#honestly this whole thing could be a massive reach
thedrowsydoormouse · 18 days
So I’ve been doing a little bit of thinkin’ after the two new episodes of Who about Susan Twist and I had a lightbulb moment I haven’t really seen anyone else talking about just yet.
Spoilers ahead for Wild Blue Yonder, Church on Ruby Road, Space Babies, and the Devil’s Chord. Ok, onto the theory!
We all know Susan Twist is going to be more than just an Easter Egg, but I think everyone is taking the actress’s name too literally. She’s not playing Susan.
She’s The One Who Waits.
She’s there. Always in the background. On the periphery. Watching. Waiting. Because everything leads back to her.
And the first time we see her is in the scene that has the first major world shift in the episode that set up this entire plotline about invoking superstition at the edge of the universe and letting something through.
And who do we encounter pretty much immediately after? The embodyment of Play (Toymaker). And then a little later in we meet the embodyment of Music (Maestro).
Which raises the next part of my theory: What is The One Who Waits the embodyment of?
Death just sits, and waits, and watches, biding their time because everything has its time and Death comes for everything in the end.
And every time we’ve seen her, things start going really wrong. In WBY, she was one of the last people we saw before the Tardis landed on the spaceship, Donna almost died, and the Doctor almost let a NotWe loose on the universe. In Ruby Road, she’s watching Ruby and her friends perform the same night they nearly get crushed by the giant snowman head. She was one of the crew in Space Babies who were forced to leave the station and abandon all those babies to die. And in Devil’s Chord she was in the cafeteria when Paul and John are talking to the Doctor and Ruby about music before getting angry and leaving which, had the Doctor not intervened, would’ve lead to literal nuclear winter.
I feel like too many people are focusing on just the previous lore from the past 60 years which, for any other context makes sense. But this isn’t your granny’s Doctor Who anymore. The tone shift started in WBY means we need to think outside the Blue Box (that’s bigger on the inside) to figure it all out and for once, I think being into SuperWhoLock may have finally paid off! The NotWes are shapeshifters. The Bogeyman was basically a thought form (tulpa). The literal baby eating, musical goblins. The Toymaker and Maestro are both functionally gods. And which god waits patiently in the background?
It’s not a perfect 1 to 1 with Supernatural but if you find the midpoint between the two everything starts to click into place.
The final Big Bad of the season is The One Who Waits which is Death and not even the Doctor can fully cheat death, they can just keep running. So in the end the Doctor doesn’t actually defeat Death. He just traps them or delays them enough to get away so he can just keep running.
(Also Mrs. Flood is just a normal human who’s past was changed by the Doctor. In the start of the episode, before the Doctor properly meets Ruby (I don’t count the encounter at the club) she has no clue what the Tardis is. But as soon as the thing happens on the roof her past changed to include an encounter with the Doctor when she was younger (I think it’s going to be the episode with the slug things we’ve seen in the trailers because there’s a girl with blonde bangs in a season where coincidence is the driving force behind everything so it has to mean something) which is why her entire personality shifts by the end and she becomes nicer and suddenly knows about the Tardis and knows that Ruby has to go with the Doctor. She’s not Susan or Ruby’s mom. She’s just someone they save along the way.) 
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voidhope · 11 months
The Other Woman
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Synopsis: Where Miguel leaves Y/N to go back to a different version of his old wife found in another universe.
Pair: Miguel O’Hara x Spider!Reader
Tags: ANGST!!, long term established relationship, heartbreak, marriage, cheating, mental health, cold/distant Miguel
A/N: Hi! I don’t really write at all!!
I have been a silent reader on tumblr for years but this idea has been playing in my mind so much I had the urge to write it. I have been down so bad for Miguel been on his tag like 24/7 indulging in all the content creators have been putting out. So I’m excited to join in giving content, however keep in mind I kinda suck! Apologies for any mistakes, anything confusing, or it not being well written enough. Honestly could have made this into multiple parts with better details but nah. Tried my best ^^ since it’s my first time, any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Honestly tbh we all don’t have a solid grasp how the whole canon thing and multi universe works yet so!! A lot of what is written is made up to suit my storyline so please don’t get mad about the inaccuracies.
I love a good angst and today’s story will be EXTRAAA angsty!!! As well kinda long!!
The moment that changed your life was while working on an experiment during your college finals. You were a proud and gifted physics major that was so passionate about discovering and exploring what the world didn’t know.
You had snuck into Alchemax late at night. You wanted to show your professors just how much you could do with the right tools. Next thing you know, playing with their machines, you had spawned a spider right in-front of you. The glowing vibrant red spider had sunk its jaw into your hand.
Your life did a complete turn and you spent the rest of that week freaking out while changes to your body were happening. Causing you to fail your semester after missing exams. Things felt like it could only get worse when a massive blue suited masked man showed up out of nowhere in your dorm interrogating you.
“Where’s the spider?” He had a strong grip on your shoulders. You couldn’t focus while trying to process why this man had what seemed like claws sticking out of the ends of his fingers.
“I don’t know, it like died after it bit me!” You exclaimed nervously at the freakishly strong man. Trying to reach for anything behind you to use as a defense weapon.
“Dios mío no me digas eso…” He groaned loudly letting you go. Having the opportunity to grab something, you threw a sanrio plushie at him. Only causing him to wave his arms in annoyance. “That spider is from my earth and somehow you brought it here. Now you’re a spider-man.”
And the rest is history…
You learned that the man was Miguel O’Hara and when he found you he was just starting his missions with the multiverse. You being the few of the firsts to join his team.
Your situation was quite bizarre and he called you an anomaly for a long time, spending hours studying you and also training you. You ended up being the one case that can’t be explained no matter how much effort was put into monitoring you.
Almost like it was meant to be. Your universe remained perfect with its current spider-man doing fine. No big collapse of a black hole or anything. When you got bit by a spider from Earth-928 your DNA merged with that universe making you fit in perfectly. You were one of the only spider-people with an uncertain timeline with new canons being created depending on what universe you were in.
What changed from you being just a piece of research for Miguel is when he then realized that maybe you were a gift from the multiverse. After all the grief and pain he’d went through the universe had given him this person that worked out perfectly no matter how hard he tried to push them away. You fell head over heels for him and vice versa, all while canon events were being created with both of you together.
You were there as his team grew, slowly turning into a family. Then both of you getting married finalizing that this was your home. Everything felt perfect. Although a relationship with Miguel could have its up and down days, nothing could ever tear you both apart. Or so you assumed.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” Miguel couldn’t look at you.
“When did this start? Please be honest with me. Did I do something wrong?” You begged at him. You knew he was acting off recently but never did you think it would result to this.
You watched as he exhaled deeply staring at the ground. You felt like you couldn’t breathe as you studied his face trying to grasp onto any emotion he was showing. The atmosphere in his office felt so cold. You so badly wanted to catch his gaze and find the warmth and love his red irises used to give you. He was doing everything to push you away. He was abandoning you.
“You did nothing wrong. I met her during a mission 4 months ago.” Was all he replied.
“Who is she?” Your heart kept breaking. His face hardening as the question slipped through your lips. You knew Miguel wouldn’t leave you for just anyone. Deep in your heart you knew what this was about. He never responded but he didn’t need to when you saw his eyes flicker over to his monitor screens. You followed his trace and saw the photo of Gabriella in the corner.
“Does she have another version of your daughter?” You tried again. This is what made him look directly at you. Miguel kept opening and closing his month unsure how to tell you the truth. You weren’t stupid and he knew that. After everything he couldn’t just walk out on you with a lie.
“No.” He paused thinking of how to finally share the truth without it ruining you. There was no way out of this. “She is a younger version of herself. There is no Miguel in her universe and she’s not important to the timeline. She lives a regular life. I-it’s a chance for me to start at the very beginning.”
You felt your heart being ripped out of your chest. You processed the words carefully. She doesn’t have a child yet… Not only was he leaving you for her but he was going to fall in love with her all over again and start a family with her. A family you wanted so badly to have with him.
“What about with what happened last time you tried to live a life in a different universe?” You didn’t understand how this was happening.
He was always so carful he would never do anything to cause that again. Everything you had witness Miguel work so hard for to keep safe for years. Sleepless nights, returning bruised and beaten, frustrations and constant stress. Was it all for nothing? Is he throwing all his work away?
“This is different.” He turned away from you. “I pushed myself then into an already established life. This time I am creating that life. After all the research we did on you…” He knew that this was going to tear you apart. “I learned that if done right I could have a child from two different universes that won’t disrupt anything.”
It clicked to you then that all the research he was doing on you lately was for this. The research he did on you that time was different, personal, intimate even. As he was testing your DNAs together and seeing the outcomes. He mentioned a child and you were foolish enough to assume he was doing research to see what it would be like if you both had one together. You were giddy even as you watched him work. You had both spoken about having a family together in the past but had been too busy with spider activities. You thought it was a sign of him getting more serious about it, knowing how badly he wanted one. You would have never thought he was doing it to see how he could get back his previous child. The one you could never give him.
You had truly believe that Miguel had recovered from his obsession that his grief gave him. He accidentally destroyed a whole universe needing that life back so badly. You had spent late nights watching him re-watch clips over and over of what he had lost. It slowly stopped once your relationship blossomed with him and you thought he was ready to move on and start new. Why would you have never thought that with such a perfect opportunity presented to him that he wouldn’t drop everything for it.
“I think it’s best that you leave.” He spoke with a soft tone. As if not looking at you any longer will make the problem go away. You couldn’t wrap your mind around how he was just throwing you away like this. As if he wasn’t making you dinner, giving soft kisses, whispering I-love-you’s not so long ago.
You felt too choked up to ask anymore questions. Your throat tight and painful as you held back tears from escaping in-front of Miguel. You just nodded and headed straight out the door not being able to handle another second in that room. Your knees and hands were shaky as you speed walked into the nearest bathroom and let it all out.
It didn’t take long for everyone else to know something had happened. Everyone had gotten used to seeing you and him sitting together at lunch. You would make him cute lunch boxes and everyone would gag a bit while watching the two of you smile together. Some cringing seeing their scary boss being so soft around you. It was a big surprise when Miguel started to eat alone with a bag of take out food and you no where to be seen.
His teams he sent out for missions were all confused when you weren’t assigned to anything. Knowing you were one of the best, one of them slipped out a “Call for Y/N!” In the middle of fighting an anomaly too strong for them. Miguel only looked away.
It wasn’t until a new woman showed up in Miguel’s office with a grip around his waist. That’s when the spider-community realized that this was way worse than they thought.
You on the other hand had spilled everything to Hobie when he caught you that day leaving the bathroom with puffy eyes. You had been staying with him in his universe until you could gather yourself together to return to HQ. You knew you were going to leave for good, but you needed to go back to retrieve all your things. You couldn’t stay with Hobie forever. Worse that you weren’t from there.
You still had some hope that Miguel would come looking for you and tell you that he was all wrong. However almost two months had passed and not a word from him… That’s when you knew it was time you should return to what you once knew.
Stepping into the portal Hobie followed close behind you. He told the few others who were once close to both you and Miguel that you would be visiting. Stepping through the portal you were immediately greeted by Jessica and Peter B Parker.
“Oh, Y/N.” Jess sighed your name sadly while pulling you into a hug. You felt like you wanted to cry all over again. Missing your friends so much. Peter B came behind giving you a hug on the side.
“He’s on a mission right now.” Peter spoke up. “It might be a long one too but don’t waste anytime just incase.”
You nodded pulling away from them. Looking up around the headquarters building faintly smiling at the past memories you had here. You started heading to different areas gathering all the little things you had left around. Hobie had stitched for you a cute backpack with different scraps of patterned clothes and covered in patches of punk band logos but made with hammer space technology. Making it fun for you to fill endless of your things in the bag.
The last stop was in Miguel’s office. Doubt started to fill your mind; maybe he already threw out all of your stuff. Why would he even keep it after all of this? What no one could warn you of was the other person sitting on his platform.
“Hello!” She chirped at you. It felt like the air in your lungs had just been punched out. You knew her too well. From all the photos and videos you had seen peaking over Miguel’s shoulder. However seeing her in person was something you had never expected. You knew it wasn’t the original her but it was a copy paste image for sure.
“Hi.” Was all you managed to choke out. She was beautiful, stunning. You could see clearly now the similar features she shared in another universe with her daughter. The parts that Miguel didn’t have. She kept smiling kindly at you, almost in a graceful way. You started to feel all your insecurities start eating you up from the inside. How could you have ever compared to her.
“What’s your name? I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.” Getting off Miguel’s platform she walked closer to you. The room started to feel suffocating.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you! It’s nice to meet other girls around here.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you realized she had no reaction to your name. So Miguel never told her about you… Or that the fact was he was still even legally married to you.
“My boyfriend isn’t here right now but, if you want, I can tell him you stopped by.” She continued as you stayed silent.
“Oh, no it’s okay. I just came in here to get some stuff.” You rushed as you really wanted nothing to do with Miguel at all. You almost worried that he might even get angry knowing you got to speak with her. If he already dislikes you this much you couldn’t even imagine how he would feel if you got in the way of this for him.
You started heading over to the familiar drawers around the room. Grabbing your old hoodies and shirts finding your most comfortable of things here. You treated this place as one of your safe spaces as you used to spend so much time here.
“Oh I didn’t know these were all yours! I was wondering why this was all around. When I came here I wanted to do some spring cleaning but Miguel wouldn’t let me touch anything.” She followed besides you. “It’s so mind blowing seeing all this technology. We don’t have any of this where I live-“ She continue rambling but you started to zone her out. You felt like you were about to have a panic attack any minute. There was one question that kept burning in your mind.
“Are you and Miguel already planning to have a child?” You blurted out. Your eyes widened a bit as you surprised yourself. She let out a loud laugh.
“Oh dear no! We have only been together about 6 months. You must be new around here so you must not know much about us.” She chuckled.
In some cruel way you were hoping she would have said yes. You had that twisted hope of maybe Miguel just keeping her to have a kid and ditching her after he gets Gabriella and run back to you. In reality he was playing the long game, he really meant it when we said he was starting over. “He’s never mentioned kids anyways. I’m not even sure if he’d like them or do well with them.”
With that statement she made you looked at her appalled. Anyone could see in Miguel how good of a father he could be. Just in the way he takes care of the society he built here. You started to realize that she really has been left in the dark. She doesn’t know anything. She probably doesn’t even know that she’s a replacement of another self. You wondered why Miguel was doing this. It felt like he didn’t just toy with you but with her as well. A man you came to love for how selfless he was, to realize now everything was for his own personal gain. Suddenly you started to feel bad for her. You couldn’t dislike her, she wasn’t doing anything wrong and she doesn’t even know.
“I got all my stuff. Nice to meet you.” Was all you could say as you zipped up your bag and turned straight around out of there. Not giving any glance back at her, you left to one of the empty training rooms to recollect your overwhelming thoughts. All of the self healing you tried the past month thrown in the garbage.
It wouldn’t be too soon that news of you going around the building was returned to Lyla. You had cut out all coms while you were gone so she immediately popped up on your watch when she found out.
“AH-“ You jumped as the tiny AI was suddenly in front of your face.
