#his simp game is simp-ly too strong
spacexseven · 1 year
Okay okay youre on the opposite team as floyd during beanfest right? He gets so distracted from actually capturing the flag that he just wants to capture and squeeze his shrimpy. Aaaaaaaaa
When he finds them he just wont let them leave his side and he'll be triumphantly walking with them in his arms. He wont bean them to get them out or anything, he just wants to show everyone that hes claimed his shrimpy.
(also lowkey imagining him with the shy darling from my last ramble. They just blush so hard that they cover their face with their hands and floyd will chuckle and nibble on their pinky to make them reveal their bashfulness.)
He will return to home base with his shrimpy and everyone will look at him like he's insane as the person in his arms flails to get away so they can capture the flag which is now in their line of vision. If he's questioned floyd will say he's taken a hostage to ransom the other team into giving up the flag.
I love floyd so much
-Floyd simp
cw: yandere character (like a hint)
similar to the actual story, floyd doesn't want to bother with joining the game this year at first, but quickly changes his mind once he remembers that you're going to be there too. he's not even upset that you're not in his team—actually, it's quite obvious that he's more than excited about you chasing him around (and, of course, getting to chase you around. there's nothing quite as adorable as the noise of your feet pattering away and your racing heart).
right as the game begins, he's off to find you. are you near the coliseum? are you with a group, or maybe you're lying in wait somewhere? he finds you quickly enough, ignoring the calls from his own team members when they ask him why he's charging towards you like??? he does not catch you to get you out of the game, though, he just wants you by his side! after all, it isn't about winning, it's about having fun—and floyd has the most fun when he's with you, so if you want to win, floyd's going to make sure you win.
he helps you shoot down his own team members (yeah guides you from behind all of that) so you can take the supply for yourself, does not let a single person get near you, crushing them before they can even think about catching you. of course, he makes a note of who exactly thought it'd be a good idea to lay a hand on his shrimpy. when you watch vil throw people around, floyd quickly drags you away, promising to throw you around if you want!! vil's not the only one who can do that!! (he makes a note to learn from vil)
ahhh and if you're wanting to eat some of the food kalim's got, floyd will eagerly guard you while you take your time eating and talking (he'll be over the moon if you want him to feed you). and even when vil and co pleads with him to help win the game, but floyd ignores them in favor of asking you what you wanted to do. if you asked him to help his team, he'll grudgingly go along with their plan (as long as you can stay glued to his side) honestly he won't even try to hide the fact that he only cares about you
don't try to hide from him! he'll just drag you out of your hiding spot and wrap himself around you until you give in to his antics. ALSO...the line he says to riddle in game?? that but to you. if you insist that he lets go and the two of you play properly, 'cos you're strong enough to fight on your own, he's all grinning and, "who's a strong little shrimpy? you are! but the game's more fun if we play it together"
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pearlparty · 2 years
Mundanity:  An October Sunday Morning
Austin x Reader
Summary:  A little peak into a brief moment of calm on a Sunday where Austin romanticizes his life with his favorite girl and sensually puts lotion on her legs to give him an edge in their little game of teasing.
Warnings:  Tooth rotting fluff, brief descriptions of memories of sex (not graphic), brief strong language, teasing, Austin is a simp lord, finger guns (yes this is a warning), sweater paws, they’re so in love it’s disgusting
Word Count:  5k
Note:  This is in 3rd person because it’s entirely from Austin’s POV because I love to write men who are such simps, BUT it’s technically a reader fic.  Also, the reader’s descriptions are super vague, but I did briefly mention cellulite and stretch marks because a lot of people have them and they’re not size exclusive.  Also, I’m debating making this a kind of series/collection where it’s just little snapshots of the little mundane and domestic things in life can be made special.  And it wouldn’t be for just these two since I’d love to write for his other characters and stuff.  So lmk if you’d like to see that.
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Sunday mornings were a contented sigh breathed after a long and arduous week.  Tranquility seemed to seep into the apartment on the sunbeams that peaked through the blinds and bounced off the cream walls in the master bedroom.  The houseplant in the corner next to the nightstand welcomed the light, stretching towards the window with open arms, eager to start the new day with a dose of sunshine.  A soft birdsong gently coaxed the city from its slumber, almost as though its singer was saying, “A new day has begun. Relax and rise with the sun--take your time, darling.” 
Austin loved these moments.  Their serenity became an anticipated standstill in his hectic life, a chance to just… exist.  Maybe savor the little mundane moments with the love of his life on the other side of his bed.
No alarm clock, no pressing appointments.  Just greeting the day with a lazy smile as his eyes slowly opened.  Everything always seemed to be moving so fast that taking time to breathe out his dreams and lay with his thoughts for a while became a necessity to wind down from the week’s stress.  
He’d turn over slowly and peek at the breathtaking girl lying next to him.  He was never in a rush to take her in.  Even in her sleeping state—face squished against her pillow, wild hair, and the small line of drool coming from her mouth—all he wanted to do was bask in her presence.  He loved her soft snores or the way that she’d breathe out a peaceful moan and nuzzle into her pillow when repositioning in the morning, like her body was begging, “just five more minutes, please.”
Sometimes, he’d still be half asleep and reach out to hold her hand, leisurely wrapping his fingers around her tiny fist in a loose grip.  Just enough contact to let her know that he was there, but not enough to wake her up.  Usually, she’d hold his hand, too, and press a sleepy kiss to his thumb as they both fell back asleep in the early hours of the morning.
Spooning all night wasn’t as comfortable as it had been in the honeymoon phase. Romance is not always practical, no matter what the storybooks say.  It left Austin waking up with pain tingling in a dead limb, or their combined body heat under the sheets and comforter woke her in the middle of the night drenched in sweat.  
Most nights started out with their arms around each other to enjoy each other’s warmth, breaths slowing, heart beats syncing, and just before succumbing to the pull of sleep, one would press a kiss to the other before letting go, still close enough to brush against each other if they wanted.  Neither thought poorly of the other because of it--sleep’s a selfish thing and it can’t be helped that always sleeping on top of another person is slightly uncomfortable.  
Besides, little touches like entwining their pinkies or running fingers over shoulders almost meant more because, even under the spell of dreams, their souls always found a way to connect.  It was like nothing would keep them apart.  
This soft morning, however, Austin kept his hands firmly planted under his pillow and his stomach pressed to the mattress as he looked her over.  Savoring the way the mellow light caressed her features, and cherishing the way her scent clung to his skin soothed his appetite for contentment more than a simple touch ever could.  The dark gray sheets still tangled around her bare form, light fabric kissing her skin in the cool morning air creeping in through the ajar window across the room.  He could trace each and every curve of her body with his fingers if he wanted to reach out and touch her; perhaps he’d allow himself to and confirm that she really was lying in their bed and not a dream--a dream he feared he could wake from at any moment.  She was an angel gracing him with her presence, and if he dared indulge his selfish desires and graze her cheek with his hand, she might disappear, ascend back to the holier plane. 
Memories of their firsts, their most recents, and everything in between swirled around his brain.  Heat crawled up his face, igniting a light blush on his cheeks as he recalled the night before.  Flashes of hastened kisses, eager hands, and moans of praise flitted through his mind.  Oh, how he wanted to wake his love, remind her of his affections; she had him completely bewitched, willing to do anything and everything to make her happy.
Perhaps later.  Now, he’d let his angel sleep.
He pushed his body to his elbow and leaned toward her.  His lips slowly, gently, grazed over her hairline.  “I love you,” he whispered.  He lingered a second too long, too eager to touch her soft skin; she let out an untroubled sigh, rolling into his touch.  He couldn’t tell if it was intentional or not, but a smile crept to his face nonetheless.  Maybe he’d just kickstarted her journey back to reality from her dreams.  
After loosening the grip of the sheets around his bare legs, he rose from the bed, careful not to jostle the mattress and disturb her.  He padded over to the attached bathroom and the cold marbled floor tile sent a brief shock up his spine at the stark contrast to the warmth in his bed.  Running a hand through his wild curls, Austin paused to take a look at himself in the mirror after he turned on the shower.  A chuckle rumbled in his throat as his eyes wandered over the small red love bites littering his collarbones and neck, not regretting a single one.  Sure, he’d probably have to wear a sweater to avoid the endless teasing that his family would inevitably dish out at dinner tonight, but he didn’t mind having the little reminders on his chest.  They might as well have been little I Love You’s tattooed to his skin.  
He’d already showered and wrapped a towel around his waist by the time she woke.  He could see his angel’s eyes idly blinking open as he flipped on the light in their shared large walk-in closet adjacent to the steamed-up bathroom.  Austin’s tall dresser sat at the back with a variety of his toiletries--deodorant, cologne, jewelry, etc.--sitting on top.  
Despite having an only slightly smaller array of clothes in his wardrobe, he’d opted for the right side of the closet as it had fewer racks and less shelf space so she could have more room for her things even if some of the space was left barren.  He’d joked that it was just an excuse to spoil her with a shopping spree, and she laughingly insisted that she didn’t need him to buy her any more clothes because 1) she could afford it herself, and 2) she didn’t need more items in her wardrobe.
He’d ended up doing it anyway.  What?  He loved spoiling her!  Besides, he loved the way she looked in baby blue, and her wardrobe had frighteningly little of that color, so he just had to rectify that.  And what’s a baby blue wrap dress without a pair of strappy heels and some pretty lingerie to match underneath?  
The light breeze from the window cooled his wet skin, the water droplets on his shoulders stealing his body heat suddenly sending chills down his spine in a gentle reminder that autumn was in the air.  
He could hear the blankets shift in the bedroom as she stretched her rested muscles.  The yawn she let out in the master echoed off the hardwood floors.  He busied himself putting on a pair of black boxers before throwing his towel over the open closet door so it could dry. 
Just as he reached for his deodorant, a soft pair of lips slowly caressed his shoulder, a warm contrast to the chilled droplets dripping down his shoulder blades.  The same smile from earlier returned to his face when her small hands wrapped around his bicep and opposite shoulder as she peppered his muscles with gentle kisses.  
“Mornin’, baby,” he rasped, pleased with her greeting.  He loved the feeling of her lips on his skin.  Her hands slid down his back and slowly snaked around his bare waist, engulfing him in her loving embrace.  Austin could feel the soft silky fabric of her robe pressed into his body, and when he looked down, sure enough, the flowy sleeves were covering her forearms.  Dammit.  He’d thought that she’d get up in the nakedness she’d slept in and give him more of a show this morning.  His digits wound around her wrist near his belly button, his thumb rubbing back and forth over the delicate flesh.
“Mornin’,” she hummed.
“Sleep okay?” he asked, but he already knew the answer.  She was worn out by the time they finally slept in their bed--he’d made damned sure of that.  He could picture the heat rising in her cheeks as she tried to hide her small smile.  
“Mmm mhm,” she sighed.  She wasn’t fully coherent yet; it always took her a while to rouse her faculties completely.  Her hands untangled from his as she pulled away a little, allowing her fingers to graze his sides and tease the waistband of his boxers.  He craned his neck to get a better look at her over his shoulder, meeting her half lidded gaze.  
“Yeah, slept real good,” she added, the sleep lining her voice gradually sloughing off with each word.  The corner of her mouth rose to a half smile and he couldn’t determine if it was from contentment or mischief.  
Her soft touches to his back suddenly traveled lower until she pinched his ass with a chuckle.
“Hey!”  he yelped, not missing her cheeky smirk when he turned to her with a grin. Definitely mischief in her eyes, then.  What was she up to this morning?
He snatched her small figure into his arms, pressing her closely to his chest with his hands firmly around her waist, eyes raking over her robe clad form--the tie hung loosely on her hips, the purple silky fabric barely covering her breasts and convening just below her belly button. 
“Watch it, young lady,” he playfully chastised.  Her head cocked to the side, eyebrow quirked up, and before he knew it her hands were on his butt again with a gentle squeeze before settling at the bottom of his spine.  That brought a full laugh to his chest.  “Is that all I am to you?  A piece of ass?”
“Mmm, yeah,” she giggled.  He couldn’t help but roll his eyes and plant a kiss on her nose.  Contentment swelled in his chest--nothing could possibly ruin this moment, ass objectification and all.  His heart made a silent plea to the universe:  please stop time and let us freeze this moment forever.  Let us frame it and put it on our mantle and revisit on cold nights and melancholy mornings.  All of the mundanity of waking up and getting ready together… it pleased him to no end, gifted from the gods.  He took a mental screenshot of it all:  the lighting, the cool air, the soft silk beneath his fingertips, her mussed hair, the way her eyes sparkled with a little sleep lingering in the corners, and her soft kissable lips smiling up at him.  
Her hand trailed lightly across his side and stomach before softly caressing the marks she’d left last night, clearly proud of her handiwork--or would it be mouth-iwork?  A quiet sigh left his lips as she delicately pressed an agonizingly unhurried kiss to a love bite on his clavicle.  She maintained her pace and made her way up to plant another one to his pulse.  His grip on her hips tightened marginally, but she seemed to take notice and it only spurred her on.  
He sucked in a breath, eyes closing to better focus on her touch.  She raised up on her toes to press one more to his jawbone right below his ear, her hand settling at the base of his throat just above his collarbones.  It was a gentle touch, not an ounce of pressure applied.  To anyone else, her hand rested there to provide balance while on her tiptoes, but he knew better.  It was heavenly.  A low hum reverberated in his chest at the contact.  
Yes, please, keep going, darlin’.  
Her satin lips ghosted along his jawline, stopping just short of his own mouth.  His eyes fluttered open.  Her other hand made its way from his back to his face at a leisurely pace before her thumb grazed over his supple lower lip and lightly gripped his chin.  She pulled him closer to her ever so slightly, and he prepared to meet her halfway with a kiss when she suddenly halted his advances with a firm, albeit gentle, push at the base of his neck.  
“Mm.  I’m gonna go take a shower,” her eyes shot down to his lips, her sensual body language contradicting the nonchalance in her voice as though she wasn’t just barely feeling him up and working him into a tizzy.  
His sweet, innocent little angel had swapped out her harp and halo for a pitchfork and horns.
Oh, so we’re teasing now, huh?  She dropped back down to her regular height, retracting her hands and leaving Austin hanging.  “I feel positively filthy after last night.”  Her salacious tone dripped over him like honey, and he chewed on his lip.  
Yeah, she definitely wasn’t wearing her halo now.  That devilish look told him everything he needed to know:  she wanted to ditch the innocence and wings and do a little sinning.
“Filthy, huh?” he shot back, just as insinuating.  She threw him a wink when she started strutting away.  Before she could get too far, he brought his hand down and gave her ass a quick swat, sending a smirk of his own in her direction.  She giggled at the contact as she sauntered out of the closet, aware of his eyes burning along her curves.  Accentuating the sway in her delicious hips just a little more to keep his attention--she knew exactly how to drive him mad.  
Her manicured fingers scraped down the door frame as she finally left his sight, but, like a show girl leaving the stage, she teased her audience by theatrically tossing her robe in front of the closet door, leaving everything to his raunchy imagination.
Little devil.  He shook his head and chewed on his cheek with a chuckle.  They both loved the game, the chase, and light teasing had quickly become one of their favorite ways to keep each other on their toes.  They loved to sprinkle it between mundane tasks.  One moment would be completely innocent, and then sexually charged for a split second before settling back to normal.  It wasn’t so much that they’d dismiss the moment as it was that neither would openly acknowledge it--there’d be plenty of time for that later.  The build-up was part of the fun.
The low roar of the water cascading from the showerhead and hitting the tiled floor pulled him from his thoughts and signaled him to actually get ready for the day.  He settled on a navy jumper over a white tee and jeans to accommodate the October weather.  The sleeves were a little long on him, which was mildly surprising considering his long lanky limbs, but he didn’t mind.  The closely knit fabric draped comfortably over his arms in a loose fit that made it feel homier and more autumnal, even if they did engulf his palms.  His fingers were long enough, anyway, that it didn’t really cause a problem for him.  
He ran a hand through his hair as he padded into the bathroom again where he could hear a light melody coming from the shower.  She often hummed subconsciously when completing simple mindless tasks.  
Ah, he thought, ‘must be a hair-washing and leg-shaving day.  
She continued her light humming as he brushed his teeth, leaning into the white countertop as he hovered over the sink.  He recognized the tune, but couldn’t quite put his finger on it.  Where had he heard it before?  His brow furrowed as he tried to place it, following the melody’s notes and beat with his head.  Suddenly, it dawned on him.  
“Are you singing the song from the Chick Fil A commercials?” he laughed out, minty suds still frothing on his tongue.  Her musical giggle echoed off the tile and sent a spark of warmth to his chest. 
“It’s stuck in my head!” she confirmed before wordlessly continuing the same series of notes and pauses.  He spits and rinses the white bubbles from his toothbrush.
“I thought the cottage cheese one was your favorite,” he teased, recalling the time he’d caught her absentmindedly singing it to herself in the bread aisle at the store.  
Without hesitation, she proceeded to belt the jingle.  
“Only Daisy’s Cottage Cheese will do!” she sang the phrase twice, and he couldn’t hold back his snicker. “Satisfying and fresh, so creamy and delish!” 
 “Noooooo!” he dramatically lamented, cheeks hurting from his grin, as he grabbed the mousse from the drawer to style his hair--it’s so unruly when he doesn’t put product in it.
“It’s gonna be stuck in my head all day now!” he jested as he spread the mousse on his hands.  
Even with the frosted shower door obscuring her naked form, he knew she was doing a little dance as she got to the last line, drawing out the last note in a satisfying finish with another light giggle as he raked the product through his curls.  “Only Daisy’s Cottage Cheese!”
“You’re gonna be the death of me, ya know that?”  he chuckled again.
“Oh, c’mon you love it!”  
“Hm. Suuuurrrreeee.”
Truth is, he did.  Not the jingles--he hated that they’d always pop into his head at the most inconvenient times and he wouldn’t be able to get rid of them for hours.  But he loved how she teased him and made him laugh.  He loved listening to her voice, even if it wasn’t always perfectly on-key with the songs.  He loved laughing with her.  She really was his best friend, and if that meant enduring a few annoying jingles, then so be it.  Not that he’d tell her that--she’d never let him hear the end of it.  Then again, knowing him, he’d probably love that, too.
God, he was so whipped.
A comfortable silence fell over the two of them as he manipulated his wavy locks to look presentable, allowing a couple stray strands to coil and fall loose on his forehead in a Superman curl.  After wiping his fingers of the product, he pulled his hand over his chin and the faint goatee he’d been sporting over the past couple days.  Was it time for a shave?  It was getting a little longer than he normally kept it, but he found that the look was, if you’ll pardon the pun, growing on him.  He grabbed his electric razor from the drawer and ran it over the hair, deciding it best to trim it just a little to a short manageable stubble.  He pulled back to admire his work.  
Yeah, he looked good.  A bit of pride inflated his ego--more than it probably should have, but he’d never admit it. Maybe it was just because he woke up happy on a beautiful morning with his gorgeous girl and some light teasing after a night of mind-blowing sex.  Who wouldn’t be on top of the world?
His finger guns shot himself in the mirror with a wink as he clicked his tongue.  
Yeah, I still got it.
A snort sounded behind him, and he quickly dropped his hands as saw his lover stepping out of the shower with her hand covering her mouth to prevent her full laugh from escaping.  He hadn’t even noticed her turn off the water and wrap the towel around her torso.
Oh, damn.    
Ego: deflated.  
Heat flooded his cheeks, crawling into his ears and setting them ablaze.  Suddenly, his jumper almost felt a little too warm.  There was no salvaging the situation. He’d been caught doing the most uncool thing a person could do, so he settled on sending her a sheepish grin and clasping his hands in front of him.  Quite awkwardly.
“Oh my god,” she started, a laugh edging its way into her voice, “I can’t believe you just did that!”  she giggled, shaking her head with a sweet sigh.  “Oh, you’re absolutely adorable.”  She quickly added the last part, eyes taking in his slowly relaxing stance.  
“Yeah, I guess you can say I’m the epitome of cool.” He ran his hand over the nape of his now burning neck.  Better to laugh it off with some sarcasm than to do nothing.
“Oh definitely,” she affirmed as she turned away, passing gracefully into the closet and leaving him with his embarrassment.
He spared himself another tentative glance in the mirror, a quiet chuckle bubbling up his throat.  He shrugged it off, taking a couple minutes to adjust his sweater and the gold necklace under it before heading back to the master bedroom.
He didn’t expect to lean on the doorframe or watch her for so long, but he’d become so enamored with the scene before him that he couldn’t tear his eyes away.  
She sat on their bed, towel discarded and traded in for her underwear:  a blue bra and panty set from their shopping spree.  Droplets from her wet hair dusted her shoulders as she leaned over to grab her beige bottle of lotion, depositing a few pumps of it into her palm.  She’d just spread it on her hands and began rubbing it over her forearms and shoulders when she made eye contact with him through her lashes.  
“You gonna keep leering at me and leaning on the door like a slut, or is there something I can do for you?”  she baited, a smirk lining her lips.  The lightness in her tone let him know she didn’t mind--if anything, this was another way for her to goad him into some kind of trap where she’d leave him hanging again.  
Not this time.
“No, but there’s something I can do for you,” he said casually, pulling his lips between his teeth as he stalked towards her, not breaking eye contact.  Her hands stuttered their circular motions on her triceps.  She raised her brows, expecting him to follow up his statement with some kind of action. 
