator with me?" He laughed.
"Not funny, Wooyoung." You frowned. "God, I can already hear all the other ladies in our department talking shit about me. Why do I always get myself into these situations? Like I haven't got enough problems as it is."
"I mean there's one way we can deter the shit talking." He smirked, gesturing at himself suggestively.
You groaned and shook your head. You really needed to get out of here soon or else your colleague was going to try to make a move on you and then you'll be really fucked. Not that you weren't interested in the idea, but you've heard some horror stories from friends who hooked up with co-workers and most of them ended badly.
You glanced around nervously, wondering how long the power outage would last and how long you'd be stuck in this elevator. You wondered if they'd think of any contingency plan if they realized how much time had passed since the lights went out. Maybe they'd sent maintenance to fix it? Hopefully someone will come soon.
"What are you thinking about, Y/N?" Wooyoung asked, sinking to the floor next to you. His legs crossed and his arms resting casually on his knees. "Having second thoughts about making a move on me?"
"I am not trying to make a move on you, no matter how attractive you may be." You mumbled. "Are you really sure you want to know what I'm thinking?"
"I have been told I have good hearing." He grinned, nudging you playfully with his shoulder. "Go ahead and tell me. Whatever it is, I won't judge you."
"Just being in this elevator is making my anxiety go up the wazoo." You sighed, sitting back against the wall.
"That's why I'm trying to distract you." He said with a shrug. "So, you really want to tell me what's bothering you?"
"I've just had such a bad day." You sighed. "I struggled to get out of bed this morning. All my work clothes were in the hamper, the light bulbs went out during my shower, I didn't have any breakfast except for a stupid apple that turned brown and I ran out of coffee this morning. Everything seemed to conspire against me this morning and..."
You took a deep breath and stared down at your feet, knowing that if you looked at him, you might let yourself get carried away. Wooyoung squeezed your hands gently.
"This kind of thing doesn't happen to me. I've always got my shit together, but today, everything seems to fall apart. One after the other." You muttered.
"Y/N, don't feel embarrassed about having bad days. Everyone has them." He murmured. "Sometimes life can be cruel and unjust, leaving us to struggle with burdens we never thought we could carry alone. It happens to the best of us."
"Maybe." You sighed. "But sometimes you wish that sometimes those bad days wouldn't happen at all."
"Well, we can't always get what we want, right?" He smiled gently. "But if we accept reality as it is, rather than as we wish it to be, perhaps we'll feel better and cope better with whatever life throws at us."
"Who are you and what have you done to the cocky Wooyoung I work with?" You let out an amused sigh. "Is it possible to see two sides of a person at once? Because I definitely saw a different side of you today. Thank you for being nice to me."
"Oh come on, it's nothing special." He waved his hand dismissively. "But I'd like a kiss as payment for comforting you. That's if...you want to."
You looked at him, eyes taking in his handsome face. His messy hair, slightly tousled from always running his hands through them. Those eyes that made you weak in the knees. The lips that were dangerously close to yours.
"Do you want to kiss me?" He asked quietly, tilting his head to the side.
There was a moment where neither of you moved, staring deeply into each other's eyes until finally Wooyoung leaned closer and pressed his lips against yours softly.
The soft kiss surprised you, making you pull away slightly. But Wooyoung didn't seem fazed by it and instead he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. You returned the kiss, brushing your lips against his before pressing your mouth more firmly against his.
Your lips parted slightly as he continued to press kisses to your lips, opening wider as his tongue slid along the seam of your mouth, exploring every corner until finally parting to allow him entrance. He tasted faintly of coffee, which made you wonder if he drank a cup before he came down here, but his taste was still pleasantly sweet.
"You know I could care less about what our coworkers would say about us." He muttered against your lips. "I only have eyes for you."
His words, along with his closeness and the scent of his cologne filled your senses and slowly your breathing became deeper, almost as though your lungs were expanding and pushing the air inside even further. The electricity flowing between you caused goosebumps to rise on your skin, spreading all over your body as his hands tightened their grip around your waist.
As much as you wanted to deny it, his lips and his touch were sending sparks of pleasure shooting across your skin and a warm sensation rushed to your core.
"Wooyoung..." You moaned, closing your eyes tightly. You felt his lips graze your jawline, before moving lower to nip at your earlobe. A shiver ran down your spine and your knees began to weaken, causing you to lean back against the wall behind you.
"Y/N..." He whispered, nibbling at your neck before he began to suckle your earlobe. "Do you want me to stop?"
The question caught you completely off guard and you opened your eyes to stare into his. In the dim lighting of the elevator, your pupils were drawn into his dark eyes, which seemed to have gone darker, taking on a darker shade.
"No." You breathed, leaning in to press your lips against his.
And Wooyoung seemed equally affected by your kiss. Before you could blink, his hands reached up and grabbed the sides of your face, pulling you towards him so that your lips met once more.
With every kiss, the intensity grew and soon you were lost in the sensations coursing through your body. When he pulled away slightly to give you a chance to catch your breath, your breath hitched and you licked your lips before reaching up to run your fingers through his hair.
The man in front of you was no longer the Wooyoung you usually worked with. Instead, he looked like a man who knows exactly what he wants and won't hesitate to take it.
"Don't stop." You breathed out, Wooyoung lifted you in his arms. His face darkened with desire and his breath came out in shallow pants as he gazed down at you with hunger in his eyes. "Please..."
He dropped to his knees, lifting your skirt and tugging your panties aside, revealing your pussy. It was slick with excitement and arousal and you felt your breath quicken. The sight of your cunt getting wetter was arousing and thrilling, as he looked up at you expectantly.
Before you could stop him, he slipped two fingers inside your pussy and began to stroke you, bringing out small whimpers of pleasure. He continued to slide his fingers in and out of you, fucking you with such skill and control.
Your legs began to shake uncontrollably, feeling weak from the pleasure he brought you and you sank back against the wall, needing something to hold onto. He didn't need to be told twice and quickly placed his hand under your knee, bringing it to rest on his shoulder, his face now buried between your thighs.
You let out a gasp when his tongue began to lap at your clit, teasing it and making it throb with pleasure. You closed your eyes and tilted your hips upwards, allowing him better access to your center. Your hips bucked erratically, driving his tongue faster, while his fingers kept pumping in and out of you.
He hummed and thrust his tongue harder against your clit, causing you to moan loudly. You started panting heavily, sucking in your bottom lip as he began to finger fuck you in earnest, fastening his pace. There was no mistaking it anymore. He was totally focused on pleasuring you, intent on giving you mind blowing orgasms.
The combination of the electric shocks from his fingers in conjunction with the vibrations from his tongue was too much to bear. Soon your hips began to buck violently, moaning and whimpering, driven mad by the pleasure that overwhelmed you.
It was unlike anything you ever experienced before. As you screamed his name, letting go of all control, all you could do was keep your orgasm coming, flooding his mouth with your juices until your body relaxed against the wall and he withdrew his tongue, licking the last traces of your cum from his lips.
"Holy fuck..." You gasped, catching your breath.
"Good?" He asked, kissing your inner thigh and working his way up to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his lips, but it only added to your arousal.
"So good but now..." Your knees went weak and you rested your forehead against his. "Now I need you to fuck me."
In an instant, he lifted you so that you could wrap your legs around his waist. The position left you open and vulnerable, as he settled himself between your legs and pushed forward, burying his cock deep inside you. You gasped as you took his length fully, enjoying the fullness of him. The feel of him filling you to capacity.
Wooyoung thrust in and out of you, setting a steady pace that made you cling onto him. With each thrust, his pelvis smacked against your clit, making you cry out.
The speed increased as you leaned back against the wall, lifting your ass higher to accommodate him. Wooyoung gripped your hips, moving them back and forth with precision, hitting just the right spot. He pressed kisses to your neck, then your ears before finding your lips again.
The combination of the feel of his hands gripping your hips and the feel of his hard cock pulsating inside you, sent ripples of pleasure shooting through your body, igniting your passion.
"Oh God...Wooyoung..." You groaned, arching your back as his tongue found its way to your earlobe.
"You feel so good. I could fuck you forever." He whispered, thrusting into you harder and harder, his balls slapping against your ass with each thrust. "Can I fuck you forever?"
"Yes please...Yes. Yes.." You moaned, pressing your body tighter against his.
His moans were growing louder as he thrust into you faster and faster, matching your pace. With every thrust, his fingers dug into your hips, holding you tight against him. Every time you pressed back against him, he let out a long groan, then immediately buried himself inside you, fucking you harder and harder.
"Y/N... Y/N... Come for me..." He groaned against your ear.
It took every ounce of willpower not to let yourself cum, but his moans and the feel of his hard cock deep inside you drove you crazy and you knew you couldn't hold back any longer.
The muscles in your stomach clenched and a tremor coursed through your body as another orgasm ripped through you, leaving you trembling. Wooyoung thrust harder, gritting his teeth and growling as he came with you. The sight of him losing control and calling out your name made your heart skip a beat and make your knees buckle.
But before you could fall to the floor, he caught you in his arms and held you tightly, kissing you tenderly. You were completely spent and all you wanted was to collapse into his arms.
"I got you." He whispered, wrapping his arms around you protectively.
As soon as Wooyoung placed you on your feet, the power kicked back on and the elevator started moving again. The both of you let out a laugh as you fixed your clothes, making sure that nothing had fallen out of place.
"Wooyoung?" You turned to look at him, smiling at him. "Thank you."
He grasped your hand, linking your fingers together as you walked towards the doors. "Anytime."
As the elevator door opened, he let go of your hand, placing his hands on the doors and holding them open for you. He watched as you exited the elevator, giving you one last smile before he followed you.
