#anyway yeah i am Mildly Interested in all of these guys
theminecraftbee · 7 months
sigh okay this year i have actual mob vote opinions. disclaimer: my MAIN opinion is that if i see too much mob vote salt on my dash i'll just block the relevant terms again, and that all three mobs are adorable and i'd like any of them. however, my vague thoughts on them:
crab: i have inherent vault hunters-based crab grudges. the coconut crab appears in my nightmares. however, past that, the crab as an animal is fun, i like crabs alright. the fact it's shown crawling up trees sideways is neat. i'll say mangrove forests are ALREADY one of the loveliest, most alive-feeling biomes, so i don't know if they need an exclusive mob? but it's also realistic for the crab so i'll take it. when it comes to the crab claw itself... many questions. is it an off-hand item? or like create's extendo-reach thing? or what? how MUCH additional reach does it give you? even just two blocks can be wildly useful in my modded experience, but like, is it one or two blocks, or does it double your reach, or what? and does that reach extend to mining at all? the video says it's just block placing, which would make sense from a balance perspective, but does sort of hamstring the claw's usefulness if that's the case; if you misplace a block you're going to have to scaffold over there anyway. if it DOES include mining reach... oh boy, that's a whole new ballgame.
armadillo: cute! i like armadillos! seeing it curled up as a ball, i wonder if it has a block-like form like that? that sounds really fun! like a shulker, or something else you could stand on. (that is PURE speculation, nothing else to suggest that is shown in the video.) it being found in "warm biomes like the savannah" i like more than the mangrove-exclusive crab, especially since the savannah can feel a little sparse and lifeless. i wonder if it's in other warm biomes? as for its effect, it has the most straightforward one: when it gets scared it sheds its scute, and you can use that to make wolf armor. i like wolf armor! wolves have needed some way to make them more survivable for ages! it's not like, got potential to be a massive gamechanger or anything, but it doesn't have to, it's fun!
penguins: by FAR the cutest design. i love that they chose macaroni penguins, excellent choice. the fact they're native to stony shore biomes is also an excellent choice (and far better than choosing a snowy biome; more penguins live in places like the stony shore irl!). the stony shore having penguins also gives it a bit more of the life stony shorelines have irl. their secondary effect, though... honestly, "make boats go faster" doesn't really speak to me? i am enjoying imagining a world where this effect works while iceboating (prepare to rubberband ALL OVER THE PLACE), and i think it would be fun, it just personally compels me the least. which is a shame, because i think the penguins are ABSOLUTELY the cutest!
overall, i think i land towards the armadillo. i like that none of them really have any big, exciting, game changing feature, just nice-to-have. makes it feel less like we miss out on something huge when two of them lose, just miss out on something potentially cute. i still wish the old mob votes could still be added to the game and that the losers here would also be added to the game. i wouldn't be mad if any of these guys won honestly they're all cute and have mildly interesting effects.
and this will be the last time i discuss the mob vote, except maybe to reblog cute art.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Warrior Song 4
Find the series masterlist
Still working our way towards some plot, some fun, and some silliness. 
Don’t take any of this too seriously - I am playing very fast and loose with canon on this fic. Also, I named the Weapon Joy. Because I can. 
Warnings: Swearing, frustration, one mildly suicidal joke, self-deprecation, one smooch. 
Word count: 2.7k
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Just a couple days later, Chief returned. Which you wouldn’t have known, since you’d hidden in the back of the medbay to make more painkiller tea, except that someone started calling your name. 
“What’s up?” you asked Carter, emerging enough to see him. 
He looked both relieved and upset, which was… definitely a combination. One that stirred unease in your heart. “The Master Chief is asking for you,” he said in a hiss, as if someone were listening in. “Hurry up!”
“What?” You frowned but set your things down, following Carter. “That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s true! He asked! I heard him!” Carter trotted off, expecting you to follow. Which you did. 
Fernando spotted you and smiled, a brief look of relief crossing his features. “We heard everyone moved here,” he said, giving you a quick once-over.
“Yeah, we’re all here. All is well.” You paused. “Well enough, anyway. You? Any injuries?”
“No, no, I stay out of the fighting, let the big guy handle it.” He jerked a thumb towards an exam room with a wry grin. “Better that way.” 
You hummed acknowledgement of that. “I’m glad to see you’re alright.” 
The door to the exam room opened and your boss stepped out, expression tight. “I thought you weren’t on shift,” she said when she saw you, just on the edge of actually pissed off. 
“I was just doing some work in the back, on my own time.” You straightened your shoulders, standing taller, refusing to be cowed. 
And she might have had more to say, except the Chief stepped out of the exam room, taking in everything in a glance from behind his helmet. He nodded to you and walked out, Fernando on his heels. 
“You–” Your boss turned on you, expression going cold. 
“I’ll get out of here,” you hurriedly agreed, before she could really get started. “Carter, take care of the teas in the back, please.” And you beat a hasty retreat after the Chief and Fernando. 
You never claimed to be brave. 
“Have you seen the other Spartans yet?” you asked, jogging a little to catch up to the two men. Who both turned to look at you.
“Others?” Chief asked quietly.
“Yeah. I know there are a few around on a rotating basis, but I’ve seen Kelly, Blue Three, a few times. And Blue Four, and one other, were here yesterday, I spotted all three of them together.” You shrugged. It made sense to you - all Spartans probably knew each other, especially since they’d all been on the Infinity together. And you were like ninety percent certain all four were from the same generation of Spartans. 
“Where?” He sounded interested now, more animated. 
“No idea where they are now, but I’ll show you where I’ve seen them before.” You took the lead, heading off a bit to the side of the main camp. The area had been set aside for what armor maintenance was possible, as well as some sleeping quarters. 
Chief overtook you then, heading straight for an armored Spartan. You hung back with Fernando, feeling almost like you were intruding on something. 
“Are you okay?” Fernando asked quietly, looking at you.
“Me? Of course. Yeah, I’m fine.” You forced a little laugh, looking away. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You just seem…” But Fernando trailed off, apparently giving up on words. You were rather grateful for that. 
“I’m gonna go get some food,” you lied, suddenly desperate with the need to be anywhere else. “Let me know if you guys need help with anything, okay?” And you were gone, trotting off before Fernando could really object. 
Apparently today was just not a day that you could be a proper person. You needed something else to do. Going back to make more tea was not an option, and you didn’t want to hinder anyone stuck with you for searching through the Reverie. 
Which left the old standard: searching for plants. 
You didn’t intend to wander far. You didn’t take a soldier with you either. You just… slipped off. Quietly. Without even stopping to get a basket. 
You just needed something to keep yourself busy until your brain stopped overloading. That was all. 
You didn’t come back with much of anything useful, but you did at least come back before dark. 
Even though you regretted it the next day by noon.
Your head ached from clenching your teeth, your shoulders ached from holding your tension, and you were so close to snapping at someone you weren’t sure whether to run or seek out a fight. 
And your boss was officially on your shit list. 
You left medbay the moment you could, stomping away. A few people moved out of your way, eyes wide, as if you were actually dangerous. You nearly laughed, but couldn’t quite manage it. Instead you scanned for somewhere, anywhere, you could hide until you regained your composure.
A Pelican. Probably the only one you’d seen. You made straight for it, hoping it would be empty and you could hide inside for a few minutes. 
Luck was not on your side. 
Chief, Fernando, and a blue glowing AI all turned to look at you as you hopped up the ramp. You stopped, heart pounding, hands shaking. 
“Just let me hide here for twenty minutes,” you blurted, and immediately winced. “Please.” 
“What’s wrong?” Chief spoke first, shifting your way. 
“Nothing. Not the kind of thing you can shoot.” You shrugged, frustrated and a little embarrassed. “Nevermind.”
“Wait,” Fernando reached out a hand, pausing before he actually caught hold of your arm. “Use the cockpit, close the doors. Take as long as you want.” 
“Thank you.” You swallowed hard and stepped past him, going into the cockpit and closing the doors. You sank to the floor, putting your head down and focusing on breathing. 
You weren’t sure how long you sat there, calming down, settling back in your own skin, before a knock on the door caught your attention. 
“Chief had an idea,” Fernando called, raising his voice a little to be heard through the metal. “If you wanna hear it.”
One last deep breath bolstered you enough to stand, and you opened the door. You still felt a little off-kilter, but better. “Yeah?” 
“We found somewhere we marked to recon later,” Fernando explained. “Figured we could head up there now.” 
You eyed him and then Chief. “Long as I don’t need a gun,” you quipped, relaxing a little. 
“Great!” Fernando grinned as he stepped past you. “I’m gonna assume you’re normal and need to strap in.”
You laughed a little. “What, does he not?”
“Never. Just stands there.” Fernando settled in the pilot seat, and you picked a seat near Chief. The engines rumbled to life, and you hung on a little harder to the grips. 
“You’ll be fine.” The comforting rumble from Chief made you raise your gaze to him, finding him half-facing you, visor as impenetrable as ever. But his stance was relaxed, weapon on his back. He was unconcerned. 
“I don’t have the best associations with flying,” you admitted, shivering as you felt the Pelican lift off. “Did I see an AI earlier?” 
“Hi!” The voice was female and chirpy, and Chief held out one hand to show the AI again. “I’m Joy.” 
“Hi Joy.” You glanced up at Chief. “Nice to meet you.” 
“You too! I’ve heard a lot about you.” She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Fernando is still impressed with the way you shout at people.”
You laughed, somehow surprised when it was a little wet. “Yeah, well. Don’t think I’ll be doing much of that.” You drew in a deep breath, grimacing at a bit of turbulence that rumbled the ship. “How long is the flight?”
“Not long,” Joy chirped. “We should be at our destination within ten minutes.” 
“Great.” You held tighter at another little tremble through the ship. 
“You’re okay.” Chief moved, surprising you when he stood between you and the back of the Pelican. Boxing you in, more or less. Seated as you were, you were even smaller than him than normal. But you didn’t feel intimidated. Just… safe. 
“Do you always do this?” You couldn’t quite stop yourself from asking, and regretted it almost immediately. 
“Do what?” 
“Put yourself between people and danger, even if it’s just perceived.” 
“Often,” came the answer after a few long moments of silence. But he didn’t move. 
You tipped your head back to stare straight up into the visor, frowning just a little. “So who supports you when you need it?” 
The Pelican dipped suddenly, unexpectedly, and you very nearly shrieked, clinging to the handholds. Chief didn’t even say anything, just put one hand on your shoulder, keeping you firmly in your seat.
“Sorry, sorry!” Fernando called back from the pilot seat. “Had to take a little detour to get there.” 
“Detour?” Chief did not sound amused. 
“Not a direct route from here, parts of one of those towers had gotten in the way.” 
You closed your eyes and held your jaw tightly closed. You were not going to throw up on the Master Chief. It wasn’t going to happen. Not a chance. Nope. No way. 
“Almost there,” Fernando said. Your stomach dropped as the Pelican did, and then it landed with a thump. You didn’t move. 
The ramp opened and you opened your eyes to make sure Chief was out of the way before you dashed outside. Still no throwing up. Good. Small favors. 
And then the sight actually hit you and you forgot all about your stomach. The Pelican had landed much further up than you had been before, and you could see where the ground dropped away in a series of small cliffs. But more importantly, to the side of that–
“Are those hot springs?”
“That was my guess.” Fernando stopped next to you, Chief on your other side. “Figured those would help morale.” 
"I'll check it out!" You started towards the hot springs. 
And almost immediately stopped as Chief got in front of you. 
"Oh come on! There's nothing up here except for us." You scowled a little up at the visor. 
"Just wait." 
"Best not to argue with him, he's stubborn," Fernando advised. 
When you threw up your hands but subsided, Chief nodded and walked the perimeter of the hot springs, alert. Finally, he nodded to the two of you. 
You beat Fernando to the water, having given up on any semblance of dignity, and crouched to put a hand in to test the temperature. "Oh, stars, it's warm." 
"I'm getting in." Fernando's vest hit the ground a moment later. 
You turned away to give him a semblance of privacy, and to take some for yourself, and jumped when you found Chief a few feet away. 
"Turn around, please." You made a shooing motion at Chief. He tipped his head just a little to one side. "I need a little privacy." 
Chief huffed. But turned around. 
You did a quick bit of hopping and tossing your clothes before jumping in the water. Your underthings would be wet, but for a hot soak, you’d deal with it. The noise you made was nearly sinful as you immediately sank to your neck in warm water. 
"This is the best thing ever," you said with feeling, eyes closing in absolute bliss. "I could kiss whoever spotted this." 
"That would be Chief," Fernando told you, and when you opened your eyes again he was relaxing back against the wall opposite you. He looked quite relaxed as well. "You have him to thank." 
"Remind me to kiss him." You beamed, warm and comfortable for the first time in what felt like ages. 
Fernando wheezed out a little laugh. "I would pay to see that." 
You chuckled and leaned your head back. "This is bliss. Absolute bliss. I don't think we should tell anyone so we can just come up here when we want." 
"That idea has merit." Fernando sank lower in the water until his chin was submerged. He blew a few bubbles, making you snicker. 
"Chief," you called. "Get in here." 
"Negative." He barely even glanced your way. 