“May I?” he asked, gesturing to the lotion.  She furrowed her brow for a moment as her eyes flitted from the bottle, back to him, then down at her legs briefly before the realization hit her.  She glanced up to meet his eyes as she nodded.
“Go ahead, Mr. Finger Guns.”  He looked down and shook his head with a grin.
“I’m never gonna live that down, am I?”
“Absolutely not.”
He sank to his knees and settled to the floor at her feet, slowly dragging the back of his index finger up her shin and over knee as he reached for the lotion.  He’d nearly put a dollop of the creamy stuff on his hands when--
“Oh hold on,”  she said abruptly, reaching out to his wrists and tugging at the navy sleeves nearly swallowing his hands.  “You’re going to get it all over your sweater!”  Her nimble fingers folded the sleeves back once, twice into a neat cuff.  The proper length a sleeve should be.  “There.”  She patted his wrists before setting hers back on the bed.
“Thank you, baby,” he murmured.  His ocean eyes flicked up to hers momentarily for permission as he picked up the lotion again, and when she nodded, he put a few pumps on his hands before turning his attention to the work at hand.  
Gingerly, he took her left ankle in his hand, spreading the moisturizer over the back of her freshly shaved calf, his fingers splaying over the skin and applying just enough pressure to spread the satiny salve and massage the muscle simultaneously.  
He leaned forward with a feather light kiss to the inside of her knee before slipping his left hand over it toward her hip.  Her breath hitched and he had to hold back a smirk.  She wasn’t the only one who knew how to put on a show.
His right hand slid up the back of her leg as the other one guided her knee over his shoulder, the movement reminiscent of last night.  He knew it and she knew it--he could tell by the nearly imperceptible shudder in her breath.  His eyes fell shut on their own accord as he brushed his cheekbone up the soft flesh of her knee and inner thigh as his hands roamed the expanse of her skin.  
He easily recalled her whiny pleas, the way she rolled her hips into his face and pulled his hair, and her taste on his tongue with his name falling from hers in a prayer.  For a brief moment, he debated doing it all again:  giving in to the sinful thoughts running rampant through his head and ending their little game earlier than expected.
But where’s the fun in that?
Instead, he languidly kissed his way down to her ankle and put a respectful distance between them.  Clearing the sexually charged air for only a moment seemed necessary as he resupplied from the bottle and repeated the sensual process on her other leg.  
Just as slow.  Just as intimate.  
When he reached her knee, he spared a glance up at his lover, hoping for some flash of pleasure to cross her features as she looked to the heavens in bliss, a smile, a sigh, a gasp--any morsel of praise that he could greedily drink down and guard close to his heart.  Instead, he met her adoring gaze, which was just as delicious.  His soft smile met hers.  A tiny palm cupped his cheek, and again his eyes fell shut as he leaned into her soft touch, enjoying the way her thumb tenderly brushed over his skin.  
He pressed his lips into the inside of her wrist with as much devotion and endearment he had in his old, romantic, smitten soul. I love you, he nuzzled each word into her skin, praying she could feel him branding the phrase into his lips and sealing it with a kiss.  I love you, I love you, I love you.  
His fingers continued their work kneading circles into the meat of her thigh, over the almost indiscernible hills and valleys that he didn’t know were cellulite, exploring the entirety of her skin.  Despite knowing each and every curve by heart, he wanted to map every inch of her--each scar, stretch mark, mole, and freckle.  Again and again and again.  
Right up to the hem of her panties, that is. 
He pulled away from her reluctantly, his hands trailing back down to her ankles before he went back to the bottle for just a little more.  The way her eyes kept flicking over his kneeling form and how she subconsciously gnawed on her lower lip was not lost on him.  Good, that meant he was doing his job right.
He held her gaze intently as he closed the distance between them, his fingers splaying their way over her hips--he took the moment to gently lean her back, teasing her with the close proximity of their lips, but keeping her pressed into the mattress.  His touch traveled across her stomach, her waist, and her sides, his thumbs grazing just barely beneath the band of her bra.  She squirmed underneath him, sliding her hands up his shoulders and to the nape of his neck, a fire sparking in her eyes.  
Maybe he’d indulge a little after all.
Her lips were magnetic:  beckoning him in slowly before colliding with a passion that left him unable to pull away.  As they kissed with practiced perfection, he allowed his slick hand to graze over her decolletage for a fleeting moment.  It found its home at the base of her neck, his long fingers wrapping around and his thumb gently pressing the remaining lotion on his hands into her skin with a back-and-forth motion.  
She breathed a sigh into his mouth, chasing his lips a little as he pulled away.  His tall body still hovered over her small one, trapping her between him and the bed.  A small smile graced her mouth, her eyes scanning over his face.  Happy, content.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”  he asked quietly, still stroking the skin on her neck.  
“Just you.”  She brought her hand up to his hair, threading her digits through the curls in a loose hold.  “Why?  You thinking about something, too?”
He breathed out a laugh.  “You really wanna know?”  his voice dipped lower, almost a whisper, throwing in just a little of the southern drawl he knew she loved.  “You sure?”
Her eyes flitted to his lips again as she chewed on her lower lip.  He lowered himself down to her ear achingly slow.  He could feel her chest rise and fall a little faster, each breath just a little shallower than the last.  He had her right where he wanted her.  
“Only Daisy’s Cottage Cheese will do!” 
She rolled her eyes and playfully scoffed, “Oh, fuck off!”  
“I told you it was going to get stuck in my head!”  he laughed as he stood up, pulling her with him.  He permitted himself another moment of soaking up her presence, tangling their fingers together and kissing her knuckles.
A blush crept into her cheeks and she bashfully avoided his adoring eyes by fiddling with his makeshift cuffs.  She pulled her hands free of his and unfolded his sleeves, allowing the fabric to fall loosely around his hands again.
“I like it like this.  It’s just…” she met his gaze again, her hand pressing gently into his chest and playing with his loose collar.  “It’s adorable.”
That signature smirk spread on her mouth when she spoke again.  “Plus, it’s long enough to keep you from doing anymore finger guns.”  
“It was one time!”
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nicka-nell · 2 years
Okay, okay hello writer! I love your Atsumu angst fic so much! It was so sad when he said "be happy my dear" 😔 So i thought maybe i can request something too? It's maybe too dark so if you don't want to write for it i totally get this. And that's fine. 💕 So i thought the reader had a miscarriage and they or someone else informs the husband and how they react and they try it again at some day and they have a rainbow baby? 👶🌈 Can you do it for Atsumu because i need some love for him, and Wakatoshi? He's my himbo If you don't write for him, maybe you can write it for Semi? Thank you sooo much and if you don't like to write it, have a good time and please ignore the requests. 😊
Hi Anon! Thank you so much, it makes me happy to hear that you liked the Atsumu fic. And omg yeah I swear in my head I wrote the following sentence: Atsumu wakes up, sweating and realizes that he had a nightmare. You’re still lying next to him with that little baby bump. :’D For your request, that’s really a heavy topic, but I tried to write for it. A friend of mine had a miscarriage and has now given birth to a healthy daughter, and oh, she’s so damn happy. You can’t imagine that. May the little family always be blessed with happiness and health. ♥ I wrote for Atsumu and Ushijima. I think after Daichi and Ukai, Ushijima was the third Haikyuu character on my simp list heh. Hope you like it  ♥w♥
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Rainbow baby after miscarriage
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Pairing: Ushijima x reader, Atsumu x reader
Warning: miscarriage, mention of blood (only Atsumu), angst, fluff
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Ushijima was just at an important volleyball game when his mobile phone rang on the coach’s bench. Once, then twice, three times... His coach felt that it had to be something important. That’s why he had asked the manager to answer the call if the phone should ring again. And it wasn’t long before the fourth call came. The manager went out and came back in with a somewhat shocked and horrified expression on his face. The trainer’s eyes also widened as he searched for the replacement sign with the number 11 on it. 
The shrill whistling sounds, and everyone looks puzzled at the number that is held up. Ushijima is sure that it is a wrong decision, because he is in top form. Nevertheless, he follows the instructions, leaves the field, and sits down next to his coach and trainer with the same indifferent expression, even if he is stumped internally. 
The game continues when his coach hands him his cell phone and the car key and looks at him with worried eyes. “Ushijima… For you, the game here is over today. Your wife had tried to call you, or rather, a nurse tried it. Please, you should be with her now. Something bad has happened…” 
The words sink only slowly into his thoughts. His body feels cold despite the sweat and the sport. He should be with you now… these words are heavy in his stomach, the only two words that come softly over his lips are “the baby...” 
With his cell phone and keys in his hand, he rushes out the door. No matter that he still has his jersey and sports shoes on. He doesn’t care that his bag is in the locker room, he just wants to see you. 
With every step in the direction of the treatment's room in which you sit, Ushijima has the feeling that every step becomes heavier, more exhausting. In front of the door, he feels fear for the first time, afraid of what awaits him. 
The door opens and the sight that gives itself to him makes him stand rooted on the spot. Crying, you sit there. A doctor sits in front of you and tries to calm you down, looking sadly at Ushijima as he realizes what is happening here. Automatically, his steps carry him to you as he stands in front of you, taking your curled up body firmly in his arms. Now even harder you cry, cling your fists in his slightly damp jersey, can not bring the words over your lips. 
“It’s okay, I’m here… cry if you have to…” These are his only words for the next few minutes, because he just wants to be a good support for you, wants to be strong for you, even if the news just makes him despair from the inside. Even if he himself is overwhelmed with the whole situation.
It takes many months for him to see you smile again until you can slowly talk about this topic. You had many appointments with your gynecologist, who had told you that a miscarriage does not mean that you can never try to bring a child into the world again. But your body needs time, as does your mental state. 
By now you feel that you are getting better from day to day, you can handle it better, but still you sometimes have these dreams that show Ushijima and you with a baby in your arms. Again and again you wake up, cry quietly to not wake Ushijima until you fall asleep at some point. Today, you also had such a dream. But when you wake up, the bed is cold. Ushijima is not lying next to you and you wonder if it is already morning and he just went out jogging. 
But the clock tells you that it is in the middle of the night, no time for him to leave the house. Questioningly, you look at the closed door, see the light in the hallway shine, and decide to look for where your husband is. 
As quietly as possible, you go out the door. All the doors in the hallway are closed. Only one is open, the door of the children’s room. You had already bought a bed, a changing table and a few small things. You had even bought a small baby bodysuit and had surprised Ushijima with it when you announced that you are pregnant. Oh, how happy he was, even if others might tell you he just had this stoic expression, like always. But you saw the tiny smile, these loving eyes, and the way he kissed you. 
On tiptoe you walk towards the room, looking through the open gap as you see the outlines of Ushijima in the dark. With empty eyes, he sits on a stool, has his arms on his thighs and looks at the fabric in his hands. The small white-blue striped onesie. You don’t see it exactly, but his hands are shaking. Ushijima was there for you, he was strong for you and had always calmed you when you were feeling bad, told you in his usual deep but calm voice that everything will be fine. Now he’s sitting here in the dark, alone… Heartbroken… Whether it is better to leave him alone? 
No… he was there for you, you were there for him. Your steps are still quiet as you walk towards your husband. 
“Toshi? Toshi, I’m here…” Your little arms gently wrap around his muscular, trembling body and for a moment he holds his breath. Almost as if he’s wondering if it’s right to show weakness, since it’s probably you who should suffer the most. But he can’t help sighing, leaning his head against your stomach while he looks up at you. 
“Today would be the day. The date of birth…” 
“I know, I know, Toshi.” 
“I’m sorry you have to see me like this now.” 
“No, please don’t say that. It’s okay. You’re always so strong, you support me so well. As your wife, it’s also my duty to support you on good and bad days. Please… when I’m weak, please be strong for me. I promise that I’ll be strong for you, if you need some rest, if you feel like everything is too much. I’ll be there. Now and always.”
With all these words, you stroke his hair, smile at him even though you know he probably can’t see it. Yet your words surprise him. Ushijima already knew that you are a woman with a strong personality, who is also loving. Even now when he feels like everything is too much, that he can’t always be the strong husband he wished to be, you stay strong for him. Around you, it’s okay to show weakness. He utters a deep sigh before kissing your arm that still embraces his body after brushing his lips against it.
 “I love you.” he whispers and enjoys just listening to your heartbeat. A heartbeat full of love and life. 
“Toshi… I want to try it again. Someday… I want a little family with you.” 
“I want that too..” 
And it was like you promised. A year and a half later, your pregnancy test was positive again. Before every appointment with the doctor, you were worried. But no matter how afraid you were, as promised, Ushijima was strong for you if you were not. And the months passed. Month after month, the probability of losing your baby decreased and your joy increased. 
The night before the calculated date of birth, your amniotic sac broke. Ushijima immediately took you to the hospital and accompanied you all the way through the birth. He said little, actually nothing, just held his hand out so you could hold on to him, blot the sweat off of your forehead with a towel and gave you a glass of water with a straw to drink between each contraction. He was just there, and you were so glad that he didn’t want to appease you with words like “It’s going to be all right”.
And then there it was, your miracle, your little angel. 
The loud cry of your baby made your heart jump thousands of times. Tears flowed into your eyes when the baby was placed on your stomach for the first time. You could finally see the little miracle that was nine months in you. After the happiness that rages inside you, you signal to the midwife that she should give Ushijima your little daughter and the sight of the two you will never forget. 
Ushijima stands there, looking like a deer in the spotlight at the tiny figure in front of him as the midwife presses his baby into his hands. It feels so surreal. This is your child that winds in his arms, and it’s so, so small. For the first time in his life, his eyes get warm, burn as tears of joy run down his face. He looks at you wordlessly. Yet you can read his words in his gaze. 
This is our baby. 
Without answering, you nod happily as Ushijima mimics your expressions and lifts your little daughter up, smiling, to give her a gentle kiss on the head. “Daddy will always protect you and mommy.” 
He never thought he would ever be so happy. He always wanted to have children with you, but he can’t describe the feeling he’s feeling right now. This exhausted but incredibly happy smile on your lips is the most beautiful he had ever seen. But he probably looks as happy as you right now. Because now you have your little family.
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Atsumu was with you when it happened. He had just put the food in the fridge when he heard your loud and panicked scream from the bathroom. You went to the toilet because somehow your abdomen had felt strange. For fun Atsumu had said that you can not have your period and just in the same funny mood you had stretched out your tongue and answered him “I know, you idiot.” But when he sees you in the bathroom, he has the feeling that his stomach is turning. That he feels sick.
Your eyes, smeared with mascara, look up at him, your body trembles and in your hand you hold dark red toilet paper. It’s so red because it’s full of blood. 
“Doc… We need to take you to a doctor…” These are the only words he can say with his frozen gaze when he leaves everything else and drives you to the hospital. The five minutes in the car seem like an eternity to him. Every traffic light is red. In front of him drives an eighty-year-old grandpa who does not find the accelerator and he can not overtake. And then it goes on with the doctor. You wait for what feels like an eternity until the doctor picks you up and examines you. 
At no point have you stopped crying, are still beside yourself because you are afraid that you may have a miscarriage. And when the doctor looks at you with a sigh, his mouth becomes narrower and he clicks with his tongue, you would like to hold your ears shut, listen away from what he says now. Atsumu realizes that you are suddenly even more tense than before, grabs your hand firmly to show you that he is with you when the doctor talks. 
“Miss Miya, I’m sorry but your baby... Now how can I say this… This is your first pregnancy. Such a miscarriage happens more often than you think. Yes, actually, many women have one. It may sound hard, but at some point it will work. I’m sure about that.” 
You don’t know which part of his words hurt you more and made you angry, his ‘that’s normal’ or his ‘at some point it will work’ and you’re not the only one who can’t believe how tactless the doctor is. The grip on your hand becomes looser and although your vision is blurred, you see this disgust and hatred in Atsumu’s face clearly. 
“It’s normal…. Try it again… how big of a sonofabitch you have to be… so tactless and disgusting… to say it like that?” 
Atsumu is angry, angry about this doctor, angry about his stupid period joke, angry about your family just being destroyed. You didn’t deserve that! So why? What have you done to make such a cruel fate happen to you? Why are you so hated? 
“Excuse me?”  
“Tsumu please…” Your trembling voice makes him forget for a moment that he would have liked to have punched this doctor. This is not the time to get upset, not when you’re having a mental breakdown. As loving as it is currently possible, he takes you in his arms, pulls your face up to him and gives you a kiss to look deep into your eyes. Knows exactly that no matter what he’ll say, it’s wrong. But saying nothing is worse.
“Hey baby, I love ya okay? And, and I’m always by yer side, okay? Please don’t give up.”
Don’t give up… words that come so easily over his lips, although he himself just does not know where to put his emotions. In addition, on the same day, back home, Osamu comes by, holds a pack of Onigiri in his hand and shouts through the hallway, “Have an extra portion for my favorite pregnant woman.”
He had wondered why no one opens the door even though the light was on. He thought you were in the bathroom and Atsumu, as always, does not want to go to the door, so he had unlocked it with the second key to put the food on the table and to leave after telling his brother he’s a jerk. But the food slips out of his hand when he sees you both at the end with your nerves in the living room. 
He had never seen you or his brother in such a condition. He doesn’t have to ask to know what happened. A quiet “M’ sorry...” is the only thing he says before he goes to you and takes you both in his arms. A hug you both needed somehow. 
For days you could not sleep. The miscarriage robbed you of the quiet nights. And as if it wasn’t bad enough that you lost your baby, Atsumu gets bombed with questions by reporters again and again. 
“How does your wife manage to be so slim despite pregnancy?”
“Will it be a boy or a girl?”
 “Do you already have a name for the baby?”
“Will you take a break from volleyball when your child is born?”
He had never given an answer to the questions. Wasn’t even ready for it. Today he was asked again in an interview how you and the baby are doing, whether he is already looking forward to becoming a father. He can no longer… He had tried to suppress every question, but he can no longer. 
“How my wife is? Well, she feels like shit! Why? Because we lost our baby and YOU can’t shut yer fuckin mouth with these stupid questions! She should be pregnant for 6 months now and ya really think she’s still thin like that while havin a child in her belly? No! We lost our baby months ago and now stop these shitty questions!” 
Still in his outburst, the reporter told the cameraman that he should turn off the live broadcast, but the entire world knew now. But for Atsumu it was like a blessing, because all the burden, all the anger, was suddenly blown away. Since that day, they have not asked him about the baby. You too have not been bothered with questions and you could focus on being there for each other more. 
More months have passed in which you were healing together. Months of focusing on each other. Back to your original happy form. Even if the miscarriage is still deep and heavy in your bones, you feel it has strengthened your relationship. Because no matter how bad it was, Atsumu was always at your side, you at his. 
Over a year has passed, and now you are standing together in the kitchen, cleaning up the groceries when you take a pack of tampons in your hand and want to bring them to the bathroom. Heavy memories come up in Atsumu as he watches you go into the bathroom, but his voice stops you from stepping out of the doorway. 
“Hey babe?” 
“Mh? What’s the matter, Tsumu?” 
“I - I really would like to try it again… I mean… only if you -” 
“Yes, Tsumu. I would love to.” Atsumu didn’t have to finish his sentence because you knew what he wanted to say and you’re happy because you don’t want to give up on the dream of a small family with Atsumu. 
As if fate wanted it that way, it worked right the first time with pregnancy. Both of you were extremely happy. This time you wanted to keep it to yourself as long as possible until you would tell the others. Only Osamu knew. 
Atsumu would have to lie if he said he was not afraid. The fear must have been bigger with him than it was with you. To see your sad face again, to hear this crying day and night, to know that they again forbidden you to have a happy family, all that he does not want to imagine. He couldn’t bear to relive this nightmare. Couldn’t bear to see you so heartbroken again. 
Yet he doesn’t have to, because you are pregnant with a healthy baby until the end when you go to the hospital with Atsumu a few days before the due date because your amniotic sac has broken. Your husband is a bit overwhelmed with the entire birth, but tries to support you as much as possible, telling you again and again how proud he is of you, that you can make it, that you are strong, his number one. And when the baby is there, briefly screams and is placed on your stomach, Atsumu has the feeling he tips over immediately with joy. 
Relieved, you take your sunshine in your shaky hands, enjoy feeling the skin of the child that was in you for so long to feel his breath, his heartbeat. Smiling, you close your eyes, are just overjoyed when Atsumu bends over to you both, gives you a kiss on the temple with the words “I’m so, so, so proud of ya, pretty.” before he looks at his son, takes his tiny hands into his and gets glassy eyes.
 “Mommy and daddy love you so much, my little one.” This moment he’d remember forever. Forever he would carry this feeling in him how it was when he first held your little mini-you in his arms. 
Atsumu thought your wedding day was the day that made him the happiest man on earth. But today, to finally hold your baby in your both arms, to feel how lively your little boy is, makes him the happiest man in the entire universe.