When you got to your desk and Wooyoung to his, you were both silent, content in the fact that you had each other and no one else knew what had happened between the two of you. And when you turned to look at your phone, you saw a text from him asking if you wanted to get dinner later.
Your heart skipped a beat as your face lit up with a wide smile. The night was still young and there was plenty of time for you and Wooyoung to enjoy it together.
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yooglefics · 1 day
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The casual type: 03 . The past
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!reader  Wordcount: 2,993 words Genre ( for the whole series ): AU. College!verse. Strangers to friends with benefits to ?????. Eventual smut. Hurt / comfort at times. Fluff for cute friends. Summary:  ( Ep. 03 ) • Is finally time to talk about how you got here. And of course, you aren't the only one with a past. Warnings under read more.
Includes ( this episode ): There's flirting and progress is made. The squad is cute. Mentions of cheating in the past ( not from main characters ), bad relationship dynamics, fuckboy shenanigans ( say no to fuckboys ), and broken hearts. Author's note: I have a question for you guys: should I start adding the pet names in the warning? Because my thing is that Yoongi has been using them in context of what is happening, like in a banter kind of way, but… should that be a warning in itself? As always, hope you like this one, remember to leave a comment, reblog, send an ask, follow or whatnot. Thank you for reading <3
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The motorcycle ride wasn't as scary as you thought it'd be. In fact, it was kind of calming. The streets were mostly empty and Yoongi drove at a decent speed, mainly of course, because you told him you'd kill him if he didn't. But it was nice, a good distraction and an interesting way to end a hectic night.
Monday morning comes around and your stomach hurts with anxiety at the thought of the inevitable. Is even worse than when you have to give a class presentation, at least in those cases your life isn't the subject. And your only hope to get you throughout the day is that everything would feel better after talking with the guys.
“Are you not finishing those?” Jungkook points at the fries on your plate after a while of sitting in the cafeteria. Your group has assigned this time as lunch hour since everyone is free while some of them wait for their next class.
“You can have them if you want.” Everyone's eyes turn to you as if a second head has grown, “I'm not hungry.”
“But… is fries?” Says the soccer player and to his credit, is true that turning down fries is a sign you may be sick, and honestly, it feels a little bit like you are and that's what finally makes you decide is time. 
“Let's talk. Outside.”
You can't bear the awkwardness. They tip-toeing around, putting too much thought on your actions. It can't go any longer, but you still take a few minutes to walk them outside the cafeteria and to the back of the building. Away from the protagonist of your story.
“Oh… hi.” Greets Yoongi, his arm mid air as he stops the action of putting a cigarette between his lips. “Walking all together like that, you guys do look like a gang,” he jokes after you and your friends say hello.
“Says the guy smoking,” Jimin’s answer, gaining some laughs.
“Sorry,” he really seems remorseful, “I'll go somewhere else.”
“Actually,” grabbing his forearm, you stop him from leaving. “Can you stay? I think I do need moral support.” 
On friday night he told you asking Mai to be there when talking about everything could be a good idea, and with a shake of your head against his back you answered you didn't want to bother her, already feeling bad about worrying her that night. So, he said he would do it. If you needed support he would be there as a payment for saving him at the club the night you met and that you only needed to ask.
Even so, it is surprising to you when he just nods and goes back to his position against the wall. You stay in front of him and your friends gather at your sides in a circle, ready to listen.
“Okay. Well,” you take a deep breath, “first you have to promise to not do anything. Not threatening, not breaking noses. Nothing. You promise?”
They do, with only a “But if it is really bad can I scream at them?” from Jungkook.
“No. I don't want more drama.”
And they nod once more, and again, you breathe.
“So, there's this guy, he is from the basketball team,” Hobi got that right, but it wasn’t surprising after you took a liking for going to the games and then stopped just as suddenly even if Jungkook was still part of the team. “We were talking for a couple months. You know, messaging and… just flirting I guess.” 
“You guess?” Taehyun asks to clarify.
“Yes? I… I don't know. Sometimes it would be more obvious than others and we would talk about what we wanted in a relationship as if we were talking about our relationship.” In the moment you thought it was obvious, you were flirting and planning the future; both of you mentioned wanting something beautiful and long lasting. But after everything, you wonder how truthful everything really was. “We even went on a few dates and on Valentine's he got me a necklace and a cute cart saying how much I meant to him.”
“And you didn't tell me?” Jimin argues. The only one that says something even when all your friends at surprised at that. 
“I’m sorry. I wanted to, I swear, but I also wanted to enjoy it just myself for a little bit.”
“And what happened? Why did it end?” Tae wonders impatiently.
“Well,” the phantom pain from that day is back on your chest, “sometime at the beginning of April he canceled a date and because I already had told you guys I was staying on campus to study, I ended up going to the movies by myself and…” 
“He was there?” You nod. “With… someone… else?” 
All your friends react at Tae's guess and you only nod again. Your eyes are fixed on Yoongi, on the half burnt cigarette still in his hand that is now off, to avoid looking at them and the sadness on their faces. You can't handle that. Even when you tell yourself you're over everything, finally telling them about it and knowing how it makes them feel revives how you hurt back then. In a certain way, it gives you the validation you didn't have at the time, and that you didn't know you needed.
Is healing, and you wish a little bit you had told them sooner.
“I bumped into her and at first I didn't see him.” You continue narrating, “Her drink spilled and I was helping dry her hand when I noticed the little smiley on her bracelet and it was the same as mine.”
There are reactions all around the circle once more, Yoongi's “how original” comment makes your lips curve slightly. And it’s surprising, but you’re glad to be able to find the fun in it now.
“I didn't think anything about it, you know, just like, cool, we have the same cute pendant, but then I heard his voice and well… It wasn't cute anymore.”
You remember how shocked you were in the moment and his face as he realized it was you in front of them.
“What did you do?” asks Hobi.
“At least tell us you spilled the drink on him next.” Adds Jungkook.
“I didn't do anything,” and there's a part of you that regrets it. “I was so surprised and confused. I thought that maybe I'd made it all up in my head, that maybe he didn't mean the things he said like that. Because there was no way he could just turn around and be official with another girl by next monday, right?” You pause for a second to take some air, trying to calm down since the tears would be threatening to fall anytime soon. “But he did. And when I texted him and asked to meet up to talk, he replied with just a «thanks for these few months».” A dry laugh leaves your throat, every time you think about that text you find it stupider. “And just like that it was over. And I felt so dumb for letting it happen.”
“Don't say that. Is not on you,” says Hobi immediately.
“He played you. He is an asshole.” Jungkook continues, “C'mon here, so I don't run back in and punch his stupid face,” he says bringing you into a hug. 
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“So,” Yoongi starts after a few minutes of sitting in silence on the bench outside the cafeteria. Your appetite has come back and your friends are busy with their next class, one you don't share even with the ones in your major since you have stuck to an all-morning schedule, so you're left to share a bag of chips with him. “Can I ask something?”
“Can I refuse to answer?”
“I hope you don't,” that makes you laugh, “because I'm really curious now.”
“Okay, shoot.” 
“What happened seems like the perfect reason to avoid casual things, but that's not what I got from our date.”
“That's not a question, Yoongi,” you remark playfully when he doesn't continue, turning to him, bending your leg on the bench. “You want to know why I didn't run the moment you told me you didn't want a relationship?”
“Yes,” he nods, “that's what I meant. What I want to know.”
“Well, because you were honest about it.” Is as simple as that, but he still looks unsure. “I’m pretty sure that Chr– that guy,” remembering Yoongi is trying for the team you decide is best to not give out names to him either, “wasn't looking for something serious when we were talking, but he played into it because I said I was. He built my hopes up of something more and in the end he kind of just admitted that I was someone he was just spending time with. He didn't want something serious with me but he wasn't honest about it.”
“Would you have had something with him if he had been honest? If he asked to be friends with benefits or whatever?”
You chew a chip while thinking, taking some time.
“I don't know,” is your final answer, “I know it hasn't even been a year, but I was different back then, had other expectations and such. But what I'm sure of is that I'd have loved to be able to decide for myself, you know?”
“Of course. Is different when you are the one deciding to put your heart at potential risk.” he steals a chip from your bag, and silence falls once again.
So far Yoongi has proven to be a good person to talk to and to just be around in general, maybe Mai and Hobi were right about you guys being similar and setting up the date last week. Thinking about that and the phrase he just said reminds you of something and is your turn to wonder.
“Did she break your heart?”
“The redhead from the club.”
His expression changes a little bit, but you're getting better at noticing, so you catch it. “Thought you had forgotten about that.”
“Almost did, but you know, I'm curious too.”
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
“But satisfaction brought it back,” you complete the idiom, smiling proudly.
“I'm a smart cat, what can I say.”
That gets you a smile from Yoongi and he changes position, reclining his back against the bench and looking straight ahead he commences. “We met at the beginning of university, had a few classes together and started hanging out, became friends, and then started dating at the start of our second semester. Everything was easy and calm, the change from friends to more didn't even register to me, I… I don't know if it makes sense.”
“Sounds lovely,” you point out.
“It was. I thought it was perfect. And perhaps it was for a while, but after dating for about nine months something changed.” A little wrinkle appears on his forehead as he thinks, “I couldn't point it out and sometimes it felt like it was all in my head. And that made me more nervous because I didn't want to self-sabotage, you know.” You nod, fully facing his side now, sitting indian style and bag of chips on your lap. Paying attention as he did before for you.
“She wasn't big on PDA and I respected that, but when I told Mai we were together and she got mad I kind of realized that we had been secretly dating for almost a year. None of hers, and ours, closest friends knew about us and it felt… it hurt.” He pauses for a moment, bringing his hands to his jacket’s pockets. “So, I wanted to talk to her about it. To try and find a solution, to tell her I was sorry for telling Mai but I wanted to talk to my best friend about my girlfriend and how much I…” another pause, breathing in. “But when I went to her dorm, it was Jay who opened the door.” 