"Doctor's orders." You hummed. "This is therapeutic and you need it too." 
Chief shook his head. "I need to keep watch." 
You stood up to look over at Chief. "We're the only ones here. We've got the high ground, no one's gonna sneak up on us." 
"You two enjoy." Chief continued a slow patrol of the area, glancing over at the hot spring every so often. 
"Leave him," Fernando grunted, stretching out under the water. "I'll drag him back up here sometime for his turn." 
"I'll help." You sank back into the warm water, sighing in bliss. "I live here now. This is my new home. The base can do without me." 
Fernando chuckled. "What did happen, earlier?" 
You sighed again, but with much less pleasure this time. "I'm sick of people questioning me. Assuming I can't do my job, or I have ulterior motives, or whatever." You smiled up at the sky, sad and frustrated and defeated. "If it keeps happening, I may commit murder. Or walk to the edge of the Halo and throw myself off." 
Fernando sucked in a breath, eyes open now as he watched you. “If you’re joking, that’s not funny.”
“I’m not joking.” You closed your eyes, unable to face him for this. “I have one job, Fernando. One. I am the third most harmless person on this ring. If I can’t do my job and I’m useless for everything else, why even bother.” 
“Hey.” The water sloshed as Fernando moved, and a moment later a hand landed on your shoulder. You opened your eyes to find Fernando stopped at just under arm’s length from you, respecting your privacy while still offering a point of physical contact. “You’re doing great, you know that? Way better than I would be.” 
“I’m really not.” 
“I had a breakdown in front of Chief six or seven hours after we met.” Fernando spoke carefully but mostly without shame. “It’s been weeks since you met him. You’re doing great.”
You laughed, a little wet but genuine. “Well if that’s the metric,” you joked, leaning in a little closer. “Oh man. He probably dragged you all over without even so much as a by-your-leave, huh?”
“Got it in one.” His smile was crooked but there and genuine. 
“I can still hear you.” The comment was very dry, bordering on amused. 
“So no more gossiping about how pushy he is?” You smiled. 
“I mean, what’s he gonna do? Leave us here?” Fernando grinned, leaning back into his own spot. “Fine by me.” 
You nearly cackled, sinking back down in the water. “Yeah, you’re right. We’re good here.” 
Eventually, though, Chief walked over and stood at the edge of the hot spring. “Time to go.” 
Fernando groaned but stood, turning to haul himself out of the water. You turned away and found a hand held out, ready to assist. The visor, of course, gave nothing away. But when you took his hand, Chief hauled you out of the water like you weighed nothing. 
These Spartans were really going to get to you one of these days. Sooner rather than later if these displays continued. 
“Thank you,” you muttered, feeling distinctly warm as Chief let you go. You grabbed your clothes and tugged them on, grimacing at the pull of wet skin on dry clothes. Worth it, though. 
The flight back down to base was short and thankfully smooth, although that didn’t help your nerves. What helped your nerves was Chief wordlessly moving to block you in, one hand on your shoulder to hold you steady. 
The ramp lowered and you stood, still riding the high of a hot soak. And, well, you had said you’d do this… 
He turned to look at you. You heard the door to the cockpit open. You took a deep breath. 
And managed to get a good enough grip on his shoulders to haul yourself up to plant a kiss on the jaw of the helmet. 
“Thank you.” One last dazzling smile to the extremely still Spartan and you were gone, dashing off to your bunk to properly dry off and get into clean clothes. 
That was enough bravery for the next year.
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hockeyboysimagines · 5 months
A very Merry NHL Christmas
Warnings: Mild cursing, some sexual humor, talks of Christmas, Jesus and the holidays.
This was originally planned for last Christmas but ya girl had writers block. So enjoy this now. Let me know what you think!
Note: this is a small group of blurbs about all the couples currently in process on my Masterlist. This won’t include anyone who’s not currently being written about. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and happy holidays to the rest🤍
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‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, the kids were asleep, and Matthew and Brady were trying to get Keith into a Santa costume without laughing too loud.
Chantal had one hand over her mouth as she watched them struggle with the zipper before finally closing the suit, and adjusting Keith’s beard. Brady was red faced, and coughing to cover his laughter as Keith whipped around and glared at him, while Matthew had one hand braced on his knee, the other holding his side laughing openly.
“I’m never doing this again.” He grumbled as he stepped into the boots and straightened up looking for the sack of presents. The kids had set up a hidden camera earlier in hopes of catching a picture of Santa putting presents under the tree. Taryn was outside picking up the reindeer food they had left in the front yard and making hoof marks on the front walkway, the milk and cookies had been disposed of and Emma, who would be spending her first Christmas with them since they got married, was sprinkling sand by the front door because south Florida Santa had no snow to work with. Noticeably pregnant Hallie rubbed her hands together and smiled excitedly. Keith placed the presents under the tree, keeping his back to the camera.
“They’re going to love this.” Chantal said giving her hand a squeeze.
Matthew was smiling at her from the doorway as he watched his dad carefully set out gifts and made his way over. He glanced down at her baby bump and rested a hand on it.
“Merry Christmas in there.” He said softly rubbing it “Can’t wait to celebrate with you next year. And by that time someone else will be taking up your space.”
“Uh I don’t think so.” Hallie said shaking her head “This mama is done….for a little while.”
“How many fucking-freaking kids are you guys gonna have Jesus.” Brady said around a mouth full of Christmas cookie. They were all looking at them mildly interested and Hallie wasn’t really sure how to answer.
Matthew shrugged “I guess until I don’t get it done on the first try.”
Her face burned in embarrassment, and she couldn’t believe she had let him answer, but the others were laughing. He threw an arm around her shoulders “But who am I kidding, that won’t happen. I’m 3 for 3. A triple champ.”
“Yeah kind of like an ugly, skinny, Conor McGregor.” Brady said elbowing him.
That started a scuffle and Hallie crossed her arms shaking her head, eyes moving over their house. Over the pictures on the walls they’d amassed over their years together. The ones that started with just them, and then their family, and then their children. Over the decorations, and lights, and ornaments the kids made for them at school that hung on the tree. Her life was so full, so wonderful.
Taryn bumped her shoulder and smiled, eyes moving around before coming back to meet hers “So? Is it everything you hoped for?” She looped an arm around her waist.
She nodded, reaching an arm around her “It’s more than I hoped for.” And then she laughed when Matthew and Brady’s scuffle dissolved and he came over and grinned at her.
“If you don’t stop fighting with Brady you’ll end up on the naughty list, and you won’t get any presents.” She said, reaching forward to wrap her arms around him, as much as possible, with the baby bump in between them.
“The naughty list is more fun anyways. It’s how I became 3 for 3.”
Music played softly in the background of Pierre’s apartment as snow fell outside. It was warm and cozy, the house smelled of cinnamon, and Mila and Pierre were snuggled on the sofa watching the snow fall.
“It’s so pretty.” Mila said off handedly, eyes following the flakes as they blanketed the ground below them, creating a fluffy white blanket on the ground.
“Not as pretty as you.”
She rolled her eyes and tilted her head up to look at him “Your so cheesy.”
“It’s all part of my appeal babe…which speaking of. I have something for you.” He nudged her so he could stand and disappeared around the corner and came back with a box.
“Here.” Pierre said handing it to her. It was long and rectangular shaped and she took it before looking at him.
“Didn’t I tell-“
“Oh shutup.” He said waving her off “Stop trying to police my spending habits on Christmas.”
She giggled and rolled her eyes “Okay Jesus.”
He held a hand up to his chest “Did you just take the lords name in vain…on his birthday?”
“Okay now you shutup.”
“Open it.” He said nudging his chin impatiently at her.
She pulled off the paper, which was no easy feet as it was wrapped like a car ran over it, and pulled out a long blue velvet box. Inside of it was a shining, glittery diamond bracelet.
“Pierre!” She said mouth falling open “This is-“
“Nope!” He held up a hand “It’s not too much. You are worth every single dollar I spent on that, which is none of your business before you ask.”
Mila bit her lip. It was gorgeous, platinum with what looked like a hundred tiny diamonds, held together by a small clasp with her initials on it.
“Well?” He was smiling widely “Do you like it?”
“Of course I like it.” she held it out to him so he could put it on. She turned her wrist so the light caught the diamonds and smiled a little before looking at him.
“Merry Christmas Mila.”
“Wake up! It’s Christmas Eve!”
Vince felt a weight bounce across his bed, rip the covers off of him, and a body wriggle under the blankets, kicking him out of his warm spot.
Josie had come barreling in the room, smiling so wide it could light up a city’s worth of Christmas lights.
“Noooooo.” He groaned eyes closing again. He reached down and pulled the blankets up over his head, and then pulled her closer, leaning down to kiss her deeply but she pushed away from him and tapped him on the lips.
“Uh uh. Santa says no funny business on Christmas Eve until we do something fun!”
“Well Santa can-“
“Ah! None of that or you won’t get any presents!”
She jumped out of bed and pulled the covers off of him, pointing at a neatly folded pile of clothing, “Get dressed. We’re going somewhere.”
He sighed and rolled over with a groan, but when he saw the look on her face he sat up. She looked so excited, hands clasped under her chin as she stood in the doorway of his bedroom.
“Okay, okay I’m awake.”
She squeaked excitedly and bounced from the room, leaving him to get dressed and brush his teeth. She was bundled by the front door as he came around the corner.
“So where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
10 minutes later, he was chuckling as they stood in front of an outdoor ice rink, and he knelt down to tie her skates. He finally got them tied, even though her legs were shaking in excitement and looked up at her.
“Do you even know how to skate?” He asked as he adjusted her leg warmer over the top of her skate and then did the same on the other one.
“Nope!” She said brightly, tapping him on the nose and standing, hands resting on her hips “That’s why you’re going to teach me.”
He helped her out on to the ice and stood facing her, gripping both of her hands in his. He skated backwards pulling her along. It was slow going and he was laughing as she went split legged a few times.
“Hang on. I have a better idea.” He skated around her and pressed himself against her back, arms coming to rest around her waist.
“Hang on.” He said lowly in her ear.
Josie smiled with excitement as he started moving, allowing her to just let her skates sit on the ice without having to do anything else. She closed her eyes and breathed in, the winter air stinging her skin.
“Having a good time?” he asked from behind her.
“Always when I’m with you. Are you having a good time?”
“Of course.” He slowed down a little and walked over her shoulder to kiss her cold cheek “Even though I’m doing all the work. Santa had better reward me with a great gift.”
Josie giggled to herself thankful for Christmas with Vince.
And thankful that he didn’t know, she really did know how to ice skate.
Mat snapped the picture of Leighton and Lucy in front of the tree and smiled.
His first Christmas with his girls had been perfect. The entire month of December had been like something from a dream. Lucy had been to every possible Christmas event they could find on Long Island, often accompanied by her godparents, who were across town celebrating their first Christmas together. Snow angels, Christmas decorating, and even the first time she’d been in an ice rink had all happened in the part month and Mat’s heart felt so full it might burst.
“Let me see.” She squinted at the picture and smiled down at Lucy, who was looking more and more like her as she got older.
“Who’s that beautiful girl?”
He smiled down at them and stood up, setting his phone on the couch and picked up a box and went to hand it to Leighton.
“From Santa. I guess I’m not the only one who thinks you’re beautiful.”
She rolled her eyes and blushed, but pulled out a box and handed it to him. “Here open this first. I think you’re gonna love it.”
He sat on the sofa and pulled at the paper. It was small, enough to fit in his hand. The box was flat, with a cardboard lid and when he pulled it off he saw a blank sheet of paper that said “Pick me up.”
He glanced at her, to find her smiling brightly and she nodded “Go ahead.”
He gripped the paper and pulled, and from it another long sheet of paper fell like an accordion. He pulled it up to look at it and saw that it was t a sheet of paper.
It was a sonogram.
He whipped up his head to find that Leighton was now crying, cheeks red.
“Are you-Oh my god.” He reached forward to hug her, chin resting on her head.
“Are you happy?”
“More happy than I’ve ever been.”
She closed her eyes and breathed him in as he spoke again “This is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten, and I love you.”
“Is this dress to short?” Ginny asked turning in front of the mirror. Beau leaned out of the bathroom and grinned in a way that was not appropriate on any level, but especially not on Christmas.
“Yes. You should definitely wear it. Can’t wait to take it off later.” He leaned back in the bathroom.
She smiled and looked at her closet for shoes. The Islanders Christmas party was in a half and hour and they were running a little behind.
She’d been on time until he came into the bathroom and cracked a joke about opening a present, which turned out to be his jeans and the rest of it was a Christmas story for another time. But not the kind you read before bed.
He walked out of the bathroom looking better than he needed to in a pair of grey pants and a black button up. Ginny paused while she slipped a shoe on, eyes moving from his face to his feet and then back up. He winked and smiled at her.
“Not bad huh? But you’ve got me beat. WOW.” He said as he took in her red dress, and heels. It had been a little over six months and she continued to surprise him by outdoing herself. This was the first big holiday they were spending together and tomorrow she’d be meeting his parents.
He stood staring at her “You look beautiful.”
She smiled and blushed a little. Though she was used to a slew of compliments from him, and she knew he was always being genuine when he said them. But it still made her blush.