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barkhoffman · 7 months
1, 23, 2, 4?
the character everyone gets wrong
honestly Adam, I think people forget his feminist vegan punk gf broke up with him for being "too angry" (which implies he is VERY angry due to the general stereotype of feminists, vegans, and punks all being angry types of people individually let alone when someone is all of those identities at once), like he's not a smol softe innocent bean he's a cunt LMAO
I also laugh every time I see that one post that says he's the one genuine person in Saw who doesn't lie when like. there's literally an entire scene with Gordon confronting him angrily for lying the entire movie KJFDLJFDL LIKE GUYS I KNOW YOU WANNA FUCK LEIGH WHANNELL BUT LET'S BE SERIOUS HERE
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
this is going to sound weird but. I didn't actually even think about hoffstrahm until I realized it was already one of the Big 3 ships here LMFDKLFDJGDF like I wouldn't say I disliked it I just. never considered it before?? I got into this fandom with hoffdon on the mind if you can believe it
of course now I'm so coffinpilled that it's a category 5 autism event but
I guess as far as ones that I didn't really like the idea of too much at first, there's chainshipping, just because it's a lot softer than my usual tastes (she says, writing 10k+ words of soft fluffy coffinshipping), but no yeah I can see the appeal now it's pretty cute
2. a compelling argument for why your fav would never top or bottom
let's pretend I don't write everyone as vers for a minute and live in a world where I care
Hoffman would NOT top he is a little NEEDY BROKEN WHINER BOY with daddy issues who would imprint on a houseplant if he thought it might say it was proud of him, he needs DICK up his ASS and he needs it NOW
god I can't do this I need him to raw me and/or Strahm until I/we cry
4. what was the last straw that finally made you block that annoying person?
ok so I haven't blocked anyone in this fandom YET but I admit I get close whenever I see C/stas M/ndylor's stupid little ugly-ass right-wing face in the HOFFMAN tag when he's NOT BEING HOFFMAN like first of all he's only hot when he's Hoffman, if I have to see him with a mustache one more time I might end it all, secondly can we stop simping for actors and every role they've ever been in because we like one (1) role, down the road of simpery lies nothing but pain and disappointment
idk maybe it's because I've seen too many people decide they're in love with the actor because they love the character only to realize that the actor is a shit person and have a total fucking meltdown, but I Don't Trust Like That and I have very strong actor-character separation mentality lmao
also also if you mistag your posts (like making a post about Adam but tagging it with every character in the franchise) I'm thinking about killing you in a Saw trap I hope you all know this
[choose violence ask game]
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chatonnoir · 3 years
How does the French dub differ from how the eng dub tones down the affection between ladynoir?
lol I actually had a few examples of this in my notes already bc I was switching between Eng and French while rewatching the earlier seasons to compare the script
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In Stormy Weather/Climatika, after Chat Noir was sent flying and Ladybug helped him up and said “I thought cats always landed on their feet.” (the iconic hand kiss scene):
In English he says "Thanks, Miladybug, but I had it covered." [Kisses her hand]
In French he says "It was on purpose, my Lady, for the pleasure of meeting you again." [Kisses her hand]
Bro the second one is so much cuter like there’s no comparison
(Another minor thing from this ep is when Climatika says there’s going to be an endless Winter, in English Chat Noir says “but I look so good in a swimsuit” while in French he says “but I look super hot in a swimsuit” Lmao the english dub just really likes to censor our boy)
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In Dark Cupid/Dislocoeur, when Chat Noir throws the akumatized pin to Ladybug:
In English he says “Happy Valentine’s Day”
In French he says “Happy Valentine’s Day, beautiful”
(He actually calls her the term of endearment “ma belle” which literally means “my beautiful.” I know it’s not as common to say “my beautiful” in English so it could also be taken as just “beautiful” or “gorgeous” etc.)
The way he says “Joyeuse Saint-Valentin, ma belle” is literally so much cuter than the English dub version of the line
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This isn't necessarily related to flirting/affection, but in Copycat/L'Imposteur, when Chat Noir is leaving the art studio at the very end:
In English he says "Better help the fellow out. His crush just got crushed!" [walks away from Ladybug] "...That makes two of us."
In French it goes "You better help him. You just broke his heart after all!" [Walks away from Ladybug] "...Not just his, by the way."
dude I really couldn't take the English version that seriously but the French version sounded so much sadder & carried more weight
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In Puppeteer/La Marionnettiste, after Chat Noir says “Don’t let her turn me in to a puppet!”:
In English he says “You know I like to be in command~”
In French he says “Only your wishes are my commands~″
smh this simp erasure
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In Guitar Villain, when Ladybug is riding the dragon:
In English Chat Noir says "Nice job."
In French he says smth that doesn’t translate directly but was basically like "You're awesome..."
The delivery of the French version of the line just has him sounding so much softer & unabashedly in awe of his Lady
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In Prime Queen/Audimatrix when Chat Noir says “I know how we can prove our feelings” and tries to go in for the kiss:
In English Ladybug says “Not a chance, kitty.” and when he tries again in the freezer she says “Still not a chance, Cat Noir.”
In French Ladybug says “Now is not the time, my kitty.” and when he tries again in the freezer she says “it’s still not the right time, my kitty.”
Smh why would you even change this?? Like it completely changes the meaning and just feeds in to the false idea that Chat Noir is “pushy”/harassing Ladybug against her wishes when her ACTUAL annoyance with him was that he’d flirt at the “wrong time” i.e. literally in the middle of a battle. Also it’s just soooo much sweeter whenever she calls him “mon Chaton” compared to just “kitty” in English
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In Frighteningale/Rossignoble, when they’re speaking in rhymes and Ladybug asks Chat Noir for a “dance”:
In English Chat Noir calls Ladybug “Miladybug”
In French for the same line Chat Noir calls Ladybug “Lady of my heart”
Bro????? “Lady de mon coeur” is so fucking sweet there’s literally no contest here
tl;dr: imo the French dub is more romantic, not bc of the stereotype of the language itself being romantic but because their lines are actually blatantly more affectionate/emotional, imo the French version makes Chat Noir sound more unabashedly affectionate whereas the English dub slightly tries to keep him sounding like a Cool Guy(TM)/tones down their flirting/also generally makes the script a lot more "childish" to really push that whole “this show is for 7 yr olds” vibe (lmao @ "darken their heart" vs "evilize them" and "I free you from evil!" vs. "tIMe tO dE-EviLIzE")
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bad268 · 3 years
Can you do a corpse husband x reader when she play billy loomis and EVERONE simp over her lol
Simp Season (Corpse Husband X Actor! Reader)
Fandom: RPF
Requested: Clearly (I hope you liked it)
Warnings: Strong language
W.C. 1548
Summary: The reader (gn) makes three big announcements upon their return to streaming.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^Screenshot from @/Anthony Padilla's video)
{(Stream Name) is live: guys im back! announcement!}
“Alright chat, ones in chat if you can hear me,” I started the stream, making sure my loading screen was up and not just a blank screen. I looked over to the chat to see many ones and some twos in chat along with people saying hi and welcome back. “Chat, chat, chat, I missed you guys! I have some announcements for you.”
“Live?” A voice behind me said. I turned to find my boyfriend, Corpse, walking in with a water bottle for me.
“Yeah,” I said to him, holding my arms out not only for the water but for a hug as well. He jokingly fell into my arms before pulling up a second chair to my desk. He was nervous for the stream because we were announcing our relationship, I was announcing my face reveal, and he was nervous to play the game. “Chat, say hi to our special guest, Corpse. He’s here for a few minutes before he goes to his room to play the game.”
“Whaddup baby,” he said into my microphone. I just laughed as chat blew up with greetings and some thirst traps. 
“Alright, chat, are you ready for the first announcement?” Messages flew by in curiosity and some guessing what the announcement was. “Okay, so, contrary to popular belief, I am not single.”
“Yeah, you’re my bitch,” he joked with a nervous laugh as he reached over to hold my hand.
“Yeah, I’m your bitch, babe,” I laughed back, squeezing his hand in reassurance as messages of shock and disbelief filled the chat. “If you think we’re lying, I’ll turn the hand-cam on.”
“Don’t make them turn the hand-cam on,” Corpse warned with a more relaxed laugh. “You know they fucking will.”
“Too late,” I said as our intertwined hands came into view on the screen. “You can tell it’s his hand because of the rings, chat.”
“Also could be the fact that I only post hand pics,” he laughed again.
“Nope, definitely the rings, babe,” I teased, leaning over to kiss him gently before continuing. “Alright, chat, next announcement. You ready?”
“I am ready,” Corpse spoke for chat as messages flew by in response. 
“You already know it,” I laughed again. “Okay, chat. I am doing a face reveal.” I stopped to let that sink in. The chat froze entirely for a second before exploding and moving faster than I had ever seen it before. “Not today or this week, but it will happen.”
“What happens if we recognize you in public?” Corpse reads out one of the questions. 
“Just don’t bombard me please, I still have anxiety guys,” I replied, looking over to Corpse for any more questions he can find through the chat.
“What if you’re with Corpse?” He says.
“Leave us alone,” I replied simply. “We are still normal people and if you do recognize us, please leave us be. If one of us starts freaking out, both of us will since we feed off of each other.”
“When is this face reveal?”
“When I release the video!” I laughed as I turned the hand-cam off. “Alright, I think that’s enough questions for now. I will let Corpse go to his office while I set up the lobby.” I lifted our locked hands to kiss the back of his hand as a goodbye before allowing him to leave the room.
I waited an extra minute after he closed the door to open Among Us and DIscord. “So, chat, we’re playing Among Us with the gany. We got Toast, Rae, Sykkuno, Karl, Poki, and Sapnap. Later, Tina, Dream, Brooke, and Wilbur will join for the bigger map. Still not sure if Bad, Jack, Shlatt or Minx will join us. How’s that for a lobby?”
I laughed again, looking over to chat. Many people were still talking about the face reveal, but some were talking about the lobby itself. “Yeah, big lobby, but y’know how it is! You gotta have back ups.” I moved the loading screen over, so it showed up on stream as everyone started joining the game. I got ready to join the call, but I wanted to tease the next announcement beforehand. “Okay, I have one more announcement for you guys, but you’ll have to stick around for a while before I say it.”
“Ah, good noon,” Rae said as I joined the call. Other greetings sounded from around the call as we waited for the last person to join. “Where’s Corpse?’
“I’m literally here, Rae,” he laughed.
“Pretty sure we are waiting for Karl,” I replied. “He had to film with Mr. Beast before this, so give him a minute.”
“I’m not in a rush to play,” Poki adds. “How is everyone today?”
“Great! I was invited to the premiere of a movie I really want to see,” Rae comments.
“No way,” Toast says. “I was invited to a premiere.”
“There is no way this is a coincidence,” Sykkuno gasps. “I got one too.”
“What are we talking about?” Karl joins the call very confused. “Did I miss something?”
“Yeah, at least four people in this call were invited to a movie premiere,” Poki answered.
“No way, me too!” Karl exclaimed. 
“I swear, if it’s the same movie, I’m gonna flip,” Sapnap laughed. “That would be crazy.”
“Let me take a wild guess,” I laughed at their confusion. “Maybe it's the new horror movie, Scream?” The call and chats of everyone streaming exploded. The call in confusion and the chats trying to connect the dots. “Maybe it’s because I wanted you guys to be there for my face reveal.”
“No, you’re lying,” Rae gasped. “Was that why you took a huge break?”
“Yeah, filming takes a while,” I explained. “It was difficult trying to balance streaming and filming. Not to mention when I needed to fly out to England for a few months; I couldn’t maintain my schedule, so I announced my break.”
“Wait wait wait, hold up,” Sapnap interrupted. “You’re saying you were filming and streaming at one point, and you didn’t tell anyone?”
“Well, Corpse knew,” I added. “He literally went with me, but no one noticed since his schedule is sporadic.” “I’m literally right here,” he laughed. “No need to expose me like that.” “So are you gonna tell us who you play?” Poki pried, desperate to know more. “I have been following the updates for this movie for who knows how long, and I am just now learning that you are in it.  Do you just make an appearance? Like a cameo?”
“Actually no,” I chuckled.
“No,” Corpse said loudly over me. “They play Billy Loomis.”
Once again, they erupted in cheers. Most of the call was congratulating me. Rae is flat out screaming into her microphone, Poki is repeating, “oh my god,” Sapnap and Karl are shouting that they’re popping off, and I just took my headphones off to release my ears. I looked over to my second screen to see chat exploding in different reactions and emotes; many people saying they’re clipping this stream, others just generally freaking out.
I muted my discord for a second to acknowledge chat. “Yeah guys. I am faceless and a lead in a movie. How’s that for skills?”
“So you’re also name revealing 👀?” A donation read. I laughed at first before answering.
“I asked them to use my streamer name in the credits, so you’re not getting anything, guys,” I explained. “However, my hair color and eye color are different in the movie because I still want some privacy. Nothing else was altered.” People started to fill the chat with angry emojis and similar messages that it’s not “authentic.”
“That’s not fair. It’s not a real face reveal if it isn’t your face.” Another donation read.
“It’s still my fucking face, mans,” I laughed again. “Hair and eye color can easily be changed, so I would just dye my hair after the face reveal if I didn’t change them for the movie. Regardless, it’s my choice what I show you guys. If these are my boundaries, you have to accept them. If you can’t get the fuck off my stream.” I finished my rant before going back into the discord call. 
“There’s the star,” Karl announces once he noticed I was back in the call.
“Yeah, explained a few things to chat,” I responded before muttering, “and told a few off.”
“Corpse shared a few secret videos and pictures from the set,” Rae started, “And may I just say, damn, you fine.”
“Yeah, Corpse got lucky,” Toast dragged out in a teasing tone. 
“I think I’m tryna steal your significant other, Corpse,” Sapnap joked.
“I’d totally date you,” Poki added quietly.
“Oh my gosh, you guys are crazy!” Sykkuno exclaimed at all of the simping in this call.
“Alright guys, simp season’s over. Let’s just play the fucking game,” I laughed, embarrassed, as I started the game. “I have been streaming for an hour already, and we haven’t even started the game. You guys take forever.”
“We’re just proud of you, baby :)” Corpse texted me separately as he was the only one left in the call when I said my previous statement. I just replied with a heart before turning my attention to the game.
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otomes-world · 2 years
Should I rename this blog as Rook Hunt simp? Anyway, it`s another au with him. I didn't expect things to go so fast. Rook has too much influence on me.. Tag @starshiningsirius as promised!
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Many had asked why you chose such an unusual job, in which one mistake could cost you your life. You couldn't have answered that question yourself. It just happened. Like someone saw themself in the future as a doctor, someone as a teacher, and someones suddenly and unexpectedly became a bounty hunters. During work, you often had to get your hands dirty. Well, it would be weird if they were clean after everything you'd been through. However, you didn't complain. In the end, you yourself deliberately went for this.
You didn't need money. More precisely, not like others who had chosen this profession. You didn't feel disgust or anything that normal people, whose lives never were in danger, usually felt. For you, it was an ordinary job, although not the most attractive at first glance.
You were relatively new in this area, more than three months, but less than year. It was a huge blessing that you were hired by one of the companies that were approached by people who were not usually talked about in the light of day and on TV with radio. Not in a good way, at least. Most organizations preferred to handle things on their own rather than pushing problems beyond their own scope, but sometimes they hired special individuals who could do the dirty work for them.
You'd never been assigned a really important task. Usually these were people who accidentally crossed the road to those who should not have. Although you might say that about almost all ordered personalities. They were those who went in the wrong place at the wrong time. Getting rid of unnecessary witnesses was also part of your job. You'd never been in a line of direct fire.
Until a certain moment.
It was not uncommon for several different companies to order the same person from different hitmen. Therefore, you were not particularly surprised to see that the one you needed was already lying with a bullet in his head, bleeding and long gone to the best world. Something completely different caught your eye. Exactly the same killer as you, stood near the man and sent you a charming smile.
"Out of bullets, beautiful stranger?" His expression clearly contrasted with the atmosphere. A battered walls, a strong metallic smell of blood and gunpowder smoke hung in the air that would have made you sick if you hadn't gotten used to it in months. "Because I do."
The man pointedly shook his gun, showing the sincerity of his words, but you knew better than to lower your guard. He was tall, blond hair dirty with dust, gathered in a careless ponytail - apparently, the battle turned out to be difficult - the expensive suit was tattered, like gloves on his hands. However, you noticed that other than that, there was not a scratch on him.
Despite the image screaming about imaginary safety, you felt that if you slowed down even for a second, you could say goodbye to life. The stranger, standing half sideways, calmly allowed you to examine him, doing the same in return. As if he knew that you would not tell about what you saw, or you could not do.
The game of staring could drag on, but you, having estimated your strength, decided that retreat would be the best solution. With a sharp jerk to the side, you ran, noticing out of the corner of your eye how a stranger rushed after you. Turning around, you fired a couple of shots, knowing full well that you didn't have a lot of bullets left and that the advantage wouldn't stay on your side for long.
The blonde easily dodged the pieces of metal flying at him, approaching you closer and closer. Finally, when the distance between you was reduced enough and he reached out to grab your wrist, you used the other to strike him with the revolver. You could have sworn the blow was painful. This was evidenced by drops of blood that cut through the air and flowed down the back of his head. However, the stranger did not loosen his grip, on the contrary, he took advantage of the chance and with one strong blow threw you to the ground, knocking the air out of your lungs. You felt your ribs crack uncomfortably, but then again, you knew better than to look away from your enemy. Therefore, you, clenching your teeth and trying to ignore the pain, met the eyes of the blond hanging over you, from whose face the smile never disappeared.
"It was amazing! I haven't seen such an elegant fight for a long time, you can be proud, ma cherie!" His voice rang uncomfortably in the previously quiet room as you tried to figure out what language he was speaking. Was it French or... "I'd applaud you if my hands weren't busy," holding yours, you guessed. However, you wouldn't risk moving in any way, considering he took your gun and pointed it at you. "What is your name?"
At the next question, you could not restrain yourself and sent him an irritated, uncomprehending look. Why did he need your name? What exactly did he want to achieve? Was it possible that he was trying to find out what organization you were from so that he could report to his superiors?
Probably all your thoughts reflected on your face as the person spoke up again, drawing attention to itself that you didn't dare to divert from him anyway.
"We misunderstood each other, ma dame," he let go of your wrist and reached for his jacket, from which he took out his phone; the other hand continued to hold you at gunpoint. "I'm a fairly well-known person in certain circles, and thugs have been sent after my head more than once, but ones as beautiful as you are undoubtedly rare. I would like to get to know you better," a flash blinded you for a moment; he took a photo, as you understand. "When fate gives such a unique chance in life, it would be foolish to refuse it. So, what is your name?"
You didn't answer, trying to digest the new information. Was he flirting with you right now? Sitting on you, holding you at gunpoint, while behind him you could clearly see the corpse of the man you were sent for? What kind of perverted, twisted thinking was in person who patiently waited for you to answer his question, you did not know. However, if it would help you save your life, you were willing to take the risk.
You opened your mouth and...
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Since then, things had gotten better, much better. You managed to complete tasks that not every experienced killer dared to take on. However, few people knew that in fact you did not lift a finger to get rid of those who had long tickled the nerves of the strongest of this world.
As now, sitting at the table during the next meeting, you felt the phone vibrate in your pocket. Unbeknownst to others, you took it out and looked at the message. One glance at the contents was enough for you to barely contain a sigh of annoyance. After asking for time off, you left the conference room and headed to the farthest corner. As if sensing that you had reached your goal, your phone vibrated again, but it was a call. Taking a deep breath and wearily rubbing the bridge of your nose, you accepted it and brought the device to your ear.
"Good morning, ma cherie! Not hearing your voice for more than an hour is an unbearable torment to which you doom me time after time".
From intonation, you suggested that he, Rook, pressed his hand to his forehead. During time with him, you managed to notice his love for theatrical gestures, as well as for love `from fairy tales`. Pretty ironic considering what he was doing.
"Get to the point, I'm in a meeting," you weren't going to give in to him. You were fed up with his antics. Sudden messages, calls - how did he get your number was another question - meetings, gifts.
"Didn't I deserve some gratitude for my actions?" His voice dropped sharply, making you cringe, but the next moment it again took on a friendly demonstrative style. "You are so cold, but the higher the walls of the fortress, the more valuable the treasure they hide. I am ready to risk everything to take possession of what lies behind the defense of your heart. However, you are right, more to the point.. have you seen my new gift? Do you need him? Pretty strong target, I think it would be problematic for such a fragile creature to cope with it alone"
You rolled your eyes. How Hunt liked to remind you that without his help you would never have dreamed of a new position and promotion. However, his `love` for you did not mean that he helped you for free.
"Your price?"
"Your desire to turn everything into a bargain, a quid pro quo, hurts my heart and breaks it into hundreds of pieces," you heard the grin in his voice. From the fact that he did not refuse your offer, in turn you wanted to laugh bitterly. "How about... a date this weekend? And that poor soul will be yours."
You didn`t answer. Such meetings never end well. No, he did not let his hands wander, but this did not mean that Rook did not take everything he could reach, knowing full well that you cannot refuse him. After all, he was right at least about one thing. A fortune was promised for his head. So what will happen to a single individual who had worked so closely with the main headache of the whole world?
You certainly wouldn't want to know this from personal experience. Rook assured you of this more than once.
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javierpinme · 3 years
Late Night on the Job
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Pairing: Marcus Moreno x f!reader
Word count: 1k
Rating: G
Warnings: unestablished relationship, fluff, p i n i n g, sleeping on the job (?) and that honestly is probably it.