You gasp unintentionally, covering your mouth right away. “Where they…?” You don't know what to say. And you don't really need to say anything, everything is pretty clear.
“Turns out they had been together for about three months at that point.”
You gasp again, shocked.
“In and out, kitten, don't die.” He manages to joke and that makes you feel worse about your response.
“Sorry. Is just…”
“A lot?”
“Yeah. And… crazy. How could she cheat on you? I mean, in general, I don't get why people do it, but… on you?”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” He chuckles a bit.
“I mean because your relationship sounded lovely. Dating your friend? That's the goal, isn't it?” You correct, “But also, yes. You're good looking and your kissing game is not bad.” 
“You're not bad yourself.”
Looking at each other, you both laugh. 
“I'm sorry that happened to you,” you offer sincerely on a more serious note, “you know it is not on you, right?”
“I know,” he sighs, Mai had made sure to repeat it to him countless times back when everything happened and the couple months after until he truly believed it, “thank you.”
“And I know is scary and I'm not one to say it but… don't let what happened make you run away from the opportunity of something great.”
Yoongi smiles softly without really reaching his eyes and you completely understand when instead of keeping the conversation serious, he asks “Are you flirting with me?”
“You turned me down, remember? I'm not doing that again,” you answer only half joking.
“C’mon, I told you why I did it”
“You were deciding for me.” He opens and closes his mouth, shaking his head and before he can apologize again, you clarify, “I'm just joking.”
“You're mean. But I forgive because you're cute.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Yes.” He answers without a beat.
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
A pause, contemplating.
“You wish.”
He smirks, “I do.” 
And you do too. But your bravery from the other night is not here today and you wonder if it's because you're at the University campus or because all you have done today is talk about your bad luck in relationships and the fear of it all.
What if your friends see?
What if anyone else who knows them sees and tells them?
But what if it is the last chance you get to kiss Yoongi again?
Why are you overthinking it? Wasn't your plan to just go with the flow or whatever cheesy quote you chose?
“Was that too much?” Yoongi asks. The wind has blown a strain of hair into your face and he pulls it back in place behind your ear. “I don't have a problem being the one flirting, but if you really don't want me to do it again I'd completely stop. I promise.”
“Is not that,” you quickly answer. “I–I like it, is just…” some people walk out of the cafeteria, and you follow them with your gaze, is hard for him not to notice. 
“Come with me?” Standing up after him, you follow Yoongi across campus and behind the auditorium. He has only been here about a week, that's why you're surprised when he announced not a lot of people come here confidentiality.
“The ones still on campus are busy, either in normal classes or in extracurriculars.”
“You aren't on any extracurriculars?”
A shake of your head, “I live through Jungkook, that kid does everything.” 
Yoongi laughs. “That's why everyone knows him?”
“That and those Bambi's eyes,” you nod, laughing with him.
You are calmer now and guess that was Yoongi’s plan for bringing you here. So, when he doesn't say anything else, you decide to continue the other conversation.
“I guess that's why it’s kind of scary to flirt so openly with you. Especially now after finding out about the whole thing with Hobi and the basketball team,” you sigh.
“Do you think someone is going to tell him if they see us?”
“So are you telling me to stop flirting?” 
“No.” You answer too fast and he smirks, making you feel a bit shy, but yet, you continue. “I’m just not sure how they'd take the whole «hey, I'm flirting and kissing this guy. Is nothing serious we are just messing around».”
“«Messing around»? Are you fifty?” Yoongi laughs.
“They are! When is about me they act like everything is so extreme,” you pout a little.
“Poor baby,” he mirrors your pout, hands on your shoulders rubbing them softly.
“And I'm scared they would make everything so dramatic, you know? Like, if we want to kiss or whatever without being so serious about it, then what’s the issue?”
“They worry about you and want to protect you. Don't blame them too much.”
“Don't be on their side,” you shove him a little, “I'm trying to kiss you.”
He laughs, “Sorry. I'm on your side.” Pulling you closer and wrapping his arms around your middle. 
“While we both are on the same page about what we want, it shouldn't be an issue. Don't you agree?”
“So,” you look up at him, “what do you want?”
“I want to kiss you.”
You blush at how direct he is. “Not what I meant.”
“Well, like I said, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. I don't think I'm ready to put myself at that emotional risk again yet. But I didn’t mind you kissing me, and wouldn't complain if you want to do it again,” he says honestly. “What about you?”
“Also not really looking for a serious relationship. I think I just want to explore life a little, whatever that means. I want to have fun and not get hurt.”
“I'll never hurt you.”
“I'll never hurt you, either,” you promise looking into chocolate eyes, getting on the tip of your toes to peck his lips, sealing it.
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A/N: alright, this is officially a friends with benefits fic now, who is excited? asdfg Check this post for the calendar and pinterest board and more yapping that tumblr doesn't let me add here :/
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davidtennan-t · 2 days
The Birthday Gifts
Rose has a very special gift idea for her Mum's Birthday, but to get it, she's going to need the help of her Uncle.
Words: 5947
If you crave some Fourteen and Rose shenanigans but also lots of Fourteen and Donna angst then look no further than this fic, it’s got it all! Dedicated to my bestie @kottekonst ❤️ Also available on AO3
Today was Donna’s 53rd birthday.
The Temple-Noble residence was, therefore, rather busy for a Friday evening. The gathering was shaping up to be moderate – Donna never liked a huge fuss, but plenty of people were soon to be mingling in the large backyard, under a hired tent and the setting sunlight.
Rose had already secured her mother a gift. A bracelet, along with one of her very own handcrafted plushies. It was something of a birthday tradition and Rose was happy with her chosen little critter.
Except, she wasn’t, deep down.
There had been a niggling idea in Rose’s mind for weeks, now, and despite her best efforts to shove the idea aside and be happy with the sparkling bracelet wrapped in a gift box under her bed, she couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting to do more for her Mum. A true show of appreciation that could speak louder than any words could, without making it too… cringe.
There was a gift much more special and personal out there in the world. All day at school, her thoughts had never been far from this gift… it couldn’t be bought, nor could it be found in any shop.
It also wasn’t the correct year.
It was why collecting this gift had at first seemed impossible to Rose. How could she ever fly herself a whole year into the past?
Most people didn’t have an uncle who could navigate time and space, however.
He was retired, of course, supposed to be resting – and he did, mostly. But nobody enjoyed bending the rules of retirement more so than the Time Lord who was supposed to be doing it.
Especially when it came to his niece.
“So, are you in?”
Sat in the living room away from the hustle and bustle in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of tea made by none other than the teenage girl perched across from him, the Doctor raised an eyebrow.
“I can see why you made me the tea, now,” the Doctor regretfully replied, having listened intently to Rose’s idea for the past five minutes.
It had been a particularly strange day, on his part. Social gatherings and parties were so very domestic and human, but he was very much part of the family now. He’d helped Shaun set up the tent, fixed the broken stereo system and even dabbled in blowing up balloons under the watchful eye of Sylvia.
Anything for his Donna.
He’d finished the balloons which were all scattered around him and he'd wandered into the kitchen to make a well-earned cup of tea, when Rose had offered to make him one. Alarm bells should have rung right there and then.
“Come on, I know it will mean so much to Mum – I really want to try and make her happy,” Rose encouraged, sat on the edge of the sofa practically shaking with anticipation.
“You do make her happy, every day,” the Doctor reminded her. He never would have thought he’d be the one trying to discourage sneaking away on a quick trip.
Five months ago, they would have been in the TARDIS already.
This was different, however.
“Not like this, though… please? People will start arriving in a couple of hours and by that point it will be too late. I know the exact day, time, and everything… June 6th, 2023, it will only take two seconds, I promise.”
The Doctor glanced behind his shoulder to make sure nobody was eavesdropping.
"Couldn't we go tomorrow?" the Doctor asked.
"We could, but it wouldn't be the same. Today is her birthday and it just feels... right."
“That's fair, but it could be dangerous... you do understand the risks of bumping into your past self? It would create a paradox that would-”
“-devastate reality around me, I know,” Rose whined, but she grew more serious when she saw the look on the Doctor’s face. “I won’t bump into myself, or Mum… I know exactly when and where to go.”
Delicately deciding if he could truly trust his niece, which he would any day, the Doctor thought of a further barrier. A barrier related to the here and now. “Let’s say, hypothetically, I agreed to take you… how would we get to the TARDIS?” the Doctor asked.
The kitchen they would need to walk through to get to his beloved ship, sat on her perch surrounded by flowers, was currently occupied by Donna and Sylvia, sorting through the mountain of buffet food.
Rose frowned. “I should be able to walk into the garden no problem, but if we both walked through then-”
“-Donna would immediately know what we were up to,” the Doctor finished, looking thoughtful as he took another mouthful of tea and pondered their options. “Listen, I think it’s all a bit too risky. Even if we somehow managed to get past her, it’s her birthday, and she told me specifically the TARDIS was out of bounds today – unless there was an emergency.”
“She always says that, though - and this… sort of…is an emergency?” Rose tried to plea, flexing her hands with a strained smile.
The Doctor placed his now empty mug on the coffee table and turned to Rose, his expression solemn, and one that clearly meant no.
“I’m sorry, Rose. I won’t risk you getting into trouble.”
Definitely a no.
Rose sighed. Then, she curved her mouth downwards, stuck out her bottom lip, and glared straight at the Doctor.
“What are you doing?” he questioned, even though he knew exactly what she was doing.
Rose didn’t reply. She sighed again, for the dramatic effect.