“Thank you.” She said softly, slipping into her shoes and turning back to the mirror.
“Are Mat and Leighton coming?”
She nodded and sat at her vanity to find earrings “Yes. She said she has something for me.”
“Like a gift?”
Ginny shrugged “I’m not sure. She just said it was something I would love.” She smiled a little as she poked an earring in her ear.
“You know what I love? That dress. Gosh.”
She rolled her eyes and shook her hair over her shoulder to put in her other earring “Why are you being so nice to me? Keep being too good and I won’t let you unwrap my present later on.”
His mouth fell open “I think it’s supposed to be the other way around. Only people on the nice list get to unwrap presents.”
Ginny smiled at him over her shoulder “I much prefer my present openers to be on the naughty side.”
Beau leaned on the doorway, smile as wide as it could possibly get “Best Christmas ever.”
“Stop laughing.”
“I’m not!” Nash giggled from the ground.
Travis was up on a ladder hanging lights from the archway inside the living room of their new house. She’d insisted for weeks that she didn’t want any there, until she announced she was throwing a Christmas party, and then decided the house wasn’t festive enough, which meant she’d shoved a bunch of lights into his hands and told him to hang them.
“Oh come on!” He yelled as he turned the bulb on one of the strings and the rest went out. He’d been fighting with them for 10 minutes “One goes out, they all stay on. One goes on they all go out!”
“Well at least we know that if hockey doesn’t work out, you won’t have a career as an electrician.” She said from the bottom of the ladder with a shrug.
He glanced over his shoulder “Ha Ha. I’m glad you’re having fun down there.”
“Of course I am. The view is fantastic.” She said with a wink.
Travis chuckled and went back to hanging lights, finally getting them all lit “Finally.” He turned to find her smiling at the bottom of the ladder, hands on her waist “How does that look?”
She nodded and pursed her lips “Perfect. Thank you.”
He shrugged “Don’t thank me. It’s the least I could do. And it makes you happy so it’s a win in my book.”
He made his way down the ladder and pulled her into his arms “Besides. A good deed on Christmas always gets rewarded and I-“
But he was cut short when there was an electrical pop and every light in the house went dark.
“It’s not funny.”
“I’m not laughing. You can’t even see me.”
He grinned “I don’t need to.”
She sighed and he felt her arms slide around his waist “We could just stay here…in the dark I guess.”
“But then how would Santa find our house?” As he said that the lights all lit up at once just in time for him to see her smiled widely at him.
“Who cares? Nothing he could bring me would ever be a better gift that the one I have right here.”
“Merry Christmas!” Sawyer yelled as she pulled open the door to find Nolan’s parents on the other side. She pulled them inside and out of the cold Winnipeg winter and into their cozy house that was full of friends and family.
Nolan was parked on a barstool at the counter watching Sawyer. She was having the absolute time of her life and just looking at her made him want to smile.
It had been a hard year. A hard few years actually but this one in particular had been rough. They’d had so much hope for Vegas and it had only been more of the same, and no one was sure that he’d ever be able to play hockey again. It was sad and scary and she held his hand every minute, but he’d come to terms with it now.
But he didn’t have time to think about it because Sawyer herself came bounding over, hanging mistletoe over his head and kissing him on the cheek with a loud “smack”
“Come on you Grinch! At least smile a little.”
He smiled and she made a face “I mean a real one. Santa is watching.” She pointed upwards.
“I thought that was Jesus who lived up there.”
“Yeah well then he’s watching too. So you won’t get any presents and you might get struck by lightning and that will ruin the whole holiday.” She grinned “And I’ll have to take all these decorations down by myself.”
He chuckled and reached forward, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
“Thank you.” She said against his chest, quietly enough that only he could hear.
“This.” She pulled back and gestured around “I know this isn’t your thing, but it means a lot to me that you let me throw this party.”
“It’s not that bad. I’d do anything to make you happy, you know that. My Christmas gift to you.”
She looked up at him and smiled the most beautiful smile “Your the gift that keeps on giving Nolan Patrick, and no gift could ever be better than spending my life with you.”
Nolan rested his chin on her head “Merry Christmas Sawyer.”
“Merry Christmas Nols.”
“Cash will you sit still!” Tyler grumbled as he tried for the third time to stick reindeer antlers on his head. Marshall, Molly and even Gerry were all sitting obediently, but Cash had shaken them off twice. Even though he was as uncooperative as possible, Ava was having so much fun. There was a magic in the air that only lasted one month out of the year that you couldn’t find any other time. The feeling of Christmas was unlike any other and it was the first one she was spending with Tyler, and the first one she could remember being excited for.
She was knelt down, phone in one hand, tennis ball in the other which had the attention of the other three dogs, waiting for Tyler to quit wrestling with their most unruly child.
“Freakin dog.” He said with a huff as he finally got them fastened and made him sit.
“Just like his dad.” She said smiling at him “Okay ready, hey guys!” She waved the ball so they all looked and quickly snapped several pictures before they all started moving with excitement.
“Got it!” she said tossing the ball.
All four took off running after it, skidding through the house and falling over each other like Bambi on ice, and Ava and Tyler both yelled “No!” as Gerry went flying right into the tree.
It swayed for a second before it fell in slow motion as Tyler raced forward to catch it, which he did, but not before it rained ornaments that hit the floor and rolled in all directions.
Ava covered her mouth the keep from laughing and hurried forward as Tyler tipped the tree back up on to its stand, and made a loud noise of annoyance.
“What’s so funny?” He asked when he saw her laughing.
“What’s funny is now you have to help me redecorate it. Since you conveniently seemed to be missing last time.”
“I was at practice.” He said eyeing her with a small smile.
“Sure. That’s why Jamie called looking for you.”
“That douche. Busted I guess. Okay I wasn’t at practice I was out-“ he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box “Buying this.”
She smiled and glanced up as she took it “That’s funny cuz I wasn’t here waiting for you, I was out picking up this.” She pulled a bigger rectangular box from under the sofa.
As they opened their respective gifts she heard Tyler make a noise like a gasp and an exclamation and she smiled. She’d had blown up and framed the first picture they’d ever taken together, them and all four of the dogs. It had been the first time Ava had let anyone take a photo of her in years, and Tyler was so proud of her for it. But she’d kept it hidden, telling him it didn’t take for months. This was the first time he’d seen it, and his eyes softened as he looked at it and then at her.
“I love this. Thank you it’s amazing. We gotta hang this.” He glanced around and picked a spot right by the front door “There. So people see it right when they get here.”
He turned as she pulled her own gift out, a silver locket with a tiny photo of the dogs on one side, and them on the other, and a date a time inscribed on the back.
“This is beautiful, but what’s this?” She asked pointing at the date and time that was engraved at the bottom.
“The day and time I saw you for the first time.”
“Oh my gosh.” She was blushing but he continued “That day and time changed my life. The only thing that could would have made it better was if you wanted to join the mile high club or something.”
She laughed and swatted his arm “Tyler!” She turned holding up her hair so he could put it on and then smiled “Thank you for this and for making every other day better than the one before.” She placed a hand on his heart.
“Thank you.” He said placing his hand over hers “For letting me.”
He squeezed her hand and then pulled her into a hug. He was warm, and she could feel his heart beating through his chest. Tyler smiled and squeezed her tighter. “Best Christmas ever. Don’t you think?” He asked glancing down. She nodded with a small smile.
“Better than all your others?”
“Everything with you in my life is better, Christmas included.” She closed her eyes and squeezed him tightly.
There really was something magical about Christmas.
“Ho Ho Ho!” Joel rumbled as he made his way inside of the Connolly’s house. He and Libby had gone home for Christmas and though they wouldn’t be able to stay long, there was no way they were missing her parent’s Christmas party.
“AH!” Heather screamed rushing forward to pull them both into a hug, as she had also voyaged home just for the holidays “Happy kissaversary lovebirds.”
Th house was packed with guests and family and friends, and Libby couldn’t stop smiling. It felt so good to be here in her parents house, on Christmas Eve, with Joel where their story had started. She’d kissed him for the first time right upstairs in her room, and at that moment their lives together began.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked from beside her, arm around her shoulders.
“Oh just about that Christmas Eve when I kissed you upstairs.”
“Uhm no.” He scoffed “It was me who kissed you actually.”
“Im thinking about-“ they turned to find Heather, standing with her sweater half open to conceal a bottle of wine under it. Discreetly they all made their way up to Libby’s room and out on to the roof, bundled in jackets as they each took sips from the bottle.
“Last time we did this we were teenagers.” Joel said from his spot next to Libby.
“The last time your mom had a party was when I was in Florida and you guys were in there making out, thinking we all had no idea.”
“Well you might, but my parents didn’t.”
Heather rolled her eyes “Yes they did Libby. They just didn’t think Joel had it in him so they didn’t care.”
Joel gave her a dirty look and an eye roll, and stared off into space for a second before he asked them “Do you guys ever think about what things would be like if you hadn’t moved here in 8th grade?”
“I don’t like to.” Heather said rubbing her arms “You moving here was the best thing that could have happened to us.” She said smiling at Libby “Because I gained a best friend and Joel finally found someone who would go out with him.”
Libby started laughing, breath turning into fog and Joel’s mouth fell open “On Christmas? Really Heather? Aren’t you already pretty low on the naughty list?”
“I live on the naughty list. Alright I’m not 15 anymore. It’s too cold for this, you guys coming?” She said as she climbed back in.
“In a minute.” She disappeared out Libby’s bedroom door leaving her with Joel on the roof. She reached forward grabbing his hand to hold it in her mittened one.
“If I hadn’t moved here in 8th grade, we still would have found each other some way.”
“You think?”
She nodded and looked out across town, at the black sky, white snow and twinkling stars above their heads “I do. Just would have needed some magic. Some Christmas magic.” She pointed at a star that streaked across the sky and disappeared before she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Can you think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve?” He asked.
She shook her head “No. I want to spend every Christmas Eve here, and every other day of the year with you until we’re old and grey. Promise me that?” She looked up at him, eyes wide under her glasses.
“Promise. Merry Christmas Libby.”
“Merry Christmas Joel.”
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heretherebedork · 8 months
I'd say Top is a way bigger red flag, he had the chance to tell Mew honestly about the fact that he cheated but didn't, got upset at Mew, and didn't believe him about the Ray situation, is just a dck to everyone for nearly no reason and also isn't honest with Mew at all even though they are dating or at least pretty much dating and wants a "reward" for stopping to take drugs whilst Boston is honestly only horny and a bad friend (no clue what kind of friend Top is, I don't even know if he has actual friends) to Mew and to some degree Ray (from the flashback he seems to have a good relationship to the lesbian whose name I forgot and he actually seems to be a decent fried towards Ray in there as well). Boston is pretty honest towards Nick in terms of their relationship of him caring for him but only really seeing him as a friend with benefits who he also thinks is cute (gotta say I think that Nick spying on him is the worse thing considering that Boston is at least honest, warned him and basically told Nick that he shouldn't agree with the relationship if he can't deal with all this).
tldr: Boston and Nick are kinda compatible. Top is just a dick towards everyone except for Mew from time to time. Ray needs to understand he actually likes Sand more than Mew.
Boston and Nick are compatible in that sense that they should date absolutely no one but each other, frankly, and I think that's for the best.
Top is a dick and I enjoy that about him, honestly. Might not want to fuck Boston anymore but happily does cocaine alone in a hotel room while claiming it's something he only does with friends. I love it. It's fun and messy.
But Boston is also only half-honest. He does tell Nick to use whatever terms he likes and will say basically anything to keep him in bed with him but, honestly, I think Nick would do the same to him so... I'm okay with it.
I am hitting the point where Mew is probably the least interesting character to me because everything is starting to point to him him genuinely just being this Good Guy Virgin who is manipulative but mildly so and I was hoping for something... more complex and messy than 'good guy done wrong by player' but ehhhh, that's just me. I was seeking evil virgin and I need to get over my own wishes.
Boston is Boston. He's a slut and he's proud of it and he is at the very least a mediocre friends but probably not a great one and Ray is a tiny disaster who needs so much therapy it's not even funny and Mew is... somehow friends with both of them
Ugh, Ray broke my heart at the end into pieces at the end when he realized that Mew wasn't the same kind of friend to him that he was to Mew and that's not even about the love he feels for him but also the way that he thinks of him first in his life and as the first person he'd contact any time he was in trouble. But that's not what Ray is to Mew and that's never what Ray can be to Mew. Mew was clear that nothing in their friendship was going to change. And that's hard to face.
There's a lot in this show that works with itself and builds on itself and it's very, very good to see and to watch. I just keep hoping for more from a few characters (okay, I mean Mew. I don't just want Mew to get revenge, I want Mew to have been manipulating all along.)
There's a lot. I think everyone is a lot less honest then they let on but also possibly less deliberately manipulative. Except Boston. And maybe Mew. And probably Top. (Who sleeps with someone after telling them to stop taking drugs without even giving them a chance to actually stop?) But I might be wrong about any of them.
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so 3am is the greatest time to be waking up out of nowhere to be thinking uhhhhh thoughts, huh?