A/N: Call me impatient. 🤡 I know I just posted like literally two days ago but I was struggling with keeping this in my google docs so here LOL. I’m just terrible at waiting. Set within the Time Restraints universe, but we’re delving into unestablished waters because I’m a simp for some good ol’ fashioned pining. Minimal editing but like I said. Impatient. Don’t judge my titles because I already am. It’s not my strong suit.
Time Restraints Universe Masterlist:
Overall Masterlist:
Most of the overhead lights are out on your way to the break room; only illuminated by the remaining few and the exit sign leading to the stairwell in case of emergencies.
There is a machine on your floor and the coffee doesn’t taste any different than it would if you walked to the one a few feet from your desk, but you would be lying if you said you didn’t have an ulterior motive.
An ulterior motive with brown eyes that maybe if you had the courage to really look you would have found the feelings you longed to be returned match yours when they follow your figure throughout the day and hands that fidget in meetings from what you assume is an inability to keep still but really an internal battle to not connect them with yours from under the table.
A distant sigh confirms what you already assumed. Marcus is working another late night and his daughter is sitting on the carpeted floor outside of his office. This scene isn’t unfamiliar to you—rare but happens when the paperwork gets too high on his desk. You stick around off the clock to entertain his brilliant teen when those days do occur.
You think he must know what you’ve been doing. Otherwise he’d be scouring the halls in search of his missing daughter.
The closer you walk to her cross-legged figure playing whatever the newest game is on her phone, the more Marcus comes into view hunching over his desk. You don’t need to be in his presence to feel the waves of stress radiating from his body—your hands itching to relieve some of it from his neck, his shoulders, his back but-
You don’t want to overstep.
“I’m getting cold just looking at you.”
The illumination from her phone gives away her knowing smile before she looks up, like she expected you’d be here at some point. An exaggerated groan comes out when she lifts herself off the floor.
“A little.”
Goosebumps trickle up your bare arms when you slip off your cardigan and wrap it around Missy. The temperature automatically went a couple degrees colder when the work day was finished excluding those on call. She adjusts the cardigan to poke her arms through it and burrows in your leftover warmth.
“Come on. There might be some videos of Miracle Guy training somewhere around here.”
A snort bubbles up your throat at the scrunch of her nose and you nod, returning a rogue piece of her curly hair back behind her ear. 
“You’re right. He doesn’t need that ego boost. I could use some help with organizing if you’re up for it.”
The borrowed office chair squeaks from Missy swiveling it back and forth. You redirect her attention to the file system in one of your drawers for her to color code, listening out for the inevitable giggling from her when she comes across some of the entertaining but harmless field accidents.
You pull out another drawer and crinkling breaks the teen’s attention from her task. “Is that a snack drawer?”
“Yes! You have to munch on something when you’re sitting in front of a computer all day.” You pull out the packaging and place it on your desk for the two of you to share while working.
Silence takes over other than the occasional crunch of the cookies and you lean your cheek on your hand hoping the sugar will keep you awake until you can crash in the comfort of your bed.
The elevator dings and the sound of someone walking to your desk is shielded from the fabric of the carpet. Tentative fingers graze your forehead traveling to your cheek in your dreams—chasing the mysterious warmth you squish your cheek against it, nuzzling and locking your hands around whatever it is to keep it there.
The breathy chuckle from above doesn’t stir you and neither does that same squeak from someone sitting down on the seat next to you, or the thumb stroking your cheekbone even with the limited movement.
A shiver runs through your spine when you feel hair from a moustache tickling your ear and it’s only when you feel the breath of a whisper that you start to tiptoe in wakefulness. “Sweetheart, wake up.”
“Mmmmm, Marcus.” Your eyes are still closed, your subconscious carrying over from your pleasant dream.
“It’s me. You fell asleep at your desk.”
A figure forms when your eyes flutter open to meet Marcus’s with a look you’re too tired to comprehend at the moment. The corner of his mouth ticks up at your stare, widening when your smile begins to match his. His free hand strokes your hairline and you let out a satisfied hum at his attention-
You lift your head abruptly when you realize you’re ogling and practically hugging his forearm, wiping it to make sure you didn’t accidentally drool on him, adding to even more possible embarrassment.
So much for being subtle.
“I’m done. You ready to go?”
You know you look like a fish out of water when you turn around expecting-
“Her abuela took her home.” If you weren't so exhausted you would have had the energy to be self-conscious about Marcus’s mother witnessing you passed out at work.
Marcus’s hand slips into yours to help you get up and grabs your purse with his free hand to lay over his shoulder when you try to reach for it. He doesn’t let go of your hand and he’s never been more thankful that you can’t hear his heart beating a mile a minute at the vulnerable step.
Something he’s been wanting to do for a while.
He walks over to his car in the garage and opens the passenger side door for you to step into.
"Marcus, we didn't carpool this time." Despite your best effort to make a point it came out as half-hearted.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow. Come on, let's get you home."
He wishes it wasn’t needed to carpool back and forth.
He wishes it was the same one.
Taglist: @lowlights @radiowallet @honestly-shite @mylovelycomandante @sharkbait77 @littlepadika @kmorales1 @kirsteng42 @dobbyjen
Tags that didn’t work: @imaginefishies @frankiemoralesxo
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Sleepless Nights
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: During an unusually windy night, Y/N finds herself unable to sleep while her boyfriend is streaming in the other room, unaware of the terror revving outside thanks to his headphones. So, Y/N does the only thing she can in order to finally get some shuteye.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request, I had such a blast writing it! I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to complete and post it but here it finally is and I hope you’ve stuck around long enough to read it! If you have, please enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
It’s that time of year again - the city is terrorized by the loudest, most intense winds that wield the strength of a mythological creature and sound like the wails of hell’s sufferers. You may find my description of this natural occurrence rather dramatic and over the top but that’s because you aren’t here to hear and see this horror show going on. Trees have been uprooted from the ground and have fallen on top of cars, damaging them expensively. Chimneys all around are whistling hauntingly as the gusts of wind pass through them, the sound sending shivers down my spine.
Winds have never sat right with me and I often found myself lacking shuteye during the night if they were wilding outside while I tried to sleep even as a kid. My parents thought I’d grow out of it as the years went by but I never did apparently, seeing as how I’m wide awake at close to 2AM on a workday. I have to be at work by eight in the morning and if I don’t catch some z’s soon I might just show up looking like a zombie.
This is not the first time such an occurrence has happened. However, on those past occurrences, I wasn’t alone in bed, twisting and turning under the covers so I could extinguish the sound that’s violating my head. On those occasions, I had someone lying in bed next to me with his arms wrapped around me tightly or with his hands covering my ears. That person isn’t with me right now though. He’s in a room two doors away, streaming Among Us with his friends.
I’ve had Corpse ditch streams to comforting me during anxiety-inducing windstorms like this one but I can only assume he cannot hear what is going on outside since I haven’t heard a single word from him. Of course, comforting me isn’t his job and I’m not the type of girlfriend to be clingy and in need of her boyfriend to be there for her 24/7. Quite the contrary actually - I’m independent and rarely ask for people’s help, Corpse’s included. However, there’s one thing I need help with and this is it - falling asleep at a time like this. That’s a task I cannot manage on my own.
And so, against my better judgement and putting aside my embarrassment surrounding my fear, I kick the covers off me and get up, stretching my arms above my head as I walk out of the bedroom Corpse and I share and into the hallway which is pitch black as the rest of the apartment. The only light is coming from underneath the door to Corpse’s recording room but even that is so faint I can only guess it’s coming from his computer screen.
With an uneasy sigh, I make my way down the hall, flinching when a particularly strong gust of wind rattles the windows. This apartment building is old makes noises of its own on the regular, the last thing it needs is these attacks it’s now forced to endure because the weather outside is crappy as all hell. Take an already noisy building and pelt it with gusts of wind, yeah that equals a sleepless night for me.
The recording room door isn’t shut all the way as usual. Corpse prefers keeping it open a crack so he can enter and exit it without making noise in the middle of the night as to not wake me up, seeing as how I’m quite a light sleeper. It also allows me to enter and exit it soundlessly whenever I want to either bring him a snack or spook him. There’s no in-between: I either bring him something to eat/drink, or I scare the daylight out of him. The latter usually happens when he’s playing a horror game though so it’s rare which is why he hasn’t started shutting the door as to be alerted of my schemes before I give him a mini heart attack.
And so, I tip-toe my way in his recording room, squinting my eyes when I’m faced with the beaming computer screen opposite the door though it’s partially blocked by the hunched over Corpse who is still unaware of my presence. So, in order to avoid freaking him out, I deliver a couple of soft but audible enough knocks to the door frame to grab his attention.  My attempt proves successful as I see him yank off his headset and whirl around in his chair to face me.
“Am I being too loud?“ Even in the dark, I can make out the lines of his face contorting into an expression of guilt.
I give him a lopsided smile as I strut over to him with lazy steps. Just as I part my lips to speak, a strong gust of wind shakes the building, producing a wailing-like sound that immediately forces me to freeze up, the smile disappearing from my face.
Corpse’s face shifts expressions again, this time exhibiting a compassionate, comforting smile, “That’s what it is, isn’t it? You can’t sleep?” I shake my head, biting my lip as I feel my cheeks heat up. “Come here.” He mutters, opening his arms invitingly.
Without a single doubt, I come closer, not putting up a fight when he pulls me into his lap. I let my legs hang off either side of his hips, wrapping my arms around his neck as I hide my face in the crook of his neck breathing in his scent mixed with the cologne that has lingered on his hoodie and hair.
“Wait a sec...“ he mumbles, pulling away from me briefly. I’m confused for a second, but then I feel the pair of wireless headphones he covers my ears with and I give him a grateful smile, already feeling myself beginning to relax at the warmth of his body against mine and the soothing comfort of his touch. However, when the lo-fi music starts playing through my headphones - a playlist he’s complied for me whenever I have sleepless nights such as these for whatever reason - I’m a complete goner.
And so I find myself drifting off with the mixed sounds of lo-fi beats, Corpse’s whispers and his heartbeat and honestly, not to be cheesy or anything, but I’ve never heard a sweeter lullaby in all my life.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
My bad, I’m just now seeing the rules😭 I’ll choose shiguraki, dabi, and Hawks for the time traveling kids reaction
A/N: You’re all good baby! I kept looking at this trying to come up with a fitting situation for them and then I dreamt about being in all three situations last night??? lmaooo it was both terrifying and lucky hehe~ Hopefully, it’s as good as I’m imagining it
Side Note: I’m writing this with a baby (thankfully, but unfortunately, not mine!) on my chest. Get on my level. Jk, but everyone say hi <3
Warnings: Cursing 
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Shigaraki Tomura:
you and shigaraki came back from your daily walks 
aka, people watching
and you two planned to play on the PS4 later
whiles you’re setting up the TV in the living room, he goes to his room to get the console and remotes
he opens the door, sees a baby on his bed, then immediately shuts the door
goes to you and kurogiri
him: “any of you know why there’s a baby on my bed?”
kurogiri: a baby? 😐
you: a BABY!!!?? 😍💞💞
you rush in there and to your amazement, there is a baby no more than six or seven months, gurgling on the bed
kurogiri is giving tomura the most judgemental look and shigaraki kinda feels embarrassed even though he swears he didn’t do anything
“please don't tell me it’s yours”
“i can assure you, y/n and i use prot--”
“oh my gosh, shiggy, she looks just like you with my hair and nose!”
kurogiri is over it 
tomura is malfunctioning
you’re gushing over the baby girl, totally ignoring the fact that a literal child, who just so happened to look like a perfect mix between you and tomura, just appeared like a sick magic trick
was it a quirk?
was it time travel??
did tomura knock you up and everybody just somehow forgot???
so many questions, so little answers
in order to keep from getting a migraine, everybody followed your train of thought and just went along with it for now
shigaraki was less than pleased that his plans with you had been scrapped
he spent the day going shopping (stealing) for diapers, getting formula, buying clothes, and buying toys
feeding the baby was annoying
changing her was a nightmare
shigaraki threatened to disintegrate the child if she puked on him one more time
but everyone just adores her
she’s such a cutie
her toothless smile just warms up everybody’s hearts
even kurogiri is smitten
the day ends with you, the baby, and shigaraki in his room, getting ready for bed
he’s grumbling bc “can’t we just leave her on the couch or something”
you ignore him and he’s forced to get in bed bc no matter what, he’d never give up the chance to cuddle with you...even if it is with some stupid baby
after she falls asleep, you sigh and lean on his shoulder
“you really think she’s ours?” you ask
he wants to say i hope not, but the way you look at him with all the hope in the world makes his heart tingle 
instead of answering, he softly kisses your lips and tucks the both of you in
when you both wake up, the baby is gone--probably back to her timeline
you're a little sad and shigaraki only says what he says NOT BC HE THINKS IT’S TRUE OR SOMETHING but bc your misery makes him itch
“don’t worry. i’m sure we’ll see the brat again someday”
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when you came back to your apartment, holding a load of groceries, you were quite surprised to see the situation at hand 
in the middle of your living room was dabi, at his big ass age, wrestling with a kid that couldn't be older than 12 
least to say, you were pissed 
“come on, fess up you little runt. did my old man have another kid”
“for the last time, NO! i’m yours!!”
“stop lying! my pull out game is too strong for that”
“EW! get off of me you staple-faced, burnt chicken nugget lookin’ fu--”
that’s when you intervened
“chicken nugget lookin’ what?” you questioned, looking at the boy with the look™️  
 the boy’s expression went from angry to scared in 0.2 seconds
dabi’s kind of impressed
“father. i-i was gonna say father”
“oh, that’s what i thought bc if you were gonna say what i thought your were gonna say, then i’d have to whoop your ass. but you weren’t, correct?”
“no ma’am”
“so we’re good?”
“yes ma’am”
“perfect. now what’s this about him being your father?”
dabi is taking out of his smugness and flinches under the heat of your glare
you ask him one time who he slept with and when he tells you you're crazy, you lunge at him
your kid lets you get a couple of good hits in before he decides to drop the news that he’s you two’s son of three from the future
you pause, his hand on your face and your fist in his hair
“deadass?” dabi says 
the boy nods his head and you two take the time to look at him
his features are undeniably yours and dabi’s; he was one of those kids that if you sat them next to one or the other, they could look like both parents
you two take it better than he thought you would 
“i always knew you wanted kids with me. simp”
dabi can’t even deny it. he just rolls his eyes and acts all tough 
then he asks, “you sure you’re not gonna get erased from the time continuum by telling us?”
the boy shrugs “i mean...i hope not”
it’s beyond y’all at this point
so you spend the day with the kid, who was named after Dabi (Touya Jr.), and it’s so obvious he’s a momma’s boy 
he helps you cook, set the table, and wash the dishes 
smiles at you like you’re the entire world
dabi is kind of jealous from all the attention you’re giving him 
fumes at the middle finger junior sneakily flips at him 
does it back 
claims to hate the kid but wipes the crumbs off his lip without hesitation
junior got the itis and is down for a nap
calls you two mom and dad before falling asleep 
you get all 🥺 and even dabi is a little nostalgic when junior disappears 
it’s quiet for a moment and then he says, 
“wanna do a practice round in baby-making. yknow? for the future”
you roll your eyes but you aint say no! 
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Takami Keigo (Hawks):
hawks didn't expect to see a tiny kid on the edge of a building on his day off
there wasn't a lot that scared him, but he couldn't deny the fear hammering against his ribcage as he saw the child look around before jumping
thank goodness his speed wasn’t just talk
he caught the girl who didn't look a day past six 
he’s in the middle of giving her a huge lecture about safety and mental health, she just giggles and gives him the biggest kiss on the cheek 
“haha! i knew you’d catch me if i fall, papa~”
he’s too angry to even register what she called him
“that was totally dangerous, kid! what if i hadn't seen you? then what?”
“then i would fly” she said like it was the most obvious thing
he’s dumbstruck as two beautiful white wings sprout out of thin air and allow her to float next to the hero with ease 
hawks blinks bc yeah anyone could have wings, but he could tell that feather pattern from anywhere
it was his 
it was like his own fingerprint was staring at him 
did he accidentally knock someone up bc that would be a big uh-oh
y/n wouldn't like that at all
he asks the child who he is to her and she repeats, “papa~”
he then asks who the mother was and she goes, “mommy~”
she’s not the brightest crayon in the box, that’s for sure 
“what’s mommy’s name, kid,” he asks with the patience of a saint
“Takami Y/N~”
“you’re coming with me”
flys across the city with conviction
you’re lying on your bed, face mask on and reading a book in peace before your oh so wonderful boyfriend comes crashing through your open window
you don’t even flinch. so used to his surprise visits, you close the book and sigh
“to what do i owe the great pleasure of having you break into my house? again”
hawks holds the cute girl up, squishing her cheek as she laughs from the adventure they just went on
this time, you drop the book
eventually, with some cupcakes and chicken, the little girl tells you two about how she went to play with some kid and got zapped by a quirk and ended up here 
you also find out she’s the youngest of four
you look a little sick but keigo gives you a shit-eating grin
he’s so excited about having a family with you
you can’t deny the tingle in your heart
parades the girl around the house and they’re both laughing the same laugh, eyes bright with joy
it makes your heart hurt and now you have to join into the shenanigans 
you spend the day playing games, doing face masks, and reading books to fall asleep to
when you wake up, she’s gone but keigo’s arms are still firmly wrapped around your waist
“so now that you know i’m gonna trap you with four kids, when are you gonna pop the question?”  you joke 
but hawks isn’t laughing. instead, he’s smiling at you in a way that makes your eyes widen
he digs in his coat and pulls out the ring
“i was gonna try and make it a little more romantic. but why wait? so, what do ya say to taking my last name?”
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Sleepless Nights (Kageyama Tobio x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
Hi hi hope you're doing well! I was wondering if I could request a fic with giving kageyama a blow job for the first time? You can take it further if you want, whatever you want! Love your writing 😊
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,973
Warnings: SMUT, oral sex (male recieving), language, Kageyama being a perfect angel baby.
I didn’t think that I was a simp for Kageyama but like maybe...?👀👀👀 I hope that you guys like it! It was a lot of fun writing lmao. Also bonus points if you can catch the reference I made😂 I’m still shuffling through my inbox, I won’t be doing all the requests that have been asked but I will still be doing a select few. Please enjoy:)
You shifted nervously in your seat, weakly smiling at the orange haired male that was blatantly staring you down.
 This was incredibly awkward.
 “Stop staring at her dumbass!” Kageyama growled, setting down his milk cartoon to slap the middle blocker, who easily dodged his advances. 
 “Why are you dating Kageyama!? He’s a bad guy!” Hinata yelled getting in your face.
 “OI!” Kageyama grabbed the back of his uniform, yanking him away from you.
 You furrowed your brows in confusion at his statement, a bad guy? Kageyama was far from it.
 “I really like him.” you blurted out, pausing their fighting, the tall setter looked at you with a shocked face, blush coating his cheeks in embarrassment. Hinata on the other hand looked mortified at your statement. “He’s very kind and strong.” you finished, glancing down at your bento, now you were embarrassed at your confession.
 “He’s not kind at all! But he is strong! His tosses are the best!” Hinata declared, returning his attention to his large sandwich.
 Kageyama ignored him, his blue eyes focusing on you completely. You guys had only been dating for a couple of weeks but… those past couple of weeks he’s never been happier.
 You were in the same class as Yachi, but the store that he went to often was the same store that you worked at part time. Before you knew it, a friendship began to blossom between the two of you, and then you guys literally ran into each other during a morning run.
 Come to find out that you guys went to the same school and were in the same year. Although, you were completely unaware of the tall male and his club activities. You were on the swim team, on the complete opposite side of where the volleyball gym was.
 But after that friendship began to bloom, something new took its place. Something more vibrant, and far sweeter.
 You were the first one to confess your feelings, despite the nerves, despite the fear that he wasn’t going to feel the same. You knew how hard he worked at volleyball, you figured that he wouldn’t have time in his life for a girlfriend, but the secret ate you up inside. When you had confessed, you were already prepared for the rejection that he would give you, only it never came. 
 He liked you too.
 Naturally you guys began dating, and it was pure heaven. Despite his awkwardness, things slowly became more natural. It wasn’t until now that he started to introduce you to his friends. 
 Hence the strange interaction you just had with the middle blocker.
 “Is Y/n-chan going to come to the game tomorrow?” Hinata asked with his mouth full of food.
 You perked up at that, beaming at the small male. “I am! It’ll be my first time seeing a volleyball game! I’m very excited.”
 “Eh!? You’ve never seen a volleyball game before!? What have you been doing!?” Hinata exclaimed.
 Kageyama scowled at him. “Y/n isn’t a volleyball player. She’s on the swim team, she doesn’t have time to focus on volleyball like you do dumbass.”
 Before another fight between the two began you started talking. “I’ve never been interested in the sport. I’ve always been really busy with swim meets and fundraisers. But when Tobio talks about volleyball it sounds like a lot of fun! Your team sounds so strong!” You said brightly.
 Kageyama felt his heart thump harder in his chest at your praise. The clear happiness and excitement on your face was undeniably adorable. 
 “What do you do when you swim Y/n-chan!?” Hinata asked excitedly.
 “I only swim free.” You said proudly, grinning at the smaller male. “It’s the only style I swim during meets.”
 “She’s really good too.” Kageyama stated, thinking back when he had gone to his first ever swim meet. You were incredible in the water, breathtaking. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you as you swam, you were elegant and beautiful, your movements gliding through the water easily.