“Now listen, I told you, it’s too risky,” he replied airily.
The pout didn’t faulter.
“That won’t work on me, y’know, so you might as well stop now.”
Still, the pout remained.
The Doctor’s nose twitched. He patted his knees a couple of times, trying his hardest to focus on something else to ignore Rose’s silent plea – didn’t Donna ask him to help with the sandwiches? Oh! There was a gift for Donna he needed to wrap upstairs, wasn’t there?
Gift… he hadn’t even asked Rose what her particularly special gift was. Was it something Donna had lost? It dangerously fuelled his curiosity, and he risked a glance over at the teenager again, who was still pouting in his direction.
The Doctor's mouth opened and closed a couple of times, now rocking gently back and forth as he tried to resist the temptation, but it grew harder as each second ticked by.
"Please, Uncle Spaceman?" Rose said quietly.
"Oh no, don't do that... this isn't... I-I can't..." he stuttered, yielding no result.
How could he say no to her? Clearly, the gift was something really special if her persistence was anything to go by. Something more than a simple gift... it seemed so very special. If it would make Donna happy, then what did he have to lose? Rose would be careful, like she always was. She always listened to him, never wandered off.
The Doctor's entire posture suddenly sagged, and his eyes closed.
There was nobody who could pull his leg like his niece.
Rose stopped pouting, holding her breath with a trepid tilt of the head.
After a moment of defeated silence, the Doctor reopened his eyes and finally spoke. “Fine, I’ll take you,” he said, ignoring the glee of excitement out of the corner of his eye, “but we’re both taking the blame this time, you hear?” he added with a point of his finger, even if he would be the first to defend her if it came down to it.
“Deal,” Rose replied quickly, still engrossed in her victory, but relieved and elated she was getting the chance to go through with her plan. Oh, she couldn’t wait to see the look on her Mum’s face.
A smirk crossed the Doctor’s lips, unintentionally feeling very proud of Rose’s persistence. Would he regret this all later? Probably. Would it help knowing Rose was happy? Absolutely.
“You’ve turned me into a soft touch,” the Doctor mumbled as he stood from the sofa, stretching out his back to release the knots from his period of sitting.
“You’ve always been a soft touch,” Rose replied with a smirk.
“Oi - don’t push it. I might be somewhat retired but I'm still the Lord of Time,” the Doctor jibbed back, “but if it’s important to you, then it’s important to me, no matter how much it will sting when we get back.”
Rose chuckled. “So, wait… we’re banned from going into the TARDIS, our route to said TARDIS is blocked but I can go out into the garden without raising suspicion… how are you going to get to the TARDIS without going through Mum? Last time we snuck away only Great-Grandad was home, and he never tells on us anyway,” she pondered, “we’ll both have to go through the kitchen one way or another.”
There was no direct access to the back garden other than through the kitchen, nor was there any way to reach the blue box by leaving the house through the front door. There was, however, a little secret the Doctor had kept to himself, in case of emergency.
“Oh, don’t you worry yourself. You’re looking at the man who snuck out of the biggest high-security prison in the Silfrax Galaxy – twice. In one week.”
Rose looked fairly impressed, but the Doctor found it was getting harder and harder to impress the teenager as time went on. There was only so many times he could tell a story about escaping a fleet of Daleks before it grew a little repetitive.
“Tough crowd,” the Doctor uttered, straightening his tartan waistcoat with a sniff, “I’ll use the cellar window, easily done.”
“Wait, you use the cellar window to escape!?” Rose gawped.
“Rose Temple-Noble, how dare you insinuate such a thing. I used it once a couple of weeks after I arrived to get away from Sylvia and her book club,” the Doctor explained, “I do love my dear old mother-in-law, but there’s only so much you can take of them misquoting Charles Dickens. I did offer to take her and the other members to meet him, but she refused… so, I snuck out the window to go for a walk, instead. Haven’t used it since.”
This time, Rose did look impressed.
“Right then… meet you by the TARDIS in three minutes?”
Once Rose strolled calmly into the kitchen, complimented her Gran on the very well-presented quiche and offered to help her Mum with the sandwiches – which she knew would be met with a no since nobody could ever tamper with her mother’s sandwiches – she expertly explained she was going to lock up her crafting shed and wouldn’t be too long.
Neither Donna nor Sylvia noticed the Time Lord slipping through the cellar door in the hallway.
“Don’t close those patio doors or we’ll lose the breeze!” Sylvia reminded her granddaughter, who smiled and nodded, trying to edge her way towards the open doors. Donna, who’s hair was wrapped in curlers, suddenly looked a little curious as she added more egg to a tray of sandwiches.
“Where’s your uncle, anyway? He said he was finishing up those balloons an hour ago and that was the last I saw him,” Donna asked.
“Oh, he’s just… he’s just, tinkering! Yeah, tinkering… with the balloons. Balloon tinkering,” Rose replied, much less convincingly than she would have liked. It was a miracle her mother bought it.
“Fair enough – remember, no sneaking off in that blue box, the pair of you. It’s my birthday, I don’t want Sontarans storming the garden, or Ood showing up to cater for the party,” Donna warned, pointing a fork in Rose’s direction, but it was with a motherly smile.
Rose nodded, despite the sudden urge to stop what she was doing and listen to her Mum. Yes, this would make her mad… but it would be so incredibly worth it. “Yes, I know… I’ll be back soon.”
Instead of turning left to go to her crafting shed, Rose made sure neither Donna or Sylvia were looking before she quickly ducked right, under the kitchen window and sneaking around the bushes. Once in the clear, Rose quickly raced over to the blue box basking in the late-afternoon sunshine with a victorious shine in her eyes, the rest of the garden empty.
The Doctor was nowhere to be seen, so Rose leaned against the TARDIS and decided to wait for her uncle to appear.
Rose waited.
And waited.
Then, just to fuel her nerves even further, she waited some more.
Worryingly tapping her foot, the anxious teenager tried to peak around the greenery and flowers. The cellar window was positioned in a clearing surrounded by the bushes her Great-Grandfather loved to take care of, with stone steps leading down to some tables and chairs. There was no sign of her uncle emerging from that clearing.
“Come on, Mum’s going to catch us,” Rose uttered under her breath with a trepid glance at the open patio doors.
“Pst – Rose!”
An urgent, quiet whisper from behind the bushes. Rose perked up at the sound of the Doctors voice.
“What is it?!” Rose replied in a hushed whisper.
“Come here!” came the reply.
“Just come here!”
Rolling her eyes with a frustrated sigh, Rose carefully made her way towards the clearing of bushes, sneaking down the steps while shooting worried stares at the doors. At least the bushes would keep them hidden while in that area – for now.
“Doctor, we need to go, before Mum see-”
Rose was suddenly face to face with the Doctor – or rather, face to face with half of him. He was poking out from the cellar window, evidently agitated with his hands pressed against the wall, his face contorted into a grimace.
“What the hell are you doing?!” she asked.
The Doctor stopped his pushing and glanced up at his niece.
“What does it look like I’m doing?!”
“Oi, don’t get snappy with me, Mum won't like that,” Rose replied, folding her arms while glancing to make sure Donna hadn’t spotted them.
“Well I don't think she'll like any of this if she finds out what we’re doing – now help get me out of here!” the Doctor reiterated, his strained noises making the already anxious teenager even more nervous.
“Just… I dunno, shimmy your through?” Rose replied, somewhat confused.
“Shimmy!? Don’t you think I’ve tried that?” the Doctor replied in another snap, still struggling with the window to prove his point, “See? I can’t!”
“Well, why not?”
The Doctor’s expression fell into a serious but embarrassed glare. He stopped his efforts with a sigh, his diverted gaze looking everywhere but Rose.
“I can’t move,” he replied, in the quietest, most meek tone, like he’d just been caught by Donna with his hand in the cookie jar.
“Say again?” Rose asked.
“I can’t move,” the Doctor repeated. Still far too quiet for Rose to hear.
“Louder for the people in the back, please?” Rose retorted exasperatedly, putting a hand to her ear – completely forgetting they were supposed to be escaping silently.
“I can’t move!” the Doctor finally exclaimed - much too loud, as footsteps suddenly echoed just inside the patio doors. Rose gasped and quickly ducked down beside the Doctor, who grew as stiff as a board.
Donna’s mop of pinned-up ginger hair was visible even through the leaves and blossoming flowers as her head poked out into the garden.
Rose held her breath. The Doctor held his breath, his slightly shaking frame making the spikes of his hair tremble.
“Strange, thought I heard a noise,” Donna shrugged, and with that, she turned away and was gone.
After the pair released their held in breaths, Rose turned her attention back to the Doctor, who was now gritting his teeth.
“Are you saying you’re stuck?” Rose whispered, glancing at the cellar window. Now she was closer, it did look rather tight, with the Time Lord squeezed into it uncomfortably – it was a small window, just big enough for a skinny alien to navigate. Or rather, had been big enough. “How can you be stuck?”
“Keep your voice down!” the Doctor quipped, eyebrows tensed as he glared at his niece, who shot him a very disapproving look.
“Oi! I am! It’s you that’s stressing!” Rose replied while waving her hands at him, “I thought you said you’d used this window before?”
“Yeah, well, that was a five months ago,” the Doctor replied, attempting to tug himself forwards again, but with no result, “clearly, I’ve been enjoying retirement a little too much,” he added through clenched teeth.
Rose watched as he tugged again, realising what her uncle meant – he strained, seemingly slipping through, but at such a slow pace they’d be there for all the party guests to see if he didn’t hurry.
“Come on, you can do it,” Rose encouraged.