Anyway, in ref to a uh a whole buncha my "regency kink" posts (tagged, out of the joy of causing problems, for the era and not royalty) that I 100% am not finding and linking right now fuck you read my posts boy uhhhhm okay so
Imagine, if you will, it's a lovely summer's day in the countryside in the tail-end of the 1830s and you are a troublesome goose a gentleman's valet with a miraculous Sunday afternoon off work
For those who are unaware, because my mildly kinky "imagine if" posts seem to have to come with a history lesson, because I am a crazy idiot, right (I think the blacksmith one had a line about how tricky filigree work is, istg, what is wrong with me I'm the autistic child of artisans) - a valet is the guy like whatshisface Bennett? in Downton Abbey, who like helps the gent get dressed n stuff of a morning/evening, looks after all the personal stuff same way a butler looks after the household stuff, yeah, cs posh people in them days had folk to do legitimately everything for them, huh? Lazy fucks. And also labour laws were virtually non-existant in the 30s, to such an extent I would use any of my time off to just goddamn sleep, never mind leisure activities - I mean, I do that now, tbf, but I'm not hugely cut out for retail work, lbr
Anyway, we are imagining a fantasy 1830s where it's a lovely summer's day and you are/I am a servant magically not tired to the bone cs your boss is actually a good one rather than a more-historically-accurate absolute dickhead, yeah? So you got a Sunday avo off, right, free to do what you like instead of various clothes-repairing chores or whatever, and you are walking from the big house down to the village in the sunshine to go uh. To uh. To.
We are also living in a fantasy 1830s where I have easy access to testosterone and uh and a strap and nobody gives a fuck about it, right? Because I say so. I don't want to have to imagine myself a cis man just cs of the era. Hey, if Dr James Barry can get on alright then fellas so can I, right? Tho I think he might've been late Victorian times tbh. Shhhh the only historical accuracy we care about is the nice stuff okay let's ignore everything else for now
So we are using this miraculously progressive and sunshiny 1830s Sunday afternoon off to walk down the lane and go fuck the village baker, okay?
Because you can
Still feels all a bit something to be doing this on a Sunday - I'm not religious, nor am I in any way a churchgoer, but I did unforch recently descend from evangelists so I do have the unhealthy weight of xian guilt on my shoulders for no good goddamn reason anyway - and it would've been some kinda consideration, too, in the 1830s, when going to church and believing all that toxic rot is just what you did, no questions
Ooh I don't have a priest kink but I do wonder if the local priest in this imaginary ye olde village would be ahem interested, now there's a thought to think about doesn't he want to do right by one of his congregation, hm? Doesn't he want to give members of his flock what they need? (What they need is to corrupt him, fill him full of cum and bring him low enough to beg them and G-d for it - are we using singular they? Your choice)
Anyway, it's a bit of something to be fucking men on a Sunday, engaging in various sins by choice, y'know
I don't have the headspace at almost-4am to write out a thing as I did the blacksmith and his lordship, obviously, not that that was well-received anyhow, obviously, because this seems to be the wrong forum for my rambley ADHD writing, if anywhere's the right forum, which I doubt
But, imagine, if you will, all dressed up in typical 1830s attire, best you can afford on a valet's salary, and flour all over your shirt and showing on your unbuttoned waistcoat, its skirt flipped up and front-fall trousers round your knees, to allow the baker um access to fuck you, rough, bent over, holding on to the low back wall that splits the bakery from the inn for dear life - maybe the innkeeper comes along to see what's the commotion while his wife and everyone's at church, and joins, fucks your mouth to shut you up, hm? Making too much noise, they'll hear you from St Peter's, won't they, and then what will we do? Better to shut you up, just like this, and god don't it feel good?
Hm. I was originally thinking of um of being in the baker's position, as described, railing this big strong incredibly capable man til he's wrecked with it, y'know, but there we go, hey
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aceinejghafa · 1 year
just finished a binge watch of shadow & bone season 2... have some thoughts!
(many many spoilers for every single episode, so I'm putting this under the cut)
generally: absolutely amazing. The incorporation of the crows & the relationships within the crows (cough WESPER WESPER WESPER cough) are especially well done.
however. I gotta say I'm mad about what happens to Alina. So much of the books is about how Alina doesn't want to be the one to fix Ravka—she doesn't want to be queen, she's only doing it because it needs to be done. look at this quote:
“They wanted a Grisha queen. Mal wanted a commoner queen. And what did I want? Peace for Ravka. A chance to sleep easy in my bed without fear. An end to the guilt and dread that I woke to every morning. There were old wants too, to be loved for who I was, not what I could do, to lie in a meadow with a boy’s arms around me and watch the wind move the clouds.”
She wants peace for Ravka, she doesn't want to spend her life ruling the country. That is so much of the point of Shadow and Bone — the happy ending isn't marrying a king and fixing the country; it's an ordinary life, full of ordinary things—if love can ever be called that. (interesting that nikolai was brought into that quote in the show. love that he's a hardcore malina shipper. actually I think I might like nikolai more in the show than in the books, which is saying something).
but ANYWAY the show just. destroyed alina's whole arc there. throughout the show, she's all "I need to fix Ravka" and she seems to want that responsibility, rather than just wanting it to actually get done.
and then the ending. using merzost to resurrect Mal. not losing her Sun Summoner powers (unless you count possibly trading them for Darkling powers, which I don't). MARRYING NIKOLAI. Mal becoming Sturmhond 2.0 is fun & all, and the show did lead up to it pretty well, but it's just not what book!Mal would have wanted. STOP HAVING A CRISIS OF PURPOSE AND LIVE AN ORDINARY LIFE FULL OF ORDINARY THINGS—
so yeah I might be mildly irritated by some parts of the show there
that being said—Nikolai is SO well done
I think I might've mentioned this earlier, but show Nikolai might just be better than book Nikolai (Nikolai in TGT, at least)
like... the whole love triangle situation was significantly better? Nikolai and Mal didn't hate each other—they actually had a pretty great friendship (and I'm guessing people are going to start shipping Nikolai/Mal/Alina a lot more sometime soon)? Nikolai didn't basically assault Alina? I'm actually really impressed since usually a show would Up The Drama, and this one didn't <3
Nikolai giving Alina the compass, which is associated with Mal's whole true north thing... and then Mal getting the compass in the end... actually pretty cool
the quote about hope being the wind in the sails! "when people say impossible, they usually mean improbable"! yes yes YES !!!
zoyalai hints <3 tbh I was hoping for more than that but I am obsessed with what I got <3
also! dominik being alive at the start! so we get to meet him! and get bits of backstory!
and then he died which. I was expecting. but also :(((((((((
speaking of dying.
kinda disappointed that they skipped the "I'm not ruined. I'm ruination" quote
but on the other hand! the I know metal speech! that was AMAZING <333333333 they are so soft
and then they. kill david off. and i CRY
so yeah upset about that but not really mad... denya is definitely one of the best ships in the show...
and then!!! the crows!!! the crows!!! the crows!!!
SO MUCH WESPER CONTENT. we are BLESSED guys. Jesper & Wylan having a one-night stand pre-canon??? then getting to know each other??? and having a more serious relationship??? amazing showstopping top-tier content
a bit worried about whatever happens in the soc spinoff when jesper finds out that wylan is a van eck—could be kinda painful
also I'm hoping they entirely skip jesper kissing kuwei, never really liked that bit in the books
"I kinda like your face" <<<< "maybe I liked your stupid face" but admittedly it's hard to do the book quote when you don't have the Kuwei tailoring plot
Wylan saving the day by knowing cool botanical facts <3 I love him so much guys
actually the whole thing with Sankta Neyar is fantastic? like WOW I was expecting to dislike any non-books content but I did NOT that thing was GREAT (and showed that there's a future for superpowerful Grisha that is not becoming the Darkling, which is excellent because it's TRUE).
Inej & Mal & Tolya & Tamar going off to hunt slavers together—some mixed feelings about that. I have faith that Inej & Kaz will meet up again in future seasons, but idk?
kinda weird how all those CK plot elements showed up... Kaz beats Pekka and makes him beg, but then Pekka just starts running Hellgate from inside? no real consequences? unsuccessful revenge? and all the plot from CK (fake plague, Alby) is used up already
so yeah that was annoying
but also the scene where Inej asks Kaz what he wants... and you can SEE the words You, Inej. You running through his head... and then he says "to die buried under a mountain of my own gold"... every time they quote the books I go FERAL and this is no exception
so basically I'm worried about what they'll do with the crows in possible later spinoffs/seasons but also I absolutely adore all the content they gave us <3
fun fact: I watched the whole show on 1.5x speed because I only had 5 and a half hours. I used subtitles so I could always understand what they were saying, the only weird thing was any shot of anyone walking ever. still worth it so that I could watch everything, though <3
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 11 months
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Part 23 - Charles
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Series Masterlist
Part 22 -- Part 24
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Pairing: Charles x ofc (Sloane)
Summary: The guys throw a New Years Eve party at 179th Crescent Street...
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, oral (m and f receiving), p-in-v shenaningans. And some minor violence, and drinking.
Word count: 3.3k
A/N: Alright, Charles' turn! Do we expect him to shag someone? Yes we do! Does he? That's a stupid question! (It almost didn't happen!)
A liiiiiittle more insight for you guys in the Marshall situation, but not too much (I actually had to go back and edit some stuff out because I felt I was giving too much away, whoops.) Anyway: Enjoy! And let me know what you think! 🥰
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@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @summersong69 @peaches1958 @fvckinghenrycavill @keanureevesisbae @livisss @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn @ylva-syverson @poledancingdinos
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It’s rather busy in the kitchen, but I think they’re almost done, which means it’s probably safe for me to go take a look without being put to work. Besides, it looks like Leon is taking most of the heat for now. I’m almost slammed into a wall when Mike squeezes past me in the narrow hall, announcing the internet has been fixed.
“I knew there was a reason we kept him around.” I say as I join Leon in the kitchen. 
“Yeah, it would be so awful if you couldn’t watch porn for one night.” The only reason it doesn’t sour my mood is because Dani is the one saying it. Anyone else could get bent for all I care, but her, I like. It doesn’t stop me from elbowing Leon wherever I can hit him, though, because he should know better than to laugh.
“I don’t think I’ll be needing any tonight,” I say indifferently. From the corner of my eye, I notice that Mike’s paying attention for a change, and I can’t help but throw in a mildly inappropriate wink at Dani - just to see what he’ll do. And how she will react to it.  
“Think you can still get laid with a broken nose and a black eye, Brandon?” I was never planning on taking the flirting further, but if I had been… Mike is fast, and I really don’t need a dent in my face tonight. I’ve definitely become more careful since Sol kicked me in the nuts and Geralt came really close to permanently disfiguring my face.
One look at Dani, however, tells me enough. She’s biting her lip as she looks at Mike. Mikey, on the other hand, doesn’t take his eyes off me while he pulls Dani into his side. God, I’m glad they seem to work out. I can’t take another week of him smiling at his phone like an idiot but too nervous to actually ask her out. I’m fairly sure Anjelica ended up hitting send on that text for him. It was the weirdest thing to witness, because Mike actually has game - which is also why I don’t exactly mourn the fact that he’s off the market, although I’m fairly sure Sy is even happier about that. Everyone in this house has broken up more than one spat between those two about who stole whose chick. 
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Word travels fast around campus, because there’s a staggering amount of people in the house that I know I didn’t invite. I don’t mind, of course; plenty of the ladies present I’d happily invite back - and from the looks of it, a fair amount of them would be more than happy to come along. Tonight, however, I'm mostly interested in the girls who are with Danielle. From the corner of my eye, I notice that Leon has similar ideas, and he’s a lot closer than I am. Luckily, he seems to be more interested in the other roommate, Ariel. The one I’m after is Sloane Price. She plays hockey on the university team, and I occasionally run into her after practice. She’s been sizing me up for weeks, and it’s driving me insane. The one spanner in the works; Sy. Sloane seemed to have set her sights on him, although I don’t know why. Luckily - again, though I like to pretend I don’t depend on luck - he’s occupied by Alicia Thomson. I decide to try the luck I say I don’t need, and talk to her.
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My hand hurts like hell. It’s the price you pay for kicking out some douche who can’t keep his hands off your roommate’s girlfriend. 
“Thanks for doing that.” The voice is familiar to me now, and when I look up, Sloane is standing in front of me, holding an ice pack. She hands it to me, and I accept it gratefully. 
“Thank you.” The cold is amazing on my sore knuckles. 
“Can I take a look at that for you?” Sloane asks kindly. I nod, gritting my teeth as I move my hand slightly. She’s a med student - and this might just be a way to get both of us out of here a little quicker than I thought. “I don’t think anything is broken, but I’m fairly sure you sprained your middle finger. Is there any tape in the house?” Bingo! As a matter of fact, there is. 
“I think there’s some in my hockey bag,” I say, “do you want me to check?”
“Might as well come with you.” Sloane shrugs. 
We make our way upstairs and I lead the way to my room. My bag is at the bottom of the wardrobe, and I was right about the tape; there’s still some in there. 
“This is a pretty nice house,” Sloane says as she starts working on taping my finger to the next. “Better than the apartment I share with Dani and Ari… Definitely bigger.”