“It’s so wonderful to see you Y/N. Oh my god!”She started. Then she went on rambling about how she knew everything and had seen everything. How she didn’t agree with what was happening and was doing everything she could to convince you to stay. After 5 minutes of her rambling you stopped her to let your emotions out.
“Lyla, Lyla It’s okay. Just stop. It’s all complicated I know, but this didn’t work out. I wished Miguel just cheated on me like all the other fucked up normal men out there. That I walked in on him deep in another random girl. Though painful I could have tried fixing and fighting for us. But instead what I got was him emotionally cheating on me and chase after something he knows I can never give him.” You felt yourself choke up. “I can never ask him to give up what he longs and dreams for just for me to be happy. I lost this battle the moment he laid eyes on her.”
Finding comfort in the AI your husband made. You’ve created a bond with Lyla that Miguel found cute but you knew now this might be the last time you’ll be speaking with her.
“You can give him a family y/n… you guys have been married two years now. I know you’ve both set the thought aside until the multiverse issues are better but you can fight for him. You have to snap him out of his fantasy. He still thinks about you.”
“Lyla you know deep down truly he never just wanted a family. He wanted exactly what he had. What he lost. Which should be impossible but being by his side seeing how insane the multiverse is… Good for him for believing in something so hard he’s found himself even a third chance to do it.”
“I hate that you’re being too kind about this situation.” Lyla paced around you.
“I love him so deeply Lyla. You know that very well. It’s so hard to suddenly hate him. I am angry, but I’m also emotionally drained I can’t do this.” You let out a deep sigh. “I’ve watched him long for this family when we just met. For some stupid reason when things worked out for us I thought I would be enough… When we got engaged and he would spend some days at home with me not even coming to HQ. I thought he was finally moving on not just from his grief and past but from the weight of his work. I saw a bright future for us.”
“You can still have a bright future with him! You moving here gave him a new canon event, another chance at life in his timeline. Here in his own universe! He’s just too obsessed and he’s lost himself in that.” She exclaimed with her hands up.
“Our canon event was our wedding.” Your frowned deepened. “But the universe didn’t say anything else after. It doesn’t say our canon event means we are suppose to live happily together forever I guess.”
“I’m just trying my best to be optimistic. I rooted so hard for you and Miguel when you joined the team. I know you can remember the amount of times I would force you both in rooms.” Lyla recalled.
“And I’m grateful for it… Even if this didn’t work out. I was given precious memories, not just working with you and being on this team but falling in love with Miguel. I know I’m being all depressed and hopeless but I feel like even if I move on I’ll never be able to replace him and find a relationship like this again. However he threw me away so easily and maybe he never valued me as much as I did to him.” You felt your emotions bubble. “I became who I am here. I’m going to miss everyone so much.”
“You can still stay here and work with us.” She edged on.
“I can’t just sit around here begging at his feet to return to me or moping around doing missions while watching him with someone else. I want to hate him so badly. I know he’s your boss and you’re basically hardwired to do everything for him and you’re trying your hardest to fix what you think is his right path. But think of me a little more and how miserable it’ll be. I’m the only one hurting here.”
Lyla paused and stared at you with an almost glossy-eyed look. While she worked she could see the inner term-oil Miguel was hiding and the emptiness he was turning to since trying to start new in the other universe. It just wasn’t her place to hold this conversation and he was the one who needed to get a grip of himself and really think and talk with you. She can’t be the one trying to mend the pieces for both of you together. What Miguel did was so wrong. She knew you were right and she didn’t want to see any more damage be caused to you.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” She looked up at you sincerely. “I hate this outcome for you. Not only are you loosing your husband but your home. When was the last time you’ve even been in your universe?”
“Like a year ago for a mission…”
“Exactly! Even if things are over with Miguel, you have all of us here! I wish you could stay. I understand you leaving, I really do. I know a lot of us will try visiting you but I’m tied to Miguel…” You started to see how it clicked for her too that it’s most likely you might not see each other for a long time. “Even if a spider-person is visiting you I can’t just show up on their watch… It’ll go back to him and I know you wouldn’t want that. I know I’m an AI and I can’t hold real emotions but I mean it when I say I’m going to miss you.”
Tears poured down your cheeks as her words hit you. Going back to your universe is going to be a struggle. You have nothing there now. However nothing can compare to the pain of the outcome you’ve had with Miguel, and you needed out of here ASAP. Your mental health getting worse the longer you stay. Even the other spiders you have come to love can’t bring that spark back right now. You needed genuine time for yourself, even if it’s self destructive, instead of putting on a fake smile everyday here.
“Bye, Lyla.” You whispered. She nodded and waved her hand goodbye at you before disappearing. You took your watch off your wrist placing it on a nearby desk. With it you pulled the divorce paperwork out of your pocket neatly sealed and already signed on your half. Opening a portal you took your last glances at the place you spent so many loving memories in.
Tears blurred your vision as you stepped through the portal. Once your legs landed on a rooftop of a building in your dimension, you racked out full sobs falling to your knees.
You were always just the other woman.
Thank you so much for reading!! I know it was a longer one ~
would anyone like a part 2? If so anyone want a angsty or happy ending? I think it’ll be more in Miguel’s perspective as well!
EDIT: You can now read PART 2 here
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blarshwritezz · 13 days
I dont know if you write for the Omegaverse..
Because how about a Bully (Alpha) x Nerd Male Reader (Omega) like the two of them dont get the Second Gender until now.. So basically the Bully realise that the Reader is his Fated Mate and dosent want anybody near him, only HIS.. But is really dificult for the Reader to not only Trust him but is also really scared of him..
So Reader first heat is a mess (Like the Bully is constally pound him with meaty d*ck) and the Bully is constally tell him sweet and suductive things to try to calm him down, even tho the Reader is crying because he still scared..
Finally ending with the Reader even more sacred knowing that the Alpha has mated him and posibly '´mark´´ him?
Well, I never have before, but I'll try! Apologies in advance for any mistakes
Yandere Bully Alpha x Nerd Omega Reader
M yan x M reader
TW - Possessiveness, jealousy, implied bullying, NSFW, dubcon
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Somehow, since your bully realized you were his fated mate, life only got more difficult. At least you could have friends before! Now he occupied all your attention. If someone made eye contact with you for too long, he considered them a threat.
Honestly, you almost preferred how he acted in the past. Back when he would mock every little thing you did and make your life as hard as he could on purpose. Back when he made you do his homework and beat you up if you refused.
Now, he had you tutor him. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't make you sit on his lap, or if he actually paid attention. He just sat there watching you work and listening to you teach him. He would hurt his face in your neck and breath in your scent, letting his voice fill your ears.
No wonder he always got so jealous when you used to have friends. It was your fault he felt that way, or so he thought. But once he realized you were meant to be his, he realized it was everyone else's fault! They shouldn't be near what's his.
He completely monopolized your time. Whenever you weren't at home, he was making you hang out with him. He'd try to spoil you with things to make up for how he treated you in the past, but that didn't fix it.
He hurt you. He made your life miserable, and he knew he was doing it the whole time. The damage he caused couldn't be fixed by some nice words or gifts.
He just didn't get it. No matter how hard he tried, you always recoiled from his touch. You always got tense when he held you. You never seemed to believe him when he showered you with praises. You didn't like his gifts. What was he doing wrong?
Maybe you liked it better when he was bullying you? So he tried it. He tried being mean to you again. But that only seemed to make it worse! He didn't get it. Why wouldn't you love him?! You were supposed to! He was your fated mate, so you had to love him!
He could only think of one more way to earn your love.
You didn't show up to school one day, which worried him. So of course, like a good mate, he skipped school after the first hour and promptly made his way to your house. He knew where you hid the so are key, so he just let himself in.
And there was a glorious sight awaiting him once he reached your room. There you were, face buried in your pillow, ass up as you stroked your aching cock. Your scent was absolutely overwhelming, and the sight immediately made him hard. You were already in the perfect position for him.
He quietly walked around you, adjusting his pants to let his meaty cock spring free. He'd help you...prove you needed him. Like a good mate.
"You need help there, my mate?" He carefully got behind you, using one hand to spread your ass and the other to line himself up with your needy hole.
You gasped at his raspy voice against your ear. There he was. The last man you wanted to see right now. He'd surely take advantage of your pathetic state.
But at the same time, just one look at his massive cock distracted you, your mind clouded by thought of being fucked.
He didn't let you answer before slowly pushing into you. He had to take it slow, filling you up inch by inch. He didn't want to hurt you. Not yet.
"Shhhh, that's it, you're doing so good." He cooed in your ear as you whined.
Once he thought you were ready, he slowly thrust into you...but it wasn't long before he lost control. How could he not? You felt so good all warm and tight around his thick cock. He was entirely unable to resist the incredible feeling.
He was relentless, stretching you to fit his huge cock without much care for your comfort. Even when tears began to stream down your face, he didn't slow down. He just kissed them away as he continued his harsh thrusts.
You were just crying because you weren't used to feeling this good. Right? That had to be it.
"It'll be okay, you're taking me so well." He hushed you, his breath hot against your skin as he trailed kisses across your jaw.
Your choked moans only enticed him further. He could already feel himself needing to cum. He's never felt such amazing pleasure before. No wonder you were his.
His kisses trailed lower and lower, down your neck, turning harsher. Turning to sucking and gentle nibbling, until he was biting you. He had to mark you of course, and in the most obvious places he could too. You were his. Everyone had to know.
He made sure you were the first to cum, which wasn't hard. Your heat had made you more sensitive. He was enjoying every bit of that. And you deserved to be the one feeling all the pleasure right now.
As you own cum covered your stomach, chest, and the sheets beneath you he couldn't help but praise you more. "What a good boy...I knew you enjoyed this as much as I did. Don't worry, you have your whole heat cycle to get used to me."
He wasn't going to let you feel needy for even a second. He was going to fuck you hard day and night, filling you with his cum, until your heat was over. He was just such a good mate like that.
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Again, apologies for any mistakes!
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
sigh okay this year i have actual mob vote opinions. disclaimer: my MAIN opinion is that if i see too much mob vote salt on my dash i'll just block the relevant terms again, and that all three mobs are adorable and i'd like any of them. however, my vague thoughts on them:
crab: i have inherent vault hunters-based crab grudges. the coconut crab appears in my nightmares. however, past that, the crab as an animal is fun, i like crabs alright. the fact it's shown crawling up trees sideways is neat. i'll say mangrove forests are ALREADY one of the loveliest, most alive-feeling biomes, so i don't know if they need an exclusive mob? but it's also realistic for the crab so i'll take it. when it comes to the crab claw itself... many questions. is it an off-hand item? or like create's extendo-reach thing? or what? how MUCH additional reach does it give you? even just two blocks can be wildly useful in my modded experience, but like, is it one or two blocks, or does it double your reach, or what? and does that reach extend to mining at all? the video says it's just block placing, which would make sense from a balance perspective, but does sort of hamstring the claw's usefulness if that's the case; if you misplace a block you're going to have to scaffold over there anyway. if it DOES include mining reach... oh boy, that's a whole new ballgame.
armadillo: cute! i like armadillos! seeing it curled up as a ball, i wonder if it has a block-like form like that? that sounds really fun! like a shulker, or something else you could stand on. (that is PURE speculation, nothing else to suggest that is shown in the video.) it being found in "warm biomes like the savannah" i like more than the mangrove-exclusive crab, especially since the savannah can feel a little sparse and lifeless. i wonder if it's in other warm biomes? as for its effect, it has the most straightforward one: when it gets scared it sheds its scute, and you can use that to make wolf armor. i like wolf armor! wolves have needed some way to make them more survivable for ages! it's not like, got potential to be a massive gamechanger or anything, but it doesn't have to, it's fun!
penguins: by FAR the cutest design. i love that they chose macaroni penguins, excellent choice. the fact they're native to stony shore biomes is also an excellent choice (and far better than choosing a snowy biome; more penguins live in places like the stony shore irl!). the stony shore having penguins also gives it a bit more of the life stony shorelines have irl. their secondary effect, though... honestly, "make boats go faster" doesn't really speak to me? i am enjoying imagining a world where this effect works while iceboating (prepare to rubberband ALL OVER THE PLACE), and i think it would be fun, it just personally compels me the least. which is a shame, because i think the penguins are ABSOLUTELY the cutest!
overall, i think i land towards the armadillo. i like that none of them really have any big, exciting, game changing feature, just nice-to-have. makes it feel less like we miss out on something huge when two of them lose, just miss out on something potentially cute. i still wish the old mob votes could still be added to the game and that the losers here would also be added to the game. i wouldn't be mad if any of these guys won honestly they're all cute and have mildly interesting effects.
and this will be the last time i discuss the mob vote, except maybe to reblog cute art.
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marnikula · 23 days
Can u do early seasons spencer x reader who has a lot of problems and they let people walk all over them and they dont set boundaries and they struggle with their emotions. Reader likes spencer a lot but doesn't seek him out bc they feel like he deserves better! And u can decide what happens but make it happy ending :)
Oh my word, I literally spent like 2 hours writing this because I wrote something and then my internet cut out when I posted and now it's lost, so I had to rewrite it. Hope you enjoy!
Cw: gn reader, people dumping work on reader, Spencer being cute
You were a doormat. You knew it, your friends knew it, everyone knew it. You tried to set boundaries, to say no, but it never seemed to stick. Saying no made you feel guilty, it made you feel like a bad person even though you knew you weren't.
Being a doormat, people tended to walk all over you, requesting ridiculous things of you. That is how it came to be that you were sitting alone in the bullpen, the clock ticking away, showing you that it was around midnight and you still had a whole stack of papers to go through. You felt yourself about to fall asleep, and truly, you were too tired to fight it off when a ding signaled the arrival of someone.
Without even turning to look who it was you knew it was Spencer Reid. You recognized his footsteps, and even if you didn't, the smell he brought with him would have alerted you. It was the smell of coffee mixed sweet undertones, almost as if he had spent his whole day in a café. It was intoxicating. "What are you still doing here?" "Working, I have a lot of stuff to finish before tomorrow" "you mean today" looking back at the clock you could see he was right, it was now officially the next day.
"Do you need some help?" without even waiting for you to decline Spencer took half of the pile you were working on. He moved fast, knowing you well enough to know that you hated asking for help, especially from him, he just could never figure out why.
"Spencer, you really don't need to, I've got this" reaching your hands to take the files back only to be swatted away by the doctor was something you did not expect. "I'm not saying you don't have it, I'm just going to help you so you can go home earlier"
Sighing you admitted defeat and went to go make coffee for the two of you. With Spencer's help you managed to make it through the massive stack of papers on your desk in less that an hour, something you would never have been able to do on your own.
"You, doctor Spencer Reid, are amazing, what can I do to thank you?" it was a slight tease on your part. You didn't expect him to ask you anything return, it wasn't like him, he was too nice . That was one of the things you loved about him, and one of the reasons you willed the crush growing in your heart to shrivel up and die. He deserved so much better than you. Someone with a mind as amazing as his own, someone with kindness rivaling his and someone who knew how to say no. You were none of those. At least not in your own eyes.
"You could go on a date with me" Spencer surprised himself with those words, he really hadn't meant to say them out loud, but he really liked you, and in a moment of confidence inspired by sleep deprevation, he decided to take a chance.