It was no wonder his suits had been feeling slightly tighter recently. Five months of ‘three meals a day, Spaceman’ and ‘look, here’s a packet of your favourite biscuits’... and how could he forget lovely little old Mrs Fredrick from next door who always popped around with the odd pie or batch of brownies?
Another few precious seconds ticked by, and the Doctor eventually slumped in defeat, out of breath and still very much caught in the window.
“This is not good,” he admitted, “well, worse than not good, actually… very bad, more like.”
“Okay, okay, chill, we can fix this,” Rose tried to reassure him despite her growing concern. “You just need to twist around a little bit, shift your weight, I’m sure you’ll pop right out.”
The Doctor tried that. A little more progress… which only resulted in more tightness. Eventually, he stopped again, long fingers clutching the soft grass as he tried to catch his breath.
By now, guilt was starting to bubble into Rose’s chest – she’d caused this. If they were caught now, she dreaded to think what her mother would say.
“Listen, let’s just call this whole thing off, I’m not having you hurt yourself because I wanted to-” Rose began, but the Doctor quickly cut her off.
“There is absolutely no way we’re giving up now – just because I’m having a little bit of trouble with this window, does not equal defeat, right?” the Doctor said and he gave Rose his most reassuring smile, despite his predicament.
Rose instantly felt more at ease and she smiled back.
“A little bit of trouble?” Rose questioned, finding humour among the urgency, but also incredibly grateful to the Doctor for not giving in so easily.
“Hey - you try saying no to lovely old Mrs Fredrick when she’s stood at the front door holding an apple pie that she made ‘just for you’,” the Doctor retorted.
It was true… Rose wondered how anyone could say no to that sweet old lady when she stood in her little flowery oven mitts with her baked goods.
“Okay, don't worry, we can do this – I have an idea,” Rose confidently told the Doctor and determinedly got to her feet, holding out both her hands after sparing a glance to the patio doors to check for any sign of her mother. “Give me your hands.”
The Doctor, who admittedly was extremely eager to be free from the window to continue helping his niece, didn’t hesitate to reach up to grasp her outstretched hands. It was an awkward position for his long, thin body, but this was their last chance.
“If your Mum saw this I think she’d laugh rather than get mad,” the Doctor commented.
“Let’s not test the waters – ready?”
And with that, Rose leaned back and began pulling.
They were both quietly delighted when the Doctor began to move immediately, quicker than his lone efforts, but it was still precariously tight for the poor Time Lord.
Suddenly, footsteps echoed from the patio door.
As if playing musical statues, Rose and the Doctor froze with their hands still clutched together, the Doctor awkwardly stretched with Rose leaning back on her feet, her curly hair swaying in the light breeze.
Donna appeared again and she held out a hand, evaluating the settling beams of the sun.
“Still warm out, Mum - fancy finishing those cocktails in the fridge before we start decorating? I’ll go grab some ice from the cellar, we’ve ran out up here. And I need to find Spaceman, wherever he is, I need help with the rest of these sandwiches,” Donna said as she pulled back her hand from the sun beam she’d been testing and strolled inside.
Rose was sure she’d never seen such panic overtake anyone’s expression as quickly as it overcame the Doctors.
“Rose Temple-Noble, get me out of this window, now.”
“On it.”
Rose resumed her efforts with an added franticness, while the Doctor tried to wriggle the rest of his trapped waist through the window.
After a tense few seconds, he eventually slid through, and Rose gently placed his hands down onto the grass. He was clearly winded from the effort and his arms shook as he tried to lift himself up.
Donna had been expecting to go to the spare freezer for the ice without a care in the world – oh, she loved those cocktails from Lidl.
What she hadn’t been expecting was the sight of her best friend’s lanky legs dangling inside the cellar window.
“What the hell is going on?!” She yelled as she began to march down the old wooden stairs, completely bewildered at the sight.
Outside, Rose practically flung herself at her uncle, helping to heave his exhausted form forwards enough to get him moving. They were both in fight or flight and, in that moment, they both chose flight - no matter the consequences.
Inside, Donna was fast approaching the flailing tartan legs.
“Get your skinny backside back in this house!”
“Come on, come on!” Rose urged the Doctor.
“Is that you Rose? Oh, just you both wait until I-”
Donna reached out to grab one of the disappearing Converse but missed by a mere centimetre as the Doctor’s shoes finally disappeared through the window.
In the time it took her to recover from the near miss and look through the glass, she saw the retreating figures of the Doctor and Rose running through the bushes.
And by the time she’d raced back upstairs and past a very confused Sylvia holding a tray of slightly overcooked sausage rolls, Donna knew it was much too late.
“You have ten seconds to explain yourself – go.”
Stood before a very irritated Donna Noble in the back garden, the Doctor and Rose glanced at each other.
For Donna, it had only been two minutes since she’d discovered the Doctor’s dangling legs in the cellar. Two minutes had been enough for her to piece together a familiar puzzle, and so she'd angrily removed the curling blocks from her hair and stood in the back garden, waiting for the familiar whirrs of the TARDIS returning.
“Donna, we’ve only been gone for two minutes, and in my defence-” the Doctor began explaining but was quickly shushed by Donna.
“Not now, Spaceman – Rose, what do you have to say for yourself?”
The Doctor promptly closed his mouth and placed his hands behind his back.
Ah, family…
“Mum, I know this looks bad, but please, don’t be mad, I really wanted to-”
“To what? Fly off to some dangerous alien planet - nearly fall into a black hole? I told both of you I didn’t want anyone jaunting off on my birthday, and yet look where we are!” Donna stated, holding out her arms. Despite the anger she’d already prepared for, Rose stepped forwards with both hands secured behind her back, holding the very item she hoped would be able to save both herself and the Doctor from a grounding.
“Mum, please listen – this was all my idea, and no, we didn’t go flying off looking for trouble. I-… I wanted to get you something, for your birthday.”
Donna’s expression softened.
“Wait – you snuck off to get me a present?” Donna replied, not excusing it, but it was far from what she had expected to hear.
At Rose’s nod, Donna softened even more.
“Rose, darling, you know I’m always telling you not to make a fuss – the Doctor is supposed to be resting, not flying you around time and space to go shopping. This is the third time in two months you two have gone flying off together without me knowing… I don’t ground you both to be mean, I do it because I worry about you. Both of you.”
The Doctor looked a little meek as Donna shot him a glare to make sure he knew the impact of her words. He diverted his gaze downwards, as Rose took another defiant step forwards.
“But if I told you where we were going you would have said no, and it would have ruined the surprise, so…”
Donna’s hard stare returned, but she was no longer furious. “Maybe if you’d asked me first, I would have said yes, but instead, you had your uncle climbing through our cellar window? You both lied to me - on my birthday, no less.”
The Doctor didn’t just see but could physically sense the excitement dripping away from Rose’s posture and he couldn’t stay quiet any longer.
Domestics never used to be his thing. Once over, he would have run away and hid from a confrontation of this very nature. Now, it was time to defend his niece.
“Donna, it’s really not her fault – I agreed to do it, for her,” he explained, “and I really think you should look at what she’s gotten you.”
Donna sighed. Even she could see her daughter’s excitement dwindling… her kind, beautiful, wonderful daughter, no less.
“Okay, fine,” Donna gave in with a small smile, and Rose shot the Doctor a thankful smile before she revealed the object from behind her back, holding it out for her Mum to take.
This was it.
“Happy Birthday, Mum.” Rose smiled.
Donna reached out and gently took the gift from Rose.
It was a crumpled piece of paper.
“Oh… what’s this?” Donna questioned.
“Remember last year when we were walking through the park and you pulled out your purse, but it was really windy, and everything flew out? Receipts, money…” Rose trailed off.
It took a moment, but Donna soon recalled the event Rose described.
“Yeah, it was that cheap old purse from Primark, fell to bits, didn’t it… and I lost…”
This time, Donna’s voice trailed off. She immediately began to unfold the crumpled paper, which was dirty, but still intact. When the paper finally opened, Donna felt her throat begin to tighten, her eyes began to burn.
“You lost the last thing Grandad ever wrote down for you.”
Donna held the paper like it was made of crystal… like it was the most precious thing in the entire Universe.
On the paper, in Geoff’s handwriting, the words read:
You’ll do amazing things, my girl. Love, Dad.
“You never told me, but I knew after Dad said you’d lost it that day,” Rose explained, “I remember I watched it fly away into bush and I didn’t say anything, because I thought it was just a random bit of paper - not anything important. So, now you have it back.”
Donna sniffed, reaching up to wipe the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Never would she have thought she’d be holding this again.
“So… y-you went back in time to pick it up?” Donna asked, shakily.
Rose nodded.
“The Doctor took us to the exact day, a few minutes after we’d originally left the park. I was worried it might have blown away, but it was there, in that same bush. No trips to Mars, no sneaking off to the 1800’s, no-”
Rose was interrupted by her mother’s tight embrace.
“You don’t have to say anymore, sweetheart,” Donna said, still clutching the paper in her hand, “I forgive you for sneaking off. I’m so sorry for being so mad,” Donna apologised, holding onto her daughters curls tightly. "Thank you so much."
Rose lifted her arms and hugged her Mum back, smiling with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.
“Go and show your Gran, she’ll be just as surprised as me,” Donna suggested, pulling back from the hug to cup her daughters face. “And I mean it this time when I say no more sneaking away. This-” she placed the paper into Rose’s hand, “was more than I ever could have asked for.”
Before Rose even considered making her way back to the house, she turned to run up to the Doctor and wrapped her arms around him tightly. The Time Lord, having stood in absolute silence with a slight wetness in his eyes, quickly returned Rose’s embrace.
“Thank you,” Rose said.
The Doctor didn’t say anything. Instead, he pulled back and gave her a wink. A wink that said everything he needed it to.