“I’d hope so,” I say, “there’s eight of us! It’s crowded enough as is.”
“It’s neat, for a house with eight guys,” she notes. I can’t say she’s wrong; we do keep things clean around here. It’s either that or get murdered by August, Geralt and Sherlock. Trust me when I say no one would ever find the body. 
I hiss when Sloane pulls the tape a little too tight. “Easy.” 
“Sorry.” She has a fantastic smile. “You’re all set.” She lets go of my hand a tad quicker than I’d hoped. It's strange. Normally I'd be wishing for them to get the niceties over with as soon as humanly possible, so we can get to the fun stuff. Not with her. It's not that I'm going to try to pretend I don't know what's going on. I've been in love before. The guys would try to say that I fall in love three times before breakfast every godforsaken day, but they're wrong. I like to fuck. That's all there is to it, really. More importantly: I don't do relationships. Those just end with everyone involved disappointed and hurt. I can't do that to her. To anyone. Not anymore.
Now, the smart thing to do would obviously be turning away, going back to the party, finding someone else and screwing her brains out. The only problem with that idea is that I wouldn't be with Sloane - who is agonisingly slowly leaning in for a kiss, while I'm moving away even more slowly. 
"I'd feel incredibly insulted if I couldn't see with my own two eyes you're rock hard for me," she purrs out of nowhere. "To resist you is an almost olympic level achievement, but to be resisted by you? I'm not sure my reputation could take a hit like that…" Her hands are on my thighs, sliding up. I know exactly where they're going. Do I stop her? Who am I kidding? I don't have the strength of character to do that. Involuntarily, I let out a groan. 
Her lips meet mine, and I’m done for: there’s absolutely nothing I can do to stop myself now. She pries my mouth open with hers and slips her tongue into my mouth. The vague taste of liquor - not beer or wine, it’s something else - lingers on her lips. It’s good. As far as kisses go, this one is pretty fucking amazing. Miss Price is handsy, and my shirt is on the floor before I know it. Part of me wishes they were all this fast. Yes, from a time-saving perspective. Don’t judge me, at least I’m aware I’m a bit of a jerk. I consider a world where all girls are as eager to sleep with me as Sloane for a moment, until she rakes her fingernails over my chest. When one of them grazes my nipple, I hiss. Hate the feeling. She has way too much control over me at this point, anyway. 
I toss her on my bed, fully expecting her to shriek - and she does. They all do. Sometimes, I find myself wondering when things became so predictable. Is there really nothing new to this anymore? She pulls me in for another kiss. God, even if it’s the same old thing over and over again, it never stops feeling good. The decision to wear jeans was a poor one, I have to admit. They’re not going to be a problem for long, however, judging from the enthusiasm with which Sloane attacks my face and neck. Those wet kisses along my jaw and down towards my collarbone make me shiver. 
“You like that,” Sloane moans into my ear. I love how it isn’t a question, but rather an observation. And she’s not wrong. 
“I do,” I reply, “but it makes me wonder what else that mouth can do.” Not even a minute ago I was impressed with her tempo, and now I’m acting as if she’s not even fast enough for me. What is wrong with me? 
“Are we in a hurry?” she asks. We really aren’t, but I’m acting like we are. Sloane raises an eyebrow at me. “I’m happy to admit I’m throwing myself at you, Charles, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to get away with a five minute pump and dump.” 
“Don’t insult me,” I scoff, “or do I have a bad reputation I don’t know about?” 
“You mean a reputation for being a manwhore? I’m surprised you didn’t know…” I laugh at her retort - albeit sarcastically. 
“I mean a reputation for being bad in bed,” I fire back at her. The corner of her mouth twitches, but she doesn’t say anything. I don’t consider it a win just yet. Until she finally shakes her head, that is. I smile at her. “I can give as well as take.” 
If that’s not a statement of the type ‘put your money where your mouth is’, then I don’t know what is. Sloane sighs as I slowly kiss my way down her neck. It doesn’t seem to do much for her… Oh, well. I’ll figure it out after I get a good look at these tits. She helps me take her sweater off. The fabric is thin, so even though it’s a relatively modest thing, it did reveal that she has much heftier equipment than I had expected. Curse sports bras and their figure-hiding properties - it's practically the only thing I've seen her in up until now. She stops me when I move to undo her bra, leaving me… confused, in a way. Is she distracting me from the fact she won't show me her tits by taking my cock out? Well… it's working. 
My jeans are off in no time, and she makes her way down quickly. Those massive bedroom eyes make up for what she lacks in technique. Not that she's bad. Not at all! It's just… 
"That - oh, fuck! Keep doing that!" I'm a simple man. There's two or three things I really like, and I don't need much more than that. It makes it really easy to give pointers. Unfortunately, any kind of hint makes it really easy for girls to want to punch me in the nose. Listen, I know us guys can be dicks about getting directions during sex, but ladies… Pot, kettle, black. In my experience, at least. Sloane doesn't seem to mind, though, which is lovely. She just settled for what I told her works best, making this one of the nicest blowjobs I've ever had. It's a matter of finding out how quickly she'll give up, now. 
About five minutes into giving a blowjob, about fifty percent of girls are going to call it quits. The ones who see oral as nothing other than pregame. Next forty to forty-five percent are gone after ten minutes. They're the ones who consider sucking dick fun enough to have at it until jaws start cramping or whatever. If she sticks with it after that time, that’s when I start to consider actually saving her number for future reference. Is that something a total jackass would say? Absolutely. Like I said: I don't have any strange ideas about what I am. I know many people consider me a jerk, and Sloane's assessment of 'manwhore' was far from incorrect. Still, I don't think I deserve the amount of shit I get for screwing around. I've never pretended to want more from a girl than a bit of good fun. It's not my fault some still expect me to call them, right? And I quit getting caught up in serious relationships after I ruined the third one by cheating. Now, some of the guys think my stance on sleeping with girls who are in relationships is questionable, and I won't pretend my opinion on the matter is undisputed… 
Sloane breaks into my thoughts in a rather unorthodox way: sinking her teeth into my cock. 
"I don't feel I deserved that," I groan. It didn't hurt, she was gentle enough, but it was an unwelcome enough surprise, nonetheless. What's worse is that she comes crawling up and kisses me. It's not the kiss that bothers me, it's the fact that she's no longer sucking my cock. Oh well, she's made it well past the ten minute mark. 
"Tell me," she moans into my ear before softly sucking on my earlobe. Fuck, she's good. "Would you ever have cum from that?" 
"No," I answer honestly, "but it felt absolutely divine." There's a big difference between a good blowjob and one that's going to finish you off. 
"I'd ask you to return the favour but… I would actually like to cum," she whispers. I chuckle softly. I'm reasonably confident I can make that happen for her. And I'd love to. 
She’s a willing participant for sure. She’s loud, which I’m definitely not going to complain about. Tastes good, too, and the way her pussy clenches around my fingers makes me very curious and very eager to fuck her. I keep eating her out until she screams my name - it’s almost suspiciously easy to get her there, but I’m the last person to question it. I can’t hold back a chuckle when I feel her fingers beneath my chin, pulling me up. Sloane’s hands are gentle, but impatient - so is her mouth. She kisses me fiercely. Feverishly. Almost desperately. I allow my eyes to wander, feel my expression turn into a frown when they meet her bra. It’s pretty, but in my way. Sloane, however, also stops my next attempt to take it off. 
“Why?” I ask. I’m curious by nature, which is not always beneficial - not even in these moments. Sloane looks at me and rolls her eyes. 
“What? I’m not good enough for you like this?” she counters. 
“I never said that,” I warn her. Women and their godforsaken talent to twist your words. I swear it’s at least half the reason I get in trouble all the time. “I was just wondering.”
“I like the support. They’re pretty heavy,” she says plainly.
“I can imagine.” Apparently, there’s a tone in my voice she doesn’t like, because she smacks me in the arm. “Hey!” 
She’s testing my patience now, and it’s working. It’s gone. I reach for my nightstand. Can’t screw around the way I do without protection - as disappointed as I am about that. I’m surprised when she puts a hand on my cheek and turns me back to her. 
“Skip it,” she says, “I’m on birth control.” Maybe if I hadn’t looked into her eyes, I would have been able to resist her. This is not a good idea. 
When she kisses me, I’m lost again. Next thing I know, I’m pushing into her, listening to her moans as she takes me all the way, hissing when she digs her nails into my shoulder. The sprained finger adds another degree of difficulty: it’s incredibly difficult to keep myself up, because - pardon my French - that finger hurts like a bitch. 
“Your hand?” she asks kindly as she strokes the side of my face. Her hands are warm and soft against my skin, which makes me sigh. I nod, my face screwed up from the pain. I’m nowhere near drunk enough to ignore the feeling. 
“Allow me,” she whispers before gently nudging me onto my back. I’m the last person to complain about a woman on top, especially when the view is so exquisite. As she rides me - with vigour, I must say. It’s greatly appreciated - I almost forget my displeasure regarding her bra. And my own name. 
“Do you have this kind of stamina when you’re on top?” she asks after a while. I grin widely - I can’t help myself. It disappears, however, when she climbs off and sits on my bed, my open arms clearly not enough of an invitation for her to join me in a more comfortable position. 
“Give my hand some time to heal, I’ll show you,” I say. She doesn’t seem particularly put off by the idea, which is lovely. “Come here for a minute.” Normally I wouldn’t ask. I’m not above a quickie in a bathroom stall, and I have been known to occasionally take off immediately after sex. What I don’t do, is ask the girls I shag in my own bed to leave - and not just because their staying the night exponentially increases my chances of having lazy morning sex, which I might just describe as my favourite pastime. In those cases, after sex cuddling is an inevitability. A nuisance, even. For me to ask for it… It reminds me immediately of just how terrible an idea this was. 
“Do you want a drink?” I ask quickly, hoping for an excuse to leave my room and get my head on straight again. 
“With alcohol? Yes, please,” Sloane answers. 
“I’m sure they won’t miss a bottle of wine.” I put my clothes on as quickly as I can, and make my way downstairs. 
At least… I try to, because a spat between Marshall and his best friend Peter prevent me from going into the kitchen. I’m not getting mixed up in this - or rather: I am going to try my very best, but if this guy keeps going the way he’s going, I’m afraid I’ll have no choice. My hand may not be broken now, but it surely will be if I have to assault one more person today. And I wasn’t planning on spending the rest of my night in hospital… Luckily, Ange gets in the middle of it before things really get out of hand. When the dust settles, I make my way into the kitchen to get a bottle of wine. Marshall doesn’t look too good… I might have to ask Sloane to take a look at him in a bit. If he’ll let her. He looks as if he just wants to disappear - and I don’t necessarily blame him. He hasn’t been himself, lately. The bad mood wasn’t unusual, per se, but there was something melancholic to it that didn’t suit him. I doubt this has fixed the issue. 
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As expected, he won’t let Slo into his room. I’d be sad if it didn’t mean I got to have her back with me quicker. When I got back to my room, I promised myself tonight. Just this one night with her, and then I forget about her. She just wants to know if the stories are true, she won’t mind. If she’s smart, she won’t expect a thing from me - and she’s in medical school. She’s smart. We just finish the bottle, talk about nothing, and laugh. 
“Are you up for another round of debauchery?” she asks after she has put the empty bottle on my nightstand. She’s on her knees, straddling my thighs, clothed - unfortunately - because I haven’t had a chance to take her clothes off after she came back to the room. Neither of us are remotely sober now. Chances are that whatever happens next, will be forgotten before morning. 
One night. And then I forget about her. 
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heroes-of-lemuria · 6 months
hey i’m from the “they made stallion quartermane real” post and i saw u know a lot about horses
would you be willing to share more horse facts? 👀
Oh geez, thank you haha! Admittedly, I wouldn’t say I know much about horses, I just love to google animal facts, always try and find real animals to directly base anthro characters on (so I do a lot of that for wizard guys, picking specific species / breeds ), and remember a bit from the ag classes I took in high school. Horse people feel free to correct me but take what I’m saying here with a grain of salt. I’m trying to back up everything I’m saying with some cursory google searches but I am far from a horse expert 😭
Because Stallion was brought up I guess I can talk about anything I mildly know / hc regarding him? For example I went with the Irish Cob for my personal hc for him (these guys have 1000 names. You might have heard them called the Galineers Cob, the tinker horse, or about 5 other names all of which have slurs for Romani peoples in them l, but seem to be what they’re most commonly known as. I tend to go for Irish cob)
They’re a draft breed from the Great Britain and Ireland, and while wizzy doesn’t always fully 1:1 where their anthros are from, it’s a bonus for me. (Soley off of physical descriptions, he could be a Suffolk punch as well … hmm)
I say he’s based on a draft breed, which you can tell from the leg feathering he has, which from my understanding whole all horses have some, the really prominent leg feathers are a trait characteristic of draft breeds. (Also I just personally really prefer draft breeds myself, I like how big and heavyset they are.) From what I can gather, this is because the gene that causes them to grow so prominently is tied to bone density, and draft horses bred for strength to pull plows and carriages have much thicker bones than lighter horse breeds that have been bred more for speed.