"Really? You mean it?" the both of you were blushing hard at this point, him thinking about how he could have possibly screwed this up and you thinking about how this could possibly get any better.
"I-I mean, only if you want to, you really don't have to feel pressured, I know I said I would take it as paiment, but honestly spending time with you was enough of a payme-" grabbing his face in your hands you turned him to look at you, shutting off his ramblings with the movement and shutting off his brain with your words
"I would love to"
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sim0nril3y · 9 months
Your Flat
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Scenario: It's date night and Simon invites himself over to your flat to pick you up and he finally sees that chaos that you're living in, along with your artwork. Note: Set in 2014 Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), teasing, smut, P in V, Simon being his usual guarded self, canon-typical swearing.
Friday night. It was date night – something one night that you had jokingly called it and now it had begrudgingly become part of his own vocabulary too. It was now the thing in the week that Simon was beginning to look forward to the most. There had been no conversation of commitment but Simon knew that he liked spending time with you. Actually, you were consuming his mind outside of spending date nights with you. Deep down a voice continued to tell him that this was all a bad idea and that your safety was being risked but that voice was beginning to become more and more quiet as each day passed.
This would be the first time that Simon would see your flat. It had been the only thing you had been fairly secretive about. Rapping his knuckles loudly against the door Simon smirked to himself as he heard a flurry of sound from behind it. It swung open swiftly and witnessed you rushing in the opposite direction down the hallway, minus a few items of clothes. “You’re early!” That had been intentional, otherwise you’d had met him in the carpark and he’d never been able to set foot in your flat. “Come in!” You coaxed from your bedroom.
Entering your flat Simon was instantly overwhelmed by the sheer chaos of the place. It was small but it was full of clutter and art supplies, they were littering almost every surface. There was laundry slung over every door and radiator, hanging off the backs of chairs and on hangers over doorways, interestingly every place but the airer designed for it which was instead housing some of your drying canvas’. “Jesus, kid…”
“I didn’t realise I’d have company!” You hollered from your bedroom, sounding breathless behind the door, bumping into objects and fussing over trying to find something appropriate to wear. "I'm sorry!" You tagged on quickly.
In your lounge area there was one particular space that caught his attention. There were stacks of canvas’ placed against one another, an old looking easel, rows of different paints and brushes. Oh, so this must have been where you created your artwork and those canvas’ must have been the finished pieces. Simon took great care as he stepped into that little shrine and began to inspect them. It wasn’t like he understood art anyway. Looking at some pieces made him feel certain ways. It was invoking emotions – wasn’t that what art was supposed to do? Fuck, he wasn’t some connoisseur but he could see that you were very talented. “Right, I’m-” Your flustered frame bound around the corner still mid putting your heel on and cutting you sentence short as you spotted Simon in your ‘art studio’. “Oh, you found my art…”
Simon was careful in returning the canvas’ how he had found them and turned to you. “It was about the only thing I could find in here…” There was a tell-tale look of embarrassment that flashed across your features as you rolled your eyes. “You are a messy pup…” He commented taking a few steps in your direction and quirking a brow down at you, as if waiting for some explanation.
“I-It isn’t usually this bad…” There was so much defensiveness to your tone, attempting to rack your brain for some reasonable excuse for your flat being in such a state. “I woke up and I had this massive spark that I just knew I needed to get onto canvas… right, I’m not making excuses…. God, I know I must sound so stupid…. I’m not making a whole lot of sense, but-” “Kid, enough.” His firm tone commanded, reaching up and tugging you gently in his direction. “Honestly, I couldn’t care less if your flat is messy…” You let out a relieved puff of air. “As long as mine doesn’t end up the same way, I’m fine with it.” A bright smile found your lips. “What time did you say our table is booked for?”
His eyes narrowed softly as he felt your dainty fingers dancing along his belt. “Babe…” It was a warning. “What?” There was such false innocence to your tone and that was what finally made him snap.
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It seemed very clear that your IKEA bedframe wasn’t up to the task of being fucked on. It creaked and cracked dangerously with each thrust into your trembling frame, the headboard was clattering against the wall so much that Simon wondered if he should put a pillow behind it to try and save your poor neighbours ears. All this whilst you whine and whimpered beneath him, clearly unaware of all this commotion. It appeared that all that consumed your mind was the way he perfectly stretched your tight walls to accommodate his girthy cock.
With one particularly strong crack beneath him Simon grumbled out. “M’gonna break your fuckin’ bed…” It earned a fit of giggles from you that mixed with a soft load of whimpers. “Fuck off. I’m being serious.” Even he could fight the small smirk before finally deciding to save your poor bed anymore stress.
Instead, his arms wound around your frame. “Fuckin’… c’mere…” His cock still buried deep within your walls as he rose from the bed and placed you against the closest surface. There wasn’t any hesitation from there, Simon began to fuck into your wet cunt with reckless-abandon. This time he was far more confident that he would be able to do any structural damage to your home. There wasn’t any way that he’d be able to knock down a loadbearing wall from fucking alone. “My good girl~”
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Rushing from your flat once they had cleaned up and resituated the majority of their clothes. You were speaking your worries about the possibility of missing the table whilst trying to work your key into the dodge lock barrel, it didn’t escape your knowledge your grumpy old neighbour Peter was lingering outside smoking over the balcony and observing the estate below him. “These flats have thin walls, you know…” He muttered lowly and Simon narrowed his eyes as you struggled with the lock, cursing softly under your breath.
“Bad enough I have to listen to that shit you call music, but now I have to listen to you fucking too-” “That’s enough.” Simon growled out at him causing Peter to look in his direction furious. By luck the key finally spun and you were quick to be by Simon’s side, taking his hand and beginning to drag him past Peter and away from the possibility of an altercation.
As you got further away from Peter, you finally decided you could laugh softly, looking at Simon and saying. “You don’t have to fight every prick that says something stupid to us…” Taking your hand he tugged you close and pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead. “How else are they gonna learn not to be disrespectful to you.” He watched the way that your eyes filled with such adoration. “Now get your arse moving before I end up fucking you in the stairwell just to prove a point to that twat…”
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Masterlist | Ask | 05-09-2023
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stargazedwinchester · 3 months
Too Soon? | Sam
Summary: Charlie teams you both up with the Winchester brothers for a case. After a very long road trip toward a hunt, someone's caught feelings for you.
Word count: 1,113
Let me know if you want a part 2!
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♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
Charlie's excited grin means two things; there's a new World of Warcraft DLC, or she really wants you to do something with her. You huff, loosening your grip from her hands. "Char, I honestly really don't want to. I love you, I do, but..."
"Why, Y/N? It'll be so fun. Sam and Dean are so fun and so cool, you'll really like them. Even if it's a shitty boring hunt, at least you'll have me." She bounces up and down on the spot. "Please? Pretty please?" She begs, her ruby hair shining from the daylight coming through the window behind her. She looks at you in your eyes, pleading for you to once just say 'yes'.
You had been childhood best friends with Charlie ever since you both were bullied at school for playing video games during lunch breaks and recess. Both of you were the very few girls who would actually spend time around nerdy guys and weren't put off by them. Not that anyone gave them a chance, though.
"Okay, fine. I'll go with you. Just this once, though, you owe me." You give in, a smile creeping onto your face. What's the worst that could happen?
After Charlie's parents passed in a horrible accident when she was 14, she had been adopted by your father as both families were extremely close, good friends. It was almost like a dream come true for both of you at the time, being able to actually have a sister who's also your best friend? That's the best thing to ever happen to a child.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
You exit Charlie's beetle to a place that doesn't remotely resemble a home. "We're here?" You ask, squinting your eyes from the mid-summer sun blaring into your pupils. "Yep. They said to meet here." She says, checking her phone for any text messages. While glancing over at Charlie's phone, you notice two huge men walking toward you. "They're here!" She announces whilst the shorter man opens up his arms for her.
"Charlie!" He laughs gleefully, and she gives him a massive hug. You stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. "Hey, I'm Y/N." You greet the taller one, he runs his hand through his hair, before shaking yours. "Hi Y'N. I'm Sam. Nice to meet you." You look up at him flashing him a quick smile. "I assume the other guy is Dean?" You question, and Charlie pulls your arm towards her. "Y/N! This is Dean, he's my favourite. No offence, Sam." She chuckles, and Sam grunts. "None taken." He says. "Hi, Dean. Nice to meet you." You hold out your hand for him to shake it, and he takes it. "Nice to meet you. We've heard lots about you." He shows you a warm smile, his eyes a lovely shade of green that you haven't seen before.
"The gangs back together!" Charlie exclaims, you furrow your brows. "Back together? I've never met these guys in my life."
"You get what I mean."
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
After lots of arguing about who gets shotgun, Charlie sits in the front with Dean, and you're sat in the back with Sam. Charlie passes you snacks every so often so you don't feel left out.
"So, YN," Sam starts, taking his gaze off of the trees speeding past the car. "How long have you known Charlie?" He asks, his hazel eyes meeting yours. "My whole life. She's my sister." You trail your sentence, not understanding why Sam would ask this. Dean chuckles. "Sammy, you didn't know that?" He and Charlie start laughing before she reaches over the seat to face you both. "I never told him this. Sorry, Sam." She pops another snack in her mouth, and Sam rolls his eyes. "Perks of being the least favourite, I guess. I'm out of the loop, guys." He throws his hands up in the air, a grin on his face. "It's okay. I'll tell you everything you need to know." You turn yourself round to face him, starting with the story of how you met her, where you grew up and everything that happened with Charlies' parents and your own.
The sun is setting pretty quick, the clouds turning salmon and the sky a denim shade. Dean smoothly parked the Impala outside of a small '70s diner, you all climb out and walk inside to find a free table. Luckily, the place seems busy so you assume it's got good food. You're starving at this point so to be honest, you'd eat anything at this point. You sit opposite Sam, but next to Charlie who's already looking at a menu. Scanning the table, there are only two menus. Dean and Charlie are so lost in their own world that they wouldn't even think about sharing a menu. You snatch the menu out of Charlie's hand and usher her to share with Dean while yourself and Sam work something out between you both.
You stretch your legs out and accidentally hit something long in front of you, assuming it's the table leg, you stretch out further. "That's my leg." Sam says, catching your eyes, then quickly looking away. "Sorry," you mumbled, seeing him act so awkward was somewhat charming to you, how his good looks could so easily get him so many women, yet he seems so reserved and polite. There really aren't that many men in the world like this, at all.
His golden eyes meet yours again, but you're already staring back at him. Your eyes widened in surprise, you didn't even think that he'd look at you again. "What?" He huffs, a smirk appearing. Oh, he knows he's hot. A dimple forms and suddenly, you're really attracted. "Me? Nothing. I was daydreaming." You lie.
The waitress comes over and takes everyones orders, and Dean turns around to allow you both to order. He notices how flushed your cheeks are and Sam's sly grin, and he puts two and two together. He nudges Charlie, and they both glance at you, then Sam, then back at each other with a huge smile on each of their faces. "Look at you two love birds," Dean starts, and you roll your eyes. "Please, don't start." You can't stop a simper from taking shape on your face, Charlie slaps your arm. "You two would be so cute together!" She scoffs, you've never seen her this happy about something before, it's almost scary.
"No, it's far too soon to say anything like that, Char!" You hide your face in embarrassment. "Am I not allowed to make friends?" You say, hoping Sam would have something to add.
"Is it too soon?" Sam says, grinning from ear to ear.
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
For your event can I have a fluff scenario with "delinquent and class president" & "stuck together" for Angry please? They get stuck in a janitors closet overnight at school & reader ends up comforting Angry?
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—souya (angry) kawata // delinquent & class president // stuck together
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☆ ˎˊ˗ halloooo everyone ! thank you anon to requesting this; i hope ur still around to read this ! i dont have a whole lot to add to this, but angry is such a cutie :D enjoy !! xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.4k+
☆ ˎˊ˗ gn!reader
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“hmm…” you pondered to yourself, wandering through the hall looking for potential candidates to help you. 
you weren’t sure if this task was even a part of your class president responsibilities, but you couldn’t not help when your teacher had asked you to, (you were unfortunately very weak to people asking for help, but you chose to see it as a positive point). 
when you had seen the horrendously chaotic state of the supply closet, you weren’t sure how your teacher had thought that you would be able to get the absolutely giant box of class handouts out of there by yourself, especially given he hadn’t been able to get it out himself. nevertheless, you decided to take the task on, setting out to find a good partner to help you out. 
except, you’d run into a bit of problem. 
every person you had approached had immediately run away, telling you some half-assed excuse to get out of it. it left you in a bit of a pickle; you now felt obligated to grab this massive box, but you probably would crush yourself if you tried to grab it by yourself. 
however, when you saw a flash of blue hair walking by, you finally found the solution to your dilemma. 
“souya-kun!” you called out, turning on your heel to catch up with him. he perked up at the sound of his name, looking back to glance at you. “hi! do you have a spare moment?” you asked, walking with him. 
“i think so…” he answered, his soft voice contrasting his stony expression. 
“perfect! do you think you could help me with something real quick?” you asked, putting your hands together in an effort to move him. “it won’t take more than ten minutes of your time! i can’t do it by myself, but the teacher asked me to grab this ginormous box and i can’t leave until i bring it to the classroom!” 
“oh, okay.” 
“yes! thank you so much! you’re truly a lifesaver!!” you exclaimed, relief flooding through you, (you’d been starting to feel a bit worried you would have to just pray to god that you wouldn’t get crushed by a box). “it’s not that far away from here!” 
“alright.” angry answered, following you as you led him down the hall. he was quiet throughout the short walk, not attempting to make any sort of conversation with you. the silence wasn’t unnoticed by you, but you found that it was calm and nice rather than awkward and uncomfortable, which was something you could appreciate, (somehow, you found silence rather hard to come by nowadays). 
when the two of you reached the supply closet, souya quietly followed you inside, looking around a bit at the cluttered mess of everything in the room. the door clicked closed behind him, which made you sigh a bit, glancing around the room to see if there was anything heavy enough to use as a doorstopper. 
the mess of things around the room made it hard to even see everything that was there, which made you sigh, shaking your head. 
“i’m not sure why it’s so messy in here…honestly, i’ll probably take a bit to straighten things out here before i go home.” you said. “i don’t know how anybody let it get this messy.” 
souya didn’t respond to you, instead seeming to be thinking thoughtfully about something. his silence brought you back to the task at hand, moving a few things out of the way of where the box was on the shelf. 
“okay, anyways, i just need help grabbing this box real quick, but let me prop open the door first…” you grabbed a nearby stool that seemed heavy enough to do the job, walking over to the door and grabbing the handle.
“hah…lemme try again…” you muttered nervously, putting the stool down and putting all your focus on the doorknob. you praying that you’d just had a bad try at the doorknob and that it was not in fact locked. 
once again, the doorknob didn’t budge, only rattling in place as you tried to open the door. 
“no way…seriously??” you said in shock, shaking the doorknob as you kept trying to open the door. “why the hell does a supply closet have an auto-lock door…?” you slowly turned around, facing souya with a sheepish expression on your face. 
the boy only looked back at you, a bit confused at the fact that you’d been muttering to yourself for the past thirty seconds. 
“uh, the door…it’s locked…” you explained. “please tell me you have your phone on you.” 