 He had never seen anything more perfect before.
 “I don’t know what that means but it sounds cool! You’re cool Y/n-chan!” Hinata said brightly.
 You couldn’t help but grin back, all traces of awkwardness gone now. “Thanks, Hinata!”
 Lunch ended without a hitch now, the conversation was easy with Hinata, despite the constant fighting, it was incredibly fun.
 Before you could head back to class Kageyama grabbed your hand gently. He stared off into the distance, blushing softly as he glanced over to you quickly. 
 “Will you wait for me after practice?” he asked.
 You squeezed his hand carefully, ignoring your racing heart. “Of course! Let’s walk home together Tobio.” you smiled sweetly.
 He nodded once before releasing your hand and walking off; Hinata was already long gone by now.
 You smiled softly to yourself, the tall setter had a hold on your heart like no other. You couldn’t wait for the game on Saturday.
 As promised, you stood outside of the volleyball gym, kicking lightly at a rock near your foot.
 “Y/n-chan!” you heard a familiar voice call out, you looked up smiling at the orange haired male jumping and waving his arms around, several others looking at you in curiosity.
 “Shut up Hinata! Boke!” Kageyama growled grabbing his head. After a couple of shoves, Kageyama made his way over to you.
 “Ready?” you asked sweetly, beaming up at the tall setter. He felt his face flush but nodded, reaching to carry your bag.
 “Yeah let’s go.” he said, slugging it over his other shoulder before taking your small hand into his own.
 “What? Is that Kageyama’s girlfriend?” Tsukishima asked, intending for it to be a joke.
 “Yeah! She’s super cool!” Hinata said excitedly. “Y/n-chan is on the swim team! She only swims free! Whatever that means!”
 “... WAIT WHAT!?”
 “... Yes Daichi.”
 Kageyama couldn’t help but notice that your hand was cool, and that your hair was still wet from your swim practice.
 “Are you cold?” he asked, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
 You shook your head. “I’m fine. Besides, we're already at my house.” 
 You looked up at the dark-haired setter who was scratching the back of his head, not meeting your gaze. 
 “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked, finally looking at you, his face slightly flushed. 
 “Bright and early. You’ll do great.” You smiled, hands resting on his uniform. “Sleep well?”
 He nodded and stooped down as you stood up on your tiptoes, his slightly chapped lips gently brushing against yours before sealing your lips in a gentle kiss goodnight.
 This wasn’t your first kiss with Kageyama. Surprisingly, kisses came incredibly easy for the awkward setter. He loved how soft your lips were, and how he could taste the melon lip gloss on his lips afterwards.
 Your heart raced in your chest, and you were tempted to pull him in deeper, wanting the kiss to develop more and last longer, but all too soon he pulled away, giving you a soft smile before taking his leave.
 That boy was going to be the death of you.
 The rest of the night progressed uneventfully, and you soon found yourself freshly showered and ready for bed. 
 Practice must’ve been incredibly draining for you, because as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were out cold.
 It had to be at least three in morning when your phone began to ring. You sleepily fumbled around for it before squinting at the bright screen.
 “Hello?” you answered, voice thick with sleep.
 “I’m sorry for waking you.” he said softly. “I just couldn’t sleep. Is it okay if I come over?”
 “Yeah. Let me open my window.” you mumbled quietly, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, turning on your bedside lamp before shuffling yourself out of bed to open the window. 
 This also wasn’t the first time you’ve done this either. 
 Even before you guys had started dating, Kageyama frequented your bedroom many nights to hang out.
 You could barely keep your eyes open as you waited for Kageyama to show up, it had been about fifteen minutes before you saw a familiar figure slip through the open window and quietly close it behind him.
 You gave Kageyama a sleepy smile from your bed, noticing his grey sweatpants and black pullover. He looked good, incredibly good.
 You hadn’t noticed his sharp intake of breath. Kageyama swallowed thickly as he took in your sleepy appearance. Your hair was tousled from sleep, the baggy white shirt did nothing to hide your hardened nipples that were now straining against the thin fabric from the frigid air. Your soft legs were incredibly exposed to his eyes and… oh fuck, your pink colored panties were on full display now.
 “Why can’t you sleep?” you asked, yawning, stretching your arms above your head. This caused your shirt to pull up more, revealing the delicate white bow on the front of your panties.
 Kageyama couldn’t tear his eyes away, his pants tightening ever so slightly.
 “T-Too pent up for the game tomorrow.” he said, finally snapping his eyes away from your figure. 
 His palms were incredibly sweaty at this point, blood roaring in his ears as he attempted to calm his racing heart. 
 “I see.” you said tiredly. “Well we can play a game on the console until you feel tired.” you stretched your body out on the bed as you reached for your side table drawer, your upper body lying flat, your bottom swaying slightly in the air.
 Kageyama’s eyes zeroed in on your ass, the panties hugging your cheeks perfectly, and the urge to grab at those perfect mounds of flesh caused his fingers to twitch at his sides.
 This definitely wasn’t good, because now he was pent up for an entirely different thing.
 “Here it is.” you mumbled to yourself, completely unaware of the internal conflict that was going on in front of you. You looked over at him, sitting up on your knees and patting the spot next to you on the bed. “Come here.”
 He sat down next to you stiffly, carefully resting his back against the wall. 
 “Get comfortable Tobio.” you said in amusement, yawning once more. He nodded robotically as he situated himself a bit better on the bed, making sure to rest his legs in a position that prevented you from seeing the increasing tent in his pants.
 You handed him the game, resting your head against his shoulder, feeling him stiffen slightly before relaxing as he started playing.
 He had only begun playing for a couple of minutes before your eyes began to droop in exhaustion, you wrapped your arms around his bicep as you settled against him comfortably.
 But he could feel your breasts pressing into his arm, his character dying in the game as he started to focus more on you.
 While your relationship was still relatively new, you guys definitely weren’t strangers to cuddling or gentle touches.
 Kageyama was definitely familiar with the desire that was now coursing through his veins. The first time he had experienced this was the first time he had gone to your swim meet. While the swimsuit that you wore wasn’t necessarily the most flattering thing, you were definitely beautiful, and the revealed skin of your body did something to him.
 “Y/n,” he whispered, causing your head to jerk up as you were startled awake. But before you could even process what was happening, Kageyama tossed the gaming console at the edge of the bed, twisting his body slightly as he moved to cup your face, and pressing his mouth against yours.
 A noise of surprise was made in the back of your throat, but you kissed him back. Arms wrapping around his shoulders as you pulled him into you. The tiredness you were feeling began fading away, want and need seeping into your body now. 
 The kiss developed quickly, your tongue carefully tracing his lips before they parted in surprise. Your fingers were twisting in his black hair now as you pulled him in deeper. Your tongue massaging his, in a hot, slippery mess. 
 One of his hands rested on the side of your neck, keeping you to him, while the other was placed carefully on your waist. 
 This wasn’t enough though. You needed more. Carefully you swung your leg over his hip, maneuvering yourself so that you were now straddling him, your core pressing directly into his crotch.
 And that's when you felt it, a growing hardness that began pressing against you in your most intimate areas. 
 Kageyama ripped himself away from your lips, his expression dazed as he tried to gather his thoughts. “I-I’m sorry.” he breathed out. 
 You ignored him and carefully grinded your hips down against him, wanting more. A choked sound escaped his swollen lips, his hands darting out to grip your hips tightly, preventing you from moving further against him.
 “What are you doing?” he panted, his pants were incredibly tight like his chest as he struggled to catch his breath.
 “Let me.” You whimpered, tugging at his hands. “Let me help. Let me take care of you.”
 You scrambled out of his lap, his face confused and dazed as you settled yourself between his legs. Your hands gently ran up and down his strong thighs, you could feel the muscles flexing under your sweet touch. 
 “You want to sleep right? I’ll make you tired.” You whispered and started tugging at his pants. You didn’t know what came over you, but all you knew was that you wanted to see Kageyama unravel before you. You wanted to hear more of those noises escape his lips.
 “W-Wait.” he grabbed your hands, staring at you with wide eyes. “Are you… what are you -” “trust me.” you interrupted him, “I’ll make you feel so good Tobio, please?”
 The pleading that was escaping your lips made you feel a bit pathetic, but that feeling was overshadowed by the complete need to make him feel good.
 He stared at you for a bit longer before nodding, his hands released yours as you pushed his pullover up slightly, working his pants and underwear over his hips and then… fuck. Your mouth watered at the sight. His member contrasted beautifully with the hard lines of his lower stomach; the splatter of dark hair caused your stomach to twist pleasantly. Carefully, you wrapped your hand around him, the skin soft and hot beneath your fingers.
 Kageyama’s breath became more labored, coming out in short and quick pants. His eyes fluttering shut at your touch. 
 You stared in awe as you began stroking him up and down carefully, his cock pulsing in your hand. 
 You wondered… your tongue darted out, flicking softly at the swollen head, tasting the bitterness of the leaking precum.
 A strangled groan escaped Kageyama’s mouth, his hand shooting out to grab your wrist. Your eyes flickered up to look at him.
 Fuck. You had always thought that Kageyama was beautiful, but this time.... You wanted to burn that image of him into your mind forever.
 His eyes were half-lidded, the pupils blown completely, sweat stuck to his skin causing his hair to cling to his forehead. His cheeks flushed a beautiful red, his lips parted and swollen from his constant biting.
 He was perfect.
 You ignored the hand that was gripping your wrist and lowered your mouth further onto the head of his cock. He flinched, body shuddering as you started sinking down lower. Your mouth was like a furnace, hot and wet, Kageyama didn’t think he could get any harder than he was.
 “W-What are you doing?” he choked out, reaching to pull you off his member. “Y-You shouldn’t put that in your -” you started swirling your tongue against his head. He whimpered loudly, biting at the neckline of his pullover, muffling the sounds that started to pour from his lips.
 You started moving, slowly dragging your mouth up and down, your tongue dragging against the underside of his cock. You continued this movement for a moment, before increasing the pace, and sucking harder.
 His hips thrusted up in a short and tight movement, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You gagged at the sudden touch, felt tears sting at your eyes, but it was worth it.
 His long fingers carefully reached down and dragged gently against your cheek, he was staring at you, pleasure contorting his face beautifully.
 “You’re so pretty.” he breathed out, his breath getting caught in his throat as you began flicking your tongue rapidly against his head now.
 “I… ngh… I’m not - not gonna last… l-long.” he stuttered out. His cock throbbed violently in your mouth, and then you began to feel thick spurts of cum hit your tongue, you hummed softly at the taste of him, easily swallowing his load down your throat. 
 Carefully you pulled your mouth off of his softening member, watching him as he struggled to breathe, his eyes were screwed shut still, his brows furrowed.
 “Tired?” you asked softly, your hand gentling rubbing against one of his locked thighs. His eyes fluttered open, staring at you in awe. He nodded softly before tucking himself back into his pants and adjusting his clothes. 
 He held an arm out to you wordlessly, your body easily tucking into his side as you guys laid on your bed. His scent wafting into your nose, causing your eyes to flutter shut, you were tired now too.
 “I think… now I’ll be able to win my game tomorrow.” he said quietly after a moment. 
 Your lips twitched into a smile as you pressed your face deeper into his chest.
 “Go to sleep Tobio.”
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - Those that stood above the rest
Summary: Everyone in D.A.M.N simp for the power couple at least a little bit - the Vampire Prince of Dahlia and the Electro Energetic. Gavin and the Freelancer would be lying if they said they haven't been watching them... respectfully. 
TW: [Swearing], [Profanity], [Explicit implications courtesy of Gavin, of course] & [Oblivious narrators]
Apologies for any grammatical or spelling errors because I wrote this the whole night and only edited it once. I’ll do the editing process again tomorrow morning.
Life as a student in D.A.M.N is nothing like regular colleges or universities. While the environment is hectic with exams, assignments and teachers with sticks up their asses - there's also a hint of craziness thrown into the mix. You can never really predict how your day would go here in the academy, and to most of the students, it's the typical college experience you'll get everywhere. Just... taken to the next level. 
That's what you get for a magical academy, after all. 
An Air Elemental would accidentally shatter the windows in a classroom with a powerful gust of wind on a random ass Tuesday because she was laughing too hard. A Graviton Energetic would sneeze, and suddenly, the gravity in the music room would stick the instruments on the ceilings. The entire soccer team would fall flat on the grassy field, snoozing because the Serenity Daemon playing as the Goalkeeper uses too much magic to calm their anxious Sweeper during his first play with the team. 
With so many Empowered creatures of all kinds attending D.A.M.N, there's never a dull moment. You learned that the moment a loud growl came from the Debate Club on your second week as a student. A Wolf Shifter had gotten into a heated argument with a Vampire about the toppings that should and shouldn't be on a pizza. 
So yeah, typical college life with magic thrown into your daily shenanigans. 
Today, you can't help but wonder what sort of excitement would occur as the large clock above the lecture hall ticks by, counting down the second before the class is over. 
You check the clock and sigh. Just ten more minutes to go, but it feels like time is creeping forward at such a snail-like pace. Tapping your pen on the open notebook laid before you rather irritability, you just want the lecturer to stop yammering already so you can grab lunch at the food truck parked outside of campus. 
Something gently knocks against your knuckle. You tilt your head to the side and meet with Damien's unamused stare; it looks like this is the third time he caught you losing focus in class. 
"I told you to grab a snack before class started." Damien whispers, mindful to keep his voice even so the lecturer won't catch them chatting. Sadism Daemons are scary when you piss them off, and the way the lecturer's eyes sweep through the students is more than enough to have them all shut the hell up the moment he begins their topic of the day. 
"I was meeting up with Lasko and we lost track of time." You hiss back. Yesterday you made a promise to catch up with the Air Elemental before your first class started to organise the date and invitations for the next game night. Once Lasko starts talking about the things he's comfortable with, he loses his stutter and launches into an animated one-sided conversation. You didn't have the heart to stop him, not when he looks so happy and cute. 
Buying that Arkham Horror board game was the right purchase to surprise him with. 
While your mind replays the morning you spend with Lasko, Damien rolls his eyes. "Of course you did. Here." He pushes his coffee cup towards you. His fingers linger on the cup for a few seconds to make sure that the coffee remains hot enough to drink. 
You grab the cup, grateful for his consideration, and take a big swing. The coffee settles pleasantly in your stomach as warmth spreads within your body. 
You're more a tea drinker - the classic Early Grey and Gunpowder Green - but at this instance, coffee would hopefully kick your focus back into gear. 
"Thanks, Damien." You said before passing the cup back to him. You peeked at his notebook and wasn't surprised to find that it's packed with notes written in different coloured pens. "Hey, want to grab lunch together after this?" 
Damien switched the yellow pen for a red one when the lecturer mentioned something about a topic for the upcoming test. You absentmindedly wondered if it's worth your life stealing his notebook. "Sure. What are you in the mood for?" He asked. 
Finally, the lecturer dismisses the class. Chatters erupt as students pack up while some scurry over to the podium to ask a few questions.
You lean against your seat to stretch your back; your notebooks and stationery are already in your school backpack. You're just waiting for Damien now. "I'm craving for a burger and some cheesy loaded fries with a boba tea." God, just thinking about it is already enough to make your mouth watered. 
Being a health nut, Damien throws you a judgemental look at your food choice as you two made your way towards the main campus entrance. He easily follows your lead through a crowd of students, and Damien even gently pulls you closer to his side when a student whizzes by on her skateboard. 
With so many people talking and laughing around you and Damien, you can't help but hear the conversations hovering around you. 
"...had class with them yesterday? Dude, you're so lucky! Did you sit beside them!?" 
"Are you fucking crazy? No! I sat two rows behind them, but it was enough to smell their perfume. God, they're so gorgeous - I couldn't focus the entire time!" 
"I've heard a few players from the Earth Elemental team tried to invite them to their party this weekend, but they were shot down. Apply cold water on burned area." 
"Well, duh. You can't just walk up to them like that! They're one of the hottest people in this academy."
"Yeah, but those players are in one of the most well-respected sports teams in all of Dahlia, and even they can't stand a chance against them!"
Students parted ways as you and Damien approached the gates. Rows of food trucks parked across the street with tables and chairs placed about. The conversations tapered off behind you, along with the hubbub of the academy. You have a pretty good idea of whom those students were talking about. It's been a topic surrounding the academy ever since the start of the new academic year. 
Even as an introvert who prefers to hover to your few but close group of friends, you couldn't escape the latest academy gossip.
"Finally, I thought my ears would've fallen off before we could escape," Damien mutters. It's a cloudy Wednesday; dark clouds are rolling above them with an occasional burst of strong breeze cutting through. "You'd think they would just give it a rest already." 
The food truck you and Damien stop by displays a menu with a wide variety of food and drinks. From burgers to pasta and desserts ranging from ice-creams to Thai banana pancakes, your stomach begins to growl. You place your order in a hurry, whereas Damien selects a hearty sandwich stuffed with juicy and tender slices of slow-smoked beef brisket with veggies of his choice and chipotle mayo in between two crusty loaves with a bottle of water. 
You and Damien grab your meals to sit at one of the vacant tables and enjoy lunch together. Good food and good company - what more could you ask for? Well, other than Damien's tsk-ing and wiping the barbecue sauce that smudged the corner of your cheek like the mother hen he constantly denies to be. 
"Can't you eat your food properly, Freelancer? You're getting your fingers dirty too. Give me your hand." Damien demanded halfway through his sandwich. You grin impishly and offer your left hand for Damien to wipe with some tissue while the other is holding a burger. The thick sauce begins to drip. 
Soon enough, a familiar voice shouts at them from across the street. 
"Yo, Damien! Freelancer! Are you guys, like, having lunch? Can I join!?" 
You can't help but beam and wave your hand (that was still holding the burger) high up when Huxley crosses over. Damien squawked with eyes wide in horror when the barbecue sauce got all over the table. He hurried to wipe the table clean while you greeted Huxley. 
"Hi, Huxley! Are you grabbing lunch too? Take a seat, man!" 
"Thanks a bunch, dude. It's been a while since I hung out with you two." 
"We literally had a class together two days ago." 
"Two days too long, Damien. I miss you guys." 
"Aww, that's super sweet of you, Hux!"
"Oh, for the love of - just go buy something already before the next class starts." 
Huxley happily gives Damien two thumbs up before grabbing his food and drink. When he returned to their table, he brought a tray of smoothie consisting of kale, spinach, banana, orange, and vanilla blended into green mush in a plastic cup and a plate of vegan quesadillas. 
The moment Huxley sat down, you took a sip of his drink and made a face. 
"Yeah, I ask them to hold back on the honey because I like the vanilla more," Huxley explains before tucking in. "Oh! But I can ask them to add more honey if you want. That’s like, totally cool." 
You quickly shake your head and clean your palate with your sweet boba tea. "It's cool, Hux. Just wanted to try a sip. You're really into these crazy healthy smoothies." 
"They're the bomb, dude. My Mums introduced a few recipes to me when I was a kid, and I basically hooked ever since." The Earth Elemental explains after gulping down a good chunk of the green goo. 
"Yeah, well, with the calories you burned up during practice, I guess you can't go wrong with smoothies," Damien added thoughtfully. His sandwich is all gone. He props an elbow on the table and cradles his face in one open palm. "Anyway, what's up, Huxley? Anything new happened?" 
"Nah, it's been nothing but the same shit lately. Classes, assignments and practices for the upcoming Elemental & Energetic Games - normal stuff. What about you guys?" 
"More or less the same." Damien replies, soundly ignoring your "We're hitting the tournament arc!" outburst. "Planning to organise a study group for the upcoming tests. I expect the two of you will be joining, by the way." 
At Damien's words, Huxley beams brighter. Any brighter, you'd need a pair of sunglasses. "For real, dude!? You're like, the best friend ever, Damien! C'mere - lemme give you a hug!" 
You snicker when despite Damien's frantic protest, Huxley shoot up from his chair and quickly hugs the Fire Elemental tightly before he has the chance to weasel away. 
Also, you didn't miss the chance to snap a quick picture of them to show Gavin tonight. 
Unaware of your phone, Damien grumbled when Huxley finally released him, and they sat down again. The three of you continue to chat about everything and anything. Soon, the topic shifts from tests to plans for the weekend. 
Huxley snapped his fingers when you mentioned Lasko's gaming night and the tabletop game you recently bought for him so they could all play together. 
"I totally forgot about the party! A few guys in my team are having a party this Saturday, and I want to invite you guys and Lasko. Oh! Gavin too! It's going to be a blast, and on Sunday, we can play that new board game."
You and Damien exchange a glance. "Sounds fun. Actually, we've heard about the party just now. How many people are your team members inviting?" You asked, curious. 
Huxley takes a moment to ponder before shrugging. He's nearly done with this food. "It's supposed to be just with a few close friends. Nothing too crazy, you know? After the last party that ended with fireworks exploding in someone's bedroom, they want to keep it lowkey." 
"Huh. Close friends, but they tried to invite a certain Energetic," Damien interjects. "What's up with that?" 
"You heard about that too?" Huxley replied, surprise coloured his tone. "Word travel like, super-fast around campus! It happened, like, yesterday morning!" 
Damien let out an annoyed groan and ran a palm down his face. "I think it's safe to say that everyone in this fucking academy is talking about it and nothing else. God, no matter where you go, you can't escape it." 