The garden was silent once more as Donna watched her daughter retreat into house, elated at the surprise gift and kindness of the gesture.
Suddenly, the silence was broken.
“Am I forgiven?”
Donna closed her eyes and shook her head – but the faintest of humorous smiles sat on her thinned lips.
“I’m still debating on that,” Donna stated, turning to face the Doctor, “you did promise me you wouldn’t fly off under any circumstances today.”
“Oh, come on,” The Doctor replied, “when she told me her idea, I couldn’t say no… it touched both my hearts, I’ll have you know. She’s as thoughtful and kind as her mother.”
“Oh no you don’t, Brainbox, flattery will get you nowhere,” Donna jibbed, but she was smiling as the Doctor approached.
“You know I don’t mind you taking her on the odd trip here and there, but when I said I worry, I mean it… if something happened to you while you were out, what would happen to Rose?”
“I wouldn’t let anything like that happen, Donna… HADS, remember?”
“Yeah, well, the HADS are one thing… but alien potatoes pointing rifles at my daughter would be another, just to name one example.”
“Again,” the Doctor said, “wouldn’t let it happen. I try not to go looking for trouble as much, these days.”
The look on Donna’s face grew sharper and he realised he couldn’t be so nonchalant.
“Okay… I’m sorry.”
Donna sighed. “I know you are,” she replied, nudging the Doctor in the side with her arm, “you just can’t resist that niece of yours, can you?”
Of course he couldn’t. She was his world now… they all were.
“Nope,” he answered, popping the ‘p’.
Donna slinked an arm around the Doctor’s waist, and he in turn wrapped an arm around her shoulders. When Donna squeezed him however, he unintentionally winced and let go.
Surprised, Donna immediately loosened her own grip.
“Spaceman? You alright?”
The Doctor quickly recovered from the sudden stinging sensation and shook his head. “Oh… don’t worry, it’s nothing. Just a little strain from… well, never mind. Moving on - still need help with the sandwiches?”
“Strain from what?” Donna asked, concerned enough to ignore his attempt at diverting the conversation.
“Nothing, it’s honestly nothing, Donna, I promise,” the Doctor sniffed.
“Doctor, tell me,”
“It’s nothing!”
That clearly meant it was something.
“Wait a minute…” Donna declared, her concern losing its edge, but not entirely, “that’s right, I remember now - you were hanging halfway out of that cellar window when I caught you.”
The Doctor’s cheeks were suddenly the same shade as the pink flowers in the nearest plant pot. “You mean nearly caught me,” he corrected her, quietly.
Donna inhaled. "Okay, nearly caught you...any reason why?"
“Aw… did the retired Time Lord have a little trouble escaping through a window?”
“What? Nah…” the Doctor pied off, a little too quickly, “walk in the park, that was. Just a bit of an awkward angle. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
Donna reached out and prodded the Doctor in the middle – where her finger would have once met complete flatness, it instead sunk into a small mound of softness which filled out the once loose shirt. When the Doctor instantly swatted her hand away with a grimace, she knew.
She knew her best friend, his expressions, his body language... that sadness lingering behind his eyes.
“Oh, Spaceman,” she sighed while gazing up into those round brown eyes. The Doctor noticed and raised his eyebrows.
“What?” he uttered.
Donna gently moved her hands to the front of the Doctor’s stomach, between his open waistcoat.
“What are you doing?” the Doctor asked, growing stiff again at the prospect of his sore skin being jabbed, but he was surprised to feel a gentle touch, Donna’s palms resting on his tiny belly.
“Nothing, just… I’ve noticed these past few weeks how much healthier you’re looking. More there.”
More there? The Doctor raised an eyebrow.
“But… I was there, here, wherever, before, wasn’t I?” the Doctor said in a high-pitched squeak.
“You were, but not like this,” Donna replied, thinking back to watching the two Doctors fighting for the fate of humanity with a ball – the new Doctor had exuded so much energy and youth… her Doctor, this Doctor, had looked pale, thin, exhausted. “I was so worried about you, all that time leading up to that bloody game of catch. You were burned out. Thin as a pin, remember?”
“That’s the second time I’ve heard that today,” the Doctor replied.
“Yeah well,” Donna began, “seeing you like this, with a bit of meat on your bones and your face looking less gaunt and sunken in… it’s on par with Rose’s surprise gift. I don’t want fancy watches or spa days for my birthday. I want my best friend to be healthy… that is such a wonderful gift. And I've never been happier to realise you had trouble squeezing out of a window.”
The Doctor was silent. Donna’s sincerity was finally beginning to sink in as he opened his mouth to speak, but closed it when no words came out.
Yes, he had days he struggled… oh, sometimes he could scream and cry into any open abyss. Wounds would flare, his mind would play tricks on him, or he’d spot someone on the street resembling Amy, Clara, or Bill… and he’d want to run. This extra weight... he hadn't realised it, but the doubts had crept up.
But Donna. She kept him grounded. His family kept him grounded – and hearing such soft, sweet words made him feel better about ever getting caught in that bloody window.
“I only want what’s best for you, Spaceman… and this,” Donna said, rubbing her hand softly over the Doctors tighter shirt, “tells me we must be doing something right.”
Tears were blurring his vision now. His throat felt constricted, and his lower lip wobbled.
“You could never do wrong by me. Any of you,” he replied, in the quietest, most fragile whimper.
Donna always expected to have a little cry on her birthday, every year – but now, for the second time that afternoon, she wanted to cry again and let her tears build.
“Come here, you big old softie,” she said, moving her hands to pull the Doctor firmly into a hug. He chuckled through his own tears and fell into Donna’s arms, his head tucking against her shoulder – and she held him. Firmly but softly. Quietly, but with the odd sniff from both of them.
“And for the record, Spaceman – yes, I do forgive you.”
The Doctor’s wobbling lip crept into a smile.
"Happy birthday, Donna Noble."
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seobsroot · 2 days
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summary: you and jay broke up, but the thought of him keeps haunting you
warnings: kind of suggestive??, alcohol consumption, both reader and jay are kinda toxic idk, fem reader
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park jeongsong, or jay, is a man who you shouldn’t let go. you’ve let him go too many times to count.
you met jay during a party that your friend through. you saw him in the corner listening to the music and drinking. you thought he was cute, so you walked up to him and started talking. “hi there.” he turned to you and smiled. “hey there.” you blushed, he was exuding confidence. he smelt like money and sin. “i’m y/n. what’s your name?” you smiled and he put his drink down. “i’m jay. nice to meet you.” he looked you up and down and you looked away for a second.
“do i make you nervous?” he asked, moving closer. you shortened under his strong gaze and tall stature. “maybe a little.” you trailed off and he chuckled. “it’s okay sweetheart.” he stood above you and then you two decided to talk about other things. the night flew by and it was already 1 am and people were starting to leave.
“wanna get outta here?” he asked and you nodded and he grabbed your hand because the doorway was becoming crowded. he brought you to his car and then started driving. “where are we going?” you inquired and he kept his focus on the road. “you’ll see.” his jaw clenched as he made a turn.
his hands gripped his steering wheel and one hand was slithering to your thigh. your breath hitched and he laughed. he stopped the car at a park. the stars were out and the wind was lightly blowing. he brought you over to a bench and you guys talked until 4 am. he asked you out to dinner the next day. after that your relationship progressed to something more and you were dating for 6 months. you decided to break up with him because you felt you were slowly going different ways in life.
usually, that would be the end. it’s never the end with jay. about 1 month after the breakup, you received a message saying. “baby come back to me please. my head is a mess without you.” you obviously knew who it was texting you at 12 am. “jay. please we’re going to different places in life.” you replied and he replied back. “everything i do reminds me of you. please come back, i need you.” you sighed and replied back, “come over tomorrow.”
you knew this was a bad idea, but deep down you still wanted him. needed him. he was everything you needed, you knew that. you didn’t want to get attached to him too much and him break your heart. he showed up at your door with flowers and a card. his scent flooded your nostrils the second he walked in the door.
you sat yourself and him on the couch. he gave you the gifts and you took them and put them on the table to put away later. “please come back to me. i need you y/n” he said taking your hand in his. you looked down at his hands, adorned with rings. you looked at his face that had the most sincere look ever. you sighed and shook your head.
“i don’t know jay.” he brought your conjoined hands to his forehead and then kissed them. “please.” his voice started breaking. you bit your lip and pondered. “take me out on a date.” you said plainly and he looked up. “i will. let’s go right now, get ready.” his eyes lit up and you ran to your room. you came out with your hair in a bun, black tube top dress, and white strap up heels. when you came out he looked gobsmacked. “you’re so beautiful.” he went in for a kiss, but your hand on his chest stopped him.
“date first, kiss maybe later.” he pouted and you smiled. you walked out to the car and he opened your door. he drove you to this fancy restaurant down the street and opened your door. he grabbed your hand and led you inside. he got you two a table and pulled out your chair.
the waiter came and poured you both red wine. you both ordered and now jay was getting ready to talk. “please y/n. i need you back. it’s not the same without you. you run through my mind constantly. everything i do reminds me of you. please come back.” he grabbed your hands again and licked your lips. “jay.” you sighed and he looked up. you moved in and kissed his cheek. “jay, i’ve been thinking about you everyday. i didn’t know how to come back since i was the one who broke it off. i want you back too.” his face went from sadness to happiness in an instant.
“are you serious?” he asked and you nodded. “would i lie to you?” you moved across the table and kissed him. “jay, will you let me be your girlfriend again?” he nodded and kissed you again. “a million times yes.”