“smiley’s phone died, so he’s using mine right now for something.”
“oh my god…and i left mine in the classroom…” you admitted, smacking your hand against your face. “okay, actually, it’s fine. someone will walk by and hear me if i start screaming, right?” you pondered. “i’m not sure how long i can scream for though…” 
you heard a small thump! as souya sat himself on the floor of the closet, his knees pulled to his chest as he suddenly buried his face in his arms. 
“gah! souya-kun!” you exclaimed, rushing over and kneeling down next to him. “are you alright?! i’m so sorry, this is all my fault!!” 
“smiley will be worried if i’m gone for too long…” souya murmured, his voice a bit shaky now. 
you hovered over him, unsure of what to do in this situation. in all honesty, you didn’t personally know him too well; of course, you’d heard all the rumors about the kawata twins a million times over, but you’d only really talked to souya in passing and through tutoring sessions you gave the both of them, (when they actually showed up to school). 
you wouldn’t have guessed that he was so sensitive, but you supposed you should have figured. after all, souya always had a soft and kind voice when talking, and he was always so nice and respectful to you that it made you forget all the rumors about him. 
“hey, it’s okay. i’ll get us out of here, no problem!” you assured, (you had no idea how you were going to get out of here). you sprung back up, looking around for anything that could help you. 
of course, there’s literally only junk in here. what was i thinking?
and so, you proceeded to bang against the door for ten minutes. 
you eventually stopped, rubbing your sore shoulder as you kneeled down next to souya. he hadn’t moved or said anything else at all, which was worrying you a little bit. 
“okay, i think i lied…i’m sorry. i don’t know how to get out of here. but! i’m sure someone will find us eventually!” you said, trying your best to assure the boy in front of you. 
what to do, what to do…
you sat down on the floor next to him, shuffling a bit closer to him, (you had to admit, it was a bit daunting that you two were currently locked in a closet, but you chose to put it out of your mind). 
“y’know, when i was younger i beat someone up.” you randomly admitted. souya’s head perked up at this, which made you feel a bit more confident in continuing with your story. “yeah, i haven’t told anybody ‘cause i’m not sure how that would reflect on me as class president…but i mean, he totally had it coming, y’know?!” you exclaimed, your expression reflecting your true emotions on the incident. “he was being such an ass! i don’t even remember what his name was, but he would always pull on the girls' hair and would mess with the quiet boys in the class, and it totally pissed me off!” 
“...you beat him up?” souya asked quietly, a curious expression on his face. 
“yeah! and then i got expelled…but, it was totally worth it!” you said confidently, curling your fingers into a fist. “of course, i don’t think i could beat anybody up now. i would probably be the one getting beaten up, haha.” 
“oh, well…i mean i dunno. back then it was pretty easy because everyone was just as weak as everyone else, but now that we’re older everyone has different strengths. i mean, you and your brother are for sure stronger than i am, right?” 
“...yeah, you’re right. there was this time me and my brother, we challenged these dudes from…” as souya began to talk, you smiled, noticing his head was fully out of his arms. the expression on his face had changed from nervous to somewhat curious and excited, making you feel quite accomplished. his voice was soft and calm as he talked, and unknowingly, listening to him talk was also calming you down as well, making you feel more relaxed. in fact, you even forgot for a moment that the two of you were currently locked in a closet. 
how cute…
you supposed it wasn’t terrible to stay here for a while longer.
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isleofdarkness · 5 months
Do you think that Carlos was severely abused by his mother? It look as if he was in the first novel.
Without a doubt. The fact that he can navigate the bear trap closet alone sells it for me. A large bear trap can likely take a small child's limb off and putting a child in that multiple times (as he can navigate the closet without issue, indicating he spends a lot of time in there) is, on its own, some pretty messed up abuse. But that's not all he's dealt with.
Carlos has an amount of work that would exhaust five grown adults- remember how big Hell Hall is? She'd need a whole troupe of people to keep it clean, but that falls entirely on Carlos. He cleans everything and, based on how terrified he is of his mother, I'm guessing he had some pretty bad consequences if he failed. So he forced himself to keep from failing, and that's not a normal thing for a child who has a healthy relationship with their caregivers to do.
Honestly, the fact that he's as terrified as he is of his mother is a red flag. She's a single parent, meaning she's probably the only parental figure he has and has had his entire life. Good parenting doesn't make a child afraid of a parental figure like he is. Neglectful parenting doesn't make a child afraid of a parental figure in the way he is. He doesn't have another parent or, as far as I can tell, another adult caregiver in his life, so the abuse that caused that fear could only have come from one person.
She also instilled a massive fear in him- his fear of dogs. Carlos was terrified of dogs, way more than even people who were attacked by dogs as children. Cruella made him so terrified of dogs that he tried to pass up the opportunity to go to Auradon. He took off at a dead- and honestly impressively fast- sprint at the sight of Dude, who weighs maybe, maybe fifteen pounds. Realistically, Carlos should know that a dog that small isn't a major threat (still deserves respect but I'm not getting into my "respect the family dog" rant here) because the dog can't even reach high enough to hurt him and he clearly outran him. But Carlos's fear overrode his logic and he took off as fast as he could, screaming in terror, and climbed a freaking tree in the woods just because a tiny dog was following him. He screamed even just seeing a dog (from Dog with a Blog no doubt, unless it was the dog from Johnny Test) on the television for two seconds. Cruella instilled that major fear in him for... for what? Was there a reason? It's not like she's scared of dogs and just accidentally passed that fear to her son. She did that just to have control over him, as demonstrated in the movie. She made a small child terrified of something just to keep him reliant on her. I'd say that's pretty abusive. (Not going to get into how Disney took care of that phobia, but know that I have Thoughts on that, too.)
I can't remember if he ever got hit on screen in the books, but from how scared he is of his mother, I wouldn't be surprised if she hit him. She was definitely verbally abusive, extremely neglectful (he threw a whole party with a billion teenagers in her house and she was gone and never even noticed,) and she basically treated Carlos like a char (lowliest kind of cleaning lady, used to be one of the worst jobs you could get. It was the McDonald's fry cook of WWII.) Worse, actually, because Carlos doesn't get paid. But she had him so afraid of the outside world (his fear of dogs kept him to where he knew there were no dogs and I know for a fact there are dogs on the Isle, so that means Hell Hall was the only place he knew was safe) that was literally too scared to leave. I'm... pretty sure that almost counts as psychological torture? It seems psychologically torturing.
Yeah, it seems as though Cruella severely abused Carlos.
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xspeter · 3 months
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Chapter one ❣︎ Uh oh, i’m fallin’ in love
uh oh, i’m fallin’ in love
i thought the plane was goin’ down (how’d you turn it right around?)
❧ warnings: none!
❧ wc: 2.8k
❧ Note: first chapter is outtt! I hope you guys enjoy and are as excited for this story as I am! if things seem to be going a little fast i do apologize, but i am going straight off of the book! like all this happens in literally the first chapter
❧ masterlist
The day started out completely terrible.
First, you’d woken up late and threw on the first thing you saw. And you only realized the massive coffee stain on it once you’d reached school.
Then you realized you’d completely forgotten about Mrs. Clicks homework and had barely managed to scribble down random answers on it before the bell, and even then the disappointed look she gave you as she collected it made you want the floor to swallow you whole.
The only good part of the day had to be the prom posters that had been thrown up around the school over the weekend. You couldn’t help the pride that filled your chest when you saw your own design looking right back at you.
The prom committee had let you have complete and total free range over them, and you liked to think they turned out pretty well.
You’d gone with a dark blue base with white sprinkles thrown across it, the words “A Night Under The Stars, Senior Prom, 8:00, April 5th, 1985” sprawled across it in baby blue letters.
“The posters came out super nice!” You don’t have to look behind you to know the voice belongs to your best friend, Robin Buckley.
You bit your lip, arms crossed over your chest, “Do you think so? I feel like I should’ve made the letters white or something.”
Robin shakes her head, “It looks fine to me.”
You gave her a grateful smile, “Shouldn't you be getting ready for the pep rally?” You asked. The school would be having a seniors only pep rally at the end of the day to celebrate your final semester of highschool, and you were honestly excited for it.
It was silly, but you couldn’t help the thought in the back of your mind that this could be it. Maybe you’d meet the guy you were meant to end up with there, even though you already knew practically everyone in your grade. You still couldn’t help but hope.
Robin threw her head back with a groan, “Please don’t remind me.” She whined. You snorted.
You knew the real reason Robin didn’t want to go was because of her new crush. It was cute, honestly. And you understood why Robin is so hesitant to make any moves, but you’re positive Vickie is the right girl.
She looks disgusted every time she’s with her boyfriend and you swear you catch her gazing at Robin more often then what should be considered normal.
“If you never make a move you’ll never know, and then you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.” You tsk, lips thinning out into a sharp line.
Robin rolls her eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” She sighs, “Look, I don’t wanna be any later for band then I already am so i’m gonna run, but nice dress!” She yells out as she jogs away, and you grin and yell back a thank you.
You turn around to head to your next class but are met with something rock solid. You nearly tumble to the floor, but are caught by a hand around your waist.
“Shit,” The wall says, “Are you okay?”
You looked up, arms tight across your chest to hold your books in place. The sight you’re met with is one you hadn’t been prepared for at all.
Jonathon Byers stood before you in all his glory. He was still as handsome as you had remembered.
Jonathon had lived across the street from you practically your entire childhood, and you’d harbored a massive crush on him the entire time.
How could you not? He was kind and such a gentleman, and he had an amazing family. (Apart from his dad, but you liked to pretend he didn’t exist.)
He smelled so-so good, and you wanted to catalogue every part of this moment in your mind. It was the perfect meet-cute, even if this wasn’t your first time meeting.
“Jonathon?” You stuttered out, carefully finding your footing as he slipped his hand away from your waist and back to his side.
He gave a weak smile, “Hey, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but throw an arm around him, the other holding your books in place. “Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in years! When-when did you get back from California? Why are you back?” You asked, thoughts going a mile a minute.
Jonathon had moved to California at the end of your eighth grade year. His mom, Joyce, had been offered a well paying job that she couldn’t turn down.
It had been a teary goodbye, but you chose not to dwell on the fact that Jonathon would never know how you really felt.
Now, you couldn’t help but think that maybe you’d be able to turn that around.
Jonathon shrugged, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. “Mom lost her job and she was offered a managing position at her old one back at the store, so we came back.” He explains.
You frown, Joyce losing her job must’ve sucked, but you can’t help but be the tiniest bit thankful that it brought Jonathon back to you again.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You murmured, laying a gentle hand on his bicep. He just shrugs, hands shoved into his pockets, “It’s okay. At least we didn’t have to move somewhere completely new again, right?”
You nodded in agreement, and you both stood in silence for a moment. You held your breath, you had to do it. You were going to ask Jonathon to prom. Was it a little hasty? Sure, but chances are he doesn’t have a date to prom yet, and there was no harm in asking, right? You were friends, or at least you had been, so it only made sense.
You swallow, “Hey, do you think you’d want to-” But you were cut off by someone knocking into you from behind and shoving you away from Jonathon.
“Holy shit, man! I didn’t know you were back!”
Your eye nearly twitches at the voice. Steve Harrington. The very bane of your existence.
You’d grown up with Steve as well, he only lived two houses down from you, but it’d been nowhere near as romantic as it had with Jonathon.
Steve was obnoxious. He was what your parents considered “troubled.” He would tease you for the dresses you wore, refused to play any of the games you wanted to, and was just an overall punk.
You grit your teeth, “Um, maybe watch where you’re going?”
Steve blinked, once, then twice, before finally he turned to you. “Oh, so sorry. I didn’t even see you. Which is strange, because that dress is seriously an eye-catcher.”
The tone that he says it lets you know it’s anything but a compliment, and you cross your arms over your chest, subconsciously hiding the light brows stain on it. “Hm, it’s weird, Even with your hair being nearly half your height, I still didn’t see you coming.”
Steve goes to bark back a retort, but Jonathon’s chuckle stops him. “It’s nice to see you two haven’t changed a bit.”
You force a smile, “Yep. You know. Same ol’, same ol’.”
Steve glared at you, “More like she hasn’t stopped being annoying.”
Jonathon furrowed his brows, “She’s not annoying. She’s just spunky, it’s my favorite thing about her.”
Your jaw nearly drops at Jonathon’s words, and your cheeks begin to flush a pretty pink. You stutter out a thank you, and Steve leans in and whispers, “Careful, you’re drooling.”
You stomp on his foot with your heel, causing him to hiss and pull away from you. He swatted at you before he turned back to Jonathon, “You remember Tommy Hagan?” He asks.
Jonathon nods hesitantly, “I think so, yeah. First Baseman right?”
Steve snaps his fingers, “That’s the one. Look, he’s having a party this Saturday and you should totally come.”
You do your best to keep your expression neutral as you listen to Steve invite your Jonathon to a party. What right did he have? What if you were gonna invite Jonathon somewhere on saturday?
Jonathon glances at you, “Sure man,” He says. “Sounds fun.”
Steve grins and claps him on the back, “ Party starts at eight, i’ll see you there!” He turned and jogged to his next class with a shout of, “Later guys!”
You and Jonathon watched as Steve disappeared into the crowd of people. He turned to you, “Are you going?” He asks.
Your mouth dries a bit at the question, though you aren’t sure if it’s because Jonathon’s looking at you with those wide, chestnut brown eyes like you move the sun and the moon, or if it’s because you, in fact, weren’t invited.
“Oh, um, I don’t know. I think I have to work.” You stammer out the excuse, hoping he doesn’t catch the nervous way you pick at your chipped nail polish.
He doesn’t, instead he gives you a weak smile and lazily says, “Alright. Look, i’ve gotta run, but let’s catch up soon, yeah?”
You smile girlishly, “Okay.”
His arm brushes against your own as he leaves, and the touch nearly leaves you dizzy.
Finally, things were working out for you.
Once the pep rally ends you immediately shoot for Robin. You find her next to the bleachers, staring longingly at an unaware Vickie.
You can’t help but roll your eyes, “You look like a kicked puppy!” You yell at her.
She nearly jumps out of her skin at the sound of your voice, but she’s quick to collect herself and throw you a glare. “I do not.”
You shrug, “Fine, keep telling yourself that. But, anyway, you are not going to believe who’s here!” You nearly squeal, fingers playing with the hem of your dress.
Robin thinks for a moment, “Who?”
Your grin grows impossibly larger, “Jonathon Byers.”
“I know.”
Your smile immediately drops, “You do?”
Robin furrows her brows, “Uh, yeah? Was it a secret?”
You scoff, “I mean, no, but - look, this is really good for me.”
Robin squints at you, leg kicking up onto the wall she’s leaning against. “And why is that?”
Your grin returns as you shift back and forth on your feet, “Jonathon is gonna be my date to prom. We already had our meet-cute, now I just have to win him over.”
She nods, eyes lidded, “Right. And how do you plan to do that?” She asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
You shush her and roll your eyes, “Don’t question me. Just trust that I'll make it work.” You begin to walk away, gesturing for Robin to follow. She does so with a groan.
“Steve invited Jonathon to this party. Which, might I add, he did right in front of me and didn’t even ask me if I wanted to go!”