Irish Cobs are characteristically hairier than other breeds, which is why they’re known to grow those mustaches. (Googles telling me it’s mainly because of how hairy they are, but they also might help add added sensation to their lips to help them browse for food) The mustache and beard really made me go yeah that’s the stupid horse for me, plus they come in the coloration with blonde-whitish manes and tails and a reddish body color, called flaxen chestnut from what I can find (though maybe its closer to some golden palominos? I don’t know)
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Nothing else particular interesting is coming to mind unfortunately. Stallions weird boots he wears kind of resemble certain types of boots made for actual horses? I’m finding conflicting reports on what these are used for. Some places saying tendon support, others saying there’s nothing to support that, and they’re used to correct gait abnormalities. Either way. Stallion do you have bad ankles. It’s ok you can tell me.
(Also stallion has a boot tread texture on the bottom of his hooves, but I think this is stupid so I ignore it. Especially because the snow shoes we see in madness mountain have horse shoes attached to them, what’s the truth kingsisle?!? But I think it’s a funny detail to point out anyway.)
I googled fun horse facts to try to find anything else I could offer, and one of these fact Infographics said “baby horses drink milk” which is hysterical to me to point out as a fact.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Well you said "gender" so now people give a shit.
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gosh you know what yeah, in America we get taught that Frankenstein is the first work of science fiction, but the story of Kaguya honestly fits the bill much better-
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gurl what
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This line made me laugh out loud tbh. Way to hang a lampshade.
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Okay so instead of Tartarus, we have Mementos. Admittedly not as pithy of a name. Morgana is hoping to unlock the secret of their true form by exploring deeper into Mementos, delving into the collective subconscious.
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I love you, Ann.
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Does Morgana not remember whether they are boy or gorl or other? That's very telling. By all means, if he feels like a boy, neat. But the fact that there are a lot of question marks around that makes me think once again that Morgana isn't human but is some manifestation of something from the collective unconsciousness, like Teddie was.
Also Morgana gives me massive Teddie vibes anyway. Oh, the annoying mascot character who I wind up liking a whole bunch? but a CAT THIS TIME instead of a white guy? Perfect.
Maybe Notigor is the Big Bad of the game while Morgana is the Big Good. Notigor represents confinement and false accusations and abuse of authority masquerading as "rehabilitation." Morgana has thus far enabled actual rehabilitation.
But we're so early on, who fucking knows. I am very interested in Morgana's arc tho. Like Teddie as the Star, Morgana's SLink is on a plot-progression time table, so I assume he's going to be tied to the themes of the story like Teddie was.
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also the degree to which i mistrust this child cannot be overstated. FEAR ALL PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN. You better fucking not be the Justice arcana, child, i swear to fuck.
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WOW Mishima's personality change now that Kamoshida is gone!!!!
Which: makes sense. He was one of the preferred punching bags and was the fucking grim reaper to his classmates, sending them to see Kamoshida for their daily beatings. Breaking loose from that would inspire a dramatic turn, easy.
He's the one who set up the Phan-Site (lmao, nice pun tbh) for the Thieves. He really really really wants to get in on helping them out and is, uh. Mildly overeager.
Moon arcana, huh. I'm being a nerd and staring at one of my own Moon cards rn.
Moon and Hanged Man are very similar in my eyes. Hanged Man is about the Choice but with the Moon, it's a place you find yourself eventually. When there has been a dramatic change in your life, the Moon represents the period of calm after. The usual depiction is of the Moon's reflection, actually, bouncing up from a pond or river, and drawing the attention of a fish or scorpion or something else.
The Moon is like staring into a mirror. It can help you understand yourself and become re-acquainted after a traumatic event. But it can also drag your journey to a halt and even lead you into madness if you don't figure out how to look away and understand what reality is.
Mishima has def been through the traumatic incident. My fear is that he throws himself too far into the Phan-Site thing and needs help clawing his way out.
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also, in the Death route, I am picking the most ridiculous options and I cackled at her response. there ain't a drug that can fix Reverie Vantas The Fifth lmao.
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As someone living in the american south, I can look out my window right now and see my car fucking covered in a sheet of pollen. IT'S HELL. IT SUCKS. FUCKING GODDAMN TREES, STOP IT!
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leoandlancer · 1 year
Alright, I'll bite: what's the intro starter pack for the Soap and the Skullman? You successfully have me intrigued.
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Skullman and Soap are from the game Call of Duty Modern Warfare II. It's a 2022 remake of a game that came out in 2009, and the remake has some notable improvements and provides an interesting perspective of how video games have changed in the last 14 years across the board; visuals, pacing, story, characters, challenges etc etc. All of which is cool but I'm here exclusively for the wall of beef being served.
Allow me to explain.
The single player story game includes 2+ hours of pristine cut scenes carrying the plot and character development, and any number of hours playing the game which includes banter and fps’ing. POV bounces between two teams having adventures and bein' sneaky all over the world. There’s also a Multiplayer mode but I know next to nothing about it so you’ve certainly come to the right place to learn some things. Youtube has a bunch of great Let’s Plays for the entire game, as well as videos of just all the cut scenes. Highly recommend, not least of all because I was blindsided by how wholesome it all turned out to be.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley 👻 💀
Character with so much going on if anyone but a triple A studio pitched him they'd be told to calm down. Wildly op. Incredible passive intimidation score. Somehow internationally feared stealth agent despite Looking Like That. Aesthetic as fuck. Ranked Lieutenant if you can tell the different breeds of officer apart. HEIGHT. Manchester accent. Tragic backstory. The mask is a whole other post and I’m not normal about it. Despite going into it like a cat being forced into a bath, he is one half of the Grumpy One Soft for the Sunshine One trope that causes me physical agonies. (Secret third thing! Poor Little Meow Meow candidate.)
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 🧼
You know how sometimes when a zoo or sanctuary has a cheetah or something that’s super anxious they’ll give them a chill, reliable, confident, protective dog friend? Yeah, anyway Soap is assigned to Ghost in the beginning of the game. SCOTTISH. Mohawk. Wears jeans throughout most of the game despite being continually dunked in cold water. Everyone wants to work with him so he kept being reassigned and always had to make new friends. Other half of the Grumpy One Soft for the Sunshine One trope, but Soap was an immediate, I mean immediate, adopter of his part. (Bonus! Pinnacle of AW little guy!!! Oh he’s a little bit fucked up actually..)
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Carries this team on his fuckin’ wings. Good at everything. Set all the records when he was in training and no one’s touched them. Eldest sibling energy someone give him a break. If a situation could kill a normal human, Gaz might be mildly discommoded.
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John Price
Captain of Team 141, which Ghost, Soap, and Gaz are a part of. Keeps finding and adopting wildly competent soldiers/rebels/mercenaries as allies all over the world who would very literally die for him and they’re not wrong. Very protective of his kids allies. Could attack an army with a soggy corn chip and win. Team Dad. 
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Alejandro Vargas
Managing with grace and panache despite his job apparently requiring him to fight everyone within a 200km radius. A colonel in the Mexican special forces. Stressed, but make it hot. Gets to prep for disaster like the world is ending but unlike most preppers seems to be having a blast and it all comes in handy. Loves his team do NOT separate them. Does attack an army with a soggy corn chip and win.
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Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
The only man on earth capable of being Alejandro’s second in command and exceed expectations. Incredibly good at everything. Much too well behaved and well mannered for this. Not high enough ranked to decide on problems, not low enough ranked for them to not be his problems. Someone help him.
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Phillip Graves
Commander of Shadow Company, a private military thing. Gets to live, laugh, love being a mercenary with a massive fucking armory and zero restrictions. Suspect he has the keys to his tiny southern USA hometown and his parents are embarrassingly proud of him. Energy of a Jack Russel Terrier in a world of squirrels.
How much more space do I have? There’s a lot more ground to cover. I’m missing way too many characters.
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Farah Ahmed Karim
Leader of the Urzikistan Liberation Force and a human shaped meteor. Price asks her for help and before he can hang up she kick slides in on a dirt bike with a machine gun and a squadron of fighters behind her. Coolest person in any room. Lots of stuff on her plate but seems really organized about it.
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Kate “Watcher” Lazwell
Their CIA connection. Buddies with Price like everyone else except she’s the wine aunt to Price’s Team dad. Has killed people with her bare hands and will kill again. Is married and adores her wife. Cares SO MUCH but manages to not be burned out by constant bullshit.
Ok so now we’re into the boys from the multiplayer part of the game and listen there are crumbs of canon content and a cake of fanon content.
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The man is 6′10″ tall and built better than most F150s. Wears the hood over his face because being taller than every standard doorway in Europe while dealing with heavy anxiety could be easier. Found confidence and comfort in getting really good at murder. Will go a little berserk, as a treat. Wanted to be a sniper but does not have the patience. ADHD icon. Fanon knows in their heart he can be categorized as a sopping wet man who needs a forehead kiss and a grilled cheese cut diagonal.
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Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin 🐯 
Joined the military to escape gambling debts then found out he’s actually really good at being in the military. Knows about pop culture phenomena first, cool about it when you finally catch on. Fighting unspecified inner demons. No one knows why he wears a mask but fanon assumes he has delicious scars.
(Bonus! His actor, Nick Martineau, is a menace!)
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So there’s a lot more but, listen, look at me, ok? Look at me. I am holding your face in my cupped hands. I am looking into your eyes. I am speaking so earnestly. Listen, I am so not normal about this ok? Please message me if you want to know anything else. I will be so stoked.
Genuinely, it was really fun to watch a bunch of lets plays and find it went from surprisingly good to actually good to oh I’m INVESTED invested in this. Replay/rewatch value is high, and there’s plenty of neat things that work well, good fridge horror, and a lot of the game runs on the characters just really liking each other. A central pillar of the story line is that Ghost makes a friend =) and that saves the day. Which is nice. There’s plenty more in the game to talk about but this is just what I’m taking away to share for now.
Ok thanks for asking, I hope some of this was helpful!
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deliciouskeys · 2 months
For the Writer's Ask Game, 12, 13, 14, 23, amd 21 for The Selfish Gene, if you please. :)
(Writers’ ask meme) Thank you for asking! ☺️ Some long answers towards the end, hopefully at least semi-coherent!
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I never disliked this per se, but I have grown much more interested in people being in / getting into long term marriage-like relationships, parenting together, domesticity in general.
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Hardcore noncon sex used to be a real staple for me. I still like noncon nonsexual situations, but have grown to prefer the party with less freedom / being whumped to be the instigator of sex, or at least having a mutual carnal interest develop. Which is still definitely dubcon.
I’ve grown indifferent to age difference as I’ve grown older. Likely because I was into “old guys” in my teens/20s but have since lost that prism.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
I’m pretty bad about clicking into everything (whether the tags sound like something I love or terrifies me or mildly weirds me out, just to see what it is). I’m more likely to fully read things written by friends in the realms of: high concept AUs, characters endowed with non-human characteristics, niche fetishes (agere, complicated bdsm), and major character death.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
For The Boys fandom, I’d love to be able to pull off a Caligula fic. What HL threatens to do when talking to Starlight with the door closed? Let’s say something happens to trigger him, and he actually goes through with it. Now we have some kind of postapocalyptic hellscape where HL has installed himself as a despot. He’s not thrilled about no longer being seen as a purely heroic figure, but he’ll take being worshipped and cowered in front of as a vengeful, jealous demigod. Maybe he still claims to be a savior, if presumably not every country in the world has fallen into ruin. I haven’t worked out fully in my head how dark I’d be willing to go. Does he have some of our faves (Maeve, Annie, Billy) under lockdown in a demented harem of sorts? After just saying I was over the noncon trope, I think I’m getting right back into it here 😅. The most interesting part of this kind of fic, to me, would be any/all of these characters being manipulative and managing to bring out a very different side of HL behind closed doors. So even though ostensibly now he’s shown his true colors to everyone, it doesn’t mean he won’t revert to being way more cajoling and uncertain and needy because…. yeah, he still wants that genuine love, despite how many acts he’d have committed in this fic to make that virtually impossible. But I could see clever characters stringing him along a la 1001 Arabian Nights until they can think of how to actually overthrow him.
Is there a lot of plot and logistics? Yes. Am I necessarily interested in writing all of that out in detail? Probably not. But depending on how season 4 unfolds, I may become more inspired 🙂
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in The Selfish Gene, what would it be?
This is a fic where many days are skipped between most chapters, but I think I cover everything I want to for HL’s pov. I initially wasn’t even going to provide any Billy pov in this fic, but HL was just too unreliable and unstable a third person closely aligned narrator not to do so periodically 😅. So a scene I’ve skipped but perhaps shouldn’t have is Billy going to visit his aunt during the period when HL is still under house arrest. My hc is that she doesn’t have Billy’s phone number because he refuses to provide it and used to change it a lot anyway, but she is up to date on what the tabloids have been reporting and had half a mind to figure out the exact address and visit him herself.
I want him to go visit her embarrassed and despondent. He hasn’t fully shared everything he knows about supes and HL in particular with her, so in that sense she’s less informed than MM. But with Aunt Judy, Billy can be a bit more open about just how freaked out he is about having a child, now that it’s dawning on him that he’s made a decision that’s going to change his life profoundly and irrevocably. Aunt Judy is savvy and pragmatic and comforts him without getting too maudlin about it. Tells him he’s going to do the best he can and that it will get him through. He contemplates taking Terror back with him to NYC but decides against it, because he doesn’t want to spring that on HL as a surprise in a confined space (aka he hasn’t fully opened up to HL despite living together for months). Aunt Judy probably finally insists on getting Billy’s phone number and promises not to contact him unless something dire happens, and promises not to tell his mother.