You pat Damien's arm in a comforting manner. "They're hot and popular; people will be talking about them until we all graduate." 
"And if it isn't them, people would be talking about their boyfriend," Huxley pointed out, stirring his smoothie languidly. Huxley smiles and offers it to you when you critically stare at it for a tad too long. Against your better judgement, you try again. 
Blek! It still tastes the same! Huxley just chuckles and finishes the rest of the smoothie while you seek solace with your boba tea again. 
"Besides, it's not often you see an Energetic and Vampire couple walking around," Huxley continued. "I think they're living together too. I mean, that's what I heard." 
"Don't tell me you also have a crush on them."  
Before Huxley could say anything, you tentatively raise your hand as if you guys are in class. Now you bear Damien's annoyed glance. "I was kinda hardcore crushing on them and their boyfriend before Gavin and I officially got together. They keep to themselves and their boyfriend most of the time, but they're super nice in classes." 
The Elemental and Energetic courses often have classes that intermingle every week. However, they're primarily compulsory lessons like magical history, laws regarding coverts and taxonomy of various Empowered creatures. 
So you're practically classmates with the hottest Electro Energetic in the academy and had even sat beside them a few times during class. Unlike many of the students who simp for them at a distance. 
The power couple of D.A.M.N is certainly interesting, to say the least. 
You narrowed your eyes at Damien when he refused to let up his disappointed stare. "Don't lie to me. You simp for them too." 
Damien huffs and crosses his arms. "Both of them look good, alright. Anyone with a working pair of eyes could tell from a mile away. They're gorgeous, and the Vampire is hot - so what?" 
"They're both super strong too." Huxley unknowingly throws more wood into the fire. 
By the time their lunch ended, Damien had demanded they talk about something else, so you jump into plans for the weekend. Party on Saturday and a gaming session on Sunday. 
Typical college life.
When the time on your phone displays 10.30 PM in glaring bright light and you're still on campus, you know what death feels like. 
It's quiet in the cafeteria, save for a small group of students huddled together around tables scattered in various places. Their heads are hunched down as they go over textbooks and assignments. One of the students happens to be a Vampire judging from the blood bag beside his laptop. 
A red swirly straw juts out of the bag, and for a brief moment of exhaustion, you entertain the image of the student sipping the blood bag as if it was a Capri Sun. 
Just like those students, the reason why you've stayed late in the academy's cafeteria is because of assignments. You know that if you bring your homework back home with you, you won't get any of it done. It's better to stay here and slough through them instead. 
Damien would scold and drag you home if he knew. Huxley would be sad and plead for you to rest, and Lasko would put on his guidance counsellor voice and advise you that a good night's sleep would help you think better. 
The boys mean well, and you love them for it, but you know yourself better than anyone. If you don't finish these assignments tonight, you would just procrastinate until the deadline punches you right in the face. 
You sigh and rub your temple in frustration. You've made good progress so far, but there's still a few left and you want to complete them all before going home. So you resume writing down the essay about the importance of convert and the Department on your laptop, fingers deftly flying all over the keyboard. 
Nighttime at D.A.M.N is not as busy as it is in the morning. The students that are going in and out of classes are mostly Vampires and nocturnal animal Shifters. The academy's faculties are also lesser in terms of numbers compared to their morning counterpart. 
Twice you've experienced the nightlife at D.A.M.N, and tonight would be your third. You wondered if Gavin is at home already. Hopefully, you can return to the apartment before him. Better wrap this up, then. 
The steady rhythm of your fingers on the keyboard and quiet discussion from the group of students slowly lull you to sleep. Hang in there just a little more! 
The sound of a Daemon Rifting into this world startles you awake. 
"Here you are, Deviant," Gavin said, his ordinarily seductive voice laced with conceal anger. Oh shit, you're in trouble now. "I thought we talked about this." 
You have no choice but to face him. Gavin looks devastatingly as sexy as ever; his black t-shirt snugly fits his body to the point that it showcases his biceps tastefully. A pair of dark blue jeans that he just so happens knows will get your heart racing and accompanied by a pair of shiny black Doc Martens boots. A rainbow-coloured bead bracelet is on his right wrist; a gift from Caelum. 
You would've swoon at the sight of him if you weren't seconds away from face planting on your laptop. 
So instead, you greet him with a, "Whaaa... Gavin?" You rub your eyes and blink at him. "W-What are you doing here? I thought you'd be - " You break out a yawn before sighing. "At home by now." 
"Funny. I thought the same thing about you but colour me surprised when Caelum reached out to me while I was grocery shopping — saying that you aren't home even when it's close to midnight." Gavin explains and tilts his head to the spread of books you have before you. "So, want to explain why you're at the campus cafeteria right now instead of in our bed?" 
The gears in your head are scrambling to come up with an excuse that's good enough to appease Gavin. So lost in your thoughts that you didn't hear the whispers coming from the nearby students. 
"That's the main boyfriend..." 
"Holy fuck, an Incubus? Damn, they're insatiable!" 
"How often do you think they have orgies? Twice a week?" 
" - collecting them like Pokemon!" 
Oh fuck it, you can't come up with anything decent. "I'm nearly done with my assignments, Gavin." You assured the worried Incubus. "Just need to write down a few more paragraphs..." 
Gavin is undeterred. "Freelancer, we talked about this. It's not healthy that you're making a habit of staying over at campus late at night because of assignments. You're going to burn out like this." 
Well yeah, you could feel your body is already seconds away from collapsing but like hell would you admit that to your boyfriend. It's been a long day and an even longer evening. It's a good thing that tomorrow's the weekend. 
Gavin startles you once more by leaning against the table and cupping your face in his large hands, so you're forced to look straight into his eyes. He's many things, but to those he deeply trusts and loves, his eyes would always betray the worry and concern he has for you and Caelum; even if his words aren't as forthcoming at times. "My stubborn, enticing Deviant... Are you being a brat again? Not listening to your Dom like you should be?" He purrs. 
All of a sudden, your throat suddenly feels like sandpaper, and your heart skips a beat at Gavin's tone. You're very familiar with that tone - it always promises punishment and pleasure mixed together until nothing else exists except for your boyfriend. 
But the question now is, how far can you actually push him. So with Gavin still refusing to release your face, you swallow and reply as nonchalantly as you can, "Oh, I don't know about enticing, Gavin. I-I mean, I've been running around campus the whole day. Probably have some barbecue sauce stain on my jacket and - Ow!" 
You puff out your cheeks when Gavin pinched them. 
"Are you purposely trying to test me, Freelancer? You know that just means more fun for me, and you tie up and helpless on the bed, right?" Gavin is all too happy to remind you, cocking one eyebrow at your impertinence. No doubt he already has your punishment in mind when the two of you are home. 
But you're not going to budge that easily. Sensing your stubbornness, Gavin lets you go and unleashes his ultimate move with a sigh. 
"I can see the Knots on you, Freelancer, and if I can see them, Caelum can too. I'm not covering your ass when he comes over for breakfast tomorrow and starts crying." 
You gasp and immediately recoil. "Low blow Gavin!" You counter, but you know that he speaks the truth. Your heart will literally break if you're the reason that Caelum cries. 
Gavin smirks when you switch off your laptop. He helps put your things away and offers a hand to you. With a small smile, you let yourself be gently pulled up by him and sling your backpack over a shoulder. 
"Are you hungry?" Gavin asked as the two of you stepped into the large hallway, hand-in-hand. "I didn't manage to make anything when I put the groceries away, but I can whip something up real quick when we get home." 
It's a sweet gesture, and you made sure that he knows how much you appreciate it by squeezing his hand. Ever since you two started living together, Gavin is determined to feed you properly. According to him, it's only fitting since you've constantly been feeding him too. "I'm more sleepy than hungry." You reply after a yawn. "I'll just eat a big breakfast tomorrow." 
"I'll hold you to it. Also, look alive, Deviant. Hottie approaching at 12 O'clock." 
That got your attention immediately, and snapped your eyes forward. Your jaw would've dropped if it weren't for Gavin lightly nudging your side when you saw who was walking towards the two of you. 
It's them — the Electro Energetic that became the talk around campus. 
They're as breathtaking as ever, even after a whole day of classes and club activities. Not a single hair out of place and clothes unruffled. Their body language stood out to you; their gait is a little hesitant but friendly, while their eyes are kind. 
It's easy to see why so many people harbour crushes on them, and you've always been a sucker for cute faces. 
When they finally approach you, they pull out a pair of wireless white earbuds from their ears. That's when you hear intense music playing:
It's the Pumpkin Patch King 
With the corpse with the ring
And she'd fuck my best friend if I die here today...
"Um, hi. Good evening. I'm sorry for bothering you guys so late like this. Are you heading home?" They inquire tentatively. 
Gavin waits for you to take the lead. "Hey, man. Yeah, we kind of are, actually. Want us to walk you home?" You could feel how pleased Gavin is beside you. The offer just crosses your mind, and besides, it's not nice to walk alone this late at night. 
That's what you're telling yourself despite the small part in your brain whispered that walking them home would be a great step of getting to know them better. It's just a harmless crush anyway. 
Unfortunately, they decline the offer. "I'm waiting for someone, actually, but when I saw you, I wanted to talk for a bit." 
Your heart skips a beat for a second time tonight. They specifically sought you out? You? When they've never done so towards anyone before? 
"O-Oh," You embarrassingly squeak, clutching Gavin's hand tighter.
The Electro Energetic nod. They tilt their head like an indulged, curious cat and god, that simple gesture shouldn't look so hot. "I don't know if you notice me, but we share Covert Laws - "
If you notice them? If you notice them!? They have a stronger presence than the lecturers themselves! They radiate magic like thunderstorms - intimidating, powerful and commanding that you have no choice but to submit to it. 
Sitting beside them was an experience and a half! There's no way an Empowered creature could ignore them despite their quiet demeanour! 
" - and I was wondering if you would like to be partners for the final project this year? Um, I heard that you're really good in that class, and I promise to pull my weight with the research and - "
You don't know how to react. Is this really happening? One of the most popular students in the academy wanted to be your project partner? You thought this sort of situation only occurs in animes! 
"They'd love to." Gavin smoothly answers when you're too shocked to say anything. "It's always nice to make new friends after all. Especially with a walking wet dream such as yourself." Here, he purposely pauses to appraise the Electro Energetic. 
Just like his Freelancer, Gavin has heard all about this Empowered human and even basks in the delicious energy coming from the thoughts and emotions his partner has for them. As an Incubus and their boyfriend, it's hilarious that his Deviant thought he's not aware of their crush. It's cute. 
Hmm... it'll be nice if he and the Freelancer could invite the Energetic and their Vampire lover into their bed one of these days. Regardless if they've been Marked; honestly, that just made the couple as appealing as the biblical Forbidden Fruit. 
And besides, Gavin has a strong feeling that the Freelancer wouldn't oppose the idea. It'll be the perfect anniversary present for his Deviant. 
"...Was that supposed to be a compliment?" They ask warily. Oops, looks like he's coming on a little too strongly. Time to take it down a notch. 
"It's whatever you want it to be. Anyway, now that you guys are... partners, what say you get to know us better, hmm? My lover has been eager to be friends with you." Gavin explains. You whip your head at him incredulously. Is he seriously doing what you think he's doing!? "I'm Gavin, by the way. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." 
The Energetic look confused, and you can't blame them. You need to save them before Gavin proposes something as crazy as an orgy on your behalf! 
You laugh awkwardly, bringing their attention to you. "Right! Partners! I'd love to be yours - I-I mean, uh, for school stuff! Yeah! Can we exchange numbers?" 
"Smooth, Deviant." Gavin teases. Something caught his interest, not that you notice as you and the Energetic trade contact information. They compliment the cute picture you have as your Home Screen (it's a selfie shot of you and Gavin, Lasko, Damien and Huxley during the previous game night. It's a shame that Caelum couldn't appear), and in return, you ask where did they buy their sick phone cover. 
While they still feel like the human embodiment of a fierce thunderstorm, it's nice to have a casual conversation with them. They're thoughtful, kind and fun that you soon find yourself calming down a little. 
"Not to cut this riveting conversation short, but are you sure that you don't want us to walk you home? It's getting really late, and we're more than happy to have you crash at our place for the night." Gavin interjects with a seductive grin, eyes half-lidded. 
Whoa, what happened to being friendly, Gavin!? You shoot him a look; he's going to drive them away! 
"We have an extra guest room at our apartment." You hurried to explain. "So it's totally cool if your place is far away or something." 
Their hesitation melts to understanding. The last thing that you want is a misunderstanding between you two. 
"You guys are sweet, but I'll be alright. Actually, I'm about to leave the campus too. I'm just going to hang out at the cafeteria until he arrives." They said. You have a pretty good idea who 'he' is judging by their soft smile. 
Gavin, for some reason, amp up his game. With a smirk, he cajoles, "Since he hasn't shown up yet, how about you hang out with us for a bit? There's a bar not too far from here - "
You flinched, and Gavin automatically shuts up and pulls you close to his side when a Vampire appears behind the Electro Energetic. It was so sudden that his appearance was a blur at first. 
"Vincent? You're done with class already?" They blink. An arm snaked around their waist as the Vampire pulled his Mate close to his chest. The Energetic had to crane their head up slightly to look at him. 
He's as tall as Gavin. Dressed in a casual black coat that screams money with a dark grey shirt accompanied by a pair of black jeans and boots. His silver studs, rings and watch glimmer underneath the fluorescent lights. Everything about this man reminds you of a panther sizing up its prey. 
You gulped. He's currently glaring daggers at you and your boyfriend. You're itching to stutter out a, "This isn't what it looks like!" for some reason. 
Now, ever since you learned about the existence of magic and Empowered creatures, you did your best to be open-minded. Even that whole ordeal with Vega didn't stop you from reaching out to the various Daemons attending the academy. 
However, you haven't managed to befriend a Vampire due to their night classes, and even the few times you stay back like today, most of them are running back and forth through the hallways to catch their next lesson. 
So to be the target of a pissed off Vampire made you uncomfortable. You want to fidget, but Gavin's arm secured around you ease some of that tension. 
"Mm-hmm. I'm on break right now, so I can drive you back home. You done with that talk with your guidance counsellor?" The Vampire inquired, eyes still glued at you and Gavin. 
"All done. We lost track of time when we discussed next semester's timetable for the Energetic course and potential careers once we graduate." His lover explains, unaware of the displeasure rolling off like waves from their boyfriend. "I think I need some time to go over them again. It's a bit much to take in."
The Vampire hums in acknowledgement. "We can go through them together this weekend if you like, Lovely. Maybe we can ask Will for help since he's coming over on Saturday for dinner too." 
Oh, you suppose that's why they reject the Earth Elemental players' invitation to the party. 
But the Vampire wasn't done. He assesses you and Gavin with narrowed eyes as if you were stains on the bottom of his boots. What the hell? "By the way, are these guys bothering you?" 
A chill sweeps through you, sending goosebumps crawling on your skin at the sudden shift of tone. He was warm and affectionate when speaking to his lover, but now? It's colder than ice.
Gavin, whose smirk turns into a shit-eating grin, is utterly unfazed at the Vampire's hostility. In fact, you would go as far as to say that he's relishing it. "We're just keeping your gorgeous Mate company while they're waiting for you. I was just about to propose that we move the conversation to a bar so we could all get to know one another a lot more... intimately." 
Oh god, they're so fucked. You have no idea why your boyfriend is trying to start shit up, but you're too tired to deal with this drama. So again, you try to salvage the situation. 
"Just as friends!" You quickly butt in. "We decide to be partners for an assignment in Covert Laws, so hanging out at a bar sounds like a good idea as friends." You're sprouting bullshits at this point, but you hope it's enough to save both of your asses. You also made sure to emphasise the word 'friends'. 
The Vampire quickly looks at the Energetic for confirmation, and they readily nod. His aggressive body posture relaxes somewhat, but he's still wary of you and Gavin. 
Maybe this is the best time to introduce yourself to him. 
"Uh, it's a little silly that we didn't introduce ourselves right away, but I'm a Freelancer." You mutter out rather awkwardly. Should you offer a hand to him? 
Gavin saves you from doing so. "And I’m their boyfriend, Gavin. An Incubus." 
"...Vincent Solaire." The Vampire - Vincent - reluctantly replies. 
Wait - his surname sounds familiar, though. You think you heard it in one of the classes about the supernatural factions in Dahlia... It's on the tip of your tongue... 
"Oh, we've heard all about you, Your Highness." Gavin slyly quips. "You and your lover are quite the celebrities around here." 
Holy shit. Solaire! The most powerful Vampire clan in the city! You remember now; the King has two progeny - A Vampire Princess & Prince. You didn't expect the Energetic boyfriend to be the Prince himself! What a twist! 
"Celebrities?" The Energetic - Lovely, as Vincent calls them - pipes up in confusion. The way their eyebrows furrow is adorable, but you wisely keep that to yourself. 
They really are a mesmerising couple. You detect the perfume that lingers around Lovely is sweet and misty. It's calming yet so light that it dances just out of your reach; like a coy lover. Slowly driving you mad with desire. Vincent's cologne reminds you of husk and cedar. Subtle, but once you catch a whiff of it, it'll stay within your mind for hours on end. Wondering if that particular scent will ever return - like the perfect one night stand. 
It says a lot about the couple. 
"We haven't done anything wrong." Vincent Solaire stated, voice as hard as steel. "I don't know why you're trying to rile us up, Incubus, but I don't appreciate you and your lover hitting on my Mate when I made it clear that I Mark them." 
Ooooh, he's jealous! Wait - did you come across as flirty to him!? Did Gavin purposely flirt with Lovely to make Vincent jealous? You've completely lost the plot. 
"Consider it as an act of public service," Gavin answers, easily brushing off the Vampire Prince's irritability. "Besides, how can I not when you both are half of the student body's recent fantasies." 
Lovely 'eeped' when Vincent bare his fangs at your boyfriend. "Back off, Gavin. Lovely is mine. Not yours or the Freelancer's." 
Whoa, whoa! A severe misunderstanding is boiling here! No one is stealing Lovely away from him! 
Fortunately, Lovely has gotten tired of the conversation. With a put-out sigh, they pat the arm around their waist to capture Vincent's attention. It worked. "No one is stealing the other's partner, Vince. It's all good; chill. You know you're the only one for me, right?" Here, they peck his cheek. "When did you get so possessive?" 
Vincent grumbled but didn't explain himself, so Lovely just shook their head. 
"Anyway, we better get going before Vincent's next class starts. It was nice meeting you two. I'll text you soon so we can plan on how to tackle that project." 
You give a shaky smile and a thumbs up. "Looking forward to it." 
Immediately after you said that, Vincent bares his fangs to you next. Oh my god, this guy needs to fucking relax! 
"We're going! We're going! C'mon, Vincent. You're driving me home. Now." 
And with that, you watch as Lovely drags the Vampire Prince to the parking lot. It's a strange yet comical sight. You only sigh in relief when they're out of your view. 
"I thought I saw my life flashing before my eyes!" You complain. Those were the single most stressful moments that you’ve encountered— second to Vega invading your home. 
"I think that went well, Deviant." Gavin objected, very pleased with himself. "He's pissed now, but he and his Mate will be thanking us soon." 
So you were right; Gavin purposely flirted with Lovely just to rile Vincent up, and for what? Possessive, sexy time later tonight? Oh, whatever. That's enough drama for one night; you seriously just need to pass out now. 
And with that, the two of you head home without realising your interactions with the power couple of D.A.M.N didn't go by unnoticed by the several students who were hovering close. 
"Are you hurting anywhere, Lovely?" 
"I'm alright, Vincent. The hickeys and bruises are healing nicely; my body still feels a bit sore but not enough to cripple me, so stop hovering near the door." 
Vincent guilty did as he’s told and takes a seat on the corner of the bed. He watches you apply some light makeup on your face and neck in front of the vanity table as you're getting ready to head out to the academy. Your outfit compliments your look and, most importantly, hides any patches of skin except for your hands. 
Vincent really went all out last weekend after his night classes ended. It's obvious that Gavin unleashed something within your lover, and you will freely admit that an unrestrained Vincent makes for a very fun and wild night. 
The moment Will came over and realised that Vincent re-Mark you an hour before he arrives, he graciously decided to take a rain check and promise to have dinner with the two of you some other time. 
Once Vincent gets it out of his system, he teased before leaving you gobsmacked and Vincent a blushing mess. 
"You know, your guidance counsellor wouldn't mind if you're absent from classes today, Lovely. Probably." Vincent tries; a part of him doesn't want his Lovely to attend their lessons while their body is still healing. Then again, that part also whispers that the Incubus and his lover would be around them without his supervision. 
Nope. No. Bad Vincent. Lovely is more than capable of taking care of themselves. They don't need him acting like a jealous, clingy boyfriend. 
However, something that the Incubus bothered him. 
"You and your lover are quite the celebrities around here." 
What did he mean by that? He and Lovely had been playing good students the entire time they've been on campus! Their assignments are always delivered on time, grades nothing but above average, and they keep to themselves to avoid any typical college dramas.  
Is it because of his status? For some reason, Vincent feels like it's more complicated than that. What a headache. 
"Maybe, but I did promise the Freelancer that I’ll catch up with them to discuss our project," You commented and spritz your favourite perfume on your wrists and neck. You love this scent, despite it being cheap and common. "Vincent, honey, you're making that face again." 