Robin snorts, “Don’t you guys not like each other? Why would he invite you?”
While what she said may be true, it was still just basic manners to not do something like that right in front of people. But, Steve was constantly tiptoeing the line between person and barbarian so you wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t know basic human decency.
“That’s besides the point,” You grumbled. “I just need to get into this party and then boom! Me and Jonathon will be married in no time.”
“Tommy’s parties are always just beer pong, fireball, and truth-or-dare immature bullshit. Honestly, I'm glad we didn’t get invited.“ Robin murmurs.
The both of you approach your car and you hop into the front seat with an annoyed dent in your brows.
“And…” Robin bites her lip, “I guess Jonathon moved a couple houses down from Nancy Wheeler and they’ve been talking for a while now.”
Your heart plummets. Nancy Wheeler? Is this a joke?
Sure, you didn’t know Nancy very well, but that didn’t stop you from despising her very being. She always played the image of the perfect girl. Smart, pretty. You could see right through her though.
It’d started in kindergarten, when you’d gotten a bloody nose and shrieked an Ewwww right in your toddler face, making the entire class join her.
In first grade she exposed your box of love letters you’d made for Bryce Waterson, and he’d called you gross. It was humiliating.
In fifth grade, not long after your mom died you’d been forced to sit next to her at lunch. And it wasn’t the perfect cookie cutter sandwiches that bothered you, no, it was the notes.
Everyday she’d pull out a handwritten note from her mom. It always said something different and had colorful hearts and doodles. You’d get so sad you couldn’t even eat.
While Nancy could play the part for everyone else, you saw right through her.
And besides, Nancy always got everything she could ever want. She couldn’t have him. You wouldn’t let her.
And Nancy didn’t have the history with Jonathon that you did. She didn’t grow up in love with him, always watching in admiration as he played around with your nemesis.
Your mom said it was the most adorable thing she’d ever seen, though your dad couldn’t help but disagree.
Robin looks at you like she knows exactly what you’re thinking, “Jonathon Byers is not your perfect oh-we’re-so-in-love guy, okay?”
He could be, you wanted to retort, but you held your tongue. Instead you just shrugged as you began to drive your car out of the parking lot, “In all actuality they aren’t even together yet, so I still have a chance..”
“Don’t be that girl!” Robin scolds, “Whatever happened with him was not your meet-cute.”
You couldn’t help but buzz a little at the thought of your interaction with him. The way his arm had ever so gently bridled your own.. that wasn’t coincidence.
“But maybe it was.”
She throws her head back against the seat, “Pull yourself together, woman! You barely even know him anymore.”
His eyes flash in your mind, those beautiful dark eyes. “I know everything I need to know.”
Jonathon was back.
You propped your feet up onto the kitchen table and dug into your container of ice cream.
After Jonathon had moved, you’d daydreamed about him for what honestly was probably years.
You came up with so many different scenarios in your head for him, but there was one that always seemed to stick.
It was December, Christmas Eve. You were sitting outside in your cutest winter outfit just staring at the snow, and you get the sudden urge to turn your head. When you do, you’re met with the sight of him. He runs to you, holds you in his warm embrace and tells you every thing you’d ever wanted to hear. Some would call it delusional, you just called it perfect.
It took you forever to get over him. And at some point you’d accepted that he was never coming back.
But now he’d returned.
The smile on your face grows wider at the thought.
You didn’t have any classes with him and you were no longer neighbors, which sucked so badly, but you were anything if not persistent, and the one thing in your corner was your expertise on love. Not to call yourself a love expert, but, well…
Love was practically in your genes. Your mom lived and burned for it, and she had luckily given the very same passion to you.
Thanks to this, you were more then certain you had to get to Tommy’s party.
Honestly, the party scene had never really been your thing. A house filled with the distasteful smell of sweaty jocks and booze along with people who didn’t even know you wasn’t your idea of a good time.
But, you were running on a tight schedule here, so party here you come.
Lightning shoots across the sky and illuminates Steve’s car, and you’re reminded of the days events.
There was a parking spot right outside your house, and it was sacred.
If you wanted to be able to comfortably get to your house without having to walk all the way up the street, you’d have to park in this spot, which should be no problem right?
Steve knows about this spot, and unfortunately he wants it just as bad as you. And he’d tailgated you as soon as you’d dropped Robin off at her house and he’d snagged it away from you, forcing you to park a block over and walk all the way to your house in the rain.
You licked off a spoonful of ice cream and daydreamed that Jonathon lived there instead of Steve.
And that’s when it hit you.
Steve was the key.
He was your in. Steve, who’d invited Jonathon in the first place, would be attending this party.
But, there was only one world where Steve Harrington would be willing to help you, and honestly, you were willing to live in it. Even if you had to be drenched in rain everyday.
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fatuismooches · 7 months
THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE POST REMINDED ME OF THOSE CLICHES WHERE THEY MEET AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF THEMSELVES OH MY GOD???? like zandik sees a version of himself where he never met you and he will admit that he honestly has never seen himself so sad before.... like everything he has now? nothing can compare to a zandik who has never felt love before and that FUCKSHGVUHFBJAKM<>SAGDUIJSAK .. I SWEAR I SAW THIS SOMEWHERE I JUST CAN'T REMEMBER WHERE...
and zandik who has never experienced love thinks he's so foolish for allowing such a massive setback to his goals, and he doesn't understand you and your relationship with your zandik. perhaps he's jealous? maybe he wants to study you (in a not so intimate way and rather how he would treat regular subjects)? AND IT JUST MAKES ME SOOOOOO SAD LIKE. YOU'D OBVIOUSLY WANT TO HOLD HIM AND KISS HIM TOO, make him feel loved too BUT you have your own zandik, AND he has never opened his heart to anyone for literally millenias and uGHHGHHH
methinks it makes zandik appreciate your relationship on a whole 'nother level
OH. MY. GOD. THIS IS SOOOO GOOD AND GENIUS UGHHHH I LOVE IT SM! Screams... the idea of Dottore admitting to himself that he looks "sad" is something that he thought was impossible but!! He can't deny that his alternate self looks goddamn miserable!! His counter-self would look "normal" to anyone else, but perhaps because he's connected to him in an odd way, he can just sense his other self's sadness. Eyebags and all, he really looks like he reached the edge of insanity. Which, Dottore has as well, but there's just something about his alternate self that shows it a lot more. And he thinks, could you really have had that much of an impact on him, for his alternate self to be like this? Surely there were other factors that made his alternate self come out this way, perhaps even arguably worse than him? And he's right, there is, being from an alternate universe and all but... still, there was no alternate for you his alternate self. No one to lessen his burden, to help him, to care for him, to love him... he was left to descend into madness all by himself.
Ugh his alternate self would probably be disgusted with him. There are so many things to be done, and instead of focusing on the important stuff he's fooling around with... love? With... you? A person he supposedly... loves? It's disgusting really, how low he's fallen. He should know better than to believe in such things, after the neglect he went through. And you. His other self doesn't like you for being such a distraction. What could possibly be so interesting about you? He doesn't see anything notable about you at all, especially if you're sickly, and yet the twisted part of him wants to know. I mean, you're scared of his alternate self of course, but you can't help but pity him, You want to show him what it means to be loved, how even someone like him can be loved, and how love can actually help him rather than hurt him. You want him to be showered in affection... but you can't. That's not your job... and it would be far too hard for you to do it in such as short him. So you only leave Dottore's counter self with a few words - that you didn't know what happened to your alternate self, whether they were alive or dead... but you hoped that he could meet them one day, and maybe then he would understand.
You're more sad about it than Dottore of course, meanwhile he's more contemplative about it? He thinks about everything his other self said and he can't help but think he's so... wrong. He counters every single point his alternative self made. You've actually helped him with so many breakthroughs in his own research, learn new things he couldn't have understood on his own. You help him regain his energy when he's tired, you help him relax and rest when he constantly pushes past his limits. You... love him, and that's helped him a lot more than he initially realized. And that just makes him more resolved to the fact he can't lose you.
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nineinch-nailgun · 4 months
I fucked this up so I ahd to reedit it AUGH
Weird pet pt 3
So, it's been a month now and you still have that thing in your basement. Lord knows why you haven't set it free or called the cops but it's too late now. The mimic you have locked in your basement had proven to be... kind of stupid. Maybe it was young and an inexperienced hunter but everytime you went down to feed and water it, he would just stare. No attempt to attack or chase, just stare. His eyes were piercing like a Phineas Gaige flagpole. He was patient too, if you considered foaming at the corners of the mouth while watching someone come down the stares with raw ham patient, that is.
Tonight is special, well not really. You got a raise recently at your dead-end job and thought you'd use your first extra hundred to get something extra for the massive beast that lived in your house rent free. As you sauntered down the steps you could practically hear the drops of slobber that plopped on the ground. He stood at his full obnoxious height- roughly around 7ft. He stared intensely as you got to the last step and place the food down on the 'meal towel', as you called it. You always made sure to take off the shitty plastic wrap- and you poured the water into the large bowl you'd gotten him. He honestly lived like an animal- but he didn't seem to mind too much. Compared to other mimics this could be considered the life of luxury, he gets to sleep and eat all day. No hunting, no running from human groups that want to kill him, no need to find shelter, and best of all it comes at no cost to him. He's practically spoiled, and wouldn't last a day out in the wild. You backed away from him and watched as he threw himself at the ham, devouring it like he'd not eaten ever in his entire life. He got to have more than just one tonight, and it was a little more expensive- and given how he ripped at it he seemed to think it tasted better too.
You suddenly remembered some of the things you'd left in your car from him, and decided to go and get them. You quickly drove yourself up the stairs, closing the basement door behind you. You got outside and opened the back of your car. Comforters and pillows. Your poor... beast mimic pet thing had to sleep on the cold hard floor while you learned to be more comfy with him. Now you'd went out and got him some nice cushions so he could maybe feel more at home- how domestic! You carried the rest of your spoils back into the house, cutting wrapping off of different things so he wouldn't try and eat it and choke and die. You weren't sure how smart that thing was but he seemed intelligent enough. You made your way back down the stairs and found he'd already finished his food. He stood there contentedly, eyes shut and he swayed a tiny bit. Oh yeah mimics have a whole... "digestion mode" thing. He heard you though, and lazily opened his eyes. His perpetual smile was still eerie despite his comatose like state. Although he perked up at the sight of the blankets and pillows you had tucked under your arms. He watched as you made your way to his usual sleeping spot, a towel here and there. You sat down the pillows and blankets- attempting to make a nest for him. You wanted to maybe try and appeal to his animalistic nature, give him something comfy to sleep on but also something that he was familiar with. He peered at you from his spot rooted on the floor. He wasn't moving anytime soon, but he did seem to enjoy watching you set up something so thoughtful for him. He didn't turn his head, just gave you some side eye. Once you felt satisfied you got up and pulled away, admiring your handiwork. You started to walk away, getting ready to retreat back upstairs when you heard him whine a little. It was pathetic. All his sounds seemed to be pathetic though. You looked at him and his half lidded eyes were a little wider now. He made a lazy attempt to reach for you, but didn't try too hard. His arm dropped back by his side. It was unclear what he wanted but you decided to stick around, if only for a moment.
Ok so it had been more than just a moment. More like several moments turned into minutes turned into what felt like hours. Although it had only been like a minute and a half. He had shut his eyes by now, and something about his tired demeanor made you feel a bit safer. He wouldn't bite the hand that feeds him would he? So for whatever God forsaken reason, you sneak forward, and hand extended towards him. His eyes open ever so slightly, but he doesn't move. Soon enough you're within "grabbing and killing" distance- but he makes no move once again. You don't know what the fuck you're getting yourself into at this rate, but your extended hand touches his arm.
Naturally you flinch away, he didn't seem to mind though. He watched curiously as you reached for him again, brushing your fingertips with his forearm. Slowly your hand wraps around it and brings his arm forward, sliding down to his hand. You inspect his claws, and watch his face cautiously, looking for any possible threat. But no threat shows itself. He's just letting you inspect him, in fact he seems just as curious as you are. He stares down intently as your hands hold his. Eventually you feel embarrassed and pull away, his fleshy arm falls to his side and he watches with a little strain as you back away towards the stairs.
He seems almost disappointed, but you don't notice. You crawl back up the stairs towards the living room of your house. Maybe he was a mimic with the brain of a trimming. Im not complaining though, he hadn't eaten you yet- so that was certainly a plus.
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
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— Prologue: “Did you know your son can’t read?.” + “They don’t need a friend. They need a father.”
— Summary: Wherein Go Yeeun wakes up from a coma and meets Na Jaemin claiming to be her husband and have five children together.
— Genre: jaemin series. Romance. Found family. Mystery. Smut. Crack. Fluffiness.
Notes: THIS IS A JAEMIN SERIES ON MY BLOG. reblog and follow me for more daily updates.
Go Yeeun ran across the room reaching the ringing telephone attach to the plug. It was one of those house phones you wire to the wall in the plug, it wasn’t anything fancy technology at all. It’s not like the household could afford anything fancy or new; they were a poor family.
As the phone was lifted closing to the ear, breathing few series of pants as she ran across the room. Yeeun spoke on the overhead phone line. “Yes hello?”
“Is this Mrs Na?” An elderly woman on the phone spoke and Yeeun’s eyebrows furrows. “Yes that’s me.”
What was the phone call for? Yeeun has no idea but many things ran through her head. All possibilities were bad. Heart was racing as if it was a hostage situation, as if this was something to be afraid of. Afterall Yeeun has only been living in this house for only two days or so. Nothing to see positive. Especially after going through the chores she’s been doing all day.
The elderly voice was sensing the panic in Yeeun’s voice and she reassured, though the news wasn’t the brightest. “I am calling from your children’s school to let you know that your sons have all gotten detention for misbehaviour. I am calling you to come to school and pick them up.”
“Their teacher would like to have a conversation with you about their learning process.”
Yeeun’s eyes rides with the voice on the line flowing and the woman drops the phone. She treads to the cloak bringing a jacket on and then grabbing house keys. The dogs sat in front of the door sniffing, as if they were wanting to go on a walk. Yeeun turns to the two collie shepherds dogs; Ruby and Pearl watching with glistening eyes.
‘They want to go on a walk…’ Yeeun thought to one.
At first she wasn’t going to take the dogs with her. But Jaemin took the car to work today and Yeeun will have to walk the distance to the school. It’s not too far. By walk it would take about thirty minutes or so. However even if Yeeun had the car she wouldn’t be able to drive it. She would most likely stress out. She sighs watching the dogs sitting, wagging their tails as if their puppy eyes weren’t enough.
She’s definitely not leaving without the dogs now.
“Argh… fine.” Yeeun said coming forward again opening the glass door. Reaching forward on the shelves grabbing the two dog leashes. Then reaching to the two dogs attaching them on the collar. Ruby and Pearl were suddenly happy with joyous barking. Yeeun slightly smiles. “You guys wouldn’t leave me alone without me walking you.” She sighs.
And then pulling the dogs out of the door Yeeun closed the door shut locking the front with the house keys.
The dogs were making the distance quicker if honestly Yeeun has been glad she took the dogs. It would’ve made the whole chores more easier. Though sometimes the dogs were a massive pain to take care of considering they bite everything. Every little furniture in sight. They require a lot of time to be watched over.