Why didn’t I write this scene? Honestly, one of my hurdles is writing intensely British dialogue 😂 (my self serving hc is that Billy dials down the diction differences when he’s talking to a septic like HL). But there’s at least allusion to it coming in the next chapter 🤞
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dujour13 · 1 year
❛ don’t you know what you’re doing to me? ❜ for Siavash and Woljif please. 😁
I wasn't going to do these yet and then this happened 😅 Thank you!!
Anevia had raised an eyebrow and said she could send someone, but he insisted he needed the fresh air, so the Knight-Commander was down at the Drezen market doing his own shopping, and glad of it, because he found a merchant selling Andoren olives and bought a great deal more than was reasonable, and then spotted one of his favorite people under the shadow of the city wall in urgent conversation with a well-dressed halfling. Just as he approached, the halfling gave a derisive, angry bark of a laugh and strode away. Siavash heard him muttering about calling the watch as he passed.
Woljif looked mildly disappointed, but perked up when Siavash wandered over.
“Saw you coming?”
“Yeah,” Woljif shrugged. “Can’t win ‘em all.”
“Gotta know how to work your audience.”
“How do you do it, chief?”
It came to him so naturally Siavash had to think about it for a moment. But if he were to break it down, this was where he’d start. “First, you let them know you’re on their side.”
Woljif nodded eagerly.
“Like this.” Siavash threw an arm across his shoulders. “I know how you feel. You and me, we’re in the same shit up to our eyeballs. Some people have all the luck, cartloads of money they can afford to throw away…”
As he talked, leaning in conspiratorially, Woljif’s lips parted and the smile on his face went from cunning to dreamy. His tail went stiff.
“Oh yeah?” he breathed, heat rising from his chest into his cheeks and out the top of his head like he was some kind of furnace. Could the chief feel it radiating? He was real close.
“And then, you share the vision: ‘if I had a little money to invest, I’d be looking for something quick and sure, and definitely not through a bank. Those guys are the worst sort of thieves, but you know what I mean.’”
“Uh huh,” Woljif nodded. Siavash’s face was inches from his face. His breath was soft and warm and his eyes were lit up like… like autumn leaves in the sun? What am I, waxin’ poetic?
“And then you tell them the scheme, but don’t act eager. Act regretful, tell them all the hitches you’re worried about. The minute they start to get interested, that’s when you hook ‘em—‘yeah, maybe… it just might work.’”
“You’re uh, you’re pretty good at this chief.”
“I’m not done,” Siavash grinned. “But then, you change your mind. Tell ‘em no, it won’t work, and anyway why would they trust some tiefling off the street in the first place? They’re obviously too smart for that. And when they insist, you offer some guarantee, like ‘I swear on my old Gran.’”
“Yeah, that gets ‘em sometimes.”
“And there you are.” Siavash released him and stood back. “Now you try.”
Woljif had to catch his breath first. He wasn’t at all sure the effect this proximity was having on him was not readily visible, and he could hardly stuff his hands in his pockets without calling attention to it. Right. I can do this. Just don’t look down, chief.
He threw an arm over Siavash’s shoulders. “Yeah, us lowly soldiers gotta look out for each other, ‘cause the higher ups don’t care if we end up—”
“Crusaders don’t really think that, do they?”
“You told me to—”
“All right, but not like that, it’s bad for morale. Besides, you’re not conning the poor foot soldiers anyway, are you? You’re too smart for that.”
“Psh, ‘course. Chief, the point is to get some a’ them frustrated unsung-hero-types, third sons a’ bumpkin nobles. They got money but what they don’t got is respect from the officers. Or brains, a lotta the time.”
“Ah, of course. You’re one step ahead of me there.”
Woljif gave a little shrug and leaned back in, the smooth-talk rolling out of him in an animated stream.
Siavash stared rapt at his clever golden eyes as they filled with feigned camaraderie, regret, hope, and then regret again, a masterful drama playing out on his features. Fast learner, and he could put on an act that would melt the heart of an ice-cold inquisitor. I’d give him money, he thought. And more than that. His eyes strayed to Woljif’s lips and quickly back up again.
“So?” Woljif drew back, but somehow his hand stayed on Siavash’s shoulder.
“You’re a little bit too good at that. I don’t want you to get yourself in trouble.” And Siavash meant that in more than one way.
Woljif gave him a crooked grin. “You’ll bust me out again, won’tcha chief?”
“Sure. But I’m busy, so don’t get caught too often.” There was a moment of silence, both smiling stupidly.
As they said their goodbyes, Siavash tugged his tunic down in front and headed back toward the Citadel wondering whether he could sneak back to his chamber without getting roped into another debate about supply lines.
In his mind his hand landed lightly on Woljif’s jaw and pulled it in for a kiss, his thumb stroking down over his adam’s apple. A surprised breath. Lips warm and eager. Fingers in the hair at the back of his neck, pressure as he was gripped needily and forced against the wall. A cool hand tracing up his torso under his shirt. The contour of a slim waist under his palm. Greedy kisses. The exquisite bolt of pleasure when their hips met.
I have to stop doing that.
He passed a hand over his eyes, fairly certain Woljif had no idea what he was doing to him. How could someone so clever be so naïve at the same time? But what an incredibly intoxicating combination that was.
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himi-wiz · 6 months
what are your thoughts on the current status of the bsd manga? any ideas on how it'll progress from here, what you like or dislike?
Absolutely none!
No really, at the moment I'm too consumed by One Piece nostalgia (and now Blue Lock) screaming at me to be overly concerned about BSD, BSD has always been more of a casual investment I enjoy for its own and fanart but never actively desire to seek out more. Besides the novels, I like books.
I'm really more of the Bungou aspect of Bungou Stray Dogs as a literature fan * and so my interest has always been a more subtle interest in observing what Asagiri has to say about the human nature and condition than giving absolute judgements on anything.
* Despite interest, have not finished reading a lot of works. Tbf Japanese Literature has a fairly passive tone that I get fed up with for my poor attention span. Others... Yeah aside from CAP being a literal punishment to read I don't have excuses besides I have work + uni and I am lazy.
What I can say is the current manga focus is a lot more on well the two primary black-white duos against each other + Fyodor, Aya and Bram and Fukuchi playing God or whatever. All these exchanges showcase how much would they put out to reach each other and watch how things click into place, the last touches to the final stage curtains.
I don't have as much anticipation on finding out how things end but I would say it's a risky move for Studio Bones to release BSD this early when the manga hasn't finished so it means the anime would adapt the season finale first before the manga.
Asagiri is supervising so I don't doubt it would be okay but I am mildly concerned as to how enjoyable it is to immerse and believe in the narrative. I'll bet he'll pull it off anyways but I hope it's something that wraps the story up well and not leave more questions than not. Admittedly I find Fukuchi off putting power scale wise when he appeared seemingly nowhere with 1. a fairly deep connection to Fukuzawa and the ADA, 2. he's this all powerful might hero that everyone looks to but no mention of him until hunting dogs arrival and 3. we find out he just decided this cause of action and is our twist villain suddenly. What?
Edit after anime ending:
So... That was a thing.
I don't know if I liked it or not but I guess quite a bit of stuff resolved.
I still don't like Fukuchi. No matter how beautiful your whole reason to save the world was, that's just bullshit to drag the entire world into your shitty plan and then dump it all your ex sweetheart pick up the pieces and be the "good guy" you wanted him to be by sacrificing yourself.
Teruko deserves so much better, she wasn't even able to be happy finishing what she needed to do. Damn.
Anyways moving on, rest of the gays are... Gay (happy).
Aya is safe and alive, Bram is now her guardian Knight accompanying the hero of justice! Though her looking up to her father is bittersweet. Also knowing irl Ms Aya Kodo's whole strained relationship with father and living under his shadow but still desiring his affections is man, twisted.
Kenji and Tecchou is okay whoo!! So is Kyouka and Lucy
Where Jouno. What the hell Jouno. Is he okay?? Whyy???
Where the hell is Yosano, Kouyou and Mori (and Higuchi) too I don't know if Mori's disappearance is something I like, I'm scared what-
I hope Manga can explain that. I'm weary of being wary of Asagiri but dammit Asagiri whyyy
That's all I suppose.
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heyclickadee · 7 months
Aaaaaaaannnd it looks like my inevitable biennial Darkwing Duck phase just hit. Apologies in advance. I am probably going to be annoying.
So! Darkly Dawns the Duck:
1. Who do I have to kill to get the original opening scene back in with the rest of the episode? Like. That little action sequence is a perfect way to introduce the character and the show. Almost everything you need to know is right there. Darkwing is a mildly bumbling adrenaline junkie who’s just barely good enough at his “job” to get things done. Also, it’s a cartoon; the violence is made up and the injuries don’t matter. Unless they do.
2. Almost everything you need to know. The rest of everything you need to is in the very next scene where Darkwing is hamming it up, handing glossies to a cop, and lamenting the fact that he spent all afternoon ironing is cape now that there’s nary a reporter in sight.
3. Darkwing narrates his life and monologues to himself. He’s such a tool. I love it.
4. Listen, I’m aware that Tad Stones is very much a Silver Age comics guy, and that this cartoon is completely uninterested in explaining how, exactly, Darkwing pays for, you know, all his very expensive equipment (besides moonlighting as a freelance SHUSH agent from time to time), because it’s just not that kind of show, but I’m interested. (Honestly, the more ridiculous the explanation, the better.)
5. How long did it take Darkwing to put together everything for the breakfast routine? I mean, it’s not as though he has a life outside of being Darkwing, so I guess he’d have time. But still.
6. I always forget Tim Curry is in this. Taurus Bulba is slightly less funny and unhinged than you’re typical Darkwing villain, but he’s honestly half of what makes this intro episode work. He’s a little more serious, so the stakes feel a little higher.
7. Aaaaand Darkwing’s still monologuing to himself. As he does.
8. The fourth wall is paper thin.
9. “Clever of me to use my spine to break my fall.” — Tech Badbatch, probably.
10. More (less?) seriously, last time I hit the inevitable biennial Darkwing Duck phase, I kept trying to find a Darkwing Duck podcast to listen to, and I kept getting frustrated, because the hosts kept talking about this show the same way they would about, say, Batman: The Animated Series or Young Justice. Yes, they’re all animated, yes, they’re all about superheroes, and yes, they all stretch physical reality to some extent, but Darkwing Duck exists in an entirely different genre than the other two. Heck, it’s even in a slightly different genre than the original DuckTales series.
It’s a cartoon—a cartoon grounded by an emotional center in the relationship between Gosalyn and Darkwing—but a cartoon along the lines of the old Looney Tunes shorts nonetheless. Like. No, Darkwing doesn’t have secret superpowers. He gets anvils dumped on his head until he gets over himself every episode because it’s funny. The laws of physics as well as any danger of real physical harm coming to the characters is dependent entirely on the emotional needs of the scene at hand, and the emotional needs of the scene at hand tend to be rooted in comedy. Same goes for continuity. I may or may not be a hypocrite about this at times.
11. So I just hit the part where Darkwing and Launchpad meet and good lord, Darkwing really is a jerk and Launchpad really is a golden retriever.
12. I love how Bulba just casually mentions that his henchmen murdered Gosalyn’s grandpa.
13. Speaking of Gosalyn….
14. Man, I love Gosalyn. I love that she’s kind of a “problem”, that she tends to act out, that she’s a handful, and that she’s clearly upset by having been told that she’s a problem by the adults in her life (by the ones at the orphanage, anyway). She’s an outgoing but clearly lonely kid, and one of the very few kids from any shows from this era that actually feels like a kid.
15. Okay, yeah, I know I just went on a rant about cartoons, but adult me panics every time I watch the part where Gos realizes that Hammerhead is there to kidnap her.
16. Just an observation, but Darkwing is way more…I don’t know, personable with Gosalyn once they get back to his hideout than he was with Launchpad in that earlier scene. He’s still self aggrandizing and sarcastic, but he’s not nearly as caustic. (For now.) I’m honestly not sure he knows how to talk to other adults in a “normal” way when he’s doing the Darkwing thing, which is more or less all the time.
17. Aaaaand I’m reading too much into it now. Back to the funny.
18. I paused and now I can’t breathe
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Look at this idiot.
19. I love that Taurus Bulba just happens to have an airship shaped like his face. In prison. Just because.
20. Photos taken moments before disaster
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21. “You should have seatbelts, too!” Blink twice if the S&P department is making you say that, Gos.
22. That said, it is actually really sweet that Darkwing does end up taking the helmet Gos found when he rides off a few scenes later. (
23. Little girl blue 🥹
24. Okay but WHY did Dr. Waddlemeyer make a Simon Says the control panel for his levitation ray?
25. Man, Darkwing is such an insecure jackass.
26. Listen to the kid, my dude.
27. See? That’s what you get! (Darkwing really deserves the dressing down Bulba gives him in this scene. Also: Does he make funny accordion noises when he gets squished like that?)