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i haven’t posted so this is me posting because i haven’t posted
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haikyu-mp4 · 10 hours
Congratz for the milestone!! Your event is soo cute btw! If you dont mind i am applying with tsukki, i am organized and flexible* Idk if i did it right but i hope you enjoy writing it!
thank you very much!! you're hired, lovely individual <3 *I only intended for suggestive to be used in coworker scenarios and it didn't fit the idea I had, so please excuse the lack of suggestiveness:)
Pressure point
Tsukishima is your friend and accidentally confesses, for the now hiring! event
word count; 618 – f!reader
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Many young adults got a part-time job next to their university studies, and a lesser part of them enjoyed said jobs. You, however, had figured out a way to maximise your profit.
Not only that, but your best friend, Tsukishima Kei, usually spent the evenings you worked in the cafe, studying by the table closest to the cashier so you could throw subtle insults at each other whenever the line cleared up. In your eyes, it couldn’t get any better.
Tsukishima might seem calm, but he had just about had it, watching you flirt with these pathetic men who thought they genuinely caught your attention.
At first, he found it amusing how you coaxed them into throwing whatever change might be found at the bottom of their backpacks into your tip jar. Your brain was one of your many attractive qualities that made him stick around for so long and develop some feelings along the way.
Unfortunately, it bothered him as he listened to how you could flirt so effortlessly. He was jealous of how they got to bask in your, albeit fake, attention for even a few seconds. It had cost him a couple of study hours, where he would harshly press his pen into the same spot on his paper, trying to shut out the sound of your giggles.
As you were about to lock the door for the day, Tsukki was already standing behind you with his bag hiked up on his shoulder. “You don’t want to wait around today? I won’t take that long,” you queried, slight furrow between your brows.
“I’m not feeling well,” he said, trying not to sound too cold, but he couldn’t help it.
You tilted your head, letting out a small discontent sound. “Then why did you stay for so long?” you asked, and Tsukki looked away from your face.
He mumbled something under his breath and you huffed, locking the door before turning to him with your hands on your hips.
“What was that?”
“How will you flirt when you actually like someone? When you’re not just pretending for some cheap tips?” he asked, hiding his feelings behind a dry laugh.
“Who said I don’t like them?” you challenged, confusion diffusing after Tsukki’s resolve unravelled.
“Oh stop it, there’s no way you’re that tasteless,” he argued, looking like the thought left a nasty taste on his tongue.
You pursed your lips, nodding your head as you decided to switch from your first thought to a more tactical response. “I suppose if I did like someone, I would ask him to hang out with me while I’m at work. Annoy him when I can. Push up his glasses when he’s being a smart-ass,” you insisted, emphasising by lifting your pointer finger to push his glasses up his nose bridge, something you often did to annoy him.
Tsukishima readjusted his glasses and stared at you blankly for a second. He didn’t know what came over him, and he’d forever deny it to anyone you tried to tell the story to, but he put one hand on each of your cheeks and pulled you in for an awkward touch of lips one might call a kiss.
When his hands left your cheeks and he pulled away, you stared at him in amused shock. “Tsukki!”
“I’ll cover the tips with whatever food you want, just stop flirting with anyone else,” he demanded with a frown, while his eyes were flitting between your eyes and your lips.
“Are you asking me out?” He let out a flustered sound, about to turn around and pretend like nothing happened when you got on the tips of your toes to give him another, slightly better kiss.
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somerandomdere · 20 hours
Yan! reader x second female lead! darling
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warnings: implications of suicide, slight angst, mentions of reader's obsessive behaviour, worried its too long so I split it into 2 parts I know I'm supposed to be working on requests but I can't get this idea out of my mind :(
You have reincarnated into a world of your comfort otome game, The Wind Falls. You played this game over and over in your previous life, not because the storyline was great or anything, but because of your favourite character, the second female lead, Aleena.
She's everything you'd dream to have in a girlfriend. Kind, diligent, loyal and warm. You just couldn't understand why the main character never chose her. However, no matter what choice you pick, you never ended up with her.
This caused you to obsess over her, filling your bedroom with her pics from ceiling to the floor, praised her in every forum you are in, psycho analysing her personality and micro expressions to everything about her. She was your comfort character, your warm home, everything to you. You wish someone like her will come to you in real life, so you could escape from this hell.
Every time you went home and got beaten up, you played your favourite scenes of her. Every time you got bullied at your school, watching her made you forget about your bruises and pain. On your darkest days, she was your light.
But you know she will never appear in real life, for such an angel does not exist in this society.
So you decided to go to her.
By jumping in front of a speeding truck.
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"Fuck..." You opened your eyes, and found yourself in a classroom. The sun was blazing, the rays blinding your eyes. Your skin was sticky, and you were sweating all over. You feel your muscles aching, did this body run a thousand miles or something?
You lent another student's pocket mirror to take a good look at your appearance. You possessed the body of an athletic student. No wonder you were sweating so much. Fit, slim and muscular, this was the body type you were constantly praying to have in your previous life.
Maybe you can start over.
After returning the pocket mirror, you scanned the people in your class. When your eyes landed on Aleena, it felt like the world slowly came to a stop. Your angel was in the same universe as you, and she was even more beautiful than in the game! Dark, cascading curls fell over her shoulders and her long eyelashes fluttered as she revises her homework she had to hand up later on. You were in ecstasy, even drugs could never replicate this happiness and love you felt for her.
"Quiet down class! I have an important announcement to make. We have a new student who came all the way from the UK! Please introduce yourself!" You snapped out of it and returned your attention to the teacher, even though your heart was thumping.
A boy about the same height as you, wears a frown on his face as he introduced himself as Elias. He was dark, brooding, mysterious, definitely would be male lead of any novel he's in. And as you guessed, his name sounded very familiar. Elias, the male lead of The Wind Falls, also the character you play when playing the game. To be honest, to you, he looked really overrated. Your heart only belongs to Aleena and no one else.
Looking at Aleena, you could already tell she was smitten by him. Her pupils turned into a heart like something out of a cartoon, and she was blushing intensely.
But of course, as the second female lead, she never had a chance with him. His assigned seat was beside the snobbish, rich and tsundere girl, Angela, also known as the female lead of the game.
You realised you never had a chance with Aleena as you were just a mob in this game realm. Yet you wanted to see her smile. you didn't need her to reciprocate your feelings, as long she's happy, you're happy. And you will do anything to achieve this.
A few days later, Aleena tries to win Elias over with some home cooked food, but unluckily for her, Angela thought of the same idea. When Aleena was trying to muster up the courage to give Elias the lunch, Angela cuts in and with her usual arrogant look, sets down her 9 tier lunch in front of him.
Watching from afar, you could tell Aleena felt defeated looking at that glamorous lunchbox. You honestly wanted to permanently get rid of Angela so Aleena and Elias could have their happy ending. Elias, opens the glamorous lunchbox, and the food inside...was so unlike the outside. Burnt to a crisp, the food didn't look appetising at all. Nevertheless, Elias told Aleena he will eat hers another day and chose Angela.
You were boiling mad. Doesn't he see how much effort Aleena had put for him? Didn't he see her hands that were covered in band aids? Doesn't he know how early she must have woken up to prepare the lunchbox for him? While Angela dared to feed the one she supposedly loved with burnt food that was pretty much charred and could possibly cause food poisoning, Aleena gave her all and only gave the best to him. Yet he chose Angela over Aleena. He doesn't deserve her, you thought.
At this moment, Aleena runs out of the classroom, and Elias didn't even glance at her. Worried about Aleena, you chased after her.
"Hey...your lunchbox looked pretty good. You don't mind if I finish it for you right? It's bad to let food go to waste. Besides, I forgot my wallet today and I'm pretty hungry." You pretended to nonchalantly start a conversation with her.
Targeting her kind heart was foul play, but it worked. She gave her lunchbox to me her hand her hand her hand and we headed up to the roof together. As you ate her lunchbox, you could feel the warmth and love she had for Elias. All of Elias's favourite food, nice prepared in an elegant manner he would love you wish it was for you. As Aleena cried about how Elias will never look her way, you didn't want to discourage Aleena and wanted to resist the temptation to kill Elias, came up with a plan. You will set Aleena up with Elias.
There's a reason why you're a yandere. Anything for your darling
reference from the manga oneshot Make Heroine wo Katasetai! taglist: @suiana @forbidden-sunlight @allurilove @mightypossibly @hana-no-seiiki @yxami @maleyanderecafe @moyazaika @losersiren @faux-ecrivain @oct0bra1ns @lizzaneia-elizalde @misstycloud @purerae @puripurin @darling--core @heartfullofleeches @godnectar @yandere-writer-momo @lovverletters @loveydoveysunray also tell me if you want to be tagged. I got this idea from other writers :)
Guys, I'm working on part 2 of yandere actor x crew reader and some requests so don't worry! It's my break now, I finally have time to write.
Also, notice how I bolded every mention of Aleena because reader is obsessed with her. And they never bolded their own name because Aleena is much more important to them than anything else.
Also, I appreciate feedback! PLS PLS PLS GV FEEDBACK
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spacebaby1 · 2 days
Hi babe 🥹 I love your vlog!
Can I request a Gojo oneshot where the reader is a foreigner and new to Jujutsu High? Like she was just entering high school and then Satoru falls in love with her as soon as he looks at her?
I also have another idea but I don't know if you like it. I was also thinking about Satoru's lifelong friend reader. Where he has feelings of love for her but she doesn't seem to realize it. And then Suguru's defection happens, and the reader wants to leave with him 😫
I really don't know if you're going to read this, I love you very much and I love your vlog, I'm always watching it!  Greetings from Venezuela 🇻🇪
Omg hello! Thank you for supporting! I really love the second idea and I would love to write it soon🫡💙enjoy, hope you like it!