They were like another set of children Yeeun did not want.
Arriving to the school Yeeun walks through the reception in which they take her through the classroom where she then meets eyes with teacher sitting down at the desk motioning Yeeun to come inside. The children were sitting down on the chairs, as if they were punished by the teachers beforehand the arrival of their mother.
The teacher stands up greeting the woman. “Mrs Na?” She questions and Yeeun nods slowly focusing back on the teacher away from the children now. “Yes that’s me.”
“I wasn’t aware they had a mother,” The teacher softly let out.
“Why wouldn’t they have a mother?” Yeeun’s eyebrows raise up suspiciously. “And why are my sons with injures?” She comes forward grabbing Insung’s hand out seeing red marks, what looks like long lines.
Insu would be left with scarring on his neck, it looks like someone had to grab him from behind roughly. And then Hanuel the eldest boy had a bruise on his cheek. It looks faint as if it was a fresh mark.
Yeeun glares over at the teacher as she takes steps away from Insung to approach Yongsoo who was hiding his hands. They had red scars on them covered by dry blood. It wasn’t much, but it made Yeeun’s protective nature want to protect them. Who dares land their filthy hands on her children?
The teacher softly said. Trying to stay calm. But Yeeun could see right through it. They were definitely the one behind these horrible things.
“They had a fight with students. They’re disruptive. And they do not learn anything.” The woman tells.
Yeeun raised an eyebrow. “You’re telling me other students attacked my sons and gave them these injuries on their bodies?” She couldn’t believe it. If they had a fight where are the other students who attacked them, shouldn’t they be punished too? Not just her boys.
The teacher stays quiet. It looks like Yeeun caught them red handed and she comes forward staring down the woman. As the boys watch their mother up front completely look like she was one step away from murdering this woman.
“What is your name?” Yeeun demands, not asking at all. The woman stumbles on the words as if she was scared to tell them her name. “The students call me Mrs Hong.”
“Mrs Hong.” Yeeun repeats darkly. “I will make this very bluntly obvious,
Your job is to teach my sons, not to harass them and openly abuse them. And then play it out on other students as if they were a bunch of delinquents.” Yeeun seethes slamming the hand on the desk. Mrs Hong flinches at the slam and looks down on the floor slowly nodding. “Do I make my self clear, Mrs Hong?” Yeeun glares.
“Yes M’am…”
“If I see my children hurt again, you best believe I will be getting the police involved and I’ll make sure you rot in a prison cell somewhere far away from civilians.” Yeeun wasn’t joking she seems like she’s done this before and it openly terrifies the whole room causing a dark atmosphere to take over.
Yeeun turns around grabbing Yongsoo. She lifts the small boy up and holds him close to her chest. She then turns to the twins and Hanuel speaking firmly. She was filled with unexpected anger; Did Jaemin know his children were getting hurt? And how come no one else helped them out? This was ridiculous. Yeeun will not tolerate any harm come to her children.
“Come on boys let’s leave, Haewon is outside with the dogs.” Yeeun said. The boys don’t rely but nod at their mother’s side as they walk out of the classroom.
It’s safe to say, Mrs Hong will not be able to get away with such actions anytime soon again.
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When arriving home the boys were sitting down the long dining table together with their mother trying to do the homework they were given.
Usually the boys would refuse to do such things. Jaemin would never care if they do their homework because he’s simply more laid back and relaxed about such trivial things. However Yeeun wasn’t so much lenient about such things.
She wants them to have a good education.
“You’re starting to get it.” Yeeun smiles praising down Hanuel who was doing the mathematics homework writing it down on the lined paper. She softly pets his hair from behind. Hanuel slowly trails. “You’re very smart mum.” He beams.
Without Yeeun’s help Hanuel would never have understood how to solve these problems. Surprisingly Yeeun wasn’t sure how come she was so good at maths.
It just clicked in her brain, like an unlocked memory she couldn’t remember before until the moment she was sat down helping Hanuel to figure this out.
“How about you Insung and Insu?” Yeeun suddenly turns to the twins watching them write down the English words.
They’re meant to translate the Korean to the English however they are a lost cause when trying to learn languages. They simply don’t understand English. Yeeun saw the twin boy’s struggle becoming slightly more or less not focused anymore with each fail.
“I don’t know what Apple is in English.” Insu complains crossing his arms on the chest. Insung rolls his eyes. “It’s obviously this one.” The boy points down at the word in English for ‘Orange’ and Yeeun stares tilting her head in confusion.
“That’s not right either Insung.” Yeeun said as she comes forward pointing at the finger without thinking, it’s like her body moved on its own. She would find the correct word for apple in English. “It’s this word.”
“Oh!” Insung and Insu let out unison surprised by their mother’s presence of help. She can do English too? Just how much can their mother do, they weren’t aware how smart she is.
“Thanks mum.” The twins say beaming as they write the correct answer down. Yeeun smiles feeling warmth burn in her heart. She never though helping others this much with homework would be so sweet and wholesome.
However one person was rejecting help and that was the youngest, Yongsoo. Yongsoo was staring down at the homework paper struggling quietly as if he hasn’t moved ever since they sat down all together to do the homework. Yeeun walks to Yongsoo. He was the youngest so he was only having to do reading exercises. However even if he had the less work to do than his older brothers, Yongsoo hasn’t done anything.
He was frozen in space while sitting down on the chair watching the paper with disinterest.
“Yongsoo, what does that word say?” Yeeun’s finger pressed on the word ‘car’ and the small boy with brown long curly locks looks away with embarrassment. He was so quiet that he just ran off from the table.
“Hey Yongsoo where are you off to?” Yeeun shouts. Yeeun watches Yongsoo run away. He leaves the rest and Yeeun turns to the other boys in confusion.
The boys sigh as if they knew what just happened and Yeeun was the only one left behind wondering what was that just about? Why did Yongsoo run away like that?
“What happened to Yongsoo?” Yeeun questions in a prance. Confusion written on the woman’s face and Hanuel murmurs first. “He cannot read.”
‘He can’t read…?’ Yeeun thought that was impossible. Children his age know how to read and write already. How come Yongsoo was not taught anything?
“He is ashamed of himself.” Insu adds softly as if he was quiet and getting sad knowing their younger brother was probably beating himself up for not being able to read or write at his big age.
“The teachers ridicule him because he’s behind reading and writing. The kids make fun of him for it too sometimes.” Insung the other twin tells their mother and she straightens upwards with a worrisome amount on her head.
Yeeun stumbles thinking. “That’s horrible. And your father never did anything to help Yongsoo?”
Where was Jaemin when all of this was happening? Where was their father when they needed him the most?
Hanuel and the twins stare at the woman in silence. They given no answer because, they didn’t know either. They didn’t know where their father was. He didn’t claim the responsibility title at all over them. But the silence was a loud enough answer for Yeeun. She clenched her hands together behind lowly.
She can’t help but pity the children.
Yeeun leaves the room going up the stairs creaking on each other sound the moment the feet land on stairs made of all sorts of wooden material. The door slowly opens letting herself in she would see Yongsoo hidden in the corner of the bedroom. It was a small bedroom where all the children slept together. They had their own beds while sharing this small room. It was their space with toys. Books. The posters on the walls and what not.
Quiet sounds of crying was heard and Yeeun wraps arms round the boy pulling him closer to her body to engulf the poor boy in an embrace.
“Yongsoo…” Yeeun softly whispers as she runs his back down with the palm. It somehow dents the boy’s worries away. It was soothing in a way to have parental figure after so long embrace him when he was always crying alone.
Alone to deal with all these emotions he can’t seem to process well.
Yongsoo croaks. “I am sorry for not being able to read or write.”
The woman holding him in this warm heart-full embrace wants to say to the boy that he shouldn’t apologise for something he cannot control. For something that was not his fault at all only the fault at the environment he grew up in with the lack of parental guidance. Yeeun feels responsible. Where was she all this time? Surely she wouldn’t have let Yongsoo deal with this all along? And where was his father when he needs one?
“You shouldn’t apologise. Let’s not say sorry. It’s never too late for me to teach you to write or read, Yongsoo.”
His eyes slowly light up. It’s the first time he’s ever heard that from anyone. Yeeun smiles seeing Yongsoo’s tears wiped by her hand as she would kiss his temple on the side of the boy’s head. “Look it’s not that hard to learn reading and writing. You’re a smart boy. So how about we go downstairs and I teach you?”
Yongsoo would like that a lot. He would like to learn from his mother the most.
“Okay, let’s do that.”
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“Goodnight children.”
Yeeun said standing by the door. The children were all tucked into their representatives beds. Hanuel and Haewon’s separate beds next to one another. The boy was sleeping under the deep navy blue sheets with planets on them.
Haewon was neatly tucked inside the purple and white blankets on the bed on top of her. She had a bunny doll next to her bed tuck into the right area where she held it to sleep every night.
Yeeun looks over to the right side of the room where the twins beds were next to one another. Insu with green blanket with flowers on them. While Insung would have a red iron man blanket over him as he was soon to fall asleep. She could see his eyes getting heavier.
And finally her eyes meet Yongsoo and she smiles at him as Yongsoo was finally happier than he was before. They studied hard all day. And he was actually pretty good at learning to write and read. Yeeun slowly goes over to tuck the yellow blanket around the younger boy smiling.
“Goodnight Yongsoo.” She says. Yongsoo mutters tiredly. “Goodnight Mum.”
“Goodnight mum!” The other children said as Yeeun smiles back at them. She slowly turns off the light switch and closed the door letting the children finally go to sleep in the dark room.
She slowly walks away from the door and enters the bedroom sitting on the end of her own bed in the bedroom she shared with her husband.
However she doesn’t sleep on this bed, her husband does. She crossed arms together as she was in deep thought wondering when he was about to return. She had a lot to discuss with him.
Soon the man comes inside the house. It was few minutes before she tucked the children to bed and they were fast asleep by now. Jaemin made his way up the stairs to go inside his bedroom as he took off the shoes and the jacket slipping off the body. He had a tired expression on his face today too; he seems tired from all the work he did today. But when he least expected it Yeeun sits on the edge of his bed as he turns the light switch on.
“Oh god!” He jumps back a little with a fright catching his heart in his chest. He sighs deeply. “It’s only you Bunny lips. Geez why were you sitting in the dark alone here?” Jaemin shakes his head.
He doesn’t understand Yeeun sometimes.
Yeeun doesn’t reply but keeps her stern gaze on him she was so unimpressed. Jaemin whistles as he didn’t hear anything from his wife and he slowly turns to her.
Why was there so much tension? Jaemin couldn’t brush it off.
“What’s wrong? You’re looking at me like I did something today.” Jaemin couldn’t even figure out what he did today to her. They barely spoke today. They were far too busy.
Yeeun sighs. “I have a lot to say to you right now, about our children.”
Jaemin hums as he was taking off the jacket putting it back on the hanger, as he spoke he was multitasking taking off his shirt. “Ahuh? Like what.”
Yeeun glares. ‘Cant he at least stop doing something as I’m speaking about something important?’ She can’t believe that he can’t stay still and listen for a minute to her.
“It’s about Yongsoo.” She adds. “Did you know your son can’t read?”
Jaemin didn’t seem fazed for a moment. “Well he is only two is he not?” Yeeun blurts out cutting him off. “He’s four.” She corrects him standing up from his bed and Jaemin paused slightly shocked.
Was Yongsoo already that old? Jaemin couldn’t believe it as he turns around facing Yeeun slowly. Yeeun sighs out, she feels her blood boiling. Jaemin was irresponsible enough and it’s hard to do this alone taking care of five children; and Jaemin wasn’t doing his role correctly.
He wasn’t doing what a father was meant to be doing.
“Did you know the children get hurt at school? The teacher abused them. Assaults them even.” Yeeun snaps angrily. “Did you even bother checking on them with their school work?”
“Education isn’t that important to people like us.” Jaemin replies shrugging. “We are poor. The society doesn’t expect anything from us other than the bare minimum hard labour jobs.”
“That shouldn’t be the examples you should be setting for our children.” Yeeun spat. “I want them to have a good education. I want them to be able to go to college and university later on.”
“And that fucking bitch, she hurt them.” Yeeun swore holding her tongue as she grasps the fact that Jaemin hears her swear for the first time. He stands there trying to motion her to stay calm.
“Yeeun maybe you should calm dow—“
“Jaemin I am calm.” Yeeun seethes staring at him. “I didn’t murder that teacher so I think I’m perfectly calm right now.”
“I’m trying my best to be their friend, Yeeun.” Jaemin slowly treads as he was finally understanding the frustration that she must be going through. He saw her look at him holding his arms tight. He pauses watching her with widen eyes as Yeeun looks.
Yeeun slowly murmurs watching him as if she was pleading him but at the same time having loss hope. “They don’t need a friend. They need a father.” She softly whispers closing her eyes. “They need your guidance Jaemin the most at this age.”
Jaemin slowly nods. Yeeun was right and he knew she was right because he was denying this whole responsibility of being a parent for far too long. He didn’t even know how to take care about them. So all he thought about was a distraction to get away; working and working all the time.
And somehow he assumed the children will figure it out on their own. But oh how wrong he was.
“You’re right… I’m sorry.” Jaemin finally apologised as his eyes were avoiding to look directly at her eyes. He suddenly feels the genuine shame on his poor part of parenting the children.
Yeeun pulls away as she starts walking out the bedroom. “Goodnight Jaemin, sleep well.” She didn’t know what else to say. But she remembered that it was late and she has to get up earlier to help the children get ready for school.
“Goodnight Yeeun…”
That night Jaemin had an awakening, that perhaps he should have been a better father. Better husband. Better person.
@onyourhyuck the refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu! Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates and masterlist for Mrs Na on my pinned.
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mysticmellowlove · 4 months
Saw this today and it has me thinking(more specifically slide 7 and 8)
Business woman x yandere
She has all these ideas for business and charity projects but since she has so many ideas she can find it alittle hard to come up with the driving force for all of them and that’s where yan steps in.
He’ll do anything to impress her so I just imagine his cute little brain coming up with these genius plans of action and showing them to her. I mean he has like 25 step plans and crazy layouts that are beautifully executed to a tea.
He just hope she likes his ideas and when he hands her a blueprint to let’s say some architectural design and she sees how good he did she looks at him and is just like: “Baby you are an absolute GENIUS!” And giving him all the kisses.
He is the muscle force to our desired reality we Stan a creative king 💪
note; honestly give me two people working in harmony! loving this idea of mutual support
warnings; soft hours, subtle yan, fem reader (req), gn reader,
Work has been stressing you out lately. It had all been long hours and hard work, some people would assume that being in the creative field was a piece of cake when in reality it was mentally and socially draining. You had withstood years and years of business deals, negotiations and vigorous planning. Finally, today it had paid off.
You had presented your city plan for the newest district, a mix of walkability and practicality all with green aesthetic surroundings. It had been your dream to change the dreary sight of your home city. You wanted to live here with pride and now... now you had managed to get there. Your childhood vision had been realised and now you were going to see it come true. This was a massive step not only for you but also for the environment. For people...