"It's my face, Lovely." 
"Yeah, well, you have your happy-snappy-neck face again, Vincent." You dryly point out before sitting beside the Vampire. "Did that Incubus really rub you the wrong way?" Your voice is gentle. You didn't get any bad vibes coming from Gavin and the Freelancer - just genuine, harmless, friendly flirting. In a way, you welcome it as their attempts helped you drive your anxiety away. 
God, walking up to them was hard enough. You always feel a little intimidated whenever you're around charismatic people. 
"I don't know... I thought they were making you nervous, and the words that kept coming out of that Daemon's mouth? He knew what he was doing; I just can't figure out what or why." Vincent admits, frustrated. 
Seeing him look so frustrated saddens you, so you propose a suggestion. "How about this, I'll ask the Freelancer what that whole thing on Friday was all about, and if it's anything gross, I'll give you a call so you can deal with them. How's that?" 
It assured Vincent. Seeing his tiny smile urge you to peppered his face with kisses until he laughs. With your boyfriend now properly appeased, you leave the apartment for D.A.M.N. 
It's a bright Monday morning. You hope that this week will be a little kinder to you than the previous one. However, the moment you arrived on campus, everyone was glancing at you curiously. When you made eye contact with the stares, the students couldn't walk away fast enough. 
Your first class of the day is on the second floor, so you didn't waste any time heading for the stairs. Students mingle around as they go about their day; some grab breakfast at the convenient store, while others chat with their friends at the cafeteria and lounge room. A Water Elemental is performing simple tricks at the marble fountain to an adoring crowd.
Just as you rounded a corner, the crowd parted ways with a subtlety of a serial killer in slasher movies, which is to say, absolutely none whatsoever to reveal your new friend. The Freelancer is flanked by their boyfriend, Gavin, on the left and on their right, the famous player in the Earth Elemental team Huxley and one of the academy's guidance counsellors, Lasko. 
You couldn't help but notice that everyone is giving them a wide berth. Not that it matters when Gavin's body is positioned to shield the Freelancer from bumping into any of the passing students. Huxley passes a bottle of orange juice to them while Lasko is staring at something behind the Freelancer. He mutters something under his breath.  
A loud voice suddenly bounces off the walls. "What happened to my water tumbler, Freelancer!?" 
You and every other student in the area watch as the Freelancer turns around and loudly replies, "Don't worry! I already got you a new tumbler, Damien! It looks exactly like your old one. Except it's pastel pink with kittens on it, and the shape looks like a really fat snowman with bunny ears for straws." To make a point, the Freelancer rummage inside of their backpack and proudly present the weirdest looking water tumbler you had ever seen in your life to their boys. 
"You know you could at least see it before you judge it, Damien." The Freelancer grumbled and shoved the tumbler back. Huxley gently pats their shoulder in a comforting manner. Lasko laughs nervously while Gavin continues to protect his lover silently, all the while looking at ease. 
Everyone knows of the Freelancer and their boyfriends. They're the most popular group in D.A.M.N for a reason. Friendly, yet no one can be a part of their group due to the tight bond they have with one another.
The Freelancer is quickly shaping up to be a remarkable magical individual in their own right, marching to the beat of their own drums rather than the world's. Unwaveringly kind and friendly, constantly making sure the people around them are comfortable and safe. 
In terms of academic performance, Damien remains unchallenged among his peers. Everyone could tell that he would undoubtedly change their world for the better the moment he graduates, especially in governing. He's also known for his fiery temper, yet that fire becomes a hearth when it comes to the Freelancer. More than once, students have stumbled upon them huddled close in the library, softly discussing the future they wanted. 
If Damien is known for his academic excellence, then Huxley is famous for his prowess in the field. His mastery over his element made the younger Earth Elementals look up to him as their role model while his teammates view him as their ace. Charming, cheerful yet a bit absentminded at times, and even then, you can't help but be fond of him. You can find the Freelancer cheering him from the bleachers during his matches, and once Huxley won the game, he would immediately launch himself at them. Sweats, dirt and grass all over him, but the Freelancer would laugh as he hoisted them up in his embrace. 
Lasko is an odd addition to their group, but once he drops his stuttering, he shows just how capable he is as one of the academy's guidance counsellors. Acknowledged as one of the most powerful Air Elemental of his generation, Lasko is well on track to graduate D.A.M.N with honours, and while the future might be uncertain, students like to speculate that he will remain with the Freelancer and the others no matter what. Sometimes you can even catch a glimpse of them hanging out at one of the local cafes and see how bright and alive Lasko can be when around the Freelancer. 
Gavin came with a mystery trailing his saunter. See, no one knew how exactly he and the Freelancer first met. Speculations range from a cute, accidental meet up in a random convenience store to the Incubus boldly inviting them into a threesome when the Freelancer stumbled upon him mid-feeding. Lovely wonders if there's a betting pool going around the academy. The seniors would recognise Gavin, for he was their peer before he suddenly dropped out and vanished for a while. But judging by his frequent presence around the Freelancer, some say that he's looking forward to retaking his previous course. But whatever the reason may be, no one can deny the chemistry he has with the Freelancer. How fiercely protective he is of them when the Freelancer isn't looking. 
They're certainly an intriguing group, that's for sure. 
And when Gavin notices you were watching them, he winks at you. No doubt as an Incubus, he could scent what you and Vincent had been up to the entire weekend. 
That's what you get for a magical academy, after all. 
PS: Everyone in D.A.M.N (including Lovely & Vincent) hilariously assumes that the Freelancer is in a poly relationship with Gavin, Damien, Lasko & Huxley when in reality, they're just with Gavin. BBBBuuuttt... Gavin could detect the romantic/lustful feelings the other bois harbour for the Freelancer but kept it to himself for now. He's just waiting for the Freelancer to feel the same way so he could give them all The Talk™ and then go buy a bigger bed!
Anyway, I seriously had a lot of fun writing for this oneshot! It's been a while since I had that writing fever again so I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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furikakyo · 3 years
a return to roots | 3
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pairing: kita shinsuke x f!reader
summary: y/n is a rising star in the music industry, having almost everything you could have ever hoped for as a small-town country girl. now after releasing two triple platinum albums in consecutive years, you face the dreaded artist’s burnout… in order to recover, your manager suggests, you should return to your hometown in hyōgo for a long-deserved break. 
genre: socmed/smau, slice of life 
warnings/tags: timeskip!, mutual pining, slow burn? more like rekindling, slight canon divergence
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You finished sending your texts to Osamu and sat back in your bed, tossing your phone aside and then pulling the covers over your head. As you tugged and curled into your blankets, your phone fell to the wooden floor of your bedroom with a heavy thunk. Cursing, you drew back the covers and reached over the edge of the bed, trying to find balance. All of the blood rushed to your face as you huffed, still attempting to rescue your phone without actually laying foot on the ground.
Once you finally recovered it, you sat back onto your bed with a heave, any sleepiness you had now gone. You stared at the ceiling, wondering what you should do that day. A hand fisted itself into the thick blankets as you tossed and turned, trying to find some comfort in your plush bed. You hadn't been able to sleep well the past couple of days, for whatever reason. Your neck hurt, your back was sore, hell, your entire body ached for some reason, restless and yet so tense at the same time.
You sat up suddenly. What was it Kuroo had said to you? You weren't sure.
"Ugh..." You buried your face into your hands, memories of last night's conversation rushing back to you; remembering how you'd started talking about Kita when you were nodding off. It had been over two years since everything between you went down. Why couldn't you stop thinking about it? You could feel the burn of embarrassment and shame behind your eyes, your throat beginning to close up. Sniffling, you opened your phone and scrolled through your contacts. Who wouldn't be busy? Your hand stilled, and your face brightened, if only for a moment. Kenma. He had a calm and comforting presence, which never failed to mellow you out. Plus, he didn’t really talk about emotions or feelings so he wouldn’t ask you about anything related to Kita, nor would you be tempted to talk about him.
You texted your bodyguard and driver, Ichiro, who agreed to pick you up from your apartment and then drive you to Kenma’s. Thanking him for coming on such a short notice and then reminding him to not text and drive, you got dressed for the day, choosing to wear your comfiest hoodie.
A few minutes later, your phone lit up again with Ichiro’s standard “here” text, and you were out the door, not forgetting to bring a hat and sunglasses with you, though. After locking the door and slipping your accessories on, you rushed into the elevator and then made your way down to the car.
The car ride itself was silent, as Ichiro seemed to have picked up on the mood you were in and decided not to comment. Although he was usually stoic, he always maintained a conversation if you initiated it, his responses albeit short. By now you knew that the brevity in which he spoke was not because of anything against you, however, but because he was naturally a quiet person. You wouldn’t have had anyone else for the job, though.
The car softly jolted you as it pulled to a stop, and you unbuckled quickly after realizing you were already at Kenma’s apartment. “Thanks!” you called out, opening the door yourself and then shutting it. You smiled and waved before Ichiro merged back into traffic, watching the car eventually disappear in the long stream of vehicles.
Feeling somewhat better, you entered the complex after buzzing in. and then made your way to Kenma’s apartment, knocking on the door and patiently waiting. There was a long pause and some shuffling behind the door before it opened a crack. Two large yellow eyes peered out into the hall, and then landed on you. The door shut and then opened without the door chain to stop it this time, and you stepped in.
“I brought my Switch,” you proudly announced, looking to the side of the corridor where Kenma was standing, a little hunched over and slouching. You held up your video game console, which was covered in skins and cute accessories you'd purchased. Some of them you'd gotten for free from Kenma though, who got sent free stuff all the time.
“Hi, Y/N,” he said, a soft smile on his face. He pulled half of his hair back with a hair tie and followed you back to where he streamed his games, settling into the chair that all of his fans could recognize by now. “We can play Minecraft, if you want. I haven't gone on our world for a while, so we could both go on.” Kenma swiveled to look at you inquisitively, waiting for an answer.
You lazily waved a hand at him. “No! Today you’re supposed to stream, right? I just crashed your place so I don’t really have a say. You should record and then if you have time after we can play,” you insisted, sitting on the bean bag behind his gamer chair. “I’ll watch or maybe work on my own world.”
Kenma thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded, setting up his microphone and monitors. “Last chance,” he mumbled, then put his headset over his ears, blocking out everything else. You watched in the background with mild interest as he went through his usual monotonous introduction, one that his fans seemed to adore despite its lack of flair. Perhaps it was exactly that what made him so endearing to the internet. Smiling, you glanced back down to your Switch, and opened up Minecraft.
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Setting your phone down for a second after replying to Atsumu, you called out lazily: "Oiiii, Kenma.” After a beat of silence and no response, you called again, "Kenmaaaa."
He had been just finished streaming, and pulled off his headphones. "Hm?"
You sat up excitedly, startling Kenma. "When I move, you should visit! Once I get settled in, at least."
He blinked, looking up at the ceiling as if calculating the pros and cons. "Too many bugs," he finally responded with a small grimace. "And it's gross and hot outside."
At that, you broke out into a laugh, the heartiest and most meaningful you’d had in a while. His particular comment wasn't even that funny, it was just- it was just so him. Was your sense of humor breaking? “Maybe I'll be able to change your mind," you mused. "We can even stream a video collab with the both of us- we should try Animal Crossing!" You clapped excitedly, beaming. "Kenma, let's do Animal Crossing once it comes out!”
He squinted his eyes, scooting away from you and your blinding enthusiasm. "Fine," he muttered, hunched over his phone now. He scrolled for a few minutes before speaking again. "Did you see that we're trending? On Twitter and YouTube." Kenma handed you his phone, stifling a small laugh into the collar of his sweatshirt as he sat back.
"I did," you snickered, laying his phone on the table and lying back on his bean bag chair. "My favorite response is the one about the Kodzuken simps," you said, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively at Kenma and then cackling when he turned completely the other way from you. "Kenma, they're devastated!" You gasped dramatically and then draped an arm over your forehead, fainting.
He rolled his eyes at you, shaking his head. "Shut up, Y/N."
After your giggles died out, you saw him offering a controller to you. "Game night!" you cheered, accepting it and sitting up straighter. "We should get takeout!"
Kenma lifted a brow, as if to say why are you even telling me this? "Already on its way.”
The two of you chatted as you played Minecraft, Kenma being a little more open when his mind was preoccupied with gaming. He was, of course, much better than you, eyes glued to the TV screen which had been hooked up to the game console. "Has Kuroo told you who's going to the Olympics?"
You shook your head, then remembered that Kenma wasn't looking your way. "No," you replied slowly, focused on getting out of the water so you could escape the mobs that were chasing you. "But a few of the boys from Inarizaki are. As for Kuroo, I think he was going to say something, but I fell asleep last night. He said something about you and an advertisement, though?"
Kenma smiled, finally breaking his gaze with the screen and looking at you. "Hinata Shōyō from MSBY is collabing with me, to promote the 2020 Olympic games."
Your eyes lit up in recognition. "That's right! Atsumu is teammates with him. I haven't talked to him one-on-one, though. He seems sweet!"
Kenma turned his attention back to the TV, where he was almost done building a house. "He played volleyball in high school too. They beat Inarizaki his first year at Nationals."
You stopped to think, your hands stilling on the controller. Your breathing slowed. In your third year, Inarizaki hadn't progressed further into Nationals, like everyone predicted. Despite being assistant manager, you hadn't thought it would be a big deal to miss their first match in the competition; assistant managers weren’t even allowed on the actual court anyways. You had all thought you were going to get further. You had thought you would get to see your boys play one last time. You had thought you would get to see Kita lead his team to Nationals, as team captain.
You had missed out on that opportunity for signing a record deal.
Beside you, Kenma noticed how quiet you'd gotten but didn't comment, instead going to the door when the buzzer notified him of their takeout delivery. You picked at a loose string on your hoodie, remembering why you didn't often go to Kenma when in distress. While you knew he cared about you and your wellbeing, you also knew that heart-to-heart conversations weren't his strong suit. When he returned a few moments later with your favorite foods, you pushed down the eruption of guilt and self-loathing with a bright smile. "Sorry, what were we saying? Something about Kuroo..." You strained to keep your eyes crinkled and happy.
Kenma's brow furrowed. "Kuroo-"
You interrupted him, and he let you. "Oh yeah! Kuroo and I are gonna hang out on Thursday! Wanna come? I'm leaving Saturday morning, so unless I see you before then, this will be the last time you see me before I leave for Hyōgo."
You watched his face run through a couple of emotions before settling on contemplation. Kenma blew a wisp of stray hair from his eyes and then begrudgingly: "Sure..."
This time, you gave him a true smile and clapped excitedly. "Yay! Should we try to get some of the others to join us? Lev? I want to be able to say goodbye to all of you in person, if possible." Then, swiping the plastic bag from Kenma, you opened the bag hurriedly and began pulling out things. "Here are the plates... and the chopsticks..." You set everything out and then let him load his plate with food first. Soon after, the two of you were back to playing Minecraft, squabbling over who got to use what equipment. After Kenma finally relented and let you have first pick, the both of you set out to fight the swarms of mobs gathered near your shared house.
"Hey, Y/N."
You had looked away for only a couple seconds, but you were blown up by a Creeper. "BITCH," you screeched, "I just fucking died?!"
Kenma snickered, running past your character and stealing everything you'd left behind. You gasped even louder. "BITCH-"
a/n: i said there weren’t going to be as many words as the last part but 🤡 also currently the fic is moving slowly and going day by day but it’ll pick up the pace soonish
taglist (pm me to ask to be added!): @papiibuprofen​ (i didn’t know if i should just respond to your ask publicly sksksk but i added you) 
some ~fun facts~
- y/n’s bodyguard/driver is named after ichiro, one of my fav baseball players
- his name in y/n’s contacts is “bonecrusher 👹” lmao 
- he is stoic but actually a softie; he’s about 30 and has a wife and one kid, both of whom he loves very much 
- i had kenma and y/n playing animal crossing instead of minecraft at first, then realized that it wouldn’t have been released yet, since this takes place in 2020... DAMN YOU TIMELINE
- do i have a map of hyōgo so i can write this fic? yes 💀
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rovelae · 3 years
Why Saiouma isn’t toxic
(CW: in-depth discussion of abuse, discussion of rape/noncon)
           Disclaimer(s): This is an intellectual discussion, not a screaming match. If you’re here to argue with facts and evidence, I don’t mind debating with you. If you just want to throw a tantrum because I like something you don’t, I’m going to tell you to take a Xanax and go to bed.
           I’m combining the terms “toxic” and “abusive”; though they aren’t technically the exact same, they’re similar enough for the purposes of this essay.
           This essay isn’t meant to convince you to ship Saiou. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. But it’s not right to scream ‘abuse’ where none exists; it hurts fans and content creators, and it “diminishes the importance of that word and it reduces [it] to something volatile and stupid.”
           To begin with, we have to identify what makes a relationship abusive. The way I define it, an abusive relationship involves manipulation, an inherent power imbalance, and/or physical or sexual abuse. Most of the hate-posts I’ve seen paint Kokichi as the abuser and Shuichi as the hapless victim, so that will be the focus of this essay.
1. Would Kokichi manipulate Shuichi for personal gain?
           There’s no denying that Kokichi is a manipulative person. He’s a liar and he did some awful things in the game. No one’s saying he’s a morally white character. But it would be wrong to say he’s entirely evil, either.
           I’ve already covered in this post why Kokichi can’t be said to lie for personal gain, but I’ll quote a bit of it here.
           “The motivation [behind Kokichi’s lies] isn’t self-serving—he’s motivated by a desire to end a death game and stop anyone from having to go through what he and his friends have ever again. The smaller lies, though, like lying about his favorite foods? It would be annoying to be tricked like that, but it’s way too much of a stretch to label it psychological abuse.”
           We know that Kokichi’s DICE organization has a moral taboo against murder. We know he hated the killing game, to the point where he orchestrated his own suicide in order to ruin it. And almost every time Kokichi lies in the class trials, it’s either for comedic relief or to push the cast toward finding the culprit.
           “But Chapter 4!” you protest. “Kokichi manipulated Gonta into killing Miu!”
           My response is threefold:
-        Miu started it. Kokichi wouldn’t have done anything at all if his life wasn’t in danger and he wasn’t desperate.
-        It’s wrong to think that Gonta is incapable of making his own decisions. Kokichi may have influenced him in that direction, but Gonta actively made the choice to kill Miu—his own avatar confirms it at the end of the trial. (See also: Impytricky’s “Gonta Gokuhara Character Analysis: When a Genius is Treated like a Child”)
-        Kokichi felt terrible about what happened in Trial 4, to the point where he begged Monokuma to execute him along with Gonta. He didn’t need to do that, and it throws off his whole “I’m the mastermind” act just a few lines later, so we must assume he was being honest about that. It’s clear that he doesn’t enjoy hurting others.
           If that’s still not enough for you, consider: desperation, and, by extension, the killing game, brings out the worst in people. We can’t accurately judge a person’s character if all we have to go off of is the worst parts of them. Would Leon have killed Sayaka outside of the killing game? Would Hifumi have agreed to help Celestia kill Taka? Would Gundham have killed Nekomaru?
           So, would Kokichi manipulate Shuichi for personal gain? No. His whole character is motivated by a desire to help the others, and his lies are either manifestations of that motivation or harmless pranks meant to entertain.
2. Does the Saiouma ship have an inherent power imbalance?
           Shuichi is, by his own admission, weak. Kokichi has a strong personality and likes to be in charge. That doesn’t mean that Kokichi doesn’t respect Shuichi and his opinions. In fact, each class trial is packed with evidence of Kokichi listening to Shuichi’s point of view and respecting his intelligence. For instance:
-        Kokichi sided with Shuichi during scrum debates 2, 3, and 4
-        Kokichi pointed out most of Shuichi’s lies during the trials (and back routes), but in most cases, didn’t fight him on it
-        Shuichi is the only character identified as “trustworthy” by the white board in Kokichi’s room—i.e., Kokichi trusted him to at least be on the right track in the trials.
           Kokichi is also shown to care about Shuichi’s feelings in the game, like when he told him he’d rather bring Kaede back to life in Chapter 3, because it would make Shuichi happy. To reiterate: he wants Shuichi to be happy even if it means they don’t end up together. That says a lot.
           Additionally, I already mentioned that Shuichi is weak, but it’s important to realize that he isn’t so much of a pushover that he’s entirely incapable of standing up for himself. Look at his interactions with Miu, for example: he sharply told her that “I can wear a hat if I want” when she made fun of him for it, and in her FTEs, he refuses to eat the hygienically questionable food she made for him.
           Shuichi’s kind of a simp and tends to get roped into things, yes. But he’s able to stand up for himself—especially after Chapter 6—to the point where he wouldn’t enter into a relationship unless he wanted to. If you think Kokichi would somehow be able to force Shuichi to be his boyfriend, you have no faith in Shuichi—and Chapter 6 proves you wrong.
           So, is Saiouma inherently imbalanced? No. Kokichi respects Shuichi’s feelngs, intelligence, and opinions, and Shuichi’s a stronger character than he’s given credit for.
3. Would Kokichi physically or sexually abuse Shuichi?
           One needs only to look at Kokichi’s Love Hotel event for the answer. While the Love Hotel isn’t canon to the game’s timeline, the characters are still in character— that is, Kokichi and Shuichi are acting as they normally act.