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Standing in front of the huge school building, you read the paper in your hand over and over; Jujutsu High. Yes, it was the building, your new school, but looking around, it seemed haunted and way too quiet since no one was around. You have just transferred to this new school, in the new country far away from your home and didn't know what to do. With a sigh, you walked inside the building, hoping to find someone and ask them for help, and that's exactly what you did.
Walking down the empty hallway was terrifying; your just joined being a sorcerer back in your home country for less than two months and they already decided to send you away since the higher ups needed more sorcerer in japan. Most of the classes were empty as you walked and that's when you heard a sound of talking and laughter and you followed it happy that the building isn't completely empty. Entering the class you saw two boys who immediately turned their head towards the door when you opend it. The one sitting on the chair has his hair in a messy bun while the other was wearing dark sunglasses and had white hair. "Uh, I just transferred here. Sorry to bother you but can you show me where to find the principles office?"
The open with white hair had his jaw slightly open while the one with black hair got with a small smile, "Welcome, I'm Geto suguru and this is Gojo Satoru. Sure we can show you the office." You smiled and followed Geto as he lead the way and Gojo joined him whispering something to Geto to which he elbowed Gojo and murmured a slight "shit up, don't start."
They walked few corridor down till they reached an office, "thank you for helping me. That's very kind of you." Geto simply smiled with a wave and grabbed Gojo by the collar as they walked away. Goja smiled and waved at you as Geto pulled him.
The meeting was brief with the principal and you were happy to get some sleep after the long flight. Falling on the bed you let out a long sigh and without another minute you feel asleep. Only to wake up earlier than everyone or as you thought. After getting dressed in your workout clothes you decided to go for a morning run even though you weren't familiar with the area you thought that you'll stay close; wrong idea as you got lost while running. You sighed when you realised that you had left your phone in your room. So you decided to walk back and hopefully you'll find your back, another back idea. You accidentally walked further into the woods, a sound of footsteps made you turn and that's when you saw it a curse running towards you; your body went numb as you couldn't move. The only reaction you gave was trying to cover your face with your hand but the loud bang made the curse disappear. Your heavy breathing was all you could hear before you looked up to find Gojo standing in distance from you with a concerned look on his face, "you okay?" You pouted before running to hug him for saving you as you cried. His cheeks were burning red but he played it cool by hugging you back and chuckled, "ah, of course you are okay, I saved you." You looked at him with teary eyes and he swears that something screamed in his heart at how cute you looked to which he gripped his arms tightly around you, "thank you." You whispered making his blush and giggle.
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glitteringcrab · 1 day
Rick C-137 and Evil Morty
So, I'm wondering to what degree Rick C-137 can see through Evil Morty...
Initially, he says stuff like this:
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Which, uh, makes sense. He is already familiar with the concept of a "cocky Morty" who is bad for everyone, and a Morty president sounds... pretty sus.
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And, yeah, Rick's not surprised. He is quick to draw guns, quick to shoot, quick to call him "evil" again...
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When he and Morty Prime are trying to escape, and Morty Prime is challenging Evil Morty...
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...Rick glares at Evil Morty, going along with Morty Prime's challenge.
But, uh... after hearing Evil Morty's answer to that challenge (he's just leaving!!), seeing Evil Morty offer Morty Prime to escape along with him (!!) and being incapable of offering a better option, he actually advises Morty Prime to leave (which, let's be honest, is pretty selfless on Rick's part).
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Morty Prime gets mad, and rightfully so... But Rick C-137 only stares at Evil Morty blankly, without saying a word.
And here's the thing that got me thinking:
If we can tell that the second seat was most likely not a toilet because it was fancier (and this is obviously a custom-made spaceship, Evil Morty made it specifically for this moment, and included a second seat in his long-term plans) and because Evil Morty having to wear a space suit while driving that thing means he literally cannot use a toilet...
...can't Rick C-137 also tell that Evil Morty was most likely lying, and that he actually wanted Morty Prime to come along, enough to (a) include him in his long term plans, (b) expose the citadel's horror to him and (c) wait around long enough for Morty Prime to meet him at the bottom before firing the weapon that would bring down the Curve?
I mean, Rick C-137 is more experienced at spaceships and breathing in space etc. Couldn't he decipher the function of the craftmanship from, like, a glance?
When we next see Rick C-137 and Evil Morty is mentioned, we get this:
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Which, yeah, is extremely demeaning (you equate leaving a horrible, multi-dimensional prison to quitting twitter??? And committing a ton of atrocities to do so to "throwing a tantrum"???) but... it also can be read as Rick C-137 realizing that Evil Morty was not actually "evil". That he was just upset (uh, extremely so). The "tantrum" part also signals that Rick recognizes Evil Morty was young. Rick doesn't seem to hate Evil Morty for his actions.
When the two next meet, sure, Rick C-137 has prepared for the possibility of Evil Morty's return...
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Which, on one hand, is an obvious attempt to bypass Evil Morty's forcefield...
...but it also sounds non-lethal, doesn't it?
He then tests Evil Morty's forcefield...
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...but let's be honest here, Rick's not trying very hard to kill him, is he? Even when escaping the crumbling Citadel, Rick shot to kill twice, but never bothered to use any other methods to kill him (like the countless imaginative ways we've seen him kill various Ricks and aliens). Now, I'm sure Evil Morty was capable of countering plenty of them, but you don't know unless you check. Rick C-137 is not really trying to kill him.
And since in Unmortricken Evil Morty had the element of surprise (they had no idea he would show up!!) it would have been very easy for him to kill them both.
...But he just wanted to talk instead.
And wouldn't leave.
...I think Rick could tell almost immediately from the moment of Evil Morty's appearance that he didn't intend to be hostile and therefore was himself accommodating.
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He listened to Evil Morty's suggestion to filter for probability stasis...
Berated Morty Prime for wanting to kill Evil Morty...
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Actually putting his gun away before suggesting to Evil Morty that they work together:
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(which is, yeah, kinda meaningless considering he has a million other weapons implanted on his person, but I still read that as a peace offering, and I'm wondering if one of the reasons Evil Morty flinched when Morty Prime tumbled away from him was because he was too busy watching Rick C-137, wondering if Rick would turn against him in this new setting)
One of my favorite moments in this episode was this scene:
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Sure, Rick doesn't forcefully pull Evil Morty through the portal to safety like he did with Morty Prime (let's be honest, Evil Morty would not like that), but he gave him his portal gun back immediately. Like they literally wasted time during which they could get fried just so he could give Evil Morty his portal gun back.
I remember wondering during this scene if Rick C-137 would try to hold Evil Morty hostage by keeping hold of his portal gun or something, or maybe taunt him over it... But he returned it immediately, knowing that what this particular kid wanted was not someone to manhandle him to safety, but independence and freedom and agency... And he fully respected these boundaries.
Evil Morty, in turn, respects Rick C-137's wish that his involvement in Diane's infinite death is not discussed nor revealed to Morty Prime:
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Evil Morty only chastises Rick C-137 in a cryptic manner that is sure to fly under Morty Prime's radar:
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At this point Rick C-137 trusts Evil Morty enough to leave him ALONE WITH MORTY PRIME, IN HIS HOUSE, UNSUPERVISED:
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That trust is misplaced though. Evil Morty brings Morty Prime along with him for the Prime fight, and Rick C-137 gets mad, because he honestly did not expect Evil Morty would put Morty Prime in danger.
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And I'm wondering if Rick's laser-y retort to Evil Morty's "I'm not worried about him, I'm evil" is another form of silent communication that these two seem to have:
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It's the gesture he does afterwards.
Is it a "what-did-you-expect-I-now-hate-you" gesture, or is it a "what-did-you-expect-I-can-tell-you're-lying" gesture?
Rick is still mad at Evil Morty, which is pretty understandable:
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...Then Rick does this:
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...and screws everything up in my eyes, although it seems Evil Morty never became aware what had transpired.
And this:
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I, uh... I originally thought if those two were to meet again the same positive vibes from the beginning of this episode would go on, but, seeing it all together now...
...I, uh, I'm not so sure. I doubt Rick C-137 would be able to forgive Evil Morty bringing Morty Prime along for the fight so easily....
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Married with Children
Qrow & Yang: (walking around Mantle)
Qrow: Sooooooo, I've noticed you and that emo partner of yours have gotten pretty close lately. What are your thoughts on the little mystery femme fatale now that you two have "kissed and made up"?
Yang: (blushing) Qrow! We havent kissed! Made up, yes. Kissed? No.
Qrow: Oh, but I can tell you want to, kid. It's written all over your face.
Yang: (blushes deeper shade of crimson) I- I don't know? I mean. I like Blake and all, and I'm happy she's been doing better after everything in Argus. And her new haircut looks absolutely amazing. And-
Qrow: (whimpers like a little puppy) My little Firecracker has a bad case of puppy love. (Swiftly brings an arm up to block Yang’s backhand while laughing)
Yang: Okay! I like Blake! So what?!
Qrow: (ruffles Yang’s hair affectionately) You and your dad have the same taste in women. Only difference is that I think this one is the healthiest relationship anyone in the Xiao Long family has ever had. Now, I can only hope Ruby doesn't take on the family curse...
-Back At The Atlas Academy Dorms-
Blake & Weiss: (laying on the floor while looking through Blake's new notebook)
Blake: (dragging her pen across the pages as she spews word vomit excitedly) And this is the house plans I drew up. I'm not a builder, but I feel like this is a good start.
Weiss: (glances over the notes impressed) Wow, Blake, you've really put some thought into this. I take it you really like Yang.
Blake: Weiss, in my fantasies, Yang and I are already married with half a dozen kids. I don't just like Yang. I love her.
Weiss: Uh-huh (props her head in her hand cheekily) and is there any plan to confess this love to Yang anytime soon, or are you going to have imaginary children seven and eight before you even consider it?
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