It was all placated smiles and polite nods until you reached your apartment, the one you would soon be donating because you were moving to the new district. As soon as the door swung shut you couldn't help but squeal in delight. With a rush of energy you launched yourself into your boyfriend's arms and hugged the life out of him.
In your peripheral you could see him grinning as he swung you around joyously. As of a couple years ago he had been by your side, the fuel to your fire. He took care of the technical side of things, planning out deliveries and harder design choices. He scoped streets and plotted roads, chose colours and researched plants. Your eyes slid shut as the first relaxed breath left your mouth and you sunk into him.
"You did it baby." He cooed as he carried you over to the couch. With your head still buried in his neck you shook your head.
"No, we did it." You squeezed your arms around him before letting yourself flop onto the couch. His smile was as bright as the sun as he looked down at you with that cheery look on his face that you loved so much. He was like a real-life golden retriever, always so eager to please and bouncy. He was a great influence actually. On those days where you just wanted to give up and hide away he would always be there to support you.
He hummed as he happily went into the kitchen, his whole body seeming to vibrate with energy. You knew he had been working hard as well, he tried to hide it but not much escaped you. He would work into the night, his computer in front of him as his eyes drooped and his bags darkened. In those moments you knew that he was looking to you for inspiration. When he thought you were sleeping he would whisper about how he would do anything to turn your dream into a reality, how much he wanted you to smile.
He would always kiss you before opening one more city draft, just one more before he would finally give in and sink into your arms. Sometimes you wondered if he knew you were awake in those moments but you also selfishly hoped that you were getting to see a secret side of him. One that you had all for yourself.
"Come on. Wine! We're celebrating." He yipped as he came out of the kitchen, a bottle and two glasses in his hands. You grinned, celebrating with him sounded perfect.
90 notes · View notes
thedreamwraptwriter · 2 years
Tenth Doctor x Reader; Eleventh Doctor x Reader; 14th Doctor x Reader (David Tennant Version)
Prompt: inspired by the song Snap by Rosa Linn. The Reader deals with the aftermath of being the Doctor’s companion and unrequited love. Also, with the announcement of David Tennant’s return, I had to include his “14th” Doctor in this as well! 
Word Count: 5490
Warnings: brief mention of depression (nothing in detail)
Note: [Y/N] = Your Name; [D/N] = Dog’s Name. I apologize in advance about the Dalek section as I am not overly familiar with their history and am basing them/their lore off of the couple of episodes I’ve watched. 
It's 4 AM
I can't turn my head off
Wishin' these memories would fade
They never do
I rolled over in bed, restless, unable to sleep. Visions of space, a smiling man, and a blue police box swirled in my head. It felt like a dream, one that was just out of reach, and yet so raw and real at the same time. It had been six months to the day that the Doctor, a time travelling alien from Galifrey, had left. Six months since he decided I’d never see him again. Six months.
               The darkness outside reminded me of my own smallness in the universe. As a human, I was one of the most delicate species across the cosmos – and yet the Doctor somehow made me feel bigger than life. When I was with him, I was whole. We’d traveled all over the universe – from dangerous planets to places more beautiful than I could describe. The Tardis became my home. The Doctor became my life.
               “[Y/N]! Come this way,” the Doctor’s chipper voice rose over the crowd of people around us. I looked up from the tapestry I was admiring and locked eyes with the Doctor. He sported his brown trench coat and modern looking suit, standing out like a sore thumb amongst the busy medieval market. I smiled and made my way to him. He took my hand, the warmth spreading from my fingers right to my heart. 
            “I’d like to show you something,” he said, gently leading me through the throng of shoppers. 
            “Is it a famous historical figure?” I asked, jokingly.
            “We already met one of those today! I can’t go around having you meet every important figure and confusing the history books,” the Doctor chuckled, looking over at me. 
            “Honestly, at this point I think we’ve done enough time travel to confuse every history book in the world,” I responded, only half-kidding. 
            The Doctor shrugged, laughing. His eyes crinkled and I smiled up at him fondly. How I loved him. 
            “Anyway, [Y/N], I wanted to show you this,” the Doctor helped me climb up a small embankment and pulled me to his side. I was so close to him I could hear his twin hearts beating in tandem.
            “Oh my – Doctor this is beautiful!” 
            Before me was a huge field of wildflowers, surrounding the giant castle overlooking the kingdom. Flowers long gone in my day stood bright and tall in the morning sun. Pink, yellow, and blue hues rippled across the fields as the breeze blew so slightly. The castle, a massive and elegant building, stood solemnly in the distance. It was like a fairytale. 
            “Isn’t it just lovely?” the Doctor said.
            “It looks like a storybook come to life!” I exclaimed. Though I had seen many incredible sights with the Doctor – from other planets to history-changing events, little things like this always made me pause in awe and admiration. The Doctor figured this out and now, every place or time we stopped in, he made a point of pausing with me to admire these views with me. 
            “A storybook with a beautiful princess,” said the Doctor, giving my shoulder a small squeeze. I blushed, looking away and trying to calm the nerves in my chest. I had to remind myself that no, he was not a human man, but an alien who was extremely old – romance was forbidden. Even then, I couldn’t stop the thundering in my chest.
End Flashback
Turns out people lied
They said, "Just snap your fingers"
As if it was really that easy for me to get over you
I just need time
            Click. Click. Click.
            I sat, absentmindedly typing away on my laptop. It was quiet in my office today. Most people were working from home, which left me with plenty of in-office tea. Though I enjoyed working at home too, that sometimes seemed to make my mind wander far too much, so I volunteered to come in more often than my colleagues. The job itself was fairly easy – a simple data entry job that consisted of me filling out spreadsheets and attending a meeting here and there.
            I stopped typing for a moment, staring off into the distance. It had been a year since I’d seen the Doctor. My wonderful, incredible Doctor. It’s funny – even though I knew it was a year for me, for the Doctor, he could jump into any part of my life and it would seem like just a second. Time was so confusing now. Was a year really so long? 
            I went back to typing, hardly noticing what I was doing. I had gotten this job a couple months ago after my parents begged me to try to do something with my life. After the Doctor had dropped me off, I spiraled into a depression. I felt nothing and everything at the same time. It was paralyzing. I wallowed for months, unsure of how to continue. I’d just been traveling through space and time, for goodness’ sake! However, as life began to move on without me, I realized that I couldn’t sit in my flat all day with nothing to show for it. My friends carefully pulled me back out into the wider world again, treating me gently and acting like I’d just experienced the worst break up of my life. In fact, they had met the Doctor a few times. To allay suspicion, he introduced himself as my boyfriend (though that made my heart race just thinking about it) and now that he was no longer coming around, they assumed (rightly so) that we’d broken up. Pretty accurate, I suppose.
            “You’ll be able to get over this hump,” said one of my friends on a particularly difficult night for me. “Life is full of mysteries and heartbreak, but I know you - you’re strong. And you have us.” 
            I was forever grateful to my friends for sticking by my side. It must have been odd – the Doctor had dropped me off during a time that was just a couple of months after he’d shown up in my life, so my friends probably thought I had fallen in too deep with a guy I’d known for a short time, even though to me, I’d known him for years. I smiled wryly. What a mess this was. 
            “Hey [Y/N]! Did you want to join us after work today for dinner?” one of my coworkers called from across the office, pulling me out of my reverie. “Boss said she’d pay!”
            I thought about it for a moment. It had been months since I’d gone out, much less socialized with a large group of people. I suppose I was feeling brave today. I smiled at him. “Sure, why not.”
            Trying to re-learn how to live a ‘normal’ human life was hard, but I was trying. Though I missed the Doctor more than life, I knew that my time as his companion was over. One step at a time. 
Snapping one, two
Where are you?
You're still in my heart
            “You look incredible, [Y/N]! I think you’ll definitely fit in,” the Doctor said, nodding in approval. I looked down at the huge, puffy dress, wondering if the Doctor needed his eyes checked. A large, powdered wig perched atop my head like some massive vulture. The Tardis hummed in approval, and I felt even more ridiculous. If the Tardis approved, then I knew I looked positively ludicrous.
            “Doctor, I know that this period of time involved this type of – fashion, but you don’t need to lie to me,” I grumbled, trying to keep the wig from toppling to the ground. “You can just tell me I look like an overstuffed cupcake.”
            The Doctor laughed. “You’re too much! I’m being serious – I think you look perfect.” 
            I rolled my eyes. “While I appreciate you, I also refuse to believe you.”
            The Doctor chuckled and walked over to me, poking my nose and smiling. “You always look perfect, sweetheart.”
            “Stop buttering me up and let’s get a move on,” I said, crossly. 
            “As you wish,” he said, bowing and holding out his hand as we started towards the Tardis’s exit. 
            I took his hand, trying to balance the wig and giant dress, while also attempting to be graceful. We managed to get outside – the Tardis had parked in an alleyway in 18th century Paris. I saw ladies in very similar attire as me walking about in the main road, their giant wigs seemingly glued to their heads. I envied how smoothly they walked across the cobblestone streets.
            “See, [Y/N]? You look like a French elite,” said the Doctor. “Told you that you look perfect.”
            “Well they look lovely, but I – whoa!”
            The heel of my shoe caught on a loose area of the cobblestone alley and I went tumbling. The wig, dress, and the many layers of undergarments went flying. The Doctor, caught off guard, came tumbling down next to me. We both hit the ground with a resounding oof.
            Panting, I laid there a moment. The wind had been knocked out of me. 
            “D-Doctor are you o-okay?” I gasped.
            I heard some grumbling and movement next to me. “Don’t worry, I’m good, it’s all okay,” he grunted. “I think your dress broke most of my fall, in fact.”
            “Oh so now I’m just a pillow for when you fall over?”
            “A very nice pillow, yes.”
            I laughed, though it came out more as a pained grunt. Pretty sure I landed on my tailbone – that would be sore for a couple days for sure.
            “Can you help your pillow up, please? I think I’ll change – era accurate fashion be damned for this trip,” I mumbled. 
            The Doctor jumped lightly to his feet. Surprising considering how far he’d fallen just moments ago. He held his hand out to me. 
            “Come on there, let’s get you changed up and then we can explore,” he said cheerily. “And I promise to never make you wear anything quite so… cupcake-like again.” He winked and I groaned.
            “You never cease to amaze me,” I said, grabbing his hand and getting on my feet. The wig lay forgotten on the cobblestone street. “It’s like you know exactly how to make me feel better and worse at the same time!” 
            He smiled, kissing my forehead. “It’s the power of the Doctor!” 
            I smiled back at him. “A special power indeed.”
End Flashback
Snapping three, four
Don't need you here anymore
Get out of my heart
'Cause I might snap
            It was a cold winter day. I was wrapped up like a little present against the cold. My puffy jacket, hat, and scarf were working overtime. My dog, a little corgi, shuffled ahead of me. I held on to her leash, keeping my hands shoved deep in my pockets. My parents had gotten her for me about two years ago, right after my first-year anniversary at my job. I was so excited – she was just the spark of joy I needed. 
            “Come on, [D/N]! I know you love the snow, but it’s freezing out here,” I said as she stopped to sniff another light post. “Let’s get ourselves home and warm, shall we?” 
            [D/N] looked up at me and wagged her tail. Though it was cold outside, my heart warmed me fully just looking at her little face.
            “Ok, fine, you can sniff a little longer,” I laughed, giving her a little more lead of the leash.
            [D/N] started to dig intensely in the snow, her face almost completely covered. I shook my head in amusement. Dogs were so silly sometimes.
            “Right, I’m sure there’s something really interesting in there, but I think you should probably stop digging on public land,” I said, giving her leash a little tug. 
            Suddenly, [D/N] popped out of the snow, a book in her mouth. 
            “What’s that you have there?” I said, kneeling down and carefully taking it from her. She wagged her tail and smiled at me, proud of her find.
            I looked at the cover. The Angel’s Kiss was embossed on the front.
            “Huh, The Angel’s Kiss, eh? Looks like one of those weird romance novels,” I joked to [D/N]. “I suppose we can put it on that bench over there. Hopefully someone can find it again.”
            “Excuse me! Excuse me I think you might have my book…”
            A cheerful voice suddenly rang out in the quiet winter air. I turned around to see a very tall man walking up the path. His hair was brushed over to one side of his face and his bowtie was slightly askew. 
            “Oh, this romance novel is yours?” I asked, holding it up and fully facing him.
            I noticed him do a double take, his face clouding over for a second, before the serene smile returned. “Ha, it’s no romance novel, but yes, it is mine. Well, kind of, I suppose,” said the stranger, reaching out for the book hurriedly. “But I can take it off your hands now.”
            I was startled by his sudden reach and the book fell back into the snow. “Oh, what’s the rush? Perhaps it is a spicy romance novel,” I said, half-joking. The man looked at me again for a long moment, before saying quietly, “No it isn’t,” as he leaned down and picked the book up from the snow. 
            “Thank you very much,” he said, and quickly turned away back up the path.
            As I watched him walk away my brow furrowed. He seemed so familiar to me. Though I didn’t remember ever seeing him before, there was something about him… I couldn’t quite put a finger on it.
            I looked down at [D/N]. She sat patiently, looking at me. “Well, I suppose my imagination can get out of hand sometimes, can’t it?” I said. “Come on, little one, let’s go.”
            As I turned away, back towards my flat, I heard a woman’s voice cry out “Doctor! Where have you been?”
            The Doctor? No, surely not here, not now…
            I whirled around. The man I’d just been speaking to was standing with two others now, a little farther down the path. A woman with red hair and a brown-haired man. The woman was tugging at the book I’d just handed back to him. Perhaps I’d misheard, maybe it was a mistake…
            “Doctor, what’s wrong? It looks like you’ve just seen a ghost,” said the woman.
            No, I hadn’t misheard. The familiarity, the odd comfort – it was the Doctor. Indeed, it wasn’t my Doctor, at least not as knew him, but it was still the Doctor. A rush of emotions hit me. I felt anger, sadness, pain, and hope all at the same time. Had he forgotten me? He didn’t seem to recognize me at all. And he had two new companions? When he’d left me, he swore he’d never take another person with him again – what was this hypocrisy? Was I not good enough?
            I felt my legs begin to move without me. I wanted to sprint to him, to demand answers, to figure out what was going on. Why did he look so different? Why did he act like he didn’t know me – was this another one of his kind? No, he said there were no Time Lords left. My brain was spinning. Four years. Four years. And he chose to show up now. Right as I was starting to feel whole again.
            “Doc –“ I began, but then, as though on cue, a massive gust of wind suddenly stirred up, causing the snow to dance into the sky and obscure my vision. I covered my eyes and quickly grabbed onto [D/N] to ensure she didn’t get lost in the gust. 
            The snow settled and there was no sign of the three figures. Still holding [D/N], I ran over to where they had been, hoping against hope I’d see one of them or the Tardis hidden amongst the bushes. Nothing. I blinked back tears, feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness and heaviness descend on my chest. I’d always wanted to see the Doctor again, but this felt wrong. He had new companions. He didn’t acknowledge me. He even looked completely different. The bubbling of emotions in my chest suddenly ripped through and I wailed in anguish. This feeling felt as fresh as the day he left me.
I'm writing a song
Said, "This is the last one"
How many last songs are left?