28. Why do I get the feeling that if this episode came out today and was a Star War that people would be complaining about how hard it was for Bulba’s hitmen to catch a ten year old?
29. Honestly, I love how they thread the needle of Gosalyn being perfectly capable of handling herself and yet still being a kid who may eventually need help if the problem gets too big.
30. Oh, the jail scene. I’m still annoyed that the most unhinged part of Darkwing’s monologue is missing (the episodes on the DVDs and streaming and elsewhere that I’ve found are the ones that ran in syndication. And, for Darkly Dawns the Duck, that means it was cut in two and chopped up to fit in the syndication time slot, so there are a few scenes missing. The ones I miss most are the opening and part of the jail monologue), but what’s left is still probably the most honest thing Darkwing says about himself the whole show. There’s something about him that’s just. Deeply maladjusted. And it’s great. I love it. 10/10, no notes.
31. Nope, got serious again. Time for Launchpad to bring the funny.
32. Launchpad made a damn stealth plane shaped like Darkwing’s head. Just because.
33. Ah yes, the tried and true Darkwing method of combat: throwing yourself bodily at the enemy and shouting nonsense.
34. I always somehow forget that Bulba just decides he’s gonna murder a kid for kicks. He’s got the code by that point, he doesn’t need her anymore, and he doesn’t need to twist Darkwing’s arm to get anything. He’s just gonna kill Gosalyn. It’s just child murder time. And it feels like Gosalyn’s in danger because, again, the rules of physics apply depending on the emotional needs of the scene.
35. “Mom was right. I should have been a dental hygienist.” That is such a random line and I kind of love it.
36. Sorry to being this back around the The Bad Batch because, again, this show is a completely different genre of animated show, but Gosalyn’s little, “He couldn’t be…,” when she sees the ramrod destroy the top of that skyscraper and take Bulba and Darkwing with it reminded my of the fact that when a child protagonist in a show for children says something like that about a semi or fully parental figure thought to be dead, they’re almost always right. No, I will not let this go. This hiatus is so long.
37. This orphanage director really is just. The worst. “Oh, sorry you won’t through a traumatic life changing experience kid, don’t understand why you’re too upset to talk to anyone today. Your loss I guess.” Like seriously.
38. Yes! The pink shirt and the sweater vest.
39. Darkwing is so aggressively dweeby. 10/10, no notes. Again.
40. I mean, okay, his name’s Drake Mallard, sure, and that’s how he’s introducing himself to the orphanage director here, but. Like. I like both versions, but OG Darkwing is Darwing first, and Drake Mallard second. DT17 Darkwing is Drake Mallard first, and Darkwing second. If that makes sense.
41. Okay, so, I understand that OG Darkwing and Launchpad are sort of the Kirk and Spock of the Disney Afternoon, but I don’t really ship them. I just don’t get the vibe (again, from the OG versions—DT17 versions have a different vibe). That said, I do kind of love the idea that there’s nothing going on between them but that everyone who knows both of them just assumes that they’re a gay couple raising their daughter, and they both know it and are fine with people thinking that.
42. This isn’t how adoption works but it’s okay it’s a cartoon and it’s very sweet.
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nyxsomnia7 · 2 years
L’Manburg Lovers (Tommyinnit X Reader)|| Chapter 2- “There Is A New Child Among Us”
A few days later I woke up at 11:24 AM to a DM from Tommy demanding my phone number. I groaned but sent it anyway. I mean, he probably won’t dox me and I figure if he wants to bother me, let him. I mean, I got to talk to one of my favorite streamers because of him and him showing me on stream had gotten my follower count crazy high on all my socials, the least I can let him do in repayment is send me insults at 4 AM.
What’s up Tommy?
Tommy (Hamilton Kinnie)
We need a tenth for Among Us 
stream. Interested?
Sure, give me a minute though.
I pulled on my P!ATD shirt and some shorts before making my hair presentable and booting up my computer. I started a stream entitled “Among Us W/ Tommyinnit and Co.” and said hi to my Chat as I joined the discord Tommy had sent me and used the code to join the game which included Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Dream, Gogy, SnapMap, Fundy, Karl, and Quackity.
“Good, the woman has finally showed up.” Tommy said.
“Bitch, you act like I’m late, you told me about this literally three minutes ago.” I replied flatly. Everyone in the call laughed and ‘Owch’ed at that.
“So you didn’t need me to defend you yesterday, dang Nyxie!” Wilber said.
“It looks like we have a new child Among Us. Get it cause we’re playing Among Us?” Said Karl. I giggled at his terrible pun even though no one else did.
“Hi, Nikesonima7!” I heard Tubbo say brightly.
“It’s Nyx-somnia, idiot.” Tommy said.
“TOMMY!” Wilbur and I admonished in unison. Tommy proceeded to make defensive noises while Tubbo chuckled at us.
“Sorry for saying your name wrong, Nyxsomnia.” Tubbo said, carefully pronouncing my username.
“It’s all good Tubbo. I’ve seen enough of your videos and streams to know you can’t read sometimes.” I replied.
“I do not!” I whined and pouted to my camera. Chat started yelling at him.
“Children stop yelling or we’ll find someone else to play with instead of you guys!” Dream threatened.
“Fuck you, green man.” Tommy said. Dream scoffed but started the match.
I was a crewmate and did my tasks like a good space bean (I managed to do admin card on my third try. Chat was proud of me.) until I was MURDERED. IN COLD BLOOD. BY HECCING DREAM. IN STORAGE. Chat listened to me screech for a few seconds before I laughed it off and continued my tasks for the twelve seconds it took for Tubbo to find my lifeless little pink corpse and report it.
“Not cool, man. Who killed the poor new girl?” Asked Dream as the meeting began. I rolled my eyes playfully and my chat continued to yell about me being the only and first kill of the round. 
“Not me, I invited the woman. And I was with Tubbo in storage. Ya know this game is the one time I’m glad you’re so clingy, Tubbo.” Tommy said quickly.
“Huh?” Tubbo asked. I had seen him stream Among Us before so I knew he had been mildly zoned out trying to process what was happening.
“Where even was the body?” Quackity asked, trying to actually focus on the game for a second. They did the whole Among Us thing of heated discussions before just calling Big Q sus and yeeting him off the ship. I finished my tasks and decided to haunt Tubbo and Tommy in time to see Tommy stab Tubbo just as the lights went out. We had both finished our tasks so Tubbo and I hung out in ghost chat for the entire rest of the round. 
You’re the fangirl who roasted Tommy on his stream a few 
days ago, right?
Yup ^-^
POG lol ^-^
Your thing is Minecraft building, right?
Yeah, I actually made a bee mansion once I first found your
 channel and became a fan of yours. (in creative, of course)
Really?! I’d love to see it someday!
I can show you after Among Us (on stream or off whichever you want)
That’d be awesome! (you can keep streaming if you want lol)
Dream and Tommy won the round and we kept playing for a few hours. I never got to be Imposter, which I was kinda happy about since I sucked at being a murder bean. Everyone left but Tubbo, Tommy, and me.
“What are you two up to?” Tommy asked suspiciously, having heard me telling Tubbo I was giving him access to my world.
“Nyx said she made a build inspired by me once and is gonna show me!” Tubbo said happily.
“What? I need to see this crap too.” Tommy replied.
“Someone jealous that I made something for Tubbo and not him?” I teased as I also gave Tommy a way of accessing it.
“As if.” Tommy replied as I smirked at him. Chat was shouting “DEFO FLERTING” at us as the three of us loaded into the world. I lead the two boys over to the bee mansion I’d built.
“Whoa! This is awesome!” Tubbo said as he saw the towering walls of honeycomb supported by dark oak trees I had custom built with stained glass windows showing flowers and bees. The mansion was in the middle of a dark oak forest, which I had filled with beehives and flowers to make it more ambient and welcoming. 
“You like it?” I asked.
“Like it? It looks so pretty! I’d ask if I could build something like it on the Dream SMP if I thought I could actually do it and didn’t think it’d be completely destroyed at some point.” Tubbo said.
“I’m glad you like it. Wanna see the inside?” I asked. His avatar nodded violently and I heard Tommy scoffing at us and muttering “simps” under his breath as I showed him how I had decorated the many rooms. Tommy had to get off because his mom wanted him to do some chores before dinner. I was getting tired of keeping my stream going and Tubbo had already ended his, so I said goodbye to my chat and was surprised I had enough to raid again so I sent them Sykkuno’s way. “Did you actually mean it when you said that thing about liking my build so much you’d wanna borrow it or was that just for stream?” I asked Tubbo hesitantly.
“Of course I meant it! It’s beautiful, Nyx. A hundred times better than what I can do at least.” Tubbo replied.
“Thanks, Tubbo. Oh, my real name is Megan by the way if you don’t feel like calling me Nyx off-stream.” 
“I’m Toby. So you think it feels a little weird too when fans call you by your real name?” 
“Yeah, I’ll probably get over it eventually but for now it’s weird.”
“This might sound kinda weird, but could I have your number?” 
“Sure, Toby. I’ll just type it in chat.”
After twenty minutes of us just talking and hanging out Toby hung up because he had to go to bed since he’s five hours ahead of me. I took a moment to process what had happened to me just now. I not only got to talk to most of my favorite streamers in the world, but I also came out of that day with Tubbo’s number and his friendship. Now that’s a good day.
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jillepathy · 1 year
My partner ask me to please process day 1 of code camp so I can tell them about it over dinner (without my many tangents into the mildly interesting but ultimately unnecessary details).
So this is the version with the tangents.
Initial thoughts > way newer than I thought it was with the first code camp taking place in 2018 for a primarily cust ops branch in Portland, Oregon that wanted to expand into software development after hiring a few engineers
^ literally me the first time I met a software engineer I was like huh cool and now I’m like oooohhhhh cooooolllllll the internet ! I wanna do that too
Anyways week 1 guy is a systems engineer (not a software engineer) seems like a fancy title for like building manager ? But specifically involving storing data… it’s kind of giving Big Query a little bit but also physical (kind of giving librarian?! )
The focus seems to be on building and maintaining relationships (my greatest struggle as an autistic person) and the idea that learning is nonlinear (knew this already!)
The learning curve is steep and you don’t need to know computer science to learn programming (I’m pretty lucky already having general knowledge of how the internet works bc of the info sci and data science classes I took)
Luckily, a lot of Barb’s friends already do programming … Henri said they know how to GitHub if I need help but the pace of the class seems kind of slow compared to grad school -not sure if I’ll need to ask them since all the instructors are very approachable plus I’m learning together with Su so I’ll probably try and brainstorm with them first before branching out
It’s all other employees volunteering to share their knowledge (it’s low key giving libraries ?! )
I feel like everyone is pretty nice. I forgot to say my pronouns I was so nervous 😩 but seems like quite a few queer people involved
We’re going to be working on a project (not sure if it’s a team project or we each have individual projects )
One of the instructors (hes giving autism for sure) said they sunsetted his hack week project but that he really valued it
We’re creating something but it’s not from nothing (history degree jumping out), it’s from the work of many many contributors who came before us
I would love to see more of an app focused on the physical experience of people especially as remote work kind of removes us from physical space (not really though since we all physical beings)
Ugh this is me going off on my many processing tangents
I Guess i would say it actually seems easier than I thought it would be (shoutout to Dr Oakleaf for giving me the WORST 2 classes of my life the bar is literally in hell thanks to you, appreciate you)
It’s like way more diverse than grad school too which is a big reflection on SQSP that I’m into
It’s way smaller than I thought which is honestly really nice I feel like it won’t be toooooo hard to remember everyone after 5 weeks working together
Yeah this is just a jumping off point
A lot of review, some bad jokes / programming humor and introductions
Me and Su are the only people from Tock but there is one guy from Acuity
Can’t believe Isa called me a nerd for this! The whole reason I wanted to break into tech was to get into software development
And they said themselves this is forging a path for a career in software development
My dreams are really coming true 🥲
It’s hard for me to acknowledge and accept
The hw for week 1 was to ask for help. I definitely already did that since I was having access issues.
For week 2…? Is it the Read Me? Idk how to GitHub … yet…but I suppose I’ll find out tomorrow
Yeah so it was nice, it was about 20 people, about 6 of them instructors/TAs but all of them other employees
Everyone seems pretty excited and it definitely FEELS pretty exciting to me.
Im excited and nervous and scared but also really happy and really proud of myself.
I am learning what i want to learn and I feel like I can be my whole self doing it.
Pretty neat!!!
I’ll tell Barb the first day was pretty abstract but overall there is a feeling of genuine care and excitement for the whole program - it’s literally run by volunteers. The instructors are senior employees who value mentorship and have been both mentor and mentee. There’s an emphasis in collaboration and partnership.
I guess at the end of the day it’s kind of like how the number one indicator for longevity in your career is having friends to work with.
Yeah basically it seems more chill somehow than I thought. There’s hw but it’s like “ask for help” like ? I can do that.
I e been so nervous since this is the first class I’m doing since I dropped out of grad school.
But I’m in a way better position than I was.
I Can do this.
Let’s gooooo!!!!!
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