           It’s important to note that Kokichi is the only character who backed off of Shuichi after Shuichi either appeared visibly uncomfortable or told them to stop. Kaede asked for Shuichi’s consent and was given it; Angie, Himiko, Kiyo, Miu, and Tsumugi all took advantage of Shuichi in some way or another; and the rest just didn’t have sexual connotations. Kokichi made advances on Shuichi, noticed that Shuichi was uncomfortable, and immediately backed off.
           “But wait!” you cry. “Just because one character didn’t rape the other doesn’t mean they have a good relationship!”
           Of course, and that’s important to realize, too. But recall that the purpose of this essay isn’t to convince you to ship Saiouma—it’s to prove that it isn’t abusive.
           Keep in mind that this was Kokichi’s fantasy— he would have been able to do whatever he wanted to Shuichi with zero repercussions, and Shuichi probably wouldn’t even remember much when he woke up. And still, Kokichi chose to stop the moment he realized Shuichi wasn’t on board with what was happening. That says a lot.
           And what about outside the game? We know from the Salmon Mode ending that Kokichi is desperate for someone to “figure him out.” He’d be very careful not to jeopardize his relationship with someone who genuinely wants to understand him.
           And Shuichi does genuinely want to understand him:
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           So, would Kokichi physically or sexually abuse Shuichi? No. It’s just not in his character.
“But what if Kokichi was lying about EVERYTHING IN THE WHOLE GAME?” you yell. “There’s no way we can trust anything he’s ever said ever!”
           If every Danganronpa character was polite, kind, open, and honest, 100% of the time without fail, the game would be incredibly boring. If that’s the kind of media you’re into, I’d recommend something like Reader Rabbit or Winnie the Pooh. Danganronpa is a murder mystery, where characters hurt and betray and lie and actually kill each other. You can’t trust anyone; that’s the whole point.
           So I advise you to go back through the game with an open mind and try, actually try, to use reading comprehension skills to understand the characters. Examine their motives, think about what they might be feeling when they make the decisions they do.
           Danganronpa is not the kind of game to spoon-feed you easy-to-swallow characters. You have to pick them apart yourself.
           As for everything Kokichi has ever said possibly being a lie? Maybe. Maybe every character is lying to you. But if you hate Kokichi just because he’s dishonest, then it follows that you have to hate Rantaro, Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, Himiko, Kiyo, Miu, Tsumugi, Kirumi, and Kiibo—which, at that point, why are you even a fan of the game?
           And if you deny everything Kokichi said just because you think it’s a lie…
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 In conclusion
           You can dislike Saiouma because it’s not your thing, but it’s wrong to spread hate over abuse that doesn’t exist. Hating and attacking people for having a different opinion than you won't magically sway them to your side. If you can't articulate your points in a way that doesn't antagonize, you probably shouldn't be talking. People like what they like for a reason, and spitting on what they like won't make you any friends.
           And throwing around weighted terms like “toxic” when you just don’t like something? That makes YOU the toxic one.
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
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study group: a social media au where you work at iroh’s boba tea shop with zuko, try to keep up with your college courses, and stir up an irresponsible amount of chaos with the gaang
prev. / part three / next
((author’s note: this update is a little bit different; instead of just screenshots, i’ve written out a scene for this one! hope you guys like it!!))
“HEYYYY THE PARTY’S FINALLY ARRIVED,” Sokka shouts the second you walk through the door, Zuko trailing behind.
“High schoolers are the worst,” Zuko grumbles under his breath, and you toss your bag to the floor with an exasperated sigh.
“But,” you force a smile, “we’re here now! What’s the plan for the night?”
“Wellll, I figured we’d start out with a good ol’ fashioned game of King’s Cup, if everyone’s down?” Sokka asks the group.
“Oh HELL yeah,” Toph runs off to the kitchen to start preparing drinks, and Katara calls after her,
“Don’t make mine too strong!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know how you like it, sugar queen.”
“Wait, is that Sonic?” you ask, watching the screen for a moment. With the amount of colors swirling around the screen and Jim Carrey playing Robotnik, you find yourself almost entranced by the wild image.
“Yeah! But, I guess now that you’re here, we should turn it off.” You can hear the pout in Aang’s voice as he speaks, and laugh before joining him on the couch.
“Nah, we can let it play a bit longer! This scene looks pretty climactic anywa— holy shit, did they just blow up the pyramid?’
“Oh, yeah, there’s this whole thing where Robotnik got one of Sonic’s quills, which apparently are capable of “infinite” power, whatever that means, and now he’s as fast as Sonic— oh! And they use rings to teleport to different places! That’s why they were in Egypt, Sonic was going to all the different landmarks he could remember to try and shake off Robotnik—”
“Aang, shh,” Sokka covers the younger boy’s mouth as one of the characters begins monologuing.
Zuko sits on the floor in front of the couch, leaning against the space between you and Aang. “That is… a lot.” His tone is a mixture of confusion and what sounds like a headache, causing you to laugh.
“Jeeze, Zuko, you don’t know about the deep Sonic lore??”
“I said, shush!!!”
“Yeah, jeeze (y/n),” Zuko mimics you, barely holding back a laugh, “don’t get in the way of Sokka and his one true love, Sonic the hedgehog.”
“Will you guys PLEASE keep it down??”
“You are the worst King’s Cup partner,” Zuko groans before taking another drink alongside you. “You have to keep your hand on the table.”
“I know, I know, it’s just— Katara made that rule eight rounds ago, that’s such a long time…” You draw the next card, laughing as you slap down a jack. “Aha! My rule is that Katara’s rule is GONE, no more hands on the table.”
The entire group lets out a sigh of relief, including Katara.
“Man, that rule SUCKED,” Sokka shouts, resulting in a shove from his sister.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you guys are dumb enough to keep falling it for it!”
While they continue to bicker, Aang shouts, “Seven!”
The rest of you point to the ceiling immediately, staring at the two siblings until Katara finally notices and raises her hand as well.
“No fair! Katara distracted me!”
“Rules are rules, Sokka,” Toph says, pointing at him with a laugh. “Now drink up!”
After finishing off the last of his drink, Sokka stands up, losing his balance for a few moments before righting himself.
“Where are you going?” Katara asks. “We’re in the middle of a game!”
“I need to find Appa!!!” he shouts as if it’s his life’s mission, sprinting off to Aang’s room, only to stop in the middle of the hallway. “…running...bad idea…”
“You know, for such a tough guy, he sure is a lightweight,” Zuko laughs, taking another drink.
When you wake up the next morning, you’re surprised to find you don’t have much of a headache. While you definitely remember most of the night, you know you overindulged yourself, making the memories a bit jumbled…
“Come on, you’ll thank me in the morning,” Zuko holds the bottle of water in front of you. “At least drink half of it.”
“But I wanna go to sleep…” you curl up around yourself in the recliner, covering your face to block out both the light and Zuko.
“I know,” he laughs under his breath, pulling your hand away from your face and placing the bottle in it. “Just drink this first, and then you can sleep in as late as you want.”
You groan, but sit up nonetheless. “What are you being so nice for?”
“Hungover (y/n) is no fun.” He walks away once he’s sure you’ll finish the water, lying across the couch. “Besides, we have a shift tomorrow afternoon, and I’d prefer it if you didn’t complain the whole time.”
“Like you don’t complain about every customer.”
“Is it complaining if we both agree?”
“…points were made. Those fucking kids that came in at close oh my GOD I was about to lose my mind.”
“And yet you still put on that customer service smile— ‘Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon! How can I help you today?’”
His impression makes you burst out laughing, “That is not what I sound like!”
He continues, “‘I totally care how your stupid day is going! Please, tell me all about your kid and your cat and your shitty job!’”
“I’m trying to get tips, Mr. ‘Look At Me Wrong and I’ll Grab That Decorative Sword Off The Wall and Fight You.’”
“Oh, so you’re telling me you’ve never wanted to do that? Not once?”
“…okay, honestly, it would be kind of badass to just flip over the counter like, ‘hyah!’” You swing your hand around lazily, pantomiming the sword toward Zuko.
“With that form?” he laughs. “Nothing badass about that.”
You let out a yawn before replying, “Yeah, like you know— wait… you do know all that stuff, huh.”
“Go to sleep, (y/n).”
Maybe it’s because you’re about to pass out, but you swear you can hear a smile in his voice.
Oh. So that’s what happened.
You immediately sit up and look over to the couch, blush rising to your cheeks. Thankfully, Zuko is still asleep, one arm resting across his face while the other dangles off the side of the couch. He looks… 
“Morning!” Katara calls out from the kitchen, thankfully cutting off your train of thought. “I’m making eggs, do you want some?”
The rumble of your stomach is answer enough, and you laugh as you reply, “Definitely!”
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santastic · 4 years
the big, bad wolf || hwang hyunjin oneshot
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》》 pairing: hyunjin x female reader
》》 summary: every year, you and the boys celebrate halloween with a party at hyunjin's - who just so happens to be your mortal frenemy. every year, you all dress up. this year, however, you decide to make it a bit more interesting: everyone picks an outfit for their random secret santa partner. it seems like a bit of innocent fun, but felix has an idea...
》》 word count: 2.4k
》》 genre/tags: halloween au, not quite e2l but e2 like...sexy tension???, suggestive themes (mostly just implications), a little bit of crack lmao
》》 warnings: cliche cheesy dirty flirting (come on hyunjin you're better than this), thicc romantic and sexual tension, reader is a simp in denial, suggestive themes, implied smut at the end, talk of biting but no actual biting, reader has dom vibes, hyunjin is bold until someone else is bolder
》》 notes: my first oneshot on this blog! I already wrote a halloween drabble, but I felt like writing something bigger than that and my friend (I see u vi) inspired me by suggesting some spicy hyunjin content. n e ways, happy halloween everyone! and if u don’t celebrate halloween, I hope u have a lovely weekend <3
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Halloween is always fun with your friend group. I mean, it's fun anyway - lots of cheap candy, neighbourhood celebrations, an excuse to get way too drunk - it's just a lot more fun with eight other crackheads.
You guys have a sort of tradition going by now, even though each year is a bit different. Hyunjin throws the party, Minho brings the alcohol and hides it from Chan until it's too late to stop everyone from getting shitfaced, Jeongin and Felix bring ungodly amounts of candy, and Jisung is a skeleton (literally every single year - it started when you called Tate Langdon's skeleton makeup hot, and it never ended).
Everyone (except Jisung) keeps their costume a secret - unless they're Chan and Felix, in which case they do couple costumes and keep it a secret from everyone else. Sometimes you even decide on a theme, like the year before the last, where everyone was supposed to dress as their favourite Pokemon. This inevitably led to intense fighting roleplays to assert dominance as your respective type, and in order to spare your reputation in the neighbourhood, you decided the next theme would be a little less wild.
This year, the theme was 'secret Santa costumes', meaning you each picked a random name from a hat to decide who you would be buying a costume for and a few days before Halloween, you were given your own costume to wear to the party by whoever pulled your name from the hat of destiny.
Technically that's not how secret Santa works, but no one questions Chan when it comes to holiday business.
You just so happened to get Jisung, and while the temptation to keep the skeleton thing going just for the meme was definitely there, you ultimately decided he should be a classic bedsheet ghost - except with no eye or hand holes cut out. You know, to add a little sprinkle of chaos to his already very chaotic life.
The lovely boy who decided your spooky fate was Felix, who had coincidentally been in charge of buying Hyunjin’s costume too - when you asked why, he said it was because the number of people was uneven, so he had kindly volunteered to take on an extra. You had honestly expected him to pick something weird or wild for you, so you were quite surprised by the outfit he had settled on.
"Is this...little red riding hood?" you had asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you stared at the dress and hood in your hands.
"Yep! I saw it the other day and I thought it would be nice to go for one of the classics, you know?" he had explained, smiling as if he was ever so proud about his decision. Something about the hint of mischief in his eyes made you suspicious, but you had let it slide. "You don't mind, right?"
No, you didn't mind. You had given Jisung a ghost costume, so you didn’t really have room to speak on the originality of Felix’s decision. Besides, the dress didn’t look too cheap, nor did it look especially short, and the hood-cape made you feel way too powerful for someone wearing a $20 Target costume.
So you really didn't mind at all, until it came to the day of the party. Now, as you stand in the doorway to Hyunjin’s apartment, you suddenly mind a lot more.
”Lee Felix, I’m going to decorate the lawn with your fucking intestines, oh my god!” you whisper-yell to the boy who conveniently manages to dart away with the excuse of needing to help Jeongin open all the candy bags. Your angry eyes follow his retreating blue form - Chan picked his outfit this year, and of course he decided Felix should be an Among Us character.
Everyone in the group knows about the slight tension (read: obvious beef) between you and Hyunjin. Technically speaking, you’re friends. He invites you to his parties, you hang out with him when he’s with the boys. It’s just that neither of you can stand each other, because you’re both very bold and even more stubborn.
Whenever the two of you are together, you bicker like children and it’s pretty much endless. You could probably throw insults (and the occasional murder threat) at each other all day if the other members didn’t interrupt, and on those days you’d be more than happy to teach Hyunjin a lesson with a nice, strong punch in the nose if the opportunity were ever to present itself.
So, with this in mind, it’s quite clear why you’re planning Felix’s murder when you see Hyunjin walking around as the big, bad wolf.
You’re genuinely considering sneaking out the front door before anyone else sees you and running back to your apartment (because Felix just so happens to be your ride home), but fate decides to mess with you and suddenly, Hyunjin locks eyes with you from across the living room.
The way a huge smile instantly graces his pretty face sends a rush of butterflies, followed by anger, through you as you stare back at him. His clip on wolf ears are admittedly quite cute, but the fake fangs he’s wearing send your thoughts in a very different direction. As he makes his way over, you suddenly wish you had followed Felix to the kitchen - at least they keep the alcohol in there. In his living room, you’ve got no choice but to deal with Hyunjin while sober.
”Well, would you look at that? Seems like I found my little red riding hood.” he teases with a wink, leaning against the wall beside the door.
When you scoff at him, he gives you another big grin and you can’t help but stare at the fangs again. The vibrant blue contact lenses he’s wearing make his gaze feel intense even when he’s smiling, and the way his long, blonde hair falls freely gives him a glow that’s both angelic and positively demonic. He looks so annoyingly handsome, as per usual; if only his personality wasn’t the personification of the words ‘cocky asshole’. You can’t help but think it’s a huge waste of beauty.
“Excuse me-” you begin, ready to start the first round of arguing, but he cuts you off like the annoying brat he is.
“You’re excused,” he says, thinking his comment was very smart, and if it wasn’t a night meant for fun and games, you might’ve killed him on the spot.
“Fine, excuse you. I’m not your little red riding hood. In fact, I’m not your anything, thank you very much,” you snap, brushing past his tall figure as you head to the table the boys have set up to the side. There’s an array of Halloween-themed food, prepared by Chan, and you settle for a red velvet cupcake decorated with black frosting and what you assume are meant to be cat ears poking out of it.
“Right, sure, but we’re still matching tonight. It’s kind of like-”
This time, you cut him off. “It’s not like Chan and Felix. It’s not. We’re not wearing couple costumes, so don’t say it.”
He shuts his mouth (finally) and you take it as your cue to leave before he says something else to piss you off. Unfortunately, he seems to have the desire to ruin your night further and chooses to follow you on your journey.
“So anyway, I guess this was Felix’s plan, right?” He gestures to your costumes. “Unless you had something to do with it, that is.”
You don’t bother to address the second part of what he said and instead just nod, scanning the room for the previously mentioned mastermind. As soon as you can get your hands on that boy, you swear you’ll slaughter him for subjecting you to Hyunjin’s torturous teasing all night.
“He was already on thin ice after trying to tell me Bulbasaur is a better starter than Charmander, but now he’s actually dead to me,” you growl out once you spot him sitting beside Minho, laughing happily with his classic red solo cup and a slice of chocolate cake. Jeongin sits beside them, tearing open bags of candy with no assistance from Felix, because of course he was lying about helping him earlier.
Hyunjin laughs softly and you curse your heart for skipping a beat at the sound. Sometimes it feels like your head hates Hyunjin while your body is stupid enough to like him, and it’s part of the reason why you hate talking to him so much. Every time you stop throwing insults and sass at him and instead sit back and listen to what he has to say, a part of you realises you don’t exactly have a proper reason for disliking him. He’s not all that bad, and sometimes you even find yourself laughing at his jokes and witty remarks.
But you’d really rather not go through the endless cycle of those thoughts right now, especially when the cause of your problems is standing beside you eating a chocolate bar.
“I have to say, though,” you comment as you turn to look him up and down, “the big, bad wolf concept suits you pretty well.”
Before he can accept the compliment, you continue. “You’re both big, hairy beasts who dress like grandmas.”
The obvious offence on his face is so satisfying you almost wanna snap a photo to reflect on this moment in the future, but you refrain from doing so. He would just pose anyway, and the photo would probably end up making your stupid heart flutter again.
“Well, at least you think I’m big. Besides, if dressing like a grandma gets me closer to eating you, then I suppose it’s a sacrifice I’ll have to make,” he whispers in a husky, seductive voice that kind of makes you want to choke-slam him, but you suspect he might enjoy that anyway.
It angers you when he makes flirty comments like that, because as annoying as they are and despite you knowing full well he only says it to get under your skin, it still makes your heart race every time. Maybe in another universe, Hyunjin is a sweet boy who innocently flirts with you and brings you roses instead of a big, bad bitch who’s just acting like a horny teenager. Annoyingly enough though, you think you’d fall for him either way.
You turn away with the intention of finally escaping to the kitchen to grab something to drink, hoping to settle the thoughts dancing around your head, but he reaches for your wrist. The feeling of his fingers pressing warmth into your skin just makes your head spin even more, and you’re so distracted you don’t pull away from him.
"Aw, don’t run away now. Are you scared of me, little red? There’s no need to be, I’m just joking. I won’t bite unless you beg me to."
You pull your arm back as soon as the words leave his mouth. Hyunjin has a lot of things (a severely irritating personality, a stupidly handsome face for such an asshole, a loud voice solely meant for pissing you off on a daily basis, the list goes on), but the thing he definitely has most is the fucking audacity.
However, the most annoying part by far is the way you feel your face heat up when you register the last thing he said. You’d rather die than let him make you flustered, so you shake your head slightly to clear those thoughts from your mind and look him in the eye again.
"Scared? Me?" you scoff, staring him down with a steady glare and if he was anyone else, he'd probably shiver in fear.
Unfortunately, he is not anyone else. He is Hwang Hyunjin, and Hwang Hyunjin does not shiver; he beams with a smug grin and makes your blood boil.
"Mhm. Look at you. You’re basically dressed as my prey tonight, babe." He purrs the pet name like the absolute fuckboy he is. "And sure, the real you is feisty, but you're all bark and no bite."
The overly confident, proud smirk on his face makes him look like a damn peacock flaunting its feathers, and you decide then and there that you'll do anything to get rid of it.
"All bark," you echo his words, walking towards him slowly, "and no bite, huh?"
You swear you see his eyes widen for a split second at your change in demeanor before the stupid smirk returns, and the little rush of victory you feel from catching him off guard is enough to keep you walking forward.
His gaze never leaves yours, especially when you're standing on the tips of your toes in front of him, noses just barely brushing against each other. Your hands grip his shoulder to balance you, and you run a finger over his collarbone up towards his cheek, where you gently cup his face. The small distance between the two of you means you can hear his slightly uneven breathing and see the curiosity swirling in his bright blue eyes as he waits for your next move.
You reach a hand up and thread your fingers through his long, bleach blonde hair, and his breath hitches when you gently tug at it. Even his wolf ears almost seem to droop submissively. He doesn't dare move, but his eyes keep flicking down to your lips and back up again.
"Now, that's just not true at all, is it?" you whisper, tilting your head as if waiting for an answer, but he can't find the words to form a witty response. It’s about time he learned some manners, really, even if he needed your guidance for that.
"I'm warning you now," you continue, "you might wanna watch your tone. I might look like your prey, but I promise I bite harder than you do, babe."
You make sure to emphasise the pet name, purring it in the same way he did minutes before. He bites down on his bottom lip, and the way his fangs press into them makes you lick your own lips nervously. It seems as though he can't take the tension anymore, because he goes to lean in and finally close the distance between the two of you as his hands find your hips.
Of course, you'd never let him have that control, especially after his bold attitude from earlier. Even though the temptation to lean in is certainly there, you step away from him and smile sweetly.
"Learned your lesson yet, puppy?"
He doesn’t respond for a moment, clearly still taking in what just happened. When he registers your question, he tilts his head to the side as if in thought - the way a dog might, funnily enough - before he hums quietly.
“I’m not sure. Maybe you should teach me once more, little red,” he suggests, voice low and slightly breathless, “but preferably a bit more in depth this time.”
- ᴇ ɴ ᴅ -
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(A/N: AHHHHH I haven’t written a oneshot in SUCH a long time oh my god,,,,, it was a lot of fun tho even if I’m not super confident writing full things. this one was short anyway so I kinda feel like it doesn’t count, but I’m still v happy to finally post my first skz oneshot! I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading <3)
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© santastic  —  all rights reserved. reposting, translating, copying and/or stealing is prohibited. ask permission if you wish to create anything inspired by my original ideas.
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