I'm losing count
            I was shaking with fear. The Doctor stood in front of me, his arms spread to protect me. I could see his body quivering just a bit, but his voice held steady as he tried to reason with the Daleks in front of us. 
            “You don’t want to do this,” he said. “She is innocent – “
            “Exterminate.” Said the robotic voices, ignoring him. 
            “D-Doctor please, you need to g-go and save the others,” I whispered. “I can’t move and there are others who need you right now – please.”
            “Don’t speak, [Y/N],” he commanded. I could hear the fire in his voice. “I will protect you.”
            The Daleks had their blasters pointed at us, slowly closing in. I felt sick. This was all my fault. I had accompanied the Doctor on this mission to rescue some space travelers who had been captured by the Daleks. The Doctor tried to make me stay in the Tardis, but I insisted. Instead, all I’d done was gotten hurt and now the Doctor couldn’t continue with the rescue mission. I tried to stand but hissed in pain. A large gash on my leg prevented me from being able to move comfortably.
            “Don’t move, [Y/N], I don’t need you to be more hurt than you already are,” said the Doctor, his voice stern. Almost angry, I thought.
            I looked around wildly, wondering if somehow, I could help distract these beasts. We were pressed up against a wall, cornered. I felt the wall behind me. It was smooth metal. Hardly anything – wait! My hand hit a large bolt. It felt loose. I carefully began to untwist it, hoping to not draw attention to myself as the Doctor continued to speak to the Daleks. 
            Buy me a few more seconds, Doctor, I thought.
            Bingo! The bolt came off in my hand. Summoning all my courage and strength, I chucked it hard at the Dalek closest to me. It hit the dome of the robotic and it short-circuited. The other Daleks were momentarily distracted, so I grabbed the Doctor’s hand and pushed myself to move as quickly as I could despite the searing pain in my leg.
            “[Y/N]!” the Doctor yelped, surprised. “You’re brilliant.” 
            “I try to be,” I panted, concentrating on not falling as we made our escape. The Doctor grabbed me by the waist and half-dragged, half-carried me through the Dalek ship. 
            “Listen to me, [Y/N], I am going to get you back to the Tardis. Do you understand?” he said as we made our way back to the Time Lord’s ship. I nodded, weakly. On a normal day I’d protest, but with my leg and the mess I’d already caused, I accepted his judgement quickly.
            We made it back to the Tardis in one piece. The Doctor quickly got me inside and sat me down against a wall. He then typed something into the ship’s main interface.
            “Protective force field,” he said, without looking up.
            After he was done, he quickly came over to me. He gently grabbed my chin, raising my eyes to meet his. “Listen to me, [Y/N],” he began, his voice the most serious I’d ever heard. “You need to stay here, you need to stay safe, and you will not leave the Tardis. Do you understand me?”             I nodded; eyes wide. The Doctor was rarely this serious. 
            And with that, he left me there. The Tardis hummed nervously, and I did my best to patch my leg up as best I could. I hated sitting around while he was in danger, but I knew in this case I’d be nothing more than in the way. 
            It felt like ages, sitting in an empty Tardis, anxiously hoping the Doctor was going to come back to me in one piece. My mind started to race. What if the Doctor came back injured? I’d never treated him for any wounds before – would I know how to? What if…he didn’t come back? I’d only operated the Tardis a handful of times and wasn’t sure if I’d be able to escape. I pushed that dark thought out of my mind. He was the Doctor! Of course, he’d come back. 
            I jumped as the Tardis doors swung open and the Doctor plus four spacemen came tumbling inside. The Doctor was furiously scrambling to the controls, shouting commands, and telling everyone to hold on. The chaos outside the Tardis swiftly disappeared as the ship started to whirl and we were off.
            The breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding was let out. The four spacemen huddled together, looking forlorn. I remembered the Doctor saying there had been eight. 
            “[Y/N], are you ok?” the Doctor was by my side, arm wrapped around my shoulders. “I’m so sorry you got hurt like this and I had to leave you. So sorry.”
            He looked at my leg, which was still seeping blood from under the bandage I hastily wrapped around it. I smiled wryly at him. “Just a scratch.”
            He shook his head and did not smile. I saw him gently touch my leg, though at this point the adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins was beginning to wane. The Tardis was getting darker and I felt my head start to fall to the side,
            ���[Y/N]? Hey! Stay awake, [Y/N]! Stay with me. Please, stay with me!”
            I could hear the Doctor’s panicked voice but could not muster the strength to open my eyes again. I fell into a cloud of darkness, the world fading away.
            I woke with a start. Disoriented, I looked around the room I was in, vision blurry. My mouth felt so dry, and my head was pounding. 
            “[Y/N]? [Y/N]! You’re awake, good god, you’re awake,” the Doctor’s voice burst through the haziness and once again he was by my side. “Sit up slowly now, you’ve been asleep for a while.”
            “Sleep? What?” I mumbled, still trying to get my bearings. “Where am I? What’s going on?”
            “We’re in the Tardis,” he said. “Your body has been recovering from that wound on your leg.”
            I blinked a couple of times to get the Doctor into focus. His eyes were lined with worry and his hair was more tousled than usual. He looked haggard.
            “You look terrible,” I murmured. The Doctor shook his head, giving me a weak smile as he handed me a glass of water.
            “Happy to see you too,” he said quietly. 
            As I drank the water, the Doctor studied me intensely. His gaze burned my skin and I shifted uncomfortably under this scrutiny.
            “Doctor?” I began with uncertainty. “What’s wrong?” 
            The Doctor looked away, running a hand through his hair. He seemed to be steeling his nerves. Was he going to berate me for how I caused a massive problem on the Dalek ship? 
            Suddenly he snapped his head back to me and smiled widely. “Nothing, nothing at all, [Y/N]. Just glad you’re feeling better. Your leg wound should be all healed up after I cleaned and treated it. Since we’re parked near your flat, I figured you could get some rest in your own room once you finish your water.”
            Confused, I stared at him. Just moments ago he was incredibly somber and now he was acting as though nothing was wrong. I continued to sip my water, brow furrowed as I studied the Doctor. There was something up with him, but I decided not to press it for now.
            About a half hour later, the Doctor asked me if I could stand. I did so, carefully, noticing that my leg didn’t pain me any longer, but I still favored it. I was definitely sore.
            “So, how does the leg feel?” asked the Doctor. “Up to take a little walk?”
            I groaned as I stretched. “Fine, a little walk. After I get some things from my flat I want you to take me to the nicest alien spa there is in the universe.”
            The Doctor made a noncommittal noise and simply turned his back to me. “Come on, [Y/N], let’s go.”
            He guided me out of the Tardis. We walked a short way to the entrance of my flat. The Doctor got us in using his sonic screwdriver as I’d left my keys in the kitchen. As we entered the flat, I could tell there was some energy in the air that I could not quite put my finger on. There was something the Doctor wasn’t telling me. 
            “Doctor,” I said, suddenly turning around and staring at him straight in the eye. “What are we doing? What’s going on?”
            The Doctor avoided my gaze. “Can we please sit down in the living room to talk, [Y/N]?” 
            I frowned but obliged. As we sat down together, his hand resting gently on my knee, the Doctor looked me straight in the eyes and said, “[Y/N] you need to stay here now. This last trip I almost lost you, and I can’t lose another person.”
            The words seemed to echo in the empty flat, bouncing off the walls and assaulting my ears. 
            “Sorry, did you say stay here? As in, you’ll leave and not come back for me?” I asked, trying to understand what he was telling me. 
            The Doctor looked down. I felt his hand squeeze my knee slightly.
            “Yes. I promised myself that if one of my companions ever got hurt, or was close to getting terribly injured, I would never, ever, lead them to danger again,” he said. “And you, [Y/N], are the most important person in my life. Seeing you almost – seeing you pass out in my eyes I just – “
            The Doctor’s voice hitched. Instinctively, you reached out to comfort him, but he stopped your hand, gently lowering it back down away from him. “I refuse to be the reason you get hurt. I do not deserve to have a companion. You will be my last, [Y/N]. I hope you know how special you are to me”
            “N-no, don’t say this. You haven’t even asked me if this is what I want,” I choked out, tears welling in my eyes. “When we first met you said that we’d go everywhere together. You can’t just throw me away like trash.”
            The Doctor shook his head vehemently. “You are a treasure, [Y/N]. A treasure worth protecting. A treasure worth keeping far away to protect.”
            “Doctor no, I’m not delicate, I can help you – “
            The Doctor stood up suddenly. He didn’t look at me in the eyes as he said, “Goodbye, [Y/N]. Please stay safe. And don’t wait for me.”
            I grabbed for his hand, but he brushed it aside as he marched out toward the door of my flat. 
            “Stop! Doctor! DOCTOR!” I shouted, going after him. He paused for a moment in the entrance of my flat, and I hoped against hope he would stop. He turned to face me, a pained expression on his face. His mouth formed the words:
            “I love you.”
And he was gone.
Since June twenty-second
My heart's been on fire
I've been spending my nights in the rain-
Tryna put it out
            “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear [Y/N], happy birthday to you!”
            I smiled, surrounded by my friends and family as they sang to me. My birthday hat sat askew atop my head and a modest cake sat in front of me, the birthday candles glowing. 
            “Go on, blow them out and make a wish,” said my mum. 
            I thought for a moment, then blew out the candles. Ten years older. How time flies.
            “Well are you going to tell us what you wished for?” one of my friends asked, grinning. 
            Chuckling, I said what I repeated every year, “But then it wouldn’t be a real wish, would it?” My wish was silly – childish even, but I wished to see the Doctor one more time every year. At this point, it was a tradition I had to keep. The only soul who knew was [D/N] because she never judged.
            My friends and family shared the evening together, laughing, joking, and enjoying each other’s company. I endured the usual teasing of ‘when are you going to get a man? You can’t just work forever!’ and my mum and dad joking (with a hint of truth) about how [D/N] would be their only grand-pup. I was used to it by now and it didn’t bother me anymore. Yes, I threw myself into my career. It paid off as I was doing quite well for myself. Unfortunately, my job didn’t really give me a lot of time for dates, but I did try. It just seemed I was very unlucky in the dating scene. Nothing ever worked out. They all simply didn’t fill a void that seemed to constantly be in my heart.
            “You know, [Y/N], I have a new coworker who is super cute. I bet you guys would get along,” said one of my friends, whipping out her phone and showing me a picture. “Look he’s just your type!”
            I laughed. “Oh come on, you know I don’t have time right now! Besides, [D/N] and I are doing just fine, the two of us. She’s my best partner!”
            As the party started to wind down and people began to leave, I gave let everyone give one last pat to [D/N] on their way out. Her little tail still wagged furiously, though not as energetically when she was a pup. The grey around her muzzle was beginning to show more prominently, and I made sure to give her extra attention on days like today.
            “Hey girl, don’t think I forgot about your birthday treat,” I said once we were alone. I went the pantry and pulled out a little cake-shaped dog treat. [D/N] snagged it happily and curled up in dog bed, happy to gnaw on the treat. 
            I smiled. 
            “I’ll be right back,” I said to her. “Enjoy!”
            After tossing a few more things in my trash can, I tied up the full trash bag and I headed out of my flat. It was quiet outside. Peaceful. The summer bugs sang an evening song as I walked towards the trash receptacles in back of the complex. Street lamps illuminated my path. A man passed by me, his face obscured by the darkness.
            “Good evening,” said the man. 
            “Evening,” I said back, without much thought. 
            “Headed anywhere special?” he asked.
            Annoyed, I responded, “Yes, the trash. Isn’t that obvious from the trash bag in my hand?”
            The man laughed. “You never change, [Y/N].”
            “Sorry, do I know y –”
            My breath caught in my throat and the trash bag dropped from my hands. The man stood under a street light, revealing his face to me. 
            “Doctor!” I exclaimed. I wanted to run to him, but I felt cemented to the spot. I was shocked. It was my Doctor, not the version I’d seen so many years ago. He looked almost identical to what I remembered, except that he was sporting a different color suit and looked a touch older.
            “I – you, what are you doing here?” I fumbled over my words, not knowing what to say or how to feel. 
            “I need you, [Y/N]. One last adventure for us to share,” he said. “I’ll understand if you say ‘no’, of course, but I –”
            I didn’t let the Doctor finish. I sprinted to him and wrapped my arms tightly around him. His familiar scent and warm embrace filling the empty space in my heart. 
            I heard him laugh, the wonderful sound giving me life. “I’ll take this as a yes.”
The familiar sound of the Tardis filled my ears and the Doctor, my Doctor, pulled me to his side once again.
So I'm snapping one, two
Where are you?
You're still in my heart
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 2 months
Even if we knew absolutely NOTHING about Vivziepop and her background/associations, she would STILL be criticized for her awful writing and the way she handles sensitive content in her work. Hazbin Hotel is not a show with something to say, or messages to deliver, it's a show made for people of her ilk to get their rocks off to and chortle at the edgy sex jokes like "oh ho ho, the Normies certainly wouldn't approve of this one!" It's a show that barely cares about its own characters outside of turning them into gooey fanfiction tropes and it's only reached the status it has because the pilot was the first of its kind in a time where online people were desperate for a lick of queer media.
And like, it's incredibly obvious that the original concept of Hazbin was made by a teenager- group of overdesigned tragic-backstory OCs with very little in common shoved together by a loose leaf plot into a group setting, sure, right. That's where most writers start out. But the thing with Vivziepop is that she received that first batch of criticism and dug her damn heels into the floor and said I AM NOT WRONG AND I REFUSE TO CHANGE. So we're here now, what, a decade later? And she's still hanging on to that teenage writing and mentality and is only spurred on by her peers and supporters saying YOU ARE NOT WRONG, DO NOT CHANGE.
Sorry for word vomiting into your inbox but I've been following the situation for a bit now and it's just ridiculous how big the whole thing's gotten.
Honestly the level of disrespect she gives to Angel’s trauma in being tonally inconsistent on whether the audience is supposed to take it seriously or if it’s a joke. The music videos about Angel’s backstory (Addicted, Poison) being made in part by a guy who gleefully expresses thinking it’s sexually satisfying to them and posts about it often on twitter is one nail in the coffin, Angel being totally fine and everyone treating it like a joke after he enters a relationship with Husk is another.
There’s also the obvious issue with the fact many of the named characters in hell are rapists, serial killers, and abusers. This makes the entire concept of the show an issue because the entire plot line is based on taking demons and rehabilitating them to become angels instead. It’s a plot that could work if it focused on people unjustly being sent to hell for being queer or doing drugs or just not being devoted to god or whatever, but there’s a crisp three characters who could be redeemed that were even sent to hell, the other demons who are decent people are native to hell.
She had to make the leader of the angels a massive douche because otherwise the idea of them going to hell and culling some genuinely bad people wouldn’t be that big of a deal really. She wants to have her cake and eat it too, she emphasizes how evil the average inhabitant of hell is to be edgy and then at the same time you’re supposed to feel bad for them and hate the angels for rejecting the idea of a bunch of serial killers and sex criminals becoming angels. It’s one of those things that feels like it should be a metaphor for immigration/refugees but it falls flat when she actually makes many of them bad people rather than just having the angels unjustifiably prejudicial. By making them cartoonishly evil, it doesn’t really make the prejudice seem unjustified.
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